HomeMy WebLinkAbout760061_PERMITTING_20171231RECF""D ^� AT � N.C. De FNR JAN 2 3 2015 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural R 'oe °�oFFICE Pat McCrory Governor Tommy Welch . TBW Cattle P.O. Box 3I0 Sophia, NC 27350 Dear Tommy Welch: Donald R. van der Vaart Secretary January 15, 2015 Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWC760061 TBW Cattle Cattle Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Randolph County In accordance with your permit application September 9, 2014, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Tommy Welch, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste management system in accordance with General Permit AWG200000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management and land application of animal waste as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) for TBW Cattle, located in Randolph County, with an animal capacity of no greater than the following annual averages: Dairy Calf: Dry Cow: Beef Brood Cow: Dairy Heifer: Beef Stocker Calf: 450 Other: Milk Cow: Beef Feeder: This COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2019. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the Eo Yitions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as.provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit carefully. Please nav careful attention to the record keening and monitorint-, conditions in this permit Record keeping forms are unchanged with this General Permit. Please continue to use the same record keeningforms. orms. If your Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) has been developed based on site -specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current WUP is inaccurate you will need to have a new WUP developed. 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Phone: 919-807-64641 Internet: httoalwww ncdenr.aovl An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer- Made in part by recycled paper The issuance of,this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws,, rules; standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Per NRCS standards a 100-foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the Animal Feeding Operations Program for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. In accordance with Condition I1.22 of the General Permit, waste application shall cease within four (4) hours of the time that the National Weather Service issues a Hurricane Warning, Tropical Storm Warning, or a Flood Watch associated with a tropical system for the county in which the facility is located. You may find detailed watch/Warning information for your county by calling the Raleigh, NC National Weather Service office at (919) 515-8209, or by visiting their website at: httn://www.weather.vov/rah/ This facility is located in a county covered by our Winston-Salem Regional Office. The Regional Office staff may be reached at 336-776-9800. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact the Animal Feeding Operations Program staff at (919) 807-6464. Sincerely, L S. Jay Zimmerman, P.G. Acting Director, Division of Water Resources Enclosure (General Permit AWG200000) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all ces) Winston-Salem.Regional-Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section Randolph County Health Department Randolph County Soil and Water Conservation District WQROS Central Files (Permit No. AWC760061) AFO Notebooks Nutrient Management Plan For Animal Waste Utilization This plan has been prepared for: TBW Cattle Tommy Welch P.O. Box 310 Sophia, NC 27350 336-382-2549 12-31-2014 This plan has been developed by: Randy Blackwood USDA-NRCS 847 Curry Dr Asheboro, NC 27205 3366294449 A�e Developer Signature Type of Plan: Nutrient Management with Manure Only Owner/Manager/Producer Agreement I (we) understand and agree to the specifications and the operation,and maintenance procedures established in this nutrient management plan which includes an animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I have read and understand the Required Specifications concerning animal Waste management that are included with this plan.. TF Si�e (owner) Signature (manager or producer) /z -3i- /s/ Date Date This plan meets the minimum standards and specifications of the U.S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service or the standard of practices adopted by the Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Plan Approved By: Technical Specialist Signature Date 227053 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 12-31-2014 Cover Page I Nutrients applied in accordance with this plan will be supplied from the following source(s): Commercial Fertilizer is not included in this plan. Ul Washwater Tank Waste waste generated 114,750 gals/year by a 450 animal Beef (Stocker) Liquid Manure Slurry operation. This production facility has waste storage capacities of approximately 120 days. Estimated Pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen Generated per Year Broadcast 2056 Incorporated 2851 Injected 3224 Irrigated 1822 Max. Avail. PAN (Ibs) * Actual PAN Applied Ohs) PAN Surplus/ Deficit (Ibs) Actual Volume Applied (Gallons) Volume Surplus/ Deficit (Gallons) Year 1 2,056 2940 -884 1 164,050 -49,300 U2 Welch -Stocker solid waste waste generated 495.00 tons/year by a 450 animal Beef (Stocker) Unpaved Feedlot Manure operation. Estimated Pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen Generated per Year Broadcast 6862 Incorporated 8353 Injected N/A Irrigated N/A Max. Avail. PAN (Ibs) * Actual PAN Applied (Ibs) PAN Surplus/ Deficit (lbs) Actual.Quantity Ap�ied (Tons) Surplus/Deficit (Tons) Year 1 6,862 9452 -2,590 \681.W-1 -186.88 This plan includes a User Defined Source to determine the total pounds of PAN in lieu of NRCS Standard values. Refer to North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service publication AG-439-42 entitled "Soil Facts: Use of On -Farm Records for Modifying a Certified Animal Waste Management Plan" for guidance on using on -farm records to develop a User Defined Source. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Max. source ID, S means standard source, U means user defined source. * Max. Available PAN is calculated on the basis of the actual application method(s) identified in the plan for this source. 227053 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 12-31-2014 Source Page 1 of 1 Narrative Plan developed for Tommy Welch's stocker operation located in Sophia, NC - Randolph County. Mr. Welch's operation is unique in that the animals are brought to the farm, usually stay a week or less then shipped off to a purchaser. Working with Mr. Welch a steady state live weight based on average weekly stocking rates was determined. This average will be 450 stockers on an average weekly continuous basis. Realizing that based on seasonal and market demands this weekly average may fluctuate. Numerous waste management issues are being addressed on the farm, primarily with the assistance of NRCS. Two waste types are being addressed on the farm; solids produced by the stockers on site, and wash water from the tractor-trailor hauling units following deliveries of animals throughout the week. This wash -water has been allowed to flow downhill through an open ditch into a small holding pond that is not large enough to handle the volume. NRCS is providing engineering assistance and cost -share funds through EQIP to install a concrete tank with supporting ramps, curbs and pump to capture this wash -water and handle it properly. This tank has been sized based on actual wash -out volumes and should providd'1'20 days storage plus:requifed'volumes'for rain events and freeboard The solids captured in both the two large barns as well as several open lots will be scraped, collected and stored in a new waste storage structure. Additional rainwater management measures will be installed to NRCS standards to address roof and lot runoff. At this time Mr. Welch owns enough land (all fescue pasture) to sufficently handle all waste generated on the farm. Considerable education will need to be provided to Mr. Welch as he will be working with a hired certified operator as the facility will be permitted and rececive annual inspections. 227053 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 12-31-2014 Narrative Page 1 of 1 The table shown below provides a summary of the crops or rotations included in this plan for each field. Realistic Yield estimates are also provided for each crop, as well as the crop's P205 Removal Rate. The Leaching Index (Li) and the Phosphorous Loss Assessment Tool (PLAT) Rating are also provided for each field, where available. If a field's PLAT Rating is High, any planned manure application is limited to the phosphorous removal rate of the harvested plant biomass for the crop rotation or multiple years in the crop sequence. Fields with a Very High PLAT Rating should receive no additional applications of manure. Regardless of the PLAT rating, starter fertilizers may be recommended in accordance with North Carolina State University guidelines or recommendations. The quantity of P205 applied to each crop is shown in the following table if the field's PLAT rating is High or. Very High. Planned Crops Summary P205 Total Useable Plat Removal Tract Field Acres Acres Rating LI Soil Series Crop Sequence RYE (1bs/h=)1(Ibs/a=) 2161 1 4.80 4.60 Low 12.0 Wynott Fescue Pasture 3.8 Tom 6 N/A 2161 2 18.90 18.50 Low 12.0 Wynott Fescue Pasture 3.2 Tons 5 N/A 2164 1 32.40 32.00 LOW 15.0 Wynott Fescue Pasture 3.5 Tom 6 N/A 1 3980 1 1 1 24.91 24.001 Low 1 10.01 Georgeville Fescue Pasture 4.8 Tons l 1111A I 1 3980 1 2 1 15.5� 15.001 Low 1 10.0 1 Geogevillc lFescue Pasture 4.8 Tonsl 8 N/A I PLAN TOTALS: 96.50 94.10 Te ch hic6l Gtddance Low potential to contribute to soluble None <2 nutrient leaching below the root zone. 2 & Moderate potential to contribi teto Nutrient Management (590) should be planned, <= 10 soluble nutri ent leaching below the root zone. igh potential to contribute to soluble Nutrient Management (590) should be planned. Other conservation practices that improve nutrient leaching below the root zone. the soils available water holding capacity and improve nutrient use efficiency should be > 10 considered. Examples are Cover Crops (340) to scavenge nutrients, Sod. -Based Rotations (328), Long -Term No -Till (778), and edge -of -field practices such as Filter Strips (393) and IRiparian Forest Buffers (391). i T 1'� dex : � ;�: ­, q emenconnien ahon Rating;­ 0-25 Low No adjustment needed; N based application 25-50 Medium No adjustment needed; N based application 51 - 100 High Application limited to crop P removal > 100 Very High Starter P application only 227053 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed 12/31/2014 PCs Page I of I NOTE: Symbol' means user entered data. The Waste Utilization table shown below summarizes the waste utilization plan for this operation. This plan provides an estimate of the number of acres of cropland needed to use the nutrients being produced. The plan requires consideration of the realistic yields of the crops to be grown, their nutrient requirements, and proper timing of applications to maximize nutrient uptake. This table provides an estimate of the amount of nitrogen required by the crop being grown and an estimate of the nitrogen amount being supplied by mamire or other by-products, commercial fertilizer and residual from previous crops. An estimate of the quantity of solid and liquid waste that will be applied on each field in order to supply the indicated quantity of nitrogen from each source is also included. A balance of the total manure produced and the total manure applied is included in the table to ensure that the plan adequately provides for the utilization of the manure generated by the operation. Waste Utilization Table Year 1 Tract Field Some ID Soil Series Total Acres Use. Acres •Nitrogen CMp. RYE Applic Period PA Nutrent Rod Obs/A) C®m Fert. Nutrient Applied abs/A) Rea Qbs/A) Applie Method Manure PA Nutrient Applied (Ilx/A) U#d ManureA pplied (acre) Solid Mane Applied (acre) Ligoid Manure Applied (Field) Solid Manure Applied (Feld) N N N N 1000 gal/A Tons 1000 gals tons 2161 1 Ul ynott 4.80 4.60 Fescue Paste 3.8 Tons 8/1-7/31 127 0 0 Broad 3 1.67 0.00 7.70 0.00 2161 1 U2 ynott 4.80 4.60 Fescue Pasture 3.8 Tons 8/1-7/31 127 0 0 Broad. 9 0.00 7.00 0.00 32.19 2161 _ 2 UI ynott 18.90 18.50 Fescue Pastore 32 Tons 8/I-7/31 107 0 0 Broad 2 1.40 0.00 25.81 0.00 2161 2 U2 tt 18M � 18.50 Fescue Pasture 32 Tons 8/1-7/31 107 0 0 Broad 8 0.00 5-9 0.00 109.44 2164 I Ul ynott 32.40 32.00 Fescue Pasture 3.5 Tons 8/1-7/31 117 0 0 Broad 28 1.56 0.00 50.01 0.00 2164 1 1 1 U2 - Wynott 1 32.40 32.00 Fescue Paslme 3.5 Towl 8/1-7/31 1 117 0 1 0 1 Broad 89 0.00 6.42 0.001 205.45 3980 1 Ul a 24.90 24.00 Fescue Pastore 4.8 Tons 8/1-7/31 156 0 0 Broad 37 2.07 0.00 49.56 0.00 3980 1 U2 Georgeville 24.90 24.00 Fescue Pasture 4.8 Tons 8/I-7/31 156 0 0 Broad 119 0.00 8.58 0.00 206.03 3980 2 Ul George 15.50 15.00 Fescue Pasture 4.8 Tons 8/1-7/31 156 0 0 Broad 37 2.07 0.00 30.97 0.00 3980 2 U2 Georgeville 15.50 15.00 Fescue Paso= 4.8 Tons 811-7/31 156 0 -0 Broad. 119 0.001 8.58 0.00 128.7 - Total Applied, 1000 gallons 164.05 '-- Total Produced, 1000gallons 114.75i ^"` .• Balance, 1000 gallons -49.30 . - Total Applied, tons 681.88 Total Produced, tons - 495.00 Balance, tons ElpIMM -186.88 Notes: 1. In the tract column, - symbol means leased, otherwise, owned 2. Symbol * means user entered data 227053 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 12/31/2014 WUT Page 1 of 1 The Nutrient Management Recommendations table shown below provides an annual summary of the nutrient management plan developed for this operation. This table provides a nutrient balance for the listed fields and crops for each year of the plan. Required nutrients are based on the realistic yields of the crops to be grown, their nutrient requirements and soil test results. The quantity of nutrient supplied by each source is also identified. The total quantity of nitrogen applied to each crop should not exceed the required amount. However, the quantity of other nutrients applied may exceed their required amounts. This most commonly occurs when manure or other byproducts are utilized to meet the nitrogen needs of the crop. Nutrient management plans may require that the application of animal waste be limited so as to prevent over application of phosphorous when excessive levels of this nutrient are detected in a field. In such situations, additional nitrogen applications from nonorganic sources maybe required to supply the recommended amounts of nitrogen. Nutrient Management Recommendations Test YEAR 1 N (lbs/A) P2O5 (lbs/A) K2O (Ibs/A). Mg (lbs/A) Mn (lbs/A) Zn (Ibs/A) Cu (Ibs/A) Lime (tons/A) Ttact Field 2161 I Req'd Nutrients 127 70 0 0 0 0 0 r Acres App. Period 4.60 B/1-7/31 Supplied By: Q' ' MM Em W..s"' d,1 Om ma W L , .- CROP Fescue Pasture Starter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commercial Fen. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Soil Series wynott Residual 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RYE Sample Date 3.8 Tons 03-15-13 Manure 127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P Removal Rating 6lbs/ac. Low BALANCE 0 -70 0 0 0 0 0 -1 Tmct Field 2161 2 Req'd Nutrients 307 50 60 0 0 0 0 1 Acres App. Period 18.50 8/1.7/31 Supplied By: WE rya - _' CROP Fescue Pasture Starter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commercial Fert. 0 0 0 01 01 0 0 0 Soil Series Wynott Residual 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RYE Sample Date 3.2 Tons 03-15-13 Manure 107 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P Removal Rating 5lbs/ac. Low BALANCE 0 -50 -60 0 0 0 0 -1 Tmct Field 2164 1 Req'd Nutrient, 117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Acres App. Petiad 32.00 8/1-7/31 Supplied By: M '»- P r> I - m � ^ ME 0 CROP Fescue Pasture Starter 0 01 01 0 0 0 0 0 Commercial Fert. 0 0 0 01 01 0 0 0 Soil Series wynott Residual 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RYE Sample Date 3.5 Tons 03-15-13 Manure 117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P Removal Rating 616s/ac. Low BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totet I Field 3980 1 Req'd Nutrients 156 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 Acres jApp. Period 24.00 8/1-7/31 Supplied By: - ''" "Q -- i.. k HEM CROP Fescue Pasture Starter 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commercial Fert. 0 0 0 01 01 0 0 0 Soil Series deorgeville Residual 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RYE Semple Date 4.8 Tons 1 03-15-13 Manure 156 0 0 01 01 0 0 0 P Removal Rating 816s/ac. Low BALANCE 0 0 -10 01 01 0 0 -r 227053 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 12/31/2014 NMR Page I of Nutrient Management Recommendations Test YEAR 1 N (Ibs/A) P2O5 Obs/A) K2O (lbs/A) Mg (lbs/A) Mn (lbs/A) Zn (lbs/A) Cu (lbs/A) Lime (tons/A) Tract Field 3980 2 Req'd Nutrients 156 0 40 0 0 0 0 1 Acres App. Period 15.00 1 8/1-7/31 Supplied By: W-, 4, _ - 4'r. v »+ a ':M "c - CROP Fescue Pasture Starter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commercial Fert. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Soil Series Georgeville j Residual 01 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 RYE Sample Datel 4.8 Tons 1 03-15-13 1 Manurel 1561 01 0 01 01 0 0 0 P Removal Rating 8lbs/ac. ILow I BALANCE 1 01 0 -40 01 01 01 0 -1 NOTE: Symbol * means user entered data. 227053 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 12/31/2014 NMR Page 2 of 2 The Required Soil Test Values shown in the following table provide a summary of recommended actions that should be taken if soil tests indicate excessive levels of copper or zinc. Fields that receive manure must have an ammal soil analysl�" O eeWelements. High levels of zinc and copper can adversely affect plant growth. Alternative crop sites must be used when the concentration of these metals approach excessive levels. Site life can be estimated by dividing the amount of copper and zinc to be applied in lbs/acre by 0.036 and 0.071, respectively and multiplying the result by 0.85. By adding this quantity to the current soil index.for copper or zinc, we can predict life of the site for waste disposal. In addition to copper and zinc indices, this table also provides a summary of lime recommendations for each crop based on the most recent soil sample. Application of lime at recommended rates is necessary to maintain soil pH in the optimum range for crop production . Rmnired Snil Teat Vahiea Tine[ Field Crop pH Lime Recom. ttons/am) Cu-1 Copper Recommendation Zo-I Zinc Recommendation 2161 1 Fescue Pasture 52 13 103 None 176 None 2161 2 Fescue Pastore 4.8 1.4 57 None 106 None 2164 1 Fescue Pastore 5.7 0.4 150 None 205 None 3980 1 Fescue Pastore 5.3 1.0 169 None 268 None 3980 2 Fescue Pasture 5.1 13 89 - None 136 None 227053 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 12-31-2014 STV Page 1 of 1 The Available Waste Storage Capacity table provides an estimate of the number of days of storage capacity available at the end of each month of the plan. Available storage capacity is calculated as the design storage capacity in days minus the number of days of net storage volume accumulated. The start date is a value entered by the user and is defined as the date prior to applying nutrients to the first crop in the plan at which storage volume in the lagoon or holding pond is equal to zero. Available storage capacity should be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to the design storage capacity of the facility. If the available storage capacity is greater than the design storage capacity, this indicates that the plan calls for the application of nutrients that have not yet accumulated. If available storage capacity is negative, the estimated volume of accumulated waste exceeds the design storage volume of the structure. Either of these situations indicates that the planned application interval in the waste utilization plan is inconsistent with the structure's temporary storage capacity. Available Waste Storsoe Canacity Source Name Washwater Tank Waste Design Storage Capacity (Days) Start Date 9/1 120 Plan Year Month Available Storage Capacity (Days) 1 1 89 1 2 98 1 3 120 1 4 120 1 5 89 1 6 59 1 7 80 1 8 120 1 9 120 1 10 120 1 11 90 1 12 59 * Available Storage Capacity is calculated as of the end of each month. 227053 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 12-31-2014 Capacity Page 1 of 1 Required Specifications For Animal Waste Manazement Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste that reaches surface water is prohibited. 2. There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has an agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of the waste, he/she shall provide evidence of an agreement with a landowner, who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the waste production facility to secure an update of the Nutrient Management Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of application, receiving crop type, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based upon soil type, available moisture, historical data, climatic conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of applications for other nutrients. 4. Animal waste shall be applied to land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land eroding at more than 5 tons per acre per year but less than 10 tons per acre per year provided grass filter strips are installed where runoff leaves the field (see USDA, NRCS Field Office Technical Guide Standard 393 -Filter Strips). 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or by disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when there is danger of drift from the land application field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, waste will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When waste is applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding (see "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance). 227053 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 12/31/2014 Specification Page 1 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which -does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor. and flies. 8. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the soil surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste shall be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that the crop is not covered with waste to a depth that would inhibit growth. The potential for salt damage from animal waste should also be considered. 10. Nutrients from waste shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste/nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of the crop or forages breaking dormancy. 11. Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1,1995 shall comply with the following: The outer perimeter of the land area onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a component of a swine farm shall be at least 50 feet from any residential property boundary and canal. Animal waste, other than swine waste from facilities sited on or after October 1,1995, shall not be applied closer that 25 feet to perennial waters. 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet to wells. 13. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned.by the landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 227053 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 12/31/2014 Specification PaRe 2 15. Animal waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways, or wetlands by a discharge or by over -spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted cropland provided the fields have been approved as a land application site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste shall not be applied on grassed waterways that discharge directly into water courses, and on other grassed waterways, waste shall be applied at agronomic rates in a manner that causes no runoff or drift from the site. 16. Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. 17. A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be established on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments, berms, pipe runs, etc.). Areas shall be fenced, as necessary, to protect the vegetation. Vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and other woody species, etc., are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Berms and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage, or discharge. 18. If animal production at the facility is to be suspended or terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan." which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution, and erosion. 19. Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 20. Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption, it should only be applied pre -plant with no further applications of animal waste during the crop season. 21. Highly visible markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. 227053 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 12/31/2014 Specification Page 3 Crop Notes The following crop note applies to field(s): 1, 2 Fescue: Piedmont Adaptation: Well -adapted. In the Piedmont, tall fescue can be planted Aug. 20 to Oct. 10 (best) and Feb. 15 to Mar. 20. For pure -stand broadcast seedings use 20 to 301b/ac.jor drilled use 15 to 20 lb/ac. seed. Use certified seed to avoid introducing weeds or annual ryegrass. Plant seed 0.25" to 0.5" deep for pure stands, 0.25" in mixture with clovers. Soil test for pteplant and maintenance lime, phosphorus, and potassium recommendations. Apply 40 to 60 lb/ac nitrogen at planting for pure stands only. Do not apply N for mixtures with clovers but use proper legume inoculation techniques. Apply 150 to 2001b/ac. N to pure -stand fescue for hay production; reduce N rates by 25% for grazing. Apply N Feb. 1 to Mar. 20 and Aug. 20 to Sept. 30, with equal amounts in each window. Refer to NCSU Technical Bulletin 305 Production and Utilization of Pastures and Forages in North Carolina fdr• additional information or consult your regional agronomist or extension agent for assistance. The following crop note applies to field(s): 1 Fescue: Piedmont Adaptation: Well -adapted. In the Piedmont, tall fescue can be planted Aug. 20 to Oct. 10 (best) and Feb. 15 to Mar. 20. For pure -stand broadcast seedings use 20 to 30 lb/ac., for drilled use 15 to 20 lb/ac. seed. Use certified seed to avoid introducing weeds or annual ryegrass. Plant seed 0.25" to 0.5" deep for pure stands, 0.25" in mixture with clovers. Soil test for preplant and maintenance lime, phosphorus, and potassium recommendations. Apply 40 to 601b/ac nitrogen at planting for pure stands only. Do not apply N for mixtures with clovers but use proper legume inoculation techniques. Apply 150 to 200 lb/ac. N to pure -stand fescue for hay production; reduce N rates by 25% for grazing. Apply N Feb. 1 to Mar. 20 and Aug. 20 to Sept. 30, with equal amounts in each window. Refer to NCSU Technical Bulletin 305 Production and Utilization of Pastures and Forages in North Carolina for additional information or consult your regional agronomist or extension agent for assistance. 612275 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 11-29-2011 Crop Note Page 1 of 1 22. Waste shall �e to ed within 60 days of utilization and soil shall be tested /.S at lea �` at crop sites where waste products are applied. Nitrogen shall be the rate -determining nutrient, unless other restrictions require waste to be applied based on other nutrients, resulting in a lower application rate than a nitrogen based rate. Zinc and copper levels in the soils shall be monitored and alternative crop sites shall be used when these metals approach excessive levels. pH shall be adjusted and maintained for optimum crop production. Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for a minimum of five years. Poultry dry waste application records shall be maintained for a minimum of three years. Waste application records for all other waste shall be maintained for five (5) years. 23. Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets North Carolina regulations. 227053 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 12/31/2014 Specification Page 4 Mortalitv Management Methods (check which method(s) are being implemented) 19� Burial three feet beneath the surface of the ground within 24 hours after knowledge of the death. The burial must be at least 300 feet from any flowing stream or public body of water. L Rendering at a rendering plant licensed under G.S. 106-168.7. ❑ Complete incineration ❑ In the case of dead poultry only, placing in a disposal pit of a size and design approved by the Department of Agriculture, ❑ Any method which in the professional opinion of the State Veterinarian would make possible the salvage of part of a dead animal's value without endangering human or animalhealth. (Written approval of the State Veterinarian must be attached) December 18, 1996 Source Insect Control Checklist for Animal Operations Cause BMPs to Minimise Insects Liquid Svstems Flush Gutters • Accumulation of Solids ❑ Flush system is designed and operated sufficiently to remove accumulated solids from gutters as designed; ❑ Remove bridging of accumulated solids at discharge Lagoons and Pits • Crusted Solids ❑ Maintain lagoons, settling basins and pits where pest breeding is apparent to minimize the crusting of solids to a depth ofno more than 6 - 8 inches over more than 30% of surface. Excessive Vegetative • Decaying vegetation reKlvfaitdaiu vegetative control along banks of lagoons Growth and other impoundments to prevent accumulation of decaying vegetative matter along watets edge on impoundment's p erimeter. Feeders • Feed Spillage ❑ Design, operate and maintain feed systems (e g., bunkers and troughs) to minimize the acc urination go decaying.wy ge- can up SPr all ge on a routine basis (e g, 7 - 10 day interval during summer ,15-30 day interval during winter). Feed Storage • Accumulation of feed residues Reduce moisture accumulation within and around immediate perimeter of feed storage area by insuring drainage away from site and/or providing adequate containment (e g, covered bin for ,brewefs grain and similarhigh moisture grain b- r and remove or break up accumulated solids in filter strips around feed storage as needed. AIvIIC - Nova mber11,1996,Page 1 Site SuecMc Practices EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN P14MM, NT TMRRR S DWQ 334- 97 t - 6 saoa EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM qil SWCD 33`- VS -G+l4a NRCS 336-G29 -+f Y ex! This plan will be implemented in the event that wastes from your operation are leaking, overflowing, or running off site. You should not wait until wastes reach surface waters or leave your property to consider that you have a problem. You should make every effort to ensure that this does not happen. This plan should be posted in an accessible location for all employees at the facility. The following are some action items you should take. Stop the release of wastes. Depending on the situation, this may or may not be possible. Suggested responses to some possible problems are listed below. A. Lagoon overflow -possible solutions are: a. Add soil to berm to increase elevation of dam. b. Pump wastes to fields at an acceptable rate. c. Stop all flows to the lagoon immediately. d. Call a pumping contractor. e. Make sure no surface water is entering lagoon. B. Runoff from waste application field -actions include: a. Immediately stop waste application. b. Create a temporary diversion to contain waste. c. Incorporate waste to reduce runoff. d. Evaluate and eliminate the reason(s) that caused the runoff. e. Evaluate the application rates for the fields where runoff occurred. C. Leakage from the waste pipes and sprinklers -action include: a. Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. c. Close valves to eliminate further discharge. d. Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. D. Leakage from flush systems, houses, solid separators -action include: December 18, 1996 Source Cause BMPS t0 M� Odor site S Lift stations • Agitation during sump tank ruling O Sump tank covers and drawdown End of drainpipes at lagoon Lagoon surfaces • e_ on dum g wastewater • Volitile gas emission; • Biological mixing, • Agitation Irrigation sprinkler nozzles • • High pressure agitation; Wind drift p Extend discharge point ofpipes underneath lagoon liquid level O Proper lagoon liquid capacity, O Correct lagoon startup procedures; O Mmimum surface area -to -volume ratio; O Minimum agitation when pumping, O Mechanical aeration; 9' jiaate on dry days with little or no wind. Minimum recommended operating pressure: O Pump intake near lagoon liauid surface: ❑ -umn from second stage lagoon: Flush residual mature from pipes at end of slurry/sludge pumpings Dead animals • Carcass decomposition A7*�Proper disposition of carcasses Standing water around • Improper drainage; D-'Tyirade and landscape such thatwater drams away facilities • Microbial decomposition of from facilities organic matter Mud tracked onto public • Poorly maintained access roads Farm access road maintenance roads from farm access Additional Information: Available From Cattle Mature Management; .0200 Rule/BMP Packet NCSU, County Extension Center Dairy Educational UnitManure Management System - Lake Wheeler Road Filed Labatory; EBAE 209-95 NCSU - BAB Lagoon Design and Management for Livestock Manure Treatment and Storage; EBAB 103-83 NCSU - BAE Management of Dairy Wastewater EBAE 106-83 NCSU - BAE Calibration of Manure and Wastewater Application Equipment EBAE Fact Sheet NCSU - BAE Nuisance Concerns in Animal Manure Management Odors and Flies; PRO107, 1995 Conference Proceed ings Florida Cooperative Extension AMOC - November 11, 1996, Page 2 a Dairy Farm Waste Management Odor Control Checklist Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices Farmstead • Dairy Production Vegetative or wooded buffers; best management practices; n vuuu u cm: ana common sense surfaces Paved lots or bum alley • Wet manure covered surfaces ❑ crape or flush daily; Promote drying with proper ventilation; Routine checks and maintenance on waterers, hydrants, pipes, stock tanks Bedded areas • Urine; Promote drying with proper ventilation; • Partial microbial decomposition 9,1'5eplace wet or manure -covered bedding Manure dry stacks • Partial microbial decomposition ❑ Provide liquid drainage for stored manure Storage tank or basin • Partial microbial decomposition; ❑ Bottom or mid -level loading; surface 0 Ming while filling; ❑ Tank covers; • Agitation while emptying ❑ Basin surface mats of solids; O�'Minimize lot runoff and liquid additions; Agitate only prior to manure removal, ❑ Proven biological additives or oxidants Settling basin surfaces • Partial microbial decomposition; ❑ Liquid drainage from settled solids, • Mixing while filling; ❑ Remove solids regularly • Agitation while mptvine Manure, slurry, or sludge • Agitation when spreading; ❑ Soil infection of slurry/sludges; spreader outlets • Volatile gas emissions 0­�Wash residual manure from spreader after use; ❑. Provenbiolo'caladditivesorcxidants Uncovered manure, shnry • _ Volatile gas emissions while drying ❑ Soil injection of slurry/sludges; or sludge on field surfaces ❑ S it incorporation within 48 bra; B Spread in thin uniform layers for rapid drying; ❑ Proven biolo "cal additives or oxidants Flush tanks • Agitation of recycled lagoon liquid ❑ Flush tank covers; while tanks are filing ❑ Fxtend fill lines to near bottom of tanks with anti -siphon vents Outside drain collection or • Agitation during wastewater ❑ Box covers AMOC -November 11, 1996, Page 1 Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Insects Site Specific Practices Animal Holding Areas • Accumulations of animal wastes Eliminate low areas that trap moisture along fences and feed wastage and other locations where waste accumulates and disturbance by animals is minimal. M-'Mai� fence rows and filter strip saround animal holding areas to minimize accumulations of wastes (Le. inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids as needed. Dry Manure Handling • Accimmulations of animal wastes Remove spillage on aroutine basis (e.g., 7-10 day Systems interval during summer 15-30 day interval during _ winter) where manure is loaded for land application O PONTgadequate drainage around manure stockpiles. OV Inspect for an remove or break up accumulated wastes in filter ships around stockpiles and manure handling areas as needed. For more information contactthe Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Entomology, Box 7613, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7613 AMC- November 11,1996, Page 2 a. Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. c. Make sure no siphon occurs. d. Stop all flows in the house, flush systems, or solid separators. e. Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. E. Leakage from base or sidewall of lagoon. Often this is seepage as opposed to a. Dig a small sump or ditch away from the embankment to catch all seepage, put in a submersible pump, and pump back to the lagoon. b. Ifholes are caused by burrowing animals, trap or remove animals and fill holes and compact with a clay type soil. c. Have aprofessional evaluate the condition of the side walls and lagoon bottom as soon as possible. 2. Assess the extent of the spill and note any obvious damages. a. Did the waste reach any surface waters? b. Approximately how much was released and for what duration? c. Any damage noted, such as employee injury, fish kills, or property damage? d. Did the spill leave the property? e. Does the spill have the potential to reach surface waters? f. Could a future rain event cause the spill to reach surface waters? g. Are potable water wells in danger (either on or off of the property)? h. How much reached surface waters? Contact appropriate agencies. a. During normal business hours, call your DWQ (Division of Water Quality) regional office; Phone AX-77/-sa . Afterhours, emergency number: 919-733-3942. Yourphone call should include: your name, facility, telephone number, the details of the incident from item 2 above, the exact location of the facility, the location or direction of movement of the spill, weather and wind conditions. The corrective measures that have been under taken, and the seriousness of the situation. b. If spill leaves property or enters surface waters, call local EMS phone number - c. Instruct EMS to contact local Health Department. d. Contact CES, phone numberw- -°X$ -66; local S WCD office phone numbers ?18-d4o and local NRCS office for advice/technical assistance phone number#+ -41t-y4q? ar73 4. If none of the above works call 911 or the Sheriffs Department and explain your problem to them and ask that person to contact the proper agencies for you. 2 December 18, 1996 5. Contact the contractor of your choice to begin repair of problem to minimize off -site damage. a. Contractors Name: ?bw 7 zuix)4 IoN1 ,GNc b. Contractors Address: _ 224,9 LoflLd F4.1cow 4l , Sylldt.t AK I7WO c. Contractors Phone: 3A,- qVZ- Sac 6. Contact the technical specialist who certified the lagoon (MRCS, Consulting Engineer, etc. a. Name: b. Phone: 7. Implement procedures as advised byDWQ and technical assistance agencies to rectify the damage, repair the system, and reassess the waste management plan to keep problems with release of wastes from happening again. December 18, 1996 USDA United States Natural Department of Resources Agriculture Conservation Service WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY SITE EVALUATION GENERAL INFORMATION 1--� Name 0177/YI G/ /i(. e /C-6 n Address P�cal. Ve - 6t# A, Ak, 2-735rb Telephone 'AU 1 392- 2'j 1/f NC-CPA-17 Rev. Dec. 2000 Page 1 of 2 Location 34 ./iii'C�h✓ M' Size of Operation (animal units) LOCATION DATA DISTANCE FROM NEAREST RESIDENCE NOT OWNED BY PRODUCER a, FT -- b DISTANCE FROM NEAREST PUBLIC FACILITY (school, church, etc...) T is-o FT IS SITE WITHIN 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN? YES_ NO-�A_ If yes, NRCS cannot provide assistance. N �• IS SITE AT LEAST 100 FT. FROM A "BLUE LINE" PERENNIAL STREAM? YES /"NG% U5 If no, site must be relocated. a O� DOES SITE MEET MINIMUM STATE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS FROM ANY YES_)- NO�4 �O O WELL? W If no, NRCS cannot provide assistance. w IS SITE WITHIN 1-MILE ZONING JURISDICTION OF A MUNICIPALITY? YES_ NO `- If yes, landowner should consult with a local zoning board about required fi N 4�q permits. Permits must be obtained prior to design approval. s.,-I ARE UTILITY LINES LOCATED IN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA? YES_ NO\ Q l If yes, see Part 503 of the National Engineering Manual for policy, (L (Copies of maps or other reference material may be attached to site evaluation.) . WILL PROJECT INVOLVE CLEARING VEGETATION, IMPROVING DRAINAGE, OR FILLING LOW GROUND? If yes, producer should have a "Certified Wetland Determination" on file for the work site. YES_ NO Producers shall complete forms CPA-038 and AD-1026 to obtain Certified Wetland Determinations, WILL THE PROJECT INVOLVE DIRECT OR INDIRECT MANIPULATION OF WETLAND SOILS, PLANTS, OR HYDROLOGY? YES_NONL IF WETLANDS WILL BE MANIPULATED, HAS THE PRODUCER BEEN ADVISED THAT THEY MUST NOT WORK IN WETLANDS UNTIL THEY HAVE RECEIVED INFORMATION FROM THE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS AND THE NC DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY CONCERNING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS? YES- NO-NRCS WILL PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR PROJECTS IMPACTING WETLANDS ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CIRCUMSTANCES: a.) NRCS has determined that a suitable non -wetland site is not available YES_ NO_ b.) The most practical site for the project involves wetlands. MRCS has determined this site to be most practical considering the change of wetland functions, the suitability of the resource for this project, the costs, and best available technology. The producer, according to a mitigation plan provided or approved by NRCS, shall mitigate unavoidable impacts to wetlands. YES NO ODOR CONTROL HAS ODOR CONTROL BEEN DISCUSSED WITH PRODUCER: PREDOMINANT WIND DIRECTION? YES NO PRE -CHARGING LAGOON WITH FRESH WATER TO AT LEAST V. OF THE CAPACITY? YES NO • USING GOOD SOUND JUDGEMENT IN LAND APPLICATION OF WASTE? YES�,NO_ NC-CPA-17 Rev. Dec. 2000 Page 2 of 2 OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS If the answer to any of the following is YES, NRCS may provide technical assistance according to its General Manual policies. Contact the resource specialist for assistance, if needed. USING THE FOTG LIST OF ENDANGERED & THREATENED SPECIES AS A GUIDE, IS IT OBVIOUS THAT THE SITE PROVIDES HABITAT FOR A LISTED SPECIES? YES NO '--j IS A DESIGNATED NATURAL SCENIC AREA INCLUDED IN THE PLANNING AREA, OR YES_ NO '-, WILL PLANNED ACTIONS IMPACT ON AN ADJACENT NATURAL SCENIC AREA? HAS A CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW BEEN PERFORMED FOR THE AREA, PRIOR TO STARTINO,kNY GROUND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES? YES N NO ARE THERE PRIME, UNIQUE, STATE OR LOCALLY IMPORTANT YES_ NO �14 FARMLANDS IN THE OPERATING UNrF? WILL THE ACTION RESULT IN SODBUSTING? YES_ NOL�Nlv WASTE MANAGEMENT DOES PRODUCER OWN ENOUGH LAND TO PROPERLY APPLY ALL WASTE INCLUDING YES NO SLUDGE, EVEN THOUGH SLUDGE MAY BE ONLY APPLIED INFREQUENTLY? IF NO, DOES PRODUCER HAVE ACCESS TO MORE LAND? YES NO__ IF LAND IS NOT OWNED BY PRODUCER, CAN PRODUCER GET AN AGREEMENT FOR YES NO__ LAND ON WHICH WASTE WILL BE APPLIED? (Attach Waste Utilization Plan to site evaluation.) SOIL INVESTIGATION (VALID ONLY IF SOIL INVESTIGATION SHEET ATTACI IS SOIL SUITABLE FOR LAGOON? IS A LINER REQUIRED? TYPE OF LINER TO BE USED: CLAY BENTONITE SYNTHETIC IF CLAY LINER IS TO BE USED, IS SUITABLE CLAY AVAILABLE ON SITE? IF CLAY IS NOT AVAILABLE ON SITE, DOES LANDOWNER HAVE ACCESS TO CLAY? IS A CORE TRENCH REQUIRED? (Attach soil investigation sheet to site evaluation.) IS SUBSURFACE DRAIN TILE PRESENT? (If yes, tile must be removed or plugged.) SITE APPROVED COMMENTS YES —NO — YES —NO — YES —NO — YES —,NO — YES —NO — ` /V YES _ NO_ NO CONDITIONAL This site investigation is valid for twelve months from the date shown below. If construction has not been started within twelve months,aa new site investigation will be required. /I Signature /'// / ZJ Date ' " Changes in the local or state law or changes in the standard could require a new site investigation. Blackwood, Randy - NRCS, Asheboro, NC From: Joshi, J.R. <jayajoshi@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2014 8:27 AM To: Blackwood, Randy - NRCS, Asheboro, NC Cc: Rosebrock, Melissa Subject: RE: Tommy Welch Permit Application Randy, Just checking back if you had a chance to work the Tommy Welch plan yet. This application has been in house for a long time now. I am anxious to get it issued. I will appreciate an update. Thanks I _..... .............._ ....... ...... _. ......._..... .. _ __... .. ......... ....... .. .......... From: Blackwood, Randy - NRCS, Asheboro, NC [mailto:Randy.Blackwood@nc.usda.gov] Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 8:47 AM To: Joshl, J.R. Subject: RE: Tommy Welch Permit Application I am still at the mercy of IT to hopefully get my computer running again without having to completely rebuild. The reason this matters is Tommy's waste plan is on that hard drive, otherwise I will to re -write the entire plan. They say by early next week they will have either fixed or determined it can' be fixed and I start writing his plan over then. _._ . ....._......... From. Joshi, J.R. rmailto jaya.ioshl@ncdenr.aov] Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 8:36 AM To: Blackwood, Randy - NRCS, Asheboro, NC Subject: RE: Tommy Welch Permit Application Randy, Just following up on this package. Were you going to send any modifications to this package. I will like to get this one completed. Thanks. __.... ... ......... .—......_................... ......_.._....... __..........-...... ._.._-_ .._.._.............. ......... ..... _.__........_........... ......... ....._ From: Blackwood, Randy - NRCS, Asheboro, NC [mailto:Randy.Blackwoodanc.usda gov] Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 12:14 PM To: Rosebrock, Melissa; Taylor, Lin - NRCS, Albemarle, NC; Josh[, J.R. Subject: RE: Tommy Welch Permit Application Sorry for a the slow response to the below questions — my computer got fried last week and I'm now using a loaner with none of the needed software. I will try to get you the needed corrections just as quickly as possible. Some things I can answer without the software: 1. 1 can say that the language is hard -coded into the software so I can't change through the software — best I can do is pen and ink changes and write in the correct info. 2. The field is in the WUP, it is pasture, and no, it does not have any exclusion fence. 3. Irrigation was considered at the beginning and may happen again in the future but the honey wagon is the only application method for the liquid at this time. I can remove if necessary if too many choices are making things confusing. 4. Not sure why I selected incineration, but I will remove and re -submit. 5. 1 will re -submit the site evaluation form —the original tank site changed and we did not adjust the form accordingly. J.R sent a more recent email noting there is a negative value in tank storage for July, not sure where I messed up the application rates/dates but as soon as my computer/software is fixed I will re -run the numbers and correct. Randy From: Rosebrock, Melissa[mailto:melissa.rosebrock(bncdenr.ci I Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 4:57 PM To: Blackwood, Randy - NRCS, Asheboro, NC; Josh], J.R.; Taylor, Lin - NRCS, Albemarle, NC Subject: Tommy Welch Permit Application Greetings to you all, I've looked over the permit package submittal for TBW Cattle (Welch Livestock) and the application and supporting documents look to be very comprehensive. I have a much greater appreciation for all of the engineering work that went into this project. No telling what this would have cost had Tommy had to pay a commercial consultant company. Cudos to Randy and Lin That said, I have some questions that I'm hoping you can clear up for me. Some are minor: 1. In a couple places in the WUP (towards the front and on page 4 of the specifications) it states that the soil analysis is performed annually. As you may not know, the legislature passed a law (statute) changing the wording to "every three years." I realize that you use a template, but the CAWMP/WUP is incorporated into the permit and thus becomes a requirement. Is there a way to change this? Or add it somewhere? See link http://www.ncleg.net/Sessions/2013/Bills/Senate/PDF/`S205v4.pdf 2. There Is a 32.4 acre field (Field 1 Tract ?) with an apparent stream through it. Is this an application field? It's labeled as pasture, Are cattle excluded from stream? 3. Is there an irrigation drawing? The O&M for Storage Tank #1 lists both a 3500 gallon tank spreader and irrigation equipment. 4. The mortality checklist lists "Incineration" as acceptable. I thought this was only permissible for birds or pigs? Could alternately "check" the box that states "any other method approved by state vet." 5. The Site evaluation completed in 2010 states that the site is NOT at least 100 ft, from a blue line stream and that the site does NOT meet setbacks from wells. Is this correct? Did you mean to check "yes" instead? That's all I found. Please excuse me if I read something wrong or couldn't locate the info or overlooked it. Thanks for everyone's work on this. Melissa Melissa Rosebrock NCDENR - Division of Water Resources 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Office: 336.771.5000*........ *AFTER OCTOBER IS, 2014please call336.413.7073 Mobile: 336.813.7084 Notice: Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the NC Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Cutts, .Tommy- NRCS, Raleigh, NC From: Cutts, Tommy - NRCS, Raleigh, NC Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 8:12 AM To: Taylor, Lin - NRCS, Albemarle, NC Cc: Malton, Jill - NRCS, Salisbury, NC; Ruch, Terri - NRCS, Raleigh, NC; 'T. T. Cutts (tommy.cutts@nc.usda.gov)' Subject: Approval, Tommy Welch Waste Storage facility Lin, The submitted design, drawings and specifications for the Tommy Welch concrete tank waste storage facility in Randolph Co. have been approved. The approved drawing, along with your submitted supporting data, have been mailed to your office. I'm still concerned about the potential for differential settlement under the tank as the plan shows about 2.5 ft. of fill under one side of the tank and the other side of the tank is placed on original material. We may want to increase the foundation excavation 1 to 2 ft. on the East side of the structure to provide a more uniform foundation condition. If this is needed, it will be a very minor adjustment during construction, based upon your observation and analysis of the foundation material actually encountered as excavation is completed to planned grade. This decision will need to be made "on site" prior to the placement and compaction of the foundation earthfill material. This required field inspection is adequately covered in your Inspection Plan. As you know, this is the first time we have used this type of concrete tank in NC. Please keep us advised of the proposed construction schedule and status of the work. If practical, I would like to see the foundation area, the proposed fill material, and other critical elements of the structure, as time permits. I anticipate that you plan to encourage the landowner to have a preconstruction conference with you and the contractor prior to the start of construction. I feel that is very important on this job. You need to also be sure the landowner and construction contractor fully understand the responsibility that NRCS has for inspection and Certification of the completed work. I know this has been a difficult and unusual site and think you have done a good job of putting this plan and design together. Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks again for a good job. Thomas T. Cutts, P.E.r/ SCE NRCS-USDA Raleigh, NC 919-873-2127 United States Department of Agriculture o MRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service R. Lin Taylor, Civil Engineering Technician 530 West Innes Street. Phone: (704) 982-6811 x108 Salisbury, North Carolina 28144 December 20, 2011 Subject: ENG- Tommy welch Waste Storage Facility - Concrete Tank Request for Design Review & Approval Randolph County Tommy Cutts NC State Conservation Engineer NRCS-Raleigh State Office Raleigh, North Carolina Attached is the design for the Tommy Welch Waste Storage Facility - Concrete Tank. This job is Engineering Class V due to wall height. Area 2 Engineering staff does not have approval authority for this practice. Please review this package for approval. if you have questions or need additional assistance on this job please let me know. Thanks for your assistance with this job. R. Lin Taylor Civil Engineering Technician Cc: Jill Malton Helping People Help the Land An Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer United States Department of Agriculture o MRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service R. Lin Taylor, Civil Engineering Technician 26032-C Newt Road Phone: (704) 982-6811 Albemarle, North Carolina 28001 Fax: (704) 982-6301 E-mail: Lin.Taylor@nc.usda.gov Tommy Welch Farm Randolph Co. Waste Storage Facility — Concrete Tank Engineering Packet Table of Contents: 1. Operation Narrative 2. Location Map 3. Approved Distance Exemption Request for Waste Storage facilities 4. Waste Storage Facility (Drystack) sizing a. Sizing Calculations — Hand b. Sizing Calculations —Animal Waste Management Software version 2.4 c. .Design and specifications (this practice has been constructed and plans are in customer folder) Waste Storage Facility Concrete Tank a. Sizing calculations — Hand b. Sizing calculations and 0&M guidelines -Animal Waste Management Software version 2.4 c. Soils Investigation (includes summary, location map, aerial map with Test Pit locations shown, test pit descriptions) d. Drawing (Sheet 1) — Control Point locations e. Drawing (Sheet 2) — Plan View showing Concrete Tank Location f. PA28 Design Guide 6 (Sheet 3) g. PA28 Design Guide 7 (Sheet 4) h. PA28 Design Guide 8 (Sheet 5) 1. Construction specification for Waste Storage Facility— Concrete Tank J. . Concrete Specification k. Nonmetallic Waterstop Specification I. __Wm ,- E Plan SE,cozrob SPf4FIciv;5PAIs m. Drawing (Sheet 6) — Concrete Tank Plan View with Dimensions n. Drawing (Sheet 7) — PA-028G No Machinery Loading Allowed o. Drawing (Sheet 8) — PA-023 Slab Corner Details p. Drawing (Sheet 9)—Tank Plan and Profile q. Drawing (Sheet 10) —Trailer Wash Solids Separator r. Flow calculations for pipe to tank (includes Hydraulic Software Printout) s. Solid Separator Riser Weir Flow Capacity ( From Hydraulic Software Printout) t. Orifice Analysis ( Includes printouts from Hydraulic Software) u. Grading Estimates 6. Waste Utilization Plan Tommy Welch Farm Randolph County, NC Operation Narrative The Tommy Welch Farm is located west of Millikan Road in Sophia, North Carolina. The operation handles beef cattle. Most of the cattle are purchased at various weights; raised and vaccinated for trucking to farms in other states. The livestock weights vary from 150 lbs. to 800lbs. Mr. Welch and North Carolina Division of Water Quality have agreed upon a stocking rate for permitting of 450 head with Steady State Live Weight (SSLW) of 500 lbs. All waste management designs and utilization plan are developed based on these carrying capacities. The cattle are housed inside two large barns with stalls in them. The outside lots behind the barns are split into 6 fenced lots for loafing, exercise, and separating groups of cattle. The farm also has some pastures where groups of cattle use for_gra�zing. The solid waste from the barns is cleaned out with skid steer loader.and hauled to a newly constructed 40' x 80' x 5' Dr�,Stack Waste StoraraFacili y. The size (see sizing calculations) of this facility is based ofL60-cla ;torage-perioq since there is available land to apply the waste from this facility. A plan to capture roof runoff from the barns using gutters and catch basins, to pipe the watery\�a underground thru the lots behind the barns. Designs for these measures have been provided to Mr.