HomeMy WebLinkAbout710069_HISTORICAL_20171231NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Qual i PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH: FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES. FIVE (s) DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD i. TOTAL�VOLUME TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE -STRUCTURE I. 5tructure'Nam elidentifier (ID): 71-69 Bear Ridge (Wooten) 2. Current liquid volume in structural'freeboard a. current liquid level�according to`marker b. designed structural freeboard zone (Normally 12 inchd5 or'greater) c. line:b - linea (inches!within structural freeboard) _ d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below.structural freeboard elevation) e. line c112°x'llne d x 7.48 gallonslft' 3: Projected volume of waste ]quid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design g. volume of waste produced: according to`=structural design h..currenfi;herd # 0 certified herd# 3672 actual waste produced= current herd # x ' line g = certified herd'# €. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j)',x 7.48 x 5 daystline f 4. Total volume of waste to be land applied during 5 day draw'dowm I. total volume to be land applied line e + line'k = 10.0 inches 1 g.0 inches M inches 728,549 ftz 40871.60 gallons 180 days 495721] fe ft' ®ft3 73500 W 15272. gallons 4102432 gallons, REPEAT'SECTION 1 FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON"'SITE WITH: A LIQUID..tEVEL WITHIN THE STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS. (Click on the next Structure;tab;shown below) PoA.(5 Day) 2/21/00 w II. TOTAL VOLUME OF WASTE STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS FOR ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. structure ID: 71-69 Bear Ridge (Wooten} line I = 4102432 gallons 2. structure ID: line 1= gallons 3. structure ID: line I = gallons 4. structure ID: line I = gallons 5. structure ID: line I gallons 6. structure ID: line I = gallons n. lines 1 +2+3+4+5+6= o. line n 127154 4102432 gallons 151,08 acre -inches III. TOTAL ACRES AVAILABLE TO RECEIVE WASTE DURING 5 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD"2 'While this section deals with hydraulic loading capacities, applications cannot exceed agronomic rate for receiving crop according to.its certified waste plan. Fields with no remaining PAN balance, no receiving crop, and/or completely saturated are not considered available to receive waste. p. tract # q. field # r. $o€I type s. crop t. acres u. remalniq IRR-2 PAN balance 1(lb/acre) v, maximum applIcatlon rate (Inlhr) w. maximum application amount (inches) 7189 1 Fo Small Grain Overseed 4.30 68A 0.5 1 2 Fo 6.42 68.1 0.5 1 4 Fo 5.76 76.6 0.5 1 5 Fo 3.87 66.6 0:5 1- 6 Fo 3.60 57.6 0.5 1 x. total'acres available during 5 day draw down (sum of column t)-= 23.85 acres IV, FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL HYDRAULIC LOAD TO BE LAND APPLIED PER ACRE PoA y Da 21In 0" 6.33 Inches per acre to be applied within 5 days (' y} line x !f unable to land apply hydraulic load listed in line y, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulatlon, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd: reduction options, recalculate new n araullc load based on new lntormation. Houses will be completely empty around Feb26, 2016. Pump and haul may is needed due to irrigation system on the farm can not be used due to wetness of the fields. to land apply hydraulic load: 1 Describe moisture conditions of fields? (e.g. Is there water standing in field; does irrigation _equipment mar down in field; "traf iicability" across sous; will soils absorb application without Fields are wet and Irrigation equipment can not be used. 2. Date and amount of last rainfall event? DATE: 03/02/16 AMOUNT: 1.00 inches 3. Dates of last waste application event per field: Feb 27, 2016 4, Given optimum soil and weather conditions, is -irrigation equipment capable of applying the volume in line "n" at appropriate seasonal i.e. winter . application rates within 5 days? yes, if•soil conditions allow It 5. Irrigation schedule for next 5 days —include daily schedule; proposed application rates and amounts per irrigation event; changes made In gun sizes, nozdes, "o" rings, operating time, travel speed, etc. to meet proposed changes In application rates and amounts; and any otner information for consideration. Smaller rings and short application times will be used with faster travel speeds. Pump and haul may be used or Aeroway system used to land inject This is the revised 5 day POA from last,week. Completed by Jason Turner 3-7-16 PoA (5 Day) 2/21/00 . PLAN OF ACTION (POA),FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES FIVE (5) DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTALVOLUME TO BE'L.AND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): 71-69 Beat Ridge Wooten 2. Current liquid volume in structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker 11.01 Inches b. designed structural freeboard.zone 19.0 inches (Normally 12 inches.or greater) c, line b - line a (inches within structural freeboard) = 8.0 inches d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) 728,549 ft2 e. line c/12:x line d x'7.48 gallons/W 3633031 gallons 3. Projected volume.,of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period: according to structural design I 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 495720 ft3 h. current,herd # ® certified herd #1 3672 actual -waste produced = current herd # x line g = W certified herd # I. volume of wash water according to structural.design ©ft3 j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design 73500 ft3 k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48>x 5 days/line f = 15272 gallons 4. Total volume of waste to be land applied during 5 day draw down I. total volume to be land applied line e + line k = 3648303 gallons REPEAT SECTION 1 FOR.EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE WITH A LIQUID LEVEL WITHIN THE STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS. (Click on the next Structure tab shovrn below) PoA (5•Day) 2/21/00 r If. TOTAL VOLUME OF WASTE STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS FOR ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. ,structure.ID: 71-69 Bear Ride Wooten) line I = 3648303 gallons 2. structure ID: line I = gallons 3. structure ID: tine I = gallons 4. structure ID: line I = gallons 5. structure ID: line I = gallons 6. structure ID: line I = gallons n.lines 1+2+3+4+5+6 o, line n 127154 = 3648303 gallons 134.36 acre -inches Ill. TOTAL ACRES AVAILABLE TO RECEIVE WASTE DURING 5 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD"r While this section deals with hydraulic loading capacities, applications cannot exceed agronomic rate for receiving crop according to its certified waste plan. 2Fields with no remaining PAN balance, no receiving crop, and/or completely saturated are not considered available to receive waste. p. tract # q. field # r. soil type s. crop t. acres u. remaining IRR-2 PAN balance (Ibtacre) v. maximum- application rate ((Or) w. maximum application amount (inches) 7189 1 Fo Small Grain Overseed 4.30 68.41 0.5 1 2 Fo 6.42 68.1 0.5 1 4 Fo 5.76 76.6 0.5 1 5 Fo 3.87 66.6 0.5 1 6 Fo 3.50 57.6 0.5 1 X. total acrewavallable during 5 day draw down (sum of column t) = 23.85 acres IV, FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL HYDRAULIC LOAD TO BE LAND APPLIED PER ACRE p 5.63 inches per acre to be -applied within 5 days PoA 6'Day) 2/Z= r line x If unable to land apply hydraulic load listed inAlne y, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recaicuiate new n arawic ioaa pasea on new information. Houses will be completely empty around Feb26, 2016. Pump and haul may is needed due to irrigation, system on the farm can not be used due to wetness of the fields. to 1. Describe moisture conditions of fields? (e.g. is there water standing in field; does irrigation equipment rear down in rieid; "tratticaDluty" across sous; will sous Fields are wet and irrigation equipment can not be used. 2. uate and amount of iast raintau event DATE: 02/24/16 AMOUNT: 0,50 Inches 3..Dates .of last Waste application event per field: Feb 27, 2016 Given optimum soil and weather conditions, is irrigation equipment capable of applying the volume line."n" at appropriate seasonal i.e, winter application rates within 5 days? yes, if soil cond€tionsallow It 5. Irrigation schedule for next 5 days - include daily schedule; proposedapplication rates and amounts irrigation event; changes, made in gun sizes, nozzles, "o" rings, operating time, travel speed, etc: to meet Dr000sed changes in application rates and amounts; and any other intormation for consideration. Smaller -rings and short application times will be used w€th faster travel speeds. Pump and haul may be used or Aeroway system used to land inject This -is the revised 5 day POA from last week. Completed by Jason Turner 2-29-16 PoA,(5 Day) 2/21100 is PLAN OF ACTION (POA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES FIVE (6) DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL VOLUME TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): 71-69 Bear Ridge (Wooten) 2. Current liquid volume in structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker b. designed structural freeboard zone (Normally 12 inches or greater) c. line b - line a (inches within structural freeboard) = d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) e. line c112 x line d x 7.48 gallonslft3 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design g. volume of waste produced according to structural design h. current herd # 1 14001 certified herd # 3672 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 5 days/line f = 4. Total volume of waste to be land applied during 5 day draw down I. total volume to be land applied line e + line k = 7.0 inches 19.0 inches 12.0 inches 728,54 fft2 5449547 gallons 180 days 495720 ft3 189000 ft3 © ft3 73500 ft3 54542 gallons 5504088 gallons REPEAT SECTION 1 FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE WITH A LIQUID LEVEL WITHIN THE STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) PoA (5 Day) 2/21100 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL_ FACILITIES FIVE (5) DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL VOLUME TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): 71-69 Bear Ridge (Wooten) 2. Current liquid volume in structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker b. designed structural freeboard zone (Normally 12 inches or greater) c. line b - line a (inches within structural freeboard) = d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) e. lime c/12 x line d x 7.48 gallons/ft3 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 8.0 inches 19.0 inches 11.0 inches 728, 549 fe 4995418 gallons 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 495720 ft3 h. current herd # 1 16001 certified herd #1 3672 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 5 days/line f = 4. Total volume of waste to be land applied during 5 day draw down I. total volume to be land applied line e + line k 216000 ft' © ft3 73500 ft3 60152 gallons 5055569 gallons REPEAT SECTION 1 FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE WITH A LIQUID LEVEL WITHIN THE STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) PoA (5 Day) 2/21/00 II. TOTAL VOLUME OF WASTE STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS FOR ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. structure ID: 71-69 Bear Ridge (Wooten) line I = 5504088 gallons 2. structure ID: line I = gallons 3. structure ID: line 1 = gallons 4. structure ID: line i = gallons 5. structure ID: line I = gallons 6. structure ID: line I = gallons n. lineal +2+3+4+5+6= o. line n / 27164 = 5504088 gallons 202.70 acre -inches III. TOTAL ACRES AVAILABLE TO RECEIVE WASTE DURING 5 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD''2 'While this section deals with hydraulic loading capacities, applications cannot exceed agronomic rate for receiving crop according to its certified waste plan. 2Fields with no remaining PAN balance, no receiving crop, and/or completely saturated are not considered available to receive waste. p. tract # q. field # r. soil type s. crop t. acres u. remaining IRR-2 PAN balance (lb/acre) v. maximum application rate (in/hr) w. maximum application amount (inches) 7189 1 Fo Small Grain Overseed 4.30 88.7 0.5 1 2 Fo " 6.42 88.7 0.5 1 4 Fo 6.76 76.6 0.5 1 5 Fo 3.87 85.2 0.5 1 6 Fo 3.50 84.7 0.5 1 x. total acres available during 5 day draw down (sum of column t) = 23.85 acres IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL HYDRAULIC LOAD TO BE LAND APPLIED PER ACRE PoA (5 Day) 2/21 /00 Y. line o = 7.81 Inches per acre to be applied within 5 days line x If unable to land apply hydraulic load listed in line y, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new hydraulic load based on new information. Houses will be completely empty around Feb26, 2016. Pump and haul may is needed due to irrigation system on the farm can not be used due to wetness of the fields. Plan to land apply hydraulic load: I. Describe moisture conditions of fields? (e.g. Is there water standing in field; does irrigation equipment mar Gown in ne+a; "tramcao++iry" across sous; wui sons a Fieids are wet and irrigation equipment can not be used. 2. Date and amount of last rainfall event? DATE: 1 02/07/16 Feb 3, 2016 runoff, etc. AMOUNT: 2.20 inches 4. Given optimum soil and weather conditions, is irrigation equipment capable of applying the volume in line ..n.. at appropriate seasonal (i.e. wi yes, if soil conditions allow it application rates witnin 5 amounts per irrigation event; changes made in gun sizes, nozzles, "o" rings, operating time, travel speed, etc. to meet proposea cnanges in application rates ana amounts; ana any otner intormation Tor cons+aerat+on. Smaller rings and short application times will be used with faster travel speeds. Pump and haul may be used or Aeroway system used to land inject This is the revised 5 day POA from last week. Completed by Jason Turner 2-11-16 PoA (5 Day) 2/21/00 II. TOTAL VOLUME OF WASTE STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS FOR ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. structure ID: 71-69 Sear Ridge (Wooten) line I = 5055569 gallons 2. structure ID: line I = gallons 3. structure ID: line I = gallons 4. structure ID: line I = gallons 5. structure ID: line I = gallons 6. structure ID: line I = gallons n. lines 1 +2+3+4+5+6= o. linen/ 27154 = 5055569 gallons 186.18 acre -inches III. TOTAL ACRES AVAILABLE TO RECEIVE WASTE DURING 5 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD''2 'While this section deals with hydraulic loading capacities, applications cannot exceed agronomic rate for receiving crop according to its certified waste plan. 2Fields with no remaining PAN balance, no receiving crop, and/or completely saturated are not considered available to receive waste. p. tract # q. field # r, soil type s. crop t. acres u. remaining IRR-2 PAN balance (Iblacre) v. maximum application rate (inlhr) W. maximum application amount (inches) 7189 1 Fo Small Grain Overseed 4.30 88.7 0.5 1 2 Fo 6.42 88.7 0.5 1 4 Fo 5.76 76.6 0.5 1 5 Fo 3.87 85.2 0.5 1 6 Fo 3.50 84.7 0.5 1 x. total acres available during 5 day draw down (sum of column t) = 23.85 acres IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL HYDRAULIC LOAD TO BE LAND APPLIED PER ACRE PoA (5 Day) 2/21/00 Y. line o = 8.50 inches per acre to be applied within 5 days line x If unable to land apply hydraulic load listed In line y, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recaicuiate new nyaraunc ioaa oasea on new Information. Houses will be completely empty around Feb26, 2016. Pump and haul may is needed due to irrigation system the farm can not be used due to wetness of the fields. app 1. Describe moisture conditions of fields? (e.g. Is there water standing in field; does irrigation equipment mar aown in sera; -tratncaornty- across sons; wiii sons aosorD application Fields are wet and irrigation equipment can not be used. 2. Date and amount of last rainfall event? DATE: 1 02/15/16 Feb 3, 2016 AMOUNT: 1.50 inches 4. Given optimum soil and weather conditions, is irrigation equipment capable of applying the volume in line "n" at appropriate seasonal i.e. winter application rates within 5 days? yes, if soil conditions allow it 5. Irrigation schedule for next 5 days - include daily schedule; proposed application rates and amounts per irrigation event; changes made in gun sizes, nozzles, "o" rings, operating time, travel speed, etc. to meet proposed changes in application rates and amounts; and any other information for consideration. Smaller rings and short application times will be used with faster travel speeds. Pump and haul may be used or Aeroway system used to land inject This is the revised 5 day POA from last week. Completed by Jason Turner 2-16-16 PoA (5 Day) 2/21/00 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): 71-69 Wooten Bear Ridge 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr./24 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker 15,01inches b. designed 25 yr./24 hr. storm & structural freeboard 19.0 inches c. line b - line a (inches in red zone) = 4.0 inches d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) 741,778 ftz e. line c112 x line d x 7.48 gallonslft3 1849500 gallons 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 3304801 ft3 h. current herd # 3600 certified herd #1 3672 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated 1 11/312015 m. ((lines e + k)11000) x line I = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) 324000 ft' 0 ft3 37,188 Jft3 450281 gallons 1.15 lbs11000 gal. 2644.7 lbs. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2121 /00 II. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD AND/OR 25 YR.124 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID: 71-69 Wooten Bear Ridge line m = 2644.7 lb PAN 2. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 3. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 4. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN n.lines I+2+3+4+5+6= 2644.7lbPAN III. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 34 DAY DRAW DOWN PFRIOn_ nn NOT LIST FIELDS TO WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. o. tract # p. field # q. crop r, acres s. remaining IRR- 2 PAN balance (lb/acre) t. TOTAL PAN BALANCE FOR FIELD (lbs.) column r x s u. application window' 7189 1 Small Grain Overseed 4.30 100.00 430.0 Oct -April 15 2 " 6.42 100.00 642.0 " 4 " 6.54 100.00 654.0 " 5 " 5.76 100.00 576.0 " 6 " 3.50 100.00 350.0 " 'State current crop ending application date or next crop application beginning date for available receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column t) = 2652.0 lb. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL PAN BALANCE w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section 11) = 2644.7 lb. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 W x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section III) = 2652.0 lb. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) _ -7 lb. PAN Line y must show as a deficit. If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN based on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these fields to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. If animal waste is to be hauled to another permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the receiving facility. Mr. Wooten called on Dec 31, 2015 to report out of compliance with lagoon freeboard. Information was received to complete the POA on 1-5-16 by phone from Chuck Wooten. POA completed by Jason Turner PSWCD Techn. Depopulation and/or pump & haul maybe needed if current land conditions do not alllow irrigation. PoA (30 Day) 2/21 /00 i 0 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD 1. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/ldentifler (10): 71-69 Wooten Bear Ridge 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr.124 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker 15.0 inches b.,designed 25 yr.124 hr. storm & structural freeboard 19.0 inches c. line b - line a (inches in red zone) = 4.0 inches d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) 741,778 fe e. line c112 x line d x 7-48 gallonstW 1849500 gallons 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 330480 ft3 h. current herd # ® certified herd # 3672 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g certified herd # I. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i +j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period 1. current waste analysis dated f 1/11/2016 m. ((lines e + k)l1000) x line I = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 ©ft3 37,188 ft3 46361 gallons 1.53 lbs11000 gal. 2900.7 lbs. PAN 1 II. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ANDIOR 25 YR.124 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID; 11-69 Wooten Bear Rldge line m = 2900.7 ib PAN 2. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 3. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 4. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN n. lines 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 2900.7 lb PAN III. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD. DO NOT LIST FIELDS TO WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. o. tract # p. field # q. crop r. acres s. remaining IRR 2 PAN balance (Iblacre) 1. TOTAL PAN BALANCE FOR FIELD (tbs.) column r x s u. application window 7189 1 Small Grain Overseed 4.30 59.20 254.6 Oct -March 2 " 6.42 59.00 378.8 " 4 " 6.54 67.70 442.8 " 5.1 5.76 47.70 274.811 6 " 3.50 38.50 134.8 " 1 Bermuda 4.30 261.00 1122.3 March -Sept 2 6.42 261.00 1675.6 3 6.54 261.00 1706.9 4 6.54 261.00 1706.9 5 5.76 261.00 1503A 6 3.50 261.00 913.5 'State current crop ending application date or next crop application beginning date for available receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. Y. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column t) = 10114.3 lb. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL PAN. BALANCE w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section II) = 290.0.7 lb. PAN I POA (30 Day) 2/21/00 x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section III) = 10114.3 lb. PAN Y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) = 2 4 lb. PAN Line y must snow as a deficit. If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new. PAN based on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these fields to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. If animal waste Is to be hauled to another permitted facility, provfde Information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the receiving facility. Recent weeks farm was under a 5 day POA. This plan relfects going to a 30 day POA. Information was re to complete the POA on 3-14-16 by email from Chuck Wooten. POA completed by Jason Turner PSWCD Techn. on 3-14-16. Depopulation andfor pump & haul maybe needed if current landcondiitions do not alllow Irrigation. PoA (30 Day) 2121100 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): 71-69 Wooten Bear Ridge 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr./24 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker 17.5 inches b. designed 25 yr./24 hr. storm & structural freeboard 19.0 inches c. line b - line a (inches in red zone) = 1.5 inches d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) 741,778 ftz e. line c/12 x line d x 7.48 gallons/W 693562 gallons 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 330480 ft3 h. current herd # u certified herd #1 3672 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated I 2/12/2015 m. ((lines e + k)/1000) x line I = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) ft3 01ft3 37,188 ft3 46361 gallons 1.41 Ibs/1000 gal. 1043.3 Ibs. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 II. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD AND/OR 25 YR./24 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID: 71-69 Wooten Bear Ridge line m = 1043.3 lb PAN 2. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 3. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 4. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN In. lines 1+2+3+4+5+6= 1043.3lbPAN III. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD- DO NOT LIST FIELDS TO WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. o. tract # p. field # q. crop r. acres s. remaining IRR- 2 PAN balance (Iblacre) L TOTAL PAN BALANCE FOR FIELD (Ibs.) column r x s u. application window' 7189 1 H bird Bermuda 4.30 249.00 1070.7 April -Oct 2 6.42 250.60 1608.9 " 3 6.54 258.40 1689.9 " 4 " 5.76 261.00 1503.4 " 5 " 3.87 261.00 1010.1 " 6 " 3.50 261.00 913.5 " 'State current crop ending application date or next crop application beginning date for available receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column t) = 7796.4 Ib. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL PAN BALANCE w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section II) = 1043.3 lb. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section III) = 7796.4 lb. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) _ -6753 lb. PAN Line y must show as a deficit. If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN based on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these fields to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. If animal waste is to be hauled to another permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon Freeboard levels at the receiving facility. Mr. Wooten called on April 1, 2015 to update the previous POA that the lagoon is still out of compliance. Information was received to complete the POA on 4-1-15 by phone from Chuck Wooten. POA completed by Jason Turner PSWCD Techn. Depopulation and/or pump & haul maybe needed if current land conditions do not alllow irrigation. PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): 71-69 Wooten Bear Ridge 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr./24 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker 18.01 inches b. designed 25 yr./24 hr. storm & structural freeboard 19.0 inches c. line b - line a (inches in red zone) = 1.0 inches d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) 741,778 ftz e, line c/12 x line d x 7.48 gallons/W 462375 gallons 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 330480 ft3 h, current herd # 1300 certified herd #1 3672 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated 1 10/27/2014 m. ((lines e + k)/1000) x line I = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) 117000 'ft3 C' 0 ft3 37,188 ft3 192221 gallons 1 A6 Ibs/1000 gal. 955.7 Ibs. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 J II. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD AND/OR 25 YR./24 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID: F1-69 Wooten Bear Ridge line m = 955.7 lb PAN 2. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 3. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 4. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN n. lines 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 955.7lbPAN III. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD_ DO NOT LIST FIELDS TO WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. o. tract # p. field # q. crop r. acres s. remaining IRR- 2 PAP/ balance (lb/acre) t. TOTAL PAN BALANCE FOR FIELD (Ibs.) column r x s u. application window' 7189 1 4.30 261.00 1122.3 March -Oct 2 6.42 261.00 1675.6 " 3 6.54 261.00 1706.9 " 4 " 5.76 50.00 288.0 Oct -March 5 " 3.87 50.00 193.5 " 6 " 3.50 50.00 175.0 " 'State current crop ending application date or next crop application beginning date for available receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column t) = 5161.4 lb. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL PAN BALANCE w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section II) = 955.7 lb. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21100 x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section III) = 5161.4 lb. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) _ -4206 lb. PAN Line y must show as a deficit. If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN based on new information. 1f new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these fields to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. if animal waste is to be hauled to another permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the receiving facility. Mr. Wooten called on February 24, 2015 to report that he had a high lagoon. Information was received to complete the POA on 2-24-15 by email from Chuck Wooten. POA completed by Jason Turner PSWCD Techn. Depopulation and/or pump & haul maybe needed if current land conditions do not alllow irrigation. PoA (30 Day) 2/21 /00 J S PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): Wooten -Bear Ridge 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr.124 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker 18.0 inches b. designed 25 yr.124 hr. storm & structural freeboard 19.0 inches c. line b - line a (inches in red zone) = 1.0 inches d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) 495720 ft' e. line c112 x line d x 7.48 gallons/ft' 308999 gallons 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 330480 ft' h. current herd # F 3-6-5-01 certified herd # 3672 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated 1 2/5/2010 m. ((lines e + k)11000) x line i = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) 328500 ft' 0 ft3 37,188 ft3 455891 gallons 1.60 Ibs11000 gal. 1223.8 lbs. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2121100 i y 11. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD AND/OR 25 YRJ24 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID: Wooten -Bear Ridge line m = 1223.8 lb PAN 2. Structure 0: line m = lb PAN 3. Structure 10: line m = lb PAN 4. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN n.lines 1+2+3+4+5+6= 1223.8lbPAN III. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD. DO NOT LIST FIELDS TO WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. o. tract # p. field # q. crop r. acres s. remaining IRR 2 PAN balance (Ib/acre) t. TOTAL PAN BALANCE FOR FIELD (lbs.) column r x s u. application window' 71891 1 Rye 4.30 20.10 86.4 Oct -April 2 " 6.42 27.90 179.1 " 3 " 6.54 29.50 192.9 " 4 " 5.76 24.80 142.8 " 5 " 3.87 50.00 193.5 " 6 " 3.50 42.00 147.0 " 'State current crop ending application date or next crop application beginning date for available receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column t) = 941.8 lb. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL PAN BALANCE w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section II) = 1223.8 lb. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 i x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section III) = 941.8 lb. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) = 282.0 lb. PAN Line y must show as a deficit. If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN based on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these fields to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. If animal waste is to be hauled to another permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the receiving facility. Mr. Wooten called on February 10, 2010 to report that he had a high lagoon. Information was received to complete the POA on 2-11-10 by fax from Chuck Wooten. POA completed by Jason Turner PSWCD Techn. Depopulation and/or pump & haul maybe needed if current land conditions do not alllow irrigation. PoA (30 Day) 2/21 /00 0�0�rE9QG Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr„ Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality July 1, 2007 Charles S Wooten -Bear Ridge Farm 2950 NC Hwy 50 Maple Hill, NC 28454 a; Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS710069 Bear Ridge Farm Animal Waste Management System Pender County Dear Charles S Wooten: In accordance with your application received on 4-Jan-07, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Charles S Wooten, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste management system in accordance with General Permit AWG100000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management and land application of animal waste as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) for the Bear Ridge Farm, located in Pender County, with an animal capacity of no greater than the following swine annual averages: Wean to Finish: 0 Feeder to Finish: 3672 Boar/Stud: 0 Wean to Feeder: 0 Farrow to Wean: 0 Gilts: 0 Farrow to Finish: 0 Farrow to Feeder: 0 If this is a Farrow to Wean or Farrow to Feeder operation, there may also be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars are unneccessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of 4 gilts for every 3 sows The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until September 30, 2009 and replaces the NPDES COC issued to this facility with an expiration date of July 1, 2007. You are required to continue conducting annual surveys of sludge accumulation inall lagoons at your facility; the one-year extension in Condition III.19 does not apply. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please carefully read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit. Enclosed for your convenience is a package containing the new and revised forms used for record keeping and reporting. Please pay careful attention to the record keeping and monitoring_ conditions in this permit. Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Internet: www.ncwaterquality.ore Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard An Equal OpportunitylAHirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycledl10% Post Consumer Paper N�o �rthl,Carolina Nrtturu!!y Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919) 733-3221 Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax l: (919) 715-0588 Fax 2: (919) 715-6048 Customer Service: (877) 623-6748 If your Waste -Utilization Plan has been developed based on site -specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current Waste Utilization Plan is inaccurate you will need to have a new Waste Utilization Plan developed. The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property -rights in either real or personal property. Upon abandonment or depopulation for a period. of four years or more, 'the Permittee must submit documentation to the Division demonstrating that all current NRCS standards are met prior to restocking of the facility. Per 15A NCAC 02T .0111(c) a compliance boundary is provided for the facility and no new water supply wells shall be constructed within the compliance boundary. Per NRCS standards a 100-foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any wetted area of a spray field. Per 15A NCAC 02T .1306, any containment basin, such as a lagoon or waste storage structure, shall continue to be subject to the conditions and requirements of the facility's permit until closed to NRCS standards and the permit is rescinded by the Division. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143,- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Permit after the expiration date of the General Permit, an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change. or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the staff member listed below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. This facility is located in a county covered by our Wilmington Regional Office. The Regional Office Aquifer Protection staff may be reached at 910-395-3900. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact the Animal Feeding Operations Unit staff at (919) 7337 3221. Sincerely, for Coieen H. Sullins Enclosures (General Permit AWG100000, Record Keeping and Reporting Package) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) Pender County Health Department Pender County Soil and Water Conservation District Wilmington Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section AFO Unit Central Files Permit File AW S710069 lveb `212 06 01 : 51 P Chuck Wooten 910-259-6179 P.8 w �nlc �o�i�r ZOo 6 005� � PLAN OF ACTION[Poa) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES Facility Number: 71.89 County: Under Facility Name: Bear Ridge Certified Operator Name: Charles S. Wooten Jr Operator Number: 17986 1. Current liquid level(s) in inches as measured from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the lowest point on the top of the dam for lagoons without spillways; and from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the bottom of the spillway for lagoons with spillways. Lagoon Name/ID: Spillway(Y or N): Level(inches): Lagoon 1 Lagoon 2 Lagoon 3 Lagoon 4 Lagoon 5 71.69 N 1s 2. Check all applicable items Liquid level is within the designed structural freeboard elevations of one or more structures. Five and 30 day Plans of Action are attached. Hydraulic and agronomic balances are within acceptable ranges. x -Liquid level is within the 25 year 24 hour storm elevations for one or more structures. A 30 day Plan of Action is attached. Agronomic balance is within acceptable range. Waste Is to be pumped and hauled to off site locations. Bolume and PAN content of waste to be pumped and hauled is reflected in section III tables. Included within this plan is a list of the proposed sites with related facility numbers, number of acres and receiving crop information_ Contact and secure approval from the DWO prior to transfer of waste to a site not covered in the facility's CAWMP. Operation will be partially or fully depopulated. Attach a complete schedule with corresponding animal units and dates fro depopulation *if animals are to be moved to another permitted facility, provide facility number, lagoon freeboard levels and herd population for the receiving facility 3. Earliest possible date to begin land application of waste: 2123I200$ I hereby certify that I have reviewed the information listed above and included within the attached Plan of Action, and to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information Is accurate and correct. (ie,, IIjo .I / ep 4"-h Fr Phone: 4110 L11 Date: a� zo f nature) 'Oeb 2'2 06 01 ; 51p Chuck Wooten 910-259-6179 p. 7 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL. PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): 71-69 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr.124 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker I 15.0 inches b. designed 25 yr.124 hr. storm & structural freeboard I 20.0 inches c. line b - line a (inches in red zone) _ 5.0 inches d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) 100000 ftz e. line ell x line d x 7AB gallons1W 311667 gallons 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 121058.2 ft3 h. current herd # 3500 certified herd #1 3672 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design J. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 30 dayslline f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated 2/10/2006 m. ((lines e + k)/1000) x line I = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) 115388 ft' ow 58333.3 fe 216572 gallons 2.60 Ibs11000 gal. 1373.4 lbs. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21100 Peb 2`2 06 01:51P Chuck Wooten 910-259-6179 p.6 I 11. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD AND/OR 25 YRd24 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID: 71-69 2. Structure ID; 3. Structure ID; 4. Structure ID: 5. Structure ID: 6. Structure ID: line m = 1373.4 lb PAN line m = lb PAN line rn = lb PAN line m = lb PAN line m = lb PAN line rn = lb PAN n. lines i + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 1373.4 Ib PAN Ill. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD. DO NOT LIST FIELDS TO WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. o. tract # p. field # q. crop r. acres s. remaining IRR 2 PAN balance (Ibracre) L TOTAL PAN BALANCE FOR FIELD (lbs.) column r x s u. application window' B.R. 3 small grain overseed 6.541 26.40 172.7 10/16 - 02/30 B.R. 4 small grain overseed 5.76 38.10 207.9 10/15 - 02/30 B.R. 5 small grain overseed 3.87 23.80 92.1 10/15 - 02/30 B.R. 6 small grain overseed 3.50 31.00 108.5 10/15 - 02130 B.R. 1 small grain overseed 4.30 11.20 48.2 10115 - 02130 B.R. 1 Bermuda 4.30 261.00 1122.3 03/01 - 10/15 'State current crop ending application date or next crop application beginning date for avallable receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column t) 1751.7 lb. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL PAN BALANCE w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section II) = 1373.4 lb. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2121/00 Peb'2'2 06 01:50p Chuck Wooten 910-259-6179 p.5 x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section lii) 1751.7 Ib. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) = -3 8 lb. PAN Line y must show as a deficit. If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN based on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these fields to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. If animal waste is to be hauled to another permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the Irrigation onto existing spray fields will continue as weather and field conditions permit. Additional land is available for pumping if needed. PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 r ec-20-05 03:50P 910 259 6179 P-01 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES Facility Number: 9 4 Codoty: ' �1e Facility Name.- _"-�e4r�;ARQ .1 Certified Operator Name: _C NAr,es u MAZr, , -sr _ Operator # i99(-o 1. Current liquid level(s) in inches as measured from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the lowest point on the top of the dam for lagoons without spillways; and from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the bottom of the spillway for lagoons with spillways. Structure 1 Structure 2 Structure 3 Structure 4 Structure 5 Structure 6 Lagoon Name/Identifier (ID): rl l -0 Spillway (Yes or No): Level (inches): 1s 2. Check all applicable items Liquid level is within the designed structural freeboard elevations of one or more structures. Five and 30 day Plans of Action are attached. Hydraulic and agronomic balances are within acceptable ranges. Liquid level is within the 25 year 24 hour storm elevations for one or more structures. A 30 day Plan of Action is attached. Agronomic balance is within acceptable range. Waste is to be pumped and hauled to off site locatlons.' Volume and PAN content of waste to pumped and hauled is reflected in section III tables. Included within this plan is a list of the proposed sites with related facility number(s), number acres and receiving crop information. Contact and secure approval from the Division of Water Quality Atlor to transfer of waste to a site not covered In the facility's certified animal waste management plan. Operation will be partially or fully depopulated. attach a complete schedule with corresponding animal units and dates for depopulation - if animals are to be moved to another permitted facility, provide facility number, lagoon freeboard levels and herd population for the receiving facility 3. Earliest possible date to begin land application of waste: 1 a - Xa� - bS I hereby certify that I have reviewed the Information listed above and Included within the attached Plan of Action, and to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information Is accurate and correct C he --\Cn �zuipzr) I -,� r Phone: Facility OwnertManager (print) acility agar (signature) Date: PoA Cover Page 2121100 06c-26-05 03:50P 910 269 6179 p-O2 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREE90ARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Namelidentfier (ID): 71-69 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr.124 hr. storm storage a structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker 18.0 inches b. designed 25 yr.124 hr. storm & structural freeboard 20.0 inches c, line b - line a (inches in red zone) = 2.0 inches d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) 100000 fta e. line c112 x line d x 7.48 gallonslft' 124667 gallons 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 121058.2 ft' h, current nerd # 1230 certified herd #1 3672 actual waste produced = gurrent tMrd 9 x line g a 40551 ft' C certified herd It i. volume of wash water according to structural design _01ft' j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to•`design 58333.3 ft' k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f- 123275 gallons 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated f 1Ill 12005 1.50 Ibs11000 gal. m. ((lines e + k)11000) x line 1 = 371.9 lbs. PAN REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) , PoA (30 Day) 2/21100 Doc-20—as 03_150P 910 259 6179 P_03 11. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD AND/OR 25 YR.124 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1, Structure ID: 71-69 line m = 371.9 lb PAN 2. Structure ID: fine In = lb PAN 3. Structure ID: line m = —lb PAN 4_ Structure ID: line m a lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line rn = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN n.linen1+2+3+4+5+8= 371.9lbPAN Ill. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERI013. DO NOT LIST FIELDS TO WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. a. tract # p. field # q. crop r, acres a. remaining IRR 2 PAN balance (Ib/ac*e ' t TOTAL PAN BALANCE FOR FIELD (lbs.) column r a a u. applicalion window' Wooten 2 small grain overseed 6.42 39.00 250.4 10/15 - 2130 woolen 3 small grain overseed 6.42 41.10 263.9 10/15 - 2/30 'State current crop ending application date or next crop application beginning date for available receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column Q s 514.2 lb. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL PAN BALANCE w. Total PAN to be land applled (line n from section 11) w 371.9 lb. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 `i Dec-20--05 03:51P 910 259 6179 P.04 x. Crop`s remaining PAN balance (line v from section 5 TT2 lb. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) a Ar Ib. PAN Line y must show as a deficit, if line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here Including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN based on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these fields to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. if animal waste is to be hauled to another permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the receiving facility._ _. - I. .- NA -f V Irrigation will continue as 40*1 1T PoA (30 Day) M1/00 r r ` r 'o J- 0/i so-d 6LT9 BSE OTG Nutrient Management Plan For Animal Waste Utilization 04-14-2004 This plan has been prepared for: BEAR RIDGE FARMS Charles,Jr. Wooten NC Hwy 50 Maple Hill, NC 28454 910-259-6179 RECEIVED /DENR 1 E ADUIFER-PpnTFrTjr)N sr MAR 24 20Qg This plan has been developed by: JASON TURNER PENDER SWCD PO BOX 248 801 S. WALKER ST. BURGAW, NC 28425 J]0-10259-91�23 Fxt. #3 vepsr Signature Type of Plan: Nitrogen Only with Manure Only Owner/Manager/Producer Agreement I (we) understand and agree to the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in this nutrient management plan which includes an animal waste utilization plan for th4 farm named above. I have read and understand the Required Specifications concerning animal waste man geme t that are included with this plan. Signature (owner) Signature (manager or producer) Date This plan meets the minimum standards and specifications of the U.S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service or the standard of practices adopted by the Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Plan Approved By: '�-- � w� .9- T tmical Specialist Signature Date -----------------------------------------------............... ----- --- --------------..---------- ------------------ 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 04-14-2004 Cover Page 1 Nutrients applied in accordance with this plan will be supplied from the following source(s): Commercial Fertilizer is not included in this plan. S7 Swine Feeder -Finish Lagoon Liquid waste generated 3,403,944 gals/year by a 3,672 animal Swine Finishing Lagoon Liquid operation. This production facility has waste storage acities of approximately 1$0 days. Estimated Pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen Generated per Year Broadcast .7840 Incorporated 13464 Injected 14828 Irrigated 8522 Actual PAN Applied (Pounds) Actual Volume Applied (Gallons) Volume Surplus/Deficit (Gallons) Year 1 9,451.29 3,775,233 -371,289 ---------------------- ------------------------------- -------- Note: i source ID, 5 means standard source, U means user defined source. 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 04-14-2004 Source Page Page 1 of i Narrative Nitrogen rates for hybird bermuda turf were taken from page 366 of NC Agri Chemical. Manual. Recommendations call for 61 lbs. of N11000 ft2 for maintenance of this turf. Grower will harvest sod on a minmum of 1 time per year which will remove all green leaf area, thatch, and roots (l" of soil in roots). Grower should follow application schedule provided in the plan. Ryegrass may be overseeded in the fall in case of pumping during October -February. Soil test should be taken annually to guard against any buildup of P,Z, or Cu. PLAT was run on this farm on 3-11-04 by Jason Turner, PSWCD Tech. No high levels of phosphorus was noted. --------------------------I......--------.----------------------------------------------------•----------------- ------------ .-..---- 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 04-14-2004 Narrative Page Page 1 of 1 The Waste Utilization table shown below summa iz= the waste utilization plan for this operation. This plan provides an estimate of the number of acres of cropland needed to use the nutrients being produced. The plan requires consideration of the realistic yields of the crops to be grown, their nutrient requirements, and proper timing of applications to maximize mitri uptake. This table provides an estimate of the amount of nitrogen required by the crop being grown and an estimate of the nitrogen amount being supplied by manure or other by-products, commercial fertilizer and residual from previous crops. An estimate of the quantity of solid and liquid waste that will be applied on each field in order to supply the indicated quantity of nitrogen from each source is also included A balance of the total manure produced and the total manure applied is included in the table to ensure that the plan adequately provides for th1 utilization of the manure generated by the operation. Waste UU ationt Table Year 1 Tract Field Sou ce ID SOO Seriea Total ACM Use. Acres C-P RYE Applic• Period Nmugffi PA Nutrient Rcgd (WA) C® Fat. Nuhicnj Applied OWA) Res. (RWA) Amlie. Method Mee PA NutriemA PPS (1 A) Liquid M==A' pplied ( ) Solid Manure Applied ( ) Ligicd Manure Applied (FrId) Solid Maramo Applied (Fdd) N N N N MOO gaVA Tom ION gab tom 869 1-1 S7 Foreston 4.30 4.30 Hybrid Betmudagrass Pasture 67.6 Ton *3/t-10115 '261 0 0 Irrig, 261 104,25 0.00 448.29 0,0E 869 1-1 S7 Foreston. 4.30 4.30 Small drain Overawd 1.0 Tows 101158" 50 0 0 irrig. 501 19.97 0.00 85.88 0.0( 869 1-2 S7 Foreston 6.42 6.42 Hybrid Bm=dagrass Pasture *7.6 Ton *311-10115 *261 0 0 Grig. 261 104.25 0.00 669.31 0.01 869 1-2 87 Foreston 6.42 6.42 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons -10/1 52W 50 0 0 trig. 50 19.9 0.00 128.22 0.01 869 1-3 S7 oresion 6.54 6.54 Hybrid Betmudagrass Pasa= '7.6 Ton *311-10115 $261 0 0 Irrig. 261 104,25 0.00 681.82 0.0( 869 1-3 S7 Foreston 6.54 6.54 small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons *101154W 50 0 0 brig. 50 19.91 0.00 130.62 0.0( 869 14 S7 Foreston 5.76 5.76 Hybrid Bernnrdapm Pasture *7.6 Ton 0311.10/15 $261 0 0 brig. 261 104.25 0.00 600.50 0.01 869 14 S7 Foreston 5.76 5.76 Small Grain Overseed l.0 Tons *10/1 50 0 0 brig. 50 19.9 0.00 115.04 0.01 869 1-5 S7 arestoa 3.87 3.87 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture *7.6 Too *3/1-10115 *261 0 0 Irrig. 261 104.25 0. 403.46 0.01 869 1-5 S7 Foreston 3.87 3.87 Small drain Ovaseed 1.0 Tons 10/1 50 0 0 Irrig, 50 19.9 0.00 77.29 0.01 869 t-6 S7 Foreston 3.50 3.50 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture *7.6 Ton *311-10115 8261 0 0 irrig, 261 t04.25 0.0 364.99 0.01 869 1-6 S7 Foreston 1 3.50 3.50 =S--flGmi. Overseed 1.0 Tons *10115'-M 50 0 0 brig 50 19,9 0.00 69.90 0.01 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 4/14/2004 WUT Page Page I of 2 Wavte Utilization Table V— 1 Tract Field Source ID 809 Suiea Total Acm Liao. Aa a C-P RYE APPlic' Period Nogg PA Nutrient Redd (16slA) Carom. Fer<. Nutrient Applied (lba7A) Rea OWA) APPfie. Method Manure PA Nutri-IA ppfied Mm/A) Liquid MaDureA pphcd {acre) Solid Maaw a ApPliod {acre) Liquid Matum Applied {lidd) Solid Manua Applied (Field) N N N N 1000 BaYA Toro 1000 9ab tons Total Applied, I000 pUm 3,775.23 Total Produv4 10M gallaae 3,403.9 Hahmco, 1000 gallons -371.29 Total Applied, tone 0.01 Total Produocd, tons 0.01 Balance, tops 0.04 Notes: 1. In the tract column, — symbol means leased, otherwise, owned. 2. Symbol * means user entered data. 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 4/14/2004 WUT Page Page 2 of 2 The table shown below provides a summary of the crops or rotations included in this plan for each field Realistic Yield estimates are also provided for each crop in the plan. In addition, the Leaching index for each field is shown, where available. Planmed Crops Summary Tract Field Total Acres Useable Ac m Leaching Index Soil Series Crop Sequence RYE 869 1-1. 4.30 4.30 10.0 Foreston Hybrid Bmnudagrass Pestue '7.6 Tom Small (rein Ovamed 1.0 Tops 969 1-2 6.42 6.42 10.0 Foomtan Hybrid l3 madagrass Pasture •7.6 Tam Small (train oven ew 1.0 Tom 969 1-3 6.54 6.54 10.0 Fore Bum Hybrid Hammdag- Pastum •7.6 Tom Small Grain Ovarsaed 1.0 Tom 969 1-4 5.76 5.76 10.0 Foreston Hybrid Ba mrdagraw Pasfiae ►7.6 Tons Small Gram Ovaseed 1.0 Tama 969 1 1-5 3.87 3.97 10.0 Fore" Hybrid Hamadagrass Pasture 07.6 Tom Small Grain Oveamed 1.0 TOM 869 1.6 3.50 3.50 10.0 Foreston Hybrid Bmn a 4rns Pasture $7.6 Tans Small (rain Ovaseed 1.0 Tons PLAN TOTALS: 30.39 30.39 LI Potential Leachin T'ecintical Guidance < 2 Low potential to contribute to soluble None nutrient leaching below the toot zone. 2Moderate potential to contribute to Nutrient Management (590) should be planted. <= 10 soluble nutrient leaching below the root zone. High potential to contribute to soluble Nutrient Management (590) should be planned Other conservation practices that nutrient leaching below the root zone. improve the soils available water holding capacity and improve nutrient use efficiency > 10 should be considered. Examples are Cover Crops (340) to scavenge nutrients, Sod -Based Rotations (328), Long -Term No -Till (778), and edge -of --field practices such as Filter Strips (393) and Riparian Forest Buffers (391). •r t 1 only V-;- I 1 r mt� Pv;eo.A Al Ann(iA The Irrigation Application Factors for each field in this plan are shown in the following table. Infiltration rate varies with soils. If applying waste nutrients through an irrigation system, you mast apply at a rate that will not result in runoff. This table provides the maximum application rate per hour that may be applied to each field selected to receive wastewater. It also lists the maximum application amount that each field may receive in any one application event. Irrigation Application Factors Tract Field Soil Series Application Rate (inches/hour) Application Amount (inches) 869 1-1 Foreston 0.50' 1.0 869 1-2 Foreston 0.50 1.0 869 1-3 Foreston 0.50 1.0 869 14 Foreston 0.50 1.0 869 1-5 Foreston 0.50 1.0 869 1-6 oreston 0.50 1.0 n1lRelia r+...,a-..,.., r -1 1 r -*- n-:....,.1 A 11 A MAAA T A 1; n--- n. -- 1 -r 1 The following Lagoon Sludge Nitrogen Utilization table provides an estimate of the number of acres needed for sludge utilization for the indicated accumulation period. These estimates are based on average nitrogen concentrations for each source, the number of animals in the facility and the plant available nitrogen application rates shown in the second column. Lagoon sludge contains nutrients and organic matter remaining after treatment and application of the effluent At clean out, this material must be utilized for crop production and applied at agronomic rates. In most cases, the priority nutrient is nitrogen but other nutrients including phosphorous, copper and zinc can also be limiting. Since nutrient levels are generally very high, application of sludge must be carefully applied. Sites must first be evaluated for their suitability for sludge application. Ideally, effluent spray fields should not be used for sludge application. If this is not possible, care should be taken not to load effluent application fields with high amounts of copper and zinc so that additional effluent cannot be applied On sites vulnerable to surface water moving to streams and lakes, phosphorous is a concern. Soils containing very high phosphorous levels may also be a concern. Lagoon Sludge Nitrogen Utilization Table Crop Maximum PA-N Rate lblac Maximum Sludge Application Rate 1000 gal/ac Minimum Acres 5 Years Accumulation Minimum A== 10 Years Accumulation Minimum Acres 15 Years Accumulation Swine Feeder -Finish Lagoon Sludge - Standard Corn 120 bu 150 13.16 46.03 92.07 138.10 Hay 6 ton R.Y.E. 300 26.32 23.02 46.03 69.05 Soybean 40 bu 160 14.04 43.16 8631 129.47 --------------------- ------- ------------ --------------. -......... --- -------- ...._....--------------------------------------- -•----- 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 04-14-2004 Sludge Page Page 1 of The Available Waste Storage Capacity table provides an estimate of the number of days of storage capacity available at the end of each month of the plan. Available storage capacity is calculated as the design storage capacity in days minus the number of days of net storage volume accumulated. The start date is a value entered by the user and is defined as the date prior to applying nutrients to the first crop m the plan at which storage volume in the lagoon or holding pond is equal to zero. Available storage capacity should be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to the design storage capacity of the facility. If the available storage capacity is greater than the design storage capacity, this indicates that the plan calls for the application of nutrients that have not yet accumulated. If available storage capacity is negative, the estimated volume of accumulated waste exceeds the design storage volume of the structure. Either of these situations indicates that the planned application interval in the waste utilization plan is inconsistent with the structure's temporary storage capacity. Availahle Wade Storaae C:anacity Source Name I Swine Feeder -Finish Lagoon Li uid Design Storage Capacity (Days) Start Date 9/1 ISO Plan Year Month Available Storage Capacity (Days) 1 1 41 1 2 29 1 3 15 1 4 36 1 5 56 1 6 94 1 7 131 1 8 134 1 9 138 1 10 130 1 11 116 1 12 98 * Available Storage Capacity is calculated as of the end of each month ---------------- ........ .------------------------- . ............. ..----------------. ...... �----------------- 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 04-14-2004 CapacityPage Pa 1 of 1 Required Specifications For Animal Waste Management 1. Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste that reaches surface water is prohibited. 2. There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has an agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of the waste, he/she shall provide evidence of an agreement with a landowner, who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the waste production facility to secure an update of the Nutrient Management Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of application, receiving crop type, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based upon soil type, available moisture, historical data, climatic conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of applications for other nutrients. 4. Animal waste shall be applied to land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land eroding at more than 5 tons per acre per year but less than 10 tons per acre per year provided grass filter strips are installed where runoff leaves the field (see USDA, NRCS Field Office Technical Guide Standard 393 - Filter Strips). 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or by disking after waste application Waste should not be applied when there is danger of drift from the land application field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, waste will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When waste is applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding (see "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance). 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor and flies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed. 4/14/2004 Specification Page 1 S. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the soil surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste shall be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that the crop is not covered with waste to a depth that would inhibit growth. The potential for salt damage from animal waste should also be considered. 10. Nutrients from waste shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Wastelnutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of the crop or forages breaking dormancy. 11. Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1,1995 shall comply with the following: The outer perimeter of the land area onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a component of a swine farm shall be at least 50 feet from any residential property boundary and canal. Animal waste, other than swine waste from facilities sited on or after October 1,1995, shall not be applied closer that 25 feet to perennial waters. 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet to wells. 13. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by the landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 15. Animal waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways, or wetlands by a discharge or by over -spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted cropland provided the fields have been approved as a land application site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste shall not be applied on grassed waterways that discharge directly into water courses, and on other grassed waterways, waste shall be applied at agronomic rates in a manner that causes no runoff or drift from the site. 16. Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. -- --------- -- ------------------ 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 4/14/2004 Svecification Page 2 17. A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be established on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments, berms, pipe runs, etc.). Areas shall be fenced, as necessary, to protect the vegetation. Vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and other woody species, etc., are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Berms and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage, or discharge. 18. If animal production at the facility is to be suspended or terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution, and erosion. 19. Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 20. Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption, it should only be applied pre -plant with no further applications of animal waste during the crop season. 21. Highly visible markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. - 22. Waste shall be tested within 60 days of utilization and soil shall be tested at least annually at crop sites where waste products are applied. Nitrogen shall be the rate -determining nutrient, unless other restrictions require waste to be applied based on other nutrients, resulting in a lower application rate than a nitrogen based rate. Zinc and copper levels in the soils shall be monitored and alternative crop sites shall be used when these metals approach excessive levels. pH shall be adjusted and maintained for optimum crop production. Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for a minimum of rive years. Poultry dry waste application records shall be maintained for a minimum of three years. Waste application records for all other waste shall be maintained for five (5) years. 23. Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets North Carolina regulations. -. ........ -- ------ ---- ------------------------------------------------- 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 4/14/2004 SDmffication Page 3 Crop Notes The following crop note applies to. field(s): 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 14, 1-5, 1-6 Small Grain: CP, Mineral Soil, low -leachable In the Coastal Plain, oats and barley should be planted from October 15-October 30; and rye from October 15-November 20. For barley, plant 22 seed/drill row foot and increase the seeding rate by 5% for each week seeding is delayed beyond the optimum time. See the seeding rates table for applicable seeding rate modifications in the current NCSU "Small Grain Production Guide". Also, increase the initial seeding rate by at least 16% when planting no -till. Oats should be planted at 2 bushels/acre and rye at 1-1 1/2 bushels/acre. Plant all these small grains at 1-1 1/2" deep. Adequate depth control is essential. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Apply no more than 30 lbs/acre N at planting. Phosphorus and potash recommended by a soil test can also be applied at this time. The remaining N should be applied during the months of February -March. The following crop note applies to Pield(s): 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6 Bermudagrass CP, Mineral Soil, Poorly Drained to Somewhat Poorly Drained. Adaptation: Effective artificial drainage MUST be in place to achieve Realistic Yield Expectations provided for these soils. In the Coastal Plain, hybrid bermudagrass sprigs can be planted Mar. 1 to Mar. 31. Cover sprigs 1" to 3" deep (1.5" optimal). Sprigs should be planted quickly after digging and not allowed to dry in sun and wind. For Coastal and Tifton 78 plant at least 10 bu/ac in 3' rows, spaced 2' to 3' in the row. Generally a rate of 30 bu/ac is satisfactory to produce full groundcover in one or two years under good growing conditions. Tifton 44 spreads slowly, so use at least 40 bu/ac in 1.5' to 2' rows spaced 1' to 1.5' in row. For broadcast/disked-in sprigs use about 60 bu/ac. Soil test for the amounts of lime, phosphorus, potassium and micron utrients to apply preplant and for annual maintenance. Apply 60 to 100 lb/ac N in the establishment year in split applications in April and July. For established stands apply 180 to 240 lb/ac N annually in split applications, usually in April and hollowing the first and second hay cuts. Reduce N rates by 25% for grazing. Refer to NCSU Technical Bulletin 305 Production and Utilization of Pastures and Forages in North Carolina for more information or consult your regional agronomist or extension agent for assistance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 04-14-2004 Crop Note Page Page 1 of 1 ANIMAL FACILITY ANNUAL CERTIFICATION FORM Certificate of Coverage or Permit Number N C A 129 1 Q fait County Qe.ncief Year 200a Facility Name (as shown on Certificate of Coverage or Permit) ear PNA:,. V�acm Operator in Charge for this Facility (k& Sr — Certification # 19 qg (D Land application of animal waste as allowed by the above permit occurred during the past calendar year /_ YES NO. If NO, skip Part I and Part 11 and proceed to the certification. Also, if animal waste was generated uut—not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the animal waste was handled. Part I : Facili Information: 1. Total number of application Fields 0 or Pulls ®(please check the appropriate box) in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP): [o Total Useable Acres approved in the CAWMP 2. Total number of Fields ❑ or Pulls W(please check the appropriate box) on which land application occurred during the -year: to Total Acres on which waste was applied O 3 3. Total pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) applied during the year for all application sites: _., 91 ka5. to _ 4. Total pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) allowed to be land applied annually by the CAWMP and the permit: y51 'Dn 5. Estimated amount of total manure, litter and process wastewater sold or given to other persons and taken off site during the year _ tons ❑ or gallons ❑ (please check the appropriate box) 6. Annual average number of animals by type at this facility during the previous year: 7.. Largest and smallest number of animals by type at this facility at any one time during the previous year: Largest "3 lQ1'd, T _ Smallest—0 (These numbers are for informational purposes only since the only permit limit on the number of animals at the facility is the annual average numbers) 8. Facility's Integrator if applicable: m — � LL RECEOJEU Part II: Faciliy Status: 2004 MAR 0 2 IF THE ANSWER TO ANY -STATEMENT BELOW IS "NO", PLEASE PROVI0"( DESCRIPTION AS TO WHY THE FACILITY WAS NOT COMPLIANT, THEoptoyOWNON COMPLIANCE, AND EXPLAIN CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN OR PR PO BE TAKEN TO BRING THIS FACILITY BACK INTO COMPLIANCE. 1. Only animal waste generated at this facility was applied to the permitted sites during Yes ❑ No the past calendar year. AFACF 3.14-03 2. The facility was operated in such a way that there was no direct runoff of waste from D Yes 04No 1' the facility (including the houses, lagoons/storage ponds and the application sites) during the past calendar year. kj 3. There was no discharge of waste to surface water from this facility during the past ® Yes ❑ No calendar year. 4. There was no freeboard violation in any lagoons or storage ponds at this facility during ❑ Yes R No the past calendar year. S. There was no PAN application to any fields or crops at this facility greater than the ®Yes ❑ No levels specified in this facility's CAWMP during the past calendar year. 6. All land application equipment was calibrated at least once during the past calendar year. ❑ Yes ® No 7. Sludge accumulation in all lagoons did not exceed the volume for which the lagoon ❑ Yes ❑ No was designed or reduce the lagoon's minimum treatment volume to less than the volume N 4 for which the lagoon was designed. S. A copy of the Annual Sludge Survey Form for this facility is attached to this Certification. ❑ Yes ❑ No 13 9. Annual soils analysis were performed on each field receiving animal waste during the past calendar year. 10. Soil pH was maintained as specified in the permit during the past calendar Year? 11. All required monitoring and reporting was performed in accordance with the facility's permit during the past calendar year. 12. All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with during the past calendar year or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 13. Crops as specified in the CAWMP were maintained during the past calendar year on all sites receiving animal waste and the crops grown were removed in accordance with the facility's permit. 14. All buffer requirements as specified on the permit and the CAWMP for this facility were maintained during each application of animal waste during the past calendar year. ❑ Yes ® No - R Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes 9 No ❑ Yes iR No DQ Yes ❑ No 0 Yes ❑ No `.`I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather'and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage .the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." / zzej, Z / D gna e of Permittee Da e Date different from Permittee) AFACF .3-14=03* 2 ac- un .a sa ute ..- `4?►�aJi - - '1 y�p - c 70, Alurphy-Brown L1.0 April 12, 2004 Murphy -Brown, LLC Rose Hill Division Contract Growers Dear CHARLES S WOOTEN JR, P.O. Boos 759 Rose Hill, NC 28458 910.289-2111 910-289-6478 Fax If your farm is currently covered by an NPDES permit, as a requirement of your permit, you should have completed an annual certification form that summarized the environmental activities on your farm for 2003. If you are not under an NPDES permit, ignore this letter. You will recall that one of the questions on this annual certification form asked for your annual animal population average. In a series of grower meetings that many of you attended, we committed to provide you with your annual average inventories on or around the anniversary date of your permit. Your annual average inventory, based on the information in our tracking system for groups closed from 4-24-03 through 4-5-04 is as follows: Facility Name Facility No. Permitted Head Acpnl Average CHARLES S WOOTEN JR 071-0069 3672 2719.9 If you did not provide the annual inventory average to DENR in your annual report, !1ou should forward this correspondence to them by the end of the month. They should be sent to the following address: NCDENR Division of Water Quality Permitting Unit _ Attu. Keith Larick 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27626-1617 In addition, a copy of this correspondence should be kept with your environmental files. If there are any questions or concerns regarding either the information contained in this letter, or other environmental issues, please feel free to call me at (910) 293-5330. Sincerely, Kraig Westerbeek Director of Environmental Compliance 71-69 Nutrient Management.Plan For Animal Waste Utilizati®E: 04-14-2004 This plan has been prepared for: This plan has been developed by: BEAR RIDGE FARMS Charles,Jr. Wooten NC Hwy 50 Maple Hilly NC 28454 910-259-6179 JASON TURNER FENDER SWCD PO BOX 248 801 S. WALKER ST. BURGA A, NC 28425 10-259-9123 Ext. # 3 a � veloper Signature Type of Plan: Nitrogen Only with Manure Only Owner/Manager/Producer Agreement I (we) understand and agree to the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in this nutrient management plan which includes an animal waste utilization plan for tht farm named above. I have read and understand the Required Specifications concerning animal waste manlgemept that are included with this plan. Signature (owner) 6ate Signature (manager or producer) Date This plan meets the minimums standards and specifications of the U.S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service or the standard of practices adopted by the Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Plan Approved By: V-lq-oy_ T clynical Specialist Signature Date --- --- -- -- -- -- --- --- -------------------------------------------------------------- •------ •-------•--------------- 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 04-14-2004 Cover Page 1 Nutrients applied in accordance with this plan will be supplied fiom the following source(s): Commercial Fertilizer is not included in this plan. S7 Swine Fecder-Finish Lagoon Liquid waste generated 3,403,944 gals/year by a 3,672 animal Swine Finishing Lagoon Liquid operation. This production facility has waste storage capacities of 202xu �nately 190 LaLs. Estimated Pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen Generated per Year Broadcast .7840 Incorporated 13464 Injected 14828 Irrigated 8522 Actual PAN Applied (POUSK61) Actual Volume Applied (Gallons) Volume Surplus/Deficit (Gallons) 1 Year 1 1 9,451.29 3,775,233 -371,2879 ...... Nate: ----- ----- - - ------ -------- --------------------------------------- — - - - - -- -- ---- -- ---- ----- ------- In source ID, S means standard source, U means user defined source. 