HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090565 Ver 1_Year 5 Monitoring Report_20190508ID#* 20090565 Select Reviewer:* Mac Haupt Initial Review Completed Date 05/08/2019 Mitigation Project Submittal - 5/8/2019 Version* 1 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* r Yes r No Type of Mitigation Project:* W Stream W Wetlands r Buffer r Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Email Address:* Wes Fryar Mryar@lmgroup.net Project Information Existing 20090565 Existing 1 (DWR) (nunbersonly ...nodash) Version: (nun-bersonly) I D#: * Project Type: f DMS r Mitigation Bank Project Name: Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank County: Onslow Document Information Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: BDMB_Yr05 AMR.pdf 33.58MB Rease upload only one RDF of the complete file that needs to be subnitted... Signature Print Name:* Wesley A Fryar Signature:* Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Annual Monitoring Report — Year 5 Onslow County, NC White Oak River Basin (Cataloging Unit #03030001) Prepared on behalf of- Weyerhaeuser fWeyerhaeuser NR Company (Sponsor) Prepared by.• Wilmington, N.C. tLMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP a DAVEYI company May 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................1 2.0. PROJECT OVERVIEW...............................................................................................................2 A. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................2 B. MITIGATION GOALS AND OBJECTIVES..................................................................................3 C. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION...................................................................................................3 3.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................7 A. WETLAND RESTORATION/ENHANCEMENT SUCCESS CRITERIA........................................7 4.0 MONITORING RESULTS (YEAR 5)......................................................................................9 A. VEGETATION MONITORING.....................................................................................................9 B. HYDROLOGIC MONITORING..................................................................................................13 (1.) Summary of Precipitation............................................................................................14 (2.) Small Stream Swamp...................................................................................................15 (3.) Streamhead Pocosin...................................................................................................15 (4.) Wet Pine Flat................................................................................................................15 C. STREAM MONITORING...........................................................................................................20 (1.) Photo Documentation...................................................................................................20 (2.) Ecological Function......................................................................................................20 (3.) Channel Stability/Survey Procedures........................................................................ 21 (a.) Cross-Sections........................................................................................................21 (b.) Longitudinal Profiles..............................................................................................21 (c.) Pebble Counts.........................................................................................................22 (d.) Stream Flow Monitoring (First Order Channel)....................................................22 (e.) Stream Flow Monitoring (Zero Order ChannellHeadwater).................................28 (f.) Stream Enhancement.............................................................................................33 D. CONTINGENCY MEASURES I REMEDIAL ACTION................................................................34 5.0 CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................35 LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES, AND APPENDICES Figure1........................................................................................................................................ Vicinity Map Figure 2.................................................................................................................. Mitigation Quantities Map Figure3................................................................................................................................. Site Impact Map Figure 4........................................................................................................... Geographic Service Area Map Figure 5.....................................................................................................................Monitoring Location Map Figure 6.................................................................................... Longitudinal and Cross Section Location Map Figure7................................................................................................................ Loblolly Pine Removal Map Table 1......................................................................................... BDMB Planting List (April 2013/May 2013) Table 2............................................................................................. Summary of Tasks Completed — BDMB Table 3................................................................................ Vegetation Plots and Wells by Community Type Table 4A ........................................................... Annual Monitoring Data Sheets, Year 5 — CVS Plots (100M2) Table 4B................................................................... Annual Monitoring Data Sheets, Year 5 — 0.10 -ac Plots) Table 5 ................................... Summary of Year 5 Hydrologic Monitoring (Small Stream Swamp - Riparian) Table 6 ................ Summary of Year 5 Hydrologic Monitoring (Reference - Small Stream Swamp - Riparian) Table 7A........ Summary of Year 5 Hydrologic Monitoring (Streamhead Pocosin Restoration — Non -Riparian) Table 7B.............................................Summary of Year 5 Hydrologic Monitoring (Reference - Non -Riparian) Table 8 ..................... Summary of Year 5 Hydrologic Monitoring (Wet Pine Flat Restoration — Non -Riparian) Table 9..................................................................... Stream Lengths and Number of Cross -Section Stations Table 10.............................................................................................. Longitudinal Profiles by Stream Reach Table 11............................................................Summary of Year 5 Bankfull Events (Hewitts Branch (HE -1)) Table 12 ........................................................Summary of Year 5 Bankfull Events (Huffmans Branch (HU -1)) Table 13 ........................................................ Summary of Year 5 Bankfull Events (Half Moon Creek (HM -1)) AppendixA......................................................................................................................... Site Photographs Appendix B................................................................ Individual Plot Data Sheets (Year 5 Monitoring — 2018) Appendix C........................................................................ Palmer Hydrologic Drought Severity Index Maps Appendix D......................................................................... NC Division of Water Resources Drought Maps Appendix E.......................................................................... Hydrographs (January 2018 — December 2018) Appendix F ............................................... Longitudinal/Cross-Section Surveys, Cross -Section Photographs 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On behalf of the Bank Sponsor (Weyerhaeuser NR Company) (WEYCO)), Land Management Group (LMG) has completed Year 5 annual monitoring of the Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank (BDMB). The BDMB consists of 361 acres and includes 9,503 linear feet of first order stream restoration, 7,283 linear feet of zero order restoration, 5,966 linear feet of stream enhancement (Enhancement II), 11,400 linear feet of stream preservation, 60 acres of Riparian (Riverine) Wetland Restoration (i.e. small stream swamp); 28 acres of Riparian (Riverine) Wetland Enhancement; 48 acres of Riparian (Riverine) Wetland Preservation; 85 acres of Non -Riparian Wetland Restoration (i.e. streamhead pocosin and wet pine flat); and 13 acres of Non -Riparian Wetland Preservation (Figure 1). Restoration work for the BDMB project included the construction of single thread and zero order channels, which involved grading activities designed to re-establish proper elevations and hydrology. In addition, the headwater wetlands of the Bank site were restored via the backfilling and/or plugging of ditches and removal and/or plugging of collector canals in former agricultural fields. As was documented in the Mitigation Plan, the streams and wetlands of Bachelors Delight Swamp and its tributaries had been historically impaired by silvicultural practices since the early 1970s. As a result, extensive channel modification and removal of characteristic riparian vegetation occurred, leaving little functional habitat. For the single thread channels, the initial grading work removed existing silvicultural bedding and contoured the stream valley corridors to original grades. Ditches within the headwater areas were backfilled to existing grade, and access roads were removed. Culverts associated with the access roads were removed and permanent rock fords were constructed that raised the invert elevation to reconnect the streams to the existing floodplains. These areas were planted with hardwood species associated with the target small stream swamp community. Headwater (zero order) streams were restored by reestablishing the hydrologic connection between the headwaters and downstream section of the reach through removal of existing silvicultural bedding, backfilling and/or plugging of ditches, and re -contouring of the upper valleys (for those occurring within agricultural fields). Combined, these activities re-established diffuse, braided flow patterns throughout the length of the identified stream valleys. Plantings consistent with small stream swamp and riparian wetland communities of the outer Coastal Plain were established throughout these areas. Construction of the BDMB was completed in May 2013. Refer to the As -Built Report submitted November 2013 for more detailed information regarding the implementation of the BDMB. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 1 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report Per the approved restoration plan, monitoring of the site includes the assessment of both hydrologic and vegetative conditions over the course of a seven year monitoring period. Following the completion of the earthwork, a total of twenty-four (24) 0.025 acre plots (10m x 10m), and eighteen (18) 0.10 acre plots were established throughout the planted area. A total of sixty-eight (68) shallow groundwater monitoring wells were installed throughout the project area. Of these wells, ten (10) are stream gauges, seven (7) are riparian restoration wells, eighteen (18) are riparian reference wells, eight (8) are non -riparian restoration wells, one (1) is a non -riparian reference well, and twenty-four (24) are zero order restoration wells composing eight (8) well arrays within the zero order valleys. Hydrologic monitoring was conducted throughout the year (through December 31, 2018). The annual vegetation monitoring was conducted in October 2018. Based upon the data collected, the BDMB site exhibits a high rate of survivorship of planted species as evidenced by an average observed density of 461 stems per acre. The hydrologic response to restoration efforts is also evident via groundwater and surface water data collected. Hydrologic residency times have increased relative to the pre -construction condition, and wetland hydroperiods have been re-established across many areas of the site. The following Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) presents the findings of the fifth year of monitoring for the BDMB. 2.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW A. Introduction WEYCO began implementation of the restoration project in November 2012. The BDMB is located east of the junction of Gum Branch Road and Quaker Bridge Road in northern Onslow County, NC and encompasses much of the headwater wetland and streams of Bachelors Delight Swamp (Figure 1). Of the 361 acres, 60 acres consists of Riparian (Riverine) Wetland Restoration (i.e. small stream swamp); 28 acres consists of Riparian (Riverine) Wetland Enhancement; 48 acres consists of Riparian (Riverine) Wetland Preservation; 85 acres consists of Non -Riparian Wetland Restoration (i.e. streamhead pocosin and wet pine flat); and 13 acres consists of Non -Riparian Wetland Preservation (Figure 2). In addition, the project provides 9,503 linear feet of first order stream restoration, 7,283 linear feet of zero order restoration, Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 2 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report 5,966 linear feet of stream enhancement (Enhancement II), and 11,400 linear feet of stream preservation. Placement of fill material within existing ditches (Figure 3) was authorized under Nationwide Permit 27 issued by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on January 19, 2011 (Action ID# 2009-00832) and the corresponding 401 Water Quality Certification issued on February 21, 2011 (DWQ Project #09 0564). B. Mitigation Goals and Objectives The larger Bank restoration project is intended to provide suitable, high-quality wetland and stream restoration to mitigate for authorized impacts within the White Oak River Basin (USGS 8 -digit Hydrologic Unit 03030001; DWQ Subbasin 03-05-02). The objective of the project is to restore natural vegetative and hydrologic conditions throughout the nonriparian, riparian, and Coastal Plain stream habitat that have been compromised by previous land use activities. The primary functions to be restored or enhanced as a result of the restoration project include: surface water storage (i.e. flood attenuation; sediment/nutrient retention; organic carbon transport to downstream food -webs; and wildlife/aquatic habitat). The project provides a unique opportunity to restore an entire watershed within a region currently experiencing acute development pressures with impaired waterbodies. Note that the Geographic Service Area (GSA) excludes the 14 -Digit Cataloging Units located to the south and east of HWY 17 in Pender and New Hanover Counties (Figure 4). C. Project Implementation Restoration activities were initiated in November 2012 and included the construction of dry Priority I stream channels directly adjacent to the existing ditches. Construction of the single thread channels involved grading activities designed to re-establish proper elevations and hydrology. As construction progressed downstream, existing ditches and canals were filled and silvicultural bedding was removed. Clay plugs were used at prescribed intervals to reduce potential subsurface drainage within backfilled ditches. Soil removed for the construction of the Priority 1 channels was used to fill in the existing ditches and restore natural contours within the floodplain. Natural woody material (i.e. root wads and log vanes) was used to construct the in -stream structures throughout each section. Existing roadbeds and adjacent spoil piles were removed, and the material was used to backfill the road -side canals. Permanent rock fords were installed at the locations of existing culverts to raise the invert elevation and reconnect the stream to the existing floodplain. Riparian wetlands were restored (60 acres) and enhanced (28 acres) as a result of stream channel and ditch modifications within the site. Zero order valleys were restored and enhanced via the backfilling of laterals and/or plugging of canals within the headwaters, removal of silvicultural bedding Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 3 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report and recontouring of the natural valley slope, which restored natural hydrologic inflows (via groundwater contributions and overland flow). Culverts and roadbeds bisecting the zero order valleys were removed and rock fords were installed to facilitate natural drainage to the downstream section of the reaches. Non - riparian wetlands (85 acres) located throughout interstream flats and converted agricultural fields on the Site were restored via the backfilling and/or plugging of ditches and/or collector canals and associated grading work along secondary and tertiary ditches. Restored wetlands were planted with characteristic wetland trees corresponding to the targeted community type (small stream swamp, streamhead pocosin, and wet pine flat). Approximately 69,870 hardwood tree seedlings were planted throughout the restored small stream swamp, streamhead pocosin and wet pine flat communities between April 2013 and May 2013. Planting was conducted by the NC State Natural Resources Foundation, Inc. Seedlings were planted on approximate 9 - ft centers, corresponding to an average density of 547 seedlings per acre. Bare -root plant material was provided by Arborgen Nursery (Blenheim, SC) and from the North Carolina Forest Service Claridge Nursery (Goldsboro, NC). Per the restoration plan, two non -riparian vegetative communities (streamhead pocosin and wet pine flat) and one riparian vegetative community (small stream swamp) were established throughout the 361 -ac project area. Swamp black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) and bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) comprised a majority of the seedlings planted within the riparian zones (60 -ac), totaling approximately 26,700. In addition to bare root material, live stakes were installed along the banks of the restored stream channels on approximate 4 -ft centers to provide for enhanced bank stabilization and vegetative cover. Live stake species included silky dogwood (Cornus amonum), black willow (Salix nigra), and elderberry (Sambucus Canadensis). Species such as long leaf pine (Pinus palustris), Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides), swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii), cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda), laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia), sweet bay (Magnolia virginiana), and shumard oak (Quercus shumardi►) were planted within the non -riparian zones (85 -ac) within the former agricultural fields (See Table 1 for seedling quantities by species). Approximately 88 -acres composed of the former agricultural fields were divided into six planting areas: (1) long leaf pine (34 -ac); (2) Atlantic white cedar (13 -ac); (3) Atlantic white cedar -sweet bay mix (11 -ac); (4) bald cypress and gum mix (10 -ac); (5) oak mix (6 -ac); and (6) pond cypress (Taxodium ascendens) (2 -ac). Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 4 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report Table 1. BDMB Planting List (April 2013/May 2013) Riparian Restoration Small Stream Swam 60-acl Common Name Scientific Name # Planted Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 13,000 Swamp Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica 9,000 Total 22,000 Non -Riparian Restoration Streamhead Pocosin 54 -ace Common Name Scientific Name Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum 2,100 Atlantic White Cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides 14,028 Swamp Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica 1,400 Swamp Chestnut Oak Quercus michauxii 3,700 Cherrybark Oak Quercus pagoda 1,600 Laurel Oak Quercus laurifolia 1,400 Sweet Bay Magnolia virginiana 1,000 Shumard Oak Quercus shumardii 400 Pond Cypress Taxodium ascendens 1,200 Total 26,828 Non -Riparian Restoration Wet Pine Flat 34-ac3 Common Name Scientific Name Longleaf Pine Pinus palustris 21,042 Total 21,042 Grand Total 69,870 11 Approximately 26 -ac planted in this community 2 Approximately 35 -ac planted in this community 3 Approximately 29 -ac planted in this community Note that approximately 21 -ac in the former agricultural fields was left undisturbed due to the presence of natural hardwood stands and relict wind -rows. Long leaf pine and Atlantic white cedar were planted in slightly higher landscape positions in the stream head pocosin and wet pine flat communities, while the remaining species were planted in areas that will likely experience longer flooding durations. The transition between the small stream swamp community and the streamhead pocosin and wet pine flat communities in the outer Coastal Plain represents subtle shifts in composition rather than distinct breaks between wetland types. An overlap of planted species occurs along the boundaries between the wetland communities. Refer to Table 2 for a list of tasks and associated completion dates for the implementation of the BDMB. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 5 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report Table 2. Summary of Tasks Completed on BDMB Description of Task Date Logging within Limits of Clearing November 2012 On-site Meeting with COE Staff — Construction Review March 2013 Completion of Earthwork April 2013 Site Planting Aril 2013 On -Site Meeting with COE Staff Aril 2014 Year 1 Monitoring Report Submitted March 2015 Year 2 Monitoring Report Submitted March 2016 On -Site Meeting with COE Staff Aril 2016 Year 3 Monitoring Report Submitted February 2017 On -Site Meeting with COE & IRT Staff— Remedial Action Discussion & Requirement on Loblolly Pine Removal and HM1 Stream Outlet Repair March 2017 Coordination with Stream Engineer on HM1 Stream Outlet Repair March 2017 Loblolly Pine Removal Completion June 2017 Meeting with Contractor on HM1 Stream Outlet Repair June 2017 HM1 Stream Outlet Repair Completion August 2017 On -Site Meeting with COE Staff to Review Repair Areas August 2017 Year 4 Monitoring Report Submitted February 2018 On -Site Meeting with COE Staff April 2018 Year 5 Monitoring Report Submitted March 2019 Per the approved restoration plan, monitoring of BDMB includes the assessment of both hydrologic and vegetative conditions over the course of a seven year monitoring period. Following the completion of the earthwork, a total of twenty-four (24) permanent 0.025 acre plots and eighteen (18) 0.10 acre plots were established throughout the planted and restored (i.e. former) small stream swamp, streamhead pocosin, and wet pine flat communities (Table 3). A total of sixty-eight (68) shallow groundwater monitoring wells were installed throughout the project area. Of these wells, ten (10) are stream gauges to document bankfull and flow events, seven (7) are riparian restoration wells, eighteen (18) are riparian reference wells, eight (8) are non -riparian wells, one (1) is a non -riparian reference well, and twenty-four (24) are zero order restoration wells composing eight (8) well arrays within the zero order valleys. Wells have collected data from January 2014 through the present. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 6 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report Table 3. Vegetation Plots and Wells by Community Type Community Type Acreage Vegetation Plots Monitoring Wells Stream Gauges Small Stream 60 17 31 10 Streamhead Pocosin 54 13 4 0 Wet Pine Flat 34 12 4 0 TOTAL 148 42 39 10 3.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS A. Wetland Restoration/Enhancement Success Criteria The wetland restoration effort will be evaluated based upon performance criteria related to vegetative density and wetland hydrology. Monitoring will be conducted at the site on an annual basis for a period of seven (7) years. Note that non -planted individuals of characteristic wetland species may volunteer into the restored site. Suitable volunteers are an important component to the restored wetland as they serve as indicators for appropriate hydrologic regimes and provide increased diversity. The presence of suitable volunteers demonstrates trending of the site toward vegetative success. The primary success criteria for the Bachelors Delight Wetland and Stream Mitigation Bank will be: 1. Demonstrated density of planted species to meet or exceed 320 trees per acre at the end of three years (post -planting), 260 trees per acre at the end of five years, and 210 (seven-year old) character canopy tree species per acre at the end of seven years. The IRT may allow for the counting of acceptable volunteer species toward the 210 -tree per acre density upon the review and evaluation of the annual monitoring data. 2. If, within the first three years, any species exhibits greater than 50% mortality, the species will either be re- planted or an acceptable replacement species will be planted in its place. 3. No single volunteer species (most notably red maple, loblolly pine, and sweet gum) will comprise more than 50% of the total composition at Year 2 or Year 3. If this occurs, remedial action, as approved by the IRT may be required. During Year 4 and Year 5, no single volunteer species, comprising over 50% of the total Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 7 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report composition, may be more than twice the height of the planted trees. If this occurs, remedial action, as approved by the IRT, may be required. The need to conduct additional volunteer sampling after Year 5 will be determined by the IRT. 4. The hydrologic criterion is premised on the specific community type to be restored. (a) For the non -riparian wetland pine flat, the hydrologic criterion will be the establishment of a static water table at, or within, 12" of the soil surface for 6% of the growing season, equivalent to 18 days based upon hydrologic monitoring undertaken from 01 Feb through 30Nov of each monitoring year. On Web, soil temperature at three of the monitoring plots will be measured at 12 inches below the soil surface and documented within the monitoring report. Should earlier monitoring be considered, the project sponsor must also document biological activity on the site pursuant to the applicable Regional Supplement to the 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual. Earlier monitoring must be approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers prior to commencement. (b) For the non -riparian pocosin, the hydrologic criterion will be the establishment of a static water table at, or within, 12" of the soil surface for 10% of the growing season, equivalent to 30 days based upon hydrologic monitoring undertaken from 01 Feb through 30Nov of each monitoring year. On Web, soil temperature at three of the monitoring plots will be measured at 12 inches below the soil surface and documented within the monitoring report. Should earlier monitoring be considered, the project sponsor must also document biological activity on the site pursuant to the applicable Regional Supplement to the 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual. Earlier monitoring must be approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers prior to commencement. (c) For the small stream swamp (headwater riparian) community (zero -order geomorphic position), the hydrologic criterion will be the establishment of a static water table at, or within, 12" of the soil surface for 12.5% of the growing season, equivalent to 38 days based upon hydrologic monitoring undertaken from 01 Feb through 30Nov of each monitoring year. On Web, soil temperature at three of the monitoring plots will be measured at 12 inches below the soil surface and documented within the monitoring report. Should earlier monitoring be considered, the project sponsor must also document biological activity on the site pursuant to the applicable Regional Supplement to the 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual. Earlier monitoring must be approved by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers prior to commencement. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 8 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report The vegetative component for BDMB includes an assessment of the conditions within each of the forty-two (42) permanent monitoring plots that have been established throughout the project area (Figure 5). Hydrologic monitoring is being conducted via sixty-eight (68) automated shallow groundwater monitoring wells recording on daily intervals (refer to Figure 5 for location of the monitoring wells). Data from the wells are downloaded on approximate three-month intervals and imported into graphing software for analysis. Monitoring reports are being submitted annually to the USACE and the IRT. These reports include results of vegetative and hydrologic monitoring and photographic documentation of site conditions. Monitoring reports also identify any contingency measures that may need to be employed to remedy any site deficiencies (e.g. major stream design failures). 4.0 MONITORING RESULTS (YEAR 5) A. Vegetation Monitoring Year 5 monitoring data were collected in October 2018. A total of 1,283 stems (acceptable species) were counted throughout the eighteen (18) 0.10 -ac plots and 457 stems throughout the twenty-four (24) 0.025 -ac plots (Table 4). Inclusive within this total were 1,092 stems of planted species (correlating to a mean density of 461 stems per acre) (refer to Table 4). Atlantic white cedar and long leaf pine were the most abundant planted woody species, with a total of 346 and 312 individuals, respectively. Bald cypress and swamp black gum were also prevalent within certain plots. In addition to the planted species, numerous volunteers were observed within the plots (Table 4). A majority of these individuals, such as red bay (Persea palustris), sweet pepper bush (Clethra alnifolia), and coastal doghobble (Leucothoe axillaris) are considered desirable volunteers since these plants are representative of the target wetland community types. The mean stem density observed for both planted and characteristic (desirable) wetland species for the project area is 738 stems/acre. Note that this observed density excludes individuals of several species including: (1) red maple (Acer rubrum); (2) sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua); (3) horse sugar (Symplocos tinctoria); (4) groundsel tree (Baccharis halimifolia); (5) loblolly pine (Pinus taeda); and (6) winged sumac (Rhus copallinum). Individual plot data sheets are provided in Appendix B. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 9 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report TABLE 4A: Bachelors Delight Stream And Wetland Mitigation Bank -Vegetation Monitoring (Year 5) Common Name Planted/Volunteer ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® Taxodium distichurn bald cypress Pinus palustris Pinus serotina ■■■■■■....--■■■■■.■■■■■■■■■m..■■....------..---- m m Persea palustris ■■■■...--■■■■■©■�■■■■■■■©-.■■---.-�-�--..-�-- m Vaccinium slop. ■■■■■■.©..--■■■■■.■�■■■■■■■■..■■...�------..---- m Clethra alnifolia sweet pepper bush ■■■■©...--■■■■■m■�■■■■■■■■..■■....------..---- m Leucothoe ax-ns Salix nigra ■■■■■....--■■■■.■■■■■■■■■■..■■....-�-©--..---- m Diospyros virginianaPinus ■■■■■■....--■■■■■©■■■■■■■■■■-.■■---.------..