HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070277 Ver 1_Application_20070215i , OFFICE USE ONLY: Date Received Request # State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Watar ~ualiry 2007027~- Variance Request Form Neuse River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC .0233) NOTE: This form maybe photocopied for use as an original. Part 1: General information 1. Applicant's name (the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the project): . N.. ,~ ~. 2. Print Owner/Signing Offlciai (person legally responsible for the facility and its compliance) Name: n~`~.~t~ Goa , ~i~ ~my~ Title: `.~~ tJ~~ Street address: ~ ~ ~ c~ r~'~ ~: (~ ~~ ~~ ;~, ~` ~ <, s~ , City, State, Zip: C.~ ~J c ~ ~ °~ ,~` Telephone: `'~ r ~ ~C~ J :~ ~ ~a ~ ~O i ~ - 5's~ ~ ~~ ~~...,1 Fax: gr i ~ ~ ~ _. -~~ ~ ~~`~_ _ _. 3. Project Name (Subdivision, facility, or establishment name -consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): ___ 4. Location of Facility ~.-- Street address: ~~!~~ ~;. City, State, Zip: County: Latitude/longitude: 5. Directions to facility from nearest major intersection (Also attach a map): . tom- +•- ~' . r ~.e7P~1 I~~y~''(-k, "i..~. ~~tl:k~ ~~ rr,~ ~, ~° ~ w~ I(~ 1.1'~'~;~ ? ~. ~ +°~'~"~~'` ^- ~c' 1 ~ l'ti`l,f~-t- ~~ 1 L~1~,} ~-h~t~th'7fi,,J ar a ~ L. ~. ~ ~ . F~.'~ 5~ ~ ~vtR"~ t7r?,4tL.c~. r ,. ~ ; -_ ~ y 6. Contact person who can answer questions about the facility: ~._ , , Telephone: Fax: Email: 7. Requested Environmental Management Commission Hearing Date:. ~/~~: ~`~` 7 -; ,. ~ ~, Version 1: September 1998 Part 2: Demonstration of Need for a Variance David Garrigues the owner of the residence has a mother and father (Mona and Warren Vance) who currently live at 1211 Seabrook Avenue and have for almost 25 years. They church that they helped start, food Shepard ilnited Church of Christ, is right down the road as it has been for at least 12 years. All of their friends live here in Cary this is where their life has been and what they know. Currently Mona (the mother) is Diabetic Type II with total loss of legs. She is bed ridden and requires daily aid from outside sources. As her condition worsens she is also requiring night time care as well. As she is not able to perform basic bathroom operations she needs to be changed by caretakers. LTp until this past year her husband Warren has been able to take care of her at night time but as he is also aging he has come across some problems as well. Warren (the father) has been rushed to the hospital several times for dementia and suspected and highly anticipated Alzheimer's. ~1e has become unable to take of care of my mom and we have to get special aid at night time to take care of her. hie is also having major problems in grocery stores forgetting if he is going or coming. What he was suppose to get. Where to find even his credit card or what it even looks like. He cannot end articles in the home like the dogs collar. Fie forgets that he has even ever had mashed potatoes. As you can see this is becoming more problematic. l°lousin~ in Cary as everyone knows is not cheap. While l have lived here in Cary ever since ~ grade going to fast Cary Jr. high then on to Cary high l know of no better place to live. Aber saving my money I was able to buy a house in Stony brook Estates very close to my parent's house that live in Pirates Cove. As my wife Erenda and 1 started watching my parent's condition worsen and could easily foresee their future we knew we would all end up in the same house. The question was where in Cary could we find a house that would work for everyone. The cost of moving would simply just have to be absorbed in both houses being sold and move into anther house. After looking and looking in Cary and up online through houses that were available none of them would work and could identify with my parents special needs. 1 have two children Ryan (12) and Aaron (3). We are located in the same subdivision as Farmington Woods Elementary where Ryan went to school and where Aaron will go in two years. ®ne of the greatest things about living in Cary is that it is convenient. My wife and l are in the process of helping start a new church here in the Cary/Apex area as 1 continue my studies for becoming a pastor. Since my subdivision is only two streets down from my parents house this will still be very close for them to their church. We live in a very quite neighborhood where cars go slow and the kids can play in the front yard without any hassle from pedestrians or traffic. For my kids this is the ideal neighborhood. 