HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000156_MONITORING INFO_20181217--STORMVfrATER-DIVISCON-CODING-SHEET- PERMIT NO. NCS 0�� , b DOC TYPE ❑FINAL PERMIT l� MONITORING INFO ❑ APPLICATION ❑ COMPLIANCE ❑ OTHER DOC DATE ❑ Z�I S IZI� YYYYMMDD Ilexion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT' Certificate of Coverage No,: NCSOOO156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: 1'. Busovne Certified 1.ahnrutnries:iifWif nmcntal Chemists r W I uh [D, gq Environmental Testing Solutions,jnc. _Lob Ill; _37 _ ANAIXI'ICAL RESULTS 00530 (10310 00340 00610 00625 00630 00665 77985 50060 71810 01"2 olm 01051 DOW law(u) TGA3it Outfall Dale m61dd 'r TSS m 1101) m COD m NII3 m TKN m 403+NO2 m 'rural Phosphors mgll )Methanol mall TRC m Ifeaamine mall Formaldehyde mgl 'total Copper mall Total %ire mall Total l eall mall Non -Polar O&G mph pFl 6,4. Acute Toxicity 1.C50 003.Ory Projects November 11/0 (xw-11010 NRYemher n/a rW-Thick 1'Rnil Nnvember wa g0°LMaint. Sho November Slla STORM IsVEN'I'CIIALtAC'1'1,:RIS'I'ICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.):= Permit Sampling Period:�4 Now No qualiftng rain event CE,11TIFICATION 44A'I'01ENT 11 Ihi 'i tm 1 certil' s report is accurate and complete to the hest of -my knowledge j Company Information flexion f / 333 Neils Eddy Road gnaiure ofllertnit4 or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910) 655-2263 GX'1.2757 hfL14 t 9 z a r Prim ame find Title Submit I (original) Norm AT-1 (no DNIR) to: NC DHNR/DWQ!Fnvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy l)hllt (original) and Form ATA to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DhIR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 RECEIVED DEC 31 2010 DENR-LAND QUALITY STORMWATER PERMITTING w i K0 flexion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina I'm,onnel Collecting Samples: 11. 13usovne Certified l.ahomtories:lfinvironmental Chemists Lnb [Q; 94 Fnvirarimental Testing Solutions, lim _. __ Lab ID; 37 _ ANALN71C*,L RESULTS MUC 00310 1 00340 00610 06625 00630 00665 77395 50060 71880 01042 01092 1 01051 00556 00400 TGA3E3 01II(alt (fate moldd/ r tS5 111WI FIOP nigit COD u, I N113 r11PA TKN n1 NO3+NO2 '1110 Total Phorphorin MR4 Melhonol m I TRC m 11flamine "IgAl fnrmalarhyde m Total Capper m 1,0I41 7.inr m 7,01a1 Lend nrnll Non -Polar O&G mAA 1111 s.o, Acute Tax1rhy Lf;Stl 001d)ryProjects 10l26l2018 7,5n 100 5.1.00 45.30 18.9 4.83 0.73 <5 0009 <25 0618 00070 0015 <n.0{0 <5 664 1141 004-ttC110 t 10/26/2018 37.00 >37 360.0 4.30 1 56.7 1 26.70 0.2 <5 0 111 1 8,940 00540 0,27 <n.OSO 1 <5 6.15 1 nra MI -Duck Yard IOf2UM9 1400 9 00 d 1, 00 690 10 2 0,90 025 <5 0.016 <23 0,767 <0.007 0 03 <0 0l0 <5 6.95 n/a D04-Mairn. Shop 10.2612018 5.10 1 3,00 2400 060 1 1.3 1 0,700 0,1 <5 0 125 0,192 00080 0,113 <0010 <5 7,0B 1 n1a STORM F:1'IsN'T' (:IIARACrEHIS'1'IC3 "Total livent Precipitation tins.): OliS Permit Sampling Period:= Now: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT 13y 11 is sibnulure, I c tify this repon is nceurate and camplele to the hest of my knowledge. �--- N, 2 6 J I E, Sig aturc of I'ennin - or Designee Date jLa►V�ca � �c� �r� _____ Print Name and Title Submit I (original) form AT-1 Inn DNIR) to: NC DE3NR/DWQJ_nvironmenta1 Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Censer Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 REG b (/ l�`cd Snbmlt py-�D.3 Inrigiunl) anti Form A"1'-1 to; Division of Water Quality �� 2018Water Quality Section Alin: Central Files `N ��!`')_ . :, 1617 Mail Service Center . -1 DWR � Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 C:ompnny Information Submit I copy nNIR (Copy) and form AT-1 to: I lexion Stormwaier Permitling Unit 333 Neils Eddy Road Division or Water Quality Riegelwood, NC 28456 Ih 17 Mnil Service Center fyl0) 655-2263 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 GX'r 2757 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne Curtified Lahorawries: l nvirnnmental Chemists F11vironmentAI TCsting Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RE?SULTS Flexion — STORM WA'IERSANIPHNC RBPOWl' Certificate of Coveruge No.: NCS000156 Columhus Counly, North Carolina Lab 113: 94 , I.ah Ili: 37 00530 00310 00340 00610 00625 00630 0"65 77915 $0060 71890 (11042 61002 111051 141156 00400 TGA311 Oo1Gt11 Uale u1aldd! r 'I -SS in 1101) 1a C01) n1 N113 11,W1 '1'KN maA NO3*N112 "IRA '1'Olal I'hesphunu LN3R4 5lttharlot 11,fill 'I'RC 111 IlraNlnine nrryl Fornsuldrhyde mKA TO(al (upptr m TOW 'Line 'I'»rat l.efd mrlrl Non -Polar O&G. ur p11 f.u. Acute 'I'usiriq LC30 00l-Dry Projects Sept nla 004-1 IC114) Sells I nla 006-Duck P,nul Sept n/a 009-Maint. Shup Sr» 11/a ST010I L%TN9'Cl1ARAURRISTICS Total livens Precipitation tins.):= Perinit Sampling 1'eriod:= Now No Qualifying Ruin event CF-R'I'ENICATION STA'1'F .LENT 13y tEre. I ceni th report is accurate and complete to the hest of my knowledge. Sign Lure of Permince hr Designee Date '4ri PL4 tit rvn- I'rint Name and Tifle Submil I lariginal) farm AT-1 (no DNIR) to: NC DENRA)WQ/linviruruncnlal Sciences Section C I � ` 1621 Mail Service Center DRuleigh, NC 27699-1621 NO y 13 r� Submit I copy DMR luriginal) and Form AT-1 in: Division of Water Quulity CENr��ti� Water Quality Section ❑�/�/ 7 FILES Attn: Central Files SECrIp?�f 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Company Information Suhmit I copy DNIlt (copy) and Form AT-1 lo: Ilcxiun Stormwater Permitting Unit 333 Neils Liddy Knad Division ol' Water Quality Riegelwood, NC 28456 1617 Mail Service Center (910) 655-2263 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 GXT 2757 Personnel Collecting Samples P. llusovnc Cenilied Labaraturics', Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALV11CAL RESULTS I1esiorr—STORN1 WATER SAMPLING REPORT Cerlilicule urCuveruge No.: NCS(KI0156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab IQ: 94 Lan ID: 37 RECEIVED NOV 01 2018 CEN , rkAL FILES DWR SECTION OOS30 00310 OUS40 (10610 00625 011630 00665 77115 500" 115YU 01U42 01092 014151 00556 U0400 TCA311 Dull''all Ilfire mulddr yr 'I SS n1 1 u(JI) II C01) ns N113 nI '1'KN m NO3-N(12 ns t 7'olrl phmphonn m l N1elhmnwl ma11 'I KC nr i1examim ❑s It h'ury,pWehyde sa 'fatal Copper ni I 1r01.1 Zinc m 'l'utal Lead m n Nun-Pulµr {).%{; m t pll 11.x. Acute 'rosicily LC50 003•Rryprojecu MUM)Itl 9NO 700 55.00 6.20 67 7.7.1 057 <5 00t9 <25 09S5 00300 0036 1001 <5 60 nla 004-)ICI II1 tl28211IH 7.(.0 i50 8t.0 4,70 IIA 551 02l -=5 1 0025 1 <25 <0050 1 0.2300 059 c001 1 <5 689 I a (H)6•1)uck l,mui s28ROta 7600 11'(4 11901Y 2.90 1 69 0.35 1179 <5 O01tl r25 -005U <0007 0.027 10(110 <5 614 Wu 009-MAin1. S(w 812tl261tl 4011 3.00 20 UU 0.3p 1,0 fl.540 015 <5 0032 <25 0207 t0007 00511 �0010 <5 6.80 Itla STORM F:1'1 N'C(:11A1{A[:I'F:RISi'ICS "Total Event Plecipitution(ins-)', 0.37 Permit Sampling Period:= Note: No Qualifying Ruin event f.ER'I'IFit 'ATION STATEMENT Ily this signature, 1 certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. /4/614� 'Q 2q Ibs Company Information llcxiun 333 Ncils Pddy Road Si na e U pe iltce or Ih:signee )ate Riegelwood, NC 28456 fi I'rin No and "]'isle (916)655-2263 EXT 2757 Submit 1 luriginal) Form AT-1 (nu I)MR) Io: NC DI- NIUDWQIIinvirontncnlal Sciences Scelio" 1621 Mail Service Center Ruleigh, NC 27699-1621 Subrnil 1 copy UNIR (uriginal) and Form AT-1 l0: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attw Central Files 1617 Mail Service Censer I[aleiglt, NC 27699.1617 Submit I copy UN1R (copy) and Furm AT -I for Slormwater permitting Unit Division ol' Watel Quality 1617 Moil Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Ilexion— STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Covernge No.: NCS4NNil56 Columbus County, North Carolina I'ersonnel Collecting Samples: 1'. Busovne__ _ Certified Laboratories:lEnvironmental Chemists - � �I nb ID; 94 1:nvironmental:TestingSo[diions, Inc:;; Lab ID; _-. ANALYTICAL HESI11 1'S RFr'F=I\/F ] C.�r 07 2013 DENR-LAND QUALITY STORMWATER PERMITTING 00530 00310 00340 011610 410625 006311 r111665 77985 50060 71880 01042 01092 Olosl 00556 00400 TGA311 lh INH Ilatr moldd! T TSS ntvfl BOO m10 COD aigA N113 ru TKN m NO3+NO2 mpA Total Phosphors nIINI .Motional Intl! 'CRC laFfl llrtllmine nit/I pormaldthyde MO Total Copper mr l 'fatal Anc Into 'Total Lrad moll Non•l'olur O&C m III[ s.a. Acute Toxicity 1.4750 003-DryProjears 101261201E 7,50 9.00 53,00 43,30 389 4,83 0,73 <5 0.009 <25 0.618 0.0070 0035 <0010 <5 6.64 nla 004.1111110 10tW2018 37.00 >37 360.0 4.30 567 26.70 0.2 1 <5 0 111 1 8940 0.0540 0.27 <0010 <5 6.15 nfa 006-Duck Pond 10.461201E 14.00 000 41,00 6.8n 10.2 0.90 025 <5 0016 <25 0.767 <0.007 0.03 <0.010 <5 6.95 n/a W-Maira. Shop 10126/2018 5.10 3,00 1 24,00 0.60 EJ. 0.700 0,1 <5 O <25 O.t92 O.00BO 0.113 <O.om <5 7.0s n1a hSTORli !:\rENI' CIIAHACI'F;HIS"TICS Total Event Precipitation ( ins.): 0.63 Permit Sampling Period:= Note: CEsRTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, I certify this repon is accurate and complete to the hest of my knowledge. Company Information MY` AlLi)lexion I 333 Neils Liddy Road , ignature ol'Permittee oT Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910)655-2263 I:X'I' 2757 PAv�Z'v Lyqzl-i�.IXT' Prins Name and Title Submit I {nri);ina11 harm A'['-1 (no 1151 H} In: NC DI:NR/DWQ113nvirnnmenlal Sciences Section 1621 Mail Scrvicc Center Raleigh. NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy 0NIR (orikinal) and Form AT-1 t0: Division of Water Quality Water QkLality Section Attn: Central Piles 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy IMIR (copy) and harm AT-1 10: Starm%%Vcr Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Moil Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699-1617 Heiioo —STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.. NCS009156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnei Collecting Samples: P. Busavnc _ Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists , .h ID: 44 Envirnnmeeital Testing Solutions. Inc. Lab.16.. 37.: . ANALYTICAL RESULTS RSC,iti s �P 0 ��� 6 2018 sr�./VpA �Na QUAc, RP��Mir NG 0asw 00310 00"o j o66ta 9a615 0063t1 o0665 7711315 Santa 71990 01062 01092 01051 00556 W400 TGA30 ottfr.a Deer mNda r TSS m HOD m COD m N113 m TKN m NO3+NO2 m Total Phmphorus m Methanol m TAC m nexamine m Formaldefiyde m Total Copper m Total Zlnc m Tond J.eed m Non -Polar O&G ON x w Acute Toxicity 1.C50 003-Dry Projects July nfa 0"HCH0 1 Lela 006-Duck Pond July nla 009-Main. Shop Itily tv. STM%11 EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.):0 Permit Sampling Period: Note: No Qualifying Rain event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this zhm, I certify is report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. J Company InformnHon 333 Ne 333 Neils Eddy Rand Si turc of Permitteil or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655.2263 lV r f A ? EXT 2737 l•7/ �2, rvkl Print Name Lend Titlo Submit I (original) Form AT -I (no DMR) to: NC DENRIDWQIEnvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-] to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy DMR (ropy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 He:ion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne Certified Laboratories. Environmental Chemists Lab D. 94 Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Lab 1D: 37 ANALYTICAL RESULTS RECEA«r) SEP o 5 M8 CENTlwr` FILES DWR SECTION 00S3o 00310 00340 00610 W62S cow 0066s 77us saoea 71"o 01w2 01091l[,ead OQSS6 mmoo TGA313 Dutfall Date mNd r T98 m HOD m COD m NH3 m TKN m NO3+NO2 m Total Pbwphorne m Methanol m TRC m Heaamine m Formaldehyde m Told Copper m Total Zinc m A Non -Polar O&G m pH e.u, Acute Toxicity LCSo ' 003-pry Projcets July nia 004-HCHO July nix 0rt6-Dwk Pond Juiy nla 009-Meint. Shoy Juiy RIB STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Pmcipilation (ins.):= Permit Sampling Period•, =3 Note: No Qualifying Rain event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT BY t is ure, l ceniErtisaccurnkcandcoe'uempiete to thbest of my knowledge. Company information Hexion j b 333 Neils Eddy Road Si lure of Permittrior Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)653-2263 jLtu 0 Zp 0 EX'f 2757 Prin Name and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (me DMR) to: NC DENRIDWQIEnvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1621 Submit 1 copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-) to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovnrdC. Beatty Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Emrirommental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANAI_VT1CA1_ RRBIrt.TS Healon -STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina [Ab 1D: 94 Lab ID: 37 RECEIVED JUL 3 Q 2m CENTRAL RAL FILES DVVR SECTION 0053o 00310 003.0 op61a o062s ooa4a 00665 Tleas 50060 71ttao 01042 01092 atoll 0056 00400 TGA]B Ourfatl Pate mold r TSS m HOD mgA COD mg4 NH3 m T" m NO3+vO2 m l Total Phosphorus marl Methanol M&A TRC man Hexsmine mt111 Formaldehyde m TOM Capper m Total zinc m Tatty l.cnd MgA Non-Poiar O&G m pH t.U. Acute Toeieiry LC50 003-Dry 6120r2018 11.30 51.00 878.00 161.00 276.0 9.65 2.I5 <S 0 530 I8.S00 0.1980 0099 <O.Ot <S 7,39 nla 004•HCHt3 6r20r201 a 44 60 28.0 164.0 5.70 1.t, 1 10.10 031 <5 0, D69 <€0 2090. 0 0420 0 249 <0 01 <5 6.33 n/a 00&Dyck Pond 6120I2018 32.70 goo 64.00 1.90 4.9 1.83 0.44 <5 0.14 <l0 0.160 <0.007 0 025 1001 <5 7.54 n!a 009-Maint. Shop6/20/201 113.40 14 00 1 62.00 1.20 2.8 1.490 0.28 <5 0062. <10 0,273 00090 0 1 % '0 01 <5 7.44 nla STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0.72 Permit Sampling Period:= Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By s' , I c ify is upon is accurate and complete io the hest of my knowledge Company Information Hcxion 333 Neils Eddy Road ignature of Pc inee or Designer: Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 EXT 2757 Print Name and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AI'-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENRIDWQIEnvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT -I to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 flexion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovnt:rC, Beatty Certified Laboratories: Enviioatnental Chemists lab R3:' 94 Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Lab ID:,._.37-_. ANALYTICAL RESULTS 00530 a03w onus 00610 00625 0o63a tltl6as lfm 50060 ltsaa 01042 01092 blest 00556 ao4ao TGA3R Outfaa Date mold r TS9 MIA nOD m COD tog, NH3 m TKN Mill NOS.Ntri m Total Phosphorus m MethTRC m Hesamlae mz4 Forataldehyde m Total Copper m8l1 Total 71" m 1 Total Lead m Non -Polar O&G m pH La. Acute Toskiry t.C50 007-DryPmjecat 5/17/2010 3,70 12,00 31,00 1040 28.2 7,22 0.57 <5 0.029 <25 0.091 0.0190 0062 <0.01 <5 6.95 nla 004•HCHO 5117/2018 23.70 96.0 837,0 6.80 ;47,0 52.90 029 <5 0 367 15,200 0,0900 0393 <0.01 <5 6.86 n!a 006-DuckPod 5/171201/ 20.3a 900 46.00 1.10 4.5 1,57 04 <5 005 <23 0273 <0.010 0.024 <001 <5 6.52 alit 009-Maim. She 5/17/2019 13.10 5.00 46.00 1.10 L6 2,610 036 <5 0 <25 0031 0,0110 0.11 A.<Do] 1 <5 6.6t 111A STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (jns.): 0.19 Permit Sampling Period:= Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this sligmum Ice this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. jrf )? Sig atnre of Permit a or Designee Date qlaj I f YVJkT Print NaMe and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no OMR) to: NC DENR[DWQ1nvironmcnW Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1621 Submit l copy DMR (original) sod Form AT-] to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Company Information Submit t copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Hexion Stormwater Permitting Unit 333 Neils Eddy Road Division of Water Quality Riegelwood, NC 28456 1617 Mail Service Center (910) 655-2263 Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 EXT 2757 Personnel Collecting Sampler P. BusovnelC. Beatty Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Hexioa —STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Leib 1D: 94 Lab 16: 37 00534 00310 00340 00610 W623 00630 0066S 77985 51i"a 71uo 01042 oto92 olam 00556 cuoll TGA38 Outfan Date moiddtyr TS5 m BOD m COD TjF4 NH3 rugli TKN mllA NO3+NO2 mr4 Total Phosphorus MNA Methanol TRC MXA Heaamine MlF1 Formaldehyde T54 Total Copper myl Total Zinc mgA Total r.sad mall Non -Polar O&G ffigll pH 144. Acute Tonicity LC50 003-Dry Pmjocte No floe, 004•HCHO 4/2312014 33,DO 113.0 1 9270 12.50 1b60 33.60 1.04 <5 0 418 18.200 00170 0.449 <O01 <S 7.06 n!a 006-Duck Pond 4r2 MII 34.70 9.00 6200, 90 6.2 0.27 0.22 <5 0021 <5 0.719 <0.007 0,01 <0.01 <5 6.19 n!a 009-maini Shop 4123(2011 130 7.00 43,00 0.90 3,1 1 1.430 0,27 <5 0013 <5 0463 0.0150 0,08 -0,01 <5 7,02 nla STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation( ins.): 2. 55 Permit Sampling Penod:=2 Now CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this Si . I reify is report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 5/zy j [ � T anus of Perm or Designee Date [` P)ALD AA2i N � Print Name and Title Submit 1 (origiosi) Form AT -I (no DMR) to; NC DENR/DWQlEnvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center RECEIVEDRaleigh, NC 27699.1621 Submit 1 copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: J U N 01 2018 Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section CENTRAL FILES Arm: Central Files ❑viiR SECTION 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Company loformatioo Submit I copy DMR (copy) and Form AT -I to: Hexion Slormwater Permitting Unit 333 Neils Eddy Rnad Division of Water Quality Riegelwood, NC 28456 1617 Mail Service Center (910) 655-2263 Raleigh, NC 2760-1617 EXT 2757 Hexion--STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No,: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovnelC, Beatty Certified Laboratories: En`viroamentai Chzrmsta -_ Lab Ib:7 44 Environmcmat Testing Solutions, Inc, _ Lab m; 37 ANAIN'fICAI. R3;S111.TS a� OVE MAY U 8 2018 ]p 00530 003t0 00340 00610 00625 0004 00K3 T7aa3 50060 71990 01042 61092 01051 00556 0040o TGA30 Oulfall Date muldd! r TSS m ROD m COP m NH3 m TKN -wlme NO3+NO2 Total Phosphorus M#A Methanol m TUC onjo ileaamtne M54 Pormatdehyde M10 Tout Capper MgA Total Zinc mail Total Lead maA Non -Polar O&G maA pH s.u. Acute Tosictly LC50 003-Dry Prajects 3121V2018 8.30 16 N 7400 26.40 45.3 10.7u 0.43 <A a 003 34 I.710 0.0270 0.05 <o Ol [5 6.90 n/a 004•HCHO 312012019 14.40 >71 1 1470.0 13.S0 1 1820 1 1.68 04 1<S 0023 1 1120 1 17,100 1 0OQ20 1..28 <001 <5 7,14 n+a 006•Duck Pond ]!20l2019 29.30 2000. 67,00 4.70 22.7 1.6] 0.3 <5 0 036 36 0300 <0,007 0 026 <0 01 <5 6 ]7 vita DN-Maing, Shop 3l2012018 9.20 3,00 1 <20 0.90 I 1,9 1 0,170 0.1 <5 0 q0 1,170 <0.007 1 0079 <0.01 <5 668 1 n/a STORNI EVENT CHA RACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation [ins.); 1.12 Permit Sampling Period,= Now CERTIFICATION STATEMF2W By this ' tore, t ccrtity t�rt is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Si azure of Perm' ee or 13csi¢ncc Date �&XV 154zi ek"'M' Prfm Name and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENRIDWQIEnvironmental Sciences Section t621 Mail Service Center RECEIVED Raleigh, NC 27699.1621 MAY 15 2018 Submit I copy DM toriginal) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section C EN IV i r� FILES Attn: Central Files tL i SECTION 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Company Information Submit 1 copy DHIR (copy) and Form AT-i to; Hexion Stormwater Permitting Unit 333 Neils Eddy Road Division of Water Quality Riegelwood, NC 28456 1617 Mail Service Center (910) 655-2263 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 EXT 2757 Hexion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P, Bllsovn&C. Beatty Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists. Lab - 94 Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ', Lab, ID;"- 37 ANALYTICAL. RESULTS a093a 00]1a 00340 a061a MKls DaLw oo6E3 77US 9W60 71t�0 01042 01091 01os1 OOS36 00400 TGA3B Qutfall Hatt mold r TSS m HOH m COp m IVE13 m TKV m NO3+N61 m 1 Total Phmphorus m Methanol m TRC m Ilesgmine m Formaldehyde m Total Capper m Total Zlor m Total Leal 0110 Non-Potor O&G m pH s.u, Acute Toxicity I.Cso 003-Dry Projects VW2011 6.30 16.00 74.00 26 40 453 1070 043 <5 0 003 34 1.710 0.0270 0.05 <0 01 <5 6.90 nla 004-HCFIO 3r2012t111 14.40 >7l 147a.0 13.50 392,0 361 0.4 <5 0023 1120 17.300 0,0220 028 <00l <5 7,14 nla 006-17uckPond 3120/2011 29,3 22000 67.00 4,70 22.7 1 0.3 <5 0036 36 0300 10007 1)02ti <0.01 <5 617 n/a 009-Mainz. Shop3120/2010 9.20 3.00 <20 010 1.9 0, 170 0.1 <S 0 1 <10 I L170 1 10.001 1 0.07.0 1 <oAl 1 <5 6,60 nIa STORM EVENT CIIARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation tjns.) 1.I2 Permit Sampling Period: =1 Nate: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By t arc, [ c ify thi port is accurate and complete to the best or my knowledge. lie—>� � ignature of Pe ittee or Designee We Plint Name and Title Submit I (original) Form AT-1 (no AMR) to: NC DENRIDWQlEnvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center RECEIVED Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 M1 Q ty a J� 0 tl 0 Submit I copy AMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: aT Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section CENTRAL FILES Attn: Central Files DWR SECTION i617Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Company Information Submit I copy AMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: flexion Stormwater Permitting Unit 333 Neils Eddy Road Division of Water Quality Riegelwood, NC 29456 1617 Mail Service Center (910) 655.2263 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 EXT 2757 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Bumvnc/C, Beatty Certified I.aboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Hexion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No,. NCS0110156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 RECEIVED APR 0 4 Z018 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION 00530 00310 00340 00610 00629 00630 00665 71925 50060 11"D 01042 01091 01051 00556 0040n TGA313 Outfoll Date maiddlyr T99 mg1l HOD mill COO enzA HH3 gngA TKN NO)+NO2 MgA Tool Phosphorus m Methanol m TRC MgA Hamming WRA Formoldehydo mgA Total Copptr mlA Total Zinc Total Lead m`!1 Non -Polar O&G m pH s.u. Acute Todtity LCSD 003•D Pro*u FcbnLuy nib 004-HCHO Feb nl0 006-Duck Pond Febru lain 009•Mdal. Shot, I Fcbnmy tda STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins,): = Permit Sampling Period:= Note: No Qualifying Rain Event CERTTF ATION STATEMENT By t a I ce fy I 's report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information Flexion 0 333 Neils Eddy Road Si afore of Permittee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910) 655-2263 you r EXT 2757 Print 4amc and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENRIDWQ1Environmcntat Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy AMR (original) and Form AT4 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Ann: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Flexion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCSf]DD156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovnedC. Beatty Certified Laboratories: EnvirartmentaI Chemists L nb ID: 94 Enviranmental Testing Solutions, Inc, '.. Lab lD;, . 37. ANALYTICAL RESULTS RECEIVED MAR 0 6 2ai8 CENTRAL FILES °wR SECTION 0053a 00310 00340 00610 Et25 0%30 00665 77335 SM60 71180 01042 01092 01051 00556 oo400 TGA30 Outfatl Date moldd! r T45 mgA DOD in COD M91in NH3 TKN msA NO3•NO2 m Toui Phosphorus m&ll Methanol MIO TRC m Hesamlue m Fa maldehydr m Total Copper mgA Total Zinc mSA Total Lead mSA Non -Polar O&G MRA pit s.u. Acute Toslclty LC56 003•Dry Projects January nra 044•HM10 Jarutry n!a 006-Duck Pond Jan Nn 0o9-Maim. S lartwry nla STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipilutinn (ins.):= Permit Sampling Period:Ol Note: No Qualifying Rain Event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this u4natore, I c 'fy this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge Z; 2/-z31/ e ignature of Pe ittee or Designee Date Company Information Flexion 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 2"56 (910)655-2263 UNAL� AZ, w� r EXT 2757 Hot Name and Title Submit I (original) Form AT -I (no DMR) to: NC DENRNWQ/Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Ann: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DMR {copy) and Form AT-] to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Hexion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No,: NCS000I56 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovnelC. Beatty Certjfied Laboratories: Envir[3n01ental Chemists Lab ID: 94 Environmental'Testing Solutions, Inc... _ .. Lab.ID: 37 1, ANALYTICAL RESULTS 005M 00310 00340 00610 00625 006" 00"s 77US;0069 71S90 01042 olm otost W556 oo400 TGA3H Outfall Date mold r TSS m ROD m COD m NH3 m TICV m NO3+NO2 m Total Fbotpharut m Methanol myl Ileaamloa m Formaldehyde m Total Copper m Total Voc m Total Lead m Non-PolAr O&G m pH $41. Acute Toaleity LC50 003-Pry Projects 6MV2018 31J0 51.00 97900 161,00 2760 163 2,15 <5 530 19500 0.1900 0099 1001 <5 7.39 n/a 004-HCHO 6l20120i8 44,60 280 1640 570 15,1 10.10 031 <5 <11) 2.090 0.0420 0249 1 <0.01 <5 6.53 n/o 006-DuckPond 6120/2018 32,70 8.00 64.00 1.90 4.9 1.85 044 <5 0,14 <10 0,160 <0.007 0,025 1 <001 <5 7.54 n/a 009-Mahn.Sha 6r20v20t8 13,40 1400 6200, 1-20 2,9 1,480 0,28 <5 0062 <10 0273 L 0.0090 1 0,106 1 <001 <9 7.41 n1a sromm EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Submit I (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0,72 NC DENRIDWQlEnvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Permit Sampling Period:Q2 Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Note: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 By [ t urc, I ce [his report is accurate and samples to the best of my knowledge. vZ Company information Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Farm AT-i to: ! Flexion Stormwater Permitting Unit 333 Neils Eddy Road Division of Water Quality sfinature of Permi a or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 1617 Mail Service Center (910) 655-2263 Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Pri t Name and Title 1ft HEXION` Forest Products Division ACME OPERATIONS 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456-9570 RECENED/WCDENROYR MAR 0 E 7017 February 28, 2017 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional office CERTIFIED MAIL: Mr. Jim Gregson NCDENR Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 SUBJECT: Stormwater Discharge Outtall — Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report Calendar Year 2016 Hexion Inc. Acme, Columbus County, North Carolina NPDES Permit NCS000156 Dear Mr. Gregson: Please find attached the Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report for calendar year 2016 for the above referenced facility. During 2016, Hexion Inc. (Hexion) monitored four stormwater discharge outfalls. Please note that during the months of February, March, May, July, August, September, October, and November no monitoring was conducted because no qualifying rain event occurred. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Tom Buller, Regional EHS Manager with Hexion, at (910)274-5921. Sincerely, Ronald Bazinet Site Leader Hexion Inc. Attachment: Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report — calendar year 2016 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT (DMR) Calendar Year 2016 Individual NPDES Permit No. NCS000156 or Certificate of Coverage (COC) No. NCG❑❑❑❑❑❑ This monitoring report summary of the calendar year is due to the DINO Regional Office no later than March 1" of the following year. Facility Name: Hexion Inc. County: Columbus Phone Number: (910) 655-2263 Total no. of SDOs monitored: 4 SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 003 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, inches Parameter, units TSS (mgll) BOD (mgll) COD (mgli) NH3 (mg/1) TKN (mg/1) NO3+NO2 (mgli) Total phosphorus (mgll) Methanol -(mull) Benchmark N/A 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 1/15/16 0.48 6 9 48 92.1 68 15 0.94 10 411116 0.44 11 9 57 31.1 22.8 0.14 0.04 5 616116 0.14 21.4 16 41 15.2 12.8 6.9 0.47 5 12/29/16 0.82 31.9 14 41 9 9.9 0.11 0.44 5 Total: Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TRC (nigli) Hexamine (mg/1) Formaldehyde (mg/1) Total Copper (mull) Total Zinc (Mg/1) Total Lead (mgll) Non -Polar O&G (mg/1) pH Benchmark N/A 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6-9 1115/16 0.48 25 0.775 0.29 0.063 0.01 5 411116 0.44 5 0.766 0.029 0.064 0.01 5 616116 0.14 25 0.148 0.029 0.053 0.01 5 12129116 0.82 10 0.089 0.046 0.085 0.01 5 SOO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 004 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ® No ❑ Yes® No El Yes [I No® Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TSS (moll) BOD (moll) COD (moil) NH3 (moll) TKN (moll) NO3+NO2 (moll) Total phosphorus (moll) Methanol .' (mg11) Benchmark N/A 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 1/15/16 0.48 116 32 126 14.9 22.6 1.71 0.44 10 411116 0.44 11.1 8 34 1.8 4.7 0.02 0.04 5 616116 0.14 24.6 12 145 2.8 32.8 3.2 0.12 5 12129/16 0.82 28.7 56 892 215 213 0.07 0.57 7.61 Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TRC (moll) Hexamine (moll) Formaldehyde (moll) Total Copper (mg/1) Total Zinc (moll) Total Lead (mg11) Non -Polar 0&G (moll) pH (s.u.) Benchmark N/A 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6-9 1115116 0.48 25 2.39 0.026 0.19 0.01 5 411116 0.44 5 0.858 0,013 0.069 0.01 5 616116 0.14 55.2 3.1 0.015 0.103 0.01 5 12129116 0.82 558 13.7 0.038 0.206 0.01 5 SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 006 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ® No ❑ Yes® No❑ Yes ❑ No Total -Rainfall,. Inches Parameter, unite " TSS (mg/1) BOD (Mg/1) COD (mg/1) NH3 (mg/1) TKN (mg/1) NO3+NO2 (mg/1) Total Phosphorus - (mg/1) Methanol (mg/1) Benchmark N/A 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 1115116 0.48 12.5 4 23 6.2 5.4 1.66 0.46 10 411116 0.44 6.9 6 27 6.0 6.1 0.02 0.04 5 616116 0.14 49.5 18 90 2.6 6.3 1.05 0.74 5 12/29116 0.82 19.7 9 41 5.6 6.7 0.03 0.77 5 Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units • TRC • (mg/1) Hexamine (mg/1) Formaldehyde (mg/1) Total Copper (mg/1) Total Zinc (mg1l) Total. Lead (mg/1) Non -Polar 0&G °(mgll) pH (s.u.) Benchmark N/A 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 95 6.9 1/15/16 0.48 25 0.303 0.002 0.032 0.01 5 411116 0.44 5 0.144 0.005 0.02 0.01 5 616116 0.14 25 0.05 0.007 0.037 0.01 5 12/29116 0.B2 10 0.089 0.005 0.022 0.01 5 SDO ASOMR-2013 Outfall No. 009 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No f Total Rainfall, inch TSS (mgll) BODE` ' ;(me1 ° ' :: z' II;ar;ameter� COD . (mg11) NH3 %gel) : units A:? TKN (mg ll) ,.' NO'3^+NO2 �) T&tal Phnsphorua -.k (mg11) .. M®thaffidI? (mgll)` Benchmark NIA 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 1115116 0.48 1 14.7 4 23 0.6 1.4 0.22 0.19 10 411116 0.44 4.6 4 20 0.2 0.8 0.02 0.04 5 616116 0.14 15.8 3 23 0.3 0.5 0.19 0.09 5 12/29/16 0.82 3.8 2 20 0.2 0.6 0.02 0.53 5 ism W_ M'77' Total3 Rairifa�ll +�° inches ..:. Y �Paameter, units ,p ,. ., �, �„ =�- f RC Hexamine Formaldehyde ntal Coppery Total�Zinc rTotalllead I ;: ,k(mgll)(mgll)' x {mgl i P, I)., (mg11 4> ,Mx .. .� x..... K +p Nori�Polar'O&'G ;(m '11} (m 11 a t. _� )� �,... . �� r H,.. (s.u. Benchmark NIA 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6-9 1/15/16 0.48 25 0.267 0.01 0.084 0.01 5 411116 0.44 5 0.0577 0.005 0.066 0.01 5 616116 0.14 25 0.156 0.007 0.079 0.01 5 12129/16 0.82 10 0.052 0.005 0.049 0.01 5 SDO ASDMR-2013 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature) Date SDD ASDMR-2013 Mail Annual DNlR Summary Reports to: DWQ Realonal Office Contact Information: 2090 US Highway 70 225 Green Street 610 lust Center Avenue/Suite 301 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Systel Building Suite 714 Mooresville, NC 28115 (828) 296-4500 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (704) 663-1699 (910)433-3300 3800 Barrett Drive 943 Washington Square Mall 127 Cardinal Drive Lxtension Raleigh, NC 27609 Washington, NC 27889 Wilmington, NC 28405-2845 (9 l 9) 791-4200 (252) 946-6481 (910) 796-7215 585 Waughtown Street 1617 Mail Service Center ' "1ti preaeiiierpritect'` Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Raicigh, NC 27699-1617 I endeith'a`nce. 336 771-5000 919 807-6300 ;,North=Cero1lna'slivaler.::", SDO ASDMR-2013 1ft HEXION` Forest Products Division ACME OPERATIONS 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood. NC 29456-9570 February 26, 2016 CERTIFIED MAIL: Mr. Jim Gregson NCDENR Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 RECEIVEDMIDDENRIDVi1R FEB 2 9 2016 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office SUBJECT: Stormwater Discharge Outfall -- Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report Calendar Year 2015 Hexion Inc. Acme, Columbus County, North Carolina NPDES Permit NCS000166 Dear Mr. Gregson: Please find attached the Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report for calendar year 2015 for the above referenced facility. During 2015, Flexion Inc. (Hexion) monitored four stormwater discharge outfalls. Please note that during the months of February, May, September, and October, no monitoring was conducted because no qualifying rain event occurred. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Tom Buller, Regional EHS Manager with Hexion, at (910)274-5921. Sincerely, Ronald Bazinet Site Leader Hexion Inc. Attachment: Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report — calendar year 2015 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT (DMR) Calendar Year 2015 Individual NPDES Permit No. NCS000156 or Certificate of Coverage (COC) No. NCG❑❑❑❑❑❑ This monitoring report summary of the calendar year is due to the DWQ Regional Office no later than March I" of the following year. Facility Name: Hexion Inc. County: Columbus Phone Number: (910) 655-2263 Total no. of SDOs monitored: SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 003 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No [] Yes ❑ No Total : Rainfall, inches . ` . Parameter,,(units). T$S (m -11} BOD (mgl11 COD (mg11} . NH3 (mg/1) TKN (mgll) . ; NO3+NO2 (mg/1) Total!Phospharua {mgll) Methanol. (mgll) Benchmark N/A 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 1 /12/15 1.44 6.4 7.75 43.8 22.8 32.4 4.55 1.03 1 3/14/15 1.38 4 22 97.5 57.4 52.8 8.94 0.43 1 419/15 0.4 8.46 36.5 49.2 89.8 94.7 15.2 0.61 1 613115 0.9 3.5 20.7 34.6 7.3 9.73 11 0.281 1 7/13115 0.46 21.2 14 81 26.6 30.6 14 0.55 10 8/19115 0.16 2.8 9 72 87.9 90.7 9.52 0.88 10 11 /2116 1.63 15.6 7 25 3.1 4.2 0.62 0.39 10 12114/16 0.19 2.6 12 41 165 139 21 1.56 10 Tatar " Rainfall, Inches _ Parameter, units TRC (mglq Hexamine , _{mgli} 'Formaidehyde (mgll} TotAI'Copper .(me►I) . Total Zinc (mg11) TotaMead' . . F (mg/1) Nan -Palau 08G (mg/1) :. pH (s u.). Benchmark N/A 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6-9 1/12115 1.44 0 10 1.68 0.037 0.054 0.003 3.09 7.11 3114/15 1.38 0.002 22 23.4 0,0375 0.0735 0.0015 5 7.3 419/15 0.4 0 10 2.24 0.0405 0.101 0.0015 5 7.21 613l15 0.9 0.01 10 2.41 0.04 0.003 0.047 5 7.07 7/13115 0.46 0 10 0.306 0.062 0.071 0.01 5 6.39 8/19/15 0.16 1 .041 10 0.071 0.046 0.096 0.01 5 7.18 1112l15 1.63 0.099 10 1.04 0.031 0.051 0.01 5 7.59 12/14/15 0.19 0.02 1 10 1 0.0314 0.03 0.07 0.01 5 7.44 SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 004 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ® No ❑ Yes® No Yes ❑ No .' Total !Rainfall, Inches Parameter,. units Tgg (mgll) BOD (mg/1) COD (mg/1) NH3 (mg/1) TKN (mgll) NO3+NO2 (moll) Total Phosphorus (mg1l) Methanol (mglli Benchmark N/A 100 30 120 7.2 20 90 2 7,700 1/1 2J1 5 1.44 7.2 14.7 73.5 10.1 11.6 2.12 0.1 2.8 3114115 1.38 17 45.2 250 37.2 1.16 62.4 0.13 1 419115 0.4 73 29 118 0.1 12.4 2.83 0.25 1 613115 0.9 3.6 6.89 49.9 0.1 4.87 11.6 0.117 1 7113115 0.46 17.6 11 100 2.9 7.2 8.54 0.19 10 8119/15 0.16 61.7 13 155 3.1 10.6 6.19 0.38 10 1112115 1.63 53 40 500 1.5 1 97.6 0.47 0.23 419 12/14/15 0.19 52.3 22 182 38.6 58.5 4.05 1.33 10 Total Ra[nfall, Inches Parameter, (units) TRC (mg/1) Hexamine (mgll) _ Formaldehyde (mg/1) Total Copper (mg/1) Total.Zinc (mgll) Total Lead (mg/1) `Non -Polar O&G '(mg/l) pH` (s.u.) Benchmark N/A 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6.9 1112115 1.44 0.029 14 4.59 0.022 0.08 0.003 2.26 7.28 3114115 1.38 0 99 69.3 0.0295 0.106 0.0015 5 7.58 419115 0.4 0.001 16 16.6 0.028 0.168 0.002 5 7.45 613115 0.9 0.021 10 5.36 0.019 0.054 0.003 5 7.4 7/13/15 0.46 0.018 10 0.718 0.032 0.107 0.01 5 7.45 8/19/16 0.16 0 10 0.0587 0.049 0.246 0.01 5 7.65 1112115 1.63 0 10 7.33 0.027 0.198 0.01 5 8.6 12/14/15 0.19 0.078 75.6 0.0327 0.026 0.133 0.01 5 7.97 SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 006 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No 'Totall Rainfall', Inches parameter,. units TSS (mail) _ BOD (mg/1) COD (mall) NH3 (mall) TKN (mall) NO3+NO2 (mall). Total` Phosphorus (mail) Methanol' ' r (moll) . Benchmark NIA 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 1112116 1.44 7.2 3.34 32.5 4.22 2.46 1.61 0.1 1 3/14/15 1.38 6.4 11.7 39.6 4.2 4.65 0.81 0.14 1 419115 0.4 12.6 9.15 37.8 2.76 4.84 1.93 0.15 1 613115 0.9 25 17.8 80.4 0.1 4.56 3.18 0.014 1 7/13115 0.46 63 7 58 2.5 6.7 1.47 0.33 10 8/19/15 0.16 87 8 152 1.6 9.4 0.95 0.45 10 1112115 1.63 39 6 50 3.7 6 0.76 0.37 10 12/14115 0.19 25 12 53 5.8 6 2.92 1.23 10 Total Rainfall,' Inches Parameter, units TRC (moll) Hexamine (mall) Formaldehyde (mall) Total Copper (mail) Total Zinc (mall) 1"otal Lead (mall) Non:Polar 0&f3 (mart) pH, (s.u.) i Benchmark NIA 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 6.03 15 6-9 1/12/15 1.44 0.005 10 0.478 0.002 0.04 0.003 2.66 6.59 3/14/16 1.38 0.011 11 3.95 0.005 0.0255 0.0015 5 7.25 419115 0.4 0.049 10 3.62 0.005 0.0255 0.0016 5 6.45 6/3115 0.9 0.03 10 0.152 0.016 0.003 5 7.21 7/13115 0.46 0.114 10 0.279 0.005 0.018 0.01 5 7.86 8119115 0.16 0.01 10 0.654 0.007 0.019 0.01 5 8.97 1112/16 1.63 1 0.01 10 0.505 0.007 0.034 0.01 5 7.41 12/14/15 0.19 1 0.05 10 0.0308 0.006 0.037 0.01 10 7.62 SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 009 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No rt Total Rainfall, inches TSS (m M BOp COl] (mgll} (mg11} Parameter, units NH3 TKN NO3*NO2 tarsi P�spho us Methanol (mgll} (mg11) (mg11} (mgllj K (mg� l ;. Benchmark N/A 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 1/12/16 1.44 2.4 2.47 15.6 0.1 1 0.577 0.1 3/14116 1.38 2 2.44 17.4 0.1 1 0.346 0.06 1 419115 0.4 4 7.41 31.2 0.1 1 2.42 0.066 1 613115 0.9 1.4 2 10 0.1 1 1.27 0.046 1 7/13/15 0.46 3.3 5 40 0.2 0.9 0.76 0.34 10 8/19116 0.16 2.9 3 51 0.2 1.2 0.77 0A 1 10 1112116 1.63 19.1 2 20 0.2 0.5 0.02 0.15 10 12/14115 0.19 10.3 3 25 0.4 0.6 0.13 0.13 10 Tara€ Parameter, un€ts . x Rainfall, Inches MI RC (mgll) Hexamine (mgll} Formaldehyde (mglq Total Copper (mglly Total Zlnc (mgA} Total lead (mgll) Non Polar 0&`G (mgll} f, pH y (s.u.} Benchmark N/A 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 16 6-9 1/12/15 1.44 0.05 10 0.536 0.006 0.065 0.003 2 7.45 3114115 1.38 0.003 10 0.366 0.005 0.043 0.0015 5 7.77 419116 0.4 0.014 10 0.657 0.0085 0.062 0.0015 5 7.24 613115 0.9 0.022 10 0.268 0.032 0.003 5 7.72 7/13/15 0.46 0.032 10 0.216 0.007 0.052 0.01 5 6.22 8119115 0.16 0.048 10 0.204 0.012 0.058 0.01 5 7.45 1112/15 1.63 0.015 10 0.223 0.007 0.049 0.01 5 8.57 12/14115 0.19 0.001 10 0.0346 0.007 0.076 0.01 6 8.62 S[]0 ASDMR-2013 4 "l certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature 4P�) *41 Date OZ U l., SDO ASDMR-2013 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/13, Maddox/S./S.Mo%I rey Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULT'S 11exion - STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No..- NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 REeEIVED FEB .4 2 2016 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION 00539 00310 00340 0061D 00623 00630TOA 77815 30060 7188D 01041 01093 01051 00556 ao40o TAA311 Outrun Date molddl r TSS m DOD m COD m N113 MO TKN ca NO3+NOthle1han01 mg/lm TRC m Ilesamine m Narmaldehyde m Total Copper m Total Zinc m Total lead m Non -Polar O&G m pit S.U. Acute Tat city LC60 0o3-U Pm Ma IV141201S <2.6 12.00 41.OD 165.00 139.0 21.00<10 0.02 <10 �0.0314 0.0300 0,07 <0,01 <5 1.44 004-11CF10 121141201S 52.30 22.0 182,0 38.60 58.5 4.05<10 0,07/ 75,6 <O.o321 0.0260 0,113 <0,01 <5 7.97 006-Duck IE14/2015 25.00 t2,00 51.00 5,80 fi0 2.92<10 0.05 c10 <0.0308 <0,007 0,037 <0.01 10 7.62 009•Mdm,ShO 12f14f2015 10.30 3.00 25.00 0.40 0.6 0.130<to (root <10 <0.0346 c0.001 O.o76 <0.01 1 6 /.62 STORM EVLNT CIIARACTERiSTICS Total Fvcnl Precipitation (ins.): 0.19 Permit Sampling Period:® Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By I. ign ur , Ice 7y this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information 0 L6 f 6 Momentive 333 Neils Eddy Road Si ature of Permi ee or Designce ale Riegelwood, NC 29436 (910)655.2263 EXT 524 9 Print Name and Title Submit 1(original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENR/DWWrivirommatal Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1621 Submit 1 copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division orWatcr Quality Water Qualily Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit l copy MR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division orWater Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.16t7 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/D, Maddox/S./S.Mo%%rey Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists linvitnnmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS lie:ion —STORM IVATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No,:14CS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lob ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 )'Izeco , V 0o130 00310 00340 00610 00625 00630 00665 77315 50060 71990 01042 01092 01051 00556 00400 'fAA3B Outfill Date moldd r TSS mg, DOD m COO ing,Mg, NHS T1CN m NO3+NO2 m Total Phosphorus m hFeth■nol malt TRC MgA llta■mine me Formaldehyde mgA Total Copper mo tool 2'dnt 54 Total Lead m Non -Polar OdcG MIA PEE r.u• Acute Ta=Icltr LC50 0U-Dry Pro)ertr se r 004-IICHO Sept ON -Duck Pond St t W94"m. ShopSe 1 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.)'= Permit Sampling Period:= NoWNo qualifying min event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By Ihi i 1 �fyhport is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information Momentive j 333 Neils Eddy Road S' oture of Pe Slice or Designer Date Riegelwood, NC 20456 (910) 655-2263 EXf 5248 gz;lvr;f P nt Name and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no DhIR) to: NC DENR/DWQlEnvironrnental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy DMR (original) and Form AT -I in: Division of Walet Quality Water Quality Section Ann, Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy bi4IR (copy) and Form AT -I to: Storrnwaler Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 D !.I OCT 2 8 2015 10 Hexion—STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Cerlificate of Coverage No.; NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolloa Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Susovne/D. Maddox/S. S,Mo" rey Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Lab ID: 94 Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Lob Ill: 37 ANALYTICAL RESULTS 40539 90310 00340 1 00610 00615 00530 00665 77835 50060 71180 01042 01092 01051 00556 00400 TAA3S Oulidl Date mold r TSS Tg bO]) mitA COD mjA NH] mgl TK1Y mgA NO3tNO2 mgl TOW Phosphorus M8A M110hiaol mgA TRC m licvmine m Formaldehyde m TWO Copper m Total Zinc m Total Lesd m Non -Polar O&C m pit Las Acute Toxicity 1.C50 001-Dry Prejeels IV14/2015 <2.6 12.00 41.06 165.00 139.0 21.00 1.56 -CIO 0,02 <10 <0,0314 0A300 0.o7 <0.01 <5 7.44 004-HC140 IV1411015 52,30 22.6 181.0 38.60 58.5 4,05 1.33 <10 0.078 75.6 <0.0327 0,0260 0.133 Koot <5 7.97 006-Duck Pond IV14/2015 25,00 12.00 31.00 5.80 6.0 2.92 1.13 <IO O.OS Qp <0.0JO8 <0.007 0.037 <O,OY l0 7,62 ON-M1talnt.Sha 12/1412015 10.30 Soo 23,00 1 0.40 06 g130 0113 <IO 0.001 <10 <0.0746 <0.007 0.076 <0.01 6 8.62 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0,19 Permit Sampling Pcriod:® NuW CERTIFICATION STATEMENT 13y I a' 1 ce y this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information Momentive 333 Neils Eddy Road 1gri-diure orPermiftee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 LEXT 3248 hJl�� �Z d��� Print Na a and Title Submit 1(original) Form AT-1 (no DINIR) to; NC DENRIDWQ1Environmetual Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DAIR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwalcr Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Sompies: P. Busovne/D. MaddwdS.I&MoNx roy Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Hesion —STORM WATER iE� Certificate of CoverallColumbus County, Lab ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 1 19 @ 2 0 [2 0 DEC 0 1 2015 00530 00310 00340 00610 10625 00430 00655 17115 50060 71110 01042 01092 0105t 60556 a040o TAA311 Oulrall Dale moldd/ r TSS m DOD m COD M12 NE3 mpo TKN m NO3FN03 M&4 Total Phosphorus M10 hteihanot mgA TltC mill-1— llesamine m Fe mddrhyde MRA Total Copper mgfi Total Zinc m Taint Lead MO Non -Polar O&G MB4 pH S.U. Acute Toxicity LC50 003-Dry Pra)ects Oct 004-HCHO Oct 006-Duck Pond Oct 009-Mafia, Shop Oct STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.):= Permit Sampling Period:= Note:No qualifying min event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By thi -signature, I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. AV Signature orP ittce or Designee Date Hwy >�211N�r Print Name and and Titer Submit I (original) Form AT -I (no DMR) to: NC DENR/DWQJEnvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy DMR (original) sod Farm AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Company Information Submit 1 copy DMµ y) and Form AT-1 to: Momentive Stor %vntcr Permitting Unit 333 Neils Eddy Road Division or Water Quality Riegelwood, NC 28456 1617 Mail Service Center (910) 655.2263 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 EXT 5248 t� Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/D. Maddox/S. /S.Mo% rey, Certified Laboratories: Environmentat Chemists , EnOmomental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS flexion —STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage Nor NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 a NFM av zois ` U 00530 00310 00340 00616 60625 00630 00665 771IS 56060 71890 01043 01092 01051 00556 00400 TGA30 Outfall Raw mold r TS8 m 00D m COD m Nil? m TKN m NO3+1402 m Tau, Phosphor. m alnAaaal m TRC m 8examios m Formaldehyde m Total Copper m Total Zinc m Tmal Lead m Non -Polar I O&G m p8 S.U. Acu17 Toxicity LC50 001-Dryprojects 411/2016 11,00 9,00 57.0o 31.10 71.9 0.14 <0,04 <5 0.07 <S 0.756 0,0290 0.064 <0,01 <S 6,99 NA 004•EICHO 47112016 lt.l0 an 34.0 1.80 4.7 <0.02 <0,04 <S 0005 <.S O,ass 0,0130 0A69 <0,01 <5 7,74 NA 006•DuckPond 4lEI2016 6.90 600 27,p0 6.00 6.1 <0.02 <0,04 <5 0.076 <S 0,144 <0.005 0.02 <0Ak <5 6.6a NA 009•Mainl. Shop41=16 4.60 4.00 <30 <0.2 0.1 <0.02 <0.44 <S 0 <S <0,0577 <O.00S 0.066 <O.DI <5 7,63 NA STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins,): r 0.68 Permit Sampling Period:= Note: FILE COPY CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this si tura. I certify this report is accurate and �A complete to the best of my knowledge. 1111 I Company Information Momentive 373 Neils Eddy Road SidnaiureofPc ittee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910) 6SS-2263 JI EXT 5248 Print Name and Title Submit I (original) Norm AT-1 (no AMR) to: NC DENW13WQ/Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy AMR (original) and Farm AT4 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality .Section Aun: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DIVIR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwaler Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/D. Maddox/S./S.Mo%% ray Cenified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Flexion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab [D: 94 Lab ID: 37 00510 00110 1 00140 00610 60625 6061E 00665 77845 50060 71810 01041 01091 01651 00556 0040o TGA3111 OuKail Dote molddl r TSS M10 DOD MZ4 COD ML4 NH1 mcA TICK m NO1+N01 me Total 1`1163ph6rus MO Methanol TRC m liesomina MFA Formaldehyde FnAll Total Copper Total Zinc m Total Lend ono. Non -Polar O&G mgA p11 S.U. Acute Taslelty LC50 001-Dry Projects 4712016 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA I NA NA NA Past 004-HCHO 4/7/2016 NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA I NA NA NA Pass 006•Duck Pond 07/2016 NA NA NA NA NA NA HA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Pass 009-Moini. She 41N2016 NA NA NA I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA Pass STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0,35 Permit Sampling Period:= NOW CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this sign la re, I certify thil report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information Momentive 333 Neils Eddy Road Si of Permitt or Designee Dale Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910)655-2263 EXT 524E ��N►410 �002-) Pri t Name and Title Submit I (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENRIDWQlEnviromnental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy AhIR (original) and Form AT-1 to-. Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central files i617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Submit 1 copy AMR (copy) land Form AT-1 to: Stomtwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Servico Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples; P.13usovne/D. Maddox/S./S.Moa ray Certified Labomlories: Environmental Chemists EnvirannIURRI Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS fiction — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 RECEIVED UEC 3 0 2015 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION rr ' aster 00"o 00310 00340 00610 00625 0063o 00665 77835 S0060 71380 01042 01092 Most 00336 00400 TAA3B Oathll Dare mold r TSS me ROD en COD .14 NHS m TKN m NO3+NO2 094 Total Phosphorus mgA Merhanol m TRC M64 Ile:am[na Formaldehyde MBA Total Copper miF1 Total Zane MWI Total Lead myl Non -Polar O&G MRA pH La. Acute Tolicity LC50 003-DryProJect4 IV2/20Is 15.60 7.00 23.00 3A0 4.2 0.62 0.39 <10 0,0" <10 1.040 0,0310 0.051 <0.0t <S 7.59 004-HCHO II/Mo15 S3.00 40.0 1 500.0 1.50 1 97.6 1 0.47 0.7] 419 0 <10 1 7.330 0.0270 0,193 1 <0.01 <5 1 9.60 OM.rkckPond IMOB 39,00 6A0 50.00 1.70 6.0 0.76 0.37 <10 0,072 <10 0.505 <0.007 0.034 <o.o1 <S 7.41 009-Mak",S t11712o15 19,10 4 <20 <0,2 1 <0.3 I <002 1 01S <10 0,015 <10 1 <0.223 <0.007 0.049 <0.01 <5 2.57 STORM EVENT CIIARACMRISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): = Permit Sampling Pcriu&= Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By IN atur I certify this report is accurate and complete lathe beat of my knowledge. Company Information Momenlive 333 Neils Eddy Road ignature of P Irmilice or Designee Date Riegelwood. NC 28436 (910) 655-2263 � ^ ,VALO kov�T EXT 5248 Print Name and Title Submit t (original) Form AT -I (no DMR) to: NC DENR/DWQ/Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Roicigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (origiaai) god Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: StormwateT Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovnelD. Maddox/S. /S.MoN% rey Certified Laboratories: Micobac Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESUVI'S a @DbHexlan-STORhl WATER SAMPLING REPORT' 13 Certificate or Coverage No.; NCS000156 -^-t D Columbus County, North Carolina JU k r {+ 7Y 2 s zors 1 Lab iD: 1 I Lab ID: 37 00530 00310 00340 00610 00625 00630 00665 771115 50060 71180 01042 01091 1 OI051 00556 00400 TAA313 Outrolf Date mo/dd r TSS tor DOD m COI) mg4 NH3 nign TKN mgA NO3+NO2 mo Total phosphorus Milli Methanol MRA TUC MO llevmint M8A Formaldehydt MBA Total Copper MSA Total Zinc Fnli,4 Total Lead Mon Non -Polar O&G malt pit S.U. Acute Toilclty LCsa 003•Dry Projects May 004-11CHO May 006•Duck Pond May 009-Maint, Sh May ST'ORIVI EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Two Event Precipitation (ins.):= Permit Sampling Period:= Note: No Qualifying min event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By 1 t s' a rc, I c Fy this report is accurate and complete to The best of my knowledge. l2l_ Company Information ) s Mamentive ( !! 333 Neils Eddy Road ignaTure of Permi ee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910)655-2263 9,FJCi 5248 0yx))V-9 �2 rd Pri t Name and Title C�n urr,� Submit I (orlginul) Form A'I'-1 (no DrvtR) to: NC DENR/DWQ/Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy DhIR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit l copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. ➢usovne/D. Maddox/S.IS.Ma%% ray Certified Laboralories: Micobac Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RF.SUI.TS Hexton - STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate or Coverage No.; NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab lD: I I Lab ID: 37 00530 00310 00340 j 00610 00625 00430 00665 71885 SO060 71300 01042 01097 1 01051 00556 00400 TAA3f1 Oulfau Dale lnolddiyr T88 BUFA DOD 1 m COD mX4 NH3 mHA TXN mgA NO3+NO2 MBA Total Phmphorus To alelhanot m TRC MO flesamine m Farmaldehyde rn&4 Total Copper m Total Zinc m Total l.rad m Non -Polar O&G m pH sm, Acute Toxicity LCSO 001-Dry Projects 4)9/2015 9.46 36.50 49,20 19.10 94.7 15.20 0.61 <1.0 0 <10 2.240 0.0405 0.101 <0.0015 <5.00 7.11 ss 004111CHO 4191201$ 73.00 29.0 118.0 <0.100 12.4 2.93 0.25 1 <1.0 1 0.001 16.0 16,600 00210 0,169 0,00200 <5.00 1 7.45 1 P033 0o6-Duck and 1 419/2015 1 12.60 9.15 37.80 1 2.76 4,9 1.93 D.15 <L0 0,040 <10 3.620 <0.005 0.0255 <0,0015 <5.00 6.45 s 00-mainl.sha 419l201S 4,Do 7.41 31.20 <0.1D0 <1.00 2,420 0.n66 <1.0 0.014 <10 0,657 0.0015 0.062 <0.0015 <5.00 1 7,24 pass STORM EVENT CRA RACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0,4 Permit Sampling Period:=2 Now CERTIFICATION STATEMENT i"Is re, l ertify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. n Company IoformatEon yiffnalu 15 1 2� } Mamcntive I 333 Neils Eddy Road ignature of Permit e a Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 EXT 5248 Print Name and Title ;ray nea Submit I (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENRIDWQIEnvironmenlal Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1621 Submit I copy DNIR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Aim Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Slormtvaler Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 MAY 2 9 2015 Alfflffift EmT MAY 2 9 2015 . �. IENR -WATER RE50UR[ Environmental Testing Solutions. Inc. 401 $ BUFFER PERUOI n Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Acute Pass/Fail Facility Enviro Chemists He3don Specialty Chemicals NPDES #: NC- 5000156 PO Box 7565 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Date: April 17, 2015 Pipe #: SWO03 County. Columbus Laboratory Performing Test: Environmental T o Inc_ Comments: Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge: Signature of laboratory Supervisor. Project 10569 Sample: 150410.11 Mail Original To: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWQ/ Enviroamerital Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 North Carolina Acute Pass/Fail Toxicity Test Collection Date: 04-09-15 Collection Time: 1025 Test Start Date: 04-10-15 Sample/Type/Duration o; Grab I Comp. I Duration 3 X I Io m • U 'x Q F Alk linty (mg CaCOs/L) 34 Hardness (mg CaC!O3/L)j 42 Conductivity (µmhos/cm) 152 516 Total Residual Chlorine (mg/L) m.10 Sample Temp. at Receipt (°C)2.4 Mortality Organism Tested 48-hour - Cviodaphina dubia Control 7.65 7.73 PH (S.U.) Treatment 713 799 W Control 7-8 7.8 D.O. (mg/L) Treatment Replicate Treatment 1 (Control) A B C D 0% 0% 0% 0% Treatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D Concentration H 0% 0% Tested Now. If mean caatrvl mortality exceeds l0%, the tyst is eoasidereai invalid. Mean Mortality Calculate using Arr—Sine Calculated Student's t NA PASS Square Root transformed Tabular Student's t NA FAIL EE] data_ (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the caleula tcd t is Ipeatm than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAa- Vall vessr within each trea=c= have the same resspoase but the treatment two response is ge atm than the control, check fart. DWQformAT-2 Effluent Toxicity Report Farm - Acute Pass/Fail Facility_ Enviro Chemists NPDES #: NC- S000156 Hexion Specialty Chemicals Laboratory Performing Test _Environmental Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge: Signature of Laboratory Supervisor: ,�L PO Box 7565 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-936.4 Fax. (828) 350-9368 Date: April 17, 2015 Pipe #: SWO04 County. Columbus Comore: Project 10569 Sample: 150410.12 Mail Original To: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWQ/Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 North Carolina Acute Pass/Fail Toxicity Test Collection Date. 04-09-15 Collection Time: 1020 Test Start Date: 04-10-15 Sample/Type/Duration iu Grab Comp. Duration m 3 x o � 2 �X Q E..' Alkalinity (mg CaCO3Q 34 Hardness (mg CaCO3/L) 42 Conductivity (llmhos/cm) 152 150 Total Residual Chlorine (mg/L) <0 10 Sample Temp- at Receipt (°C) 2 4 Mortality Treatment 1 (Control) Organism Tested 48-hour - Ceriodaphina dubia Control 7.65 7.73 PH (S.U.) Treatment 173617.761 Control 7.8 7.9 D.O. (mg1L) Treatment 7.9 1 7.8 Replicate Mean Mortality A B C D 0% 0% 0% 0% Treatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D Concentration H 0% 0% 0%H Tested Note: if mean control mortality excrsds 10%, the test is corusidered urvaiid. H H Calculate using Arc -Sine Calculated Student rS t NA PASS Square Root transfbrmed Tabular Student's t NA FAIL data. (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calcalated t is !; than the absolute value of the tabular t, elteak FAIL If all vessels within each treamc= have the same response but the tnatmatt two response is Baru than the control, checc &R, DWQ form AT-2 (8/91) �—v IMISPOMM Po Box 7565 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 ,DEFax(828) 350-9368 ` Environmental Testing Solutions Inc - Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Acute Pass/Fail Date: April 17, 2015 Facility: Enviro Chemists NPDES #: NC- S000156 Pipe #: SWO06 County: Columbus Heldon Specialty Chemicals Laboratory Performing Test Environmental Testingc4trtiousjnc. Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge: Signature of Laboratory Supervisor: Project 10569 Sarrmla 150410.13 Mail Original To: North Carolina Department of Environment and Nateual Resburces DWQ/ Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 North Carolina Acute Pass/Fail Toxicity Test Collection Date: 04-09-15 Collection Time: 1013 Test Start Date: 04-10-15 Sample/Type/Duration P Grab Comp. Duration ' X o y m ' ?_ U x q E2 Alkalinity (mg CaC031L)j 34 Hardness (mg CaCO3fL)l 42 Conductivity (µmhos/cm) 152 194 Total Residual. Chlorine (mg/L) <0.10 Sample Temp. at Receipt CC) 2.4 Organism Tested - 48-hour- Ceriodaphina duhia Control 7.65 7.73 PH (S.U.) Treatment 17.0017.8j A = Control 7.8 7.8 D.O. (mg/L) Treatment Mortality Replicate Mean Mortality Treatment l (Control) A B C D 0% 0% 0% 0% •0% 0°/a Calculate using Arc -Sine Calculated Student's t NA PASS X Square Root transformed Tabular Student's t I3A FAIL. daM (ONE TAILED) if the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular � check PASS. Ifthe absolute value of the calculated t is greater than the absolute value of the tabular t check FAIL if all vessels within eacb trsatrttent have the same response but the treatrneat two response is greater than the control, chsr�c fail. DWQforrrtAT-2 (8/97) Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Acute Pass/Fail PO Box 7565 Asbeville, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Date: April l 7, 2015 . Facility: Enviro Chemists _ NTDES #: NC- S000156 Pipe #: SWO09 County. Columbus Hexion Specialty Chemicals Laboratory Performing Test: EnvironmentalTesting Sol uti c. Comments: Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge: Signature of Laboratory Supervisor_ Project: 10569 Sample: 15D41 D.14 Mail Original To: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWQ/ Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 North Carolina Acute Pass/Fail Toxicity Test Collection Date: 04-09-15 Collection Time: 1010 Test Start Daze: 04-10-15 Sample/Type/Duration Grab Comp. Duration m 3 X o �u u A I� Alkalinity (mg CaCO3/L) 34 Hardness (mg CaCO3/L) 42 Conductivity (gmhos/cm) 152 58 Total Residual Chlorine (mg/L) <0.10 Sample Temp. at Receipt (°C) 2.4 Mortality Organism Tested 48-hour - Ckdadaphhw dub& Control 7.65 7.73 PH (S.U) Treatment 7.00 7S9 t -a 0 r~ to w Control 7.8 7.8 D.O. {m�I,) Treatment LEI 7.9 Replicate Mean Mortality Treatment 1 (Control) A B C D 00/0 0% Treatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D Concentration 100% Tested Note If mean control mortality exceeds IU%, the test is cansielered invalid 0% 0% 0% 0% Calculate using Arc -Sine Calculated Student's t NA PASS trr•� Square Root ansformed Tabular Student's t NA FAIL data. (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the c alculared t is J� than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL. If all vessels within each treaunetu have the same response but the irranent two resse ponis g:ean ththe control, check fad. DWQ form AT-2 (&91) Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovnelD. MaddoxlS, IS.Mo" rey Certified Laboratories: Micobac Environmental Testing Solutions, [no. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Hoxion - STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCSODO156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 11 Lab Ill: 37 ' 00530 00310 00340 00610 00625 10630 00665 77ass 50060 7111110 01042 01092 1 01051 Cow 004M TAA3B Oaihll Date mofildlyr 755 mall DOD mg4 COD MIA K113 Mtn Tt44 MKA KO1+KO1 mg4 Total Phmphorm m Methanol m TItC mill 11aamine m Formaldehyde mJ2 Taint Copper mgA Total Zinc m12 Total Lead m Non -Polar O&G MVA pit Both Acute Ta:lclly LCso 003•Dry Projects 3/14/2015 4.00 22.00 91.50 PAO 52.1 1.94 0.43 <I,o 0.002 22A 23.400 0,0375 0.0733 <0.0015 <5.00 7.30 NA 004•11CN0 3fi4R015 17,00 42.2 250.0 37.20 614 1.16 0.17 <1,0 0 99.0 69.3oa 0,0295 0.106 <0.0015 <5.00 1 7,51 1 NA 006•DuckPood 1/1412UI5 6.40 11.70 39.50 4.20 43 0,31 0.14 <l.0 0.01t 11.0 3.950 <0.005 0.0255 <0.0015 <5.00 7.25 NA 009•maim, Shop 3114/3015 2,00 2.44 1 17,40 <0.100 11,00 0,346 <0.050 <1.0 0001 to 0,366 <0.005 0,043 40.0015 <5.00 7.77 NA STORM EVENT CILA RACTE:RISTICS 'fatal Event Precipitation (ins.): t,38 Permit Sampling Period:© NOW CERTIFICATION STATEMENT 1# ie signature, 1 certiry this report is accurate and complete to the best ofmy knowledge. SMnmentive 1 r %Il b Company Information W7 I 333 Neils Eddy Road signature or Pe tree at Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655 2263 EXT 5248 Print Name and Title t re:~� Submit 1 (original) Form AT -I (no DNIR) to: NC DENRIDWQ1Environmcnml Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 2 cupy DNIR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stottnwater Permitting Unit Division of Watcr Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/D. MaddoxlS,1S,MOR toy Certified Laboratories: Micobac Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Beason —STORM WATER SAMPLING REPOR' Certificate orCoveraga AM C866 16 Columbus County, No aaa5 r a arr.�r' Lab ID: I I L.J6- Lab ID: 37 00530 00310 ao3da 1 00610 00615 00530 00665 50060 71810 01043 01093 alost 00556 aoaao TAA3B oulrall ]late moldd r Tag m BOD m COD mm NH3 TKN m NO3+NO2 m Total Phosphorus m P77885 TRC mo Heeamine mgd Formaldehyde M10 Total Copper mZA Total Zinc MHA Total Lead MBA Non -Polar OdrG milA pit s.u, Acute Taildly LC30 003-Dry Projects Februny 004•FIC140 pcbmsuy ON -Duck Pond February 009.Malnr, Shop Febru STORM EVENT CIIARAC`TERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.):= Permit Sampling Pcriod: Note: No qualiting rain event. CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By thi i l e, I cct this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Infm arnNon 3 Z� � Momentive 70333 Neils Eddy Road gnature of Perm ee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910)655-2263 EXT 5249 nl �i�Z D 11'6 t/1✓ r Print Name and Title Submit I (original) Form AT-1 (no DNIR) W. NC DENMWQlEnvironmelual Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DIVIR (original) and Form AT -I to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy Dl1IR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Watcr Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RECEIVED MAR 3 0 20 DENR-LOID 1"DIJAUTY ST0RN1V1,RTi R PERi'A i TING 40" som t Hexion—STORM WATER SAAIPLING REPORT � CertilicateorCoverage No.:NCS090156 r �ssl■ ��� RECEIVED Columbus County, North Carolina ca"12 OEc o 1 Zpj Personnel Collecting Samples: P. 9usovne/D. MaddorJS. /S,Mor% rey Certified Laboratotiax Environmental Chemists Lab Iv: 94 CENTRAL FILES Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. Lab ID: 37 DWR SECTION ANALYTICAL RESULTS 00530 00310 00340 00610 2625 o0630 00665 77885 50060 1 71040 01042 OLo92 01051 00556 0040o TAAJ13 Uutf@U Dale metdd r TSS m BOD m COD raw NE] m TNN m NO30402 m Tosol Phosphorus Mtn Methanol mgA TRC mrA Eersttine M&4 IToW Formaldehyde MgA Copper MgA Totsl Zinc mgA Total Lead at Nan-Polnr O&G mgA pH S.U. Acute Toxicity LC50 003-Dry Projects Oct ON-HCHO Oct W&Duck Pond Oct 009-Mains. Shop Oct STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.):= Permit Sampling Period:= Nole:No qualifying rain event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, 1 certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. _ J Company Information Momentive 333 Neils Eddy Road SVhAturc of Yermittee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 26456 (910)655.2263 EXT 5248 Print Name and Titie Submit I (original) Forrn AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENRMWQ/EnvirorLmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR(original) and Form AT -I to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Scrvice Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/D. Maddox/S. IS.Meu rey Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Heillon — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate or Coverage No.: NCS999136 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 OCT 2 8 Z015 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION 00530 00310 00340 00610 00623 00630 00645 17885 50060 71890 of042 01092 01031 o9556 I 0o4o0 TAA3B Outfall Date mold r TSS mo DOD mgA COD mo 11113 rnjA TKK mgA NO3+NO2 MgA TWO phosphoms mgA Melhonol mgA TRC mgA Eleaamine m&A Formddehyde me Total Capper m Total Zinc m Total ].end mgA Nan -Polar O&C MgA oil a.u. Acute Taaiclty LC50 003-Dry Projects Sept 004-tiCHO Sept 00&hack Pond UPI 009•Mainl. Shop Sepi STORAI EVENT CHARACTERISTICS 'fatal Event Precipitation (ins.):= Permit Sampling Period:= Note:Nu qualifying min event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By 1 's ' mute, I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. /�/J /o2-Lj)s 3 taro of Perm ee or Designee Date �NALJ-) ,Qcj Wk r Y 1 Name and Title Company Information Momenlive 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (919)655-2263 EXT 524 g aft-ft Cz Submit 1 (original) Form AT -I (oo DhIR) to:� NC DENR/DWQ/Environmental Sciences SEdffin 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Centel Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/D. Mnddo:r/S.IS.Mo%% rey Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Heilon - STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.i KCS000155 Columbus County, North Carolina Lob W: 94 Lab ID: 37 RECff NED OCT 06 2015 CENTRAL FILES OWR SECTION 00530 00310 00340 00610 00525 00630 00665 171115 50060 71990 01042 WON 01051 00556 0040o TAA38 Oathts Dale mdd r Tas m DOD en COD m N113 m TKN m NO3+NO2 m Total Phosphorus m Methanol m TRC m Hesamine m Formaldehyde m Total Capper m Toll Zinc m Total Lead m Non -Polar O&G m pH s.n. Acute Toxicity LC50 003-Dry Pro ems 9/19/3015 3.90 9.00 72.00 87.90 90.7 9.52 0.88 <10 0.041 <10 0,071 0.0460 0.096 -Co 01 <5 7.19 NA 004•RCHO 811912015 61.70 13.0 133.0 3.10 10.6 6,19 0.31 <10 0 <10 0.587 0.0490 0.246 <0.01 <5 7.65 NA 006•LkrckPond IV1912013 87,00 8.00 152.00 1.60 9.4 0.95 0.45 <10 UI <10 0.654 <0.007 0.019 -Co ,01 <5 8.97 NA 009-Maint. Shop VIW3015 2s0 3.00 51.00 0.20 1.2 0.770 0.11 <10 0.048 <10 0.204 0.0120 0.056 <0.01 <5 7.45 NA STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS 'Dotal Event Precipitation (ins.): U.16 Permit Sampling Period: U Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By t e, I ify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information 2 f S Momentive 333 Neils Eddy Road griature of Pc Ittee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910) 655-2263 E7(T 5248 Print Name and Title own woom 00 Submit I (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENR/DWQ/EnvironmenWI Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/D, Maddox/S, IS.Mm% rey Certified laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULT'S Hexion - STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT ~� Certificate of Coverage No.t NCS000156 Columbus County, Nori%tMarnKit Lab ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 a 00530 00310 1 00340 00610 00625 00630 00665 77805 50060 71830 01042 01092 61051 00556 00400 I 'rAA3B Ounill Elate mnldd! r TSS m DOD m COD m N113 m TKN m NO3+NO2 m Tola1 Phmphorua m Methanol m TItC m Ile:amine m Formaldehyde m Total Copper m Total Zinc m 'rain bead MBA Nan -Polar O&G MgA pl! 1.a. jAculc Tadrlty I.C50 003-C"PW*1S 7/1312015 21.20 K00 11.o0 25.50 30.6 14.00 0.35 <10 0 <10 0.306 0,062D 0011 <D.01 <3 6.39 004-HCHO 7/13/2015 17.60 11.0 IWO 2.90 7.3 1.34 0,19 <10 0,018 <10 0,719 0,0320 0.107 <0.01 <5 7.45 00&Duck Pond 7/1312013 63.D0 7,00 5E.00 2.30 6.7 1.47 0.33 <10 0.114 <10 D.279 <O.DU5 0.010 <0.01 <5 7.06 009•trlailn. Shop 711J11015 3.30 3.00 40.00 0.20 0.9 0.750 0.34 <lO 0.032 <ID 0,215 0.007D D.051 <0.01 <5 6.22 SI'OPM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): r 0.46 Permit Sampling Peric& Note: No Qualifying rain event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best ofmy knowledge. 1 00Z 5115 Company Information 33 Neils Eddy Road 333 N613 S' sture of Pcrtnitt a albesignee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910)655-2263 EXT 5249 Prilit Name and 1111a Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENRIDWQlEnvironmenlat Sciences Section 1621 Moil Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy DMR (original) and Form AT -I to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Ann: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy DMI1(copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division or Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 SEp . Personnel Coliecting Sompies: P. Busovne/D. Maddou/S,IS.Mo%� rey Certified Laboratories: Stivirotm emni Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS flexion —STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No- NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lah ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 RECEIVED SEP 41 2015 owR SECTION 00530 003101 00340 00610 00625 066311 00665 778aS 50060 11890 01042 01092 01051 00556 oo400 TAA313 OulAll Dnie maldd! r T55 m BOO m COD m N113 moll TKN m NO1+NO2 ine Total Phosphorus ME Altthanol MO TRC M&4 He:amine mgA Formaldehyde MgA Total Copper mAA Total Zinc rng4 'total Lead me Nan -Polar O&G mwl ell S.U. Acute Tosicily LC50 003-DryProlecte .711312DI5 21.20 i4.00 $1.00 23.50 30.6 14.00 0.55 <ID 0 <10 D306 0,0620 0.071 <0A1 <5 639 004•11CHO 7113/2015 17,60 11.0 IM0 2,90 7.2 1,54 0.19 <to 0,018 <10 0,118 0.D320 0.107 <001 <5 7.45 006•Duck Pond 7/13/2015 63.00 7.00 5a.00 2.50 6.7 1.47 D.33 <I0 0.114 <10 0.279 <0.005 0.01E <O'ol <5 1.86 0N-Maint, Shop7/13/2015 3.30 5.00 40,00 0,201 0.9 0,750 034 <10 0,032 <l0 0,215 0.0070 0.052 <0.01 <5 6.22 STOMI EVENT CHARAC'CER1STIC5 Tolul Event Precipitation (ins.); 0.46 Permit Sampling Period:[ 3 Note: No Qualifying rain event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT i3y si at"'ccrtif this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, ��115'� 5 Company Information Momentive f 333 Neils Eddy Road ignatlue of P rmittee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910) 655.2263 EXT 5248 Ptint Name and Title tltttttl� tl� rmon r" Submit I (nriginal) Form AT-1 (no DhiR) to: NC DENRIDWQ/Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy DNIR (original) and Farm AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Submit 1 rapt' DMR (copy) and Farm AT-1 to: Siarmwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/D. Maddox/S. /S.MoA% rey Certified Laboratories: Micobac Environmental Testing Solutions, Ito. ANALYTICAL RESULT'S Hesion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: II Lab ID: 37 RECEIVED JUN 2 5 2015 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION 0053D 00310 1 00340 00610 00625 00630 00665 77815 50060 7138D 01042 01092 01051 OD556 00400 'rAA311 Outryl! Dale moldd r T89 mgA ➢OD COD mo&A&A NM TKN NO3+NO2 L Total Phosphorus M10 Rlelhnual nign TRC mgn tfesamine m Formaldehyde mgA Total Copper mo Total Tine trign Trod Lead MIA Non-Palnr O&G MHA p11 9.11a Acute Tmldty LCSa OD3-Dry Projects May ON-11MI0 I may, 006-Duck Pond Me oo9-Mainl. Shop Ma STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS 'Total Event Precipitation (ins.):= Permit Sampling Period: = Nate: No Qualifying rain event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT ure, ] c iry this report is accurate and complete to the best ofmy knowledge. CompanyInformation i Mameritintive 333 Neils Eddy Road ignaiure of Pe ittee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910) 655-2263 EX'r 5248 WE 11 Pri Name and Title C 103 as�lp� Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no DNIR) to: NC DENR/DWQ/EnvironmentoI Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1621 Submit 1 copy Dh1R (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality WRIeT Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DIMI (copy) and Form AT-1 tn: Stolmwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Moil Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 ray Personnel Collecting Sarnplcs: P. 13usovne?13, Maddox/S. /S.Mox rey Certified Laboratories: Micobae Envirorunental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS flexion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No,: NCSOI?0156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lob ID: I 1 Lab ID: 37 RECEIVED ,JUL 3 1 2015 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION 00530 00310 00340 00610 00613 j 00630 00665 7711e5 5006D 71880 01042 01091 01051 00556 moo TAA313 tlulfan Date melddl r TO m nob ro COD m NH3 m TICK m NO3+NO2 m Total Phosphorus m Dtelhnnol m TRC m Ilesnmine rn Form41dehyde m Total Copper m Total Zinc m Total Lead m Kon-Polar O&G MO pH s.a. Acute Tonally 1.00 003-Dry Projects 6/3/2015 3,50 20.70 34,60 7.30 9.7 11.00 0.291 <1,0 0.01 <10 2,410 D.D400 0,047 <0,063 <5.00 7.07 004•11010 6/312013 3.60 6.9 499 <M00 4,9 11.50 0.111 <3.0 0,03 <10 5,360 0.0190 0,054 <0,003 <3.00 7,40 006-Duck Pow 61312015 23M 11.80 10.40 <0A00 4.6 3.19 0.014 el.D 0.022 <10 0.152 <0.002 0.015 <O.Oo3 <5,00 7.21 009-Miami. Shop 6W2015 1.40 <2.00 <10 <0,100 <1.00 1.270 0.046 <L0 D.011 <10 0,269 0.0030 0.012 <0.003 <5.00 7.72 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0.9 Permit Sampling Perio&= Nate: No Qualifying rain event CERTI 1CAT'ION STATEMENT By s ature, I rlify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information WZD Momentive 7 14 rl 333 Neils Eddy Road Si ature or Penn ee or Designee Dale Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910) 655-2263 EXT 5248 oN1�tp Print Name and Title Submit I (original) Norm AT-1 (no DN R) to: NC DENR/DWQ/Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Ralcigb, NC 27699-1621 Submil I copy DMR (ntlgiaaq and Norm AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Ann: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Submit I copy DAIR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Watcr Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovnctD. Maddox/S,1S,M01+rey Certified Laboratories NGcobac Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANAI.YTIrAl. UYSUI,TS Hexlou - STORM WATER SA EPLE4G REPORT Certificate of Coverage No,: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lai) Ib: 11 Lab ID: 37 RECEIVED APR 2 8 2015 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION RECEIVED APR 28 ; �E CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION 0033a 00310 00340 006t0 00615 00530 00665 77815 1 30060 01042 oio92 01051 00556 oo40n 'rAA3B Oulrall Date moldd! r TSS m BUD m Cob m N113 m TKN 01 1403HY02 m Total Phorphorm m 51elhanol m VIC m Ile "In, m ;Farmsidthyde Total Capper m Total Zinc m Total Lead m Non -Polar O&G m PEI 7,u, Acute Torlclty LCSO 003-DryProjeclr 3N41I415 4.00 22,00 9T.Sp 57.40 52.8 4.94 0.43 <L0 0,002 22.0 0.0375 0.0T3S <0.001S e5.00 T,10 NA 004.11C1I0 3/1412015 1100 42.2 250.0 37.20 62.4 lJ6 0.13 <1.0 0 94.0 69.J00 0.4295 0.146 c0.0015 <5.00 7,SA NA 006•DuckPond 3/14/2015 6,41) 11.10 39.30 4.20 4.7 0.81 0.14 <l.0 O.OIE 11,0 7.930 <0.005 0.0235 c0,tl01S <S,OD T.25 NA 009-hlalni. Shop 3/14/2015 2.00 ? 44 17.40 <0,100 11.bn 0746 <n.nso <l.0 0.00] <IO 0.366 <0,005 0.043 <0.0415 <5,00 7.77 NA STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 1.36 Permit Sampling Period:© Note; CERTI[MCATION SfATEh1ENT B this signet re, I crtify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 1 Company Information Momentive r 333 Neils Eddy Road Signature of Perm ite i Designee bate Riegalwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 _ tvP LV1) i`- k 1 EXT 5248 - Print Name and Title rst�rr� Suhod t I (original) Farm AT- 1(no DMR) to: NC 1lEIdR1DWQ1Enviromnentol Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy 0r R (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DNM (copy) and Form AT-t to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Rnleigh, NC 276994617 i" ... 6' � y :��� J... i�� �: .. __ t. k 4 .. � r F i�,.._:. f A Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovnelD. Maddox/S, IS,Mow ray Certified Laboratories: Micobac Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL. RESULTS Dexlon - STOMI WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000136 Columbus County, North Carolina Lob 1D: I 1 Lob 113: 37 aassa 00310 60340 00610 00615 1 00639 00665 7780 soo6o 7138o ota2 amyl alsst 005$6 0040o fAA3D OutfalL Date mold r TSS m DOD m COD m NH3 m TKN m NO3+N01 m Total Phosphorus m htelhanal m TRC m Hesamlde m Formaldehyde m Tote] Copper to Total Zlac m Total Lead m Non -Polar O&G m pH O.U. Acute Toxlclty LC50 00J-D Projects 09f201S 9.46 36.50 49.20 89.80 94.7 15.20 0.61 <1.0 0 <10 2.340 0.0405 0.10L <0.0015 <5.00 7.21 s OD4-1CHO 4/9/2015 73.00 29.0 113.0 <0.100 12.4 2.03 0.25 <1.0 Q001 1 16.0 16.600 0.0230 1 0.164 0.110200 <5.00 7.45 pass 006-DmkPond 41912015 12.60 9,15 37,80 2.76 1 4.0 1.93 0.15 <110 0.049 <10 1 3.620 <0.W5 0.0255 a0.o015 <5.00 6.45 posts 009-maint. Shop 4ry/2o15 4.00 7.41 31.20 <0,1o0 kl.00 2,420 0.066 <1,0 0.014 <10 0.657 0.0005 0,062 <0,0013 <5.00 7.24 pass STORM E V ENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0.4 Permit Sampling Period:= Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, I certify this report is accurate and complete to The best of my knowledge. LJJ 6"'; 41� ;12f-115 Signature of Pe I ittegMr Designee Date joi'lAtv 47'I- j F r Print Name and Title Submit I (original) Form AT -I (no DNIR) tc: . NC DENRIDWQ/Environmental Sciences Section Y D 1621 Mail Service Center MAY 2 9 2015 Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DrKR (original) and Form AT-1 to: CENTRAL FILES Division of Water Quality DWR SECTIONWater Quality Section Attn: Central riles 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Company Information Submit 1 copy DMR(capy) and Form AT -I to- Momentive Stotmwater Permitting Unit 333 Neils Eddy Road Division of Water Quality Riegelwood, NC 28456 1617 Moil Service Center (910) 655.2263 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 EXT 5248 `v Environmental Testing Solutions, tnc E$luent Toxicity Report Form - Acute Pass/Fail PO Box 7565 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Date: April 17, 2015 Facility- Enviro Chemists NPDES #: NC- S000156 Pipe #: SW003 County_ Columbus Heaton Specialty Clbemicals Laboratory Performing Test: Environmental TestipaAolultickpns, Inc. Comments: Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge: Signature of Laboratory Supervisor. —4Project 10569 Sample 150410.11 Mail Original To: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWQ/ Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699LI621 North Carolina Acute Pass/Fail Toxicity Test Collection Date: 04-09-15 Collection Time: 1025 Test Start Date: 04-10-15 Sample/Type/Duration i Grab Comp. Duration 3 X o A F Alkalinity (mg CaCO3/L) 34 Hardness (mg CaCO3/L) 42 Conductivity (µmhos/ctn) 152 5I6 Total Residual Chlorine (mg/L) a0.10 Sample Temp. at Receipt (°C) 24 Mortality Organism Tested 48-hour- Ceriodgphina dubia Control 7.65 7.73 PH (S.U) Treatment 7.23 7.99 n e rq W Control7.8 7.8 D.O. (mQ(L) Treatment Replicate Mean Mortality Treatment I (Control) A B C D 0% 0% 0% 0% Treatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D Concentration H 0% 0% 0% 0% Tested Note- 1f mean control mortality wm=ds 2 0%the test is oontidered invalid. Calculate using Arc -Sine Calculated Student's t NA PASS Square Roar transformed Tabular Student's t NA FAIL data. (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than ar equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, cbeek PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is greater than rite absolute value of the tabular t, check FAn- If all vessels within each treaunem have the same respame bra the trratmem two response is greater than the aantrol, check fail. DWQ form AT-2 (8191) a Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc - Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Acute Pass/Fail PO Box 7565 Asheville, NC 29802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828)350-9368 Date: April 17, 2015 Facility: Enviro Chemist NPDES 4: NC- S000156 Pipe #: SWO04 County: Columbus Hexion Specialty Chemicals Laboratory Performing Test Environmental Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge Signature of Laboratory Supervisor. , ' _WV4 Comments: Project 30569 5antnle: 150410.12 Marl Original To: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWQ/Enviromnental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 North Carolina Acute Pass/Fail Toxicity Test Collection Date: 04-09-15 Collection Time: 1020 Test Start Date: 04-10-15 Sample/TypDTknation m Grab Comp. Duration m X o U 2 x Alkalinity (mg CaCO3/L) 34 Hardness (mg CaCO3/L) 42 Conductivity (limhos/cm) 152 150 Total Residual Chlorine (mg/L) <0.10 Sample Temp. at Receipt (°C) 2-4 Mortality Treatment 1(Control) Organism Tested 48-hour - Ceriodaphhw dubia Control 7.65 7.73 pg (S.U.) 7.36 7.76 Treatment t: c° b e Control 17.8 1 7.8 D.O. (mg/L) 17.9 1 7.8 Treatment Replicate A B C D 0% 0% 70%1O°Io] Treatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D Concentration H 0% 0%. 0% 0% Tested Note: If mem omtrol mortality c=eds l OOA the test is considere3 invalid. Mean Mortality Calculate using Arc -Sine Calculated Student's t NA PASS Square: Root transformed Tabular Student's t NA FA EL dam (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value ofthe calculated t is less than w equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is pn= than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL If all vessels within each =tmem have the same response but the treaunem two response is grater than the control, check fad. DWQfmm AT-Z ("I) Effluent Tonicity Report Form •- Acute Pass/Faff Facility. Euviro Chemists Hexion Specialty Chemicals PO Box 7565 Asheville, NC 28802 _ Pbone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Date: April 17, 2015 NPDES #: NC- S000156 Pipe #: SWO06 County: Columbus Laboratory Performing Test Environmental Testing ud5 nc. Signature of Operator in Resporlsi-ble Charge: Signature of Laboratory Supervisor. Comments: Project 10569 Sample: 150410.13 Mail Original Tot North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWQ/ Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Cuter Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 North Carolina Acute Pass/Fail Toxicity Test Collection Date: 04-09-15 Collection Time: 1013 Test Start Date: 04-10-15 Sample/IypmVwa ion ;5 Crab Comp. Duration • X o y m Ga Eo- AHWinity (rng CaCO3/L)j 34 Hardness (mg CaCO3/L)j 42 Conductivity o0 /cm) 152 194 r1ne Total Residual Chlorine {tng/L} <D.10 Sample Temp_ at Receipt CC) 2 4 Mortality Organism Tested 48-hour - Caiodaphina &bia Control 7.65 7.73 pH (S.U.) 7.8o Treatment7.D0 d � Control 7.8 7.8 D.O. (m L) 8.0 7.9 Treatment Replicate Treatment I (Control) A B C D 0% 0% D% O% Treatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D Concentration 100% Tested Note: ifmean control ram alitycmeeds I0%, the tsst is otrnsidaed invalid. 0% 0% 0% Mean Mortality Calculate rising Arc -Sine Calculated Student's t NA PASS X Square Root transformed Tabular Student's t N�► FAIL . data. (ONE TAILED) if the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is grater than the absolute value ofthe tabular t, check FAIL. if all vessels within each treaaneat have the same rerponse but the treatmentg two response is eaza than the coimoi, check W. DWQ form AT-2 ("I) Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Acute Pass/Fail PO Box 7565 AsheviIIe, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Date: April 17, 2015 Facility: Enviro Chemists NPDES #: NC-S000156 Pipe #: SWO09 County: Columbus Hexiou Specialty Chemicals Laboratory Performing Test Environmental Testing Soluti c. Comments: Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge: Signature of Laboratory Supervisor. Project 10569 Sample: 150410.14 Mail Original To: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWQ/ Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 North Carolina Acute Pass/Fail Toxicity Test Collection Date: 04-09-15 Collection Time: 1010 Test Start Daze: 04--10-15 Samplerlype/Dmation a Grab Comp. Duration 3 X o m U O F Alkalinity (mg CaC031L)j 34 Hardness (mg CaCO3/4 42 Conductivity (iCmhos/crn) 152 58 Total Residual Chlorine (mg/L) <0.10 Sample Temp. at Receipt (°C) 2-4 Mortality Organism Tested 48-hour - Cv iodophma dubia Control 7.65 T73 pH (S.U.) 7.00 7S9 Treatment y � � w Control 7.8 7.8 D.O. (mg/L) 8.1 7.9 Treatment Replicate Mean Mortality Treatment 1 (Control) A B C D 0% 1 0% o% 0% Treatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D Concentration 100% 0%0°/a 0% 0% Tested Note: If mean control mortality exceeds 10%, the test is cotssidered invalid Calculate using Arc -Sine Calculated Student's t NA PASS X Square Root transformed Tabular Student's t NA j FAIIa data (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less shah or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t check PASS_ If the absolute value of the calculated t is grater than the absolute value of the tabuhv % check FAIL If all vessels within each treatment have the same response but the treat twa response is greater that's the contol, check fmI. DWQ form AT 2 ("I) Heilon—STORM WATERSAMPUNGRUORT CwtWeale of Coveragt No.114CS000156 Columbta County, North Carolina Pmonncl t�ollrtting $eagles P. Sutovor-V. iv[addOx/S. f5 Mow ray- — Celt0U l.ab 1-1111es Envtraotneniall Tatitlg Boludoru, 1pt .: Lab i17 ` `,37; - AWAr.MTVAr-DV-MTTQ RECEIVED MAR 0 4 2015 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION 00S3d 0a710 10140 001111 00623 1... 00665 119. 50060 11110 01042 1 01092 Dios) 005% wao TAA38 Taw TOW Total Total Non -Polar Acule nsla TS9 130W COt7 HUS TM NO3+601 Phwpliara! alciaavol 2RC Hwrdne Formaldrlydt Capper Ude Lead O&G PLS ra-idt7 oatlnA m r m 94- my m h. a1 m m m rA meA MPA m MIA �m f{� MrA MZA LLL =P 003•P gists V17ROl! 4A0 7,75 4}.s0 12.90 3Z4 4.55 1.01 <I,0 0 S10 1.620 0.1117o 0.054 <D.001o0 3.09 7,11 II OW,MLU Mwols 120 14.7 73,5 10.10 It'd 2.12 <0.100 2.1 om 1 14,0 41590 0,0220 0.01 <000300 2.26 71t 006-lluATood 111247015 1.20 1.34 32.SO 1 CU R3 1.61 <0.111a i <1.0 0.005 <to 0.471 K0.om 0.04 <0,00300 2.65 6.59 009�+[aialt,Sha V72f10k! 140 2.47 1730 <O.loO <1.OD 0377 m-l0o <1.D 13,05 410 4.526 0,0060 0.065 <0.0030Q : 7A5 STORM EVENT CHARACMR1S`f ICS Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to. Total Eve r Pro6pltadom (ins.); 1,44 NC DENRA WQA nvironmtoW Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Cemer P kSlunpUngreriod:= iLaWS14NC27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (origi=Q sad Form AT-1 to: Note; Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attu: Central Files 1617 Mail 3w-Ace Ccutsr C RTEI�CATION STATMMNT Raleigh, NC 21699-1617 this sipawre, I etlt% this report is to nad complete to the best of my knowledge. Company information Submit 1 copy AMR (copy) sod Form AT-L tot �t f 2 1 Momeldve; St06r1))WAM Perretttiag Unit k 0 15 S33 Neils Eddy Reed Division of WmT (: aWity Si ofparto 6r Deslgote Date Riegelwood, NC 21t456 1617 Mal) Service Ct uter (910) 655-2263 Rslcigh, NC 17699-1617 7o, 1DCf 5248 nLV ''NN PrtatName aad T�tk NO Personnel Collecting Samples: P. I3usovne/D. Maddox/S. S.Mo% rey CeniGed Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc, ANALYTICAL RESULT'S Hexion - STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 94 Lab 13: 37 � MElVED FEB 0 3 Kill CENTRAL F�E DWR SECrr 00539 00310 j 00340 1 00610 00615 j 00630 00665 77885 50060 71880 01042 01092 01051 00556 o040o TGA38 Outfaa Date moldd/ r TSS boo rnjA COD msil N113 M14 TKN mg4 I NO3+NO2 mall Toll Phosphorus mg4 Methanol m TRC m Reiamine MOO Formaldehyde mlt4 Total Capper m 'Gnat Zinc MA4 Taal I.rad mW1 Non -Polar O&G m pit s-up Acute Tosltlty LCIO 003•DryPn4octs 12/29/2016 _mpo 31.90 14.00 41.00 9.00 9.9 0.11 1 044 <5 0 <10 0089 0.0460 0085 <0,01 <5 7.01 NA 004-IICHO 12129R0i6 29.10 560 $92.0 215.00 213.0 0.07 0.57 7.61 0 $18 13.700 0.0330 0.205 <001 <5 7.05 NA 006dhck Pond 1272912016 19.70 9.00 41.C(L. 5.60 6.7 0,03 0.77 <5 0.02 <10 0.190 <0.005 = 0.022 1001 <5 7.12 NA 009-Maint. Shop 12J2912016 3.80 <2 <20 <0.2 0.6 <0.02 033 <5 0.017 <10 0.520 <0005 1 0.049 <001 <5 7.05 NA STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS 'total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0.7 Permit Sampling Period:® Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT 8y this i a [ ce ify is report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information �Q J Hexion J / 333 Neils Eddy Road Siinature of Pe ittee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 EXT 2757 Print Name and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AT -I (no DMR) to: NC DEN110WQlEnvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DIM (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Ann: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy DA1R (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Slormwutet Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Iieslon-St'ORM WA'PF.1t SAMPLING REPOW Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS0tW156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P. F3usovnidD. Madd_ox/S-IS.Mou rey Certified Laboratories:'6v€ronmcntal Chemists Lab 111 94 Lnyironmen al Tesling Solutiolls, hie.; _• 1 o6.1U 771; -- A AIAI VWTV A I. U V 4211 t IN 00530 00310 00340 00610 00625 00630 00665 77815 50060 71830 01041 01092 OIO51 00556 004(0 TGA311 MIFA11 Date moldd! r T95 m Bull I m Cot) m A N113 m TKN "'g,MK4nr 11403+NO2 Total Phosphorus Merlunol ulgil TFiC tnpVL 11cxamine rn Formaldehyde n%2 TOW Copper MIA TOW bric me 1'610 t.ead MEA Non -Polar O&G, n3gl pit s.u. Acute Ta%kity [.C50 DD).Dry Projects 616r1016 21,40 1600 41.00 13.20 12.8 5.90 0.47 <5 0 <25 0.148 0Ono 0.053 <001 <5 7.16 NA 004•II12116 6162016 2460 12.0 1 145,0 1 290 32.8 1 1.20 0.12 �5 0013 55.2 1 3.100 00150 1 0.103 r001 <5 1 7.60 NA 006-MckPond W612016 49,50 1800 90.W 2.60 6.3 1.05 0.74 <5 0.025 <25 cU050 c0.007 o.U37 1 <001 <5 7,02 NA 009•Maittt, Shop W6l2U16 15.8U 3.00 1, 23.00 1 0.30 10.5 U, 190 0W <5 0084 <25 U.156 �U.007 079 <OUI <5 8.03 NA STORA1 EVENT CIIARAC'ITRISTICS Total liven€ Precipitation ling.): 1.29 Pennit Sampling Period:= Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, I certify this report is accurate and comptele to the best ol'sny knowledge. Company Information lex�� 1333 Nn _ _ to 33 Neils liddy Road ignaulre nl•Perminee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910)655-2263 LXT 2757 Print Name and Title Suhmil I (original) Form AT-1 (no WNIR) to: NC DI.NRIDWQ1Environmcntal Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy UMR (original) and Form ATA to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 So bar11 1 copy UM It (copy) and Form AT -I to: Stormwalcr Permitting Unit Division or Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P.13usovnc/D. MaddoxlS,1S.Mo-A ray Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Hexion — STORM 1VATER SAMPLING REPORT Certtflcate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 RECEIVED DEC 01 2016 CENTRAL ALES GvVR SECTION 00530 00310 00340 00610 0062S 00630 00665 lists 50050 71tt0 OIW2 01012 ales] 00556 owa TGA3Q Oatfatl Date mold r TSS rnZA DOD m94 COD me NH3 mSA TKN mgA NO3+NO2 wjA Total Pharphotor MRA 1llethaaal ingA TRC mgA Henmiae mgAl Farmatdehyde m1A Total Capper mo l'otol Zinc M10 Total Lead mill Non -Polar O&G m&4 pll co. Acute Toxicity LC30 001-Dty Prajecta October NA 004.11010 October NA 006-Duck Pond October NA a 1-Malnl. Shop October NA STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.);= Permit Sampling Period:= Note: No qualifying rain event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Dy 's signature,) c liy his report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge Company Information Flexion 333 Neils Eddy Road gnature of Pe ittee or Designee Date Riegelwood NC 28456 (910)653-2263 EXT 2757 ,vALT �2iw�fi Print Name and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENRIDWQ1Envirmunental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to,. Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attu: Central Files 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Submit 1 copy DMH (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Starmwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samplcs: P. 9usovne/13. Maddox/S./S.Mat+ rcy Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc, ANALYTICAL RESULTS uexlon-STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCSOOD156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab 1D: 94 Lab ED: 37 0-Y 00530 00310 00340 00610 00625 00630 00665 77885 50060 71980 01041 01091 01051 00336 00400 'fGA3B Oulroll Dole maldd r TSS mlo DOD roll,11 COI! mgA N133 m TKN ingli NO3+N0 2 m Total Phmphoras MIO Alethonol m TRC In Reslmine rngn Formaldehyde MIL4 76111 Copper MgA Total Zlnc willi Total Lend m Non -Polar O&G le 0 pll O.U. lAcule Tncldly I C30 003-Dry Projects ' 9/1412016 19.10 10.00 60.DO 11.90 11.7 7.60 0.30 0 0,017 <5 O I47 0,090 0.037 <0.01 <5. 