HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00006_Annual Report_20190226 GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA February 26, 2019 System Performance Annual Report Point Source Branch North Carolina Division of Water Quality PERCS Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Dear PERCS Unit Representative: I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. If you have any questions or need additional information regarding this report, please contact Steve Drew at 336-373-7893 or Martie Groome at 336-433-7229. Sincerely, Latoya H rris Water Education Program Coordinator, Water Resources Enclosure 640 PO BOX 3136 • GREENSBORO NC 27402-3136 •WWW.GREENSBORO-NC.GOV • 336-373-CITY (2489) • . @ CITY OF GREENSBORO Water Resources GREENSBORO 2018 Sewage Collection & Water Reclamation Plant Report WATER RESOURCES • .. The Clean Water Act of 1999 (House Bill 1160) 4. requires all entities that own or operate Nat. wastewater collection and treatment systems to make an annual report available to their customers.The purpose of the report is to show r how a system operates, how well it performed - during the year, what violations occurred, and other important information. tztod '4°1 This report is produced in compliance with _ these requirements and covers the calendar year ° ' January- December 2018. It is submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environmental • 3 Quality.This report is available to all customers at local City of Greensboro library branches, . the Water Resources Customer Service Center at 2602 S. Elm Eugene St. and online at www.greensboro-nc.gov/WastewaterReport. _a - - -=- `• The names listed are professionals designated F�' •�' y - -011- , ' by the State as the"Operators in Responsible Charge"(ORC) of the respective systems: L s S V.'-, `t� ' t.; T.Z. Osborne Water Reclamation Facility t' 4 Permit Number: NC0047384 '440' ORC: Bradley Flynt, (336) 433-7262 t -; Sewage Collection System Permit - , Number:WQCS00006 ORC: Robert Martin, (336) 373-2033 ink- 4111 ".%,""I. I I Contact Information � r4 T.Z. Osborne Water Reclamation Facility A ;4-04 V , (336) 373-7740 a -� www.greensboro-nc.gov/water i ii, To report sewer overflows, please contact 336-373-2033 • . ate •,.1'+ -- i' ti - -' 1'1• - � -� -4V _ A,- '' f , ` _ - ire4.0 t� sue. -• • ,",- _ _ - " , = 1041...,, s___.,_. . ,• . :. ciaihti. -,,, ,,, • ,... ..___7_,_, .„, ., ..„,.. „,. . _.._., ....-1.: —7-4 ___, ,:.., .,. : .„ _ ., P 1 T•Z Osborne Water Reclamation Facility '_ , / VOLUME r_;. '` • Maximum designed capacity of 56 million ti. °e'-it e "• " ®, gallons a day -, • Treated 12.9 billion gallons of wastewater - in 2018 System Overview Originally constructed in 1984 with several major upgrades. The long history of water reclamation in Greensboro began with the construction of the original 4 million gallon per day (MGD) South Buffalo Creek Treatment Facility in 1928. Over the next ten years, the North Buffalo Water Reclamation Facility opened to provide secondary treatment for the northern half of Greensboro. By 1984, South Buffalo Creek Treatment Facility closed only to be replaced by T.Z. Osborne Water Reclamation Facility. Currently, the City of Greensboro Water Resources Department operates one water reclamation plant and a sewage collection system that collects and transports sewage to this plant. The North Buffalo Facility was decommissioned in October 2017. It is now a transfer pump station and all wastewater is currently treated at the T.Z. Osborne facility. The sewage collection and water reclamation system of the City of Greensboro begins with approximately 99,797 connections that serve homes, commercial establishments, and industries. Every day an average of 35.3 million gallons of sewage is generated in our homes and industries that must be collected, transported, and treated to very stringent standards before it is released back into the environment (in our streams).This service is provided by the City's Water Resources Department and is funded almost entirely from the user charges that are paid monthly by our customers. The City of Greensboro operates a sewage collection system comprised of 1,418 miles of gravity lines, 33,644 sewer manholes, 49 pump stations, and 70 miles of pressurized sewage force mains. The system is subject to many federal and state rules and regulations designed to enforce the provisions of the Clean Water Act. All spills and overflows, of any volume, that reach surface waters must be reported to the State.The City of Greensboro notifies media any time a spill results in 1,000 gallons or more reaching surface waters. 