HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050800 Ver 1_Complete File_20050506 .., Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality August 3, 2005 DWQ Project # 20050800 Wake County 10M Developers, INC 466 Stancil Road Angier, NC 27501-8342 Subject Property: Tavernier Subdivision, Garner, NC Juniper Branch [03-04-03, 27-43-15-10-1, C, NSW (nutrient sensitive)] Approval of 401 Water Quality Certification and Authorization Certificate per the Neuse River Buffer Protection Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0233) with Additional Conditions To Whom It May Concern: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill within or otherwise impact 0,05 acres of wetlands, 100 feet of streams, 6,638 square feet (ft2) of Zone 1 and 4,425 square feet (ft2) of Zone 2 of protected riparian buffers for the purpose of road construction at the subject property, as described within your application dated May 6, 2005 and received by the N,C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on May 6,2005 with additional information reccived on June 29, 2005. Aftcr reviewing your application, we have dccided that the impacts are covered by Gcneral Water Quality Certification Number(s) 3402 (GC3402). The Certification(s) allows you to use Nationwide Permit(s) 39 when issued by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), This letter shall also act as your approved Authorization Certificate for impacts to thc protected riparian buffers per 15A NCAC 2B ,0233, In addition, you should obtain or otherwise comply with any other required federal, state or local pcrmits bcfore you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Erosion and Sediment Control, and Non-discharge regulations. Also, tWs approval to proceed with your proposed impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA Permit. This approval is for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application, If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions, If total fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre of wetland or 150 linear feet of stream, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H ,0506 (h). This approval requires you to follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below, The Additional Conditions of the Certification are: 1, Impacts Approved The following impacts are hereby approved as long as all of the other specific and general conditions ofthis Certification (or Isolated Wetland Permit) are met. No other impacts are approved including incidental impacts: N'?ithCarojina /Vatltrll!!!! 401 OversighVExpress Review PelTIlitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-1786/ FAX 919-733-6893/lnternet: httD:/fh2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands An Equal Opportunity/AffilTIlalive Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper f 10M Developers, Inc. Page 2 of 4 August 3, 2005 Stream 404 Wetlands Buffers - Zone 1 Buffers - Zone 2 Plan Location or Reference 2. Erosion & Sediment Control Practices Erosion and sediment control practices must be in full compliance with all specifications governing the proper design, installation and operation and maintenance of such Best Management Practices in order to protect surface waters standards: a. The erosion and sediment control measures for the project must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual, b. The design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal, or exceed, the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual. The devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects, including contractor-owned or leased borrow pits associated with the project. 3, Diffuse Flow All constructed stonnwater conveyance outlets shall be directed and maintained as diffuse flow at non-erosive velocities through the protected stream buffers such that it will not re-concentrate before discharging into a stream as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (5), If this is not possible, it may be necessary to provide stonnwater facilities that are considered to remove nitrogen. This may require additional approval from this Office, 4, Protective Fencing The outside buffer, wetland or water boundary and along the construction corridor within these boundaries approved under this authorization shall be clearly marked with orange warning fencing (or similar high visibility material) for the areas that have been approved to infringe within the buffer, wetland or water prior to any land disturbing activities to ensure compliance with 15A NCAC 2B .0233 and GC 3402. 5, Construction Stonnwater Pennit NCG010000 Upon the approval of an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan issued by the Division of Land Resources (DLR) or a DLR delegated local erosion and sedimentation control program, an NPDES General stonnwater pennit (NCG010000) administered by DWQ is automatically issued to the project. This General Pennit allows stonnwater to be discharged during land disturbing construction activities as stipulated by conditions in the pennit. If your project is covered by this pennit [applicable to construction projects that disturb one (1) or more acres], full compliance with pennit conditions including the sedimentation control plan, self-monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements are required, A copy of this pennit and monitoring report fonns may be found at htto://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/Forms Documents.htm. t 10M Developers, Ine, Page 3 of 4 August 3, 2005 6. Deed Notifications Deed notifications or similar mechanisms shall be placed on all retained jurisdictional wetlands, waters and protective buffers in order to assure compliance for future wctland, watcr and buffer impact. Thesc mechanisms shall be put in place prior to impacting any wetlands, waters and/or buffers approved for impact under this Certification Approval and Authorization Ccrtificate, A sample deed notification can be downloaded from the 401lWetlands Unit web site at http://h2o.enr,statc,nc,us/ncwetlands, The text of the sample deed notification may be modified as appropriate to suit to this project. 7, Culvert Installation Culverts requircd for this project shall be installed in such a manner that the original stream profilcs are not altered. Existing stream dimensions (including the cross section dimensions, pattern, and longitudinal profile) must be maintained above and below locations of each culvert. Culverts shall bc designed and installed to allow for aquatic life movement as well as to prevent head cutting of the streams, If any of the existing pipes are or become perchcd, the appropriate strcam gradc shall be re-established or, if the pipes installed in a pcrched manner, the pipes shall bc removed and re- installcd correctly, 8, No Waste, Spoil, Solids, or Fill of Any Kind No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in wctlands, waters, or riparian arcas beyond the footprint of the impacts depicted in the Pre-Construction Notification. All construction activities, including the design, installation, operation, and maintenancc of sediment and erosion control Bcst Management Practices, shall be performed so that no violations of statc water quality standards, statutes, or rules occur. 9, No Sedimcnt & Erosion Control Measures win Wetlands or Waters Scdiment and erosion control measures shall not bc placed in wetlands or waters to the maximum extent practicablc, If placement of sediment and erosion control devices in wetlands and waters is unavoidable, they shall be removed and the natural grade restored within six months of the date that the Division of Land Resourccs has releascd the project. 10, Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffcr Rules, and any subsequent modifications, thc applicant is required to return thc attached certificate of completion to the 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650, Violations of any condition herein set forth may result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penaltics, The authorization to proceed with your proposed impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application and as authorized by this Certification shall cxpire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA Permit. If you do not acccpt any ofthc conditions of this Certification (associated with the approved wetland or strcam impacts), you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you rcceive this letter, To ask for a hearing, send a writtcn pctition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, 10M Developers, Inc. Page 4 of4 August 3, 2005 Raleigh, N,C, 27699-6714, This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. Any disputes over detenninations regarding this Authorization Certificate (associated with thc approvcd buffer impacts) shall be referred in writing to the Director for a decision. The Director's decision is subject to rcview as provided in Articles 3 and 4 ofG,S, 150B. This letter completes thc rcvicw of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act and the Neuse riparian buffcr protection rule as describcd within 15A NCAC 2B ,0233, If you have any questions, please telephone Cyndi Karoly at 919-733-9721 or Deborah Edwards at 919-733-9502, Sincerely, Enclosures: GC 3402 Ccrtificate of Completion A WK/cbk/dae cc: Mikc Tisdell, Stancil & Associates, Post Office Box 730, Angicr, NC 27501 USACE Ralcigh Regulatory Field Office DWQ Raleigh Regional Office DLR Raleigh Regional Office File Copy Central Files Filename: S:\2005 Correspondence\20050800 Tavernier Subdivision (Wake) 401 NBR.doc STANCIL & ASSOCIATES, Professional Land Surveyor, P. A. 98 E. Depot Street, P. O. Box 730 Angier, N. C. 27501 ,. ...,; ! I r I ,." , ,,; i. I /' /~ .....,-, ~ '~ ' (:-, '.. _. I " .....::.... ( :.1 it' , I '.1 Telephone (919)639-2133 '" FAX (919)639~260~l.:~" '" - ., \" , . '"' .. -...., (i ;-'. , ,....., , .~ L. ' TO: Ian HcHillan JOB: Tavernier Subd. DWQ #05-0800 N.C. Division of Water Quality 1628 Mail Service Ctr. additional information requested Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1628 DATE: 6-23-05 Dear Hr. McHillan I am forwarding to you today the following: x Prints Check Other REMARKS: If I can be of further assistance, please call. STANCIL & ASSOCIATES, P.L.S., P.A. ~." ~'~lgO~/i~ ;l~'\ ._l~ IUI ;t,~ LI .. JUN '), 9 2005 By Hike Tisdell "N" ,f,..'_:r.' ".1 i~L1r{ ~It:. .1, - .:. ,:- ."'I't.J'CH \\'ETU'J\i..:~ i\l'~U 0 i "'J\~,\",\L t-I\ Li ~ 'II If', LESTER STANCIL & ASSOCIATES, Professional Land Surveyor, P. A. P.O. Box 730, Angier, N. C 27501 919-639-2133 - 919-639-2602(Fax) February 06, 2001 Division of Water Quality 401 Oversight/Express Permitting Unit (919) 733-1786 m@@@UW&@ JUN 2 9 2005 .. I' DENR . WATEr .'ETWiDS N';D STO ~~ ?UAlITY R"Mi"iTER Bi~ANCIt To: Cymli Karoly, Re: Tavemier Subdivision D WQ Project #05-0800. Additional {"formation RelluestelL 1. You have proposed impacts to streams, but have not stated which 404 Water Quality Certification you intend to use to impact these streams or that you are requesting a Riparian Buffer Authorization. Please state which permit and certification you intend to use and check the Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules. You may want to contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to determine which permit they will allow you to use, Please state which Permit (Natiomvide, Regional or General) number you intend to use. Response: A Nationwide Permit Number ./0./ has been appliedfor with the USACE. rJ vJ ~ \ ~ ~..\y 17ze proposed impact to the stream does not match with the site plan" however, because the stream top of bank and centerline of channel is not identified on the maps and the impact map only shows two culverts and a rip-rap dissipater through the center area of the stream this linear footage of impact would be difficult to determine. Please revise your maps to include the top of bank and centerline of channel to determine the correct amount of proposed impacts to the stream, In addition, if this linear footage of proposed impacts changes because of the corrected impact maps, please revise and resubmit your PCN. Response: Vle attached impact map has been revised to show the top of bank and channel location with corresponding areas. The impact length did not change therefore no revision is necessary for PCN. Please provide supportive information as to why a level spreader will not be located between lots ./ and 5, Vle map identifies a possible buffered pond located off property and a "constmcted channel" is located between these two lots. Response: Level spreader No. 7 added to plan. Revised plans have been mailed 2. 3. Vwnk you, Cy-m io~ John M Tisdell IdaJal/w/1S12 77\/ots 7-8. doc . / , stabilized and approved by the ental Engineer and Custom Basins ved, eaders shall be contained within ~inage and maintenance easement . conform to topography to meet .t of difuse flow. . Install NAG S75 Staple D From Sta. 10+50 to Level Spreader #4 crlU - t".vV.Jt '."',/t',."".1 - Slope = 0.0450 It/It . Mannings n = O,022(Bare Velocity = 2.43 Ips Depth = 0.15 it Install 17'TY x 24'L x 24"D Class "1" Rip-Rap Dissipator (d 50= 13") Install Seed, Mulch and Tac From Sta. 14+39 to Intersectic * Ezjstinz Creek @ all Seed, Mulch and Tac Intersection to Sfa. 10+50 INSTALL SILT FENCES (SEE DETAIL SHEET Install NAG 875 Staple D From Level Spreader #5 11 +00 o Tavernier Knoll -c:I X I -c:il ......c::3- ---S::l b:: 14+00 15+00 lQ ~ 0 0 0 -c::;:J X -..:::J X ...-.a ~~V8 ) .. I I I CB-3: ~ ------, I~ 'gl ~ ~I Ii ~I I~ .Ell I ~ ~ ~ ~I II) ~I I~ ~I I~ I I~ LS-3 I I~ L_J "f, "'@ I I L LS-61 I Creek Area L J = 78 sq. ft. - d- ~ @ r--- --- I Easement and Clearing CB-~ @ Backwater Easement Elev. = 358.62 r_~J.~n l\TArr ""Q~n C'J.~_J~ J;l r_~J.~n C'~~,l II..'~'" ~_,l '1'~~ Install Ti'rnTY> Tpv"" 1 .C::nr""Q ,. I (' Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality June 15,2005 DWQ Project # 05-0800 Wake County Page 1 of2 CERTIFIED MAIL: RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 10M Developers, Inc. 466 Stancil Road Angier, NC 27501-8342 Subject Property: Tavernier Subdivision REQUEST FOR MORE INFORMATION Dear Sir or Madam: On May 6,2005, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) receive~ your application dated May 6,2005 to impact 0.05 acres of wetlands, 100 feet of stream and 11,063 square feet (ft?) of protected riparian buffers to construct the proposed subdivision. The DWQ has determined that your application was incomplete and/or provided inaccurate information as discussed below, The DWQ will require additional information in order to process your application to impact protected wetland, streams and/or buffers on the subject property, Therefore, unless we receive the additional information requested below, we will have to move toward denial of your application as required by 15A NCAC 2H .0506 and 2B ,0233(8) and will place this project on hold as incomplete until we receive this additional information, Please provide five copies the following information so that we may continue to review your project. Additional Information Requested: 1. You have proposed impacts to streams, but have not stated which 404 Permit or 40 1 Water Quality Certification you intend to use to impact these streams or that you arc requesting a Riparian Buffer Authorization, Please state which permit and certification you intend to you and check the Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules, You may want to contact the U.S, Anny Corps of Engineers (USACE) to determine which permit they will allow you to usc. Please state which Permit (Nationwide, Regional or General) number you intend to use, 2, The proposed impact to the stream does not match with the site plan, howevcr because the stream top of bank and centerline of channel is not identified on the maps and the impact map only shows two culverts and a riprap dissipater through the center area of the stream this linear footage of impact would be difficult to determine. Please revise your maps to include the top of bank and centerline of channel to determine the correct amount of proposed impacts to the stream. In addition, if this linear footage of proposed impacts changes because of the corrected impact maps, please revise and rcsubmit your PCN, 3. Pleasc provide supportive information as to why a Icve1 sprcader will not be located between lots 4 and 5, The map identifies a possible buffered pond located off property and a "constructed channel" is located between thesc two lots. N~ImCarolina ;Vatlimll!! 