HomeMy WebLinkAbout970032_PERMITTING_20171231Waterftsources EHW��W.bifk6VAUM November 19, 201,6 MP- A14DY PARDOE, PARDUEFARM&SONS .11699 BETIIIEIL ROAD RONDA, NC.-21807Q PAT MCCRORY DONALD,R. VAN - DER VAART S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Dliw� Sn6ject: Pdmit'No. AW1970032 Pardue,farm & Sons Animal Waste Operation Wilkes County In accordance.with your renewal request received dct6ber 8, -2016, we are forwarding herewith Permit-N6. AW1970632, dated Nov 18-2,016 to Andy P ......... - arduvauthorizing the operation ,armnal-waste: . waste 'c'�Aection, treatment, storage and land applicatign system in accorkiauciwith this This permit shall I b.-ereffective from Decemberi, 2616until November 30,-2021, will replacqthe! BemritNo..AWN70032 dated Di:cEffib& 6,2014, and shallbe subject to the conditions and limitations as specified thestim. Please pay particular.attenti.onio the.motiftoring r' ' """' '-Mi-tbis- permit. - petunt. Failure to eslish,an adequate s I the required operational ftdbrmation will * - yste - m for collecting and maintaining 1 1-1-1- restat'm firtUre,comp-liaha Ofoblerms. ArOyincfiasz-in steady state live w0ght (SSLW) or -in in stocke&aniinals,above the listed numbers in this ,permit will -require, a modification to,this.permif and - shall be completed prior to actual increase in either SSLW or huffiber• of animal Pf6se Pay carethl attention to thexecord Should your records show thatthe,current Waste have anew WUP developed: _ limitations contained'ifi.thig Permit are iroacceptable,,you have the kg - up . on written iegaest within 36 days foll9wmg,recIleivt of this 6n of a writtemp-e Onus conforming to Chapterl 50B-df North rith'the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714'Mail Service 4-6714.. Unlesi;isuch demands -are made thl — - I.., s permit shall be final s� OfNof& CaMihm I,EUVk==0GW QMUIY I Webw Reamaa 1636M,nzizv=Cm I RakiSk-NoMCmfi=276994636� .919 707 0i29 L If..you:need additional information, concerning this Permit, please contact the Animal Feeding Operations Program staff at (919) M-9129. :Sincerely, for S. Jayzimmcr,,,- Director; Division of Water Resources cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilkes. County Health Department Winces County Soil and Water Conservation District WQROS.Central,Files (PemritNo. AW1970032) NORTH CAROLINA. ENVIRONMENTAL: MANAGEMENT -.COMMISSION DEPARTMENT'OF,ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY RALEIGH' CATTLE wASTE MANAGEMENT,SYSTEM;p DIv[DU'AL PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article'21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes ofNorth.Carolina as amended,,and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTEDTO operation of an animal waste collect no:greater than en annual average q :concrete' feeding pads'andheavy,us waste treatment system consisting a wastes, to the "surface waters, pursua� the nutrient management plan; other by the'Department of Environment z Pardue Farm &. Sons ;,Wilkes: County FOR THE =tment, and land application system with an animal capacity of reef Stocker cattleifrom which the waste is collected ow and is` -:scraped penoilicaily to:store and ttrat in the:animal. �__ os' of dry stacks priorto:landi-pplicaoon,,with'no discbarge of, ie application receivedOctober 8, 2010, and'in confotmity with This permit shall .be:effeetive from December, 1, 2016 until November 30, 262 f„and shall be subjeetto :the following: specified'conditions'_and limitations:: L PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, 1.. Airy discharge of waste that readies surface'waterssi , or wetlands prohibited except as otherwise provided m this Permit and associated statutory and regulatory provisions, Waste shall not reach surface w stars o%well mds by nmoff, drift, manmade conveyance, directapplioatio ,directdischarga or throug h ditches not otherwise classified as state. waters. Thewaste collection, treatment, storage'and application system operated under this Permit shall be effectively maintained and.operated as a napdischarge system'to prevent the,discharge ofpollutants; to surface waters or wetlands: Application of waste to terraces and grassed' waterways is acceptable as long "it is applied'in accordancemith Natural Resources` Conservation -Service (MRCS) Standards and docent result.mh a.discharge of waste to surface,waters or wetlands., Fadilities must be desighed, constructed and operated to contain 0 Waste plus the runoff from a 15-yeas; 24-hour rainfall event -for the, location of the facility..A ficility that has a discharge of waste that results because of a storm event more severe thah'the 25-yaar, 24- hour storm will not be considered to be in violation of this Permit if the facility is i 'in 'compliance with its Certified - Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) and this Pcimit. j&M7hited-txcept As follows: (a) discharges from the ditches are controlled by best management - management practices (BMPs) designed in accordance with NRCS standards; (b) the BMPs have been submitted to and approved by,thi Division of Water Resources (Division); (c) the BMPs were iii3plemented as designed to prevent A, discharge to surface waters or wkiands; (d)the waste was removed immediately'from the ditch,up9n discovery; and (e) the event was dociiniented and reported in accordance with Part 111. 13, of.this Permit. Nothingifi this exception shall excu.s.ea. dischargeto surfaee,.­waters;or- wetlands except as mayresultbeems L25=—yeai,24:1i�s�to_ -I- "f rainfall1rom.a storm event Rn_=:VC"_OUun . 2. No discharge of waste,giall result in a viol afion * of -the water quality standards established for the receiving waters as per -Title 15A, Subchioter 2B, Section .0206ofibe North Carolina Administrative : I and Title.1 5A, Subchapter 2L of the North Carolina arolina Administrative Code. 3: The facility's CAWMP is herebyI inborporatcd byr6ference into this permit. The CAWMP must be consistent with all applicable lawsmides, ordinances,I and standards (fedpral, staie:and local) in effect afthe time of sitib&-design and certification of the fitcility- The:Pcrmittee must assess, on aq�ongoing basis, theeffectiveness`of the4inplementatic!t -amendfrients" to Me UAW,MFj.a& defined in Section VII "Definitions," of dtis;Permit, in order to address any changestIpeded to jpn",n compliance with this-Ternut ... "Major changes, "revisions," anck"amendments" to the CAWMP must be doem.ented, d ated, and included aspidt'ofthe CAWMP. "Major changes" and "revisi6rs" to thc.CAWMP shall be submitted to,.the approprjq4ebiyi -'on Regig".Office.within,diirty,(30) calendar dsys.of the "major change" or `revision." "Amendments" :are not required to be. If field riser or pull numbers are:t;hangedan explanation shall also be submitted and include a description,of-how the new numbers,relate to the 7old -raynbers. Any violation, of the CAWMP shall be considered a, violation of this'Pcrmit and subject to enforcement Actions, A violation -of this Permit trkay. resultiathe Permi I ttee having to take immediate or long-. term corrective actions) as required by theDi-&ion: These actions may incip4e.butare not limited to: modifying the CAWMP; ceasing landapplic.atibnvf waste; removing animal fF9m'thcfacility ,9rthe permit be* ed and modified revoked and being'reopened modi 4. Anyproposed increase or modification to the annual' average. design. capacity from that authorized by thepernuit will require:a modificatiowto,the CAWMP and,the permit prior, to modification of thvfhcility. 4 91 5. Animal waste shall not be applied within 100 feet of any well with the exception of monitoring wells. OPERATION AND.MAINTENANCE REOUIREMENTS• L The.collection treatment, and'storage facilities, and the land, applicatition equipment "and fields shall be properly.operated and maintained,at all times., 2. A vegetative cover shal be maintaihed'as specified ii the facility's CAWWP on all land_ application fields:andbuffers in accordance with -the CAWMP. No.wagte shall'be applied_upon areas not included in theCAWMP: 3. Soil pH on all'land application fields'must be maintained m the,optimum range+for crop production: 4: ,Land apphcation',rates shall be in accordance-with;the CAWMP.., Irmo case shall' -land . application rates exceed the agronomic fate of the nutrient of concern for thereceiving crop. Ii nocase•shall-land application rates result; in excessive pending of anynmoff during airy given application event:. 5. &imal waste shall not be directly�applied onto crops for direct human consumption that do not undergo finther processing (e.g., stiawbeiries melons,; lettuce, cabbage, apples,. etc) at any.time.during the growing season, or in`the case of fruit bearing trees,.following. brcaldng'dormancy: Application of animal wastes shall not occur within thirty (30) days of the.Uarvesting;of fiber and food crops for direct human consumption that undergoes further processing:. 6: If manure or sludges are applied,iin corrventionally tilled bare soil, the, waste:shall lie' _.. mcuiporated into the soil within two:(2) days after ;application on the' land This: requirement does not applyto ii"W.fia& pastures, or fields wheie crops. are actively. growing, 7. Pesticides toxic chemicals'and petroleum product§ shall not be disposed: of -in the animal waste collection, treatment, storage or application systems. 8. Domestic and/or. industrial wastewateffrbm shower% toilets, sinks, etc; shall not be discharged into the.auimal waste collection, treatment, storage and application system. Washdown of sto&trailers,owned by and used to transport animals;to and from the facility only, will be:, .permissible as long as the system has been evaluaied;and approved to accommodate the additional vohmre. Only those'cleanmg agents and soaps that are EPA approved_ according to their label,:will not harm the.covet crop, an will not contravene the grouiidwatei standards listed in 15A:NQAC 2L may be utilized in facilities covered by this Permit. 'lnshuction'labels are to be followed. when using. cl ` _ `_ agents and .,' eanutg g soaps! 9. Disposal of dead animals resulting from'n- banal mortality rates associated with,the. 'facility shall be done in accordance with the, facility's CAWMP and the North Carolina C Department of Agriculture;and Consumer Services (NCDA&CS)`Veterinary Division's Statutes and regulations. Disposal of dead animals whose numbers exceed normal mortality rates associated with the facility "I also be done in accordance with the facility's CAWW and NCDA&CS Veterinary Division's Statutes and regulations provided that: 1) burial of such animals shall'be done in consultation with the,State Yeterinarian,of the NCDA&CS Veterinary Division, I s .Statutes and in cornpliancemith NCDA&CS-regulations;-2) all such burial si nmst�be mapped, and the dates and numbers o ' f the animals buried bytype must.be recorded; and 3) the map is submitted to the,appropi6te Regional Office Aquifer protection Section within fifteen (15) calendar days of burial. In the event.of a state of emergency declared by the dovemor, disposal of dead animals shall be done in accordance with requirements and guidelines dictated.by the State Veterinarian according G.S'. § 106-339.4. The Division may require groundwater monitoring whenthere is massive burial ofanimals. All burial sites.of such:snimals must be'mapped,and the dates and numbers of the animals buried by type, must be recorded 10. 11. Diystacksshall be kept free of foreign debris including, but not limited to, es, bottles;, e ._s lightbulbs, gloves, syringes draiiyothersolidwaste. 12. The facility must have at least. one of the following items at all times: (a) adequate animal. waste -application and handling equipment, (b) a lease, or other written agreement, for the use of the.neccssary:equrpment, or (c).a contract with a third party applicator capable of providing adequate waste application. 