HomeMy WebLinkAbout760066_CORRESPONDENCE_20171231RESEARCI-t ! ANAlyTiCAl: LAboRATORiEs, INc. ReCE IVED "'C D•~L of ENR AUG 2 0-2012 Ana lytical/Process Consu ltations NC DENR IiWQ APS 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Attn: Melissa Rosebrock W 'nston-Sale...-. R~to n a l Offiu Date Sample Co llec ted Du.te Sainpi-:~ R•.::cei.,..-ell Date Sample Analyzed Date of Report Analyses Performed by 08 /H /12 :J S/14 /1~ 08 /14 /12 08/16/12 ZP Lab Sample Number 737917 737918 =================~~========================~=================================== Parameter Storet # Fee Coli-MF (31616) Clients Sample Source Number Time Collected (Hrs) Results 860 col/100 ml UPSTREAM BEMBENEK -RANDOLPH 1050 Results 9,200 col /100 ml DOWNSTREAM BEMBENEK-RANDOLPH 1040 P.O . Box 473 • 1 06 Short Street • Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 • 336-996-284 1 • Fax 336-996-0326 www.randalabs.com • ' • REsEARCH! ANAlyTicAl lAboRATORiEs, INc. • RECEIVED N.C . Oe~t. o f !OW~ AUG ·2 0 2012 I ' Analytical/Process Consultations Winaton-Saltm Rtglonal Office NC DWQ 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Attn: Melissa Rosebrock Date Sa.mple Collected Date Sample Receiv ed Date Sample Analyzed Date ·of Report Analyses Performed by :CQJ!./ D1 1:2---:-! 08/13/12 08/13/12 08 /16 /12 ZP Lab Sample Number 737876 737877 ====;~========================================================================= Parameter Storet # Fee Coli-MF (31616) Clients Sample Source Number Time Collected (Hrs) Results 680 col /100 ml UPSTREAM BEMBENEK #4 1212 Results 5 ,400 col /100 ml DOWNSTREAM BEMBENEK #4 1200 P. 0. Box 4 73 • 106 Short Street • Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 • 336-996-2841 • Fax 336-996-0326 www.randalabs.com I . •• RESEARC~! ANAlyTicAI!_l -~~·, lAbORATORiEs, INC. i\ r~.t;;:::v;.oEHR AUG\ 5 2012 Analytical/Process Consultations · 1 Win$ton.Sal111Tl ~----~R~~io=na~l~om--~------ NC DWQ 555 l'iaughtuwn St.reet Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Attn: Melissa Rosebrock Date Sample Co l lected Date S;::.mplc Recei ved Date Sample Analyzed Date of Report Analyses Performed by : co-azo.s]r2==::J 08 /0P./l?. o8/0B/12 08/13/12 ZP Lab Sample Number 737531 737532 ===============================================================~=============== Parameter Storet # Fee Coli-MF (31616) Clients Sample Source Number Time Collected (Hrs) Results 540 col /10 0 ml #1 UPSTREAM BEMBENEK 1105 Results 1 0,800 col /100 ml #2 DOWNSTR EAM BEMBENEK 1055 P. 0. Box 4 73 • 1 06 Short Street • Ke r nersville. North Carolina 27284 • 336-996·2841 • Fax 336-996·0326 www.randalabs .com RESEARC~! ANAlyTicAl lAbORATORiES, INC. .----N.-/-;;-~~VE-0 ,0-EN-R --, • Analytical/Process Consultations NC DWO-APS 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Attn: Melissa Rosebrock Winston-Sil&m Regional Offic. Date Sample Col le(:t:ed Date Sample Received Date Sample Anal yzed Date of Report Analyses Performed by : \o azo 2./_1.2=:::3 0 8/02 /12 0 8 /0 2 /12 08/07/12 ZP Lab Samp l e Number 737147 73 7 148 =========~===================================================================== Parameter Storet # Fee Col:i -MF (316 16) Clients Sample Source Number Time Collected (Hrs) Results 1 00 col/100 ml UPSTREAM BEMBENEK-RANDOLPH 1055 Results >12,000 col/100 ml DOWNSTREAM BEMBENEK-RANDOLPH 104 5 P. 0. Box 4 73 • 106 Short Street • Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 • 336-996-2841 • Fax 336-996-0328 www.randalabs.com RESEARcli! LAboRATORiEs, INC. RECEIVED N.C . Ot>ot. of ENR Analytical/Process Consultations Winston·S•Itm RtQicn•l Offlct NC DENR DWQ 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 At tn: Melissa Rosebrock Date Sample Collected Date Sample Received Date Sample Analyzed . Date of Report Analyses Performed by : \o 8 -/0-l-/-1 ~2:J 08 /01 /12 08 /01 /12 08 /0 7/12 ZP Lab Sample Numb er 7 37 085 737086 ===================:===========~========================================:;;==== Parameter Storet # L~ec Col:i-MF (316 16 ) Cl i ents Sample S ourc e Number Time Co llect e d (H r s) Results Results 10 4 c ol /100 ml 10,000 c o l /1 00 ml UP S THEAM DOWNS TR EAM BEMBENEK -RANDOLPH CO BE MBENE K-RANDO L PH CO 1 220 124 0 PO. Bo x 473 • 106 Short Street • Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 • 336 -996-2841 • Fax 336-996-03 2 6 www .randalabs .com , • • l<emanMie, North Cl!rdnl 27264 ------"'1=...,7~A~u:!..:;g~u~s!.,l,t~2~0:.:1ce2 __ _ Division of Water Quality 585 Waughtown St. Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Attention: Melissa Rosenbrock/AP ~ECEI\IEO N.C. Ot~t. cf ENR AUG ··2 0 20l2 Wi ~'ton ·Sal&rr. R~ional Offic~ Post Office Box 473 INVOICE NO. 121 Samples collected 08/13/12 TEST # 10 Fee Coli-MF (31616) 737876 737877 737917 737918 TOTAL Fee Coli-MF (31616) ANALYSES 4 TOTAL INVOICE TERMS: NET 30 "PAST DUE INVOICES ACCRUE INTERES T AT 1 Yz% INTEREST PEfl MONTH UNTIL PAID SHOU LD COLLECTION BE REQUIRED, CUSTOMER AGREES TO PAY ALL EXPENSES INCURRED INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES" ~=------------- Alone: 336/996-284 1 16.00 64.0 0 $ 64.00 ' 'I 11 ., ! I, (. • I o}T vision of Water Qua~ty Ka tldlloila, Nanh Can:li-e 27284 ____ ___,1o.:;4L....£A~u!o:::gl..!:u!.:is~t~2~0:..=1~2--- --1 . ,. ) .~58 5 Waughtown St.~ / Winston-Salem,/NC 27107 Attenti~Jlissa Rosenbrock/~~~ Post Office Box 473 INVOICE NO. 12 0 ) Samples collected 08/08/12 TEST # 10 Fee Coli-MF (31616) 737531 737532 TOTAL Fee Coli-MF (31616) ANALYSES 2 TOTAL INVOICE TER MS: NET 30 "PAS T DUE INVOICES AC CRU E INTEREST AT 1 Y,% INTEREST PER MONTH UNTIL PAID SHOULD COLLECTION BE REQUIRED , CUSTOMER AGREES TO PAY ALL EXPENSES INC URRED INCLUD ING ATTORN EY'S FEES" RE: --------- Phone: 336/996-2841 16.00 32.00 $ 32.00 RECEIVO:D N.C. Dept o f ENR Winston.Salem Region~/ Offl~ •• Division of Water Quality 585 Waughtown St. Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Attention: Melissa Rosenbrock/AP Alit DffiGII BaK 473 IIIV'DICE NO. 119 Sa mples collected 08/0~ & 08/02/12 'i'Ji:ST # 10 Fee Coli-MF (31616) 737147 737148 TOTAL Fee Coli-MF 737085 737086 (31616) ANALYSES 4 TOTAL INVOICB •• 7 August 2012 TERMS: NET 30 "PAST DUE INVOICES ACCRUE INTEREST AT 1 ~ ~ INTEREST PER MONTH UNTIL PAlO SHOULD COLLECTION BE REQUIRED , CUSTOMER AGREES TO PAY ALL EXPENSES INCURRED INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES " ~----------------- Alorc 336/996-2841 16 .00 64.00 $ 64.00 RESEARC~ & ANAlYTiCAl LAboRATORiEs, INc. Analytical I Process Consultations Phone (336) 996-2841 JOB NO. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~&: SAMPLE TEMPERATURE AT RECEIPT CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD I_ eni<JL i~ I oc RESEARCJi & ANAlYTiCAl lAboRATORiEs, INc. 1 1 P C nsultations I.l Analytica rocess 0 Phone(336J 996-2841 i\l t_, c l:...)Q. A p ~ JOB NO. STREET '._'~S:"" .... '1. _1. __5±_ 5 \J..::t:!, ~...~~ 1\ ~ ..;::;(, -PRBC.:a'\_ ~;\e_tL -1L 4 ~11 s;;~Pl rt~.:~~~Qdl-! CITY,STATE,ZIP ~\~ ~l •._]_ \.0~ s-tan Sa. ~~~u (~ t2.. ~ o ~~b)·J~~L ~o }~ dr bL ~· 1 CONTACT PHONE ·Tll-~~ 8 I ~k. \l.m , r DSe-l:Jroc.~~e~(<.. Gu\i .... 0 ~~-/LO. li ~f~ NUMBER ~\~ F:' RES li;: JL.AB~ ONlY) DATE f.. CJ l ·1 .TISlUL lf\V<I ,_ai~ I'~~;J~A lY4_ I 2_ l) ~~ .Iu\1\ 8"1"1 .:)oi.-:1. \~ct: Ji -~' ~at tJiA ih fu :Dc:i ~f'lst<e.w.'\\ l I I'-' I R~l lt-.I OUl,SHED BY RECEIVED BY REMARKS: \._ ~, ~t-i_ g l>trll jJ ~~\ _, 15t~·11'kt ~ '7'/l.A. bS oniu. I R!=l lt-.101 fi SHF'fl BY DATEfTIME RECEIVED BY ·-· ' ~~'"' CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD I ~TER~11:,~ (~~ I~ ·~ It::;-1{i H MISC. I '<" • REQUESTED ~ F..:t "'o\_t C..D\if'o• :f=e.LL,_t c~ ~7. l·t G=5 ~ ~1~ ~ .....,. ~ I~ ~ ~0 ;;;, ._, ' I SAMPLE TEMPERATURE AT RECEIPT Q, ·2 oc REsEARcli & ANAlYTicAl LAboRATORiEs, IN~. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Analytical I Process Consultations Phone (3361 996-2841 . REMARKS : 0 a-SAMPLE TEMPERATURE AT RECEIPT L ) oc II REsEARcJ.t & ANAlyricAl LAboRATORiEs, INc. Analytical I Process Consultations Phone £336) 996-2841 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD r WATER I "";;) I ... I t:K I MISC. J .I.~ RESEARCii & ANAl )'TiCAl LAboRATORiEs, INc. I . I/ P Ana yt1ca recess Consultations Phone (336l 996-2841 COMPANY ~ p~ N C,-1) V-.:)~ \J..:>S RO --.. JOB NO.· STR~ET s 5 ~:? \.0()..\:>Q h -\-ou.:n ·~ 1i::~:(\~v..-~~O.e\oh C.e. "='AUPI lOR NAME (PlFASI= PRINT) CiTY. STAle, ZIP • \,...J -~ ra_r~·, e-v-t.f, ~c~e-'\ u ) ii'\5~Ch -~a..\.-€.M,. 1\..)C-_ btl L~ (.;UNIAIJI PHONE SAMPLER SIGNATURE 'Me...\~ .;.c;a Rose... \o· r<>c.-~ ~~A "A SAIIPl£ NUIIBER nllll RES I ~ (l.ABUSEOKLY) DATE TlME ~"""" tC Cl (Y = SAMPLE LOCATION I LD. 1 ·17>lb~c1 1Au~ l i~.;tO h/ p.:d-l ~~~ -..N 1 ([) \X>S\f"e.ut ~ O?io ~£".>·~ 1~"\c Vi;r'-.. (p N/Pt vJ I~ i\~ u .. >f\ 5 1'l-e.A"<'A REMARKS: Rl=l llo.lf\tiiC:::HED ~~~ RECEIVED BY ~~~t ~ts ilAJckt(k~ ~ . ~UI S HEDBY DATEfTIME RECEIVED BY U CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD I WATER/YY~Icn"''~" I MISC. I ~ ~ ,. ~d. ... ~ 0 u '{; ·~~$(~) ~ I REQUESTED ~ i Fe..I· o \ to::. I ' ~~_m I.J \ l '..J £..e...ca. \ C.i:ll; f'o~' -= ~'?\c:,em:ul r~~: me\_\~ .. -~ix~~ . en~~ ~\. tmiUL SAMPLE TEMPERATURE AT Kt(.;t:lf:" .l ~ ·?:J I oc • • Report to: Lu S R 0 RECEIVED WATER QUALITY SECTION N.C. Dept. of ENR Page_(_ of j_ CHAIN OF CUSTODY (COC) RECORD AUG 0 8 2012 NC DENRIDWQ LABORATORY (cbeck ooe): XCENTRAL II ARO i 1 WaRO Winston-Salem Reoional Olf1ce For Investigation of: Be.m b 'LV\ COL~~ -Ra... n d f) l .f) h Ca u () +v Sample collector (print name) D . ~ . . . 1 . J -:;._.,.e-~ ~ and DM·l forms co~pleted by: [Q..hr\ C.. IL.. LM...l +c h e..lj Sample collector's signature: ./~ ~ Field sto~age co~ditions and location.(when applicable):_J .l:" \CeO (..cc\u-l 1"\ lou.(._£_6 5+-c... }p tre._htC. I P Lab UseOoly LAB NO. STATION NO. STATION LOCATION " -- DATE SAMPLED ~vo 1 ,-. .;.) :~6'i :=l ltvg .I, J TIME SAMPLED. ))._;[ 0 Date Time Received by, (sjgnat)fre): A / . , _A~ _1 vg. I 1 ;;lC i ,;.)-I tj ~t)"Hr5-< ;YY( atf'O}}U.jf' /J1U.V !XI NUMBER OF CONTAINERS _"3_ Relinquished by (signarure}: Date Time Received bj (signature): / Date Time Relinquished by (signature): Date Time Received by (signature): Date Time Method of Shipment (circle one): c&:"cou~ Hand-delivered Federal Express UPS Other:--____,,__ ____ _ /I -...r-/.,~(111 .~1\Nir ~ INTRALABO'IUl:oRVUiAINOFCUSTODY • L'ib'ureOnly \ /' · LAB NUMBERS NUMBER ANALYSES RELINQUISHED RECEIVED I1ATE TlME FROM THROUGH BOTTLES REQUESTED BY: <" J BY : ' II r QA\Forms\Sample Receiving\COC form WQ · 4f1 0/0 1 dbs • • Water Quality Monitoring Field Meter Calibration Sheet Collector(a): IV\ ~Jeb r' ( K Study: j!-eMiknek Sam lin Location: Meter Model: ,, Meter I Sonde Serial No: Date Time Initials s NOTE: Quanta reads In mS/cm; move decimal 3 for ~Sicm. 1 Dry Nr CALIBRATIONS are conducted for 4a and MS5 Hydrolabs only. z Dry Nr CHECKS (confirmation of ~ero In dry air) are conducted for YSI as, YSI 6920, YSI Pro Plus & Quanta meters. 