----m© Acerrubrum taeda ®mm®mm®®®®m®m®®®Om®Om��mO®00®Om©mmmmm®Om®m®®000 Notes: Plots in Table 4A are CVSplots (100 m2) AV. Acceptable Volunteer NV. Non -Acceptable Volunteer = mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmommmmoomomommommmmmmmommmmmom■o Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 10 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report TABLE 4B: Bachelors Delight Stream And Wetland Mitigation Bank - Vegetation Monitoring (Year 5) Species Common Name Planted/Volunteer r o a CD } W) } o } 0 a W) } o } M 0 a W) } o } 0 a W) } r LL 0 a o } W) } N LL 0 a o } W) } o } M LL 0 a W) } le LL 0 a o } W) } M LL 0 a o } W) } W LL 0 a o } W) } h LL 0 a o } W) } o } CO LL 0 a W) } T LL 0 a o } W) } CD LL 0 a o } W) } r LL 0 a o } W) } N LL 0 a o } W) } M LL 0 a o } W) } le LL 6 a o } W) } o M } aEi H } aEi H Taxodium distichum bald cypress P 30 23 29 42 42 41 31 30 56 54 188 190 Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic white cedar P 55 47 59 58 1 66 63 50 50 58 57 288 276 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak P 30 24 30 24 Nyssa sylvatica swamp black gum P 27 11 24 7 14 10 26 17 2 1 91 48 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak P 27 5 27 5 Magnolia virginiana sweet bay P 0 0 Pinus palustris long leaf pine P 55 39 53 19 58 21 60 36 63 56 54 39 58 56 401 266 Gordonia lasianthus loblolly bay AV 1 NA 1 Clethra alnifolia sweet pepper bush AV 4 119 13 NA 136 Leucothoe axillaris coastal doghobble AV 3 40 22 NA 65 Liriodendron tulipifera tulip poplar AV NA 0 Ilex opaca american holly AV 1 1 NA 2 Cynlla racemiflora titi AV NA 0 Lyonia lucida fetterbush AV 30 NA 30 Quercus nigra water oak AV 1 NA 1 Morella cerifera wax myrtle AV 22 2 1 1 31 59 1 7 1 1 4 4 1 NA 135 Pinus serotina pond pine AV NA 0 Ilex glabra inkberry AV NA 0 Ilex coriacea gallberry AV 2 NA 2 Vaccinium spp. blueberry AV 1 1 1 2 1 1 NA 7 Persea palustris red bay AV 48 14 2 6 1 6 3 NA 80 Ma nolia vir iniana sweet bay AV 2 1 1 1 9 1 NA 15 Pinus taeda loblolly pine NV 65 85 81 34 24 53 18 42 38 59 45 16 9 18 69 25 10 NA 691 Rhus copallinum winged sumac NV NA 0 Salix nigra black willow NV 2 2 8 7 NA 19 Quercus falcata southern red oak NV NA 0 Symplocos tinctoria horse sugar NV 1 NA 1 Liquidambarstyraciflua sweet gum NV 45 2 55 1 NA 103 Acerrubrum red maple NV 25 8 60 62 35 50 13 30 22NA 305 Baccharis halimifolia roundsel tree NV 1 4 2 115 30 11 5 14 6 5 2 2 6 27 8 8 NA 246 Total Stems of Planted Specie 57 34 53 49 56 51 57 47 57 31 55 47 59 58 55 41 56 54 66 63 50 50 58 57 53 19 58 21 60 36 63 56 54 39 58 56 809 Notes: Plots in Table 48 are 0.10 -acre AV: Acceptable Volunteer NV: Non -Acceptable Volunteer Total Stems of Planted Species + Acceptable Volunteer Species 57 66 53 170 56 209 57 63 57 37 55 85 59 118 55 48 56 57 66 70 50 59 58 58 53 21 58 23 60 40 63 56 54 43 58 60 1283 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 11 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report The most abundant volunteer species identified within the restored small stream swamp, streamhead pocosin, and wet pine flat communities are (in order of abundance): (1) loblolly pine (1,195 total stems); (2) red maple (522 total stems); (3) groundsel tree (329 total stems); (4) sweet gum (203 total stems); (5) sweet pepper bush (186 total stems); and (6) wax myrtle (Morella cerifera) (173 total stems). Refer to Table 4 for volunteer species identified by plot. In general, the observed volunteer species during Year 5 monitoring are considered characteristic of the target wetland community types (i.e. small stream swamp, streamhead pocosin, and wet pine flat). The most prevalent non -target species observed during Year 5 monitoring was loblolly pine and red maple. While considered non -desirable (due to their potential to out -compete planted species), both loblolly pine and red maple are commonly occurring as early successional species in the Outer Coastal Plain. Based upon the data, other predominant volunteers (e.g. red bay, sweet pepper bush, wax myrtle, etc.) are desirable and consistent with the restoration goals of the project (i.e. characteristic of the target vegetative community). While certain volunteer species can potentially out -compete planted species, the overall composition of the species observed is characteristic of small stream swamp, streamhead pocosin, and wet pine flat wetlands of the outer Coastal Plain and appear to be well -adapted to the restored wetland hydrology. Overall, the site exhibited a diverse assemblage of characteristic trees and shrubs (as depicted in Table 4). Of the twenty-four (24) 0.025 -ac plots, all but two (2) plots achieved the Year 5 success criterion of meeting or exceeding 260 stems per acre. These two plots (BDN NR LLS, and BIDS NR LL1) appear to have been impacted by pine clearing crews as part of remedial action measures taken in 2017 to remove volunteer loblolly pine from the project area. Otherwise, these two plots would have exceeded the required number of stems based on prior years stem counts and survivability. However, it should be noted that plot BDN NR LL5 contains twenty-four (24) planted stems and is progressing towards the Year 7 success criterion of meeting or exceeding 210 stems per acre. Of the eighteen (18) 0.10 -ac plots, all but two (2) plots achieved the Year 5 success criterion of meeting or exceeding 260 stems per acre. These two plots (HF9 and HF10) were slightly below the target stem density with twenty-one (21) planted stems in Plot HF9 and twenty-three (23) planted stems in Plot HF10. However, desirable volunteers are becoming established within these plots and both plots are progressing towards the Year 7 success criterion of meeting or exceeding 210 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 12 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report stems per acre. The low planted stem count within these plots has been observed since Year 02 monitoring and seedling mortality in these plots seems to have reached a state of equilibrium. It appears as though mortality in these plots was a result of dense grasses and sedges over -topping young seedlings during Year 1 and 2, and from Pinus palustris (long leaf pine) seedlings succumbing to moisture stress from elevated water tables from adjacent canals. The adjacent canals have continued to overtop their banks into the adjacent pine flat as a result of the elevated water tables. These areas of inundation run parallel with the plugged canals, are representative of a very small area of the total tract and provide a niche aquatic habitat. Evidence of animal disturbance, shading from volunteer loblolly pines, and limited man- made path mowing during Year 01 (as a result of hunting activities) has also been documented in plot HF#10. The remaining thirty-eight (38) plots exhibited relatively high planted stem densities (ranging between 310 stems to 2090 stems per acre) through Year 5 monitoring. During Year 5 monitoring, seven (7) plots contained a volunteer species that composed more than 50% of the total composition. Four of these plots (HEW1, HEW2, HEW3, and HEW4) are within the upper portion of reach HE1 and contained a prevalence of young loblolly pines. The entire upstream segment of reach HE1 was manually cleared of pines on January 26th, 2017. Pines that have re -sprouted in this area are approximately 2-5 feet tall and are less than twice the height of the planted trees. Plot R4 also contains a prevalence of small loblolly pines approximately 2-3 feet tall which are less than twice the height of the planted trees. Plots BDS-NR-AWC2 and BD-NR-OAK2 are located within the Hoffman Forest side of the project and contain a prevalence of young red maple and loblolly pine volunteers, respectively. Loblolly pine removal was conducted in these areas during May 2017. Red maple volunteer seedlings contained within plot BDN-NR-AWC2 are approximately 1-3 feet tall and are less than twice the height of the planted trees. Pines that have re -sprouted within plot BDS-NR-OAK2 area are approximately 2-5 feet tall and are less than twice the height of the planted trees. The overall survivorship of the planted seedlings remains high. B. Hydrologic Monitoring (Wetlands) As indicated above, a total of sixty-eight (68) shallow groundwater monitoring wells were installed throughout 13DMI3. Of the sixty-eight (68) wells, thirty-nine (39) monitor the restored wetland areas. The number of wells installed within three of the community types (small stream swamp, streamhead pocosin, and wet pine flat) was proportional to the acreage of each community type. A higher density of gauges was Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 13 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report utilized within the small stream swamp forest/zero-order stream given the nature of the monitoring requirements for this wetland type. 1. Summary of Precipitation Regional drought indices, including the Palmer Drought Index and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (DWR) Drought Status Maps, were examined to interpret precipitation patterns and predicted subsurface water storage conditions relative to long-term climatic data. In particular, the Palmer Hydrological Drought Index maps depict hydrological (long-term cumulative) drought and wet conditions, which more accurately reflect groundwater conditions. Based upon the 2018 index maps, the Onslow County area of North Carolina exhibited normal groundwater conditions from January through August. The area was considered very moist in September, and extremely moist October through December. The Palmer Hydrologic Drought Index maps for 2018 are included in Appendix C. The NC Drought Status Monitoring Program compares existing data to long-term (1965-2017) climatic conditions for well data, stream baseflow data, and combined well and baseflow data. Contoured percentile data (30th/70th percentiles) are graphically displayed on monthly drought images. Based upon these maps, subsurface storage (i.e. groundwater) conditions were considered above normal in January, February, and April through December. Conditions were considered normal during March. The NC DWR Drought Status Maps for 2018 are included in Appendix D. The nearest functional CRONOS Station (KOAJ, Albert Ellis Airport) recorded 93.96 inches for the year. It should be noted that one-third of this total (30.5 inches) was attributed to Hurricane Florence over an eight day period (September 10th -September 18th). Hurricane Florence has been recorded as the wettest tropical cyclone to ever hit the Carolinas and the biggest recorded rain event in North Carolina history. According to the WETS long-term climatic data, mean annual rainfall for Hoffman Forest, NC is 56.49 inches, with a 30% chance of having less than 51.86 inches and a 30% chance of having more than 60.51 inches of precipitation. As a result, the observed annual precipitation total is considered above normal for the 2018 monitoring year. Note that appendices C and D are provided digitally on the enclosed CD. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 14 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report 2. Small Stream Swamp For the IRT -defined growing season (February 1 through November 30), thirty-nine (39) out of the thirty- nine (39) wells exhibited hydroperiods of equal to or greater than 12.5% of the growing season (equivalent to 38 consecutive days), the success criterion for this community type. The observed hydroperiods ranged between 20.5% of the growing season (Well HE_RIP1) to 100% of the growing season (Wells BDN_ZOA4a & BDS_SG2). The observed mean hydroperiod for the thirty-nine (39) wells was 45.3% of the growing season. Refer to Table 5 for a summary of the hydrologic data for the small stream swamp (i.e. riparian) restoration wells. Hydrographs are provided in Appendix E. A summary of the hydrologic data for the reference small stream swamp wetland is provided in Table 6. 3. Streamhead Pocosin Of the four (4) wells in the streamhead pocosin community type, three (3) exhibited hydroperiods greater than 10% (the success criterion — equivalent to 30 days) of the IRT -defined growing season. Well BD_GW6 exhibited an 8.6% (equivalent to 26 days) hydroperiod due to multiple gauge malfunctions. One of the malfunction periods was during the early stage of the growing season, which prevented Well BD_GW6 from achieving the success criterion. The hydroperiod for this well tracked the same or wetter than the other three wells during periods in which data were available. This data, combined with prior years data for BD_GW6, suggest that it would have readily met the hydrologic criterion in the absence of any well malfunction. The observed mean hydroperiod duration for all of the streamhead pocosin wells was 54 consecutive days (equivalent to 17.7% of the growing season). Hydroperiods ranged between 26 consecutive days (equivalent to 8.6% of the growing season) for Well BD_GW6 and 64 consecutive days (equivalent to 21.1 % of the growing season) for Well BD_GW4 and Well BD_GW7. Refer to Table 7A for a summary of the hydrologic data for the streamhead pocosin restoration wells. A summary of the hydrologic data for the reference non -riparian wetland is provided in Table 713. Hydrographs are provided in Appendix E. 4. Wet Pine Flat Of the four (4) wells in the wet pine flat community type, all four (4) wells exhibited hydroperiods greater than 6% (corresponding to 18 consecutive days) of the IRT -defined growing season. The observed mean hydroperiod duration for all of the wet pine flat wells was 100 days (equivalent to 32.9% of the growing Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 15 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report Table 5. Summary of 2018 Hydrologic Monitoring (Small Stream Swamp Restoration - Riparian) 2018 Growing Season February 1 - November 30 Well Number Total Number of days within 12" (Jan 1 thin Dec 31) Longest Number Of Consecutive Das MeetingWetland Hydrology g y y gy Criteria (in growing season) Dates of Longest Number of Consecutive Das MeetingPercentage g y Wetland Hydrology Criteria of Growing g g Season 12.5% Success Criteria >6 - (38 Days) 12.5% 12.5 - 25% 25 - >75% 75% HE_RIP1 278 62 Feb 1 - Apr 3 20.5% Yes -- X -- -- HE_RIP2 249 64 Feb 1 - Apr 5 21.1% Yes -- X -- -- HU_RIP11 256 117 Mar 15 - July 8 38.6% Yes -- -- X -- HU_RIP2 343 144 Feb 1 - June 24 47.5% Yes -- -- X -- HU_ZOA1a 314 142 Feb 1 - June 22 46.9% Yes -- -- X -- HU_Z0A1b 342 144 Feb 1 - June 24 47.5% Yes -- -- X -- HU_ZOA1c 318 142 Feb 1 - June 22 46.9% Yes -- -- X -- HU_Z0A2a 348 152 Feb 1 - July 2 50.2% Yes -- -- X -- HU_Z0A2b 356 161 Feb 1 - July 11 53.1% Yes -- -- X -- HU_ZOA2c 347 151 Feb 1 - July 11 49.8% Yes -- -- X -- HU_REF1a 286 92 Feb 1 - May 3 30.4% Yes -- -- X -- HU_REF1b 356 165 Feb 1 - July 15 54.5% Yes -- -- X -- HU_REF1C2 238 101 Feb 1 - May 12 33.3% Yes -- -- X -- BD2_ZOAa 323 150 Feb 1 - June 30 49.5% Yes -- -- X -- BD2_ZOAb 354 160 Feb 1 - July 10 52.8% Yes -- -- X -- BD2_ZOAc 344 152 Feb 1 - July2 50.2% Yes -- -- X -- BDN_ZOA1a 287 92 Feb 1 - May 3 30.4% Yes -- -- X -- BDN_ZOA1b 294 93 Feb 1 - May 4 30.7% Yes -- -- X -- BDN_ZOA1c 300 93 Feb 1 - May 4 30.7% Yes -- -- X -- BDN_ZOA2a 307 103 Feb 1 - May 14 34.0% Yes -- -- X -- BDN_ZOA2b 323 142 Feb 1 - June 22 46.9% Yes -- -- X -- BDN_ZOA2c 282 91 Feb 1 - May 2 30.0% Yes -- -- X -- BDN_ZOA4a 365 303 Feb 1 - Nov 30 100.0% Yes -- -- -- X BDN_ZOA4b3 306 183 Feb 1 -Aug 2 60.4% Yes -- -- X -- BDN_ZOA4c 364 169 Feb 1 - July 19 55.8% Yes -- -- X -- BDN_RIP1 359 164 Feb 1 - July 14 54.1% Yes -- -- X -- BD_REF1a 307 142 Feb 1 - June 22 46.9% Yes -- -- X -- BD_REF1b 307 143 Feb 1 - June 23 47.2% Yes -- -- X -- 1313_REF1c 276 91 Feb 1 - May 2 30.0% Yes -- -- X -- BDS_SG1 319 103 Feb 1 - May 14 34.0% Yes -- -- X -- BDS_SG2 365 303 Feb 1 - Nov 30 100.0% Yes -- -- -- X BDS_RIP1 313 103 Feb 1 - May 14 34.0% Yes -- -- X -- BDS_ZOA1a 308 103 Feb 1 - May 14 34.0% Yes -- -- X -- BDS_ZOA1b 324 145 Feb 1 - June 25 47.9% Yes -- -- X -- BDS_ZOA1c 313 143 Feb 1 - June 23 47.2% Yes -- -- X -- HM_Z0A1a 311 147 Feb 1 - June 27 48.5% Yes -- -- X -- HM_Z0A1b 344 154 Feb 1 - July 4 50.8% Yes -- -- X -- HM_Z0A1c 312 93 Feb 1 - May 4 30.7% Yes -- -- X -- HM RIP1 335 152 Feb 1 - July 2 50.2% Yes -- -- X -- ie�rcaum rm�rsirr�ya�r��� �:�Ki�srrr�raKi�sraKi���rcaum rmyrsirrsrrN�raKi���rcaum rmyrsirrR 3XI M9111 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 16 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report Table 6. Summary of 2018 Hydrologic Monitoring (Reference — Small Stream Swamp - Riparian) 2018 Growing Season February 1 - November 30 Well Number Total Number of days within 12" (Jan 1- Dec 31) Longest Number Of Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Hydrology Criteria Dates of Longest Number of Consecutive Days Meeting Wetland Hydrology Criteria Percentage of Growing Season 12.5% Success Criteria (38 Days) >6- 12.5% 12.5- 25% 25- 75% o >75/o HE_REF1a 347 160 Feb 1- July 10 52.8% Yes -- -- X -- HE_REF1b 345 160 Feb 1- July 10 52.8% Yes -- -- X -- HE_REF1c 341 144 Feb 1- June 24 47.5% Yes -- -- X -- HE_REF2a 1 312 281 Feb 1 -Nov 8 92.7% Yes -- -- -- X HE_REF2b 365 303 Feb 1- Nov 30 100.0% Yes -- -- -- X HE_REF2c 327 140 Feb 1- June 20 46.2% Yes -- -- X -- HE_REF3a 317 104 Feb 1- May 15 34.3% Yes -- -- X -- HE_REF3b 315 139 Feb 1- June 19 45.9% Yes -- -- X -- HE_REF3c 336 142 Feb 1- June 22 46.9% Yes -- -- X -- HE_REF4a 284 64 Feb 1- Apr 5 21.1% Yes -- X -- -- HE_REF4b 357 153 Feb 1 -July 3 50.5% Yes -- -- X -- HE_REF4c 365 303 Feb 1- Nov 30 100.0% Yes -- -- -- X 1 -Well Malfunction 11/9 —12/31 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report 17 Table 7A. Summary of 2018 Hydrologic Monitoring (Streamhead Pocosin Restoration — Non -Riparian) 2018 Growing Season February 1 - November 30 1 - Well Malfunction 1130-3113, 519-811 Table 713. Summary of 2018 Hydrologic Monitoring (Reference — Non -Riparian) 2018 Growing Season February 1 - November 30 Total Number of Longest Number Of Dates of Longest Number of Percentage of 10% Success >6- 12.5- 25- Well Number days within 12" Consecutive Days Meeting Consecutive Days Meeting Growing Criteria (30 12.5% 25% 75% >75% 25- (Jan 1 — Dec 31) Wetland Hydrology Criteria Wetland Hydrology Criteria Season Days) Season Criteria (18 Criteria (30 12.5% BD GW4 245 64 Feb 1— Apr 5 21.1% Yes -- X -- -- BD GW5 223 61 Feb 1— Apr 2 20.1% Yes -- X -- -- BD GW61 171 26 Nov 5 — Nov 30 8.6% No X -- -- -- BD GW7 263 64 Feb 1— Apr 5 21.1% Yes -- X -- -- 1 - Well Malfunction 1130-3113, 519-811 Table 713. Summary of 2018 Hydrologic Monitoring (Reference — Non -Riparian) 2018 Growing Season February 1 - November 30 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report 18 Total Number of Longest Number Of Dates of Longest Number Percentage 6% 10% Well Number days within Consecutive Days of Consecutive Days of Growing Success Success >6- 12.5- 25- >75% 12" (Jan 1— Meeting Wetland Meeting Wetland Season Criteria (18 Criteria (30 12.5% 25% 75% Dec 31) Hydrology Criteria Hydrology Criteria Days) Days) NON—RIP—REF 309 225 Feb 17 — Sept 13 74.3% Yes Yes -- -- X -- Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report 18 Table 8. Summary of 2018 Hydrologic Monitoring (Wet Pine Flat Restoration — Non -Riparian) 2018 Growing Season Februa 1 - November 30 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report 19 Total Number of Longest Number Of Dates of Longest Number of Percentage of o 6% Success Well Number days within 12" Consecutive Days Consecutive Days Meeting Growing Criteria (18 >6 - 12.5- 25 - >75% (Jan 1 — Dec 31) Meeting Wetland Wetland Hydrology Criteria Season Days) 12.5% 25% 75% Hydrology Criteria BD_GW1 331 152 Feb 1— July 2 50.2% Yes -- -- X -- BD_GW2 290 93 Feb 1— May 4 30.7% Yes -- -- X -- BD_GW3 277 92 Feb 1— May 3 30.4% Yes -- -- X -- BD_GW8 242 61 Feb 1— Apr 2 20.1% Yes -- X -- -- Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report 19 season). Hydroperiods ranged between 61 consecutive days (equivalent to 20.1% of the growing season) for Well BD_GW8 and 152 consecutive days (equivalent to 50.2% of the growing season) for Well BD_GW1. Refer to Table 8 for a summary of the hydrologic data for the wet pine flat restoration wells. A summary of the hydrologic data for the reference non -riparian wetland is provided in Table 7B. Hydrographs are provided in Appendix E. C. Stream Monitoring The primary success criteria for the First Order Stream systems will be: Documentation of 2 bankfull events using techniques discussed below within a normal rainfall year in 3 of the 5 years of monitoring. Additional monitoring may be necessary in the event of abnormal climatic conditions. Level 1 Monitoring will be required for the stream portion of the Bachelors Delight Wetland and Stream Mitigation Bank as detailed in the Stream Mitigation Guidelines, April 2003. Monitoring will occur every year for the five year monitoring period. Level 1 Monitoring includes Sections (1), (2), and (3) listed below. (1) Photo -Documentation Extensive photo documentation was implemented during Year 5 for the stream monitoring phase of this project. Site visits were conducted and photographs were taken within 24 hours of a 0.5, 2.0, and 4.0 inch rain event along each reach during Year 5 monitoring. Photographic and video evidence of Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) indicators and flow evidence were also collected. Photos of riparian area plantings and OHWM are provided in Appendix A. Photos were taken at all permanent cross-sections and are provided in Appendix F. Please refer to the enclosed CD for video evidence of flow and OHWM. (2) Ecological Function The health of the riparian vegetation was documented as part of the wetland restoration monitoring efforts. Multiple 0.025 -acre and 0.10 -acre permanent monitoring plots were established throughout the riverine Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 20 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report wetland restoration including areas directly adjacent to the restored channel. Reference the vegetation monitoring section for monitoring results. (3) Channel Stability/Survey Procedures (a.) Cross -Sections (First Order Channel) The BDMB has restored 9,503 If of Coastal Plain stream. The restoration has mimicked low gradient, low velocity stream reaches characteristic of the outer Coastal Plain. No hardened materials (i.e. rock structures) were used. Rather, natural materials (such as root wads and log vanes) have assisted with channel stabilization and grade control. Given the size, uniform design, and gentle slope (0.005) of the project, cross-sections were established every 1,000 feet of stream length (totaling 12 permanent stations). Placement of these stations was designed to assess the performance of potential problem areas (i.e. severe erosion, structural failure). These stations were also evenly distributed between riffles and pools throughout the project. Refer to Table 9 for the number of cross-sections and Figure 6 for the locations of the cross-section monitoring stations. Year 5 cross-section surveys are provided in Appendix F. Table 9. Stream Lengths and Number of Cross -Section Stations (b.) Longitudinal Profiles Guidelines regarding longitudinal profiles for projects totaling over 3,000 If suggest that 30% of the area be surveyed on an annual basis. Based on this guideline, a total of 2,850 If of profile is required for the BDMB project. The 2,850 If of survey was divided throughout the individual reaches and includes some of the permanent cross-sections (Table 10). Reference the longitudinal surveys in Appendix F in comparison to as -built conditions (see Baseline Monitoring Report). Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 21 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report Proposed (If) Final Design Reach Name Mitigation Length As -Built Length Cross-sections Plan Hewitts Branch HE -1 5,103 5,181 5,011 6 Huffmans Branch HU -1 3,445 3,445 3,354 4 Half Moon Creek HM -1 1,131 1,131 1,138 2 Total Length 9,679 9,757 9,503 12 (b.) Longitudinal Profiles Guidelines regarding longitudinal profiles for projects totaling over 3,000 If suggest that 30% of the area be surveyed on an annual basis. Based on this guideline, a total of 2,850 If of profile is required for the BDMB project. The 2,850 If of survey was divided throughout the individual reaches and includes some of the permanent cross-sections (Table 10). Reference the longitudinal surveys in Appendix F in comparison to as -built conditions (see Baseline Monitoring Report). Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 21 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report Table 10. Longitudinal Profiles by Stream Reach Reach Name Proposed (If) Final Design Length As -Built Length % of Project' Minimum Profile I Hewitts Branch HE -1 5,103 5,181 5,011 52.7 1,502 Huffmans Branch HU -1 3,445 3,445 3,354 35.3 1,006 Half Moon Creek HM -1 1,131 1 1,131 1 1,138 1 12 342 Total Length 1 9,679 1 9,757 1 9,503 1 100 2,850 1 — First Order Streams Only (c.) Pebble Counts Streams in the BDMB are composed of sandy substrates typical in the outer Coastal plain. Since all sediment falls into the sand category, gravelometer readings were not conducted. All sediment in the constructed stream beds is less than 2mm and would be placed in the <2mm category for Wolman pebble count analysis. (d.) Stream Flow Monitorinq (First Order Channel) As indicated above, the 1st -order streams of BDMB occur within three distinct valleys that connect the headwater wetlands on the northern portion of the tract to the Bachelors Delight Swamp on the south side (a third order tributary of the New River). The three valleys are identified as Hewitts Branch (HE -1), Huffmans Branch (HU -1), and Half Moon Creek (HM -1). A total of 8 gauges were installed adjacent to the stream banks to document bankfull events on a daily basis. These gauges capture the upper, middle, and lower end of each stream reach (3 gauges in HE -1, 3 gauges in HU -1, and 2 gauges in HM -1). Refer to Figure 5 for a map depicting the location of 1st -order gauges. Indicators of Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) and video documentation were also used to identify the presence of surface water flow. Please refer to the enclosed CD for video evidence of flow and OHWM. Hewitts Branch (HE -1): Surface water and flow was documented in each of the three (3) gauges over several periods during the monitoring event (Table 11). The valley exhibits a very gradual slope (0.0011%) from the upper end to the lowest end. Gauge HE—SG-1 was placed the furthest up -gradient (fourth stream meander from source) in order to capture bankfull events at the head of the restored stream reach. Gauges HE—SG-2 and HE—SG-3 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 22 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report were spaced approximately 1200 -ft apart further down the stream. Refer to Figure 5 for the gauge locations. The amplitude of the surface water varied at each gauge. Gauge HE—SG-1 exhibited a bankfull event thirty-five (35) times during the monitoring period, while gauges HE—SG-2 and HE—SG-3 recorded fifty-five (55) and twenty-four (24) bankfull events, respectively (Table 11). The gauges exhibited a significant increase in the duration and amplitude of flow events during 2018 (post- construction Year 5). Observed physical indicators of an ordinary high water mark (OHWM) within Hewitts Branch (HE -1) consisted of the following: (1) natural line impressed on the bank; (2) presence of litter and debris; (3) wracking; (4) vegetation matted down, bent, or absent; (5) sediment sorting; (6) scour; (7) deposition; (8) water staining; (9) and multiple observed flow events. Photographs of HE -1 are provided in Appendix A. Video evidence of flow and OHWM are provided on the attached CD with site hydrographs. Huffmans Branch (HU -1): Surface water and flow was documented in each of the three (3) gauges over several periods during the monitoring event. Gauge HU_SG-1 was placed the furthest up -gradient in order to capture bankfull events at the head of the restored stream reach. Gauges HU_SG-2 and HU_SG-3 were spaced approximately 1600 -ft and 1000 -ft apart further down the stream, respectively. Refer to Figure 5 for the gauge locations. The amplitude of the surface water varied at each gauge. Gauges HU_SG-1 and HU_SG-2 exhibited thirty-eight (38) bankfull events during the monitoring period, while gauge HE—SG-3 recorded forty-nine (49) bankfull events (Table 12). The gauges exhibited a significant increase in the duration and amplitude of flow events during 2018 (post -construction Year 5). Video and/or photo evidence of flow was recorded following rainfall events during the monitoring year over multiple site visits. Flow can be readily seen along each stream valley. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 23 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report Table 11. Summary of 2018 Bankfull Event Monitoring (Hewitts Branch (HE -1)) Gauge Number Total Number of Bankfull Events Longest Number of Consecutive Days During Bankfull Event 3 -Day Antecedent Dates of Bankfull Event(s) Rainfall (Inches) (KOAJ, Albert Ellis Airport) HE-SG1 35 12 (2 times) Jan 12 - Jan 15 May 21 3.08 (Jan 10 -Jan 15) 3.1 Jan 28 - Feb 1 May 23 - May 25 2.12 (Jan 26 - Feb 1) 0.33 (May 21 - May 25) Feb 1 - Feb 2 May 28 - June 4 0.11 (Jan 30 - Feb 2) 6.19 (May 26 - June 4) Feb 4 - Feb 5 July 24 -Aug 4 0.40 (Feb 2 - Feb 5) 7.41 (July 22 -Aug 4) Feb 11 - Feb 15 Aug 4 0.43 (Feb 9 - Feb 15) 0.74 Feb 15 - Feb 16 Aug 9 0.06 (Feb 13 - Feb 16) 0.64 Feb 16 Aug 11 - Aug 18 0.01 8. 09 (Aug 9 - Aug 18) Feb 26 Sept 14 - Sept 20 0.23 32.38 (Sept 12 - Sept 20) Mar 1 Sept 25 - Sept 30 0.52 0.62 (Sept 23 - Sept 30) Mar 1 -Mar 2 Nov 8 -Nov 10 0.52 (Feb 27 -Mar 2) 3.03 (Nov 6 -Nov 10) Mar 7 Nov 13 -Nov 17 0.38 2.66 (Nov 11 - Nov 17) Mar 12 - Mar 15 Nov 19 - Nov 20 0.57 (Mar 10 - Mar 15) 0.45 (Nov 17 - Nov 20) Mar 15 - Mar 16 Dec 2 0 (Mar 13 - Mar 16) 0.5 Mar 20 - Mar 31 Dec 9 - Dec 12 1.60 (Mar 18 - Mar 31) 1.56 (Dec 7 - Dec 12) Apr 7 - Apr 12 Dec 14 - Dec 17 1.40 (Apr 5 - Apr 12) 1.57 (Dec 12 - Dec 17) Apr 16 -Apr 19 Dec 21 - Dec 22 0. 69 (Apr 14 - Apr 19) 0.32 (Dec 19- Dec 22) Apr 24 - Apr 29 Dec 28 - Dec 31 1.85 (Apr 22 - Apr 29) 0.81 (Dec 26 - Dec 31) May 19 - May 21 -------- 5.04 (Mar 17 - May 21) -------- HE-SG2 55 17 Jan 8 - Jan 9 June 26 - June 27 0.01 (Jan 6 - Jan 9) 0.53 (June 24 - June 27) Jan 9 - Jan 10 July 4 -July 5 0.01 (Jan 7 - Jan 10) 0.02 (July 2 -July 5) Jan 10 -Jan 17 July 5 -July 6 3.11 (Jan 8 - Jan 17) 0.02 (July 3 -July 6) Jan 19 July 21 0.02 1.14 Jan 23 July 24 -Aug 6 0.08 7.50 (July 22 - Aug 6) Jan 28 - Feb 3 Aug 7 2.20 (Jan 26 - Feb 3) 0.09 Feb 3 Aug 9 -Aug 10 0.08 0. 64 (Aug 7 - Aug 10) Feb 4 - Feb 7 Aug 11 -Aug 19 0.40 (Feb 2 - Feb 7) 8. 09 (Aug 9 - Aug 19) Feb 10 -Feb 16 Aug 20 - Aug 21 0.45 (Feb 8 - Feb 16) 0.01 (Aug 18 - Aug 21) Feb 20 Sept 13 - Sept 22 0.02 32.4 (Sept 11 - Sept 22) Feb 26 - Feb 27 Sept 25 - Oct 1 0.23 (Feb 24 - Feb 27) 0. 62 (Sept 23 - Oct 1) Mar 1 - Mar 2 Oct 11 0.52 (Feb 27 - Mar 2) 0.54 Mar 7 Oct 26 - Oct 27 0.38 1. 35 (Oct 24 - Oct 27) Mar 12 - Mar 15 Nov 2 -Nov 3 0.57 (Mar 10 - Mar 15) 0 (Oct 31 -Nov 3) Mar 15 -Mar 16 Nov 5 -Nov 6 0.0 (Mar 13 -Mar 16) 0.63 (Nov 3- Nov 6) Mar 20 - Mar 23 Nov 8 - Nov 23 0.88 (Mar 18 - Mar 23) 6.14 (Nov 6 - Nob 23) Mar 24 Nov 23 0.28 0 Mar 25 - Mar 29 Nov 24 - Nov 28 0.72 (Mar 23 - Mar 29) 0.54 (Nov 22 - Nov 28) Apr 7 - Apr 12 Nov 29 1.40 (Apr 5 - Apr 12) 0 Apr 13 Dec 1 - Dec 6 0 0. 50 (Nov 29 -Dec 6) Apr 15 - Apr 19 Dec 6 0. 69 (Apr 13 - Apr 19) 0 Apr 24 - Apr 28 Dec 7 1.85 (Apr 22 - Apr 28) 0 May 6 - May 7 Dec 8 0.73 (May 3 - May 7) 0.06 May 18 - May 22 Dec 9 -Dec 25 5.05 (May 16 - May 22) 3.45 (Dec 7 - Dec 25) May 23 - May 26 Dec 25 0.33 (May 21 - May 26) 0 May 28 -June 5 Dec 26 6.19 (May 26 - June 5) 0 June 11 - June 12 Dec 28 - Dec 31 0.85 (June 9 - June 12) 0.81 (Dec 26 - Dec 31) June 15 -------- 0.36 ------ HE-SG3 24 117 Jan 1 - Jan 5 June 18 0. 21 (Dec 30 - Jan 5) 0 Jan 6 - Jan 8 June 26 0.02 (Jan 4 - Jan 8) 0.53 Jan 8 July 21 0.01 1.14 Jan 9 - May 5 July 24 - Aug 24 13.53 (Jan 7 - May 5) 16.36 (July 22 - Aug 24) May 6 - May 12 Aug 25 0.73 (May 4 - May 12) 0.05 May 13 Sept 13 - Oct 2 0 33.02 (Sept 11 - Oct 2) May 14 Oct 11 (2 times) 0 0.54 May 18 -June 8 Oct 17 11.42 (May 16 - June 8) 0.22 June 9 - June 10 Oct 26 - Oct 27 0.22 (June 7 - June 10) 1. 35 (Oct 24 - Oct 27) June 11 Nov 2 0.85 0 June 11 - June 13 Nov 8 -Dec 31 0.85 (June 9 - June 13) 1.44 (Nov 6 - Dec 31) June 15 - June 16 -------- 0.36 (June 13 - June 16) ------- Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 24 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report Table 12. Summary of 2018 Bankfull Event Monitoring (Huffmans Branch (HU -1)) Gauge Number Total Number of Bankfull Events Longest Number of Consecutive Days During Bankfull Event 3 -Day Antecedent Dates of Ban kfu 11 Event(s) Rainfall (Inches) (KOAJ, Albert Ellis Airport) HU-SG1 38 16 Jan 12 - Jan 15 June 11 -June 12 3.08 (Jan 10 - Jan 15) 0.85 (June 9 - June 12) Jan 16 July 24 - Aug 8 O 8.14 (July 22 - Aug 8) Jan 28 - Feb 2 Aug 9 -Aug 19 2.20 (Jan 26 - Feb 2) 8.73 (Aug 7 - Aug 19) Feb 4 - Feb 5 Aug 20 - Aug 22 0.40 (Feb 2 - Feb 5) 0.08 (Aug 18 - Aug 22) Feb 11 - Feb 15 Aug 23 0.43 (Feb 9 - Feb 15) 0.12 Mar 1 - Mar 2 Sept 14 - Sept 22 0.52 (Feb 27 - Mar 2) 32 38 (Sept 12 - Sept 22) Mar 13 Sept 25 - Sept 28 0.57 0.58 (Sept 23 - Sept 28) Mar 20 Sept 29 0.85 0.12 Mar 21 Nov 2 0.87 O Mar 25 - Mar 28 Nov 8 -Nov 10 0.72 (Mar 23 - Mar 28) 3.03 (Nov 6 -Nov 10) Apr 7 - Apr 11 Nov 13 - Nov 18 1.40 (Apr 5 - Apr 11) 2.66 (Nov 11 -Nov 18) Apr 16 - Apr 18 Nov 19 - Nov 21 0.96 (Apr 14 - Apr 18) 0.45 (Nov 17 - Nov 21) Apr 24 - Apr 29 Dec 2 - Dec 3 1.85 (Apr 22 - Apr 29) 0.50 (Nov 30 - Dec 3) May 6 - May 7 Dec 9 - Dec 12 0.73 (May 4 - May 7) 1.56 (Dec 7 - Dec 12) May 19 Dec 13 4.74 O May 19 - May 21 Dec 14 - Dec 18 5.04 (May 17 - May 21) 1.57 (Dec 12 - Dec 18) May 21 - May 22 Dec 19 3- 10 (May 19 - May 22) 0.06 May 23 - May 25 Dec 20 - Dec 22 0.33 (May 21 - May 25) 0.32 (Dec 18 - Dec 22) May 28 - June 5 Dec 28 - Dec 31 6.19 (May 16 - June 5) 0.81 (Dec 26 - Dec 31) HU-SG2 38 17 Jan 12 - Jan 17 May 28 - June 5 3.1 (Jan 10 - Jan 17) 6.19 (May 26 - June 5) Jan 28 - Feb 3 June 11 -June 12 2.20 (Jan 26 - Feb 3) 0.85 (June 9 - June 12) Feb 3 - Feb 4 June 15 - June 16 0.40 (Feb 1 - Feb 4) 0.36 (June 13 - June 16) Feb 4 - Feb 6 July 21 0.40 (Feb 2 - Feb 6) 0.01 Feb 10 July 24 - Aug 7 0.24 7.50 (July 22 - Aug 7) Feb 12 - Feb 14 Aug 9 -Aug 10 0.43 (Feb 10 - Feb 14) 0- 64 (Aug 7 - Aug 1 O) Feb 27 Aug 11 0.23 2.5 Mar 1 - Mar 2 Aug 11 -Aug 17 0.52 (Feb 27 - Mar 2) 8.09 (Aug 9 - Aug 17) Mar 7 Aug 20 - Aug 21 0.38 0.01 (Aug 18 - Aug 21) Mar 12 - Mar 13 Sept 14 - Sept 23 0.57 (Mar 10 - Mar 13) 32.38 (Sept 12 - Sept 23) Mar 20 Sept 25 - Sept 28 0.85 0.58 (Sept 23 - Sept 27 Mar 21 Nov 2 0.87 O Mar 25 - Mar 27 Nov 8 -Nov 10 0.72 (Mar 23 - Mar 27) 3.03 (Nov 6 -Nov 10) Apr 7 - Apr 10 Nov 13 - Nov 23 1.40 (Apr 5 - Apr 10) 3.11 (Nov 11 - Nov 23) Apr 16 - Apr 17 Nov 24 - Nov 25 0- 69 (Apr 14 - Apr 11) 0.38 (Nob 22 - Nov 25) Apr 24 - Apr 28 Nov 26 1.85 (Apr 22 - Apr 28) 0.54 May 6 - May 7 Dec 1 - Dec 4 0.73 (May 4 - May 7) 0.5 (Nov 29 - Dec 4) May 19 - May 21 Dec 9 - Dec 25 5.04 (May 17 - May 21) 3.45 (Dec 7 - Dec 25) May 23 - May 24 Dec 28 - Dec 31 0.33 (May 21 - May 24) 0.81 (Dec 26 - Dec 31) HU-SG3 49 23 Jan 10 - Jan 15 May 6 - May 7 3.09 (Jan 8 - Jan 15) 0.73 (Mar 4 - May 7) Jan 16 - Jan 17 May 19 - May 21 0.02 (Jan 14 - Jan 17) 5.04 (May 17 - May 21) Jan 17 May 23 - May 24 0.02 0.33 (May 21 - May 24) Jan 18 May 28 - June 4 0.02 6.19 (May 26 - June 4) Jan 19 June 11 -June 12 0.02 0.85 (June 9 - June 12) Jan 20 June 15 - June 16 O 0.36 (June 13 - June 16) Jan 21 July 21 O 1.14 Jan 22 - Jan 24 July 24 - Aug 8 0.08 (Jan 20 - Jan 24) 8.14 (July 22 - Aug 8) Jan 24 Aug 9 - Aug 18 0.08 8.73 (Aug 7 - Aug 18) Jan 25 Aug 20 - Aug 23 0.08 0- 13 (Aug 18 - Aug 23) Jan 28 - Jan 31 Sept 14 - Sept 27 2.12 (Jan 26 - Jan 31) 32.94 (Sept 12 - Sept 27 Jan 31 - Feb 3 Sept 28 0.86 (Jan 29 - Feb 3) 0.2 Feb 3 - Feb 9 Oct 27 0.42 (Feb 1 - Feb 9) 1.35 Feb 9 - Feb 16 Nov 2 - Nov 3 0.45 (Feb 7 - Feb 16) O (Oct 31 -Nov 3) Feb 17 Nov 6 O 0.63 Mar 2 Nov 8 -Nov 10 0.52 3.03 (Nov 6 -Nov 10) Mar 13 Nov 12 - Nov 28 0.57 3.69 (Nov 10 - Nov 28) Mar 14 Nov 29 0.55 O Mar 21 - Mar 22 Nov 30 0.87 (Mar 19 - Mar 22) O Mar 25 - Mar 27 Dec 1 - Dec 6 0.72 (Mar 23 - Mar 27) 0.5 (Nov 29 - Dec 6) Mar 27 - Mar 28 Dec 6 0.44 (Mar 25 - Mar 28) O Apr 7 - Apr 11 Dec 7 1.40 (Apr 5 - Apr 11) O Apr 16 - Apr 17 Dec 8 0.69 (Apr 14 - Apr 17) 0.06 Apr 24 - Apr 27 Dec 9 - Dec 31 1.85 (Apr 22 - Apr 27) 4.26 (Dec 7 - Dec 31) Apr 28 _-_-____ 0.01 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 25 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report Observed physical indicators of an ordinary high water mark (OHWM) within Huffmans Branch (HU -1) consisted of the following: (1) natural line impressed on the bank; (2) presence of litter and debris; (3) wracking; (4) vegetation matted down, bent, or absent; (5) sediment sorting; (6) scour; (7) deposition; (8) water staining; (9) and multiple observed flow events. Photographs of HU -1 are provided in Appendix A. Video evidence of flow and OHWM is provided on the attached CD with site hydrographs. Half Moon Creek (HM -1): Surface water and flow was documented in each of the two (2) gauges over several periods during the monitoring event. Gauge HM—SG-1 was placed the furthest up -gradient in order to capture bankfull events at the head of the restored stream reach. Gauge HM—SG-2 was placed approximately 800 -ft further down the stream. Refer to Figure 5 for the gauge locations. The amplitude of the surface water varied at each gauge. Gauge HM—SG-1 exhibited thirty-one (31) bankfull events during the monitoring period, while gauge HM—SG-2 exhibited thirty (30) bankfull events (Table 13). The gauges exhibited a significant increase in the duration and amplitude of flow events during 2018 (post -construction Year 5). Video and/or photo evidence of flow was recorded following rainfall events during the monitoring year over multiple site visits. Flow can be readily seen along each stream valley. Observed physical indicators of an ordinary high water mark (OHWM) within Half Moon Creek (HM -1) consisted of the following: (1) natural line impressed on the bank; (2) presence of litter and debris; (3) wracking; (4) vegetation matted down, bent, or absent; (5) sediment sorting; (6) scour; (7) deposition; (8) water staining; (9) and multiple observed flow events. Photographs of HM -1 are provided in Appendix A. Video evidence of flow and OHWM are provided on the attached CD with site hydrographs. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 26 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report Table 13. Summary of 2018 Bankfull Event Monitoring (Half Moon Creek (HM -1)) Gauge Number Total Number of Bankfull Events Longest Number of Consecutive Days During Bankfull Event Dates of Bankfull Event(s) 3 -Day Antecedent Rainfall (Inches) (KOAJ, Albert Ellis Airport) HM-SG1 31 16 Jan 12 - Jan 16 June 11 - June 17 3.08 (Jan 10 - Jan 16) 1.21 (June 9 - June 17) Jan 28 - Feb 3 June 18 2.20 (Jan 26 - Feb 3) 0 Feb 4 - Feb 7 July 24 -Aug 7 0.40 (Feb 2 - Feb 7 7.50 (July 22 - Aug 7) Feb 7 - Feb 8 Aug 9 - Aug 10 0.02 (Feb 5 - Feb 8) 0. 64 (Aug 7 - Aug 10) Feb 10 Aug 11 - Aug 17 024 8.09 (Aug 9 - Aug 17) Feb 10 -Feb 11 Aug 17 0.30 (Feb 8 - Feb 11) 0.52 Feb 11 - Feb 15 Aug 20 - Aug 23 0.43 (Feb 9 - Feb 15) 0. 