HomeMy WebLinkAbout860026_ENFORCEMENT_20171231LL 'T i.I n7lk mom low `��\� ��\\ V,,kv ;ME I- . r O-W � W, - COMPLAINT RXPORT Division of Water Quality WINSTON—SALEM REGIONAL OFFICE DATE • TIME: /. 3 c) AM DID CALLER ASK TO REMAIN ANONYMOUS? Yes No (if yes, skip to 'DppIRECTIONS) -- NAME OF CALLER: _0 .., ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: N /1 1 t DIRECTIONS: fir. SOURCE OF POLLUTION: COUNTY: NATURE OF CALL: - ALL: iu _ _ '� I % . " 61 A () n 0 1 REPORT REFERRED TO: IMMEDIATE ACTION TAKEN: _10Q is t►Q O't-Ld CIY1 3 j i . S)tmc(oZ pc,)16 COMPLAINT RECEIVED BY: It 2 f e wv«�rnr�4� cry) aaL 11LI-. State of North Carolil� Department of Enviro ment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Hawes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director J.D. Hall J.D. hall Rt.1 Box 173 . Low Gap NC 27024 Dear J.D, Hall: A4&erj rq F11 „. EcoVED July 11, 1997 { of EHNR NC.Dep. tut � 6 �g97 . Winston-Salem. Re91ona1 Q,,tice Subject: Removai of Registration Facility Number 86-22 Surry County This is to acknowledge receipt of your request that your facility no longer be registered as an animal waste management system per the terms of 15A NCAC 2H .0217. The information you provided us indicated that your operation's animal population does not exceed the number set forth by 15A NCAC 2H .0217, and therefore does not require registration for a certified animal waste management plan. Linder 15A NCAC 2H .0217, your facility is deemed permitted if waste is properly managed and does not reach the surface waters of the state. Any system determined to have an adverse impact on water quality may be required to obtain a waste management plan or an individual permit. You are reminded that a discharge of wastes to the surface waters of the state will subject you to a civil penalty up to $10,000 per day. Should you decide to increase the number of animals housed at your facility beyond the threshold limits listed below, you will be required to obtain a certified animal waste management plan prior to stocking animals to that level. Threshold numbers of animals which require certified animal waste management plans are as follows: Swine 250 Confined Cattle 100 Horses 75 Sheep 1,000 Poultry with a liquid wastes tem 30,000 If you have questions regarding this letter or the status of your operation please call Sue Homewood of our staff at (919) 733-5083 ext 502. 4M cc' Winston-Salem Wat-6 Quality Regional Office:; Surry Soil and Water Conservation District Facility File Sincerely, A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733.5083 Fax 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50 % recycled/10 % post -consumer paper 1 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Winston-Salem Reglonal Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary April 1, 1997 Mr. Jerry Durham Route 1, Box 256 Elkin, N.C. 28621 SUBJECT: Required Written Response Jay Hall Dairy Operation Surry County Dear Mr. Durham: • XT [:)E.HNF;Z DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -- Water Quality Section -- This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated March 18, 1997. Thank you for responding to the recent Notice of Violation letter and advising that the lagoon was being pumped. Jenny Rankin and I inspected the lagoon on March 26, 1997, and found that the discharge had been ceased. The freeboard in the lagoon was observed to be about six inches at this time. Please be aware that the lagoon must not be allowed to overflow. Frequent pumping will be necessary due to the large amount of stormwater that flows into the lagoon From the uncovered concrete lots. Future violations could result in the assessment of civil penalties. