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A .....�. NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Govemor Dwayne A Atwood Atwood Dairy 130 Hwy 221 Sparta, NC 28675 Dear Dwayne A Atwood: John E. Skvarla, III Secretary October 1, 2014 Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWC030033 Atwood Dairy Cattle Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Alleghany County In accordance with your renewal request, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Dwayne A Atwood, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste management system in accordance with General Permit AWG200000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management and land application of animal waste as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) for Atwood Dairy, located in Alleghany County, with an animal capacity of no greater than the following annual averages: Dairy Calf: Dry Cow: Beef Brood Cow: Dairy Heifer: Beef Stocker Calf: Other: Milk Cow: Beef Feeder: 466 This COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2019, and shall hereby void Certificate of Coverage Number AWC030033 that was previously issued to this facility. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit carefully. Please pay careful attention to the record keeping and monitoring conditions in this permit. Record kee in forms are unchanged with this General Permit. Please continue to use the same record keeping forms. If your Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) has been developed based on site -specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current WUP is inaccurate you will need to have a new WUP developed. 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Phone: 91H07-6464 \ Internet: hitp://www.nrdenr_gov_I An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employe{ - Made in part by recycled paper The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Per NRCS standards a 100-foot-separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the Animal Feeding Operations Program for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. In accordance with Condition II.22 of the General Permit, waste application shall cease within four (4) hours of the time that the National Weather Service issues a Hurricane Warning, Tropical Storm Warning, or a Flood Watch associated with a tropical system for the county in which the facility is located. You may find detailed watch/warning information for your county by calling the Blacksburg/Roanoke, VA National Weather Service office at (540) 552-0084, or by visiting their website at: http://www.weather.p,ov/mk/ This facility is located in a county covered by our Winston-Salem Regional Office. The Regional Office staff may be reached at 336-771-5000. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact the Animal Feeding Operations Program staff at (919) 807-6464. Sincerely, for Thomas A. Reeder Director, Division of Water Resources Enclosure (General Permit AWG200000) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all ccs) Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section Alleghany County Health Department Alleghany County Soil and Water Conservation District WQROS Central Files (Permit No. AWC030033) AFO Notebooks 4� nti�r T CER North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly paves Perdue Governor Dwayne A. Atwood Atwood Dairy 130 Hwv 221 Sparta, NC 28675 Dear Dwayne A. Atwood: Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director October 13, 2009 RECEIVED Dee Freeman N.E. Dept of ENR Secretary OCT 15 20M wtnstonSa,em 3to&nW office Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWC030033 Atwood Dairy Cattle Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Alleghany County In accordance with your requests for renewal and change of operation type. we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Dwayne A. Atwood, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste management system in accordance with General Permit AWG200000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management and land application of animal waste as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) for the Atwood Dairy. located in Alleghany County, with a swine animal capacity of no greater than the following annual averages: Dairy Calf: Dry Cow: Beef Brood Cow: Dairy Heifer: Beef Stocker Calf: Other: Milk Cow: Beef Feeder: 466 The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2014, and shall hereby void Certificate of Coverage Number AWC030033 that was previously issued to this facility. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please carefully read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit. Please pay careful attention to the record keeping and monitorini conditions in this permit, Record keeping forms are unchanged with this General Permit. Please continue to use the same record keeping forms. 1636 Mail Service Cenier. kalev-, North Carolm,2 27699-1636 Location: : 2728 Capital 5k.. Ralewi, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 910-733-3221 1 FAX: 919-715-05861 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6746 Imernel vawur.n�waremualitv.orc One NortiiCarof ina .An Eauai ODnonllnilV � Affln riv_ .--von Em Plopr _1� If your Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) has been developed based on site -specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current WUP is inaccurate you will need to have a new WUP developed. The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Per 15A NCAC 2T .0105(h) a compliance boundary is provided for the facility and no new water supply wells shall be constructed within the compliance boundary. Per NRCS standards a 100-foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Permit after the expiration date of the General Permit, then an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the Animal Feeding Operations Unit for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final arid binding. In accordance with Condition 11.22 of the General Permit, waste application shall cease within four (4) hours of the time that the National Weather Service issues a Hurricane Warning, Tropical Storm Warning, or a Flood Watch associated with a tropical system for the county in which the facility is located. You may find detailed watch/warning information for your county by calling the Blacksburg/Roanoke, VA National Weather Service office at (540) 552-0497. or by visiting, their website at. www.erh.naaa.gov/er/rnk/ This facility is located in a county covered by our Winston-Salem Regional Office. The Regional Office Aquifer Protection Staff may be reached at 336-771-5000. if you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact the Animal Feeding Operations Unit staff at (919) 733- 3221. Sincerely, ,for Coleen H. Sullins Enclosure (General Permit AWG200000) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all ccs) Winston-Salem Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Alleghany County Health Department Alleahany County Soil and Water Conservation District APS�Central Files (Permit No. AWC030033) AFO Notebooks L NCDEHR North Caroiina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality_ Beverly i*aves Perdue Coieen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary October 6, 2009 RECEIVED i Dwavne A. Atwood N.C. oaati of Et+R Atwood Dairy OCT 0 8 m 130 Hwy 221 winston.Salam Sparta, NC 28675 Rogtww1014iee Subject: Additional Information Request Application No. AWC030033 Atwood Dairy Alleghany County Dear Dwayne A. Atwood: The Animal Feeding Operation Unit of Division of Water Quality's Aquifer Protection Section has completed a preliminary review of your renewal permit application package. Additional information is required before we may issue a new permit. Please address the following items within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of this letter: 1. Change in animal numbers and operation tN° e: The number and type of animals specified in your permit application are different than those specified in your latest COC. You indicated a change of operation from 288 Milk Cow to 150 Beef Feeder and 150 Beef Brood Cow. This matches the Animal Waste Management Plan Certification we received on September 25. 2009, but it was not signed by the Owner. However, we received an updated Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) dated July 29, 2009 for a 466 Beef Feeder operation. Please clearly indicate the requested operation type and number. Complete and submit a new, signed Animal Waste Management Plan Certification and/or a new WUP or NMP to reflect the changed animal nunibcers and operation type. The operatioo type and number must be consistent from the application to the certification to the WUP. The certification must be signed by the landowner as well as the technical specialist. Please be aware that you are responsible for meeting all requirements set forth in North Carolina rules and regulations. Anv oversights that occurred in the review of the subject application package are still the responsibility of the applicant. In addition, any omissions made in responding to the above items shall result in future requests for additional information. Please reference the subject application number when providing the requested information. All revised and/or additional documentation shall be signed, sealed and dated, with two (2) copies submitted to my Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Internet: www.ncwaIgWahtv.orr Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard An Equal OpportunirylAffirmative Action Fmplover— 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper NonhCarol ina Jl�atura!!� Raleieh. NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919) 733-3221 Raleigh. NC 27604 Fax l: {919y 715-0588 Fax 2: (919) 715-6048 Customer Service: (877) 623-6748 attention at the address below. Please note that failure to provide this additional information on or before the above requested date may result in your application being returned as incomplete. Failure to request renewal of your coverage under a general permit within the time period specified may result in a civil penalty, Operation of your facility without coverage under a valid general permit would constitute a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and could result in assessments of civil penalties of up to 525,000 per day: ,x, If you ha 1 ,any,questions regarding this letter, please feel free to contact me at (919) 715-6627. Sincerely, Christine D. Blanton Animal Feeding Operations Unit cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Alleghany County Soil and Water Conservation District Elizabeth Moretz, NC Cooperative Extension Service, PO Box 97, Yadkinville, NC 27055 Billy Sheets, USDA-NRCS, PO Box 8, Yadkinville, NC 27055 APS Files- AWC030033 '0 wV..�. MCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Qualitv Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Dwayne A Atwood Atwood Dairy 130 Hwy 221 Sparta, NC 28675 Dear Dwayne A Atwood: Coleen H. Sullins RECEIVE[) ee Freeman M.C. Dept 1 ENR Secretary Director OCT i . 4 2IQ09 October 1, 2009 Winston-Salem Regional C"ce I Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWC030033 Atwood Dairy Cattle Waste Collection, 'Treatment, Storage and Application System Alleghany County In accordance with your renewal request, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Dwayne A Atwood, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste management system in accordance with General Permit AWG200000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management and land application of animal waste as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) for the Atwood Dairy, located in Alleghany County, with an animal capacity of no greater than the following annual averages: Dairy Calf- Dry Cow: Beef Brood Cow: Dairy Heifer: Beef Stocker Calf Other: Milk Cow: 288 Beef Feeder: The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2014, and shall hereby void Certificate of Coverage Number AWC030033 that was previously issued to this facility. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please carefully read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit. Please pay careful attention to the record keeping and monitoring conditions in this permit._ Record keepim forms are unchanged with this General Permit. Please continue to use the same record keeping forms. 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Bivd.. Ra€eigh, North Carolina 27604 One Phone: 919-733-3221 1 PAX: 919-715-0588 i Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 North Cart)fina Internet: www.ncwaterquaGry.org An EqualOpaorlunityVAf(rmat�v=AnDnEmdoyer Xyif� t La [!Y'%%!/f1 y If your Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) has been developed based on site -specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current WUP is inaccurate you will need to have a new WUP developed. The issuance of this'COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Per 15A NCAC 2T .0105(h) a compliance boundary is provided for the facility and no new water supply wells shall be constructed within the compliance boundary. Per NRCS standards a 100-foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Permit after the expiration date of the General Permit, then an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the Animal Feeding Operations Unit for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. ' In accordance with Condition 11.22 of the General Permit, waste application shall cease within four (4) hours of the time that the National Weather Service issues a Hurricane Warning, Tropical Storm Warning, or a Flood Watch associated with a tropical system for the county in which the facility is located. You may find detailed watch/waming information for your county by calling the Blacksburg/Roanoke, VA National Weather Service office at (540) 552-0497, or by visiting their website at: www.erh. noaa. Qov/er/mk/ This facility is located in a county covered by our Winston-Salem Regional Office. The Regional Office Aquifer Protection Staff may be reached at (336) 771-4600. If you need additional information concerning this COC of the General Permit, please contact the Animal Feeding Operations Unit staff at (919) 733-3221. Sincerely. for Coleen H. Sullins Enclosure (General Permit AWG200000) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all ccs) Winston-Salem Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Alleghany County Health Department Alleghany County Soil and Water Conservation District APS Central Files (Permit No. AWC030033) AFO Notebooks r td ` nr 1 1� .. \\ �� i��'ilG'1 dtl ` 70'� T A i E\~ r i) �o `• El93 -4-- '2 _ _ ��, yQI 5 i}� b salt _- - II> ..