HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0021632_Residual Annual Report 2018_20190226Pl=rl=l\/FD -'_ p 2 6 2019 CITY OF BURLINGTON CLASS A COMPOGRO COMPOST AND WATER PLANT RESIDUALS 2018 ANNUAL REPORT PERMIT NO. WQ0021632 BURLINGTON, NC JANUARY 2, 2019 DWR SECDON RECEIVEDINCDEOIDWR FED 2 6 2019 Non -Discharge Permitting Unit BCity of URLINGTON XV-.1ter Resoourees February 41h 2019 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Water Quality Permitting Section Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 RE: 2018 Annual Report, Permit No. WQ0021632 To Whom It May Concern: The City of Burlington is submitting this annual report that is divided into six sections. The first five sections were compiled by the City of Burlington. The last section was compiled by EMA Resources. • DMSDF • RSSF Forms • Compost Lab Analysis • PVRF Forms • Supporting Data -Temperatures • Mackintosh Water Treatment Plant Residuals If you have any questions concerning this application, please contact Shane Fletcher at (336) 675-5927 or sfletcher@ci.burlington.nc.us Respectfully, Shane Fletcher Residuals Management Coordinator City of Burlington PO Box 1358 Burlington, NC 27216-1358 For information regarding the contents of this report, the City of Burlington Composting facility or 'the "COMPOGRO" process, please contact any or all of the following individuals: SHANE FLETCHER, RESIDUALS MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR City of Burlington Composting Facility Phone (336) 570-6138 — email: SFletcher@buringtonnc.gov ROBERT C PATTERSON JR, WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR City of Burlington Phone (336) 222-5133 —email: RPatterson@burlingtonnc.gov GLENN MCGIRT, LABORATORY SUPERINTENDENT -City of Burlington Phone (336) 222-5133 — email: GMcgirt@burlingtonnc.gov, ERIC DAVIS, WATER & SEWER OPERATIONS MANAGER City of Burlington Phone (336) 222-5133 —email:-EDavis@burlingtonnc.gov -3- Introduction In 1999, the Burlington City council agreed to allocate funds to construct a small-scale compost facility at the South Burlington WWTP capable of processing 5.5 dry tons of biosolids per day. Although the compost facility would not be large enough to compost 100% of the daily sludge production of the wastewater plant, it would be large enough to answer some important questions such as: 1. Could the City produce a quality and compliant compost at a reasonable cost? 2. Is the local demand for compost enough to warrant an expansion of the compost operations? 3. How will the cost of processing compost to a Class A residual compare to the cost of hauling Class B sludge from year-to-year? Construction on the compost facility began in 2001 and the first sludge was dewatered in 2002. The compost facility operated in a `test' mode in the time between the completion of construction and the time the permit to operate a compost facility was received from the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources in September of 2003. This annual report has been assembled as a condition of the Distribution of Residual Solids ( 2T ) Permit, #WQ0021632. I. DESIGN CRITERIA Design Flow: 5.5 dry tons feed sludge per day Equipment Description: Number Equipment Purp6se 2 Grinder pumps Transfer residuals from existing storage tanks 1 2-meter belt press Dewater feed sludge to 16% — 20% solids 1 Berth for 2nd 2-meter belt press (fixture) UCOBDATAICobUserDatalsfletcher\COMPOST ANNUAL REPORT INFOICompost_Annual pages 2-9.doc 1 Conveyor 1 25,500 ft2 Open area 1 1,710 ft2 Covered area 1 1,875 ft2 Covered area 1 Agricultural Feed Mixer 1 35,700 ft2 Covered area 11 5-Horsepower blowers 1 153 yd3 Trammel screen 1 15,000 ft2 Open area 1 900 ft2 biofilter 1 4,900 ft2 biofilter 1 Polymer Feed System Transfer dewatered sludge to mixing area Storing amendment material Blending dewatered residuals and amendment material Storing amendment material Blending dewatered residuals and amendment material Composting blended residuals/amendment material Aerating static piles (Maximum of 22 static piles) Screening composted product and recovery of amendment Final curing and maturation and storage of Class A product Capture and treat odor -generating compounds in the facility Capture and treat odor -generating compounds in the facility Assist with the dewatering of residuals II. PROCESS DESCRIPTION The goal of the Compogro compost facility is to consistently produce a Class A EQ material that is suitable for a variety of uses on land that has no post -application restrictions. Class A residuals have the greatest degree of pathogen reduction and are considered to be very safe. All domestic residuals which are to be distributed to the public for use for landscaping must meet one of the alternatives for Class A pathogen reduction found in 40 CFR Part 503.30. Class A pathogen reduction must meet one of the following criteria: 1. A fecal coliform density must be less than 1,000 MPN (most probable number) per gram of total solids (dry weight) 2. A Salmonella sp. bacteria must be less than 3 MPN per 4 grams of total solids (dry weight) UCOBDATA\Co6UserDatalsfletcherlCOMPOST ANNUAL REPORT INFOICompost_Annual pages 2-9.doc -5- The City of Burlington has selected the former criteria (fecal coliform <1,000 MPN) as the preferred method to determine compliance with the pathogen reduction requirements. This is achieved by following the time and temperature guidelines in 40 CFR 503. In addition to the pathogen reduction requirements, Compogro must also meet all of the Vector Attraction Reduction (VAR) requirements of Class A residuals. All domestic residuals which are to be distributed to the public for landscaping must meet one of the alternatives for vector attraction reduction listed in 40 CFR 503.33. The City achieves compliance by following the time and temperature guidelines provided by the USEPA. The City of Burlington Compogro Compost facility has developed a system for building aerated piles and collecting and recording data necessary to ensure that all the requirements of Class A compost are being achieved. A copy of the sampling plan along with all the information necessary to demonstrate compliance with 40 CFR 503 rules for the Calendar Year 2018 are included with this report. III. RECORDKEEPING PROCEDURES A record of the aerated static pile temperatures is enclosed to demonstrate that the piles meet the required temperatures for the designated time to achieve pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction. The document is titled Compost Pile Temperature's. Aerated static piles are assigned an identifying number that establishes the date that the pile was built, and the blower that was used to aerate the pile. The format is year, month, day, and blower number. For example, the number 030109-07 would indicate that the pile was started on January 9, 2003 and was aerated using blower 7. Each pile is monitored for temperature with at least four thermometers. We are satisfying the 40 CFR 11COBDATA1CobUserDatalsfletcher\COMPOST ANNUAL REPORT INFO1Compost_Annual pages 2-9.doc M 503 pathogen reduction requirements by keeping the compost above 131 degrees F for three (3) consecutive days (72 hours minimum). We are satisfying the 40 CFR 503 vector attraction reduction requirements by keeping the compost above 104 degrees F and an average of greater than 113 degrees F for a minimum of fourteen (14) consecutive days. In reviewing these logs you will see that we are maintaining the aerated static piles for longer than 21 days, and keeping the temperatures elevated for longer than the regulations require. The piles on the Compost Pile Temperature log sheet were followed onto the curing piles and into the finished compost product piles. The City has included copies of residuals analyses for the finished compost product from American Testing Technologies Inc. All of the results support the EQ designation of the compost and are included in a separate section of this report. IV "COMPOGRO" COMPOST SAMPLING PROCEDURES The Static Aerated Piles The aerated static piles are constructed under a roof to protect the pile from wind and rain. Before building the pile, the base or bed is made with a 4 inch perforated airline placed down the center of the bed. The airline is connected to a blower creating positive or negative pressure so that air can be forced or pulled through the compost pile. The blowers are controlled by timers that turn them on or off as needed to supply airflow to the piles. After the biosolids and amendment (wood chips and leaves) are mixed together, the mixture is placed on the 4 inch perforated pipe to build the static aerated pile and to begin the composting process. The mixture of biosolids and amendment is then covered with a six to eight (6 — 8) inch blanket of amendment to insulate the pile. IICOBDATAICobUserDatalsfletcher\COMPOST ANNUAL REPORT INF01Compost,Annual pages 2-9.doc -7- After building a pile, a minimum of four (4) thermometers with 48-inch probes are placed at various locations and depths throughout the pile to monitor the temperatures of the compost pile. The temperatures are recorded daily to track the composting process. Results are entered into a database to track each pile with a unique identifier to make sure it meets the regulatory requirements. The thermometers are left in place during the time required to achieve compliance with the time and temperature requirements for the process to further reduce pathogens (PFRP) and for vector attraction reduction. We have not had any trouble reaching the prescribed time and temperature requirements in our static piles. Curing and stabilization After our static compost piles have met the requirements for time and temperature, the compost is moved to the curing pile for a minimum of 21 days for further stabilization. We keep one thermometer in the curing pile (which can be a combination of several aerated static piles) and record those temperatures as well. We have found that the curing process often requires more than 21 days and may take as many as 50 days. , Sampling Finished Compost for Fecal Coliform, Metals and Nutrients After the curing process is completed the material is screened to separate the reusable amendment from the compost. At this point the finished compost is ready to be sampled and analyzed for fecal coliform to demonstrate successful pathogen reduction. The finished compost pile is sampled for fecal coliform in the following manner. UCOBDATA\CobUserDatalsfletcher\COMPOST ANNUAL REPORT INFOICompost_Annual pages 2-9.doc -8- A core sampler is disinfected for use to collect the samples. The core sampler is used to take core samples within the compost pile at different depths and locations through out the compost pile to get a good composite sample of the product. We collect four (4) cores in a sealable plastic bag or sterile fecal bottle to make one composite sample, and collect a minimum of three (3) composite samples for each batch of finished compost. That means that we are taking samples of twelve (12) different locations in the pile. The fecal samples are collected in sterile fecal bags and are sent directly to the lab for analysis. The samples are hand delivered to the City of Burlington wastewater lab (Certificate No. 188). A dry solids analysis and the fecal test require about four days turnaround from sample collection to reporting of the data. Sample results are recorded and laboratory reports are maintained in the files. Similar sampling techniques are used to collect samples for nutrient and metals analyses. Those samples are contained in the sealable plastic bags and sent to American Testing Technologies, Inc. in Akron, Ohio. A sample is also collected and sent to the NCDA&CS. This data will be used to formulate the information sheets that are given to the purchaser of the compost. These analyses will be performed within 60 days of distribution of the finished product, and the results will be maintained on file. Test for Re -growth of Fecal Coliform If the compost is not distributed within 60 days of an acceptable analysis, the pile will be resampled for fecal coliform using the same technique described above prior to distribution. \\COBDATA\CobUserDatalsfletcher\COMPOST ANNUAL REPORT INFO\Compost_Annual pages 2-9.doc City of Burlington —Permit # VIiQ0021632 Class A Compogro and Mackintosh Water Plant Residuals 2018 Annual Report Table of Contents Section 1— DMSDF Section 2 — RSSF Forms Section 3 — Compost Lab Analysis Section 4 — PVRF Forms Section 5 — Supporting Data - Temperatures Section 6 — Mackintosh Water Treatment Plant Residuals l lwl�! i jlj!� CLASS A ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING/ SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM WQ PERMIT #: WQ0021632 FACILITY NAME: City of Burlington Compogro Composting Facility PHONE: 336-570-6138 COUNTY: Alamance OPERATOR: Shane Fletcher FACILITY TYPE (please check one): ❑ Surface Disposal (complete Part A (Source(s) and "Residual In" Volume only) and Part C) 0 Distribution and Marketing (complete Parts A, B, and C) Was the facility in operation during the past calendar year? Yes 0 No ❑ If No skip parts A, B, C and certify form below Part A*: Part B*: Month Sources(s) (include NPDES # if applicable) Volume (dry tons) Recipient Information Amendment/ Bulking Agent Residual In Product Out Name(s) Volume (dry tons) Intended use(s) January See Attached Sheets 0.6 Landscaping February See Attached Sheets 20.1 Landscaping March 104.7 See Attached Sheets 28.25 Landscaping April See Attached Sheets 63.62 Landscaping May South Burlington WWTP NCO023876 105.64 27.69 106.41 See Attached Sheets 36.51 Landscaping June See Attached Sheets 51.12 Landscaping July South Burlington WWTP NCO023876 88.49 21.96 See Attached Sheets 26.69 Landscaping August 95 See Attached Sheets 27.95 Landscaping September See Attached Sheets 89.25 Landscaping October South Burlington WWTP NCO023876 185.87 46.79 78.42 See Attached Sheets 41.8 Landscaping November See Attached Sheets 82.66 Landscaping December 165.19 See Attached Sheets 22.15 Landscaping Total from FORM DMSDF (sup) Totals: Annual (dry tons): 380 96.44 549.72 490.7 Amendment(s) used: Bulking Agent(s) used: * If more space is required, attach additional information sheets (FORM DMSDF (supp)): Total Number of Form DMSDF (Supp) Part C: Facility was compliant during the past calendar year with all conditions of the land application permit p Yes (including but not limited to items 1-3 below) issued by the Division of Water Resources: ❑ No 0 If No, Explain in Narritive 1. All monitoring was done in accordance with the permit and reported for the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 2. All operation and maintenance requirements were compiled with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Resources. No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well. "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Permittee ate **Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) Signature of Preparer** (if different from Permittee) Date DENR FORM DMSDF (12/2006) CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B* RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE January 2018 Tommy York 2 0.40 59 Landscaping January 2018 Gary White 1 0.20 59 Landscaping January Totals Pile # 59 Notes 1 cubic yard (pounds) 812 compost % dry 49.0 1 cubic yard( dry pounds) 397.88 3 0.60 Recipient Log 2018.x1s CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B" RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE February 2018 Brian Coleman 4 0.80 59 Landscaping February 2018 Mark Ball 16 3.18 59 Landscaping February 2018 Dwight Cotton 1 0.20 59 Landscaping February 2018 Leon King 32 6.37 59 Landscaping February 2018 Danny Crowson 2 0.40 59 Landscaping February 2018 Shawn Perkins 16 3.18 59 Landscaping February 2018 Blessed Sacrament 10 1.99 59 Landscaping February 2018 City of Burlington - Cemetary 14 2.79 59 Landscaping February 2018 Linni Burnet 1 0.20 59 Landscaping February 2018 Living Landscapes 5 0.99 59 Landscaping February Totals 101 20.10 Notes 1 cubic yard( pounds) 812 compost % dry 49.0 1 cubic yard ( dry pounds ) 397.88 Recipient Log 2018.xis CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B" RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE March 2018 Jennifer Smith 9 1.79 59 Landscaping March 2018 Jay Konter 1 0.20 59 Landscaping March 2018 City of Burlington - Cemetary 6 1.19 59 Landscaping March 2018 Rex Terrell 4 0.80 59 Landscaping March 2018 Vanessa Rone 10 1.99 59 Landscaping March 2018 Top Notch 15 2.98 59 Landscaping March 2018 Dulce Quintos 1 0.20 59 Landscaping March 2018 Ron Norton 5 0.99 59 Landscaping March 2018 Aaron Simon 32 6.37 59 Landscaping March 2018 Mike Runkle 16 3.18 59 Landscaping March 2018 John Bowes 10 1.99 59 Landscaping March 2018 Mark Keeran 4 0.80 59 Landscaping March 2018 Rob Nicks 10 1.99 59 Landscaping March 2018 Suzanne Hunt 10 1.99 59 Landscaping March 2018 David Byrd 9 1.79 59 Landscaping March Totals 142 28.25 Pile # 59 Notes 1 cubic yard ( pounds) 812 compost % dry 49.0 1 cubic yard (dry pounds) 397.88 Recipient Log 2018.x1s CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B" RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE April 2018 Joseph Robertson 4 0.80 59 Landscaping April 2018 Vernon Browning 1 0.20 59 Landscaping April 2018 Brian Coleman 1 0.20 59 Landscaping April 2018 Michele Burgess 1 0.20 59 Landscaping April 2018 Stephen Wilson 2 0.40 59 Landscaping April 2018 First Taste 1 0.20 59 Landscaping April 2018 Ray Fuller 2 0.40 59 Landscaping April 2018 Todd Mundy 1 0.20 59 Landscaping April 2018 Richard Morril 1 0.20 59 Landscaping April 2018 Charlie Staley 2 0.40 59 Landscaping April 2018 Morgan Patton 3 0.60 59 Landscaping April 2018 James Herring 3 0.60 59 Landscaping April 2018 Clyde King 1 0.20 59 Landscaping April 2018 Tracey Boley 2 0.40 59 Landscaping April 2018 Larry Horner 2 0.40 59 Landscaping April 2018 Jose Guevara 1 0.20 59 Landscaping April 2018 Richard Collie 2 0.40 59 Landscaping April 2018 Shane Fletcher 1 0.20 59 Landscaping April 2018 City of Burlington- South Plant 10 1.99 59 Landscaping April 2018 City of Burlington- Parks 12 2.39 59 Landscaping April 2018 City of Burlington- Cemetary 7 1.39 59 Landscaping April 2018 Accut 32 6.37 59 Landscaping April 2018 Gary Barker 1 0.20 59 Landscaping April 2018 Fred Wallace 32 6.37 59 Landscaping April 2018 Living Landscapes 13 2.78 60 Landscaping April 2018 David Byrd 9 1.93 60 Landscaping April 2018 Justin Foster 1 0.21 60 Landscaping April 2018 William Rudd 5 1.07 60. Landscaping April 2018 Jimmy Long 1 0.21 60 Landscaping April 2018 Richard Collie 1 0.21 60 Landscaping Recipient Log 2018.xis April-2018 Larry James 2 0.43 60 Landscaping April-2018 Rosalena Barrera 1 0.21 60 Landscaping April-2018 Carrie Coleman 2 0.43 60 Landscaping April-2018 Sherry Coble 1 0.21 60 Landscaping April-2018 Jazer Sanches 1 0.21 60 Landscaping April-2018 Len Mann 2 0.43 60 Landscaping April-2018 Jose Guevara 1 0.21 60 Landscaping April-2018 Kevin Oakley 2 0.43 60 Landscaping April-2018 William Sharpe 1 0.21 60 Landscaping April-2018 Qing Xing 1 0.21 60 Landscaping April-2018 Darrance Hatfield 2 0.43 60 Landscaping April-2018 Rob Nix 1 0.21 60 Landscaping April-2018 Brian Coleman 11 2.35 60 Landscaping April-2018 City of Burlington - Cemetary 14 3.00 60 Landscaping April-2018 Ken Green 10 2.14 60 Landscaping April-2018 Mary Ann McVey 32 6.85 60 Landscaping April-2018 Ron Rigsbee 48 10.27 60 Landscaping April-2018 Connie Lassiter 10 2.14 60 Landscaping April-2018 Darrin Jenkins 2 0.43 60 Landscaping April-2018 K&K Lawn Services 7 1.50 60 Landscaping April Totals 205 63.62 Pile # 59 Notes Pile # 60 Notes 1 cubic yard (pounds) 812 1 cubic yard ( pounds) 812 compost % dry 49.0 compost % dry 52.7 1 cubic yard ( dry pounds ) 397.88 1 cubic yard ( dry pounds ) 427.92 Recipient Log 2018.xis 1 CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B" RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE May 2018 William Rudd 4 0.86 60 Landscaping May 2018 Rob Nix 1 0.21 60 Landscaping May 2018 Mary Cook 4 0.86 60 Landscaping May 2018 Juan Moya 2 0.43 60 Landscaping May 2018 Clark Kemodle 1 0.21 60 Landscaping May 2018 LD Slaughter 1 0.21 60 Landscaping May 2018 Mark Mill 2 0.43 60 Landscaping May 2018 Mike Scoggins 10 2.14 60 Landscaping May 2018 Mary McVey 16 3.42 60 Landscaping May 2018 Fogleman Construction 6 1.28 60 Landscaping May 2018 Serafin Hernandez 2 0.43 60 Landscaping May 2018 Mike 011ari 1 0.21 60 Landscaping May 2018 Eric Holmgrim 16 ' 3.42 60 Landscaping May 2018 Joey Cook 2 0.43 60 Landscaping May 2018 Michelle Burgess 2 0.43 60 Landscaping May 2018 Jay Sykes 1 0.21 60 Landscaping May 2018 Dulce Quintos 1 0.21 60 Landscaping May 2018 Joan Morse 1 0.21 60 Landscaping May 2018 Tyler Coble 1 0.21 60 Landscaping May 2018 Jeremy Egan 2 0.43 60 Landscaping May 2018 Chen Jan Min 1 0.21 60 Landscaping May 2018 Richard Bowman 2 0.43 60 Landscaping May 2018 Howard Moya 10 2.52 61 Landscaping May 2018 Alex Amoroso 48 12.08 61 Landscaping May 2018 Living Landscapes 20 5.03 61 Landscaping May Totals 157 36.51 Pile # 60 Notes Pile # 61 Notes 1 cubic yard ( pounds) 812 1 cubic yard ( pounds) 812 compost % dry 52.7 compost % dry 62.0 1 cubic yard ( dry pounds ) 427.92 1 cubic yard ( dry pounds ) 503.44 Recipient Log 2018.xis CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B* RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) NAME CUBIC YARDS June 2018 Howard Moya 10 June 2018 Jessy Estrada 1 June 2018 City of Burlington - Parks 16 June 2018 David Huffman 32 June 2018 Barbie Brusnighan 10 June 2018 Don Davies 10 June 2018 New Garden Landscapes 48 June 2018 Brad Clark 5 June 2018 Richard Bowman 1 June 2018 David Stanley 1 June 2018 Alan Thompson 9 June 2018 Ronnie Rigsbee 16 June 2018 Greg Cardinale 10___ June 2018 Steven Gilmore 1 June 2018 Wildwood Timbers 12 June 2018 Living Landscapes 21 June Totals 203 Pile # 61 Notes 1 cubic yard( pounds) 812 compost % dry 62.0% 1 cubic yard ( dry pounds) 503.44 Recipient Log 2018.x1s VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE 2.52 61 Landscaping 0.25 61 Landscaping 4.03 61 Landscaping 8.06 61 Landscaping 2.52 61 Landscaping 2,52 61 Landscaping 12.08 61 Landscaping 1.26 61 Landscaping 0.25 61 Landscaping 0.25 61 Landscaping 2.27 61 Landscaping 4.03 61 Landscaping 2.52 61 _ Landscaping 0.25 61 Landscaping 3.02 61 Landscaping 5.29 61 Landscaping 51.12 CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B* RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE July 2018 Steven Gilmore 10 2.52 61 Landscaping July 2018 Weibing Xing 16 4.03 61 Landscaping July 2018 Kenneth Phillippie 64 16.11 61 Landscaping July 2018 Trisha Criag 16 4.03 61 Landscaping July Totals 106 26.69 Pile # 61 Notes 1 cubic yard (pounds) 812 compost % dry 62.0% 1 cubic yard (dry pounds) 503.44 Recipient Log 2018.xis CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B* RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE August 2018 Jermey Egan 2 0.50 61 Landscaping August 2018 Accucut 32 8.06 61 Landscaping August 2018 Steven Loy 32 8.06 61 Landscaping August 2018 Jeff Telander 16 4.03 61 Landscaping August 2018 Matt Murphy 16 4.03 61 Landscaping August 2018 Living Landscapes 13 3.27 61 Landscaping August Totals Pile # 61 Notes 1 cubic yard (pounds) 812 compost % dry 62.0% 1 cubic yard (dry pounds) 503.44 111 27.95 Recipient Log 2018.xis r 1 CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B* RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE September 2018 Jack Rich 32 8.63 62 Landscaping September 2018 Ben Lassiter 10 2.70 62 Landscaping September 2018 Chris Murphy 10 2.70 62 Landscaping September 2018 Wayne Vaughn 3 0.81 62 Landscaping September 2018 Kendrick Vinar 48 12.13 62 Landscaping September 2018 Jessy Estrada 10 2.70 62 Landscaping September 2018 Mebane Shrubbery 216 58.23 62 Landscaping September 2018 Living Landscapes 5 1.35 62 Landscaping September Totals 334 89.25 Pile # 62 Notes 1 cubic yard (pounds) 812 compost % dry 66.4% 1 cubic yard (dry pounds) 539.17 Recipient Log 2018.xis CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B` RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE October 2018 Living Landscapes 15 4.04 62 Landscaping October 2018 City Of Burlington- Parks 16 4.31 62 Landscaping October 2018 K&K Lawn Services 8 2.16 62 Landscaping October 2018 City of Burlington - Cemetery 12 3.24 62 Landscaping October 2018 Peter Sawyer 8 2.16 62 Landscaping October 2018 Greg Brien 10 2.70 62 Landscaping October 2018 Andrew Slack 32 8.63 62 Landscaping October 2018. Mebane Shrubbery 54 14.56 62 Landscaping October Totals 155 41.80 Pile # 62 Notes 1 cubic yard (pounds) 812 compost % dry 64.6% 1 cubic yard( dry pounds) 539.17 Recipient Log 2018.x1s CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B" RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE November 2018 Thomas Mills 16 3.51 63 Landscaping November 2018 Dennis Cox 1 0.22 63 Landscaping November 2018 Robin Barber 10 2.19 63 Landscaping November 2018 Mebane Shrubbery 306 67.09 63 Landscaping November 2018 Living Landscapes 44 9.65 63 Landscaping November 2018 November Totals 377 82.66 Pile # 63 Notes 1 cubic yard (pounds) 812 compost % dry 54.0% 1 cubic yard (dry pounds) 438.48 Recipient Log 2018.xis CITY OF BURLINGTON NC - COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING / SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM PART B` RECIPIENT INFORMATION ( ADDITIONAL SHEETS) MONTH NAME CUBIC YARDS VOLUME ( DRY TONS) PILE # INTENDED USE December 2018 Travis Moore 1 0.22 63 Landscaping December 2018 Mebane Shrubbary 97 21.27 63 Landscaping December 2018 Living Landscapes 3 0.66 63 Landscaping December Totals 101 22.15 Pile # 63 Notes 1 cubic yard (pounds) 812 compost % dry 54.0 % 1 cubic yard (dry pounds) 438.48 . Recipient Log 2018.xis CITY OF BURLINGTON COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY AMENDMENT DELIVERY TRACKING LOG DATE COMPANY NAME TYPE OF AMENDMENT ESTIMATED CUBIC YARDS Janua -2018 Southern Tree Woodchips 75 Februa -2018 Southern Tree Woodchips 147 March-2018 Southern Tree Woodchips 114 Carolina Tree Woodchips 12 April-2018 Southern Tree Woodchips 60 Alamance Gaddy Woodchips 60 Ma -2018 Alamance Gaddy Woodchips 15 Southern Tree Woodchips 45 June-2018 Alamance Gaddy Woodchips 15 Southern Tree Woodchips 30 Jul -2018 Southern Tree Woodchips 75 Au ust-2018 Alamance Gaddy Woodchips 130 Southern Tree Woodchips 35 Se tember-2018 Southern Tree Woodchips 89 Alamance Gaddy Woodchips 26 October-2018 Southern Tree Woodchips 165 City of Burlington Leaves 530 Harris Tree Woodchips 12 Durwood Tree Woodchips 60 November-2018 Southern Tree Woodchips 50 Totals 1745 AMENDMENT TRACKING LOG 2018 CITY OF BURLINGTON COMPOGRO COMPOST FACILITY AMENDMENT DELIVERY TRACKING LOG DATE COMPANY NAME TYPE OF AMENDMENT ESTIMATED CUBIC YARDS November-2018 Carolina Tree Woodchips 20 City of Burlington Leaves 3,710 Top Notch Leaves 3 December-2018 Top Notch Leaves 11 City of Burlington Leaves 25 Totals 3769 AMENDMENT TRACKING LOG 2018-2 -= � i � ' ,r lam, - - � I �. � � , ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM Please note that your permit may contain additional parameters to be analyzed. The parameters can be reported in FORM RSSF - B WQ Permit Number: WQ0021632 Facility Name: City of Burlington Compogro Compost Facility Residual Source WQ # or NPDES #: NCO023876 WWTP Name: South Burlington Wastewater Treatment Plant Residual Analvsis Data Laboratory: 1) ATT Inc (NC CERT # 670 ) 2) 3) 4) 5) Parameter (mg/kg) Conc. Limit m a Sample or Composite Date 10/11/17 3/29/18 5/14/18 8/27/18 10/23/18 12/11/18 Percent Solids (%) NA 49 52.7 62 66.4 54 35 Arsenic 75 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 Cadmium 85 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 Copper 4,300 110 50 23 47 43 46 Chromium NA 55 20 8 13 13 16 Lead 840 <5.0 11 6 5 6 12 Mercury 57 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 Molybdenum 75 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 Nickel 420 14 4 3 <5 4 <5 Selenium 100 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 Zinc 7,500 200 260 89 136 103 125 Total Phosphorus NA 4700 4800 4670 1 3760 3000 7060 TKN NA 5000 13000 14000 13000 18000 17000 Ammonia -Nitrogen NA 1660 5000 4500 6000 5200 6600 Nitrate and Nitrite NA 35 50 60 45 30 60 a For surface disposal facilities the ceiling concentration limits listed in this form are not applicable. Reference the individual permit for metals limits. