HomeMy WebLinkAbout050028_ENFORCEMENT_20171231Sender: Please print you r name, address, `66d "ZP+4. ftWIS bokZ*�-. � rn.�D~JL0'L | Aquifer Protection Section N.C. Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem,NC2?}07-224l ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. Article Addressed to: Mr. James Dennis Pennington 420 Walters Way Crumpier, NC 28617 "1► ❑ Agent D. Is delivery address different kiln item 17 ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Xice Type H Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes _ --- --- - - -I 7008 1300 0001 1938 6830 PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt a 7 _ f 2ACPRI-03-P-4081 it � � ;�� a � �� =_ � ^� �_+� 3,F ..r< .. $� y III ��� ,. �� - � �, , s �. dye � --� � -_ ee .. - . � - - �..rr� ,,, .. -_ .yyr� ��...w !r r� •r �. � m . ._., _,.� n. " _ ... .. - � ,a _ w _ _ _ _ _. � .. �r�, f a v ' � ,' � • ,. - �• � �,. , � , ,. �; _ '" - � a , ,_ .. � xrsj - __ _. y, a; w _ .y' �' - - �.. .... h � r - lam,: .. - - - ._ �, _ a - �.�.. _ - �,�. - __� hLtp:/lashegis.ashecoutnygov.co►nlwebgis/print.php?bctExteat=1285820.7452,988435.587 i 89,1290182.3271,990798.535092&bctSearchType... _. ........ ...... _ -... ..... - .... _� _......-, Ashe County, North Carolina 34 Aerial Photography Buildings Flood Way ■ Flood zone /V Parcels A/ Roads IV Water ® County �Resirhs JEFFERSON/NEW RIVER FD P Owner: PENNINGTON, JAMES DENNIS & DEBORAH N Address: 420 WALTERS WAY City: CRUMPLER State: NC Zip: 28617 Parcel ID: 09298.154 Size: 31.805 acres Bid9 Value: 142200 Total Value: 468300 Deed Book: 411 Deed Page: 2261 Plat Book: <blank> Plat Page: <blank> Gpin: 298889798556 Xfer Dane: 2010 I4lEf,IIlblllE JEFFERSON e: r ee e: •e ee es er ee 124r er iWA 1 AM f t 1 ', f+ ' w Y_ e: ' .rue e: •e ue e: ee ue Datum: NAD27 Copyright (C) 2009 MyTopo 19 Sherri V Knight Aquifer Protection Regional Supervisor 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Dear Ms Knight: RECEIVED N.C. Dept. of ENR NOV 0 9 2011 Winston-Salem Regional Office Please accept my apology for the problems caused due to my weaning yearling cattle adjacent to a stream. Please know that this was done on a very limited basis (3-4 weeks per year) and that it will not be done in the future. Also be aware that the cattle were removed shortly after 1 became aware of the problem and grass has been sewn in the lot. At the recommendation of Melissa Rosebrock I contacted Mr. David Tucker at the Soil and Water Conservation Service in Jefferson. Mr. Tucker has been extremely helpful by visiting the property and agreeing to develop a plan to meet all of the current standards of your agency. I have visited the Jefferson Office and filed application to get assistance on this project. Mr. Tucker is developing a plan and budget to get this started. I do not know the length of time for all this to occur, but assume it will be 8 to 12 months. However long it takes the lot will not be used in its current configuration. I am enclosing a photo of the grass coming up as well as a copy of the application I have made to the USDA. I hope these steps when completed will resolve the situation and that you or your staff will visit when all items have been completed. Sincerely, Dennis t ... . •n yv " m 1YeM1'n'iT� �f»w yr• G fit' �<^ d�.,�1�b.`,' � a. - US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NRCS-CPA-1200 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE OMB 0578-0013 expiration 5/31/2012 CONSERVATION PROGRAM APPLICATION Name: Application Number: Address: Application Date: f1 � County and State: Telephone: Watershed Subaccount: Location (Legal Description or Farm and T�rac mber): r-N 05� � �q57 �r�clN16 /a74� 1s io as (Please note that not all questions apply to all Programs) 1. This is an application to participate in the: ❑ Agricultural Management Assistance (AMA) Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) ❑ Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) ❑ Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP) ❑ Agricultural Water Enhancement Program (AWEP) . ❑ Chesapeake Bay Watershed Initiative (CBWI) 2. ICJ(Yes ❑ No Do you have farm records established with the appropriate USDA Service Center Agency? If no, you must, establish them with the appropriate USDA Service Center Agency prior to submitting this application. 3. Are you applying to participate in, a conservation program as an (check one of the following): Individual a) Please enter your legal name and tax identification number: Name: Tax Number: ❑ Entity (Corporation, Limited Partnership, Trust, Estate, etc.) a) Please enter entity legal name and tax identification number: Name: Tax Number: b) ❑ Yes ❑ No Do you have appropriate documents including proof to sign for the entity? ❑ Joint Operation (General Partnership, Joint Venture) a) Please enter joint operation legal name and tax identification number: Name: Tax Number: b) ❑ Yes ❑ No Do you have appropriate documents including proof to sign for the joint operation? 4. A Dun & Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number and current registrations in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database are required for receiving payment under an EIN. If you do not have a number, information is available at hftp;//fed(iov.dnb.com/web.fQrm/displayHorePa e: o DUNS Number: . Page 1 of 3 US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE N RCS-CPA-1200 OMB 0578-0013 expiration 5/31/2012 5. Is the land being offered for enrollment used for crop or livestock production? ❑ Crop Production '� Crop Type: i (Livestock Production ✓ Livestock Type: 6. The land offered under this application is (check all that apply): ePrivate Land ❑ Public Land (Federal, State, or Local Government) ❑ Tribal, Alloted, Ceded or Indian Land 7. Cf ification of control of the land offered under the application. Li Deed or other evidence of land ownership ❑ Written lease agreement Years of control are through dOther agreement or legal conveyance (describe): 'Years of control are through 8. ❑ Yes d No Is the land offered under this application enrolled in any other conservation program? 