�. i's MS - - VA. y3) �Pi• w . I .i .; L191 , - 'l.T N. C. 'R. C11. 1i> � L!4? L19711l6 .l � i4' dn,mdl r S 11 1 ♦ L.9] Pt•ofanl Fforn• o n C jl a r . Lya7 y y ,'� 1 111i SJl II TO .7.AYT- it�l, u ? / t!� Syt' IMP tip r ��„ S -• '•' .,'[ �p •7 ♦r4L, a LW LAID KNbL Ili S L� .5 IJ A� MLERLAND KNOB f A.- �-` 4, 'i- �T a Rry•r ♦' f... 5 IJ N Elrod. 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II \ 11 !{ -fl _ I.L FAS a 113l. 21 � tE 11 RO 4 R .r 4 p - Cf C 111• I I30 I Ilf '� VI '] It" III I tln - i1nP J 111 q? f O'xE _ 1{ r J .i Lio! ., ,.0 ^ 1`LFR 9 r Ulf a\ t' i t.2 O Q�-� mad IhF 7.t' S t.a • r g •\ n n6e 4 1$L Yl^ .0 •1 lill61107 1� brush AIR BELLOWnRl ) r{{ E. E !• , S RICH GAP MTN. r 1141a N' U Fa1R 1177 1�ax 7R .." -�' r • 1 .!0 P,•afnnl Gror• pOtJGHTO''4 PARK rrd Springs !J N.,lilt ."� RECRE JJONAL AREA 1 �' ='y Roaring Gap Fofk _4v ti 1143 U q .{ Mils / `\ • 0 STONE > U MIN •1173r ! ,r ! LEECH MTN. 10 ELKIN 21 E6.dY• " UTTIE GLANDFATW � • �:Y 7`_. � MTN. \ -MUELELLY 4' GAP ffn to Stone Mountain State Park 4 „� - ,,,. L7� Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. E., Director Division of Water Quality October 1, 2004 RECEIVED Dwayne Atwood r`1 C. Dept. Of EHNR Atwood Dairy OCT V 1 2W 130 Hwy 221 Sparta NC 28675 -'Aston-Salem Regional C) Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. 0033 Atwood Dairy Cattle Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Alleghany County Dear Dwayne Atwood: On June 11, 2004, the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (Division) issued a revised State General Permit for swine facilities. The General Permit was issued in accordance with the directive of Senate Bill 733 (Session Law 2003-28). In accordance with your application received on March 10, 2003 and in accordance with the directive of Senate Bill 733, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Dwayne Atwood, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in accordance with General Permit AWG200000. The issuance of this COC supercedes and terminates your previous COC Number AWC030033 which expires October 1, 2004. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management of animal waste from the Atwood Dairy, located in Alleghany County, with an animal capacity of no greater than an annual average of 288 Dairy cattle and the application to land as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2009. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please carefully read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit. Since this is a revised State General Permit, it contains new requirements in addition to most of the conditions contained in the previous State General Permit. Enclosed for your convenience is a package containing the new and revised forms used for record keeping and reporting. Please pay careful attention to the record keeping and monitoring conditions in this permit. If your Waste Utilization Plan has been developed based on site specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current Waste Utilization Plan is inaccurate you will need to have a new Waste Utilization Plan developed. Aquifer Protection Section - Animal Feeding Operations Unit 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733-3221 1 FAX: 919-715-05881 Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer- 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper NorthCarolina Naturally The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Upon abandonment or depopulation for a period of four years or more, the Permittee must submit documentation to the Division demonstrating that all current NRCS standards are met prior to restocking of the facility. Per 15A NCAC 2H .0225(c) a compliance boundary is provided for the facility and no new water supply wells shall be constructed within the compliance boundary. Per NRCS standards a 100 foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Permit after the expiration date of the General Permit, an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the staff member listed below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. This facility is located in a county covered by our Winston-Salem Regional Office. The Regional Office Water Quality Staff may be reached at (336) 771-4600. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact J.R. Joshi at (919) 715-6698. Sincerely, Zde_l U for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Enclosures (General Permit AWG200000) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) Winston-Salem Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Alleghany County Health Department Alleghany County Soil and Water Conservation District Permit File AWC030033 APS Central Files O� W A ]'F9 Michael F. r . Easley, Governor Q C. William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources j r Alan W. Klimek, P_ E., Director Division of Water Quality RECEIVED May 1, 2003 N.C. ai, :t. of FHNR MAY 19 2003 Dwayne Atwood Atwood Dairy 130Hwy221 VliinSt !'`-';,f,a Sparta NC 28675 Regional Office Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWC030033 Atwood Dairy Cattle Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Alleghany County Dear Dwayne Atwood: On April 28, 2003, .the North Carolina General Assembly ratified Senate Bill 733 which directs the Division of Water Quality. (Division) to extend the expiration date of the Cattle Waste Operation General Permit AWG200000. Therefore, the General Permit has been re -issued by the Division to extend the expiration date to October 1, 2004. During the period of this extension the Division will be working with all interested parties on the development of a new version of the Non -Discharge General Permit. In accordance with your application received on March 10, 2003 and in accordance with the directive of Senate Bill 733, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Dwayne Atwood, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in accordance with General Permit AWG200000. The issuance of this COC supercedes and terminates your previous COC Number AWC030033 which expired on April 30, 2003. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management of animal waste from the Atwood Dairy, located in Alleghany County, with an animal capacity of no greater than an annual average of 288 Dairy cattle and the application to land as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until October 1, 2004. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. If your Waste Utilization Plan has been developed based on site specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current Waste Utilization Plan is inaccurate you will need to have a new Waste Utilization Plan developed. The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Upon abandonment or depopulation for a period of four years or more, the Permittee must submit documentation to the Division demonstrating that all current NRCS standards are met prior to restocking of the facility. NGDEt R Non' -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Customer Service Center An Equal Opportunity Action Employer Internet httpJ/h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu Telephone (919)733-5083 Fax (919)715-6048 Telephone 1-877-623-6748 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper Per NRCS standards a 100 foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Permit after the expiration date of the General Permit, an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the staff member listed below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. This facility is located in a county covered by our Winston-Salem Regional Office. The Regional Office Water Quality Staff may be reached at (336) 771-4600. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact Sue Homewood at (919) 733-5083 ext. 502. Sincerely, U for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Enclosures (General Permit AWG200000) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Section Alleghany County Health Department Alleghany County Soil and Water Conservation District Permit File AWC030033 NDPU Files �J WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN AGREEME��T Name of Farm: Atwood Dai Owner/Manager Agreement I (we) understand and will follow and implement the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I (we) know that any exn-,�nsion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new certification to be submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) before the new animals are stocked. I (we) also understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to surface waters of the state from a storm event less severe than the 25-year, 24-hour storm. The approved plan will be filed on -site at the farm office and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District and will be available for review by NCDWQ upon request. I (we) understand that I (we) must own or -have access to irrigation or other equipment, to land apply the animal waste described in this Waste Utilization Plan. The equipment must be available at the appropriate time such that no discharge occurs from the lagoon, holding pond, tank, or other unroofed storage structure in a 25 year, 24 hour storm event. I (we) also certify that the waste will be applied on the land according to this plan at the appropriate times and at rates that no run-off occurs. Name of Facility Owner: Dway^_e_ Atwood — (Please print) Signature: Date: Name of Manager(s)(If different from owner): Dwayne Atwood and Mike Atwood Signature: /z - / G , 9 S s1?-ozOA Date: 1 2-- / 0- q Signature: _ _ Date: /2-- , o� Name of Technical Specialist -(Please print) Jasper Cave Affiliation: USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service Address (Agency): P 0 Sox 127, Sparta, NC 28675 Signature: 2Date: V da 1-ed 4-0 o,dd Sri Ids � w v P- f1l/ Producer: Dwayne Atwood Location: 130 Hwy 221, Sparta, NC Telephone: 336-372-8967 Type Operation• Dai Number of Animals: 288 (Design Capacity) Storage Structure(s): Waste Storage Ponds Application Method (s) : Slurry Broadcast The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface water and/or groundwater. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops in the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient. You must have the animal waste analyzed to determine nutrient content as close to the time of application as practical and at least within 60 days of the date of application before each application cycle. Soil nutrients in all fields where waste will be applied must be analyzed at least annually so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Soil test and waste analysis records shall be kept for five (5) years. Poultry dry waste application records shall be maintained for three (3) years. Waste application records for all other waste shall be maintained for five (5) years. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner: 1. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply' more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. Lime -must be applied to application fields as recommended by soil test to maintain the plant uptake of nutrients. 2. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates, leaching potentials, cation exchange capacities, and available water holding capacities. 3. Normally waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. With special precautions, (see Required Specification No. 4) waste may be applied to land eroding at up to 10 tons per acre per year. 4. Do not apply waste on saturated soils, when it is raining, or when the surface is frozen. Either of -these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters which is a violation of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) .0200 regulations. 5. Wind conditions should also be problems. at the time of field application of waste considered to avoid drift and downwind odor &. To maximize the value of nutrients for to reduce the potential for pollution, applied to a growing crop. Otherwise earlier than 30 days prior to planting forages breaking dormancy. Injecting incorporating the waste below the soil nutrients and reduce odor problems. crop production and the waste should be apply waste no . a crop or prior to or otherwise surface will conserve 7. Zinc and copper levels in the soils in all fields where waste is applied shall be monitored and alternative application fields shall be used when these metals approach excess levels. This plan is based on waste application by slurry broadcast for this is the manner in which you have chosen to apply your waste. If you choose to alter the method(s) of application in the future, you need to revise this plan. Nutrient levels for various waste application methods are not the same. The estimated acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for Dairy systems in North Carolina. Actual acreage requirements shall be based on waste analysis reports from storage structures in your waste management system. Attached you will find information, on proper sampling techniques, -preparation, and transfer of waste samples to the lab for analysis. Your Waste Storage Ponds are designed for 120 days of temporary storage and the temporary storage must be removed on the average of once every 4 MONTHS. If your facility is unroofed, in no instance should the volume of waste being stored in your structure be higher than the maximum storage marker except in the event of a 25 year, 24 hour storm. Call your technical specialist after you receive the waste report for assistance in determining the amount per acre to the proper application rate prior to applying the waste. f analysis apply and r The waste management system which is covered by this waste utilization plan shall be operated only by persons which hold a valid certificate as an operator in charge of an animal waste management system. The North Carolina Water Quality Commission will provide training and certification -of operators. This waste utilization plan, if carried out, meets the requirements for compliance with 15A NCAC 2H .0217 (the .0200 rules) adopted by the Water Quality Commission. r ESTIMATE OF PLANT AVAILABLE NITROGEN FROM LIQUID WASTE Amount of Waste Produced Per Year 288animals X 14.6 gallons of waste/animal/day X 365 days =1,534,752 gallons of waste per year 288 animals X 5 gallons of excess water/animal/day X 365 days =525,600gallons of excess water per year 1,534,752 gallons of waste / year + 525,600 gallons of excess water / year = 2,060,352 Total gallons of waste water per year / 1000 2060.4 1000 gallon units per year. 23 *Total N lbs. per 1000 gallons X .44 (Plant nutrient availability coefficient for appropriate application method) = 10 Plant Available Nitrogen Amount of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) Produced Per Year from waste water. 