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Preparer Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were analyzed for over the past calendar year. Use additional forms as needed. WQ Permit Number: WQ0021632 Laboratory: Facility Name: City of Burlington Compogro Compost Facility Residual Source NPDES # or WQ#: NCO023876 WWTP Name: South Burlington Wastewater Treatment Plant Residual Analvsis Data 1) ATT Inc ( NC Cert # 670 ) 2) 3) 4) 5) Parameter (mg/kg) Sample or Composite Date 10/11/18 3/29/18 5/14/18 8/27/18 10/23/18 12/11/18 SAR 0.309 0.637 0.301 0.452 0.277 1.431 Potassium 5900 6450 4680 5300 6400 4570 Aluminum 3950 3900 3390 2640 3800 2060 Calcium 16580 <5.0 24190 <5.0 34620 14000 Magnesium 4660 4930 5000 3940 4400 2830 Sodium 250 580 250 290 280 1200 pH 4.57 4.7 6.33 11.57 12.24 6.84 PAN 1199 3350 3260 3745 3910 4400 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Preparer * Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF - B (12/2006) Certificate No. 1$8 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES LABORATORY CERTIFICATION BRANCH In accordance with the provisions ofN.0 G.S 143 215.3 (a) (1), 143-215.3 (a)(10) and NCAC 2N.0800: z City of Burlington WWTP Laboratory Is hereby certirred to perform environmental analysis as listed on Attachment I and n port monitoring data to DEQ for compliance with NPDES effluent, surface water, groundwater, and pretreatment regulations. By reference 15A NCAC 2M .0800 is made a part of this certificate. This certificate does not guarantee validity of data generated, but indicates the methodology, equipment quality control procedures, .records, and proficiency of the laboratory have been examined and found to be acceptable. This certificate shall be valid until 12/31/2018 Dana B, Sattenvhlte North Carolina Wastewater/Groundwater Laboratory Certification Certified Parameters Listing Lab Name: City of Burlington WWTP Laboratory Certificate Number: 188 Address: 1302 Belmont St. Effective Date: 1/1/2018 Burlington, NC 27215 Expiration Date: 12/31/2018 Date of Last Amendment: 10/24/2016 The above named laboratory, having duly met the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H.0800, is hereby certified for the measurement of the parameters listed below. CERTIFIED PARAMETERS I - INORGANIC SM 2550 B-2010 (Aqueous) EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) BACTERIA - COLIFORM FECAL TURBIDITY SILVER SM 9222 D-1997 (MF) (Aqueous) SM 2130 B-2011 (Aqueous) EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) SM 9222 D-1997 (MF) 24hr 503 (Non -Aqueous) VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION THALLIUM IDEXX Colilert 018 (MPN) (Aqueous) Option 1: Reduction in Volatile Solids EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) SM 9221 C E-2006 (MPN) 24hr 503 (Non -Aqueous) Option 5: Aerobic Treatment above 40deg C VANADIUM SOD SM 5210 B-2011 (Aqueous) Option 8: Moisture Reduction with Solids EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4,1994 (Aqueous) SM 5210 B-2011 (Hach 10360-2011, Rev. 1.2) (LDO) (Aqueous) METAL ALUMINUM ZINC CHLORINE, TOTAL RESIDUAL EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) SM 4500 Cl G-2011 (Aqueous) ANTIMONY CONDUCTIVITY EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) SM 2510 B-2011 (Aqueous) ARSENIC CYANIDE EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) SM 4500 CN- E-2011 (Total) (Aqueous) BARIUM DISSOLVED OXYGEN EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) SM 4500 0 G-2011 (Aqueous) CADMIUM Hach 10360-2011, Rev. 1.2 (LDO) (Aqueous) EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) NITROGEN, AMMONIA CHROMIUM TOTAL SM 4500 NH3 D-2011 (Aqueous) EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) NITROGEN, NO3 + NO2 COBALT Hach 10206 (Aqueous) EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) NITROGEN, TOTAL KJELDAHL COPPER Hach 10242 (Aqueous) EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) pH IRON SM 4500 H+B-2011 (Aqueous) EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) PHOSPHORUS,TOTAL LEAD SM 4500 P E-2011 (Aqueous) EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) Hach 8190 TNT (Aqueous) MANGANESE EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.A, 1994 (Aqueous) RESIDUE, SETTLEABLE MOLYBDENUM SM 2640 F-2011 (Aqueous) EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4, 1994 (Aqueous) RESIDUE, SUSPENDED NICKEL SM 2540 D-2011 (Aqueous) EPA 200.8, Rev. 5.4,1994 (Aqueous) TEMPERATURE SELENIUM This certification requires maintance of an acceptable quality assurance program, use of approved methodology, and satisfactory performance on evaluation samples, laboratories are subject to civil penalties andlor decertification for infractions as set forth in 15A NCAC 2H.0807. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES LABORATORY CERTIFICATION BRANCH In accordance with the provisions ofN.C.G.S. 143-215.3 (a) M 143.295.3.(a)(10) and NCAC 2H.0800: Arnerrican Testing Technologies. Inc. Is hereby certified to perform environmental analysis as listed on Attachment I. and report. monitoring.data.to DEQ for compliance with NPDES effluent, surface water, groundwater, and pretreatment regulations. By reference 15A NCAC 2H .0800 is made a part of this certificate. This certificate does not guarantee validity of data generated; but indicates the methodology, equipment, • quality control procedures; records, and proficiency of the laboratory have been examined and found to be acceptable. This certificate shall be valid until 12/31/2018 Certificate No. 670 rr Dana B. Satterwhite ~� ., t crrY oF ouniNaToN Laboratory Services Report Date: 1212812017 Sample ID: Finished Pile 59 ID A, 171011 CeNficate of Analyses Initial testing 160 day repeat I PASS Failure Repeat no. FAIL Sample #.- A a C C-DUP Sample Date: 12/19/2017 12/19/2017 12/19/2017 12/19/2017 Sample Time: 0850 0852 0855 0855 pH., 6.5 6.2 6.1 6.1 Ya Solids: 66.2 66.7 64.7 64.2 Fecal Coliform: (WIVIbry grm) 257 105 216 146 avera ye of Cz .181 A-sometric mean= 1 170 1MPAlldrygrm Certified by NC Wastewater Certification #1188 W Water Supply Certification #37612 CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 r 336-570-6138 CONTACT PERSON - SHANE FLETCHER COMPOST FACILITY CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR COMPOST FECAL COLIFORM SAMPLE SAMPLE LOCATION: SAMPLED BY: Cz> 4 -.DFsv c-oa ss DATE:,/2� /g I/ TIME: Q DELIVERED BY: •ems v �-- DATE:ZZIATEWE: 6) IST RECEIVED IN LAD BY: DATE: TIME: 0 Q S_ SHIPPED BY: DATE: SAMPLE I.D.# /- / 7t®tl SAMPLE I.D.# 13 - t ? /o tt SAMPLE I.D.# C- 1 7 t D t t SAMPLE I.D.# TIME: * Will the results of this sample be used for compliance reporting. YES I-- NO NCDENR-DWQ WATER QUALITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1617 MY OF BUMMGTON . Laboratory Services Report Date: 212612018 Sample M: Finished Pile 59 IAD Ar 171011 CeNficate of Analyses Initial testing 16oday repeat ] I PASS Failure Repeat no. FAIL Sample #.. A 0 C C-®up Sample ®ate: 2/19/2018 2/19/2018 2/19/2018 2/19/2018 Sample Time: 0845 0847 0850 0850 P/-/.* 4.8 5.6 4.8 4.8 Solids: 69.6 72.3 73.6 73.0 Fecal Coliform WiVldry grm) 20 15 15 36 -M-2, Certified by: average Of C- Z& Geometric mean= 20 1 Alfflldry grm Own Supervisor NC Wastewater Certification #188 Me Water Supply Certification #37612 CITY OF BURLINGTON tf POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON ITC 27216-1358 336-570-6138 CONTACT PERSON - SHANE FLETCHER COMPOST FACILITY CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR COMPOST FECAL COLIFORM SAMPLE SAMPLE LOCATION: SAMPLED BY: 0 'R —- DATE: �-I/9 TIME: 47 -DIP"I7 —T DELIVERED DATE: ����- TIME: 0 i j- RECEIVED IN LAB BY: uav-JA-vc,�, - DATE: / 1 / (� TIME: ©q q j5 SHIPPED BY: DATE: SAMPLE I D.# A - 17/011 SAMPLE I D.# 13 -.1-7 to t/ SAMPLE I D.# - / 7 /v ti SAMPLE I.D.# TIME: * Will the results of this sample be used for compliance reortina. NCDENR-DWQ WATER QUALITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1617 YES NO NC Wastewater Laboratory Certification #198 336-222-5133 5®gip ° p!� ��ne�' eta sfi South WWTP Digester #2 South WWTP Digester #3 South WWTP Digester #4 East WWTP Digester #1 Mackintosh Lagoon #1 Mackintosh Lagoon #2 Compost 12JI111IMS `c i Other Certified by CrFY CW SUMMOT®N T.ABOR&T®RY SMVIGXS NC Wastewater LaboraWry Certification MOB z22-5133 � '�:., n .. r . e :. •: _' •. ".ti• to TW Fh ' '" f, I.'i. !7:� �t.1GwF�...a.c VVWTP Digester #2 South WWTP Digester #3 South VVWfP Digester #4 East WWTP Digester #1 Mackintosh Lagoon #1 Mackintosh Lagoon #2 Compost r �i -Other Certified by date���� r • American Testing Technologies, Inc. City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGu t 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 10/13/2017 Date Reported: 10/25/2017 Date Collected: 16/11/2017 Time Collected: 0842 Client ID #: 171011 Laboratory ID #: 101317-06 Certificate of Analysis Parameter Result Result Analysis Date Method (mg/kg) Aluminum, Total 3,950 10/18/2017 6010C Arsenic, Total. <5.0 10/18/2017 6010C Cadmium, Total <5.0 10/18/2017 6010C Calcium, Total 1.7 16,580 10/18/2017 6010C Chromium,, Total 55 10/18/2017 6010C Co er, Total 110 10/18/2017 6010C Iron, Total 0.70 6,700 10/18/2017 6010C Lead, Total <5.0 10/18/2017 6010C Magnesium, Total 0.47 4,660 10/18/2017 6010C Manganese, Total 1,000 10/18/2017 6010C Mercury,Total <0.20 '10/18/2017 7471B Molybdenum, Total <5.0 10/18/2017 6010C Phosphorus, Total 0.47 4,700 10/20/2017 6010C Nickel,Total 14 10/18/2017 6010C Potassium, Total 0.6 5,900 10/18/2017 6010C Selenium, Total <5.0 10/18/2017 6010C Sodium, Total 0.03 250 10/18/2017 6010C Sulfur, Total 0.22 2,200 10/20/2017 6010C Zinc, Total 200 10/18/2017 ' 6010C Total K'eldahl Nitrogen 0.5 5,000 10/20/2017 SM-4500 Ammonia Nitro en 0.16 1,660 10/20/2017 SM-4500 Orgamc Nitrogen 0.34 3,400 10/20/2017 Calculation Nitrate+Nitrite- N 35 10/23/2017 SM-4500C Calcium Carbonate Equivalent 7 70,000 10/20/2017 AOAC 955.0 Total Solids 49 490,000 10/17/2017 SM-2540G Total Volatile Solids 36 360,000 10/17/2017 SM-2540G Moisture 51 10/17/2017 SM-2540G 1350 home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website: www.AmericanTestingTechnologies.com American Testing Technologies, Inca • ANALYSIS REQUEST AND 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Webslte: www.AmerlcanTesungrechnologies.com American Testing 7sohnologles, [no. Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 63449907 PROJECT N0. PROJECT LO ON PROJECT �7-40 s�fl io MATRIX PAGE (STATE) PROJECT MANAGER P.O. NUMBER CONTRACT NO; 0 L"N e art h- � TYPE REQUIRED ANALYSIS OF CLIENT (SITE) _ CLIENT PHONE CLIENT FAX I STANDARD REPORT DELIVERY pi 3(+r• ° 2 `� }' o DATE DUES_ CLIENT NAME CLIENT E MAI Cz ®t Iiyll SH}86 rte! , bwr / 4-frALI'?-d ? EXPEDITED REPORT CLI kT�ADDR t o a 4 DELIVERY O (SURCHARGE) DATE DUE o NUMBER OF COOLERS SUBMITTED q 4 S�. ' PER SHIPMENT: SAMPLE , DATE TIME SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION $ Z K R R Tt# J W NUMBER OF CONTAINERS SUBMITTED REMARKSUS �a 3.0 17 LL A 1 a R{E:L[INQ�jUISHE`D(�3Y. (SWATURE) DATE TIME HED : (�GNATURE} DATE TIME RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) AREC'EIVED DATE TIME RECEIVED Br (SIGNATUFM DATE 11 pl r r,01 �A'BRh &1'..p`.^ TIME BY, (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RY�B �D R TO y`ly NI:X' - - .E •:z� •� �.N "•Q ':lABO RATOR • .R MARI�s�''�` .PAT, J.' s O' t• CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 336-570-6138 CONTACT PERSON - SHANE FLETCHER COMPOST FACILITY CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR COMPOST SAMPLE SAMPLE LOCATION: SAMPLED BY: DATE: /4 47 TIME: - DELIVERED TO C.O.B. LAB BY: _ DATE: �i �f TIME: 09d I — RECEIVED IN C.O.B. LAB BY: DATE: I� t TIME: 0 SHIPPED FROM C.O.B. LAB BY: At6't� DATE: TIME: RECEIVED IN WAYPOINT LAB BY DATE; TIME: SEND COPY OF REPORT TO: SHANE FLETCHER CITY OF BURLINGTON P.O. BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 TELEPNONE 336-570-6138 FAX 336-570-6139 REMARKS PLEASE RUN RUN pH, RUN SO4 RUN SLI & SL2 plus the following - RUN NH4-N, NO3-N, ORGANIC N, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, As, Hg, Se, CaCO3 equiv., Volatile Solids, Mo, Cl SAMPLE LDS # 17/12// * Will the results of this sample be used for compliance reporting. YES �NO, NCDENR-DWQ WATER QUALITY SECTION NON DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1617 Laboratory Services Report Date: 411312O18 Sample M: Finished Pile 60 I® #: 180329 CeNficate of Analyses xflmlal testing 60day repeat Failure Repeat'no. PASS FAIL .Sample #. A g C C-Dup Sample Date:', 4/10/2018 . 4/10/2018 4/10/2018 4/10/2018 Sample Time: 0755 0758 0800 0800 per: 4.8 4.8 4.7 4.7 Y Solids: 60.6 55.5 56.7 56.4 Fecal Coliform: (MP)Vldry grm) <3 <3 1 8 30 �' � �. � . average or &= iy i9eometric mean= 3 1 MPNIdry grm Certified by: —wz-A2 /97�7�� Glenn M Girt Laboratory Supervisor AV Wastewater Certification #188 AIC Water supp/y Certification #87612 CITY OF BURLINGTONN POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 336-570-6138 CONTACT PERSON -- SHANE FLETCHER COMPOST FACILITY CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR COMPOST FECAL COLIFORM SAMPLE SAMPLE LOCATION: SAMPLED BY: A -d7Ss C —VOWv DATE: TIME: / - 0 7W DELIVERED BY: DATE: V//© Af TIME: 921LC 9 RECEIVED IN LAB BY:� i ATE:. t' / 0 - ( TIME: SHIPPED BY: DATE: TIME: REMARKS D.?2- 1 SAMPLE I.D.# Afd l- V l3 SAMPLE I.D.# /902 a `; - SAMPLE I.D.# * Will the results of this sample be used for compliance reporting. NCDENR-DWQ WATER QUALITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT UNIT T 617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER tALEIGH NC 27699-1617 YES NO L C C crrY OF BUMMOTON LIMOR . ATORYSERVICES NC Wastewater Laboratory Certification #188 336-222-5133 Sample d '!.:AfthMn e: South WWTP Digester #2 South WWTP Digester #3 South WWTP Digester #4 East WWTP Digester #1 Mackintosh Lagoon #1 Mackintosh Lagoon #2 Compost —LOG% hv, Other Certified b date S F Ono ICity of Burlington, NC AMwicasi Testing Technaoylss,'Inc: AWL Glean McGirt -1302 Belmont Strmet Burlington, NC 27215 . Date Received: 04/04/2018 Date Reported: 04/12/2018 Date Collected: 03/29/2018 Time Colleatpd"6800 Client ID #: 170325 Laboratory ID # ' 040418-15 Certificate of Analysis _ Parameter ' Result 00 Result Analysis Date M . od Aluminuml Total 3,900 04/11/2011, 601 Arsenic,'otal <5.0 04/11/2017 ' 601 C -Cadmium,j Total <5.0 04/1.1/2017 -601 C Calcium, Total 2.5 25,000 04/1-1/2017 601 F Chiomium Total20 04/1�1%2017- 601 Copper-, Total 50 04/1112017 ' 601 C Iron,: -Total 0.7 " 7,000 , 04/11/2017 601 • C Lead; Total 11 04/11/2017 6014C esium,.Totat 0.49 4,930 -04/11/2017 6010C M ese,..Total _ 1060 04/11/2017 601Q , Total <0.20 04/11/2017 7471B Molybdenum, Total <5.0 - - 04/11/2017 601 • Phosphorus, Total ' 0.48 4,800 04/11/2017 -6010C Nickel, Total _. . - 4 04/11/2017 601QC Potassium, Total - 0.65 _ .6,450. 04/11/201-7 601 CC Selenium, Total <5.,0 04/11/2017 6010C Sodium, Total 0.06 580 04/11/2017 6010C Sulfcr Total 0.29 2,900 04/11/2017 601 C Zinc; Total � � '160 04/11/2017 601 C Total.K"eldahl Nitrogen 1.30. -- .13,000 0V10/2617 SM-4501 Ammonia Nitrogen 0:50 5,000 04/10/2017 SM-4501 Or " `.c Nitro ` : 0.80 .89000 04/1012017 : Calc 8l 2 Nitrate+Nitrite- N 50 04/11/2017, SM-4500 Calcium Carbonate.E "valent., - 9 90,000 .- '04/11/2017 AOAC 9�5 Total -Solids .52.7 527,000:- 04/05/2017 .:.SM--2540 Total Volatile Solids 29 290,000 :. 04/05/2017 Mm2540 Moisture 47.3 04/05/2017 SM-25 i 1.$v0'Hoe Avenue Akrat9, . off '3� 0 44" Toil reps R77-FRd QQng Phnno• t-2-2rn a-�a eong C ?morn co+� w nnr•i._�_�. -•--- OQ M ANALYSIS REQUEST AND, .1350 Home Avenue • Akron, OH 44310 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD website: www.AmericanTestingrachnoiogies.com American Testing Technologies, Inc. Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: {330} 6349907 P T9C ' ' PROJECT N0. PROJECT . PAGEOF�1'�P ($TOTE) ' .fiETYK ` REQUfREDANALYSIS PROJECT MANAGER P.O. NUMBER ;, CONTRACT NO. STANDARD REPORT. i CLIENT (SITE) CLIENT PHONE r CLIENT FAX DEANERY 53� °2�2 (3:� DATE DUE CLIENT NAME J� f�v�, CLIENT E-MAUL ' ,, ! • ! �g r�"I i �' �, kt,�l�t.� rt�Ep �OC�.�-LS EXPEDITED REPORT DELIVERY CLI DR �� P o =. a (SURCHARGE) DATE DUE : Gt I / �dj IA w o;r f ,�' ''. ;�y3<• �k ?'• `' y ' ��: '�'' NUMBER OF COOLERS SUBMITT PER SHIPMENED , T. SAMPLE+ :,:.DATE �" TIME SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION $ '!� . ,NUMBEROF CONTAINER_ S,SUBMITIED REMARKS VA .. -" p DATE TIME RELINQUISHED BY (siGNATURE) DATE i IME RELINQUISHED BY (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RELINQUISHED BY: (SIRMAT0RE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY {SK Rf WRE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE) CABOfi . 13Y-USE ONLY CUSTODY•INTACT —-SEAL CUSTODY A.T.T. lr NO. LOG NO. CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 336-570-6138 CONTACT PERSON - SHANE FLETCHER COMPOST FACILITY CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR COMPOST SAMPLE SAMPLE LOCATION: kihi8 0 SAMPLED BY: DATE: —TIME: D DELIVERED TO C.O.B. LAB BY: DATE: ���� �� TIME• RECEIVED IN C.O.B. LAB BY: dl/L" DATE: ZAIII TIME: 0 SHIPPED FROM C.O.B. LAB BY: ATE: RECEIVED IN LAB BY; TIME: DATE; TIME: SEND COPY OF REPORT TO: SHANE FLETCHER CITY OF BURLINGTON P.O. BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 TELEPNONE 336-570-6138 FAX 336-570-6139 . PLEASE RUN RUN pH, RUN SO4 RUN SL1 & SL2 plus the following - RUN NH4-N, NO3-N, ORGANIC N, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, As, Hg, Se, CaCO3 equiv., Volatile Solids, Mo, Cl SAMPLE I.D.# % 703aS * Will the results of this sample be used for compliance reporting. NCDENR-DWQ `ATER QUALITY SECTION DN DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT UNIT 1617 MAIL_SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1617 YES NO MIN am �w CITY w oummaTON r� Laboratory Services Report Date: 5124120.18 Sample ID: Finished Pile 61 ID A 180514 Cetificate of Analyses Initio/ testing 60 day repeat Failure Repeat no. . PASS FAIL Sample A A B C C-Dup Sample Date: 5/21 /2018 5/21 /2018 5/21 /2018 5/21 /2018 Sample Time: 0840 0842 0845 0845 PH.,6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 X Shcids: 61.0 61.2 58.9 60.6 Fecal Coliform: (MPN/dry grm) 885 882 594 578 " average of L= ✓oo 6eomeiric mean= 770 MPN/dry grm Certified by Supervisor NC Wastewater Certification #188 NC Water Supp/y Certification #37612 CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1355 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1355 336-570-6135 CONTACT PERSON - SHANE FLETCHER COMPOST FACILITY CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR COMPOST FECAL COI.IFORM SAMPLE SAMPLE LOCATION: SAMPLED BY: f DELIVERED BY: Q - afy-Z DATE: J- L ?, MM. 69 fYJ .1 /1 ll RECEIVED IN LAD BY: DATE: <-/ I SHIPPED BY: DATE: SAMPLE I.D.# e4 - I,Fo-rl l SAMPLE I.D.# a- ,,PQ-rl!; .SAMPLE I.D.# 6 SAMPLE I.D.# TIlVIE: * WHI the results of this sample be used for compliance reporting. YES. NO NCDENR-DWQ WATER QUALITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1617 Report Date: �1TY IURUNffTOA Laboratory Services 7/13/2018 Sample ID: Finished file 61 ID-#: 180514 Cetificate of Analyses Initial testing _ . 60 day repeat Failure Repent no. PASS71 FAIL Sample #: A 6 C C-Dup Snrnple :Date: 7/10/2018 7/10/2018 7/10/2018 7/10/2018 Sample Time: 0800 0802 0805 0805 pH: 6.4 6.3 6.4 6.4 X .Solids: 67.6 69.0 68.0 68.2 Fecal _Culiform: '(MPN®dry .grm) 325 48 323 322 a Average of C= 322 Geometric mean = 171, MPN®dry grm Ger°tified by: Glenn McGirt Laboratory Supervisor w Wastewater Certification #I as NC Water 5upply Certification #'3; CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 336-570-6138 CONTACT PERSON - SHANE FLETCHER COMPOST FACILITY CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR COMPOST FECAL COLIFORM SAMPLE SAMPLE LOCATION: SAMPLED BY: DATE: 7/i,7/. TIME: 19 - .0 DELIVERED BY: ` DATE• 16 tr _ TIME: %r RECEIVED IN LAB BY: )ATE: 16 -,( TIME: SHIPPED BY: DATE: SAMPLE I.D.# G- rl TIME: REMARKS * Will the results of this sample he used for compliance reporting. NCDENR-DWQ WATER QUALITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1617 I m YES. ✓ NO, MY OF $UMM TOR LABORATORY SERVICES NC Wastewater Laboratory Certification #188 336-222-5133 SaDlptted! ' yr�ncl :. Sample Opte:'' 'tame analyst South WWTP Digester #2 South WWTP Digester #3 South WWTP Digester #4 East WWTP Digester #1 sy&zob 5'1-0 0-13S 103 H 015LNJ Mackintosh Lagoon #1 Mackintosh Lagoon #2 Compost u Pj (.1 q-t'{-j$ Other Certified by �6*, date 504P City of Burlington, NC Ameflcan Testing Technalogles, Inc. Attu: Glenn McGht 1302 Belntent Street Burlington, NC 27215' Date Received. 05/17/2018 :Date Reported: 05/25/2018 Date Collected: 05/14/2018 .,Time Collected: 0830 Client ID #: 180514 Laboratory ID #: 051718-11. . Certificate -of Analysis Parameter Result Result m Analysis Date Method . Alumin Total 3,390 05/18/2017 6010C Arsenic, Total <5,0 05/18/2017 6010C -Cadmium Total <5.0 05/18/2017 6010C C4!4 _ Total 2.4 24,190- 05/1812017 6010C Chromium, Total 8 OS/18/20I7 6010C C,6pper, Total 23 05/18/2017 6010C I : Total 0.69 6,940 05/18/2017 6010C ;bead, Total. 6 05/18/2017 6010C Ma esiuim, Total 0.50 5,0001 05/18/2017 6010C M ese, Total 710 05/18/201-7 6010C M Total <0.20 05/18/2017 7471B MolybdSM33, Total <5.0 05/19/2017_ 6010C Phosphorus, Total 0.47 4,670 05/18/201-7 : 6010C Nickel, Total 3 05/18/2017 6010C Potassium, Total 0.47 4,680 05/18/2017 6010C Selenium; Total <5.0 04/18/2017 6010C Sodium, Total .0.03. 250 05/18/2017 6010C Sulfur; Total 0.18 1,830 05/18/2017 . 6010C Zinc; Total 89 05/18/2017 6010C. Total .. oldahl Nitrogen 1.40 . 14,000 05/24/2017 SM-4500 Annmonia,Nitro' en 0.45 4,500 05/24/2017 SM-4500 1XIganieNitrogm 0.95 9,500 05/24/2011 . Calculation Nitrate+-Nitdte- N 60 05/24/2017 SM-4500C Calcium Carbonate.:. 'valent 10 100,000 05/23/2017 AOAC 955.a Total Solids' 62 620,000 05/1812017 SM 254OG Total Volatile'Solids 30 300,000 05/18/2017 SM-254OG Moisture. - 38 05/18/2017 SM 254OG :350'Home Avenue Akron,,OH 44310 TaI1 Free: $?7-6349908 -, - Phorse:.(330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website: www America'nTestingTechnologtes.com i ANALYSIS REQUEST AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Aineiican Testing Technologies, Inc. P JECTR 4W C _ fp PRO,; 'No. RROJECTL ' J8N NIgTRIX M f �► (STATE) . flc/ TYPE 1;R01EC1`MANAQER 43' L"N 106-f �� - R0, NUMBER CONTRACT N0. orc , CLIENT CLIENT PHONE' I CLIENT FAX, Cf tENiNAME l CLIENT E NIAI ��� . .. ®� 6svt ► �t��4, 4A40r 5{' r SAMPLE DATE TIME SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION jq ".6 aerial Number 003037 . American Testing Technol4" 1350 Home Avenue --Akron, OH�44310 Website: www.AniedcenTagUngTechnologies,com 4 Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 034 9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 - REQUIRED ANALYSIS PAGE OF STANDARD REPORT DELIVERY DATE DUE EXPEDITED REPORT DELIVERY Q (SURCHARGE) DATE DUE ;k,Y.;l..rrr. �:` : C}r: t •.:.. i: ,- �t •' �!; ,•�''•' r.,• :•,:' '. `, NUMBER NUM COOLERS SUBMITTED , ;;i ':�' ;� y PER SHIPMENP. NUMBER OF CONTAINERS SUBMITTED ... REMARKS 7ELINQUISHED 8Y: (SIGNATURE? '_L�: i..:.;. DATE TIME RELI iSHED BY �?