HomeMy WebLinkAboutHigh Hampton Fieldstone Phase 1 - High Hampton Preliminary Bio Retention Geo Rpt J18-12228-02 7-31-18 BLEINC. BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. GEOTECHNICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS CONSULTANTS 130 OVAL ROAD, SUITE 200 PHONE (828) 277-0100 ARDEN, NORTH CAROLINA 28803 FAX (828) 277-0110 July 31, 2018 Scott Wearren Vice President – Development & Construction Daniel Communities 3104 Blue Lake Drive, Suite 200 Vestavia, Alabama 35243 Subject: PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION REPORT High Hampton Inn Resort – Bio Retention Ponds Cashiers, North Carolina BLE Project No. J18-12228-02 BLE NC License No. C-1538 Dear Mr. Wearren, Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Incorporated (BLE) is pleased to present this geotechnical exploration report for the above-referenced project. This report was performed in general accordance with Bunnell-Lammons Engineering (BLE) Proposal Number P18-0585 dated June 7, 2018. The purpose of this exploration was to develop information about the site and subsurface soil conditions that could be used in preliminary planning for the proposed bio-retention ponds. Project information for this report was obtained from a review of current and historical aerial photography along with concept drawings showing the proposed bio-retention ponds. BLE was provided the concept stormwater drawings for High Hampton’s back of house, Fieldstone Phase 1 and resort core dated May 18, 2018 as well as a boring location plan indicating sixteen (16) borings and an excel spreadsheet with boring elevations for the proposed bio-retention basins. Additional project information was obtained from our site visit performed by BLE during the course of the preliminary geotechnical exploration. PROJECT INFORMATION High Hampton is currently planning an expansion to their resort in Cashiers, North Carolina. Part of the expansion is to include the construction of 16 new bio-retention ponds. These new ponds are associated with three expansion areas that include the resort core, an area of new residential construction identified as Fieldstone Phase I, and a back-of-house area associated with a new treatment plant and maintenance building. BLEINC. Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration July 31, 2018 High Hampton Resort – Bio Ponds - Cashiers, NC BLE Project No. J18-12228-02 2 We understand that seasonal high groundwater table elevations for the bio-retention ponds and soil infiltration rates for permeable pavements is needed. FIELD EXPLORATION The bio-retention sites were explored by performing thirteen (13) soil test borings at the approximate locations shown on the attached Boring Location Plan (reference Figure 1). Borings RC-1 through RC-9 were performed at the resort core area, Borings F-1, F-2, F- 4 and F-5 were performed at the Fieldstone Phase 1 area. This corresponded to one boring per pond, with the exception of Borings F-3, GM-1 and GM-2, which were not accessible to our drill rig at the time of exploration. The soil test borings were performed using a truck-mounted drill rig turning 2-1/4 inch I.D. hollow-stem augers. Ten of the 13 soil test borings were extended to their proposed depths below the existing ground surface. Three of the 13 borings encountered shallow refusal. Soil samples were obtained in accordance with ASTM D 1586 by driving a 1-3/8 inch I.D. split-spoon sampler with a 140-pound safety hammer. The boring locations were established in the field by BLE personnel using the provided concept site plan layout and a hand-held GPS unit with 3 to 5 meter accuracy. Locations reported herein should be considered approximate. The Soil Test Boring Records and a description of our field procedures are attached. AREA GEOLOGY The project site is located in the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province, an area underlain by ancient igneous and metamorphic rocks. The virgin soils encountered in this area are the residual product of in-place chemical weathering of the rock. In areas not altered by erosion, previous construction or other activities of man, the typical residual soil profile consists of clayey and silty soils near the surface where soil weathering is more advanced. The near surface silty soils are typically underlain by sandy silts and silty sands. The boundary between soil and rock is not sharply defined. This transitional zone is termed partially weathered rock (PWR) and is normally found overlying the parent bedrock. For engineering purposes, partially weathered rock is defined as residual material with a standard penetration resistance in excess of 100 blows per foot, or 50 blows per 6 inches. Weathering is facilitated by fractures, joints, and the presence of less resistant rock types. As a result, the profile of the partially weathered rock and hard rock is quite irregular and erratic, even over short horizontal distances. Also, it is not unusual to find lenses and boulders of hard rock and zones of partially weathered rock within the soil mantle, well above the general bedrock level. The upper soils along drainage features and in flood plain areas are generally water- deposited (alluvial) materials that have been deposited by floods over geologic time or eroded and washed down from adjacent higher ground. Alluvial soils are usually soft and compressible, having never been consolidated by pressures in excess of their present overburden. BLEINC. Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration July 31, 2018 High Hampton Resort – Bio Ponds - Cashiers, NC BLE Project No. J18-12228-02 3 SITE CONDITIONS Site conditions were observed by Mr. King Williams during our site reconnaissance. The resort and associated buildings are located on the southwest end of Hampton Lake. Hampton Lake is fed by an unnamed creek that drains the area north of the lake. A review of historic topographic maps indicates the area in and surrounding the lake was relatively flat, and may have been an upland bog similar to those found in other nearby areas. Significant development of the site has occurred over the years in association with the resort. A number of buildings, driveways, parking areas and a golf course are now present. BLE did not evaluate the existing buildings in great detail at the time of our site visit; however, limited visual observations of the exterior of the structure indicate that the buildings appear to be in good condition. No indications of excessive settlement were apparent during our site visit, nor have we been notified of any settlement related problems with the existing structure. There were no visible rock outcroppings and no apparent groundwater springs were observed in the areas of the proposed resort at the time of our site visit. The Fieldstone Phase 1 area is currently a vacant, wooded site with a gravel road extending from Cashiers School Road towards the south and to the west. The topography of is flat to sloping. The Back-of-House area is also a vacant, wooded site with a primitive 4-track trail. The topography of the area was flat to sloping. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The descriptions below provide a general summary of the subsurface conditions encountered. The Boring Logs included in the appendix contain detailed information recorded at each boring location. The Boring Logs represent our interpretation of the field logs based on engineering examination of the field samples. The lines designating the interfaces between various strata represent approximate boundaries and the transition between strata may be gradual. It should be noted that the soil conditions will vary between boring locations. Surface Materials Borings RC-1 through RC-7, RC-9, F-1, F-2, F-4 and F-5 encountered topsoil and grass thicknesses of 2 to 3 inches. Borings RC-8 and RC-9 encountered crushed stone thicknesses of 2 to 8 inches. BLEINC. Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration July 31, 2018 High Hampton Resort – Bio Ponds - Cashiers, NC BLE Project No. J18-12228-02 4 Existing Fill Soil interpreted as fill soil was encountered in borings RC-1, RC-3, RC-8 and F-1 to depths ranging from 0 to 8 feet. No information regarding the past grading work has been provided to BLE at the time of reporting. No compaction test data or field records of fill placement were available for our review at the time this report was prepared. The fill generally consisted of silty sands. SPT blow counts in the silty sands ranged from 6 to 9 bpf, indicating some compactive effort was applied during placement. It should be noted that the content and quality of man-made fills can vary significantly. Possible Fill or Residuum A strata of soil that was difficult to discern from fill or residuum was encountered in boring F-1 below the existing fill at depths ranging from 3 to 12 feet. Residuum is soil that has weathered in place from the underlying parent bedrock. The possible fill or residuum consisted of a silty sand. SPT resistance values in the possible fill or residuum was 3 to 6 bpf, indicating a very loose to loose consistency. It should be noted that the content and quality of man-made fills can vary significantly. Residuum Residual soil, or residuum, was encountered in all 13 borings below the existing ground surface at depths ranging from 0 to 20 feet. Residuum is soil that has weathered in place from the underlying parent bedrock. The residuum generally consisted of silty sands. SPT blow counts in the silty sand residuum ranged from 5 to 16 bpf, indicating a loose to firm consistency. Borings RC-1 through RC-9 and F-1 were terminated in residuum at depths of 10 to 20 feet below the ground surface. Partially Weathered Rock Partially weathered rock (PWR) was encountered in borings F-2, F-4 and F-5 to depths ranging from 3 to 7 feet below the existing ground surface. Partially weathered rock (PWR) is material that has weathered in place from the parent bedrock with an SPT penetration resistance of greater than 50 blows per six inches. No samples were recovered in the PWR. Auger Refusal Auger refusal was encountered in borings F-2, F-4 and F-5 at depths ranging from 4.5 to 7 feet (see Table 1). Refusal may result from boulders, lenses, ledges or layers of relatively hard rock underlain by partially weathered rock or residual soil; refusal may also represent the surface of relatively continuous bedrock. Core drilling procedures are required to penetrate refusal materials and determine their character and continuity. Core drilling was beyond the scope of this exploration. BLEINC. Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration July 31, 2018 High Hampton Resort – Bio Ponds - Cashiers, NC BLE Project No. J18-12228-02 5 Table 1. Auger Refusal Summary Boring No. Existing Ground Surface Elevation Bottom elevation of proposed bio- retention pond Refusal Depth Refusal Elevation F-2 3452 3440 7’-0” 3445 F-4 3456 3446 4’-6” 3451.5 F-5 3459 3446 4’-6” 3454.5 Groundwater Conditions Groundwater was not encountered at the time of drilling, however 11 piezometers were installed and subsequent groundwater readings were taken. Refer to Table 1 below for measured groundwater levels. It should be noted that groundwater levels may fluctuate several feet with seasonal and rainfall variations and with changes in the water level in nearby creeks and drainage features. Normally, the highest groundwater levels occur in late winter and spring and the lowest levels occur in late summer and fall. Table 2. Groundwater Summary Boring No. Existing Ground Surface Elevation Bottom elevation of proposed bio- retention pond GWT Depth at time of drilling GWT Depth on July 6, 2018 GWT Depth on July 27, 2018 RC-1* 3452 3440 Dry 8’-6” 9’-2” RC-2* 3456 3446 Dry 9’-6” 10’-8” RC-3 3459 3446 Dry Dry Dry RC-4 3476 3460 Dry Dry Dry RC-5* 3452 3442 Dry 4’-11” 6’-10” RC-6* 3455 3444 Dry 9’-4” 9’-10” RC-7 3457 3446 Dry 14’-7” Dry RC-8 3450 3452 (fill) Dry 6’-10” 6’-9” RC-9 3462 3453 Dry Dry Dry F-1* 3446 3437 Dry 9’-4” 9’-8” F-2 3455 3442 Dry Dry Dry F-4 3456 3446 Dry N/A N/A F-5 3459 3446 Dry N/A N/A B-14 3454 N/A 8’-0” N/A N/A *Groundwater measured above planned bioretention pond bottom BLEINC. Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration July 31, 2018 High Hampton Resort – Bio Ponds - Cashiers, NC BLE Project No. J18-12228-02 6 Due to recent rains and access issues, the drill rig was not able to access boring locations GM-1, GM-2 and F-3. BLE conducted geotechnical explorations on April 9, 2018 at boring location B-14. Due to the close proximity of the two borings (B-14 and GM-2), we have included the data from B-14 in lieu of GM-2. Sediment Basin Hydrogeology A review of publicly available groundwater literature was performed to compliment the soil boring exploration. A soil rating map was obtained from the United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA) NRCS website, which provided regional information regarding water table elevations. The map designates soil deposits (designated as “map units” across the site) and provides the depth to water for each deposit. The deposits located within the proposed sediment basin are reported as the Edneyville-Chestnut land complex for boring RC-9, symbolized as EdD, Nikwasi fine sandy loam land complex for borings F-1 through F-5, symbolized as NkA, Sylva-Whiteside complex for borings GM-1 and GM- 2 (not drilled due to access) and Udorthents for borings RC-8, symbolized as Ud. Map units the Edneyville-Chestnut land complex are shown as having a depth of greater than 78 inches over the time period from January through December (see Figure 2). Nikwasi fine sandy loam land complex is shown as having a depth of 4 inches over the time period from January through December. Sylva-Whiteside complex is shown as having a depth of 30 inches over the time period from January through December. Laboratory Test Results Undisturbed soil samples of the residual soils were collected from Shelby tubes in borings RC-4 and RC-7 at depths ranging from 12 to 14 feet below the ground surface. Grain size distribution tests and permeability tests were conducted on these specimens The permeability test indicated the residual soils exhibit permeabilities ranging from 1.5x10-4 to 6.0x10-5 cm/sec. Based on our experience in the region and the grain size distribution tests, remolded soils (i.e. compacted fill soils) are anticipated to have similar permeability characteristics.: Table 3. Laboratory Test Results Boring No. Sample Depth Permeability RC-4 12 – 14’ 6.0 E-05 cm/sec RC-7 12 – 14’ 1.5 E-04 cm/sec BLEINC. Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration July 31, 2018 High Hampton Resort – Bio Ponds - Cashiers, NC BLE Project No. J18-12228-02 7 Assessment A number of the bio-retention sites appear to have potential design and/or construction issues as currently planned. Borings RC-1, RC-2, RC-5, RC-6 and F-1 encountered static ground water levels above the planned basin bottom elevation. Borings F-2, F-4 and F-5 encountered auger refusal above the planned basin bottom elevation. High groundwater has both design and regulatory impacts on bio-retention ponds and the potential for shallow rock has construction feasibility implications. Modifications to plan elevations and locations may be needed. The remaining locations appear to meet regulatory requirements regarding the seasonal high groundwater table. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATIONS Our evaluation of foundation support conditions has been based on our understanding of the project information and data obtained in our exploration as well as our experience on similar projects. The general subsurface conditions utilized in our evaluation have been based on interpolation of the subsurface data between the widely spaced limited borings. Subsurface conditions between the borings may differ. If the project information is incorrect or the structure location (horizontal or vertical) and/or dimensions are changed, please contact us so that our recommendations can be reviewed. The discovery of any site or subsurface conditions during construction which deviate from the data obtained in this exploration should be reported to us for our evaluation. The assessment of site environmental conditions for presence of pollutants in the soil, rock and groundwater of the site was beyond the scope of this exploration. High Hampton Inn-Resort Core Cashiers, NC BLE Project No. J18-12228-02 Drawn By: PKW Date: 7-24-18 Figure No. 1 Overall Boring Location Plan Aerial by Google Earth and Approximate boring locations by BLE High Hampton Inn-Fieldstone Cashiers, NC BLE Project No. J18-12228-02 Drawn By: PKW Date: 7-24-18 Figure No. 2 Boring Location Plan Aerial by Google Earth and Approximate boring locations by BLE Approximate Boring Location Legend F-2 F-1 F-4 F-5 High Hampton Inn-BOH Cashiers, NC BLE Project No. J18-12228-02 Drawn By: PKW Date: 7-24-18 Figure No. 3 Boring Location Plan Aerial by Google Earth and Approximate