6.6a 1 NA 004•FICIIO 911412016 2010 14,0 1011.0 1.60 19.9 5.90 0.24 <5 +:o <5 1.660 0,0200 0.118 coal <5 7.34 NA 006-Duck Pond M412016 13.40 5.00 33.00 4.30 5.7 1.11 0,26 <S OMS <5 0,167 <0.005 OR16 <0.01 <3 1.03 NA 009-Maint. Shop 9114/2016 5.IO 2.00 23.00 1 <0.2 0.5 0.240 0.03 <5 0,012 <5 0,I5S 0.0050 0049 <001 1-5 7,60 NA STORM CVCNrCIIARACTERISTICS 'total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0.32 Permit Sampling Period:= Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By thj si a e, I ce y this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I Company Information ""don 333 Neils Eddy Road s4natwe of Permi o or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910) 655-2263 ExT 2757 Print Noma and Title Submit I (anginal) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENR/DWQ/Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT -I to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy DMR (copy) end Form A Starmwa Division 1617 Me Raleigh, Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovnc/D. Maddox/S.IS.Mo4 Fey Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Enviroluneludil Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Hexioa — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab IA: 94 Lab 1D; 37 00110 00710 1 00340 1 00610 0061S 00670 00665 77835 1 50060 71110 01041 oio92 was1 00556 00400 i TAA311 Oulfall Dale mo/dd r T99 -PA [100 Mal COD m NH] m TIUf m tfO]*HOI mgA Total Phoapharaa m M1telhsnol m TRC HIM Heumkae Man Formaldehyde MWI Total Copper mgA Total Zinc m Talal Lead Me Non -Polar OdtG mall pS t.e. Acute TaFlelty LC50 001-F1fy Prolaels Mueh 001-IICHO March 00&Mck Pond March 00%-Maim. Sha Muth STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins,): Permit Sampling Period; L� Note: No qualifying min event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, j cen4 this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. JJ} Company Information Momenlive 333 Neils Eddy Road Signature of Pc itlea or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910) 655-2263 EXT 5248 pin LT Z►��' � Arias Name and Title Submit 1 (original) Farm AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENR/DWQ/Enviroamental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 lot Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Storinwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/D, Maddox/S./S.Mou Fey Certified Laboratories: Enviramnental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Hexioo —STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 94 I.ab ID: 37 �CC�L��dC Q AUG 2 9 2016 DE0-WATERR SOURCES AQ18 BUFFER 0a530 00]]0 a113�a a¢fla Oaf7S ¢aa3ar¢0665 77893 S¢aaa 71190 410/3 ¢1a93 Dlos! 00556 woo TGA1D Qutfatl Dale mold r T88 Mtn DOD mw COD m NI13 MO TKN mlpil NO3+NO2oiphomi mgA Total m Methanol m TRC .0 ©riamina MBA Formaldehyde mjA Total Copper MWI Telat Zinc Mali Taint Lead MO Non -Paler O&G Mg4 pH 21u. Acute Toelrity I.CS¢ 003-Dry Projects July NA 00/-HCHO !ulV A 00&Dua Pond July NA 009-Maim. Shop My NA STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.):= Permit Sampling Period:O3 Note: No qualifying min event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By t 's signature, ) certiN this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knarvledgc. � L4 S gnature of Pc itlee or Designee Date Company Information Wexion 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 Lv A2 � � �� Print Name and Title EXT 2757 Submit I (original) Form AT -I (no DMR) tot NC DENRIDWQIEnvironmentol Sciences S an 1621 Mail Service Center Raieigh, NC 27699.1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT -I to: Division of Water Quality r�s' Water Quality Section Attu; Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Submit I copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stonnwater Permitting Unit Division of Watcr Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Personnel Coilecting Samples: P. Busovne/D. MaddoxlS.IS.Mo-A ray Certified Laboratories: Envirottmental Chemists' Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Hexion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lob ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 '00530 00310 00340 00610 00615 00630 00665 77485 500611 11880 01042 01091 o1as1 00556 oo4oa TGA3B Outralt Dale mold r TS8 MBA BOO m COD m NH3 "'91ontom TKN NO3+NOI Total Phosphorus m alethutol M&A TRC mall Hesamine MIA Formaldehyde ingn Total Copper Into Total Zinc m Total Lead m Non -Polar OdtG mgA pit loud Acute Toxicity LC50 Do] -Dry Projects October NA 004•HC140 Octotxr NA 006-Duck Pond October NA 009-Mainl. Shop October NA STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (lns.):= Permit Sampling Period:® Note: No qualifying min event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. w_'� 11121)) � S gnature of Penjittee or Designee Dale 'I �NALv AZ; w rT Print Name and Title Company Inrormntion Hexion 333 Neils Eddy Rood RiegelNvwd, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 EXT 2757 Submit I (original) Form AT- I (no DMR) to: NC DENR/DWWHnvironmenlal Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT -I to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1611 Submit I copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/D. Maddox/S.IS.Moit my Certified Laboratories: Envimnmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Heston - STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate or Coverage No,: NCS000136 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 RECEIVED OCT 31 2016 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION 00530 OD310 00340 0961D 00625 00630 00665 77805 50060 713so 01042 01092 01051 00536 004o0 T'GA3B WWI Dote molds! r TSS mitA HOD mall COD malt N113 m T" m N034NO2 -A-lA Tatd Phosphorus mgA tllelhonal In TRC m Ileumine m Pormoldehyde m Taint Copper m Tstu1 Var tulA Taint Lend sngsl Non -Polar O&G mg1l pit soup Acute Toddly LCSD oolay Med. 9/14r2016 19.10 10.00 Woo, 11.90 11.7 1,e0 Oil <6 0.017 <5 0.441 (ro390 0137 <0.01 <5. 6.1111 NA DD4.11Ci10 9/14/2016 20.10 14.0 108.0 L60 19.9 5310 0,24 1 <5 0 1 <5 1.660 0.0200 0.1111 <0.01 <5 1 7,34 1 NA 006-Duck Pond 9(1412016 13.40 5.00 $3,00 1 4.30 5.1 1.11 0.26 <5 0,018 <5 0.167 <0.005 0.016 <0,01 <5 7.01 NA 009-Mz1nt.!h!L 9114/2016 5.10 2.00 13.00 <0.2 <0.5 0.240 0.09 <5 Do12 <5 0,155 0.005D 0049 <poI <5 7,60 I NA STORM EVENT CIIARACYERISTICS "total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0.52 Permit Sampling Period:= Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By71hjsignature, I ce i hia report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. J a 2G I 1 Company Information Hexion 333 Neils Eddy Road Si ature or Pcrmi ce or Designee ate Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 E)C'T 2757 Print Name and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AT -I (no DMR) go: NC DENR/DWQfFnvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Cenict Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I top) DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division or Water Quality Water Quality Section Aim Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division or Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 RECEIVED JAN 0 3 2017 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/D• Maddox/S.IS.Mo%% rey Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions; Inc. ANALYTICAL RMULTS He:ion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Caroline Lab ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 RECEIVED JAN 0 ;1 CENTRAL FILES DW'R SECTIONi 00530 00310 00340 00610 00615 1 00630 00669 77ee5 30060 71890 01042. 01091 01031 00556 ouuo TGA3% Outthfl Date mold r 733 m BUD -94 COD NH3 m TKN m NO3+NO1 MgA Tout Pheiphorus MAA Methanol TRC MBA 11turnine M10 Formaldehyde taliA Total Copper mitil Total Zinc mBA Total Lead Me— Non -Polar O&G +a pit S.U. Acute Tollcity LC50 003-Dry P s NDwmtw NA 0N.HCHa November NA 006-Duck Pond November NA W9•Melnl. Shop November NA STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS 'rotal Event Prceipitalion (in3.): Peril Sampling Period:= Note: No qualifying min event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, 1 certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. l L 1ZQ �) Company Information Hetrion t 333 Neils Eddy Road ignature o£Pe ittee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910)653-2263 EXT 2757 Print Name and Title i Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENR/DWQ1Envirattmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT -I to: Division or Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwntcr Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/i7. Maddox/S. S.Mom rey Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESUL'i'S Hesion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab 1D: 94 Lab tD: 37 RECEIVED OCT 0 5 2016 CENTRAL FILES CVVR SECTION 00530 00310 0034D 00610 00621 00630 OD665 30060 71110 01041 ot092 01051 00556 00400 TGA3B Outfall Uate moidd! r TSS m nOn m COD m NIt3 m TKN m NO3+N01 m Total Phosphorus m F<5 TRC m Ilt:amine m111 itommidehrde m Total Capper m Total Zinc m Total Lead m Nan-Potar O&G m p11 r.u. Acute Tortan7 LC50 003-Dry Pro ecif BlIV2016 10.10 13.00 8500 65,00 73.9 1040 1,03 0.001 <3 0.521 0,0300 0.051 <0,01 <5 1.41 NA 0D4-RCHO 0/1=016 12.40 29.0 29S.0 490D 59,T 14,10 0.09 D.009 1 17 1 4.660 1 0.0450 OA57 W.01 <5 7,72 NA 006•DuckPond V1212D16 37.00 1 900 1 91,Do 2.1U 4.4 1.16 0.22 1 <5 0.062 <5 1 0.414 c0.007 0,016 <0.01 <5 7.70 NA 009-Malnt.8ha V12112016 15,50 I 13.00 1 50.00 0.90 1 0.9 1 0.710 I O.D9 I <5 O,OSE 1 <S 1 0,094 1 0,0090 0,079 <O,ol <5 9,10 NA STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0.2 Permit Sampling Pcriud;= Note: CERTIFICATION 5 ATEMENT By I e, E c ify 1 s report is accurate and complete to the best of my i nowledge, Company Inrormalion 2� J 1� Hexion p ! r/ 733 Neils Eddy Road ignature of Perm ee or Designee Date Ricgehvood, NC 29456 (910)655-2263 EXT 2757 All y+.i1=T Pant Nome and Title Submit I (original) Farm AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENRIDWQIEnvironrnental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy DINIR (original) and Form AT -I to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I col-y DMR (copy) and Form AT -I to: Slormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 F„s COPI Personnel Collecting Samples: P.13usovnelD, Maddox/S, tS,Moa rey Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS [lesion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certifleale of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North CnT01111n Lab 117: 94 Lab tD: 37 00310 00340 00610 10625 00630 00665 77825 50060 71680 01641 01092 01051 00556 ec4c0 TGA38 QuHall Dale mold rm RUA DOD COO m NN3 m TKN m NO3+NO2 m Total Phorphorur me htelltanol m TRC m Helemine mg/l Formaldehyde m Total Copper m Total Zinc m Total Lead m Non -Polar O&G m pit s.u, Acute Tuddly LC59 003-Dry Pro ectr E112/201613.00 a5,00 65.00 75.1 10.40 1,03 <3 0.013 a 0.321 0.0300 0.051 <O.Ot <5 7.43 NA 004•HCHO e1171201629,0 295.0 49.00 %7 14.10 0,09 <5 0.009 93 4.860 0.0450 0.157 <0.01 <S 7,72 NA 006•Dunk Pond i 1111212016 37.00 1,00 71.00 2.10 4.4 1.16 0.22 <5 0.062 K5 0.414 <0.007 1 0,016 <0.01 <5 1.70 NA 009•mo nt. she VIV2016 M50 13,00 50,00 0.90 09 0.710 0.09 <5 0,059 c5 0,094 0.0090 0.079 <0.01 <5 8.10 NA STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0.2 Permit Sampling Period:= Nate: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT 8y I certify this [sport is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Informallon q f xs // 6 333 Ne 1 333 Nils Eddy Road ignature of Ptykittee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 E T 2757 RLrp i vVrz.�. Print Name and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENRJDWQ/Envitonrllental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Farm AT -I to: Division or Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Ccnter Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy DMR (copy) and Form AT -I to. Slormtvatcr Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/D. Maddox/S. /S.Mo11 rey Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc, ANALYTICAL RESULTS Heltjou - STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS11100156 Columbus County, North Carolina "/I E Lab ID: 94 Lab 1D: 37 copy 00530 00310 0034D 00610 00615 00610 1 00665 77165 50060 7J810 01041 OI092 01051 00556 00400 TGA3H Outran Dale __malddlyr TSS rMrA DOD m COD m NH3 cap THN me NO3+1102 me Total Fhosphorur tagn alelhanot m TRC al Henmine wgA Formaldehyde MIPI Tarsal Copptr togn Tonal Zinc MgA Tar■I Lead MNA Nan -Polar O&C, m&q pH S.U. Acute TaIdelty 1.00 003-Dry Projects 4/112016 I1.00 9.00 57.00 31J0 23,1 0.14 <0.04 <S 0.02 <5 0.756 OM90 0.064 <0.01 <3 6.99 NA 004-IICHO 4/117e16 11.10 1,0 340 1.10 4.7 <0.n2 <0.04 <S 0.005 1 <S 1 0,151 1 OA130 0069 1 <6.01 <5 1 7.74 1 NA 006 Duck Pond 41112016 6.90 6.D0 27.00 6.00 6.1 <0.02 <0.04 <S 0.026 <S 0,144 <O.00S 0.02 <0,01 <3 6.69 NA b09-hisinl. shop 411/2016 4.60 4.00 <70 <0.2 0.1 <0.02 <0.04 <5 bA37J <0.D05 0.066 <0,01 <5 7.63 1 NA STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): r 0.68 Permit Sampling Period: F2 Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By 7,1 cpttify this port is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. / k�� s1a� )1t Si atone of Pearl ee or Dwignee Date PrVoLq Print Name and Title JUN o CENTRALFIL' DWR .SECTION ES _r Information Morrlsntive 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 EXT 5248 Submit I (original) Form AT-1 (no DMH) to: NC DENRMWQIEnvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DNIR (original) and harm AT -I to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 ._1 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/D. Maddoa/S./S.MotN rey Certified Laboratories: Hoviroatnentnl Chemists Enviruumenlat Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Heilon — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.t NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 005301 00310 00340 00610 00625 00630 60663 17185 50060 71280 01041 01012 01051 00556 90400 TGA38 Oa{411 Data moldd! r TBB m DOD m COD to NB3 m TM m NO3eNO2 m Tool Phoaphoraa m Methoaal m TRC m Besamine m fronnotdehyde rn Total Capper m Tm.t Zlne m Total Lead m Notr-Polar O&G m pH r.a. Acute Tosleity LC30 003-D Preecu 4771201E NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HA j NA NA NA Pass 004-HCIIO 01M16 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Pass 006-nuck Peal -41712016 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Pass 009-MaW. oho 4/712016 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Past STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitalion(ins.)f 0.35 Permit Sampling Period:= Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By i lure, I c i Is report is occurnta and complete to the best of my knowledge. sL J� G S gnatrue of Permillee or Designee Date qp o P LD Z I V � J)z I Fn t Nama and Title REGE j ` ml (original) Form AT -I (oo DMH) lot �+ + i/ NC DHNMWQMnviron=nlnl Sciences Section .Jl� I I N /► 1621 Mail Service Center V j (� j Raleigh, NC27699.1621 CEWRAL FIL8jm11 I copy DNIz1(original) and Form AT -I to: DWR SECTION Division of Waler Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 276994617 Company Information Submit t copy DMR (copy) and Form AT -I to: Momen6ve Slormwater Permitting Unit 333 Neils Eddy Road Division of Water Quality Riegelwood, NC 28456 1617 Mail Service Center (910) 655.2263 Ralakgh, NC 27699.1617 EXT 524E Personnel Collecting Samples: P, BusovnelD. Maddoa/S,IS. Mo%%my CeriiFied laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Hexion — STORAI WATER SAMYLINC REPORT' Certificate of Coverage No.- NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 Riia_NSD el SIGN 2 7 Mb CNTRAL FILES nV,,R SECT ON 00530 00310 00340 00610 G0625 00630 00665 77885 S0060 71810 01042 01002 01031 00356 00400 TGA3 Total Total Total Total Non -Polar Acute Date M ODD COD NH3 TKN NO3tNOI Phospborvs blelhanol TUC Heasmine Pormstdthyde Capper Zlnr Lead O&G pH Todelty outhlt 'nolddlyT myl M&4 MBA r"BA MS4 m&4 M&4 M811 MgA wilA MRA MBA m r,u. LCSo // n3 0-D set Yru a Ma / NA 004-HCIID MRY .�I I NA oo6-buckPotxt May /// NA 004-Malal. Sha m- f NA STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS i Total Event Precipitation Permit Sampling Period:=2 Notc:No Qualifying min event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By is signalum. I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 11 Company Information Momentive L C• 333 Neils Eddy Road Stature of pa . ittee or Designee ate Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 EXT 5248 �Lqj Print Namo and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no MIR) to: NC DENR/DWQ1Envimnmenla1 Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DNIR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Centmi Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DWI: (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovnelD. Ivladdox/S.IS.Mo" rey Certified Laboratories: Enviromnerttal Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Oexion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.- NCS000I56 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 RECEIVED JUN 0 9 2016 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION 00530 00310 1 00340 00610 00625 1 00630 90465 71119 03041 01952 01051 00556 moo TGA3H Outfall Dale mold r TSS m BOD m COD m N113 m TKN m NO3+NO1 m Total Phosphorus m Ifecamine m Formaldehyde m Total Capper m Told Zinc m Total Lead m Nan -Polar O&G m pll s.u. Acute Tasiclly LC50 003•D Projects 411/2016 NA NA NA NA HA NA NA Fl NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Pass 004•HCND 4fi12046 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA006•Duck Pond 4R/2o16 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA009-Maint.9ho 417f2ol6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Pa89 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): OJS Permit Sampling Period:= Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this gnature, I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 5)z4 f 16 Sign tune or Ftmaiticil or Designee Date �VJW Print Wome and Title Submit I (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) la. NC 0HNR/DWQ1Env1rornmenta1 Sciences Section s 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit t copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Piles 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Company Information Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Momentive Slormwoter Permitting Unit 333 Neils Eddy Road Division of Water Quality Riegel 56 1617 Mail Service Center (910) 655 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 EXT 5248 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovneiD. Maddox/S./S.Mou ray Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Lrnvlronmcnial Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Hestan —STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORR CerIIfleate of Coverage N .r.NC800$)�6 Columbus County, North Carroll [In Lab ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 n RFORVED APR 29 im DWR SECTION I1+d%Id MN PROCESSING UMT O0130 00310 00340 00610 00613 00630 00665 17815 $0060 71980 01042 J&U1092 0tQ51 00556 00400 TAA3B Toul Tou14 ' Total TOW Non -Polar Acute Dole T99 BOD COD NB3 TIQI NO3+NO2 Phorphorur hielhenel TRC Eleeamine Formaldthydt Copper zinc Lead O&G aft Toiltlt7 Outfsll mo/ddl r m m mlin mjA m m mgA MRA MKA MIA MKA in rnSA rogn m %Mm LC30 003-Dry Preiccts Much O04-HCHO Much h 006•Duck Pond Much 009-Mainl, Shop March .(R STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation Permit Sampling Period:© Nate: No qualifying rain event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. OLI j I-L6C1 Si oture or Pa nice or Designee pate e1v4 p vr-r P nt Name and Title i Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) W. / NC DENR/DWQ/Environmental Sciences o!t 1671 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 enpy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division or Water Quality C") Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 0 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Wo Company Information Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Momentive Stormwater Permitting Unit 333 Neils Eddy Road Division orWatet Quality Riegelwood, NC 29456 1617 Mail Service Center (910) 655-2263 Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 EXT 5249 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne(D. Maddox/S, /S.Mo« rey Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Hexiou — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate or Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab 10: 94 Lab Ill: 37 ,SUN 2 7 2016 I] - AT 4011 00S30 00310 00340 00610 00613 '00630 00665 77E1115 $0060 71830 oi017 01091 01051 00556 00,i0o TGA3B Outfall Date moldd r TSS m DOD -gA COD rnlo 14113 m TKN 010 NO3tNO2 MWI Total Phaaphoms m r*10honoi _rnSA TRC mSA Heurnine m Formaldehyde mgA Total Copper rop 'rotol Zinc MRA Taint read me Non -Polar O&G pit r.u. Acute Taaicity LCSO 001-Dry Prvjecta May NA 004•HCHO May NA 006•Duck pond May o09•Maint. Shop May STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS 'rotal Event Precipitation (ins,):= Permit Sampling Period:= Note:N0 Qualifying min event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By is ature, (certify this report is nccurnte and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information Momentive b l I 333 Nciis Eddy Road 5 gnature of Pe itlee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 j} EXT 5248 Print Name and Title f Submit t (original) Form AT.I (no DNIR) lo: NC DENRIDWQ/Enviromne al ciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699•1621 emi Submit 1 copy DMR (original) and Form AT -I to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit i copy DNIR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Slormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P.13usovne/D. Maddox/S.IS.Mou rey Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, be, ANALYTICAL RESULTS Hexion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 94 Lab II7; 37 00530 00310 00310 00610 O0a2S 00630 06665 77AI[S 50060 71E80 0104I 01092 OlaSl 00556 00100 TAA3f3 Oatfaa Date moldd r T93 m DOD m COD m NH3 m TKN m N034NOI m Total Phorphorrn m Alethanol m TRC MJO lleaamine MBA Formaldehyde MBA Total Copper MgA Total Zinc MBA Total Lead MgA Non -Polar O&G mSA pH r,a. Acule Tonicity LCSo 00-Dry Projects Feb D04•141:110 Feb OM -Duck Pond Feb 009-Matnt. Shop Feb STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS ^ Submit 1 (original) Form AT -I (no DMR) to: Total Event Precipitation (ins.):I__,..� NC DENR/DWQ/Envimuncntal Sciences Section RECEV�LJ 162k�NC27Serv699-1621 e Centel Permit SamplingPeriod: ry e Rnlci NC 27699-1621 APR 0 5 Z016 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT -I to: NOW No qualifying rain event Division of Water Quality CENTRAL FILES Water Quality Section DWR SECTION Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 By th' si afire, I certify Ibis report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information Submit I copy DMR (copy) and Farm AT -I to: 3n -1 /It Momentive Stormtvater Permitting Unit ` 333 Neils Eddy Road Division of Water Quality ignalure of Pe itlee or Designee ate Riegelwood, NC 29456 1617 Mail Service Center (910) 655.2263 Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 �EX"[' S248 zo�42)'W'g � Print Name and Title Personnel Collecting Samples; P. Busovne/D. Maddux/S. /S.MON rey Ccrtil-red Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Lrnvirunmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS flexion - STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 94 Lab ID; 37 PIZ46co C"f , V 00S30 00310 00340;92. 00625 00630 00665 77a15 50060 71180 011142 01091 01951 00556 o0400 TAA311 Ou1ra11 Date mold r TSS m BOD m COD m TKN m NO3+NO2 m Total Phosphorus m Methanol m TRC m He.amtne m Formaldehyde m Told Copper m Total Zinc m Total Lead m Non -Polar O&G m pit 1.u. Acute Taildly LC50 003-Dry Pro ects 1115/2016 6.00 9,00 41.00 6l.0 15.00 0.94 <10 0.024 QS 0,775 0.0290 0.063 <O.01 <5 1.39 NA D04-HCHO 1lISt2016 116.00 32.0 126.0 22.5 1.71 0.44 <10 0 <25 2.390 0.0250 0.19 <001 <S 9,33 NA 006•Duck Pond 1/15/2016 12.50 4.00 23.00 6.20 5.4 1.66 0.45 <10 0.02E <25 0,301 0.0020 0,012 <011 <5 6.0E NA 009•Maint. Shp 1/1512016 14,70 4.00 1 2300 0,60 1.4 0.220 0.19 <10 0.01 <n 0,231 0.0100 0.014 �0.01 <5 7.39 NA 5'1'ORN1 EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.):r 0.96 Permit Sampling Period: Note; CERTIFICATION STATEMENT ure, 1 crtlty this report is accurate and complete to the bass of my knowledge. S ature of Ptfmiltee or Designee Date IOWAL0 6,QZ Print Name and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no Dt41R) to: R L �� D NC DENRMINQ/Envimnmenial Sciences section L 1621 Moil Service Center FEB .2 9 2016 Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: CENTRAL FILES Division of Water Quality DWR SECTION Water Quality Section Alta: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Company Information Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT -I to: Momentive Stormwater Permitting Unit 333 Neils Eddy Road Division of Water Quality Riegelwood, NC 29456 1617 Mail Service Center (910) 655-2263 Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 EXT 5249 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovnelC. Beatty Certified Laboratories: Envtronmcriw Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS ilexton — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 94 Loki ID:. 37 FEB 13 2 01 8 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION 0090 00310 00340 00610 10625 00630 00665 90060 71n6o 01042 01091 0103t M56 0000o TCA3B Outrtdl Date moldd! r TSS m DOD m COD m N113 m TKN m NO3+NO1 m Tata1 Phosphorus m ;77"1 Me TRC m 11evm1ne m Farmaldrhyde m 'Total Copper mryl 'Total Zinc m 'Total Lead m Non -Polar O&G m pll s.u. Acute Toticity LC50 003-Dry Projects 12/27/2017 4.00 6A0 <20 2050 216 7,11 023 0,036 <5 LE50 0,0140 0.036 <0,01 <5 7.16 alit 004.11CIM 12127/2017 10.90 22A T60 6.30 k9,61 0117 0.11 <5 0 35 15,700 00120 1 0.126 <0.01 1 <5 1 7.31 Wit 006-buck Pant 12/27R0l7 15.20 l0. W 29.00 3.90 49 0.71 0.14 <5 0 U 4 110 <0.01 .024 <p 01 <5 681 n!a 0a9-Maknt, Sha 12/27/2017 1630 2.00 QO 0.20 <0.5 <1.D2 0.11 <5 0 <5 0,179 <0.01 0,07 <0, 01 <5 6.92 II/a STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0.21 Permit Sampling Period: Note: No Qualifying Ruin Event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT $y is signature. I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 4jJ / Q Company loformation McMinn 333 Neils Eddy Road gnatute of Permi ee Designee ate Riegelwood. NC 28456 (910)655.2263 /j/(�/jt/// f�,)} Print Name and Title ErXT 2757 Submit I (original) Form AT -I (no DMR) to: NC DENRIDW171Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Atim Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy DMR (copy) and Form AT -I to: Slormwatcr Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Sampies: P. EusovneIC, Beatty Certified Laboratories: Em4onmt:ntnl Chemists Envlronmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Hexion - STORM WATER SAMPLING REPOR I=r e `� Certificate of Coverage No..-NCS000136 1 " Columbus County, North Carolina rA NAl �1siN SECTION Lab— , 94 INFORMA110N FROCFSSfNG UNl1 Lab ID: . 37 00530 OD310 00340 00610 04615 00630 00665 770a6 50060 71ee0 01042 01092 01051 00356 moo TGA30 Outlht! Date mold r 739 m DOD m COD m NH3 m TIDY m X03+NO2 m Total Phosphorus m Methanol m TRC m Hesamine m Formaldehyde m Total Capper m Tatal Z1ne m Total Lead m Non -Polar O&G m pH Cue Acute 7411clt7 LC30 DO1-Dry Pm ects l H9/2017 640 11,00 $0.00 07.10 70,5 0.78 0.73 <3 0.019 <S <0.05 0.0170 0,067 <0.01 <S 7.19 rda 004-HCHO I IINf101T 1 76,70 44.0 398.0 3.90 1 93.1 1.55 0.31 <3 0.055 174 1 12.400 0.0550 1 0.324 1 <0.01 <S 1 7.49 nta 006-DuckPond 1INO17 1 147.00 12.00 112.00 2.70 9.7 US D.94 <3 0.01) <S 145 +_-:1 0.0070 O.D66 <0.U1 <3 7,06 tva 009-Maim. Sho ik/ m0lT 3,40 2.00 22.00 OM 1.6 <0.02 0.11 <S 0.001 <3 22a 0.0050 O.t179 <0.01 <5 1.39 Ilia STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): = Permit Sampling Period:® Now No Qunlitying Rain Event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By tids siggfure, I ce ' this ri is accurate and complete to the best Of my knowledge. 2I Company Information 1 1G` ] fI . flexion J 1 j 1 1 333 Neils Eddy Road Si atura of Permlttee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)635-2263 EXT 2757 Prt t Name and Title Submit 2 (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) for NC DENR/DWQ/Enviroru ental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to; Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Farm AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 16 t 7 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 flexion —STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCSWI56 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BLSOVne1C. Beatty CertiFted Laboratories: �Envirbnmenml Cht ini6 Lab W: 94 j itvirijnmenik',Testing solutions, ittc - „-';,, Lab ANALYTICAL RESULTS RFcF.NF.D r)F.NTRAL FILES WR SECT" 00530 00310 00340 00610 00625 006Sa 00"s 77ee5 Nfto 7t380 01042 01092 01051 00556 00400 01.GA313 Outfalt Date moldd r T55 MBA DOD m COD m 1,013 MgA TKN M&I NOS•NO2 MgA Total Phosphorus MSA Methanol TRC m Heasmiae m Formaldehyde MBA Total Copper m Total Zinc In Total Lesd MS4 Non -Polar O&G MgA pH Acute Tuslelty LC50 003-1hy Projects Oct n/a 004-HCHO Oct n/a 006•Duck Pond Oct 11/a 009 Ma". Shop tkr I I nia STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins, k r-- Permit Sampling Period:= Note: No Qualifying Rain Event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this si ature, I certify this report is accurate and complete to the test of my knowledge, ll Company information Hexion 333 Neils Eddy Road S gnn re of Permit a or [7esignee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 Lq —O (910)635-2263 EXT 2757 Print Name and Title Submit i (original) Form AT -I (no DMR) to: NC DEN R/DWQ/Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT -I to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovnelC. Beatty Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc, ANALYTICAL RESULTS Heslon—STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, Nortb Carolina Lab 1D: 94 Lab ID: 37 00330 MID oo340 eomo 00693 006304Poophome 50060 71880 01042 oleo 0103t70& o040o TGA3B OutAa Date mold TSS m 000 m COD m N$3 m TKN m NO3+N07TRC m FNItthdnol m Hesamine m Formaldehyde m Tmrt Copper m Teal Zinc m Total LeadpH me.u. Acute Taeklty LC50 003-Dry Pro aete Se da ON-HCHO I Septlda 006.Duck Pond s t nla Dog -Maim. Shop S n!a STORM EVENT CHARACTERLSTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.):= Permit Sampling Period: Note: No Qualifying Rain Event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this hue, 1 certthis report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. ip. I�i h q Sifnaturi of Petmitit or Designee Dale rvAuY 41 j Ng Print Name and Title j r I }— Submit i (origloal) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: [� C V D NC DE?4MWQ/Environmenta1 Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center N O V 0 3 2017 Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 CE-Ny t,At, tµiLES Submit 1 copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: uWR SECTION Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Company Information Submit I copy DMR (copy) and Form AT -I to: Hexion Stormwaler Permitting Unit 333 Neils Eddy Road Division of Water Quality Riegelwood, NC 29456 1617 Mail Service Center (910) 655-2263 Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 EXT 2757 flexion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Caroline Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovnelC. Beatty Certified Laboratories: Envirotimentnl`ChMists' 9 Lab ID: 94 Environmental, Testing Solutions, Inc., I.tb ID: 37 ANALYTICAL RESt1LTS 00530 00310 00340 00610 W25 M630 00667 77e95 SM60 7111u 01042 01092 01051 00556 oo4W TGA311 Outhlt Date moldd! r T55 m 130D m COIL rn NH3 m TKN m NO3+N0: m Total Phosphorus m Methanol m TRC m Hesamine m Formaldehyde MWI Total Capper mg4 Total tint MIA Total lad m Non -Polar OdrG m pit s•u, Acute rozlrttr I.CSo M-Dry Projects August nla 004-HCHO August tva 006-thick Pond Au u n/a ON-Maint. Shop Au st Wit STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.):= Permit Sampling Period:= Note: No Qualifying Rain Event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, l ify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. gnnwre of Penrottee or Designee Date qoR)A L ,42�'NIT PHInt Name and Title RECE I V " $)bmit 1 (original) Form ACT-1 (no DMR) NC DENRIDWQIEnvironmental Sciences Section O C T 0 :3 2 U 11 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 CENTRAL FILESsabmil i copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: DWR SECTION Division of water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Company Information Submit I copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Hexion Stormwater Permitting Unit 333 Neils Eddy Road Division of Water Quality Riegelwood, NC 28456 1617 Mail Service Center (910) 655-2263 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 EXT 2757 Hexion—STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate or Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovneiC. Beatty - Cerlitied Laboratories: Eiivironlitentnl Chemists r6 Lab ID~ 94 Enviranmrnud Tcsting Suluticim, Inc, _ r_ ablll.. 37 ANALYTICAL RESULTS 00530 00310 00340 00610 00625 0r3630 00665 775Es 50a60 71890 01042 01042 01051 005M 0040o TGA3B QutraO Date moldd r TSS m ©OD to COD m NH3 m TKN m NO3+1402 m Total Phosphorus HI Methanol TRC m Ilesamine m Formaldehyde m Total Copper m Total z1ac MSA Total Lead m Non -Polar O&G m PH s.u. Acute Todeity LC50 003-13 Projects August rrla 004.HCH0 August nla 006-Duck Pond Au st n/a —Mainl. Shop Auavl1 ni0. STORM EVENT' CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.):= Permit Sampling Period:=3 Note: No Qualifying Rain Event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By is si ture, enity this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. > 12q I ) 5 nature of Pernhittec at Designee Date Print Name and'Vitle G n �Z 70 -I fn fD i7 1 -! T Company InrormationU r— Hexion 171 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 EXT 2757 Submit I (orkginal) Form AT -I (no DMR) to: NC DENRIDWQ/Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 ;Qbmit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to; CD Division of Water Quality n Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files rn 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 fV r� Mmit I copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit a Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/C. Beatty Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chemise Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Heston — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCSOOo156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 94 Lab ID: 37 RECEIVED CENTRAL FILES DWR SE:CTIOPq 00530 00310 1 00340 00620 00675 00930 90645 7tuo 01043 01093 01051 00356 00400 TGA38 Oufhll Oahe .!Me TSS m DOD m Coll) m N113 m 'f]CN m NO]FNOt m Total phmpharua m R;60 benmine m Formaldehyde m Total Copper Total 7.Ine m Total Lead m Nan -Polar OAtG m pB ran, Acute 7sslcltr LC50 003-Dry Projws July Ida 004-HCHO July da Wd-Duck Pond Jul halo 009-MRWL ShopJul Ida STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.):= Permit Sampling Period: = Note: No Qualifying Rain Event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature. I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, t fl L'13111 Company tnfarmatloo C Hmtion 333 Neils Eddy Road ignatum of P Ittee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 (9 LO) 655-2263 IXT 2757 Q)JA1r9 A�i���" P nt Name and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC Dt'KMWQ/Enviromnentol Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attu: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 flexion —STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate or Coverage No.: NCS0001 S6 Columbus County, North Ca roll no Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Bu3ovnuC.B1 ,_, 94'Certified Lnborntories: Lab ib: Environmental Testing SvtutioM Inc. Lab ID: 37_ ANALYTICAL RESULTS RECEIVED AUG 08 2017 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION 00530 00310 00340 00610 00625 OU630 00665 77a8s 50060 71850 01042 01092 01051 MR) oo40o TGA3B OvtfalY Dote moldd! r TSS MgA BOD MgA COD m N113 m TKN m K03+NO2 Total Phosphorar mSA Methounl Mg4 TRC rngtl 1l422mine togAl Formaldehyde mgA Total Copper towl Total Zinc MgA Total Lead m Non -Polar G&(i MBA pit f,u, Acute '1,01kily LC30 NO -Dry Prdecle 61512017 ID. 10 10.00 68.00 24,90 22.7 0 5) 0,58 <5 0.021 <25 0. 180 0.0340 0 038 <0 01 <S 7,18 n/a 004.HC110 615t2U17 9.10 15.o 103.0 S.oO 180 1 0.67 0.15 <5 0017 44.4 2.390 0.0270 0.153 <a.OI <5 1 7,44 1Va 006-Duct Pond 61112017 75 00 H 00 66.00 1.80 1 5 4 (1.07 0.36 <S 0.131 �!S 0,182 <0.005 0,028 c0A1 <5 6.94 tale 009-Mlainl. Shop 615/2017 <2,5 2,00 <20 <0,2 O fi 0.440 0.06 <S 0.0l9 <23 0,076 <0,003 0 048 <0.01 <j 7,O1 NA STORAI EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Toml Event Preeipitauon (ins.): D.46 Permit Sampling Period:= Note. CEI('nFICATION STATEMENT By thi signature erti this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. '� S � ) I L5 Company Information He:civn 333 Neils Eddy Road ignature of Permits= or Designee Dale Riegelwood, NC 28156 (RIO)655-2263 EXT 2757 Print Name and Title Submit I (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENWDWQlEnvironmenta] Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy DMR (original) and Form AT -I to: Division of Water Quality Witter Qtmlity Section Attw Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy AMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stomtwuler Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Coliccting Samples: P. Busovne/C, Beatty Certified Laboralodes: Environmental Chemists Environmental Testing Solutions, inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Hexion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certlllcate or Coverage No.t NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab Ill: 94 Lab 11): 37 RECEIVED CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION '00530,1 .00310 00340 0010 C0625 00030 00665 71803 50050 luau plow 01091. 01051 00536 00400 1 TGA38 Ouall Dale mold r TSS m SOD m COD m NHS m TICK m NO"O3 m Total Pherphorus m 5lethsool m TiiC m Srtaminr m Formaldehyde me Tolat Capper m Tote Zinr toill Total Leod Mon Non -Polar 04 to pH t.o. Acute Tesiritr Lr sa 003.Ory Pro eels Ma nlp 004-HCHO May n/a 006-Duck Pond Ma n/a 009-mrbl. Shop la n/a STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ina.): = Permit Sampling Period: = Note: No qualifying min event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By 'a at , I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. t0 23 7 Company Information Hexion 333 Neils Eddy Road 5 gnatura of Permimee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910) 65S-27.63 EXT 2757 Qo NA24 A -Li rub' Pri It Name and Title Submit I (orlgiaid) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENR/DWQ/Envimnmcntal Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699.1621 Submit 1 copy DMR (original) sod Norm AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DMA (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Storrnwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Cenlci Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Dusovne/C. Beatty Certified Laboratories: Environmental Chamists Environmental Testing Solutions, 1ne. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Hezlna—STORM'*VATERSAMPLING REPORT RECEIVED Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab tD: 94 Lab ID: 37 JUL 06 11- CENTRAL FILES CWij SECTION 00530 00310 00340 00610 0067S 00630 00663 71660 01a1] a1092 01051 00556 0940D TGA311 Oatfall Date mofdd! r TSS m DOD mm COD NH3 mmon TK N NOW402 Told Phorphorur m P118155DO60 TRC me Huamine m Farmaldehyde m Totst Copper m Total Zinc M12 Total Lead muft Non -Polar O&G M64 pH Cu. Acute Toxicity LC50 03-Dry Pro)ecra May n!a 004-HCHO Mmy nla W&Duck Pand ?Ay rda 009•Malnt. Sh mx xis STORM EVENT CKARACTERISTICS Towl Event Precipitation (ins.):= Permit Sampling Period!= Nate: No qunlifying rain event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By t ' T re,1 certify is roparl is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information 23 1 Hexion 333 Neils Eddy Road Si tuft of PcrmittcclprDesigncc Dale Riegelwood, NC 28456 {910) 653-2263 EXT 2757 Print Name and Title Submit I (original) Form AT -I (no DMR) to: NC DENR/DWQ/Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attw Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Farm AT-1 to., Siormwater Permitting Uaii Division or water Quality 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Hexloo - STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Sampics: F. BusovnelD. MaddoxlS.lS.Mow rey . Certified Laboratories: $avironmr..ental Chemists lab ID: 94 Envitanttiontal Testing Solutions, Inc, lab ID: 37 ANALYTICAL RESULTS RECEIVED JUN 01 2017 CEN-rRAL FILES DWR SECTION 00330 003t0 00340 00610 00625 00630 00645 77a1S 30060 71830 01042 01092 01031 00556 0040o TGA311 Outra0 Due moiddlyr T39 m14 DOD m COD m KH3 miIA TKX mo 14IO4NO2 rn&4 Total Phosphoms tatiA Methanol MIA TRC MgA Heumine tnZ4 Formaldehyde ing0l Tor■1 Copper tagA Total Zinc MIA Total Lead M54 Non -Polar O&G MgA pH s.u. Acutc Toxicity LC50 003-p Pmjeda 4113nD17 10.70 16.00 43.00 13.40 15.1 7.99 0.4 c5 0 <25 OAD6 0.0160 0.0e7 0.01 <5 6.98 rds 004-HCHO 4/1312017 1 7.50 20.0 1 101.0 8.60 MIS 9.11 0.22 1 <S 0.019 <25 1.110 0.D300 O.IDS 50.01 <S L TM da 006packPond Ut3/2011 15.14 7.00 34.00 L60 Ll LS6 0.3 <S t1.014 <23 0.181 <0,005 0.031 <0.01 <3 6.16 we 009-Malot. Shop 4/1312017 4.40 6.00 2200. 0.60 2.0 0.290 0.19 <S I O.DiS I <25 1 0,212 <0.005 L 0.066 1 c0,01 <3 1,14 rda STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): r 0.54 Permit Sampling Period:= Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this s;70 1 certi thi part is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Si tune of Pcrmi c of Daignec Date PSALV AZT Print Name and Title Company Information Hexion 333 Neils Eddy Road Ricgeiwood, NC 29456 (910)653.2263 EXT 2757 Submit 1 (original) Form AT -I (no DMR) to: NC DBNRIDWQlEnviramnental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovneJD, Maddox/S. (S.MoK ray Certified laboratories: Environmental Chemists Environmentat Testing Solutions, Inc, ANALYTICAL RESULTS Hexiso —STORM WATER SAMPLING IMPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab m: 94 Lab ID: 37 F?ECE/VED MQY 31 2017 CENTRAL FIB Eq DWR SCCTION 00630 09310 1 00340 60610 0962! 006]0 00665 77E15 S006a 71EE9 91041 91093 OIOSI pt1SSfi 00400 TGA3B OutfaH Date mohidlyr TS8 m QOQ -mPrA COD me NH3 mPO T1g4 tt03FN01 Mon Total Pitaspharur m Methanol m TRC mSA Hemming m Formaldehyde Mtn Total Capper Will Total 7,lae WWI Total Lead mjlA Noa-Polar OdtG mwi pH Loa Acute Taxleltr LC30 M-DP acts 4113I2017 10,70 16,00 43,00 13.40 16.1 7.9E 0.4 <5 0 <25 0,406 0.0360 0.041 <0.01 <3 6.9E da 004-ECHO 4/13/2017 7.50 20,0 101.0 E,60 1E.6 9.31 1 0.22 1 <! I 0.019 <125 L LItO 1 0.0300 0,105 <0.01 1 <S 1 736 Ilia 006-Dude Pond 4113R017 15.40 7.00 34.o6 1.60 4.1. 1," 0.3 <! 0,014 <25 O.IE! <0.005 0,031 <9,01 <5 6.to nla 0M.Malnt. Shop 4/012017 4.40 E.00 22.00 0.60 2.0 0.210 0.19 tl 0,015 L<25 0.212 2.005 0.066 <0.01 <5 7,14 1 nla STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0.54 Permit Sampling Period:= Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT H i i ture ce this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information Huron 333 Neils Eddy Road ignature ofPdrmitlec or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 2U56 (910)653-2263 Print Name and Title Submit I (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENR/DWQIEnvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DPAR (original) and Form AT -I to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Fifes 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Submit I copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 He:tion — SI'ORNI WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovnc/D. Maddox/S IS,Mo%% rey Certified Laboratories: Environmentai Chemists Lab ID: 94 nvlrnnmeittal,Tcsting5olutinnsiinc. =,Lab ID; 37 . ANALYTICAL RESULTS RECEIVED MAY 01 ZoU CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION 00l30 003101 00340 00610 00625 00630 OD645 771U! 50060 7111110 01042 O1092 01051 Df1556 00400 'i'G.i3N Ourtdl Bare moldd r TSS m BUD m COD en NH3 m IKN m N034NU2 m Total Phosphorus m Methanol m 'rRC m Hnu nsine m Vormaldehyde m fatal Copper m T0101 Zlnr m Total Lead m Non -Polar O&G m pH s,u. Acute To:hlty LC50 003-Dry PmimU 3/mot7 11.40 la 00 64.00 5580 TO 9 17.10 0,9 <! 0 <25 0 357 00400 0.091 <O.OI <5 7,24 nla 004•HCHO 3/2812017 6t.00 60.0 409.0 1.D0 124.0 ..159 0,44 <5 D 164 7,5F0 0,1100 0.286 <0.01 <5 7.96 n/a 006d3uck Pond 3128/2017 33.00 1600 39.00 2.70 4.9 1.60 0,41 <5 0,004 <25 0, 173 <0003 0.012 1 0.01 <5 7.24 rva 009•Maim, Shop 3a=017 1470 12.00 32.00 0.50 1,1 P.410 0.25 <5 0019 <25 0,241 0.0070 0105 1 <001 <5 103 a1a STORM EVEN'r CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0,54 Permit Sampling Period: Nate. CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this si nt e, I c Ify is report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. (f � 2/J r jrl Company Information Hexion l -!! ( r 1 333 Neils Eddy Road Si ature of Per. nee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 �4(VALV�Abn/Ps Print Name and Title EX'1' 2757 Submit 1 (original) Norm AT-i (no DMR) to: NC DENRIDWQIEnvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to; Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Siormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Hexion—STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovnefD. Maddox/S.IS.MoH rcy Certified Laboratories:'i~tiviro �i nviromnentn3 Testing Solutions, Inc. _Lab ID: 37 ANALtii7CAL RESULTS 00530 9030 00340 00610 W25 00630 n0665 77893 SM60 7188n 0t042 01992 01051 00556 Zoo TGA3B Owfoll molddl r T89 in BUD or COD -91m T" m NO3+NO2 M10 Total P6orpharw MIO Methanol fitgA THC MgA Heramine rnSA Formaldehyde m&A Total Copper me Total Line MIO Total Lead m Nan -Polar O&G .0 pH &M JACUICNH3Dote To=icily LC50 003-DryPruryms lr=017 11.40 is OD 6400 55.90 10.9 17.10 0.9 <5 0 <25 0.357 0.0400 0091 <0.01 <5 7.24 n/a 004-14040 3128r2017 61.00 60.0 1 4090 L00 1240 339 1 0,44 <5 1 0 1641 7510 0.1100 0.296 <0.01 <5 7,96 nIA 006aNd Pond 312812017 33.00 16 00 39,00 2.70 4.8 1,68 0,41 <5 0.004 <25 0.173 <0.005 0.032 <0.01 <5 7.24 da 009•Maint, Shop 1/2/12011 14,70 12.00 32,00 0,50 1.8 0410 0.25 <5 0019 <25 0.241 0.0070 0,108 <O.OI <5 8.03 n!a STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0.54 Permit Sampling Period:= Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By is si t e, I rti this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Si azure of Permi ec or Designee Date %ttvov Print Nome and Title RECEIVED Submit 1 {original) Form AT -I (no DMR) to: NC DENR/DWQ/Environmental Sciences Section MAY 4 ZQ�7 1621 MAIL Service Center I Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 CENTRAL FILES Submit 1 copy DMR (original) and Form AT -I to: 7WR SECTION Division of water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Company Information Submit I copy DMR (copy) and Form AT -I to: Hexion Stormwater Permitting Unit 333 Neils Eddy Road Division of Watcr Quality Riegelwood, NC 28456 1617 Mail Service Center (910) 655-2263 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 EXT 2757 Ilexion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate or Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P._BusovnelD. Maddox/S./S_._Mo_K rev Certified Laboratories: Elivironmenutl Chemists Lob ID: 94 4imi", iitl felting 5olutIons;`lnc 'Lab [ll::, 37 , ANALYTICAL RESULTS 00530 00310 00mo 00610 110625 006P 00665 71995 50060 716110 01042 01092 1 010!1 00556 D0400 TGA3tt Outfdl Dale moldd r 1-5s mpO DOD MR4 COD MRA N113 melt TKN MIA NO3+NO2 m Total Phosphorus .12 Methanol MSlA TRC MlIn 11elamine m1. Formaldehyde m Taint Copper MgA 'Total Zinc MgA Total Lead mgl Non -Polar 0&G MV PH S.M. Acute 'Tuxlclly i'Cffo 003-Dry Projects January NA 004.11CHO JWUWY I NA OM.Wck Pond Janus11 NA 009-moint. shoplanuary NA STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation Permit Sampling Period:r� Note: No qualifying min event CER'11FICA'TION STATEMENT By this eert't' this part is accurate and complete to the best army knowledge. f / Company Information 2 / Z /l/% 333 Neils ! ( / 333 Neils Eddy Road Sighaturc of Permittee at Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 (91 a) 655-2263 EX'I' 2757 rV47� AZiV✓1�� Print Name and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no DN1R) to: NC DENR/DWQIEnvironmental Sciences Seelian 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DIVIR (original) and Form AT -I to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit l copy DNIR (copy) and Form A'T-1 to: Storrnwater Permitting UniI Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Ilexion— STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certifieate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: _P, BusovnelD. _Maddox/S.IS.Mo-A rev Certified Laboratories: Environmental ChCMIN3 J Lab ID: 94 ErivironiitenW,Testing Solutions, Inc. Lab ID: 37 , ANALYTICAL RESULI'S AN 2 7 �201? 