2060.4 1.000 gallon units per year X 10 lbs. PAN/1000 gallons of waste =20604 lbs. PAN/year. *USDA-NRCS FOTG Practice Standard 633-Waste Utilization (Source of estimated or actual total nitrogen per 1000 gallons) Total animal waste and waste water volume generated in lone year is approximately tons and gallons or acre -inches. lbs. PAN per year from liquid waste + lbs. PAN per year from solid waste = 20604 Total lbs. PAN per year Applying the above amount of -waste as calculated above is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. Values used above are based on analysis of waste from similar livestock operations in North Carolina (source: USDA -MRCS FOTG Practice Standard 633-Waste Utilization). Actual nutrient content of the waste from this system may vary from these values. Waste analysis should be made of the actual waste as soon as possible after significant waste accumulates in the storage structure(s). The applicator is cautioned that P and K may be over applied while meeting the N requirements. In the future, regulations may require farmers in some parts of North Carolina to have a nutrient management plan that addresses all nutrients. This plan only addresses nitrogen. FA 5 The waste storage pond at your operation will accumulate sludge. This sludge must be removed periodically and land applied at agronomic rates. The sludge will be nutrient rich and will require precautionary measures to prevent over application of nutrients or other elements. Be aware that additional acres of land, as well as special equipment, may be needed when you remove this sludge. Caution must be exercised in grazing or haying forage plants under stress condition. Nitrate poisoning may occur in livestock. Sampling forage or hay for nitrate levels is recommended. A WASTE APPLICATION TABLES The crop fields shown in the Waste Application Tables that follow are available for waste application. It will not be necessary and may not be desirable to apply waste to each of these fields in any given year. The Lbs. of Nitrogen Per Acre shown in the tables are estimated annual nitrogen (N) requirements of the crop to be grown based on the potential productivity of the soil and assuming no double cropping. The Recommended Lbs. of N to be Applied per acre indicates the Nitrogen that can be reasonably applied to the crop and used by the crop in a timely manner using animal waste alone. It will not be practical to meet all the nutrient needs of some crops with animal waste. Supplemental applications of commercial fertilizer may be required during the growing season in order to meet all crop nutrient needs. It is assumed that for certain row crops only a fraction of the total annual nitrogen requirement can be applied using animal waste. The landowner shall record the actual waste application volume made on each field on the Department of Water Quality Waste Application Record Form. The following legend explains the crop codes used in the field application tables: NITROGEN CROP CROP PRODUCT-1 REQUIREM'T CODE UNITS I LBS./UNIT CS CORN - SILAGE TONS 11.0 GLH GRASS - LEGUME MIS - HAY TONS 45 Rye Rye cover crop BU 2.33 7 The following legend explains the soil codes which represent the specific soil types that are found in the fields which are available for animal waste application: SOIL CODE SOIL TYPE COMMENTS REGARDING SUITABILITY OF SOILS FOR WASTE APPLICATION CeE Chester loam 10-250 FnC2 Fannin silt loam 6-10% TaC I Tate loam 6-100 T1D I TusgLaitee loam 10-150 WaC I Watauga loam 6-100 Wa E Watauga loam 10-250 9 Table 3 presents a summary of all nitrogen requirements and the total nitrogen to be applied using animal waste for all fields which are available for waste application. TABLE 3: SUBOiARY OF WASTE APPLICATION ACRES USEABLE TOTAL CROP NITROGEN REQUIREMENT IN POUNDS RECOMMENDED LBS. N TO BE APPLIED USING WASTE SUPPLEMENTAL OR RESIDUAL LBS. OF N REQUIRED FROM TABLE I 70, 3 I l 6 3 !p I 13 663 3776 FROM TABLE IA 1 O 7-5 6 G2- 16 S l Z $gO C7 FROM TABLE 2 co -G l 3 l 2,0 FROM TABLE 2A L !-33 SQ Z g 5 3 5 Z LE � TOTAL ALL TABLES 3i-1,3 z 1 7o551 O -7 446925 2 4r'� �M 3 q 59S �6.5,cf /27 bZ� a This summary indicates that only about percent of the total annual nitrogen requirements can be provided for the crops as listed for the fields available using animal waste produced on this livestock operation. 2 D D rf FA-,Aj j2rC�UCa 1 Z'7 � 2-( A v a I PA tj Ior I2 Table 1: WASTE APPLICATION FIELDS OWNED BY PRODUCER FRANA A --WOOD - 7- & /o soil Tract Field Type Mn Mn rn(i P Realistic Crop Anticipated Acres l rr-AF= Yi Pid Useable Recommended Lbs. N Lbs. N to Required to be Per Ac . Anr)lied2 610 l c eZ CS 2 0 0 2va 12.a I// to 0 70 —7ol 65 ZGf CS 20 4o,v 2.ou 2a v 9 P2 v bu -70 72 6 3 3 or Ta C- G5 2_o -�vjvS q, 2. Z.ov 20" So e. 3 o V 70 70/ Z 5 cl W'q C CS ZD4,%L6 L6 2av Zo / 9 3 EZ 30 u 70' 70 112 , el C Cs 2.0 za ? R 30 b u a 70 70 ?-g' E CS . 2 o ANS 7,, 2 0D Za 8 * 1p 3o 6u -7.o 7o 70 Mfg TOTALS THIS TABLE: 170,9 11-763ql / 3 6 (03 1 The useable acreage represents the total acreage of the field minus the required buffer areas which border streams or residential areas. Actual total acres in the fields listed may, and most likely will be, more than the acres shown in the tables. 2 This N is from animal waste only. If nutrients from .other sources such as commercial fertilizer are applied, they must be accounted for. N must be based on realistic yield expectation. 10 Table I: WASTE APPLICATION FIELDS OWNED BY PRODUCER 3 tau k A 4 cw oo:�> — 7- is 08, Recommended Soil Tract Field Type No. No. Code Realistic Crop Anticipated Code Yield Acres Useable Lbs. N Required Per Ac. Lbs. N to to be A olied2 150 3 e WOC CS Z,o-jvhrs ,Z j, (0 J 2� z S9 3 -D b u 1I2oa I o 70 Is -II M65sr-i TID Q s zo -,hxs s. 0 2-60 tzo 0 e. 3o b u so 0 76 35 Z e E CS ?�v 4vrj 16 Zoe Z 9 v 23 v 70 7o IC2o 2 c l C e G�►�- s 33 . G 2- Do ! Za 5Q3 574 . ( 12 31 o Soz f TOTALS THIS TABLE ' 1 j d 125 6/ 2-] / 6 9j 1 The useable acreage represents the total acreage of the field minus the required buffer areas which border streams or residential areas. Actual total acres in the fields listed may, and most likely will be, more than the acres shown in the tables. 2 This N is from animal waste only. If nutrients from other sources such as commercial fertilizer are applied, they must be accounted for. N must be based on realistic yield expectation. 10 Table 2: WASTE APPLICATION FIELDS WITH NOTARIZED AGREEMENT OR LONG TERM LEASE (NAME AND LOCATION OF LEASED OR AGREED PROPERTY) ,BLrS Z C -- 7- �S 7 (A�eemant ;th adjacent landowaer must be attacked) {Re fired only if o eratos does not own cox y P adequate land (see Required Specification 21 Recommended Soil Lbs. N Lbs. N to Tract Field Type Crop Anticipated Acresl Reauired to be Nn- Nn_ rnrIP rnc9P_ yzP_1_Ci Useable Per Ac. A-oul'_ed2 7 z ail% 2.0 6 3 r !ilia 6L0- 5 c, a E- 4 I I TOTALS THIS TABLE The useable acreage represents the total acreage of the field minus the required buffer areas which border streams or residential areas. Actual total acres in the fields listed may, and most likely will be, more than the acres shown in tfie tables. 2 This N is from animal waste only. If nutrients from other sources such as connercial fertilizer are applied, they must be accounted for. N must be based on realistic yield expectation. M 11 Table 0 Z: WASTE APPLICATION FIELDS WITH NOTARIZED AGREEMENT OR LONG TERM LEASE NAME AND LOCATION OF LEASED OR AGREED PROPERTY) /V/ke— fi�wvd— (Ay.'eeme=t with adjacent lamcicwner must Be attached) IRegu red only if operator does not own adequate land (see Required pecitic on 2]) Soil Lbs. N Tract Field Type Crop Anticipated Acresl Required No. No. Code Code Yield Useable Per Ac. 24WZ? Recommended Lbs. N to to be Aonlied2 8. 3 *��7G6 4- 577D 1. LH- P+ 4cw5 Z. 8. (a Z /zo 3 *f3 S 7 Z.0 TOTALS THIS TABLE , g O 2 S The useable acreage represents the total acreage of the field minus the required buffer areas which border streams or residential areas. Actual total acres in the fields listed may, and most likely will be, more than the acres shown in the tables. 2 This N is from animal waste only. If nutrients from other sources such as commercial fertilizer are applied, they must be accounted for. N must he based on realistic yield expectation. I 11 r Table 3 presents a summary of all nitrogen requirements and the total nitrogen to be applied using animal waste for all fields which are available for waste application. TABLE 3: SIICdARY OF WASTE APPLICATION ACRES USEABLE TOTAL CROP NITROGEN REQUIREMENT IN POUNDS RECOMMENDED LBS. N TO BE APPLIED USING WASTE SUPPLEMENTAL OR RESIDUAL LES. OF N REQUIRED FROM TABLE 1 Z33,5 6-3 1 33 44� 35 6 7 F Z FROM TABLE 1A FROM TABLE 2 1 -, Z 7— 774 FROM TABLE 2A FROM TABLE 2B TOTAL ALL TABLES ,� 0 r 1 7,0 7 S T ! ZS 7 1� ,;O S�n� This summary indicates that only about 3 S. .percent of the total annual nitrogen requirements can be provided for the crops as listed for the fields available using animal waste produced on this livestock operation. �o6p� �4N 12 r �t' J M Table 1: WASTE APPLICATION FIELDS OWNED BY PRODUCER Soil Realistic Tract Field Type Crop Anticipated Acres l Mn No _ C'_ndp C'nr3e Yi eld Useable Recommended Lbs. N Lbs. N to Required to be Per Ac_ Aoalied2 610 1 FnC2 CS 20 tons 9.3 200 120 Rye 30 bu 9.3 70 70 5 WaC CS 20 tons 16.1 200 200 Rye 30 bu 16.1 70 70 4 TaC GLH 4 tons 25.1 200 200 3 TaC CS 20 tons 4.2 200 120 Rye 30 bu 4.2 70 70 2 WaE GLH 4 tons 9.f 200 200 .23` TOTALS THIS TABLE 44318 1 The useable acreage represents the total acreage of the field minus the required buffer areas which border streams or residential areas. Actual total acres in the fields listed may, and most likely will be, more than the acres shown in the tables. 2 This N is from animal waste only. If nutrients from other sources such as commercial fertilizer are applied, they must be accounted for. N must be based on realistic yield expectation. 10 Table 2: WASTE APPLICATION FIELDS WITH NOTARIZED AGREEMENT OR LONG TERM LEASE Anthony Phillip Daniels Tract 1703 (Agreement with adjacent landowner must be attached) (Required only if operator does not own adequate land [see Required specification 21) Recommended Soil Lbs. N Lbs. N to Tract Field Type Crop Anticipated Acresl Required to be Mn Nn C'nr3P C'ndP Y7 P1 r3 Useable Per Ac . Annlied2 1703 1 HaC CS 20 tons 6.6 200 120 (792) Rye 30 bu 6.6 70 70 (462) 2 WaE CS 20 tons 8.0 200 120 (960) Rye 30 bu 8.0 70 70 (560) TOTALS THIS TABLE : I 14.6 13942 2774 1 The useable acreage represents the total acreage of the field minus the required buffer areas which border streams or residential areas. Actual total acres in the fields listed may, and most likely will be, more than the acres shown in the tables. 2 This N is from animal waste only. If nutrients from other sources such as commercial fertilizer are applied, they must be accounted for. N must be based on realistic yield expectation. 11 NARRATIVE OF OPERATION THIS HOLSTEIN DAIRY OPERATION IS LOCATED ON HWY 221 SOUTH APPROXIMATELY 4 MILES NW OF SPARTA IN ALLEGHANY COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. THIS OPERATION CONSISTS OF APPROXIMATELY 288 MILK COWS. THE WASTE FROM THIS OPERATION WILL BE TEMPORARILY STORED IN 2 WASTE STORAGE PONDS. WASTE FROM THE MILK PARLOR WILL BE COLLECTED AND TEMPORARILY STORED IN WASTE STORAGE POND #1 (WSP). AN OVERFLOW PIPE LOCATED BEL, THE MAXIMUM LIQUID LEVEL OF STORAGE WILL CARRY THE OVERFLOW FROM WSP #1 TO WSP #2. WSP #2 WILL COLLECT AND TEMPORARILY STORE WASTE FROM THE LOUNGING BARN. WASTE WILL BE APPLIED BY SPREADER TANK BROADCAST ON FIELDS OWNED BY PRODUCER AND INCLUDED IN WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN. 13 State of North Caroling Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director Dwayne Atwood Atwood Dairy 130 Hwy 221 Sparta NC 28675 Dear Dwayne Atwood: 1 • L AAA NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES July 14, 2000 ` • r�f,, n�` �-� JUL 2 P 2Q00 . i .• Z`i t•�� I Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWC030033 I Atwood Dairy Cattle Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Alleghany County In accordance with your application received on December 13, 1999, we are forwarding this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Dwayne Atwood, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in accordance with General Permit AWG200000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management of animal waste from the Atwood Dairy Farm, located in Alleghany County, with an animal capacity of no greater than 288 Dairy and the application to land as specified in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until April 30, 2003. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP , and this COC, with no discharge of wastes to surface waters. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this farm. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of stocked animals above the number authorized by this COC will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and shall be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143-215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. Upon notification by the Division of this COC's expiration, you shall apply for its renewal. This request shall be made within 30 days of notification by the Division. 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Certificate of Coverage A*30033 16, Atwood Dairy Page 2 This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the DWQ prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual non -discharge permit by contacting the engineer listed below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. The subject farm is located in the Winston-Salem Regional Office. The Regional Office Water Quality Staff may be reached at (336) 771-4600. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact Sue Homewood at (919) 733-5083 ext. 502. Kerr T. Stevens cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) AlleghanyCounty Health Department Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Section Alleghany County Soil and Water Conservation District Permit File NDPU Files 0 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director February 23, 2000 Dwayne Atwood Atwood Dairy 130 Hwy 221 Sparta NC 28675 1 ® � NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: Application No. AWC030033 Additional Information Request Atwood Dairy Animal Waste Operation Alleghany County Dear Dwayne Atwood: The Non -Discharge Permitting Unit has completed a preliminary engineering review of the subject application. Additional information is required before we can continue our review. Please address the following by March 24, 20000: Please provide storage pond capacity documentation (design, as -built calculations, etc.). 2. The Volume of Waste Produced Per Year at this facility was determined using a value of 5 gallons of excess wash water per animal per day. USDA -MRCS FOTG Practice Standard 633-15 lists the volume of excess wash water to be 7 gallons per animal per day. Please have a technical specialist review this calculation and provide more information or revise if necessary. A new certification form was submitted for this facility. Please have a technical specialist sign Section H.A of the certification form verifying that the existing waste storage structures have been evaluated for the increased number of animals. The certification form is being returned to you for signature. Please note that all WUP revisions must be signed and dated by both the owner and the technical specialist. Please reference the subject permit application number when providing the requested information. All information should be signed, sealed, and submitted in duplicate to my attention at the address below. The information requested by this letter, must be submitted on or before March 24, 2000 or the Division will return your application as incomplete in accordance with 15A N.C.A.C. 2H .0200 and your facility will be considered to be operating without a permit. Please be advised that operation of the subject animal waste management system without a valid permit is a violation of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and will subject you to the enforcement authority of the Environmental Management Commission. If you have any questions regarding this request, please call me at (919) 733-5083, extension 502. cc: Alleghany Soil and Water Conservation District Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Permit File 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1617 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Si ce rely, C ue Homewood Environmental Engineer Non -Discharge Permitting Unit Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-715-6048 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper l State of North Carolina RCCL-:lVE0 Department of Environment and Natural Resources'�Rl?+t :?;�.SFC+`ION Division of Water Quality jG� 7 Non -Discharge Permit Application Form (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL)q,,,FDih General Permit - Existing Animal Waste OperatYons-3'99 pemrilirng The following questions have been completed utilizing information on file with the Division. Please review the information for completeness and make any corrections that are appropriate. If a question has not been completed by the Division, please complete as best as possible. Do not leave any question unanswered. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1.1 FacilityName: Atwood Dairy 1.2 Print Land Owner's name: Dwa ne Atwood 1.3 Mailing address: 130 Hwv 221 City, State: Sparta NC Telephone Number (include area code):-372-8967 1.4 County where facility is located: Zip: 28675 1.5 Facility Location (Directions from nearest major highway. Please include SR numbers for state roads. Please include a copy of a county road map with the location of the farm identified): Hwy 221 South turn right of SR1347. Atwood Dairy is on the left. 1.6 Print Farm Manager's name (if different from Land Owner): 1.7 Lessee's / Integrator's name (if applicable; please circle which type is listed): 1.8 Date Facility Originally Began Operation: III/75 1.9 Date(s) of Facility Expansion(s) (if applicable): 2. OPERATION INFOPUMATION: 2.1 Facility No.: 03_ (county number); 33 (facility number). 22 Operation Description: Cattle operation Dairy 145- Certified Design Capacity Is the above information correct? =yes; no. If no, correct below using the design capacity of the facility The "No. of Animals" should be the maximum num er or which the waste management structures were designed. Type of Swine No. of Animals TXpe of Poultry No. of Animals Type of Cattle No. of Animals 0 Wean to Feeder 0 Layer 0 Dairy 0 Feeder to Finish 0 Non -Layer 0 Beef 0 Farrow to Wean (# sow) 0 Turkey 0 Farrow to Feeder (# sow) 0 Farrow to Finish (# sow) Other Type of Livestock on the farm. No. of Animals: FORM: AWO-G-E 5/28/98 Page 1 of 4 03 - 33 C 2.3 Acreage cleared end available for application (excluding all required buffers and areas not covered by the application system): -226" ; Required Acreage (as listed in the AWMP): 527' c! 0 2.4 Number of lagoons/ torage ponds circle which is applicable): ;- 2.5 Are subsurface drains present within 100' of any of the application fields? YES or (please circle one) 2.6 Are subsurface drains present in the vicinity or under the lagoon(s)? YES or(]SPplease circle one) 2.7 Does this facility meet all applicable siting requirements? (Swine Farm Siting Act, NRCS Standards, etc.) (Swine Only) YES or NO (please circle one) What was the date that this facility's swine houses and lagoon were sited? What was the date that this facility's land application areas were sited? 3. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Plcase i-idicate that you have included the following required items by signing your initials in the space provided next to each item. 3.1 One completed and signed original and one copy of the application for General Permit - Animal Waste Operations; 3.2 Two copies of a general location map indicating the location of the animal waste facilities and field locations where animal waste is land applied; 3.3 Two copies of the entire Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). If the facility does not have a CAWMP, it must be completed prior to submittal of a general permit application for animal waste operations. The CAWMP must include the following components. Some ofthese components may not have been required at the time the facility was certified but should be added to the CR WMP for permitting purposes: 3.3.1 The Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) must include the amount of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) produced and utilized by the facility. 3.3.2 The method by which waste is applied to the disposal fields (e.g. irrigation, injection, etc.) 3.3.3 A map ofevery field used for land application. 3.3.4 The soil series present on every land application field. 3.3.5 The crops grown on every land application field. 3.3.6 The Realistic Yield Expectation (RYE) for every crop shown in the WUP. 3.3.7 The PAN applied to every land application field. 3.3.8 The waste application windows for every crop utilized in the WUP. 3.3.9 The required NRCS Standard specifications. 3.3.I0 A site schematic. 3.3.11 Emergency Action Plan. 3.3.12 Insect Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted. 3.3.13 Odor Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted. 3.3.14 Mortality Control Checklist with the selected method noted. 3.3.15 Lagoon/storage pond capacity documentation (design, calculations, etc.). Please be sure to include any site evaluations, wetland determinations, or hazard classifications that may be applicable to your facility. 3.3.16 Operation and Maintenance Plan. If your CAWMP includes any components not shown on this list, please include the additional components with your submittal. Applicants Initials l 0�T1�9 FORM: AWO-G-E 5/28/98 Page 2 of 4 03 - 33 � REW111 ER CEIVE'LD, Facility Number: 03 - 33 Facility Name: Atwood Dairy Non -Discharge Permitting 4. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION: I, D w ig 4 n t< R-� u Odd" _ (Land Owner's name listed in question 1.2), attest that this application for A T_5woo A ► a -I r u _(Facility name listed in question I.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and comps to to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will jre�returned to me as inc� Omp[ete. Signature Date / Z - / d - 5. MANAGER'S CERTIFICIIATION: (complete only if different from the Land Owner) 1, m ti Ke_ R i Igor) Q (Manager's name listed in question 1.6), attest that this application for (Facility name listed in question 1.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature Date t Z—/ 0 7 7 THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WATER QUALITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT POST OFFICE BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-5083 FAX NUMBER: (919) 733-0719 FORM: AWO-G-E 5/28/98 Page 3 of 4 03 - 33 State of North Carotin Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director June 22, 1999 CERTIFIED 12AIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Dwayne Atwood Atwood Dairy 130 Hwy 221 Sparta NC 28675 Farm Number: 03 - 33 Dear Dwayne Atwood: NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES You are hereby notified that Atwood Dairy, in accordance with G.S. 143-215. I OC, must apply for coverage under an Animal Waste Operation General Permit. Upon receipt of this letter, your farm has sixty (60).days to submit the attached application and all supporting documentation. In accordance with Chapter 626 of 1995 Session Laws (Regular Session 1996), Section 19(c)(2), any owner or operator who fails to submit an application by the date specified by the Department SHALL NOT OPERATE the animal waste system after the specified date. Your application must be returned within sixty (60) days of receipt of this letter. Failure to submit the application as required may also subject your facility to a civil penalty and other enforcement actions for each day the facility is operated following the due date of the application. The attached application has been partially completed using information listed in your Animal Waste Management Plan Certification Form. if any of the general or operation information listed is incorrect please make corrections as noted on the application before returning the application package. The signed original application, one copy of the signed application, two copies of a general location map, and two copies of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan must be returned to complete the application pac IV The completed package should be sent to the following address: h olina Division of Water Quality j Water Quality Section f Q Non -Discharge Permitting Unit67 ' l Post Office Box 29535 -�� RoleiQh, NC 27626-0535 �7Jtf ,���•-w ti If you have any questions concerning this letter, please call Sue Homewood at (919)733-5083 extension 502 or Ron Linville with the Winston-Salem Regional Office at (336) 771-4600. 45 lap'- Sc.e_ �,m�sDe��-- �js�2 P�Y !� cc: Permit File (w/o encl.) Winston-Salem Regional Office (w/o encl.) P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer c L_ [f ' KMT T. Steven I TJ C4 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919- 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer F Producer: Dwayne Atwood Location: 130 HHy 221 Sparta, NC Telephone: 336-372-8967 Type Operation: Dairy Number of Animals: 288 (Design Capacity) Storage Structure(s): Waste Storage Ponds Application Method (s) : Slurry Broadcast The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface water and/or groundwater. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops in the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient. You must have the animal waste analyzed to determine nutrient content as close to the time of application as practical and at least within 60 days of the date of application before each application cycle. Soil nutrients in all fields where waste will be applied must be analyzed at least annually so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Soil test and waste analysis records shall be kept for five (5) years. Poultry dry waste application records shall be maintained for three (3) years. Waste application records for all other waste shall be maintained for five (5) years. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner: 1. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. Lime must be applied to application fields as recommended by soil test to maintain the plant uptake of nutrients. 2. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates, leaching potentials, cation exchange capacities, and available water holding capacities. 3. Normally waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. With special precautions, (see Required Specification No..4) waste may be applied to land eroding at up to 10 tons per acre per year. 4. Do not apply waste on saturated soils, when it is raining, or when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters which is a violation of the North Carolina Division of Water. Quality (NCDWQ) .0200 regulations. 4 • 5. Wind conditions at the time of field application of waste should also be considered to avoid drift and downwind odor problems. 6. To maximize the value of nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop. Otherwise apply waste no - earlier than 30 days prior to planting a crop or prior to forages breaking dormancy. Injecting or otherwise incorporating the waste below the soil surface will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. 7. Zinc and copper levels in the soils in all fields where waste is applied shall be monitored and alternative application fields shall be used when these metals approach excess levels. This plan is based on waste application by slurry broadcast for this is the manner in which you have chosen to apply your waste. If you choose to alter the method(s) of application in the future, you need to revise this plan. Nutrient levels for various waste application methods are not the same. The estimated acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for Dai systems in North Carolina. Actual acreage requirements shall be based on waste analysis reports from storage structures in your waste management system. Attached you will find information on proper sampling techniques, preparation, and transfer of waste samples to the lab for analysis. Your Waste Storage Ponds are designed for 120 days of temporary storage and the temporary storage must be removed on the average of once every 4 MONTHS. If your facility is unroofed, in no instance should the volume of waste being stored in your structure be higher than the maximum storage marker except in the event of a 25 year, 24 hour storm. Call your technical specialist after you receive the waste analysis report for assistance in determining the amount per acre to apply and the proper application rate prior to applying the waste. The waste management system which is covered by this waste utilization plan shall be operated only by persons which hold a valid certificate as an operator in charge of an animal waste management system. The North Carolina water Quality Commission will provide training and certification of operators. This waste utilization plan, if carried out, meets the requirements for compliance with 15A NCAC 2H .0217 (the .0200 rules) adopted by the Water Quality Commission. 