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, V� Michael M. Mickey Environmental Specialist cc: Surry SWCD Jay Hall WSRO 585 Waughtown Street, C FAX 910-771-4631 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107-2241 , An Equal Opportunity/Aftrmative Action Employer Voice 910-771-4600 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper r •' J • v RECEIVED 6A N.C. Dept. of EHNR MAR 2 0 1997 W- st n-Salem 3 - /YQial Office RECEIVED N.C. Dept. of EHNR DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PEAR 19 1997 Chemistry Laboratory Report I %Vater Quality Lab Number 7W I283 -Salem 1i Rcocived 2,SAM COUNTY SURRY RIVER BASIN : PREDRCfY ❑ AMBIENT QA on (;�� �re El STR ft g i o 0A tFofflc ' T'irnr Rd: Received By 8-45 AI.i DS REPORT TO WSRO Regional Office COMPLIANCE F3 CHAIN OF CUSTODY El LAKE ❑ INFLUENT Other EMERGENCY EMARY Data ReFeased JC COLLECTOR(5) : AI h[ICKEY 26d Dore Repo0cd 3I18/97 F�timated HOD Flange: 5-25 Station Location: JAY HALL DAIRY ' Chterinated: Remart.s: - St+elau 0 Date 9esia (yylmm/ddi Dme Eud I_ry/mmlddl Time Been Ttme Fad I 1 Depth - 11M, DB, DB'tl Value Typr - A, H. L Composite-T, S. Sample Type 970227 10:30 C BOD 310 39 mg/L COD High 340 mg/L COD Lcav 335 mg1L Cdiform: MF Fax1 31616 1100m1 Colifomt: MF Total 31504 1100m] Colifprm: tabs Fecal 31615 /100m] Colifr : Fecal Strop 31673 1100m1 Residue: Total 500 rng9. Volatile 505 mw1. Fixed 510 mglL Rtsidue; Suspended 330 mg/L Valatilc 535 mg/L Fixed 540 mg1L pH 403 8.0 units cidity to pH 4,5 436 mgiL tidity to pH 8.3 431 engrL . Alkalinity to PH 83 415 mg/L. Alkalinity to pH 4,5 410 mg/L TOC 680 ma/L turbidity 76 NTU COMMENTS; Chloride 940 mg/L Chl a: Tri 32217 uS/L Chl a: Car 12209 UFfL Pheophy6n a 32213 aglL Color: True 80 - c.u. Color: (pH ) 83 pH= C.U. Color: pH 7.6 82 au. Cyanide 720 mg/L Fluoridt 951 mr1L Formaldehyde 7 t 830 mglL Grease and Oils 556 mg1L Hardness Tool 900 mg/l.. Specific Cond. 95 Wbos'cm2 MBAS 38260 mg/L Phmols 32730 uc,'L Sulfate 945 mg1L Sulfide 745 m8/L Boron Colifortn Total Tula 11100 m15 X NH3 as N 610 42 mggfL. TKN an N 625 mgfL NO2 plus NO3 m N 630 7.5 mg/L. P. Total as P 665 mg11 PO4 as P 70507 mWL P: Dissolved as P 666 n*L K-Pou"Um mall. Cd- Cadmium 1027 ug 7 Cr-Chromium. Total 1034 — LSj Cu-Capper 1042 UW1 Ni-Nickel 1067 u8lL Pb- Lead 1051 ue/L Zn-Zinc 1092 ug;L V•Vanadium ua'L Aa. Siher 1077 u8A AI Aluminum 1105 u¢L Be -Beryllium 1012 ug1L Ca- Calcium 916 mp/L Co- Cobalt 1037 U911- Fe-Iran 104$ vc'L ,.� DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY FIELD -LAB FORM (DM1) -COUNTY t` `a PRIORITY 1 ` ,j�/ SAMPLE TYPE �� REPORT BASIN ARO FRO MRO ARO WaRO WIAO SRO ❑AMBIENT ❑ QAIN ." ❑S5�}l EFFLUENT RIIJAT SM i Other 000MPLIANCE CHAIN LJ LAKE I INFLUENT j�j OF CUSTODY Q I Shipped by: Bn our ,Staff, Other EMERGENCY ❑ESTUARY Fnr Lab It.n ANI V Lab Number: Date Received: lme: Reed by: From: Bus varier- and Del DATA ENTRY BY: CK: DATE REPORTED: COLLECTOR(.S): Estimated BOD Range; 0-S _/25-65/40.130 or 100 plus STATION LOCATION: 74A - UA A Seed: Yes ❑ No❑ Chlorinated: Yes ❑ No ❑ REMARKS: Station # prate Begin (yy/mm/dd) I Time Begin Date End Tlme End Depth DM D8 DBM Value Type CompositejSampleType (� a� am? t L A H L T S B C GNXX 2 COD High 340 mg/1 3 COD Loan 335 mg/l 4 Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100ml 5 Colltorm: MF Total 31504 /100m1 6 Colltorm: Tube Fecal 31615 /100ml Colltorm: Fecal Strep 31673 /100ml 8 Residue: Total 500 nrgi 9 Volatile 505 mg/I 10 Fixed 510 mg/l 11 Residue: Suspended 530 mg/l 12 Volatile 535 mg/1 13 Fixed 540 mg/I 14 PH 403 units 15 Acidity to pH 4.5 436 mg/1 16 Acidity to pH 9.3 435 mgll 17 Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 mgA 1a Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mg/I 19 TOC 680 MSA 20 Turbidity 76 NTII Chloride 940 mg/l Chi a: Tri 32217 ug/1 Chi a: Carr 32M ug/l Pheophytin a 