�� Welch to be installed. These measures will minimize the water on the lots to just direct rainfall. The other wastewater on the farm is from a trailer wash facility. Presently, a concrete wash pad with no curbing catches waste and water and directs it to a slope where the wastewater flows down slope to a small holding pond. The sizing of the holding pond is not adequate to properly store the wastewater until land application. A new design for a properly sized Waste Storage Facility — Concrete tank along with a solid separation basin is being installed to catch wash water, separate solids and pipe to the Concrete tank. The concrete tank has been sized f r10 20 day storage. Land is avails a or waste application (see waste utilization plan). --^ Operator: Tommy Welch Owner: same Fann(s) - Tract(s) - Randolph, NC - SWCD Date Prepared: 3/6/2014 Conservation Plan Map Map use: Conservation Planning 1 inch=7,920 feet 0 1 2 FRIIIIIIIIIIIII Miles USDA RD Operator: Tommy Welch Owner: same Farm(s) - 2833 Tract(s) - 3980 Randolph, NC - SWCD Date Prepared: 3/6/2014 WtC CaB GeC2 Conservation Plan Map Map use: Conservation Plaming 1 inch=400 feet 0 250 500 Feel GeB2 3 GeB2 a o � 1 D8 a'O 5 16.8 ac 6 5.5 ac W+ USDA PL Fields hayland .'.�.. pastureland forestland ,headquarters / f 9 }J i� 1 Ah, ,+ ; r! 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I Gr' �r � { µ r� r ;`f �,rS 1 '�� 1 Y J. t >` t ` yam -h yl �,+i o `r'l 1 �� 1 +• , �` i ''l -1 w t 7 y y� ��)��{'!vr ih. •�(i.t ::�l (i� 1 t•2J• � �� ,.�},.�.J , y.. � � , '� ! ; , ,1�, u 1 t A•1 J �C] �.I` fi'V111.L7, �' ir.},hi1�^+'+'l� i t 0 r Ur l s - �')SJ9'.art{.t00 c;:,y1 ���.�.1 .: :•.11.°.c 'rur �, v3%Lh.•.i 5 1..11._J I _h__-. 1)� L�� Operator: Tommy Welch Owner: same Farm(s) - 819, 4101 Tract(s) - 2161, 2164 Randolph, NC - SWCD Date Prepared: 3/6/2014 Conservation Plan Map Map use: Coruervation Planning 1 inch = 400 feet 0 250 500 Feet USDA o J o G ID 0 J J 3 Joy 'Jo J°o o'Jo JoJWtB ••.`:;w � oJJJ'P o'J W J oJ' of aJo Mac J J � , J o Rn - C e 2 G MaD Fields (105 hayland pastureland forestland Q� headquarters � L�iC. i 3 � 1 FYI „fJl� JJ 1 < 1 r � YiJ(p� •a, i 9 u 4 I I' ' ' w t P 't. j' United States Oepahmesk of Agriculture 0 MRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service 530 West Innes St. 704-637-2400 Salisbury, NC 28144 704-637-8077 — Fax August 20, 2010 Subject: ENG —Tommy Welch Waste Storage Facility Distance Exemption Request Randolph County Randy Blackwood District Conservationist Natural Resources Conservation Service Asheboro, North Carolina Approval is granted to proceed with providing assistance to Tommy Welch for construction of a beef stocker operation waste storage facility. This structure is being exempted from the distance criteria of Practice Standard 313 based on the notarized consent agreement from the adjacent landowner. This structure is being installed as an integral part of the waste management system for Mr. Welch's beef stocker operation. Ang la Little (/ Assistant State Conservationist cc: Jill Malton Concurrence to Exemption: State Conservation Engineer The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides leadership in a partnership clTort to help people conscrve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment. M Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer Waste Storage Facility Drystack Sizing Calculations The following calculations determine the size of the Waste Storage Facility for solid waste. Size operation per NC Division of Water Quality for permitting = 450 head @ steady state live weight of 500 lbs. From the National Engineering Handbook Part 651 Animal Waste Management Field Handbook page 4- 15, Table 4-8 Waste Volume Confined calf 450-750 lb. = 1.2 ft3/day/1000 lb. Animal Unit (AU) 450 head x 500 Ibs each = 225,000 pounds 125,000/1000 Ibs per AU = 225 Animal Units (AU) 1.2 ft3/day/AU x 225 AU = 270 ft3 waste/day 270 ft3/day x 60 day storage = 16,200 ft3 waste produced For Drystack 40 feet wide x 5 feet high wall — Determine Length 40' wide x 5' high = 200 ft2 16,200 ft3/200 ftZ = 81 feet To accommodate post spacing and account for slope of the waste with 6' stacking height in the center rounded down to 5' wall height, use 80 feet long. Drystack building dimensions to be 40 feet wide x 80 feet lone z 5 feet h Calculatioi Checked AWM Solids Stacking Facility Data for: Tommy Welch Designed by: R L Taylor Facility ............................... Storage Period .................. Manure .............................. Bedding.............................. Dry Stack (Covered)#1 2 Months 16,740 Cubic Feet 0 Cubic Feet Total Volume to Store ........ 16,740 Cubic Feet Total Volume of Facility.... T 5.0 ft l 18,464 Cubic Feet AWM Version: 2.4.0 DB: 2.80 Monday, December 19, 2011 Page 1 of 1 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES for Dry Stack (Covered) #1 Landowner: Tommy Welch Designed by: R L Taylor This solids storage facility will store up to 16740 cubic feet of solid manure and bedding. The liquid portion of the material (including wash water and lot runoff will have to be handled in a liquid storage facility or vegetative treatment area. Typically, periodic scraping of manure is required to move the material Into the storage facility. Bedding, or similar material, may need to be added to tine manure in order for it to stack to the design height of S feet. To allow time for land applying the material, consider the following. This structure is sized for 2 months storage. If the facility was emptied and land applied using a 300 cu. ft. spreader, it would i take approximately 5�5.8 /pads. Assuming 2 loads per hour, a total of 27.9 hoursmay be required. Ground conditions must be evaluated prior to spreading. Irreversible compaction problems and damage to underground drainage systems may result from the excessive weight of a loaded spreader. Caution should be exercised to insure that the material does not run or wash offfrom the land. Consult you Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) for application rates and dates. AWM Version: 2.4.0 DB: 2.80 Monday, December 19, 2011 Page I of I Waste Storage Facility Concrete Tank Sizing Calculations The following calculations determine the size of the Waste Storage Facility for trailer wash. Based on.Randolph County NRCS field office staff observations: 600 gallons water/wash and using 2 washes per week = 1200 gallons per week (see email) 1200 gals. per week/7 days = 172 gallons per day 172 gallons per day x 120 day storage = 20,640 gallons with no runoff or precipitation added. Additional runoff limited to 60 feet by 16 feet concrete wash pad and solid separator basin = 960 ft2 See Animal Waste Management reports for complete design and sizing using volume and areas from above. Calculations I Checked by Taylor, Lin - NRCS, Albemarle, NC From: Blackwood, Randy -Asheboro, NC Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 3:44 PM To: Taylor, Lin - Salisbury, NC Cc: Malton, Jill - Salisbury, NC; Vance, Christine -Asheboro, NC Subject: Tommy Welch update Attachments: P1010001.JPG Lin; Christine and I just.got back from Tommy's watching them wash out a trailer. I have attached a picture of the washing nozzlejthey are using - explains the gallons used and they only had to run water for erm nwfes«—Ne have decided that using an average wash quantity of 600 gallons per wash and 2 washes per week.= 1200 gal/wk x 25 weeks = 30000 gallons / 7.48 cuft/gal = 4010 cuft. A tank about IS' x 28' x 8'. This is for an approximate 180 days of storage. I feel we could get by, with much less and still meet the permitting requirements say more like 120 days or 17 weeks, so: 1200 gal/wk x 17 Wks = 20,400 gals / 7.48 cuff/gal = 2725 cuft A tank about 14' x 24' x 8'. This assumes he never pumps out th'e tank at any point. I realize these alcul"atioris-do-not-account-for-rai'nwater-or-freeboard-but-on-a-tank-this-small-. swill -not -drastically -alter -the -size. Tommy and his friend who does concrete have loosely designed this thing - actually sounded pretty good. I was hoping you could call him either tomorrow or Monday and see if we can get this design hammered out, I need to get the money obligated soon. Also, if this tank works out we will need different contract items/quantities and drop several others. I will be leaving for Oklahoma on Sunday and gone all week - Christine is familiar with the project. I will have my computer with me next week if you need to contact me. His cell is 336-382-2549 Randy Blackwood NRCS - Asheboro FO 847 Curry Dr. Asheboro, NC 27205 Phone: 336-629-4449 ext 3 1 J11 YOU � *�:'?`kA= . . . . . . . . . . . Taylor, Lin - NRCS, Albemarle, NC From: Josh!, J.R. Uaya.joshi@ncdenr.gov) Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 7:17 AM To: Taylor, Lin - Salisbury, NC Cc: Rosebrock, Melissa; Larick, Keith; Christine Blanton Lawson Subject: RE: Freeboard Lin, We have reviewed your documents and discussed if any additional storage is needed under item (g) on page 313-3 of the Waste Storage Facility Standards for the proposed concrete tank. Because this is a truck wash facility and you have better control over the volume of water entering this structure, we concur with your assessment that no additional storage is required under item (g) for this structure. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks. From: Taylor, Lin - Salisbury, NC [mailto:Lin.TaylorCalnc.usda.govj Sent: Friday, October 08, 2010 11:24 AM To: Josh], J.R. Cc: Malton, Jill - Salisbury, NC Subject: RE: Freeboard J.R. We are using and referencing the same version for Practice Standard 313 datedFebruary 2009. 1 have attached the planned output for the concrete tank and have lettered the sections of volume shown on. printout and their corresponding letter in the standard under Design Storage Volume starting on page 313-2 and continuing on page 313- 3. I hope this provides a clearer picture of our plan. I have also attached a.copy of a drawing for the tank that will be adapted for our use in North Carolina for the structural design of the tank. This drawing allows for backfili heights at the tank of 2-5 feet. I have not completed my design, but am planning on trying to fit with 3 feet backfill which will have 5 feet of wall above ground. We are using the 750 foot setback, but landowner has requested and received an exception to the rule approved by ASTC-FO with concurrence by the State Conservation Engineer as per the standard. Thanks for your assistance, and if you have any other questions, please let me know. From: Joshl, J.R. (mailto:jaya.josh0ncdenr.govl Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 2:06 PM To: Taylor, Lin - Salisbury, NC Subject: RE: Freeboard Lin, I think the references in your message refer to the older version of Code 313. 1 probably have the latest version and have attached if for your reference here. And, while I wait for everyone's input, there are a couple of things that I would like to request for clarity: 1. A cross -sectional view of the concrete tank showing depths and position in relation to the ground (above or below ground and by how much). 2. The setbacks (buffers) you plan to have 300 ft or 750). We probably have eve'ryone's inputs by Monday. Thanksl From: Taylor, Lin . Salisbury, NC [mailto•Lin.Taylor(anc.usda.govl Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 20103:17 PM To: Joshi, J.R. Cc: Malton, Jill - Salisbury, NC; Blackwood, Randy -'Asheboro, NC; Ruch, Terri - RALEIGH; NC Subject: Freeboard Jaya, NRCS is working on a design for an operation to be permitted in Randolph County. This is an existing cattle operation that has not been permitted before but is being required to obtain permit. One unique aspect of this operation is cattle are hauled to other locations and states using Tractor Trailers. Once the trailers are on the headquarters site they are . washed out using a high volume pump and hose that is reduced at the outlet end to create higher pressure and lower volume. The water is presently flowing to a small pond constructed by the operator to store and land apply. The volume of this pond is very small and will not meet any standards we are using. To replace this pond we are proposing using a.concrete pad with curbing that flows to acaUzctiozvd solid se arat!on area and then liquid is piped to'a concrete storagetank(uncovered . e ave run some preliminary numbers @ 120 day storage to size the Loncrete Tank but have a question. Based on NRCS Practice Code 313 — Waste Storage Facility, we are including volumes for items (a-f) on pages 313-2 and 313-3 of the standard. Based on the additional criteria for fabricated structures on page 313-7 of the practice standard, there is not a requirement for 1 foot of additional freeboard as is required for.an embankment unless it is to meet item (g) on page 313-3 as may be required to meet regulatory requirements.. I am not aware of any additional regulatory requirements, but wanted to run this by the animal permitting section to make sure. The start pump elevation in tank will allow storage.for the 25,year, 24 hour precipitation event. If you would provide mean answer to the freeboard question, it will be greatly appreciated.. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thanks for your assistance in this matter. Lin Taylor Civil Engineering Technician Salisbury, North Carolina 704-637-2400 - office 7047754-2175 - cell lin.taylor@nc.usda. gov ARM Tank Data for: Tommy Welch Designed by: R L Taylor Facility ................ Uncovered Rectangular Storage Tank #1 Storage Period .................. 4 Months Wash Water ........................ 2,805 Cubic Feet 20,981 Gallons Manure & Extr Precip........ 0 Cubic Feet 0 Gallons Bedding .............................. 0 Cubic Feet 0 Gallons Flush Water ........................ 0 Cubic Feet 0 Gallons Normal Rain and 25Yr-24Hr Storm Runoff from Drainage Area .......... Normal Rain less Evap plus 25Yr-24Hr Storm on tank surface area .......... Total Volume to Store ........ Ramp Volume (if present)... Structural Volume (includes ramp i(present) Depth= 8.0 Feet 1,500 Cubic Feet 805 Cubic Feet 11,220 Gallons 6,020 Gallons 5,110 Cubic Feet 38,221 Gallons 0 Cubic Feet 5,456 Cubic Feet PtIinimumFreeboar3'=--7 a U 0.0 Feet 25Yr-2411r5tonn Precipitation=Lk50—Teel 25Yr-24Hr S tonn Runoff = 0.67 Feel 120DayPrecip-Evap= 0.68 Feet Runoff from Normal Precipitation= 1.52 Feet Washwater= 4.12 Feel Nlanure= 0.00 Feet gedding= 0.00 Feet Permanent 5tora¢e= 0.50Feet Length 31.0 Feet — Width = 22 Feet AWM Version: 2.4.0 DB: 2.80 Monday, December 19, 2011 Page 1 of 1 Storaee Tank #1 8.0 T 1 31.0 fl OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES for Storage Tank #1 Landowner: Tommy Welch Designer! by: R L Taylor Tlyds lank is designed using calculations thatasstnnne no machinery !orating to be applled io the concrete walls. Maximum earthen backfnll height is S feet high, Care must be taken to KEEPALL EQUIPMENT at least S feet from the tank. Tlnis includes equipment such as tractor and /tottey tvagott. Tank will be fenced at least S feet horizontal from tank wall with minimum 3 strands offence drat will deter entry by hrannans and animals. Warning signs stall be posted on fence "No envy except far authorized personnel' Tank is designed to contain all of the waste and water that is'generated froth fire taller washout and solid separation facility. Care should be exerciser! so that foreign objects or frozetn material are evcharled front One facility. Solids froth the solid separator will be removed and stared ht the rtrystack until land application. Crain dar-materials such as lirnestone and sand will settle to the bottont and can cause problems with agitation processes and with equipment. Tanks experience sane biological activity and can generate extremely toxic gases. Extreme care sliorrlal be exercised tvhetr working arotatd a tank tltat contains anitatat wastes. Signs should be posted and adequate ventilation is mandatory, particularly when the facility is being emptied Adequate time needs to be allocated for emptying the tank. This tank is designed for 4 mmtUrc of storage, containing 38221 Lallans of water annal lhiiiied solid waste. Prior to emptying file tank, it should be adequately agitated Additional agitation may be treeded daring the emptying process. Using n S00 allon tank spreader and all average haul time of I loads per /roam, approximately 10 loads and 1 to ere aired to empty the tank. Using irrigation equipttrerrt prnnpittg 100 gallon per minute, emptying the tank woalal require approximately L hours ofpanping lone Refer to your Nutrient Matagetnterrt Plan,for field specific application rates and/or amounts to be applied and dales to be applied AIFAJ Version: 2.4.0 DB: 2.80 fferinesrlay, Jammy 04, Page I oft USDA i United States Subject: Tommy Welch Concrete Tank Department of Agriculture $ Geolo is Investigation Randolph County, North Carolina Natural Resources Conservation To: Lin Taylor, Civil En 5' r Engineering Technician Service USDA-NRCS 530 West Innes Street 4407 Bland Rd. Suite 117 Salisbury, NC 28144 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919)873-2128 FAX(919)873-2157 Date: September 6, 2011 File 210 Code: On August 30, 2011 a geologic investigation was conducted on a concrete storage tank for the Tommy Welch semi -trailer washing location. The purpose of the investigation was to review the soils in this area of the proposed concrete tank. Summary: The area appears to be a suitable location for constructing a concrete storage tank. These are residual soils and should have sufficient strength to support a structure of this nature. Location: The site is located at 35e 48' 37.55"N 79e 51' 45.82' W in Randolph County, North Carolina. See Figure 1 for a Location Map of the site. The site is located in the Southern Piedmont Land Resource Area (136) of North Carolina. Geologically, the site is located in the Carolina Slate Belt (CZfv) of North Carolina. The soils that formed u1 these metamorphic rocks generally belong to the Mecklenburg and Wynott-Eason compex Soil Series. Procedures: The proposed site is located downslope of a semi -trailer washing facility. Five (5) test pits were excavated with a Ford 555C backhoe to investigate the site. See Figure 2 for a plan view and test pit location map. Generally, the test holes were excavated to a depth of three to five feet. The tests holes were inspected visually, major soil layers were identified and the layers were classified using the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). See attached field logs for a detailed description of each test pit. Field Findings: The test holes were excavated in the area of the concrete storage tank. The soils in this area are composed of layers of silts (ML), few lean clays (CL) and The Natural Resources Conservation Service works hand -in -hand with the American people to conserve natural resources on private land AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER silty saprolites (ML) and silty sand saprolites (SM). See attached log forms for a graphic display of the test pits. Interpretation Of Results: Generally, the surface layer is composed of a thin nonplastic silt (ML). The subsurface layer is composed of nonplastic silts (ML) that quickly change into silty saprolite (ML) layers. With depth, the soil profile becomes a silty saprolite (ML) and in areas a sandy saprolite. These residual layers are very hard and dense. Pocket penetrometer readings of the upper two feet of the soil profile ranges in values from 2 to over 4.5 tons per squre foot for the unconfined compressive strength of the soil. The saprolite was far denser than the capacity of the Pocket Penotrometer with the foot barely marking the lower portion of the test pit walls. Torvane testing was conducted on the subsoil layer in Test Pit 1. Values of 4.0 tons per square foot were recorded in three separate tests. The subsurface layer was too shallow and too hard or dense to conduct Torvane tests in Test Pits 2, 3 and 4. The NRCS, Conservation Practice Standard, Waste Storage Facility (Code 313) has Table 2 - Presumptive Allowable Bearing Stress Values for estimating or assessing the stress value in earth materials. Based on Table 2, the soil profile from surface layer to a depth of 1 to 3 feet, the value is estimated to be in the 2,000 to 3,000 psf range. The silty subsoil materials would have an estimated value of 3,000 psf. This area is located in the Carolina Slate Belt which is metamorphic sedimentary rock. Highly weathered metamorphic rocks (saprolite) are not considered in this table. A saprolite material would have an estimated allowable stress value of at least 6,000 psf according to Table 2. The soils in the area of the proposed dry stack appear suitable for constructing a concrete storage tank. These residual piedmont soils should have sufficient strength. The subsoil materials quickly become a silty saprolite that should withstand the anticipated loads of the concrete tank and liquid wastes. The proposed site should be graded to divert rain water and hillside runoff from flowing onto the structure. If you have any questions or comments, please give me a call. Kim Kroeger Geologist cc: Thomas Cutts, State Conservation Engineer, Raleigh, NC Randy Blackwood, District Conservationist, Asheboro, NC Jill Malton, Supervisory Civil Engineer, Salisbury, NC Operator(s): Tommy Welell Owner: same Randolph, NC - SWCD Farm(s) - Tract(s) - Date Prttered• 8/25/2011 Conservation Plan Map Map use: Conservation Planning 1 inch equals 5,280 feet �J Miles 0 0.5 1 I+ 9 Pmpercd wish enismnce arum: 0 N RCS AV r 4 t. �1� aC• � ,1 i[-�iqk CL c t RI 1 I L .•\ RI 1 r - 1 +� I��i �.��i FI•t L� I,�Y7a It 4, ej T t�•'ti'�'Q�y�a��l`d1�� r � t '• r "Y ra r'7' � y R'_ "7+r li1�` 1 t �L1 i.ytlp lti�' it ("r %"rY�it6 ,fir j�. �l }�-.�111 III •.i D I e m II 1"Si9'1 •�. 1 •! 7���f S 4 llr l,j;.� II"� � b•'j� 1{,' � 1 A '- 1� � W,j� �`•�''"i- h+ q`.^rf {�+' r ,1 �r si 1 1 lr' � ,� tlf kilYl i. ,}y';q jr•:'V i � Y hi � �� { { 4 J YI IDS b •i . 1 (b,y �1 4� 11 NN I��.: 11 1 '� l�l• IT I •� 1 ��<'•��'. t e�•�'L✓ I�Ip �.$}.��' Ihi r' ` 1 � t�'1 k�l��f} ie 3Lti�'', s .,1 �'i�h i 2"-. 1rt'Lllryyi�j` 'ray, J� • �,! n IF 1{ 1�! 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L�l�ld.{e t 1S t _ a., n+_"� J USDA-NRCS TEST PIT NUMBER TP-1 4407 BLAND ROAD, SUITE 117 PAGE 1 OF 1 USDA RALEIGH, NC 27609 Telephone: 919-873-2128 CS Fax: 919-873-2157 CLIENT Lin Taylor PROJECT NAME Tommy Welch Concrete Waste Holding Tank PROJECT NUMBER 3601 Milliken Road Sophia NC 27350 PROJECT LOCATION Randolph County NC DATE STARTED 8/30/11 COMPLETED 8/30111 GROUND ELEVATION 701.5 R TEST PIT SIZE 2' Bucket EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Land Owner GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD Backhoe AT TIME OF EXCAVATION -- LOGGED BY KGK CHECKED BY AT END OF EXCAVATION — NOTES NAD 1983 Stateplane 3200 Ft US 751032.1, 1744229.9 AFTER EXCAVATION — w �W N = c w m TESTS O g- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Lu z O N 0 SILT, (ML) 10 % sand, 90 % fines, light brown, dry, hard, non plastic ML PP 4.5, 4.5, 4.5 tsf 1 1,3 700.2 SILT, (ML) 10 % sand, 90 % fines, brown, dry, very hard, non plastic PP = 4.5, 4.5, 4.2 let ML Torvane 4.0, 4.0, 4.0 2 2.1 699.4 SILT, (ML) 10 % sand, 90 % fines, brown, dry, very hard, blocky, non plastic 3 PP>4.5 tsf ML I i I 4 4.0 697.5 SILT, (ML) 10 % sand, 90 % fines, tannish brown, dry, very hard, non plastic ML 4.5 697.0 Refusal at 4.5 feet. Bottom of test pit at 4.5 feet. i i USDA-NRCS TEST PIT NUMBER TP-2 4407 BLAND ROAD, SUITE 117 PAGE 1 OF 1 USDA RALEIGH, NC 27609 3-2128 N RCS Fax: 919-873-2157 CLIENT Lin Taylor PROJECT NAME Tommy Welch Concrete Waste Holding Tank PROJECT NUMBER 3601 Milliken Road, Sophia, NC 27350 PROJECT LOCATION Randolph County, NC DATE STARTED 8/30/11 COMPLETED 8/30111 GROUND ELEVATION 694.4 ft TEST PIT SIZE 1' Bucket EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Land Owner GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD Backhoe AT TIME OF EXCAVATION -- LOGGED BY KGK CHECKED BY AT END OF EXCAVATION — NOTES NAD 1983 Stateplane 3200 Ft US 751029.9, 1744192.7 AFTER EXCAVATION — w �m Cd a ai x0 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a Z (0 r4 0 SILT, (ML) 10 % sand, 90 %fines, dark brown, dry, stiff, non plastic, Fill Mixture of sills and organics ML 1 1.2 693.2 SILT, (ML) 10 % sand, 90 % fines, brown, dry, hard, blocky, non plastic, Blocky structure with dark staining. Blocks range from 2" x 3" x 8" to 2" x 5" x 11". ML 2 2.0 692.4 SILT, (ML) 10 % sand, 90 % fines, brown, dry, very hard, non plastic 3 ML 4 4.2 690.2 Refusal at 4.2 feet. Bottom of test pit at 4.2 feet. USDA TEST PIT NUMBER TP-3 44 07 BLAND ROAD, SUITE 117 USDA RALEIGH, NC 27609 PAGE 1 OF 1 NRCS FaxTelep919--873'2 573-2128 CLIENT Lin Taylor PROJECT NAME Tommy Welch Concrete Waste Holding Tank PROJECT NUMBER 3601 Milliken Road, Sophia NC 27350 PROJECT LOCATION Randolph County, NC DATE STARTED 8/30111 COMPLETED 8/30111 GROUND ELEVATION 697.5 ft TEST PIT SIZE 1' Bucket EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Land Owner GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD Backhoe AT TIME OF EXCAVATION — LOGGED BY KGK CHECKED BY AT END OF EXCAVATION — NOTES NAD 1983 Stateolane 3200 Ft US 750993.2 1744202.8 AFTER EXCAVATION — w CL w 00 TESTS ai x p MATERIAL DESCRIPTION azC'/ 0 SILT, (ML) 20 % sand, 80 % fines, light brown, dry, non plastic ML PP = 4.5 tsf 0.8 696.7 CLAY, (CL) 10 % sand, 90 %fines, brown, dry, medium plasticity 1 PP=4.5 tsf CL 11.4 696.1 (ML) brown, dry, blocky, Very Hard Saprolite, Can excavate with 1 foot bucket. Breaks to to a very hard blocky struclurre. i 2 i t 1 ML i i i i 3 3.3 694.2 Refusal at 3.3 feet. Bottom of test pit at 3.3 feet. USDA-NRCS TEST PIT NUMBER TP-4 4407 BLAND ROAD, SUITE 117 USDA RALEIGH, NC 27609 PAGE 1 OF 1 NRCS Fax:919-873-21573-2128 CLIENT Lin Taylor PROJECT NAME Tommy Welch Concrete Waste Holding Tank PROJECT NUMBER 3601 Milliken Road, Sophia NC 27350 PROJECT LOCATION Randolph County, NC DATE STARTED 8130/11 COMPLETED 8130/11 GROUND ELEVATION 701.3 ft TEST PIT SIZE 1' Bucket EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Land Owner GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD Backhce AT TIME OF EXCAVATION — LOGGED BY KGK CHECKED BY AT END OF EXCAVATION — NOTES NAD 1983 Stalepiane 3200 Ft US 750996 1. 1744225.2 AFTER EXCAVATION — w W x j TESTS of 3 p MATERIAL DESCRIPTION o a �z 0 N SILT, (ML) 20 % sand, 80 % fines, brown, dry, non plastic PP=3.5,4.0, ML 4.5 tsf 1I to 700.3 SILTY SAND, (SM) 75 % sand, 25 % fines, blueish gray, dry, non plastic, Sandy saproilte that breaks to blocks. 