HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190753 Ver 1_18055.01_PermitDrawings_20190606_20190607L m �I r LL 0 m .3 L L c- L m E L o L L w aE a CO LNU c THE CITY OF EIGH BUFFER DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 4 r° ton �y Rale DESIGN /CONSTRUCTION DIVISION ° tia o o Hospital eft eh0 4 4 Rd. garr 6: m� c v Y PROJECT r 40 rJ i a LI ro 1 < �0 o NAVAHO DRIVE SIDEWALK O o PT°wne° se.o r DESCRIPTION: NAVAHO DRIVE Ry F1 0 tit EAST OF EXECUTIVE DRIVE TO BUSH STREET S r. F � O 3q d Rooker °£ Sty Forks TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, PAVING, DRAINAGE, CURB & GUTTER, SIDEWALK, 6 0 AND RETAINING WALLS VICINITY MAP N7:S. BUFFER IMPACTS PERMIT ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF RALEIGH AND/OR NCDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. O Ct1 ^I �`QI �O BEGIN PROJECT ��Ir $�Ire o —L— STA. 10 + 81.31 �p0 ��C> SITE 1 4 20+00 25+00 4 NAVAh, I O I S S ✓ ✓ -L-NAVAHO DRIVE m CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH- PLANSAUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION A F Plans or the Proposed use have been nowwas! for general compliance I, n applicable codes. This IimRed review, and away! for general, for consW coon is not BEFORE YOU DIG: 1-800-632-4949 1-440 WB (RALEIGH BELTUNE) to be censlearetl to represent Idol compliance with all legal requirements for deyelopomm-d construction. The property owner, design consultants, and [era are each reapaci i-Ih compliance with all p oily, State O Right -of -Way Obstruction Notes: Street, Lane, and Sidewalkclosures or street, prior toany work that N impa closing any street, lane, or sdewalk the END PROJECT —L— STA. 26 + 55.2 7 and Fe and Federal laws. This,ny,i l aulhorizetion below Is not a permit, nor shall it t —it, ben ctio tl to st be i any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All and .l.fi must be in eccoMence wihall Local,Se a, and Federal Rules antl Regulations. Ction contract.,,,,itmust apply fora permit with Rigght-pf-wayservices. must apply a A A request with atraffic con[roland/or Pedestrian Plan hallst—g FerlSp° cem Field Services submitted ervices@raleighnc.gov at www.raleighnc.gov submitted to rightofwayServices". gey Prior to t ^Right -of -Way Servicese the start the Client Pre -Construction Public Utilities r of work, shall schedule a L it meei, withthe Engineering Inspections, Coordinator to reviewthe specific compnn.IeIgh softhe an apprded Right- ensure all Obstruction are mrit . A The City of Raleighrequiresanapproved and dwithinRPermit for work on any public street or sidewalk and NCDOT roatl within Raleigh's Stormwater Planning2oning Jurisdiction. - All Traffic Control Signage and practices shall adhere to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control, andthe latent edition ofthewCy Standard Do Specification for Roadway Structures", Roadway Standard Drawing Fire Urban Forestry Site ACCESSibilify o the M Manuali, andthewal s — be ao—jini im the MUTCD. All public 1pe must be accessible to pedestrians who are visually and/or pedestedandntes duringople c.hmobion ,,,g,ii,,dto and be alternative DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL RUFFI11l HALL thePurianrohl,,I r,,A,,,ibiltyGuillbl,eslIR.Wto l,th pAi twith the pmbue Rignta of way Acceaaibahyowdennes 1pgowAo), the AOA stamdarda UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED r,�y' for Accessible Design a ndthe Manualon Uniform Traffic Control Devices(MUTCD). CIl MANAGER All mustbe-allable and visible on zits dunng the operation. NANCY MCFARLANE MAYOR 7 permits L GRAPHIC SCALES 20 10 0 20 40 DESIGN DATA PROJECT LENGTH R A M E Y K E M P _ — --------a----- OTransportation HYDRAULICS ENGINEER V W V = 30 MPH FUNC. CLASS = LOCAL —L— (NAVAHO DRIVE) 0.298 MILES ASSOCIATES, INC. Engineers 5808 Faringdon Place, Suite 100 - Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 Phone: 919-872-5115 - www.rameykemp.com NC License No. C-0910 yOF RgIF V ,s PLANS 20 10 0 20 40 COLLECTOR SIGNATURE: LUCAS S. HELMS, P.E. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER O— Zoe `�Q PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 4 2 0 4 8 CITY OF RALEIGH CONTACT SYLVESTER PERCIVAL, P.E. RIGHT OF WAY DATE: — PROJECT ENGINEER G. SCOTf BALLADE, E.I. A rh' PHONE NUMBER: (919) 996-4053 LETTING DATE: PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER PROFILE (VERTCIAL) SIGNATURE: L BUFFER DRAWING SHEET 2 OF 4 -L- CURVE l -L- CURVE 2 ao1 Cs 4oz Cs ao3 Cs 404 u N/F Pl Sto H+05.70 Pl Sta /5+76.40 DUKE UNIVERSITY REAL ESTATE p = 36' 33' 24.6" (LT) p = l6' 58' 15.0' (LT) NCDOT 840.03E NCDOT 840.03E NCDOT 840.03F 18" RCP -IV PIN- 17 15. 10-25-9749 _ /T 54' /7.8" D = 2• /T 47J" -L- STA. 13+75.00 13.00' LT -L- STA. 13+80.00 13.00' LT -L- STA. 14+50.00 13.00' LT -L- STA. 14+25.00 also' LT ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 1 DB 16439 PG 1860 BM2018 PG1558 L = 204J7' T = 105.70' L = 739.01' T = 372.23' TOP= OUT INV. OU7 (402)=259.10' (4' TOP=262.98' INV.O TOP=263.72' INV. IN (403)=-252.0' INV. OUT (403)=248.25' • R = 320,00' R = 2,495.00 (403)=259.0' INV. OUT (403)=259.00' INV. OUT (aoa=zsz.00' \\\\\ ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 \\ MM CB 2GI OT 0 CONVERT 2GI TO CB NCDOT 840.22 NCDOT 840.04 AND ADJUST TOP -L- STA. 18+50.00 1-SIDED OTCB NORTH CAROLINA REAL NCDOT 840.03F 25.00' LT -RW-2- STA. 1+10.00 ESTATE COMM A- STA. 18+50.00 13.00, LT TOP=280.50' IN (408)=275.75' 3.67' LT TOP=284.75' PIN- 17 I5.10-35- 1434 TOP=280.89, M. INV. OUT (406)=275.75 INV. OUT (407)=276.00' DB 10465 PG851 INV. IN (407)=275.30 BM2010 PG290 INV. OUT (EX.)=275.25' 15 O ----- \�� F ` F ) +-------- L0 F r-- W • _ ---- ——_--- LLJ L, = N -L- NAVAHO DRIVE LU H - Z LLJ .J LU --._ —T T—r—T-- 2 tN U Q I i i i i ice/ I I SITE 1 CPI 16D NAIL N-755,151.43' E-2,113,166.93' EL=279.67' I I I 7 aoz GB CB 2 LF — U 18" RCP -IV ' I CP102 16D NAIL N=755,403.10' E=2,112,819.81' EL=263.73' 0 NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE COMM PIN- 17 15.10-35- 1434 DB10465 PG851 PG290 �I 44 LF 68 LF 18" RCP -IV B RIP 9 SHEET NO. 4 ♦{ OF -41 u cs _ L L LLJ C J C Q L LL I O C Y LU ~ LLI W W = >_ U) Z 0 Q O J ~ o U Lu Q + w z z L0 F —_--_— W z LU N N ROADWAY DESIGN J fn ENGINEER EE LJJ ~ Z LU PRELIMINARY PLANS .J LU V N I� COMaPLLETE PLANS HYDRAULICS ENGINEER N/F BRYLSKI, JUSTIN J PIN- 17 15.10-35-3 147 a> ` DB12469 PG1087 ljM�l I , I 0 I M � C-J W liJ U U z \ II PLF V 15\ RCP-408 —\ + OT 2GI ACCP-IV O` LLi \ W _ LI) CB _-- LU C" LU--- N VI 405 CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have bean reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limitee review, and authorization for cunatruction is not to be wnsint a d to represent total compliance me all legal requirements for development and conreal,.. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible farod ation bel with all of ap permit, n,r shall and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall tl be construed b permit any vitiation of City. State er Federal Law. All Construction must be in aanrdance with all Local, Slate, and Federal Rules and Regulatlons. Transportation Field Services Public Utllilies Stonnwater Planning'Zoning Fire Urban Forestry ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF RALEIGH AND/OR NCDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. I� COMIPLLETE U) W z O L u 0 W Elf SCALES H-SCALE - 1"= 20' V-SCALE - N/A DATE: 05/22/2019 DESIGNED BY: GSS CHECKED BY: LSH RAMEY KEMP ASSOCIATES 5808 Faringdon Place Suite 100 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 Phone: (919) 872-5115 Fax: (919)878-5416 — rameykemp.com NC License No. C-0910 BUFFER DRAWING SHEET 3 OF 4 —L— CURVE l —L— CURVE 2 ao1 ce 4oz cB ao3 aoa ca u N/F Pl Rl Sta 15+76,40 DUKE UNIVERSITY REAL ESTATE = 6' 3 J'70 0 = 3533' 246' (LT) _ l� 58 /50" (LT) NCDOT 840.03E NCDOT 840.03E NCDOT 840.03F 18" RCP -IV 7 15. 1 PIN• 17 I5. 