HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0003902_Residual Annual Report 2018_20190314INITIAL REVIEW Reviewer Williams, Kendall Project Number* WQ0003902 SUBMITTAL DATED: 2/27/2019 Project Contact Information Rease provide inforrration on the person to be contacted by NDB Staff regarding electronic submittal, confirmation of receipt, and other issues. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Name * Lisa Finnerty Email Address* Ifinnerty@synagro.com Project Information Application Type* r New r Renewal r Annual Report Permit Type * r Wastewater Irrigation r Other Wastewater • Closed -Loop Recycle r Single -Family Residence Wastewater Irrigation Is a paper copy of the application being submitted?* r Yes r Nor N/A Permit Number* WQ0003902 Permittee * CITY OF NEWTON Facility Name * CLARK CREEK WWTP Phone Number* 443-489-9086 r Modification (Major or Minor) • Additional Information r Other • High -Rate Infiltration r Reclaimed Water r Residuals r Other Please provide comments/notes on your current submittal below. Please attach all information required or requested for this submittal to be review here. Application Form Engineering Rans, Specifications, Calculations, Etc.) Newton 2018 Annual Report.pdf 16.22MB Upload only 1 RDF docurrent. IVUltiple documents must be corrbined into one RDF file. For nein and modif cation permit applications, the paper copy is required to be submitted to the Di, risiom Be advised, applications will not be considered complete until both the paper and electronic applications. have been received_ The paper copy shall include the follm ging: • Application Farm • All relevant attachments (talcs, soils report, specs, etc_) • 1 full-size engineering plan set • 2 11-17" engineering plan sets • 1 extras set of specifications (in addition to the set of specifications Provided in the attachments) • Fee (if required) This shall be mailed to the following address: By US_ Postal Service- Di,vision of Water Resources- Non -Discharge Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 By Courier, -Special Delivery: Division of Water Resources- Non -Discharge Branch Nathaniel Thornburg- 9th Floor, Office #942M 512 N_ Salisbury St_ Raleigh, NC 27644 For questions or problems contact Tessa Monday at 919.7073660 or Tessa_X%nday(dncdem_gov or Sonia Graves at 919.707.3657 or Sonia Graves(dpcdenr.gov. *140 By checking this box I am acknowledging that I have read the above statement and agree to send these documents as required to one of the address given above. Signature Submission Date 2/27/2019 435 Vlilliarns Court, Suite 100 Baltimore, MD 21220 Nv\vV.r synagro. Coln FEBRUARY 27,20N NCDEQ Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: 2018 Annual Report for Permit No. WQ0003902 Dear NCDEQ: SYNAGRO Synagro is submitting one copy and one electronic copy of the above referenced report on behalf of the City of Newton, NC. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Eric Jones at (828) 695-4345 or Erik Bruce at (336) 703-8681. Sincerely, Derrick Sh.ivar Environmental Compliance Manager Enclosures cc: Eric Jones — City of Newton Erik Bruce, Synagro YOUR PARTNER FORA CLEANER, GREENERWORLD CITY OF NEWTON, NC RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM Permit No. WQ0003902 City of Newton, NC Residuals Land Application Program 2018 Annual Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Certification Form and Annual Operations Summary 2. Annual Residual Sampling Summary Forms, Residuals Analysis, & SAR Calculation Pages 3. Annual Land Application Field Summary Forms 4. TCLP Analysis 5. Pathogen ReductionNector Attraction Reduction 6. Soil pH & Lime Application Records 7. Soil Analyses ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM NQ Permit #: W00003902 County Catawba Year 2018 Facility Name (as shown on permit) City of Newton Clark Crcek W WTP NPDES No. NC0036196 Land Application Operator Syniumi Phone# (336) 998-7150 Land application of residuals as allowed by the above permit occurred during the past calendar year? X YES _NO. If NO, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to Part C. Also, if residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Part A — Residuals Application Summary: Total number of application fields in the permit: 55 Total number of fields utilized for land application during the year: 14 Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: 734.24 Total number of acres utilized for land application during the year: 203.40 Part B —Annual Compliance Statement; Facility was compliant during calendar year 2018 with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality X YES NO. If no, please provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1. Only residuals approved for this peimit were applied to the permitted sites. 2. Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3. Annual soils analysis was performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4. Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5. All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6. The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T, I 105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T.1 105(b) (Applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7. All general requirements as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8. All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T. 1 111 were complied. with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9. All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality, 10. No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. it. Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop managementwas performed on each site receiving residuals, as specified in the permit. 12. No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 13. All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C—Cort ification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. ] am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." James Wentz: Public Works Director Permittee Name and Title (type or print) Signature ofPreparer* Date (if different from Permittee) *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) an d 15A NCAC 02T .1102 (26) DENR FORM ACF (12/2006) 2018 ANNUAL OPERATIONS SUMMARY - LAND APPLICATION IN NC NEWTON, NC NEWTON, NC CLARK CREEK LIME STABILIZED LIQUID DRY METRIC MONTHNEAR AMOUNT UNIT DRY TONS UNIT TONS March 2018 408,000.00 G 131.69 D 119.45 May 2018 660,000.00 G 191.29 D 173.49 July 2018 606,000.00 G 222.13 D 201.47 October 2018 516,000.00 G 189.13 D 171.54 YEARLY TOTAL 2,190,000.00 G 734.24 D 665.95 1 /22/2019 H a H o N 61 rl N r N m M O Nm \ N N N O l9 m v v C \ (0 H m m m r rl N V O M m V a H O T l6 N Zc 'o a v v oma r. v moo O a H\ m O N 9 N a M m M m M d� c m NO. Ol v a o a' m W C N al Ln 0 0 0 00 t� a m mN V V t9 N V ri O a M m N M ri N N rl a \ H a H o �fY O 61 rl N l9 � M l� a \ 1p rl N H Y m� r O O• M I� M c -I N H H S V U W ao N Z ww o O W 6�Z c- U o O M Y rn �i Z Z �U T � G O N Y y o rn E CD Ma m ,p CD 0 C rn-° N rn w E E ` E Q ° y a ° o NONa W L Z ZZ#VZ yaa a•o �-W w Zc yU)LLIC#Jn 3� �o� E r E co C) `O:a N0 zm Rn°00o` O_LLZ EO U �ZQW dOOIL O. U2'Z= M O N \ x $ $ B \ \ \ Waypoint,. 7621 Main 804-743-94010 04-7 Road, Richmond, 27 23237 Main 809-743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com Sample Summary Table Report Number: 18-073-0218 Client Project Description: Newton WWTP Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received Method Lab ID 59186 Newton WWTP Solids 59186 Newton WWTP Solids 59186 Newton WWTP Solids WTN: Waypoint Analytical - TN, Memphis, TN, Certification: #1354 03/09/2018 10:00 03/14/2018 03/09/2018 10:00 03/14/2018 7471A WTN 03/09/2018 10:00 03/14/2018 6010C WTN Page 1 of 4 O p O p 00 O p O � � � N N o � � NN v m v c? � N � � w d v Y F U Z S O N O O 2U'1 U U U U U U U U U U U Z~ ll N N O' t00 (00 (00 O (pO 200 fp0 (OD (00 W 20p �. J O Y U v U) O O O N N N N N N N N N N O O r O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O (h i6 io m ci in bi ui ri ri ri ri ih i7 i+i ai ai .- �'- W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O K c ro oc "QN{FOp •!E� ZYlrotl at`dro yyNV yV '@ wEC0 l0 �0 cD) (1 ZrZro+ aNro3ro0 o o EE ZZ TD m m oo o o c o @ 20 §} kE oeeo§<oc\g \{k �!ƒ !!! 20 §} kE (((((}(a2( oeeo§<oc\g (((((}(a2( b to b abed ❑ ❑ ouja X: Wa V g (n pW Y > WN J gaLU LU Q W C7 Z W 0 Cc ) ¢o W oa yg a UU) �I E� d 0 a C fJ N m a U ai C m ttt Eg � E N A E o d va m � 0 `o � o. 0 0 t � a� d a m� o c m Z� m E N �U Y m � U H j mm w a a � J N Cf) O F, � U � �N O m J) z \� z U d N G o O? wv U w x CL W N W � x � O W � N N Q J ¢ a a Q z U U �Z o` Z O z x z ci U) Ul J ci �F 2 3 Sodium Absorption Ratio Calculation (SAR) Product Code Product Name Sample Date Report Range Ratio 2025-01-LSLIQ-NC NEWTON, NC CLARK CREEK LIME 3/9/2018 1/1/2018-3/3112018 0.1517 STABILIZED LIQUfD Na mg/I = (Na mg/kg x %Solids) + 100 = (718 x 7.7400) + 100 = 55.5732 Ca mg/I = (Ca mg/kg x %Solids)' 100 = (123000 x 7.7400) :100 = 9520.2 Mg mg/I = (mg mg/kg x %Solids) + 100 = (4830 x 7.7400) + 100 = 373.842 Na meq = Na mg/I - Molec.Wgt.Na = 55.5732 + 23 = 2.41623 Ca meq = Ca mg/I _ Molec.Wgt.Ca = 9520.2 = 20 = 476.01 Mg meq = Mg mg/I - Molec.Wgt.Mg = 373.842 + 12 = 31.1535 SAR = Na meq = SgrRoot[0.5 x (Ca meq + Mg meq)] = 2.41623 + SgrRoot[0.5(476.01+31.1535)] = 0.151732 Printed: 1/25/2019 08:29 Page 1 O'�� Y® 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 ��pMain 809-743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com Sample Summary Table Report Number: 18-128-0211 Client Project Description: Newton W WTP Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received Method Lab ID 60584 Newton WWTP Solids OS/04/ZO18 10:00 05/08/2018 60584 Newton WWTP Solids 05/04/2018 10:00 05/08/2018 6010C WTN WTN: Waypoint Analytical - TN, Memphis, TN, Certification: #1354 Page 1 of 5 O p q 0 � o O W W � N N O W I N p O O N In y y : N In X 0 y O IU N N N K � N d d Y U Z r M U p S N O O M U U U U U U U U U U U Z~ 11 N N p' f00 N (00 (00 (00 [OD l00 (00 � (OD (OO V J O U m M M � N ��� N N N O N � N � •�- N � o r m r io io io ` io io