HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC190555_ESC Approval Submitted_20190610 WATERSHED PROTECTION DEPARTMENT ✓°�„„, P.O.Box 548 Pittsboro,NC 27312 C,et t,'tt t A, C0t.,tN t.). Website:www.chathamxtc.org �SUNV�W�I ��. :w6/Yn/dp JA✓//lU4U%NG frc Ou IV<[Uiblp lP.tl'.t pPWI#/✓111 f.'iY/f 1./vu'/allrAa( N'u ex AkNY/.1.!Nf r i,..nl/rd✓duo tiNltYi![l Y /.✓PANfI.k) I.vullaVJ&1/k Y.1a(i 'M1C�t'f 11 W11 !/RJ/>/X/lN(,1N1� n.ii.mmromniwmb'"IIIIIUU �.mN'�'"wnw-•._ Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control LETTER OF APPROVAL May 30, 2019 Mauro M.ilchteian 104 Yale I,anc Chapel I fill, NC; 27514 ]project Natne: Governors Club Lot 773 project Nur.nber: 2019-03648 Acres Approved: o.5 Sularnitted by: Arcadia Consulting l�:ngineers Date Received: 5/:30/19 To The Above.Naaned Person(,,) and/c7r 7,:ntity, '1 his office has reviewed dic subject crosion and sedimentation control plan. We find the plan to be acceptable and hereby issue this Letter of Approval. Erosion and Sedimentatigon Q ntrc>l Plan: This plan approval shall expire (2) years following the elate on this letter of Approval, unless a land-Disturbing Permit has been obtained within that initial two-year period and remains in effect as provided in CI.S. 164.12 (11). Active site;,, naay have the permit renewed by applying for renewal 30 days prior to expiration. Section '11) (1.) of the C hathsana County Scclitnentation and l:rosion Control Ordinance rccluires that a copy of the approved erosion control plan be oil file at the job site:. North Carolina's Sedimentation pollution Control Act is performance-or ielited, requiring protection of existing natural resc:aurcc:s and adjoining properties. if, following the coannIencetnent: of this project, the erosion and sedimentation control plan is inadequate to meet the requirements of' the. Chatham County Sedimentation and 1 rosion Control. Ordinance, this office may require revisions to the plan and implementation of the revisions to insure compliance with the.Act. Acceptaancc, and approval of this; plan is conditioned npon your conalaliance with Federal and State: water quality laws, regulations, and rules. In addition, local city or county ordinances or rules may also apply to this land-disturbing activity. This approval clues not supersede any other perraait or approval. Inspections: This letter gives the notice required by G.S. 113A-Cal..1(a) of our right of periodic inspection to ensure compliance with the approved plan.. Section 164.12 (1) of the Chatham County Sedimentation and FXosion Control Ordinance requires self-inspections and monitoring for all sites receiving a Land Disturbing Permit. These inspections can be done by the l,inancial.ly Responsible Party, or an agent thereof. 'These. inspections must: occur at a minilnUt-17.1 Of Once a week and within 24. 11OUrs of any rain event of 1.0 inch or greater. Copies of inspection records and reports inust be kept on site and produced to Chatham County upon request. NPDES General Stormwater Permit NCG010QQ: Please be aware that your project will be covered by the new NPDES General Stormwater Permit NCG01000 (Construction Activities). You must apply and receive the NCGOI Certificate of Coverage electronically at the following website: https://de-q' c.ngov/NCG0l. The Electronic Notice of Intent, or 4ce-NOI form", link is used to complete this step. After you submit a coinplete and correct e-NOI forn-i, ,a Certificatc of Covcrage will be entailed to you within three business days. ])lease direct questions about the c-N01 forin to the Storn-iwater Program Supervisor of the North Carobna Department oft,"nvironinental Quality's Division of 1-,'Incrgy, Mineral, and Land Resources. Contact info rniation is available on the "Contacts" page of the above-referenced wcbsitc. This Forn-i MUSJ' be subrrtitted prior to the comi-riencerrient of any land disturbing activity on the above n-an-ied project. If a Coll Sri.uctio n activity that disturbs I acre or more (or is ]),art of subdivision or other cornnion plan of developinent) fails to subn-tit ,in c-Nol after the approval of its crosion and sedimentation control plan, then then the pern-iiace is in violation of fedcrat pci-nutting requircments and Could be I;Ubjcct to penalty assessment. If Y-ou are a home uild r - you need Q o nly btain (1) Certif, e of vera cr gb subdivisitan vvl-uich will save to saver all caf aaar lots