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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBILL ARMOUR TURKEY FARM_CORRESPONDENCE_20171231CORRESPONDENCE 0 NORTH GAROUN Department of EnWr'Onmmtsl Cluel T S+ M -u Mr. Caudle'ee concern in that at screw point in time his lak0 will receive pollution from the pit burial disposal method of dead turkeys which is practiced at the adjacent turrkey egg laying apatation. At the present time the turkey taro, owned and operated by Mr. Hill Aro wr, diaposea of turkeys that die -off in a plywood covered dirt pit that is located more than ' ... 1000 ft. up slope of Mr. Candle's lake. A close examination of the hill elide and lake edge closest to the disposal pit revealed no indication of leachate. Ise. Caudle mentioned that a natural spring flowed in the area of exeikkatioe and while there was evidence of such a spring existing no flow was observed awn any evidouco of a strw o of rater carrying pollution was evidont. According to Mr. Caudle the lake under investigation has been in existence since 1946. Mr, Aniour'ss turkey operations began operation approximately three (3) years ag6. Two (2) water examples from the upper and lower ends of the lake were obtained by the Lwnstigator and will be analysed for Fecal Colifosm bacteria. it is anti- c1pated that the resulto from the aaeples will be available within two (2) weekn. The Anson County Health Department, upon Mr. Caudle's rempeat, made an investi- gation of the situation also, and obtained two water saaples tested for Fecal Cali - form bacteria. The results of 'those sa Vlss as stated in Mr. Caudldr letter we= 1.6 for the sample nearest the turkey pit disposal area and 6.0 for the sample that was nearest to Mr. Caud3 In residence. These levels of baateri.&I Ao mot indicate that a pollution problem is presents too odor was noticed or any unusual insect activity at -the time of the Inv" ti- lip I+. �'. •�• i�-►�5:•.+ 14� ♦li There wm no indication that theta were any violations of Division of R vvirom- mental Pkeouiatians. ter. Caudle was advised that possibly he could address this situation to other agencies such as the County Agricultural Extension Agent and the Soil Canaervation Office which could better address the method of diopmal of dead turkey©. Mr. Caudle seemed satisfied with sutural goes and Co meuuaity vlapcsent personnel efforts to assist hewn in -this problem, even though there was apparently nothing MM 'could do. Since the burial of deed turkeys could possibly cause a groundwater contamination problem, the GrauvAwate>: Section of thin office has been aWed to investigate this matter. _ upon receipt of, the sample results; Der. Caudle will be sent a. copy of the lab analysis. if them is any need for additiona.1 information or clarificatioar, please aedvise. K .. Attachment cos Fayetteville Regional Office Layne Baker Lee Timing a a v 1 Opp 19, 1,0 { DIVISION OF ENVIR00 NTAL MhP�xUCt evl - - W Office of Director V' Attached is referred to: 4 Please prepare a final / draft reply by for signature by the: Governor _ Deputy Secretary _ Director Secretary Y Asst. Secretary r Ass It. Director V In your response, please note correspondence was referred by:ZL Indicate carbon copies to Indicate blind carbon copies to (;6y. 0-UA 5 WiM4 Olff-''C-e — In taking action, coordinate efforts with Please review attached and give me your continents by Coordinate your review: and comment with Please handle _ Please note and advise me as appropriate Please note and file Please discuss this with me For your information Remarks: P1pa-�P rPtL rn__har_krnijnd _infnrma ti nn with drafted responses.- Log Number L q. i`- Y JU1V �J WATER QUALITY SECTION l eas e. see_ l a s t r-ttcf�a✓l�' o/� f t Closed GOVERNOR'S OMBUDSMAN INFORMATION SHEET CASE NUMBER INITIATIOjN- DATE NAME ✓1< ADDRESS DEPARTMENT OFFICE COMPLAINT y� BUSINESS TELEPHONE HOME Q+ jtEQUEST JURISDICTION NO JURISDICTION WRITTEN 1 PHONE 2 VISIT 9 .ft. SUBSTANCE OF INQUIRY OR CCMPLAINT: TAKfN BY - REFERRED TO: _I..Z-]_L_1_� ���1=1�� j PLEASE RESPOND BY: �..__i.L�� - - - f�S, i..t ENV. M1 NAGEAAENT FAYETTEVILLE REG. OFFICE In order to assist this office in expediting an answer to the above citizen, please complete the action indicated below: 0 investigate'and,Aekno%;vladge-Stating�G vornor,Referrod,iriquiry� ito-Yow d.Capy to this Office: Draft Reply Suitably for Governor's Signature. Investigate and Furnish this Office with Necessary Information to Respond to inquiry. For Your Inform ion._�:_ Thank You Your Cooperation and Assistance. COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - tpi irP WATERQUALITY SECTION Please Return To: Governor's Ombudsman Office Administration Building 116 W. Jones Street,, Raleigh COUNTY .. h 41 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC R�C I ]' � D. OMBUDSMAN,CASE FORM Y Name Mr: F.F. Caudle JUN 1 1 1984 Address Route . 