HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC190526_NOI Signed Certification_20190606E . Certification North Carolina General Statute 1-1 .,B (i) provides that: Any pers on wfio knCW'ng1 y makes a ray fall s e statement, representat on, or oerti fi cab on i n a ray apph cab on, record f report, pi an, of other document filed or required to be m a I ntai ne'd under #his Arid e or a rule impl ementn this Amide; or who knoWng I y ma kes a false s tattate mint of a material fad in a ru I ema i ng proceed in or cont ted case under thl s Amide; or who falsifies, tampers th, or knowin g I renders i n aerate any recorrfi rig or mon iton ng deg ce or method r q ui red to be operated of m i ntai ned u nder tip i s An d P. or rul es of the Cammission implementing this Amide shall be guiltyaf a Class 2 misdemeanor whidh may1nclude a fine not to e>ceect ten thousand daiars ($10,000), Under penalty of law, I certify that: PF I am the person responsible for the construction activities of this project, for satisfying the requirements of this permit, and for any civil or criminal penalties incurred due to violations of this permit. The information submitted in this NOI isT to the best of my knoWedge and belief, true, accurate, and complete based on my inquiry of the person or persons mho manage the system. or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information. l will abide by all conditions of the NCGOIOOOO General Permit and the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. I hereby request coverage under the NCGO10000 General Permit and understand that coverage under this permit Wil constitute the permit requirements for the discharge(s) and is enforceable in the saw n-Onner as are individual permit. Specify if you are:* The Responsible Person named on this Notice of intent Authorized Responsible Person* Important: The person who signs this Certification above and sign-s the NOI Certification Forma -should be the sarne person or authorized responsible person vAthin the same organization) as listed in Section B (Permittee Information) of this form. *An authorized individual is a responsible corporate officer who owns or operates the construction activity, such as a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice president, or a manager that is authorized in accordance th Part , Section Ba item (6) of the NCO 100 0 General Permit. IV, Section B, Item (6) of that permit. Signature Type Name Title Organization'` Date Z0010P �,e Z Prolact Manager Duke Energy Prom LL 0//0 1 For rnore information on signatory requirements, see Part