HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051486 Ver 1_Complete File_20070825 , 4Ja., . ::::::::'::::<<-<--.'-:-'X..>>:-~~:::l::::::::::.::;:::::::::~",,=,"~:....~~~:~....... Permit Class NEW [L\' t= D S -- \ ~ ~ W ~ t;'\\-~-OS Permit Number 70-06 ST ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Coastal Resources Commission ~ttmtt for X Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern TY - OEr,j-{ - WATER QUAL! WETUJ,DS ~Jm STm~;.N,\Ic.R BRNiCH ~~@~ow~~ MAY 1 0 Z006 _ Excavation and/or fi,lling pursuant to NCGS 113~229 " Issued to Soleil Group, Inc., 1120 S.E. Cary Parkway, Suite 201, Cary, NC 27511 x Authorizing development in ! ~ * * ~: '( :~ ,} :~ :( " ~, !: f :i .} '( ~, }: " * x " x I, * :( y '( f " x ~ :( :( I, " " :( :~ :f. x * ::: x t ::: '( '( }, :( t y ~ ~ This permit shall be accessible on-site to Department ~ personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. y ~ Any maintenance work or project modification not covered 1 hereunder requires further Division approval. ,} ::: :( " " I, I " ~ " 1 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees ~ that your project is consistent with the r--;orth Carolina Coastal * ~1anagement Program. Signature of Permittee l:-:~:-:.:..:..;..;-....:.:-:..x.......:..;......:..:......:--.-:-x-:-:....-...;..:..:-:...:..;..:-:...:..;.:-;-:...;-:.;..:-;..:...:...:..;..;..;...;-:...;..;-;-;-;..;-;-;-:-:-:-;-:..;..;-;-:-;-;..;-:..:-:..;-:...;-;-:-:-;-;-:..;..;-:-:..:-:-:-:-;..;-:-:..;-:-:..,;-;-:-:-:-:-:..;......x_:...:..;..:-:...:-:-;_:--:--:~~;-:.:~:.:~:.:~;4:...-;~-:~:-:<<..;.:.y.;-:.:.:.:~;.-x..;-v-x.:.:-:r-x-:.:-:-:-:-:.:-:....;-:....;-:-x New Bern Craven County at adjacent to Trent River, 101 Middle Street, , ' attached workplan drawings (5), 'all dated 6/04. ,as requested in the permittee's application dated 5/13/05. including the * ~ This permit, issued on Mny 4, 2006 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent I with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may J. be subject to fines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void, ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ i * ~ ~ ~ }, f :( * }, '( } x " I, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '( 1 ~ I Condominium Unit Building Unless specifically altered herein, this permit authorizes only the grading and other land disturbing activities associated with the development of the property owned by the applicant located at 101 Middle Street, adjacent to the Trent River in New Bern, all as expressly and specifically set forth in the attached permit application and workplan drawings. Any additional land disturbing activities and/or construction may require a modification of this permit. Contact a Division of Coastal Management representative at (252) 808-2808 for this determination. 1) (See attached sheets for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance as the case may be. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DENR and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission, v f-(. All work shall cease when the permit expires on This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. December 31, 2009 , . .....u .;:::::::::~.~::::::;::~?~~~~~ Soleil Group, Inc. Permit # 70-06 Page 2 of 3 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Storm water Retention Pond 2) This permit hereby authorizes the filling of the stormwater retention pond located within the 7S-foot Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern (AEC). 3) The fill material shall be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. Erosion and Sedimentation Control " 4) The N.C. Division of Land Resourc~s (DLR) approved the project under Erosion and Sedimentation ' Control Plan No. Crave-200S-001 on 7i29i04. Any violation of the permit approved by the DLR shall be considered a violation of this CAMA permit. ~ ~ ~ 5) Appropriate sedimentation and erosion control devices, measures or structures shall be implemented to ) f ensure that eroded materials do not enter adjacent wetlands, watercourses and property (e.g. silt fence, 'I: ~ diversion swales or berms, etc.). ' :.; ~ ' ~ Stormwater Management ~ * '1" ~: 6 J ::: ) X ',' ~," :~ ~ " ~ * ' " ~: :r 7) The stormwater management system approved by the Division of Water Quality shall be maintained and ~ ~ operable for the life of the permitted project. ~ :i General I '( ~ : ~ 8) No wetlands or open water areas, other than the stormwater retention pond indicated on the attached *- i workplan drawings, shall hc excavated or filled, evcn temporarily without permit modification, I * NOTE: A conditional use permit was granted to the permittee by the City of New Bern for the f. :1 undertaking of this project. ~ { I * NOTE: This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional state, federal or local permits, or x :,x,:::: authorizations that may be required. I ! NOTE: Future development of the permittee's property may requirc a modification of this permit. : J. Contact a representative of the Division of Coastal Management at (252) 808-2808 prior to the I :; commencement of any such activity for this determination. The permittee is further advised that, ~ :,::::, in accordance with the rules of the Environmental Management Commission, many non-water S dependent activities are not authorized within 50 feet of the normal water level or landward edge * :l of any coastal wetlands. Contact the Division of Water Quality at (252) 946-6481 for project * { ~ :i specific clarification. :~ }, ~ ~ ' ~ 1 :( 1 t...,;-;-:-:,,,.:-,..,~~~:-:-;-~~:-:-:..,..,.:-;-x-":<<-"''''''''''''~:-:~-;':'';-:-:-:-'':-''~;-;-~~~~:-;"',~x-.,<<^-:-x-.,,<<..,..,..,.:-:-:-..;-;-:-:-:..~:-~~:~-~:-.-,..,.~:-..:-~><<-:,~_><<~,.:-;,..,..,.~,..,.~:_:_:_:-:-:.~:-;-:-~~:-:-:_~:-;-;-;-;<<_~~:-;~_:,_x-~:-:-,.,..,x-:-:-x-....,..~ The N.C. Division of \Vater Quality approved this project under stormwater management rules of the Environmental Management Commission under Stormwater Permit No. SW7040708'on 3/16/06. Any violation of the permit approved by the DWQ shall be considered a violation of this CAMA permit. ....;..-<'-.~~~....>>X-x-~>->-.:~:-x->>~v;.-:-x-.~....:-:<<;;~~,..::::c::..).)-:-->>.~.........>->>:-x-~~:-:-x-o:..;-:...:-?>> Soleil Group, Inc. Permit # 70-06 Page 3 of 3 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS I NOTE: ~ I It is possible that an encroachment agreement may be necessary from the Norfolk and Southern Railroad. The permittee is advised to contact Norfolk and Southern Railroad to detennine if such and agreement is necessary. NOTE: The N.C. Division of Water Quality has assigned the proposed project DWQ Project No. 05- 1486. NOTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has assigned the proposed project COE Action Id. No. 2Q051181O.'.i x '* ~, :i :f :, " x ~, " y " X ,( ~ y * * f. * ,~ ... " y " ~~ t. " " ::: y :( * ~ '~ ~ " ... ',' :i ~ " x :( ,\ } :( ::. : ~' :~ ,; " .~: {. " " " '} " :1: ,} 1 ~ ~ ~ 1f, :f f ~ x ,~ * :.: .~ :f i:i f ~ 1 y 1- x ~ ), y ,} l t:-..:-:.:-.-..;..;--:.......:-<..:-:-:.:.:v:-:-;.:-:...~.;-:.:..:.;-:-:..;.:.:-;..:.:_:~..;..;_;_:..:-.:.;-:_;......:.:_:_.-;_:_;.:..:_:..;.;_;_:_;_:..;.;-:-:-:-;-.-;-;-.-:-:.:.;..:..:-;-;-x-:......:...;y:-;-..;..;-:-;-;-:--:-;-:..:-;-;-;-;-..;...-...;-:-:...;...-.:-:..:-~-:-:-<..:.:-:-:-:.-'"':-:-:-:-;-:-:-:..:-:-:_:_:-:-.:_:_:_:-.:-:_:-.:..;..:..x_:_:..:..:_:-;..:..:..;..;...;-;..:-:..:-:-:-x-x-..J )~ , :~ ~ ~ l :~ l ::. :f x * :~ :~ ,} }, .~ ~ * :( ~ ,( 1 ,( * :~ :( ::: :} ~( ~ ~ " .~ ): :~ :i , :1 ::: :( ,} " " :f :( t ): ;, " :~ Michael F. Easley, Governor ~VA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Charles S. Jones, Director 'J " 20051488 William G, Ross Jr" Secretary August 3, 2005 .,,<)'<n\~ .." i.", ,..1 1,") \~' .. -< ~ ",t ~-_#..... U ',l, \",' , MEMORANDUM: ...---;, ~\.:::'" \j> (,::\ , ' D'J 1-.'\ llJ 'i\.. (... . .,. ~Ij \) 4- I " \ " ;~.\-\ l:\ r\ ~\)\ '_~: :<'\ -;.~ \. ~;'t :~\ \~\\ ,.;\ J ' ~cJ-I\-Z - ~,,':. ,c,0:,0' ' ; "C'J r~~U u 'i ;i:.'\\J' ,... ~ ~At"MS. Cyndi Karoly " {" (V Environmental Biological Supervisor Division of Water Quality .~~. Doug Huggett Major Permits Processing Coordinator SUBJECT: CAMNDREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review Applicant: Solei! Group, Inc. Project Location: Craven: Adjacent to the Trent River at 101 Middle Street, New Bern, NC. Proposed Project: The applicant proposes to construct a five-story condominium complex with an elevated parking deck in the Historic District of New Bern, NC. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by August 24,2005. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Stephen Lane at (252) 808-2808. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY: d Lt-d) ~~ This agency has no objection to the project;a proposed. _ This agency has no comment on the proposed project. _ This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. _ This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED DATE Ir/cr/cD 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252-808-2808 \ FAX: 252-247-3330 \ Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal O;:pcrtunity \ Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper ;',~:_' .~;."-"-_.t .....;"_..._r -::'> Development Typo fa: .~;' I. Private. non..c;.ommorcial developmont that does not involve ~~:, the filling or exc.1Vation of any ';,' wetlands or open water areas: ;c,'t ~t ;, ii" II. Public or commercial development " " --..( that does not involve the filling or j-l . excavation of any wetlands or open " ~~ water areas: ~~1;j. - ~~ . 111. For development that involves the ~' filling andlor excavation of up to 1 acre of wetlands andlor open water areas, determine if A, S, C, or 0 ..~ below applies: "" :li III (A), For Private, non-commerdal development, If General water Quality, '" Certification No,3301 (see attached) :: can be applied: 111(8): For public or commercial development, if General water Quality Certification No,3301 (see attached) can be applied: '"(C), If General Water Quality Certification No, 3301 (see attached) could be applied, but DCM staff determined that additional review and written DWa concurrence is needed because of concems related to water quality or aquatic life: 111(0). If General Water Quality Certification No, 3301 (see attached) can not be applied: IV. For development that involves the filling andlor excavation of more than one aore of wetlands andlor open water areas: " - . -, , $400 ,;'jt-~,,: :"_"~' .. '~..:? \- DeM% (14300160143510009316256253 100% ($250) 100% ($400) 100% (S250) 100% ($400) 60% ($240) 60% (S240) 60% (S285) N-,i~'}' '1- .. ,. -ii- ,-::.~' DWQ'!o (2430016024351000952341 . " .' ~ .'ii!