HomeMy WebLinkAbout010028_CORRESPONDENCE_20171231 NC®ENP* North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory John E. Skvarla, III Governor Secretary FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: c�r �knyn I,�jl av-A FROM: IMM1556L Poseb ro c.l- COMPANY: PAGES: & (Including cover sheet) FAX NUMBER: 3 -7 DATE: ;L', a 0 13 RE: fib [ O Qsf e- S() 1-t,5 COMMENTS: 2 5 e a re IM S+ r C ale I 16 sg 585 Waughtown Street,Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107-2241 Phone:336-771-50001 FAX:336-7714631 1 Internet:www.ncdenr,gov An Equal Opportunity 1 AfrmaGva Action Employer—50%Recycled 110%Post Consumer Paper NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919)733-2655 Website: www.ncagr.gov/agronomil Report No. FY12-SL023063 a�ut'I Dk,- Client: A.D. VVLI]lard Advisor- Predictive 2508 Major Hill Rd ` u 2 Graham, NC 27253 O Y Mehlich-3Extraction Soil Report .} } County: Alamance Sampied: Received: 12/12/2011 Completed: 01/24/2012 Farm. Links to Helpful Information Sample ID: 001 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2O5 K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Corn,Silage 0.0 180-220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 3 2-Corn,Silage 0.0 180-220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 3 Test Results[units-WN in glcrT?;CEC and Na in meq/100 crrP; NO3-N in mg/drrr3]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% Mg% S-1 Mn-I Mn-All Mn-AI2 Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N D.41 0.86 14.8 90 1.5 5.9 712 393 58 19 64 352 230 230 906 906 219 Sample ID: 002 Recommendations: lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tonslacre) N P2O5 K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu 8 Information Lime History: 1 -Corn,Silage 0.9 180-220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 3 2-Corn,Silage 0.0 180-220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 3 Test Results[units-WN in glcd;CEC and Na in megl100 crrr3;NO3-N in mgldd]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% Mg% S-1 Mn-I Mn-All Mn-AI2 Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.36 0.92 12.8 85 1.9 5.5 371 233 55 21 64 609 382 382 652 652 177 Sample ID: 003 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(Iblacre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2O5 K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Fes/OGfrim,E 1.5 50-70 40-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 2-Fes/OG/Tim,M 0.0 120-200 30-50 30-50 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 Test Results[units-WN in glcd;CEC and Na in meg1100 cd;NO3-N in mgldd]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% Mg% S-1 Mn-I Mn-Ali Mn-AI2 Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.36 0.93 4.7 66 1.6 5.2 42 52 39 23 47 392 245 245 275 275 29 North Carolina Reprogramming of the laboratory-information-management system that makes this report possible is being funded through a grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. Thank you for using agronomic services to manage nutrients and safeguard environmental quality. - Steve Troxier, Commissioner of Agriculture Rtamp Trust Fund CAwmisskm NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919)733-2655 Website: www.neagr.gov/agronomi/ Report No. FY12-SL023063 A.D. Williard C Page 2 of 3 Sample ID: 004 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2O5 K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Fes/OGITim,M 0.5 120-200 0 0-20 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 2-Fes/OGfTim,M 0.0 120-200 0 0-20 0 0 0 0 0 Nate: 12 Test Results[units-WN in glcd;'CEC and Na in meg11OO cd; NO3-N in mgldd]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% Mg% 8-1 Mn-1 Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0,27 0.92 9.3 85 1.4 5.7 99 77 54 27 40 352 228 228 231 231 81 Sample ID: 005 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tonslacre) N P2O5 K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Fes/OG/Tim,E 1.9 50-70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 2-Fes/OG/TIm,M 0.0 120-200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 Test Results[units-WN in glcd;CEC and Na in meq/100 crr?;NO3-N in mgldrd]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% Mg% S-1 Mn-I Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-1 Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.60 0.86 13.4 84 2.1 5.3 86 135 55 25 53 195 126 126 522 522 135 Sample ID: 006 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tonslacre) N P2O5 K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Corn,Silage 1.4 180-220 60-80 120-140 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 3 2-Corn,Silage 0.0 180-220 60-80 120-140 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 3 Test Results[units-WN in glcrrP;CEC and Na in meq/100 crrP;NO3-N in mgldrrP]: - Soil Class: Mineral HM%, WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-I Ca%a Mg% S-1 Mn-I Mn-Ali Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.13 1.04 9.5 76 2.3 5.1 32 33 44 29 44 43 43 43 85 85 38 Sample ID: 007 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2O5 K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Fes/OGffim,M 0.9 120-200 80-100 20-40 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 2-Fes/OGfTim,M 0.0 120-200 80-100 20-40 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 Test Results[units-WN in glcd;CEC and Na in meg1100 cm ; NO3-N in mg/dnf]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% W1V CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% Mg%a S-1 Mn-I Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.41 0.91 8.3 81 1.6 5.2 19 58 52 25 40 464 295 295 131 131 145 NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919)733-2655 Website: www.neagr.govlagronomil Report No. FY12-SLO23663 A.D.Williard Page 3 of 3 Understanding the Soil Report: explanation of measurements,abbreviations and units Recommendations Report Abbreviations Lime Ac exchangeable acidity If testing finds that soil pH is too low for the crop(s) indicated, a time recommendation will be given in units of either B boron ton/acre or Ib/1000 sq ft. For best results, mix the lime into the top 6 to 8 inches of soil several months before planting. BS% %CEC occupied by basic cations For no-till or established plantings where this is not possible, apply no more than 1 to 1.5 ton/acre(50 Ib11000 sq ft) at Ca% %CEC occupied by calcium one time, even if the report recommends more.You can apply the rest in similar increments every six months until the GEC cation exchange capacity full rate is applied. If MG is recommended and lime is needed, use dolomitric lime. Cu-I copper index ESP exchangeable sodium percent Fertilizer HM%a percent humic matter Recommendations for field crops or other large areas are listed separately for each nutrient to be added (in units of K-1 potassium index lb/acre unless otherwise specified). Recommendations