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 04-14-2004 Sow= Page Page 1 of 1 Narrative Nitrogen rates for hybird bermuda turf were taken from page 366 of NC Agri Chemical Manual. Recommendations call for 61 lbs. of NI10(]0 ft2 for maintenance of this turf. Grower will harvest sod on a minmum of 1 time per year which will remove all green leaf area, thatch, and roots (V of soil in roots). Grower should follow application schedule provided in the plan. Ryegrass may be overseeded in the fall in case of pumping during October -February. Soil test should be taken annually to guard against any buildup of P,Z, or Cu. PLAT was run on this farm on 3-11-04 by Jason Turner, PSWCD Tech. No high levels of phosphorus was noted. -. .. .-. .---------------------------------- ----------- ---•--------------- 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 04-14-2004 Narrative Page Page 1 of 1 The Waste Utilization table shown below summarizes the waste utilization plan for this operation. This plan provides an estimate of the number of acres of cropland needed to use the nutrients being produced. The plan requires consideration of the realistic yields of the crops to be grown, their nutrient requirements, and proper timing of applications to maximize nutri uptake. This table provides an estimate of the amount of nitrogen required by the crop being grown and an estimate of the nitrogen amount being supplied by manure or other by-products, commercial fertilizer and residual from previous crops. An estimate of the quantity of solid and liquid waste that will be applied on each field in order to supply the indicated_quantity of nitrogen from each source is also included. A balance of the total Manure produced and the total manure applied is included in the table to ensure that the plan adequately provides for the utilization of the manure generated by the operation. Watts rTHIi-sa4'lrm Talda V e .. 7 Tract Fuld SOQ= ID Sa'l seri% Total Acaes Usc. Am= Crop RYE APOO. period Nimem PA Nutri= Roq'd (lbs/A) came. Felt. Nutrient Applied OWA) Res. i (RWA) Applic. Mtllrod Manure PA Pied (WA) Liquid Mm=A (aae) Solid Maumo Applied ( ) Upid Mxvre Applied (Fidd) slid MuaZ Applied (F'skp N N r4 N 1000 jpVA Tam 1000 gals taro 869 1-1 S7 or4ston 4.30 4.30 Hybrid Ber=dagrass P&gWm '7.6 Ton *31140/15 *261' 0 0 Irrig. 261 104.25 O.00 448.29 0.0( 869 1-1 S7 Foreston 4.30 4.30 Sma1i Grain Oversecd 1.0 Tana 10/159 "! 50 0 0 brig. 50 19.97 0.001 85.88 O.Ot 969 1-2 S7 Farestm 6,42 6.42 Hybrid Bamardagrasa Pasture *7.6 Tat *3/1-10115 '261 0 0 Irti& 261 104.25 0.00 669.31 O.Ot 869 1-2 S7 areata0 6.42 6.42 Small Grain Owraeed 1.0 Tons 10/1 SW 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 19.97 0.00 128.22 OA4 869 1-3 S7 FarcstOU 6.54 6.54 Hybrid Bemmudagaa PaMrc *7.6 Tan *3/1-10115 *261 0 0 Irrig. 261 104,2 0.00 681.82 0.04 869 1-3 S7 FMe5tM 6.34 6.54 Small Crain Overseed 1.0 Tans *10115W 50 0 0 lrrig. so 19370.00 130.62 13.0( 869 1-4 S7 rorestm 5.76 5.76 Hybrid Bemwdagaas PaMu'e 7.6 Ton '3/t-10/15 *261 0 0 irrig. 261 104.25 0.00 600.50 0.0t 869 1-4 87 Foresbaft 5.76 5.76 Small Grain Overseed LO Tans 1011 ps 50 0 0 brig. 50 19. 0.00 115-04 0.04 869 1-5 S7 ForesUn 3,87 3.97 Hybrid Be:mrdagawP&gturc '7.6Ton 0311-10/15 *261 0 0 117i& 2611 104.25 0.00 403.46 OAt 869 1-5 S7 Fmmtm 3.87 3.87 SmaII Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 1011 50 0 1 0 U i& 50 19.97 0.00 77.29' 0.0( 869 1-6 S7 auegm 3.50 3.50 Hybrid Banatdagtam Pasmre *7,6 Tun *3/1-10/15 *261 0 0 I}rig. 261 104.25 0.00 364.89 0.04 869 1-6 S7 Foredw 3.50 3.50 Smalt brain Overseed 1.0 Tara r 1011 - SO 0 0 Irrig. 50 19.9 0. 69.90 0.tlt 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 4/14/2004 WUT Page Page 1 of 2 Waste Utilization Table Year i Y*%M Comm RaL MMM 14qtnd sold Laqw4 Solid PA Fart. OVA) PA MxmmA Mmwc Nkmim Msmue NuftivW Nuoimrt N=itA Nfied Appficd Applied Applied Roq'd Applied pplied (am) (geld) (Field) OWA) (OWA) MWA) SOMMC TOW us . C. Applic- mac, IDOO TMCI Field _ ID Sod Series ACMS ACM CrW RYE PeriodN N N NICLbDd ti pYA I Tow 1000 Sib tons Total Applied, 1000 prom 3,773.23 T,W pmdL,4 low pnm 3,403.94 Blume, l000pum -371.29 2ma ToW Apphd, Um 0.04 LON Tool Produced, ft=12 M 0.0( Bdaur, tans t-411 L 51 11", 1 12.01 Notes: 1. in the tract column, — symbol mesas leased, otherwise, owned. 2 Symbol 0 means user entered data. 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 4/14/2004 WUT Page Page 2 of 2 The table spawn below provides a smnmary of the crops or Notations included in this plan for each field. Realistic Yield estimates are also provided for each crop in the plan. In addition, the Leaching Index for each field is shown, wbere available. Planned Crops Summary Tract Field Total Acres Useable Acres leaching index (Li) Soil Series Crop Sequence RYE 869 1-1 4.30 4.30 10.0 Futon Hybrid Ba'mudagass Pasture '7.6 Tons smag Grain Over ed 1.0 Tone 969 1-2 6.42 6.42 10.0 Fom don Hybrid Bemnsdaps Pasture 07.6 Tons Small Chain Overaeed 1.0 Tom 869 1-3 6.54 6.54 10.0 Fonoon Pathan '7.6 Tans Small Chain Ovcmmd 1.0 Tana 869 1-4 .5.7 5.76 10.0 B mudagasa Pastore •7.6 Tom Sawn Grain Overmed 1.0 Tam 969 1-5 3.97 3.97 10.0 Forestan Hybrid Be�mudagasa Pasture 07.6 Tons Small Grain Ovaseed 1.0 Tom 869 1-6 3.50 3.50 10.0 Forestan hybrid Besv:afdaw- Phr Nor '7.6 Tom Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons PLAN TOTALS; 30.39 30.39 Lr :.. Potential L--achotL rrchniaal < 2Low potential to contribute to soluble None nutrient leaching below the root zone. >= 2 & Moderate potential to contribute to Nutrient Management (590) should be planned. 10 soluble nutrient leaching bclow the toot e, flio potential to contribute to soluble Nutrient Msaagement (590) should be planned. Other conservation practices that nutrient leaching below the toot zone. improve the sails available water }folding capacity and improve nutrient use efficiency > 10 should be considered. Examples are Cover Craps (340) to scavenge nutrients, Sod -Based Rotations (3291 Long -Term No -Till (778), and edge -of -field practices such as Filter Strips (393) and Riparian Forest Buffers (391). •r r , nn'r rl,r.F.... u...c.,.,,4 t . n.+. P.:..r...l an enntu The Irrigation Application Factors for each field in this plan are shown in the following table. Infiltration rate varies with soils. if applying waste nutrients through an irrigation system, you must apply at a rate that will not result in runoff. This table provides the maximum application rate per hour that may be applied to each field selec;tcd to receive wastewater_ It also lists the maximum application amount that each field may receive in any one application event. Irrigation Application Factors Tract Field Soil Series Application Rate (inches/hour) Application Amount (inches) 869 1-1 Foreston 0.50 1.0 869 1-2 Foreston 0.50 1.0 869 1-3 Foreston 0.50 1.0 869 14 Foreston 0.50 1.0 869 1-5 Foreston. 0.50 1.0 $69 1-6 L. oreston 0.50 1.0 n� lrna n. It v -.:_. P 1 r%-.- ri«:«. a 4 11 A 11%r%A4 7 A C rl--- r1...... 1 .r 1 The following Lagoon Sludge Nitrogen Utilization table provides an estimate of the number of acres needed for sludge utilization for the indicated accumulation period- These estimates are based on average nitrogen concentrations for each source, the number of animals in the facility and the plant available nitrogen application rates shown in the second column, Lagoon sludge contains nutrients and organic matter remaining after treatment and application of the effluent. At clean out, this - material must be utilized for crop production and applied at agronomic rates, In most cases, the priority nutrient is nitrogen but other nutrients including phosphorous, copper and zinc can also be limiting. Since nutrient levels are generally very high, application of sludge must be carefully applied. Sites must first be evaluated for their suitability for sludge application. Ideally, effluent spray fields should not be used for sludge application. If this is not possible, care should betaken not to load effluent application fields with high amounts of copper and zinc so that additional effluent cannot be applied. On sites vulnerable to surface wafer moving to streams and lakes, phosphorous is a concern- Soils containing very high phosphorous levels may also be a concern. Lagoon Sludge Nitrogen Utilisation Table Crop Maximum PA-N Rate Iblac Maximum Sludge Application Rate 1000 gal/ac Minimum Acres 5 YeamAccumulation Minimum Acres 10 YearsArcumulation Minimum Acres 15 Years Accumulation Swine Feeder -Finish Lagoon Sludge - Standard Corn 120 bu 1 150 13.16 46.03 92.07 138.10 Hay 6 ton R.Y.E. 300 26.32 23.02 46.03 69.05 Soybeaa 40 bu 160 14.04 43.16 96.31 129.47 .. ---- ------ ---:--------••-•-----------------------------------•--I--------------------•---------•--------------- ----------------------- 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 04-14-2004 Sludge Page Page I of The Available Waste Storage Capacity table provides an estimate of the number of days of storage capacity available at the end of each month of the plan. Available storage capacity is calculated as the design storage capacity in days minus the number of clays of net storage volume accumulated. The start date is a value entered by the user and is defined as the date prior to applying nutrients to the first crop in the plan at which storage volume in the lagoon or holding pond is equal to zero. Available storage capacity should be gneattr than or equal to zero and Iess than or equal to the design storage capacity of the facility. if the available storage capacity is greater than the design storage capacity, this indicates that the plan calls for the application of nutrients that have not yet aommulated If available storage capacity is negative, the estimated volume of accumulated waste exceeds the design storage volume of the structure. Either of these situations indicates that the planned application interval in the waste utilization plan is inconsistent with the stF where s temporary storage capacity - Available Waste Storage Canadty Source Name I Swine FeederFinish La Li Design Storage Capacity (Days) Start Date 9/1 180 Plan Year Month Available Storage Capacity (Days)' 1 1 41 1 2 29 1 3 15 1 4 36 1 5 56 1 6 94 i 7 131 1 8 134 1 9 138 1 10 130 1 11 116 I 12 98 • Available Storage Capacity is calculated as of the end of each month. - ----- ------ -------------------------------- 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 04-14-2004 Capacity Page Page 1 of 1 Regpired Specifications For Animal Waste Management 1. Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste that reaches surface water is prohibited. 2. There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has an agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of the waste, he/she shall provide evidence of an agreement with a landowner, who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the waste production facility to secure an update of the Nutrient Management Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of application, receiving crop type, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based upon soil type, available moisture, historical data, climatic conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of applications for other nutrients. 4. Animal waste shall be applied to land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land eroding at more than 5 tons per acre per year but less than 10 tons per acre per year provided grass filter strips are installed where runoff leaves the field (see USDA, MRCS Field Office Technical Guide Standard 393 - Filter Strips). 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or by disking after waste application Waste.should not be applied when there is danger of drift from the land application field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, waste will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When waste is applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding (see "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance). 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offske or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor and flies. --------------- --- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 4/14/2004 Specification Page 1 S. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the soil surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste shall be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that the crop is not covered with waste to a depth that would inhibit growth. The potential for salt damage from animal waste should also be considered. 10. Nutrients from waste shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Wastelnutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of the crop or forages breaking dormancy. 11. Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1, 1995 shall comply with the following: The outer perimeter of the land area onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a component of a swine farm shall be at feast 50 feet from any residential property boundary and canal. Animal waste, other than swine waste from facilities sited on or after October 1,1995, shall not be applied closer that 25 feet to perennial waters. 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet to wells. 13. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by the landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 15. Animal waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways, or wetlands by a discharge or by over -spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted cropland provided the fields have been approved as a land application site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste shall not be applied on grassed waterways that discharge directly into water courses, and on other grassed waterways, waste shall be applied at agronomic rates in a manner that causes no runoff or drift from the site. 16. Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. --------------------------------------------------- -- ----- --- --- ---- -------------------------------------- --------------------- 437525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 4/14/2004 Spacffication Pam 2 17. A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be established on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments, berms, pipe runs, etc., Areas shall be fenced, as necessary, to protect the vegetation. Vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and other woody species, etc., are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Berms and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage, or discharge. 18. If animal production at the facility is to be suspended or terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution, and erosion. 19. Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 20. Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption, it should only be applied pre -plant with no further applications of animal waste during the crop season. 21. Highly visible markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the.maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. 22. Waste shall be tested within 60 days of utilization: and soil shall be tested at least annually at crop sites where waste products are applied. Nitrogen shall be the rate -determining nutrient, unless other restrictions require waste to be applied based on other nutrients, resulting in a lower application rate than a nitrogen based rate. Zinc and copper levels in the soils shall be monitored and alternative crop sites shall be used when these metals approach excessive levels. pH shall be adjusted and maintained for optimum crop production. Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for a minimum of five years. Poultry dry waste application records shall be maintained for a minimum of three years. Waste application records for all other waste shall be maintained for rive (5) Years. 23. Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets North Carolina regulations. •------------------------------ -------••--------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------.-•----------------- 937525 Database Version 3-1 Date Printed. 4/14/2004 Specification Page 3 r Crop Notes The hollowing crop note applies to field(s): 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6 Small Grain: CP, Mineral Soil, low -leachable In the Coastal Plain, oats and barley should be planted from October 15-October 30; and rye from October 15 November 20. For barley, plant 22 seed/drill row foot and increase the seeding rate by 5% for each week seeding is delayed beyond the optimum time- See the seeding rates table for applicable seeding rate modifications in the current NCSU "Small Grain Production Guide". Also, increase the initial seeding rate by at least 10% when planning no bill. Oats should be planted at 2 bushels/acre and rye at 1-1 lit bushels/acre. Plant all these small grains at 1-1 1/2" deep. Adequate depth control is essential. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Apply no more that? 30 lWacre N at planting. Phosphorus and potash recommended by a soil test can also be applied at this time. The remaining N should be applied during the months of FebruaryMarch. The following crop note applies to fwld(s): 1-1, 1 2, 1 3, 1-4, -1-5, 1-6 Bermudagrass CP, Mineral Soil; Poorly Drained to Somewhat Poorly Drained. Adaptation: Effective artificial drainage MUST be in place to achieve Realistic Yield Expectations provided for these soils. In the Coastal Plain, hybrid bermudagrass sprigs can be planted Mar. 1 to Mar. 31. Cover sprigs l" to 3" deep (1.5" optimal). Sprigs should be planted quickly after digging and not alkwmd to dry in sun and wind. For Coastal and Tifton 78 plant at least 10 bu/ac in 3' vows, spaced 2' to 3' in the row. Generally a rate of 30 bu/ac is satisfactory to produce full groundcover in one or two years under good growing conditions. Tifton 44 spreads slowly, so use at least 40 bu/ac in 1-5' to 2' rows spaced 1' to 1.5' in row. For broadcasddisked-in sprigs use about 60 Wk. Soil test far the arrctunts of lime, phosphorus, potassium and micronutrients to apply preplant and for annual maintenance. Apply 60 to 100 lb/ac N in the establishment year in split applications in April and July. For established stands apply 180 to 240 lb/ac N annually in split applications, usually m April and fallowing the first and second hay cats. Reduce N rates by 25% for grazing. Refer to NCSU Technical. Bullctin 305 Production and Utilization of Pasts and Forages in North Carolina for more information or consult your regional agronomist or extension agent for assistance. ------------------------------------------------------------ I ------------ -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 937525 Database Version 3.1 Date Printed: 04-14-2004 Crop Note Page Page 1 of l POA's for Charles Wooten 1&2 and Bear Ridge r Subject: POA s for Charles Wooten 1&2 and Bear Ridge ri 1 Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 12:56:57 -0400 From: "Toni King" <toniking@murphybrownllc.com> Organization: Murphy -Brown LLC To: "Chester Cobb" <chester.cobb@ncmail.net>, "Charles Wooten" <lwooten@intrstar.net> Chuck, make sure to send in a signed copy to Chester Cobb in Wilmington: Division of Water Quality Non -Discharge Compliance I Enforcement Unit 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Attn: Chester Cobb Name: Charles Wooten 5 day POA 6-5-03.xis Type: Microsoft Excel Worksheet Charles Wooten 5 day POA 6-5-03.xls (application/vnd.ms-excel) Encoding: base64 Download Status: Not downloaded with message Name: Bear Ridge 5 day POA 6-5-03.xls Type: Microsoft Excel Worksheet Bear Ridge 5 day POA. 6-5-03.xls (application/vnd.ms-excel) Encoding: base64 Download Status: Not downloaded with message Name: Charles Wooten 30 day POA 6-5-03.xls MIN Type: Microsoft Excel Worksheet Charles Wooten 30 day POA 6-5-03.xis (application/vnd.ms-excel) Encoding: base64 Download Status: Not downloaded with message Name: Bear Ridge 30 day POA 6-5-03.xls Type: Microsoft Excel Worksheet Bear Ridge 3�0 day POA 6-5-03.xls (application/vnd.ms-excel) Encoding: base64 Download Status: Not downloaded with message 1 of 1 6/10/2003 3:00 PM PLAN OF ACTION (POA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES FIVE (5) DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL VOLUME TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure NamelIdentifier (ID): 1 71-03 2. Current liquid volume in structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker b. designed structural freeboard zone (Normally 12 inches or greater) c. line b - line a (inches within structural freeboard) = d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) e. line c/12 x line d x 7.48 gallons/W 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design g. volume of waste produced according to structural design h. current herd # 1 36721 certified herd # 3672 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 5 days/line f = 4. Total volume of waste to be land applied during 5 day draw down I. total volume to be land applied line e + line k = 11.0 inches 12.0 inches 1.0 inches 92500 fe 57658 gallons 180 days 121352 ft3 121352 ft'3 0 ft 3 53958 ft3 36426 gallons 94084 gallons REPEAT SECTION 1 FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE WITH A LIQUID LEVEL WITHIN THE STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) PoA (5 Day) 2/21 /00 II. TOTAL VOLUME OF WASTE STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS FOR ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. structure 1D: 71-03 line I = 94084 gallons 2. structure ID: line I = gallons 3. structure ID: line I = gallons 4. structure ID: line I = gallons 5. structure ID: line I = gallons 6. structure ID: line I = gallons n.lines 1+2+3+4+5+6= o. line n / 27154 = 94084 gallons 3.46 acre -inches III. TOTAL ACRES AVAILABLE TO RECEIVE WASTE DURING 5 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD' Z. 'While this section deals with hydraulic loading capacities, applications cannot exceed agronomic rate for receiving crop according to its certified waste plan. 2Fields with no remaining PAN balance, no receiving crop, and/or completely saturated are not considered available to receive waste. p. tract # q. field # r. soil type s. crop t. acres u. remaining IRR-2 PAN balance (lb/acre) v. maximum application rate (inlhr) w. maximum application amount (inches) Wooteril Pull 1 BaB Bermuda 3.77 231.14 0.5 1 Wooten Pull 2 BaB Bermuda 3.39 212.8 0.5 1 Wooten Pull 3 BaB Bermuda 4.46 203.57 0.5 1 x. total acres available during 5 day draw down (sum of column t) = 11.62 acres IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL HYDRAULIC LOAD TO BE LAND APPLIED PER ACRE PoA (5 Day) 2121/00 Y. line o .- 0.30 inches per acre to be applied within 5 days line x If unable to land apply hydraulic load listed in line y, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump $ haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new nydraullc load based on new information. Additional land is available in the NUP for irrigation. House 2 is depopulated. to land apply hydraulic load: escribe moisture conditions of fields? (e.g. Is there water standing in field; does irrigation mar gown in Held; "tratticabmi , across sons; will soils absorb application without runott, etc. ate and amount of last rainfall event? DATE: 1 06/04/03 ;i. Uates of last waste application event per field: See attached IRR-2's. AMOUNT: 1 1.00 inches 4. Given optimum soil and weather conditions_ is irrigation eauinment r-_anahle of annlvinn the volume in line "n" at appropriate seasonal i.e. winter application rates within 5 days? Yes 5. Irrigation schedule for next 5 days - include daily schedule; proposed application rates and amounts Tigation event; changes made in gun sizes, nozzles, "o" rings, operating time, travel speed, etc. to meet proposed changes in application rates and amounts; and any other intom rAs weather permits, use a smalled nozzle size and apply .25 (inlhr) Contact technical specialist in 5 days to report progress in freeboard reduction. PoA (5 Day) 2/21100 PLAN OF ACTION(Poa) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES Facility Number: Facility Name: 71-03 Charles Wooten Farms 1&2 Certified Operator Name: Charles Wooten County: Pender Operator Number: 17986 1. Current liquid level(s) in inches as measured from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the lowest point on the top of the dam for lagoons without spillways; and from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the bottom of the spillway for lagoons with spillways. Lagoon Name/ID: Spillway(Y or N): Level(inches): Lagoon 1 Lagoon 2 Lagoon 3 Lagoon 4 Lagoon 5 Farm 1 Farm 2 N N 11 15 2. Check all applicable items X Liquid level is within the designed structural freeboard elevations of one or more structures. Five and 30 day Plans of Action are attached. Hydraulic and agronomic balances are within acceptable ranges. Liquid level is within the 25 year 24 hour storm elevations for one or more structures. A 30 day Plan of Action is attached. Agronomic balance is within acceptable range. Waste is to be pumped and hauled to off site locations. Bolume and PAN content of waste to be pumped and hauled is reflected in section III tables. Included within this plan is a list of the proposed sites with related facility numbers, number of acres and receiving crop information. Contact and secure approval from the DWQ prior to transfer of waste to a site not covered in the facility's CAWMP. Operation will be partially or fully depopulated. "Attach a complete schedule with corresponding animal units and dates fro depopulation cif animals are to be moved to another permitted facility, provide facility number, lagoon freeboard levels and herd population for the receiving facility 3. Earliest possible date to begin land application of waste: 5/29/2003 I hereby certify that I have reviewed the information listed above and included within the attached Plan of Action, and to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information is accurate and correct. Charles Wooten, Jr. Phone: (910) 259-4900 Facility Owner/Manager (print) Date: 6/5/2003 Facility Owner/Manager (signature) PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): 71-03 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr./24 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker 11.0 inches b. designed 25 yr.124 hr. storm & structural freeboard 19.0 inches c. line b - line a (inches. in red zone) = 8.0 inches d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) I 92500 fe e. line c112 x line d x 7.48 gallons/W 461267 gallons 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 121352 ft3 h. current herd # 3672 certified herd #1 3672 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated 6/5/2003 m. ((lines e + k)11000) x line I = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) 121352 W ®ft3 53958 ft' 218553 gallons 2.70 Ibs/1000 gal. 1835.5 lbs. PAN PoA (30. Day) 2/21100 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): 71-03 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr./24 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker 15.0 inches b. designed 25 yr./24 hr. storm & structural freeboard 19.0 inches c. line b - line a (inches in red zone) = 4.0 inches d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) 140000 fe e. line c112 x line d x 7.48 gallons/ft3 349067 gallons 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 1 161410.9 ft3 h. current herd # 4896 certified herd #1 4896 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated 1 6/5/2003 m. ((lines e + k)11000) x line I = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) 161411 ft' ol ft3 81666.7 ft3 303037 gallons 2.00 Ibs/1000 gal. 1304.2 lbs. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21100 II. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ANDIOR 25 YR.124 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID: 71-03 line rn = 1835.5 lb PAN 2. Structure ID: 71-03 line m = 1304.2 lb PAN 3. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 4. Structure ID: line rn = lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = 1b PAN n. lines I + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 =- 3139.7lbPAN III. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD. DO NOT LIST FIELDS TO WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. o. tract # p. field # q. crop r. acres s. remaining IRR 2 PAN balance (Iblacre) t. TOTAL PAN BALANCE FOR FIELD (lbs.) column r x s u. application window' Wooten Pull 1 Bermuda 3.77 231.14 871.4 March - Sept Wooten Pull 2 Bermuda 3.39 212.80 721.4 March - Sept Wooten Pull 3 Bermuda 4.46 203.57 907.9 March - Sept Wooten Pull 4 Bermuda 4.48 219.13 981.7 March - Sept 'State current crop ending application date or next crop application beginning date for available receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column t) = 3482.4 lb. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL PAN BALANCE 11 POA (30 Day) 2/21/00 w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section II) = 3139.7 lb. PAN x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section lll) = 3482.4 lb. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) _ -343 lb. PAN Line y must show as a deficit. If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN based on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these fields to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. If animal waste is to be hauled to another permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the Irrigation onto existing spray fields will continue as weather and field conditions permit. Additional land is available for pumping if needed. Pigs have been depopulated at farm #2. Spray fields are in the process of being aerated. PoA (30 Day) 2/21100 Fwilities 7N69 & 71-03 Subject: Facilities 71-69 & 71-03 , �— Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 15:19:46 -0400 From: "Toni King" <toniking@murphybrownllc.com> Organization: Murphy -Brown LLC To: "Chester Cobb" <chester.cobb@ncmail.net> Here are the POA's for Bear Ridge and Charles Wooten 1 &2. Will have Chuck send in the signed copies. Call if you have any questions. Thanks, tk Name: Charles Wooten 30 day POA 5-29-03.xls Type. Microsoft Excel Worksheet Charles Wooten 30 day POA 5-29-03.xis (application/vnd.ms-excel) Encoding: base64 Download Status: Not downloaded with message Name: Bear Ridge 30 day POA 5-29-03.xls Type: Microsoft Excel Worksheet ABear Ridge 30 day POA 5-29-03.xls (application/vnd.ms-excel) Encoding: base64 Download Status: Not downloaded with message I of 1 6/5/2003 10:20 AM may-30-03 08:21A Chuck Wooten .May 2S 03 03:38P MUKrnr -0MVw1. 910 259 6179 P.03 PLAN OF ACTION(Poa) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES Facility Number: 71-69 County: Pender Facility Name: Bear Ridge Farm Certified Operator game: Charles Wooten. Jr. Operator Number. 17986 1. Current liquid level(s) in inches as measured from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the lowest point on the top of the dam for lagoons without spillways: and from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the bottom of the spillway for lat3nons with spillways. Lagoon 1 Lagoon 2 Lagoon 3 Lagoon 4 Layoan 5 Lagoon Name/ID: 71-69 — spillway(y or N}' _ N Level(inches): 12.5 2. Check all applicable items Liquid level is within the designed structural freeboard elevations of one or more structures. Five and 30 day Plans of Action are attached. Hydraulic and agronomic balances are within acceptable ranges. X Liquid level is within the 25 year 24 hour norm elevations for one or more structures. A 30 clay Plan of Action is attached. Agronomic balance is within acceptable range_ Waste is to be pumped and hauled to off site locations. Bolume and PAN content of waste to be pumped and hauled is reflected in section Ill tables. Included within this plan is a list of the proposed sites with related facility numbers. number of acres and receiving crop information. Contact and secure approval from the DWQ prior to transfer of waste to a site not covered in the faCifity'S CAWMP. Operation will be partially or fully depopulated - 'Attach a complete schedule with corresponding animal units and dates fro depopulation 'if animals are to be moved to another permitted facility, provide facility number, lagoon freeboard levels and herd population for the receiving facility 3. Earliest possible date to begin land application of waste: 5 - -D9 - O l hereby certify that f have reviewed the informations listed above and included within the attached Plan of Action, and to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information is accurate and correct. Charles Wooten, Jr_ Phone: 910-259-6179 a ' y{%Owner/ anger (print) r < Rate: 05129/2003 acUl y OWndriMaOder (signature) PLAN OF ACTION(Poa) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES Facility Number: 71-69 County: Pender Facility Name: Bear Ridge Farm Certified Operator Name: Charles Wooten, Jr. Operator Number: 17986 1. Current liquid level(s) in inches as measured from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the lowest point on the top of the dam for lagoons without spillways; and from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the bottom of the spillway for lagoons with spillways. Lagoon Name/113: Spillway(Y or N): Level(inches): Lagoon 1 Lagoon 2 Lagoon 3 Lagoon 4 Lagoon 5 71-69 N 12.5 2. Check all applicable items Liquid level is within the designed structural freeboard elevations of one or more structures. Five and 30 day Plans of Action are attached. Hydraulic and agronomic balances are within acceptable ranges. X Liquid level is within the 25 year 24 hour storm elevations for one or more structures. A 30 day Plan of Action is attached. Agronomic balance is within acceptable range. Waste is to be pumped and hauled to off site locations. Bolume and PAN content of waste to be pumped and hauled is reflected in section III tables. Included within this plan is a list of the proposed sites with related facility numbers, number of acres and receiving crop information. Contact and secure approval from the DWQ prior to transfer of waste to a site not covered in the facility's CAWMP. _ Operation will be partially or fully depopulated. "Attach a complete schedule with corresponding animal units and dates fro depopulation "if animals are to be moved to another permitted facility, provide facility number, lagoon freeboard levels and herd population for the receiving facility 3. Earliest possible date to begin land application of waste: hereby certify that I have reviewed the information listed above and included within the attached Plan of Action, and to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information is accurate and correct. Charles Wooten, Jr. Phone: 910-259-6179 Facility Owner/Manager (print) Date: 5/29/2003 Facility Owner/Manager (signature) II. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD AND/OR 25 YR./24 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID: 71-69 line m = 1069.0 lb PAN 2. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 3. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 4. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN n. lines 1 +2+3+4+5+6= 1069.0 lb PAN III. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD. DO NOT LIST FIELDS TO WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. o. tract # p. field # q. crop r. acres s. remaining IRR 2 PAN balance (Iblacre) t. TOTAL PAN BALANCE FOR FIELD (Ibs.) column r x s u. application window' Wooten Pull 1 Bermuda 4.30 221.71 953.4 March - Sept Wooten Pull 2 Bermuda 6.42 222.47 1428.3 March - Sept 'State current crop ending application date or next crop application beginning date for available receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column t) 2381.6 Ib. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL PAN BALANCE PoA (30 Day) 2/21 /00 w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section ll) = 1069.0 lb. PAN x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section III) = 2381.6 lb. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) _ -1313 lb. PAN Line y must show as a deficit. If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump S haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN based on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these fields to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. If animal waste is to be hauled to another permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the Irrigation onto existing spray fields will continue as weather and field conditions permit. Additional land is available for pumping if needed. Spray fields have been aerated. PoA (30 Day) 2/21 /00 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD 1. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/identifier (ID): 71-69 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr.124 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker b. designed 25 yr.124 hr. storm & structural freeboard d. line b - line a (inches in red zone) _ d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) e. line c112 x line d x 7.48 gallonslW 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 12.5 inches 19.0 inches 6.5 inches 100000 ft, 405167 gallons 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 121058.2 ft3 h. current herd # 3672 certified herd #1 3672 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated 1 3/20/2003 m. ((lines e + k)11000) x line I = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) 121058 W ®ft3 58333.3 ft3 223641 gallons 1.70 Ibs11000 gal. 1069.0 lbs. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 Flpr i 1 1 ❑3 02: 39p MURPHY-BROWN 9102933138 Murphy-BrOWn LLC - FAX TRANSMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: "A — t — �3 PAGES: y a COMMENTS: PO Drawer 856 822 Hwy, 24 West Warsaw, NC 28398 Tel: 910-293-5334 Fax:910-293-3138 - F�) N7 � � � -Rpr •11 03 02:41p MURPHY-BROWN 9102933138 p-11 PLAN OF ACTION(Poa) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES Facility Number: 71-69 County: Pender Facility Name: Bear Ridge Farm Certified Operator Name: Charles Wooten, Jr. Operator Number 17986 1. Current liquid level(s) in. inches as measured from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the lowest point on the top of the dam for lagoons without spillways; and from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the bottom of the spillway for lagoons with spillways. Lagoon i Lagoon 2 Lagoon 3 Lagoon 4 Lagoon 5 Lagoon Name/ID: 71-69 Spillway(Y or N): N Level(inches). 8.5 2_ Check all applicable items X Liquid level is within the designed structural freeboard elevations of one or more structures. Five and 30 day Plans of Action are attached. Hydraulic and agronomic balances are within acceptable ranges. Liquid level is within the 25 year 24 hour storm elevations for one or more structures. A 30 day Plan of Action is attached. Agronomic balance is within acceptable range. Waste is to be pumped and hauled to off site locations. Bolume and PAN content of waste to be pumped and hauled is reflected in section III tables. Included within this plan is a list of the proposed sites with related facility numbers, number of acres and receiving crop information. Contact and secure approval from the DWQ prior to transfer of waste to a site not covered in the facility's CAWMP. Operation will be partially or fully depopulated. 'Attach a complete schedule with corresponding animal units and dates fro depopulation 'if animals are to be moved to another permitted facility, provide facility number, lagoon freeboard levels and herd population for the receiving facility 3. Earliest possible date to begin land application of waste: I hereby certify that I have reviewed the information listed above and included within the attached Plan of Action, and to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information is accurate and correct. Charles Wooten, Jr. Phone: Facility Owner/Manager (print) - Date: Facility Owner/Manager (signs e) 910-259-6179 `' C 9"'r 1 G s U—) Bloke-r..-1 J V__. 04/11 /2003 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES FIVE (5) DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL VOLUME TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure NamelIdentifier (ID): 1 71-69 2. Current liquid volume in structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker b. designed structural freeboard zone (Normally 12 inches or greater) c. line b - line a (inches within structural freeboard) _ d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) e. line c112 x line d x 7.48 gallonslft' 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design g. volume of waste produced according to structural design h. current herd # 1 36721 certified herd # 3672 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 5 days/line f = 4. Total volume of waste to be land applied during 5 day draw down 1. total volume to be land applied line e + line k = 8.5 inches 12.D inches 3.5 inches 100000 ftz 218167 gallons 180 days 121058721 i ft3 121058 ft' 0 ft3 58333.3 ft3 37274 gallons 255440 gallons REPEAT SECTION 9 FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE WITH A LIQUID LEVEL WITHIN THE STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) PoA (5 Day) 2/21/00 II. TOTAL VOLUME OF WASTE STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS FOR ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. structure ID: 71-69 line I = 255440 gallons 2. structure ID: line I = gallons 3. structure ID: line I = gallons 4. structure ID: line I = gallons 5. structure ID: line I = gallons 6. structure ID: line I = gallons n.lines 1+2+3+4+5+6= o. line n / 27154 = 255440 gallons 9.41 acre -inches III. TOTAL ACRES AVAILABLE TO RECEIVE WASTE DURING 5 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD''2 'While this section deals with hydraulic loading capacities, applications cannot exceed agronomic rate for receiving crop according to its certified waste plan. 2Fields with no remaining PAN balance, no receiving crop, and/or completely saturated are not considered available to receive waste. EN .. 0 balance .. .. x. total acres available during 5 day draw down (sum of column Q = 30.39 acres IV. FACILITY'S POA OVERALL HYDRAULIC LOAD TO BE LAND APPLIED PER ACRE `POA (5 Day) 2/21 /00 Y. line o = 0.31 inches per acre to be applied within 5 days line x If unable to land apply hydraulic load listed in line y, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recaicuiate new nyaraunc ioaa Dasea on new information._ Grower has additional land that can be added to his NUP if needed, and will contact DWQ and technical specialist in 5 days to report progress of freeboard reduction. Plan to land apply hydraulic load: 1. Describe moisture conditions of fields? (e.g. Is there water standing in field; does irrigation mar gown in neia; -tratncaomty- across sous; win sous aoson) appucation witnout runofr, etc. Date and amount of last rainfall event? DATE: 1 04/10/03 AMOUNT: Dinches 4. Given optimum soil and weather conditions, is irrigation equipment capable of applying the volume in line "n" at appropriate seasonal i.e. winter)_application rates within 5 days? yes 5. Irrigation schedule for next 5 days - include daily schedule; proposed application rates and amounts irrigation event; changes made in gun sizes, nozzles, "o" rings, operating time, travel speed, etc. to meet proposea changes in application rates and amounts; and any other information for consideration. As weather permits, use a smaller nozzle size and apply .25 (inlhr). Contact technical specialist in 5 days to report progress in freeboard reduction. PoA (5 Day) 2/21/00 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/identifier (ID): 71-69 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr.124 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker b. designed 25 yr.124 hr. storm & structural freeboard c. line b - line a (inches in red zone) = d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) e. line c112 x line d x 7.48 gallons/W 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 8.5 inches 19.0 inches 10.5 inches 100000 ft 654500 gallons 180 days 121058.2 ft3 h. current herd # F--36--7-21 certified herd #1 3672 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = 121058 fts certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I, current waste analysis dated 1 3/20/2003 m. ((lines e + k)11000) x line I = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) 0 ft3 58333.3 ft3 223641 gallons 1.70 Ibs11000 gal. 1492.8 lbs. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 II. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD AND/OR 25 YR./24 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID: 71-69 line m = 1492.8 lb PAN 2. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 3. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 4. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN n. lines 1 +2+3+4+5+6= 1492.8 lb PAN III. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD. DO NOT LIST FIELDS TO WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. • •• N balance2 PAN .. OTAL PAN column r x s u. applicationwindow 'State current crop ending application date or next crop application beginning date for available receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column t) = 4740.8 lb. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL PAN BALANCE PoA (30 Day) 2/21 /00 w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section II) = 1492.8 lb. PAN x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section 111) = 4740.8 lb. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) _ -3248 lb. PAN Line y must show as a deficit. If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN based on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these fields to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. If animal waste is to be hauled to another permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the Irrigation onto existing spray fields will continue as weather and field conditions permit. Additional land is available for pumping if needed. PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 04/,01/03 TUE 11:12 FAX 9102594823 Lanier's. Inc. ■ 16001 `041OIX03 TUE 11:16 FAX 9102594823 03/26403 %-ED 09, 11 FAX 91D2594823 Mar• 26 03 09- 32a MEIRPHY-i R01JIN Lanier's, Inc. Inc. 9102933130 p.3 Z 011 ��vw PLAN OF ACTION(Poa) FOR HICIH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES Facility Number: T1-69 Facility Name: Sear Ridge Farm Co, Pander Certified Operator Name: Gharll ;ks yifooten, J- E}rarator tlumber: 17986 A. Current liquid level(s) in lnches as me�3sured fron•. Ile current I;piiid level in the lagoon to the lowest polnt on the top of Ine dam for lag ao,IS wiihart spi;1M4ys; 80V from the current fiquid level in the lagoon to the bottom of the spiltwa�� ftuY lagoonw4ith Cpillwa}'s. t_agoon 1 Lagoon 2 Lagoo,� 3 12.�ocn •3 i.egoon 5 Lagoon Nance D: 71-69 Spillway(Y or N): N Level(inches): 10 2. Check all applicable items Liquid level is within Ste desiiined struciu ri ii fr re, ward a evalions of one or more structures" Five and 30 day Plans of Ad:;Ur. are attar i sd. Yydraulic and agronomic balances are within acceptable ranges" Liquid level is within the 25 y.?ar 24 hoer Yorn eievatic r s for one or more structures. A 39 day Plan of Action is attic}had. Agronanic bi lance!(.; wfthin acceptable range. Waste is to be pumped and-Na+.ded to oi? . ite -a, ations. Boiume and PAN content of waste to be pumped and hauled is t,flecied in :ivcticm fN tabl -s. included within this plan is a list of the proposed sites witti re aN,d faOity n imi i@rs, num 3er of acre;, and receiving crop information. Contact and se.,,jre approv.i fro n :he f V40 prior to transfer of waste to a site not covered in the facility's C P41IMP. Operation will be partially or`. GitV depopelz led •Attach s complete scheduf with corres,),md nt: anima- units and dates fro depopulation 'if animals are to be moved `c ;mother p :!� mit eri facilit f, provide facltity number, lagoon €reeboefd levels and herd population for -he roc Living ";lenity 3. Eadie-st possible date to begin land cFpslcation a: -fas e- 1 hereby certify that I have reviewed the informsri+in I w.ed above and included within the attached Plan of Action, and to the bitst of my knowtrrdge and ability, the information is accurate and correct. Charles Woolen, Jr. Pone: 910-259-6179 /1 Facility Owner/Manager G iat . ate: 03125/2003 „ {�L y owr4thAanager (scn,3wre) K • ' 04/0403 TUE 11 :18 FAX 9102594823 Lanler's. Inc. fj�017 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES FIVE (5) DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD 1. TOTAL VOLUME TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (ID): 71-39 2. Current liquid volume in structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker b. designed structural freeboard zone (Normally 12:inches or greater) c. line b - line a (in0es within structural freeboard) d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) e. line c/12 x line d x 7.48 gallons/W 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during drr,w down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design g, volume of waste produced according to structural design h. current herd # 36i? certified herd #1 3672 actual waste'produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of waste water according to stnuctural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation accosting to design k. (lines h + i + 1) x; 7.48 x 5 daysiline f = 4. Total volume of waste to be lai`id applied during 5 day draw down 1. total volume to be land applied line a + line k 10.0 inches 12.0 inches 2.0 inches 100000 ft2 124667 gallons 180 days 121058.2 fO 121058 fts ©ft3 58333.3 ft3 37274 gallons 161940 gallons • '04/01�03 TUE 11:18 FAX 9102594823 Lanier's, Inc. 015 II. TOTAL VOLUME OF WASTE STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS FOR ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. structure ID: 71-69 line 1 = 161940 gallons 2. structure ID. q. line I = gallons 3. structure ID: line i = gallons 4. structure ID: line I = gallons 5. structure ID: line I = gallons 6. structure ID: line I = gallons n. lines 1 +2+3+4+5+6= o. line n / 27154 = 161940 gallons 5.96 acre -inches Ill. TOTAL ACRES AVAILABLE TO RECEIVE WASTE DURING 5 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD11'2 ;While this section deals with hydraulic loa&ig capacities, applications cannot exceed agronomic rate for receiving dFop according to its ceititied waste plan. 2Fields with no remaining PAID, balance, no receiving crop, and/or completely saturated are not considered available to reheive waste. p. tract # q, field # r. soil type s. crt.rp T t. acres u. remaining IRR-2 PAN balance (Iblacre) v, maximum application rate (in/hr) W_ maximum application amount (inches) Wooten 1 FoA Bermuda 30.39 226.4 0.5 1 x. total acres available during 5 day draw down (suns of column t) = 30.39 acres 1V. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL HYDRAULIC LOAD TO BE LAND APPLIED PER ACRE PoA (5 Day) 2/21 /00 • '04/91d03 TUE 11:18 FAX 9102594823 Lanier's, Inc. Q 016 y. line o = 0.210 inches per acre to be applied within 5 days line x If unable to land apply hydraulic load lised in line y, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, e: tc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new hydraulic load based on new information. Plan to land apply hydraulic load- 1. Describe moisture conditions of fields? ' e.g. Is there water standing in field; does irrigation equipment mar crown in lielo: "tratticawlity- :across soils; ".-III soils absorb application without runott, etc. 2. Date and amount of last rainfall event? DATE: 03121 /03 3. uates of fast waste application event per,- field: 3/14103 - Field 1 - pull 2 3hrs and pull 6 1 12 hrs. 4. Given optimum soil and weather conditions, is AMOUNT: inches equipment capable of applying the volume in line ..n.. at appropriate seasonal i.e. winter application races within 5 (jays? yes i 5. Irrigation schedule for next 5 days - include daily schedule; proposed application rates and amounts per irrigation event; changes made in gun sizes, nozzles, "o" rings, operating time, travel speed, etc. to meet proposed changes in application rater, and amounts; and ary other information for consideration. As weather permits, use a smaller nozzle size and apply 25 (in/h:'). Contact technical specialist in 5 days to report progress in freeboard reduction. i i i I PoA (5 Jay) 2121100 '04/01103 TUE 11:17 FAX 9102594823 Lancer's, Inc. Q 014 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 307.DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Namelldentifier (ID): r 1-69 2_ Current liquid volume in 25 yr.124 hr. storm stcorage & structural freeboard a. current liquid levf.1 according to marker 10_0inches b, designed 25 yr./24 hr. storm & :itructur«I freeboard 19.0 inches c. line b - line a (inches in red :,one) = 9.0 inches d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) 100000 fe e, line c112 x line d'x 7.48 gal!onsJf' 561000.gallons 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 180 days g. volume of wasteproduced according to structural design 121058.2 ft3 h. current herd # C 3672 certified herd #1 3672 actual waste 7roduced = current herd # x line g = 121058 W certified herd # i. volume of wash sroater according to strcctural design oft3 j. excess rainfall over evaporati&i according to design 58333.3 ft3 k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 223641 gallons 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down periol 1. current waste analysis dated 0312012003 1.70 lbs/1000 gal. m. ((lines e + k)110f�0) x line 1 = 1333.9 lbs. PAN REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown 3elow) PoA (30 Day) 2121l00 • •04/Q1/03 TUE 11:17 FAX 9102594823 Lanier's. Inc. [it 012 II. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ANDIOR 25 YR.I24 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID: 71-69 line m = 1333.9 lb PAN 2, Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 3. Structure ID: line m = Ib PAN 4. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line m = Ib PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN n.lines 1+2+3=-4+5+6= 1333.9lbPAN Ill. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING i=OR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PF121r)n nn I\ nT I IST FIFI n-q TO WHR7-14 PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. o. tract # p. field # q. crop r. acres _s. remaining IRR- t2 PAN balance pbtacre) t. TOTAL PAN BALANCE FOR FIELD Obs.) column r z s U. application window' Wooten 1 Bermuda 4.301 261.00 1122.3 March - Sept Wooten 2 Bermuda 6.421 250.28 1606.8 March - Sept 'State current crop ending application date or next crap application beginning date for available receiving crops during 30 day draw down 1)eriod_ v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column y = 2729.1 lb. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL PAN BALANCE PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 •04/Q1/03 TUE 11:17 FAX 9102594823 Lanier's, Inc. Qh 013 w. Total PAN to be land applied {line n from section II) = 1333.9 lb. PAN x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from secti-)n Ill) = 2729.1 lb. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) - -1395 lb. PAN Line y must show as a deficit. if line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. Foi, pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN based on new information. If new fields arc-, to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these fields to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overal PAN balance. If animal waste is to be hauled to another permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the Ireceivina facility. PoA (30 Day) 2121/00 Facility 71-69 Subject: Facility 71-69 `J Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 16:25:14 -0400 From: "Toni King" <toniking@murphybrownllc.com> Organization: Murphy -Brown LLC To: "Chester Cobb" <chester.cobb@ncmail.net> New 30 and 5 pay PONs for Bear Ridge. Name: Bear Ridge 5 day POA 6-5-03.xls Type: Microsoft Excel Worksheet Bear Ridge 5 day POA 6-5-03.xls (application/vnd.ms-excel) Encoding: base64 Download Status: Not downloaded with message Name: Bear Ridge 30 day POA 6-9-03.xls Type: Microsoft Excel Worksheet (app lication/vnd. ms-excel) Encoding: base64 Download Status,: Not downloaded with message I of 1 6/10/2003 2:50 PM PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES FIVE (5) DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL VOLUME TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure NamelIdentifier (ID): F 71-69 2. Current liquid volume in structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker b. designed structural freeboard zone (Normally 12 inches or greater) c. line b - line a (inches within structural freeboard) = d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) e. line c112 x line d x 7.48 gallons/W 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design g. volume of waste produced according to structural design h. current herd # 36721 certified herd # 3672 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h+i+j)x7.48x5daystlinef= 4. Total volume of waste to be land applied during 5 day draw down I. total volume to be land applied line e + line k = 9.5 inches 12.0 inches 2.5 inches 100000 fiz 155833 gallons 180 days 121058.2 ft3 121058 f t-s ®ft3 58333.3 ft3 37274 gallons 193107 gallons REPEAT SECTION 1 FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE WITH A LIQUID LEVEL WITHIN THE STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) PoA (5 Day) 2/21/00 II. TOTAL VOLUME OF WASTE STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS FOR ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. structure ID: 71-69 line I = 193107 gallons 2. structure ID: line I = gallons 3. structure ID: line 1= gallons 4. structure ID: line I = gallons 5. structure ID: line I = gallons 6. structure ID: line I = gallons n.lines 1+2+3+4+5+6= o. line n 127154 = 193107 gallons 7.11 acre -inches III. TOTAL ACRES AVAILABLE TO RECEIVE WASTE DURING 5 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD' 2 'While this section deals with hydraulic loading capacities, applications cannot exceed agronomic rate for receiving crop according to its certified waste plan. 2Fields with no remaining PAN balance, no receiving crop, and/or completely saturated are not considered available to receive waste. M EN .. IRR-2 PAN balance b_ �.applicabon x. total acres available during 5 day draw down (sum of column t) = 30.39 acres IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL HYDRAULIC LOAD TO BE LAND APPLIED PER ACRE PoA (5 Day) 2/21100 Y. line o = 0.23 inches per acre to be applied within 5 days line x If unable to land apply hydraulic load listed in line y, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump $ haul and herd reduction options, recaicuiate new n araupc ioaa nasea on new intormation. Grower has additional land that can be added to his NUP if needed, and will contact DWQ and technical specialist in 5 days to report progress of freeboard reduction. Plan to land apply hydraulic load: 1. Describe moisture conditions of fields? (e.g. Is there water standing in field; does irrigation uipment mar down in 2. Date and amount of last rainfall event? DATE: 1 06/08/03 across soils; will soils absorb application without runoff, etc. event per field: AMOUNT: 1 1.00 inches 4. Given optimum soil and weather conditions, is irrigation equipment capable of applying the volume in line "n" at appropriate seasonal i.e. winterjapplication rates within 5 days? yes 5. irrigation schedule for next 5 days - include daily schedule; proposed application rates and amounts per irrigation event; changes made in gun sizes, nozzles, "o" rings, operating time, travel speed, etc. to meet proposea cnan es in appiication rates ana amounts; ana any otner intormation for consiaeration. As weather permits, use a smaller nozzle size and apply .25 (inlhr). Contact technical specialist in 5 days to report progress in freeboard reduction. PoA (5 Day) 2/21/00 PLAN OF ACTION(Poa) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES Facility Number: 71-69 County: Pender Facility Name: Bear Ridge Farm Certified Operator Name: Charles Wooten, Jr. Operator Number: 17986 1. Current liquid level(s) in inches as measured from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the lowest point on the top of the darn for lagoons without spillways; and from the current liquid level in the lagoon to the bottom of the spillway for lagoons with spillways. Lagoon Name/lD Spillway(Y or N): Level(inches): Lagoon Lagoon 2 Lagoon 3 Lagoon 4 Lagoon 5 71-69 N 9.5 2. Check all applicable items X Liquid level is within the designed structural freeboard elevations of one or more structures. Five and 30 day Plans of Action are attached. Hydraulic and agronomic balances are within acceptable ranges. Liquid level is within the 25 year 24 hour storm elevations for one or more structures. A 30 day Plan of Action is attached. Agronomic balance is within acceptable range. Waste is to be pumped and hauled to off site locations. Bolume and PAN content of waste to be pumped and hauled is reflected in section III tables. Included within this plan is a list of the proposed sites with related facility numbers, number of acres and receiving crop information. Contact and secure approval from the DWQ prior to transfer of waste to a site not covered in the facility's CAWMP. Operation will be partially or fully depopulated. *Attach a complete schedule with corresponding animal units and dates fro depopulation `if animals are to be moved to another permitted facility, provide facility number, lagoon freeboard levels and herd population for the receiving facility 3. Earliest possible date to begin land application of waste: 6/10/2003 I hereby certify that I have reviewed the information listed above and included within the attached Plan of Action, and to the best of my knowledge and ability, the information is accurate and correct. Charles Wooten, Jr. Phone Facility OwnerlManager (print) Date: Facility Owner/Manager (signature) 910-259-6179 6/10/2003 r PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAL PAN TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Namelidentifier (113): 1 71-69 2. Current liquid volume in 25 yr.124 hr. storm storage & structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker 9.5 inches b. designed 25 yr.124 hr. storm &. structural freeboard 19.0 inches c. line b - line a (inches in red zone) = 9.5 inches d. top of dike surface area according to design . (area at below structural freeboard elevation) 100000 fe e, line c112 x line d x 7.48 gallonslft3 - 592167 gallons 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design 180 days g. volume of waste produced according to structural design 121058.2 ft3 h. current herd # 3fi72 certified herd #1 3672 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # L volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 30 days/line f= 4. Total PAN to be land applied during draw down period I. current waste analysis dated 1 6/5/2003 m. ((lines e + k)11000) x line I = REPEAT SECTION I FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SITE. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) 121058 ft' ®ft3 58333.3 ft3 223641 gallons 2.50 Ibs11000 gal. 2039.5 lbs. PAN PoA (30 Day) 2121/00 . .. II. TOTAL POUNDS OF PAN STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD AND/OR 25 YR./24 HR. STORM STORAGE ELEVATIONS IN ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. Structure ID: 71-69 line m = 2039.5 lb PAN 2. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 3. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 4. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 5. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN 6. Structure ID: line m = lb PAN n. lines 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 2039.5 lb PAN Ill. TOTAL PAN BALANCE REMAINING FOR AVAILABLE CROPS DURING 30 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD. DO NOT LIST FIELDS TO WHICH PAN CANNOT BE APPLIED DURING THIS 30 DAY PERIOD. o. tract # p. field # q. crop r. acres s. remaining IRR 2 PAN balance (Iblacre) t. TOTAL PAN BALANCE FOR FIELD (Ibs.) column r x s u. application window' Wooten Pull 1 Bermuda 4.30 221.71 953.4 March - Sept Wooten Pull 21 Bermuda 6.42 222.47 1428.3 March - Sept `State current crop ending application date or next crop application beginning date for available receiving crops during 30 day draw down period. v. Total PAN available for all fields (sum of column t) = 2381.6 lb. PAN IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL PAN BALANCE PoA (30 Day) 2/21/00 w. Total PAN to be land applied (line n from section II) = 2039.5 lb. PAN x. Crop's remaining PAN balance (line v from section ill) = 2381.6 lb. PAN y. Overall PAN balance (w - x) _ -342 lb. PAN Line y must show as a deficit. If line y does not show as a deficit, list course of action here including pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new PAN based on new information. If new fields are to be included as an option for lowering lagoon level, add these fields to the PAN balance table and recalculate the overall PAN balance. If animal waste is to be hauled to another permitted facility, provide information regarding the herd population and lagoon freeboard levels at the Irrigation onto existing spray fields will continue as weather and field conditions permit. Additional land is available for pumping if needed. Spray fields have been aerated. PoA (30 Day) 2121/00 L* 1N A T�R Michael F. Easley, Governor 0 A�^ QG William G. Ross Jr., Secretary -7 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources j Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director .0 Division of Water Quality August 11, 2003 CERTIFIED MAIL # 7003 0500 0000 8804 3679 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Charles Wooten 2850 NC Highway 50 Maple Hill, NC 28454 Subject: Inadequate Freeboard No Further Action Bear Ridge Farm Facility # 71-69 Pender County Dear Charles Wooten: Thank you for your recent submittal of the information requested in our letter dated April 15, 2003. The Wilmington Regional Office has determined that no further enforcement actions will be taken by the Division for the inadequate freeboard. However, upon review and consideration of the information submitted, the Wilmington Regional Office has determined that an NOV is appropriate due to freeboard less than the structural limit. In the future, please continue to evaluate ways to maintain freeboard levels in the required range. These methods include, but are not limited to, water conservation practices, adding additional application sites, updating your cropping systems, adding additional and/or more flexible application equipment, and maintaining the lagoon levels at the lowest allowable and appropriate levels throughout the year. Our staff looks forward to continuing to work with you and your Technical Specialist to evaluate and implement any needed changes to your system. AGA i7DEN—R Customer Service: Mailing Address: Telephone: (919) 733-5083 Location: 1 800 623-7748 1617 Mail Service Center Fax: (919) 733-0059 512 N. Salisbury St Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 State Couder #52-01-01 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled 110% post -consumer paper httpa/h2o,enr.state,nc.us Ir P- m 0 F� F co r tee@ m 0 cem� Fee �atum Q Redept ee (Frid.R=rrt RaqulreFd} I Q Restricted Delivery Fee 0 (Fsdomsemeot RequtmM ?ul 0 Total Postage 8 Fees fM Zr �ccl Inadequate Freeboard Ch V es Wooten Au ust 11, 263 Page 2 Thank you again for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the staff of our Wilmington Regional Office at 910-395-3900. Sincerely, Rick Shiver Water Quality Regional Supervisor CC: Kraig Westerbeek; Murphy -Brown, LLC Patrick Fussell, WiRO — DS WC Jason Turner, Fender County Soil and Water Conservation District Non -Discharge Compliance and Enforcement Unit DWQ Central Files � ilr�ngtorir il�s-t-1 -69 s �, : _. April 16, 2003 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Charles Wooten 2850 NC Highway 50 Maple Hill, NC 28454 SUBJECT: Notice of Violation Request for Information Inadequate Freeboard Bear Ridge Farm #71-69 . Pender County Dear Sir or Madam: Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality On March 21, 2003, a representative of your animal operation informed the Division of Water Quality (DWQ).that there was inadequate freeboard in the lagoon(s) serving this facility. This lack of adequate freeboard is in non-compliance with the Certificate of Coverage issued to this facility on May 29, 1998. In addition to this Notice of Violation (NOV), this non- compliance is subject to an appropriate enforcement action by DWQ. This action can consist of one or more of the following: a civil or criminal enforcement action; an injunction; and/or a requirement to apply for coverage under an individual permit. The action chosen will be based on complete evaluation of all factors that resulted in the inadequate freeboard; the actions taken to restore the needed freeboard; and the actions being proposed to prevent the problem from reoccurring. To assist us in our review, please provide the Wilmington Regional Office with an evaluation of the reasons for the freeboard violation(s) and a strategy to prevent future freeboard violation(s). This evaluation and strategy must include but is not limited to the following: Current Freeboard level(s) Freeboard level records in the lagoon(s) for the past 12 months up to the date of submittal Spraying records for the past 12 months up to the date of submittal Customer Service: Mailing Address: Telephone (919) 733-5083 1-877-623-6748 1617 Mail Service Center Fax (919) 733-0059 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 State Courier #52-01-01 An Equal Opportunity/Aff rn7ahve Action Employer 50% recycled/ t 0% post -consumer paper http://h2o.enrstate.nc. us A ENR Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 276WI617 Inadequate Freeboard Page 2 Rainfall records for the past 12 months for this site up to the date of submittal (if available) Cropping system and PAN specified in the CAWMP. If the cropping system was not in compliance with the facility's CAWMP, provide details of the cropping system in place for the past 12 months. A summary of actions taken to restore the needed freeboard in the lagoon(s) including but not limited to removal of animals from the site, delay of restocking of animals, pumping and hauling waste to another site (specify site), -securing additional irrigation equipment, and securing additional spray sites. A description of water conservation measures in use at the facility and the date(s) installed. If the lagoon level(s) are still in violation of the facility's CAWMP and Permit, provide an updated Plan of Action as to how the facility will return to compliance. Provide a detailed description of the actions taken or proposed to be taken to insure that there are no further freeboard violations at this facility. This information must be received by the Wilmington Regional Office at the following address no later than 10 days following receipt of this letter. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-2845 Once this information is received and evaluated by the DWQ staff, a determination will be made as to the appropriate compliance/enforcement actions to be taken. Each case will be evaluated on its own merit. The efforts by the owner/producer to notify DWQ of the problem, efforts made to resolve the problem once identified, and efforts proposed to prevent future problems will be positive factors in this determination. Nothing in this letter should be taken as removing from you either the responsibility or liability for this non-compliance or future cases of non-compliance. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact our Wilmington Regional Office Staff at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, lan W. Klimek, P.E. Director cc: Wilmington Regional Office Non-Discharge-Compliance/Enforcement Unit Central Files 4 If your Waste Utilization Plan has been developed based on site specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show. that the current Waste Utilization Plan is inaccurate you will need to have a new Waste Utilization Plan developed. The issuance of this COC does not excuse the Permittee from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local, state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Upon abandonment or depopulation for a period of four years or more, the Permittee must submit documentation to the Division demonstrating that all current NRCS standards are met prior to restocking of the facility. Per 15A NCAC 2H .0225(c) a compliance boundary is provided for the facility and no new water supply wells shall be constructed within the compliance boundary. Per NRCS standards a 100 foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon or any wetted area of a spray field. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C, the Clean Water Act and 40 CFR 122.41 including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If you wish to continue the activity permitted under the General Permit after the expiration date of the General Permit, an application for renewal must be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the Division prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual NPDES Permit by contacting the staff member listed below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. This facility is located in a county covered by our Wilmington Regional Office. The Regional Office Water Quality ' Staff may be reached at (910) 395-3900. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact Michelle Barnett_at.(919)_733-5083 ext...544. Sincerely, U for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Enclosures (General Permit NCA200000, Record Keeping and Reporting Package) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) Pender County Health Department Wigton-Regional_Office; Water: Quality_Section Pender County Soil and Water Conservation District Permit File NCA271069 Permit File AWS710069 NDPU Files O`a0� WA TE9pG 0 � Charles Wooten Bear Ridge Farm 2850 NC Highway 50 Maple Hill, NC 28454 Dear Charles Wooten: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural- Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. E., Director Division of Water Quality April 9, 2003 Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. NCA271069 Bear Ridge Farm Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Pender County On March 14, 2003, the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (Division) issued an NPDES General Permit for swine facilities. The General Permit was issued to enable swine facilities in North -Carolina to' obtain coverage under a single permit that addresses both State and Federal requirements. In accordance with your application received on February 5, 2003, we are hereby forwarding to you this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Charles Wooten, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in accordance with NPDES General Permit NCA200000. The issuance of this . COC supercedes and terminates your COC Number AWS710069 to operate under State Non -Discharge Permit AWG 100000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the ;management of animal waste from the Bear Ridge Farm, located in Pender County, with an animal capacity of no greater than an annual average of 3672 Feeder to Finish swine and the application to land as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). If.this .is-a.Farrow_to Wean_,or ... Farrow to Feeder operation, there may also be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars are unneccessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of 4 gilts for every 3 sows The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until July 1, 2007. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and' operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please carefully read this COC and the enclosed General Permit. Since this is a new joint State and Federal general permit it contains many new requirements in addition to most of the conditions contained in the current State general permit. Enclosed for your convenience is a package containing the new and revised forms used for record keeping and reporting. Please pay careful'attention to the record keeping and monitoring conditions in this permit. The Devices to Automatically Stov Irrifsation Events Form must be returned to the Division of Water Quality no later than 120 days following receipt of the Certificate of Coverage. The Animal Facility Annual Certification Form_ must be completed_ and returned to the Division of Water Quality by no later than March Ist of each year. I AM Nair -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail. Service Center„Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Customer Service Center An Equal Opporhmity Action Employer Intemet http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919)715-6048 Telephone 1 800 623-7748 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper Jan 30 03 10:25a MURPHY-BROWN ., s102s3313e P.2 PRODUCER: Bear Ridge Farm - Charles Wooten, Jr. 4 a494"'?'[ LOCATION:Maple Hill, NC 28454 TELEPHONE: (910) 259-6179 TYPE OPERATION: Feeder to Finish NUMBER OF ANIMALS: 3672 (Design Capacity) The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface and/or groundwater. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the,crops in the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient_ Waste should be analyzed before each application cycle. Annual soil tests are strongly encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates, leaching potentials, cation exchange capacities, and available water holding capacities. Normally waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. With special precautions, waste may be applied to land eroding at up to 10 tons per year. Do not apply waste on saturated soils, when it is raining, or when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters which is not allowed under DEM regulations. Wind conditions should also be considered to avoid drift and downwind odor problems. To maximize the value of nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or applied to bare ground not more than 30 days prior to planting. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. The estimated acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements should be based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. Attached you will find information on proper sampling techniques, preparation, and transfer of waste samples to the lab for analysis. This waste utilization plan, if carried out, meets the requirements for compliance with 15A NCAC 2H.0217 adopted by the Environmental Management Commission. Page t M00202131011 FROM 9102933138 TO 1/30/03 9:33 AM Page 2 Jan 30 03 10:25a MURPHY-BROWN 9102933136 P•3 Amount of Waste Produced Per ar(gallons, ft- tons_e j WIZ2 animals X M (tons) wastelanimallyear = 6,976.8 (tons) waste/yew. Amount of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) Produced Per Year 3M animals X 2.3 lbs. PAN/animallyear = 8,445.6 lbs. PANNear. (PAN from N.C. Guide Std. 633) Tech Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner The following acreage will be needed for waste application based on the crop to be grown and surface application: Table ?: Tract Field soil Crop i# No. TvDe ACRES OWNED BY PRODUCER Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Month of Per Acre Utilized ADDlication Iota] 1 3U.39 1 VA51.Z9 1 'This N is from animal waste only. It nutrients from other sources such as commercial fertilizer are applied, they must be accounted for. N mua be based on rea ffigk V&W emactation. NOTE: The applicator is cautioned that P and K may be over applied while meeting the N requirements. Beginning in 1996 the Coastal Zone Management Act will reyulre farmers in some eastern counties of North Caroline to have a nutrient management plan that addresses all nutrients. This plan only addresses Nitrogen. Page 2 M00202131012 FROM 9102933138 TO 1/30/03 9:33 AM page 3 Jan 30 03 10:25a MURPHY-BROWN 9102933138 p.4 OWN Table 2- ACRES WITH AGREEMENT OR LONG TERM LEASE (Agreement with adjacent landowner must be attached) (Required only If operator does not own adequate land [sae Required Specification 21) Tract Field Soil Crop Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Month of ` See footnote for Table 1. Totals from above Tables Acres Lbs. N Utilized Table 1 1 30.39 9,451.29 Table 2 Total 30.39 9,451.29 Amount of N Produced 8,445.60 Surplus or Deficit 1,005.69) NOTE: The Waste titilizatlon Plan must contain provisions for periodic land application of sludge at agronomic rates. The sludge will be nutrient rich and will require precautionary measures to prevent over application of nutrient or other elements. Page 3 M00202131013 FROM 9102933138 TO 1/30/03 9:33 AM Page 4 See attached map showing the fields to be used for the utilization of waste water. Application of Waste by Irrigation Field Soil Type Crop Mn _ Application Application Rate lln/i-irl Omrxint lin 1 1 FoA rid Bermuda ! Ryegrass 0.5 1 THIS TABLE IS NOT NEEDED IF WASTE IS NOT BEING APPLIED BY IRRIGATION, HOWEVER A SIMILAR TABLE WILL BE NEEDED FOR DRY UTTER OR SLURRY. Your facility is designed for 10 days of temporary storage and the temporary storage must be removed on the average of once every b MONTHS. In no instance should the volume of waste tieing stored in your structure exceed Elevation 'see lagoon design. Call the local Natural Resources Conservation Service (formerly Soil Conservation Service) or Soil and Water Conservation District office after you receive the waste analysis report for assistance in determining the amount per acre to apply and the proper application rate prior to applying the waste. Narrative of operation: Niltrogen rates for hybrid Bermuda turf are taken from the INC Agricultur Chemicals Manual, and recommends 6 tbs. W1000 sq. ft. for maintenance of this turf. Grower will harvest sod at least once a year and overseed at least 11 acres with ryegrass each winter. Acres shown are wetted asses. - Page 4 M00202131014 FROM 9102933138 TO 1/30/03 9:33 AM Page 5 REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste which reaches surface water is prohibited. 2 There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has an agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of waste, he/she shall provide a copy of an agreement with a landowner who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing hlm/hor the use of the land for waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the facility to secure an update of the Waste Utilization Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of anirnals, method of utilization, or avoilaWe land. 3 Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based on soil type, available moisture, historical data, climatic conditions, and level of management, urdess there are regulations that restrict the rate of application for other nutrients. 4 Animal waste shall be applied to land eroding less than S tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land that is eroding at 5 or more tons, but less than 10 tons per acre per year providing grass filter strips are Installed where runoff leaves the field. (See FOTG Standard 393 - Filter Strip). 5 Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when there Is danger of drift from the irrigation field. 6 When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, it will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding. (See "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance.) 7 Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor or flies. 8 Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. Page 5 I000202131101s FROM 9102933138 TO 1/30/03 9:33 AM Page 6 Jan 30 03 10:26a MURPHY-BROWN 9102933138 p.7 REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS (continued) 9 Animal waste shall be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that the crop is not covered with waste to a depth that would inhibit growth. The potential for salt damage from animal waste should also be considered. 10 Waste nutrients shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of the crop or forages breaking dormancy. 11 Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1, 1995 shall comply with the following: The outer perimeter of the land area onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a component of a swine farm shall be at feast 50 feet from any residential property boundary and tram any perennial strearn or river (other than an irrigation ditch or canal. Animal waste other than swine waste from facilities sited on or after October 1, 1995). shall not be applied closer than 25 feet to perer finial waters. (See St mdard 393 - Rlter Strips). 12 Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet to wells. 13 Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by the landowner. 14 Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 15 Animal waste shalt not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways, or wetlands by discharge or by over -spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted wetlands prod they have been approved as a land application site by a "technical spedalist". Animal waste shall not be applied on grassed waterways that dLv:harge.d'rreetly into water courses, and on outer grassed waterways, waste shall be applied at agmnornic rates In a. manner that courses no runoff or drift from the site. 16 Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, slinks. etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. Page 6 MQ0202131016 FROM 9102933138 TO 1/30/03 9:33 AM Page 7 Jan 30 03 10:27a MURPHY-BROWN 9102833138 p.8 REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS (continued) 17 If animal production at the facility is to be suspended or terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution and erosion. 18 Waste handling structures, piping pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 19 Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if anlmal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption It should only be applied propellant with no further applications animal waste during the crop season. 20 Highly visible markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the gory storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. 21 Waste shall be tested within 69 days of utilization and soil shall be tested at least annually .st,crop sites where waste produces are applied. Nitrogen shall be the rate -determining element. Zinc and copper levels in the soil shall be monitored and alternative crop sites shall be used when these metal approach excessive levels. pH shall be adjusted for optimum crop production and maintained. Soi ,and waste analysis records shalt be kept for five years. Poultry dry =waste application records shall be maintained for three (3) years. Waste app9c8tltm records for all other waste shag be maintained for five (5) years. 22 Dead animals will to d of in a manner that meets North Carolina regulations. Page 7 M00202131017 FROM 9102933138 TO 1/30/03 9:33 AM Page 8 Jan 30 03 10:27a MURPHY-BROWN 9102933138 P.9 !Name of Farm: Bear Ridge Faun Owner / Manager Agreement I (we) understand and will follow and implement the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste -treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new ceafffitcation to be sOm tted to the Division of Environment Management (DEM) before the new animals are stacked. t (we) also understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to surface waters of the state from a storm event less severe than the 25-year,-244our storm. The approved plan wff! be 51ed on -site at the farm office and at the office of the kkeal Soil -end Water Conservabon District and will be -m mQabfe for review by OEM upon request. Name of Facility Owner: Charles Wooten, Jr. t print) Signature: Date: Name of Manager (if different from owner): Signature: Date: Name of Technical Specialist: (Pteasepn'nt) M. Kevin Weston Affiliation'. Murphy Family Farms Address (Agency): P.O. Box 759 Rose Full, NC 28458 Signature: ,J✓f "" Date: Page 8 L pp M002021310.18 FROM 9102933138 TO 1/30/03 9:33 AM Page 9 r M ATE " �� 1 1 OHO 9pG ; Michael F. Easley, Governor � ? t� n 1 L�U2 William G. Ross Jr., Secretary r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources p Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director __..- M-��,..-t--"-'"_ Division of Water Quality August 30, 2002 Bear Ridge Farm 2850 NC Highway 50 Maple Hill, NC 28454 Attn: Charles S. Wooten, Jr. Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS710069 Bear Ridge Farm Swine,Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Pender County Dear Charles S. Wooten, Jr.: We are forwarding this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Charles Wooten, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in accordance with General Permit AWG100000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management of animal waste from the Bear Ridge Farm, located in Pender County, with an animal capacity of no greater than 3672 Feeder to Finish and the application to land as specified in the Certified* Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP)_ The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until April 30, 2003 and shall hereby void Certificate of Coverage AWS710069 dated May 29, 1998. Pursuant toAis COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWW, and this COC, with no discharge of wastes.to surface waters. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this farm. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of stocked animals above the number authorized by this COC will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and shall be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. Upon notification by the Division of this COC's expiration, you shall apply for its renewal. This request shall be made within 30 days of notification by the Division. This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the DWQ prior to a name change or change in ownership. Non -Discharge Permitting Unit Intemet http:ffK2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu MEW 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-5093 Fax (919) 715-6048 DENR Customer Service Center Telephone 1 800 623-7748 An Equal Opportunity Action Employer. 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual non -discharge permit by contacting the engineer listed below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. The subject farm is located in the Wilmington Regional Office. The Regional Office Water Quality Staff may be reached at (910) 395-3900. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact Sue Homewood at (919) 733-5083 ext_ 502. Si cerely, Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) Pender County Health Department Wilmington'Regiorial-Office,-Water-Quality_Section- ? Pender County Soil and Water Conservation District Water Quality Central Files NDPU Files A I& ON 'AN, -... -. .Tn...- PRODUCER: Bear Ridge Farm - Charles Wooten, Jr. LOCATION: 270 Old Maple Hill Road, Maple Hill, NC 28454 TELEPHONE: (910) 259-6179 TYPE OPERATION: Feeder to Finish NUMBER OF ANIMALS: 3672 (Design Capacity) The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface and/or groundwater. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops in the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient. Waste should be analyzed before each application cycle. Annual soil tests are strongly encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop. to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates, leaching potentials, cation exchange capacities, and available water holding capacities. Normally waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. With special precautions, waste may be applied to land eroding at up to 10 tons per year. Do not apply waste on saturated soils, when it is raining, or when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters which is not allowed under DEM regulations. Wind conditions should also be considered to avoid drift and downwind odor problems. To maximize the value of nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or applied to bare ground not more than 30 days prior to planting. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. The estimated acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements should be based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. Attached you will find information on proper sampling techniques, preparation, and. transfer of waste samples to the lab for analysis. This waste utilization plan, if carried out, meets the requirements for compliance with 15A NCAC 2H.0217 adopted by the Environmental Management Commission. Page 1 �r fi INAS'E lm iiU-9I T ' �-:';�. � �sr._ .. x..'•- •.i; 1. �... 'Sr.• ; ..-"�».:c�s....re.n::+�-s+nr�+..-s:oo4e-fr... �: � .- . .:. vr'. .. .- ... . - -- 3672 animals X 1.9 (tons) waste/animal/year = 6,976.8 (tons) wastelyear. Amount of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) Produced Per Year 3M animals X 2-3 lbs. PAN/animal/year = 8,445.6 Ibs- PAN/year. (PAN from N.C. Guide Std. 633) Tech Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner The following acreage will be needed for waste application based on the crop to be grown and surface application: Table 9: ACRES OWNED BY PRODUCER Tract Field Soil Crop Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Month of # No. Tvne Per Acre Utilized Aoalication Total I 30.39 1 9,451.29 1 *This N is from animal waste only. If nutrients from other sources such as commercial fertilizer are applied, they must be accounted for. L11must be base,{ an realistic yield Qpectation. NOTE: The applicator is cautioned that P and K may be over applied while meeting the N requirements. Beginning in 1996 the Coastal Zone Management Act will require farmers in some eastern counties of North Caroline to have a nufrient management plan that addresses all nutrients. This plan only addresses Nitrogen. Page 2 i UTIBIZANr Table 2: ACRES WITH AGREEMENT OR LONG TERM LEASE (Agreement with adjacent landowner must be attached) (Required only if operator does not own adequate land [see Required Specification 2]) Tract Field Soil Crop Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Month of * See footnote for Table 1. LVA01 mum Mr.. Totals from above Tables Acres Lbs. N Utilized Table 1 30.39 9,451.29 Table 2 Total 30.39 9,451.29 Amount of N Produced 8,445.60 Surplus or Deficit 1,005.69J NOTE. The Waste Utilization Plan must contain provisions for periodic land application of sludge at agronomic rates. The sludge will be nutrient rich and will require precautionary measures to prevent over application of nutrient or other elements. Page 3 N i F��[y C'.°Trr :,,, .,,,-'i�<■rwi.f elf .■N3■D:1�+�/ly- 'L. _ _ i� -.li -' �yE vu/-LfV- E � {4 See attached map showing the fields to be used for the utilization of waste water. Application of Waste by Irrigation Field Soil Type Crop Application Application No. Rate In/Hr} Amount (In. 1 FoA Hybrid Bermuda 1 R egrass 0.5 1 THIS TABLE IS NOT NEEDED IF WASTE IS NOT BEING APPLIED BY IRRIGATION. HOWEVER A SIMILAR TABLE WILL BE NEEDED FOR DRY LITTER OR SLURRY. Your facility is designed for I$Q days of temporary storage and the temporary storage must be removed on the average of once every 6 MONTHS. In no instance should the volume of waste being stored in your structure exceed Elevation *see lagoon design. Call the local Natural Resources Conservation Service (formerly Soil Conservation Service) or Soil and Water Conservation District office after you receive the waste analysis report for assistance in determining the amount per acre to apply and the proper application rate prior to applying the waste. Narrative of operation: Nitrogen rates for hybrid bermuda turf are taken from the NC Agricultural Chemicals Manual, and recommends 6 lbs. N11000 sq. ft. for maintenance of this turf. Grower will harvest sod at least once a year and overseed at least 11 acres witf"egmss each winter. Acres shown are wetted acres. Page 4 REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste which reaches surface water is prohibited. 2 There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has an agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of waste, he/she shall provide a copy of an agreement with a landowner who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the facility to secure an update of the Waste Utilization Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of utilization, or available land. 3 Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based on soil type, available moisture, historical data, climatic conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of application for other nutrients. 4 Animal waste shall be applied to land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land that is eroding at 5 or more tons, but less than 10 tons per acre per year providing grass filter strips are installed where runoff leaves the field. (See FOTG Standard 393 - Filter Strip). Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when there is danger of drift from the irrigation field. 6 When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, it will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding. (See "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance.) Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control odor or flies. 8 Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. Page 5 REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS (continued) 9 Animal waste shall be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that the crop is not covered with waste to a depth that would inhibit growth. The potential for salt damage from animal waste should also be considered. 10 Waste nutrients shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of the crop or forages breaking dormancy. 11 Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1, 1995 shall comply with the following: The outer perimeter of the land area onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a component of a swine farm shall be at least 50 feet from any residential property boundary and from any perennial stream or river (other than an irrigation ditch or canal_ Animal waste other than swine waste from facilities sited on or after October 1, 1995), shall not be applied closer than 25 feet to perennial waters. (See Standard 393 - Filter Strips). 12 Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet to wells.- 13 Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by the landowner. 14 Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 15 Animal waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways, or wetlands by discharge or by over -spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted wetlands provided they have been approved as a land application site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste shall not be applied on grassed waterways that discharge directly into water courses, and on other grassed waterways, waste shall be applied at agronomic rates in a manner that courses no runoff or drift from the site. 16 Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system_ Page 6 {WAST,C-UT�L1TryJ LAN REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS (continued) 17 If animal production at the facility is to be suspended or terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution and erosion. 18 Waste handling structures, piping pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 19 Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption it should only be applied propellant with no further applications animal waste during the crop season. 20 Highly visible markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. 21 Waste shall be tested within 69 days of utilization and soil shall be tested at least annually at crop sites where waste products are applied. Nitrogen shall be the rate -determining element. Zinc and copper levels in the soil shall be monitored and alternative crop sites shall be used when these metal approach excessive levels. pH shall be adjusted for optimum crop production and maintained. Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for five years. Poultry dry waste application records shall be maintained for three (3) years. Waste application records for all other waste shall be maintained for five (5) years. 22 Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets North Carolina regulations. Page 7 WASTE PRUNIgglOIEI' LAW., W8STE UTILIZATION PLAN AGREEMENT Name of Farm: Bear Ridge Farm Owner/ Manager Agreement 1 (we) understand and will follow and implement the specifications and the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new certification to be submitted to the Division of Environment Management (DEM) before the new animals -are stocked. I (we) also understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to surface waters of the state from a storm event less severe than the 25-year, 24-hour storm. The approved plan will be filed on -site at the farm office and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District and will be available for review by DEM upon request. Name of Facility Owner: Charles Wooten, Jr. (Please print) Signature: Name of Manager (If different from owner): Signature: Date: Date: Name of Technical Specialist: (Please print) M. Kevin Weston Affiliation: Murphy Family Farms Address (Agency): P.O. Box 759 Rose Hill, NC 28458 Signature: ,Js/% ,7 _ Date: �j 41e Page 8 �0F ERQ� f ij '1 i ("' i1 Michael F. Easley ` I Governor l ALto 7} Q�; n f William G. Ross Jr., Secretary ! 1 );i - L0t12Departrnent of Environment and Natural Resources `r LlL_Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director �J--f Ea ' Division of Water Quality July-9, 2002 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested Mr. Robert Urell Smithfield Foods Incorporated 200 Commerce Street Smithfield, Virginia 23430 Subject: Non -Compliant Swine Facilities Permit Number NCO078344 Bladen County Dear Mr. Urell: Your NPDES permit number NCO078344 issued June 1, 1999 for the Tarheel Division facility, special condition A(5) requires that the facility not purchase for processing any swine finished on a farm that has been finally assessed a Civil Penalty pursuant to General Stature 143-215.6A for discharging animal waste to surface waters'or wetlands or overapplying waste. This prohibition shall remain in effect for twelve months from the date of receipt of this letter. The following farms have civil penalties finally assessed for discharging waste to waters of the state or for applying animal waste in excess of the approved application rate: Ronnie Hamilton Facility 43-8 Previously notified in December 11, 2001 letter Hamilton Bros. Farm 473 Hog Heaven Lane Dunn, NC 28334 John Hendrix Facility 82-323 Previously notified in December 11, 2001 letter John Hendrix Farm 1585 Register Sutton Road Rose Hill, NC 28458 Joshua "Jody" Coombs Farm Facility 82-621 Previously notified in December 11, 2001 letter PO Box 612 Clinton, NC 28328 _ ICQENR Customer Service: Mailing Address: Telephone (919) 733-5083 Location: 1-877-623-6748 1617 Mail Service Center Fax (919) 733-0059 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 State Courier #52-01-01 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10 % post -consumer paper http:&h2o.enr.sta1e. nc. us Thompkenn Farm #1 PO Box 901 Warsaw, NC 28398 Thompkenn Farm #2 PO Box 901 Warsaw, NC 28398 Travis Register Farm PO Box 244 Turkey, NC 28393 Facility 82-19 Previously notified in December 11, 2001 letter Facility 82-683 Previously notified in December 11, 2001 letter Facility 82-303 Previously notified in December-11, 2001 letter Charles Wooten Facility 71-69 Bear Ridge Farm 2850 NC Highway 50 Maple Hill, NC 28454 Pridgen Farm #4 Facility 71-17 (formerly James B. Peterson Farm) Sherry and Gary Pridgen 65 Horsebrand Rd Burgaw, NC 28425 Mitchell Norris Facility 9-39 Mitchell Norris ##1 & #2 289 Turtle Cove Elizabethtown, NC 28337 Vestal Farm Murphy Farms PO Box 759 Rose Hill, NC 28448 Belle Toler Belle Toler Farm 2760 Aurora Road Ernul, NC 28527 Knotty Pine Swine Farm Randy Autry 3515 Bud Johnson Road Clinton, NC 28328 Mag 4 DM Farms PO Box 1076 Rose Hill, NC 28458 Previously notified in December 11, 2001 letter Previously notified in December 11, 2001 letter Added Facility 31-82 Added Facility 25-22 Added Facility 82-61 Added Facility 82-77 Added k Squires Sow Farm Murphy -Brown LLC PO Box 759 Rose Hill, NC 28448 Brown's #29 and #93 Murphy -Brown LLC PO Box 759' Rose Hill, NC 28448 Beaver Creek Farm Mire and Robin Lackey 2425 Breeze Rd. Hurdle Mills, NC 27541 Facility 9-26 Added {applying waste in excess of approved rate} Facility 9-153 Added Facility 68-3 Added If you have any questions regarding this notification, please contact Steve Lewis with the Non -Discharge Compliance and Enforcement Unit at (919) 733-5083, ext. 539. Sincerely, r✓Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc: Gene Stallings, Smithfield Packing Non -Discharge Compliance and Enforcement Unit Wilmington Regional Office Fayetteville Regional Office Washington Regional Office Raleigh Regional Office Central files NPDES Permit File Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested Mr. Robert Urell Smithfield Foods Incorporated 200 Commerce Street Smithfield, Virginia 23430 Dear Mr. Urell: j� Michael F. Easley Governor I William G. Ross Jr.. Secretary DEC8 2�u01 f!1 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe. Ph.D. Division of Water Quality 1�r -61 December 11, 2001 Subject: Non -Compliant Swine Facilities Permit Number NCO078344 Bladen County Your NPDES permit number NCO078344 issued June 1, 1999 for the Tarheel Division facility, special condition A(5) requires that the facility not purchase for processing any swine finished on a farm that has been finally assessed a Civil Penalty pursuant to General Stature 143-215.6A for discharging animal waste to surface waters or wetlands or overapplying waste. This prohibition shall remain in effect for twelve months from the date of receipt of this letter. The following farms have civil penalties finally assessed for discharging waste to waters of the state: Errol Quinn Farm Facility 31-101 Previously notified in January 13, 2001 letter 218 J.B. Stroud Rd. Magnolia, NC 28453 Langley Farm/Clover M Farms, Inc. Facility 33-24 Previously notified in February 23, 2001 letter PO Box,215 Sharpsburg, NC 27878 A. J. Huffman Facility 67-38 Previously notified in February 23, 2001 letter 612 Barbee Rd. Richlands, NC 28474 Pork Chop #1 Facility 31-425 Previously notified in February 23, 2001 letter PO Box 267 Willard, NC 28478 R. M. Hayes Farm TDM #9 Facility 51-34 Previously notified in June 5, 2001 letter 1646 Strickland Crossroad Road Four Oaks, NC 27524 Donald Loomis Facility 31-357 Previously notified in June 5, 2001 letter Blue Houses 230 Potters Hill Loop Rd. Pink Hill, NC 28572 NL6 R '— Customer Service Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-5083 1 800 623-7748 o=oF W A rF9QG Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources 5�0Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Division of Water Quality Ronnie Hamilton Facility 43-8 Added Hamilton Bros. Farm 473 Hog Heaven Lane Dunn, NC 28334 John Hendrix . Facility 82-323 Added John Hendrix Farm 1585 Register Sutton Road _ _ Rose -Hill, NC 28458 _ Joshua "Jody" Coombs Farm Facility 82-621 Added PO Box 612 Clinton, NC 28328 Thompkenn Farm #1 Facility 82-19 Added PO Box 901 Warsaw, NC 28398 Thompkenn Farm #2 Facility 82-683 Added PO Box 901 Warsaw, NC 28398 Travis Register Farm Facility 82-303 Added PO Box 244 Turkey, NC 28393 Charles Wooten Facility 71-69 Added - Bear Ridge Farm 2850 NC Highway 50 Maple Hill, NC 28454 James Bryan Peterson Facility 71-17 Added James B. Peterson Farm 7950 NC Highway 11 Willard, NC 28478 If you have any questions regarding this notification, please contact Steve Lewis with the Non -Discharge Compliance and Enforcement Unit at (919) 733-5083, ext. 539. Sincerely, Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. cc: Gene Stallings, Smithfield Packing Non -Discharge Compliance and Enforcement Unit fit nr egionalOffice Fayetteville Regional Office Washington Regional Office Raleigh Regional Office Central fifes NPDES Permit File dWNW �i► NCDERK Customer Service Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-5083 1 800 623-7748 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary �Y A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Charles Wooten Bear Ridge Farm 270 Old Maple Hill Rd. Maple Hill, NC 28454 Farm Number: 71 - 69 Dear Charles Wooten: I'TIN ZcErvm FEB 161998 WA February 13, 1998 E N F1 You are hereby notified that Bear Ridge Farm, in accordance with G.S. 143-215.10C, must apply for coverage under an Animal Waste Operation General Permit. Upon receipt of this letter, your farm has sixth (60) days to submit the attached application and all supporting documentation. In accordance with Chapter 626 of 1995 Session Laws (Regular Session 1996), Section 19(c)(2), any owner or operator who fails to submit an application by the date specified by the Department SHALL NOT OPERATE the animal waste system after the specified date. Your application must be returned within sixty (60) days of receipt of this letter. Failure to submit the application as required may also subject your facility to a civil penalty and other enforcement actions for each day the facility is operated following the due date of the application. The attached application has been partially completed using information listed in your Animal Waste Management Plan Certification Form. If any of the general or operation information listed is incorrect please make corrections as noted on the application before returning the application package. The signed original application, one copy of the signed application, two copies of a general location map, and two copies of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan must be returned to complete the application package. The completed package should be sent to the following address: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Non -Discharge Permitting Unit Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 If you have any questions concerning this letter, please callKatharine Keaton at (919)733-5083 extension 533 or Dave Holsinger with the Wilmington Regional Office at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, A. Preston owar , Jr., P.E. cc: Permit File (w/o encl.) Wilmington Regional Office (w/o encl.) P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper IR Sheetl IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN PARAMETERS Landowner/Operator Name: Bear Ridge Farm - Charles Wooten, Jr. Address: 270 Old Maple Hill Road Maple Hill, NC 28454 Telephone: (910) 259-6179 Table 1 - Field Specifications Approximate Maximum Useable Size Field of Field County:. Pender Date: December 20,1999 Maximum Maximum Application Application per Irrigation Rate Cycle Number (acres) Soil Type Slope % Crop(sj j'In/hr) (inches) Comments -_ -_-_ on Sheet2 TABLE 2 - Travelling Irrigation Gun Settings Make, Model and Type of Equipment: ABI 90ATTS984 reel wl Nelson 150 gun wl JD 4045D and Rovatti pump Field No. Travel Application TRAVEL LANE Wetted Nozzle Operating Operating and Speed Rate Effective Effective Diameter Diameter Pressure Pressure Arc Hydrant No. (ftlmin) (in/hr.) Width(ft.) Length(ft) (feet) (Inches) at Gun(psi) at reel(psi) Pattern Comments - Acres per pull --------_ 1 1 1 --------_ 1 1 M, --------_ 1 1 1 --------� 1 1 1 --------_ fee Sheet3 TABLE 3 -Solid Set Irrigation Gun Settings Make, Model and Type of Equipment NIA Operating Parameters Field No Wetted Hydrant Spacing(ft) Application Nozzle Operating Operating and Number of Diameter Along Between Rate Diameter Pressure Time -------- r r r r------- r r r ---�---- 1 11 -------- r r r -------- 1 1 1 Sheet4 TABLE 4 - Irrigation System Specifications Traveling Solid Set Irrigation Gun Irrigation Flow Rate of Sprinkler m 225 0 OperatingOpffating Pressure at Pump (psi) 108.9 #DIVIO! Design Precipitation Rate inlhr 0.34 #DIVIO! Hose Length feet 984 xxxxxx CX Type of Speed Compensation Engine xxxxxx CX Pump Type PTO, Engine, Electric En ine Pump Power Requirement h 28.6 #DIVI01 TABLE 5 - Thrust Block Specifications THRUST BLOCK LOCATION AREA (sq. ft. 90 degree bend 8.8 Dead End 6.2 Tee 4.4 Gate Valve 6.2 45 degree bend 4.7 Page 1 Sheets IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGNER +� 9 Name: Micah Kevin Weston, CID u Company: Murphy Family Farms 002919 Address: P.O. Box 759 Rose Hill, NC 28458 '5FSIGN�� Phone: (910) 289-2111 %TP IN��-�� Required Documentation The following details of design and materials must accompany all irrigation designs: 1. A scale drawing of the proposed irrigation system which includes hydrant locations, pipelines, thrust block locations and buffer areas where applicable. 