far that clivisan. `lwhen t;omplcting the e-N0_1 form, enter only the subdivi;iL)n narne, and do n9t list the lot numJb-(,r. If you are a developer-you will need (1) Certificate of Coverage -f±)r Vach set of ARVr(-)vPd plans in a subdivision. Land-Disturbing Permit: A Lane]-Disturbing Permit will, be issued by Chathan-1 County only after the above referenced Certificate of Covcrage is provided to Chatbarri County. Construction activities can begin only after the Land Disturbing 11crinit is issued. Active sites may have the permit renewed by applying for renewal 30 days prior to expiration. Chatham County's land-- Disturbing 11crinit must be posted at the, job Site once received. Please note that this approval is based in part on the accuracy of the inforniation provided in the Financial Responsibility born-, which you provided. "Vou are requested to file an atnendcd form if there is any change in the information included on the forni. Please notify Lis when you would like lo schedule a jr)rcconstruction conference. Notification shall be, given at least 7 days prior to initiation of activity. Respectfully, Drew Blake, CLISSWI Watershed Specialist Chfttharn County Watershed protection Department I,'1nc4,)sures: New NC (;01 Permit Fact Sheet Fact Sheet on the New NCGO1 Permit 10 �) �Q E_ April 2019 „ . The NC Construction General Permit(also known as"NCG01")was renewed on April 1,2019. The updated permit does not significantly change the measures that are required to be implemented on construction sites. However, there are some organizational and technical updates to the permit as described below. Most notably, there is a new process in which construction sites will obtain official coverage under an NCG01 permit through an electronic process. DEMLR worked with a broad team of stakeholders to make all of these updates. If you have questions, contact Annette Lucas at Ans7ette.I�ica ��denr.l;cry or(919) 707-3639. Organizational Updates Acronyms to Know The new permit: COC: Certificate of Coverage, proof of coverage under an NCG01 permit • Repeats state requirements for E&SC IDEMLR: NC Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Plans and organizes them with federal E&SC: Erosion &Sedimentation Control construction activity requirements; e-NOI: Notice of Intent, application form for the NCG01 permit • Is clearly organized by topic; and a-NOT: Notice of Termination,form for closing out the NCG01 permit • Has less text and more tables. SWPPP: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, required by the NCG01 Technical Updates The new permit: • Requires that the E&SC Plan meet SWPPP requirements (p. 2); • Provides a list of items that must be included in the SWPPP, such as the construction sequence, plans, calculations, etc. (p. 2-4);' • Has updated language on bypasses and upsets that is tailored to construction activities (p. 10); • Puts all timeframes for inspections, record-keeping and reporting in The NCGO1 Process "'calendar days" for clarity and The new NCG01 applies to permits approved on or after April 1,2019. consistency(p. 11-14);' Permittees will no longer receive a copy of the NCG01 permit in the mail • Changes the inspection frequency with their E&SC Plan approvals and be considered as covered under the (during business hours)to at least permit. Federal rules require that DEMLR receive an N01 on each once per 7 calendar days and after construction project and issue each construction project its own COC. every storm > 1.0 inch (previously 0.5 inch);'and Under the new NCG01 process, construction sites will continue to • Excludes weekends, state and federal receive approval for E&SC Plans from either DEMLR or the delegated holidays from normal business hours local E&SC program just like before. After receiving E&SC Plan approval, unless construction activities take permittees will officially obtain coverage under the NCG01 by place (p. 23). completing an e-NGI (available at ricyq t7�_el c7v/�I,CtaC7i.). The e-NOI will only take about 20 minutes to fill out and submit on-line. This list is based on website guidance by the DEMLR Sediment Program. Initially, there will be no charge associated with applying for an NCG01 z. The number of calendar days was permit but on or around June 1, 2019, DEMLR will begin charging a $100 selected to be as equivalent as annual general permit fee as required per§143-215.3D. possible with