for N (and sometimes for B) are based on researchtfield studies K20 potash for the crop being grown, not on soil test results. K-1 and P-1 values are based on test results and should be> 50, If they Mg% %CEC occupied by magnesium are not, follow the fertilizer recommendations given. If Mg is needed and no lime is recommended, 0-0-22(11.5% Mg) is MIN mineral soil class an excellent source; 175 to 250 lb per acre alone or in a fertilizer blend will usually satisfy crop needs, SS-I levels appear Mn manganese only on reports for greenhouse soil or problem samples. Mn-Ali Mn-availability index for crop 1 Mn-Al2 Mn-availability index for crop 2 Mn-I manganese index Farmers and other commercial producers should pay special attention to micronutrient levels. If$,pH$, $pH, C or Z M-0 mineral-organic soil class notations appear on the soil report, refer to $Note: Secondary Nutrients and Microoutrrents. In general, homeowners do not N nitrogen need to be concerned about micronutrients. Various crop notes also address lime fertilizer needs; visit Na sodium ncagr.gov/agronomi/pubs.htm. NO3-N nitrate nitrogen ORC organic soil class Recommendations for small areas, such as home lawns/gardens, are listed in units of Ib11000 ft . If you cannot find pH current soil pH the exact fertilizer grade recommended on the report, visit www.ncaaraov/aaronomi/obpart4.htm#fs to find information P-1 phosphorus index that may help you choose a comparable alternate. For more information, read A Homeowner's Guide to Fertilizer. P205 phosphate S-1 sulfur index Test Results sS-I soluble salt index Wtv weight per volume The first seven values[soil class, HM%, WN, CEC, BS%, Ac and pH]describe the soil and its degree of acidity. The Zn-AI zinc availability index remaining 16 [P-1, K-1, Ca%, Mg%, Mn-1, Mn-All, Mn-Al2, Zn-1,Zn-AI, Cu-I, S-I, SS-I, Na, ESP, SS-I, NO3-N (not Zn-I zinc index routinely available)] indicate levels of plant nutrients or other fertility measurement. Visit www.ncaar.00v/aaronomiluvrst.htm for more information. NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919)733-2655 Website: www.ncagr.gov/agronomi/ Report No. FY12-SL044150 Client: A.D./Carlton Williard Advisor. Predictive 8152 Lindley Mill Rd O r zip Graham, NC 27253 Soil Report Mehlich-3 Extraction � County: Alamance .if by Sampled: Received: 05/29/2012 Completed: 06/05/2012 Farm: Links to Helpful Information Sample ID: 001 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tons/acre) N P2O5 K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Small Grains 0.0 80-100 0 60-80 0 0 0 0 0 0 !Vote: 3 2-Corn,Sitage 0.0 180-220 0 120-140 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 3 Test Results[units-WN in gled;CEC and Na in meg1100 cd; NO3-N in mgidd]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% Mg% S-1 Mn-I Mn-All Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-1 Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.51 0.87 9.2 88 1.1 6.0 118 36 59 27 50 245 157 164 131 131 59 Sample ID: 002 Recommendations: . Lime Nutrients(lblacre) More Crop (tonstacre) N P2O5 K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu S Information Lime History: 1 -Fes/OG/Tim,E 2.6 50-70 0-20 40-60 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 12 2-Soybeans 0.0 0 0 70-90 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 3 Test Results[units-WN in glcd;CEC and Na in meg1100 crr?; NO3-N in mgldd]: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% Mg% S-1 Mn-I Mn-All Mn-AI2 Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.71 0.83 8.6 67 2.8 5.1 81 28 49 17 43 130 87 80 269 269 209 Sample ID: 003 Recommendations: Lime Nutrients(lb/acre) More Crop (tonslacre) N P2O5 K2O Mg S Mn Zn Cu B Information Lime History: 1 -Small Grains 1.6 80-100 0 60-80 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 3 2-Soybeans 0.0 0. 0 60-80 0 0 0 0 0 Note: 3 Test Results[units-WN in glcrrP;CEC and Na in meg1100 cd;NO3-N in mgtdmll: Soil Class: Mineral HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% Mg% S-1 Mn-I Mn-All Mn-AI2 Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I Na ESP SS-1 NO3-N 0.41 0.96 6.1 61 2.4 4.8 85 33 40 18 32 106 74 74 84 84 66 North Carolina Reprogramming of the laboratory-information-management system that makes this report possible is being funded through a grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. Thank you for using agronomic services to manage nutrients and safeguard environmental quality. Steve Troxler, Commissioner of Agriculture Tobacco Truu rind Cmtmsilorr NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919)733-2655 Website: www.ncagr.gov/agronomil Report No. FY12-SLO44150 A.D./Carlton Williard Page 2 of 2 Understanding the Soil Report: explanation of measurements, abbreviations and units Recommendations Report Abbreviations Lime Ac exchangeable acidity If testing finds that soil pH is too low for the crop(s) indicated, a lime recommendation will be given in units of either B boron ton/acre or Ib11000 sq ft. For best results, mix the lime into the top 6 to 6 inches of soil several months before planting. BS% %CEC occupied by basic cations For no-till or established plantings where this is not possible, apply no more than 1 to 1.5 ton/acre (50 lb11000 sq ft) at Ca% %CEC occupied by calcium one time, even if the report recommends more. You can apply the rest in similar increments every six months until the CEC cation exchange capacity full rate is applied. If MG is recommended and lime is needed, use dolomitric lime. Cu-1 copper index ESP exchangeable sodium percent Fertilizer HM% percent humic matter Recommendations for field crops or other large areas are listed separately for each nutrient to be added (in units of K-1 potassium index Iblacre unless otherwise specified). Recommendations for N (and sometimes for B) are based on research/field studies K20 potash for the crop being grown, not on soil test results. K-1 and P-1 values are based on test results and should be > 50. If they Mg% %CEC occupied by magnesium are not, follow the fertilizer recommendations given. If Mg is needed and no lime is recommended, 0-0-22 (11.5% Mg) is MIN mineral soil class an excellent source; 175 to 250 lb per acre alone or in a fertilizer blend will usually satisfy crop needs, SS-I levels appear Mn manganese only on reports for greenhouse soil or problem samples. Mn-All Mn-availability index for crop 1 Mn-AI2 Mn-availability index for crop 2 Mn-I manganese index Farmers and other commercial producers should pay special attention to micronutrient levels. If$,pH$, $pH, C or Z M-O mineral-organic soil class notations appear on the soil report, refer to $Note:Secondary Nutrients and Micronutrients. In general, homeowners do not N nitrogen need to be concerned about micronutrients. Various crop notes also address lime fertilizer needs; visit Na sodium ncagr.gov/agronomi/pubs.htm. NO3-N nitrate nitrogen ORG organic soil class Recommendations