5 2 PP=4.5 tsf SM' i i i i f 698.3 Refusal at 3.0 feet. i i Bottom of test pit at 3.0 feet. USDA-NRCS TEST PIT NUMBER 4407 BLAND ROAD, SUITE 117 TP-5 USDA RALEIGH, NC 27609 PAGE 1 OF 1 Telephone: 919-87 NRCS Fax: 919-873-21573-2128 CLIENT _Lin Taylor PROJECT NAME _ Tommy Welch Concrete Waste Holding Tank PROJECT NUMBER 3601 Milliken Road, Sophia NC 27350 PROJECT LOCATION _ Randolph County NC DATE STARTED 8/30/11 COMPLETED 8/30/11 GROUND ELEVATION 692 it TEST PIT SIZE 1' Bucket EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Land Owner GROUND WATER LEVELS: EXCAVATION METHOD Backhoe AT TIME OF EXCAVATION — LOGGED BY KGK CHECKED BY AT END OF EXCAVATION -- NOTES NAD 1983 Slateplane 3200 Ft US 751013 9 1744173.3 AFTER EXCAVATION — w x } oa j0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION z D c9 0 ti SILT, (ML) 15 % sand, 85 % fines, dark brown, dry, hard, non plastic 1 ML 8 690.2 SILT, (ML) 10 % sand, 90 % fines, brown, dry, very hard, non plastic n 2 3O a ML tt 2.8 a SILT, (ML) 25 %sand, 75 %fines, broom, dry, very hard, non plastic, Silty saprolite that breaks to blocky 889.2 0 3 structure. u w a ML u 4 u J 4.5 6e7.5 iRefusal at 4.5 feet. m Bottom of test pit at 4.5 feet. w z w CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION FOR WASTE STORAGE FACILITY - CONCRETE TANK Scope This specification shall consist of the clearing, grubbing, excavation, backfill, seeding, and services required for the construction of concrete tank and the disposal of all cleared and excavated materials. Construction shall be carried out in such a manner that erosion, water, air, and noise pollution will be minimized and held within legal limits as established by State and Federal regulations. All structures shall be constructed according to plans furnished by NRCS and in accordance with the Natural Resources Conservation Service's engineering standards for these practices, as well as local building codes and current industry standards. The engineer, prior to construction, must approve any deviation from the approved drawings and specifications. Clearing and Grubbing All stumps, roots, and root cluster that have a diameter of 1 inch or larger shall be grubbed out to a depth of at least 2 feet below subgrade for concrete structures. All trees, brush, stumps, rock (greater than 6 inches), and rubbish shall he removed from the foundation and spoil areas(s) before excavation is performed. All material cleared from the area shall be disposed by burning or burying on -site or hauling to an appropriate landfill. All burning shall conform to State and Federal laws and regulations. Trees and other cleared vegetation will be cut flush with the ground surface in spoil areas. The foundation area will have stumps, roots and vegetation removed. Excavation Topsoil excavated from the site should be stockpiled for later placement around the completed structure. Soils containing excessive organic material will be removed from the foundation area. The completed excavation and placement of spoil material shall conform as nearly to lines, dimensions, grades, and slopes shown on plans or staked on the ground as skillful operation of the excavating equipment will permit. Generally, spoil will be placed and spread to blend with the existing terrain of the spoil area. Runoff from outside drainage areas will be diverted away from the excavation area. NRCS-Area 2 1 12/6/2011 Excavated surfaces too steep to be safe and. stable if unsupported shall be supported as necessary to safeguard the work and workmen, to prevent sliding or settling of the adjacent ground, and to avoid damaging existing improvements. The width of the excavation shall be increased as necessary to provide space for sheeting, bracing, shoring, and other supporting installations. When the work is completed, such supporting installations shall be removed. Earthfill Earth material placed for foundation soil shall be free of detrimental amounts of sod, roots, large stones, and other objectionable material. Woody debris larger than 1 inch in diameter or longer than 2 feet in length shall not be incorporated into earthfill. Highly plastic clay soils shall be avoided, All fill material shall have moisture content sufficient for the required compaction. Fill material, which is too dry, shall be moistened by adding water or by thoroughly mixing with moist fill until an acceptable moisture level is obtained. Fill material which is too wet shall be allowed to dry out naturally or shall be dried by disking or shall be thoroughly mixed with dry fill material until an acceptable moisture level is obtained. Earthfill shall not be placed in standing water, The moisture content of the fill shall be maintained within the limits to: 1. Prevent bullring or dilatancy of the material under the action of the hauling or compacting equipment. 2. Prevent adherence of the fill material to the equipment. 3. Ensure the crushing and blending of the soil clods and aggregation into a homogeneous mass. 4. Contain adequate moisture so that a sample can be hand molded without the mold -oozing trough the fingers or squeezing out any water. Begin placing and spreading the fill material at the lowest point of the foundation and bring the fill up in approximately horizontal layers not exceeding nine inches loose thickness. These layers shall be reasonably uniform in thickness and shall extend over the entire area of the fill. Operate the earth hauling or compacting equipment over each layer so that reasonable compaction of the fill material will be obtained. A minimum of four complete passes over each layer by the compacting equipment is required to obtain adequate compaction, NRCS may require that the finished foundation be "proof rolled" with a loaded dump truck or heavy . NRCS-Area 2 2 12/6/2011 rubber tire equipment to verify adequate compaction. Areas that settle or rut during "proof rolling" shall be excavated out and re -compacted properly. If a minimum required density is specified, each layer of fill shall be compacted as necessary to obtain that density. Special equipment shall be used if needed to obtain the required compaction. All finished work shall be left in a neat and sightly condition. The outer edges and slopes of the fill shalt blend with the surrounding landscape and complement the structure build upon it. Seedin:? All disturbed areas will be seeded and mulched according to attached seeding specification. Area to be seeded will be determined by NRCS staff near time of seeding. (see attached seeding specification) NRCS-Area 2 3 12/6/2011 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION 832 - CONCRETE 1. SCOPE This work shall consist of furnishing materials and installing all components of the concrete structure as shown on the drawings and as specified in Section 26 (if applicable). Prior to commencing construction, public utilities shall be notified in accordance with North Carolina G.S. 87-100. Call 811 or 1-800-632-4949. Construction work covered by this specification shall not be performed between November 15 and the following April 1 unless the site conditions and/or the construction methods to be used have been reviewed and approved by the approving official or designated representative. 2. MATERIALS Portland Cement shall conform to ASTM C-150, Type I, IA, II or IIA. If Type I or II is used, an added air entrainment agent, conforming to ASTM C-260 shall be used. Cement that is partially hydrated (hardened) or otherwise damaged shall not. be used. Aggregates - Fine aggregates shall conform to ASTM C-33 for grading and quality requirements. Coarse aggregates shall conform to ASTM C-33 for grading and quality requirements and shall be size #467, 57, or 67, Water shall be clean and free of injurious amounts of oil, salt, acid, alkali, organic matter or other deleterious substances. Preformed Expansion Joint Filler shall conform to ASTM D-1752, Type I, Type II, or Type III, unless bituminous type is specified. Bituminous type preformed expansion joint filler shall conform to ASTM D-994, or D-1751. Joint Sealant shall conform to ASTM C-920, Type S or M, grade P or NS for horizontal joints, and grade NS for vertical joints. Waterstops shall conform to NRCS Material Specification 537 for the types and kinds shown on the drawings or as specified in Section 26. Reinforcing Steel shall be deformed bars manufactured specifically for concrete reinforcement, shall be grade 40 or higher and shall conform to ASTM A-615, A-616, or A-617. Welded Steel Wire Fabric shall conform to ASTM A-497, A-184 or A-185. Sheets, not rolls, shall be used. Set -Retarding Admixtures shall conform to ASTM C-494, Type B (retarding) or Type D (water reducing and retarding). NRCS-NC-CTA DECEMBER 2010 Page 1 Water Reducinq Admixtures shall conform to ASTM C-494, Type A (water reducing), Type D (reducing and retarding), Type F (high -range reducing) or type G (high -range reducing and retarding). Superplasticizing Admixtures shall conform to ASTM C-1017, Type I (plasticizing) or Type II (plasticizing and retarding). Curing Compound shall conform to ASTM C-309. Unless otherwise specified the compound shall be Type 2 (White Pigmented), or other colored pigment. . Evaporation Retardant shall conform to American Concrete Institute (ACI) Specification 302 - "Evaporation Retardant/Monomolecular Film". Aggregate for Structure Drainfill shall be sand, gravel, or crushed stone or mixtures thereof. It shall be composed of clean, hard, durable mineral particles free from organic matter, clay balls, soft particles or other substances that would interfere with the free -draining properties. Aggregates of crushed limestone shall be thoroughly washed and screened. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings or specified in Section 26, gradation of the drainfill shall consist of material with 100% passing a 3 inch sieve and less than 8% passing a No. 200 sieve. 3. CLASS OF CONCRETE Concrete for structures shall be classified as follows: Class of fc' 28-day . Maximum Net Concrete Compressive. Water Content Strength 3000 3000 psi 5.5 gallons/bag (Max. w/c = 0.5) 4000 4000 psi 5.5 gallons/bag (Max. w/c = 0.5) Minimum Cement Content 5 bags/cu.yd. (470 lbs./cu.yd.) 6 bags/cu.yd. (564 Ibs./cu.yd.) Concrete for structures shall have a 28-day compressive strength of 4000 psi unless otherwise shown on the drawings or specified in Section 26. The supplier shall be responsible for the design mix and certification of, the necessary compressive strength. 4. AIR CONTENT AND CONSISTENCY The slump shall be 2 to 4 +/- 1 inches and the air content by volume shall be 4 to 6 percent. Admixtures such as superplasticizers, water -reducers, and set -retarders may be used provided they are approved by the approving official or designated representative prior to use in the concrete mix. These slump requirements do not apply after superplasticizer has been added to the concrete. NRCS-NC-CTA DECEMBER 2010 Page 2 5. DESIGN OF THE CONCRETE MIX The concrete shall be provided in accordance with ASTM C-94, Ready Mix Concrete. A batch ticket shall be provided by the supplier for each load of concrete delivered to the site. The batch ticket shall state the class of concrete and any admixtures used: The proportions of the aggregates shall be such as to produce a concrete mixture that will work readily into the corners and angles of the forms and around reinforcement when consolidated, but will not segregate or exude free water during the consolidation. At least 10 days prior to placement of concrete, the contractor shall furnish a statement of the materials and mix proportions (including admixtures, if any) to the approving official for approval. The statement shall include evidence satisfactory to the approving official that the materials and proportions will produce concrete conforming to this specification. The materials and proportions so stated shall constitute the "job mix". After a job mix has been approved, neither the source, character or grading of the aggregates nor the type. or brand of cement or admixture shall be changed. If such changes are necessary, no concrete containing such new or altered materials shall.be placed until the project designer has approved a revised job mix. 6. INSPECTING AND TESTING During the course of the work, the approving official or designated representative may perform quality assurance testing. This testing does not relieve the contractor of responsibility of performance of work according to this specification. The testing personnel shall have free access to the work site to obtain samples. Any tests and inspections will be conducted so as not to interfere unnecessarily with the placement of the concrete. Any portion of the concreting may be tested to determine uniformity, compliance with requirements for slump and air content, and compressive strength. When a plasticizing admixture is added to the concrete at the site, slump tests may be made both prior to and after the addition of the admixture. 7. REINFORCING STEEL Reinforcing steel shall be free of loose rust, oil, grease, paint, or other deleterious coatings. This may require wire brushing or sandblasting. The contractor is responsible for actual quantity and length of steel placed. The drawings provide an estimated steel schedule ONLY. Reinforcement shall be accurately placed and secured. in position in a manner that will prevent its displacement during the placement of concrete. In forms, this shall be accomplished by tying temperature and shrinkage steel or special tie bars (not stress steel) to the form "snap ties" or by other methods of tying. In slabs, steel shall be supported by precast concrete bricks, (not clay bricks) metal or plastic chairs. No welding of either stress steel or temperature and shrinkage steel will be permitted. Except for dowel rods, placing steel reinforcement into concrete already in place shall not be permitted. NRCS-NC-CTA DECEMBER 2010 Page 3 The following tolerances will be allowed in the placement of reinforcing bars. Minimum protective cover: from formed surfaces - 2 inches from earth surfaces - 3 inches 2 Maximum variation from indicated spacing: 1/12th of indicated spacing Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, splices of reinforcing bars shall provide a lap of not less than 32 diameters of the smaller bar. Bars will not be spliced by welding. Splices of sheets of welded wire fabric shall be provided by overlapping 3 cross -wires. B. HANDLING, MIXING, AND DELIVERY Concrete shall be uniform and thoroughly mixed when delivered to the forms. For concrete mixed at the site by stationary mixers, the mixing time after all cement, aggregates and water are in the mixer drum shall be at least 1-1/2 minutes. When concrete is mixed in a truck mixer, the number of revolutions of the drum or blades at mixing speed shall not be less than 70 or more than 100. Variations in slump of more than 1 inch within a batch will be considered evidence of inadequate mixing and shall be corrected by increasing mixing time or other means. 1.FORMS Forms shall be of wood, plywood, steel; or other approved material and shall be mortar tight. The forms and associated falsework shall be substantial and unyielding and shall be constructed so that the finished concrete will conform to the specified dimensions and contours. Form surfaces shall be smooth and essentially free of holes, dents, sags,or other irregularities. Forms shall be coated with form oil before being set into place. Opposing forms shall be tied together with commercially produced No. 9 wire "snap" ties for commercially built forms, job built forms, or other approved form types. Items to be embedded in the concrete shall be positioned accurately and anchored firmly. Weepholes in walls or slabs shall be formed with nonferrous materials. ). PREPARATION OF FORMS AND SUBGRADE All concrete structures shall be set on compacted drainfill, undisturbed soil or non -yielding re -compacted material. Drainfill, when specified, shall be placed to the neat lines shown on the drawings. Over excavation shall be corrected as noted on the drawings or as directed by the project designer or designated representative. In the event unexpected water is encountered during foundation preparation, a suitable drainage system (temporary or permanent) shall be installed as directed or approved by the project designer or designated representative. .CS N( C A DECEMBER 2010 Page 4 Prior to placement of drainfill as a base for the concrete structure, the subgrade shall be inspected and approved by the project designer or designated representative. The drainfill shall be placed in uniform layers of not more than 8 inches deep prior to compaction. Compaction of each layer of drainfill shall be by 2 passes over the entire surface layer with a hand directed mechanically powered vibrating plate compactor or vibratory roller or by an approved equivalent method. Prior to placement of concrete, the forms and foundation shall be free of chips, sawdust, debris, standing water, ice, snow, extraneous oil, mortar or other harmful substances or coatings. The temperature of all surfaces, including reinforcing steel, shall be no colder than 40 F. Earth surfaces against which concrete is to be placed shall be firm and damp. Placement of concrete on mud, dried earth or uncompacted fill or frozen subgrade will not be permitted. 11. CONVEYING Concrete shall be placed in the forms within 1-1/2 hours after the introduction of cement to the aggregate unless an approved set -retarding admixture is used in the mix. The subgrade shall be dampened immediately prior to concrete placement. In hot weather or under conditions contributing to quick stiffening of the concrete, or when the temperature of the concrete is 85 F or above, the time between the introduction of the cement to the aggregates and discharge shall not exceed 45 minutes (use of an approved set -retarder will generally restore allowable hot weather placement time to approximately 1-1/2 hours; however, actual time limits will depend upon the type and amount of set -retarder used and on actual weather conditions). Superplasticized concrete can be conveyed and placed when the temperature of the concrete is below 90 F (this criterion applies only when the superplasticizer is added at the batching plant) and the slump of the concrete remains within the allowable slump range specified in Section 4 above. The project designer will allow an appropriate extension of time for concrete placement when the setting time of the concrete is increased a corresponding amount by the addition of an approved admixture. In . any case, concrete shall be conveyed from the mixer to the forms as rapidly as practicable, by methods that will prevent segregation of the aggregates or loss of mortar. . 12. PLACING At least 48 hours advance notification of a pending concrete placement shall be given to provide time for inspection. Concrete shall not be placed until the subgrade, forms, and steel reinforcement have been inspected and approved by the project designer or designated representative. No concrete shall be placed except in the presence of the'project designer or designated representative. The concrete shall be deposited as close as possible to its final position in the forms and shall be worked into the corners and angles of the forms and around all reinforcement and embedded items in a manner that prevents segregation of aggregates and excessive laitance. Concrete placed against sloping surfaces or on sloping subgrades shall start at the lowest elevation and work upwards to the highest elevation. Slab concrete shall be placed to design thickness in one continuous layer. Formed wall concrete shall be placed in horizontal layers not more than 24 inches high. The maximum layer thickness shall be 5 feet if high range water reducing agents are used. Concrete shall not be dropped more than 5 feet vertically (12 BRCS-NC-CTA DECEMBER 2010 Page 5 feet if high range water reducing agents are used) unless suitable equipment is used to prevent . segregation. Hoppers and chutes, pipes, or "elephant trunks" shall be used to reduce free fall heights. Immediately after placement, the concrete shall be consolidated by spading and vibrating or spading and hand tamping to ensure smooth surfaces and dense concrete. Each layer shall be consolidated to insure monolithic bond with the preceding layer. Excessive vibration which results in segregation of materials will not be allowed. Vibration will not_be used to make the concrete flow in the forms. If the surface of a layer of concrete in place sets to the degree that it will not flow and merge with the succeeding layer when spaded or vibrated, the placement of concrete will be discontinued and a construction joint will be made. If placing is discontinued when an incomplete horizontal layer is in place, the unfinished end of the layer shall be formed by a vertical bulkhead. 13. CONSTRUCTION JOINTS Construction joints shall be made at the locations shown on the drawings. If construction joints are needed which are not shown on the drawings, they shall be placed in locations approved by the project designer or designated representative. Steel tying and form construction adjacent to concrete in place shall not be started until the concrete has cured at least 12 hours. Before new concrete is deposited on or against concrete that has hardened, the forms shall be re -tightened. New concrete shall not be placed until the hardened concrete has cured at least 12 hours. Surfaces of construction joints shall be cleaned of all unsatisfactory concrete, laitance, coatings or debris by washing and scrubbing with a wire brush or wire broom or by other means approved by the project designer or designated representative. Surfaces shall be kept moist for at least 1 hour prior to placement of the new concrete 14. EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION JOINTS Expansion and contraction joints shall be made only at locations shown on the drawings Expansion joints shall be free of mortar and concrete. Preformed expansion joint filler shall be held firmly in the correct position as the concrete is placed. Joint filler shall be left exposed for its full length with clean and true edges. Contraction or "control" joints shall be formed in fresh concrete either by hand -tooling or by saw -cutting. Joints shall be formed as soon as is practical after concrete finishing, but in no case later than 8 hours after concrete has been placed, unless approved by the project designer. Control joints in slabs shall be formed to a depth of 1/4 of the slab thickness. Control joints in walls and curbs shall be formed to a depth of 1/8 of the wall thickness on each side. If specified, horizontal and/or vertical joints shall be sealed with a suitable joint sealer after the concrete has thoroughly hardened, according to the manufacturer's recommendations. NRCS-NC-CTA DECEMBER 2010 Page 6 15. WATERSTOPS Waterstops shall be held firmly in the correct position as the concrete is placed. Joints in metal water stops shall be soldered, brazed, or welded. Joints in rubber or plastic waterstops shall be cemented, welded, or vulcanized, as recommended by the manufacturer. 16. REMOVAL OF FORMS Forms shall not be removed before the following minimum time intervals. Concrete Item Time Beam bottom forms and temporary supports 14 days Roof or deck slabs 14 days Columns 7 days Bearing walls (with side or vertical load) 24 hrs. Non -bearing walls (with no side or vertical load) 24 hrs. Sides of beams and ground slabs 24 hrs. Forms shall be removed in such a way as to prevent damage to the concrete. Supports shall be removed in a manner that will permit the concrete to take the stresses due to its own weight uniformly and gradually. 7. FINISHING FORMED SURFACES Immediately after the removal of forms: a. All fins and irregular projections shall be removed from the exposed concrete surfaces. b. Where holes were produced on the surfaces by the removal of form ties, cone -bolts, or she -bolts, and where minor areas of the concrete surface are "honeycombed," the areas shall be cleaned, wetted and filled with a dry pack mortar consisting of 1 part portland cement, 3 parts sand that will pass a No. 16 sieve, and just sufficient water to produce a consistency such that the filling is at the point of becoming rubbery when the material is solidly packed. 8. FINISHING UNFORMED SURFACES All exposed surfaces of the concrete shall be accurately screeded to grade to provide positive drainage and to prevent "bird baths" from forming. Excessive floating or troweling of surfaces while the concrete is soft will not be permitted. In areas not subject to cattle or vehicular traffic, concrete surfaces shall be provided with a broom finish. In areas subject to cattle or vehicular traffic, concrete shall be provided with a grooved finish. Grooving shall consist of 3-5" c-c spacing x 1/2-3/4" wide x 1/4-318" deep grooves. The addition of dry cement or water to the surface of screeded concrete to expedite finishing will not be allowed. Joints and edges on surfaces that will be exposed to view shall be uniformly chamfered or finished with a molding tool. CS-NC-CTA DECEMBER 2010 Page 7 19. CURING Concrete shall be prevented from drying for at least 7 days after it is placed. Exposed surfaces shall be kept moist during this period by fog spraying or by covering with continuously moistened canvas, burlap, straw, sand or other approved material unless the exposed surfaces are sprayed with a curing compound. Forms left in place during the curing period shall be kept wet. Concrete, except at construction joints, may be coated with a curing compound in lieu of continued application of moisture. The compound shall be sprayed onmoist concrete surfaces as soon as free water has disappeared. but shall not be applied to any surface until patching, repairs and finishing of that surface are completed. Curing compound shall be white pigmented and applied in a uniform layer over all surfaces requiring protection at a rate of not less than 1 gallon per 150 square feet. Curing compound shall not be applied to surfaces requiring bond to subsequently placed concrete or joint sealer, such as construction and control joints, shear plates, reinforcing steel and other embedded items. If control joints are formed prior to the placement of curing compound, care shall be taken not to spray compound in the groove. If the curing compound membrane is damaged during the curing period, including being exposed to heavy rain or running water within 3 hours of application, the damaged area shall be re -sprayed at the rate of application specified above. Surfaces covered by the membrane shall not be trafficked unless protected from wear ). REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT REPAIR .Major areas of concrete that are "honeycombed" shall be cleaned, reformed, placed and cured. '. CONCRETING IN COLD WEATHER Concrete shall not be mixed or placed when the daily atmospheric temperature is less than 40°F unless facilities are provided to prevent the concrete from freezing. The use of accelerators or antifreeze compounds will not be Permitted The temperature, of the concrete at the time of placing shall not be less than 50OF and shall be maintained at temperatures not less than 40OF for a period of 3 days. Concrete placement will not be permitted between November 15 and April 1 unless procedures for cold weather concreting are provided. Such procedures include: a. Use of warm (50°F or more) concrete b. Adequate protection from the weather - including the use of artificial heat to prevent the temperature of the concrete from falling below 40OF for a period of 3 days. Regardless, concrete placement will not be permitted when the temperature during placement and the following 24 hours is predicted to fall below 32°F. '' ivy Cie DECEMBER2010 Page 22. CONCRETING IN HOT WEATHER The concrete supplier shall apply effective means to maintain the temperature of concrete below 90°F during mixing and conveying. Concrete with a temperature above 90OF shall not be placed. The Contractor shall keep the subgrade (if exposed) and reinforcement cool and damp by fog spray or other means prior to concrete placement. . Placement times for concreting in hot weather shall be reduced as shown in Section 11. After concrete placement, exposed surfaces shall be continuously moistened by means of fog spray or otherwise protected from drying during the time between placement and finishing and after finishing. If concrete is placed during hot and windy weather, the project designer may require use of an Evaporation Retardant prior to finishing and curing. During periods of hot weather, the Contractor shall schedule concrete placement early in the day and/or reduce placement sizes, to avoid concrete placement in the mid -day heat, and to possibly avoid some of the special requirements listed above.. 