13. No waste shall be applied in wind conditions that might reasonably be expected to cause the animal waste Ao reach surface waters or wetlands 14. The Permittee shall �mai�liuffei_StIUPS7R Other equivalent pra6ti6es wspecified'in the facility 's'CAWw near feod'Immmure- storage a ' and land application areas areas 15. 'Waft shall not be applied on land that is flooded', saturated with WdterIrozen or,snow covered atilictinite of iandapplication.. 16. Waste shafl,noi belallowed to enter freshwater or storm water drains.. 17. Land application of waste is prohibited during , precipitation events. The Permittee shall consider pending weather cpqditibbs-m making the decision' to land apply waste and shall d the weatber.conditiotis at. the time of land a p plication on forms supplied by or approved by the Division. lg:. Land application activities shall cease-on on any ' ,application site that exceeds a Mehlich'3 Soil Test-lfidexfor 96bperoj.grtdtR_7d5K3; M, I poun f 0 08 per acre) Etihc,of greater than 3 pounds'peracre). ___j 19.. All wade application equipment must be tested and calibrated - oncein.the first two years after issuance of the Permitand then at least once &WY -two yea s-thereaft Thercsults must be documented on forms pro�riaed b�,_or ap#inved by, the Division. 0 20. AmymAjor'sttuctizial repairs to dry SWIM musthave *ritten documentation from a technical speciatisi certifying proper desig n and installation. 21. Crops for.. which animal waste island applied mustbe_removed from the'land application site and ' properly managed'and utilized unless other.manag-ement practices are approved in die-CAVAO. MONITORING AND REPORTING REO U-M'ENENTS, 1. Monitoring and 11=4)rding Precipitatiom-Events IL irroc4ntation�events-at flicilities,ope'ratmig under this Permit shall be monitored and • xecorded as,follows: A=Mff —gau ge jlst,bc installed at a site that is representative of the weather conditioiLs at thefum's,land application site(s) to meaim-e,all:prp6pit4tiqn,evehts. The precipitatiotitypp owt must be recorded daily'for all prtcipitatiofi . kind am eventsiandmaintained I on siteAr Department review. Didlyrecords do.notpeed to 'bemaintained -days without Precipitation eVentSL ,b; The Director may require that an:mitomatedrain ,gaujo-aiidrecorder mustbe installed, onsite'to' measure and record all precipitation events. This equipment must 66 properly maintained and calilwated m".a manner consistent with manufacturer's operation and maintenance recommendation's. This automated equipment must be in. place nolater than ninety (90) days following receipt of notice firom the Director. Wan automaied•min. gauge(s) becomes 'i i noperable, the Permitteeshall: L report -the problem by telephone,to the, appropriate' .Division Regional Office as soonas possible, but in no case'more than tw6ity-four (24) hours following ,fiitt IM0*1edge-ofthe Problem;, and,. iimakeany needed repairs to the equipment asquickly as possible, and take and record all rainfall events until'such time as the automated equi qwpment is place0ack info operation, 2. A representative StOdEd SH Fertility AnaIysi including pILP�Losphortks, copper, 'end zinc; shall be conducted.owwch application field receiving animal waste in accordance with NCGS143-215.10C(e) ' (6). As of the effective date of this Permit the Statute. requiresAhat the analysis becooduciecti—VIeu-st �Cc­ 3. An analysis of the animalmaste shall be conducted in accordance with recommended liboratorysamplingprocedims.asclose-tw.the,.time',ofa- ppfication'as practical and%at least _(60)-diiys-(b—ef m-. or after) of the date of application. 'Every. rea,sonable-e.ffirt ed I application shallhem;deto_IKe�asteana][Yz Prior to the.date of and as close to poss Atelimcof waste -application- ilit aS This analysis shall include the following :parameters: Total Nitrogen GYN) NH3N NO3-N zinc Tot,al'Phosphorus Copper. F R The Pernfittee sbAllL,—record-dll-j-m' wj�jancl:*Ii o" _or gation-i application vent(0)ncluding hydraulic loading rates, nutrient i0adli­M& —and �MWPIP79 lido�rmandE.-Tlie- Pmuttee shall also record removal of solids and document nutrient loading rates if disposed on -site or record the off -site location(s). These records must be on forms supplied by,, or -approved by,,the Division. The Pefituttee must maintaincords for the &ci�lity and makethe records available to Depattment of Environment'and Natural Resources (Department), Pastured animals not contributing waste to the animal waste management systems should not be counted on the monthly stocking records. 6. lffior any reasbfi there is*dikkarge,from the waste collection; treatrticfit, storag6 and application systems (including the land applicati6n sites),io surface waters or wetlands the Pcrmittee-is required tamake notification in accordance with'Condition M. , r4. -71 , ie discharge niitificadon sWI include the following information: 'a. Description of the discharge A description of the discharge� including an estimate of the Voluibc. discharged'. a,descriptiop of the flow path to the,receiving surface waters or. Wetlands and a site sketch showing I th , e'path of the waste. Also, an estimation of the volume discharged. b. Time of the discharge: Thejength of time of the discharge, including the exact dates an"(ftimes that,it started afid stopped,, and if not, stopped, the anticipated . ated t I iine the discharge is expMed to continue. .c. -Cause of the discharge: A detailed statement ofthe.cause of the discharge. If caused by a precipitation event,detailed information fmmthe on -site rain gauge concerning the. inches -and duration of the, precipitation event. d- Al discharge. Al steps to be taken cause.; C. Analysis of the waste: A copy of the tw,*ast6 analysis conducted as required by Condition 111. 6. A CcMy of this Permit certification forms, lessec and-"wn.cragreements, the CAW" and copies of all.records rcquired.by this Permit and tht facility's'CAWMP shall be maintained by the:Permiftee in.;brpnologicai and'legible form for a,minimum of - Years: 'Records: include butt are not limited to: soil and waste analyses, rain'' gauge readings,.Iand application cv�engs)j past.inspiection reportsfafid operational reviews animal stocking records,.record , a of additional nutrient sources applied (including butnot !united to sludges; unused,fe-idstaff leachatei peptage and qomn*rciW If6tiliier) cropping information waste aPPlicaPqn eqIUPMcnt testing and calibration; andirecords of ,removal of solids to off -site locatibn(i). These records shall be maintained on forms :provided'or approved by the Division and shallhe readily'aviflable, atthe facility, (stored .at places; such,as the fimiresidence,,offirei, outbuildings,: etc.) where, animal Waste manaetiment activities are being,conducted for the life of this Permit, unless otherwise specified in: this Permit. 8. Within fifteen (15) workifigdays'of rc='vm*&Lthi request from the Divi0on, the, Termittee. shallprovide to the Divisiomone (1) copy'of all -requested ihfoiinationand reports related to the ,operation ofthe.Animal 'waste management system. Once received b Ilte-bivi I- - y Mon, all such information and reports become public infiormation, unless.they constitute confidential information on under NC G.S. 132-1.2, and shall be made available to thepublicby the Divisioln-as-specifi dhqpter 1321of the,Generai Siainies. �9. The Division,may require any additional monitoring and reporting (including but not limited to groundwater, surface, water of wedand, waste, sludge, soil; and plant tissue) necessary tod6tmmiinethe source; qu,,antty,., ality,-and effect of`;;� waste ulionAic TI_ I .. surface waters, grtiandwaters or wetlands. Such:monitoring, including its scope, fivquency, duration and any samplifig,.testing,:and reporting systems,:"ft meet all applicable Division requrements- lOj keglona[.Nd"xfidn: The PermittecAiAll rep ort byielepligne to the Division'sfWmstbn-Salem'Regional,70ffice' as soon as, Possible, but in no case more dian twenty4our (24) hours following first; rst: iniJwiedgioftheoccurrence of any of the following I events:,' 'a. jy-.­dij-cfi­aT-gE�Qn ditches;.surface waters or wetlands. Anydiicharge.that poses a serioustffeaf titliE -envi at or human safety or -health; d. failure of onent.of the I animalI Waste collection, treatment; storage and land -any application system -resulting ina,d*hargetosurface waters ,!o-r-,-wida* ds, n . e., Any, failure of the waste handling VAenf thatsend6rs the.flicility incapable of adeqtiitelyfeceiving,,treafing.gr storing the waste; aricV'or sludge., f A in 9- Ahe land wetlands IL- Any'eterioration or leak in the'waiite handling systenithat poses an immediatvt - lucit to the environment , or, human safety, or health;: For any ernqgency.,.which rtqm-*res inimb• diate-repo rting after normal business hours, contact niust be wide with the'Division of gmergency Management at.1-800,-85g- '0369. 'IV. The Permitted shall also file a written report to the Division's V'rMston-Salern Regional Office within five (5) calendar days following first knowledge of the occurrence -This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to betaken to correct the problem and to cnsure.that the Ofoblexn.does.nof recur. The requirpment to file a written report may not be waived by the Division Regional Office-. 11. The Director may require the permiftee to file, an annual certification report based,on the compliance historyof the facility. If required, the report must be filed on forms,provided by the'Divisi6ii 12, The Director may require the facility to submit additional reports and/or certifications based on -the facility"s compliance history. 13. In the event of 9 discharge, oIL53_T�A)ic iAotyindmoi-6.of waste to surface waters or wedands,,the Pcnmtt&e,iVxtstis�s=-a pre&%.releas: �to ;thatprovi& general coverageiii the , county. irf which.the dikcbk* occurred setting our the �Ctails;of the disc�, The press releasi.must be issued _within 'fi'rt'y'-e'igh- t (48) hours after Wis determined that the dischargelas reached the surface,waters -or wetlands. A copy of i.he.press release and a list of the news media to whicbn was distributed must be kept for at least drie-(i) Year after the-disdiiiige and must be distributed to -any person upon request- . t , 14. In the -event of a discharge R-57_�_*&�c-yards-or-more of animal wage to surface waters or wetian(ii7a,publiCn—odee,is-required5'm addition to the press release I described . I 'in Condition III _T6e;p4WiEnbtice must beplaced in an apef having general clitulation in the, county miw6ich the discharge occurred and the county immediately ,downstream within ten (10) drys ofthe discharge. T�Iemiinninumcoii , of the_noticejs the name of the _facility, - location , of theAisdharge, estimated vole of -waste entering, state waters, time and,date discharge o'wured, duration ofthe disch#W, identification water body that was discharged into including' creek and river basm if applicable, actions taken.to preveni further discharge,And a facility contact person and phone number. 15. If atisqharge oa,011� �4,ud�..�qre of wage, reaches surface waters or wetlands, the Division's Winston-Salem Regional Office :must be: contacted to determine in What aijditionai courdles', If any; ii.publiic notice must be published.