HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC190501_ESC Approval Submitted_20190603EROSION CONTROL - ADDITIONAL NOTES: 1. THE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR CAN BE REACHED AT THE CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM. 2. EROSION CONTROL DEVICES ARE TO BE INSTALLED BASED ON DETAILS PROVIDED UNDER THE APPROVED PLANS. THE PLANS AND DETAILS ARE BASED ON THE NC EROSION AND SEDIMENT PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL, AND RECOGNIZED BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP'S). 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN CLOSE CONTACT WITH THE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR. ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR THAT ARE NOT INDICATED ON THE PLANS. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN EROSION ONSITE, REGARDLESS OF THE MEASURES REQUIRED. ANY CHANGE IN THE EROSION CONTR MEASURES AND\OR GRADING SHALL BE CALLED TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER AND THE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR. 4. WEATHER FORECASTS SHALL BE MONITORED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE FOR RAIN EVENTS RE-EXAMINING ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PRIOR TO START OF PRECIPITATION. ANY REINFORCEMENT OR CORRECTIONS SHOULD BE PERFORMED AND DOCUMENTED. 5. IF FILL MATERIALS ARE TO BE BROUGHT ONTO THIS PROJECT OR WASTE MATERIALS ARE TO BE TAKEN FROM THIS PROJECT, THIS INFORMATION MUST BE DISCLOSED AND SHOWN ON THE EROSION CONTROL AND GRADING PLAN. BORROW AREAS AND DUMP SITES ARE CONSIDERED TO BE PART OF THIS PROJECT AND THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR STABILIZATION AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AT THESE SITES. 6. AS OF MARCH 10, 2003, ALL CONSTRUCTION SITES ONE (1) ACRE OR MORE, REQUIRE NPDES PERM THEREFORE: - WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION OF A DEVIATION FROM APPROVED PLAN MUST BE NOTED ON THE APPROVED PLANS. - WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION OF AN EMERGENCY SITUATION WHERE SEDIMENT HAS BEEN DISCHARGE OFF SITE MUST BE RECORDED. ALSO, CONTRACTOR'S ACTIONS TO REPAIR AND RETURN AREA TO PRE -STORM CONDITION MUST BE RECORDED. - THE PERMITTEE SHALL INSPECT ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL FACILITIES EVERY SEVEN DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS OF A 1.0 INCH OF RAIN. FINDINGS SHALL BE RECORDED AND PRESENTED UPON INSPECTOR'S REQUEST. - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE RAIN -RECORDING DEVICE AND RECORD EACH RAINFALL. - ANY FAILURES THAT CAUSE VISIBLE SEDIMENTATION TO LEAVE THE APPROVED DISTURBED LIMITS SHALL BE CORRECTED IMMEDIATELY AND DOCUMENTED. - A COPY OF THE NPDES PERMIT SHOULD BE KEPT ON SITE FOR REFERENCE. 7. THE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR CAN REQUIRE, IN ADDITION TO ANY OTHER CIVIL OR CRIMINAL PENALTY OR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF, THAT ANY PERSON(S) WHO IS ENGAGED IN A LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITY AND FAILS TO RETAIN SEDIMENT GENERATED BY THE LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITY, TO RESTORE THE WATERS AND LAND AFFECTED BY THE FAILURE SO AS TO MINIMIZE THE DETRIMENTAL EFFECTS OF THE RESULTING POLLUTION BY SEDIMENTATION. SITE NOTES 1. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION. ANY DAMAGE TO THESE UTILITIES SHALL BE REPAIRED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD VERIFYING ALL ILLUSTRATED KNOWN UNDERGROUND ELEMENTS. ADDITIONALLY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR EXERCISING REASONABLE EFFORT TO PROTECT ANY UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND ELEMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DEVELOPER IMMEDIATELY IF UNKNOWN ELEMENTS ARE DISCOVERED THAT WOULD NECESSITATE MODIFICATION TO THE ILLUSTRATED DESIGN. 3. PROTECT ALL ADJACENT PROPERTIES, THE GENERAL PUBLIC, AND ALL OTHER FACILITIES. SHOULD DAMAGES OCCUR, CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR IMMEDIATELY AS DIRECTED BY THE DEVELOPER. CONTRACTOR IS FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL REPAIRS, AND REPAIRS ARE TO BE PERFORMED TO THE DEVELOPER'S APPROVAL. 4. UTILIZE SIGNS, BARRICADES, FLAGMEN, OR GUARDS AS REQUIRED TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF ALL VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC DURING ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LAYOUT OF ALL WORK AS ILLUSTRATED ON PLANS. IF EXISTING CONDITIONS DIFFER FROM THOSE ILLUSTRATED ON PLANS, NOTIFY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 6. ALL SIGNS, PAVEMENT MARKINGS, AND OTHER TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL CONFORM TO THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 7. ANY REQUIRED UTILITY RELOCATIONS MUST BE COORDINATED WITH THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY BY THE OWNER/DEVELOPER OF THE SUBDIVISION. 8. ALL IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COUNTY OF FORSYTH INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. 9. ANY DISCREPANCIES FOUND IN THE FIELD SHALL BE CALLED IMMEDIATELY TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH WORK. 10. PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THAT ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND APPROVALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED FROM ALL REGULATORY AUTHORITIES. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN THE SITE IN A MANNER SO THAT WORKMEN AND PUBLIC SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM INJURY. 12. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALL OWNERS OF EASEMENTS, UTILITIES AND RIGHT-OF-WAYS, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE, PRIOR TO WORKING IN THESE AREAS. EROSION CONTROL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 1. Obtain grading/erosion control plan approval and permit from the City of Winston-Salem Inspections. 2. Contact Erosion Control Inspector and the City of Winston-Salem Stormwater Engineer to establish a pre -construction conference and inspection schedule. Self Inspection -----Effective October 1, 2010, persons conducting land -disturbing activities, larger than one (1) acre, must inspect their project after each phase of the project, and document the inspection in writing on approved forms available from the City of Winston-Salem Inspections office. The phases are as follows: • Installation of perimeter Erosion and Sediment Control measures. • Clearing and grubbing of existing ground cover. • Completion of any phase of grading of slopes or fills. • Completion of construction or development. Establishment of permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain Erosion. 3. •Clear site ONLY as necessary to install initial Erosion Control measures as follows: a. Temporary silt fencing b. clear and grub as necessary to install temporary skimmer basin C. Temporary skimmer basin (see sheet C4.2) d. Temporary diversion berms e. Prepare area for soil placement above TSKB f. excavate TSKB-1 and TSKB-2; place soil in area prepared above the TSKB g. Seed embankments and disturbed areas of devices upon completion of construction. See Ground Stabilization Criteria on this Sheet for more information. 4. Begin clearing, grubbing, and stripping of site as required. Earthen -material stockpiles on -site for later distribution and/or removal, areas dedicated for management of land clearing and demolition debris, construction and domestic waste, and hazardous or toxic waste shall be located at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters (unless it can be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available), and within areas protected by Erosion Control measures. 5. Begin site grading. Maintain Erosion Control devices in accordance with the maintenance plan. Install additional Erosion Control measures as required. 