~ 0% (SO) 0% (SO) 0% (SO) 0% (SO) 40% (SI60) 40% ($190) i , :~ if DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVEST1GATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: Solcil Group, Inc, 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: 101 Middle Strcct, adjaccnt to thc Trcnt Rivcr, in the City of New Bern, Cravcn County Photo Index - 2000: 72-841 Q-IZ 6-7 State Plane Coordinates - X: 2,585,400 1995: 72-804 Q-R 12-13 Y: 498,600 Rover # M072711A 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - July 27,2005 Was Applicant Prcsent - No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received -June 14,2005 Office - Morehead City 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan - City of New Bern Land Use Classification From LUP - Developcd/Conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved: ES (C) Water Dependant: No (D) Intended Usc: Condominium complex with parking dcck (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - City of New Bern Scwer System Planned - City of New Bern Sewer System Connection (F) Type of Structures: Existing - Asphalt parking area with a stormwater detention pond, and underground fuel storage tanks Planned - 89 Residential Units with parking deck (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Sourcc - N/ A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: (A) High Ground 2.98 acrcs total (0.77 acres in AEC) DREDGED FILLED OTHER (E) Total Area Disturbed: 2.98 Acre (F) Primary Nursery Area: No (G) Water Classification: SB Sw NSW Open: No 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to construct a five-story condominium complex with an elevated parking deck in the Historic District of New Bern, N.C. Il'IELD INVESTIGATION REPORT: SOLEIL GROUP, INC. PAGE il2 PROJECT SETTING: The applicant's projcct is located on a 2.09 acre tract at 101 Middle Street on the Trent River in the City of New Bern, Craven County. Travel North on Business 70 over the Trent River and into the City of New Bern. Turn left onto South Front Street and travel 2 blocks. Turn left onto Middle Street and follow the road to its terminus. The project is to the immediate right. The project site is located within the City of New Bern's Historic District and is classified as "Dcveloped" and "Conservation" within the Estuarine Shoreline AEC according to the City's land use plan. Currently the property is being used as parking area for the Sheraton Hotel and consists of asphalt and gravel surfaces and landscaped parking islands. A storm water detention pond and underground fuel tanks also exist on the property. The City of New Bern owns a 30' strip of land between the project property and the Trent River. The City's referenced property is bulldlcaded and has a concrete sidewalk along its length. In accordance with CAMA Major Permit #114-03, approximately 54 boat slips at Dock A are constructed in front of the City's property adjacent to the project site. Thesc slips are indicated as "proposed" on thc submitted plat, but havc actually been authorized under said permit and constructed. Thc Trent River is classified as SB Swamp Nutrient Sensitive Water in the project area and is closed to the harvesting of shellfish, The Trent Rivcr is not considcred a Primary Nursery Area and no submerged aquatic vegetation was observed in the project's vicinity. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes to construct a five-story 89-unit condominium complex with an elevated parking deck approximately 30 feet landward of the normal watcr level. The applicant also proposcs to fill in the existing storm water detention pond on thc site and construct a portion of the building over the existing pond location. The proposed building is polygon shaped with maximum dimensions inside a 465' x 230' footprint and a maximum height of 64'4" above mean sea level. The proposed building is to be built at the existing grade of 5'6" above mean sea level. The project will provide the required 216 parking spaces in four locations. Parking spaces will be provided onsite, in the adjacent parking area at the Coldwell Banker lot, at a lot leased from the City of New Bern, and at the Sheraton Grand Hotel's parking area. The proposed impervious area in the 75' Estuarine Shoreline AEC is 18,150 sq. ft./0.41 acres, which equates to 53.2% of the 33,635 sq. ft./0.77 acres total in the 75'ES AEC. The proposed impervious area for the project is 78,236 sq. ft./1.80 acres, which equates to 86.1 % of the project site. The applicant proposes to capture 100% of the storm water runoff produced by the impervious areas on the site and a portion of the adjoining Sheraton Grand Hotel's parking area and discharge it to an underground sand filter and sediment chamber which would discharge to the Trent River via an outlet through the existing bulkhead. A Storm Water Management Plan has been submitted to the Division of \Vater Quality for the project. An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan has been approved by the Division of Land Resources for the proposed project. The applicant proposes to connect to the City of New Bern's sanitary sewer system and public water supply system. 8. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS: The project as proposed will increase the impervious surface in the 75' ES AEC from 11,515 sq. ft./0.26 acre to 18,150 sq. ft./0.41 acre. This equates to an increase from the existing 33.8% impervious surface to a proposed 53.2% impervious surface in the 75' Estuarine Shoreline AEC. The applicant proposes to construct additional impervious surface in Zone II of the DWQ's Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer Area. The project would increase impervious area in Zone II from the existing 6,788 sq. ft./0.16 acre to a proposed 10,423 sq. ft./0.23 acre which would limit the FIELD INVE~n'IGATION REI>ORT: SOLEIL GROOP, INC. PAGE #3 effectivcness of the riparian buffcr zone. The applicant has proposed to build the required storm water control structures to address water volume, water quality, and nutrient removal issues associated with the development of the site. The project is anticipated to create areas of unconsolidated soil and sediment onsite during the construction phase and an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan has been approved by the DLR, which will addrcss these issues. The projcct is not expected to have any impacts to cultural or archeological resources. The project as proposed does not meet the cunent City of New Bern's Historic District regulations as the projected building height is taller than allowed under the regulations. The applicant has received a Conditional Use Permit from the City of New Bern to allow for an exemption from the height restriction. The project will provide the requircd number of parking spaces based on the City of New Bern parking code, however, the project has receivcd a variance from the Conditional Usc Pcrmit issued by thc City of New Bern, which allows for a 10% reduction in the number of required parking spaces for this type of project and may increase parking space demand in the downtown New B ern area. Prepared By: Stephen Lane Date: August 2, 2005 I.) ~lV1CI(][lVI&CREED June 10,2005 M&C 02768-0001 (10f-c~-> ~' r , c., Mr. Ted Tyndall, Assistant Director, Permits & Enforcements North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Morehead City District 151-B Highway 24, Hestron Plaza II Morehead City, NC 28557 c.:: ( , , , ;:.. Re: CAMA Major Application Project Narrative New Bern Sky Sail Condominiums New Bern, NC , L~~;:~~~~:2:) PROJECT NARRATIVE: The New Bern Sky Sail Condominium project is a new proposed development project located on the waterfront of the Trent River in Historic Downtown New Bern in Craven County. The current property is 2.09 acres in size and is currently being used as an overflow parking lot for the adjacent Sheraton Hotel. Asphalt surfaces, landscaped parking islands, a storm water detention pond, and underground fuel tanks are U1e only existing features found on site. The site is located on the west side of Middle Street which has a public access to the existing Marina. Buffers on the current site are a fifty foot Riparian buffer and a seventy five foot CAMA AEC Estuarine line from the Trent River bulkhead. The proposed development will have a multi-story condominium building on top of an elevated parking deck. There will be parking, storage, and utilities on the ground floor. This project is anticipated to revitalize downtown New Bern and provide a more aesthetic and inviting public space along the water front. The existing public space consists of a sidewalk and landscaping parallel to the bulkhead of the Trent River. The Sky Sail Condominiums will be serviced by existing City of New Bern domestic water supply and sanitary sewer systems. The storm water runoff produced by this project will be contained on site and discharged underground where it will be retained prior to discharging into the Trent River. This system will meet total suspended solids removal requirements. North Carolina Division of Land Quality and Division of Water Quality will be the other agencies involved in permitting the project. The building will be a poured-in-place concrete structure bearing on a deep foundation system. To reduce construction cost, the foundation will consist of machined driven piles to avoid deep excavation which could have a potential for negative environmental impacts. The construction may be phased to allow for proper erosion and sediment control measures to be employed and to utilize U1e site during construction to its maximum capacity. 200 MACKENAN COURT, CARY. NORTH CAROLINA 27511 TEL 919.233.8091 FAX 919.233.8031 www,mckimcreed,com AA0002667 In Summary the New Bern Sky Sail Condominium project will be consistent with Dqwl1t'own~:,' New Bern's character and employ industry standard construction methods. Special ;'-'" :-;j considerations were accounted for by reducing the impervious areas with in the Rip4riari~buffct l ':- " and the CAMA AEC Estuarine line. The storm water system will be updated to treat'pitrogen rUlloff from this site and the adjacent Hotel site. t;;~<--,;;~._,.."-:-,~, =UQu Michael D. Dydula, EIT Engineer Intern Cc: Grant Livengood, PE, McKim and Creed Enclosures: 5: \ 2768 \ 0001 \ 40-permil\cama \ 071005 cama application project narralive,doc . .$ MCKIM: & CREED Ln c :':') c:~) ,--.1 ..;....... c.) ,,>, I i,; ~J) Z0 ;;;'.-,.. () c::::; ..:...a .;,....... Form DCM-MP-I ..- I." i' ~" . '- .) AJPJPILli CA TIT CO N , '... , '..',j (fo be completed by all applicants) - 'j , , ,,) ',,;) 1. APPLICANT b. City, town, community or landmtJk fV G I..V -e G rVJ , '. -.,l.;.... L~ o .~-'-- "-,,,~...., , --- a. Landowner; c. Street address or secondary road number 101 "'110PL~ -S-t-lEE/ Name 50L-EIL ~ouP. -:[A,c... d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? X Yes No Address \ \-z..O !i.E. CA.('r' fA.et:kJA'r", t~l~ ZOI City CA~'( State }J L e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g. river, creek, sound, bay) "-~r;.v'" .zlUr;~ ~ j...bUJ,G kVb~ Zip '2.7 $'/1 Day Phone ql'l -7/1 -/o)D Fax 91'1 - 'Ii'!. /0/' 3. DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT b. Authorized Agent: Name M~k'M l.. C-t.EEO J P. A. . , a. List all development activities you propose (e.g. building a horne, motel, marina, bulkhe3rl, pier, and excavation and/or filling activities. ~\)Iu)\o\)~ Co.... 00<: w\11~1 /;l/.?vA,eD t'A..tI:::t.-lJ<<] tB:J::: . Rx.cAVkt!i~ tJ r::c>~ Deep Fo\.llJO"'"U~~ n..l::h:.sf::.[) c,~ALlg T~ (7{; AT APPR.Dt.IM,A,,-rF.' &x:u-n.AJ, t;R.ADP Address '2.00 M..A-c.- \(e.vAJJ c.~-r, ~UI"'G Loe City CA~ '( State AIL Zip 1.1;'1/ Day Phone CfJ q -233 - 'dd1/ Fax 'Wl ~ t33 - eo,3/ c. Project name (if any) :5 t. '( ~ fti L. b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? N&.L...J wc.J;!.~ c. Will tJ:1e project be for public, private or commercial use? ('/tWIt/E NOTE: Pennit wiIJ ~ issued in 7\lVTIt of~r(s), and/or project 7\lVTIt. d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of construction and daily operations of proposed project. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages. Ce:,,VOc M.\.VIU.M~ Fo.<:. A<.\vA'TE;' :S'/tLE. fLA2A. LG.V~L '-'11"4 ov10oo,z 'be L ~~-r..JR..Er ~C> t3{;' cA~'" l..u PLkE 1oIoJcA[;T{;' w~c.'-\. WILL ~n OAJ ^" oee(l (-i)UJ.iPA-"'UoA) ()..J tJR.\lJGIU PlLe.5.0&SP 8xc.Arv....~~ I~ Nbl AJJ-rILIP-I>rTl9D To .e.EDl><.E CbS1: ",,,,0 MIMN\,1.E GtvVlfU:,.vi"'\~NiI'rL IWM..'T 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. County L:PAv EN Rniscd 03/95 Form DCM-MP-l 4. LAND AND WATER CHARACTERISTICS a. Size of entire tract L.O,\ A<:..i..E5 b. Size of individuallot(s) "2. oct kfi.e ~ c. Approximate elevation of tract above MHW or NWL S- 7(:>" FeST f. Man-made features now on tract A-JP4ACT P~IA.lC.l to"". s-r~Il^"\.