io of bi o> O O N O N O O O N o O o O O O co 00 0o m ro m m m m m m m m m o� m O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N �- O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M V O Q) O O N In LL) A N N In X 0 0 0 IU N N �(j O O M c o � Z Z y m Z E m Z Z c m a o o q -o c m p c E o) m fE 2 F a d y U ca U) Q U N Q O Z V O Q) c o � Z Z y m Z E m Z Z c m a o o q -o c m p c E o) m fE 2 F a d y U ca U) Q U N Q O Z � , \ °S°ejee)R k \\ _ /)k \�0z \§(/Q Aki \ !!! o\&> w \\ \ f) #§§§ w / \) \ \ \\ }$ 2 � , °S°ejee)R k \\ /)k \§(/Q Aki \ !!! � , °S°ejee)R k \\ \§(/Q \ \\ w � , k \\ \ \\ \\ \ w / \ \ \\ ) ( - / I-- \ \\ 0 \ \\ ) } / } ] - El 7 - �)\ /\\ \\ W��oint -ANALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 www.waypointanalytical.com Client: Synagro Central LLC/ Newton CASE NARRATIVE Project: Newton WWTP Lab Report Number: 18-128-0211 Date: 5/17/2018 Nitrate +Nitrite Nitrogen Method SM-4500NO3F Sample 60584 (Newton WNffP) Analyte: NO3+NO2-N OC Batch No: E53935/E63893 The MS/NISD recoveries are considered insignificant due to the level of analyte present in the parent sample relative to the spike level .RPD is based on the MS/MSD results and should be evaluated as laboratory duplicates. Metals Analysis Method SW-6010CM Sample 60578 Analyte: AI QC Batch No: L381754 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration >25X the MQL. Dilution test exceeded method limits. Matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: K OC Batch No: L381918 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration >25X the MOL. Dilution test within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: P QC Batch No: L381918 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration >25X the MQL. Dilution test within method limits. No matrix interterence is suspected. Page 4 of 5 1 Z < On ¢ b 4 o O � Z O CD w M d c a CO O 0 � U d d ❑® Oa = n. in cn O>¢ W v'{/ U/ ll Er Q IL Z W C7 � Z F J a Z (q LLJ � Q U cnQ 0 N O M W W Z O � 9 Z 0 U Z O ad Z O 20 QO Z (q J wo Z O NJa Z a� U cnQ S �0 5 abed O a c IV m a U 01 co � E ro 0_ � 'o C G Co o 2 E � o sU 0_ � C O1 N O C Z� m � Y N �U ^mom O N W v a o co U co Z O n Z m U O M 9 9 N N N LA L N OMQ U d S Q c Cl) ¢ Qco O a c IV m a U 01 co � E ro 0_ � 'o C G Co o 2 E � o sU 0_ � C O1 N O C Z� m � Y N �U ^mom O N W v a o co U co Z O Z U M m N -° o >N U OMQ U d S Q Cl) N � W 7 = Q W � N } J a � a Q Z U mz O z o O z Z E N J N W J a Sodium Absorption Ratio Calculation (SAR) Product Code Product Name Sample Date Report Range Ratio 2025-01-LSLIQ-NC NEWTON, NC CLARK CREEK LIME 5/4/2018 4/112018-6/30/2018 0.0956 STABILIZED LIQUID Na mg/I = (Na mg/kg x %Solids) + 100 = (496 x 6.9500) - 100 = 34.472 Ca mg/I = (Ca mg/kg x %Solids) = 100 = (135000 x 6.9500) ' 100 = 9382.5 Mg mg/I = (mg mg/kg x %Solids) + 100 = (3880 x 6.9500) + 100 = 269.66 Na meq = Na mg/I + Molec.Wgt.Na = 34.472 + 23 = 1.49878 Ca meq = Ca mg/I + MolecWgLCa = 9382.5 + 20 = 469.125 Mg meq = Mg mg/I - Molec.Wgt.Mg = 269.66+ 12 = 22.4717 SAR = Na meq = SgrRoot[0.5 x (Ca meq + Mg meq)] = 1.49878 + SgrRoot[0.5(469.125+22.4717)] = 0.0955981 Printed: 1/25/2019 08:30 Page 1 Wa oint � ANALYTICAL 7/27/2018 Synagro Central LLC/ Newton Mary Brewer 284 Boger Road Mocksville, NC, 27028 Ref: Analytical Testing Report Number: 18-200-0202 Project Description: Newton WWTP 7621 W hitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 www.waypointan alytica Isom Dear Mary Brewer: Waypoint Analytical Virginia, Inc. received samples) on 7/19/2D18 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. Sub -contracted testing is noted on the Sample Summary Table if applicable. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters (NELAP and non-NELAP) were pertormed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2012) and NELAC unless otherwise indicated. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, buf not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices ate reported on an as - received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information Sincerely, P.w^ a°c�J• Pauric McGroary Agronomist Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis. Arizona AZ0629 New Jersey VA011 Pennsylvania 68-03109 Virginia 460014 Florida E873087 North Carolina 257 South Carolina 93007 x Page 1 of 8 Wa oint_® �-ANALYTICAL Client: Synagro Central LLC/ Newt Project: Newton WWTP Lab Report Number: 18-200-0202 Date: 7/27/2018 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 °Fax $Q4-271-6446 www.waypointanalyti ca l.com I.NJC Nitrate +Nitrite Nitrogen Method 4500NO3F-2011 Sample 61812 (Newton WWTP) Analyte: NO3+NO2-N OC Batch No: E65215/E65170 The MS/MSD recoveries are considered insignificant due to the level of analyte present in the parent sample relative to the spike level .RPD is based on the MS/MSD results and should be evaluated as laboratory duplicates. ClC Batch No: E65215/E65170 The MS/MSD recoveries are considered insignificant due to the level of analyte present in the parent sample relative to the spike level .RPD is based on the MS/MSD results and should be evaluated as laboratory duplicates. QC Batch No: E65215/E65170 The MS/MSD recoveries are considered insignificant due to the level of analyte present in the parent sample relative to the spike level .RPD is based on the MS/MSD results and should be evaluated as laboratory duplicates. Metals Analysis Method 6010D Sample 61811 Analyte: AI OC Batch No: L392423 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration >25X the MQL. Dilution test within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: As QC Batch No: L392423 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration < 25X the MQL. Post Digestion Spike within method limits. Nc matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Ca QC Batch No: L392423 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration >25X the MOL. Dilution test within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Fe OC Batch No: L392423 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration >25X the MQL. Dilution test within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: K OC Batch No: L392423 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration < 25X the MOL. Post Digestion Spike within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Page 2 of 8 Wa oint Y�NALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 °Fax Soo -271-6446 www.wayp ointan alytica Isom Analyte: Mg QC Batch No: L392423 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration < 25X the MQL. Post Digestion Spike within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Mn QG Batch No: L392423 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration < 25X the MQL. Post Digestion Spike within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Pb QC Batch No: L392423 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration < 25X the MQL. Post Digestion Spike within method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Se QC Batch No; L392423 MS and/or MSD spike recovery failed. Analyte concentration < 25X the MQL. Post Digestion Spike within method limits. No matrix interterence is suspected. Solids Total Mercury Analysis - CVAA Method SW -7471 B Sample 61812 (Newton WWTP) Analyte: Hg QC Batch No: E65181/E65161 MS/MSD Recovery failed, PDS confirmed matrix interference Page3of8 O'M�'u® 7621 Whiiepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 ��pMain 504-743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalyttcal.com Sample Summary Table Report Number: 18-200-0202 Client Project Description: Newton W WTP Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received Method Lab ID 61812 Newton WWTP Solids 07/13/2018 10:00 07/19/2018 61812 Newton WWTP Solids 07/13/201610:00 07/19/2018 6010D WTN WTN: Waypoint Analytical - TN, Memphis, TN, Certifcation: #1354 Page 4 of S O 0 0 o 0 O O rn o O O m 0 0 0 rn 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 m m OJ 0 N m O W 0 N O O W 0 N O � 0 0 O N N N rn r M � N W 0 N N1 N O - n o 0 d d a C a? N � � m y y Y � M O `O 2 N z o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DO � � oo coo coo � coo m coo m � m coo too v � o Y N v U) 0 0 0 0 o 0 rn 0 rn 0 rn o w w w 0 m 0 rn 0 rn 0 rn 0 m, rn 0 o 0 o 0 m in W 0 N W O OJ 0 N m O W 0 N O O W 0 N O W 0 N l(l O W 0 N O 40 0 N (D O OJ 0 N N O OJ 0 N N O N 0 N N N O W 0 N N N O to 0 N In N O CO 0 N (O N O W 0 N N N O W 0 N O N O W 0 N O N O W 0 N N1 N O 0 0 ❑ a a rc � a a a a a� 0 a❑ 0 m m o� � 0 Y � � ~i coi Y � K o a - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c? o� 0 0 0 0 coi o to o 00 �N O 0 rn v 0 o 0 0 o m o o r � o� o coi O �N O O N O r N dam' c m 0 z o z N m E m Z Z m o 0 H�� a a N U� vl - Q2 U N< O Z \ Lo L6 v LU } / ^® / F- 0 } LU $ \ ) ti =¢# \\..G\ «{»,te«,«2fN c) z < U) £ j 2 !)\ 000 ,ze N \ & /{0 !�ƒ U) 0 < �e (\A0 E #!§§ 12 §) }) ! \ Lo L6 v LU } / ^® / F- 0 } LU $ \ ) ti =¢# \\..G\ «{»,te«,«2fN c) z < U) £ j 2 !)\ 000 ,ze N /{0 !�ƒ U) \ Lo L6 v LU } / ^® / F- 0 } LU $ \ ) ti =¢# \\..G\ «{»,te«,«2fN c) z < U) £ j 2 !)\ 000 ,ze N U) < \ Lo L6 v LU } / ^® / F- 0 } LU $ \ ) ti =¢# \\..G\ «{»,te«,«2fN c) z < U) £ j 2 !)