401 OversighVExpress Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733.17861 FAX 919-733-6893 1 Internet: htto://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/I 0% Post Consumer Paper / 10M Developers, Inc. Page 2 of2 6/15/05 Please respond within three weeks of the date of this letter by sending this information to me in writing and Eric Kulz of the DWQ Raleigh Regional Office, Ifwe do not hear from you within three weeks, we will assume that you no longer want to pursue this project and we will consider the project as withdrawn, This letter only addresses the application review and does not authorize any impacts to wetlands, waters or protected buffers. Please be aware that any impacts requested within your application are not authorized (at this time) by the DWQ. Please call Ms. Debbie Edwards at 919-733-9502 if you have any questions regarding or would like to set up a meeting to discuss this matter, CBKJdae cc: Eric Kulz, DWQ Raleigh Regional Office USACE Raleigh Regulatory Field Office File Copy Central Files Sincerely, Cr!~ Cyndi Karoly, 401 Oversight/Express Pennitting Unit Filename: OS0800Tavcrnicr(Wakc)hold " ~-"._. .. ',....:- . Triage ChecI{ List Date: )/10/0) Proje6tName: -r()iv'eyr-Y1'(V~ )vj:JJ"VIJ/'O~ DWQ#: o~' () foo County: W4 K.12 To: 0 .ARO Kevin Barnett '0 WaRO Tom Steffens and Kyle Barnes 0 FRO Ken A veritte o WiRO Noelle Lutheran 0 !vfRO Alan Johnson o WSRO Daryl Lamb r&1 RRO Mike Horan From: w ~ r y f.... .h~ Telephone: (919) 7/'5"-3€f7f \' .\ \ '., . \ The file attached is being forward~cl\ic;)}~ur f~r .your eyaIuation. . .. Please call if you n~ed\ass~~~e. . /ZJ stream length impacted. \ !l1 Stream dete~ation '. '. . o Wetland determination and distance to blue-li~ surface'waters on USFW topo maps' . 0 Minimization/avoidance issues o Buffer Rwes (Neuse, Tar-Pamlico,. Catawba, Randlem~) o Pond fill . D. Mitigation Ratios o Ditching . .0 Are the stream and or wetland mitigation sites available and viable? lZ1 Check drawings for accuracy o Is the appliqation consistent wi~ pre~application mee~gs? . o Cumulative impact concern . . Comments: " 'II ~.., - . MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Non-Discharge Branch Regional Contact: we Supervisor: Date: Eric Kulz K SChll~tPr SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name Tavernier SID c/o 10M Developers Project Number 05 0800 Recvd From APP Received Date 5/6/05 Recvd By Region Project Type Residential SID County Wake County2 Region Raleigh Certificates Permit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Type Type Impact Score Index Stream Class Prim. Supp. Acres Basin Req. Feet Req. 1 NW39 I OTH I@Y ON I 124-43-15-1 rei NSW 130,403. I 0.041 1 I Stream lay @N I 124-43-15-1 r--I 130,403. I I 100.00 I NBRO I Waters lay @N I 124-43-15-1 r--I 130,403. I 0.251 Mitiqation MitigationType Wetland Type Acres Feet r Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? 0 YON Did you request more info? 0 YON Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? 0 YON Is Mitigation required? 0 YON Recommendation: 0 Issue 0 Issue/Cond 0 Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) Longitude (ddmmss) Comments: 5/26/05 I have been to this site. Impacts appear unavoidable in order to use northern portion of site. I have no comments regarding this project. EWK , cc: Regional Office Central Office Page Number 1 Hand delivered 5-6-05 m&@&DW&@ I MAY 6 2005 Telephone (919)639-2133 "'" FAX (919)639-2602 DEN l:SlJJ:Ds~;'D~~TER QUALITY .. ORI.fI\I\TER BRlwcH STANCIL & ASSOCIATES, Professional Land Surveyor, P. A. 98 E. Depot Street, P. O. Box 730 Angier, N. C. 27501 . frIT O'S 00 TO: N.C. Dept. of Environment Natural ~esources-Water Attn: _Eric Kulz 2321 CldLLlee DlJ6. Raleigh, N.C. 27604-2260 & JOB: lluahty Tavernier Sbud. DATE: 5-6-05 Dear Hr. Kulz I am forwarding to you today the following: 7 sets Prints $200 Check 7 sets USACE Other REMARKS: Enclosed are copies of the above subdivision's construction plans, 7 sets of the USACE form, and Iny check for $200 covering the review fee. A. DdCkai!e has also hppn fonvarded to llS CorDs of Pn\?inpers. If I can be of further assistance, please call. STANCIL & ASSOCIATES, P.L.S., P.A. By Lester - . mlli!@rJ.ww~ ~ MAY 6 2005 r' \! 'r- I. '/" ",' 'I' I;.. ; ;, l . ' ~._ ~ ; :; -. (' ,_., '\"-u I":'u:~i 'i.:. Office Use Only: DENR. WATER QUAliTY WETlNIDS NID STOHMWATER BRANCH Fonn Version May2002 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. in f} n f: n Vv" (Ifany particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not ;~y~licable" or "N/A".) " " I. Processing . i ! t '. · t_~ ,,_.: L -) \ ' i I, Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ~ Section 404 Permit 0 D Section 10 Penn it 0 ~ 401 Water Quality Certification Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules Isolated Wetland Pennit from DWQ j i -',.; ) ,..,"'\" : '.__~..... I~ I J j' ~ _ \.. ,.j t. _': ': " --- J <...i '.-/ _j . ..' 1 ..., , .l 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: ./ 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: D 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (verify availability with NCWRP prior to submittal of PCN), complete section VIII and check here: D 5. If your projcct is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal countics (listed on pagc 4), and thc project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Managemcnt Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: D II. Applicant Information I. Owner/Applicant Infonnation Name: 10M DEVELOPERS. INC Mailing Address: 466 Stancil Road Angier. NC 27501-8342 Telephone Number: 919-639-2073 E-mail Addrcss: Fax Numbcr: 2. Agent/Consultant Infonnation (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization lctter must bc attach cd ifthc Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Namc: Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: Tclcphone Numbcr: E-mail Addrcss: Fax Number: Page 5 of 12 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clcarly showing the location of thc propcrty with rcspcct to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also providc a dctailcd site plan showing propcrty boundarics and dcvclopment plans in relation to surrounding propertics. Both the vicinity map and site plan must includc a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impcrvious surfaccs, or othcr facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include thc appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survcy with thc propcrty boundarics outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at thc applicant's discrction, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposcs, the USACE rcquircs information to be submittcd on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; howevcr, DWQ may acccpt paperwork of any size. DWQ prefcrs full-sizc construction drawings rathcr than a sequcntial sheet version of thc full-sizc plans. If full-size plans are rcduced to a small scalc such that the final vcrs ion is illegible, the applicant will bc informed that the projcct has bcen placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: TAVERNIER SUBDIVISION 2. T.I.P. Projcct Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): 3. Propcrty Identification Number (Tax PIN): 1608.04-54-4336 4. Location County: WAKE Ncarcst Town: GARNER Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): TAVERNIER SUBDIVISION Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): TAKE NC 50 SOUTH FROM GARNER. RIGHT ON RAND ROAD. LEFT ON CROWDER ROAD. CROSS OVER NC 1010 FOR APPROX. 1 MILE. SITE IS ON RIGHT. 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a shcet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Property size (acres): 30.097 ACRES 7. Ncarcst body ofwatcr (strcam/rivcr/soundloccan/lakc): JUNIPER BRANCH 8. Rivcr Basin: NEUSE (Notc - this must be onc of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at httn:llh2o.enr.state.llc.us/admill/maps/.) 9. Describe thc cxisting conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this. application: EXISTING CONDITIONS: FARMLAND AND WOODSLAND: GENERAL VICINITY: RESIDENTIAL. FARMLAND AND WOODSLAND Page 6 of 12 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including thc type of cquipment to be used: RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ROAD: TRACK HOE: DOZER. PANS AND DUMP TRUCKS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION. II. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: SEE ABOVE IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this projcct (including all prior phascs of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued pennits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffcr impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. N/A V. Future Project Plans Are any futurc permit requcsts anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipatcd work, and provide justification for thc exclusion of this work from the current application. . NO VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United StateslWaters ofthe State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to dctermine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for thcse impacts in Scction VII below. All proposed impacts, permancnt and temporary, must be listed hcrein, and must bc clcarly idcntifiable on an accompanying sitc plan. All wetlands and watcrs, and all streams (intcrmittent and perennial) must bc shown on a delineation map, whcther or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and dclincation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may bc includcd at the applicant's discrction. If this proposcd impact is strictly for wctland or stream mitigation, list and describc thc impact in Section VIII below. If additional spacc is nccded for listing or description, pI case attach a separate shect. Page 7 of 12 1. Provide a written description ofthe proposed impacts: MINIMAL DISTURBANCE FOR INSTALLATION OF STORM DRAINAGE CULVERTS, DISSIPATOR, AND FILL FOR ROADWAY CROSSING (APPROX. 11,063 sq. ft.) 2. Individually list wetland impacts below: Wetland Impact Area of Located within Distance to Site Number Type ofImpact* Impact 100-ycar Floodplain** Nearest Stream Type ofWetland*** (indicate on map) (acres) (ves/no) (linear feet) I Clearing, Grading 0.05 No 850 Forested Wetland Fill, Drainage * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but arc not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, nooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and nooding. toO-Year l100dplains arc identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved 10call100dplain maps. Maps arc available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at htlp://\\"\\"w.fcllla.l!ov. List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) Indicate if wetland is isolated (detennination of isolation to be made by USACE only). *. ... List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: 1.68 Ac. Total area of wetland impact proposed: 0.04 Ac. 3. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts below: Stream Impact Length of A verage Width Perennial or Site Number Type of Impact* Impact Stream Name** of Stream Intermittent? (indicate on maD) (linear feet) Before Impact (please specify) Pipe & Rip-Rap 100LF UT to Juniper Branch 4ft Intermittent List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but arc not limited to: culverts lild associated rip-r.lp, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and l1ooding), relocation (include linear feet before and aller, and netlosslgain), stabilization activities (cement wall. rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and proliles showing the linear footprint for both the original and rclocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it l1ows. USGS maps arc available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at \\"\\"\\'.lISl!S.l!OV. Several internet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., WWW.tol1ozon<:.