\.LIAT6:R. ib.AJ~ I kA..JP N.J&c..... T~ g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan land classification of the site? (CofUulI the local land IUt pIon.) ......25.- Conservation -L Developed Rural _ Transitional _ Community Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? C.-l I C.&JJTfV\L [?vJlIJ8J,..> o,>-.R.u::1 i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? ~ Yes No (Allach loning complianCt ctr1ijicalt, if applicobk) j. Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? Yes L-. No If yes, by whom? k. Is the project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a National Register listed or eligible property? .....t..- Yes _ No I. Are there wetlands on the site? Yes lL No Coastal (marsh) Other If yes, has a delineation been conducted? (Allach docwnns.taliOfl, if avaiWbk) *- OOWMG.u T .;\--no..u A-'T'1' hC \olE: .t:> Revised 03/95 ,\ [[j i.i ~j r\f~ {,:!, r(~~~' ~ :; .ilr, \1' ,- '.1 ;u.lt'../J m. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. (,1''['( of" A/9J i59JJ ~M ITA-..e.. '( 6E,wf2:Q.. D., Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down" and r~idential discharges.) Svr( ;::';\.0:; h!:>UJ..friU.b ~cL ~{I()~N7IM~ {J/X41+(,G,(;' 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: Ar~G ~ o A copy or ffie deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project. A(lAC.~ G!) o An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross-sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on an 8 1/2" by 11" white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources C{lmmission Rule 7].0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if an adequate number of quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the Form DCM-MP-1 site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. o A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. ,.L\Lo,JA-\""'(\.vq c,,.J DW~ ,AftflbvAL o A list of the name<; and complete addrcsse<; of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landO\\l1ers and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and pbts by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Upon signing this form, the applicant further certifies that such notice has been provided. I) Name Address Phone \4: }J 'T -,v b.1.)~ ~ l-u> -TE.L , LLc.. IDC MIDOLE" 51"; }Jr;v 6&l..J.l,AJL- ~!;nO -z..) Name fJo(:tL!,. (-+Lou.AJ ~ V.....~MJ Address lo8o" 414"'-W coP'> ~L.VD I >~\1'e: 100 Phone !.k(.GI(..tJ,.,,uc.. '2..71oCo'1 r, j, . '0.' , '" "..', ';~-; d . :.... ..' ' ,.; ,,--' 'J . 6. CERTIFICA TIO~tANn<FERMISSION ....... "., TO ENTER ON LAND I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained iF) the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the SUte of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of sute and federal ' review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this NPW ~~It.u (wGR.... (-~u'1 ICOlJuG~ t:~.J-n;<. application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. ~) Name Address ?C>. ile>X.. 11l..3o, ,u[:.u (}Et:..V ,N( .z..B~bJ> 1-\) Phone tSl_ -(,.3/ -IS'S- \ C.l~'( MAt.J~G&. 0 F tUt=.w 6f:.R,}J o A list of previous state or federal pei'mits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. A LvA/tG: 0 t= N,)N b o A check for $250 made payable to the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the costs of processing the application. · A signed AEC haurd notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. /'Il A o A statement of compliance ",ith the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A - 1 to 10) If the project involves the expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. N I A Rc~d 03/95 This is the 13 day of ;V/Jt'T' --- , yJ. toea:- Print Name ;Y/1"-'iAE.'- WEir Signature ~ UmdaM/MLr or AUlhoriz~d Agmt Please indi'cate attachments pertaining to your proposed project. _ DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information L DeM MP-3 Upland Development _ DeM MP-4 Structures Information _ DeM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts _ DeM MP-6 Marina Development NOTE: Please sign and dale each attachment in the space provided at the bottom of each form. UJPLAND DEVELOJPMENT Form DCM-MP-3 (Construction and/or land disturbing activities) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-l. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, units or structures proposed O,J~ ';::1\J~ -)1'0.<.'( COJ.JD 0 ~\)IL..O\.o" 1-/ eL~v,,A.:rG.D PA/4l.vJc, DGU<:, b. Number of lots or parcels 6 JJ6" c. Density (give the number of residential units and the units per acre) Bq fC.b/.,.:,riD 1)0\/11'> d. Size of area to be graded, filled or disturbed including roads, ditches, etc. T"afAt:;: L'i8.AL O.IJ)11G .: :2.0'l M:- I t>Pi='.s/7P '" o. ~'\ ).L e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources? " 'Yes No If yes, date submitted AlfR...oI..Jb-1J bl ~t-Q 71'2.1\1'l>~ f. List the materials (such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete) to be used for paved surfaces. .4 SfU"'L~ "'AlO CuJJc:(G.7E g. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of MHW or NWL, or within 575 feet in the case of an Outstanding Resource Water, to be covered by impervious and/or built-upon surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, rooftops, or to be \!~ed for vehicular driveways or parking. 53. Z Q/ n I Revised 03/95 '- ..: ! '; ?UUij I' r,l '., 4 . _ i; , ~,' ~ ~ ~> , iJ h. Projects that require a CAMA Major Development Permit may also require a Stormwater Certification. Has a site development plan been submitted to the Division of Environmental Management for review? X Yes No If yes, date submitted g l o~ i. Describe proposed method of sewage disposal. c.n"t c>r /JB.W nf:~N S'4-..vrTt\-R.'r' 5E\.JE:;R. I j. Have the facilities described in Item i. above received state or local approval? fJb'T A;i "'I..U~ 11M.t;" (Attach appropriate docutnemation) k. Describe location and type of proposed discharges to waters of the state (for example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges). S--rbtl"\-.JA1.b~ rU> ~E:- c:ou....gc.-UjO IN UAJ ob'lM"'-' 0 a.e"1t;..v1U:.t0 P evul..ff!,J 'i\N.!l OI~~~El\ \1.I-r~ '1a...etJl' (hvG( I. Describe proposed drinking water supply source . (e.g. well, community, public system, etc.) c... \"1. "( () f N f:.,w t, E.f(N W.Ar -r (;t(. M 40\ AI m. Will water be impounded? ~ Yes _ No If yes, how many acres? L!8~ 1.tV U.D. S't'.s76.1l1 D. If the project is a oceanfront development, when was the lot(s) platted and recorded? t1---1 A- I Sl'Y05 Date " , :\'\ ,j:)) , ,~ <> ~MCKIM&CREED !-'.; L; j [l:> , , , " , . ". "..-;,._,,-;,_: 1 \' :r:u j'I,.'lC\/.I -.. ~...' ~ \/ .L_~. ~'t;.;' ~ Jl The New Bern Sky Sail Project is proposing to have more than 30% of the area within the CAMA AEC Estuarine line to be impervious area. The proposed storm water management plan. as illustrated on the drawings. will provide protection that will be equal to or exceed the protection by the 30% limitation. The existing impervious area within the CAMA AEC Estuarine line is 33.7%. The proposed impervious area within the CAMA AEC Estuarine line is JJ.J. ~~%. The storm water management plan may be increasing the impervious percentage. but will be treating more acreage of run off and will meet more stringent requirements than were in place at the time of the existing development. The storm water management plan will address water quantity, water quality, and nitrogen reduction requirements for the City of New Bern and Neuse River Basin Rules. Currently the existing site has an approximate 0.20 acre area in the north west corner of the property that is discharging into an entirely different storm system next to the existing rail road tracks that does not meet all of the current regulations. This area will now be treated by the proposed storm water management plan which will provide additional treatment to meet current regulations. New Bern Sky Sail Condominiums Impervious Area Breakdown: SF/ACREAGE Existing area in 75' CAMA buffer i 33,635sf / 0.77 ae Existing impervious area in 75' CAMA I i 11 ,515sf /0.26ae I buffer I i ! Existing area in 30' I-.Jew Bern 1 12,354sf / 0.28ae (sidewalk = 2655sf / i 0.06ael ! Total eondo site area i 91 ,084sf / 2.09ae I Existinq impervious area onsite i 67,374sf / 1.55ae Proposed impervious area onsite I 78,236sf / 1 .80ae Proposed impervious area in CAMA I 18, 150sf / 0.41 ae AEC Existing impervious areas in riparian 6,788sf / 0.1 6ae buffer Proposed impervious area in riparian 1 0,423sf / 0.23ae buffer Total area in drainage area 210,660sf / 4.84ae Proposed impervious area in 202, 118sf / 4.64ae drainaqe area "I ~ City of New Bern P.O. Box 1129 New Bern, NC 28563 252-636-4004 1'1""'\ /",~ I' (1 x.~j (,...;,' 1 ::/: CITY OF NEW BERN UTILITIES AGREEMENT ..,'C,', . r..', New Hern Sky Sail Condominiums Project Name 101 Middle Strcet, Downtown Ncw Bem, NC Project Location The City of New Bern will serve the above referenced project with City utilities including water, sewer, and electricity. The New Bern Sky Sail Condominiwn project understands and will adhcrc to all City of New Bern requirements for installation and operation of all utilities including water, sewer, and electricity. By signing this agreement all parties accept and use all City of New Bern utilities including water, sewer, and electricity for the above refcrenccd project.. This the 2. 8 day of "3U1..'( 200'1 . By: t?E. Mc.J:.\^'\ NJi::> ~ED I P A Authorized Agent By ~refit! Phone: V5z... 636~/t;of '2.00 M.Ar<..~,v",.v Cov.tT I oS\) ~7'c 2.0() C /toe~, Nc... tJ. 7 ~tI Address Phone: 9.l ~- 2.33.. aoot I .",.".,",."'"."",,., "'~ .J .), '- HISTORIC NEW BERN NORTH CAROLINA. USA CITY OF NEW BERN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN, N.C. 28563-1129 (919) 636-4004 <j)~VVV . ~<{,.G .~ ~ (iJ>~ <;;,<'v{) ~~ ,'b- (j~ . \,~~ ~v\ ! i i...,of '; " I . .' \' r: .! " . V~,i 2L;JS , " LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL f'/!c', :;t';~:<~~,i \. :Ili;' :(';i"'.;j,'J ... - <oj r......-i\..lJ',1 TO: Michael Dydula McKim & Creed, P.A. 200 MacKenan Court, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27511 DATE: July 29,2004 WE ARE SENDING YOU ~TTACHED o PLANS o UNDER SEPARATE COVER o PRINTS o SPECIFICATIONS o COPY OF LETTER 0 OTHER DESCRIPTION: Executed City of New Bern Utilities Agreement THESE ARE SUBMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: o FOR APPROVAL o AS REQUESTED f!/..!:.OR YOUR USE o FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT o FOR BIDS DUE o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US o OTHER REMARKS: SIGNED:~ f~ COPIES TO: FILE (IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE) 02110/2005 TIlU 11: 16 FAX "tJYV_' yv_ ALDERMAN ur:f,r.ec <trEl1turiC6 of NudI] <trHrolinu ::Merihrge FOVNDED HID Phone: 252-636-4000 P.O. Box 1129 NEw 'i1~r.rn. Nill 2H5G3-112S II " , TOM BAYLISS, III ,,I U: j ,~;/ (,':'lAYOR ,-'j"J WALTER B, HARTMAN. JR. lV;l(}:!."t;:!:~f(",~,;, 1 ' CITY MANAGER , I ,,_ .:,,,<>! :" VlGKIE H. JOHNSON , "Cl'rYCLERK'i MARY B, MURAGLlA RE CITY TREASURER , CEIVED JAN 2 q Z005 JDA IUS C, PARHAM. JR. JERT G. RAYNOR, ,fR. MACK L. ~MA.,,(' FREEZE JOSEPH {;, MATTINGLY, JR. BARBARA LEE WilLIAM H, !3ALlENGER January 19, 2005 To Whom It May Concern: The Certificate of Appropriateness issued by the Historic Preservation Commission on May 19,2004 to River Front Development Corporation for the Sky Sail Condo Project was amended by the Commission on December 1, 2004. The revised plans and elevations arc on file in the office of Annette D. Stone, City Planner. Sincerely, ~-L [), ~ Annette D. Stone, A!CP City Planner ~rillinB for 1txrd1!!ntc 6 ~r.Mq<Il\ll:&CREED lETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: June 13, 2005 1([: New Bern Sky Sail Condominiums TO, NCDENR Division of Coastal Management 151 13 Highway 24 Hestron Plaza II Morehead City, NC 28557 ATTENTION: Stephan Lane I'WiECT 1\:002768-0001 CAMA Major Submittal l ("~-;J f if . \ ..;1 -,...,.