HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0018007_Residual Annual Report 2018_20190212Project Contact Information Please provide information on the person to be contacted by NDB Staff regarding electronic submittal, confirmation of receipt, and other issues. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Name* Roberti. Branch Email Address* bbranch@branchrs.com Project Information Application Type* New Renewal • Annual Report Permit Type* Wastewater Irrigation Other Wastewater Closed -Loop Recycle Single -Family Residence Wastewater Irrigation Is a paper copy of the application being submitted? • Yes No _) N/A Permit Number* W00018007 Permittee* Town of Broadway Facility Name* Town of Broadway Phone Number* 336 312-9007 Please provide comments/notes on your current submittal below. Modification (Major or Minor) Additional Information Other High -Rate Infiltration Reclaimed Water Residuals Other For new and modification permit applications, the paper copy is required to be submitted to the Division Be advised, applications will not be considered complete until bath the paper and electronic applications have been received. The paper copy shall include the folloviung: • Application Form • All relevant attachments (calcs, soils report, specs, etc-) • 1 full-size engineering plan set • 2 11-17" engineering plan sets • 1 extra set of specifications (in addition to the set of specifications provided in the attachments) • Fee (i£required) This shall be mailed to the follovang address: By U. S- Postal Stmce: Di-: it or o= :Fzter Re�cu-ces- Non-Discha ae 3ranch 16,1-1=zit ser:ice Center 3 alei ¢h. NC _' 75 S 9-1 _� 1 B-: Ccu:ier Spe-_ia: Delivery: Dr-: is:oo_ :Z zter Resonrces- Nan-Dis-harge Branch Art N zthzn_el T::ornburg- 9th Floor, Office 4942W l' N. Salis ur,- St. Rzleigh, NC 27604 For questions or problems contact Tessa Manday at 919-7073660 or TessaAIondaVRncdenr.gov or Soria Graves at 919.7073657 or SOnia-Grayes(Clj"em-gov. Please attach all information required or requested for this submittal to be reviewed here. (Application Form, Engineering Plans, Specifications, Calculations, Etc.) Broadway DEQ 2018 ar.pdf 1.41 MB Upload only 1 PDF document. Multiple documents must be combined into one PDF file. e By checking this box I am acknowledging that I have read the above statement and agree to send these documents as required to one of the address given above. Signature* Submission Date 2/12/19 2018 ANNUAL REPORT TOWN OF BROADWAY BROADWAY, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT #WQ0018007 Prepared For: Town of Broadway Post Office Box 130 Broadway, North Carolina 27505 Prepared By: Branch Residuals & Soils, LLC 8646 West Market Street- Suite 111 Greensboro, North Carolina 27409 February 2019 BRANCH RESIDUALS & SOILS, LLC 8646 W. Market St. — Suite 111 • Greensboro, NC 27409 PHONE (336) 510-0340 • Fax (336) 510-0341 February 11, 2019 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Aquifer Protection Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Reference: 2018 LAND APPLICATION ANNUAL REPORT Town of Broadway Broadway, North Carolina Permit No. WQ0018007 Branch Residuals & Soils Project No. 2002-09 Information Processing Unit: Branch Residuals & Soils is submitting all monitoring and reporting information as required in the referenced permit on behalf of the Town of Broadway. This data includes: 1) Certification Form and Facility Information, 2) Annual Residual Sampling Summary Form, 3) Annual Metals Field Loading Summary Form, 4) Annual land application Field Summary Form, 5) Residual Analysis Lab Sheets, 6) TCLP Lab Sheets, 7) Annual Pathogen & Vector Attraction Form, 8) Annual Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction Documentation, 9) Soils Lab Data 10) 2018 Application Summary Table, and 11) 2018 Application Condition Summary. A total of 6.61 dry tons (7.5 wet tons) of cake wastewater residual solids from the drying beds of the Town of Broadway were land applied. These air-dried biosolids were incorporated into the soil. If any further information is required regarding this land application program, please do not hesitate to contact me at (336) 312-9007. Sincerely, Robert T. Branch, L.S.S. Land Application/Residuals Operator #15676 RTH Attachment cc: Town of Broadway TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION NO. TITLE I Certification Form II Annual Residual Sampling Summary Form III Annual Metals Field Loading Summary Forms IV Annual Land Application Field Summary Forms V Residual Analysis Lab Sheets VI Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) Analysis Report VII Annual Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction Form VIII Annual Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction Documentation IX Soil Analysis Report X 2018 Application Summary Table XI 2018 Application Condition Summaries CERTIFICATION FORM ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION C ERTMCATION FORM WQ Permit#: WQ0018007 County: Harnett Year: 2019 Facility Nome (as shown ou permit): To%u of Broadway Land Application Operator: Tovrn of Broadway Phone: (919) 25"922 Land application of residuals as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calendar