9. Are you applying for program benefits as one of the following participant types? ❑ Limited Resource Farmer or Rancher ❑ Beginning Farmer or Rancher ❑ Socially Disadvantaged Farmer or Rancher If you wish to apply in any of these categories, you must meet the self certification requirements. For more information please go to this website: htfpJ/www.lrftool.sc.egoy.usda., oc o 10. ❑ Yes O/No If applying for the EQIP and if the application includes irrigation practices, has the land been irrigated at least 2 of the last 5 years? 11. 0 Yes Cl No If applying for the EQIP, are you engaged in livestock or agricultural production, and have you produced at least $1000 of agricultural products in a year? (Forest agricultural producers may select yes as they are exempt from the $1, 000 requirement) On the farm(s) identified above, the Applicant agrees to participate in the identified program if the offer is accepted by the NRCS. The undersigned person shall hereafter be referred to as the "Participant." The participant understands that starting a practice prior to contract approval causes the practice to be ineligible for program financial assistance. The participant will obtain the landowner's signature on the contract or provide written authorization to install structural practices. The Participant agrees not to start any financially assisted practice or activity or engage the reimbursable services of a certified Technical Service Provider before a Contract is executed by Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC). The Participant may request, in writing, a waiver of this requirement for financially assisted practices by the NRCS State Conservationist. All participants that certify eligibility as a Farmer or Rancher under the limited- Resource, Beginning, or Socially Disadvantaged groups will provide all records necessary to justify their claim as requested by a NRCS representative. It is the responsibility of the participant to provide accurate data to support all items addressed in this application at the request of NRCS. False certifications are subject to criminal and civil fraud statutes. The Participant acknowledges that highly erodible land conservation/wetland conservation, adjusted gross income certifications, and member information for entities and joint operations are on file with the appropriate USDA Service Center Agency. Page 2 of 3 US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NRCS-CPA-1200 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE OMB 0578-0013 expiration 5/31/2012 12. ❑ Yes 10/No I have received a copy of the program appendix where an appendix is onniie-nh o Applicant 5i ure Date PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 552a) and the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0578-0013. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 45 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its program and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at'(202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of Discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 14001ndependence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT The following statement is made in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 552a). This information is used to track contract or agreement progress. The authority for requesting the following information is 7 CFR 630 (Long Term Contracting); 7 CFR 1410 (CRP); 7 CFR 631 and 702 (IEQIP); 7 CFR 636 (WHIP); 7 CFR 622 (WPFPP); 7 CFR 1465 (AMA); 7 CFR 1469 (CSP); 7 CFR 625 (HFR); 7 CFR 1494 (FRPP); and 7 CFR 1467 (WRP). Furnishing information is voluntary and will be confidential; however, it is necessary in order to receive assistance. Page 3 of 3 0 0 Page 1 of 1 VNMOTEST Laboratory Report Lob Location'R' Lab Location'C' Lab Location'W' NC/WW Cart.#: 067 NCIDW Cart,#: 37731 NCIWW Curt M 103 NCIDW Cart.#: 37733 NCNtW Cart.#: 075 NCIDW Cert.tt: 37721 6701 Conference Dr, Raleigh, NC 27607 6300 Ramada Dr, Suite C2, Clammons, NC 27012 6624 Gordon Rd, Unit G, Wilmington, NC 28411 Ph: (919) 834-4984 Fax: (919) 834-6497 Ph: (336) 766-7846 Fax: (336) 766-2514 Ph: (910) 763-9793 Fax: (910) 343-9668 Project No.: Report Date: 10/24/2011 Project ID: DOG CREEK Date Received: 10/5/2011 --- Prepared for --- MELISSA ROSEBROCK DWQ Work Order #: 1110-00333 585 WAUGMTOWN ST. Cust. Code: 800993 WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27107 Gust. P.O.#: No. Sample ID 001 UPSTREAM 16 Date Sampled 10/6/2011 Time Sampled 10:00 Matrix SW Sample Type Condition Grab 4 +/- 2 deg C Test Performed Method Results Leb Loc _Date ed Time Qualifier Fecal ColiformslMF SM 9222D 10 CFU1100mL C 1015111 14:30 No. Sample ID 002 DOWNSTREAM 21 Date Sampled 10/5/2011 Time Sampled 11:26 Matrix SW Sample Type Condition Grab 4 +1- 2 deg C Test Performed Method Results Lab Loc Dalzed Time Qualifier Fecal Coliforms/MF SM 9222D >6000 CFU1100mL C 1015/11 14:35 Reviewed by: for Tritest, Inc. TRITEST (3 6701 Conference Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607 ph: (919) 834-4984, fax: (919) 834.6497 NCWW CerI#67, NCDW Cert#37731 ❑ 6624 Gordon Road, Unit G, Wilmington, NC 28411 ph: (910) 783-9793, fax: (910) 343-9688 NCWW Cert#75, NCDW Cert#37721 ❑ 6300 Ramada Dr.