HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061427 Ver 1_More Info Received_20061127.. ECS Carolinas, LLP _ __ Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental ~u~~~.ew:~~ Ms. Cyndi Karoly Supervisor, 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401/Wetland Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 RE: PCN Application for Section 404/401 NWP-12 Sanford Sanitary Sewer Improvements Sanford, North Carolina ECS Project #14223 Dear Ms. Karoly: November 27, 2006 On behalf of the City of Sanford, North Carolina ("the Applicant"), ECS Carolinas, LLP ("ECS") is submitting this Secondary and Cumulative Impact Study based on your request dated September 18, 2006 for the above referenced site. Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at (919) 861-9910, or at TRouse@ecslimited.com. Respectfully submitted, ECS Carolinas, LLP '~,. l~ ~ l Thomas K. Rouse, E.I. Senior Environmental Scientist "~t~ .~ Budd Titlow, Senior Professional Wetland Scientist (SWS #754) Reviewed by: Mark Brown, LG, PG, RSM, Principal Geologist Environmental Services Department Manager Enclosures: Letter from the City of Sanford, Secondary and Cumulative Impact Study 9001 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, Nonh Carolina 27617-7505 •(919) 861-9910 •FAX (919) 861-991 I • (-800-327-5832 •www.ecslimited.com .4tx:nieen, MD ~ Atlanta, GA • Austin, TX • Baltimore. MD ~ Buford, GA ~ Chantilly, VA ~ Charlotte. NC ~ Charlottesville. VA* ~ Chicago, IL ~ Dallas, TX • Fairborn, GA* ~ Frederick, MD Fredericksburg, VA ~ Greensboro, NC ~ Greenville, SC ~ Nashville, TN ~ Norfolk, VA ~ Ocean City, MDR -0rlando, FL ~ Raleigh. NC ~ Richmond, VA ~ Roanoke, VA Savannah. GA • Waldorf, MD ~ Wes[ Palm Beach, FL • Williamsburg, VA ~ Wilmington, NC ~ Winchester, VA ~ York, PA "Testing Services Only / ~~~\ ~' ' p ~. ~.',i A \`y~~rt~o ~~~~ P. o. Box 3n9 Pl'BLCI WORKS DEPaRT11fENT CTY OF SANFO1tD TELEPHONE 919-775-8019 FAX 919-7748179 NoI'th Carolina 27331-3729 or 919-775-8231 November 9, 2006 Mr. Monte Matthews Raleigh Regulatory Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 120 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 RE: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Action ID 200620261 Dear Mr. Matthews: The City of Sanford received your `Incomplete Application Notification' regarding the review of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Action ID 200620261, City of Sanford Sewer Improvement. It is our understanding that your concern with this project is "additional development, with increased density, that might result from large sewer projects." The City would like to emphasize that the primary purpose of this project is to address capacity issues and recurring overflow problems in the existing system and not to encourage development with construction of new sewer. As it exists, Little Buffalo Lift Station serves some of the oldest pipes in the collection system and suffers from infiltration during rain events, which result in overflows at the station. The proposed gravity sewer will convey flow that discharges to an existing pump station (Little Buffalo Creek P.S.) to a downstream pump station location (Northview P.S.). These two existing pump stations will be removed from service and a new custom pump station will be constructed to pump flow directly to the headworks of the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). This redirection of flow helps the system in another way. Currently, flow from Little Buffalo is pumped to the sole gravity interceptor feeding the Big Buffalo Wastewater Treatment facility. As proposed, this flow will be pumped from the new lift station directly to the plant, removing that discharge from the interceptor. Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, one of the region's largest industries which currently discharges to the Northview Station, has expressed an interest to expand its campus at some point in the future. It should be noted that this expansion could take place without construction this specific project. The combination of possible industrial expansion and an existing system need allowed the City to seek grant funding to help address this situation. As a result, the City has been awarded financial assistance from US Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA), and the North Carolina Rural Center for a portion of this project's funding. The City has developed a `cumulative impact report' as requested by NCDWQ for the 401 Certification. (A copy is enclosed for your reference.) The findings show that of the approximately 1.4 square mile drainage area to the gravity sewer, only a 27.5-acre parcel is likely to benefit from this line in the forseeable future. The remaining land within the drainage area has been determined unlikely to develop as a direct result of the proposed sewer line. The reasons include: current