year? © Yes p No - Xf No, sldp Part A, and Part B and proceed to Part C. A,lsoy U reddusis were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Total number of iicatian fields in the 5 Total munber of fields utilized for land during the year: 2 Total amount of dry tons appW during the year for all WAcation sites: 6,61 Total number of acres utilizes for land application during the yam: 6.00 Part B - Asnaal Comaianee Stu Facility was compliant during calendar year 2018 with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not Naited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Qualfty. y[�, Yes [3 No H no please, provide a written description why the faci ty was not conq ant, the dates, and explain Corrective action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. .2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4) Amual TCL.P analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboxataay results are attached. 5) All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and threw (3) copies of cadfied laboratory results are attached. 6) The facility did not exceed any of the pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(a) or the Polhttant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regnrlated facilities). 7) All general requxernents in as specified in the Laud Application Permit were complied with (applicable to 40 CM Part 503 regulated facilities). 8) All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02 T .1111 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated fa dIities). 9) All operations and maintenance reqairemects in the permit were died with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received feria the Division of Water Quality. 10) No oont ravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and re:mediations. 11) Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop nueaagemaxt was performed on each site reeeing residuals, as specified in the permit. 12) No n=.E of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby mn fwe waters bss oocu red. 13) All buffer reguftu Dents as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C - C n: "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information * to the bent of my knowledge and belies; true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are sigufficant penalties for submitting false information, including the posslAity of fiinex and imprisonment for knowing violations." W. Dustin Kornegay, Town Manager Pwmittee Name and Title (type or ) Signature of ttee Date Signature of Prepwer* Date Signature of Land Applier Date (if different from Perwiittee) (if different from Petmittee and Prepara) * Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r) and 15A NCAC 02T .1102 (26) DENR FORM ACF (12QWB) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM IF —I N R q 1;� E� F,-, a �Illlllllgllfll �111111111111111 i�0199101199�00 ANNUAL METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORMS ANNUAL METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORM Attach this form to the corresponding Field Loading Summary Form to be submitted In Annual Report Fscllity Name; Town afBroadway Total Dry Tons Applied (Annasl): 3.97 Permit #: WQD018007 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503 only): nJa Operator: William H. Budmmm [hoer: William R Buchanan Predominant Sell series CeH Acres Used: 3.6 Acres Permitted: 4.1 Site #: 1 Field #: 3B Residual Analysis Data (Hussy Nkials and Total Phosphorus use mg&g, % Solids use Raw Percent ##): Er:3r:2+"za�� Annual Heave Metal Field Loadings (Calenlatled in flWsere): r .1. "I ceritry, under penalty of law, that this docnmaent was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the infornudion submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and im sonment for knowing violations" rr, 019 Signature of Land Applier Date Author Daryl D. Merritt DENR FORM MFLSF (7/2002) ANNUAL METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORM Attach this form to the corresponding Field Loading Sunu=7 Form to be submitted in Annual Report Faeilit3* Name: Town of Broad Taml Dry Tom Applied (Annual): 2.65 _ Permit #: WQ001.8007 Cation Exehange Capadty (Ron M only'): nla Operator: W:71i8M H. Buchanan Owner: William A. Buchanan �Predominaat Sob Series CeB Acres Used: 2.4 Acres Permitted: 42 Site #: I field #: 3A Residual Analysis Data, (Heavy Metals and ToW Phosphorets use m9ft % Solids use Raw Percent #D: Iu1 elk 1 11 I I � _ I " I certify, under peoWty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or superviskm in amrdance with a system desired to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submltte& i am aware that there are signMeant penaltles for sabmftting false information, including the possibfillty of es and mmmtt for lmowing violations" 5iguatare of Land Appiier Date Author Daryl D. Merritt DENR FORM MFLSF (712002) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORMS ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORMS LEGEND All nutrients and metals concentrations listed on the following annual land application field summary forms are on a pound per acre basis. The following is a list of symbols and abbreviations used on the field loading rate report: °/8TS — Percent Solids DTIACRE — Dry Tons Applied per Acre lb/ac — Pounds per Acre Metals (1bs/ac) As — Arsenic Cd — Cadmium Cr — Chromium Cu — Copper Pb — Lead Hg — Mercury Mo — Molybdenum Ni — Nickel Se — Selenium Zn — Zinc Nutrients lbs/ac PAN — Plant Available Nitrogen P — Phosphorus K — Potassium Annual Totals — lbs/ac applied during the calendar year. Cumulative Totals — lbs/ac applied during the lifetime of field use. �111 N NiRatetragea S M uti��-saa�ion ;.