1 have basically lived here all my life and love it. Trying to get a house that fills the needs for My Parents, My Children, and My wife came up horribly short aver we exhausted the Internet and our Realtor. We simply could not find a house. We thought of new construction but the lots are so expensive and by the ~ ~ ! ~ time you go through new stuff honestly we just don't have the strength nor the time. We finally came to the conclusion that what could work and still be feasible as far as money goes is to just sell my parents house and build an addition on to ours. Now this could not be just some ordinary room because my mother must be lifted out of bed with a Hoyer system. The equipment necessary for transporting her from bed to wheel chair is big and bulky not even counting the room necessary to shift to make things happen and storage problems. We enlisted the aid of an Architect to help us figure out what kind of space planning we would need and how can we maintain some kind of architecture to our house and not make it be a mess for the time of resale. We went through many revisions and came to the outline that you have now. This will maintain both my parents and still let them have their own freedom in their room. All meals will still have to be brought through our kitchen as they do not have the ability to cook anyway. We have increased the size of our living room so that my mother can come out of the bed more oven as her aids do not currently take her out. I see this is a great opportunity for my children to be with their grandparents as they are very encouraging people. The bottom line is that my parents are unable to care for themselves and in time we will have very big problems on our hands. The cost of healthcare is incredible and for them to maintain any type of "home" lifestyle 1 am confident this will go away within the next year if I do not get them moved in quickly. 1 have tried every avenue other than this variance and have for obvious reasons come up short. 1 simply have no other alternative other than to take my family away from the town I grew up in the town my parents have lived in and the town my children have grown up in, our church, friends, the cost of moving, etc. The variance is our only reasonable option. I do not know all of the laws but I hope that they are compassionate. Part 2: Demonstration of Need for a Variance NOTE: The valance provision of the Neuse Ripalan Area Rule allows the Environmental Management Commission b grant a valance b an aA'ected party when the following conditions apply on a given protect: (a) practical dlrflculHes or hardships would result from stlct application of the rule: (b) such d1A9cuINes or hardships result from condltlos which are peculiar b the property Involved; and (c) the generel purpose and Intent of the Rule would be preserved, water quality would be protected and substantial Justice would be done !f the valance were grented. This part of the application !s b explain how the protect meets cltela (a) and (b). 1. Attach a detailed description (2-3 pages) explaining the following; • The practical difficulties or hardships that would result from strict application of the Rule. • How these difficulties or hardships result from conditions that are unique to the property involved. • Why reconfiguring and/or reducing the built-upon area to preserve a greater portion of the riparian area is not feasible on this project. If economic hardship is the major consideration, then include a specific explanation of the economic hardship and the proportion of the hardship to the entire value of the project. Part 3: Water Quality Protection NOTE: This part of the application is b explain how the protect meets cltelon (c): the generel purpose and Intent of the Rule would be preserved, water quality would be protected and substantial Justice would be done !f the valance were grented. 1. Briefly summarize how water quality will be protected on this project. Also attach a detailed narrative (1-2 pages) describing the nonstructural and structural measures that will be used for pro,~ecting water quaNty an~ reducing nitrogen inputs to surface water. 2. What is the total project area in acres? 3. Which of the following permits/approvals will be required for this project? CAMA Major Sediment/Erosfon Control 401 Certification/404 Permit Variance Request Form, page 2 Version 1: September 1998 Part 3: Water Quality Protection, continued 4. Complete the following information for each drainage basin. If there are more than two drainage basins in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each basin provided in the same format as below. Protect Information Orolna a Basin 1 Drolna a Basin 2 Recelvin stream Hama .~` ~ f~1 ~f1 ~~~t.- Receivln stream class V~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~~ ~~+~ Dreina a basin area total) - L ~k~~ Existin Impervious area total < 2 r S'~ ~. ~ ~~, Proposed im ervious area total < ~., 1 ~ r~- % Im ervious area on-site) c~~'~ S`~~ ~~~~~`~~` ~'~ °r6 Im ervious area total L I p`~ ~ ~ T~n~L ' ~ Im erv/oua aroa Drolnag4 basin 1 Drolna a basin 2 On-site bulldin s Z-`?~`~ ~• -i On-site streets ~-- On-site arkin ~ `` /~ ~~ On-site sidewalks ~ ~ 1 Other on-site Total on-site Off-site Total ~ ~ ', i Tl,e 7nFn.,,n~ else l.,~fhla lnfnrmallnn !e ntfn~//h2n_enr.stet9.nc.us/st-frlCla3 8/alpha/neu.html rnv rnwnrv~ urw .v. n........v............ .~ ....r.....__.-•-~------ - - ~ Total means on-site plus oR site area that drains through the project. s Impervious area is defined as the bu11t-upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, pa-icing areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. 5. How was the off-site impervious area listed above derived? 6. What will be the annual nitrogen load contributed by this site after development in pounds per acre per year without structural BMPs (stormwater pond, wetland, infiltration basin, etc)? Attach a detailed plan for all proposed structural stormwater BMPs. Drolnage basin Slze of drolnage basin ac Post development nitrogen loading rate without BMPs' ibs/a r BMP nitrogen romoval eftnclency° Final nitrogen loading rote (Ibs/ac/yr) Final nitrogen loading from drolnage basin Iba 1 2 s a 6 Totals ----° °°° -'°'- Attach calculations and references. ° Ahach calculations and references. Variance Request Form, page 3 Version 1; September 1998 Part 3: Water Quality Protection, continued 7. The applicable supplemental form(s) listed below must be attached for each BMP specified: Form SWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SWU-103 Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU-108 Off-Site System Supplement Form SWU-107 Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU-109 Innovative BMPs Supplement Part 4: Submittal Checklist A complete appplication submittal consists of the following components. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. The complete variance request submittal must be received 90 days prior to the EMC meeting at which you wish the request to be heard. Initial below to indicate that the necessary information has been provided. Applicant's Item Initials • Original and two copies of the Variance Request Form and the attachments listed below. • A vicinity map of the project (see Part 1, Item 5) • Narrative demonstration of the need for a variance (see Part 2) • A detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management (see Part 3, Item 1) • Calculations supporting nitrogen loading estimates (see Part 3, item 8) • Calculations and references supporting nitrogen removal from proposed BMPs (see Part 3, Item 6) • Location and details for all proposed structural stormwater BMPs (see Part 3, Item 6) • Three copies of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP and/or narrative for each Innovative BMP (see Part 3, Item 7) • Three copies of plans and specifications, including: 0 Development/Project name 0 Engineer and firm 0 Legend and north arrow 0 Scale (1" = 100' or 1" = 50' is preferred) 0 Revision number & date 0 Mean high water line (if applicable) 0 Dimensioned property/project boundary 0 Location map with named streets or NC State Road numbers 0 Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations 0 Details of roads, parking, cui-de-sacs, sidewalks, and curb and gutter 0 Footprint of any proposed buildings or other structures 0 Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist 0 Existing drainage (including off-site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations 0 Drainage basins delineated 0 Perennial and intermittent streams, ponds, lakes, rivers and estuaries 0 Location of forest vegetation along the streams, ponds, lakes, rivers and estuaries Variance Request Form, page 4 Version 1; September 1998 Part 5: Deed Restrictions By your signature in Part 7 of this application, you certify that all structural stormwater best management practices required by this variance shall be located in recorded stormwater easements, that the easements will run with the land, that the easements cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that the easements will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. Part 6: Agent Authorization If you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section: Designated agent (individual or firm): Malting address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Fax: Email Part 7: Applicant's Certification i, (print or type name of person listed in Part I, Item 2), certify that the information included on this permit application form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans and that the deed restrictions in accordance with Part 5 of this form will be recorded with all required permit conditions. Signature: Date: Title: Variance Request Form, page b Version 1: September 1998 i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ ~ ~ i ~ i ~ i i ~ i I~ i ~ i ~ ~ I~ I ~ ~ i i i ~ ~ I~ i ~ ~ li I i ~ ~ ~ EX. A/C PAD I I~ NEW A/C PAD ~ 'I I I~ I I ~ ~ ~. I ~ II I I ~ ' I ~ ,~ FRN~N I ' I ~ , _ ~ ~-,,~ ~ , ,, ',, p ~ .~ ~ F ~_ e '~` ~ ~ ~~~~',. ,~~,!~,~ `< << ~ ~~f ,,~,, ,~ ~ <t '~; ;,~; ,, E~ ,: . . , ,_~ ... .., _ wQ,~o I D -- ~.; ~ ..- . ~ AIN -~-- ~ ~ REM IpGE ~ TION~ ~ BR CA Ex Rx ~° p,pP Q1~t j i Sd919L ~ j~ PVMT ~~~~ ua.wfA VARIANCE~794~f MINt7R VARIANCE~S03sf ~1G9L ~', ~ '._~ IP