0 • ESTIMATE OF PLANT AVAILABLE NITROGEN FROM LIQUID _ WASTE Amount of Waste Produced Per Year 288animals X 14.6 gallons of waste/animal/day X 365 days =1,534,752 gallons of waste per year 288 animals X 5 gallons of excess water/animal/day X 365 days =525,600gallons of excess water per year 1,534,752 gallons of waste / year + 525,600 gallons of excess water / year = 2,060,352 Total gallons of waste water per year / 1000 = 2060.4 1000 gallon units per year. 23 "Total N lbs. per 1000 gallons X .44 (Plant nutrient availability coefficient for appropriate application method) = 10 Plant Available Nitrogen Amount of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) Produced Per Year from waste water. 2060.4 1000 gallon units per year X 10 lbs. PAN/1000 gallons of waste =20604 lbs. PAN/year. *USDA -MRCS FOTG Practice Standard 633-Waste Utilization (Source of estimated or actual total nitrogen per 1000 gallons) .7 • (Total animal waste and waste water volume generated in one year is approximately tons and 2,060,352gallons or acre -inches. lbs. PAN per year from liquid waste + lbs. PAN per year from solid waste = 20604 Total lbs. PAN per year Applying the above amount of waste as calculated above is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. Values used above are based on analysis of waste from similar livestock operations in North Carolina (source: USDA -MRCS FOTG Practice Standard 633-Waste Utilization). Actual nutrient content of the waste from this system may vary from these values. Waste analysis should be made of the actual waste as soon as possible after significant waste accumulates in the storage structure(s). The applicator is cautioned that P and K may be over applied while meeting the N requirements. In the future, regulations may require farmers in some parts of North Carolina to have a nutrient management plan that addresses all nutrients. This plan only addresses nitrogen. The waste storage pond at your operation will accumulate sludge. This sludge must be removed periodically and land applied at agronomic rates. The sludge will be nutrient rich and will require precautionary measures to prevent over application of nutrients or other elements. Be aware that additional acres of land, as well as special equipment, may be needed when you remove this sludge. Caution must be exercised in grazing or haying forage plants under stress condition. Nitrate poisoning may occur in livestock. Sampling forage or hay for nitrate levels is recommended. 0 WASTE APPLICATION TABLES The crop fields shown in the Waste Application Tables that follow are available for waste application. It will not be necessary and may not be desirable to apply waste to each of these fields in any given year. The Lbs. of Nitrogen Per Acre shown in the tables are estimated annual nitrogen (N) requirements of the crop to be grown based on the potential productivity of the soil and assuming no double cropping. The Recommended Lbs. of N to be Applied per acre indicates the Nitrogen that can be reasonably applied to the crop and used by the crop in a timely manner using animal waste alone. It will not be practical to meet all the nutrient needs of some crops with animal waste. Supplemental applications of commercial fertilizer may be required during the growing season in order to meet all crop nutrient needs. It is assumed that for certain row crops only a fraction of the total annual nitrogen requirement can be applied using animal waste. The landowner shall record the actual waste application volume made on each field on the Department of Water Quality Waste Application Record Form. The following legend explains the crop codes used in the field application tables: NITROGEN CROP CROP PRODUCT' REQUIREM'T CODE UNITS I LBS./UNIT CS CORN - SILAGE TONS 11.0 GLH GRASS - LEGUME MIS - HAY TONS 45 R e Rye cover crop BU 2.33 7 The following legend explains the soil codes which represent the specific soil types that are found in the fields which are available for animal waste application: SOIL CODE SOIL TYPE COMMENTS REGARDING SUITABILITY OF SOILS FOR WASTE APPLICATION CeE Chester loam 10-250 FnC2 Fannin silt loam 6-100 TaC Tate loam 6-100-o TID Tusquitee loam 10-150 WaC Watau a loam 6-100 Wa E Watau a loam 10-250 0 Table 1: WASTE APPLICATION FIELDS OWNED BY PRODUCER Recommended Soil Realistic Lbs. N Lbs. N to Tract Field Type Crop Anticipated Acresl Required to be Nn Mn rnriP rnr9P Vi P1 r9 Per Ac _ Annlied2 1965 2 CeE CS 20 tons 16 200 120 Rye 30 bu 16 70 70 GLH 4,\tons 33.6 200 200 4 CeE GLH 4 tons 49 200 200 5 T1D CS 20 tons 5 200 120 Rye 30 bu 5 70 70 1588 3 WaC CS 20 tons 21.6 200 120 Rye 30 bu 21.6 70 70 2 WaC CS 20 tons 9 200 120 Rye 30 bu 9 70 70 2 GLH 4 tons 24.8 200 200 1 WaC CS 20 tons 10.7 200 120 Rye 30 bu 10.7 70 70 TOTALS THIS TABLE 1 The useable acreage represents the total acreage of the field minus the required buffer areas which border streams or residential areas. Actual total acres in the fields listed may, and most likely will be, more than the acres shown in the tables. 2 This N is from animal waste only. If nutrients from other sources such as commercial fertilizer are applied, they must be accounted for. N must be based on realistic yield expectation. we, Table 1: WASTE APPLICATION FIELDS OWNED BY PRODUCER Recommended Soil Realistic Lbs. N Lbs. N to Tract Field Type Crop Anticipated Acresl Required to be Mr) Mn Cnrlp Cnrip Vi P1 ri TT --Pahl P PPr Ar Ann1ied2 610 1 FnC2 CS 20 tons 9.3 200 120 Rye 30 bu 9.3 70 70 5 WaC CS 20 tons 16.1 200 200 Rye 30 bu 16.1 70 70 4 TaC GLH 4 tons 25.1 200 200 3 TaC CS 20 tons 4.2 200 120 Rye 30 bu 4.2 70 70 2 WaE GLH 4 tons 9.1 200 200 TOTALS THIS TABLE 233.5 146351 lbs 1 The useable acreage represents the total acreage of the field minus the required buffer areas which border streams or residential areas. Actual total acres in the fields listed may, and most likely will be, more than the acres shown in the tables. 2 This N is from animal waste only. If nutrients from other sources such as commercial fertilizer are applied, they must be accounted for. N must be based on realistic yield expectation. 10 Table 2: WASTE APPLICATION FIELDS WITH NOTARIZED AGREEMENT OR LONG TERM LEASE AnthonyPhillip Daniels Tract 1703 (Agreement with adjacent landowner must be attached) (Required only if operator does not own adequate land [see Required Specification 21) Recommended Soil Lbs. N Lbs. N to Tract Field Type Crop Anticipated Acresl Required to be TTn Mr) (''nria ('nria Vial ri TTcaahl a Par Ar Ann, i Prj2 1703 1 HaC CS 20 tons 6.6 200 120 (792) Rye 30 bu 6.6 70 70 (462) 2 Wa.E CS 20 tons 8.0 200 120 (960) Rye 30 bu 8.0 70 70 (S60) TOTALS THIS TABLE 14.6 13942 2774 1 The useable acreage represents the total acreage of the field minus the required buffer areas which border streams or residential areas. Actual total acres in the fields listed may, and most likely will be, more than the acres shown in the tables. 2 This N is from animal waste only. If nutrients from other sources such as commercial fertilizer are applied, they must be accounted for. N must be based on realistic yield expectation. W 11 Table 3 presents a summary of all nitrogen requirements and the total nitrogen to be applied using animal waste for all fields which are available for waste application_ TABLE 3: SUMMARY OF WASTE APPLICATION TOTAL CROP RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENTAL ACRES NITROGEN LBS. N TO OR RESIDUAL USEABLE REQUIREMENT BE APPLIED LBS. OF N IN POUNDS USING WASTE REQUIRED FROM TABLE 1 233.5 53133 46351 6782 FROM TABLE 1A FROM TABLE 2 14.6 3942 2774 1168 FROM TABLE 2A FROM TABLE 2B TOTAL ALL TABLES 248,1 57075 49125 7950 supp. This summary indicates that only about 35.9 percent annual nitrogen requirements can be provided for/the for the fields available using animal waste produced operation. 20604 PAN - - - - - = 35.90s 57413 of the total crops as listed on this livestock 12 0 � 0 NARRATIVE OF OPERATION THIS HOLSTEIN DAIRY OPERATION IS LOCATED ON HWY 221 SOUTH APPROXIMATELY 4 MILES NW OF SPARTA IN ALLEGHANY COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. THIS OPERATION CONSISTS OF APPROXIMATELY 288 MILK COWS. THE WASTE FROM THIS OPERATION WILL BE TEMPORARILY STORED IN 2 WASTE STORAGE PONDS. WASTE FROM THE MILK PARLOR WILL BE COLLECTED AND TEMPORARILY STORED IN WASTE STORAGE POND #1 (WSP). AN OVERFLOW PIPE LOCATED BEL THE MAXIMUM LIQUID LEVEL OF STORAGE WILL CARRY THE OVERFLOW FROM WSP #1 TO WSP #2. WSP #2 WILL COLLECT AND TEMPORARILY STORE WASTE FROM THE LOUNGING BARN. WASTE WILL BE APPLIED BY SPREADER TANK BROADCAST ON FIELDS OWNED BY PRODUCER AND INCLUDED IN WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN. 13 14 WORT& .1, Sho WEAK-- 'f.( A.y--y��'�' $: _ - •'/' �. �` t.- .♦1YfF - y!s t �y�41' j j�' r �µ {III V rt: .- . ;, �r z. .� :,+. N��it' �i�� n�' r _ �e • -•{ �.,` •f.`yf �. �, �t.>;�, �-�}J r� _ � 'I or ! s si{ _ !, �2 -} / • ! � � ! jf y�.{ ''--'^ 4� _ �� �y� R l�tJ c t~,. _ qr >44��r��'h�'tl• �� •� a .��,;� n - � � , � ; : ,� � ,t. _. !!!!� ./ •a c s.7- �l� i- r f • / � y. +.f�'�� r T 4t J aA �.J 111�' 7. �+rtii:�R' `� Y''`.1- '� t �[.�.: _-4_ lon 3 •, J y?a�i - , �' � 1 r /,�{`d. ? r�x�+•-' # �' a � :X ��ii� J ,_� <.o-;: t,',��y�,� r , �, t.t _ ;s�' i ,Y 'L � � ] f. 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Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste which reaches surface water is? s prohibited. Illegal discharges are subject to the assessment of civil penalties of $10,000 per day by the Division of Water Quality for every day the discharge continues. 2. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of waste, he/she shall provide NRCS with a copy of a notarized agreement (sample enclosed) with a landowner who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application for the life expectancy of the production facility. It is the responsibility of the owner of the facility to secure an update of the Waste Utilization Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of utilization, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the Nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based on soil type, available moisture, historical data, climate conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of application for other nutrients. Actual yields may be used in lieu of realistic yield tables at the discretion of the planner. 4. Animal waste shall be applied to land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. Animal waste may be applied to Iand that has a Resource Management System (RMS) or an Alternative Conservation System (ACS). If a RMS or ACS is used the soil loss shall be no greater than 10 tons per acre per year and appropriate filter strips will be used where runoff leaves the field. These filter strips will be in addition to "Buffers" required by DWQ. 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when the wind is blowing or any other condition exists which may cause a danger of drift from the irrigation field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, it will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding. 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control conditions conducive to odor or flies and provide uniformity of application. S. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when . the surface is frozen. EXh REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS 9. Animal waste shall be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that the crop is not damaged by burning or smothering of the plant. This is an important consideration where swine, poultry or other ammonia rich waste is being surface applied. Surface broadcast solids or slurries may damage crops if leaf surfaces are matted. Generally waste should be applied such that no more than 20 to 25 percent of the leaf area is covered. This should not normally be a concern where diluted, Iow nutrient waste is irrigated or surface broadcast from a liquids holding structure. Where crops are severely damaged due to waste application, the plants cannot assimilate the nutrients and discharge of pollutants to surface waters is likely to occur. The potential for salt damage from animal waste should also be considered. 10. Waste nutrients shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. On soils with a high potential for leaching, multiple application at lower rates should be used. To maximize the value of nutrients for crop production & reduce the potential for pollution, the waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of the crop on bare soil, or forages breaking dormancy. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients. 11. Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1, 1995 shall comply with the following: The outer perimeter of the land area onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a component of a swine farm shall be at least 50 feet from any residential property boundary and from any perennial stream or river (other than an irrigation ditch or canal). Animal waste (other than swine waste from facilities sited on or after October 1, 1995,) shall not be applied closer than 25 feet to surface water. 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet to wells. 13. AnimaI waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by the landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of- ways. 15. Animal waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways or wetlands by a discharge or by over -spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted wetlands provided they have been approved as a land application site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste shall not be applied on grassed waterways which discharge directly into water courses. If animal waste is to be applied on other grassed waterways, waste shall be applied at agronomic rates and in a manner that causes no runoff or drift from the site. 16. Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. 