* C volitua-wd a 8 Rage'"* Appel; -cation U Mdbod- a Date or Month — d N 0 a � VJ a o C$PE 9� p N N M 0 Uaoo� � 0.Q o�6 O O O i+ O p C °A 1112,3 ' m,+ F•. E. J. 1014 3 OK ae U S Ors, M q P pillillillillill coil �011111111111111 �€8111 fl1111111111�1111�9 1 � aiii�n mniin�� �mimiiimiiHuo ��mmmmmio0��� amimumm�s���� IIIIIIIIINIIII 9@9B� �IIIIfl11N11111��9�� 8111 lullll IN�I�� ���IIIII�IIIIII�IN� '�mnnnnnm RESIDUAL ANALYSIS LAB SHEETS Facility: Source: Location: Contractor: Type of Analysis: Report No: Date Sampled: Date Reported: Reporting Period: Town of Broadway Broadway Wastewater Treatment Plant Broadway, NC Broadway Drying Beds WWTP 71'V2018 �?11712018 1118 ri1nnuitI sample Parameter ° kk PPM Dry Weight EPA Ronthly Limii I Solids 8.18 _ -4.550 Nitrogen (TKN) 45,500.000 Phosphorus 1.480 14,800.000 Potassium 0:Z66 2,660.000 Sulfate I� 1,0.70 Calcium 10,700.000 Magnesium 0,271 2,710.000 Sodium 0.OR 9 890.000 Iron Aluminum --- 180' WI J Manganese --- Copper --- 248-.000 1,500 Zinc --- 712..000 2,800 Ammonia Nitrogen 0 315 1,150_000 Nitrate N / Nitrite N --- 7.460 Cadmium --- 1,130 39 Chromium --- 1,200 Nickel --- 20.60C) 420. Lead --- 15;70� 300 Arsenic --- 5:(X)O 41 Mercury --- 3.380 17 Selenium --- 5'(0) 100 pH Calcium Carbonate E 0.000 0.000 Organic Nitrogen 4.235 Molybdenum 5.9101 75 Chloride --- Boron Available P205 Broadway Drying Beds WWTP Broadway Wastewater Treatment Plant Broadway, NC 2018 Annual Sample Date Reported: 7/17/2018 Report No: 18-187-0209 Note All Units in Pounds Per Dry Ton Macro Nutrients PAN Surf. 28.565 PAN Inj. 31.715 P 29.600 K 5.320 Lime 0.000 Secondary Nutrients Calcium 21.400 Magnesium 5.420 Sodium 1.780 SAR 1.863 Chloride 0.000 Iron 15.000 Alumium 10.360 Manganese 0.000 Boron 0.000 Sulfur 0.000 Physical Characteristics % Solids 88.18 pH 6.200 Min Rate 0.300 Metals Arsenic 0.010 Cadmium 0.002 Chromium 0.000 Copper 0.496 Lead 0.031 Mercury 0.007 Molybdenum 0.012 Nickel 0.041 Seleniun 0.010 Zinc 1.424 Residual Nitrogen Calculation Year Min Rate 'AN #/Acre 2018 0.30 25.41 2019 0.15 8.89 2020 0.08 3.78 2021 0.04 1.75 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 r Way pit. ANALYTICAL 7/17/2018 Branch Residuals and Soils LLC Bob Branch 8646 West Market Street Suite 111 Greensboro, NC, 27409 Ref: Analytical Testing Report Number: 18-187-0209 Project Description: Broadway Cake 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804 743-9401 ° Fax 804-2714"6 www.waypointana"cal.com Dear Bob Branch: Waypoint Analytical Virginia, Inc. received sample(s) on 7/6/2018 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. Sub -contracted testing is noted on the Sample Summary Table if applicable. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters (NELAP and non-NELAP) were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2012) and NEL4C unless otherwise indicated. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as - received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, P.;. 0 0-7' Pauric McGroary Agronomist Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis. Arizona AZ0629 New Jersey VA011 Pennsylvania 65-03109 Virginia 460014 Florida E871087 North Carolina 257 South Carolina 93007 SE �{ O P Page ; of 8 Waypoint(D ANALYTICAL Client: Branch Residuals and Soils LLC Project: Broadway Cake Lab Report Number: 18-187-0209 Date: 7/17/2018 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743.Ml ° Fax 804-271-6"6 www.waypointanalydcal.com CASE NARRATIVE Nitrate + Nitrite Nitrogen Method 4500NO3F-2011 Sample 61522 Analyte: NO3+NO2-N QC Batch No: E64963 The MS/MSD recoveries are considered insignificant due to the level of analyte present in the parent sample relative to the spike level. RPD is based on the MS/MSD results and should be evaluated as laboratory duplicates. Metals Analysis Method 6010D Sample 61559 Analyte: Al QC Batch No: L390694 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration >25X the MQL. Dilution test within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: As QC Batch No: L390422 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration < 25X the MQL. Post Digestion Spike within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Ca QC Batch No: L390422 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration >25X the MQL. Dilution test within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Cd QC Batch No: L390422 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration < 25X the MQL. Post Digestion Spike within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Cu QC Batch No: L390422 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration < 25X the MQL. Post Digestion Spike within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Fe QC Batch No: L390422 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration >25X the MQL. Dilution test within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: K QC Batch No: L390422 Page 2 of 8 waypoint.