\ 000 ,ze N Waypoint ANALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 www.waypaintanalytical.com Cooler Receipt Form Customer Number: 48478 Customer Name: Synagro Central LLC/ Newton Report Number: 18-200-0202 Shipping Method 0 Fed Ex � US Postal � Lab � Other UPS � Client � Courier Thermometer ID: �— Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? � Yes � No Number of coolers received �� Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? � Yes � No � Not Required Custody seals intact on sample bottles? � Yes � No � Not Required .Chain of Custody (COC) present? � Yes � No COC agrees with sample label(s)? � Yes � No COC properly completed � Yes � No Samples in proper containers? � Yes � No Sample containers intact? � Yes � No Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? � Yes � No All samples received within holding time? � Yes � No Cooler temperature in compliance? � Yes � No Cooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. � Yes � No Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Water -Sample containers properly preserved � Yes � No � N/A Water -VOA vials free of headspace � Yes � No � N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs 0 Yes � No � N/A Soil VOA method 5035 –compliance criteria met � Yes � No � N/A High concentration container (48 hr) � Low concentration Encore samplers (48 hr) High concentration pre -weighed (methanol -14 d) � Low conc pre -weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d) Special precautions or instructions included? � Yes � No Comments: Signature: Brandi Watson � Date &Time: /19/2018 12:57:22 Page 7 of 8 _ r C5 � M m O N LLA Qr E d U U ❑❑ oa PC ILN ❑LU = W W N w Q IL C7 � z � J d UQ1 Q ❑ N w u. z O a z O U g �o g abed _E � � M m O N z Qr O U 0 g M � .M U my W 0 0 0 a a ❑❑ oa PC ILN ❑LU = W W N w Q IL C7 � z � J d UQ1 Q ❑ N w u. z O a z O U g �o g abed _E � m O 0 N z O U 0 g 0 my 0 Sl(Yl .w U� my C Ud E 2 a v � L CP a z N w °f ro o a Ll ¢' N N Q d m v U s � � N f/1 N N z z a 4 U U U N m q. a 0 m m Cd E� � E W C td o E EL O 0 z U g my 0 0 > N U� my Ud 2 a CP N w °f a Ll ¢' N N Q J Q n z a 4 U U c R O 0 O liu Z N J N % 9 fl Y 3 z Sodium Absorption Ratio Calculation (SAR) Product Code Product Name Sample Date Report Range Ratio 2025-01-LSLIQ-NC NEWTON, NC CLARK CREEK LIME 7/13/2018 7/112018-1013112018 0.0946 STABILIZED LIQUID Na mg/I = (Na mg/kg x %Solids) = 100 = (504 x 8.7900) + 100 = 44.3016 Ca mg/I = (Ca mg/kg x %Solids) + 100 = (180000 x 8.7900) :100 = 15822 Mg mg/I = (mg mg/kg x %Solids)' 100 = (5190 x 8.7900) + 100 = 456.201 Na meq = Na mg/I + Molec.Wgt.Na = 44.3016 - 23 = 1.92616 Ca meq = Ca mg/I + Molec.Wgt.Ca = 15822 + 20 = 791.1 Mg meq = Mg mg/I + Molec.Wgt.Mg = 456.201 + 12 = 38.0167 SAR = Na meq + SgrRoot[0.5 x (Ca meq + Mg meq)] = 1.92616 + SgrRoot[0.5(791.1+38.0167)] = 0.0946017 Printed: 1/25/2019 08:30 Page 1 K r'+L�I I Waypoint ANALYTICAL 10/22/2018 Synagro Central LLC/ Newton Mary Brewer 284 Boger Road Mocksville, NC, 27028 Ref: Analytical Testing Report Number: 18-284-0201 Project Description: Newton WWTP 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-94010 Fax 804-271-6446 www.waypointanalytica Isom Dear Mary Brewer: Waypoint Analytical Virginia, Inc. received sample(s) on 10/11/2018 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. Sub -contracted testing is noted on the Sample Summary Table if applicable. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters (NELAP and non-NELAP) were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2012) and NELAC unless otherwise indicated. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as - received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Pauric McGroary Agronomist Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis. Arizona AZ0629 New Jersey VA011 Pennsylvania 68-03109 Virginia 460014 Florida E871087 Nort h Carolina 257 South Carolina 93007 Page 1 of 6 W��oint,.® -ANALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 www.way points na lytics Isom Sample Summary Table Report Numher: 18-284-0201 Client Project Description: Newton WWTP Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received Method Lab ID 63120 Newton WWTP Solids 10/05/201809:00 10/11/2018 63120 Newton WWTP Solids 10/05/201809:00 10/11/2018 SM -25406 WTN 63120 Newton WWTP Solids 10/05/2018 09:00 10/11/2018 SW -7471B WTN 63120 Newton WWTP Solids 10/05/2018 09:00 10/11/2018 SM-4500-NH3C-TKN WTN 63120 Newton WWTP Solids 10/05/2018 09:00 10/11/2018 4500NO3F-2011 WfN 63120 Newton WWTP Solids 10/05/2018 09:00 10/11/2018 6010D WTN 63120 Newton WWTP Solids 10/05/2018 09:00 10/11/2018 SM-4500-NH3C WTN 63120 Newton WWTP Solids 10/05/2018 09:00 10/11/Z018 9045D WTN 63120 Newton WWTP Solids 10/05/2018 09:00 10/11/2018 ADAC 955.01 WTN WTN: Waypoint Analytical - TN, Memphis, TN, Certification: #1354 Page 2 of 6 0 C O r r m V r 0 O O r O r o O M m O @ O � � W Z W p N U CO O N 0 o Ql O N 0 W O N 0 J OD O N 0 N DJ O N 0 O r OJ O N 0 d0 O N 0 W O N 0 N W O N 0 p m 0 U N r G m O Z V cl� Y O O O ca N d a @ U @ V O N z a O O C 6 O m � a y 0 O O r r m V r r O O r O r o O M m O O � � W N N N CO O N 0 OD O N 0 Ql O N 0 W O N 0 W O N 0 OD O N 0 N DJ O N 0 N r OJ O N 0 d0 O N 0 W O N 0 W O N 0 W O N 0 0 0 0 m m m Y N d ❑ ❑ ❑ z F U Z 2 O N O O M ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Z ~ lL n m N U (n y m U U U y Y Y Y U Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N O r r r m V r r r O r r r o O M CO O N 0 OD O N 0 Ql O N 0 W O N 0 W O N 0 OD O N 0 W O N 0 DJ O N 0 OD O N 0 OJ O N 0 OJ O N 0 d0 O N 0 W O N 0 W O N 0 W O N 0 O� O N 0 OJ O N 0 y m U U U y Y Y Y U Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N c N m O Z O Z y E z v -@0 2 E_ E @ Z Z m E c m `@ o c d m N m o w '" coy a m o c E m "nl U 2 (n Q U N G O Z O 7 N N O m O m m c N m O Z O Z y E z v -@0 2 E_ E @ Z Z m E c m `@ o c d m N m o w '" coy a m o c E m "nl U 2 (n Q U N G O Z � \§§§§}f(\§ }\\7v)v §cqqL6 )\) /)0 ,==:§U) !ki LU � \§§§§}f(\§ }\\7v)v §cqqL6 ,==:§U) LU < � \§§§§}f(\§ }\\7v)v §cqqL6 � }\\7v)v §cqqL6 � }\\7v)v � LU kB E §_ # 2\| \\))!llsjo ; � Waypoint..® 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main R04-743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalyricai.com Cooler Receipt Form Customer Number: 46476 Customer Name: Synagro Central LLCI Newton Report Number: 18-284-0201 Shipping Method Q Fed Ex Q US Postal Q Lab Q Other : �— UPS Q Client Q Courier Thermometer ID: �— Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? r�--Ye-s Q No Number of coolers received I Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Q Yes (� No � Not Required Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Q Yes Q No � Not Required Chain of Custody (COC) present? � Yes Q No COC agrees with sample label(s)? � Yes Q No GOC properly completed � Yes Q No Samples in proper containers � Yes Q No _ Sample containers intact? � Yes Q No Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? � Yes Q No All samples received within holding time? � Yes Q No Cooler temperature in compliance? � Yes Q No Cooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. � Yes Q No Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Water -Sample containers properly preserved Q Yes Q No � N/A Water -VOA vials free of headspace Q Yes Q No � N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs Q Yes Q No � N/A Soil VOA method 5035 –compliance criteria met Q Yes Q No � N/A High concentration container (48 hr) � Low concentration Encore samplers (48 hr) High concentration pre -weighed (methanol -14 d) � Low cont pre -weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d) Special precautions or instructions included? Q Yes � No Comments: Signature: Brandi Watson � Date &Time: 10/11/2018 13:20:28 Page 5 of 6 U ❑ O of LLI °a z r � amx Q m m U Z 2 D � v y W N U ❑ O of LLI °a z amx m m U o> y W N W h W W W w Q IL g �o g abed F� c V T z z z m m U W N 43 F� c V a z z z U W N Un Uc v x a U 0 W m x � O W N a } a z a a z U n o O z a z J N L N nn IY —p U) a Sodium Absorption Ratio Calculation (SAR) Product Code Product Name Sample Date Report Range Ratio 2025-01-LSLIQ-NC NEWTON, NC CLARK CREEK LIME 10/5/2018 / / - / / 0.1062 + 100 STABILIZED LIQUID Mg mg/I Na mg/I = (Na mg/kg x %Solids) + 100 = (515 x 9.9800) = 100 = 51.397 Ca mg/I = (Ca mg/kg x %Solids) + 100 = (162000 x 9.9800) + 100 = 16167.6 Mg mg/I = (mg mg/kg x % Solids) + 100 = (5450 x 9.9800) + 100 = 543.91 Na meq = Na mg/I + Molec.Wgt.Na = 51.397 + 23 = 2.23465 Ca meq = Ca mg/I + Molec.Wgt.Ca = 16167.6 + 20 = 808.38 Mg meq = Mg mg/I + Molec.Wgt.Mg = 543.91 + 12 = 45.3258 SAR = Na meq + SgrRoot[0.5 x (Ca meq + Mg meq)] = 2.23465 _ SgrRoot[0.5(808.38+45.3258)] = 0.108161 Printed: 1/25/2019 08:30 Page 1 oint � W�y-ANALYTICAL 1 /4/2019 Synagro Central LLC/ Newton Mary Brewer 284 Boger Road Mocksville, NC, 27028 Ref: Analytical Testing Report Number: 18-361-0206 Project Description: Newton WWTP 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 www.waypointanalytical.com Dear Mary Brewer: Waypoint Analytical Virginia, Inc. received samples) an 12/27/2018 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. Sub -contracted testing is noted on the Sample Summary Table if applicable. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures pertormed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters (NELAP and non-NELAP) were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2012) and. NELAC unless otherwise indicated. Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of fhe charges paid for performance of said analysis. Arizona AZ0629 New Jersey VA011 Pennsylvania 68-03109 Virginia 460014 Florida E871087 North Carolina 257 6ouCh Carolina 93007 Page 1 of 9 W���oint..� NALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 www.waypointan alytical.com Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, tiut not always, any feld parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliande- The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as - received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, P.