13 (Aug 18 - Aug 23) Feb 15 - Feb 16 Sept 14 - Sept 22 0.06 (Feb 13 - Feb 16) 32.38 (Sept 12 - Sept 22) Mar 21 - Mar 22 Sept 22 0.87 (Mar19 - Mar 22) 0 Mar 25 - Mar 28 Sept 24 0.72 (Mar 13 - Mar 28) 0.23 Apr 7 - Apr 11 Nov 8 -Nov 10 1.40 (Apr 5 - Apr 11) 3.03 (Nov 6- Nov 10) Apr 16 - Apr 18 Nov 13 - Nov 21 0.69 (Apr 14 - Apr 18) 3.11 (Nov 11 - Nov 21) Apr 24 - Apr 28 Dec 2 - Dec 3 1.85 (Apr 22 - Apr 28) 0.50 (Nov 30 - Dec 3) May 19 - May 20 Dec 9 - Dec 24 4.88 (May 17 -May 20) 3.45 (Dec 7 - Dec 24) May 23 - May 24 Dec 28 - Dec 31 0.33 (May 21 - May 24) 0.81 (Dec 26 - Dec 31) May 28 - June 4 ---------- 6.19 (May 26 - June 4) ---------- HM-SG2" 30 10 Jan 8 Apr 9 - Apr 10 .01 1.40 (Apr 7 - Apr 10) Jan 12 -Jan 15 Apr 16 - Apr 17 3.08 (Jan 10 -Jan 15) 0.69 (Apr 14 - Apr 17) Jan 16 Apr 24 - Apr 27 0 1.85 (Apr 22 - Apr 27) Jan 17 May 23 - May 24 0.02 0.33 (May 21 - May 24) Jan 23 May 28 - June 3 0.08 6.19 (May 26 - June 3) Jan 28 - Feb 2 June 11 - June 13 2.20 (Jan 26 - Feb 2) 0.85 (June 9 - June 13) Feb 4 - Feb 5 June 15 -June 16 0.40 (Feb 2 - Feb 5) 0.36 (June 13 - June 16) Feb 7 July 24 -Aug 2 0 7.07 (July 22 - Aug 2) Feb 10 Aug 3 - Aug 5 024 1.09 (Aug 1 - Aug 5) Feb 12 - Feb 13 Aug 9 0 0.64 Mar 21 Aug 11 - Aug 15 0.87 7.57 (Aug 9 - Aug 15) Mar 25 - Mar 26 Aug 20 - Aug 21 0.72 (Mar 23 - Mar 26) 0.01 (Aug 18 - Aug 21) Mar 27 - Mar 28 Sept 14 - Sept 19 0.44 (Mar 25 - Mar 28) 32.38 (Sept 12 - Sept 19) Apr 7 Nov 13 -Nov 14 0.98 1.92 (Nov 11 - Nov 14) Apr 8 Nov 15 - Nov 16 1.16 2.34 (Nov 13 - Nov 16) * Well HM-SG2 malfunction, data gap 10/16 - 11/7 and 11/25 - 12/31 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 27 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report (e.) Stream Flow Monitorinq (Zero Order Channel/Headwater) The primary success criteria for the Zero Order/Headwater Stream systems will be Documentation of 2 flow events using techniques discussed below within a normal rainfall year in 3 of the 5 years of monitoring. Additional monitoring may be necessary in the event of abnormal climatic conditions. The zero -order streams of BDMB occur within five distinct valleys that are contiguous with riverine swamp forest of Bachelors Delight Swamp. The five valleys are identified as HU2, BD2, BD4/BD4A, BD5/BD5A, and HM1. A total of 8 gauge transects (three gauges per transect) were installed in the zero -order streams to document the presence of surface water. These transects capture the head of each valley and the downstream end of the longer valleys (2 transects in HU2, 2 transects in BD4, and 1 transect in BD2, BD4A, BD5A and HM1). Refer to Figure 5 for a map depicting the location of zero-order/riparian wetland gauges. Indicators of Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) and video documentation were also used to identify the presence of surface water flow. Valley HU2: Surface water and flow was documented in the center of each transect from the upper origin of the valley to its lower reach over several periods during the monitoring year. The valley exhibits a very gradual slope (0.004%) from the upper transect (Transect HU_ZOA1) to the lowest transect (Transect HU_ZOA2). Refer to the As -Built plans for the longitudinal profile of the center of the valley at each transect location. The duration and amplitude of the surface water increased toward the lower portion of valley HU2, although the entire valley exhibited surface flow following several rainfall events throughout the monitoring season. The transect located furthest up -gradient (Transect HU_ZOA1) experienced seven (7) different surface flow events (center gauge), with the longest event totaling 133 consecutive days during the early portion of the monitoring year. The gauges recorded fifteen (15) separate periods that encompassed all gauges across the entire array during the monitoring year with a maximum duration of 57 days. Transect HU_ZOA2 experienced six (6) different surface flow events (center gauge), with the longest event totaling 174 days during the early to middle portion of the monitoring year. The gauges recorded nine (9) separate periods that encompassed all gauges across the entire array during the monitoring year with a maximum duration of 57 days. Based upon rainfall data obtained from CRONOS station (KNCA, New River MCAS), rainfall Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 28 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report events (3 -Day Antecedent) ranging from 0.01 -inch to 18.05 -inches resulted in the documented flow events. Photographic and/or video evidence of flow was recorded following rainfall events on April 25th and July 27th. With increasing watershed size (downslope), the duration of surface flow increased within the valley. During periods of surface inundation, water depths in the center of the valley ranged from 0.1 inch to 18.9 inches. Refer to Appendix E for graphs of duration and amplitude of surface water in Valley HU2. Observed physical indicators of an ordinary high water mark (OHWM) within Valley HU2 consisted of the following: (1) natural line impressed on the bank; (2) wracking (from leaves and plant detritus); (3) vegetation matted down, bent, or absent; (4) water staining; (5) change in plant community; (6) and multiple observed flow events. Photographs of the zero -order valley are provided in Appendix A. Photographic and video evidence of flow and OHWM are provided on the attached CD with site hydrographs. Valley BD2: Surface water and flow was documented in the transect of Valley BD2 over several periods during the monitoring year. The slope of the valley over the length of the monitoring section is approximately 0.004% (refer to Construction Documents and As -Built Plan). The duration and amplitude of the surface water varied at transects. The transect occurring in the zero - order stream is installed near the base of the valley, although the entire valley exhibited surface flow following several rainfall events throughout the monitoring year (as documented through photographic evidence). Transect BD2_ZOA experienced eight (8) different surface flow events (center gauge), with the longest event totaling 160 consecutive days during the early and middle portions of the monitoring year. The gauges recorded fourteen (14) separate periods that that encompassed all gauges across the entire array during the monitoring year with a maximum duration of 54 days. Based upon rainfall data obtained from CRONOS station (KNCA, New River MCAS), rainfall events (3 -Day Antecedent) ranging from 0.01 - inch to 18.05 -inches resulted in the documented flow events. Photographic and/or video evidence of flow was recorded following rainfall events on April 25th and July 27th. With increasing watershed size (downslope), the duration of surface flow increased within the valley. During periods of surface inundation, water depths in the center of the valley ranged from 0.5 inch to 13.2 inches. Refer to Appendix E for graphs of duration and amplitude of surface water in Valley BD2. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 29 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report Observed physical indicators of an ordinary high water mark (OHWM) within Valley BD2 consisted of the following: (1) natural line impressed on the bank; (2) wracking (from straw mulch and plant detritus); (3) vegetation matted down, bent, or absent; (4) water staining; (5) change in plant community; (6) and multiple observed flow events. Photographs of the zero -order valley are provided in Appendix A. Photographic and video evidence of flow and OHWM are provided on the attached CD with site hydrographs. Valley BD4: Surface water and flow was documented in the center of each transect from the upper origin of the valley to its lower reach over several periods during the monitoring year. The upper transect of the valley was installed near the base of the constructed zero order in the restored agricultural fields. The lower transect was installed in the natural valley of the zero order enhancement area further downstream. The valley exhibits a very gradual slope (0.0008%) from the upper end to the lower end of the constructed valley. Refer to the Construction Documents and As -Built plans for the longitudinal profile of the center of the valley at each transect location. The duration and amplitude of the surface water varied at each transect. The transect occurring in the upper, constructed portion of the zero -order stream exhibited surface water for briefer periods, although the entire valley exhibited surface flow following several rainfall events throughout the monitoring year. The transect located furthest up -gradient (Transect BDN_ZOA2) experienced ten (10) different surface flow events (center gauge), with the longest event totaling (92 consecutive days during the early part of the monitoring year. The gauges recorded twenty-nine (29) periods that encompassed all gauges across the entire array during the early monitoring year with a maximum duration of 25 days. Transect BDN_ZOA4 experienced two (2) surface flow events (center gauge), with the longest event totaling 214 days encompassing the first portion of the monitoring year. The center gauge of transect BDN_ZOA2 experienced a malfunction and no data was recorded from August 31d to September 30th. The gauges recorded twenty (20) periods that encompassed all gauges across the entire array during the monitoring year with a maximum duration of eighteen (18) days. Based upon rainfall data obtained from CRONOS station (KNCA, New River MCAS), rainfall events (3 -Day Antecedent) ranging from 0.01 -inch to 18.05 - inches resulted in the documented flow events. Photographic and/or video evidence of flow was recorded following rainfall events on April 25th and July 27th. With increasing watershed size (downslope), the duration of surface flow increased within the valley. During periods of surface inundation, water depths in Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 30 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report the center of the valley ranged from 0.3 inch to 16.8 inches, and 0.2 inch to 19.0 inches for transects BDN_ZOA2, and BDN_ZOA4, respectively. Refer to Appendix E for graphs of duration and amplitude of surface water in Valley BD4. Valley BD4A: Valley BD4A represents a zero order spur of Valley BD4. Surface water and flow was documented in the transect of Valley BD4A over several periods during the monitoring year. The slope of the valley over the length of the monitoring section is approximately 0.0018% (refer to Construction Documents and As -Built Plan). The duration and amplitude of the surface water varied at the transect. The transect occurring in the zero - order stream is installed near the head of the valley, although the entire valley exhibited surface flow following several rainfall events throughout the monitoring year (as documented through photographic evidence). Transect BDN_ZOA1 experienced twelve (12) different surface flow events (center gauge), with the longest event totaling 96 consecutive days during the early part of the monitoring year. The gauges recorded thirty-four (34) periods that encompassed all gauges across the entire array with a maximum duration of thirty-five (35) days. Based upon rainfall data obtained from CRONOS station (KNCA, New River MCAS), rainfall events (3 -Day Antecedent) ranging from 0.02 -inch to 18.05 -inches resulted in the documented flow events. Photographic and/or video evidence of flow was recorded following rainfall events on April 25th and July 27th. With increasing watershed size (downslope), the duration of surface flow increased within the valley. During periods of surface inundation, water depths in the center of the valley ranged from 0.1 inch to 19.5 inches. Refer to Appendix E for graphs of duration and amplitude of surface water in Valley BD4A. Observed physical indicators of an ordinary high water mark (OHWM) within Valley's BD4 and BD4A consisted of the following: (1) natural line impressed on the bank; (2) wracking (from straw mulch and plant detritus); (3) vegetation matted down, bent, or absent; (4) water staining; (5) change in plant community; (6) and multiple observed flow events. Photographs of the zero -order valley are provided in Appendix A. Photographic and video evidence of flow and OHWM are provided on the attached CD with site hydrographs. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 31 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report Valley BDSA: Surface water and flow was documented in the transect of Valley BDSA over several periods during the monitoring year. The slope of the valley over the length of the monitoring section is approximately 0.0017% (refer to Construction Documents and As -Built Plan). The duration and amplitude of the surface water varied at the transect. The transect occurring in the zero - order stream is installed near the base of the constructed valley, although the entire valley exhibited surface flow following several rainfall events throughout the monitoring year (as documented through photographic evidence). Transect BDS_ZOA1 experienced thirty-one (31) different surface flow events (center gauge), with the longest event totaling twenty-five (25) consecutive days during the middle portion part of the monitoring year. The gauges recorded thirty-four (34) separate periods that encompassed all gauges across the entire array with a maximum duration of twenty-five (25) days. Based upon rainfall data obtained from CRONOS station (KNCA, New River MCAS), rainfall events (3 -Day Antecedent) ranging from 0.01 -inch to 18.05 -inches resulted in the documented flow events. Photographic and/or video evidence of flow was recorded following rainfall events on April 25th and July 27th. With increasing watershed size (downslope), the duration of surface flow increased within the valley. During periods of surface inundation, water depths in the center of the valley ranged from 0.2 inch to 17.0 inches. Refer to Appendix E for graphs of duration and amplitude of surface water in Valley BDSA. Observed physical indicators of an ordinary high water mark (OHWM) within Valley BDSA consisted of the following: (1) natural line impressed on the bank; (2) wracking (from straw mulch and plant detritus); (3) vegetation matted down, bent, or absent; (4) water staining; (5) change in plant community; (6) and multiple observed flow events. Photographs of the zero -order valley are provided in Appendix A. Photographic and video evidence of flow and OHWM are provided on the attached CD with site hydrographs. Valley HM1: Surface water and flow was documented in the transect of Valley HM1 over several periods during the monitoring year. The slope of the valley over the length of the monitoring section is approximately 0.006% (refer to Construction Documents and As -Built Plan). Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 32 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report The duration and amplitude of the surface water varied at the transect. The transect occurring in the zero - order stream is installed midway in the constructed valley, although the entire valley exhibited surface flow following several rainfall events throughout the monitoring year (as documented through photographic evidence). Transect HM_ZOA1 experienced nine (9) different surface flow events (center gauge), with the longest event totaling 132 consecutive days during the early part of the monitoring year. The gauges recorded forty-one (41) separate periods that encompassed all gauges across the entire array with a maximum duration of fifteen (15) days. Based upon rainfall data obtained from CRONOS station (KNCA, New River MCAS), rainfall events (3 -Day Antecedent) ranging from 0.01 -inch to 18.05 -inches resulted in the documented flow events. Photographic and/or video evidence of flow was recorded following rainfall events on April 25th and July 27th. With increasing watershed size (downslope), the duration of surface flow increased within the valley. During periods of surface inundation, water depths in the center of the valley ranged from 0.2 inch to 12.6 inches. Refer to Appendix E for graphs of duration and amplitude of surface water in Valley HM1. Observed physical indicators of an ordinary high water mark (OHWM) within Valley HM1 consisted of the following: (1) natural line impressed on the bank; (2) wracking (from straw mulch and plant detritus); (3) vegetation matted down, bent, or absent; (4) water staining; (5) change in plant community; (6) and multiple observed flow events. Photographs of the zero -order valley are provided in Appendix A. Photographic and video evidence of flow and OHWM are provided on the attached CD with site hydrographs. (f.) Stream Enhancement The primary success criterion for the First Order Stream Enhancement will be: Documentation of increases in flow duration and frequency compared to pre -construction conditions during periods of normal rainfall. A majority of the stream enhancement has occurred through the reestablishment of interconnectivity with the upstream portions of the watershed. This reestablishment has increased the functional acreage of the watershed, corresponding to increased flow frequency and duration in the lower sections of each stream. In order to determine the extent of flow enhancement, a total of two gauge transects (one per reach) was installed within enhancement reaches HU -3 (Transect HU_REF1), and BD -6 (Transect BD_REF1). These Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 33 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report gauge transects have recorded water levels within 12 -inches of the surface for an average of 39.4% and 41.4% of the growing season, respectively. Note that well BDS_SG2 is located within an enhancement reach and recorded a hydroperiod of 100% of the growing season. These data indicate enhanced hydroperiods throughout these stream reaches. D. Contingency Measures/Remedial Action Stream banks and in -stream structures (i.e. root wads, log vanes, etc.) were monitored for evidence of surface bank erosion (i.e. down -cutting) subsequent to above normal rainfall and high flow events. Some minor down -cutting of the floodplain was noted in areas where surface water in the floodplain flows back into the stream channel. However, these features have not resulted in any significant deposition within the channel and do not appear to adversely affect stream function. In fact, these features are common within natural, unimpaired streams and are evidence of the connectivity between the stream and its floodplain. Most of the areas in which this has been observed appear to have met a point of equilibrium and have become increasingly stable with the growth of stream bank vegetation. No re -grading or reinforcement of the stream banks are recommended at this time. During Year 3 monitoring, it was noted that grade control structures located at the outfall of stream segment HM1 were showing signs of degradation and piping. LMG subsequently met with both the stream engineer and a grading contractor to evaluate and identify specific construction methods for repair of this outfall section of the stream and formulated a repair plan. Per review and concurrence by the IRT, repair work was completed on August 2nd, 2017. The repair work was reviewed in the field by the USACE on August 31d, 2017. During the fall of 2018, Hurricane Florence made landfall and resulted in >32 -inches of rainfall. Multiple areas of the repair area washed out from the intense flow down the valley. However, the log vane the furthest upstream remains intact and is controlling appropriate grade elevation. This area will be evaluated and repaired during the 2019 growing season. Pictures of these washout areas can be found in Appendix A. Also during Year 3 monitoring, it was noted that the loblolly pine volunteers located within the Hoffman Forest side of the bank had increased in size and quantity and needed targeting for suppression. Remedial action for this area was implemented in early May 2017. A pre -commercial thinning crew was contracted to cut the loblolly pines by hand. Control of loblolly pine growth in the upstream segment of HE1 & HM1 was Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 34 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report also performed by physical removal. These areas were reviewed in the field with the USACE on August 3rd, 2017. Pictures of this remedial action can be found in Appendix A. Although some pines have re -sprouted in these areas, no further remedial action is considered necessary at this time. After review of the Year 04 credit release letter, an analysis was performed to determine if the four wells in question (that are not reference wells) have met the performance standard. Of the four in question (wells HE_RIP1, HE_RIP2, BD_GW5, and BD_GW8), all have met the performance standard in periods of normal rainfall exceeding 50% of the monitoring period. Wells HE_RIP1, and BD_GW5 have exceeded the performance standard during normal rainfall conditions in Year 1, and Years 4-5. They also both exceeded the performance criteria in Years 2 & 3, but during above -normal rainfall conditions. Well HE_RIP2 exceeded the criteria in Year 1 and Year 5 during normal conditions. It also exceeded performance criteria in Years 2 & 3, but during above -normal rainfall conditions. It failed to meet the performance criteria in Year 4 due to unknown reasons. Well BD_GW8 experienced a malfunction in Year 1 and failed to collect data through June 2014. It did not meet the performance criteria during Year 1 due to this malfunction. It exceeded the criteria in Years 2-3 (during above -normal rainfall conditions), but has also exceeded the criteria in Years 4-5 during normal conditions. In addition, the riparian vegetation zone along the upper HE -1 reach will be assessed to determine if any remedial action would benefit or accelerate vegetative growth along this reach. Any actions that may be deemed acceptable will be reviewed with the IRT prior to implementation. 5.0 CONCLUSION The implementation of the Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank restores and connects large headwater wetland areas to first -order tributaries of Bachelors Delight Swamp. As a result of the work, there has been a discernible hydrologic response within the stream valleys and the adjacent riparian and non -riparian wetlands. Vegetation and hydrologic monitoring of the BDMB indicate that the site is progressing well during the fifth year following the implementation of the restoration activities. Overall, the site exhibited a diverse assemblage of characteristic trees and shrubs. Vegetation data document high rates of survivorship among the planted (x stem density = 461 stems per acre) and planted/desirable volunteer (x stem density = 738 stems per acre) species. The restoration areas in the small stream Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 35 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report swamp, streamhead pocosin, and wet pine flat communities met and exceeded the target hydrologic criteria. All but one of the restoration and enhancement wells met the success criteria (due to a malfunction), and overall the site has demonstrated increased hydroperiods characteristic of the target wetland communities. Overall, the BDMB appears to be progressing well toward the targeted wetland community types. The restoration site is providing key wetland functions by reducing sediment/nutrient runoff; increasing floodwater storage; and re-establishing wildlife habitat. The stream monitoring component has concluded the fifth and final year (upon review and concurrence from the IRT). The streams and cross sections of BDMB have remained relatively stable over the course of the monitoring period and have not exhibited much deviation from as -built conditions. The riffle -pool sequence that was constructed at as -built has not experienced much deviation other than the slight in -filling of pools and scour along the upstream ends of riffles as expected in sandy coastal plain streams. Small isolated areas of bank erosion have been documented, but these have stabilized over time or are not likely to decline further. Each individual stream reach has experienced numerous bankfull events during each year of monitoring and during normal rainfall periods. The in -stream structures are structurally intact and have maintained grade control throughout the project (other than the issues with the HM outlet as stated above). This downstream segment of HM will be reviewed in order to determine the appropriate course of action in consultation with the USACE and IRT. The riparian buffer has seen a large recruitment of typical riparian vegetative communities and has exhibited favorable growth of planted stems. The stream reaches of the project have all met the stated goals of the project. The site wetlands will be continued to be monitored over the next two years (through Year 7), and the findings of such will be provided in subsequent annual monitoring reports for agency review and concurrence. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 36 Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report FIGURES G �{ — In F ktaiw� I i �-�- ;� •fid , - L. i Q lands r'4A ANI —a j -'"` _ �` ", �• .' '�, O Ir 14 �Q 61 Ro r� 258 ,� t 24 Hd 11 ATE *Boundaries are approximate and are not meant to be absolute. Map Source: North Carolina Atlas & Gazetteer. Pg 77.2003 Bachelors Delight Stream LMG and Wetland Mitigation Bank W zw ANAGLrw Wr GROUP Onslow County, NC Envlrannienfal Consultants SCALE 1" = 1 Mile Figure 1. Vicinity Map o- .. SITE ' � ��. �._ -•r -� -- ..� _ �. _ � ��ll''" ,ter 1� ��"�"r':� � �F •,��_� 4*- r rte° - A / r y - t .TW 7 f 14 �Q 61 Ro r� 258 ,� t 24 Hd 11 ATE *Boundaries are approximate and are not meant to be absolute. Map Source: North Carolina Atlas & Gazetteer. Pg 77.2003 Bachelors Delight Stream LMG and Wetland Mitigation Bank W zw ANAGLrw Wr GROUP Onslow County, NC Envlrannienfal Consultants SCALE 1" = 1 Mile Figure 1. Vicinity Map Wet Ford • H E-1 Legend (NOTE: Acreage And Distances Provided Are For Complete Project) Property Boundary Existing Roads Stream Restoration (9,679 If) Stream Enhancement (5,928 If) Zero Order Restoration (7,082 If) Stream Preservation (11,400 If) Riparian Wetland Restoration (60 ac.) Non -Riparian Wetland Restoration (-85 ac.) o 0 0 o 0 Riparian Wetland Enhancement (-28 ac.) Riparian Wetland Preservation (-48 ac.) Non -Riparian Wetland Preservation (-13 ac.) Stream Buffer (SBCF)(-35 ac.) Upland Buffer (-94 ac.) \WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FI LES\01-09-168 --- Onslow 19 Batchelors, DOwnev\ACAD\October 2010\Fig7-RestorationPlan-I HE -2 A HU -3 BD -7 0 300 600 1,200 2,400 iiiiii Wet Ford BD -5 A OBD -SD Wet Ford D HM -1 LMG LANG MANAGEMENT GROUP rvc. Environmenral coneulmnrs Post Office Box 2522 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Telephone: 910452-0001 Ford Bachelors Delight Swamp m and Wetland Mitigation Bank Mitigation Quantities Stream Deal," Provided by: Ko/Florence & Hutcheson 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 91 M51-6066 Revision Date: 12/17/2009 9/15/10 Job Number: 1"=1,200' 01-011-352 Sheet Number: CBM Figure 2 4 Legend Property Boundary Existing Roads Proposed Ditch Impacts (0.91 ac.) Proposed Stream Impacts (8,652 If) Proposed Wetland Impacts (14.31 ac.) Proposed Open Water Impacts (0.33 ac.) Existing Wetlands Wet Ford Location \WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FILES\01-09-168 --- Onslow 19 Batc Impact S-2 3,078 LF) Impact W-3 (0.97...) Impact S- 1,589 LF) i . Impact w -s (0.70 ao.) t W-4 ac.) 1 --1-mpad 0% (0.14 ao.) Impact OW -1 0.33 ac.) --'--4mpad ON/ -4 (0.61 ac.) 4mpad Ow3 (0.16 ac.) Impact S-4 (1,674 LF) mpact W-12 (0.49 ac.) LMGBachelors Delight Swamp 12/6/2009 LARD MANACDM GROUP pec. Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank environmental consultants Scale: _ r•=i,zoo Title: 0 300 600 1,200 2,400wetland/stream Post Office Box 2522 Impact Map Drawn By: Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 (Nationwide 27 Application) CBM Telephone: 910452-0001 Stream Design Provided by: Ko/Florence & Hutcheson 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 919-851-6066 Revision Date: NIA Job Number: 01-09-168 Sheet Number: Figure 3 _>,. -,.� ,.i:-:- Legend ❑ Supplemental Plots (18 - 0.1 -ac plots) o Stream Gauge ❑ CVS Plots L:\WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FILES\40-09-168-0 --- Bachelors Delight Baseline Monitoring, Taylor Downey\Maps Map Source: 2008 NAPP Aerial Photography SITE ♦ Hf14 Hf12 Hf13; Hf11 -. Hf9 IHf; l�ti.ti i. YS�i'S' �` � � _ `a�'�ir�L�e'. �+. cermm:S a,.,�.�'41'" " 9f..i^k.r''yali"<, ♦ .�.d� .. .. SCALE 1" = 800' (printed at 11X17") LLI Legend ❑ Supplemental Plots (18 - 0.1 -ac plots) o Stream Guage ❑ CVS Plots L:\WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FILES\40-09-168-0 --- Bachelors Delight Baseline Monitoring, Taylor Downey\Maps Map Source: 2008 NAPP Aerial Photography F3A F3C C ON -RIP -REF SITE BD GW1BD_GW2 in BQ GW3 - i L, SBD GW4 BD_GW5 &"E._� BD_GW6 �BD G ` BDS rci SCALE 1" = 2000' (printed at 11X17") Legend (NOTE: Acreage And Distances Provided Are For Complete Project) Property Boundary Existing Roads Stream Restoration (9,679 If) Stream Enhancement (5,928 If) Zero Order Restoration (7,082 If) Stream Preservation (11,400 If) Riparian Wetland Restoration (-60 ac.) -------- Wetland Enhancement (-28 ac.) Riparian Wetland Preservation (-48 ac.) Stream Buffer (SBCF)(-35 ac.) Upland Buffer (-94 ac.) Monitoring Plot • Monitoring Well Stream Gauge • Stream Cross -Section Longitudinal Profile Zero -Order Well Array _:\WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FILES\40-09-168-2 --- Bachelors Delight, Year 2, Taylor Downey\Fig 6-MonitoringPlan-February2 HE SG3 HE REF2 HE RIP2 HE REFS — HEW 04 HE -1 : XS •I • R1 • HF -1 XS 6 • Stream Design Provided by: • • Ko/Florence & Hutcheson 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 • • • Raleigh, NC 27607 • • • • • 919-851-6066 Project: Date: Revision Date: La �� Bachelors Delight Swamp 1/5/2010 2/16/2016 lYlNAF Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 1 .1ND MANAGEMENT GROUP rrr. Scale: Job Number: rnr,rannrtnlaf Cdnsulrnnrs — 1 Title: "=zoo' 01-09-168 0 50 100 200 400 Post Office Box 2522 Cross Section Location Map Drawn By: Sheet Number: Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 CBM Figure 6A Telephone: 910-452-0001 g HE -1 : XS 1 HE SG1 HEW 01 HEW -02 HE -1 : XS 2 H E_SG2 M—K A I ► �I �IHEW , Legend (NOTE: Acreage And Distances Provided Are For Complete Project) Property Boundary Existing Roads Stream Restoration (9,679 If) Stream Enhancement (5,928 If) Zero Order Restoration (--7,082 If) Stream Preservation (11,400 If) Riparian Wetland Restoration (-60 ac.)L ---------- Wetland Enhancement (-28 ac.) Riparian Wetland Preservation (--48 ac.) Stream Buffer (SBCF)(-35 ac.) Upland Buffer (-94 ac.) Monitoring Plot • Monitoring Well Stream Gauge • Stream Cross -Section Longitudinal Profile Zero -Order Well Array _:\WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FILES\40-09-168-2 --- Bachelors Delight, Year 2, Taylor Downey\Fig 6 -Monitoring Plan -February L � Stream Delight Swamp vs/20,0 m and Wetland Mitigation Bank .5 N D MANAG€SSE1i7' GACYUP rrr. Scale: �r,.,re�m:error can:„I,anr: zoo' Title: 0 50 100 200 400 Post Office Box 2522 Cross Section Location Map Drawn By: Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 CBM Telephone: 910-452-0001 Stream Design Provided by: Ko/Florence 8 Hutcheson 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 919-851-6066 Revision Date: 2/16/2016 ln/AF Job Number: 01-09-,68 Sheet Number: Figure 6B \ HU-1 : XS 2 HU SG2 \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \\ H U F_01 HUF 03 \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ HU REF1 \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ HU SG1 \ \\ HU-1 : XS 3 \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ H U F_02 HU-1 XS 11 \ ` \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \ HU_ZOA1 • \ HU_RIP2 \ \ \ \ HU_SG3 . \. ` \ \ Legend (NOTE: Acreage And Distances Provided Are For Complete oje \ \ Property Boundary R2 Existing Roads HU RIP1 Stream Restoration (9,679 If) W HU ZOA2 Stream Enhancement (5,928 If) - HUF_04 Zero Order Restoration (7,082 If) Stream Preservation (11,400 If) Monitoring Plot • Riparian Wetland Restoration (-60 ac.)---------- Monitoring Well � Stream Design Provided by: Ko/Florence 8 Hutcheson Wetland Enhancement (-28 ac.) Fi Fi Fi• Stream Gauge 5121 NC 276U7 Raleigh, NC 27607 Raleigh, Riparian Wetland Preservation (-48 ac.) Stream Cross-Section PfOJOCt: Date: a,s-35.-b°bb Revision Date: Bachelors Delight Swamp T * �� 1/5/2010 2o 2/16/2016ts W 20 Stream Buffer (SBCF)(-35 ac.) L1Y1 Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Longitudinal Profile LA Scale: nnmEN GROUP— Job Number: �� enaiMT Title: V= 200' 01-0q-168 Upland Buffer (-94 ac.) Zero-Order Well Array 0 50 100 200 400 Post Office Box 2522 Cross Section Location Map Drawn By: Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Sheet Number: .13. Figur 6C g Telephone: 910-452-0001 _:\WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FILES\40-09-168-2 --- Bachelors Delight, Year 2, Taylor Downey\Fig 6-Monitoring Plan-February2016.dwq Legend (NOTE: Acreage And Distances Provided Are For Complete Project) Property Boundary 1/5/2010 Existing Roads p 1 .1ND MANAGEMENT GROUP rrr. • rnr,rannranlal canswlrnnra Stream Restoration (9,679 If) Scale: 1"= 200' Stream Enhancement (5,928 If) Title: Zero Order Restoration (7,082 If) Cross Section Location Map Stream Preservation (-11,400 If) Sheet Number: Figure 6D g Riparian Wetland Restoration (-60 ac.) ---------- Wetland Enhancement (-28 ac.) Riparian Wetland Preservation (-48 ac.) Stream Buffer (SBCF)(-35 ac.) Upland Buffer (-94 ac.) Monitoring Plot • — Monitoring Well Stream Gauge • Stream Cross -Section Longitudinal Profile Zero -Order Well Array _:\WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FILES\40-09-168-2 --- Bachelors Delight, Year 2, Taylor Downey\Fig 6 -Monitoring Plan -February HM veg 01 HM_SG1 XS 2 0 50 100 200 400 HM -1 : XS 1 HM_RIP1 HM_veg_02 Stream Design Provided by: Ko/Florence & Hutcheson 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 919-851-6066 T LM a � Bachelors Delight Swamp Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank 1/5/2010 2/16/2016 'A/AF p 1 .1ND MANAGEMENT GROUP rrr. • rnr,rannranlal canswlrnnra Scale: 1"= 200' Job Number: 01-09-168 Title: Post Office Box 2522 igton, North Carolina 28402 dephone: 910-452-0001 Cross Section Location Map Drawn By: CBM Sheet Number: Figure 6D g BDN NR LL vea 01 HU -1 : XS 1 - HUF 01 HU SG1 Legend (NOTE: Acreage And Distances Provided Are For Complete Project) Property Boundary Bachelors Delight Swamp Existing Roads LM NAND MANAGEMENT GROUP — .' Frvrtranmvnrnr [v�rurrc�n Stream Restoration (9,679 If) Stream Enhancement (5,928 If) Title: Zero Order Restoration (7,082 If) Cross Section Location Map Stream Preservation (11,400 If) igton, North Carolina 28402 Riparian Wetland Restoration (-60 ac.) ---------- Wetland Enhancement (-28 ac.) Riparian Wetland Preservation (-48 ac.) Stream Buffer (SBCF)(-35 ac.) Upland Buffer (-94 ac.) Monitoring Plot Monitoring Well Stream Gauge • Stream Cross -Section Longitudinal Profile Zero -Order Well Array _:\WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FILES\40-09-168-2 --- Bachelors Delight, Year 2, Taylor Downey\Fig t-<4 •• • 11 • • r _ • _ 0 0 • • • @ • • O',* • • QQ BDN_NR_LL_veg_02 Hf14 Q BD_GW2 Q O Q Q BDN _NR_LL_veg_03 Hf 10 v v Q QQQQQQQ Q Q Hf13 Hf12 Q Q Q Q BD_GW3 Hf11 QQQ Q QQ Q Hf7 BDN NR LL veq 04 Q OBD GW4 QQQQQ BD_N R_AWCBAY_veg Q Q QQ QQ Q Q Q Q Q BDN_NR_AWC_veg_1 BDN NR LL 1/e 05 Q O Q Q Q Hf6 Hf8 Q Q Q Q BDN_NR_AWC_veg_2 Q Q Q Q Q _ Hf3 BD GW5 - Q Q Hf2 BDN_ NR_AWC_veg_3 BD NR CYPGUM 01 -= BD GW6 Q Q BDN_ZOA2 BDN ZOA1 - BD NR_OAK _veg_01 Q Q BD_GW7 Q H F4 Q Hf1 Q Q BD_NR_OAK_veg_02 Q BDS_N R_AWC_veg_1 BDS RIP1 Q BDS_NR_LL_veg_01 - BD GW8 F Non -Riparian Restoration (-85 ac.) r� m�a4 - i Saw �J r"�_.� a •A I � 4 :.Z �l a ��_ BDN_ZOA4 0 125 250 500 1,000 T * { Bachelors Delight Swamp 11/20/2009 LM NAND MANAGEMENT GROUP — .' Frvrtranmvnrnr [v�rurrc�n Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Scale: 1 '= 500' Title: Post Office Box 2522 Cross Section Location Map Drawn By: igton, North Carolina 28402 CBM d e p h o n e: 910-452-0001 2/16/2016 WAF er: 01-09-168 nber: Figure 6E HE_REF1 Legend (NOTE: Acreage And Distances Provided Are For Comple oject) Property Boundary Existing Roads Stream Restoration (9,679 If) Stream Enhancement (5,928 If) Zero Order Restoration (7,082 If) HE—RIP2 Stream Preservation (-11,400 If) Riparian Wetland Restoration (-60 ac.) ---------- HEW 04 HE -1 : XS 6 •. �• ' Wetland Enhancement (-28 ac.) Fi Fi Fi Fi-- HE REF2 HE -1 : XS 3 — Riparian Wetland Preservation (-48 ac.) Stream Buffer (SBCF)(-35 ac.) ------- — — — Upland Buffer (-94 ac.) -- -- -- Monitoring Plot • -- -- ---- -- Stream Design Provided by: — — — — — — — — — — — — — — • Ko/Florence & Hutcheson Monitoring Well HE SG3--- — — ----- 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 -- • --- ------ HE REF3 Raleigh, NC 27607 Stream Gauge • _ _ _ _ — — _ — 9,9-651-6066 R1 Stream Cross -Section Project: Date: Revision Date: 2/16/2016 Bachelors Delight Swamp 1/5/2010 'A/AF'A/AFLG Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Longitudinal Profile ,SND MANAGEMENT GKOVPrrc °.r,r°nm°n'°rC°—/—'s Scale: V=200' Job Number: 01-09-168 Title: 0 75 150 300 600 Post Office Box 2522 Cross Section Location Map Drawn By: Sheet Number: Zero -Order Well Array Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 CBM Figure 6F g Telephone: 910-452-0001 _:\WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FILES\40-09-168-2 --- Bachelors Delight, Year 2, Taylor Downey\Fig 6 -Monitoring Plan-February2016.dwg Legend (NOTE: Acreage And Distances Provided Are For Complete Project) Property Boundary Existing Roads Date: Stream Restoration (9,679 If) Bachelors Delight Swamp Stream Enhancement (5,928 If) L. -� Zero Order Restoration (7,082 If) Stream Preservation (-11,400 If) Riparian Wetland Restoration (-60 ac.) ---------- Wetland Enhancement (-28 ac.) = 200' Riparian Wetland Preservation (-48 ac.) Cross Section Location Map Stream Buffer (SBCF)(-35 ac.) Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Upland Buffer (-94 ac.) CBM Monitoring Plot • Monitoring Well Stream Gauge • Stream Cross -Section Longitudinal Profile Zero -Order Well Array _:\WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FILES\40-09-168-2 --- Bachelors Delight, Year 2, Taylor Downey\Fig 6 -Monitoring Plan -February H E_RE F4 0 50 100 200 400 iiiiii HUF 03 HU REF1 HU SG3 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I I Str si ovided by: uAd,d n 7KW�W,y, Suite 100 27607 6066 levision Date: 2/16/2016 'A/AF ib Number: 01-09-166 ;heel Number: Figure 6G I'I / I Project: Date: T M� Bachelors Delight Swamp 1/5/2010 L. -� Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank . •.� I a .MANAGEMENT GROUP Scale: Title: = 200' Post Office Box 2522 Cross Section Location Map Drawn By: Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 CBM Telephone: 910-452-0001 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I I Str si ovided by: uAd,d n 7KW�W,y, Suite 100 27607 6066 levision Date: 2/16/2016 'A/AF ib Number: 01-09-166 ;heel Number: Figure 6G • • • RD REF1 — 10� ♦ Legend (NOTE: Acreage And Distances Provided Are For Complete Project) Property Boundary Existing Roads — Stream Restoration (9,679 If) 919-851-6066 Stream Enhancement (5,928 If) — Zero Order Restoration (7,082 If) �G L!Yl* Stream Preservation (-11,400 If) • Riparian Wetland Restoration (-60 ac.) ---------- `•• Wetland Enhancement (-28 ac.) • ' Riparian Wetland Preservation (-48 ac.) � Stream Buffer (SBCF)(-35 ac.) • • Upland Buffer (-94 ac.) • Monitoring Plot ♦ • Cross Section Location Map Drawn By: Monitoring Well • Stream Gauge • Stream Cross -Section Longitudinal Profile Zero -Order Well Array _:\WETLANDS\2009 WETLANDS FILES\40-09-168-2 --- Bachelors Delight, Year 2, Taylor Downey\Fig 6 -Monitoring Plan-February2016.dwq 0 50 100 200 400 iiiiii jry Stream Design Provided by Ko/Florence & Hutcheson 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 — 919-851-6066 a Revision Date: �G L!Yl* Bachelors Delight Swamp 1/5/2010 • Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank I.AN'D MANAG€HENT GROUP- S � — Ears --mW C.—JIenrs V=200' 01-09-168 Title: Post Office Box 2522 Cross Section Location Map Drawn By: Sheet Number: Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ♦♦ Figure 6H g 0 50 100 200 400 iiiiii jry Stream Design Provided by Ko/Florence & Hutcheson 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 — 919-851-6066 Project: Date: Revision Date: �G L!Yl* Bachelors Delight Swamp 1/5/2010 • Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank I.AN'D MANAG€HENT GROUP- Scale: Job Number: — Ears --mW C.—JIenrs V=200' 01-09-168 Title: Post Office Box 2522 Cross Section Location Map Drawn By: Sheet Number: Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ♦♦ Figure 6H g Telephone: 910-452-0001 0 50 100 200 400 iiiiii jry Stream Design Provided by Ko/Florence & Hutcheson 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 — 919-851-6066 Project: Date: Revision Date: �G L!Yl* Bachelors Delight Swamp 1/5/2010 2�1 016 '6�A Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank I.AN'D MANAG€HENT GROUP- Scale: Job Number: — Ears --mW C.—JIenrs V=200' 01-09-168 Title: Post Office Box 2522 Cross Section Location Map Drawn By: Sheet Number: Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 CBM Figure 6H g Telephone: 910-452-0001 I iayycu wui ivai y kui ai iyc ai iu LIIUU 11ay01 ......••• Un -Flagged Boundary (use ditch, wind -row, bank boundary, zero order valley) 0.025 Acre Plots 0 Wells 0.10 Acre Plots Map Source: 2016 NC OneMap Aerial Photography SCALE 1" = 600' Bachelors Delight LMG Stream and Wetland LAND MANAGEMENT GROW ixc. Figure 7 Mitigation Bank En vironmen tai Consultants — Hoffman Onslow County, NC www.lmgroup.net 3805 Wrightsville Avenue Lobloll Pine Y April 2017 Wilmington, NC 28403 Removal Areas LMG # 40-09-168-4 Phone: 910.452.0001 Fax: 910.452.0060 APPENDIX A - SITE PHOTOGRAPHS I3 � NQS ar- r r, r d iLo ^ TFr. D r i t 1yA 4 3 • M r� View of HE1 upper segment during bankfull event looking downstream. r n' Y r !r r { c o ! I r r View of wet ford at upper segment of HE1 during bankfull event. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland 4LMG Appendix A. Mitigation Bank LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP Site Photographs Onslow County, NC a ®AVE,r#- company February 2019 View of HE1 middle segment channel and riparian plantings during bankfull event looking downstream. View of HE1 lower segment during bankfull event looking downstream. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland tLMG Appendix A. Mitigation Bank LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP Site Photographs Onslow County, NC a ®AVE,r#- company February 2019 View of middle segment HU1 floodplain during bankfull event looking downstream. View of lower segment HU1 floodplain and riparian plantings during bankfull event looking downstream. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland 4LMG Appendix A. Mitigation Bank LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP Site Photographs Onslow County, NC a ®AVE,r#- company February 2019 View of inundation at HM1 zero order valley upper segment during flow event looking downstream. View of HM1 zero order to first order transition during bankfull event looking downstream. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland 4LMG Appendix A. Mitigation Bank LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP Site Photographs Onslow County, NC a ®AVE,r#- company February 2019 View of HM1 channel during bankfull event. View of HM1 channel during bankfull event. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland 4LMG Appendix A. Mitigation Bank LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP Site Photographs Onslow County, NC a ®AVE,r#- company February 2019 View of HM1 lower segment during bankfull event looking downstream. View of 13132 zero order valley during flow event looking downstream. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland 4LMG Appendix A. Mitigation Bank LAND MANAGEMFNT GROUP Site Photographs Onslow County, NC a oAIEv# company, February 2019 View of 13132 zero order valley during flow event looking downstream. View of 13134A zero order valley upper segment during flow event looking upstream. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland 4LMG Appendix A. Mitigation Bank LAND MANAGEMFNT GROUP Site Photographs Onslow County, NC a oAIEv# company, February 2019 View of 13134A zero order valley lower segment during flow event looking downstream. View of 13134A zero order valley lower segment riparian plantings during flow event looking downstream. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland 4LMG Appendix A. Mitigation Bank LAND MANAGEMFNT GROUP Site Photographs Onslow County, NC a oAIEv# company, February 2019 View of BDSA zero order valley upper segment during flow event looking downstream. 5 View of BDSA zero order valley A of -Fw-� 11 r,_ upper segment during flow event looking downstream. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland 4LMG Appendix A. Mitigation Bank LAND MANAGEMFNT GROUP Site Photographs Onslow County, NC a oAIEv# company, February 2019 View of BDSA zero order valley lower wooded segment during flow event looking downstream. View of BDSA zero order valley lower wooded segment during flow event looking downstream. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Z—LMGAppendix A. Mitigation Bank LAND MANAGEMENT GROU P Site Photographs Onslow County, NC a DMMY#- company February 2019 View of 13135 during flow event looking upstream from wet ford. View of 13135 during flow event looking upstream from wet ford. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland 4LMG Appendix A. Mitigation Bank LAND MANAGEMFNT GROUP Site Photographs Onslow County, NC a oAIEv# company, February 2019 Typical growth of Longleaf Pine in wet pine flat. Typical growth of Atlantic White Cedar in streamhead pocosin. h helors DelightA endix A. m and Wetland 4LM ppigation Bank LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP Site Photographs ow County, NC a oAILv# company- February 2019 View of HE1 before 2017 pine suppression. View of HE1 after 2017 pine suppression. Bachelors Delight Appendix A. Stream and Wetland ILMG Site Photographs Mitigation Bank LANE) MANAGEMENT GROU P Onslow County, NC , DAVEY# company February 2019 -.W:.. + ..,a�".it'j-:;e View of HM1 before 2017 pine suppression. View of HM1 after 2017 pine suppression. Bachelors Delight S tream and Wetland GAendix A. ILM Site Photo ra hs Mitigation Bank LANE) MANAGEMENT GROU P g p Onslow County, NC , DAVEY# company February 2019 View of Bald Cypress on Hoffman side of mitigation bank after pine suppression in 2017. View of Hoffman side of mitigation bank after pine suppression in 2017. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland ILMG SitAppendix A. Mitigation Bank LANE) MANAGEMENT GROUP Onslow County, NC a DAVEY# company February 2019 APPENDIX B - INDIVIDUAL PLOT DATA SHEETS BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HUF 1 SPECIES STRATUM T, SA, or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 2 4 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 3 7 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 loft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 12 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Red Bay SH 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Inkberry SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 6 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 9 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 loft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 13 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 3 1 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 3 2 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 14 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 560 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 5 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 200 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 39 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 58 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 760 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HUF 2 SPECIES STRATUM T SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 5 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 9 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 loft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 2 3 ft Planted 2 Sweet Pepperbush SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 2 1 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 15 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 600 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 3 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 120 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 22 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 40 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 720 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HUF 3 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. VolunteerNumber of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T, SA, or SH Bald Cypress T 2 6 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 4 7 ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 2 8ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 3 loft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 2 3ft Planted 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 7ft Volunteer 2 Sweet Pepperbush SH 2 2ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Pine T 1 2ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 8ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 7ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 8ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 3ft Volunteer 0 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 16 (PLANTED SPECIES 640 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTALACCEPTABLE 4 (ACCEPTABLE 160 VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE 10 SINGLE VOLUNTEER No >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N) VOLUNTEERS TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 30 OBSERVED DENSITY 800 (PER ACRE) BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HUF 4 SPECIES STRATUM T, SA, or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 5ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 6ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 7ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 3 8 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 2 9 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 3 loft Planted 3 Swamp Black Gum T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 3ft Planted 1 Red Bay T 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay T 1 5ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay T 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay T 1 7ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay T 3 loft Volunteer 3 Fetterbush SH 3 2 ft Volunteer 3 Fetterbush SH 4 3ft Volunteer 4 Fetterbush SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 2 Fetterbush SH 1 5ft Volunteer 1 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 5ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 5ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Pepperbush SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Sweet Pepperbush SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Pepperbush SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 2 Sweet Pepperbush SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 2 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 5ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 7ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 loft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 lift Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 7ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 15 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 600 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 26 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 1040 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 16 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 57 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 1640 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HEW 1 SPECIES STRATUM T, SA, or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 3 3ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 2 4ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 5ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 6ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 4ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Winged Sumac SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 0 Winged Sumac SH 4 2ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 1 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 3 2ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 2ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 13 2ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 18 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 11 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 5ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 12 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 480 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 2 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 80 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 60 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) Yes TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 74 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 560 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HEW 2 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. VolunteerNumber of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T, SA, or SH Bald Cypress T 4 4 ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 3 5 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 2 6ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 7ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 3ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 4ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 6ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Doghobble SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 3 1 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 11 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 18 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 5ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 6ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 7ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED OBSERVED DENSITY 13 (PLANTED SPECIES 520 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTALACCEPTABLE (ACCEPTABLE 5 200 VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 47 Yes VOLUNTEERS >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 65 720 (PER ACRE) BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HEW 3 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. VolunteerNumber of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T, SA, or SH Bald Cypress T 2 3 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 3 4 ft Planted 3 Swamp Black Gum T 3 1 ft Planted 3 Swamp Black Gum T 5 2ft Planted 5 Wax Myrtle SH 2 3ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 8 1 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 1 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 20 2ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 16 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 13 (PLANTED SPECIES 520 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTALACCEPTABLE 6 (ACCEPTABLE 240 VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE 68 SINGLE VOLUNTEER Yes >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N) VOLUNTEERS TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 87 OBSERVED DENSITY 760 (PER ACRE) BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HEW 4 SPECIES STRATUM T SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 6ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 7ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 8ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 lift Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 2 2ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 2 4ft Planted 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 6ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 6 2ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 13 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 5ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 6ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 7ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 loft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 11 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 1 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 2 2ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 3 4ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 8 3ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 7ft Volunteer 0 Winged Sumac SH 1 3ft Volunteer 0 TOTALPLANTED SPECIES 13 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 520 TOTALACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 4 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 160 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 70 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) Yes TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 87 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 680 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HM 1 SPECIES STRATUM SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 2 4 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 loft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 2 3ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 5ft Planted 1 Sweet Pepperbush SH 20 3ft Volunteer 20 Sweet Pepperbush SH 20 4ft Volunteer 20 Coastal Dog Hobble SH 15 3ft Volunteer 15 Coastal Dog Hobble SH 15 4ft Volunteer 15 Red Bay SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 7ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 3ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 2 5ft Volunteer 2 Persimmon T 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Persimmon T 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Persimmon T 1 7ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 1 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 5ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 10 2 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 3 3ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 2 9 ft Volunteer 0 Winged Sumac SH 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 3 7 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 3 8 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 9 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 15 ft Volunteer 0 Horsesugar SH 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Horsesugar SH 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Horsesugar SH 1 5ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 110 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 400 TOTALACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 76 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 3040 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 49 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OFTOTAL (Y/N) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 1135 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 3440 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER HM 2 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. VolunteerNumber of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T, SA, or SH Bald Cypress T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 3 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 4ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Red Bay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Pepperbush SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Groundsel Tree SH 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 20 1 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 2 3ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 30 1 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 30 2ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 5 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 50 1 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 6 ft Volunteer 0 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 8 (PLANTED SPECIES 320 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTALACCEPTABLE 3 (ACCEPTABLE 120 VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE 147 SINGLE VOLUNTEER No VOLUNTEERS >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N) TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 158 OBSERVED DENSITY 440 (PER ACRE) BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-LL 1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. VolunteerNumber of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T, SA, or SH Long Leaf Pine T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 9ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 11 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Loblolly Pine T 1 9ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 12 ft Volunteer 0 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 8 (PLANTED SPECIES 320 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTALACCEPTABLE 0 (ACCEPTABLE 0 VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE 3 SINGLE VOLUNTEER No VOLUNTEERS >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N) TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 11 OBSERVED DENSITY 320 (PER ACRE) BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-LL 2 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. VolunteerNumber of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T, SA, or SH Long Leaf Pine T 2 1 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 2 4 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 loft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 2 11 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 2 12 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 1 14 ft Planted 1 Groundsel Tree SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 14 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 15 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED OBSERVED DENSITY 14 (PLANTED SPECIES 560 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTALACCEPTABLE (ACCEPTABLE 0 0 VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 5 No VOLUNTEERS >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 19 560 (PER ACRE) BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-LL 3 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. VolunteerNumber of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T, SA, or SH Long Leaf Pine T 2 2 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 3 3 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 1 4ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 5ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 6ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 3 9 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 1 loft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 15 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 18 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 5 3ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 7 4ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 4 5ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 6ft Volunteer 0 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 11 (PLANTED SPECIES 440 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTALACCEPTABLE 1 (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER SPECIES 40 PER ACRE) TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE 25 SINGLE VOLUNTEER No VOLUNTEERS >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N) TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 37 OBSERVED DENSITY 480 (PER ACRE) BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-LL 4 SPECIES STRATUM T SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Long Leaf Pine T 3 3 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Loblolly Bay SH 9 1 ft Volunteer 9 Loblolly Bay SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Bay SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay SH 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 lift Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Groundsel Tree SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Black Cherry T 1 14 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 loft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 11 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 4 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 160 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 16 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 640 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 30 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 50 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 800 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-LL 5 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. VolunteerNumber of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T, SA, or SH Long Leaf Pine T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 3 6 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 2 9 ft Planted 2 Loblolly Pine T 1 1 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 6 (PLANTED SPECIES 240 PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 0 VOLUNTEER SPECIES 0 PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 4 >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N) No VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 10 (PER ACRE) 240 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDS-NR-LL 1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. VolunteerNumber of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T, SA, or SH Long Leaf Pine T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 15 ft Planted 1 Groundsel Tree SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 2 (PLANTED SPECIES 80 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE (ACCEPTABLE 0 0 VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 1 No >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 3 80 (PER ACRE) BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-AWCBAY 1 SPECIES STRATUM T, SA, or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Atlantic White Cedar T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 5 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 6ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 7ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 loft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 lift Planted 4 Sweet Bay SH 1 2 ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 3 4 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 2 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 7ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 loft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 15 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 17 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 8ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 20 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 800 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 1 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 40 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 15 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 36 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 840 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-AWC-1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. VolunteerNumber of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T, SA, or SH Atlantic White Cedar T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 loft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 lift Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 13 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 15 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 18 ft Planted 1 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 2 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 4 ft Volunteer 0 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 11 (PLANTED SPECIES 440 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTALACCEPTABLE (ACCEPTABLE 1 40 VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 8 No >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 20 480 (PER ACRE) BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-AWC-2 SPECIES STRATUM T, SA, or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Atlantic White Cedar T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 5ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 9 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 6 loft Planted 6 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 lift Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 13 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 3ft Planted 1 Red Bay T 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 5ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 6ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 13 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 18 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 20 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 15 1 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 20 2 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 12 3ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 4ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 6ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 12 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 480 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 1 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 40 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 68 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) Yes TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 81 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 520 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDN-NR-AWC-3 SPECIES STRATUM T, SA, or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Atlantic White Cedar T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 loft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 12 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 13 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 14 ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 16 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 18 ft Planted 1 Red Bay SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 8ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 1 Inkberry SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Inkberry SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Red Cedar T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 5 1 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 5 2 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 28 3 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 4 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 loft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 15 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 18 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 20 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 3 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 7 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 4 8 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 9 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 14 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PERACRE) 560 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 9 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PERACRE) 360 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 72 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 95 OBSERVED DENSITY (PERACRE) 920 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BDS-NR-AWC 1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. VolunteerNumber of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T, SA, or SH Atlantic White Cedar T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 4ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 6ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 7ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 8ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 loft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 11 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 3ft Planted 1 American Titi SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 American Titi SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 8ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 9 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 7ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 8ft Volunteer 0 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 11 (PLANTED SPECIES 440 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL ACCEPTABLE (ACCEPTABLE 4 160 VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 14 No >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 29 600 (PER ACRE) BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BD-NR-CYPGUM 1 SPECIES STRATUM T SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 3 4 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 3 8 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 9 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 loft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 lift Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 15 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 2 2 ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Red Maple T 10 1 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 29 2 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 13 3 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 6 4 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 5 5 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 21 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 