<:olll. W\\"W.Ill~lpl]lI<:St.COIll. etc.). * Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: 100 Page 8 of 12 _// / / / 4. Individually list all opcn watcr impacts (including lakcs, ponds, cstuarics, sounds, Atlantic Occan and any othcr watcr ofthc U.S.) below: Open Water Impact Area of Name of Waterbody Type of Water body Site Number Type of Impact* Impact (if applicable) (lake, pond, estuary, sound, (indicate on map) (acres) bay, ocean, etc.) N/A * List eaeh impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impaets include, but arc not limited to: fill, excavation, dredgmg, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, ete. 5. Pond Crcation If construction of a pond is proposcd, associated wetland and strcam impacts should be includcd abovc in the wetland and strcam impact scctions. Also, the proposed pond should bc described herc and illustratcd on any maps included with this application. Pond to bc crcated in (chcck all that apply): 0 uplands 0 strcam 0 wctlands Describc thc method of construction (c.g., dam/cmbankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valvc or spillway, ctc.): N/A Proposed usc or purpose of pond (e,g., livcstock watering, irrigation, acsthctic, trout pond, local stormwater requircment, etc.): Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically dcscribe measurcs taken to avoid the proposcd impacts. It may be uscful to provide information relatcd to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, acccssibility, and financial viability of the projcct. The applicant may attach drawings of altcrnativc, lower-impact sitc layouts, and explain why thcse dcsign options wcrc not fcasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimizcd oncc the dcsired sitc plan was devclopcd. If applicablc, discuss construction techniques to be followcd during construction to rcducc impacts, ROADW A Y DESIGNED TO CROSS WETLANDS WITH MINIMAL IMPACT TO WETLANDS AND STILL ACCESS LOTS 12 THRU 20 VIII. Mitigation DWQ _ In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may bc rcquircd by thc NC Division of Watcr Quality for projects involving greater than or cqual to onc acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear fect of total impacts to perennial streams, Page 9 of 12 USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuancc and Modification of Nationwide Pcrmits, publishcd in thc Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will bc requircd whcn nccessary to cnsurc that adverse effects to the aquatic environment arc minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative valuc of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in dctcrmining acccptability of appropriatc and practicablc mitigation as proposed. Examplcs of mitigation that may bc appropriatc and practicablc includc, but arc not limitcd to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegctated buffers to protcct open watcrs such as streams; and rcplacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, rcstoring, cnhancing, or prcscrving similar functions and values, prcferable in thc samc watcrshed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must bc attachcd in ordcr for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a rcquircd mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrcnce shall be placcd on hold as incompletc. An applicant may also choose to revicw thc currcnt guidclincs for strcam rcstoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h20.cnr.st<1tc.ne.us/nC\vctlands/stnnu,i de. h tm I. 1. Providc a brief dcscription of thc proposcd mitigation plan. Thc dcscription should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limitcd to: sitc location (attach dircctions and/or map, if offsite), affccted stream and river basin, type and amount (acrcagcllincar fcct) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or prescrvation), a plan vicw, prescrvation mcchanism (e.g., dccd rcstrictions, conservation eascmcnt, etc.), and a dcscription of thc currcnt sitc conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate shcet if more spacc is nccdcd. N/A 2. Mitigation may also bc madc by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Rcstoration Program (NCWRP). Please notc it is the applicant's responsibility to contact thc NCWRP at (919) 733-5208 to determine availability and to requcst written approval of mitigation prior to submittal of a PCN. For additional information rcgarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at http://h20.enr.state.nc.lls/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, plcase check the appropriatc box on page thrcc and provide thc following information: Amount of stream mitigation rcquestcd (lincar feet): N/ A Amount of buffer mitigation requestcd (square feet): N/A Amount of Riparian wctland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Amount of Non-riparian wctland mitigation requcstcd (acres): N/A Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A Page 10 of 12 IX. Environmcntal Documcntation (rcquircd by DWQ) Docs thc projcct involve an cxpenditurc of public (federal/statc) funds or thc usc of public (fcderal/state) land? Yes D No ~ If yes, does thc projcct require prcparation of an cnvironmcntal document pursuant to the rcquircmcnts of thc National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPNSEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whcther a NEP NSEP A documcnt is rcquircd, call the SEP A coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to revicw current thrcsholds for environmental documcntation. Yes D No D If yes, has the documcnt rcvicw bccn finalizcd by thc Statc Clearinghousc? If so, plcasc attach a copy of thc NEP A or SEP A final approvallettcr. Yes 0 No 0 x. Proposcd Impacts on Riparian and Watcrshed Buffers (rC(luircd by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determinc, dclineate and map all impacts to rcquired statc and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII abovc. All proposed impacts must bc listed herein, and must be clearly idcntifiablc on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts arc proposed to the buffers. Correspondencc from the DWQ Regional Office may be includcd as appropriatc. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will thc projcct impact protected riparian buffcrs identificd within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Ncusc), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rulcs and Watcr Supply Buffcr Requirements), or othcr (plcasc idcntify )? Yes 0 No D If you answered "ycs", provide thc following information: Identify thc squarc fcct and acrcage of impact to cach zone of thc riparian buffers. If buffcr mitigation is required calculate thc rcquircd amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact Multiplier Required (square feet) Mitigation I 6,638 3 2 4,425 1.5 Total 11,063 * Zone I extends out 30 feet perpendicular from near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone I. Page I I of 12 If buffer mitigation is rcquired, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposcd (i.e., Donation of Property, Conscrvation Eascment, Riparian Buffer Restoration I Enhancement, Prescrvation or Paymcnt into thc Riparian Buffer Rcstoration Fund). Plcasc attach all appropriate infonnation as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0260. N/A XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Dcscribc impcrvious acreage (both existing and proposed) vcrsus total acrcagc on thc site. Discuss stormwater controls proposcd in ordcr to protect surface waters and wctlands downstream from thc property. TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA FOR ENTIRE TRACT = 4.502 Ac.(14.959%) TOTAL TRACT AREA = 30.097 Ac. XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate trcatment mcthods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater gcncratcd from thc proposcd project, or available capacity ofthc subjcct facility, INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTIAL SEPTIC SYSTEMS XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (l5A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes D No [g] Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes D No ~ XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficicntly in advancc of dcsircd construction dates to allow processing timc for these permits. However, an applicant may choosc to list constraints associated with construction or sequcncing that may impose limits on work schedulcs (e,g., draw-down schedules for lakes, datcs associated with Endangercd and Thrcatcncd Spccics, acccssibility problems, or other issucs outsidc of the applicant's control), 5..-t. -tJ!) Date rization lcttcr from the applicant is providcd.) Page 12 of 12 ~'.'''~,''C (,JJ."lt,. ..,,j tho;- tIt,' c, ~..\l.::.~h WAKE c\ lll.',; r y GCOQ~.,pt'.k Infunl'')t...=~ Sel:"\lice" (Ot-\DSEDCE TRL- o u:: CIl '-' .:J c( CIl :.:::-::; iL::r::::::r: 16J25";.i32;3 ;,1"p cr,:::.tcd on 3'15/2085105351 Ai,l Copyright 2003 City of R3lcigh, WJkc COllnty o c:::=:=:J 3 C5 ft REID: OWNER1: ADDR1: ADDR2: ADDR3: DEED BOOK: DEED PAGE: DEED DATE: DEED ACRES: BLDG VAL: LAND VAL: BILLING CLASS: DESCRIPTION: MAP NAME: PIN NUM: PIN EXT: CITY: PLAN JURIS: TOWNSHIP: YEAR BUILT: SALEPRICE: SALEDATE: TYPE USE: DESIGN STYLE: UNITS: LAND CLASS: ZONING: OLD PARCEL NUMBER: ADDRESS ST NUM: ST MISC: DIR PREFIX: ST NAME: ST TYPE: DIR SUFFIX: 0035931 10M DEVELOPERS INC 466 STANCIL RD ANGIER NC 27501.8342 11201 2747 1/2812005 30.25 o 380422 CORPORATE LISTING L T 5 MAGGIE 8. HARVEY JOHNSON BM04.1093 160804 1608544336 000 we PANTHER BRANCH o o o VACANT R.30 807 -00000-0005 o HARVEY JOHNSON RD htto:llimaos.co.wake.nc.us/imans/nnntm:'lO ~u:n?nin=l nOR';4411nR,rninpvt=~m;nY=? 1 n11')'; ')A.,'7S2111R,.....:... V=hQ")"A '7")h 1 OrM'7 Page 1 of I 'l/1 O/'"l""C ;SIFICATION Light.duty Unimproved dirt ========~ o State Route VICINITY MAP No Scale :;' WHEELER, N, C. .... I GARNER 15' QUADRANGLE l537.5-W7837.517.5 1964 PHOTOREVISED 1973 5255 II NW-SERIES V842 ~OOO 1 MILE I '<' ;>-c;. ;,o.s;' 1.- ~o\S' <S'~o ~ ROAD CLASSIFICATION Light.duty.. Unimproved dirt ;;=;;;;;; o State Route 4000 5000 - I 6000 7000 FEET I Heavy.duty. Medium.duty ... 1 KILOMETRE I \L 10 FEET :AL DATUM OF 1929 o U. S. Route ~) QUAORANGLE LOCATION LAKE WHEELER, N, C, NW/4 GARNER IS' QUADRANGLE N3537.5-W7837.517.5 1964 PHOTOREVISED 1973 AMS 5255 II NW -SERIES V842 MAP ACCURACY STANDARDS lEY, RESTON, VIRGINIA 22092 ) SYMBOLS IS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST --- ,to ~@ iNSTALL SILT FENCES (SEE DETAIL SHEET) 16' TemporarYJ---LSL4 onstructlon Ease ent r - -L ----CB-4 ",- I>- e 11 +00 -e-. 0 TaVernIer Knoll I I I CB-3 : L- _ _,;':- _ ---, '1'10 'tll tW ~I v::.!) ~~ 'l 's' l:jl LS-3 'C::al ClJI I I.~ I l:=i L_J Install 17'17 x 24'L x 24 liD Class "1" Rip-Rap I DissJpa tor (d ~o = 13 ") I ,to ""@ I Install Seed, Mulch and Tac I From Sta. 14+39 to Intersection I Install NAG S75 Staple D I From Level Spreader #5 to Sfa. 14+39 ) LS~--I - 'l '--- _ _ _ ______ 1 I CB-5 ';, o ~ Crossing Area 11,083 sq. IL @ Enc1.:vater Easement Elev. = 355.fJ2 15+00 -e- -;- ~ ~ :::: ::lo..c ~ C\1.l:l QJ~W::: ~~ ~ ow~'~ ~""1~ ~ . ~ ~~~ ..... ~ ::l ~ ........ ~ ~~ ~~ ..... . ~ ~~ 1J.e. @ 15 --- x Left Side Channel Sta. 8+50 Erosion Con trol Plan For NOTE: A 10' x 70' Sight Triangle shall be placed at all street intersections as shown hereon. Left Side Channel Sta. 0+50 Total Drainage Area = 0.21 Ac. QlO = (0.35)(7.5)(0.21) = 0.55 cis Slope = 0.017 ft/It Mannings n = 0.022(Bare Soils) Velocity = 2,30 fps Depth = 0,28 ft. Left Side Channel Sta. 4+00 Total Drainage Area = 0.11 Ac. QlO = (0.35)(7.5)(0.11) = 0.29 cfs Slope = 0.0262 ft/ft Mannings n = O,022(Bare Soils) Velocity = 2,30 fps Depth = 0,20 ft, Left Side Channel Sta, 4+50 Total Drainage Area = 0.15 Ac. QlO = (0.35)(7.5)(0.15) = 0.39 cfs Slope = 0.0388 ft/It Mannings n = 0.022(Bare Soils) Velocity = 2.87 fps Depth = 0.21 ft. Left Side Channel Sta. 7+00 Total Drainage Area = 0.35 Ac. QJO = (0.35)(7.5)(0.35) = 0.92 cfs Slope = 0.0348 ft/ft Mannings n = 0.022(Bare Soils) Velocity = 3.42 fps Depth = 0,30 ft, Left Side Channel Sta. 7+50 Curve No. Delta Radius Tangen t Arc Length 1 Data = 49017'01" = 310.00' = 142.20' = 266.65' Total Drainage Area = 0.05 Ac. QJO = (0.35)(7.5)(0.05) = 0.13 cis Slope = 0.0063 ft/ft Mannings n = O,022(Bare Soils) Velocity = 1,10 fps Depth = 0,20 ft, I CB-21 Constructed ~II Channel #4 L l' j Tavernier Knoll Lane -- I ~I I I I I I I Install Seed, Mulch and Tac I From Sta. 7+19 to Intersection I L ____ ----------- Total Drainage Area = 0.06 Ac. QlO = (0.35)(7.5){0.06) = 0.16 cis Slope = 0.0050 ft/ft Mannings n = 0.022(Bare Soils) Velocity = 1.07 fps Depth = 0,22 ft, Tavernier Subdivision Install Seed, Mulch and Tac From Intersection to Sta. 4+18 @ @ \\IIIIIIOOOOOOQ <;,.\\\\ CA b QQIl .".,,"'" ~\:\ .(~O-lllll~ ~.,,~~ ,"'iss'j", /.p~ ~ ~ "01 OA.'. __ ~ <<::::t oo~ "<(t1'o, ~ c::::a ~ :Q., SEAL 'c"" :. ~ l-2645: ~ ~. €J;:o C::;) ':. '. ~/k ~r;;;j" :: ~ oo.:y./) .0. ~ ~ '. S1J .' ~ ~ ~"'Il ~.J.."""'" ,,;> .".,,~ 1111 ~~ M ft'\.su. "","" IlQg D:;ftnt~ cY-'7~~ Revised: 03-18-05 Revised: 03-30-05 Revised: 04-19-05 evised: 05-05-05 Panther Branch Township Wake County, NC Install 20' x 50' x 8"0 No. 5 Washed SurKe Stone Temporary Construction Entrance Pad (See Detail Sheet) I . -- . j EIS . -- a.pd -lhbcrJll lIlcnt 6' EaI Ea.se rLandSC8re T' ) . :::\ )0) U J) IJlstaJJ NAG S75 Staple ]) From Sta, 4+18 to Sta. 7+19 @ 20' Pavement Scale: 1" = 50' 50' Right-ol-way Date: 02-26-05 . -- o 50 r-,. ---~ -.. --.- - GRAPHIC SCALE 100 -_ ____J @ @ PREPARED BY --- 7+00 STANCIL & ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, P.A. 98 f}epot Street, P.O. Box 730, Angier, N.C. 27501 (919) 639-2133 (919) 639-2602 (FAX) --- --- / L= Distance So That "A" & "B" Are Level. --- \ Install 4.5'W x 9'L x 18"D Class "B" Rip-Rap Dissipator (d5o = 6") PK Nail C/L In tersection Sta. 0+00 TBM Elev. = 378.89 --- --- @ 00 OX \ \,~. <2l Rock Check Dam Detail --- Install Seed, Mulch and Tac From Intersection to Sta. 10+50 Install Rock Check Dams where ditch slopes are 3% or greater --- @ Install Silt Fence (See Detail Sheet) NOTE: @ Install NAG Se150 Staple D From Sta. 5+00 to Sta. 6+00 Temporary Spoils Area to be lield located for optimum use and drainage. Install adequate erosion control as directed by Environmental Engineer. 01 @ ~x~1' \,'j}' ~<2l \>~ C Constructed Trapezoidal Channel #4 QZ5 = (0.4}(O,19)(O.U2) = 1,70 efs Bottom Width (W) = 10 It. n = 0.022 (Bare Soils) Channel Depth = 0,5 ft, 3:1 side slopes Velocity = 2,47 fps 5.0% Long. slope Flow Depth = 0.07 ft. Approx. 130 LF Seed, Tac and Straw. ~reatmen~-oe ::::::/// -111-'11- (/v $'0.- 1"= (;) ~15:t ' Width Varies Culvert P-l Total Drainage Area = 2,23 Ac, QZ(j = (0.4)(8.19)(2.23) = 7.31 cis Ql00 = (0.4)(9,72)(2.23) = 8,67 cis Tc < 5 Minutes 18" RCP fj 1.00% - 104 LF Flow Depth = 1,04 ft, Velocity = 7,14 Ips HW/D = 1.19 HW = 1,79 Max. Headwater Elev. = 377.14 > Q. O\Q. ~'a t\ 0 {II \:S t\ lID ., IT ~ - \ ~ ~ Install NAG S75 Staple tl ~ From Intersection to Sta. 15' Earthberm and~ ';0 Landscape Easement @ Install NAG S75 Staple D From Sta. 3+54 to Sta. 5+00 Rigll t Side Cl1annel Sta. 9+50 Total Drainage Area = 3.01 Ac. QLO = (0,35)(7.5)(3,01) = 7,90 cfs Slope = 0.0124 ft/lt Mannings n = 0.030(Grass) Velocity = 3.15 fps Depth = 0.91 ft. Install NAG S75 Staple D From Sta. 6+00 to Sta. 9+87 Install NAG C350 Staple E From Sta, 9+87 to Level Spreader T = yds T = (62.4)(O.07){0.05) = 0.22 psf Permissible Shear Stress = 0.60 psi (Grass) De tail Constructed Trapezoidal Drainway (No Scale) Install Seed, Mulch and Tac From Sta, 1 +52 to Sta. 3+54 D 1+52 Right Side Cllannel Sta, 1 +50 Total Drainage Area = 0.69 Ac. QlO = (0.35)(7,5}(O,69) = 1,81 cfs Slope = 0.010 ft/lt Mannings n = 0.022(Bare Soils) Velocity = 2.54 fps Depth = 0.49 ft. Right Side Channel Sta. 3+50 Total Drainage Area = 0.35 Ac, QlO = (0.35)(7,5)(0.35) = 0.92 cfs Slope = 0.0138 It/ft Mannings n = 0.022(Bare Soils) Velocity = 2.42 fps Depth = 0.36 ft. #3 LEGEND: ... SEED, MULCH AND TAC JUTE MA'lTING OR EQUIVALENT PERMANENT CHANNEL LINiNG TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH RIP-RAP LINED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTlON LIMITS SlLT FENCE x ... XX .. TO .- ~ Right Side ChlUUJel Su. 0+50 Total Drainage Area = 1.26 Ac. Ql0 = (0.35)(7.5)(1.26) = 3.31 cis S.!lpe = 0.017 it/ft Mannings n = O,022(Bare Soils) Velocifsy = 3,60 fps Depfb = 0.50 It. Right Side Channel Sta. 2+00 Total Drainage Area = 0.40 Ac. QlO = (0.35)(7.5){O,40) = 1.05 cfs Slope = 0.005 ft/ft Mannings n = 0.022(Bare Soils) Velocity = 1,71 fps Depth = 0.45 It. Right Side Channel Sta. 4+00 Total Drainage Area = 0.57 Ac. Ql0 = (0.35)(7.5){0.57) = 1.50 cis Slope = 0.0262 ft/ft Mannings n = O,022(Bare Soils) Velocity = 3.47 fps Depth = 0.38 ft. Right Side Channel Sta. 10+00 Total Drainage Area = 3.15 Ac. Q,O = (0.35)(7.5){3.15) = 8.27 cis Slope = 0.0278 it/It MIUUJin6B .D = 0.030(CrlUls) Velocity = 4.30 Ips Depth = 0,80 It, Note: Stabilize site as areas are brought up up to linish grade with vegetation, pl;ving, ditch linings, etc. Seed, mulch and tac denuded areas within fifteen (J 5) days of completion of any phase of construction. --*- )(-- NOTE: Treatment for side ditches and channels as shown hereon are based on North American Green products and specifications for temporary and permanent linings or equivalent, ~ ------- ------ ---~- -_.