HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150124 Ver 2_Final DO Monitoring Plan_20190118Bynum Hydro Project FERC Project No. P-14858 DWR Project # 2015-0124 v2 WATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN Prepared by: McMahan Hydroelectric, LLC Andrew McMahan, President mcmahanhydro@gmail.com 105 Durham Eubanks Rd. Pittsboro, NC 27312 336-509-2148 January 2019 Water Quality Monitoring Plan FERC No. P-4093 Bynum Hydro Project McMahan Hydroelectric, LLC 2 Table of Contents: Acronyms ....................................................................................................................................................................3 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................................................4 Background .................................................................................................................................................................5 General Description of the Haw River in Project Area ...........................................................................................5 Water Quality Classifications and Standards .........................................................................................................6 Historic River Data ..................................................................................................................................................7 Monitoring Approach and Parameters .......................................................................................................................9 Pre-operational Monitoring ...................................................................................................................................9 Post-operational Monitoring ..................................................................................................................................9 Sites, Frequency, and Duration ..................................................................................................................................9 Descriptions of Sampling and Monitoring Locations........................................................................................... 10 Sampling Procedure ................................................................................................................................................ 11 Equipment Calibration & Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 11 Data Management and Reporting ........................................................................................................................... 11 List of Figures: Figure 1 - View of Project Area ...................................................................................................................................5 Figure 2 - AU Numbers Located within Project Area ..................................................................................................6 Figure 3 - DO Levels at AMS Station B210000 1980-2016 .........................................................................................7 Figure 4- Average Monthly DO Level 1968-2016 .......................................................................................................8 Figure 5- Average Monthly Water Temperature 1968-2016 .....................................................................................8 Figure 6 - DO & Water Temperature at AMS Station B210000 1997-2016 ...............................................................8 Figure 7 - Proposed Monitoring Locations .............................................................................................................. 10 List of Tables: Table 1 - Monitoring Site Data ................................................................................................................................ 11 Water Quality Monitoring Plan FERC No. P-4093 Bynum Hydro Project McMahan Hydroelectric, LLC 3 Acronyms WQMP Water Quality Monitoring Plan NCDWR North Carolina Division of Water Resources Division North Carolina Division of Water Resources NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission McMahan McMahan Hydroelectric, LLC Applicant McMahan Hydroelectric, LLC Project Bynum Hydro Project (FERC P-4093) USGS United States Geological Survey AMS Ambient Monitoring System GPS Global Positioning System SOP Standard Operating Procedure DO Dissolved oxygen °C Degrees Centigrade °F Degrees Fahrenheit AU# Assessment Unit Number cfs Cubic Feet Per Second m Meter mg/L Milligrams Per Liter Water Quality Monitoring Plan FERC No. P-4093 Bynum Hydro Project McMahan Hydroelectric, LLC 4 Purpose This Water Quality Monitoring Plan (WQMP) describes monitoring procedures for select water quality parameters in the vicinity of the Bynum Hydro Project (Project) (No. P-4093). The Project is located on the Haw River in Chatham County, North Carolina. The Project consists of a dam (Bynum Dam), an impoundment (Bynum Reservoir aka Odell Pond), an open millrace, a powerhouse and associated equipment, and transmission facilities. McMahan is in the process of relicensing the Bynum Hydro