6. Continue to maintain Erosion Control measures until vegetative cover has been established over all disturbed areas and site has been stabilized. Remove Erosion Control measures ONLY after final inspection and approval by Inspector, except for those protecting downstream of the TSKB. EROSION CONTROL LEGEND -LOD - ■LOD - TDB> ■ LIMITS OF LAND DISTURBANCE EXISTING TREELINE TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERM (X MARKS GRADE BREAK) TEMPORARY SILT FENCE SILT FENCE STONE OUTLET TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE I SEDIMENT BASIN DRAINAGE AREA DELINEATION LINE TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN w/ DONUT INLET PROTECTION RIP -RAP OUTLET PROTECTION SEDIMENT TRAP BAFFLE SKIMMER r // / / % l /' / /DU E OWER �0. / T�PIN 68 9-06TLo�702 Block 5240/ Lo O / ( ,,Z� : AG / �� cb^�° / cv I � 1 \ I / � � � ctj0 IOSEn�VA AN O / 776.16' BY I 1 1 I / ss• 153'116" 0' 30' 60' 120' SCALE: 1 - 60 ITS. °�/ COLTRANE F#RM LLC o� O O I I I I Ld PIN: 6889-96-1801 / / / ^ \ \ / / �� / o weed Book- 3099, Page 1478 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / I J Tax-B(ock 524?/Lot 1 5F /USACAADd� \ //// u' / -830 / / / / / / / / i,-- ////,/ / L �820 / / / / // ( ` - - \\\ \ COLTRANE FARM LtC - / / / / //� / / l / I L PIN�889-96-2457 \ \�\ \ \ \ \ \ ( r / DEED BOOK 3099, SAGE--1478 / \ \ \ /Tq*--5`LOC�42 LOT 105,D iZONING:_�,G �\ O USE: VACAN /g1 / / / / ///-780= �\\\,� \\ O \ �\ \ \ \ \ Li OOD HAZARD NE \\ 1,9 TEMPORARY SILT FENCE (TYP.)/_ 1 CARTER FARM R 00 O sG O r O CHURCH RD. P P�N�N AN RD (b VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 2000' TSKB-1 PRE DEVELOPMENT TEMP SKIMMER BASIN 1 a I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ b b� / / a1 / / / `a2 / �_ _ I / / / / CO I O � I * � DUKE POWER CO. DRAINAGE VAREA = 2.88AAC PRE-DEV \\ \ \ \ 010= CIA= 0.40*4.89*2.88 = 2.05 CFS 903 TAX BLOCK5242, LOT000� DISTURBED AREA = 2.88 AC \ >c \ \ \ ZONING: AG TEMPORARY / / / / / j I \ \ \ \ DIVERSION BERM / j PROVIDED SED STORAGE VOL. O 5,094 CIF USE: VACANT / / / PROVIDED SED. STORAGE 1,83 = 5,527 CF I \ \ � � / / / / // / / / I J /�✓ REQ'D SURFACE AREA = 1,831 SF PROVIDED SURFACE AREA = 2,997 SF \ \ �� / SURFACE ELEVATION=793.0' / - DEPTH SED. STORAGE 1.5 FT > I I \ TOTAL STORAGE HEIGHT = 3 FT / / / v� v>/Ix 1 / TOTAL DAM HEIGHT =2.0 FT I / (0. .1 I \ DUKE POWER C I / BOTTOM ELEVATION= 789.00' / / PIN: 6899-06-8 61 BASIN BOT. LENGTH = 110 FT TAX BLOCK WEIR LENGTH 21.2 FT ZONG 42, LOT BASIN BOT. WIDTH (AVG) = 10 FT = IN: A // WEIR ELEV. = 793.0' / USE: VAT TOP OF DAM = 916.00' / SKIMMER SIZE = 3.0" DIA. TEMPORARY CHECK DAM _ ORIFICE SIZE = 1.25" DIA. - o (TYP.) / / / / / / / / DEWATERING TIME: 2.82 DAYS ' / ai I�04 5) / / 00 Cb� / O / C14./ / TEMPORARY I I L I r I / ( �� / / / �rp - m / CONSTRUCTION O I I ` TRANCE I I I I AD �DOLTRANE RA4n qL C O�� / �� LIMITS A / -F" R�1 L � b � / I I ) DISTURBANCE PIED 6889- 96- 61PAGE-- 3� DEED BOOK 3099, PAGE � 7TAX BLOCK 5242, LOT 007R - ZONING: AG USE. MJ ANUF HOMES -, 1 DSO i f / , STONE OUTLET IN / L AT S- -_ SITE DATA PIN:6�Q-9 _, / / / / / /III / DE� BOOK, 0 i6HE" - � - -" / / / / Oo / I / / / / I I I I I / / G�� ��l// / l I l l/ l l ll 11 I, / --�/II= / O /�L° ��/, " / S/FC OSION ONTROL NOTICE CC) � /� �/ / /////� / � \� � � / / / � ^� � / � // / / \ I I I / / o // / PLA APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION � This plan 9�>rrlplles with Chapter C, Article 5 - Erosion Control of the Wirfston-Salem/Forsyth County Unified Development \90� I 3I I ,/ / �r / / Or finance. A printed set of the stamped/approved plan must \\ 20.03, / / �I / be kept on the construction site for reference when Ins Ilin GARY L�OBBBER required erosion control measures. \ �BRENDA (� I l I l // \ \ PIN: 6899-05-27731 I ' TD0/PAE 13 �Xl6CK 52�PT07WBZONING: AG l matthewo 05/31/ 19 8:03:19 AMU� SI�LE�FAMIL� DWELL NG I I I I I EROSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE PLAN GENERAL NOTES: 1) REFER TO DETAIL SHEETS FOR SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. 2) PHASE -IV TOTAL DISTURBED AREA: 12.99f AC. (SEE DISTURBED AREA NOTE THIS SHEET) SEDIMENT FENCE/TREE PRESERVATION FENCE NOTES: PROTECTIVE FENCING MUST BE INSTALLED AROUND THE TREE CONSERVATION AREA BEFORE ANY TREE DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. SUCH FENCES MUST BE AT LEAST 4 FEET IN HEIGHT AND MUST CONSIST OF ORANGE POLYETHYLENE SAFETY FENCING. WHERE THE TREE PROTECTION FENCE AND SOIL EROSION CONTROL FENCE RUN CONGRUENT, THE SOIL EROSION CONTROL FENCE MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE TREE PROTECTION FENCE. FENCING MUST REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE AND OTHER LANDSCAPING HAS BEEN INSTALLED, AND THE PLANNING DIRECTOR HAS APPROVED ITS REMOVAL. 1. INSPECT ALL SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES FOR STABILITY AND FUNCTION EACH WEEK AND FOLLOWING EACH RAINFALL EVENT. 2. REMOVE SILT/SEDIMENT FROM TEMPORARY DEVICES WHEN ACCUMULATED VOLUME HAS REACHED 50% OF STORAGE CAPACITY. 3. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SILT/SEDIMENT FROM BEHIND TEMPORARY SEDIMENT FENCE WHEN DEPTH EXCEEDS APPROXIMATELY 0.5'. REPAIR AND REPLACE SILT FENCE AS NECESSARY. 4. SEED AND STABILIZE TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERMS IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION RE-GRADE/REPAIR BERMS AS REQURED. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL APPOINT AN ON -SITE INSPECTOR AND MAINTAIN RECORDS OF INSPECTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE GENERAL NPDES STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 1. DEED REFERENCES: D.B. 3437 PG. 1497 2. OWNER: ANDREA & CHARLES ALBOHN 2805 S. MAIN ST WINSTON SALEM NC, 27127 P: 336 687-0861 3. PIN: 6899-06-1421 4. AREA: 18.19f AC 5. DISTURBANCE AREA = 3.10 6. ZONING: EXISTING= FORSYTH COUNTY 7. WATERSHED: BELEWS LAKE WATERSHED 8. EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA = 0 SF 9. PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA= 6,532 SF 10. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN IS TO MEET EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS OF DISTURBED AREA. GROUND STABILIZATION CRITERIA site area stabilization stabilization timeframe description timeframe exceptions Perimeter dikes, swales, 7 days None ditches, & slopes Slopes steeper 7 days If slopes are 10' or less in than 3:1 length & are not steeper than 2:1, 14 days allowed Slopes 3:1 or 14 days 7 days for slopes>50 feet in flatter length All other areas with 14 days None slopes flatter than 4:1 GREEN MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING, PLLC 7A WENDY CT GREENSBORO, NC 27409 Tel: 336.294.9394 CERTIFICATE NO. P-0826 www.greenmountainengineers.com SEALS: 4. nrauo�\ PRELIMINARY DRAWING- FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY CONTRACTOR SAMUELEVANS 7439 BAUX MOUNTAIN RD. GERMANTON,NC P: 336 399-3165 E: SAMUELEVANSBUILDERS@GMAIL.COM Z_ }) J U O Of < O a (5 } 2 � �Z Q� =) 00 Z U Q w 0. O/ I.L � a Z Z OU 2 O} U) M W (If O J u- o Q W Q � Y Ow W ly- OU U U) Z Z LU J W 00 J UU) Z Z �O DESIGNED BY: GME CHECKED BY: GME DATE: 2019-05-06 REVISIONS: O�O N �TILITY PRE FORT ;p /0" o> "?&I '70,� BEFORE YOU DIG! CALL 811 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAW! JOB. No: 7A19-033 SHEET TITLE: EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN SCALE: 1 " = 60' SHEET NO.: C-4.0 EROSION CONTROL - ADDITIONAL NOTES:- 1 . THE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR CAN BE REACHED AT THE NCDEQ. 2. EROSION CONTROL DEVICES ARE TO BE INSTALLED BASED ON DETAILS PROVIDED UNDER THE APPROVED PLANS. THE PLANS AND DETAILS ARE BASED ON THE NC EROSION AND SEDIMENT PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL, AND RECOGNIZED BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP'S). 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN CLOSE CONTACT WITH THE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR. ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR THAT ARE NOT INDICATED ON THE PLANS. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN EROSION ONSITE, REGARDLESS OF THE MEASURES REQUIRED. ANY CHANGE IN THE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND\OR GRADING SHALL BE CALLED TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER AND THE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR. 4. WEATHER FORECASTS SHALL BE MONITORED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE FOR RAIN EVENTS BY RE-EXAMINING ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PRIOR TO START OF PRECIPITATION. ANY REINFORCEMENT OR CORRECTIONS SHOULD BE PERFORMED AND DOCUMENTED. 