land use (i.e., clay mines); cost prohibitive to tie-on due to small tract size, accessibility, and considerable distance from line; or already has access to existing sewer. The enclosed report indicates of the 1.4 square mile drainage area to the gravity sewer, only approximately 50 acres are in the City's jurisdiction, the remainder being in Lee County. Development in this area is governed by the Uniform Development Ordinance which allows development to impervious area percentages contained in the attachment. Furthermore, per the conditions of the EDA grant award, the City is to help protect the environment by "permanently restricting new development tap-ons to the new sewer system where the development occurs in Jurisdictional Freshwater Wetlands, FEMA designated 100-year floodplain, prime farmland or endangered or threatened species habitat." We hope that this letter addresses your concern with the secondary and cumulative impacts of this project. As described above, the purpose of this project is not to promote growth and development but rather to improve the functionality of the City's sewer system and reduce existing impacts to the environment due to overflows. It should be noted that elimination of the existing Little Buffalo Creek Pump Station is on the NCDWQ Cape Fear Basinwide Plan to help improve water quality. If you should have any questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to call me at 775- 8010. Sincerely, . v~~- Victor I. Czar, P.E. City Engineer VIC/nbm copy: Cyndi Karoly, NCDWQ Secondary and Cumulative Impacts due to the Proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvement, Sanford, NC ECS Project No. 06.14223, November 27, 2006 1.0 Introduction The City of Sanford (the City) has submitted a Preconstruction Notification (PCN Nationwide 12) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) as required by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and for the North Carolina Division of Water Quality's (DWQ) associated General 401 Water Quality Certification. This PCN application is for stream and wetland impacts due to the proposed installation of sanitary sewer improvements for the City. USAGE has requested additional information to evaluate the secondary and cumulative effects on the aquatic ecosystem that might result from the proposal. Additionally, DWQ has requested a cumulative impact study of the project to assure that downstream water quality would be protected in the event of future development due to the completion of the project. The following is a qualitative analysis of future development within the immediate area of the proposed sanitary sewer improvement project. 2.0 Purpose and Need As designed, the proposed sanitary sewer improvement project provides much needed improvements for the City's wastewater collection system. First, the project will remove two existing lift stations. These lift stations and their locations are the Little Buffalo Creek Pump Station, located south of Amos Bridges Road, and the Northview Pump Station, located northeast of the Lee Brick & Tile Company. The Little Buffalo Creek Station was constructed in the 1970s and is nearing the end of its design life. A large portion of its drainage area comes from older neighborhoods with deteriorating pipes, and the station is reportedly overwhelmed during storm events. As a result, overflows and spills into Little Buffalo Creek occur regularly. Additionally, by removing the Little Buffalo Creek Pump Station, the City proposes to install a new gravity line to the Northview Township area and eliminate another aging lift station, Northview Pump Station. By eliminating this lift station, the City proposes to build a new, custom lift station (New Northview Pump Station) and force main that would convey flow to the City's Big Buffalo Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). Each portion of the project is planned to reduce or eliminate overflows of the current sanitary sewer system as it exists today. 3.0 Zoning of Surrounding Property The property surrounding the area of the proposed sanitary sewer improvement project is primarily zoned Residential/Agricultural and IndustriaVCommercial by Lee County. Residential/Agricultural-zoned areas comprise approximately 47% of the area surrounding the proposed ~ sanitary sewer improvement project, while IndustriaUCommercial-zoned areas comprise approximately 53% of this area (Chart 1). The following is a breakdown of the overall area into three smaller areas of study (Figure 1). This division simplifies illustrating zoning codes for the surrounding area. Secondary and Cumulative Impacts due to the Proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvement, Sanford, NC ECS Project No. 06.1~t223, November 27, 2006 West of US 15-501 (Study Area A), in the area surrounding the proposed force main to the WWTP, the surrounding property