Project from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The FERC is expected to issue a new license before the end of 2018. To support issuance of the license from the FERC, McMahan is required to obtain a 401 Water Quality Certification from the Division of Water Resources (DWR) of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). As will be stipulated in the FERC license once issued to McMahan, McMahan will conduct monitoring of water quality conditions in the Haw River in the vicinity of the Project to ensure continued protection and compliance with state water quality standards. McMahan’s plan for water quality monitoring is described in the following sections, including sites and parameters to be monitored, sampling frequency, sampling procedures and equipment, quality control procedures, and data assessment and reporting. Water Quality Monitoring Plan FERC No. P-4093 Bynum Hydro Project McMahan Hydroelectric, LLC 5 Background The Project is located at river mile 101 on the Haw River in the Cape Fear River Basin and consists of one development. Project lands are located entirely within Chatham County, North Carolina. The project utilizes an existing dam approximately 10 feet tall and 900 feet long; consisting of a 750-foot section of spillway and 150-foot non-overflow section along the eastern side of the river. The non-overflow section of the dam contains two Tainter-style gates that regulate water inflow to the open millrace. The dam associated with the project is not federally owned or operated. The powerhouse consists of one generator/turbine unit with a generating capacity of 600kW. The project will be operated in run-of-the- river mode at all times with manual start and automatic stop. No federal lands are affected by the project. General Description of the Haw River in Project Area The 20-acre reservoir at the project site contains multiple small rocky islands and is relatively shallow with limited habitat due to the trapping of silt at the impoundment. Waters below the impoundment are predominately rocky riverbed with numerous islands that create a braided nature to the river, but consists of one main channel and a smaller channel toward the eastern side of the river (Figure 1). The closest upstream impoundment is located approximately 15 miles away at Saxapahaw. The closest downstream impoundment is located at Jordan Lake approximately 6 miles away. The project utilizes a 2,500 ft bypass reach below the dam on the eastern side of the river. The intake canal for the project begins at the impoundment and flows parallel to the river along the eastern bank until it reaches the powerhouse. After passing through the powerhouse water flows down a 500 ft tailrace before rejoining the river. Figure 1 - View of Project Area Water Quality Monitoring Plan FERC No. P-4093 Bynum Hydro Project McMahan Hydroelectric, LLC 6 Water Quality Classifications and Standards NCDWR uses assessment unit numbers (AU#) to identify segments of waterways in North Carolina for the purpose of tracking and recording water quality assessment in a state database. Three NCDWR assessment unit index numbers have been identified for waters within the project area (Figure 2). The first section, AU# 16-(28.75), begins approximately 0.15 miles west of U.S. 15/501, to a point 0.5 miles upstream of the Town of Pittsboro current water supply intake at the project impoundment. NCDENR classified this river reach as a water supply (WS-IV)1 and a nutrient sensitive water (NSW)2. The second section, AU# 16-(28.875), begins 0.15 miles upstream of US 15/501 at the Town of Pittsboro water supply intake and ends 0.4 miles downstream of Brooks Branch. NCDENR classified this river reach as WS-IV and NSW. The third section, AU #16-(36.3), begins 0.4 miles downstream of Brooks Branch and ends at the former Pittsboro water supply intake located 0.3 miles upstream of Pokeberry Creek. This reach is cl assified as WS-IV and NSW, as well as a critical area (CA). According to 15A NCAC 0.2B .0202, all waters of the Cape Fear River Basin are classified as lower piedmont and coastal plain waters. As such, the waters associated with the hydroelectric plant ar e subject to the following water quality standards: a minimum instantaneous dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration of 4.0 mg/L, a minimum daily average DO concentration of 5.0 mg/L, a maximum temperature increase of 2.8°C above natural water temperature, and a maximum water temperature of 32° C. 1 Waters classified as WS-IV are waters used as sources of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food processing purposes where a WS-I, II or III classification is not feasible. These waters are also protected for Class C uses. WS-IV waters are generally in moderately to highly developed watersheds or Protected Areas. Class C waters are protected for uses such as secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish consumption, aquatic life including propagation, survival and maintenance of biological integrity, and agriculture. Secondary recreation includes wading, boating, and other uses involving human body contact with water where such activities take place in an infrequent, unorganized, or incidental manner. 