boring locations by BLE High Hampton Inn-Resort Core Cashiers, NC BLE Project No. J18-12228-02 Drawn By: PKW Date: 7-24-18 Figure No. 2 Boring Location Plan Aerial by Google Earth and Approximate boring locations by BLE Approximate Boring Location Legend RC-9 RC-8 RC-4 F-5 RC-5 RC-6 RC-3 RC-2 RC-1 RC-7 Loose, moist, reddish brown, silty SAND (SM) - (fill) Very loose to loose, moist to wet, light brown, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (possible fill or residuum) UD Sample (No recovery) Loose, wet, black, gray and white, micaceous, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Boring terminated at 15 feet. Piezometer Installed. No groundwater encountered at time of boring. SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL TYPE SAMPLESLOCATION: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: CAVING> SOIL BORING NO. F-1 Sheet 1 of 1 06/26/18 DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: END:High Hampton Inn Cashiers, NC METRO DRILL, INC., Chris & Roger ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PROJECT: Soil Sentry, 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger J18-12228-02 AFTER 24 HOURS: SOIL BORING NO. F-1 START: 06/26/18 ELEVATION: P. WilliamsLOGGED BY: High Hampton Inn Bioretention Ponds GEOT_NOWELL 12228-02.GPJ 7/18/182 5 20 30 40 50 70 90 STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS BLOWS/FOOT 10 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 4 3 inches TOPSOIL Firm, wet, light brown, fine to medium, micaceous silty SAND (SM) - (possible fill or residuum) Loose, wet, light brown and gray, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Partially Weathered Rock (No Recovery) Auger refusal at 7 feet. Piezometer Installed. No groundwater encountered at time of boring. SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL TYPE SAMPLESLOCATION: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: CAVING> SOIL BORING NO. F-2 Sheet 1 of 1 06/26/18 DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: END:High Hampton Inn Cashiers, NC METRO DRILL, INC., Chris & Roger ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PROJECT: Soil Sentry, 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger J18-12228-02 AFTER 24 HOURS: SOIL BORING NO. F-2 START: 06/26/18 ELEVATION: P. WilliamsLOGGED BY: High Hampton Inn Bioretention Ponds GEOT_NOWELL 12228-02.GPJ 7/18/182 5 20 30 40 50 70 90 STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS BLOWS/FOOT 10 50/.5 5 7 8 5 5 5 50/.5 Loose, wet, light brown, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) with quartz fragments - (residuum) Partially Weathered Rock (No Sample Recovered) Auger refusal at 4.5 feet. No groundwater encountered at time of boring. SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL TYPE SAMPLESLOCATION: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: CAVING> SOIL BORING NO. F-4 Sheet 1 of 1 06/26/18 DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: END:High Hampton Inn Cashiers, NC METRO DRILL, INC., Chris & Roger ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PROJECT: Soil Sentry, 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger J18-12228-02 AFTER 24 HOURS: SOIL BORING NO. F-4 START: 06/26/18 ELEVATION: P. WilliamsLOGGED BY: High Hampton Inn Bioretention Ponds GEOT_NOWELL 12228-02.GPJ 7/18/182 5 20 30 40 50 70 90 STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS BLOWS/FOOT 10 50/1.5 3 3 7 50/1.5 3 inches TOPSOIL Loose, wet, light brown, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Partially Weathered Rock - No Recovery Auger refusal at 4.5 feet. No groundwater encountered at time of boring. SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL TYPE SAMPLESLOCATION: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: CAVING> SOIL BORING NO. F-5 Sheet 1 of 1 06/26/18 DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: END:High Hampton Inn Cashiers, NC METRO DRILL, INC., Chris & Roger ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PROJECT: Soil Sentry, 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger J18-12228-02 AFTER 24 HOURS: SOIL BORING NO. F-5 START: 06/26/18 ELEVATION: P. WilliamsLOGGED BY: High Hampton Inn Bioretention Ponds GEOT_NOWELL 12228-02.GPJ 7/18/182 5 20 30 40 50 70 90 STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS BLOWS/FOOT 10 50/.5 2 2 3 50/.5 3 inches TOPSOIL Loose, moist, light brown, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (fill) Loose, moist, light brown and brown, micaceous, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Loose, moist, gray and black, micaceous, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Loose, moist, red brown, micaceous, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) Boring terminated at 15 feet. Piezometer Installed. No groundwater encountered at time of boring. SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL TYPE SAMPLESLOCATION: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: CAVING> SOIL BORING NO. RC-1 Sheet 1 of 1 06/26/18 DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: END:High Hampton Inn Cashiers, NC METRO DRILL, INC., Chris & Roger ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PROJECT: Soil Sentry, 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger J18-12228-02 AFTER 24 HOURS: SOIL BORING NO. RC-1 START: 06/26/18 ELEVATION: P. WilliamsLOGGED BY: High Hampton Inn Bioretention Ponds GEOT_NOWELL 12228-02.GPJ 7/18/182 5 20 30 40 50 70 90 STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS BLOWS/FOOT 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 6 4 3 4 4 5 4 3 inches TOPSOIL Loose, moist, yellowish