5. IF FILL MATERIALS ARE TO BE BROUGHT ONTO THIS PROJECT OR WASTE MATERIALS ARE TO BE TAKEN FROM THIS PROJECT, THIS INFORMATION MUST BE DISCLOSED AND SHOWN ON THE EROSION CONTROL AND GRADING PLAN. BORROW AREAS AND DUMP SITES ARE CONSIDERED TO BE PART OF THIS PROJECT AND THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR STABILIZATION AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AT THESE SITES. 6. AS OF MARCH 10, 2003, ALL CONSTRUCTION SITES ONE (1) ACRE OR MORE, REQUIRE NPDES PERMITS. THEREFORE: - WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION OF A DEVIATION FROM APPROVED PLAN MUST BE NOTED ON THE APPROVED PLANS. - WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION OF AN EMERGENCY SITUATION WHERE SEDIMENT HAS BEEN DISCHARGED OFF SITE MUST BE RECORDED. ALSO, CONTRACTOR'S ACTIONS TO REPAIR AND RETURN AREA TO PRE -STORM CONDITION MUST BE RECORDED. - THE PERMITTEE SHALL INSPECT ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL FACILITIES EVERY SEVEN DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS OF A .5 INCH OF RAIN. FINDINGS SHALL BE RECORDED AND PRESENTED UPON INSPECTOR'S REQUEST. - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE RAIN -RECORDING DEVICE AND RECORD EACH RAINFALL. - ANY FAILURES THAT CAUSE VISIBLE SEDIMENTATION TO LEAVE THE APPROVED DISTURBED LIMITS SHALL BE CORRECTED IMMEDIATELY AND DOCUMENTED. - A COPY OF THE NPDES PERMIT SHOULD BE KEPT ON SITE FOR REFERENCE. 7. THE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR CAN REQUIRE, IN ADDITION TO ANY OTHER CIVIL OR CRIMINAL PENALTY OR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF, THAT ANY PERSON(S) WHO IS ENGAGED IN A LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITY AND FAILS TO RETAIN SEDIMENT GENERATED BY THE LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITY, TO RESTORE THE WATERS AND LAND AFFECTED BY THE FAILURE SO AS TO MINIMIZE THE DETRIMENTAL EFFECTS OF THE RESULTING POLLUTION BY SEDIMENTATION. SITE NOTES r .... / A�00 o 00 0' 30' 60' 120' / / / / / / / / / / \ / / / o tK SCALE. 1 60 1. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION. ANY DAMAGE TO THESE UTILITIES SHALL BE REPAIRED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD VERIFYING ALL ILLUSTRATED KNOWN UNDERGROUND ELEMENTS. ADDITIONALLY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR EXERCISING REASONABLE EFFORT TO PROTECT ANY UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND ELEMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DEVELOPER IMMEDIATELY IF UNKNOWN ELEMENTS ARE DISCOVERED THAT WOULD NECESSITATE MODIFICATION TO THE ILLUSTRATED DESIGN. 3. PROTECT ALL ADJACENT PROPERTIES, THE GENERAL PUBLIC, AND ALL OTHER FACILITIES. SHOULD DAMAGES OCCUR, CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR IMMEDIATELY AS DIRECTED BY THE DEVELOPER. CONTRACTOR IS FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL REPAIRS, AND REPAIRS ARE TO BE PERFORMED TO THE DEVELOPER'S APPROVAL. 4. UTILIZE SIGNS, BARRICADES, FLAGMEN, OR GUARDS AS REQUIRED TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF ALL VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC DURING ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LAYOUT OF ALL WORK AS ILLUSTRATED ON PLANS. IF EXISTING CONDITIONS DIFFER FROM THOSE ILLUSTRATED ON PLANS, NOTIFY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 6. ALL SIGNS, PAVEMENT MARKINGS, AND OTHER TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL CONFORM TO THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 7. ANY REQUIRED UTILITY RELOCATIONS MUST BE COORDINATED WITH THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY BY THE OWNER/DEVELOPER OF THE SUBDIVISION. 8. ALL IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COUNTY OF FORSYTH INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. 9. ANY DISCREPANCIES FOUND IN THE FIELD SHALL BE CALLED IMMEDIATELY TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH WORK. 10. PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THAT ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND APPROVALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED FROM ALL REGULATORY AUTHORITIES. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN THE SITE IN A MANNER SO THAT WORKMEN AND PUBLIC SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM INJURY. 12. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALL OWNERS OF EASEMENTS, UTILITIES AND RIGHT-OF-WAYS, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE, PRIOR TO WORKING IN THESE AREAS. EROSION CONTROL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 1. Obtain grading/erosion control plan approval and permit from the City of Winston-Salem Inspections. 2. Contact Erosion Control Inspector and the City of Winston-Salem Stormwater Engineer to establish a pre -construction conference and inspection schedule. Self Inspection ----- Effective October 1, 2010, persons conducting land -disturbing activities, larger than one (1) acre, must inspect their project after each phase of the project, and document the inspection in writing on approved forms available from the City of Winston-Salem Inspections office. The phases are as follows: • Installation of perimeter Erosion and Sediment Control measures. • Clearing and grubbing of existing ground cover. • Completion of any phase of grading of slopes or fills. • Completion of construction or development. Establishment of permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain Erosion. 3. •Clear site ONLY as necessary to install initial Erosion Control measures as follows: a. Temporary silt fencing b. clear and grub as necessary to install temporary skimmer basin C. Temporary skimmer basin (see sheet C4.2) d. Temporary diversion berms e. Prepare area for soil placement above TSKB f. excavate TSKB-1; place soil in area prepared above the TSKB g. Seed embankments and disturbed areas of devices upon completion of construction. See Ground Stabilization Criteria on this Sheet for more information. 4. Begin clearing, grubbing, and stripping of site as required. Earthen -material stockpiles on -site for later distribution and/or removal, areas dedicated for management of land clearing and demolition debris, construction and domestic waste, and hazardous or toxic waste shall be located at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters (unless it can be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available), and within areas protected by Erosion Control measures. 5. Begin site grading. Maintain Erosion Control devices in accordance with the maintenance plan. Install additional Erosion Control measures as required. 6. Continue to maintain Erosion Control measures until vegetative cover has been established over all disturbed areas and site has been stabilized. Remove Erosion Control measures ONLY after final inspection and approval by Inspector, except for those protecting downstream of the TSKB. CO 4 co 0U)-830 �1 �I / / /// r L820 , I � � \ \ ( r 8� \> �\ O \ O FLOOD -780- �- \\ 01 \ \ \ \ \ LINE o -\\ \ V\ TEMPORARY SILT FENCE (TYP.)Cli 1 I I I \ \ \ \ TSKB-1 PRE DEVELOPMENT 1 1\ , TEMP SKIMMER BASIN I 0 I CO I I *POST- DEVELOPMENT D.A. > PRE-DEV r l J DRAINAGE AREA = 2.88 AC Q10= CIA= 0.40*4.89*2.88 = 2.05 CFS I 1 DISTURBED AREA = 2.88 AC I \ TEMPORARY REQ'D SED STORAGE VOL. = 5,094 CF DIVERSION BERM / / / /PROVIDED SED. STORAGE VOL. = 5,527 CF I REQ'D SURFACE AREA = 1,831 SF PROVIDED SURFACE AREA = 2,997 SF \ DEPTH SURFACE ELEVATION STORAGE = OAGE 79 50FT HEIGHTTOTAL STORAGE TOTAL DAM HE GHT FT 2.0 FT / BOTTOM ELEVATION= 789.00' I BASIN BOT. WIDTH (AVG) = 10 FT / PROPOSED / / / / �j / / / BASIN BOT. LENGTH = 110 FT / BUILDING r WEIR LENGTH = 21.2 FT 2,000 SF I / / r f / / / / / WEIR ELEV. = 793.0' TOP OF DAM = 916.00' / / ✓ \ ( / / / / / // / / SKIMMER SIZE = 3.0" DIA. LIMITS OF UAV / / SURVEY ORIFICE SIZE = 1.25" DIA. GARAGE 0 0 j // / / DEWATERING TIME: 2.82 DAYS / / �^ m / TEMPORARY ( I l / ( i / / I� CONSTRUCTION I \ \ I I OENTRANCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE - ��II IIII I/ I/II I II 20/I "0 / II C) / � / rS� / A,�,/ CO .;,go / \\ \ 87' 2602.6" / / L./ / / / \ \ , w 0 GENERAL NOTES: 1) REFER TO DETAIL SHEETS FOR SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. 