10-25-9749 -97 D = /7' 54' 17.8a D = 2' l7' 47er _L_ STA. 13+75.00 13.00, LT -L- STA. 13+80.00 13.00' LT -L- STA. 14+50.00 -L- STA. 14+25.00 13.00' LT 47.50' LT ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 1 ® DB PG BM2018 PG I558 L = 204J?' T = 105.70' L = 739A/' T = 37223' TOP=262.97' INV. OUT (402)=259.10' TOP=262.98' INV. IN (402)=259.00' TOP=263.72' INV. OUT (403)=248.25' INV. IN (403)=258.00' \\\\\\ ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 \ R = 320.09 R = 2,495.00 INV. OUT (403) = 259.00' INV. OUT (404J=252.00' CP1 00 REBAR & CAP N=755,666.73 E=2,112,599.10' EL=268.48' DATUM DESCRIPTION THE LOCALIZED COORDINATE SYSTEM DEVELOPED FOR THIS PROJECT IS BASED ON THE STATE PLANE COORDINATES ESTABLISHED BY OTHERS FOR MONUMENT "CP100" WITH HAD 83/NA 2011 STATE PLANE GRID COORDINATES OF NORTHING: 755666.73(ft) EASTING: 2112599.10(ft) ELEVATION: 268.48(ft) THE AVERAGE COMBINED GRID FACTOR USED ON THIS PROJECT (GROUND TO GRID) IS: 0.999909165 THE N.C. LAMBERT GRID BEARING AND LOCALIZED HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCE FROM "CP100" TO -L- STATION 10+00.00 IS N26°13'31"E 45.73' ALL LINEAR DIMENSIONS ARE LOCALIZED HORIZONTAL DISTANCES VERTICAL DATUM USED IS NAVD 88 NgVgHO OR/VF �II ���_�� �. J � 0 SITE 1 m \t?j \CB/ 2 LF — - - 18" RCP -IV CP102 16D NAIL N=755,403.10' E-2,112,819.81' EL=263.73' CB 2GI OT 0 N/F CONVERT 2GI TO CB NCDOT 840.22 NCDOT 840.04 BRYLSKI, JUSTIN J AND ADJUST TOP -L- STA. 18+50.00 1-SIDED OTCB NORTH CAROLINA REAL Irygp� NCDOT 840.03F 25.00' LT -RW-2- STA. 1+10.00 ESTATE COMM �poe PIN• 17 15.10-35-3 147 -L- STA. 18+50.00 13.00' LT TOP=280.50' INV. IN (408)=275.75' 3.67' LT TOP=284.75' PIN* I7 I5. 10-35-1434 \ DB 12469 PG 1087 TOP=280.89' INV. OUT (406)=275.75 INV. OUT (407)=276.00' DB 10465 PG851 , IW. 75.30' 275.30 BM2010 PG290 INV. OUT (EX.)= O (EX.) > ,� O IF 1 F + __- - F i I17 LU / LU Cn Ln "—/A O DRI W F— Z W i —i----f—r—T—T—z=�. N _ — — — CU CP103 16D NAIL N=755,151.43' E=2,113,166.93' EL=279.67' /, T7 r 0 NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE COMM Nis IT I5.10-35-I434 �g DDO104_6p5 PG851 / _P SHEET NO. 4 1{ CF R4�Fi u °y H Z W = a Q w w wo 5 RI RAP ss J LU (n w ABRI n/ > Lo > rV^ LU �J LU Q Z !Z Q o O C.)W Q Z Z i _ IWy Z W - = N ROADWAY DESIGN N ENGINEER W ~ ZW PRELIMINARY ao nor cas eoa w Tarro„on PLANS J W = to INCOMPLETEnaPLANS a/' U FSQ�- HYDRAULICS ENGINEER I� COMPLETE PoINANS RGR-W O` In r Z O w � Q W L N to o LU G CONCURRENT REVIEWAPPROVAL JCITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALES LL1 Zdevelopment _ Plans for the proposed use have been and and tl for general wmpliance with for construction is not applicable d...d This limited review, and autho lb all to be considered to represent total compliance wllh all legal requirements for and construction. The property owner, design wnsuhants, and wntradors are earn responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State H-SCALE - 1" = 20' V-SCALE - N/A J V,J �J N and Federal laws. This spea,c authorization below is not a Permit, nor shall it be constmed to permit any violation of City, State ar Federal Law. All Construction must ban acwrdance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. DATE: 05/22/2019 DESIGNED BY: GSS QTransportation < Fiela Services Public Utilities Stomeeater CHECKED BY: LSH PlanningvZoning, #ASSOCIATES Fire e Urban Forestry 5808 Faringdon Place Site Accessibility Suite 100 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 Phone: (919)872-5115 ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY Fax: (919)878-5416 OF RALEIGH AND/OR NCDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. w mmeykemp.com NC License No. C-0910 RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS SUMMARY IMPACTS BUFFER TYPE ALLOWABLE MITIGABLE REPLACEMENT Site Station Structure ROAD PARALLEL No. (From/To) Size / Type BRIDGE ZONE 1 ZONE 2 TOTAL ZONE 1 ZONE 2 TOTAL ZONE 1 ZONE 2 CROSSING IMPACT (2) (2) (z) (2) (2) (z) (2) (2) ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 1 13+50/13+90 Limits of Disturbance X 173 98 TOTALS*: 173 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOTES: 2018 Feb