- Suite C2, Clemmons. NC 2701 Report Results To: , - 'Y` Company: _.6 06N R Address: "S� 6Ld%jtytA S c w-N t '17107 .._ Attr1: tildtL �7 Phone: L- 7Tf S1D 00 Fax: Sampled by (signature): 2 0 Tritest W.O. # 33 Project Reference:. (V12e;, Project Humber: Purchase Order #: ❑ Standard Report Delivery ❑ Rush Report Delivery (wrsumharge) "Rush projects are autyect to prior approvat by Hie laboratory Requested Due Dale: Reg ished by (signature) Received by (signature)• Date Time Relinquished by (signature) Received by (signatu ) Date Time Relinquished by (signature) Received by (signature) Date Tima Receipt Conditions (Lob Only) ❑ 4s2°C ❑ Temp: °C Rea Chlo": ❑ Absent ❑ Present ❑ nfa Acid preserv. Q? ❑Yes 0No ❑Na Base preserv, >127 0 Yes 13 No 13 nla INVOICE Please remit payment to: Tritest, Inc, P.O. Box 33190 Raleigh, NC 27636 Attn: Accounts Receivable NCDENR/DWQ 585 WAUGHTOWN STREET WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27107 Attn: MELISSA ROSEBROCK INVOICE NUMBER: 442309 INVOICE DATE: 1012512011 WORK ORDER # : 1110-00333 phone: (919)834-4984 fax:(919)834-6497 Client Number, 800993 o y Page 1 of 1 `7aDTET �. Laboratory Report Lab Location R' Lab Location 'C' Lab Location 'W' NCMlW Cert.#: 067 NCIDW Cert.#: 37731 NCNVW Cert.#: 103 , NCIDW Cert.#: 37733 NCl4NVW Cert.#: 075 NC/DW Cert.#: 37721 6701 Conference Dr, Raleigh, NC 27607 6300 Ramada Dr, Suite C2, Clemmons, NC 27012 6624 Gordon Rd, Unit G, Wilmington, NC 28411 Ph: (919) 834-4984 Fax: (919) 834-6497 Ph: (336) 766-7846 Fax: (336) 766-2514 Ph: (910) 763-9793 Fax: (910) 343-9688 Project No.: Project ID: DOG CREEK --- Prepared for --- MELISSA ROSEBROCK DWQ 585 WAUGHTOWN ST. WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27107 RECEIVED N.C. Dept. of ENR OCT 2 7 2011 Winston-Salem Regional Office Report Date: 10/24/2011 Date Received: 10/5/2011 Work Order* 1110-00333 Cust. Code: 800993 Cust. P.O.#: No. Sample ID Date Sampled Time Sampled Matrix Sample Type Condition 001 UPSTREAM 16 10/5/2011 10:00 SW Grab 4 +1- 2 deg C Test Performed Method Results Lab I_oc Da1ZedTime Qualifier Fecal Coliforms/MF SM 9222D 10 CFU1100mL C 10/5/11 14:30 No. Sample ID Date Sampled Time Sampled Matrix Sample Type Condition 002 DOWNSTREAM 21 1015I2011 11:26 SW Grab 4 +1- 2 deg C Test Performed Method Results L-ab Loc Da�ZedTtme Qualifier Fecal Coliforms/MF SM 9222D >6000 CFU/100m1 C 1015111 14.35 Reviewed by: r for Tritest, Inc. • • TRITEST Chain of Custody i 0 6701 Conference Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607 ph: (919) 834-4984, fax: (919) 834.6497 NCWW Cert#67, NCDW Cert#37731 ❑ 6624 Gordon Road, Unit G. Wilmington, NC 28411 PC (910) 783 9793, lax: (9t0) 348.9688 I NCWW Certw75, NCDW Cert#37721 6300 Ramada Dr., Suite C2, Clemmons, NC 27012 ph: (336) 766.7848, fax: (336) 766-2514 NCWW Cert#103, NCDW Cert#37733 Report Results To:. Address: SM a. titiA a* w-5,�t_C a"7r� Attn: I'r�{.� i"3t �} ,.,. vic tde-(- Phone: 334- -771- ID 00 Fax: Sampled by (signature): i Bill To: I Tritest W.O. # I I Ib =JQI9 33 Project Reference: � � c w e ;tic, Project Number: Purchase Order#: ❑ Standard Report Delivery * Rush Report Delivery Iw►surcnarge) "Rush proiects are subject to prior approval by the laboratory Requested Due Date: Relin unshed by (signature) <<VIAL Received by (signature). LTD Date b S11 Time 0 Relinquished by (signature) Received by (signature) Date Time Relinquished by (signature) Received by (signature) Date Time Receipt Conditions (Lob Yw Only) 4±2°C ❑ Temp °C Res Chlorine: ❑ Absent 0 Present 0 Na Acid preserv. <2? ❑ Yes 13 No C3 Na Base preserv. :,12? ❑Yes 0No 13Na INVOICE INVOICE NUMB : 442309 INVOICE DAT 10/25/2011 WORK ORDER . 1110-00333 Please remit payment to: Tritest, Inc. P.O. Box 33190 Raleigh, NC 27636 Attn: Accounts Receivable NCDENRIDWQ 585 WAUGHTOWN STREET WINSTON-SALEM, INC 27107 Attn: MELISSA ROSEBROCK RECEIVED ENR N.C. Dept. OCT 2 T 2011 Winston-Salem Reg}onsl Office phone: (919)8344984 fax:(919)834-6497 Client Number: 800993 PROJECT INFO: DOG CREEK YOUR ORDER DATE:: 10/5/2011 INVOICE TERMS: NET 30 DAYS PURCHASE ORDER REF: Quantity Done 2 MI-COLIF Procedure Performed Fecal Coliforms/MF Unit Price Im Extended Price 40.00 A FINANCE CHARGE of 1.5% (18% annually) will be assessed to invoices over 30 days. Total $40.00Paid 0.00 . Balance 40.00 County: Asha ample iD: AB77096 River Basin WArq OT- PO Number # 11WB320 Report To WSROSP �Oa Date Received: 10/06/2011 �_ Time Received: 08:00 Collector: G SMITH -1 Labworks LoginlD HMORGAN Region: WSRO Report Generated: 10/17/ 1 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Date Reported: 10/17/2011 Loc. Type: RIVER/STREAM Emergency Yes/No VisitlD COC Yes/No Yes 71 t� J 1 1C / 1 i Loc. Descr.: UPSTREAM P l Location ID: WSROSPNLC Collect Date: 1010512011 Collect Time: 10:56 Sample Depth CAS # Analyte Name p-Q—L Result/ Units Method Anal Validated ualifier Reference Date LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 1.6 °C 10/6111 DLEAVITT MIC BOO, 5-Day in liquid 2 2 U mg/L APHA5210B 10/6111 MOVERMAN Turbidity 1 3.3 NTU APHA213413-20th 1016111 MOVERMAN NUT NH3 as N in liquid 0.02 0.02 U mg/L as N Lac10-107-06-1-J 1016111 CGREEN Total Kjeldahl N as N in liquid 0.2 0.20 mg/L as N Lachat107-06-2-H 10/11/1, CGREEN NO2+NO3 as N in liquid 0.02 0.60 mg1L as N LaclO-107-04-1-c 1016111 CGREEN Phosphorus_total as P in liquid 0.02 0.02 U mg/Las P Lac10-115-01-lEF 10/6111 CGREEN Laboratory Section» 1623 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 (919) 733-3908 For a detailed description of the qualifier codes refer to I n en or llabl le infWtachassis[ODeta Qualifier Codes �htlp:ftcr Ial.nrdenr.g[gLlgbtstaffirfallechassisb Page 1 of 1 14 COUNTY ?