~._~._~- --.. ~- ---~- ~ ====l<=-~-=-- - =~= ~=-~~-- -4Q l\.------ -~ --- ~~- -- ~~-=- ~.. -_ tLt:) -- -------- -----, ------ .~._.__._---------- 390 c::> ~ ---~ ~- 390 ..... -.----- 9si ti If=-afi lintr ~~-- ~.~ ~-C ~ ~-~K-- .l:l..~t":!--- -......lO----~ -0--;.- -11 ~C\} .q-. t::.. .-- -;~.5 .~- ;:q ~ ~== .... 380 ---....-- -~-- 5LQa----~ -----===K=:-511. _U--= =--==-=-- 250' -- -~---~----- =___==-_4J1Jl~ -!J=-ZOO' 380 ~ --~ --~ ~- --------t- ~.- -IQ K-- --- t":!- --;SII~ - -~ .-=== ~ .~- -~ -Jt.\-- <::) .1'5% - ---~-_.._-~---- .,--~--"--~_._-~ = = . ----~~ 370 -- 370 ~- -- .._~ --------- --_. --- .-0,68 0 - - -- ... 360 360 "'----- -------- -~--_.._- ------ --~ ..-.~-_.- 350 ~ ~-- ~ --==---==- ~~ ~ -~ -==~ 350 ~ -Qe ~ ~ -_.~ -~ -~ ~ K -==~ Q:)- .r> ~- ~~ . z-.: ~-~- -~ -~ =-==~-~~ --c:e -----~ ~ ---- K -=== ---==~ --~ --~- --~-\O ~ -- ~~ ~ ===~ ===:~ ~ ~ K -~ -~ -~ ---- ~ -~ ===-- ~ ~ -~ l:-.~ ~..~- ~~-- ~ ~ ~ ~ -~~- -~ --~~ -.:=-~ =- Q:) --- ....----- -~- --~--- - . ~- 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 \ DATA \LWPB-1501\CPLAN2.dwg 341 Sheet 2 NOTE: A 10' x 70' Sight Triangle shall be placed at all street intersections as shown hereon, Level Spreader #3 Data Total Drainage Area = 3.49 Ac. QlO = (0.4)(7.5)(:1.49) = 10.47 fps Minimum Entrance Width = 10 It. Minimum Depth = 0.5 ft. Minimum End Width = 3 ft. Minim urn Length = 136 It, Level Spreader #4 Data Total Drainage Area = 0,17 Ac. QlO = (0.4)(7.5)(0.17) = 0.51 fps Minimum Entrance Width = 10 It. Minimum Depth = 0.5 ft. Minimum End Width = 3 ft, Minim um Length = 10 It. Level Spreader #5 Data Total Drainage Area = 0.15 Ac. Ql0 = (0.4)(7.5)(0.15) = 0.45 Ips Minimum Entrance Width = 10 It. Minimum Depth = 0.5 ft. Minimum End Width = 3 ft. Minimum Length = 10 It, Level Spreader #6 Da ta Total Drainage Area = 1.14 Ac. QlO = (0.4)(7.5)(1,14) = 3.42 Ips Minimum Entrance Width = 10 It, Minimum Depth = 0.5 ft. Minimum End Width = 3 It. Minimum Length = 45 It. Left Side Channel Sta. 10+50 Total Drainage Area = 0.10 Ac. QlO = (0,35)(7.5)(0,10) = 0.26 cis Slope = 0.035 ft/rt MIlIIUillg8 11 == O.(W2(JJtu'c Soils) Velocity = 2.50 Ips Depth = 0.19 It Note: Level spreaders shall not be installed until project is stabilized and approved by the Environmental Engineer and Custom Basins are removed. Level spreaders shall be contained within a 20' drainage and maintenance easement and shal1 conform to topography to meet the intent of difuse flow. *@ Install Seed, Mulcll and Tac From In tersection to Sta. 10+50 Left Side Channel Sta. 11 +50 Total Drainage Area = 0.18 Ac. QlO = (0,35)(7.5)(0.18) = 0.47 cfs Slope = 0.0312 ft/ft Ml11willgs 11 = O.022(lJtu'c Soils) Velocity = 2.77 Ips Depth = 0.24 ft Left Side Channel Sta, 13+50 Total Drainage Area = 0.23 Ac. QlO = (0..'35)(7.5)(0.23) = 0,60 cfs Slope = 0.0290 it/ft MtllJ1lillgs 11 = O.022(1J1ll'e SuUs) Velocity = 2.87 Ips Depth = 0.26 ft Left Side Channel Sta. 14+00 Total Drainage Area = 0.10 Ac. QIO = (0.35)(7.5)(0.10) = 0,26 cis Slope = 0.0450 ft/ft Ml11wilJgs 11 == O.022(lJare Soils) Velocity = 2.74 Ips Depth = 0.18 It Left Side Channel Sta, 15+50 Total Drainage Area = 0.07 Ac. QlO = (0.35)(7.5)(0.07) = 0.18 cfs Slope = 0.0450 it/ft MUlll1illgS 11 = O.022(lJal'e Soils) Velocity = 2.50 fps Depth = 0.15 ft Install Seed, Mulch and Tac From Level Spreader #4 to Level Spreader #5 Left Side Channel Sta. 14+50 Install NAG S75 Staple D From Sta. 10+50 to Level Spreader #4 Total Drainage Area = 0.06 Ac. QIO = (0.35)(7,5)(0.06) = 0.16 cis Slope = 0.0450 it/it Mannings n = 0.022(Bare Soils) Velocity = 2.43 fps Depth = 0.15 It Install 17'W x 24'L x 24"D Class "1" Rip-Rap Dissipator (d 50= 13") .....q" ~!\~~ 4o/~ ~ ~ f,.~ q,'lr1iD q,'t! _Jt>..~'$' ~'~.... .... ""Y' ~ 0, o ~ ~~o ~ ~b~ O""qj 0 "" qj ~ ..... ~ 0 ~o Note: All erosion con trol ma terial design based on North American Green products or equivalent, Install Seed, Mulch and Tac From Intersection to End Construction L== Distance So That "A" & "B" Are Level. .... x .. CB-2 Total Drainage Area = 0.36 Ac. QIO = (0.4)(7.5)(0.36) = 1.08 cis JJisturbed Area = 0.38 Ac. 0.36 (1800 cu. ft./Ac.) = 648 cu. ft. 13'W x 25'L x 3'D (Includes l' Vertical Flood Storage) Minimum Weir Length = 10 ft. jxt>:lX ~~ c ",Q., >< -- a ~ Rock Check Dam Detail \ Install Seed, Mulch and Tac \ to In tersectioll \ \ ~ ~ ..... ~ ...... INSTALL SILT FENCES (SEE DETAIL SHEET) Install Rock Check Dams where ditch slopes are 3% or greater '" 001.) CI) ~I ~~ ~ '-1~ ~.b ::1t!:l l::l 11+00 ~ Tavernier Knoll xx C/L at Property Line Sta. 16+43.63 Note: Stabilize site a8 areas are brought up up to finish grade with vegetation, paving, ditch linings, etc. Seed, mulch and tac denuded areas within fifteen (15) days of completion 01 any phase of construction. q" 1::-- ~ .c: (,,) 001.) ~ * @ NOTE: ALL EMBANKMENT FILL GREATER THAN 7 FEET AS MEASURED FROM THE ROADWAY CENTERLINE TO THE INVERT, FOR ALL STORM DRAINAGE PIPE CROSSINGS, SHALL INSTALL GUARDRAIL TO NCDOT SPECIFICA TIONS OR BE AT A 4:1 SLOPE OR FLATTER. o 15+00 o o .... x .. x ,- Easement and Clearing Limits - -;- _ CB-~ ~ ~ ~ '... C 00I.),::/<~ (,,)0.:> q" . rtl~ ~..... ~ 001.) lQ'... '::"-1e ~~~ G-ti)~ 001.) I::~ q,,~ SC:; ~~ "'to ~...... "t;l . '" ~ti) Custom Basin Install Basins as designed (See Detail Sheet) and clean when 50% full of sediment. Immediately stabilize or protect sediment removed with silt lence and replace gravel filter with new washed stone. -.. oiJ CI) @ @ CB-1 Total Drainage Area = 2.49 Ac. QlO = (0.4)(7.5)(2.49) = 7.47 cis Disturbed Area = 0.43 Ae. 2.49 (1800 cu. ft/Ae.) = 4,482 cu. ft. 24'W x 47'L x 5'D (Includes l' Vertical Flood Storage) Minim um Weir Length = 10 It. / Backwater Easement Elev. = 356.62 CB-4 Total Drainage Area = 0.17 Ac. QI0 = (0.4)(7.5}(0.17) = 0.51 cis Disturbed Area = 0.17 Ac. 0.17 (1800 cu. ft/Ac.) = 306 cu, ft. 9'W x 17'L x 3'D (Includes l' Verticlll Flood Storllge) Minimum Weir Length = 10 it. CB-5 Total Drainage Area = 0.12 Ac. QlO = (0.4)(7.5)(0.12) = 0.36 cis Disturbed Area = 0.12 Ac. 0.12 (1800 eu, ft/Ac,) = 216 cu. it. l1'W x 20'L x 2'D (Includes l' Vertical Flood Storage) Minim um Weir Length = 10ft. Install NAG C350 Staple E From Sta. 9+87 to Level Spreader #3 Install Seed, Mulch and Tac From Level Spreader #3 to Level Spreader #6 Install NAG S75 Staple D From Level Spreader #6 to End Construction Culvert P-2A &: P-2B Total Dl'ainllge lireR = ,'35.84 Ac. Q25 = (0.4)(7.25)(35.84) = 103.94 cis Q100 = (0.4)(8.67)(35.84) = 124,29 cis Tc = 8.97 Minutes 36" RCP and 42" RCP fj 2.50% - 56 LF Flow Depth = 1.57 ft. Velocity = 13.67 ips HW/D = 1.49 HW = 4.47 Max. Headwater EIev. = 354.62 380 370 360 ~----J-== .. .. --=t-~=-----==== 350 340 Right Side Channel Sta. 11 +50 Total Drainage Area = 3,49 Ac, QlO = (0.35)(7.5)(3.49) = 9.16 cf,; Slope = 0.030 It/ft Manninga n = 0.03o(GTIUIB} Velocity = 4.72 fptl Depth = 0.80 ft Left Side Channel Sta, 16+00 Total Drainage Area = 0.14 Ac. QI0 = (0.35)(7.5)(0.14) = 0.37 cfs Slope = 0.0450 It/It Mannings n = 0.022(Bare Soils) Velocity = 3,00 Ips Depth = 0,20 ft -- ---- -.--. ._~ ---QS ow -tJ1 -~ . .~ ~ Install Seed, Mulch and Tac In Level Spreaders #3 thru #6 Left Side Channel StB. 13+50 Total Drainage Area = 1.14 Ac. QlO = (0.35)(7.5)(1.14) = 2.99 cis Slope = 0.0290 ft/ft Mannings n = 0.030(Grass) Velocity = 3.40 fps Depth = 0.54 It CB-8 Total Drainage Area = 0.48 Ac. Ql0 = (0.4)(7.5)(0.48) = 1.44 cis Disturbed Area = 0.48 Ae. 0.48 (1800 cu. ft./Ae.) = 884 cu. it. 12"" x 241. x 4'D (Includes l' Vertical Flood Storqe) Minimum Weir Length = 10 ft. \\\\\\00000000 "<,"<,\\ CAb OOg "".,,"" ~\\ ~~O~ g<?.? .... ~ ,....,. <--./' ."." ~!S> ,,'~~SS 10". 4- ~ ... ~ .~o ~'. 7' e> :::l'l '1'.-.-. ':. ~ .~ SEAL ~ ~ ~ ~ L-2645:: ~ ~J ~: ~ e> .~:%. ~". ... ~ 0 0 e:::, ~ 0011>0 SU 0.0 ""'" ~ .".~. .....~.. "'.? ""04 '.....' ~e"".".. .?<?gg 'lJ M, 'tiS \\\\\\"" oOoao 0~ Erosion Con trol Plan For Tavernier Subdivision Panther Branch Township Wake County, NC Tavernier Knoll Lane 20' Pavement Scale: 1" = 50' SEED, MULCH AND TAC JUTE MATTING OR EQUIVALENT PERMANENT CHANNEL LINING TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH RIP-RAP LINED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION LIMITS SILT FENCE Revised: 03-17-05 Revised: 03-31-05 Revised: 04-19-05 NOTE: AIl Drainage and Utility easements shown hereon shall be permanent lwd Public Dedicated. LEGEND: .. X ... XX ... TD .. ~ - )E-- -*- - CB-3 Total Drainage Area = 3.49 Ac. Ql0 = (0.4)(7.5)(3.49) = 10.49 cis Disturbed Area = 0.72 Ac, 3.49 (1800 cu. ft/Ac,) = 6.282 cu. [t, 28'W x 56'L x 5'D (Includes l' Vertical Flood Storage) Minimum Weir Length = 10 ft. CB-(j Total Drainage Area = 1.14 Ac. Ql0 ::: (0.4)(7.5)(1.14) = 3.42 cfs Disturbed Area = 0.21 Ac. 1.14 (1800 cu, It./Ac,) = 2,052 cu, ft. 16'W X 32'L x 5'D (Includes l' Vertical Flocd Storage) Minimum Weir Length = 10 ft. CB-9 Total Drainage Area = 0.90 Ac. Ql0 :: (0.4)(7.5)(0.90) = 2.70 cis Disturbed Area = 0.66 Ac. 0.90 (1800 cu. It./Ac,) =: 1,620 cu, ft. 14'" Jt 29'L x 5'D (Includes l' Vertical Flood Storage) Jlinhnum "eir Length = 1 0 ft. 50' Right-ot-way Date: 02-26-05 o 50 ~-_-_-..-..J GRAPHIC SCALE 100 I ~ .... --- ~l ! ~ ~f 380 370 360 350 340 341 S11eet 3 : y/ I ,X> I I CB-3 I ~~. ~ -----, \ I~ ~I ~'< ['- -I ?' I~ tl y qj !PI' I a .. x, III ~I x, 1= &1 v I~ Cb . I I~ ~, I~ I y I~ LS-3 I I~ L_J - I ~ -~ ~ ~- ===t":l 10+00 CB-7 Total Drainage Area = 0.66 Ac. QlO = (0.4)(7.5)(0.66) = 1.98 cfs Disturbed Area = 0.66 Ac. 0.66 (1800 cu. It./Ac.) = 1,188 cu. ft. 14"" x 281. x -I'D (Includes l' Vertical Flood Storage) Minimum Weir Length = 10 ft. ..-..... u-'8 -~-Q.; ~ ~~-~. . - -.- I-um" ----:::;:.+ ~..........! - -~~ ==~ :h.o) K ~ ~-,-- n~ -ailJ-~ - -It -CI}-~ _. _.._ ~-~ ~ a _u~_ ~~- .-.7.--~ ___ __~.._m_ .~__. --~ 001.) _._,--===~ ~ ~ -~ --~..-~ 1I~ -- _ ==~~3:1i =---16 ~- 7L- ~--C\t .._-~ ~ ~- . ~--~. ~-- K I< o)~ ~-= ===~B ~._._ ~.-- _ -~=_ ._= --=~-- -=----~ ---=~ =-=--=----~ -=-t":) === n__~ 14+00 -~ -.... - 1<- ~-- -t":)- -_.~ .~==- -~- --<l::,)- --~- ~- ~ 11 +00 12+00 13+00 15+00 17+00 18+00 16+00 DATA \L>>'1'0-1501\ Cl'LAN3,dwg PREPARED BY STANCIL & ASSOCIA TES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, P.A. 98 Depot Street, P.O. Box 730, Angier, N.C. 27501 (919) 639-2133 (919) 639-2602 (FAX) ,<-Bm ~), ---J f-E" Plan Place Groove or Bell End of Pipe To Face of Wall 1_ 5'-8"(38") .. _ 5'-8"(36") 0'-4"(42") 1 0'-4"(42'')1 9" --11-- 4:1 S~ ..;.-- t't'f <:c C\j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <:c C\j I:l) C\j Il') 'lo .' .' \(") <:c ~;.(",J 3'-1 "(42") End Eleva tion Optional Footing Construction .JOint (If Const Joint is used) Eleva tion * Subject to current standards as ouUined in North Carolina Division 01 Highways Roadway Standard Drawing No. 838.01 Headwall Detail Not To Scale (:ztl; eri~ -- t81~ i" .....- eO' . - l!eElic -. ~, -=--=t- ---~5~=--} -=-~f-= ~~ -..-. -----------i-__~ .__. ---.- I + ~.~ -----=!===--= -- ----+---- .~===- -=-=+=~--=-- --==1=-=--- ~ ~ -- ~ ~. --- - -. -- -~~ ----~- NOTE: A 10' x 70' Sight Triangle shall be placed at all street intersections as shown hereon, Right Side Channel Sta. 0+50 Total Drainage Area = 0.03 Ac, QJO = (0.35)(7.5)(O.03) = 0.08 cfs Slope = 0,0250 ft/ft Mannings n = O,022(Bare Soils} Velocity == 1.70 fps Depth = 0.14 ft Constructed Trapezoidal Channel #1 Q25 = (OA)(8.19)(O.66) = 2.16 cfs Bottom Width (W) = 4' n == 0.03 (Grass) Channel Depth == 0.5 ft, 3: 1 side slopes Velocity = 3,02 fps 5.0% Long. slope now Depth = 0,16 it, Approx, 180 LF - NAG S75 Staple D Erosion Con trol Plan For Level Spreader #1 Data Total Drainage Area = 0.66 Ac. QI0 = (OA)(7.5)(O.66) == 1.98 fps Minimum Entrance Width = 10 ft, Minimum Depth = 0.5 ft. Minimum End Widtll = 3 It. Minim um Length = 26 It. Left Side Channel Sta. 5+00 Total Drainage Area == 0040 Ac, QlO == (0.35)(7.5)(OAO) == 1.05 cIs Slope == 0.0115 It/ft Mannings n = 0.022(Bare Soils) Velocity == 2042 fps Depth == 0,42 ft Curve No. Delta Radius TRngfmt Arc Length 2 Data == 24D37'45" == 230.00' = {j(},21' == 98.87' T = vds T = '(62.4}(0.16}(0.05) = 0.50 psI Permissible Shear Stress == 0.60 psi (Grass) Curve No. Delta Radius Tangen t Arc Length 3 Data == 26D24 '21" == 230,00' == 53.96' == 106.00' "" Install Seed, Mulch and Tac From Intersection to End C-D-S Constructed Trapezoidal Channel #2 Q25 = (0.4)(8.19)(O,48) == 1,57 cfs Bottom Width (W) == 4' n = 0.03 (Grass) Channel Depth = 0,5 ft. 3:1 side slopes Velocity == 3.01 fps 7.0% Long. slope Flow Depth == 0.12 ft, Approx. 140 LF - NAG S75 Staple D Level Spreader #2 Data Total Drainage Area == 0048 Ac, QJO = (OA)(7,5}(0.48) = 1044 fps Minimum Entrance Width = 10 ft. Minimum Depth == 0,5 ft, Minimum End Width = 3 ft. Minim um Length = 19 ft. evised: 03-18-05 Revised: 04-19-05 Revised: 05-05-05 GRAPHIC SCALE PREPARElJ BY @ @ o \ CD Harvey D. Johnson Deed Book 11021, Page 304 Book of Maps 2004, Page 1093 T == yds T = (62.4)(O.12)(O.07) == 0.52 psi Permissible Shear Stress == 0.60 psf (Grass) Left Side Channel Sta. 1 +50 Total lJrainage Area == 0,12 Ac, QJO == (0.:J5)(7.5)(O.12) == 0.32 cfs Slope == 0,0250 It/it Mannings n == 0.022(Bare Soils} Velocity == 2040 fps ])Optll = 0.23 It Left Side Channel Sta. 2+00 Total lJrainage Area == 0.16 Ac, QlO == (0.35)(7.5)(O.16) == 0.43 cfs Slope == 0,0250 ft/ft Mannings n == 0.022(Bare Soils} Velocity == 2.59 Ips Depth == 0.26 ft ~\\\\\\DOOOOOO 'I,~\ CA b 00# <,,'1,'1, ~\\ qO(, #.??> ~~~ ,'~'isi;"j", 1"1>?>~ ~ ~ .,'0 01"'. "7 ~ ...,~ ~,,,,, :; :I:l., SEAL ~: ~ ... . '" ~ . L-2645 : : ~ 6e~ ~.o: "" ' '\:11, ~c:s ' ... ~ \o~/) ./ ~ ~ .;. ". SU ......"\ ~ (? Vo ....... (U~ ~ ?>?>?> '4q M "'\$~ ~.... IlIJIJ . 1 ~\~ 00000 . . ~~ Ta vernier Subdivision Panther Branch Township Islarnorada Duvall Iiill Wake Co un ty, NC Lane Street 20' Pavement Scale: 1" = 50' 50' Righ t-of-way Date: 02-26-05 o 50 ~--~--~ 100 I Install Seed, Mulch and Tac From Intersection to Sta. 2+05 STANCIL & ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, P.A. 98 Depot Street, P. O. Box 730, Angier, N. C. (919) 639-2133 (919) 639-2602 (FAX) 27501 Note: Level spreaders shall not be installed until site is stabilized and approved by the Environmental Engineer and Custom Basins are removed. Level spreaders shall be contained within a 20' drainage and maintenance easement and shall conform to topography to meet the intent of difuse flow. ---- - No, 2 @ Constructed Channel #1 III C/L Intersection Sta, 0+00 (Islamorada Ln.) =Sta. 9+16.48 (Tavernier Knoll Ln.) ~ 20' ~ fu..Jl18.J2e12t ~'rJ/ii;;E8.-!!