3 Conductlvlty 'tandards are used to CHECK the YSI 85 meter and to CALIBRATE all Hydroleb meters and the YSI 6920 & YSI Pro Plus. 4 Does not apply to Dry Nr CHECKS or Ccnductlvll)l Standard CHECKS (leave blank). I ~ l I Comments: K .. p original on fllolor a yea,. Slope Efficiency' Confirmation Buffer 7 .0 Vor. 0411512010 • • Water Quality Monitoring Field Meter Calibration Sheet Meter I Sonde Serial No: Date Time Initials yy/mmldd 24hr hh:mm Pre-Sampling Calibration l~o'~>/o, ~oq~o {\JJ((_ Post-Sampling Check Conductance Lot#: 2 2 OZ C)(.) 5: Calibration Check S'b-0 reads in move decimal 3 places right for 1 Dry Air CALIBRATIONS are conducted for 4a and MS5 Hydrolabs only. ~Dry Air CHECKS (conflrmallon ot zero In dry air) are conductad for YSI 85, YSI 6920. YSI Pro Plus & Quanta meters. 3 Conducllvlty standards are used to CHECK the YSI 85 meter and to CALIBRATE all Hydrolab meters and the YSI6920 & YSI Pro Pl us . • Does not apply to Dry Air CHECKS or Conductivity Standard CHECKS (leave blank). Comments: Slope Efficiency' Conllrmatlon Buffer 7.0 CallbrB!ed% Reading SaruraUon Ver . CW18120 1 D • •• Meter Model: Meter I Sonde Serial No: Date Time Initials yy/mrnldd 2<4hrhh:mm Pre-SampllnQ Calibration IJ ;~.Jas/ o-c 0930 rvJL Post-Sampling Check Barometer Calibration (mmHg) •ys1 Pro Plus Meters Only_ Conductance NOTE : Qua nta reads In mS/cm; move dedmaJ 3 placaa rtg ht for IJS/an. 1 Dry A ir CALIBRATIONS are conducted for <4a and MS5 Hydrolabs only. D.O. Table Initial Mete r Read ing (mgll) 2 Dry Air CHECKS (conftrmatlon of zero In dry all) are conducted for YSI 85, YSI 6920, VSI Pro Plus & Quante meters. l ConducUvity atandards are used to CHECK the VSl 85 meter end to CALIBRATE all Hydrolab meter• and the YSI 6920 & YSI Pro Plu a. 4 Doss not apply to Dry Air CHECKS or Conductivity Standard CHECKS (leave blank). L.ot#: Slope effidancy applies to Aocumet meters only (does not apply to Hydrolab or VSI.maters). Comments: K"P orlglnol on fll• lor 5 yuro Slope Efficiency' Confirmation Buffer 7.0 . ·; I . /· I I ~ • J Vor. 0411112010 • • Meter Model: Meter I Sonde Serial No: Date Time Initials wlmmldd 24hrhh:mm Pre-Sampling Calibration 112/t~//:1, fJ93s-1\)-JP- Post-Sampling Check I Miscellaneous (Don not apply to YSI or Accumet ,..I'll) Battery L~el Oil Stirrer Working? Pre-Sampjing Calibration I y YIN Post-Sampling Check I I ""'---"' YIN Bat1ery Ranges • Surve or: Internal-7.2-7.5V, exten4al-11-13V; Quanta: 4.0-4.5V y NOTE: Quanta reads in mS/crn; move decimal 3 placas rtgllt for ~Sicrn. 1 Dry Air CALIBRATIONS are conducted for 4a and MS5 Hydrolaba only. 3 Dry Air CHECKS (confirmation of zero In dry air) are conducted for YSI 85, YSI 6920, YSI Pro Plus & Quanta meters, 3 Conduc1Jvlty standards ana used to CHECK the YSI 85 meter and to CALIBRATE all Hydrolab meters and the YSI 6920 & YSI Pro Plus. • Does not apply to Dry Air CHECKS or Conductivlly Standard CHECKS (leave blank). 8 Slope efficiency applies to Accumet matera only (does not apply to Hydrolab or YSI meters). Comments: Keep original on nl• for 5 y11,. Slope Efficiency' Conflnnatlon Buffer 7.0 Vor. 041181201 o 09/11/2008 13:24 ' 33662675.' . ~UALITVINASHEBORO~ PAGE 01/01 STAT,OF NORTH CARO,iNA Department of Environment and Natural Resources Winston-Salem Regional Office SECTION \k }1-\-.e_..c-~\)a_ \j.J-~ NAME Qq v \d A ad W&6 D FILE ACCESS RECORD DATE/TIME REPRESENTING Guidelines for Access: The staff of the_Winston-Salem Regional Office is dedicated to making public records in our custody readily available to the public for review and copying. We also have the responsibility to the public to safeguard these records and to carry out our day-to-day program obligations. Please read carefully the following before signing the form. 1. Due to the large public demand for file access, we request that you call at least a day in advance to schedule an appointment for file review so you can be accommodated. Appointments are scheduled between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Viewing time ends at 4:45 QJ:!1 Anyone arriving without an appointment may view the files to the extent that time and staff supervision are available . 2. You must specify files you want to review. 3. There is no charge for 25· copies or less . If making more than 25 copies-there is a charge of 2.5 cents per page. (A page refers to a "single impression". A double sided copy is to be counted as 2 pages.) Costs for electronic copies will vary depending on the media type (diskette, tape, cd-rom), please see Receptionist for information regarding electronic copy charges. Payment is to be made by check, money order, or cash (see Receptionist). 4. FILES MUST BE KEPT IN THE ORDER YOU RECEIVED THEM. Files may not be taken from the office. No briefcases, large totes. etc . are permitted in the file ·review area . To remove, alter, deface, mutilate, or destroy material in one of these files is a misdemeanor for which you can be fined up to $500.00. 5. In accordance with General Statute 25 -3-512, a $25.00 processing fee will be charged and collected for checks on which payment has been refused. 6. The customer must present a photo ID, sign-in, and receive a visitor sticker prior to reviewing files. 1. 2. 3 . 4. FACILITY NAME ,H;;o:;.........;~ """--'-'0=-:;;........:.......M~..::::::::-......:-=:: __ , /I-; 1/ -)2... Signature and Name of Firm/Business Date Please attach a business card to this form If available COUNTY z,?,a_n d o I p h Time In Time Out cc: Receptionist \ 'ISS. RECEIVED : ~,_. N.C. Dept. of ENR NOV 1 5 2012 Winston-Salem Regional Office ·,~ ~r RETURN OF SERVICE I certify that this NOTICE OF SERVICE was received on the _L ___ day of 1-' wtv-vtf20 12 and together with the document(s) was served as follows : Date Served: Designated Recipient: Place of Service: '(fill in address) Donna Bembenek 3 898 Curtis Lane Staley, NC 27355 By: J? k [~ 1T (Served Officer) ' •' (' Check one of the following: . . ., / '·' .. By personally delivering copies to 'the na med individual; •·. ,...., •c::::> ,..., -·· -:z -- Cl < t v~ N c.: fT ' " ''-1. ~~: ,::Jt 'Xi (_ ---~ t ::!. .. 3:.- Cl rq -< 2 UJ -i By leaving copies of the Notice and original letter at the named individual 's dwelling, house or place of bus iness with a person of suitable ·age and discretion then residing therein. Name of the person who the copies were left : If n ot served to the named individual, please state the reason why: --~ (/.c:..f...:.--~-----------Randolph County Sheriff ~ (ShenffS1gnature) Service Fee Paid ----------------P a id By Please return this form to: S herri Knight Aquifer Protection Section 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 271 07-2241 \ ') . (Date) " ~ . . • NA • NCDEMR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly· Eaves Perdue Governor Sheriff Maynard B. Reid, Jr. Randolph County Sheriffs Office · 727 McDowell Road Asheboro, NC 27205 · Attn : Civil Division Div isio n of Water Qua lity Charles Wakild, P. E. Director October 29, 2012 Subject: NOTICE OF SERVICE Donna Bembenek Dear Sheriff Reid: Please serve the attached Notice of Violation/Notice of Intent to Enforce as follows: Ms. Donna Bembenek 3898 Curtis Lane Staley, NC 27355 Dee Free man Secretary It is our understanding that because we . are a State agency, no fee is ·required for this serv ice . Please return the completed Return of Service form in the enclosed return envelope. The Division of Water Quality appreciates this assi~tance from your department. If you have any questions or need additional informati<;>n, please contact me at (336) 771-5000. Enclosures cc: File# NOV-2012-SS-0007 APS -Animal Feeding Operations Unit WSRO Files Winston·Salem Regional Office . 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem. NC 27107 Phone : 336-771-5000 I FAX: 336-771-4631 NCOENR Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet www .ncwatergualitv.org An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer Sincerely, ,j/l&~ ·Y. !(,_~{)- . {_) Sherri Knight, Regional Supervis-or Aquifer Protection Section, Winston-Salem One . North Carolina JVntllrnll!f ~· • RETURN OF SERVICE I certify that this NOTICE OF SERVICE was received on the ____ day of ___ 2012 and together with the document(s) was served as follows: Date Served: Designated Recipient : Place of Service: (fill in address) By: Donna Bembenek 3898 Curtis Lane Staley, NC 27355 (Served Officer) Check one of the following: By personally delivering copies to the named individual; By leaving copies of the Notice and original letter at the named individual's dwelling, hous e or place of business with a person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein. N arne of the person who the copies were left: If not served to the named individual, please state the reason why: Randolph County Sheriff ------~~~~--~---------(Sheriff Signature) Service Fee Paid ------------------Paid By Please return this form to: Sherri Knig~t Aquifer Protection Section 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107-2241 (Date) • INA • NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Division of Water Quality Charles Wakild, P. E. Director August 27, 2012 CERTIFIED MAIL # 70 l 0 2780 0001 4221 7259 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Ms. Donna Bembenek 3898 Curtis Lane Staley, NC 27355 SUBJECT: Notice of Violation/Notice of Intent to Enforce Stream Standard Violation: NOV-2012-SS-0007 Parcel ID # 8716766310 Facility #76-66 Randolph County Dear Ms. Bembenek: Dee Freeman Secretary As you are aware, staff from the Division of Water Quality Winston-Salem Regional Office (DWQ-WSRO) has visited your property on several occasions this month. These visits were to follow-up on a complaint investigation initially conducted by the Randolph County Environmental Health Department in April 2012. Sequence of Events The County Environmental Health investigation on Aprill7, 2012 was in response to complaints received by their office alleging the contamination of an wmamed tributary (UT) to Sandy Creek by approximately 80 livestock on your property With access to the UT. Their investigation determined that fecal coliform bacteria in the UT was 141 colonies per 100 mJ upstream of your property while the downstream sample measured >2419 colonies per 100 mi. Since the State's water quality standard for fecal coliform is only 200 colonies per 100 ml (maximum) our office then issued a Notice of Deficiency (NOD) dated May 11, 2012 . This Notice advised you of the "probability for future fecal coliform standard violations should DWQ obtain a total of jive samples within 30 days that result in a geometric mean greater than 200 colonies/100 mi." The Notice also suggested that "animals be excludedfrom surface waters and that adequate vegetated buffers be established. " Winston-Salem Regional OffiCe 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem. NC 27107 Phone: 336-771-5000\ FAX: 336-771-4631 NCDENR Customer Ser.'ice: 1-817 .