*" ~-I .~:) ~\,: TRANSMITTAL NO: 1 I'~G~E l?r 1:~ (:. WE ARE SENDING: D Originals D Specifications IS1 Prints IS1 Calculations e":-~-\ D Shop Drawings D Samples,.,;\, IS1 Other - CM.1A Application ():c~:-:,_.::.-:> "'~_._-';'; ~-... i';) ~' - o c.:::- .,;;;,r. ...... Quantity Drawing No. Rev. Description Status 26 Work Plats and Sections G 1 1/2 size Plat and Section G 1 Project Narrative G 1 CAMA Major Application wi Form DCM-I\IP-3 G 1 Impervious Area Breakdown G 1 City of t\:ew Bern Utilities Agreement G 1 Certificate of Appropriateness from NPC G 1 Parking Information Report G 1 Letter from USACE concerning wetlands G 1 Div. of Land Quality Approval Letter G 1 Letter Sent to Neighboring Riparian Owners G 1 Certified Mail Receipts to Neighboring Riparian Owners G 1 Deed Information for Property and Adjacent Hotel Property G 1 Drainage Area Map G 1 $400,00 NCDENR Review Fee Check G Issue Status Code: A. Preliminary B. Fabrication Only C. For Information D. Bid E. Construction F. For Review & Comments G. For Approval H. See Action Status Code: 1. No Exceptions Taken 2. Make Corrections Noted 3. Other 4. Amend & Resubmit 5. Rejected - See Remarks REMARKS: Here is the New Bern Sky Sail Project finally! let me know if you need anything else. 200 MocKcnon Court, Cory, NC 27511 919/233-8091 Fox 919/ 233-8031 cc: Neil Gray. JDavis Architects Grant Livengood, PE, McKim & Creed, P A . ./1 4't/~]YED.PA Signed. IV 1/, Michael D. Dydula, EIT 5:\2768\0001\ 10-Comm\frD61305 DCM CAMA Major 5ubmilfal.doc Rfax-IP * Pg 2/2 FRa1 : PLANN I NG FAX NO. :25263621~6 Apr. 07 2004 12:59PM P2 AlOEHMAt.l JUliUS C. PARHAM, JR. ROBERT 0, RA YNOIl. JR. MACK L "MAl(" FREEZE JOSEPH E. MA ITINGl y, JR. BARBARA LEE WILLIAM H, BALLENGER QIUu of Neill iillern \""~~, ([\",,!}::-.,,',," ,...::'~ ~".'.'.~ '''7:L ... TOM BAYLISS. III MAYOR : 1 'J ) WALTER B: HARTMAN. JR, CITY MANAGER VICKIE If, JOHNSON CITY CLERK MAAY B. MURAGLlA CITY TREASURER r <lI1f2C Q!r.ufUritG' .of NodI, ~ihttt 'lterihIue raUNOBlIT10 Phono: 252-636-4000 P.O. Box 1129 N~fu i1cm NQ! Z8S63- 11Z9 April?,2005 Mr. Frank H. Sheffield, Jr., Esquire Word and Smith., P.A. PO Box 867 New Bern, NC 28563-0867 RE: Sky Snil PMking Dear Frank: Your request for a 10% parking reduction d<.-viation from Lbe Conditional Use Pennit for the Sky Sail project is thereby approved. Thig approval is based on the fact that the Sky Sail project received Doard of AldenTIeTl approval for minor design modifications on DecCIItber 14, 2005. The approved d.csign modifications displaced 24 onsito parking spaces to uccommodate the expanded building footprint. Replact.'I1lCl1t ofthe retallllpnce in the building: with residential condo units reduced the required parking for the project by ten (l0) spaces. The net result of the design modifications is fourteen (14) additional required parking spaces. Your client, New Dern Riverfront Development, LLC, ha.'l agreed to leMc 53 spaces in the city-<>wncd Jot near Dn & T ratllcc tlIal1 the 50 spaces agreed earlier. The net result of Lho approved design modifica.tiO,ns ill to reduce the total number of parking spaces required for the entire development from 534 to 524. Based on the approved design 1ll.Odifications, the total number ofparldng spaces provided by the development will be 469 spaces. Section 15~63, Amendments to and Modifications o.!Pcrmlls, provides that the ~oning Administrator may approve inRignificant deviations from a Conditional Use Pennit issued by the Board of Aldermen. The Ordinnncc further states, "A deviation is insignificlUlt if it has no discemable impact 011 neighboring propertics, the general puhlic, or those intending to occupy or usa the proposed devolopment. Such deviations shall he documented in writing and submitted to the appropriate pCffi'lit-issuing authority." Accordingly, a copy ofthi!l approval will be transmitted to tho Board of Aldermoll f~1r their information at their next regular scheduled meeting. Please contact me if you should have questions or need further assistance. Sinc('"I'cly, ~ Bernard George, I> Land and Community Development Administmtor BG/ld cc: City Manager City Attorney $trfbf f 'l elf Pl,unning & Tnspection~ Director ng D1" xc tUt!! Spaces per Unit Spaces Required Total Surplus 1 (Deficiency) Use Units Number ULI ULI Spaces ULI NB Code Methodoloqy NB Code Methodoloqy Provided1 NB Code Methodoloqy Sheraton Grand Hotel! Inn Complex Rooms Room 171 1 1 171 171 Meeting Rooms 1,000 SF 10.400 5 4 52 42 Restaurant 1,000 SF 5.210 5 4 26 21 Subtotal- Sheraton Grand Hotel/Sheraton Inn 249 234 209 (40) (25) Grassed Lot Spaces 1 I 35 35 35 Subtotal - Sheraton Grand Hotel/Sheraton Inn w/ Grassed Lot Spaces 249 234 244 (5) 10 I I I Sky Sail Projece Retail 1,000 SF 0 5 N/A 0 0 Restaurant 1,000 SF 0 5 N/A 0 0 1 Bedroom Units Units 28 1.25 Table 1 (11 PM) 35 34 2 Bedroom Units Units 51 2.25 Table 1 (11PM) 115 110 3 Bedroom Units Units 24 2.75 Table 1 (11PM) 66 63 Subtotal - Skv Sail 216 207 138 (78) (69) Coldwell Banker Lot After 5 PM 37 37 37 Subtotal - Skv Sail with Coldwell Banker Lot 216 207 175 (41) (32) Marina Slips 236 0,25 0.25 59 59 0 (59) (59) City Lease Lot (proposed lease of 50 of the 73 available spaces) 50 50 50 I I Net Surplus (Deficiency) - Project complex I 524 500 469 (55) (31) Discretionary Parking Requirement Reduction: 10.5% 469 462 , 0 7_ Discretionary Parking Requirement Reduction: 7.67%% 484 (15) , , Table 2 Sheraton-Sky Sail Complex Parking Spaces Required New Bern Sky Sail Condominium Project 1/26/2005 1 The City code (Art XIX-Sec 15-389,(d),(3)) allows one space credit for each planted island of 9 feet by 18 feet (=162 SF). There are 10 of these islands in the two Sheraton lots 2 The ULI Methodology demand for the Sky Sail project are taken from the 'Shared Use' demand analysis in Table 1 c: \documents and settings Imdydula \local settings \temporary internet fileslolk54a \[new _ bern_code _ cityvers _ 2005 _1_ 26a,xls ] code_analysis table 2 '---' Max Rate: 4 4 1,25 2,25 2,75 Spaces oer OOOsf OOOsf DU DU DU Condominium Requirements Land use 0 0 28 51 24 Hour of Day Retail Restaurant Residential Total by Parkinq Required 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR Hour 6am - - 35 115 66 216 7am - - 16 53 31 100 8am - - 28 91 52 170 9am - - 26 84 48 157 Average Daytime 10am - - 24 78 45 147 requirement - 8AM 11am - - 21 68 39 127 6PM 12noon - - 21 69 40 129 147 1pm - - 21 68 39 127 2pm - - 21 69 40 129 3pm - - 21 70 40 132 4pm - - 23 76 44 142 Peak Demand 5pm - - 27 88 51 166 Requirement - 6pm - - 30 98 56 183 ULI 7pm - - 33 108 62 203 Methodoloav 8pm - - 34 110 63 207 216 9pm - - 34 112 65 211 10pm - - 35 114 65 214 11pm - - 35 115 66 216 12midnight - - 35 115 66 216 Table 1 Parking Required (Urban Land Institute Methodology) 26-Jan-05 New Bern Sky Sail Condominium Project 20% Internal C:\Documents and SettingslmdydulalLocal SettingslTemporary Intemet FileslOLK54A Wew_Bem_ Code_ CityVers_2005_1_26A.xls [J - -- - -, -" - - - , I .OC I [J [J , .' L1 ' /J I tJ IJ US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District / Regulatory Division Washington Regulatory Field Office 107 Union Drive, Suite 200 Post Office Box 1000 Washington, North Carolina 27889 Telephone (252)975-1616/ Fax (252)975-1399 FA CSIl'vIILE TRANSMISSION Date: 1J 0 +d &Jzj To: f'I\\t \)~~ Jo-. company:' ).JJ Oil''\.{ !?r~r"..-trtJ Fax No: 1'/1 2.3J ld 3/ From: - fJ cG ?IJI 1M !J/5 Fax No: 11)" (311 Total Pages: 3' ~~ !~ \J ~j 5 " . U)';'\\7-":l??~'-7:;G'D ;-1)""';''Ir-' t,\ .' "~.,,.....~ ",'r :i~ ~~ ',' IJ "1 ,~~ ~ ,I..~ ,,1(, ,'~, t ~r"""J -J- l~'m' ( j. "i,.'~" u. ;-\:.:..:-}<..,,,.c>d' WJ J:r,"'''Y ",;p"i'" ,.!ll.~,./J ,~ ~{YJ JUL 1 9 2004 Nlorehead City DCiV1 u)ili' 4 Description: L UI.J I .... V ..... V v. .... I "Z '"" ""'..., ""' '" , v ....v '" .. Rtf; n?:tfJ Wi? n 'G? rSF'~:\ i~;~, ',.,' "),, ! ' ,,", /.\' '/"''', ",) \, ,^,'i !, "" "'~," '(\:1,it2\~:iYCC!.'8 ~~j //:, i; [)! '1 ....- ",'.') l ,', I, CY .'..-.-' :,i) i' JUl 1 9 2004 '<..::' WILMINGTON DISTRICT County Cra~(JOrei'la':::Jd (...,"!, D "CC:\..~ :wid:Y eM NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Propctty Owner/Agent: Welcome Properties LLC c/o Michl1cl DvduJa, McKiril& Creed P.A. Address: 200 l\facKcnan Court Suite 200 ! Ii CaTV.. NC 27511 I t"._~'.' Telephone No.: 919-233-8091 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Action ID 200411207 .J ~,;';,! '; /~r :"1 r- .:..uJJ Size and location of property (waterbody, highway name/number, town, etc.) Pibject area, ..., 0,' consists oCa 2.3 acre developed tract that includes on asphalt parkinlr,)ot, Inndscl:i'Mnfrf:~:;'.I (,:[2';/ .']' islllnds, sidewalks, and II storffiwllter po"dlocated at the terminus of Middle Street ndiaccnt .I to the Trent :RIver in the City of New TIer", Craven Connty, North Carolina. Jndicllte~Which ofthc Followiu2, Apply: There arc waters oftbe U.S, and/or wetlands, on the above described properly which we strongly suggest should be surveyed. The surveyed wetla.n.d lines mllst be verified by ou,r staff before the Corps will make a final jurisdiction:!] determination on your property. BCC3USC of the size of your property and our present workload, our identification !lnd delineation of your wetl!ll1ds cannot be accomplished in a timely manner. You may wish to obt4lin a consultant to obtain a more timely delineation of the wetlouds, Once the consultant has f1<lggecl a wetland line on the property, Corps staff will.review it, and, if it is accurate, we strongly recommend that you have the line surveyed for final approvo:lI by the Corps. The Corps will not make a final jurisdictional determination on your property without. an approvcd survey. The waters oftbe U,S, andlor wetlands, on your property have been ddim:atcd, and the limits of the Corps jurisdiction bave been ex.plained to you. Unlcss there is a cllonge in. the law or our published rcgullltiotJs, tbis detmninntion may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. ~ There are no waters of the U.S., to in.cludc wetlands, present on the above described project area which are subject to tho permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Watcr Aet (33 USC 1344). Unless thero i.s a chonge in the law or our published reguJ,ations, this determination mllY be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the do:lte of this notification, ;S 11,lC property is located in one ofthe 20 Coastal Counties subject to rel,,'Ulation tmdcr the Coastal Areo Management Act (CAMA), You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Morehead City, NC, at (252) 808-2808 to determine their. requirements Placement of dredged or fill material in Waters of the us nnd/or wetlands on this property without a Depal1ment of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1311). A pennit i.s not required for work restricted entirely to existing non- wetland area. If you have any questions regarding this determination andlor the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Scutt Jones at 252-975-1616 cxt. 27. Basis For Determination: Described tract does )1ot cont:1in wllters or wetlands as defined in the 19H7 USACE Wctlllnd Delineation Manual. Propcrtv j,", adjacent to the Trent RJver. Corps Regulatory Official Date 26 Feb 2004 Expiration Date 26 Feh 2009 SUR VEYPLA T OR FJELD SKETCH 9F THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND THE WETLAND DELINEATION FOM1 MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE FILE COpy OF THIS fORM ~~u.~v ~vv~ .~.~~ ~v~~lv.v~~ , s~te of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Washington Regional Office .