840 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 0 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 0 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 72 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 93 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 840 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BD -NR -OAK 1 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. VolunteerNumber of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T, SA, or SH Laurel Oak T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Laurel Oak T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Laurel Oak T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Laurel Oak T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 3 4 ft Planted 3 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 5ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 2 1 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay T 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Titi SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 6 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Red Cedar T 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 2 ft Volunteer 0 Chinese Privet SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 9 (PLANTED SPECIES 360 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTALACCEPTABLE (ACCEPTABLE 4 160 VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 16 No >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 29 520 (PER ACRE) BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All NCSU plots are CVS (100 m2) PLOT NUMBER BD -NR -OAK 2 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. VolunteerNumber of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T, SA, or SH Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 3 ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 4 ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 5ft Planted 1 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Black Gum T 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Groundsel Tree SH 2 5ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 8 1 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 6 2ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 2ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 16 5ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 6 ft Volunteer 0 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 7 (PLANTED SPECIES 280 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTALACCEPTABLE (ACCEPTABLE t 40 VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 60 Yes >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N) VOLUNTEERS OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 68 320 (PER ACRE) BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER RI SPECIES STRATUM SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 2 3 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 4 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 5 ft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 Eft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 4 7ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 3 8ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 3 9ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 2 loft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 lift Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 13 it Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 14 it Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 2 2ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 7 3ft Planted 7 Swamp Black Gum T 2 4ft Planted 2 Sweet Pepperbush SH 2 3ft Volunteer 2 Sweet Pepperbush SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 Coastal Doghobble SH 3 3ft Volunteer 3 Galberry SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Galberry SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 1 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 2 2ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 4 3ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 4 4ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 7 5ft Volunteer 7 Wax Myrtle SH 4 6 ft Volunteer 4 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Gum T 1 2ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 2 3ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 4 4ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 5 5ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 11 6 ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 7 7ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 3 9ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 9 loft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 3 12 it Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 2ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 11 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 14 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 7ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 8 8ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 8 loft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 lift Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 12 it Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 14 it Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 5ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 34 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 340 TOTALACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 32 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 320 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 111 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL(YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 177 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 660 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER R2 SPECIES STRATUM T SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 3 5 ft Planted 3 Bald Cypress T 5 6 ft Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 7 7 ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 7 8 ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 5 9 ft Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 7 loft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 1 lift Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 4 12 ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 1 13 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 3 2ft Planted 3 Swamp Black Gum T 2 3ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 4ft Planted 1 Coastal Dog Hobble SH 20 4ft Volunteer 20 Coastal Dog Hobble SH 20 5 ft Volunteer 20 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Fetterbush SH 15 4ft Volunteer 15 Fetterbush SH 15 5 ft Volunteer 15 Red Bay SH 25 2ft Volunteer 25 Red Bay SH 15 4ft Volunteer 15 Red Bay SH 8 6 ft Volunteer 8 Sweet Bay T 1 20 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay T 1 40 ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Gum T 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 14 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 49 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 490 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 121 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 1210 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 2 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 172 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 1700 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes. All LMG plots are 0. f 0 Acres PLOT NUMBER R3 SPECIES STRATUM SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria Bald Cypress T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 6 3ft Planted 6 Bald Cypress T 6 4ft Planted 6 Bald Cypress T 4 5ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 8 Eft Planted 8 Bald Cypress T 4 7ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 6 8 ft Planted 6 Bald Cypress T 1 9ft Planted 1 Bald Cypress T 2 loft Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 2 lift Planted 2 Bald Cypress T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 4 2ft Planted 4 Swamp Black Gum T 2 3ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 2 4ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 1 7ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 9ft Planted 1 Sweet Pepperbush SH 60 3ft Volunteer 60 Sweet Pepperbush SH 59 4ft Volunteer 59 Coastal Dog Hobble SH 11 3ft Volunteer 11 Coastal Dog Hobble SH 11 4ft Volunteer 11 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 5 2ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 5 4ft Volunteer 5 Red Bay SH 2 5ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 7ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 loft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 40 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 35 5ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 8 7ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 9ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 45 3ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 7 Eft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 3 9ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 25 3ft Volunteer 0 Horse Sugar T 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 9ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 51 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 510 TOTALACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 158 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 1580 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 171 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OFTOTAL (Y/N) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 380 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 2090 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER R4 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. VolunteerNumber of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T, SA, or SH Bald Cypress T 10 3 ft Planted 10 Bald Cypress T 11 4 ft Planted 11 Bald Cypress T 7 5ft Planted 7 Bald Cypress T 2 7ft Planted 2 Swamp Black Gum T 7 1 ft Planted 7 Swamp Black Gum T 9 2ft Planted 9 Swamp Black Gum T 1 3ft Planted 1 Sweet Pepperbush SH 5 1 ft Volunteer 5 Sweet Pepperbush SH 8 2ft Volunteer 8 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 8 2ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 25 1 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 29 2ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 14 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 5ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 9 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 7ft Volunteer 0 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 47 (PLANTED SPECIES 470 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTALACCEPTABLE 16 (ACCEPTABLE 160 VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE 89 SINGLE VOLUNTEER Yes >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N) VOLUNTEERS TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 152 OBSERVED DENSITY 630 (PER ACRE) BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HFI SPECIES STRATUM T SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 2ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 4 3ft Planted 4 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 5 4ft Planted 5 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 3 5 ft Planted 3 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 5 6 ft Planted 5 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 7 ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 2 8 ft Planted 2 Swamp Chestnut Oak T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Laurel Oak T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Laurel Oak T 1 2ft Planted 1 Laurel Oak T 2 3ft Planted 2 Laurel Oak T 1 4ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 2ft Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 3ft Planted 1 Red Bay T 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay T 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 American Holly SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 20 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 Eft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 loft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 40 2ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 20 3ft Volunteer 0 Sweet Gum T 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 31 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 310 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 6 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 60 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 97 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 134 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 370 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes. All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HE2 SPECIES STRATUM SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Number of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria Atlantic White Cedar T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 4 ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 5 ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 6 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 7 ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 7 9 ft Planted 7 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 loft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 6 11 ft Planted 6 Atlantic White Cedar T 7 12 ft Planted 7 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 13 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 14 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 15 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 16 ft Planted 1 Red Bay SH 2 2 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 12 2 ft Volunteer 12 Wax Myrtle SH 8 3 ft Volunteer 8 Wax Myrtle SH 2 4 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 3 5 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 2 6 ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 3 7 ft Volunteer 3 Wax Myrtle SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 1 Water Oak T 1 11 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 12 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 11 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 30 2 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 20 3 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 12 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 20 2 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 65 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 25 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 5 8 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 47 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 470 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 38 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 380 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 203 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OFTOTAL (YIN) Yes TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 288 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 850 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF3 SPECIES STRATUM T, SA, or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Atlantic White Cedar T 1 7ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 8ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 9ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 loft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 12 ft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 16 13 ft Planted 16 Atlantic White Cedar T 19 15 ft Planted 19 Atlantic White Cedar T 11 16 ft Planted 11 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 10 4 ft Volunteer 10 Wax Myrtle SH 19 5ft Volunteer 19 Wax Myrtle SH 17 6ft Volunteer 17 Wax Myrtle SH 8 7ft Volunteer 8 Wax Myrtle SH 2 8ft Volunteer 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 9ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Red Maple T 20 3 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 10 4 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 4 5ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 20 5ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 6ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 7ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 8ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 9ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 loft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 lift Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 7ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 15 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 5 6ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 10 7ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 58 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 580 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 60 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 600 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 119 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 237 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 1180 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF4 SPECIES STRATUM T SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Long Leaf Pine T 1 1 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 3 2ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 4 3ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 3 4ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 3 5ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 6 7 ft Planted 6 Long Leaf Pine T 4 8ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 3 9ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 4 loft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 3 lift Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 1 12 It Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 2 13 It Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 1 14 It Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 15 It Planted 1 Swamp Black Gum T 1 4ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 9ft Planted 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 2 3ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 2 4ft Volunteer 2 Red Bay SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 1 2ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 5ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 6ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 9ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 12 It Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 4 3ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 4 loft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 lift Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 41 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 410 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 7 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 70 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 29 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 77 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 480 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF5 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. VolunteerNumber of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T, SA, or SH Bald Cypress T 8 3 ft Planted 8 Bald Cypress T 23 4 ft Planted 23 Bald Cypress T 4 5ft Planted 4 Bald Cypress T 13 6 ft Planted 13 Bald Cypress T 5 7ft Planted 5 Bald Cypress T 1 8ft Planted 1 Highbush Blueberry SH 1 3ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 5ft Volunteer 1 Sweet Bay SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Groundsel Tree SH 3 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 50 1 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 15 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 7ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 8ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED OBSERVED DENSITY 54 (PLANTED SPECIES 540 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTALACCEPTABLE (ACCEPTABLE 3 30 VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL SINGLE VOLUNTEER UNACCEPTABLE 97 No VOLUNTEERS >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 154 570 (PER ACRE) BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF6 SPECIES STRATUM T SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Atlantic White Cedar T 4 4ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 10 5ft Planted 10 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 6ft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 7 7ft Planted 7 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 8ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 9 9ft Planted 9 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 loft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 7 lift Planted 7 Atlantic White Cedar T 7 12 It Planted 7 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 14 It Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 16 It Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 18 It Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 5 7ft Volunteer 5 Wax Myrtle SH 2 9ft Volunteer 2 Loblolly Pine T 6 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 8 5ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 6ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 7ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 8ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 9ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 loft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 lift Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 3 7ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 3 8ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 9ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 10 3 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 2 5ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 3 4ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 4 6ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 3 7ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 3 8ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 9ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 63 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 630 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 7 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 70 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 73 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 143 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 700 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF7 SPECIES STRATUM SA, or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Atlantic White Cedar T 1 3ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 4ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 6ft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 7ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 8ft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 7 9ft Planted 7 Atlantic White Cedar T 6 loft Planted 6 Atlantic White Cedar T 9 lift Planted 9 Atlantic White Cedar T 9 12 ft Planted 9 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 13 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 14 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 4 15 ft Planted 4 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 16 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 20 ft Planted 1 Sweet Bay T 3 3ft Planted 3 Sweet Bay T 3 4ft Planted 3 Sweet Bay T 2 5ft Planted 2 Sweet Bay T 1 6ft Planted 1 Loblolly Pine T 15 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 5ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 6ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 7ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 8ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 11 9ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 loft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 lift Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 GroundselTree SH 1 4ft Volunteer 0 GroundselTree SH 3 5ft Volunteer 0 GroundselTree SH 1 6ft Volunteer 0 GroundselTree SH 1 7ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 59 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 590 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 0 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 0 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 65 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 124 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 590 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF8 SPECIES STRATUM T, SA, or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Atlantic White Cedar T 1 6 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 7ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Atlantic White Cedar T 3 9 ft Planted 3 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 loft Planted 2 Atlantic White Cedar T 6 lift Planted 6 Atlantic White Cedar T 9 12 ft Planted 9 Atlantic White Cedar T 13 13 ft Planted 13 Atlantic White Cedar T 6 14 ft Planted 6 Atlantic White Cedar T 5 15 ft Planted 5 Atlantic White Cedar T 8 16 ft Planted 8 Atlantic White Cedar T 2 18 ft Planted 2 Americal Holly SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 10 2 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 15 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 7ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 15 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 30 2 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 6ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 14 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 140 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 0 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 0 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 78 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 92 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 140 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF9 SPECIES STRATUM T SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Long Leaf Pine T 11 1 ft Planted 11 Long Leaf Pine T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 4 3 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 1 4 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 2 5 ft Planted 2 Sweet Bay SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 2 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 loft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 13 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 9 2 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 9 3 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 3 4 ft Volunteer 0 Red Maple T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 2 3 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 3 5 ft Volunteer 0 Black Willow T 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 19 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 190 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 2 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 20 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 47 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 68 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 210 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF10 SPECIES STRATUM Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. VolunteerNumber of Individuals Species Counted toward Success Criteria T, SA, or SH Long Leaf Pine T 2 2 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 1 3 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 4 5ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 2 6ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 2 7ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 1 8 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 5 9 ft Planted 5 Long Leaf Pine T 2 loft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 2 11 ft Planted 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Bay T 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 4 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 loft Volunteer 0 OBSERVED DENSITY TOTAL PLANTED 21 (PLANTED SPECIES 210 SPECIES PER ACRE) OBSERVED DENSITY TOTALACCEPTABLE 2 (ACCEPTABLE 20 VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE 12 SINGLE VOLUNTEER No VOLUNTEERS >50% OF TOTAL (Y/N) TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 35 OBSERVED DENSITY 230 (PER ACRE) BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HFLI SPECIES STRATUM T, SA, or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Long Leaf Pine T 9 1 ft Planted 9 Long Leaf Pine T 4 2 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 7 3 ft Planted 7 Long Leaf Pine T 8 4 ft Planted 8 Long Leaf Pine T 1 5 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 3 6 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 1 7 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 loft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 1 11 ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 3 3 ft Volunteer 3 Loblolly Pine T 3 3 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 9 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 loft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 14 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 2 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 9 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 loft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 36 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 360 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 4 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 40 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 20 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 60 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 400 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF12 SPECIES STRATUM T SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Long Leaf Pine T 6 1 ft Planted 6 Long Leaf Pine T 2 2 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 10 3 ft Planted 10 Long Leaf Pine T 7 4ft Planted 7 Long Leaf Pine T 5 5ft Planted 5 Long Leaf Pine T 7 Eft Planted 7 Long Leaf Pine T 6 7ft Planted 6 Long Leaf Pine T 5 8ft Planted 5 Long Leaf Pine T 2 9ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 4 loft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 2 12 ft Planted 2 Loblolly Pine T 10 1 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 10 2ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 5ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 Eft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 7 7ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 12 8ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 11 9ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 5 loft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 lift Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 12ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 5 2ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 10 4ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 9 5ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 7ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 56 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 560 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 0 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 0 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 96 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50%OFTOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 152 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 560 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HE13 SPECIES STRATUM T SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Long Leaf Pine T 8 1 ft Planted 8 Long Leaf Pine T 5 2 ft Planted 5 Long Leaf Pine T 1 3ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 7 4ft Planted 7 Long Leaf Pine T 4 5ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 2 6ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 1 7ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 7 8ft Planted 7 Long Leaf Pine T 1 9 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 2 loft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 1 12 ft Planted 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 2ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 6ft Volunteer 1 Wax Myrtle SH 1 7ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 6 4ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 4 5ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 6ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 7ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 loft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 12 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 13 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 15 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 2 18 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 3 20 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 3ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 4ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 5ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 3 6ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 7ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree SH 1 8ft Volunteer 0 TOTALPLANTED SPECIES 39 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 390 TOTALACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 0 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 0 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 33 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 72 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 390 BACHELORS DELIGHT STREAM AND WETLAND MITIGATION BANK ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET - VEGETATION PLOTS Notes: All LMG plots are 0.10 Acres PLOT NUMBER HF14 SPECIES STRATUM T SA or SH Number of Individuals HEIGHT Planted vs. Volunteer Species Number of Individuals Counted toward Success Criteria Long Leaf Pine T 1 2 ft Planted 1 Long Leaf Pine T 2 3 ft Planted 2 Long Leaf Pine T 4 4 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 3 5 ft Planted 3 Long Leaf Pine T 7 6 ft Planted 7 Long Leaf Pine T 6 7 ft Planted 6 Long Leaf Pine T 9 8 ft Planted 9 Long Leaf Pine T 7 9 ft Planted 7 Long Leaf Pine T 4 loft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 4 11 ft Planted 4 Long Leaf Pine T 7 12 ft Planted 7 Long Leaf Pine T 2 13 ft Planted 2 Wax Myrtle SH 1 4 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 1 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 2 ft Volunteer 1 Red Bay SH 1 3 ft Volunteer 1 Loblolly Pine T 4 4 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 5 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 6 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 7 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 8 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 14 ft Volunteer 0 Loblolly Pine T 1 15 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree T 1 4 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree T 5 5 ft Volunteer 0 Groundsel Tree T 2 6 ft Volunteer 0 TOTAL PLANTED SPECIES 56 OBSERVED DENSITY (PLANTED SPECIES PER ACRE) 560 TOTAL ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 4 OBSERVED DENSITY (ACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEER SPECIES PER ACRE) 40 TOTAL UNACCEPTABLE VOLUNTEERS 18 SINGLE VOLUNTEER >50% OF TOTAL (YIN) No TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 78 OBSERVED DENSITY (PER ACRE) 600 APPENDIX C - PALMER HYDROLOGIC DROUGHT INDEX Palmer Hydrological Drought Index January, 2018 403 anal below IMMO Modwale Md- drougRl �ougt+l rarr� tn0� -3.00 -2.00 -1.99 .2.00 to 10 !0 b -393 -299 •1.99 .299 Palmer Hydrological Draught Index February, 2018 rs�s moss ® 1♦ 10 rano -399 aria e I r 400 -2.00 -1.99 .200 *3.00 .4.00 to to w w n ars -399 -2.99 •1.99 .299 =399 above Palmer Hydrological Drought Indy March, 2018 U - 1 am— ffi drW1 =— -400 -300 -2.06 -1.99 .2.00 aril to to to to Z -399 -2.94 +1.99 -2.99 Palmer Hydrological Drought Index April, 2018 M M .3.06 .4.00 q 8f0O +3.99 OM 400 -300 400 -1.94 +200 .5.06 .4.00 bekla - 99 - 99 •99 .294 -399 ab�r+e Palmer Hydrological Drought Index May, 2018 Met -um- a*dvW -4.00 -300 .2.06 -1.99 -2.0110 -3.00 A.00 !! 