for small areas, such as home lawns/gardens, are listed in units of ib11000 ft . If you cannot find pH current soil pH the exact fertilizer grade recommended on the report, visit www.nca r. ovla ronomilob art4.htmt#s to find information P-1 phosphorus index that may help you choose a comparable alternate. For more information, read A Homeowners Guide to Fertilizer. P205 phosphate S-1 sulfur index est Results SS-1 soluble salt index WN weight per volume he first seven values[soil class, HM%, WN, GEC, BS%, Ac and pH]describe the soil and its degree of acidity. The Zn-AI zinc availability index TT zinc index maining 16 [P-I, K-1, Ca%, Mg%, Mn-1, Mn-All, Mn-Al2, Zn-I, Zn-A1, Cu-I, S-1, SS-I, Na, ESP, SS-I, NO3-N (not routinely available)] indicate levels of plant nutrients or other fertility measurement. Visit www.ncagr.govlagronomiluyrst,htm for more information. r MEMORY TRANSMISSION REPORT TIME :0*013 11:04 FAX NO.1 :336-771-4631 NAME :NCDENR WSRO FILE NO. 065 DATE 02.21 11 :01 TO :r 913363765435 DOCUMENT PAGES 6 START TIME 02.21 11:01 END TIME 02.21 11:04 PAGES SENT 6 STATUS OK —SUCCESSFUL TX NOTICE— North North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory John E. Skvaria, ili Governor Secretary FAX Tf2ANISiMITTAL SHEET 1,�u 1 cA1rd FROM: rd C�1L COMPANY: T PAGES: FAX NUMBER: �J (p — S R l 3 S PATE: at�a 1 r a C, 1 RE: �b c/--t---.a O.l op-�LS o!_L 1 I-1-,5 COMMENTS: 4 r,e4d e 585 Waughlo n 3[ract,Winston-Salem,North Carollnn 27107-2241 Phone:330-771-5000\FAX:338-771-4631 1 1nlornei:www,nppencg— nn ca.,a ovmn��ur 1 n+m,..an,.a norms e..,a>ara.-soac H.,�r�rm ox you co�wr�er raper N.C. DEParc Vr:, M7 Q Yr71RoN-M-ENT, PEAL T:^ VD he` IER L RESOURCES Groundwater Secticn Telephone Loa naW : / _/� 2 5__�__ c_ Time : a7. call : Placel Resurnsf prcjer �. �. L. r,V� :— r r?'� CJ✓in�.�^i __Wcy�Pnr County : t klG.Ll�li n c P /+ / T`lem cr_E . /sue_/& ex�, 3 r D__=z_;z__._ . SDoVe w ` � flMs . r r�vt a� 7wf rein�'✓`e_ l��o�.((a r,J w �1/� =s u' �/�P� ��C��{�'� l�k-S �DpS r{�`110 7Sr,- ,W_. _ rn/�(g✓ r_a&o �� • s North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch Medical Evaluation and Risk Assessment Unit Drinking Water Health Risk Evaluation General AX OUNTY DATE 3 2l �Z LABORATORY NUMBED, ( } Based on these analytical results, this water should be considered safe for normal usage ( } Chemical analysis did not show any contamination- Water should be resampled if odor or taste persists. (X) The water should not be used for drinking or cooking purposes. ( ) Based on these analytical results, this water is highly contaminated and should not be used for drinking, cooking or bathing/showering. O The laboratory results are not conclusive, please resample: PLEASE INDICATE ON LAB SHEET THAT IT IS A RESAMPLE AND PROVIDE PREVIOUS SAMPLE NUMBER US (X) COMMENTS: The nitrate drinking water standard is 10 pprn.'-The nitratelevel in your well water is either above or close to the drinking water standard. Continued consumption, especially of pregnant woman or infants six months of age and younger, may pose an increased health risk based on these nitrate levels For further information, contact Dr. Ken Rudo, Medical and Risk Assessment Unit, (919)733-3410 or-f919) 715-6430 DHHS (1 1/99) OEEB (Rev. I U00) North Carolina State Laboratory of Public Health Department of Health and Human Services P. O. Box 28047 -- 306 N. Wilmington St. -- Raleigh, N. C. 27611-8047 INORGANIC CHEMICAL ANALYSIS - NITRATE ONLY Name of System: Willard, A D Source of Water: Ground Address: 8-15-46 Zip: Source of Sample: County: ALAMANCE Type of Sample: Raw Report To: Alamance Co. Envr. Health ATTN: J Huemmer Type of Treatment: None 209 N. Graham-Hopedale Rd. (336) 246-7959 Type of Analysis: Nitrate Burlington, NC 27217 Category: ILp Courier: 17-42-02 9 rY Collected By: J HUEMMER Date: 2/12/02 Time: 2:20:00 PM Location of sampling point: Well Tap Remarks: NEW Previously had nitrate reading of 19 at home tap Parameters Results Units Date Analyzed: Nitrite as N <0.10 mgll 2/13/02 Nitrate as N 24.40 mgll 2/13/02 1 f ?,1AR EXPLANATION OF RESULTS: Foster[Therapeutic Homes: Nitrate-N level acceptable if less than or equal to 10 mgll Private Well Guidelines: Nitrite-N level should be-5 1.0 mg11 and Nitrate-w< 10.0 mgll Sample Temperature on Receipt: 4 C Date Received: 2/13/02 Report Date: 2/27/02 Reported By: Today's Date: 2/27/02 Reference: 2043 Login Batch 02020022 Sample Number: AA72069 North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch Medical Evaluation and Risk Assessment Unit Drinking Water Health Risk Evaluation General l - OUNTY DATE 2! LABORATORY NUMBER �a�� O Based on these analytical results, this water should be considered safe for normal usage O Chemical analysis did not show any contamination. Water should be resampled if odor or taste persists. (X) The water should not be used for drinking or cooking purposes. O Based on these analytical results, this water is highly contaminated and should not be used for drinking, cooking or bathing/showering. O The laboratory results are not conclusive, please resample: PLEASE INDICATE ON LAB SHEET THAT IT IS A RESAMPLE AND PROVIDE PREVIOUS SAMPLE NUMBER(S) (X) COMMENTS: The nitrate drinking water standard is 10 ppm. The nitrate level in your well water is either above or close to the drinking-water standard. Continued consumption, especially of pregnant woman or infants six months of age and younger, may pose an increased _ health risk based on these nitrate levels For further information, contact Dr. Ken Rudo, Medical and Risk Assessment Unit, (919) 733-3410 or-{9l9)715-6430 DHHS (1 I/99) OEEB (Rev. l 1/00) Northtolina State Laboratory of Publiclealth Department of Health and Human Services P. O. Box 28047 -- 306 N. Wilmington St. -- Raleigh, N. C. 27611-8047 INORGANIC CHEMICAL ANALYSIS - NITRATE ONLY Name of System: Williard, A D Source of Water: GROUND Address: 8-15-48 Zip: Source of Sample: County: ALAMANCE Type of Sample: RAW Report To: Alamance Co. Envr. Health ATTN: J Huemmer Type of Treatment: NONE 209 N. Graham-Hopedale Rd. (336) 246-7959 Type of Analysis. Nitrate Burlington, NC 27217 Category: Other Courier: 17-42-02 9 Collected By: J HUEMMER Date. 118102 Time: 2:57:00 PM Location of sampling point: outside Tap Remarks: Parameters Results Units Date Analyzed: Nitrite as N <0.10 mg/1 119102 Nitrate as N 20.84 mgll 119102 EXPLANATION OF RESULTS: Foster/Therapeutic Homes: Nitrate-N level acceptable if less than or equal to 10 mgll Private Well Guidelines: Nitrite-N level should be-5 1.0 mgll and Nitrate-N—< 10.0 mg1I 0 { Sample Temperature on Receipt: 1_ C Date-Received:119L02 Report Date: 1125102 Reported By: Today's Date: 1125102 Reference: 312 Login Batch 020'10013 Sample Number: AA70350 RECEIVED March 8, 2002 Melissa Rosebrock N.C. Dept. of EHNR DWQ - Water Quality Section MAR 112DD2 585 Waughtown Street Winston Salem, NC 27107 Winn ton-salem Regional OfficeDear Ms. Rosebrock, This letter is in