2. Assumptions and computations for determining total dynamic head and horsepower requirements. 3. Computations used to determine all mainline and lateral pipe sizes. 4. Sources and/or calculations used for determining application rates. 5. Computations used to determine the size of thrust blocks and illustrations of all thrust block configurations required in the system 6. Manufacturer's specifications for the irrigation pump, traveler and sprinkler(s). 7. Manufacturer's specifications for the irrigation pipe and/or USDA-NRCS standard for IRRIGATION WATER CONVEYANCE. 8. The information required by this form are the minimum requirements. It is the responsibility of the designer to consider all relevant factors at a particular site and address them as appropriate. 9. Irrigation pipes should not be installed in lagoon or storage pond embankments without the approval of the designer. NOTE: A buffer strip of 25' or wider must be maintained between the limits of the irrigation system and all perennial streams and surface waters per NC Statutes. Sheet6 Narrative of Irrigation System Operation is design is for the existing system and equipment being used on this farm. The farm was sited prior 1995, and for this reason, the acreages calculated in this plan are 'wetted acres' for an existing The grower has been using the equipment shown for years and is familiar with start up, maintenance and winterization procedures. If there are questions in this regard in the future, they should be referred to the irrigation dealer. The system should be walked periodically while operating to check for leaks or other problems. Sheet? CALCULATIONS Sprinkler Specifications Sprinkler Type: Belson 150 Nozzle Size: 1.18 inches Sprinkler Pressure: 60 psi Flowrate(GPM): 225 gpm Wetted Diameter: 315 feet Lane Spacings Desired Spacing (%): 80 % Design Spacing(feet): 252 'PVC irrigation pipe normally comes in 20' pieces, so round to the nearest multiple of 20. Actual Spacing (feet): 250 feet Actual Spacing (%}: 79 % Opplication Rate Application Rate =(96.3xFlowrate)1(3.1415x(.9xradius)squared) Design App. Rate = 0.34 in/hr 300 degree arc = 0.41 in/hr 220 degree arc = 0.56 in/hr 180 degree arc = 0.69 in/hr Traveller Speed Travel speed = 1.605 x Flowrate / Desired application amount x Lane Spacing Desired app. (in.) = 0.5 inches 300 degree arc = 2.89 filmin 220 degree arc = 3.47 ft/min 180 degree arc = Velocity 5.78 fUrnin Mainline Velocity = .408 x Flowrate I pipe diameter squared feet/sec." "For buried pipelines, velocity should be below 5 feet per second Pipe size: 6 inches Velocity= 2.55 ft/sec. Page 1 k Sheet? Maximum Mainline Fiction Loss Most distant hydrant: 6 Total distance: 23bo feet Friction Loss is figured using HazenlWilllam's Equation Friction Loss= 0.36 feei/100 feet Max. Mainline Loss = 8.3 feet or 3.6 psi Total Dynamic Head Sprinkler Pressure: 60 psi Loss through traveller: 35 psi Elevation head: 2.6 psi Mainline loss: 3.6 psi Suction head and lift: 2.5 psi 5% fitting loss: 5.2 psi TOTAL(TDH) = 108.9 psi or 251.5 feet Horsepower Required Horsepower = Flowrate x TDH(feet)13960 / Pump effeciency Pump Description: Rovatti F33K100/3E Pump Efficiency: 50 % Horsepower Required: 28.6 Hp Thrust Blocking Thrust Block Area = Thrust / Soil Bearing Strength Thrust: 7460 feet Soil Bearing Strength: 1200 feet End Cap: 6.2 ft2 90 degree elbow: 8.8 ft2 Tee: 4.4 ft2 45 degree elbow: 4.7 ft2 Pi a Pr ,sure Rating Check Pressure Rating of Pipe to be Used: 200 psi Max. Pressure on system when running: 108.9 psi 70% of Pressure Rating: 140 psi If Max. Pressure on system is less than 70% of Pressure Rating, OK Net Posi iye Suction Head Check Page 2 k State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources=RECEIVEDDivision of Water QualityJames B_ Hunt, Jr., GoverBill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director Charles Wooten, Jr. Bear Ridge Farm 270 Old Maple Hill Road Maple Hill, NC 28454 Dear Charles Wooten, Jr.: 4 • 1WA ITNCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES December 30, 1999 Subject: Fertilizer Application Recordkeeping Animal Waste Management System Facility Number 71-69 Pender County This letter is being sent to clarify the recordkeeping requirement for Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) application on fields that are part of your Certified Animal Waste Management Plan. In order to show that the agronomic loading rates for the crops being grown are not being exceeded, you must keep records of all sources of nitrogen that are being added to these sites. This would include nitrogen from all types of animal waste as well as municipal and industrial sludges/residuals, and commercial fertilizers. Beginning January 1, 2000, all nitrogen sources applied to land receiving animal waste are required to be kept on the appropriate recordkeeping forms (i.e. IRRI, IRR2, DRY1, DRY2, DRY3, SLUR1, SLUR2, SLD1, and SLD2) and maintained in the facility records for review. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) compliance inspectors and Division of Soil and Water operation reviewers will review all recordkeeping during routine inspections. Facilities not documenting all sources of nitrogen application will be subject to an appropriate enforcement action. Please be advised that nothing in this letter should be taken as removing from you the responsibility or liability for failure to comply with any State Rule, State Statute, Local County Ordinance, or permitting requirement. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sonya Avant of the DWQ staff at (919) 733-5083 ext. 571. Sincerel Ken,- T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality cc: Wilmington Regional Office Pender County Soil and Water Conservation District Facility File 16I7 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 Fax 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director July 22. 1998 Charles S. Wooten, Jr. Bear Ridge Farm 270 Old Maple Hill Road Maple Hill. NC 28454 A Y1.9;WA � E N F1 SUBJECT: Acknowledgment Receipt Letter Bear Ridge Farm Farm# 71-69 Case No. OV 97-68 Pender County Dear Mr. Wooten: • This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your check No. 583 in the amount of $500.00 received from Bear Ridge Farm on July 21, 1998. This payment satisfies in full the civil assessment levied against Bear Ridge Farm and this case has been closed. Payment of this penalty in no way precludes further action by this Division for future violations of the State's environmental laws. If you have any questions please call Shannon Langley at (919) 733-5083 extension 581. Sincerely, Jeff Poupart, Supervisor Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit SLAY cc: VVJ, .. gtaa-Regi67n@=GffiZo Enforcement/Compliance Files Central Files P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 5011/6 recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment RECEl and Natural Resources JU'N2 9 VA Division'of Water Quality BY. James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director June 25, 1998 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested Attn: Charles Wooten Bear Ridge Farm 270 Old Maple Hill Rd_ Maple Hill, NC' 28454 Dear Charles Wooten: MAI r•. CDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: Request for Remission of Civil Penalty Pursuant to N.C.G_S. 143-215.6A(f) Bear Ridge Farm Pender County Farm #: 71-69 OV 97-68 I considered the information submitted in support of your request for remission in accordance with G.S. 143-215.6A(o and my delegation under G_S. 143-215.6A(h) and have not found grounds to modify the assessment of $500.00 - Should you choose to pay the penalty, you may tender payment to me at the letterhead address within 30 days of your receipt of this letter. Please make checks payable to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. You also have the option of presenting your request to the Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions, which is comprised of members of the Environmental Management Commission. The committee may consider such requests and render final and binding decisions in these matters. You may argue your request before the committee and Division Staff will argue for full payment of the initial assessment_ Should you choose to present your request to the committee, please notify me at the letterhead address on or before within 30 days of your receipt of this letter. Your request will be scheduled to be heard on the agenda of the next scheduled committee meeting and you will be notified of the date and time. If a response is not received by the Division regarding this notice then your request will be scheduled on the agenda for an upcoming committee meeting. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 Fax 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%a recycled/10%a post -consumer paper Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. if you have any questions about this letter, please feel free to contact Shannon Langley at (919) 733-5083, extension 581. Sincerely, 0��4� j A Preston How , Jr., P.E. cc: ff, Q :gi SEE@fftce Case File #OV 97-68 Central Files State of North Carolina Department of Environme RECEIVED and Natural Resources JUN u 4 1998 Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor BY: Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director May 29, 1998 Charles S. Wooten, Jr. Bear Ridge Farm 270 Old Maple Hill Rd. Maple Hill, NC 28454 AA)VA ,. NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND N/QURAL RESOURCES Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS710069 Bear Ridge Farm Swine Waste Collection; Treatment, Storage and Application System Pender County Dear Charles S. Wooten, Jr.: In accordance with your application received on April 24, 1998, we are forwarding this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Charles Wooten, Jr., authorizing. the operation of the subject animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in -accordance with General Permit AWG100000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not limited to, the management of animal waste from the Bear Ridge Farm, located in Pender County, with an animal capacity.of no greater than 3672 Feeder to Finish and the application to land as specified in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until December 31, 2001. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC, with no discharge of wastes to surface waters: An adequate system for collecting -and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information trust be established 'for this farm. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of stocked animals above the number authorized by this COC will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and shall be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWMP may result in the revocation of this COC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143-215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. Upon notification by the Division of this COC's expiration, you shall apply for its renewal. This request shall be made within 30 days of notification by the Division. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919=733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Certificate of Coverage AWS710069 Bear Ridge Farm Page 2 This COC is not automatically transferable. A name/ownership change application must be submitted to the DWQ prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual non -discharge permit by contacting the engineer listed below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. The subject farm is located in the Wilmington Regional Office. The Regional Office Water Quality Staff may be reached at (910) 395-3900. - If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact J R Joshi at (919) 733-5083 ext. 363. Sincerely, r A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all cc's) Pender County Health Department Wilmington Regional Office, -Water Quality Section Pender County Soil and Water Conservation District Permit File Oe-/ 31 / 2000 08: 28 919-733-0059 NON -DISCHARGE COMP PAGE 62 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Govemor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director May 29, 1998 Charles S. Wooten. Jr. Bear Ridge Farm 270 Old Maple Hill Rd. Maple Hill, NC 28454 i � • d ft�kf Now NCDENR NORTH C.4ROLINA DEPARTMENT of F-MViRONMEWr AND NAMRAL RESOURCES Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS710069 Bear Ridge Farm Swine Waste Collection; Treatment, Storage- and Application System Pender County Dcar Charles S. Wooten, Jr.: In accordance with your application received on April 24, 1998, we are forwarding this Certificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Charles Wooten, Jr_, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste collection, treatment, storage and land application system in accordance with General Pem,ut AWG100000. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including, but not lirrkited to, the management of animal waste from the Bear Ridge Faun., located in Pender County, with an animal capacity of no greater than 3672 Feeder to Finish and the application to land as specified in the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). The COC shall be effective from the date of issuance until December 31, 2001. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and lin-}itations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC, with no discharge.of wastes to surface waters. An adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this farm. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of stocked animals above the number authorized by this COC will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and shall be completed prior to acrual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Fernvt or the CA"ArW may result in the revocation -of this CDC, or penalties in accordance with NCGS 143-215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. Upon notification by the Division of this COC's expiration, you shall apply for its renewal. This request shall be made within 30 days of notification by the Division, P_O. Box 29535. Raleioh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycles!/ 10% post -consumer paper 0813112000 08.28 919-733-0059 NON -DISCHARGE COMP PAGE 03 Certificate of Coverage AWS710069 Bear Ridge Farm Page 2 This COC is not automatically transferable. A narnelownership change application must tie submitted to the DWQ prior to a name change or change in ownership. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual non -discharge permit by contacting the engineer listed below for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall be final and binding. The subject farm is located in the Wilmington Regional Office. The Regional Office Water Quality Staff may be reached at (910) 395-3900. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact J R Joshi at (919) 733-5083 ext. 363. Sincerely, LA. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. ce: (Certificate -of Coverage only for all ec's) Pender County Health Department Wilmington Regional Office, Water Quality Section Pender County Soil and Water Conservation District Permit File i / �(� 08/31/2000 08:28 919-733-0059 Steve Lewis Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-5083 ext. 539 (919) 733-0059 (fax) NON -DISCHARGE COMP PAGE 01 LIT 4 k1ir2Ai -OPM NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRQNMENT AND NATURAL RESOL)RCES To: Stoney Mathis From: Steve Lewis Fax: Pages: 2 Phone: Date: Ow l /00 Re: Wooten permit CC: ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle Stoney — This is the only one the permitting unit had. Talk to you later. Rffe �TED State of North Carolina a j,;V e artment of Environment and Natural Resourc V. P �iPR JUN U 3 1998 Division of Water Quality ``~' too,, Non -Discharge Permit Application Form Drsr,�'Ve p BY: (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) �mrt�ng General Permit - Existing Liquid Animal Waste Operations The following questions have been completed utilizing information on file with the Division. Please review the information for completeness and make any corrections which are appropriate. If a question has not been completed by the Division, please complete as best as possible. Do not leave any question unanswered. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1.1 Facility Name: Bear Ridge Farm 1.2 Print Land Owner's name: Charles Wooten 1.3 Mailing address: 2.70 Old Maple Hill Rd. City, State: Merle Hills NC _ _ t Zip: 23454 Telephone Number (include area code): V� D) d✓ 9 r (p, 1.4 County where facility is located: Pender 1.5 Facility Location (Directions from nearest major highway. Please include SR numbers for state roads. Please include a copy of a county road map with the location of the farm identified): Take NC Hwy 50 north from Hwy 53, Farm is 1.2 miles_ south gf SR 1525_on west side._ 1.6 Print Farm Manager's name (if different from Land Owner): .r 1.7 Lessee's / Integrator's name (if applicable; please circle which type is listed): MuEphy Family Farms Murphy Family Farms _ p 1.8 Date Facility Originally Began Operation: 1 ! 9S 1.9 Date(s) of Facility Expansion(s) (if applicable): N 2. OPERATION INFORMATION: 2.1 Facility No.: 71 (county number); 69 (facility number). 2.2 Operation Description: Swine operation Feeder to Finish 3672- Certified Design Capacity. - Is the above information correct yes; 1:1 no. If no, correct below using the design capacity of the facility The "No. of Animals" should be the maximum number for which the waste management structures were designed. Type of Swine No. of Animals Type of Poultry No. of Animals 0 Wean to Feeder 0 Layer 0 Feeder to Finish 0 Non -Layer 0 Farrow to Wean (# sow) 0 Turkey 0 Farrow to Feeder (# sow) 0 Farrow to Finish (# sow) Other Type of Livestock on the farm: Tyaeof Cattle No. of Animals 0 Dairy 0 Beef No. of Animals: FORM: AWO-G-E 1/26/98 Page I of 4 2.3 Acreage cleated and available for application (excluding all required bufferrsi and areas not coveted by the application system): 60 Required Acreage (as listed in the AWMP): 3 F 2.4 Number of Lagoons: _L ; Total Capacity: _ Cubic Feet (ft3); Required Capacity: (ft3) Number of Storage Ponds: ; Total Capacity: } (ft3); Required Capacity: (ft3) 2.5 Are subsurface drains present within 100' of any of the application fields? YES or �V U 1(please circle one) 2.6 Are subsurface drains present in the vicinity or under the lagoon(s)? YES or T: please circle one) 2.7 Does this facility meet all applicable siting requirements? (Swine Farm Siting Act, NRCS Standards, etc.) (Swine Only) YES or NO (please circle one) What was the date that this facility's swine houses and lagoon were sited? 1997 What was the date that this facility's land application areas were sited? 19 T_ / 3. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Please indicate that you have included the following required items by signing your initials in the space provided next to each item. 3.1 One completed and signed original and one copy of the application for General Permit - Animal Waste Operations; 3.2 Two copies of a general location map indicating the location of the animal waste facilities and field locations where animal waste is land applied; 1 3.3 Two copies of the entire Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). If the facility does not have a CAWMP, it must be completed prior to submittal of a general permit application for animal waste operations. The CAWMP must include the following components: 3.3.1 The Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) must include the amount of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) produced and utilized by the facility: 3.3.2 The method by which waste is applied to the disposal fiIds (e.g. irrigation, injection, etc.) 3.3.3 A map of every field used for land application. 3.3.4 The soil series present on every land application field. 3.3.5 The crops grown on every land application field. 3.3.6 The Realistic Yield Expectation (RYE) for every crop shown in the WUP. 3.3.7 The PAN applied to every land application field. 3.3.8 The waste application windows for every crop utilized in the WUP. 3.3.9 The required MRCS Standard specifications. 3.3.10 A site schematic. 3.3.11 Emergency Action Plan. 3.3.12 Insect Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted. 3.3.13 Odor Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted. 3.3.14 Mortality Control Checklist with the selected method noted. If your CAWMP includes components not shown on this list, please include the additional components with your submittal. Applicants Initials 141,0 Z" FORM: AWO-G-E 1/28/98 L� Page 2 of 4 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT RESIUESTED Charles Wooten Bear Ridge Farm 270 Old Maple Hill Rd. Maple Hill, NC 28454 . Farm Number: 71 - 69 Dear Charles Wooten: ID E N R February 13, 1998 You are hereby notified that Bear Ridge Farm, in accordance with G.S. 143-215. IOC, must apply for coverage under an Animal Waste Operation General Permit. Upon receipt of this letter, your farm has sixty (60) days to submit the attached application and all supporting documentation. In accordance with Chapter 626 of 1995 Session Laws (Regular Session 1996), Section 19(c)(2), any owner or operator who fails to subunit an application by the date specified by the Department SHALL NOT OPERATE the animal waste system after the `specified date. Your application must be returned within sixty (60) days of receipt of this letter. Failure to submit the application as required may also subject your facility to a civil penalty and other enforcement actions for each day the facility is operated following the due date of the application. The attached application has been partially completed using information listed in your Animal Waste Management Plan Certification Form. If any of the general or operation information listed is incorrect please make corrections as noted on the application _l cfore returning the application package. The signed original application, one copy of the signed application, tv�o copies of a general Iocation map, and two copies of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan must be returned to complete the application package. The completed package should be sent to the following address: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Non -Discharge Permitting Unit Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 If you have any questions concerning this letter, please call Katharine Keaton at (919)733-5083 extension 533 or Dave Holsinger with the Wilmington Regional Office at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, �i A. Preston owar , Jr., P.E. cc: Permit File (w/o encl.) Wilmington Regional Office (w/o encl.) P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper N Facility Number: 71 - 69 Facility Name: Bear Ridge Farm 4. APPL CA2T'S CERTIFICATION: I, �Y? n �3 � (Land Owner's name listed in question 1.2), attest that this application for has been reviewed by me and is accurate an application are not com ted and that if all will be returned to a in plete. Signature (Facility name listed in question 1.1) e to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package Date YY i -� —'9U 5. MANAGER'S CERTIFICATION: (complete only if different from the Land Owner) I, (Manager's name listed in question 1.6), attestthatthis application for (Facility name listed in question I.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature Date THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY, WATER QUALITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT POST OFFICE BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-5083 FAX NUMBER: (919).' 733-0719 Is 'FORM: AWO-G-E 1/28/98 Page 3 of 4 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY REGIONAL OFFICES (1/98) Asheville Regional WQ Supervisor 59 Woodfin Place943 Asheville, NC 28801 (704)251-6208 Fax (704) 251-6452 Avery Macon Buncombe Madison Burke McDowell Caldwell Mitchell Cherokee Polk Clay Rutherford Graham Swain Haywood Transylvania Henderson Yancy Jackson Fayetteville Regional WQ Supervisor Wachovia Building. Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 (910) 486-1541 Fax (910) 486-0707 Washington Regional WQ Supervisor Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 (919) 946-6481 Fax (919) 975-3716 Beaufort Jones Bettie Lenoir Camden Martin Chowan Pamlico Craven Pasquotank Currituck Perquimans Dare Pitt Gates Tyrell Greme. Washington Hertford Wayne Hyde Mooresville Regional WQ Supervisor 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Fax (704) 663-6040 Raleigh Regional WQ Supervisor 3800 Barrett Dr. Raleigh, NC 27611 (919) 571-4700 Fax (919) 733-7072 Chatham Nash Durham Northampton Edgecombe Orange Franklin person Granville Vance Halifax Wake Johnston Warren Lee. Wilson Wilmington Region. WQ Supervisor 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC,28405-3845 (910) 395-3900 Fax (910) 350-2004 Anson Moore Alexander Lincoln Brunswick New Hanover Bladen Richmond Cabarrus Mecklenburg Carteret Onslow Cumberland Robeson Catawba Rowan Columbus Pender Harnett Sampson Cleveland Stanly ;` Duplin Hoke Scotland Gaston Union Montgomery Iredeil Winston-Salem Regional WQ Supervisor 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 (910) 7714600 Fax (910)171-4631 Alamance Rockingham Alleghany Randolph Ashe Stokes Caswell Surry Davidson Watauga Davie Wilkes Forsyth Yadkin Guilford FORM: AWO-G-E 1128/98 Page 4 of 4 f q.NR a 4 106 Producer: C�--0.� c 5 l�od �►-. ��'� A.ron.pisch"e Pe'mltting Location: 1-j Z� 5 Q Li 5 w. (c.s eas d �' c) d �� N C Telephon�%0 5 - (o I -19 Type Operation: r e - 5 Number of Animals: 3� (imesign Calamity) The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface and/or groundwater. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops in the fields where the waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient. Waste should be analyzed before each application cycle. Annual soil tests are strongly encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an ' environmentally safe manner. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates, leaching potentials; cation exchange capacities,' and available water holding capacities.. Normally waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. With special precautions, waste may be applied to land eroding at up to 10 tons per acre per year. Do not apply waste on saturated sods, when it is raining, or when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in nmoffto surface waters which is not allowed under DEM regulations. Wind conditions should also be considered to avoid drift and downwind odor problems. To maximize the value'of nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or applied to bare ground not more than 30 days prior to planting. Injecting the waste or disidng will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. The estimated acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Acreage requirements should be based on the waste analysis report from your waste management facility. Attached you will find information on proper sampling techniques, preparation, and transfer of waste samples to the lab for ana13'sis. This waste utilization plan, if carried out, meets the requirements for compliance with 15A NCAC 2110217 adopted by the Environmental Management Commission. CIX Aid,;( JCS; -'J Amount of Waste Produced Per Year & allons t3 tons etc. 30 a animals XL.Iamt.) waste/animal/year =0-1.�L(amt.) wastelyear. Amount of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) Produced Per Year `1 a animals X2.3Ibs. PAN/animal/year = g4 KIbs. PAN/year. (PAN from N. C. Tech. Guide Std. 633) Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. The following acreage will be needed for waste application based on the crop to be grown and surface application: Table 1: ACRES OWNED BY PRODUCER Tract Field Soil Crop Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N: Month of # No. Type Per Ao. * Utili7.ed ' Application OEM WWI! I Nomm IN Total 133. v 1 �9{013 * This N is from animal waste only. If nutrients from other sources such as commercial fertilizer are applied, they must be accounted for. N must be based on realistic yield expectation. _ _ _ NOTE. The applicator is cautioned that P and K maybe over applied while meeting the N requirements. Beginning in 1996 the Coastal Zone Management Act will require farmers in some eastern counties ofNorth Carolina to have a nutrient management plan that addresses allnutrients. This plan only addresses Nitrogen. - Table 2: ACRES WITH AGREEMENT OR LONG TERM LEASE (Agreement with adjacent landowner must be attached) (Required only if operator does not own adequate land [see Required Specification 2]) Tract Field Soil Crop Lbs. N Acres Lbs. N Month of * See footnote for Table 1. Totals from above Tables N Acres Lbs. N i ltiliZed Table 1 Table 2 Total Amount of N Surplus or 33 Sb�3 33.p �6ti 3 Produced ficit g y (o (07 NOTE: The Waste Utilization Plan must contain provisions for periodic land application of sludge at agronomic rates. The sludge will be nutrient rich and will require precautionary measures to prevent over application of nutrients or other elements. 3 ,.,.,.»..»,.,.,�m:�:��.,w� See attached map showing the fields to be used for the utilization of waste water. Application of Waste by irrigation Field Soil Type Crop Application Application No. Rate (In/Hr) Amount (In.) THIS TABLE IS NOT NEEDED IF WASTE IS NOT BEING APPLIED BY IRRIGATION, HOWEVER A SMULAR TABLE WILL. BE NEEDED FOR DRY UTTER OR SILTRRY. Your facility is designed forLdays of temporary storage and the temporary storage must be removed on the average of once everyis MONTHS. In no instance should the volume of waste being stored in your structure exceed Elevation cr aan %AC4 Call the local Natural Resources Conservation Service+.( formerly Soil Conservation V Service) or Soil and Water Conservation District office after you receive the waste analysis report for assistance in determining the amount per acre to apply and the proper application rate prior to- applying the waste. 4 REQURED SPECIFICATIONS Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff; drift, manmade conveyances, direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste which reaches surface water is prohibited. Illegal discharges are subject to the assessment of civil penalties of $10,000 per day by the Division of Enviromoaental Management for every day the discharge continues. 2. The Field Office must have documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has long term access to adequate land on which to property apply the waste. If the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of waste, he shall provide NRCS with a copy of a written agreement (sample enclosed) with a landowner who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application for the life expectancy of the production facility. It is the responsibility of the owner of the facility to secure an update of the Waste Utilization Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of utilization, or available land. 3. Animal waste -shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the Nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based on soil type, available moisture, historical data, climate:conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of application for -other nutrients. 4. Animal waste may be applied to land that has a Repource Management System (RMS) or an Alternative Conservation System (ACS). If an ACS is used the soil loss shall be no greater than 10 tons per acre per year and appropriate filter strips will be used where runoff leaves the field. These filter strips will be'in addition to "Buffers" required by DEM. [See FOTG Standard 393 - Filter Strips and Standard 390 (Interim) - Riparian Forest Buffers.] 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when the wind is blowing. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, it will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste inay be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a -season prone to flooding. (See '"Weather and Climate in North Carolina" in the Technical Reference - Environment file for guidance.) REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS (continued) 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that - runoff does not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application. No ponding should occur in order to control conditions conducive to odor or flies and provide uniformity of application.. 8. AnimaI waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste shall be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that no more than 20 to 25 percent of the leaf area is covered. 10. Waste nutrients shall not be applied in fall or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for leaching. Waste nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released nutrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of the crop on bare soil. 11. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 25 feet to surface water. This distance may be reduced for waters that are not perennial provided adequate vegetative filter strips are present. (See Standard 393 - Filter Strips) 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet 10 wells. 13. