HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0013808_NOV-2019-PC-0287_20190319Compliance Inspection Report Permit:WQ0013808 Effective:08/29/18 Expiration:07/31/23 Owner :Kotis Properties Inc SOC: Contact Person: Region: County: Directions to Facility: Guilford Winston-Salem William Kotis Effective:Expiration:Facility:Summerfield Shopping Center WWTF 4548 US 220 N Summerfield NC 27358 Title:Phone:336-574-2000President take I-40 east to Hwy 150 in kernesville, turn left at top of ramp. turn right on Hwy 220 then take first left gravel driveway behind the shopping center Secondary ORC(s): 919-260-7301Phone:23928Certification:Kenneth Chad LeinbachPrimary ORC: SI,WW1,System Classifications: On-Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Secondary Inspector(s): Primary Inspector: Inspection Date:Exit Time:Entry Time: Phone: 03/19/2019 10:00AM 01:30PM Rebecca D Chandler 336-776-9692 Facility Status: Permit Inspection Type: Reason for Inspection:Inspection Type: Not CompliantCompliant Routine Wastewater Irrigation Compliance Evaluation Question Areas: Miscellaneous Questions Treatment Record Keeping End Use-Irrigation Treatment Disinfection Storage Standby Power (See attachment summary) Page 1 of 6 Inspection Date: Permit: Inspection Type : Owner - Facility: Reason for Visit: WQ0013808 03/19/2019 Compliance Evaluation Kotis Properties Inc Routine Inspection Summary: Announced compliance inspection completed 3/19/2019 with Chad Leinbach (ORC) and Alan Gaddis (Kotis). Grease traps are responsibility of Food Lion - looked ok today. Septic is responsibility of Kotis - no records onsite but will provide via email. #1 and #2 septic are scheduled to be pumped in June, recommended sooner as high levels noted. The #2 septic outlet vault needs to be fixed ASAP, casing is broken and lid is easily moved/open vault. The alarm (audial and visual) on the wet well mounted on the outside of the pump house needs repair. Sand filter is still not functioning properly. 19 of the lateral line junction boxes were full of wastewater, indicating it was draining back to center of sand filter. Valve box at bottom of lateral lines also full of wastewater. Wastewater was still noted as overflowing from the sand filter, directly into the wet weather storage pond, bypassing further treatment through sand filter and wetland cells, and chlorination. Totalizer from wet well to irrigation counts everything from wet weather storage pond twice: counts once when it kicks over to wet weather storage, and then counts it again when irrigating out of wet weather storage). Recommended flow meter on wet weather storage pond to get accurate amounts. Chad suggests upgrading computer software will provide solution. Concern for freeboard marker in wet well of wet weather storage pond not accurately measuring what is truly in the pond. Possible backup of debris or something in the influent to wet well not allowing for water to equalize levels. Need to assess and find solution - may need to "blow out" influent structure. Evaluation of irrigation zones: Zone 1 - much better condition than last year, only a few "misters" leaking in field. One manifold box at lowest point in field was full of water, but not overflowing. Zone 2 - many large holes and broken lines. Facility reportedly just made repairs to the zone the Friday prior to inspection. Facility to turn off the zone while further repairs are made. Zone 3 - all fallen trees have been cut and removed, stockpiled at edge of zone. No major leaks noted within the zone. Page 2 of 6 Inspection Date: Permit: Inspection Type : Owner - Facility: Reason for Visit: WQ0013808 03/19/2019 Compliance Evaluation Kotis Properties Inc Routine Type Yes No NA NE Activated Sludge Spray, HR Activated Sludge Drip, LR Recycle/Reuse Reuse (Quality) Infiltration System Single Family Spray, LR Activated Sludge Spray, LR Single Family Drip Lagoon Spray, LR Treatment Yes No NA NE Are Treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit? Do all treatment units appear to be operational? (if no, note below.) see summaryComment: Standby Power Yes No NA NE Is automatically activated standby power available? Is generator tested weekly by interrupting primary power source? Is generator operable? Does generator have adequate fuel? see summaryComment: Treatment