2) PHASE -IV TOTAL DISTURBED AREA: 12.99f AC. (SEE DISTURBED AREA NOTE THIS SHEET) GROUND STABILIZATION CRITERIA site area stabilization stabilization timeframe description timeframe exceptions Perimeter dikes, swales, 7 days None ditches, & slopes Slopes steeper 7 days If slopes are 10' or less in than 3:1 length & are not steeper than 2:1, 14 days allowed Slopes 3:1 or 14 days 7 days for slopes>50 feet in flatter length All other areas with 14 days None slopes flatter than 4:1 EROSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE PLAN 1. INSPECT ALL SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES FOR STABILITY AND FUNCTION EACH WEEK AND FOLLOWING EACH RAINFALL EVENT. 2. REMOVE SILT/SEDIMENT FROM TEMPORARY DEVICES WHEN ACCUMULATED VOLUME HAS REACHED 50% OF STORAGE CAPACITY. 3. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SILT/SEDIMENT FROM BEHIND TEMPORARY SEDIMENT FENCE WHEN DEPTH EXCEEDS APPROXIMATELY 0.5'. REPAIR AND REPLACE SILT FENCE AS NECESSARY. 4. SEED AND STABILIZE TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERMS IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION RE-GRADE/REPAIR BERMS AS REQURED. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL APPOINT AN ON -SITE INSPECTOR AND MAINTAIN RECORDS OF INSPECTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE GENERAL NPDES STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. EROSION CONTROL LEGEND -LOD SF SF =EDAM IL NO LIMITS OF LAND DISTURBANCE EXISTING TREELINE TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERM (X MARKS GRADE BREAK) TEMPORARY SILT FENCE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SEDIMENT BASIN DRAINAGE AREA DELINEATION LINE TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN w/ DONUT INLET PROTECTION RIP -RAP OUTLET PROTECTION SEDIMENT TRAP BAFFLE SKIMMER SITE DATA 1. DEED REFERENCES: D.B. 3437 PG. 1497 2. OWNER: ANDREA & CHARLES ALBOHN 2805 S. MAIN ST WINSTON SALEM NC P: 336 687-0861 E: BRANDON@HIGHPOINT-CC.COM 3. PIN:6899-06-1421 4. AREA: 18.19f AC 5. DISTURBANCE AREA = 3.10 6. ZONING: EXISTING= FORSYTH COUNTY 7. WATERSHED: BELEWS LAKE WATERSHED 8. EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA = 0 SF 9. PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA= 6,532 SF 10. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAN IS TO MEET EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS OF DISTURBED AREA. SEDIMENT FENCE-ZTREE PRESERVATION FENCE NOTES: PROTECTIVE FENCING MUST BE INSTALLED AROUND THE TREE CONSERVATION AREA BEFORE ANY TREE DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. SUCH FENCES MUST BE AT LEAST 4 FEET IN HEIGHT AND MUST CONSIST OF ORANGE POLYETHYLENE SAFETY FENCING. WHERE THE TREE PROTECTION FENCE AND SOIL EROSION CONTROL FENCE RUN CONGRUENT, THE SOIL EROSION CONTROL FENCE MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE TREE PROTECTION FENCE. FENCING MUST REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE AND OTHER LANDSCAPING HAS BEEN INSTALLED, AND THE PLANNING DIRECTOR HAS APPROVED ITS REMOVAL. GREEN MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING, PLLC 7A WENDY CT GREENSBORO, NC 27409 Tel: 336.294.9394 CERTIFICATE NO. P-0826 www.greenmountainengineers.com SEALS: IN C. q' PRELIMINARY DRAWING- FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY CONTRACTOR SAMUELEVANS 7439 BAUX MOUNTAIN RD. GERMANTON,NC P: 336 399-3165 E: SAMUELEVANSBUILDERS@GMAIL.COM Z } O U) IY Of Q O U } ~ Z IY =) 00 Z U Q CO CO F_ W w 0 I.L � a z Z O 2 2 011� U) M Y.1 O u_ J LU w Q Q (If Y Ow 0- w Of 0� OU U� Z Z J w �m J a- Uz �O DESIGNED BY. GME CHECKED BY. GME DATE: 2019-05-06 REVISIONS: O�O N �TILITY PRE FORT cI I �'yO� '?&' '70,� BEFORE YOU DIG! CALL 811 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAW! JOB. No: 7A19-033 SHEET TITLE: EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL -GRADED CONDITIONS PLAN SCALE: 1 " = 60' SHEET NO.: C-4. 1 P.L.S. (PurityGermination): 100PLANTING TYPE PLANTING RATES/ACRE PLAN TING DATES 1. Tolerances shall be those tabulated in USDA Bulletin No. 480. 2. Variety of grass for temporary grassing shall comply with the following TALL FESCUE (LOW MAINTENANCE) 100-150 LBS AUG 15 - OCT 15 schedule: FEB 15-MAY 2 Shoulders, Side Ditches, or Slopes (Max.4:1) TALL FESCUE WATERWAYS AND LAWNS 200-250 LBS. AUG 1 - OCT 15 DATE Type Planting Schedule (HIGH MAINTNENANCE) FEB 15 - MAY 1 Aug 15 - Nov 1 Tall Fescue 200 lbs./acre Nov 1 - Mar 1 Tall Fescue 200 lbs./acre BLEND OF TWO TURF -TYPE TALL FESCUES 200 - 250 LBS. AUG 15 - OCT 15 & Rye Grain 25 lbs./acre (90%) AND TWO OR MORE FEB 15 - MAY 1 Mar 1 - Apr 15 Tall Fescue 200 lbs./acre Apr 15 - Jun 30 Hulled Common IMPROVED KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS Bermuda grass 25 lbs./acre VARIETIES (10%) HIGH MAINTENANCE. Jul 1 - Aug 15 Tall Fescue and 125 lbs./acre *** Browntop Millet TALL FESCUE AND KOBE OR KOREAN 100 LBS AND 20-25 LBS FEB 15 - MAY 1 35 lbs./acre LESPEDEZA AUG 15 - OCT 15 *** or Sorghum -Sudan 30 lbs./acre Hybrids TALL FESCUE AND SERICEA LESPEDEZA 50 LBS AND 60 LBS NOV 1 - FEB 1 (unscarified) Slopes (4:1 to 2:1) TALL FESCUE AND GERMAN MILLET OR 60 LBS AND 30 LBS JULY AND AUGUST Mar 1 - June 1 Sericea Lespedeza 50 lbs./acre SUDANGRASS (scarified) TALL FESCUE AND RYEGRAIN 70 LBS AND 25 LBS NOV 1 - JAN 30 and (Mar 1 - Apr 15) Add Tall Fescue 120 lbs./acre COMMON BERMUDAGRASS 8 LBS (HULLED) APRIL 15 - JUNE 30 (Mar 1 - Jun 30) or Add Weeping Lovegrass 10 lbs./acre 15-20 LBS (UNHULLED) FEB 1 - MAR 30 (Mar 1 - Jun 30) or Add Hulled Common Bermuda grass 25 lbs./acre NOTES: Jun 1 - Sep 1 *** Tall Fescue and 120 lbs./acre *** Browntop Millet 35 lbs./acre 1. FOR SPRING SEEDING, USE SCARRED LESPEDEZA SEED. FOR LATE FALL AND WINTER SEEDING, USE or Sorghum -Sudan UNSCARIFIED SEED. Hybrids 30 lbs./acre 2. ANNUALS, SUCH AS MILLET, SUDANGRASS, AND RYEGRAIN, MUST BE KEPT AT 10-12" MAXIMUM HEIGHT. Sep 1 - Mar 1 Sericea Lespedeza (unhulled-unscarified) 70 lbs./acre PURPOSE and Tall Fescue 120 lbs./acre -TO PERMANENTLY STABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS CREATED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND MINIMIZE SOIL (Nov 1 - Mar 1) Add Rye Grain 25 lbs./acre EROSION. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS -WHERE BARE SOIL ON CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES IS NOT COVERED BY STRUCTURES OR OTHER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. 1. UNIFORMLY APPLY GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AT THE RATE OF 1.5 TONS PER PREPARATION ACRE. UNIFORMLY APPLY A 10-10-10 GRADE FERTILIZER AT THE RATE OF 750 LBS PER -PREPARE SEEDBED BY RIPPING, CHISELING, HARROWING, OR PLOWING TO A DEPTH OF 6" TO PROVIDE A ACRE. INCORPORATE LIME AND FERTILIZER INTO THE TOP 4 TO 6 INCHES OF TOPSOIL. LOOSE, FRIABLE SURFACE. REMOVE ALL STONES, BOULDERS, STUMPS, OR DEBRIS FROM THE SURFACE WHICH WOULD PROHIBIT GERMINATION OR PLANT GROWTH. 2. IF GROUND SURFACE HAS BECOME SEALED OR CRUSTED, LOOSEN SURFACE PRIOR TO -INCORPORATE INTO THE SOIL 800-1000 LBS. OF 10-10-10 FERTILIZER PLUS 500 LBS. OF 20% SEEDING BY DISKING, RAKING, HARROWING OR OTHER SUITABLE METHODS. SUPERHPOSPHATE PER ACRE AND 2 TONS OF DOLOMITIC LIME PER ACRE UNLESS SOIL TESTS INDICATE THAT A LOWER RATE OF LIME CAN BE USED. 3. EVENLY APPLY SEED USING A CYCLONE SEEDER (BROADCAST), DRILL, CULTIPACKER -MULCH AFTER SEEDING WITH 1.5 TONS OF GRAIN STRAW PER ACRE AND CRIMP STRAW INTO THE SOIL OR SEEDER OR HYDROSEEDER. USE SEEDING RATES SPECIFIED ABOVE. BROADCASTING OR TACK WITH LIQUID ASPHALT AT 400 GALLONS PER ACRE OR EMULSIFIED ASPHALT AT 300 GALLONS PER ACRE. HYDROSEEDING SHALL BE USED FOR SLOPES STEEPER THAN THREE TO ONE. HAND PERMANENT SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS BROADCASTING WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. 4. PLANT SMALL GRAINS NO MORE THAN ONE INCH DEEP AND GRASSES AND LEGUMES NOT TO SCALE NO MORE THAN 1/2 INCH. BROADCAST SEED MUST BE COVERED BY RAKING OR CHAIN DRAGGING AND LIGHTLY COMPACTED WITH A ROLLER OR CULTIPACKER. HYDROSEEDED MIXTURES SHALL INCLUDE A WOOD FIBER (CELLULOSE) MULCH. 