(D ANALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 904-271-6446 www.waypointanalvtical.com MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration >25X the MQL. Dilution test within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Mg QC Batch No: L390422 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration >25X the MQL. Dilution test within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Mo QC Batch No: L390422 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration < 25X the MQL. Post Digestion Spike within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Na QC Batch No: L390422 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration < 25X the MQL. Post Digestion Spike within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Ni QC Batch No: L390422 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration < 25X the MQL. Post Digestion Spike within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: P QC Batch No: L390422 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration < 25X the MQL. Post Digestion Spike within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Pb QC Batch No: L390422 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration < 25X the MQL. Post Digestion Spike within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Se QC Batch No: L390422 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration < 25X the MQL. Post Digestion Spike within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Zn QC Batch No: L390422 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration < 25X the MQL. Post Digestion Spike within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Page 3 of 8 0 (D WaypOint. 7521 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-5446 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com Sample Summary Table Report Number: 18-187-0209 Client Project Description: Broadway Cake Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received Method Lab ID 61529 Broadway Cake Solids 07/06/2018 61529 Broadway Cake Solids 07/06/2018 6010D WTN WTN: Waypoint Analytical - TN, Memphis, TN, Certification: #1354 Page 4 of 8 In to N j Z z U r 7 N p 0 0 U 2 N C QO 't O a a a a a a ❑O a a 6 Q M a a Z 0 O O C x ;S m ao N' i �j O tD O tD O 0 O 0O O O m O m CD w 0� U Z w tD m C u e . N N Vi 2 fn O Q O O d; 0 E a CD 1- U) C.} V U O O r Ll 2 c 2 � fY1 O O Q Ct e d 7 O O O O 0) O W m 0 M 0 O O M O tq m Q 'm 'd r r M V 74: 74: V r oo E o v co CD tD tD co to 0 ci co to do od O io co :EC E r T Q r r r r r r N r r CDO r r r N� O oo W W T M T O T W r Co W W W 0 r CD r ¢� rl 2 a T 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 0 _m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O tpO to in 4 -rr v V O 0 O q __ O O O O O _~O O O O O O Q O O O r_ O O O O ui 3 mo p❑❑ Z Y Z Y Z Y Z Y Z Y Z Y Y Z Y Z Y Z Y Z Y ro N m w w m m m m m m Y m m g co m c o rrww ti 0 w' W N m 0 Q T J c c Q J o O O O O O O O O O O O (O O O C C O O O ►U) Lo Lo V) W CM lQ Ln N LO LOO lLO N N O �o . c oJ Q �/ A!p o Q� �Q ❑ � 0 O O C� co v; � - Qp CL e� 00 LtJ 0 0 N O N OD I- In N ~ cej M N V r N N yN ¢ m � V � � 4 C D m o T m LD � N O N O M N N m � U N r r O r O O O CL y O O U x N ri N O h C N C i+ i U O = N o h cca w ar a U m ro u co � m � mOD y }, a tD CO V ZO N N CO12 m L. E! V m r C CO N C N t0 m 0 N O Z to .Q 3 m mm00coCD `m N � O E a s �, ''ra z? E d a m O E m 3 E •c z Z c :0o z E in Y a to 2 c m 3 o 2+� c Q a V M to F 'p :6 L p p a C rn� E 6 Y Y 42 -e as y ��FILILU O m m (n-¢UNQoz0z O E co q �D 0 m O N m f� E § q � E E§ S LO R % CD V CD § k k 0 / k § \E k / § ) C> C) \ 2 ` \ g$ g IT m v v ` p E§ CO ¢ k § 66 E$ i co co o 0000 c N 1 d d k d k k ID % C) § § R § 6 � k $ 7 k- e � �f m § |Z , A?\) 7 k \\ BCD8 g 9 2 � } R O w« w a w o Ek 7 k) cr. z 2 \ )\ uj $ \\ � '. 8$ E & #§ v a .v m f \ LLI ^ I ca j \\ q q e m■ \ / � a < m $ 2 @ k \ 0 § % E �\ o§ f f Q f )} E _ § e z § 7 § / §/ t 7 § cn 7 R 2 2 r { ( m G 7 m � 3 m 2 k 0 7 g@ [, m = m 00 V) 0 0 V E o :3 2/ § ` > ( 2 # � c § zE - • g 3 - §\ a_ « )a - 0 2 0 G$ c $ m§ 2© e$, e I 0§ 2 )® « j® -J < V) a Eqƒ (/ �zo 0 co 0 k � Waypoint(b ANALYTICAL. 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 ° Fax 804-271-W6 www.waypointanalocal.com Cooler Receipt Form Customer Number: 46368 Customer Name: Branch Residuals and Soils LLC Report Number: 18-187-0209 Shipping Method 0 Fed Ex 0 US Postal 0 Lab 0 Other UPS C:i Client 0 Courier Thermometer ID: Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? 0 Yes 0 No Number of coolers received Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? 0 Yes No I♦ Not Required Custody seals intact on sample bottles? 0 Yes 0 No Not Required Chain of Custody (COC) present? 0 Yes U No COC agrees with sample label(s)? • Yes 0 No COC properly completed I♦ Yes C} No Samples in proper containers? Yes No Sample containers intact? Yes No Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? 0 Yes C} No All samples received within holding time? 0 Yes 0 No Cooler temperature in compliance? 0 Yes No Cooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. 