HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020567_Pretreatment Annual Report_20190228EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Nicole Johnston TREASURER Wayne Moore SECRETARY Woody Faulk February 27, 2019 Ms. Debra Gore NC Division of Water Quality PERCS Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 � �aK�n CHAIRMAN J. L. Lowe, Jr. VICE-CHAIRMAN Wayne Moore �..�- ,�i.' BOARD OF DIRECTORS ��4 Anita Darnell ;0 Woody Faulk i Victor Varela RE: 2018 Pretreatment Annual Report Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority (YVSA) NPDES Permit No. NCO020567 Dear Ms. Gore: Enclosed are an original and one copy of the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority's Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) for the period of January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction, or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Please contact me at (336) 835-9825, or Benjie Thomas of West Consultants at (828) 522-4728 with any questions. Sincerely, �44-o� Nicole Johnston Executive Director cc: Benjamin B. Thomas, PE 500 NC Hwy 268 W — Elkin, NC 28621 Phone: 336-835-9819 — www_ ysa,.oM — Fax: 336-835-9840 General Information: This is the fourth PAR submitted by the YVSA and there is only one IUP (PGW — Pittsburgh Glass Works) in the YVSA's pretreatment program, which began operation in early March 2013. An Authorization -to -Construct a pretreatment system was issued on April 24, 2014. The AT, STMP, HWA, SUO, ERP, IWS and permits are up to date. All dates on the Division's Pretreatment Program Info Database Sheet are correct. Site inspections of the PGW facility were completed by the YVSA staff on 6i20/18 and 9i 13I18. IU Information: PGW (Pittsburgh Glass Works, LLC) IUP renewal effective and expiration dates are 1/20; 19 and 316;-2I, respectively. The IUP was modified on 1/20/19 in which the annual average flow increased from 0.135 mgd to 0.150 mgd, and the expiration date changed from 3/6/20 to 3/6/21. During 2018, PGW was in Significant Noncompliance (SNC) for both 6-month periods. The SNC for the first 6-months resulted in the following notice of violation (NOV) and civil penalty being issued to PGW: Reporting Non- Monthly or Limit Further NOV Violation Reporting Compliance Average Parameter Criterion Action Civil Date Source Parameter Limit Violation Exceeded Required Date Type Penalty_ Jan -Apr Exceed grit n 2018 YVSA Solids 12 mg/L limit Yes Yes 10/29/18 SNC $50,000 For the 1 Oi29/18 NOV, the IUP monthly grit limit was exceeded from January through April 2018, a violation of Part 2 Section 8 of the IUP. The civil penalty was prompted due to consistently exceeding the grit limit (twice by a large margin) and not addressing in a timely manner. A press release for the SNC was issued on 10/3I1+18 (enclosed). Although several corrective actions have been implemented to correct the permit violation, for the second 6-month period the grit limit was exceeded in August, November, and December of 2018. An undetermined civil penalty will be accessed. The public notice for SNC will be published in the Elkin Tribune on Wednesday, March 6, 2019. Though PGW has constructed additional measures in 2018 to prevent continued occurrences of garnet residuals (see 2017 PAR), YVSA continues to monitor for garnet residuals. . Also enclosed are the PAR tables, 10:29 : 18 NOV, and the pretreatment program info database (which is not current). 