32213 ug/l Color: True 80 Pt -Co Color:(pH ) 83 ADMI Color: pH 7.6 62 ADMI Cyanide 720 mg/l Fluoride 951 mg/I Formaldehyde 71860 mg/l Grease and Oils 556 mg/i Hardness Total900 mg/l Specific Cond. 95 ublhos/crn2 MBAS 38260 mg/l Phenols 32730 ugA Sulfate 946 013/1 Sulfide 745 mg/I NH3 as N 610 mg/l THN as N 625 mgA NO2 plus NO3 as N 630 mgA P: Total as P 665 mg/l PO4 as P 70507 mg/l P: Dissolved as P 666 mg/1 CA -Cadmium 1027 ugA Cr-ChronrfumTotal1034 49/1 CuCopper 1042 ug/l NI -Nickel 1067 ug/1 Pb-Lead 1051 ug/l ZrrZfnc 1092 ug/l A Liver 1077 ug/l At -Aluminum 1105 ug/l Be -Beryllium 1012 ng/I Ca -Calcium 916 mg/1 Co -Cobalt 1037 ug/l Fe -Stan 1045 U13A Li-Lithlum 1132 ug/l Mg-Magneslum 927 mg/l Mn-Manganese 1055 ug/1 Na-Sodlum 929 mg/t Arsenlc Total 1002 ug/! Se -Selenium 1147 ug/l fig-Mertury 71900 ug/1 Otganochlerine Pesticides Organoplto lihoras Pe%dckles Acid Herbicides Base/ Neutral Extractable Organics Acid Extractable Organics Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle reg'd) Phytoplankton Sampling Point ac Conductance at 25 C Water Temperature 10 D.O. mgA pH Alkalinity Acidity Aft Temperature (C) PH 83 . ; pH 4.5'_> pH 4.5 PH 8.3 2 94 10 300 , 400 • �1` r' 82244 431 > ' ' 1 ° 82243 182242 i 20 Salinity X Precipltion fln/day► Cloud Cover % Wind Direction (Deco1 Stzew Flow Severity Turbidity Severity Wind Velocity M/H 4ean Stream Depth ft. Strum Width ft, t, i 480 145 132 136 g 1351 1350 135 64 14 % DMl/Revlsed 10/86 1200 Jay Hall Dairy o , d Jerry Durham Property" H e p Joe Lane Mill Road-S Surry County $-15-SE ` V� i 61 V •�q Q 9M 1b79 •� } I4 �/@ l ! tl �: Dos 0 0 ! 1 • � �•• Ij 076 i I �"- EII� AIrporr �J S •6Dt5 ' �� I _ +, f 1., f'1 '6 .-4 ° ...,i"` r�1 �:n C 'll • 4 • State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Winston-Salem Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary March 6, 1997 CERTIFIED MAIL # P-536 310 562 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Jay Hall Route 1, Box 12 Elkin, N.C. 28621 SUBJECT: Notice of Violation Jay Hall Dairy Operation Jerry Durham Lessor Surry County Dear Sirs: i FIMWA IDIEHNF;Z DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -- Water Quality Section -- CERTIFIED MAIL # P--536 310 563 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Jerry Durham Route 1, Box 256 Elkin, N.C. 28621 You are hereby notified that the Jay Hall dairy operation on the Jerry Durham property, which has been deemed permitted to have a nondischarge permit for an animal waste disposal system pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H .0217, has been found to be in violation of its 2H .0217 Permit. As you are aware, Mike Mickey and David Russell of this office. inspected the dairy operation on February 27, 1997. The inspection revealed that wastewater was being allowed to overflow the top of the lagoon and to reach an unnamed tributary leading to the Mitchell River. Samples and photographs were taken to document the discharge. Please be advised that your animal waste management system must be operated as a non — discharging type operation. The discharge of any wastewater from the dairy operation is illegal as per North Carolina General Statute 143--215.1. The Division of Water Quality will proceed to revoke the non —discharge permit for the Jay Hall/Jerry Durham operation unless the following conditions are completed: 1, Immediately eliminate the discharge of wastewater. 2. Make any modifications needed to ensure there will be no future discharges. 