- A copy of, all public notices and proof ofoublication-must be sent t6the Division wfthiiCtfi� - - (3bjAi5iof the discharge. INSPECTIONS AND ENTRY The PenUttee shall allow any authorized representative of Department, upon the presentation of credentials and other documentsas. maybe required by law and in accordance with reasonablq and appropriate biosecurity measures, to: a. - Enter the Permikee's premises where a regulated facility or.'activity is located or 'conducted, or whcre�records mustIbe kept-mider- - tfi - e conditions of this Permi 'b. Have:access wand copy, aireasomitile times,,any records.that must be kept under the conditions Pfthii perm* 10 C. lnspect, at reasonable times any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and trol con -equipment)-, practices, or operations re ated;or �� q_ gul required under this permit- and, - Sample or monitor, at reasonable times, for the purpose of assuring permit coniplianee, any substances or parameters: at any location, IV GENERAL CONDMONS 1'. The issuance of This Permit shall not iel eve"the Permittee of therespons➢tiihty for compliance,with all applicable sorface water, wetlands; groundwater and air quality standards or for damages to surface waters, wetlands orgroundwaters'resulting from the animal operation. I. This Permit: allows forthe distributor nf vn trffmw A,h;�:— ass or ousmesses,PdTffu ted Wdistnbutc the waste; or to'be limd appliedito sites: 3. The Permtttee tnosf inform the recipient(i) of his/her r'dsponsibilities to properly age the landapphcation of ihafore, Recotd keepingfor the distrib_1rution of manure rip to four (4) cubic yards; per visittdindividuals:for P�>�not;.use is equtred.. 4; The annual pemvYfed shall be paid by the Permittee within thirty (30) days-after.baing `billed by the Division:. Failure to pay thefee accordingly -constitutes i rounds=for revocation of this Permit ' 5. Faihue" of the Penaittee to _maintain in fiill force and;effdct, lessee aiid landowner agreements, which are' ` requtredtasli'e CAWMP:shall`constitute of thisPeirnit: groundsfor revocation ': 6. This Permit is not.transferatile: lu the event there is a desre-for the;facil ty to change' awnerdlip,.or, there is a name change'of the Permittee, a Notification of Change of Ownerslmp form'' must be submitted to the Division, including documentation from the parties involved atid-other supporting materials as may be: appropriate. This request will be consideredon its merits and' agy or may not be approved.. 1.1 This Permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data.' The�P,ermittee shall notify the Division & If the Permittee wishes:Wcontmue an activity regulated by this -Permit after the expiration date ofthis Pernrit;:the Petmittee mast apply for and obtain a neav permit:. Renewal applications must"be_filed at least:180 days: oor;to the expiation of the Perrmt 9.- The issuance of this Permit does not prohibit the. Division ftbm reopening and modifying the Permit, revoking and reissuing the Permit, or terminating the:Pennif:as all' — ' jb 'tlie appropriate. laws,.ndes,`and regulations. 11 V. W. The Groundwater Compliance Boundary is established by'15A NCAC 2L and.15A NCAC 2H.0225.,An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standardsat or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to the. requirements of 15A NCAC 2L and the Division in addition to thepefialty,piovisions applicable under the North Carolina General Statutes: 1. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this Permit; thefacility's C,kVIW; and/or applicable state law; may subject the Peimiitee to an enforcement action by the Division including butnot limitedto.the4nodification of the,animal waste management � I - civil 1 management system, civil penalties, criminal penalties:and injunctive relief., 2. The Perinit-t0e.must comply Wthh-all COnditiOnS,Of this Permit. Any Permit noncompliance,constiniies a violation,of state, law and is grounds foYenforcemeat action; for permitcoverage temrination, revocation, and reissuande, or modification; or denial of ,a permit renew-al application. 3.-- it shall not be - a'defense for -a Penniftee in an eniortement-Efcdolf to claim that it would, have been riccissary-to, halt or *&cc the permitted activity in orderto maintain compliance with the conditions of this Permit. VEL DEFINITIONS. 25-year, 24-hour rainfall or dorm event means the num"murn 24-hour precipitation event with. a probable, recurrence1miterval dfonce .in 25.years; as defined by, the National Weather Service in Technical Papef Number 40,'RainUl Frequency Atlas of the United States,"May 1961, and subsequent amendments; or equii-alerit regional or state n3infalI probability -information developed there6mm Agronomic rates means the amount of animal waste an&or other nutrient sokitces to be land % as contained M�' the nutrient*- - - - - and/or: .1 applied to lands inamg&Oc�at'stihdaid-ofthc,USDA Soil 6oriaeivaiibii Sc-mceT6chnic:A Guide.Section IV or as recommended by the N Carolina Department of Agriculture and'Cofistuncr Services and thc"North-Carolina Cooperative Extension Service at thetizie ofcertification -617 the Animal Waste Marvigoment Plan by iheeippro_pri iate'. technical specialist _ Amendment to the CAVAMPmeans a change and/or addition to a.paft(s) of theplan, an that the change inid/oraddition adher-c to.ciuretir applicable standards. the f6ilowing are examples of amendments to the'CAVR"; • In an.existing CAWMP.,.a change in crops and/or cropping pattern that utilizes 25% or less of the'N'gimerrited is considered a plan atilefidinvat Additidhal'acreage,neoedto,famliiate the change in crops arid/or croppihipattemis permissible and considered part of thelank-fidnight e The -addition 6fwi.iitc!icrops ib&ori-nt . erseeded perennial crops are considered amendments to an existing when the opera , tion'does not,require additional acreage "andlor crops forN utilization,'and does notexceed the 2I/.'criteria stated above; 12 When,a'CAVJW cannot meet N .iutizaton- re uirements duc to, land lost to irrigation inefficiency (usable total• acres), thehthe CAWMP may be amended to increase availabli'acreige and/or change the.crop for N utilizaiiou.. This is,the only exce0orf to the 25% N'6ribmia-`fbr plan revision. Inclusions of emergency-actioii plans, and4mect ity, _odor and mortality check I lists are considered CANW amendments. -Including additional acreage forland application.beyond what is required in:thcexisting CAWMIX is-consider6d a plan am Animal feeding operation meansa lot or facility(other thart,an �facility) whcre, the following condiiiO I nis are16e- *6 --- (i') animals (61b been, ate,'oi Will bc:gtabled orconfined and fed or maintained f: more inlany twelve (12)month period, and (H) crops, vegetation residues are not sustainedin-thenbrinal,griJ wknigseason . overran: an: Two.or more sfi, imal feeding operations under common owncrsh animalfeedingoperabonifthey adjomii-es-chr other, or if they use disposal pfw"­ days or portioik of the I'ot orikility. 3 are. considered to�be a single, L Common area orsystEm for the Ditch means any n1m,made channel for the purpose of moving water -offs site t6.the surface waters. Exceisive Pandhig means, any am of the applicationfieldwhere Irisible liquid WaSt6 ii,00nded on the surface of the land ` application site, more'thark foui(4) houis,foll",thi'applicitilon of waste. Excessive ponding also means any areas where the, ponding of waste has resulted m,crop GrOundwaters means any substirface waters, as defined in 15A NCAC2L .01.01. Land application means the application of wastewater and/or waste solids onto or incorporation into the soil. Major ilimiges.16 tlie,CAWMP,means changes in the number of animal sI type of . operation — I animals, (feeder to finish to wean to feeder), retrofit --of a storage ponkiiistallationofamew irrigation - system, aid similar tyiie-echangd. Recertification.is only required fo CAVIW.. Major changes to a facility must first be a ­ , for major changes to the, ,pp by DWQ. The new CAV^e and the CeftifiCafiooL be submittedwith ". !r!�ycd _,shall a request that the permit be amended to reflect the changes. The facility -may tiot make the changes until a new or amended -permit has been issued. PUvidon to the.CAWMP means a change town entire CAWNT to meet current applicable standards.. ACAWMP must be revised if the operation cai ,the animal production in accordance with the existing CIA I noted iii.the CA)Vw.iiniandment-cfikeiii -as *viciusly, (b change in crops and/or cropping pattern that utilizes more operation is considered a plan revision. Any change town iaftieddihent 'or revision, must be signed and dated by, both for the new CA.WW to -be valid.- A- re,vision,ofthe W6 except forth specific conditions For an existiagtAWMP, a 5% of the N generated by the 9.CAWMPI whether an ducer,and'a technical specialist s not require recertfflcatim Stitte Waters means all surface waters, wetlands groundwaters ind,waters-of the tnited States .located in the State. 13 Sfirface Waters means any stream, river, brook, swamp, lake, sound, tidal estuary. bay, creek, reservoir, waterway, or other surface body or surface accumulation of water, whether public or private, or natia-9 or artificial, that is contained in, flows through, or borders upon any portion of the State ofNorth Carolina, including any portion of the Atlantic Ohccah.over Which the,Side has junsdicfi.on.as well,as.wy addid0nal'WaibiS of the'United States.which are,locaied in -.the State. Waste means manure, animal waste, wastewater produced as a by-product of milk bottling and ice cream -making activity, and process wastewater and/or sludge generated at an animal feeding operation. Wetlands means areas that are inundated or saturated by an accumulation,of surface or groundwater at,ifrequency - and duration,sufficient to awoM and under normal circumstances do support apre*alenceof vegetation typically adapted for life in saturat4 s(nI - defined in 15ANCAC,2B;0202. conditions, as This Painit issued t4e.1 8th dily-of November, 2016. NORTH CAROILINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION for S. Iay Zinuncraum, P.G., Director North'Carolina Division of Water Resources By A&honty of theInviionm6atalManagement Commission 'Permit Number AWW00 1 3; 14 AK- A NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor MR. ANDY PARDUE PARDUE FARM & SONS 1699 BETHEL ROAD RONDA, NC 28670 Dear Mr. Pardue: Division of Water Quality Colleen H. Sullins Director December 6, 2011 In accordance with your renewal request received December dated December 6, 2011 to Andy Pardue authorizing the operation application system in accordance with this permit. Subject: RECEIVED j'. N.C. Dept. of ENR DEC 14 2011 Winston-Salem Regional Office Permit No. AWI970032 Pardue Farm & Sons Animal Waste Operation Wilkes County Dee Freeman Secretary 1, 2011, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. AWI970032, of an animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 30, 2016, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems. Any increase in steady state live weight (SSLW) or increase in stocked animals above the listed numbers in this permit will require a modification to this permit and shall be completed prior to actual increase in either SSLW or number of animals. Please pay careful attention to the record keeping and monitoring conditions in this permit. Should your records show that the current Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) is inaccurate you will need to have a new WUP developed. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Mr. J. R. Joshi by phone at (919) 717-6698 or by email atjaya.joshi@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, W,;e for Colleen H. Sullins cc: Wilkes County Health Department Wilkes County Soil and Water Conservation District Winston-Salem Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section APS Central Files (Permit No. AWI970032) AFO Files 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Blvd., Raleigh, North Camlina 27604 Phone: 919-733-32211 FAX: 919-715-05881 Customer Service: 1-877,623-6748 Internet vnvvr.nmatemualilv.om An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Aclian Employer One NorthCarolina Naturally NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INDIVIDUAL PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Pardue Farm & Sons Wilkes County FOR THE operation of an animal waste collection, treatment, and land application system with an animal capacity of no greater than an annual average of 420 Beef Stocker cattle from which the waste is collected on concrete feeding pads and heavy use areas and is scraped periodically to store and treat in the animal waste treatment system consisting of a series of dry stacks prior to land application, with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received December 1, 2011, and in conformity with the nutrient management plan, other specifications, and supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 30, 2016, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. Any discharge of waste that reaches surface waters or wetlands is prohibited except as otherwise provided in this Permit and associated statutory and regulatory provisions. Waste shall not reach surface waters or wetlands by runoff, drift, manmade conveyance, direct application, direct discharge or through ditches not otherwise classified as state waters. The waste collection, treatment, storage and application system operated under this Permit shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of pollutants to surface waters or wetlands. Application of waste to terraces and grassed waterways is acceptable as long as it is applied in accordance with Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) Standards and does not result in a discharge of waste to surface waters or wetlands. Facilities must be designed, constructed and operated to contain all waste plus the runoff from a 25-year, 24-hour rainfall event for the location of the facility. A facility that has a discharge of waste that results because of a storm event more severe than the 25-year, 24-hour storm will not be considered to be in violation of this Permit if the facility is in compliance with its Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) and this Permit. - Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality RECEIVED August 18, 2006 N.C. Dept. of ENR MR. ANDY PARDUE PARDUE FARM &SONS 1699 BETHEL ROAD _ RONDA, NC 28670 Subject: Dear Mr. Pardue: AUG 2 4 2006 `` Winston-Safom Permit No. AWI970032 Regional office Pardue Farm & Sons Animal Waste Operation Wilkes County In accordance with your permit application received July 28, 2006, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. AWI970032, dated August 18, 2006 to Andy Pardue authorizing the operation of an animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in accordance with this.permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until July 31, 2011, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems. Any increase in steady state live weight (SSLW) or increase in stocked animals above the listed numbers in this permit will require a modification to this permit and shall be completed prior to actual increase in either SSLW or number of animals. Please pay careful attention to the record keeping and monitoring conditions in this permit. Should your records show that the current Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) is inaccurate you will need to have a new WUP developed. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, -conforming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Mr. J. R. Joshi by phone at (919) 717-6698 or by email at jayajoshi@ncmail.net. cc: Wilkes County Health Department Wilkes County Soil and Water Conservation District Winston-Salem Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section APS Central Files (Permit No. AWI970032) AFO Files Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Internet www.ncwateraualiryt .ore _ Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recyded/10% Post Consumer Paper Sincerely, l `-for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax I: Fax 2: Customer Service: IZ'�`I,Carolina ✓vatura!!y (919)733-3221 (919)715-0588 (919)715-6048 (877) 623-6748 0 0 q NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INDIVIDUAL PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Pardue Farm & Sons Wilkes County FOR THE operation of an animal waste collection, treatment, and land application system with an animal capacity of no greater than an annual average of 420 Beef Stocker cattle from which the waste is collected on concrete feeding pads and heavy use areas and is scraped periodically to store and treat in the animal waste treatment system consisting of a series of dry stacks prior to land application, with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received July 28, 2006, and in conformity with the nutrient management plan, other specifications, and supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until July 31, 2011, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Any discharge of waste that reaches surface waters or wetlands is prohibited except as otherwise provided in this Permit and associated statutory and regulatory provisions. Waste shall not reach surface waters or wetlands by runoff, drift, manmade conveyance, direct application, direct discharge or through ditches not otherwise classified as state waters. The waste collection, treatment, storage and application system operated under this Permit shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of pollutants to surface waters or wetlands. Application of waste to terraces and grassed waterways is acceptable as long as it is applied in accordance with Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Standards and does not result in a discharge of waste to surface waters or wetlands. Facilities must be designed, constructed and operated to contain all waste plus the runoff from a 25-year, 24-hour rainfall event for the location of the facility. A facility that has a discharge of waste that results because of a storm event more severe than the 25-year, 24-hour storm will not be considered to be in violation of this Permit if the facility is in compliance with its Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) and this Permit. State of Vorth Carolina RECEIY Department of Environment and Natural Resources C' °eat. of ENR Division of Water Quality . SEP 2 2 2006 Animal Feeding Operations Permit Application Form (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED F'- -JSE AS AN ORIGINAL) Reglonai 0�t oe State Individual Permit - Exist' animal Waste Operations 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1.1 Facility name: A1'W4tC Fo. ,I _Son RECEIVED /DENR/DWQ 1.2 Print Land Owner's name: /9�// f°a.d a AQUIFER'PROTECTION SECTION 1.3 Mailing address: /,�,q/f' 8e f•1,, / RP JUL 2 8 2606 City, State: ,/(/r— Zip: S9,67e Telephone number (include area code): (336 )173-S _ 7yS// 1.4 Physical address: 1699 /,?e H s / / ,6 City, State: -Z J, /9C zip: l?L 7e Telephone number (include area code): (33�) 1.5 County where facility is located: Ztjl&-s F 1.6 Facility location (directions from nearest major highway, using SR numbers for state roads): Tarr RP Sf ,eo. q .2I-S 1.7 Farm Manager's name (if different from Land Owner):_ r.. r 5 V. 1.8 Lessee's / Integrator's name (if applicable; circle which type is listed): �} 1.9 Facility's original start-up date: M• 0 Date(s) of facility expansion(s) (if applicable): 2. OPERATION INFTION: 2.1 Facility number: A 2.2 Operation Description: Please enter the Design Capacity of the system. The 'No. of Animals" should be the maximum number for which the waste management structures were designed. Tvve of Swine No. of Animals Type of Poultry No. of Animals . Tie of Cattle , No. of Animals ❑ Wean to Feeder ❑ Layer ❑ Beef Brood Cow ❑ Feeder to Finish ❑ Non -Layer ❑ Beef Feeder ❑ Farrow to Wean (# sow) _ ❑ Turkey Ig Beef Stocker Ca 2 D ❑ Farrow to Feeder (# sow) ❑ Turkey Poults ❑ Dairy Calf ❑ Farrow to Finish (# sow) _ ❑ Wean to Finish (# sow) ❑ Gilts ❑ Boar/Stud ❑ Other Type of Livestock on the farm: ❑ Dairy Heifer ❑ Dry Cow ❑ Milk Cow No. of Animals: FORM: AWO-STATE-I-E 1/10/06 Page 1 of 5 07/25/2006 13:40 3368355853 J-24-2006 16:04 FROM:NC DE?R 33G7714631 R3 A=W dcerad and available Ik r application (excluding systa ZQ RambW Aalarge (aa listed in 16e CAW 2A Number orlagoona: ^ Told C+gscBy (cubic t U I Nmabar of Stange Pbnda: _ Taal Capacity (cubic I 23 Ails eabamlbx drWw present whhtn l00' of sly of the R 1� 2.6 Are mWurh ce draim prowd Ix the vtclnity nr under the 2.7 Doc this beility meat an applloablo sit ft 114ulmmeals' iL 21 Hrlofdesoripticn of¢eemtwtprocam -Z&4// /%/// 1 rjj w 3. 1 RAQUMM PTEMB Cf1ECIMST: Plow le see that you have included tho tbtiewing required 3.1 Oa oompkited and signed aNginai and two coples of the -AwkM Wa Opaadau: 1.3 'Mm espies of a general location map Indicating the Poet field locations wbare animal wear is lad applied and a balky belicnew; ' 3.3 'flue aPIn+ofthe otttfre CaUfied Anima WemMena doe not baps a CAWMP, It newt be eomPlsad prior to enlaal waste operodm& The CAWMP must inch* the following WMP=Mft Me jeCHi(y war asrtpd but Amid be added to des CA 3.3.1 The Waste Utilization Plan (YAM must In unzod by tiro how 3.31 The method by which waste Is applied to V 31.3 A trap of every }fold used for land applka 39A The so0 Baia prase; on evay lend epPlln 3J.3 Thu ova grown an spay land applic elm 3.34 The Railadc y"wid Expoetatlm (FtVE) its 3.3.7 The PAN appl led to every had 9MHc4dw 3.3.1 7% waste application wlndowe for evay i 1.1.9 The regttkod 74RCS Standard specifioctior 13.10 A site solannaft &3,11 P.mcWory Adlon Plan 3.3.13 Iran Control Checklist with choam bat 3.3.13 Oda Control Cheddbtwhhchosen best t 3.2.14 Metallgr Control Choatiut whir the w3w 3.3.15 I.apodsto" pond aapeolty, docamaft aval ddonl, wetWW dolc mbstions, at hl 33.16 ammaoh and MakMatatae Plan lfyoa t AWMP (nahufm ay aamponmia na pica t (Caarocedng waste rtandlse am.) RM: AWO-STALTE-1 9 U10M6 HENRY C HARPE PAGE 05 T0:9133SIM1230 P:212 i I I III in r*Vkad buffers and ateaa not eotraed1y the eppliadon �rZ G ee} _ RegobM Cap" (wblc in*, __ et): _ Required Capacity (cubic taq: plicadon fiolds7 YEA oriroIn oat) rase management syermn7 YES cr(**{etreaotro) r� ew W NO (ohsN atas)L V J AarM//MltiTf items by signing your Initials in to spLa provided nW to each appiation for Sate btdlvabat Perteb � ' aion ofthe ellimal waste 6cnitla cad' %) many reed map wtlbthe locatlaofthe smaRPlan (CAWMM.Ifthobeility' ubmiaal of a permit application fbr %j 'ace agrowe eamponan may cot hwL beau Ngaf/ed of O'70F 3IP fir perml n6rg Porpar aide the amount of PlartAvailabin Nhtptten (PAN) pttduad and disposal Solds (e.9 i1TWdon, kojecd&%ate.) Incft Geld crop charm in 010 WUP utilized In the WUP aanated 4"Iduns, eta.); Plow be tare to Include my ske :ad= dzt may be applimble w your lhcility picaw Include the addMena} ocmpmevte with your Ptyp2 ors 4. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION: (Land Owner's name listed in question 1.2), attest that this application for fa i d _ r (Facility name listed in question 1.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I undcstand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Signature, &. z.`6- Date %/a/ /ae, 5. MANAGER'S CERTIFICATION: (complete only if different from the Land Owner) (Manager's name listed in question 1.6), attest that this application for (Facility name listed in question 1.