�w.,- Pauric McGroary Agronomist Laboratory's liability in any claim relating fo analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis. Arizona AZ0629 New Jersey VA011 Pennsylvania 68-03109 Virginia 460014 Florida E871087 North Carolina 257 South Carolina 93007 "•= Page 2 of 9 oint® W��-ANALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-T43-9401 ° Faz 804-271-6446 www.waypointanatytical.com Client: Synagro Central LLC/ Newton CASE NARRATIVE Project: Newton WWTP Lab Report Number: 18-361-0206 Date: 1/4/2019 Metals Analysis Method 6010D Sample 64200 Analyte: Aluminum QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range due to the analyte concentration being greater than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL). A dilution test was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Arsenic QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range. Due to the analyte concentration being less than 25 times the method. quantitation limit (MQL) a post digestion spike was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Calcium QC Batch No: L415419 MS/MSD Recovery failed, DT confirmed matrix interference Analyte: Iron QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range due to the analyte concentration being greater than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL}. A dilution test was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Potassium QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range. Due to the analyte concentration being less than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL) a post digestion spike was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Magnesium QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range due to the analyte concentration being greater than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL). A dilution test was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Manganese QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range due to the analyte concentration being greater than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL). A dilution test was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interterence is suspected. Analyte: Lead QC Batch No:L415419 Page 3 of 9 Wa oint�® Y�NALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 www.waypointanatyti cal.com The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range. Due to the analyte concentration being less than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL) a post digestion spike was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Sulfur QG Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range due to the analyte concentration being greater than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL). A dilution test was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Selenium QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range. Due to the analyte concentration being less than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL) a post digestion spike was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Zinc QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range. Due to the analyte concentration being less than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL) a post digestion spike was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Page 4 of 9 W`,„ � 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 a V NO' nt,� Main 804-743-9401 °Pax 804-271-6446 ���i11 A[VVALYTICAL www•waypointanalytical.com Sample Summary Table Report Number: 18-361-0206 Client Project Description: Newton WWTP Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received Method Lab ID 64186 Newton WWTP Solids 12/17/2018 09:00 6010D 12/27/2018 64186 Newton WWTP Solids 12/17/2018 09:00 12/27/2018 64186 Newton WWTP Solids 12/17/2018 09:00 12/27/2018 64186 Newton WWTP Solids 12/17/2018 09:00 12/27/2018 64186 Newton WWTP Solids 12/17/2018 09:00 12/27/2018 64186 Newton WWTP Solids 12/17/2018 09:00 12/27/2018 64186 Newton WWTP Solids 12/17/201809:00 12/27/2018 64186 Newton WWTP Solids 12/17/2018 09:00 12/27/2018 WTN: Waypoint Analytical - TN, Memphis, TN, Certifcation: #1354 Page 5 of 9 SM-4500-NH3C WTN 9046D WTN 4600NO3F-2011 WTN 6010D WTN SW -7471B WTN SM-4500-NH3C-TKN WTN SM -25406 WTN Y F U Z 2 U N _ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Q ❑ Z Q lL � � oo m o coo m coo coo coo coo coo m � q � Zo U U m Q U) U (O c0 O t0 CO c0 O (o (D (O (O (O (O fo O O N O O O t0 t0 to r�� N N t(J � Ln O O N i[j i0 M t•l c+J M ill M M C') M M M M� m (V a0 W O O m O) O W m m O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N r O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O y X m U U U Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y X N 0 NW W N! O3 N W M c N O m Z z o L N z E E m m Z z N E 'E @ m o m w '� m -o c m p c E rn m CL m U) U � Q U N Q O z p O Y m Y E Y o a � � � r �❑ 0 ri ri ri ri ri c ri � Z 0 N 0 0 0^ j o 0 0 co 0 ro J co co � O rn co N @ p m « o U M r 0 0 o Z 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N o d m > O 0 m O O O 0 O O O O O 7 Z ~ C E D 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 � a N p O Y m Y E Y o a � � � r �❑ 0 ri ri ri ri ri c ri � M 0 N 0 0 0^ j o 0 0 co 0 ro m co co � �o rn co @ N « o p O Y N Y E Y Y Y Y Y o��oo�o ri ri ri ri ri c ri � M N N N N N j N O N E E @ N « o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p O Y N Y E Y Y Y Y Y o��oo�o Y Y Y Y N N M 6 p p O N O E o��oo�o N N M 6 p Lo U j p O N O E E c U j d E E @ N « o U U Z Q M o- o W`, � 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 a V �O' ntj,,, Main 804-743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 ♦♦♦ ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalyrical.com Cooler Receipt Form Customer Number: 46476 Customer Name: Synagro Central LLCI Newton Report Number: 18-361-0206 Shipping Method O Fed Ex O US Postal O Lab O Other : �-- UPS (J Client O Courier Thermometer ID: �— Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? � Yes O No Number of coolers received � � Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? O Yes O No � Not Required Custody seals intact on sample battles? O Yes O No � Not Required Chain of Custody (COC) present? � Yes O No COC agrees with sample label(s)? � Yes O No COC properly completed � Yes O No Samples in proper containers? � Yes O No Sample containers intact? � Yes O No Sufficient sample volume far indicated test(s)? � Yes O No All samples received within holding time? O Yes � No Cooler temperature in compliance? � Yes O No Cooler/Samples arrived at the laboratory on ice. � Yes O No Samples were considered acceptable as coaling process had begun. Water -Sample containers properly preserved O Yes O No � WA Water -VOA vials free of headspace O Yes O No � N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs O Yes O No � N/A Soil VOA method 5035 –compliance criteria met O Yes O No � N/A High concentration container (48 hr) O Low concentration Encore samplers (48 hr) High concentration pre -weighed (methanol -14 d) � Low conc pre -weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d) Special precautions or instructions included? O Yes � No Comments: Signature: Brandi Watson � Date &Time: 12/27/2018 15:16:29 Page 8 of 9 ® N! m � m� ®� �n F d m y ��� aro° ��5� cy ® FN 2 0 ��� tea° � U U1 O � U � � 4 0 ,r.. ��r� � � ,��, a R1 b O � y __ o � � a � � m3 m �� U �U� `z ,.� J r Ro�� U Q I �1 � Q N ® i __ Jhy1 �� S � ❑o Oa x w� � N ❑. ❑j Off, xW h N g � a, WII � � ZF J ❑. n Q 0 W LL Z OQ 7C Z o. U'.. W J W a �; a��' N, Z® a¢ N J y3 .Y Y Q Q D a ami a?i m �U � �U � � C N � N N � o N � ❑ � �� O 3 x z w _- Q r E z • M U . m w -Wi ❑o Oa x w� � N ❑. ❑j Off, xW h N g � a, WII � � ZF J ❑. n Q 0 W LL Z OQ 7C Z o. U'.. W J W a �; a��' N, Z® a¢ N J y3 .Y Y Q Q D a ami a?i m �U � �U � � C N � N N � o N � ❑ � �� O 3 x z w O Q r E z .M.9 M U . m w -Wi o � a i ❑o Oa x w� � N ❑. ❑j Off, xW h N g � a, WII � � ZF J ❑. n Q 0 W LL Z OQ 7C Z o. U'.. W J W a �; a��' N, Z® a¢ N J y3 .Y Y Q Q D a ami a?i m �U � �U � � C N � N N � o N � ❑ � �� O 3 z 0 z �v E m w •� v � a a o� >� U� m Q Ud N l=l1 N a N O V O' N � W � _ a Q Q � Page 9 of 9 O a N 0 a a m �O Jk 2` z o_ ~ LL U z J Q U W c N Q U m m �� J E N � ctl C O 3 a a � c 0 N — 2 E r ti a o � a E N N o � Z � L E -tea _� U U ttl �U �w _� �� N d � J �� N O � U � m F� m �� N� z 0 z U m w •� v o� >� U� m Q Ud i a N N � W � _ a w w Q Y J Q L � a Z U U o� O Z Z J � W ^^ lT a® � 3 `� �, 3 c N Q U m m �� J E N � ctl C O 3 a a � c 0 N — 2 E r ti a o � a E N N o � Z � L E -tea _� U U ttl �U �w _� �� N d � J �� N O � U � m F� m �� N� Sodium Absorption Ratio Calculation (SAR) Product Code Product Name Sample Date Report Range Ratio 2025-01-LSLIQ-NC NEWTON, NC CLARK CREEK LIME 12117/2018 / / - / / 0.1461 STABILIZED LIQUID Na mg/I = (Na mglkg x %Solids) + 100 = (520 x 8.8000) :100 = 45.76 Ca mg/I = (Ca mg/kg x %Solids) = 100 = (75300 x 8.8000) + 100 = 6626.4 Mg mg/I = (mg mg/kg x %Solids) + 100 = (5370 x 8.8000) + 100 = 472.56 Na meq = Na mg/I + Molec.Wgt.Na = 45.76 = 23 = 1.98957 Ca meq = Ca mg/I - Molec.Wgt.Ca = 6626.4 = 20 = 331.32 Mg meq = Mg mg/I + Molec.Wgt.Mg = 472.56 * 12 = 39.38 SAR = Na meq - SgrRoot[0.5 x (Ca meq + Mg meq)] = 1.98957 = SgrRoot[0.5(331.32+39.38)] = 0.146138 Printed: 1 /25/2019 08:30 Page 1 W�yoint ANALYTICAL 1 /4/2019 Synagro Central LLC/ Newton Mary Brewer 284 Boger Road Mocksville, NC, 27028 Ref: Analytical Testing Report Number: 18-361-0207 Project Description: Newton WWTP 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 www.waypointan al ytical.com Dear Mary Brewer: Waypoint Analytical Virginia, Inc. received samples) on 12/27!2018 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. Sub -contracted testing is noted on the Sample Summary Table if applicable. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters (NELAP and non-NELAP) were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA (including 40 CFR 136 Method Update Rule May 2012) and NELAC unless otherwise indicated. Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis: Arizona AZ0629 New Jersey VA011 Pennsylvania 68-03109 Virginia 460014 Florida E871087 North Carolina 257 South Carolina 93007 Page 1 of 9 oint,� W���NALYT�CAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 www.waypointanalyti cal.com Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...) are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always, any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as - received basis unless otherwise indicated. This report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Pn^' P`- Pauric McGroary Agronomist Laboratory's liability in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to, at laboratory's option, repeating fhe analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis. Arizona AZ0629 New Jersey VA031 Florida E871087 Nonh Carolina 267 Pennsylvania 68-03109 Virginia 460014 South Carolina 93007 Page 2 of 9 Wa oint:® � ANALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 www.waypointanalytica l.com Client: Synagro Central LLC/ Newton CASE NARRATIVE Project: Newton WWiP Lab Report Number: 16-361-0207 Date: 1 /4/2019 Metals Analysis Method 6010D Sample 64200 Analyte: Aluminum QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range due to the analyte concentration being greater than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL). A dilution test was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Arsenic QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range. Due to the. analyte concentration being less than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL) a post digestion spike was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Calcium QC Batch No: L415419 MS/MSD Recovery failed, DT confirmed matrix interference Analyte: Iron QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range due to the analyte concentration being greater than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL). A dilution test was pertormed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Potassium QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range. Due to the analyte concentration being less than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL) a post digestion spike was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interterence is suspected. Analyte: Magnesium QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/orthe matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range due to the analyte concentration being greater than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL). A dilution test was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Manganese QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range due to the analyte concentration being greater than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL). A dilution test was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interterence is suspected. Analyte: Lead DC Batch No: L415419 Page 3 of 9 Wa oint Y -ANALYTICAL 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 Main 804-743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 www.waypointanalytica l.com The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range. Due to the analyte concentration being less than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL) a post digestion spike was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Sulfur QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range due to the analyte concentration being greater than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL). A dilution test was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interference is suspected. Analyte: Selenium QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was cut of the acceptable recovery range. Due to the analyte concentration being less than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL) a post digestion spike was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interterence is suspected. Analyte: Zinc QC Batch No: L415419 The matrix spike (MS) and/or the matrix spike duplicate (MSD) was out of the acceptable recovery range. Due to the analyte concentration being less than 25 times the method quantitation limit (MQL) a post digestion spike was performed and the recovery was within the method limits. No matrix interterence is suspected. Page 4 of 9 O'� `Y® 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 ��p` Main 804-743-9401 °Fax 804-271-6446 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com Sample Summary Table Report Number: 18-361-0207 Client Project Description: Newton WWTP Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received Method Lab ID 64187 64187 64187 64187 64187 64187 64187 64187 Newton WWTP Newton WWTP Newton WWTP Newton WWTP Newton WWTP Newton WWTP Newton WWTP Newton WWTP Solids Solids Solids Solids Solids Solids Solids Solids WTN: Waypoint Analytical - TN, Memphis, TN, Certifcation: #1354 12/19/2018 09:00 12/27/2018 12/19/2018 09:00 12/27/2018 12/19/2018 09:00 12/27/2018 12/19/2018 09:00 12/27/2018 12/19/2018 09:00 12/27/2018 12/19/2018 09:00 12/27/2018 12/19/2018 09:00 12/27/2018 12/19/2018 09:00 12/27/2018 Paye 5 of 9 SM-4500-NH3C WTN 9046D WTN 4600NO3F-2011 WTN 6010D WTN SW -74718 WTN SM-4500-NH3C-TKN WTN SM -2640G WTN Z U z N N Z O 7 O O C O O O O O O O O O O� O O N 1(j ca 0 N N in m 0 N N ar M m 0 N O O m 0 m 0 N O O 0 m 0 N O O ,0 m 0 N O O 0 m 0 N O r O 0 m 0 N O O Z 0 m 0 N O O 0 m 0 N O O � o m m 0 N O r O U (V m 0 N O r O o O J N m o o N a o cn�N� � 2 z c r r � a 0 o c m a N Z U z N N Z O 7 O 0 a Y Y Y Y Y Y YY y Y Y m U U U Y Y Y2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N O O O O O O O O O O O O� O O N 1(j ca 0 N N in m 0 N N ar M m 0 N O O 0 m 0 N O O 0 m 0 N O O 0 m 0 N O O ,0 m 0 N O O 0 m 0 N O r O 0 m 0 N O O 0 m 0 N O r O 0 m 0 N O O 0 m 0 N O O 0 m 0 N O O 0 m 0 N O O m m 0 N O r O m m 0 N O O (V m 0 N O r O 0 a Y Y Y Y Y Y YY y Y Y m U U U Y Y Y2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N O O O O O O O O O O O O� O N O t(Ot0� O O O O O O o p o N c m m 0 z o Z w? = N m Z 0 2 E E m m z Z i23 n U 1n 2 Q U iv Q O Z J C� _s:r: W (V m Y� cn o 0 0 0 0 o m o v Y Y Y Y Y F' Y c Y O O O O O ^ O O O m m m m rn m m m m � coo coo coo coo � coo coo (A W (V o Y� cn o 0 0 0 0 o m o v Y Y Y Y Y F' Y c Y O O O O O O O O m m m m rn m m m m y W (V m Y� E X Y Y Y Y Y F' Y c Y W (V m E tV c „u, W (V E c „u, E o 'o E m. E y Wa �®' �} ® 7621 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237 ` Main 804-743-9901 °Fax 804-271-6446 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com Cooler Receipt Farm Customer Number: 46476 Customer Name: Synagro Central LLCI Newton Report Number: 18361-0207 Shipping Method (� Fed Ex � US Postal � Lab 0 Other : �— UPS � Client � Courier Thermometer ID: �— Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? � Yes � No Number of coolers received � � Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? � Yes � Nc � Not Required Custody seals intact on sample bottles? O Yes a No � Not Required Chain of Custody (GOC) present? � Yes � No COC agrees with sample label(s)? � Yes � No COC properly completed � Yes � No Samples in proper containers? � Yes � No Sample containers intact? � Yes � No Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? � Yes � No All samples received within holding time? 0 Yes � No Cooler temperature in compliance? � Yes � No Cooler/Samples. arrived at the laboratory on ice. � Yes � No Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Water -Sample containers properly preserved � Yes � No � N/A Water -VOA vials free of headspace � Yes Q No � N/A Trip Blanks received with VOAs O Yes � No � N/A Soil VOA method 5035 –compliance criteria met � Yes � No � N/A High concentration container (48 hr) � Law concentration Encore samplers (48 hr) High concentration pre -weighed (methanol -14 d) � Low conc pre -weighed vials (Sod Bis -14 d) Special precautions or instructions.. included? � Yes � No Comments: � Signature: Brandi Watson � Date &Time: 12/27/2018 15:17:40 Page 8 of 9 » �■ q\ � L o» j\ 8» � k)§ \| §k +f � § 2� (( 08 \\$ �� �k ) _� I# §m � (\ � � �\ = 2k � 2/ \: �` _� * {S \�§ / �- G -! , � ��{ §}/ � e _ \j §� � m.:) ! `§ �� {>G � u §�{� ~�`r ®§�+ � «w�G l u �` O �{ � � ° . /� � �k i ba 4 Q kS. . $ �\. o � � `� � � � §� � 2 / � B] ) ® � ^ o � �� u z § § .� \ ( e § 2k A G E i § k / � g /§ .�■ P «�)m® n%.§3 & ( � \ � /�.. ` � . / \ ) o e \ \ } / � _ . =.w � ! ƒ m ) n� } � , � B ! � ;a � k � ; � § £.. �� e # � ., \ � ! � q 2 � # � a � « � / � . � . \ � \ � � Q u $ )� � a \ Sodium Absorption Ratio Calculation (SAR) Product Code Product Name Sample Date Report Range Ratio 2025-01-LSLIQ-NC NEWTON, NC CLARK CREEK LIME 12/19/2018 / / - / / 0.0815 STABILIZED LIQUID Na mg/I = (Na mg/kg x %Solids) + 100 = (385 x 8.5800) + 100 = 33.033 Ca mg/I = (Ca mg/kg x %Solids) _ 100 = (136000 x 8.5800) _ 100 = 11668.8 Mg mg/I = (mg mg/kg x %Solids) _ 100 = (5170 x 8.5800) + 100 = 443.586 Na meq = Na mg/I _ Molec.Wgt.Na = 33.033 + 23 = 1.43622 Ca meq = Ca mg/I _ Molec.Wgt.Ca = 11668.8 + 20 = 583.44 Mg meq = Mg mg/I = Molec.Wgt.Mg = 443.586 : 12 = 36.9655 SAR = Na meq _ SgrRoot[0.5 x (Ca meq + Mg meq)] = 1.43622 - SgrRoot[0.5(583.44+36.9655)] = 0.081545 Printed: 1/25/2019 08:30 Page 1 SECTION 3 i o F � 0 a e u x U U z oQ a � F � wg O r� U Q Q 3 ^ o F � 0 M e u x U U z oQ U � F � wg O r� U Q 3 U z9.z Q z a c. o o� a � V zz � F w ^ � o o w b a U U 0.ry N N y V wx o So. 3 z a Y a w O � ° U o U U az z z ^ o 0 M e x z ^ U � F � I O r� U Q 3 U U Q z o a � V O � w c o w b a U U ee a a w O � ^ o 0 M x z ^ U � F � b O r� U Q 3 U o c b a " ee a a � ° U m v U a z N N N ^ o 0 M x z ^ U � F � b O r� U Q 3 U o c a " ee a ^ o 0 M x z ^ U � F � b O r� U Q 3 U o c a " a U M z z U F � b O r� U Q 3 U o M z z F � O r� FE Q 3 U M z a Q c a " a a � ° U m v U a z a za z n U U U q z � U a a ILIIeke 0 0.61 N U U ' U o Q � U a ILIIeke 0 0.61 N U U ' U o �F W Q z a o w o 0 o � C N Z U .z O W z�z o h N G G U � w � � U a ILIIeke 0 0.61 N U U ' o �F W � U � o 0 � C N .z W o o N G G �z a F F � � G + N N o e , o _off* o is N - 0.N N N to V Sa`ax o z b3 0 LUQ b� a U U z� z N o 72 V � sOR � C 3 F � Qo ti � � U a ILIIeke 0 N U ' o �F � U � o 0 W o o N a N o e , o o is - N � U a ILIIeke 0 N U ' o �F � U � o 0 W o o N � U a 0 N U ' o �F � U � o 0 W o o N � U a 0 N U ' o �F � U � o 0 a ' o �F � U M O N�1 a t (.✓ N W W1 Q o ocyz w w w h �30 v u v € [a O O N�1 t (.✓ N W W1 kj o ocyz w w w h �30 v u v € O Q U w F z n.wo m t Q d W w w w h v u v € N U O F z U w w w a Z w p F 8 �i z w x o u Iz w C y U v F U Q 3 G w O rn < m Q d W w w w v u v N N W W W U w w w Z N w a �i x Iz w C y U v U d�z aaa U rVr G A o 0 0 a N z OE 6 U C C 7 * N N [V 4 N V U U 5ao.x o o 0 a aN � ho re vz z z z rn QF0.�a tV 75 � oho a oNo �a so II E �3 i m W N N Z N �i x w U v U U A OE 6 U m a a a 5 � F 777 W U U U Q j a 5 � F 777 W U U U j U Q ; z a cj o N 6 V C w R �R R R � z U O U zuz N H zz a N o .. w � O � F 777 W U U W W cj w w N 6 V C R �R R R A z N zz N o W r R v V F �* y N o o > o 0.ry N N V swax c ca V V r5 u z L) ° z z o w R Ep 46 777 W N 0 z N o W r R v V O o O a a H t a a 0.61 P6. (aa1 w Q H t 0.61 P6. (aa1 w V V U v W W W � zU z Ca a3 �� � o r z z o U � C µ Wz U P F y' 6 z z rr- a W ax C W Q f H 0.61 P6. (aa1 w V V U W W W www zU a3 �� C O o F � z M m 0 o: �y��000 N N c4 N .