� , y DATE TIME RELINQUISHED BY: ISra,UutlRt) DATE !�{----- TIME tECENED BY: (SIGNATURE) `• DATE TIME RE D BY {SItNATURE) `s: _' ::�� =;' ; DATE TIME RECEIVED BY (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME ECE(VED FOR 8Y: - DATE TIME CA901tAT0(tY USEONLY :IRNAtURE) :' CUSTODY INTACT CUSTCJdY A.T.T. YES (!7 _ SEAL NO. LABORATORYREMARKS ` LOG NO. r SAMPLE LOCATION:_ SAMPLED BY: F17A CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 336-570-6138 CONTACT PERSON - SHANE FLETCHER COMPOST FACILITY CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR COMPOST SAMPLE DELIVERED TO C.O.B. LAB BY: 0 TIME: PY6 DATE:_�� Y /� TIME: C 0 DATE: SHIPPED FROM C.O.B. LAB BY: J1141A DATE: RECEIVED IN WAYPOINT LAB BY; Me TIME: DATE; TIME: SEND COPY OF REPORT TO: SHANE FLETCHER CITY OF BURLINGTON P.O. BOX 1358 . BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 TELEPNONE 336-570-6138 FAX 336-570-6139 REMARKS PLEASE RUN RUN pH,RUN SO4 RUN SL1 & SL2 plus the following - RUN NH4-N, NO3-N, ORGANIC N, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, As, Hg, Se, CaCO3 equiv., Volatile Solids, Mo, Cl SAMPLE I D # *Will the results of thissample be used for compliance resorting. YES �NO �. NCDENR-DWQ WATER QUALITY SECTION NON DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1617 Report Date: CdTY' w BURUNGTON Laboratory Services 91612018 Semple ZD: Finished Pile 62 M A 180827 Cet®ficate of Analyses Initial testing 160 day repeat PASS Failure Repeat no. FAIL .Sample A- A 8 C C Dup .aample Date: 9/4/2018 9/4/2018 9/4/2018 9/4/2018 .5ampk 71me: 0930 0932 0935 0935, pH 5.5 15.5 5.4 5.4 x .Aids; 61.0 61.7 : 60.1 60:0 Fetid Collform: (AA�6PPi1 �a�iy gt�}� <3 <3 <3 <3 average or G= I(s seometric mean= <3 eNPA Wy gm Certified by Aic Wastewater certification #188 MC Wctep Supply certification ,#37612 CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC, 27216-1358 336-570-6138 CONTACT PERSON — SHANE FLETCHER COMPOST FACILITY CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR COMPOST FECAL COLIFORM SAMPLE SAMPLE LOCATION:�� s SAMPLED BY: DATE: DELIVERED BY: ,4- '?-Iv C - TIME: 13 0 93a. DATE: 9 / MAE: RECEIVED IN LAB BY: -)ATE: l -`T i% x TIME: SKIPPED BY: DATE: TIME• REMARKS c SAMPLE I.D.# * Will the results of this sample be used for compliance reporting. NCDENR DWQ WATER QUALITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 276994617 YES NO MO . o CITY OF summaTON LABoaATORY SERVICES NC Wastewater Laboratory Certification #188 336-222-5133 Asa-me-1 I Analuzed: Sample dime :,pH date:::: tim e ' :an alyst South WWTP Digester #2 South WWTP. Digester #3 South WWTP Digester #4 East WWTP Digester #1 Mackintosh Lagoon #1 Mackintosh Lagoon #2 Compost 7- 030 11,51 D/* l$ 11%) R7`' Other Certified by � tvtN date 1 City of Burlington, NC American Testing Technologies, Inc. Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street' Burftton, NC 27215 " " Dale Received: 08/30/2018 Date Reported: 09/07/2018 Date Collected: 08/27/2018 Time Co.Umted:.0830 Clie AJD #: 180827 Laboratory ID.#: 083018-11 .. Certifcte of Analv'sis Parameter Result ' Result Analysis Date Method Aluminum, Total 1,640 09/04/2018 ..: 6010C Arsenic, Total. <5.0 09/04/2018 6010C Cadmi Total <5.0 09/04/2018 601OC Calcium, Total, 1.4 14,240 09/04/2018 6010C Chromium, Total_ 13 09/04/2018 6010C Co ; TotaT .- -, - 47 09/04/2018, 6010C ko . Total. 0,45 4,550 09/04/2018., 6010C Lead, 5 09/04/2018 : 6010C M 8sium; Tcital 0.39 5,940 09/04/2018 6010C .M anew, Total 710 09/04/2018 6010C Merrury, Total <0.20 09/04/2018 7471B M61ybdenim4 Total <5.0 09/04/2018 6010C Phos ha Total .0.38 3,760 09/04/201S . 6010C Nickel, Total <5 09/04/2018 ..: 6010C Potassium, Total 0.53 5 300 09/04/2018 6010C Seleniuln;'Total <5.0 09/04/2018 6010C Sodium, Total 0.03 ' 290 09/04/2618 6010C Sulfiar` Total 0.32 3,150 09/04/2018 6010C _. zhi . Total 136 09/04/2018 6010C " Total K'eldabl Nitro 1.30 13 000 09/04/2018 SM-4500 AmtagniarNitro 0.60 6 000 09/06/2018 SM-4500 Organic Nitrogen 0.70 7,000 09/06/2018-. -: Calculation Nitrate+Nitric@- N 45 09/06/2018 SM-4500C Calcipm.O rbonateEguivaleut 6 610,000 09/04/2018 AOAC 955.01 Total Solids 66.4 664,000 . 09/04/2018 SM-254OG Total Volatile.Solids 25 250,000 OR/04/2018 SM 254OG Moisture 33:.6 09/04/2018 SM-254OG �- x350 Home Avenue Akron; ON 44310 Toll Free: 877-6349906 Phone: (330) 6349906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website: wwW.AmerlranTestingCeehnoloOes.com Serial Number 003037 - • ANALYSIS REQUEST AND, CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD American Testing Technologies, Inc. American Testing Technologies Inc. 1350 Home Avenue Akron OH 44310 F webslte: www.AmericanTestiagrechnologies.com Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 P8QJECT���J �^'i r" D PROJECT NO, _ PRO#ECTLJ6N (STATE) MATRIX TYPE REQUIRED ANALYSIS OF PROJECT MANAGER G r-"RJ �rt PL ice' P.O. NUMBER CONTRACT NO. g.r� A o" o a a vg J o o z STANDARD REPORT DELIVERY DATE DUE EXPEDITED REPORT DELIVERY O (SURCHARGE) , DATE DUE CLIENT (SITE) CLIENT PHONE �j�•tzz;l� CLIENT FAX = a CLIENT NAME C. 6 t 1,by f I CLIENT E-MA! c n r y /t� Ott''` 4V I7! t` CLIFX ADDR w c'3 !/ p f�: "1� rC? , - NUMBER OF COOLERS SUBMITTED PER SHIPMENT SAMP Lei SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION l •"r►!r NUMBER OF CONTAINERS SUBMITTED REMARKS DATE:- :, TIME f RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RELINQUISHED BY: E) 1 TIME RELINQUISHED BY. '(SI AquRE) RATE TIME RECEIVED Or (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME R CEIVED BY: (SIGNMURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: (SIG LULWi DATE TIME LABORATORY USE ONLY RECEIVED FDR IJIBAORATORY D TIME CtIS'TODY I CUSTODY A:T.T. LABORATORY REMARKS ' ' c YES 4EAL NO. LO NO. I,�„} NO CD (� 1 f CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358: BURLINGTON NC 27216-135$ 336-570-6138 Py. CONTACT PERSON - SHANE FLETCHER COMPOST FACILITY )CATION: SAMPLED BY: CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR COMPOST- SAMPLE -06), DATE: ��< �/� TIME: d� -r DELIVERED TO C.O.B. LAB BY: DATE: RECEIVED IN C.O.B. LAB BY: DATE: r 2- 5 SHIPPED FROM C.O.B. LAB BY: TIME: ���� TIME: DATE: TIME: RECEIVED IN WAYPOINT LAB BY; DATE; TIME: SEND COPY OF REPORT TO: SHANE FLETCHEW CITY OF BURLINGTON P.O: BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 TELEPNONE 336-570-6138 FAX 336-570-6139 REMARKS PLEASE RUN RUN pH, RUN SO4 RUN SLI. & SL2 plus the following - RUN NH4-N, NO3-N, ORGANIC N, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, As, Hg, Se, CaCO3 equiv., Volatile Solids, Mo, Cl SAMPLE I.D.# * Will the results of this sample be used for compliance reporting. YES NO NCDENR-DWQ WATER QUALITY SECTION NON DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT UNIT 1617. MAIL SERVICE. CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1617 CITY oFBuHmNeTON Laboratory Services Report Date Sample ID.- Finished Pile 63 ID A, 181023 CeWicate of Analyses [— Xniftl testing 60 day repeat I PASS I Failure Repeat no. , FAIL Sample A 8 C-DUP .Sample Date: 10129/2018 10/29/2018 10/29/2018 10/29/2018 Sample Time: 0825 0826 082q8 0828 PH., 5.8 5.5 5.5 5.5 7 Solids: 57.2 57.4 58.8 60.0 Fecal Coliform: (MPNIbry grm) 297 192 44 65 average or (..=" Ulf Geometric mean= [-145 MPNIdry grm Certified by., Me wastewater certification #188 jVC Water Supply Certification #37612 CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1355 336-570-6138 CONTACT PERSON - SHANE FLETCHER COMPOST FACILITY SAWLE LOCATION: itim SAWLED BY: A -® DATE: /a k i, TIME: d 08d� DELIVERED BY: DATE: ��'� TEA& RECEIVED IN LAB BY: DATE: TIl" SHIPPED BY: DATE: TIME• REMARKS SAMPLE I.D.# A ' SAMPLE LD.# SAMPLE I.D.# SAMPLE I.D.# e° D * Will the results of this sample be used far comuliance reRortima. YES N® NCDENR DWQ WATER QUALITY SECTION- NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1617 k, {t,f- • S6 4 "}}JJff •}�3x f CITY CW HUMMOTON LASOR&TORY SMVICES Nc wastewater Laboratory cerafication 0188 33@-ZZZ-5233 South WWTP Digester #2 South WWTP Digester #3 South WWTP Digester #4 East WWTP Di ester #1 Mackintosh Lagoon #1 Mackintosh Lagoon.#2 Compost N On )OXT145 ICICO I I -Other Certified by van date City of B1iCli126ton, NC 'American Testing Technologies, Inc. A= Glenn McGut 1302 Belmont Street Burfingtoa, NC 27215 Date Received 10/29/2018 Date Reported: 11/01/2018 Date Collected: 10/23/2018 Time Collected: 0850 Client ID #: 181023 lAboratory ID #: 102918-06 Certificate of Analysis Parameter Result Result m Analysis Date Method ,Aluminum, Total 3,800 11/01/2018 6010C Arsenic, Total <5.0 11/01/2018 6010C Cadmium, Total <5.0 11/01/2018 6010C Calci Total 3.5 34,620 11/01/2018 6010C Chromium, Total 13 11/01/2018 6010C Comer, Total 43 11/01/2018 6010C Iron,Total 0.74 7,400 11/01/2018 6010C Lead, Total Magnesi=6 Total 0.44 6 4,400 11/01/2018 11/01/2018 6010C 6010C Manganese, Total Mercury, Total MolyWenum, Total Pho horus Total 0.3 760 <0.20 <5.0 3,000 11/01/2018 11/01/2018 11/01/2018 11/01/2018 6010C 7471B 6010C 6010C Nickel, Total Potassium, Total S61enium, Total 0:64 4 6,400 <5.0 11/01/2018 11/01/2018 11/01/2018 6010C 6010C 6010C Sodium, .Total Sulfur, Total 0.03 0.22 280 2,20 11/ol/2018 11/01/2018 6010C 6010C Zinc, Total Total,K'eldahl Nitrogen 1.80 103 18,000 . 11/01/2018 10/30/2018. 6010C SM-4500 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.52 5,200 10/30/2018 SM-4500 Or 'c Nitrogen 1.28 12,800 10/30/2018 Calculatio: Nitrate+Nitr te- N 30 10/30/2018 SM-4500( Calcium Carbonate Equivalent 9 90,000 11/01/2018 AOAC 955. Total Solids 54 540,000 11/01/2018 SM--2540( Total Volatile Solids 1 39 390,000 11/01/2018 SM-25 AfV Moisture 46 11/01/2018 SM 25 /p °-'Z 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Toll Free: 877-634A9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website: www AmericahTestln9Tech _ sz 'rrR`n 01 Serial Number o03037 ANALYSIS REQUEST AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD American Testing Technologles, Inc.. American Testing TechnohqIes, Inc, 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 webslte: www.AmerlcanTestingreclmotogies.com Toll Free: 877-634.9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 63"907 PR59JECT A)M �P PROJECT NO. PRE L0�1�)0lV TYPE TYPE REQUIRED ANALYSIS PAGE OF PROJECT MANN ER `r ,, CLIENT (SITE) P.O. NUMBER CLIENT 53 PHONE CONTRACT N0. CLIENT FAX S o g� u7 o o $ a I ► o 9z DELIVERY REPORT DATE DUE DELIVERED REPORT O (SURCHARGE) DATE DUE CLIENT NAME f f e CLIENT &MAI ti / ��. C; 04- ZiyT I NL � /M7 f� r CLIENTADDR r ( oc !�al..nfi �11' �� �i P I sss i L r'lh k 1j , Z.•. , '�� NUMBER OF CONTAINERS SUBMITTED NUMBER OF COOLERS SUBMITTED PER SHIPMENT REMARKS SAMP � SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION DATE TIME 6a. AV d0o-g At REnL�INNQUISHEDSuBY. (SIGNMURLI P Ty DATE TIME RELINQUISHED BY: (SIG MRE) DATE TIME RELINQUISHED e�,(s�rinwmE) DATE T(ME RECEIVED BY: LSIG WURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED W. (SIGNMRE) DATE 71ME RECEIVED BY: W4b1TURE) DATE TIME R It y (SIQNATU =:%ttifi i.4.,11 IA S�EAE N ' :j N' •�: �.�-.. to .. .- .. CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 336-570-6138 CONTACT PERSON - SHANE FLETCHER COMPOST FACILITY - CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR COMPOST SAMPLE SAMPLE LOCATION: t SAMPLED BY:� DATE: TIME: l,8f-d DELIVERED TO C.O.B. LAB BY: cs DATE: / o, RECEIVED IN C.O.B. LAB BY: DATE: /().a 3 9/ SHIPPED FROM C.O.B. LAB BY: ATE: RECEIVED IN WAYPOINT LAB BY; TIME: ©` 2— TIME: TIME: DATE; TIME: SEND COPY OF REPORT TO: SHANE FLETCHER - CITY OF BURLINGTON P.O. BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 TELEPNONE 336-570-6138 FAX 336-570-6139 REMARKS PLEASE RUN RUN pH,. RUN SO4 RUN SLI & SL2 plus the following - 'RUN NH4-N, NO3-N, ORGANIC N, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, As, Hg, Se, CaCO3 equiv., Volatile Solids; Mo; Cl SAMPLE I.D.# * Will the results'of this sample be used for compliance reporting. "YES ✓ NO NCDENR DWQ ATER QUALITY SECTION 3N DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT UNIT 1617 MAIL -SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1617 V CITY OF $URUNGTON Laboratory Services Report Date: 1212012018 Sample ID: Finished Pile 64 SD #: 181211 Cetificate of Analyses Initial testing 60 day repeat Failure Repeat no. - FA A Sample #: A B C C-Dup Sample Dote: 12/17/2018 12/17/2018 12/17/2018 12/17/2018 Sample Time: 0855 0857 0900 0900 6.56.2 6.3 6.3 Solids: rFeeal 49.0 54.0 36,3 34.9 Coliform: (h~dry gm) 265 204 468 372 averaga or G= t4V Geometric mean= 283 DAPAMpy grm Certified NC Wastewater Certification #188 NC Woter.5upply Certification #37612 CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 336-570-6138 CONTACT PERSON - SHANE FLETCHER COMPOST FACILITY CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR COMPOST FECAL COLIFORM SAMPLE SAMPLE LOCATION:n;sG>Q SAMPLED BY: A _ pBSS L'-Opp n DATE: 'TIME: D - oX5'7 DELIVERED BY DATE: RECEIVED IN LAB BY IATE:- .�'1� _ �� TIME: SHIPPED BY: DATE: TIME: REMARKS SAMPLE I.D.# A SAMPLE I.D.# 0 SAMPLE I.D.# If 0-/ / SAMPLE I.D.# * Will the results of this sample be used for compliance reporting. NCDENR-DWQ WATER QUALITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER KALEIGH NC 27699-1617 YES ! NO o 0 NC Wastewater Laboratory Certification #188 336-ZZZ-5133 ,;�- 11s5r ee ri (✓ �L ! I ��ri I`.'1 TOP F _�r�-+3�a ,t �r�W 11 rffY ;{ ICE! ,,� rfr� • - ``n; S� Digestersouth WWTP Digester #2_ South WWTP 'East WWTP Digester #1 I Mackintosh Lagoon #1 mom te tified by • . City of Burlington, NC .4ML Glenn McGfrt 1302 Belmont Sftd $nrlin&14 NC 27215 Date Reccived: 12/14/2018 Date Reported: 12/27/2018 Data Collected:12/1112018 Qtime Collected: 0915 lieat ID #: 181211 Laboratory ID #-..121418-18 Parameter Result Result m Analysis -Date Method Aluminum, Total 2,060 12/27/2018 .6010C Arsenic, Total <5.0 12/17/2018 6010C C Total <5.0 -•12/27/2018 6010C Calcium Total 1.4 14,000 12/27/2018 6010C Chromium; Total 16 12/27/2018 6010C Copper, Total 46 ' 12/27/2018 6010C Iron, Total 0.35 3,460 12/27/2018 6010C Lead, Total 12 1-2/27/2018 6010C Magaesimn, Total 0.28 2,830 12/27/2018 6010C Manganese, Total 570 12/27/2018 6010C Mercury, Total . c0.20 12/27/2018 7471B Molybdenum, Total =5.0 12/27/2018 6010C Phosphorus, Total 0.7 ' 7,060 12/17/2018 6010C Nickel, Total <5 12/27/2018 6010C Potassium, Total 0.46 4,570 12/27/2018 . 6020C Selenium, Total <.5.0 12/27/2018 6010C Sodium, Total 0.12 1,200 12/27/2018 6010C Sulfur, Total 0.22 2,200 12/17/2018 6010C Zinc, Total 125 12/27/2018 6010C Total Meldahl Nitogen 1.70 17,000 12/17/2018 SM-4500 Ammonia MUpgen. 0.66 . 6,600 12/17/2018 °SM-4500 Organic Nitro en 1.04 10,490 12/17/2018 Calculation Nitrate+Nitrite- N 60 12/17/2018 SM=4500C Calcium Carbonate Equivalent .- 12 120,000 12/17/2018 AOAC 955.01 Total- Solids 35 350,000 12/18/2018 SM-2540G Total Volatile Solids 41 410,000 12/18/2018 SM 2540G Moisture 65 1-12)1'8/2018 SM 2540G. 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Toll Free: 877-634-9966 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (334) 634-9907 Wet►site: wwW.AmericanTesting7eehnologies:com Serial Number 003037 REQUAND AMMUS EBT CHAIN OF CUM17V RECORD American TestingTechnoic.9199, Inc. 3R.QJECT PROJECTNO. PROJECT Lo In4spifEv L414p 3ROJECT MANAGER P.O. NUMBER CONTRACT NO. 0 6-t k- . XIENT(SM CLIENT PHONE CLIENT FAX 5 3& -1 g7:67t 5 MATRIX TYPE Amodam Testing T60111111110110ghmp :1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH Weboft: wwwAmericanTestingrachnologes-GOM Toll Free: 8774kU4906 Rom (390) 634-9906 Fax (330) 634900 REQUIRED ANALYSIS Inc- 44310 PAGE OF STANDARD REPORT DELIVERY DATE DUE EXPEDITED REPORT DELIVERY C—) (SURCHARGE) DAM DUE AJENT NAME e- 0fj OREM An At CLIENT E-MA% H7 r- 4. balpy 4t, :3 NUMBER OF COOLERS SUBIMMED PER SHIPMEW.- E,/ SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMREROFC.ONWrAINE -SUBMITTED I b REMARKS 4n. TIME 101 b 6 7 Sig f Tt PDAT� ItILINQUISHED W. (SIGNATUREDATE TIME (SM"E) TIME , DATE. TIME W. miiiwuRki WE TIME RECEIVED W. (SMNURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED W. (SIGMURE) DATE TIME IAM" f-TIME iq NO; LOit NO. SAMPLE LOCATION: CITY OF BURLINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 1358 -BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 336-570-6138 CONTACT PERSON - SHANE FLETCHER COMPOST FACILITY CHAIN OF CUSTODY FOR COMPOST, SAMPLE SAMPLED BY: DATE: /t f �//F TIME: &fIf DELIVERED TO C.O.B. LAB BY: Q� DATE: /2�F TIME: I �i Z.a RECEIVED IN C.O.B.'LAB BY: DATE: 2/ TIME: A SHIPPED FROM C.O.B. LAB BY: DATE: RECEIVED IN WAYPOINT LAB BY; TIME: DATE; TIME: SEND COPY OF REPORT TO: SHANE FLETCHER CITY OF BURLINGTON P.O. BOX 1358 BURLINGTON NC 27216-1358 TELEPNONE 336-570-6138 FAX 336-570-6139 REMARKS r PLEASE RUN RUN pH, RUN SO4 RUN SL1 & SL2 plus the following - RUN NH4-N, NO3-N, ORGANIC N, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, As, Hg, Se, CaCO3 equiv., Volatile Solids, Mo, Cl SAMPLE I.D # * Will the results of this sample be used for compliance revortina YESy NO NCDENR-DWQ WATER QUALITY SECTION NON DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1617 IMW& Sim 02/19/2018 American Testing Tac hnofogles, Inc. City of Burlington, NC Attu: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 ReportNo.: 013118-13_18 Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on 01/31/2018. All analyses were performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. All sample results are reported on an "as -received" wet basis unless otherwise noted. The test results meet requirements of the NELAP standards for methods listed on the laboratory's current fields of accreditation (EPA 8260, 8082, 8081, 8151, 8270, 6010, 6020, 1010, 9045, 7471,1010,1311, 150.1, 200.7, 200.8, and 245.1) except as noted. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis. -Pursuant -to NELAP, this report may not be reproduced except in full, and with written approval from the laboratory. ` If you have any questions please contact the laboratory manager at 330-634-9906 or via email at samy@americantestiWechnologies.com anger SL- Test performed by an approved subcontract laboratory BRL- Below Reporting limit The results relate only to the items tested. ATT shall have no liability to the client or client's customer with respect to decisions or, recommendations made, actions taken or courses of conduct implemented by either the client or the client's customer as a result of or based upon the Test Results. In no event shall ATT `s liability with respect to the Test Results exceed the amount paid to ATT by the client therefore. Pagel of 37 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Toll Free. 377-634-9906 Phone. (330) 634-9906 Fax- (330) 634-9907 Website. www.AmericanTestdnpTxhnnlnaipc rn Serial Number .00msa • ANALYSIS REQUEST AND 4 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD 0 American Testing Technologies, Inc.. American Testing Technologies, Inc. 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Website: wwwAmerlcanTestingrechnologies.com Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax (330) 634-9907 PROJECT REFERENCE (A A A 6'*J 1 C L- PROJECT NO. PROJECT L0 TION (STATE) C MATRIX TYPE REQUIRED ANALYSIS PAGE _T OF p OJECT MANAGER AA 6 joi��" P.O. NUMBER CONTRACT NO. � p m o a 8 e� w a N o p a 1 J V) o j `Q�':Ia z �AO jj 1 i /� [/ �DATE STANDARD REPORT DELIVERY DUE EXPEDITED REPORT O DELIVERY (SURCHARGE) DATE DUE C IE T(SITE) r CLIENTPHQ��I [[,, ii CLIENT FAX CLiEN ME CLIENTE-MAIL CLIENTADDRE5S I� r �(dLl ��� 0� �1%� ; {; �; ", it q''• '�� •(t �;;r �:J' " Y'�:f ;��; PP :=y •.^b9 r" NUMBER OF COOLERS SUBMITTED PER SHIPMENT: SAMPLE SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OF CONTAINERS SUBMITTED REMARKS DATE TIME ` Al o N RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME REkIqQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) AIM K/ DATE TIME RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY. (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY. (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME :L1IBORATORYf1SEONLY RECEIVED FOR LABAU ORY•BY: D TE ,.TIME " CUSTODY INTACT ":-; 4p SIGNAT f:t _ - l)STODY ,; ' '.A.T.L ; . LABORATOF{Y REMARKS (.. UR - ;REAL NOr LOG N0,' YES NO 5, fit . City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 01/31/2018 Date Reported: 02/19/2018 Date Collected: 01/25/2018 Time Collected: 0950 Client ID #: South Compost Laboratory ID #: 013118-17 Date of Analysis: 02/09/2018 Metals-TCLP (EPA 1311) Parameter Results 460 American Testing Technologies, Inc. Units Certificate of Analysis Arsenic <1.0 mg/L Batium <10 mg/L Cadmium <0.5 mg/L Chromium <1.0 mg/L Lead <1.0 mg/L Mercury <0.02 mg/L Selenium <0.5 mg/L Silver <1.0 mg/L Regulatory Limits 5.0 100.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 02 1.0 5.0 Method Number 6010C 6010C 6010C 6010C 6010C 7470A 6010C 6010C -Page 26 of 37 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Toll Free: 877-634-9906 . Phone. (330) 634-9906 Fax (330) 634-9907 Websfrte: www.AmericanTastinoToo-,nnii crix American Testing technologies, Inc. 1 City of Burlington, NC Attu Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 01/31/2018 Date Reported: 02/19/2018 Date Collected: 01/25/2018 Time Collected: 0950 ' Client ID #: South Compost Laboratory ID #: 013118-17 Date of Analysis: 02/09/2018 Certificate of Analvsb Volafes-TCLP (EPA 1311) Parameter Results Units Regulatory Method Limits Number Benzene <0.1 mg/L 0.5 8260B Carbon tetrachloride <0.1 mg/L 0.5 8260B Chlorobenzene <0.1 mg/L 100 8260B Chloroform <0.1 mg/L 6.0 8260B 1,2Dichloroetbane <0.1 mg/L 0.5 8260B 1,1 Dichloroethene <0.1 mg/L 0.7 8260B Methyl ethyl ketone <2.0 mg/L 200 8260B Tetrachloroethene <0.1 mg/L 0.7 8260B Trichloroethene <0.1 mg/L 0.5 8260B Vinyl chloride <0.2 mg/L 02 8260B Page 27 of 37 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330).634.9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Websita- UJUW 1►mc�Grsanrnc+:...sr ,.:.___�__ ____ A 'OFT American Testing Technologies, Inc. . City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 01/31/2018 Date Reported: 02/19/2018 Date Collected: 01/25/2018 Time Collected: 0950 Client ID #: South Compost Laboratory ID #: 013118-17 Date of Analysis: 02/08/2018 Certificate of Analvsfs BNA-TCLP (EPA 1311) Parameter Results. Units Regulatory Method _Limits Number 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.05 mg/L. 7.5 8270C 2,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.05 mg/L 0.13 8270C Hexachlorobenzene <0.05 mg/L 0.13 8270C Hexachlorobutadiene <0.05 mg/L 0.5 8270C Hexachloroethane <0.05 mg/L 3.0 8270C Nitrobenzene <0.05 mg/L 2.0 8270C Pyridine <0.05 mg/L 5.0 8270C o-Cresol <0.5 mg/L 200 8270C mp-Cresol <0.5 mg/L 200 8270C Pentachlorophenol <0.5 mg/L 100 8270C 2,4,5-Trichloroplrenol <0.5 mg/L - 400 8270C 2,4,6 Trichlorophenol <0.5 mg/L, 2.0 8270C reviewed by: Manager Page 28 of 37 1.360 Horne Avenue Akron. OH 44310 Toll Free: 877-6349906 Phone: (330) 6349906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website� WWW.AmerlcanTestlnorrerhnnlnoiPm i,^m American Testing Technologies, Inc. City of Burlington, NC A= Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 01/31/2018 Date Reported: 02/19/2018 Date Collected: 01/25/2018 Time Collected: 0950 Client ID #: South Compost Laboratory -ID #: 013118-17 Date of Analysis: 02/09/2018 Certificate of Analysis Pesticides-TCLP (EPA 1311) Parameter Results Units Regulatory Method Limits Number Chlordane <0.005 mg/L 0.03 8081B Endrin <0.005 mg/L 0.02 8081B Heptachlor <0.005 mg/L 0.008 8081B Heptachlor epoxide <0.005 mg/L 0.008 8081B Lindane <0.005 mg/L 0.4 8081B Methoxychlor <0.1 mg/L 10.0 8081B Toxaphene <0.1 mg/L 0.5 8081B 6 Page 29 of 37 1350 Home Avenue Akron, 0H 44310 TOU Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax. (330) 634-9907 Website• ww%v.AmericanTPct➢nd'w.hnnincrse�c ....,, City of Burlington, NC Attu: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date keceived: 01/31/2018 Date Repotted: 02/19/2018 Date Collected: 01/25/2018 Time Collected, 0950 Client ID #: South Compost Laboratory ID #: 013118-17 Date of Analysis: 02/17/2018 Herbicides-TCLP (EPA 1311) American Testing Technoiogies, Inc. Certificate of Aaalvsis Parameter Results Units Regulatory Method Limits Number 2,4-D <1.0 mg/L 10.0 8151A 2,4,5-1P (Silvex) <1.0 mg/L 1.0 8151A i r6viewed by: Manager Page 30 of 37 1360 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 - TOO Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 City of Burlington, NC Attu: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 01131/2018 Date Reported: 02/19/2018 Date Collected: 01/25/2018 Time Collected: 0950 Client ID #: South Compost Laboratory ID #: 013118-17 4=0 American Testing Technologies, Inc - Certificate of Analysis Parameter Results Units Method Date of Number Analysis Reactive Cyanides <0.5 mg/kg 02/12/2018 Reactive Sulfides <25 nig/kg 02/12/2018 pH (Lab) 9.47 S.u_ 9045D 02/01/2018 Flash point >140 °F 1010A 02/07/2018 Page 31 of 37 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Toil Free. 