10 1.0 10 to 10 am 0614« -3-99 -2.99 +1.99 -299 3399 3b[7.'e Palmer Hydrological Drought Index June, 2018 -stmro&'reo "Up *No *OL 1 fro" M" MKO -4.00 -3-00 -2.00-1.99 -200 .3 -OD —.'00 1G Ard to 10 10 10 and bhp* 499 -2-49 .1.99 -299 -399 aw-e range Palmer Hydrological Drought Index July, 2018 R 0 -, - � t� � � t� t• -4.00 -300 -200 -i 43 +2.o0 •3.40 400 W4 to to to 10 to and WON -399 -294 9 ?? .294 *3.99 a" Palmer Hydrological Draught Index August, 2018 W. —W t� � ® I L _' t� t• -4.00 -.00 -2.00 -1.99 .2-00 400 +4.00 bW. -394 2" +1-0e 2W «ase a" Palmer Hydrological Drought index September, 2018 r -NNW ewe ffw- 4.00 -300 -2 0D -1.99 +2-00 +3.00 .400 and LD 16 0 v 06 and boos -399 -299 ?, .299 499 a*p Palmer Hydrological Drought index October, 2018 M -4 00 atd WON o mOdhraLe r -300 •2.00 -1-94 =2.00 -399 -2,44 .t,44 .� 9 0100 A00 a! and w9.99 AA9Mt Palmer Hydrological Drought Index November, 2018 ..kw dr0j" txtwxf4 df*4M urge MW moia M _ [ -'-7 M 400 -3 CEJ -200 -143 .200 .3.OD 400 artd to totQ b and kx+sw -3% -2 49 .1 CO .243 -344 ab" Palmer Hydrological Drought Index December, 2818 MMMMMMMM�__K ems— —MMO ff* *a!e - e y K4Ya tame Orou¢1tl b Ytrr3't Targe most me+st .400 -300 -200 -193 .2.00 x300 .400 and a3 to td to i} and WOW -399 -2" .143 -299 -399 ab" APPENDIX D - NC DROUGHT MONITORING MAPS North Carolina Division of Water Resources January 31, 2018 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 DO 20 D1 10 D2 D3 D4 0 North Carolina Division of Water Resources February 28, 2018 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 DO 20 D1 10 D2 D3 D4 0 North Carolina Division of Water Resources March 31, 2018 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 DO 20 D1 10 D2 D3 D4 0 North Carolina Division of Water Resources April 30, 2018 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 DO 20 D1 10 D2 D3 D4 0 North Carolina Division of Water Resources May 31, 2018 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 DO 20 D1 10 D2 D3 D4 0 North Carolina Division of Water Resources June 30, 2018 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 DO 20 D1 10 D2 D3 D4 n North Carolina Division of Water Resources July 31, 2018 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 DO 20 D1 10 D2 D3 D4 0 North Carolina Division of Water Resources August 31, 2018 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 DO 20 D1 10 D2 D3 D4 n North Carolina Division of Water Resources September 30, 2018 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 DO 20 D1 10 D2 D3 D4 0 North Carolina Division of Water Resources October 31, 2018 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 DO 20 D1 10 D2 D3 D4 0 North Carolina Division of Water Resources November 30, 2018 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 DO 20 D1 10 D2 D3 D4 n North Carolina Division of Water Resources December 31, 2018 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 DO 20 D1 10 D2 D3 D4 0 APPENDIX E - HYDROGRAPHS Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BD GW Gauges 1-4 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net L a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 0� NIZIr Ify 1�1' IV NV NV 10; MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 12 6 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 - -N ------------------------------------- �l- ---- t---,----- T-------- -42 — -- -- m N NO NCO �`a�, A, -IV-IV I.0 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SBD GW 1 (14E188A2) SBD GW 2 (14E164D4) BD GW 3 (14E19ECB) tBD GW 4 (14E1A314) 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BD GW A-18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BD GW Gauges 1-4 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net L a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 12 6 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------- --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -42 tBID GW 1 (14E188A2) tBID GW 2 (14E1 64D4) BD GW 3 (14E19ECB) tBD GW 4 (14E1A314) 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BD GW A-19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BD GW Gauges 1-4 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net L a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Hydrology Assessment September 2018 -------------------------------------------------------------F --- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- --- --------------- - - --------- - ------ --------------------------------- ------------ ------ ----------------- ------------------------------------ - --- - ----- ------------ - ------------------------- ----------- Ib ���\J\ J\ J\ '3PJ� "oPJ� ��'eJ� `fyeJ� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 12 6 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 Ib 3 ,J� ,J� hPJ� oPJ� hPJ� oPJ� hPJ� oPJ� ���Q, ���Q, tBD GW 1 (14E188A2) tBD GW 2 (14E164D4) BD GW 3 (14E19ECB) tBD GW 4 (14E1A314) 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 12 in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BD GW A-20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BD GW Gauges 1-4 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net L a Hydrology Assessment 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 December 2018 N NO 1Ib NCO NIb NCO NCO MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 12 6 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. '0 OG'l. tBD GW 1 (14E188A2) tBD GW 2 (14E164D4) BD GW 3 (14E19ECB) tBD GW 4 (14E1A314) 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2i below surface WKOAJ Raingauge Slide BD GW A-21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) *BD GW 6 malfunction - data gap 1/30/18 to 3/13/18 Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BD GW Gauges 5-8 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a ;L] 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 12 6 0 6 - - - -- - - -- - -- - -- -- - - -- - -- - - -- -- - -12 -18 -24 -30 -------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -36 -42 - k -0 M - 0 1 -IV 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 tBD GW 5 (14E1AD65) tBD GW 6 (14E164FE) BD GW 7 (14E15447) tBD GW 8 (14E173FA) 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BD GW B-18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) *BD GW 6 malfunction - data gap 5/9/18 to 8/1/18 Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BD GW Gauges 5-8 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a L 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Hydrology Assessment MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30%_— I z 0%— June 2018 IL 6 0 6-- - -- -- -- -- ---------- - - ------ ------ - -- - - -- -12 -18 - 9N -------- - 7 -24 -------------------------- ------ ------------------------ -30 --------------------------------------- ------ - ------------------ -36 ----------------- ------------------- -42 IL PQM' PQM' N , PQM' �'v tBD GW 5 (14E1AD65) tBD GW 6 (14E164FE) BD GW 7 (14E15447) tBD GW 8 (14E173FA) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BD GW B-19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) *BD GW 6 malfunction - data gap 5/9/18 to 8/1/18 Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BD GW Gauges 5-8 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a L 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Hydrology Assessment MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30%_- 6 0%- September 2018 6 ------------------ ----------------------------------------- 0 6 -------------- ---------- -- ----- - --------------- ---- -12 -18 ------------- ---------------------- -24 --------- ----------------------------- - - ----------------- -30 ------- --------------------- -36 ------ --- -- ------------ -42 3 ,J� 3 hPJ� �oPJ� PJ� �oPJ� PJ� �oPJ� ���Q, C���Q, tBD GW 5 (14E1AD65) tBD GW 6 (14E164FE) BD GW 7 (14E15447) tBD GW 8 (14E173FA) 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 12 in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BD GW B-20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BD GW Gauges 5-8 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a L 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Hydrology Assessment December 2018 N NO 1Ib NCO NIb NCO NCO MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% IL 6 0 6 ------------------------- - -12 -18 --------------------- - --------------------------------------------- -24 - -------------- --- ---------------------------------------------- -30 - --------- - ---- ---- ----------------------------------------- -36 --------- ---- --------------------- --------------- -42 OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. ��J ��J ��J ��J ��J ��J OCG OCG OeG OCG OCG OCG tBD GW 5 (14E1AD65) tBD GW 6 (14E164FE) BD GW 7 (14E15447) tBD GW 8 (14E173FA) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2i below surface WKOAJ Raingauge Slide BD GW B-21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BD Reference Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 17, O t 6 V c o Z a� J -6 L M -12 a� L) -18 L N -24 a O O -30 U -36 Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' I fy 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 F�$ SBD REF 1A (11313B84) SBD REF 1B (1130E0D6) BD REF 1 C (1130D1 E4) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BD REF 21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BD Reference Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 17, Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------- --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% V c 0 Z a� 4: 1 -12 - a� L) -18 ----------------------------------------------------------------- --- a 0 -30 ----------------- ------------------- c� -36 Ib 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Ib Ib Ib Ib Ib Ib 16 16 16 16 SBD REF 1A (11313B84) SBD REF 1B (1130E0D6) BD REF 1 C (1130D1 E4) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 C7 4 O 3 2 1 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BD REF 22 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BD Reference Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 174 N O s 6 v c 0 O J -6 L M -12 -18 L _ N -24 O O -30 U -36 Hydrology Assessment MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% September 2018 16 14 12 10 n 8 O. 6 4 2 0 C�Q ��eQ ��eQ ti ti 3 � ti ti =13D REF 1A (113131384) SBD REF 1B (1130E0D6) BD REF 1 C (1130D1 E4) 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BD REF 23 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BD Reference Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 17, -36 OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. O0' OG'l. O0' \OJ \�J \�J \�J \�J \�J OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG Cp' `' `Cp' �� 1Cp' SBD REF 1A (11313B84) SBD REF 1B (1130E0D6) BD REF 1 C (1130D1 E4) 12in below surface Hydrology Assessment December 2018 O�� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- O t 6 V c o Z a� -------------- J -6 L M -12 a� L) -18 L ------- 7 ----------- --------- ------------------------------------------- N -24 a -------------------- I ------- Ll I --- I - I ----- I O O -30 U L -IL L AU 8 7 6 5 O C7 4 O 3 2 1 0 WKOAJ Raingauge Slide BD REF 24 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BD2 Zero Order Gauges - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 174 N O s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L _ N -24 a O O -30 U Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 — — -- -- — — �a� F�,�, 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 BD2 ZOA A (14E1ABF5) =tBD2 ZOA B (14E1A159) BD2 ZOA C (14E1600B) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BD2 ZOA 18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BD2 Zero Order Gauges - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 7:I WE N s 6 c o J -6 12 -18 L _ N -24 O O -30 U -36 BD2 ZOA A (14E1ABF5) =t=BD2 ZOA B (14E1A159) BD2 ZOA C (14E1600B) 12in below surface Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 8 7 6 5 O 4 W o' 3 2 1 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BD2 ZOA 19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BD2 Zero Order Gauges - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a Hydrology Assessment 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 September 2018 N�J\ MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 7i N O s 6 v c 0 O J -6 L M -12 -18 L _ N -24 O O -30 U -36 — — — - - ��J\ �� �J\ �ro�J\ �� �J\ �ro�J\ �� �J\ �PJ� �oP�� ��P�� �o0 ��PJ� �oPJ� �`��� ��`��� -C�`��� 11��`��� 11�`��� BD2 ZOA A (14E1ABF5) BD2 ZOA B (14E1A159) BD2 ZOA C (14E1600B) 12in below surface 16 14 12 10 n 8 O. 6 4 2 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BD2 ZOA 20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BD2 Zero Order Gauges - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 17, Hydrology Assessment December 2018 O�� O O O�� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% V c 0 Z a� L M -12 a� V-18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- --- ------------------------------------------------- w a 0 -30 ------------------- --------- - U -36 OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. \OJ \�J \�J \�J \�J \�J OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG BD2 ZOA A (14E1ABF5) =t=BD2 ZOA B (14E1A159) BD2 ZOA C (14E1600B) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 CD 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 WKOAJ Raingauge Slide BD2 ZOA 21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDN Riparian Gauge 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 im N s 6 _ �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 a _ O -30 U Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 ,110' ��' Leo' ��' v ,`p' `t�' gyp' �t�' 1' -IV-11' I.0 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -0 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 BDN RIP 1 (14E1AC10) 12in below surface Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net IMKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDN RIP 18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDN Riparian Gauge 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Im N s 6 _ �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 _ O -30 U Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ----------------------------------------------i-l- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ld ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 BDN RIP 1 (14E1AC10) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -0 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDN RIP 19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDN Riparian Gauge 1 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 im N s 6 _ �• 0 J -6 M -12 -18 L N -24 a _ O -30 U Ors Hydrology Assessment September 2018 ---- -------------- --------------- F --- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ J\ J\ J\ '3PJ� "oPJ� ��'eJ� `fyeJ� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% Mr.■ N, J\ V3 �_'I 'I mBDN RIP 1 (14E1AC10) 12in below surface W MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDN RIP 20 16 ----L14 12 10 n a d o' 6 .-. 4 2 N, J\ V3 �_'I 'I mBDN RIP 1 (14E1AC10) 12in below surface W MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDN RIP 20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDN Riparian Gauge 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Im N s 6 _ �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 a _ O -30 U Hydrology Assessment December 2018 O�� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -0 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 �PG'` oG'` pPG'` 0�p, BDN RIP 1 (14E1AC10) 12in below surface WKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDN RIP 21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDN Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 im N s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L N -24 a c C -30 c� Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 _ _ — _ _ – – _ _ N 1O NCO 1Ib <<Z Fz F�� mac, moo, mac, -I -IV I ti BDN ZOA 1A (14E19748) BDN ZOA 1B (14E1ABD0) BDN ZOA 1C (14E1786A) 1 2i below surface 8 7 6 5 CD _n 4 O 3 2 1 0 IMKOAJ Raingauge I Slide BDN ZOA A-18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDN Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Im N s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L N -24 a c C -30 c� Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 0P �PQ�' �`��OL�L�O�e���a� ���a� ���a� ���a� ���a� ���� No��� FB��BDN ZOA 1A (14E19748) BDN ZOA 1B (14E1ABD0) DN ZOA 1C (14E1786A) 1 2i below surface 8 7 6 5 CD _n 4 O 3 2 1 0 �KOAJ Raingauge Slide BDN ZOA A-19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDN Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Hydrology Assessment September 2018 ------------------------- ----------- F ----------- --- --------------- - - --------- - ------ --------------------------------- ----------- -------- ------ ------ N t 6 v c o Z J -6 L M -12 a� L) -18 L to -24 c C -30 c� W. '3 '�, ,J� ':f �oPJ� PJ� �oPJ� J� �oPJ� BDN ZOA 1A (14E19748) BDN ZOA 1B (14E1ABD0) BDN ZOA 1C (14E1786A) 1 2i below surface 16 14 12 10 n 8 O. 6 4 2 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDN ZOA A-20 J\ J\ J\ '3PJ� "oPJ� N t 6 v c o Z J -6 L M -12 a� L) -18 L to -24 c C -30 c� W. '3 '�, ,J� ':f �oPJ� PJ� �oPJ� J� �oPJ� BDN ZOA 1A (14E19748) BDN ZOA 1B (14E1ABD0) BDN ZOA 1C (14E1786A) 1 2i below surface 16 14 12 10 n 8 O. 6 4 2 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDN ZOA A-20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDN Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Im N s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L N -24 a c C -30 c� Hydrology Assessment December 2018 O�� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. O0' OG'l. OG'l. \OJ \�J \�J \�J \�J \�J OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG BDN ZOA 1A (14E19748) BDN ZOA 1B (14E1ABD0) BDN ZOA 1C (14E1786A) 1 2i below surface 8 7 6 5 CD _n 4 O 3 2 1 0 WKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDN ZOA A-21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDN Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 2 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 12 N O C 0 L -12 -18 L a O -30 -------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------ O c� -36 ��� o' �a� �a� �a�, �a� �a�. �a� V ,moo' 1`1 Iti� It -I -IV i 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 =BDN ZOA 2A (14E1973A) =BDN ZOA 213 (14E13E27) BDN ZOA 2C (14E19656) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDN ZOA B-18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDN Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 2 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 im N s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L _ N -24 a -30 U 36 Hydrology Assessment MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% June 2018 8 7 6 5 CD _n 4 O 3 2 1 0 �`��OL�L�O�e���a� ���a� ���a� ���a� ���a� ���� No��� FB�BDN ZOA 2A (14E1973A) =BDN ZOA 2B (14E13E27) DN ZOA 2C (14E19656) 12in below surface �KOAJ Raingauge Slide BDN ZOA B-19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDN Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 2 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% im N s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L _ N -24 a -30 U -36 — - - =BDN ZOA 2A (14E1973A) =BDN ZOA 213 (14E13E27) BDN ZOA 2C (14E19656) 12in below surface September 2018 16 14 12 10 n 8 O. 6 4 2 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDN ZOA B-20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDN Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 2 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 M t 6 V c o Z J -6 L M -12 -18 L _ N -24 a -30 U Hydrology Assessment December 2018 N NO NIb NCO NIb NCO NCO MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 _ — - �� N NIb NIb NIb NIb NIb NIb NIb NCO N16 NIb NIb OGti O0OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. \OJ \�J \�J \�J \�J \�J OCG OCG OeG OCG OCG OCG FBDN ZOA 2A (14E1973A) =BDN ZOA 213 (14E13E27) BDN ZOA 2C (14E19656) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 CD _n 4 O 3 2 1 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDN ZOA B-21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDN Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 4 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 im N s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L N -24 c C -30 c� W. Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% Z z moo, V 1`111 Ify Nti -IV i 8 7 6 5 CD 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 BDN ZOA 4A (14E18BA2) =t=BDN ZOA 413 (14E173EC) BDN ZOA 4C (14E19664) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDN ZOA D-18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDN Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 4 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 im N s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L N -24 c C -30 c� W. Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------- --- -- --- ---------- --------------------- ----------- ----- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- + + KOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 8 7 6 5 CD 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 FB DN ZOA 4A (14E18BA2) BDN ZOA 4B (14E173EC)DNZOA4C(14E19664) 12in below surface OAJ Raingauge Slide BDN ZOA D-19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) BDN ZOA 413 malfunction, data gap 8-13 to 9-30 Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDN Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 4 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Hydrology Assessment September 2018 ---- -------------- --------------- F --- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ J\ J\ J\ '3PJ� "oPJ� ��'eJ� `fyeJ� �+ W KOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% +H++ + ++ ++ 12 N s 6 c �• 0 J -6 L -12 -18 N -24 c -30 0 L ;L] -36-- — - - N, ��J\ �3 V3 '3 �ro\ 'J\ ':PJc" "ZeJ(2� BDN ZOA 4A (14E18BA2) BDN ZOA 4B (14E173EC) BDN ZOA 4C (14E19664) 12in below surface 16 14 12 10 n $ o' 6 4 2 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDN ZOA D-20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDN Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 4 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 im N t 6 v c o J -6 L M -12 a� L) -18 L N -24 c C -30 c� W. Hydrology Assessment December 2018 O�� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% i+ +, +. 8 7 6 5 CD 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 OG'l. OGS OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. BDN ZOA 4A (14E18BA2) =tzBDN ZOA 413 (14E173EC) BDN ZOA 4C (14E19664) 12in below surface WKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDN ZOA D-21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDS Riparian Gauge 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 im N s 6 _ �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 a _ O -30 U Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 ,110' ��' Leo' ��' v ,`p' `t�' gyp' �t�' 1' -IV-11' I.0 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -0 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 BDS RIP 1 (14E153C4) 12in below surface Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net IMKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDS RIP 18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDS Riparian Gauge 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Im N s 6 _ �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 _ O -30 U Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ----------------------------------------------i-l- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 BDS RIP 1 (14E153C4) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -0 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDS RIP 19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDS Riparian Gauge 1 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 im N s 6 _ �• 0 J -6 M -12 -18 L N -24 a _ O -30 U Hydrology Assessment September 2018 ---- -------------- --------------- F --- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ J\ J\ J\ '3PJ� "oPJ� ��'eJ� `fyeJ� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 36 mBDS RIP 1 (14E153C4) 12in below surface 16 14 12 10 n 8 d o' 6 4 2 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDS RIP 20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDS Riparian Gauge 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Im N s 6 _ �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 a _ O -30 U Hydrology Assessment December 2018 O�� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -0 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 �PG'` oG'` pPG'` 0�p, BDS RIP 1 (14E153C4) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDS RIP 21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDS Stream Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 80 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am a LM 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 36 30 24 18 12 --------- ------------ --------------------------------------------- 6------------------ - ---------------- - - - - -- ---- 0 -- - -- 6- ------------------------------------ ------------------------ -12 -18 -------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -24-------------------- ------------------------------------------------ -30-------------------- -36 <Z<Z<Z ��- 6 5 4 CD 0 -0 3 CF O 2 1 0 BDS SG 1 (14E1ABEC) =t=BDS SG 2 (14E1962C) Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDS SG 18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDS Stream Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 80 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a LM 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 36 30 24 18 12 6 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% BDS SG 1 (14E1ABEC) =t=BDS SG 2 (14E1962C) 6 5 4 CD 0 3 C� 2 1 0 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDS SG 19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record - Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDS Stream Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 80 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am (L 4] 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 36 30 24 18 12 6 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 Hydrology Assessment September 2018 "'C Q, ���Q, ��C-0 P, L� C pp 4 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% + 12 10 8 CD 0 6 CF O 4 2 0 Ib hPJc" '2� '2� Land Management Group =t=BDS SG 1 (14E1ABEC) BDS SG 2 (14E1962C) www.lmgroup.net 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDS SG 20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDS Stream Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 80 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a LM 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 36 30 24 18 12 6 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 Hydrology Assessment December 2018 O�� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% OG'l. OGS OGS OGS OGS OGS OG'l. ��J ��J ��J ��J ��J ��J OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG BDS SG 1 (14E1ABEC) =t=BDS SG 2 (14E1962C) 6 5 4 CD 3 C� 2 1 0 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDS SG 21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDS Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 im N s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L N -24 a c C -30 c� Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 _ _ — _ _ – – _ _ N 1O NCO 1Ib <<Z Fz F�� mac, moo, mac, -I -I- I ti BDS ZOA 1A (14E1A283) BDS ZOA 1B (14E14242) BDS ZOA 1C (14E188130) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 4 O 3 2 1 0 IMKOAJ Raingauge I Slide BDS ZOA 18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDS Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Im Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% N v c 0 J-6 - ----- -- - --- - --- --- -- ------ - - -- ---- L M -12 - V-18 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cv L a c O-30 ------------------------------------ ------ - ------------------------- 0 EMO c� -36 FB��DS ZOA 1A (14E1A283) BDS ZOA 1B (14E14242) DS ZOA 1C (14E188130) 1 2i below surface 8 7 6 5 O _n -' 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 �KOAJ Raingauge Slide BDS ZOA 19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDS Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a Hydrology Assessment 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 September 2018 NI' Ncy MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 12 N s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L N -24 a c C -30 c� -36 hPJCS, �oPJCS, 0; 0; BDS ZOA 1A (14E1A283) BDS ZOA 1B (14E14242) BDS ZOA 1C (14E188130) 12in below surface 16 14 12 10 n 8 O. 6 4 2 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDS ZOA 20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - BDS Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Im N t 6 v c o Z J -6 L M -12 a� L) -18 L N -24 c C -30 c� Hydrology Assessment December 2018 N NO NIb NCO NIb NCO NCO MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 N 1O NIb NIb NIb NIb NIb NIb NCO N16 NCO N16 OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. \OJ \�J \�J \�J \�J \�J OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG BDS ZOA 1A (14E1A283) BDS ZOA 1B (14E14242) BDS ZOA 1C (14E188130) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 4 O 3 2 1 0 WKOAJ Raingauge Slide BDS ZOA 21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Reference Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 174 N O s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L _ N -24 a O O -30 U -36 Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' I fy 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 F�$ SHE REF 1A (14E181394) SHE REF 113 (1130DlCl) HE REF 1C (1131382D) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE REF A - 21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Reference Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 7: Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% N v c 0 M -12 -18 L a 0 -30 ----------------- ------------------- c� -36 SHE REF 1A (14E181394) SHE REF 113 (1130DlCl) HE REF 1C (1131382D) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 C7 4 O 3 2 1 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE REF A - 22 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Reference Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Hydrology Assessment September 2018 -------------------------------------------------------------F --- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ - ��. N� mKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 7i s6 ------------------ ---------------------------------- ------ ---- c.> c 0 z > M -12 - - V-18 -------- - --------------------------------------- ----------- w 0 -30 ------------------ c� -36 ' 10. j - -11b Ib SHE REF 1A (14E181394) SHE REF 113 (1130DlCl) HE REF 1C (1131382D) 12in below surface 16 14 12 10 n 8 d o' 6 4 2 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE REF A - 23 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Reference Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 17, Hydrology Assessment December 2018 N NO 1Ib NCO NIb NCO NCO MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% V c 0 Z -'Ir a� J-6- --- -------- ------------ > "IL M -12 a� L) -18 L a 0 -30 ------------------- U -36 OG'l. OG'l. � OG'l. OG'l. O0' OG'l. O0' \OJ \�J \�J \�J \�J \�J OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG Cp' ``Cp' �� 1C1 �� h -11z ,\ -1: gyp•\ ��, gyp,\ h gyp, �� gyp, ti� gyp, SHE REF 1A (14E181394) SHE REF 113 (1130DlCl) HE REF 1C (1131382D) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 C7 4 O 3 2 1 0 WKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE REF A - 24 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Reference Gauges @ Transect 2 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 17, O t 6 V c o Z a� J -6 L M -12 a� L) -18 L N -24 a O O -30 U Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' I fy 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 — -- -- �a�F�$ 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 SHE REF 2A (14E1AD73) SHE REF 213 (14E15738) HE REF 2C (EBD919A) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE REF B - 21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Reference Gauges @ Transect 2 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 174 O t 6 V c o Z a� J -6 L M -12 a� L) -18 L N -24 a O O -30 U Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 _ 10 �PQ�' �`P�`' SHE REF 2A (14E1AD73) SHE REF 213 (14E15738) HE REF 2C (EBD919A) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 O C7 4 O. 3 2 1 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE REF B - 22 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Reference Gauges @ Transect 2 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 17, O t 6 V c o O J -6 L M -12 a� L) -18 L N -24 O O -30 U Hydrology Assessment September 2018 �� �� �� Is, ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ,J\,J� ,J� ,J� ,J� ,J� J°� J°� J°� J°� J°� J°� �Q, �Q, �Q, �Q, �Q, �Q, NpI' Ncy 11p, + MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% +4+� -36 — — — – – N "J\ SHE REF 2A (14E1AD73) SHE REF 213 (14E15738) HE REF 2C (EBD919A) 12in below surface 16 14 12 10 n 8 O. 6 4 2 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE REF B - 23 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) *HE REF 2A malfunction - data gap 11/9/18 to 12/31/18 Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Reference Gauges @ Transect 2 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 17, -36 OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. \OJ \�J \�J \�J \�J \�J OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG Cp' `' `Cp' �� �Cp' SHE REF 2A (14E1AD73) SHE REF 213 (14E15738) HE REF 2C (EBD919A) 12in below surface Hydrology Assessment December 2018 O�� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- O t 6 V 0 Z a� J -6 L M -12 a� L) -18 L ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- N -24 a -------------------- I ------- LI I --- I - I ----- O O -30 U L -IL L AU 8 7 6 5 O C7 4 O 3 2 1 0 WKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE REF B - 24 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Reference Gauges @ Transect 3 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 174 N O s 6 v c 0 J -6 L M -12 -18 L _ N -24 a O O -30 U -36 Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' I fy 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 F�$ SHE REF 3A (14E1A291) SHE REF 313 (EBD390A) HE REF 3C (11311A04) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE REF C - 21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Reference Gauges @ Transect 3 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 7: N O s 6 v c 0 J -6 L M -12 -18 L _ N -24 a O O -30 U Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 _ SHE REF 3A (14E1A291) SHE REF 313 (EBD390A) HE REF 3C (11311A04) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 O C7 4 O 3 2 1 0 MKOA I Raingauge Slide HE REF C - 22 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Reference Gauges @ Transect 3 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net Hydrology Assessment a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 7i N O s 6 v c 0 O J -6 L M -12 -18 L _ N -24 O O -30 U September 2018 -36 — — — - - ��o �oPJ� �`��� �`��� `��� `��� 4. SHE REF 3A (14E1A291) SHE REF 313 (EBD390A) HE REF 3C (11311A04) 12in below surface 16 14 12 10 n 8 O. 6 4 2 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE REF C - 23 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Reference Gauges @ Transect 3 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 17, Hydrology Assessment December 2018 N NO 1Ib NCO NIb NCO NCO MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% t6 ------------------------------ -------------------- -4411trk- .9 --- V 0 L Pt Z a� L a) 12 a� L) -18 L a 0 -30 --------- -- ------------------- --- L ------------ 0 -36 OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. O0' OG'l. O0' \OJ \�J \�J \�J \�J \�J OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG Cp' `' `Cp' �� 1 C1 �� h -1p,\ -� IV '�( gyp,\ h NQ( Nb gyp, ti� gyp, SHE REF 3A (14E1A291) SHE REF 313 (EBD390A) HE REF 3C (11311A04) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 C7 4 O 3 2 1 0 WKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE REF C - 24 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Reference Gauges @ Transect 4 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' I fy 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 — — — -- -- — — — �a� 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 SHE REF 4A (14E16337) SHE REF 413 (1130DlCA) HE REF 4C (14E19637) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE REF D - 26 12 N O s 6 v c .... 