23. BACKFILLING NEW CONCRETE WALLS Backfilling and compaction of fill adjacent to new concrete walls shall not begin in less than 14 days after placement of the concrete. If backfilling can be accomplished on both sides of the wall simultaneously, then it shall not begin in less than 7 days after placement of the concrete. Heavy equipment will not be allowed within 3 feet of a new concrete wall. Provide Compaction within feet of the wall by means of hand tamping or small hand directed power equipment. The backfill material shall meet the requirements and gradation as shown on the drawings or as specified .in Section 26. The backfill shall be placed in uniform layers of not more than 8 inches deep prior to compaction. Compaction of each layer of backfill shall be by 2 passes over the entire surface layer with a vibrating plate manually directed power compactor or by an approved equivalent method. 24. STRUCTURES INSTALLED ACCORDING TO STANDARD DETAIL DRAWINGS PREPARED BY OTHERS Structures shall be installed exactly as shown on the Standard Detail Drawings approved by NRCS. Two copies of the drawings and specifications for each project shall be provided to NRCS prior to construction. All materials furnished and.installed shall conform to the quality and grade noted on the drawings and specifications. Modifications of the structure outside the limits shown shall not be made without prior review and approval by NRCS. The supplier/contractor who submitted the original Standard Detail Drawings shall be responsible for making changes. Sufficient documentation to allow adequate review of the proposed modification shall accompany any request for a change. At the completion of the project, the supplier/contractor shall furnish written certification that all aspects of the installation are in conformance with the requirements of the Standard Detail Drawings approved by NRCS; and a copy of a set of concrete cylinder test breaks for both floors and walls. All warranted structures and equipment shall be in writing with the warranty provided to the landowner prior to the projects final acceptance. All structures and equipment installed shall have written operation and maintenance instructions and shall be provided to the landowner prior to the projects final acceptance. NRCS-NC-CTA DECEMBER 2010 Page 9 National Standard Material Specifications Part 642 —National Engineering Handbook Material Specification 537—Nonmetallic Waterstops 1, Scope This specification covers nonmetallic waterstops for use in joints of concrete structures. 2. Classification Classes—Nomnetallic waterstops shall be of the following classes; as specified: Class I shall be fabricated of either natural or synthetic rubber. Class II shall be fabricated of vinyl chloride polymer or copolymer. Types —Nonmetallic waterstops may be either split, or solid and shall conform to the following types, as specified (see fig. 537-1): Type A shall have ribbed anchor flanges and a smooth web. Flanges may be of uniform thickness or may have either a converging or a diverging taper toward the edges. Type B shall have ribbed anchor flanges and a smooth web containing a hollow tubular center bulb having a wall thickness equal to at least one- half the web thickness, and the inside diameter (D) specified in the specifications or shown on the drawings. Flanges may be of uniform thickness or may have either a converging or a diverging taper toward the edges. Type Cshall have a single, circular bulb -type anchor flange at each edge and a smooth web. Type D shall have a single, circular bulb -type anchor flange at each edge and a smooth web containing a hollow tubular center bulb having a wall thickness equal to a least one-half the thickness of the web, and the inside diameter (D) specified in the contract. Type L shall have ribbed anchor flanges and a web molded or extruded in the form of a round or U-shaped bulb of the dimensions specified in the contract or shown on the drawings. The web bulb shall be connected at the open-end of the U by a thin membrane having a minimum thickness of 1164 inch and a maximum thickness of 115 of the web thickness and design to prevent infiltration of wet concrete into the bulb and to tear when expansion of the joint occurs. Flanges may be of uniform thickness or may have either a converging or a diverging taper toward the edges. Auxiliary positioning or nailing flanges may be provided as long as the functioning of the web bulb is not altered. Type F shall have ribbedanchor flanges with at least two extra heavy ribs designed to resist displacement of the waterstop during concrete placement on each flange, and a smooth web having'a positioning or nailing flange attached at the center. Type G shall be of special design conforming to the details shown on the drawings. Figure 537-1 Types of nonmetallic waterstops Type Types fLJZfLfLJ'LJ /_]�� I I Type C Type D Type E Type F (210-VI-NEH, May 2001) 537- 1 National Standard Material Specifications Part 642 — National Engineering Handbook Sizes—Waterstops of types A through F shall be of the sizes specified in the specifications or shown on the drawings and listed in table 537-1 of this specification. Type G waterstops shall have the dimensions shown on the drawings. Table 537-1 Sizes of waterstops Size Web thickness (T) Width (W) designation (inches) . (inches) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1116 3/32 3/32 3/32 3/32 I/8 1 /8 1/8 5/32 5/32 5/32 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 5 1/4 3 3/4 4 5 1/4 6 4 5 1/4 6 4 4 112 9 4 5 6 9 6 9 5 6 9 6 9 3. Physical requirements The extruded or molded material shall exhibit the properties specified herein when tested by the methods specified in section 4 of this speciflcation. Class I waterstops • Hardness as determined by the Shore A durometer method shall be a minimum of 60. • Specific gravity shall be a maximum of 1.2. • Tensile strength shall be a minimum of 2,500 pounds per square inch. • Ultimate elongation shall be a minimum of 450 percent. • Compression set shall be a maximum of 30 percent. • Water absorption in weight measurements shall not exceed 5 percent. • Decrease in tensile strength and ultimate elongation after aging shall not exceed 20 percent. • There shall be no sign of failure due to brittleness at a temperature of minus 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Class II waterstops • Hardness as determined by the Shore A durometer method shall be a minimum of 60. • Specific gravity shall be a maximum of 1.4. • Tensile strength shall be a minimum of 1,400 pounds per square inch. • Ultimate elongation of the web shall be a minimum of 280 percent, and the flanges shall . be a minimum of 200 percent. • There shall be no sign of failure due to flange brittleness at a temperature of 0 degrees Fahrenheit nor of web brittleness at a temperature of minus 35 degrees Fahrenheit. • Decrease in either tensile strength or ultimate elongation after accelerated extraction shall not exceed 15 percent. • Results of alkali exposure: a. After immersion for 7 days, the sample shall exhibit no loss of weight and a maximum weight gain of 0.25 percent, and the hardness measured by the Shore A durometer method shall not vary more than 5 points either plus or minus from the untreated sample. b. After immersion for 36 days, the sample shall exhibit no loss of weight and a maximum weight gain of 0.40 percent, and the dimensions of the treated sample shall not vary by more than I percent G'om the untreated sample. 537.2 (210-VI-NEH, May 2001) National Standard Material Specifications Part 642—National Engineering Handbook 4. Test methods Testing shall be conducted by the methods cited herein. All cited test methods are included in ASTM as follows: a. Hardness shall be determined by ASTM D 2240. b. Specific gravity shall be determined by ASTM D 792. c. Tensile strength shall be determined by ASTM D 412 for Class I waterstops and ASTM D 638 for Class II waterstops. d. Ultimate elongation shall be determined by ASTM D 412 for Class I waterstops and ASTM D 638 for Class II waterstops. e. Compression set shall be determined by ASTM D 395. f. Water absorption shall be determined by ASTM D 570. g. Tensile strength and ultimate elongation after aging shall be determined by ASTM D 412 for Class I waterstops and ASTM D 638 for Class IIwaterstops.. h. Brittleness shall be determined by ASTM D 746 for Class II waterstops. i. Accelerated extraction shall be accomplished by procedures outlined by United States Army Corps of Engineers MACE), Concrete Research Division (CRD) C 572 under the following conditions: (1) Samples shall not be less than 1/16 inch nor more than 1/8 inch in thickness, (2) The immersion medium shall be a solution prepared by dissolving 5 grams of chemically pure sodium hydroxide and 5 grams of chemically pure potassium hydroxide in 1 liter of water. (3) The samples shall be immersed in the medium for 14 days at a temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit, plus or minus 5 degrees Fahrenheit. (4) Duridg the period of immersion, air shall be gently bubbled through the medium from a 0.25-inch diameter glass tube at an approximate rate of one bubble per second. (5) Fresh medium shall be provided each day. (6) Samples need not be dipped in acetone. j. The effects of alkalies shall be determined by USACE CRD C 572 under the following conditions: (1) Sample shall have a maximum thickness . of 0.25 inch. (2) The immersion medium shall be as described for accelerated extraction above. (3) Fresh medium shall be provided every 7days. (4) The samples shall be immersed in the medium for 30 days. (5) Samples need not be dipped in acetone. 5. Condition Waterstops shall be extruded or molded in such a manner that the material is dense and homogeneous throughout and free from voids, tears, thins, indentations, or other imperfections. Unless otherwise specified, waterstops shall be symmetrical in shape and uniform in dimensions and shall be furnished in continuous strips a minimum length of 50 feet. Factory splices shall have a minimum tensile strength of 50 percent of the unspliced section, 6. Packaging and storing Waterstops shall be packaged and stored by methods that provide protection from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and/or excessive heat. (210-V I-NEH, May 2001) 537 -3 Tommy Welch - RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS A. Site Preparation 1. Smooth land to fill rills and washes so runoff will not be concentrated and to provide uniform slopes. 2. Perform all land preparation and seeding on the general contour. B. Seedbed Preparation 1. Prepare a seedbed 3 to 5 inches deep or as determined by NRCS or District personnel on site. Scarify the surface with suitable equipment such as a chain harrow, grader with chisels attached or with hand tools. Ripping chisels or tools must be spaced not more than 12" apart. C. Seeding 1. Use a cyclone seeder, brillion-type seeder, or other appropriate seeding apparatus to achieve a %2 inch seeding depth. Where a cyclone seeder is used, cross seed by seeding one half of the seed in one direction and the other half at right angles. When the seed are broadcast, cover them to a'/2 inch depth and cultipack the entire area immediately following seeding. All operations using a brillion-type seeder or cultipacker should be done across the slope. 2. Hydraulic seeding - Mix the fertilizer, seed and wood cellulose fiber mulch with water and apply the slurry uniformly over the area being treated. The slurry must be applied within one hour after mixing the seed with the fertilizer. 3. Mulching - Mulch all areas immediately after seeding. Mulch must cover 75% of the surface area. D. Temporary Seeding 1. Provide temporary seeding during the late winter and summer months (see list below). Permanent seeding should be established as soon as possible based on appropriate seeding dates. E. Lime, Fertilizer, and Seed Estimated Area = acres* Area to be determined near time of seeding Seeding Dates Amount 60 tbs. of fescue (KY -3 1) per acre Aug. 15 - Oct 31 = tbs (permanent) Feb. 15 - April 15 8 tbs. Common Bermudagrass (hulled) Apr. 15 —June 30 = lbs. (unhulled) Feb. - March 50 tbs. of rye -grain per acre (temporary) Nov. 1 - Feb. 14 = lbs. 40 lbs. of browntop millet per acre April 15 - Aug 15 = (temporary) lbs. 250 tbs. of 46% phosphate per acre = lbs. 1000 tbs. of 10-10-10 fertilizer per acre = lbs. 4000 tbs. of lime per acre = lbs. 125 bales of straw per acre = bales _* Measure area(s) to be seeded prior to seeding and adjust acreage and quantities of seeding materials accordingly. RECEIVED State of North Carolina tR t of ENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources .sa1em Animal Feeding Operations Permit Application Form office (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) State General Permit — New or Expanding Animal Waste Operations 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1.1 Facility name: TBW Cattle 1.2 Print Land Owner's name: Tommy Welch RECEIVED/DENR/DWR 1.3 Mailing address: P.O. Box 310 City, State: Sophia, NC Zip:27350 HP 09 2014 Telephone number (include area code): (336 ) 382 - 2549 cell Water Quality Regional 1.4 Physical address: 3601 Millikan Rd Operations Section City, State: Sophia, NC Zip: 27350 Telephone number (include area code): ( 336 ) 382 - 2549 1.5 County where facility is located: Randolph 1.6 Facility location (directions from nearest major highway, using SR numbers for state roads): From Hwy 220 ByRass, take Hwv 311 North approximately 2.5 miles: Millikan Rd is on left Operation located at end of Millikan Rd (dead-end) on right 1.7 Farm Manager's name (if different from Land Owner): same 1.8 Lessee's / Integrator's name (if applicable; circle which type is listed): N/A 1.9 Facility's original start-up date: 1978 Date(s) of facility expansion(s) (if applicable): 2000 2. OPERATION INFORMATION: 2.1 Facility number: 76-61 2.2 Operation Description: Please enter the Design Capacity of the system. The "No. of Animals" should be the maximum number for which the waste management structures were designed. Type of Swine No. of Animals ❑ Wean to Feeder ❑ Feeder to Finish ❑ Farrow to Wean (# sow) _ ❑ Farrow to Feeder (# sow) _ ❑ Farrow to Finish (# sow) _ ❑ Wean to Finish (# sow) _ ❑ Gilts ❑ Boar/Stud ❑ Other Type of Livestock on the farm: _ Type ofPoultry No. of Animals ❑ Layer ❑ Non -Layer ❑ Turkey ❑ Turkey Poults _ Type of Cattle ❑ Beef Brood Cow ❑ Beef Feeder X Beef Stocker Calf ❑ Dairy Calf ❑ Dairy Heifer ❑ Dry Cow ❑ Milk Cow No. of Animals: No. of Animals 450 FORM: AWO-STATE-G-N/E 1/10/06 1 Page 1 of 5 2.3 Acreage cleared and available for application (excluding all required buffers and areas not covered by the application system): 94_10 Required Acreage (as listed in the CAWMP): 53 2.4 Number of lagoons: _ Total Capacity (cubic feet): _ Required Capacity (cubic feet): Number of Storage Ponds: 1 Total Capacity (cubic feet): 5456 Required Capacity (cubic feet): 5110 2.5 Are subsurface drains present within 100' of any of the application fields? NO 2.6 Are subsurface drains present in the vicinity or under the waste management system? NO 2.7 Does this facility meet all applicable siting requirements? YES 3. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST: Please indicate that you have included the following required items by signing your initials in the space provided next to each item. Applicants Initials 3.1 One completed and signed original and two copies of the application for State General Permit - } Animal Waste Operations; kt/ 3.2 Three copies of a general location map indicating the location of the animal waste facilities and field locations where animal waste is land applied and a county road map with the location of the facility indicated; 3.3 Three copies of the entire Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). If the facility does not have a CAWMP, it must be completed prior to submittal of a permit application for animal waste operations. The CAWMP must include the following components. Some of these components may not have been required at the time the facility was certified but should be added to the CAWWP for permitting purposes: ' 3.3.1 NRCS Site Evaluation Form NC-CPA-17 or equivalent A1�i1 3.3.2 A hazard classification of the proposed lagoons, if required A 3.3.3 Documentation that proposed swine facilities meet the Swine Farm Siting Act, including a site map prepared by a Registered Land Surveyor. The scale of this map shall not exceed 1 inch = 400 feet. At a minimum, the site map shall show the distance from the proposed houses and lagoons to occupied residences within 1500 feet, schools, hospitals, churches, outdoor recreational facilities, national parks, state parks, historic properties, or child care centers within 2500 feet, property boundaries within 500 feet, water supply wells within 500 feet. The map shall also show the location of any property boundaries and perennial streams or rivers located within 75 feet of waste application areas. NIA 3.3.4 Documentation showing that all adjoining property owners, all property owners who own property located across a public road, street, or highway from the facility, the local health department, and the county manager or chair of the county board of commissioners if there is no county manager, have been notified by certified mail of your intent to construct or expand a swine farm at this location. Nlf! 3.3.5 A wetlands determination ✓3.3.6 The lagoon/storage facility design /3.3.7 Proposed runoff control measures, if required ✓ 3.3.8 Irrigation or other land application method design '3.3.9 The Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) must include the amount of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) produced and utilized by the facility �3.3.10 The soil series present on every waste disposal field '3.3.11 The crops grown on every waste disposal field i3.3.12 The Realistic Yield Expectation (RYE) for every crop shown in the WUP .3.3.13 The PAN applied to every waste disposal field 3.3.14 The waste application windows for every crop utilized in the WUP ,3.3.15 The required NRCS Standard specifications FORM: AWO-STATE-G-N/E 1/10/06 Page 2 of 5 -3.3.16 Emergency Action Plan '3.3.17 Insect Control Checklist with options noted '3.3.1 S Odor Control Checklist with options noted �3.3.19 Mortality Control Checklist with options noted ,I�4 3.3.20 Documentation proving this facility is exempt from the Moritoria on Construction or Expansion of Swine Farms, if the application is for a swine facility 3.3.21 A map showing the topography of the proposed facility location showing features that affect facility design, the dimensions and elevations of any existing facilities, the fields used for waste application, and areas where surface runoff is to be controlled If your CAWMP includes any components not shown on this list, please include the additional components with your submittal. (Composting, waste transfers, etc.) 4. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION: I, (Land Owner's name listed in question 1.2), attest that this application for G ) C�4r 7 (Facility name listed in question 1.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me asAcomnlete. _ Signature Date ��(( 5. MANAGER'S CERTIFICATION: (complete only if different from the Land Owner) I, (Manager's name listed in question 1.6), attest that this application for (Facility name listed in question 1.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature Date THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION ANIMAL FEEDING OPERATIONS UNIT 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1636 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 807-6464 FAX NUMBER: (919) 807-6496 FORM: AWO-STATE-G-N/E 1/10/06 Page 3 of 5 6. SURFACE WATER CLASSIFICATION: This form must be completed by the appropriate DWR regional office and included as a part of the project submittal information. INSTRUCTIONS TO NC PROFESSIONALS: The classification of the downslope surface waters (the surface waters that any overflow from the facility would flow toward) in which this animal waste management system will be operated must be determined by the appropriate DWR regional office. Therefore, you are required, prior to submittal of the application package, to submit this form, with items 1 through 6 completed, to the appropriate Division of Water Resources Regional Aquifer Protection Supervisor (see page 6 of 10). At a minimum, you must include an 8.5" by I I" copy of the portion of a 7.5 minute USGS Topographic Map which shows the location of this animal waste application system and the downslope surface waters in which they will be located. Identify the closest downslope surface waters on the attached map copy. Once the regional office has completed the classification, reincorporate this completed page and the topographic map into the complete application form and submit the application package. 6.1 Farm Name: TBW Cattle 6.2 Name & complete address of engineering firm: Telephone number: ( 6.3 Name of closest downslope surface waters: Caraway Creek 6.4 County(ies) where the animal waste management system and surface waters are located: Randolph 6.5 Map name and date: Randleman, N.C. 1970. Photorevised 1981. } 6.6 NC Professional's Seal (If appropriate), Signature, and Date: TO: REGIONAL AQUIFER PROTECTION SUPERVISOR Please provide me with the classification of the watershed where this animal waste management facility will be or has been constructed or field located, as identified on the attached map segment(s): Name of surface waters: Caraway Creek, Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin Classification (as established by the Environmental Management Commission): Class C Proposed classification, if applicable: Not applicable Signature of regional office personnel) l IA�" , 2 AA I JAA LJ Date: July 11, 2014 (All attachments must be signed) D W A — w s 2d IFORM: AWO-STATE-G-N/E 1/10/06 Page 4 of 5 pNl NI� O O h h .0 .0 \. N C C > po 3 U N p N 2 U Q C J CP2 v _ 750998. 8C ® 174439 55 715.21 c CP4 O 50944.02 1 4253. 82 = 0 70.. 5 (, U MM TAG J J W 713.89 75088585 pp 1744377 47 4-+ o CP6 775.14 O .� 750838.13 ®1744181.53 _ •O q 707.76 Q° O O CPI 4o• uo. L rt ®750742.3.9 1744434.69 41 1 709.51 } 706. 41 O o U o Npp s'=o+ CP8 �n 750679.70� ® eor� 1744316.39 Y 707.29 0 CP13 0. �42 w 0 75062275 ® - 70579 V 1743810.0- �+w�- Pp 680.68 " earn 3 /1 " 5N CP 12 74419.. J2 7 ® 774.7,3. z 750539.51 ® 696 73 - .� 1743779.33 - 691.53 s 100 0 100 200 300 /c �_Locot,, Ma my_ Mt Sccle in Feet rpwmg o. She of ox uttet Detnit unction uts Scale 1"=100' `_ N Machinery load is not transferred to the wall. Lateral earth pressure is not increased. / None — No Machinery Except for Light Mowing Equipment MACHINERY LOADING CONDITIONS Push —Off See Dwg. PA-040 Structural Slab See Dwg. PA-042 L- , Machinery load is transferred to the vertical wall. Lateral earth pressure is not increased. A. Structural Slab or Push —Off on Wall Non —Structural slat (on or adjacent to the wall) •a Machinery load results in greater lateral earth pressure. B. Nonstructural Slab Adjacent to or on Wall T—Wall Dwg. No. Backfill Range (Ft.) Machinery . Loading Conditions Backfill Soils and Pressure (EFP) PA-028C 2 To 5 NONE G50% Fines; 60 PSF EFP Unified Classification; GP,GW,SP,SW,SM,SC,GM,GC PA-028B 5 To 8 A PA-028D 5 To 8 A,B PA-028A 5 To 8 A,B,C. PA-028G 2 To 5 NONE Fines; 85 PSF EFP CUn�iifiedssification; All ShownPlus ML,CL,MH,CH PA-028F 3 To 8 A,g PA-028E 0 To 8 A,B,C MAX. MAX. 5000 LBS. 5000 LBS. Machinery load results in maximum lateral earth pressure. C. Machinery on Soil CIRCLE THE MACHINERY LOADING CONDITION FOR EACH WALL TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN THIS PLAN. (ADAPTED FROM WI-580, APRIL 2005) PM DISIM ME APPROXIMATE CONCRETE AND REBAR QUANTITIES FOR 8-FOOT WALLS WALL DRAWING NUMBER COMMENTS PA-028G PA-028A PA-0286 PA-028C PA-028D PA-028E PA-028F CONCRETE CU. YDS./LIN. FT. 0.52 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.58 0.52 0.47 OF WALL REBARS FT./LIN. FT. OF WALL *INCLUDES SPLICE DISTANCES WITH * 20' BAR LENGTHS 4 25.0 24.7 40.7 24.7 18.8 10.7 24.7 ASSUMED, SEE * EFFECTIVE BAR 5 24.7 24.9 8.7 14.7 31.6 39.3 24.9 LENGTH BELOW. REBAR MISCELLANEOUS DATA BAR SIZE WEIGHT SPLICE LENGTHS *EFFECTIVE BAR LENGTH (LBS./FT.) (INCHES) (FT.) #3 0.376 12 19.0 #4 0.668 16 18.7 #5 1.043 20 18.3 V fE J F K6 O o > ti a � a �: c E_ F �7 U 0 � Spy ja z" ®� " ➢ASI➢H 6➢ID8 7. PAY➢ ➢irmcm w= 7 (ADAPTED FROM WI-580A, APRIL 2005)� a� 3 PAY GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT DESIGN PROCEDURE BASED ON TECHNICAL NOTE 1, 1986 and FOTG 558-NC FOR "Ogee" or "K" style gutters PJC 7-28-04 Instructions: Edit blue numbers and evaluate results within this blue box. Gutter slope is assumed to be 1/16 in. per foot (1" in 16 feet). Typical fbd =0.5 in. Note: Gutter dimensions vary by manufacturer or by model of seamless gutter machine. 6.00 'fbd D 0.50 f 4.90 i Avg Gutter sizes:. 1 T 5.0 6.0 D 3.4 4.9 I * 3.3 4.0 Downspouts: 4.00 2.00 2x3 3x4 Gutter cross section Roof width (horiz.slope length) = 35 ft. from peak to gutter Downspout Size = 3 x 4 in. (width x thickness) (note: A 3x4 downspout fits into a 4" pipe.) RESULTS For single downspout: Downspout limits flow 0.264 cfs max at outlet. For twin downspout: Gutter limits flow 0.366 cfs max at outlet. For 10-Year Rainfall: Max roof Area for each downspout = 1,586 s.f. or 45 ft. gutter length per downspout Roof Area for each twin downspout = 2,195 s.f. or 63 ft. gutter for paired downspouts Outlet pipe flowrate per foot of gutter = 0.0058 cfs er ft For 25-Year Rainfall: Max roof Area for each downspout = 1,321 s.f. or 38 ft. gutter length per downspout Roof Area for each twin downspout = 1,829 s.f. or 52 ft. gutter for paired downspouts Outlet pipe flowrate per foot of gutter = 0.0070 cfs per ft Material Thickness: Aluminum: min 0.027in.gutters, 0.020in. downspouts, Steel: min. 28ga gutters, 28ga downspouts Owner Name: Tommy Welch Barn 1 Right Back Section Designed By: R. Lin Taylor Date: 5/23/2011 Design Notes: Back Section of Barn 1 Right CALCULATIONS Gutter Top Width T = 6 in. measured to front edge Gutter Total Depth D = 4.9 in. measured at back of gutter Gutter Bottom Width B = 4 in. width of flat bottom portion Freeboard fbd = 0.5 in. freeboard (usually 1/2 inch) FULL FLOW IN GUTTER Gutter Slope Slope = default 1/16 in. per foot (V in 16 feet) 10year, 5 minute rainfall Pio = 0.60 in. from FOTG 558-NC 25year, 5 minute rainfall P25 = 0.72 in. from FOTG 558-NC Depth Less Freeboard d = 4.4 Front Offset O = 2 in. Gutter End Area Ag = 22.00 sq.in. (d * B) + 0.5(d * O) Wetted Perimeter p = Hydraulic Radius r = Gutter Flow q9 = DOWNSPOUT FLOW (ORIFICE FLOW LIMITS): Downspout Area Ad = Downspout flow qd = Twin downspout flow qd2 = DESIGN FLOW RATE: Limiting flow rate q design= Limiting flow rate w/Paired dnspt. q paired = ROOF AREA PER DOWNSPOUT: Max Roof Area for 10 year rain Aroof 10 = Downspout Spacing 10 yr rain Spac10 = Max Roof Area for 25 year rain Aroof 25 = Downspout Spacing 25 yr rain Spac25 = Paired Downspout option: Max Roof Area for 10 year rain Aroof 10 = Gutter Length per Downspout 10 year Spac10 = Max Roof Area for 25 year rain Aroof 25 = Gutter Length per Downspout 25 year Spac25 = 13.23 in. 0.139 ft. Ag/p 0,366 cfs Tech. Note 1 Roof Runoff Mgt. 1986 qa = 0.0621 * rm * Ag eq. 5. (assume n=0.012 dirty gutter) 12.0 sq.in. 0.264 cfs. Tech. Note 1, eq. 9. qd=0.0105*Ad*d112 0,529 cfs. If downspt limits flow, can use two downspouts together. 0.264 CfS. For single downspout: Downspout limits flow 0 0.366 cfs. For twin downspout: Gutter limits flow 1,586 s.f. Derived from Tech Note 1 eqn. 11 45 ft. Aroof = q * 3600 / P 1,321 s.f. 38 ft. 2,195 s.f. Using 2 downspouts close together 63 ft. 1,829 s.f. Using 2 downspouts close together 52 ft. OUTLET PIPE FLOW RATES: Pipe Flowrate per ft gutr 10 year rain gpjp,10= 0.00583 cfs/ft pipe design flow rate per foot of gutter Pipe Flowrate per ft gutr 25 year rain gpip,25= 0,00700 cfs/ft pipe design flow rate per foot of gutter GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT DESIGN PROCEDURE BASED ON TECHNICAL NOTE 1, 1986 and FOTG 558-NC FOR "Ogee" or "K" style gutters PJC 7-28-04 Instructions: Edit blue numbers and evaluate results within this blue box. Gutter slope is assumed to be 1/16 in. per foot (V in 16 feet). Typical fbd =0.5 in. Note: Gutter dimensions vary by manufacturer or by model of seamless gutter machine. 