-d ~/ic 30' Pe~e12t - ) ;(DOUf0r -€:~ ~ LS-1 \ \ - - c ~ \* \@ ~~ *0 ,07 Q.f~ ~ ~9- ~Oj constructed~;:;U~ Channel #2 ; ~ D.! 1 ~~ 17 ~1 / /1-8 IS-2 j I I @ Install NAG S75 Staple D From Sta. 2+05 to Channel #3 ~w\ ';(\ ~ c '"'I I>> ~ ("l c l:l III \\ =s t"1 \~ .... \ \ * @ * @ L= lJistance So That "A" & "B" Are Level, Rock Check Dam Detail * @ ln8ta11 Rock Clleck DaIns wllere ditch slopes are 3% or greater C/L Intersection Sta. 0+00 (Duvall Hill St.) =Sta. 15+73.84 (Tavernier Knoll * @ Install Seed, Mulch and Tac From Intersection to Channel #2 *0 \ Install Seed, Mulch and Tac From Channel #1 to Channel #2 Note: Stabilize site as areas are brought up up to finish grade with vegetation, paving, ditch linings, etc. Seed, mulch and tac denuded areas within fifteen (15) days of completion ot any phase 01 construction, Left Side Channel Sta. 4+50 Total Drainage Area = 0.39 Ac. QlO = (O,35}(7.5}(O.39) == 1,02 cfs Slope == 0,0115 ft/ft Nannings n == 0.022(Bare Soils) Velocit)' == 2040 fps Depth = 0041 It Install Seed, Mulch and Tac In Level Spreaders #1 and #2 NOTE: Temporary Spoils Area to be field located for optimum use and drainage. Install adequate erosion control as directed by Environmental Engineer. Right Side Channel Sta. 1+00 Total Drainage Area = 0,12 Ac. QlO == (0, 35)(7. 5)(0. 12) = 0.32 cfs Slope == 0,0250 ft/ft Nllnnings n = 0.022(Bare Soils) Velocity : 2.40 fps Depth : 0.23 It 380 ....-~~ ---- -!oJ._ _~- -~ ~= ~== ~===- tj.<::l ~~ --- --~+ u==: ~._==--=--- -- .--- --~.~ -~--~ -~~-~_._._. ---- - -- -~--- - .----~:__R~ ----- --~~ ~ .~ -- ...... ~.--E= - --. -38 370 ~.._-----_. --~ -- -~- -Q>-.- - ~ ._==- ~._-~-- -=== - -- ==;oQ;~===~. -~ -lC~----':: -=--- ~- ~;;;--=- ____n_~ ~=--==~~ ~:~ ""l ~==- .~ ....;--~- ~- -~ .~ ---~- j.. ~ -- --~ ----;- . --- __c~_ ~ ----~1I--~-" -~ ~lJ-- - -...~ ~-=.---~ --:-_~ _tl~--~ =. .-- C';}-J. ._ -==~ t== -S-t ~ a -~ t-.. e~ --~~-- - -~<::l- -~ -<i;)---- -==----- .. --i;=~ .~. _. --- -"........ lr,j- - -- ~- - ------I-~ ~~-- .::s' (.) ~ II --~ ._-~ === --- ---- ---- - = =~S .t- ~=------ _-= .::--tSQ:j tij _ --=== -3'7- . -- ---~~ J.:'31i L - 100' = 7il-:U7 -- -- ~ -~ - ----{jOL t 360 -- ---3€Jo- '-- ---- ~.- ~_.~_.__._- ~.:::..--- -- ___1--== 350 .-350 340 Constructed Trapezoidal Channel #3 Q25 == (0.4)(8.19}(O.97) == 3.18 cfs Bottom Width (W) = 2' n = 0,03 (Grass) Channel Depth == 0.5 ft. 3:1 side slopes Velocity == 3.09 fps 2.5% Long. slope Flow Depth = 0.34 ft. Approx. 150 LF - NAG S75 Staple D @ /1066 /}eect ~ .t. JE. "'ook bOOk ll.r.r~ 0.1' /II 8 -l ?'. "{.P" b 'q I'ip,g i9, PCl .e..s tli t -lOOe ~e...? e , PCl '3;>-3 ~e -l n 0'0$ --- ----. 30' Pe... ."JJQ ete.r .blJ.t"f ~e.r T = yds T = (62.4)(O,34)(O,025) == 0,53 psi Permissible Shear Stress == 0.60 psi (Grass) ----. LEGEND: ----. .. X ... XX ... TD ... ~ SEED, MULCH ANlJ TAC JUTE MATTING OR EQUIVALENT PERMANENT CHANNEL liNlNG TEMPORARY DlVERSION DITCH RiP-RAP liNED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION liMITS SILT FENCE Install Silt Fence (See Detail Sheet) Install NAG S75 Staple D From Sta. 1 + 13 to Channel #3 Right Side Channel Sta. 1+50 Total Drainage Area = 0,22 Ac, QI0 = (0.35)(7,5}(0.22) = 0.59 cts Slope == 0.0250 ft/ft Manningll II : O.OZZ(Bare Soils) Velocity = 2.80 Ips Depth = 0,29 It ~reatmen~}le " l.=(~;1/ ~I ~~! s Width Varies Install Seed, Mulch and Tac From Intersectioll to Sta. 1+13 ~ )(----- NOTE: Trcatment for sidc ditc1lCS and c118.I1I1els as shown hereon are based on North American Green products and specifications for temporary and permanent linings or equivalent. De tail Constructed Trapezoidal Drainway (No Scale) --~ ===_ ,tj-.1ET----- -- -===- __-==~===== tL.- _ _____ ~e -- ~~ ~..."".lr - --~ #---. 'FlEE -LE6E. 380 .Q>- --- -------. ~----~ 370 ...- -- -- l -- -- ....... 360 350 ~~, -----------~. ----- ~-~~_._-- ---~-- .~---~ ,~-_.~.- '- ~- .==~- -3-4l)-= --===-=-~:==~--- -=-=='~- --=~~:~== 340 :===: ~===:=------ -----.:~ === ~- ------- .---.--- . ~- -~~ ___ _ ~ ____ u__~ ._- ..-----=--=-- ~-t"j ===-=-~===~-_.~ - -<ii::l --<ii::l. -~ ----~ ""4 ---------0) ~ - ~-- ----lQ ~ -- ---0') - ~=_==~ - 2+00 -==~ ==~.===---~ =====~=====~ === ----- ==-- ----= ==- --=~=== ===~--- ..--~=~---=--= -- - ~===-=--=~-==-.---== ===- -~ t"':i ======.==~====.....=__t";)==:-=-.--.-- ut";) ==-.-=-.....==~ ... --- --- =====~_--- _ .____ =-=:=-= ----- __n~ 0+00 1+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 _-.:~ ~-- ---=~ =--- =---=- ~ ==- ==~ ~--.---=-- ==~ === .~===-- --~== ==:- ~------ === ==- -===-- ==:~==----= ----==~ ===-==~~ ==-=---=~ =~:=::.:====~ -====-::.=========-===-===--= ==-- --. ----- --- --'~'=-=-~==-=- -~~=~~--===- =-~ ~==---=--'==-~ =-== ~=~=--~==~ ====- -====- -_._---=-==~ --~_.,--- ------~_. ====-- -----=== -====.==---- 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 341 Sheet 4 DATA \LWPB-1501\ CPLAN4.dwg SEEDBED PREPARATION 1.) Chisel compacted areas and spread topsoil 3 inches deep over adverse soil conditions, if available, 2,) Rip the entire area to 6 inches depth. 3,) Remove all loose rock, roots, and other obstructions leaving 8urfflce rell801JflMy 8llJOOt]J flJld III I j[Ul '111 , 4.) Apply Rp,ricullul'RJ lime, fertilizer, alld super pllOsplwte ulliformly and mix with soil (see below.). 5.) Continue tillage until a we11 pulverized, firm, reasonably uniform seedbed is prepared 4 to (J inches deep. 6.) Seed on a freshly prepared seedbed and cover seed lightly with seeding equipment or cultipack after seeding. 7.) Mulch immediately after seeding and anchor mulch. 8.) In8pect al1 seeded areas and make necessary repairs or reseeding within the planting season, if possible, If stand should be over 60% damaged, reestablish fol1owing original lime, fertilizer and seeding rates, g.) Consult Conservation Inspector on maintenance treatment and fertilization after permanent cover is established, . Apply: Agricultural Limestone - 2 tons/acre (3 tons/acre in clay soils) Fertilizer - 1,000 lbs./acre - 10-10-10 Superphosphate - 500 lbs./acre - 20% analysis Mulch - 2 tons/acre - sma11 grain straw Anchor - Asphalt Emulsion @ 300 gals,/acre SEEDING SCHEDULE Shoulders, Side Ditches, Slopes (MAX. 3:1) Date Aug, j{j-Nov 1 Nov I-MRr 1 ~ Tall Fescue Tn]] Fescue && Abruzzi Rye Tall Fescue Hulled Common Bermudagrass Tall Fescue and ... Browntop Millet ... or Sorghum-Sudan Hybrids Planting Rate 300 lbs,/Bcre :100 lbs./Rcre 25 lbs,/acre 300 lbs./acre 25 lbs./acre 120 lbs,/acre 35 lbs./acre 30 lbs./acre Mar 1-Apr 15 Apr 15-June 30 Jul 1-Aug 15 Slopes (3:1 to 2:1) Mar I-June 1 Sericea Lespedeza (scarified) 50 lbs./acre && Add Ta11 Fescue 300 lbs./acre or Add Weeping Lovegrass 10 lbs./acre or Add Hulled Common Bermudagrass 25 lbs,/acre ... Tal1 Fescue and 300 lbs./acre ... Browntop Millet 35 lbs./acre ... or Sorghum-Sudan Hybrids 30 lbs,/acre Sericea Lespedeza (unhulled-unscarified) 70 lbs./acre and Tall Fescue 300 lbs./acre Add Abruzzi Rye 25 lbs,/acre (Mar l-Apr 15) (Mar 1-June 30) (Mar 1-June 30) June 1-Sep 1 Sep 1-Mar 1 (Nov I-Mar 1) Consult Conservation Engineer or Soil Conservation Services for additional information concerning other alternatives for vegetation of denuded areas, The above vegetation rates are those which do well under local conditions; other seeding rates combinations are possible. For a lawn quality turf, double or triple rates. ...Temporary - Reseed according to optimum season for desired permanent veletBtion Do not 11110"- tompornry cover to gro" over 12- in hei6ht before mo"in6. othorrrise fescue may be shaded out. NETS AND MATS NETS ALONE GENERALLY PROVIDE LlTTLE MOISTURE CONSERVATION BENEFITS AND ONLY LlMITED EROSION PROTECTION. THEREFORE, THEY ARE USUALLY USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN ORGANIC MULCH SUCH AS STRA W, EXCEPT WHEN WOOD FIBER SLURRY IS USED, NETTING SHOULD ALWAYS BE INSTALLED OVER THE MULCH, WOOD FIBER MAY BE SPRAYED ON TOP OF AN INSTALLED NET. MATS, INCLUDING "EXCELSIOR" (WOOD FIBER) BLANKETS, ARE CONSID.ERED PROTECTIVE MULCHES AND MA Y BE USED ALONE, ON ERO)}}BLE SOILS, AND DURING ALL TIMES OF THE YEAR. PLACE THE MATTING IN FIRM CONTACT WITH THE SOIL AND STAPLE SECURELY, INSTALLATION OF NETTING AND MATTING PRODUCTS DESIGNED TO CONTROL EROSION SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. ANY MAT OR BLANKET-TYPE PRODUCT USED AS A PROTECTIVE MULCH SHOULD PROVID.E COVER OF AT LEAST 30% OF THE SURFACE WHERE IT IS APPLlED. INSTALLATION IS ILLUSTRATED TO RIGHT, 1. APPLY liME, FERTILIZER AND SEED BEFORE LAYING THE NET OR MAT, IF OPEN-WEAVE NETTING IS USED, LlME MAY BE INCORPORATED BEFORE INSTALLING THE NET AND FERTIliZER AND SEED SPRA YED ON AFTERWARD. 2. START LAYING THE NET FROM THE TOP OF THE CHANNEL OR SLOPE AND UNROLL IT DOWN THE GRADE, ALLOW NETTING TO LAY LOOSELY ON THE SOIL BUT WITHOUT WRINKLES - DO NOT STRETCH, 3. TO SECURE THE NET, BURY THE UPSLOPE END IN A SLOT OR TRENCH NO LESS THAN 6 INCHES DEEP, COVER WITH SOIL, AND TAMP FIRMLY AS SHOWN IN DETAIL. STAPLE THE NET EVERY 12 INCllES ACROSS TllF: TOP F:ND EVERY .'1 rr. AROUND TIlE EDGES AND HOTTOM, Wl1F:RK 2 STRIPS OF NET ARE MID SIDE BY SIDE, THE ADJACENT EDGES SHOU]'D BE STAPLED DOWN THE CENTER, EVBRY 3 F'T. DO NOT STRETCH 1'lJ.E' NBT WIlEN APPLYING STAPLES, 4. TO JOIN TWO STRIPS, CUT A TRENCH TO ANCHOR THE END OF THE NEW NET, OVERLAP THE END OF THE PREVIOUS ROLL 18 INCHES, AS SHOWN IN DETAIL, AND STAPLE EVERY 12 INCHES JUST BELOW THE ANCHOR SLOT, MAINTENANCE INSPECT AIL MULCHES PERIODICALLY, AND AFTER RAINSTORMS TO CHECK FOR RILL EROSION, DISLOCATION, OR FAILURE. WHERE EROSION IS OBSERVED, APPLY ADDITIONAL MULCH. IF WASHOUT OCCURS, REPAIR THE SLOPE GRADE, RESEED, AND REINSTALL MULCH, CONTINUE INSPECTIONS UNTIL VEGETATION IS FIRMLY ESTABLlSHED. +0,25 Face of Curb +0.16 Exist. or proposed~ / Pavement / +0,136 +0.025 -0.15 -0.04 -0.25 3'-0" 3'-0" 5'-0" 3'-0" A. Curb & Gutter Section r:ar. Pavement Width 0,02 6'-0" 8'-0" 5'-0" Shoulder Width I .n.1l ~ ~ +0,08 .-. ------ 0.02 ----- -0.08 -0.18 -0.2:; 5'-0" B. Shoulder Section Driveway Turnout Grades CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE STONE SILT CHECI( DAM SILT FENCE 1. Obtain a land disturbing permit. Schedule a pre constructioll conference with the Environmental Engineer, Glenn Johnson. I STEP 11 DRIVE STEEL POSTS 18" INTO GROUND AND EXCAVATE A 6"x 6" TRENCH UPHILL ALONG 7'lJE LINE OF POSTS. WOOD POSTS 4" IN DIAMETER MA Y BE USED, I STEP 21 ATTACH WIRE FENCE TO POSTS AND EXTEND THE BOTTOM OF THE F.E'NCE 6" INTO TIlE EXCAVATED TRENCH. 6" I STEP 31 6" ATTACH THE FILTER FABRIC TO THE WIRE FENCE AND EXTEND THE BOTTOM OF THE FABRIC 6" INTO TllE TRENCH. 2. Install gravel construction pad, temporary divpr8ions, silt ("nce, custom basins or other measures as shown on the approved plan, Clear only as necessary to install these devices. Seed temporary llil't'l',"!i()JIS, lWl'lJJS lwd busius iWJJwdillf,uly /lILfl/' eUllsLnwUou. AJI Neuse river Rnn CRpe FeRr river buffer8 8hown within the project limits 01' adjacent to t.he project limits ."111811 be marked with orange tree protection fence or similar device before the Certificate of Compliance is issued, l' Mi~ Pavement <<~~~/>>~ _J( Jvr~ 1J ~f ) ~ .. t, ~()..u0/)\"7"'\7 //~<(;(<(;(~.<<. '.'::<0/.. ~lrl.' Yl )1.. )" "-) ){ i'lY7^,~-<(;(~/ ""'/i)y;~/>:::'/~ . Alii ~ltL~~ )~~~/X:-7' / /'\(<<<-<~~ ~(~ F~ ..;/ A..<<<<'(/ , />-y>-y~ J:~;ZJ!1i ~/ r~---- Roadside lJitcll /<<'0~ - 'L.-f y .z"'--/- MV' '~~ ~>/n % ~'0%~~ Class I Rip-Rap with No. 5"<< f<..%~~~~"-:. Nt' Washed Stone on the Upstre . /1'///./ /,r./ / 0 e. . , . Face (See Side View) Wher:e Dltch does ~ot Allow a 2 Welr SectlOn, a Parabolw Swale shal1 be Constructed with Class I Rip-Rap 3. Call 856-7413 for an onsite inspection by Environmental Engineer to obtain E/ CertificE/te of CompliE/nce. 4. Begin clearing and grubbing. Maintain devices as needed. Rough grade site. SECTION ACROSS DITCH 5. Install storm sewer, if shown, and protect inJet.<; with block and gravel inlet controls, sediment traps or other approved measures as shown on the plan. Begin construction, building, etc. SECTION THRU DITeIl & FILTER 6. Stnbilize site as areas E/re brought up to (inish grade with vegetE/tion, paving, ditch linings, etc. Seed, mulch and tack denuded areas within fifteen (15) days of completion of E/ny phase of construction. 7. When construction is complete and all arens are stabilized completely, call 856-7413 for inspection by the Environmental Engineer. l' 2:i- C R. 'MiL. Min. E/rry lp-Rap up Side of Spillway-~r-y..--...:......... --~, Min, ~"~1~~ Flow= ,. LfLi J?'1...l.0 ')fY~...L, 'A 10 X, 1 [T rK..l~l -\d Class I RiP-RI.I~ 1.' Varies With Depth iL . of Ditch Freeboard 8. If site is E/pproved, remove temporE/ry diversions, silt fence, custom basins, etc., and seed out or stabilize any resulting bare areE/s. A1l remaining permanent erosion control devices, such as velocity dissipators, should now be installed. 9. When vegetation has become established, call for a final site inspection by the Environmental Engineer, Daniel Rowe, Obtain a Certificate of Completion. Varies with Depth of Ditch -'-- Notes: 1. The ditch shall be cleared out whenever the sediInent reaches 1/2 the total depth of the ditch. HEIGHT; MAX. 3' MIN. 2' ~l! if II EROSION CONTROL NOTES: I. All ],RIHi disturbing Rotivifie.9 shall be conducted ill RccordlJl/ce with Wake County Standards. 2. All temporary erosion control measures shall be maintained in proper working condition during the period of construction. 2. Class B rip-rap LlJaY be used to construct stone silt check daIn. , "-h11 ~~ ~ ~fb..~ Top of Dam \ 1'-." _.""ord JlIn.\ Top of EIevaUon of Swrm "ater ~ \ r_O"MiIJi I \ Cap Top of Pipe 6" PVC or I I 6" PPC Riser with slots ~~~ ~ ~ /k~:~~~ I LLY --H"X 4' pre (No ~:~)' Level Spreader (Not To Scale) l' Flood Stora,e Zone 3' Sediment Stora.e Zone Tarp ~1'D'" 1'0 1'.... of lIIte); SlOP.-.I 1.15' Min. Sediment Depth ...... ...... ~" . ,,:.~ : .. : .. :.. TrE/nsition ...-:::::::::<t0~(/" .. to 0 grade ,-:::::{:::::::,:,:,:,,-:::: \ \ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. :.+ .<<<<<<<<<':':". .. '-J ... + '" >II ..<-:::::::::::::::::::::-:-.~., -- ..-/~ /.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............... .. .. .. .... ....... ./ ~ /.... + ..... '" .... ;' . ; .. .. .. .. .. .. L!) ........ .-.:- ~ta bilized .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ) .. .. .... slope +++++++ ++....++ Stable .............. l.:: \) .. .. .. .. undisturbed--..... .. ." .. .. .. .... '\ ........ outlet ~ .. .. .. .. .... ../ ~" ~.. .. ... ... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ..... ~~ ~ ~ \ '" ...++++++........+~ Vegetated diversion See Note J la r.trbed stolle lYlter ro rop of SIo'" Section Thru Basin and nIter -J Top of Do", , ~cb.,,1j l1urT fP'J' L DIl..... (JlIn. 1B J ~. r Sodhn...t Pit 1'-e"1 11B,..J lM>,u. "'1]' Prvteef.ioa ~. ~. (;....~ - (Tn) "-,;....: Note,,: .. / ~*~ I. Dr." do"" riser shaH be 6- sea 40 PVC with olean-out / / ~ cap and "I<1tll. Slots "hall be pla"lId 1/8- fride, I" on / / ~ center radial aroulld piI,e. Ver/lcal sa" cuts 24" Ion,. //. .. / 1ot' 0/;/\\~" a... "JI" RJrIlap m.n,.1Gr s..DoUBIi_ 2. The Tarp Ulfed to protect fbf" weir whit!! be tbe width. specified. The length of the tarp sbell be according to nanabIe supply. U mulUple tuptI are w be uIJed. th.... tarp. slJlul be lapped at r-.t 111-. 17.., aplffrram IZ. t.up dell oftlTlAJI lb" ~ faJp. me t.up dell "" 50 mil __~ ....(r .o..r ,.",..... r.r U. r: ......,..- "~ r1'-." ,\~7Zl 3' + + + ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~, 6" PVC w/Slofll CUSTOM BASIN NO SCALE :."\'~W \\\ - -' I A: Bury the top end of the jute strips in ",\I'~ __::::-T~ ~ a trench 4 inches or more in depth. ","..:-::":- ,r;~.wo:::-__ i0' -- " - ~ ~ ---- 11:.-- - 1:=111=11 =1111 ;=;: ~ I ~ I 50' Right-ot-Way I 20' Pavement 8' Shoulder B: Ta.mp the trench full of soil. Sec Jrith row of staples, 10 inch ,\' .>v.. .