1 ' 00530 00340 00610 00625 a" 0066s 77885 50060 7taa0 01042 01092 01051 W556 00400 TGA3D Outfall Dale mmldd r I'M m ;6000 COD m N113 rn TKN n NO3+NO2 mg, 'fatal Phoaphonu m Methanol m TRC m Hesaminr m Formaldehyde m Total Copper m 'fatal Zinc m Tatai Lead m Non -Polar O&G m pFF r.u. Acute 'roricity LC," 003-Dry Projects 2l15f2017 14,30 3200, 5.70 9.6 0,14 028 <S 0.003 <25 0 323 0.0230 0.03 �0.01 <5 5,95 pass 004.11010 2115r2017 14.10 1 260 1 292.0 1 23.50 1 104.0 0.11 0.11 1 <5 1 0 1 97 9 9 960 0 0120 0.144 <0.01 1 <5 1 6.97 1 s 006-Duck Pond 2/15/2017 2050 1200, 41,00 3,20 1 67 1.23 024 <5 0.053 <25 0.193 <0.005 0.015 <0.01 <S 694 ss 009•Mainl.Sho 2115/2017 4.90 2,00 L<20 1 .10,2 07 <022 006 <5 0,026 <25 <0,050 <0.003 0.05 0.01 <j 659 95 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Totai Event 1'recipitatiun (ins, ): 0.74 Permit Sampling period:= Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT by tl s' re, AiY eport is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information 12L1 %� Hexion r r 333 Neils Eddy Road Si tum of Perm ttee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910)655.2263 EICT 2757 P int Name and Title Submit I (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENWl)WQ1Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-11521 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central riles 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Submit i copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Slormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 w Flexion —STORM WATER SAMPLING RLPORT Certificate of Coverage tio.: ,NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P. husovnelD. Maddox)S.IS.Mo%% rev Certified Laboratories: Eoviriinriteinal Chemists Lab iD: iEnvirdninentnll'csting Solutioris, lac.. Lib ID:. 37 ANALYTrrAi. RF'Sltl:l'S RECEIVED MAR 2 7 ZUI1 CENTRAL FILES CwR SECTION 015311 oasl(1 00340 ao61a oo62s W63( 00665 77ses 50060 71880 olw2 ut092 olosl (lt}336 Ig4oa TGAJH Outfoll Dale moldd7 r I:SS m 9 not) m COD m NH3 m TKN m NO3�N0I m Total Phosphoms m Methanol m TRC: m Hesamine m Formaldehyde m 'ratal Copper m "Fatal Zinc m ToW Lead m Non -Palm 08rG m pit pH Acute Toxicity LCsn 003-Dry Projocts 2115R017 14,30-' • 6.00 3200. 5.70 9.6 0. 1-1 029 -0 , 0.003 <25 0.323 0,0230 0.03 Q 01 <5 5.85 ass 004-HCI10 211N2017 14.10 260 292.0 23.50 1D4.0 011 0.11 <5 0 97.9 - 9.960 00120 0.144 <0.01 <5 691 9 006-Duck Pond 21151200- 20.50 ' 12.00 41.00 3.20 6.7 1.23 024 <5 005, <25 0,193 <0 005 0 015 <0.01 <5 694 0o9.Maint.Sha 2/112017- 4,9U 2.00 QO <02 0-7 <00. 006 <5 0026 <25 <tlA50 <OWS 0,05 <0.ut <5 658 S'TORAI EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): t),7d Permit Sampling Period:= Mate: CER"I'IFiCATION STATEMENT By this signature, I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information I ?J�L1 Hexion J 333 Neils Eddy Road Si nature of Pe ittee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910)655.2263 - EXT 2757 Print Name and Title Submit I (original) Form AT -I (no DMR) too NC DENR/DWQ/Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Submit I copy DAIR (copy) and Form AT -I to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Ile=ion — STORAI WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage Na.- NCS(WI56 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Colcting Saop:P.Bat.adoxS6.Mow rey Ltb }:eie iesiotmed/s94 3tnvitonmental Testing Solutions„lnc., __ Lab ID:. 37 ANALYTICAL RESULTS RECOVE® MAR 0 G 2017 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION 00530 00310 00340 00610 00625 00630 00665 77835 50060 71990 01041 01092 01051 00556 0040 TGAlB Ovtfall Date molddl r 755 MIO BOD enjo COB TnWi Y113 m TKN m H03+401 m Total Phosphorus m Methanol m TNC W54 Heamint m Formaldehyde M811 Total Copper taliti Total Zinc Frilo Total Lcod mg4 Non -Polar O&G In pH a.u. Acute Torlrity LC50 003-DryPtojecta Jmm NA 004-HCIIO J NA 006•Duck Pond innumy NA 009-Maint. Shop 1 NA STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS 'total Event Precipitation (ins )'.= Permit Sampling Period:= Note: No qualifying min event CERTIFICATION STATEDIFNI' By th si I ce ty this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 2 �� Company Information I l 1 /] Hexion 77 (! ! 333 Neils Eddy Road gnature OFPerm ttce or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655.2263 EXT 2757 Y-10AJA2D 42_► wu Piint Name and Title Submit I (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to. - NC DENR/DWQ/E-nvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Watct Quality Water Quality Section Atim Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 21699.1617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 U t t1esion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County. North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/D. Maddox/S. S.M_oµ rev Curtilicd Laboratories: Mic06nc E.ab 117: FI. Environmental 'resting solutions, inc. Lab (D: 37 ANALYTICAL. RESULTS 00430 00310 00340 00610 0062a 1*630 00665 77935 50060 71aw 01042 01092 01051M 00400 TAAJB Outfoll Dale mnrddJ r TSS m 001) m COD m NE13 m TKN m NO3�NO2 r" Total Phosphorus m Jlethanol m TRC m Hesamine m Formaldehyde m 'total Copper m Total Zinc m 'Tapd Leadpit mi.u. Acute T'osicity 1.CS0 003-DryProjects t212212014 24,70 20.80 48.60 32.30 33.8 10,90 a156 " 0 <10 6040 0.0430 0.091 <00036.60 004•11CHO 12J2212014 20.20 6,0 46.4 5.39 6.3 4.25 <0,100. <1.0 0.02 r"a 7.710 0.0240 0.09b <0.003664 006•Duck Pond 1212V2014 1600' 11.10 35.60 ' 7.51 13.0 3.05 0.394 11.0 0.042 <10 3.190 10.007 o.042 <0.003 3.23 686 009-Mdnt Shop 1Y2212014 3.50 2.10 14.50 <0100 181.0 0,542 <0.100 <1.0 0 <10 0.777 0,0090 Gm <oom 3,3 687 STORM VVENT'CIIARAC'1'ERISTICS 'total F,vent Precipitation (ins.): 0,37 Permit Sampling Period:= Note: The Iiexamine sample for SWO04 was lost in shipment. CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, I certi tv this rc is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. O'l it } I _ Signature of Pe I itte or Designee Date qoNALV Prins Name and Title Company Information Momcntivc 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 EXT 5248 RECEIVED GEffi-LA,i,2 Q11,1,LJY SYpR[�,1%,%[ER PERMIT%G Submit 1 (original) Norm AT-1 (no DNIR) to: NC DENRIDWQIEnvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Farm AT-1 to: pivision or water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy AMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwatcr Permitting Unit Division of Watcr Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Ilexion — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000I56 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: 11. 13usovnelD. MaddoxlS IS.Mou rey Certif ied Laboratorics: Mwobac + c Lsib ID: . 11 Ly rtvirortmental Testing Solutions, hic. Lab ID: 37 AVAI V'rlt'AI UVr111 TQ RECEIVED FEB 19 2015 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION 00530 003i0 00340 OHIO 0"25 011630 00665 17885 50060 71880 U1042 01092 alnsl 00556 00400 TAA313 Oulfall Dote meldd! r T5S mpO BUD mYA COD MRA 14113 onto TKN m NO3+,NO2 Total Phalphorul mo Methanol mgl TRC M811 9eumine mg/l Formaldehyde -C 'lbtd Copper Me Total Zinc m Total Lead mgm Nbn-Polar O&G mg4 pH I,u. Acule Toxicity LC50 003-DryPrajeatl 1212MO14 2470 20.80 48.60 32,31) 33.8 —iflyl 10,90 0.156 <1,0 0 <10 6D40 004" 0091 <0003 2.91 660 004-HCH0 1212212014 20,20 60 464 539 t 6.3 Id.25 1<a,toO I <1.0 1 0.02 1 nfa 1 7710 1 00240 0.096 1 0003 1 2.78 664 006-Duck Pond 12722l2014 1600 I1,10 35.60 1 7,51 1 1.1.0 1 3.U5 1 0394 <I.0 0.042 <10 3.IS0 10.007 0.042 <OOu3 3.23 -i 6 009-maint, Shop 1212=014 350 2.10 14.50 1 <0,100 1 187,0 1 0,542 1 <0.100 1 <1.0 0 <10 0777 00080 1 0.05 <0.003 3.3 687 s'roRM EvEN'r CHAWALCITRISTICS -Total Event Prueipitation (ins-): = Permit Sampling Period:= Note: The Hexamine sample forSWO04 was lost in shipment. CERTIFICATION STATEMENT 13y is signature, I certify this report ' accumte and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information 2 rq J 5 Momentivc UUU J r j 1 333 Ncits Ed& Road S gnature of Permi tee r signee Dale Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 �} Lv�yAUP W,'O1 -r HXr 5248 Print Name and'I'Me Submit 1 lotlginal) norm AT -I (no D11K) to: NC DENRIDWOR:nvitonrnental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 ropy DMR (original) and Farm AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Alin: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DNIR (copy) and Form AT -I fo: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/D, Maddos/S.IS.Mu%%rey Certified Laboratories: Micobac Environmental Testing Solutions, lac. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Heston — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT' Certificate of Coverage No.: NCSN0156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab Ill: I 1 Lab 11]: 37 �imp C�IFI VED MAR 2 7 ?0i5 CEWR,qL F/LeS DWR SECTION 00530 00310 00340 006t0 0061s 00630 00665 17SIS 50060 71980 0t0a2 01W2 01051 00556 ooaoo TAA3R Oulfall Dale moldd! r TSS mrA ROD m COD togn N113 TKN Mxn NO3+NO2 MP Totol Phosphorus m Methanol M311 TRC mgA itetarnlne Formaldehyde m&A Talal Copper sign ToW 7.Inc rnSA Teral [,cod rngn Non -Polar O&G MgA pit r.u. Acute Tosic y 1.C60 003•Dry Projects Febru 004-11CHO Pcbma 006-thick Pond Fcbru 009-Mtint. Shop February STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Tatal Event Precipitation (insJ:O Permit Sampling Period:= Note: No qualifing rain event. CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this gn tur , i certif this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge, Company information 1/i� 1•'Z 3' S Momentive 333 Neils Eddy Road Ynature of Pcrmitt a or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 l (910)651-2263 O/ts/�L i1 FX'I' 3248 �'N'L/ Print Name and Title Submit I (original) Form AT-1 (no VAIR) to: NC bENR/f7WQ/Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy MR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division or Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy DMR (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Slormwater Permitting Unit Division or Water Quality �l 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. ilusovne/D. Maddox/S.IS.Mon rey Certified Laboratories: Micobac Envimmnenial Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULT'S Momentive—STORM IVATERSAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS400156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: l I Lab ID: 37 RECEIVEL) DEC 2 S 2014 CENTRAL FILES DN/R SECTION 00530 00310 00340 00630 00625 00630 00665 77aa5 1 $0060 71880 01042 01092 01051 00556 00400 TAA311 Outran Date molddlyr TSS m ROD -MA COO m NH3 rn TKN NO3iNO1 me Total Phmphomi MgA Alerhanel MRA TRC to tleaomine M10 Farmatdthyde mgA Total Copper m 14 Total Zlne MPA Taral Lead me Non-Potar O&G mo pit Acute Tosldtr LC50 003-Dry Projects Moyemhef _TjA 004.11CHO November 006•Duck rand November 009•Maint. Shop November STORM EVENT CIIARACTFRIS ICS 'total livent Precipitalion (ins.): Permit Sampling Period: Note: No qualifrying rain event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By th' aignatur�} I certi y this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. CompnInformation li 333 Neils Eddy Road ignnture of Pe ltce or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910)655-2263 EXT 5249 _ a✓�iLp l�1 W p f— Print Name and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENRIDWQ11invironarenial Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1621 Submit I copy DNIR(original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attu: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Submit I copy DNIR (copy) and Farm AT-1 to: Stormtvater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Slomentive— STORM WATER SAMPIANG REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovnelD. MaddoxlS 1S.Mm% rey Certified Laboratories:'Mi�cabac � irnnmcntal�Te�tng 5plulions;ilnc,gt Le�fU; 37 _ , ANAL TICAL RESULTS RECEIVED MAY 01 2014 CENTRAL FILES DWQIBOG 0o"41 00310 00340 00610 00625 110630 D0665 77925 50060 71l90 111042 01092 01051 I111556 00400 TAA38 ll IWI Hate mulJdlyr TSS mIgA HoD melt COD mrA N113 n1gA TKN melt NO3+1402 mgn Tagil ftmphorue melt Melhannl a144 TRC mltA Ilexamine melt Famaldth7dt meA Total Copper mgA Total 'Lin, mill Total lead melt Non -Polar O&C. mefl PH 61111 Acute Toxicity I'V50 003-Dry Proiocu 3125r2014 <2.30 1630 64,20 61.90 93.7 1620 a32 <1.0 0 <10 8.100 0.0410 0131 <0001a <5.00 7.39 failed D64•HCHO 325/2014 1 22.90 1 254 1 102.0 3.94 1 16.1 1 2.34 0.16 <1.0 10 1 220 1 1.900 1 0,0230 C,N2 000700 C5.00 7.17 pass 0D&DuckPond 3125/2014 12,00 7,11 11.20 242 46 2.75 0.13 <t0 0 <1D 1.970 00017 0015 <00010 <5.00 7,23 ss ON -Maim Shop 3✓Z512014 3,25 3.31 2660 <0 100 1.2 0 739 <0.050 <t 0 0 <10 0 925 00065 0 054 0 01400 <5.00 7 76 s STORM EVF:N17CIIARACTERM ICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0.4 Permit Sampling Pcriod:=l Now CERTIFICATION STATEMF:N]' F3 his signs 11ify, this re accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. ��l22 , y A Company information Momentive 333 Neils Eddy Road Signature of Pe ittee ignee Date Ricgelwood, NC 28456 (410)655-2263 °NXi�� rx,r 5248 Print Name and Title Submit I (original) Form ATA (no DMR) to: NC DENROWQIEnvironroental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy DMR (original) and Fnrm AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-I617 Submit 1 copy DMR (copy) end Farm AT-1 to: Stormwaler Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Muil Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Form -Acute PasslFall Date � 5W#4 — Facility NPDES#UC S M ZE Pipe unty Laboratory P SC�r x Comments D Signatm a PC,w— (ZO� s ��1. y��i'�-Oai x �r ` Signature of Laboratory Supervisor MAIL ORIGINAL TO: erQSciences B'anc N.C. DENR 1621 Mail Service Center North Carolina Acute Pass/Fail Toiddil Test Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Collection Date: Organism Tested Collection Time: _ 0% Y Ted Start Date. jiq SamaleTygelDuraiion ✓ o 0 3 Sample temp. at reeei l:l Control PH Treatment s t e a n .r d t Control 4i;b D.O. Treatment Mo_ riullty Replicate Mean Mortality Treatment t (Control) A B C D %a 'treatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D Concentration 9rO Tested �OQ koo 1O6 1� l Cd lCx�' (NOTE: If mean contM mortalkty exceeds'10%. the test is considered Invalid) Calculate using Arc-Slne Calculated Student's t PASS E Square Root tranaformed Tabular Student's t FAIL data (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is greater than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL. If all vessels within each treatment have the same response but the treatment two response is greater -Um the-controi, check FAEL. DWQ form AT-2 (01) HEXI ON• ACME Products Division ACME OPERATIONS 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 29456-9570 February 18, 2015 CERTIFIED MAIL: Mr. Jim Gregson NCDENR Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 284D5 ECE#VE FEB 2 3 206 BY: SUBJECT: Stormwater Discharge Ouitfall — Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report Calendar Year 2014 Hexion Inc. Acme, Columbus County, North Carolina NPDES Permit NCS000156 Dear Mr. Gregson: Please find attached the Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report for calendar year 2014 for the above referenced facility. During 2014, Hexion Inc. (Hexion) monitored four stormwater discharge outfalls. Please note that during the months of January, June, August, September, and November, no monitoring was conducted because no qualifying rain event occurred. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Tom Buller, Regional EHS Manager with Momentive, at (910)274-5921. Sincerely, 9�111 MX Ronald Baz net Site Leader Hexion Inc. Attachment: Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report — calendar year 2014 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT (DMR) Calendar Year 2014 Individual NPDES Permit No. NCS000156 or Certificate of Coverage (COC) No. NCGOOQ[1Q❑ This monitoring report summary of the calendar year is due to the DWQ Regional Office no later than March 1" of the following year. Facility Name: Hexion Inc. County: Columbus Phone Number: (910) 655-2263 Total no. of SDOs monitored: 4 SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 003 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, inches Parameter, units TSS (mg/1) SOD (mgll) COD (mg/1) NH3 (Mg/1) TKN (mg/1) NO3+NO2 (mg/1) Total Phosphorus (mg/1) Methanol (mgll) Benchmark N/A 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 2121114 0.29 68 38.6 144 51.2 59.4 10.3 0.27 1 3125114 0.40 2.5 16.3 64.2 68.8 83.7 16.2 0.32 1 4/30/14 0.52 26.2 29.9 111 18.2 22.4 9.23 0.12 1 5115/14 2.48 16.2 30.4 140 55.2 60.6 10.1 0.52 1 7115114 0.70 9.75 14 61.2 12.1 14.6 7.55 0.19 1 10115M4 1.07 26.2 19.1 1 65.9 13.4 16.1 6.58 0.45 1 1 12/22/14 0.37 24.7 20.8 48.6 32.8 33.8 10.9 0.61 1 Total Rainfall, inches Parameter, units TRC (mg11) Hexamine (mg11) Formaldehyde (mgll) Total Copper (mgll) Total Zinc (mg11) Total dead (mg/1) Non -Polar O&G• (mg/1) pH`..- . (s.u.) Benchmark N/A 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6-9 2121114 0.29 0 36 35.8 0.12 0.16 0.00143 5 7.26 3126114 0.40 0 10 8.1 0.041 0.131 0.001 5 7.39 4130114 0.52 0 10 17.3 0.091 0.12 0.0022 5 6.61 5/15/14 2.48 0 10 21.9 0.099 0.13 0.0016 5 7.25 7/15/14 0.70 0 10 2.37 0.06 0.0456 0.001 4.36 6.9 10115114 1.07 0.002 10 B.4 0.061 0.065 0.0016 1.02 7A2 12122/14 0.37 0 10 6.04 0.045 0.091 0.003 2.81 6.6 SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 004 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWO to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes El No® Total Rainfall, inches . Parameter, units TSS (mg/1) BOD (mg/1) COD (mg11) 'NH3 (mg") TKN (mg/1) NO3+NO2 (mg/1) Total Phosphorus (mg/0 ' Methanol" (mgll) Benchmark N/A 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 2121 /14 0.29 64.5 32.7 126 11.5 15.8 0.626 0.18 1 3125114 0.40 22.9 25.4 102 3.94 16.1 2.34 0.16 1 4/30/14 0.52 21.5 19 113 6.67 13 6.54 0.05 1 5115114 2.48 30.5 35.4 133 74 80 2.56 0.21 1.6 7115114 0.70 12.5 20.5 102 9.7 14.6 17.4 0.094 1 10/16114 1.07 26.8 8.05 35.3 0.1 1 6.09 1 3.02 0.13 1 12/22/14 0.37 20.2 6 46.4 5.39 6.33 4.25 .1 1 Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, (units) TRC (m911) Hexamine m911 Formaldehyde (mg11) Total Copper (mg") . Total Zinc (mgll) Total Lead (mgh) Novi -Polar O&G (mg/1) pH Benchmark N/A 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6-9 2121 /14 0.29 0 17 21.4 0.047 0.31 0.00347 5 7.52 3/25/14 0.40 0 22 21.9 0.023 0.192 0.007 5 7.17��l 4/30/14 0.52 0 10 11.2 0,031 0.16 0.0022 5 6.7 5/15/14 2.48 0 11 25.8 0.042 0.2 0.0022 5 9.95 7/15/14 0.70 0 14 6.74 0.028 0.122 0.0014 2.22 7.03 10115114 1.07 0.022 11 7.45 0.017 0.078 0.0019 1.31 7.57 12/22/14 0.37 0.02 7.71 0.024 0.096 D.DD3 2.78 6.64 SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 006 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall,. Inches Parameter, units TSS m 11 BOD m 11 COD m 11 'NH3 (mail) TKN m 11 N034NO2 m 11 Total Phosphorus (Mg/1) Methanol mg/1) Benchmark N/A 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 2/21 /14 0.29 24.6 22.5 55.3 4.55 7.58 2.5 0.063 1 3125114 0.40 12 7.11 33.2 2.42 4.55 2.75 0.13 1 4130/14 0.52 25.2 23.8 111 2.12 9.09 2.95 0.16 1 5115114 2.48 16.5 9.27 42.2 3.03 4.85 3.8 0.12 1 7/15114 0.70 29.2 15.6 74.7 2.42 6.06 2.27 0.072 1 10116/14 1.07 61.5 26.3 1 57.4 1.83 2.43 2.942 0.33 1 12122/14 0.37 16 11.1 35.6 7.51 13 3.05 0.394 1 Total Rainfall, inches Parameter, units TRC m 11 Hexamine m II Formaldehyde m 11 Total Copper m 11 Total Zinc m 11 Total Lead m 11 Non -Polar 0&G m 11 pH S.U. Benchmark N/A 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6-9 2121114 0.29 0 10 6.49 0.0021 0.036 0.001 5 6.96 3125/14 0.40 0 10 1.97 0.0017 0.015 0.001 5 7.23 4130114 0.52 0.003 10 2.87 0.0038 0.046 0.0013 5 6.24 5/16114 2.48 0 10 2.18 0.0027 0.035 0.001 5 6.66 7115/14 0.70 0.054 10 0.743 0.0022 0.0041 0.001 3.43 7.33 10115114 1.07 0 10 1.85 0.0033 0.052 1 0.0017 1.02 6.74 12/22/14 0.37 0.042 10 3.18 0.007 0.042 1 0.003 3.23 6.86 SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfali No. 009 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes® No❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TSS mil BOD m 11 COD (mail NH3 m II TKN (mail) NO3+NO2 m !I 'total Phosphorus (m9►1) Methanol (mull) Benchmark N/A 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 2121114 0.29 8.75 7.44 36.4 2.12 4.24 0.843 0.05 1 3125114 0.40 3.26 3.33 26.6 0.1 1.21 0.738 0.05 1 4130114 0.52 6.75 4.12 21.1 0.1 1 0.578 0.05 1 5l15114 2.48 7.25 2.37 20.5 0.1 1.21 0.246 0.05 1 7/15114 0.70 2.5 4.01 44.8 0.1 1 1.06 0.05 1 10/15/14 1.07 10 2.2 10 2.74 1 0.491 0.06 1 12122/14 0.37 3.5 2.1 14.5 0.1 187 0.542 0.1 1 Total Rainfall, inches Parameter, units TRC m 11 Hexamine (mull) Formaldehyde (mail) Total Copper (mail) Total Zinc m 11-(mail) Total Lead Non -Polar O&G pH Benchmark N/A 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6.9 2121/14 0.29 0 10 4.85 0.01 0.11 0,00123 5 7.23 3/25/14 0.40 0 10 0.825 0.0065 0.054 0.014 5 7.76 4/30/14 0.52 0 10 0.707 0.0065 0.051 0.001 5 6.04 5/15/14 2.48 0.02 10 0.499 0.0064 0.06 0.001 5 7.52 7115/14 0.70 0.006 10 0.18 0.0076 0.0316 0.001 2.1 6.65 10/15/14 1.07 1 0 10 0.266 0.0051 0.044 0.001 1.17 7.84 12/22/14 0.37 0 10 0.777 0.008 0.05 0.003 3.3 6.87 SDO ASDMR-2013 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment or knowing violations." Signature W41- Date 21 is SDO ASDMR-2013 Mail Annual DMR Summary Reports to: DWQ Regional Office Contact Information: 2090 US Highway 70 225 Green Street 610 Fast Center Avenue/Suite 301 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Systel Building Suite 714 Mooresville, NC 28115 (828) 296-4500 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (704) 663-1699 (910) 433-3300 3800 Barrett Drive 943 Washington Square Mail 127 Cardinai Drive 1-Ytension Raleigh, NC 27609 Washington, NC 27889 Wilmington, NC 28405-2845 (919) 79 l -4200 (252) 946-6481 (910) 796-7215 585 Waughtown Street 1617 Mail Service CenterTe' p� eqt Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 endenhan0e..' (336) 771-5000 919) 807-6300 _ �Nartli�Ce�afiiia� water..'. SDQ ASDMR-2013 Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Form - Acute Pass[FaiI . Date - -W-i Facility N LA-ptr c — NPDES#NC S OUDIS-U Pipe #LT County Laboratory Perform CL - x Comments r t* I a303 -W Signature of P r Po r9e p&-C.. LJ6�; q q- zY - o(a - x Signature of Laboratory Suenftw MAIL ORIGINAL TO. Div. lSciity Branch Div. of Water Quality N.C. DENR 1621 Matt Service Center North Carolina Acute Pass/Fad7 Toxi Test Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Collection Date: 'ftid-H Organism Tested Collection Time: Z Test Start Date: SamnlerypelDuration Spec.Cond.(µmhos 14 3. Chlorlr e(mgA Lo. l Sample temp, at recelp ; - Control py P?c.- Treatment s t e a n r d t Control D.O. Treatment Mottal Replicate Mean Mortality Treatment 1 (Control) A B C D ITreatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D �., I Cot tratl Tees on Tested % °1'0 (NOTE: If mean control mortality exceeds10%, the test is considered invalid) Calculate using Arc -Sine Calculated Student's It �� PASS Square Root F71, b-ar'$fo"ned Tabuiar'Student's t �� FAIL data (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absohrte value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is greater than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL. If all vessels within each treatment have the'same response but the treatment two response is greater than the control, check FAIL. DWQ form AT-2 (&91) Facilityn Laboratory x v Signature of Collection Date: If b0iI CDMctJon Time: nq ( Test Start Date: L SampWType/Dwation Grab I Como. I Duration Sample temp. at Effluent Aquatic ToxicityReport Form - Acute Pass/Fail Data , � 31 /j`f NPDEMC e, =1ZTU Pipe /# M County Wing c�CR - 0�2' Comments M,t���D"`f -d�#JfI� on pa+3et9k-G&arga .&acP-"U - 9`714-4±2A- 04 tnry Supervisor MAIL ORIGINAL TO: Environmental Sciences lity "`h N.C. DENR 1621 Mali Service Center Carolina Acute PaLjFail Toni Test Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Organism Tested 40. Control 'q PH Treatment fig( t e a n r d t Control D.O. Treatment I Mortality Replicate Mean Mortality Treatment t (Control) A B C D °/ia °/n Lol A {� (� }� Treatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D Tested �10 0 (DOTE: If mean control mortality exoeeds10%, the test is considered Invalid) Calculate using Arc -sine Calculated Student's t PASS Square Root tranaftrmed Tabular Student's t FAIL data (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is greater than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL. If all vessels within'each treatm= have the same response but the treatment two response is greater than the control, check FAIL. DWQ form AT-2 (ti/9I ) Nfomellthc—STORNI WATER SANII'I,INC. REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Cniu111bua County, North Carolina Peraomlcl Culicclutg Sampica: P_Huernne.1). MaddurlS /S.Nlmi rcy Certified Iahoratoritw,Nllwbac 1 ah 11) 11 L'n«roiuiiciital'i'catiitg $aludviu Pita ;Lab 1D 37 t,; ANAI,t'TICAL RESULTS FRECEIVLD JUL 2 5 2014 CENTRAL FILES DWQ/8QG 00.130 00310 1 00340 00610 00625 0063U 00665 77335 50060 71810 91043 01092 01051 00556 00400 'fAU B Ouffall Daft mdddl it 7Y5 III I 1101, InWI COD mgn NI13 I"WI 1-KN IIIKfI NO3+NO2 m I Total Phosphorus m I 510hanol IIIFVI 1-RC n1w] Ilesamine nIwI Farmnldehrde In I 1at•.fl Capprr m 1 Talal We nt I '1'nfal Lead mgll Non-1'olnr O&G n2jVI pll 1.13. Acute '[aaknJ LCSn 003-JhyProjecte June 004-11CHO June 006-Mck Pond June uu9-Mnmt. Shop lUne STORM FVF:NT CIIARACTVRI%TICi 'total Ia-cm Precipilatlpll (In,. ): Permit Sampling I'cliod:=2 Note: No yualitutg rain cunt CIC CHF'ICATION STAT lr.MF.,r i' 13Y t ' signature, I eel ' v this report is accurate and complete to the beat of my knowledge, /1n Company Information ltive 333 N 333 ciLs Eddy Road Si tahue of llcrmi ee or D03ignce bate Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910)655-2263 11 0ty0 7 `��7f ►lF-1 E;{T 52d8 Print Namc and Tille Submit I (original) Form A'I'-I (no DNIR) Io: NC D1iN1Ul)N't2rEmirolmletlial Sciences Scelion 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC; 27699-1621 Submit I copy DNIR (original) anti Form AT-1 to: Division of Wolcr Quality Watcr Qualily Sccliun Alta: Central Fdrt1 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DMH (copy) and Form AT-1 to: Sturmwalcr Permitting Unit Division or Water Qualiry 1617 Mad Service Center Ralcigh, NC 27699.1617 Personnel Collecting Samples; P. Busovne/D. MaddoxlS.IS.Mo%% rey Certified Laboratories: Wcobnc Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Monsentive— ST0101 WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: I t Lab ID: 37 09930 00310 00340 00610 00623 00630 OD665 77la7 30060 11ado 01042 01091 01051 00556 Ou40u TAA311 Urrtfall Date mold r TSS m DOD m COD m NH3 m TKN m NO3+NO2 m 'foul Phosphorus m Alethanol m TRC m Hesomine m Formaldehyde m Total Copptr m Total Zinc m Total Lead m Non -Polar 0&G m pal r.u. ,acute Toxicity LC56 003-Dry Projects September 004-HCHO September 006-Duck Pond September DO9-Maim Shop Sr ember STORM EVEN'C aLARACTEAI5TIC5 Submlt 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no DNIR) to: Total Event Precipitation (ins.):= NC DENR/DWQ1Environmeninl Sciences Section 1621 Moil Service Center Permit Sampling Period: = Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DNIR (original) and Form AT -I to: Notc: No qualifying min event Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center CERTIFICATION SPATEIIIENT Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 By this signature, I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best a my knowledge. Company information Submit I copy DMIt (copy) and Form AT -I to: Momenlive Storm%vaterPermitting Unit f i 333 Neiis Eddy Road Division of Water Quality . gnature of Pe ittee or Designee Data Riegelwood, NC 23456 1617 Mail Service Center (9 t 0) 655-2263 Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 �C,o/11�iL� �I1+41 N�'r I I EXT5z4s Print Name and Title CCI Mr- O -� CT 2 7 2014 DE --- J NR - WAl l i u`rrcn, f Momentive--S'TORNI WATFU SAMPLIN{; Hk PORT Certificate of Coveruge No.: NCSDO0156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples; 1. Hasovnelb Maddox/S IS Moa rey Certified Laboratories:Mtcoban'T", j Laly ID: h 1 I�' ElivHnnrncnwllfesting,5oiuttons ]nc Labt[17� 37 ANALYTICAL RESULTS RECEIVED AUG 2 8 Lp;u CENIRAL FILE- owarsoG 005341 00310 00340 W610 00625 1 006341 00665 77ee5 50060 71e80 0t042 U1092 01051 00556 110400 TAA311 Outra1l [late molddt*r '1'S5 M10 BOO M&A COD MMPfl N113 TKN mall NO3+NO2 MPA 'fat■I Phmphorus M.%A Methanol mgA THC mt,/l lleaamine MVA Formsldehydr MO Twol Copper MgA TOW zim MKA Total 1,end MIA Non -Polar O&C pit t.n- Acute 'Ibaivity 11cm tx13-[lrvProjimts 7/1512014 9.75 1400 61.20 12,10 14.6 1,55 a 19 <1.0 0 <10 2,370 00600 0.0456 00010 4.36 6,90 SN14.11010 711Y2014 12.50 20.5 102.0 9.70 14.6 17 40 0.094 <L0 0 M 0 6.740 0.021i0 0.122 000140 2.22 7.03 006-Buck Pond 7/15#7014 29.20 15 60 14,70 2.42 6.1 2.27 0.072 <1.0 0.054 <10 0.743 0.0022 �00076 <0..1. <0.0010 3.43 7.37 009-mmint. Shop 71i$=14 2.50 4.01 44.90 <0.100 11,00 1 1.060 <0050 .11.0 0.006 110 0.180 1 0.0316 <O.WIO 2.1 665 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Ijvent Precipitation (ins.): 0.7 Permit Sampling Period:= Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT t3y his signature, I c - iry this rcp11r7 is accurate and complete to the hest of my knowledge. 1 Company Information s' (,f Momentive 00 1 0 ¢� 333 Neils iddy Road S gnature or Perinitut or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655.2263 L'XT 5248 gox)A2 D PH nt Name and Titic Submit I (at-191nal) Form AT-1 (no DrVIK) to: NC DENRIDWQfEnvironmewal Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy UMR (original) and Form AT I to: Division of Watct Quality Water Quality Section A11w Central Files 16t7 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy DMH (copy) and Form AT -I to: Stormwater Pcrmitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 .14 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovneD, Madd"S.1S.Mo" rey Certified laboratories: Mjcobac E iivironmeiital Testing Solutions, Inc, ANALYTICAL RESULTS Momentive- STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCSD00156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 11 Lab ID: 37 RECEIVED DEC o 3 2014 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION 00530 00310 00340 00610 00625 00630 00665 77995 501160 71890 01042 01092 01051 00556 00409 TAAJB WIWI Dare m aMeLl r TSS m 110D Onm COD N113 m TKN m NO3+N01 m • ,0121 Phosphorni rn Methanol m TRC m Heaamine m Formaldehyde m Total Copper m 'fatal Zinc m 'Focal Lead m Non -Polar O&G m p11 r.n. Acute Toxicity LC30 0,ih 03y Projects IWI512014 25.20 19.10 65,90 13.40 16.1 659 0.45 <1,0 0.002 100 l.40(1 0.0610 0.065 OOOIbO 1.02 7.12 004-IICHO 10115/2014 26SO 1 8.1 1 35.3 <0.100 1 6.1 3.02 1 0.13 I <1,0 1 0.022 11.0 1.450 0.0170 1 0D73 0.0019n j 1,31 7.57 006-Duck Pond 1011572014 61,50 1 26.30 57.40 1,8r 2.•1 I.94 0.J7 <1.0 0 <l0 L850 0.0013 0.052 0.00170 1.02 674 009-Maint.Sho IOlYSR014 I000 2,20 <I0.0 2,74 <L00 0.491 0,06 <1.0 0 <10 0366 O.00SI 0044 a0.0010 I.17 7.54 STORM F,VFN'I'CIIARAC'I'ERiS'I'1CS Total l;venl Precipitation (ins.): = Pcrmit Sampling Period:= Note, No qualiliying rain event CERTIFICATION S'I'A'fFMFN'1' I this sign t I eel l y this report is accurate and complete to the best ofmy knowledge. _ Company Information Momentivc rr 333 Neils Fddy Road gnnture or Permittet or Designee ate Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655.2263 EXP 5248 Print dame and Title Submit I (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENR/DWQ/Hnvironmcntn] Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division or Water Quality Water (Duality Section Attn: Central Piles 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy UNIR (copy) and Form AT -I to: Starmwatet Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne/l]. Maddox/S./S.Mow rey Certified Laboratories: Micobae Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Nlamentive - STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID; 11 Lab ID: 37 RECEIVED nEC o 1 2014 DENR-LAND QUALITY STORMWATER PERM4TTING 00930 00310 00340 00619 00623 00630 00465 17a15 50060 1 71110 01042 01092 1 01051 00556 00400 TAA3R Oullall Dole malddl r T$5 rnSA I10D enjo COD m N113 m TKN -jo N034NOZ MWI Told Phosphorus MgA htethanol MgA TRC wgn Haamine moo Formaldehyde m Total Copper m Total Vne m 'Tots$ Lead m Non -Polar O&G m p11 s,u, Acute Toritky LC30 003•DryFroecls 10115t2014 25.20 19.10 65,90 13.40 161 6.51 0.45 <1.0 0.002 10.0 E.400 0.0610 0.065 0.00160 1.02 7.12 00444C110 10/1V2014 75.90 1,1 35.) <0.100 6.1 3.02 0.11 <1,o 0.022 11A 1.430 Lo.9170-j 0.071 1 0.00190 1 Lai 1 1.57 006•DuckFood 10115/2014 6L50 26.30 57A 1.13 1 2,4 2.94 0.33 <LO 0 <10 1.150 0.0031 0,052 1 0,00170 1.02 6,74 009-Melat. shop 10115/2014 10,00 2.20 <10,0 2.74 c1.00 0.491 0.06 <Lo 0 <10 0.266 0.0051 0.044 <00a10 1.17 7,94 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 1.07 Permit Sampling Period: Notc: No qualifiying rain event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signalure, I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Ld 14 Company Information Momentive 333 Neils Eddy Road S gnature of petmi ear Designee Dote Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910)655-2263 l 6fa� _O VALy w�f EXT 5249 Print Name and Title Submit I (original) Form AT -I (no DMR) to; NC DENR/DWQ/Environmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1621 Submit i copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Watcr Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy DMR (copy) and Form AT -I to: Slormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Personnel Collecting Samples: P. HusovnelD. MaddoxlS.lS.Mo%% rey Certified Laboratories: Micobao Environmental Testing Solutions, Inc. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Momentive— STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No,: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 11 Lab ID: 37 RECEIVED OCT 2 4 Zola CENTRAL FILES °wR SECTION 00530 00310 00340 0a6lo 00625 1 00630 00665 yaws 5006o 1 '71190 91041 e102 masl 00556 00400 TAA311 Outfatl Date moidd r T55 DOD mgA COD mall N113 mW1 TKN m NO3+N01 m8A Tulml Phosphorus 1 mg4 Ntelhonor mg4 TRC MgA tlesamine MgA Formaldehyde MB4 Total Copper mo Total Zlnr mIA TOW Lead mXA Non-Pulnr O&G mgn pit 1.0. Acute Toslelty LC50 003-Dry Ptojecls September _m&4 004.11010 September 006-Duck Pond se tcmbet 009-Mdnt. Shop Se tember STORM EVENT CHARAcTEtusrtcs 'fatal Event Precipitation (ins.):= Permit Sompling Period: = Note: No qualiftying min event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT B this s' atwe, I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information -� jQ�,L� + I I Momentive 333 Neils Eddy Road S gnature of P rmitlee or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 EXT 5248 Print Name and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AT-f (no DNIR) to: NC DENR/DWQ/l?nvironmentat Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT -I to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit 1 copy DMR(copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Wafer Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Momen live — STOR,AI AVA'TUR SANIPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: ,N'CSIM0156 Columbus County, North Carolina ('erstmnei Collecting Samples: 1'. liusov_iiel). Maddox/S./S,Mots rey Certified [Aborutories: Micabac _ , •Lab ID.' -i Etivironmentat "Cestirlg5olutions, Inc. Lab; ID' .37 ANALYTICAL RESULTS 00.131) 1111310 110341) 1N1610 110625 (1116341 m11665 77885 500641 71mat) 1)1042 U1092 111051 U0556 1111400 TAA311 UUrra11 Ilalr molddhr 'TSti mp11 IIOII utlril C011 nt I ?I113 n1R/1 TKV mall YU3+p1U2 mmli 'total Phasphorua n1 Mrthannl m I 'rRC mp/I Ileal,minr ntwl F'oTmtddrhydr m 'I'aW Copper In '1'01n1 line Me 'I'ol■l Lrad mp/t Non -Polar l)S�li Mo pt{ 1.11. Acule Toarritr LCsm 00341ty PTOletts AU USt l4)4.11010 Au mt (ft-I.Xick Pond August r")."Anint. Shop Au usl STORM EVENT CIIARACI'EHMUICS To al Event Precipitation (ins -y= Permit Sampling Period:= Note: No qualiftying min event CERTIFICATION STATEMENT iiy s signature cer(i v (his rejnlrt is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information is 333 Neils Eddy Road 333 Neils ignatuie of Permit •e or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 nn EX'T 5248 Print Name and Title Suhmil I (original) Form AT-t (no DMR) to: NC DENWIDWQrl:nvironmental Sciences Section 162 t Mail Service (2cnter Raleigh, NC 27699.1621 Submit i copy UN1R (originap and Form AT -I to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy I)MR (copy) unit Form'%T-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 RECEIVED CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Mamcntive—STORM IVA'1'EK 5Ah1YL1NC REPORT RECEIVED Certificate of Covernge No.: NCS000156 AUG Q }a Colurnbu.t County, North Carolina v (lJ f DENR-LA Personnel Collecting Saw mpics: 1'. BusovneW. Maddox/S. /S.More 5T RM WATER pWAt+TM Certified Labomtnries: Mico6 " �gt�^rlt 7 f 1 l �� EPMl�lNr- Lnv�[ortmehinl Testing 5oluttbns,'Inc, slab I1): 37- ANALITICAL RESULTS 00530 00310 00340 1 00610 00625 00630 00665 779115 50060 711180 01042 01092 01051 00556 004011 TAA3B Ontrall Dine malddlyr INS ROD m COD m NF13 m TKN m NOPNO2 m Total Phasphonis mRrl Melhanol MAA TnC m 11examine MXA Formaldehvdr m 'Total Copper MKI Taint Zinc mgll 'fatal I,ead m Non-Pular 0&C m pit s.a. Acute 'toxicity LC50 003-1"Prcimts 7/1512u 14 9.75 1400 f1.20 12.10 14.6 155 0,19 <1.0 0 110 2,370 0.Ow 00456 ao, 0010 4,36 6,90 U(l4•HCli0 7115/2014 12.50 2" 102.0 1 9.70 14.6 17.40 0 094 <1.0 0 14,0 6.740 0.0299 0.122 0 W 140 2.22 7.03 (xu.Duck Poml 1115/2014 29.20 13.60 74,70H6 1 2.27 0.072 ct.p 0.054 <10 0,743 00022 <0,90410 c0,W10 3.43 7.33 009-Maint, Shop1/15/2014 2.50 401 4491<1_00 1, 060 a0050 t1.0 OW6 <lp 0.130 00016 0.0316 <oam 2.1 655 STORM EVENT CHA RAC FERIS'1'1CS Total F-vcat Precipitation (ins.)- 0,7 11cnnit Sampling Period:= Note: CN:RTIFICAI 10N STATEMENT l,iy this signature, 1 ce if Ibis report is accumle and complete to the bell of my knowledge. Company Informntian i P,z Momentive r fff 333 Neils Lddy Road Si nature of Pemtitt a ar Designee Date Riegelwood. NC 28456 (910)655.2263 'RopJ Ate AZT rV LX'1' S248 Print Name and Title Submit I (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) to: NC DENRIDWQIInvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Centcr Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy UMR (ariginal) and Form AT-1 to: Division or water Quality Water Quality Section Atin: Central Has 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit i copy DNIK (copy) and Form AT -I to.. Stormwatcr Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Momentive—STORM WATFRSAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: 1. Busovne[D. Maddox/S. Mir /S.Mowr rev Certified Luborutories Mlcobac x F,. ti� r .xh :« rLah ID 11 ><nvtrohmenldl'Tt:stingStilutions,lac..-,�l.ab_ID- _', 77M�_,;__�_„w ANALYTICAL RF,SUTAS RECEIVED JUN 3 0 2014 CENTRAL FILES DWQIBOG 0053U 00310 00340 011610 00625 00630 00665 771105 50060 71aaa 01042 91092 01051 UU556 00400 'i'AAJH Outfell Date molddlyr TSS MR4 U61) intill COI) MgA N113 MRA TKN MgA NW-NU2 Me 'Fbtal Phofphorv+ m Methanol mpjl TRC ffl6A Heumine mpll Formaldehyde mllA Tote{ Copper MMA Taint Zinr MrA 'total Lead mPa 1 Noll -Polar U&G mpA pit 9.1., Acute 'I'awicily 11050 003-Dry ptojects 5)15A4 16.2 304 140 55.2 60.6 to.) 052 <10 0 <10 21.9 0.099 0.13 00016 <500 7.25 NIA 0n4.FICFIO 5/15114 30.5 354 173 74.0 110,0 2.5o 0.21 1.6 0 11 25,It 0.042 0.20 00022 <500 9,95 NIA OObDuckpwid 5715114 15.5 9,27 422 3.tl7 4s5 ].SO 4,12 <L0 0:ko 2.18 00027 0035 <OOo10 <S,00 666 N!A 009-Maint. Shop SII5114 7.25 2,37 20.5 <0.100 1.21 0.24G <0.050 <L0 Q020 <10 0499 00064 Ot160 <0.0010 6.00 7.52 N!A STORAI EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 2.48 Permit Sampling Period:0 Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, Ice ify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information �On j 333 Neils Eddy Road Signature of Penn/lee o -5esignec Date Riegelwood, NC 211456 (910) 655-2263 EXT 5248 Print Name and Title Submit 1 (original) Form AT-1 (no 9MR) lo: NC DENRIDWQlE:nvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy UMR (original) and Form AT -I to: Division of Wnter Quality Water Quality Section Attn; Ccutral hilcs 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy 11MR {entry) and Form ATA to: StOFMVMteT Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Momentivc--STORM WATER SAMPUNG REPORT Certificale of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P, HusovncID. MaddoxlS,IS.MoA re Certjfied Laboratories:'Mccobuc Lab lD, �fnv_ironmcnlltl7cstirtg 5riiutiolu, lac IrtftLN; 37 4NALYTICAL RESUI;I'S [9Qe@ 1 MAY - 2 2014 rld� A t1 .__ 17Y 1 oOM 00310 00340 0o610 00625 00630 00665 178e5 SM60 7leeo 01042 01092 01051 D0556 00400 TAA313 Outrall Matt molddl r INS m DOD EgA COD m NI13 m TK;4 mg/l NO3•NO2 m&A Total Phosphorus MfA methanol mxA TRC M&I Ilmmint 1"V F6nnsidehydt MO 'foul Copper mlt/I Told Zinc MO 'Paul Lead MPO Non -Polar O&G m PII s-u- Acute Toxicity LC50 UO)dky Pmjeds V25R014 <2, 50 1630 64.2U 68 to 63.7 1620 OJ2 L1.0 0 'In 6100 00410 0.01 <00010 <5.00 7.39 failed 004.11010 312512014 22,90 t 254 102,0 1 3.94 I61 1 2-34 0,16 <LU 0 22,0 121.000 0.0230 0.192 000700 1 <5.00 1 7.17 5 m(1 Duck Pond 312572014 l2.00 7.11 1 33.20 242 1 46 1 2.71 0.13 <1.0 0 <IU 1 1970, 00017 0.015 <00010 1 <5.00 1 7,23 pass (x)9-Mainz Shop MV2014 3,25 1 3.33 1 16.60 1 <0,00 12 1 0.738 <0.050 <1 0 0 I <10 1 0.925 0,0065 1 0.054 1 001400 1 <5.00 1 7,76 5 STORM EVENT CIIARACTFRISPICS Total Event Precipitation (ins-): 0.4 Permit Sampling Pariod:= Note: CERTIFICATION S'rAT'EMF.N'f' 13 this signature certify this rl is accurate and cnmplete to the best ei'my knowledge, Company information ii Momentive 333 Neils Eddy Road ignavart of Pe icukr bcsignce Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 {910)655.2263 M 5248 Prins Name and Title Submit I (original) Form AT-1 (no DMR) in, NC DENRIDWQIEnvirorunental Sciences Section 1621 Moil Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Qualily Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy DMR (COPY) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwaler Permitting Unit Division of Wnlcr Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Form - Acute Pass/Fall Date 3")N Facility - NPDES#NC&& CD I: v I Pipe #_�!fCounty Laboratory Pe 4� x Comments d&A 710-1� % 0 Signature qfA e oi 19 -qLX► x Signature of Laboratory SLparvisor MAIL ORIGINAL TO: Di e w terSciences Quality Branclz N.C. DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Collection Date: U sl L3 Collection Time: 69 Y_ Test Start Date: 3 L2fj I SarnpleTypaCuration Spec.Cond Sample temp. at receAml I Kaleuyn, ryureru uwulln: Test Organism Tested Control PH Treatment t n a d 'r It Control D.O. Treatment Mortality Replicats Mean Mortality Treatment t (Control) A B C D D/o % �1 0 Treatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D Concentration lCX> 0/11 %Tested 1� (NOTE: If mean control mortality exceeds 10%, the test is considered Invalid) Calculate using F am' Arc -Sine Calculated Students t PASS Square Root �'� transformed Tabular Student's t FAIL l/ data (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is greater than die absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL. If all vessels within each treatment have the same response but the treatment two response -is greater than the"control, check FAIL. 1 °/D °/D °/D /0 jU� �Lld 1� tt� L DWQ farm AT-2(13191) 27699-1821 Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Form - Acute Pass/Fail , )ate a 1 I'l 1=ad11iy D% NPDES#IC 4,;ndb 1,5U Pipe # t County Laboratory P st 1pacL- flsoe.%f9 X C mments ,ems rah Wa�a39 _ Slgnetu . e r' R ponsible Charge C� W 92d q • y�2 -a]3 " �SMr Signature of Laboratory Supervisor —' tlity es BranchMA!L ORIGINAL TO a WaerSciences a N.C. DENR 1621 Mail Service Center North Carolina Acute Pass/Fail Tw *dtv Test Raleigh, North Carofna 27699-1621 Collection Date: Organism Tested Collection Time: OR4 W Test Start Date: z tj �idre�h11'.c (c�1a�� Sample e/Duration 8 Sample temp. at Control pH Treatment 33 s e t n a d r t Control t].O. Treatment $ t Morta[Ry Replicate. Me -an Mort —aft I Treatment 1 (Control) A B C D /o . Treatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D Concentration % % % % °� Tested OC7 (NOTE; if mean control mortality exceeds10%. the test Is considered invalid) Calculate using Arc -Sine Calculated Student's t PASS Square Root transformed Tabular Student's t FAIL data (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is greater than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL. If all vessels within each treatment have the same response but the treatment two response is greater than the control, check FAIL. DWQ form AT-2 (8191) Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Form - Acute Pass/Fall - Date 1`1 Facility NPOES##NC 5U�QIS'U, Pipe >#� County Laboratory Ferfonr s Ck - ` x Comments kr-:rD* ! 0303 —0D Signature of p r pans' arge ecic,. Lisp 4ZI j.-4 �ZY - 0� _ x Signature of Laboretary Supervisor Environmental MAIL ORIGINAL TO : Div. of Water Quality Sciences Branch N.C. DENR 1621 Mail Service Center North Carolina Acute Pass/Fail Toxici Test Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Collection Date: -'Sk-5114 Organism Tested Collectlan Time: Test Start Data: ' SampleType1Duration Grab Comp. Duration r] a w x o Hardness(mgjl- Spe-Cond.(timhos Chlodne(mgll LO. Sample temp. at recetp Control pH PIL— Treatment�3 s e t n a d r t Control D.D. Treatment Mortality Replicate Mean Mortality Treatment 1 (Control) A B C D 10,01-010710 Treatment 2 (1=xposure) A B C D Concentraflon I Tested % %I (NOTE: If mean control mortality exceeds10%, the test is considered invalid) Calculate using r Arc -Sine Calculated Student`s It C� PASS F71 Square Root transformed Tabular'Student's t FAIL data (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is greater than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL. If all vessels within each treatment have the'same response but the treatment two response is greater than the control, check FAIL. DWQ form AT-2 (8/91) Effluent Aquatic Toxicity'Report Form -Acute Pass/Fail pate Facility NPDES#NG$ 1SlA Pipe #M County Laboratory Performing � x Comments ni2Ltb Cc- k�1i14 � Sign rator�esl rge �c�c�t�C q'21q-1411,4- x Signature of Laboratory Supervisornmental MAIL ORIGINAL TO: ov� Water Quafty Sciences Branch N.C. DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Nnrth f:arnlinn Arntp PaccXail Tnsririty Tpet Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Collection Date: a l [.S i r i Colection Time: LDS 1 S Test Start Date: L rsamplaTYDOuration Go. Sample temp. at Organism Tested Contrffj pH Treatme s t 9 a n r d t Control 2 D.O. Treatment Mortality Replicate Mean Morta%, Treatment t (Control) A B C D Treatment 2 (Exposure) A B C D Concentration Tested (NOTE: If mean control mortality exceedslfl%, the testis considered invalid) Calculate using �--� Arc -Sine ' Calculated Student's t PASS Square Root transformed Tabular Student'st FAIL data (ONE TAILED) If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular t, check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is greater than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL, If all vessels within each treatment have the same response but the treatment two response is greater than the control, check FAIL. DWQ form AT-2 (8143) Momentive—S'i'ORM WATER SAMPLING RF,POR'T Certificate of Coverage No.: NC8000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: 1'. ©usovne/D. Maddox/S. rep Certified Laboratnries:'Micobaek Lab ID' .`,;II �E n`vuonmynlul featmg'Soluhons;_[nF [ ab IL] 137 ,. &NALN71CAL RESULTS RECEIVED MAR 27 Z014 CENTRAL FILES DWQI,RUG ooR30 00310 0034o 00610 0062s 0%30 0066s 77935 50060 71E10 01042 01042 01051 00556 Zoo TAA3S l iulrall Date m dddl r '155 -SA 1101) -gAgA COD r4W - TKJ4 mn/l NO3-NO2 mgA Total Phospho-3 m mohennl -gA 'I'FiC mKn lleumine m Fnnnaldehyde 'fatal Cupixr Total 7,Ioc m 't'etal Lead Nan -Polar MOO Pit I.Q. Acute 'I'oslclly LCSo OOhbry l'rajoctn 2f2I12014 63, 0o 38.60 14400 51.20 5440 10.30 0.27 <1 0 350 35 RUO 0. 1200 0 16 o OO143 <5 7-26 ON-11c"O 2f211204 64.30 1 327 1260 1L50 6 1 063 0.18 <t 0 17.0 21.400 00470 031 0,00347 <5 752 o06-F)uckPond 2121/2014 24,60 2230 SSJO 4.55 738 230 0,063 1 <1 1 0 1 <10 1 6490 0=1 0036 <0.00100 <5 1 6.% 009-Maint. Shop 1121/2014 875 1 7.44 3540 2,12 424 1 0.843 <O.DSO <1 0 <10 4.950 0.0100 0.11 0,00123 <5 7,23 S-I'ORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): = Permit Sampling Period:= Note: CERTIFICATION SI'ATFMENT By this signature. I certify this report is orate and wmplete to the best of my knowledge. n _! Cumpnny Information Momentive 333 Neils Eddy Road 5 nuture of PermittctjrjkSignCe Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)635-2263 ExT s24e �wALV bz)-,V�r I'r of Nnme and'fille Submit I (original) Farm AT -I (no UMR) to: NC DLNR/DWQ&--nvironmental Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Ccntml Files l617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Submit I copy DMR(copy) and Form AT-1 to: Stormwater Permitting Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Kaieigh, NC 27699- lb t 7 Momentive — STORM WATERSAMPLING REP010' Certificate or Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Husovne/D. Maddox/S.IS.Mox rev Certified Laboratories: Mticoha'' l,N;l ,' }. 