{)23-{)7 43 Internet www.ncwateryualitv.om One . NorthCarolma . /Vaturnii!J Bembenek August 27, 2012 Page 2 of3 • • Records indicate that staff from the Randolph County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) visited your property on June 18, 2012 and found that "all runoff from the property and animals was leading straight to the creek Very little to absolutely no vegetation was present on the property because of the over grazing brought on by the exceeding number of animals for the property. Drastically lowing animal numbers on the property was strongly suggested and along with efforts to support vegetation and creek exclusion from the large animals." A letter from Randolph County SWCD dated June 21, 2012 states that "the property is too small to sustain the number of animals you currently have in an environmentally responsible manner. " SWCD staff recommends that the entire herd of approximately l 00 animals (dogs, sheep, cows, ponies, llamas, ostriches, ducks, geese, and chickens) be relocated off-site until adequate grass pasture could be fully established to reduce stream erosion and prevent fecal matter from washing into the stream. Based upon the size of your lot (five acres) the SWCD letter also advised you to drastically reduce your herd size and to exclude animals from the creek. To date, these suggestions have not been implemented. The Division received a letter from you dated June 15, 2012 in response to our NOD. In this letter you stated that "Afence will be put up on the front side ofthe creek so no animals can cross ... " and that "Grass will be planted as a buffer." As of August 14, 2012 these measures had not been completed. NC Stream Standard Violation As a result of inadequate corrective actions, DWQ staff conducted follow-up inspections on August 1, 2, 8, 13 and 14 in order to document continuing water quality concerns. Fecal coliform stream samples were obtained during each visit resulting in a downstream fecal coliform of 9,157 colonies /100 ML. The downstream result is based upon the geometric mean of the following individual results: 10,000; >12,000; 10,800; 5,400; and 9,200. Be advised that 9,157 colonies /100 ML constitutes a North Carolina stream standard violation. In addition to the fecal coliform violation, the Division has also documented severe stream bank erosion, sedimentation, and denuded buffer area in and along the stream. Our investigation concludes that excessive animal activity has caused or contributed to at least 575 linear feet of harmful impact to Sandy Creek. A reminder, that this section of Sandy Creek is a water supply (WS-111) for the Town of Ramseur. Written Response This office is considering an enforcement action for the above referenced violation. If you wish to present an explanation for the violation, or if you believe there are other factors which should be considered; please send such information to me in writing within ten (1 0) days following receipt of this letter. Our office will review your response and, if an enforcement action is still deemed appropriate, will forward your response to the Director for consideration. Your written response should be sent to my attention at the address shown on the letterhead. Bembenek August 27, 2012 Page 3 of3 ·' ••• Please be advised that that North Carolina General Statutes provide for . penalties of up · to $25,000 per day per violation as well as criminal penalties for violations of state environmental laws and regulations . If you have questions concerning this Notice, please contact Melissa Rosebrock or me at (336) 771-5000. cc: APS Animal Feeding Operations Unit Kelly Whitaker-Randolph County SWCD Wayne Jones-Randolph County Environmental Health 'W~·Facility ·Files il Sincerely, ~-Y -~fl: Sherri V . Knight, P .E . Regional Supervisor Aquifer Protection Section ~· • Division of Water Quality O Division of Soli and Water Conservation 0 Other Agency · Facility Number : ...,76,..00....,.66..._ ___ Facility Status: ..,A..,ctouiv.lll.e ____ _ Permit: AWD760066 Inspection Type: Compliance lnsoectjon Inactive or Closed Date: • Denied Acce ss Reason for VIsit: .._fo11111~~.~~1o"w~..;;-1110up"'--------------County: l.lRIIial.llndlllllo.wlo""h,__ __ _ Region: Winston-Salem Date of VIsit: 08/14/2012 Entry Time: 10:35 AM Exit Time: 11·00 AM Incident#:------- Farm Name: Panna Bembenek farm Owner Email: Owner: popna Bembenek Phone: -------- Mailing Address: ""3811119~8,...;C-.urt..ui~~o~.s..,L..,p ______________ _ Staley NC 27355 Physical Address: ,.3...,891111B ...... C.,.y..,.rtj.,.s_.L...,n,__ _____________ _ StaleY NC 27355 Facility Status: 0 Compliant • Not Compliant Integrator: ------------------ Location of Farm: Latitude: ------Longitude: ------ US Hwy 421 south from GSO to Old Liberty Road (Liberty exit). Right at top of ramp. Travel 0.5 miles and turn right onto Curtis Lane. Question Areas: • Dischrge & Stream Impacts ii Waste Col, Star, & Treat • Other Issues Certified Operator: Operator Certification Number: Secondary OIC(s): On~Site Representative(&): Name Title Phone 24 hour contact name Donna Bembenek On-site representative Donna Bembenek Primary Inspector: Melissa Rosebrock {;) Inspector Signature: 'ill, Jd/.iJ4A, ~ b Aft-A ) Secondary Inspector(&): Inspection Summary: Phone: Phone: Phone: Date: 08 I !C/Iil-ot~ r I Attempted to call Ms . Bembenek at 0926 AM to notify her of our Intent to collect fecal coliform sample #5 but there was no answer and could not tell if answering machine was operational. No additional exclusion fencing has been obseNed since 8/1/2012 and no evidence that permanent vegetation has been established or bas attempted to be established. Strong animal waste odor not evid ent today. Upstream fecal cotiform=860 co1J100 ml. Downstream fecal coliform=9,200 col./1 00 mL. Page : 1 Pennlt: AWD760066 Inspection Date: 06/14/2012 • Owner· Facility: Donna Bembenek Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection • Facility Number : 760066 Reason for VIsit: Follow-up Page: 2 • • Permit: AWD760066 Owner· Facility: Donna Bembenek Facility Number: 760066 Inspection Date: 0811412012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for VIsit: Follow-up Discharges & Stream Impacts Yes No NA NE 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? Discharge originated at Structure Application Field · Other a. Was conveyance man-made? b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State (gallons)? DODO 0 0 0 DODO DODO d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ) 0 0 0 0 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? • 0 0 0 3. Were there any observable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than • 0 0 0 from a discharge? Waste Collection, Storage & Treatment Yes No NA NE 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? 0 0 • 0 If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? D 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (I.e./large trees, severe 0 0 • 0 erosion, seepage, etc.)? 6. Are there structures on-site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? B. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable to roofed pits, dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or improvement? DD•D DD•D DD•D •DOD Other Issues Yes No NA NE 28. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document and report 0 0 0 • mortality rates that exceed normal rates? 29. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an odor or air quality concern? If yes, contact a· regional 0 • D D Air Quality representative immediately. 30. Did the facility fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit? (i.e., discharge, 0 0 • 0 freeboard problems, over-application) 31. Do subsurface tile drains exist at the facility? ODD• If yes, check the appropriate box below. Application Field 0 Page: 3 Permit: AWD760066 Inspection Date: 08/14/2012 Other Issues Lagoon I Storage Pond Other If Other, please specify • • Owner· Facility: Donna Bembenek Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection 32. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or CAWMP ? 33. Did the Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on-site representative? 34. Does the facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? I Facility Number: 760066 Reason for VIsit: Follow-up Yes No NA NE 0 0 OO•O •DOD •DOD Page : 4 • • Division of Water Quality 0 Division of Soil and Water Conservation D Other Agency • Facility Number: .._.76...,o..,.o ... a.._B ____ Facility Status: ~Ac~t.u;jy ... e ____ _ Permit: AWD760066 • Denied Access Inspection Type: Comp!jance !nspectjon Inactive or Closed Date: Reason for VIsit: LF~o~~olw.lo~.~w~,;;·.w.;uow.... _____________ County: .r.:aRaanwdo~~oo"'lo.u.hL----Region: Winston-Salem Date of VIsit: 08/13/2012 Entry Time: 11:55 AM Exit Time: 12:50 PM Incident#:------- Farm Name: Donna Bembenek farm Owner Email: Owner: Donna Bembenek Phone: ----------- Mailing Address: '""38""9""8~.,;Cw.uiiiJrtUoljllil.s...,Lo~.~n ______________ _ Staley NC 27355 Physical Address: ""38...,9,..8'-'C,..uii!Jrt...,j ... s..,Lo~..~n ______________ _ Staley NC 27355 Facility Status: 0 Compliant • Not Compliant Integrator: ------------------- Location of Farm: Latitude: ------Longitude: ------ US Hwy 421 south from GSO to Old Liberty Road (Liberty exit). Right at top of ramp. Travel 0.5 miles and turn right onto Curtis Lane. Question Areas: ii Dischrge & Stream Impacts ii Waste Col, Stor, & Treat ii Other Issues Certified Operator: Operator Certification Number: Secondary OIC(s): On-Site Representative(&): Name Title 24 hour contact name Donna Bembenek Phone: On-site representative Donna Bembenek Phone: Primary lnspecto" kll?-Rosebrock Inspector Signature: 0 L1~ Secondary lnspector(s): Phone: < Date: Inspection Summary: Obtained #4 up and downstream fecal coliform samples from same locations as previous three samples. Attempted to call Ms. Bembenek at 11 :40am to notify her of our arrival but no one answered the phone. No rain within last 24 hours but several inches within last 48 hours (2-4 inches?). Upstream= 680 col./100 mL. Downstream= 5,400 col./100 mL. Odor in stream and around property not as pronounced. Phone 1 /!3/ :l.O 1 :L r 1 According to Randolph County Environmental Health and Randolph County SWCD there are between 80-100 animals on site. We could not confirm since we were denied access (padlocked driveway gate). Page: 1 Permit: AWD760066 Inspection Data: 08/13/2012 • Owner-Facility: Donna Bembenek Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection • Facility Number : 760066 Reason for VIsit: Follow-up Page: 2 • • Permit: AWD760066 Owner· Facility: Donna Bembenek Facility Number: 760066 lnapectlon Date: 06/13/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for VIsit: Follow-up Discharges & Stream Impacts 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? Discharge originated at: Structure Application Field Other a. Was conveyance man-made? b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State (gallons)? Yes No NA NE D•DD 0 0 0 DODO DODO d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ) 0 0 0 0 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? • 0 0 0 3. Were there any observable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than • 0 0 D from a discharge? · Waste Collection, Storage & Treatment Yea No NA NE 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? 