\:.' ; ,,' I _'..J. Michael F. Easley, Governor DIVISION OF LAND RESOtJRCES LAND QUALITY SECfION J uly-29;"Wt}4 LETTER OF APPROVAL William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary New Bern Riv~r.front I?evclopm~Dl, LLC A TIN: Mr. Dicky S. Walia, Manager 1120 SE Cary Parkway, Suite 201 C!lI)'. North Carolina 27511 RE: Erosion !lnd Sedimentation Control PIllU No,: Crave-2005-GOl Sky Sail Luxury Condominiums Middle St. - Craven County Drainage Basin: Ncuse Date Received: July 12,2004 Responsible Parry: New B(,';ffi Riverfront Development, LLC Dear Sir: This office has completed its review of the erosion and sedimentalion control plan for the referenced 2.1 ncre disturbance. Based on the information providoo, we have determined the submitto:l plan for the construction of condominiwns and drainage, ifproperly impleml;;Utcd and responsibly maintained., should meet the intent and minim\.Uu requirements of the Act. We, thereforc, issue this LETTER OF,APPROV AL. In 1973, the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (copy available upon request) was enacted. It established a performance oriented progratn with the objective of PREVENTING sediment d~agc to adjoining properties and/or namra! resources rcsulling from land disturbing activities through the use ofrcasonnble and appropriate Best Land Management Practices, based on the approved plan and changing site conditions, during the course of the project. AS THE DECLARED RESPONSIBLE PARTY YOUR RESP ONSIDILITY is to understand the Act and comply v,.-ith the following minimum requirements of the Act and th(,'; above listed modificatiollS (if any): an erosiun and sedimentation concrol plan is only valid for 3 years following che dale of initial approval, ifno land-disturbing activity has been underraken; a copy of the LATEST APPROVED soil erosiOn and control plan must be on file at lheJob site; erosion and sediment control measures or devices were designed Clnd are co be installed to safely withstand the nmojfresulring from a 10 year storm event - 6.5 - 7 inches in 24 hours or 2.5 -3 inches in 1 hour, ZO!2J 943 Washin~on'SCluare- Mall, Wllshinll1_on, !'10M C-ircllr.a 27&!S Telephone 252.~1. FAX 2S2-S75-3716 ---. ,--,.~., --.... -XVr"Z~.:-to f'OOZ/f'O/SO Nev. Bern Riverfront Devclopment, LLC A TIN: Mr. Dicky S. Walia July 29, 2004 Page 2 , - , . a buffer zone, sufficient to restrain visible sedimcllCarion, must be provided al/d maintall/ed oetween the land-disturbing acriviry, and any adjacent property or watercourse; new or aj)r,(;tc:d !Jlopes mUj I be ui un uog/I: /;/141 !-wl be 1 erain.-d-&y'tegetottve- -., cover; barren slopes must be provided with a v-oufld cover sufficielll to restrain erosion wi1hilllhe shorter of 15 worldn!! or 30 call!,/ldar davs of completion at any vhase (rOll!!" or final) of [!Tadin}!.. (EYE GRASS IS NOT in the approved seeding specifications nor is it an ACCEPTABLE .mb,HiCute for cite providing ofa ground cover); unless a temporary, manufactured, lining matarial has been specified. a clean straw mulch must be applied. at the minimum rate of2 tons/acre, to all seeded areas_ 111e mulch must cover at leasc 75% of the seeded area after it is either tacked, with an acceptable tacking material. or crimped in place; in order to meet che intent of the Act, the scheduling of the land-dwurbing acriviries is to be such that hoch che area ofexposure and the time bettveen rhe land disturbance and the providing of a g~ou.lld is mimmized; a pqmanent J!rOlmd covet'J sufficient to rescrain erosion, mll5t he provided within the shorter of 15 worJ..ing or 90 calendar days after completion of consrro.ction or development; and, except in the case olan emergency, a revised erosion and sedimentacion control plan must be submitted to and approved by chis office prior co initiating any significant changes in tire constructioll, grading or draInage plans " thjs approval is basad. in parr, on the accuracy ofrhe infurmation pr01:ided in the Financial Responsibility/Ownership form submitted with the project plans. You are required to flle an amended/arm if there is allY change in the information included on ou/omt This approval and the financial responsibilicy/liability cited in it does not automuricaIly transftr with a change in project ownership. Be advised that to ensure compliance with the approved plan and the program requirements, unannounced periodic inspections will be made. If th~ implemented plan is determined to be inadequate, this office may require that it be revised to comply with state law. Failure to comply with any part of the approved plan or V\ith any requirements of this program, could result in the taking of appropriate legal action against the financially responsible: party (New Bern Riverfront D~elopment, LLC). Onc option is the asscssing of a civil penalty of up to $5000 for the initial violation plus up to $5000 per day for each day the site is out ofcompliance. In recognizing the desirability of early coordination of sedimentation conLIol, we believe it would be beneficial for you and your conLractor to arrange a preconstruction conference to discuss the requiremrnts ofthc approved erosion and sedimentation control plan. Prior to beginning this project, you are required to either p.ofm New Bern Riverfront Development. LLC ATTN: Mr. Die}..)' S_ Wallll July 29, 2004 Page 3 ,I ., '.'1 . l' \ I ~ .,.' . l J contact this office to advise Gary Novak (252-946-6481, cxt.326) of the construction start-up dille, contractor and an on-site contact person OR., please, complcte ll.1ld return the attached Project Infonnation sheet to the above limned. TIle land-disturbing activity described in this plllI1 may require approval or permitting from oth.cr Fcdeml, State or local agencics. These could include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under Article 404 jurisdiction, the Division of Water Quality - Surface Water Section under stonnwater regulations (contact Bill Moore, 252-946- 6481. ext 264), coW1Ly, city or town agencies under other local ordinances, or other approvals that may be required_ rhis approval docs not supersede nny other approval or permit. Please be advised that a temporilI)' rule to protect and maintain existing buffers along wateIT.OUfSCS in the Neuse River Basin became effective on July 22, 1997. The Ncuse River Riparian Area Prottttion and Maintenancc Rule (15A NCAC 2B.0233) npplics to n1.l perennial and intennittent streams, lakeS, ponds and estuarics in Ule Neuse River basin with forest vegetation on th~ adjacent land or "riparii'lll area". In riPmlLlIl areas with existing forest vegetation in the first 30 feet directly adjacent to the stream, Lhc rule prohibits land disturbance, new development and fertilizer use within the first 50 feet ofland next to the wat.cr. In riparian areas with forest vegetation that is less than 30 feet wide, the rule prohibits land disturbance, new development and fertilizer use within the arca that contains forest vegetation (but not the entire 50 foot riparian area). For more information about the ripurian area rule, Plcase contact the Division of Water Quality's WcUandl40l Unit at 919- 733- J 786. Please be advised that all land disturbing activities affecting at least one acre will be required to have a (federal) NPDES pennit. E~closed is the Construction Activities General Pem1it - NCGDI0000 that for this project_ The responsibility for understanding and complyit)g with this permit rests with you_ Be aware that failure to comply with this penllit could result in both the State and Federal governments taking appropriate legal action. Contact the Division of Water Quality- Surface Water Section at (252) 946-6481 should you have any questions regarding monitoring and record keeping requirements of the permit. Sincerely. '1 j( t1l)ljt. (). ~5~a71U Maria A. Rogerson, El Assistant Regional En!,tinccr MAR Enclosure wlo ene. co: Mr_ Michael D. Dyduln, Elr, McKim and Creed. Engineers, P.A. Mr_ Jim Mulligan, Division of Water Quality Mr. Ted Tyndall, Division of Coastal Management "olm XVn Z~:10 ~OOZ/~O/90 ~6. ~lViq<JllVl&ClrnED June 13,2005 M&C 02768-000.1 (40).,- , " '_' (,,,')J Trent Neuse Hotel, LLC 1120 S.E. Cary Parkway, Suite 201 Cary, NC 27511 '~J i.._.~ '.._,. <. '" J Re: Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Major Application Notice New Bern Sky Sail Condominiums Development New Bern, NC To Whom It May Concern: The North Carolina Division of Coastal Management requires any proposed development that requires a CAMA Major Development Application that a copy of the application package be sent to all adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners. This package is being sent via certified mail so that confirmation of your receipt will be documented with the Division of Coastal Management. Although no response is necessary, you do have 30 days in which to submit 'comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management to the contact and address below. Ted Tyndall, Assistant Director, Permits and Enforcements North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Morehead City District 151-B Highway 24, Hestron Plaza II Morehead City, NC 28557 ~y~ Michael D. Dydula, EIT Engineer Intern cc: Grant Livengood, PE, McKim and Creed Neil Gray, }Davis Architects Dicky Walia, New Bern River Front Development Enclosures: CAMA Major Application Package 5:\2768\0001 \ 4O-pennit\cama\carna III 061305 to llent neusc.doc 200 MACJ(ENAN COURT, CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27511 TEL 919.233.8091 FAX 919.233.8031 www,mcldmcreed,com AA0002661 ~ . ~IViCI(]DVI&CREE1li) '" " 'j June 13, 2005 !M&c 027~~-9got( 4.~ ;,.' Sand y Richardson, Director New Bern River Front Convention Center 203 South Front Street New Bern, NC 28562 Re: Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Major Application Notice New Bern Sky Sail Condominiums Development NewBern, NC Dear Ms. Richardson: The North Carolina Division of Coastal Management requires any proposed development that requires a CAMA Major Development Application that a copy of the application package be sent to all adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners. This package is being sent via certified mail so that confirmation of your receipt will be documented with the Division of Coastal , Management. Although no response is necessary, you do have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal M,magement to the contact and address below. Ted Tyndall, Assistant Director, Permits and Enforcements North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Morehead City District 151-B Highway 24, Hestron Plaza II Morehead City, NC 28557 McKim & Creed, P A ~X-u Michael D. Dydula, Err Engineer Intern cc: Grant Livengood, PE, McKim and Creed Neil Gray, JDavis Architects Dicky Walia, New Bern River Front Development Enclosures: CAMA Major Application Package 5:\2768\0001 \40-permit\cama\cama Itr 061305 to convention ctr.doc 200 MACKENAN COURT, CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27511 TEL 919.233.8091 FAX 919.233.8031 www,mckimcreed.com AA0002667 /" ~lVICI(][lVI&C~rnE]) June 13, 2005 [ I '. M&C02768-000l (40) Real Estate Department North Carolina Railroad 2809 Highwoods Blvd, Suite 100 Raleigh. NC 27604 Re: Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Major Application Notice New Bern Sky Sail Condominiums Development NewBern, NC To Whom It May Concern: The North Carolina Division of Coastal Management requires any proposed development that requires a CAMA Major Development Application that a copy of the application package be sent to all adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners. This package is being sent via certified mail so that confirmation of your receipt will be documented with the Division of Coastal 'Management. Although no response is necessary, you do have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Mimagement to the contact and address below. Ted Tyndall, Assistant Director, Permits and Enforcements North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Morehead City District 151-B Highway 24, Hestron Plaza II Morehead City, NC 28557 ~Py~ Michael D. Dydula, EIT Engineer Intern cc: Grant Livengood, PE, McKim and Creed Neil Gray, }Davis Architects Dicky Walia, New Bern River Front Development Enclosures: CAMA Major Application Package s:\ 2768\ 0001 \40-permit\cama\cama Itr 061305 to ncrr.doc 200 MACKENAN COURT, CARY, NORTH CAROLlflA 27511 TEl 919.233.8091 FAX 919.233.8031 ww\'/,mcl<imcreed,com AAOQ02661 4> ~lVfCI<nVl&CREED June 13, 2005 M&C 02768-0001 (40) New Bern City Manager 300 Pollack Street New Bern, NC 28563 .