1, City Marshville, N.C: 28103 Telephone — Business Home CASE NUMBER DATE COUNTY REFERRED TO I REPLY ON OR BEFORE TAKEN BY 1074 6/11/8 Union Debbie Moube ry June 25, 1984 L. Baker Origin HOTLINE GOV. OFF, GOV. M SEC. OFF. PEOPLES DAY OTHER WRITt5>1 VISIT I PHONE I OTHER .3 0• ro. n B o Z - _ 14 . 5 � . co '� ro a c ]eply,noting referral -from Ombudsman's Office - ❑ Investigate & furnish this office with necessary information to respond. ❑ Draft reply for Secretary's signature ❑Ombudsman's signature ❑Other Please let Mr. Sebo have a copy ofy_our ❑ Immediate telephone response requested. response. Thank you. ❑ For your information — no response required. Synopsis of request Mr. Caudle fears that pollution from an adKacent turkey farm will run off into his lake which feeds into Jones Creek and the Pee Dee River. He -has contacted EPA, the Fayetteville EPA, the Anson County Health Dept., and Rep. Aaron Plyer, and he has not received a response from anyone except the health department. Please investigate. Po JUN 14 19 4 JUN 121984 ENV. MANrAGEMENT WATER s ,. FAYETTEVILLE REG. OFFICE ION �����-, Y Action taken & date- . 6/1l/84- Case opened and referred to Debbie Mouberry, DEM. �X ' Jo The Honorable Jim Hunt Governor, State of N. C. Capitol Building Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Governor Hunt: Route 1 Marshville, N. C. 28103 June 2, 1,084 A `y JUN 4 OMBUDSMAN OFFICE May I explain a problem that I am having on a 12-acre man-made lake that I bought in 1974 in Anson County near Morven, along with 58 acres and a cottage to enjoy when I retired. A turkey farmer, Mr. Bill Armour, raises hatching eggs for. Cuddy Farms.- Ino,: He has 3 long houses (and plans to double his capacity) gust above my property. He is throwing dead turkeys daily into a pit 10 ft. x. 10 ft. x 5 ft. and when the pit fills up with the carcasses, he has it covered and digs another. My lake is approximately 600 ft. down the hill from this and eventually (if not already) this diseased turkey run-off will pollute my lake. The 'soil is mostly sand with some loam. This lake is fed by an artisan well on Mr. Flay Canipe's land which is approximately 3,4 mile west of .the upper end of the lake. Water flows down this stream on sandy soil and is clear. It was just as clear and pretty as White Lake but is now getting dingy and at times has some odor. There are also a lot of spring heads in this section which could polute the lake from the pits. Unless it is extremely dry weather, this lake flows continuously from a pipe into a stream which flows into Jones Creek and into Peed Dee River. We have been having a problem with an offensive odor, flies and mosquitos in•the last two years. - In talking with other turkey farmers in•,Anson-and"Union Counties,,.3 have not heard df-this-method of destroying -carcasses from them. They either incinerate 'or send them to the Oakboro'Rendering Plant. - I have contacted Mr. Armour; Raleigh Env, Protection Agency; Fayette- ville EPA; Anson County Health Dept.; Rep. Aaron Plyler; and several Anson County officials about this problem. So far, I have --not gotten any assistance. The Health Dept. did take water samples. 'Any help that you could provide 'will be most appreciated. _ Respectfully yours, lan + JrFM 4 ;gar '`,' ij' F. F. Caudle1.R :Enclosure ENIV. f,.:Avgy�,MF,'�i WATER QUALITY FAYETTEVI,LE p,_ . OFFICE SECTION }� r- °r' F. F. Caudle Route 1; Marshville, N. C. 28iO3 Phone: 704 - 624-5136 -_--__-_--- Location of lake: c miles south of Wadesboro, on rural road #1104, 4 miles east of Morven and 4 miles north of the South Carolina line. Lake: 12-acre man-made lake fed by an artisan well about 3/4 mile up stream and many spring heads. Water flows continuously through an 6-inch pipe into a stream that flows into Jones Creek and into Pee Dee River. Turkey Farmer above the lake: Mr, Bill Armour.:, Route 1; Morven, N. C. Lake location to pits: tipper end of lake is approximately 600 feet to pits. The drop in the land from the pits to lake is about 30 to 40 feet. Pit: Dimensions--10 ft. deep by 10 ft. long and ft. wide Dug by a backhoe: J & T Digging Services, Inc. Route 1 Feachland, N. C. 28133 When a pit is filled with dead turkeys and surface water, the back -hoe operator is called to cover the pit and to dig a new one. The back -hoe service'has been paid by: Cuddy Farms, Inc. 732 W. Marshville Blvd. Marshville, N. C. 28103 My residence well: located 60 ft. from •fake and is 85 ft. deep. Problems: Extreme odor when the wind is blowing from the pit, flies, gnats, and mosquitos. Our main worry is the polution of the lake which may take some time but will be tbo late when it happens. Also, the worry of diseases from those adult laying turkeys that would be dying from disease (not old age). We are concerned with the posibility of diseases such as spinal meningitis, typhoid and others. Lake is used: swimming, fishing, boating by friends, Church groups, and family to enjoy themselves. Health Dept. checked the water and found: Well: April 6, 1984 was suitable for use. _. Lake:._ April 19, 1984 near the turkey pits --Fecal Coliform - 1.6 April 19, 1984 near, the house --Fecal Coliform - 6