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by the landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public Tight -of - ways. 15. Animal waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways or wetlands by a discharge or by over -spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted wetlands provided they have been approved as a land application site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste should not be applied on grassed waterways that discharge directly into water courses, and only then at agronomic rates provided the application causes no runoff or drift from the site. - N4 'V A-:�. REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS (continued) 16. Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system 17. Lagoons and other uncovered waste containment structures must maintain a maximum . operating level to provide adequate storage for a 25-year, 24-hour storm event in addition to the one (1) foot mandatory freeboard. 18. A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be established on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments, berms, pipe runs, etc.). If needed, special vegetation shall be provided for these areas and shall be fenced, as necessary, to protect the vegetation. Vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and other woody species, etc. are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Lagoon berms ,and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage, or discharge. . NI 19. If animal production at the facility is to be suspended or terminated, the owner is•' responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution and erosion. 20. Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, eto.; should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. M T T :� r10, «fi = �., ......... .�, w....n.x....,.M... „ WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN AGREEMENT Name of Farm: Owner/Manager Agreement I (we) understand 'and will follow and implement the specification and the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I (we) know that any expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities will require a new certification to be submitted to the Division of Environment Management (DEM) before the new animals are stocked. I (we) also understand that there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to surface wasters of the state from a storm event less severe than the 25-year, 24-hour storm. The approved plan will be filed on -site at the farm office and at the office of the local Soil and Water Conservation District and will be available for review by DEM upon request. Name of Facility OyOker: r 1 C5 (Please print) /j j Signature: Name of Manager(If different from owner): Date: _ "01-e Signature: rDaate: Name of Technical. Specialist: (Please print) T l ra I Affiliation: /V i LA.✓5 Address (Agency): Signature: Bcw A/C D 39 d Date: � [ a r� S Q� APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF �O HIGH GROUND GH J _ `Nit CA�N�.- y pG PP4ROX`�� p,,PPROxtMP 4?C 13 ' 2 19 AROUND If 12 s� OC A o o o, o No� a, ti O M o 0 4 2 0 APPROXIMATE WETLAND LOCATIO N +/- 7.20 ACRES 1/- 42.24 ACRES TOTAL ,AREA CLEAR THIS LOT IS I.Or-'kT'ED IN A I"LOOD HAZA Rt,_v(jE AREA z , +O APPROX. \ 0 20 <a.S y 20j A LOCATION OF HIGH O u +ls 201 ^n' GROUN D P�pPC' I H OG HOUSES ° LAGOON %s b � N Y\N S� �O 1 1� r� 009� Pend( F OUNTY 1 r I border e for athE r' _ -- ----- - east fork of t County into h '4 established in GOLA BAY UV tic Coast. Witl !GAME LAND' ; the county � General Willia officer .killed a #X w } - 1 Near Curri t a�- Moore's Creek this site, on M: but violent cl �p �Lm ; darkness of FF %patriotic victc Carolina to v. 1 3'" Continental C — cp ens 1 � CrsA � Im Im ►'�ii' ens f 1 im im Pin- �Lii 1 1LW 1 / - t t l / -Y W.M-. �. 4 .� r� HOLLY SHELTER GAME LAND 4 IL1 K .rW, .r 1111........ ........<:-' POST OFFICE BOX 759 • ROSE HILL, NORTH CAROLINA 28458 (919) 289-2111 October 7, 1994 Mr. Jeff Raifsinder District Conservationist USDA - Soil Conservation Service PO Box 248 Burgaw, NC 28425 Re: Charles Wooten - 3672 Feeder to Finish Dear Mr. Raifsiider: t� a, OR 2 4 icon Non -Discharge Permitting Enclosed for your review is the completed Animal Waste Management Plan for the above referenced swine farm. Specific items included in'this package are as follows: Location Map - ASCS Tract Map - Lagoon Design Spreadsheet - Operation & Maintenance Plan for Lagoon - Construction Specifications for Lagoon - Site Seeding Requirements - Earthwork Calculations - Waste Utilization Plan - Site Plan with Construction Details Please contact me at (910) 289 -2111, ext. 592 if you have any questions concerning this package. Sincerely: M. Kevin Weston Engineering Technician MKW Enclosures cc: File Charles Wooten (complete package) Freddie Halso, Murphy Farms Construction Dept. (site plan only) Dave Roland, Murphy Farms Transportation Dept. (Site Plan Only) i- ANGOIA $AT -�•• OAAO 1AND CI1A4R� ' lid TZ4 uu a ...,.Ir .+.L� .La,.,UZI. envier 1..o1 �# ` established in 1875 and lies on tl ktcrh LUX tic Coast. With its county seat at 5 /`^ - ` \ the county was named in h General William D. fender, a col ,f 1 officer killed at Gettysburg. Near Currie on the Black Moore's Creek National Battlefie "", this site, on Moore's Creek Bridg .,.,�. -tin f"tz� abut violent clash in the early darkness of February 27, 1776 i _ %patriotic victory and encourage ..� Carolina to vote for independen, Continental Congress. " ' u u- un 1 1 c: " 1 � ` l 1 HOLLY SHELTER GAME IANU i - �. ► e N.- . -ALa. WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS r?a. aox lso WlE.MlNGTON, NORTH CARdi..INA 28402-1890 May 4, 1994 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch Action ID No. 19942570, Wetland Determination Mr. Arnold Cowan Route 1 Maple Hill, North Carolina 28454 Dear Mr. Cowan: On April 12, 1994, Mr. Charles Wooten, your agent, met with Mr. Steve Morrison, Land Management Group, Inc. and Mr. Rudolf Schiener of my Wilmington Field Office staff, at your property located on North Carolina Highway 50, 3 miles north of Maple Hill, Pender County, North Carolina, to determine the presence of wetlands subject to our regulatory jurisdiction pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The property is located below the headwaters of Angola Creek.- Jurisdictional wetlands on the property were delineated and identified with survey flagging during this visit. Issuance of Department of the Army authorization must precede any mechanized landclearing or placement of excavated or fill material within any wetlands on your property. Unauthorized activity would be a violation of Federal law. Before you undertake any work, we strongly suggest that the wetlands be surveyed and platted on a property map. Such mapping would help you avoid any unintentional disturbance of wetlands on the site and would assist your planning and be essential to any application for a permit which you might submit. Surveyed wetland lines, shown on property maps, must be field verified and confirmed in writing by our staff to be acceptable. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Schiener, Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (910) 251-4629. Copy Furnished: Mr. Thomas Welborn, Chief- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency -- Region IV Wetlands Regulatory Unit 345 Courtland Street, N.E_•_ Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch 'X� Charles S. Wooten Post Office Box 44 Maple Hill, North Carolina 28454 Mr. Stephen Morrison Land Management Group, Inc. Post Office Box 2522 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 �N-1;,7""r- ,"._L, .4.11A­C,. _,_��,,,.-'_,". .I�.t..V" --�" -.0-1�T �W_ . I'..o" �. ' � *---ll: I ; f.--U.N. ..:;_ , T.,:*.i., ��', 7'.;,R4 1..ft'� 9. , 1:lf:Sad_ -q -a-ki- ...i3O -.A.►;% .-' 4.- 1i... 1k�&X,,,,,,-.,�i';�­z�AJ'I)�,- t��,!.i�,;'4­;1�* ''ltpWl �� tV�' Lf��.tj! .it , N.J.,-'-I, . '. ,.. .. .-- .. - .-L0 -Z-j,� ,41 " ,.7.t"-'.1_� , . ' �..T:.,_�T1 .'.,..,�, 6",4",. .�'.:.;-'T.o,"-4.,:, -, t �-� L. 1'`�.. .Ir.I._.-.,.t:i�' .,� i... I ( i� i ,�-4- ..11'f.;!�j' '�. i,�,.J.., I -.��,.-.l..,;. ,,-j,.,,_� ! j�_"e- ..: --.- ,I-,� J. _ . � 6.,I � - , :%­.v .I ' ,, � "­ 4 �R J I�.., : t.,,. . � ­i I '.�.,..";�­ I .. �...,', �,, ,.4 I 1.. .'L..- ... . , � . . , ­ ., �. ..- � .:..... -.-...-.. -, .� .-I. . .. ...,..,.' 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"- P .. ."�:",� ;:i;. .­..e� .1: WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN ---------------------- Owners name --:Charles Wooten Jr. County:Pender Mail Address -:PO Box 44 Maple Hill NC Type of production unit---- :Finishing Number of animal units-----: 3672 , Type of waste facility ----- :Anaerobic Lagoon Temporary storage period ---: 180 days Method of application-- ---- :Irrigation Amount of animal waste produced--------.-------- 6977 tons/year Amount of plant available N produced by animals-: 8446 lbs./year Commercial N to apply on planned acreage -------- : 0 lbs./year Your animal waste utilization plan has been specifically developed for your swine operation. The plan is based on the soil types, crops to be grown, and method of application for your particular operation. The waste must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface and/or ground water. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops where the waste is to be applied. This waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient. Waste should be analyzed before each application cycle and annual soil tests are encouraged so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop to be grown. Several factors are.important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe manner. always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to -be -grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not applyindre nitrogen than the crop can utilize. Soil types are important as they have different infiltration rates and leaching potential. Waste shall not be applied to land eroding at greater than 5 tons per acre per year. Do not apply waste on saturated soils or on land when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters. Wind conditions should also be considered to avoid drift and downwind odor problems. To maximize the value of nutrients for crop production and to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or not more than 30 days prior to planting. Soil incorporation - of waste will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems. Page 2 The acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. Annual acreage requirements may be more or less based on the waste analysis report for your waste management facility. YOUR WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: Tract Field Soil Crop Yield Lbs.-'N' -Acres Lbs. N Month to No.. No. Type Code /Acre /Unit Used Apply 869 3 Fo -Z 5.1 50-.00 60.0 15300 MAR-OCT Total 60.0 15300 Available Nitrogen (includes commercial) 8446 Surplus Or Deficit -6854 Crop codes: Crop -unit A=Barley-bu. I=Oats-bu. B=Bermudagrass (graze) -tons J=Rye-bu. C=Bermudagrass(hay)-tons K=Small grain(graze)-acre D=Corn(grain)-bu. L=Small grain(hay)-acre E=Corn(silage) -tons M=Sorghum (grain) -cwt . F=Cotton-lbs. lint W=wheat-bu. G=Fescue(graze)-tons Y=Fescue(pasture)-tons H=Fescue(hay)-tons Z=Bermudagrass(pasture)-tons n Page 3 If more commercial fertilizer is used than shown in this plan, then additional acres of land may be needed. A three to fifteen feet wide permanent grass filter strip should be seeded along all ditches in fields that receive animal waste. Additional comments: -------------------- Adjc� k 41�--- A9- 1--e. a /V 4tA4r_��7 -at 1,0C - 1-, 2--- Kc AQ t-1 �ll_'Le! - 5___ __________ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Prepared by: itle: ` Date: S-C? . ��- ( i ) Concurred in by: Date: roducer I understand that I -must own or have access to equipment, primarily irrigation equipment; to land apply the.animal waste described in this waste.uti.lization plan. This equipment must be available at the appropriate pumping time such that no discharge occurs from the lagoon in a 25--year 1-day storm event. I also certify that the waste will be applied on the land according to this plan at the appropriate times and at rates that no runoff occurs. DAMaL Sk�s Date: Producer Technical Specialist: Date: �,45:",•ti•_I}r`; "'+W�' l.'f �' �-: ' % •• R" rW" ti�,til4'�+'44, , r, S� / t �••• ��-., "3"r+'w"y r`,:�'•';;.;il_a �,{',[y� ,c�. !t' p' .:ry.,'" �ii!I' "; a r ,,V. . is *,1 v '•f•'-.�' ,•: r: lfT•.. ,)►' • . rr:u G"•• ..r , •_w• 'r�Y •a�i' Yi r"•ti E '-"�r���y • .. ' r '`�.a #� �•C;:,', � ,. •t • r : y,,'r,•1+ ..✓ •r•%'. •.1..� +•',, : �•,. ..}V' 1''• Y .' • 1 i' t• .: r, ' :4 iWO: :V .� '+ }, rr,',• .,.• '. .a •' '` r \:.4•. iJd' 7ak'!• �/ •• y 1i�.,a .'�:. ' ' a.� ,��'w V,•.' 7' : r' �. % Jr :�.'}. �i: _.ti1 :F _, '�. 5��, �• "r':r,. •'r... ._ :#. G'-::Yi:;} �''! .a•t�t h,tn ::b'1„�1.i�,{i,�Yt,.I'1"}„i.l: .tiy�r• T .i)'+� '.:i°'.i• "''1'.N;1• .ri,c,.; ���i1/iiia:r; :a: •i-w ]T.i..t:. ...� : L• :i-4:K.:.r..• ,.y�:: ::�:: ;;��ii .dT.'. �� ..r. .. \ r,.t:��{ :'wa..{..r,..��..\�' a'.' _ •:r:. 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Wooten County: Pender Date. 10/07/94 Distance to nearest residence (other than owner): 1800.0 feet 1. AVERAGE LIVE WEIGHT (ALW) 0 sows (farrow to finish) x 1417 lbs. = 0 lbs • 0 sows (farrow to feeder) x 522 lbs. = 0 lbs 3672 head (finishing only) x 135 lbs. = 495720 lbs 0 sows (farrow to wean) x 433 lbs. = 0 lbs 0 head (wean to feeder) x 30 lbs. = 0 lbs Describe other : 0 Total Average Live Weight = 495720 lbs 2. MINIMUM REQUIRED TREATMENT VOLUME OF LAGOON Volume = 495720 lbs. ALW x Treatment Volume(CF)/lb. ALW Treatment Volume(CF)/lb. ALW = 1 CF/lb. ALW Volume = 495720 cubic feet 3. STORAGE VOLUME FOR SLUDGE ACCUMULATION Volume = 0.0 cubic feet 1. TOTAL DESIGNED VOLUME Inside top length (feet)---------------------- 400.0 Inside top width (feet)---------------------- 250.0 Top of dike elevation (feet)------------------ 36.0 Bottom of lagoon elevation (feet)------------ 24.0 Freeboard (feet)----------------------------- 1.0 Side slopes (inside lagoon)------------------ 3.0 : 1 Total design volume using prismoidal formula SS/END1 SS/END2 SS/SIDE1 SS/SIDE2 LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH 3.0 3. 0- 3.0 3. 0 394.0 244.0 11.0 f AREA OF TOP LENGTH * WIDTH = 394.0 244.0 _ AREA OF BOTTOM LENGTH * WIDTH = 326.0 178.0 96136 (AREA OF TOP) 58384 (AREA OF BOTTOM) AREA OF MIDSECTION LENGTH * WIDTH * 4 361.0 211.0 304684 (AREA OF MIDSECTION * 4) CU. FT. _ [AREA TOP + (4*AREA MIDSECTION) + AREA BOTTOM] * DEPTH/6 96136.0 304684.0 58384.0 1.8 Total Designed Volume Available = 841874 CU. FT. i. TEMPORARY STORAGE REQUIRED DRAINAGE AREA: Lagoon (top of dike) + Length * Width = 400.0 250.0 100000.0 square feet Buildings (roof and lot.water) 0.0 square feet Describe this area. TOTAL DA 100000.0 square feet Design temporary storage period to be 180 days. -A. Volume of waste produced Feces & urine production in gal./day per 135 lb. ALW 1.37 Volume = 495720 lbs. ALW/135 lbs. ALW * 1.37 gal/day 180 days Volume = 905515 gals. or 121058.2 cubic feet B. Volume of wash water This is the amount of fresh water used for washing floors or volume of fresh water used for a flush system. Flush systems that recirculate the lagoon water are accounted for in 5A. Volume = 0.0 gallons/day * 180 days storage/7.48 gallons per CF Volume = 0.0 cubic feet C. Volume of rainfall in excess of evaporation Use period of time when rainflall exceeds evaporation by largest amount. 180 days excess `rainfall = 7.0 inches Volume = 7.0 inn'`* DA / 12 inches per foot Volume = 58333.3 cubic feet •5b.' Volume of 25 year - 24 hour storm Volume = 8.0 inches / 12 inches per foot * DA Volume = 66666.7 cubic feet TOTAL REQUIRED TEMPORARY STORAGE 5A. 121058 cubic feet 5B. 0 cubic feet 5C. 58333 cubic feet 5D. 66667 cubic feet TOTAL 246058 cubic feet ;. SUMMARY Temporary storage period==T==_______________> 180 days Rainfall in excess of evaporation=====______> 7.0 inches 25 year - 24 hour rainfall__________________> 8.0 inches 1.0 feet Side slopes==_______________________________> 3.0 . 1 Inside top length======---------------------> 400.0 feet Inside top Width____________________________> 250.0 feet Top of dike elevation=====------------------> 36.0 feet Bottom of lagoon elevation__________________> 24.0 feet Total required volume===____________________> 741778 cu. ft. Actual design volume=====___- _-___---__> 841874 cu. ft. • Seasonal high watertable elevation (SHWT)===> 31.5 feet Stop pumping elev. __________________________> 32.0 feet Must be > or = to the SHWT elev.====______> 31.5 feet Must be > or = to min. req. treatment el.=> 30.0 feet Required minimum treatment volume=====______> 495720 cu. ft. Volume at stop pumping elevation==--=--___-_> 570368 cu. ft. Start pumping elev.______________________. __> 34.2 feet « Must be at bottom of freeboard & 25 yr. rainfall Actual volume less 25 yr.- 24 hr. rainfall==> 775207 cu. ft. Volume at start pumping elevation=====______> 766184 cu. ft. Required volume to be -'pumped=====___________> 179392 cu. ft. Actual volume planned to be pumped=====_____> 195816 cu. ft. Min. thickness"of Ero'il er when required==> ZALOald4 1.8feet DESIGNED BY: APPROVED BY: DATE: �p15,[ y� DATE: rU/�dJgQ NOTE: SEE ATTACHED WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN COMMENTS: This lagoon is designed for waste treatment (permanent storage) and 180 days of temporary storage. The time required for the planned fluid level (permanent and temporary storage) to be reached may vary due to site conditions, weather, flushing operations, and the amount of fresh water added to the system. The designed temporary storage consists of 180 days storage for: (1) waste from animals and (2) excess rainfall after evaporation. Also included is storage for the 25 year - 24 hour storm for the location. The volume of waste generated from a given number of animals will be fairly constant throughout the year and from year to year, but excess rainfall will vary from year to year. The 25 year rainfall will not be a factor to consider in an annual pumping cycle, but this storage volume must always be available. A maximum elevation is determined in each design to begin pumping and this is usually the outlet invert of pipe(s) from building(s). If the outlet pipe is not installed at the elevation to begin pumping, a permanent marker must be installed at this elevation to indicate when pumping should begin. An elevation must be established to stop pumping to maintain lagoon treatment depth. Pumping can be started or stopped at any time between these two elevations for operating convenience as site conditions permit, such as weather, soils, crop, and equipment in order to apply waste without runoff or leaching. Land application of waste water is recognized as an acceptable method of disposal. Methods of application include solid set, center pivot, guns, and traveling gun irrigation. Care should be taken when applying waste to prevent damage to crops. The following items are to be carried out: 1. It is strongly recommended that the treatment lagoon be pre - charged to 1/2 its capacity to prevent excessive odors during start-up. Pre -charging reduces the concentration of the initial waste entering the lagoon thereby reducing odors. Solids should be covered with effluent at all times. When precharging is complete, flush buildings with recycled lagoon liquid. Fresh water should not be used for flushing after initial filling. 2. The attached waste utilization plan shall be followed. This plan recommends sampling -and testing of waste (see attachment) before land application. 3. Begin temporary storage pump -out of the lagoon when fluid level reaches the elevation 34.2 as marked by permanent marker. Stop pump - out when the fluid level reaches elevation 32.0 . This temporary storage, less 25 yr- 24 hr storm, contains 179392 cubic feet or 1341849 gallons. 4. The recommended maximum amount to apply per irrigation is one (1) inch and the recommended maximum application rate is 0.3 Inch per hour. Refer to the waste utilization plan for further details. 5. Keep vegetation on the embankment and areas adjacent to the lagoon moved annually. Vegetation should be fertilized as needed to maintain a vigorous stand. _ 6. Repair any eroded areas or areas damaged by rodents and establish in vegetation. 7. All surface runoff is to be diverted from the lagoon to stable outlets. 8. Keep a minimum of 25 feet of grass vegetated buffer around Waste utilization fields adjacent to perennial streams. Waste Will not be applied in open ditches. Do not pump within 200 feet of a residence or Within 100 feet of a well. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 9. The Clean Water Act of 1977 prohibits the discharge of pollutants into waters of the United States. The Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environ- mental Management, has the responsibility for enforcing this law. a FOUNDATION PREPARATION: ----------------------- The foundation area of the lagoon embankment and building pad shall be cleared of trees, logs, stumps, roots, brush, boulders, sod and rubbish. Satisfactory disposition will be made of all debris. The topsoil from the lagoon and pad area should be stripped and stockpiled for use on the dike and pad areas. After stripping, the foundation area of the lagoon embankment and building pad shall be thoroughly loosened prior to placing the first lift of fill material to get a good bond. EXCAVATION AND EARTHFILL PLACEMENT: The completed excavation and earthfill shall conform to the lines, grades, and elevations shown on the plans. Earthfill material shall be free of material such as sod, roots, frozen soil, stones over 6 inches in diameter, and other objectionable material. To the extent they are suitable, excavated materials can be used as fill. The fill shall be brought up in approximately horizontal layers not to exceed 9 Inches in thickness when loose and prior to compaction. Each layer will be compacted by complete coverage with the hauling and spreading equipment or standard tamping roller or other equivalent method. Compaction will be considered adequate when fill material is observed to consolidate to the point that settlement is not readily detectible. NOTE THE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PLACEMENT OF LINERS IN THE LINER SECTION OF THIS SPECIFICATION. The embankment of the lagoon shall be Installed using the more impervious materials from the required excavations. Construction of fill heights shall include 5 percent for settlement. Dikes over 15 feet in height and with an impoundment capacity of 10 acre-feet or more 'fall under the jurisdiction of the NC Dam Safety Law. The height is defined as the difference in elevation from the constructed height to the downstream toe of the dike. Precautions shall be taken during construction to prevent excessive erosion and sedimentation. LINER: THE MINIMUM REQUIRED THICKNESS SHALL BE 1.8 ft. NOTE: LINERS (PARTIAL OR FULL) ARE REQUIRED WHEN THE ATTACHED SOILS INVESTIGATION REPORT SO' INDICATES DR WHEN UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IS ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION OF THE LINER IS INCLUDED IN THE DESIGN WHEN LINERS ARE REQUIRED BY THE SOILS REPORT. When areas of unsuitable material are encountered, they will be over - excavated below finish grade to the specified depth as measured perpendicular to the finish grade. The foundation shall be backfilled as specified to grade with a SCS approved material (ie - CL,SC,CH). REFER TO THE SOILS INVESTIGATION INFORMATION IN THE PLANS FOR SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS. in tine nana im will corm a ball Which does not readily separate. Water shall be added to borrow as necessary to insure proper moisture content during placement of the liner. The moisture content of the liner material shall not be less than optimum water content during placement. The maximum water content relates to the soil material being too wet for efficient use of hauling equipment and proper compaction. Proper compaction of the liner includes placement in 9 inch lifts and compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum ASTM D698 Dry Unit Weight of the liner material. When smooth or hard, the previous lift shall be scarified and moistened as needed before placement of the next lift. The single most important factor affecting the overall compacted perme- ability of a clay liner, other than the type of clay used for the liner, is the efficient construction processing of the compacted liner. The sequence of equipment use and the routing of equipment in an estab- lished pattern helps assure uniformity in the whole placement and compaction process. For most clay soils, a tamping or sheepsfoot roller is the preferable type of compaction equipment. The soil liner shall be protected from the discharge of waste outlet pipes. This can be done by using some type of energy dissipator(rocks) or using flexible outlets on waste pipes. Alternatives to soil liners are synthetic liners and bentonite sealant. When these are specified, additional construction specifications are included with this Construction Specification. CUTOFF TRENCH: -------------- A cutoff trench shall be constructed under the embankment area when shown on a typical cross section in the plans. The final depth of the cutoff trench shall be determined by observation of the foundation materials. VEGETATION: All exposed embankment and other bare constructed areas shall be seeded to the planned type of vegetation} as soon as possible after construc- tion according to the seeding specifications. Topsoil should be placed on areas of the dike and. -pad to be seeded. Temporary seeding or mulch shall be used if the recommended permanent vegetation is out of season dates for seeding. Permignent vegetation should be established as soon as possible during the next period of approved seeding dates. REMOVAL OF EXISTING TILE DRAINS ------------------------------- When tile drains are encountered, the tile will be removed to a minimum of 10 feet beyond the outside toe of slope of the dike. The tile trench shall be backfilled and compacted with good material such as SC, CL, or CH. AREA TO BE SEEDED: 7.0 ACRES USE THE SEED MIXTURE INDICATED AS FOLLOWS: 420.0 LBS. FESCUE GRASS AT 60 LBS. /ACRE (BEST SUITED ON CLAYEY OR WET SOIL CONDITIONS) SEEDING DATES: SEPTEMBER 1 TO NOVEMBER 30 FEBRUARY 1 TO MARCH 30 0.0 LBS. RYE GRAIN AT 30 LBS./ACRE (NURSERY FOR FESCUE) 0.0 LBS. 'PENSACOLA' BAHIA GRASS AT 60 LBS./ACRE (SEE FOOTNOTE NO. 1) SEEDING DATES: MARCH 15 TO JUNE 15 0.0 LBS. HULLED COMMON BERMUDA GRASS AT 8 LBS./ACRE (SUITED FOR MOST SOIL CONDITIONS) SEEDING DATES: APRIL 1 TO JULY 31 0.0 LBS. UNHULLED COMMON-BERMUDA GRASS AT 10 LBS./ACRE SEEDING DATES: JANUARY 1 TO MARCH 30 280.0 LBS. RYE GRASS AT 40 LBS./ACRE (TEMPORARY VEGETATION) SEEDING DATES: DECEMBER 1 TO MARCH 30 LBS. APPLY THE FOLLOWING: 7000.O LBS. OF 10-10-10 FERTILIZER (1000 LBS./ACRE) 14.0 TONS OF DOLOMITIC LIME (2 TONS/ACRE) 700.0 BALES OF SMALL GRAIN STRAW (100 BALES/ACRE) ALL SURFACE DRAINS SHOULD BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO SEEDING. SHAPE ALL DISTURBED AREA IMMEDIATELY AFTER EARTH MOVING IS COMPLETED. APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER THEN DISK TO PREPARE A 3 TO 4 INCH SMOOTH SEEDBED. APPLY SEED AND FIRM SEEDBED WITH A CULTIPACKER OR SIMILAR EQUIPMENT. APPLY MULCH AND SECURE WITH A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL OR NETTING. ' 1. PENSACOLA BAHIAGRASS IS SLOWER TO ESTABLISH THAN COMMON BERMUDA GRASS. "WHEN USING BAHIA, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT 8 LBS./ACRE OF COMMON BERMUDA BE INCLUDED TO PROVIDE COVER UNTIL BAHIAGRASS IS ESTABLISHED. J System Calibration Inforrrzation presented in manufacturer's charts are based on average open- on conditions with relatively new equipment. Discharge rates and application rates chance over time as equipmenr gets older and components wear. In particular, pump wear tends to reduce operating pressure and flow. With continued use, nozzle wear results in an increase in the nozzle opening which will increase the disc,harce rate while decreasing the wetted diameter. You should be aware that operating the system differently than assumed irr the design will alter the application rate, diameter or coverage, and subsequently the application uniformity. For example, operating the system with excessive pressure: results in smaller droplets, greater potential for drift, and accelerates wear o, the- sprinkler- nozzle. Clogging or nozzles can result: in pressure increase. Fluggect intakes or crystallization of mainlines will reduce operating pressure. Operating below design pressure greatly reduces the coverage diameter and application uniforrni y. For the above reason, you should calibrate your equipment on a reaulzr basis to ensure proper application rates and uniformity: Calibration at least once every Lhree yaws is recommended. Calibration involves colle ling and me2sL'r1F�G iiflW 2t several locations in the application area. Any number o-9: containers can be used to collect ;low and determine the application rate. Rain cauges work best because they already have a graduated scale from which to read the application amount withoLL -having to perform additional calculations However, pans, plastic buckets, jars, or an,,rt;-ping with a uniform opening and cross -sec -don can be used_ provided the liquid ccilected can be acsiiy transferred to a scaled container Tor mneasuring. For staaricnary sprinklers, collection containers should be located randomly thrcugho�r- the application area at several distances from sprinklers. For :raveling guns, sprinklers should be located along a transect perpendicular to the direction or pull. Se: out collection containers 25 feet apart- along the transect on both sides of the can cart. You should compute the average application rate for all nonuniformrzy of the application. On a windless day, variation between containers of more than 30 percent is cause for concern. You should contact your irrigation dealer or technical specialist for assistance. 'Reprinted ;'or C-ar`­rCtion Training for Operations of Anima! Wasre Management Systems Manual OP1UTTON & NLJALN�N CE PLAN Proper lagoon liquid maaagerne::t should be a ye-r-round rn"iorry. It is esaeaa?ly imgoratit toe levels so that you Co not have problems duriiio ezteIlded rainy aIId wecp=oes. M,-udmua s,�.ge capacity should be available in the Iagoon for aeiiods when tht- z=ivin- c:oD is dormant (such as wint=-ti ne for bt--mudagg''ss) or wheal th= are eztezide- zzdrry stx'ls such as the thund-storm season in the This mcans .that ar the ear sipis of Plant 'growth in the ia�~ wrote:/e.:�-iy spring irrigatioa ac=dmig tQ a faunwaste ssanzemenzt purl should be done whe..=ver the land is dry enough to rive Iagoorr liquid. This will r� storage sma = available in the lagoon for 'i -x- wet pe`iods_ In tut late. summer/ea*iy �I the Iagooiz should be aurrrei down to thelow (set Figure 2-I) to allow sor winter storage_ Every effort should be• malt to ma&=z&t the lagoon close to tht m nimun liquid level as -long as the weather and waste uttiizad= -Dian will allow it. �Vaddng =dl, the "Croon has -.r ed its rnax.Lnurx storage C=acty before to I2Tip- does not It ve room for s:=Hng excess Farr du exrznded wet periods. _ Oveflow from the lagoon for any :e.'son ex=-pt 2 2 -yew~,==-1"10ur sWrM is I V102MM of state Law and subi—_. to putty T-he rouyn a _j--= tenance of a involves the followin : iNiaritenance. of a vein ve cover for the dar_. Fescue or corirror, b�.l„ua2,ass are the most carnmon veg'e:arve ;over. The vep= �-- �::, yam- if -d— fir, Should. b F..�W,iZ...�'i .,...., 'n w, to =Ln In ivizoroz smaad'_ The a mount of fe�rniLz_ aimlierl should be based on a soils 't s . but in the event: that it is not _=L cacal to obtai= a s0i:5 IPSt �ac.1 'v'.:_-, '= 1 agoon e�T.F3ays:: e::= c'=1C su.—I LOU di3lg cT'..cS sho=,id be fe.-='--� w--Lh 800 pounds _ � apt o_ 10-10-10, or r^uivalent. 3r ash and is on the e:abariiane It :must be crntrolle3. This riav be done by rmowing =.y, =-g, grazing, chapping, or a combination of thse ar2cd=. UlT s should be done at least oncz a year and ,cssloly twice y,�:-s t�;z weather c�ndirians a.� zvorable for "Z eavy vegetadve g-o w ft. NOTE.: If vege:uon is controlled by straying, the nitist not be allows to eater the- Iagoon w--r Such cnem c ,s could ;Lzxm the bzzt=::i h1 the moon that ara the was,. Nfz int�an= iLsoe~dons of the e::d:.. lagoon should be made duzing the initial f�iLa; of then lagoon and rar least monthly and a. --L. tnaior rairu=all and storm. events. Items to be chccloi should include, as a =imum, the follow -in. waste Inlet Pines, Re:vciin Pipes, and 0ve_f:ow PiDw—look for. ? _ seoarmon or joints ? cracks or br�.�:-� 3. accunulador, o; salts or mine is overall -�. condinon of oiaes Lagoon surface —look for: 1. undesirable vegetative growth 2. floating or lodged debris Embankment —look for. 1. settlement, cracidng, or "jug" holes ?. side slope stability slumps or bulges 3. wet or dame ateas on the back- o sle 4. erosion due to lack of vegetation or as a result of wave actzoa 5. rodent damage Large; Lagoons may be subiect to Iin-- damages due to wave action caused by stron'- winds. Th= waves can erode the lagoon sidewalls, thereby weakening the lagoon dam_ A good stud or vegetation will reduce the potential damage caused by wave action- If wave action causes serious damage to a lagoon sidewall, baffles in- the.lagoorr may be used to reduce the wave impacts. Any of th= features could lead to erosion and weak.-=g of the dam. If your lagoon has any of tir�se features, you should call an appropriate e-perr fam-iliar with desig!�r and cons==.:ion of waste lagoons_ You rzay need to provide a te.• r)orary-fix if there is a tbreat of await`, discharge. Howeve., a permanent solution should be reviewed by the te~Irni e-pe Any di, ,: z irro a lagoon dam with heavy e;;uiument is a sm'ous under•-�-rg wim notendally serious consequences and should not be Conducted uw:ss r=om=-_: d�td by 2n aDpropriat =.-L-uca l ezpe. . ransfer Pumos---c-:k for proper ope=ion of: 1. recycling pumps 2. irigation pumps Chi for #eaks, loose fi-Ldnzs, and ove'-'L aumn ope-adon. An unusually loud or ceding �npo�is ,,moo= a �"-ge amount of vibr�or', nav indite ti•.a` the vu= is in need or r�,.�,ir or reolae.�"= NOTE: systems should be insperte3 and operated. :5=uently enough so teat you_ are not co=le:Vly "surprised" by ecuipment failure.' You should perform yourpuaving System um-riterance at a time whet your lagoon is at its low level. This will allow some safety tirne should major repairs be rewuired. Having a. neariy full lagoon is nor the time to think- about switching, repairing, or borrowing pumps. Probably, rf yourlagoon is full, your neighbors lagoon is full also. You should consider maintaining an inventory of star` parts or pumps_ Sumacs water dive:mon features are designed to carry all surface drzinage waters (such as rainfall runoff, root drainage, gutter outlets, and paridng lot ranoff� away from your lagoon and other waste Lmatment or storage structures. The only water that should be coning from your -lagoon is that which comes from your -flushing (�szsiiing) system pipes and the rainrall that hits the Igoon- directly. You should insert your diversion syste.-n for the following: I . adequate- veg°mdon 2. diversion caoac ty . ridge bern height zd=ti:Eed problems should be corrected promptly. It is advisable to inspect your system during or immediately following a heavy rain. If technical assistance is needed to de=­rnine proper solutions, consult with appropriarn- expe=_ You should r=rd the Ievel of the lagoon just prior to when rain is predicted, and then record the level again 4 to 6 hours after the rain (assumes there is no pumping). This wilL give you an idea of now much your lagoon level will rise with a c.sain rainfall amount (you must also be r=ording your rainfall for this to work)_ Knowing this should 'help in planning irrigation applications and storage. Ti your lagoon rises excessively, you may have an inf[ow problem from a safface water diversion or there may be seepage into the lagoon from the surrounding land. Lagoon- Operation Startup: 1. Immediateiv after construction establish a tom-Dletr sod cover on bate soil surfaces to avoid erosion. 2_ Fail new lagoon design tr-mtmen. t volurne at lie--Sz half full of warn. before waste loading bezns, Ong care not to erode linLng or bank slopes. Dr inpires into the lagoon should have a rieubie Dine extender on dhe and or the pipe to cscha_ge near the bottom, of uhe lagoon durL, _--idal hiiinz or anouler rneaWs of 510wIin- the into rn::^_g w-ate. to avoid wnaon or - the iil-un1. 4. When possible. begin loading new lagoons in tar spring to mardr, Le bacrCnal estabiasi m=r (due to warner weather). 5_ It is r=rnmende 'Uha: a new boon be seeder with sludge from a hey worming swLne izoon in the amount of 0.25 per.=r of the fall-Izzoon lacuid volume. Uris sing should oc ;our at least two weeks p_ orm the acaation of was_Mwa=. 6. Maintain a periodic check on the lagoon liquid t1H _ If the pH fills below 7.0, add agricultu:7d Tune at the raze of 1 Dound per 1000 cubic fee_' of lagoon liquid volume until the pH rises above 7.0. Optimum lagoon Iiquid DH is between 7.5 and 8.0. 