response to the letter we received from Larry Coble dated February 18, 2002. I have called and met with Phil Ross and Bill Woods from MRCS and the Alamance Soil and Water Conservation District to put together a plan to correct the problems that were indicated. We are looking at several options to come up with the most effective and efficient solution. We are currently looking at reshaping the lot in the area of where the cows are to capture any waste runoff. This runoff would go directly into the existing waste storage pond. Curbing and or a speed bump would be placed to keep runoff from the lot's tractor access ramp. Removal of waste and the placement of rock at the end-of the fresh water drain will also be accomplished. Alamance SWCD is trying to help with the cost of these corrective measures through the costshare program We plan to start as soon as funding is available and a contractor to do this work can be obtained. We also will take the samples of the field that was mistakenly omitted. If you have any questions regarding these corrective actions, please call me or Phil Ross with Alamance SWCD. We welcome any suggestions that you may have so that this work will be a complete and final solution to this problem. Sincerely, ✓�[. P . W A.D. Williard cc. Phil Ross Bill Woods I � Facsimile Wansmit#al AIamance Soil tic Water Conservation District PHONE-336-238-1753 ext. 3 Faz-336-227-2488 Blamawe Soil&Water Conservafioa-piwict ,Z09 Naith Gsa dam Hopedale Ad. P.Q.Box.7185 Br<rl&gtoa, NC27a1S-0185 Date: 31 0 7— Attention: F e � !s-s-4 le d.54z, Lack � [� Ftom: Number of pages(including this comer): ; Comment(s): Lr /"J eli�Sa ; YCJ Zi/J7�e�e) ��e er. �v /J �• :el w ov d v !7� �IC d� ��-r•�i ! 4'hC /0 C) Xd Ve- Ve-f � L R,VIy requested. ❑ Yea 0 No March 8, 2002 Melissa Rosebrock DWQ - Water Quality Section 585 Waughtown Street Winston Salem,NC 27107 Dear Ms. Rosebrock, This letter is in response to the letter we received from Larry Coble dated February 18, 2002. I have called and met with Phil Ross and Bill Woods from NRCS and the Alamance Soil and Water Conservation District to put together a plan to correct the problems that were indicated. We are looking at several options to come up with the most effective and efficient solution. We are currently looking at reshaping the lot in the area of where the cows are to capture any waste runoff. This runoff would go directly into the existing waste storage pond. Curbing and or a speed bump would be placed to keep runoff from the lot's tractor access ramp. Removal of waste and the placement of rock at the end of the fresh water drain will also be accomplished. Alamance SWCD is trying to help with the cost of these corrective treasures through the costshue program. We plan to start as soon as f4ading is available and a contractor to do this work can be obtained. We also will take the app r0Ve. samples of the field that was mistakenly omitted. If you have any questions regarding these corrective actions, please call me or Phil Ross with Alamance SWCD. We welcome any suggestions that you may have so that this work will be a complete and final solution to this problem. n �s Sincerely, f A.D. Williard to h a 5 fibgproViej cc. Phil Ross Bill Woods F warF CQ 9O Michael F.Easley,Governor William G.Ross Jr.,Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J.Thorpe, Ph.D. 4 Acting Director Division of Water Quality February 18, 2002 CERTIFIED MAIL 7099 3400 0006 9313 7311 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. A. D.Williard 8152 Lindley Mill Road Graham, NC 27253 SUBJECT: Notice of Violation Compliance Inspection A.D.and Carlton Williard Farm,#01-28 Alamance County Dear Mr. Williard: On February 5, 2002 Melissa Rosebrock of the Division of Water Quality's Winston-Salem Regional Office performed a compliance inspection at your facility. This Notice is to summarize water quality concerns and violations observed during the inspection. Specifically, staff noted evidence of silage leachate and animal waste run-off coming from the silos and the concrete lot, entering a freshwater drain, and then draining into a ditch, traveling approximately 420 feet towards an unnamed tributary to Cane Creek (Class C. Nutrient Sensitive Waters). Although on the date of the inspection there was no waste flowing, the current situation allows for the potential discharge to surface waters of the State, especially during rain events. Our files also indicate that you were previously made aware of this concern (August 15, 2001 DWQ Compliance Inspection). This is a continued violation of your Animal Waste Management Permit(Section I,#1.). While reviewing the farm's waste application records, it was also noted that a soil analysis was not available for Tract 2856 (irrigation field). All other'application fields appeared to have a corresponding soil analysis available. Failure to have complete records is a violation of the Animal Waste Management Permit(Section III,#3.). A written response is to be submitted to this office within 30 days of receipt of this Notice indicating the actions taken to correct the violations outlined in this Notice. Your response should include an explanation of"when and how" the violations are to be corrected. Please address your response to Ms. Rosebrock's attention at the address shown on the letterhead. Be advised that North Carolina General Statutes provide for penalties of up to $25,000 per day per violation as well as criminal penalties for violations of state environmental laws and regulations. If you have any questions concerning this Notice, please contact Melissa Rosebrock or me at(336)771-4600. Sincerely, Larry D. Coble Water Quality Supervisor cc: DWQ Non-Discharge Compliance and Enforcement knit Alamance County Natural Resources Conservation Service/Soil and Water Conservation District Rocky Durham--DSWCD MRO Jerry Dorsett— DSWCD WSRO WSRO-FaciIity_Files Central Files WKN —* NCDENR Customer Service Division of Water Quality / Water Quality Section 1 800 858-0368 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem,NC 27107 Phone: (336)771-4600 Fax: (336)771-4630 Internet: http://wq.ehnr.state.nc.us r UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 14QFirs- cr fass' aiE Pm �...��'LISPS a&• es i'ai • Sender: 'lease print yo ddress, a NC DENR RECEIVED WATER QUALITY SECTIONN•P,,-01�pt• of EH N R- 585 W AUG HTOWN,STREET EB.1 2 2002 W IN STON SALEM NC 27107-224 W'.nsto I-Soa9em- Regiona! Off Ica -------------- [! �1111��111�1111I2�1l1�111IIIl i1lkl11ll!l l 11111 II111111 III 1 11 11 ZENDER:.COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. Also complete A. Signature item A if Restricted Delivery is desired. Z Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse x ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery 2 Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, eC' ? _Cam. or on the front if space permits. Z- � �� ",� � D. Is delivery address different from item 17 ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address befow: ©No Mr A D Williard 8152 Lindley Mill Road Graham NC 27253 3. Service Type /::ezertified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered Pr+Aeturn Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail /❑ C.O.D. A. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑ Yes (Ira /W& 'S FOE !102595-01-M-2509 Re:cows question _ Subject: Re: cows question Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 15:56:15 -0500 From: Melissa Rosebrock <Melissa.Rosebrock @ ncmail.net> Organization: NC DENR Winston Salem Regional Office To: Sue Homewood <sue.homewood@ncmail.net> thanks for the prompt response sue.....that's exactly what i needed to know. melissa Sue Homewood wrote: on the facility you called about. they can either redo their WUP for a max number of replacement cows or since dairy cows produce the most waste, if they have replacement cows at the same number or less (you can take into account confinement time) then they can keep their current WUP. as long as you are comfortable with what you are seeing out there. sue Melissa Rosebrock NC DENR Winston-Salem Regional Office Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Voice: (336) 771-4608 ext 265 FAX: (336) 771-4630 1 of l_ 2nI2002 12:25 PM Williard Dairy Soil Tests Subject: Williard Dairy Soil Tests Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 08,56:35 -0500 From: Soil Conservation <alamswcd@mindspring.com> To: "'Melissa.Rosebrock@ncmail.net"' <Melissa.Rosebrock@ncmai1.net> Hi Melissa, We do have the soil test reports for Carlton Williard we have them on file and we took him a copy. These samples were taken on different fields on 1/31/01, 2/16/01, 3/16/01, 4/24/01, 5/8/01. Waste sample was taken on 8/22/01, If you have further questions let me know. Thanks Phil Ross Phil Ross District Administrator Alamance SWCD 336-228-1753 ext.3 Fax 227-2488 1 of 1. 2/7/2002 12:22 PM Feb-08-02 11 :42A Alaun NC Cooperative 2 P. 01 Facsimile Transmittal Mamance Sail & Water Conservation District PHONE- 336-228-1753 ext. 3 Fax-336-227-2488 Blamanco Soil& Wager Cousexatlon District 209 North Graham Hopedale Rd. P.O.Box 3155 Burlington, NC 2T21"185 Date: Attention: FraTr►: Number of pages(including this cover): Comment(s): Reply requested: ( 1 Yes F1 No kDA Aqrancmic Division 4300 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607-6465 (919) 733.2655 Report No: 20325 .r Wil lard, A, D. ,.r N Soil Report 1. 1 SERVING N.C. CITIZENS FOR UVER So YEARS Alamance Count � Agronomist Comments: r, .. ; D Field Information Applied Lime Recommendations D alrrlp a No. Last Crop o Yr PA Crop or Year Lrmv N _ sw Mg Cu Zo 9 , n See ate u d - Test Results y Soil Gass HM% VUV Ct=C BS% Ac pH P-1 K-� Ca% Mg% PJ 4 '&-Al(1)Mn-AI (2) Zn-. Zn-Al CO-1 S-1 SS-1 NQ-N NHr-N Na Z i45 n a a ID a ro N • O N NCDA Agronomic Division 4300 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607-6465 (919) 733-2555 Report No: 22145 r m 'Ald lard, A. D. C r��•, _ O co I SoilTest RePort a..;; SERVING N.C.CITIZENS FOR OVER 50 YEARS Alamance County Agronomist Comments: D Field Information Applied Lime Recommendations D Sample ho, Last Crop a r . Crop or ear Lime . s K,0 gig Cu Zn 13 14 R ee VOre G6 �:o-r,�i Test Results Soils Class NM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-1 Cad Mg% Mo-1 Mrt-Al (1)Mrr-Al (2) Zn-1 Zn1 Al Cu-1 5-I S5-1 Na-N *b-N NO Dlah 1?h Via, 6C' I:�' 6YC 1--l' o� l =-3 -,Ac„� � , �� C7 Field Information Apollied Urnel Recommendations n Same a No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N POS 1,D PAg Cu Zn 6 Mn See Note 0 tp Test Results r+ Son!Class HM% WiV CFC 8S'% Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% M9Z lOn-1 W-Al (1)W-Al (2) Zn-1 Zn-A? W.I S-1 55-1 i'Va-N Nhh-N Na -1' �l_u 1l4 N O W NCDA Agronomic Division 4300 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607-6465 (919) 733-2655 Re ort No: 3246E 10 Uzi lard. A. D. s �c: auat ti.tr•n i r=1: �_�. r Cr 0 a,o Soil Test Rot)ort - ti ?a:t11 SERVING V.C.CITIZE-NS FOR OVER 50 YEARS Alamance Count Agronomist Comments: D Field Information Applied time Recommendations D Sample No. Last Crop Pro Yr TIA Irr—op 7 ear Lime s IOU Mg Cu Zn 13 Ifn See ote a 3 �r1;-I� =a=: ':��Ti�'.Ivl _,[G--,�. .,S;�i_.- .. �:1 =Y 1?S _yi_: r+•, v� �i; _ t� �; �-: �i ? 2rd to est. esuits y Y Sorel Class NM% W/V CEC BSA Ac pH P-1 H-1 Ca% Mg% Pin-I Mn-A1 (1)Mn-Al (2) Zn-1 Zn-A] Cu-! S-! SS-1 NCB-N NR-N ova Z t:11P1 �.�51 0 9' 4 3 '. rj 1.2 5.4 -k 6� J 0 ID J, N 0h r NCDA Agronomic Division 4300 Reed Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607-6465 (919) 733-2655 Report No: 36566 Q c:.: %Sill lard.A- D. _ .-o I_.}I r I E't.It Irs c'-1�•lI-a:iC I �,h, :;aj•- -Ii: co L N Soil es t Report 5f 8"cI 5ER'JING N.C. CITIZENS FOR OVER 50 YEARS Alamance Couniv � w AgronomistCarrmen:s: _ D I D Field information Aeplied Lime Recommendations J amp e o. asi rop o r rop or ear +mire g cu ra Mn See o to a � I� - C- ce Test Results V Soil Class HPA W/V CEC BS%* Ac pal P-1 K-I Cad Mq!� rvfrp-1 Mn-Al (2)1vfn-,41 (2) Zo-+ Zn-AI Cu-1 5-1 SS-1 Na-N &H-N Ma Z t-�lI`'J -2,41 'I G,; '�;� �h I; J r y9C4 ;1'^ F� F w.� n n 0 0 fD a r� J ID N 0 r1 State of North Carolina Department of Environment • and Natural Resources PECE-I'VED f Division of Water Quality if E H James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor JUL 1 g 2000 Bill Holman, Secretary NCDENR Kerr T. Stevens, Director WinSte n- Sa'iei N1ORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCE5 Regional Om July 14,2000 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED A.D. WILLIARD A.D. AND CARLTON WILLIARD 8152 LINDLEY MILL ROAD GRAHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27253 Subject: Application No. AWC010028 Additional Information Request A.D. and Carlton Williard Animal Waste Operation Alamance County Dear A.D. Williard: The Non-Discharge Permitting Unit has completed a preliminary engineering review of the subject application. Additional information was requested on June 28, 1999 and to date has not been received by the department. Additional information is required before we can continue our review. Please address the following by August 13,2000: 1. Two Waste Utilization Plans (WUP) were submitted with the application for a general permit. It appears that they were written for different application methods. It is unclear whether or not the WUP written for application by irrigation is intended to be used in addition to the WUP written for application by broadcast or if it will be used by itself. If it is to be a stand alone WUP,the Plant Available Nitrogen produced at the facility seems to be low for the number of animals being permitted. Please provide an explanation. Please note that all WUP revisions must be signed and dated by both the owner and the technical specialist. Please reference the subject permit application number when providing the requested information