0 Yes No Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Water - Sample containers properly preserved 0 Yes 0 No I♦ NIA Water - VOA vials free of headspace 0 Yes 0 No N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs 0 Yes 0 No N/A Soil VOA method 5035 — compliance criteria met 0 Yes 0 No N/A High concentration container (48 hr) F Low concentration Encore samplers (48 hr) F- High concentration pre -weighed (methanol -14 d) F- Low conc pre weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d) Special precautions or instructions included? 0 Yes 0 No Comments: Signature: Orandi Watson Date & Time: 7/06/2018 13:15:55 Page 7 of 8 The following parameters need to be analyzed on sample Broadway Cake Regular Nutrient and Metal Residuals Analysis 'Arsenic Lead ZNickel Aluminum % Total Solids ✓ Potassium/ Calcium-" Iron / Cadmium Mercury Selenium Ammonia -Nitrogen pH.i TKN Magnesium Bob Branch Project: Broadway Branch Residuals & S, Project Ne 2002-09 336 510-0340 Bill Branch Residuals & Soils for Payment UPS � ��c ►�o icy Copper --Molybdenum Zinc Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen / Phosphorus Sodium z Page 8 of 8 TOXICITY CHARACTERISTICS LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) ANALYSIS REPORT RESEARCh & ANA-YTICAI LAbORATORfES, INC. Analytical/Process Consultatlons Toxicity Characteristic Leachate Procedure (TCLP) Analysis of Sample Identified as Broadway (A Branch Residuals & Soils Project #BRS 2002-09, collected 08 November 2018) TOB EPA HW Quantitation Results Charaeteristle Number Contaminant Limil(mnl_Ll LIN-11fial LeVelfm0L1 EPA Method TCLP METALS D-004 Arsenic 0.010 BQL 5.00 6010C D-005 Barium 0.010 03M l00 6010C D-006 Cadmium 0.005 BQL 1.00 6010C D-077 Chromium 0.010 BQL 5.00 6010C D-009 Lead OAD5 BQL 5.00 6010C D-009 Mercury 0,0020 BQL 0.20D 7470A D-010 Seleniwn 0.100 BQL 1.00 6010C D-011 Silver 0.010 BQL 5.00 6010C Q. TCLP VOLATILES D-019 Benzene 0,050 BQL 0.500 8260E D-019 CarhonTetmebloride 0050 BQL 0.500 8260E D-021 Chlorobenxcne 0.050 BQL 100 8260E D-022 Chloroform 0.500 BQL 6.00 8260E D-029 1,2-Dichloroelhane 0.050 BQL 0.500 8260E D-029 l,l-Dichlomc1hylene 0.050 BQL 0.700 8260B D-035 mcdo'1 Wyl Ketime D.500 BQL 200 82609 D-039 Tatrachloroethyleae 0.050 BQL 0.700 8260E D-040 Trichloroelhylene 0.050 BQL 0.500 8260E D-043 Vinyl Chloride 0.050 BQL 0.200 8260B 1LiL TCLP SEMI-VOLATILES D-023 O-Creosol 20.0 BQL 200 8270D D-024 M-Creosol 20.0 BQL 200 9270D D-025 p-Creosol 2010 BQL 200 3270D D-026 Creosol 20.0 BQL 200 8270D D-027 1,4-Dichlorohenzene 0.750 BQL 7.50 8276D D-030 2,4-13inibutoluene 0.050 BQL 0.130 82701) D-032 Hexachlorobeonne 0,050 BQL 0.130 8270D D-033 1iexachl0robutadimn 0.050 BQL 0.500 8270D D434 Hexachlorarlhane 0.300 BQL 3.00 8270D D-036 Vitrotenzane 0.200 BQL 2.00 9270D D•037 Pentachloropherrol 10.0 BQL 100 8270D D-038 Pyridine 0.500 BQL 5.00 9270D D-041 2,4,5-Trichlom&ivol 40.0 BQL 400 6270D D-042 2,4,6-Tnchlorophenol 0.200 BQL 2.00 9270D 1V. TCLP PESTICIDESIHERBICIDES D-020 Chlordane 0.003 BQL 0.030 9091 B D-016 2,4-D LODO BQL 10.0 8151 A D-012 Bodrin O.OD2 BQL 0.020 9091 B D-031 Heptachlor 0-0008 BQI• 0.008 8081 B D-013 Lindane 0.040 BQL 0.400 BOB] B D-014 McdwxycWor 1.000 BQL 10.0 8081 B D-015 Toxapbene 0.050 BQL 0500 8081 B D-017 2,4,5-TP(Silvex) 0.100 BQL 1.00 81514 V. REACTIVITY D-003 Cyanide 1.0 BQL 9010 D-003 Sulfide 5.0 BQL 9030 VI. CORROSIVITY D.OD2 pH Std. Units 6.60 9D45 VIl TCLP MISCELLANEOUS Paint Filter 7 cat NFL VIH.IGNrrABILITY D-001 Ipnitability WNl 1010 Sample Number 58914-01 Sample Date 11/011/18 Sample Time (brs) 1012 Sample Matrix Sludge BQL = Below Quantitation Limits WN1= Will Not Ignite mg/1 - milligams per Liter = parts per million (ppm) nWAg -milligrams per kilogram - pamper million (ppm) NFL -No Free Liquids ---- = Nat Available FLP = Free Liquids Present Q N O ■ C U m N CU �.�./ m � U rcc Q � r) W O Ccr D a al � CL Ly as �'nmon �iC III �1��1 11 PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T RUIN) Facility Name: Town of Broadway WWrP Name: Town of Broadway W WTP Monitoring period: From 1/1/2018 To. WQ Permit Number: WQ0016007 NPDES Number: NCO059242 12/3112018 I%thooen Rednetion (15A NCAC 02T A106)- Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: I Alt. A (' ) p Alt B (Alk Treatment) 13 1 Alt G (Friar Testis p A11D (No Prior Test) l7 Process to Furdwr Reduce 4dw ans 0 f ap able to alternative peribnoeii (Chas A Indicate "Process to MuOer Redeoe Pathoq !j. p Heat ❑ HeatTleatlmelt© Theffi ' icCl Pstam Q Gamma Q Peron E3 �.1:.3`0W.M.-ass Alt. (2) Process to S" ' eantl Reduce Pathogens E3 Fecal Den [31 if -applicable to alterrl Wvt rmed Class B ashy iidirate "Process to negNgft Reduce P'th Lime Stabilization ❑ Air 0 Conlft © Aerobic Di 'oat ❑ � 'r,'E u • r}•_ti•x?%rf�.q,. _ 'yJ;;C+¢• r y r?