0 O 12 -18 L _ N -24 a O O -30 V -36 — — — -- -- — — — �a� 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 SHE REF 4A (14E16337) SHE REF 413 (1130DlCA) HE REF 4C (14E19637) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE REF D - 26 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Reference Gauges @ Transect 4 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 17, Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —7021 6 - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - --- - - - - -- - - - ------ - - -- 0 a� a MMhdl -12 a) V -18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------ - - - - -- --- - w a 0 -30 ------------------------------------ c� -36 Ib "b N16 N16 16 16 -116 -116 10 SHE REF 4A (14E16337) SHE REF 413 (1130DlCA) HE REF 4C (14E19637) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 CD C7 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE REF D - 27 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Reference Gauges @ Transect 4 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net 0. 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 7 O t 6 V c o Z a� J -6 L M -12 a� L) -18 L N -24 O O -30 U W. Hydrology Assessment September 2018 ------------------------- ----------- F ----------- --- --------------- - - --------- - ------ --------------------------------- ----------- -------- ------ ------ FMKOAJ Rainnaune —90 day total 30% —70% SHE REF 4A (14E16337) SHE REF 413 (1130DlCA) HE REF 4C (14E19637) 12in below surface 16 14 12 10 n 8 O. 6 4 2 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE REF D - 28 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Reference Gauges @ Transect 4 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 7i O t 6 V c o Z a� J -6 L M -12 a� L) -18 L N -24 a O O -30 U Hydrology Assessment December 2018 N NO 1Ib NCO NIb NCO NCO MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% k -36 _ OG'l. OG'l. � OG'l. OG'l. O0' OG'l. O0' \OJ \�J \�J \�J \�J \�J OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG Cp' ``Cp' �� 1C1 �� h -11z ,\ -1: gyp•\ ��, gyp,\ h gyp, �� gyp, ti� gyp, SHE REF 4A (14E16337) SHE REF 413 (1130DlCA) HE REF 4C (14E19637) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 O C7 4 O 3 2 1 0 WKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE REF D - 29 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Riparian Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1` N s 6 c �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 a c -30 c� Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 �a� �a� �a� �a� FFFFF�`�`a�, `co' ��' Leo' ��' t�' `p' `t�' gyp' �t�' 1' `� `1' �� SHE RIP 1 (14E19BFQ =HE RIP 2 (14E16521) 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -0 4 CF O 3 2 1 0 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE RIP -18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Riparian Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1` N s 6 c �• 0 J 6 12 18 L N -24 a c -30 c� Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ----------------------------------------------i-l- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ld ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 0P �P�NPQ� SHE RIP 1 (14E19BFQ =HE RIP 2 (14E16521) 8 7 6 5 CD 4 C� 3 2 1 0 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE RIP -19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record - Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Riparian Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net 60 55 50 a 45 d s 40 S 35 C c 30 25 'a d 20 a 15 10 5 0 Ap IL 6 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 36 Hydrology Assessment MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% SHE RIP 1 (14E19BFQ SHE RIP 2 (14E16521) September 2018 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE RIP -20 CD 0 -' O Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Riparian Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1` N s 6 c �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 a c -30 c� Hydrology Assessment December 2018 O�� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 OG'l. 'P OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. \OJ \�J \�J \�J \�J \�J OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG N v `' `v '7 , , SHE RIP 1 (14E19BFQ =HE RIP 2 (14E16521) 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -' 4 CF O 3 2 1 0 1 2i below surface WKOAJ Raingauge Slide HE RIP -21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Stream Gauges 1, 2 & - Ecotone WM 40 & 80 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day mat 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1` N s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L N -24 a c C -30 c� Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 - – _ --- –� <<Z Fz� �`�� 1' -IV-IV I� SHE SG 1 (14E17408) SHE SG 2 (14E181386) HE SG 3 (14E194BB) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge 8 7 6 5 CD C7 4 O 3 2 1 0 Slide HE SG -18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Stream Gauges 1, 2 & - Ecotone WM 40 & 80 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day mat 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1` N s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L N -24 a c C -30 c� Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 F HE SG 1 (14E17408) SHE SG 2 (14E181386) HE SG 3 (14E194BB) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 CD C7 4 O 3 2 1 0 �KOAJ Raingauge Slide HE SG -19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Stream Gauges 1, 2 & - Ecotone WM 40 & 80 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day mat 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1` N s 6 v c 0 J -6 L M -12 -18 7 N -24 a c C -30 c� Hydrology Assessment September 2018 ---- -------------- --------------- F --- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ J°� J°� J°� J°� J°� J°� Q, �Q, �Q, �Q, �Q, ,Q, �Q. �pQ' ��P '6'0 Lie. 3�e p'C��C� �p`� `4 Lp`� `� mKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% + - + -[!� I -t- - - - - - - - - \ �4� ----------------- I ------------------ -36 '3 3�\ SHE SG 1 (14E17408) SHE SG 2 (14E181386) HE SG 3 (14E194BB) 12in below surface 16 14 12 10 n 8 O. 6 4 v 2 0 IMKOAJ Raingauge I Slide HE SG -20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HE Stream Gauges 1, 2 & - Ecotone WM 40 & 80 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day mat 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1` N s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L N -24 a c C -30 c� Hydrology Assessment December 2018 O�� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 8 7 6 5 CD C7 4 O 3 2 1 0 C� o(� o0� o�� o(� o�� o� N 0' ��' N Lam' 1L1 ��' t�' `Q' `t� �Q' �t� �Q' t� ,`Q' 11: Ify SHE SG 1 (14E17408) SHE SG 2 (14E181386) HE SG 3 (14E194BB) 12in below surface IMKOAJ Raingauge I Slide HE SG -20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HM Riparian Gauge 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day �, at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1` N s 6 c �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 c O -30 C7 Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 V `p' `t�' gyp' �t�' I; 1' -IV-11' FHM RIP 1 (14E1796C) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -0 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 Slide HM RIP -18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HM Riparian Gauge 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day �, at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1` N s 6 c �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 c O -30 C7 Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ----------------------------------------------i-l- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 ' – _ m FHM RIP 1 (14E1796C) 1 2i below surface 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -0 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HM RIP -19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HM Riparian Gauge 1 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day �, at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1` N s 6 c �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 c O -30 C7 Hydrology Assessment September 2018 ---- -------------- --------------- F --- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ mKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 FHM RIP 1 (14E1796C) 1 2i below surface 16 14 12 10 n 8 d o' 6 4 2 0 IMKOAJ Raingauge I Slide HM RIP -20 FHM RIP 1 (14E1796C) 1 2i below surface 16 14 12 10 n 8 d o' 6 4 2 0 IMKOAJ Raingauge I Slide HM RIP -20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HM Riparian Gauge 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day �, at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1` N s 6 c �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 c O -30 C7 Hydrology Assessment December 2018 O�� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 ' — _ _ _ -- _ _ __ _ - -. O� O0� O� O� O0 O� O� FHM RIP 1 (14E1796C) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -0 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 IMKOAJ Raingauge I Slide HM RIP -21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HM Stream Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 40 & 80 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day �, at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1` N s 6 c �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 c O -30 C7 Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 ' - – –_ -- V `p' `t�' gyp' �t�' I; 1' -IV-IV i =HM SG 1 (14E1608A) =HM SG 2 (14E14306) 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -0 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 Slide HM SG -18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HM Stream Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 40 & 80 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day �, at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1` N s 6 c �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 c O -30 C7 Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 ' _ FHM SG 1 (14E1608A) FHM SG 2 (14E14306) 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -0 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HM SG -19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record - Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HM Stream Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 40 & 80 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day �, at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a Hydrology Assessment 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 12 N s 6 c �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 c O -30 C7 September 2018 -36 FHM SG 1 (14E1608A) FHM SG 2 (14E14306) 16 14 12 10 n 8 d o' 6 4 2 0 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HM SG -20 FHM SG 1 (14E1608A) FHM SG 2 (14E14306) 16 14 12 10 n 8 d o' 6 4 2 0 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HM SG -20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) HM SG 2 malfunction, data gap 10/17 to 11/7 and 11/25 to 12/31 Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HM Stream Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 40 & 80 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day �, at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1` N s 6 c �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 c O -30 C7 Hydrology Assessment December 2018 O�� FKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 _ _ _ — - _ _ _ _ _ -ELM 'P O�� OOO�� =HM SG 1 (14E1608A) =HM SG 2 (14E14306) 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -0 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HM SG -21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HM Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 17, O t 6 V c o Z a� J -6 L M -12 a� L) -18 L N -24 a O O -30 U Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 — -- -- �a�F�$ 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 FHM ZOA 1A (14E1A14B) FHM ZOA 113 (14E1A1C9) HM ZOA 1C (14E17413) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HM ZOA A-18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HM Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 17, O t 6 V c o Z a� J -6 L M -12 a� L) -18 L N -24 a O O -30 U Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% :a -36 _ 10 �PQ�' �`��OL�L�O�e���a� ���a� ���a� ���a� ���a� ���� No��� FHM ZOA 1A (14E1A1413) FHM ZOA 113 (14E1A1C9) HM ZOA 1C (14E17413) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HM ZOA A-19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HM Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 174 N O s 6 v c 0 J -6 L M -12 -18 L _ N -24 O O -30 U Hydrology Assessment MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% --------------------- ----- September 2018 -36 — — — - - �,�� hPJ� oP�� hP�� oPJ� hPJ� oPJ� ���Q, ���Q, ti ti 3 ti ti FHM ZOA 1A (14E1A1413) FHM ZOA 113 (14E1A1C9) HM ZOA 1C (14E17413) 12in below surface 16 14 12 10 n 8 O. 6 4 2 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HM ZOA A-20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HM Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 17, O t 6 V c o Z a� J -6 L M -12 a� L) -18 L N -24 a O O -30 U Hydrology Assessment December 2018 O�� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 _ OG'l. OG\. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. �OJ ��J A J ����J ��J OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG FHM ZOA 1A (14E1A14B) FHM ZOA 113 (14E1A1C9) HM ZOA 1C (14E17413) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 WKOAJ Raingauge Slide HM ZOA A-21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Reference Gauges 1A, 1B,&1C - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 174 N O s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L _ N -24 a O O -30 U Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' I fy 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% .T i -36 – -- -- �a� F�,�, 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 =tHU REF 1A (11313CF3) =tHU REF 113 (1131317E) HU REF 1C (11310FB7) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU REF -21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Reference Gauges 1A, 1B,&1C - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 17, Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% V c 0 a� a� i-6 - -- - - -- -- - - -- ---- ---- - ---- - M -12 m V -18 ----------------------------------- --------------------------- w a 0 -30 ----------------- ------------------- U -36 �HU REF 1A (11313CF3) =t:HU REF 113 (1131317E) HU REF 1C (11310FB7) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 CD C7 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU REF -22 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Reference Gauges 1A, 1B,&1C - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 7i N O s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L _ N -24 O O -30 U W. Hydrology Assessment September 2018 ---- -------------- --------------- F --- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ mKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 16 14 12 10 n 8 O. 6 4 2 0 =tHU REF 1A (11313CF3) =tHU REF 113 (1131317E) HU REF 1C (11310FB7) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU REF -23 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) *HU REF 1C malfunction - data gap 11/5 to 12/31 Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Reference Gauges 1A, 1B,&1C - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 7: N O s 6 v c 0 J -6 L M -12 -18 L _ N -24 a O O -30 U Hydrology Assessment December 2018 O�� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 _ OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. \OJ \�J \�J \�JOAC OCG OCG OCG v`' `Cp' �� �Cp' =t=HU REF 1A (11313CF3) =t:HU REF 113 (1131317E) HU REF 1C (11310FB7) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 WKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU REF -24 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) *HU RIP 1 malfunction - data gap 2/17/18 to 3/15/18 Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Riparian Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 12 N s c o J -6 - ----------------------------------------------- V ----- ------ L a-+ -12 -18 L N-24--------------------------------------------------------------------- a c L c� -36 -4 - I -AL— = I �`a�, -1A =t=HU RIP 1 (14E142F8) =t=HU RIP 2 (14E15643) 8 7 6 5 CD C7 I --h 4 CF O 3 2 1 0 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU RIP -18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Riparian Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 17, N s 6 c �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 a c -30 c� Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ----------------------------------------------i-l- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ld ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 0P �P�` �NPQ� =t=HU RIP 1 (14E142F8) =t:HU RIP 2 (14E15643) 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -' 4 CF O' 3 2 1 0 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU RIP -19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) *HU RIP 1 malfunction - data gap 8/30 to 11/7 Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Riparian Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1` N s 6 c �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 a c -30 c� Hydrology Assessment September 2018 ---- -------------- --------------- F --- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ mKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 =t=HU RIP 1 (14E142F8) =t=HU RIP 2 (14E15643) 16 14 12 10 n 8 CF O 6 4 2 0 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU RIP -20 =t=HU RIP 1 (14E142F8) =t=HU RIP 2 (14E15643) 16 14 12 10 n 8 CF O 6 4 2 0 1 2i below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU RIP -20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) *HU RIP 1 malfunction - data gap 8/30 to 11/7 and 12/30 to 12/31 Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Riparian Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 i7► s 6 c �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 a c -30 c� Hydrology Assessment December 2018 O�� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 OG'l. 'P OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. \OJ \�J \�J \�J \�J \�J OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG N v `' `v '7 , , =t=HU RIP 1 (14E142F8) =t:HU RIP 2 (14E15643) 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -' 4 CF O 3 2 1 0 1 2i below surface WKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU RIP -21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record - Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Stream Gauges 1, 2 & - Ecotone WM 80 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day �, at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1` N s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L N -24 a c C -30 c� Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 _ – – �a� FZ, Fz� �`�� 1' -IV-IV I� =t=HU SG 1 (14E182E8) =L=HU SG 2 (14E13D7F) HU SG 3 (14E18878) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge 8 7 6 5 CD C7 4 O 3 2 1 0 Slide HU SG -18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record - Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Stream Gauges 1, 2 & - Ecotone WM 80 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day �, at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1` N s 6 v c 0 J -6 -12 -18 L N -24 a c C -30 c� Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 ' – – m — F HU SG 1 (14E182E8) �HU SG 2 (14E13D7F) HU SG 3 (14E18878) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 CD 4 O 3 2 1 0 �KOAJ Raingauge Slide HU SG -19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record - Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Stream Gauges 1, 2 & - Ecotone WM 80 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day �, at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Hydrology Assessment September 2018 -------------------------------------------------------------F --- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ - ��. mKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% + 1` N s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L N -24 a c C -30 c� -36 0; 0; (2� �PJC" �oPJC" �oPJ(2� =L=HU SG 1 (14E182E8) =L=HU SG 2 (14E13D7F) HU SG 3 (14E18878) 12in below surface 16 14 12 10 n 8 O. 6 4 2 0 IMKOAJ Raingauge I Slide HU SG -20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record - Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Stream Gauges 1, 2 & - Ecotone WM 80 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day �, at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1` N s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L N -24 a c C -30 c� Hydrology Assessment December 2018 O�� MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 _ �o �o �o �o �o �o Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo `'' `�' '7�' 1 �1 ��' t�' gyp- -1:�p- =t=HU SG 1 (14E182E8) =L=HU SG 2 (14E13D7F) HU SG 3 (14E18878) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 CD C7 4 O 3 2 1 0 IMKOAJ Raingauge I Slide HU SG -21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 174 N O s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L _ N -24 a O O -30 U Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 — — -- -- — — �a�F�$ 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 =tHU ZOA 1A (14E14E7B) =tHU ZOA 113 (14E16536) HU ZOA 1C (14E16F22) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU ZOA A - 18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 7: N O s 6 v c 0 J -6 L M -12 -18 L _ N -24 a O O -30 U Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 _ No��� �HU ZOA 1A (14E14E7B) =t:HU ZOA 113 (14E16536) HU ZOA 1C (14E16F22) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU ZOA A - 19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a IM 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Hydrology Assessment September 2018 �� �� �� Is, ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ,J\,J� ,J� ,J� ,J� ,J� J°� J°� J°� J°� J°� J°� �Q, �Q, �Q, �Q, �Q, �Q, MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% + + 12 6 ------------------- -- 0 6--- ----------- ----------------------------- -- -- ---------------- -12 IL -18 -- ---- ------------------------------------- ------------- -24 - -- - --- ----------------------------------------- -- ----------- -30 ------- - -- ------------ -36 N "J\ V'J\ ""0' '0' J\ �� "0' O =t=HU ZOA 1A (14E14E7B) =t=HU ZOA 113 (14E16536) HU ZOA 1C (14E16F22) 12in below surface 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU ZOA A - 20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 1 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 17, O t 6 V c o Z a� J -6 L M -12 a� L) -18 L N -24 a O O -30 U Hydrology Assessment December 2018 N NO 1Ib NCO NIb NCO NCO MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 _ OG'l. OG'l. � OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. \OJ \�J \�J \�J \�J \�J OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG Cp' ``Cp' �� 1C1 �� h -11z ,\ -1: gyp•\ ��, gyp,\ h gyp, �� gyp, ti� gyp, =t=HU ZOA 1A (14E14E713) =t:HU ZOA 113 (14E16536) HU ZOA 1C (14E16F22) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 WKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU ZOA A - 21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 2 - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 174 N O s 6 v c 0 J -6 L -12 -18 L _ N -24 a O O -30 U -36 Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 8 7 6 5 O 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 F�$ =tHU ZOA 2A (14E1609D) =tHU ZOA 213 (14E16081) HU ZOA 2C (14E15650) 12in below surface MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU ZOA B - 18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 2 - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 174 Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------- ------------------ --------i-1- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% N ' v c 0 Q J6-------------------------------------------------------------------- M -12 - -18 L 'SN' a 0 -30 - - --------- - - - --- ------------------- c� -36 No��� �HU ZOA 2A (14E1609D) =t:HU ZOA 213 (14E16081) HU ZOA K (14E15650) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 CD 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU ZOA B - 19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 2 - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 7i Hydrology Assessment September 2018 ---- -------------- --------------- F --- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ mKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% s6 ------------------- '-' ------------ ---------- -- - c.> 0 - L M -12 V18 - ---- -- - --------------------------------------------- ----------- w -30 ------------------ c�------------ j ------- ----------------- ----------- -36 '3PJ� �oP�� ��P�� �oPJ� ��PJ� �oPJ� �`��� �`��� ��`��� -C ' =t=HU ZOA 2A (14E1609D) =t:HU ZOA 213 (14E16081) HU ZOA 2C (14E15650) 12in below surface 16 14 12 10 n 8 O. 6 4 2 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU ZOA B - 20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - HU Zero Order Gauges @ Transect 2 - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 7: Hydrology Assessment December 2018 N NO 1Ib NCO NIb NCO NCO MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% - �� - 6 -------- -------------- --- c -� J -6 ------ ---------- - a ----------------------------------------------------- L M -12 a� L) -18 L a 0 -30 ------------------- c�--------- -- ------------------- --- L ------------ -36 OG'l. OG'l. � OG'l. OG'l. O0' OG'l. O0' \OJ \�J \�J \�J \�J \�J OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG OCG Cp' ``Cp' �� 1C1 �� h -11z ,\ -1: gyp•\ ��, gyp,\ h gyp, �� gyp, ti� gyp, =t=HU ZOA 2A (14E1609D) =t:HU ZOA 213 (14E16081) HU ZOA 2C (14E15650) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 CD 0 4 O 3 2 1 0 WKOAJ Raingauge Slide HU ZOA B - 21 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - NON RIPARIAN REFERENCE - Ecotone WM 40 - January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 M N s 6 _ �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 N -24 _ O -30 U Hydrology Assessment March 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- "<ex17,�Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` �Sa` ,moo' �o' 1h' N`t. NV 10 MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 ,110' ��' Leo' ��' v ,`p' `t�' gyp' �t�' 1' -IV-11' I.0 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -0 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 ANON RIP REF (14E1426C) 12in below surface Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net IMKOAJ Raingauge Slide NON RIP REF 18 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - NON RIPARIAN REFERENCE - Ecotone WM 40 - April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 - One reading per day �at7:00am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Im N s 6 _ �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 N -24 a _ O -30 U Hydrology Assessment June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ----------------------------------------------i-l- --------=-- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- id ------ L t ------- _--------------- MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% -36 e00 1 a0 1 a0 10 ANON RIP REF (14E1426C) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -0 4 C� o' 3 2 1 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide NON RIP REF 19 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) *Non Rip Ref malfunction - data gap 9-14 to 11-8 Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - NON RIPARIAN REFERENCE - Ecotone WM 40 -July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 M N t 6 c �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 N -24 c O -30 U Hydrology Assessment September 2018 ------------------------- F ------------ ------------- ...... - ---------- = -------------- ---------------------------------- - --------------------- -------- mKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% 36 — — — – – �J\ �'IJ\ '1J\ �ro'3J\ '3J\ �ro'1J\ ANON RIP REF (14E1426C) 12in below surface 16 14 12 10 n 8 CF o' 6 4 2 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide NON RIP REF 20 Precipitation data obtained from Albert Ellis Airport Station - KOAJ (www.nc-climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data obtained from WETS station NEW RVR MCAF, NC 1987-2016 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) *Non Rip Ref malfunction - data gap 9-14 to 11-8 Monitoring Well Record Bachelors Delight Mitigation Bank - Onslow County, NC -40-09-168 - NON RIPARIAN REFERENCE - Ecotone WM 40 - October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 - One reading per day at 7:00 am Land Management Group www.lmgroup.net a Hydrology Assessment 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 December 2018 OGS' OG\: OG\: OG\: OG\: OG\: OG\: �GJ, �GJ, �GJ, �GJ, �GJ, �GJ, OQ'G• OQ'G, OQ'G• OQ'G, OQ'G• OQ,G. MKOAJ Raingauge —90 day total 30% —70% Im N t 6 c �• 0 J -6 -12 -18 N -24 c O -30 U -36 ' — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ – _ . OG\. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. OG'l. �GJ �GJ �GJ �GJ �GJ �GJ OGG OGG OGG OGG OGG OGG ANON RIP REF (14E1426C) 12in below surface 8 7 6 5 CD 0 -0 4 CF o' 3 2 1 0 MKOAJ Raingauge Slide NON RIP REF 21 APPENDIX F - LONGITUDINAL / CROSS SECTION SURVEYS 50.00 49.50 49.00 c 48.50 R 48.00 47.50 47.00 10+00. 50.00 49.50 49.00 48.50 48.00 47.50 47.00 14+00. 10+50. HE -1: Longitudinal Profile - Upstream Reach Thalweg -CF BankfuII 11+00. 11+50 T T 12+00. 12+50. 13+00. 13+50. 14+00. Sta. (ft) HE -1: Longitudinal Profile - Upstream Reach Thalweg -0- BankfuII 14+50. 15+00. 15+50. 16+00. 16+50. 17+00. 17+50. 18+00. Sta. (ft) Minimum Mean Max Bankfull Slope 0.0011 Pool -Pool Spacing (ft) 26 42.2 65.2 Pool Length (ft) 8.4 17.4 26.7 Riffle Length (ft) 10 18.4 35.8 Dmax Riffle 0.4 0.81 1.18 Dmax Pool (ft) 0.64 1.04 1.44 HE -1: LONGITUDINAL PROFILE DATA - UPSTREAM REACH Sta. Distance TW BKF 10+00. 0.0 48.226 49.239 10+06.48 6.5 48.301 49.190 10+12.44 12.4 48.287 49.107 10+40.66 40.7 48.373 49.232 10+47.35 47.3 48.126 49.315 10+52.52 52.5 48.521 49.528 10+57.57 57.6 48.642 49.039 10+73.05 73.0 48.281 49.208 10+80.73 80.7 48.398 49.406 10+85. 85.0 48.565 49.232 10+92.88 92.9 48.299 49.127 11+13.6 113.6 48.106 49.070 11+22.92 122.9 47.868 48.825 11+29.49 129.5 47.882 48.966 11+34.31 134.3 48.290 49.087 11+54.56 154.6 48.156 49.019 11+65.42 165.4 47.975 49.087 11+71.85 171.8 48.176 48.938 11+78.16 178.2 48.158 48.881 11+93.57 193.6 48.230 48.924 12+06.78 206.8 47.991 48.777 12+14.6 214.6 48.158 48.879 12+21.71 221.7 48.152 48.829 12+38.22 238.2 48.079 48.895 12+48.63 248.6 47.814 48.986 12+58.54 258.5 47.983 48.934 12+67.53 267.5 48.102 48.958 13+03.37 303.4 48.025 48.983 13+15.36 315.4 47.756 48.770 13+21.55 321.5 47.991 48.908 13+28.19 328.2 48.076 48.879 13+47.65 347.7 48.049 48.951 13+56.28 356.3 47.763 48.885 13+65.07 365.1 47.884 48.948 13+70.92 370.9 48.051 48.938 13+88.89 388.9 47.939 48.806 13+98.93 398.9 47.844 48.653 14+04.98 405.0 48.097 48.872 14+10.31 410.3 48.067 48.932 14+28.07 428.1 48.017 48.929 14+34.75 434.8 47.793 48.942 14+40.46 440.5 47.987 48.926 14+46.51 446.5 47.993 48.744 14+71.3 471.3 48.027 48.849 14+81.15 481.2 47.795 48.686 14+85.83 485.8 47.886 48.767 Sta. Distance TW BKF 14+91.57 491.6 47.768 48.639 15+11.8 511.8 47.743 48.715 15+28.55 528.5 47.543 48.565 15+38.54 538.5 47.748 48.705 15+47.83 547.8 47.896 48.542 15+62.62 562.6 47.714 48.593 15+75.28 575.3 47.722 48.359 15+79.58 579.6 47.754 48.774 15+85.56 585.6 47.587 48.769 15+97.74 597.7 47.664 48.604 16+04.58 604.6 47.469 48.535 16+09.32 609.3 47.601 48.509 16+13.76 613.8 47.758 48.627 16+23.76 623.8 47.632 48.589 16+40.42 640.4 47.208 48.347 16+49.41 649.4 47.653 48.498 16+57.45 657.4 47.661 48.448 16+72.3 672.3 47.514 48.542 16+88.26 688.3 47.293 48.541 16+98.92 698.9 47.433 48.498 17+05.37 705.4 47.727 48.602 17+21.3 721.3 47.556 48.498 17+33.99 734.0 47.262 48.182 17+41.66 741.7 47.554 48.310 17+47.62 747.6 47.633 48.373 17+58.61 758.6 47.449 48.344 17+63.47 763.5 47.165 48.607 17+67.06 767.1 47.454 48.376 17+73.77 773.8 47.596 48.534 N E Elev. I Desc. Sta. 449925.7 24581.56 50.5975 GS 0.00 449918.9 24581,55 50.415 HE X51 6.92 449912.4 2458153 49.797 GS 13-53 409907.5 2458152 49.955 GS 18.46 449903.7 2458152 49.969 TOB 22-33 449902.7 2458152 49.301 BKF{TOW 23-35 409901.8 2458151 49.137 CS 24-25 409901 2458151 49.411 CS 25.10 4099130.2 2458151 49.1 T 25-86 449899.7 2458151 49.286 CS 26-39 409898.4 2458151 49.595 BKFfTOW 27-77 409897.4 2458151 49.994 TOB 28.75 409891.7 2458149 49.733 GS 34.58 409886.3 2458148 49.977 GS 40-11 409884.9 2458147 54.314 GS 45-57 449875.8 2458145 50.573 GS 50-74 449871.3 2458145 50.878 1 HE XS1 55.39 409863.5 2458144 54.7905 1 GS 63-28 N E Elev. I Desc. Sta. 409743.1 2458730 49.899 HEXS2 0.00 409735.5 2458723 49.126 GS 10.18 409731.7 2458720 48.866 GS 15.39 449729.2 2458718 49.16 TOB 18.73 409728.7 2458717 48.566 BKFfTOW 19.51 409727.9 2458716 48.18 CS 20.65 409727.5 2458715 47.917 T 21.17 409727 2458716 47.835 GS 21.80 409726.4 2458715 48.218 CS 22.58 409725.2 2458714 48.643 BKF/TOW 24.17 409724.5 2458713 48.929 TOB 25.04 409724.4 2458709 48.851 GS 30.75 409716.3 2458705 48.992 GS 36.43 409712.1 2458702 49.254 GS 42.01 409708 2458698 49.457 GS 47.58 449745.3 2458696 49.678 HEXS2 5131 N E Elev. I Desc. Sta. 409454.5 2459241 49.3511 xs3 gs 0 409442.1 2459228 48.6565 xs3 gs 17.45669 449426.1 2459212 48.0671 xs3 gs 40.06071 409415.2 2459203 47.7393 x53 gs 53.96843 409448.5 2459195 47.564 HE-XS3 64.73824 409404.7 2459191 47.605 GS 74.1469 449401.1 2459188 47.572 GS 75.4495 409399.5 2459186 47.771 TOB 77.35958 409398.9 2459186 47.54 BKFJTOW 78.21445 409398.3 2459185 47.058 CS 79.04471 449397.8 2459185 46.592 CS 79.71074 449397.2 2459184 46.746 CS 80.47809 409396.9 2459184 46.724 T 84.98204 449396.6 2459183 46.864 CS 81.4473 4093% 2459183 47.197 CS 82.21389 449395.4 2459182 47.534 BKF{TOW 83.12746 409394.6 2459181 47.64.5 TOB 84.31957 409391.2 2459178 47.71 GS 89.42612 409388.4 2453175 47.654 GS 92.96404 409386.3 2459173 47.444 HE-XS3 96.45686 409378.5 2459165 47.5907 xs3 gs 107.4302 409367.1 2459154 47.9855 xs3gs 123.4955 409364 2459147 48.8462 xs3 gs 133.0997 HE -1 - XS 1 - Riffle (Upstream Reach) -cross section fpa bkf--------- If low bank --------- rt low bank 51 50.5 E 50 C O X49:5 Lu 49 48.5 Channel @ HE -1: XS 1 50-5 50 -495 0 49 w 48-5 48 47-5 0 HE -1 - XS 2 - Pool (Upstream Reach) -cross section -fpa bkf--------- If bk ht --------- rt bk ht 10 20 30 40 50 60 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Width (ft) 1.9 x -section area (ft.sq.) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions 1.6 x -section area (ft -sq -)32.5 W flood prone area (ft; 4.7 Width (ft) 6.9 entrenchment ratio 14 low bank height ratio 1.1 law bank height ratio 1.0 low bank height (ft) 0.3 mean depth I'ft;l 1.8 low bank height ratio 0.6 max depth (ft) 4.9 Wetted parimeter (ft) 0.3 hyd radi (ft) 14.2 Width -death ratio HE -1 - XS 2 - Pool (Upstream Reach) -cross section -fpa bkf--------- If bk ht --------- rt bk ht 10 20 30 40 50 60 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions 1.9 x -section area (ft.sq.) 41.5 W flood prone area (ft; 4.7 width (ft) 8.9 entrenchment ratio 0.4 mean depth (ft) 1 1 low bank height (ft) 0.8 max depth (ft) 14 low bank height ratio 4.9 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.4 hyd radi (ft) 11.3 width -depth ratio Channel @ HE -1: XS 2 HE -1 : XS 3 - Riffle (Upstream Reach) cross section fpa bkf--------- If bk ht --------- rt bk ht 49.5 49 48.5 vOt c 48 Lu 47.5 ----- - ------------ - 47 46.