is divided between ResidentiaVAgricultural and IndustriaUCommercial, with approximately 53% of the area zoned as ResidentiaUAgriculture, and approximately 47% of the area zoned as IndustriaUCommercial (Chart 2). The most northwestern portion of this area, zoned ResidentiaVAgricultural, is part of the Endor Iron Furnace Dedicated Preserve. The majority of the rest of the area, zoned Heavy Industrial (HI), is owned by Lee Brick & Tile Company. Development is not expected in the HI azeas in the foreseeable future. Light Industrial, Highway Commercial, and Residential zoning exists along US 15-501. East of US 15-501, and north of US 1 (Study Area B), approximately 90% of the study area is zoned IndustriaUCommercial, and approximately 10% of the study azea is zoned ResidentiaUAgricultural (Chart 3). The majority of this property to the north is owned by Lee Brick & Tile (Heavy Industrial), and is used in their mining operations to manufacture brick and building material. Use of this property is not likely to change in the foreseeable future. The majority of the property to the south of Study Area B is owned by Wyeth Phazmaceutical (Light Industrial). Highway Commercial and Residential zoning exists along US 15-501. A 27.54 acre property, zoned ResidentiaUAgricultural, is owned by Neolia C. Perkinson. This property is the largest residential parcel in Study Area B, and is transected by a proposed sanitary sewer spur off the main line. South of US 1 in the area of Amos Bridges Road (Study Area C), approximately 79% of the study area is zoned ResidentiaUCommercial, and approximately 21 % of the study area is zoned IndustriaUCommercial (Chart 4). Two current residential subdivisions are presently located in the area, Devroe Meadows and Bridges Pond. 4.0 Potential Development of the Surrounding Area The overall area of the property surrounding the proposed sewer improvement project has been broken down into five categories. These categories include: 1) Force main tap prohibited by the City; 2) Access to current sewer; 3) No potential future development in the foreseeable future; 4) Potential for future development; and 5) Easement acquisition or cost prohibitive to tap into proposed sewer improvement project. The breakdown for each of these areas for the entire surrounding area are: 1) 52%, force main tap prohibited by the City; 2) 30%, access to current sewer; 3) 15% no potential future development in the foreseeable future; 4) 2%, potential for future development; and 5) 1 %, cost prohibitive and unlikely easement acquisition to tap into proposed sewer improvement project. Each of these categories is broken down into the same Study Areas as above. See Chart 5 titled Affect of Proposed Sewer on Development Potential-Overall Study Area for a graphic representation of the above information. A force main runs through an existing easement in Study Area A. This force main would convey flow from the new Northview Pump Station to the City's WWTP. The City has determined that it will not permit any taps into the force main. Therefore, 100% of the property in Study Area A would be restricted from future development as a result of the 2 Secondary and Cumulative Impacts due to the Proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvement, Sanford, NC ECS Project N~~. 06.14223, November 27, 2006 proposed !,gyp prohibition. See Chart 6 titled Affect of Proposed Sewer on Development Potential-Study Area A for a graphic representation of the above information A gr.ivity line runs along Little Buffalo Creek and through Study Area B. As mentioned earler, the majority of property in this area is zoned IndustriaUCommercial (~90%), as opposed to ResidentiaUAgricultural (~10%). Much of the property to the north (~45%) ut Study Area B is owned by Lee Brick & Tile, and is used in their mining operations to manufacture brick and building material. The mining operations are not expected to halt in the foreseeable future, therefore potential future development in the area owned by Lee Brick & Tile is not likely. Wyeth Pharmaceuticals owns much of the property (~40%) to the south of Study Area B. Wyeth may expand its campus in the future, but can do so with access it has to existing sewer lines. An additional residential area (~3%) located south of the Wyeth property also has access to existing sewer. Several residential and highway commercial areas (5%) exist along US Highway 15-501. These properties do not have access to existing sewer. However, in order to tap into the proposed sewer improvement project, easements through either the Lee Brick or Wyeth properties would first have to be acquired. This is both cost prohibitive and unlikely. Finally, the Perkinson property makes up approximately 7% of Study Area B. The spur from the proposed sewer improvement project would transect this property if approved. This would make future development possible