�awx a�w a�zzz gHae�_ o N \ \\\ )i)ep: \\ \ „ «)±o � Ijr: \// � (2\ \(» ) \yy \) )\\ \ \\\ )i)ep: \\ \ „ «)±o � Ijr: \// � (2\ \(» \�\ \yy \) )\\ \ \\\ )i)ep: \\ \ „ «)±o � Ijr: \// � \) 2 j \} \ £ \ \ \)k } «. 2 j 5 £ \ \ i } j ) j \ � \ ) } 2 j 5 £ \ \ i } j ) j \ � \ ) I m F4 U a O C� h 1 x^ a Q p Wa a .a U z � Q� O C a Q m F4 U m O C� h 1 x^ a U p Wa a U U z � Q� O C a w= o o 0 3 z a� U w o � °,3 v O+ U z z z z n z H cd F54 V .. a 0. w O E m F4 U m N C� h x^ a U p Wa a U 3 E � O C W Q o 0 a� U °,3 v O+ z z n P v F54 V a 0. E z .7 U H 0 C C O C G � y o N C N N c; � � o a n 0 i k a N N N V 0 n ti ,9ww0� 3 a U o Q �ULI� z a o U a� z N o L o U r P Cv 00 4 � � o m U m N C� x^ a U p a 3 E � O C Q o 0 U W o O+ P v F54 V a 0. 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Mm x U U N V a 7 b CG E U w w w w U N Q Q o G m z�z o C E °Uo° oo N o w 01 F ti � C C O o O o 5. m N C4 m�'a°�0000 '" > N 'G a O'46 ,k h U cV [V N N ai 7 O V U 0 o O o N �o�;oQQaQ n U Q N C a 1 U U U u U UU U U a� z z z z � o ao a d do a F � I o 6 a a � do do d zld U v co ,,;do a U do z pp. N M N C7 C7 C7 C7 �= U v 00 �Y coo M � o n � m N Mm x U N 7 b CG E U G U N Q Q o G w 01 a � N a � U ai 7 OCq �4�1 N N \ � m N Mm x U N 7 b CG E U G U N Q Q o G a � N a � m N Mm x U N 7 b CG E U G U N Q Q o G a � m Mm U N 7 b CG E U G U N Q Q o m N 7 O CG E F G U Q m Q G a � a � U ai 7 OCq �4�1 \ � o � I z 6 a a � U v U Q z a. a C a N 6 a a Q 0 C N ti a 0 m N c�h 0 0 Z x N _F� v O d 0 N C7 � oo. a V ti r 8 ti N U U v N � o o b3 o � W U N ti a 0 m N c�h 0 0 Z N N a m N 0 Z N N 0 x a 8 ti N U U N d o o o � � U r a a � t U N W P 0 U U U 1 v ra Q ' H � a, Q � r a � t U N W P 0 U U U 1 v z Q ' H � a, 0 � o U H a a � o 0. zz¢ o v z�z H z o � w o r a � U ¢ W P 0 U U I v H � 0 0 zzv U a a 0. z�zN c o � b � za o I H C C C� �yN�o SP.WCG � � N O q� ri�U U a� z H P All o Voo °q ¢ N M � R � so e o � Q L r a � U P 0 U I v H � 0 0 ¢� U 0. N06� o m U P 0 U I v H � 0 0 ¢� U I m U P 0 U I v H � 0 0 ¢� U m U P 0 U v H � 0 0 m P H � ¢� U m 6 N d a a x b 6 N U U a U . w Q Q� N d a x b N U U U . w Q� z a a zU � 0 6 a 0 w g m w z�z 0 z � z U w O d a x b N U U 0 w U a w zU � 0 6 a 0 w g m w z�z z� z H c _ z = N K o b -oFj't 3No �o �nUQ� " 7 U QHaa"' a o 6 � o w 0 0 v a b N U 0 U a � 0 0 w a v o b N U 0 U a � 0 0 N v o b N U 0 U a � 0 0 a TTI w a 6 a RQ. W W Q U w RQ. W W U a U Q W W z 6 a w y � w R 0. v � N z�z >4 0 a e 0 NN �z a R 0 d; �yN�oo w N N RN w V w w o G x 3 �uQ � vai ad a U U L) o � � M o� � a z Q z w y o w v � � >4 0 a 0 v � � F+ 0 a x A V U U a A - U W W o � a U � z q U ci a F+ 0 a x A V U U a A - U W W o � a U � z q U a O w' � o 0 � r z�z w C y a U z N N z I 'z" a a F 4 n F+ 0 a x A V U U a A - U W W o � a E � U � 0 0 � r z�z w C y "C N N I 'z" a a m 0 � G o a C*� 4 v N N aN a N e� z z d N a e 0 NN a Uo O o �Y o E �3 e o F+ 0 a x A V a A - U o � a E � U � 0 0 � r rn w m N a N d N 0 a x A V a A - U o � a E � U � 0 0 � r rn w m N 0 a x A V a A - U o � a E � U � 0 0 � r w U A a A - U o � a E � U 0 0 A a A - o � a E � SUMna�� FNMONMfYTAI TECY.NOLDG:cS, xc AnaWical Lab0rR?0"e5 December I1, 2014 Will Hodges Synagro 284 Boger Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 TEL: (336) 998-7150 FAX: (336) 998-8450 RE: Newton WWTP Dear Will Hodges: Summil Emlironmental Technologies, Inc. 3310 Win St. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 Website: Mt /Avww seek cont Order No.: 14111885 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. received 1 samples) on 11/21/2014 for the analyses presented in the following report. There were no problems with the analytical events associated with this report unless noted in the Case Narrative. Quality control data is within laboratory defined or method specified acceptance limits except where noted. If you have any questions regarding these tests results, please feel free to call the laboratory. Sincerely, A / - Dr. Mo Osman Project Manager 3310 Win St. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 A2LA 0724.01, Alabama 41600, Arizona AZ0788, Arkansas 88-0735, Ca7ifvmis 0725GCA, Colorado, Connecticn[ PH -0105, Delaware, Florida NELAC E87688, Georgia E87688 and 943, Idaho OH00923, Nivois 200061 and Reg.S, Indiana C -OH -13, Kansas E-10347, Kenturdcy (Undergrmmd Storage Tarrk) 3, Kentucky 90146, Lorrisiana 04061 a,rd LA12004, Maine 2012015, Maryland 339, Massachnselts M-OPH923, Mimesota 409711, Montana CGRT0099, New H®pshire 2996, New Jersey OH006, New York. 11777, North Carolina 39705 97 Cand 631, Ohio Drinking s ter 4170, 8l,io VAP CJ,005277047044606 lab 5,� 9940, Oregon OH2O00a1, Pennsylvania 68-01335, Rlrode Island LA000317, Region 8 8TMS-L, USDA/APHIS P330-11-00244, Utah OH009232011-1, Vermont VT -87688, Virginia 00440 and 15815 Washington C891, West Virginia 248 and 99S7C and E87688, Wisconsin 399013010 Page 1 of 6 Page 1 of 8 5 � �'� Summil Environmental TechnoloO Win St. wQrkOrdm 3310 W+�n St. rNVIAONMENTAL TEUHNOLOO:E5, We Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Sample Summary Analyfical LAbornfor)BE TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 WOM 14111885 Website: htta,,Uinvw-settekeam 11-Dee-14 CLIENT: Synagro Project: Newton WWTP Lab SampleID Client Sample ID Tag No Date Collected Date Received Matrix 14111885-001 Newton W WTP 11/19/2014 4:30:00 PM 11/21/2014 9:45:00 AM Solid Page 2 of 6 0age 0 of 8 S V 1V1M IT Summitn En na nen a T h170 00 e , n . Case Narrative 3310 Win St. FP;VIHONIAENTAL TECH14OLOGIEST TNC- Cuyahoga Fal/s, Ohio 44223 Wp#; 14111885 Analytic., LabaratarJ95 TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 Date: 12/11/2014 Website: htty.Il vivw settek coni CLIENT: Synagro Proiect: Newton WWTP This report in its entirety consists of the documents listed below. All documents contain the Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Work Order Number assigned to this report. Paginated Report including: Cover Letter, Case Narrative, Analytical Results, Applicable Quality Control Summary Reports and copies of the Chain of Custody Documents supplied with this sample set. Concentrations reported with a J -Flag in the Qualifier Field are values below the Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) but greater than the established Method Detection Limit (MDL). Method numbers, unless specified as SM (Standard Methods) or ASTM, are EPA methods. Estimated uncertainty values are available upon request. Any comments or problems with the analytical events associated with this report are noted below. Original Page 3 of 6 Page 3 of 8 FrS V MM 1't sun,nr;t Em+ironnental Technologies, Inc. WO#: 14111885 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Date Reported: 12/11/2014 "WIAONAENTAL TECHNOLOG:E5T NC33/0 Win St. Analytca! Lebaraiordes TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 Company: Synagro Website: Intv'//www setiekcon Address: 284 Boger Rd. Mocksville NC 27028 Received: 11/21/2014 Project#: Newton WWTP TCLP Metals Analysis (6010) Client M#E Lab ID# Collected Analyte Rep Lmt Result Units Matrix Method DF RegLvl Run Analyst Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 TCLP Arsenic(As) 0.50 ND mg/L Solid EPA 6010C 1 5.0 11/28/2014 WK Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 TCLP Barium(Ba) 5.0 ND mg/L- Solid EPA 6010C 1 100 11/28/2014 WK Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 TCLP Cadmium(Cd) 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 6010 C 1 1.0 11/28/2014 WK Newton WWTP 001 11/1912014TCLP Chromium(Cr) 0.20 ND mg/L Solid EPA 6010C 1 5.0 11/28/2014 WK Newton WWTP 001 1111912014TCLP Lead(Pb) 0.50 ND mg/L Solid EPA 6010C 1 5.0 11/2812014 WK Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 TCLP Selenium(Se) 0.50 ND mg/L Solid EPA 6010 C 1 in 1 112 8/2 01 4 WK Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 TCLP Silver(Ag) 0.50 ND mg/L Solid EPA 6010C 1 5.0 11/28/2014 WK TCLP Mercury Analysis Client H)# Lab ID# Collected Analyte Rep Lmt Result Units Matrix Method DF RegLvl Run Analyst Newton WWTP 001 1111912014TCLP Mercury 0.0020 ND mg/L Solid EPA 7470A 1 0.20 11/28/2014 ALJ SVOC SW -846: 8081-TCLP Pesticides Client ID# Lab HI# Collected Analyte Rep Lmt Result Units Matrix Method DF RegLvl Run Analyst Newton WWTP 001 11/19!2014 Chlordane, total 0.020 ND mg/L Solid EPA 80816 1 0.030 12!2/2014 JBN Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Toxaphene 0.040 ND mg/L Solid EPA 80816 1 0.50 12/2/2014 JBN Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Endrin 0.0020 ND mg/L Solid EPA8081B 1 0.020 12/2/2014 JBN Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014gamma-BHC 0.0020 ND mg/L Solid EPA 80816 1 0.40 12/2/2014 JBN Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Heptachlor 0.0020 ND mg/L Solid EPA 80816 1 0.0080 12/2/2014 JBN Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Heptachlor epoxide 0.0020 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8081 B 1 0.0080 12/2/2014 JBN Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Methoxychlor 0D020 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8081 B 1 10 12/2/2014 JBN SVOC SW -846: 8151 Herbicides-TCLP Client ID# Lab ID# Cgllected Analyte Rep LmY Result Units Matrix Method DF RegLvl Rnn Analyst Newton WWTP 001 11119/20142+4-D 0.11 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8151A 1 10 12/11/2014 JBN Newton WWTP 001 11/19/20142,4,5 -TP 0.11 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8151A 1 1.0 12/11/2014 JBN SUMMIT Summit Environmen[al Technolo0 Win St. WO#: 14111885/201 33IO Win St. rNVIAONIAENYAL tcGNNOLAG:25,'NC Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Date Reported: 12/11/2014 Analytical Laboratorl€s TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 Company: Synagro Website: hity IAvivry settekcom Address: 284 Boger Rd. Mocksville NC 27028 Received: 11/21/2014 Project#: NewtonWWTP VOC by GC/MS (8260)-TCLP__ Client ID# Lab ID# Collected Analyte Rep Lod: Result Units Matrix Method DF RegLvl Run Analyst Newton WWTP 001 11/19120141,1-Dichloroetherie 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 82606 1 0.70 