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website: www.AmeriCanTestin-dfechnnlni:ri— rnm ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Burlington Compogro Composting Facility WQ Permit Number: WQ0021632 WWTP Name: South Burlington WWTP NPDES Number: NCO023876 Monitoring Period: From 1/1/2018 To 3/31/2018 Pathogen Reduction (15A NCAC 02T .1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alt. A (time/temp) ❑ Alt B (Alk Treatment) ❑ 7 Alt. C (Prior Testing) ❑ A1t.D (No Prior Test) ❑ Process to Further Reduce Pathogengs 0 If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost p Heat Drying ❑ Heat Treatment ❑ Thermophilic ❑ Beta Ray ❑ Gamma Ray ❑ Pasteurization ❑ Class B: Alt. (1) Fecal Density ❑ TAlt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens ❑ If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization ❑ Air Drying ❑ Composting ❑ Aerobic Digestion ❑ Anaerobic Digestion If applicable to alternative performed (Class A or Class B) complete the following monitoring data: Parameter Allowable Level in in Sludge Pathogen Density Number of Excee- Frequency of Analysis Y Sample Type Analytical Tech - nioue Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Unitsences Fecal Coliform 2 x 10 to the 6th power per gram of total solids MPN CFU 1000 mpn per gram of total solid (dry weight) 15 20 36 MPN 0 60Days/Dist Comp SM9221ELTBEC Salmonella bacteria (in lieu of fecal coliform) 3 MPN per 4 grams total solid (dry weight) Vector Attraction Reduction (15A NCAC 02T .1107) - Please indicate alternative performed: Alt.1 (VS reduction) ❑ Alt. 2 (40-day bench) ❑ Alt. 3 (30-day bench) ❑ Alt. 4 (Spec. 02 uptake) ❑ Alt. 5 (14-Day Aerobic) p Alt. 6 (Alk. Stabilization ❑ Alt 7 (Drying - Stable) ❑ Alt. 8 (Drying - Unstable) ❑ Alt. 9 (Injection) ❑ Alt. 10 (Incorporation) ❑ No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed ❑ CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) 0 "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have been met." ❑ "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the'system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." ISW-e r e-�'tl Amc- Preparer Name and Title (type or .print) F/f Signature of Preparer* Date Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable)(type or print) Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM PVRF 02T (12/2006) ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Burlington Compogro Composting Facility WQ Permit Number: WWTP Name: South Burlington WWTP NPDES Number: Monitoring Period: From 4/1/2018 To 6/30/2018 WQ0021632 NCO023876 ),Pathogen Reduction (15A NCAC 02T .1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alt. A (time/temp) ❑ I Alt B (Alk Treatment) ❑ Alt. C (Prior Testing) ❑ A1t.D (No Prior Test) ❑ Process to Further Reduce Pathogengs 0 If applicable to alternative perforated (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost❑ Heat Drying ❑ Heat Treatment ❑ Thermophilic ❑ Beta Ray ❑ Gamma Ray ❑ Pasteurization ❑ Class B: jAlt. (1) Fecal Density ❑ Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens ❑ If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization ❑ Air Drying ❑ Composting ❑ Aerobic Digestion ❑ Anaerobic Digestion If applicable to alternative performed (Class A or Class B) complete the following monitoring data: Parameter Allowable Level in in Sludge Pathogen Density Number ot Excee- Frequency of Anal sis Y Sample Type na tca Tech - niaue Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Unitsences Fecal Coliform 2 x 10 to the 6th power per gram of total solids MPN CFU 1000 mpn per gram of total solid (dry weight) 3 70 885 MPN 0 60Days/Dist Comp SM9221ELTBEC 9 Salmonella bacteria (in lieu of fecal coliform) 3 WN per 4 grams total solid (dry weight) Vector Attraction Reduction (15A NCAC 02T .1107) - Please indicate alternative performed: Alt.1 (VS reduction) ❑ Alt. 2 (40-day bench) ❑ Alt. 3 (30-day bench) ❑ Alt. 4 (Spec. OZ uptake) ❑ Alt. 5 (14-Day Aerobic) 0 Alt. 6 (Alk. Stabilization ❑ Alt 7 (Drying - Stable) ❑ 1 Alt. 8 (Drying - Unstable) ❑ Alt. 9 (Injection) ❑ Alt. 10 (Incorporation) ❑ No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed ❑ CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) 0 "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have been met." ❑ "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." ,St'0-r cTCV1r e 10 C Preparer ame and Title (type or print) a Signature of Preparer* Date Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable)(type or print) Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) j: DENR FORM PVRF 02T (12/2006) ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) T Facility Name: City of Burlington Compogro Composting Facility WWTP Name: South Burlington WWTP Monitoring Period: From 7/1/2018 To WQ Permit Number: NPDES Number: 9/30/2018 WQ0021632 NCO023876 Pathogen Reduction (15A NCAC 02T .1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alt. A (time/temp) ❑ Alt B (Alk Treatment) ❑ Alt. C (Prior Testing) ❑ A1t.D (No Prior Test) ❑ Process to Further Reduce Pathogengs 0 If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost 0 Heat Drying ❑ Heat Treatment ❑ 1 Therniophilic ❑ Beta Ray ❑ Gamma Ray ❑ Pasteurization ❑ Class B: jAlt. (1) Fecal Density ❑ Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens ❑ If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization ❑ F Air Drying ❑ Composting ❑ Aerobic Digestion ❑ is Anaerob Digestion estion g If applicable to alternative performed (Class A or Class B) complete the following monitoring data: Parameter Allowable Level in in Sludge Pathogen Density Number ot Excee- c Frequency of Analysis Y Sample Type Analytical Tech - nioue Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units Fecal Coliform 2 x 10 to the 6th power per gram of total solids MPN CFU 1000 mpn per gam of total solid (dry weight) 3 25 325 MPN 0 60Days/Dist Comp SM9221ELTBEC Salmonella bacteria (in lieu of fecal coliform 3 UTN per 4 gams total solid (dry weight) Vector Attraction Reduction (15A NCAC 02T .1107) - Please indicate alternative performed: Alt.I (VS reduction) ❑ Alt. 2 (40-day bench) ❑ Alt. 3 (30-day bench) ❑ Alt. 4 (Spec. Oz uptake) ❑ Alt. 5 (14-Day Aerobic) 21 Alt. 6 (Alk. Stabilization ❑ Alt 7 (Drying - Stable) ❑ Alt. 8 (Drying - Unstable) ❑ Alt. 9 (Injection) ❑ Alt. 10 (Incorporation) ❑ No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed ❑ CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) 0 "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have been met." ❑ "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Preparer Name and Title (type or print) Signature of Preparer* Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable)(type or print) fir/ Date Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM PVRF 02T (12/2006) ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Burlington Compogro Composting Facility WQ Permit Number: WQ0021632 WWTP Name: South Burlington WWTP NPDES Number: NCO023876 Monitoring Period: From 10/l/2018 To 12/31/2018 Pathogen Reduction (15A NCAC 02T .1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alt. A (time/tem) ❑ Alt B (Alk Treatment) ❑ Alt. C (Prior Testing) ❑ A1t.D (No Prior Test) ❑ Process to Further Reduce Pathogengs 0 If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost 0 Heat Drying ❑ Heat Treatment ❑ Thermophilic ❑ Beta Ray ❑ Gamma Ray ❑ Pasteurization ❑ Class B: jAlt. (1) Fecal Density ❑ Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens ❑ If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization ❑ Air Drying ❑ I Composting ❑ jAerobic Digestion ❑ Anaerobic Di estior. ❑ If applicable to alternative performed (Class A or Class B) complete the following monitoring data: Parameter Allowable Level in Sludge Pathogen Density Number ot Excee- denceq Frequency of Analysis Sample Type na ica Tech - Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units Fecal Coliform 2 x 10 to the 6th power per gram of total solids MPN CFU 1000 mpn per gram of total solid (dry weight) 44 113 297 MPN 0 60Days/Dist Comp SM9221ELTBEC Salmonella bacteria (in lieu of fecal coliforni) 3 MPN per 4 grams total solid (dry weight) Vector Attraction Reduction (15A NCAC 02T .1107) - Please indicate alternative performed: Alt.] (VS reduction) ❑ Alt. 2 (40-day bench) ❑ jAlt. 3 (30-day bench) ❑ jAlt. 4 (Spec. Oz uptake) ❑ Alt. 5 (14-Day Aerobic) 0 Alt. 6 (Alk. Stabilization ❑ jAlt 7 (Drying - Stable) ❑ I Alt. 8 (Drying - Unstable) ❑ Alt. 9 (Injection) ❑ Alt. 10 (Incorporation) ❑ INo vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed ❑ CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) O "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have been met." ❑ "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Preparer Name and Title (type or print) Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable)(type or print) Signature of Preparer* /�i Ir//S V - Dater Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM PVRF 02T (12/2006) Section 5 - SUPPORTING DATA - TEMPERATURES City of Burlington Compogro Compost Annual Report Summary for the Calendar Year 2018 Daily Compost Pile Temperature Data Permit Number - WQ0021632 NPDES Number - NCO023876 Pile Identification Number 1. 170718-08 2. 170718-07 3. 170721-06 4. 170721-05 5. 171108-08 6. 171108-07 7. 171108-06 8. 171108-05 9. 171222-08 10. 171222-07 11. 171222-06 12. 171222-05 13. 180523-08 14. 180523-07 15. 180523-06 16. 180523-05 17. 180716-08 18. 180716-07 19. 180716-06 20. 180716-05 21. 181008-10 22. 181008-08 23. 181008-07 24. 181008-06 25. 181008-05 26. 181008-04 27. 181008-03 28. 181008-01 IICOBDATA1CobUserDatalsfletcher Compost Annual Report 20181AnnualCompostReportTOC.doc COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 7/22/17 170720-05 113 115 114 108 114 59 171011 ws 7/23/17 170720-05 114 115 115 111 115 59 171011 am 7/24/17 170720-05 158 164 160 148 160 59 171011 ws 7/25/17 170720-05 163 168 165 150 170 59 171011 ws 7/26/17 170720-05 163 168 165 150 170 59 171011 ws 7/27/17 170720-05 167 162 165 170 170 59 171011 ws 7/28/17 170720-05 167 162 165 170 170 59 171011 ws 7/29/17 170720-05 167 162 165 170 170 59 171011 gw 7/30/17 170720-05 167 162 165 170 170 59 171011 gw 7/31/17 170720-05 167 162 165 170 170 59 171011 ws 8/1/17 170720-05 167 162 165 170 170 59 171011 ws 8/2/17 170720-05 167 162 165 170 170 59 171011 ws 8/3/17 170720-05 167 162 165 170 170 59 171011 ws 8/4/17 170720-05 166 162 163 170 170 59 171011 ws 8/5/17 170720-05 147 154 162 108 162 59 171011 br 8/6/17 170720-05 147 154 162 110 162 59 171011 br 8/7/17 170720-05 147 154 160 125 150 59 171011 ws 8/8/17 170720-05 147 154 160 125 150 59 171011 ws 8/9/17 170720-05 147 154 160 125 150 59 171011 ws 8/10/17 170720-05 147 154 160 125 150 59 171011 ws 8/11/17 170720-05 147 154 160 125 150 59 171011 ws 8/12/17 170720-05 147 152 156 123 158 59 171011 do 8/13/17 170720-05 148 151 157 124 158 59 171011 do 8/14/17 170720-05 148 151 157 124 158 59 171011 ws 8/15/17 170720-05 148 151 157 124 158 59 171011 ws 8/16/17 170720-05 148 151 157 124 158 59 171011 ws 8/17/17 170720-05 148 151 157 124 158 59 171011 ws 8/18/17 170720-05 148 151 157 124 158 59 171011 mbk 8/19/17 170720-05 147 150 152 130 154 59 171011 rf 8/20/17 170720-05 145 148 152 128 153 59 171011 Iw 8/21/17 170720-05 145 148 152 128 153 59 171011 ws 8/22/17 170720-05 145 148 152 128 153 59 171011 ws 8/23/17 170720-05 145 148 152 128 153 59 171011 mbk 8/24/17 170720-05 145 148 152 128 153 59 171011 mbk 8/25/17 170720-05 142 146 150 120 152 59 171011 ws 8/26/17 170720-05 142 146 150 120 152 59 171011 gw 8/27/17 170720-05 142 146 150 120 152 59 171011 gw 7/22/17 170720-06 100 108 100 95 95 59 171011 ws 7/23/17 170720-06 102 110 105 97 97 59 171011 am 7/24/17 170720-06 151 160 162 145 135 59 171011 ws 7/25/17 170720-06 160 175 168 140 156 59 171011 ws 7/26/17 170720-06 160 175 168 140 156 59 171011 ws 7/27/17 170720-06 161 175 165 140 164 59 171011 ws 7/28/17 170720-06 161 175 165 140 164 59 171011 ws 7/29/17 170720-06 161 175 165 140 164 59 171011 gw 7/30/17 170720-06 161 175 165 140 164 59 171011 gw 7/31/17 170720-06 161 175 165 140 164 59 171011 ws 8/1117 170720-06 161 175 165 140 164 59 171011 ws 8/2/17 170720-06 161 175 165 140 164 59 171011 ws DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 670 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP, INT. DATE PILE # Average Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC # 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP ID# 8/3/17 170720-06 161 175 165 140 164 59 171011 ws 8/4/17 170720-06 161 175 165 140 164 59 171011 ws 8/5/17 170720-06 152 160 152 118 178 59 171011 br 8/6/17 170720-06 152 160 152 118 176 59 171011 br 8/7/17 170720-06 151 160 152 135 155 59 171011 ws 8/8/17 170720-06 151 160 152 135 155 59 171011 ws 8/9/17 170720-06 151 160 152 135 155 59 171011 ws 8/10/17 170720-06 151 160 152 135 155 59 171011 ws 8/11/17 170720-06 151 160 152 135 155 59 171011 ws 8/12/17 170720-06 148 156 148 136 151 59 171011 de 8/13/17 170720-06 149 156 148 138 153 59 171011 d 8/14/17 170720-06 149 156 148 138 153 59 171011 ws 8/15/17 170720-06 149 156 148 138 153 59 171011 ws 8/16/17 170720-06 149 156 148 138 153 59 171011 ws 8/17/17 170720-06 149 156 148 138 153 59 171011 ws 8/18/17 170720-06 149 156 148 138 153 59 171011 mbk 8/19/17 170720-06 147 156 144 136 150 59 171011 rf 8/20/17 170720-06 145 153 145 133 148 59 171011 Iw 8/21/17 170720-06 145 153 145 133 148 59 171011 ws 8/22/17 170720-06 145 153 145 133 148 59 171011 ws 8/23/17 170720-06 145 153 145 133 148 59 171011 mbk 8/24/17 170720-06 145 153 145 133 148 59 171011 mbk 8/25/17 170720-06 143 150 142 130 148 59 171011 ws 8/26/17 170720-06 143 150 142 130 148 59 171011 gw 8/27/17 170720-06 143 150 142 130 148 59 171011 gw 7/21/17 170720-07 127 124 132 125 125 59 171011 ws 7/22/17 170720-07 128 125 133 125 127 59 171011 am 7/23/17 170720-07 #DIV/0! 59 171011 7/24/17 170720-07 158 148 162 170 152 59 171011 ws 7/25/17 170720-07 168 160 168 180 164 59 171011 ws 7/26/17 170720-07 168 160 168 180 164 59 171011 ws 7/27/17 170720-07 176 168 180 180 174 59 171011 ws 7/28/17 170720-07 176 168 180 180 174 59 171011 ws 7/29/17 170720-07 176 168 180 180 174 59 171011 gw 7/30/17 170720-07 176 168 180 180 174 59 171011 9w 7/31 /17 170720-07 176 168 180 180 174 59 171011 ws 8/1/17 170720-07 176 168 180 180 174 59 171011 ws 8/2/17 170720-07 176 168 180 180 174 59 171011 ws 8/3/17 170720-07 176 168 180 180 174 59 171011 ws 8/4/17 170720-07 176 168 180 180 174 59 171011 ws 8/5/17 170720-07 168 124 184 184 180 59 171011 br 8/6/17 170720-07 181 174 184 184 180 59 171011 br 8/7/17 170720-07 180 175 184 175 185 59 171011. ws 8/8/17 170720-07 180 175 184 175 185 59 171011 ws 8/9/17 170720-07 179 175 184 173 185 59 171011 ws 8/10/17 170720-07 179 175 184 173 185 59 171011 ws 8/11/17 170720-07 178 175 184 172 180 59 171011 ws 8/12/17 170720-07 177 171 182 170 185 59 171011 do 8/13/17 170720-07 177 173 182 170 184 59 171011 do DAILY TEMPS.xls Page 671 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP ID# 8/14/17 170720-07 177 173 182 170 184 59 171011 ws 8/15/17 170720-07 177 173 182 170 184 59 171011 ws 8/16/17 170720-07 177 173 182 170 184 59 171011 ws 8/17/17 170720-07 177 173 182 170 184 59 171011 1 ws 8/18/17 1 170720-07 177 173 182 170 184 59 171011 mbk 8/19/17 170720-07 175 170 180 165 184 59 171011 rf 8120/17 170720-07 175 169 181 165 184 59 171011 Iw 8/21/17 170720-07 175 169 180 165 184 59 171011 ws 8/22/17 170720-07 175 169 180 165 184 59 171011 ws 8/23/17 170720-07 175 169 180 165 184 59 171011 mbk 8/24/17 170720-07 175 169 180 165 184 59 171011 mbk 8/25/17 170720-07 174 168 180 165 184 59 171011. ws 8/26/17 170720-07 174 168 180 165 184 59 171011 gw 8/27/17 170720-07 175 169 180 165 184 59 171011 gw 7/21/17 170720-08 120 120 125 116 120 59 171011 ws 7/22/17 170720-08 122 125 125 118 120 59 171011 am 7/23/17 170720-08 #DIV/01 59 171011 7/24/17 170720-08 135 140 136 130 135 59 171011 ws 7/25/17 170720-08 140 148 140 132 140 59 171011 ws 7/26/17 170720-08 140 148 140 132 140 59 171011 ws 7/27/17 170720-08 146 156 146 132 148 59 171011 ws 7/28/17 170720-08 146 156 146 132 148 59 171011 ws 7/29/17 170720-08 146 156 146 132 148 59 171011 ow 7/30/17 170720-08 146 156 146 132 148 59 171011 9w 7/31/17 170720-08 146 156 146 132 148 59 171011 ws 8/1117 170720-08 146 156 146 132 148 59 171011 ws 8/2117 170720-08 146 156 146 132 148 59 171011 ws 8/3/17 170720-08 146 156 146 132 148 59 171011 ws 8/4/17 170720-08 146 156 146 132 148 59 171011 ws 8/5117 170720-08 153 176 154 128 152 59 171011 br 8/6117 170720-08 152 176 152 128 150 59 171011 br 8/7/17 170720-08 152 175 152 130 150 59 171011 ws 8/8/17 170720-08 152 175 152 130 150 59 171011 ws 8/9117 170720-08 152 175 152 130 150 59 171011 ws 8/10/17 170720-08 152 175 152 130 150 59 171011 ws 8/11/17 170720-08 152 176 152 130 150 59 171011 ws 8112/17 170720-08 152 178 149 129 150 59 171011 do 8/13/17 170720-08 152 178 151 128 150 59 171011 do 8/14/17 170720-08 152 178 151 128 150 59 171011 ws 8/15/17 170720-08 152 178 151 128 150 59 171011 ws 8/16/17 170720-08 152 178 151 128 150 59 171011 ws 8/17/17 170720-08 152 178 151 128 150 59 171011 ws 8/18/17 170720-08 147 178 151 128 130 59 171011 mbk 8/19/17 170720-08 148 178 137 130 145 59 171011 rf 8/20/17 170720-08 149 172 149 129 145 59 171011 Iw 8/21/17 170720-08 149 172 149 129 145 59 171011 ws 8/22/17 170720-08 155 172 172 129 145 59 171011 ws 8/23/17 170720-08 155 172 172 129 145 59 171011 mbk 8/24/17 170720-08 155 172 172 129 145 59 171011 mbk DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 672 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average I emp LOCV LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 8/25/17 170720-08 154 170 170 129 145 59 171011 ws 8/26/17 170720-08 154 170 170 129 145 1 59 171011 gw 8/27/17 170720-08 154 170 170 129 145 59 171011 gw DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 673 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP, TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average Temp LOC.#1 LOCA 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 11/9/17 171108-05 113 100 118 120 115 60 180329 ws 11/10/17 171108-05 113 100 118 120 115 60 180329 ws 11/11/17 171108-05 127 118 138 121 130 60 180329 br 11/12/17 171108-05 140 130 154 136 140 1 60 180329 br 11/13/17 171108-05 150 140 160 150 150 60 180329 ws 11/14/17 171108-05 158 155 165 155 155 60 180329 ws 11/15/17 171108-05 158 155 165 155 155 60 180329 ws 11/16/17 171108-05 158 155 165 155 155 60 180329 ws 11/17/17 171108-05 159 162 162 156 155 60 180329 ws 11/18/17 171108-05 159 162 164 156 155 60 180329 gw 11/19/17 171108-05 159 162 164 156 155 60 180329 gw 11/20/17 171108-05 159 162 164 156 155 60 180329 ws 11/21/17 171108-05 155 165 160 142 154 60 180329 ws 11/22/17 171108-05 155 165 160 142 154 60 180329 ws 11/23/17 171108-05 155 165 160 142 154 60 180329 gw 11/24/17 171108-05 155 165 160 142 154 60 180329 gw 11/25/17 171108-05 150 156 158 132 152 60 180329 br 11/26/17 171108-05 150 164 156 130 150 60 180329 br 11/27/17 171108-05 150 164 156 130 150 60 180329 ws 11/28/17 171108-05 150 164 156 130 150 60 180329 ws 11/29/17 171108-05 150 164 156 130 150 60 180329 ws 11/30/17 171108-05 150 164 156 130 150 60 180329 ws 12/1/17 171108-05 150 164 156 132 148 60 180329 ws 12/2/17 171108-05 150 164 156 132 148 60 180329 rf 12/3/17 171108-05 150 164 156 132 148 60 180329 rf 12/4/17 171108-05 150 164 156 132 148 60 180329 ws 12/5/17 171108-05 150 164 156 132 148 60 180329 ws 12/6/17 171108-05 150 164 156 132 148 60 180329 ws 12/7/17 171108-05 148 160 155 132 146 60 180329 ws 12/8/17 171108-05 148 160 155 132 146 60 180329 mbk 12/9/17 171108-05 148 160 152 134 146 60 180329 br 12/10/17 171108-05 147 156 151 135 144 60 180329 br 12/11/17 171108-05 152 156 151 155 144 60 180329 ws 12/12/17 171108-05 152 156 151 155 144 60 180329 ws 11/9/17 171108-06 131 115 134 140 135 60 180329 ws 11/10/17 171108-06 131 115 134 140 135 60 180329 ws 11/11/17 171108-06 141 111 158 135 158 60 180329 br 11/12/17 171108-06 140 116 164 120 160 60 180329 br 11/13/17 171108-06 148 132 164 135 160 60 180329 ws 11/14/17 171108-06 155 150 164 144 162 60 180329 ws 11/15/17 171108-06 155 150 164 144 162 60 180329 ws 11/16/17 171108-06 155 150 164 144 162 60 180329 ws 11/17/17 171108-06 158 168 160 145 158 60 180329 ws 11/18/17 171108-06 158 168 160 145 158 60 180329 gw 11/19/17 171108-06 159 168 164 145 158 60 180329 gw 11/20/17 171108-06 159 168 164 145 158 60 180329 ws 11/21/17 171108-06 154 170 156 135 155 60 180329 ws 11/22/17 171108-06 154 170 156 135 1 155 60 180329 ws 11/23/17 171108-06 154 170 156 135 155 60 180329 w DAILY TEMPS.As Page 674 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average Temp LOCV LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 11/24/17 171108-06 154 170 156 135 155 60 180329 gw 11/25/17 171108-06 146 170 154 108 152 60 180329 br 11/26/17 171108-06 148 168 154 120 150 60 180329 br 11/27/17 171108-06 148 168 154 120 150 60 180329 ws 11/28/17 171108-06 151 168 154 1 130 150 60 180329 ws 11/29/17 171108-06 151 168 155 130 150 60 180329 ws 11/30/17 171108-06 151 168 155 130 150 60 180329 ws 12/1/17 171108-06 150 168 150 130 150 60 180329 ws 12/2/17 171108-06 150 168 150 130 150 60 180329 rf 12/3/17 171108-06 150 168 150 130 150 60 180329 rf 12/4/17 171108-06 150 168 150 130 150 60 180329 ws 12/5/17 171108-06 150 168 150 130 150 60 180329 ws 1216/17 171108-06 150 168 150 130 150 60 180329 ws 12/7/17 171108-06 149 165 148 135 148 60 180329 ws 12/8/17 171108-06 149 165 148 135 147 60 180329 mbk 12/9/17 171108-06 148 164 148 134 145 60 180329 br 12/10/17 171108-06 145 162 145 130 144 60 180329 br 12/11/17 171108-06 145 162 145 130 144 60 180329 ws 12/12/17 171108-06 145 162 145 130 144 60 180329 ws 11/9/17 171108-07 147 135 152 156 144 60 180329 ws 11/10/17 171108-07 147 135 152 156 144 60 180329 ws 11/11/17 171108-07 153 132 160 164 154 60 180329 br 11/12/17 171108-07 156 141 160 162 160 60 180329 br 11/13/17 171108-07 158 145 162 160 164 60 180329 ws 11/14/17 171108-07 162 152 165 160 170 60 180329 ws 11/15/17 171108-07 162 152 165 160 170 60 180329 ws 11/16/17 171108-07 162 154 165 160 170 60 180329 ws 11/20/17 171108-07 155 172 150 140 158 60 180329 ws 11/17/17 171108-07 161 158 160 156 170 60 180329 ws 11/18/17 171108-07 161 158 160 156 170 60 180329 gw 11/19/17 171108-07 161 158 160 156 170 60 180329 gw 11/20/17 171108-07 161 158 160 156 170 60 180329 ws 11/21/17 171108-07 161 162 158 152 170 60 180329 ws 11/22/17 171108-07 161 162 158 152 170 60 180329 ws 11/23/17 171108-07 161 162 158 152 170 60 180329 gw 11/24/17 171108-07 161 162 158 152 170 60 180329 gw 11/25/17 171108-07 160 164 158 150 168 60 180329 br 11/26/17 171108-07 159 164 156 150 166 60 180329 br 11/27/17 171108-07 159 164 156 150 166 60 180329 ws 11/28/17 171108-07 159 164 155 150 166 60 180329 ws 11/29/17 171108-07 159 164 155 150 165 60 180329 ws 11/30/17 171108-07 159 164 155 150 165 60 180329 ws 12/1/17 171108-07 159 164 155 150 165 60 180329 ws 12/2/17 171108-07 159 164 155 150 165 60 180329 ws 12/3/17 171108-07 159 164 155 150 165 60 180329 ws 12/4/17 171108-07 159 164 155 150 165 60 180329 ws 12/5/17 171108-07 159 164 155 150 165 60 180329 ws 12/6/17 171108-07 159 164 155 150 165 60 180329 ws 1217/17 1 171108-07 158 164 155 148 165 60 180329 ws DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 675 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 12/8/17 171108-07 158 164 155 148 165 60 180329 mbk 12/9/17 171108-07 154 162 150 146 156 60 180329 br 12/10/17 171108-07 153 164 148 146 155 60 180329 br 12/11/17 171108-07 153 164 148 146 155 60 180329 ws 12/12/17 171108-07 153 164 148 146 155 60 180329 ws 11/9/17 171108-08 136 136 132 135 140 60 180329 ws 11/10/17 171108-08 136 136 132 135 140 60 180329 ws 11/11/17 171108-08 139 142 134 132 146 60 180329 br 11/12/17 171108-08 141 150 138 128 148 60 180329 br 11/13/17 171108-08 146 156 145 135 148 60 180329 ws 11/14/17 171108-08 152 168 150 135 156 60 180329 ws 11/15/17 171108-08 152 168 150 135 156 60 180329 ws 11/16/17 171108-08 153 168 150 136 156 60 180329 ws 11/17/17 171108-08 155 172 150 140 158 60 180329 gw 11/18/17 171108-08 155 172 150 140 158 60 180329 gw 11/19/17 171108-08 155 172 150 140 158 60 180329 ws 11/21/17 171108-08 155 172 152 140 156 60 180329 ws 11/22/17 171108-08 155 172 152 140 156 60 180329 ws 11/23/17 171108-08 155 172 152 140 156 60 180329 gw 11/24/17 171108-08 155 172 152 140 156 60 180329 gw 11/25/17 171108-08 154 172 150 138 156 60 180329 br 11/26/17 171108-08 153 168 150 138 155 60 180329 br 11/27/17 171108-08 153 168 150 138 155 60 180329 ws 11/28/17 171108-08 153 168 150 138 155 60 180329 ws 11129/17 171108-08 153 168 150 138 155 60 180329 ws 11/30/17 171108-08 153 168 150 138 155 60 180329 ws 12/1/17 171108-08 151 162 148 138 154 60 180329 ws 12/2/17 171108-08 151 162 148 138 154 60 180329 rf 12/3117 171108-08 151 162 148 138 154 60 180329 rf 12/4/17 171108-08 151 162 148 138 154 60 180329 ws 12/5/17 171108-08 151 162 148 138 154 60 180329 ws 12/6/17 171108-08 151 162 148 138 154 60 180329 ws 12/7/17 171108-08 149 160 148 138 150 60 180329 ws 12/8/17 171108-08 149 160 148 138 151 60 180329 mbk 12/9/17 171108-08 149 160 148 138 150 60 180329 br 12/10/17 171108-08 149 160 146 138 150 60 180329 br 12/11/17 171108-08 148 160 145 138 150 60 180329 ws 12/12/17 171108-08 148 160 145 138 150 60 180329 ws 12/23/17 171222-05 107 106 96 116 108 61 180514 br 12/24/17 171222-05 129 124 116 142 134 61 180514 br 12/25/17 171222-05 146 142 134 152 155 61 180514 br 12/26/17 171222-05 146 142 134 152 155 61 180514 rf 12/27/17 171222-05 160 166 162 152 160 61 180514 rf 12/28/17 171222-05 159 166 160 153 156 61 180514 sf 12/29/17 171222-05 159 166 160 153 156 61 180514 mbk 12/30/17 171222-05 160 166 170 146 159 61 180514 rf 12/31/17 171222-05 160 164 172 144 160 61 180514 rf 111/18 171222-05 156 159 172 138 156 61 180514 rf 1/2118 171222-05 156 159 172 138 156 61 180514 ws DAILY TEMPS.xls Page 676 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP, TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average Ternp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 1/3/18 171222-05 156 159 172 138 156 61 180514 ws 1/4/18 171222-05 156 159 172 138 156 61 180514 ws 1/5/18 171222-05 156 159 172 138 156 61 180514 ws 1/6/18 171222-05 152 156 168 134 150 1 61 180514 br 1/7/18 171222-05 149 154 166 128 148 61 180514 br 1l8/18 171222-05 148 154 160 128 148 61 180514 ws 1/9/18 171222-05 148 154 160 128 148 61 180514 ws 1/10/18 171222-05 150 154 165 132 150 61 180514 ws 1/11/18 171222-05 150 154 165 132 150 61 180514 mbk 1/12/18 171222-05 150 154 165 132 150 61 180514 ws 1/13/18 171222-05 150 154 165 132 150 61 180514 am 1/14/18 171222-05 #DIV/O! 61 180514 1/15/18 171222-05 #DIV/O! 61 180514 1/16/18 171222-05 150 154 165 132 150 61 180514 ws 1/17/18 171222-05 150 154 165 132 150 61 180514 ws 12/23/07 171222-06 103 104 96 117 96 61 180514 br 12/24/07 171222-06 121 110 116 146 110 61 180514 br 12/25/07 171222-06 138 138 136 150 128 61 180514 br 12/26/07 171222-06 138 138 136 150 128 61 180514 rf 12/27/07 171222-06 157 167 162 142 155 61 180514 rf 12/28/07 171222-06 156 166 160 142 154 61 180514 sf 12/29/07 171222-06 156 166 160 142 154 61 180514 mbk 12/30/07 171222-06 158 172 169 132 160 61 180514 rf 12/31/07 171222-06 158 172 169 130 161 61 180514 rf 1/1/08 171222-06 157 170 168 129 160 61 180514 rf 1/2/08 171222-06 157 170 168 129 160 61 180514 ws 1/3/08 171222-06 157 170 168 129 160 61 180514 ws 1/4/18 171222-06 157 170 168 129 160 61 180514 ws 1/5/18 171222-06 157 170 168 130 160 61 180514 ws 1/6118 171222-06 153 164 164 130 155 61 180514 br 1/7/18 171222-06 151 164 162 124 154 61 180514 br 1/8/18 171222-06 151 164 162 124 154 61 180514 ws 1/9/18 171222-06 151 164 162 124 154 61 180514 ws 1/10/18 171222-06 151 160 160 132 152 61 180514 ws 1/11/18 171222-06 151 160 160 132 152 61 180514 mbk 1/12/18 171222-06 151 160 160 132 152 61 180514 ws 1 /13/18 171222-06 151 160 160 132 152 61 180514 am 1/14/18 171222-06 #DIV/O! 61 180514 1/15/18 171222-06 #DIV/O! 61 180514 1/16/18 171222-06 151 160 160 132 152 61 180514 ws 1/17/18 171222-06 151 160 160 132 152 61 180514 ws 12/23/17 171222-07 97 86 94 116 92 61 180514 br 12/24/17 171222-07 107 90 100 140 96 61 180514 br 12/25/17 171222-07 118 94 110 162 104 61 180514 br 12/26/17 171222-07 118 94 110 162 104 61 180514 rf 12/27/17 171222-07 138 114 128 182 126 61 180514 rf 12/28/17 171222-07 134 116 126 170 125 61 180514 sf 12/29/17 171222-07 134 116 126 170 125 61 180514 mbk 12/30/17 171222-07 157 151 157 1 162 1 156 61 180514 rf DAILY TEMPS.xis Page 677 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP, INT, DATE PILE # Average Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP ID# 12/31/17 171222-07 162 158 164 160 164 61 180514 rf 1/1/18 171222-07 166 164 170 153 176 61 180514 rf 1/2/18 171222-07 166 164 170 153 176 61 180514 ws 1/3/18 171222-07 166 164 170 153 176 61 180514 ws 1/4/18 171222-07 166 164 170 153 176 61 180514 ws 1/5/18 171222-07 167 167 170 153 176 61 180514 ws 1/6/18 171222-07 171 168 178 150 186 61 180514 br 1/7/18 171222-07 171 170 180 147 186 61 180514 br 1/8/18 171222-07 171 170 180 147 186 61 180514 ws 1/9/18 171222-07 171 170 180 1 147 186 61 180514 ws 1/10/18 171222-07 172 170 180 150 186 61 180514 ws 1/11/18 171222-07 172 170 180 150 186 61 180514 mbk 1/12/18 171222-07 172 170 180 150 186 61 180514 ws 1/13/18 171222-07 172 170 180 150 186 61 180514 am 1/14/18 171222-07 #DIV/0! 