17 REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS 12. A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be established on all disturbed areas (lagoon/holding pond embankments, berms, pipe runs, etc.). If needed, special vegetation shall be provided for these areas and shall be fenced, as necessary, to protect the vegetation. Vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and other woody species, etc. are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon/holding pond areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Lagoon/holding pond berms and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage, or discharge. 18. If animal production at the facility is to be suspended or terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing an "approved closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution and erosion. 19. Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 20. Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption it should only be applied preplant with no further applications of animal waste during the crop season. 21. Highly visible permanent markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment Iagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the . markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. 22. Waste shall be tested within 60 days of utilization and soil shall be tested at least annually at crop sites where waste products are applied. Nitrogen shall be the rate - determining element. Zinc and copper levels in the soils shall be monitored and alternative crop sites shall be used when these metals approach excessive levels. Soil pH shall be adjusted for optimum crop production and maintained... Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for five (5) years. Poultry dry waste application records shall be maintained for three (3) years. Waste application records for all other waste shall be maintained for five (5) years. 23. Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets NC regulations. North Carolina General Statute 106-403 requires that dead animals be disposed of within 24 hours in a manner approved by the state veterinarian. W.* • ANIMAL WASTE APPLICATION WINDOWS FOR CROPS GROWN IN ALLEGHANY, NORTH CAROLINA In Alleghany County North Carolina, the timing of the application of dairy wastes has typically centered around spring applications of nutrients via animal waste to fertilize soon to be planted corn silage crops and the early fall application of animal wastes onto silage crop residues to fertilize soon to be planted rye cover crops. With the typically cooler growing season of the northwest mountains during the summer, grass dormancy is mostly dictated during the summer growing season by the adequacy of soil moisture produced by rainfall. In summers with adequate moisture, hay grasses can grow throughout the summer months making it possible to apply animal wastes using good management anytime during the summer months if growing conditions are alright. During the winter months of December, January, and February, grasses are typically dormant and rye cover crops are growing slowly thereby limiting the uptake of nutrients. However, sometimes if winter weather is late arriving, several days in November and December may present "windows" for applying animal wastes on rye cover crops. Sometimes even in January or February during milder seasons or early spring, "windows" for applying animal waste on rye cover crops may occur for several days. All this taken into consideration, there is no month of the year in Alleghany County, North Carolina during which animal waste could not be properly applied. Of course there are times during spring, summer, and fall when animal wastes and the nutrients they provide would be best applied in larger quantities to fertilize growing silage and grass crops_ Good dairy farm managers, have been doing this in Alleghany County for years. Dairy waste pits in Alleghany County are designed from a minimum of 60 days up to 6 months storage in some operations. Operators with minimum storage need to be aware of and take advantage of those November -February occasional "windows" for waste application to keep the liquid levels of their waste pits below the 25 year-24 hour maximum storage levels marked on their waste storage pits. The following information excised from Chapter 3, pages 22-24 of the Waste Applicators Training Manual entitled "What Do ! Need to Know About Timing" produced by NC State University and the NC Co-operative Extension Service discusses the timing of waste applications and identifies factors affecting the timing of waste applications for selected forage crops in North Carolina. These guidelines will be followed in applying animal waste for dairy operations in Alleghany County. r- C' 9 2 WINDOWS FOR WASTE APPLICATIONS IN ALLEGHANY COUNTY, NC - Silage Corn Rye Cover Crop SPRING March -June January -May Cool Season Grasses Qrchardgrass, Fescue, Bluegrass FALL August -November August -December January -December James Q. Wooten, District Conservationist USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service Technical Specialist � Signature: � Date:C/ 3 I } • • WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN AGREEMENT Name of Farm: Atwood Dairy Owner/Manager Agreement I (we) understand and will follow and implement the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new certification to be submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) before the new animals are stocked. I (we) also understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to surface waters of the state from a storm event less severe than the 25-year, 24-hour storm. The approved plan will be filed on -site at the farm office and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District and will be available for review by NCDWQ upon request. I (we) understand that I (we) must own or have access to irrigation or other equipment, to land apply the animal waste described in this Waste Utilization Plan. The equipment must be available at the appropriate time such that no discharge occurs from the lagoon, holding pond, tank, or other unroofed storage structure in a 25 year, 24 hour storm event. I (we) also certify that the waste will be applied on the land according to this plan at the appropriate times and at rates that no run-off occurs. Name o fcil 'ty Owner: Dwayne Atwood_ (Please print) ,� Q Signature:°'� Date: Name of Managers) (If different from owner) : Dwayne Atwocrd and Mike Atwood Signature: Date: 12 - 0- f'9 4 Signature: Date: 12-- o - Name of Technical Specialist: (Please print) Jasper Cave Affiliation: USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service Address (Agency): P O Box 127, Sparta, NC 28675 Signature: Date: Structure Overflow 1. Contact DWQ ASAP 2. Add soil to berm to increase elevation of dam 3. Pump or haul waste to fields at an approved rate 4. Stop all flow to the Structure where possible (waterers) Make sure no surface water is entering Structure Runoff From Waste Application Field 1. Immediately stop waste application 2. Create a temporary diversion or berm to contain the waste on the field 3. Incorporate waste to reduce further runoff 4. If discharge to surface or ground water occurs contact DWQ ASAP Leakage From Waste Distribution System 1. Stop recycle (flushing system) pump 2. Stop irrigation pump Leakage From Base or Sidewall of Structure 1. Dig a small well or ditch to catch all seepage, put in submersible pump, and pump back into Structure 3. Close valves to eliminate further 2. If holes are caused by burrowing discharge animals, trap or remove animals. Fill holes and compact 4. Separate distribution pipes to with a clay type soil create an air gap and stop flow 3, other holes may be likewise 5. If discharge to surface or ground temporarily plugged with clay water occurs contact DWQ soil ASAP 4. Contact Technical Specialist and/or designer of structure 5. If discharge to surface or ground water occurs contact DWQ ASAP Is. CATEGORY EXAMPLES ACTION CONTACTS Obvious Complete structural failure; 1. If there is any potential threat to life Or Sheriff- Mike Caudill 372-4455 or 911 i ftill or partial loss of a structure wall property, contact 911 or Sheriffs Dept. Threat resulting in a release of waste 2. Report failure to Division of Water Quality (DWQ) DWQ- Winston Salem 910-7714600 or Emergency Management. Provide your name, facility, exact location of facility, location or direction or movement of spill, weather and wind conditions. 'I'lle corrective measures that have Ask the Switch Board operator for DWQ been under taken, and the seriousness of situation. and give them the name of the County Be Prepared to supply the following additional information: After hours or on Weekends leave your number on the pager by calling 1-800-858-0368 a. Did the waste reach any surface water b. Approximately how much was released and for Emergency Management -. Winston Salem 910-672-5080 what duration Alleghany County Emergency Mgmt. c. Any damage noted, such as employee injury, fish Richard Caudill, Co-ordinator kills, or property damage 910-372-5676 or 911 d. Did the spill leave the property After hours or on Weekends leave c. Does the spill have the potential to reach surface your number an the Emergency waters Operations Center pager by f. Could a future rain event cause the spill to reach calling 1-800-858-0368 surface waters g. Are potable water wells in danger (either on or off of Iiie property) Local SWCD Office at 910-372-4645 h. flow much reached surface waters USDA-NRCS Engineering Office at 704-456-6431 3. Make all attempts to stop the discharge and Local Contractor -.910-3724794 Kemp Irwin Contain the waste on the farm 4. Contact the technical specialist who Tech. Spec. - 910-246-5461 Jim Woolen, NRCS certified the structure (more) �J Is CATEGORY EXAMPLES ACTION CONTACTS Impending Structural damage from 1. Report failure to DWQ - provide same DWQ - Winston Salem 910-771-4600 overtopping; leakage or seepage information as above Threat from base or sidewalls orstructure; waste discharging from underground files Ask the Switch Board operator for DWQ 2. Make all attempts to stop the discharge; and give them the name of the County Failure to immediately address reinforce weak area of structure until a these may result in complete technical specialist can assess situation ARer hours or on Weekends leave your number structural jaffure on the pager by calling 1-800-958-0368 Emergency Management - Winston Salem 910-672-5080 AlIeghany County - Richard Caudill, Co- ord. 910-372-5676 or 911 After hours or on Weekends [cave your number on the Emergency Operations Center pager by calling 1-800-858.0368 Local Contractor - 910-372-4794 Kemp Irwin Tech. Spec. - 910-246-5461 Other Runoff from spray Gelds, broken 1. If waste is leaving property use same Same as for "Impending Threat" Category above, pipes, leaking pumps, discharges contacts as for the previous category Discharges from houses and other maintenance deficiencies 2. Address maintenance deficiencies Lack of Anticipated single storm events 1. Contact DWQ for regulatory approval for See DWQ contacts above uder 'Impending Threat'. exceeding 25 yr. 24 hr. frequency emergency pumping Storage such as approaching hurricanes; Or extended rainfall periods Capacity resulting in waste water levels above the start pump marker N i ` - . _TP"'' 1 O it 1 1 i I i I ii z z z X zo x 31 `7 5 v -� - 13 o9v�s '3 .l r7nf / Z I YS' 4`1 3 &aa 4 , ct 1 QoI S •bb L-f 7-4 €! G 1 cC20 L7 ;sj 5 n OPO�/ • Pb� GQ �•n.7 � ��r9 r] r� 00 c s a �• a �� J G r ' t 0 .-V>L-It> G �1=tAoAQ+� 1.5T� I �I..oT4 L1.aRS F - _ r nu edT' �'s �1`AgX 1V�L .F,L Z-196.O zap tY99?s— 1 t'.wt t nH E- L -t184. C • • . PROPERTY OF SCALE STATE COUNTY TOWNSHIP DAT FIELD PARTY DRAWN BY CHECKED SY DWG. NO. ' . GENE DYSART & ASSOCIATES 2 0 4� GO CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 3 o NORTH MAIN STREET TEL (910) 372- C-aAL SCALE' 4" = 24 FEET SPARTA NC 28675 • IJL - r .f� j _.__--- - r r7e— —2�'i - _ 5E'-t1��1_:_.._ _�✓S __-�- -�_.�— /_�1�.�_�5.7� nG�RY�'_ �c�lv____C.U4�� V j N i_Ne%�K57_ __.._... �? vie.- /-ca ss -4, ie' vc j __IN{.� -aN �-{ �s� �'R �1_L�IDrVS .-'f"t!�a'__ �__�l rY_�_------- r U1llW r:i'I•!i[.K.:IUVIs .. SJpItfC 1 ET•.'iI' _ E� red VOitane -i• LIQUID & SOLID MANURE cows x 14.6 gal. x days x I ft3 x X confinement a ft3 day -cow 7.48 gal. 2. MILKROO11 & PARLOR WASTE cows x 5 gal. x days x lft3 - ft3 Tay -cow_ 7.48 gal 3. RUNOFF FROM OPEN AREAS - Area = ft2 Use 75-85 of the rainfall during -the design period because some of the rain- fall is evaporated and does not run off. Avg. Annual Rainfall = in. x % of year (design storage period) = in. r in. x runoff = in. runoff inches x area ft2 x 1 ft. _ ft3 12 in. 4. RAINFALL - minus EVAPORAiIOti ON STRUCTURE (A close esHlimate (1 or -10A) of the maximum liquid level surface area may be used if exact dimensions are not known.) ft2 surface area of_liquid storage x (.13 in. rainfall - .10 in. evap.) day aay ! . days x 1 ft. 12 in. = 1J, ft3 ; 5. TOTAL LIQUID V% UME REQUIRED ft 3 I ADD TO TOTAL LIQUID VOLUME b. 25 YEAR STORK ON OPEN AREA - (Area = ft2) _ CN for open area With 25 year 1 day storm of in. using CN Runoff = in. i I' ft2 x in. of runoff x I. ft. = ft3 = TZ' 1n. ft. ft surface area of liquid storage - 7. 25 YEAR STOR1.4 .ON STRUCTURE - Use .5 ft. = f t. 8. ESW - 25 yr. - i day rain = in. _ Q = cfs Discharge = q = cfs/ft., Stage ft. Bottom Width = Q j q = = ft. ESW STAGE = ft. 11OTE: Structures without 0. A. may have an ESW constructed at 1.0' below the top of dam. the A. E. may exempt individual sites that do not have D. A. from the ESW requirement. 9. "FREEBOARD = 1.0 ft. D31-Ver l.= US Deoartment of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service A WASTE HOLDING FOND DESIGN prepared for in Alleghany County. North Carolina. Designed by : JRC Date : Cxi/19/94 ------------------------------------- THE RECOMMENDED DIMENSIONS ARE: Shape - Top dimensions — Bottom Dimensions — Sideslooes = Actual depth — Des,ign deot-h Depth . hen 1/2 full = Deoth when 2/4 full Checked by Date . -------------------------------------------- ` ``) RecVft. ! �C?V� 55q 150 :< 110- 104 :: 6 Gam 2. (_i 11.5 1;� 8.6 THIS FACILITY IS DES - - THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS; �r Days tc�t-aoe 2Str" C ,tle — dairy, w/ ave. weight of 1400 lb:�, producing 1.2 cu.ft./1�}00 lbs/animal/day. 140C) gal/day of additional waste water. inches of annual s-a i nfa 1 1 . 5 inches of rainfall for a 2.' 24 hr, event. S _st zf, so . f t . o f feedlot and -c ►-<<nc� f f . 