2 I Wastewater Treatment — Plant Performance _�� The City of Greensboro's wastewater treatment ' r _ y ' -7' illiAll plant operates under a National Pollutant Discharge : p �' • � �� " Elimination System (NPDES) Permit.This highly `"'e'` , _ 111_ �� complex permit includes monitoring requirements and discharge limits.The permit can be viewed r • �. .111. . s ;h at our treatment upon plant request. Compliance q p with these permits requires our laboratory staff System Improvements to conduct over 60,000 tests per year.Wastewater - treatment plants have no control over some Water Resources is proud that given the parameters, other than through regulating what capacity of our treatment plant and the industry and households can discharge to the sewers age of our collection system, our permit through the Industrial Waste and Pretreatment departures have been minimal. Recognizing Program. the changing climate of environmental concern, total compliance is our During 2018 the Water Resources Department commitment to our customers. treated almost 12.9 billion gallons of wastewater and returned it to our streams.We are proud of In an effort to continue to improve our the performance of these facilities made possible wastewater collection system and meet the by the dedicated efforts of the professionals who demands of new regulations, various capital operate, maintain and conduct tests for the plant. All improvement projects have been initiated. NPDES permit violations are reported to the State of To prepare for State and Federal nutrient North Carolina to ensure compliance with reporting reduction regulations and the Jordan Lake regulations. A list of violations that occurred during Rules, upgrades to provide a higher level the 2018 calendar year is at the end of this report of treatment at the T.Z. Osborne facility (Table 1). are currently underway.This $115 million four-phase construction project will be The City of Greensboro's water reclamation facility completed in 2020. is a tertiary treatment plant that utilizes activated sludge processes. Solid waste (biosolids) generated Protecting the System in these processes is disposed of by a fluidized bed incinerator. Each year, the City of Greensboro evaluates the wastewater collection system and `�:r- `% E - prioritizes needs and resources.The system ; - , ... .. is monitored and maintained daily with �� ,, _ = ,, � the implementation of both preventative ` 14"- - W- , and corrective maintenance measures. In -` ..., -,, -,A '� TM r � 1: • ` addition, the City of Greensboro continually -4 ., • 'k - .#- improves the system using an aggressive .. �. 4 _ �_ , program to rehabilitate old infrastructure VP,* -_ y " '`, � that exhibit signs of deterioration. F` `', , '4' _ �, - Planning and making improvements to our . ft_ wastewater collection system extends the �a4 a / :_� �, ':' life and operating efficiency of the City's �, ' ° ' ' sewer system. `" 1 - 3 Summary of Collection In 2018, there were 64 Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) in our community which is an increase from the 51 spills reported in 2017. SSOs occur when problems in the system cause sewage to emerge from manhole covers, service cleanouts or plumbing fixtures.The major contributors to sewer overflows include trash or debris, tree and shrub roots, grease, pump station equipment failure, and pipe failures or breaks. Listed on the following pages are the compliance and violation records for T.Z. Osborne treatment plant and the list of SSOs that exceeded 1,000 gallons. The annual sewage and water reclamation plant report is available at the following City of Greensboro locations: the Vance H. Chavis Lifelong Learning Branch Library, the McGirt-Horton Branch Library, the Central Library, the Melvin Municipal Office Building, the T.Z. Osborne Wastewater Facility, and also on the City's website: www.greensboro-nc.gov/water. Fats, Oils and Grease Program Grease that comes from cooking oils, gravy, lard or _:' 4212-1. shortening, and butter or margarine may not look harmful as a liquid, but when they cool they get thick and 4 stick to pipes. Cooking oil, fats, and grease that enter the sanitary Tips to Prevent Sanitary system from household drains and poorly maintained Sewer Overflows grease traps in restaurants and other food establishments • Place cooled oil and grease can result in sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). Sewer