61 180514 1/15/18 171222-07 #DIV/0! 61 180514 1/16/18 171222-07 172 170 180 150 186 61 180514 ws 1/17/18 171222-07 172 170 180 150 186 61 180514 ws 12/23/17 171222-08 117 118 112 112 126 61 180514 br 12/24/17 171222-08 128 124 134 120 134 61 180514 br 12/25/17 171222-08 135 130 145 125 140 61 180514 br 12/26/17 171222-08 135 130 145 125 140 61 180514 rf 12/27/17 171222-08 149 145 159 140 152 61 180514 rf 12/28/17 171222-08 146 140 155 138 149 61 180514 sf 12/29/17 171222-08 146 140 155 138 149 61 180514 mbk 12/30/17 171222-08 158 151 166 156 160 61 180514 rf 12/31/17 171222-08 156 150 165 147 162 61 180514 rf 1/1/18 171222-08 156 150 164 146 162 61 180514 rf 1/2/18 171222-08 156 150 164 146 162 61 180514 ws 1/3/18 171222-08 156 150 164 146 162 61 180514 ws 1/4/18 171222-08 156 150 164 146 162 61 180514 ws 1/5/18 171222-08 156 150 164 146 162 61 180514 ws 1/6/18 171222-08 153 150 160 142 160 61 180514 br 1/7/18 171222-08 151 148 160 136 160 61 180514 br 1/8/18 171222-08 151 148 160 136 160 61 180514 ws 1/9/18 171222-08 151 148 160 136 160 61 180514 ws 1/10/18 171222-08 150 148 156 136 158 61 180514 ws 1/11/18 171222-08 149 148 156 134 158 61 180514 mbk 1/12/18 171222-08 149 148 156 134 158 61 180514 ws 1/13/18 171222-08 149 148 156 134 158 61 180514 am 1/14/18 171222-08 #DIV/0! 61 180514 1/15/18 171222-08 #DIV/0! 61 180514 1/16/18 171222-08 149 148 156 134 158 61 180514 ws 1/17/18 171222-08 149 148 156 134 158 61 180514 ws 1/18/18 171222-08 147 140 156 134 158 61 180514 ws 1/19/18 171222-08 144 142 150 130 152 61 180514 ws 1/20/18 171222-08 144 145 148 130 152 61 180514 br 1/21/18 171222-08 143 142 148 128 152 61 180514 br 1/22/18 171222-08 138 142 148 128 132 61 180514 mbk DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 678 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average Temp LOCV LOC.# 2 LOC* 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 1/23/18 171222-08 138 142 148 128 132 61 180514 ws 1/18/18 171222-07 172 170 180 150 186 61 180514 ws 1/19/18 171222-07 167 162 175 145 184 61 180514 ws 1/20/18 171222-07 167 160 180 143 184 61 180514 br 1/21/18 171222-07 167 160 178 144 184 61 180514 br 1/22/18 171222-07 167 160 178 144 184 61 180514 mbk 1/23/18 171222-07 167 160 178 144 184 61 180514 ws 1/18/18 171222-06 151 160 160 132 152 61 180514 ws 1/19/18 171222-06 146 155 154 130 145 61 180514 ws 1/20/18 171222-06 145 155 152 128 145 61 180514 br 1/21/18 171222-06 145 154 152 128 145 61 180514 br 1/22/18 171222-06 145 154 152 128 145 61 180514 mbk 1/23/18 171222-06 145 154 152 128 145 61 180514 ws 1/18/18 171222-05 150 154 165 132 150 61 180514 ws 1/19/18 171222-05 157 199 160 130 140 61 180514 ws 1/20/18 171222-05 146 149 160 135 140 61 180514 br 1/21/18 171222-05 146 148 158 136 140 61 180514 br 1/22/18 171222-05 146 148 158 136 140 61 180514 mbk 1/23/18 171222-05 146 148 158 136 140 61 180514 ws 1/24/18 171222-08 138 142 148 128 132 61 180514 ws 1/25/18 171222-08 143 142 148 130 152 61 180514 ws 1/26118 171222-08 143 142 148 130 152 61 180514 ws 1/27/18 171222-08 142 142 148 128 150 61 180514 rf 1128/18 171222-08 #DIV/0! 61 180514 1/29/18 171222-08 142 142 148 128 150 61 180514 ws 1/30/18 171222-08 142 142 148 128 150 61 180514 ws 1/31/18 171222-08 142 142 148 128 150 61 180514 ws 2/1/18 171222-08 142 142 148 128 150 61 180514 ws 2/2/18 171222-08 142 142 148 128 150 61 180514 br 2/3/18 171222-08 138 140 144 122 146 61 180514 br 2/4/18 171222-08 138 140 144 122 146 61 180514 mbk 2/5/18 171222-08 138 140 144 122 146 61 180514 mbk 2/6/18 171222-08 138 140 144 122 146 61 180514 ws 2l7/18 171222-08 138 140 144 122 146 61 180514 ws 2/8/18 171222-08 138 140 144 122 146 61 180514 ws 2/9/18 171222-08 138 140 144 122 146 61 180514 gw 2/10/18 171222-08 138 140 144 122 146 61 180514 gw 2/11/18 171222-08 138 140 144 122 146 61 180514 ws 2/12/18 171222-08 138 140 144 122 146 61 180514 ws 2/13/18 171222-08 138 140 144 122 146 61 180514 ws 2/14/18 171222-08 138 140 144 122 146 61 180514 ws 2/15/18 171222-08 138 140 144 122 146 61 180514 ws 2/16/18 171222-08 138 140 144 122 146 61 180514 br 2/17/18 171222-08 149 148 144 158 144 61 180514 br 2/18/18 171222-08 150 148 150 158 144 61 180514 br 2/19/18 171222-08 150 148 150 158 144 61 180514 mbk 2/20/18 171222-08 150 148 150 158 144 61 180514 mbk 2/21/18 171222-08 150 148 150 158 144 61 180514 mbk 2/22/18 171222-08 150 148 150 158 144 61 180514 ws DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 679 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP, TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average Temp LOCV LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 2/23/18 171222-08 150 148 150 158 144 61 180514 ws 2/24118 171222-08 148 144 150 156 140 61 180514 rf 2/25/18 171222-08 147 142 148 156 140 61 180514 rf 2/26/18 171222-08 147 142 148 156 140 61 180514 mbk 2/27/18 171222-08 146 144 146 152 1 142 61 180514 sf 2/28/18 171222-08 145 144 144 150 142 61 180514 sf 3/1/18 171222-08 144 142 144 150 140 61 180514 sf 3/2/18 171222-08 145 144 144 150 142 61 180514 sf 3/3/18 171222-08 146 142 148 154 140 61 180514 br 3/4/18 171222-08 146 140 150 154 140 61 180514 br 3/5/18 171222-08 146 140 150 154 140 61 180514 mbk 3/6/18 171222-08 146 140 150 154 140 61 180514 mbk 3/7/18 171222-08 146 140 150 154 140 61 180514 mbk 3/8/18 171222-08 146 140 150 154 140 61 180514 mbk 3/9/18 171222-08 146 140 150 154 140 61 180514 mbk 3/10/18 171222-08 146 140 150 154 140 61 180514 gw 3/11/18 171222-08 146 140 150 154 140 61 180514 gw 3/12/18 171222-08 146 140 150 154 140 61 180514 mbk 3/13/18 171222-08 146 140 150 154 140 61 180514 mbk 3/14/18 171222-08 146 140 150 154 140 61 180514 mbk 3/15/18 171222-08 146 140 150 154 140 61 180514 mbk 3/16/18 171222-08 146 140 150 154 140 61 180514 mbk 3/17/18 171222-08 145 138 149 152 140 61 180514 br 3/18/18 171222-08 145 138 148 152 140 61 180514 br 3/19/18 171222-08 145 138 148 152 140 61 180514 mbk 3/20/18 171222-08 145 138 148 152 140 61 180514 mbk 3/21/18 171222-08 144 138 146 150 140 61 180514 sf 3/22/18 171222-08 144 138 146 150 140 61 180514 mbk 3/23/18 171222-08 143 136 144 152 140 61 180514 sf 3/24/18 171222-08 144 136 150 148 140 61 180514 rf 3/25/18 171222-08 144 140 148 148 140 61 180514 rf 3/26/18 171222-08 144 140 148 148 140 61 180514 mbk 3/27/18 171222-08 148 144 150 156 140 61 180514 mbk 3/28/18 171222-08 148 144 150 156 140 61 180514 mbk 3/29/18 171222-08 148 144 150 156 140 61 180514 mbk 3/30/18 171222-08 144 140 148 146 140 61 180514 rf 3/31/18 171222-08 143 136 148 146 140 61 180514 br 4/1/18 171222-08 141 136 146 146 136 61 180514 br 4/2/18 171222-08 141 136 146 146 136 61 180514 mbk 4/3/18 171222-08 141 136 146 146 136 61 180514 mbk 4/4/18 171222-08 141 136 146 146 136 61 180514 mbk 4/5/18 171222-08 141 136 146 146 136 61 180514 mbk 4/6/18 171222-08 141 136 146 146 136 61 180514 mbk 4/7/18 171222-08 141 136 146 146 136 61 180514 gw 4/8/18 171222-08 141 136 146 146 136 61 180514 qw 4/9/18 171222-08 141 136 146 146 136 61 180514 mbk 1/24/18 171222-07 165 160 175 144 180 61 180514 ws 1/25/18 171222-07 165 156 174 148 180 61 180514 ws 1/26/18 171222-07 165 156 174 148 180 61 180514 ws DAILY TEMPS.xis Page 680 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average lemp LOCV LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 1/27/18 171222-07 165 156 174 148 180 61 180514 rf 1/28/18 171222-07 #DIV/0! 61 180514 1/29/18 171222-07 165 156 174 148 180 61 180514 ws 1/30/18 171222-07 165 156 174 148 180 61 180514 ws 1/31/18 171222-07 165 156 174 148 180 61 180514 ws 2/1/18 171222-07 165 156 174 148 180 61 180514 ws 2/2/18 171222-07 165 156 174 148 180 61 180514 ws 2/3/18 171222-07 161 150 170 144 178 61 180514 br 2/4/18 171222-07 161 150 170 144 178 61 180514 br 2/5/18 171222-07 161 150 170 144 178 61 180514 mbk 2/6/18 171222-07 161 150 170 144 178 61 180514 mbk 2/7/18 171222-07 161 150 170 144 178 61 180514 ws 2/8/18 171222-07 161 150 170 144 178 61 180514 ws 2/9/18 171222-07 161 150 170 144 178 61 180514 ws 2/10/18 171222-07 161 150 170 144 178 61 180514 gw 2/11/18 171222-07 161 150 170 144 178 61 180514 gw 2/12/18 171222-07 161 150 170 144 178 61 180514 ws 2/13/18 171222-07 160 150 170 144 176 61 180514 ws 2/14/18 171222-07 160 150 170 144 176 61 180514 ws 2/15/18 171222-07 160 150 170 144 175 61 180514 ws 2/16/18 171222-07 159 150 170 144 172 61 180514 ws 2/17/18 171222-07 140 138 140 132 149 61 180514 br 2/18/18 171222-07 139 138 140 132 145 61 180514 br 2/19/18 171222-07 139 138 140 132 145 61 180514 mbk 2/20/18 171222-07 139 138 140 132 145 61 180514 mbk 2/21/18 171222-07 139 138 140 132 145 61 180514 mbk 2/22/18 171222-07 139 138 140 132 145 61 180514 ws 2/23/18 171222-07 139 138 140 132 145 61 180514 ws 2/24/18 171222-07 140 138 140 136 144 61 180514 rf 2/25/18 171222-07 139 138 142 134 140 61 180514 rf 2/26/18 171222-07 139 138 142 134 140 61 180514 mbk 2/27/18 171222-07 139 138 142 134 140 61 180514 sf 2/28/18 171222-07 140 140 142 136 140 61 180514 sf 3/1/18 171222-07 140 138 142 140 140 61 180514 sf 3/2/18 171222-07 140 138 142 140 140 61 180514 sf 3/3/18 171222-07 139 138 144 134 140 61 180514 br 3/4/18 171222-07 141 138 146 132 148 61 180514 br 3/5/18 171222-07 142 138 148 132 148 61 180514 mbk 316/18 171222-07 142 138 148 132 148 61 180514 mbk 3/7/18 171222-07 142 138 148 132 148 61 180514 mbk 3/8/18 171222-07 142 138 148 132 148 61 180514 mbk 3/9/18 171222-07 142 138 148 132 148 61 180514 mbk 3/10/18 171222-07 142 138 148 132 148 61 180514 gw 3/11/18 171222-07 142 138 148 132 148 61 180514 gw 3/12/18 171222-07 142 138 148 132 148 61 180514 mbk 3/13/18 171222-07 142 138 148 132 148 61 180514 mbk 3/14/18 171222-07 142 138 148 132 148 61 180514 mbk 3/15/18 171222-07 1 142 138 148 132 148 61 180514 mbk 3/16/18 171222-07 1 142 1 138 148 132 148 61 180514 mbk DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 681 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP, TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average I emp LOCV LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 3/17/18 171222-07 134 136 148 104 148 61 180514 br 3/18/18 171222-07 133 136 148 100 148 61 180514 br 3/19/18 171222-07 133 136 148 100 148 61 180514 mbk 3/20/18 171222-07 133 136 148 100 148 61 180514 mbk 3/21/18 171222-07 133 136 148 102 146 61 180514 sf 3/22/18 171222-07 133 136 148 102 146 61 180514 mbk 3/23/18 171222-07 133 136 148 104 144 61 180514 sf 3/24/18 171222-07 131 136 148 88 150 61 180514 rf 3/25/18 171222-07 132 136 148 82 162 61 180514 rf 3/26/18 171222-07 132 136 148 82 162 61 180514 mbk 3/27/18 171222-07 140 138 140 136 144 61 180514 mbk 3/28/18 171222-07 140 138 140 136 144 61 180514 mbk 3/29/18 171222-07 140 138 140 136 144 61 180514 mbk 3/30/18 171222-07 128 136 146 80 150 61 180514 rf 3/31/18 171222-07 129 136 148 80 150 61 180514 br 4/1/18 171222-07 128 136 146 78 150 61 180514 br 4/2/18 171222-07 128 136 146 78 150 61 180514 mbk 4/3/18 171222-07 128 136 146 78 150 61 180514 mbk 4/4/18 171222-07 128 136 146 78 150 61 180514 mbk 4/5/18 171222-07 128 136 146 78 150 61 180514 mbk 4/6/18 171222-07 128 136 146 78 150 61 180514 mbk 4/7/18 171222-07 128 136 146 78 150 61 180514 gw 4/8/18 171222-07 128 136 146 78 150 61 180514 mbk 1/24/18 171222-06 145 154 152 128 145 61 180514 ws 1/25/18 171222-06 145 154 152 130 145 61 180514 ws 1/26/18 171222-06 145 154 152 130 145 61 180514 ws 1/27/18 171222-06 144 154 148 128 144 61 180514 rf 1/28/18 171222-06 #DIV/01 61 180514 1/29/18 171222-06 144 154 148 128 144 61 180514 ws 1/30/18 171222-06 144 154 148 128 144 61 180514 ws 1/31/18 171222-06 144 154 148 128 144 61 180514 ws 2/1/18 171222-06 144 154 148 128 144 61 180514 ws 2/2/18 171222-06 144 154 148 128 144 61 180514 ws 2/3/18 171222-06 141 152 145 128 140 61 180514 br 2/4/18 171222-06 141 152 144 128 140 61 180514 br 2/5/18 171222-06 141 152 144 128 140 61 180514 mbk 2/6/18 171222-06 141 152 144 128 140 61 180514 mbk 2/7/18 171222-06 141 152 144 128 140 61 180514 ws 2/8/18 171222-06 141 152 144 128 140 61 180514 ws 2/9/18 171222-06 141 152 144 128 140 61 180514 ws 2/10/18 171222-06 141 152 144 128 140 61 180514 gw 2/11/18 171222-06 141 152 144 128 140 61 180514 gw 2/12/18 171222-06 141 152 144 128 140 61 180514 ws 2/13/18 171222-06 141 152 144 128 140 61 180514 ws 2/14/18 171222-06 141 152 144 128 140 61 180514 ws 2/15/18 171222-06 141 152 144 128 140 61 180514 ws 2/16/18 171222-06 141 152 144 128 140 61 180514 ws 2/17/18 171222-06 132 145 138 108 135 61 180514 br 2/18/18 171222-06 132 145 138 108 135 61 180514 br DAILY TEMPS.xls . Page 682 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. 10 DATE PILE # Average Temp LOCAI LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 2/19/18 171222-06 132 145 138 108 135 61 180514 mbk 2/20/18 171222-06 132 145 138 108 135 61 180514 mbk 2/21/18 171222-06 132 145 138 108 135 61 180514 mbk 2/22/18 171222-06 132 145 138 108 135 61 180514 ws 2/23/18 171222-06 132 145 138 108 135 61 180514 ws 2/24/18 171222-06 133 144 140 110 136 61 180514 rf 2/25/18 171222-06 133 144 138 112 136 61 180514 rf 2/26/18 171222-06 133 144 138 112 136 61 180514 mbk 2/27/18 171222-06 134 144 138 114 138 61 180514 sf 2128/18 171222-06 135 144 140 116 138 61 180514 sf 3/1/18 171222-06 133 142 138 114 138 61 180514 sf 3/2/18 171222-06 134 142 140 116 138 61 180514 sf 3/3/18 171222-06 130 146 138 100 135 61 180514 br 3/4/18 171222-06 127 144 138 92 135 61 180514 br 3/5/18 171222-06 127 144 138 92 135 61 180514 mbk 3/6/18 171222-06 127 144 138 92 135 61 180514 mbk 3/7/18 171222-06 127 144 138 92 135 61 180514 mbk 3/8/18 171222-06 127 144 138 92 135 61 180514 mbk 3/9118 171222-06 127 144 138 92 135 61 180514 mbk 3/10/18 171222-06 127 144 138 92 135 61 180514 w 3/11/18 171222-06 128 144 138 94 135 61 180514 w 3/12/18 171222-06 128 144 138 94 135 61 180514 mbk 3/13/18 171222-06 128 144 138 94 135 61 180514 mbk 3/14/18 171222-06 128 144 138 94 135 61 180514 mbk 3/15/18 171222-06 128 144 138 94 135 61 180514 mbk 3/16/18 171222-06 128 144 138 94 135 61 180514 mbk 3/17/18 171222-06 120 144 139 60 135 61 180514 br 3118/18 171222-06 125 144 159 60 135 61 180514 br 3/19/18 171222-06 125 144 159 60 135 61 180514 mbk 3/20/18 171222-06 125 144 159 60 135 61 180514 mbk 3/21/18 171222-06 127 146 158 68 134 61 180514 sf 3/22/18 171222-06 127 146 158 68 134 61 180514 mbk 3/23/18 171222-06 124 140 156 64 134 61 180514 sf 3/24/18 171222-06 119 140 140 60 134 61 180514 rf 3/25/18 171222-06 119 140 140 60 136 61 180514 rf 3/26/18 171222-06 119 140 140 60 136 61 180514 mbk 3/27/18 171222-06 119 140 140 60 136 61 180514 mbk 3/28/18 171222-06 119 140 140 60 136 61 180514 mbk 3/29/18 171222-06 119 140 140 60 136 61 180514 mbk 3/30/18 171222-06 119 140 140 60 136 61 180514 rf 3/31/18 171222-06 119 140 138 64 135 61 180514 br 4/1118 171222-06 120 140 138 65 135 61 180514 br 4/2/18 171222-06 120 140 138 65 135 61 180514 mbk 413/18 171222-06 120 140 138 65 135 61 180514 mbk 4l4/18 171222-06 120 140 138 65 135 61 180514 mbk 4/5/18 171222-06 120 140 138 65 135 61 180514 mbk 4/6/18 171222-06 120 140 138 65 135 61 180514 mbk 4/7/18 171222-06 120 140 138 65 135 61 180514 w 4/8/18 171222-06 120 140 138 65 135 61 180514 w I DAILY TEMPS.xls Page 683 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 419/18 171222-06 120 140 138 65 135 61 180514 mbk 1/24/18 171222-05 146 148 158 136 140 61 180514 ws 1/25/18 171222-05 149 148 156 135 158 61 180514 ws 1/26118 171222-05 149 148 156 135 158 61 180514 ws 1/27/18 171222-05 142 146 152 132 138 61 180514 rf 1/28/18 171222-05 #DIV/0! 61 180514 1/29/18 171222-05 147 146 152 132 158 61 180514 ws 1/30/18 171222-05 147 146 152 132 158 61 180514 ws 1/31/18 171222-05 147 146 152 132 158 61 180514 ws 2/1/18 171222-05 147 146 152 132 158 61 180514 ws 2/2/18 171222-05 147 146 152 132 158 61 180514 ws 2/3/18 171222-05 141 144 152 132 136 61 180514 br 2l4/18 171222-05 141 144 152 132 136 61 180514 br 2/5/18 171222-05 141 144 152 132 136 61 180514 mbk 2/6/18 171222-05 141 144 152 132 136 61 180514 mbk 217/18 171222-05 141 144 152 132 136 61 180514 ws 2l8/18 171222-05 141 144 152 132 136 61 180514 ws 2/9/18 171222-05 141 144 152 132 136 61 180514 ws 2/10/18 171222-05 141 144 152 132 136 61 180514 gw 2/11/18 171222-05 141 144 152 132 136 61 180514 gw 2/12/18 171222-05 141 144 152 132 136 61 180514 ws 2/13/18 171222-05 141 144 152 132 136 61 180514 ws 2/14/18 171222-05 141 144 152 132 136 61 180514 ws 2/15/18 171222-05 141 144 152 132 136 61 180514 ws 2/16/18 171222-05 141 144 152 132 136 61 180514 ws 2/17/18 171222-05 140 140 150 132 136 61 180514 br 2/18/18 171222-05 139 140 148 132 134 61 180514 br 2/19/18 171222-05 139 14.0 148 132 134 61 180514 mbk 2/20/18 171222-05 139 140 148 132 134 61 180514 mbk 2/21/18 171222-05 139 140 148 132 134 61 180514 mbk 2/22/18 171222-05 139 140 148 132 134 61 180514 ws 2/23/18 171222-05 139 140 148 132 134 61 180514 ws 2/24/18 171222-05 139 140 148 130 136 61 180514 rf 2/25/18 171222-05 139 140 148 130 136 61 180514 rf 2/26/18 171222-05 139 140 148 130 136 61 180514 mbk 2/27/18 171222-05 139 142 146 132 137 61 180514 sf 2/28/18 171222-05 139 142 144 134 136 61 180514 sf 3l1/18 171222-05 139 140 146 132 136 61 180514 sf 3/2/18 171222-05 139 140 144 134 136 61 180514 sf 3l3/18 171222-05 137 140 148 126 132 61 180514 br 3/4/18 171222-05 137 140 148 125 134 61 180514 br 3/5/18 171222-05 137 140 148 125 134 61 180514 mbk 3/6/18 171222-05 137 140 148 125 134 61 180514 mbk 3/7/18 171222-05 137 140 148 125 134 61 180514 mbk 3/8/18 171222-05 137 140 148 125 134 61 180514 mbk 3/9/18 171222-05 137 140 148 125 134 61 180514 mbk 3/10/18 171222-05 137 140 148 125 134 61 180514 gw 3/11/18 171222-05 137 140 148 125 134 61 180514 gw 3/12/18 171222-05 137 140 148 125 134 61 180514 mbk DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 684 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average Temp LOCV LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC* 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 3/13/18 171222-05 137 140 148 125 134 61 180514 mbk 3/14/18 171222-05 137 140 148 125 134 61 180514 mbk 3/15/18 171222-05 137 140 148 125 134 61 180514 mbk 3/16/18 171222-05 137 140 148 125 134 61 180514 mbk 3/17/18 171222-05 132 140 146 112 130 61 180514 br 3/18/18 171222-05 132 140 146 112 130 61 180514 br 3/19/18 171222-05 132 140 146 112 130 61 180514 mbk 3120/18 171222-05 132 140 146 112 130 61 180514 mbk 3/21/18 171222-05 134 140 148 116 130 61 180514 sf 3/22/18 171222-05 135 146 148 116 130 61 180514 mbk 3/23/18 171222-05 132 140 144 114 130 61 180514 sf 3/24/18 171222-05 132 140 144 112 130 61 180514 rf 3/25/18 171222-05 131 140 144 108 130 61 180514 rf 3/26/18 171222-05 131 140 144 108 130 61 180514 mbk 3/27/18 171222-05 131 140 144 108 130 61 180514 mbk 3/28/18 171222-05 131 140 144 108 130 61 180514 mbk 3/29/18 171222-05 131 140 144 108 130 61 180514 mbk 3/30/18 171222-05 131 140 144 108 130 61 180514 rf 3/31/18 171222-05 128 140 146 94 130 61 180514 br 4/1/18 171222-05 127 140 145 94 130 61 180514 br 4/2/18 171222-05 127 140 145 94 130 61 180514 rf 4/3/18 171222-05 127 140 145 94 130 61 180514 mbk 4/4/18 171222-05 127 140 145 94 130 61 180514 mbk 4/5/18 171222-05 127 140 145 94 130 61 180514 mbk 4/6118 171222-05 127 140 145 94 130 61 180514 mbk 417/18 171222-05 127 140 145 94 130 61 180514 mbk 5/24/18 180523-08 182 182 182 180 184 62 180827 mbk 5/25/18 180523-08 182 182 182 180 184 62 180827 mbk 5/26/18 180523-08 183 182 184 182 184 62 180827 br 5/27/18 180523-08 183 178 184 180 188 62 180827 br 5/28/18 180523-08 184 180 184 180 190 62 180827 br 5/29/18 180523-08 179 176 182 175 182 62 180827 ws 5/30/18 180523-08 179 176 182 175 182 62 180827 ws 5/31/18 180523-08 178 176 182 175 180 62 180827 ws 6/1/18 180523-08 176 174 180 168 180 62 180827 ws 6/2/18 180523-08 176 175 180 168 180 62 180827 gw 6/3/18 180523-08 176 175 180 168 180 62 180827 gw 6/4/18 180523-08 176 175 180 168 180 62 180827 ws 6/5/18 180523-08 176 175 180 168 180 62 180827 ws 6/6/18 180523-08 176 175 180 168 180 62 180827 ws 6/7/18 180523-08 176 175 180 168 180 62 180827 ws 6/8/18 180523-08 164 164 174 148 168 62 180827 ws 6/9/18 180523-08 162 162 174 144 168 62 180827 br 6/10/18 180523-08 161 161 172 144 167 62 180827 br 6/11/18 180523-08 161 161 172 144 167 62 180827 ws 6/12/18 180523-08 161 161 172 144 167 62 180827 ws 6/13/18 180523-08 161 161 172 144 167 62 180827 ws 6/14/18 180523-08 161 161 172 144 167 62 180827 ws 6115/18 180523-08 159 158 170 144 165 62 180827 ws DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 685 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average I emp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 6/16/18 180523-08 157 158 168 140 162 62 180827 rf 6/17/18 180523-08 158 158 170 140 162 62 180827 rf 6/18/18 180523-08 158 158 170 140 162 62 180827 ws 6/19/18 180523-08 158 158 170 140 162 62 180827 ws 6/20/18 180523-08 158 158 170 140 162 62 180827 ws 6/21/18 180523-08 158 158 170 140 162 62 180827 ws 6/22/18 180523-08 155 155 168 140 158 62 180827 ws 6/23/18 180523-08 154 154 164 140 156 62 180827 br 6/24/18 180523-08 154 156 164 140 156 62 180827 br 6/25/18 180523-08 154 156 164 140 156 62 180827 ws 6/26/18 180523-08 154 156 164 140 156 62 180827 ws 6/27/18 180523-08 154 156 164 140 156 62 180827 ws 6/28/18 180523-08 154 155 164 140 156 62 180827 ws 6/29/18 180523-08 154 155 164 140 156 62 180827 ws 6/30/18 180523-08 154 155 164 140 156 62 180827 gw 7/1/18 180523-08 154 156 164 140 156 62 180827 gw 7/2/18 180523-08 154 156 164 140 156 62 180827 mbk 7/3/18 180523-08 154 156 164 140 156 62 180827 ws 7/4/18 180523-08 151 152 160 140 152 62 180827 br 7/5/18 180523-08 151 152 160 140 150 62 180827 sf 7/6/18 180523-08 151 154 158 142 150 62 180827 sf 7/7/18 180523-08 150 148 158 140 152 62 180827 br 7/8/18 180523-08 150 150 158 140 152 62 180827 br 5/24/18 180523-07 180 190 176 162 190 62 180827 mbk 5/25/18 180523-07 180 190 177 162 191 62 180827 mbk 5/26/18 180523-07 183 190 185 166 192 62 180827 br 5/27/18 180523-07 186 192 188 170 194 62 180827 br 5/28/18 180523-07 186 192 188 172 192 62 180827 br 5/29/18 180523-07 188 190 190 176 195 62 180827 ws 5/30/18 180523-07 188 190 190 176 195 62 180827 ws 5/31/18 180523-07 188 190 190 176 195 62 180827 ws 6/1/18 180523-07 188 190 192 176 195 62 180827 ws 6/2/18 180523-07 188 190 192 176 193 62 180827 w 6/3/18 180523-07 187 190 190 176 193 62 180827 gw 6/4/18 180523-07 187 190 190 176 192 62 