~; .j Re: Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Major Application Notice ;, , New Bern Sky Sail Condominiums Development . , , NewBern, NC ,) '/ J To Whom It May Concern: The North Carolina Division of Coastal Management requires any proposed development that requires a CAMA Major Development Application that a copy of the application package be sent to all adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners. This package is being sent via certified mail so that confirmation of your receipt will be documented with the Division of Coastal , Management. Although no response is necessary, you do have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management to the contact and address below. Ted Tyndall, Assistant Director, Permits and Enforcements North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Morehead City District 151-B Highway 24, Hestron Plaza II Morehead City, NC 28557 ~'yP Michael D. Dydula, EIT Engineer Intern cc: Grant Livengood, PE, McKim and Creed Neil Gray, }Davis Architects Dicky Walia, New Bern River Front Development Enclosures: CAMA Major Application Package 5:\2768\0001 \40-permit\cama\cama itr 061305 to city mgr.doc 200 MACKENAN COURT, CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27511 TEL 919.233.8091 FAX 919.233.8031 www,mcl<imcreed,com AA0002667 1 REVISED PER CLIENT REV,NO. I \ I r I \ \ 1 I I I I I { I < \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ ~--- --- --- -- ~----.- ---- - - -- - - . I '-- ----,-- ---- ::r- (------- ---I t60~:_t 1===-~-~ -=~~~- -= --:=~~~~~:~--- - -=~: -----__ , I I - -- --- - '- -- I I I - -- - .--- -- - - -, ! I ' ------ i ! ! ! , / I I ' ! I f! I, I , ! I ! I ! : I I , I I , I I I , I ' L' -. ------.- ~ - I I I I ~II o.l~ k/~ ~ CITY of NEW BERN FARMERS MARlCET N82'll4' 4,.11' - 49,81' i I I TRENT RIVER LAND and CATTLE COMP ANY, LLC 119 MIDDLE ST WACHOVlA BANK and TRUST CO" N,A, SOUTH FRONT (OFF) ST -- END CASING ~,~_,.,,_ 90,15' _.._.~-::...~;:::-~ FIRST STAlE INVESTORS 2105 LLC 375 SOUTH FRONT ST EXISTING STORM DRAIN TO BE ABANDONED, EXISTING DRAIN TO TIE INTO NEW J97 ~ ~ Ne CEO, ONU, 'E 146 A . N 4984Jls,258' [ 2585551\.179' \ APPROX, LOCA 110N EXIST. FEEDER UNE IN CASING \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \1 \\ \ \\\ \ \ \ r \ \ \~ 1 \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \. \\ \ \ \ o .., \ \ " /'~" .., \ \ \ \ .., UA" DOCK ,0 \ \ BULKHEAD EASDlENT AREA DOCKS A, B. c. D. r and FUEL DOCK for NEW BERN HOTELS. INC, DB 1669. Pg 824 o I~ I , .:~-1 r L-~ o DOCK EXISTING I ~._--- v- =:J c-------I ' J -~-I L__O ,~~" =~":C':=-~ r---: j k_.__ , ~-----:=J o I i c---.--../~ ' --~.----~I ~-=--.J :===1 ~~=o o 'L 0 c="'~ f---=:C-=:J c:==.:::::::.- .., Permitted and installed under Major Permit #114-03 DCM ,I?- August 2, 2005 o c:==:=::::- o o \ .., o o \ \ o o o \ \ \ \ o o o \ \ \ \ .... o o \ \ o o o \ \ \ \ o o \ \ .., o o \ \ \ \ o ~'- (. f~:=J \ \ SEAL SEAL ~ ~~NH<IM&CREED -- 200 MacKenan Court, Suite 200 Cory, North Carolina 27511 Phone: (919)233-8091, Fax: (919)233-8031 DESCRIPTIONS 3-10-2005 DATE AAOOD2667 E80006691 www.mckimcreed.com -'-- ..... -.....-..------ o .-.....- "-,.._.._~ ; 1/ -- ~ --,..' Ii i II 'I I; I L I l, ....- ".'---.- '"-,--- SOUTH IJfoNT 60' A'/w STREET E --'--- ~.~ -..------ //,,, ,/ ("t- \ /~~)-) f-" _f NDOS & MARINA -._~.--_. ,./' / /,,/' IPF @ IRF @ RR @ CMF 0 PKF &. R/W N/F DB Pg / ./'- /' Be -x-x- ~o- ./ PROJECT DATA: BUILDING DATA: 90 CONDO UNITS m x> (!) 6 Il o ()vx FITNESS FACILITIES RESTUARANT OFFICE/RETAIL 2,500 SF 4.500 SF 7,JOO SF PARKING DATA: (CONDO Be MARINA) REQUIRED PARKING SPACES: 323 SPACES REQUIRED HANDICAP SPACES: 6 SPACES PROVIDED PARKING SPACES: 167 SPACES (INCLUDING 6 HANDICAP SPACES 5 REG.. 1 VAN) PROVIDED SHARED PARKING SPACES: 169 SPA~ES TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED: 336 SPACES DI CB RCP 9 t><J ~ '--... '-" _...~_. '.- '-- -" ---~-l"-- -~----~~: - - .---L; - \!J , , -,-, - - ----,,<s>..' 4-V r-- '.@." wv I " 1\ I><J I ~ \\ . -...I.." II ".__._-~._" ----@ o e e CRAVEN COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER sm: 0,8, 15B8, PG. 79 LEGEND IRON PIPE FOUND IRON ROD FOUND RR SPIKE FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT rOUND PK NAIL FOUND RIGHT of WAY NOW or FORMERLY DEED BOOK PAGE EDGE of PAVEMENT BACK of CURB WOOD PANEL FENCE BRICK WALL w/ IRON RAIL UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND FUEL LINE UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND TELEVISION UNDERGROUND WATER TREE w/ DIAMETER of TRUNK LIGHT POLE TELEPHONE PEDISTAL TELEVISION PEDISTAL ELECTRIC BOX MONITORING WEll HUBS DROP INLET CA TCH BASIN REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE PUMP METER WATER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE NEW BERN SKY SAIL CONDOMINIUMS OVERALL PROPOSED SITE PLAN .. ~U:!':.?!Jc New St.,~ ._n'~__' /- ~ Ul (I) POl/ock 51. TRENT RIVER VICINI TY MAP DATE: MCE PROJ. # DRAWN DESIGNED CHECKED PROJ. MGR, JUNE. 2004 02768-0001 LRA MOD GML GML M&C FILE NUMBER SCALE 02768 HORIZONTAL: DRA~NG NUMBER 1"=50' PR-1 VERTICAL: NA 3 OF 6 STATUS: Prelim in cry Design RE\1 SION Q ~ 5 el! ~' -.J o a: ~ ~ ~ otS ,$:1 ~ R I i i 1 REVISED PER CLIENT REV. NO. / I I I I I I I I ; /---- - ------ _ ill " I I -,- - -, '-, .'-.-_ '" / I / I - - -, ~- , ,'" I I ! ?,i,j I I / S) I / / :;/ I CITY of NEW BERN i / <: ; I' r ARNERS MARKET! i ~~~2.~W,_ - ! i ~l 5~~~;~:~;~AST III TRENT RIVER LAND ;/ I J ,IJ1/ .s~,:,_~ W', '., S B2'oBi35'~-E, and CATTLE COMPANY, LLC I~ I ,;;j:'--, J ;;;i!i, '- -~~ 8RICk ~A1[__ f I 119 MIDDLE 5T ' I 'JI ~ :r- '"' ~ " b' -=:c,~ ! I I I ~ ~ ~"-, I , ---="----:.c::::::":::,,, ~~ I Il'l- IJ I I It r ~ I 'l/r"t'II,~ r._ 'f ~ -"~C'~~~~c_l '~:.~_.~_~) J / ~ V : ,'I -" 7~ JIL.' C1C~~-- 3g8 ~;~ EA5E"~~~ ~ 'IL . ,..-~--"cc,. . 'Ii- II I : ,,;;, lF~~!1)~"'sf[J"l 1=-- · ---I ff "'~,lOt~~it(=:S;~:: ",II' I'SC~ '~"1fl';;~ b,-_.__~~_~______ I 2: ~ ~~--=~-, I..... / -'- ~ I WILLl;~~;~TC~Ng~~i~IMUM /.? I t':'::--::::-::------..-----,~_~~~-=-=~-:;'=~ rr-J_ i I F I TI r ,-- --; ~ ~ 117 MIDDLE ST 1,2l ! I I '-, --.<t 1i ~r;;,r-( ~~, \ ~ '"~ 'rr~:= 0 Il~ ~11.J :-= =t: ____ !; !! C' H!;fi"/;pg ~ f7! ~-+- I O'l ~ rr---- ~~ ---'-__h~ / ---- --_~ S ! I 1__ ~ 1/ I \ t "" ,:~ """_'Ii -- -'- · -----l" In P ~~K\~~I ~AigE~~~ T - t g:.::.. _ u --_c_' __ _.1 j rJ. 01 ~\ g .,..., I I I j I f _,,_, ' --rt ,. ff I ' , , ''', A,A \, w I i -'- C__~-.J I -------, -----.!.. ~ STEWART H, SMITH I - '-- - J ill \:" ,17 :-;-- W ill -T-- --1 WIlUS l~1T~'O~~~"NU. r,~:,,_" !;t,l,sOl:lN~G~;f ~ ~ 1,1'1/-. ~J I' 'IT : II --- " L_ _,,_, 6Jo _ , , / - 0 J /' (:, ' :~"'//. w" h,,_ --, SfA.fE:NT 'on ~ !' 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'40 5,,-rot~:~"=' , ./ ''''~ ~ :~: ~X:ri.36 BULKHE 0 BOX-j 1'-' ~~~RETE f-r-"~~~ P~lE;-"--'--cTfyorNtwI3ERN'-=~3Q~T~IP---H- v r- \. i MONUMENT ALL AROUN,D _ ..,____,___~~~,~!9' Pg 84~lf , " D'~~:: j ~A,,~~,=:.=f,;>:==:: -. ..-.---:=:_~;~~~~~~~;:~ I 0 DOCK I 0 DOCK I ":XlS:TJ~:=~ r'H:==:=: 0 L~;f~n:G1 >=: I, ~,~:=--===-':"'-=-~J [~_~==:=. _1 1"',__,__ I I ~'--'- o I I ! ! NB2'04'47"W - 49,87' END 'A""\ FIRST STATE INVE 375 SOUTH ~ Cl: -- --- --'~~~~-~<~ --- I ~. ~~',~ I L " I I I I I I ~ i I I I~ ~ /YY"'I II) III .c; ., ;) CD 'v..A.J (0 ,~.. ,,";)'0 9 c}o '0:1 //~ i NC GEO, , ONU, "E 146 A. N 49B4:3, 25B' E 258555 ,179' ~ ~ APPROX, LOCATION EXIST. FEEDER LINE IN CASING \ \ \ I \ \ I \ I \ , , \ \ \ , \ \~ , I , ; \ \ \ \<<l , I In \', \ \,a.% \ '\ \. . , \ I \ I, \ \'2 \ \ \ ce. \ I I \ \ \ i , I \~ ' ' \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ Q \ I \ ID \ '\ \ ~ I \ \ \ \~ \\\~ \ \z \ I \ \ I, \ , ' I I, 1\ \ \ I \ \ \ \ II \ \ " \ \ II \ I , , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' :, \ \ ': \ \ \ \ \ ' \ ' \ , \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ l ~ \ \ \ \ \ ' . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ I, \ " \ \ \ II \ \ " EASEMENT AREA ~ ,/' DOCKS A, B, C, O. F ond FUEL DOCK / / for NEW BERN HOTELS, INC, /" 0 DB 1669, Pg 824 ' Permitted and installed under Major Permit #114-03 DCMfr August 2, 2005 o . / " o o / I I " EXlSTlNGJ METAL PILING ~u____ ,.-,____uj TYPICAL -', -, o o o " / I 1 PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1" = 40' SEAL SEAL DESCRIPTIONS ~1o-2005 DATE www.mckimcreed.com v I .~ . __ _. .'._. _m~Y.__. ... ~. ,.~_ ,,-.-. -.---.----- --- .'-- -~_._._._,-. -\~Dc~ =:::"- ::==.: ~~~ ...::,:_~,~=::-::-=- v ,__ __,_______fiQ,:,:::4.:. :::::::::::.:::::==::::== PROPOSED 5 STORY ~~~~f~l~~~~CONCRETE BUILDING --- "'~.-.~,:::::::-;; II. ,.,.....".,---. I L:...:.::.::::,::."- ;;;;; -~: ., i: i Ii Ii II I i II I 11--, -- I; i i1: ,;:, 'I' ..,~::- .. ! i' "I 'II,:: I .._'.':,': 00",'.,-,,",...., -+ -,' ~....~ I::=~', ,.:' :::,:::: .. ~-"".- ,-- ,::::::, ...,:~, ,,:,' :,' ,-:':. t:~:~:;''::~~; :-:~~:. -=::,-"::,, ." ,:..:, .::........ -, ., ..'...... ::::::-...::~'~'-=,~:::_: '-- ,--". It' . 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O' -0", 2 PROPOSED GROUND LEVEL PARKING TO BE APPROXIMATELY SAME AS EXISTING GRADE, 3, MEAN LOW WATER AND MEAN HIGH WATER LEVELS ARE CONTAINED BY THE EXISTING BULKHEAD, 4, 50' RIPARIAN BUFFER AND 75' AEC CAMA ESTUARINE LINE ARE DIMENSIONED FROM BULKHEAD WHICH CONTAINS THE NORMAL WATER LEVEL. 5, PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHT MEETS CITY OF NEW BERN ZONING ORDINANCE, 30' EXISITNG CITY OF NEW BERN STRIP 5' -6" EXISTING GRADE PROPERTY LINE , I~DffP WNCRITE FOUNDATION . i i , I I L-J l_ ~ '-----,- CROSS SECTION AT A-A SCALE: 1" == 5' / ~ - VEXISITNG BULKHEAD ~ xO MEAN SEA LEVEL ------ -----~_._-----~----_._---- TRENT RIVER -,,~ l__ DATE: MCE PROJ. g DRAWN DESIGNED CHECKED PROJ. MGR. JUNE. 2004 02768-0001 LRA MOD GML GML NEW BERN SKY SAIL CONDOMINIUMS WORK PLAT AND CROSS SECTION GROUND LEVEL STATUS: SCALE M&C FILE NUMBER 02768 HORIZONTAL: NA VERTICAL: NA DRAWING NUMBER P1 ... OF 6 Prelim inary Design RE\1SION 1 REV.NO. \ \ \ I ~:J I I "". I ,~ I I " . ", . I I I'. -", - - I I I I "" .''.--' /'-lJ I I I CITY of NEW BERN I FARMERS MARKET I -- - TO BE RELOCATED. , I I I /It(1 WACHOVIA BANK' I I ---F==-- ~04'4rW NB2'.... :, and TRUST CO,. N,A, ~ - 49,ar--'- -+- '~~2:'W._., . I I II SOUTH FRONT (OFF) ST I TRENT RIVER LAND II ~ _ 3 ,139_' 'f~<W - . ~ 83'08~5.."...[. 1;1; and CATTLE COMPANY, LLC ,// 5. '- _ ;;i!3 "".=-- jl1..18:-.....~~!i!!~k. .:~_ 'I-R-.. Q' I 119 MIDDLE ST / ~ ~ .w f -"I~~-'-' rtt~_l F2I JJ' R/W EASEMENT'~:' --"-~.":.::::.'~-:=.=::~~, I)) I' I $ -U')~I .r. t,l(,!p, ,.'j,-.,\~.,",,- 'J L" ((("-';;;;;'1/ .:----.~ D81J21 P 6 i Sc' , - --1 MANHOLE \~. r..... U ".y. rlJJ', mti i. ,.:;j_\...~.. I, [ '=>-..~~~.l) , 9 04 I C~ I' 11'/,1 !'j '>1 u-, RIM 6,14 ~ IlL , ~ ."'" am j ...-" ' ,~~_~~./' I(-~" I Vr-! "tlVi '--.I/'NV -064 (I) ~. .==-~~ ,., I ..'. ,.<-.--- -!tlr~r -. '.- ~ II ........\\ ('-' , -'jl-'" , (I) f" ~ ___,.___, (D () ., ~ f ~ ,. -_~--.y..1 "eN /,;:.::::::,::;;:.:;;:::::.--__. 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RR 012 ,r-- \ / -.-,_,'\L!!.~_O'!LO"'~_.'!!...340,5? Total '~ \ '~ V /)', '> ~ ".." .. n I CD"."~D f I I \ I ~..