HomeMy WebLinkAboutDuke_PasteDemoVersion2_DIN28276_20170808DUKE ENERGY. August 4, 2017 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 Attn: Mr. Larry Frost (electronic delivery only) Re: Belews Creek Paste Demonstration - Engineering Plan Revision Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina 27009 Stokes County Dear Mr. Frost, Belews Creek Steam Station 3191 Pine Hall Road Walnut Cove, NC 27042 336-445-0610 336-669-2994 Attached you will find the revised Engineering Plan for the proposed paste demonstration project at the Belews Creek Steam Station Craig Road Landfill (8504-INDUS). The Engineering Plan was revised in response to the July 27, 2017 review meeting between NCDEQ, Duke Energy, and Amec Foster Wheeler. Engineering Plan revisions are summarized in the attached Amec Foster Wheeler letter dated August 4, 2017. This letter serves as a formal request from Duke Energy for permission from NCDEQ Solid Waste Section to conduct the Paste Demonstration project within the permitted limits of the landfill. Duke Energy is committed to excellent environmental stewardship and cooperation with the Division regarding the operation, maintenance, safety, and integrity of all of its facilities. We look forward to continuing to work with you regarding environmental concerns. If there are any questions regarding this request, please contact Melonie Martin at (336) 445- 0610. Respectfully submitted, Kimberlee Witt (on behalf of Melonie Martin) Environmental Services Attachments: Engineering Plan — Revised, Belews Creek Paste Demonstration cc: Shawn McKee, NCDEQ Page 1 of 1 August 4, 2017 Melonie Martin Environmental Services Belews Creek Steam Station 3131 Pine Hall Road Walnut Cove, NC 27042 Melonie.Martin@Duke-Energy.com Subject: Engineering Plan — Revised Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Duke — Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Dear Melonie: 1 amec foster wheeler Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (Amec Foster Wheeler) is submitting a revised Engineering Plan for the subject project in response to discussions during the July 27, 2017 review meeting with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), Duke Energy, and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. We addressed specific comments and discussion items from the review meeting as noted below. Since the initial Engineering Plan dated July 17, 2017, we have advanced the drawing level of detail to support bidding and constructing the project. Therefore, the drawings in this Engineering Plan revision also include more details than the original submittal. Changes to the Engineering Plan, Drawings, Calculations, and Specifications are as follows: Engineering Plan: Section 3.3, Process Area Description — added text explaining that a 10,000 gallon wastewater storage tank with secondary containment is proposed to be located in the Process Area. 2. Section 3.4.1 - revised the table summarizing deposition cell dimensions to reflect a slightly increased top dimension. We regraded the downstream side of the demonstration cells to provide a constant elevation around the slope crest of the demonstration cell. This change adds volume and free board within the demonstration cells to better control contact water. Drawings: 1. Revised the demonstration cell grading plans shown on Drawing BLC—C907.005.006 (and related sheets) to provide a constant elevation around the slope crest of the Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure Inc. 2801 Yorkmont Road, Suite 100 Registered in North Carolina Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 Engineering and Land Surveying License No. F-1253 704-357-8600 Geology License No. C-247 amecfw.com Engineering Plan - Revised August 4, 2017 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration, Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 demonstration cell. This change adds volume and free board within the demonstration cells. 2. Specified the location of the 10,000 gallon storage tank and secondary containment area on various plan -view drawings; added detail sheet BLC_C907.005.017 to show the secondary containment area details. 3. Added silt fence down -slope of the cleanout discharge area and off -spec paste deposition area shown on drawing BLC_C907.005.005. 4. Removed the geomembrane liner and reduced the size of the cleanout discharge area shown on drawing BLC_C907.005.005. 5. Specified contact water collection (5,000 gallons) and leachate collection (500 gallons) tanks sizes and piping details as shown on detail sheets BLC_C907.005.016 and .017. 6. Added detailed piping information to plan drawings BLC_C907.005.006 and .007. 7. Added detail for discharging leachate and contact water storage tanks into the Phase 2 landfill by a flexible hose and rip -rap apron directed to existing chimney drains. Calculations: 1. Updated the Paste Contact Water calculation for the change in the demonstration cell area bounded by the revised slope crest. Technical Specifications: 1. Added specification 22 13 63, Water Storage Tank, for the contact water and leachate storage tanks. We appreciate the continued opportunity to support Duke Energy on this project and we trust that the Engineering Plan revisions summarized in this letter adequately address comments from the July 27, 2017 meeting. Sincerely, Amec Foster Wheeler Ken Daly, P.E. Principal Engineer Ken.daly@amecfw.com Copy to: M.A. "Mark" Shumpert, P.E. Associate Engineer mark.shumpert@amecfw.com Keith Ambrose, Duke Energy, Keith.Ambrose@duke-energy.com Matt Bellassai, Duke Energy, Matthew.Bellassai@duke-energy.com 2 (' DUKE ENERGY Engineering Plan Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 S To: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Date August 3, 2017 From: Am ec Foster Wheeler amec foster wheeler Engineering and Facility Plan Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Table of Contents Duke Energy - Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................ 1.1 Project Description..................................................... 1.2 Site Description.......................................................... 1.3 Proposed Sequence of Activities ............................... 2 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT RULES ........................... 