0 0 • D If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? 0 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (I.e./ large trees, severe 0 0 • D · erosion, seepage, etc.)? 6. Are there structures on-site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management 0 0 • 0 or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? 8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable to roofed pits, dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or improvement? Other Issues 28. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document and report mortality rates that exceed normal rates? 29. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an odor or air quality concern? If yes, contact a reg ional Air Quality representative immediately. DD•D DD•D •DOD Yes No NA NE ODD• •DOD 30. Did the facility fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit ? (i.e., discharge, 0 0 • 0 freeboard problems, over-application) 31. Do subsurface tile drains exist at the facility? ODD• If yes, check the appropriate box below. Application Field 0 Page: 3 Permit: AWD760066 Inspection Oat~: 06/13/2012 Other Issues Lagoon I Storage Pond Other If Other, please specify • • Owner· Facility: Donna Bembenek Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection 32. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or CAWMP? 33. Did the Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on-site representat ive? 34. Does the facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? Facility Number : 760066 Reason for VIsit: Follow-up Yes No NA NE 0 0 DD•D •DOD •DOD Page: 4 • • • Division of Water Quality 0 Division of Soli and Water Conservation D Other Agency • Facility Number: .~.,76~0~0'-l06'-lll6 ____ Facility Status: .LJA~ct~~.~iv,llr.e ____ _ Pennit: AWD760066 • Denied Access Inspection Type: Compliance lnspectjon Inactive or Closed Date: Reason for VIsit: ~o..F.llr.owllo.uw~.:-liLYw.o ____________ _ County: .uR.aawndlllllo"-~lp""'h'-----Region: Wjns ton-Salem Date of VIsit: 08/08/2012 Entry Time: 10·45 AM Exit Time: 11·20 AM Incident#: ------- Fann Name: Donna Bembenek Farm Owner Email: -------- Owner: Donna Bembenek Phone: --------------- Mailing Address: ll/,3~8901.18"-llooCliLyrt~..~~jUils....,L..un..._ __________________________ _ Staley NC 27355 Physical Address: ,.3~89...,8......,.C...,u~.~~rtj..,.s_,L...,n.__ __________________________ _ Staley NC 27355 Facility Status: 0 Compliant • Not Compliant Integrator: ------------------- Location of Farm: Latitude: ------Longitude: ------ US Hwy 421 south from GSO to Old Liberty Road (Liberty exit). Right at top of ramp . Travel 0.5 miles and turn right onto Curtis Lane. Question Areas: li Dischrge & Stream Impacts li Waste Col, Stor, & Treat li Oth er Issues Certified Operator: Operator Certification Number: Secondary OIC(s): On-site Representative(&): Name Title 24 hour contact name Donna Bembenek On-site representative Donna Bembenek Primary Inspector: ~e ·ssa Rosebrock ,n!flA L!. ~ ~ Inspector Signature: -fl-~,.&l-")'"',{~m"'*~.tl:f----Jli:J.~-~-~Io.I!:..._~!1""""'/JU,..,K.~~...._.:::'-------, 1t" ~ Secondary lnspector(s): Inspection Summary: Today's visit was to obtain sample #3 for fecal coliform analysis. Upstream (35.8546 9 degrees Nand -79 .61500 degrees W)= 540 col./100 ml. Downstream (35.85 391 degrees Nand -79.61637 degrees W)= 10,800 col./100 ml Phone: Phone: Phone: Date: Phone o 8 (c cg:/ ;zot.J- t Observed about 4-6 beef cattle in well vegetated pasture upstream of Bemb enek property. Cattle have access to stream. No other evidence of water quality influence from neighboring properties. Notified Ms. Bembenek through answering ma chine that we were sampling again today. Once again we had to obtain samples outside/adjacent to the fen ce surrounding her property. Additionally, the gale continued to be padlocked. Unidentified "chemical" smell noted at the downstream location (near gate). Page: 1 • • Permit: AWD760066 Owner-Faci-litY: Donna Bembenek Facility Number : 760066 Inspection Data: 08/08/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for VIsit: Follow-up Regulated Operations Design Capacity Current Population Other Animals 0 Animals Other 99 Total Design Capacity: 99 Total SSLW: Page: 2 • Permit: AWD760066 Owner • Facility: Donna Bembenek lnapectlon Data: 08/08/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Discharges & Stream Impacts 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? Discharge originated at Structure Application Field Other a. Was conveyance man-made? b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State (gallons)? • Facility Number : 760066 Reason for VIsit: Follow-up Yes No NA NE O•DD 0 0 0 DODO DODD d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ) 0 D 0 D 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? • 0 0 0 3. Were there any observable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than • 0 0 0 from a discharge? Waste Collection, Storage & Treatment Yes No NA NE 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? 0 0 • 0 If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? 0 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (I.e./large trees, severe 0 0 • 0 erosion, seepage, etc.)? 6. Are there structures on-site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management 0 0 • 0 or closure plan? · 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? 0 0 • 0 8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable to roofed pits, 0 0 • 0 dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or • 0 0 0 improvement? Other Issues Yes No NA NE 26. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document and report 0 0 0 • mortality rates that exceed normal rates? 29. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an odor or air quality concern? If yes, contact a regional • 0 0 0 Air Quality representative immediately. 30. Did the facility fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit? (i.e., discharge, 0 0 • 0 freeboard problems, over-application) 31. Do subsurface tile drains exist at the facility? ODD• If yes, check the appropriate box below. Application Field 0 Page: 3 a S1 )4 BX E871177 .bt qf dypoiEbll; 19C.9CB123 Pu fs!Jtvft !!!M>hppo!OT~p!tlhf !~oe IIIPLi fs II!~P li f s-lqrflbt fIt qf dj~ • • Px of s!.!ClldjrJU:;. Epoobi!Cf n cf of II .bt qf dl.jpoiUzqf; Dpn qljiDodf l.bt qf dl.jpo 43/!X f s lbozlbeej~pob~!pcrfln t !oplf elx i jdi !dbvt f !opo.dpn qrj!Dodf lpgLi f !Of 91 jLlpsiDBX NQ@ 44/!EjelLi f ISfvff x f albtqf d~pslg>jmp!ejt dvt t !s vff x Qot qf dypolxjLi !po. t jlf Is qs t f olbyv..t@ 45/!Epft !Li f IQ:ldjlj2!s rvjs !b!g>~. vq!vjtjl.lcz!t bn f !bhf adz@ CJJdjrJU:!Ovn cfsl; 871177 Sf bl po !IJ)s!V'f! j4 ~IIJIX .vq Zfl lt!Op!!IOBIIIOF 0 0 DD•D •DOD •DOD <l:lhf ; 5 • • • ··', • Division of Water Quality O Division of Soli and Water Conservation D Other Agency •• Facility Number : .~.,7,w:60~01il16'"6'-----Facility Status: uA .... ctwiV""e'------Permit: 8WD760066 • Denied Access Inspection Type: Compliance lnspectjon Inactive or Closed Date: Reason for VIsit: ._E.,.o...,!!o,..w.r.;;-.,.u..,p_____________ County: .uRaanwd1111o1111p""h..._ __ _ Region: W jnston-Salem Date of VI sit: 08102/20 12 Entry Time: 10:40 AM Exit Time: 11·13 AM Incident#: ------- Farm Name: panna Bembenek Farm Owner Email: -------- Owner: panna Bembenek Phone: -------- Mailing Address: .w.38w.9il.la.._c_uct~.~o~i101s...,L.un ______________ _ Staley NC 27355 Physical Address: .w.38~9"-lo81..lC~uwrl.,u,jSIL.bllnu.-_____________ _ Staley NC 27355 FaciUty Status: 0 Compliant • Not Compliant Integrator: ------------------- Location of Farm: Latitude: ------Longitude: ------ US Hwy 421 south from GSO to Old Liberty Road (Liberty exit). Right at top of ramp. Travel 0.5 miles and turn right onto Curtis Lane. Question Areas: ii Dischrge & Stream Impacts ii Waste Col, Star, & Treat ii Other Issues Certified Operator: Operator Certification Number: Secondary OIC(s): On-Site Representative(&): Name Title Phone 24 hour contact name Donna Bembenek Phone: On-site representative Donna Bembenek Phone: Phone: Primary Inspector: ~a Rosebrock ~ Inspector Signature: ~.(, lJ..d.A AkJ p;!.l!ltL ih.&z. h .I Secondary Inspector(&): Date: 13'/~1 20l~ ' I Inspection Summary: Today's visit was to obtain second of at least five stream samples for fecal coliform analysis. Called and informed Ms. Bembenek of the first sample results and told her that we wou ld be taki ng at least four more. We were not allowed on site and again took up and downstream samples outside the fence surrou nd ing her property. See file for spe cific list of various animals she maintains on site. Some wire fencing has been installed to exclude most of the animals but several domestic geese, chickens, cows, and llamas have access to the creek. Goats and s heep and dogs appear to be housed/located at least 55 feet from the stream . Very strong manure odor. Property (five acres) is completely void of any permanent vege tation and leaf litter. Llamas have e aten all leaves wi th in their reach. Upstream fe ca l coliform is:100 and Downstream=>12 ,000 Page: 1 • • Permit: AWD760066 Owner -FacUlty:· Donna Bembenek Facility Number : 760066 Inspection Date: 0810212012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Follow-up Regulated Operations Design Capacity Current Population Other Animals ii Animals Other 99 80 Total Design Capacity: 99 Total SSLW: Page: 2 • Permit: AWD760066 Owner· Facility: Donna Bembenek Inspection Date: 08/0212012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Discharges & Stream Impacts 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? Discharge originated at: Structure Application Field Other a. Was conveyance man-made? b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State (gallons)? • Facility Number: 760066 Reason for VIsit: Follow-up Yes No NA NE O•OD 0 0 0 DODO odoo d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ) 0 0 0 0 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? 0 • 0 0 3. Were there any observable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than • 0 0 0 from a discharge? Wasta Collection, Storage & Treatment Yes No NA NE 4 . Is storage capacity less than adequate? 0 0 • 0 If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard? 0 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed {I.e./large trees, severe 0 0 • 0 erosion, seepage, etc.)? 6. Are there structures on-site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management 0 0 • 0 or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? 0 0 • 0 8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable to roofed pits, 0 0 • 0 dry st acks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or • 0 0 0 improvement? Other Issues Yes No NA NE 28. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document and report 0 0 0 • mortality rates that exceed normal rates? 29. At the time of the inspection did the facility pose an odor or air quality concern? If yes, contact a regional • 0 0 0 Air Quality representative imme diately. 30. Did the fa cility fail to notify regional DWQ of eme rgency situations as required by Permit? (i.e., discharge, 0 0 • 0 freeboard problems, over-application) 31 . Do subsurface tile drains exist at the facility.? ODD• If yes, check the appropriate box below. Application Field 0 Page: 3 Permit: AW0760066 Inspection Data: 0810212012 Other Issues Lagoon I Storage Pond Other If Other, please specify • Owner· Facility: Donna Bembenek Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection • 32. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or CAWMP? 33. Did the Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on-site representative? 34. Does the facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? Facility Number: 760066 Reason for VIsit: Follow-up Yea No NA NE 0 0 DODO •DOD •DOD Page: 4 • • ·-- • Division of Water Quality 0 Division of Soli and Water Conservation 0 Other Agency Facility Number: .. zs""oll.ljo:.w.66w.... ___ Facility Status: Ag,Cwtu.iv.lil.e ____ _ Permit: AWD760066 • Denied Access Inspection Type: Compliance lnspectjon Inactive or Closed Date: Reason for VIsit: .lloiC.w.omi.LI.III.pllillaw.in~.~.t ------------County: LlRIIila.LIInd~o.wlo~~~~.h.....____ Region: Winston-Salem Date of VIsit: 08/0 1/2012 Entry Time: 11·45 AM Exit Time: 12:56 PM Incident#: -------- Farm Name: Donna Bembenek Farm Owner Email: -------- Owner: ponna Bembenek Phone: --------- Mailing Address: ..,3w,89il.lo8'-'C~u~~.~rt..~~;js......,Lnu.... _____________ _ Staley NC 27355 Physical Address: ~38""9""81-lC"-~y ..... rt.wis..,L~o~n....._ _____________ _ Staley NC 27355 Facility Status: 0 Compliant • Not Compliant Integrator: -------------------- Location of Farm: Latitude: ------Longitude: ------ US Hwy 421 south from GSO to Old Liberty Road (Liberty exit). Right at top of ramp. Travel 0 .5 miles and turn right onto Curtis Lane. Question Areas: li Dischrge & Stream Impacts il Waste Col, Stor, & Treat Certified Operator: Secondary OIC(s): On-Site Representatlve(s): Name 24 hour contact name Donna Bembenek On-site representative Donna Bembenek Primary Inspector: , :'AsfB Rosebrock (';J Inspector Signature: ':lLl4: 0 ~ ~l.J.t Jir {). ./ Secondary lnspector(s): il Other Issues Operator Certification Number: Title Phone Phone: Phone: Phone: Date: 8/t/;LOtJ.-_ , l Page : 1 • • Pennlt: AWD760066 Owner -Facility: r;>onna Bembenek Facility Number : 760066 Inspection Data: 08101/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection · Reason for VIsit: Complaint Inspection Summary: Today's visit was to investigate complaint initially received by Randolph County Environmental Health. Called Ms. Bembenek to inform her of our need to followup with sampling. We were not allowed inside her fenced property so up and downstream samples were obtained just outside her fence and she said that was ok. Ms. Bembenek was not cooperative, would not meet with us, and would not agree to a date to meet us in the future. Saw evidence of sediment up (2 inches) and downstream (4 inches). No violations of DO and pH. Strong odor of waste both around the property and in the surface water. Dog waste odor was especially strong. Fecal coliform was 104 upstream and 10,000 col/1 00 ml downstream. Plan to follow-up with a total of five samples within 30 days. Page: 2 • • Permit: AWD760066 Owner· Facility: Donna Bembenek Facility Number: 760066 Inspection Date: 06/0112012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Vlstt: Complaint Regulated Operations Design Capacity Current Population Other Animals 0 Animals Other 99 Total Design Capacity: 99 Total SSLW: Page: 3 • • Permit: AWD760066 Owner· Facility: Donna Bembenek Facility Number: 760066 Inspection Date: 08/01/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for VIsit: Com plaint Discharges & Stream Impacts 1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation? Discharge originated at: Structure Application Field Other a. Was conveyance man-made? b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ) c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State (gallons)? Yea No NA NE D•DD 0 0 0 DODO DODD d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ) 0 0 0 0 2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation? • 0 0 0 3. Were there any obs~rvable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the State other than • 0 0 0 from a discharge? Waste Collection, Storage & Treatment Yea No NA NE 4. Is storage capacity less than adequate? 0 0 • 0 If yes, is waste level into structuml freeboard? 0 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (I.e./large trees, severe 0 0 • 0 erosion, seepage, etc.)? 6 . Are th e re structures on-site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management 0 0 • 0 or closure plan? 7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement? 8 . Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicable to roofed pits, dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require maintenance or improvement? DD•O DD•D •DOD Other Issues Yes No NA NE 28. Did the facility fail to properly dispose of dead animals within 24 hours and/or document and report mortality rates that exceed normal rates? 29. At the time o f the inspection did the facility pose an odor or air quality concern? If yes, contact a regional Air Quality representative immediately. ODD• •DOD 30. Did the facility fail to notify regional DWQ of emergency situations as required by Permit? (i.e., discharge, 0 0 • 0 freeboard proble ms, over-application) 31 . Do subsurface tile drains exist at the facility? ODD• If yes, check the appropriate box below. Application Field 0 Page: 4 • Permit: AWD760066 · Owner-Facility: Donna Bembenek Inspection Date: 08/01/2012 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Other Issues Lagoon I Storage Pond Other If Other, please specify • 32. Were any additional problems noted which cause non-compliance of the Permit or CAWMP? 33. Did the Reviewer/Inspector fail to discuss review/inspection with on-site representa tiv e? 34. Does the facility require a follow-up visit by same agency? Facility Number: 760066 Reason for VIsit: Complai nt Yes No NA NE 0 0 ODD• D•DD •DOD Page: 5 • • Randolph County, NC-Printable Parcel Map http://www.co.randolph.nc.us/scripts/esrimap.dll?name=Randolph ... l of l Rand . County, NC -Printable Pa A Map The data collection used to roduce this media was last u dated on 08/01/2012@ 5:00:06 AM. ParceiiD Nbr Owner Name Owner Address Owner City/St/Zip Property Description Date/Time Stamp 8/1/2012 3:37:10 PM EST Version 5.1 (October 2011) Server: 01 8716766310 BEMBENEK, DONNA 3898 CURTIS LN STALEY, NC 27355 R2518;E Map Legend Municipalities 0 Shaded Parcel Coverage(s) 1405 1 Addresses Parcel Annotation 1•45'1 Lot Dimensions ~ Lot Numbers ~ Parcel Numbers Parcel Lot Lines Q Legal Lot Lines [8 Subdivisions (Outlined) I!;J Tax Parcels All information on this media is prepared for the inventory of real property found within Randolph County. All data, including maps, is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, and other public records and data. Users of this data are hereby notified that the aforementioned public primary information sources should be consulted for verification of the Information. All information contained herein was created for the County 's internal use. Randolph County, Its agents and employees make no warranty as to the correctness or accuracy of the information set forth on this media whether express or implied, in fact or in law, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use. MY resale of this data is strictly prohibited in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 132-10. Grid is based on North Carolina State Plane NAD83. Close Window 8/l/2012 3:40PM -----------------------------------------------·--·-- Randolph CoWlty, NC-Printable Parcel Map http://www.co.ranidl h.nc.us/scripts/esrimap.dll?name=Randolph. .. Rand . County, NC-Printable Pa . I Map I oft The data collection used to produce this media was last updated on 08/01/2012@ 5:00:06 AM . ParceiiD Nbr Owner Name Owner Address Owner City/St/Zip Property Description Date/Time Stamp 8/1/2012 3:45:52 PM EST Version 5.1 (October 2011) Serve r : 01 8716850748 GOTTFRIED,EUGENE E (GOTTFRIED,DONNA P) PO BOX 1252 LIBERTY, NC 27298 R2518;E 0 Ar ea Location Map Map Legend Municipalities 0 Shaded Parcel Coverage(s) 14Ss l Addresses Parcel Annotation 1145'1 Lot Dimensions GJ Lot Numbers ~ Parcel Numbers Parcel Lot Lines Q Legal Lot Lines [8 Subdivisions (Outlined) ~Tax Parcels All information on this m edia is prepared for the inventory of real property found within Randolph County. All data, inc luding maps, is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, and other public records and data. Us ers of this data are hereby notified that the aforementioned public primary Information sources s hould be consulted for verification of the information. All information contained herein w as created for the County 's Internal u se. Randolph County, its agents and employees make no warranty as to the correctness or accuracy of the information set forth on this media whe ther express or implied, in fact or in law, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use. My resale of this data is strictly prohibited In accordance with North CaroHna General Statute 132 -10. Grid is based o n North Caronna State Plane NAD83 . Close Window 8/1/2012 3 :48PM Randolph County, NC-GIS Query Results http://www.co.randol.nc .us /scripts /esrimap.dll ?name=Randolph ... Rand& County, NC-GIS Query R ~Its ~of2 I • To display a map and parcel data for a specific parcel owner, property address , PIN (ParceiiD Nbr), or tax map id number, click on the 10 digit ParceiiD Number from the list below . • To display only parcel data, click on the keyword Data Only from the list below. • The Total Real Value shown is as of January 1st of the CURRENT YEAR. * • An asterisk beside the Total Real Value indicates that Farm Deferred or Other Exemption is present for this parcel. The Total Real Value shown does NOT reflect any exemptions and is only a summation of land and building values. · Your query by Road Name (CURTIS LN for the address range -3600 to 4032) resulted in 18 record(s). The data collection used to ~reduce this med ia was last u~dated on 08/01/2012@ 5:00 :06 AM . Parcel ParceiiD Total Data Nbr Parcel Owner Property Location Parcel Size Real Value #4135 NC ..mY 22 N Data Only 8716676321 CRAVEN,LYDIA CROSS (FRANKL! NVI LLE) 24 ,70 ACRES N/A # Unknown Location -Owner's Mailing Address GOTTFRIED,EUGENE E #PO BOX 1252 (LIBERTY) Data Only 8716850748 # Unknown Locat ion -Owner's 35 .23 ACRES N/A (GOTTFRIED, DONNA P) Mailing Address #129 MESEROLE ST APT 1A Data Only 8716655663 RUSH,RALPH LEROY (BROOKLYN) 25 .50 ACRES N/A (RUSH, LILLIAN) # Unknown Location -Owner's Mailing Address STALEY, OSCAR #3722 CURTIS LN (STALEY) Data Only 8716744396 # Unknown Location -Owner's 0.30 ACRE N/A (STALEY, PATTY) Mailing Address #P 0 BOX 1433 {LIBERTY) Data Only 8716731668 YORK ,HARRIS W # Unknown Location -Owner's 12 .00 ACRES N/A Mailing Address #P 0 BOX 1433 (LIBERTY) Data Only 8716737806 YORK ,HARRIS W # Unknown Location -Owner 's 11 .22 ACRES N/A Mailing Address #P 0 BOX 1433 {LIBERTY) Data Only 8716774241 YORK,HARRIS W # Unknown Location -Owner's 2.30ACRES NIA Mailing Address Data Only 8716744465 STALEY, OSCAR 3722 CURTIS LN (STALEY) 1.00 ACRE N/A (STALEY, PATTY) Data Only 87 16741482 STALEY,PATTY F 3729 CURTIS LN (STALEY) 0.50ACRE N/A (STALEY,OSCAR LEE) Data Only 8716747694 GOTTFRIED,EUGENE E 3768 CURTIS LN (STALEY) 11 .30 ACRES N/A (GOTTFRIED,DONNA P) Data Only 87 16745933 HUGHES , TONY HARRISON 3780 CURTIS LN (STALEY) 3.00ACRES N/A (HUGHES, GLENDA) Data Only 8716645719 COLEY,E 3785 CURTIS LN (STALEY) 25 .50 ACRES NIA Data On ly 8716766141 BUMPAS, BEVERLY 3864 CURTIS LN (STALEY) 5.01 ACRES N/A Data Only ' 8716.766'3~10. BEIVIBENEK;D.ONNA..