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Width (f) Channel @ HE -1: XS 3 Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions 2.5 x -section area (ft.sq.) 99.6 W flood prone area (ft; 4.9 width (ft) 20.3 entrenchment ratio 0.5 mean depth (ft) 1.0 low bank height (ft) 0.8 max depth (ft) 1.1 law bank height ratio 5.3 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.5 hyd radi (ft) 9.4 width-deuth ratio Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Yr05 Monitoring Report HE-1: Upstream Reach Data Summary Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site Year 05 Monitoring Parameter Baseline MY-1 MY-2 MY- 3 MY- 4 MY- 5 Dimension and Substrate - Riffle only Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Rosgen Classification E5 C5 C5 E5 E5 Bankfull Width (ft) 5.88 5.98 6.07 5 5.4 5.8 5.5 5.8 6.1 5.6 5.9 6.2 4.4 4.9 5.3 4.7 4.8 4.9 Floodprone Width (ft) 30.93 35 >35 32.8 37.85 >42.9 32 35.5 >39 48.1 83.5 118.9 39.6 73.5 107.4 32.5 66.1 99.6 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.3 0.38 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.53 0.6 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.3 0.43 0.5 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.6 0.85 1.1 0.7 0.9 1 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.8 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ftz) 3.16 3.23 3.29 1.6 2.1 2.5 1.9 2.5 3.1 2.5 3.1 3.8 2 2.55 3.1 1.6 2.1 2.5 Width/Depth Ratio 10.5 11.09 11.67 13.6 14.2 15.2 11.9 13.95 16 10.2 11.2 12.7 9.1 9.35 9.6 9.4 11.3 14.2 Entrenchment Ratio 5.26 5.5 >5.9 6.6 7.4 > 8.2 5.3 6.25 > 7.2 8.1 14.1 20.1 8.9 14.6 20.3 6.8 13.7 20.7 Bank Height Ratiol 1 1 1 1 1 1.1 1 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.4 Profile Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.0008 0.0012 0.0012 0.0011 0.0009 0.0011 Pool - Pool Spacing (ft) 32.4 46.23 67.1 31.6 42.4 65.8 26.7 42.6 64.7 25.5 42.2 63.6 25 42.3 63 26 42.2 65.2 Pool Length (ft) 16 25.2 36.3 17.1 25.5 33.9 12.5 22.7 35.5 13.6 26.1 37.7 11.7 23.1 34.6 8.4 17.4 26.7 Riffle Length (ft) 8.8 17.3 37.9 9.6 18 36.4 11.3 20.1 36.4 8.6 16.6 36.6 10.1 19.5 36.9 10 18.4 35.8 Dmax Riffle (ft) 0.8 0.9 1 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.7 0.9 1 0.5 0.8 1 0.4 0.8 1.2 Dmax Pool (ft) 1 1 1.23 1 1.5 0.7 1 1.2 0.9 1.1 1.4 0.9 1.1 1.3 0.7 1 1.3 0.6 1 1.4 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) Beltwidth to Bankfull Width (ft/ft) Radius of Curvature (ft) Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) Meander Wavelength (ft) 14 2.34 0 54 21.52 3.6 15 2.51 68.9 30 5.02 0 87 Pattern data will not typically be collected unless visual data, dimensional data or profile data indicate significant shifts from baseline Wavelength to Bankfull Width (ft/ft) 9.04 1 11.53 1 14.56 Shaded cells indicate that these will typically not be filled in. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Yr05 Monitoring Report 42.0 41.5 41.0 $ 40.5 40.0 39.5 39.0 W 38.5 38.0 37.5 37.0 HE -1: Longitudinal Profile - Downstream Reach Thalweg -0-Bank-full 10+00. 10+50. 11+00. 11+50. 12+00. 12+50. 13+00. 13+50. 14+00. Sta. (ft) HE -1: Longitudinal Profile - Downstream Reach Mean Thalweg BankfUll 40.0 39.5 39.0 15.5 38.5 66.6 $ 38.0 3.5 20.1 43.2 37.5 1.3 11.3 18 37.0 1.18 1.82 2.44 w 36.5 0.8 1.33 1 2.06 36.0 35.5 35.0 14+00. 14+50. 15+00. 15+50. 16+00. 16+50. 17+00. 17+50. 18+00. Sta. (ft) Minimum Mean Max Bankfull Slope 0.0042 Pool -Pool Spacing (ft) 15.5 39.1 66.6 Pool Length (ft) 3.5 20.1 43.2 Riffle Length (ft) 1.3 11.3 18 Dmax Riffle 1.18 1.82 2.44 Dmax Pool (ft) 0.8 1.33 1 2.06 Sta. 10+00. 10+05.7 10+20.33 10+35.54 10+51.29 10+59.62 10+71.87 10+77.62 10+82.2 10+89.16 10+96.5 11+01.59 11+08. 11+10.54 11+18.84 11+30.53 11+37.82 11+45.02 11+52.44 11+64.51 11+76.4 11+81.25 11+91.85 11+93.12 11+94.81 11+96.6 11+99.54 12+08.61 12+19.81 12+31.54 12+38.56 12+49.63 12+56.01 12+62.23 12+66.05 12+70.21 12+78.47 12+90.31 12+97.51 13+11. 13+23.63 13+34.06 13+38.63 13+49.2 13+63.66 Distance 0.0 5.7 20.3 35.5 51.3 59.6 71.9 77.6 82.2 89.2 96.5 101.6 108.0 110.5 118.8 130.5 137.8 145.0 152.4 164.5 176.4 181.3 191.8 193.1 194.8 196.6 199.5 208.6 219.8 231.5 238.6 249.6 256.0 262.2 266.1 270.2 278.5 290.3 297.5 311.0 323.6 334.1 338.6 349.2 363.7 HE -1: LONGITUDINAL PROFILE TW BKF TW 39.690 40.893 380.0 39.754 41.482 39.572 40.988 38.849 40.681 39.268 40.294 39.146 40.404 39.108 40.844 38.731 40.887 39.272 41.006 39.465 40.941 38.837 40.792 38.889 40.707 39.150 40.713 39.296 40.894 38.906 40.632 38.978 40.155 39.076 40.371 38.845 40.509 39.502 40.302 38.878 40.729 38.523 40.805 38.742 40.473 38.882 40.394 39.555 40.405 37.609 39.817 38.412 40.009 38.309 40.366 38.400 39.985 38.468 40.001 38.580 39.759 38.580 40.047 38.613 39.884 37.991 39.976 38.261 39.746 38.626 40.078 38.282 39.839 37.934 39.226 38.031 39.393 38.414 39.434 37.848 39.376 37.647 39.762 37.332 39.500 37.882 39.744 38.519 39.558 37.958 39.486 DATA - DOWNSTREAM REACH Sta. Distance TW 13+80.02 380.0 37.2 13+88.19 388.2 37.4 13+96.19 396.2 38.3 14+14.2 414.2 37.9 14+20.17 420.2 37.6 14+26.79 426.8 37.7 14+30.97 431.0 37.8 14+41.68 441.7 37.9 14+50.65 450.6 37.3 14+58.37 458.4 37.7 14+62.41 462.4 37.9 14+74.27 474.3 37.5 14+87.57 487.6 37.3 15+02.23 502.2 37.3 15+12.87 512.9 37.6 15+17.21 517.2 39.0 15+24.7 524.7 37.1 15+43.37 543.4 36.9 15+55.91 555.9 37.3 15+63.11 563.1 37.3 15+78.14 578.1 37.0 15+96.18 596.2 37.1 16+21.38 621.4 36.9 16+28.05 628.1 37.2 16+44.77 644.8 36.7 16+60.17 660.2 36.4 16+68.01 668.0 36.9 16+83.6 683.6 37.4 16+95.68 695.7 37.0 17+04.78 704.8 35.8 17+15.11 715.1 36.5 17+22.69 722.7 36.7 17+33.09 733.1 36.1 17+44.81 744.8 36.0 17+53.66 753.7 36.3 17+63.3 763.3 37.3 17+64.97 765.0 35.4 17+70. 770.0 35.5 BKF 27 38.866 76 39.045 00 39.186 51 39.119 00 39.120 05 39.136 32 39.133 10 39.086 37 38.973 20 38.754 27 39.028 69 39.161 83 39.160 96 38.896 82 39.112 70 39.131 94 38.770 67 38.565 29 38.281 93 38.516 56 38.570 21 38.651 33 38.780 93 38.699 58 38.531 34 38.149 16 37.980 53 38.333 57 38.252 36 38.280 18 38.038 21 38.048 09 38.129 81 37.729 09 37.773 74 37.826 34 37.519 05 37.785 N E Elev. I Desc. Sta. 404445.3 2459825 43.2 HE -X54 4 449440.7 2459824 42.95 GS 4.574409 409036 2454823 43.121 GS 9.459747 409032.1 2459822 42.986 TOB 13.44576 449430.1 2459822 42.711 BKF/TOWj 15.51334 449428.6 2459822 42.139 CS 17.05638 449427.1 2459821 41.724 CS 18.54255 449026 2459821 41.346 CS 19.6751 409025.2 2459821 41.041 CS 20.52115 449424.6 2459821 40.871 T 21.1686 404423.8 2459821 41.292 CS 21.91091 409023.2 2459821 41.804 CS 22.62191 409022.4 2459820 42.641 BKF/TOW 23.37518 409020.8 2459820 42.661 TOB 25.05935 409418.4 2459820 42.492 GS 27.47698 409015.6 2459819 42.601 HE -X54 30.37149 N E Elev. Dem. Sta. 448670.1 2460794 38.719 HE -X55 0 408671.3 2460790 38.721 GS 3.951044 408673 2464785 38.62 GS 8.787773 408674.5 2460781 38.698 GS 13.4704 408675.2 2460779 38.705 TOB 15.61694 408676 2460777 38.191 BKF 17.90338 408676.4 2460776 37.933 CS 19.04839 408676.6 2450775 37.785 CS 19.78614 408676.7 2460775 37.161 CS 20.26187 408676.9 2460774 36.695 CS 20.77332 408677 2460774 36.506 T 21.L5879 408677.1 2464773 36.772 CS 21.65686 408677.4 2460773 37.816 CS 22.29329 408677.7 2460772 38.144 BKF 22.76716 408677.9 2460771 38.214 TOB 23.73475 408679.5 2460767 38.482 GS 28.42664 408681.1 2464762 38.529 GS 33.28841 408682.4 2460758 38.631 GS 37.3340$ 408683.6 2460755 38.709 HE -X55 40.8127 N E Elev. I Desc. Sta. 448488.1 2461153 35.79 HE -X56 0 448483.6 2461154 35.847 GS 4.464825 408479.4 2461154 35.988 GS 8.584787 448474.7 2461154 36.17 GS 13.40037 408470.6 2461154 36.223 TOB 17.5066 408468.8 2461154 35.663 BKF/TOW 19.26298 448467 2461154 35.248 CS 21.12279 408466.3 2461154 34.93 CS 21.83427 408455.7 2461154 34.5 CS 22.35957 408465.4 2461154 34.185 T 22.73701 408464.6 24511-54 34.295 CS 23.46499 408463.7 24511-54 34.678 CS 24.39062 408462.9 2451154 35.712 BKF{TOW 25.19383 408451.6 2461154 36.002 TOB 26.52882 408457 2461154 36.301 GS 31.05434 408453.1 2461155 36.983 HE-XS5 34.9984 43.5 43 42.5 C 42 d w41.5 41 40.5 HE -1 - XS 4 - Pool (Downstream Reach) -cross section fpa bkf--------- If low bank --------- rt low bank 0 5 10 El -.tion {ft) Channel @ HE -1: XS 4 15 20 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions 7.8 x -section area (ft 7.9 width (ft) 1.0 mean depth (ft) 1.8 max depth (ft) 8.8 wetted perimeter 0.9 hyd radi (ft) 8.0 width -depth ratio 25 30 35 Flood Dimensions - W flood prone area (ft; - entrenchment ratio 1-8 low bank height (ft) 1.0 low bank height ratio HE -1 : XS 5 - Riffle (Downstream Reach) - cross section -fpa bkf--------- If bk ht --------- rt bk ht 40.5 40 39.5 39 38.5 0 38 w 37.5 37 36.5 36 37.5 37 36.5 36 0 } 35.5 LU 35 34.5 34 Channel @ HE -1: XS 5 . .� ..1,1 Bankfull Dimensions FlcmDd Dimensions 3.4 x -section area (ft.sq) 40-8 W flood prone area (ft; 4.9 width (ft) 8-4 entrenchment ratio 0.7 mean depth (ft) 1-7 low bank height (ft) 1.7 max depth (ft) 1-0 low bank height ratio 6.2 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.6 hyd radi (ft) 6.9 width -tenth ratio HE -1 : XS 6 -Pool (Downstream Reach) -cross section fpa bkf--------- If bk ht --------- rt bk ht 0 5 10 Channel @ HE -1: XS 6 15 20 25 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions 4-6 x -section area (ft.sq.) 5-9 width (ft) 0.8 mean depth (ft) 1-5 max depth (ft) 6.9 wetted parimeter (ft) 0-7 hyd radi (ft) 7-7 width -depth ratio 30 35 40 Flood Dimensions - W flood prone area (ft; - entrenchment ratio 2-0 law bank height (ft) 1-3 low bank height ratio Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 05 Monitoring Report HE-1: Downstream Reach Data Summary Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site Year 05 Monitorin Parameter Baseline MY-1 MY-2 MY-3 MY-4 MY-5 Dimension and Substrate - Riffle only Min I Mean I Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Rosgen Classification E5 C5 C5 E5 E5 E5 Bankfull Width (ft) 8.33 6.60 7.7 7.2 5.6 4.9 Floodprone Width (ft) >40.98 >40.98 >40.9 >40.9 >40.9 >40.8 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.64 0.44 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.71 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.24 1.16 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.71 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) 5.32 2.90 4.4 4.8 3.7 3.4 Width/Depth Ratiol 1 13.02 1 1 15.10 1 1 13.3 1 10.78.4 6.9 Entrenchment Ratio >4.95 1 >6.2 >5.3 >5.7 >7.3 >8.4 Bank Height Ratio 1 1.00 1 1.00 1 1 1.1 1 Profile Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.0015 0.0038 0.0039 0.0041 0.0036 0.0042 Pool - Pool Spacing (ft) 12.30 32.80 71.50 10.1 35.2 76.3 19.3 39.9 61.8 16.2 39.8 63.7 16 42.4 59.2 15.5 39.1 66.6 Pool Length (ft) 12.90 23.60 43.60 3.1 8.2 21.9 1 13.4 26.4 46.1 11.7 25 43.8 8 1 31.4 45.1 3.5 20.1 43.2 Riffle Length (ft) 6.70 17.20 19.20 6.1 11.6 23.4 5.9 13.4 28.5 1 3.5 14.5 24.8 1.4 11.2 21.9 1.3 11.3 18 Dmax Riffle (ft) 1.00 1.20 1.37 0.55 1.03 1.76 0.63 1.22 1.77 0.65 1.22 1.86 0.5 1.18 1.84 0.8 1.33 2.06 Dmax Pool (ft) 1.24 Patter Channel Beltwidth (ft) 7.00 Beltwidth to Bankfull Width (fUft) 0.84 Radius of Curvature (ft) Rc:Bankfull width (f /ft) 0.00 Meander Wavelength (ft) 52.00 1 1.64 19.65 2.36 22.50 2.70 78.30 1.86 34.00 4.08 0.00 91.00 0.86 1.33 2.11 1.14 1.8 2.09 1.49 1.95 1 2.71 1.43 1.88 2.6 Pattern data will not typically be collected unless visual data, dimensional data or profile data indicate significant shifts from baseline 1.18 1.82 2.44 Wavelength to Bankfull Width (fUft)l 6.24 1 9.40 1 10.92 OShadedells indicate that these will typically not be filled in. IN Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 05 Monitoring Report Dimension and substrate Based on current bankfull elevation Bankfull Width Floodprone Width Bankfull Mean Depth Bankfull Max Depth Bankfull Cross Sectional Area I Bankfull Width/Depth Ri Bankfull Entrenchment R� Bankfull Bank Height R� Dimension and substrate Based on current bankfull elevation Bankfull Width Floodprone Width Bankfull Mean Depth Bankfull Max Depth Bankfull Cross Sectional Area I Bankfull Width/Depth Ri Bankfull Entrenchment R� Bankfull Bank Height R� Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 05 Monitoring Report HE -1: Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross Section) Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 05 Monitorina Cross Section 1 (Riffle) Base MY1 I MY2 MY3 I MY4 6.07 5.8 5.5 5.6 4.4 > 35 >42.9 39 48.1 39.6 0.52 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.89 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.7 3.16 2.5 1.9 8.1 6.2 11.67 13.6 16 12.7 9.6 5.90 8.2 7.2 1 1 1.00 1.1 1 1 1.2 Cross Section 4 (Pool) Base MY1 I MY2 MY3 I MY4 10.29 9.6 9.3 9.5 8.1 30.37 0.4 1.28 1.1 1.2 0.97 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.8 1.76 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.4 10 8.1 8.2 8.1 6.2 10.61 11.4 10.7 11.1 10.7 2.95 1.00 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.2 Cross Section 2 (Pool) Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 6.71 6.2 5.9 5.9 4.8 4.7 > 35 Cross Section 5 (Riffle) MY2 Base MY1 MY2 0.64 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 1.28 1.1 1.2 1.1 0.9 0 4.30 3.7 3.7 3.3 2.8 8 10.48 10.6 9.6 10.3 8 11.3 5.90 1.4 1.7 5.32 2.9 4.4 1.00 1.1 1 1 1.2 1.4 Cross Section 3 (Riffle) Base Cross Section 5 (Riffle) MY2 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 8.33 6.6 7.7 4.8 5.6 4.9 >40.98 >40.9 >40.9 >40.9 >40.9 >40.8 0.64 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.24 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.7 5.32 2.9 4.4 4.8 3.7 3.4 13.02 15.1 13.3 10.7 8.4 6.9 4.92 6.2 5.3 5.7 7.3 8.4 1 1 1 1 1.1 1 Cross Section 3 (Riffle) Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 5.88 5 6.1 6.2 5.3 >30.93 >32.8 >32 118.9 107.4 0.56 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.89 0.6 1.1 1 0.9 3.29 1.6 3.1 3.8 3.1 10.50 15.2 11.9 10.2 9.1 5.26 6.6 5.3 19 20.3 1.00 1 1 0.7 1.1 Cross Section 6 (Pool) Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 8.74 7.9 8 8.1 6.3 35.84 0.81 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.52 1.2 1.6 1.7 1.6 7.1 5.2 6.2 6.3 4.9 10.79 12.2 10.5 10.4 8.1 4.1 1 0.9 1 1 1.1 HU -1: Longitudinal Profile - Upstream Reach Thalweg $Bankfull 43.5 43.0 42.5rl x � 42.0 0 .rz a 41.5 - W 41.0 40.5 40.0 10+00. 10+50. 11+00. 11+50. 12+00. 12+50. 13+00. 13+50. 14+00. 14+50. 15+00. 15+50. Sta. (ft) Minimum Mean Max Bankfull Slope 0.0019 Pool -Pool Spacing (ft) 17.2 34.5 54.8 Pool Length (ft) 10.9 20.9 43.9 Riffle Length (ft) 6.1 13.6 26.9 Dmax Riffle (ft) 0.44 0.87 1.4 Dmax Pool (ft) 1 0.9 1.2 1 1.57 Sta. 10+00. 10+05.97 10+13.95 10+30.35 10+46.32 10+56.29 10+73.14 10+90.18 11+01.14 11+08.79 11+15.06 11+22.27 11+30.76 11+36.14 11+39.89 11+44.3 11+54.05 11+63.11 11+68.89 11+75.39 11+99.91 12+09.93 12+15.09 12+18.53 12+25.41 12+31.07 12+32.67 12+36.54 12+42.6 12+48.12 12+51.29 12+56.41 12+69.85 12+77.83 12+80.7 12+85.96 12+98.5 13+10.18 13+15.61 13+22.41 13+41.91 13+47.29 13+49.49 13+52.77 13+60.06 Distance 0.0 6.0 14.0 30.4 46.3 56.3 73.1 90.2 101.1 108.8 115.1 122.3 130.8 136.1 139.9 144.3 154.1 163.1 168.9 175.4 199.9 209.9 215.1 218.5 225.4 231.1 232.7 236.5 242.6 248.1 251.3 256.4 269.9 277.8 280.7 286.0 298.5 310.2 315.6 322.4 341.9 347.3 349.5 352.8 360.1 HU -1: LONGITUDINAL PROF TW BKF 42.951 42.917 41.996 43.017 42.258 42.984 41.879 42.816 41.561 42.885 41.206 42.776 41.542 42.744 41.522 42.443 41.541 42.399 41.240 42.628 41.473 42.516 41.738 42.487 41.424 42.560 41.250 42.485 41.296 42.438 41.670 42.525 41.516 42.292 41.357 42.366 41.586 42.471 41.696 42.501 41.389 42.416 41.362 42.262 41.225 42.340 41.539 42.177 41.396 42.099 41.122 42.480 41.393 42.295 41.481 42.441 41.449 42.102 41.367 42.514 41.300 42.304 40.946 42.350 41.057 42.110 41.082 42.191 41.118 41.725 41.129 42.092 40.913 41.972 40.850 41.932 40.688 42.060 41.241 41.684 41.096 42.134 40.717 42.039 41.002 41.948 41.395 41.848 40.941 42.088 LE DATA - UPSTREAM REACH �� /. • ' ' /•. �/ '/ HU -1: Longitudinal Profile - Downstream Reach Mean —Thalweg } Bankfull 40 39.5 39 19.2 38.5 63.6 K 13 Lj c ° 38 40.4 Riffle Length (ft) 6.7 d 37.5 34.7 W 0.5 37 1.55 Dmax Pool (ft) 0.67 36.5 1.78 36 24+00. 24+50. 25+00. 25+50. 26+00. 26+50. 27+00. 27+50. 28+00. 28+50. 29+00. 29+50. Sta. (ft) Minimum Mean Max Bankfull Slope 0.0034 Pool -Pool Spacing (ft) 19.2 43.7 63.6 Pool Length (ft) 12 27.2 40.4 Riffle Length (ft) 6.7 18 34.7 Dmax Riffle (ft) 0.5 0.87 1.55 Dmax Pool (ft) 0.67 1.27 1.78 Sta. 10+00. 10+03.24 10+08.89 10+26.86 10+44.23 10+53.87 10+60.45 10+78.66 10+98.19 11+09.7 11+16.84 11+42.31 11+58.95 11+70.94 11+75.15 11+84.35 12+00.39 12+10.94 12+17.54 12+33.9 12+48.19 12+53.64 12+59.89 12+79.79 12+94.57 12+95.94 13+04.67 13+13.28 13+37.64 13+48.04 13+56.26 13+62.56 13+81.53 14+04.35 14+16.7 14+21.97 14+34.47 14+46.5 14+51.66 14+56.62 14+63.31 14+77.07 14+82.46 14+86.08 14+90.43 Distance 0.0 3.2 8.9 26.9 44.2 53.9 60.5 78.7 98.2 109.7 116.8 142.3 158.9 170.9 175.1 184.4 200.4 210.9 217.5 233.9 248.2 253.6 259.9 279.8 294.6 295.9 304.7 313.3 337.6 348.0 356.3 362.6 381.5 404.3 416.7 422.0 434.5 446.5 451.7 456.6 463.3 477.1 482.5 486.1 490.4 HU -1: LONGITUDINAL PROFILE TW EBKF 37.980 332 38.111 39.169 38.449 39.293 38.303 39.377 37.808 39.268 38.051 39.166 38.412 39.371 38.359 39.273 38.043 39.155 38.252 39.349 38.359 39.248 38.298 38.883 37.833 39.215 37.903 39.167 37.741 39.290 38.230 39.231 37.788 39.012 37.953 38.919 38.194 38.908 38.072 38.910 37.623 39.004 37.740 38.661 38.149 38.648 37.944 38.941 38.308 38.851 37.055 38.326 37.474 38.639 37.786 38.594 37.612 38.768 37.336 38.494 37.373 38.574 37.379 38.439 37.309 38.496 37.012 38.382 37.158 38.050 37.749 38.554 37.472 38.400 37.263 38.008 37.396 38.449 37.012 38.077 36.712 37.808 36.434 38.107 37.249 37.645 36.046 37.824 36.295 37.575 DATA - DOWNSTREAM REACH N E Elev. �esc. Sta. 408565.3 2463779 43.5328 GS fl.fla 448571.6 2463776 42.171 HL]7C51 7.47 HU -1 = XS 1 - Riffle (Upstream Lang -Prey) 448574.4 2463775 42.431 GS 10.27 across section fpa bkf--------- If low bank --------- rt low bank 448578.2 24fi3773 42.315 65 14.53 44 4118582.7 2dfi377fl 42.328 %S 19.54 40858fi.8 2463768 42.102 65 24.14 43.5 40859D.8 2463766 41.908 TOB 28.69 43 4118591.7 2463766 42.147 BKF 29.66 408592.3 24fi3765 41.632 TOW 34.35 408612.3 2463755 43.2716 �5 52.37 x42.5 408592.9 2463765 41.244 CS 31.45 408593.5 2463765 41.17 C5 31.74 m-- ------------------- ------------------------------- -------------- -------------------- W 42 408593.9 2463765 41.1fi9 CS 32.1fi 448594.2 2463764 41.128 T 32.52 41.5 408534.8 2dfi376d 41.671 CS 33.16 408595.7 2dfi37fi4 41.673 TOW 34.1$ 41 408596.6 2463763 42.063 BKF 35.20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 408597.5 2463763 42.218 TOB 36.15 Width (ft) 408601.4 24fi37fi1 42.45 GS 44.56 Elevation (R) 40$604.$ 2463759 41.954 GS 44.35 408608 24637-58 I Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions 2.9 x section area (ft.sq.} 48.2 W flood prone area (ft; k 5.5 width (ft) 8.8 entrenchment ratio 0.5 mean depth (ft) 1.1 low bank height (ft) 0.9 max depth (ft) 1.1 low bank height ratio 6_0 wetted parimeter (ft) 0.5 hyd radi (ft) 10.3 width -depth ratio HU -1: XS 1 HU -1: XS 1 42.568 HLJx51 47.97 408612.3 2463755 43.2716 �5 52.37 N E Eley. Dew. Sta. HU -1 - XS 2- Pool [Upstream Long -Pro 448048.7 2463544 41.467 HLJX52 4.D0 408448.2 2463542 44.5A3 GS 2.70 across section fpa bkf--------- If bk ht --------- rt bk ht 448447.9 2463540 40.221 TOB 4.91 41-5 448447.9 2A635DD 39.419 BKF 5.64 41 448447.5 24fi3498 39.672 Tow fi.79 13.26 408447.4 24fi3A9i 39.443 CS 7.85 408444.8 2463483 44.339 GS 21.55 448444.1 2463A79 40.343 GS 26.27 40.5 2463475 44.A81 GS 29.73 408447.1 2463496 38.972 CS 8.39 448047 24fi3496 39.052 T 8.95 c- 40 --------------------------------------------------------- 448047 2463495 39.44 CS 9.26 eo 7 408046.8 2463494 39.294 CS 14.45 Lu 39-5 448446.7 2A63493 39.825 TOW 11.41 448446.5 2463492 40.348 BKF 12.29 39 448446.3 2463491 +10.A31 TOB 38-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Width (ft) J4 r Bankfull aimension5 Flood Dimensions w 4 RF y 4-9 x -section area (ff.sq.) - flood prone area (ft; 6_5 width (ft) - entrenchment ratio f. 0-8 mean depth (ft) 1.2 low bank height (ft) 1-2 max depth (ft) 1.0 low bank height ratio 7-1 wetted parimeter (ft) 0-7 hyd radi (ft) 8.6 width -depth ratio HU -1: XS 2 HU -1: XS 2 13.26 408445.7 2463488 40.A11 GS 16.91 408444.8 2463483 44.339 GS 21.55 448444.1 2463A79 40.343 GS 26.27 448443.3 2463475 44.A81 GS 29.73 408043.1 2463473 40.42 HIJJC52 3L62 N E Elev. Desc. Sta. 407410 2453345 40.1328 GS 0.00 407419.3 2453336 38.9583 GS 13.31 407433.8 2463322 39.1417 GS 33.34 407446.2 2463310 38.6907 GS 50.59 407451.7 2463305 39.035 HUXS3 57.97 407453.7 2453303 39.319 GS 60.88 407455.5 2453300 39.078 GS 64.77 407450 2463297 39.212 GS 69.52 407463.4 2453294 39.438 GS 74.32 407466.5 2453291 39.2 TOB 78.39 407467.2 2453290 38.764 BKF 79.44 407457.5 2463290 38.608 TOW 80.05 407468.3 2463289 38.507 CS 80.96 407468.7 2453289 38.417 CS 81.67 407469.2 2453288 38.435 CS 82.31 407470 2463287 38.366 T 83.47 407470.5 2463287 38.497 CS 84.19 407471.2 2453286 38.695 TOW 85.00 407471.5 2463286 38.783 BKF 85.51 407472 2463285 39.069 TOB 86.28 407474.8 2463283 38.949 GS 90.05 407477.9 2453280 39.174 GS 94.37 407480.5 2453277 39.054 GS 97.88 407483 2463275 39.155 GS 101.30 407485.4 2463272 39.272 HUXS3 104.75 407490.8 2463267 39.5254 GS 112.43 407498.6 2453260 41.5581 GS 123.02 HU -1 : XS 3- Riffle (Downstream Long -Pro) across section -fpa bkf--------- If bk ht --------- rt bk ht 42- 41.5- 41 241.541 E40.5 c 40 ° 39.5 LU 39 -------- ------- - - - - - -------------- --- 38.5 38 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Width (ft) HU -1: XS 3 Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions 111-5 W flood prone area (ft; 4.0 x -section area (ft.sp.) 7.7 width (ft) 14-5 entrenchment ratio 0.5 mean depth (ft) 0-7 law bank height (ft} 0.8 max depth (ft) 0.9 low bank height ratio 7.9 wetted perimeter (ft) 0.5 hyd rads (ft) 14-9 width -death ratio HU -1 : XS 4- Pool (downstream Long -Pro) -crosssection fpa bkf--------- If bk ht --------- rt bk ht 36.5 36 -------------------- ---------- 35.5 C O n1i 35 LU 34.5 34 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions 3-8 x -section area (ft -sq.) - W flood prone area (ft; 6-9 width (ft) - entrenchment ratio 0_6 mean depth (ft) 1-4 low bank height (ft) 1-1 max depth (ft) 1.2 low bank height ratio 7.4 wetted parimeter (ftp 0-5 hyd radi (ft) 12-4 width -depth ratio HU -1: XS 4 HU -1: XS 4 i N E Elev. Desc. Sia. 4Q6837.3 24634fi1 36.133 HE'J}CS4 Q.QQ 4Qfi837.2 2463458 36.Qfi3 GS 2.b4 4Q6837.3 2463455 35.816 6S S.QQ 446837.4 2463451 35.7Q4 TOB 9.74 4Q6837.5 2463450 35.563 BKF,jTQW 1Q.79 ---------------------- 406837.2 2463A49 34.fi37 CS 12.15 A06$37.A 24634A$ 3A.634 CS 12.3A A06837.6 2463447 3A.263 T 13.81 406837.A 2Afi34A6 3A.683 CS 1A.51 A06837.A 24fi34A5 3A.833 �5 15.56 A06$37.6 24634A4 35.05 C5 16.55 A06837.6 2A63A43 35.405 BKFfTOW 17.31 406837.6 2463441 35.fifi7 TOB 19.74 4Qfi837.7 2463437 35.738 GS 23.33 4015H37.7 2463434 35.698 US 26.91 4Qfi837.8 246343Q 35.922 GS 34.9fi 406837.9 2463426 35.948 GS 34.82 4Q6837.9 2463423 3fi.2Q2 HLl;{S4 37.94 HU -1 : XS 4- Pool (downstream Long -Pro) -crosssection fpa bkf--------- If bk ht --------- rt bk ht 36.5 36 -------------------- ---------- 35.5 C O n1i 35 LU 34.5 34 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Width (ft) Bankfull Dimensions Flood Dimensions 3-8 x -section area (ft -sq.) - W flood prone area (ft; 6-9 width (ft) - entrenchment ratio 0_6 mean depth (ft) 1-4 low bank height (ft) 1-1 max depth (ft) 1.2 low bank height ratio 7.4 wetted parimeter (ftp 0-5 hyd radi (ft) 12-4 width -depth ratio HU -1: XS 4 HU -1: XS 4 i N E Elev. Desc. Sia. 4Q6837.3 24634fi1 36.133 HE'J}CS4 Q.QQ 4Qfi837.2 2463458 36.Qfi3 GS 2.b4 4Q6837.3 2463455 35.816 6S S.QQ 446837.4 2463451 35.7Q4 TOB 9.74 4Q6837.5 2463450 35.563 BKF,jTQW 1Q.79 ---------------------- 406837.2 2463A49 34.fi37 CS 12.15 A06$37.A 24634A$ 3A.634 CS 12.3A A06837.6 2463447 3A.263 T 13.81 406837.A 2Afi34A6 3A.683 CS 1A.51 A06837.A 24fi34A5 3A.833 �5 15.56 A06$37.6 24634A4 35.05 C5 16.55 A06837.6 2A63A43 35.405 BKFfTOW 17.31 406837.6 2463441 35.fifi7 TOB 19.74 4Qfi837.7 2463437 35.738 GS 23.33 4015H37.7 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 05 Monitoring HU-1: Reach Data Summary Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site Year 05 Monitoring Parameter Baseline MY-1 MY-2 MY-3 MY-4 MY-5 Dimension and Substrate - Riffle only Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Rosgen Classification E5 C5 C5 C5 E5 E5 Bankfull Width (ft) 7.39 7.81 8.23 6.1 6.7 7.3 6.4 7.05 7.7 62 6.7 72 52 5.55 5.8 5.5 6.6 7.7 Floodprone Width (ft) >41.72 >44.19 >46.65 >41.7 >442 >46.7 >41.7 >442 >46.7 46.7 80.15 113.6 45.3 79.6 113.9 482 79.85 111.5 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.52 0.58 0.64 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.1 121 1.31 0.8 0.9 1 0.9 1 1.1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.8 0.85 0.9 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) 427 4.52 4.76 3.1 3.5 3.9 3.1 3.8 4.5 3 3.3 3.6 22 3 3.8 2.9 6.9 4 Width/Depth Ratio 11.55 13.69 15.83 12 12.8 13.7 132 132 13.2 13.1 13.8 14.5 9.3 10.7 12.1 10.3 12.6 14.9 Entrenchment Ratio >5.64 >5.66 >5.67 >6.2 >6.6 >6.9 >6.1 >6.3 >6.5 7.49 11.62 15.75 8.7 14 19.3 8.8 11.65 14.5 Bank Height Ratio 1 1 1 0.9 1 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.15 1.3 0.9 1 1.1 Profile Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.0014 0.0015 0.0015 0.0021 0.0026 0.003 0.0017 0.0027 0.0036 0.0022 0.0026 0.003 0.0017 0.0026 0.0034 0.0019 0.0025 0.003 Pool - Pool Spacing (ft) 16.5 38 64.8 20.8 41.85 62.9 21.4 43.3 652 20 44.35 68.7 10.3 34.75 592 172 40.4 63.6 Pool Length (ft) 8.6 22.1 472 9.5 23.5 37.5 14 1 33.5 52.9 14.1 3325 52.4 6.1 21.45 36.8 10.9 27.4 43.9 Riffle Length (ft) 4.8 1525 33 5.4 16.4 27.4 5.9 17.8 29.6 5.9 17.35 28.8 32 16.1 29 6.1 20.4 34.7 Dmax Riffle (ft) 0.9 1.05 1.6 0.4 0.7 1 1 0.7 1 1.3 0.5 0.9 127 0.58 0.89 1.19 0.44 1 1.55 Dmax Pool (ft) 12 1.55 2 0.7 1.15 1.6 0.7 1.35 2 0.9 1.31 1.72 0.87 1.39 1.9 0.67 123 1.78 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) Beltwidth to Bankfull Width (ft/ft) Radius of Curvature (ft) Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) Meander Wavelength (ft) Wavelength to Bankfull Width (ft/ft) 15.66 2.01 1625 2.08 642 822 31.88 4.08 18.13 2.32 86.79 1 11.11 1 46.83 6 20 2.56 123.7 15.84 Pattern data will not typically be collected unless visual data, dimensional data or profile data indicate significant shifts from baseline Shaded cells indicate that these will typically not be filled in. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 05 Monitoring Dimension and substrate Based on current bankfull elevation Bankfull Width Floodprone Width Bankfull Mean Depth Bankfull Max Depth Bankfull Cross Sectional Area Bankfull Width/Depth R Bankfull Entrenchment R Bankfull Bank Height R Dimension and substrate Based on current bankfull elevation Bankfull Width Floodprone Width Bankfull Mean Depth Bankfull Max Depth Bankfull Cross Sectional Area Bankfull Width/Depth R Bankfull Entrenchment R Bankfull Bank Height R Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 05 Monitoring Report HU -1: Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross Section) Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 05 Monitoring Cross Section 2 (Pool) Base Cross Section 1 (Riffle) Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 7.39 6.1 6.4 6.2 5.2 ,41.72 ,41.72 ,41.72 46.7 45.3 0.64 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 1.31 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.8 4.76 3.1 3.1 3 2.2 11.55 12 13.2 13.1 12.1 ,5.64 ,6.8 ,6.5 7.49 8.7 1 1 1 1 1.3 Cross Section 2 (Pool) Base Cross Section 4 (Pool) Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 7.01 6.8 6.9 5.9 6.3 37.98 113.6 113.9 0.85 0.6 0.69 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6 1.17 1 1.1 0.8 1 4.9 4.1 4.1 3.3 3.8 10.16 11.1 11.7 10.8 10.3 5.41 15.75 19.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1 Cross Section 2 (Pool) Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 8.07 7.2 7.4 7.4 6.8 31.74 5.9 ,46.65 ,46.65 ,46.65 113.6 113.9 0.85 0.6 1 0.7 0.7 1.52 1.4 1.7 1.2 1.4 6.80 4.6 7 4.8 4.4 9.49 11.1 7.7 11.3 10.4 3.94 ,6.4 ,6.1 15.75 19.3 1 1 1 1 1.1 Base I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 Base I MY1 I MY2 Cross Section 3 (Riffle) Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 8.23 7.3 7.7 7.2 5.9 ,46.65 ,46.65 ,46.65 113.6 113.9 0.52 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 1.10 1 1.1 0.9 0.9 4.27 3.9 4.5 3.6 3.8 15.83 13.7 13.2 14.5 9.3 ,5.67 ,6.4 ,6.1 15.75 19.3 1 1 1 1 1 Base I MY1 I MY2 HM -1: Longitudinal Profile -Thalweg 3- Bankfull 38.0 37.5 37.0 K 36.5 c 36.0 d W 35.5 35.0 34.5 34.0 10+00. 10+50. 11+00. 11+50. 12+00. 12+50. 13+00. 13+50. 14+00. 14+50. 15+00. 15+50. Sta. (ft) Minimum Mean Max Bankfull Slope 0.0023 Pool -Pool Spacing (ft) 17.8 29.6 50.3 Pool Length (ft) 11.7 21.3 38.1 Riffle Length (ft) 4.1 9.5 16.6 Dmax Riffle (ft) 0.2 0.72 1.32 Dmax Pool (ft) 0.41 1.02 1.45 HM -1: LONGITUDINAL PROFILE DATA Sta. Distance TW BKF Sta. Distance TW BKF 10+00. 0.0 36.249 37.505 13+55.71 355.7 35.740 36.234 10+05.55 5.5 36.472 37.333 13+66.93 366.9 35.219 36.217 10+18.1 18.1 35.974 37.013 13+75.3 375.3 35.025 36.012 10+24.2 24.2 35.911 36.682 13+81.68 381.7 35.111 35.820 10+27.31 27.3 35.801 36.987 13+92.8 392.8 35.400 36.109 10+32.07 32.1 36.194 36.927 13+99.56 399.6 34.467 35.578 10+40.52 40.5 35.627 37.123 14+04.9 404.9 34.736 35.729 10+47.88 47.9 35.405 36.865 14+07.95 408.0 34.980 35.914 10+51.57 51.6 35.713 36.643 14+14.41 414.4 34.925 36.197 10+56.55 56.6 36.152 37.073 14+21.78 421.8 34.468 35.851 10+72.94 72.9 35.896 36.533 14+30.77 430.8 35.069 36.022 10+80.8 80.8 35.328 36.775 14+36.37 436.4 34.847 35.170 10+83.81 83.8 35.439 36.409 14+42.47 442.5 35.363 36.032 10+87.07 87.1 35.802 36.520 14+53.81 453.8 35.151 36.122 10+99.49 99.5 35.807 36.644 14+58.14 458.1 35.191 36.011 11+08.43 108.4 35.114 36.124 14+61.55 461.6 35.346 35.549 11+13.19 113.2 35.505 36.110 14+69.3 469.3 35.054 35.790 11+17.79 117.8 35.764 36.304 14+74.34 474.3 34.442 35.894 11+28.55 128.5 35.488 36.113 14+79.73 479.7 34.611 35.883 11+35.32 135.3 35.367 36.200 14+83.64 483.6 34.970 35.906 11+41.59 141.6 35.919 36.533 14+91.58 491.6 35.057 35.668 11+46.27 146.3 36.022 36.471 15+05.54 505.5 34.980 35.752 11+54.23 154.2 35.820 36.511 15+14.9 514.9 34.748 35.575 11+69.24 169.2 35.298 35.959 15+29.7 529.7 34.880 35.710 11+77.04 177.0 35.145 35.972 11+80.41 180.4 35.616 35.948 11+87.45 187.5 35.489 36.207 11+97.45 197.4 35.354 36.559 12+04.61 204.6 35.464 36.244 12+09.36 209.4 35.178 36.326 12+13.43 213.4 35.302 35.807 12+23.68 223.7 35.214 36.266 12+46.2 246.2 35.803 36.163 12+49.59 249.6 35.914 36.419 12+55.14 255.1 35.736 36.179 12+59.43 259.4 35.315 36.195 12+63.41 263.4 35.639 36.044 12+66.86 266.9 35.303 36.625 12+72.9 272.9 35.541 36.172 12+78.08 278.1 35.537 36.534 12+81.54 281.5 35.199 36.210 12+88.87 288.9 35.388 36.433 13+05.43 305.4 35.547 36.368 13+24.89 324.9 34.935 35.866 13+34.71 334.7 35.381 36.121 13+41.11 341.1 35.414 35.826 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 05 Monitoring Report HM-1: Stream Reach Data Summary Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site Year 05 Monitoring Parameter Baseline MY-1 MY-2 MY-3 MY-4 MY-5 Dimension and Substrate - Riffle only Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min7 Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Min Mean Max Rosgen Classification E5 C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 Bankfull Width (ft) 6.06 5.40 5.70 5.1 3.8 4.3 Floodprone Width (ft) >35 >35.6 >35.7 38.4 44.7 38 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.56 0.40 0.30 0.40 0.4 0 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.06 0.90 0.80 0.60 0.8 0.4 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) 3.42 220 2.00 1.90 1.3 0.6 Width/Depth Ratio 10.82 13.40 16.70 13.40 10.6 11.9 Entrenchment Ratio >5.9 >6.5 >62 7.59 11.9 8.9 Bank Height Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.3 1.3 Profile Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.0015 0.0023 0.0024 0.0023 0.0024 0.0023 Pool - Pool Spacing (ft) 11.70 24.00 37.30 11.6 24.4 51.9 14.3 29.8 50.1 152 27.5 49.3 16.4 26.4 54 17.8 29.6 50.3 Pool Length (ft) 8.80 16.40 30.00 5.5 17.3 36.3 6.8 192 37.7 7.5 17.9 362 9.1 182 36.5 11.7 21.3 38.1 Riffle Length (ft) 3.70 9.90 17.70 3 7.5 15.6 42 10.6 22 4.8 9.6 17.8 4.3 9.7 19.1 4.1 9.5 16.6 Dmax Riffle (ft) 0.62 0.90 1.10 0.53 0.83 1.71 0.5 0.97 2.15 0.44 0.84 1.15 0.31 0.85 1.67 02 0.72 1.32 Dmax Pool (ft) 1.00 120 1.40 0.64 1.03 1.69 0.38 1.1 1.61 0.7 1.1 1.5 0.69 1.13 1.54 0.41 1.02 1.45 Pattern1110off- -0 Channel Beltwidth (ft) Beltwidth to Bankfull Width (ft/ft) Radius of Curvature (ft) Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) Meander Wavelength (ft) Wavelength to Bankfull Width (ft/ft) 11.50 1.90 15.00 2.48 4200. 6.93 21.47 3.54 1825 3.01 50.82 1 8.39 1 39.50 6.52 21.50 3.55 62.00 10.23 4[dLimensionaldata will not typically be collected unless visual data, or profile data indicate significant shifts from baseline "ceilsmdcaleat these will typically not be filled in. Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 05 Monitoring Report N E Elev. I Dem. Sta 400315.7 2459667 38.9789 GS 0.00 400319.4 2469559 38.473 HM -X51 8.14 400322.8 2459649 38.178 GS 18.15 400324.3 2459646 38.044 GS 22.33 400325.5 2459642 38.084 TOB 25.93 400325 2459541 37.477 BKFI-rGW 27.36 400326.1 2459640 37.471 1 CS 27.77 400325.4 2469640 37.304 CS 28.39 400326.4 2459640 37.544 CS 28.57 400326.6 2459639 37.348 T 28.94 400326.6 2469639 37.386 CS 29.28 400327 2469639 37.501 CS 29.80 400327 2469638 37.805 BKFfT4W 30.45 400327.4 2459537 38.225 TOB 31.35 400328.9 2459533 38.181 GS 35.72 400330.2 2469629 38.12 1 GS 39.53 400331.6 2469625 38.089 HM-XS1 43.93 400333.7 2469620 39.3971 GS 49.77 HM -1: XS 1 HM -1 - XS 1 - Riffle -cross secton fpa bkF--------- If low bank ---------rt low bank 40 39.5 - 39 C ..38.5 Lu 38 37.5 37 0 10 20 Ele abon {ft) HM -1: XS 1 30 Width (ft) Bank -full Dimensions 1.5 x -section area (ft.s 4.3 width (ft) 0.4 mean depth (ft) 0.6 max depth (ft) 4.7 wetted parimeter (f 0.3 hyd radi (ft) 11.9 width -depth ratio 40 5o 60 Flood Dimensions 38.0 W flood prone area (ft; 8.9 entrenchment ratio- 0.8 low bank height (ft) 1.3 low bank height ratio M E Elev. Uesc. Sta. HM -1 : XS 2- Pmol 40U016.2 2469607 36.701 HPI+11-X52 0.06 across section fpa bkf--------- If bk ht --------- rt bk ht 400009.9 2469600 36.791 GS 9.81 37.5 44U4D7.3 2469596 36.283 TOB 14.05 4004D6.3 2469595 35.732 BKFjT�11V 1.5.76 37 40"5.5 2469594 35.492 C:S 16.89 36.5 40D005 2469694 35.12 C5 17.62 ----------------------------------------------------------- - -�S2 ------------- --------------------- ---- ------------------ 4ir04Q4.7 2469593 34.825 L5 18.19 36 m 400DD4.4 2469593 34.936 T 18.65 w35.5 40Li4G4 2469592 35.132 �S 19.29 35 4000D3.5 2469592 3.5.507 �S 13.93 403 2469591 36.106 BKFfT04V� 20.75 34.5 40DOD2.4 2469.590 36.4 TOB 21.78 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 399999.7 2469587 36.922 GS 25.97 Width (ft) 399996.7 2469584 36.OG5 GS 30.71 399994.1 2469580 36.1&5 HMI Bankfull dimensions Flood Dimensions 4-0 x -section area (fl.sq.� --W flood prone area (ft; r 6-1 width (ft) - entrenchment ratio • «' 0-7 mean depth (ft) 1.5 low Dank height (ft) 1-3 max depth (ft) 1.1 low frank height ratio 6.7 wetted parimeter (ftj 0-6 hyd radi (ft;' 9.4 width -depth ratio HM -1: XS 2 HM -1: XS 2 -�S2 34.8,5 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 05 Monitoring Report HM-1: Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters - Cross Section) Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 05 Monitoring Dimension and substrate Based on current bankfull elevation Base Cross Section 1 (Riffle) MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 Cross Section 2 (Pool) MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Width (ft) 6.06 5.4 5.7 5.1 3.8 4.3 8.12 6.9 7.1 6 4 6.1 Floodprone Width (ft) >35.6 >35.6 >35.7 38.4 44.7 38 >34 na na na na na Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 0.56 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 na 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.7 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.06 0.90 1 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 1 0.6 0.61 1 1 1.1 0.6 1.3 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ftz) 3.42 2.20 2 1.9 1.3 1.5 1.20 3 1 3.3 3.5 1 1.4 4 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 10.82 13.40 16.7 13.4 10.6 11.90 13.31 16 15.2 1tna 9.4 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >5.9 >6.5 >6.2 7.59 11.9 8.9 na na na na Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1 1 1 1 1.3 1.3 na 1 1 1.1 Bachelors Delight Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank Year 05 Monitoring Report