7t i' LubylD., 11 IEriVlfOd[iitnUr� festiitgSolutiggs"[nc_ �"Lab,li?_L;; 7 ;_ f ANALYTICAL RESULTS 00S10 00310 00340 00610 00625 00630 0066s 1 71865 50060 71930 01042 01092 01051 W556 00400 TAA311 Uulhn bate moldd/yr 75S m BUb m8/1 COD m N113 m TK1'1 m N07+NU2 mXA 'Total Phosphorus m Methanol MSA TRC m Haamine 50 F'nrmaldrhydr 'am 1'atat Coptrcr Total Zinc m 'Total bead m Non -Polar {)&.G m pit r.a. Acute '1'6alcltr LC50 0o3-Dry 2f2112o14 68,0o 3960 144.00 31.20 59.40 10Ji1 0.21 <1 0 360 35,800 0.1200 0.16 0.00143 <5 1,26 00441010 =I r2014 64.50 32.7 1260 1 11.50 16 063 0.19 <1 0 11,0 21.400 00471) 0.31 0.00347 <5 7.52 006-buck Pond 212U204 24.60 22.50 55.30 4.55 7.58 2.50 0,063 <1 0 <l0 6490 0.OD21 0.036 <000100 6,96 009•Mllint,Shop 2121f2014 8.75 7,44 35,40 1 2.12 424 0.941 0.030 <I 0 <l0 4,850 0.0100 oil 0.00123 <5 7.23 91'ORA1 EVENT C11ARACTERISI'ICS Submit l (original) Form AT -I (no DMR) to: Total Event Precipitation (ins,): 0.29 NC DENRfDWQ/Environmenial Sciences Section 1621 Mail Service Center Permit Sampling Pcriaf:E= Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Submit I copy DMR (original) and Form AT-1 to: Nole: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 B this sig re, 1 certi this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information Submit l copy DMR (copy) and Form A"I'-1 to: � ` ¢31 x y 1 I �i Momcntive Stormwater Permitting Unit 1 333 Neils Eddy Road Division of Water Quality ignaturc orl'ermi ce or Designee Datc Riegelwood, NC 28456 1617 Moil Service Ccater (910) 655.2263 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 q) ojJAL'P AtIr�)fi) Print Name and Title I Exr seas ��c�Nud D MAR 27?014 NR-wA (ananity A Personnel Collecting Samples: 11. liusovneA). Maddox/S N.Mov, rcy Certified 1nlmratoties: Micobac linvironmental Testing Solutions, lnc. ANA LYFICAL RF:SU I; TS Momentive—S*fORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certincate or Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab Ill: 11 Lab 117: 37 00530 00310 j 00340 00610 00625 04630 00665 77185 M060 718110 01042 01092 01051 00556 o0400 TAA313 Oulrall Hate mnldtV r 'I'55 n1 1 HOII mlifl COD m I NH3 m I '1'KN m NO3+14102 ukwl Total Phosphoroq fflg1l Methanol MitA THC m l lleratnine m 1 Formaldehyde mg/1 'fain[ Copper m 'Total Bee MRM fatal 1"d m 1 Non-Polnr O&G in Wl pit I.u. Acute Toalclty LC50 003-Dry Projccls )R-Uary o04.0C110 January 006-buck Prod lanumv 009-Maint, Shop January STORM IiVFNT CIIARACI'F RISTICS Submit I (original) Form AT -I (no DMR) to: Total Event Precipitation (ins.):= NC DENRIDWQ11-nvironmenurl 66coccs Section 1621 Mail Service Center Permit Sampling Ileriod:=l Raleigh. NC 27699-1621 Submit 1 copy DMR (orlginul) and Form AT -I to: Note: There was no qualifying min event. Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Film 1617 Mail Service Center CFR'rlFICATION SI'ATEMF:NT Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 13y this i oture, I ertify this report is necumle and complete to the best ofmy knowledge, Company Information Submit I copy DMR (copy) and Form AT -I to: Momentive Stormwoter Permitting Unit j 1 333 Neils Eddy Road Division of Water Quality iOdium or Pen iticc or Desigrrce Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 1617 Mail Service Center 4 (910) 655-2263 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 F.XT 5248 vhj �L`f) �ZI w Pri t Name and Title L� try Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Form - Acute Pass/Fall Data-25(3110 Facllity Dckmbrkc WDES#NC S nrrilS-0 Pipe #SW County Laboratory P st i� x — C mments H6, Slgnetu , r . R PDrnsible CtwMe [d C& ldSl* 42d r1 - H�2'JOb3 _ x �rr+r r sK �T Signatwe of Laboratory Supervisor — MAIL ORIGINAL TO: a WN IteerQ a�; e5eranch N.C. DENit 1621 Mal Service Center North Carolina Acute Pass/Faf Tam Test Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1621 Collection Date: Organism Tested Collerxlon Time: _ oSli 4 /� 1 Test StartDate:astia,c- SammleTypelDuration Grab lComm I Duration 11, 0 a x o Hardness(mglf 4a w.ruururotmyn yWW'_0 Sample temp. at receip . L Control 3 12 PH Treatment 33 s t en a d r t Control D.o. Treatment t Mortality Replicate Mean Mortality Treatment 1 (Control) A B C D °16 % % °l6 1 A/lo ITreatment 2 (Exposure) A _B C D ConCBntration % % % % /o ! ��I (�pS Tested - tl II (NOTE: If mean control mortality exceedsl0%, the test Is considered invalid) Calculate using Arc-Slne Calculated Student's t PASS Square Root transformed Tabular Student's t—I FAIL data (ONE TAILED) u If the absolute value of the calculated t is less than or equal to the absolute value of the tabular 4 check PASS. If the absolute value of the calculated t is greater than the absolute value of the tabular t, check FAIL. If all vessels within each treatment have the saute response but the treatment two response is greater than the control, check FAIL. DWQ farm AT-2 (8191) Forest Produ MQMENTIiE~ ACME OPERATTIIO Ssian 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 2B455-9570 February 28, 2014 CERTIFIED MAIL: 70123460000348222013 Mr. Jim Gregson NCDENR Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 SUBJECT: Stormwater Discharge Outfall — Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report Calendar Year 2013 Momentive Specialty Chemicals Inc. Acme, Columbus County, North Carolina NPDES Permit NCS000156 Dear Mr. Gregson: Please find attached the Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report for calendar year 2013 for the above referenced facility. During 2013, Momentive Specialty Chemicals Inc. (Momentive) monitored four stormwater discharge outfalls. Please note that during the months of August and October 2013, no monitoring was conducted because no qualifying rain event occurred. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Tom Buller, Regional EHS Manager with Momentive, at (910)274-5921 _ Sincerely, Ronald Bazinet Site Leader Momentive Specialty Chemical Inc. Attachment Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report — calendar year 2013 ECEIVE MAR 0 3 2011 BY: STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT (DMR) Calendar Year 2013 Individual NPDES Permit No. NCS000156 or Certificate of Coverage (COC) No. NCGQOQQQ❑ This monitoring report summary of the calendar year is due to the DWQ Regional Office no later than March T" of the following year. Facility Name: Momentive Specialty Chemicals. Inc. County: Columbus Phone Number: 910 655-2263 Total no. of SDOs monitored: 4 SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 003 Is this ouffall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes® No❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall,. Inches Parameter, units TSS (mg/1) BOD (mg/1) Cob (mgll) NH3 (Mg/1) TKN (mg/1) NO3+NO2 (mgll) Total Phosphows (m911) -Methanol (moll) Benchmark N/A 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 112113 0.20 6.4 11 35 21.8 25.1 8.28 0.14 10 217113 1.89 66.3 367 1030 1.4 6.3 2.96 0.47 743 3/12113 0.43 50.0 661 9730 636 3620 3.24 0.04 47.6 414113 0.73 20.6 104 1030 338 445 3.4 0.89 <10 6123113 0.46 27.5 11.4 69 11.6 16.9 6.17 0.24 <10 613113 2.37 18.8 26.6 97.5 23.8 30.8 10.4 0.26 <1 7112/13 1.02 19.0 14.6 52.3 9.77 12.8 7.26 0.12 <1 9116113 1.50 40.4 13.8 78.1 6.69 10 8.09 0.22 <1 11126/13 2.06 <2.5 15.1 61.5 85 96.7 13.4 0.26 <1 12110/13 0.16 240 1 33.4 143 29.1 34.3 12.0 1 0.82 <1 Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter units TRC (mg/1) Hexamine (mg/1) Formaldehyde (mg/1) Total Copper (mg11) Total Zinc (mg/1) Total Lead (mgll) Non -Polar O&G (mg/1) pH (s,u.) Benchmark N/A 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6-9 112113 0.20 0 <10 1.8 0.046 0.089 <0.01 <5 7.02 217113 1.89 0 82.4 58 0.117 0.383 <0.01 <5 6.83 3/12113 0.43 0 <10 92.6 0.095 0.071 <0.01 <5 7.95 414113 0.73 0 586 71 0.032 0.053 <0.01 <5 7.92 5/23113 0.46 0 14 21.815 0.100 0.0667 0.00643 <5 7.42 613113 2.37 0 18 20.977 0.075 0.086 0.00369 <5 7.13 7/12/13 1.02 0 <10 0.878 0.095 0.061 0.0076 <5 7.60 9116113 1.50 0 <10 6.04 0.094 0.074 0.0219 <5 7.28 11126113 2.06 0 20 4.39 0.061 0.210 <0.001 <5 7.36 12110113 0.16 0 <10 11.3 0.100 0.210 0.0306 <5 7.60 SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 004 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ® No ❑ Yes® No El Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TSS (mg/1) SOD (mg/1) COD (mg/1) NH3 (mg/1) TKN (Mg/1) NO3+NO2 (mg11) Total Phosphorus (mgll) Methanol (mg/1) Benchmark NIA 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 112113 0.20 9.1 10 51 7.7 10.1 7.61 0.1 <10 217113 1.89 84 62 267 19.2 66.8 4.43 0.04 <10 3112113 0.43 34.6 12 64 1.6 15.4 1.71 0.11 <10 414113 0.73 42.7 11 97 1.7 7 1.85 0.11 <10 5123113 0.46 22.6 15.7 21.9 7.02 14.4 9.24 0.13 <10 613113 2.37 61.6 16.6 86.7 2.75 9.47 3.46 0.29 <1 7112/13 1.02 18.5 10.2 50.1 5.5 8.86 6.05 0.13 0 9116113 1.50 62.9 104 2180 228 409 5.44 0.11 6 11126/13 2.06 68.6 28 226 20.5 30 12.0 0.27 <1 12110/13 0.16 43.3 14.2 1 93.2 1 12.8 1 16 11.6 0.093 <1 Total Rainfall, Inches parameter, units TRC mgll(mg/1) Hexamine Formaldehyde mg11) Total Copper (mg/1) Total Zinc (mg/1) Total Lead (mg/1) Non -Polar O&G (mg/1) pH (s.u.) Benchmark NIA 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6.9 112113 0.20 0 <10 10.1 0.022 0.081 <0.01 <5 7.3 217113 1.89 0 <10 18 0.123 0.333 <0.01 <5 7.2 3112/13 0.43 0 <10 4.89 0.048 0.199 <0.01 <5 7.62 414113 0.73 0 18.5 2.33 0.049 0.252 <0.01 <5 7.01 6/23/13 0.46 0 14 29.284 0.024 0.142 0.00228 <5 7.42 613113 2.37 0 <10 14.007 0.052 0.269 0.00441 <5 7.28 7112113 1.02 0 <10 0.825 0.022 0.078 0.0076 <5 7.63 9116/13 1.50 0 1000 32.2 0.028 0.47 0.00488 <5 7.46 11/26113 2.06 0 48 46 0.061 0.20 0.00486 <5 8.41 12110M3 0.16 0 26 29.7 0.027 0.14 0.00399 <5 7.82 SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 006 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes® No❑ Yes® No❑ Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TSS m h BOD m 11 COD m 11 NH3 m 11 TKN m" NO3+NO2 m 11 "total Phosphorus (mglll Methanol m ll Benchmark NIA 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 112113 0.20 10.2 2 20 1.3 1.9 0.08 0.04 <10 217113 1.89 36 21 116 3.4 7 5.16 0.04 <10 3112/13 0.43 35.5 11 87 1.6 2.6 3.21 0.09 <10 414113 0.73 39.5 14 65 1.9 5.3 2.88 0.18 <10 6123113 0.46 6.5 7.79 34.8 3.05 6.72 2.08 0.14 <10 613113 2.37 4.5 7.11 35 0.92 3.97 2.65 0.083 5.4 7M2113 1.02 9.25 5.74 58.7 2.75 6.11 1.8 0.18 <1 9116113 1.50 20 9.71 41.6 1.47 4.41 3.39 0.064 <1 11126/13 2.06 18.4 9.76 41.7 1.84 4.59 0.93 0.09 <1 12110113 0.16 22.8 10.8 56.6 2.45 5.81 0.67 0.12 <1 Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TRC m ll Hexamine m 11 Formaldehyde m 11 Total Copper m 11 Total Zinc m II Total Lead m 1l Non -Polar 0&G m 11 pH, a.u. Benchmark NIA 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6-9 112113 0.20 0.003 <10 1.13 <0.01 0.111 <0.01 <5 7.20 217113 1.89 0.057 1 <10 1.72 <0.01 0.058 <0.01 <5 6.94 3112113 0.43 0.054 <10 0.661 <0.006 0.05 <0.01 <5 6.97 414113 0.73 0.056 16.4 1.66 <0.006 0.039 <0.01 <5 7.19 5123113 0.46 0.015 <10 6.554 0.0068 <0.01 <0.001 <5 7.33 613113 2.37 0.025 <10 4.909 <0.003 0.018 <0.001 <5 7.03 7/12113 1.02 0.036 <10 0.5 0.0028 0.013 0.0027 <5 7.32 9116/13 1.60 0.044 13 1.07 0.0025 0.02 0.00166 <5 7.20 11126113 2.06 0.008 <10 1.83 0.0013 0.027 <0.001 <5 7.60 12110/13 0.16 0.012 <10 3.48 0.0019 0.042 <0.001 <5 7.14 SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 009 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ® No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ® No ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall,' Inches Parameter, units TSS m 11 BOD m ll COD m II NH3 m II TKN m 11 NO3+NO2 m 11 Total Phosphorus (mg11j Methanol m 11 Benchmark NIA 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 112113 0.20 35 10 49 3.9 5.3 1.85 0.14 <10 217113 1.89 10.3 6 33 0.6 2.8 0.21 0.04 <10 3112/13 0.43 93.8 4 26 0.6 1.5 0.23 0.25 <10 414113 0.73 219 9 29 0.4 1.0 0.27 0.04 <10 5/23113 0.46 10.6 5.56 79.7 <0.1 2.14 4.37 0.092 <10 613113 2.37 64.3 5.04 32.9 <0.1 1.53 0.754 0.16 4.26 7/12113 1.02 8.75 3.58 26.4 <0.1 0.92 0.34 <0.05 <1 9116113 1.50 18.8 6.47 32.9 1.47 2.94 1.33 <0.05 <1 11/26/13 2.06 126 2.23 36.1 <0.1 1.53 0.97 0.15 <1 12110113 0.16 16.8 4.79 26.4 1 <0.1 1.84 0.437 <0.05 <1 Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TRC m 11) Hexamine (moll) Formaldehyde (m A Total Copper m 11 Total Zinc m 11 Total Lead m 11 Non -Polar O&G m 11 pH e. u. Benchmark NIA 0.028 25,000 0.5' 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6.9 112113 0.20 0 <10 0.92 0.007 0.053 <0.01 6 6.91 217113 1.89 0.004 <10 0.66 0.017 0.108 <0.01 <5 6.66 3112113 0.43 0 <10 0.408 0.037 0.372 <0.01 <5 7.07 414113 0.73 0 <10 0.16 0.02 0.098 <0.01 <5 7.09 6123113 0.46 1 0.019 <10 1.801 0.0068 0.0874 0.00186 <5 7.74 613113 2.37 0.012 <10 0.521 0.017 0.16 0.00349 <5 8.41 7112113 1.02 0 <10 0.5 0.0077 0.055 0.0075 <5 8.16 9/16113 1.50 0.014 <10 1.51 0.013 0.091 0.00292 <5 7.37 11/26113 2.06 0 <10 1.13 0.013 0.16 0.00379 <5 6.46 SDO ASDMR-2013 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature Date O'Z1271l1 SRI Mail Annual DIVIR Summary Reports to: SDO ASDMR-2013 DWQ Regional Office Contact Information: 2090 US Highway 70 225 Green Street 610 Fast Center Avenue/Suite 301 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Systel Building Suitc 714 Mooresville, NC 28115 (828) 296-4500 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (704) 663-1699 (910) 433-3300 3800 Barrett Drive 943 Washington Square Mall 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Raleigh, NC 27609 Washington, NC 27889 Wilmington, NC 28405-2845 (919) 791-4200 (252) 946-6481 (910) 796-7215 Tj`QN SA,LEM 1ti7 1__O [7L F( CCNTR'AL OFFICl: ,�. 585 Waughtown Street 1617 Mail Service Center "1oprose►ve, AIi;W6Id Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 ar+d�enhence 336 771-5000 919) 807-6300 Norteralnas,ivater.::' SDO ASDMR-2013 m� STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ❑ TV ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT (DMR) ` `'— Calendar Year 2017 . *11`,. Individual NPDES Permit No. NCS000156 or Certificate of Coverage (COC) No. NCG❑❑❑❑❑❑ L "� �1'4. This monitoring report summary of the calendar year is due to the DWQ Regional Office no later than March 95' of the following year. Facility Name: Hexion Inc. County: Columbus Phone Number: (910) 655-2263 Total no. of SDOs monitored: SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 003 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ® No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ® No ❑ If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, inches Parameter, units TSS (moll) SOD (Mg/1) COD (Mg/1) NH3 (mgll) TKN (Mg/1) NO3+NO2 (mg/1) Total phosphorus (m911) Methanol (moll) Benchmark NIA 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 2/15117 0.74 14.3 6 32 5.7 9.6 0.14 0.28 <5 3/28/17 0.13 11.4 18 64 56.8 70.9 17.1 0.9 <5 4/13117 0.64 10.7 16 43 13.4 16.8 7.98 0.4 <5 615117 0.46 10.1 10 68 24.8 22.7 0.53 0.58 <5 1119/17 0.61 6.4 11 50 87.1 70.5 0.78 0.73 <5 12127/17 0.21 4 6 <20 20.5 21.6 7.11 0.23 <5 Total Rainfall, inches Parameter, units TRC (mgll) Hexamine (mgll) Formaldehyde (Mg/1) Total Copper (m911) Total Zinc (mg/1) Total Lead (Mg/1) 'Non -Polar O&G (mgh) pH (s.u:) Benchmark N/A 0.029 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6-9 2115/17 0.74 0.003 <25 0.323 0.023 0.030 <0.01 <5 5.85 3/28117 0.13 0 <26 0.357 0.040 0.091 <0.01 <5 6.98 4/13/17 0.54 0 <25 0.406 0.036 0.047 <0.01 <5 6.98 615117 0.46 0.021 <25 0.180 0.034 0.038 <0.01 <5 7.18 1119/17 0.61 0.019 <5 <0.05 0.017 0.067 <0.01 <5 7.19 12/27117 0.21 0.036 <5 1.15 0.014 0.036 <0.01 <5 7.16 SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 004 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ® No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ® No ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other __ ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, ,inches Parameter, units TSS (mgli) BOD (mg/1) COD (Mg/1) NH3 (mg/1) TKN (mg/1) NO3+NO2 (mg/1) Total Phosphorus (Mg/1) Methanol (mg/1) Benchmark N/A 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 2/15117 0.74 14.1 26 292 23.5 104 0.11 0.11 <5 3128117 0.13 61 60 409 1.0 124 3.59 0.44 <5 4113/17 0.54 7.5 20 101 8.6 18.6 8.81 0.22 <5 615117 0.46 9.1 15 103 1 5 18 8.67 0.15 <5 1119117 0.61 76.7 44 398 3.9 93.1 1.58 0.51 <5 12/27/17 0.21 10.9 22 76 6.3 19.6 0.87 0.11 <5 Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TRC (mg/1) Hexamine (Mg/1) Formaldehyde (mg/1) Total Copper, (Mg/1) Total Zinc (Mg/1) Total Lead (mg/1) Non -Polar 08G (Mg/1) pH Benchmark N/A 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6-9 2/16117 0.74 0 97.9 9.86 0.012 0.144 <0.01 <5 6.97 3/28117 0.13 0 164 7.51 0.110 0.286 <0.01 <5 7.36 4113/17 0.54 0.019 <25 1.11 0.030 0.105 <0.01 <5 7.36 615117 0.46 0.017 44.4 2.89 0.027 0.153 <0.01 <5 7.64 1119/17 0.61 0.055 174 12.4 0.055 0.324 <0.01 <5 7.49 12/27/17 0.21 0 35 15.7 0.012 0.126 <0.01 <5 7.31 SDO ASDMR-2013 Outfall No. 006 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ® No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ® No ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWO to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, Iriches Parameter, units •T59 (mg/1) BOD (mg/1) COD (mg/1) NH3 (mall) TKN (mgM NO3+NO2 (mg/1), Total Phosphorus (mg/1), Methanol (mgll) Benchmark N/A 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 2/16/17 0.74 20.5 12 41 3.2 6.7 1.23 0.24 <5 3128i17 0.13 33 16 39 2.7 4.8 1.68 0.41 <5 4113117 0.54 15.8 7 34 1.6 4.1 1.56 0.3 <5 615117 0.46 55 13 66 1.8 5.4 0.07 0.36 <5 1119117 0.61 147 12 1 112 2.7 9.7 0.15 0.94 <5 12/27/17 0.21 15.2 10 29 3.9 4.9 0.71 0.14 <5 Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TRC (mg/1) Hexamine (mgll), Formaldehyde (mg/1) Total Copper (mall) Total Zinc (mg/1) Total Lead (mg1l) Non -Polar O&G (mgll) pH (s.u.) Benchmark N/A 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6-9 2/15117 0.74 0.063 <25 0.193 <0.005 0.015 <0.01 <5 6.84 3128117 0.13 0 <25 0.173 <0.005 0.032 <0.01 <5 6.86 4113/17 0.54 0.014 <25 0.188 <0.005 0.031 <0.01 <5 6.86 615117 0.46 0.131 <25 0.182 <0.005 0.028 <0.01 <5 6.94 1119117 0.61 0.083 <5 0.145 0.007 0.086 1 <0.01 <5 7.06 12/27/17 0.21 0 <5 4.11 <0.010 0.024 1 <0.01 <5 6.81 SDO ASDMR-2013 .rail No. 009 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TSS (Mg/1) BOD (mg/1) COD (Mg/1) NH3 (Mg11) TKN (mg11) NO3+NO2 (Mg/1) Totaf Phosphorus (mgll) Methanol (mg/1) Benchmark NIA 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 2/15/17 0.74 4.9 2 <20 <0.2 0.7 <0.02 0.06 <5 3128/17 0.13 14.7 12 32 0.5 1.8 0.41 0.25 <5 4113117 0.54 4.4 8 22 0.6 2 0.28 0.19 <5 616117 0.46 <2.5 2 <20 <0.2 0.6 0.4 0.06 <5 11 /9117 0.61 8.4 2 22 0.9 1.6 <0.02 0.11 <5 12/27/17 0.21 16.3 1 2 <20 1 0.2 <0.5 <0.02 1 0.11 <5 Total Rainfall, inches Parameter, units TRC (Mg/1) Hexamine (Mg/1) Formaldehyde (mg/1) Total Copper (Mg/1) Total Zinc (mgll) Total Lead (Mg/1) Non -Polar O&G "(Mg/1) pH. (s.u.) Benchmark NIA 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 5-9 2115117 0.74 0.026 <25 <0.05 <0.005 0.05 <0.01 <5 6.58 3128117 0.13 0 <25 0.241 0.007 0.108 <0.01 <5 7.14 4113117 0.54 0.015 <25 0.212 <0.005 0.066 <0.01 <5 7.14 615117 0.46 0.019 <25 0.076 <0.005 0.04E <0.01 <5 7.07 11 /9117 0.61 0.001 <5 0.228 1 0.005 1 0.079 <0.01 1 <5 7.39 12/27117 0.21 0 <5 0.179 <0.01 0.07 <0.01 <5 6.92 SDO ASDMR-2013 'ify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a ystem designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibAty of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature Date 2 zg f SDO ASDMR-2013 Mail Annual DMR Summary Reports to: DWO Renional Office Contact Information: 2090 US Highway 70 225 Green Street 610 East Center Avenue/Suite 301 Swannanoa, NC 28779 Systel Building Suite 714 Mooresville, NC 28115 (928) 296-4500 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (704) 663-1699 i (91 M 433-3300 3800 Barrett Drive 943 Washington Square Mall 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Raleigh, NC 27609 Washington, NC 27889 Wilmington, NC 28405-2945 (919) 791-4200 (252) 946-6491 (910) 796-7215 585 Waughtown Street 1617 Mail Service Center ; wT4 � , pr6fecf Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 enafenhi3nee 336 771-5000 (919)807-6300 _North.Carvlfi�a�Vwater.:" WRI4�110]kyil:W6391 ' MOMENTn/E• Forest Products Division ACME DRl`RATION$ 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood. NC 26455-9570 February 13, 2013 CERTIFIED MAIL: Mr. Jim Gregson NCDENR Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 SUBJECT: Stormwater Discharge Outfall — Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report Calendar Year 2012 Momentive Specialty Chemicals Inc. Acme, Columbus County, North Carolina NPDES Permit NCS000156 Dear Mr. Gregson: Please find attached the Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report for calendar year 2012 for the above referenced facility. During 2012, Momentive Specialty Chemicals Inc. (Momentive) monitored 4 stormwater discharge outfalis. Note that during the months of February, September, and November 2012, no monitoring was conducted because no qualifying rain event occurred. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Matthew Skidmore, Regional EHS Manager with Momentive, at (404) 353-5972. Sincerely, M yei 31-144 Ronald Bazinet Site Leader Momentive Specialty Chemical Inc. Attachment: Annual Summary Data Monitoring Report — calendar year 2012 GF-1V FEB 14 2W gY; STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT (DMR) Calendar Year 2012 Individual NPDES Permit No. NCS000156 or Certificate of Coverage (COC) No. NCG❑❑❑❑❑❑ This monitoring report summary of the calendar year Is due to the DWQ Regional Office no later than March V" of the following year. Facility Name: Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Inc. County: Columbus Phone Number: (910) 655-2263 Total no. of SDOs monitored: 4 SWU-264-Generic-25May20i 0 Outfal) No. 003 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes® No❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TSS (mgll) BOD (mg11) COD (mgll) NH3 (mg/1) TKN (mg/1) NO3+NO2 (mg1l) Total Phosphorus (mg/1) Methanol (mg/1) Benchmark NIA 1 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 01/1112012 0.96 9.7 12 100 C140-3 0 64-0 5.7 0.44 <10 03/03/2012 2.40 4.8 23 112 a 61 C93 '4-> F1 A8 ' 0.40 <10 04106/2012 0.36 8.7 10 118 V92 5f C892i-I 4.58 0.38 <10 05/0912012 0.27 25.3 17 112 Q58> r-72'8� 2.31 0.48 <10 06/1212012 1.02 27 18 0129D tz44 7_-_:, c53:9� ols.6f 0.78 <10 07/3112012 0.20 45 8 �92D c51w.07 r6014� 3.77 0.93 <10 08/1912012 0.42 28.7 17 C141? z28.,2a t3818=> G17.4'> 0.6 <10 10/1612012 0.33 33.4 7 46 6.3 10.5 9.41 <0.04 <10 12112/2012 0.95 8.4 15 101 G59s73 67!.9 d3 2--' 0.13 <10 Total Rainfall, inches Parameter, units TRC (mg/1) Hexamine (mgll) Formaldehyde y (mg11) Total Copper (mg/1) Total Zinc (mg/1) Total Lead (mg/1) Non -Polar 08G (mg/1) pH (s.u.) Benchmark NIA 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6-9 01/11/2012 0.96 0 <10 50:976:) 10t0763 fN0 4137 <0.010 <5 7.93 03/03/2012 2.40 0 <10 s0:87.z" 0160~� �0362-' <0.010 <5 7.45 04/06/2012 0.36 0 <10 10!9V '0 147' c0 363- <0.010 <5 7.66 05/0912012 0.27 0 <10 -v14 "*" 0:173" C0:312.� <0.010 <5 7.56 06112/2012 1.02 0 <10 1'6 1"0:242 �_-0 208 <0.010 <5 7.43 07/31/2012 0.20 0 <10 ff5 79Dk 0 219 0:,1.84 <0.010 <5 7.44 08/19/2012 0.42 0 <10 c4:73= 0:275 roA66, <0.010 <5 7.33 10/15/2012 0.33 0 <10 0.27 '0t230 1:0190_' <0.015 <5 7.27 12/12/2012 0.95 0 <10 UZ 8=* -0.095 0 '178:--� <0.010 <5 6.98 ** Sample collected on 512912012 SWU-264-Generic-25May2010 Outfall No. 004 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWO to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SOO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TSS (mg/1) BOD (mg11) COD (mg/1) NH3 (Mg/1) TKN (mgll) NO3+NO2 (mg/1) Total Phosphorus (mg/1) Methanol (mg/1) Benchmark N/A 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 01/11/2012 0.96 95 12 93 1.8 13.1 r12:5-' 0.3 <10 03/0312012 2.40 36.5 [56=) 0381� 3.6 C78 4 4.73 0.3 <10 04/06/2012 0.36 39.7 11 G133: 69:71 1918 4.43 0.26 <10 05109/2012 0.27 05202D "> 25-) c625= G18:3= c68':9" 8.13 0.26 00 06112/2012 1.02 U54-/ <14 C148- 3.3 10.4 r21 A 1 <10 07/31/2012 0.20 41 <14 77 3.1 7.7 C12,8a 0.22 <10 08/19/2012 0.42 29.3 20 107 4.5 16.7 C21:4 0.22 <10 10/15/2012 0.33 41.3 14 53 1.8 7.7 lw11:9- <0.04 <10 12/12/2012 0.95 26.3 14 59 0.6 9.3 02'.V <0.04 <10 Total Total f, R Inches Parameter,((units) TRC (m911] Hexamine (mg/1) Formaldehyde (mg/1) Total Copper (mg11) Total Zinc (mg/1) Total Lead (mg/1) Non-Polar 08G (mg/1) pH (s.u.) Benchmark N/A 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6-9 01/11/2012 0.96 0 <10 L0:7.5T 1 C0.097-) CO.3521 <0.010 <5 7.03 03/0312012 2.40 0 <10 [6.43- C0:154-1 0:245) <0.010 <5 7.33 04106/2012 0.36 0 <10 G183- i~0:1'l G0.363' <0.010 <5 6.82 05/09/2012 0.27 0 <10 C0:328-77 1:560 ' 0.021 <5 7.58 06/12/2012 1.02 0.006 <10 c2:06__j -0:181~' pO.- 457 90]06 <5 7.42 0713112012 0.20 0 <10 E185-_-D C:0:067= • t-,0.269, <0.010 <5 7.47 08/19/2012 0.42 0 <10 L487) e0.0877 0.247� <0.010 <5 7.15 10/16/2012 0.33 0 <10 @0:78-1 --0.057, " E0180-' <0.015 <5 7.58 1211212012 0.95 0 <10 3 Z 1 0;029' 0148-' <0.010 <5 7.23 "Semple collected 5/29/2012 SW U-264-Generic-25 May2010 Outfall No. 006 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TSS (mg11) BOD (mg/1) COD (mgll) NH3 (mg/1) TKN (mg/1) NO3+NO2 (mgll) Total Phosphorus (mg/1) Methanol (mg/1) Benchmark i NIA 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 01111/2012 0.96 35 18 73 1.9 10.8 4.1 0.31 <10 03/0312012 2.40 16 8 73 U. 13.3 2.18 1.17 <10 04/06/2012 0.36 25.3 7 68 3 8.9 1.67 0.25 <10 05/09/2012 0.27 16.8 11 55 1.8 8.6 1.19 0.42 <10 06/12/2012 1.02 87.1 13 F-134) 0.9 9.2 0.07 1.03 <10 07131 12012 0.20 67 22 t14P 3.1 9.1 0.48 0.62 <10 08119/201 z 0.42 83 14 L`127�r 1 10.7 0.68 0.56 <10 10115/2012 0.33 ?'qU6 11 O55) <0.2 11.2 2.41 0.37 <10 1211212012 0.95 73 19 96 4.8 12.7 3.8B 0.38 <10 Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TRC (mg/1) Hexamine (mg/0 Formaldehyde Y (mg/1) Total Copper (mg/1) Total Zinc (mg/1) Total Lead (mg/1) Non -Polar OSG (mg/1) pH (s.u.) Benchmark N/A 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6-9 01/1112012 0.96 0.005 <10 0.310 -0s008, 0.060 <0.010 <5 7.68 03/0312012 2.40 0 <10 10 810) <0.007 0.030 <0.010 <5 6.75 04106l2012 0.36 0.004 <10 C.01545' <0.007 0.023 <0.010 <5 7.17 05/09►2012 0.27 0.010 <10 <1'.26''* <0.007 0.020 <0.010 <5 7.31 06112/2012 1.02 0.015 <10 E2:03' -0:009- 0.061 <0.010 <5 .,581 07/31/2012 0.20 0 <10 0,58' 0.006 0.023 <0.010 <5 8.56 08/1912012 0.42 0.018 <10 r_12V 0.006 0.020 <0.010 <5 L10".20 10116/2012 0.33 10.03V <10 0.33 0.006 <0.043 <0.015 <5 110:024 12/1212012 0.96 0.018 <10 ti%' C0:010z? 0.053 <0.010 <5 6.99 '" Sample Collected on 5129/2012 SWU-264-Generic-25May2010 Outfall No. 009 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency Other Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes El No® Total Rainfall, inches Parameter, units TSS (mgll} BOD {mgll} COD (mg11) NH3 (Mg/1) TKN (mg/1) NO3+NO2 (mg/1) Total Phosphorus (mg/1) Methanol (mg11) Benchmark NIA 100 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 7,700 01/1112012 0.96 27.1 2 <20 <0.2 0.9 0.22 0.16 <10 03/03/2012 2.40 23 5 42 0.7 1.9 0.31 0.90 <10 04/08/2012 0.36 10.9 3 21 0.6 1.6 0.27 0.17 <10 0510912012 0.27 33.4 4 34 0.5 1.5 0.36 0.10 <10 06/12/2012 1.02 146J 3 38 <0.2 1.2 0.29 0.37 <10 07/3112012 0.20 66.4 6 49 0.3 2.0 0.70 0.26 <10 08/1912012 0.42 6.9 4 40 0.8 2.6 0.64 1 0.11 <10 10/1512012 0.33 7.7 5 <20 0.7 3.2 0.31 <0.04 <10 1211212012 0.95 5.4 3 11 <20 0.3 0.8 0.17 <0.04 <10 Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TRC (mg/1) Hexamine (mg11) Formaldehyde (mg/1) Total Copper (mg/1) Total Zinc (mg/1) Total Lead (mg/1) Non -Polar O&G (mg/1) pH Benchmark NIA 0.028 25,000 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 15 6-9 01/11/2012 0.96 0 <10 0.029 1m05021-:7 E0:129) <0.010 <5 7A8 03/03/2012 2.40 0 <10 0.224 0 021' C0:159) <0.010 <5 7.09 04/0612012 0.36 0 <10 0.215 c0:019, c0.090. <0.010 <5 6.15 06/0912012 0.27 0.016 <10 <0.05 ** &019-' L0:182--) <0.010 <5 7.69 06/1212012 1.02 0.01 <10 0.095 4004' G0.255=, <0.010 <5 8.12 07/31/2012 0.20 0 <10 0.230 G0.024-' --0.245- <0.010 <5 7.34 08/19/2012 0,42 P0:044-:? <10 40:6:0 t0:011 0:145- <0.010 <5 7.83 10/1612012 0.33 0.011 <10 0.1 00:023R c0:150,0 <0.015 <5 7.19 12/12/2012 0.95 0.003 <10 0.39 0.007 E0:078' <0.010 <5 6.63 ** Sample Collected $12912012 SW U-264-Generic-25May2010 °I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonmqptjor knowing violations." Signature Date ° 2 13 I -L- 5WU-264-Generic-25May2010 Mail Annual DMR Summary Reports to: DWQ Re lonal Office Contact Information: ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 (828) 296-4500 RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 791-4200 WINSTON-SALEM REGIONALOI 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 (336) 771-5000 FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE 225 Green Street Systel Building Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (9I O) 433-3300 WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 (252)946-6481 FICi CENTRAL OFFICE 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 807-G300 MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE 610 Bast Center Avenue/Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 (704)663-1699 WILMINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-2845 (910)796-7215 To: pnsse+ve, Armed end�eAfienc� ,,�Norih Carnllna�svater`"°. SWU-264-Generic-25May2ol 0 MOMENTIVE- Forest Products ACME OPEERATTIIONSston 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456-9570 March 11, 2013 CERTIFIED MAIL: NCDENR Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office Attn: Dean Hunkele 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 SUBJECT: NPDES Permit (NCS000156) Follow Up Letter Incident Number 201300395 Momentive Specialty Chemicals Inc. Acme, Columbus County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Hunkele: RECENED MAR 13 2013 This letter of notification is to provide additional information to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Wilmington Regional Office, Division of Water Quality (DWQ) regarding the incident referenced above. On Tuesday March 5, 2013 at approximately 11:30am, a small water discharge was observed in the ditch leading to Outfall 003, one of the four stormwater outfalls permitted in NPDES Permit NCS000156, The flow was estimated at 1 gpm. A sample of the discharge was collected and it indicated the presence of formaldehyde, methanol, and ammonia; none of these were above reportable quantities. A small earthen berm was constructed to prevent additional discharge through the outfall. Based on the estimated flow rate, Momentive estimates approximately 150 gallons of liquid was discharged through Outfall 003. Momentive immediately began investigating potential sources of the release. Momentive initially suspected the intermediate water line that transferred process water from the plant area to the POTW. After excavation of this pipe in the area above the outfall ditch, there was no evidence found that indicated the line was leaking. Intermediate water has since been transferred through the pipe and no material has been observed in the outfall ditch. Momentive did locate an abandoned 4-inch PVC line at the outfall ditch and excavated to determine the routing of this line, After excavation and investigation in the process area, it was determined on Friday March 8, 2013 that the fine connected to the hexamine sump. This line had previously been capped to prevent discharge from the sump, but a failure of the cap had allowed the line to receive some flow. the line will be permanently removed from the sump to ensure no additional flow exits the sump. Momentive has taken interim measures to ensure no further flow exits the hexamine sump until the line is removed and seated. Please contact Matthew Skidmore, Regional EHS Manager, at 404-353-5972 if you have questions concerning this notification, or require additional information. Sincerely, �"U 65� �, (1' Ronald Bazinet Site Leader Momentive Specialty Chemical Inc. MOMENT��� E­ For Products Division March 17, 201 1 Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section ATTN: Central files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699-1617 RI : 1 st Quarter Dischar{oe Monitorim, Report 201 1 To Whom It May Concern: MAR 2 2 2011 S€ormwvater PerEiiit-4NCS000156 �,as�i'ssued to Mornentive on October 22. 2010. The permit requires Momeiittve to perf6r'm c{usrferly analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges as specified in Table I afthe permit. Sampling, was perfor,ned on January 17, 2011 and the results received on February 15, 201 1 . After review of the analytical results. it was determined that several benchmarks established in Table 3 of the permit were exceeded. Please refer to the enclosed discharge monitoring report for detailed information. Per- the requirements of the stormwater permit, exceeding any benchmark requires that a stormwater management inspection be conducted within two weeks of receiving the analytical data. The stormwater management inspection was conducted on February 25, 2011 and the recommendations will be implemented within the next two montlts as required by the permit. The recommendations and the benchmark exceedences will be added to the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan per the requirements of the permit. Mornentive continues to strive to meet all environmental permit obligations in a timely fashion. If/ you have arty questions regarding this submittal, please contact April Hanson at 910-655-2263. exteriSlOn�S g E rtr I - d+l i-tar Z - 3 consecut J� - �Gnti,ty more�fr :� T'Fe, cr•��izh�e; �a�dre�-''�'O ., - % � Fi Q E egards, Out Cult A40MF..NT1VE SPECIALTY CHE IIG.A I>�i,. All »166/3C,/11b_'' 7.'� - _ q - _-1 Q.!._ �.�770C , D18 , tv/ 0. Ronald Bazinet ! r�i Site Leader,ra�,s I I1.3e �,3) 1"sb5 3a9'e 1t i r_r 12 N, 11.__ 1 1 elf, .zl .. _.. �t.cE..; • � j t R 1ti7 3 0,57 t_n_.... ,41C,gO -1 a"_ 10Ctt f 'fond 59;343 17.7 Y2.7 ! L 12. S I 45'1� t n 0 ' za?- 94.7- ipw. i 5t'426; it,2 3Z t4-0 4 {; .�tgB4 t CO .S25'1 All 75 .CM-7 5sL f s.t8 j .qti � !7a.Ii n.yS t36 7r7 F 2.13 ',15I ,324 3PA55; -- �-- Nlomenlive - STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT C'er(ilirute or Coverage No.: NCS000156 COlul,rhUS County, North Curolinu Parsannel Coilmlmg Sarnptes P f3usovne/1), Maddos�' lS Mov re} Certified 1 ahorawries. Envirochem U1b 11), 75 HIo r _? ��°� I.a��ANAl_YlICAIRr-N1_rti 4I_ a SoGn A. C 00530 00310 90340 00610 00625 111630 00665 77985 50060 71Rb0 01042 01092 01051 OOFM4G 00400 Outlall Dare mulddlvr Tss m Bon to t C(In m N113 m I , TKN mtn r NO3+NO2 MIA Tout Phosphorus ` MIA ,ylethanu] MZA l'RC MIA t H—iroine MIA I Fnrnuldehvde MIA Total Copprr MIA T9121 Zinc s mgA 'lural Lead MIA Non -Point O&C s MIA pit s.u. Acute ]'nclr i) MIA 003•U 1110CCt3 1!1712011 1 •.27 it 157 1190 390 10.4p 023 -itl 0 331} 2050 0099 061tl c0010 <5 7.62 004•HCHO III 7n011 170 ;t-2 2180 47100 -75 1340 1.2 1 -60 0 9581) 41200 .049 1 0897 .0010 1 <5 7,tl6 WO -Duck Pond 111 712U 11 167 45 121 269 306 741 027 110 0V65 140 1RHO 190tO 0.142 c0.010 <5 741 009.Mamt Shop IITV201I 252 1 51 428 112 146 104 057 c10 0001 Moil 1480 0_I1111 0717 OOIU 1 7 142 S1'OR.1 G\'EN'r CIIARACrERISFICS Total Event Precipitalionlms.J,r 0.37 Permit Sampling Period,= Note: Mail duplicnte Copies lo. Division of Water Quality Water Oualny Section Attn: Cenual Files 1617 Moil Service Centcr Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, I cenily this report is accurate and completc to the best of my knowledge. Company l nitorrttalton JvA" Moments ve < 3 l I 333 Nci1s Udd3 Rtmd Si4nature or Permitt a or )eslgnce 1)31e Riegelwood, NC 2R456 ' (910)655.2263 I;XT 5248 01L1 Pril t Name and Title L PCOOnnel Collecting Santplca:P. t3n30Y31011). 1vlaf1410VS lS.Muu rev Certified laboratories:L'lrviruchem ANALYTICAL RESULTS Momentive— STORM WATER SAMPLENG REPORT Certificate of Coverage Nu.: 61C5000LSC Culumhus County, North Carolina Lob ID: 75 W30 00311 00340rN113 00625 00630 On665 7uss $0040 71RRa O1o42 O1012 n1051 00556 oo400 JPJAA Outfall Uute rnal6dfyr T55 mFJI 00D m 1 COD marl TKN m1 t r4Q3+NO2 mR11 Total Pharplmrus mR1t Methanol mRll TKC m !I Elea+mine MWI Yormaldchyde m�11 Total Copper mgll Total Ztuc mR11 Tout Lead mtfl Nan -Polar O&G mR11 pit r,y, Acute Toxicity m5/t 003-D Pro ro� a15r2o1 t 53.2 39 136 79.1 394 0.20 12.9 0 <10 1,36 1.31 0.565 �0.01 <5 7.33 34.20% o04-14CHO 4152011 146 24a 3Z1 1.0 81 994 0.56 26.7 0 32,0 1n M 0,323 o-999 0.014 <5 7.07 36.90% 006-Ducl:Pond 4152011 30.0 100 222 54.2 65.4 1,66 0.32 110 0.009 <10 5,Is 01012 0,041 <0.01 7.33 70.709E 009-Maim Shop 4152011 161 32 140 1-8 9.4 1.16 0.17 <10 D <10 1.130 0.151 0.324 0.01 <5 7,00 > 100.00% STORM EVENT CHARAC ERISTICS Total Eveul Precipitation (in,.)i 0.33 13cnnit Sampling Pcriodr--27 Note Mail duplicate copies to CERTIFICATION STATEN11"'PIT By7this'gn ture, I certify U1is report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. r /�A �lezr �f 1 gnalure of k'rtmillea or lkeignee Date go'rjfiz-1 �12 j:✓ � Print N me and 'Title Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attw Central Fifes 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 21699-1617 Company Information Momcrttivc 333 Neils kiddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 MT 5248 RECEIVED MAY 27?011 CENTRAL FILES DWO/BOQ v Persnnncl Collccting Samples', P13Usuvn&D. Nloddos/:lS.Nlov to Certified L.uNvatorics, I•:nvirochem ANALYTICAL RESULTS momentivo—S'TOR'NI W Xl'FRSAti1PLIN(; REPORT Certifiewc of Coycrige No.: NCSUUU 156 Columbus Connly, North Carnlinn [Al ID: 75 0053o 003111 tXU40 00611) 110625 01100 0%65 77885 500611 7IW 01042 I11092 0l"I 00556 00400 6ulfa ll [)utr mdUd! r -I'SS mgfl Ito IJ mx/l CUU mltll ,N113 mltA 'I hN mt/t NO3-NO2 mKA 'I'alai Phuephnrua 'nidt Methanol mgfl TRC mltn 11examine mRA FurmnlJehrde on Tutal t-upper MIA Tutsl Zinc m%WI •I'ntul Leal Ka Non -Polar O&C mxR pit s.u. Acuie luckily Mtn iw13-Lhr•IRoJacts MVJ2011 1t.7 16 78 11.0 11r9 II.n0 0U0 -:I0 0 cia O425 0318 0 21'1 <01U <5 6so OW-IiCl10 11l,'N3(111 Iuq .166 12.70 1 1 ?36 11,so 0.05 �111 U c1U _3 tYJU 0LY+2 U21? UIU <5 70? 006dlucLPond 1112wM11 154 i SS 5.0 II1 SAa �0U3 <lU OU1R tilU OSyU <UIU U027 <Ulp <$ 6'76 004-Mamt. Shop 1112'r-1011 51 <2U �0. '•US 0.16 .0.U1 c1U O.W2 :IU <UUS tU UIIJ U.IMS WUIU <$ G7? STORM EV ENT C11ARACITAISTICS 'I'otal E%ent Precipitation Ons.i: F I,a Permit Sampling Pcriod:l A— I Noic Mail duplicate cupies to: CYR'TIFICATION S•TAT }IF -NI' L3v this 'g lure. L certify this septet is accurate and complete to the oral o11ny knot%1cd2r. r Signature ul' Perm,ttee or D signcc Dalc WC) ;)rl LL (V- t� wcs U. Print Name and • 'itle i 1� -JED t� Q 2© LU Division of Wutcr Quality WaScr Quality Section Attn: C_utiltal Filvs 1617 Mail Service Canter Kaleihth, NC 27699-1617 Company lnfortuatioo fvlomcntivL 333 Neils Eddy (toad Riegelwood. NC 28456 (9lU1655.2263 FIXT 5248 Personnel Collecting Samples'. P. l3usovne/D. MuddoxJOSAl(v rcy Certified l.ahoratorie9: Envirochem ANAMICALR SUla'S blolnenfive— STORM NVATER SAMPLING RUOR'I' Ccrtiflcato of Covenige. Nn,: NC.,SDINlli6 Columbia County, North Carolina Lab it): 73 FEB 0 2 ZO1Z 00530 003t11 1111340 006t0 W625 fN1610 IN16bs 77815 5IW61) 71UO 01042 01093 61031 00536 1 rxmw I)w toll Irate mdJdlyr 'ISS man ROD mall COD m14 N113 mll/l '1'6N mall NO3+NO2 mvq 'I otai Phusphorus mall Methaaal mwI 'FRC ma11 Rexamine -9A Formaldehyde mwI Total Copper map 'lohl zinc mall 1'ulai Ltad marl Non -Polar O&G mltn pll Aculr Toxicity milli 003-17ryPrnlceta I h4 5 61 2U_ __6 347 O)u o 111) 0330 n1111 02t7 '0010 e5 723 004-H12110 t2r171120II 64 () 5q il3 277 72.7 346 Oily -cIP 10 36tN1 u11. U376 .0 OIU <5 737 (ft-D.Ck Pond 12!27!2011 15.6 N 66 50 U2 125U 05 <10 0022 �10 0294 .[1 lh)7 o0213 <l)010 <5 726 (M-Nluim. Shop IW271'01I lb •40 •:,)2 t0 0'd 0to K.IU 11 rjU i)039 0J16 0O9n I Oow 1 <5 704 STORM EVENT (-,ti..%R,ACPERIs'rics Mail duplicate copies to: Division o3 Water Quality Total Event Precipitation lins.l: 0,33 Water Quality Section Attn: Ccntral (:ilea Permit Sampling Period: momhly 1617 &tail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Note: CI: R'I'1FICA'1'ION ST,,LTF.%lVNT 13y [hi signaR+rc. I ceni£v this report is accurale and complete to the hest of my knowledge. / Company Information }} Momcmive 333 Neils Eddy Road SI attire of Permit c or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 FXl' 5248 Print Naine and'r1de 7A Personnel Coilecting Samples: P. Busovne/D. MaddoW: /S.Mov rey Certified Laboratories: ETivirochem ANAI.YI'ICA1, RESULTS >lomentive—STORM wA7'F,RSAI%IPI,IN'G REPORT Certiricate of Covertlge No.. NCSUUU156 Columbus County, North Carolina ]at111}, 75 RECEIVED FEB 2 42032 CENTRAL FILES aw 8013 OUVUFW3 IKL740 00610 1)11625 OlM]U 00665 778A5 SIX160 71030 01042 61092 OEU51 00556 g1400 Outfall Uffiec moldd/yr T55 mRA HOD COD mRfl r1E13 m '1'IiN rY03+NO2 m Total 1*hntpherus MTA M1lelhunat m "rFIC ms/I Ncaamine MIA F"urmalJeh7dr m8A Total Copper mg/t Total Zinc m Total Lest m Non -Polar OJeG mgA pF[ wu. Acute ']briclty mSA 003•Dry Prnjeetb VIV2012 97 100 140.0 194.0 5,70 q44 <10 0 ?Itl 0.975 0076 0.413 <0.010 <5 7.93 III II2012 950 93 1.13 131 1250 OJ <10 0 r10 0.750 0.097 0.352 <0010 <5 7.03 006.Oock Mood [11112012 M.0 73 1,9 10.8 4,W 0.31 <10 0005 <10 0.310 0.008 006 <0.010 <5 7.68 009-N2int_ Shop III 1/2W2 V 1 2 20 1 <0.2 0.9 0.22 0.16 110 0 <10 0.029 0.021 0 129 <0.019 <5 7.18 STORM EVENr C11ARACrERIS-1'ICS Mail duplicate copies to: Division of Water Quality Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0.46 Water Quality Section Atin: Cenuai Files �—'� Permit Sampling Period l� 1617 Moil Service Center Ra}eigh, NC 27699-1617 Nole, curIFICA'rION STATEMEN'r By this signature, I certify this report is accurate and complete to the hest army knowledge. ' {��1 Company Information Momentive 333 Neils faddy Road Sig attire of Nmriitree or Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (9 10) 655-2263 ifs EXT 5248 Print Name and Title Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovnclD. MaddoxOS,Movrey Certified Laboratories: U?1virochern ANALYTICAL RESULTS Momentive—STORM WATFRSAMMANG REPORT CeNlGcaic''nr;Cirverslge N�n �NCSON156 t Columbus Countv, North aroliiln— Lab ID. 75 00530 W310 00340 4916111 00625 0U630 00665 77395 VW0 71980 01042 0109I 01051 00556 r10441n Oulrall Date molddlyr T'M MO IIOU min C01) m NII3 mR11 -1-" mRA %03+NO2 mRA Total Ph -ph.... mr l M4 th—1 m9A TRC mpA 11eaamine mpA Fnrm.ldehyd, mZA 10121 "-Pr— mgA Taul 7,1.c mRA 'total lead mgA Non-Pular O&C, mpA pit r.IL Acute Torictty mitA 003-Dry Projects— February- 004.11CHp Fctmaarr 006•Duck Pond February- 009-Maint. Shop pebruary sTORM EVF FCl1ARAcrER15I'1CS Mail duplicale copies to: Cotal Event Precipitation (ins );= Permit Sampling Period:= Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Ann: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Note There was no qualifying rain event available during the month of February. CERTIFICATION S'rATF.MENT By this signature. I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information OLI 1 G L 1 ii Momentive 333 Neils Eddy Road Signature of Pe it or Designee (Pate Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655.2263 EXT 5248 Print Name and litle Personnel Collecting Samples, P. BusovnelD- Maddoxl: /5.Mo� rev Certilied Laboratories: Envirochem ANAI.YVICAL. RF.RI II TS Momcnlivc—STORM WA,rF.RSAMPLING RFPOR'C L,Ccr[117¢ule,uCCu'v_crii c hli__NCS0110i50 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab Ill: 75 APR Q ; 2012 AC ."I:" OMO I 00310 10040 006101 W15 OM311 00665 77305 Sow 71UO 01043 01092 01051 00556 00400 Outrall 1). to merddhr TSS -;LA Not) mKA COL) mRA N113 to !1 TIC.': iNO3+NO2 MO M%A Total Phesphnrus MIA Rtetha.ul MgA TKC m Ilr.aminr mgA Pnrmald.hyde MgA 'total Cnpper m TPlal Zinc .0 Total Lead m Non -Polar OekG .%1l pF1 s.n. Acute 7os1c11y mgA 003•Dry Rojeets 3512012 4,9 23 112 118.0 93.1 11, 80 04 -10 0 110 0970 0.15 0M2 e0010 <5 7,45 na 004•1i010 36r2012 36.5 56 391 3,6 784 1 4.73 0.3 1QO 0 QO 16430 10.t54 1 0245 1 a0010 1<5 17J3 na 006•DuckPond 3132212 16.0 8 73 7.3 133 2.is 1,F7 a10 0 <10 0.810 <0.007 003 <oA10 <5 6,75 na 009.1daint. Shop 3l312012 23.0 5 42 0.7 1.9 1 0.31 0,9 <t0 1 0 1 <14 1 0.224 o021 0.159 1 -0010 <5 7,09 rta ,;-row FvF.NrCHARACFRISTICS Mail duplicate copies to: Division or Water Quality Total Event Precipitation (ins.)'. 2.A Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files Permit Sampling Period:= 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Note: CERTIFICATION ShA,rrxiF,N i' By thissignature, 1 certify this report is accurate and complete to the hest ol'my knowledge, Company Information fl I' M ve �1 JLy{ +I j f 333 Neils Eddy Road Si nature orPt:rmitt a tar Designee Date Riegelwood. NC 28456 (910)655•2�165 EXT 5248 Print Name and Title Momentive— STORM WATER SAMPUNG REPORT Certificate or Coverage iYq:; NC,904Q 56 Columbus Couitty, \forth Carolina Personnel Collecting SamplesT. RusavnalD. MAddoxlSlS.Mow rey C<rtified Laboratories: Envirochem Lab 11): 75 ANAIVTIVA1. 1?1MT1TTQ lob 14 l,1 !A 40 L :11160 ovy b5i'm O.y .;,0'j ,00 .o'1 A 40530 06316 90340 1 00410 1 0062S 0063U MIifS 77865 3064o 716116 61042 01M 01051 00556 04400 nutroa Dare awlddlyT TSS me$ 60D me14 COD MCA NS3 m TKN w 1 NO3+NO% w Tara) Ph, s -•, —h mol ,?,t wp0 I rr n'p,+ IlexAmes• niK.l W-wn atdehyd. w Tout Copps wKli Total E1nc ULZA fetal L-4 m{p'I Non -Polar O&G m I pit ti4 Acute Toxicity WWI 003- R 'ects Vsnoll 53 ] 19 136 $9.3 79.1 334 .i.38 12 a U <l�l ,% t.n 0.563 10.01 <b 7.33 34,20% 004-tlClt0 4/5/2011 146 248 523 l.o 51 9,04 6 261 0 52.0 —woo 0.525 0.999 1 0.014 <3 7.07 1 36.909E W6-Ik31tPood 4/5/2411 300 100 222 54.2 6S,4 1.66 0.32 410 0,909 430 5.16 l).61: <0.01 <5 7.33 70.70% o09-FAunL 6ho 4I512 11 141 32 L240 19 94 t 16 -:10 n : ka 2.130 0.151 0.324 4101 <5 7,00 > 100.005E STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation {ins.) 0.33 Penn it Sampling Period Note: Mail duplicate copies to: Division of Water Qualilp Water Quality Section Attn: Central Piles 1617 Mail Servire Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1611 CERTIFICATION STA'CRmEN'I Dy this 'g lure, I ccrtify this report. is accurate and complete to the best of my Knowledge. /�A V-4MI pnsulle of Nmitlde or Designee Data 95 rJ P 19 A� )104j' Print N me mid Title Compwi,, htlnrmetion ,13 Neil- Lddy Roa,i 16egchW ,,I ?1C21!4i(, 'tla)6� ";3 1'XT 521, RECEIVE, MAY 2 7 2011 CENTRAL FILES DWQIBOQ Mamentive— STORM WATER SAMPLI GREPORT Certificate of Cnverage Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samplcs:P. BusovneJD. Maddox%S lS.Mom toy Certified Laboratories: Envirochem Lab ID: 75 ANALYTICAL RESULTS o0S30 00310 00340 00610 1 114675 as4H0 00665 771i>t! 601160 7111P 104% 61691 61063. 00556 00400 nurs a Lair m.lddl T55 a.ca HOD mrfl COG man N117 mall TKN m6J1 t403+.`L72 mana rota} Ph -ph.— Melhsa°t A T1LC mall trgmaalwr MVI Pnrmaldehyd. molt Total C.pP.r ma4 Tmvl XAM m TnLal 3. d Nan -Polar O&C n%q PH s a Acute Twddty m 003- Pro'ee4 1 413/2011 Ml 39 136 89.T 79.1 8.94 0,28 12.9 0 <10 tAll 1.)1 0343 ao01 <5 7.33 34,20°/r 004•HCHO 415.2011 146 343 523 1.4 rl 9,94 0.56 26.7 0 52.0 107.00 CL525 0594 0.014 <5 7.07 36.9090 Od6.1)udcPond 415I2011 $0R 100 222 54.2 fi5.4 1.6b D.32 c1U 4,004 <10 S.iB 0.0i2 o.Odl <0.01 CS 7.33 S 4/3R011 IGl 32 140 l.tl 9,4 t.16 0.17 cl0 0 <l0 2.130 0,151 0.324 001 <5 7,00 E70.70%o09.Maint STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Mail duplicate copies to: Total Event Precipitation (ins.) 0.33 Permit Sampling Period= Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, I car* this report is accurst* and complete to the best of my knowledge. �s , 7- "t 512 y.1 It 0nnture of P litto or Designed Date PtitNarae and Title Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Ccntral Piles 11517 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Company Information Mon.entive 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 EXT 5248 RECEIVED MAY 2 7 2011 CENTRAL FILES DWQIBOQ �M■OMENTIN^ ^,rest i;r,� GS Dnrlsian 115 3;33 tie., FaCy Road a,eciaiv:: Ccf. NC 2845h-9570 March 17, 2011 Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section ATTN: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: I st Quarter Discharge Monitoring Report 2011 To Whom It May Concern: RECEIVED MAR 2 2 2011 7 nforrnaiion Processing ! , n is DWQ1BOG Stormwater is sued to M -:�m cn: i v-2 on :, al,h 22. 