All information should be signed, sealed,and submitted in duplicate to my attention at the address below. The information requested by this letter must be submitted on or before August 13.2000 or the Division will return your application as incomplete in accordance with 15A N.C.A.C. 2H.0200 and your facility will be considered to be operating without a permit. Please be advised that operation of the subject animal waste management system without a valid permit is a violation of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and will subject you to the enforcement authority of the Environmental Management Commission. If you have any questions regarding this request,please call me at(919)733-5083,extension 546. Sincerely, usan Caute Y Environmental Ensineer Non-Discharge Permitting Unit cc: �Winston_Sal em.Regional Office,Wa`ter'Quality---9 Alamance Soil & Water Conservation District Permit-File 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10%post-consumer paper State of North Carolino Department of Environment • V and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary NCDENR Kerr T. Stevens, Director NORTH CAR(�`���i,���,�+,�,�,+�.DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT FURL/ NATURAL RESOURCES June28, 1999 RECIENED N.C. DeNp . cif EHNR CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED AUG 1 1 1t11#Q A.D.WILLIARD A.D. AND CARLTON WILLIARD W i n s t o rl--';S l e n� 8152 LINDLEY MILL ROAD � �����n�� �i#��� GRAHAM,NORTH CAROLINA 27253 Subject: Application No. AWC010028 Additional Information Request A.D. and Carlton Williard Animal Waste Operation Alamance County Dear A.D.Williard: The Non-Discharge PermittinE Unit has completed a preliminary engineering review of the subject application. Additional information was requested on June 28, 1999 and to date has not been received by the department. Additional information is required before we can continue our review. Please address the following by September 4, 1999: 1. Two Waste Utilization Plans(WUP)were submitted with the application for a general permit. It appears that they were written for different application methods. It is unclear whether or not the WUP written for application by irrigation is intended to be used in addition to the WUP written for application by broadcast or if it will be used by itself. If it is to be a stand alone WUP, the Plant Available Nitrogen produced at the facility seems to be low for the number of animals being permitted. Please provide an explanation. Please note that all WUP revisions must be signed and dated by both the owner and the technical specialist. Please reference the subject permit application number when providing the requested information. All information should be signed, sealed, and submitted in duplicate to my attention at the address below. The information requested by this letter must be submitted on or before September 4, 1999 or the Division will return your application as incomplete in accordance with 15A N.C.A.C. 2H .0200 and your facility will be considered to be operating without a permit. Please be advised that operation of the subject animal waste management system without a valid permit is a violation of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and will subject you to the enforcement authority of the Environmental Management Commission. If you have any questions regarding this request,please call me at(919)733-5083,extension 546. Since ely, S san Cauley Environmental Engineer Non-Discharge Permitting Unit cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Permit File 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733:5083—FAX-919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper State of North Carolin A' Department of Environ ent and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary NCD �R Kerr T. Stevens,Director NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OFh-� ENVIRONMENT AND NATZF A�fRESOURCES^ December 30, 1999 JAN 10 2608 A.D. Williard Illy/111 S 1 U 1 t- , .,, _M i A.D. and Carlton Williard a.9iena) ;)ffjca 8152 Lindley Mill Road Graham NC 27253 Subject: Fertilizer Application Recordkeeping Animal Waste Management System Facility Number l-28 Alamance County Dear A.D. Williard: This letter is being sent to clarify the recordkeeping requirement for Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) application on fields that are part of your Certified Animal Waste Management Plan. In order to show that the agronomic loading rates for the crops being grown are not being exceeded, you must keep records of all sources of nitrogen that are being added to these sites. This would include nitrogen from all types of animal waste as well as municipal and industrial sludges/residuals, and commercial fertilizers. Beginning January 1, 2000, all nitrogen sources applied to land receiving animal waste are required to be kept on the appropriate recordkeeping forms (i.e. IRRI, IRR2, DRY1, DRY2, DRY3, SLURI, SLUR2, SLD1, and SLD2) and maintained in the facility records for review. The Division of Water Quality(DWQ) compliance inspectors and Division of Soil and Water operation reviewers will review all recordkeeping during routine inspections. Facilities not documenting all sources of nitrogen application will be subject to an appropriate enforcement action. Please be advised that nothing in this letter should be taken as removing from you the responsibility or liability for failure to comply with any State Rule, State Statute, Local County Ordinance, or permitting requirement. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sonya Avant of the DWQ staff at(919)733-5083 ext. 571. Sincerely,4�f� ,jJ U� 4;� Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office Alamance County Soil and Water Conservation District Facility File 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 Fax 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%b recycled/10% post-consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of EnvironAt and Natural Resources • Division of Water Quality Al2 monk James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES May 14, 1999 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED RE-TURN RECEIPT REQUESTED N.C. Dept of EHNR A.D. Williard A.D. and Carlton Williard MAY 1 9 1999 8152 Lindley Mill Road Graham NC 27253 Wi Salem Farm Number: 01 -28 Regional Office Dear A.D. Williard: You are hereby notified that A.D. and Carlton Williard , in accordance with G.S. 143-215.1 OC, must apply for coverage under an Animal Waste Operation General Permit. Upon receipt of this letter, your farm has six 60 da s to submit the attached application and all supporting documentation. In accordance with Chapter 26 of 1995 Session Laws (Regular Session 1996), Section 19(c)(2), any owner or operator who fails to submit an application by the date specified by the Department SHALL NOT OPERATE the animal waste system after the specified date. Your