11/28/2014 MES Newton WWTP 001 11/19/20141,2-Dichloroethane 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 82606 1 0.50 11/28/2014 MES Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Benzene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8260 B 1 0.50 11/28/2014 MES Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Carbon tetrachloride 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 82606 1 0.50 11/28/2014 MES Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Chlorobenzene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 82608 1 100 11/28/2014 MES Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Chloroform 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8260 B 1 6.0 11/28/2014 MES Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Tetrachloroethene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid. EPA 82608 1 0.70 11/28/2014 MES Newton W WTP 001 11/19/2014 Tdchlomethene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8260 B 1 0.50 11/28/2014 MES Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Vinyl chloride 0.20 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8260 B 1 0.20 11/28/2014 MES Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 MEK 2.0 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8260 6 1 200 11/28/2014 MES SVOC 8270 TCLP BNA List Client ID# Lab ID# Collected Analyte Rep Lmt Result Units Matrix Method DF RegLvl Run Analyst Newton WWTP 001 11/19/20141,4 -Dichlorobenzene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270C 1 7.5 12/1/2014 AKE Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 2,4,5 -Trichlorophenol 0.25 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 400 12/1/2014 AKE Newton WWTP 001 11/19120142,4,6 -Trichlorophenol 0.25 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270C 1 2.0 12/1/2014 AKE Newton WWTP 001 11119/20142,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid. EPA 8270 C 1 0.13 12/1/2014 AKE Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Cresols,Total 5.0 ND mg1L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 200 12/1/2014 AKE Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Hexachloro-1,3- 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 0.50 1211/2014 AKE butadiene Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Hexachlorobenzene 0.10 ND mg/L .Solid EPA 82700 1 0.13 12/1/2014 AKE Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Hexachloroethane 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 3.0 12/1/2014 AKE Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Nitrobenzene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 82700 1 2.0 12/1/2014 AKE Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Pentachlorophenol 0.25 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 100 12/1/2014 AKE Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Pyridine 0.25 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 5.0 12/1/2014 AKE 1885 Pr SUMMIT Summit Environmental Fal 33agie in St. WO#: 12/1/201 3310 Win St. Date Reported: 12/11/2014 R4VIRDNfAENTALTECHNOLAG.E5, '!NL Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Analytical Laborator)es TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 Company: Synagro Website: hits'/Fvmry settekeorn Address: 284 Boger Rd. Mocksville NC 27028 Received: 11/21/2014 Project#: Newton WWTP Client ID# Lab ID# Collected Analyte Result Units Matrix Method DF RL Run Analyst Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Flashpoint (140°F) >200 OF Solid EPA 1010 1 11/25/2014 TAH Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Total PCBs ND mg/Kg Solid EPA 8082 1 0.033 11/26/2014 AKE Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 Cyanide, Reactive ND ppm Solid EPA 9014 1 0.50 11/25/2014 TIR Newton WWTP 001 11/19/2014 pH 6.4 sm. Solid EPA 9045D 1 11/21/2014 AYS Newton WWiP 001 11/19/2014 Sulfide, Reactive ND ppm Solid EPA 9034 1 25 11/25/2014 TIR | k | !! } Pge7aa Rev. 12 bate. 07127n3 6ummit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Cooler Receipt Form Maims of Person;especurni cooler and samples: CPool /�y' ONV Number_ bate RecaNed, —21-14 T)me Raca+uad / our cpoleriSl opened eml samples inspects!� Number of pzes:WA Shvpe+: ED P7( UPS DHL Alter" USPastel WexJa pickup Mer'__ Papkapmp_ Peanuts Obb Wra Paper Foam None 011ier: Tope an 60ber ax. N WA Custody Sears iniad N N/A C-0.Cin Plas- N WA !M Blue ice 2I absent f meeW WA Sample Temperature IR Dun 019- 02M CF�'C � _,C WA Radalon"ITermse InStnmentsemalioN 7 y N WA (sea Pape 2 for scan issues) Use 1 4116sheN pir ample br RsdlWpgkal Testing, If arnpte Is NOT* the fladlMogleal Safety Officer must be norlpad m GO-C filed out properly N NfA Samples in separate baps (© N WA Sample Containers intact' 17 N WA '1f no. ksl broken sampla(sl: Samge labels) complete (ID, dale, etc.) � N NA Lobel(s) agree wilA C -O -C N WA Correct containers used y N WA Stiff oaM samph moeived N WA Bubbles absent from 96 mL VInW4 y N "Samples With bubbles <glnm are arreplable. Indeale bubble shoe d>errvn. Waz chant contacted about samples y N WO client send new samples y N LopgW In G10C SHAytEOl0ocumanl Control Templates • TrscklnplCsoler receipt fofm Rev. 1307-2T-1Stlpc Page t N R SECTION 5 ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Newton WQ Permit Number: WQ 0003902 W WTP Name: Newton Clark Creek W WTP NPDES Number: NC 0036196 Monitoring Period: From 01/01/18 To 3/31/2018 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alt. 1/A (fime/temp) Alt. 2/B (Alk Treatment) _ Alt. 3/C (Prior Testing) Alt. 4/D (No Prior Test) Alt. 5/Process to Further Reduce Pathogens _ Alt. 6 (Equivalent to PFRP) If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost Heat Drying _ Heat Treatment _ Thermophilic Beta Ray Gamma Ray _ Pasteurization Class B: Alt. (1) Fecal Density Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens x If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization X Air Drying Composting Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestion a If a licable to alternative erformed Class A or "ass n tom rete We Lo.." ..... ............ �-.1of 1 Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T1107) -Please indicate option/alternative ... Frequency Sample Analytical Parameter Allowable Level in Sludge Pathogen Density No. Type Technique Excee-e- of Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units dentes Analysis Fecal 2x10 to the 6`^ MPN MPN/g Coliform power per gram of total solids CFU CFU/g 1000 MPN per gram of MPN/g total solids (dry weight) Salmonella 3 MPN per 4 grams total bacteria (in solids (dry weight) lieu of fecal coliform performed: O tion/Alt.1 Option/Alt.2 O-daybench) c.02 uptake) p 40 -da bench (30 -day bench) (Spec. 02 uptake) (VS reduction) ( y ) — Option/Alt. 7 Option/Alt. 8 Option/Alt. S O tion/Alt. 6 (Drying — Unstable) (14-DaAerobic) (Alk Stabilization) x (Drying — Stable) Option/Alt.9 Option/Alt. 10 (Injection) (Incorporation) No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) "I cert ify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen reqquirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction X reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/ISANCAC 02T.1107 have been met " "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector atfiaction reduction requirement in 40 CPR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an _ explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." aan23 wf,01!� Ali) t�;rerjo' Preparer N me and Title ( type or print) Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable) (type or print) (� z J� "I Signature reparer * Date Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date o *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T.1102 (26) ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Newton WQ Permit Number: WQ 0003902 WWTP Name: Newton Clark Creek WWTP NPDES Number: NC 0036196 Monitoring Period: From 04/01/18 To 6/30/2018 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106) -Please indicate level achieved and alternafive performed: Class A: Alt. 1/A (time/temp) Alt. 2B (Alk Treatment) _ Alt. 3/C (Prior Testing) Alt. 4/D (No Prior Test) Alt. 5/Process to Further Reduce Pathogens _ Alt 6 (Equivalent to PFRP) If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost Heat Drying _ Heat Treatment _ Thermophilic Beta Ray Gamma Ray _ Pasteurization Class B: Alt (1) Fecal Density Alt (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens x If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization X Air Drying Composting Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestion If a licable to alternative erformed Class A or class u tom sere use ,o1of 12 Parameter Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33/150. NCAC 02T.1107) -Please indicate option/alternative performed: Allowable Level in Sludge ..... ............ Pathogen Density ..••--• No. e- Excee- Frequency of Sample Type Analytical Technique Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units dentes Analysis Fecal 2x10 to the 6�h MPN MPN/g Coliform power per gram of total solids CFU CFU/R: 1000 MEN per gram ofN'/g total solids (dry weight) Salmonella 3 MPN per 4 grams total bacteria (in solids (dry weight) lieu of fecal coliform 0 tion/Alt. 1 Option/Alt. 2 D-day bench) c. 02 u/Alt. 4 p 40 -da bench)(30-day bench) (Spec. 02 uptake) (VS reduction) ( Y — O tion/Alt. 5 Option/Alt. 6 Option/Alt. 7 Option/Alt. 8 p (14 -Day Aerobic) ( Alk Stabilization) x (Drying - Stable) (Drying -Unstable) Option/Alt. 9 Option/Alt. 10 (Injection) (Incorporation) No vector attraction reduction altern atives were performed CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) "T certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15ANCAC 02'F.1106 and the vector attracfion X reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503,33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have been met." "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an _ explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment" mea WenLL I Qf✓y Alc Preparer Name and Title ( type or print) G� Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable) (type or print) —Sign atu oof Preparer Date Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T.1102 (26) ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Newton WQ Permit Number: WQ 0003902 W WTP Name: Newton Clark Creek W WTP NPDES Number: NC 0036196 Monitoring Period: From 07/01/18 To 9/31/2018 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 5 0 3 4 3211 5A NCAC 02T.1106) -Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alt. 1/A (time/temp) Alt. 2/B (Alk Treatment) Alt. 3/C (Prior Testing) Alt. 4/D (No Prior Test) Alt. 5/Process to Further Reduce Pathogens Alt. 6 (Equivalent to PFRP) P If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost Heat Drying _ Heat Treatment _ Thermophilic Beta Ray _ Gamma Ray _ Pasteurization Class B: Alt. (1) Fecal Density Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens x If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization X Air Drying Composting Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestion a to If a licable to alternative erformed Glass A or class u complete tile Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33/I5 .uuorv... ...