� 5 RIVER BASIN. REPORT TO : L&-.) S RegiuoalOffica Other : COLLECTOR(S) : ms Estimated BOD Rangy • Seed: Chlorinated: Station 0n acation Code Date Begin (I JA BOD 310 MWL COD High 140 mwL COD Law 335 m9/1- Colifmm: MF Fecal 31616 /tooml Coliform: MF Total 31504 1100ml Coliform: tube Feral 31615 /IODm1 Coliform: Feral Strep 31673 11001111 Residue: Total 500 mg/L Volatile 505 m Fixed 510 mwL Residue: Suspended 530 m Volatile 535 mg(L Fixed $40 fnfvL H403 units Acidi to 2114.5 436 m Acidity to pH 83 435 MFVL Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 TJLL Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 OC 680 m Turbidity 76 NTU Coliform Total Tube 1100 nil COMMENTS, OF ! �� DiVISCON WATER QU TY 1 V Cbemistry Laboratory Report I Water Quality . SAW LE TYPE PRIORITY AMBIENT QQA ,�, I -X STRFAM EFFLUENT COMPLIANCE ��( I �(1 CHAIN OF CUSTODY ��� [:] LAKE INFLUENT EMERGENCY El ESTUARY Station Location: l y r 0-0-PA l� Remarks- Date End (yylmmldd) Time Begin Time End Depth - DM, Do, DBM Value - A, H, L Chloride 940 mg/L ChlorophZll a EPA 445.0 modified option vWL Color: True So c.u. Color..(H) 83 H- -cu. Color: pH 7,6 82 C.U. C ide 720 mg/L Fluoride 951 Formaldehyde 71980 mglL Grease and Oils 556 mg/L Hardness Total900 mgfL Specific Cond. 95 umhaslcrn MBAS38260 - m Phenals32730 u Sulfate 945 m Sulfide 745 m Baron Tannin a Le in ua/l- Hmsa alert Chromium a Bicarbonate mg/i- Carbonate m Total Dissolved Solids MWL NH3as N610 mgfL an N 625 02 plus NO3 as N 630 mg/L Total n P 665 mglL PO4 as P 70507 mwL P: Dissolved as P 666 mg/L K-Patassium mg/L Cd- Cadmium 1027 USIL Cr-Chromium?otal 1034 u Cu-Copper_ 1042 u Ni-Nickei 1067 ug/L Pb- Lead 1051 UrJL Zn- Zinc 1092 ug/L IV -Vanadium urt Silver1077 ug/L Al -Aluminum 1103 uglL Be -Beryllium 1012 u Ca- Calcium 916 mg/L Co- Cobalt 103T ugfL Fe -Iran I045 u Mo-Ma bdenum ug/L Sb-Antimonyuwl Sn-Tin us/L TI-Thallium ug/L Ti-Titanium uWL It-] 631 n 73�ogb Lab Number Date Received :p . Time Received ; Received By Dwa Released : Date Reported: Composlte-T, S, B Li -Lithium 1132 uglL Mg- Magnesium 927 mg/L Mn-Manganese 1055 ug/L No- Sodium 929 MWL Arsenic:Tatal1002 uglL Se -Selenium 1147 ug/L !!a -Mere 71900 u Ba-Barium ug/L 2rjmochlcfine Pesticides 2qEophaspboms Pesticides OrgananitroVn Pesticides Acid Herbicides Base/NeutralaAcid Extractable Qrjuics TPH Diesel Range Purgeable Orgamics (VOA battle req'd) TPH Gasoline Range TPWBTEX Gasoline Range Phyloplanklon Temperature on arrival (aC): 0 _j County: Ashe mple ID: AB77097 River Basin OF VJArFiQ PO Number# 11W8321 Report To WSROSP „0 QG9 Date Received: 1010612011 � r~ > Time Received: 08:00 Collector. G SMITH Labworks LoginlD HMORGAN Region: WSRO Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Report Generated: 10117/11 Date Reported: 10117l2011 Loc. Type: RIVER/STREAM Emergency Yes/No VisitlD COC Yes/No Yes Loc. Descr.: DOWNSTREAM PENNINGTON BEEF CATTLE p f011 �+ fffSample Location ID: WSROSPNLC Collect Date: 1010512011 1 Collect Time: 11:26 Depth Result/ Method Analysis Validated bar CAS # Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 1,6 °C 10/6/11 DLEAV17T MIC BOD, 5-Day in liquid 2 2.5 mg/L APHA5210B 10/6/11 MOVERMAN Turbidity 1 35 NTU APHA2130B-20th 10/6/11 MOVERMAN NUT NH3 as N in liquid 0.02 0.07 mg/L as N Lac10-107-06-1-J 10/6/11 CGREEN Total Kjeldahl N as N In liquid 0.2 1.4 mg/L as N Lachat107-06-2-H 10/11/1, CGREEN NO2+NO3 as N in liquid 0.02 0.96 mg/L as N LaC10-107-D4-1-c 10/6111 CGREEN Phosphorus —total as P in liquid 0.02 0.28 mg/L as P LaC10-115-01-1EF 10/6111 CGREEN Laboratory Section>> 1623 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 For a detailed description of the qualifier codes refer to hltp'Q2rtal,rtcdenr,orgUebWaW[aKnfo/techassist#Data Qualifier Codes <htln lla9 al.ttcd nr,o hvebbaab/staffinfoflechassiaty Page 1 of 1 1 0 • COUNTY Y L L RIVER BASIN REPORT TO ,.3 Or— u Ret,onel Office Other : COLLECTORS) (fn I 1 Estimated ROD Ranee: Seed: Chlorinated:— NlLocation Cade BOD 310 -WfL COD High 340 M L COD Low 335 M91L Coliform: MF Fetal 31616 1100all Coliform: MY Total 31504 /loom! Coliform: tube Fecal 31615 1I00m1 Coliform: Fecal Seep 31673 /loon,] Residue: Total 500 FTWIL Volatile 505 mg/L fixed 510 mgfL Residue: Suspended 530 -47- Volatile 535 M91L Piked 540 -FIL. pH 403 units Acidity to pH 4.5 436 rnyl- Acidity to pH 9.3 435 mg/L Alkalinity to pH 8.3 415 m8'L Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 mgjl. TW 680 mg1L Turbidity 76 NTU Coliform Total Tube A oo utl COMMENTS: b C) DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Chemistry Laboratory Report! Water Quality ❑ SAMPLE TYPE PRI AMBIENT ,1 QAREAM EFFLUENT COMPLIANCE ,l)C I CHAIN OF CUSIUDY ❑"\LAKE INFLUENT EMERGENCY VISIT T ESTUARY Station Location: p S ea, n NA � 1 Pq I �-Q t, Remarks- �1�lv c����1 1 Date End (yylmmldd) I Time Begin Time Ead I Depth - DM, DB, DBM I Value Type- A, H, L Chloride 94o mwL Chlorophyll a EPA 445.0 modified option ug/L Color: True 80 c.u- Ca10r: (pH) 83 pH- C.U. Color: pH7.6 82 C.U. Cyanide 720 nilL Fluoride 951 M91L. Formaldehyde 71980 mg1L Grcase and Oils 556 m9fl. Hardness Total 900 mg/L Specific Cond. 95 umhos/cm MBAS 38260 mFJL Phenals 32730 ulVL Sulfate 945 tngrL Sulfide 745 mg/L Baran Tannin & Lafin Hi Hexavaleni Chromium uWL Bicarbonate mg(L Carbonate mWL. Total Dissolved Solids nWL, *13 as N 6 t0 MdL. T1UV an N 625 mdL plus NO3 as N 630 MWL rots] as P 665 mg1L PO4 as P 70507 mgrL P: Dism]ved as P 666 mg1L K-Potassium mg1L Cd- Cadmium 1027 uVIL Cr-Chromium:Total 1034 ug1L Cu- Copper 1047. ug/L Ni-Nickel 1067 uel, Pb- Lead 1051 ug�L Zn-Zinc 1092 ug'L V-Vanadium uWL. Ag-Silver 1077 uWL Al. Aluminum 1105 uSIL Be- Beryllium 1012 u?)L Ca- Calcium 916 DOWL. Co- Cobalt 1037 uTJL. Fe- Iron 1045 uEVL Mo-Molybdenutn ug/L Sb-Antimony ugrL Is. -Tin ugji. TI-Thallium ugrL Ti-Titanium ug/L Hg-1631 ng/L Lab Number +T-09 Date Received-4'�' l Time Received: Received By Data Released Date Reported Composile-T, 5, B i Sample U-Lithium 1132 ug?L Mg- Magltesium 