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all requiredparts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature Date THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION ANIMAL FEEDING OPERATIONS UNIT 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1636 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919)733-3221 RECENEDIDENR/DWQ FAX NUMBER: (919) 715-6048 AOUIPFFMOTECTION SECTION JUL 2 8 2M FORM: AWO-STATE-I-E 1/10106 Page 3 of 5 6. SURFACE WATER CLASSIFICATION: vl - This form must be completed by the appropriate DWQ regional office and included as a part of the project submittal information. INSTRUCTIONS TO NC PROFESSIONALS: The classification of the downslope surface waters (the surface waters that any overflow from the facility would flow toward) in which this animal waste management sysem will be operated must be determined by the appropriate DWQ regional office. Therefore, you are required, prior to submittal of the application package, to submit this form, with items 1 through 6 completed, to the appropriate Division of Water Quality Regional Aquifer Protection Supervisor (see page 6 of 10). At a minimum, you must include an 8.5" by I V copy of the portion of a 7.5 minute USGS Topographic Map which shows the location of this animal waste application system and the downslope surface vaters in which they will be located. Identify the closest downslope surface waters on the attached map copy. Once the regional office has completed the classification, reincorporate, this completed page and the topographic map into the complete application form and submit the application package. 1 6.1 Farm Name: Pard u e, Farm 4 Soh 5 6.2 Name & complete address of engineering firm: I�i Telephone number: Fa,r M i S k O C U( A 1 S FtaYl C�AW 6.3 Name of closest downslope surface waters: t Y\ R t V-P—r 61.Y1A `' J Uan C-V-e Q- r-- 6.4 Counry(ies) where the animal waste management system and surface waters are located 1 \5 e5 6.5 Map name and date: 411410, QuaA l Q l 6.6 NC Professional's Seal (If appropriate), Signature, and Date: TO: REGIONAL AQUIFER PROTECTION SUPERVISOR Please provide me with the classification of the watershed where this animal waste management facility will be or has been constructed or field located, as identified on thee attached map segment(s): `' A Name of surface waters: West ' lu-, An %r o-e v cLn 4 aA k1,I fl F I vC Classification (as established by the Environmental Management Commission): Zorffi 11rL Proposed classification, if applicable: NIA Signature of regional office personne . 14 M0 )h Ah-1 Z Date: (All attachments must be signed) FORM: AWO-STATE-I-E 1/10/06 Page 4 of 5 NC DENR- DIVISON OF WATER QUALITY 22 .0300 .0309 YADKIN RIVER BASIN Classification Name of Stream Description Class Date Index No. Big Sandy Creek From source to a point 0.75 C;Tr 07/01/73 12-46-4-8-(1) miles below Alleghany/Wilkes County Line Big Sandy Creek From a point 0.75 miles C;Tr,HQW 08/01/90 12-46-4-8-(2) below Alleghany/ Wilkes , County Line to East Prong 'Roaring River East Prong Roaring River From Wilkes County SR 1943 C 04/06/55 12-46-4-(9) to Roaring River Little Sandy Creek From source to East Prong C 04/06/55 12-46-4-10 Roaring River Sparks Creek From source to Little Sandy C 04/06/55 12-46-4-10-1 Creek York Creek From source to Sparks Creek C 04/06/55 12-46-4-10-1-1 Cheatwood Branch From source to Sparks Creek C 04/06/55 12-46-4-10-1-2 Bee Branch From source to East Prong C 04/06/55 12-46-4-11 Roaring River Long Branch From source to East Prong C 04/06/55 12-46-4-12 Roaring River Muddy Branch From source to Long Branch C 04/06/55 12-46-4-12-1 Camp Branch From source to East Prong C 04/06/55 12-46-4-13 Roaring River - Stewart Creek From source to Roaring River B 04/06/55 12-46-5 Brier Creek From source to Yadkin River C 08/01/98 12-47 YADKIN RIVER From a point 0.2 mile JWS-IV 08/01/98 12-(47.5) :- upstream of Big Bugaboo Creek to a point 0.9 mile upstream of mouth of Elkin Creek (River) Big Bugaboo Creek From source to a point 0.3 C 08/01/90 12-48-(0.3) mile upstream of Wilkes County SR 1931 Big Bugaboo Creek From a point 0.3 mile WS-IV _ 08/01/98 12-48-(0.7) upstream of Wilkes County SR 1931 to Yadkin River Little Bugaboo Creek From source to a point 0.4 C 08/01/98 12-48-1-(1) mile upstream of mouth Little Bugaboo Creek From a point 0.4 mile WS-IV 08/01/98 12-48-1-(2) upstream of mouth to Big Bugaboo Creek Grays Creek From source to point 0.4 C 08/01/98 12-49-(1) Mile downstream of Wilkes County SR 2321 Grays Creek From a point 0.4 mile WS-IV 08/01/98 12-49-(2) downstream of Wilkes County SR 2321 to Yadkin River Hughes Branch From source to Yadkin River WS-IV 08/03/92 12-50 0 (� � Rene brec t� 1Ia�.1nr NC DENR - DIVISON OF WATER QUALITY .0309 YADKIN RIVER BASIN 2B .0300 Name of Stream Description Class Classification Date Index No. Swan Creek From source to Yadkin River WS-IV 08/03/92 12-51 West Swan Creek From source to a point 0.4 C 08/01/98 12-51-1-(1) mile upstream of Wilkes County SR 2303 West Swan Creek From a point 0.4 mile �Fs-IV 08/01/98 12-51-1-(2) upstream of Wilkes County ' ' SR 2303 to Swan Creek East Swan Creek From source to Swan Creek WS-IV 08/03/92 12-51-2 Little Elkin Creek From source to a point 0.2 C O8/01/98 12-52-(1) mile downstream of Wilkes County SR 1929 Little Elkin Creek From a point 0.2 mile WS-IV 08/01/98 12-52-(2) downstream of Wilkes County SR 1929 to Yadkin River YADKIN RIVER From a point 0.9 mile WS-IV;CA 08/03/92 12-(52.5) upstream of the to mouth of Elkin Creek (River) to point 0.3 mile upstream of the mouth of Elkin Creek (Town of Jonesville water supply intake) YADKIN RIVER From a point 0.3 mile C 08/01/98 12-(53) upstream of the mouth to Elkin Creek (River) to a point 0.3 mile upstream of Ararat River Elkin Creek (River) From source to Long Branch WS-II;HQW 08/03/92 12-54-(0.5) Grassy Fork From source to Elkin Creek WS-II;HQW 08/03/92 12-54-1 (River) Grassy Creek From source to Elkin creek WS-II;HQW 08/03/92 12-54-2 (River) Long Branch From source to Elkin Creek WS-II;HQW 08/03/92 12-54-3 (River) Elkin Creek (River) From Long Branch to Elkin WS-II;HQW,CA 08/03/92 12-54-(3.5) Water Supply Intake Elkin Reservoir Entire reservoir and WS-II;HQW,CA 08/03/92 12-54-4 connecting Stream to Elkin Creek (River) Elkin Creek (River) From Elkin Water Supply C - 08/03/92 -12-54-(4.5) Intake to Yadkin River Sandyberry Creek From source to Yadkin .River C 04/06/55 12-55 Jonesville Creek From source to Sandyberry C 04/06/55 12-55-1 Creek Cobb Creek From source to Jonesville C 04/06/55 12-55-1-1 Creek Beaverdam Creek From source to Jonesville C 04/06/55 12-55-1-2 Creek 10 n - 1`-b5e �0 C'oLtL 07/25/2006 13:40 3368355853 HENRY C HARPE j Comprehensive Nc trient Management Plan For Pai xiuc Farm Direc ions to Farm From : Jonesville, N.C., Turn lielft onto Bethel Road and go to 1699 Bethel Road, It will be on the right just past the Bethel Ch which will be on the left side of the road. P.O. Box 14586 Des Moines, IA 50306 10654 Justin Drii a Urbandale, IA $0322 Phone: 515-278-8002 Ev iail: oatedQyalidusscrvime corn sred in cooperation with: WiWxs County Conservation DI! VJidux savi«a, t.LC a 2M Ca "enAw Nunimtt Mwag=wt Ptm, PAGE 04 07/25/2006 13:40 3368355653 HENRY C HARPE PAGE 03 epbember 2005 ands Ousd State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek P.E., Director ' FAX TO: Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section Location: 2728 Capital Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 Mailing Address: 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1636 FAX: (919) 715-0588 (919) 715-6048 Date:S? -2-S7 0,46 -6wh15 ra FFROM: f(� Td5%, PHONE: Gj 10 - 7/S — G L q I NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS SHEET: % . FAX NUMBER: 51S - 179-- 1 91o// 08/15/2006 15:;30 "'047970341 STAPLES PAGE 02/07 336 633 7454 P•02 Animal Waste Management Plan Certification (Please rv�nt alf. informati„. a,,..,..__ Name of Farm - Owner(s) Name:J { _Facility No: __ Mailing Address_ � /. ; p/J Phone No:-------`_ f ann Location: ----- 1-46lude and Longitude., !Z County Farm is located in: 3/ l D4p Sy 3 P. / integrator:_— �L&S2 attach a copy ofa county road map with location idemi tied and describe (w (Be s names, directions, milepost, etc.); _44, Al 7- pecific: load Ooeragon DE9srinrf Type ofswdte No. of Animals o Wean to Feeder o Feeder to Finish a Farrow to Wean -� II Farrow to Feeder o Pertow to Finish o Gilts a Brines opwanten only 7)panjPouhiy NanfAuhnnlr u Layer o Non -Layer Ttpe ofBecf Nn. nfAni,, o Brood o Feeders-- tatStcwkers y� "— Other Tipe of Lrrerror—�" 7yPeafDairy Na-afAnimals 0Mi4ing —' oDry oFfelfera "— a Calvea NumberafAnimals: Acreage Available for Application: 2SO Required Acmagc:___� [ Number of Lagoons! Storage Ponds: --__ Total Capacity; & 7j, Cubic Feet (ft3) All subsurface drains present on the farm: YES or NO (please circle one) ##I<YESr4#r444rtera su#trtbsurfacert+ drains present in the area of the LAGOON or SPRAY FIELD (please Circle OM) Owner / Manager Agreement 1(we) verify that all the above information is correct and will be updated upon changing, I (we) understand the operation and maintenance praceduroa established in the approved animal waste management plan for the farm named above and will implement these procedures. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or coa+truetion of now facilities will require a new cenification to be wbniitW to the Division of Water the Quality ge or before the new animals are stocked. 1 (we) understand that there must be tat discharge of animal waste from amevent less lavcm p or application system to surFace waters of the state either directly through a man-made conveyance nr from a run from (� understand that rani -off of pollutants from an the 25-year. rlounging and henvYstorm Lind there husetur ns must be minimized application technicalanimal standards I developed by rite USDA -Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS). The approved plan will be filed at the farm and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservadun District I (we) know that any modification must be approved by a Ow specialist and submitted to the Soil and Water Conservation DIRrict prior to implementation. A change in Ind ownership requires written ttotificution to DWQ or a new certification (if the approved plan is changed) within 60 days of a title transfer. Name of Land Owner: /4114, A, : j, . Name of maluxur (if Hate• 'S - rs �� -- --` - "" Date: $-,,S- �G AWC -- December 15, 2005 t 08/15/2006 1508 r70.47970341 STAPLES PAGE 03/07 •'rt'"SnRESERVE 336 833 7454 P.03 I As a technical Technical Specialist Certification deli NCAC 6F .0005, I specialist certMirth Carolina,, ify that the aan animal the wase maragement oil and system Water form gtjon Commission management plan that meets or exceeds standards and specifications of the Division of Water pursuant to ISA NCAC 2H.0217 and the USDA -Natural Resources Congery above has an animal waste Conservation aCommission pursuant to 15A NCAC 2 orlon Service and/or the NoidiQua ity fl Sojl and i 15A� included in the plan . applicable. While each category H.0217 and 15A NCAC 6F .0001-.0(x1S. The following l and elements are (SD, Si, WUp• RC D, the technical s designalm a technical sPeete - who The Si xciulist Should only certify parts fur which they arc technic m cam each certification Y competent. I. CerWkatnon of Design Al �llecdon. 