}:.va:_:•� 1• �;} {�.'l'"-'�:'�::Yp:b Anaerobic Digestion ❑ (Class If applicable to alternative PCri'orined A or Class B complete the fallowing monitoring data: Parameter Allowable Level in Sludge Pathogen Density Exeee- �Y ofAnslysis Sample Type Tech Cleo. Mean Units Fecal Coliforrn 2x 10tathe 61h power per gram of total solids NIPN CF[7 1000 mpn per gram of total solid (dry we Salmonella bacteria (in lice of fecal 3 MPN par 4 grams total solid (dry wci VeLtor Attraction 1"duMon [15A N4 wAC: UXI- .11U7 i - Please 10431CM all'ernailve per lanes-- Alt.1(VS reduction)© Alt. 2 (40-day bench [] Alt. 3 Q0-day baw) © Alt. 4 (Spec. % uptake) ❑ Alt. 5 (14-Day Aerobic) 0 1 Alt. 6 (Alk. SWAizatioaD Alt 7 (Drying - Stable) Q Alt 8 - Unstable) 13 t. 9 Injectim E3A1t.10 tioa 0 No vector attraction reduction alterm ves were ❑ CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) © "I certify, under penalty oflaw, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector athmetion reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .110? have been met." 0 aI certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attracdou reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have not been stet." (Please note if you cheek this statement attach an eVianation why you have not met one or both of the reaulrementss ) "This determinaton has been made under my dhwAon and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are siguifiicant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment" Mr. W Craig Buchwmn., WWTP Operator A& W Craig Buchanan, Land Applier Preparer Name and Title (4ye or ) Land Applier Name and Title (if apP 'cable}(type or print) Signature of Preparw* Date Signature of Land Applicr (if applicable) Date '°Prcparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM PVRF 02T (1=006) PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION DOCUMENTATION Town of Broadway Storage Time and Average Temperature for Storage Area S2 Application Performed during 2018 Julian Dwe 3/7/2018 Maximum ,Ur Temp. 'Minimuirx Air Temp, [Daily stir Tcntp. Comments Mont] I]Y Air Temp, Monthly Average Greater TbaD 32 F? 42 32 37 S2 Full. Begin 90 day Hold 3/8/2018 54 35 44.5 3/9/2018 47 27 37 3/10/2018 52 25 38.5 3/11/2018 56 38 47 3/12/20181 49 38 43.5 3/13/2018 38 32 35 3/14/2018 48 29 38.5 3/15/2018 44 31 37.5 3/16/2018 65 24 44.5 3/17/20181 68 39 53.5 3/18/2018 71 34 52.5 3/19/2018 60 40 50 3/20/2018 65 44 54.5 3/21/2018 57 36 46.5 3/22/20181 42 32 37 3/23/2018 53 32 42.5 3/24/2018 56 27 41.5 3/25/2018 50 27 38.5 3/26/2018 54 33 43.5 3/27/20181 53 32 42.5 3/28/2018 49 34 41.5 3/29/2018 76 43 59.5 3/30/2018 80 56 68 3/31/20181 71 51 61 4/l/2018 64 40 52 4/2/2018 75 41 58 4/3/2018 81 51 66 4/4/2018 75 45 60 4/5/2018 77 48 62.5 47.80 Yes, Meets Monthly Average. Town of Broadway Storage Time and Average Temperature for Storage Area S2 Application Performed during 2018 Julian Date Maximum .Air �remp. r°Fl Mmimum Air Temp. (°Fj°F} Daily Air 'Feinp, Comments Monthly Air Temp. (°F) Monthly Average Greater Than 32 F? 4/6/2018 61 34 47.5 4/7/2018 73 45 59 4/8/2018 62 33 47.5 4/9/2018 52 32 42 4/10/2018 57 40 48.5 4/11/2018 62 39 50.5 4/12/2018 62 38 50 4/13/2018 75 44 59.5 4/14/2018 80 52 66 4/15/2018 81 59 70 4/16/2018 82 61 71.5 4/17/2018 64 41 52.5 4/18/2018 62 33 47.5 4/19/2018 82 42 62 4/20/2018 76 45 60.5 4/21/20181 65 34 49.5 4/22/2018 68 37 52.5 4/23/2018 70 42 56 4/24/2018 66 52 59 4/25/2018 65 53 59 4/26/2018 68 51 59.5 4/27/2018 75 48 61.5 4/28/2018 73 54 63.5 4/29/2018 78 50 64 4/30/2018 66 44 55 5/1/2018 72 36 54 5/2/2018 83 45 64 5/3/2018 85 53 69 5/4/2018 85 57 71 5/5/2018 85 60 72.5 58.15 Yes, Meets Monthly Average. Town of Broadway Storage Time and Average Temperature for Storage Area S2 Application Performed during 2018 JuI ,ln Date Maximum Air Temp. Minimum 2kir Temp., °F)°F LA Comments Average Monddl , Air Temp. Monddy Average Greater Thar 32 F? 5/6/2018 82 63 72.5 5/7/2018 85 62 73.5 5/8/2018 74 55 64.5 5/9/2018 77 53 65 5/10/2018 79 50 64.5 5/11/2018 87 59 73 5/12/2018 L 89 59 74 5/13/20181 92 67 79.5 5/14/2018 93 66 79.5 5/15/2018 93 68 80.5 5/16/2018 88 69 78.5 5/17/2018 85 68 76.5 5/18/20181 77 69 73 5/19/20181 82 71 76.5 5/20/20181 75 69 72 5/21/20181 86 69 77.5 5/22/20181 86 68 77 5/23/20181 85 67 76 5/24/2018 87 69 78 5/25/2018 84 68 76 5/26/2018 86 65 75.5 5/27/2018 87 68 77.5 5/28/2018 87 69 78 5/29/2018 76 69 72.5 5/30/2018 82 69 75.5 5/31/2018 85 73 79 6/l/2018 88 71 79.5 6/2/2018 92 69 80.5 6/3/2018 87 68 77.5 6/4/2018 88 69 78.5 75.38 Yes, Meets Monthly Average_ Town of Broadway Storage Time and Average Temperature for Storage Area S2 Application Performed during 2018 Julian Date Maximum Air Temp (C>F) _-ram. Mmmiun Air Temp (OF) :41�, Daily .fir Temp. I`F) Comments �'.tara �e Monthly, Air Temp. (°Fi Monthly Average Greater'Than. 32 F? 6/5/2018 85 64 74.5 6/6/2018 82 57 69.5 6/7/2018 85 61 73 6/8/2018 85 62 73.5 6/9/2018 89 65 77 6/10/2018 89 68 78.5 6/11/2018 91 67 79 6/12/20181 85 64 74.5 6/13/20181 70 63 66.5 6/14/2018 85 67 76 6/15/2018 91 70 80.5 6/16/2018 86 69 77.5 6/17/2018 90 65 77.5 6/18/20181 93 70 81.5 6/19/2018 94 74 84 6/20/2018 96 73 84.5 6/21/2018 94 73 83.5 6/22/2018 92 72 82 6/23/2018 95 71 83 6/24/2018 92 74 83 6/25/2018 96 73 84.5 6/26/2018 88 72 80 11 Days. Application Begins for S2. 