HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150995 Ver 2_U-5530GA_PCE Checklist_05-17-2016_20190328NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE� ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM TIP Project No. U-5530GA WBS Element 44111.1FB8 Federal Project No. STPDA-0507(10) A. Project Description: The Town of Fuquay-Varina, in coordination with the North Carolina Department of Transportation, (NCDOT), proposes to construct a 10-foot wide paved greenway with 2-foot grassed shoulders beginning at the existing asphalt path around the soccer field at Honeycutt Road Park and continuing in a southeast direction on new location to the existing trail located on the east side ofNC 55 in the South Lakes Subdivision. The greenway will be approximately 2,000 feet, including one 400-foot crossing of low-level timber boardwalk over a tributary to Black Creek. There will be a midblock crossing at NC 55 marked with a high visibility crosswalk. The project area and proposed design are shown in Figures 1 and 2. B. Purpose and Need: The purpose of this project is to provide more recreational opportunities for residents of Fuquay-Varina. It will connect residential neighborhoods to Honeycutt Park. C. Proposed Improvements — Select ALL Activities that apply to the Project, regardless of TYPE Circle one or more of the following Type I activities: 1. Non-construction activities (program activities). 2. Approval of utility installations along or across a transportation facility. O3. Construction of bicycle and pedestrian lanes, paths, and facilities. 4. Activities included in the State's "highway safety plan" under 23 USC 402 (programs administered by the Division of Motor Vehicles). Transfer of Federal lands pursuant to 23 USC 317 when the subsequent action is not a FHWA action. 6. The installation of noise barriers or alterations to existing publicly owned buildings to provide for noise reduction. 7. Landscaping. Installation of fencing, signs, pavement markings, small passenger shelters, traffic signals, and railroad warning devices. 9. Emergency repairs under 23 USC 125 (Governor Declared Emergency). PCE-100L 2 May 2016 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE� ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM 10. Acquisition of scenic easements. 11. Determination of payback under 23 CFR Part 480 for property previously acquired with federal-aid participation. 12. Improvements to existing rest areas and truck weigh stations. 13. Ridesharing activities. 14. Bus and Rail car rehabilitation. 15. Alterations to facilities or vehicles in order to make them accessible for elderly and handicapped persons. 16. Program administration, technical assistance activities, and operating assistance to transit authorities to continue existing service or increase service to meet changes in routine demand. 17. The purchase of vehicles by the applicant where the use of these vehicles can be accommodated by existing facilities or by new facilities which themselves are within a CE. 18. Track and rail bed maintenance and improvements when carried out within the existing right of way. 19. Purchase and installation of operating or maintenance equipment to be located within the transit facility and with no significant impacts off the site. 20. Promulgation of rules, regulations and directives. 21. Replacement of guardrail. Circle one or more of the following Type II activities: Modernization of a highway by resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation, reconstruction, adding shoulders, or adding auxiliary lanes (e.g., parking, weaving, turning, climbing). a. Restoring, Resurfacing, Rehabilitating, and Reconstructing pavement (3R and 4R improvements) b. Widening roadway and shoulders without adding through lanes c. Modernizing gore treatments d. Constructing lane improvements (merge, auxiliary, and turn lanes) e. Adding shoulder drains f. Replacing and rehabilitating culverts, inlets, and drainage pipes, including safety treatments g. Providing driveway pipes h. Performing minor bridge widening (less than one through lane) i. Slide Stabilization j. Structural BMP's for water quality improvement 2. Highway safety or traffic operations improvement projects including the installation of ramp metering control devices and lighting. PCE-100L 3 May 2016 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE� ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM a. Installing ramp metering devices b. Installing lights c. Adding or upgrading guardrail d. Installing safety barriers including Jersey type barriers and pier protection e. Installing or replacing impact attenuators f. Upgrading medians including adding or upgrading median barriers g. Improving intersections including relocation and/or realignment h. Making minor roadway realignment i. Channelizing traffic j. Performing clear zone safety improvements including removing hazards and flattening slopes k. Implementing traffic aid systems, signals, and motorist aid 1. Installing bridge safety hardware including bridge rail retrofit 3. Bridge rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement or the construction of grade separation to replace existing at-grade railroad crossings. a. Rehabilitating, reconstructing, or replacing bridge approach slabs b. Rehabilitating or replacing bridge decks c. Rehabilitating bridges including painting (no red lead paint), scour repair, fender systems, and minor structural improvements d. Replacing a bridge (structure and/or fill) 4. Transportation corridor fringe parking facilities. Construction of new truck weigh stations or rest areas. 6. Approvals for disposal of excess right-of-way or for joint or limited use of right-of-way, where the proposed use does not have significant adverse impacts. 7. Approvals for changes in access control. Construction of new bus storage and maintenance facilities in areas used predominantly for industrial or transportation purposes where such construction is not inconsistent with existing zoning and located on or near a street with adequate capacity to handle anticipated bus and support vehicle traffic. 9. Rehabilitation or reconstruction of existing rail and bus buildings and ancillary facilities where only minor amounts of additional land are required and there is not a substantial increase in the number of users. 10. Construction of bus transfer facilities (an open area consisting of passenger shelters, boarding areas, kiosks and related street improvements) when located in a commercial area or other high activity center in which there is adequate street capacity for projected bus traffic. 11. Construction of rail storage and maintenance facilities in areas used predominantly for industrial or transportation purposes where such construction is not inconsistent with existing zoning and where there is no significant noise impact on the surrounding community. PCE-100L 4 May 2016 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE� ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM 12. Acquisition of land for hardship or protective purposes, advance land acquisition loans under section 3(b) of the UMT Act. Hardship and protective buying will be permitted only for a particular parcel or a limited number of parcels. These types of land acquisition qualify for a CE only where the acquisition will not limit the evaluation of alternatives, including shifts in alignment for planned construction projects, which may be required in the NEPA process. No project development on such land may proceed until the NEPA process has been completed. 13. Acquisition and construction of wetland, stream and endangered species mitigation sites. 14. Remedial activities involving the removal, treatment or monitoring of soil or groundwater contamination pursuant to state or federal remediation guidelines. D. Sbecial Project Information: The greenway will cross a tributary to Black Creek with a timber boardwalk. No impacts are anticipated on the stream. The study area is within the Neuse River basin. There are no Outstanding Resource Waters or High Quality Waters near the proposed project. The project is located in a Class B Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) Watershed. A North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Erosion Control Permit is anticipated since the project will disturb an area greater than or equal to one acre. Two wetlands (shown on Figure 2) were identifed within the project corridor during a feld investigation by Kimley-Horn environmental scientists on March 19, 2015. A timber boardwalk will be constructed across one of the wetlands to minimize impacts. Due to impacts on the second wetland, a Nationwide Section 404 and 401 permit is anticipated. The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists five federally protected species for this area: red-cockaded woodpecker, dwarf wedgemussel, Northern long- eared bat (NLEB), Michaux's sumac, and bald eagle. The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) element occurrence database records (updated July 2015) did not identify any federally listed species occurrences within the study area. However, through field investigation, biologists found suitable habitat present for the NLEB within the study area. The biological conclusion for the NLEB is "May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect." A summary of the protected species survey is in the appendix. Approximately 1.0 acre of total right of way will be required from one private property and one Town of Fuquay-Varina property. The proposed greenway requires permanent use of approximately 0.15 acres of Honeycutt Road Park, which is a Section 4( fl property. The Town of Fuquay- Varina has provided avoidance and minimization measures by meandering around PCE-100L 5 May 2016 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE� ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM trees so that the improvements will not adversely affect the activities, features, or attributes of Honeycutt Road Park. The greenway is considered a recreational facility rather than a transportation facility and is therefore consistent with the existing recreational use of the property. No adverse comments on the project have been received