6.00 f 4.90 fbd 0.50 U � t- Avg Gutter sizes: T 5.0 1 6.0 D 3.4 1 4.9 B 3.3 1 4.0 B Downspouts: 4.00 2.00 2x3 3x4 Gutter cross section Roof width (horiz.slope length) = 35 ft. from peak to gutter Downspout Size = 4 x 5 in. (width x thickness) (note: A 3x4 downspout fits into a 4" pipe.) RESULTS For single downspout: Gutter limits flow 0.366 cis max at outlet. For twin downspout: Gutter limits flow 0.366 cfs max at outlet. For 10-Year Rainfall: ' Max roof Area for each downspout = 2,195 s.f. or 63 ft. gutter length per downspout Roof Area for each twin downspout = 2,195 s.f. or 63 ft. gutter for paired downspouts Outlet pipe flowrate per foot of gutter = 0.0058 cfs er ft For 25-Year Rainfall: Max roof Area for each downspout = 1,829 s.f. or 52 ft. gutter length per downspout Roof Area for each twin downspout = 1,829 s.f. or 52 ft. gutter for paired downspouts Outlet pipe flowrate per foot of gutter = 0.0070 cis per ft Material Thickness: Aluminum: min 0.027in.gutters, 0.020in. downspouts, Steel: min. 28ga gutters, 28ga downspouts Owner Name: Tommy Welch Barn 1 Right Back Section Designed By: R. Lin Taylor Date: 5/2012011 Design Notes: Back Section of Barn 1 Right Gutter Top Width Gutter Total Depth Gutter Bottom Width Freeboard FULL FLOW IN GUTTER Gutter Slope 10year, 5 minute rainfall 25year, 5 minute rainfall Depth Less Freeboard Front Offset Gutter End Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Gutter Flow CALCULATIONS T = 6 in. measured to front edge D = 1 4.9 lin. measured at back of gutter B = 4 in. width of flat bottom portion fbd = 0.5 in. freeboard (usually 1/2 inch) Slope = default 1/16 in. per foot (1" in 16 feet) Pfo = 0.60 in. from FOTG 558-NC P25 = 0.72 in. from FOTG 558-NC d = 4.4 O = 2 in. Ag = 22.00 sq.in. (d * B) + 0.5(d * O) p = 13.23 . in. r = 0.139 ft. Ag/p qe = 0.366 cfs Tech. Note 1 Roof Runoff Mgt. 1986 qg = 0.0621 * r2j" * Ag eq. 5. (assume n=0.012 dirty gutter) DOWNSPOUT FLOW (ORIFICE FLOW LIMITS): Downspout Area Ad = Downspout flow qd = Twin downspout flow qd2 = DESIGN FLOW RATE: Limiting flow rate q design= 20.0 sq.in 0.440 cfs. Tech. Note 1, eq. 9. qd=0.0105 *Ad *dv2 0.881 cfs. If downspt limits flow, can use two downspouts together. 0.366 CfS. For single downspout: Gutter limits flow Limiting flow rate w/Paired dnspt. q paired = 0.366 cfs. For twin downspout: Gutter limits flow ROOF AREA PER DOWNSPOUT: 0 Max Roof Area for 10 year rain Aroof 10 = 2,195 s.f. Derived from Tech Note 1 eqn. 11 Downspout Spacing 10 yr rain Spac10 = 63 ft. Aroof = q * 3600 / P Max Roof Area for 25 year rain Aroof 25 = 1,829 s.f. Downspout Spacing 25 yr rain Spac25 = 52 ft. Paired Downspout option: Max Roof Area for 10 year rain Aroof 10 = 2,195 s.f. Using 2 downspouts close together Gutter Length per Downspout 10 year Spac10 = 63 ft. Max Roof Area for 25 year rain Aroof 25 = 1,829 s.f. Using 2 downspouts close together Gutter. Length per Downspout 25 year Spac25 = 52 ft. OUTLET PIPE FLOW RATES: Pipe Flowrate per ft gutr 10 year rain gpip,10= 0.00583 cfs/ft pipe design flow rate per foot of gutter Pipe Flowrate per ft gutr 25 year rain gp1p,25= 0.00700 cfs/ft pipe design flow rate per foot of gutter 4 113 l l O O h I� .0 .0 J J \ U � N C YO U Install 6' Gutter with Downspout N p N p o o L' < Z on this 40 foot section Downspout to outlet into Diversion c � 1 40' 110" s 0 h L_ rr o Sio• e JO)e Slope J C: W ,0 ^ Barn 1 ( N O o 0 30 4 Flo a L O - _ r rout F 4-1+ +' Slope —i of :3 Barn 3 Barn —� `o 150' o J ti i � U 5 e V� To y e9ch.gutter 50 0 50 100 150 Drawing No. Scale in Feet 71,70177 IMP She of Downspout Elbow Gutter slope = 1/16 in./ft. Hanger Spacing 24"—� 1/2" min. clearance 6 "Gutter / Rafter ---/ End Cap Fascia Hoard Fascia Board� H Top Support Bracket Roof Slope Projection 3 " x 4 " Downspout dl, � iZ �! i17atJ NS,�✓c «'f Downspout Spacing = 38 feet max. gutter length per downspout 10 ft. max GUTTER DETAIL if NOT TO SCALE Bottom Support Bracket Surface Outlet or Concrete Splash Pad Natural Ground GUTTER DOWNSPOUT DETAIL NOT TO SCALE Rader $ I Wedge Shaped Stringer - e FASCIA AND STRINGER DETAIL NOT TO SCALE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS AND NOTES 1. Gutter shall be corrosion resistant material of sufficient thickness to prevent flexing between supports. Aluminum gutters shall have a nominal thickness of (0.027) inches. Aluminum downspouts shall have a nominal thickness of (0.020) inches. Galvanized steel gutters and downspouts shall be at least (28) gauge. 2. Dissimilar metals shall not be in contact with each other. 3. Gutters shall have continuous backing support with a vertical face. A wedge shaped stringer may be used for support. Rafter ends and fascia boards shall be sound. 4. Gutter hangers shall be located a maximum of (24) inches apart and nailed to fascia board. 5. Downspouts shall be securely fastened at the top and bottom with support brackets and shall have intermediate support brackets no more than (10) feet apart where not housed within a protective sleeve. 6. All gutter joints shall be made watertight by use of a mastic or caulking. 7. Gutters shall be placed below the roof slope line projection with a minimum Z" clearance as shown in the drawings. 8. When downspout empties onto ground, there shall be an elbow and energy dissipation device placed at end of downspout to provide a stable outlet. 9. A protective sleeve of PVC Schedule 40 or steel pipe shall be placed around the downspout or used as downspout if exposed to machinery traffic or livestock. Sleeve shall be a minimum height of (6) feet. a ¢d �o �dUE x�0 �o�v�i Wi=wo ��zca x¢ 0ooW 0 E�<�F s � c7 f1 Tommy Welch Trailer Wash Pad Solid Separation Calculate flow for Solid Separator Basin Based on observations by NRCS Field Office Staff during trailer wash. Average water quantity used during wash = 600 gallons Time per wash = 30 minutes 600 gallons\30 minutes = 20 GPM Design pipe flow from basin to tank Minimum 20 GPM Convert GPM to CFS 20 GPM\448.8,= 0.0446 cfs From Hydraulics Software 4" PVC pipe will carry 0.4 cfs Use 4" PVC pipe from solid separator basin to concrete tank. Calculations by: Date: 1 Checked by: Date: ��/ Participant: Location: County: Pipe Flow Formula Solution Tommy Welch Trailer Wash County, NC Designer: RLT Date: 12/07/201 l Checker: Date: Hydraulics Formula, Version 2.2.1 Wash Pad to Storage Tank Mannings Coefficient (n): 0.012 Entrance Coefficient (Ke): 0.5 Diameter of Pipe: 4 in. Head on Pipe: 3 ft. Length of Pipe: 70 ft. Pipe Capacity: 0.4 cfs Pipe Velocity: 4.5 ft/sec Friction Coefficient (Kp): 0.1154 Max allocable fall in pipe when outlet is not submerged: 2.5 ft. Weir Flow Formula Solution Participant: Tommy Welch Location: Seperator Riser County: County, NC Checker: Designer: RLTaylor Date: _ Date: 12/14/2011 Hydraulics Formula, Version 2.2.1 4 @ V x 3" slot Weir Coefficient (C): 3.33 Length of Weir: 0.333 i+rff Head on Weir: 0.25 ft. Weir Capacity: 0.14 cfs u 44g• 8 GFM/C- — Ire y 5 la f'5 x We; L — �2 Tommy Welch Trailer Wash Pad Solid Separation Analyze Orifice Flow for Solid Separator Riser Flow rate from Pad = 0.0446 cfs Calculate orifice Head at slot submerged plus 1 inch. Orifice Head = %::(slot@3") + 1" for fully submerged = 2.5" =0.208 ft. Orifice Capacity = 0.18 cfs 0.18 cfs x 448.8 GPM/CFS = 80 GPM Calculate orifice Head at slot submerged plus 4 inches to top of riser. , Orifice Head = %=(slot@3") + 4" at top of pipe before overflow = 5.5" =0.458 ft Orifice Capacity= 0.27 cfs 0.27 cfs x 448.8 GPM/CFS = 121 GPM Summary: The orifice flow will not maintain a buildup of flow for very long, but with the screen separators there should not be much solid material in suspension that would require long detention time for settling. Calculations by: ,✓ Date: ?// Checked by: Date: �y/ti/& Orifice Flow Formula Solution Participant: Tommy Welch Location: Seperator Riser County: County, NC Designer: RLTaylor Checker: Date: 12/14/2011 Date: Hydraulics Formula, Version 2.2.1 4 @ 1" x 3" slot Orifice Coefficient (C): 0.6 Area of Orifice: 12 sq.in. Head on Orifice: .208 ft. Orifice Capacity: 0.18 cfs /it c.bove 5ubme1-5ej Orifice Flow Formula Solution Participant: Tommy Welch Location: Seperator Riser County: County, NC Designer: RLTaylor Checker: Date:12/14/2011 Date: Hydraulics Formula, Version 2.2.1 4 @ 1" x 3" slot Orifice Coefficient (C): 0.6 Area of Orifice: 12 sq.in. Head on Orifice: 0.458 ft. Orifice Capacity: 0.27 cfs Sllblher3ecl 4o� �� ai (%%� M ❑UTSIDE EDGE OF WALL F❑❑TING CONCRETE TANK INSIDE DIMENSI❑NS 31.00 FT LONG X 22.00 FT WIDE `3 1.0 PLAN VIEW DGE OF INSIDE WALL F❑❑TING 5" SLAB DIMENSI❑NS; 24.3 FT. LONG 15,3 FT. WIDE FLOOR SLAB 1, The 5 inch floor slab shall be constructed by the f ollowing method: Place concrete on top of 6 inch layer of compacted #57 gravel. Use number 3 bars at 18 spacing each direction. Concrete cover for steel placed in floor slab shall be 2 inch minimum. NOT TO SCALE IME Tonk 1.ofI& 8„I 10-OE #4 ® 10" MAX. BACKFILL HT. = 5 FT. 81 12" COMPACTED #57 GRAVE 4" Slotted Corrugate Plastic Drain Pipe MIN. BACKFILL MIN. WIDTH j 15 FT. 3" CLEAR 7" CLEAR y i 2" CLEAR— A #4 1 6" 3'-4" 7'-4" 3" CLEAR BACKFILL DETAILS SEE SHEET CONDITIONS OF USE BACKFILL: "2 TO 5 FEET #5 ® 12" 0 - 100% FINES MACHINERY SURCHARGE LOADING CONDITIONS ALLOWED: NONE (SEE PA -DESIGN GUIDE 4) LINEAL FEET OF WALL 106 ESTIMATED STEEL SCHEDULE (GRADE 40) (Does not include slab or splices) NUMBER MARK SIZE TYPE R S LENGTH LENGTH 216 A 4 STR --- --- 7'-0' 1512' 224 B #5 2 4'-0" V-0' 510" 1120' 114 C jJ5 STR 8 D #5 STR --- --- 39 -0 - . • . 8 D 45 .STR --- --- 31,-0" 248' 8 D #5 STIR --- --- 30'-0" 240' 8 D IS STR --- --- 22'-0' 176' 40 E 4 2 i'-0' 15'-4" 16'-4" 655' 40 1 E I 14 .2. 1 V-0" 10'-10" 11'-10" 475' 20 N 1 -4 2 1 2'-0" 1 2'-0" 1 4'-0" 80' DESIGN VALUES EARTH BACKFILL: 85 PSF/FT, EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE 110 PCF (SOIL WEIGHT) AND >50% FINES 3" CLEAR MANURE: 65 PSF/FT, EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE ALL VERTICAL REBAR MACHINERY LOADING: 0 PSF EQUIV. FLUID PRESSURE • ULTIMATE STRENGTH DESIGN (ACI 318-99) CONCRETE STRENGTH: 4,000 PSI REBAR: GRADE 40 B #5 © 6" • COEFF. FRICTION SOIL/CONCRETE) = 0.5 /� • MINIMUM SLIDING FACTOR OF SAFETY = 1.5 CONSTRUCTION JOINT • WALL SLIDING RESTRAINT REQUIRED MINIMUM OVERTURNING FACTOR OF SAFETY = 2.0 EXTEND SLAB STEEL • MIN. ALLOWABLE SUBGRADE BEARING CAPACITY = 2000 PSF �WATERSTOP INTO FOOTING A MINIMUM . NOT DESIGNED TO SUPPORT BUILDINGS OR ROOFS OF 12 INCHES 3CLEAR --_ -_ (5.0" ©.BARS V 1 2 3 @ 18" BOTH DIRECTIONS 2" CLEAR-o- #57 GRAVEL 3-OD #5 © 12"� I ^2" CLEAR 3'-4" F 12" WALL SECTION l PLACE Q BARS AT EACH. HORIZONTAL BAR CONSTRUCTION JOINT CORNER NOTES LOCATION IN TOP 4' OF LIQUID -TIGHT JOINT XX YES NO 1. PLACE FIRST VERTICAL BAR AT WALL CORNER OR NO FURTHER WALL ONLY. --- THAN ONE-HALF BAR SPACING FROM THE INSIDE CORNER. (5 QN BARS TOTAL PER LIQUID -TIGHT JOINT OPTIONS 2. HOOK CAN BE SEPARATE FROM QE BARS, PROVIDED THAT CORNER) MINIMUM LAP SPLICE OF 16" FOR #4 BARS IS MET. 1) NON-HETALIC WATERSTBP 3, SEE WALL SECTION FOR EXACT LOCATIONS OF©AND EE)BARS. 6' PVC @ 106 FT. LONG 12" Im STEEL DETAILS BAR SIZE BEND DIAMETER SPLICE LENGTH D INCHES INCHES (MIN.),, #4 3 16 #5 3-3/4 20 :y IF TWO BARS OF DIFFERENT DIAMETER ARE SPLICED, USE THE LONGER SPLICE LENGTH. R_\ L;�DJ��S TYPE 2 BAR .7M 2" CLEAR BOTH (E) AND QN BARS CORNER BAR SCHEMATIC PLAN VIEW - TOP 4 FEET OF WALL SHOWN THIS STANDARDIZED DESIGN MUST DE ADAPTED TO THE SPECIFIC SITE. IT WAS DEVELOPED IN COOPERATION WITH THE WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, TRADE AND CONSUMER PROTECTIDN. THE DESIGN FOLDER IS FILED AT THE NRCS STATE OFFICE, 8030 FXCELSIDR DRIVE, MADISON, WISCONSIN 53717-2906 _ (ADAPTED FROM WI-587, APRIL 2005) 0 ID SLAB FOOTING CORNER DETAIL NOTES FOR FOOTING STEEL PLACEMENT 1.) FOOTING TEMPERATURE AND SHRINKAGE STEEL (T&S) TO BE EXTENDED INTO THIS V 1 REGION FROM BOTH SIDES OF CORNER. REGION IS OUTSIDE EXTENSION OF WALLS INCLUDING WALL THICKNESS. ° 2.) STRENGTH STEEL IS EXTENDED INTO THIS REGION FROM BOTH SIDES OF CORNER.' REGION IS INSIDE EXTENSION OF THE WALLS. FOOTING SLAB T&S STEEL OUTSIDE THE CORNER REGION TO LAP SPLICE WITH THE STRENGTH STEEL 16 INCHES. O� 3.) IN BOTH CORNER REGIONS, STRENGTH STEEL AND T&S STEEL WILL REQUIRE SWITCHING POSITIONS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM AND VICE VERSA. (ADAPTED FROM WI-571, APRIL 2005) �o t ' / F $fit 0+00 �+ 0 N � 7 PROPOSEDGRADING��� FOR WASTE STORAGE TANK c 715 CONCRETE WASTE STORAGE TANK SEE SHEET 7 OF10 710 FOR DETAILS GRADE BREAK STA = 0+63.71 ELEV = 705.0 705 PROPOSED GRADE I \ 1 / i 1 i _I / � O I / ^ O co CD PROPOSED WASTE' � TRANSFER PIPE SEE SHEET L OF 1 o EXISTWG FENCE FOR DETAILS 1 P PROPOSED GRADING J FOR WASTE I/ TRANSFER PAD I-; � 1 50f PROPOSED I ' PIPE SUPPORTS EXISTING CONCRETE PAD PROPOSED WASTE PROPOSED WASTE I TRANSFER PAD 3, STORAGE TANK SEE SHEETS - SEE SHEETS 7 5V16 FOR DETAILS � FDETAILS PLAN VIEW (1" = 20' HORIZ.) GRADE BREAK STA = 0+97.10 ELEV = 705.0 1 EXISTING GRADE 700 v GRADE BREAK STA 1+04.32 690 685 684 • tf tf tf 0 tf PROFILE OR i N w EXISTING TANK /7^� 2+47 0 w Q Z10.0 5.0 HORIZONTAL SCALE: V = 20' 10 20 GRADE BREAK STA = 1+55.92 ELEV = 710:5 GRADE BREAK STA = 2+16.13 ELEV = 712.8 PROPOSED GRADE en 1 k 1 715 EXISTING GRADE 710 GRADE BREAK STA = ELEV = 714.2 PROPOSED WASTE TRANSFER PIPE SEE SHEETS OF L FOR DETAILS CONCRETE WASTE TRANS FER PAD SEE SHEET /D OF L FOR DETAILS , d 705 700 2+00 695 684 2+47 0 z O Y U 6 N a _ 0 z 2 U J 0 w J LL O CY I1 06 Z g d 314" Wall Heil Floor Elev.v. 710. VK6710-10 gauge wire reinforcement- 8" MIN Lap 4" SCH. 40 PVC Pipe with (4) 1 " x 3" slots NOTE: Do Not GLUE Riser in Coupling 12" Screen Top of Curb Elev. 711.5 See Wall Design or#4@12" Vertical #4 @ 8" Horizontal Bottom Leg 24" 6" wide 3000 psi Concrete 1, Water Tight Seal w/Hydraulic Cement Around Pipe Coupling Orifice Elevation 710.6 or 1" above Floor Elevation 2' Min 4' Sch. 40 PVC Pipe 2" Base Materia o Holding Tank 1.4 % or 0.014 ft/ft Grade Side View Not to Scale uteri V1UW System Operation & Maintenance 1. Operation requires daily scraping to remove solids 2. The screens must be cleaned after each storm event. Replacement may be necessary. 3. Grease outside of riser to fit into coupling to facilitate cleaning if blockage occurs below riser. V fill JIVIi V.I YY N and steel reinforcement details Scale:3/16"=1 PVC RISER DETAIL 4 slots @ 1 " wide x 3" long 4.00" slots spaced evenly around pipe 8.00" " 4 a. 5.001, 2 Gravel o O T Scale: 1 "=1' L4 4^ L O 4} O L Q lU to C— U fn N.� O T� E c— E u O O?� L N D -11 Q36°4130.00' N I I I I 1 1 Q36°4�' OQ.QO'I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q36°14p' 30.g0'I N 035°I49' 00.00I Q35°I4B' 30.40'I B 4i IN INS IPA LN NI r� �1+�i',`..�11� �Well �..• ►tiiTi/JttE�l%.�,1\ ;/ af��e�3�, m '� � �;, Ste, r .�� y� �,.,�.•.t� 1 11 63b" 4' 36.604 N 1 1 1 1 1 1 63s" 4a' 1106.60� 1 1 1 6A°14�' 136.604 � 1 1 1 1 1 1 63�" 4b' I0b.d0� N 1 1 1 1 1 1 b3�°146' 136.60l YADKIN RIVER BASIN Name of Stream Subbasin Stream Index Number Map Number Class Cane Creek YAD11 13-17-4-2-1 F15NE8 C Aanebreak Branch YAD14 13-17-40-19 G18SW4 C Cape Fear Branch YAD16 13-40-2 H19NEB C Capples Pond and Gibsons Millpond YAD16 13-39-6-2 H2ONW2 WS-III 'Caraway Creek YAD09 13-2-3 D19NWB C Carolina Creek YAD14 13-17-40-5 H17SW3 WS-V Carroll Branch YADO1 12-24-8-1-3 C12NE5 C;Tr,ORW Carter Creek YAD02 12-93 D17NW3 C Cartledge Creek YAD16 13-35 G19SEB C Cattail Creek YAD09 13-2-19-2 F19NW7 WS-IV Cattail Creek YADOS 13-8-1 F18SE5 Ws -IV Caudill Branch YAD01 12-46-2-2-2 B14NW9 C;Tr,ORW Caudle Branch YAD14 13-17-40-16-2 G17SE9 C Cedar Branch YAD14 13-17-35 G17NE6 C Cedar Branch YAD14 13-17-40-7 H17NW9 WS-V Cedar Branch YAD14 13-17-40-20 G18SW8 C Cedar Branch YAD15 13-25-31-1 F19SW9 C Cedar Branch YAD15 13-25-32-1 G19NW2 C Cedar Creek YAD05 12-102-13-(2) C16SE9 C Cedar Creek YADOS 12-125-(1) E1BSW4 WS-IV Cedar Creek YAD08 12-125-(2) E18SW4 WS-IV;CA Cedar Creek YAD09 13-2-23 F19NW7 WS-IV Cedar Creek YAD08 13-12-(1) G18NW3 WS-IV Cedar Creek YAD08 13-12-(2) G18NW3 WS-IV;CA Cedar Creek YAD10 13-21 H18NE3 C Cedar Creek YAD15 13-25-22 F19SE2 C Cedar Creek YAD17 13-47-3 H18SW6 C Cedar Creek, including proposed reservoir YADOS 12-102-13-(1) C16SE4 B Cedar Fork Creek YAD09 13-2-3-3-2 E19NE1 C Chadric Creek YAD02 12-62-5-1 B15NW6 B;Tr,ORW Champ Creek YAD03 12-72-5 A16SE8 C Cheatwood Branch YADO1 12-46-4-30-1-2 B14SE3 C Cheek Creek YAD15 13-25-36 F19SE9 C Chestnut Branch YAD01 12-24-7. C12NE6 B;Tr,ORW Childs Branch YAD17 13-42-2-2-1 H18NW9 C Chinkapin Creek YAD14 13-17-36-9-5-(0.3) G16SE3 WS-III Chinkapin Creek YAD14 13-17-36-9-5-(0.7) G17SW4 WS-III;CA Chinquapin Creek YAD03 12-72-14-3 317NW7 WS-II;HQW Chinquapin Creek YAD05 12-102-6 C16SE7 C Chock Creek (Gibson Pond) YAD16 13-39-6 H2ONE4 WS-III Christian Creek (North Fork Mitchell River) YAD02 12-62-8 B15NW3 B;Tr,ORW Church Barnch YADO1 12-42-4 B14SW4 C Church Branch YAD01 12-17 C12SE9 C;Tr Church Creek YAD04 12-115.5 E17SW3 C Clarke Creek YAD11 13-17-4 F15NE9 C Clarks Creek YAD10 13-16 F18SE6 C Clarke Creek YAD11 13-17-5-2 F15SE3 C Clay Creek YAD17 13-47-1 H17SEB C Clear Branch YAD01 12-24-5 C12NE2 B;Tr,ORW Clear Branch YADO1 12-40-2-3 B13SE4 WS-II;Tr,HQW Clear Creek YAD11 13-17-8-4-1 F16SW9 C Clear Creek YAD12 13-17-17 G16NW6 C Clercy Branch YAD06 12-108-16-2-3 C15NW7 WS-III Page 5 of 28 2013-12-19 11:17:52 1 TOMMY WELCH BEFF CATTLE OPERATION DROP INLET DESIGN INSTALLATION PROCEDURES RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1. Install catch basins to the grade elevations shown on the drawings. 2. Perforate holes in drop box for pipe entry keeping holes as small as possible and still allow proper positioning of the pipe. 3. Pipes shall be grouted into the boxes using a mix of 1 part_, Portland cement to 2 parts of mortar sand or equal- rout premix. Grouting s a e f ush with the insi e surface of the oxe . 4. Finish excavating pipe trench to grades as shown on the drawings. If rocky type materials are found in the bottom of the pipe trench, over excavate a minimum of one foot and backfill with suitable material. Trench fill material should be suitable to not cause damage to pipe. 5.Fill and compact earth fill around pipe and catch basins. Compaction shall be accomplished using manually -directed power tamps. The maximum thickness of each layer before compaction shall be 6 inches. Compacted earth fill should be graded to existing slope to assure positive drainage. 6. All disturbed areas should be vegetated according to Critical Area Planting Specifications. A pre -construction meeting should be held with landowner, contractor and MRCS to review this plan Prior to vroceedina with anv work. Rectangular Riser Drop Inlet Design Participant: Tommy Welch Location: Barn 3 Left County: County, NC Designer: R L Taylor Checker: TE�� Date:03/07/2011 Date: Hydraulics Formula, Version 2.2.1 i 3' C 3' i i 686.8 - ---[ i' 683.8 - Max. Pool Elevation = 688.00 ft. Weir Elevation = 686.8 ft. Pipe Inlet Elevation = 683.8 Riser Length = 3 ft. Riser Width = 3 ft. Pool Elev (ft.) 687.0 687.2 687.4 687.6 (continued) Drop Box 1 EtEV477on1 6 S9. 6v 8" dia. x 254 ft. 669:00 Tailwater Elevation = 0.06 ft. Pipe Outlet Elevation = 669.00 ft. Pipe Material = CPP Pipe Diameter = 8 in. Pipe Length = 254 ft. Discharge Controlling (CFS) 3.33 Weir Flow Controls 6.44 Orifice Flow At Pipe Inlet Controls 6.66 Orifice Flow At Pipe Inlet Controls 6.87 Orifice Flow At Pipe Inlet Controls Page 2, (Tommy Welch) 687.8 7.07 Orifice Flow At Pipe Inlet Controls 688.0 7.27 Orifice Flow At Pipe Inlet Controls Trapezoidal Channel Section Participant: Tommy Welch Location: Dike ESW County: County, NC Designer: R. Lin Taylor Checker: Date: 04/25/2011 Date: Hydraulics Formula, Version 2.2.1 Slope: 0.005 ft/ft 'n' value: 0.030 Emergency Bypass Sideslope:2:1 Bottom Width: 5 ft Depth of Flow: 1.0 ft. Width @ surface 9 ft Hydraulic Radius: 0.74 Area: 7.00 sq ft Velocity: 2.86 ft/sec Capacity: 20.04 cfs Computation Sheet NRCS-ENG-523A Rev. 6-2002 U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Project P-,kt.)bnLP14 COUAITY Checked by =0 ONE M Elm 11 INM NONE 0 No MEMN No ME off, "Ws MIJ a wmm ON 0 =IN MEN on El 0 4 1 illf,0111 1 1 0 M11 MEM11 MEMO M 00 BORMNORMS" No NONE MV 0 mom MEN M M 0 I M NONE NEI M IMEmims MEMNON ENON 0 M 0 SHE 0 M MEMIMMME M 00 OMEN . 0 ON 0 ME IN "'I NONE MEN OMMEMMOMMMEM SOMEONE ME ON WOMMOMMMIN ME MEN M M II 'in mill EFH-2 ESTIMATING RUNOFF AND PEAK DISCHARGE Version 1.1.0 Client: Tommy Welch County: Randolph. State: NC Practice: Drainage Area Barn 3 Left Calculated By: RLT Date: 2/15/2011 Checked By: SEtK Date: 6 / Drainage Area: 1 Acres (provided from RCN Calculator) Curve Number: 82 (provided from RCN Calculator) Watershed Length: 338 Feet Watershed Slope: 6 Percent Time of Concentration: 0.10 Hours (calculated value) Rainfall Type: II Storm Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Frequency (yrs) 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 24-Hr rainfall (in) 2.90 3.50 4.38 5.07 5.99 6.73 7.48 la/P Ratio 0.15 0.13 0.10 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.06 Used 0.15 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Runoff (in) 1.30 1.78 2.53 3.14 3.98 4.66 5.37 (ac-ft) 0.11 0.15 0.21 0.26 0.33 0.39 0.45 Unit Peak Discharge 1.548 1.563 1.578 1.578 1.578 1.578 1.578 (cfs/acre/in) Peak Discharge (cfs) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Warning: - RCN data inconsistant or different from Basic data. Page 1 of 2 EFH-2 ESTIMATING RUNOFF AND PEAK DISCHARGE Curve number Computation Version 1.1.0 Client: Tommy Welch County: Randolph State: NC Practice: Drainage Area Barn 3 Left Calculated By: RLT Date: 2/15/2011 Checked By: Date: COVER DESCRIPTION Acres CN Hydrologic Soil Group A B C D OTHER AGRICULTURAL LANDS Farmsteads ---- 0.5(82) Total Area (by Hydrologic Soil Group) .5 TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA: .5 Acres WEIGHTED CURVE NUMBER: 82 Page 2 of 2 GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT DESIGN PROCEDURE BASED ON TECHNICAL NOTE 1, 1986 and FOTG 558-NC FOR "Ogee" or "K" style gutters. PJC 7-28-04 Instructions: Edit blue numbers and evaluate results within this blue box. Gutter slope is assumed to be 1/16 in. per foot (V in 16 feet). Typical fbd =0.5 in. Note: Gutter dimensions vary by manufacturer or by model of seamless gutter machine. 8.00 T 1: =fbd 0.50 7.25 U Avg Gutter sizes: T 5.0 I 6.0 D 3.4 4.9 B 3.3 14.0 Downspouts: 5.40 2.60 20 3x4 Gutter cross section Roof width (horiz.slope length) = 30 ft. from peak to gutter Downspout Size = 5 x 6 in. (width x thickness) (note: A 3x4 downspout fits into a 4" pipe.) RESULTS For single downspout: Downspout limits flow 0.818 cfs max at outlet. For twin downspout: Gutter limits flow 0.943 cfs max at outlet. For 10-Year Rainfall: Max roof Area for each downspout = 4,910 s.f. or 164 ft. gutter length per downspout Roof Area for each twin downspout = 5,655 s.f. or 189 ft. gutter for paired downspouts Outlet pipe flowrate per foot of gutter = 0.0050 cfs per ft For 25-Year Rainfall: Max roof Area for each downspout = 4,092 s.f. or 136 ft. gutter length per downs out Roof Area for each twin downspout = 4,713 s.f. or 157 ft. utter for aired downs outs Outlet pipe flowrate per foot of gutter = 0.0060 cfs per ft Material Thickness: Aluminum: min 0.027in.gutters, 0.020in. downspouts, Steel: min. 28ga gutters, 28ga downspouts Owner Name: Tommy Welch Barn 3 Left Designed By: R. Lin Taylor Date: 4/6/2011 Design Notes: 8" Gutter (3 r/ CJGL �/ei LoT D a-y 07� Y�l 2e,�j>/- = � o i5a X Z�. voG 041/w = D. c Ps CALCULATIONS Gutter Top Width T = 8 in. measured to front edge Gutter Total Depth D = 7.25 in. measured at back of gutter Gutter Bottom Width B = 5.4 in. width of flat bottom portion Freeboard fbd = 0.5 in. freeboard (usually 1/2 inch) FULL FLOW IN GUTTER Gutter Slope Slope = default 1/16 in. per foot (1" in 16 feet) 10year, 5 minute rainfall Pto = 0.60 in. from FOTG 558-NC 25year, 5 minute rainfall P25 = 0.72 in. from FOTG 558-NC Depth Less Freeboard d = Front Offset O = Gutter End Area Ag = Wetted Perimeter p = Hydraulic Radius r = Gutter Flow qg = DOWNSPOUT FLOW (ORIFICE FLOW LIMITS): Downspout Area Ad = Downspout flow qd = Twin downspout flow qd2 = DESIGN FLOW RATE: Limiting flow rate q design= Limiting flow rate w/Paired dnspt. q paired = ROOF AREA PER DOWNSPOUT: Max Roof Area for 10 year rain Aroof 10 = Downspout Spacing 10 yr rain Spac10 = Max Roof Area for 25 year rain Aroof 25 = Downspout Spacing 25 yr rain Spac25 = Paired Downspout option: Max Roof Area for 10 year rain Aroof 10 = Gutter Length per Downspout 10 year Spac10 = Max Roof Area for 25 year rain Aroof 25 = Gutter Length per Downspout 25 year Spac25 = 6.75 2.6 in. 45.23 sq.in. (d " B) + 0.5(d - O) 19.38 in 0.194 ft. Ag/p 0.943 cfs Tech. Note 1 Roof Runoff Mgt. 1986 qg = 0.0621 • r213 . Ag eq. 5. (assume n=0.012 dirty gutter) 30.0 sq.in. 0.818 cfs. Tech. Note 1, eq. 9. qd=0.0105'Ad-dt'2 1.637 cfs. If downspt limits flow, can use two downspouts together. 0.818 CfS. For single downspout: Downspout limits flow 0.943 cfs. For twin downspout: Gutter limits flow 4,910 s.f. Derived from Tech Note 1 eqn. 11 164 ft. Aroof = q ' 3600 / P 4,092 s.f. 136 ft. 5,655 s.f. Using 2 downspouts close together 189 ft. 4,713 s.f. Using 2 downspouts close together 157 ft. OUTLET PIPE FLOW RATES: Pipe Flowrate per ft gutr 10 year rain gpip,10= 0.00500 cfs/ft pipe design flow rate per foot of gutter Pipe Flowrate per ft gutr 25 year rain gpip,25= 0.00600 cfs/ft pipe design flow rate per foot of gutter Dimensions for Standard K Style Gutter Sizes Page I of 2 Cart Summary Your Cart is Empty View Cart Search Search f-_ -- Go Navigation Navigation GUTTERS Commercial Gutters Gutters -Copper Half_Ro, und. Copper GuHers K Style Copper Gutters 0"K Style 1.6_oz, Copper Gutters. 0"K Style_16cz. Copper Gutters 4 Gutter_Copper 16oz,...5.'.',..K Style 2P Eeet -f, Gulter-Copper 16oz 6".K $tyle..,10 Feet 4 Gutter Copper 16oz 6"_K-Style 20. Feet .; Gutter Copper 16oz_7"_K Style..10 Feet ............. 4 Gutter Copper 160z., 8",K $Jyle 12 Feet -.y K-Style Gutter Sizing Chart 4 K;S.tyle-Gutter Component Diagram 4 Gutier Copper 16pz 7"_K Style_2.0, Feet 4 G.ulter Copper 16oz 6"K Style 10 Feet 4 Gutter Copper20 % oz K, Style 20 Feet Gutters Aluminum Gutters Galvanized Gutters Vinyl_-_Plastmo® Gutters Europoan zinc Gutters Paint Grip Steel. KStyle Gutlor Sizing Chart I-Gj T D 1. A 4K C SK 6K 7KF aK I g i K-Style or Ogee Loc. Size A B C D E F G 4K 3''e 2314 2% '1, a 4" "1 a 1/z 5K 35b 33� 35� sits Gn gfis 112 6K 47$ 37 145ta 1" 6" 5� 911e 7K 57iil 49 16 1 61 V 7" Ob 5's 8K 71; 5'fil 7" 1" 1 Dimensions for Standard K-Style Gutter Sizes In sizing rain gutters, the following consideration are important. Currently there is no standard in the roof drainage industry but these concepts are based on handed down experience. • Outlet Sizing and Spacing Your gutter system will perform its best when a proper outlet size is chosen to drain a given roof area. Downspout sizes must not exceed the bottom width of the gutter. furthermore, the standard norm for gutters among many in the rain carrying industry is to allow 1 square inch of outlet opening in the gutter for every 100 square feet of roof area being drained. • Roof Slope Rainwater must not overrun the front edge of the gutter. A steep pitched roof can accelerate rainwater velocity. The gutter must not be hung too high or too low against the fascia or eaves of the roof. • Gutter Slope To allow for proper drainage in gutters, allow the gutter to slope approximately 1/4" drop every 10 feet toward the downspout for adequate drainable. To prevent mosquitoes, your gutter system must not hold rainwater. • Gutter Style gutters are typically K-Style and Half -Round Styles though custom profile are available. K-Style sizes will typically range from 5" to 6". 7" and greater are appropriate for churches and larger commercial buildings. As a general rule, eGutterTM recommends for roof areas that exceed 2800 square feet, a 6" K Style http://www.egutter.com/RAIN-GUTTERS-GUTTER-SUPPLY/K-Style-Copper-Gutters/K-... 