927 meL Mn-Mangmese 1055 ug/L No- Sodium 929 mWL Arsenic1ot211002 uyJL Se -Selenium 1147 ug/L Hg- Mercury 71900 ug/l. Ba-Barium uSIL Organochlortne Pesticides Organophosphoma Pesticides Organonitrogen Pesticides Acid Herbicides BasdNeutral&Acid Extractable Organics TPH Diesel Range Purgeable Organics (VOA bottle req'd) TPH Gasoline Range TPHIBTEX Gasoline Range Phyt op lankton Tamperature on arrival (°C): • NCURik North Carolina Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H, Sullins Governor Director October 21, 2011 CERTIFIED MAIL 7008 1300 0001 1938 6830 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. James Dennis Pennington 420 Walters Way Crumpler, NC 28617 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Stream Standard Violations: NOV-2011-SS-0038 Parcel ID #09298-154 Facility No. 05-28, Permit No. AWD050028 Ashe County Dear Mr. Pennington: Natural Resources Dee Freeman Secretary As you are aware, staff from the State's Division of Water Quality (Division) Winston-Salem Regional Office conducted a complaint investigation at the above referenced property on Shatley Road on October 5, 201.1. This investigation was the result of a complaint received by our office alleging that cattle activity in and around the stream flowing through the above parcel was causing a water quality problem. At the time of our investigation, there were reportedly 40 beef cattle that had access to an unnamed tributary (UT) to Dog Creek. This particular section of surface water is a Class C-trout stream located within the New River Basin. Class C-trout waters are protected for uses such as secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish consumption, aquatic life including propagation, survival and maintenance of biological integrity, and agriculture. The supplemental classification is intended to protect freshwaters which have conditions which are to sustain and allow for trout propagation and survival of stocked trout on a year-round basis. Supplemental classifications are sometimes added by DWQ to the primary classifications to provide additional protection to waters with special uses or values. The pasture surrounding the paddock/holding pen is well vegetated. However, excessive cattle activity in the paddock through which the tributary flows has resulted in surface water impacts due to erosion and the accumulation of sediment and animal waste. Photographs and surface water samples were obtained, the results of which are attached for your review. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Winston-Salem Regional Office Location: 585 Waughtown St. Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107 Phone: 336-771-50001 FAX•, 336-771 A6301 Customer Service:1-877.623-6748 Internet: www,ncwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity 4 Affirmative Action Employer One NCarolina �1 �atura!!u Pennington . October 21, 2011 Page 2 of 3 As a result of the complaint investigation the following stream standard violations are documented: Item I. Turbidity Stream Standard Violation The attached laboratory results document a violation of the State's water quality standard for turbidity. Specifically, the upstream turbidity was 3 �3 NTU while the downstream turbidity was 35 NTU. NC water quality standards specify that the turbidity in this stream be Ino greater than 10 NTU. Turbidity is a measure of water clarity and how much the material suspended in water decreases the passage of light through the water. Suspended materials include soil particles (clay, silt, and sand), algae, plankton, microbes, and other substances. Turbidity can affect the color of the water. Higher turbidity increases water temperatures because suspended particles absorb more heat. This, in turn, reduces the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) because warm water holds less DO than cold. Higher turbidity also reduces the amount of light penetrating the water, which reduces photosynthesis and the production of DO. Suspended materials can clog fish gills, reducing resistance to disease in fish, lowering growth rates, and affecting egg and larval development. As the particles settle, they can blanket the stream bottom, especially in slower waters, and smother fish eggs and benthic macroinvertebrates. Sources of turbidity can include: soil erosion; waste discharges; eroding stream banks; and excessive algal growth. Item II. Potential Fecal Coliform Violations The upstream fecal coliform result of 10 colonies/100 mL and a downstream finding of >6,000 colonies1100 mL clearly indicates that excessive cattle activity in and around the stream is impacting surface water. The State's water quality standard for fecal coliform is only 200 colonies1100 mL (maximum). There is the probability for future civil penalty assessment should the Division obtain a total of five samples within 30 days (required for enforcement) that result in a geometric mean greater than 200 colonies/100 mL. Stream samples were also obtained and analyzed for DO, pH, specific conductance, nutrient levels, and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). There is currently no State water quality standard for specific conductance, nutrients, or BOD. As the attached results indicate, there were no violations of the State's water quality standard for DO or pH on the date of our initial investigation. There is the possibility for future violations of the DO standard if current conditions are allowed to deteriorate. Requested Response Our office requests that you respond in writing within thirty (30) days of receipt of this Notice. Your response should detail a timeframe, plan, and specific descriptions for addressing the water quality concerns described in items 1 and 11. At