from the public. Based on guidance from FHWA, it has been concluded that this project will not result in a use of the Section 4( fl property because it will not (1) incorporate the land into a transportation facility, (2) use the land temporarily for construction-related activities, or (3) have a constructive use that will result in substantial impairment to the property. A letter from the Town of Fuquay-Varina Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Director is in the appendix. There are no Section 6( fl resources in the project area. A public meeting was held on November 15, 2013 with 42 citizens in attendance. The citizens in attendance were generally positive about the project, and did not express any concerns. PCE-100L 6 May 2016 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE� ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM E. Threshold Criteria The following evaluation of threshold criteria must be completed. See Local Programs Management Handbook for more guidance on how to answer these questions. ECOLOGICAL (1) �2) Will the project have a substantial impact on any unique or important natural resource? Does the project involve habitat where federally listed endangered or threatened species may occur? YES � � � (3) Will the project affect anadromous fish? (4) If the project involves wetlands, is the amount of permanent and/or temporary wetland taking less than one-tenth (1/10) of an acre and have all practicable measures to avoid and minimize wetland takings been evaluated? � (5) Will the project require the use of U. S. Forest Service lands? ❑ (6) Will the quality of adjacent water resources be adversely ❑ impacted by proposed construction activities? (7) Does the project involve waters classified as Outstanding Water ❑ Resources (OWR) and/or High Quality Waters (HQV�? (8) Will the project require fill in waters of the United States ❑ in any of the designated mountain trout counties? (9) Does the project involve any known underground storage ❑ tanks (UST's) or hazardous materials sites? PERMITS AND COORDINATION (10) If the project is located within a CAMA county, will the project significantly affect the coastal zone and/or any "Area of Environmental Concern" (AEC)? (11) Does the project involve Coastal Barrier Resources Act resources? (12) Will a U. S. Coast Guard permit be required? (13) Will the project result in the modification of any existing regulatory floodway? PCE- l 00L 7 YES � � � � NO X X � X X X X X NO N/A X X X May 2016 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE� ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM (14) Will the project require any stream relocations or channel changes? SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND CULTURAL RESOURCES (15) (16) Will the project induce substantial impacts to planned growth or land use for the area? Will the project require the relocation of any family or business? (17) Will the project have a disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effect on any minority or low-income population? (18) If the project involves the acquisition of right of way, is the amount of right of way acquisition considered minor? (19) Will the project involve any changes in access control? (20) (21) Will the project substantially alter the usefulness and/or land use of adjacent property? Will the project have an adverse effect on permanent local traffic patterns or community cohesiveness? (22) Is the project included in an approved thoroughfare plan and/or Transportation Improvement Program (and is, therefore, in conformance with the Clean Air Act of 1990)? (23) Is the project anticipated to cause an increase in traffic volumes? � X YES NO � X � X � X X � � X � X � X X � � X (24) Will traffic be maintained during construction using existing ❑ roads, staged construction, or on-site detours? X (25) If the project is a bridge replacement project, will the bridge be replaced at its existing location (along the existing facility) and will all construction proposed in association with the ❑ bridge replacement project be contained on the existing facility? N/A (26) �2�) Is there substantial controversy on social, economic, or environmental grounds concerning the project? Is the project consistent with all Federal, State, and local laws relating to the environmental aspects of the project? � X X � (28) Will the project have an "effect" on structures/properties eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places? PCE- l 00L 8 X May 2016 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE� ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM (29) Will the project affect any archaeological remains which are important to history or pre-history? X (30) Will the project require the use of Section 4( fl resources (public parks, recreation lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, historic sites, or historic bridges, as defined in Section 4( fl of the U. S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966)? X (31) Will the project result in any conversion of assisted public recreation sites or facilities to non-recreation uses, as defined by Section 6( fl of the Land and Water Conservation Act of 1965, as amended? X (32) Will the project involve construction in, across, or adjacent to a river designated as a component of or proposed for inclusion in the National System of Wild and Scenic Rivers? X F. Additional Documentation Required for Unfavorable Responses in Part E The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and NCDOT for the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) (Myotis septentrionalis) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect. The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1-8, which includes Wake County, where U-5530GA is located. This level of incidental take is authorized from the effective date of a final listing determination through April 30, 2020. Project requirement for PBO compliance: After project completion, the contract administrator for construction must submit the actual amount of tree clearing reported in tenths of acres. This information should be submitted at: https://connect.ncdot.�ov/site/construction/biosurveys/Lists/Northern%20Lon °�/o 20Eared%20Bat/Allitems.aspx Please contact Cheryl Gregory (cl�re�oryl(a�ncdot. o�v), Natural Environment Section — Biological Surveys with any questions. PCE-100L 9 May 2016 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE) ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM � G. PCE Approval TIP Project No. WBS Element Federal-Aid Project No. Project Descri tp ion: U-5530GA 44111.1FB8 STPDA-0507(10) The Town of Fuquay-Varina, in coordination with the North Carolina Department of Transpoi�tation, (NCDOT), proposes to construct a 10-foot wide paved greenway with 2-foot grassed shoulders beginning at the existing asphalt path around the soccer field at Honeycutt Road Park and continuing in a southeast direction on new location to the existing trail located on the east side of NC 55 in the South Lakes Subdivision. The greenway will be approximately 2,000 feet, including 400-foot crossing of low-level timber boardwallc over a tributary to Black Creek. There wi11 be a midblock crossing at NC 55 marked with a high visibility crosswalk. The project area and proposed design are shown in Figures 1 and 2. � Categorical Exclusion Action Classification: (Check one) TYPE I (A) X TYPE I (B) Preaared B�, 5�►6�i6 Date TYPE II(A) TYPE II(B) NO BOXES Checked ANY BOX Checked NO BOXES Checked ANY BOX is Checked �.A'"''N C A R �"��r, ,.�oQ-��FE331 ��i � 2 4�` .c�iEAL � _ 03A174 5� ,/� Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., (919) 653-6634 Preaared For: Town of Fuquay-Varina Local Government Agency Reviewed• � ��v / �O D te �or r ect Dev: nitHead / Div' ion Representative � NCDOT � PDEA j ! N DOT Division Approved: For Type I(B) or II(B) projects only: Date Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration PCE-100L 10 May 2016 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION (PCE� ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM Wake County Park Depot Greenway Federal Aid Project No. STPDA-0507(10) WBS No. 44111.1FB8 TIP Project No. U-5530GA All standard procedures and measures, including NCDOT's Best Management Practices for Protection of Surface Waters, Guidelines for Best Management Practices for Bridge Demolition and Removal, will be implemented, as applicable, to avoid or minimize environmental impacts. The following special commitments have been agreed to by NCDOT: Commitments Developed through Project Development and Design Natural Environment Section The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and NCDOT for the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) (Myotis septentrionalis) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic deterinination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect. The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1-8, which includes Wake County, where U-5530GA is located. This level of incidental take is authorized from the effective date of a final listing determination through Apri130, 2020. Project requirement for PBO compliance: After project completion, the contract administrator for construction must submit the actual amount of tree clearing reported in tenths of acres. This information should be submitted at: https://connect.ncdot. gov/site/construction/biosurveys/Lists/Northern%20Long%20Eared%20Ba t/Allitems.aspx Please contact Cheryl Gregory (cl�re�ory�ncdot.�), Natural Environment Section — Biological Surveys with any questions. PCE-100L 1 May 2016 FIGURES �\'\ � ��� ` -- � ; � ��� � � — ��`� - _ - _, NJUDD pKWy \ �� J �- ` I � I � - gT E BROP� � ���� � � ; E ACADEMY ST ,� i` - ��� / ��.� �' � � / � �/ 1 F / � � �� __ _� � _ ; ao� � y <� � °� � �_.�1 �O J � - � T � i.�. �, � IoCD NON�yCV TT RD _��' �\ � � � _ ,_ i -Ci i � ' —1-r� —I P , � � _� % �� - � - yo o, � y �'.. �ti 0 ( � �° I�`=� a ; ; ; � � � �� � ��� ������ � - � __ _ �a �� C alre C � ya �e� f °4r�ty ' �, �°��ty �� � � � I J �� �� `��� � � � � e� �`'�. 1 � I/ _ IV' � � A 92 �y F ��9 � �F � '�'O � � 0 %�'��% ° '� � � � �, �Q !