180827 ws 6/5/18 180523-07 187 190 190 176 192 62 180827 ws 6/6/18 180523-07 187 190 190 176 192 62 180827 ws 6/7/18 180523-07 187 190 190 176 192 62 180827 ws 6/8/18 180523-07 185 185 190 172 192 62 180827 ws 6/9/18 180523-07 184 185 190 170 192 62 180827 br 6/10/18 180523-07 184 185 190 170 192 62 180827 br 6/11/18 180523-07 184 185 190 170 192 62 180827 ws 6/12/18 180523-07 184 185 190 170 192 62 180827 ws 6/13/18 180523-07 184 185 190 170 192 62 180827 ws 6/14/18 180523-07 184 185 190 170 192 62 180827 ws 6/15/18 180523-07 182 182 190 165 190 62 180827 ws 6/16/18 180523-07 181 180 190 162 .192 62 180827 rf 6/17/18 180523-07 182 180 190 164 192 62 180827 rf 6/18/18 180523-07 182 180 190 164 192 62 180827 ws DAILY TEMPS. As Page 686 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT, DATE PILE # Average I emp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 6/19/18 180523-07 182 180 190 164 192 62 180827 ws 6/20/18 180523-07 182 180 190 164 192 62 180827 ws 6/21/18 180523-07 182 180 190 164 192 62 180827 ws 6/22/18 180523-07 182 180 190 164 192 62 180827 ws 6/23/18 180523-07 181 180 188 1 164 190 62 180827 br 6/24/18 180523-07 181 180 188 164 190 62 180827 br 6/25/18 180523-07 181 180 188 164 190 62 180827 ws 6/26/18 180523-07 180 180 186 164 190 62 180827 ws 6/27/18 180523-07 180 180 186 164 190 62 180827 ws 6/28/18 180523-07 180 180 184 164 190 62 180827 ws 6/29/18 180523-07 180 180 184 164 190 62 180827 ws 6/30/18 180523-07 180 180 184 164 190 62 180827 gw 7/1/18 180523-07 180 180 184 165 190 62 180827 gw 7/2/18 180523-07 180 180 184 165 190 62 180827 ws 7/3/18 180523-07 180 180 184 165 190 62 180827 ws 7/4/18 180523-07 175 176 180 150 192 62 180827 br 7/5/18 180523-07 174 170 180 158 188 62 180827 sf 7/6/18 180523-07 176 174 176 160 192 62 180827 sf 7/7/18 180523-07 172 176 180 140 190 62 180827 br 7/8/18 180523-07 172 176 180 142 190 62 180827 br 5/24/18 180523-06 147 148 162 150 128 62 180827 mbk 5/25/18 180523-06 147 148 162 150 128 62 180827 mbk 5/26/18 180523-06 158 170 168 136 158 62 180827 br 5/27/18 180523-06 161 175 168 140 160 62 180827 br 5/28/18 180523-06 163 178 170 142 160 62 180827 br 5/29/18 180523-06 161 180 165 140 160 62 180827 ws 5/30/18 180523-06 161 180 165 140 160 62 180827 ws 5/31/18 180523-06 161 180 165 140 160 62 180827 ws 611/18 180523-06 156 180 160 132 152 62 180827 ws 6/2/18 180523-06 161 180 165 140 160 62 180827 w 6/3/18 180523-06 161 180 165 140 160 62 180827 gw 6/4/18 180523-06 161 180 165 140 160 62 180827 ws 6/5/18 180523-06 161 180 165 140 160 62 180827 ws 6/6/18 180523-06 161 180 165 140 160 62 180827 ws 6/7/18 180523-06 161 180 165 140 160 62 180827 ws 6/8/18 180523-06 153 170 165 132 145 62 180827 ws 6/9/18 180523-06 149 168 148 134 144 62 180827 br 6/10/18 180523-06 147 166 146 136 140 62 180827 br 6/11/18 180523-06 155 166 176 136 140 62 180827 ws 6/12/18 180523-06 155 166 176 136 140 62 180827 ws 6/13/18 180523-06 155 166 176 136 140 62 180827 ws 6/14/18 180523-06 155 166 176 136 140 62 180827 ws 6/15/18 180523-06 150 160 176 125 140 62 180827 ws 6/16/18 180523-06 141 160 145 120 140 62 180827 rf 6/17/18 180523-06 154 160 192 122 140 62 180827 rf 6/18/18 180523-06 141 160 140 122 140 62 180827 ws 6/19/18 180523-06 141 160 140 122 140 62 180827 ws 6/20/18 180523-06 141 160 140 122 140 62 180827 ws 6121118 180523-06 141 160 140 122 140 62 180827 ws DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 687 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average Temp LOCV LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 6/22/18 180523-06 138 156 140 120 136 62 180827 ws 6/23/18 180523-06 138 154 142 120 135 62 180827 br 6/24/18 180523-06 138 154 142 120 134 62 180827 br 6/25/18 180523-06 138 154 142 120 134 62 180827 ws 6/26/18 180523-06 138 154 142 1 120 134 62 180827 ws 6/27/18 180523-06 138 154 142 120 134 62 180827 ws 6/28/18 180523-06 138 154 142 120 134 62 180827 ws 6/29/18 180523-06 143 154 142 120 154 62 180827 ws 6/30/18 180523-06 143 154 142 120 154 62 180827 ew 7/1/18 180523-06 143 154 142 120 154 62 180827 ew 7/2/18 180523-06 143 154 142 120 154 62 180827 ws 7/3/18 180523-06 137 154 142 120 132 62 180827 ws 7/4/18 180523-06 139 154 150 120 132 62 180827 br 7/5/18 180523-06 136 150 142 120 132 62 180827 sf 7/6/18 180523-06 138 152 142 122 134 62 180827 sf 7/7/18 180523-06 134 147 140 118 132 62 180827 br 7/8/18 180523-06 135 150 140 118 132 62 180827 br 5/24/18 180523-05 112 110 110 122 104 62 180827 mbk 5/25/18 180523-05 116 115 112 129 107 62 180827 mbk 5/26/18 180523-05 144 140 144 152 138 62 180827 br 5/27/18 180523-05 154 155 150 156 154 62 180827 br 5/28/18 180523-05 157 158 154 156 160 62 180827 br 5/29/18 180523-05 162 168 155 155 168 62 180827 ws 5/30/18 180523-05 162 168 155 155 168 62 180827 ws 5/31/18 180523-05 162 168 155 155 168 62 180827 ws 6/1/18 180523-05 160 168 154 150 168 62 180827 ws 6/2/18 180523-05 160 168 155 150 168 62 180827 gw 6/3/18 180523-05 160 168 155 150 168 62 180827 gw 6/4/18 180523-05 160 168 155 150 168 62 180827 ws 6l5/18 180523-05 160 168 155 150 168 62 180827 ws 6/6/18 180523-05 160 168 155 150 168 62 180827 ws 6/7/18 180523-05 160 168 155 150 168 62 180827 ws 6/8/18 180523-05 151 156 145 144 158 62 180827 ws 6/9/18 180523-05 149 156 144 141 156 62 180827 br 6/10/18 180523-05 148 154 144 141 154 62 180827 br 6/11/18 180523-05 148 154 144 141 154 62 180827 ws 6/12/18 180523-05 148 154 144 141 154 62 180827 ws 6/13/18 180523-05 150 152 144 141 164 62 180827 ws 6/14/18 180523-05 150 152 144 141 164 62 180827 ws 6/15/18 180523-05 146 150 144 138 152 62 180827 ws 6/16/18 180523-05 146 150 142 138 152 62 180827 rf 6/17/18 180523-05 145 150 140 138 150 62 180827 rf 6/18/18 180523-05 145 150 140 138 150 62 180827 ws 6/19/18 180523-05 145 150 140 138 150 62 180827 ws 6/20/18 180523-05 145 150 140 138 150 62 180827 ws 6/21/18 180523-05 145 150 140 138 150 62 180827 ws 6/22/18 180523-05 144 150 140 136 150 62 180827 ws 6/23/18 180523-05 144 148 142 136 150 62 180827 br 6/24/18 180523-05 144 148 1 142 135 150 62 180827 br DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 688 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT, DATE PILE # Average Temp LOCAII LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 6/25/18 180523-05 144 148 142 135 150 62 180827 ws 6/26/18 180523-05 144 148 142 135 150 62 180827 ws 6/27/18 180523-05 144 148 142 135 150 62 180827 ws 6/28/18 180523-05 142 140 142 135 150 62 180827 ws 6/29/18 180523-05 142 140 142 135 152 62 180827 ws 6/30/18 180523-05 142 140 142 135 152 62 180827 gw 7/1/18 180523-05 144 148 142 135 152 62 180827 gw 7/2/18 180523-05 144 148 142 135 152 62 180827 ws 7/3/18 180523-05 144 148 142 135 152 62 180827 ws 7/4/18 180523-05 143 146 140 135 150 62 180827 br 7/5/18 180523-05 144 148 142 136 150 62 180827 sf 7/6/18 180523-05 143 146 140 134 150 62 180827 sf 7/7/18 180523-05 143 146 140 136 150 62 180827 br 7/8/18 180523-05 143 146 140 136 150 62 180827 br 5/24/18 180523-04 149 158 154 128 154 62 180827 mbk 5/25/18 180523-04 150 158 155 129 157 62 180827 mbk 5/26/18 180523-04 161 170 168 144 162 62 180827 br 5/27/18 180523-04 164 172 172 146 166 62 180827 br 5/28/18 180523-04 164 172 172 144 166 62 180827 br 5129/18 180523-04 166 174 175 148 166 62 180827 ws 5/30/18 180523-04 166 174 175 148 166 62 180827 ws 5/31/18 180523-04 166 174 175 148 165 62 180827 ws 6/1/18 180523-04 163 170 172 145 164 62 180827 t ws 6/2/18 180523-04 163 170 172 145 164 62 180827 gw 6/3/18 180523-04 163 170 172 145 164 62 180827 gw 6/4/18 180523-04 163 170 172 145 164 62 180827 ws 6/5/18 180523-04 163 170 172 145 164 62 180827 ws 6/6/18 180523-04 163 170 172 145 164 62 180827 ws 617/18 180523-04 163 170 172 145 164 62 180827 ws 6/8/18 180523-04 154 160 162 140 152 62 180827 ws 6/9/18 180523-04 154 160 162 140 152 62 180827 br 6/10/18 180523-04 153 158 161 140 152 62 180827 br 6/11/18 180523-04 153 158 161 140 152 62 180827 ws 6/12/18 180523-04 153 158 161 140 152 62 180827 ws 6/13/18 180523-04 153 158 161 140 152 62 180827 ws 6/14/18 180523-04 153 158 161 140 152 62 180827 ws 6/15/18 180523-04 150 155 160 136 148 62 180827 ws 6/16/18 180523-04 150 154 160 136 150 62 180827 rf 6/17/18 180523-04 150 154 160 136 150 62 180827 rf 6/18/18 180523-04 150 154 160 136 150 62 180827 ws 6/19/18 180523-04 150 154 160 136 150 62 180827 ws 6/20/18 180523-04 150 154 160 136 150 62 180827 ws 6/21/18 180523-04 150 154 160 136 150 62 180827 ws 6/22/18 180523-04 15= 155 160 135 150 62 180827 ws 6/23/18 180523-04 149 154 160 134 149 2 180827 br 6/24/18 180523-04 148 152 158 134 148 H62 180827 br DAILY TEMPS.xls Page 689 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP, TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average I emp LOCAl LOC.# 2 LOCA 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 6/28/18 180523-04 148 152 158 134 148 62 180827 ws 6/29/18 180523-04 148 152 158 134 148 62 180827 ws 6/30/18 180523-04 148 152 158 134 148 62 180827 gw 7/1/18 180523-04 148 152 158 135 148 62 180827 w 7/2/18 180523-04 148 152 158 135 148 62 180827 ws 7/3/18 180523-04 148 152 158 135 148 62 180827 ws 7/4/18 180523-04 147 152 156 135 146 62 180827 br 7/5/18 180523-04 147 152 156 136 144 62 180827 sf 7/6/18 180523-04 148 152 156 136 146 62 180827 sf 7/7118 180523-04 145 150 156 130 144 62 180827 br 7/8/18 180523-04 144 150 155 130 142 62 180827 br 7/17/18 180716-08 160 150 150 170 168 63 181023 ws 7/18/18 180716-08 167 165 155 180 168 63 181023 ws 7/19/18 180716-08 171 172 160 180 170 63 181023 ws 7/20/18 180716-08 171 172 160 180 170 63 181023 ws 7/21/18 180716-08 178 178 176 184 172 63 181023 br 7/22/18 180716-08 181 180 178 186 180 63 181023 br 7/23/18 180716-08 181 180 178 186 180 63 181023 ws 7/24/18 180716-08 181 180 178 186 180 63 181023 ws 7/25/18 180716-08 181 180 178 186 180 63 181023 ws 7/26/18 180716-08 181 180 178 186 180 63 181023 ws 7/27/18 180716-08 181 180 176 186 180 63 181023 ws 7/28/18 180716-08 181 180 176 186 180 63 181023 gw 7/29/18 180716-08 181 180 176 186 180 63 181023 gw 7/30/18 180716-08 181 180 176 186 180 63 181023 ws 7/31/18 180716-08 181 180 176 186 180 63 181023 ws 8/1/18 180716-08 181 180 176 186 180 63 181023 ws 8/2/18 180716-08 170 182 160 175 164 63 181023 ws 8/3/18 180716-08 170 182 160 175 164 63 181023 ws 8/4/18 180716-08 169 182 160 172 160 63 181023 br 8/5/18 180716-08 169 182 160 172 162 63 181023 br 8/6/18 180716-08 169 182 160 172 162 63 181023 ws 817/18 180716-08 169 182 160 172 162 63 181023 ws 8/8/18 180716-08 169 182 160 172 162 63 181023 ws 8l9/18 180716-08 169 182 160 172 162 63 181023 ws 8/10/18 180716-08 169 182 160 172 162 63 181023 ws 8/11/18 180716-08 165 182 152 170 154 63 181023 rf 8/12/18 180716-08 163 180 150 168 152 63 181023 rf 8/13/18 180716-08 163 180 150 168 152 63 181023 ws 8/14/18 180716-08 163 180 150 168 152 63 181023 ws 8/15/18 180716-08 163 180 150 168 152 63 181023 ws 8/16/18 180716-08 163 180 150 168 152 63 181023 ws 8/17/18 180716-08 160 180 148 165 148 63 181023 ws 8/18/18 180716-08 160 180 148 165 148 63 181023 rf 8/19/18 180716-08 160 180 148 165 148 63 181023 rf 8/20/18 180716-08 160 180 148 165 148 63 181023 ws 8/21/18 180716-08 160 186 148 165 148 63 181023 ws 8/22/18 180716-08 160 180 148 165 148 63 181023 ws 8/23118 180716-08 160 180 148 165 148 63 181023 ws DAILY TEMPS.xis Page 690 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # AVerage I emp LOCV LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 8/24/18 180716-08 159 180 148 162 146 63 181023 ws 8/25/18 180716-08 163 180 148 162 160 63 181023 gw 8/26/18 180716-08 163 180 148 162 160 63 181023 9w 8/27/18 180716-08 163 180 148 162 162 63 181023 ws 8/28/18 180716-08 163 180 148 162 162 63 181023 ws 8/29/18 180716-08 163 180 148 162 162 63 181023 ws 8/30/18 180716-08 163 180 148 162 162 63 181023 ws 8/31/18 180716-08 163 180 148 162 162 63 181023 ws 9/1/18 180716-08 156 174 146 160 144 63 181023 br 9/2/18 180716-08 156 174 146 160 144 63 181023 br 9/3/18 180716-08 155 172 146 160 142 63 181023 br 9/4/18 180716-08 155 172 146 160 142 63 181023 ws 9/5/18 180716-08 155 172 146 160 142 63 181023 ws 9/6/18 180716-08 155 172 146 160 142 63 181023 ws 917/18 180716-08 155 172 146 160 142 63 181023 ws 9/8/18 180716-08 154 170 146 160 140 63 181023 rf 919/18 180716-08 154 170 144 158 142 63 181023 rf 7/17/18 180716-07 129 122 130 138 125 63 181023 ws 7/18/18 180716-07 135 135 135 138 130 63 181023 ws 7/19/18 180716-07 138 140 135 140 135 63 181023 ws 7/20/18 180716-07 141 145 140 138 140 63 181023 ws 7/21/18 180716-07 145 152 146 136 144 63 181023 br 7122/18 180716-07 151 158 152 142 150 63 181023 br 7/23/18 180716-07 151 158 152 142 150 63 181023 ws 7/24/18 180716-07 151 158 152 142 150 63 181023 ws 7/25/18 180716-07 151 158 152 142 150 63 181023 ws 7/26/18 180716-07 151 158 152 142 150 63 181023 ws 7/27/18 180716-07 151 158 152 142 150 63 181023 ws 7/28/18 180716-07 151 158 152 142 150 63 181023 gw 7/29/18 180716-07 151 158 152 142 150 63 181023 gw 7/30/18 180716-07 150 158 150 142 150 63 181023 ws 7/31/18 180716-07 150 158 150 142 150 63 181023 ws 8/1/18 180716-07 152 158 158 142 150 63 181023 ws 8/2/18 180716-07 154 165 148 152 152 63 181023 ws 8/3/18 180716-07 154 165 148 152 152 63 181023 ws 814118 180716-07 154 164 148 152 150 63 181023 br 8/5/18 180716-07 154 164 148 152 150 63 181023 br 816/18 180716-07 154 164 148 152 150 63 181023 ws 8/7/18 180716-07 154 164 148 152 150 63 181023 ws 8/8/18 180716-07 154 164 148 152 150 63 181023 ws 8/9/18 180716-07 154 164 148 152 150 63 181023 ws 8/10/18 180716-07 154 164 148 152 150 63 181023 ws 8/11/18 180716-07 151 162 144 148 148 63 181023 rf 8/12/18 180716-07 150 160 144 148 148 63 181023 rf 8/13/18 180716-07 150 160 144 148 148 63 181023 ws 8/14/18 180716-07 150 160 144 148 148 63 181023 ws 8/15/18 180716-07 150 160 144 148 148 63 181023 ws 8/16/18 180716-07 150 160 144 148 148 63 181023 ws 8/17/18 180716-07 148 160 142 145 146 63 181023 ws DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 691 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # AVer8ge I emp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 8/18/18 180716-07 148 160 142 145 146 63 181023 rf 8/19/18 180716-07 148 160 142 145 146 63 181023 rf 8/20/18 180716-07 148 160 142 145 146 63 181023 ws 8/21/18 180716-07 148 160 142 145 146 63 181023 ws 8/22/18 180716-07 148 160 142 145 146 63 181023 ws 8/23/18 180716-07 148 160 142 145 146 63 181023 ws 8/24/18 180716-07 148 160 142 145 146 63 181023 ws 8/25/18 180716-07 148 160 142 145 146 63 181023 gw 8/26/18 180716-07 148 160 142 145 146 63 181023 gw 8/27/18 180716-07 148 160 142 145 146 63 181023 ws 8/28/18 180716-07 148 160 142 145 146 63 181023 ws 8/29/18 180716-07 148 160 142 145 146 63 181023 ws 8/30/18 180716-07 148 160 142 145 146 63 181023 ws 8/31/18 180716-07 148 160 142 145 146 63 181023 ws 9/1/18 180716-07 145 156 138 140 144 63 181023 br 9/2/18 180716-07 144 155 138 140 144 63 181023 br 9/3/18 180716-07 144 155 138 140 144 63 181023 br 9/4/18 180716-07 144 155 138 140 144 63 181023 ws 9/5/18 180716-07 144 155 138 140 144 63 181023 ws 9/6/18 180716-07 144 155 138 140 144 63 181023 ws 9l7/18 180716-07 144 155 138 140 144 63 181023 ws 9/8/18 180716-07 144 156 138 138 144 63 181023 rf 9/9118 180716-07 144 154 138 138 144 63 181023 rf 7/17/18 180716-06 132 120 140 145 122 63 181023 ws 7/18/18 180716-06 143 129 155 155 132 63 181023 ws 7/19/18 180716-06 149 136 165 155 140 63 181023 ws 7/20/18 180716-06 153 136 170 154 150 63 181023 ws 7/21/18 180716-06 154 136 172 152 156 63 181023 br 7/22/18 180716-06 156 138 172 152 162 63 181023 br 7/23/18 180716-06 156 138 172 152 162 63 181023 ws 7/24/18 180716-06 156 138 172 152 162 63 181023 ws 7/25/18 180716-06 156 138 172 152 162 63 181023 ws 7/26/18 180716-06 156 138 172 152 162 63 181023 ws 7/27/18 180716-06 156 138 172 152 162 63 181023 ws 7/28/18 180716-06 156 138 172 152 162 63 181023 gw 7/29/18 180716-06 156 138 172 152 162 63 181023 gw 7/30/18 180716-06 156 138 172 150 162 63 181023 ws 7/31/18 180716-06 156 138 172 150 162 63 181023 ws 8/1/18 180716-06 156 138 172 150 162 63 181023 ws 8/2118 180716-06 161 156 175 138 174 63 181023 ws 8/3/18 180716-06 161 156 175 138 174 63 181023 ws 8/4/18 180716-06 161 156 175 138 174 63 181023 br 8/5/18 180716-06 161 156 175 138 174 63 181023 br 8/6/18 180716-06 161 156 175 138 174 63 181023 ws 8/7/18 180716-06 160 156 172 138 174 63 181023 ws 8/8/18 180716-06 160 156 172 138 174 63 181023 ws 8l9/18 180716-06 160 156 172 138 174 63 181023 ws 8/10/18 180716-06 160 156 172 138 174 63 181023 ws 8/11/18 180716-06 162 156 178 138 174 63 181023 rf DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 692 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average Temp LOC V LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 8/12/18 180716-06 163 158 178 136 178 63 181023 rf 8/13/18 180716-06 163 158 178 136 178 63 181023 ws 8/14118 180716-06 163 158 178 136 178 63 181023 ws 8115/18 180716-06 163 158 178 136 178 63 181023 ws 8/16/18 180716-06 163 158 178 1 136 178 63 181023 ws 8/17/18 180716-06 160 158 172 135 174 63 181023 ws 8/18/18 180716-06 160 158 172 135 174 63 181023 rf 8/19/18 180716-06 160 158 172 135 174 63 181023 rf 8/20/18 180716-06 158 150 172 135 174 63 181023 ws 8/21/18 180716-06 158 150 172 135 174 63 181023 ws 8/22/18 180716-06 158 150 172 135 174 63 181023 ws 8/23/18 180716-06 158 150 172 135 174 63 181023 ws 8/24/18 180716-06 157 150 170 135 172 63 181023 ws 8/25/18 180716-06 157 150 170 135 172 63 181023 gw 8/26/18 180716-06 157 150 170 135 172 63 181023 gw 8/27/18 180716-06 157 150 170 135 172 63 181023 ws 8/28/18 180716-06 157 150 170 135 172 63 181023 ws 8/29/18 180716-06 157 150 170 135 172 63 181023 ws 8/30/18 180716-06 157 150 170 135 172 63 181023 ws 8/31/18 180716-06 157 150 170 135 172 63 181023 ws 9/1/18 180716-06 160 156 170 140 172 63 181023 br 9/2/18 180716-06 159 156 170 138 172 63 181023 br 9/3/18 180716-06 158 156 171 132 172 63 181023 br 9/4/18 180716-06 158 156 171 132 172 63 181023 ws 9/5/18 180716-06 158 156 171 132 172 63 181023 ws 9/6/18 180716-06 158 156 171 132 172 63 181023 ws 9/7/18 180716-06 158 156 171 132 172 63 181023 ws 9/8/18 180716-06 158 156 172 132 172 63 181023 rf 9/9/18 180716-06 158 156 170 132 172 63 181023 rf 7/17/18 180716-05 162 156 168 160 162 63 181023 ws 7/18/18 180716-05 171 164 178 170 170 63 181023 ws 7/19/18 180716-05 173 170 180 165 175 63 181023 ws 7/20/18 180716-05 171 170 180 156 176 63 181023 ws 7/21/18 180716-05 170 172 180 152 176 63 181023 br 7/22/18 180716-05 170 172 180 152 174 63 181023 br 7/23/18 180716-05 170 172 180 152 174 63 181023 ws 7/24/18 180716-05 170 172 180 152 174 63 181023 ws 7/25/18 180716-05 170 172 180 152 174 63 181023 ws 7/26/18 180716-05 170 172 180 152 174 63 181023 ws 7/27/18 180716-05 170 172 180 152 174 63 181023 ws 7/28/18 180716-05 170 172 180 152 174 63 181023 gw 7/29/18 180716-05 170 172 180 152 174 63 181023 gw 7/30/18 180716-05 170 172 180 152 174 63 181023 ws 7/31/18 180716-05 170 172 180 152 174 63 181023 ws 8/1/18 180716-05 170 172 180 152 174 63 181023 ws 8/2/18 180716-05 161 168 170 140 165 63 181023 ws 8/3/18 180716-05 161 168 170 140 165 63 181023 ws 8/4118 180716-05 160 168 170 138 164 63 181023 br 8/5/18 1 180716-05 1 160 1 168 170 138 164 63 181023 br DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 693 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # verage Temp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 8l6/18 180716-05 160 168 170 138 164 63 181023 ws 8/7/18 180716-05 160 168 170 138 164 63 181023 ws 8/8/18 180716-05 160 168 170 138 164 63 181023 ws 8/9/18 180716-05 160 168 170 138 164 63 181023 ws 8/10/18 180716-05 160 168 170 138 164 63 181023 ws 8/11/18 180716-05 158 164 168 160 140 63 181023 rf 8/12/18 180716-05 158 164 168 140 160 63 181023 rf 8/13/18 180716-05 158 164 168 140 160 63 181023 ws 8/14/18 180716-05 158 164 168 140 160 63 181023 ws 8/15/18 180716-05 158 164 168 140 160 63 181023 ws 8/16/18 180716-05 158 164 168 140 160 63 181023 ws 8/17/18 180716-05 155 160 162 138 158 63 181023 ws 8/18/18 180716-05 155 160 162 138 158 63 181023 rf 8/19/18 180716-05 155 160 162 138 158 63 181023 rf 8/20/18 180716-05 155 160 162 138 158 63 181023 ws 8/21/18 180716-05 155 160 162 138 158 63 181023 ws 8/22/18 180716-05 155 160 162 138 158 63 181023 ws 8/23/18 180716-05 155 160 162 138 158 63 181023 ws 8/24/18 180716-05 155 160 162 138 158 63 181023 ws 8/25/18 180716-05 155 160 162 138 158 63 181023 gw 8/26/18 180716-05 155 160 162 138 158 63 181023 gw 8/27/18 180716-05 155 160 162 138 158 63 181023 ws 8/28/18 180716-05 155 160 162 138 158 63 181023 ws 8/29/18 180716-05 155 160 162 138 158 63 181023 ws 8/30/18 180716-05 155 160 162 138 158 63 181023 ws 8/31/18 180716-05 155 160 162 138 158 63 181023 ws 9/1/18 180716-05 152 156 160 138 152 63 181023 br 9/2/18 180716-05 151 156 160 138 151 63 181023 br 9/3/18 180716-05 151 156 160 136 152 63 181023 br 9/4/18 180716-05 151 156 160 136 152 63 181023 ws 9/5/18 180716-05 151 156 160 136 152 63 181023 ws 9/6/18 180716-05 151 156 160 136 152 63 181023 ws 9/7/18 180716-05 151 156 160 136 152 63 181023 ws 9/8/18 180716-05 151 156 160 136 152 63 181023 rf 9/9/18 180716-05 151 156 160 136 152 63 181023 rf 10/9/18 181008-01 142 135 138 160 136 64 181211 WS 10/10/18 181008-01 142 135 138 160 136 64 181211 WS 10/11/18 181008-01 142 135 138 160 136 64 181211 WS 10/12/18 181008-01 164 160 160 175 160 64 181211 WS 10/13/18 181008-01 167 164 162 178 164 64 181211 BR 10/14/18 181008-01 172 174 166 178 170 64 181211 BR 10/15/18 181008-01 172 174 166 178 170 64 181211 WS 10/16/18 181008-01 172 174 166 178 170 64 181211 WS 10/17/18 181008-01 172 174 166 178 170 64 181211 WS 10/18/18 181008-01 172 174 167 177 171 64 181211 MBK 10/19/18 181008-01 185 200 178 180 180 64 181211 SF 10/20/18 181008-01 185 200 178 180 180 64 181211 GW 10/21/18 181008-01 185 200 178 180 180 64 181211 GW 10/ 22/18 181008-01 182 190 178 180 180 64 181211 WS DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 694 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average I emp LOCV LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP ID# 10/23/18 181008-01 182 190 178 180 180 64 181211 WS 10/24/18 181008-01 182 190 178 180 180 64 181211 WS 10/25/18 181008-01 176 190 180 152 182 64 181211 WS 10/26/18 181008-01 176 190 180 152 182 64 181211 WS 10/27/18 181008-01 173 180 178 1 152 180 64 181211 BR 10/28/18 181008-01 174 180 178 156 182 64 181211 BR 10/29/18 181008-01 174 180 178 156 182 64 181211 WS 10/30/18 181008-01 174 180 178 156 182 64 181211 WS 10/31/18 181008-01 174 180 178 156 182 64 181211 WS 11/1/18 181008-01 174 180 178 156 182 64 181211 WS 1112/18 181008-01 169 180 178 136 182 64 181211 WS 11/3/18 181008-01 #DIV/0! 64 181211 11/4/18 181008-01 #DIV/0! 64 181211 11/5/18 181008-01 162 180 178 136 152 64 181211 WS 11/6/18 181008-01 162 180 178 136 152 64 181211 WS 11/7/18 181008-01 162 180 178 136 152 64 181211 WS 11/8/18 181008-01 162 180 178 136 152 64 181211 WS 11/9/18 181008-01 162 180 178 136 152 64 181211 WS 11/10/18 181008-01 170 180 176 145 180 64 181211 BR 11/11/18 181008-01 170 180 176 144 180 64 181211 BR 10/9/2018 181008-03 161 134 170 170 170 64 181211 WS 10/10/2018 181008-03 161 134 170 170 170 64 181211 WS 10/11/2018 181008-03 161 134 170 170 170 64 181211 WS 10/12/2018 181008-03 168 158 170 170 175 64 181211 WS 10/13/2018 181008-03 167 160 168 168 172 64 181211 BR 10/14/2018 181008-03 167 166 166 164 172 64 181211 BR 10/15/2018 181008-03 168 166 166 167 172 64 181211 WS 10/16/2018 181008-03 167 166 166 164 172 64 181211 WS 10/17/2018 181008-03 167 166 166 164 172 64 181211 WS 10/18/2018 181008-03 167 166 166 163 173 64 181211 MBK 10/19/2018 181008-03 174 176 170 166 184 64 181211 SF 10/20/2018 181008-03 173 176 170 166 180 64 181211 GW 10/21/2018 181008-03 171 175 170 165 175 64 181211 GW 10/22/2018 181008-03 171 175 170 165 175 64 181211 WS 10/23/2018 181008-03 171 175 170 165 175 64 181211 WS 10/24/2018 181008-03 171 175 170 165 175 64 181211 WS 10/25/2018 181008-03 152 175 144 135 155 64 181211 WS 10/26/2018 181008-03 152 175 144 133 155 64 181211 WS 10/27/2018 181008-03 146 175 136 128 145 64 181211 BR 10/28/2018 181008-03 140 175 125 120 138 64 181211 BR 10/29/2018 181008-03 140 175 125 120 138 64 181211 WS 10/30/2018 181008-03 140 175 125 120 138 64 181211 WS 10/31/2018 181008-03 140 175 125 120 138 64 181211 WS 11/l/2018 181008-03 140 175 125 120 138 64 181211 WS 11/2/2018 181008-03 141 175 125 126 138 64 181211 WS 11/3/2018 181008-03 #DIV/0! 64 181211 1114/2018 181008-03 #DIV/0! 64 181211 1115/2018 181008-03 140 172 125 126 138 64 181211 WS 11/6/2018 181008-03 140 172 125 126 1 138 64 181211 WS J DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 695 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average Temp LOCV LOCH 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 11/7/2018 181008-03 140 172 125 126 138 64 181211 WS 11/8/2018 181008-03 140 172 125 126 138 64 181211 WS 11/9/2018 181008-03 140 172 125 126 138 64 181211 WS 11/10/2018 181008-03 141 160 136 134 134 1 64 181211 BR 11/11/2018 181008-03 142 160 136 1 135 135 64 181211 BR 10/9/2018 181008-04 174 180 166 170 180 64 181211 WS 10/10/2018 181008-04 174 180 166 170 180 64 181211 WS 10/11/2018 181008-04 174 180 166 170 180 64 181211 WS 10/12/2018 181008-04 177 184 180 162 182 64 181211 WS 10/13/2018 181008-04 175 180 180 156 185 64 181211 BR 10/14/2018 181008-04 175 182 184 150 184 64 181211 BR 10/15/2018 181008-04 175 182 184 150 184 64 181211 WS 10/16/2018 181008-04 175 182 184 150 184 64 181211 WS 10/17/2018 181008-04 175 182 184 150 184 64 181211 WS 10/18/2018 181008-04 175 181 183 151 183 64 181211 MBK 10/19/2018 181008-04 175 180 186 152 180 64 181211 SF 10/20/2018 181008-04 173 180 180 152 180 64 181211 GW 10/21/2018 181008-04 176 180 180 152 190 64 181211 GW 10/22/2018 181008-04 176 180 180 152 190 64 181211 WS 10/23/2018 181008-04 176 180 180 152 190 64 181211 WS 10/24/2018 181008-04 176 180 180 152 190 64 181211 WS 10/25/2018 181008-04 166 172 180 138 175 64 181211 WS 10/26/2018 181008-04 166 172 180 138 175 64 181211 WS 10/27/2018 181008-04 166 170 180 138 175 64 181211 BR 10/28/2018 181008-04 163 168 180 128 175 64 181211 BR 10/29/2018 181008-04 163 168 180 128 175 64 181211 WS 10/30/2018 181008-04 163 168 180 128 175 64 181211 WS 10/31/2018 181008-04 163 168 180 128 175 64 181211 WS 11/l/2018 181008-04 163 168 180 128 175 64 181211 WS 11/2/2018 181008-04 164 168 180 128 178 64 181211 WS 11/3/2018 181008-04 #DIV/0! 