~ spacing, 4 inches down from ~"\'.r ",,,, th tr h ,,' ro. '" '" e ene. ~2~~m~~;: ! C. Ove!laf.:-BurY, ,!pper end of lower strip "1I~=f as m :.4 and B. Overlap end - of top strip 4 inches ..AJ and staple. I ~I"'~ ~~CE' Overflow ~ 'I -4---./ ' \ "~\\.\\---~-:--====::::-::::- ,~~~, " _-_- ,\t""__~-~. ,;~~~~~,---' @ _-_- ___~.r "<...{\",.:....~._?______ ~ - l"I :v/ - - - _y'/ ,~~~,~~~~~:.;:-.--__-- --__-- -1:::::111: :1I1=:U IY/ t __J:; ~~""" ':" ...-:~--- __ -- -- ~JJ;= ~ ,~r~~~~~~~:.'-~- -:------- D. Erosion stop--Fold of jute buried =lIF ~~~~~~~~~~~.....,:-.::- ::=-:- in slit trench and tamped, ~~~~~~~~...~____p-: -: double row of st.IJples~ ,~~~,~~~~~::.-...."""...::__~'?___---- ~.)K~l)V,ii(U ~~'V ,~~~~~~~~:~\S%?____-------- +_:""-'l_-r: -- ""~~""'" - ----- - ~~::-- ~~-t:z0::.cz::-: ;<~ ,. - - -- #~=::~0=~-:-- ,~~~~~~~E~~~~- Place staples 1~1~1I!mWi II~ ,,,,,,,,,,,~-....->-::-ft-: 1 1/2 to 6 feet apart . ~' m~ ,,::11~:!!!~~~' i:m;'~:::'.': t.;:p J.:e .!,r,'e "',*,"",. ..._~--------- 'i '" ,~~~~~~~m~L~~t~:-~;;!;~ , '601.: """m",,~.......,-...:..*--.::--:-- - """"""'\".-.......~------------ II 'V'V'V 'V ~"\~~~~~~~~~~~~~.:.:.":,......':':---::-------::.----:--- =- '\V 'V 'V~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~..;:.:.-~ ::--_____--:.:-.: !.JTF.' 'V 'V ~"""""",,~......::=s --------- '!lff~ 'V'V'V,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:..~... ~ :::.::-:::: - -=lll- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-- ...... -.... ";,. - - - -----: :: : .: .:-: "~1I """""".....-":,........-:- :---:--,,: ~~~~~~~ll~\~:~ -, -'4' _III ,,_ I~F" L F. Press ends of jute 4 inches into the soil around structures and staple securely. - M,tX, 10' BETWEEN POSTS ~~ - - ~ <.J.lt:( l- I-- I-- I-- :tlj:tj m;tt- t ~ ~::: TEMPORARY GRA VEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 1. NCDOT #5 or #57 washed stone shall be used. Pad to be 50'L x 20'W x 6"D at a IniniInuIn, 2. Turning radius sufficient to accoInInodate large trucks is to be provided. 3. Entnmce(s) should be located to provide for InRximllm utility by all, construction vehicles. 4. Must be maintained in a conditioll wllicll will prevent tracking or direct flow of Inud onto streets. Periodic top dressing with stone will be necessary, keep SOIne handy, 5. Any Inaterial which still Inakes it onto the road Inust be cleaned up iInInediately, ISTEP 41 BACKFILL THE TRENCH AND COMPACT THE SOIL FIRMLY TO ANCHOR THE BOTTOM OF THE SILT FENCE SO THAT RUNOFF IS FORCED TO GO THROUGH THE FENCE AND CANNOT GO UNDER IT, I- ~I'" I- SECTION r- r-....'" c < ::t~ t- ~ ~ ~ ---- q::t ~,:;t-- t-- ...:r:::: ~~~ -I::::t..... t-- '--, ..:(::t::l~~ --J::: D --- STEEL POSTS - WIRE FENCE "HOG - FILTER FABRIC NOTE:. Bottom of filter fabric must be placed lD trench and secured by either backfilling with soil material and tampinlJ' or by placing washed stone to a helght of 6" above gl'()und level. WIRE" BOTTOM OF' WIRE FF:NCE AND / nL1'.E'R FABRIC BURIED 6" / IN EXCAVATED TRENCH, f- STEEL POSTS DRIVEN 18" INTO GROUND, Construction Specifications 1, The matting should be a minimum of 4 ft. wide extending 8 inches over the lip and buried 6 inches deep in a vertical trench pn the lower edge. The upper edge should butt against smoothly cut sod and be securely held in place with closely spaced heavy duty wire staples at least 12 inches long. 2. Ensure that the spreader lip is level for uniform spreading of storm runoff. 3, Construct the level spreader on undisturbed soil (not on fill). 4. Construct a 20 ft. transition section from the diversion channel to blend smoothly to the width and depth of the spreader. 5. Disperse runoff from the spreader across a properly stabilized slope not to exceed 10%. Make sure the slope is sufficiently smpoth to keep flow from concentrating. 8. Immediately after its construction, appropriately seed and mulch the entire disturbed area of the spreader. Maintenance Inspect level spreaders after every rainfall until vegetation is establishedf and prompUy make needed repairs. Mter the area has been stabilized, make periodic inspections and keep veletB.tion in a healthy. vilorous condition. 6' Shoulder 6' Ditch 1" Per Ft. . .', ", . ,,")~' I . ~", '. "'. . 1/4" Per Ft, 1':' Per F. .' ~ . -.. '....: < 't\ :~ " .;.. ,~. t. ';:J $\o11e ~:t Slope as Req'd, l',/Ft, i ... ,"' .... - .I '\ J ., "l ,,~.. I ".' ,. ~ .' ~ 8--- .0 ...... _\1 . ... ..... ~..~..~~ ...':....../~_...~'. : .. .. : .... ~". ............. ~../ ~(),1 .. ....... , . .. .. . ..1 & /Jf ~oPe SlOpe 3" SF-9.5 A Superpave Asphalt Mix * 1-1/2" SF-9.5 A Superpave Asphalt Mix e-.!!." STBC, Type A or C 8" ABC, Type B $\ol'e ~:t RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR NOT TO SCALE · SUBJECT TO STANDARDS OUTLINED ON PAGE 23 OF THE NC SUBDIVlSION ROADS MINIMUI!...f!!/'lSTRUCTION STANDARDS AND ENGmA 'RED FlEW SOl13 TESTS. TYPICAL STAPLE #8 Gauge Wire C/L ~I 1'/'11' 35' Pavememt Radius . , . o ~ . . '\ . ". , ' . " 0- ., . ~ I 4'~ I /1117#/7/7/ r1!..l 4' I Liner should be installed using two 4 ft. widths with a 1 ft. overlap. This would ,iV!' (I ft. tntlll IInt'r width which would be centered in the ditchline. * Subject to Stal dards outlined on page 23 of the N. C. Subdivisions R(~ds Minimum Construction Standards and engineered field soils tests. DETAIL FOR STABILIZING CIlANNELS rfITlf JUTE THATClfING NO SCALE TYPICAL CUL-DE-SAC ~. "'v ~ <I<1.4~~J . 4~ ~..' ~<1 'fi ROAD ~9.5 A Superpare Asphalt Miz t;: .~!i,c, Type A or C 1-1/2" SF-9.5 A Superpave Asphalt Mix 8" ABC, Type B 6' 5' R/W 4' CROSS-SECTION \ DATA \LWPB-1501 \ DETAIL. dwg d~eS ~O9- ,~i~g j\djot ~t<? c2~q; ~ ~~~~~~ 0: ..."r.N.. n:1:. _n:-) n.J n .J1::'t::::::... 0 I ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~^- ~ibJ'L' "t-- Yr "1: "l: 'h '~~ q 2" - 3" Washed ~~.YK.Y11:~~ ~ ,~ Surge Stone ~~>-1 .~.J~~~ ~ ~..... 1- r<:i1 va' ~tVJl11:~ :: ~ ....~ 2 d:X ~~ ~ ~Y~~mlM~ 1 ~.c ~ ..{" ~-LJf~' ~ l.d"! .J"l--< .n- ~ 1 NCDOT #5 OR #57 ~~'r~~~ Washed Stone 'G: pi>" Install Geo-Textile fabric under Stone Notes: Applicable at all points of ingress & egress until site IS stabilized. checks of the device and tiInely Inaintenance Inust be provided. Frequent VELOCITY DISSIPATION APRON DETAIL Jq ~ J LI Elfl I~~J PLAN NOTES: 1, Apron lining may be rip-rap, grouted rip-rap, or concrete. 2. La is the length of the rip-rap apron. 3. d= (see fes data section above) ,I' 4. Dimensions are as specified on the plans. La -\ 5, A filter blanket or filter fabric should be instal1ed between the rip-rE/p and soil foundE/tion. !!!,=I!!,=I d F ih ^ /l'l QJ(\A~~ W) /J o~ cg;"l=II=I\I= =!!I=.!!I t I r IT ~ 1 ."(/ & 0'( 0 -111=111=11 111=111=1 J_J ~~~ ~ v Iqf;>Po i{9 {J iii=liI=liI= SECl'lON A-A \ "--- FILTER BLANKET (USE #57 STONE BEDDING OR GEOTEXTILE PIPE OUTLET TO ~ FLAT ARIffDERLlNER) WITH NO DEFINED CHANNEL r I ---Q.rIXofO..fh La "I A ~ ~r C2 ~~ I '%> .ol'l L~~~L~3 I ~~:: ~ ~ PLAN ~~o SEC110N A-A ~ FILTER BLANKET (USE #57 STONE BEDDING OR GEOTEXTILE UNDERLlNER) 11 'J PIPE OUTLET TO A WELL DEFINED CHANNEL ~~~~ -~ ~ ,>:.,,<,~~~ 4 ~R:J~>>)Y.i>'y>;Y^, <<',<(~~Il ~ 16 ~" "~7),: ~ . \~ ~y '/ij ~~A ", ' 12" CLASS B RIP-RAP FILTER FABRIC RIPRAP DITCH LINING DETAIL NTS 2'-0" Min Direction r ~ I ~ Of}~ ~ 18" Min S:l 3,../ 2'-0" Min Top Width ~j ~ .-? BerIn PERMANENT DIVERSION SWALE DETAIL NO SCALE \\\\\\\\\\UDDDOOOQ ~~~~~\\ CA/(o:Q~~~ ~~ ~ 0.000110 -<V/ t?e? ~ ~ "'~f.SS 1;;"', 4- ~ ~ ...~p :t,... '7 ~ ~ .~~. ~ :; : SEAL : : : : L-2645 : : .... ~... ~ '. <t-A~ ~C.. :;: ~ 0..: Y/) .0. ~ ~ ..? '. SU .' ~ "" --"~~'~ ef..... U> ~ 03-17-05 05-05-05 341 Sheet 5 Us ?-o \ ~~..~~~~><t;r;~~ S;~;;1 * NOTE: ~..8<;~~~<~t~~><'?8\ ;:;::a:::~l ~;u:t~:;~li:: :e t:;e:;e;:i:k:r County \~?~.~"~~~~:X~~ ,:{~ Z::~yH(;;~/~~~ ;:a:e~:~ ::::g::c~l ~a~~e::ent ~ ~~>~'.S:~>AX:>~~~~ study is approved by Wake County and/or FEMA. / \~>,/J)J;;o;;~) :::::n.:q~::::(A:(~~i1din. pmnil (or 10," or oprn i " t~~>;~~:~/if/f}<~Y~' ::~e /::::t:~n w~thFl;:d ~ ~~;:e;;S~~e~h:s:U~:::n/:;;'om f~ I~ ~. ~ ~~~t~";'::~">'~'<;;5.'\/:..;x;$>~ / Wake County Environmental Services. The builder's \\_:::::::::~~HI) ] <;~ >:~>,::\(</yVx<<>, > engineer, architect and/or surveyor (as appropriate) ~~ ~ ~ )\ / Y/"", '</ ~,.(."> '\X)< .> must certify that all flood requirements are met. 'tl R-30 Cluster Development'G;~~~v~'(~ >~ [SerUon 1-1-26(A)(6)] Ii ' ......0..... Minimum Buildin~ Setbacks<~/~A::;<)<j;<'~/,~'<.;X >y ~ ~~'\~"- CAl?Ouu~tJtJ F t 15' P t 0 S U. ~.." ~ .' . 0 ". 'I; ~ tJ.. ron = R B ~~ D t '1 ermanen pen pace ses :!'>~~ ....af,SS 10.... ~1r ~ Side = 5' iparian Un. er e a1 <;: ""Y. :'r1.Q..l' :.f'o '7 ~ Rear = 15' Not To Scale PermRnent Open SpRce is reserved for conservation and protection :: 'IJ.,Y ~ 0 "" Corner Side = 15' of Natural Hazard Areas and, :;: : SEAL t"'o: : NOTE: NOTE: : : L-2645 : ::: T'h . 1 t' NO T'E. Riparian Buffer shaJ} be measured Provision of active and/or passive outdoor recreation opportunities ;. '.0 -C ~S:: :: IS p a is a constructIon plan cover sheet onlv. . outside of aJ} easements, reparian buffers, setbacks, and /or ~ o.~A~ .::: ,/ from top of bank. lf no bank exists, ( /' .. .;YlJ SO .' ~ ~ It does not conform to G.S.47-30 as amended and IS During the construction of this pro'j'ect conservation areas e,g., baJJ fields, playgrounds, tennis courts, ~ ~o ........... ~.."" measurement shall be from centerline swimming pools, basketball courts, bikeway.s, walking trails, and tJtJ.. ~h fT" d~"-' .... not intended for sales or recordation. an iron stake is set at a 15' offset from the of flow. "up"~ M. ).\'" \,\"'> picnic areas) for the subdivision's residents or employees and ~J- U~,j'JDD,o~, n. ~~~.- \\~~ ~ Vue to the I!eneralized nature of this plat, tile IId/Illl front (right of WilY) COl'ner of 1lJ/ lois. thf'ir K",.,qt.q; (Not,.: Thi,q dO('!i not preclude R m,.mb,.,.,qhip C:J After thp sirept side slopes and/or shoulders requirement or monetar.v charge for use of recreation facilities lots ShOW11 ll1ay or may 1~9t represent actual lot layout. have been constructed and stabilized, iron such as swim and or tennis club, as long as subdivision residents '. Refer to recorded subdivision 1 t f. r 1 1 t or emplo.vees have an opportunity to join the club or pay to use ~ Rel-'ised: 02-21-05 ._' pas or Ina 0 \ stakes will be set at all corners as shown the club facilities. \ el'ise(J:, 02-26-05 dimensions and acreages.. ) \ '\. hereon as is in accordance with Title 21, \ \ vised: O~-18-05 / I \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Chapter 56, Section .1602, Paragraph (c) of \\ / ~- ----- - - - ~, R ed: 04~.18-05 / I \'... tIle North Carolina Administrative Code. ~; ~ \ / ~/ _ __ __ ~" '" Rev~s d: 04-25-05 __ / III i! \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ obby L.. Murray Estate _ / "',liev~se 05-0~-05 'I ( \ \ I I I l \ \ eed Book\8178, Page 2373 ~ / .... // -- --, .......,\ 'Rev~sed~ 75-12>-05 Holland Fa s --- --J }/. \ \ WOPded\\Ar1a I \ I \ Bq,ok of Maps 1998, Page 1995 / / / ..../ /......- /-- - '''--', I ~ensed:\ 16-21 ~05 Book of Maps 1991. P e 268 / --- -{J \ \ \ \ ~ i \ ( I. //"-.~ \ I \ \ \ / (/ / /_lfoode1,Area' I \ \ \ n;:o~ O:f~~: 1:~~, ~a" I;:: ;;@ 11{ I~Ji..'8 ' \.1 \.. ~ \ \ \' ~ ~ , / / ,\ ~ \ ,,]'~;:P:::;~d I ' //, /:?' _- , ) I I I Book of Maps 199__3, Page 103p 26 ~'~.: 19~08' \....:..~.:N'. \ ZO(.33, ,.Is 88""'ZO"$ 1838.85'}Total) '/' R 3~ . .' / ./ / / / ~./ / /./ ~ ../ / / / / W ) I /' ~ \ \... . \.. \ 10 \ r . 44214' ,,_ ~' / ~ ) ~ L-43 ~. \ ':....:.;:. ~ L\ -L-' ~ I . ~, '2~' ~~571~".I ~ 3f4;1}8! / / ,/./ / EIP / / / I ~ \ .... \ \'..:...":. Cl:l:\ '\""' ~ I I -+- ~ \ .22._~~' . - ~/ ./120.()OiL'E'..>v<."....~.e......, ~ A-~' ,I ___ . r gi . '. '.,..::.\;:. ~ ''___ _ / 4 616' sq ft@\".p" ~o:-: ~.t~ 1~16 ~ft.@= _ ~- I...L.. /' :. :,~";':"::;:;~ :p,O,y:-:/:....f ~..::....:, ~~.. / ,I / ----- -~......d- - - - ~ 7 ~ ~ j,f , \\' \:-:':-:::-:'. \. .'---~ 4,616 sq., ftl \ 'AlIo~B~le' 1 7 \ ~ ~~ /-: ;5; :') ~ J.. 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I / / / Deed k 1014 Page 774 ~ / I .~ - .,.. >"'.'" ~', , .......' . ))7 ~ v - ~ e.J ~ ~ -- 0927 Ac . 7.'" / / / . / / cb / ~ ~ .!7 ~6.~:.~lt::.;~;\::.::J..~ ~ { I I ( /1 "..... '\ ~ . "vllller; , - '0- -lJ.514-A~o.-- ~.6/~S~~,;/ '. . .7 ( ~,f54' / /1'/ // / BO:;e f ~::S//:;6~a;:g::~2~ ~ '.\ f29\ " 4,00~sq..:f(.:::~\::::: 1.0 {: ~ 6~' , ~ 6.00'/. ~-- '0. ~@ ~?~=-- - 59' - I~;';a~tJ7- .: . . ,1( / // 1 1// / / // / ~ ~ "'/f;II,-', " AlIOWB~le:..'::",\, ~ I 373. Consfructed 1>~ //::: ~ -. 'C"' \\ \\ '- 12 -~' :0_, (}{J-6., i~:J::- .J36e---: . '"... o'~~ / // / / I / / / // ) __ ,_ ~ ~~/. ~pervIo~..::....:\" ' \ , Channel #3 ~ to ~ N '-? ~ -- .., - "r;~ ~fJ / / // / / ,I II / ~ ....__ _, . ",", _ I'. ........, \ \ * ~, ~::- C> N';'" . W>- ,~~ LS-6 _ ~ ., ::t:~~? ,.6' /..../ /- / ( ../ _._. ~~ -I... 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I / // . // /,.-J -- -- -- \ __ , \ ~ ~"d . .. .., N ImpervIOUs ,,-\) r: ~~ ~~ ~t. ~ ~ / ' ' ~ ~ / / .....Q( f / / /...., -- ~ - '@}-\\I\\rl ::-:-:.J:-.~ ~ \ ' T 'TO" "" nQQ'~{~,,'b' 0.802 Ac:--- - 4,616 sq. ft. ____ ' ]:i:Jilf . / ~- ~ /' / / . // / ~-/ ./ I " a "" \ \ I,~ .. "j 'j' , 0 "V, ~ r:~.c ~ ' Allowable/--- ~ H-v: it\-/ ..-:: / / . / ~ / /.,.-" "- , '....., _/, " \,.. \\'\, 0 .:-:(.~: Rl1aSt- " "::o~ '/ ~\~Ce~ '-4,616 sq. ft. --- /mpeffiOus ~'. . _ '~r~ -.... J../ / /./.' / // / / /.... / "'-...1 ., / '" I' L\-3J~ ~ 'C"f \ '06~8 '/ ) ~~rc \ All..o"abl~_ ---- I ."....--....../ ../A9'\J.I. ~~ ~W <;. / / / ./ ( ~ . Wooded Area ,",'\ \ \ \.0) I<\> T::\ 1\ \ 2/~~ AIle;~ ' fm'-~/t-V ~~.-:~. .... .&---~fJ,-,l'>~~3,.""d> /.. / / / / / / r I c,,1 \ /~~.. '_'. j\ ~. \ \..I.~\c?('.( 'C" '. ...:::.:-. ~~... i _:?ttlJ~~1 T I -"'i::~{. ) ~~L~..r.""~'-:::"':"":'." '.p :P . 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'-:-:'\:-:':-~~', Of: / --ili 2'" ,/" / ' 0.669jAc. \'~ · 0196 Ac 'l-&.'b'\b ..... f "r ~~ r70~ \ ---.. ~n ;auv- / W\~ ,.' I H;>:t H ~_c.n.tr';c~~t'~~:>/?Jg--~'- ~O\ 4;fJ~~i:f;t)~...:' ~~ .1\ '\ e\~@i()I..:t'..........f~ ~{J\ 140.0Z' N.n::54'4~~;~/K(7i1gIV,53.Z1' _ _ ----L- II \\1\ ' \ .. .. .. :Jl\.lt .1:annel ~~~() ~~~ ~ ~ ~-,' I f~J '~- , 0.49~c. $ G4- ~~ ~ 5 \ @~ 1---\ - - 30' Perimeter Buffer - ~ - - - Country - ' .. ,Area' :: ' -'I.... ~ 8 _......-- 0; 0.59 Ac../ L JW7'5 0 \ 4,616 fl...q. ft,@Q,tOllq25\1@@@ ...... . . , " .' ., _ ~/ / j;;Q., I\) Ac. ~ L . ( R = 25 r). Allow~.. ~ I ~'tl. 27 28 Brook Drive 00' _ - \ \\~. ' ,..../ tt....... / / . ~~ r:{ ~ '4,616 sq. ft. ..... 4~~I::aqbl:t./ 'C" -c"~! n"i \.lm,erv.::.~ ~?~c,~ ~ i!ie ;Z \ 26 ~ :.. .-. - _ _ _ ~lJh"c b./r' ./1>>[ ~\ \l.i~ ., . . /0. 721 AC~' ~ I \'f. Allowa~le._ _ /lmperviouft t.. 7 ~u' -^ z....; '. '" , _. _~ . \ O,4~4 Ac, t:-: ' ~ ~ -IT...... t,' . \ \\~I ' ~ . / / I JI:l ImperVloJ.lS, / 0 ~. ~r ~~.~ V:4'616 sq. it.../ I ~ \ ~ 'D494 Ac. ~ 0.494 Ac. ~ 0.561 Ac. ~ " p , ..' il i' , 1 '1 .' <0,>" ;,fl/~~q.., . ..' \~ . '", . 00 .' ~ · . u~ ^ · ':' Alle..M. '1 "V,616 aq. n. ... ~ ~ ;,616 sq. n." .. ",,\.1(..., _ ..... -.;'3 A JowBpl, ./.1. L.: ~~ ~O. 00 ~ ~ =--- ~-;)tQ5y?, ~.~ '" '- -2Q$u6" Impervious Allo"a~le 4.01" sq. ft, 4,8111I'1q. ft, Allo"able ~ '-: ~ . .\\\' ~ ' I, . i' .' I 4,616 sq. ft. lperv)6l.ls /.tJ \yoO ~ 0.;', ~ o"e;,. ___ 8,22 y~ () \ I \I , ~oo ' _ _ I ~ I~perVlous .. Allo""B~le Allowable L' ~ J _ ~~. \\ \~ _ . : ::. Mlowaple" / / (\?'),~~~ /. ~_ 19"- ~ ~~ ' 6 /' \ to ~ ' 1--73.55' 5217'1 I ~ 118 0''1'" \ \ J.rnl!ef'Vlous i'. Impervious mperVlous'o ) - ?II \,\ - '::. ,\ ImperVl,o/us..