\ , 1, ,- , .. . _ - ` o 0 Miles 0 1 2 � FUQUAY�VPAINq. NORTHCAROLINA Town of Fuquay-Varina � County Boundary Figure 1 Streams Vicinity Map Lakes and Ponds Park Depot Greenway Trail TIP No. U-5530GA Fuquay-Varina, Wake County TIP_Project U-5530GA � � r� a�� q ... � � � � � �-�� � ¢�'�` .. , a�� �� v a+ � � � ;�. . � i r3�� ��s,r� � , . .� � 5 , "�' . Ni � _�y .r �1 +� � � �, � �.. 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T �� �� s _. e- � � .. �r . .��'.�: � . y � � .. i } . ?;�i4 . �..; « � �� y � � , r ' R o '`� �-� s ��; �- r : � ,;,; ��: .. � Y } � �p�r r � �� �� 3 �s � �, ��. ..� a y ,�,.�_ � 'r��'�' " h�. �� � s` ...; ,. r ��: �f 'a ° � � .. z�o�,. x., r'. � �- �� � ���. � 5�,� � Feet ^.'� � . 4y, �^; . r f '� � � � r . r � �� y 0 300 600 � . , , 5 :, � f � � s ,.: ��;` a � ' �... � ':� �F.: •t� p d � �:F � Environmental StudyArea Figure 2 �� South Lakes Greenway Proposed Concrete Island Environmental Features Map Park Depot Greenway Trail � Delineated Wetlands (WA) Proposed Asphalt Greenway Trail TIP No. U-5530GA � Delineated Streams (SA) Proposed Boardwalk Fuquay-Varina, Wake County FUOVAY VAflINA. NORTH CAROLIM1'!� APPENDIX Kimley>>>Horn MEMORANDUM To: From Date: Subject: Teresa Gresham Ross Sullivan May 4, 2016 Protected Species Summary for Park Depot Greenway, Fuquay-Varina, Wake County, North Carolina Methodology and Qualifications Fieldwork was conducted on June 4, 2015. The principal personnel contributing to this document were: I nvestigator: Education: Experience: Responsibilities Jason Hartshorn B.S. Environmental Technology and Management, 2011 Environmental Analyst, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2011-Present Wetland and stream delineations, stream assessment, natural community assessment, T/E species assessment, 404-401 permitting, document preparation, agency coordination, GPS/GIS, quality assurance and quality control for deliverables. Investigator: Ross Sullivan Education: Masters of Natural Resources (MNR), Assessment and Analysis Technical Option, 2014; Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems, 2014; B.S. Social Psychology, 2008 Experience: Environmental Analyst, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2014-Present Responsibilities: Wetland and stream delineations, stream assessment, natural community assessment, T/E species assessment, 404-401 permitting, document preparation, agency coordination, GPS/GIS, quality assurance and quality control for deliverables. Federally Threatened or Endangered Species Federally protected species listed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for Wake County are shown in the table below per the most recent published listing (April 2, 2015). A brief description of each species' habitat requirements follows, along with the Biological Conclusion rendered based on survey results in the study area. Habitat requirements for each species are based on the current best available information from referenced literature and/or USFWS. Kimley>>>Horn Table 1. Federally protected species listed for Wake County Page 2 Scientific Name Common Name Federal Habitat Biological Status Present Conclusion Picoides borealis Red-cockaded E No No effect woodpecker Alasmidonta heterodon Dwarf wedgemussel E No No Effect Myotis septentrionalis Northern long-eared bat T Yes MA-LAA Rhus michauxii Michaux's sumac E Yes No effect Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle BGPA No No effect t — tndangered T — Threatened MA-LAA — May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect BGPA — Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act Red-cockaded woodpecker USFWS optimal survey window: Year round; November — early March Habitat Description: The red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW) typically occupies open, mature stands of southern pines, particularly longleaf pine, for foraging and nesting/roosting habitat. The RCW excavates cavities for nesting and roosting in living pine trees, aged 60 years or older, and which are contiguous with pine stands at least 30 years of age to provide foraging habitat. The foraging range of the RCW is normally no more than 0.5 miles. Biological Conclusion: No Effect A review of NCNHP records, updated October 2015, indicates no known RCW occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. The forest community within the Site ranges from an upland forest with a dense canopy dominated by 40-80 year old loblolly pines (Pinus taeda) with numerous mature oak and hickory trees throughout to a bottomland hardwood forest and beaver swamp that is dominated by a dense canopy of oaks, sweetgums (Liquidambar styraciflua), loblolly pines, and red maples (Acer rubrum). Many of the trees in the bottomland hardwood forest/beaver swamp were dead or dying due to beaver activities. All pine trees within the project corridor of suitable age/size to be provide potential nesting habitat for RCW were surveyed for cavities. No RCW or RCW nests were observed. Further, the site is too dense to provide suitable foraging habitat. Due to a lack of suitable habitat, a lack of observed individuals or nesting cavities, and a lack of known occurrences in or near the project vicinity, it has been determined that the proposed project will have "No EffecY' on this species. Dwarf wedgemussel USFWS optimal survey window: Year round In North Carolina, the dwarf wedgemussel is known from the Neuse and Tar River drainages. The mussel inhabits creek and river areas with a slow to moderate current and sand, gravel, or firm silt bottoms. Water in these areas must be well oxygenated. Stream banks in these areas are generally stable with extensive root systems holding soils in place. Kimley �>> Horn Page 3 Biological Conclusion: No Effect Suitable habitat for dwarf wedgemussel is not present within the study area in the unnamed tributary to Black Creek (stream SA) due to the stream reach being located at the headwaters of the stream, being impounded by multiple beaver impoundments up and downstream of the project, and a series of impoundments downstream of the project that would prevent recolonization of mussels of any kind in the project area. A review of NCNHP records, updated October 2015, indicates no known dwarf wedgemussel occurrence within 30 river miles of the study area. Due to a lack of suitable habitat being present within the project area and a lack of documented wedgemussel occurrences within 30 river miles of the project area, it has been determined that the project will have "No EffecY' on this species. Northern long-eared bat USFWS Recommended Survey Window: June 1— August 15 Habitat Description: In North Carolina, the Northern long-eared bat (NLEB) occurs in the mountains, with scattered records in the Piedmont and coastal plain. In western North Carolina, NLEB spend winter hibernating in caves and mines. Since this species is not known to be a long-distance migrant, and caves and subterranean mines are extremely rare in eastern North Carolina, it is uncertain whether or where NLEB hibernate in eastern North Carolina. During the summer, NLEB roost singly or in colonies underneath bark, in cavities, or in crevices of both live and dead trees (typically >_3 inches DBH). Males and non-reproductive females may also roost in cooler places, like caves and mines. This bat also been found, rarely, roosting in structures like barns and sheds, under eaves of buildings, behind window shutters, in bridges, and in bat houses. Foraging occurs on forested hillsides and ridges, and occasionally over forest clearings, over water, and along tree-lined corridors. Mature forests may be an important habitat type for foraging. Biological Conclusion: May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect The US Fish and Wildlife Service has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and NCDOT for the NLEB in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is "May Affect, Likely to Adversely AffecY'. The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1-8, which includes Wake County, where the Park Depot Greenway project is located. Michaux's sumac USFWS optimal survey window: May — October Michaux's sumac, endemic to the inner Coastal Plain and lower Piedmont, grows in sandy or rocky, open, upland woods on acidic or circumneutral, well-drained sands or sandy loam soils with low cation exchange capacities. The species is also found on maintained railroad, roadside, power line, Kimley>>>Horn Page 4 and utility rights-of-way; areas where forest canopies have been opened up by blowdowns and/or storm damage; small wildlife food plots; abandoned building sites; under sparse to moderately dense pine or pine/hardwood canopies; and in and along edges of other artificially maintained clearings undergoing natural succession. In the central Piedmont, it occurs on clayey soils derived from mafic rocks. The plant is shade intolerant and, therefore, grows best where disturbance (e.g. mowing, clearing, grazing, and periodic fire) maintains its open habitat. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Suitable habitat for Michaux's sumac exists in the study area along the NC 55 roadside and maintained forest edges. However, Kimley-Horn biologists surveyed the site for Michaux's sumac on June 4, 2015 and no species were observed within the project boundary. A review of NCNHP records, updated October 2015, indicates no known occurrence of Michaux's sumac within one mile of the project boundary. Due to a lack of suitable habitat and a lack of known occurrences in or near the project vicinity, it has been determined that the proposed project will have "No EffecY' on this species. Bald Eaqle and Golden Eaqle Protection Act Habitat for the bald eagle primarily consists of mature forest in proximity to large bodies of open water for foraging. Large dominant trees are utilized for nesting sites, typically within 1.0 mile of open water. A desktop-GIS assessment of the Site, as well as the area within a 1.0-mile radius of the project limits, was performed on June 4, 2015 using 2014 color aerials. Several ponds, all less than five acres, are within one mile of the project study area. However, no nests were observed on the Site plus a 660-foot radius. A review of the NCNHP database, updated October 2015, revealed no known occurrences of this species within 1.0 mile of the project study area. Due to the lack of habitat, known occurrences, and the minimal impact anticipated for this project, it has been determined that this project will not affect this species. T4WN OF FU6ZUAY VARINA 401 Old Honeycutt Raad �uquay-Varina, North Carolina 27526 � June 30, 2015 FuOUAY�YARINA N�RTH CMOLINA April Annis Project Developme�t Engineer, Eastem Region NCDOT Project Development &c Enviranmental Analysis 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 Subject: Park Depot Greenway Trail {NCDOT TIP No. U-5530GA, WBS 44111.1.FB8) Dear Ms. Annis, The 'Fown of Fuquay-Varina, iR coordination with the North Caralina Department of Transportation (NCD�T), is proposing to construct the Park Depot Greenway Trail prvject, which consists of a]0-foot wide paved/boardwalk greenway that will connect a walking track in Honeycutt Road Park with the existing South Lakes Greenway in Fuquay-Varina. This greenway prpject is contained in the 1999 Fuquay- Yarina Greemvay System Master Plan. It is our understanding that Section 4(fl ofths US Department af Transportation Act of 1966 may apply to the portion of this greenway project that will be constructed on publiciy-owned property designated as Honeycutt Road Park. This greenway project will entail permanent use of approximately 0.15 acres of the land, in the southwest corner of the park next to the southernmost soccer field. In the development of the greenway project, the Tawn has provided avoidance and minimization measures by meandering around trees so that the improvements will not adversely affect the activities, �'eatures, or attributes of tl�e Honeycutt Road Park. No sdditional mitigation or enhancement measures have been determined to be necessary. The pubiic i�as been afforded an opporlunity to review and comment on the effects of the project on the park. The Town held a Community Open House and public comment session on July tb, 2U15 and received no adverse camments on the proposed project or its impact(s) on the Honeycutt Road Park. As t�e Director of #he Parks, Recreation & Cultura! Resources Department, based on the public comments, I concur the proposed greenway project will not ad�ersely affect the activities, features, or attributes that qualify the property for protection under Section 4(�. The proposed greenway project will provide pedesuian access to the Honeycutt Road Park which further strengthens my support for the proposed project. If you have any questions or require additional information regarding this issue, please cantact myself at (914) 552-1431 or icox(a�fuquax varina.org or the Town's Engineer, Tracy Stephenson at (919) 753-1039 or tstenhensonP.fuc}uav-varina.org. Sinc ly, a�"� /L Janathan Cox, Parks, Recreatian & Cultural Resources Director iT.S. AR.MY C4RPS OF ENGXNEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT ������ Action Id. SAW-2015-01053 County: Walze U.S.G.S. Quad: NC-FUQUAY-VARINA G�NEgAL pERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATI4NWIDE) VERIFICATION Permittee: Town of Faauav-Varina _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ T ,�-r,a_ n�__L,��._H -- — - — -- -- -- - --- — — - — - --- --- Address: 401 �Id Honevcutt Rd Fu ua -Varina NC 27526 Telephane Nuinber: 919-753-10?9 Size (acres) Nearest'I'awn �+'uquay Varina Nearest Waterway Black Creek • River Basin Upper Neuse USGS HCTC 03020201 Coordinates Latitude: 35.5790581680812 Longitude: -78.75810741I1294 Location description: Pro osed reenwa trail �2 Ofl0 feet 1on between the southern boundar of Hone cutt Road Parl� on the south side of Hone cut# Road fa the existin trail on the east side of NC Hi hwa SS 'rn the South Lakes Subdivision a roximatel 1 900 feet south of Old Hone cutt Road east of Fu ua -Varina NC Description of projects area and activity: This ermit �erification allows for 0.03 acre oi ermanent wetland im acts from iill associated with the constrnction of the Park De ot Greenwa trail. No miti at'►on is re uired for this ro osal. Applicable Law: � 5ection 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 13�14) ❑ Section 10 (Rivers and Harboz-s Act, 33 USC 463} Authorization: Regional General Permit Number or Natianwide Pennit Number: NWP 18 Minor Dischar es. SEE ATTACHED RGP or NWP GENERAL, REGIONAL AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided 'rt is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and yaur submitted applicatiou and attached information dated 09/25/2015. Any violation o� the attacheci cnnditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, a Class I administrative penalty, and/or ap�ropriate legal action. This verificatian will remain valid until the expiratio� date identified below unless the nationwide authorization is modified, suspended or revoked. If, prior to the expiration date identified below, the nationwide pennit authorization is reissued andlor inodi�ied, this verification will remain valid until the expu�ation date identi�ied below, provided it complies with all requaz�ements of the modified nationwide permit. If the nation�wide permit authorization expues or is suspendeci, revoked, oz- is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of t11e nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under coniract to commence iv reliance upon the nationwide pennit, wilt remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve months of the date of the nationwide pexmit's expu•ation, modification or revocation, unless discretiox►ary ai�thority bas been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify, suspeild or z�evolce the authoxization. Acti�ities subject to Section 404 (as indicated ahove) may aiso require an individual Section 40I Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Quality (ielephone 919-807-630Q) to determine Section 401 requirements. �'or activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act {CAMA), prior to beginning work you mnst contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management irn Morehead City, NC, at (252} $08-280$. This Deparhnent of the Ariny verification does not relieve the penmitYee of the responsibility to obtain any other raquired Federal, State or local appro�als/permits. If there are any questions regarding this �erification, any of the conditions of the Permit, or the Corps of Engineers regulatoiy program, please contact James Last' er at 919-554-4884 x32 or James.C.Lastin er usace.arm .mil. Corps Regulataiy Offici :�� Date: 10/24/2015 Expiration Date of Veri icati n: 03/18/ Ol e SAw'ZO1rJ-�1fl53 Determination of 3�urisdiction: A. � Based on preliminary information, there appear to be waters of the US including wetlands within the above described project area. This preliminary determination is not an appealabla action under the Regulatary Program Administrative Appeal Process ( Reference 33 CFRPart 331). B. ❑ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described project area subject to tl�e permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 af the Clean Water Act. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this noti� cation. C. ❑ There are waters of the US and/or wetlands within the above described prnject area subject to tt�e permit requireinents of Sectian 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless the��e is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date af this notification. D. ❑ The jurisdictional areas within the aUove described project area have been identified under a previotiis action. Please reference jurisdictional detennination issued . Action ID: SAW- . Basis For Determination: Remarks: Please reference the attached Preliminary iur'ssdictional determination form. E. Attention USDA Program Participants This delineation/determination has been conducted to identify the limits of Corps' Clean Water Aci jurisdiction fox the particular site identified in this request. The delineation/determination may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1485. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in U SDA programs, yau should request a certif'ied wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conseivation Service, prior to starting work. F. Appeals Infarmatioll (This information applies only to appro�ved jurisdictional determinations as indicated in B and C above). This correspondence constitutes an approved jurisdictio��a] determination for the above described site. lf you object to this deter►nination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notiitcation of Appeal 1'rocess (NAP) fact sheet and request for appeal (RFA) foriu. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Di�ision Attn; lason Steele, Review Officer 60 Fozsyth Street SW, Room 10M15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 �hone: (404} 562-5137 In ordex for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Gorps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. 5hould you decide to subnut an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by **It is not necessaxy to submit an A form to the Division Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence.** Coi s Re ulator Official� � F g y . ' 3ames L inger Date of JD: 1U/20/2015 SAW-2015-Q1053 The Wilmington D'astrict is co�nmitted to providing the highest level af support to the public. To help us ensure we cpntinue to do so, please complete our ctistomer Satisfaction Stu�ey online at http:l/regulatory.usacesutvey.com/. Copy furnished: _ - 1 � -- -- - - - Attn: Ross SuUivan Address: 3001 Weston Farkwa Car�, NC, 27513 Telephone Number; RECEIVEC� , S�P � �5 2015 RALEiGH FtEGULATOFtY _ FIELA OFFICE arracHMFNr a PRELIMINARY JURISDiCTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM BACKGROUND 1NFORMATION __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ______ _--- --- - - - q. REPORT COMPLETiON DATE FOR PRELiMINARY JURfSDICT�ONAL DETERMWATION [JDj: �� B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQU�STING PRELIMINARY JD: Kimley-Horn, A'TTN: Ross Sulli�an on bahalf of the Town of Fuquay Varina 3Q01 Weston Parkway; Cary, NC 27513 C. DISTRICT OFFICE,�jILE NAMEnA�D NUMBER: p. PROJECT LOCATION(S} AND BACKGROUND INFORM���� (IJSE iHE Al'TACHED TABLE 70 DOCUMEN7 MULTIPLE WAT�RBODIES AT bIFF�RENT SITES) State: NC Countylparishlborough: wak� cou��v C1ty: Fuquay-Varina Center coordinates of sifie (latllong in degree decimal farmat): �at. a�.57a5�� °N; Lo�g. �s.