brown, micaceous, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Loose, moist, gray, black and yellow, slightly micaceous, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Boring terminated at 15 feet. Piezometer Installed. No groundwater encountered at time of boring. SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL TYPE SAMPLESLOCATION: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: CAVING> SOIL BORING NO. RC-2 Sheet 1 of 1 06/26/18 DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: END:High Hampton Inn Cashiers, NC METRO DRILL, INC., Chris & Roger ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PROJECT: Soil Sentry, 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger J18-12228-02 AFTER 24 HOURS: SOIL BORING NO. RC-2 START: 06/26/18 ELEVATION: P. WilliamsLOGGED BY: High Hampton Inn Bioretention Ponds GEOT_NOWELL 12228-02.GPJ 7/18/182 5 20 30 40 50 70 90 STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS BLOWS/FOOT 10 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 5 5 5 5 3 inches TOPSOIL Loose, moist, brown, micaceous, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (fill) Loose, moist, brown, micaceous, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Loose to firm, moist, light gray, yellow with black mottling, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Boring terminated at 15 feet. Piezometer Installed. No groundwater encountered at time of boring. SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL TYPE SAMPLESLOCATION: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: CAVING> SOIL BORING NO. RC-3 Sheet 1 of 1 06/26/18 DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: END:High Hampton Inn Cashiers, NC METRO DRILL, INC., Chris & Roger ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PROJECT: Soil Sentry, 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger J18-12228-02 AFTER 24 HOURS: SOIL BORING NO. RC-3 START: 06/26/18 ELEVATION: P. WilliamsLOGGED BY: High Hampton Inn Bioretention Ponds GEOT_NOWELL 12228-02.GPJ 7/18/182 5 20 30 40 50 70 90 STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS BLOWS/FOOT 10 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 9 3 inches TOPSOIL Loose, moist, reddish yellow and brown with white and black mottling, slightly micaceous, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Loose, moist, white, gray and yellow, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) UD Sample Firm, moist, yellow, gray and brown, micaceous, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) Boring terminated at 20 feet. Piezometer Installed. Took UD Sampled at 12 feet to 14 feet. No groundwater encountered at time of boring. SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL TYPE SAMPLESLOCATION: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: CAVING> SOIL BORING NO. RC-4 Sheet 1 of 1 06/26/18 DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: END:High Hampton Inn Cashiers, NC METRO DRILL, INC., Chris & Roger ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PROJECT: Soil Sentry, 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger J18-12228-02 AFTER 24 HOURS: SOIL BORING NO. RC-4 START: 06/26/18 ELEVATION: P. WilliamsLOGGED BY: High Hampton Inn Bioretention Ponds GEOT_NOWELL 12228-02.GPJ 7/18/182 5 20 30 40 50 70 90 STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS BLOWS/FOOT 10 2 2 3 3 5 4 4 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 7 8 6 5 7 2 inches TOPSOIL 6 inches GRAVEL Loose, moist light gray, micaceous, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Loose, moist to wet, dark gray and white, micaceous, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Boring terminated at 15 feet. Piezometer Installed. No groundwater encountered at time of boring. SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL TYPE SAMPLESLOCATION: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: CAVING> SOIL BORING NO. RC-5 Sheet 1 of 1 06/26/18 DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: END:High Hampton Inn Cashiers, NC METRO DRILL, INC., Chris & Roger ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PROJECT: Soil Sentry, 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger J18-12228-02 AFTER 24 HOURS: SOIL BORING NO. RC-5 START: 06/26/18 ELEVATION: P. WilliamsLOGGED BY: High Hampton Inn Bioretention Ponds GEOT_NOWELL 12228-02.GPJ 7/18/182 5 20 30 40 50 70 90 STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS BLOWS/FOOT 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 5 4 5 3 inches TOPSOIL Loose, moist to wet, yellow, brown and gray, slightly micaceous, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) with quartz fragments - (residuum) Loose, wet, brown, micaceous, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Boring terminated at 15 feet. Dry. No groundwater encountered at time of boring. SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL TYPE SAMPLESLOCATION: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: CAVING> SOIL BORING NO. RC-6 Sheet 1 of 1 06/26/18 DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: END:High Hampton Inn Cashiers, NC METRO DRILL, INC., Chris & Roger ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PROJECT: Soil Sentry, 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger J18-12228-02 AFTER 24 HOURS: SOIL BORING NO. RC-6 START: 06/26/18 ELEVATION: P. WilliamsLOGGED BY: High Hampton Inn Bioretention Ponds GEOT_NOWELL 12228-02.GPJ 7/18/182 5 20 30 40 50 70 90 STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS BLOWS/FOOT 10 3 4 3 4 4 5 3 5 4 3 3 4 3 4 5 3 3 5 3 inches TOPSOIL Loose to firm, moist to wet, white and reddish