HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC190081_ESC Approval Submitted_20190422 Fli J(_),, UA""( N/A R 11 N A I oWIInoUIF::' uquay-Vairiiina II:..:..:irosioin Coiintiro� IlfNaur Appirova� I etteir April 4, 2019 Johnny Tew, PE ECI S Global ��ric 19 North McKinley St Coats, NC 27521 IRe- Noirth I alkes C&C I ots II:..:..:irosioin Cointiro IIFNain Airneindirneint#2 Appirova� Erosion Contmi Numbeir: EC S4993 Disturbed acreage: 4.61 acres (2.73 AC additional) Wake County RN: 0676642761 1....at/1....ong: 35.576184 I 78.743447 To Whom it May Concern, I he I owin of IF::uquay-Vairiina Staff Ilh ave approved with the above-ire-feireinced eirosion coiintiro 1p�aiin. This approval is only fair eirrosion contmi arid does riot constitute approval of site improvements as defined in the Town ofFuquay Varrina I 3nd Development Or'dinance. An approved eirrosion arid sedimentation contmi Iplar7 is valid foir one (1) calendar,yeair firom the date of approval. if a iand disturbance Ipeirmit has riot been obtained within the one (1) year Ipeiriod, the eirrosion contmi arid sedimentation Iplan approval becomes null arid void. E.3y acceptance of these alplprov¢e,d Iplans, the owner, owneir's agents, Ihneiirs, successors arid assigns, agree to lore bound to arid comply with the Town of Fuquay Vairina's Code of Ordinances and the rown,s Standard Specifications arid Consh,uction Details as promulgated arid amended by the Town. The owneir/develloper,car their irelpresentative must meet the following obligations as part of this appirovall: • IFNease contact Ilf oin INesairy at(919) 795 5156 to IIbegiiin coinstiruction of added dots. • Grading, otheir than Fair iris tallia tion of soil eirrosion arid sedimentation contmi measures, is pirrohibited prior, to completion of an approved compliance inspection. • All Iproa ects that have approved plans foir an EC Ipeirmit on car after,Aug. 3, 2011 are covered by the NPDES Consh,uction Stormwater, General Permit, NCG 010000. Iln addition, effective October, 1, 2010, persons conducting iand distur'bing activities iairger, than one acre must inspect their Ipro ec,t after each Iphase of the prow ect arid document the inspection in writing. A Ipacket with information on the NPDES General Permit arid the Self inspection Pirrogirram will be provided at the Ipirec onstruction meeting. Permits arid inspection reports shall be maintained on site. Effective Aipirrill, 2019, new NCGO1 Ipeirmitwent into effect. Please see the attached informational sheet. • Title 15A NCAC 4B .01 18(a) arid the NCGO1 Ipeirmit require that the following documentation be Ikelpt on File at the Uob site: The approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation. The NCGO1 Ipeirmit arid the COC, once it is irec,eived. Records of inspections made during the pirevious 30 days. Fown of Fuquay-Varina 401 Old I loneYCLAt 1Road, ::::UqUay-Variria, NC 27526 (919)552-1400 fuquay-variria.org Fli J(-),, UA""( N/A R 11 N A • EC Iplan approval shall be prominently displayed until all consh,uction is complete, all peirmarient sedimentation arid erosion contmi measures are installed, arid the site has been stabilized. A copy of the approved plan shall be Ikelpt on file at the Uob site. • Agents, officials, oil,other qualified per'sons authorized by the Town, have the right to perriodicailly inspect iand distuirbing activities to ensure compliance arid to determine whether, the measures required in the plan aire effective in contmilling eirrosion arid sedimentation resuiting from iand distuirbing activity. The Town of Fuquay Varrina is riot responsible foir sub ect approvals of other I ocall, State oil,Federal Agencies. The sub ect approvals arre (but riot fimited to) Fedeiral Emeirgency Management Area Flood r,eguiatioris/r'equir'emerits, Division of Water, Quality under, stormwater, oil, rather' water, quality r,egui,qtioris/r'equir'emerits, U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's under,Article 404/401 (Wetiands/Sh'eams)uur'isdictiori/r'equir'emerits, any provisions of the North Carrofirla State Building Code oil,any sh'ucturral design plans as conducted by the Fuquay Varrina rispections Department , and/or, any Fedeirall, State, County arid I ocal municipal regulations oil, peirmit requirrements. These peirmits arid approvals are separate 'From this apprrovall and the owineir, owineir's agents, Iheiirs, successoirs and assigins aire, responsible foir investigating the need, arid obtaining these other peirmits if required. Approval of these plans does riot supersede, in any manneir, the Town of Fuquay Vairina's Code of Ordinances oil, the rown,s Standard Specifications and Construction li)eAails. All construction s1hall The implemented in accoirdaince with the Code of 0irdinances arid the Standaird Specifications arid Consh,uction Details as now promulgated arid as heireafter, amended by the Town of Fuquay Vairina. Any deviafioins froim the rown,s Code of Oirdiinaince�s and Standaird Specifications arid Construction Details shall be called to the attention of the Town before such deviations are implemented. To the extent these approved plans vary oil,conflict with the Town of Fuquay Vairina's Code of Ordinances and/oir the rown,s Standard Specifications and Construction li)eAails, said Code and Standard Specifications and Consh,uction Details shall contmi irrirespective of approval of sub ect plans. The owner', owner, agents, heirs, successor's arid assigns, agree the Town shall riot be responsible foir any claims, damages, losses, costs, eingineeiring fees, attorney's fees or otheir 1pirofessioinall fees WhatsoeveK, iincuirire�d lby the owineir oirtlhe owineirs agents occasioned by relying upon the sub ect plans approved by the Town in the event that the sub ect plans are inconsistent or in conflict with the rown,s Code of Ordinances oir the rown,s Standard S pecificatio ills and Consh,uction Details. i IF you have any questions regairding this appirrovall, please do riot hesitate to contact me at (919) 753 1004. Sinceirelly, cu_ P—W Charles Phillips Engineering rispector', Engineering Department M: Tiracy Stephenson, PE, Engineering Director', Engineering Department Jennifer,Mitcheill, Engineering Department Fown of Fuquay-Vairiina 401 Old I loneYCLAt 1Road, F::UqUay-Variria, NC 27526 (919)552-1400 fuquay-variria.org 2