�saso� °W. Universal Transverse Mercator: �7 Name of nearest waferbody: Bia°� cre�'` Identify (�st�mate) amount of waters in the review area: Non-wetland waters: as� linear feet: �-�' width (ft) andlor ��A acres. COWarC�ill C�aSS: Riverine Stream Flow: �erennial (SA) Wetlands: o.a4 acres. COWaCdlil C�aSS: Palustrine (WA) Name of any water bodies on the site thafi have been identified as Seciion 1 D waters: Tidal: �!A Nan-Tidal: ��A 1 E. REVIEW PERF�RMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): �� � Office (Desk) Determination. Date: -- --�P----P erm�na ion. a e s�- - - -- - - - - - SUPPORTING DATA. Data re�iewed for �reliminary JD (check asl that apply � checked items should be included in case file and, where checked ar�d requested, appropriafely reference sources below): � Maps, plans, plots ar plat submitted by or on behalf of the applican�lcansultant: K�m�ey-H°rn � Dafa sheets pr�paredlsu�mitted �y or on behalf of the applicanticonsultant. Office concurs w�th data sheets/delineation report. Office daes not cancur with data sheetsldelineation report. � Da#a sheets prepar�d by the Corps: � Carps navigable waters' study: � U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: � USGS NHD data � USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps ❑✓ U.S. Geological Suruey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: F�puay-va�'na ��:24,aoo] ❑✓ USDA Na�ural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Clt�t1011: Wake County (1970) � Nationaf weflands invenfory map(s)� Cite nam�: ❑ SfatelLocal wetland in�entory map{s): �, FEMAIFIRM maps: � 100-year Flaodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum af � 929) � A�r�a� Nam� D �a��\; ESF2l6asemapOrthoimagery(accessed51512015)Or ✓� Photographs i �x 1 � �ther (Name &.Date): � Pre�ious determination(s). �ile no. and date of response letter: � Other information (please specify): 2 1. The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jur�sdictionai waters of the United States an the subject site, anti the permit applicant or ofiher affiected p'arty who requested this preliminary JD is_hereby ad�ised of his or her option to ____ __ _ ----- r�ques an o ain an approveTjurEs �c ion�determina ion 7D� or a si e. Neuer�heless, the permit applicant or other person who requested this preliminary JD has declined to exercise the optian �o obtain an approved JD in this instance anc� at this time. 2. In any circumstance where a permit applicant abtains an individuaf permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verifiicatian requiring "pre�consfructian notification� (PCN), ar requests verification for a non-repor�ing NWP or other gen�ra{ permit, and the permit appficant has not requested an a�proved JD for the activity, the permit applicanf is hereby made aware of the following: (1) the permit applicant has efected ta seek a permit authorization based on a preliminary JD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdict[onal waters; (2) that the applicant has the option to requesf an approved JD before accepting the terms and canditions of the permit authorization, anc{ that basing a permit authorization on an appro�ed JD could possibly resu[t in less compensa�ory mitigation being required or different special cond�tions; (3) that the applicant has the right to request an ind�vidual permit rafher than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other generaf permit authorizat�on; (4) �hat the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whata�er mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; {5) that undertaKing any acti�ity in reliance upon the subject permit aufhorization wifhouf requesting an appro�ed J� constifiufes the applicant's acceptance of the use of ihe preliminary JD, but tha� either form of JD will be processed as soon as is practicable; (6) accepting a permit authorizatian (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertakin� any activity in refiance on any form of Corps permit authorization based an a prel+minary JD constitutes agreement that alf wetlands and other water bodies on the site affected in any way by that activity are jurisdictional waters of the United States, and precludes any challenge to such jurisdiction �n any administrati�e or judicial compliance or enforcement ac�ian, ar in any adm�nistrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use eifher an approved JD or a preliminary JD, that JD will be processed as soon as is practicable. Further, an appra�ed ,]D, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein}, or individual permit denial can be adm�nistratively appea[ed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331, and fhat in any administrative appeaf, jurisdic�ional issues can be raised (see 33 C.F.R. 331.5(a)(2)). lf, during thai administratiue appeal, it becomes necessary fo maKe an afficial determinatian whether CWA jurisdiction exists over a site, or to pro�ide an official delineation of jurisdictional waters on the site, the Corps wi11 provide an approved JD to accomplish that resuft, as saon as is practicable. This pre[iminary JD finds �hat there "may be" waters of the United 5tates on the subject project sit�, and idenfifies alf aquatic features on fihe site that could be affecfed by the praposed acti�ity, based an the folfowing infarmation: IMPORTANT NOTE: The [nformation recorded on this form has not necessarilv been verified by �he Corps and should not be relied u op n for later iurisdictional determinations. / �� L,�'�i"`1 � � � �s 9/21/2015 Signature and date of 5ignature and date of Regulatary Project Manager person requesting preliminary JD (REQUIRED) (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impractica�le) � Site Latitude nu�bex- SA 35.578285 WA 35.5'19360 Estimated amaunt of Lo�giLude Cowardin Cias� aqu�tic resource in --- - - - - - - --- - - -revievv area -75.758125 Rive�ine 83 lineax �eet -78.759873 Paiustrine �.44 acres Class of aquatic resoures non-sectian 10 — non-tidal non-sec�ian 10 — wetland E _ �'' � , � ' „ ,� � ��� a � � �'��. ;y.. � ; .��� $ �v S . .# '� . . . . ,,x ! ,. �. � Y �. � , ��� ��. 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Action ID Nnmber: SAW-2015-OI053 Couuty: Wake Permiitee: Town of Fuquav-Varina Attn: Trac S�e hensou Project Name: Town o�Fu ua -Varina ParkDe of Greenwa Trail TIP U-5530GA Dxv5 Date Verifica�ion Issued: 10/2� Praject Manager: James Lastin er Upan completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permi#, sign this certification and return it to the follo�wing add�-ess: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRiCT Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Attn: James Lastinger, Regulatory Specialist 3331 Heritage Trade Dr., suite 145 Walie Forest, NC 27587 Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspectiou by a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers representaiive. Failure to comply with any terms or conditions of this au�harizatior� Ynay resuli in the Corps suspeuding, modifying or revoking the authorizatian. and/or issuing a Class I administrative penalty, or initiating other appropriate legal actio�. I hereby certify fhat the work aufhorized by the above re�erenced permii has been completed in accordance with the terms and condition. of the said permit, and rec�uired mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit condiiions. Signature of Permi�tee Date N+OTIFICAT�OI�d O�' �1D1aIll'�1IS�RATl� APP�AL OP�'�vN� AI�iD PR�C�SS A1�1D ���UGST FOl� APPEAL Applicailt: To�vn of Fuquap-Vai•ina File NLuiiL�er: SAW-2015-fl1053 Date: 10/�012015 Trac Ste henson - _ ...._.___. . - Attached is; See Section belaw ❑ INITIAL PROFPERED P�RMIT (Stan�iaz�d Permit or Letter of �ei-�x�ission) A ❑ PROFF�RED PERiv[IT (Stat�darcl Permit or Letter of per3nissioii} B [� PERMIT DENIAL C ❑ APPROVED 7URISDICTIONAL DET�RMINATION D � PAEI.TMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATIDN E SCCTI{JN I- The following identifies your rights ancl options regarding an administ�•ative appeal of the above decisio�a. Additional information inay be found at or hlt �:/hvw��.usace.a��m .miUMissionslCivil Worl:s�Re �ulaio� Pro ramandPermits.as � or fhe Corps regulations at 33 CFR Pa��t 331. A: Ii�ITIAL PRO�FFEILED P�RMIT: You may accept ar objeci to �he permit • ACCEPT: If you receiveci a Standa►•d Perinit, yo�.� �11ay sign the permit document and retuin it to the d€strict engineer fot• final autl�orization. If you received a Letter ot'Perir�ission (LOP), you may accept the LOP acid yoLir worlc is authorized. You� signaturc oza t11e Siandard PermiC oj� acceptaiice of the LOP znea��s that you accept ihe permit nl its entirety, and waive all rigi�.ts to appeal the permit, including its te�7ns and cai�ditions, and a�pt•aved jurisdictional dete�•muiations associated with the permit. • OBIECT: If you object to tha permit (Standaed or LOP} because of certain tez��►s and conditions therein, you may request that the pei7nit be modi�'ied acco�°dingly. You must complet� Sectian II of t11is form and return tlae forin to the district engineer. Your objec�ioias anust �e receiveci by tlle distric# e��gineer witl�in 60 days of the date af this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the �ermit in the future. Upon receipt of yo�u' letter, the district ei7gineer wil� evaluate your objectians and znay: (a) inodify the permit to adc�ress all of your concenls, (b} modify tl�e �ei7�lit to address some of your objectio�as, or (e) not inodify the perinit having detenninec� that ihe pel-�nif should be issued as previously w3�itten. A.fter evaluaiing yai�r objections, tlae district e��gineer will sencl yau a proffered per-init for your iecansicie�•atioi�, as inc�icated iil Section B below. B: PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or appe�l the permit • ACCEl'T: If you received a Standard Perulit, you may sign t3�e pennit ciocL�ment anc� return it to tlle clistrict engineer for final aLiti�orization. If you received a Letter af Perznission {LOP), you may accept tfze LOP and your work is auihorized. Youe signature on the Standard Penni# or acc�ptance of the LOP nleans tl�at you acce�t the �ernait in its