minimum, adequate vegetation should be established in the buffer area along the stream to prevent further run-off of sediment and animal waste. We also recommend that the cattle be relocated or excluded from the tributary until an alternate drinking water source can be installed. Pennington . October 21, 2011 Page 3 of 3 • Please direct your correspondence to my attention at the address contained in this letterhead. Additionally, we strongly urge your continued cooperation with the Ashe County SWCD/NRCS office regarding any technical and/or financial assistance you may need. Thank you for your prompt attention to these matters. The Division requires that the violation and concerns, as described above, be abated immediately. Be reminded that this and any future violations are subject to a civil penalty assessment of up to $25,000 per day for each violation. Should you have questions regarding this Notice, you may contact Melissa Rosebrock or me at (336) 771-5000. , Sincerely,. Sherri V. Knight Aquifer Protection Regional Supervisor Winston Salem Regional Office Attachment cc: DWQ-APS-Confined Animal Feeding Operations Unit Ashe County SWCD/NRCS NWSRO`APS:Files0 Laboratory and Field Sample Results Summary Dennis Pennington Farm October 5, 2011 Upstream of Cattle IFecal coliform = 10 c01/100 mL 2DO = 9.19 mg/L 3pH = 6.43 NH3 = .02 mg/L TKN = 0.20 mg/L NO2+NO3= 0.60 mg/L Total P = 0.02 mg/L Specific conductance = 80 Ns/cm BOO = 2 mg/L 4Turbidity = 3.3 NTU Downstream of Cattle Fecal coliform = >6,000 c011100 mL DO = 8.56 mg/L pH = 6.49 NH3 = 0.07 mg/L TKN = 1.4 mg/L NO2+NO3 = 0.96 mg/L Total P = 0.28 mg/L Specific conductance = 85.7 pskm BOO = 2.5 mg/L Turbidity = 35 NTU 1 The NC water quality standard for fecal coliform is 200 colonies 1100 mL (maximum, geometric mean of five consecutive samples within 30 days). } 2 The NC water quality standard for dissolved oxygen in this stream is not to be less than a daily average of 5.0 mg/L or an instantaneous measurement of 4.0 mg/L. 3 The NC water quality standard for pH is 6.0 - 9.0 units. 4 The NC water quality standard for this stream is 10 NTU (maximum). } �.pl1'55�60h Rosebrock, Melissa From: Rosebrock, Melissa Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:22 PM To: 'Tucker, David - NRCS, Jefferson, NC' Cc: Mitchell, Patrick Subject: RE: Pennington Fecal Coliform Results That works for me. If the feeders have been moved and cattle sold or moved that will suffice for now. If you think about it, just send me a copy of the contract once it's signed. I'd rather Mr. Pennington spend his time and money on a permanent solution. Please keep me updated. I'm copying Patrick so he will know how we/I handle various situations. Patrick joined the staff over a year ago and works with animal waste and sludge/residuals. As always, thanks for working with us. Melissa Melissa Rosebrock E-mail Address: melissa.rosebrock@ncdenr.eov NCDENR Division of Water Quality Winston-Salem Regional Office 585 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 (336) 771-5289; fax (336) 771-4630 www. ncwaterquality.or E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Tucker, David - NRCS, Jefferson, NC mailto:David.Tucker nc.usda. ov Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:31 AM To: Rosebrock, Melissa Subject: RE: Pennington Fecal Coliform Results There is no special money. We will probably have a contract in a couple months. I told him to move the feeders away from the stream. The cows are probably gone at this time. He was going to sell them. I will talk to him some more and see if they are gone. David From: Rosebrock, MelissaI'm aiIto.,melissa.rosebrock ncdenr. ov Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:15 AM To: Tucker, David - NRCS, Jefferson, NC Subject: RE: Pennington Fecal Coliform Results Thanks David. We have not yet sent the NOV letter (I'm way behind on paperwork) but we will ask him to start mitigating his problem now. I've/George had two follow-up calls from the complainant already so we will not be able to afford Mr. Pennington 6 months of non-compliance before he does anything. I need him to show some kind of progress. Could he move cattle, sell or reduce numbers, or temporarily put up an inexpensive single strand of hot wire? I don't want him to spend a lot ofmoney since it sounds as if he will be speOng some in the Spring to do a first-rate exclusion. 1 just need him to show some progress. Could he sign a contract now? (I'm guessing no, however). Since the fecal coliform results are so high (standard is only 250) 1 can give him a couple moths, but after that I need to see something ---anything. If the fecal numbers weren't so high I could hold off for the six months. Any other funds available now? I know that Surry Co. got some special money to address a situation 1-2 years ago. Greg Goins might remember? I'm open to suggestions and discussing. Please feel free to call or discuss. Thanks for your assistance. Melissa Melissa Rosebrock E-mail Address: melissa.rosebrock ncdenr. ov NCDENR Division of Water Quality Winston-Salem Regional Office 585 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 (336) 771-5289; fax (336) 771-4630 www.ncwatercivality.org E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Tucker, David - NRCS, Jefferson, NC rmailto:David -Tucker&nc.usda.aovl Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 10:57 AM To: Rosebrock, Melissa; Smith, George Cc: Brenda Garland; Cox, Andrew - NRCS-CD, Jefferson, NC Subject: RE: Pennington Fecal Coliform Results Mr Pennington called us and we met with him last week. He has signed up for assistance and is willing to fence his creeks out and put water tanks in to address his problems. We are developing the plan at this time. Our