12(--) lbs./day of Lime bedding @ 90.0 lbs./cu.ft. (ratio of volume stored to volume, used - 0.9) 1 foot of freeboard. When full, this facility will contain 11310=:6 cu.ft.( 846(:)32 ❑aI) of waste. ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL DESIGNS; Days Storage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 180 days 1 270 days 1 120 days Design depth (ft) 1 8.5 10.5 12.5 1 9.5 10.5 12.5 1 8.5 10.5 12.5 Top dimensions (ft) 1 150 x 198 150 x 164 €50 x 144 1 150 x 354 150 x 270 150 x 226 1 150 x 126 150 x 110 150 x 100 Bottom d€men. (ft) 1 112 x 160 104 x 1i8 96 x 90 1 112 x 316 104 x 224 96 x 172 1 112 x 88 104 x 64 96 x 46 Sidesloae 1 2 :1 2 :1 2 :1 1 2 :1 2 :1 2 :1 1 2 :1 2 :€ 2 :1 Animal Waste Qu.ft.11 84672 84672 84672 1 127008 127000 127008 1 56448 56448 56448 Total Volume ku.ft.fl 194899 183981 176541 1 265953 323106 300566 1 115951 113106 109991 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TH I S DESIGN IS EASED ON THE FOLLOWING ASSUMPTIONS: The percentaoe of rainfall that runs off the feedlot is 75 '/.. • :iurzt. �vaitK;IIF;T;i' Paquired volume ID b SOLID LIAMinr ews x 1y..6 ag`1_�____ x day • cow -days x T x. C./-% confinement .48 ga 1. -- a o�Ft r +2 .. MILKri00ri & LOR E . cow x�a3 days x i ft3 = lft3 If` day 7.48 gai. 3. RUNOFF FR01 F AREAS -Area = '- �- ft2 Use % 75-85 of the rainfall during, the design period because some of the rain- fall is evaporated and does not run off. Avg. Annual Rainfall = in. x % of year (design storage period) = in. in. x % runoff = in. runoff inches x area ft2 x l ft. = ft3 12 in. 4. RAIIIFALL - minus EVAPORATION ON STRUCTURE (A close estimate (+ or -10%) of the maximum liquid level surface area may be used if exact dimensions are not known.) ft2 surface area or liquid storage x (.13 in. rainfall - .10 in. evap.) day day days x 1 ft. ft • 12 in. _ 5. TOTAL LIQUID VOA UME REQUIRED 2ft3 e ADO TO TOTAL LIQUID VOLUME 6. 25 YEAR STOR11 ON OPEN AREA - (Area = ft2) CN = for open area With 25 year 1 day storm of in. using CN Runoff = in. ft2 x in. of runoff x 1- ft. = ft3 r ft surface area of liquid storage = ft. 7. 25 YEAR STORM .01a STRUCTURE - Use .5 ft.' _ 5 ft. B. ESW - 25 yr. - I day rain = in. Q - cfs Discharge = q = cfs/ft. , Stage ft. Bottom width = Q q = r - ft. ESW STAGE _ ft. N 'E: Structures wi thout D. A. may have an ESW constructed at 1.0' below the top of dam. the A. E. may exempt individual sites that do not have U. A. from the ESW requirement. 4. 'EEDOARDC� efUCj / 1.0 ft. �V/ �e �� ----- r 5h �{ S� � JSt. � IRi�ri� � ��� .. 4/ dit •. i0- 1-199S 3:d7PM � MYr iVr If iJ. Yi f, I M NEW RIVER SWCD 7042ASSA61 149 t104 5US W 4AMPILLE.0 A Waste Storage Pond prepared for in ALLEGHANY County, North Carolina Designer : ra Date : 05/08/97 Job Number 007 TRE REGCMM=WSU DIMENSIONS ARE. Shape ........... j Top diameter _ Bottom diameter - j Sideslopes ...... - yctual depth .... - Des gn dept = - Freeboard ...... Depth when 1/2 full. _ Depth when 3/4 full = P. S I�QOS/003 -, �tl�{► �/OtII7�i i06 YIYYSCr . Checker Date A Rvund 136.0 ft. 136.0 ft. $o Ca�S 12.0 . li. G .5 €t. 8.3 ft, THIS FACILITY IS DESIGNED R THE FOLLO NG CONDITIONS: j ype of anti 1- -number- -weight- -waste- -days- iry,- tatiag _�450 1300 lbs. 1.32 tUFt/1000 113 Days storage (November thru March00 gal/day of additional waste Water. .6 inches of rainfall over the design period. 7.7 inches of evaporation over the design period. 5.0 inches of rainfall fvr a 25 yr.-.24 hr. event. 934C aq. fr. of feedlot and roof runoff. When full, this facility will contain 159793 CU. ft. ( 1195251 gal) of waste. < more > `10-31-1995 3:d7PM NEW RIVER SWCO 70d2d6'5d53 10 VJ/ LJ/ v+ :J. U1 IJVL� IJa 1104 b(:3 � NA51i�1Li.� OR•ver 2.22 A waste Storage Pond prepared for P. d fd 003/003 Lis Pawrtmax of AWCUltnrn matana 1Rtiastwle copse mz1va servics AZLEGHANY County, North Carolina Designer : ra �?' I jzr�• Checker Date : 05/13/97 Date I Job Number o11 THE RECObOCENDED DIMENSIONS ARE: U Shape ........... = Rectangular Top dianeasions .. - 100 x 320 ft. Bottcr D41-e:3.or.S = 54 X 274 ft. 5idesiopes ...... = 2.0 :1 Actual depth = 11.5 ft. Design depth 19.0 ft. Fresboard ...... 1.5 Depth when 1/2 full = 5.9 ft. Depth when 3/4 full = 6.1 ft. THIS FACILITY I5 DESIGNED FOR = FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: -type of animal- -nu - -weight-- -waste- -days- Dai.�,-Lactating- -450 1300 lbs. 1.32 CuFt/1000 135 Days storage {October thru march ) l80 gal/day of additional waste -water. 6.1 inches of rainfall over the design period. 9.7 inchem of evaporation over the design period. 5.0 inches of rainfall for a 25 yr.- 24"hr. event. 9340 Sq, ft. of feedlot and roof runoff. When full, this facility will contain 319893 cu.ft.( 1637319 gal) of waeze. < more > Technical Specialist Certification L As a technical specialist designated by the North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission pursuant to I A NCAC 6F .0005. 1 certify that the animal waste management system for the farts named above has an animal waste management plan that meets or exceeds standards and specifications of the Division of Environmental Nlanaoement (DELI) as specified in 15,E ENCAC 21-L0317 and the GSDA-Naturat Resources Conseradon Service (MRCS) and/or the North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission pursuant to 15A NCaC 2K0217 and 15A NCkC 6F .0001- .0005, The following elements are included in the plan a5 applicable. While each category designates a technical specialist who may sign each ce:tuication (5D, SL WUP, RC. 1), the technical specialist should only cerdfv pasts for which they are [ethnically comoe,=L , II. Certification of Design A) Collection. Storage. Treatment System Cited'. rite approoriare box .y/Existin Q faciIity withou[ retrofit (SD or WUP) Storage volume is adequate for operation capacity: storage capability t:nnsistent :L-itlt waste utilization W New. e7manded or retrofitted facility (SD) UIvVI� n animal waste'storage and treatment structures. such as but not limited to colIectio?5VSIeM._ lagoons and ponds. q„ have been designed to meet or exceed the minimum standards asuf specifications. Name of Technical Specialist (Please ?� �hadoa U 5 VA /rrQcS _Date Worti Completed: / Z i ✓✓ �' Address (Age ): . D. (Z S itlL 2-94 Phone No.:,j3g--?72—VK415' Signature: Date: B) Lan /011cation Site (WiJP) Tne plan provides for minimum separations (buffers): adequate amount of land for waste utilizadon, chosen crop is suitable for waste management; hydraulic and nutrient loading rates. Marne of Technical Specialist (Please Print): S IV 00 �iV/ _ Affiliation__(, rV CS Date Work Completed: Ill 2_j Address (Agen• }: �► 0. vv�c '2-'7 A,, rf 2S 17one No. J41?& 372 -q Sii7nature:62 Date: /i C) Runot? C ntrols fr, Check rite Wropriare box r.l Faciliry without exterior lots (SD or WUP or RC) G�� 7ivith 'Iity does not contain any exterior lots, Facexterior lots (RC) Q Methods to minimize the run off of pollutants from lounging and heavv use areas have been designed in accordance viih technical standards developed by NRCS. Name of Technical Specialist (Ple_-Lsz Print): :s_f tt'X _ �(70 /6/v/ .i iiiation_ U SVA IV)eC 5 Date Wort` Cutnpiz"ed: // Z 9 Address (Agency): Phone No.: Sig:; Itur� Dare- AWC -- Au7usz 1. I997 Animal Waste Management Plan Ce*-Cation (Please tvee or print all information that doe; not re:ruire a sibnature) Ex�stln� ar.> . . .piece iccore:�eorE') :: _ General Informationn: 4: Mrn ae at Faun: 14 Owner(s) N. ame: Miailins :address: zZ/ < Facility No:-3 - 33 Phone 'No &g2172 — 27/7 2-S6 7 S Farm Locarfcn: Couniv Farm is located in: La:iLude and LopgiLLde: 36 C70 1 8 r 10 .3 Integrator: P'_ease auacn a cot)v OL a county road map wiLh location iderl:i.Iled and describe beiow (Be speci[ic: road parries. dire_dons. miiecas:_ etc.): Z`Z l S le � S !Z 3 zi '7' . �Q , 71 LA I/z- '.' r Ie Operation Descriotion: ripe of Swine X0. Of Anbrials 1 Wean to F e_daz- J . _eder to F 'nisi? .1 ; arrow to Wert ._j Farrow to seder --1 Farr- to FinLn * Gilts * Boars �perxmn� 'Oprr�rax Qr:�r T,•ve of Potdrrr _1 Laver .D Pulles No. of Althmis Other T.:fie ofvestocn Ti pe of Carle A'o. Of - n u nal5 J Beef Number or spinals: :acreage .available for Application:^ � 44 _ _ _ _ Required acreage:_ ?0 - _ — Number of lagoons / SteraSe Ponds : Z Totni Capacity: z/70 Cubic Fee. (ft3) .Vt! subsurface drains present on the farm: YES or Q+O (please circle one) If YES: are subsurface drains present in the area of the LAGOON or SPRAY FIELD (please circle one) ?[%xxs,x%x?t tl itx%xx[]�%aa]f Ya iti{T, l�ak%i1M%a�%xM%ia is isKK%aft st lkKal aa]�xac aa)[t,al%at at ia]'[?aK%aaTS is ac%i}%ie ya i:,%%%%K:�%ia it%i, )i OwnertiIanaaer agreement 1 (we) verifv drat all the above information is correct and will be updated uvon cnanJini7. I (we) understand the ooeradon and mainter:arce proceulums established in the approved animal waste management plan for the farm named above and will imulement these moce:iures. i (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storaize sN•stem or construcdon of new facilities will require a new ce.-ulicadon to be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management before the new animals are stocked. € (we) understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from Lne storage or application sysiern 10 surface waters of the state either directly through a man-made conveyance or from a stomp event less severe than the ? -year. 2�l hour storm and there must not be run -cuff from the appLication of animal waste. I (we) understand that :ten -off of pollutants From lounging and heavy use areas must be minimized using technical standards develored by the Natural Resources Conservation Serr ic_. The approved plan %ill be pled at the fart and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conser.ation District. I (eye) know that any modification must be approved by a technical specialist and submined to the Soil and Water Conservation District prior to in plernentation. .A change in land ownership requires written notification to DEN€ or a newcertification (if the approved plan is changed) within 60 days of _isle transfer. N`ame of Land Owner Si-narure:_TMA.)O �p wo_a - _ Date: fZ- /b _ 4 -- Name of Mana,er(it difre.ent horn o,,%rte:): c a Signature: 14,Date:_�-- A'VC 1. 1y)9 WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN ATWOOD DAIRY DAIRY Farm ALLEGHANY County, North Carolina 1a �qa 5 Designed for a herd size of 145 HOLSTEINS animals In Cooperation with ALLEGHANY Soil and Water Conservation District and U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service Cost Share Funding provided through the N.C. Agricultural Cost Share Program December 9, 1997 e e TABLE OF CONTENTS SYSTEM OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III 1. CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE PONDS . . . . . . . . . 1 2. AGITATION/APPLICATION SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3. CONCRETE CURBING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4. LIVESTOCK EXCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5. CRITICAL AREA PLANTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 GENERAL COMMENTS . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ATWOOD DAIRY DAIRY Farm ALLEGRANY County, N.C. December 9, 1997 SYSTEM OVERVIEW This Animal Waste Management System consists of the following major components: 1. CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE PONDS 2. AGITATION/APPLICATION SYSTEM and the following associated components 3. CONCRETE CURBING 4. LIVESTOCK EXCLUSION 5. CRITICAL AREA PLANTING All solid waste will be scraped from the lots and stored in the LIQUID WASTE STORAGE PONDS. All contaminated runoff will flow into the CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE PONDS. These structures are designed to provide storage for normal rainfall runoff from the feedlot and waste water from the milk parlor and lounging barn for a 238 day period, and provide storage space for the -twenty-five (25) year, twenty-four (24) hour storm runoff from the feedlot and any watershed into the pond. This Animal Waste Management System is designed to prevent discharge of Animal waste Contaminates to surface waters from the twenty-five (25) year, twenty-four (24) hour storm, as required under the Non -discharge regulations. All maintenance and operation costs are the responsibility of the landowner and cannot be cost shared. ATWOOD DAIRY ALLEGHANY County, N.C. DAIRY Farm December 9, 1997 III e s 1. CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE PONDS OVERVIEW The CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE PONDS are designed to store the average feedlot runoff i5s waste water from the milk parlor and lounging barn for a 43�-'ay period. Additional storage space is included to contain the twenty-five (25) year, twenty-four (24) hour storm runoff from the feedlot. A red painted line near the inlet of milk parlor pipe marks the maximum liquid level of Waste Storage Pond #1 (WSP). A treated four x four post will be installed in WSP #2 to identify the level of storage available prior to infringing on the 25 year, 24 hour storm capacity. The CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE POND #1 consists of a tongue and groove wooden structure with a concrete pusp-off ramp and S" PVC overflow pipe to carry liquids near the maximum liquid level to WSP#2. WSP #2 consists of an earthen dam, concrete push -off ramp, concrete splash block with curbing for discharging contaminated water into the structure. OPERATION The service life of the CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE PONDS will be determined by the level of management for the entire system. How effectively the lot is scraped and your ability to time the scraping of the lot before each storm event will determine the amount of solids which reach the CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE PONDS . Once the solids have reached the CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE PONDS, how effectively the waste is agitated will determine the amount of solids which remain in the CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE PONDS. Over time it is expected that some solids will accumulate in the CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE PONDS. The accumulated solids should not reduce the usable capacity of the CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE PONDS to a point which requires removal of the solids for many years IF adequate lot scraping and waste agitation is maintained. In contrast, poor management will result in the rapid accumulation of solids which will reduce the usable capacity of the CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE PONDS to the point that some form of dredging will be required. If a large volume of solid waste is allowed to wash from the lot and/or if inadequate agitation is performed, this dredging operation could be required in a very short period of time_ If at any point in the future the usable capacity of the CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE PONDS becomes reduced to the point that solids must be removed, the removal of these solids will be at your expense. This would be part of the maintenance of your system and cannot be cost shared. ATWOOD DAIRY ALLEGHANY County, N.C. 1 DAIRY Farm December 9, 1997 e 1 e 1. CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE POND (continued) MAINTENANCE The concrete of the CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE PONDS should be inspected periodically for major cracks in concrete. Vegetation on the dam should be inspected periodically and reseeded as needed to maintain a vigorous stand. The dam should be mowed at least annually to prevent woody growth. Mowing operations must take place only when the soil of the dam is dry, and vegetation should not be mowed to a height of less than four(4) inches at any time. See CRITICAL AREA PLANTING for further maintenance requirements. Any evidence of sloughing or seepage should be reported to the ALLEGHANY Soil & Water Conservation District office. 