2 In 1983, all waters in the Haw River watershed (subbasins 03-06-01 to 03-06-06) including Jordan Reservoir received a supplemental classification of nutrient sensitive water (NSW) to acknowledge that Jordan Reservoir could have water quality problems associated with excessive nutrient inputs from both wastewater discharges and runoff from the various land uses in the watershed. Figure 2 - AU Numbers Located within Project Area Water Quality Monitoring Plan FERC No. P-4093 Bynum Hydro Project McMahan Hydroelectric, LLC 7 Historic River Data Data has been collected on a regular basis within the project vicinity for at least 40 years through two sources; a river gage station operated by the United States Geologic Survey (USGS), and an Ambient Monitoring Station overseen by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources. USGS Gauge Station The USGS maintained a river gage station located (35°45’55” N, 79°08’09” W) on the Haw River approximately one mile downstream from the Project dam. USGS Gauge 02096960 – Haw River Near Bynum, NC references 1,275 square miles of drainage area and is 283.31 feet above sea level. The USGS station at Bynum was installed in 1973 and remains in operation. The USGS station near Bynum currently collects data on water discharge and gage height in 15 minute increments. Discharge data has been collected since 1973. Gage height data is available back to 19 96. NCDWQ Ambient Monitoring System The North Carolina DWR has conducted water quality monitoring within the project boundary for over 40 years through the state’s Ambient Monitoring System (AMS). Station number B2100000 (35.77°N, 79.14° W) is located on the Haw River at State Road 1713 in Bynum. A full suite of water quality testing is conducted at the station. Data regarding DO levels and water temperature have been collected at this station since 1968. Monitoring was limited to warm weather months throughout the 1970s. Year-round monthly monitoring began at the station in 1980 and continued until 2005. Since 2005 monitoring at the station has been conducted on bi-weekly basis. Approximately 600 measurements for DO and water temperature have been conducted since data collection begin at AMS B2100000 in 1968. Analysis of Historic Water Monitoring Data Analysis of DO and water temperature data from AMS station B2100000 reveals the close relationship between water temperature and DO at this site. DO at this site show an annual pattern of decreased DO levels during the summer season and increased DO levels du ring the winter season (Figure 3). Figure 3 - DO Levels at AMS Station B210000 1980-2016 0 5 10 15 20 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)Dissolved Oxygen Level at AMS Station B210000 1980-2016 Water Quality Monitoring Plan FERC No. P-4093 Bynum Hydro Project McMahan Hydroelectric, LLC 8 This pattern of annually fluctuating DO levels is further demonstrated when historic averages are calculated for each month of the year. According to these results, average monthly DO levels range from a low of 7.6 mg/L during July to a high of 13.0 mg/L in January for the years 1968-2016 (Figure 4). Figure 4- Average Monthly DO Level 1968-2016 Figure 5- Average Monthly Water Temperature 1968-2016 Water temperature data collected at AMS Station B2100000 also present an annual pattern with warmer temperatures in the summer season and cooler temperatures in the winter season (Figure 6). Monthly averages for water temperature at this site reflect this cycle (Figure 5). Figure 6 - DO & Water Temperature at AMS Station B210000 1997-2016 13.0 12.4 11.3 9.7 8.9 8.1 7.6 7.9 8.3 9.7 11.0 12.3 0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecmg/LMonth Average Monthly DO Levels at Bynum 1968-2016 5.6 7.3 11.3 16.8 21.3 25.7 27.7 27.5 23.8 17.6 11.8 7.3 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecDegree CelciusMonth Average Monthly Water Temp at Bynum 1968-2016 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Temperature °Cmg/LDissolved Oxygen and Water Temperature at AMS Station B2100000 for 1997 -2016 Dissolved Oxygen Level Water Temperature Water Quality Monitoring Plan FERC No. P-4093 Bynum Hydro Project McMahan Hydroelectric, LLC 9 Monitoring Approach and Parameters McMahan seeks to conduct water quality monitoring at an appropriate scale for the project. Site selection for water quality monitoring at this project is based on 1) locations that will help characterize conditions in the bypass reach and the tailrace; and 2) locations that are safe and accessible for data collection. The approach McMahan proposes would address monitoring water quality within the Project area as two phases: Pre-operational monitoring and Post-operational monitoring. Pre-operational Monitoring As stated in the previous section, water quality data has been collected within the Project area by NCDWR for over 40 years. McMahan proposes to conduct no additional water quality monitoring prior to operation on the hydroelectric