585 waughtown Street, �'r FAX 910-771-4631 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107-2241 r� An Equal Opportunity/Af firma Ne Action Employer Voice 910-771-46M 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper 0 . M SENDER: t + a t� ■Complete items 1 and/or 2 for addiGanai services. I also wish to receive the h ■Complete, items 3, 4a, and 44- following services (for an 0 DPW your name and address on the reverse of this form so Ihat we can rCffirn this extra See)' W card to you. ■�rmac! this torn to the front of the mailpieoa, or on the back if space does nci 1. © Addressee's Address � , a Write'Refum Ra vipf Requested' on the mailpiece below she article number. 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery *The Return Receipt will show, to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. Consult postmaster for fee.rx . 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number g� i m MR JAY HALTS P-536 33.0 562 c E ROUTE 1 BOX 12 415. Service Type m ELK TN NC 28621. ❑ Registered Certified 10`,� ❑ Express Mail sured co wLU M Retum Recelp OD ; . O 7. Date of Delfv "ry `n •- z ciscc 5. Received By: (Prfnt Name) 8, Addressee's Add r requested and lea is paid) 6. Signat . (Addrasse orA e y. X PS Form 3811, December 1994 Domestic Return Receipt +i ,r Mr. Jay Hall/Jerry Durham Page #2 March 6, 1996 You both are requested to respond in writing to our Winston—Salem Regional Office on or before March 21, 1997, advising what corrective actions have been or will be initiated to prevent future illegal discharges from the dairy operation. Please be aware that until compliance is achieved, the operation will be considered in violation and could be subject to enforcement action with the possible assessment of civil penalties of up to $10,000 per -day per violation for any past or future violations. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact either Steve Mauney, Water Quality Regional Supervisor, or Mike Mickey at (910) 771-4600. fi�e Sincerely, Larry D. Coble Regional Supervisor cc: Dick Everhart, Surry County Soil and Water Conservation District Jerry Dorsett, Regional Coordinator, NCDSWS Compliance/Enforcement File WSRO 'oe,,pt • - Division of Environmental Management akem CHAIN o CUS D7 RECORD �`�`G� For Inve:stiRation of ��. jaeQiOna1 Samples collected and Da- forma completed b only Station. Lab'Wo. NO. Station Loeatioe by: Data Ito. of Time bottles linquished by( ignature): Received by(Signature): I Date / Time el Rec l Rec by RP-1 Rec by (Lab) / Method of Shi went: Seal !ecurity Type and Condition: Lock b : b Broken en by: .. ..Received b�- �r 0. 0 From: "Mickey, Joseph H. Jr."<MICKEYJH@MAIL.WILDLIFE.state.nc To: "'Mickey, Mike"' <Mickey@wsro.ehnr.state.nc.us> Subject: Cattle waste Date sent: Thu,13 Feb 97 19:20:00 PST I received a report from Dick Everhart's office about a cattle lagoon that's over flowin into the Mitchell River not far from here. It's owned or leased b err Durha on Joe Lane Mill Rd., which is off Popular Springs Rd. eports are t at it pretty bad. Tony in Dick's office was trying to contact you on this. \� Also, work has it that Charles doesn't want the lease. Terry Jullian called tonight and said he would like it for hay. I'm going to meet him Saturday morning at 9. Come on up if you want. I'll have to leave around 1130, going to see Joseph for parents day. If Jullian wants it, I say go with him, don't know of anyone else. wJX w1 q ��n�fiti� kll-�111� 1`4'zK � �/ SK L CAMP MTN. �;o�L l }1 j•1 oe BEULAH •3$<gf!i s1 5,` 4 I p�\A0° C0 I - O REAL �I4'1• CK CN 3� RD T L 1 ' �\ I� BLEVINS STORE cAa4r y]v R enaxcx�eA `fE a i A ♦01 116 /a na /.yM`I j\ a29 RO EIIII 4°°� : \?• + AFF nJi 1 1 'D •0 ISIE \ n '�\ io4YM , F ' 'sy M NOOOE J .. \ e QFl �v \,f. C \9 b >a � No • 7 O i,°� C. ME RO Ike e.9 o 11c ti— p/DOasoi GbO4 41LL RO INr.MH1 �`..` wPPP AID ZEPN'lR e b r w\ S ^' e % 1001 1 CQI / /� Vv. 'D'f %�• JJ�4 I]al e° �\e.\ N r � .1W Mmx Ro I170 '\ �. a 0 \ OUNTAIN LA3111 NOP 4 _n 3 PARK �O � li 0 BOTTOM .E a PS p z ya„2E�p� R _.�C�"�` ° °ti����;R 'MM /. //"a• .? ��,� ���..