78.34 Yes, Meets Monthly Average. Town of Broadway Record of Activities 2018 Month Day Maximum Air Temp Minimum Air Temp. Daily Air Temp. Total P ainfall Activity r in) fW °F) °fi 1 1 28 13 20.5 0 1 2 32 12 22 0 1 3 32 9 20.5 0.06 1 4 30 18 24 0 1 5 31 12 21.5 0 1 6 27 12 19.5 0 1 7 30 4 17 0 1 8 47 16 31.5 T 1 9 63 29 46 T 1 10 61 43 52 0 1 11 64 41 52.5 0.11 1 12 71 56 63.5 0.5 1 13 56 29 42.5 T 1 14 33 21 27 0 1 15 39 17 28 0 1 16 47 20 33.5 0 1 17 38 23 30.5 0.49 1 18 34 10 22 T 1 19 49 19 34 0 1 20 56 26 41 0 1 21 68 31 49.5 0 1 22 62 38 50 0 1 23 70 47 58.5 0.83 1 24 54 34 44 0 1 25 49 26 37.5 0 1 26 57 25 41 0 1 27 67 31 49 T 1 28 60 52 56 1.3 1 29 52 33 42.5 0.59 1 30 40 25 32.5 0.04 1 31 47 19 33 0 Town of Broadway Record of Activities 2018 Month Day Maxunum Air Temp. jAir Avg, Datly Air 'feir�p, -Total Rainfall Activity 1]'? ° 1 F) tin) 0 2 1 62 31 46.5 2 2 57 24 40.5 0.16 2 3 42 18 30 0 2 4 56 33 44.5 0.61 2 5 48 29 38.5 0 2 6 59 29 44 0 2 7 65 44 54.5 0.21 2 8 50 33 41.5 0 2 9 58 28 43 0 2 10 65 43 54 0.08 2 11 72 64 68 T 2 12 65 42 53.5 0.08 2 13 44 37 40.5 T 2 14 58 37 47.5 T 2 15 75 54 64.5 T 2 16 81 56 68.5 0.02 2 17 56 40 48 0.06 2 18 61 39 50 0.02 2 19 50 40 45 0.3 2 20 72 50 61 T Transferred Bed B to S2. 2 21 77 63 70 T Transferred Bed D to S2. 2 22 78 61 69.5 0 Transferred Bed C to S2. 2 23 70 52 61 0 2 24 78 57 67.5 0 2 25 73 60 66.5 T 2 26 63 40 51.5 0.09 2 27 61 35 48 0 2 28 57 39 48 0.07 Town of Broadway Record of Activities 2018 Month - Day' Maximum Air Temp. Minimum Air Temp. V CF Daily An Temp. Total Rainfall Activity (DD) (OF) (OF) 0.59 3 1 57 50 53.5 3 2 55 41 48 0 3 3 57 35 46 0 3 4 56 35 45.5 0 3 5 54 26 40 0 Wasted to Bed B. Transferred Bed A to S2. 3 6 42 32 37 0.45 3 7 54 35 44.5 T 3 8 47 27 37 0 3 9 52 25 38.5 0 3 10 56 38 47 0 3 11 49 38 43.5 0.21 3 12 38 32 35 0.92 3 13 48 29 38.5 0 3 14 44 31 37.5 0 3 15 65 24 44.5 0 3 16 68 39 53.5 0 3 17 71 34 52.5 0.27 3 18 60 40 50 0.01 3 19 65 44 54.5 T 3 20 57 36 46.5 1.05 3 21 42 32 37 0.05 3 22 53 32 42.5 0 3 23 56 27 41.5 0 3 24 50 27 38.5 0.91 3 25 54 33 43.5 0.3 Wasted to Bed A. 3 26 53 32 42.5 0 3 27 49 34 41.5 0.01 3 28 76 43 59.5 0 3 29 80 56 68 0 3 30 71 51 61 0.03 3 31 64 40 52 0 Town of Broadway Record of Activities 2018 Month Day Maximum Air Temp. Muumum Air Temp. Daily Air 'Temp. Total Rainfall Activity 75 In 4 1 41 58 0 4 2 81 51 66 0 4 3 75 45 60 0 4 4 77 48 62.5 0 4 5 61 34 47.5 0 Wasted to Bed D. Transferred B to S1. 4 6 73 45 59 T 4 7 62 33 47.5 0.99 4 8 52 32 42 T 4 9 57 40 48.5 0 4 10 62 39 50.5 0 4 11 62 38 50 0 4 12 75 44 59.5 0 Wasted to Bed B. 4 13 80 52 66 0 4 14 81 59 70 0 4 15 82 61 71.5 3.31 4 16 64 41 52.5 T 4 17 62 33 47.5 0 4 18 82 42 62 0 4 19 76 45 60.5 0 4 20 65 34 49.5 0 4 21 68 37 52.5 0 4 22 70 42 56 0 4 23 66 52 59 0.01 4 24 65 53 59 0.85 4 25 68 51 59.5 T Wasted to Bed C. 4 26 75 48 61.5 0.18 4 27 73 54 63.5 0.01 4 28 78 50 64 0 4 29 66 44 55 0 Transferred C and D to S 1. 4 30 72 36 54 0 Town of Broadway Record of Activities 2018 Month Day Maximum Air Temp. Minimum Air Temp. U Daily Air Temp. Total Rainfall .Activity mn) (0 (°Fl t°Fl rill)I--, 45 64 0 5 1 83 5 2 85 53 69 0 5 3 85 57 71 0 5 4 85 60 72.5 0 5 5 82 63 72.5 0 5 6 85 62 73.5 0.16 5 7 74 55 64.5 0 5 8 77 53 65 0 5 9 79 50 64.5 0 5 10 87 59 73 0.18 5 11 89 59 74 0 5 12 92 67 79.5 0 5 13 93 66 79.5 0 5 14 93 68 80.5 0 Transferred A and B to S 1. 5 15 88 69 78.5 0.02 5 16 85 68 76.5 0.76 Wasted to Bed D. 5 17 77 69 73 0.69 5 18 82 71 76.5 0.23 5 19 75 69 72 0.59 5 20 86 69 77.5 0 5 21 86 68 77 0.72 5 22 85 67 76 0.05 Wasted to Bed A. 5 23 87 69 78 T 5 24 84 68 76 0 5 25 86 65 75.5 0 Wasted to Bed B. 5 26 87 68 77.5 0.33 5 27 87 69 78 0 5 28 76 69 72.5 0.28 5 29 82 69 75.5 0.62 5 30 85 73 79 0.49 5 31 88 71 79.5 T Town of Broadway Record of Activities 2018 onth 6 Day Maximum .Air Temp. Minimum Air Temp. Daily Air Temp. Total Rainfall Activity (DD) (°F) (°F. ("IF) (in) 0 1 92 69 80.5 6 2 87 68 77.5 0.08 6 3 88 69 78.5 0 6 4 85 64 74.5 0 6 5 82 57 69.5 0 6 6 85 61 73 0.23 6 7 85 62 73.5 0 6 8 89 65 77 0 6 9 89 68 78.5 0 6 10 91 67 79 0.2 6 11 85 64 74.5 0.31 6 12 70 63 66.5 0.01 6 13 85 67 76 T 6 14 91 70 80.5 0 6 15 86 69 77.5 0 6 16 90 65 77.5 0 6 17 93 70 81.5 0 6 18 94 74 84 0 6 19 96 73 84.5 0 6 20 94 73 83.5 0 Transferred B to S 1. 6 21 92 72 82 0.12 6 22 95 71 83 0 6 23 92 74 83 0.18 6 24 96 73 84.5 0.07 Transferred D to S 1. P 6 25 88 72 80 0.02 Application of S2. Applied loads - 15,000# to 3A and 3B, incorporated, soybeans. 6 26 74 66 70 0.74 6 27 86 65 75.5 T 6 28 90 68 79 0 Wasted to Bed B. 6 29 92 70 81 0 6 30 94 71 82.5 0.02 Town of Broadway Record of Activities 2018 Month Day Maximum Air Temp. Mina num Air Temp. Avg, Daily An Temp. Total Rainfall Activity 0.48 Transferred A to S 1. 95 73 84 7 1 7 2 95 75 85 0 Wasted to Bed D. 7 3 95 75 85 0 7 4 93 72 82.5 T 7 5 95 72 83.5 0.03 7 6 93 71 82 0.34 7 7 79 67 73 0.65 7 8 82 62 72 0 7 9 87 57 72 0 Transferred B to S 1. 7 10 91 59 75 0 Wasted to Bed A. 7 11 96 67 81.5 0.05 Wasted to Bed B. 7 12 87 72 79.5 0.01 7 13 88 68 78 0 Transferred D to S1. 7 14 89 65 77 0 7 15 95 68 81.5 0 7 16 95 74 84.5 0 7 17 98 72 85 0.1 7 18 89 72 80.5 0 Wasted to Bed C. Transferred A and B to S 1. 7 19 90 63 76.5 0 7 20 86 69 77.5 0 7 21 88 69 78.5 0.01 7 22 89 68 78.5 1.11 7 23 88 70 79 0.02 7 24 86 71 78.5 T 7 25 82 69 75.5 0.27 7 26 92 68 80 0 7 27 95 73 84 0 7 28 91 71 81 0.84 7 29 88 70 79 0.07 7 30 86 72 79 0.72 7 31 87 73 80 0.22 Town of Broadway Record of Activities 2018 Month Day Maximum Air Temp Minimum Air Temp. Daily Air Temp, Total Rainfall Activity (pTa) (OF) 90 (°F) 73 (OF) 81.5 l n) 1 0.02 8 1 8 2 89 71 80 0.26 8 3 77 70 73.5 1.12 8 4 89 71 80 0 8 5 93 72 82.5 0 8 6 92 72 82 0.05 8 7 93 71 82 0.2 8 8 94 69 81.5 0.46 8 9 90 69 79.5 0 8 10 91 69 80 0 8 11 91 72 81.5 0.04 8 12 89 70 79.5 0.8 8 13 85 67 76 0.08 Transferred C to S 1. 