64 181211 11/4/2018 181008-04 #DIV/0! 64 181211 11/5/2018 181008-04 164 168 180 128 178 64 181211 WS 11/6/2018 181008-04 164 168 180 128 178 64 181211 WS 11/7/2018 181008-04 164 168 180 128 178 64 181211 WS 11/8/2018 181008-04 164 168 180 128 178 64 181211 WS 11/9/2018 181008-04 164 168 180 128 178 64 181211 WS 11/10/2018 181008-04 161 160 176 136 172 64 181211 BR 11/11/2018 181008-04 160 160 176 134 170 64 181211 BR 10/9/2018 181008-05 160 155 156 170 158 64 181211 WS 10/10/2018 181008-05 160 155 156 170 158 64 181211 WS 10/11/2018 181008-05 160 155 156 170 158 64 181211 WS 10/12/2018 181008-05 167 170 178 150 170 64 181211 WS 10/13/2018 181008-05 168 172 180 146 172 64 181211 BR 10/14/2018 181008-05 167 176 178 140 172 64 181211 BR 10/15/2018 181008-05 167 176 178 140 172 64 181211 WS 10/16/2018 181008-05 167 176 178 140 172 64 181211 WS 10/17/2018 181008-05 167 176 178 140 172 64 181211 WS l /18/2018 181008-05 167 176 177 140 173 64 181211 MBK DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 696 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average I emp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP ID# 10/19/2018 181008-05 170 178 176 148 178 64 181211 SF 10/20/2018 181008-05 170 178 177 148 178 64 181211 GW 10/21/2018 181008-05 169 178 177 145 175 64 181211 GW 10/22/2018 181008-05 176 178 177 175 175 64 181211 WS 10/23/2018 181008-05 176 178 177 175 175 64 181211 WS 10/24/2018 181008-05 176 178 177 175 175 64 181211 WS 10/25/2018 181008-05 159 178 165 140 152 64 181211 WS 10/26/2018 181008-05 159 178 165 140 152 64 181211 WS 10/27/2018 181008-05 164 178 164 140 172 64 181211 BR 10/28/2018 181008-05 163 178 164 138 172 64 181211 BR 10/29/2018 181008-05 163 178 164 138 172 64 181211 WS 10/30/2018 181008-05 163 178 164 138 172 64 181211 WS 10/31/2018 181008-05 163 178 164 138 172 64 181211 WS 11/l/2018 181008-05 163 178 164 138 172 64 181211 WS 11/2/2018 181008-05 163 178 163 138 172 64 181211 WS 11/3/2018 181008-05 #DIV/0! 64 181211 11/4/2018 181008-05 #DIV/0! 64 181211 11/5/2018 181008-05 163 178 162 138 172 64 181211 WS 11/6/2018 181008-05 163 178 162 138 172 64 181211 WS 11/7/2018 181008-05 163 178 162 138 172 64 181211 WS 1118/2018 181008-05 163 178 162 138 172 64 181211 WS 1119/2018 181008-05 163 178 162 138 172 64 181211 WS 11/10/2018 181008-05 158 172 160 132 168 64 181211 BR 11/11/2018 181008-05 157 170 160 130 168 64 181211 BR 10/9/2018 181008-06 147 138 152 154 142 64 181211 WS 10/10/2018 181008-06 147 138 152 154 142 64 181211 WS 10/11/2018 181008-06 147 138 152 154 142 64 181211 WS 10/12/2018 181008-06 159 152 167 160 156 64 181211 WS 10/13/2018 181008-06 160 154 168 158 160 64 181211 BR 10/14/2018 181008-06 161 156 170 156 162 64 181211 BR 10/15/2018 181008-06 161 156 170 156 162 64 181211 WS 10/16/2018 181008-06 161 156 170 156 162 64 181211 WS 10/17/2018 181008-06 161 156 170 156 162 64 181211 WS 10/18/2018 181008-06 160 156 168 155 161 64 181211 MBK 10/19/2018 181008-06 165 168 170 150 170 64 181211 SF 10/20/2018 181008-06 164 160 168 158 170 64 181211 GW 10/21/2018 181008-06 165 165 168 158 170 64 181211 GW 10/22/2018 181008-06 165 165 168 158 170 64 181211 WS 10/23/2018 181008-06 165 165 168 158 170 64 181211 WS 10/24/2018 181008-06 165 165 168 158 170 64 181211 WS 10/25/2018 181008-06 161 170 170 135 170 64 181211 WS 10/26/2018 181008-06 161 170 170 135 170 64 181211 WS 10/27/2018 181008-06 162 170 170 138 168 64 181211 BR 10/28/2018 181008-06 161 170 168 138 168 64 181211 BR 10/29/2018 181008-06 161 170 168 138 168 64 181211 WS 10/30/2018 181008-06 161 170 168 138 168 64 181211 WS 10/31/2018 181008-06 161 170 168 138 168 64 181211 WS 11/l/2018 181008-06 161 170 168 138 168 64 181211 WS 11/2/2018 181008-06 161 170 168 138 168 64 181211 WS DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 697 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # Average I amp LOC.#1 LOC.# 2 LOC.# 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 11/3/2018 181008-06 #DIV/0! 64 181211 11/4/2018 181008-06 #DIV/0! 64 181211 1115/2018 181008-06 161 170 168 138 168 64 181211 WS 11/612018 181008-06 161 170 168 138 168 64 181211 WS 11/7/2018 181008-06 161 170 168 1 138 168 64 181211 WS 1118/2018 181008-06 161 170 168 138 168 64 181211 WS 11/9/2018 181008-06 161 170 168 138 168 64 181211 WS 11/10/2018 181008-06 155 164 164 128 164 64 181211 BR 11/11/2018 181008-06 155 164 164 126 164 64 181211 BR 10/9/2018 181008-07 142 140 146 136 145 64 181211 WS 10/10/2018 181008-07 142 140 146 136 145 64 181211 WS 10/11/2018 181008-07 142 140 146 136 145 64 181211 WS 10/12/2018 181008-07 144 148 148 135 146 64 181211 MBK 10/13/2018 181008-07 142 148 148 134 136 64 181211 BR 10/14/2018 181008-07 144 148 148 132 146 64 181211 BR 10/15/2018 181008-07 144 148 148 132 146 64 181211 WS 10/16/2018 181008-07 144 148 148 132 146 64 181211 WS 10/17/2018 181008-07 144 148 148 132 146 64 181211 WS 10/18/2018 181008-07 144 148 148 133 147 64 181211 MBK 10/19/2018 181008-07 143 156 140 134 142 64 181211 SF 10/20/2018 181008-07 142 155 140 133 140 64 181211 GW 10/21/2018 181008-07 141 155 140 130 140 64 181211 GW 10/22/2018 181008-07 141 155 140 130 140 64 181211 WS 10/23/2018 181008-07 141 155 140 130 140 64 181211 WS 10/24/2018 181008-07 141 155 140 130 140 64 181211 WS 10/25/2018 181008-07 141 146 145 132 140 64 181211 WS 10/26/2018 181008-07 141 146 145 132 140 64 181211 WS 10/27/2018 181008-07 139 146 140 130 140 64 181211 BR 10/28/2018 181008-07 138 146 140 128 139 64 181211 BR 10/29/2018 181008-07 138 146 140 128 139 64 181211 WS 10/30/2018 181008-07 138 146 140 128 139 64 181211 WS 10/31/2018 181008-07 138 146 140 128 139 64 181211 WS 11/l/2018 181008-07 138 146 140 128 139 64 181211 WS 11/2/2018 181008-07 137 146 140 128 134 64 181211 WS 11/3/2018 181008-07 #DIV/0! 64 181211 11/4/2018 181008-07 #DIV/0! 64 181211 11/5/2018 181008-07 138 146 145 128 134 64 181211 WS 11/6/2018 181008-07 138 146 145 128 134 64 181211 WS 11/7/2018 181008-07 138 146 145 128 134 64 181211 WS 11/8/2018 181008-07 138 146 145 128 134 64 181211 WS 11/9/2018 181008-07 138 146 145 128 134 64 181211 WS 11/10/2018 181008-07 139 146 140 132 136 64 181211 BR 11/11/2018 181008-07 138 144 140 132 136 64 181211 BR 10/9/2018 181008-08 154 170 152 138 155 64 181211 WS 10/10/2018 181008-08 154 170 152 138 155 64 181211 WS 10/11/2018 181008-08 155 170 157 138 155 64 181211 WS 10/12/2018 181008-08 170 184 170 150 175 64 181211 WS 10/13/2018 181008-08 173 190 174 148 180 64 181211 BR 10/14/2018 181008-08 176 190 180 148 184 64 181211 BR DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 698 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT.• DATE PILE # Average I emp LOCV LOC.# 2 LOC* 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 10/15/2018 181008-08 176 190 180 148 184 64 181211 WS 10/16/2018 181008-08 176 190 180 148 184 64 181211 WS 10/17/2018 181008-08 176 190 180 148 184 64 181211 WS 10/18/2018 181008-08 176 190 181 149 185 64 181211 MBK 10/19/2018 181008-08 175 190 180 140 190 64 181211 SF 10/20/2018 181008-08 177 190 180 148 190 64 181211 GW 10/21/2018 181008-08 177 190 180 148 190 64 181211 GW 10/22/2018 181008-08 177 190 180 148 190 64 181211 WS 10/23/2018 181008-08 177 190 180 148 190 64 181211 WS 10/24/2018 181008-08 177 190 180 148 190 64 181211 WS 10/25/2018 181008-08 175 190 180 140 190 64 181211 WS 10/26/2018 181008-08 175 190 180 140 190 64 181211 WS 10/27/2018 181008-08 174 190 180 138 188 64 181211 BR 10/28/2018 181008-08 175 190 182 138 188 64 181211 BR 10/29/2018 181008-08 175 190 182 138 188 64 181211 WS 10/30/2018 181008-08 175 190 182 138 188 64 181211 WS 10/31/2018 181008-08 175 190 182 138 188 64 181211 WS 1111/2018 181008-08 162 140 182 138 188 64 181211 WS 11/2/2018 181008-08 162 140 182 138 188 64 181211 WS 11/3/2018 181008-08 #DIV/01 64 181211 11/4/2018 181008-08 #DIV/0! 64 181211 11/5/2018 181008-08 162 140 182 138 188 64 181211 WS 11 /6/2018 181008-08 162 140 182 138 188 64 181211 WS 11/7/2018 181008-08 162 140 182 138 188 64 181211 WS 11/8/2018 181008-08 162 140 182 138 188 64 181211 WS 11/9/2018 181008-08 162 140 182 138 188 64 181211 WS 11/10/2018 181008-08 175 192 185 134 190 64 181211 BR 11/11/2018 181008-08 175 192 185 134 190 64 181211 BR 10/9/2018 181008-10 153 160 145 172 135 64 181211 WS 10/10/2018 181008-10 153 160 145 172 135 64 181211 WS 10/11/2018 181008-10 153 160 145 172 135 64 181211 WS 10/12/2018 181008-10 159 158 160 148 170 64 181211 WS 10/13/2018 181008-10 157 164 160 135 168 64 181211 BR 10/14/2018 181008-10 154 168 156 128 164 64 181211 BR 10/15/2018 181008-10 156 168 156 135 164 64 181211 WS 10/16/2018 181008-10 156 168 156 135 164 64 181211 WS 10/17/2018 181008-10 156 168 156 135 164 64 181211 WS 10/18/2018 181008-10 155 168 155 135 162 64 181211 MBK 10/19/2018 181008-10 157 180 150 138 160 64 181211 SF 10/20/2018 181008-10 158 180 155 138 160 64 181211 GW 10/21/2018 181008-10 155 168 155 135 160 64 181211 GW 10/22/2018 181008-10 155 168 155 135 160 64 181211 WS 10/23/2018 181008-10 155 168 155 135 160 64 181211 WS 10/24/2018 181008-10 155 168 155 135 160 64 181211 WS 10/25/2018 181008-10 155 190 145 135 150 64 181211 WS 10/26/2018 181008-10 155 190 145 135 150 64 181211 WS 10/27/2018 181008-10 155 178 146 142 152 64 181211 BR 10/28/2018 181008-10 157 178 146 150 152 64 181211 BR 10/29/2018 181008-10 157 178 146 150 152 64 181211 WS 0 J DAILY TEMPS.xIs Page 699 COMPOST PILE TEMPERATURE'S ALL TEMPERATURES ARE REPORTED IN FAHRENHEIT TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. TEMP. INT. DATE PILE # AVerage I emP LOCV LOC.# 2 LOCA 3 LOC.# 4 LOC.# 5 LOC.# 6 FP# FP IN 10/30/2018 181008-10 157 178 146 150 152 64 181211 WS 10/31/2018 181008-10 157 178 146 150 152 64 181211 WS 11/1/2018 181068-10 157 178 146 150 152 64 181211 WS 11/2/2018 181008-10 157 178 146 150 152 64 181211 WS 11/3/2018 181008-10 #DIV/0! 64 181211 11/4/2018 181008-10 #DIV/0! 64 181211 11/5/2018 181008-10 157 178 146 150 152 64 181211 WS 11/6/2018 181008-10 157 178 146 150 152 64 181211 WS 11/7/2018 181008-10 157 178 146 150 152 64 181211 WS 11/8/2018 181008-10 157 178 146 150 152 64 181211 WS 11/9/2018 181008-10 157 178 146 150 152 64 181211 WS 11/10/2018 181008-10 150 180 142 134 142 64 181211 BR 11/11/2018 181008-10 149 180 140 134 142 64 181211 BR DAILY TEMPS.xls Page 700 Section 6 - Mackintosh Water Treatment Plant Residuals 2018 Annual Report Permit # WQ0021632 CLASS A ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING/ SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM WQ PERMIT #: WQ0021632 FACILITY NAME: City of Burlington - Mackintosh WTP PHONE: (336) 675-5927 COUNTY: Alamance OPERATOR: City of Burlington FACILITY TYPE (please check one): ❑ Surface Disposal (complete Part A (Source(s) and "Residual In" Volume only) and Part C) 0 Distribution and Marketing (complete Parts A, B, and C) Was the facility in operation during the past calendar year? Yes 0 No ❑ —♦ If No skip parts A, B, C and certify form below Part A*: Part B*: Month Sources(s) (include NPDES # if applicable) Volume (dry tons) Reci lent Information Amendment/ Bulking Agent Residual In Product Out Name(s) Volume (dry tons) Intended use(s) January February March April May June July August September October November December Total from FORM DMSDF (sup) 0 113.26 113.2 113.26 Totals: I Annual (dry tons): 0 113.26 113.26 1 113.26 Amendment(s) used: I Bulking Agent(s) used: * If more space is required, attach additional information sheets (FORM DMSDF (supp)): Total Number of Form DMSDF (SUPP)i I Part C Facility was compliant during the past calendar year with all conditions of the land application permit 0 Yes (including but not limited to items 1-3 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality: ❑ No ► If No, Explain in Narritive 1. All monitoring was done in accordance with the permit and reported for the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 2. All operation and maintenance requirements were compiled with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well. "1 certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." - -_--_ — .1Y/0 Signature of Permittee Date **Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .l 102 (26) Signature of Preparer** (if different from Penmittee) Date DENR FORM DMSDF (12/2006) CLASS A ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING/ SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM Supplemental Information WQ PERMIT #: WQ0021632 FACILITY NAME: City of Burlington - Mackintosh WTP PHONE: (336) 675-5927 COUNTY: Alamance OPERATOR: City of Burlington FACILITY TYPE, (please check one): ❑ Surface Disposal (complete Part A - "Month", "Source(s)" and "Residual In" columns only) 0 Distribution and Marketing (complete Parts A, and B) Part A*: Part B*: Month Sources(s) (include NPDES # if applicable) Volume (dry tons) Recipient Information Amendment/ Bulking Agent Residual In Product Out Name(s) Volume (dry tons) Intended use(s) June Mackintosh WTP 46.14 46.14 Albert Mills 46.14 Soil Amendment July Mackintosh WTP 14.57 14.57 Albert Mills 14.57 Soil Amendment July Mackintosh WTP 21.41 21.41 James Roney 21.41 Soil Amendment July Mackintosh WTP 31.14 31.14 Chapman McQueen 31.14 Soil Amendment Totals: Annual (dry tons): 0 113.26 113.26 113.26 Amendment(s) used-7- sed: Bulking Agent(s) used: * If more space is required, attach additional information sheets (FORM DMSDF (supp)): Total Number of Form DMSDF (Supp)l 1 DENR FORM DMSDF (Supp) (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM Please note that your permit may contain additional parameters to be analyzed. The parameters can be reported in FORM RSSF - B WQ Permit Number: WQ0021632 Facility Name: City of Burlington Residual Source WQ # or NPDES #: NCO083828 WWTP Name: J.D. Mackintosh Jr. WTP RPeidnal AnAvcic Data Laboratory: 1) American Testing Technologies Inc. 2) 3) 4) 5) Parameter (mg/kg) Conc. Limit m k a Sam le or Composite Date 6/6/ 18 6/28/ 18 Percent Solids (%) NA 2.24 3.59 Arsenic 75 5 5 Cadmium 85 5 5 Copper 4,300 82 28 Chromium NA 105 113 Lead 840 5 5 Mercury 57 0.2 0.2 Molybdenum 75 5 5 Nickel 420 5 5 Selenium 100 5 5 Zinc 7,500 370 190 Total Phosphorus NA 360 1110 TKN NA 11000 10920 Ammonia -Nitrogen NA 5000 4680 Nitrate and Nitrite NA 50 40 a For surface disposal facilities the ceiling concentration limits listed in this form are not applicable. Reference the individual permit for metals limits. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." �.y Signature of Preparer * Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were analyzed for over the past calendar year. Use additional forms as needed. WQ Permit Number: WQ0021632 Facility Name: City of Burlington Residual Source NPDES # or WQ#: WWTP Name: Residual Analvsis Data NCO083828 J.D. Mackintosh Jr. WTP Laboratory: 1) American Testing Technologies Inc. 2) 3) 4) 5) Parameter (mg/kg) Sample or Composite Date ---- "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Preparer * *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) Date Attach this form to the corresponding Field Loading Summary Form to be submitted in Annual Report Facility Name: City of Burlington Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual): 21.41 Permit #: WQ0021632 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503 only): n^erator: James Roney Owner: Jame Ronev Predominant Soil Series: EdC2 •es Used: 6 Acres Permitted: 0 Site #: AM014 Field #: 5 - Buffered Residual Analvsis Data (Heavy Metals and Total Phosphorus use mg/kg, % Solids use Raw Percent #): Com-' Date �!�MaL OEM � Miiiiiiiiiii [nual Heavy Metal Field Loadings (Calculated in Ibs/acre): otal 1 _� 21 3 4i 5 61 7, 8 9 101' 11', 12I DT/Ac./ ° App. n �� Event 3.57 Arsenic 0.036 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.036 Cadmium 0.036 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.036 Copper 0.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.200 Chromium 0.806 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.806 Lead 0.036 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.036 Mercury 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 Molyb- 0.036 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.036 denurn Nickel 0.036 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.036 Selenium 0.036 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.036 Zinc 1.356 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.356 Total Phos- 7.921 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 7.921 horus "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations". Z). z 4;: � 4e, Signature of Land Applier 12/12/2018 Date ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH FIELD APPLIED ON Facility Name: City of Burlington Land Owner: Jame Roney Operator: James Roney Crop 1 Name: Fescue -Pasture PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. WQ Permit #: WQ0021632 Field #: 5 -Buffered Annual Dry Tons Applied: 21.41 Site #: AM014 Predominant Soil Series: EdC2 Crop 1 Max. PAN: 122 Crop 2 Name: Acres Utilized: Acres Permitted: Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503): 0 Crop 2 Max. PAN: ° a� ALiquid Volume applied (enter one) Solids/ Cu. Yds Gallons % Solids Volume Applied per Acre (Dry Tons/Ac) Residual Sources (NPDES #, WQ#, Fert., Animal Waste, etc) Soil Cond. (Dry, Wet, Maist) Precip. Past 24 firs. a c " o �*. * m ' a * -��, " o T mg/kg z c 2. mg/kg Nitrate and Nitrite mg/kg PAN Applied (lbs/acre) Name of Crop Type Receiving Residual Application Crop 1 Crop 2 Crop 1 Crop 2 7/20 1 104000 3.59 2.595 Mackintosh D <.5" S 0.5 0.4 10920 4680 40 25.305 NA Fescue 7/27 39000 3.59 0.973 Mackintosh D <.5" S 0.5 0.4 10920 4680 40 9.489 NA Fescue 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0.000 Residuals Applications totals on FORM FSF su ( attach FORM FSF supp to this form): 0.000 0.000 TOTALS: 01 143000 As Cd Cu Cr Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P 34-794T 0.000 Lime Applied Annuallbs/acre 0.036 0.036 0.200 0.806 0.036 0.001 0.036 0.036 0.036 1.356 7.921 0 1.356 2498 Date lbs/ac Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Cumulative Ibs/ac 0.036 0.036 0.200 0.806 0.036 0.001 0.036 0.036 0.036 Permitted C. P. L. R.**** 36 1 34 1 1338 1 1 267 1 15 1 1 374 89 Permit PAN Limit 1 st/2nd Crop 122 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 1'e *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation 12/12/2018 **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/incorporation - 1.0 Signature of Land Applier Date *** Mineralization Rates: Compost -0.1, anaerobially digested -0.2, aerobically digested -0.3, raw sludge -0.4 ****C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate DENR FORM FSF (12/2006) ANNUAL METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORM* Attach this form to the corresponding Field Loading Summary Form to be submitted in Annual Report Facility Name: Permit #: erator: Acres Used: City of Burlington Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual): WQ0021632 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503 only): 41.89 Albert Mills Owner: Albert Mills Predominant Soil Series: IbB2 28 Acres Permitted: 28 Site #: AM018 Field #: 1 Residual Analvsis Data (Heavy Metals and Total Phosphorus use mg/kg, % Solids use Raw Percent #): Com- posite�. Date �. 7..t .,ho inual Heavv Metal Field Loadings (Calculated in lbs/acre): .. © ©m iMEE NEE one 1 1 1 lil i 111 1 111 1 i!1 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 t 111 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 111 l 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1! ••.- 1� 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 Ill 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 Ilf 1 111 1 1 � 1 Ill ! 111 1 111 1 ttl 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 1 1 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 t 111 1 111 1 1 1 11 1 111 1 111 1 Ill 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 1i1 1 Ill 1 111 1 !11 1 Ill t tl � 1 1 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 1 �.� 1 1 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 I tll 1 111 1 111 I ltl 1 111 ! 111 1 1 1 1 t tll 1 111 1 111 I llt 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 1 ®� 1 111 1 111 t 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 t lil 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 !11 Total Phos- phorus "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accoruance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and iprisonment for knowing violations". Z: 12/12/2018 Signature of Land Applier Date DENR FORM MFLSF (12/2006) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH FIELD APPLIED ON PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. Facility Name: City of Burlington WQ Permit #: WQ0021632 Field #: 1 Acres Utilized: 28 Land Owner: Albert Mills Annual Dry Tons Applied: 41.89 Site #: AM018 Acres Permitted: 28 Operator: Albert Mills Predominant Soil Series: IbB2 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503): 0 Crop 1 Name: Fescue -Hay Crop 1 Max. PAN: 123 Crop 2 Name: Crop 2 Max. PAN: o y a� Volume applied (enter one) Solids/ Liquid Cu. Yds Gallons % Solids Volume Applied per Acre D Tons/Ac (Dry ) Residual Sources (NPDES #, W #. Q Fert., Animal Waste, etc) SO1I Cond. (Dry' Wet' Moist) Precip. Past 24 Hrs. inches Y K "a ro o w o o ;v _ - * N' * w :v w � w * N * ° ° I'KN m !k 9 9 Z a E � o Q as o m m /k 9 9 Nitrate and Nitrite m /k 9 9 PAN Applied ( lbs/acre) Name of Crop Type Receiving Residual Application Crop l P Crop 2 P Crop I P Crop 2 P 6/28 169000 2.24 0.564 Mackintosh D <.5" S 0.5 1 0.4 11000 5000 50 5.581 NA Fescue 6/29 156000 2.24 0.520 Mackintosh D <.5" S 0.5 0.4 11000 5000 50 5.152 NA Fescue 6/30 123500 2.24 0.412 Mackintosh D <.5" S 0.5 0.4 11000 5000 50 4.079 NA Fescue 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0.000 Residuals Applications totals on FORM FSF supp ( attach FORM FSF supp to this form): 0.000 0.000 ......... .......... TOTALS: 01 4485001. As Cd Cu Cr Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P 14.812 0.000 Lime Applied Annuallbs/acre 0.015 0.015 0.245 0.314 0.015 0.001 0.015 0.015 0.015 1.107 1.077 Date Ibs/ac Prior Years Cumulative Ibs/ac 0.133 0.105 5.015 4.494 2.012 0.015 0.187 0.43 0.171 12.356 Current Cumulative lbs/ac 0.148 1 0.120 5.260 4.808 2.027 0.016 0.202 0.445 0.186 13.463 Permitted C. P. L. R.**** 36 1 34 1338 1 267 1 15 374 89 2498 Permit PAN Limit 1st/2nd Crop 123 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation 12/12/2018 **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/Incorporation - 1.0 Signature of Land Applier Date *** Mineralization Rates: Compost -0.1, anaerobially digested -0.2, aerobically digested -0.3, raw sludge -0.4 ****C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate DENR FORM FSF (12/2006) ANNUAL METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORM* Attach this form to the corresponding Field Loading Summary Form to be submitted in Annual Report Facility Name: City of Burlington Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual): Permit #: WQ0021632 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503 only): gyrator: Albert Mills Owner: Albert Mills Predominant Soil Series: Acres Used: 8.2 Acres Permitted: 8.2 Site #: AM018 Field #: 18.82 IbB2 Residual Analysis Data (Heavy Metals and Total Phosphorus use mg/kg, % Solids use Raw Percent #): Com- posite Date we 010001wou Non Total hos- orus nual Heavy Metal Field Loadings (Calculated in Ibs/acre): •. © M © E W unn E MENEM ! 1 ! 111 ! 111 1 111 1 111 ! 111 ! 111 t 111 ! 111 ! 111 ! 111 ! ! WIN M, KITITI1 1 11! 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 1 ••.• 1 • 1 Ili 1 111 1 111 1111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1111 1 • 1�: 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 tlll 1111 1111 1111 1�: 1 1 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 ! 111 1 111 1 111 1 1 1 11 t 111 1 tll 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 1!1 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 11 � 1 1 1 111 1 111 1 Ilt 1 Itl 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1111 1 1 �.� 1 1 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 1!1 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 ill 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 1!1 1 111 t 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 1 ® ••: 1 111 1 11! 1 111 1 111 1 tll 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 11! .': Total • • . ! 11! 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 1!! 1 111 1 111 1 111 1 111 ! 