500 NC Hwy 268 W -- Elkin, NC 28621 Phone: 336-835-9819 — www.wsa.org -- Fax: 336-835-9840 Chapter 9, PAR Guidance Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS) 1. Pretreatment Town Name: Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority 2. "Primary" NPDES Number NC00 20567 or Non Discharge Permit # if applicable -> 3. PAR Begin Date, please enter 01/01lyyyy 4. PAR End Date, please enter 1213 Ilyyyy 5. Total number of SIUs, includes CIUs 6. Number of CIUs 7. Number of SIUs with no IUP, or with an expired IUP 8. Number of SIUs not inspected by POTW 9. Number of SIUs not sampled by POTW 10. Number of SIUs in SNC due to IUP Limit violations 11. Number of SIUs in SNC due to Reporting violations 12. Number of SIUs in SNC due to violation of a Compliance Schedule, CO, AO or si 13. Number of CIUs in SNC 14. Number of SiUs included in Public Notice 15 TotaI number of SIUs on a compliance schedule, CO, AO or similar 16. Number of NOVs, NNCs or similar assesed to SIUs 17. Number of Civil Penalties assessed to SIUs 18. Number of Criminal Penalties assessed to SIUs 19. Total Amount of Civil Penalties Collected 19. - s 20. Number of IUs from which penalties collected 3. w> U1l2018 4. => 12/31/2018 5. => 1 6. => 0 7. => 0 8. => 0 9. => 0 10. => I 11.=> 0 12. => 0 13. => 0 14. => 0 15. => 0 I6. _> 1 17. => 1 18. _> 0 $ 50,000 20. -> 1 oot Notes: AO Administrative Order IUP Industrial User Pretreatment Permit POTW Publicly Owned Treatment Works CIU Categorical Industrial User NNC Notice ofNon-Compliance SIU Stgnirk:ant Industrial t'ser CO Consent Order NOV Notice of Violation SNC significant Non-uompltan-e IU Industrial User PAR Pretreatment Annual Report Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) f adkin Valley Sewer Authority YVSA Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Control Authority => YVSA Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name => YVSA WWTP Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES � => NCO020567 1st 6 months, dates => 1/I/18 to 6/30/18 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/l/18 to 12/31/18 Total # of samples => * Maximum (m€, J) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * 6 Month Average (mg/1) => * rr Average Loading (lb/d) => iQ violations,(chronic SNC is >= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) > * or Maximum (lbld) -> * 6 Month Average (mg/1) => * tr Average Loading (lb/d) => violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => Industry Name PGW, LLC IUP # IWP001 Pipe # 001 Flow, mgd pH Grit" Oil & Grease" Ist 6 months 2nd 6 month. Ist 6 months 2nd 6 month 1st 6 months 2nd 6 month- 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 6 6 6 6 3 1 3 1 0.128 mgd 0.145 mgd 8.1 8.3 25.8 58.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1st 6 months 2nd 6 month. Ist 6 months 2nd 6 month- 1st 6 months 2nd 6 month. 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months * Monitoring Frequency - Continuous/Daily. ** Monitoring Frequency - Grab sample once per 6 months. BDL => Below Detection Limit POTW must enter at least one ofthese IUP=> Industrial User Permit four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance Avg penod could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL, 112BDL, or zcm values used. TRC > Technical Review Criteria rorm name: I'AR,SNCR,2001 Date Revised: V412001 mgll = = milligrams per liter lb/d pounds per day mgd = } million gallons per day WWTP - wastewater treatment plant Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) WWTP — Wastewater Treatment Plant, use separate form for each WWTP. SIU = Significant Industrial User SNC = Significant Non -Compliance Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority = YVSA PAR covers this calendar year=> 1/1/18-I2/31/18 Control Authority => YVSA WWTP Name => YVSA WWTP NPDES # _> NC0020567 A SNCR Form must be submitted with every PAR, please write "None " if you had No SIUs in SNC during calendar year SNC ? ( Yes / No) for each 6-month period. [UP # pipe # Industry Name Parameter or "Reporting" Jan. - June Jul - Dec. Solid pieces