~--.::_] 3898 CURTIS LN {STALEY) 5.21 ACRES NIA TAYLOR,BERNIE K Data Only 8716666500 (TAYLOR ,TAMRA G) 3919 CURTIS LN (STALEY) 25 .50 ACRES NIA I -----·--··-·----·-------------. ., ____ ... _____ ·--·----·--·----···--·-----·-·" --· .. ---··-....---··-----.......----- 8/l/2012 3:44PM Randolph County, NC -GIS Query Results us/scripts/esrimap.dll?name=Randolph ... 2 of2 Data Only 8716765693 3926 CURTIS LN ( 5.01 ACRES N/A Data Only 3980 CURTIS LN (STALEY) 5.06 ACRES N/A Data Only 8716830039 DEAL,RtCHARD ?0.60 ACRES N/A Date/Time Stamp 8/1/2012 3:41:12 PM EST version 5.1 (OC1ober 2011) Server: 01 All Information on this media Is prepared for the inventory of real property found within Randolph County. All data, including maps, is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, and other public records and data. Users of this data are hereby notified that the aforementioned public primary information sources should be consulted for verification of the Information. All lnforma~on contained herein was created for the County 's Internal use. Randolph County, Its agents and employees make no warranty as to the correctness or accuracy of the Information set forth on this media whether express or Implied, In fact or in law, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use. My resale of this data is strictly prohibHed in accordance wHh North Carolina General Statute 132-10. Grid is based on North Carolina State Plane NA083. 8/1/2012 3:44PM Sandy Creek 16-41-1-11 WS-V;NSW 08/11/09 !From source to New Hope Creek ---''--------! Sandy Run 18-74-14 C;Sw 04/01/59 [From source to Northeast Cape Fear River l 1...--------~.........J Sandy Run 17-18-1 c 09/01/74 [F~-ourc_~_!?.~iiiE~_ee_k __ -_-_--.. -... -..... _ .. -_ .. ··~-------------------___) Sandy Run 18-74-6.5 C;Sw 09/01/74 !From source to Northeast Cape Fear River Sandy Run Swamp 18-74-33-2 C;Sw 04/01/59 [From source to Holly Shelter Creek Sawyer Branch 18-74-13-1 C;Sw 04/01/59 §Om source to Matt~_ew_s C_r_ee_k ______________________ _.-1 Sawyer Creek 18-74-29-5 C;Sw 04/01/59 [Fr~~so-ur_c_e-to_R_o-ck-F-is_h_C-re_e_k ___________________________________ ~ Schoolhouse Branch 18·20·13-8 c 09/01/74 [From source to Barbeque Creek ------------------=-=--==~ c···------------------~~ Scotchman Creek 17-28.3 [From source to Deep River Scott Branch 18-64-4 ~ource to Livingston Creek Scrub Creek 16·18·4 .5-(2) [From a point 0.7 mile upstream of mouth to Graham-Mebane Reservoir, Back Creek Scrub Creek 16-18-4.5-(1) Second Sliver Run 18-20-33-1 C;HQW C;Sw WS· II;HQW,NSW,CA ~ WS-II;HQW ,NSW WS·IV 08/01/90 04/01/59 08/03/92 08/03/92 08/03/92 ~IF_ro_~_-~_o_ur_~_;_~_F_ir_st_S_ilv_e_r_R_un __________________________ ~/ ~~ ________ :==J _ _, Service Creek (Servis Creek) 16-15 WS-V;NSW 08/11/09 ~[F_ro_m_s_o_ur_c_e _to_H_a_w_R_iv_e_r ____________________________ ~[ '---------~ Sevenmlle Swamp 18-68·1·3 C;Sw 07/01/73 ~urce-to Great Coharie Creek Shaddox Creek 16-43 WS-IV 08/03/92 [From~~~etoH~~-R_iv_e_r _____________________________ ~ Thursday, February 09, 2012 Based on Cla ssificatio ns as of 2012 0208 Page 79 of98 Rosebrock, Melissa From: Sent: To: Subject: • Whitaker, Kelly K. [KKWhitaker@co.randolph.nc.us] Monday, July 30, 2012 10:53 AM Rosebrock, Melissa FYI Randolph County Magistrate's Office 176 East Salisbury Street Asheboro (336) 328-3011 Good luck! Kelly Whitaker, PE Randolph Soil & Water Conservation District 2222-A S. Fayetteville St. Asheboro, NC 27205 Phone: 336.318.6491 Fax: 336.318.6494 Email: kkwhitaker@co.randolph.nc.us • This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended for use only by the individual or entity named a bove. If you are not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, dissemination, distribution, copying of this communication, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Please notify us immediately by reply email and then delete this message from your system. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Randolph County Government. This email and any file attachments have been scanned for potential viruses; however, the recipient should check this email for the presence of viruses and/or malicious code. Randolph County accepts no liability for any damage transmitted via this email. 1 • • Ralldolplll County Soil & Witter CellSerllatio• District 2222-A S. Fayetteville Street • Asheboro, North Carolina 27205 Phone: (336) 318-6490 • Fax: (336) 318-6494 Ms. Donna Bembenek 3898 Curtis Lane Staley, NC 27355 Dear Ms. Bembenek, June 21, 2012 Thank you for allowing Wes Hicks and myself the opportunity to visit with you and your son on your property June 18, 2012. It is my understanding that you have requested our services in response to a recent Notice of Deficiency from the Division of Water Quality due to elevated fecal coliform readings in the stream on your property. At the time of our visit it was apparent that your property is too small to sustain the number of animals you currently have in an environmentally responsible manner. There was no desirable vegetation for grazing, eroded and incised stream banks, and manure from various animals in piles along the stream. As we discussed on site, the general rule of thumb for determining how many animals 'pastures' will sustain without having to supplement with additional feed and hay is 2 acres per 1000 pounds of livestock. Therefore we recommend reducing you herd size drastically. If you choose to stick with just the sheep, you could accommodate approximately 30 once your grass is FULLY established. At this time I would recommend relocating your entire herd to a leased pasture in order to reduce erosion and prevent further fecal matter from entering the stream. This would also allow you time to establish your pastures in grass and time to fence the animals out of the stream. You will need to soil test your field in order to get a more accurate depiction of what fertilizer and lime rates are needed. Also remember not to allow the animals onto the new grass until it is fully established. I have enclosed the NRCS standard specifications for fencing sheep out of streams. This is for informational purposes only. The fence should be placed a MINIMUM of 1 0' from the stream. Another recommendation is to relocate the dog waste area to an area that is down slope from your well in order to prevent possible contamination. You should also vegetate as much as possible around this area in order to create a filter since all areas on your property drain to the stream. •• • ' I bave also enclosed an application for cost share assistance. Again, I'm not sure this will be a viable option with the timeframe in place . Also, we will need to see verification that you filed a Schedule F on your last 2 tax returns or see a copy of your sales tax exemption certificate in order to determine program eligibility. If you have any questions, please call or come by our office. Enclosures Fencing Spec NCACSP Application Sincerely, .;. • llt&lldlltpbJ ({iQ;UJUJty S«tl~ & Watt@liJ IT') ., • .) m·..) '* •-> • ~•aserva~t•a ~ts.r1r1~.r 2222-A S. Fayetteville_ Street • Asheboro, North Carolina 27205 Phone: (336) 318-6490 • Fax: (336) 318-6494 Site Investigation Report Date: June 18, 2012 Report Prepared By: Wes Hicks Weather: sunny and clear Property Owner: Donna Bembenek Address: 3898 Curtis Ln. Staley, NC 27355 Phone: 336.622 .8400 Parties Present During Site Investigation: Kelly Whitaker, Engineer and Wes Hicks, Environmental Specialist (Randolph SWCD); Donna Bembenek and son. Complaint/Concern: Creek contamination/letter from DWQ for enforcing fine Background: Accordiing to a letter sent to Ms . Bembenek, OWQ is threatening to enforce a $25,000 a day fine until problem with creek contamination is improved. Letter stated that fecal coliform upstream from her property is valued in the 140's with the state regulations set at a value of 200. On her property the fecal coliform level is above 2,400 thus the letter threatening to fine her and the request for our assistance on the subject. Ms. Bembenek owns about 5 ac., with a blue line streak essentially running through the middle of the property. Ms. Bembenek owns and houses somewhere around 100 head of animals (2 mini cows, 2 mini ponies, 45 mini sheep, 36 dogs, 611amas , 1 ostrich, 2 ducks, 4 geese, 4 chickens) on the property. Findings: Upon visual inspection of the property, it was obvious that all runoff from the property and animals was leading straight into the creek. Very little to absolutely no vegetation was present on the property because of the over grazing brought on by the exceeding number of animals for the property. Drastically lowering the animal numbers on the property was strongly suggested along with efforts to support vegetation and creek exclusion from the animals. Large amounts of manure were visible along the sides of the stream as well. • • • ··~y~·-sv~~ ~ ~ ~ ~-n....v ~ Y --eJo"'C' fg, ~ .. ,~.......--...«--~ e~ y ~ ~ ~ """t ~C) y~...,.,...... -v~rjj 4 ""'r>tl ln-(Y) ~. -nr~ ~ · _., <n? ~or O(><Or 4 -. yr:rr vr n-o ~ -u ~ ~ ~ "~>'"'~ q-w 00' ~ ~ ~ ~ rl . ~ ~.!.,.. ~~ Y ifp·<rY"~ -o · f?Jol: I,, k yrrrf ~ ~ /!. "r ~Jn-v ~. ~N~C')(V rt~l~;~ J I ~ (. Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor ·-· ·- CERTIFIED MAIL 7010 2780 00014221 7211 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Ms. Donna Bembenek 3898 Curtis Lane Staley, NC 27355 Subject: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY Director May·II, 2012 Potential Stream Standard Violation: NOD-2012-SS-0001 Parcel ID # 8716766310 (Curtis Lane) Facility #76-66 Randolph County Dear Ms. Bembenek: . • Dee Freeman Secretary As you may be aware, staff from the Randolph County Environmental Health Department obtained stream samples both up and downstream of your property on Aprill7, 2012. These samples were the result of complaints received by their office alleging the contamination of an wmamed tributary (UT) to Sandy Creek by approximately 80 livestock animals located on the above cited parcel. The Randolph County Environmental Health Department recently forwarded the sample results to our office for review. As a result of the initial complaint investigation, water quality concerns have been identified by the State's Division of Water Quality Winston-Salem Regional Office (DWQ-WSRO). Potential Fecal Coliform Violation The attached results document that the upstream fecal coliform concentration was 141 colonies per 100 ml while the downstream samples measured >2419 colonies per 100 ml. The State's water quality standard for fecal coliform is only 200 colonies per 100 ml (maximum). Given that the fecal coliform level is already elevated downstream of your animal facility, there is the probability for future fecal coliform standard violations should DWQ obtain a total of five samples within 30 days that result in a geometric mean greater than 200 colonies/1 00 ml. The current results suggest that excessive animal activity in and around the stream may be impacting surface waters. In the event that DWQ commences further investigation, please be aware that we will also sample and analyze the surface water for additional parameters such as: dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and turbidity. North Carolina Division of Water Quality. V.finston-Salem Regional OifJCe Location: 585 Waugh town St. Win ston-Salem. North Carolina 27107 Phooe: 336-Ti't-5000 \FAX: 336-771-46:)0 \Customer Service: 1-Bii -623-6748 Internet wv:w.ncwaterquafi!y .ollJ One . NorthCarohna JVntJtrnll!f An Equa l Opportunity I AffifTTlative Actio n Emj)loy er " . . 1 D. Bembenek May 11, 2012 Page2 of2 Requested Response • • This section of Sandy Creek and its tributaries are Class WS-III waters in the Cape Fear River Basin. The water quality concerns described above are of particular interest since the affected water body is classified as a water supply for the Town of Ramseur. Surface water classifications are designations applied to water bodies, such as Sandy Creek, which define the uses to be protected within these waters and carry with them an associated set of water quality standards to protect those uses. Each classification has associated standards that are used to detennine if the designated uses are being protected. There is the possibUity for violations of the North Carolina water quality standard for fecal coliform bacteria, dissolved oxygen, pH, and turbidity if current conditions are not abated immediately. The Division requests that you respond in writing within thirty (30) days of receipt of this Notice . Your response should include specific details regarding how and when the water quality concerns are to be addressed. At minimum, we strongly suggest that animals be excluded from surface waters and that adequate vegetated buffers established. Please direct your correspondence to my attention at the address contained in this letterhead. You may wish to contact the Randolph County Soil and Water Conservation District at (336) 318- 6490 or the Natural Resource Conservation Service at (336) 629-4449 for any technical assistance you may need . Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Note that any future violations are subject to a civil penalty assessment of up to $25,000 per day for each violation. Should you have questions regarding this Notice, please contact Melissa Rosebrock or me at (336) 771-5000. Attachment Sincerely, yj-/Ll%t r /4.v.;r!fl- sherri v. Knight Aquifer Protection Regional Supervisor Winston Salem Regional Office cc: DWQ-APS-Confined Animal Feeding Operations Unit Randolph County SWCD Randolph County NRCS Randolph County Environmental Health -Mr. Wayne Jones wsiH:>:-AP~Eiles_ -~=:J .,: I. i • • ~~; ... ~ ~~: .. ~ North Carolina State Laboratory Public Heafth ~0~-:.~ff~~;on st. Environmental Sciences Raleigh, Nc 27611:-8047 h!!p://sloh,ncpubllchaalth.com Microbiology Phone: 919-733-7834 Fa.Ji, 919-733-8695 Certificate of Analysis 110ndolph G ounty Report To: . RANDOLPH ·co ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 204 EAST ACADEMY ST ASHEBORO, NC 27203 EIN:566001526EH COURIER#: 13-66·24 Name of System: DONNA BEMBENEK 3898 CURTIS LN STALEY, NC 27355 MAY 2 2012 StarliMS Sample 10: ES041812~0162001 II~~ 0011 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIDIII~I~I~BIDIIIII Ulfijlfllllllll~llllll Collected: 04/17/2012 14:52 Received: 04/18/2012. 09:24 Wayne Jones .·Joy Hayes ES Microbiology JD: S348B GPS Number: Sample Source: ·Creek Sampling Point: Upstream Sample Description: Upstream on Northside of North P/L Well Pennit Number: Comment: Test method used to enumerate Total & Fecal Coliform bacteria (not E.coli). Fecal Coliform MPN = 113.7/100 mL. Environmental Microbiology • Default Profile · Method: SM 92238 Test Name: Water. Colilert 18 Quanti-Tray/2000 Analyte Test Result MPN/100 mL Analyst Date Total Coliform MPN, Colilert 18 QT/2000 Present 141.4 Joy Hayes 04/1912012 E. Coli MPN, Colilart 18 QT/2000 Present 113.7 Joy Hayes 04/19/2012 Report Date: 04/24/2012 Reported By: Susan Beasley Explanations of Coliform Analysis: If coliform bacteria are Absent, the water is co~sidered safe for drinking purpose. If colifonn bacteria are Present, the water is considered unsafe for drinking purpose. Presence of£. coli (bacteria) generally Indicates that the water has been contaminated with fecal material. It must be remembered that a water analysis refers only to the sample received and should not be regarded as a complete report on the water supply. • • North Carolina State Laboratory Public Health ~6~-:,~~~f:~on st. Environmental Sciences Rarelgn, Nc 27611-8047 htto://slph.ncpublichealth.com Microbiology Phone: 919·733-7834 Fax: 919-~95 Certificate of Analysis Rondo/ph r. . Report To: RANDOLPH CO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 204 EAST ACADEMY ST g~ll(y Name of System: MAY 2 2 DONNA BEMBENEK lie l 012 . OthDepo 3898 CURTIS LN. rtrnent STALEY, NC 27355 ASHEBORO, NC 27203 EIN:566001626EH COURIER#: 13-66·24 StarLIMS Sample ID: ES041812-0163001 I miiH II~ W llllllllllllllmll nllftllllllllll ~11111111111111~ II~ II~ ES Microbiology ID: S349B GPS Number: Sample Description: South side of Curtis Ln. Collected: 04/17/2012 15:05 Received: 04/18/2012 09:24 Sample Source: Creek Sampling Point: S$ of Curtis Ln Wayne Jones Joy Hayes Well Permit Number: Comment Test method used to enumerate Total & Fecal Coliform bacteria (not E.coti). Fecal Coliform MPN = >2419.2 I 100 ml. Environmental Microbiology-Default Profile Method: SM 92238 Test Name: Water~ Colilert 18 Quanti-Tray/2000 Analyte Test Result MPN/100mL Analyst Date Total Coliform MPN, Colilert 18 QT/2000 . Present >2419.2 Joy Hayes 04/19/2012 E. Coli MPN, Colilert 18 QT/2000 Present >2419.2 Joy Hares 0411912012 Report Date: 04/24/2012 Reported By: Susan Beasley Explanations of Collfonn Analysis: If coliform bacteria are Absent, the water is considered safe for drinking purpose. If coliform bacteria are Present. the water Is considered unsafe for drinking purpose. Presence of E. coli (bacteria) generally indicates that the water has been contaminated }'l'ith fecal material. It must be remembered that a water analysis refers only to the sample received and should not be r~garded as a complete report on the water supply. • • • North Carolina State Laboratory Public Health ~~·:.tt:~~tonst. Environmental Sciences Raleigh,Nc 27611-SO<C7 htto:(lslph.ncoub!jchealth.com Microbiology Phone: 919-733-7834 Fax: 919-733-8695 Certificate of Analysis Report To: RANDOLPH CO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 204 EAST ACADEMY ST ASHEBORO, NC 27203 EIN:566001528EH COURIER#: 13-66-24 Name of System: DONNA BEMBENEK 3898 CURriS LN STALEY, NC 27355 StarLiMS Sample 10: ES041812-0164001 IIBUIIIDimii~I~U~IIIUII~IIIII~mmllm~mnmmllllmi~III~IIID Collected: 04/17/2012 14:47 Received: 04/18/20.12 09:24 W~yneJones ·Joy Hayes ES Microbiology 10: S350B GPS Number: Sample Source: Creek Sampling Point: Front of MH Sample Description: On property in front of M.H. Well Permit Number: Comment: Test method used to enumerate Total & Fecal Coliform bacteria (not E.coli). Fecal Coliform MPN = >2419.2/100 ml. Environmental Microbiology.· Default Profile Method: SM 92238 Test Name: Water-Colilert 18 Quanti-Tray/2000 Analyte Test Result MPN/100mL Analyst Date Total Coliform MPN, Co!i!ert 18 QT/2000 Present >2419.2 Joy Hayes 04/19/2012 E.Co!i MPN, Colllert 18 QT/2000 Present >2419.2 Joy Hayes 04/19/2012 Report Date: 04/24/2012 Reported By: Susan Beasley Explanations of Coliform Analysis: If coliform bacteria are Absent, the water is considered safe for drinking purpose. If coliform bacteria are Present the water is considered unsafe for drinking purpose. Presence of E. coli (bacteria) generally indicates that the wat~r has been contaminated with fecal material. It must be remembered that a water analysis refers only to the sample received and should not be regarded as a complete report on the water supply . .... •• • Ca~e Fear River Basin Name Index Number Classlflcatl on Class Date . . [oe~~~~t-i~~---···--· -. ---~-.-,--·---""~--_-_ ·-----···-... ·----~--.. ---------·-·-··---···········-.. --.---.--------· -----~--. ~~;ti~i--o~~ign-;ti~~--------:--] Rowans Branch (Chestnut Pond) 18-68-2-8 C;Sw 04/01/59 ~~~~~-~~~~=~-~~-Six_R~ns -~~-ek _________ ------------------------------··· -----------------·---------------·__! [.__ .................. _____ . ______ _I Rowell Branch 18-77-1-1-1 C;Sw 04/01/59 L~_o_m_s_ou_r_ce_t_o_M_ii_IC_;_~e_k ___________ ·=====~--------_-_-_--_--··_---_---_-·_-·· ______ ~1 L[ ________________ ~~ Royal Mill Branch 18-68-1-10-4 C;Sw 09/01/74 [~!~~-~?.~!:~~ Williams_~~~~-~-~-~~-h __ _ ··--·········----------------------------------~---------.J [_ Run Branch 18-74-6-2 C;Sw 09/01/74 jFrom source to Ju~ping Run Branch Run Branch 18-20-6-2-1 c 04/01/59 I From source to Juniper Creek Russells Creek 18-81-5 C;Sw 09/01/74 [Ff~~-~-ou-rc~tc;·rc,~-n -Cr-eek ____ -------------------------------------------------------·····-------···1 ~-~-------.. ----· ..... --··---·-······· .. I Ryan Creek 16-11-14-2-3 WS-V;NSW 08/11/09 I From source to South Buff __ al_o_C_re_ek ___________________ _ _ ______ :=J \ _________________ ! Salt Marsh Ditch 18-68-22-1-2-1-1 C;Sw 09/01/74 ~~r_ce_·t_;_'S_Ji.:...~k....:_S_w __ am_:_p ...:...Cr_e_ek_-_ .... _ ..... _ ...... _ .... _ ..... _----~------~------------_-_-_-_-_ ..... _ ..... _--~~----------_____ --_-----------~--~ r· --------.---·---~ Salters Lake 18-44-4 c 04/01/59 Entire lake and connecting stream to Ellis Creek -----«-·····--··· ... _ ......... _, __ .,_, __ ., ___________ ,_ ............... ----····-····· 1.: ....... _. _______ _1 Sand Hill Creek 18-83 C;Sw 04/01/59 ~ource to Cape Fear River I I -----] Sand Hill Creek 18-74-42-1 C;Sw 04/01/59 /From source to Lillington Creek I I ___ j Sandy Branch 17-43-16-1 c 04/01/59 ~!