� i'�C a. "°� _:r' f0n ON / PO •c�-r�-. 1?J.::` x�:z1AA A� 9� ISp �O ; 9N I'` IYIf•� ° elf O ISEd • ^ /S m°! p MELM/M'E\\V4M` CH;' It e i "C i �� P 4epJ / oC y Pi �� ° ER 9LE ;MPY 2 ,,� _. e,°L °Aa° �yo `a t'•Y'- _ ..c .. _. ° STATE 1jO P"� d'� P° FAIR II 4� jCR05 E'P/ ROADS ((�D ROAD / RO a t� eo 9 Ip'I W % \ - aF'gA (•"° (� 0 0 I g o,i 3 R ggj Izo no Izoeto JO % 268> s 1 M18 N L Ro OSWaT a0 11\i a �/ A \ \z T * p P iEO 0 FO YDK�JM JERNIN41 WM AO ` 4-P0°G 9 r flees \ \S` L Op,1E1A: 111]` 11]] c un u Ina/':�h - e e a I _9 KJN ` - �' Elmr A° - + c4y RICHMONO A wNlrE o ° ALLEY CIMP PO f� /,�\! ti39 Jay Hall Dairy 121 O Jerry Durham Property' r, Joe Lane Mill Road SurryCounty B-15-SE I ' • 7 �-/ �- f l o �7 r q �9•° Dy / Elkin Iport, (/ CD o urc ffQJ c 200 Jay Hall Dairy Jerry Durham Property t Joe Lane Mill Road J—a— ✓lh� 1` 9 Surry County B-15-SE r Q •� �5 _ ,.ono' _ :A ri k.a-- nR �oos� 0 a� N ANC MO UTM Jay HaII Dairy 7'" 121 • • ^� RS,Jerry Durham Property �r + Joe Lane Mill Road ti b� G RN Surry County B-15-SE ap II 13 �E rat U I000 \\ V I•� .%IlkJ° 1 / ' Elkin fAirpoYt��J .` .7 JJJ ure State of North Caroling) Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Steve W. Tedder, Chairman December 5, 1996 J.D. Hall J.D. hall Rt. I Box 173 Low Gap NC 27024 Dear Mr. Hail: 4�i 1DEHHNFZ Subject: Operator In Charge Designation Facility: J.D. hall Facility ID #: 86-22 Surry County RECEIVE' N.C. r,e.r)i. o,f IFHNR Senate Bill 1217, An Act to Implement Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Study Commission on Agricultural Waste, was enacted by the North Carolina General Assembly on June 21, 1996. This bill requires that a certified operator be designated as the Operator in Charge by January 1, 1997, for each animal waste management system that serves 250 or more swine, 100 or more confined cattle, 75 or more horses, 1,000 or more sheep, or 30,000 or more confined poultry with a liquid animal waste management system. Our records indicate that your facility is registered with the Division of Water Quality and meets the requirements for designating an OIC. A training and certification program is not yet available for animal waste management systems involving cattle, horses, sheep, or poultry. Owners and operators of these systems will be issued temporary animal waste management certificates by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC). The temporary certificates will expire December 31, 1997, and will not be renewed. To obtain a permanent certification, you will be required to complete ten hours of training and pass an examination by December 31, 1997. A training and certification program for operators of animal waste management systems involving cattle, sheep, horses, and poultry is now being developed and should be available by the spring of 1997. The type of training and certification required for the operator of each system will be based on the nature of the wastes to be treated and the treatment process(es) primarily used to treat the animal waste. As the owner of an animal operation with an animal waste management system, you must designate an Operator in Charge and must submit the enclosed designation form to the WPCSOCC. If you do not intend to operate your animal waste management system yourself, you trust designate an employee or engage a contract operator to be the Operator in Charge. The person designated as the Operator in Charge, whether yourself or another person, must complete the enclosed application form for temporary certification as an animal waste management system operator. Both the designation form and the application form must be completed and returned by December 31, 1996. If you have questions about the new requirements for animal waste management system operators, please call Beth Buffington or Barry Huneycutt at 919/733-0026, Sincerely, FOR Steve W. Tedder Enclosures cc: Winston Salem Regional Office Water Quality Files Water Pollution Control SystemIV CY A Voice 919-733-0026 l AX 919-733-1338 Operators Certification Commission VAn Equal Opportunity/Afflrmative Action Employer P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper OPERATIONS BRANCH - WQ Fax:919^715-5043 Jul 1191 ' 95 15 : 41 R.15/16 0 SUC p4quim _,.