into trash bins or covered overflows and backups can cause health hazards, damage home interiors and threaten the environment. collection containers. Never pour grease down the drain! The City of Greensboro Water Resources Department • Scrape food scraps from implements a Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Policy designed to educate and enforce proper disposal of FOG within the dishes into trash bins. community.The FOG policy educational and enforcement • Wipe off all fats, oils, grease programs are intended for all customers (Food Service and food residue from dishes Establishments, Nursing/Group homes, Schools/ and cookware into trash bins. Cafeterias, Industries, and Residents) that discharge wastewater into the City of Greensboro Sanitary Sewer • Use a strainer in the sink to System with the aim of mitigating or eliminating SSOs collect excess food particles. that are grease related.The City of Greensboro FOG policy requires all commercial and food service establishments • Clean up grease spills with to install and regularly maintain an appropriately sized absorbent material and place grease trap or interceptor. into trash bins. To learn more,please visit www.greensboro-nc.gov 4 - ,! i \. 411. 2018 Wastewater Treatment Plant Compliance/Violations i 1#' - --.* " .. . 4 '-$‘ . - .."-r''..-141,-.. . . - -,. ,.- , i -; •- •) TABLE 1 T.Z. Osborne - Permit #NC0047384 MONTH I DESCRIPTION I TYPE OF VIOLATION Fecal Coliform (9/16-9/23) Weekly Average September Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (9/16-9/23) Weekly Average Total Suspended Solids (9/16-9/23) Weekly Average Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (10/6-10/13) Weekly Average October Fecal Coliform (10/20-10/26) Weekly Average Flow Monthly Average November Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (11/11-11/17) Weekly Average Total Suspended Solids (11/11-11/17) Weekly Average December Flow Monthly Average Note:The historical rainfall events during the last 4 months of the year, including 2 hurricanes, impacted the treatment plant and collection system, causing violations. i 2018 Wastewater Treatment Plant & Sewer Compliance/Violations 4""vr,,,,..F. ---------'---- _.01.1.11111•1111;0 4 , L& - -- ii--- --------- ..7 \• TABLE 2 Sewage Collection System - Permit #WQCS00006 Sewage Spills from Collection System Exceeding 1,000 Gallons PERMITEE:CITY OF GREENSBORO VOLUME INCIDENT REACHING SURFACE WATER STARTED SURFACE WATER NAME LOCATION PROBABLE CAUSE 3/3/2018 50,000 gallons North Buffalo 2401 Textile Drive Grease 3/22/2018 60,000 gallons North Buffalo 3000-A Northline Avenue Debris in Line 4/2/2018 5,500 gallons South Buffalo 200 E.Vandalia Road Grease 5/13/2018 1,800 gallons North Buffalo 1041 Battleground Avenue VCP Pipe&Rocks 5/14/2018 2,500 gallons South Buffalo 3200 Cypress Park Grease 5/17/2018 3,500 gallons South Buffalo 3845 MariBeau Woods Court Grease 5/21/2018 30,000 gallons South Buffalo 130 Sierra Drive Rags 6/18/2018 2,500 gallons South Buffalo 126Thornton Court Debris in Line 6/20/2018 3,000 gallons North Buffalo 500 Waycross Drive Roots 6/20/2018 335,000 gallons Little Alamance 6671 Judge Adams Road Other 8/3/2018 1,500 gallons N/A 6671 Judge Adams Road Contractor 8/7/2018 5,000 gallons South Buffalo 2306 Bracyridge Road Pipe Failure 9/6/2018 5,000 gallons South Buffalo 4124 Eastland Avenue Roots 9/16/2018 63,000 gallons North Buffalo 1600 West End Place Severe Natural Condition 9/17/2018 11,000 gallons North Buffalo 2199 White Street Severe Natural Condition 9/17/2018 625,000 gallons Horsepen Creek 3844 Battleground Avenue Severe Natural Condition 9/17/2018 1,300,000 gallons Middle Reedy Fork Creek 6951 McLeansville Road Severe Natural Condition 10/11/2018 3,000 gallons North Buffalo 3240 Gatesville Drive Inflow 10/11/2018 3,000 gallons North Buffalo 3240 Gatesville Drive Inflow 10/11/2018 2,500 gallons North Buffalo 2401 Lafayette Avenue Grease 10/11/2018 200,000 gallons Horse Pen Creek 3844 Battleground Avenue Inflow 10/11/2018 2,500 gallons North Buffalo 4105 Corbin Road Inflow 10/12/2018 1,200 gallons South Buffalo 612 Cardella Drive Inflow 10/12/2018 800,000 gallons Middle Reedy Fork Creek 6951 McLeansville Road Inflow 10/22/2018 3,000 gallons South Buffalo 2214 Crestridge Road Pipe Failure 11/12/2018 1,850 gallons North Buffalo Brightwood Lift Station Inflow 11/20/2018 2,000 gallons South Buffalo 3815 West Avenue Pipe Failure 12/18/2018 9,000 gallons Horsepen Creek Behind Bledsoe Lift Station Grease a