------- ~------- \'" \ //,/ ''v / ~ :~~: ~U~':'o.36 BU' BOX-' I~:~~~~RETE f-r~~~~ POLES"--".ciTY-'OrNEW8ERN-:'::-'3Q~..7'- o EASEMENT AREA / / r- '- LKHE~D I MONlMENT 4\LL ARO~ND____..__.___._,~B 10~=.:..~~~~~J_L for NEW BERN HOTELS, INC, 0 1-.--- " DB 1669, Pg 824 "A" I-'i Ii \ / DOCK 0 ~.._.__..____~ '___.. \, l--"-----,i /_, \ \ \ Permitted and installed under Major ~ "c" j \ ~~~::. ~::: ~ ; ~ I 0 E~f~~~NG I I>==J 0 f~:~~:GJ l- ... \ \ 0 0 '-==~ _.=.~-~" 0 0 ~ --..1 r..- \ \\ 0 "v ~ EXlSTINGJ r=:=:'=-..J L_ - ~~I ~_.~:: \ \ " I ~ V I MEi,::;';;~'" [--::::: -=: <1 l 0 0 \ \ \ \ 0 n ] ~.=-:.-==~ J c===-.:,' '>= 1 1 I I I I i I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L_ _I r--- I I I I --. t--- II ----,- - -'---... I I I I-- -' t-- t-- . ~+._.. , ...- 1-. -.._ __ ._ _ ~~.::'...~~:,~::::::.'~~._:::,::.'::'::~:': 1.:._ ,.. .._:::,:::..::.::.::. ::::.~-::,:.;~.::__ FIRST STATE IN 375 sou ~-~= D ~:~~ 1,::::-'::: .::..- I,.. ...:.._ I '::::. --.-----.-.-.--.-.---..------... -.,....- -~.-..~. .----... .... ~-----_..__.....__. :,,:::'::;, ! 1I1IIII --.illlll i "..,....,...0 ...~.-.._.~- ..,.-..,-= i I II "::.:. IIIII::?-~ :::::::..- -::..~,= :::~~-::.::, - -.---.....- ..-....... - ,::';.:.. I I I -~ .::..::..., ,........... ..'::::::.:..:,:.::..'.:::'" .._-,....,._~...,........ .--,,--..-.......-....-.--.....--. --, .--.-. ._~ --_. -- --,. _.. "... ~-~_.- .~'"_.....,~ "-~-~_...,..._-_...'-_.- - - -..--... .._.....,.._....__..__.-__ w_. __.. _. _ .-.-.._._~.._.._,-_.._~-- - _._~~,~._.._.___._w _.w. .~~.~_. ,. ...'...:: :':::::::.::.,::::,::-:::::.::':::,::: '. ".. ...,. .........._,: ::,:" .. -- - i I j 1 I j II ::.::~: - - r.-::::::: '~::.: .: ,.,...... :.-.::...:.... ,.,... ..:....,... ~'~:::.: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1" = 40' SEAL SEAL REVISED PER CLIENT 3-10-2005 DATE . ~~Ml<IM&CREED -- 200 MacKenan Court, Suite 200 Cary, North Carolina 27511 Phone: (919)233-8091, Fax: (919)233-8031 AA0002667 EB0006691 OESCRIPnONS N www.mckimcreed.com v I I I II II r-- II I~ I PARKING LEVEL AT GRtDE I I I I I I 1 I I I I I i I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L_ _I NDOS & MARINA I I I I I I I I ! I I I i I I I I I I L... ...J .-- ..''':,',:::--::::::,::::::::':::::- ','.c... _: ....:...: ....:,-:- v ~Q~ =-_4::. NOTES: 1. LAND ELEVATIONS IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL, 0'-0". 2. PROPOSED GROUND LEVEL PARKING TO BE APPROXIMATELY SAME AS EXISTING GRADE. 3. MEAN LOW WATER AND MEAN HIGH WATER LEVELS ARE CONTAINED BY THE EXISTING BULKHEAD. 4. 50' RIPARIAN BUFFER AND 75' AEC CAMA ESTUARINE LINE ARE DIMENSIONED FROM BULKHEAD WHICH CONTAINS THE NORMAL WATER LEVEL. 5. PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHT MEETS CITY OF NEW BERN ZONING ORDINANCE. ...,..... .,.-- .-. POSED 5 STORY =-.=:::::::.:::~::.:::::.:: PRO ::,'-',..:..:.:,::.:.,':,',".:".,:.,.,.'::;'. V ,CONCRETE BUILDING .._.....u......'"_.._..___.__~ --- .-----. .--.,-..-....,.. -. ._.--_._..,..-.__..,...<--~.~~ ____ ____., w_"-_ ~____.._ ::= :..::..:.:.-,..:--::.::~:~ ~- _, ,___ 49":"-8"__~..sIDENTIAL FLOOR ___ .. -_..--_.--- _._-~...._._..',_. ._.... ,. ..--..-'-- ....._-. -- .!,..:.'''.._._..,u c=~,~:--,~-'::, .-::":::: .... .~-....." ......~.. ----... .-... _._,..,__, e....._ ___ .__. _...__ ~=~,=:_ ~=~_n~'~':. --' ----. ----".. .-.-' -.., _..."--.~., -- ,.----.- ..--- .--.- ......:..., -- .:.,:. ------..........-..,..-...... ..~._-_.. --,-', ~::~;;.' <:~'~ :::-:-==.:-:~::::=::.:.:. ......-_.-, ._-,-. ---'-'-'.'-~--'- + --_..-- :::::-:::::::::::, ~=::..': -.-...-, -.- -_.- .-.----. _.~-+.-._'--'- - ---.. =-:::-:=-:::::::::::: .':::::: :.- ~:: ::::~~:.:iL I I , 1 I' I I I I i I i I I ! I I ! I ] I I I I I I , I i I i I I I : I I L._, .__ J __ .__,__..__,3~~ -0"_ RESIDE_f\!TI~iLOOR_ _, ,.... ...._______,_,28.',:-4:_".B~_SIDEJ'.J.TIAL_fJ~OQ__fL 1 ?.:. -8" __I3f:SIDENTI~b._E~ooft 15' -8" PLAZA LEVEL 10' -4" RETAIL LEVEL I.... 30' EXISITNG CITY OF NEW BERN STRIP I" '1 I - 5'-6" EXISTING GRADE ~EXISITNG BULKHEAD PROPERTY LINE :i:0 MEAN SEA LEVEL -- ---TRENT RIVER--------.. --. ~ DEEP CONCRETE FOUNDATION ,,-,,_.~- -~~ I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I.J CROSS SECTION AT A-A SCALE: 1" = 5' NEW BERN SKY SAIL CONDOMINIUMS DATE: MCE PROJ, DRA WN DESIGNED CHECKED PROJ. MGR. JUNE, 2004 # 02768-0001 LRA MOD GML GML WORK PLAT AND CROSS SECTION MAIN RAISED LEVEL STATUS: Preliminary Design REVISION SCALE lAke FILE NUMBER 02768 HORIZONTAL: N/A VERTICAL: N/A DRAWING NUM8ER P2 5 of 6 -.,....- FE a: z \ \ \ o ~ cc d CC ~ - ~ <( \ 7 INSTALL SILT FENCE ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF TRENCH WHERE NEW STORM WATER QUAL!TY UNIT (SWQU) AND NEW DRAINAGE PIPE WILL BE INSTALLED FROM EXISTING GRATE INLET #1 TO CONDOMINIUM SITE, FROM CONSTRUCTION ON CONTROL /j'. 10. ALL OF TH~ WOF K MUST BE COMPLETED f\ND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER AND TOWN OF NEW BERN CONSTRU<i-TlON---.. ~ ''-__ i";"' '--. 1,' PRIOR TO~TARTNG ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTI TY ON THE CONDOMINIUM SITE (SEE PHAE II CONSTRUCTION FE NCE TC GO " _ -~~'~')" "-':~Ij -'-----~ BP/('!< w" j' SEQUENCE. , TEMP. CONSTRUCTION 11. ANY DEVI TION ROM THE NCDENR APP~OVAJ LETTER AND THE CONSTUCTlON DOCUMENTS WILL BE _ ,~'i'~" .........1 ' ENTRANCE 12 WI GATE f~~i.IDER D A IRECT VIOLATION OF T E NOfTH CAROLINA SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT OF / /7\1' S~!jF: 't"> ~ .~~ 5000000000000000 0 0 ~_~ , ' J"C'5, / " .1 EXISTING STORM DRAIN TO BE ABANDONED. EXISTING DRAIN TO TIE INTO NEW JB ~-~- , ~\ i1f,), b~ .'. '/"j~"=-~, !.j~,',fltjj_~,'ocr~~L E~'=i ~~~i~~:~ /:~ /11 I Y?;T~;f9i/~I'?11(-IT II~: ~~L~\f~Pf1!- r//~:1- 30- "." '- =- , /11) :i ! ,L~ -- n -- ,_ -- -------: 0--_ ,- 1/ I ' 1_, I IL7:Q: , ~\ <t i /- - - c If I lj f; U I---- SO I I ~ ! t!L i';i'f "-;i/! r .... i. 1-..-; PARKING EASEMENT ~""'" "~~~E SILT : ~il--i!~~~__-----~-,il '[,---.,------ -~----J_ c DB 1321, Pg 601 I : -r;;' /;~~-==-:::=~ Jr j)------ ------ g 5! ) STORM) ATER j:>IPES -d 9. ~4"RCP ~ ~- L _~ ,I t f~-~).~--- /c --~jJ' r-!~f- l,j --li- CC (,- ---_ _ OUTLElJNG CONDO? 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I I;; ~~-o I r-;:'--;IT;--~;'''i' - ~ -- -- --T~- -- '- -- ~J'l'J il ~ CONSTRUC ,?""- '/ -----,.,-/- N 49843.\3,258' ~,~;:": ~ C) ~" ~ <~\. ,/'\.,','1).~',.:ii!:'O~"'" ~--- (::, 1:;;:;.1 II I I I f I 1'.1 '- -=-:~--Ut-l-"--\~---;;;;;":;;';"';;';"-:';;':;;'~--- L ,/ ENTRANCE, 1 / ~ // E 2585558,179' ~'or _, ,"'; "~~ ,,-- _J I I' I I _,,___ '----, il -" -- ~ , - -_ , - -;,;" --.;- -, WI GATE \. / - / TEM~ SILT SA -~~ 0 '--' \~/' / /~~ "" _ _ _ .! I l..! ~!] II -- -" --- -- -- --- 1 ~- r :Q {jj Y, / ; / 50' \ART (TVP) ", ~8(;- ~\" \<: '" ,,~ ,"- ~,~=,- ~-== t::::iI FOOTPRINT OF , ~ ~ ' / ~;./ ::_,_ APPROX. LOCATION -'1"\ \ \ '" ~ 15<', \;'// ! I I '( 117 U EXTERIOR WALLS' ~ r1 / ~XI~ls:;JDER LINE ,\. " , i I '-(;{ I I ~ / I, - ~~ _ U / FOR ABOVE LEVEL, CI) ( \ '. ." "\ , L~ I 'I-! !! I ! I !! i! !;; _. I SlRr-.TURE-------.: !.J ILl ~ JI' ,,'J TEMP. CONSTRUC ON tI ~ ' ,~ \ FENCE TO FOlLO ~ <<> ~ WORK AREA "" 0, - D ~ , , ",,'~ \, '-.T "V;!' /i '" -\ !{'----- -T"' :-~.:. --:>" "II : j ~ ~ t ir~g P AC:TE C '" ~ ~ ~ -/ ~r f .\>~ .. _. __ _, "-/ // ~'>>~ ~SH ----~ " 0: ~ I } EMENT ".~' ~~ '~ i / j/ 0 t~cw ~SS I .:<>:,>~ "'~ u....wAJ v "'," , ' "::"'-0 L~ " "-,,-' '" 0 . ii' #-. _ ~~": I J \ ~ - I ,~ , / \ ,'-' \ ~ '" '" .-. ~~ - -J~ ~r:~-, :'~ ) I j } ~ _, EXISTING STORM DRAIN FROM SHERATON \ ~~'/ :-,. ,_ f"~-p,_' /1-- -- _, 7- /__ I, ~ I ~ '\1.1 HOTEL LOADING OOCK.CONTRACTOR TO '-" -- ~\~ - -_ =-~~~ _ _ - -'- -- ('~:'-~\"~::t--JJ ~ _I -TE.' ~ 'r:-- /VERIFY ELEVATION AT NEW TIE-IN AND (~I!!J? \., ~""K. 1JIill" .~ -=, := ~)T :;j ~.~ I \ C NSlRU Cll 011 " · I NOllFY ENGINEER. <?~ <1-; 'l~ / '-!" :' \ '- '- d" I " O)TyH t:;.(~) ;lti ~ ~ I *-L I ~ 1\ 7 '^" "\, \ " :\ ~ ~"\~Np ~ I L -; ~ - 1rr5;~~::~I~~~ ~I ~ ~ / ~'J:. ~ ',l // / , /' '^" '\ '- '\, /' ~~' '" FEN~~~.. -- '- "1 '] _ II Irjl I t II /~~p.~ti-;~,~ \ '? r- I ,I ~' /1" ,,; ~~6E SilT / ' ," " " > "- / f/ Ii 2:;1/ ;?;<~ ~, ,.' I 1_ \', ' LANDSCAPED GARDEN ///// \,\ '^"" '> g / ~ ,,' , '" ,~ -' ~ ~- 'Y'k=- rrL. u'-n~ .,IL T / Jt' .~ LJ . . J^ I I , , , AREA WI SIDEWALKS // \',- "\ ~ ~ / ~ _ ,..::.::> < '-" J1-<.'1 '- ' -~ -! FE~ *'~ L / /5" ~~~ - '1 ( 'v'- '-, . II , ' ',_____ (/ / ," ,,</ , - . '2.. '__--. iJi!l---.;c':~~ '; P · - I,' PLAQUE ~ TREE PROTECTION / // ',,"" "\ - \,~.:.:-"" -:--;- - - ',,-7'.-----/ T -".. "?" <'~\ 0, /.1 " 'I I w/CONCRETE L_,_, /</ ''^'' "'- ", \ V- -- _ . ~f?i-, '1 ~ + \ ~_ / \', ,,,,' 'A -" I' MONUMENT FENCE (TYP) ., ~ " //~// "'-, " , ~ I ~l- ~.t-, :", ___" ____ ~~,,; >~:I', .\1 '~ J '/76 9,3' .' __ F?etoining VI r.-UCL UCJCk ./ / \ '- " CL DI 2 f r I ,I ,,\ 'I tV DB 00'0'/" W 340 S7' Totol \,/' '-" '- U"'" "'-"7 J , J --- ~- -.~ --I 'I I --. " , -' ,,> a: IN-V' iN -fr3-4' . -- ~....;..;- I R Ii " '--' lEi - ~ ~/ V 0 ~. . ~'NV OUT' -0.36 BULKHEAO r"<, 11l0"~, ,,' . ;~~r.j"~, ;r:.~~~~~E;----'--CiTY'O~~E1~~~R~g--:'~~'{;;rI)W'--- / I I ( ~;::~N;IIJ/ B~;VEL (/ ~~K R~____... ,_ _ J\=~~~}-~;~wTO C:J~:G -- /~_ ~~~'C;~~~~~TPopn ~g~ACTOR TO PROTECT L ---------'''--------,\ i IN BULKHEAD C=----------'" PROTECTION EXISTING INLETS ON-SITE '1 " /- NEAREST CONSTRUCTION OF "B " "c" NEW 30" HOPE PIPE 0 01 3 RIM INV, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE - PHASE I 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH THE OWNERS REPRENSENTATlVE, ENGINEER, AND NCDENR REPRESENTATIVE, 2, OBTAIN LETTER OF PLAN APPROVAL FOR SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL AND GRADING PERMIT. PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON SITE FOR DURATION OF PROJECT. 3, CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL SILT FENCE, CONSTRUCTION FENCE, AND INLET PROTECTION PRIOR TO STARTING ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, 4, PROTECT EXISTING INLET STRUCTURES WITH MIRAFI DANDY POP VERTICAL INLET PROTECTION OR APPROVED EQUAL. REPLACE AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN DESIGN PERFORMANCE. 5. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION AND DEPTH OF EXISTING UTILITIES TO AVOID CONFLICT DURING INSTALLATION OF SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES, 6, SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES TO BE INPSECTED BY ENGINEER, FOR COMPL!ANCE PRIOR TO COMMENCMENT OF GRADING OPERATIONS. BEGIN SILT FENCE END CA ING Ss ___ - -'y:-- ---j-, ,'~~=--- ______ c:::.:::::::::::: r~~,~ ____________ ,--' i'J.:: ()(~~'17 I: C '- -;;~so E~ iANISM (SEE D~ "L SHEEt) I 3,64 -0,28 (8) PROPOSED 30. HOPE MAIN BYPASS UNE 2 - 54" MODULE QUAUTY SHEET) -- (-~ -- \._--- HOPE HANCOR I STORMWA TER UNITS (SEE DETAIL /---- ',,~- ----~ \ ~" ---......" ~, ~--.... \ \ \ I I \ \ I I I \ \ \ \ \ \'t5 \ \ Q ~ <a ~ \ ~ ~ \~ \U \~ \ \ olS \~ \~ ~ \ \ \ \ \ -'1"\ I \ P. SILT FENCE (TYP) \ TEMP. ROCK CHECK DAM /' ,/ // /' / I \ \ UMITS OF DISTURBANCE I -'1"\ WORK AREA (TYP) 2.33 ACRES ~~ ~)- '9~ 19 \ \ \ \ \ c \ -'1"\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ o DOCK EXISTING o DOCK EXISTING ---===--=':=J L_ ~--_._--.. ,~ ,/ -- --" ------ .)~ St. Broad St. @ -<oJ L~ ....... (f) ....... -<oJ (f) (f) POllOCk St. o o ('II ~i "- .:x- 1 '5 gf .g C.) I Q) c::1 ~ ~! 