@,,,....,n.$" 711. ~~~?~ 6~ - ~~ ~>'~ "~'," .f'" \.1.]46.'00"" / '\ 137.00;-" 37,28,-:=iiiL13' -'- , " \\~\ 'il'J,;. ::~~'\I (' ~l 7 \ :- I'~-=-" 1- ,.-.nf1r~ ~ ~ f1@' 'g-~~ -----,~, ~ ;:r,'JQ'- - nil" C'H./w ",- '.... \ '" '..... \ 3 ~.", K .1. ~.\, \ ~.I~" ~ - 6'" . - ~~~ '00' .... ~~... ~ \.......... ; , " V .\. ",g' / 0 --, ElS c::o ----- '...: \ "- ' , \ ~\~ :-.-:~.: ~ LS-1 ~,f66 AI, ~~ 255.28 ~ _~ ~ _ ......." =: --............ ....... .............. ',\ \ '\ - I 1 , \\-6...,.., \"\'. '.,' ~ 'ICBtk-"cd~r .( '-:-5~20(T Tootal).--- \::....--r- - -~A""--'O ~,.fL~" ~40.59'" I\.. ...... iW!1.85\ \ ll,;l t:l'l' , \. ."-<~ ' ..\.... \_ 1i-_l..1 PeL\Jl~g2'-.....' 7"lf 45 .~ ~..... \ -rr.rJ7tJ Ac. . 0 564 ~ [~~' ...... _ \ - ~ 129.00:' ~----qt "'" 1\\'\\ ''.\',Ll '. I "~-::'\l-v,~lL-;i~ \.1199~ S80\J1.~Q!-!!_', .....~ 4,616 sq. ft. /......... ~,f1i6sq.ft.'-"""":1J - 4,616'~q.ft. ~ \ ~\ '--/ 108~;:1"""~, \ ~\ \ '<', . - :"~~.1{!J~\\ ' channel #1 "l tl1 \ JAllo,!~re - .AlIonble .... ,. ") Allowable ~ -} I f)@CDOJ.1l.. / J . \ ~ \ /.. \ ~ J .ld~~i~~[.H)" ElS\ \\ consttucted 'publiC \ -, ~ ~'/l:-- ~lO~ ________ _ ""HnR!t!:!!.>q~_2 'I I O. 725 ~c. ~pervious ~ / I 0 \ ' 1 ~"', I (~cp~./J: I 4~('r~'ri \ ' mlinent and ent \ . '---- /- ~ / lEIS, ~-::.. --.!:::P'~}I ~ tIc :4ase~ent (769 ~c ~ ~ 1,,- ~ 'f '" W \ \ \ \ \ .\7 ~ I. ./.-1 J..\' 1 ~g12D06'2 , " \ ~ ZO' ~~~ingge Eas~ "..... ' __ .\ ~ ~ 35' (Tota1).-- ~,O' P;.. A~kril Coo~ EIS L~ -< ElS) / ~;J(f sq.\ ;t. \ ~ 0.494 Ac. r.: 0.560 Ac. ~ t\.. ~ -4 ....... H 11 d F. I \ ,\ \ "~ "~ - "- ......-- - ~ ElSI!'" 16. ''''7J'W "" N 7lJ" , 7J12ete -::-J _ ~ ~Q"ab~ .... 4,616 sq. ft. ~ 4616 ..... Id ~ 0 an arms \ \ \ /, \ \ ~,- ..s...-B3~36.~ Consu-pcted <L:<?<J"lY\? 188,38' JJ,Uf\-."':' ....,. I ) 1 .rvio S \ Allowa~le"'" sq. ft. L :xJ\I.__~ .---- ~ BO~f Maps 1991, Page 268 \ ~\ I \ ! \,,""'" ~ ~ -- " ... v1<j.'1' .~ v, ~ '\ ImpervIOUs Allowable -, ( , \ \ '. \ "" Harve~- D. .Johnson _. --- ./' Channel (4 \ . (7: I , EIS '--- - - _ _ Impervious .......Book (Maps 1992, Page 1091 \ \ \ \ \ ""..... '-." '';. .- -- ' .... ~ \ \ otlll ~J ~ /.L I \ - - - ~ L'. ",,~, Book ONlRPS 1993, Page 134 \ \ \"t'<: d~d A ~--- , \ '-., Deed Book 11021, Page 304 _ - '''/ ... \. ..... I (llffS / L ~ 1,742' - -- r-< _ _ -.:.. BQ~k of M~ 1993, Page 1037 \ \ \ ~1 \ I (ea \ \. ~ -- _ .".:n~"Niipa ZQ(J4,.!'~gelB93- r~ / /'? -- \ \ I i stJ:::i;~rwJS.J... \ CIS / .J' I N f8"08 '33 "" ~,~;, (TeW) 158.10; 'j If, _ ..............." \ \\\ '\~\ \ \.. \F100d .H~21~rd\ ..._'_~_ ...........-36G----\', ~) I 2P ( /) ~~) I I I I I ' ( _ "'" " \ \ \ '\ ~ S011s \ ,\ \ 1\ /........=:::::_:~' -:- _ '-, ~," ---- // /....- I /~. . f~ \ 15 Earthberm apd - ~ ~':;........ '-... ) .1 \ \ \' '- ". \ ',~\I ~ -:- -= - ::::.-~ ~/.. '::'l';'~:\"" (,// ~ /~ / (/ / ~ ~ ~ ) / I Landscape Easem(!nt , " . ~,,~~ .. / ) I J ) \ '/ ~ \ ~ \ \\ ~ //~ ) ~.--/ ( ~ I~~~ / 1/ " , -....:::::. --..r. e:J\ '. I / " \ / . '"\ \ \ ,\ )'0_ / . /-' . I / ~ \\~ Cl:) I / / / ,,<""' ."~ = 7. .~ /'7 L/ /. !.. // " \~~~_ ~.- \ \ \ \\ \\ /:/) 'I / / ~ ~~' /~ / ~..../ ./ / / / _" . b:i ~ // ;1 ,Margaret J. Franks .", '<' " ..... . r ~ _ ~ "" ,_ \ ,\~ . '/ /) /' ) ---- J /./ ( / /"\ ~ ............- ( / Deed Book 11021, Page 307 ,,,'..j).eb.'.t~ .;J.~.QroCk. e. l/.. . //...., - _ -\ "~ - J ' "-- _ ~\ (/ (.J,J / r- // / /1/ {I \~ ~ ~----I / fJook of Maps 2004, Page 1093 \ ""-D(!~d..B.OOK~f!29!!:-P,age.. e 669.. ..--.... .~/ d~\\' \ / / / J I / ,/ /~ / ( ~r ~ \ \ \' <-~~___.. \ I (\~\'\'>>\ ././.// / I / ) r / / \,/ < \ /) \:riJ~ I (// \ J ______ ~ _ ~ \ \ \' , .. -....... V \ \ I \ " ~ / ' / I I ) \ ( I, ( III ~ ,- -, /,,- r" ~~,.l-,.-/\ ) ~ "--,,--~"-- \ /- ','I' __--- ~.:-:::~ <. ' (~~f1nn" '" \>...-\ -\ ,~~ L\_ - "-.~-~ ~ ......,,- ( - - ~") \ I "......'---- ---- -- ~ '--- -........ ,~ .......-........ ~ ~ '---- '-....: - =..-/- -.::::: ;t:. ~t · L - (I (.... _r: - - --, ':"'- .... c"- '-- ::.:..:::==: -='.:::-:c= - .~ - --:- ;- >. --.=$.0 (':::c -'r"S.jn~ -. ~am.Y<Joh~~aar~- 60T f~;'ll~lVjf -1_ - - ~ ....... ~.~ .-..,.' .... "'-. \ I (" I / ~ l J :0. \ ./ I 'c.> - C ~ J, ~- _.- ~ /' -' -." -~<\~II' / -:- - -.\ (' /7( -'>(/~~< · ~ (W'=:::::7Y::::,~ (-/:r/-=::>=.t:_~ /~I/-~~-3r/ \1 // -1- Preliminary Impervious Suface Calculations \ I \ \ \), ~ II ( (I \ I \ II ( ( r I I ( \1 .............. I ~~: ~t ~:~:~;: ~ ~~ ~:~er;~~;e" a~ :~ri~;' _- o~/i;~c. - 0.572% \\ \ JI ~\ I I 1\ \ I \ \1 \ \ 1\\ \....... I '--.. ....... '--.. )\ '" I I sq. ft. Impervious Perman en t Open Space - 0.092 Ac. - 0.305% \r ~ ~ l \ \,1 \ \ \ \1 "........." ~ ~r--' ------ ~ '-.t....... '...,'. I sq. ft. per Lot (28 Lots) Impervious - 2.967 Ac. - 9.859% "'''-., \ \ '. --- ~ 1'\ ...... sq. ft, Total Proposed Impervious Surface - 4.512 Ac, - 14.991% ~ \ I" \ I 1- '- I \ '-.. I \ I I ~I I I \ I ~ \ ~ \ "-..... '--- ;115' It:-, ~ ~ ~ Ie ,\.'t1~ 'tl t\l t\l?-(;) ~ ~ ~ "- 20' -I" - I~ I zo-~ R/W/ Road'/ -:\ \O~ MUST Co ~G D\ \ L I TY Pt?, rvFQ ~ ~ w" O~ ~ &~ c:J <0 /- OrL:. __ ~o (5 ./ -10:: / ~~ -l!..JJ :r. <(0 l )>rr1 Z 0 :J "--{ NOTE: A 10' x 70' Sight Triangle sha11 be placed at a11 street in tersections as shown hereon, Erosion Control Plan For Cluster Subdivision .1'.$'>,9 ...... Ul ~ ...... I \ II") ~lS'itd l'- CIl *~ ---J. CIl <?-3> ~ '0 r'l ~ \) ~ ~ \@;onn'^jO -';:>.3- 0.;> 2728 ~. Z7Z8 I X'?~ 1010 I-J..:) ~ R'~~ ~U~~ Tavernier Subdivision ^I,;, \:' FEMA FLOOD HAZARD STA TEMENT Lots shown on this plat are not IOC:lf.cd within the F'EMA 100 year F100d Hazard Area as shown on FEMA map No. 37183C0710 E Effective Date: March 3, 1992 Pan tller Brancll TOlvnsllip Scale:l" = 100' P. I. N. 1608.04-54-4336 Wake County, NC Date: 12-16-04 Zoned: R-30 1010 --+lJl.llo( Iyj~~ ~ ~ '" J \~~ f{ Is 1010 Typical Sign Easemen t ~Ib ~ No Scale Note: A 10' x 70' Sight Triangle takes precedence over sign easement. BEFORE YOU DIG! CONTACT ONE-CALL CENTER 1-800-632-4949 o 100 ""'--_-_-_...J GRAPHIC SCALE 200 I PREPARED BY ~ ~ 0- o STANCIL & ASSOCIATE.~f~ u'~7 PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, P.A'\~~I';;:;:l '. . 98 Depot Street, P. O. Box 730, Angier, N. C. z'j{fiJJ~) Z005 (919) 639-2133 (919) 639-2602 (FAX) OENH,WP.'C '~~ c.n" \f~ilANDS ,t;,ND ~> : '-" r\ 'I\i\ ~J VICINITY MAP No Scale Owner/Developer 10M Developers, Inc. 466 Stancil Road, Angier, NC 27501 (919) 639-2073 Line Table L-31 L-32 L-33 L-34 L-35 L-36 L-37 L-38 L-39 L-40 L-41 L-42 L-43 L-44 N 87n33 '08" W N 05D30 '31" E N 05~48'55" 1Y N 56"06'15" W N 09"21 '40" E N 28n26'11 " W N 02"15'31" W N 24"12'36" E N 58"57'32" W N 54"12'46" W N lr52'04" E N 02"49'25" W N 76n22'53" W N 34"16'12" W 13.20' 23.75' 41.81 ' 48.45 ' 27.00' 46.38' 64.68' 17.71' 41.28' 39.16' 42.21' 23,36' 21.83' 19.45 ' NOtE: / / TreatfTlent for side ditches and channels a~ shownl hereon are based on North American I :~~e~:r;i:;:;~~ ~i~~n;~e~ij'i~~~i~~~e~~~ temporary : 1\1 . ..' 1 11/ / I(\r~ - ~ - - - - - - , I Note..._ '\ - / Sewage disposal easements are set aside strictly I for ,..waste.".ater disposal for the corresponding lot nulnber(sJ and are reserved for the installation I an~ maiIitenance of subsurface wastewater disposal sy. (ems. \ Other land uses not specifically approved I by (~e Wa.lke Coun,ty, Department of Environmental Sel'XlCeS are. prolJlblted. All costs of installation ;' and maintenance of the subsurface wastewater \:....... disposal-. ,syste~s and all components thereof JI ,,",shall be the sole" responsibility of the lot owner "and his sucpessorS\ in title. I-~\~\-r-- ) \ \ / \ \ ! \ \ \ / . / I L- COI1r!';e HeRring Distance L- 1 S 01"01 '55" E 126,41' L-2 S 01"01'55" E 19,74' L-3 S 01"52'41" E 109.18' L-4 S 01"52'41" E 50,10' L-5 S 02n24'56" E 80.33' L-6 N 00"55'55" W 21,36' L-7 N oon43'35" W 39,47' L-8 S 88n28'45" W 44.73' L-9 S 11"52'26" W 48.03' Run Of Juniper Branch L-10 N 6r21 '42" W 7.40' L-ll N 72n54 '53" W 45.97' L-12 N 38n53'59" W 66.26' L-13 S 86~39'53" W 30.17' L-14 N 56"07'38" W 54.16' L-15 N 18"48'35" W 34.77' L-16 N 07"48'30" E 45.83' L-17I-'-N1JF2i?(j3~ -:J7.5Zr----' L-18 S 66nfjfj'45" W 28,99' L-19 N 26"54'40" W 61.69' L-20 N 05"29'36" E 26.96' L-21 N 20~42'57" W 40.20' L-22 N 12"48'14" E 20.41' L-23 N 05"33'42" E 49.92' L-24 N 44n32'14" W 46.90' L-25 N 35"05'39" E 40.21' L-26 N 24n06 '52" W 30.21' L-27 N 07"25'41" 1Y 19.26' L-28 N 44"54'59" ". 27,67' L-29 N 29.0043" " 43,09' i. L ...:10 5" :;:J~:JG 32" ;;~ --rfj.42 ,---- - r/c~ lm I~ ~ l\ ~i -I- I ---- ./ ~ _./ I <::::.- ---- _......./ }.., ---- '--- ,",omm unitylGarden ~ad .....-- _ -:J r (( ~ ~ ---= ~ --.... II N 88"54'4)':P \ \ ,~ 35.00' (lota1):::: ) .,,-. .~ ~ ~ - ----- . ~ 30.00'Totaf'Di~urbed Area in Project - 5.4 Ac. A;e~ incltites road righ t of way, 15' construction lImIt, SP9ils areas, Constructed drain ways, and sedill}e.nt filter basins. NflTEr / It is the grading contractors responsibility to ( keep all disturbed soils within the 5.4 Ac. designated as construction limits. -- --- 50 ' ________ _ Pr.if,>-qt_ ------ ___ e l?//f' ----------- 1, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILIT1ES, AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE RESULTING FROM HIS ACTIVITIES. CALL UTILITY LOCATION SERVICE 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. ALL CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WAKE COUNTY STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. TOPOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION AS PER WAKE COUNTY. APPROVAL OF FINAL CONSTRUCTION PLAN MUST BE RECEIVED FROM WAKE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR BEFORE OBTAINMENT OF GRADING PERMIT. \- I I It is )he grading contractors responsibility to hav7' the appropriate utility companies locate any' underground utilities before proceeding 'fith construction. Nt' TE: III l' Temporary Construction Easemen ts shown 1\ h reon were used to compute the disturbed I a/rea for the project. All disturbed areas are .\<<1' to be within said easement limits. I f .;L 30,68' .j ~I / ~ nil 88"08'33"E I \~D.l0' (Total) ~ Date Submitted for Review: \ I~ 'I~ Driveway Permit Approval: \\ ~ N.C.D.O.T. Approval: \' S\ Sediment & Erosion Approval: \ -\ ~ \ NT'h~TE.: "p 1'. PI" . _ IS IS a re Immary an untIl letters of _V;.' \' approval are received from the above agencies ~- \ ~ \ and the dates of receipt noted hereon, - \ \' \ I I I ~ i\ 1 I ~.-/ Site _[)1) l,,. _Jm(L1YQ.tf)~ Deed Book 10119, Page 2643 30,097 Ac, Total In Subdivision Phase One shall consist of Lot 1-11 and 21-28 and Permanent Open Space and Well Lot, Phase Two shall consist of Lots 12-20. Approximately 2,302 linear feet of proposed roads. All streets shown hereon shall be designed and built to NC DOT standards and shall be public dedicated. All lots shown hereon shall be served by community water system designed by a licensed engineer. Permanent Open Space shall be conveyed to and maintained bv the Tavernier Homeowners Association. Landscape easements shall be the responsibility of the Tavernier Homeowners Association. Drainage easements shown hereon shall be permanent and public; and are subject to change approval of of soil and el'osion plans. Developer shall conform to all Wake County Soil and Erosion and Flood Hazard Regulations. No lot shown hereon shall have direct access to SR 2727 Sauls Road, a.., shown hereon. TIle entire subdivision site shall be limited to 15% impervious surface however, it can be increased to 30% Maximum if storm water management is provided for that portion between 15% and 30%. @ .b -;:::.- 02-28-05 02-28-05 05-02-05 GENERAL NOTES: THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF STANCIL & ASSOCIATES, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, P.A. AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION. IT IS NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT AND IS TO BE RETURNED UPON REQUEST. 55, 780 + 7,500 + 4,000 + _4.616 196,539 I I I I ~ \ 2. 3. 4. \ \ 30.097 Ac. In Subdivision x 14.99 % 4.512 Ac. (196,543 sq. ft) Note: Impervious area for Open Space consist of recrea lion equipmen t by Homeowners Association. shall deteTll1ined Map Index For Tavernier Subdivision Sauls Road Widening. . Tavernier Knoll Lane. . Tavernier Knoll Lane. . Islamorada Lane. . . Duvall Hill Street. . . Detail Sheet. . . . 341 1 2 3 4 4 5 DA TA \LWPB-1501 \ COVER.dwg ~ '-1~ ~"",' ."---- ..,-- ---- I ~I I I : I I Install Seed, Mulch and Tac ~om Sta. 7+19 to Intersection I ----_______ Left Side Channel Sta. 8+50 Total Drainage Area == 0.06 Ac. Q/O == (0.35)(7.5)(0.06) == 0.16 cis Slope == 0.0050 It/It Mannings n == 0.022(Bare Soils) r,'/odl,y .'"": },07 (]IS Depth == 0.22 ft. Erosion Con trol Plan For NOTE: A 10' x 70' Sight Triangle shall be placed at all street intersections as shown hereon. Left Side Channel Sta. 0+50 Total Drainage Area == 0.21 Ac. Ql0 == (0.35)(7.5)(0.21) == 0.55 cfs Slope == 0.017 ft/It Mannings n == 0.022(Bare Soils) Vfl/odl)' .-: 2,:10 []I."! Depth == 0.28 ft. Left Side Channel Sta. 4+00 Total Drainage Area == 0.11 Ac. Ql0 == (O.35)(7.5}(0.11) == 0.29 cis Slope == 0,0262 ft/ft Mannings n == O,022(Bare Soils) r,'/ol'/Iy -- 2.:10 (ps Depth == 0.20 ft. Left Side Channel Sta. 4+50 Total Drainage Area == 0.15 Ac. QlO == (0.35)(7.5)(0.15) == 0.39 cis Slope == 0.0388 ft/It Mannings n == 0.022(Bare Soils) rl'/III~ilJ' -- 2.07 (p."! Depth == 0.21 ft. Left Side Channel Sta. 7+00 Total Drainage Area == 0.35 Ac. QlO == (0.35)(7.5)(0.35) == 0.92 cis Slope == 0.0348 It/ft Mannings n == 0.022(Bare Soils) I'l'lodty ~ :1..12 Ji).'; Depth == 0.30 ft. Left Side Channel Sta. 7+50 Total Drainage Area == 0.05 Ac. QlO == (0.35)(7.5)(0.05) == 0.13 cis Slope == 0.0063 ft/lt Mannings n == O,022(Bare Soils) l'dodty " 1. J(} [pH Depth == 0.20 ft. Ta vernier Subdivision 1,8 7 Install Seed, Mulch and Tac From Intersection to Sta, 4+18 Install NAG S75 Staple D From Sta. 4+18 to Sta, 7+19 @ @ ....~\\\I\lOUIlI1I1IJIJ ,.." CAb IJQ ..""~ ~\:\ -l"IO( QoI'(? ~.. c~ ..'"i,ss'j", :/4-- ~ ~ ~ ..'o"'i 0+"., .y ~ ... . ~ '1' ' c:> ~ :Q. SEAL 'c"', ~ ~ L-2645: ~ ~"'c" g:: ~ ~ "'~.<A/ ~ ~ .->- ""SU~~' ....""- ~ ~ vo~ ..... 1(0""" ~t> . \)- .... QQq M. 'Y\S ".. '\l qQ!!:~ c:J-/Il;-(;;,~ Revised: 03-18-05 / Revised: 03-30-05 Revised: 04-19-05 . # ..p U'.: . evised: 05-05-05 ~ ~~~e... ;v;sed: 06-21-05 ~~(TYP') *@ R=30'(Typ.) Panther Brltneh Township Wake County, NC Curve No, Delta RlIdius Tangen t Arc Length == 1 Data 49017'01" 310.00' 142.20' 266.65' 20' Pavement Scale: 1" = 50' 50' Righ t-ot-way Date: 02-26-05 Install 20' x 50' x 8"/J No, 5 Washed Surge Stone Temporary Construction Entrance Pad (See Detail Sheet) I -- j EIS Ta verni er Knoll Lane == == == o 50 k.-_-~-..J GRAPHIC SCALE 100 I @ @ PREPARED BY ----- STANCIL & ASSOCIA TES 15' ----- x PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, P.A. 98 Depot Street, P. O. Box 730, Angier, N. C. (919) 639-2133 (919) 639-2602 (FAX) 27501 E serJlept tructioP ~ con.:.:.--- 7+00 o ----- ----- I L L== Distance So That "A" lit "B" Are Level. ----- ----- @ 00 OX \: \,'b-' c:> Install 4.5'W x 9'L x 18"D C1Rss "Eft Rip-RRP Dissipator (d5o = 6") PK Nail C/L In tersection Sta. 0+00 TBM Elev. = Rock Clleck D8.m Det8.il ----- Install Seed, Mulch and Tac From Intersection to Sta. 10+50 lnstall Rock Check Dams where ditch slopes are 3% or greater @ Install Silt Fence (See Detail Sheet) NOTE: @ Install NAG SC150 Staple D From Sta. 5+00 to Sta. 6+00 Install NAG S75 Staple D From Sta. 3+54 to Sta. 5+00 Temporary Spoils Area to be field located for optimum use and drainage. Install adequa te erosion con trol as directed by Environmental Engineer. 