Disinfection Yes No NA NE Is the system working? Do the fecal coliform results indicate proper disinfection? Is there adequate detention time (>=30 minutes)? Is the system properly maintained? If gas, does the cylinder storage appear safe? Is the fan in the chlorine feed room and storage area operable? Is the chlorinator accessible? If tablets, are tablets present? Are the tablets the proper size and type? Is contact chamber free of sludge, solids, and growth? If UV, are extra UV bulbs available? If UV, is the UV intensity adequate? # Is it a dual feed system? Page 3 of 6 Inspection Date: Permit: Inspection Type : Owner - Facility: Reason for Visit: WQ0013808 03/19/2019 Compliance Evaluation Kotis Properties Inc Routine Does the Stationary Source have more than 2500 lbs of Chlorine (CAS No. 7782-50-5)? If yes, then is there a Risk Management Plan on site? If yes, then what is the EPA twelve digit ID Number? (1000-____-____) If yes, then when was the RMP last updated? see summaryComment: Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Is a copy of current permit available? Are monitoring reports present: NDMR? NDAR? Are flow rates less than of permitted flow? Are flow rates less than of permitted flow? Are application rates adhered to? Is GW monitoring being conducted, if required (GW-59s submitted)? Are all samples analyzed for all required parameters? Are there any 2L GW quality violations? Is GW-59A certification form completed for facility? Is effluent sampled for same parameters as GW? Do effluent concentrations exceed GW standards? Are annual soil reports available? # Are PAN records required? # Did last soil report indicate a need for lime? If so, has it been applied? Are operational logs present? Are lab sheets available for review? Do lab sheets support data reported on NDMR? Do lab sheets support data reported on GW-59s? Are Operational and Maintenance records present? Were Operational and Maintenance records complete? Has permittee been free of public complaints in last 12 months? Is a copy of the SOC readily available? No treatment units bypassed since last inspection? see summaryComment: End Use-Irrigation Yes No NA NE Are buffers adequate? Is the cover crop type specified in permit? Is the crop cover acceptable? Page 4 of 6 Inspection Date: Permit: Inspection Type : Owner - Facility: Reason for Visit: WQ0013808 03/19/2019 Compliance Evaluation Kotis Properties Inc Routine Is the site condition adequate? Is the site free of runoff / ponding? Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? Is the application equipment present? Is the application equipment operational? Is the disposal field free of limiting slopes? Is access restricted and/or signs posted during active site use? Are any supply wells within the CB? Are any supply wells within 250' of the CB? How close is the closest water supply well? Is municipal water available in the area? # Info only: Does the permit call for monitoring wells? Are GW monitoring wells located properly w/ respect to RB and CB? Are GW monitoring wells properly constructed, including screened interval? Are monitoring wells damaged? see summaryComment: 550,000 - Storage Yes No NA NE Storage Type?5-day detention pond Storage amount?550000 Gallons # At what point is side-stream wastewater returned to treatment? Is there a Spill Control Plan? Aerated or Mixed?NONE If aeration is present, is it adequate? If present, are diffusers cleaned regularly? Is influent structure acceptable? Are banks/berms free of seepage and erosion? Are banks/berms free of excessive vegetation? Is pond lined? Liner Type Full, synthetic Is liner acceptable? Are baffles/curtains acceptable? Does the pond have a freeboard marker? Required freeboard?2 Feet Page 5 of 6 Inspection Date: Permit: Inspection Type : Owner - Facility: Reason for Visit: WQ0013808 03/19/2019 Compliance Evaluation Kotis Properties Inc Routine Actual freeboard?2 Feet Is there suitable grassed vegetation? Is the vegetation maintained? Is the area free of excessive weeds and/or woody species? Is the area free from signs of overflow? Is color acceptable? Are floating mats acceptable? No excessive buildup of solids? Are aerators/mixers acceptable? Is effluent structure acceptable? If present, is pond cover acceptable? see summaryComment: Page 6 of 6