111 1 111 • . • "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and irisonment for knowing violations". ;.: 12/ 12/2018 Signature of Land Applier Date DENR FORM MFLSF (12/2006) Facility Name: Land Owner: Operator: ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH FIELD APPLIED ON PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. City of Burlington WQ Permit #: WQ0021632 Field #: 2 Acres Utilized: Albert Mills Annual Dry Tons Applied: 18.82 Site #: AM018 Acres Permitted: Albert Mills Predominant Soil Series: IbB2 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503): Cron 1 Name: Fescue -Pasture Crop 1 Max. PAN: 92 Crop 2 Name: Crop 2 Max. PAN: 8.2 8.2 0 ° Y ° Volume applied (enter one) Solids/ Liquid Cu. Yds Gallons % Solids Volume Applied per Acre (Dry Tons/Ac) Residual Sources (NPDF,S #, WQ#, Ferl., Animal Waste, etc) Soil Cond. (Dry' M Wet, Precip. Past 24 Hrs. inches Y v o "wY a_. * o * N *? g w * N *K 0 TKN mg/kg Z 3 o ao o g w mg/kg Nitrate and Nitrite mg/kg PAN A lied pp ( Ibs/acre) Name of Crop Type Receiving Residual Application Crop 1 Crop 2 Crop I Crop 2 6/30 45500 2.24 0.518 Mackintosh D <.5" S 0.5 0.4 11000 5000 50 5.131 NA Fescue 7/2 156000 2.24 1.777 Mackintosh D <.5" S 0.5 0.4 11000 5000 50 17.593 NA Fescue 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0.000 Residuals Applications totals on FORM FSF supp ( attach FORM FSF supp to this form): 0.000 0.000 ......... .......... TOTALs: 0 201500 :: As Cd Cu Cr Pb H Mo Ni Se Zn P 22.724 0.000 Lime A lied Annuallbs/acre 0.023 0.168 0.191 36 0.023 0.14 0.163 34 0.376 4.617 4.993 1 1338 0.482 4.939 5.421 1 0.023 3.678 3.701 267 0.001 0.016 0.017 15 0.023 0.216 0.239 1 0.023 0.565 0.588 374 0.023 0.202 0.225 1 89 1.698 12.168 13.866 1 2498 1.652 Date lbs/ac Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac Current Cumulative Ibs/ac Permitted C. P. L. R.**** Permit PAN Limit 1 st/2nd Crop 92 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure tnat qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation 12/12/2018 **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/Incorporation - 1.0 Signature of Land Applier Date *** Mineralization Rates: Compost -0.1, anaerobially digested -0.2, aerobically digested -0.3, raw sludge -0.4 ****C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate DENR FORM FSF (12/2006) Attach this form to the corresponding Field Loading Summary Form to be submitted in Annual Report Facility Name: City of Burlington Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual): 13.62 Permit #: WQ0021632 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503 only): :rator: Lonnie Thompson Owner: Chapman McQueen Predominant Soil Series: HcB es Used: 5.66 Acres Permitted: 5.66 Site #: AM 109 Field #: 2 Residual Analvsis Data (Heavy Metals and Total Phosphorus use mg/kg, % Solids use Raw Percent #): posite Date �tckCom- 6/28/1"1 Phos- 7 T I otal D17orusMENEENEENE0.0- nual Heavv Metal Field Loadings (Calculated in lbs/acre): i otal 1 _, _2- _.3. 4 1 -- 5 6 7_' $ _ 9' 10' 11 12 j H DT/Ac./ ° App. i Event 2.41 Arsenic 0.024 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 Cadmium 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 Copper 0.135 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.135 Chromiuni 0.544 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.544 Lead 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 Mercury 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 Molyb- 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 denurn Nickel 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 Selenium 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.024 Zinc 0.915 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.915 Total Phos- 5.344 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.344 horus "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility, of fines and i-prisonment for knowing violations". Signature of Land Applier 12/12/2018 Date Facility Name: Land Owner: Operator. ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH FIELD APPLIED ON PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. City of Burlington Chapman McQueen Lonnie Thompson WQ Permit #: WQ0021632 Annual Dry Tons Applied: 13.62 Predominant Soil Series: HcB Field #: 2 Acres Utilized Site #: AM109 Acres Permitted Crop 1 Name: Fescue -Hay Crop 1 Max. PAN: 169 Crop 2 Name: Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503): Crop 2 Max. PAN: 5.66 5.66 0 $, a ALiquid Volume applied (enter one) Solids/ Cu. Yds Gallons % Solids Volume Applied per Acre (Dry Tons/Ac) Residual Sources (NpDES #, WQ#, Fert., Animal Waste, etc} Soil Cond. (Dry, Wet, Moist} Precip. Past 24 Hrs. inches � d °n ` a c �. « ; �' ' " o• TKN mg/kg _Z 3 3 o -3• mg/kg Nitrate and Nitrite mg/kg PAN Applied (lbs/acre} Name of Crop Type Receiving Residual Application Crop 1 Crop 2 Crop I Crop 2 7/27 91000 3.59 2.407 Mackintosh D <•5" S 0.5 0.4 1 10920 4680 40 1 23.472 NA Fescue 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0.000 Residuals Applications totals on FORM FSF upp( attach FORM FSF sul ip to this form): 0.000 0.000 TOTALS: a 91006 As Cd Cu Cr Pb H Mo Ni Se Zn P 23.472 0.000 Lime A lied Annuallbs/acre 0.024 0.024 0.135 0.544 0.024 0.001 0.024 0.024 0.024 0.915 5.344 0.438 0.447 33.801 11.726 7.22 0.136 1.181 3.542 0.452 70.836 0A62 0.471 33.936 12.270 7.244 0.137 1.205 3.566 0.476 71.751 36 34 1 1338 1 1 267 1 15 1 374 89 2498 1 1 169 Date Ibs/ac Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac Current Cumulative lbs/ac Permitted C. P. L. R.**** Permit PAN Limit Ist/2nd Crop "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation 12/12/2018 **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/Incorporation - 1.0 Signature of Land Applier Date *** Mineralization Rates: Compost -0.1, anaerobially digested -0.2, aerobically digested -0.3, raw sludge -0.4 ****C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate DENR FORM FSF (12/2006) Attach this form to the corresponding Field Loading Summary Form to be submitted in Annual Report Facility Name: City of Burlington Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual): Permit #: WQ0021632 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503 only): --rator: Lonnie Thompson Owner: Chapman McQueen Predominant Soil Series: es Used: 6.3 Acres Permitted: 0 Site #: AM109 Field #: 17.51 HcB 1 - Buffered Residual Anal sis Data (Heavv Metals and Total Phosphorus use mg/kg, % Solids use Raw Percent #): Com- Mac Non 0 7 Total Phos- Dhorus nual Heaw Metal Field Loadings Calculated in lbs/acre : Total Phos- .. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accoraance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations". Z�fZ4;2�- Signature of Land Applier 12/12/2018 Date ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH FIELD APPLIED ON PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. Facility Name: City of Burlington Land Owner: Chapman McQueen Operator: Lonnie Thompson Crop 1 Name: Fescue -Hay WQ Permit #: WQ0021632 Annual Dry Tons Applied: 17.51 Predominant Soil Series: HcB Crop 1 Max. PAN: Field #: 1 - Buffered Acres Utilized: Site #: AM109 Acres Permitted 169 Crop 2 Name: Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503): Crop 2 Max. PAN: 6.3 0 0 0 4-• � Volume applied (enter one) Solids/ Liquid Cu. Yds Gallons % Solids Volume Applied per Acre (Dry TorWAc) Residual Sources (NPDES #, WQ#, Fert., Animal Waste, etc) Soil Cond. (Dry, Wet, Moist) Precip. Past 24 �. inches > 'a a ,�... * c m * �. o * N ` o" T N mg/k9 Z 3 3o OQ fD m• mWkg Nitrate and Nitrite mg/kg PAN Applied (lbs/acre) Name of Crop Type Receiving Residual Application Crop 1 Crop 2 Crop 1 Crop 2 7/28 117000 3.59 2.780 Mackintosh D <.5" S 0.5 1 0.4 10920 4680 1 40 27.112 NA Fescue 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0.000 Residuals Applications totals on F RMFSFsupp( attach FORM FSF supp to this form): 0.000 0.000 TOTALS: 01 117000 As Cd Cu Cr Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P 27.112 0.000 Lime Applied Annuallbs/acre 0.028 0.028 0.156 0.628 0.028 0.001 0.028 0.028 0.028 1.056 6.172 0 1.056 1 2498 Date lbs/ac Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Current Cumulative lbs/ac 0.028 0.028 0.156 0.628 0.028 0.001 0.028 0.028 0.028 Permitted C. P. L. R.**** 36 34 1338 267 15 374 89 Permit PAN Limit 1 st/2nd Crop 169 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation 12/12/2018 **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/Incorporation - 1.0 Signature of Land Applier Date *** Mineralization Rates: Compost -0.1, anaerobially digested -0.2, aerobically digested -0.3, raw sludge -0.4 ****C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate DENR FORM FSF (12/2006) CITY of NUmmeTON I.ALsOp.*Toiff smVlcgs NC Wastewater Laboratory Certification #188 336-222-5133 r sinliileidd. A[ alill:e Sample ID # date time pH date ilme ° ` analyst South WWTP Digester #2 q/ It 67oo \k.9s ke t$ a 16 b� South WWTP Digester #3 South WWTP Digester #4 East WWTP Digester #1 1$ ta((16 c,5o Mackintosh Lagoon #1 36 Mackintosh Lagoon #2 ompother rC Certified by I n ( VLF 1L� �r date �� �Q �I ?) F�v' =0 INA 06/25/2018 Amedcan Testing Technologies, Inc. City of Burlington, NC Attu: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Report No.: 06118-04 06 Enclosed are the results of the samples) submitted to our laboratory on 06/11/2018. All analyses were performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. All sample results are reported on an "as -received" wet basis unless otherwise noted. The test results meet requirements of the NELAP standards for methods listed on the laboratory's current fields of accreditation (EPA 8260, 8082, 8081, 8151, 8270, 6010, 6020, 1010, 9045, 7471, 1010, 1311, 150.1, 200.7, 200.8, and 245.1) except as noted. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis. Pursuant to NELA P, this report may not be reproduced except in full, and with written approval from the laboratory. If you have any questions please contact the laboratory manager at 330-634-9906 or via email at sainy@americantestinptechnologies.com SL- Test performed by an approved subcontract laboratory BRL- Below Reporting limit The results relate only to the items tested. ATT shall have no liability to the client or client's customer with respect to decisions or recommendations made, actions taken or courses of conduct implemented by either the client or the client's customer as a result of or based upon the Test Results. In no event shall ATT `s liability with Fespect to the Test Results exceed the amount paid to ATT by the client therefore. 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Webslte: www.AmericanTestingTechnologies.com City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 06/11/2018 Date Reported: 06/25/2018 Date Collected: 06/06/2018 Time Collected: 0930 Client ID #: Lagoon #1 Laboratory ID #: 061118-06 4b American Testing Technologies, Inc. Certificate of Analysis Parameter Result Result m Analysis Date Method Aluminum, Total 272,730 06/18/2018 6010C Arsenic, Total <5.0 06/18/2018 6010C Cadmium, Total <5.0 06/18/2018 6010C Calcium, Total 0.73 7,270 06/18/2018 6010C Chromium, Total 105 06/18/2018 6010C Copper, Total 82 06/18/2018 6010C Iron, Total 3.4 34,100 06/18/2018 6010C Lead, Total <5.0 06/18/2018 6010C Magnesium, Total 0.60 5,900 06/18/2018 6010C Manganese, Total 7,360 06/18/2018 6010C Mercury, Total <0.20 06/18/2018 7471B Molybdenum, Total <5.0 06/18/2018 6010C Phosphorus, Total 0.04 360 06/18/2018 6010C Nickel, Total <5.0 06/18/2018 6010C Potassium, Total 0.14 1,360 06/18/2018 6010C Selenium, Total <5.0 06/18/2018 6010C Sodium, Total 0.25 2,500 06/18/2018 6010C Sulfur, Total 0.87 8,700 06/18/2018 6010C Zinc, Total 370 06/18/2018 6010C Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 1.10 11,000 06/19/2018 SM4500 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.50 5,000 06/19/2018 SM-4500 Organic Nitrogen 0.60 6,000 06/19/2018 Calculation Nitrate+Nitrite- N 50 06/20/2018 SM-4500C Calcium Carbonate Equivalent 34 340,000 06/22/2018 AOAC 955.01 Total Solids 2.24 22,400 06/12/2018 SM-2540G Total Volatile Solids 62 620,000 06/12/2018 SM-2540G Moisture 97.76 06/12/2018 SM-2540G 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website: www.AmericanTestingTedhnologles.com Cnrl�f AI-1--- _- v...... —.111✓VI vuju t American Testing Technologies, Inc. A ANALYSIS REQUEST AND 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 O CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Website: www.AmericanTestingTechnologies.com Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 American Tasting Technologies, Inc. Fax: (330) 634-9907 PRQJECT� REFrRE N L4tJP PROJECT N0. (STATTEE) T LO�J T� M PAGE OF TYPEREQUIRED ANALYSIS PROJECT MANAGER r Or L�Al `i �r � f P.O. NUMBER CONTRACT NO. STANDARD REPORT DELIVERY CLIENT (SITE) CLIENT PHONE CLIENT FAX o DATE DUE EXPEDITED REPORT CLIENT NAME ` C+ • CLIENT f•MAI L � /,'I � C ry �° � lr' / t,. �Ifr, Gt.�i z m E3 k- ls.vt r 0 0 o 0 DELIVERY O DELIVERY (SURCHARGE) CLI TADDR o U iz 4 Td o (I1 DATE DUE =CIA oNUMBER OF COOLERS SUBMITTED �7 o l_ „ -- PER SHIPMENT; SAMPLE` SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Lu w ¢ �o a Z `'� NUMBER OF CONTAINERS SUBMITTED REMARKS DATE TIME ULM, i �i.�� i » 4i r 7t,t A- P T 7-77 fft+ RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE} DATE TIME LABORATORY USE ONLY RECEIVED FOR LABAO B. (SIGNATURE) DA TIME CUSTODY INTACT YES �' CUSTODY SEAL N0. A.T.T. LOG N0. LABORATORY REMARKS ! Sv .. No CD CITY OF $U$Lmem L*BoRkTmY SERVICES NC Wastewater Laboratory Certification #188 336-222-5133 5arnpleid�, A�nalj�ze+d Scrnple ID # date. time pH date time analyst South WWTP Digester #2 South WWTP Digester #3 South WWTP Digester #4 East WWTP Digester #1 Mackintosh Lagoon #1 r tea. 1�� 1t� ei-MO 51 to12QY18 1050 Mackintosh Lagoon #2 Compost Other Certified b, n datePKJ,f tK— i fop 07/20/2018 American Testing Technologies, Inc. City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Report No.: 070318-04 Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on 07/03/2018. All analyses were performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. All sample results are reported on an "as -received" wet basis unless otherwise noted. The test results meet requirements of the NELAP standards for methods listed on the laboratory's current fields of accreditation (EPA 8260, 8082, 8081, 8151, 8270, 6010, 60203 1010, 9045, 7471, 1010, 1311, 150.1, 200.7, 200.8, and 245.1) except as noted. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis. Pursuant to NELAP, this report may not be reproduced except in full, and with written approval from the laboratory. If you have any questions please contact the laboratory manager at 330-634-9906 or via email at samYcamericantestingtechnoloL-ies com .anager SL- Test performed by an approved subcontract laboratory BRL- Below Reporting limit The results relate only to the items tested. ATT shall have no liability to the client or client's customer with respect to decisions or recommendations made, actions taken or courses of conduct implemented by either the client or the client's customer as a result of or based upon the Test Results. In no event shall ATT `s liability with respect to the Test Results exceed the amount paid to ATT by the client therefore. 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 4.4320 Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website: w�vw.Amer±canTestingTechnotogies.com City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 07/03/2018 Date Reported: 07/20/2018 Date Collected: 06/28/2018 Time Collected: 0730 Client ID #: Mackintosh Lagoon #1 Laboratory ID #: 070318-04 A American Testing Technologies, Inc, Certificate of Analysis Parameter �- Result % Result m Analysis Date Method Aluminum, Total 100,280 07/17/2018 6010C Arsenic, Total <5.0 07/17/2018 6010C Cadmium, Total <5.0 07/17/2018 6010C Calcium, Total 0.72 7,190 07/17/2018 6010C Chromium, Total 113 07/17/2018 6010C Copper, Total 28 07/17/2018 6010C Iron, Total 2.09 20,890 07/17/2018 6010C Lead, Total <5.0 07/17/2018 6010C Magnesium, Total 0.19 1,880 07/17/2018 6010C Manganese, Total 3,900 07/17/2018 6010C Mercury, Total <0.20 07/17/2018 7471B Molybdenum, Total <5,0 1 07/17/2018 6010C Phosphorus, Total 0.11 1,110 07/17/2018 6010C Nickel, Total <5.0 07/17/2018 6010C Potassium, Total 0.02 190 07/17/2018 6010C Selenium, Total <5.0 07/17/2018 6010C Sodium, Total 0.13 1,290 07/17/2018 6010C Sulfur, Total 1.35 13 460 07/17/2018 6010C Zinc, Total 190 07/17/2018 6010C Total K'eldahl Nitrogen 1.09 10,920 07/19/2018 SM4500 Ammonia Nitrogen 0.47 4,680 07/19/2018 SM-4500 Organic Nitrogen 0.62 6,200 07/19/2018 Calculation Nitrate+Nitrite- N 40 07/19/2018 SM-4500C Calcium Carbonate Equivalent 42 420,000 07/18/2018 AOAC 955.01 Total Solids 3.59 35,900 07/06/2018 SM-254OG Total Volatile Solids 54 540,000 07/06/2018 SM-2540G Moisture 96.41 1 07/06/2018 SM-2540G 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Toll Free; 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 6349906 Fax: (330) 6349907 iAlebsite: www.AmericanTestiing achnologies.com Serial Number 003037 American Testing Technologies, inc, ANALYSIS REQUEST AND 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Website: www.AmericanTestingTechnologies,com American Testing Technologies, Inc. Toll Free: 877.634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 PR OA)f,F ,E}�ENC, `�'��'�f��l, ��j PROJECT NO. PROJECT L MCI MATRIX PROJECT MANAGER (STATE) P.O. NUMBER TYPE REQUIRED ANALYSIS PAGE OF �� �( CONTRACT N0. STANDARD REPORT CLIENT (SITE) CLIENT PHONE CLIENT FAX �i��✓ `�-��'� !Yj `mil ¢ DELIVERY DATE CLIENT NAME C, I CLIENT E�VIAI Grp 4 s, ! �� , ba1,p y� ktt eIe k c> > o in J DUE EXPEDITED REPORT ZtiV�t i J o DELIVERY CLI ADDR 0 0 O (SURCHARGE) (j V [ J o w N M DATE DUE_ r I f t Lain LU in m o' "' '' h ' d i' 4 i : ' I ) NUMBER OF COOLERS SUBMITTED SAMPLE o w O a _ PER SHIPMENT: DATE TIME SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION o o r S'v a cn �e z jJ{ia} ° NUMBER OF CONTAINERS SUBMITTED — REMARKS d Xr RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RE Ul5HED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE 1 TIME RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) v V Vw' ' DA7E TIME RECEIVED BY (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED FOR LABAORATORY (SIGNATURE) DA TIME CUSTODYlNTACT LABORATORY USE ONLY CUSTODY A.T.T. LABORATORY REMARKS . YES--E - ✓ T j NO SEAL NO. LOG No. r7" a Qb 02/19/2018 American Testing Technologies, Inc. City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Report No.: 013118-13_18 Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on 01/31/2018. .All analyses were performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. All sample results are reported on an "as -received" wet basis unless otherwise noted. The test results meet requirements of the NELAP standards for methods listed on the laboratory's current fields of accreditation (EPA 8260, 8082, 8081, 8151, 8270, 6010, 6020, 1010, 9045, 7471, 1010, 1311, 150.1, 200.7, 200.8, and 245.1) except as noted. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis. Pursuant to NELAP, this report may not be reproduced except in full, and with written approval from the laboratory. If you have any questions please contact the laboratory manager at 330-634-9906 or via email at sgmy@americantestiWecbnoloi4ies.com ies.com .anger SL- Test performed by an approved subcontract laboratory BRL- Below Reporting limit The results relate only to the items tested. ATT shall have no liability to the client or client's customer with respect to decisions or recommendations made, actions taken or courses of conduct implemented by either the client or the client's customer as a result of or based upon the Test Results. In no event shall ATT `s liability with respect to the Test Results exceed the amount paid to ATT by the client therefore. Page 1 of 37 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Toil Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: 1,330) 634-9907 Website: www_AmP_riranTP¢tindTN--hnnindi— Serial Number 003313 • ANALYSIS REQUEST AND 4 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD 0 American Testing Technologies, Inc. American Testing Technologies, Inc. 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Website: www.AmerlcanTestingTechnologies.corn Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 PROJECT REFERENCE y 15 (,u A� 0 1V J Ij� L PROJECT NO, PROJECT LOCAFION (STATE) 0 C MATRIX TYPE REQUIRED ANALYSIS PAGE OF PROJECT MANAGER //' i.�w' P.O. NUMBER CONTRACT N0, w M a5 w N O 6 l41 Q o g ot' CDa Uj LO a z i ^� FI t r C STANDARD REPORT DELIVERY DATE DUE EXPEDITED REPORT DELIVERY CD (SURCHARGE) DATE bUF—__ _. (SITE) <- CLIENT PHONE� CLIENT FAX CLIENT AME CLIENT E-MAIL ivl Y (Q!� IN �� IlC- CLIEMFADDRESS 0 (T -'f (: A� r ¢ t ; �. xr a .: r NUMBER OF COOLERS SUBMITTED PER SHIPMENT: a-1 .} SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OF CONTAINERS SUBMITTED REMARKS DATE (S�AMPJLE jj)-t Cd (TIME tM"/Up AT Af I� / ' O %r a 1 o ,16 poq T- 1/aWID 1106� RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RE I QUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE) ' ? f�0Ntir'A,i[iW DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE TIME LABORATORY USE ONLY RECEIVED FOR LABAOVAORY BY: (SIGNATURE�ej DATE " ,TIME ? CUSTODY INTACT YES �- No CD CUSTODY SEAL NO. A.T.T. r LOG IABORATOfiY;REMARKS . .. to 4P American Testing Technologies, Inc. City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received. 01/31/2018 Date Reported: 02/19/2018 Date Collected: 01/25/2018 Time Collected: 1100 Client ID #: Mackintosh Lagoon Laboratory ID #: 013118-18 Date of Analysis: 02/09/2018 Certificate of Analysis Metals-TCLP (EPA 1311) Parameter Results Units Regulatory Method Limits Number Arsenic <1.0 mg/L 5.0 6010C Barium <10 mg/L 100.0 6010C Cadmium <0.5 mg/L 1.0 6010C Chromium <1.0 mg/L 5.0 6010C Lead <1.0 mg/L 5.0 6010C Mercury <0.02 mg/L 0.2 7470A Selenium <0.5 mg/L 1.0 6010C Silver <1.0 mglL 5.0 6010C reviewed by: Manager Page 32 of 37 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website: www.AmericanTestineTechnoloLs—�q_rnm 4D American Testing Technoiogies, Inc. City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 01/31/2018 Date Reported: 02/19/2018 Date Collected: 01/25/2018 Time Collected: 1100 Client ID #: Mackintosh Lagoon Laboratory ID #: 013118-18 Date of Analysis: 02/09/2018 Certfficate of Analysis Volatles-TCLP (EPA 1311) Parameter Results Units Regulatory Method Limits Number Benzene <0.1 mg/L 0.5 8260B Carbon tetrachloride <0. I mg/L 0.5 8260B Chlorobenzene <0.1 mg/L 100 8260B Chloroform <0.1 mg/L 6.0 8260B 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.1 mg/L 0.5 8260B 1,1-Dichlomethene <0.1 mg/L 0.7 8260B Methyl ethyl ketone <2.0 mg/L 200 8260B Tetrachloroethene <0.1 mg/L 0.7 8260B Trichloroethene <0.1 mg/L 0.5 8260B Vinyl chloride <0.2 mg/L 0.2 8260B reviewed by: Manager Page 33 of 37 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website: www.AmericanTestin:Lrrachnolnaip--, nn ,, 4P American Testing Technologies, Inc. City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 01/31/2018 Date Reported: 02/19/2018 Date Collected: 01/25/2018 Time Collected: 1100 Client ID #: Mackintosh Lagoon Laboratory ID #: 013118-18 Date of Analysis: 02/08/2018 Certificate of Analysis BNA-TCLP (EPA 1311) Parameter Results Units Regulatory Method Limits Number 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <0.05 mg/L 7.5 8270C 2,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.05 mg/L 0.13 8270C Hexachlorobenzene <0.05 mg/L 0.13 8270C Hm=hlorobutadiene <0.05 mg/L 0.5 8270C Hexachloroethane <0.05 mg/L 3.0 8270C Nitrobenzene <0.05 mg/L 2.0 8270C Pyridine <0.05 mg/L 5.0 8270C o-Cresol <0.5 mg/L 200 8270C m,p-Cresol <0.5 mg/L 200 8270C Pentachlorophenol <0.5 mg/L 100 8270C 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol <0.5 mg/L 400 8270C 2,4,6-Trichlomphenol <0.5 mg/L 2.0 8270C reviewed by. Manager Page 34 of 37 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website: www.AmericanTestint:(Technnirnzsiac rnm 4SP American Testing Technologies, Inc. City of Burlington, NC Alta: Glenn McGirr 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 01/31/2018 Date Reported: 02/19/2018 Date Collected: 01/25/2018 Time Collected: 1100 Client ID #: Mackintosh Lagoon Laboratory ID #: 013118-18 Date of Analysis: 02/09/2018 Ceriifleate of Analvsis Pesticides-TCLP (EPA 1311) Parameter Results Units Regulatory Method Limit Number Chlordane <0.005 mg/L 0.03 8081B Endrin <0.005 mg%L 0.02 8081B Heptachlor <0.005 mg/L 0.008 8081B Heptachlor epoxide <0.005 mg/L 0.008 8081B Lindane <0.005 mg/L 0.4 8081B Methoxychlor <0.1 mg/L 10.0 8081B Toxaphene <0.1 mg/L 0.5 8081B Page 35 of 37 1350 Horne Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 Website: www.AmericanTestinprrQc-hnninaigc City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 01/31/2018 Date Reported: 02/19/2018 Date Collected: 01/25/2018 Time Collected: 1100 Client ID #: Mackintosh Lagoon Laboratory ID #: 013118-18 Date of Analysis: 02/17/2018 Herbicides-TCLP (EPA 1311) Parameter Result$ 2,4-D <1.0 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) <1.0 Final qiD American Testing Technologies, Inc. Certificate of Analysis Units Regulatory Method Limits Namber mg(L 10.0 8151A mg/L 1.0 8151A Page 36 of 37 1350 Horne Avenue Akron, OH 44310. Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax: (330) 634-9907 wahcrtp City of Burlington, NC Attn: Glenn McGirt 1302 Belmont Street Burlington, NC 27215 Date Received: 01/31/2018 Date Reported: 02/19/2018 Date Collected: 01/25/2018 Time Collected: 1100 Client ID #: Mackintosh Lagoon Laboratory ID #: 013118-18 4P American TesVng Technologies, Inc. Certificate of Analysis Parameter Results Units Method Date of Number Analysis Reactive Cyanides <0.5 nwAg 02/12/2018 Reactive Sulfides <25 mg/kg 02/12/2018 pH (Lab) 7.82 S.U. 9045D 02/01/2018 Flash point >140 OF 1010A 02/07/2018 reviewed by: Manager Page 37 of 37 1350 Home Avenue Akron, OH 44310 Toll Free: 877-634-9906 Phone: (330) 634-9906 Fax. (330) 634-9907 Wehedtw www