funding should come in sometime in November and we expect this project to start in the Spring of 2012 to fix the problem that Mr Pennington showed us. Any questions let me know. Thanks David Tucker From: Rosebrock, Melissa [ma iIto: meIissa.rose brock@ncdenr.navl Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 10:26 AM To: Smith, George Cc: Brenda Garland; Tucker, David - NRCS, Jefferson, NC Subject: Pennington Fecal Coliform Results George, Just got the results from the Oct. 5th sample you pulled. Still awaiting other results. I don't have David Clay's email, could you forward? He's in Ashe, correct? Thanks. Upstream=10 Downstream=>6,000 Melissa Rosebrock E-mail Address: meiissa.rosebrock@ncdenr.eov NCDENR Division of Water Quality Winston-Salem Regional Office 585 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem,.NC 27107 (336) 771-5289; fax (336) 771-4630 www.ncwatercivality..org E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Report to: WATER QUALITY SECTION RECEIVED 0 N,C.0ePt,01ENRPage of CHAIN OF CUSTODY (COC) RECORD OCT 10 2611 NC DENRfDWQ LABORATORY (check one): XCENTRAL ARO I I WaRO' V41noton-5alem 0-1-1 emm— For Investigation of; Sample collector (print name) /olle and DMA forms completed by: _&_,-0rj4 S"'O"T-b Sample + Field storage conditions and location (when applicable): w,th Ice I'M 1044� V4h1c1--- Gaolef ?� Lab Use Only NUMBER DATE TIME OF LAB NO STATION NO. STATION LOCATION SAMPLED SAMPLED CONTAINERS, -V UPST1ZFjq_/4 160 y" yl 6 r� Q7 L ReliMuished b ��M Date �)C-p Time Received by (signature): Date Time W-e,,�c - 5­1 a 511 J.sIs— qu hed by (sig t e Date Time Received V (signat, e): Date Time-, l'it, 6-L LS 19-W r: JV fteli'nqui-she'd by (9ignat_u_re)_: Date Time Rcc&V'C'd by (signature .' Date Time Method of Shipment (circle one). ]tate Cour' Hand -delivered Federal Express UPS Other: cur yUd Condit ions: ity T Se 1 d by: Broken by-':, 1.1�, dli r .71, INTRALABORATORY CHAIN OF CUSTODY - Lab Use Only -LAB-NUMBERS.4:'-.'� „"NUMBER ANALYSES'-.�­ RELfNQUISHED:,�.-,.,,�...�%' RECEIVED.-,:_,_� `DATE ,,-�,:'.,, ­ FROM ��,B617Ug.. �:.;, UESTED �.B ' BY 44 �1- - X -7, . . . . . . . . . . 'Al .... . .. .. . ,A V z'.L. !o -_7 -V jo. 41101010s • Chain of Custod?TRITESTTritest W.O. # ❑ 6701 Conference Drive, Raleigh, NC 27667 ph: (919) 834-4984, fax: (919) 834-6497 NCWW Cert#67, NCDW Cert#37731 ❑ 6624 Gordon Road, Unit G, Wilmington, NC 28411 ph: (910) 763.9793, fax: (910) 343-9688 NCWW Cert#75, !NCDW Cert#37721 ❑ 6300 Ramada Dr., Suite C2, Clemmons, NC 27012 ph: (336) 766-7846, tax: (336) 766-2514 NCWW Cert#103, NCDW Cert#37733 Report Results To: Company: Address: S JVA U41t St w,s N c a-�ro-7 Attn: O'cl I('sA k0e Phone: 336— —771- So 00 Fax: Sampled by (signature): Bill To: Project Reference: oL)t j C w e k' Project Number: Purchase Order #: ❑ Standard Report Delivery ❑ Rush Report Delivery (W/surcharge) "Rush projects are subject to prior approval by the laboratory Requested Due Date: Sarttple Description, - _Q=p , Start Date �_� End Date jT wM isw cw, say, am Analyses Requested ,. �_ Tritest Sam le# Start Time End Time ID_�� e Cc 06 G"41 FQ ,s lei Relinquished by (signature) Received by (signature) Date Time Relinquished by (signature) Received by (signature) Date Time Relinquished by (signature) Received by (signature) Date JTime Receipt Conditions (Lab Wse Only) ❑ 4t2°C ❑ Temp: °C Res. Chlorine: ❑ Absent ❑ Present ❑ n/a Acid preserv. <2? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ n/a Base preserv. >12? ❑ Yes 11 No ❑ n/a DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Chemistry Laboratory Report I Water Quality Lab Number p COUNTY GZ ❑ SAMYLE TYPE Date Received ` RIVER BASIN : PRIORTCY AMBIENT [71QA iREAM bk 0 EFFLUENT Tints Received: Received By REPORT TO lil_J PC— V Regional Office ❑ COMPLiANCE o CHAIN OFCUSFODY LAKE INFI.UENr Other : EMERGENCY YISCI'ID ESTUARY Data Released ' COLLECTOR(S) {� � 1 T � � ❑ Date Reported Estimated ROD Range: Station Location. 5 ,5e{} Yt,.A to V , n ce —t-d �` \ Vl �i Seed: I I Chlorinated: Remarlu: Station N/Lacxtion Code - to a u lmmrdd) Date End (yylmmldd) Ti­Begin T e Ead Depth - DM, DB, DBM V.I.. Type - A, 3T, L CompmitkT, S, B Sample Type BOD 310 mg/L COD High 340 mgiL COD Low 335 mg/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /1 DDrrI Colifoan MF Total 31504 11 DOrd Coliform tube Fecal 31615 /1000d Coliform: Fecal 51rep 3) 673 !I D0mI Residue: Total 50D 6 rwiL Volatile 505 mrjL Fixed 510 mo-/L. Residue: Suspended 530 mr/L Volatile 535 rng/L Fitted 540 111& pH 403 units Acidity to pH 4.5 436. mg/L Acidity to pH 8 3 435mz(L Alkalinity to pH E.3 415 mg'L Alkalinity to pH4.5 410 rr4jL 680 mg/L Turbidity 76 N U Colifomt Total Tube 1100 m]. i COMMENTS: Chloride 940 m9fL Chlorophyll a EPA 445.0 modified option ug/L Color: True 80 c-u. Color: (pH) 83 PH- cu. Color: pH 7.6 82 c.u. Cyanide 720 mg(L Fluoride 951 mp/L Formaldehyde71880 _9fL Grease and Oils 556 mE/L Hardness Total 900 mprL Specific Cond. 95 umhosrcm MBAS 39260 nwL Phenols 32730 uWL Sulfate 945 m@rL Sulfide 745 TAWL Baraa Tannin & Lignsn up/L. Hexavalent Chromium ugiL. Bicarbonate m8'L Carbonate mP/L Total Dissolved Solids mg(L NH3 as N 610 rwL TKN an N 625 M91L iqM plus NO3 as N 630 mg/L oral as P 665 M91L PO4 as P 70507 m@'L P: Dissolved as P 666 m8/L K-Potassium mg/L Cd- Cadrrtium 1027 uDfL Cr-Chrornium.Tolal 1034 ug9. Cu- Copper 1042 ug/L Ni-Nickcl 1067 u8'L Plc Lead 1051 ustL Zn- Zinc ) 092 ug L V-Vanadium uglL A8-Silver 1077 ug(L Al- Aluminum 1105 ug7. Be- Beryllium 1012 ug(L Ca- Calcium 916 rng(L Co- Cobalt 1037 UwL Fe- Iron 1045 ugrL ' Ma -Molybdenum u8(1.