~;;;--sour:.~~-~~~r 6-;;;~_-·_--__ --~----·-···------=·--------------=----------__ --__ ........ _ ................ _ .............. _-----·-=] c_~--------------------------------J Sandy Creek 18-68-12-6 C;Sw 04/01/59 f6 .. ~r::;~u!_::_to South Rive~----------------. . ...... =:J [ __________ ......................... _ _] Sandy Creek 17-16-(3.5) WS-III;CA 08/03/92 /LF_ro_m_a....:p_o_in_t 0_._6 _m_ile.:...u....:p...:...st~_re.:..._a_m_o_f_N....:.C_. H_-w.....:y:...... _22_t_o_R_am_s_e_ur_w_a_te_r_su....:p...:.p..:..lv ____________ ~j ~--------------~ ~ :::~: '"'m""''' w"" '~pply to ~'P .. ,--r-__ -_-=__-_-_----~~-;-:-:=:=::=::---_-___ -----:-S--I-;·; ______ .....,___] C: ................. -::-:;l ~~~-~~~ce ~~-a point 0.6 mil-:_ upst~~~~-~f N.C. Hwy. £2"·-~-. ------·---·--·----------------------------, c·---······----------1 Thursday, February 09, 2012 Based on Classifications as of Z01ZOZ08 Page 78 of98 Randolph County, NC -Printable Parcel Map http ://www.co.randolph.nc.uslscripts/esrimap.dll?name=Randolph. .. "\: 1oft 5111112012 II :04:10 AM EST ~~.,~.11) -.r-:o• -.......-. ......... ,........, .. ........,., ............................ c... .. ~~~a ............... ~ ........................... ,..., .................................... ~ ......... .. ,....~ .......... -....... -.... .. _.._. ................ ...,_ ........... _ ........ ,., .. c:...lirf ................ ~ ....................... _,. ..... _,......,-owrtl ........................................ h-. .................................................. -. ........... __ ,., ....... ~ .. lllll::tW---·-----.... c:.... -1»1a o.a .............. c ....... ...,.....,.,. 5/10/2012 l1 :06 AM Name: LIBERTY Date: 5/10/2012 Scale: 1 inch equals 667 feet Location: 035° 50' 50.08" N 079° 36' 37.28" W NAD27 Caption: BEMBENEK PROPERTY Name: LIBERTY Date: 5/10/2012 Scale: 1 inch equals 667 feet Datum : NAD27 Location : 035" 50' 50.08" N 079" 36' 37 .28" W NAD27 Caption: BEMBENEK PROPERTY Randolph County, NC -Printable Parce l Map http://www .co.randolph.nc.us/scripts/esrimap .dl l?name =Rand olph. .. 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Rosebrock, Melissa From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Wayne, • Rosebrock, Melissa Tuesday, April17, 2012 10:24 AM 'Jones , Wayne' Knight, Sherri; Mitchell , Patrick RE: FW: • I would sample for fecal coliform bacteria MFTCC (the commercial labs we u se l is t it as Feca l Coliform-MF). When we sa mple for compliance, however, our protocol states that we wa i t at le as t 24 hours AFTER a rain (or snow melt) event since we are looking for the impact on water quality. Our rules do not a llow us to enforce on the impact of fecal coliform from run -off (I'm paraphrasing). Strange I know, but we want to know the impact the animals ARE having on the water---not due to what could be run-off. A bit of a legal distinction. We take an upstream and a down strea m sa mple and compare the re sults to dete rm ine possible impact. The NC WQ standard for fr eshwater fecal coliform is 200 col/lOOmL. For us to enforce, we have t o sa mple 5 time s within 30 days with the geometric mean being greater~ 200 col./lOOmL. However, If you sa mple for turbidity that would also give you an idea of t he i mpact from sediment run -off. Depending on th e stream cla ss ification, the NC WQ standard for turbidity is 10 NTU (trout) or 25 NTU (i n your ca se) or 50 NTU (ponds). Anoth e r "cheap" check i s dissolved oxygen and pH . In fast flowing, cold , mountain streams we rarely see a DO violation due to m anure, but in the piedmont it can be a good indicator, especially in warmer weather. The N C WQ standard f o r DO is 5.0 mg/L(minimum). The NC WQ strea m standard f or pH is 6 -9. Hope this answers your questions. Let me know if you need a nything else. Than ks for checking this out. Melissa Melissa Rosebrock E-mail Address: melissa.roseb rock@ncdenr.gov NCDENR Divi sio n o f Water Qua lity W inst on -Sa lem Regiona l Office 585 Waugh t own St r ee t, Winston -Sa lem, NC 27107 (336) 771-5289; f ax (336 ) 771 -46 30 www.ncwaterguality.org E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ------------ From: Jones, Wayne [mailto :HWJones @co.randolph.nc.us] Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 4:35 PM To: Rosebrock, Melissa Subject: RE: FW: '*~~ i\e. ~ \?> . (()J/p (p \J\.)~ Vl e. 3 IS -~ ;ll, :2.. lS' _q A~ C..o.. \I The neighbo r wants us to sam ple the creek water , what would you recom mend that we samp le for ? Fecal Colifo rm (MPN)? Fe ca l Coliform/Fecal Strep (Ratio)? Or ot her? She also wants it sa mpl ed on Wedn esday (afte r it rains on Tuesday). 1 Wayne • From: Rosebrock, Melissa [mailto:melissa .rosebrock@ncdenr .gov] Sent: Monday, April16, 2012 2:13 PM To: Jones, Wayne Subject: RE: FW : Any WQ issue s that you could determine? M eli ssa Ro se brock E-mail Address: mel iss a.rosebrock@ncdenr.gov NCDENR Di vis i on of Water Qu ality Winston -Salem Regional Office 585 Waug htown Street, W inston-Sa lem, NC 27 107 (336) 771-5289 ; f ax (336) 77 1 -4630 www.ncwaterguality.org E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties . From: Jones, Wayne [mailto:HWJones@co.randolph.nc .us] Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 4:56 PM To: Rosebrock, Melissa Subject: RE: FW: • This is one that we have in court due other animal issues . We (Brad Ellis) is going to the site Friday. I will let you know w hat we find . Wayne From: Rosebrock, Melissa [mailto:melissa .rosebrock@ncdenr .gov] Sent: Thursday, April 12 , 2012 4:49 PM To: Jones, Wayne Subject: RE: FW: Thanks Wayne . We'll get to it as soon as we can. In the m e antime, f eel free to give calle rs my phon e number (b e low) if you wish. Mel i ssa M elissa Rosebrock E-mail Address : melissa .rosebrock@ ncdenr.gov NCDENR Division o f Water Qua li ty Wi nston-Salem Regional Office 585 Wa ughtown Street , Win ston -Salem, NC 271 07 (336) 771 -5289; fax (336) 771-4630 www.ncwaterquality.org E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 • • ------------------------------------------ From: Jones, Wayne [mailto:HWJones@co .randolph.nc.us] Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 9:39 AM To: Rosebrock, Melissa Subject: FW: Melissa , I have a situation where a lady (not necessarily a farmer) has a lot of animals on 5 acres (approx 80 livestock animals) the neighbors are concerned about the creek that runs through her property and onto them . I have attached a map with the address. Directions : From Greensboro take 421 south into Liberty . Exit on Old Liberty Rd. (the Liberty Exit) turn right at the top of the ramp . Curtis Ln is appro x% mile on the right. Wayne This email and any files tran sm itted with it are confidential and intended for use only by the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient or the employee or agent respon sible for delivering this message to the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any disclosure, dissemination, distribution, copying of this communication, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Please notify us immediately by reply email and then delete this message from your system. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are so lely thos e of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Randolph County Government. This email and any file attachments have been scanned for potential viruses; however, the recipient should check thi s email for the presence of viruses and/or malici ous code. Randolph County accepts no liability for any damage trans mitted via this email. This email and any files transmitte d with it are confidential and intended for use only by the individual or entity nam ed a bove . If you are not the intended recipient or the e mployee or agent responsible for delivering thi s message to the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any disclosure, dissemination, di stributi o n, copying of this communication, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Please notify us immediately by reply email and then de lete thi s message from you r system. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represe nt those of Randolph County Government. This email and any file attachments have been scanned for potential viruses; however, the recipient should check this email for the presence of viruses and/or malici o us code . Randolph County accepts no liability for any damage tra nsmitte d via this e mail. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended for use only by the individual o r entity named above. If you are not the intende d recipient or the employee or agent re sponsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are he re by notified that any disclosure, dissemination, distributi on , copying of this communication, or unauthori ze d use is strictly prohibited . Please notify us immediately by reply email and then delete this message from your system. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Randolph County Government. This email and any file attachm ents have been scanned for potential viruses; however, the recipient s hould check this email for the presence of viruses and/or malicious code. Randolph County accepts no liability for any damage transmitte d via this e mail. 3 Randolph County Environmental Health Location: Donna Bembenek 3898 Curtis Lane Liberty NC 27355 1 Inch • 100 fMt Rosebrock, Melissa From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Melissa, • Jones, Wayne [HWJones@co.randolph.nc.us] Thursday, April12, 2012 9:39AM Rosebrock, Melissa FW: Donna Bembenek.pdf • I have a situation where a lady (not necessarily a farmer) has a lot of animals on 5 acres (approx 80 livestock animals) the neighbors are concerned about the creek that runs through her property and onto them. I have attached a map with the address. Directions: From Greensboro take 421 south into Liberty. Exit on Old Liberty Rd . (the Liberty Exit) turn right at the top of the ramp. Curtis Ln is approx ~ mile on the right. Wayne This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended for use only by the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, dissemination, distribution, copying of this communication, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Please notify us immediately by reply email and then delete thi s message from your system. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely tho se of the author and do not necessarily represe nt those of Randolph County Government. This email and any file attachments have been scanned for potential viruses ; however , the recipient should check this email for the presence of viruses and/or malicious code. Randolph County accepts no liability for any damage transmitted via this email. 1 Randolph County Environmental Health Location: Donna Bembenek 3898 Curtis Lane Liberty NC 27355 -*· • 11neh •100 fMt