application must be returned within sixty (60) days of receipt of this letter. Failure to submit the application as required may also subject your facility to a civil penalty and other enforcement actions for each day the facility is operated following the due date of the application. The attached application has been partially completed using information listed in your Animal Waste Management Plan Certification Form. If any of the general or operation information listed is incorrect please make corrections as noted on the application before returning the application package. The signed original application, one copy of the signed application, two copies of a general location map, and two copies of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan must be returned to complete the application package. The completed package should be sent to the following address: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Non-Discharge Permitting Unit Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 If you have any questions concerning this letter, please call J R Joshi at (919)733-5083 extension 363 or Ron Linville with the Winston-Salem Regional Office at (336).771-4600. Sincer , for Kerr T. Stevens cc: Permit File (w/o encl.) Winston-Salem Regional Office (w/o encl.) P.Q. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post-consumer paper � tAma-jr\C-e— -# col 301 3 � Q Animal Waste Management Emergency Report Form Hurricane: Date call received: D Time call received: o� • 4d10M .� Facility name: A b a- (' -(��W Q (,�Q�`C� Facility number: d — Caller's name: ar l 4210 W i if 4,ra Phone number. CP s ` 3 q s 3 Number of lagoons or waste storage ponds overflowing at the facility: For each waste structure at the facility,list the number of inches remaining before waste could overflow the dam or discharge through the spillway, and the condition of the embankment: Structure Inches Does the structure have Is the embankment a spillway (Yes/No) structurally sound (Yes/No) Ve, - T 5 2 3 4 Person taking call: VV�eIrSS�t State of North Caroii Depdrtment of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 'IPA a Winston-Salem Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor E) � H " Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT May 22, 1996 Mr. A. D. Williard 8152 Lendley Mill Road Graham, NC 27253 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Animal Waste Operation Inspection A.D. Williard Dairy Alamance County Dear Mr. Williard: An inspection of the animal waste handling facilities at your dairy operation was conducted by Jim Johnston of this Office, and Bill Woods of NRCS, on May 8 , 1996 . Specifically, the inspection was conducted to determine the status of your compliance with Title 15 A, North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0200 regulations , which govern wastewater disposal systems which do not discharge to surface waters of the State. Animal waste management systems which comply with the . 0200 regulations are "deemed permitted" by the Division, and thus, are not required to apply for individual permits for operation. The primary factor in assessing compliance with the regulations is whether or not a discharge of pollutants occurs from the facilities (in your case a lagoon)-.during any rain event less severe than a 25 year storm. A 25 year storm is a storm of such severity, that it can statistically be expected to recur once every 25 years. A 25 year storm in Alamance County would amount to any rainfall 6 inches or greater within a 24 hour period. You should be aware, however, that because the weather data used to compile what is a 25 year storm covers many years, it is possible to experience 25. year storms on two consecutive days. Likewise, you could receive 5 inches of rain one day, and 5 inches the next, and neither would constitute a 25 year storm, so you would need at least 10 inches of freeboard to prevent a discharge. At the time of the inspection seepage or wet conditions were observed at four(4) different locations on top of the lagoon. Should this seepage leave the area of the lagoon it would enter a large grassed field that would serve as a buffer. It is realized that no stream is located in the immediate area and that the 585 Waughtown-Street, Q. FAX 9]0 771-4631 Winston-Salem,North Carolina 27107-2241Nw— � —� An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Voice 910-771-4600 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper ig Li &'t G2�ie�/ �yr►l-� probability of there being a problem is small. However, should the lagoon wall break there is the possibility of environmental damage. Please work with NRCS in finding a solution to your problem and give this office a call by June 24 , 1996, as to what has been done to solve this potential problem. Should a discharge from your lagoon occur, you could lose your "deemed permitted" status, requiring submittal of an individual nondischarge permit application to DEM, or requiring you to get an approved animal waste management plan prior to the mandatory December 31 , 1997 deadline for animal waste management plans. If you have any comments or questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate .to contact Mr. Jim Johnston or Mr. Steve Mauney at { 910} 771-4600. Sincerely, Larry D. Coble Regional Supervisor cc: Alamance County NRCS Phil Ross, Division of Soil & Water Conservation Central Files tWSRO� Faciliry Number: Division of Environmental Management Animal Feedlot Operations Site Visitation Record Date: Time: Z�_L General Information: Farm Name: / I �� County: Owner Name: r 0 Lvr"l/:Q 2 Phone No: --3& z On Site Representative: Integrator: Mailing Address: .�/ �- -� Physical Address/Location- Latitude: -3 l 2 Longitude: 7S 1.2 o Operation Description: (based on design characteristics) Type of Swine No. of Animals Type of Poultry No. of Animals Typ Catrle No. of Artima is ❑Sow 0 Laver Dairy ( 0 Nursery ❑Non-Laycr ❑Beef ❑Feeder OrherType of Livestock- Number of Animals: Number of Lagoons: ! (include in the Drawings and Observations the freeboard of each lagoon) Facility Inspection: Lagoon Is lagoon(s) freeboard less than 1-foot+ 25 year 24 hour storm storage?: Yes M-,--No ❑ Is seepage observed from the lagoon?: Yes If—No❑ Is erosion observed?: Yes ❑ No U--' Is any discharge observed? ��� Yes 2'' No❑ 0 Man-made UINot Man-made Cover Crop Does the facility need more acreage for spraying?: Yes ❑ No❑ Does the cover crop need improvement?: f Yes ❑ No❑ (Iisr the crops which need improvement) ` Crop type: E ,/`;�' ct -i Acreage: j Setback Criteria Is a dwelling located within 200 feet of waste"application? Yes a No 1� Is a well located within 100 feet of waste application? Yes ❑ No CY Ts ar,imaI waste stockpiled within I00-feet of USGS-Bltte Line Stream? . Yes-O—No-B is t.ai,-real wasteland applied or spray irrigated within 25 feet of Blue Line Stream? Yes ❑ No; A-�' Janu2ry17,1996 J Maintenance Does the facility maintenance