____ SI?` Yam* .A'ir10X RRCGRD DAtl ig95 Owrer L ��aru tvarn= CAcir�ty. _.. Agent Visit!L-:g Sites C- �,.� �. phone; Qjxxatoc: Pheam . ?5 z_. _ On SLadva: phoac: i�f,ysfcai Address: M.Uilrz1g 1 c Type of Ort-M ioa; Swin g 'ouit�y C3ii�a ^1�,n Caiiy_.� ?tiumbct o{rinirrrsIz c� Situ tirQV�t 3 �v_�i: 220 /q 0 0 qb y 3 QSBp Acrial Cirs:a Yes or Nc cc.v .'c Aii in.—1 ".VUL- La$Q4i! Lrme-cc%.rd of 1 F-mt = 25: eu'?4 ;tiu.f slo M, -Yeat 1 o-c( - r G.^�3 or No e��ilY3� i'.":4.:C�: Z a Cyr _ }�lC��4 ,... �.. For f� :l'II:eK With Coro -.1 -- 3ddr---: to .igcuas' fh=bi`zrr crd r the N`1:: an— ,.4Q;: I�� "Y';Y � �� a ?; Val (iC a�C �Z.,, cz csian J. �:..r.� .::r,tickjc v L uc-,-k yr' L 4 C`7' �C�},A,OL Gli 2 Y2�C�r�(r+`' t.rLVY1� r�C',l • a.i.�rC S} tell ��� r Zrt1 "tt.15 4'.Z�C.L�. fG_�S "rt,�f�p� J..,,,r,_�-"c_-fC• ( �GF r�J�,�� 0. 0 • REQUEST FOR REMOVAL QE REGISTRATION The following farm does not meet the 2H .0200 registration requirements. Please inactivate this facility on the registration database. Facility. Number: 9(0 — 2(o Farm Name: k o roarri T h 0 m e 5a n oaf n-m Owner: 4-\ 0 u3 ax d Th o rn Ps o Y) Mailing Address: u l to S R o d k. bill R a ?-Fa4 tow n I C- -22Dy 0 County; This Operation is: pasture only (no confinement) dry litter poultry operation out of business/no animals on site closed out per MRCS standards below the threshold (less than 250-swine, 100-confined cattle, 75-horses, 1000-sheep or 30,000-poultry with a liquid animal waste management system) Comments: jh_►'15 i5 sirictlj a rpa5tvre ,oTncra-fi-on, Mr. ThovApscr% i� new clecectfed I am fully aware that should I decide to increase the number of animals beyond the threshold limit or the operation meets the 2H .0200 registration requirements for any reason, I am required to notify the Division of Water Quality prior to stocking animals. Signature: Please return completed form to: DEHNR DWQ Water Quality section Compliance Group P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Date: q 7 ,RR-d197 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Winston-Salem Regional Office February 25, 1997 MEMORANDUM TO: Shannon Langley Compliance Group FROM: Mike Mickey 41-*' SUBJECT: Howard Thompson Facility No. 86-26 Surry County Per our conversation today, please be advised that Howard Thompson's farm does not need to be certified. There have never been more than 100 beef cattle confined in one location. This is strictly a pasture operation. An inspection conducted by Allan Smith in November 1995 also noted that the operation does not need to be registered or certified. Mr. Thompson is now deceased. Please remove No. 86-26 from the Iist of registered facilities. Give me a call if you have any questions. cc: Surry County S&WCD WSRO 113134 FMM LFJ't WATER Z;kIPLZTr SEG7 iUN x. • bite Requires wmutnti Facility No. DMSION OF EN"MON'NMNTAL WNAGEMEA"r ANIIA AL MMLOT OPERATIONS SITE VISITATION REODRD _911.. DATE: p10v. 1995 Time: �. r.rr sir � ��rr �� F - ■ ins iateVWW. --• Srn -l66� 5 Pbone: On Site Re m&mtulve: Ybona: Lj 3& 4_... PhytiW AdddaR.ocadoa: �r Type of Opertim: Swine PaW y . Oak Dsrlgn t".apaeiry: Mmbar of Aaimals am Site: DEM C7 rf&an Nt nber: AC3g.-�. DEM Cgtficu= N=ber. AMw__—__._ 141dw&: �' Longi t&.1 ' W" t zkvadou• t Mole Yes or No r-- M+ Aaunal Waste Lgoao have sWncimt %cboud of I Foot + 15 ym 2d boty atacra event (approe=mly I Foot + 7 inches) Yes or No Acsnal FreeboaQd: F1. _�.