brown, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Undisturbed Sample Taken 12 feet to 14 feet Loose, wet, gray and white, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Boring terminated at 15 feet. Piezometer Installed. No groundwater encountered at time of boring. SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL TYPE SAMPLESLOCATION: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: CAVING> SOIL BORING NO. RC-7 Sheet 1 of 1 06/26/18 DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: END:High Hampton Inn Cashiers, NC METRO DRILL, INC., Chris & Roger ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PROJECT: Soil Sentry, 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger J18-12228-02 AFTER 24 HOURS: SOIL BORING NO. RC-7 START: 06/26/18 ELEVATION: P. WilliamsLOGGED BY: High Hampton Inn Bioretention Ponds GEOT_NOWELL 12228-02.GPJ 7/18/182 5 20 30 40 50 70 90 STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS BLOWS/FOOT 10 2 2 4 2 3 4 3 4 4 3 5 6 4 4 5 5 5 5 8 inches GRAVEL Loose, very moist, dark brown and brown, silty SAND (SM) - (fill) Loose, wet, dark brown, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Boring terminated at 10 feet. Piezometer Installed. No groundwater encountered at time of boring. SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL TYPE SAMPLESLOCATION: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: CAVING> SOIL BORING NO. RC-8 Sheet 1 of 1 06/25/18 DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: END:High Hampton Inn Cashiers, NC METRO DRILL, INC., Chris & Roger ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PROJECT: Soil Sentry, 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger J18-12228-02 AFTER 24 HOURS: SOIL BORING NO. RC-8 START: 06/25/18 ELEVATION: P. WilliamsLOGGED BY: High Hampton Inn Bioretention Ponds GEOT_NOWELL 12228-02.GPJ 7/18/182 5 20 30 40 50 70 90 STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS BLOWS/FOOT 10 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 6 2 inches GRAVEL 2 inches TOPSOIL Loose to firm, moist, light red and light brown, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Loose, moist, yellow, gray brown, micaceous, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Boring terminated at 15 feet. Piezometer Installed. No groundwater encountered at time of boring. SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL TYPE SAMPLESLOCATION: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: CAVING> SOIL BORING NO. RC-9 Sheet 1 of 1 06/25/18 DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: END:High Hampton Inn Cashiers, NC METRO DRILL, INC., Chris & Roger ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PROJECT: Soil Sentry, 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger J18-12228-02 AFTER 24 HOURS: SOIL BORING NO. RC-9 START: 06/25/18 ELEVATION: P. WilliamsLOGGED BY: High Hampton Inn Bioretention Ponds GEOT_NOWELL 12228-02.GPJ 7/18/182 5 20 30 40 50 70 90 STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS BLOWS/FOOT 10 3 3 5 4 3 5 4 6 5 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 6 inches LEAF LAYER/TOPSOIL Loose, moist, brown, clayey, silty SAND (SM) - (fill) Very loose, moist, light brown, gray, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) - (residuum) Very loose, wet, yellow and brown, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) Loose to firm, very moist, white, brown, black, slightly micaceous, fine to medium silty SAND (SM) Partially Weathered Rock which sampled as very dense, moist, white, brown, black, fine to medium silty sand Auger refusal at 25 feet. Groundwater encountered at 8 feet at time of boring. Boring caved at 12 feet at time of drilling. SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL TYPE SAMPLESLOCATION: DRILLER: DRILLING METHOD: CAVING>12 SOIL BORING NO. B-14 Sheet 1 of 1 04/09/18 DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: CLIENT: 8 PROJECT NO.: END:Daniel Communities Cashiers, NC JORDAN ENVIRONMENTAL, LLC., Adam ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PROJECT: D-50, 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger J18-12228-01 AFTER 24 HOURS: SOIL BORING NO. B-14 START: 04/09/18 ELEVATION: P. WilliamsLOGGED BY: High Hampton GEOT_NOWELL 12228-01.GPJ 4/25/182 5 20 30 40 50 70 90 STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS BLOWS/FOOT 10 50/6 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 4 3 3 5 5 10 10 50/6 Soil Map—Jackson County, North Carolina Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 7/31/2018 Page 1 of 33885700388590038861003886300388650038867003885500388570038859003886100388630038865003886700308800309000309200309400309600309800310000310200310400310600 308800 309000 309200 309400 309600 309800 310000 310200 310400 310600 35° 6' 19'' N 83° 5' 54'' W35° 6' 19'' N83° 4' 39'' W35° 5' 39'' N 83° 5' 54'' W35° 5' 39'' N 83° 4' 39'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 17N WGS84 0 400 800 1600 2400 Feet 0 100 200 400 600 Meters Map Scale: 1:8,720 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons Soil Map Unit Lines Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodic Spot Spoil Area Stony Spot Very Stony Spot Wet Spot Other Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:12,000. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Jackson County, North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 13, Sep 26, 2017 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Feb 6, 2016—Oct 26, 2017 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Soil Map—Jackson County, North Carolina Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 7/31/2018 Page 2 of 3 Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI EdC Edneyville-Chestnut complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes, stony 76.2 21.6% EdD Edneyville-Chestnut complex, high precipitation, 15 to 30 percent slopes, stony 93.4 26.4% EdE Edneyville-Chestnut complex, high precipitation, 30 to 50 percent slopes, stony 12.6 3.6% NkA Nikwasi fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded 41.4 11.7% SyA Sylva-Whiteside complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes 28.4 8.0% TwC Tuckasegee-Whiteside complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes 22.4 6.3% Ud Udorthents, loamy 61.0 17.3% UfB Udorthents-Urban land complex, 0 to 5 percent slopes, rarely flooded 7.2 2.1% W Water 9.5 2.7% WtB Whiteside-Tuckasegee complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes 1.1 0.3% Totals for Area of Interest 353.2 100.0% Soil Map—Jackson County, North Carolina Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 7/31/2018 Page 3 of 3 Depth to Water Table—Jackson County, North Carolina Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 7/31/2018 Page 1 of 43885700388590038861003886300388650038867003885500388570038859003886100388630038865003886700308800309000309200309400309600309800310000310200310400310600 308800 309000 309200 309400 309600 309800 310000 310200 310400 310600 35° 6' 19'' N 83° 5' 54'' W35° 6' 19'' N83° 4' 39'' W35° 5' 39'' N 83° 5' 54'' W35° 5' 39'' N 83° 4' 39'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 17N WGS84 0 400 800 1600 2400 Feet 0 100 200 400 600 Meters Map Scale: 1:8,720 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Rating Polygons 0 - 25 25 - 50 50 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 200 > 200 Not rated or not available Soil Rating Lines 0 - 25 25 - 50 50 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 200 > 200 Not rated or not available Soil Rating Points 0 - 25 25 - 50 50 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 200 > 200 Not rated or not available Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:12,000. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Jackson County, North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 13, Sep 26, 2017 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Feb 6, 2016—Oct 26, 2017 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Depth to Water Table—Jackson County, North Carolina Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 7/31/2018 Page 2 of 4 Depth to Water Table Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating (centimeters)Acres in AOI Percent of AOI EdC Edneyville-Chestnut complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes, stony >200 76.2 21.6% EdD Edneyville-Chestnut complex, high precipitation, 15 to 30 percent slopes, stony >200 93.4 26.4% EdE Edneyville-Chestnut complex, high precipitation, 30 to 50 percent slopes, stony >200 12.6 3.6% NkA Nikwasi fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded 15 41.4 11.7% SyA Sylva-Whiteside complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes 76 28.4 8.0% TwC Tuckasegee-Whiteside complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes >200 22.4 6.3% Ud Udorthents, loamy >200 61.0 17.3% UfB Udorthents-Urban land complex, 0 to 5 percent slopes, rarely flooded >200 7.2 2.1% W Water >200 9.5 2.7% WtB Whiteside-Tuckasegee complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes >200 1.1 0.3% Totals for Area of Interest 353.2 100.0% Description "Water table" refers to a saturated zone in the soil. It occurs during specified months. Estimates of the upper limit are based mainly on observations of the water table at selected sites and on evidence of a saturated zone, namely grayish colors (redoximorphic features) in the soil. A saturated zone that lasts for less than a month is not considered a water table. This attribute is actually recorded as three separate values in the database. A low value and a high value indicate the range of this attribute for the soil component. A "representative" value indicates the expected value of this attribute for the component. For this soil property, only the representative value is used. Depth to Water Table—Jackson County, North Carolina Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 7/31/2018 Page 3 of 4 Rating Options Units of Measure: centimeters Aggregation Method: Dominant Component Component Percent Cutoff: None Specified Tie-break Rule: Lower Interpret Nulls as Zero: No Beginning Month: January Ending Month: December Depth to Water Table—Jackson County, North Carolina Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 7/31/2018 Page 4 of 4 Bunnell Lammons Engineering, Inc. Greenville, SC Client: Project: Project No.:Figure Daniel Communities High Hampton Inn Bio Retention 12228-02 SYMBOL SOURCE SAMPLE DEPTH Material Description USCSNO.(ft.) SOIL DATAPERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE -mm 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31.9 44.5 23.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.6 47.5 25.96 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report RC-4 Grey silty fi.-med. SAND RC-7 Grey silty fi.-med. SAND BLEINC. HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY TEST REPORT CONSTANT VOLUME APPARATUS (ASTM D 5084) PROJECT:TESTED BY:JOHN MATHEW PROJECT NO.:CHECKED BY:PAUL YARBER DATE RECEIVED: SAMPLE NO.SAMPLE LOCATION: TYPE SAMPLE DESCRIPTION:GREY SILTY FI.