2010 1 hC requires momentrve to nerrorm auarteriv anew.,: ^: ir.`01 ;pecitieo in 'Fable I of the aermit. Sampiine way - -i iii2 i On 2{) 11 .sl;ti III, - received on i ehrllary i j, LU 1 1. Alter review of the resum1 . li doTCrnnlncG 1n;o several benchmarks esiabiished 1n 1 anie 3 of the mr= enciosen aischaree monitorinu report evr Cie Fai�ti'ii :fltl il��.l1i ?ii Per the requirements of the Stormwater permit, exceeding any benchmark requires that a stormwater management inspection be conducted within two weeks of receiving the analytical data. The stonnwater management inspection was conducted on February 25, 2011 and the recommendations will be implemented within the next two months as required by the permit. The recommendations and the benchmark exceedences will be added to the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan per the requirements of the permit. Momentive continues to strive to meet all environmental permit obligations in a timely Fashion. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact April Hanson at 910-655-2263, extension 5248. Regards, MOMENTIVE SPECIALTY CHEMICALS INC. A �X t j Ronald Bazi Site Leader Momentive —STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Cerlificate of Coverage No.: NCS000I56 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P. BusovnelD. Maddox/: IS. Mov ray Certified Laboratories: Envirochem Lab CD, 75 ANAIXTtrrALRESULTS V 010 "j.1 yo 10 2 1,104 '014 151P00 0•IG .00 -06,1 ,03 16' 6-1 005M 00310: '00340 00610 0o625 W630 t 0"s 77313 50060 71860 01042 01092 01031 00SM 00400 r - - Ti is) / Toull Tatal TOW Non:P61ar Acul� Dale TS,IS GOD i CO, NHS TKN NO3+NO2 Photplwrua (N4ahasal TRC Hecamine Formaldehyde Cop�r Zlac Lead O&G / pH taakiry Oulrall mo/ddlyr mg/1 m m A m m m m&A milA mgA mail int-1 mtfi m m "IrAl a u. mall 003-Dry Projects 1117R01 1 -2.7 31 K? `1111,o 3, o to to 0, 23 • 10 0 3; n 0 0" 0.618 <0.010 <5 762 0o4.HCFf0 1117g0r1 17n 763 71N11 3140 13 1 966 0 8580 31Y! n49 0.897 <0.010 <5 7,96 00u•DuckPond 111712011 16.7 1 45 121 6 7.41 0,27 <10 0,005 14.8 -0,010 0143 <0010 <5 7.41 '009•Maint.Shop tll7.^011 253 51 429 { b 104 0.57 <10 U,001 eIQ,O O.k3e, 0,717 O.Q16 7 7-01 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.): 0.31 Permit Sampling Period:= Note: Mail duplicate copies to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, i certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information 9014P 3 Momentive 333 Neils Eddy Road Stature orpermilT or eslgaee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655.2263 EXT 5248 'ant qL� f,12iN�T Pri t Name and Title re North Carolina Department of Eivirorlmeiit and Natural Resources i)!!'i4i��,�i tl#'JVaiel r.7u8lil�, Beverly Ewes Pe-rdUC 1.%i(.'E''.11 i i. Sl0105 Deo Freeniar, GoveI110; DreCA01 Seci,, ary March 8, 2011 RONALD BAZIN]r7' SITE LEADER MOMENTIVE SPECIALTY CHEMICALS 1NC 333 NEILS EDDY ROAD RIEGELWOOD NC 28456 I0;yNC&)'G015b ; Dear Mr. Bazinet: Division personnel have reviewed and approved your request to change your name under the individual permit, received on October 18, 2010. Please. find cnr_Ioscd the revised permit cover page. The tcrnis and conditions contained in the permit remain unchanged and in full effect. If you have any questions, please contact the Stormwater Permitting Unit at 919-807-6300. Sincerely, fa- Colecn 1-1. Sullills cc: DWQ Central -Files Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater i'ermittin,- Unit ."Aan;i•. 'i st6lni=ral@r t r r;r I. I- PA' vi ,. r::; iAcij LEr„r."?)is 2i699-1C.ir Qp 5 EC y E — 18 ?1•c:nr_ r,-nL!" :ni�'Cf;Ycl`i-�'i' f�'-.�!�•;-:iSCiyi:.. �,•. � � .Ij ��'. is( t!� 1�;1 -t � •....:�: : ,,, ,;,r� , ,, MAR 1 R 2011 rnatiarr Processing Mini:. nwalpo STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONIVENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORIOWATER UNDf R'IHE F-IATIONAL POLLUTANT' DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the federal W;iwr Polkilion Control Act, as amended, Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Inc is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Acme facility 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood Columbus Comity to receiving waters designated as Livingston Creck (Broadwater-Lake) and Mill Creek both class C, Sw streams in the Cape Fear River Basin in accordance with the discharge limilations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts J, 11, 111, IV, V and V1 hereof. This permit shall become effective March 8, 2011. This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midni,rht on Octoher 13, 2015. Signed this day March 8, 2011. dt'_� � & __ Coleen 1-1. Snllins, Director T — — Divisioji of Water Qualily By Authority of the Enviroiuncwid Management Commission. MOMENTIVE" Forest Prods ACMP -t Division 33�, \ud; Lucy October 15, 2010 Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: Notification of Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Inc. Corporate Name Change Hexion has Become "Momentive Specialty Chemicals inc." To Whom It May Concern: Please accept this letter as official notification that, effective October 1, 2010 Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Inc. became Momentive Specialty Chemicals Inc. Other than the name change, there has been no change to the entity owning and operating the facility. Please change our permits accordingly. Our records indicate that the following permit has been issued by your agency for the facility located at 333 Neils Eddy Road, Riegelwood, NC. Water Permit NCS000156 While no "substantive" changes to these environmental permits are required as a result of this corporate name change, we wanted to apprise the agency of this change, and to assure you of its continued commitment to comply with its permits and all applicable laws and regulations. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact rite at (910) 655-2263. Sincerely, MOMENTIVE SPECIALTY CHEMICALS INC. 14 /0�40Ronald 8azinet Site Leader 0� 11: A T�'q Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor �j v Dec Freeman, Secretary r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Q Y Coleen H. Sullins. Director Division of Water Quality SURFACE. WATERTROTECTION.SECTION PERMIT NAME/4WNERSH1P CFIANGE ,FORM" I, Please enter the permit number for which the change is requested. NPDES Permit (or) Certificate of Coverage f N IGIS1019 _U I 5 -6-1 N I G I G IL Permit status Vrior to requested change. a. Permit issued to (company name): Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Inc. b. Person legally responsible for permit: Ronald Bazinet First MI Last Site Leader Title 333 Neils Eddy Road w - Permit Holder Mailing Address Riegelwood NC 28456 City State Zip (910) 655-2263 (910) 655-9671 Phone Fax c. Facility name (discharge): Hex ion Specialty Chemicals, Inc. d. Facility address: 333 Neils Eddy Road _ Address Riegelwood NC 28456 City State Zip e. Facility contact person: April S. Hanson (910) 655-2263 First / MI / Last Phone 111. Please provide the following for the requested change (revised permit). a. Request for change is a resu It of ❑ Change in ownership of the facility ® Name change of the facility or owner Yother please explain: b. Permit issued to (company name): c. Person legally responsible for permit 6UALriY j Facility name (discharge): Facility address: f. Facility contact person: Momentive Special Chemicals Inc. Ronald Bazinet First Ml Last Site Leader Title 333 Neils Eddy Road Permit Holder Mailing Address Riegelwood _ NC 28456 City State f Zip (910) 655-2263 Ronald.Bazinet@hexion.com _ Phone E-mail Address Momentive Specialty Chemicals Inc. 333 Neils Eddy Road Address Riegelwood NC 28456 City State _ Zip April S Hanson _ First Mt last (910) 655-2263 April.Hanson@hexion.com Phone E-mail Address Revised lilM PERMIT NAME/OWNERSHIP CHANGE FORM Page 2 of 2 IV, Permit contact information (if different from the person legally responsible for the permit) Permit contact: First MI Last Title Mailing Address City- -State Zip Phone E-mail Address V. Will the permitted facility continue to conduct the same industrial activities conducted prior to this ownership or name change? ® Yes ❑ No (please explain) V 1_ Required Items: THIS APPLICATION WILL BE RETURNED UNPROCESSED IF ITEMS ARE INCOMPLETE OR MISSING: ® This completed application is required for both name change and/or ownership change requests. ❑ Legal documentation of the transfer of ownership (such as relevant pages of a contract deed, or a bill of sale) is required for an ownership change request. Articles of incorporation are not sufficient for an ownership change. The certifications below must be completed and signed by both the permit holder prior to the change, and the new applicant in the case of an ownership change request. For a name change request, the signed Applicant's Certification is sufficient. PERMITTEE CERTIFICATION (Permit holder prior to ownership change): I, Ronald Bazinet attest that this application for a name/ownership change has been reviewed and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are n t completed and that if all required supporting information is not included, this application package will turned as in mple 6YI � 10/ 15/2010 Signs re Date APPLICANT CERTIFICATION 1, Ronald Bazinet, attest that this application for a name/cv,nership change has been reviewed and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information is not included, this application package will turn inc n e 10/15/2010 Sign , ure Date PLEASE SEND THE COMPLETE APPLICATION PACKAGE TO: Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Revised 71200E M4MENTj%j=- Forest Products Division January 28, 2011 Division of Water Quality KMEI V LD Water Quality Section ATT`N: Central Files FEB — 4 2011 1617 Mail Service Center Information ftMWO9Unit Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 DWQIBOG RE: 4°i Quarter Discharge Monitoring Report 2010 To Whom It May Concern; Stormwater Permit'#NCS000156 was issued to Momentive on October 22, 2010. The permit requires Momentive to perform analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges as specified in Table 1 of the permit . Because of the date of permit issuance, Momentive had only two calendar months to complete the sampling instead of three. As detailed below, Momentive was unable to capture samples during a representative rain event in November and December due in part to weather conditions and sample holding timeframes. However, to the extent that Momentive's procedures can be altered to ensure that samples are collected, Momentive has implemented corrective actions to address this in the future. Momentive has a rain gauge on site and precipitation is recorded daily. However, during November and December 2010, Momentive was unable to collect samples in part due to a lack of a representative rain event (snow occurred instead of rain). Additionally, the hold times for certain parameters listed in the permit only allow the Site to collect samples Monday through Wednesday thus limiting its ability to sample on other days in the week if a representative rain event occurs. Indeed, the rain events that occurred in November and December either occurred outside the allowable hold time, were not a representative rain event (i.e., below . I inches of rainfall), the precipitation was snow instead of rainfall (as was the case for the final precipitation event of 2010), or occurred during times when wastewater operation was not onsite to collect the samples. In an effort to expand its ability to collect samples during the reporting period, Momentive has made changes to its wastewater operator coverage to allow for second shift coverage Monday through Friday. A procedure is also in place where the forecast is reviewed daily by the EHS Leader and the Operator Responsible in Charge (ORC) so that potential opportunities for sampling can be identified and schedule adjustments made as needed to fulfill the permit sampling requirements. Momentive continues to strive to meet all environmental permit obligations in a timely fashion. Indeed, Momentive has already conducted the required sampling for the I n Quarter of 2011. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact April Hanson at 910-655-2263, extension 5248. Regards, MO [ NTIVE SPEC LTY CHEMICALS INC /� f ! tl� l j- 3- =1 Ronald Bazinet Site Leader I Forest Products M.OMENTIVE- ACME O ERA, Division 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456-9570 November S, 2011 Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section A7"TiNT: Central piles 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: 3` l Quarter Discharge Monitoring Report 2011 To Whom It May Concern: Stormwater Permit #NCS000156 was issued to Momentive on October 22, 2010. The permit requires Momentive to perform quarterly anal,,=tical monitoring of stormwater discharges as specified in Table 1 of the permit. Sampling was performed on September 20, 2011 for the third quarter and the results received on October 17, 2011. After review of the analytical results, it was determined that several benchmarks established in Table 3 of the permit were exceeded. Please refer to the enclosed discharge monitoring report for detailed information. Per the requirements of the stormwater permit, a third consecutive exeeedance of any benchmark requires implementation of Tier-2 monitoring protocol. Efforts implemented on the Site up to this point have shown significant improvement in many of the benchmark parameters over the previous two reporting events. Momentive is currently implementing the required Tier-2 response measures including commencement of monthly monitoring, per the permit requirements. Momentive is also conducting additional investigations to determine the possible causes of the benchmark exceedances, and if additional measures can be made to continue to improve stormwater controls. The stormwater management inspection was conducted on October 21, 2011 and the recommendations will be implemented within the next two months as required by the permit. The recommendations and the benchmark exceedences will be added to the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan per the requirements of the permit. Momentive continues to strive to meet all environmental permit obligations in a timely fashion. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact me at (910) 655-2263, extension 5257. Regards, MOMENTIVE SPECIALTY CHEMICALS INC. In"ald Bazindt Site Leader Momentive — STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCSO00156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: P. 9usovne/D. MaddoxP IS.Mov my Certified Laboratories: Envirochem Lab ED: 75 Iy ANAY.vTT('Al. RFSTIT.TS !� � •�� oil ,03 � 5 00510 e0}10 0030 00610 oo675 00630 W665 77M 50060 71880 01042 _ a1097 01051 OM6 00400 Outran Oats w.Weityr 't5S MO Bob KA COD =&A NH3 taarl TEN =zn NO3+K02 MFA Tout Phatpharos m%A Keth2=1 ntt/1 TRC WSAMtn Hasarotw PoroWdehyde mgJl ToW Copper m ToW 230e atg/I. Taal L, d m Non -Polar O&G m pH cd Acute Tasleiry agfl 003-Lhy P70jocu 9nMD11 525 22 700 133 62.0 9.06 0.24 <l0 0 27.6 4.250 0.425 0.23 <Dl0 <5 7.60 004-HCHO 9rxM11 46.7 1 24 108 19 16 8.41 OA6 <10 0.005 <IO 17.500 0.093 0217 S010 <5 7,43 006-Duck Pamd 911t 011 16,8 9 89 5.5 15.7 3,93 0.17 <10 U19 <10 1.430 0018 o.w <010 <$ 7.75 009•Mamt. Shop I 912onz!1 22,4 2 )2 4,5 5.0 0,42 0.07 to 0.018 <10 0.140 o_nz 0,124 <010 1 <5 7.23 STORM EVENT CHARACf 3WfICS Total Event Ptacgitatwn Cm..k 1.35 Perake Sampling Period: R_:.,..J Note: CE1t7'fI�1CA ON S EATEN EN'7' By this certify this report is accaratc and complete to the lest of my knowledge. j r Compstay Information Wnmtive 333 Neils Eddy Road 4attire SfPermitteior Designee ate, Riegelwood, NC28456 (910)655-2263 EXT 5248 Prit Name and Title Mail duplicate copies to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section A= Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 �I Environmental Chemists, Inc, 0 6602 Windmill Way + Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 392-0223 (Lab) (910) 392-4424 (Fax) 710 Bowsertown Read + Manteo, NC 27954 (252)473-5702 ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFICATE a94. DLS CERTIFICATE d377-N Momentive Specialty CherniCalS, Inc. Date of Report: Oct 17, 2011 333 Neils Eddy Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Report it: 201 1-09784 Attention: Phil Busovne Report to: Phi; Busovne Project ID: Silar - Stormwater Lab ID Sample 10: 003 11-25582 Site: Test Collect DateiTime 9/20/2011 12:13 PM Method Matrix Sampled by Water S. Mowrey & P. Busovne Results Date Analyzed Oil & Grease (O&G) EPA 166-4 <5 mq/L 09/27/2011 Copper EPA200.7 0.425 mq/L 09/261'2011 Lead EPA 200 7 < 0.010 rnq/L 09/2312011 Manganese EPA 200.7 0.424 mq/L 09/2612011 Zinc EPA 2003 0,230 mg1L 09/26/2011 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA3501 13.5 mq/L 09/21/2011 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) EPA351.2 62.0 mq/L 09R6/2011 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 9.06 mq/L 09/28/2011 Formaldehyde Hach Method 8110 4250 pq/L 09/23/2011 Residue Suspended (TSS) SM25400 52.5 mg/L 09/21/2011 Total Phosphorus SM4500PP 0.24 mg1L 09/26/2011 BOD SM 5210 8 22 mg/L 09/22/2011. COD SM 5220D 200 mq/L 0912312011 Nexamine SW 846 method 8015 27.6 mg/L 09/23/2011 Methanol SW 646 method BO15 <10 mg/L 09/23/2011 ReDW 1., 2011-09784 Pace 3 n1 7 Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way • Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 392-0223 (Lab) • (910) 392-4424 (Fax) w 710 Bowsertown Road • Manteo, NC 27954 (252) 473-5702 ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFICATE #94. DLS CERTIFICATE i1377?9 Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Inc. Date of Report: Oct 17. 2011 333 Neils Eddy Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Report#: 2011-09784 Attention: Phil Busovne Report to: Phil Busovne Project ID: Silar - Stormwater Lab ID Sample ID; 004 Collect Date/Tlme Matrix Sampled by 1 1 -25607 Site: 9/20/201 1 12,12 PM Water S. Mowrey & P. Busovne Test Method Results Date Analyzed Oil & Grease (O&(3) FPA 1664 <5 mq/L 09/27/2011 Copper FPA2007 0.093 mg/L 09/23/2011 Lead EPA 2U0.7 < 0.010 mg/L 09/23/2011 Manganese EPA 200.7 0.076 mg/L 09/23/2011 Zinc EPA 200.7 0.217 mq/L 09/26/201 1 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 350.1 1.9 mglL 09/21/2011 Total Kieldahi Nitrogen (TKN) EPA 351.2 15.6 mg/L 09/26/2011 Nitrate 4-Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353 2 8,41 mq/L 09/2812011 Formaldehyde Hach Method 81 IO 17500 ug/L 09/23/2011 Residue Suspended (TSS) sM 2540 D 46.7 mg/L 09/2112011 Total Phosphorus sM 45M P F 0.06 mg/L 0912612011 BOD sM 5270 a 24 mg/L 09/22/201 1 COD SM 52200 1013 mg/L 09/23/2011 Hexamine SW E14133 method 8015 <10 mg/L 09/23/2011 Methanol SW 846 method 8015 <10 mg/L 09/23/2011 Report x:. 201 1-09184 Paqe 5 of 1 Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way • WtImmgtan, INC 29405 INOW., (910) 392-M3 (Lab) • (910) 392-1424 (Fax) 710 Bowsertown Road • Manteo, NC 27954 (252) 473-5702 ANALYTICAL 5 CONSULTING CHEMISTS NCDF.NR: DWQ CERTIFICATE #94. DLS CERTIFICATE #37729 Momentive Specialty Chemicals, 1M. Date of Report: Oci 17, 2011 333 Neils Eddy Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Report 4- 2011-09784 Attention: Phil Busovne Report to: Phil Busovne Project ID: Silar - Stormwater Lab ID Sample ID: 006 Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 11-25608 Site: 9/20/2011 12:23 PM Water S. Mowrey & P. Busovne Test Method Results Date Analyzed Oil & Grease (O&G) EPA 1664 <5 mg/L 09/27/2011 Copper EPA 200 7 0.018 mq/L 09/23/201 1 Lead EPA 200 7 < 0.010 mg/L 09/23/201 t Manganese EPA 200 7 0,049 mq/L 09/23/201 1 Zinc EPA 200.7 0.046 mq/L 09/23/2011 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 350.1 5.5 mq/L 09/21/2011 Total Kieldahl Nitrogen (TKN) FPA351 z 15.7 mq/L 09/26/201 1 Nitrate+Nitrite- Nitrogen EPA 3532 3.93 mq/L 09/28/2011 Formaldehyde Hach Melhoo 83 tC 1430 pq/L 09/23/2011 Residue Suspended (TSS) SM 2540 n 16.8 mg/L 09/21 /201 1 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P ` 0.17 mglL 09/26/201 1 BOD SM 5210 a 9 mq/L 09/22/2011 COD SM 5220D 89 mq/L 09/23/2011 Hexamine SW 646 Mohotl 6015 <10 mg/L 09/23ROl 1 Methanol SW 846 methatl a015 <10 mg/L 09123/2011 Repon w:: 201 1-0976s Pape 6 or 7 Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way • Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 392-0223 (Lab) (9I0) 392-4424 (Fax) 710 8owsertown Road • Manteo, NC 27954 Now, (252)473-5702 ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFICATE #94. DL5 CERTIFICATE #37729 Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Inc. Date of Report: Oct 17, 2011 333 Neils Eddy Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Report #: 2011-09784 Attention: Phil Busovne Report to: Phil Busovne Project JD: Silar - Stormwater Lab ID Sample 10: 009 Collect Datemme Matrix Sampled by 11-25609 Site: 9/20/201 1 12.46 PM Water S. Mowrey & P. Busovne Test Method Results Date Analyzed Oil & Grease (O&G) EPA 16454 <5 mq/L 09/27/2011 Copper EPA 200.7 0.023 mg/L 09/23/2011 Lead EPA 200.7 < 0.010 mq/L 09/23/2011 Manganese EPA 200.7 0.027 mg1L 09/23/2011 Zinc EPA 200.7 0.124 rnq/L 09/23/2011 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 350.2 4.5 mq/L 09/21/2011 Total Kjefdahl Nitrogen (TKN) EPA 351.2 5-0 mq/L 09/26/2011 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 0.42 mq/L 09/27/2011 Formaldehyde Hach Method 8t t0 140 pq/L 09/23/2011 Residue Suspended (TSS) $hA 2540 0 22.4 mq/L 09/21/2011 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 0,07 mg1L 09/26/2011 SOD SM 521a 6 2 mq/L 09/22/2011 COD SM 52200 32 mg/L 09/23/2011 Hexamfne SW 846 method 8015 <10 mq/L 09/23/201 1 Methanol SW 846 method 8015 <10 mg/L 09/231201 1 Comment: Reviewed by: Report c- 2011.09764 Paoe / of 7 Ana"=l & Consulting Chemists 4w ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION 0 94 NCOHNS: OLS CERTIFICATION of 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY 6602 Windmill Way WilmIrtoon, NC 28406 OFFICE: 910-392-0223 FAX 910-392-4424 i fr b envimnmentaichamtsts cam CLIENT: Momentive PROJECT NAME: Momentive - Stormwater REPORT NO: ADDRESS: 333 Neils Eddx Road CONTACT NAME: Steve Mowrey PO NO: Riegelwood, NC 28456 REPORT TO: PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: E-MAIL: Samnlnrt Rw 77„1, 1. 7177Snv„ CAMP[ F TVPF• I e 1nBimnt P a FRluan! W a Wnil AT a Rtmam RIM a Rnit Al a RhAnn rAHAa Sample Identiflcatian Collection CL �� u& 8 PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Tam l5_ 003 - Quarterly5 o c P x Formaldehyde, TS , BOD, Hexamine' Methanol- '6' Z13 C x O&G {silica gel method 1684f, NHS TKNr, NO3 & N01, T. Phos horuif, COCr G 2�.r jLl� r C x ` CU, ZN, Pb G 004 - Quarters II 1 z 1 2_ C P 566 I I I Same As Above C P X x G G 006 - Quarterly- 1� •26.11 Iz 2 3 C S� x Same As Above C P G G 009 - Quarters L�+ I 12 76 C i} Same As Above G C P x a G G Client must collect Total Chlorine and pH, and Total Rainfall. NOTICE - DECHI.DWNATIDN: Boom for AmmwW s, TKIN1,0yankle,ftend old Bacteria must be daChkmttVAsd rot PPm or leas In tM %M at the thm of cotlaowo. S" fevene for 1mrMicttons Trinefor Reli uiehed Date me I Received By: DateMme {_ �{ } 2. Temperature when Received:. _ .`"l Accepted: ejected: Resample Reque ted: Delivered By: Received By. Date:91 iOl II Time: 2-,5(g Comments: TURNAROUND: Mom entive -- STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples:P. 3uwvne/D. Maddcx/S/S Mox rcy Certified Laboratories: Env"chem Lab ID: 75 r1 ANALY'[TCAT.RTi.STILTS 10� 10 lip -1-t. 10 IO L. i ^y /-joO xO x5loilo 0 •5 •� .�6� • a � i s 6`-� traa� 00530 00310 00340 00610 00625 40630 00665 77939 S0060 71SIO 01042 01092 01051 00556 004a0 TtS AS Outrau Arta malddlyr TNS mejl ROD melt COD me/1 NH3 MWI TRN mgA NO3+NO2 RIWI Total Phosphorus MCA Methanol nlgA TRC mgn Houmtna m 1 Formaldehyde mpJt Total Capper Weil Total Zinc mgll Toat Lead Inglt Non -Polar O&G Weil ell t.u. Acute Toxicity meJi 003-Dry Projects 415/2011 53.2 39 136 89.3 79,1 8.94 0.29 12.9 0 <10 1.39 1.31 0.565 0.01 <5 7.33 34.200% 004-HCHO 4/5/2011 146 249 523 1.0 81 9.94 0.66 26.7 0 52.0 107.00 0.525 1 0.999 0.014 <5 1 7.07 36.90% 006-Duck Pond 4/5/2011 30.0 100 222 54.2 65.4 1.66 0.32 <10 0.009 <10 5.18 0.012 1 0-041 I <Ul <5 7,33 7iE 009-Malut. Shnp 4192011 161 32 140 1.9 9.4 1.16 0.17 <10 0 1 <10 1 7,130 0.151 j 0.324 0,01 <5 7.00 >100.00% STORM EMNT CHARACTERISTICS Total Event Precipitation (ins.) 0.33 Permit Sampling Period= Note: Mail duplicate copies to: Division o£ Water Quality Water Quality Section AUn: Central Filee 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, KC 27699-1617 CEIt11FICATION STATEMENT By th re, I Certify this it t8 accurate and complete to the host of my knowledge, 33 3Neils Information tltEVe � 33 Neils Eddy Road ignaturz o£Pet3niuceqI Designee Date Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910)655-2263 EXT 5248 Print amc and Title Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way • Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 392-0223 (Lab) • (910) 392-4424 (Fax) ® 710 Bowsertown Road • Manteo, NC 27954 (252)473-5702 ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS NCDENR: DWQ CHRTIFiCATE #94. UIS CERTIFICATE. n�37729 Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Inc. Date of Report: Apr 25, 2011 333 Neils Eddy Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Report #: 2011-03256 Attention: Phil Busovne Report to: Phil Busovne Project ID: Mom entive-Sto rm water Lab iD Sample ID: 003- Quarterly Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 11-0B587 Site: 4/5/2011 7:30 AM Water Phil Busovne Test Method Results Date Analyzed Oil & Grease (O&G) EPA 1604 Ww,l, Silica Gel < 5 mg/L 04/06/2011 Copper EPA 2003 1.31 mg/L 04/15/2011 Lead EPA 200 7 < 0.01 mg/L 04/14/2011 Zinc EPA 200 7 0.565 mg/1- 044/15/2011 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA350.1 89.3 mg/L 04/11/2011 Total Kieldahl Nitrogen (TKN) EPA 35; 2 79.1 mg/L 04/08/201 1 Nitrate1Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA353.2 8.94 mg/L 04/08/2011 Formaldehyde EPA 8015 1380 pg/L 04/15/2011 Residue Suspended (TSS) SM 2540 D 53.2 mg/L 04/07/2011 Total Phosphorus SM 45o0 P F 0.28 mg/L 04/08/2011 BOD SM 5210 8 39 mg/L 04/06/2011 COD SM 5220D 136 mg/L 04/10/2011 Hexamine SW 8461ne'. od W15 <10 mg/L 04/13/2011 Methanol SW 846 method W15 12.9 mg/L 04112/2011 Report #:: 2011-03256 Pago 1 of 4 Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way ■ Wilmington, NC 284D5 (910) 392-0223 (Lab) • (910) 392-4424 (lax) 710 Bowsertown Road • Manteo, NC 27954 (252)473-5702 ANALYTICAL. & CONSULTING CHEMISTS NCDEM2_ DiNQ CERTIFICATE #94. DLS CERTFICATE #37729 Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Inc. 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood NC 28456 Attention: Phil Busovne Date of Report: Apr 25, 2011 Customer PO #: Report #: 2011-03256 Report to: Phil Busovne Project ID: Momentive-Stormwater Lab ID Sample ID: 004-0uarterly 11-08589 Site: Test Collect Date/Time 4/5/2011 7:35 AM Method Matrix Sampled by Water Phil Busovne Results Date Analyzed Oil & Grease (O&G) EPA 1664 with S:Iica Gel < 5 mg/L 04/06/201 1 Copper FPA 200a 0.525 mg/L 04/15/2011 Lead EPA 200.1 0.014 mg/L 04/14I2011 Zinc EPA 200.7 0.999 mg/L 04/15/2011 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA350.1 1.0 mg/L 04/11/2011 Total Kieldahl Nitrogen (TKN) EPA35'? 80.5 mg/L 04/08/2011 Nitrate+ Nitrite-Nitrog e n EPA 353.2 9.94 mg/L 04/08/2011 Formaldehyde EPA 8015 107000 pg/L 04/15/2011 Residue Suspended (TSS) SM 2540 D 146 mg/L 04/07/2011 Total Phosphorus SM4500 P P 0.56 mg/L 04/08/2011 BOD SM 5210 a 248 mg/L 04/06/201 1 COD SM 5220D 523 mg/L 04/10/201 1 Hexamine SW 846 method 8015 523 mg/L 04/13/201 1 Methanol SW 546 method 8015 26.7 mg/L 04/12/2011 Report #:: 2011-03256 Page 2 of 4 Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way • Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 392-0223 (Lab) • (910) 392-4424 (Fax) ® 710 Bowsertown Road • Manteo, NC 27954 (252)473-5702 ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS NCi7£NR: DWQ CERTIFICATE #94. DLS CER xr LATE 43;729 Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Inc. Date of Report: Apr 25, 201 1 333 Neils Eddy Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Report#f: 2011-03256 Attention: Phil Busovne Report to: Phil Busovne Project ID: Momentive-Stormwater Lab ID Sample ID: Doh -Quarterly Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 11-08590 Site: 4/5/2011 7:41 AM Water Phil Busovne Test Method Results Date Analyzed Oil & Grease (O&G) EPA 7664 with Silica Gel < 5 Mg/l 04 j0612011 Copper EPA 20o.7 0.012 mg/L 04/1412011 Lead EPA 200.7 < 0.01 mg/L 04/1412011 Zinc EPA 240.7 0.041 mg/L 04/14/2011 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA350.1 54.2 mg/L 04/1112011 Total Kleldahi Nitrogen (TKN) EPA 3512 65.4 mg/L 04/0812011 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 3532 1.66 mg1L D4148/2011 Formaldehyde EPA 3015 5180 µg/L 04/15/2011 Residue Suspended (TSS) SM 2540 D 30.0 mg/L 04/07/2011 Total Phosphorus SM45DO P r 0.32 mg/L 04/08/2011 BOD SM 5210 a 100 mg/L 04/06/2011 COD SM 5220D 222 mg/L 04/10/2011 Hexamine SW 846 method 3015 <10 mg/L 04/13/2011 Methanol SW 346 method Bo15 <10 mg/L 04/12/2011 Report #:: 20i 1-C3256 Page 3 Y 4 Environmental Chemists, Inc. ® 6602 Windwilt Way • Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 392-0223 (Lab) + (910) 392-4424 (Fax) 710 Bowsertown Road • Manteo, NC 27954 (252)473-5702 ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS NCDENR: DWQ CERTM- CATS #94. DLS CEIMFICATF 4.37729 Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Inc. Date of Report: Apr 25, 2011 333 Neils Eddy Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Report#: 2011-03256 Attention: Phil Busovne Report to: Phil Busovne Project ID: Momentive-Stormwater Lab ID Sample ID: 009-Quarterly Collect DateMme Matrix Sampled by 11-08591 Site: 4/5/2011 7:57 AM Water Phil Busovne Test Method Results Date Analyzed Oil & Grease (O&G) EPA 1564 with Silica Gel < 5 mg/L 04/06/2011 Copper EPA 200.7 0.151 mg/L 04/14/2011 Lead EPA 200.7 0.010 mg/L 04/14/2011 Zinc EPA 200.7 0.324 mg/L 04/15/2011 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 350.1 1.8 mg/L 04/11/2011 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) EPA351.2 9.4 mg/L 04/08/2011 N itrate+N itrite- Nitrogen EPA353? 1.16 mg/L 04/08/2011 Formaldehyde EPA 8015 2130 fag/L 04/15/2011 Residue Suspended (TSS) SM 2540 0 161 mg/L 04/07/2011 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 0.17 mg/L 04/08/2011 BOD SM 5210 s 32 mg/L 04/06/2011 COD SM 52200 140 mg/L 04/10/2011 Flexamine SW M6 method 8015 <10 mg/L 04/13/2011 Methanol SW 846 method 8015 <10 mg/L 04/12/2011 Comment: , Reviewed by: C- Report k: 2011-03258 Page 4 of 4 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC WindmIll Way 23FAWilmington, NC 28406 2.4424 Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION # 94 NCDHHS: OLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY infoCMenvironmentalchemists.COM CLIENT: Momentive PROJECT NAME: Momentive - Stormwater REPORT NO: ADDRESS: 333 Neils Eddy Road CONTACT NAME: Steve Mowrey PO NO: Riegelwood, NC 28456 REPORT TO: PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: E-MAIL: Sampled Bv: t! SAMPLE TYPE: I = influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO = Soil. SL = Sludoe. th Gh Sample identification Collection E o a o a s U z PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Temp W x v s x o Q 003 - Quarterly5W 0230 c , DJ x Formaldehyde, TSS, BOD, Hexamine, Methanol X 1 ~ 081G (silica gel method 1664), NH3, TKN, NO3 & NO2, T. Phosphorus, COD C t;D x CU, ZN, PB G 004 - Quarter) 51' C P $5 Y Same As Above q:al f�7: G G C I P G G 006 - Quarter) C P yy Same As Above Y-S-(1 Z 1 G G C P G G 009 -Quarter) C P Same As Above -T) f :y G G C P G G Client must collect Total Chlorine and pH, and Total Rainfall. NOTICE - OECHLORINATION: SamIes for Ammonia, TKK.Cyanido, Phenol and Bacteria must be dechlortnated 10.2 p m or lose In the flab at the time of collection. See reverse for Instructions Transfer Relin ulahed By: Date[Time I Received Ely; Daterrime 2. Temperature when Received: 7 t Accepted: v cte Resample R ;7d: te Delivered By: - Received B Date: t Time: Comments: TURNAR UND: MQMENTIrl" Forest Products Division A..ME QPERATION.a 333 Nails Edgy Roars Riegelwood, NC 28456-9570 March 17, 2011 Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section ATI`N: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: Ist Quarter Discharge Monitoring Report 2011 To Whom It May Concern: Stormwater Permit #NCS004156 was issued to Momentive on October 22, 2010. The permit requires Momentive to perform quarterly analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges as specified in Table I of the permit. Sampling was performed on January 17, 2011 and the results received on February 15, 2011. After review of the analytical results, it was determined that several benchmarks established in Table 3 of the permit were exceeded. Please refer to the enclosed discharge monitoring report for detailed information. Per the requirements of the stormwater permit, exceeding any benchmark requires that a stormwater management inspection be conducted within two weeks of receiving the analytical data. The stormwater management inspection was conducted on February 25, 2011 and the recommendations will be implemented within the next two months as required by the permit. The recommendations and the benchmark exceedences will be added to the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan per the requirements of the permit. Momentive continues to strive to meet all environmental permit obligations in a timely fashion. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact April Hanson at 910-655-2263, extension 5248. Regards, MOMENTIVE SPECIALTY CHEMICALS INC. Ronald Bazi et Site Leader Personnel Collecting Samples-, P. Bu3ovnrJD. Madduxr /S.Mov rey Certified Laboratcries: linvirochem ANALYTICAL RESULTS Momentive—FrORM WATERSAMPLINt; REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NC4000156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 75 00530 00310 [10.340 00610 p0625 119630 U0665 77885 50060 71aeo U1042 01092 0105t 00556 o0400 Ootrall Date molddlyr TSS mK/l 6OD 41Kn COD nIK11 N113 UIV4 TKN m NO3+NO2 marl TOW Phosphorus - m I Methanol m 'i'RC mall I11ea4niine Porm4ldehyde MV 'rota[ Copper mall i'otal Tine m A Tutul Lead milA Non -Polar OAG m A pt1 N.U. Acute Toaiclly mg0 W3- Praecty 1l17l2011 <2.7 31 157 119.0 139.0 10.40 0.23 <10 0 33,0 2.050 0099 0,618 <0010 <S 7,62 004-HCHO 1ft 7n011 170 362 2180 476 0 975 1 1540 12 96.6 9 858. 41.200 049 0.897 <0.0i0 5 7.96 Pond II7pI 16'I 45 1 121 306 741 0.27 <10 . 14.8 .t 0.142 5 7.41006-duck ' 009-MWnt—shw 252 51 428 1 11.2 1 14.6 1.04 037 110 1 0.001 <10.0 1.490 0.136 1 0.717 1 OA16 7 1 7,42 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Mall duplicate copies to: Division of Water Quality 'I'DtalEvetitllrccipitation(ins.):I 0.31 Water Quality Section Alur. Central riles Pennil5umplinll Peiio&= 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 No te: CERTIFICATION STATEM FNT by this signature, I certify this repuit is accurate and complete Io the best of my knowledge. Company Information �jjMOmentive Iq 333 Neils Eddy Road Stature ofPcrtnitt a oi- esignee Date Riegelwood. NC 29456 (910) 635-2263 F.X1' S248 arJ4L 7LOWE _ Pri t Name and Title Momentive Specialty Chemlcals, Inc. 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood NC 28456 Attention: Phil Busovne Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6502 Windmill Way • Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 392-0223 (Lab) • (910) 392-4424 (Fax) 710 Bowsertown Road • Manteo, NC 27954 (252)473-5702 NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFICATE 494. DLS CERTIFICATE #37729 Date of Report: Feb 11, 2011 Customer PO #: Report #: 2011-00506 Report to: Phil Busovne Project ID: Stormwater Lab ID Sample ID: 003 Quarterly Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 11-01180 Site: 003 - Grab 1/17/2011 3:12 PM Water Mowrey.Busovne,K4addox Test Method Results Date Analyzed Gil & Grease (O&G) EPA 1664 With Silica Gel <5 mg/L 01 /24/2011 Copper EPA 200.7 0.099 mg/L 01 /26/2011 Lead EPA 200.7 <0.010 mg/L 01/2612011 Zinc EPA 200.7 0.618 mg/L 01/26/2011 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) EPA351.2 139 mg/L 01/27/2011 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA353.2 10.4 mg/L 01/25/2011 Formaldehyde Hach Methcd 6110 2050 Vg/L 02/08/2011 Residue Suspended (TSS) SM 2540 0 <2.7 mg/L 0111 812011 Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4500 NH3 C 119 mg/L 01 /28/201 1 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 0.23 mg/L 01 /24/201 1 BOD SM 5210 B 31 rng/L 01/19/201 1 COD SM5220D 157 mg/L 01/24/2011 Hexamine SW 646 method 8015 33 mg/L 02/04/201 1 Methanol SW 846 method 6015 <10 mgiL 01 /30/201 1 Repar. N!: 201 1-00508 Page 1 ❑f 4 Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way • 1%,dmington, NC 2W5 ir (910) 392 0223 (Lab) (910) 392 4424 (Fax) ® 710 Dowser -town Road • Manteo, NC 27954 (252)473-5702 ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS NCDFNR: DWQ CERTIFICATE #94. DLS CERTIFICA'f'F #37729 Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Inc. Date of Report: Feb 11, 2011 333 Neils Eddy Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Report #: 2011-00508 Attention: Phil Busovne Report to: Phil Busovne Project ID: Stormwater Lab ID Sample ID: 004 Quarterly Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 11-01181 Site: 004 - Grab 1/17/2011 3:08 PM Water Mowrey. Busovne, Maddox Test Method Results Date Analyzed Oil & Grease (O&G) EPA 1664 W?lh silica Col <5 mg/L 01/24/2011 Copper EPA 200-7 0.490 mg/L 01 /26/2011 Lead EPA 200.7 <0.010 mg/L 01 /26/2011 Zinc EPA 200.7 0.897 mg/L 01 /2612011 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) EPA 351.2 975 mg/L 01/28/2011 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA353.2 15.4 mg/L 01/25/2011 Formaldehyde Hae:n Melho13110 41200 pg/L 02/08/2011 Residue Suspended (TSS) SM2W° 170 mg/L 01/18/2011 Ammonia Nitrogen sM 4500 14H3 C 476 mq/L 01/28/2011 Total Phosphorus sM 4500 P r 1.20 mg/L 01/24/2011 BOD sM 5210 a 362 mq/L 01/19/2011 COD sM 5220a 2180 mg/L 01/24/2011 Hexamine SW 846 mood 80t5 858 mq/L 02/04/2011 Methanol SW 6;6 method 8015 96.6 mgr'L 01 /30/2011 Report #:: 2011-00508 Page 2 cf 4 Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way • Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 392-0223 (Lab) • (910) 392-4424 (Fax) ® 710 Bowser -town Road • Manteo, NC 27954 (252) 473-5702 ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFICATE #94. DLS CERTIFICATE #37729 Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Inc. Date of Report: Feb 11, 2011 333 Neils Eddy Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Report#: 2011-00508 Attention: Phil Busovne Report to: Phil Busovne Project ID: Stormwater Lab ID Sample ID: 006 Quarterly Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 11-01182 Site: 006 - Grab 1/17/2011 3:07 PM Water Mowrey. Busovne, Maddox Test Method Results Date Analyzed Oil & Grease (O&G) EPA 1664 with siuca Gee <5 mg/L 01/24/2011 Copper EPA200.7 <0.010 mg/L 01/26/2011 Lead EPA200.7 <0.010 mg/L 01/26/2011 Zinc FPA 200.7 0.142 mg/L 01/26/2011 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) EPA351.2 30.6 mg/L 01/24/2011 Nitrate+Nltriite-Nitrogen EPA353.2 7.41 mq/L 01/25/2011 Formaldehyde Pact; Method 811c 1880 µg/L 02/08/2011 Residue Suspended (TSS) SM 2540 ❑ 16.7 mq/L 01 /18/2011 Ammonia Nitrogen SM4500NH3 C 26.9 mq/L 01/28/2011 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 0.27 mg/L 01/24/2011 BOD SM 5210 H 45 mg/L 01/19/2011 COD SM5220D 121 mg/L 01/24/2011 Hexamine SW 846 method 9015 14.8 mg/L 02/04/2011 Methanol SW 846 method 8015 <10 mg/L 01 /30/2011 Report #:: 2011-00508 Page 3 of 4 • a e a ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Inc. 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood NC 28456 Attention: Phil Busovne Lab ID Sample ID: 009 Duar etly 11-01183 Site: 009 - Grab Test Oil & Grease (O&G) Copper Lead Zinc Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen Formaldehyde Residue Suspended (TSS) Ammonia Nitrogen Total Phosphorus BOD COD Hexamine Methanol Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way • Wi1mLngton, NC 28405 (910) 392-0223 (Lab) 9 (910) 392-4424 (Fax) 710 Bowser town Road • Nianteo, NC 27954 (252)473-5702 NCDENR: DW'Q CERTIFICATE ##94. DL5 CFr=CATE ##37729 Date of Report: Feb 11, 2011 Customer PO #: Report #: 2011-00508 Report to: Phil Busovne Project ID: Stormwater Collect Date/Time Matrix 1 /17/2011 3:45 PM Water Method EPA 1664 W;.h Silica Gel EPA 2f1C.7 E PA 200.7 =PA 200.7 EPA 351.2 EPA 353-2 Hach Method 8110 SM 2540 D SM 4500 NH3 C SM 4500 P F SM. 52,,0 B SM 5220D SW 846 me00d B015 SW 846 meinod 6015 Comment: Reviewed by: 1 Results Sampled by Mowrey. Busovne,Maddox Date Analyzed 7 mg/L 01/24/2011 0.136 mg/L 01/26/2011 0.016 m g/L 01 /26/2011 0.717 m g/L 01 /26/2011 14.6 mg/L 01/24/2011 1.04 mg/L 01/24/2011 1480 µg/L 02/08/2011 252 mg/L 01/18/2011 11.2 mg/L 01 /2812011 0.57 mq/L 01/24/2011 51 mg/L 01 /19/2011 428 mq/L 01/24/2011 <10.0 mq/L 02/04/2011 <10 mg/L 01 /30/2011 Penor4 #r:: 2011-DC508 Page 4 of 4 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC 602Wi 9millW 02 3FAgton,N 22 4 Analytical 8 Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY info environmentalchemists.com CLIENT: Momentive PROJECT !NAME: Momentive - Stormwater REPORT NO: 0 S l}g ADDRESS: 333 Neils Eddy Road CONTACT NAME: Steve MOwrey PO NO: Riegelwood, NC 28456 REPORT TO: PHONE/FAX: C0P'Y TO: I E-MAIL: Sampled By: ',5iLAe- ,,i) < Wfk 'ri f :t.14c ip-w ll-(I,*- SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO = Soil, SL = Sludge, Other: Sample Identification Collection ad E; `� 2 o a o c 0 o m a ct7 o v 0 m c j o .2 E x Qu► to 00 z PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Tem wF-d zN a D x °a 003 - Quarter! C I I x Formaldehyde, TSS, BOD, Hexamine, Methanol C X OW (silica gel method 1664}, NH3, TKN, NO3 & NO2, T. Phosphorus, COD C X CU, ZN, PB G G 004 - Quarterlyf i8 X Same As Above P tCG G 006 - Quarterlyf 1 `C7' ! off- P f Same As Above C P x y� G G 009 - QuarterlyJ t SYs C P 2 x Same As Above C P �C G G Client must collect Total Chlorine and pH, and Total Rainfall. NOTICE - DECHLORINATION: Samples for Ammonia, TKN, Cyanide, Phenol and Bacteria must be dechlorinated (0.2 ppm or less) In the Held at the time of collection. See reverse for Instructions Transfer Relinquished By: DatefTime Received By: Date/Time 1. Tmx L[i tr 2. Temperature when Received: OL Accepted: Rej . Resample Re ue ed: Delivered By: Received By:_ Date: r Time: S Gomments: T N OLIND: Fores MOMENTIVE- aMF PHF.4et Di w=sion_ AC�ic •J:=EFL,„l^i tS a33 Nails Eddy Roar: R:a9e[W006 NC=3456-9570 January 28, 2011 Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section ATTN: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: 4`'' Quarter Discharge Monitoring Report 2010 To Whom It May Concern: Stormwater Permit gNCS000156 was issued to Momentive on October 22, 2010. The permit requires Momentive to perform analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges as specified in Table 1 of the permit. Because of the date of permit issuance, Momentive had only two calendar months to complete the sampling instead of three. As detailed below, Momentive was unable to capture samples during a representative rain event in November and December due in part to weather conditions and sample holding timeframes. However, to the extent that Momentive's procedures can be altered to ensure that samples are collected, Momentive has implemented corrective actions to address this in the future. Momentive has a rain gauge on site and precipitation is recorded daily. However, during November and December 2010, Momentive was unable to collect samples in part due to a lack of a representative rain event (snow occurred instead of rain). Additionally, the hold times for certain parameters listed in the permit only allow the Site to collect samples Monday through Wednesday thus limiting its ability to sample on other days in the week if a representative rain event occurs_ Indeed, the rain events that occurred in November and December either occurred outside the allowable hold time, were not a representative rain event (i.e., below. I inches of rainfall), the precipitation was snow instead of rainfall (as was the case for the final precipitation event of 2010), or occurred during times when wastewater operation was not onsite to collect the samples. In an effort to expand its ability to collect samples during the reporting period, Momentive has made changes to its wastewater operator coverage to allow for second shift coverage Monday through Friday. A procedure is also in place where the forecast is reviewed daily by the EHS Leader and the Operator Responsible in Charge (ORC) so that potential opportunities for sampling can be identified and schedule adjustments made as needed to fulfill the permit sampling requirements. Momentive continues to strive to meet all environmental permit obligations in a timely fashion. Indeed, Momentive has already conducted the required sampling for the V Quarter of 2011. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact April [Manson at 910-655-2263, extension 5248. Regards, MO N`-T[VE SPEC TY CHEMICALS ANC. Ronald Bazinet Site Leader IIEXION SPECIALTY CfIEMTCALS - STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Columbus County, North Carollou Personnel Collecting Samples:P. Busovno/D, Maddox/S, Mowery Certified Laboratories:Envirochcm Lab ID: 75 A NA 1.'VT1rA 1. RRJV1l.TS Outrall Date mo/dd/ r $0050 Total Flow MG 00400 pH s.u, 00310 SOD mg/l 03340 COD rrrg/t 00530 TSS mg/l 610 NI13 m l 00625 TKN mg/l 00630 NO3+NO2 mgl! 01051 Total Lead rug/l 71880 Formaldehyde mg/1 IIexamine m l 002-Lab Weir 6/1/2010 0,027 7.19 203 492 111 7A 56 1.49 <0.01 11.900 38.3 005 - Silane Weir 6/1/2010 0.009 7.49 83 157 15 1.4 5.9 0.63 <0.01 0.940 5.4 003 - Dry Projects 6/1/2010 0.014 7.44 28 229 14 110.0 112.0 1.65 <0.01 1.950 23,5 004-ECHO 6/1/2010 0.026 6.89 558 1200 198 35.2 213.0 16.30 0,012 119.000 140.0 006-Duck Pond 6/1/2010 0.029 8.82 19 123 45 5.9 11.8 2.28 <0,01 0.146 12.6 001-Silar Whse 6/1/2010 0.036 6.90 29 80 31 59.9 1 57.8 12.50 <0.01 0.224 2,8 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Start Data: 6/1/2010 Event Duration (hours): i Total Event Precipitation (inches): 0.57 Permit Sampling Period: 30 Note: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By signature, l cet tify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signatu c ofPermittee or Designee Da��l7 April Hanson EHS Leader Print Name and Title Mail duplicate copies to: Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Meigh,'`TC 27699-1617 Company Inrormatlon Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Inc. 