7. a dark color, lack of bubbling, and excessive odor signals inadiequa:e biological activity. Consultation with a tecru-dca m3eclalist is re=mnlended if these conditions occur for prolonged periods, especially during the warm season. Loading: The more gently and regulariv that wastewater is addled to a lagoon, the bet=the lagoon will M- 12cdon. Flush syste.nis teat wash waste into the Ia;oon several times daily are optimum for ==11ent. Pit re`harae sysm—ns, in which one or more buildings are drain and recharge-d each day, also work well'. Practice water conservation ---minimize building water usage and spillage from Ieakin; waterers, broken pipes and washdown through proper maintenance and water conservaaon. Minimize feed wasmge and spillage by Doing feeders adjusted. This will reduce the amount of solids entering the Iagoon Maaa,�Qeaiezzt - ' Maintain Loon liquid level betwe~a the pe-raarient storage level and the full temDoraly storage level. Place visible markers or stapes on the lagoon bane to snow the minimum liquid level and the maximum liquid lever (Figure 2-1). Start irrigating at the eari.iest possible date in the spring based on re nutrient cuirernpnts and soil moisture so that'temporary storage will be rr=mL-.-- for the summer thund--storm sen. on. Similarly, i`igate in the late summer/early fall to provide mazimurn lagoon storage for the wing. ?he lazoon liquid }eve: should raver be close: than 1 foot to the lowest VOi= or the or epbaruanent. Do not uur o tape iz oon Hcuid level lower th4ar the permanent storaz-- level unless you a-- removing sludge. Locate fioa: puniv i,,=-Kes approximately 18 inca.,�s underneath the r1 _ ' su pace and as f` away floe the drainpipe inlets as possible. Prevent additions of bedding matzz-ials, Ion---_==ed forage or-ves:.mzion, molded feed, svr-:nges, or other 1oreiza n z- rims into the Ia:oon_ rrequently remove solids from catch basins ar end of confinemenr houses -or ' !n yr else. th ev G-'.. 4-151 11t :. Maintain strict vegetation, rodent, and varmint control near lagoon edgm Do not allow trees or large bushes to grow on Iagoon darn or embankment Rennove sludge _If'= the lagoon either when the sludge storage ca_t;adty is full or before it fails d0 percent of the perma_rr- t s-Lorage volume. .. L animal production is to be terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and imalemendn- a closure plan to ,,— rH �i..-rate the possibility oi' a pollutant dischar3t_ Sludge Removal: Raze of Iagoon sludge buildup car, be reduced by: proper lagoon ginner m--hanical solids =ar=on of flushed Wzsi=, gravity sealing of bushed waste solids in an appropriately designed basin, or mir imir - feed wa age and spillagge. Lagoon sludge that is removed annually rather than stored long term will: have more numents, have more odor, and require more land to properly use the nutrients. Removal tzc znniques: Hire a custom a=iicator. Ntiiz the sludge and lagoon liquid with a chopper-arPitaror impeller pump through IL e-bore sprinkler =gation system onto nearby c pound; and soil incot-Doraz:. ' Dewater t1ze uuver part of lagoon by L= tion Onto nearby cropland or sludge; ipurnp into Liquid sludge apptt r, flan and spread onto c:vuia..ud or :orage?a.,d; and so-- rri=porate. Dewater the uc-ne. )zr- of lagoon by L=2:adon onto nearby croWard. or forzzeland; dre °e shudge horn lagoon with dr line or sludge barge: berm an. area beside la oor. to receive the Sludge so t_ria'. liquids Can drain back into Iazoon; allow siudze to dewate; ; 'maul and spread with manure s_u onto cropiwid o. =orLeiand; and soil incoz=rz Regardless of _he meehod, you mcst have the sludge mate, ai an dvzed for waste consaments jzs: as you would tour Ia;oon water. The sludge -,will contain djff . rat nutrient and r::e:s? values u0m to Hauid. The application of the siud4e to fields :Ui -be limited by these nu€rients as well =s any previous waltz appii=zions to that field and Mot) recuil-eme-Z: Waste apDL=don ;-aT.es will be discussed in eemil in Chapter .i. When removing sludge, you must also pay attention to the liner to prevent damage. Close axt=tion by the pumper or drag -Line operator will ensure tha: the lagoon line: re.•nains intact If you s,.:. soil material or toe synthetic line: iTiate:Xa . being disturbed, you should stop the aCZ_'Lvlty immediateiv and not resume until you are sure that the sludge can be removed witi-,out liner iniurv. If to liner is damaged it must be repaired as soon as possible. Sludge removed from the lazoon has a much higher phosphor -as and. heavy metal c r,=t than liquid- Bemuse of this it should probably be applied to iazad with low phosniiorus and rnezl Ieve;_�, as indicrtei by a soil test, and incarpCrLa= to reduce the chance of erosion. Note t:'iat if the sludge is agnlied to f eids wit;Z very , . soil -test phosph�, it: should be a iied only at rates equai to the crop rernoval or phosphorus. As with o±=- wastes, always have your fagoon siudge anadyzed for Its nut_aent value. The ar, uii or, of sfud-e wilt iazc-mse the amount of odor at the waste application sit Extra should be us.:.: to observe the wind dirge_=: on and other conditions Which could ancr se the concern of neiat:bors. Possible Causes of Lagoon Failure Lagoon failures,result in the unplanned discharge of wastewater from the structure Types of failures include leakage through the bottom or sides, overtopping, and breach of the dam- Assuming- proper design and construction, the owner has the responsfoility for ensaidng structure safety. Items which may lead to lagoon failures include: Modification or the lagoon structure —an example is the plac =t of a.pipe in the dam without prope< design and consamcdon. (Consult an =De L in lagoon design before pig any pipes is dams-) Lagoon liquid levels —high levels -are a safety risk. Failure to inspect and maintain the dam - Excess surface ware: flowing into the lagoon_ Liner integrity—=t...—t from inlet -pipe scouring, damage during sludge removal, or rupture From lowering Loon liquid level below g o=dwatm €-able. NOTE: L"lsoon water is allowed to overtoo the dam, the :roving water;;U sooa C�'TtCe gullies to form in the darn. On= this e st2-tS, it can quickly. cause a large risc: �e of and vossNe dam iGiaure. EMERGENCY ACTIONPLAN PHONE NUMBERS DIVISION OF WATER QUALIT`! (DWQ) 9/0 375 3 9C-J�) EMERGENCY MANAGEMNi= i SERVICES (EMS) zo r al c> SOIL AND WATER CONScRVA T ION DISTRICT (SWCD) o 59 y3o NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE (MRCS) o 1154 30 COOPERATTVE EXTERSION SERVICE (CES) ra This plan will be implemented in the event that wastes from your operation are leaking, overflowing or running off site. You should not wait until wastes reach surface waters or leave you property to consider that you have a problem. You should make every effort` to ensure that this does not happen. This plan should be posted in an accessible location for all' employees at the facility. The following are some action items you should take. I-. Stop the release of wales. Depending on the situation, this may are may nor be possible. Suggested responses to some possible problems are lined belwo. A. Laccon overrlow-passible solutions are: a. =kdd soil to berm, to increase elevation o. dam. b. Pump wastes to fie:ds at an acceptable rate. C. Stop all Mows to thl -e lagoon immediate.y. d. Call a pumping contractor. e. Make sure no su +ace water is enterinc lacoon. B. Runoil from wasta Goolication field -actions include: a. Immediately stop ,Naste application. o. Create a temporary diversion to contain waste. c. Incorporate waste to reduce runoff' d. Evaluate and eliminate the reason(si that cause the runoff. e. Evaluate the Copiication rates for the fieids where runoff occurred. C. Le-=kace from the waste pipes and sprinklers-aczion include: a. Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. c. Close valves to eliminate further discharge. d. Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. D. Leakage from flush systems, houses, solid separators -action include: a. Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. c. Make sure siphon occurs. d. Stop all flows in the house, flush systems, or solid separators. E. Leakage from base or sidewall of lagoon. Often this is seepage as opposed to flowing leaks -possible action: a. Dig a small sumo or ditch from the ernbankmenLto catch all seepage, put in a submersible pump, and pump back to lagoon. b. If holes are caused by burrowing animals, trap or remove animals and fill holes and compact wi-,h a clay type soil. c. Have a professional evaluate the condition of the side walls -and lagoon ba—norn as soon as possible. T 2. Assess the extent of the spill and note any obvious damages. 3. 4. 6_4 A a. Did the waste. reach any surface waters? b. Approximately how much was released and for what duration? c. Any damage notes, such as employee injury, fish kills, or property damage? d. Did the spill leave the property? e. Does the spill have the potential to reach surface waters? f. Could a future rain event cause the spill to reach surface waters? g. Are potable water wells in danger {either on or off the property}? h. How much reached surface waters? Conzac-L appropriate agencies. a. Durinc normal business hours call your DWQ regional office; Phone--. After hours, emergency number: 919-733-3942. Your phone call should include: your name, facility number, telephone number, the details of the incident from item 2 above, the exact location of the facility, the location or direction of movement of the spill, weather and wind conditions. The correc�ive measures that -have been under taken, and the seriousness of the sizution. b. If spill leaves property or enters surface waters, call local EMS phone number. C.- Instruct EMS to contact local Helath Department. d. Ccnzacz CCS, phone number - , local SWCD of Tice phone number - -, and local NRCS o ffice for adviCa; tic' nical assistance phone number - If acne of -he above works call 911 or the cheriil's Department and explain you prable.m. to them and ask the person to can -act the proper agencies far you. Ccnta= contractor of your choice to begin repair or problem to minim,ze off - site damage. a. Coy =zraczors Name: b. Contrac-mrs Addres,, c. Contractors Phone: Contac-, the technical specialist who cerified the lacoon (NRCS, Consulting Engineer, ezc.) a. Nam, e: e � C� \'�e-S b. Phone: "% k — 7. Impfe.rnent procedures as -advised by DWO and technical assistance agencies to rectify the damage, repair the system, and reassess the waste managment plan To keep problems with release of wastes from happening again. 014 INSECT CONTROL CHECKLIS i FOR ANIMAL OPER;,MONE Source Cause BMP's to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices (Liquid Systarrtsl Rush Gutters Accumulation of solids r--usn system is dasigned and operated suf-ciendy to remove accumulated soilds from gutters as dasigned. (} Remove bridging of ac emulated solids at discharge Lagoons and Pits Cru=ad Solids (LKMaintain lagoons. setting basins and pits where pest breeding is apparent to minimize the crusting of solids to a death of no more than 6r3 inches over more than ZC% of surface. Excessive Vegetative Decaying vegetation ) aintain vegetative control aiang banks of Growth lagoons and other imooundments to prevent accumulation of decaying vegetative matter airing waters edge on imnoundment's parimstm (Dry Systems) Feeders Food Spillage {) Design. caerate anc maintain iced systems (e.;.. bunkers and trcu„ns) t0 minimize the accs^tu:a7on of decaying wastage. (} Glean uo sniilage on a routine basis (e.g. 7-10 day interval during summer; I S-30 day interval during winmr). teed Storage Accumulations of feed residues ( ) Reduce noisture arc: muiarion within and arcund immeCiate perimeter of feed storage areas by insuring crainage awav from site and/or providrg adeauate containment (e.„.. covered bin far brewer's grain and similar high moisture grain products). () Insoec; `.or and remove or break up accumuieted solids in filter strips around feed storage as needed_ Animal Holding Areas Accumulations of animei wastes ( ) Eliminate low area that trap moisture along fences and feed wastage and other locations where waste accumulates and and disturoance by animais is minimal. () Maintain fence rows and filter strips around anims holding areas to minimize accumulations of wastes C.e. insoec- for and rarnove or break up accumulated solids as needed)- AlIC—November 11. 1996 Dry Manure HorxZng Accumulations of erimal wastes { } Remove spillage an a routine basis (a,Q.7.1a dry systems intervai during surraner, 1-0-30 days interval during winner) where manure is loaded for land appicason or d3spas d. (} Provide for adequate drainage around manure smckpias. () Irspecz for and rarttvve or break up accumedemd s in Filter snipes around mtockpilas and manure hendsung aroma as needed. terse issues checked (} pertain to this operation. The landownerTnregr;rml- agrees to use sound judgmenr in applying insect cantmi measures as practical. I certify the aforemerrrioned Insect control Best Management- Practices have been reviewed with me_ k owner Signawre) =or more infonTzation C*rC=z--UIo Cooperative Extensors Service, Department of Entomology, Box 7613,.North Carolina State Umersity, Raleigh. NC ;7695-7613. AMIC-November I I, 1996 �! SWiNE FARM WASTE MANAGEME\!T ODOR CONTROL CHECKLIST Source Cause BMP S to Minimize Odor She Spe'dfic Pracgces Farmstead Swine production V getauve or woo -and buffers; eammended best management p c5ces; Good jucrrnenr and common sense Animal body surfaces Dirry manure�overW animas ( ) Dry floors Floor surfaces War manure -covered floors w�lottad floors; U-Waterars located over slorred floors; t,y'Fe ers at high and of solid floors; Scrape manure buildup from flaers; {) Uncefffoor ventilation for drying Manure collection pits Urine L),f�-requanr manure removal by f}ush.pit recharge.or scrape Perital micarbiai decamaosidan (} Underfloor ventilation Ventilation exhaus.— .arcs Voladie gases; ra aintenancs; Dust _:fcient air movement Indoor surfaces roust (),,�Znaown between groups of animals {) Feed additives; (} Feeeer cavern; () 'reed delivery downsaour extenders to feeder covers Foush tanks .agitation of recycieo lagoon () Flusn tonic covers liquid whiles tanks are flAng O Extend fiil lines to near bartom of tonics with anti-sionon vents Flush alleys Agitation during westewater ( ) Underfloor "usn wi:tt undarfloor conveyanance ventilation Pit recharge points Agitation of recycles lagoon ( ) :xtenc rec:-tara fines to near bottom of liquid while pits are filling pins with anti-siohon vents Lift stations Agimdon during sumo ,&* filling () Suma tank covers and drawdown Outside drain collection Agitation during wastewater (} Box covers or )unction boxes conveyance End of drainpipes ar lagoon Agitation during wastewater ( ) Extend ciscnargo point of pipes underneath lagoon iicuid level Lagoon surfaces Volatile gas emissions reoer lagoon liquid eaaaeity riological mixing rrec: lagoon star. -.co procedures AgiUcion ("" ') MM�ii�nimum surface area-ro-volume ratio aid, rurnum agitation when pumping {) Mecnanical aeration () Proven biological additives !rngation sprinkler nodes Hiun pressure agitation 7.:'rs'� ate Wirth on cry aays littia or no wind Wind dratt (murn recommended aoeration pressure ( rr1-0 intaKc near lagoon liquid surface { ) Purno from second -stage lagoon ;MOC—November 11. 1996 •f n Storage tank or basin ?atrial rnicrobiai decomposition { ] aottorn or rridlevel loading surface Mining whiia ITiring { } Tank covers A Laden when am n Ci PM g {) Saain surface macs of solids (] Proven biological additives or oxidants Settling basin surface martial micabial decomposition () Extend drainpipe outlets underneath liquid Muting while filling level Agitation when emptying {) Remove settled solids regularly Manure. siurry or sJuoge Agitation when spreading { ) Soil injection of slurry/sludges spreader outlets Volatile gas emissions ( ) Wash residual manure from spreader after use { ) Proven biological additives or oxidants Uncovered manure, slurry Volatile gas emissions whiie drying { } Soil infection of slury/sludges or sludge on field surfaces { } Soil incorporation within 4$ hours { } Spread in thin uniform layers for rapid drying { } Proven biological additives or oxidants Dead animals Carcass decomposition () Proper disposition of carcasses Dead animal disposal Carcass decomposition (} Complete covering of carcasses in burial pits pits {) Proper location/construction of disposal pits Incinerators Incomplete corlousdon { } Secondary stack burners Standing water around improper drainage ' retie and landscape sump treat water drains facilities Microbial decomposition Of away from facilities organic matter Manure tracked onto puwiic Peony maintained access roads ( Farm access road maintenance roads from farm access Additional Information: Aveiiable From: Swine Manure Management CZ30 riufa/3MP?ackst NCSU-wunyExtension Canter Swine Production Farm Potential Odor Sources and Remedies. MAE Pact Sheet N SL;-3AF- Swine Production Faciiry Manure Management: Pit Racharga—Lagoon T rasanen,: ESAE- I Z3-aa NCS'J-3A'c S wine Production Faciiity Manure Management: Underfloor Ruse —Lagoon Treatment; =SAE 7 Zs-a3 NCSU-aAe _agoon Desig and Managemen, for Livestock Manure Treatment and Storage; ESAE 703-S3 NCSLr3Ac Caiibiaticn of Manure and Wastewater Application iE. Womertt: cM' Ac Fact Sheet NCSUL-3AE Contrafling Odors from Swine Suiidings; PiH-33 NCSU-SMne Extension nvironmental Assuranc Program_ NPPC Manna! NC Pont Produces Assoc Corions for Managing Odor. a resort from the Swine Odor Task Force NCSU Agri Cornnwricadons Nuisance Concerns in Animal Manure Management: Odor: and Fifes; PRO i 07. 1995 Conference Proceedings neride Cooperative Extension The issues c:seciced ( ) Pertain to this ooerazian. The landovvrler/irrtegrator agrees to use sound judgment in applying odor control measures as pracical. certify he aforemerndoned odor control Sect Managment Pre i ,,,IOC—Novemoar IT. 1296 MORTALITY MANAGEMENT METHODS (check which method(s) are being implemented) ( ) Burial three feet beneath the surface of the ground within 24 hours after knowledge of the death. T-he burial be at (east 300 feet from any flowing steam or public body of water. { endering at a rendering plant licensed under G. S. 106-166.7 ( ) Compleze incineration # } In the case of dead poultry only, placing in a disposal pit of a size and design approved by the Department of Agriculzure. ( } J N method which in the professional opinion of the State Veterinarien would make possible the salvage of par of a dead anirnal's value withoLr endangering human or animal health. (Wr;t,en approval of the State Veterinarian must. be at-rached) ,1i7I L WASTE KANAGZ=TT PIJ�,H CERTIFICATION FOR NEW OR ESPANDED FEEDLOTS ks... f Please =*turn the completed form to the Divinioa of Euvi=Oamental Management at the addreaa on the ravarae aide of.thia form. Name of farm (Please print): Charles Wooten, Jr. Farm Address 4 M=le Hill NC 26454 Phone No.: County: Pander Farm location: Latitude and Long itude:ae4j!4' /77 44 _ (required) Also, please attach a copy of a county road map with location identified. TI/pe of operation (swine, layer, dairy, etc.} Swine Design capacity (number of animals): 3672 Feeder O Average size of operation (12 month -population avg.): 1672 _ _ Average acreage needed for land application of +aste (acres)1 FAQ Technical Specialist Certification As a technical specialist designated by the North Carolina Soil and water Conservation Commission pursuant to 1SA NCAC 5F .0005, 1 certify that the new c expanded animal waste management system as installed for the farm named abojR'c has an animal waste management plan that meets the design, construction, operation and maintenance standards and specifications of the Division of Environmental tanagement and the USDA -Soil Conservation Service and/or the North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commissi--in pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H.0217"and. 15A NCAC 6c .0001-.0005_ The following elements and their` corresponding minimum criteria nave been verified by me or other designated technical specialists and are included in the plan as applicable: minimum separations (buffers); liners or equivalent for lagoons or waste storage ponds; waste storage capacity; adequate quantity and amount of land for waste utilization (or use of third party); access or ownership of proper waste application equipment; schedule for timing of applications; application rates; loading rates; and the control of the discharge of pollutants from stormwater runoff events less severe than the 25-yeas, 24-hour sC0r'm- Name of Technical Affiliation: 6 Address (Agency): :ialist (please Print): M. KeVin WeStOn r Farms, Tftd Phone No. Signature: Date:_/�� Owner/ldansagar Agrsement I (we) understand the operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste management plan for the farm named above and will implement these procedures_ I (we) know that any additional expansion to the existing design capacity of the waste treatment and storage system or construction of new facilities :rill require a new certification to be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management before the new animals are stocked_ I (we) also understated that there must be no discharge of animal waste from this system to surface :raters of the state either through a man-made conveyance or through runoff from a storm event less severe than the 25-year, 24-hour storm. The approved plan will be filed at the farm and at the office of the local SOLI and Water Conservation District. Nama of Land Qwder (P1 Signature: e Print}: Charles S. Wooten, Jr. Date: Name, of lion e,r, if different from owner (Please print): "� SignatC S � ure: U ,Date: H95 ee : A change in land ownership r ires not i f icat ion or a new certification (if the approved plan is changed) to be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management within 60 days of a title transfer. DEt: USZ 0NLY:ACZTe.44 ]iIDOD.SO7 G tau cn l ( •',' S�{•�� 270 Old Maple Hill Rd. / DEC a 19,7 Maple Hill, NC 28454 VU,1tER QUALITY 2 December 1997 5-- IC)ti Mr. Steve W. Tedder Water Quality Section Chief / DWQ P. O. Box 29535 ' Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Re: Notice of Violation and Assesment of Civil Penalty for Violation of N.C.G.S. 90 A-47.2 and 15A NCAC 8F. 0201 Bear Ridge Farm Facility #: 71-069 Pender County Case #: OV 97-068 Dear Mr. Tedder: This is to request release of the civil penalty assessed against the referenced farm because of the following reasons : 1. There was no water quality problem according to G.S. 143B-282.1(b). 2. We had several inspections and no inspector pointed out this problem. I was not awareof the rule requiring this information to be sent in. I sent in the OIC designation form as soon as I became aware of the problem 3. After I completed the class and testing, I assumed that the certificate that was issued wasall that was needed. As soon as I became aware of the required procedures, I completed and faxed the necessary form. If I fad been aware of these procedures and requrrments sooner, I would have complied with the requirements. I am enclosing herewith the Waiver of Right to An Admim"sWative Hearing and Stipulation of Facts. ECEIVED DEC t i 1997i WATER QUALITY SECTION sore-�is�h.ar Comn+iance Ed If father information is needed, please let me know. c ely, Charles Wooten Jr. I r i41� STATE OF IJORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL '_-VtA\IAGEMENNT COMMISSION COUl�iTY OF IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT } WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN OF CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST } ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND PERMIT NO..7 i - 0 STIPULATION OF FACTS FILE NO. 0 l 22 -- v tog Having been assessed civil penalties totalingfor violation(s) as set forth in the assessment document of the Director of the Division 'of Water Quality dated, _ FJG 1` -I'l7 , the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the civil penalties, does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above -stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessment document. Thisthe 3 day of - '?!ER 19g7 , NATURE F.V*P0 V 2 7d Ole,) 3Tlzl- StatL5 of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Janes B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director July 5, 2000 CERTIFIED '.IAIL 9"7000 06J0 00233 4229-8421 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Charles S. Wooten, Jr. Bear Ridge Farm 2850 NC Hwy 50 Maple Hill, NC 28454 Dear Mr. Wooten: fflze.KWA A&114 A NCDENR ENVIRONMENT AND N/CTLRAL RESOURCES Subject: Notice of Violation & Recommendation for Enforcement Bear Ridge Farm Facility Number: 71-69 Pender County This letter is to notify Mr. Charles S. Wooten, Jr., who holds Certificate of Coverage AWS710069 under Swine Waste General Permit AWG100000 issued pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, of violations of the General Permit. On April 13, 2000, Mr. Stonewall Mathis and Ms. Greer McVicker of the Wilmington Fiena.or'%ri I,eFie}rmed 3.l: ii...�+ r:.YS.- :' s• �1:S-1.cdC 1,IClAe Farm. liu,ing the in�lpectioii, it. -!.Vas discovered that animal waste had aiscilargcd 1:o.n the land application system into a ditch that drains to Angola Creek. Angola Creels is a tributary to the Northeast Cape Fear River and is classified as (C-swamp) waters of the State. Ponding of animal waste was also observed in the sprayfield. i � 10 r Part P-eu rni anc. ~.3_..•;�:, t-A �Y.;�� 1� r 1 J �� �n�;e =i�."'f 1'i12t_ 1. ..A:_ �' iI:_ v t_�11-•1-vi:}.f c'-�= E:_� +_ Which T''g fires that ail.', :i Lknalwaste m:magerrent syst'_tm La etreCl',.' I m,.j lti3�.:1e `i- y d and ciptr.atLd as a non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of pollutants to surface waters, wetlands, or ditches. This is also a violation of Part 1. Performance Standards, Section 2 of the General Permit which incorporates the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) into the General Permit and specifies that any violation of the CAWMP shall be considered a violation of the General Permit; the CAWMP requires that animal waste not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways, or wetlands by discharge or by overspraying, that animal waste be applied such that runoff does not occur, and that no ponding should occur. This is also a violation of Part II. Operation and Maintenance Requirements, Section I of the General Permit which requires that the land application equipment and fields be properly operated. This is also a violation of Part U(4) of the General Permit which requires that runoff shall not result during any given application. You are also in violation of Part III. Monitoring and Reporting Requirements, 127 North Cardinal Dr., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/100/. post -consumer paper Mr. Charles S. Wooten, Jr -- July 5, 2000 4 Page Two Section 6 of the General Permit for failure to report by telephone to the Wilmington Regional Office this overapplication of animal waste in excess of the limits set out in the CAWMP and for failure to file a written report to the DWQ Regional Office outlining this occurrence and corrective actions addressing this occurrence within 5 days. Please submit a Plan of Action which addresses the noted violations. The Plan of Action should include: ]) A list of n T, and a�l acti` s taken to correct the noted violations. Please include any mitigation efforts. 2) A fist of any and all modifications that have been and will be implemented to prevent future violations along with a timetable for completion of the modifications. The written Plan of Action must be submitted to this office within ten days of receipt of this notice. Please be advised that this office is considering recommending assessment of civil penalties to the Director of the Division of Water Quality for the above noted violations. These violations may result in civil penalties of up to $10,000 per violation in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A(a)(2). You may also be assessed for reasonable costs of the investigation in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.3(a)(9). If you have an explanation for these violations that you wish to present, please submit your written response along with the Plan of Action. Your response will be forwarded to the Director along with the enforcement package for his consideration. Be advised that if the above violations are not corrected, the Division of Water Quality may take further action including assessment of additional civil penalties, injunctive relief, and peI'rnat re5'G�:at�nF;• - v , _ r if you have'. any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call Mr. Stonewall Mathis at 910-395-3900 ext. 203 or Mr. Steve Lewis at 919-733-5083 ext. 539. Sincerely, Rick Shiver Water Quality Regional Supervisor cc: Jason Turner, Pender County Soil and Water Conservation Harry Lewis, Pender County Health Department Kevin Weston, Murphy Farms Central Files Wilmington Files S:IWQSIANIlVIALSIPENDER12000171-69novrfe Bear Ridge Farm 270 Old Maple Hill Rd, JUL 2 8 1997' Maple Hill , N.C.. 28454 LBY: Brian L. Wrenn D.E.M. Dear Mr, Wrenn: I have shade arraignments with a. contractor. To repair all erosion areas on the lagoon dike and to the ditch next to my spray field. It is my intention to have this completed by AUGUST 10, 1997. Sincer ly C les S. ooteis r. iv Er ru Postage nj Certified Fee rm Retum Receipt Fee ru (Endorsement Required) C3 r-3 Restricted Qelivery Fee (Endorsement Required) C3 Total Postage & Fees tease C :' YLLWiA Y161 C'3 Apt. No-� C:3 C:3 I— Crty State, LP4 L --------- T ---------------- ----- ---------------- --------- j V0178 V wd- 0 see Fieverse for In, . t7,.,-,, State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources ` • Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor p E H N Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director April3, 1997 Charles Wooten Charles Wooten, Jr. Farm PO Box 44 Maple Hill, NC 28454 SUBJECT: Notice of Violation Designation of Operator in Charge ..Charles Wooten, Jr. Farm Facility Number 71--69 Pender County Dear Mr. Wooten: You were notified by letter dated November 12, 1996, that you were required to designate a certified animal waste management system operator as Operator in Charge for the subject facility by January 1, 1997. Enclosed with that letter was an Operator in Charge Designation Form for your facility. Our records indicate that this completed Form has not yet been returned to our office. For your convenience we are sending you another Operator in Charge Designation Form for your facility. Please return this completed Form to this office as soon as possible but in no case later than April 25, 1997. This office maintains a list of certified operators in your area if you need assistance in locating a certified operator. Please note that failure to designate an Operator in Charge of your animal waste management system, is a violation of N.C.G.S. 90A-47.2 and you will be assessed a civil penalty unless an appropriately certified operator is designated. Please be advised that nothing in this letter should be taken as absolving you of the responsibility and liability for any past or future violations for your failure to designate an appropriate Operator in Charge by January 1, 1997. If you have questions concerning this matter, please contact our Technical Assistance and. Certification Group at (919)733-0026. Sincerely, 1j. for Steve W. Tedder, Chief Water Quality Section bb/awdesletl cc: Wilmington Regional Office Facility File Enclosure P.O. Box 29535, �� FAX 919-733-2496 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 N�� An Equa! Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Telephone 919-733-7015 1 - 50% recycles/10% post -consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regioud office James B. Hunt, Jr. Division of Water Quality Jonathan B. Howes Governor Secretary June 20, 1997 area.. -M I Charles Wooten, Jr. Bear Ridge Farm 270 Old Maple Hill Road Maple Hill, NC 28454 Subject: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY Bear Ridge Farm Facility Number: 71-69 Pender County Dear Mr. Wooten: On June 18, 1997 Staff from the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality, inspected your animal operation and the lagoon(s) serving this operation. It was observed that some erosion of the clay liner has occurred on the lagoon. Large cuts were observed in various sections of the inner and outer dike walls of the lagoons. It is our concern that some of these gullies may become deep enough to cut through the liner material and sacrifice the integrity of the structure. As was discussed at the time of the inspection, the cuts should be filled with a suitable clay material, compacted and reseeded with an appropriate vegetative cover. In addition, the washout along the ditch line adjacent to the spray fields should be filled and reseeded to prevent further erosion and to reduce the risk of runoff. We suggest that you contact your service company, local NRCS or Soil and Water District office for any assistance they may be able to provide to correct the situation. To remain a deemed permitted facility, you must notify this office in writing within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of this notice, what actions will be taken to comply with your waste management plan. Failure to do so may result in the facility losing it's deemed permitted status, requiring it to obtain an individual non discharge permit. 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, w"tltnington, N.C. 2M5-3945 8 Telephone 910-395-3900 0 Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer y„E P 421 256 311 US Postal Service a Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. i b f i i i o not use or International Mail See reverse TIP, Nuum V P 101floo, to, a ZIP e ^ Postage Is3 Certified Fee SpeCiW Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee us Return Receipt Showing to l '— Whom S Date Delivered CJ Return Receipt Slowing to Whom, Date, & Addressees Additss 0 TOTAL. Pastma r ��\ \� EL Charles Wooten, Jr. June 20, 1997 Page 2. Please be aware it is a violation of North Carolina General Statutes and Rules to discharge wastewater to the surface waters of the State without a permit and/or to fail to follow a certified_ waste management plan. The Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources has the authority to levy a civil penalty of not more than $10,000 per day per violation. When the required corrective -actions are complete, please notify this office in writing at the address below. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call David Holsinger, Andy Helminger or Brian Wrenn at 910-395-3900. Sincerely, Brian L. Wrenn Environmental Specialist cc: Jason Turner, County Soil and Water Conservation Sandra Weitsel, NC Division of Soil and Water Conservation Dan Sams, Land Quality Section, NCDEkINR Garth Boyd, Murphy Family Farms rations Branch Wilmington-TUes State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary November 13, 1996 Charles Wooten Charles Wooten, Jr. Farm PO Box 44 Maple Hill, NC 28454 SUBJECT: Operator In Charge Designation Facility: Charles Wooten, Jr. Farm Facility ID#: 71-69 Pender County Dear Mr. Wooten: [DEHNF? Senate Bill 1217, An Act to Implement Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Study Commission on Agricultural Waste, enacted by the 1996 North Carolina General Assembly, requires a certified operator for each animal waste management system that serves 250 or more swine by January 1, 1997. The owner of each animal waste management system must submit a designation form to the Technical Assistance and Certification Group which designates an Operator in Charge and is countersigned by the certified operator. The enclosed form must be submitted by January 1, 1997 for all facilities in operation as of that date. Failure to designate a certified operator for your animal waste management system is a violation of 15A NCAC 2H .0224 and may result in the assessment of a civil penalty. If you have questions concerning operator training or examinations for certification, please contact your local North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service agent or our office. Examinations have been offered on an on -going basis in many counties throughout the state for the past several months and will continue to be offered through December 31, 1996. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions concerning this requirement please call Beth Buffington or Barry Huneycutt of our staff at 919n33-0026. Sincere , A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Water Quality Enclosure cc: Wilmington Regional Office Water Quality Files P,O. Box 27687. C� Raleigh, North Carolina 2761 1-7687 An Equal opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Voice 919-715-4100 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper I TI vuzkum-'��IvTURPHY 4 JL A"S INC. P. 0. BOX 759 POSE HILL, PHONE : (910) 289 - 2111 NORTH CARODNA 28458 o EXISTIM oe NEW RISI FIELD TOTAL WEI-TED ACRES — 30.39 Ac. i BEAR RIDGE FAR9f SPRAY FIELD LOCt1'IO1' A GRAPHIC SCALE 400 0 ac 100 4M