__ Inches Wu any seepage obswtd from the Iagoon(s)? Yes or No Wu aay erosion oobswnC Yes or No Is adegoau ]aad av4ablc far :pray? Yes or No Is the oovez crap &&quate? Yes or No C rWs) bdag udUrrd: Does the Wility meet SCS niuim m setback criteria? = Fxt from D tlUnp? Yes of No 300 Fees from Wells? Yes or No Is dx uJ maI wine stockpiled within 100 Feet of USOS Blue Line Strum? Yes or No L aairrul wute Lnd applied or spray irrigated within 75 Feet of a USGS Mag Blue Lim? Yes cc No b animal warts discharged Law way of the state by man-made ditch, flushing sy m, ae other aimUr man-made d -Am? Yes cc No If Yes, Pleau Explain. Does the ftomry ms mu& adequatz waste txu atr eW reoacds (volumes of raaruat. Wd applied, oFmy irripted oa sPcdu Be wltb Cava arop)? Yes or Addidasttl Ddmma ru: M!y a�`� e n . �L L Alla" S A 0E Irr 1W E,eJs520 hxpectir Nsm rFs atltm a: Fsciiity Auc"Mam Unit Use Attar"hMenu if Needed 44pe-ve V r State of North Carolince Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Steve W. Tedder, Chairman December 5, 1996 Howard Thompson Howard Thompson Farm 4165 Roci hill Road Pfafftown NC 27040 Subject: Operator In Charge Designation Facility: Howard Thompson Farm Facility ID #: 86-26 Surry County Dear Mr. Thompson: REC_11VED N.C. Dtr'rP'. o -;�R 06C A 2 996 \Nir!aSP, E,srn ion, a, Office Senate Bill 1217, An Act to Implement Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Study Commission on Agricultural Waste, was enacted by the North Carolina General Assembly on June 21, 1996. This bill requires that a certified operator be designated as the Operator in Charge by January 1, 1997, for each animal waste management system that serves 250 or more swine, 100 or more confined cattle, 75 or more horses, 1,000 or more sheep, or 30,000 or more confined poultry with a liquid animal waste management system. Our records indicate that your facility is registered with the Division of Water Quality and meets the requirements for designating an OTC. A training and certification program is not yet available for animal waste management systems involving cattle, horses, sheep, or poultry. Owners and operators of these systems will be issued temporary animal waste management certificates by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC). The temporary certificates will expire December 31, 1997, and will not be renewed. To obtain a permanent certification, you will be required to complete ten hours of training and pass an examination by December 31, 1997. A training and certification program for operators of animal waste management systems involving cattle, sheep, horses, and poultry is now being developed and should be available by the spring of 1997. The type of training and certification required for the operator of each system will be based on the nature of the wastes to be treated and the treatment process(es) primarily used to treat the animal waste. As the owner of an animal operation with an animal waste management system, you must designate an Operator in Charge and must submit the enclosed designation form to the WPCSOCC. If you do not intend to operate your animal waste management system yourself, you must designate an employee or engage a contract operator to be the Operator in Charge. The person designated as the Operator in Charge, whether yourself or another person, must complete the enclosed application form for temporary certification as an animal waste management system operator. Both the designation form and the application form must be completed and returned by December 31, 1996. If you have questions about the new requirements for animal waste management system operators, please call Beth Buffington or Barry