need improvement? YestO No❑ Is there evidence of past discharge from any part of the operation? Yes❑ No 0- Does record keeping need improvement? Yes ❑ No C] Did the facility fail to have a copy of the Animal Waste Management Plan on site? Yes ❑ No❑ Explain any Yes answers: L L/2 c' 6-7 »-Y I -- J � C. _ Signature: . / Date:_ S=.Zz - y6 cc. Facility AsZ i Unt Use Attachments if Needed Drawings or Observations: r - �J C C � 1 � ' C� �sS • AOI— January 17,1996 State of North CAna Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources ATAIAI Winston-Salem Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor E) F= HNF;Z Jonathan 13, Howes, Secretary Leesha Fuller, Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL r MANAGEMENT Auqust 25, 1995 Mr. A. D. Williard 8152 Lendlev Mill Road Graham, NC 27253 SUBJECT: Animal Waste Operation Inspection A.D. Williard Dairy Alamance County Dear Mr. Williard: An inspection of the animal waste handlinq facilities at your dairy operation was conducted by Jim Johnston of this office, and Bill Woods of MRCS, on Auqust 23 ,_ 1995. Specifically,. the inspection was conducted to determine the status of your compliance with Title 15 A, North Carolina Administrative Code 2H . .0200 regulations , which govern wastewater disposal systems which do not discharge to surface waters of the State. Animal waste management systems which comply with the .0200 regulations are "deemed permitted" by the Division, and thus, are not required to apply for individual permits for operation. The primary factor in assessing compliance with the regulations is whether or not a discharce of pollutants occurs from the facilities (in your case a lagoon) during any rain event less severe than a 25 year storm. A 25 year storm is a storm of such severity, that it can statistically be expected to recur once every 25 years. A 25 year storm in Yadkin County would amount to any rainfall 6 inches or greater within a 24 hour period. You should be aware, however, that because the weather data used to compile what is a 25 year storm covers manv Years , it is possible to experience 25 Year storms on two consecutive days. Likewise, you could receive 5 inches of rain one day, and 5 inches the next, and neither would constitute a 25 year storm, so you would need at least 10 inches of freeboard to prevent a discharge. At the time of the inspection, it was noted that Your lagoon was full with practically no freeboard. The general recommendation for lagoon operators is to maintain at least I8 inches of freeboard in a lagoon (1 foot plus the 6 inches from the 25 year storm) . Thus , you should attempt to pump your lagoon at the first available 585 Woughtown Street,Winston-Salem. North Carolina 27107-2241 Telephone 910-771-4600 FAX 910-771-4631 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper #- L� Mr. A.D. Williard Page #2 Auqust 25, 1995 opportunity since the liquid level is within 18 - inches of the low point of youhstructure. Should a discharge from your lagoon occur, you could lose your "deemed permitted" status , requirinq submittal of an individual nondischarqe permit application to DEM, or requiring_ you to qet an approved animal waste management plan prior to the mandatory_ December 31 , 1997 deadline for animal waste management plans. Should you require technical assistance on how to handle the wastewater qenerated from your operation, contact _your local Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office at (910) 225- 0477. If you have any comments or questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Jim Johnston or me at (910) 771-4500. Since ely, M. Steve Mauney Water Quality Supervisor cc: Alamance County NRCS Phil Ross , Division of Soil & Water Conservation Central Files WSRO JUL-14-1995 15:34 FROM DEM WATER QUALITY SECTION TO 4J5KU ?1.YJC,sac Site Requires ate Attention: Facility No. DMSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ANIMAL FEEDLOT OPERATIONS srm vISITATION RECORD DATE: , 1995 Time: `p Farm NamclQwner. l� L J. /I,�z 2 Mailing Address: Integrates: - ._ D t.�.'1 "s F ej Phone:X7 On Site Representative: C;ag/�,L , [ =.L/,� �.- Phone: 3 --Zr Physical Address/Location: Type of Operation: Swint Poultry Cattle 1G[1al__7 Design Capacity: Number of Animals on Site: 57 DEM Certification Number: ACE- DEM Certification Number. ACNEW Latitude: 3.L ' S`z ''" Longitude: 2 -70 Elevation: Feet Circle Yes or No Does the Animal Waste Lagoon have sufficient freeboard of 1 Foot+25 year 24 hour storm event (approximately 1 Foot+7 inches) Yes or No Actual Freeboard: _.___fit. 14/ Inches Was any seepage observed from the lagoon(s)? Yes or No Was any erosion observed? Yes or No Is adequate land available for spray? ��o No Is the cover crop adequate Y�or No Crop(s)being utilized: Does the facility meet SCS minimum setback criteria? 200 Feet from Dwellings? Yes or No 100 Feet from Wells? Yes or No Is the animal waste stockpiled within 100 Feet of USGS Blue Line Stream? Yes or No Is animal waste land applied or spray irrigated within 25 Fat of a USGS Map Blue Line? Yes or No Is animal waste discharged into waters of the state by man-made ditch,flushing system,or other similar man-made devices? Yes or No if Yes, Please.Explain. Does the facility maintain adequate waste management records (volumes of manure, land applied, spray irrigated on specific acreage with cover crop)? Yes or No Additional Comments: c% �-c-r�c Inspector-Name Signature cc:Facility Assessment Unit Use Attachments if Needed. TOTAL F.02 aPEWiT1ts+w ) BRRHCH - W!;i F :919--?1 5--6 8, lu 2r Most-it Fax Note 7671 tale �f ?OT ` 1 1C?:` 7 P. U1/1 p�5as /cry TO , From _" � Immr�iaatc Attrnlion�. f CoJDsFr ' .f'' Co. •'i.L.. �. �. 1 Phcrse g Phone a FuDily Number: Fax FF Fax a al iAIION�c0VJ) 1995 ' Owner _ -��_�,//r a r� aml Nsrnc: cr- County. �nG,�t�?�t'L✓! z E v /Agent Visiting Sit= / / cp s f Qom- - � � phorio;. .//�-2 2,-- '71 Q W UJ�rBCOI. °7�`! << t t L" 1) '7 jO On Site Repnmcnadivo' t �•Y ,�r^1 i7 +r f Phoco' i d MU �- G � lai�ys{ral Addresa:----- `� �'� �t....:*,-��•��• ;�i� '-� �`"'�' ..-- - - C> � rn Muiling Addmosa: cc Type of 0peratsva. Swinc Poultry t^atue OtAgn Capnmlty: '_ r"' I*iumbCf of Animnl4 0+1 Sitt: �. _.,� Type of In ticm. 0mund!� A=ial Circlo Yca or'No Doc: the Animal Wuaty LI-geon have xuff Iciant:freeboa,d of l Foot+25year 24 hour stcrm avant (approximmeiy 1 root-:-7 Im ahes) Ycs or 1 o Mlual Mmcbo-erd: T:rt 'r Irtche`t • Far faci7'riiea .uitit more l3tati�3<s�c;cr}, �sC adGrttiss chc cite:lh�oc�a�' {'n�ard und;.r t}te - CVtI'LtI}CIItS S��t10R. Wn; any cr_paSp-observed Gim clmIigoon(s)? Yt4 or o vm (Lcm cxo5ivr%ofd-,o 4RIIti: Yom or� I: ack:qua,,c farsri available:bc land appjicatmm r No Is :he aircr,=p adegaaL-�r No Additional Cu,llment%: � 1e5,,rr,v'�` L W!"b�, Lv�•�e"'�r.t �:P'� Y='" Sea ir-� •i��'r'--- � "js��,�G�,�i�_ r S �+ _ - S �� 4ay✓'Gii Er a , Fax tts(919)715-3559 � Sigrlalum of AVtt 71 V./f ' ft/a` �rLe ✓rrus r'7 ta l