of automotive glass were found in the IWP001 001 Pittsburgh Glass Works (PGW), LLC YVSA gravity lines, which is in violation of Part 2 YcSj Yes Section 8 of the IUP Part 2 Section 8 of the IUP; "Solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or control of wastewaters shall be disposed of in a manner such as to prevent any pollutants from such materials entering the sewer system." Attach a copy of the Division's "SIUs in SNC Historical Report" for your POTW's SIUs behind this page. Is the database correct ? Notify the Division of any errors ! Database indicates SNC history for previous years. EVERY SNC MUST be explained in the Narrative, How was, is, or will it be resolved? REPEAT SNCs are serious matters that MUST be explained in the Narrative. Form name: PAR,SNCR 2001 Date Revised: 1AP-001 Pretreatment Program Info jDatabase for Program Name Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority VWVfP Name Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority VWVfP Program Approval hate 03/07/2013 Pretreatment Status Modified Region WSRO County Surry NPDES Number printed on: 12/13/2018 Stream lnnmation IWC % at 7010 0.87 cs 1 mgd 317 204.78 1Q10 Flow cfs 1 mgd 256.67 165.89 Stream Classification C Basin Number YAD02 Receiving Stream Name Yadkin River NPDES Effective Date 09/01/2014 114CD020567 Last PAR Rec PAR Due Date 03/01/2018 mercury mercury 1631 NPDES Expire Date 01/31/2019 Current Fiscal Year PCI Done re uired 4 es POTW is Primary WV TP TRUE Last Audit on Audit Year Next Design Flow mgd 1,8000 % Design mgd is SIU permitted 7.50 Permitted SIU flow (mgd) [PL SIU) .135 VWVfP SIU's 1 Program SIUs 1 � HW LTMP IWS SUO VWVfP CIU's 10 Program CIUs date Inactive Date Next Due 04/01/2020 04/0112023 Date Received by DWR 02/05/2015 12/03/2012 07/13/2018 12/15/2011 12/15/2011 Date Approved 06/12/2015 01/15/2013 12J0312018 01/06/2012 01/0612012 Adopt Date Required -' Date Adopted 04/09/2013 Info in this Box froM P1 Qgntacts Date Date Dale PT Pro Attended Attended Attended Formal Name a.Prime Phonel ext Fax HWA Wksa IuP Wkso PAR Wkso Ms, Nicole Johnston rim 36-835-9819 336-835-1284 4113/2005 1611112012 1/27/2005 nicole.johnston@yvsa.org Execufive Director P.0 Box 828 JF8621 Mr. Benjamin Thomas 1 0 L 6113=12 bthomas@west-consuhants.com Mr. Ron Lynn 28.433,5661 12 1 6111/2017 dynn@wesl-consuftants.com Pretreatment Related NOVs from DWQ DWR Central Office Contact Monti Hassan I DWR Regional Contact im Gonsiewski n1ST9kREPORT 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 ist half i 2nd half 1st half ( 2nd half 1st half l 2nd half 1st half f 2nd half 1st half i 2nd half 1st half l 2nd half 1st half l 2nd half Pittsburgh Glass Works (PGW), LLC PreviousNames: IUP # IVVP001 Pipe # 001 s1u Wad [)wa "- IUP Status: Active auto GLesc 40 CFR4M Flow wasn't monitored Pass -Through An'X in a semi-annual period indicates snc for the period for the respective parameter. PRINTED ON: 12/12/201 B This information is compiled from many sources, and has not been verified. Contact the local pretreatment coordinator or state pretreatment staff if errors are noted. PAGE 70 YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITYSIU REPORTING FORM IUP NO. IWPOOI MONTH/YEAR FACILITY NAME POW TOWN ELKIN CERTIFIED LABORATORY (1)_ CERTIFICATION NO (list Additional laboratories on the backsidelpage 2 of this form) NO FLOW. -'DISCHARGE FROM SITE' mail UKIUINAL ana UNL LUYY to Nicole Johnston, Executive Director x Yadkin Valley Sewer Aulhority (SIGNATURE OF SIU AUTIIORI?ED REPRESENTATIVE) DATE PO Box 828 BV TIIIS SIGNATVRE.I CERTIFI'TFIATTIIIS REPORT IS Elkin, NC 26621 ACCUPUTEAND COMPLETETOTHE BEST OFNlyINOR'LEDGE -- 11 11 I I 1 -----__IIIIIIIII■ Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority SIU Reporting Form EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Nicole Johnston V`��/may CHAIRMAN aaKtin J. L. Lowe, Jr. SECRETARY sF VICE -CHAIR Rhnjean Bcngc .,m # Wayne Moore TREASURER Wayne Moore * ! DIRECTORS RhCaican Benge �ty� ADMINISTRATIVE "''" Anita Darnell ASSISTANT O� } Woody Faulk Susan White Antes October 291h, 2018 CERTIFIED MAIL Mr. Gary Cannon Plant Manager Pittsburgh Glass Works, LLC 300 PGW Drive Elkin, NC 28621 Subject: N9J'10E OF VIOLATION & CIVIL PENALTY ASSESSMENT Pittsburgh Glass Works, LLC Pretreatment Permit # IWP001 Dear Mr. Cannon: Pittsburgh Glass Works, LLC has been found to be in violation of Part 2 Section 8 of the IUP provides the following: "Solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or control of wastewaters shall be disposed of in a manner such as to prevent any pollutants from such materials entering the sewer system," The facility is also found to be in violation of Part I Section F of the IUP, which provides the monthly average grit limit should not exceed 12 mg/L. Please note that there has been multiple findings of garnet residual in the collection system line coming from the Pittsburgh Glass Facility. Furthermore, staff has been diligently cleaning the line from the facility for the past few months (since the end of September 2017). An invoice for these cleanings is Included in this packet as Invoice # 18-1001. The facility was found to be Noncompliant for the months of January through April 2018 for exceeding their monthly grit limit of 12.0 mg/L. These violations constitute Significant Noncompliance (SNC). Here is a summarization of the data for this parameter (grit) and the findings per EPA and NCDEQ guidelines: Parameter Date of Sample (or monthly ave.) Result (mg/L) Chronic Violation? TRC Violation? (12.0 x 1.2 = 14.4 m Grit Jan. 31, 2018 20.0 Yes Yes Grit Feb. 2018 ave.) 50.4 Yes Yes Grit Mar. 2018 ave.) 51.0 Yes Yes Grit April 23 2018 19A Yes Yes Grit May 2018 (ave.) All 0.0 (non- detect) No No Grit June 2018 ave.) 4.9 No No 500 NC Hwy 268 W — Elkin, NC 29621 Phone: 336-835-9919 — www.yr;s_ora — Fax: 336-835-9840 Due to this violation of the permit, Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority is issuing this Notice of Violation to Pittsburgh Glass Works, LLC along with a civil penalty assessment for $50,000.00 (Invoice # 18-1002). Although YVSA understands that several corrective action steps have been implemented to correct for this violation of the permit, a civil penalty assessment has been issued to Pittsburgh Glass Works, LLC, in accordance with our Enforcement Response PIan: $50,000.00 1 TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY YVSA requests that Pittsburgh Glass Works, LLC, submit payment of this penalty within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. Please note that remedial actions, as implemented and provided in your cover letter dated June 8, 2018, with regards to the zero gravity filtration system, should continue to assure that the noncompliance problem does not occur again. Should Pittsburgh Glass Works, LLC fail to maintain compliance, then additional actions, including additional enforcement may be assessed in accordance with the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority 'Enforcement Response Plan (ERP).' In addition, Federal regulations found in 40 CFR 403.8 (f) (2) (viii) requires that a Public Notice of industrial users in significant noncompliance be published annually. Pittsburgh Glass will be included in that notice. Per Section 10 of the Sewer Use Ordinance, any user issued a civil penalty assessment has the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon making written demand to the POTW Director within thirty (30) days of receipt of the civil penalty assessment. Thank you for you cooperation with the YVSA Pretreatment Program. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Nicole Johnston YVSA Executive Director 500 NC Hwy 268 W — Elkin, NC 28621 Phone* 336-835.9819 — www.yysa_ore — Fax; 336-835-9840 Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority INVOICE 500 NC Hwy268 W Elkin, NC 28621 Date Invoice 8 10/29/2018 18.1002 Bill To: Service Address: Pittsburgh Glass Works YVSA sewer line from 300 PGW Drive Attn: Gary Cannon 300 PGW Drive Project: Elkin, NC 28621 Cleaning on PGW sewer line due to garnet debris in the line from company. TERMS: I Net 30 DUE DATE: 11/29/2018 Description My Rate Amount CPA AND NOV FOR PERMIT EXCEEDANCES FOR THE FIRST PART OF 2018: Jan -lit 1 $50,000.OD $ 50,000.00 Feb -IS Mar-18 ART-18 'total $50,0oa,ao Please make checks payable to Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority and mall to 500 NC Hwy 268 W, Elkin, NC, 28621 Payments/Credits $0.00 A late charge of 1.5% per month will be assessed for all past due charges. Balance Due $50,000.00 Phone p E-mail F_nnlk�k�ihm.areeiRvysa.-p 336.835-9819 Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority SOD INC Hwy258 W Elkin, NC 22622 INVOICE Date Invoice N 10/29/2018 18-1001 Bill To Service Address: Pittsburgh Glass Works YVSA sewer line from 300 PGW Drive Attn: Gary Cannon 30D PGW Drive Project, Elkin, NC 28621 Cleaning on PGW sewer line due to [carnet debris in the line from comoanv. TERMS Net 30 A r—dU—EOATE-. 1 11/29/2016 Description Qty Rate Amount `Cleaning of YVSA sewer line from PGW LEANING DATES Debris found: we 12/2/2017 Cleaned by Jaamco, gamet present 1 $675,00 S 675.00 2/26/2018 Garnet residual present 1 $48000 $ 480.00 'e 4/2/2018 Cleaned by Jaamco, garnet present 1 $1,125 00 $ 2,125.00 4/9/2018 Garnet residual present 1 $430 00 $ 480.00 5/11/2018 Very little residual present 1 $480 00 $ 480.00 6/18/2018 Very little residual present 1 $490 00 $ 480.00 8/30/2010 Gamet residual present 1 $480 00 S 480.00 •' See attached AP Inquiry Form Report showing cleanings for Candlewyck PS TOTAL FOR CLEANING $ 4,200.00 •cleaning of YVSA sewer line from PGW PER TRIP Labor. 2 men - 2.0 hours each 4 $25.00 $ 100.00 I supervisor - 2.0 hours 2 $40.011 $ 80.00 Equipment - not rented. Vactron Cleaner I 5150.00 S 15o m letter 1 MOM S 15000 TOTAL per cleaning (per trip): $ 480.00 Total $4,200.00 Please make checks payableto Yadkin Yaaey Sewer Authmkly and mail to SM NC Hwy 26a w, EW, NC, n621 Payments/Credits $0.00 A late charge of 13%per month wW be assessed for as past due charges. Balance Due $4,200.00 Phone M E-mail 336-g35.9839 nikka. he rMUree l�vt+�a. vrg 07/192018 YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY Page 1 11:39:56 ,AP MQUIRY FORM REPORT Vendor No: 441 Vendor Names JAAMCO DRAIN CLMMG/V=D80 INSP Check No Type Check Date Amount status 1157i C 05/04/2018 7,862.50 Cleared Invoice No Type Invoice Date 1099 Amount Po No Amount Discount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7627 1 04/16/2019 0.00 7,862.50 0.00 60-000-IS75 4/9/10-CLEANED REGIONAL P 787.50 60-000-1575 412/a5-CLEANED CANDLENYCK 2,125.00 — 60-000-5700 4120/10-H BRIDGE PROD -CUT 5,950.00 Totals: 0.00 7,862.50 0.00 Check No Type Check Data Amount Status 21525 C 04109/2018 32,303.25 Cleared 7=volce No Type Invoice Date 1099 AMU= Pa No Amount Discount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7604 I 03/30/2018 0.00 32,303.25 9.00 60-000-7311 30NESVILE WORK CONPLETO 0 1,673.92 60.000-7311 JONESVILE NOM COMPLETD 0 30,629.34 Check No Type Check Date 11392 C O1/03/2018 ------------- Totals: 0.00 Amount status 65,087.99 Cleared 32,303.25 0.00 Invoice No Type Invoice Date 1099 Amount Po No Amount Discount -------•------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7472 I 22/20/2017 0.00 