on this particular parcel. See Chart 7 titled Affect of Proposed Sewer on Development Potential-Study Area B for a graphic representation of the above information A gravity line for the proposed sewer improvement project would also originate in Study Area C. This area is largely zoned Residential (~85%), with Industrial areas to the east (~15%). The residential areas currently have access to existing sewer, and future development may occur there without the proposed sewer improvement project. The industrial property to the northeast of Study Area C has access to existing sewer as well. Development of the industrial area to the southeast in unlikely due to continued mining operations and several ponds in the area. See Chart 8 titled Affect of Proposed Sewer on Development Potential-Study Area C for a graphic representation of the above information 5.0 Conclusions and Results Areas to the west of US 15-501 (Study Area A) will not have access to tap into the force main that runs through the area. Property to the east of US I5-501, north. of US 1 (Study Area B) is largely industrial. Most of the property in this area is either unlikely to change its current use, or currently has access to existing sewer. Residential and highway commercial property east of US 15-501 have access and cost limitations to development as a result of the proposed sewer improvement project. Property to the south of US 1 (Study Area C) is largely residential. Existing sewer lines in the area can be utilized by potential future development. However, a 27.54 acre parcel, in Study Area B owned by Neolia C. Perkinson, is located along a proposed spur off the main sanitary sewer improvement project. This property has potential for increased future development due to the installation of the proposed sanitary sewer improvement project. This property 3 Secondary and Cumulative Impacts due to the Proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvement, Sanford, NC ECS Project No. 06.14223, November 27, 2006 makes up approximately 2% of the total land in the vicinity of the proposed sewer improvement project. Aside from this one 27.54 acre parcel, potential development due to the proposed sanitary sewer improvement project is either not likely (no change in land use), not feasible (no access to tap the force main, no access/cost prohibitive to tap gravity line), or is currently not applicable due to the presence of existing sewer lines. Finally, the proposed sanitary sewer improvement project will provide significant benefits, preventing future spills into Little Buffalo Creek, and improving water quality in the region. 4 U Z O U d J d __ J d (~ O co a N O O a 0 a~ 0 c a~ 0 a as a 0 as a~ 0 T Proposed Sanford Sewer Line ECS Project # 14223 Overall Study Area 2°i°~ Chart 1: 15°i° I~_/° Zoning (UDO) -Overall Study Area 47% ^ Residential 36% Study Area A 40% ^ Heavy Industrial ^ Light industrial ^ Highway Commercial ^ C-2 Chart 2: Zoning -Study Area A 53% ^ Residential ^ Heavy Industrial ^ Light Industrial ^ Highway Commercial ',~;[~' 6% 1% Study Area B Study Area C 43°i °~ Proposed Sanford Sewer Line ECS Project # 14223 Chart 3: Zoning -Study Area B 46% ^ Heavy Industrial ^ Light Industrial ^ Residential ^ Highway Commercial ^ C-2 1%1 Chart 4: Zoning -Study Area C ^ Residential ^ Heavy Industrial ^ Light Industrial ^ Highway Commercial -----. I ~~~~3: Proposed Sanford Sewer Line ECS Project # 14223 Overall Study Area 1%_ Chart 5: Affect of Proposed Sewer on Development Potential 2% ''~ % Overall Study Area ^ Forcemain Tap Prohibited ^ Access to Current Sewer 52% ^ No Development Changes Anticipated p Potential for Future Development 30°~ Study Area A o°i° ^ Forcemain Tap Prohibited ^ Access to Current Sewer ^ No Development Changes Anticipated p Potential for Future Development ^ Cost Prohibitive to Connect to Proposed Sewerline 100% Chart 6: Affect of Proposed Sewer on Development Potential ~t~ ~~~~ Area A ^ Cost Prohibitive to Connect to Proposed Sewerline y9 ~.:aG suJ~iii.i.::r~ Proposed Sanford Sewer Line ECS Project # 14223 Study Area B ° ~°, ~0% Chart 7: Affect of Proposed Sewer on Development Potential ~~.. ~_ _ Area B 5%~ ^ No Development Changes Anticipated ^ Access to Current Sewer 45% p Potential for Future Development ^ Cost Prohibitive to Connect to Proposed Sewerline 43` Study Area C 1.ri% ^ Forcemain Tap Prohibited Chart 8: Affect of Proposed Sewer on on Development Potential ° ~° Studv Area C ^ Access to Current Sewer ^ No Development Changes Anticipated ^ Forcemain Tap Prohibited p Potential for Future Development ^ Cost Prohibitive to Connect to Proposed Sewerline ~S5% f 2I ~_ ::i.Y ~~.a'a'~ f~::..J~~i.i~~ SECONDARY AND CUMULATIVE IMPACT STUDY PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT N0.06.14223 FOR M.S. CONSULTANTS, INC. 336-B CARTHAGE STREET SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA NOVEMBER 27, 2000