8 ra - �` t vst CJteck the approprfare box Stine feicility without reI t+t. smrege volume is awl (SD or WUp) requirements, equate litr operation capacity; sn>raga capability ctmsistettt with waste utilisation New. egnwoAa _ etr+nfitted faciltry Ammal waste atg8gl• and treatment (SD) have bcen dasignad to meet or exceed the minimum staannbut a ids anlimited pet flcatioto ln�u� systems, tago°rta and ponds, s. Name of Technical Speclallat (Please Print): Affiliation �/A�l Dl�c�T T pATF TQ Address ( tom•. o. 130% 1451# DE Date Work Completed: Tut �[ 2t) Agency): ottu 1. Signature: Phone No.: 51S18ob2 R) ttlMatloa Si a . - -•-•�; �- The plan provides form `imWUPseparations buffers); suitable for waste management; hyraulic and nutrient loading rates. amount of land for waste utillzedon; chosen crop is Name of Technical Specialist (Please P1rnt):� L1 f3 r��- J �` Affiliation 1.,/ rn t —A tic S �VEC c Address (Agent )1�0 ,7i 1 —pate Work Completed: TU LY 2006 4't� %MettJ� low_PhoneNo.:51g_ 272 8a0Z iignature:_ 741�._%, f 11 . �1-.' _ IL t C) Runt Check the ui wlthotut exte_ror manta (SD or WUP or RC) This facility does not contain any exterior lots. Nacillty with extPwi 1 (RC) . Methods to minimiso the run off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use areas have been designed in accordance with technical Standards developed by MRCS. Name of Technical Spesiiallst (Please Print): AffiliationJ��,��` Sra.Vl � T T NTE'JR. Date Work Completed: .7uLY . 200 Address IAecncvL• (% 1�w l&cZat Tom. No.: December 15.20n5 08/15/2006 15;30 ,7047970341 STAPLES PAGE 04/07 NRiIUE PA ' RIC' D F1AESeRVE 336 835 7454 P_84 D)' "RBll�don and Handlln l ent Cback,lre approprmre bw Animal waste a' f t e i .F Nation r a i e 'o t WIIP or I) In specified to the pion hus been tither flew calibrated ar evaluated in accordance with existing design charts and tables and Is able to apply waste as necessary to accommodate the waste managema plan: (existing application equipment wn cover 'he area required by the plan at rates not to exceed either the specfied hydraufle or nuticnr loading mien. a schedule for drain of the plan). required buffers can be maintained and calibration end adjustment guidance are contained as part of the plan). B applications has bcen Animal waste application equipment n u % ° t a ice t equipment for $Dray irrigation. e9 pment specified in the plan hug been designer! to l 'g—� (A Accommodate the waste management plan; (proposed apply waste as necessary to Plan At rater, not to exceed either the Specified application equipment can cover the area required by the applications has been established: requirbuffers cenube maintaior ned; calibration land°aschedule djuntru for of are RMU)m St pert o9 the Nee). Armes waste application equipment accommodate: the waste management specined in the plan has been selected to apply waste ae necessary to plan at rate's not m exceed ethe sue, (Proposed application equipment can cover the area required by the °PPlications has been established; pectfiff hydraulic or ,,,tent loading rates; a achedOie for titn)ng of contained as Part of the plan). required buffets can he maintained; calibration And adjustment guidance are Nnale of Technical Speciaiiat (Please Print): T Affiliation A � ?ATE TR trot c Sl Q �r Date Work Completed: Address (Agency);?. . 14-S . D6S M Signature:,� A , �a k Lowfk SQU Phone No.:SIS�8aQ E) Odor - n ,.,t t Control Mortality Manage menu and Ernergenry The waste management plan for this facility includes a Waste Management Odor Control Checklist, an Insect Control Checklist, a Mortality Management Checklist and an Emergency Action Plan, Insects have been evaluated with respect to this site and Bast managementSoto inimi of b th odors and Management practices m Control Insects have been selected and Included In the waft management p�lanT. Booth the Mortality Management Plan and the Emergency Action Plan are cnm Icte and can be implemented by this facility. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): 14ti avg T. AffkiiationV l tau c S }.1R ElrI1 CF.$ Address (Agency).� Date Work Completed.,_X"Y_ 2tX1 - Signature: �, , OW 5030 phone No.: 51S=S�z a Date: 8 - Z _ p _ Fl Written Notfce of New or Exoanatne Swine Farm I The fal owlstg signature bkaek Is only to be used for new or expanding swine Harms that begln coadrucelon after June 21,19%. If the IkWty was built before June 21,1996, when was It constructed or last expanded 1 (we) certify that I (we) have attempted ht contact by certified mail all adjoining property owners and all property owners who own property located auroas A Public mad, street, or highway ftom this new or expanding swine fast. The notice was in compliance with the requirements of NCGS I D&RUS. A copy of the notice and a list of the property owners notified is attached. Name of Land Owner! Signature: Name of Manager (if different from owner): Dater Signature: A WC -- December 15, 30U5 ; 08/15/2006 15:30 70,47970341 STAPLES PAGE 05/07 F'RRM'D PRESERVE 336 83ei Tpgp P.0$ C'e?Vfteadon of l-tallah'on `lit•''-��Ee. Treat —�� dad or ernflts ,, f tt {sI) anima! ws�ste storage and [ran =cordanco with the a tment structures, such as but not limited to lagoons and ponds, have been P PPnivad lu ^ a, mtta nr exceed the minimum standards and sPcolflcatlom. i»staled in For existfngfacilides whhout retrofits, no certlj%adon is necessary. "f''ethnical Speclalist (Please Print): 14 n NIA Lill Set, J Date Work Completed: .A'CnC ):� T V 1 � Phone Nc.: SI S-2�iZ,n � Date:_R — 2 ? to oil anollcatlae tq (WU,) Itc cropping system is in place on all land as specified in the animal waste management plan. Of Technical specialist (Please Print): V n YF�1�IAt[C $EPysr�g A enc Date Work Completed: ,` $ ,Y)•F 1 _�i D?OfNFS IOWA Suse p hotte No.: Sf q:�Z (RC) C lie' ' t extetiar tog Icthuds minlmim the plan.n. run off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use areas have been installed as the Specified For facilities lyit/tour exterior lots, no certiflcadon to necessary. Technical spetlallat (Please print). ;14�a-r T �llstt� e $ _ J t ��_Dute Work Campleted:v i Y 2006 �gency);�fJ. Phone No.: E.:_ �i00Z Dam:�22_ 0—yam_ 'Allan d RendHna Aniom nt htsta ag (WUP or I) Animal waste application and handling equipment specified in.the plan is on site and reedy for use calibration and adjustment materials have been provided to the owners and are contained as pan of the plan, Animal waste application an his proposed led handling equipment spficd in the plan has not been installed but the owner asitdng or third party application and has provided a signed contract equipment fed the contract agrees with the requirements of the plan; required buffers can he maintained; calibration and adjustment guidance have been provided to the owners and are contained as part of the plan, fee}lnical Specialist (Please . Al_1tLty Work � p I$ 8- 2'2- o6 08/15/2006 15,30 7047970341 STAPLES PAGE 06/07 :- RKMIi$D PRESERVE 336 B35 7454 P. B6 ;- C 1 C contrcd odors and insects t I a I Hann as specified in the Plan hove C o hcment system as specified in ei, Plan has also txeD installed and f txxn installed and is o arc Operational. The tehaical Specialist (Please Print):�il1QEeT J F7m perattonal. �A 1 t ny S'£ �11CFE =-- 'agency ;tip � — 'Date Work Completed; U LY ZOOIe Iho Nts owa S 0 Phone No,: lurn the completed form to the Division of Water Quality at the followhtg address. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Dlvislon of Water Quality Animal Feeding operations Unit 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 1%1 e remember to submit a copy of this form along with the complete Animal Waste "'ant Plan to the leant Soil and Water Conservation District office and a with your Animal Wad Management Plan. keep a copy in -ember 15, 2005 08/15/2000 15:*30• n7047970341 l.R Ul STAPLES PAGE 07/07 F:gRMi8D PRESERVE 336 83S 7454 P-07 1ft" County North. caroHna Va11Jus Scn w. LLC 0?OM Compmhmshe `lulrkml Slunugcmcm Ylun Pardue September 2005 Lacatlon Map Ronda quad N.C. %ep" of ENR JUL 2 4 2006 VJinstcn-g;,l�.m Regional pfpc:c Prepared by: Validus Services, LLC Validus ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright ® 2005 by Validus Services, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, mechanical, photocopying; recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of Validus Services, LLC.. Printed in the U.S.A. Index CNMP Signature Page Site and Construction Information Description of Enterprise General Location Map Production Information Facility Sketch and Details Land Treatment Practices Treatment and Conservation Practices General Land Application Map/Conservation Plan Map Soils Map Non -Technical Soils Description Topographic Map Nutrient Management Plan GeneralInformation Nutrient Budget . Attachments Record Keeping Attachments Operation & Maintenance Nutrient Management Pest Management Grazing Management Equipment Calibration Watering facility Fencing Access Road Heavy Use Protection Area Critical Area Planting Record Keeping Manure Spreader Manure Testing Soil Testing Mortality Management Accident Investigation Section I Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 r. Appendices RUSLE PLAT CPA-52 (To Be Completed by NRCS) Accident Investigation Soil Test Results Section 7 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan For Pardue Farm Directions to Farm From : Jonesville, N.C., Turn left onto Bethel Road and go to 1699 Bethel Road. It will be on the right just past the Bethel Church which will be on the left side of the road. Prepared by: Validus Services, LLC (Validus) P.O. Box 14586 Des Moines, IA 50306 10654 Justin Drive Urbandale, IA 50322 Phone: 515-278-8002 Email: pated(&.val idttSSeFVI CeS. Coll) Prepared in cooperation with: Wilkes County Conservation District, Validus Services, LLC O 2005 Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan CNMP Developers This Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CLAMP) was prepared by a team consisting of an engineer, agronomist, and a conservation planner contracted by Validus Services, LLC (Validus). Members of the Planner Team include: Planner Obie Ashford Agronomist John Sheriff Engineer Lee Greene Validus Services, LLC © 2005 Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan CNMP Signature Page Owner / Operator. Pardue Farm Address: 1699 Bethel Road City, State, Zip: Ronda, NC 28670 Phone Number. 336-957-6251 Wilkes County. This Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) was prepared for a pilot project and any subsequent plan or plans may or may not follow this same approval process. This plan could be used as a base to secure an EQIP contract or other funding sources to implement practices. We the undersigned have reviewed this document and concur with the contents. Manure and Wastewater Handling and Storage Name Lee Green Sr. Number Title Environmental Engineer - Signature (7 � wu � Date 10/5/2005 Land Treatment Practices Name Obie Ashford Number Title Conservation Planner Signature�L j�„ram Date 10/5/2005 Nutrient Management Name John Sheriff Number Title Program Agronomist Signature Date 10/5/2005 Owners / Operators As the owner(s) / operator(s) of the CNMP, (1) we certify that (1) we, as the decision-maker(s), have been involved in the planning and development process and agree that the items / practices listed in each element are needed. (I)We understand as the owner(s)/ operator(s) that (1) we are responsible for keeping all the necessaryrecords associated to document the implementation of the CNMP. It is (my) our intent to implement / accomplish this CNMP in a timely manner as described in the plan. Signature:I M /r� Q``^� Date: 7 'Z Signature: / �M. Aj Date: % 0 Validm Services, LLC 0 2005 Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan Wilkes.County Pardue September 2005 North Carolina. Location Map Ronda Quad s�. Validus Services. I.LC 02005 Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan 77 Section. 