5. SPREAD A UNIFORM LAYER OF STRAW MULCH (WHEAT OR OATS) BY HAND OR WITH A MULCH BLOWER AT A RATE OF 70-90 LB (11/2 TO 2 BALES) OF STRAW PER 1,000 SO. FT. AFTER SPREADING MULCH, NO MORE THAN 25% OF THE GROUND SURFACE SHOULD BE VISIBLE. ANCHOR MULCH IMMEDIATELY WITH A TRACTOR DRAWN MULCH ANCHORING TOOL OR BY APPLICATION OF A LIQUID MULCH BINDER OR TACKIFIER (EMULSIFIED ASPHALT). APPLY TACK AT A RATE OF 0.10 GALLONS PER SO. YD. (10 GAL/1,000 SO. FT.) TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE 1. BERM SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH SEEDING ACCORDING TO TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE. TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERM NOT TO SCALE GENERAL NOTES: 1. AREA UNDER EMBANKMENT SHALL BE CLEARED, GRUBBED, AND STRIPPED OF ANY VEGETATION AND ROOT MAT. THE POOL AREA SHALL BE CLEARED. 2. THE FILL MATERIAL FOR THE EMBANKMENT SHALL BE FREE OF ROOTS OR OTHER WOODY VEGETATION AS WELL AS OVERSIZED STONES, ROCKS, ORGANIC MATERIAL OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL. THE EMBANKMENT SHALL BE COMPACTED BY TRAVERSING WITH EQUIPMENT WHILE BEING CONSTRUCTED. SPILLWAYS SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED THROUGH FILE SECTIONS 3. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED AND TRAP RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS WHEN THE SEDIMENT HAS ACCUMULATED TO ONE-HALF THE DESIGN DEPTH OF THE TRAP. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED IN A SUITABLE AREA IN SUCH A MANNER THAT IT WILL NOT ERODE. 4. THE TRAP SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EACH RAIN AND REPAIRS MADE AS NECESSARY. 5. CONSTRUCTION OPERATION SHALL BE CARRIED OUT IN SUCH A MANNER THAT EROSION AND WATER POLLUTION IS MINIMIZED. 6. ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL BE 2:1 OR FLATTER. 7. IF SEDIMENT BASIN IS IN USE 30 DAYS OR LONGER, EMBANKMENTS SHOULD BE SEEDED OR OTHERWISE PROPERLY STABILIZED. 8. STORAGE AREA IS SHOWN AS RECTANGULAR FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY, AND MAY BE CONSTRUCTED IN ANY SHAPE PROVIDED THE MINIMUM STORAGE VOLUME REQUIREMENT IS MET. THE BASIN SHOULD ALSO BE ORIENTED SUCH THAT THE FILTER AND THE MAIN FLOW OF WATER AND SEDIMENT ARE ON OPPOSITE ENDS ON THE LONGER BASIN DIMENSIONS. 9. REQUIRED STORAGE IS 1800 CUBIC FEET OF STORAGE VOLUME PER DENUDED ACRE. RECOMMENDED STORAGE IS 1800 CUBIC FEET OF STORAGE PER ACRE OF DRAINAGE AREA. 10. THE LENGTH OF THE STONE OUTLET (SPILLWAY) IS TO BE BASED ON A 10 YEAR STORM. 11. WHENEVER TOPOGRAPHY ALLOWS, THE BASIN LENGTH SHOULD BE TWICE (2X) THE BASIN WIDTH, TO ALLOW FOR SETTLING. BAFFLES SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN THE BASIN WHERE THE LENGTH IS LESS THAN TWICE THE WIDTH. 12. CLEANOUT STAKES SHALL BE PLACED IN ALL SEDIMENT BASINS AT THE LOW POINT IN THE BASIN. THE STAKES SHALL BE MARKED SHOWING THE HALF FULL, CLEANOUT POINT, OF THE BASIN. 13. SAFETY FENCING 3' HIGH SHOULD BE PLACED AROUND ALL SEDIMENT BASINS. 14. FOR DESIGN OF RISER TYPE SEDIMENT BASINS, REFER TO THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES "EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL". ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THE SEDIMENT VOLUME STORED REDUCES THE TOTAL BASIN STORAGE VOLUME TO ONE-HALF THE ORIGINAL CAPACITY. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED IN A SUITABLE AREA IN SUCH A MANNER THAT IT WILL NOT ERODE. 15. THE BASIN SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EACH RAIN AND REPAIRS MADE AS NECESSARY. ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL BE 2:1 OR FLATTER EMBANKMENTS SHALL BE SEEDED OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION. 16. CLEAN OUT STAKES SHALL BE PLACED IN ALL SEDIMENT BASINS AT THE LOW POINT IN THE BASIN. THE STAKE SHALL BE MARKED SHOWING THE HALF FULL, CLEAN OUT POINT, IN THE BASIN. 17. CUT-OFF TRENCH SHALL EXTEND TO STABLE SOIL OR 2' DEPTH MINIMUM. TOP OF DAM = (SEE PLAN NOTES FOR ELEVATIONS) SILT FENCE OR ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCE 6" MIN COARSE AGGREGATE NOTIES-2-3" ZZGEOTEXTILE FABRIC UNDER STONE 1. APPLICABLE AT ALL POINTS OF INGRESS & EGRESS UNTIL SITE IS STABILIZED, FREQUENT CHECKS OF THE DEVICE AND TIMELY MAINTENANCE MUST BE PROVIDED. 2. GRAVEL PAD TO BE 12' x 100' AND 6" THICK MINIMUM. 3. A TURNING RADIUS SUFFICIENT TO ACCOMMODATE LARGE TRUCKS SHALL BE PROVIDED. 4. ENTRANCE(S) SHOULD BE LOCATED TO PROVIDE FOR MAXIMUM UTILITY BY ALL CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES. 5. MUST BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR DIRECT FLOW OF MUD ONTO STREETS. PERIODIC TOPDRESSING WITH STONE WILL BE NECESSARY. 6. ANY MATERIAL WHICH MAY BECOME TRACKED ONTO THE ROAD MUST BE CLEANED UP IMMEDIATELY. TEMP CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT NOT TO SCALE TRENCH BAFFLE IN A MIN. OF 6" PLACE BAFFLES AS IN PLAN VIEW EARTH BE 1. 2:1 AND A HEIGHT NOT LESS THAN TWO THIRDS THE PIPE DIAMETER OR CULVERT HEIGHT. 2. THERE SHALL BE NO OVERFLOW FROM THE END OF THE APRON TO THE SHALL BE UNDERCUT SO THAT THE INVERT OF THE APRON SHALL BE AT THE SAME GRADE (FLUSH) WITH THE SURFACE OF THE RECEIVING CHANNEL. THE APRON SHALL HAVE A CUTOFF OR TOE WALL AT THE DOWNSTREAM END. 3. THE WIDTH OF THE END OF THE APRON SHALL BE EQUAL TO THE BOTTOM 4. ALL SUBGRADE FOR STRUCTURE TO BE COMPACTED TO 95% OR GREATER. 5. THE PLACING OF FILL, EITHER LOOSE OR COMPACTED IN THE RECEIVING CHANNEL SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. 6. NO BENDS OR CURVES IN THE HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT OF THE APRON WILL BE PERMITTED. 7. DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS, WASHED STONE OR FILTER FABRIC WILL BE NECESSARY UNDER RIP RAP. 8. ANY DISTURBED AREA FROM END OF APRON TO RECIEVING CHANNEL MUST BE STABILIZED. 9. H= RIP RAP TO TOP OF PIPE (MAX. H = D + T) T= 15" CLASS I OR II RIP RAP, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS T= 12" CLASS 'B' RIP RAP, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS D RIP RAP OUTFALL PROTECTION DATA: 0 5 10 15 20 25 D in feet PIPE DIAMETER NOTES: EXTEND OUTLET PROTECTION TO LIMITS OF AREA DISTRUBED DURING SEDIMENT BASIN EXCAVATION AND BACKFlLL. RIP RAP OUTFALL PROTECTION PER STATE OF NORTH LARNUNA EROSION AND SEDIMENT RIP -RAP APRON CHARTS CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL CHAPTER 6: OUTLET STABILIZATION STRUCTURE : PIPE OUTLET TO FLAT AREA W/ NOT TO SCALE NO WELL DEFINED CHANNEL ( FIG. 6.41C ) TURAL GRADE T = NOTE: ABRIC MINIMUM H = D + T SECTION VIEW RIP -RAP APRON DETAIL Structure VelocityPie Diameter D Zone Apron Length L Apron Width O Pie Apron Width Thickness Rip -Rap Class No. ft sec Inches Feet Feet Feet Inches TSKB-PVC 6.99 4• 1 12 4 10 12 aces B CH FABRIC TO HO( S VATH ZIP -TIES NOT TO SCALE STEEL POSTS (QUANTITY VAR.) PLASTIC SLOPE DRAIN PIPE (PRACTICE STANDARD 6.32) OR GEOTEXTILE LINING TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DITCH COIR FIBER BAFFLES - (PRACTICE STANDARD 6.65) A 1. BE' MIN. BEYOND 9" MIN• I DITCH BANK FILTER CLOTH A fJ PLAN VIEW 12" OF NCDOT #5 OR #57 1 >-6" WASHED STON�� CLASS B RIPRAP ?'7 2' MAX. OF BAFFLE SHOULD BE 6' ABOVE FILTER CLOTH CREST AT CENTER 7 A SUPPORT WRE ACROSS TOP TO =VENT SAGGING r� 4' TO 6' SECTION A -A CROSS-SECTION VIEW 1. PLACE STONE OVER THE CHANNEL BANKS AS REQUIRED TO KEEP WATER TOP OF BAFFLE SHALL BE 6" ABOVE FROM CUTTING AROUND THE DAM. MR CREST 2. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE MIRAFI 500 OR EQUAL. 3. INSPECT CHECK DAMS AND CHANNELS AT LEAST WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT (1/2 INCH OR GREATER) RAINFALL EVENT AND REPAIR IMMEDIATELY. CLEAN OUT SEDIMENT, STRAW, LIMBS, OR OTHER DEBRIS THAT COULD CLOG "�ucV NOTES. THE CHANNEL WHEN NEEDED. SEDIMENT ANO E/C MANUAL 1. DRIVE STEEL POST AT LEAST 2e 4. REMOVE SEDIMENT ACCUMULATED BEHIND THE DAMS AS NEEDED TO PREVENT INTO SOLID GROUND. DAMAGE TO CHANNEL VEGETATION, ALLOW THE CHANNEL TO DRAIN THROUGH THE 2. USE STAPLES 1' APART HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY TO ATTACH THE STONE CHECK DAM, AND PREVENT LARGE FLOWS FROM CARRYING SEDIMENT OVER FABRIC TO THE HIRE 3. SPACE THE BAFFLES ACCORDING TO THE DAM. ADD STONES TO DAMS AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN DESIGN HEIGHT AND THE APPROVED PLAN. 4. THE FLOOR OF THE BASIN IN THE CROSS SECTION. OUTLET ZONE AND BERMS SHOULD BE SEEDED IMMEDEATELLY AFTER THE BASIN IS CONSTRUCTED BASIN BAFFLE DETAIL STONE CHECK DAM NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE SKIMMER (SIZE VAR.) DIVERSION DIKE r� 4' MIN ISLAND OVER INLET ■li,�'' `' ,3:1 ' 1.5' MIN HOLD-DOWN STAKES IIK1LET 10' SPACING 1 I TOP OF 12" PLASTI CORRUGATED PIPE STABILIZE FT OUTLET q I 4' MIN LEVEL SECTION F 4 FT MIN 2' N HAND -COMPACTED FILL (ISLAND) 0.5' min TOP OF 4' min I I DIVERSION NATURAL GROUND ° 1.5' MIN ° 3:1 1' MIN. ° °II_ III - DIVERSION CHANNEL rm TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN NOT TO SCALE SOAITEED P 4E WEAR Wl o EN E L Y TEMP SILT FENCE SUPPORTED BY WIRE FENCE (HOG WIRE) #57 WASHED STONE 4' WIDTH MIN.