- Sb-Antimony ur)L SA -Tin ug<L TI-Thallium ur/L Ti-Vtanium ug(L 14E-1631 nglL Li -Lithium 1132 ug/L, Mg- Magnesium 977 Ara-Mangimtae 1055 upfL Na- Sodium 929 RwL Arsenk Total 1002 UVIL Sa Selenium 1147 uDrL Hg- Mercury 71900 ug(L. Ba-Borium u Orpnochlorine Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides Orgartanitrolan Pesticides Arid Herbicides BaselNeutnd&Acid Extractable Organics TPH Diesel Range Purseable Organics (VOA bottle req'd) TPH Gasoline Range TPH/BTEX Gasoline Range Phytoplanlion Temperature on arrival Me 4b is COUNTY S h RIVER BASIN; REPORT TO : (.,�i �. RegionalOffice Other ; COLLECTOR(S) 9 Estimated DOD Range: Seed: Chlorinated: itation 911-ocatioa Code Dale De&la (yylmm/dd) $OD31O mglL COD I'ligh 340 -4& COD Law 335 mglL Coliform: MF Fecal31616 /1041131 Coliform: MF Total 31504 11007711 Coliform: tube Fecal 31615 1100m1 Coliform: Feral Strep 31673 1100ml Residue: Total 500 mWL Volatile 505 Fixed 510 m Residue' Su 530 m311- Volatile 535 m Fixed 540 m H 403 units Acidity to pH 4.5 436 mg/L Acidity to pH 9.3 435 m Alkalinity to pH 83 415 to ELL Alkalinity to pH 4.5 410 et1 & OC 680 mjLL ><—IT.rbidity 76 NTD Coliform Total Tube I100 ml COMMENTS: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Chemistry Laboratory Report 1 Water Quality ❑ SAMPLE JYPE f D1trrY AMBIENT QA APRE,AM EFFLUENT ❑ COMPLIANCE 1.J1T CHAEN OF CUSTODY �""��❑"�"1��} LAKE INFLUENT EMERGENCY VISIT ID ESTUARY Station Locatica: U ps�f Re msrks; ➢ate End (yylmmldd) I Time Begin I Time End I Depth - DM, DO, DBM ! Value Type - A. H. L Chloride 940 mg1L Chlorophyll a EPA 445.0 modified option u Color. True 80 C.U. Color. H 83 Ha C.U. Color: PH 7.6 82 C.U. Cyanide 720 mgn- Fluoride 951 mg/L Formntdeh de71880 m Greesc and Oils 556 mg/L Hardness Total900 T84- spwifaCond.05 urnhos/cm MBAS 311260 mgfL Phenols 32730 ugfL, Sulfate 945 m Sulfide 745 mgfL Boron Tannin & Li in uWL Hexavalenr Chromium ug/L Bicarbonate m Carbonate m Total Dissolved Solids ertg%L NH3 as N 610 m KN an N 625 mg1L "NO2 plus NO3 as N 630 mg/L Total as P 665 m Pt74 as P 70507 mglL P: Dissolved as P 666 m K•Poiassium m Cd- Cadmium 1027 u Cr-Chrnmieun-Total 1034 ug1L Cu- Copper 1042 ug/L Ni-Nickel 1067 u Pb- Lead 1051 u Za- Zinc 1092 u,.{r& V-Vanadiµm vg/L: AS. Silver 1077 uglL AI- Aluminum 1 105 v91L Bo -Beryllium 1012 ug/L Ca- Calcium 916 Co -Cobalt 1037 ugfL Fe- Iron 1045 ug/L Mo,Molybdenum Sb-Anti u{efL. Sn-Tin ug/L TI-Thaltium upjL Ti-Titanium ug/L -1 63l ng11- lab Numbu : Date Received : Time Received: Received By : Data Released : Date Reported: Composite-T, S, H Li -lithium 1132 uWL Mg- Ma e:sium 927 mg/L Mn,Mnnganese ID55 110, No- Sodium 929 -FIL Arsenic:Total 1002 u911, Se- Selenium 1147 ug1L tig- Mercury 71900 u Ba-Batium ug/L ftanochlorine Pesticides Orpriophoqdharus Pesticides Organonitrogen Pesticides Acid Herbicides Base/NcurraJ&Acid Extractable Or ics TPH Diesel Range Pv ble Organics (YOA bonl TPH Gasoline l4wige ft TPHIBTEX Gasoline Ran Ph to lankton Ternperature on arrival (°C): �Wate ality Monitoring Field Meter Calibratio eet Collector(s): r'"of.e- Sampling Location: f'c.ni%inI ron S'irc Meter Model: YS I is - Meter 1 Sonde Serial No: V s1S0 FT ! �_ ( 9 Date yylmmldd Time 24hr hh:mm Initials Pre -Sampling Calibration ►o A o7 ; ►S � Post -Sampling Check f l p p ; s Miscellaneous (Does not apply to YSI 85 or Accumet Meters) Battery Level (V) er Working? Pre -Sampling Calibration Y I N Post -Sampling Check Y / N Battery Ranges = Surveyor, im.2.7,5V, extemal- 11-13V; quanta: 4.o-4.5V Dissolved Oxvaen (ma1L] Temp. eC Initial % Saturation Barometric pressure {mmHg) Altitude (ft.) D.O. Table Value Initial Meter Reading (mg1L) Calibrated Meter Reading (mgL) Calibrated % Saturation Pre -Sampling Calibration r S I () o I q f Post -Sampling Check �S 3 ................................................................ Within t 0.5 ? Y 1 N Specific Conductance (pSlcm at 250C) Lot#: Oa, yy Lot#: Dry All t' 2 Conductivity Standard' Calibration Check Zero(0) Value:'TOO Value: Initial Meter Calibrated 4 Initial Meter Calibrated 4 Initial Meter Reading Meter Reading Reading Meter Reading Reading Pre Sampling Calibration 0 • D —7 3 S f�'"':''{'?' S30 SV C) Post -Sampling Check VUt ' ,� 2.,,. ..�.•Wkthlrl YIN V�i�thyi�a�0d%. i A+ �„ Y N � � YIN .._,.:.•t:;'{: 4e:nnn.:::•:'``.'i; NOTE: Quanta reads in mSlcm; move decimal 3 places right for pSlcm. I Dry Air CALIBRATIONS are conducted for 4a and MS5 Hydrolabs only. z Dry Air CHECKS (confirmation of zero in dry air) are conducted for YSI 85, YSI 6920. & Quanta meters. s Conductivity standards are used to CHECK the YSI 85 meter and to CALIBRATE all Hydrolab meters and the YSI 6920. 4 Does not apply to Dry Air CHECKS or Conductivity Standard CHECKS (leave blank), DH (SU) I Lot#: i06 /b7 Lot#: O 9(31tfO Buffer #1 fifer #2 Confirmation 7.0 Bu ffer7emp: �-,__„_�_ 4, 10.0 Buffer Tam p: r��• Slope Efficiency' Buffer 7.0 Initial Meter Reading Calibrated Meter Reading Initial Meter Reading Calibrated Meter Reading Meter Reading Pre -Sampling Calibration-7-1 7 3, 9 "7 3, y,s 77• i 4, cr 7 Post -Sampling Check (� rf s 3+ g� VWhin z 0.17 YIN w, t0.27 Wi f0.2. Y N 1N 5 Slope efficiency applies to Accumet meters only (does not apply to Hydrolab or YSI meters), Comments: Keep original on Tile for 6 years Ver. 08/15/2007 .G nri In Itoh 3a ell F sp coy�� t nj 04 e4l,c Sty ��3 Iq,7nG 0 G_k..__._- 17 1 IDd, - COMPLAINT REPORT Division of Water Quality Winston-Salem Regional Office Did caller ask to remain anonymous? Yes- - L,-"' No (If YES, skip to directions section) NAME OF CALLER: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: COUNTY: DIRECTIONS: z'oNoeki_,,&_P-'n2Ar o P ),0 &z 1. 4rt W� corms v n� ,� c rr c 3C 7,3 gl 1y.9" >OURCEOFPOLLUTION: _�62W� ��D --tn G✓'�c ��� -- - -- VATURE OF COMPLAINT: c 0e4 T r a c 2EFERRED TO: _ isli �OQtrack-- kCTION TAKEN: RECEIVED BY: _ _ _ to%4 ,�,� c�h -INVESTIGATOR: r tiL ALx.)D 0 500 zg