1 Description of Enterprise General Location Map Validus Services, LLC 0 2005 Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan Description of the Enterprise (Narrative) The general landscape for this operation is gently to moderate sloping, with isolated strong slopes where a rainfall of about 50 inches and an evaporation of about 34 inches are average. The soils are a mixture of loamy sands, fine sandy loams, and sandy clay loams. The landscape vanes from cropland, pasture, hayland, and wildlife land with scattered timber along the riparian areas and rolling hills. There are 85 acres of cropland available for land application. The crops grown are corn and small grain for sr age. In addition, Pardue Farm has more land that could be used with their production system. Pardue Farm purchases steers in lots of 120 with an average weight of 4501bs. They are kept in three groups of 40 animals per paddock7pasture for 30 days. They are then moved into one of four larger paddock/pasture in groups of 75 steers per paddock/pasture for a period of 120 days. Following this schedule allows Pardue Farm to grow a total of 420 steers to a finish weight of 2 X ¢ ao 800 lbs. in approximately 150 days. In addition, this allows them to nish approximately two pD > groups of 420 steers in twelve months. Manure will be scraped and collected from the concrete feeding areause areas. The c'oREUZEaEEe wr a stor in five waste storage facilities. The waste storage facilities are designed to hold the manure from one cycle of 420 steers. The storage facilities will be cleaned out at the end of each cycle and spread on fields as shown in the Nutrient Management Plan. The irantity of manure produced was obtained using th—e-NRCS Animal Waste Management rogram (AWM). The quantity of manure deposited was obtained by using as excreted values from the NRCS Animal Waste Field Manual. The quantity of manure produced on this operation will not meet crop needs. Commercial fertilizer will be used to supply the additional nutrients that are needed by individual crops. Approximately 826 tons of manure and organic byproducts will be.produced. Animal mortality is managed by collection of dead animals as needed and disposal of the carcasses by burial. Validus Service, LLC 0 2005 Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan m1d wa=Be=vq wawnH aAlswgwdwoo SOOZ ��� `saa�niag snPHUA s.�1nsa� luauua2vuvN jua InAT vu110-IDD WJON aouvuajuzvN puv uozly iado sluaiugovlly suollv0011 v .jugulnN 2uljd vE a.inuvpV 2uzpdwvg pog uozivt dofulImaudD uz-1d juauua2vuvAT jua iinN tuolpas Manure Test Results Five manure storage facilities will be constructed to store manure collected from High Intensive Areas (HIA) and as such, manure test results were not available. Standard book values from the NRCS Animal Waste Manual Field Handbook (AWMFH) were used to develop this plan. Manure test results will be obtained for future updates. As the new operation becomes operational actual manure test will be taken. Nutrient Allocations Total nutrients produced and collected (413 tons per production cycle) from High Intensive Area (HIA) are document in Section 2, Production Information. Fields AP 1 through AP 7 will be used for corn silage production and seeded with a small grain crop in September and grazed through April. Manure nutrients deposited by grazing animals are given nitrogen (25%) credit for the next crop in the NC Nutrient Management Program allocation process. The planned rates and support information for nutrient application are shown in Tables 1 through 4. In order to minimize the potential to over apply phosphorus the following allowing process could be used. > Manure Produced J Standard book values — AWMFH Nutrient N . P2O5 K2O Ib/d/1000lb .3 .1 .2 Total lbs. 11,567 3,855 7,712 826 tons/80 acres = 10.325 tons/acre/year The application rate for field AP 1 recommended by the program would result in an over application of Phosphorus and possible build up of soil test phosphorus over time. Instead, it is recommended that spreading the manure on fields AP 1 - AP7 at a rate of 5.2 tons per acre twice a year. The small grain cover crop will be grazed during the winter months, which will increase the Nitrogen credit for the following year above 25 lb per acre. According to Ch 11. of the AWMFH the Nitrogen losses for this operation are: Dry Stack storage loss is approximately 35% Broadcast application with no incorporation is approximately 30% ' Validus Services, LLC 0 2005 Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan k 1CSV ' Pardue Farms Permit 8/15/06 The following information is provided in response to Mr. J. R. Joshi as a means of clarifying issues raised about the CLAMP during the permitting process regarding the Pardue Farm Permit. Animal numbers: The pen -nit should be based on 420 beef stocker calves on an annual basis. Pardue Farm purchase steers at an average weight of 450 lbs and keep them until they reach approximately 800 lbs. At these in and out weights they will average 625 for the time on the farm. In addition, it's anticipated that the output weight will be reached in 120 to 150 days. 2. Pan calculations: 3.1 tons/head/year x 420 animals = 1,320 tons. Available PAN would be 5.8 lbs/ton broadcasted and 8 lbs/ton incorporated. An application rate of 13 tons/acre broadcast will provide about 37 % (75 lbs) of the total PAN needs (200 lbs) for a 20 ton corn -silage yield. Based on this application about 40 acres of the 250 acres would be needed. 3. Percent of year animals will be confined: It's is projected that animals will be confined 50% of the year. f 4. Animal Waste Management Plan Certification: A completed Animal Waste Management Plan Certification is attached. 5. Cropping Window: The cropping window for com should be 2/15 to 6/30 and small grain 9/1 to 3/31. 6. Leachate: There is considerable distance between the dry stacks and any surface waters. In addition, there are vegetated buffer strip. Therefore, the probability of surface water impairment from leachate associated with dry stackery low. RE: Pardue Farm permit Subject: RE: Pardue Farm permit From: "Dennis Pate" <pated@validusservices.com> Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 09:08:41 -0500 To: "J. R. Joshi" <jaya.joshi@ncmai1.net> CC: "Obie Ashford" <ob34sh26@msn.com>, <0bieAshford@ao1.com> JR, The attached is the narrative explanation you requested. I am also FAXing a copy so that you have the materials mentioned in item 4. My intent is to send Mr. Pardue another copy of the CNMP with this material as an attachment. Please call if questions, etc. Dennis Pate -----Original Message ----- From: J. R. Joshi lmailto:jaya.joshi@ncmail.net] Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 8:40 AM To: Dennis Pate Cc: Melissa Rosebrock; hubertandsly@vnet.net Subject: Pardue Farm permit Hello, This is J. R. Joshi with the North carolina Division of Water Quality in Raleigh. I am currently reviewing an application for Individual cattle Permit for the Pardue Farms in Wilkes county. I need a few clarifications in order to continue with the review and issuance of this permit: 1. Animal numbers: The permit application is for 420 beef stocker calves whereas Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) is based on 840 beef stocker animals. Please clarify what should the permitted capacity be and make necessary changes to match these numbers. 2. The PAN calculations in the NMP show 4840 lbs Max. Available PAN for Year 1 and 6684 lbs for Year 2? Year 1 shows deficit while Year 2 shows surplus of PAN? However, the plan is written for Year 1 only. Also, it is unclear how these PAN amounts were arrived at. Please provide a short narrative to help explain these calculations. 3. Please specify the amount of time (% of the year) the animals remain confined , if any. 4. Certification Form: An Animal Waste Management Plan Certification (Certification) is required for all farms for permitting. Please fill out the pertinent portion of the Certification (http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/aps/afou/documents/AnimalWasteManaaementS to be included in this package. l of 2 8/17/2006 10:12 AM (2E: Pardue Farm permit 5. Cropping Window : The cropping window for corn silage is specified as 2/15 to 12/3. December appears to be a little for corn silage crop in North Carolina. Also, this window interferes with the small grain cover window (9/1 to 3/31). Please confirm the validity of these windows.. 6., Leachate: Please provide a brief narrative on how leachate from the dry stacks or surrounding areas, if any, is handled at this facility. In the interest of time, you may send any information via email or fax (see below). Please let me know if you have any questions with this request. J.R. Joshi North Carolina Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone: (919) 715-6698 Fax: (919) 715-0588 Email: jaya.joshi@ncmail.net 2 of 2 8/17/2006 10:12 AM _...-.2.r6 05: 32 5152788011 EMS LLC • •. • 56254 P.001 /008 t C RECEIVED N.C. Dap-,. of ENR At;w 2 4 2006 Reg.onal Office Validus 14596 De. 30CiT-.SA FAX �ATime: 7 -tFORTANT y�y—= NOTE: EMSLLC ay ehano^ to Validusective A € IMPORTANT NOTICE € - "`-` ^imunication is intended on1Y for the use of the i sscdand may contain information that is r ndividual to whom it you are not the intended recipient P oPrictar for deliverin t P t for an a Y� confidential or notified L g his communication to the intended employee or agent r_:cation is strictl am dissemination dtstritiu recipientJ. You are Y P ohtbited. if [ion, or copying of this please notify the sender imm You have receive s•: r:4c_ h - m ediatel d this communication 1 ail. The sender will reimburse by telephone and return it to the You for any expense incurred, Thank you . ....' ;;:32 5/52758011 EMS LLC ' #6254 P.002 /008 Pardue Fauns Permit 8/1,5/06 The fallowing information is provided in response to Mr. J. R. Joshi as a means of c:Izri',Mng issues raised about the (.`.NMP during the permitting process regarding the 'a:due "arm Permit. 1. Animal numbers: The permit should be based on 420 beef stocker calves on an annual basis. Pardue harm purchase steers at an average weight of 450 lbs. and keep them until they reach approximately 800 lbs. At these in and out weights they will average 625 for the time on the farm. In addition, it's anticipated that the output weight will be reached in 120 to 150 days. Paa calculations: 3.1 tons/head/year x 420 animals = 1,320 tons. Available PAN would be 5.8 lbs/ton broadcasted and 8 lbs/ton incorporated. An application rate of 13 tons/aerc broadcast will provide about 37 % (75 lbs) of the total PAN needs (200 lbs) for a 20 ton corn silage yield. Based on this application about 40 acres of the 250 acres would be needed. 3. Percent of year animals will be confined: it's is projected that animals will be confined 50% of the year, 4. Animal Waste Management flan Certification: A completed Animal Waste Management. Plan Certification is attached. Cropping Window: The capping window lbr corn should be 2/15 to (i/30 and small grain 9/1 to 3/31. Leacimte: There is considerable distance between the dry stacks and any surface waters. In addition, there arc vegetated buffer strip. Therelbre, the probability of surface water impairment from leachate associated with drystacks is very low. -. _-....__ °3:32 5152788011 EMS LLC #6254 P.003 /008 F.aJi7l2006 08:40 70479-0 STAPLES • PAGE 02/07 5-2U06 03:62 PM PRRMUE FRRM/3D PRESERVE 336 e35 7454 P.02 Animal Waste Management Plan Certification (Please Woe or vrint Nl information that duas not require a siansuire) N �Irn of Pam;--j_be of w o=r s) Name: ir� �r:�1! r--PhoneNti: ^:�iirtgAddrese;le:SJr i /�ehl.( mil) _ rant Location: County Farm is locuted in:____, ".:...:-ec aidLonetuwk-. .34 /2 T�.2 / p80 54 . f liitegratoc:_ _ `'0,- - 911?ch a copy of a county road map with location identified and desctihe below (Be specific; road :.�-_ei-ctians,milepost, etc.): 4:�1 Al T.. EAll- ,27.2 .Qf .A 'its-pra�,lgt plBGClQhrd2r Me. of Animals T,•pr• ofPamIrry No. uJ'Annrudr TYpe,gfflniry No. ofAnixah., o vec^, to Feeder �._. u layer -----. — a Milking a Feader to Finish �.. _ o Nun -Layer a Dry o Furrow wd wean _..