(AT TOP) FILTER FABRIC #57 WASHED STONE BOTTOM OF WIRE FENCE AND FILTER FABRIC BURIED 6" V-6" MIN 0 CENTER IN EXCAVATED TRENCH BACKFILLED WITH CLEAN STONE FILTER FABRIC T TW)fl a A NOTE: DO NOT INSTALL SILT FENCE WHERE FLOWS ARE CONCENTRATED. NO STRUCTURE EMBANKMENT STONE ENERGY DISSIPATOR EMERGENCY SPILLWAY STONE PAD - p1 AN X111:1A/ (below skimmer) WOOD STAKE OR METAL POST SEDIMENT BASIN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TEMPORARY STONE OUTLET STANDARD DETAIL DRAWING NOT TO SCALE ETAL FENCE POST HOG WIRE (FOR HEA VY DUTY APPLIC/I 77ONS) EROSION CONTROL FABRIC 0 N0. 4 WASHED STONE CF-ILL SLOPE \ Lo \\VA\VA\VA\VA\VA\VA\�� �\VA\VA\VA\VA\VA\�A\� NOTES: MAXIMUM PLACEMENT OF POST USING HOG WIRE WITH APPROVED EROSION CONTROL FABRICS TO BE 8 FEET. POST: METAL T-POST 5 FEET OR 6 FEET IN HEIGHT DEPENDING ON FILL SLOPE. FABRIC: 36 INCHES IN WIDTH (MUST MEET ENGINEERS SPECIFICATIONS FOR EROSION CONTROL). STONE: NO. 4 WASHED STONE TO BE PLACED 12 INCHES DEEP AT SILT TEMPORARY SEDIMENT FENCE TOP OF DAM = (SEE PLAN NOTES FOR ELEVATIONS) DESIGN HIGH-WATER 1' FREEBOARD III -III SPILLWAY CREST = (SEE PLAN NOTES FOR ELEVATIONS) (L) FOR LENGTH SPILLWAY MAT SPILLWAY WITH 6 MIN. SKIMMER IIIIII-III- - IMPERMEABLE FABRIC WATER ELEVATION IIIIIIIIIIII-III- STAPLED IN PLACE __ � -� IIIIIIIIIIIIIII-III _ I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I SEE EROSION CONTROL \ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII- III PLAN SHEETS FOR 1 3 -III 1 I ' I' I "� � -III 3 SC BAFFLE POROUS SPACING III III \III \ > IIII I �- & -III III- 1I H SEDIMENT CLEAN OUT EL7EV. �`o -III Z A�� CLEAN OUT Z/2 STAKE j I I BOTTOM OF BASIN = (SEE PLAN NOTES FOR ELEI TTE 1. REFER TO SECTIONS 6.64.1 AND 6.65.1 OF THE NCDENR REVISED MANUAL ON SKIMMERS, SEDIMENT BASINS, AND BAFFLES. �I -1 FLEXIBLE HOSE \ 4" SHEDULE 40 PVC DISCHARGE PIPE (BARREL) VARIES - (REFER TO PLAN FOR DIMENSIONS) RIP -RAP APRON GREEN MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING, PLLC 7A WENDY CT GREENSBORO, NC 27409 Tel:336.294.9394 CERTIFICATE NO. P-0826 www.greenmountainengineers.com SEALS: f PRELIMINARY DRAWING- FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY CONTRACTOR SAMUEL EVANS 7439 BAUX MOUNTAIN RD. GERMANTON,NC P: 336 399-3165 E: SAMUELEVANSBUILDERS@GMAIL.COM Q = I} J O� W <O Q U LL 2 ~ � Z O Z 7) O U � LLI Q H W 0 z 0 W LU J W W Q C) U U) W J W m 2 07 Z O DESIGNED BY. GME CHECKED BY. GME DATE: 2019-05-06 REVISIONS: JOB. NO: 7A19-033 SHEET TITLE: EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS I SCALE: 1 " = 60' SHEET NO.: C-4.2 GREEN MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING, PLLC GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE NCGO1 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT Implementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the construction activity being considered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handling sections of the NCGO1 Construction General Permit (Sections E and F, respectively). The permittee shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control plan approved by the delegated authority having jurisdiction. All details and specifications shown on this sheet may not apply depending on site conditions and the delegated authority having jurisdiction. SECTION E: GROUND STABILIZATION Required Ground Stabilization Timeframes Stabilize within this Site Area Description many calendar Timeframe variations days after ceasing land disturbance (a) Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, and 7 None perimeter slopes (b) High Quality Water 7 None (HQW) Zones (c) Slopes steeper than If slopes are 10' or less in length and are 3:1 7 not steeper than 2:1, 14 days are allowed -7 days for slopes greater than 50' in length and with slopes steeper than 4:1 -7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, (d) Slopes 3:1 to 4:1 14 ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed -7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, (e) Areas with slopes ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones flatter than 4:1 14 -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unless there is zero slope Note: After the permanent cessation of construction activities, any areas with temporary ground stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon as practicable but in no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing activity. Temporary ground stabilization shall be maintained in a manner to render the surface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved. GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATION Stabilize the ground sufficiently so that rain will not dislodge the soil. Use one of the techniques in the table below: Temporary Stabilization Permanent Stabilization • Temporary grass seed covered with straw or • Permanent grass seed covered with straw or other mulches and tackifiers other mulches and tackifiers • Hydroseeding • Geotextile fabrics such as permanent soil • Rolled erosion control products with or reinforcement matting without temporary grass seed • Hydroseeding • Appropriately applied straw or other mulch • Shrubs or other permanent plantings covered • Plastic sheeting with mulch • Uniform and evenly distributed ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion • Structural methods such as concrete, asphalt or retaining walls • Rolled erosion control products with grass seed POLYACRYLAMIDES (PAMS) AND FLOCCULANTS 1. Select flocculants that are appropriate for the soils being exposed during construction, selecting from the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants. 2. Apply flocculants at or before the inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. 3. Apply flocculants at the concentrations specified in the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 4. Provide ponding area for containment of treated Stormwater before discharging offsite. 5. Store flocculants in leak -proof containers that are kept under storm -resistant cover or surrounded by secondary containment structures. EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 1. Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of fluids. 2. Provide drip pans under any stored equipment. 3. Identify leaks and repair as soon as feasible, or remove leaking equipment from the project. 4. Collect all spent fluids, store in separate containers and properly dispose as hazardous waste (recycle when possible). 5. Remove leaking vehicles and construction equipment from service until the problem has been corrected. 6. Bring used fuels, lubricants, coolants, hydraulic fluids and other petroleum products to a recycling or disposal center that handles these materials. LITTER, BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE 1. Never bury or burn waste. Place litter and debris in approved waste containers. 2. Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers (e.g dumpster, trash receptacle) on site to contain construction and domestic wastes. 3. Locate waste containers at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. 4. Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantial amounts of runoff from upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain, stream or wetland. 5. Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events or provide secondary containment. Repair or replace damaged waste containers. 6. Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds. 7. Empty waste containers as needed to prevent overflow. Clean up immediately if containers overflow. 8. Dispose waste off -site at an approved disposal facility. 