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 Environmental Chemists, Inc. • 6602 Windmill Way • Wilmington, NC 28405 iL (910) 392-0223 (Lab) • (910) 392-44.24 (Fax) r 710 Bowser;own Road • Manteo, NC 27954 ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING (252) 473-5702 CHEMISTS NCDENR: DWQ CERITMCATE #F94, DL5 CERTIFICATE #37, 29 Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Inc. Date of Report: Jun 22, 2010 333 Neils Eddy Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Report #: 2010-04967 Attention_ Phil Busovne Report to: Phil Busovne Project ID: Stormwater Lab ID Sample ID Collect DatelTime Matrix Sampled by 10-11953 Duck Pond 006 -611/2010 11:10 AM Water Phil Busovne,Dave Maddox Test Method Results Date Analyzed Lead =PA 200.7 <0.010 mg1L 06/09/2010 Ammonia Nitrogen (EPA 350.1) EPA 350A 5.9 mg/L 06/02/2010 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) EPA 3511 11.8 mg/L 06/10/2010 NO3+NO2 Nitrogen EPA 353.2 2.28 mg/L 06/04/2010 Formaldehyde Hach MethDd 8110 146 Ng/L 06/07/2010 Residue Suspended (TSS) SM 2W 0 45.0 mg/L 06/03/2010 BOD SM 5210 8 19 mg/L 06/02/2010 COD SM 52200 123 mg/L 06/07/2010 ]examine SW 946 method 6015 12.6 mg/L 06/03/2010 Lab ID Sample ID Collect DaterTime Matrix Sampled by 10-11954 Drum Storage 001 6/1/2010 11:07 AM Water Phil Busovne,Dave Maddox Test Method Results Date Analyzed Lead EPA200.7 <0.010 mg/L 06/092010 Ammonia Nitrogen (EPA 350.1) EPA 350.1 59.9 mg/L 06/02/2010 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) EPA 351.2 57.8 mg/L 0611012010 NO3+NO2 Nitrogen EPA353.2 12.5 mg/L 06/042010 Formaldehyde Hach 6110 224 pg/L 06/072010 Residue Suspended (TSS) SM2540D 31.4 mg/L 06/03/2010 BOD SM 5210 B 29 mg/L 06/02/2010 COD SM 5220D 80 mg1L 06/07/2010 Hexamine SW M mein 8015 2.8 mglL 06/032010 =fort #::2D14-04967 Page i ai 3 _7 -7 Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way • Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 392-0223 (Lab) • (910) 392-4424 (Fax) 710 Bowsertown Road • Manteo, NC 27954 (252) 473-5702 ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFICATE #94. DLS CERTIFICATE #37729 Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Inc. Date of Report: Jun 22, 2010 333 Neils Eddy Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 28456 Report #: 2010- W67 Attention: Phil Busovne Report to: Phil Busovne Project ID: Stormwater Lab ID Sample ID Collect Dateffirne Matrix Samples! by 10-11955 New Lab 002 6/1/2010 11:11 AM Water Phil Busovne,Dave Maddox Test Method Results Date Analyzed Lead EPA 200-7 <0.010 mg/L 06/09/2010 Ammonia Nitrogen (EPA 350.1) EPA 350.1 7.1 mg/L 06/02/2010 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) EPA351.2 55.6 mg1L 06/10/2010 NO3+NO2 Nitrogen EPA 3W3 2 1.49 mg/L 06/04/2010 Formaldehyde Hach Method 8110 11800 pg/L 06/07/2010 Residue Suspended (TSS) SM2540 D 111 mg/L 06/03/2010 BOD SM521013 203 mg/L 06/02/2010 COD SM 52200 492 mg1L 06/07/2010 , lexamine SW 846 method 8015 38.3 mg1L 06/03/2010 Lab ID Sample ID Collect DatelTime Matrix Sampled by 10-11956 Dry Project 003 6/1/2010 11:21 AM Water Phil Busovne,Dave Maddox Test Method Results Date Analyzed Lead EPA 200.7 <0.010 mg/L 06/09/2010 Ammonia Nitrogen (EPA 350.1) EPA 350.1 110 mg1L 06/02/2010 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TIW) EPA 351.2 112 mg1L 06/10/2010 NO3+NO2 Nitrogen EPA353.2 1.65 mg1L 06/04/2010 Formaldehyde Hach Method 8110 1950 pg/L 06/07/2010 Residue Suspended (TSS) SM 2540 0 14.0 mg/L 06/03/2010 BOD SM 5210 B 28 mg1L 06/02/2010 COD SM 5220a 229 mg/L 06/07/2010 Hexamine SW 846 method 8015 23.5 mg/L 06/03/2010 Report #::2010-04967 Page 2 of 3 Environmental Chemists, Inc, --envirochem ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS 6602 Wind —null 4Vay - Wilmington, NC 2&405 (910) 392-0223 (Lab) - (910) 392-4424 (Fax) 710 3owserto-.vn Road • Manteo, NC 27954 (252) 473-5702 NCD£NR: DWQ CERITFICATE #94. DIS CERTIFICATE #37729 Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Inc. Date of Report: Jun 22, 2010 333 Neils Eddy Road Customer PO #: Riegelwood NC 29456 Report #: 2010-04967 Attention: Phil Busovne Report to: Phil Busovne Project ID: Stormwater Lab ID Sample ID Collect DaterTime Matrix Sampled by 10-11957 Silar 005 6/1/2010 11:14 AM Water Phil Busovne,Dave Maddox Test Method Results Date Analyzed Lead EPA 200.7 <0.010 mg/L 06/09/2010 Ammonia Nitrogen (EPA 350.1) EPA 3W.1 2.0 mg./L 06/02/2010 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) EPA 3512 12.7 mglL 06/10/2010 NO3+NO2 Nitrogen EPA353.2 0.42 mg/L 06104/2010 Formaldehyde Hach Melt= 8110 1550 pg1L 06/07/2010 Residue Suspended (TSS) SM 2540 fl 101 mg/L 0610312010 BOD SM 5710 $ 43 mg/L 06/02/2010 COD SM 5220° 150 mg1L 06/07/2010 i iexamine sw B46 method BO15 6.3 mg/L 06/03/2010 Lab ID Sample ID Collect DatelTime Matrix Sampled by 10-11957A Silar 005A 611/2010 11:14 AM Water Phil Busovne,Dave Maddox Test Method Results Date Analyzed BOD SM 5210 B 45 mg/L 05/0212010 Lab ID Sample ID Collect Daterrime Matrix Sampled by 10-11958 Formaldehyde 004 6/1/2010 11:17 AM Water Phil Busovne,Dave Maddox Test Method Results Date Analyzed Lead EPA 2D0.7 0.012 mg/L 06/09/2010 Ammonia Nitrogen (EPA 350.1) EPA 350.1 35.2 mg1L 06/0212010 Total Neldahl Nitrogen (TKN) EPA 351.2 213 mg/L 06/1012010 NO3+NO2 Nitrogen EPA 353.2 16.3 mg/L 06/04/2010 Formaldehyde Hach Metod 8110 118000 pg/L 06/07/2010 Residue Suspended (TSS) SM 254u n 198 mg1L 06/03/2010 BOD SM 5210 B 558 mg/L 06/02/2010 COD $M 5=D 1200 mg/L 06/07/2010 Hexamine SW B46 method B015 140 mg/L 06/03/2010 Comment: sviewed by: Repor #:_2010-04967 Page 3 of 3 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC Sample Collection and Chain of Custody Cumnle Tvne: I = Influent. E = Effluent. W =Well. ST =Stream. SO =Soil. SL= Sludp-e Other: 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 Pbooe: (910) 392-0223 Fax (910) 392.4424 Sample Identification a d z Collection a „ 8 � F, '� 0. o 8 ` " � t7 o` c 4 U v s G U PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED �+ z C5 x ( o 4 DATE TIME TEMP Duck Pond 006 p f 5 �j SL✓ c X i BOD,TSSIIex ,annine, Formaldeli det C P X C06,NR3,TKN, ` NO3+NO2 , G G C P X Total Pb G I G Drum Storage 001 6-1 i I : o 7 c X X X See above list New Lab 002 (RS S �D" r° r f w C X X X See above list Dry Project 003 �� �� _ ~ a �- 5W C X X X Silar 005 5-0 lip X x X See above list Formaldehyde 004 ��'S � � � ! ` % f�J C X X x u ci C P G G C PL I I G G Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: DatefTime 2. Tempera' � when Received: 3.7 Accepted: Aejf A: sample Requested:_ Delivered ,�y: � j v� - Received By: �Date:d t r D. Time: "'EVON SPECIALTY CREMICALS— STUR;Y1 WATER SAMPLING RLPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS000156 Colwnbus County, Nurtlt Carolina Personnel Collecting S+unple3Y. BusuvnUD. Maddux/M. Bass Certified Laboratories: Envirochern Lait Ill: 75 ANALYUCAL RESULTS Outrald Date ntolddlyr 50050 Total Flow MG 00400 pH 31% 00310 BO1) nt)l 00340 COD niLWI 00530 ISS tngll 610 N113 mgll 00625 TIiN mgll 00630 NO3+N012 mg/l 01051 Total Lead mgfl 71880 Furrttaldeftde tttg/l I-lexamine ntwl 002 - Lab Weir 3/2/2010 0.026 7.18 198 1620 51 7.0 476 1.42 0,038 57.8 1800 005 - Silane Weir 3/2/2010 0.009 8,51 83 157 15 1.4 5.9 0.63 <0.01 0.94 5 003 - Dry Projects 3/212010 0.014 6.81 93 2,15 47 36.6 72.9 11.80 <0.01 4.4 62.1 004-HCHO 3/2/2010 0.026 7.U4 425 1270 93 78.4 299A) 5,50 0.011 48A 760 006-Duck Pond 3/2/2010 0.029 1 6.91 59 168 21 13.9 45.5 3.36 <0.01 1,40 31 Silur Warchousc 3/2/2010 1 0.036 1 6.43 38 US 13 14.7 27.8 7.40 <0.01 0,40 20 STOILM EVLtNT CHARACrERISTI Start l)nte: 312/2010 i Event Duration (huuT): I Total Event Precipitation (inches): U.55 Permit Sampling Period: 30 Note: I CERTIFICATION STATEMENT W atura, I certify this report is avpurato and complete to the best of my knowledge. J4-740-A0 rgnature of Pem ittee or Designee + Date April Hausou EHS Leader Print Name and Title — _ Mail dupllcute cupirs tw Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Central files 1617 Mull Service Center Raicigh, NC 27699-1617 Company Jntbrrnatlun Hexion Specialty Chemicals, Inc. 333 Neils Eddy Road itiegelwood. NC 28456 (910) 655-2263 eirivirochem t ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Customer: HEXION SPECIALTY CKEAUCALS 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 Attn: Phil Busovne Date Sampled: 03/02/10 Sampled By: Phil Busovne CTORAMATER- Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way • Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 392-0223 (Lab) • (910) 392-4424 (Fax) 710 Rowsertown Road • Manteo, NC 27954 (252) 473-5702 NCDENK: DWQ CERTIFICATE #94. DLS CERTIFICATE ##37729 REPORT OF ANALYSTS Date of Report: April 1, 2010 Purchase Order No: Report Number: 10-1975 Project: Stormwater Parameter Dock Drum New Dry Silar Formaldehyde Pond Storage Lab 002 Project 005 004 Date 006 001 # 4643 1103 it 4645 # 4646 Analyzed # 4641 04642 # 4644 Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 59 38 198 93 83 425 03/03/10 9, as OZ mg/L SM 5210 B ; Total Suspended Solids, TSS mg/L 21 13 51 47 15 93 03/04/10 SM 2540 D Chemical Oxygen Demand, COD mg/L 168 118 1620 245 157 1270 03/08/10 SM 5220 D Ammonia Nitrogen, N113-N mg/L.. 139 14.7 7.0 36.6 1.4 78A 03/05/10 EPA 350.1 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, TKN mg/L 45.5 27.8 476 72.9 5.9 299 03/17/10 EPA 351.2 Nitrate + Nitrite Nitrogen, 3.36 7.40 1.42 11.8 0.63 5.50 03/09/10 NOZ+NO3-N mg/L EPA 353.2 Total Lead, Pb mg/L c 0.010 < 0.010 0.038 < 0.010 < 0.010 0.011 03/05/10 EPA 200.7 Heaamline, mg/L 30.6 20.2 1800 62.1 5A 760 03/30/10 SW846 - 8015 Formaldehyde, I.g/L 1400 400 57,800 4400 940 48,800 03/03/10 Hach Method 8110 Reviewed by: / -� ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC Sample Collection and Chain of Custod 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 20405 Phone: (910) 392-0223 Fax (910) 392.4424 Sample '1' e: 1 = tntluent h = �ttluent W = ell T -=stream SO =Soil SU- Slud a Other: a 1.4l Sample Identification Q m Collection 2 � F � o V a o U = � 6 V PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUF.STE[] �? o d � 6 z i o 5 DATE TIME TEMP Duck Pond 006 3o 2,` C? G x BOU,TSS,Hexamine, Formaldehyde C P JG X , COD;ftb, ,TKN, NO3+NOS G P x Total Pb c 1 G Drum Storage 901 Li&q a ..2-: �" _ 0 C X X Ix See above list 62 New Lab 002 q ��� ��-� �"1 y' C AUL X X L� See above list ll Project 003 Dry (PH ~� ' �-2 �� C X x 'x d Silar 005 L, y s rug c X X� x See above list Formaldehyde 004 L1� x x C P G G C P G G Transfer Relinquished By: Datelfime Received By: Date/Time s , 2. Temperb.—re when Received: Accepted: Rej .'d: Resample Requested: Delivered By: Received B • - ?s� ,- & ,� Date: _3 ,-G� -W Time: I it It O MOMENTIN E` Forest Products Division ACME ,PErtia 7 IONS 333 Weds Fosy Roac Riegelwood. NC 28456-9570 March 17, 2011 Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section ATTN: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: I st Quarter Discharge Monitoring Report 2011 To Whom It May Concern: MAR 2 2 2011 ' �.➢iili��. r fVG�a..11b- }�flr�;lF;��'f Stormwater P sued to Moment ive on October 22, 2010. The permit requires Momentive o pe orm "quartery analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges as specified in Table 1 of the permit. Sampling was performed on January 17, 2011 and the results received on February 15, 2011. After review of the analytical results, it was determined that several benchmarks established in Table 3 of the permit were exceeded. Please refer to the enclosed discharge monitoring report for detailed information. Per the requirements of the stormwater permit, exceeding any benchmark requires that a stormwater management inspection be conducted within two weeks of receiving the analytical data. The stormwater management inspection was conducted on February 25, 2011 and the recommendations will be implemented within the next two months as required by the permit. The recommendations and the benchmark exceedences will be added to the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan per the requirements of the permit. Momentive continues to strive to meet all environmental permit obligations in a timely fashion. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact April Hanson at 910-655-2263, extension 5248. Regards, MOMENTIVE SPECIALTY CHEMICALS INC. 1 /09 4rreI' Ronald BaziJ! Site Leader Personnel Collecting Samples: P. Busovne[D. Maddox/: IS. Mow rey Certified Laboratories: Envirochem ANALYTICAL RESULTS Momenlive—STORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage No.: NCS0001156 Columbus County, North Carolina Lab ID: 75 00530 003101 00340 00610 00625 00630 00665 77US 50060 71830 01042 01092 1 01051 00556 00400 Oulfall Date me/dd/yr TSS mall BOYS mg/1 COD mgA NH3 mall TKN mgA NO3+NO2 mZA Total Phosphorus m Methanol m%A TRC m "examine m Formaldehyde mgA Total Copper mZA Total Zinc mgA Total Lead m Non -Polar O&G mgA pH Co. Acute Toxicity mgA 003- Pru ects 111712011 C1.7 31 157 1 19.0 139.0 10.40 0.23 <10 0 33 0 2,050 0.099 0.618 <0.010 <5 7.62 004•HCHO 111712011 170 362 2190 4760 975 15,40 12 96.6 0 9590 41.200 0.49 0.897 <0010 <5 7.96 006•DuckPond 1/1712011 167 45 121 164 306 7.41 027 <lo 0.005 14,8 1,890 <0,010 0.142 <0.010 <5 7,41 009-Maint, Shop 111712011 1 252 51 428 11.2 14,6 1.04 0.57 <10 0 001 <10.0 1.480 0,136 0,717 0.016 7 1 7.42 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Mail duplicate copies to-. Division of Water Quality Total Event Precipitation (ins,); o 3-11 water Quality Section Attn: Central Files Permit Sampling Period:�2 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Nole: CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information �M v' 1 I �t 1 1 I Momentive 333 Neils Eddy Road Sidnature ofPermitt a or esignee Date Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910) 655-2263 E7CT 5248 �o C9 k i jv Pri t Name and Title ab Peraonncl Collecting SampicaT. Busovne/D. Maddox/S/S.Mou ray Certified Laboratories: E?nvirochem ANALYTICAL RESULTS Manlenlive— NTORM WATER SAMPLING REPORT Certificate of Coverage'Np,; N&rW 56 - Columbus County, North Carolina Lab Ip: 75 (10530 00314 00340 1 00610 00625 110630 110665 77885 500611 71880 011142 01092 0105t 00556 00400 'r Outfall pato nfolddlyr TNN mpJl 1101) mW1 COD mW1 NID m81 TKN mpfl NO3+1402 m811 'fatal Phosphorus mW1 Mothanel mrJi TRC iuW1 liexamino mgli Partnaldellydo rug/1mgll Total Capper Total 'Line nig/l 'fatal Lead mpfl Nan -Puler O&G Inwl pit u•u, Acute Toaldty iugll 1103- Projects 11317,11 53.2 39 136 89,3 79.1 8.94 0.28 12.9 0 <10 1.38 1.31 0.565 <0.01 <5 1.31 34.20% 004.11C110 4/5/2011 146 248 523 1.0 81 9.94 0,56 26.7 0 52.0 107.00 0.525 0,999 0.014 <5 7.07 36,90% 006dhuckPend 4/512011 30,0 Y00 722 54.2 65,4 1.66 0,32 <10 0.009 <10 5.18 0012 0.041 <0.91 <5 7.33 70.70% 009-Maint. 9h0 415/2011 161 32 140 1.8 9.4 1.14 0.17 <10 0 <10 2.130 0,151 0.324 0,01 <5 7.00 100,U0% STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS Mail duplicate copies to: Division of Water Quality Total I?vcnt Precipitation (ins.) 0,33 Water Quality Section Attn: Central File* Permit Sampling Periodr� 1617 Mail Setvicc Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1617 Note: CEWVIFICAI'ION STATEMENT By dos signature, 1 certiiy this rcpurt is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Cumpauy Infurntation Momentive 333 Nails Eddy Road iguature of Per iltc ur Dcaignee pate Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 E:XT 5248 �ON40 kw�j--,RECEIVED Pri t Name and Title MAY 2 7 2011 CENTRAL FILES DWQIBQQ MOMENT�IE" Forest OPiDd TIO N�,5,on NCS 000, sto 533 Nails Eddy Roav Riegelwood. NC 2.3�55-9570 February, 25, 2011 Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 RE: 2010 Annual Summary Monitoring Report To Whom It May Concern: Please find enclosed with this cover letter Momentive — Acme Facility's annual summary monitoring report for the four designated stormwater outfalls. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact April Hanson at 910-655-2263, extension 5248. Regards, MOMENTIVE SPECIALTY C EM,CALS INC. �1 Ronald Bazinet Site Leader STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT (DMR) Calendar Year 2010 Individual NPDES Permit No. NCS 000156 or Certificate of Coverage (COG) No, NCG❑❑❑❑❑❑ This monitoring report summary of the calendar year is due to the DWQ Regional Office no later than March I" of the following year. Facility Name: Momentive Specialty Chemicals Inc Acme Facility County: Columbus Phone Number: L910_) _655-2263 Total no. of SDOs monitored 4 Outfall No. _003 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No 23 Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TSS mglL TRC mglL BOD mglL COD mglL NH3 mglL TKN mglL NO3+NO2 mglL Total Phosphorus g Benchmark NIA Date Sample Collected, mm/ddlyy Permit issued 100 0.028 October 22, 2010. 4 VnQtr 30 sampling was 120 not performed 7.2 20 10 2 - see enclosed cover letter dated January 28, 2011 SW U-264-Generic-25May2010 Additional Outfall Attachment Outfall No. _003_ Is this outfall currently In Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units Methanol mg/L Hexamine mg/L Formaldehyde mg/L Total Copper mg/L Total Zinc mg/L Total Lead mg/L Non -Polar Oil & Grease mg/L pH S.U. Benchmark N/A 7700 25,000 0.5 Date Sample Collected, mmidd►yy IN 0 Permit Issued October 22, 2010. 4 Qtr sampling was not 0.007 0.067 performed -see enclosed cover letter 0.03 15 6-9 dated January 28, 2011 SWU-264-Generic-25May2010 Outfall No. �004 Is this outfaill currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Rainfall al inches Parameter, units TSS mg1L TRC mg1L BOD mglL COD mglL NH3 mglL TKN mg/L NO3+NO2 mglL otal Phosphorus mg1L Benchmark NIA 100 0.028 Date Sample Collected, mmlddlyy Permit Issued October 22, 2010. 4,n Qtr 30 120 sampling was not performed 7.2 20 - see enclosed cover letter dated January 10 2 28, 2011 SWU-264-Generic-25May2010 Outfall No. _004_ Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units Methanol mg1L Hexamine mglL Formaldehyde mglL Total Copper mglL Total Zinc mgIL Total Lead mg/L Non -Polar Oil ill Grease mg/L pH S.U. Benchmark N/A Date Sample Collected, mmlddlyy Permit Issued 77Q0 October 22, 25,000 2010. 4,1 Qtr sampling 0.5 was not 0.007 0.067 performed - see enclosed cover letter 0.03 15 dated January 28, 2011 6-9 SWU-264-Generic-25May2010 Outfall No. _006 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No RTotalll, Inches Parameter, units TSS mg/L TRC mg/L BOD mg/L COD mg/L NF13 mg/L TKN mg/L NO3+NO2 mg/L Total Phosphorus g Benchmark N/A 100 0.028 Date Sample Collected, mmlddlyy M Permit Issued October 22, 2010. 4 Qtr 30 120 M sampling was not performed 7.2 20 10 2 M 0 - see enclosed cover letter dated January 28, 2011 SW U-264-Generic-25May2010 Outfall No. 006 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes El No Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units Methanol mg/L Hexamine mglL Formaldehyde mglL Total Copper mglL Total Zinc mglL Total Lead mglL Non -Polar oil & Grease mglL pH G.U. Benchmark N/A 77001 25,000 1 0.5 0.007 0.067 0.03 1 T5 6-9 Data Sample Collected, mmlddlyy Permit issued October 22, 2010. 4 Qtr sampling was not performed - see enclosed cover letter dated January 28, 2011 SWU-264-Generic-25May2010 Outfall No. _009 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever In Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was In Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes [-I No® Yes❑ No® Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units TSS mglL TRC mglL BOD mglL COD mglL NH3 mglL TKN mglL NO3+NO2 mglL Total Phosphorus mglL Benchmark NIA 100 0.028 30 120 7.2 20 10 2 Date Sample Collected, mmlddlyy 0 1 Permit Issued October 22, 2010. 4 Qtr sampling was not performed 0 -see enclosed cover letter dated January 28, 2011 SWU-264-Generic-25May2010 Qutfali No. _009_ Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDD monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Total Rainfall, Inches Parameter, units Methanol mglL Wexamine mg1L Formaldehyde mglL Total Copper mg/L Total Zinc mglL Total Lead mglL Non -Polar Oil 8� Grease mgll- pH S.U. Benchmark N/A 7700 25,000 0.5 Date Sample Collected, mm/ddlyy Permit issued October 22, 2010. a Qtr sampling was not 0.007 0.067 performed - see enclosed cover letter 0.03 dated January 15 6-9 28, 2011 SWU -264-Gen e ric-2 5 May2010 " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of jhes and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature Date 21� 11 DWQ Realonal Office Contact Information: 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 (828) 296-4500 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 791-4200 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 (336) 771-5000 Mail Annual DMR Summary Reports to: 225 Green Street Systel Building Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (91 M 433-3300 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 (252) 946-6481 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 807-6300 610 East Center Avenue/Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 (704)663-1699 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-2845 (910) 796-7215 SW 1J-264-Generic-25May2010 Prod MOMENTI�$E" kCNEt PiRAsRivislan 333 ne&L Euuv �2oau F eue[w.00cl. NC 2345C,-9570 January 28, 2011 Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section ATTN: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: 4`h Quarter Discharge Monitoring Report 2010 To Whom It May Concern: Stormwater Permit #NCS000156 was issued to Momentive on October 22, 2010. The permit requires Momentive to perform analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges as specified in Table 1 of the permit . Because of the date of permit issuance, Momentive had only two calendar months to complete the sampling instead of three. As detailed below, Momentive was unable to capture samples during a representative rain event in November and December due in part to weather conditions and sample holding timeframes. However, to the extent that Momentive's procedures can be altered to ensure that samples are collected, Momentive has implemented corrective actions to address this in the future. Momentive has a rain gauge on site and precipitation is recorded daily. However, during November and December 2010, Momentive was unable to collect samples in part due to a lack of a representative rain event (snow occurred instead of rain). Additionally, the hold tithes for certain parameters listed in the permit only allow the Site to collect samples Monday through Wednesday thus limiting its ability to sample on other days in the week if a representative rain event occurs. Indeed, the rain events that occurred in November and December either occurred outside the allowable hold time, were not a representative rain event (i.e., below .l inches of rainfall), the precipitation was snow instead of rainfall (as was the case for the final precipitation event of 2010), or occurred during times when wastewater operation was not onsite to collect the samples. In an effort to expand its ability to collect samples during the reporting period, Momentive has made changes to its wastewater operator coverage to allow for second shift coverage Monday through Friday. A procedure is also in place where the forecast is reviewed daily by the EHS Leader and the Operator Responsible in Charge (ORC) so that potential opportunities for sampling can be identified and schedule adjustments made as needed to fulfill the permit sampling requirements. Momentive continues to strive to meet all environmental pennit obligations in a timely fashion. Indeed, Momentive has already conducted the required sampling for the I" Quarter of 2011. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact April Hanson at 910-655-2263, extension 5248. Regards, MO: NTNE SPI. TY CHEMICALS INC. Ronald Bazinet Site Leader WRIGHT CORPORATION — SURFACE WATER SAMPLING REPORT Permit No.: W00003361 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: Phil Busovue/Steve Mowrey Cerdfted Laboratories: Oxtbrd Laboratories, Inc. Lab 113: 75 ANALYTICAL RESULTS SAMPLE LOCATION Date moldd! r Formaldehyde raw N113-N m l TKN mgfI NO3-N mlo NO2-N WHA Sulfate m I Chromium m l Copper m Zinc m Lead -W1 Nickel m I MS-1 12/13/06 <.05 <0.1 0.21 <.10 <.05 6 MS-2 12/13/06 we note 0.19 0.34 0.16 <.05 7 MS-3 12/13/06 1 C05 <0.1 <0.2 1 0.81 <.05 1 6 1 -t7--= Moil triplicate copies to: NCDENR - Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit 1617 Mall Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CERTIFICATION STATEM By th ignature, I certify this is accurate and complete to the best of my k ledge Signature of Perm' ipoe to Martin Lowry Site Leader Print Nome and Title RECEIVED 1 DENR I DWQ AQUlFFR'PRnTFfiT10N SECTION FEB o 7 20071 Company Information Wright Corporation 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 Note: Original MS-2 HCHO sample was sent to Oxford Labs, They sent it to Test America, who received a broken bottle. We resampled MS-2 HCHO on 12/28/06 and took sample to Oxford Labs, They sent the resomple to Test And who roceived the second bottle broken. We then contacted Tom Moore with the state. He advised tesampling and documenting the problem The third somple(second resample) was sent to Oxford labs on 01/09/07. The result for formaldehyde was 0.26 mgA. WRICIiT CORPORATION— SURFACE WATER SAMPLING REPORT Permit No.: WQ0003361 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: Phil Busovne/Steve Mowrey Certified Laboratories: Oxford Laboratories, Inc. lab ID: 75 ANALYTICAL WVVIU'1'S SAMPLE LOCATION Date moldd! r Formaldehyde m 11 NII]-N mg/1 TKN mg/1 NO3-N m !I 1402-N m I Sulfate Mg/1 Chromium mg/1 Copper m l Zinc m I1 Lead mg/1 Nickel m l MS -I 3/6/2007 0.07 <0 10 0 3S <0.10 <0.05 MS-2 3/6/2007 <0.05 0.14 0.39 <0.10 <0.05 10 MS-3 1 316f2007 j <0.05 0,1 I 1 0.26 0.46 10.05 7 Mail triplicate copies 10: NCDENR - Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Ann: Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CERTIFICATION STATENII T fay this .8 tire, l certify thi port is accurate and complete to the hest of my owled e. Si u re ermttte o t igtee n&tt Manin Lowry Site Leader Print Name and Title Company Information Wright Corporation 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910) 655-2263 1 v g art-r�"�" Brief Display - Frameset Page 1 of 1 a SIS Home About Us Site Map & Search Cal Mate TRI2006 Search Results` D Env. Health &Toxicology D Toy' .. Release! -• Please click on Modify Search button to modify TRI search strategy. WT0`'' MSa Gqq7keqdl=_1ems 1 through 12 of 12 SoR FacilitylSubstance Names are unsorted. 1119022-ails= Select Record Facility/Substance Name History 1 ❑ WRIGHT CORP AMMONIA Download RIEGELWOOD, NC Modify Search 2 WRIGHT CARP COPPER COMPOUNDS L- RIEGELWOOD, NC New Search 3 WRIGHT CORP j Help ANILINE -- RIEGELWOOD, NC 4 �� WRIGHT CORP TO}(NE�T M METHANOL .. RIEGELWOOD, NC 5 i7 WRIGHT CORP FORMALDEHYDE — RIEGELWOOD, NC 6 WRIGHT CORP TOLUENE - RIEGELWOOD, NC 7 WRIGHT CORP ACRYLAMIDE RIEGELWOOD, NC 8 WRIGHT CORP DIETHYL SULFATE— RIEGELWOOD, NC 9 WRIGHT CORP ZINC COMPOUNDS RIEGELWOOD, NC 4 10 Fj WRIGHT CORP MANGANESE COMPOUNDS RIEGELWOOD, NC 11 WRIGHT CORP r N-METHYLOLACRYLAMIDE RIEGELWOOD, NC 12 ❑ WRIGHT CORP N-HEXANE r RIEGELWOOD, NC- http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/search 10/9/2008 i WRIGHT CORPORATION —SURFACE WATER SAMPLING REPORT Permit No.: WQ0003361 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: Phil Busovne/Steve Mowrey Certified Laboratories: Oxford Laboratories, Inc. Lab ID: 75 ANALYTICAL RESULTS QiJ 11N, I I P f 2:36 SAMPLE LOCATION Date mo/dd/ r Formaldehyde M52 NH3-N m TKN MgA NO3-N ro NO2-N M12 Sulfate mg/I Chromium m l Copper me 'Zinc mp/l Lead m l Nickel m l MS-1 11/15/06 <.05 0.16 0,41 <.10 <.05 6 <005 <.003 <.005 <.003 <.005 MS-2 11/15/06 <.05 0.11 0.46 <10 <.05 6 <,005 <.003 0.019 <.003 <.005 MS-3 11/15/06 <.05 0.11 0.30 0.14 <.05 6 <.005 <.003 0.014 <.003 <.005 Mail triplicate copies to: NCDENR - Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Non -Discharge CompiiancelEn%rcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CERTIFICATION STATWENT By this gnature, i certify report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 94M6��� " — p& Sikna re of Pe t o esiyDa William E. Oakley Chairman of the Board Print Name and Title Company Information Wright Corporation 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910) 655-2263 IAA 1 Personnel Collecting Samples: Certified Laboratories: ANALYTICAL RESULTS WRIGHT CORPORATION - SURFACE WATER SAMPLING REPORT Permit No.: WQ0003361 Columbus County, North Carolina Phil Busovne/Steve Mowrey Oxford Laboratories, Inc. Lab ID: 75 SAMPLE LOCATION Date mo/dd/ r Formaldehyde mo NH3-N mg/I TKN mlo NO3-N m VVI NO2-N m gA Sulfate in-0 Chromium m Copper m gn 'Zinc m Lead mg/l Nickel m l MS-1 11/15/06 <.05 0.16 0.41 <.10 <.05 6 <.005 <.003 <.005 <.003 <.005 MS-2 11/15/06 <.05 0.11 0.46 <.10 <.05 6 <.005 <.003 0,019 <.003 <.005 MS-3 1 l/ 15106 <.05 I 0.l ! 0.30 0.14 i <,05 6 <.005 <.003 0.014 <.003 <.005 Mail triplicate copies to: NCDENR - Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CERTIFICATION STA ENT B s ignature, I certi is report is accurate and complete to the best of my kno Ledge. I ob Signature of P rm' ee r De ee D c William E. Oakley Chairman of the Board Print Name and Title Company Information Wright Corporation 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC-28436 (910) 655.22 ��`n s 4 �� r • 4 WRIGHT CORPORATION — SURFACE WATER SAMPLING REPORT Permit No.: WQ0003361 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: Phil Busovne/Steve Mowrey Certified Laboratories: Oxford Laboratories, Inc. Lab ID: 75 ANALYTICAL RESULTS SAMPLE LOCATION Date mo/dd/ r Formaldehyde mgA NH3-N TKN me NO3-N M12 NO2-N m Sulfate M10 Chromium mg/1 Copper me Zinc m Lead M12 Nickel rn I MS-1 11/15/06 <.05 0.16 0.41 <.10 <.05 6 <.005 <.003 <.005 <.003 <.005 MS-2 11/15/06 <.05 0.11 0.46 <.10 <,05 6 <.005 <.003 0.019 <.003 <.005 MS-3 11/15/06 <.05 0.11 0.30 1 0.14 1 <.05 6 <.005 1 <.003 1 0.014 <.003 <.005 Mail triplicate copies to: NCDENR - Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CERTIFICATION STATE NT By t is ignature, I certify t report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 9 ire S n re orPemifitte6 aTDesiR Date William E. Onkloy Chairman of the Board Print Name and Title Company Information Wright Corporation 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910) 655-2263, S j , 0�0� W A TF�pG JuIIC 29i 7_00! Red Lewis- General Manarrer Oak -Bark Corporation 333 Neils Eddy Road RiefL,ehyood. TIC 28456 Michael F kaslcv. Governor %Vtham G Russ Jr , SecrewN North Carohna DeparYmcni of linrtronmcnl and Nalural ttesourccs Colem it Sullins. Director I)rvisnanol �1'attr Qualliv Subject: Transinittal of Analvtical Data Permit Number \VQ0003361 Oak -Bark Corporation Groundwater Remediation Facilities Columbus Count\' Dear Mr. Let\'is: On April 27, 2007 the Division of \'Pater Quality- aquifer Protection Section (APS), sent a "transmittal of Analytical Data to Oak -Bark Corporation (formerly W'right Corp.). Permit Nurnber \VQ0003361. In this letter the .AI'S requested that Monitorin+o Well (M\V) i\ 1\V-25 be sampled for Formaldehyde Burin'- the next three (3) sampling events at this facilliv due to elevated concentrations observed by the APS during a compliance sampling event. On Jttne 21, 2007 the APS received a response to the Data Transmittal from Oak -Bark Corporation. submitted on your behalf by Sherrill Environmental. Inc. In this response it was stated that the data for the analysis of formaldehyde is not in agreement with the san)ple analysis performed on your behalf by Paradigm Laboratory. It was also stated that M W- ?5 is an uparadieni -well and to please confirm this decision to have Oak -Bart: san)ple this monitoring well. .After comparison of the Iwo different methods used to analyze formaldehyde at this facility. the APS has concluded that another round of sampling should be preforn)ed. 'the APS requests to visit the Oak -Bark remediation facility and sample each of the wells. Three samples for formaldehyde will be taken from each well. One sample will be sent to the State Health Lab. one to the Division of'Water Quality Lab. and one sent to Paradigm .Analytical Laboratories. Oak -Bark Corporation does not have to sample for formaldehyde until further investigation has been concluded. Please contact Liz Berg, of the Aquifer Protection Section at (910) 796-7317 to schedule the sampling event. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Yours very truly. a Charles F. Stehman. fh.D.- P.G. Environmental Re,.;ional Supervisor II cc: \\'iRO- APS Kim Colson Jack Sherrill Sherrill Environmental. Inc. 3326 Ruby Rd Durham NC 27707 5:\6\VS11.iz)2007\data transmiltakColumhuA Oak bark (Wii hi C(irp)6.07 uIK NonhCarofimi Naturally North Carolina Division of Watcr Quatny 127 Cardinal Dnvc Ext Wfljiiinb4uL NC 2li405-3845 Phone (910 796-7715 Customer Service Internet uxicnK't_jtcrduahlv.or FAX f.919)55{I-?O04 ] R77b?5-6745 'Ti Equal OpportunityPIffirmative A,-j*n Employer - 5fl9Recycled) 14°6 Posi Consumer Pacer Personnel Collecting Samples: Certified Laboratories: ANALYTICAL RESULTS WRIGHT CORPORATION —SURFACE WATER SAMPLING REPORT Permit No.: WQ0003361 Columbus County, North Carolina Phil Busovne/Steve Mowrey Oxford Laboratories, Inc. Lab ID: 75 RECEIVED AUG 0 3 2006 vcIVED I DENR I DWQ AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION AUG 0 12006 SAMPLE LOCATION Date mo/dd/ r Formaldehyde m NH3-N MRA TKN mg/1 NO3-N mo Im NO2-N Sulfate m Chromium mg/1 Copper m Zinc m Lead mg/1 Nickel MKII MS-1 6/21/06 <0.05 0.10 0.54 0.16 <0.05 6 MS•2 6/21106 <0.05 0.15 0.54 <0.10 <0.05 7 MS-3 6/21/06 <0.05 0.15 0.41 0.27 <0.05 6 Mail triplicate copies to: NCDEN R - Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, I certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Gv�e , �' cG►'�-, -(camVVE4 6 ignature of Permittee or Designee Date William E. Oakley Chairman of the Board Print Name and Title Company Information Wright Corporation 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 29456 (910)655-2263 EE��pp11���J�+'1�7�����jj ee� �. � .: �4 isl i s r$:Ji�d�Gl�r���_ .4r��'�ifi�E1�j � �{^ fi r• :.�Zl J � . v _,1�. Personnel Collecting Samples: Certified Laboratories: ANALYTICAL RESULTS WRIGHT CORPORATION — SURFACE WATER SAMPLING REPORT Permit No.: WQ0003361 Columbus County, North Carolina Phil 13usovne/Steve Mowrey Oxford Laboratories, Inc. Lab I D: 75 W �(W NOV 1q�77 LUuutl SAMPLE LOCA'CION Date mo/ddlyr Formaldehyde mg/I NH3-N mall TKN tog/l NO3-N in I NO2-N tng/l Sulfate mg/I Chromium mg/l Copper mg/1 Zinc mall Lead mall Nickel mwl MS-1 10/13/2005 <0.05 <0.10 0.74 <0,10 <0.05 <5 *+• *** *** *** *** MS-2 10/13/2005 <0.05 0.12 0.84 <0.10 <0.05 <5 *** *** *** *** *** MS-3 10/13/2005 <0.05 0.12 0.67 0.22 <0.05 1 <5 1*** *** *** *** *** Mail triplicate copies to: NCDENR - Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CERTIFICATION STATEMEN'r Fly this signal , 1 certify this report is ecurate and complete to the hest of my knowledge. A iL1 � 7 o j— Signs ture of 1'ermittee esignec D e Anthony1). Smith Regulatory Affairs Officer Print dame and Title Company Information Wright Corporation 333 Neils Ed�ad_.-�-- ' Riegej lw d,l;NC;84561 55'��3 V � RECEIVED (9l0}6iJ4 ,�1 NOV 0 v 2D05 - I NOV 1 5 2005 -_� WATER QUAf M t -- 5EC1iDN wA5t11NGTott R-G10;JA1 pit ICE Non-DiScharge Ctx»pI�M Ent D-M) NCS000I56 Wright Chemical renewal Profect Status reminder note 1/10/07 - Meeting w/ Hexion 1/9/07; Oak -Bark and Hexion told new application requ'd. Also told representative outfall status will not be renewed. - Expect H & O to resolve who wants what, and apply for a permit. Discussed that H will take responsibility for all stormwater outfalls. - Processing of ex. renewal app on hold, pending new app from H or 0 or both. _> DWQ action on hold pending timely new application. - J.li / f JuA LY, �eccy�✓.p�c : f=eC.�. 'r 8 7 a� :.� u e C'3'ur.5s1017 - - I� -AtZ-,A 0 v a, 1 a o n '? -- _ 7--6 5�- --_? 7 —Z? 7-Sr 9,5 37 27(p 13 4- I,48 Slat 2o7o 11 01 Su3 33A'�, 4.3 ltm 3 7, !r 5 ro. 21 96'� 3 2 _— Z07 241 2 , 'L_ 411 2 4 7d- — 2. 47 7__ _-_-Z30-- 3 7 -4 7 I z4 527-_� 4 32- 7 - - _ - —7 -- -�- -3 a o 3 7, a I 3 1 rli Gg IS- 2 sG 4 4 I o _-_-Z 2-4- - $ _ 50 '2 _.. I C_ ._ ° d , do 4 l 9 18 4? - .3 s 7, 1 7 6s- -- 3 S , �_ ,�o(v l —4 cv 2 7,f3 Z2(e FoZ 119 !a7 2,4__. ,o is 14- 7, 12 — �67- 9-04 ?7 IiZ Il a 4� .erg-- 1d- 194- 274 E63 `�/ 3G G!Q 3,9 -- ,ao7 �i 'zi7 ----- z .16 I2 _ 23 ` .01$ 7 2? 7 7 4- sr _2-0 4-.6 7.9 1 48-1 15S 93- -- --- =' ' .__ .or = -72__Ig! 7.s9 3/ (o49 90 162 16S 98 .ot77 3 2* _5r 7.19 &9 119 _ 37 v Q= F—;e C4-e-Js L&�Lk,a,. Al L�-A� e-1p! w, Summitry of Storm Event Monitoring Wright Corporation NCS000156 ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR OUTFALL 002 - LAB WEIR,- 50050.000 09400 003J,0" 003�U" 0053 ' UOG�O 00625 00630 01051 71880 Total �' � Total Monitoring Date Rainfall Flaw p11 BOD COD TSS NH3 TKN NO3+NO2 Lead Formaldehyde Hexamine Period mo/ddlyr inches MC s.u. Mg1I m I m I MWI mgll mg/I mgll mg/I m1;/I 1 1 3/16/2000 0.77 0.036 7.80 44 1 143 33 247 1 24 2.0 0.006 1 0.2 1 2 9/18/2000 2.57 0.122 7.65 385 2;740 '38 645 729 8.4 0.014 95 r 3 11/14/2000 0.68 0.032 7.20 202 2,650 } 163�. 564 606 5.0 0.015 44 4 1 2112/2001 0.86 0.041 8.00 69 556 61 122 132 2.4 0.010 -0.9 ( 0.4 1 7 5 5/20/2001 020 0.009 7.30 67 1 285 29 49 1 55 14,5 0.004 1 '0.3 ~ 4 6 8/28/2001 1.30 0.062 7.40 111 506 f 178 71 80 1.9 0.019 0.8 9 7 ✓1/1412002 0.35 0.017 8.00 79 394 - _ 91 61 66 2.0 0.008 y loek %' v212112U0z 2�',$ 8 0.15 0.007 7.20 415 2,045 50 470 522 3.1 <0.003 2 9 4/10/2002 0.29 0.014 7.30 234 923 1 66 178 212 2.8 0.014 9.9 355 10 k 6/19/2002 0.14 0.007 7.70 85 515 76 59 78 3.6 0.007 3.8 97 1 11/11/2002 0.95 0.045 8.76 32 114 109 14 14' 1.7 0.007 L 0.4 37 12 1/29/2003 0.16 U.008 7.30 85 679 96 62 65 21.7 0.010 <25.0 132 v 13 5/22/2003 2.23 0.106 7.70 13 L 79 14 14 . 17 L8 <0.003 1.0 29 14 10/8/2UO3 1.93 0,091 8.09 53 188 61 35 35 2.7 0.005 2.9 64 15 11/19/2003 1.05 0.050 7.97 "21 51� 20 8 16 1.7 <0.043 <5.0 64 16 v 2/11/2004 1.50 0.071 8.29 21-) 99 27 3 ` 18 0.5 1 <0.003 0,7 30 17 5/30/2004 0.91 0.043 8.00 �-39 153 22 26 26 2.5 <0.003 <5 43 18 8/26/2004 0.63 0.030 7.03 507 - 1,886 220 466 483 1.1 0.012 12.8 995 19 11/23/2004 0.57 0.027 7.48 1 2,070 MV 1 503 1 538 1 4.3 0,011 56.0 1100 v -111 20 2/3/2005 0.60 0.029 8.40 20 97. 24 22 27 2.6 0.003 11.0 30 Average - 0.94 0.045 1 '115 713' 74 155 158 4.6 0.010 I.G. 61 7D 137-0 0 LO�Co -1P laVIv.G 10rfa f 4 ;v TP 7.101 s,r inky 000 Summary of Storm Event Monitoring Wright Corporation NCS000156 ANALYTICAL RRSULTS FOR OUTFALL 003 - DRY PROJLCTS WEIR 50050,000 00400 00310 00340 00530 00610 00615 00630 01051 71880 Total Total Monitoring Date Rainfall Flow p111 BOD COD TSS NH3 TKN NO3+NO2 Lead Formaldehyde Hexamine Period mo/dd/yr (inchm� MG S.U. mg/l mg/I mg/1 mgtI mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 m I mg/I 1 3/16/2000 0.77 0.069 7.35 329 1070 164 108 289 91A 0.016 0,4 9 2 . •9/18/20U0 2.57 0.231 7.70, 343 2,110 1 650 711 26.7 0.003 10.2 469 3 11/14/2000 0.68 0.061 7.40, 322 2,600 2972 .739 772 67.3 0.043 1.1 143 4 2/12/2001 0.86 0.077 7.60 254 3 330 62 974 1,080 17.2 0.007 10,5 ;' 250 5 5/20/2001 0.20 0.018 7.10 157 1,450 54 395 405 183.0 0,006 i0.5 ; 19 6 8/28/2001 1.30 0.117 7.50 95 463 78 152 161 22.3 0.011 0.6 5 7 1/14/2002 0.35 0.031 7.60 97 775 19 158 226 97.2 <0.003 [ ;1•i, 8 2/21/2002 + 0.15 0.013 7.70 137 804 .5 327 351 61.6 <0,003 9 4/10/2002 0.29 0,026 7.10 141 1,240 22 289 359 92.4 0.005 26.0 575 i f l0 6/19/2002 0.14 0.013 7.20 16 128 5 21 23 34.5 <0.003 3.4 26 11 11/1112002Y 0.95 0.085 8.12 123 349 610 51 57 31.8 0.037 <8.33 107 12 1/29/2003 0.16 0.014 8.11 52 223 49 23 29 1.3 0.005 <5.0 78 13 5/22/2003 v2.23 0.200 7.31 60 431 20 41 88 51.4 0.005 10.2 152 r 14 10/8/2003 1.93 0.173 T32 184 543 29 124 136 94.8 0.004 9.4 249 15 11/19/2003 1.05 0.094 7.36 70 443 48 73 119 64.8 0.005 1 30.0 249 16 2/11/2004 1,50 0.135 7.46 103 523 14 127 171 44.4 <0.003 <25 344 17 s` 5/30/2004 0.91 0.082 8.95 42 394 64 155 155 19.4 <0.003 <25 212 18 8/26/2004 0,63 0.057 7.65 '�2� 223 75 83 90 15.7 <0.003 8,2 76 19 11/23/2004 0.57 0,051 7.59 530 865 13 194 211 28.9 <0.003 5.0 1 156 20 2/3/2005 v 0.60 0.054 7.47 124 527 41 112 129 37.2 0.004 10.7 208 , Average --- U.94 0.085 7.58 151 1 993 90 259 302 58.9 0.012 6.5 172 C) I a 1 0 LD 6 , (aat10 a ffs ,l8 2.a4- '7,7, Summary of Storm Evcnt Monitoring Wright Corporation NCS000156 ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR OUTFALL 005 - SHAKE WEIR 50050.000 00400 00310 003411 00530 00610 00625 00630 01051 71880 Total Total Monitoring Date Rainfall I Flow pH $OD COD TSS N113 TKN NO3+NO2 L.cad Formaldehyde Hcxamine Period mo/ddl r (inches) MG S.U. MWI mg mgll mg/l mg/l mg/I mg/l mg/l 1 3/16/2000 0.77 0.046 8.00 73 27.8 90 81 yymgll ! 63 3.4 0.009 0.4 11 2 9/18/2000 2.57 0.153 7.60 113-2 - 438 A � d4�.. 1'S 0.8 0.005 0.3 54 3 11/14/2000 0.68 0.040 8.50 16 166 1154 t171 13 0.2 0.010 7 1 4 2/12/2001 0.96 0.051 7.70 20 146 20 �28 311 0.6 0.004 0.2 2 5 5/20/2001 0.20 0.012 7.05 57 261 8 7 1 1-51 15.4 0.003 0.2 5 6 8/28/2001 1.30 U.077 7.40 94 466 146 t63 ` 71 0.8 0.025 0.9 __ 9 7 1/1412002w 0.35 0.021 7.90 30 168 32 2G 1291 1.8 <0.003 -04 -5:6r/ 8 2/21/2002 0.15 0.009 7.60 999 2,417 52 { 5D2 1554 2.7 0,005 9 4/10/2002 E 0.29 0.017 7.20 18 185 48 ; 6 20 0.6 0.006 1 1.31 25 10 6/19/2002 0.14 0.008 7.80 42 170 70 38 145 1.2 0.009 �2.6 55 1 k 1/11/2002 0.95 0,056 9.01 20 55i 63 4 4 0.4 0.005 0.2 7 12 1/29/2003 0.16 0.010 7.97 23 126 14 r1Q� 16 [.D <Q.DU3 `` I<5.0 21 13 5/22/2003 2.23 0.133 7.55 6. 30 11 4 4 2.2 <0,003 0.4 7 14 10/8/2003 r 1.93 0,115 8.35 18 142 , 18 4 7 3.8 <0.003 1-5T7 5 15 11/19/2003 1.05 0.062 7.89 17 / 3�11 4 5 6 1.2 <0.003 ' .9 5 16 2/11/2004 r 1.50 0.089 7.96 15 , 52 9 4 7 0.9 0.003 1 <51 10 17 5/30/2004 0.91 0.054 8.87 21 151 7 -131 13 0.9 0.006 f<95 16 18 8/26/2004 0.63 0,037 8.96 k 4 37 276 134 15 19 0.6 0.008 1-8791 35 19 11/23/2004 0.57 0.034 10 D _ �218'-) 963 �- 92 207 2r 2.2 0.004 411 20 2/3/2005 y 0.60 0.036 7.62 10 (3-2 7 3 4 0.7 <0,003 2 $ 4 Average - 0.94 1 0.056 790 94 305 1 44 53 58 1 2.3 1 0.008 1 1.0 17 '2 3 r 61.2J �.r7' r 1.0 DRAFT 2006 StormwaterBenchmark Concentrations CMC = Criterion Maximum Concentration FAV = Final Acute Value DRAFT" Benchmark List last updated 12/01/2006 by C. Brower and S. Goldhaber BPJ = Best professional judgement Most values are for Freshwater. Check criteria for Saltwater and Human Health (Water Supply) when applicable, to see if more stringent values are appropriate. Bend tiitar€c .- . Jill Parameter Con` Units Source 1/2 Lowest Observed Effect Level (LOEL); EPA's 1986 Acrylonitrile 3.8 m l Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Acrylonitrile CMC = 1/2 FAV (total recoverable aluminum); EPA's 1988 Aluminum 0.75 mg1l Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Aluminum 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, Aluminum Sulfate 1.1 mg1l J.Wynn), 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, Ammonium Sulfate 19 m J. nn). Ammonia, total as nitrogen 1/2 FAV @ pH 8; EPA's 1999 Update of Ambient Water (non -Trout) 7.2 m I Quality Crieria for Ammonia Ammonia, total as nitrogen 1/2 FAV @ pH 8; EPA's 1999 Update of Ambient Water (Trout) 5.6 m L Quality Crieria for Ammonia 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005. Anthracene 0.005 m I J. Wynn). 1/2 FAV (Antimony I11), EPA's 1988 Ambient Water Quality Antimony 0.09 m I Criteria for Antimony (111) 1/2 FAV (Arsenic 111), EPA's 1984 Ambient Water Quality Arsenic 0.36 m I Criteria for Arsenic 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, Benzene 6.7 m I J.Wynn). 1/2 LOEL, EPA's 1980 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Beryllium 0.07 me Beryllium BOD5 (Biological Oxygen BPJ, Based on Secondary Treatment Regulation (40 C F R Demand. 5-day) 30 m 1 133.03). 1/2 FAV @ 50 mg/I hardness, EPA's 2001 Update of Ambient Cadmium 0.001 m I Water Quality Criteria for Cadmium Chloride 860 m l EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, 2006 Chromium, total 1/2 FAV, EPA's 1980 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for recoverable 1 m I Chromium 1/2 FAV, EPA's 1980 Ambient Water Quality Crieria for Chromium VI 0.01 m I Chromium 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, Cobalt 0.03 m I J. Wynn). (*based on limited data) COD (Chemical Oxygen BPJ, Generally found at levels 4 x (BOD5) in domestic Demand) 120 m I wastewaters. 1/2 FAV, EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Copper 0.007 mgA Criteria, 2006 (*currently under revision) Creosote 0.3 m l 1/2 FAV, EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. nn). 1/2 FAV, based on p-Cresol (4-methyl phenol). EPA's Cresol 4.0 mg1l ECOTOX Database (July 2003, J. Wynn). 1/2 FAV, EPA's 1984 Ambient Water Quality Crieria for Cyanide 0.02 m l Cyanide (expressed as free CN) 1 DRAFT" 2006 Stormwater Benchmark Concentrations CMC = Criterion Maximum Concentration FAV = Final Acute Value DRAFT Benchmark List last updated 12/01/2006 by C. Brower and S. Goldhaber 8PJ = Best professional judgement Most values are for Freshwater. Check criteria for Saltivater and Human Health (Water Supply) when applicable, to see if more stringent values are appropriate. ertchrnark Parameter Cone. MUnttsSource 1/2 Lowest Observed Effect Level (LOEL), EPA's 1980 2,4 - Dimethyl henol 1 mg/1 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for 2,4-Dimethyi henol 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (2004. J. Ethylene Glycol 14 m I Wynn). (*based on limited data) Maximum (one -sample) threshold based on Virginia Water Quality Standards. NC Water Quality Standard (for all Class C Waters, based on Human Health) is 200/100 ml geometric mean (of 5 consec. in 30 days); 50/100 ml for unfiltered col. per Water Supplies. *Note, 2B .0211 specifies that violations "are Fecal Coliform 1000 100 ml expected during rainfall events." Fluoride 6 TO 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Aug. 2006) 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Sept 2005, Formaldehyde 0.5 m I J. Wynn). 1/2 FAV derived from PAN Pesticides Database (Dec 2005. J. Hexamine 25,000 m nn) EPA's National Recommended WQ Criteria (Nov 2002); CCC = chronic criteria (no acute). Also NC Action Level Iron 1.0 m I (AL) in 2B .0211. Lead, total recoverable 0.03 mg1l 1/2 FAV, EPA's 1980 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Lead 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005. Magnesium 32 m I J. W nn). NC Water Quality Standard 15A NCAC 028.0121 for Water MBAS (Methylene Blue Supply systems (WS-1) (aesthetic standard to prevent Active Substances) 0.5 m l foaming) 0.000012 NC Water Quality Standard 15A NCAC 028, Mercury (12 n L) m I bioaccumulative neurotoxin 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005. Molybdenum 510 m I J. Wynn). 1/2 LOEL; EPA's 1980 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Naphthalene 1 mg/1 Naphthalene 1/2 FAV. EPA's 1986 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Nickel, total recoverable 0.26 m I Nickel Nitrate + Nitrite National Primary Drinking Water Regulation in 40 CFR (NO3+NO2) 10 mg/I 141.11 and 15A NCAC 2B for nitrate (Expressed in mgA of N). TKN + Nitrate + Nitrite Benchmarks (Expressed in mg/l of Nitrogen, Total 30 mgA INC N). Oil and Grease no visible sheen m I Water Quality Standard 15A NCAC 0213.0211(3)(0 DRAFT 2006 Stormwater Benchmark Concentrations CMC = Criterion Maximum Concentration FAV = Final Acute Value DRAFT Benchmark List last updated 12/01/2006 by C. Brower and S. Goldhaber BPJ = Best professional )ud ement rost values are for Freshwater. Check criteria for Saltwater and Human Health (Water Supply) en applicable, to see if more stringent values are appropriate. teter le'lli'lKR&R-H-MSran Co ru"nftsSource 1/2 FAV @ pH 7.8. CMC from EPA's 1995 Update to Pentachloro henol 0.019 m I Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Pentachloro henol Water Quality Standard (Except Sw waters can be as low as H (min, max) 6-9 su 4.3) 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Wynn). * Nate - 0.3 mg/L may exhibit an organoieptic Phenol 4.5 m l effect Phosphorous 2 m BPJ, based on wastewater permit limits for NSW waters. Dasea on se ens a an u y on Se impacts in INC [July 1986, Report No. 86-02: NC Water Quality Standard Documentation: the Freshwater Chemistry and Toxicity of Selenium with Emphasis on its Effects in North Selenium 0.056 mg/1 Carolina) (only in rint) 1/2 FAV, converted from dissolved silver from Appx B in EPA's National Recommended Water Quality Criteria Silver, total recoverable 0,001 m l (2006). Assumed 50 mg1L hardness 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, Sodium 865 m I J. Wynn).( *based on limited data) 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, Sodium Sulfate 125 m I J. Wynn).(* based on limited data) 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, Sulfate 500 m J.Wynn). (* based on limited data - only one datapoint) Sulfate (WS waters) 250 m I Water Supply (WS) standard from 15A NCAC 2B .0200s TKN (Total Kjeldahl BPJ, based on approximate equivalency to secondary Nitrogen) 20 m I treatment of wastewater. (Ex ressed in mEVI of N). 7-ro—m-RC 213 1 r u , WSW on April Internal Report: N.0 Dept. N.R.C.D., Division of Environmental Management. No -effect chronic levels for a uatic toxicity. Or anic com ounds found near Ashland Chemical Site in Ralei h NC. Toluene (Trout) 0.0018 m i rpm ubased on April Internal Report: N.0 Dept. N.R.C.D., Division of Environmental Management. 1Vo-effect chronic levels for aquatic toxicity: Organic compounds found near Ashland Chemical Site in Ralei h NC. Toluene (Non -Trout) 0.055 m I Turbidity 50 ntu NC Aquatic Life Standard Turbidity - Lakes 25 ntu NC Aquatic Life Standard, Lakes/Reservoirs Turbidity - Trout 10 ntu NC Aquatic Life Standard, Trout TSS (Total Suspended Solids) 100 m I BPJ TSS - HQW (except Trout), TSS effluent limitation for HQW from-213 .0224 and some some ORW 20 m I ORW in 2B .0225 DRAFT 2006 Stormwater Benchmark Concentrations CMC = Criterion Maximum Concentration FAV = Final Acute Value DRAFT Benchmark List last updated 12/01/2006 by C. Brower and S. Goldhaber BPJ = Best professional judgement ost values are for Freshwater. Check criteria for Saltwater and Human Health (Water Supply) when applicable, to see if more stringent values are appropriate. . ' Units Parameter„ _ Cane Soures TSS effluent limitation for Tr & PNA (Primary Nursery Area) TSS - Trout waters 10 m I waters, a subset of HQW, from 28 .0224 EPA Drinking Water standard based on Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for uranium (2000 Radionuclides Uranium 0.030 m l Reg. revision). 