entirety, aud waive all rights fo appeal the pei7iiit, includi��g its te�fns and conditio��s, a��d appraved jurisdictional determinations associated witt� tlte pc��nit. • l�PPEAL: If yoLt choose to decline the �roffered pennit (S�andard or LOP) bacause of certain tei�ms and conditions therein, you �nay ag�peal the declined permit tuldet• the Corps of �ilginees•s Administa�ative App�al Process by com��leting Sectior� II of this forin and sending tlae forin to the division engi�leer. This for�n ia�ust be received by th� division engi�3eer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: P�RMIT DENIAL: Yot� may appeal the d�nial of a gecinit Lmder fhe Corps of Engi�ieers Administrative A�peal Process by coinpleti�ag Section II af this form and sendiilg the form tp tl�e di�ision engineez-. TI�is forin inust be recaived by the division ei�gineer witllii� 60 days of tlae date of this notice. D: AP�ROVED JTJR�SDICTIONAL D�TERMINATION: You may acce}�t or ap�eal the ap�roved JD ar �rovide new infarination. • ACCEPT: You do ilot ��eed to notify the Corps to �.acept an approved JD. railure to notify the Coi�ps within 60 days of the date af this �lotice, meaiis that you accept the approved JD in its entire#y, and waive all z�ights to appeal the approved JD. • �PPEAL: Ifyou disa�ree with the appraved JD, you may appeal t11e aJ��roved ]D undex t11e Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Piocess l�y completing Seciian IT of this foi�n� aild sei�dii�g tl�e forin to the dist►�ict engineer. This form __= mu�t Ue received.bv tl�e. division et�_gnie.er withi�i �0 days.cxf the da#e-oft�is notice. E: PRELTMINARY JTJRISDICT�ONAL DETERM�TATIOl�: You do not n�ed to 3•espond to the Corps rega�diilg the prelimi�laty JD. The Preliininary JD is not apl�ealable. Tf yot� wish, yoti inay request al� appra�ed JD (which inay be appealec�), by coi�tacti�g the CQrps disfY•ict for fiu�ther instr��etion. Also you may provide new infoem�tio�� for fu�ther coizsidez�atian by the Corps to reevaluate t11e JD. SECTION Il - R�QUEST FOR APPEAL or OSJECT[ONS 7'O AN INITIAL PRQFFERED PERNIIT REASONS FOR APP�AL OR OBJECTI�N�: {Describe you�� zeasans for appealing the c�ecision or your objections to an initial �roffered �erinit iii clear co��cise stateanents. You may �ttach additioilal inforinatian to this foi�n to claiify wi�ere youe reasons or objectio»s are addressec{ iz� tlle administrative record.) ADD1T10NAL INF�RMATION: The appeal is li�nited to a review of the adzalinistrative r�corc�, the Coz�ps �nemoi•andu�a� for the record of tIie appeal confeze��ce or ineeti�lg, and a��y sLi��leinental infor�na�ion that the review ofF'icez� llas determineci is i�eeded to cla�•ify tl�e adininistrative record. Neither tlie a��ellant iior the Cor�s inay add new informatioix oz- analyses to the recard. However, you z��ay provide additional �nformatioi� to clariFy tl�e location af inforination ti7at is al�eady in the adi�e�it�isfrative reeot�d. PDINT OP CONTACT FOR QUESTIOI�TS OR INFORMATION: Tf you have qt�estions zegarding this decision ancilo3� the If you only la�ve qL�estioils regarding tl�e appeal process yoLi may appeal process you i�aay contact: also cozatact: Distz'ict Cngineer•, Wilmingtou Regulatory Division, Mr. Jason Steele, Administrative �p�eal Review Officer Ralcigl� Regulatory Field Office CESAD-FDO Att�t: Janies Lastinger U.S. Aemy Corps of Engiiieers, Sotrth Atlazatic Division 3331 Heritage Trade D�•., suite 1.05 60 Forsytli Street, Room 1OM15 Walce Forest, lo1C 27587 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 919-�54-�48�4 ext 3Z PIior�e: l40�) Sb2-5137 R�GHT OF ENTRY: Yot�r si.gnat�u•e L�elow grants tlle right of entiy to Corps of Eiigiileers persoiulel, and any goveilualeait consultanfs, to conduct i�2vestigatio�is of the project site dt�ring tlle cou��se of the appeal proc�ss. Yo�r �vill be provided a 15 day notice of az�y site investigation, and aviil have tlle opportunity to participate in all site investigations. � Date: Telepl�ane nu�nber: Sigi�ature o�appellant or age��t. For apperrls an Initirrl Pt•offet•ec1 Pc���rraits se�arl tlais for���i in: District E�gi�ieer, Wilmington Regulatory Division, Attn: James Lastinger, 69 Darli�igton Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 For� Perritrt rlenir�ls, Frnffef�erl Pei•r�2its rztacl appt�oved Jur•isrlietional Detef•saiinatior2s send tltis farrri to: Division En�giiieer, Comma��c�er, U.S. A��my Engineer Division, So��th Atlantic, Aitn: Mr. Jason �teele, Administrative Appeal Officer, CESAD-PDO, 64 T+'arsyth Street, Roam 10M15, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-$801 Phone: (�1�4) 562-5137 ,� �e• � �C E i�ar�� Ca►���ir� �ep�rt�n�r�t o� Er�vs�c�nm�nt ��c� ����r�l �����a����� P�� �dcCr�r� �o�r�rn�r June �> ?ois Town of Fuquay Varina Tracy A.Stephenson 401 C71d Honeycutt Rd. Fuquay Varina, NC 27526 � �ecr�t�ry Subject: Surface Water Determination NBRRO#15-228 VJake Caunty Determination Type: Buffer Call isolated or EIP Gall � Neuse (15A NCAC 2B .0233) ❑ Tar-Pamlico (15A NCAC 2B .0259) � Ephemeral/Intermittent/Perennial Determination ❑ Isolated Wetland Determination ❑ Jordan (15A NCAC 2B .0267) Project Name: Location/Directions Subject Stream: Park Depot Greenway Trail Property is located SE of Honeycutt Road Park and west of NC-55 in Fuquay Varina, NC Black Creek Determination Date: June 5, 2015 �taff: Jaa�es Graham Feature Subject to 1�tot E�I/P* �tart@ Stop@ � Sail IUSGS Buffers Subject to Survey Topo Buffers A X P X X B X E X C X E X J *E/t/P - EphemeralLlntermittent/F'erennial Explanation: The feature(s) listed above llas or have bezn located �n the Soil Survey of Wake County, No�rth Carolina or the most recent copy of the USGS Topographic map at a 124,000 scale. Each feature that is checked "Not Subject" has been d'�tern�in�d not to be a stream or is not present on the pi•operty. Features that are checked "Subject" have been located on the property and possess characteristics that qualiiy it to be a stream. There may be other streams located on your properiy that do not show up on tlie maps referenced above but, still ma�orthCarolina ���uralC� North Carolina Division of Water Resources 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Phone (919) 791-4200 Intemet: wiwu�.nc�vat�rr�uality.oeq Location: 38Q0 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Fax (919) 78$-7159 � An Equal OpportunirylAffirmative Action Employer - 50% REcycledll0°/o Post Consumer Paper Park Depot Greenway Trail Wake County June 9, 2015 Page 2 of 2 considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers and/or to the Division of Water Resources (D WR). This on-site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of th'rs letter. Landowners or aifected parties that dispute a determination made by the DWR or �elegated Local Authority may request a determination by the Director. An appeal request must be made witlhin sixty (60) days of date of this letter or from the date the affected party (including downstream and/or adjacent owners) is notified of this letter. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director in writing. lf sending viu US Postal Service c/o Karen Higgins DWR — 4D1 & Buffer Perraxitting Urtit 1617Mai1,Serviee Center Raleigh, NC 27649-1617. If'sending via deCivery service (UPS, FedEx, etc.) Karen Higgins DWR — 447 ��uffer Permittirzg Unrt 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 2760. This determination is final and binding unless, as detailed above, you ask for a hearin� or appea( within sixty (60} days. The owner/future owners should notify ihe Division of Water Resources (including any other Local, Stafe, and Federal Agencies) of this decision concerning any future corresponden��egarding the subject progerty {stated above). This project may require a, Section 404/401 Permit for the proposed acfiivity. Any inquiries should bz directed to the Division of Water Resources (Central Office) at (919)-807-6300, and the US Army Carp of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatary Field Office) at (919)-554-4884. � If you have questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact James Graharn at (919) 791-4256. _„ ��` ,� Respect�'ully, � ' f ,, � , �. � -�, ' �Y ���y ,� � . ��", �d %'�' �' ��� �� �;<�� , � �� Danny Smith, �upervisor Water Quality Regional Operation Section Raleigh Regionai Ofiice cc: RRC7/SWP File Copy Ross Sullivan ��� ��� Kimley-Horn 3001 Weston Parkway Cary, NC 27513 ��� ����� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor May 29, 2015 MEMORANDUM Donald R. van der Vaart Secretary To: Lyn Hardison, Environmental Coordinator, Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs From: Rob Ridings, NC Division of Water Resources, Transportation Permitting Unit Subject: Scoping comments on proposed Town of Fuquay-Varina Park Depot Greenway Trail in Wake County, TIP No. U-5530GA, State Clearinghouse Project No. 15-0627. Reference your correspondence received May 19, 2015 in which you requested comments for the referenced project. Preliminary analysis of the project reveals the potential for impacts to streams and jurisdictional wetlands in the project area. Specifically, impacts to: Stream Name Basin & Subbasin Stream Classification Stream Index Number 303(d) Listing? UT Kenneth Creek Cape Fear 07 C 18-16-1- (1) No Further investigations at a higher resolution should be undertaken to verify the presence of other streams and/or jurisdictional wetlands in the area. ln the event that any jurisdictional areas are identified, the Division of Water Resources requests that the Town consider the following environmental issues for the proposed project: Project Specific Comments: L Kenneth Creek is class C waters of the State. The NCDWR is concerned with sediment and erosion impacts that could result from this project. The NCDWR recommends that protective sediment and erosion control BMPs be implemented to reduce the risk of nutrient runoff to Kenneth Creek. Additionally, the NCDWR requests that road design plans provide treatment of the storm water runoff through best management practices as detailed in the most recent version of the North Carolina Department of Transportation Stormwater Best Management Prczctices Toolbox manual. General Project Comments: The environmental document should provide a detailed and itemized presentation of the proposed impacts to wetlands and streams with corresponding mapping. If mitigation is necessary as requued by 15A NCAC 2H.0506(h), it is preferable to present a conceptual (if not finalized) mirigation plan with the environmental documentation. Appropriate mitigation plans will be required prior to issuance of a 401 Water Qualiry Certification. 