9. On business days, clean up and dispose of waste in designated waste containers. PAINT AND OTHER LIQUID WASTE 1. Do not dump paint and other liquid waste into storm drains, streams or wetlands. 2. Locate paint washouts at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. 3. Contain liquid wastes in a controlled area. 4. Containment must be labeled, sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site. 5. Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents and other liquid wastes from construction sites. PORTABLE TOILETS 1. Install portable toilets on level ground, at least 50 feet away from storm drains, streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available. If 50 foot offset is not attainable, provide relocation of portable toilet behind silt fence or place on a gravel pad and surround with sand bags. 2. Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in high foot traffic areas. 3. Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose of any leaked material. Utilize a licensed sanitary waste hauler to remove leaking portable toilets and replace with properly operating unit. EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT 1. Show stockpile locations on plans. Locate earthen -material stockpile areas at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets, sediment basins, perimeter sediment controls and surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonably available. 2. Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset of five feet from the toe of stockpile. 3. Provide stable stone access point when feasible. 4. Stabilize stockpile within the timeframes provided on this sheet and in accordance with the approved plan and any additional requirements. Soil stabilization is defined as vegetative, physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain accelerated erosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs. ONSITE CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURE WITH LINER /�� ��1 0 -„ � - ��-- r_. WAM NOINIOYwom (1nw MK) M� - 1 NbX LAC = OE700L1m N FM 2. = aoNaIEIE WASIM lINaLCLI LULL N W W VM MUOQ! 7= W IM slla,cllMls nIE LLB MO soLa PLM &CONORM WA90M ZTMICI NL1E11N to NE CLFANY NAM® Im 8*VM: -n I M%= BELOW GRADE WASHOUT STRUCTURE �Qa 1ULN& LWAIM OE7NOrED N FELD LUM 1p1AM< N07N0 UEMCE (1L�X2C ILl1.) NnW O L IM COMO= NI SUff �GULL N MAWAHM .a IIIE LN= AWAR SM IIEILglM = Q 1fE SNNICNME>< CAN OW W MbINE AOlalA7E A LMMJ)1 14 NELM CI M OF FNMMDANL 1E WAINCUT >iIMJCIIME mLIAM® wIN ABOVE GRADE WASHOU .toT STRUCTURE CONCRETE WASHOUTS 1. Do not discharge concrete or cement slurry from the site. 2. Dispose of, or recycle settled, hardened concrete residue in accordance with local and state solid waste regulations and at an approved facility. 3. Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and in addition place the mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and within lot perimeter silt fence. 4. Install temporary concrete washouts per local requirements, where applicable. If an alternate method or product is to be used, contact your approval authority for review and approval. If local standard details are not available, use one of the two types of temporary concrete washouts provided on this detail. 5. Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalk sections. Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into or discharged to the storm drain system or receiving surface waters. Liquid waste must be pumped out and removed from project. 6. Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless it can be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available. At a minimum, install protection of storm drain inlet(s) closest to the washout which could receive spills or overflow. 7. Locate washouts in an easily accessible area, on level ground and install a stone entrance pad in front of the washout. Additional controls may be required by the approving authority. 8. Install at least one sign directing concrete trucks to the washout within the project limits. Post signage on the washout itself to identify this location. 9. Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 75% capacity to limit overflow events. Replace the tarp, sand bags or other temporary structural components when no longer functional. When utilizing alternative or proprietary products, follow manufacturer's instructions. 10. At the completion of the concrete work, remove remaining leavings and dispose of in an approved disposal facility. Fill pit, if applicable, and stabilize any disturbance caused by removal of washout. HERBICIDES, PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES 1. Store and apply herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in accordance with label restrictions. 2. Store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in their original containers with the label, which lists directions for use, ingredients and first aid steps in case of accidental poisoning. 3. Do not store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in areas where flooding is possible or where they may spill or leak into wells, stormwater drains, ground water or surface water. If a spill occurs, clean area immediately. 4. Do not stockpile these materials onsite. HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE 1. Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on -site. 2. Place hazardous waste containers under cover or in secondary containment. 3. Do not store hazardous chemicals, drums or bagged materials directly on the ground. NCGO1 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 7A WENDY CT GREENSBORO, NC 27409 Tel: 336.294.9394 CERTIFICATE NO. P-0826 www.greenmountainengineers.com SEALS: CA R0 °- 12 � C. P tcr, 3 PRELIMINARY DRAWING- FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY CONTRACTOR SAMUEL EVANS 7439 BAUX MOUNTAIN RD. GERMANTON,NC P: 336 399-3165 E: SAMUELEVANSBUILDERS@GMAIL.COM a Z J = 0U) �0 Q� U �Z � 00 Z U u; H � W a O Z O W Y w J a w Of U U) w J w m U) Z 0 DESIGNED BY. GME CHECKED BY. GME DATE: 2019-05-06 REVISIONS: JOB. No: 7A19-033 SHEET TITLE: EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS II SCALE: 1 " = 60' SHEET NO.: C-4.3 GREEN MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING, PLLC PART III SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION A: SELF -INSPECTION Self -inspections are required during normal business hours in accordance with the table below. When adverse weather or site conditions would cause the safety of the inspection personnel to be in jeopardy, the inspection may be delayed until the next business day on which it is safe to perform the inspection. In addition, when a storm event of equal to or greater than 1.0 inch occurs outside of normal business hours, the self -inspection shall be performed upon the commencement of the next business day. Any time when inspections were delayed shall be noted in the Inspection Record. Frequency Inspect (during normal Inspection records must include: business hours) (1) Rain gauge Daily Daily rainfall amounts. maintained in If no daily rain gauge observations are made during weekend or good working holiday periods, and no individual -day rainfall information is order available, record the cumulative rain measurement for those un- attended days (and this will determine if a site inspection is needed). Days on which no rainfall occurred shall be recorded as "zero." The permittee may use another rain -monitoring device approved by the Division. (2) E&SC At least once per 1. Identification of the measures inspected, Measures 7 calendar days 2. Date and time of the inspection, and within 24 3. Name of the person performing the inspection, hours of a rain 4. Indication of whether the measures were operating event > 1.0 inch in properly, 24 hours 5. Description of maintenance needs for the measure, 6. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken. (3) Stormwater At least once per 1. Identification of the discharge outfalls inspected, discharge 7 calendar days 2. Date and time of the inspection, outfalls (SDOs) and within 24 3. Name of the person performing the inspection, hours of a rain 4. Evidence of indicators of Stormwater pollution such as oil event > 1.0 inch in sheen, floating or suspended solids or discoloration, 24 hours 5. Indication of visible sediment leaving the site, 6. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken. (4) Perimeter of At least once per If visible sedimentation is found outside site limits, then a record site 7 calendar days of the following shall be made: and within 24 1. Actions taken to clean up or stabilize the sediment that has left hours of a rain the site limits, event > 1.0 inch in 2. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken, and 24 hours 3. An explanation as to the actions taken to control future releases. (5) Streams or At least once per If the stream or wetland has increased visible sedimentation or a wetlands onsite 7 calendar days stream has visible increased turbidity from the construction or offsite and within 24 activity, then a record of the following shall be made: (where hours of a rain 1. Description, evidence and date of corrective actions taken, and accessible) event > 1.0 inch in 2. Records of the required reports to the appropriate Division 24 hours Regional Office per Part III, Section C, Item (2)(a) of this permit of this permit. (6) Ground After each phase 1. The phase of grading (installation of perimeter E&SC stabilization of grading measures, clearing and grubbing, installation of storm measures drainage facilities, completion of all land -disturbing activity, construction or redevelopment, permanent ground cover). 2. Documentation that the required ground stabilization measures have been provided within the required timeframe or an assurance that they will be provided as soon as possible. NOTE: The rain inspection resets the required 7 calendar day inspection requirement. 17_1 CialII SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION B: RECORDKEEPING 1. E&SC Plan Documentation The approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation shall be kept on the site. The approved E&SC plan must be kept up-to-date throughout the coverage under this permit. The following items pertaining to the E&SC plan shall be documented in the manner described: Item to Document Documentation Requirements (a) Each E&SC Measure has been installed Initial and date each E&SC Measure on a copy and does not significantly deviate from the of the approved E&SC Plan or complete, date locations, dimensions and relative elevations and sign an inspection report that lists each shown on the approved E&SC Plan. E&SC Measure shown on the approved E&SC Plan. This documentation is required upon the initial installation of the E&SC Measures or if the E&SC Measures are modified after initial installation. (b) A phase of grading has been completed. Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC Plan or complete, date and sign an inspection report to indicate completion of the construction phase. (c) Ground cover is located and installed Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC in accordance with the approved E&SC Plan or complete, date and sign an inspection Plan. report to indicate compliance with approved ground cover specifications. (d) The maintenance and repair Complete, date and sign an inspection report. requirements for all E&SC Measures have been performed. (e) Corrective actions have been taken Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC to E&SC Measures. Plan or complete, date and sign an inspection report to indicate the completion of the corrective action. 2. Additional Documentation In addition to the E&SC Plan documents above, the following items shall be kept on the site and available for agency inspectors at all times during normal business hours, unless the Division provides a site -specific exemption based on unique site conditions that make this requirement not practical: (a) This general permit as well as the certificate of coverage, after it is received. (b) Records of inspections made during the previous 30 days. The permittee shall record the required observations on the Inspection Record Form provided by the Division or a similar inspection form that includes all the required elements. Use of electronically -available records in lieu of the required paper copies will be allowed if shown to provide equal access and utility as the hard -copy records. (c) All data used to complete the Notice of Intent and older inspection records shall be maintained for a period of three years after project completion and made available upon request. [40 CFR 122.41] PART III SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION C: REPORTING 1. Occurrences that must be reported Permittees shall report the following occurrences: (a) Visible sediment deposition in a stream or wetland. (b) Oil spills if: • They are 25 gallons or more, • They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours, • They cause sheen on surface waters (regardless of volume), or • They are within 100 feet of surface waters (regardless of volume). (a) Releases of hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under Section 311 of the Clean Water Act (Ref: 40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3) or Section 102 of CERCLA (Ref: 40 CFR 302.4) or G.S. 143-215.85. (b) Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses. (c) Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or the environment. 2. Reporting Timeframes and Other Requirements After a permittee becomes aware of an occurrence that must be reported, he shall contact the appropriate Division regional office within the timeframes and in accordance with the other requirements listed below. Occurrences outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Division's Emergency Response personnel at (800) 662-7956, (800) 858-0368 or (919) 733-3300. Occurrence Reporting Timeframes (After Discovery) and Other Requirements (a) Visible sediment • Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. deposition in a . Within 7 calendar days, a report that contains a description of the stream or wetland sediment and actions taken to address the cause of the deposition. Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a case -by -case basis. • If the stream is named on the NC 303(d) list as impaired for sediment - related causes, the permittee may be required to perform additional monitoring, inspections or apply more stringent practices if staff determine that additional requirements are needed to assure compliance with the federal or state impaired -waters conditions. (b) Oil spills and • Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. The notification release of shall include information about the date, time, nature, volume and hazardous location of the spill or release. substances per Item 1(b)-(c) above (c) Anticipated • A report at least ten days before the date of the bypass, if possible. bypasses [40 CFR The report shall include an evaluation of the anticipated quality and 122.41(m)(3)] effect of the bypass. (d) Unanticipated • Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. bypasses [40 CFR o Within 7 calendar days, a report that includes an evaluation of the 122.41(m)(3)] quality and effect of the bypass. (e) Noncompliance • Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. with the conditions . Within 7 calendar days, a report that contains a description of the of this permit that noncompliance, and its causes; the period of noncompliance, may endanger including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not health or the been corrected, the anticipated time noncompliance is expected to environment[40 continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and CFR 122.41(I)(7)] prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. [40 CFR 122.41(I)(6). • Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a case -by -case basis. NCGO I SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 7A WENDY CT GREENSBORO, NC 27409 Tel: 336.294.9394 CERTIFICATE NO. P-0826 www.greenmountainengineers.com SEALS: Z-i 1� -5L, G I N FiyT C A P tcrI" 3 PRELIMINARY DRAWING- FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY CONTRACTOR SAMUEL EVANS 7439 BAUX MOUNTAIN RD. GERMANTON,NC P: 336 399-3165 E: SAMUELEVANSBUILDERS@GMAIL.COM z J } oU) Qo U � �z o0 z U ui H U) W (L 0 00i W Y J w w a 0 U U) w J w m U) z 0 DESIGNED BY. GME CHECKED BY. GME DATE: 2019-05-06 REVISIONS: JOB. No: 7A19-033 SHEET TITLE: EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS III SCALE: SHEET NO.: C-4.4