the previous permit. DEMLR is working on creating a single application form that will allow an ' The intent is to provide predictability applicant to simultaneously apply for an E&SC permit and an NCG01 to the inspection schedule. COC. That effort is part of a larger Permit Transformation project at DEMLR. � ����� ��� U���� �������� ������°� ������ ������°w� ��0n� 0�~��� 8������� N �-~�m �°�N� Why do construction sites have to do this extra application step? How does the new NCG02 affect the DEMLR is required by the EPA to issue specific COCto every construction delegated local E&SC Programs? site that disturbs one acre ormore. DEK8LR is working to create a form Local programs will continue to review that combines the E&S[ plan approval and e-WO| processes, but that will and approve E&SC plans. However, take more time. For now, DEMLR has created an efficient e-NO| process. they will no longer send copies nfthe NCG81 with E&SC Plan approvals. If an E&SC Plan imapproved before April 2,wxh|oh permit applies? 0EMLRvviU provide sample language to Projects with already approved E&SC Plans will automatically follow the use in local E&SC Plan approvals to new mCG01 permit, but will not need to fill out ame'NO| or pay amannual advise permittees that they must permit fee. However, the permitteeo mbom|d print the new permit and the submit an e'WO| to DEK4LR. two standard detail sheets and have them On site. Will DEKULR offer tools tm help pernmitteeu comply with the new NCGOI? Yes DEMLRvui|| provide two sample plan sheets at d n NCG01 that can be placed into the E&S[ plan set.The first covers the site stabilization and materials handling portions nf the permit. The second sheet covers the inspection, record-keeping and reporting portions ofthe permit. How will the new e-W0 submittal and COC process work? Pe/rmit1eesvv||| apply for E&5C Plan approvals from DEKqLH or the local E&SC program like before.The E&SC approval letter will instruct the ------ -- -'''----' permi11eetn visit to submit an e-N0 form to DE»�LH. Local programs are not required to The perm|ttee may begin the construction activity after receipt of the CDC check if pmrmittees have submitted e- <vvithinthrm� doys*LThepgrnnitteennwstprint �ndnetainacV�ynfthe N0|otnDE��LR. Hoxwever, if they vvioh ` ' permit and the COCoo site. Initially, the COC will be issued for fr �o do th\svo|umtarUy' there will be a free Vr around June l, 2019, a tool available on DEK4LR'sweb site for �1O0�nnua| ��ne,a| perml�feevviUb�char�ed� � them to view a list of construction Who ivallowed tn submit mne-N0form? projects that have submitted e-NDhs. Submittal must be by o responsible corporate officer that owns or When local programs close out an E&SC operates the activ|ty, such a� a president, secretary,treasurer, or' Plan the close-out letter will advise presiden1 or a manager that is authorized in accordance with |V.B.6 of the ' NCG01pernnit Additional permi��c�sth��tbeynoust�ubmitan �- ' NOT, DE&4LRwviU provide sample permit, |tis possible for consultant to prepare the e-N0, save itasa draft, ' language. ' Local programs may approve E&SC What happens tw the CQC when the construction activity is complete,? p|mnsthatmeetstata�edimem1|awvs ��henapnjectiy complete,the permittees will contact DE��LRor the local and rules even if those plans are not delegated program tu close out the E&SC Plan. After DEMLRor the local compliant with all of the NCGO1 E&SC program \nfornn the perrnitteeof the project close out via inspection requirements. However, their report,the permittee will visit de r C to submit ane-N<]T' perml11ees will be required to add two (which will be provided by V�Uithere be a grace period for adherence to the nevmprocess? plan sheets ` �otheirE@SCP|anstoeosure DE��LR does not have the authority to grant a grace period from a DEKALR'\ th�ttheyfuUycomp|yvvirhthe�rmumd federally mandated inf ormed the new stabilization, materials handling, and process via web site, E8'GC Plan approval letters and 0st«ervs' If inspection, record-keeping and construction activity disturbs one acre or more (or part of plan` reporting portion of the NCGU1permit. of development that disturbs one acre or more) fails Losubmit ane-ND| after approve| of its E&SCNam this * ' 0r24 business hours for aproject requirements and the pernmitLee could be subject toa penalty assessment. approved tinder the DEM{RExpress � review program,