2.1 North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules ....... 2.2 EPA CCR Rules......................................................... 3 DEMONSTRATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................. 3.1 Site Development....................................................... 3.2 Subsurface Conditions ............................................... 3.3 Process Area Description ........................................... 3.4 Demonstration Pad Description ................................. 3.4.1 Demonstration Cell Size ......................................... 3.4.2 Demonstration Cells and Liner System Subgrade . 3.4.3 Geosynthetic Liner System .................................... 3.4.4 Protective Cover ..................................................... 3.4.5 Paste Contact Water Run-off and Conveyance ..... 3.4.6 Stormwater Collection and Removal ...................... 3.4.7 Operational/Interim/Final Cover ............................. 3.5 Leachate Collection Area ........................................... 3.6 Leachate Generation .................................................. 3.7 Leachate Migration..................................................... 3.8 Leachate Discharge ................................................... 4 DESIGN ANALYSIS............................................................ 4.1 Paste Contact Water .................................................. 4.2 Demonstration Area Stormwater................................ 4.3 Leachate Generation .................................................. 4.4 Anchor Trench............................................................ 4.5 Liner System Geotextile Filter .................................... 4.6 Liner System Geotextile Cushion ............................... 4.7 Reinforced Slope Design ........................................... 4.8 Liner System Settlement ............................................ 4.9 Deposition Cell Volume .............................................. 4.10 Landfill Stability.......................................................... 5 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS AND MANAGEMENT.... 5.1 Nuisance Controls...................................................... 5.2 Erosion and Sedimentation Control ........................... 6 CONSTRUCTION ............................................................... 6.1 Construction Sequence .............................................. 6.2 Drawings.................................................................... 6.3 Technical Specifications ............................................. 6.4 Construction Quality Assurance Plan ........................ 7 DEMONSTRATION MONITORING AND OBSERVATION 8 REPORTING....................................................................... 8.1 Construction Certification Report ............................... 8.2 Operations Report ...................................................... 9 DECOMMISSIONING......................................................... 10 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 TOC August 3, 2017 Engineering and Facility Plan Belews Creek Paste Demonstration REFERENCES List of Appendices Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina .......................................................................................................13 Appendix A Drawings Appendix B Calculations Appendix C Technical Specifications Appendix D Construction Quality Assurance Plan Appendix E Operations Plan, Craig Road Landfill (Revision 5, December 18, 2013) Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 TOC August 3, 2017 Engineering and Facility Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina 1 Introduction The purpose of this Engineering Plan, with the accompanying drawings and technical specifications, is to communicate the proposed paste demonstration project design and details to obtain North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Solid Waste Section (SWS) permission to conduct the project within the permitted limits of Duke Energy's Belews Creek Steam Station, Craig Road Landfill. This Engineering Plan will also demonstrate that the proposed project is generally consistent with and does not violate the intents of the approved landfill Permit to Operate, Operations Plan, and North Carolina solid waste management rules. 1.1 Project Description Duke Energy (Duke) has undertaken this project to evaluate alternatives for managing flue gas desulfurization (FGD) wastewater in response to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements. Specifically, Duke is seeking to reduce bromide concentration in permitted discharges. Duke undertook research work with the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte) to sequester bromide in plant wastewater through mixing with various binders (e.g., fly ash, gypsum, and lime). Research results indicate that sequestering bromide is possible at a laboratory scale. Duke intends to scale up the bromide sequestration studies to a field demonstration that will further evaluate the feasibility in a manner representative of possible full-scale operations. It is envisioned that possible full-scale operations would entail mixing and delivering paste (similar to paste processes common in mining industry practices) to the Craig Road Landfill, located south of the Belews Creek Steam Station on Duke property. The proposed paste demonstration project will be within the limits of the Craig Road Landfill Phase 1. The proposed project will integrate several engineering and materials disciplines including civil, geotechnical, solid waste, environmental, mining, materials, and process engineering. Furthermore, various paste mix material properties must be evaluated and balanced to achieve the desired results. In addition to the chemical behavior, the paste mix must have initial properties allowing it to be pumped over distance and placed with final properties that are stable in the landfill and suitable to integrate into landfill operations. The mix ingredients must be balanced or enhanced to address material variability, must be cost effective, and must yield desired physical characteristics while still sequestering bromide. Overall field demonstration project objectives are: 1. Demonstrating and verifying bromide sequestration