-MED. SAND SAMPLE DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES ITEM INITIAL FINAL inches centimeters inches centimeters Sample Length 7.112 7.115 Sample Diameter 7.242 7.249 Length/Diameter Ratio 0.98 Moisture Content (%)WW=159.3 DW=123.9 28.6 WW=206.9 DW=150.2 37.7 Sample Wet Weight (grams) Wet Density (pcf)105.8 109.6 Dry Density (pcf)82.3 79.5 Saturation (%)ASSUMED SG=2.7 74 91 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY TESTING MEASUREMENT FALLING HEAD TEST Confining Pressure (psi)70.2 Influent Pressure (psi)68.2 Effluent Pressure (psi)68.0 B-Value 0.95 Date Clock Time Elapsed Pipet Readings Head Temp Gradient K Temp K20°C Time Initial Final Initial Final Start End seconds in out in out cm cm ºC (cm/sec)Correction (cm/sec) 2:05:20 2:06:30 70 1.0 23.0 2.0 22.0 40.092 37.726 22.0 5 6.3E-05 0.953 6.0E-05 2:06:30 2:07:45 75 2.0 22.0 3.0 21.0 37.726 35.361 22.0 5 6.3E-05 0.953 6.0E-05 2:07:45 2:09:05 80 3.0 21.0 4.0 20.0 35.361 32.995 22.0 5 6.3E-05 0.953 6.0E-05 2:09:05 2:10:32 87 4.0 20.0 5.0 19.0 32.995 30.629 22.0 5 6.2E-05 0.953 5.9E-05 Pipet Length, cm 28.390 28.390 Pipet Volume, cc 24 24 Cross-sectional Area of Pipet, cm2 0.8454 0.8454 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY (K20°C)6.0E-05 cm/sec HIGH HAMPTON INN BIO RETENTION J18-12228-02 7-16-18 7-19-18 7-19-18 7-19-18 7-19-18 515.3 RC-4 REMOLDED 2.800 2.851 2.801 2.854 496.6 BLEINC. HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY TEST REPORT CONSTANT VOLUME APPARATUS (ASTM D 5084) PROJECT:TESTED BY:JOHN MATHEW PROJECT NO.:CHECKED BY:PAUL YARBER DATE RECEIVED: SAMPLE NO.SAMPLE LOCATION: TYPE SAMPLE DESCRIPTION:GREY SILTY FI.-MED. SAND SAMPLE DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES ITEM INITIAL FINAL inches centimeters inches centimeters Sample Length 7.374 7.391 Sample Diameter 7.257 7.292 Length/Diameter Ratio 1.02 Moisture Content (%)WW=177.4 DW=126.4 40.3 WW=162.9 DW=111.3 46.4 Sample Wet Weight (grams) Wet Density (pcf)101.7 106.0 Dry Density (pcf)72.4 72.5 Saturation (%)ASSUMED SG=2.7 82 94 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY TESTING MEASUREMENT FALLING HEAD TEST Confining Pressure (psi)70.2 Influent Pressure (psi)68.2 Effluent Pressure (psi)68.0 B-Value 0.95 Date Clock Time Elapsed Pipet Readings Head Temp Gradient K Temp K20°C Time Initial Final Initial Final Start End seconds in out in out cm cm ºC (cm/sec)Correction (cm/sec) 2:22:00 2:22:27 27 1.0 23.0 2.0 22.0 40.092 37.726 22.0 5 1.7E-04 0.953 1.6E-04 2:22:27 2:22:59 32 2.0 22.0 3.0 21.0 37.726 35.361 22.0 5 1.5E-04 0.953 1.4E-04 2:22:59 2:23:35 36 3.0 21.0 4.0 20.0 35.361 32.995 22.0 5 1.4E-04 0.953 1.4E-04 2:23:35 2:24:11 36 4.0 20.0 5.0 19.0 32.995 30.629 22.0 5 1.5E-04 0.953 1.5E-04 Pipet Length, cm 28.390 28.390 Pipet Volume, cc 24 24 Cross-sectional Area of Pipet, cm2 0.8454 0.8454 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY (K20°C)1.5E-04 cm/sec 7-19-18 7-19-18 7-19-18 7-19-18 2.903 2.910 2.857 2.871 496.6 524.4 HIGH HAMPTON INN BIO RETENTION J18-12228-02 7-16-18 RC-7 REMOLDED SANDS Sandy Silt Sand Clayey Sand Low Plasticity Clay CL CLS BLDRCBBL CH SILTS and CLAYS Groundwater Table 24 Hours after Completion of Drilling Very Soft Soft Firm Stiff Very Stiff Hard Very Hard Silt KEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONSKEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONSKEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONSKEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS MH MLS SW SC KEY TO DRILLING SYMBOLSKEY TO DRILLING SYMBOLSKEY TO DRILLING SYMBOLSKEY TO DRILLING SYMBOLS TOPSOIL Relative Density *ASTM D 1586 Groundwater Table at Time of Drilling Consistency Particle Size Identification Very Loose Loose Firm Very Firm Dense Very Dense Topsoil CL-ML ML BEDROCK Poorly-graded Gravel Well-graded Gravel GP Concrete A5 0 to 2 3 to 4 5 to 8 9 to 15 16 to 30 31 to 50 over 50 Clayey Silt Silty Sand Partially Weathered Rock High Plasticity Clay GW 0 to 4 5 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 50 over 50 Penetration Resistance* Blows per Foot Boulder: Greater than 300 mm Cobble: 75 to 300 mm Gravel: Coarse - 19 to 75 mm Fine - 4.75 to 19 mm Sand: Coarse - 2 to 4.75 mm Medium - 0.425 to 2 mm Fine - 0.075 to 0.425 mm Silt & Clay: Less than 0.075 mm Penetration Resistance* Blows per Foot KEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS AND CONSISTENCY DESCRIPTIONSKEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS AND CONSISTENCY DESCRIPTIONSKEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS AND CONSISTENCY DESCRIPTIONSKEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS AND CONSISTENCY DESCRIPTIONS Bedrock SM Sandy Clay Silty Clay Undistrurbed Sample Split Spoon Sample Grab Sample BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Field Exploration Procedures Soil Test Borings The borings were made by mechanically twisting a continuous flight steel auger into the soil. Soil sampling and penetration testing were performed in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. At assigned intervals, soil samples were obtained with a standard 1.4-inch I. D., 2-inch O. D., split-tube sampler. The sampler was first seated 6 inches to penetrate any loose cuttings, and then driven an additional 12 inches with blows of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The number of hammer blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches was recorded and is designated the "standard penetration resistance." The penetration resistance, when properly evaluated, is an index to the strength of the soil and foundation supporting capability. Representative portions of the soil samples, thus obtained, were placed in glass jars and transported to the laboratory. In the laboratory, the samples were examined by a geotechnical engineer to verify the field classifications of the driller. Test Boring Records are attached, showing the soil descriptions and penetration resistance.