�.......... ........ Sample Analytical Parameter Allowable Level ih Sludge Pathogen Density No. Frequency Type Technique e- Excee- of Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units dentes Analysis Fecal 2xl0to the 0 MPN MPN/g Coliform power per gram of total solids CFU CFU/g 1000 MPN per gram of MPN/g total solids (dry weight) Salmonella 3 WN per 4 grams total bacteria (in solids (dryweight) lieu of fecal coliform) A NCAC 02T.1107) -Please indicate option/alternative performed: O tion/Alt. 1 Option/Alt. 2 Option/Alt. 3 c. 02 / ak 4 p 30 -da bench (Spec. 02 uptake) (VS reduction) (40 -day bench) ( Y ) — Option/Alt. A1t.5 option/Alt. 6 Option/Alt.7 OptionAt.8 Q4-DayAerobic) (Alk Stbilization) x (Drying — Stable) (Drying—Unstable) — Option/Alt. 9 Option/Alt. 10 (Injection) (Incorporation) _ No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction X reduction requirement in 40 CFR 50333/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have been met " "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1 t06 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an _ explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment" e -0ti/V & Preparer Name and itle ( type or print) o� Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable) (type or print) Sijae ofPrepar * Date Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T.1102 (26) ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Newton WQPermit Number: WQ 0003902 W WTP Name: Newton Clark Creek W WTP NPDES Number: NC 0036196 Monitoring Period: From 010/01/18 To 12/31/2018 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alt. I/A (thne/temp) Alt. 2/13 (Alk Treatment) _ Alt. 3/C (Prior Testing) Alt. 4/D (No Prior Test) Alt. 5/Process to Further Reduce Pathogens Alt. 6 (Equivalent to PFRP) If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost Heat Drying Heat Treatment Thermophilic Beta Ray _ Gamma Ray Pasteurization Class B: Alt. (1) Fecal Density Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens x If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization X Air Drying Composting Aerobic Digestion Anaerobic Digestion Parameter Allowable Leve] in Sludge Pathogen Density No. of Frequency Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107) Please indicate option/alternative performed: Option/Alt. 1 Option/Alt. 2 (VS reduction) (40 -day bench) Option/Alt. 5 Option/Alt, 6 (14 -Day Aerobic) (Alk Stabilization) x Option/Alt. 9 Option/Alt. 10 (Injection) (Incorporation) ZuauAlt. 3 Opfion/Alt. 4 (30 -day bench) (Spec. 02 uptake) Option/Alt. 7 Option/Alt. 8 (Drying—Stable) (Drying—Unstable) No vector attraction reduction alternatives were perfor STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) °`I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction X reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have been med "This determination has been made under my direction and superv *Preparer is Sample Analytical " "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 Excee- of Type Technique NCAC 02T. 1107 have not been Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units dentes Analysis Fecal 2x10to the 6'" MPN Coliform power per gram of total solids CFU 1000 MPN per gram of TCFU/g total solids (dry weight) Salmonella 3 MPN per 4 grams total bacteria (in solids (dry weight) lieu of fecal coliform Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107) Please indicate option/alternative performed: Option/Alt. 1 Option/Alt. 2 (VS reduction) (40 -day bench) Option/Alt. 5 Option/Alt, 6 (14 -Day Aerobic) (Alk Stabilization) x Option/Alt. 9 Option/Alt. 10 (Injection) (Incorporation) ZuauAlt. 3 Opfion/Alt. 4 (30 -day bench) (Spec. 02 uptake) Option/Alt. 7 Option/Alt. 8 (Drying—Stable) (Drying—Unstable) No vector attraction reduction alternatives were perfor STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) °`I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction X reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T.1107 have been med "This determination has been made under my direction and superv *Preparer is defined in 40 met " "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32/15A NCAC 02T.1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33/15A NCAC 02T. 1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) ision in accordance with t personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen ng fine 3aM4 I �C4Z PWU AnN Preparer Name aA Title ( type or print) Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable) (Type or print) t ►1 sigfre of Prep r* Date Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) he system designed to ensure that qualified. on reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there/are significant penalties for false certification includiand imprisonment" Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T 1102 (26) Date Pat tool Ida koa Y, bq PdaPP ' rX CPA cx� CN u - E 4.11 IN E •r a cr. e , _ cO .t �n rx. cd add E E y PaddadaPP Y � x C r c1 c.R N om. C7 = {� `-i m r ' �c 5 ..-•� � crc s .iti c� —a —PPPP 9 VY lads PaddadadaP —mm m E i • L '� :� `�: c� s cel s _ '' Pat C6 u � ' J c� H C` I' 0 o o.Stl u_ u_ u_ u_ o_ u_ u_ u_ u_ u_ u_ u u_ x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x \ •RI f r� :#I �y AI �i #I R #I AI RI RI gl All A RI w <r� I` � = - r r n Y w -E E a C E x a E E E G Na w Agricultural Lime Application Log Year: 2018 Project: Newton WWTP Field (state -county -site -field) "Lime will ne appuea wnen wnwuuiia il I�NI UV Soil pH 6.2 Lime Requirement (from soil analysis) O.OTIAC. Tons/Acre Applied(CCE Eq.) Date Applied CA -15-1 CA -15-2 6.3 MUM. CA -15-3 7.1 O.OT/Ac. CA -15-4 7.3 O.OT/Ac. CA -17-7 7.5 O.OT/Ac. CA -17-8 7.4 CA -17-9 6.7 CA -18-1 6.7 CA -18-2 7.3 CA -18-3 7.1 CA -32-1 72 CA -32-2 7.3 LT -119-3 7.8 LT -119-4 7.O SECTION 7 L Z Z ? d O c O O o O Z C Z Z Z y O N N 0 y y 0' E vl E ai N N O O N 0 0 c Z = Z = Z N N N W W W W m 0 CO 0 m 0 O Z No Z No Z o h > > >o U U N N o Q o N o Q a N o Q N r N N N N � m m N U N O 'C O cG N N¢ N lU _ N N N N N INO N .O c N N c U) N L N w Q W Z O) Q M Z m c M Z Ol O C M r M N O m V U) 7 n a N V � a 0 0 a e c oo .o op -o p v 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N O1 N O) N Ol c � io 0 o Zo E m Zo E Zo E q M X o 0 o Z Z ? W L o.? u u o o L' N v u p p Y rn y u o p Y r v E auEmoo cyC L A N EJ C U J C U J C V O O O O O IL E E E E E c c i a m G Z o. m o Z a r Q E m 0 0 o A O `m IL Qw E w¢ � E w¢ E w Q o c E v U E U E c) ..'. u o LL "� u o LL u o u; N W M U U Lrs c o C o c p dE o asmlulseR o ,n .o. ,n U) Q p o 3 o o 3 0 0 = U pp U N N Ill N N N V Z JL�N3�vinva I- LL N M 3 r O N � U � Z m 0 o w 0 > m LL Z U 0 W (n N `G LL > O N N E n o U U n Q Z Z ? d O c O O o O Z C Z Z Z y O N N 0 y y 0' E vl E ai N N O O N 0 0 c Z = Z = Z N N N W W W W m 0 CO 0 m 0 O Z No Z No Z o h > > >o U U N N o Q o N o Q a N o Q N r N N N N � m m N U N O 'C O cG N N¢ N lU _ N N N N N INO N .O c N N c U) N L N w Q W Z O) Q M Z m c M Z Ol O C M r M N O m V U) 7 n a N V � a 0 0 a e c oo .o op -o p v 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N O1 N O) N Ol c � io 0 o Zo E m Zo E Zo E q M X o 0 o Z Z ? W L o.? u u o o L' N v u p p Y rn y u o p Y r v E auEmoo cyC L A N EJ C U J C U J C V O O O O O IL E E E E E c c i a m G Z o. m o Z a r Q E m 0 0 o A O `m IL Qw E w¢ � E w¢ E w Q o c E v U E U E c) ..'. u o LL "� u o LL u o u; N W M U U Lrs c o C o c p dE o asmlulseR o ,n .o. ,n U) Q p o 3 o o 3 0 0 = U pp U N N Ill N N N V Z JL�N3�vinva I- LL N 3 N O Ip � U N >. LL Z p X O N U LL > O N E n o U U n v U Z Z ? d O c O O o O Z C Z Z Z y O N N 0 y y 0' E vl E ai N N O O N 0 0 c Z = Z = Z N N N W W W W m 0 CO 0 m 0 O Z No Z No Z o h > > >o U U N N o Q o N o Q a N o Q N r N N N N � m m N U N O 'C O cG N N¢ N lU _ N N N N N INO N .O c N N c U) N L N w Q W Z O) Q M Z m c M Z Ol O C M r M N O m V U) 7 n a N V � a 0 0 a e c oo .o op -o p v 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N O1 N O) N Ol c � io 0 o Zo E m Zo E Zo E q M X o 0 o Z Z ? W L o.? u u o o L' N v u p p Y rn y u o p Y r v E auEmoo cyC L A N EJ C U J C U J C V O O O O O IL E E E E E c c i a m G Z o. m o Z a r Q E m 0 0 o A O `m IL Qw E w¢ � E w¢ E w Q o c E v U E U E c) ..'. u o LL "� u o LL u o u; N W M U U Lrs c o C o c p dE o asmlulseR o ,n .o. ,n U) Q p o 3 o o 3 0 0 = U pp U N N Ill N N N V Z JL�N3�vinva I- LL N N N � O o N N C N N A N CL o f ti m O O > C x o Z;6 v `o a s v `o m a v -mo x 0 w x x E ME c. ° m m °� uoi E x N c c ,m0 U c m v o T o. m w 0oE' 0c_mow ca w o c cLmww°o m o omom MmU o "po o w'mc)o n Ec Iz oon no3 R o ax - c a` R Q aN s ?�, a- c0i. = U -a O o)? c c c �� mOd'2-O-tnZ c c K Q m m U U U W m n 2 2 z O °. d 6. V) U) 'i N N O m NNa. N p C w N Ct N m w N w N O O 0 O LL ,G c F G — mmcr �v� Ute' ca oEd �cE o O"o = c 0 n � m = c � `oa `.� Zc w O O -p L m — >i 0 'c �� m a) 04U)SS 0)) '—mo o` p0m �naL 'p ma NU Z E.. 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