HomeMy WebLinkAbout431000_Compliance Evaluation Inspection_19950410' State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources • • Fayetteville Regional Office James B, Hunt, Jr., Governor p E H N Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Andrew McCall, Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT April 10, 1995 Mr. W. R. Moore Rt. 2, Box 110 Dunn, NC 28334 SUBJECT: Compliance Inspection Confined Animal Feed Lot Operation Turkey Farm (Carrol's Sites I A II) Harnett County Dear Mr. Moore: On April 5, 1995, an inspection of your animal operation was performed by the Fayetteville Regional Office (FRO). Please find enclosed a copy of our Compliance Inspection Report for your information. It is the opinion of this office that this facility is in compliance with 15A MCAC 2H, Part .0217, and that Animal Waste Management is being properly performed. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, feel free to contact me at (910) 486-1541. Sincerely, Grady son Environmental Engineer GD/tr Enclosure cc: Facility Compliance Group Carrol's Foods, Inc., P.O. Drawer 856, Warsaw, NC 28398 Wachovia Building; Suite 714, FayettevAlle, North Carolina 28301-5043 Telephone 910-486-1541 FAX 410-486-0707 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 60% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper NORTH CAROLnuk_DEPARTM T! OF EIVIROIRMT, HEALTH R NATURAL RESOMtCZS DIVISION OF AL 101N7120M I Fayetteville Regional Office Animal Operation Compliance'Inspection Form !bore Brother's Faros 1 4/5/95 1 Carrol's N 1 3 2 Rt. 2, Box 110 I (910) 892-3116 Dunn, NC 28334 All questions answered negatively will be discussed in sufficient detail in the Comments Section to enable the deemed Permittee to perform the appropriate corrections: Animal OpeXAtion Horses, cattle, swine, poultry, or sheep 1. Does the number and type of animal meet or exceed the (.0217) criteria? (Cattle (100 head), horses (75)► swine (250), sheep (1,000), and poultry (30,000 birds with liquid waste system)] 2. Does this facility meet criteria for Animal Operation REGISTRATIOM? 3. Are animals confined fed or maintained in this facility for a 12-month period? 4. Does this facility have a CERTIFIED NMTE KRWAGEKEWT_ZjjW 5. Does this facility maintain waste management records (Volumes of manure, land applied, spray irrigated on specific acreage with specific cover crop)? 6. Does this facility meet the SCS minimum setback criteria for neighboring houses, wells, etc? ■oo lino !IlO o�� 1. Is animal waste stockpiled or lagoon construction within 100 ft. of a DSGS Map Blue Line Stream? 2. is animal waste land applied or spray irrigated within 25 ft. of a USGS flap Blue Line Stream? 3. Does this facility have adequate acreage on which to apply the waste? 4. Does the land application site have a cover crop in accordance with the TIFI 5. Is animal waste discharged into waters of the state by man-made ditch, flushing system, or other similar man-made devices? 6. Does the animal waste management at this farm adhere to Best Management Practices (BMP) of the approved CERTIFICATION? 7. Does animal waste lagoon have sufficient freeboard? How much? (Approximately ) S. Is the general condition of this CAFO facility, including management and operation, satisfactory? ens 1�0 0�0 Section II (1) This is a dry litter turkey finishing operation which has the Deemed Permitted Status. Section II (2)(4)(5) Dry litter poultry operations are not required to Resister as an animal feed lot facility or have a CqrtAfied AnnualWaste- Management Plan provided the proper records are maintained by the farmer, an the appropriate buffer setbacks and application (agronomic) rates are followed. I personally observed Mr. Moores records, and the proper records are being kept. The sites on which the waste is applied were well managed and maintained. Section III (1)(3)(4)(6) no litter is stockpiled at this facility. Once each house is cleaned, it is loaded directly into the spreader trucks and land applied. The Moore brothers utilize some of the waste on their own land for crop production and utilize additional acreage from local farms. Overall, there is adequate acreage available to land apply the generated waste from this facility. As previously stated a Cgrtifted Waste Nmaement Plan is = required, however, a cover crop (row or y) is available to uptake the waste nutrients. Based on my inspection on April 5, 1995, it is my opinion that this facility is well managed, well maintained, and operating in compliance with 15A NCAC 2H, Part .0217. Odor and insects (flies) have been a concern by local residents in the past, however on this date flies and pungent odors were not apparent to this observer. Harnett County 43-1000... Poultry Complaints Facility Number Facility/Farm Name Contact Name Contact Tel. No. Date 43-1000 Harnett County 43-1000... Poultry Complaints Facility Number Facility/Farm Name Contact Name Contact Tel. No. Date 43-1000