HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190352 Ver 1_Caldwell #115, Letter_20190320�nrm� < a�� �a� ".7 i _.�2\: �� o ���� �' �� �oJ �y��rt�. STATE O�' NORTN CAROLINA DEPARTIV�N I''OF 7'RANSPQRTAT�ON R01' C()OPER GovF�tvox �aTC�i � d, �� 19 Mr. Steve Kichefsl�. U. S. Army Cor�s of Engineers Asheville Regulatory �ield O�fice 151 Patton Avenu�, Room 20S Ashe�ille, NC 28801-5006 JAMES H. TR.QGI�ON, !II SECRE'iARY Subject: Nationwide Perznit #� Replace Brid�e �#115 on SR 13l 0 with New Bridge Caldwell County, North Carolina Project Nurnber: 17BP.11.R.X83 (DWR Permit Fee: �240) Dear Mr. Kichefski: T'he North Carolina Department of Transportation is scheduled to replace Bridge #115 with a new bridge at the sa�ne location. The existing tin�ber and steei structure is a twa span bxidge b 1' lang by 28' wide and is structurally deficient. The propo�ed bridge is a si�gle spaz� 70' lang by 36' wide. Please note that there is a UT popping up in the ditch line adjacent ta the existing stz-uciure in the sautheast quadrant. This stream heads up behind the proposed end bent locatzon so a spring bQx �rill be insiallec� ta carry this �rra�er �o the relocated ditch iine. The bridge wi11 be stage constructed to inaintain traffic on- site. Stream impa�ts: Statiot� Existing 1Vumber Structure �ize 61' lo�zg x 28' Brid�e # 1� S wide brid�e Pro�osed Structure Size 70' kong x 36' wide bxid�e Temparary D�wai�eri�tg (feet) P:��rapl Fill I�p. (%et) Tota1 �mpacts at this Statian (feef) d9atling.4ddress.• T�1C I7EPARTMSIVT Q� TRANSYO�TATION DNiSiON ll 801 STATL.SViLLE ROAll NORTH WII.KE5BOR0, NC 28659 30 (beyond RR limits) Perm. FiiVRiprap I�npacts = 66 fect Telephone: (336) G67A11 l Faz: (336} 6Ei7-454H Custumer Service: l -877-3b8-4958 Website: www.ncdot.gov 66' ., Totai Pra3ect Ixnpac#s = 96 feet Mr. Steve Kichefski Caldwell #115 March 24, 20l 4 1 The riprap total here includes all ba.nk stabiliza�ion and bank hardening associated with the new structure a�n.d x�iprap that is beyond t1�e footprint of th� existing structure and wi�ng wa11s. The replacement of the existing bridge with the proposed new bridge will arequire temporary dewatering during riprap installation. Impervious dikes wili be canstructed adjacent to the propased impact axeas to isalate �he wark areas. Any dirty water located in�ide the cnnstruction areas will be pumped into a silt bag if necessary. Once the new bank stabilization is in place, the impervious dikes will be rernov�d and preconstruction streanabed elevations will be restared. Consiruction of this project wi�ll require impacts to waters of the United States in the Catawba River Basin. The e�isting bridge crosses Greasy Creek {Class: C) and is �aot located in a traut watershed. Thi�s project does nat drain ta designated critical habita�. This project was reviewed for the presence of tlireatened and endangered species in the field and I have alsa inc�uded a query af t�e NCNHP database. Based on the project area mapped with my request, the databa.se search indicates that there are no records for threatened or endangered species, importatit natural communities, natuxal areas, or conservation/managed areas within the propased project boundary. There will be approximately 0.1 acres of tree cutting at the project location due to cut and fill work. The NLEB is listed as a protected species in #his county but this bridge does nat fail withi,n one of the red HUCs ideniified in the SLOPES spelled nut in the Nationwide Perzx�it Regional Conditions. We do not anticipate any impact to any other federally listed species. Cuifural resource corri�liance work has bee� compieted. No archaeological resources or historic properties will be affected by this project (see attached). The project impacts are not significant in nature and should not remove or degrade existing water quality uses. Stormwater wi�ll be rauted fhrough grass or rock lined ditches, depenc�ing on Yhe ditch line slope. Pipe sizes used will be the minirnum necessary to create a safe raadway. By utilizing �he erosion cantrol m�easures outlined in the attachments to this application, downstream water quality standards will be protec#ed. All appropriate BMPs will be used during construction. By copy of tl�is electronic Ietter, it is requested that the Division of Waier Resources, 401/Wetlands Unrt, issue the appropriate permit for construction of this project. It is requested that any comments related to the 401 certification be electronically forwarded directly to zne with a capy sent to the US Army Corps of Engineers. We would like to begin canstructian as soon as possible. If further ix�ormatian is required, please let me know. Your eariy review and cansideration will be appreciated. Mr. Steve Kichefski Caldwell # 115 Marck 20, 2019 Sincerely, ���',�iG�' _. Heath Slaugt�ter Project Manager Enclosures cc: Amy Chapman, Division of Water Resources Dave Wanucl�a, Divisian of Water Resources JQe Laws, PE, Divi�ion Bridge Program Manager Todd Hiatt, PE, Roadside Environmental Fieid Operations Engineer