HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC190612_ESC Approval Submitted_20190613 �L,om �W li i��i I��� Wr V w��� .il i �i��� DEDPARTMEN"ll"OF PUBI 1(:':Ill t"TH.J FIES Post Me Box 2263 Simi�1 IF: NC 27577 (9191 9OSS075 June 11, 2019 1,ETTER 011F,a4,1111RIR,1ll0 IVA,1, Mr. Gairy Robinson Gairy RiSbitison 1-101,11cs, L,11," 6:'00 1,tarnsey St Fayetleville, rJC 28311 �R W Pnlcct Nlante�:: Behisont F"airsins Pham::� I — kA!s, 7, 1 L, 24, 25 Prqjccl I Ek WN �U7-1 I I-F1 I[Astiurbed Acres Appiiro,vecl. 1.117 (tcA,,,d) Strearni C'lassificafion: Black Cre-ek (C, tIS"W) Subrn itted 13y: IlECLS on t1day 20, 20 1 9 TO "Whosil la Nday collwfc1irn: R,,.)hnston Cot,inty Ims Wcwrd the sul)jecl, ircwised eroMon and sedhnciraatian coinun,'d p�an for thc,,� rcwl'cm,nwed lots. We fin,d the pkairi, ao he nawMable and ltc,urf,.,+y kisuethis, LettcrofApproval,, Thc, aWiched Cerfilicate of/lq::wprcwal niust be pasted at do job she.This Man shall expke 15ve(3)yens 60mving dw dam cirappin W no Ind dhaudAng acdyky hus been undendW4 ns N reWdmd by Thle 15,A 't,1CAkC ,4B 0129, As of ApM 1, 20 19. all ine%v conanwHmumAkities are requWai to emmocte am! wbm R an Oectronic Notice or Wnt(t%,1011) fiorni requesting a On Wicate of Com.-rag e (C()C) uinder the l,,40'30 100,00 (Nnnmedon Stunywater Gencral Pennit,11iis f6rrni W..)f,.-I' tw subinitted prior to the c.-,oininnenceinent of".1111N), hand clk,-aurbWg noWhy on iTe above named project, 71'he D,101 Inm nmy be nammmd at, degnagnINC010 L Please chrect questioins; aboul lhic, t,41011 lbrrn 1co Annette Lucasiift or Paul Clark at AW ymrmbmh a carnp%and correc,,! 'P,,10l Forni. a CC)C ,,m,Jh be c-inmiled to you MCI& three business fJays�. Inithidly, i11)EN/11...,R will not Wye a law Q covemge under the �,,,IICGOI peardL lioneveq on c,r aifter Pday 1, 2019, a $1010 1' e Will by chairl;p,!d aninuM Y AWs Na. is to be sem to the L.,R waac-r C."entral (Diffice sla!ff in Raleigh. Fifle I 5/1�, T,41CAC' 4EI .0 11 S(a) and N lie NCGO d perrnit reqWnc tKat the rol lwi,,dng cfocurniu„ntadon he kept CM1 111C at die jC43 sh,v� U. The appiroved EScSC 11!:dzin as',ivell as any approved cle'vialion. 2, The IR130 I pc.,,.,ir,rn it and the once it is il-'t-cei'ved, the prewious 110 clays. Letter of Appro%nfll Behn(:wft IFarms Ph I lots 7, 11, 24. 25� Projef.3 ID, 1'7-1 l kIP June 11,2019 A lso, this letter gives the notice reqtdred byG.S. I I'3A-61.l(a) Periodic in spection to instiine rompl6ance ,16vith the approved plan. t,4ortlh ("arolinds Sedirnemation Pollution Confir(ml Act is requiiring protectiort of exisilling natUral riwsii.wrces and w1joining fwopeiriiesa lf. following Igoe comrsiencen-kent ofilhis pr(:)ject,, the crosion and sedimerriation icr1oriiarf,.)1l 'Plan is inaide.quate tio rhmxilthe reqm rc:mcnts ofthe Sedimentation Polkiifif,mi C.'onl1roll Act of 1973 Q,4orth Carolina Generall SIlallulle I 13A-5 I i¢darouugh 66), this office rmay require rewisii�:)ns t¢.i the plan and impleme-titation ofthe revisiions to insiare cornpli,ance %,vith theAcIL Aciceptance and approval ofthis plan is cm::)ndifionecll upon your conipliance with Federal and State vitater quality hvivs, regiflations, anid rules. In addififmi, locM ii.,ity or cot.intliK, or rijk.-,s "my also apl,.)Iy Ilia Ofis lavul-idistur'll)ing w-tivity. n Tl s approval does not supersede any oih[er permit c::ir appn.1,val. Please nol�e fli,it olds approval is baised in parl on die,acct.iracy of lhe inflormation privAded iin the F'inanchd Rxsrxmisibifivy Foram, which you provided. "em are requested to fifle an aim-.,nded fiwon ifthere is any charige in the infi,:mnaIlion incluck,,A on the fbrrn. In addition, iti,votflcl be helpflul ifyot]l luxify this office ofthe proposed starting date flor this pr(-ijecl. Please contact this office to sclu,,'Ilkde Ilhe preic.:)nslruction an before 'begginn ing land disitorbing,; activities, Your coopenalion is appreciailed. Sincer0y, Beth McLaughlin McLaughhn Constilting Conilractor flor Johnston Courk(y Public 11..Jililifii¢es m Charks Pender,Johnston Count, Y