- Ttpc of Beef No,oJ'Aninm)Y a Fki fan -- _ a Farrow to Feeder a Brood ------•,_.._. o calves - F:n, ,u Finish 0 reeders __.....— . wSmckers- _�.,.-- _ Ofherljpe ofliream•k: NamberofAplmalar operedon 04, ...rcaa � A'r?ilaile for Aiaplieelium IEI) _._. Itequired Acmagc:_ .,___��_ i�«,..a:r of Lagoorts / Storage Pun _— Tgtnl tStpaeity: /N J?u . Cubic Feet (0) t - 5•.ycurface Grains presant on the farm: YES or NO (please circle one) If YES: me subsurface drains prewnt in the area or the LAGOON or SPRAY FIELD (please airck one) 0• �lr / Manager Agreement ;}at all the:above information is correct and will be updated upon changing. I (we) understand the operation and ce procedles establishod in the approved animal waste management plan far the farm.narwrtl above and will ;,r„!-_:n:nt these procedures, I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste troaanant and st^. ge system or construction of new fecilitiea will require a new ccoiticwion to be submitted to the Mvlxum of Water Q xi?y (DWQ) before the new animals arse stocked. I (we) understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from ti4 3;r•;2gc or r-pplication system to surf'aco wafers or the state eithoi• dirmily through a man-made conveyance nr from a c,al:less seven than the 25-year.24-hoot storm and there must not be runoff from the application of animal waste. I tiwe; prtttarstand that Ivil-off of pollutaIDs from lounging and heavy use areas must be minimised using technical standards devaloprid by the USDA•Nalwal Resounas Ctxaservntion Semite (NRCS)- The approved plan will be filed at the farm and al :he office of the local Sell and Water Conservatiun District. l (we) know that any modification mum be approved'by a. ,cAnicil specialist and submitted to the Soil and Water Conservation District prior to implementation. A change in land awntrsRlp requires written notifrealiun to DWQ or a new certification (if the approved plan N changed) within 60 days of s 7.- 7-jer. 'iarnp of Land Owner: g:, ature: a__Date. :;._..,e^,c'�i� YKr. (if difterenLirom uwne:):_f�� Date: / f .� G — Decnnbtr 15,1004 .._.--;7.2008 09:33 5152788011 EMS LLC -7/_906 08.40 704797� STAPLES • 93:52 PM PaRDUE FRRM�SID PRESERVE 336 BEet 7454 Technical Specialist Certification 86254 P.004 /008 PAGE 03/07 P. BE technical s pecialisl tksignuted by the North Carolina Soil and Wulcr Ctmscrvutinn Commission pwuant m 15A KA/ C- .W05, i,certify that the animul waste management system f(n the farm named above hoe an animal waste ".na,, amens plan that meets or czceells standards and specifications of the Division of Water Quality a5 specified in 15A NCAC 2H,0217 and the USDA -Natural Resources Cotservation Servioc anfor the North Carolina Soil and Water , cnservetion Commission pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H.0217 and 15A NCAC 6P .D001-11M. The following elements am included in the plan as applictible. While caoh category designates a technical specialist who may sign eaeh.eertifiution Si. WU?. RC,1), the technical epacialist should only certify pare for which they are technically competent. "'` Certification. of Design krAr =.; titidiGyfian. Stn�e. Tegyjtmeat SysteIIi La+' k Me llppropriare box &xi5ttn2 fadittlt witho t oflt (sD or WUP) Storage volume Is adequate for operutkin capacity; shiruyc capability consistent with waste utdiaation - requirements. Neer gded or recta o facility (SD) Animal waste stmage and treatment structures, such as but not limited to collection systems, ragoona and ponds, :cave been dialyned to meet or exceed the minimum standards and spceltleativm. Nmne of Technical Specialist (Please Print): M u g62T 1- PATE TV-. _ A. ia:icn�r ALf t)S ! fCV i GES _Date Work Complaed: Tu LY . 20Qlcs 1 rs;P.0.13(ig14 t(a•�esM010 ot Fs. lowa�,PhoneNo.:515-Z7$-8o02 V • IS ti) L Tzell . nlicadon Sue (WUP) The plan provides for minimum separations (bufll m); adoquatu amount of land for waste utilization; chosen crvy is suitable for wastt: managemenn hydraulic and nutrient funding rates. ;,:c: of Technical Specialist (Please Print);,-..T _FjTF�,_ Af t;iatiori VA I tJDU_S „SFRV ILA ___ „Date Work Completed:TilLY2o4�0 edress(Agency) 0 T— � 14rfl� s file eeips o4iA S---_PhoneNo.:51S-2T$-5�2: Rtta Controls frft� ExttYlp) Lots Cheek the appropriate Mix o FacHill without atqda lot (SD or WUp or RC) This facility dues not contain any eareriot lots. nr FactlLtj wt .h exterior IoYs (RC) . Methods to minimize the run off of pollutants from loun.ing and heavy use areas have been designed in ;=,rdsnce with technical standards ddveloped by NRCS. a-,: of Technical SpeeWist (Please Print):-Lt)QFRT ____ JR. mate Work Completed: 00fe . Addr-ss (Agency):! $-f lNFjrlOWA SO* Phone No,:SIfS W18-1800Z ffm December t:i,MMtS .ii^.? C'?:33 5152786011 EMS LLC ZS75 28:40 70479-0 STAPLES • 93]$2 PIN PRRDUE FARM1511 PRESERVE, 536 035 7454 #6254 P.005 /006 PAGE 04107 P.04 71.; of kation and anft'as Eouiument C1-ece rl:e appropriate bee Exr, nryaty,pdi ' it vtjth exisimig waste aeoli Wien GgpinmenI iWUP. orl) Animal waste upptication equipment specified in the plan has been either field calibrated or evaluated in accordance with existing design ubaits and tables and is abte to apply waste as necessary to accommodate the waxe ruriftement plan: tenisting application rsquipment can cover the area requlfed by the plan at [aces not to exceed either the xpvcified hydraulic or nutrient loading rates. a 4Lhedulc for timing of applications has been established; req•ximd buffers can be maintained and calibration and ,adjustment guidance are [:ordained as part of he plan). Vow ary nded. or existing facility without existing waste Unitegijnn, e6N ipmenl for gvyy irri0ation, (D. Arimal waste application equipment specified in the plan has been designed to apply waste as necessary to accommodate tie waste management plan; (proposed, application -equipment can cover the area required by the . . plan u came nA m exceed tither the specified hydraulic or nutrient loading rates; a schedule fax timing of applications has been establiahed; required buffers can be maintained; calibration and adjustinari[ guidance am AW447A*d as part 4Pr ftse plan). o r existing facility without existing w"g_0p{1Catian a1c ul)txaem for lad siffeacling not using somv i;igatinn. (WUP or I) Animal waste application equipment Welfied in the plan has been selected to apply waste AS necessary to accommodate the waste management plan; (proposed application equipment can cover the area required by the plan at ram& not to exceed either the specified hydraulic or nutrient loading rates: a schedule fee timing of eFpliretiona has been established: required buffers can be maintained; calibration and adju&bnem guidance are centainerl as park of the plan). NsrsrTTechnicalSpecialist (Please Plint):: q% T u` ii_; ;•r.•'e': )�, SF.�f>S,�S `hate Work Cornpletcdl.g l.Y, 2An�n Aae,s (Agcncy):P. 145 DES Mo�elEcrlo.A E0M6 Phone No.:5!5--�eo'Z, a Ine:r __—. Hate: — Q to 1 E) Controls Mortality Management and milrisyy Action Plan fSD. Si, MM R(; or I) The waste management plan for this'fadliry includes a Waste Management (lour Control ChWkiiat, an lnaect Control Checldist, a Mortality Management Checklist acid an Emergency Actinn Plan. Source& of both odors and . insc.:ts have been evaluated with respect to this site and Best Management Practices to Minimize Odors and East Mattagamont practices to Control Insects have been selected and included In the waste management plan. Both the Mortality Management Plan and the Emergency Action Plan are eon letc and can he implemaated by this facility. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Nil B�aT J F;R A� iinlonVALMWS SiZMJI.CCS Date Work Completed: T—Q1.9_,200(a RQC:rea9(ARNrcy)?0.�^.5030 Phone No.: 515-21i%gL -o _ —---- r rsy(gp . ' ri:ten Noliceof New or xoandlnj Swine Faust T H._ %^i;ew. ing algnatura block Is oely to bo tsed.for new or expaseling swine arms that begin conetruetfon after June, t"=5. if the Ndlhy was butt before tune 21,1996, when was it constructed or last srra;cld _ . ce-tify that I (we) have attempted br contuut by certified mail Lill udjeining property owners and all property owners c ew;" ;:. arty locwnd across a public rtxd, street, ur highway from thin now or expanding &wine farm. The notice was in .wi:�n.c wily. tl-r reilcirementt df NCC;S 1oh•gt5. A ropy of the noticeand a list of the property owners notified is amic o. Land Owner: 51�= stare: Aatat _ Name of Manager (if different from owner);_ Signature• ._. Date-, AWC -- December 15, 2UN 3 5/52788011 EMS LLC #6254 ?.006 /008 .. •_;;2^'f.,_P;a0 70479r� STAPLES • PAGE 05107 FG g3;53 VM PARPVE FRRMiSL PRESERVE 336 BES T434 0.05 Cen' Ovation of Installation i tc Ky ion, storaeg Treatment ItLRtallalitan New, exaa 41d OF-Egr2flugg i'aciltty (91) Wmal waste ittxage and treatment Witetures, such:u but not limited to lagoons and ponds, have been instilled in ccurdance with the approved plan to roue( or exceed the minimum standards and specifications. For existing facifides without retrofits, no eerlifrcation is necessary, r Feehnkal Specialist (Please Print): �U� T fT :'•n_.�_ 1�ll.f,Sj� �1_j�: Date Work Completecl_MJY2Mh, . Agent ):'i ?Q Qwa ___PhoneNo.:S_ l5_�7A- R002 71GatX,a.t Date: . A — 8.2.E O !o. ::i Applimoogn (WUP) . he croppinij system is in place an all land as specified in the. animal waste management plan. "i ethnical 13pet3alist (Please Print):, Huia ei T n �t1L9 m , sezi 1 [ES Date Work Completed 44 t_Yr 200 fa Agcncy):y.o. ]�olr. 145 ,INA MotN %1QV)s 50 YhtmeNo.:_Sf5-2i�{-800Z :;Of ntrols..fjC M Exterior Lota (RC) !':aijlhy wit hg>Strriarlot� Methods to minimize the ran off of pollumnm from lounging and heavy use are" have been inatsiled az specified :.the plan. 1'orfacilities without exterior lots, no cerg&aadon its necessary. i echaieni Specialist (Please Print):At] RT . I n t F.,J t , VYAl-t�sSMICE _ `Date Work Completed: J 0" 2006 Aaency):t�0. won 19�A6 ._LS ilotid>rS. IoWA __PhoneNo,;61S 2?gam 002 :k ion an �e)d dS ling E4qipSGlOL (WUP or 1) /Animal vraste applic:adoa and hamlling equipment specifiod in the plan is on site and rosily for use; calibration and *uitmcm materials have been provided to the nwncrs.wW are contained as pan of the plan. Animal waxte appNcation and handling equipment apa.itled in the plan ham not.been installed but the owner iar piupr.,ned leasing or thtrd party application and has provided a signed contract. equipment specified in the ,ontraet agrees with the requirements of the plan; required buffers can be maintained; calibration and adjustment guidance have been provided to the owners and urc crmWood as part of the plan, f'ee(tnical. Specialist (Please Print);H Q 6E2Z :J . 1 1U ALtritke SI=QV ICF:C Date Work ,145H(n,,AES1>7olNFS,Low�Sa3or� PhoneNo.:�ty-c_tti-ervt 2Q_ 06 C3: 34 5152788011 EMS LLC �3=/.17/2006 09:40 7047970 STAPLES 03-53 PM PARDVE FARM�SD PRESERVE 0 356 835 7454 Dtdc; #6254 P.007 /006 PAGE 06/07 P_Id6 `. •r l�cgtjrol erect antral and , urtelhy Metw¢ement (3U I WUp RC gr 11 ,, control odors and insects as .specified in the Plan have been Installed and are operational, The 'IsmaEement system as specified in the Plan has also been installed and is operational.. t 'rmhnleal Specialist (Please Print); � fit—_ .3 _ ATE :t. )/AU.aOS $]EWjG&K Date Work Completed; JufrY 00 Turn the completed form to the Division of Water Quality at the fallowing address: Department of Environment and Natural Resources . Division of Water Quality Animal Feeding Operations Unit 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 276"-1636 i•., trmember to submit a copy of this form along With the complete Animal Wavle , rnent Plan to the local Sell and Water Conservation District Office and to.keep a copy in t1 ith your ,Animal Waste Management Plan. t ocamber 15, 2011E s