2. Environmental impact statement alternatives shall consider design criteria that reduce the impacts to streams and wetlands from storm water runoff. These alternatives shall include road designs that allow for treatment of the storm water runoff through best management practices as detailed in the most recent version of 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Phone: 919-807-63001 Internet: www.ncdenr.gov An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer NCDWR's Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, July 2007, such as grassed swales, buffer areas, preformed scour holes, retention basins, etc. After the selection of the preferred alternative and prior to an issuance of the 401 Water Quality Certification, the applicant is respectfully reminded that they will need to demonstrate the avoidance and minimization of impacts to wetlands (and streams) to the maximum extent practicaL In accordance with the Environmental Management Commission's Rules (15A NCAC 2H.0506[h]), mitigation will be required for impacts of greater than 1 acre to wetlands. In the event that mitigation is required, the mitigation plan shall be designed to replace appropriate lost functions and values. North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services may be available for assistance with wetland mitigation. 4. In accordance with the Environmental Management Commission's Rules (15A NCAC 2H.0506[h]), mitigation wi11 be required for impacts of greater than 1501inear feet to any single stream. In the event that mitigation is required, the mitigation plan sha11 be designed to replace appropriate lost functions and values. The North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services may be available for assistance with stream mitigation. 5. Future documentation, including the 401 Water Quality Certification Application, shall continue to include an itemized listing of the proposed wetland and stream impacts with corresponding mapping. 6. The NCDWR is very concerned with sediment and erosion impacts that could result from this project. The applicant shall address these concerns by describing the potential impacts that may occur to the aquatic environments and any mitigating factors that would reduce the impacts. 7. An analysis of cumulative and secondary impacts anticipated as a result of this project is required. The type and detail of analysis shall conform to the NC Division of Water Resource Policy on the assessment of secondary and cumulative impacts dated April 10, 2004. 8. The applicant is respectfully reminded that all impacts, including but not limited to, bridging, fill, excavation and clearing, and rip rap to jurisdictional wetlands, streams, and riparian buffers need to be included in the final impact calculations. These impacts, in addition to any construction impacts, temporary or otherwise, also need to be included as part of the 401 Water Quality Certification Application. 9. Where streams must be crossed, the NCDWR prefers bridges be used in lieu of culverts. However, we realize that economic considerations often require the use of culverts. Please be advised that culverts should be countersunk to allow unimpeded passage by fish and other aquatic organisms. Moreover, in areas where high quality wetlands ar streams are impacted, a bridge may prove preferable. When applicable, the applicant should not install the bridge bents in the creek, to the maximum extent practicable. 10. Whenever possible, the NCDWR prefers spanning structures. Spanning structures usually do not require work within the stream or grubbing of the streambanks and do not require stream channel realignment. The horizontal and vertical clearances provided by bridges shall allow for human and wildlife passage beneath the structure. Fish passage and navigation by canoeists and boaters shall not be blocked. Bridge supports (bents) should not be placed in the stream when possible. 11. Bridge deck drains shall not discharge directly into the stream. Stormwater shall be directed across the bridge and pre-treated through site-appropriate means (grassed swales, pre-formed scour holes, vegetated buffers, etc.) before entering the stream. Please refer to the most current version of NCDWR's Stormwater Best Management Practices. 12. Sediment and erosion control measures should not be placed in wetlands or streams. 13. Borrow/waste areas should avoid wetlands to the maximum extent practical. Impacts to wetlands in borrow/waste areas will need to be presented in the 401 Water Quality Certification and could precipitate compensatory mitigation. 14. The 401 Water Quality Certification application will need to specifically address the proposed methods for stormwater management. More specifically, stormwater shall not be permitted to discharge directly into streams or surface waters. 15. Based on the information presented in the document, the magnitude of possible impacts to wetlands and streams may require an Nationwide Permit application to the Corps of Engineers and corresponding 401 Water Quality Certification. Please be advised that a 401 Water Quality Certification requires satisfactory protection of water quality to ensure that water quality standards are met and no wetland or stream uses are lost. Final permit authorization will require the submittal of a formal application by the applicant and written concurrence from the NCDWR. Please be aware that any approval will be contingent on appropriate avoidance and minimization of wetland and stream impacts to the maximum extent practical, the development of an acceptable stormwater management plan, and the inclusion of appropriate mitigation plans where appropriate. 16. If concrete is used during construction, a dry work area shall be maintained to prevent direct contact between curing concrete and stream water. Water that inadvertently contacts uncured concrete shall not be discharged to surface waters due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic life and fish kills. 17. If temporary access roads or detours are constructed, the site shall be graded to its preconstruction contours and elevations. Disturbed areas shall be seeded or mulched to stabilize the soil and appropriate native woody species shall be planted. When using temporary structures the area shall be cleared but not grubbed. Clearing the area with chain saws, mowers, bush-hogs, or other mechanized equipment and leaving the stumps and root mat intact allows the area to re-vegetate naturally and minimizes soil disturbance. 18. Unless otherwise authorized, placement of culverts and other structures in waters and streams shall be placed below the elevation of the streambed by one foot for all culverts with a diameter greater than 48 inches, and 20 percent of the culvert diameter for culverts having a diameter less than 48 inches, to allow low flow passage of water and aquatic life. Design and placement of culverts and other structures including temporary erosion control measures shall not be conducted in a manner that may result in dis-equilibrium of wetlands or streambeds or banks, adjacent to or upstream and downstream of the above structures. The applicant is required to provide evidence that the equilibrium is being maintained if requested in writing by the NCDWR. If this condition is unable to be met due to bedrock or other limiting features encountered during construction, please contact the NCDWR for guidance on how to proceed and to determine whether or not a permit modification will be required. 19. If multiple pipes or barrels are required, they shall be designed to mimic natural stream cross section as closely as possible including pipes or barrels at flood plain elevation, floodplain benches, and/or sills may be required where appropriate. Widening the stream channel should be avoided. Stream channel widening at the inlet or outlet end of structures typically decreases water velocity causing sediment deposition that requires increased maintenance and disrupts aquatic life passage. 20. If foundation test borings are necessary; it shall be noted in the document. Geotechnical work is approved under Genera1401 Certification Number 3883/Nationwide Permit No. 6 for Survey Activities. 21. Sediment and erosion control measures sufficient to protect water resources must be implemented and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual and the most recent version of NCS000250. 22. All work in or adjacent to stream waters shall be conducted in a dry work area. Approved BMP measures from the most current version of the NCDOT Construction and Maintenance Activities manual such as sandbags, rock berms, cofferdams and other diversion structures shall be used to prevent excavation in flowing water. 23. While the use of National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps, NC Coastal Region Evaluation of Wetland Significance (NC-CREWS) maps and soil survey maps are useful tools, their inherent inaccuracies require that qualified personnel perform onsite wetland delineations prior to permit approval. 24. Heavy equipment should be operated from the bank rather than in stream channels in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce the likelihood of introducing other pollutants into streams. This equipment shall be inspected daily and maintained to prevent contamination of surface waters from leaking fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. 25. Riprap shall not be placed in the active thalweg channel or placed in the streambed in a manner that precludes aquatic life passage. Bioengineering boulders or structures should be properly designed, sized and installed. 