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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00054_NOV-2019-DV-0241 Response_20190603500 North Main Street i 1 j1 t i,l Suite # 600 `,1Q 0 Monroe, NC 28112 MOOR SVI111U REG1 NIA OfFRCE T. 704-296-4210 June 3, 2019 Mr. W. Corey Basinger Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Subject: Notice of Violation & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty Tracking #: NOV-2019-DV-0241 Sanitary Sewer Overflows — April 2019 Collection System Permit — WQCS00054 Union County Union County has received the NOV referenced above for collection system overflows. Explanations of the overflows were on the RIMS Overflow Reporting Forms submitted by Union County Public Works (UCPW) to the NCDEQ. However, we have added a few additional facts in the explanations below. Incident ," Date s • 201900729 4/13/2019 6600 Stoney Creek (Hunley Creek Purnp Statiol Response: The SSO listed in this section was due to catastrophic pump failure. This station had one pump out for repair when the secondary pump failed. Once we were notified, a pump and haul began while Xylem began to mobilize a by-pass operation. Within 2 hours they were on site, station resumed normal flow patterns on by-pass later in the morning. The pump that was being repaired was picked up and installed the day of the spill. Once installed the by-pass remained as a back-up. Currently we are awaiting repair on the secondary pump while the by-pass remains on standby. Incident Response: The SSO listed in this section were due to I&I introduction during heavy rains and flash flooding. The system associated with this area was inundated with floodwaters and increased flows at CCWRF. The new CCWRF EQ system was being utilized to attenuate peak flows experienced during storm events, however, during construction of the new gravity system an existing 8-inch gravity main located on the north side of Sardis Church Road was thought to be abandoned and as such was not reconnected to the new gravity system. This line is connected to a 12-inch line on the south side of Sardis Church Road, however, without the parallel 8-inch line available to convey flow the collection system experienced a severe hydraulic condition. Plans are being developed with our CIP team to resolve this issue. Union County Public Works has underwent a comprehensive Master Plan (Black & Veatch) and improvements strategy in efforts to better identify areas of improvement within the Crooked Creek basin. Efforts such as flow monitoring studies (CDMSmith/Hydrostructures and Frazier Engineering) to identify areas of inflow and infiltration, capacity assessments of the CCWRF and associated lift stations, lift station assessments to identify aging infrastructure, among others. As a result of these studies, UCPW has developed a CIP plan to address certain areas of concern. ® CCWRF is undergoing a significant plant upgrade which includes new headworks, a 3MG EQ basin, and process improvement. Total cost is $7.775M includes building a new 10.3 MGD influent PS, new headworks containing new bar screens, compactor, and grit removal/dewatering, 3MG EQ basin, and relocation of 1200' of 18" gravity sewer. CDMSmith is the design engineer. MB Kahn is the general contractor. • I&I flow studies have been conducted by CDMSmith (Hydrostructures) and Frazier Engineering. These studies have narrowed the basin into concentrated sub -basins to target I&I reduction. The intended approach is a find -fix method to utilize funding efficiently and consistently. The first initial 2017 target area is southwest of CCWRF in the Indian Trail area south of Hwy 74, west to the Union/Mecklenburg county line. Scope of Work has been developed, funding has been secured of approx. $2M, and contract was executed with AM Liner to complete the rehab work. Work has begun of the focused area is due to be completed by the fall of 2019. UCPW also has an aggressive Capital Improvement Program throughout the next 5 years. The projects include: Crooked Creek Basin Improvements - $24,259,922.00 �> Crooked Creek Interceptor Improvements Ph. 1 - $9,915,500.00 Suburban Estates PGand FM-$1'U0U'DO0.00 VV3Xhaw Interceptor —3'2O0.00O.00 VV\NP8Improvements -$3.6OO'DOO.O0 Collection System SSES&Rehab —$2.U8O.000(not including $85kannually in Operations) PSUpgrades -$300'OOOannually UCP\8yScurrent QP projectsare also ongoing with projects including: t� VV8XhaVvSewer Improvements -$2S5'OOO.00 Blythe Creek Sewer Improvements -$3.003.2OO.00 Forest Park P8 Replacement & Interceptor Improvements -$2'54U.0UO.OU Crooked Creek |&| Study &F<e[nndi81iDO'$2'538'3OO.UO Suburban Estates PSrep|GCeOn8Ot-$933.00O.0O Union County Public Works continues to invest funds into SSES work, capital improvements, maintenance and operations to improve the wastewater collection system. |ffurther information or details regarding theCCVVRF |nnpnDv9nOent8' as well as, theC|P projects listed above are required, please feel free tncontact Greg Morgan, Gupehn1endent8]RC.at7O4-209-3288or myself @t704'29O-4215. Thank you for your consideration on this issue. GiDc8ng|y' � U� A drew Neff, PE Water/Wastewater Director CC: Brian Matthews, /\|CP'Assistant County Manager Josh Brooks, Assistant Director, Water/Wastewater Operation (9nag Morgan, Utility Field Services GuporinteOdeOt/ORC