1277 LJ 00\ 70 ! ~ \ \ ) Sheraton ~~ TRENT RIVER LOCA TION EROSION CONTROL GENERAL NOTES 1. NO SITE DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY INCLUDING CLEARING & GRUBBING AND DEMOL!TION MAY BEGIN UNTIL CONsmUCTION PLANS AND ALL TREE PROTECTION FENCING INSTALLED. INSPECTED, AND APPROVED BY CITY OF NEW BERN, 2. FOLLOWING INITIAL SOIL DISTURBANCE OR REDISTURBANCE, PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY STABILIZATION SHALL BE COMPLETED 'MTHIN 15 CALENDAR DAYS FOR THE SURFACE OF ALL PERIMETER SLOPES AND 30 DAYS FOR ALL OTHER DISTURBED OR GRADED AREAS ON THE PROJECT SITE, 3, ESTABLISH GROUNDCOVER ON GRADED SLOPES AND FILLS WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS OR 30 CALENDAR DAYS, WHICHEVER PERIOD IS SHORTER, AFTER COMPLETION OF ANY GRADING PHASE, aDDITIONAL SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY NEED TO BE INSTALLED IF DEEMED NECESSARY BY EITHER ENGINEER OR CITY OF NEW BERN INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT, 4, ALL SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EACH RAIN AND AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK, IF REPAIRS ARE NECESSARY, DEVICES SHOULD BE REBUILT TO MEET PLAN, DETAIL AND SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS, 5. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES (SILT FENCE, INLET PROTECTION, ETC..) SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL ALL CONTRIBUTING AREAS ARE GRADED AND STABIUZED, 6, SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED FROM SILT FENCE, SITL BAGS, AND INLET PROTECTION DEVICES WHEN STORAGE CAPACITY HAS BEEN FILLED BY 50% 7. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM BEHIND THE SILT FENCE WHEN IT REACHES 4-INCHES DEEP. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT, REPAIR AND ADD STONE TO THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE WHEN IT BECOMES SATURATED WITH MUD TO INSURE IT FUNCTIONS AS IT WAS INTENDED. 9.IF THE MAJORITY OF MUD OR DIRT IS NOT REMOVED FROM CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC, CONmACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT VEHICLE WASH AREAS AT CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC EXIT POINTS, MUD AND DIRT SHALL BE INTERCEPTED AND TRAPPED BEFORE WASH WATER IS ALLOWED TO BE DISCHARGED OFFSITE. RINSE-OFF WILL NOT BE ALLOWED OUTSIDE' THE PROJECT CONSTRUCTION L!MITS, 10, DUST CONTROL ON SITE SHA~L BE MINIMIZED BY SPRAYING WATER ON DRY AREAS OF THE SITE. THE USE OF OILS AND OTHER PETROLEUM BASED OR TOXIC L!QUIDS FOR DUST SUPPRESSION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. CONSTRucnON SEQUENCE - PHASE II ***PRIOR TO ANY ONSIlE ACTIVITY STARTING, OF'FSlTE DRAINAGE MUST FIRST BE DIVERTED TO PERMANENT STORM WATER MANAGEMENT DEVICE lOCATED OfF-SITE (SEE PHASE I CONSmUCTlON SEQUENCE). 'M-iEN SYSTEM HAS BEEN INSTALLED, INSPECTED AND VERIFIED FOR PROPER OPERATION, ONLY THEN CAN ONSITE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES BEGIN. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH THE OWNERS REPRENSENTATIVE, ENGINEER, AND NCDENR REPRESENTATIVE. 2,OBTAIN LETTER OF PLAN APPROVAL FOR SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONmOL AND GRADING PERMIT, PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON SITE FOR DURA nON OF PROJECT, 3.CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL TREE PROTECTION FENCE PER PLAN AND GAIN APPROVAL FROM CITY OF NEW BERN INSPECTOR. 4, CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL SILT FENCE, CONSTRUCTION FENCE, AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AT BOTH LOCATIONS, 5, PROTECT EXISTING INLET smUCTURES WITH t-AIRAFI DANDY POP VERTICAL INLET PROTECTION OR APPROVED EQUAL. REPLACE AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN DESIGN PERFORMANCE, 6,INST ALL TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCHES WITH INTERMEDIATE CHECK DAMS, AND SILT BAGS AT INLET STRUCTURE AS REQUIRED PER PLAN. DITCHES ARE NOT TO GRADE OPEN TO INLET. DITCHES SHOULD HOLD WATER PRIOR TO DISCHARGING INTO INLET. CONTRACTOR REQUIRED TO USE PUMP TO REMOVE WATER FROM DITCH AND SEND INTO SILT BAG PRIOR TO DISCHARGING INTO INLET. OUTSIDE BANK OF DITCHES TO BE GRADED HIGHER THAN INSIDE BANK OF DITCH TO ALLOW OVERFLOW DURING RAIN EVENT TO BE CONTAINED ON SITE, 7. CONmACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION AND DEPTH OF EXISTING UTIL!TIES TO A VOID CONFLICT DURING INSTALLA TION OF SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES. 8. SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES TO BE INPSECTED BY ENGINEER, FOR COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO COMMENCMENT OF CRADING OPERATIONS. 9. GRADING AND DEMOLlTICN CAN COMMENCE AFTER ABOVE ITEMS HAVE BEEN APPROVED. CONTRACTOR TO GET CEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATION PRIOR TO FILL!NG IN POND OR BRINGING FILL MATERIAL ON SITE, 10. PRIOR TO COMMENCING BUILDING FOUNDATION CONmACTOR TO INSTALL SILT BAGS PER PLAN ALONG RIVER BULKHEAD AND ENSURE DRAINAGE TOWARD RIVER, ALL STANDING WATER FROM DEWATERING FOUNDATION WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE PUMPED THROUGH THE SILT BAGS, SILT BAGS ARE TO REPLACED PER MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS, 11. NEW PROPOSED ONSlTE STORM DRAINAGE DEVICES WILL NOT ACT AS SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES. SYSTEM IS ONLY TO BE BROUGHT ON L!NE WHEN PROJECT IS SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE AND CONTRACTOR HAS OBTAINED APPROVAL FROM OWNERS REPRENSENTATIVE, ENGINEER, AND NCDENR REPRESENTATIVE ON REMOVAL OF SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES. 12, ALL GROUND COVER TO BE ESTABLISHED PRIOR TO REMOVAL OF SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES. 13, ANY DEVIATION FROM THE NCDENR APPROVAL LETTER AND CONSTUCTION DOCUMENTS WILL BE CONSIDERED A DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT OF 1973. LEGEND '\ \, -SF-SF- TEMPORARY VERTICAL INLET PROTECTION TEMPORARY SILT FENCE o GRATED INLET -TPF-TPF- mEE PROTECTION FENCE ~".,.."..< ,'t......'i'...(. ;:.:~.~ ;.:;.:..~.::: ",' '.::,...~.,:"..: > > TEMPORARY SILT BAGS DIVERSION SWALE/DITCH --~ ~"-5'---" ~._--- EXISTING CONTOURS -5- PRGPOSED CONTOURS TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE t TEtv'OORA Y ROCK CHECK DAM --- liMITS OF DISTURBANCE/WORK AREA o ~ o (J z 3D' 30' FOR REVIEW ONLY NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION o SCALE: 1 "=30' (Horiz.) ~ ..J 0.. ~ ~ :J: (.) l,. ~ en ~ t ,. ." ""', o I- ifi ~ o (.) c ~ w z 'to Ox :J :I: 4( z o a.u.. 0 u o. ~ --... C-m/'f) - 01000 ;;S C " ClO 0Cl I:ti ~('II I I [l. guz ~ ~ z ::it ('II ('II I!I >:. (;)(;) ~ 00 a ...... ~ ('IIuee ; C ~ ~ ~ ~~~ o ..... 1.O ..... u:i (') ClO en .... <>> x J'2 !l [(T!S'l~,rre t(~~~!)~ ~~171;\!-~ ;r~~~ g 1.O ..... ~ ClO en .... en S ~:~~ :i~ ~~') ~1~ ......".w-~ i'(,.~"1<':~~ (') ~ U z .c C) om ~ en - . =- C c:a ~ ~ S .S en G.i ~ i c: Q) (!) o ..... Lt') w ~ (!) z Z ~ m o ... &! u: ... ::) o :I: I- ~ i 0.. o D:: ~ ~ o ... Iil :z (!) ~ w m g ~ ~ w ~ a:: o z I ~ ffi z z ~ @S ~ u. ~ <C ~ o w @i (.) a:: o o w (!) ~ (.) ci w ~ ~ 0.. W a:: w CD g b :z w D:: <( en ~ [l. w en w ~ en ~ 0.. W en w j!: ;:; ~ (!) 0:: ~ a.. ~ [l. ffi j!: o o ~ !i: Cl 0:: it o () ~ z ~ :::i: o () ~ en ~ ~ w a:: ~ ~ DRAWN BY: w a:: ~ CHECKED BY: CONTENT: PROJECT: REVISIONS: 60' en t5 ~ ~ en ~ o ~ :3 N @ .. o --I --I - +-' CtS Cc: Q)=-= s...E~ ~ a.U -- O..c O:::-t c:~O s... Q) Z O)~c: m~s... .......0> 3: C al 0)03: ZU:~ <( z a:: <( L ~ (/) o Q Z WHI-030n SITE Pu\N REVIEW SITE PLAN REVIEW SITE PLAN REVIEW DATE 05-2-04 06-03.04 07-07-04 03.16-05 MOD .GML EROSION CONTROL PLAN C1.40 r I i-.', CAMA MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SUBMITTAL NE BERN RIVER FRONT DEVELOPMENT, LLC LUXURY NDOS & MARINA CRAVEN COUNTY 1 01 MIDDLE STREET NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA MARCH 10,2005 D. NCDENR-Div. of Water Quality 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 (252) 946-6481 phone Contact: Bill Moore de Tom Steffens Brood St. -I-' (f) -I-' C/) ....... "- St. LJ UTILITYjMUNICIPAUTY CONTACTS 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. ALL UTILITY WORK THE PROJECT SHALL MEET THE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY OF NEW BERN. A. City of New Bern, North Carolina Planning Department P,O. Box 1129 New Bern, NC 28563 (252) 636-4077 phone Contact: Annette Stone. AICP B. City of New Bern, North Carolina Engineering Department P,O. Box 1129 New Bern. NC 28563 (252) 636-4004 phone Contact: David A. Muse, P.E, C. City of New Bern, North Carolina Public Works Department P.O. Box 1129 New Bern, NC 28563 (252) 636-4025 phone Contact: Danny Meadows NOTFS E. NCDENR-Div. of Coastal Management 151-B Hwy. 24 Hestron Plaza II Morehead City. NC 28557 (252) 808 2808 Contact: Ted Tyndall & Stephan Lane Dr Sheraton ~~ Union POin t F. Buried Cable Location ULOCO (800)632-4949 G, NCDOT Division 2 1704 N. Greene St. P,O. Box 1587 Greenville, NC 27835 (252) 830-3490 phone Contact: Wayne Nottingham SITE TRENT RIVER VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) 8. . JDAVISA ':-r;; ;,'" ",ioIo': .~~ 510 Glenwood Ave. Suite 2011 Raleigh, NC 276031 tel 919.835.1500 I fax 919.835.1510 ~ ~~ ~? & CREED 200 MacKenan Court, Suite 200 Cary, North Carolina 27511 Phone: (919) 233-8091, Fax: (919) 233-8031 Website: www.mckimcreed.com -~r PROJECT DATA DRAWING INDEX NAME OF PROJECT: NEW BERN SKY SAil CONDOMINIUMS PREPARED BY: SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION G-1 COVER SHEET EX-1 OVERALL EXISITNG SITE PLAN PR-l OVER ALL PROPOSED SI TE PLAN P1 WORK PLAT AND CROSS SECTION-GROUND LEVEL P2 WORK PLAT AND CROSS SECTION-MAIN TERRACE LEVEL McKIM & CREED, PA 200 MacKEN AN COURT, SUITE 200 CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27511 PHONE: (919) 233-8091 FAX: (919) 233-8031 CONTACT: Michael D. Dydula, EiT EMAIL: mdydula@mckimcreed.com PROJECT MANAGER: Grant Livengood, PE EMAIL: glivengood@mckimcreed.com C1.4D EROSION CONTROL PLAN ARCHITECT: JDAVIS ARCHITECTS 510 GLEN WOOD AVENUE, SUITE 201 RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA 27603 PHONE: (919) 835-1500 CONTACT: Neil T. Gray, AlA DEVELOPER: NEW BERN RIVERFRONT DEVELOPMENT. LLC 1120 S.E. CARY PARKWAY, SUiTE 201 CARY, NC 27511 PHONE: (919) 719-1010 FAX: (919) 719-1011 CONTACT: Dicky S. Walia, Chairman of the Board/CEO l' 9 9 r ~ sa 0 0 G FOR REVIEW ONLY NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION (/) :E :J - Z - ~ o z o () ..J - <( (/) ~ (/) Z 0:: W OJ S w z ~ o o o ...... 00 CO ...... N o I I \ \ REV.NO. I / I \ \ \ \ -'----.... -"-," I) -~-- '..---------- __..__6,~?~",_,_"_ "- f:-:-:::-::::-:::: _::=-:_::::::-===:::: _- _____ '.......--- -<" -, -- ----_."--"~_.._.__._-,:~.- --. --...--..-..-----,.. "">. ,-----' --------- , I 1 / / / ! I I 1-'1 t 01, ''''I~ "'d it:;? ~ I / , I , I I ~'j I,~. , I / I I I CITY of NEW BERN FARMERS MARKET I "J 10,2,- ," I Cl ~ Na2'04'4rw - ~9,87' WACHOVlA BANK and TRUST CO.. N,A. SOUTH FRONT (OfF) ST TRENT RIVER LAND and CATTLE COMPANY. LLC 119 MIDDLE ST ---"----1.ZJ /-- llO.,,' 01 J \ I~ RIM 3,6~ \ \ \ Ne GEO, ONU, 1~6 A . N 4D84J .256' E 2"'55 ,179' \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ , \ \ \ \\'\ \ \ J~ \ \ \\\ \ \ ~ \ \ \\~ \ \ \\ \ \1 \ ' \ \ \ \\ I \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -r\ '" ~~/ // 0/ FUEL // DeCK (/{/ // / EASEMENT AREA DOCKS A. B. C. D. F and ruEl DOCK for NEW BERN HOTELS. INe, DB 1669. Pg 824 d~--'-'---- c: "B~:~--l [---~: o DOCK ~ EXISTING f.r-:-==~~~ r--------' --.-'-~ I I I / I f'~_:,=_==~_=:J ,:;::'::'''''--__J r , , 0 TYPICAL L_______~ , ~~~==-...::---:::J o I ! 0 C----- __::=J , ~I 0 _ J --- "---- L_.~~~ ..-..__ ..J 1 ~ () I ~------- =1 ---__'J [--- ---l' , I -r\ \ \ o \ \ \ \ \ \ \ o ..,.., \ \ ..,.., o \ o SEAL SEAL DATE " I I -~--.J L ,/ -~- - .~--- ~ !:1;?"O -"20}' f- "-, '-- , ------.- SOUTH FRONT 60' R/w STREET , 1 r~, (Q)' II " @Ji,--"-- - - o-~,c,,""C"'___~:;!!:c:.....~~!!}f, W"I g__ "~"'c'"-=. - -"~~~-~--~?'C~ ~,~/.{;--;. l -'-. ---- .-.--------- ~ ---- --- - - __'_ -- ',g,____, ~f !;r-:-':6i:(){(: - -1/-, jfTq::::::::::.:=:::::..-:::-__::_ --:.-~-::..------::--c::_ __ ::c__ _- 'I J ' I: II I f [ 1'1 I I I I II ; II ;11 " ! I 'I,! /' " I ; I ,-' I ! j 'I" ,! I / II''') ; II _ ! I en II / ' I/~ I; " I , I f I il II I Ii " I ! I , II 0' ,,; ! 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