8 14 86 65 75.5 0.12 8 15 90 68 79 0 8 16 92 68 80 0 Wasted to Bed A. 8 17 91 73 82 0 8 18 88 73 80.5 0.49 8 19 88 68 78 1.83 8 20 87 68 77.5 0.86 8 21 87 71 79 0.01 8 22 88 70 79 0.01 8 23 80 60 70 0 8 24 82 55 68.5 0 8 25 83 59 71 0 8 26 88 60 74 0 8 27 93 69 81 0 8 28 94 71 82.5 0 8 29 94 72 83 0 8 30 95 73 84 T 8 31 92 69 80.5 0.27 Town of Broadway Record of Activities 2018 Month Day Maximum Air Temp. Minimum Air Temp. Dail AS r Temp. Total Rainfall Activity 0.19 82 9 1 93 71 9 2 90 69 79.5 T 9 3 91 69 80 0 9 4 92 72 82 0.01 Wasted to Bed C. 9 5 91 71 81 0 9 6 92 71 81.5 0 9 7 92 71 81.5 0.03 9 8 91 71 81 0 9 9 80 67 73.5 0.15 9 10 88 67 77.5 0.26 9 11 88 68 78 T 9 12 88 72 80 0.13 9 13 81 74 77.5 0.28 9 14 79 73 76 2.5 9 15 77 73 75 1.85 9 16 76 73 74.5 0.9 9 17 88 72 80 1.32 9 18 85 71 78 0 9 19 88 65 76.5 0 9 20 87 67 77 0 9 21 83 70 76.5 0 9 22 88 67 77.5 0 9 23 76 64 70 0 Transferred A and C to S 1. 9 24 74 64 69 T 9 25 85 69 77 0 9 26 87 66 76.5 0.12 9 27 79 70 74.5 0.21 9 28 79 65 72 0.02 9 29 82 60 71 0 9 30 81 62 71.5 0 Town of Broadway Record of Activities 2018 Month 10 Day Maximum Air Temp. Minimum Air Temp Avg: g, Daily AI.- Temps. Total Rainfal'I Activity (DD) rF (OF) C } find 0 1 82 60 71 10 2 83 61 72 0 10 3 86 64 75 0 10 4 89 66 77.5 0 10 5 90 68 79 T 10 6 82 68 75 0 10 7 87 66 76.5 0 10 8 85 69 77 0 10 9 80 67 73.5 0.07 10 10 81 69 75 0.1 10 11 79 63 71 2.6 10 12 71 51 61 0 10 13 70 48 59 0 10 14 65 49 57 T 10 15 80 59 69.5 0 10 16 75 64 69.5 0.01 10 17 71 53 62 T 10 18 62 43 52.5 0 10 19 69 39 54 0 10 20 67 54 60.5 0.21 10 21 58 37 47.5 0 10 22 62 34 48 0 Wasted to Beds A. 10 23 66 42 54 0 10 24 61 38 49.5 0 10 25 55 36 45.5 0 10 26 52 42 47 1.58 10 27 55 47 51 0.01 10 28 64 42 53 T 10 29 65 39 52 0 10 30 65 35 50 0 10 31 72 42 57 0 Town of Broadway Record of Activities 2018 Month 11 Day Maximum Air Temp. Minimum Air Temp. A i r 'i'emp. Total rainfall Activity (DD) ff? (in) 0.11 1 75 55 65 11 2 70 60 65 T 11 3 61 39 50 0 11 4 65 37 51 0.04 11 5 62 54 58 0.82 11 6 74 57 65.5 0.03 11 7 73 49 61 0 11 8 65 51 58 T 11 9 53 50 51.5 0.07 11 10 52 34 43 0 11 11 51 28 39.5 0 11 12 48 35 41.5 3.17 11 13 51 44 47.5 1.19 11 14 48 39 43.5 0.04 11 15 43 36 39.5 0.88 11 16 54 34 44 0 11 17 59 33 46 0 11 18 59 37 48 0 11 19 65 43 54 0 11 20 64 38 51 0 11 21 57 30 43.5 0 11 22 50 33 41.5 0 11 23 45 27 36 0 11 24 45 36 40.5 0.72 11 25 59 42 50.5 0 11 26 63 39 51 0.01 11 27 48 31 39.5 0 11 28 42 25 33.5 0 11 29 51 25 38 T 11 30 68 42 55 0.02 Town of Broadway Record of Activities 2018 Month Day Maximum Air Temp Minimum Air Temp. Avg. Daily Air Temp. Total Rainfall - Activity (DD) (7F) in) 0.32 12 1 62 52 1 57 12 2 71 58 64.5 T 12 3 68 47 57.5 0 12 4 53 41 47 0 12 5 48 30 39 0 12 6 46 25 35.5 0 12 7 50 29 39.5 0 12 8 43 31 37 0 12 9 38 30 34 1.75 12 10 34 30 32 0.73 12 11 44 27 35.5 0 12 12 45 24 34.5 0 12 13 51 29 40 0 12 14 57 36 46.5 0.7 12 15 49 42 45.5 0.23 12 16 60 42 51 0 12 17 61 36 48.5 0 12 18 53 34 43.5 0 12 19 53 27 40 0 12 20 66 45 55.5 0.68 12 21 65 46 55.5 0.04 12 22 53 34 43.5 0 12 23 57 28 42.5 0.01 12 24 51 29 40 0 12 25 50 26 38 0 12 26 51 26 38.5 0 12 27 54 29 41.5 0.02 12 28 68 50 59 1.61 12 29 65 45 55 0 12 30 59 45 52 0.01 12 31 67 47 57 0.13 SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT SOIL SAMPLE ANALYSIS REPORT Soil analytical reports indicate Fields 1-3A and 1-3B require 1.0 ton of lime to acre. This will be applied as soon as crop, weather and soil conditions are favorable. r CD rn T +�-• c� 2 � U Z O w O v a'- h a E E o �� p O Cq (M pp of ui ,� o c Z Z Z Z — N H a W N c E a O v C+i P7 m ai o Z c z z Z Z T a W N o E Cc z mw 0 cp�L moo d moo r U V S a W r d 40 r m H O C ED Q = E m r Z q m z O p m a (D n a w m tr a.mm. I y CD o t� 00 a Q a v U) _ N v - 3 t) LO in w Y3 U ci tf 0� D Noo a N �a C a o •° v O rri IC N J N N m c o N O COL L N g 0 0 N O O T2 N N m 47 IV U mCD ��� m CD E v 1 `c5 m m of CV O N m a C7 g E 4 'I E t� N OU C coo V a)01 01 N N O E p C y ffJ E z O 0 4 0 u o0E�� .2 CDa �° z oo 2 N r moo 4 2 N C E m 2 r o m aCo _ �cooco N w,Q ��CA — Q O t O O N — C a) r�0 M C N Ci m d �a �`°MM m V tj M ao�a ae c O C Z 7 T tl �0± �1 N U LA yj C N Vf z N to v Z W 3a y C 0 y Y d M 0 Co 0. � 0 0 m re-N}} m c a. 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Buchan Acres: 3.6 Site/Tract: 1 Application Method: Incorporate Field: 3B Percent Solids: 88.18 Residual Report No.18-187-0209 Crop: soybeans Date Field No Subfield Wet Tons Sod Conditions Weather ondition rev. 24 Hou: Rainfall 6/25/18 3B 4.50 Moist Hot, Clear 0.00 Total Wet Tons 4.50 Town of Broadway Broadway, NC WQ0018007 2018 Annual Sample Broadway Wastewater Treatment Plant Farmer: William H. Buchan Acres: 2.4 Site/Tract: 1 Application Method: Incorporat Field: 3A Percent Solids: 88.18 Residual Report No.18-187-0209 Crop: Soybeans Date Field No Subfield Wet Tons Soil ConditiontConditioni Weather rev. 24 How Rainfall 6/25/18 3A 3.00 Moist Hot, Clear 0.00 Total Wet Tons 3.00