4/6/2011 GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT DESIGN PROCEDURE BASED ON TECHNICAL NOTE 1, 1986 and FOTG 558-NC FOR "Ogee" or "K" style gutters PJC 7-28-04 Instructlons: Edit blue numbers and evaluate results within this blue box. Gutter slope is assumed to be 1/16 in. per foot (V in 16 feet). Typical fbd =0.5 in. Note: Gutter dimensions vary by manufacturer or by model of seamless gutter machine. 6.00 --'fbd 0.50 4.90 U S 1` Avg Gutter sizes: T 5.0 l 6.0 D 3.4 4.9 B 3.3 l 4.0 Downspouts: 4.00 2.00 2x3 3x4 Gutter cross section Roof width (horiz.slope length) = 30 ft. from peak to gutter Downspout Size = 3 x 4 in. (width x thickness) (note: A 3x4 downspout fits into a 4" pipe.) RESULTS For sin le downspout: Downspout limits flow 0.264 cfs max at outlet. For twin downspout: Gutter limits flow 0.366 cfs max at outlet. For 10-Year Rainfall: Max roof Area for each downspout = 1,586 s.f. or 53 ft. gutter length per downspout Roof Area for each twin downspout = 2,195 s.f. or 73 ft. gutter for paired downspouts Outlet pipe flowrate per foot of gutter = 0.0050 cfs per ft For 25-Year Rainfall: Max roof Area for each downspout = 1,321 s.f. or 44 ft. gutter length per downspout Roof Area for each twin downspout = 1,829 s.f. or 61 ft. gutter for paired downspouts Outlet pipe flowrate per foot of gutter = 0.0060 cfs per ft Material Thickness: Aluminum: min 0.027in.gutters, 0.020in. downspouts, Steel: min. 28ga gutters, 28ga downspouts Owner Name: Tommy Welch Barn 3 Left Designed By: R. Lin Taylor, Scott Carter Date: 1 /20/2011 Design Notes: 6" Gutter Pry y Svr &a7*f- W;4- i "XS" cia PSPou45 ZLk; I1:0S LE/JGTf = 15o 7�+, 1,50-if X D,606 cfsAtl -SPaceoJ d���oay5�ouiS d. 9 Cis CALCULATIONS Gutter Top Width T = 6 in. measured to front edge Gutter Total Depth D = 4.9 in. measured at,back of gutter Gutter Bottom Width B = 4 in. width of flat bottom portion Freeboard fbd = 0.5 in. freeboard (usually 1/2 inch) FULL FLOW IN GUTTER Gutter Slope Slope = default 1/16 in. per foot (1" in 16 feet) 10year, 5 minute rainfall Pto = 0.60 in. from FOTG 558-NC 25year, 5 minute rainfall P25 = 0.72 in. from FOTG 558-NC Depth Less Freeboard d = Front Offset O = Gutter End Area Ag = Wetted Perimeter p = Hydraulic Radius r = Gutter Flow qg = DOWNSPOUT FLOW (ORIFICE FLOW LIMITS): Downspout Area Ad = Downspout flow qd = Twin downspout flow qd2 = DESIGN FLOW RATE: Limiting flow rate q design = Limiting flow rate w/Paired dnspt. q Paired = ROOF AREA PER DOWNSPOUT: Max Roof Area for 10 year rain Aroof 10 = Downspout Spacing 10 yr rain Spac10 = Max Roof Area for 25 year rain Aroof 25 = Downspout Spacing 25 yr rain Spac25 = Paired Downspout option: Max Roof Area for 10 year rain Aroof 10 = Gutter Length per Downspout 10 year Spac10 = Max Roof Area for 25 year rain Aroof 25 = Gutter Length per Downspout 25 year Spac25 = 4.4 2 in. 22.00 sq.in. (d - B) + 0.5(d . 0) 13.23 in. 0.139 ft. Ag/p 0.366 cfs Tech. Note 1 Roof Runoff Mgt. 1986 qg = 0.0621 - rz3' Ag eq. 5. (assume n=0.012 dirty gutter) 12.0 sq.in. 0.264 cfs. Tech. Note 1, eq. 9. qd=0.0105-Ad'd"2 0.529 cfs. If downspt limits flow, can use two downspouts together. 0.264 CfS. For single downspout: Downspout limits flow 0 0.366 cfs. For twin downspout: Gutter limits flow 1,586 s.f. Derived from Tech Note 1 eqn. 11 53 ft. Aroof = q " 3600 / P 1,321 s,f. 44 ft. 2,195 s.f. Using 2 downspouts close together 73 ft. 1,829 s.f. Using 2 downspouts close together 61 ft. OUTLET PIPE FLOW RATES: Pipe Flowrate per ft gutr 10 year rain gpip.10= 0.00500 cfslft pipe design flow rate per foot of gutter Pipe Flowrate per ft gutr 25 year rain gpipe25= 0.00600 cfslft pipe design flow rate per foot of gutter Top of Planned Dike Elev, 689,00 3' x 3' x 3' Pref ak Box Inlet Elev, 686,E Pipe Invert Elev, 68, 710 710 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00+18.19 Profile Drop Box 1 & Outlet Pipe Original Ground Surface and Proposed Dike Natural Ground Pipe outlet Elev, 669,00 8 inch Corrugated Plastic Pipe SKS, all 1. Side Slopes 2, Minima 5' Wide Bottom of Bypass Elev, 688,00 710 710 —0+50 0+00 04ff)659.87 1 +00 1 +50 Profile Drop Box 1 & Outlet Pipe Original Ground Surface and Proposed Dike Top of Planned Dike Elev, 689,00 natural Ground 4-S Ell t a z Pipe Flow Formula Solution Participant: Tommy Welch Location: Junction Box County: County, NC Designer: RLT Checker: J6-f�- Date:04/26/2011 Date: 4/// Hydraulics Formula, Version 2.2.1 Junction Box Outlet Pipe Mannings Coefficient (n): 0.015 Entrance Coefficient (Ke): 0.2 Diameter of Pipe: 8 in. Head on Pipe: 29 ft. Length of Pipe: 226 ft. Pipe Capacity: 3.6 cfs Pipe Velocity: 10.4 ft/see Friction Coefficient (Kp): 0.0715 Max allocable fall in pipe when outlet is not submerged: 27.0 ft. p1 44// ,'r' P"Fe- Plus ')' hid ;a � 1","r.4;,10 box. ek" 696 — e%i, 0/0/9 Pipe Flow Formula Solution Participant: Tommy Welch Location: Flow from Barn 3 Right County: County, NC Designer: RLT Checker: JE1- Date: 04/26/2011 Date: / A Hydraulics Formula, Version 2.2.1 6" 0 pipe from gutter Mannings Coefficient (n): 0.012 — PSG Entrance Coefficient (Ke): 0.2 Diameter of Pipe: 6 in. Head on Pipe: 10 ft. Length of Pipe: 50 ft. Pipe Capacity: 2.3 cfs Pipe Velocity: 11.9 ft/sec Friction Coefficient (Kp): 0.0672 Max allocable fall in pipe when outlet is not submerged: 7.4 ft. Pipe Flow Formula Solution Participant: Tommy Welch Location: Flow from Barn 1 l..EF7 County: County, NC Designer: RLT Checker: -F,5�m Date:04/26/2011 Date: L/ii Hydraulics Formula, Version 2.2.1 4" pipe from gutter Mannings Coefficient (n): 0.012 -- Entrance Coefficient (Ke): 0.2 Diameter of Pipe: 4 in. Head on Pipe: 10 ft. Length of Pipe: 50 ft. Pipe Capacity: 0.8 cfs Pipe Velocity: 9.6 ft/sec Friction Coefficient (Kp): 0.1154 Max allocable fall in pipe when outlet is not submerged: 8.3 ft. GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT DESIGN PROCEDURE BASED ON TECHNICAL NOTE 1, 1986 and FOTG 558-NC FOR "Ogee" or "K" style gutters PJC 7-28-04 Instructions: Edit blue numbers and evaluate results within this blue box. Gutter slope is assumed to be 1/16 in. per foot (V in 16 feet). Typical fbd =0.5 in. Note: Gutter dimensions vary by manufacturer or by model of seamless gutter machine. 8.00 T..._._...,I fbd 0.50 7.25 p Avg Gutter sizes: I T 5.0 6.0 D 3.4 4.9 B k0 B 3.3 4.0 Downspouts: 5.40 2.60 2x3 3x4 Gutter cross section Roof width (horiz.slope length) = 30 ft. from peak to gutter Downspout Size = 5 x 6 in. (width x thickness) (note: A 3x4 downspout fits into a 4" pipe.) RESULTS For sin le downspout: Downspout limits flow 0.818 cfs max at outlet. For twin downspout: Gutter limits flow 0.943 cfs max at outlet. For 10-Year Rainfall: Max roof Area for each downspout = 4,910 s.f. or 164 ft. gutter length per downspout Roof Area for each twin downspout = 5,655 s.f. or 189 ft. gutter for paired downspouts Outlet pipe flowrate per foot of gutter = 0.0050 cfs er ft For 25-Year Rainfall: Max roof Area for each downspout = 4,092 s.f. or 136 ft. gutter length per downspout Roof Area for each twin downspout = 4,713 s.f. or 157 ft. gutter for paired downspouts Outlet pipe flowrate per foot of gutter = 0.0060 cfs per ft Material Thickness: Aluminum: min 0.027in.gutters, 0.020in. downspouts, Steel: min. 28ga gutters, 28ga downspouts Owner Name: Tommy Welch Barn 3 Right Designed By: R. Lin Taylor Date: 4/26/2011 Design Notes: 8" Gutter CALCULATIONS Gutter Top Width T = in. measured to front edge Gutter Total Depth D = W54 in. measured at back of gutter Gutter Bottom Width B = in. width of flat bottom portion Freeboard fbd = 0.5 in. freeboard (usually 1/2 inch) FULL FLOW IN GUTTER Gutter Slope Slope = default 1/16 in. per foot (V in 16 feet) 10year, 5 minute rainfall Plo = 0.60 in. from FOTG 558-NC 25year, 5 minute rainfall Pee = 0.72 in. from FOTG 558-NC Depth Less Freeboard d = Front Offset 0 = Gutter End Area Ag = Wetted Perimeter p = Hydraulic Radius r = Gutter Flow qg = DOWNSPOUT FLOW (ORIFICE FLOW LIMITS): Downspout Area Ad = Downspout flow qd = Twin downspout flow qd2 = DESIGN FLOW RATE: Limiting flow rate q design= Limiting flow rate w/Paired dnspt. q Paired = ROOF AREA PER DOWNSPOUT: Max Roof Area for 10 year rain Aroof 10 = Downspout Spacing 10 yr rain Spac10 = Max Roof Area for 25 year rain Aroof 25 = Downspout Spacing 25 yr rain Spac25 = Paired Downspout option: Max Roof Area for 10 year rain Aroof 10 = Gutter Length per Downspout 10 year Spac10 = Max Roof Area for 25 year rain Aroof 25 = Gutter Length per Downspout 25 year Spac25 = 6.75 2.6 in. 45.23 sq.in. (d * B) + 0.5(d * O) 19.38 in. 0.194 ft. Ag/p 0.943 cfs Tech. Note 1 Roof Runoff Mgt. 1986 qg = 0.0621 * r2m * Ag eq. 5. (assume n=0.012 dirty gutter) 30.0 sq.in. 0.818 cfs. Tech. Note 1, eq. 9. qd=0.0105*Ad*dv2 1.637 cfs. If downspt limits flow, can use two downspouts together. 0.818 cfs. For single downspout: Downspout limits flow 0.943 cfs. For twin downspout: Gutter limits flow 4,910 s.f. Derived from Tech Note 1 eqn. 11 164 ft. Aroof = q * 3600 / P 4,092 s.f. 136 ft. 5,655 s.f. Using 2 downspouts close together 189 ft. 4,713 s.f. Using 2 downspouts close together 157 ft. OUTLET PIPE FLOW RATES: Pipe Flowrate per ft gutr 10 year rain Gpipe10= 0.00500 cfs/ft pipe design flow rate per foot of gutter Pipe Flowrate per ft gutr 25 year rain gp1p,25= 0.00600 cfs/ t pipe design flow rate per foot of gutter GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT DESIGN PROCEDURE BASED ON TECHNICAL NOTE 1, 1986 and FOTG 558-NC FOR "Ogee" or X' style gutters PJC 7-28-04 Instructions: Edit blue numbers and evaluate results within this blue box. Gutter slope is assumed to be 1/16 in. per foot (1" in 16 feet). Typical fbd =0.5 in. Note: Gutter dimensions vary by manufacturer or by model of seamless gutter machine. 6.00 T . - —'I d" t_fbd 0.50 4.90 I1 Avg Gutter sizes: T 5.0 6.0 D 3.4 4.9 J B 3.3 4.0 Downspouts: 4.00 2.00 2x3 3x4 Gutter cross section Roof width (horiz.slope length) = 25 ft. from peak to gutter Downspout Size = 3 x 4 in. (width x thickness) (note: A 3x4 downspout fits into a 4" pipe.) RESULTS For single downspout: Downspout limits flow 0.264 cfs max at outlet. For twin downspout: Gutter limits flow 0.366 cfs max at outlet. For 10-Year Rainfall: Max roof Area for each downspout = 1,586 s.f. or 63 ft. gutter length per downspout Roof Area for each twin downspout = 2,195 s.f. or 88 ft. gutter for paired downspouts Outlet pipe flowrate per foot of gutter = 0.0042 cfs er ft For 25-Year Rainfall: Max roof Area for each downspout = 1,321 s.f. or 53 ft. gutter length per downspout Roof Area for each twin downspout = 1,829 s.f. or 73 ft. gutter for paired downspouts Outlet pipe flowrate per foot of gutter = 0.0050 cfs er ft Material Thickness: Aluminum: min 0.027in.gutters, 0.020in. downspouts, Steel: min. 28ga gutters, 28ga downspouts Owner Name: Tommy Welch Barn 1 Left Designed By: R. Lin Taylor, Scott Carter Date: 1 /20/2011 Design Notes: 6" Gutter CALCULATIONS Gutter Top Width T = 6 n. measured to front edge Gutter Total Depth D = 4.9 in. measured at back of gutter Gutter Bottom Width B = 4 in. width of flat bottom portion Freeboard fbd = 0.5 in. freeboard (usually 1/2 inch) FULL FLOW IN GUTTER Gutter Slope Slope = default 1/16 in. per foot (1" in 16 feet) 10year, 5 minute rainfall Pto = 0.60 in. from FOTG 558-NC 25year, 5 minute rainfall P25 = 0.72 in. from FOTG 558-NC Depth Less Freeboard d = Front Offset 0 = Gutter End Area Ag = Wetted Perimeter p = Hydraulic Radius r = Gutter Flow qg = DOWNSPOUT FLOW (ORIFICE FLOW LIMITS): Downspout Area Ad = Downspout flow qd = Twin downspout flow qd2 = DESIGN FLOW RATE: Limiting flow rate q design _ Limiting flow rate w/Paired dnspt. q paved = ROOF AREA PER DOWNSPOUT: Max Roof Area for 10 year rain Aroof 10 = Downspout Spacing 10 yr rain Spac10 = Max Roof Area for 25 year rain Aroof 25 = Downspout Spacing 25 yr rain Spac25 = Paired Downspout option: Max Roof Area for 10 year rain Aroof 10 = Gutter Length per Downspout 10 year Spac10 = Max Roof Area for 25 year rain Aroof 25 = Gutter Length per Downspout 25 year Spac25 = 4.4 2 in. 22.00 sq.in. (d * B) + 0.5(d * 0) 13.23 in. 0.139 ft. Ag/p 0.366 cfs Tech. Note 1 Roof Runoff Mgt. 1986 qe = 0.0621 * r213 * Ag eq. 5. (assume n=0.012 dirty gutter) 12.0 sq.in. 0.264 cfs. Tech. Note 1, eq. 9. qd=0.0105*Ad*d112 0.529 cfs. If downspt limits flow, can use two downspouts together. 0.264 CfS. For single downspout: Downspout limits flow 0 0.366 cfs. For twin downspout: Gutter limits flow 1,586 s.f. Derived from Tech Note 1 eqn. 11 . 63 ft. Aroof = q * 3600 / P 1,321 s.f. 53 ft. 2,195 s.f. Using 2 downspouts close together 88 ft. 1,829 s.f. Using 2 downspouts close together 73 ft. OUTLET PIPE FLOW RATES: Pipe Flowrate per ft gutr 10 year rain gp1p,10= 0.00417 cfslft pipe design flow rate per foot of gutter Pipe Flowrate per ft gutr 25 year rain gplp,25= 0.00500 cfslft pipe design flow rate per foot of gutter Comnutation Sheet 720 720 Existing Ground Slope Right of Barn 1 Top of Box Elev. 692,0 ipe Outlet Elev, 690.4 nnect Existing Gutter tlet Pipe @ Elev. 693.4 —0+50 0+00 0404KIM arFo Gutter—JB PROFILE x 0 m _C 00 a° J W U^ 3j C o c� O R 00L � m 4 Gutter Pipe Outlet Elev, 690,40 Pipe Invert Elev, 689,00 8 inch Corrugated Plastic Pipe with—' Animal Guard 3' x 3' x 3' Pref ab Junction Box goo rTop of Box Elev, 692,00 700 M MEN mom ■SM ME SEE IiMEMO ■■■ii ■ M E •''�n!� MUSICi SEEn■ •' ■ RE ME o SEEM � OM ■�■■n■■■■IIN ■'�m®■�II' :�MEN am ■ : o ■��:. !SEEMS MIRIMMUME M SEE NEW 'ii0 � nm ■MEN 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 Profile Junction Box & Outlet Pipe and Original Ground Surface ❑riginal Ground Surface Add Fill over pipe —to provide 1 foot minimum cover Pipe Outlet Elev, 669,20 E, 7 ft. J- 12 ft PLAN VIEW 14ft 8" CPP 3-1411 NC DOT CLASS A EROSION CONTROL STONE 6"-9" DIAMETER 12ft SECTION VIEW Caution! Check for underground utilities prior to construction. NOT TO SCALE Class II NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE See Geotextile Specifications U 5 a w i NO. 11 gO/±. flaaf r V" r CROSS LAIR " op o EVEAI P 0 + HOCKETt a P q m ONEY F CO. DR. rc -10 TANLEY o W a oRD. ¢ x6 z 0 E04R 4 ¢ L r ON >< ^'II GLFNOL nRHO C ,_.....`._,.,. R0. r 0 �a WILL COLTF BODE 311 .New o - ISs 4°RDI 60 o� MARIEDET L.Vlarket °S, / HE R D. ¢y4W i a EARL JON BON 99Aop U1' ALD FIR ROpLQ-0 �P m rBEECH MPP °o I� 3 PEA P ! TUC 9o'f�4 trER MILL o epr v<o J 9L W MARKET !'ELEM. D m O 7350 m�99A A OOO°W f9T P YR LEY 9T4V 94, 9r p 95. L�ie � ¢Oyiv .� 'RE_-BHARON LNVISIT ! C3 by Tn,ca M.s¢ �ACt. NrgM EXR P H(/N,T Sf RICHARD p DILL PETTY BUS.m� REGBON RD.' 4 . i F2_ v WE 4 TCV IN OWI DMME 4((/W4q ,yyi .t P RED LAN RD. p rff iV4v a (p w 2 a4�? 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LI SOPHIA'P /� PINE I---- b't'MPRD�y /B K CR /FW yyJ�R'A`NO�LFMA -P 44ir A v a4H. / Q O Q IIRE Oa J I?NW4} WILL *0 .. 4q SoF — . a, o x R t1 1A N CR �l 1 QQ3Q' tj•{l, 4 fE0.ET1f'W TPAC a AMP M �pQ- 73 % tt MUNDO FOR PEPiN P0. RON, VISTA sd SP. P I X n p rPm x\^ �pnaw Yp. O n LEON R� A LEN RA AV. � ¢ YORY G P ` EW CHRDOLyPoMJ4 O�lfFO%IEL a' RD __-UdarFa O 1 YEYAU EEF 9 '-0 O O ,p B4(p °ICES t - ,AGI ° OGE z Nr 4 DIST Uq as cy k L .] AD. z HOGHES DP 2 SILVE o qD ce t _ p -� _ 27230 0 W�OROORWIL(pPP Qp. ,pQ HD'S �Ly — �. •EASTSIO� BOG Y t"_4I LEd W EYT. �t LALUCAS KE El GV. *n4xpuiL c r0 w HE6 iR0 h C WflXf m8 Lti I tt[[!�11' LN. m a i s rRfnfn°N 1 l 3 O�'0 R' ) �z o � F ( a ° ep O XOTP NY LC Ty F DP gQ00 i. 3� L WEC �P \ n I I�..J H`, Pd^zL<� � R. SE^, lA 0 W PDMt /. I 9. p0 C.. OCP OP r^�,I Lls CK''. y ZP 4 02 Sheba BA BURY o J 'µIQ`/—.) pA■EC Fjt, ARM • Tank Data for: Tommy Welch Designed by. R L Taylor Facility ................ Uncovered Storage Period .................. Wash Water ........................ Manure & Extr Precip........ Bedding .............................. Flush Water ........................ Normal Rain and 25Yr-24Hr Storm Runoff from Drainage Area .......... Normal Rain less Evap plus 25Yr-24Hr Storm on lank surface area .......... Total Volume to Store ........ Ramp Volume (Ifpresent)... Structural Volume (includes ramp if present) Depth - 1J Rectangular Storage Tank #1 4 Months 2.805 Cubic Feet 20,981 Gallons 0 Cubic Feet 0 Gallons 0 Cubic Feet 0 Gallons 0 Cubic Feet 0 Gallons 1,500 Cubic Feet 11,220 Gallons 805 Cubic Feet 6,020 Gallons 5.110 Cubic Feet 38,221 Gallons 0 Cubic Feet, 5,456 Cubic Feet 25Yr-24HrStarm Precipitation- 0.50 Feet 25Yr-24Hr Storm Runoff= 0.67 Feet 120Day Precip-Evap- 0.68Feet Runoff Ilona Normal Pncipitatlon a 1.52 Feet Fact t Washwater- 4.12 Feet Manua= 0,00 Feet a Bedding m 0.00 Feet i:•s _ Permanent Sbmge - 0.50 Feet Length — 31.0 Feet — Width 22 Feet AWM Version: 2.4.0 DB: 2,80 Friday, October 08, 2010 Page I of 1 ll ,n 10-OE #4 O 10• MAXX. BACK�FT. e' MIN. BACKFlLL HT. = 2 FT MIN. WIDTH = 5 FT. 7" CLEAR 3" CLEAR $ LINEAL FEET OF WALL STEEL SCHEDULE (GRADE 40) CLEAR BALKFI L DETAILS SEE SHEET CONDITIONS OF USE RACKFIIL-2 TO 5 FEET J5 O 12- 0 - 1005 FINE MACHINERY SURCHARGE LOADING CONOITIONS ALLOWED (SEE PA-DESGN GLADE 4) NONE DESIGN VALUES EARTH BACKFILL 85 PSF/FT, EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE 110 PCF (SOIL WEIGHT) AND >50% FINES - 3" CLEAR MANURE: 65 PSF/FT, EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE VERTICAL � MACHINERY LOADING: 0 PSF EQUIV. FLUID PRESSURE -ULTIMATE STRENGTH DESIGN (ACI 318-99) B 65 O 6" 4,000 PA REBAR: GRADE 40 • COffF. FRICTION SOIL/CONCRETE) = 0.5 'MINIMUM AIDING FACTOR OF SAFETY = 1.5 CONSTRUCTION JOINT •WALL SLIDING RESTRAINT REQUIRED MINIMUM OVERTURNING FACTOR OF SAFETY = NATERSTOP - EXTEND SLAB STEEL • MIN. ALLOWABLE SUBGRIDE BEARING CAPACITY2=0 20DO PST INTO FOOTING A MINIMUM . NOT DESIGNED TO SUPPORT BUILDINGS OR ROOFS �OF 12 INCHES 3" CLEAR 12• 6" COMPACTED SAND 2" CLEAR— �-- 3 '#s• O 6• ... 8-^DO �9 O 12"+ I 2"CLEAR/OR GRAVEL WALL SECTION CONSTRUCTION .HINT CORNER NOTES LIQUID -TIGHT JOINT --- Y S --- NO 1. PLACE FIRST VERNCAL BAR AT WALL CORNER OR NO FURTHER THAN ONE-HALF BAR SPACING FROM THE INSIOE CORNER. LIOU10-TIGHT JOINT OPTIONS 2. HOOK CAN BE SEPARATE FROM(E BARS, PROVIDED THAT 1) NON-METALIC VATERSTOP (PVC) MINIMUM W SPLICE OF 16" TO /4 BARS IS MET. 2) HYBROPHILIC VATERSTEIP 3. SEE WALL SECTION FOR EXACT LOCATIONS OF©AND®BARS- IN 2" 12" PLACE ® BARS AT EACH HORIZONTAL BAR LOCATION IN TOP 4' OF WALL ONLY. (5 ® BARS TOTAL PER CORNER) MARK SIZE TYPE R S LENGTH TOTAL LENGTH A J4 STR --- --- 7'-0" 8 /5 2 4'-0• 1'-0- 5'-0- C 15 SIR --- --- 6'-2- D 15 SIR --- --- E /4 SIR --- --- N /4 2 2'-0• 2'-0" 4'-0- STEEL DETAILS Ah REND DMMETER SPLICE LENGTH D INCHES INCHES (MIN.)* A4 7 16 5 3-3/4 20 # ff TWO BINS OFFERENf DIAMETER ARE SPLICED, lISE THE LONGER SPLICE LENGTH. R 'o s TYPE 2 RAIL I BARS BARS 1 2" CLEAR 12" BOTH ®AND ® BARS CORNER BAR SCHEMATIC PLAN VIEW - TOP 4 FEET OF WALL SHOWN THIS STANDARDIZED DESIGN MUST DE ADAPTED TO THE SPECIFIC SITE. IT VAS DEVELOPED IN COOPERATOR WITH THE WISCONSN DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, TRADE AND CONSUMER PROTECIIOE THE DESIGN FADE IS FILED AT THE MRCS STATE OFFICE, 8030 EXCELSIDR DRIVE, MADISON, WISCONSN 53717-2906 (ADAPTED FROM VI-587, APRIL 2065) a,f� [� r a 313-1 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE CONSERVATION PRACTICE STANDARD WASTE STORAGE FACILITY (No.) CODE 313 DEFINITION A waste storage impoundment made by constructing an embankment and/or excavating a pit or dugout, or by fabricating a s ructure. PURPOSE To temporarily store wastes such as manure, wastewater, and contaminated runoff as a storage function component of an agricultural waste management system. CONDITIONS WHERE PRACTICE APPLIES • Where the storage facility is a component of a planned agricultural waste management system • Where temporary storage is needed for organic wastes generated by agricultural production or processing • Where the storage facility can be constructed, operated and maintained without polluting air or water resources • Where soils, geography, topography, and other site conditions are suitable for construction of the facility • To facilities utilizing embankments with an effective height of 35 feet or less where damage resulting from failure would be limited to damage of farm buildings, agricultural land, or township and country roads. • To fabricated structures includi tanks, stacking facilities, pond appurtena es, and "hoop roofs," or truss arch shelters. CRITERIA General Criteria Applicable to All Waste Storage Facilities. Laws and Regulations. Waste storage facilities must be planned, designed, and constructed to meet all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Location. To minimize the potential for contamination of streams, waste storage facilities should be located outside of floodplains. However, if site restrictions require location within a floodplain, they shall be protected from inundation or damage from' a 25-year flood event, or larger if required by laws, rules, and regulations. Waste storage facilities shall be located so the potential impacts from breach of embankment, accidental release, and liner failure are minimized; and separation distances are such that prevailing winds and landscape elements such as building arrangement, landforms, and vegetation minimize odors and protect aesthetic values. Waste storage facilities should be located as close to the source of waste and polluted runoff as practicable. Non -polluted runoff, from outside drainage areas, should be excluded from the facility to 1 the fullest extent possible. Non -polluted runoff that cannot be excluded shall be included/ in/ ,F the storage volume. Waste storage facilities should be located as far from neighbor's dwellings and other public use places as practical and shall be no closer than the distances shown in the following tables. Conservation practice standards are reviewed periodically, and updated If needed. To obtain the current version of this standard, contact the Natural Resources conservation service NRCS,NC February 2009 313- 2 Minimum Distance Table for all Animals Except Swi4 s Sited Under General Statute 106. 801 through 805 Minimum Distance from Facilities Public or Private Use Operation existing priorto +New operation or existing Facilities 04115187.(no enlargement) operationahat is enlarging (no increase in SSLW) SSLW' Any public use area, church, 300 ft. 750 ft. picnic area playground, etc. Residence or place of habitation 300 ft. 750 ft, other than owner or his tenant "Blue line" or perennial water 100 ft, (New or Expanded) Treatment Facilities Wells 100 ft, minimum - General Statutes 87-87 & 87-88. 15A02C.0107(a)(1)(c) Area specified by state or local Greater of state/local or NRCS distance shown above ordinance ' SSLW - Steady State Live Weight = Average weight per unit x number of units @ capacity. Any exception to the above distances must be approved by the ASTC(FO) with concurrence from the State Conservation Engineer, The 750 ft, minimum distance must exist the day of the site investigation. Site evaluations are valid for 12 months. Minimum Distance for Swine Operations as Dictated by GS 106 - 801 through 805 (Applies to operations sited on or after 10101195) • >= 1,500 ft. from any occupied residence Swine House or Lagoon • 2,500 t. from any school, hospital, or church 500 ft. from any property boundary • 50 ft. from any residential property boundary (any property with a Land Application residence on It) 50 ft, from any perennial stream or river other than an irrigation ditch or canal Storage Period. The storage period is the maximum length of time anticipated between emptying events. The minimum storage period shall be based on the timing required for environmentally safe waste utilization considering the climate, crops, soil, equipment, and local-s atarand fe�)iera[ regulations. minimum of six 6 ar(onths storage is required except when special management practices or techniques permit otherwise. In no case shall a design be developed with less than 60 days of storage volume unless the design is supported with a detailed, site - specific water and nutrient budget, approved NRCS, NC February 2009 by an engineer with appropriate job approval authority. In such case, the hydraulic loading evaluation and nutrient budget shall be, considered a part of the design of the waste storage facility. Design Storage Volume. The design storage volume equal to the required storage volume, shall consist of the total of the foilowino as appropriate: (a) Manure, excess water, wastewater, and other wastes accumulated during the storage period / u is (b) Normal precipitation less evaporation on the surface area (at the design storage volume level) of the facility during the storage period for the time of year which results in the greatest storage requirements (c) Normal runoff from the facility's drainage area during the storage period (d) 25-year, 24-hour precipitation on the surface (at the required design storage volume level) of the facility (a) 25-year, 24-hour runoff from the facility's (� drainage area Q/%t.U-(f4At4 2 r ��,A(0 Residual solids after liquids have been ° removed. A minimum of 6 inches shall be provided for tanks (g) Additional storage as may be required to meet management goals oegulatory 1 ut requirements ��(r�t� Domestic and industrial waste from washdown c facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into waste storage facilities. Inlet. Inlets shall be of any permanent type designed to resist corrosion, plugging, freeze damage and ultraviolet ray deterioration while incorporating erosion protection as necessary. If freezing is not a problem, an open inlet, such as a concrete channel, may be used. If freezing is a problem, the inlet shall consist of a pipe having a minimum diameter of 15 cm (6 in) and a minimum slope of 0.5 percent, except that a minimum diameter of 10 cm (4 in) may be used for milking center waste. Required pipe size is to be determined by the designer. Access should be provided to the pipe for rodding in case of.blockage. Outlet. No outlet shall automatically release storage from the required design volume. Manually operated outlets shall be of permanent type designed to resist corrosion and plugging. Emptying Component. Some type of component shall be provided for emptying storage facilities. It may be a facility such as a gate, pipe, dock, wet well, pumping platform, retaining wall, or ramp. Features to protect against erosion, tampering, and accidental release shall be incorporated as necessary. 