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, Total X lenes 6.7 m I J. Wynn). 1/2 FAV, conve from dissolved zinc from Appx B in EPA`s National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (2006). Zinc, total recoverable 0.07 m I Assumed 50 m L hardness 4 [Fwd: Stormwater Benchmark Update] Subject: [Fwd: Stormwater Benchmark Update] From: Kelly Johnson <kelly.pJohnson@ncmaiLnet> Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2007 14,15:41 -0500 To: Bradley Bennett <Bradley.Bennett@ncmaiLnet>, Bill Diuguid <bill.diuguid@ncmaiLnet>, Aisha Lau <aisha.lau@ncmaiLnet>, Bethany Georgoulias <Bethany.Georgoulias@ncmaiLnet>, Ken Pickle <ken.pickle@ncmail.net>, mike.randalI@ncmailnet All, I have updated Bethany's file to include information about PCBs that I talked to Connie Brower about this morning. KJ Subject: Stormwater Benchmark Update From: Bethany Georgoulias <Bethany.Georgoulias@ncmailnet> Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2006 15:42:41 -0500 To: Bradley Bennett <bradley.bennett@ncmaiLnet>, BilI Diuguid <Bill.Diuguid@ncmailnet>, Aisha Lau <aisha.lau@ncmail.net>, Mike Randall <mike.randalI@ncmaiLnet>, Ken Pickle <ken.pickle@ncmaiLnet>, Kelly Johnson <Kelly.P.Johnson@ncmailnet> Hi everyone, I just wanted to get you up to date on where we were with the benchmark list. I met with Connie Brower and Susan Goldhaber yesterday to go through their recommendations for revisions (some numbers needed attention, either because of corrections or new updates), and they're doing a terrific job of thoroughly going through each of these. There are some significant changes from our last draft list (ammonia, ethylene glycol, and antimony, to name a few), and there are still some outstanding issues: -Ammonia; There's some question about whether the number should be 7.2 or 8.4 for a pH of 8... it's a bit confusing in EPA's criteria document on this substance, and Connie needs to find out which talc. to base it on. [The number's dropped a lot because the pH assumption used to be 7.5.1 Connie's going to consult Env. Sciences. -Fecal: We opted to use VA's standard of 1000 b/c our standard isn't practical for stormwater... but VA's std. is no longer no the books; they've adopted an E. Coli standard. Connie needs to look into what we should do. -Chloride: The 1/2 FAV is a lot higher than the action level we were using. Now we have the question of whether we need a separate value for WS (b/c that standard is a lot lower). Connie's going to consult Env. Sciences. -O&G: Connie first suggested using NC's standard of "no visible sheen," but I've asked about this since we require permittees to look for sheens in qualitative monitoring AND then pay a lab to quantify O&G when that analytical monitoring is required. If we say "no sheen" here, it will look redundant and raise the question about why we're making them pay for an analysis in the first place. We'll likely default back to the 30 mg/l, but Connie's Looking into it. For many of the sources in this spreadsheet, Susan changed the document reference so we know where the number originated from, but we've talked about including the latest EPA WQ criteria update ref. as well when that value's been carried over. That way, people will know the latest one that's been consulted for updates. Susan will likely be making another round of revisions soon and getting that to us, but I wanted to send out what we have so far so you're aware. If someone needs to follow up on this project while I'm out, the spreadsheet from Connie/Susan (attached), the original one I sent them, and the latest version of the rationale document that's meant to accompany this list is on the server under my 'BG_CurrProjects' folder. 1 of 2 1/8/2007 4:50 PM [Fwd: Stormwater Benchmark Update] There's also a stack of info. on my desk with 'Benchmark Update' label on it, if you need to see our meeting notes, relevant e-mails, etc. Some of those notes better explain the issues above and changes I've made to the rationale document so far. Thanks! -BG Bethany Georgoulias Environmental Engineer NC DENA DWQ Stormwater Permitting Unit (919) 733-5083, ext. 529 bethany.georgouliasCncmail.net Content -Type: application/vnd.ms-excel ' Benchma rk_A,nalys is_rev2006. xls Content -Encoding: base64 Stormwater Benchmark Update Content -Type: message/rfc822 Content -Encoding: 7bit SWBenchmark List draft CB1206.xls Content -Type: applicatipnlvnd.ms-excel Content -Encoding: base64 2 of 2 1/8/2007 4:50 PM r Stormwater Benchmark Concentrations - Attachment A Permit: NCSOOOXXX( Facility: Name Reviewer: Reviewer Receiving Waters: Name Classification: Classification Anaivsis uumance: CMC = Criterion Maximum Concentration FAV = Final Acute Value Benchmarks last updated 1/03/2006 by B. Georgoulias & J. Wynn Check for any measured values that equal or exceed benchmark concentration. (Check maxirnunh value) lso consider: are any borderline, or otherwise still considered a pollutant of concern (110C)? Use BPJ. ,)st values are for Freshwater. Check criteria for Saltwater and Human Health (Water Supply) when applicable, see if more stringent values are appropriate. y{ "` , " ! - i l! 1Ff~' .,� , • Benchmark ri if•a •t.- i;c. �;Outfall • •;ti; p .ttt` p ;w Outfall �A 7. ..{-,.. aca4:� I„ i. ' �, F I ii,. ' r '.irR•�f;NY•�-T'l '{` _ Parameter,,t Conc. #/#1rMax `/i2,MaxT �.<.lJnits+i wx�. .-:' .�1• Source—;:;h•., <� 1/2 Lowest Observed Effect Level (LOEL): EPA's 1986 Water Quality ALrLionitrile 3.78 m I Criteria Summary EPA's National Recommended WQ Criteria (Nov 2002): CMC (_ Aluminum 0.75 m l 1/2 FAV is total recoverable aluminum. 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Aluminum Sulfate 0.587 m I Wynn). 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Ammonium Sulfate 13.75 m l Wynn). CMC = 1/2 FAV @ pH 7.5 (no salmonid fish). Calculated from App. C in EPA's National Recommended WQ Criteria (Nov 2002). Ammonia, total as Nitrogen For other pHs, see p. 86 of EPA Ammonia Criteria 1999 Update Non -Trout 1919 m I Document EPA-822-R-99-014 . (Expressed in m l of N . CMC = 1/2 FAV @ pH 7.5 (salmonids present). Calculated from App. C in EPA's National Recommended WQ Criteria (Nov 2002). Ammonia, total as Nitrogen For other pHs, see p. 86 of EPA Ammonia Criteria 1999 Update rout 13.3 m I Document EPA-822-R-99-014 . Ex ressed in m I of N . Converted from total Ammonia as N. PH = 7.5 stoic iometric ratio = 17 mg NH3/14 mg N). For other pHs, see p. 86 of EPA Ammonia Ammonia, total Non -Trout 24.2 m I Criteria 1999 Update Document EPA-822-R-99-014 . 1/8%2007 Page 1 Stormwater Benchmark Concentrations - Attachment A Permit: NCSOOOXXX Facility: Name Reviewer: Reviewer Receiving Waters: Name Classification: Clarsifiication Guldance: CMC = Criterion Maximum Concentration FAV = Final Acute Value Benchmarks last updated 1/03/2006 by B. Georgouliw & J. Wynn IClieck for any measurer) values that equal or exceed benchmark concentration. (Check maximum value) Also consider: are any borderline, or otherwise still considered a pollutant of concern (POC)? Use BlY. Most values are for Freshwater. Check criteria for Saltwater and Human Health (Water Supply) when applicable, to see if more stringent values are appropriate. `" � Beiicfirrisrk C?utfali + 11=,=N, i?axameter Conc. #,1 MaOutfall; x 2MOU"nits161041="� # onverte rom total Ammonia as PH = 7.5 stoic iometric ratio = 17 mg NH3/14 mg N). For other pHs, see p. 86 of EPA Ammonia Ammonia, total rout 16.1 m I Criteria 1999 Update Document EPA-822-R-99-014 . Converted from total Ammonia as no sa mon s , pH = 7.5. Winter Temp. assumed to be 14'C. For calculation, see p. 107 of Ammonia, un-ionized NH3 as N EPA Ammonia Criteria 1999 Update Document [EPA-822-R-99-0141. inter, Non -Trout 0.16 m I (Expressed in m I of N). Lonverted trom total Ammonia as no sa mon s . p . Summer Temp. assumed to be 26'C. For calculation, see p. 107 of Ammonia, un-ionized NH3 as N EPA Ammonia Criteria 1999 Update Document [EPA-822-R-99-014]. Summer, Non -Trout 0.38 m l (Expressed in me of N). —T-o-n­v­e—rFeUfrom total Ammonia as sa mon s , pH — 7.5. Winter Temp. assumed to be 14 'C. For calculation, see p. 107 of Ammonia, un-ionized NH3 as N EPA Ammonia Criteria 1999 Update Document [EPA-822-R-99-014]. inter, Trout 0.11 m I (Expressed in m 1 of N). Converted rom total Ammonia as sa mon s , pH = 7.5. Summer Temp. assumed to be 26'C. For calculation, see p. 107 of Ammonia, un-ionized NH3 as N EPA Ammonia Criteria 1999 Update Document [EPA-822-R-99-014]. Summer, Trout 0.25 m i (Expressed in m I of N). 1/8/2007 rage 2 Stormwater Benchmark Concentrations - Attachment A Permit: NCSQ0QXXX Facility: Name Reviewer: Reviewer Receiving Waters: Name Classification: Classification Guidance: CMC = Criterion Maximum Concentration FAV = Final Acute Value Benchmarks last updated 1/03/2006 by B. Georgouiias & J. Wynn I Checkfor any measured values that equal or exceed benchmark concentration. (Check maximum value) Iso consider: are any borderline, or otherwise still considered a pollutant of concerti (POC)? Use BPJ. r ost values are for 1-reshuater. Check criteria for Saltwater and Human Health (Water Supply) when applicable, see if more stringent values are appropriate. i it•''. SJN.431: .i Nd iS 1"It. 4:. �t:: Befie>~tnark<<l. I.-'I.�i�UAIIl '�� ,1: 1:�: OVtfaI i I:n� Ir r i rt! �; : �' I �i parameter'' ;Cone. #,1 Max12N1ax $ts' i try rya Source{� . _ 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Anthracene 0.00493 m I Wynn). Antimony 4.5 m I 1/2 LOEL, EPA's 1986 Water Quality Criteria Summary EPA's National RecommendedQ Criteria(Nov 2002). CMC- 1/2 FAV) is total recoverable arsenic (= total dissolved, in this case). Arsenic 0.34 m l Based on arsenic 111 data. 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Benzene 6.7 m 1 Wynn). Beryllium 0.065 m 1 1/2 LOEL, EPA's 1986 Water Quality Criteria Summary BOD5 (Biological Oxygen Demand, 5-day) 30 m I BPJ, Based on Secondary Treatment Re ulation 40 CFR 133.03 . converted from total dissolved from App. U in s National Recommended WQ Criteria (Nov 2002). Assumed 50 Cadmium (Trout), total mg/I hardness. Lowered from 1999 criterion to protect rainbow recoverable 0.0011 m i trout See EPA-822-R-01.001, Table 3a. 1/2 FAV basedon toxicity without trout and salmon species using GMAVs in EPA's Nov. 2002 Rec. WQ Criteria). Assumed 50 mg/I Cadmium non -Trout 0.014 m I hardness. Feb. 2005, J. Wynn) Chloride 230 m I Action Level AL from 15A NCAC 2B .0200s Chloride S waters 250 1 mELI lWater Supply standard from 15A NCAC 2B .0200s 1/812007 Page 3 Stormwater Benchmark Concentrations - Attachment A Permit: NCS000XXX Facility: Name Reviewer: Reviewer Receiving Waters: Name Classification: Classification Analysis Guidance: CMC = Criterion Maximum Concentration FAV = Final Acute Value Benchmarks last updated 1/03/2006 by 8. Georgoulias & J. Wynn Check for any measured values that equal or exceed benchmark concentration. (Check maximum value) lso consider: are any borderline, or otherwise still considered a pollutant of concern (TIOQ ? Use 13PJ. Most values are for Freshwater. Check criteria for Saltwater and Human Health (lVater Supply) when applicable, to see if more stringent values are a ro riate. eetlthlma'k ` Dutfall, F0utfallF"N't's �,, r# �i#tiMax' 5ource€E, <w i' S , .:�' ,-`#2,-Max 1/2 FAV, converted from total dissolveaCr from App. gin s National Recommended WQ Criteria (Nov 2002). Assumed 50 Chromium, total recoverable 1.022 m I m I hardness. 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Cobalt 0,025 COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) 120 m I BPJ, Generally found at levels 4 x BODS in domestic wastewaters. /2 FAV. converted from total dissolved u from App. B in s National Recommended WQ Criteria (Nov 2002). Assumed 50 Copper*, total recoverable 0.0073 m I m I hardness. Composed mostly of naphthalene, anthracene, and phenol. EPA's Creosote 0.2— m I ECOTOX Database Feb 2005, J. Wynn). 1/2 FAV, based on p-Cresol (4-methyl phenol) form. Derived from Cresole 4.0 m I EPA's ECOTOX Database LJuly 2003, J. Wynn). 1/2 FAV. EPA's National Recommended WQ Criteria (Nov 2002). Cyanide 0.022 m I Expressed as free CN. meth I henol 1.06 m l 1/2 LOEL, EPA's 1486 Water Qualit Criteria Summary ffe Glycol 2500 m l 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database(2004, J. W nn . 1/8/2007 Page 4 Stormwater Benchmark Concentrations - Attachment A Permit: NCSOOOXXX Facility: Name Reviewer: Reviewer Receiving Waters: Name Classification: Classification Analvsls Guidance: CMC = Criterion Maximum Concentration FAV = Final Acute Value Benchmarks last updated 1/03/2006 by B. Georgoulias & J. Wynn Check for any measured values that equal or exceed benchmark concentration. (Check maximum value) lso consider: are any borderline, or- otherwise still considered a pollutant of concern (POC)? Use 13PJ. Most values are for Freshwater. Check criteria for Saltwater and Human Health (Water Supply) when applicable, to see i more stringent values area pro riate. l?araMae terN MSM, 9enchfTiark Conn ' OiatfaIt #.1 Max Outfall N2 Max Units Source Maximum (one -sample) threshold based on Virginia Water Quality Standards. NC Water Quality Standard (for all Class C Waters, based on Human Health) is 200/100 ml geometric mean (of 5 consec. in col. per 30 days): 50/100 ml for unfiltered Water Supplies. Also note, 28 Fecal Coliform 1000 100 ml .0211 specifies that violations "are expected during rainfall events." Back calculated 1/2 FAV from Fresh Water Aquatic Life Standard for Fluoride 18.05 m I C waters in 2B .0211 1.8 m 1 . Feb 2005, J. W nn . 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOXDatabae: (Sept 2005. J Formaldelh de ,0.49• mg/1 Wynn). Confirmation from.0 Brower pending. Hexamine 24,900 m 1 1/2 FAV derived from PAN Pesticides Database Dec 2005, J. Wynpj. EPA's National Recommended WQ Criteria (Nov 2002), CCC = iron* 1.0 m I chronic criteria no acute). Also NC Action Level AL in 2B .0211. 1/2 FAV, converted from total dissolvedfrom App. B in s National Recommended WQ Criteria (Nov 2002). Assumed 50 Lead, total recoverable 0.0338 m l m I hardness. 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Magnesium 32 m I Wynn). Ma nesium Sulfate 1 8 ? m I I No Data. EPA benchmark for certain sector? 1/8/2007 Page 5 Stormwater Benchmark Concentrations - Attachment A Permit: NCSOOOXXX Facility: Name Reviewer: Reviewer Receiving Waters: Name Classiflcation: Classification Analysis Guidance: CMC = Criterion Maximum Concentration FAV = Final Acute Value Benchmarks last updated 1/03/2006 by B. Georgoulias & J. Wynn Check for any measured values that equal or exceed benchmark concentration. (Check maximum value) Also consider: are any borderline, or otherwise still considered a pollutant of concern (POC)? Use BPJ. Most values are for Freshwater. Check criteria far Saltwater and Human Health (Water Supply) when applicable, to see i more stringent values are appropriate. utollI,NNenchmark :' Z:>� Clutfa xfrkxe �;Outfa 2w .� J�• N � {`I '� n � .. Parameter, Cbnc �: 't� ;s#14N1axx'; Max l lniti '' rA.l ! ,d t x Source:!_ r f w�i> „ t° , . ,;112; . �.. , ,1. 3iF , u, ;;n,., + MBAS (Methylene Blue Active Substances) 0.5 m I Fresh Water Aquatic Life Standard for WS-I 2B .0212 Should e belowdetect-- ioaccumu ative and very toxic. 112 FAV not used in WW Permitting (See August 20. 2003 Memo from S. Wilson). CMC here from EPA's National Recommended WQ < 0.0014 m I Criteria (Nov 2002). .Mercury 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Molybdenum 513 m l Wynn). 1/2 Lowest Observed Effect Level (LOEL); EPA's 1986 Water Quality Naphthalene 1.15 m I Criteria Summa 1/2 FAV, converted from t7tal dissolvedNi from App. 8 inEPA's National Recommended WQ Criteria (Nov 2002). Assumed 50 Nickel, total recoverable 0.261 m l m I hardness. National Primary Drinking Water Vegulation in 40 CFR 141.11an Nitrate + Nitrite (NO3+NO2) 10 mg/I 15A NCAC 2B for nitrate (Expressed in mg/I of N). Nitrogen, Total 30 m I TKN + Nitrate + Nitrite Benchmarks (Expressed in rn I of N . Oil and Grease 1 30 1 1 1 m I lUPJ, based on wastewater permit limits. 1/8/2007 Page 6 Stormwater Benchmark Concentrations - Attachment A Permit: NCSOOOXX_X CMC = Criterion Maximum Concentration Facility: Name FAV = Final Acute Value Reviewer: Reviewer Receiving Waters: Name Classification: Clarsirication Benchmarks last updated 1/03/2006 by B. Georgoulias & J. Wynn Analysis Guidance: Check for any measured values that equal or exceed benchmark concentration. (Check maximum value) Also consider.- are any borderline, or otherwise still considered a pollutant of concerti (POC)? Use 131'J. Mast values are for 1-reshwater. Check criteria for Saltwater and Human Health (Water Supply) when applicable, to see i more stringent values are appropriate. ltF.} ia'+11,: -5, .: II•• f ._ l t. :,� 'S. 11 Berichmar ' !'Tr}� Ou;1 GIl Y`ti A ! W6 iFIk+V•kF. I Y i ...r ^.k�`'- e�.5-f'S V. M ! �.. .J", p i4� t '. ttR'C PAC N-n�tl `it" Pararrie#er Conc. " #1 Max,; j x 'ill tI `i Sat 6B'..' C» tk2tMa ir- �+W«, f<_ !4 ..�j .✓. i i,.:�l. 'i:. MC9i�91.. 5 } Kelly JoFnson discusse2l this with Connie grower. I he aquatic lite standard is 0.001 ug/L. The detection limits for Arochlors 1016. 1221. 1232, 1242, 1248, 1254, 1260, and 1262 are 1 ug/L. Because we can not detect at the detection limit, then any detection is considered Polychlorinated Bi hen is PCBs 0 ug/L over the benchmark. 1/2 FAV ® pH 7.8. from EPA's National Recommended WQ Criteria Pentachloro henoi 0,019 m I Nov 2002). H min, max 6-9 su Water Quality Standard Exce t Sw waters can be as low as 4.3 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, 1. Phenol rout 4.5 m I Wynn). 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005. J. Phenol Non -Trout 5.3 m I Wynn . Phosphorous 2 m I BPJ, based on wastewater permit limits for NSW waters. 1/2 FAV based on Selenite (4+) and 1986 Study on Se impacts in NC. [July 1986, Report No. 86-02. NC Water Quality Standard Documentation: The Freshwater Chemistry and Toxicity of Selenium Selenium 0.056 m I With Emphasis on its Effects in North Carolina.(Only inprint)] /2 A , convertefrom total aissolvedg from App, B in s National Recommended WQ Criteria (Nov 2002). Assumed 50 Silver, total recoverable 0.0011 m I m I hardness. 1/8/2007 rage 7 Stormwater Benchmark Concentrations - Attachment A Permit: NCSOOOXXX Facillty: Name Reviewer: Reviewer Receiving Waters: Name Classification: Classification Analvsis Guidance: CMC = Criterion Maximum Concentration FAV = Final Acute Value Benchmarks last updated 1/03/2006 by B. Georgoulias & J. Wynn Check for any measured valises that equal or exceed benchmark concentration. (Check maximum value) Isv consider: are any borderline, or otherwise still considered a pollutant of concern (POC} ? Use 1311J. Most values are furT reshwater. Check criteria for Saltwater and Human Health (Water Supply) when applicable, to see if more stria ent values areappropriate._ l 'I larameter'Cons. BencftrnafMHOM611411 l M�2 Ou�tfa l Max1 Units _ ,'�1 ,, Source. s' �f 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Sodium 865 m I 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Sodium Sulfate 253 m I Wynn). 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. Sulfate 500 m I Wynn . Sulfate S waters 250 mg/1 Water Supply S aquatic life standard from 15A NCAC 28 .02005 BPJ, based on approximate equivalency to secondary treatment of TKN Eotal K'eldahl Nitrogen) 20 mg/1 wastewater. Expressed in m I of N . From NC 26 Tr Std. (0.36 ug/1), based on April 1986 DWQ Internal Report: N.0 Dept, N.R.C.D., Division of Environmental Management. No -effect chronic levels for aquaric roxicity: Organic Toluene rout 0.0018 m ! cam ounds found near Ashland Chemical Site in Ralei h NC. From NC 2B Std. (11 ug/1), based on April 1986 DWQ Internal Report: N.0 Dept. N.R.C.D., Division of Environmental Management. No -effect chronic levels for aquatic toxicity; Organic Toluene Non -Trout 0.055 m I Campounds found near Ashland Chemical Site in Raleigh, NC. ]Turbidity 50 i I ntu INC Aquatic Life Standard 1/8/2007 Page 8 Stormwater Benchmark Concentrations - Attachment A Permit: NCSOOOXXX Facility: Name Reviewer: Reviewer Receiving Waters: Name Classification: Classification Analysis Guidance: CMC = Criterion Maximum Concentration FAV = Final Acute Value Benchmarks last updated 1/03/2006 by B. Georgoulias & J. Wynn Check_ for any measured values that equal or exceed benchmark concentration. (Check maximum value) Also consider: are anv borderline, or otherwise still considered a pollutant of concern (POC)? Use Ql'J. Most values are for Freshwater. Check criteria for Saltwater and Human Health (Water Supply) when applicable, to see if more stringent valuer are appropriate. ;i13ehmark rr Outtalk fCualric.� + F: . 'C '' Sbur& �` i. G `1���w �Units fed Turbidity - Lakes 25 ntu NC A uatic Life Standard, Lakes/Reservoirs Turbidity - Trout 10 ntu NC Aquatic Life Standard. Trout TS5(Total Suspended Solids 100 m I BPJ, EPA Multi -Sector Permit TSS - HQW (except Trout 20 m l TSS effluent limitation for HQW from 213 .0224 TSS effluent limitation for Tr & PNA (Primary Nursery Area) waters, TS5 - Trout waters 10 m I a subset of HQW, from 213 .0224 EPA Drinking Water standard based on Maximum Contaminant Uranium 0.030 MR11 Level MCL for uranium 2000 Radionuclides Reg. revision). 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005. J. X lene 6.7 m I W nn . 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. m-X lene 8 m I Wynn). 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. o-X lene 4.03 m I Wynn). 1/2 FAV derived from EPA's ECOTOX Database (Feb 2005, J. -X lene 4.2 m I Wynn). converted7TOM total dissolved n from App. 9 in s National Recommended WQ Criteria (Nov 2002). Assumed 50 mg/I hardness. Zinc benchmark value for rubber and plastics Zinc`, total recoverable 0.067 m I industry (See EPA Multi -Sector Permit is 0.117 mg1l, 1/8/2007 Page 9 Stormwater Benchmark Concentrations - Attachment A Permit: NCSOOOXXX Facility: Name Reviewer: Reviewer Receiving Waters: Name Classification: ClassilicaL� Analvsis Guidance: CMC = Criterion Maximum Concentration FAV = Final Acute Value Benchmarks last updated 1/03/2006 by B. Georgoulias & J. Wynn Clteck for any measured values that equal or exceed benchmark concentration. (Check maximum value) Also consider: are any borderline, or otherwise still considered a pollutant of concerti (1'UC)? Use131'J. Most values are for Freshwater. Check criteria jar Saltwater and Duman Health (Water Supply) when applicable, to see if more stringent values area ro riate. *Cu.and'Zn��are ubiquitous'and not readlly'bioaccumulative. Also, very few streAiins'In NC are impacted by adverse concentrations of these metals; therefore, m6i itoringis'riot generally recommended unless specifically necessary (e.g.. EPA Multi -Sector permit benchmark for the industry; there; are spetiflc water,qualltyconcerns; or permit writer`feels parameter is significant pollutant of concern at the'site and important for evaluatinE BMPs.) Iron-(Fe)•and?.Manganese (Mn) are also ubiquitous substances that will not generally be monitored. [See April 1994 Memo re: Stormwater Permitaevelopmeht.from C. Suill6s.] Therefore. Industry -specific benchmarks are normally used In lieu of WQ-based values for these .meta is! k stormwater;permits..but reviewers should consider monitoring data above WQ-based benchmarks when related water quality impacts could result. 1/8/2007 page10 NC Division of Water Quality Laboratory Section Results r L^. mac. WRIGHT CORP. MW-6 Loc ID: WQ0003361-MW6 Sample [D. AB02512 County. COLUMBUS PO Number ;# 6GO541 River Basin Report To WIAOAP VsitlD Region: WIRO Date Received: 0312912006 Collector. L BERG Time Received: 08:45 Sample Matrix: GROUNDWATER Labworks LoginlR JWA Loc. Type: MOTORING WELL NI Date Reported: 04126f2006 Sample Depth Collect Date: 03128/2006 Collect Time:: 10:15 alyte Name PQL Result Qualifier Units Approved By VOL Bromobenzene 0.25 Not detected uglL RKELLING n-Propylbenzene 025 Not detected ug1L RKELLING 2-Chlorotoluene 0.25 Not detected ug1L RKELLING 4-Ch[orotoluene 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING 1,3,5-Trimethy[benzene 0.25 Not detected ug1L RKELLING tert-Butyibenzene 0.25 Not detected ug1L RKELLING 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.25 Not detected ug1L RKELLING sec-Butylbenzene 0.25 Not detected uglL RKELLING m-Dich[orobenzene (1,3) 0.25 Not detected ug1L RKELLING p-Dichlorobenzene (1,4) 1.0 Not detected upt RKELLING o-Dichlorobenzene (1,2) 0.25 Not detected ug1L RKELLING p-Isopropyltoluene 0.25 0.43 ug1L RKELLING n-Butylbenzene 0.25 Not detected ug1L RKELLING 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 5.0 Not detected uglL RKELLING 1,2,4-Trich[orobenzene 0.50 Not detected ug1L RKELLING Naphthalene 0.50 21 J2 P ug11- RKELLING Hexachiorobutadiene 0.50 Not detected ugfL RKELLING 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1.0 Not detected ug1L RKELLING 2,3-dihydro-4-methyl-1H-Indene 0.96 N1 uglL RKELLING 2-methyl-Napthalene 1.8 N1 uglL RKELLING 3-methyl-2-Butanone 0.79 N1 uglL RKELLING dimethoxy-Methane 1B N1 uglL RKELLING WET Formaldehyde in liquid 0.5 2.8 mglL CGREEN Sulfate in liquid 5 2 U mgfL CGREEN Total Dissolved Solids in liquid 10 f 881 mgfl. CGREEN RECEIVED rlr � Laboratory Section>> 1623 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699.1623 (919) 733-3908 Page 2 of 2 NC Division of Water Quality Laboratory Section Results Loc. Descr,;." WRIGKT CORP. MW-6 ID: LLU,n W00003361-MW6 Sample ID: AB02612 County, COLUMBUS PO Number # 6GO541 River Basin f VsitlD Report To WIROAP Region: WIRO Date Received: 03129/2006 Collector: L BERG Time Received: 08:45 Sample Matrix: GROUNDWATER Labworks LoginlD JWA Loc. Type: MONITORING WELL Date Reported: 0412612006 Sample Depth Collect Date: 03/28/2006 Collect Time:: 10:15 nalyte Name PQL Result Qualifier Units Approved By LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 0.3 "C JGOODWiN VOL Dichlorodifiuoromethane 1.0 Not detected ug/L RKELLING Chloromethane 0.50 Not detected ug/L RKELLING Vinyl Chloride 0.50 Not detected ug/L RKELLING Bromomethane 0.50 Not detected ug/L RKELLING Chloroethane 0.50 Not detected ug1L RKELLING Trichloroftuoromethane 0.50 Not detected ug1L RKELLING 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.25 Not detected ug1L RKELLING Methylene Chloride 10 Not detected ug1L RKELLING trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING 1,1-Dichloroethane 0,25 Not detected ug1L RKELLING cis-1,2-Dichioroethene 0.25 Not detected ug1L RKELLING Bromochioromethane 0.25 Not detected ug1L RKELLING Chloroform 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING 2,2-Dichloropropane 0,50 Not detected ug/L RKELLING 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING 1,11-Trichloroethane 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING 1,1-Dichloropropene 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING Carbon Tetrachloride 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING Benzene 0.25 Not detected ug1L RKELLING Dibromomethane 1.0 Not detected uglL RKELLING 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.25 Not detected uglL RKELLING Trichloroethene 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING Bromodichloromethane 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.25 Not detected ug1L RKELLING trans-1,3-Dichioropropene 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING 1,1,2-Trichioroethane 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING Toluene 0,25 6.7 ug/L RKELLING 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.50 Not detected ug/L RKELLING Dibromochloromethane 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING (EDB)1,2-Dibromoethane 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING Tetrachloroethene 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING Chlorobenzene 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING Ethylbenzene 0.25 Not detected ug1L RKELLING Bromoform 1.0 Not detected ug/L RKELLING m,p-Xyiene 0.50 Not detected ug1L RKELLING Styrene 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.25 Not detected ug1L RKELLING 1.1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING o-Xylene 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING Isopropylbenzene 0.25 Not detected ug/L RKELLING Laboratory Section>> 1623 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 (919) 733.3908 Page 1 of 2 COIfNTY : QUAD NO: COLUMBUS REiPORTTO : WERO Regimi011ice COLIATTORM : 1, BERG DATI,i lr n06 'I [Mi.': DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Cbemietry Laboralory Report! Ground Water Quality SA&HILEi PRIORIIY ]ROUTINE 11EiMERGEiNCY a CHAIN OP CUSTODY F SAMPIT, TYPES s I'411t110SI?: Owner: W It1GF1'P CORN M W-6 LABORATORY ANALYSIS W31 1310 In COD I li h 340 ni 1. COD LOW 335 m L Culifunn: MI' Pcca1 31616 11(Xlml 4'olifitrm: MFTotal31504 1100ml TOC m l 'FurbiLWY NTU Residue., Suspended 530 m 'E'nlal Suspended solids to I. pit units Alkalinif to till 4.5 m .Ak lLmliniiy to pjj 8.3 m 1. Carbonate m Ricarbtvtale m . Carhon dln%Idc mg1l. Chlaridc 210' m L Chromium: I les 1032 m I. Colnr:'I'me 90 a,u. Cyanide 724) mgfl. COMMENTS .v Location or Sift: Oescription of sampling Point Sampling Method: Remar ,%: X Location or Sift: Oescription of sampling Point Sampling Method: Remar ,%: X Diss. Solids 70300 881 InEL Fluoride 951 m L I lardness: lotal 900 m Ilanlness:(non-carb) 902 m Phenols 32730 Ulyl, .spcei6c Cond. 95 umhoslcm2 X tiull'ate 2U m E. Sulfide 74S In MIIAS nt Oil and Orcase mo. Silica MPA Rerun X fanmldth de 2,9 m 1. NlO as N 610 m 1'KN as N 625 m N4 )2 r NO3 as n 630 MWL P:'l'maf as I' 665 rngtl. 1104 m I_ Nitrate (NO, as N) 620 mgll. Nitrim iNO, as N) W MO. LahNumber A1102512 Dale Received : 3/7912006 €'imc Received 8:45 AM Received By DS Ca 1.� to eased try : ` Sall Pate reported : 4120006 i 0 (42 AB02at2 GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM 0 ( North Department of Fnvuorth Ca and Natural Resources DIVISION OF WAl-ER QUALITY -GROUNDWATER SECTION Location code SAMPLE TYPE SAMPLE PRIORITY n.o 5 County �p _ 9 Water � RoutineLab Number ❑ LJ� w J ❑ Soil Emergency Quad No Serial No. � DateReceiv d Time: Lat. Long. OtherRec'd By. From:Bus ,ouri , Hand Del Chain of Custody Other: Report To: ARO, FRO, MRO, RRO, WaRO, z Data Entry By. Ck: WSRO, Kinston FO, Fed. Trust, Central Off., Other: Date Reported: Shipped by: BusCtZM�4nd Del., Other: Purpose Collector(s)- Date TimeIC16- Baseline, Complain ST, Pesticide Study, Federal Trust, Other: G/Ci6 FIELD ANALYSE Owner Ly r Its CC) r A Ontl] PH 400 Spec. Cond.94 at 25°C Location or Site in Uj Temp,10 °C Odor Description of sampl' g p int Appearance Sampling Method Sample Interval Field Analysis By: Remarks " °lAf OTC.] LABORATORY ANALYSE (Pump✓u) bmu, all romp. arc } Roo 310 rng1L COD High 340 mg(L COD Low 335 mg,'L Coldorm MF Fecal 31616 1looml Coldorm MF Total 31504 /100ml TOC 680 mglL Tuibiddy 76 NFU Residue, Suspended 530 mg1L pH 403 WAS Alkalinity In pH 4 5 410 mg1L Aikahnity to pH 6 3 415 mg)L Carbonate. 445 mg1L Bicarbonate 440 mgIII, Carbon dioxide 405 rnglL Chloride 940 mglL Chromium Her 1032 ugLL color True 80 C(] Cyanide 720 mglt. Lab Comments Diss. Solids 70300 mg1L Fkmnde 951 m91L Hardness Total900 mg1L Hardness (non -carp) 902 mg1L Phenols 32730 ugll Specific Cond 95 Whoslcm Sulfate 945 rnglL Sulfide 745 mglL Oil and Grease mglL NHy as N 610 mg& TKN as N 625 mgrL N07 • NO, as N 630 mg1L P Total as P 665 mg& / Nitrate (NO,as N) 620 mglL Nilyde (NO2 as N) 615 mgl GW-54 REV 7103 For Oissoived Analysis submit f,llered sample ano write'DIS' in vlock Ag-Silver 46566 a iL AI-Aiummum 46557 a 1L As -Arsenic 46551 a lt. rla•Banum 46556 ug1L Ca -Calcium 46552 m91L Cd•Cadmium 46559 uglL Cr-Chromium 46559 ugll- Cu-Copper 46562 a n. Fe -Iron 46563 ug1L Hg-Mercury 71900 a 1L s- 1(-Potassium 46555 MDD L Mg -Magnesium 46554 m !L Mn-Manganese 46565 u LL Na-Sodium 46556 mgLL Ni-Nickel uglL Ph -Lead 46564 OULL se -Selenium uglL Zn-Zinc 46567 u 1L Or anochionne Pesticides Organ ophosphorus Pesticides Nilragen Pesticides Acid Herbicides PCBs _ Semivolaide Organics TPH-Opesel Range Vo}able Or amcs(VOA horde TPH-Gasoline Range TPH•BTEX Gasoline ane t-AB USE ONLY Temperature on arrival (°C} to: NC DENR/DWQ Chemistry Laboratory Sample Anomaly Report (SAR) z Number.. 2-5 ] 2 Sample ID: I ,r a Station Location: M W — (P County: Ca> J Region: ample Type: ,, W ! VOA Priority: Date collected: 3 1 Affected Pararneter(s): Collector: G G v- Date received: _I L� I b Date analyzed: 3 / Z. `r I 6 �% Analytical Area (check one): ❑ WCH ❑ METALS ❑ NUT ❑ MICRO The Mowing anomalies occurred (check all that apply): ❑ Samples ❑ Improper container used ❑ VOA vials with headspace ❑ Sulfide samples with headspare ❑ Samples not received, but listed on fieldsheet ❑ Samples received, but not listed on fieldsheet ❑ Mislabeled as to tests, preservatives, etc. ❑ Holding time expired ❑ Prior to receipt in lab ❑ After receipt in lab ❑ Insufficient quantity for analysis ❑ ,Sample exhibits gross non -homogeneity id San p _ not chemically preserved proper�r �� pH out of range (retard pH):---�1-- ❑ Improper chemical ❑ Residual chlorine present in sample ❑ Color interference ❑ Heavy emulsion formed during extraction ❑ Sample bottle broken in lab - no reportable results ❑ Other (specify): Comments: Corrective Action: 9---VOA ❑ PEST ❑ SVOA ❑ Quality Control ❑ Instrument failure — no reportable results ❑ Analyst error — no reportable results ❑ Surrogates ❑ None added ❑ Recovery outside acceptance limits ❑ Spike recovery ❑ None added ❑ Recovery outside acceptance limits ❑ Failed to meet criteria for precision ❑ Internal standards ❑ Blank contamination ❑ QC data reported outside of controls (i.e. QCS, LCS) ❑ Incorrect procedure used ❑ SOP intentionally modified with QA and Branch Head approval • Invalid instrument calibration ❑ Elevated detection limits due to: ❑ Insufficient sample volume ❑ Samples were rejected by DWQ Lab. Authorized by: Date: 1 I ❑ Accepted and analyzed after notifying the collector or contact person and determining that another sample could not be secured. Samples) on hold until: an3ple reported with qualification. Data qualification code used: 131Other (explain): 7 Notification Required (circle one)? Yes No Person Contacted: Date: Form completed by: jQ p t�L. ci, 14— Date: 3d Chemist Review (initial): BIOCHEM Cl PEST ❑ SVOA El METALS QQ VOA Branch Head Review (initial GK N� v QAlQC Review (initi Logged into database by (initial): QA1FamsU abm%ar3PSAR Jor-'W 1 dbf LAS No. A802512 REPORTED BY AT,% CHECKED BY VA YN/� REVIEWED BY �Li SAMPLE TYPE: WATER ENR/DWQ LABORATORY VOLATILE ANALYTICAL REPORT ANALYTICAL RESULTS SUPERVISOR DATE ENTERED BY DATE 75-71.8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 1.0 U 630-20-8 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroelhane 0.25 74.07.3 Chloromelhane 0.50 U 75-25.2 Bromoform 1.0 75.01-4 Vinyl Chloride 0.50 U 79.34.5 1,1,2,2-Teirachloroethane 0.25 74.83-9 Bromomethane 0.50 U 98-18-4 1,2,3-Tdchloropropane 0.25 75-OD-3 Chloroethane 0.50 U 108-86-1 Bromobenzene 0.25 75.69-4 Trichloroftuoromethane 0.50 U 05-49-8 2-Chlorotoluon8 0.25 75.35.4 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.25 U 106-43.4 4-Chlorotoluene 0.25 75-09.2 Methylene Chloride 10 U 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.25 156-60.5 trans-1,2-101chloroethene 0.25 U 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorabenzene 1.0 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.25 U 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzens 0.25 504-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane 0.50 U 96-12.8 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 5.0 158-59-4 cis- 1,2-Dichloroothen& 0.25 U 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trlchlorobenzene 0,50 67-66-3 Chloroform 0.25 U 87-68-3 Hexachlorabuladiene 0,50 74.97.5 Bromochloromethane 0.25 U 87-61-6 1,2,3-Tdchlorobenzene 1A 71-55.6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.25 U 1634-04-4 Methyl -tent -butyl ether 0.25 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene 0.25 U 71-43-2 Benzene 0.25 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.25 U 108.88.3 Toluene 0,25 6.7 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.25 U 100-41-4 Ethyl benzene 0,25 79-01-6 Trichloroethene 0.25 U 108-38-3 m,p-Xylenes 0.50 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.25 U 9547-6 o-Xylene 0.25 75-274 Bromodichloromethane 0.25 U 100-42.5 Styrene 0.25 74-05.3 Dibromomethana 1.0 U 08.82-8 Isopropylbenzene 0.25 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0,25 U 103.65-1 n-Propylbenzene 0.25 10081-02-6 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.25 U 108.67-8 1,3,5-Tdme1hylbenzane 0.25 79-00.5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.25 U 98-06-6 tart-Butylbenzene 0.25 127-18.4 Tetrachloroethene 0.25 U 95-63-6 1,2.4-Tdmethylbenzene 0.25 142.28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane 0,50 U 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzone 0.25 124-48.1 Dihromochlornmethane 0.25 U 09.87-6 p-isopropyltoluena 0.25 0.43 106.03.4 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.25 U 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene US 108-90.7 Chlorobenzene 0.25 U 91-20-3 Naphthalene 2.5 21 J2, P POL Practicat Quantilatinn Limit- Subject to change due to instrument sensitivity N. Tentatively Identified, not confirmed J- Estimated Value U- Samples analyzed for this compound but not detected X- Sample not analyzed for thle compound N3. Estimated concentration is <PQL and >MDL P' Elevated POL due to matrix interference and/or sample dilution C;�}MMENTS: Laboratory analysis from unpreserved sample, U U U U U u U U U U U U U U U U U U U u U U U U U U U 9 8 3asoline Range Estimated Total Petroteurli HydroMrb6n . 0.20 X Other purgeables detected (up to 10 highest peaks) dimethoxy-Mathane 3-mothyi-2-Butanone 2,3-dihyro-4-methyl-1 H-Indena 2-methyl-Naptha(ene Dotected ug/L 18 NI 0.79 N1 0.96 N1 1 A N1 COUNTY COLUMRIIB lr QUAD NO: RP.PORTTO : WIRO Regional Office COLLECTOR(S) : L RN.RG DATE: 3II3= TIMr_: DIVISION Or WATER QUALITY Chemislry Laborutary Report! (:round Willer Quality S"lil Jt PRIOR ITY E:]ROIPrIN1? �EMEROENCY CHAIN OP CUSTODY B WD SAMPI.I:TYPE PURPOSE:: Owner: WRIGI IAMIRP-Q13A.TIf7I'1 Location or Site: Description of sampling point Sampling Method: Remarks: LABORATORY ANALYSIS ROD 310 m 1. COD I i h 340 MEA. COD Low 335 m . Coliform: Mlr Fecal 31616 Aooml Coliform: M 11 Total 31504 flo0ml TOC m Turbitil ITIV Residue., Sur nded 530 m ll. 'rotal Suspended solids ru Il- dl unils lAlk'alinity l0 pil4.5 m Il. Alkalinit In p1l 8.3 tile. Carbonate ruglL Bicarbonatc m Carton dioxide m Chloride m IL Chromium: Ilex 1032 u Color. True 80 c.u. Cyanide 720 mail. COMMENTS: Diu. Solids 70300 MFJI. Fluoride 95l m Hardliew total 900 m Hardness: (non-carb)902 m Phenols 32730 USA. SpecificCond.95 umhoslcm2 Sulfate m Sulfide 745 m /L MBAS ou Il. Oil and Grease m A. Silica m !1. Bonin Formaldehyde m N113asN610 Mal TKN as N 625 m NO2 4 NO3 as n 630 mpiL P: Total as P 665 mlVL PO4 m Nitraae WO, as Ni 620 mglL Nitrite (NOr at NI 615 mg71- A-Silvcr 46%6 UFJI. AI-Aluminum46557 usn. As -Arsenic 46551 UKIL Us -Barium 4655E U811. Ca -Calcium 46S52 m 1. Cd-Cadium 46559 ugh. Cr-Chromium 46560 a l. Cu-Cnpper t642 ilgil. Pe- Iron 1045 u !I. 1 [ - Memury 71900 a A. K-Potassium 46555 MAIL Mg- Magnesium 927 m 1. Mn-Mangallese 1055 owl. Na. Sodium 929 m . Ni-Nickel ugn. Pb•I.ead46564 u PA, Se -Selenium u ZnZine46567 u Pfl. IAb Numher 5C0703 Dore Received ; :3/24l2005 Time Received 9:50 AM Received By I M W i Weased Ry : P.AS t)ale reported: 4W2005 (h anuchlorinc Peslicides Ormanophoilihorus Pesticides Nitro en Peuicida Acid Herbicides X Sernivolatiles ,rPli-Diesel Ran e Valalile OT anics (VOA holdo) IT HE Gasoline Range TIp11.II7TX Gasoline Rance W0703 wI gL) WRIGIIT CORPORATION — SURFACE WATER SAMPLING REPORT Permit No,:d,44'.Q0003361 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: Victor Robbins Certified Laboratories: Oxford Laboratories, Inc. Lab ID: 75 ANALYTICAL RESULTS SAMPLE LOCATION Date mo/dd/yr Formaldehyde mg/I N113-N mg/I TKN mg/1 NO3-N mg/l NO2-N mg/I Sulfate mg/I Chromium mg/l Copper mg/l Zinc mg/I Lead mg/I Nickel mp/I MS-1 09/23/2004 <6.05 0.55 0.80 <0.10 <0.05 <5 *** *** *** *** *** MS-2 09/23/2004 <0.05 0.33 0.55 0.31 <6.05 <5 *** *** *** *** *** MS-3 09/23/2004 <0,05 0.38 i 0.97 i <Q.IQ 1 <0.05 1 <5 Mail triplicate copies to: NCDENR - Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Nan -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 cERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, i certify this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Company Information `aa /a ZG o � � ;`, _�� Wright Corporation Signature ofT'c i"ee or Designee Date C t i 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910) 655-2263 !;1 Anthonv 1). Smith Reeulatory Affairs Officer Print Name and Title WRIGHT CORPORATION —SURFACE WATER SAMPLING REPORT Permit No,: WQ0003361 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: Phil I3usovne/Victor Robbins Certified Laboratories; Oxford Laboratories, Inc. Lab 1D: 75 ANALYTICAL RESULTS }c i ;LIIY Nr` VI'r'1 �L.r,�L i'• tfY'.i1r11 SAMPLE LOCATION Date mo/dd/yr Formaldehyde mg/I N113-N mg/I TKN mg/l NO3-N mg/l NO2-N mg/l Sulfate rn Chromium mg/l Copper mWl Zinc mg/l Dead mg/I Nickel mg/l MS-1 04/25/2005 <0.10 0.17 0.78 0.17 <0.05 <5 *** *** *** *** *** MS-2 04/25/2005 <0.10 I <0.10 0.68 1 0.14 1 <0.05 5 1*** *** *** *** *** MS-3 04/25/2005 <0.10 I <0.10 0.61 1 0.25 1 <0.05 <5 Mail triplicate copies to: NCDE3NR - Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Non -Discharge CompiiancelEnforcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this ignature, I certify thi r part i accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. c *Signaltul&reof Pe' ittee or Designee Date AnthonyD. Smith Regulatory Affairs Officer Print Name and Title RECEIVED J U N 0 8 CUu� "1=tY ; Company Information Wright Corporation 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC,28456 (910)655-2263 a.- WRIGHTCORPORA,riON —SURFACE WATER SAMPLING REPORT Permit No.: WQ0003361 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: Phil 13usovne/Victor Robbins Certified Laboratories: Oxford laboratories, Inc. Lab ID: 75 ANALYTICAL RESULT'S MAY 0 6 2005 SAMPLE LOCATION Uate tno/dd/yr Formaldehyde malt NII3-N rttg/f TKN tng/l NO3-N InwI NO2-N mg/1 Sulfate mgll Chromium rogll Capper mg/l Zinc mg/I Lead mg/1 Nickel mg/l MS -I 03/15/2005 <0.05 <0.10 0.35 <0.10 <0.05 6 MS-2 03/15/2005 <U5 <0.10 0.70 1 0,15 <0.05 7 1'** *** *** *** •*" MS-3 03/15/2005 <0.05 0.36 1 0.41 J 0.41 1 <0.05 L 7 "** Mail triplicate collies to: NCDFNR - Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforeerttent Unit 16.17 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT I3y this ignature, I certify ill isfeport is accurate and complete to the hest of my knowledge, � ZS S— S ignature of P ttee or Designee [)a e Anthony_I). Smith �^ Regulatory Aflairs Officer Print Name and 'title Company Information Wright Corporation 333 Neils faddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 WRIGHT CORPORATION -- SURFACE WATER SAMPLING REPORT Permit No.: WQ0003361 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: Phil Busovne/Victor Robbins Certified lzboratories: Oxford Laboratories, Inc. ANALVTICAL, RESULTS Lab I D: 75 SAMPLE LOCATION Date mo/dd/ r Formaldehyde mg/l NF13-N mgli TKN m l NO3-N mg/l NO2-N mWl Sulfate mg/l Chromium me Col:per m l Zinc mg/l Lead mg/l Nickel mg/1 MS-1 01/05/2005 <0.05 <0.10 0.50 <0.10 <0.05 6 *** *** *** *** *** MS-2 01/05/2005 <0.05 0,37 0.85 0.18 <0.05 G *+* •++ **+ wrs sww MS-3 01/05/2005 <0.05 —1-0.117 0.64 1 0.51 1 <0.05 1 <5 *++ wrw *sw *ss *ws Mail triplicate copies to: NCDENR - Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CF,RTIFICATION S-VATEMENT By us smature, I certify lh, ep is accurate and coinplete to the best of my knowledge. vl 3t bf Signature of P Itee o esign i ate AnthonyD. Smith RegulatoryRegulatury AtTairs Officer Print Name and Title Company Information Wright Corporation 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 A me i lle J Twn e Zoo � tLo.4f wimi ,coRl'OE2ATiON—SURFACE WATER SAMPLING I11:POl2T 1'ermit No.: WQ0003361 Columbus County. North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: Anthony Sinith/Juanita Hales Certified Laboratories: Oxford Laboratories. Inc. Lab ID: 75 ANALYTICAL RESULTS RECEIVED SEP 1 5 2n04 BY: SAMPLE LOCATION Date moldd/ r Formaldehyde mg/I N113-N mg/I TKN mg/l NO3-N mg/I NO2-N mg/I Sulfate mg/I Chromium mg/I Copper mg/I Dine mg/I Isead mg/l Nickel mg/I MS-1 06/30/2004 0.19 0.55 0.73 <0.10 <0.05 7 *** *** *** *** *** MS-2 06/30/2004 0.37 0,93 1.20 0.46 <t1,05 12 *** *** *** *** *** N S-3 06/30/2004 <0.10 0,44 1 0.42 I <0.10 <0.05 11 *** *** *** *** *** Mail triplicate copies to: NCDENIZ - Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Non -Discharge Contpliance/Diforcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature. I certif this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature of11cm ittee or Designee Date Anthony D. Smith _ — Regulatory Allairs Officer Print Name and 'rifle Coil] puny luform atioil Wright Corporation 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (9 10) 655-2263 RECEIVED SEP 0 7 2004 WATER QUALITY BECTI0 4 Non -Discharge Complianee Ent. WRIG[IT CORPORATION —SURFACE WATERSAMPLING REPORT Permit No.: WQ0003361 Columbus County, North Carolina Personnel Collecting Samples: Victor Robbins Certified Laboratories: Oxford Laboratories, Inc. Lab ID: 75 ANALYTICAL RESULTS SAMPLE: LOCATION Date mo/dd/yr Formaldehyde mg/l NIO-N mg/1 TKN mg/I NO3-N mg/I NO2-N mg/l Sulfate Ing/I Chromium rn Copper mg/1 Tine mg/I Lead rng/I Nickel mg/1 NIS-1 07/30/2004 <0.05 <0.10 0.75 0.13 <0.05 15 MS-2 07/30/2004 <0.05 0.46 0.82 0.23 <0.05 1 8 *** *** **# *** *** MS-3 07/30/2004 1 <0.05 1 0.23 0.68 <0.10 <0.05 <5 *** *** *** *** *** Mail triplicate copies to: NCDENH - Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attn: Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CERTIFICATION STATENI ENT By this signature, I certi t . report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 4 Z O Signatu ' mittee or Designee Date Anthony D. Smith Itegulatory Affairs Officer Print Name and Title Company Information Wright Corporation 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 RECEIVED SPP 0 7 2004 WATER QUAUTY SECTION Non•Dkharge Corfoiara Ent. a Personnel Collecting Samples Certified Laboratories ANALYTICAL RESULTS WIAIGl1'I'COItPORA'I'ION—SURFACE WA'I'EItSANIPL.ING REPORT Permit No.: WQ0003361 Columbus County, North Carolina Anthony Smith/Juanita Hales Oxford laboratories, Inc. Lab 1 D: 75 IS11!.0n0, �r AID SANIPLE LOCATION Date maldd/ r Formaldehyde mW1 N113-N ing/i TKN utg/l NO3-N mW1 NO2-N ntg/I Sulfate mg/l Chromium ntgll Copper mg/I 'Zinc mg/f Lend Ing/I Nickel ntg/1 MS-1 06/30/2004 0.19 <0.10 0.73 <0.10 <0.05 7 *** ++* *** *** +*+ MS-2 06/30/2004 0.37 <0.10 1.20 0.46 <0.05 12 *•* «** *«« «** +«. NIS-3 06/30/2004 <0.10 <0.10 0.42 1 <0.101 <0A5 ll *** ««+ ss« ++« +«* Mail triplicate copies to: NCDENR - Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Attu: Nan -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27t199-1017 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT By this signature, I certi y this rcpott is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature oFPeA1ittde or Designee Date Anthony D._Smith Print Name and Title Regulatory Affairs Officer CFI V Gv A�lG 0 4 Z004 WA�'ERU11ALl 6�0ivc eETA ion-NSOatga Coin pany Information Wright Corporation 333 Neils Eddy Road Riegelwood, NC 28456 (910)655-2263 Telephone Conversation Notes: Date: October 30.2002 Caller: Jack Sherrill Project: Wright Corporation Content of Conversation: Mr. Sherrill called to report that he had inadvertently missed the October sampling event as required by permit for Wright Corporation. They intended to sample in early November, or as soon as possible. Mr. Sherrill stated that the oversight occurred due to the unequal spacing of time between required sampling events contained within the permit. It was explained to Mr. Sherrill that the required months of sampling could be changed if he wished to apply for a change to the permit. He stated that he was not authorized to make that request, but that he would discuss the problem with Anthony Smith. Diane Rossi s:lgwsldianelwri ght2002. not