Huneycutt at 919n33-0026, Sincerely, FOR Steve W. Tedder Enclosures cc: Winston Salem Regional Office Water Quality Files Water Pollution Control System ,Vi Voice 919-733-0026 FAX 919-733-1338 Operators Codification Commission An Equal Opportunity/AffirmaWe Action Employer P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper JUL-14-19W 15134 1FRCM DEM WATER QJF L I TY S'ECT I pM TO f 'Site Requires 'Attention: Facility No. &0 DMSION OF ENYMONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ANIMAL. FEEDLOT OPERATIONS SITE VISITATION RECORD H DATE: „ �V,.-.,,1995 Tim: bUU1n&A4drUS:-RF-Q I ao6sar% f N C 2--7 p 17 \wfdmtr `■w ��w. 5rn, /per 5 �ii��w►Vl • V Q� illy Orn Site Repr+ mudve: '_/7 none: 3& L Lit 25 V TM of Operatics: Swine .� Poultry � Cattle Design Capacity: Number of,4ninWs os Site: DEM Cadfwation Nambar. ACE. DDI CwtAU ion Number: ACNEW. Latitrde: , '�0,.." Langinx&:.'8 0 `q7 ' 1:L." ri vadon: t Ciaele Yea or No r-r 44. Animal Warn UP= have suSiciaat Troeboard of 1 Foot + 25 you 24 hour surm event (approxiamxz7y 1 Foot + 7 inches) Ye: or No Actin] Fmobowd: -._-FL � Inches Was any seepage observed from the kgoon(s)? Yes or No Was wy ervsion observed? Yes or No Is adequate Ind available far spray? Yes or No Is the cover crop adequate? Yea or No Crop(s) being utilized: Does the facility meet SCS minim= setback cTitmia? 200 Feet from Dwellings? Yes or No 100 Feet from We11s? Yes or No h the animal waste w4cplled within+ 100 Feet of USGS Blue Line Stream? Yes ox No Is anisnare land applied or spray irrigated within 25 Fat of a USGS Map Blue Line? Yea or No Is animal waste discharged into waters of the state by man-made ditch, flushing system, cc other mar man-made devices? Yes or No 1f Yes, Pkase Explain. Does the facility maintain WKusse wnstr management retards (volumes of men=, land applied, amy irrigated on spedf`ic Kmite with cove crop)? Yes or No Addido W emu: GS f CL on . �5 b� Man S A Den w W190 lnapector Name cc: p'ae B y Assessment Unit Use Attachment; if Needed 4ro"w ti n OPERATIONS BRANCH - WQ Fax:919-715-6048 ;4 1 f I ' Jul 19 '95 15:41 P.14/16 • I=c ?.Cqu = r u iacc f►ct=KuoA �--- 171kcilitjNumb": tiI7F'J%S`I7r'.'iiQ t' RECCiM Lit ! 2:. f.� 1 q9 s % -.(, 0n Sile R&,rMecn Laivc:—�,�c.1L �;�� .�....W _.. � i'���c: Type of Drc:-'!Q n: S';'-'nc _✓� rcuiuv � Catiic ___„ 1 ^tirn�+�: �fa�_� _a`� 5U 3.,vff:iil.G4: ,..�._.o �y,7 ,. 2 ._,� C�SI�I� � •, � k.. �c�-�. vrri- y 1 9ry y�} ;..a F . ? ° F-_ t fi �y �.�� .�. +. i..I"tr.:4.�.c�c_; c� < -- . , r:� _ Aux stot:: ent a ;ere vaflaO:_ .{J: �2,d 3Gf1:C1:.l:1;? ; =S ...i11 :i ::' G3T�; :�J,ii=�.�:r�� w7 V�:tN- TO lei OPEPAT I ONS PRANC_H - l+l� Fax 91 �j-715-fit 148 Jul 19 '95 14:52 P.14f15 Sites laurlydWc ALanliori ._..,...� Facility Nv W., _.._ . SITE V 15�I,T/A_1 IU,N )�=QPW Owner: ' ' Fwz Nam- Cocmty,; ,....S j Agent Visitirg Sim � � r,e ,syZav>s >?hona; �-- ---_ _r .. 01)eratot; bona: Cn Site Feprczenwtvo; Mono: Physical Address: Trfui(in�ldd:-:.� mil- Type &Opma oa. Sw4n ✓`-1'6uitry Deign Ul,' ,city: �..L� ?rUMb—Cr Of _An[rnrI3 On Site: �C&C � _....r.�..-- 1_^,{imea:—.. __.° � �' Lougiwdc; 0 w o i s t` 3 �S - - �w Type of I ic; str; Crruusid Tom` _ Aerial ,., _ — Circle Ycs or NC Doc$ ;bc A L:II nI ill ElS"..! 1_age..„l 3-L;Z. .C:Iw {-,c! 'Canj of ! F*7ct + 25 ye ff ,14 hw aorm event (appro.,6rWely I Foot � - inSng) Y:-s or No Actual T r=lw:rd; .,,— Nzt — Imbft' For racilit:ev wiiL rn" Lti n me 1%rmn, pl.-m-c adt;r--;s the at:;Or InC003' rfwbvmrd under the mrunct;ls set�iiaQ. Was ;any oWer.-H Emm. _4ib ? Scn�I(s; 7 Y(GI a: ;,N;n Wt L'1C:o �;rQrioll of t w dam?: Ya+ of No s;:ccit}�tt' 18nrS �vsiix�le `Cr?3rci 3pt;ii,;:>i.�cr+'? Yes ar Nc+ Ycs or No Mdit<ur.af i.Q1s mcnv;:. . _.NLY..1. ) �nr n a-r-�s� . �,e. Cd�C�K F�� to 019; 715•3559 to rc of AWn