26. Riparian vegetation (native trees and shrubs) shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible. Riparian vegetation must be reestablished within the construction limits of the project by the end of the growing season following completion of construction. Thank you for requesting our input at this time. The applicant is reminded that issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification requires that appropriate measures be instituted to ensure that water quality standards are met and designated uses are not degraded or lost. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Rob Ridings at 919-707-8786. Electronic copy only distribution: Tad Hardy, Kimley-Horn Consultants File Copy Ridge, Caitlyn From: Felix.Davila@dot.gov Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 1:15 PM To: Hardy, Tad Cc: sgibbs@ncdot.gov Subject: FW: Project U-5530GA (Park Depot Greenway Trail) Attachments: Park Depot Greenway_Scoping Packet_051215.pdf Please verify if the federal aid number for this project is STPDA-0507(10). The comments below are early comments to help assess if we may have a potential 4(f) use. See http://www.environment.fhwa.dot.�ov/4f/4fpolicy.asp Is there is a management plan that define the primary purpose of the proposed trail (for transportation or for recreation)? Then assuming that the Honeycutt Road Park is protected under 4(f) and if our proposed facility primary purpose is transportation( e.g The purpose of the project is to promote a non-motorized mode of travel for commuters even though some recreational use of the facility is likely to occur) and if we will "use" the park property, it will be a 4(f) impact because we will be using land of a park for transportation purposes (it would be like building a road and encroaching on a park). If we have a 4(f) use most likely a 4(f) de minimis may be applicable once all coordination, etc., are met. Thanks, Fe�ix Davil'a T.�. Preconstruction and �nvironment �ngineer ,�'ederaC3fightivay .�dministration 3io Netiv Bern.�venue, Suite 4io RaCeigh, North CaroCina z76oi T(one (gig)747-7ozi .�aX i9i9)747-7030 `� Please consider the environment before printing this email From: tad.hardy@kimley-horn.com [mailto:tad.hardy@kimley-horn.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:31 PM To: Davila, Felix (FHWA); rob.ridings@ncdenr.gov; travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org; shane.staples@ncdenr.gov; environmental.review@ncdcr.gov; renee.gledhill-earley@ncdcr.gov; sgibbs@ncdot.gov; eric.c.alsmeyer@usace.army.mil; vanderwiele.cynthia@epa.gov; gary,jordan@fws.gov Cc: tstephenson@fuquay-varina.org; Matthew.West@kimley-horn.com; erin.thompson@kimley-horn.com Subject: Project U-5530GA (Park Depot Greenway Trail) AI I, ; / /,�,�, :; \�,,.,,.:, �,,,1,; lef'4� �c?, : �i � I�� �� � ��� '� /; North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Pat McCrory Secretary Susan HIuttz June 11, 2015 Tracy Stephenson Town of Fuquay-Varina 401 Old Honeycutt Road Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 Office of Archives and History Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry Re: Park Depot Greenway Trail Project, Fuquay-Varina, U-5530 GA, Wake County, ER 15-1084 Dear Ms. Stephenson: Thank you for your letter of May 12, 2015, concerning the above project. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-807-6579 or environmental.review(a�ncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, � �� �� �✓Ramona M. Bartos {] Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Seroice Centex, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Faac: (919) 807-6570/807-6599 Ridge, Caitlyn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Alsmeyer, Eric C SAW <Eric.C.Alsmeyer@usace.army.mil> Wednesday, June 10, 2015 10:45 AM tstephenson@fuquay-varina.org; felix.davila@dot.gov Hardy, Tad RE: Project U-5530GA (Park Depot Greenway Trail): AID SAW-2015-01053. (U NCLASSIFIED) Classification: LTNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Tracy A. Stephenson, PE Town of Fuquay-Varina Engineer: Reference is made to your letter of May 12, 2015, submitted by e-mail, regarding the following Town of Fuquay- Varina, North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) project: Proposed Park Depot Greenway Trail Project, TIP Project U-5530GA, WBS 44111.1.FB8, east of Fuquay-Varina, in Wake County, NC. The letter requested written comments, including information that would be helpful in evaluating potential environmental impacts of the project, and if applicable, identification of any permits or approvals that may be required by the US Army Corps of Engineers. We have reviewed the provided documentation and determined that, based upon a review of the information provided and available maps, the construction of this project is likely to impact streams and wetlands within the work corridor. Please be aware that impacts associated with the discharge of fill into jurisdictional waters of the United States are subject to our regulatory authority pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Any discharge of excavated or fill material into waters of the United States and/or any adjacent wetlands would require Department of the Army (DA) permit authorization. The type of DA authorization required (i.e., general or individual permit) will be determined by the location, type, and extent of jurisdictional area impacted by the project, and by the project design and construction limits. Until additional data is furnished which details the extent of the construction limits of the proposed project, and an onsite inspection is completed with regard to determinations of the present of jurisdictional waters on the project property, we are unable to verify that the project will not have jurisdictional impacts, or to provide specific comments concerning DA permit requirements or a recommendation of alternatives. To assist you with determining permitting requirements, we recommend that you perform a detailed delineation of the streams and/or wetlands present on the project site. When this information becomes available, it should be forwarded to our office for review and comment, as well as a determination of DA permit eligibility. It is possible that, if boardwalk is used to cross wetland area, and if bridging is used to cross jurisdictional stream, that the requirement for a Section 404 permit can be avoided. Please reply or call if you have any questions or if I may serve you in any other way. The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at http://re�ulatorv.usacesurvey.com/. �'�..� �. Eric Alsmeyer Project Manager Raleigh Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105, Wake Forest, NC 27587 Tel: (919) 554-4884, x23 Fax: (919) 562-0421 Regulatory Homepage: http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Missions/Re�ulatoryPermitPro�ram.aspx (If you need information that is not yet available on our new website, please let me know) From: tad.hardyCa�kimley-horn.com [mailto:tad.hardy kimley-horn.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:31 PM To: felix.davilaCa�dot.gov; rob.ridingsCa>ncdenr.gov; travis.wilsonCc�ncwildlife.orq; shane.staplesCa�ncdenr.gov; environmental.reviewCa�ncdcr.gov; renee.gledhill-earleyCa�ncdcr.gov; saibbsCc�ncdot.gov; Alsmeyer, Eric C SAW; vanderwiele.cynthia epa.gov; gar�iordanCa�fws.gov Cc: tstephenson@fuquay-varina.orq; Matthew.West@kimley-horn.com; erin.thompson@kimley-horn.com Subject: [EXTERNAL] Project U-5530GA (Park Depot Greenway Trail) � Please find the attached scoping letter and figures for NCDOT Project U-5530GA (Park Depot Greenway Trail) in Fuquay- Varina, Wake County. Earlier today, you also received information about another, unrelated project in Fuquay-Varina from me. Please provide your input for this project by June 12, 2015. If you would like hard copies of the scoping letter, please let me know. Thank you for your time, and we look forward to your input. Sincerely, Tad I�im1�y�>�H�rn Tad Hardy, E.I.T. Kimley-Horn � 2000 South Boulevard, Suite 440, Charlotte, NC 28203 Direct: (704) 319-7693 � Main: (704) 333-5131 Proud to be one of FORTUNE magazine's 100 Best Companies to Work For Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Ridge, Caitlyn From: Van Der Wiele, Cynthia <VanDerWiele.Cynthia@epa.gov> Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 10:15 AM To: Hardy, Tad Cc: tstephenson@fuquay-varina.org Subject: RE: Project U-5530GA (Park Depot Greenway Trail) Dear Mr. Hardy and Mr. Stephenson: The USEPA Region 4 NEPA Program Office / NC Field Office has reviewed the Park Depot Greenway Trail Project (NCDOT STIP Project U-5530GA). I used NEPAssist to examine whether or not USEPA has any hazardous waste, TRI, TSCA, Superfund, etc. types of sites in the project area. You know, of course, about the stream, wetland, and FEMA flood zones in the immediate project area. Please coordinate with the US Army Corps of Engineers and the NC Division of Water Resources. Generally, projects that support additional modes of transportation are favored by USEPA as they have the potential to reduce toxic air emissions through mobile sources (i.e., vehicles) and serve to provide critical linkages for a diversity of citizens to various points of interest in the area. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project. Best, Cynthia Cynthia F. Van Der Wiele, Ph.D. USEPA Region 4 NEPA Program Office NCDOT404/NEPA InteragencyTeam Durham, NC From: tad.hardy@kimley-horn.com [mailto:tad.hardy@kimley-horn.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:31 PM To: felix.davila@dot.gov; rob.ridings@ncdenr.gov; travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org; shane.staples@ncdenr.gov; environmental.review@ncdcr.gov; renee.gledhill-earley@ncdcr.gov; sgibbs@ncdot.gov; eric.c.alsmeyer@usace.army.mil; Van Der Wiele, Cynthia; garyJordan@fws.gov Cc: tstephenson@fuquay-varina.org; Matthew.West@kimley-horn.com; erin.thompson@kimley-horn.com Subject: Project U-5530GA (Park Depot Greenway Trail) AI I, Please find the attached scoping letter and figures for NCDOT Project U-5530GA (Park Depot Greenway Trail) in Fuquay- Varina, Wake County. Earlier today, you also received information about another, unrelated project in Fuquay-Varina from me. Please provide your input for this project by June 12, 2015. If you would like hard copies of the scoping letter, please let me know. Thank you for your time, and we look forward to your input. Sincerely, Tad