HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC190353_ESC Approval Submitted_20190522 11, Alpidll 16, 2019 Charles Yowell, E.3olhleir E.:::.ingiineeiriing INC, F::11L...1L...C. 4,130 IF::1airlklalke Ave�inue, Suite 130 FRaleigh, INC 27612 IRe:: Suirnirneirdalle IMoirtlh Coinstiruction Plain Approval F::IiroJect NuivnIbeir:: SLAE3 Cli)-2017 21 Appiroval/Staimped li)ate:: April 16, 2019 Walke County F::IIIN(s):: 0656 68 6510 ------------------------------------------------------------------ li)emir IMir. Yowell, r1he irowin of IFuquay Vairiina Ihas approved the albove irefeireinced coinstiruction Ipllanirn for geineirall compliance. rihis alplpirovall is only foir site iivnlpirove�ivneints, as defined in the rowin of F::'uquay Vairina 1l and li)evelolpiment Ordinance (1l li)0). E.3y acceptance of these alplpirove�d plains, the owineir, owineir's agents, develolpeir, Iheiirs, successoirs and assigins, agire�e to The Ibou.ulrnd to and comply with the "'brain of F::�uquay Vairina's 1l li)0 and the rovvin,s Standard Specifications and Construction li)etails (Slpec E.3oolk), as promulgated and amended lby the rown. If the alplpirove�d plains vairy oir conflict with the rovvin,s 1l li)0 and/oir Spec E.3oolk, the rovvin,s iL...I["K) and Spec E.3oolk 1hall oveffiride said plains. It iIs the ire�slpoinsilbility of the owineir,the owineir's agents, deve�lolpeir, heirs,successirs, and assigins,to comply with the rovvin,s 1I li)0 and Spec E.3oolk. r1he owineir/develiolpeir or tlheiiir itelpireseintative imust irneet Che following obligations as 1pairt.of this alplpirovall:: IPIRIECOims irlRuc inam 011311 IIGA"'IC oims:: • A 1pir4i$coinstir0..uctioin imeeting is ire�quiire�d 1piriIoir to stairting construction and/oir initiating land disturbance activfty. Please contact IlAs. IHaininalh Shaw, at (919)552 1400 to sclhedulle an Ipirecoinstiruction irneetiiing., Pirecoinstiruction meetings aire sclhedulled oin irues day s at 10 or I I Allm. • System develolpivneint and infirastiructu ire fees imust The Ipaid to the "'brain 1piriioir to scheduling the 1pira:,coinstiructioin imeeting. • Water authorization to construct Ipeirrrniits, and/oir sainitairy sevve�ir Ipeirirrniits, as applicable, wire ire�quiire�d to The completed and submitted to the rown. AIDIM n0IMAII 011311 IIGA"'IC oims:: Any deviatioins firom the rown's 1L...li)0 and/oir Spec E.3oolk 1hall The called to the attention of the rowin lbefoire such devratioins "ire impleimented. rlhe rowin of F::�uquay Vairina iis inot ire�slpoinsilble for sulbJect approvals of otlheir llocall, State, oir F::�edeirall agencies. Sulbect approvals include, bu in t wire ot limited to, Noirth Caroli na li)(:,�Ipairtivneint of rirainspoirtation, F::]E.::.�.lMA, Noirth J Carolina li AMsioin of Water Quality, and L.J.S. Airinny Coirlps of E.::iJngiineeirs. Any 1pirovrsioins of the Noirth Carolina State views oir approvals lby the F::'uquay Vairina Inspections li)(:,�Ipairtivneint aire selpairate and E.:uilding Code, and/oir any ire distinct firom this plain appiroval. "r1hese peirinnits and approvals aire selpairate firom this plain alplpirovall and the owineir, owineir's agents, deve�lolpeir, heirs, successirs, and assigins aire ire�slpoinsilble for iinve�stigatiing the ineed and obtaining these otlheir Ipeirirrniits, iif ire�quiire�d. town Of F::UqUay Vairina 401 Old I loineyWtt 1Road, F::UqUay Vairina, NC 27526 (919)552 1400 fUqUay vairina.org 01 'fx, 1500 4000101000IRM!", F Furthermore, owners and owner's agents, developer, heirs, successors and assigns, by acceptance of these approved plans, agree the Town shall not be responsible for any claims, damages, losses, costs, engineering fees, attorney's fees or other professional fees whatsoever, incurred by the owner or the owner's agents occasioned by relying upon the subject plans approved by the Town, even where the subject plans are inconsistent or in conflict with the Town's ILDO and/or the Town's Spec Book. If you have any questions regarding this approval, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 552-1421. Sincerely,-, Samantha Smith Planning Director cc: Tracy Stephenson, P.E., Engineering Director Jay Meyers, P.D., Public Utilities Director Chris Hinnant, Inspections Director Project File SUB-CD-2017-21 Town of Fuquay-Varina 7-401 Old Honeycutt Road, Fuquay-"farina, NC 27526 (919) 552-1400 HE fuqUay-varina.org