65,087.99 0.00 60-000-7320 PHASE I-JONESVILLE CLEAN/ 5,464.43 60-000-7320 PHASE I-JONESVILLE CLEAN/ 57,167.46 60-000-7320 PHASE i-JUNESVILLE-PRE CC 336.00 60-000-7310 PHASE I-JONESVILLE-PRE CC 1,575.00 60-000-7310 PHASE I-OONESVILLE-TAP RE 525.00 Totals: 0.00 65.087.89 0.00 Check No Type Check Date Amount Status 11324 C 22/30/2017 675.00 Cleared Invoice No Type Invoice Date 1099 Amount Po No AM=mt Discount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7393 1 11/06/2017 0.00 575.00 0.00 60-000-1575 11/2/17-CLEANM CANDLENYC 675.70 Totals: 0.00 675.00 0.00 Grand Totals. 0.00 105,928.64 0.00 PUBLIC NOTICE OF SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER PERMIT VIOLATIONS The Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority, in accordance with Federal and State Regulations, is hereby giving Public Notice of Significant Industrial Users that were in Significant Noncompliance (SNC) with national pretreatment regulations 40 CFR Part 403, and state pretreatment regulations 15 NCAC 21-1.0900, as well as local pretreatment regulations during the periods of January 1 through June 30, 2018. Pittsburgh Glass Works (PGW), LLC, was in violation of Permit General Condition Part II, Section 8 - Allowing solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants to enter the sewer system as well as Part I, Section F — Monthly grit level exceedance of 12.0 mg/L. A continuing effort is being made by the industry to prevent further violations through implementation of monthly inspections and/or other corrective action measures. Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority Nicole Johnston, Executive Director October 29, 2018 Publish 1013112018: The Tribune NORTH CAROLINA SURRY COUNTY AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Sandra Hurley who being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that he (she) is Regional Publisher (Publisher or other officer or employee authorized to make affidavit) of ADAMS PUBLISHING GROUP, LLC, engaged in the publication of a newspaper known as THE TRIBUNE, published, issued, and entered as periodicals class mail in the city of Elkin in said County and State; that he (she) is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in THE TRIBUNE on the following dates. - and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper, document or legal advertisement was published was, at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This - J. day of , 2019 Signature bf person making affidavit Sworn to and subscribed before me, this XtO day of Fl a rya e V .2019 Notary Public My Comtftission expires: January 18, 2023 -FEWFS W. SIMPSON NOTARY PLVILIG AVRRY COUNTY, KC. CLIPPING OF LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ATTACHED HERE SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIA WASTEWATER PERMIT VIOLATIONS The Yadkin Valley Sewer Au- thority, in aocardance with Federal and State Regulations. is hereby giving Public Notice of Significant Industrial Users That were in Significant Non- campliance (SNC) with nation- al pretreatment regulations 40 CFR Part 403, and state pre- imatment regulations 15 NCAC 2H .0900, as well as bcal pretreatment regulations during the periods of January t through dune 30, 2018. Pitts- burgh Glass Works (PGW), LLC, was in violation of Permit General Condition Part II, Sec - Lion 8 - Allowing solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants to enter the sewer system as well as Part I, Section F — Monthly grit level exceedance of 12.0 mg1L. continuing effort is being ade by the Industry to pre- mt further violations through cementation of monthly in- rections andfor other correct- 9 actlon measures. Valley Sewer Authority Nicole Johnston Executive Director October 29, 2018 Ish:10131/2018