01 @ ~x~1' \,'b-' ~c:, \>~ C Constructed Trapezoidal Channel #4 Q25 == (0.4){8,19){0.52) = 1.70 cis Bottom Width (W) == 10 It. n == 0.022 (Bare Soils) Channel Depth == 0,5 ft. 3:1 side slopes Velocity == 2.47 fps 5.0% Long. slope Flow Depth == 0.07 ft. Approx. 130 LF Seed, Tac and Straw. ~reatmen~l'e ~//II..=(:)I/~I ~X $\0 Width Varies @ Right Side Channel Sta. 9+50 Total Drainage Area == 3.01 Ac. QlO == (0..15)(7,5)(3.01) == 7,90 cis Slope == 0.0124 It/ft Mannings n == 0.030(Grass) Velocity == 3.15 fps Depth == 0.91 ft. Install NAG S75 Staple D From Sta. 6+00 to Sta. 9+87 Install NAG C350 Staple E From Sta. 9+87 to Level Spreader l' == yds l' == (62.4){0.07){0.05) == 0.22 psi Permissible Shear Stress == 0.60 psf (Grass) Detail Constructed Trapezoidal Drainway (No Scale) Install Seed, Mulch and Tac From Sta. 1 +52 to Sta. 3+54 LEGEND: Culvert P-1 Total Drainage Area == 2.23 Ac. QZ5 == (0.4)(8.19)(2.23) == 7..11 cfs Q100 == (0.4){9.72)(2.23) == 8.67 cis Tc < 5 Minutes 18" RCP ~ 1.00% - 104 LF Flow Depth == 1.04 ft. VrJocity == 7.14 fps HW/D == 1.19 HW == 1.79 ,'lnr,--Headwnter-EJe-v. -~-3ri'.14 - - --- Right Side Channel Sta, 1 +50 Total Drainage Area == 0.69 Ac. Ql0 == (0.35)(7.5){0.69) == 1.81 cfs Slope == 0.010 It/It Mannings n == 0.022(Bare Soils) Velocity == 2.54 fps Depth == 0.49 It. Right Side Channel Sta. 3+50 Total Drainage Area == 0..15 Ac. QlO == (O.35)(7.5){0.35) == 0.92 cis Slope == 0.0138 It/It Mannings n == 0.022(Bare Soils) Velocity == 2.42 fps Depth == 0.36 ft. #3 Slope == 0.005 ff/ff Mannings n == 0.022(Bare Velocity == 1 71 Ips Depth == 0.45 ft. Slope == 0.0262 It/It Mannings n == 0.022(Bare Velocity == 3.47 fps Depth == 0.38 ft. RiKht Side Channel Sta. 10+00 Total Drainage Area == 3.15 Ac. QIO == (0.35)(7.5}(3.15) == 8.27 cfs Slope == 0.0276 it/it Mannings n == 0.030(Grass) Velocity == 4,30 fps Depth == 0.80 ft, Level Spreader #7 Data Total Drainage Area == 0.52 Ac. Ql0 == (0.4)(7.5){0.52) == 1.56 cfs Minimum Entrance Width == 10 ft. Minimum Depth == 0.5 It. Minim um End Width == 3 ft. Minim urn Length == 20 ft. .. X .... XX .. TO .... ~ Soils) Note: Stabilize site as areas are brought up up to filJislJ gl'iHJe with vcgelnliOlJ, paving, ditch linings, etc. Seed. mulch and tac denuded areas within filteen /15) rkys -of completion of an; p.1i8.Se 01 construction ~ SEED, MULCH AND TAC JUTE MATTING OR EQUIVALENT PERMANENT CHANNEL LINING TEMPORARY DIVERSlON DITCH RJP- RAP LINED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTlON LIMITS SILT FENCE RiKht Side Channel Sta. 0+50 Total Drainage Area == 1.26 Ac. Q:;; -= (O.:U'i)/7.5)(1.2fl) == ,'1.31 ds Slope == 0.017 It/ft Mannings n == O.022(Bare Soils) Velocity == 3,60 fps Depth == 0.50 ft. RiKht Side Channel Sta, 2+00 Total Drainage Area == 0.40 Ac. QUI = (0..'15)(7.5}(O.40) = 1.05 cfs RiKht Side Channel Sta. 4+00 Total Drainage Area == 0.57 Ac. QlO == (0.35)(7.5}(O.57) == 1.50 cis *-- Soils) NOTE': Treatment for side ditches and channels as S.l~V"iYl1 lrereon are ba.sed on: -NortAZ;. -Sine' ~CU.l1 Green products and specifications for temporary and permanent linings or equivalent -- -~. ---- -- _..~~ - .-- --- --- ~_. __nO ~~_'_ .- 1.---'-'. --- --'--'- ---- ----- -~ ~----- .- ------ ----- .~.- ~._-- '._~'--" -. ===-=t=--- -- .. ===--==--- ==~= =- - -.----=-=:= =-==~. -= ----- ==-=.--j-----.=-=~=~.:_ =--===_ =.=.:::=~ . ==--r----- -- == _. -=r--------- ~---~:j~ ~ ~.... =- -~ - -. - -=:- - ~ -=-_' -_ u ~-~::- ~ _~-=__=-~=~~ _~,__-= -_~~ ~_-=~~= ____ =-___ ~_ =-=_ ____~ __ - -. - ---- - ---- -- - ---. - -~ - - - ----------- ~_._-.._._..~.- -- -----. - -~-- -- --.- ...--:~ ---- -- ~_._.._-- --~_.- --.. ~_._----_. .------ - ---.-- _.__._~. -===-=------ --=.=- :=--=- - -- -- -" - --':'.-'=--=-=- --' -=:::== -=-- --= .:.=--~ == -= --=-'.- --=-=: =::.=.: .~~~ -~ -~-==- =-==-- -- -===.==== -'-. --.._---~ ..~ --:::::. ------ ---,,- .. ---r------ ~----- -- -.-- l~ ~ ~ __. _"__. - ..-.---- ~....... r-~- --t---~ -- ...- --.------- ~--------w.__F~ .t-- -.- --.- .~ --- c:~ -- .--- -~- -.-- ~ -----~.:~ ':-==:- ~=~:::--~'-='-~ ~ -- :~_._----=- :==- -.-~ ~~ii~---- -- '---'- -'- -- ~-- .-_. ---. ---- -.--. ~-- --- -- 390 1 -- ------ ------- 390 .------.. r------~ -- ..~ --_.~- ---~ - ----_._--~ ---- ---. 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U ~-~-:-.-- -- - 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 \DA1~\LWPB-1501\CPLAN2.dwg 341 Sheet 2 Typical Sign Easement No Scale Note: A 10' x 70' Sight Triangle tak.~s precedence over sign easement. VICINITY MAP No Scale Line Table Holland Fa Book of Maps 1991, Course Bearing L-l S 01"01'55" E L-2 S 01"01 '55" E L-3 S 01"52'41" E L-4 S 01"52'41" E L-5 S 02"24 '56" E L-6 N 00"55'55" W L-7 N 00"43'35" W L-8 S 88"28'45" W L-9 S 11"52'26" W Run Of Juniper L-I0 N 64"21'42" W L-11 N 72"54'53" W L-12 N 38"53'59" W L-13 S 86"39'53" W L-14 N 56"07'38" W L-15 N 18"48'35" W L-16 N 07"48'30" E L-17 N 12"20'03" W L-18 S 66"55'45" W [,-19 N 26"54'40" W L-20 N 05"29'36" E L-21 N 20"42'57" W L-22 N 12"48'14" E L-23 N 05"33'42" E L-24 N 44"32'14" W L-25 N 35"05'39" E L-26 N 24"06'52" W L-27 N 07"25'41" W L-28 N 44"54 '59" W L-29 N 29"00'43" W L-30 S 55"30 '32" W L-31 N 8.,.33'08" " L-32 N 05.30 '31 E L-33 N 05.48'66 " L-34 N 56.0615 .". L-35 N 09021'40" E L-36 N 28"26'11" W L-37 N 02"15'31" W L-38 N 2r12'36" E L-39 N 58"57'32" W L-40 N 54012'46" ." L-41 N 14052'04" E L-42 N 02049'25" W L-43 N 76022'53" W L-44 N 34016'12" W Distance 126,41' 19,74' 109.18' 50,10' 80,33' 21,36' 39,47' 44.73' 48.03' Branch 7.40' 45.97' 66.26' 30.17' 54.16' 34.77' 45.83' 27.52' 28.99' 81,69' 26.96' 40.20' 20.41' 49,92' 46.90' 40.21' 30.21' 19.26' 27.67' 43.09' 15.42' 13.20' 23.75 41.81 ' 48.46 27.00' 46.38' 64.68' 17, 71' 41.28' 39.16' 42.21' 23.36' 21.83' 19.45' @ Site Da ta an.d Notes Deed Book 1011~ Page 2643 30.097 Ac, Total In Subdivision Phase One s11a11 consist of Lot 1-11 and 21-28 and Permanent Open Space and Well Lot. Phase Two shall consist of Lots 12-20. Approximately 2,302 linear feet of proposed roads, All streets shown hereon shall be designed and built to NC DOT standards and shall be public dedicated, All lots shown hereon shall be served by community water system designed by a licensed engineer. Permanent Open Space s11all be conveyed to and maintained by tIle Tavernier Homeowners Association. Landscape easements shall be the responsibility of the Tavernier Homeowners Association, Drainage easements shown hereon shall be permanent and public; and are subject to change approval of of soil and erosion plans. Developer shall conform to all Wake County Soil and Erosion and Flood Hazard Regulations. No lot shown hereon shall have direct access to SR 2727 Sauls Road, as shown hereon, The entire subdivision site shall be limited to 15% impervious surface however, it can be increased to 30% Maximum if storm water management is provided for that portion between 15% and 30%. GENERAL NOTES: 1, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE RESULTING FROM HIS ACTIVITIES. CALL UTIliTY LOCATION SERVICE 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. ALL CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WAKE COUNTY STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. TOPOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION AS PER WAKE COUNTY. APPROVAL OF FINAL CONSTRUCTION PLAN MUST BE RECEIVED FROM WAKE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR BEFORE OBTAINMENT OF GRADING PERMIT. 2, 3. 4, TIllS DRA WING IS TIlE PROPERTY OF STANCIL & ASSOCIATES, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, P.A. AND IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION. IT IS NOT TO BE USED ON ANY "OTHER PROJECT AND IS TO BE RETURNED UPON REQUEST. -:\ \ON MUST CQ <<:--,:f-' \)\ \ L I TY p~ rtfPQ G- ~ O~ ~ 8~ <0.-A g _0 -JO:: ~~ -lLu ::r: <(0 )>rrJ -z. ::::> () -..., NOTE: A 10' x 70' Sight Triangle shall be placed at all street in tersections as shown hereon. FEMA FLOOD HAZARD STATEMENT Lots shown on this plat are not located within the FEMA 100 year Flood Hazard Area as shown on }'},'MA map No. :17183(,'0710 l: Effective Date: March 3, 1992 BEFORE YOU DIG! CONTACT ONE-CALL CENTER 1-800-632-4949 @) 55, 780 + 7,500 + 4,000 + 4,616 196,539 30.097 Ac. In Subdivision x 14.99 % 4.512 Ac. (196,543 sq. ft) Note: Impervious area for Open Space consist of recrea tion equipmen t by Homeowners Association. * NOTE: There shall be NO filling or the erection of permanent structures in the areas of Wake County Flood Hazard Soils or Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 100 year flood zones until a flood study is approved by Wake County and/or FEMA. [Section 1-1-28(A)(8)] Before acquiring a building permit for lots or open space marked with an -,(Asterisk) the builder may IJced to obl8.iIJ 8. Hood l1az8.rd Area use PenlJit from Wake County Environmental Services. The builder's engineer, architect and/or surveyor (as appropriate) must certify that all flood requirements are met. [Section 1-1-28( A)( 8)] shall determined DATA \LWPB-1501 \ COVER.dwg Erosion Control Plan For Cluster Subdivision ;;- Cl:l Ta vernier Subdivision ~ '-...;. Panther Branch Township Scale:l" = 100' P.I.N. 1608.04-54-4336 Wake County, NC Date: 12-16-04 Zoned: R-30 o 100 ~--~_-_.....J 200 I GRAPHIC SCALE PREPARED BY STANCIL & ASSOCIA TES 27501 10M Owner/Developer Developers, Inc. Angier, NC 27501 (919) 639-2073 NOTfi: / / Treatment for side ditches and channels a~ shown! hereon are based on North American I Green prfJducts and specifica lions for temporary I II a,\d perm~nent linings or equivalent. 11\/ / II // I (~1Vbte- "'- \- - - - - - - I I Sewag'e disposal easements are set aside strictly I forwlJ.ste-,yater disposal for the corresponding lot nurhber(s~ and are reserved for the installation I anti maintenance of subsurface wastewater disposal sy~~ems. \ Other land uses not specifically approved I by (he Walke County Department of Environmental SerT{ices a'1"<< prohibited. All costs of installation ( and\maintenance of the subsurface wastewater \f disposal s,vstemis and all components thereof // shall be tht sole, responsibility of the lot ownel' and his suc essors, in title. l - -~~ ~\ "\ - r - - 1\\ / \ I I f~ I' I \ ~ I ~ J ( \ \ ) / \ \ \ \ I , \ '---- ., .1"T.'"_---- ~-- . ------ ~- ,_ fommuni!i)Garden R9ad -----=: ~ - -- \ -'\-~\ N 88.54'48':E \ 35.00' {J'o1a1):::: \ ~ ~ '- ----- ----- ; 30.00'Tota[~urbed Area in Project = 5.4 Ac. A!,e~ inclriJ!es road right of way, 15' construction lImIt, SP9I1s areas, Constructed drain ways, and sedill}ent filter basins. NO'f& /It is the grading contractors responsibility to ( keep all disturbed soils within the 5.4 Ac. I desigllated as constructioll limits. / It is )-he grading contractors responsibility to havr the appropriate utility companies locate any underground utilities before proceeding 'fith construction. NlTE: 1 ' Temporary Construction Easements shown h. reon were used to compute the disturbed 8/rea for the project. All disturbed areas are to be within said easement limits. h8' --- - I I I ~ \ I ~.- 1\ II , ~1' ~ MI"i : ~J) 88008 '33"E I \ 35.10' (Total) ~ \ I\~~ \ \- ~ \ YJ',u ~ \ \ \ \ Date Submitted for Review: Driveway Permit Approval: N.C.D.O.T. Approval: Sediment & Erosion Approval: NOTE: This is a "Preliminary Plan" until letters of approval are received from the above agencies and the dates of receipt noted hereon, 02-28-05 02-28-05 05-02-05 \ ~~@[gnw~ ~ MAY 6 2005 \ \ -050-800 DENR. WATER aUAi..ITY WETlANOS~D STORMWATER BRANCH Map Index For Tavernier Subdivision Sauls Road Wiaening . Tavernier Knoll Lane . Tavernier Knoll Lane. Islamorada Lane . Duvall Hill Street. Detail Sheet 341 1 2 3 4 4 5 390 380 370 360 lit: ~ tJ ..... ~ ::l 1:1., ~ <:0 Juniper Level Baptist Ch urch Deed Book 101, Page 774 Deed Book 143, Page 174 Book of Maps 1996, Page 1422 I I I I I I I "tj a:l C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b '~ .~ ct q :::l ~ S ~ s 8 ...J SR 2727 Sa uls Road 300' Approach and Departure Taper q C ''''l ;.l ~ ~ ~ C) a:l <!.l C) C ;.l;..~ ~(O~ L' .:::l Sa:la:l \.:) t;; ~ 113.18 . ~ c ~ C)~ C)<!.l ;"''''l ~I::l J..; '<!.l .s~ \J)~ 11-- (co aVN) rn.ION P!.I{) :IN ~~~= -.. !J 100' Bay Storage 200' Approach Taper --- \\\\\\00000000 ~~\\ CA b 06'/) ""~.,. (~\\ . !\OJ IJ!,? ~~ ~ 1Il0oooooooo ~/ c:??' ~..s> .' ~'tSS 10", -+ ~ ... "'" '~I:J;oO ~'. "1' "" ::o't'I '1"...... ~ ~ . ...... SEAL (c. "" = . "" ~ L-2645: ~ ~. B: III C:I ~ '.~ ~o: :: ~ '. ~J-o.. .' ~ "" .;T()SU ........ ""...... .' ....~.. "" .,.o~....... ~e,~" ",? . d.\)- ",,"" IJ/)/) M 1\.,;> ~~ 2i-jf;:~ -- ----~ ---I I 7+00 8+00 9+00 DATA \LWPB-1501\ CPLAN1.d"g 10+00 --- I I --- Erosion Control Plan For Cluster Subdivision Tavernier Subdivision Panther Branch Township Scale:1" 50" Wake County, NC Date: 04-19-05 -~..^'~~~. \ U L J L I' I ! LIllI 1 1 IlL III 1 ( I II 1 I l"'1'"- -1._ , TillY'!'" 111'r!111l111ll(TIIlJIlII - i;nls%~:ef:e~~~~ 1 J TJ~1/!12)/ I L :r:r\~\l,T,r,J))J))"r)"l).J) 5' Additional R/W ~I ~I '"" ~I .El ~I ~ C>J -r I I I I I I Barbara Johnson Deed Book 11021, Page 301 Book of Maps 2004, Page 1093 - -t-== _..~{=== ~ I \ "'-- 6' Typ. -+-- 100' Bay Taper 300' Departure Taper ----- --- Margaret J. Franks Deed Book 11021, Page 307 Book of Maps 2004, Page 1093 o 50 ~-_-_-......J 100 I E1S @ ~ ~o ~I 0.492 Ac. 4,550 sq. ft. Allowable Impervious j . EPK..... ----- GRAPHIC SCALE PREPARED BY STANCIL & ASSOCIA TES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, P.A. 98 Depot Street, P. O. Box 730, Angier, N. C. 27501 (919) 639-2133 (919) 639-2602 (FAX) L= Distance So That "A" & "B" Are Level. Rock Check Dam Detail Install Rock Check Dams where ditch slopes are 3% or greater LEGEND: .. X ~ XX .. TO .. ~ SEED, MULCH AND TAC JUTE MATTING OR EQUIVALENT PERMANENT CHANNEL LINING TEMPORARY DiVERSION DiTCH RIP-RAP LINED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION LIMITS SILT FENCE +- ,-_.~-- ----- !~=== ------ -=-:::== ._, ===~!-- === - -"-~---_. -.. ~._. ._--~ ------ I..~----- -.--.-,-- =~....=:=== ===l=== -=== i---.-------- 'j _...---- ---_..-, ~===- --~-- ----------~'::=-= .~- ~,~-- ."..--.---- ------- ~ -1- ---'I f- ---t----- _._~ I -- -------.\ ~I- I ,_____ I EIS 15' Earthberm and Landscape Easement CB-1 I I I I I - 5' Reserved R/W CD 0.517 Ac. 4,550 sq. ft. Allowable Impervious _== ==-- =EXl f;j..!]K.. urad _ === =......=- _..: ==------ . ==J=== .::= - -t--- --.--.-.-.-.-------.~ --..1- --- _.___n__ --.1.----- __no'. ---------- - - ~[= ----- - -= -==--- ~ =~-~~~- -=--~=~~. ~ --- . .:---- - - ~ )(-- 390 {}!-- ----~-------- -- - F~ ~. I ~- - - ~--- -----~ ---- --- - ----- --I ! - - --..-.----- --- ------- -- ~--"---~ - --.-- ..._-----~ --.----. -- - ~--=== .--. --=-~ -=--==~=~ --~ - --.-...-.-.j-.---.- --- I -t~--~- ----------1---- ~---- -=-=_....+:=-~ =-==.... .-- ---- _m t---- -, -- 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 380 370 360 -- -- --...__._~---_...._-- ---~----'. --~-+-- _._---~ --_.- .1- _._ .-------j-,--------. - =-- ; ----= =- -1- -- ~=::-==-=: 341 Sl1eet 1