project. Post-operational Monitoring Once the hydroelectric facility is operational, McMahan proposes to assess two water quality parameters (DO and Water Temperature) at three sampling sites within the Project area as well as physical measurements of stream discharge and river gauge height. DO and water temperature will be recorded using a handheld instrument (YSI ProODO Optical Dissolved Oxygen Instrument or similar), while stream discharge and river height will be monitored using the USGS Gauging Station #02096960 (Haw River Near Bynum.) Monitoring of these parameters at the selected sites will allow McMahan and the Division to assess on-going trends in water quality conditions and compliance with applicable water quality standards in the Project area. Sites, Frequency, and Duration The three sampling sites and their locations are shown in Figure 7. The sampling sites are located on the Haw River within two segments in the Project vicinity: • In the bypass section of the Haw River; from the toe of the Bynum dam down to the confluence of the project tailrace and bypass section of the river. • In the project tailrace Parameters and sampling frequency are summarized in Table 1. In general, the sampling sites are selected for their ability to represent conditions within these segments, and to ascertain potential effects of Project facilities and operations on water quality , while also providing safe monitoring locations for the field operator. Water Quality Monitoring Plan FERC No. P-4093 Bynum Hydro Project McMahan Hydroelectric, LLC 10 Figure 7 - Proposed Monitoring Locations Descriptions of Sampling and Monitoring Locations Bypass Reach Water quality monitoring will occur at two site within the project bypass reach. Monitoring for both of these sites will be conducted from the Bynum Road (SR 1713) pedestrian bridge located approximately 1750 feet downstream of the Bynum dam and 750 feet upstream from the confluence of the powerhouse tailrace with the Haw River. The “Bypass Reach 2” monitoring location identified in Figure 7 is the same location used by the DWR for its ambient water quality monitoring of the Haw River in Bynum. Powerhouse Tailrace Tailrace monitoring of water temperature and dissolved oxygen will occur at a site located downstream of the powerhouse within the tailrace. Exact location of the monitoring site within the tailrace has yet to be determined. McMahan will consult with DWR and other resource agencies to determine an appropriate monitoring location. USGS River Gauging Station The (USGS) maintains a USGS river gauge located (35°45’55” N, 79°08’09” W) on the Haw River approximately one mile down river from the Project dam. USGS Gauge 02096960 – Haw River Near Bynum, NC references 1,275 square miles of drainage area and is 283.31 feet above sea level. For flow information utilized in this monitoring plan a direct drainage area percentage factor of 1:1 was used to convert recorded USGS flow data to historic water flow rates at the Bynum Dam. Water Quality Monitoring Plan FERC No. P-4093 Bynum Hydro Project McMahan Hydroelectric, LLC 11 Table 1 – Water Quality Monitoring Site Data Sample Site Bypass Reach 1 Bypass Reach 2 Powerhouse Tailrace Site Identification Name BR-1 BR-2 PT-1 Site Location From the SR 1713 pedestrian bridge. In the middle of the eastern channel. From the SR 1713 pedestrian bridge. In the middle of the main river channel. In the project tailrace directly downstream from the powerhouse GPS Coordinates 35°46’20.71” N 79°8’39.39” W 35°46’18.29” N 79°8’41.92” W 35°46’18.93” N 79°8’33.93” W Monitoring Parameters Dissolved Oxygen / Temperature Dissolved Oxygen / Temperature Dissolved Oxygen / Temperature Frequency of Monitoring Weekly* Weekly* Weekly* Duration of Monitoring Year Round Year Round Year Round Sampling Method Hand-held Instrument Hand-held Instrument Hand-held Instrument * Sampling will only be collected when the powerhouse is operational within that one-week period. Sampling Procedure Procedure for field sampling, data collection, equipment calibration, equipment cleaning, and other monitoring activities will follow, or adapt as appropriate, the Standard Operations Procedures provided by the NC DWR Intensive Survey Branch SOP Manual for Physical and Chemical Monitoring. These are the same procedures used by DWR for water quality monitoring. Field sampling will be conducted at all of the proposed monitoring sites on the same day when the powerhouse is in operation. Equipment Calibration & Maintenance In addition to following SOPs provided by AMS, monitoring equipment will be calibrated, cleaned, and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. A record of calibration measurements will be maintained to ensure proper instrument operation. Any instrument that fails to properly maintain calibration will not be used for data collection. Data Management and Reporting McMahan will maintain digital records of all recorded data as well as a backup of collected data in cloud storage. McMahan will provide data on an annual basis, or as requested, to NCDWQ and other appropriate agencies.