313.3 Accumulated Solids Removal. Provisions shall be made for periodic removal of accumulated solids to preserve storage capacity. The anticipated method for doing this must be considered in planning, particularly in determining the configuration of ponds and type of seal, if any. Safety. Design shall include appropriate safety features to minimize the hazards of the facility. Ramps used to empty liquids shall have a slope of 4 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter. Those used to empty slurry, semi -solid, or solid waste shall have a slope of 10 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter unless special traction surfaces are provided. Warning signs, fences, ladders, ropes, bars, rails, and other devices shall be provided, as appropriate, to ensure the safety of humans and livestock. Ventilation and warning signs must be provided for covered waste holding structures, as necessary, to prevent explosion, poisoning, or asphyxiation. Pipelines shall be provided with a water -sealed trap and vent, or similar device, If there is a potential, based on design configuration, for gases to enter buildings or other confined spaces. Ponds and uncovered fabricated structures for liquid or slurry waste with walls less than 5 feet above ground surface shall be fenced and warning signs posted to prevent children and others from using them for other than their intended purpose. Erosion Protection. Embankments and disturbed areas surrounding the facility shall have a protective cover of vegetation established. Temporary vegetation may be used until permanent vegetation can be established. Vegetation shall meet or exceed the criteria in Critical Area Planting (342). The vegetation shall be fenced, if necessary, for protection. Liners and Flexible Membranes. These items shall meet the criteria in Pond Sealing or Lining (521), Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. Plans for waste storage facilities shall include temporary measures for the control of erosion and sedimentation during the construction period. Permanent vegetation will be established on all disturbed areas. NRCS,NC February 2009 Cl 101 313-4 Additional Criteria for Waste Storaee Ponds Hazard Classification. The area downstream of the embankment must be evaluated carefully to determine the impact from a sudden breach of the proposed embankment on both structural and environmental features. This evaluation must consider all existing improvements and those improvements that may reasonably be expected to be made during the useful life of the structure. The results of this evaluation provides for the proper hazard classification of the embankment. Only hazard class (a) embankments with a maximum effective height of 35 feet are to be designed under this standard. See Engineering Notekeeping, Field Office Technical Guide Pond Standard (Code 378) or National Engineering Manual 520.21 for guidance concerning documentation of hazard class determination. Emergency Action Plan. An Emergency Action Plan shall be prepared for each waste storage pond. The plan will outline steps to be followed in case of an emergency with the storage pond such as overflow, breaching, leakage, need for emergency land application, etc. As a minimum it will contain the following items for the owner/operator to carry out in the event of an emergency: • Cali the Division of Environmental Management (DEM) to report the problem. Include name and phone number of the appropriate regional office. If outside normal business hours, call the NC Emergency Management Office in Raleigh and ask them to contact DEM. Give the name of the facility, location and DEM registration/ certification number. • Call 911 or the Sheriffs Department if there is danger to downstream property (residences, road, etc.). Include phone number. • Contact contractor(s) of owner's choice to begin repair of problem to minimize off -site damage. Include names and phone number(s). • Contact the technical specialist who certified the waste storage pond. Include phone number. If this specialist is no longer working, contact one who has design approval. NRCS, NC February 2009 A copy of this plan containing current telephone numbers must be available at each site. It should be posted in a readily available location. Site Investigation. A detailed site investigation shall be made for each waste storage pond prior to design. This investigation should include, but not be limited to, evaluations of distance from residences and other private or public use facility, proximity to the 100-year floodplain, perennial streams as shown on the USGS Quad Sheet, zoning jurisdiction of municipalities, utilities in the construction area, wetlands, available land for disposal, soils, and other environmental factors. If wetlands may be involved, contact the Corps of Engineers and/or NRCS for a wetland determination/delineation. If wetlands are involved, a 401 water quality certification and a 404 permit may be needed. During the site investigation or construction phase, it must be verified that no subsurface tile lines are present. On sites that are located on cropland or land that has been cropped in the past and is land with soil types that respond to subsurface drainage, an observation trench along the entire length of the embankment shall be constructed to a minimum depth of 5 feet. The observation trench may be excavated during the soils investigation phase or during construction; in which case, it may be incorporated into the cutoff trench. The trench shall have a bottom width adequate to accommodate the equipment used for excavation, backfill, and compaction operations, and the side slopes shall be 1:1 or flatter. If any tile lines are present in the area of the embankment they must be removed for a minimum distance of 15 feet beyond the embankment toe. If a tile line exists above the embankment it shall be rerouted around the pond. Soil and foundation. The pond shall be located in soils with an acceptable permeability that meets all applicable regulation, or the pond shall be lined. Information and guidance on controlling seepage from waste impoundments can be found in the Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook (AWMFH), Appendix 10D. n LJ Locate the storage pond on soils of slow to moderate permeability or on soils that can seal through sedimentation and biological action. Avoid gravelly soils and shallow soils over fractured or cavernous rock. A detailed soils investigation with special attention to the water table and seepage potential must be a part of each design. The soils Investigation must extend at least two feet below the planned bottom. In the vicinity of the embankment but not under it, the soils investigation shall be to a depth equal to the height of the embankment or until rock is encountered. When poor foundation conditions are anticipated, the investigation shall extend to a depth determined by the designer. If adequate rapid self sealing Is not probable, special considerations such as mechanical treatment, lining, or other techniques must be considered and addressed in the design. A liner, or equivalent sealant, is required in SP, SW, GP, and GW, or problem soils as classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System. A liner is also required for most SM soils. A determination as to whether a liner is needed for other soils will be made during the on -site soils investigation prior to the design. If a liner is required and a clay liner is the sealant of choice, it will be designed and installed in accordance with Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook, Appendix 10-D - Geotechnical, Design, and Construction guidelines. Where a liner is required, a qualified construction inspector must be on site during construction as necessary to verify proper liner construction or the liner must be tested to verify a maximum hydraulic conductivity of 1,25 x 10" cm/sec. (.003 ft/day). When a liner is not required, the bottom and cut slopes of the storage pond shall be scarified to a minimum depth of six (6) inches and compacted to decrease the permeability of the soil. Compaction shall be with a sheepsfoot roller or tamping roller at optimum moisture content or wetter. When an embankment Is involved, samples of the proposed fill material should be obtained and tested Tests required are at the 313-5 discretion of the designer. The lest results shall be used to determine the design requirements for the embankment. Since soils are not always consistent, small areas of unsatisfactory material which were not evident during the investigation may be found during construction. They should be over excavated and lined with clay or other suitable sealant material as specified by the designer. Other sealant or lining techniques should be planned according to industry accepted design, installation and operational procedures appropriate for the selected technique. The pond shall have a bottom elevation that is a minimum of 2 feet above the seasonal high water table unless features of special design are incorporated that address buoyant forces, pond seepage rate and non -encroachment of the water table by contaminants. The water table may be lowered by use of perimeter drains, if feasible, to meet this requirement. Cutoff Trench. A cutoff of relatively impervious material shall be provided under the embankment if necessary for seepage control. The cutoff shall be located at or upstream from the centerline of the dam. It shall extend up the abutments as required and be deep enough to extend into a relatively impervious layer or provide for a stable embankment when combined with seepage control. The cutoff trench shall have a bottom width adequate to accommodate the equipment used for excavation, backfill, and compaction operations, and the side slopes shall be 1:1 or flatter. All foundation cutoffs shall be dewatered before backfilling. Maximum Operating Level. The maximum operating level for waste storage ponds shall be the pond level that provides for the required volume less the volume contribution of precipitation and runoff from the 25-year, 24- " / hour storm event plus the volume allowance .V/ for residual solids after liquids have been removed. A permanent marker shall be placed in the pool area to clearly indicate the maximum level of waste that can accumulate before removal of effluent must be initiated. The marker shall be referenced and explained in the O&M plan. NRCS,NC February 2009 313- 6 Embankments. The minimum elevation of the top of the settled embankment shall be 1 foot above the maximum design liquid surface in the pond. This height shall be increased by the amount needed to ensure that the top elevation will be maintained after settlement. This increase shall be not less than 5 percent. The top of the embankment should have a slight slope away from the pool area to reduce drainage Into the pool. The minimum top width for embankments are shown in Table 1. If the embankment top is to be used as a public road, the minimum width shall be 16 feet for one-way traffic and 26 feet for two-way traffic. Guardrails or other safety measures shall be used where necessary and shall meet the requirements of the responsible road authority. When the embankment top Is used as a road, provisions shall be made for protecting the emergency spillway from damage. Table 1 - Minimum Too Widths Total embankment Height, ft. Top Width, I ft. up to 20 10 20-25 12 25-30 14 30-35 15 The side slopes shall be uniform from top to bottom and shall be stable for soil conditions. The combined upstream and downstream side slopes of the settled embankment shall not be less than 5 horizontal to 1 vertical, and neither slope shall be steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical Unless supported by a soil investigation, excavated side slopes shall be no steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. Where embankments are to be mowed, 3:1 or flatter slopes are recommended. Compaction of the fill material shall be in accordance with the specified design requirements for compaction and moisture content. As a minimum, compaction shall be equivalent to, or better than, the following: • Layers of fill shall not exceed 9 inches in thickness before compaction. • Route the hauling and spreading equipment over the fill in such a manner that every point on the surface of each layer of fill will be traversed by not less than one tread NRCS,NC February 2009 track of the loaded equipment traveling in a direction parallel to the main axis of the fill. • Clayey soils shall be compacted with a "sheepsfoot" or tamping roller. (See Appendix 10-D). A qualified inspector designated by the designer must be on site during construction, as necessary, to verify proper construction. Testing will be required as deemed necessary by the inspector. If needed to protect the face of the embankment, special measures, such as berms, rock riprap, sand -gravel, soil cement, or special vegetation shall be provided (TR-56 and TR-69), Inlet. Pipes and open inlets that convey waste to the pond shall be designed and installed in a manner that will prevent erosion of the pond side slope. This will be accomplished by: • extending the pipe or inlet beyond the slope of the pond, • installing an armoring surface such as rock nprap or concrete on the slope, or • using a flexible pipe that will conform to the surface of the slope and safely convey the effluent into the pond. Pipes. If any pipes are to be placed through the embankment, the location and method of installation shall be approved by the designer of the embankment or a technical specialist designated by the Soil and Water Conservation Commission to design and approve waste storage ponds. The installation shall be certified by the inspector. Emergency Spillway. Waste storage ponds having a maximum design�be uld level of 3 feet o mf"- ore�above.natural-ground shall l 'provided with-an-emefgency-spillwap4o- �OrevenLovartopping_The crest of the emergency spillway shall be located at the same elevation as the top of the 25-year, 24- hour storm storage. The emergency spillway shall be placed In undisturbed soil when possible. When it must be placed in fill material, precautions shall be taken to Insure the integrity of the structure. The emergency spillway shall pass a 25-year, 24-hour storm without overtopping the embankment. There shall be a minimum of 1 E foot of freeboard above the designed depth of flow in the emergency spillway. Where a primary waste storage pond empties into another waste storage pond and the liquid level is positively controlled by an adequately sized overflow pipe, no emergency spillway is required for the primary waste storage pond. Additional Criteria for Fabricated Structures Foundation. The foundations of fabricated waste storage structures shall be proportioned to safely support all superimposed loads without excessive movement or settlement. Where a non -uniform foundation cannot be avoided or applied loads may create highly variable foundation loads, settlement should be calculated from site -specific soil test data. Index tests of site soil may allow correlation with similar soils for which lest data is available. If no test data is available, presumptive bearing strength values for assessing actual bearing pressures may be obtained from Table 2 or another nationally recognized building code. In using presumptive bearing values, adequate detailing and articulation shall be provided to avoid distressing movements in the structure. Foundations consisting of bedrock with joints, fractures, or solution channels shall be treated or a separation distance provided consisting of a minimum of 1 foot of impermeable soil between the floor slab and the bedrock or an alternative that will achieve equal protection. Table 2 - Presumptive Allowable Bearing Stress Values' Foundation Description Allowable Stress Crystalline Bedrock 12000 psf Sedimentary Rock 6000 psf Sandy Gravel or Gravel 5000 psf Sand, Silty Sand, Clayey Sand Silty Gravel, Clayey Gravel 3000 psf Clay, Sandy Clay, Silty Clay, Clayey Silt 2000 psf 313-7 ' Basic Bullding Code, 12th Edition, 1993, Building Officials and Code Administrators, Inc. (BOCA) Licluld Tightness. Applications such as tanks, that require liquid lightness shall be designed and constructed in accordance with standard engineering and industry practice appropriate for the construction materials used to achieve this objective. Structural Loadings. Waste storage structures shall be designed to withstand all anticipated loads Including internal and external loads, hydrostatic uplift pressure, concentrated surface and impact loads, water pressure due to seasonal high water table, and frost or ice pressure and load combinations in compliance with this standard and applicable local building codes. The lateral earth pressures should be calculated from soil strength values determined from the results of appropriate soil tests. Lateral earth pressures can be calculated using the procedures in TR-74. If soil strength tests are not available, the presumptive lateral earth pressure values indicated in Table 3 shall be used. Lateral earth pressures based upon equivalent fluid assumptions shall be assigned according to the following conditions: • Rigid frame or restrained wall. Use the values shown In Table 3 under the column "Frame tanks," which gives pressures comparable to the at -rest condition. • Flexible or yielding wall. Use the values shown in Table 3 under the column "Free- standing walls," which gives pressures comparable to the active condition. Walls in this category are designed on the basis of gravity for stability or are designed as a cantilever having a base wall thickness to height of backfill ratio not more than 0.085. Internal lateral pressure used for design shall be 65 Ib/ftz where the stored waste is not protected from precipitation. A value of 60 Ib/ft2 may be used where the stored waste is protected from precipitation and will not become saturated. Lesser values may be used. if supported by measurement of actual NRCS,NC February 2009 313- 8 pressures of the waste to be stored. If heavy equipment will be operated near the wall, an additional two feet of soil surcharge shall be considered in the wall analysis. Table 3 - Lateral Earth Pressure Values' Equivalent fluid pressure (lb/ft'/ft of depth) Soil Above seasonal high Below seasonal high water table water table' Unified Free- Frame Free- Frame Description` Classification" standing tanks standing tanks walls walls Clean gravel, sand or sand -gravel mixtures GP, GW, SP, SW 30 50 80 90 maximum 5% Anes s Gravel, send, silt and All gravel sand dual lay mixtures (less than symbol classifications ' 50% fines) and GM, GC, SC, SM, i Coarse sands with silt SC-SM 35 60 80 100 and and/or clay (less an 50% fines) Low -plasticity silts and clays with some sand and/or gravel (50% or CL, ML, CL-ML more fines) SC. SM, SC-SM Fine sands with silt 45 75 90 105 andlor clay (less than 50% fines Low to medium plasticity silts and clays with little sand and/or gravel (50% r more fines) CL, ML, CL-ML 65 85 95 110 High plasticity silts and clays (liquid limit more CH, MH than 50 For lightly -compacted soils (85% to 90% maximum standard density.) Includes compaction by use of typical farm equipment. Also below seasonal high water table if adequate drainage is provided. Includes hydrostatic pressure. All definitions and procedures in accordance with ASTM D 2488 and D 653. 'Generally, only washed materials are in this category -Not recommended. Requires special design if used. . Tank covers shall be designed to withstand both dead and live loads. The live load values for covers contained in ASAE EP378.3, Floor and Suspended Loads on Agricultural Structures Due to Use, and in ASAE EP 393.21 Manure Storages, shall be the minimum used. The actual axle load for tank wagons having NRCS,NC February 2009 more than a 2,000 gallon capacity shall be used. If the facility is to have a roof, snow and wind loads shall be as specified by local building code. Where local building code does not govern, the loads shall be as specified in ASAE EP288.5, Agricultural Building Snow and Wind Loads. If the facility is to serve as part of a foundation or support for a building, the total load shall be considered in the structural design: Structural Design. The structural design shall consider all items that will Influence the performance of the structure, including loading assumptions, material properties and construction quality. Design assumptions and construction requirements shall be indicated on standard plans. Tanks may be designed with or without covers. Covers, beams, or braces that are integral to structural performance must be indicated on the construction drawings. The openings in covered tanks shall be designed to accommodate equipment for loading, agitating, and emptying. These openings shall be equipped with grills or secure covers for safety, and for odor and vector control. All structures shall be underlain by free draining material or shall have a footing located below the anticipated frost depth. Fabricated structures shall be designed according to the criteria in the following references as appropriate. • Steel: "Manual of Steel Construction", American Institute of Steel Construction. • Timber: "National Design Specifications for Wood Construction", American Forest and Paper Association. • Concrete: "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, ACI 318", American Concrete Institute. • Masonry: "Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, ACI 530", American Concrete Institute. Slabs on Grade. Slab design shall consider the required performance and the critical applied loads along with both the subgrade material and material resistance of the concrete slab. Where applied point loads are minimal and liquid -tightness is not required, such as barnyard and feedlot slabs subject only to precipitation, and the subgrade is uniform and dense, the minimum slab thickness shall be 4 inches with a maximum joint spacing of 10 feet. Joint spacing can be 313.9 increased if steel reinforcing is added based on subgrade drag theory. For applications where liquid -tightness is required such as floor slabs of storage tanks, the minimum thickness for uniform foundations shall be 5 inches and shall contain distributed reinforcing steel. The required area of such reinforcing steel shall be based on subgrade drag theory as discussed in industry guidelines such as American Concrete Institute, ACI 360, "Design of Slabs -on -Grade When heavy equipment loads are to be resisted and/or where a non -uniform foundation cannot be avoided, an appropriate design procedure incorporating a subgrade resistance parameter(s) such as ACI 360 shall be used. Additional Criteria for "Hoop Roof" Structures General. In addition to the applicable criteria for fabricated structures, the following criteria shall be met. Foundation. The foundation shall be designed, approved, and sealed by a professional engineer licensed to practice engineering in North Carolina. Walls. Engineered pony walls shall be constructed along the sides for the purposes of fastening the trusses and supporting the waste stored in the structure. The walls shall meet the manufacturer's design requirements. Design. The design of the "Hoop Roof" (truss arch shelter) shall be approved and sealed by a professional engineer licensed to practice engineering in the stale of North Carolina. Construction. The construction of the "Hoop Roof' structure shall be approved by a professional engineer licensed to practice engineering in the state of North Carolina. CONSIDERATIONS Freeboard for waste storage tanks should be considered. Solid/liquid separation of runoff or wastewater entering storage facilities should be considered to minimize the frequency of accumulated solids removal and to facilitate pumping and application of the stored waste. NRCS,NC February 2009 313- 10 Due consideration should be given to environmental concerns, economics, the overall waste management system plan, and safety and health factors. NRCS,NC February 2009 L Considerations for Minimizing the Potential for and Impacts of Sudden Breach of Embankment or Accidental Release from the Required Volume. Features, safeguards, and/or management measures to minimize the risk of failure or accidental release, or to minimize or mitigate impact of this type of failure should be considered when any of the categories listed in Table 4 might be significantly affected. The following should be considered either singly or in combination to minimize the potential of or the consequences of sudden breach of embankments when one or more of the potential impact categories listed in Table 4 may be significantly affected: 1. An auxiliary (emergency) spillway 2. Additional freeboard 3, Storage for wet year rather than normal year precipitation 4. Reinforced embankment -- such as, additional top width, flattened and/or armored downstream side slopes 5. Secondary containment Table 4 • Potential Impact Categories from Breach of Embankment or Accidental Release 1. Surface water bodies — perennial streams, lakes, wetlands, and estuaries 2. Critical habitat for threatened and endangered species. 3. Riparian areas 4. Farmstead, or other areas of habitation 5. Off -farm property 6. Historical and/or archaeological sites or structures that meet the eligibility criteria for listing in the National Register of Historical Places. The following options should be considered to minimize the potential for accidental release from the required volume through gravity outlets when one or more of the potential 313 - 11 impact categories listed in Table 4 may be significantly affected: 1. Outlet gate locks or locked gate housing 2. Secondary containment 3. Alarm system 4. Another means of emptying the required volume _Considerations for Minimizing the Potential of Waste Storage Pond Liner Failure. Sites with categories listed in Table 5 should be avoided unless no reasonable alternative, exists. Underthose circumstances, consideration should be given to providing an additional measure of safety from pond seepage when any of the potential impact categories listed in Table 5 may be significantly affected. Table 5 - Potential Impact Categories for Liner Failure 1. Any underlying aquifer is at a shallow depth and not confined 2. The vadose zone is rock 3. The aquifer is a domestic water supply or ecologically vital water supply 4. The site is located in an area of soluticnized bedrock such as limestone or gypsum. Should any of the potential impact categories listed in Table 5 be affected, consideration should be given to the following: 1. A clay liner designed in accordance with procedures of AWMFH Appendix 10D with a thickness and coefficient of permeability so that specific discharge is less than 1 x 10 -8 cm/sec 2. A flexible membrane liner over a clay liner 3. A geosynthetic clay liner (GCQ flexible membrane liner 4. A concrete liner designed in accordance with slabs on grade criteria for fabricated structures requiring water tightness Nll NC February 2009 0 313- 12 Considerations for Improving Air Quality To reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, ammonia, volatile organic compounds, and odor, other practices such as Anaerobic Digester — Ambient Temperature (365), Anaerobic Digester — Controlled Temperature (366), Waste Facility Cover (367), and Composting Facility (317) can be added to the waste management system. An anaerobic lagoon instead of a waste storage pond should be considered for sites located in rural areas where odors are a concern. This should be especially considered where odors would affect neighboring farms having enterprises that do not cause odors and/or neighbors who earn a living off -farm. The recommended loading rate for anaerobic lagoons at sites where odors must be minimized is one-half the values given in the AWMFH Figure 10.22. Adjusting pH below 7 may reduce ammonia emissions from the waste storage facility but may increase odor when waste is surface applied (see Waste Utilization, 633). Some fabric and organic covers have been shown to be effective in reducing odors. For sites located near urban areas, practices such as the following should be considered to reduce odor emissions: • Covering the storage facility with a suitable cover • Using naturally aerated or mechanically aerated lagoons • Using composting in conjunction with a solid waste system rather than a liquid or slurry system Using a methane digester and capture system NRCS,NC February 2009 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Plans and specifications shall be prepared in accordance with the criteria of this standard and shall describe the requirements for applying the practice to achieve its intended use. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE An operation and maintenance plan shall be developed that is consistent with the purposes of the practice, its intended life, safety requirements, and the criteria for its design. The plan shall contain the operational requirements for emptying the storage facility. This shall include the requirement that waste shall be removed from storage and utilized at locations, times, rates, and volume in accordance with the overall waste management system plan. In addition, for ponds, the plan shall include an explanation of the permanent marker installed to indicate the maximum operating level. The plan shall include a strategy for removal and disposition of waste with the least environmental damage during the normal' storage period to the extent necessary to insure the facility's safe operation. This strategy is for the removal of the contribution of unusual storm events that may cause the faciitiy to fill to capacity prematurely with subsequent design inflow and usual precipitation prior to the end of the normal storage period. Development of an emergency action plan should be considered for waste storage facilities where there is a potential for significant impact from breach or accidental release. The plan shall include site -specific provisions for emergency actions that will minimize these impacts.