HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960849 Ver 1_Other Agency Comments_19961021 (2)NCWRC,HCP,FALLS LAKE TEL~919-528-9839 Oct 21'96 :31 No .002 P.04 _ ~ Narth alma Wildlife ~esource~ ~amrnission Sit N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carollua ~7d04-X188, 919-739.3391 - Charles R. Fullwocxl, Executive Director MEMnRANDUM 'I't]: Jahn DornCy T]ivision of Water Qua ~1iiy ~~ FTtOM: Uwen F. Anderson, ~P-i~.dmont Regton Coordinator Habitat t~onscrvatian Program DATE: OetoL~er 2!, 1996 SUBdfiCT: Seven Lakes Country Club, lac. Request for 4Q1 Vl~ater Quality Certifcation to itll wetlands for residential development near West L'nd, Moore County, North Carolina. DWQ ID # 96Q849. Staff biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission have reviewed the subject application for 4U1 Water Quality Certification with respect tcf anticipated project impacts on aquatic habitats, t7ur comments are provided in accordance with ccriFtin provisions of the :l~ish and Wildlife Coordination Act (Slat, 4U1, as amended; l 6 tJ,S.C:. 661 et seq.), and Section 401(b) of the Cletus Water Act of 197? (as amended), and North C',arolina Genera] Sitttutes (G.S. 113-131 et seq.), The project involves the proposal construction of a residential development complex on a 7.53 acrd tract approximately 1.5 miles East of Seven Lakes. Tl~e applicattit proposes to till a total of 1.54 acres cif hetydwat~r wetlands for construction of residential housing, parking !tits at~d roads. An estimated 1.54 acres of wetlands arc located on the project site. The prctjeet site is located ai the headwaters of the Little River in die Cape Fear River Basin. The i,ittlc River is designated as WS-III HQ. Headwater wetlands arc important tc~ maintaining water quality in the Little River. We believe that the applicant has not demonstrated a need for filling in all the wetlands on the project site !or residential housing in an area with abundant residential housing units, WG were not able to determine whether the applicant made any effort in the project design to limit itnpactti to jurisdictional wetlands by avoidance and minimization. Minln~tixing wetland impacts and mitigating loss of functions are essential to prutc~c;ting downstret~ni high- quality waters and habitats. Wetland losses should be mitigated using the following ratios: 2:1 ratio (crcated:destroyed) far creation, a 3:1 (restored: destroyed) for restoration and 1 U:1 (pre.~erved:detitroycd) Fc~r preservation. NCWRC,HCP,FALLS LAKE TEL:919-528-9839 Oct 21'96 17:32 No .002 P.05 Seven Lakes C'cx~ntry Club 2 pctober 21, 1996 Moore C:c,unty 960849 We reduest that the follc,wing conditions be applied to the }~ertnit: 1 • Require the applicant to further avoid and minimize impacts. Require mitisation 1i~r unavoidable impacts based on the above ratios. The nutigalion wetlands should be similar in on-site wetlcuids and located adjacent to existing Wetlands and pretcr~bly downstream c~!'the project site. 2. Require that remaining or njitigation wetlands be protected from additional in,Paets by deed restriction. 3. Retain rn• establish a SO-foot natural vcsetated bui~'Cr beside all wetland areas. LI'li~rts should he made to retain as many trees as possible within this buffer. 4. Require that stormwater best ~nanage~i~ent practices be implemented. (TC~sscd swales s1,c,uld tic used where feasible to convey stormwater runoff: Stormwsrter ruuuff fmtn parkins are~~.ti should be discharged to a wet detention pond prior tc~ discharging to surface waters. Thank you far tllc opportunity to provide input into the review process. If I can be of further assistance, contact me at (919) 528-9$86, WC'Iota