2. AGITATION/APPLICATION SYSTEM OVERVIEW The AGITATION/APPLICATION SYSTEM consists of a power source Pump, requiring a minimum of 60 H. P., with a FOUR inch suction and FOUR inch discharge, FOUR inch agitation line, and FOUR inch tank fill line. OPERATION Application of slurry should be initiated prior to the liquid level reaching the full storage level marker in the structure. When the liquids level in the CONTAMINATED LIQUID WASTE STORAGE PONDS reache the marker, liquids must be removed by pumping from the structure to a spreader tank for land application. Do not irrigate in such a manner as to cause runoff or erosion. ATWOOD DAIRY ALLEGHANY County, N.C. DAIRY Farm December 9, 1997 2. AGITATION/APPLICATION SYSTEM (continued) MAINTENANCE Agitator/pump and spreader tanks should be checked periodically. 3. CONCRETE CURBING OVERVIEW The CONCRETE CURBING constructed on the lot will prevent contaminated liquids from entering the stream in any storm less severe than the twenty --five (25) year, twenty-four (24) hour storm. MAINTENANCE The concrete should be inspected periodically for major cracks. ATW WOOD DAIRY ALLEGHANY County, N.C. 3 DAIRY Farm December 9, 1997 4. LIVESTOCK EXCLUSION OVERVIEW LIVESTOCK EXCLUSION will be installed at locations as indicated on plan maps. LIVESTOCK EXCLUSION will -be installed according to NRCS standard 382 (Fencing). MAINTENANCE Inspect the LIVESTOCK EXCLUSION periodically for mechanical damage or rot. If fencing wire becomes loose, re -tighten to original specifications. If fence posts are rotted or damaged in any way, replace damaged posts with a post which meets the original specifications. ATWOOD DAIRY ALLEGIYAATY County, N.C. DAIRY Farm December 9, 1997 4 5. CRITICAL AREA PLANTING OVERVIEW Any areas of exposed soil which will not be covered by a structure shall be seeded to permanent vegetation. CRITICAL AREA PLANTING applies to the VEGETATED DIVERSION and Dam. MAINTENANCE Soil samples should be taken at least once per year. Fertilizer and lime should be applied at the rates recommended as a result of the soil test. Fertilizer and lime should be applied either during September -October or February -March. Vegetation should be inspected periodically and reseeded as needed to insure a vigorous stand. It is essential that neither vehicles nor livestock be allowed to use any area that has been treated with CRITICAL AREA PLANTING as a travel lane. All CRITICAL AREA PLANTING should be mowed at least annually to prevent woody growth. Mowing operations must take place only when the soil is dry and vegetation should not be mowed to a height of less than four (4) inches at any time. Do not mow cool season grasses during periods when plants are showing signs of drought stress. GENERAL COM4=S PESTICIDE USE Extreme care should be exercised with the use of all herbicides so that desirable vegetation, especially that of the VEGETATED DIVERSION and dam, is not adversely affected. It is a violation of law to use any pesticide in a manner not permitted by its labeling. To protect yourself, never apply any pesticide in a manner or for a purpose other than as instructed on the label or in labeling accompanying the pesticide product that you purchase. Do not ignore the instructions for use of protective clothing and devices and for storage and disposal of pesticide wastes, including containers. REPAIRS Notify the ALLEGHANY Soil and Water conservation District if repairs or major modifications are required for any of the components of this Waste Management System. ATWOOD DAIRY ALLEGHANY County, N.C. DAIRY Farm December 9, 1997 9 00 T) r, Mortalitv Management lviethods (check which methods) are. being implemented) may' Burial three feet beneath the surface of the around within 24 hours after knowledze of the death. The burial must be at least 300 feet from any flowing stream or public body of water. Rendering at a rendering plant licensed under G.S. 106-168.7 C! Complete incineration J In the case of dead poultry only. placing in a disposal pit of a size and design approved by the Department of Agriculture ,J Anv method which in the professional opinion of the State Veterinarian would make possible the salvage of part of a dead animal's value without endangering human or animal health -(Written approval of the State Veterinarian must be attached) December I S. 1996 Insect Control Checklist for Animal Operations — 5orlrce Cause BNIII'S lu Control lnscels Site Specific I'I-actices --- Liquid Systems Flush 0111crs Acciumilaliou of solids Cl Flush system is designed and ol)craled sufficiently to remove accumulated solids Frum gutters as designed. ❑ lUmove bridging of accumutatcd sui s at discharge Laguons ail Pits • cm -led Sul ids of Maintain I lgouns, Settling basllls rind pits MICIC pest breading is npl)arent to minimize the crusting of solids to a depllt of no more than G - • 8 inches over more than 3U"/• of surface. Excessive vegetative Decaying vegelaliull Maintain vegetative control along banks of Growth lagoons and other impoundments to prevent accumulation of decaying vegelative miller along walel's edge on impuundinew's perimeter, Dry Systems FCCders Fccd Spillage ❑ Design, operate and mainlain feed syslems (e.g.. bunkers and troughs) to lninilnin the accumulation of decaying wastage. ❑ Clean up spillage on a routine basis (e.g., T - 10 day interval during mlmlter; 15-3U day interval during winter). Feed storage Accumulatiuns of Iced residues ❑ Reduce moisture accumulation wilhin and around immediate perimeter of feed storage • areas by insuring drainage away from site and/or providing adequale containment (e.g., covered bin for brewer's grain and similar high moisture grain products). © lisped for rind reinove or break up accumulated solids in tiller strips around feed sloragc as needed. AMIC - November 11, 1996, Page I r1 Source Cause BMI's to Control Insects Site Specific Practices Animal I folding Ards Accunmialions of animal wastcs CJ Eliminate low areas that trap moisture alum; and feed wastage fences and other locaduns where waste imun elates and distuebance by animals is milnmal. Cl Maintain rcarce rows and Filler strips around animal Bolding areas 10 minimize accumulations or wastcs (i.e., inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids as areeded). Dry Manme Handling Accunmlations oranimal wastes CQ Rcmove spillage on a routine basis (e.g., 7 - 10 Systems day interval during suarnncr; 15-30 day intervnl during winter) where manure is loaded Fur land application or disposal. D Provide I'or adecluatc drainage around manure stockpiles. O Inspect rot and remove or break up accumulated wastcs in lifter strips around stockpiles and manure Handling areas ns needed. Fur more ittrortnalion coutacl the cool,crative Extension SCI'VICe, Departtnatl orE"nloinology, [lox 7613, Notlh Carolina Slate University, Raleigh, NC;, 27695-7613. AM IC - November 11, 1996, Page 2 Dairy Farm Waste Management Odor Control Checklist Source Cause 1) 'Ills to Minimize Odor Site Specific I'raclfces T.nnlslead Dail plodlidiull ❑ Vegetative or wooded buffers V(300(l ecomnended best maltabemenl practices judglncllt and corllnlan sense Paved loll or Ilnrn alley 0 GVct maimic-cuvcred surfaces Scrape or flush daily surfaces w"''ronwle drying with proper vclrlilalion V--l-Routinc cliecks and maintenance on %valclurs, hydrants, pipes, stuck tanks cd :ucas Uu iuc _ 1'rolnotr crying with proper ventilation • Partial rllicrobial decomposition Replace wet or mantlre-covered bedding [rl;uune dry slacks a P;ulial microbial decurnposition Provide liquid drailingc for stored Immure 5lurage lank or basin & Partial microbial decomposition ; ❑ [fullarll or mid -level loading surface 0 Mixing while filling ; ❑ 'Tank covers • Agitation when emptying ❑ Dasin Surface Mats of solids; 17 Minimize lot runoff and liquid addiflons [J Agitate only prior to manure removal O Proven biological additives or oxidanls Settling basin surfaces 0 1'allial microbial dccolmposition ❑ Liquid dlainage from Settled Solids • hfixirlg witilc filling ❑ Remove solids regularly • Agitation wllCll emptying Nlamme, slurry or sludge • Agitation when spreading spreader outicls 6 Volatile gas emissions Uncum-ed (Manure, • Volatile gas clllissiolls while slurry or sludge Oil field drying Sul Caccs IanEcs Agitation of tecyfled lagoon I; 'd I N 1 k 1'I1' ❑ ,Soil injection of slurry/sludges UY /Wash residual manure from spreader allcr use ❑ ['rovcn biological additives ar oxidants ❑ Soil itljcclioll ofsiurrylsiudgcs Soil incorporation within'IS Ills V-Spread ill thin uniform layers for rabid drying ❑ Proven,bialogical additives or oxidants 0 Flush tank covers; ltill t W u c an s arc r ing Cl L•x[cnd fill lines to near bottom of hulks with anti -siphon vents Outside drain collecliun Agitation during wastcwatcl' ❑ Dox covers or jutic[ion boxes conveyance AMUC - November 11, 1996, Page I • Source Cause BAIIIs to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices i Lift stations • Agitation during stamp lank ❑ Sump tank covers . t, filling and drawdown Did of drainpipes at Agitation during Nvaslcwaler ❑ l;xlcnd discUarge point of pipes underneath lagoon conveyance lagoon liquid level Lagutnt surlitccs Volatile gas emission; ❑ Proper lagoon liquid capacity; • Biological mixing; .. ❑ Correct lagoon startup procedures; • Agitation ❑ Minimum surface area -to -volume ratio; CI MinimuM agitation whcii lrtrutping; ❑ Mecltattical aeration; ❑ Proven biological additives lrrigation sprinklcr •. 111gh pressure agilatiun; _ ❑ Irrigate on dry days with little or no wind; nozzles Wind drill ❑ Minitt)um recommended operating procedure; CI Pump intake near lagoon liquid surface; ❑ Pump from second -stage lagoon; ❑ Flush residual manure from pipes at end of slurry/sludge pumpings Dead animals 0 Carcass decomposition Proper disposition of carcasses Standing water around a Improper drainage; Grade and landscape such that water drains facilities 0 Microbial decomposition of a►vay From facilities organic miller Mud tracked Onto public Poorly maintained access roads I.arrtt access road rnairitettancc roads from farm access Additional Information : Available From : Caltle Manure Management ; 02UO Rulc/BMI' Packet NCSU, County Extension Center Dairy Educational Unit Manure Management System - Lake Wheeler Road Field Laboratory ; L•BAE 209-95 NCSU - BAE l,aeoon Design and Management for Livestock Mamire Treatment and Storage ; EBAE 103-83 NCSU - BAE Managemenl of Dairy Wnslcwater ; EBAS 106-83 NCSU - BAE Calibration of Manure and Wnslewater Application Equipment ; EBAE Pact Sheet NCSU - BAE Nuisance Concerns in Animal Manure Management: Odors and Mies ; PRO 107, 105 Conference Proceedings Florida Cooperative Extension AN40C - November 11, 1996, Page 2 Technical Specialist Certification L .4s a technical specialist designated by the North Caxvlina Soil and Water Consersadon Commission pursuant to I- ivC.�C 6F .000�. 1 certify that the palatal waste manageruznc system for the farm named above has an anima! waste manase[aeat plan that mrets or exceeds standards and specifications of the Division of Ei ironmentsi Mauasemem (DELI) as specified in UA yC.AC 2H.0217 and the USDA -Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and/or the worth Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission pursuant to 15A NC -AC 2KO217 and 15A NCkC 6F .0001- .0003. The followin, elements are included in the plan as applicable. While each category designates a teChniCal specialist who may sign each ccnincatioa (SD, SF, SVUP, RC. 1), tLe technical specialist should only ce;dfy parts for which they are 1CCb-niCa11Y CnMpe:CnL II. Cerfifzcati o n of Design A) Collection. Storage. Treatment System Gtec: rke anproo are box -; Ex; sring facility .vithour retrotir (SD or WUP) StoraJe volume is ade- uate for one-ation caracitti_•: swrni7e caouhili[v ennsistenc •rith waste u[iiiZatiUn 10, -" Ne - e7mande�d car retrofared facility (SD} VA.�� 1•nimal waste-s[urase and treatment structures- such as but not limited toeollec:]o iasoorts and ponds. have been designed -to meet or exceed the minimum standards and specifications. Name of Technical Specialist (Please ���satiort U 5 D�q- �tI,QC. S =,ddress (Azei rq):—'00. Sianature:_,:,� Pant): Dc)-� Date Wort Completed: lIZ2V-qq Phone yo.:31L372-LZ, 441 • Date: S 12 p-oy B} Lan olication Site (WUP) The -plan provides for minimum separations (buffers); adequate amount of land for waste utiEzadon; chosen ergo is suitable for waste a:ana;emenc, hydraulic and nu[rienc. loading rates. Marne of Technical Specialist (Please Print): S 1'Ci✓ a alia:ion U N Cs Date Work Completed: 11 f 2-I f 9 Address (Aden O4��one No. Siv:iatu:?: C Date: z C) Runoff' C ntrols from Exterior Check rite bzoropriafe bor J Facility without exterior Iars (SD or tiVUP or RC} G�?� This - :lity does aot contain anv exterior lots. —(/ P'scility with Aereriar !ors (RC} ill Methods to minimize the run off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use areas bare been designed in accordance wick cechnica! standards developed by LNRCS. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): .� :illation Date Work- Completed: 1.241 9 Address (A24 test): Phone No.: Signamre: Date: AWC -- Augwr 1. 199-,