and environmental performance at a field - level including: a. Evaluating the quantity and quality of leachate generation b. Evaluating the quantity and quality of contact -water runoff 2. Evaluating paste process mixing, pumping, and placement 3. Evaluating short and long term paste physical characteristics 1.2 Site Description Duke is proposing to conduct the paste demonstration project within Phase 1 of the Belews Creek Steam Station, Craig Road Landfill. The Craig Road Landfill is an active coal combustion residual (CCR) landfill organized and operated in phases under NCDEQ Permit Number 8504-INDUS. Phases 1 and 2 are currently operational. Phase 1 is approximately 31-acres, started operations in 2007, and was filled to approximate elevation 830 feet and a CCR thickness of approximately 40 feet when operations transitioned into the adjacent Phase 2 landfill in 2014. CCR placement is currently focused in Phase 2 which is approximately 35 acres. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Page 1 of 13 August 3, 2017 Engineering and Facility Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina Consistent with the approved landfill Operations Plan (Revision 5, December 18, 2013), Duke plans to focus landfilling in Phase 2 until CCR placement approaches a similar top deck elevation as Phase 1. Based on current ash generation rates and the fly ash marketing for beneficial use, the Phase 2 ash disposal rates are less than the design -basis disposal rates. Therefore, Duke anticipates it will be several years before Phase 2 filling reaches a level requiring moving operations back into Phase 1. As landfill operations are not anticipated to move back into Phase 1 for several years, the Phase 1 landfill is a desirable location for the proposed paste demonstration project. Drawings illustrating the proposed paste demonstration project area are included in Appendix A. The general site vicinity is illustrated on the drawing Cover Sheet (Drawing BLC_C907.005.001). The following drawings illustrate the existing Craig Road Landfill Phase 1 and 2 conditions and paste demonstration project location: ► Existing Conditions Aerial Photograph, May 2017: Drawing BLC_C907.005.002 ► Existing Conditions Topographic Map, May 2017: Drawing BLC_C907.005.003 ► Demonstration Project Plan: Drawing BLC_C907.005.004 1.3 Proposed Sequence of Activities Amec Foster Wheeler and Duke present the following anticipated paste demonstration project sequence of activities: ► submit the Demonstration Project request to NCDEQ (July 2017) ► obtain NCDEQ authorization to conduct the Demonstration Project (August 2017) ► construct the Demonstration Project Pad (August -October 2017) ► submit construction documentation report (October 2017) ► install and commission paste processing equipment (October -November 2017) ► mix and deposit paste (December 2017) ► demobilize paste process equipment upon completion of paste mixing/deposition (January 2018) ► begin long-term environmental monitoring for two or more years (January 2018) ► decommission paste demonstration cells (January 2020 or prior to continued ash placement in Phase 1) Should Duke choose to move forward with full-scale paste deposition in the Craig Road Landfill, the landfill design would be reevaluated, modified as necessary, and Duke would submit a permit modification request to NCDEQ. 2 Solid Waste Management Rules The Craig Road Landfill was designed and permitted and is operated consistent with North Carolina solid waste management rules and the federal CCR rule. The proposed paste demonstration project will be located wholly within the Craig Road Landfill limits and is therefore subject to these rules. 2.1 North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules The Craig Road landfill was permitted under the North Carolina rules governing industrial landfills commonly referred to as the .0500 rules. The Craig Road Landfill is authorized to operate under a Permit to Operate for NCDEQ Permit Number 8504-INDUS. Landfill operations, and therefore the paste demonstration project, must be conducted consistent with the following approved design and operational plans: ► Craig Road Landfill Phase 1 Vertical Expansion, March 2011. ► Phase 2 Construction Plan Application, Engineering and Facility Plan, Craig Road Landfill Expansion, April 18 2012 ► Operations Plan, Craig Road Landfill, Revision 5, December 18, 2013 Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Page 2 of 13 August 3, 2017 Engineering and Facility Plan Belews Creek Paste Demonstration 2.2 EPA CCR Rules Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promulgated 40 CFR Parts 257 and 261 on April 17, 2015, commonly referred to as the CCR rule. The CCR rule regulates disposal of CCR materials as a Subtitle D (non -hazardous) material and provides landfill design criteria, much of which is consistent with the current North Carolina solid waste rules with several exceptions, including liner system configuration and groundwater separation. Current Craig Road Landfill Phases 1 and 2 were designed and permitted prior to promulgation of 40 CFR Parts 257 and 261, however, must comply with specific requirements including Part 257.81 requiring stormwater management consistent with a Run-on Run-off Control Plan. The proposed paste demonstration project has been designed to comply with Craig Road Landfill Run-on Run-off Control Plan requirements. 3 Demonstration Project Description The proposed paste demonstration project design components are defined and described in this section. To consistently communicate the project layout and design, the demonstration project components are defined as follows: ► Demonstration Pad: overall area designated for the lined demonstration cells, process area, leachate collection area, and ancillary equipment ► Demonstration Cells: discrete, lined test cells designed to receive paste for short and long-term evaluation and monitoring ► Process Area: location of paste raw material (ash, lime, water) storage, paste process/mixing, and paste pumping equipment ► Leachate Collection Area: area designated for temporary storage of leachate and contact water generated from the demonstration cells The location and general extents of the Demonstration Pad and related areas are illustrated in the Demonstration Project Plan shown on Drawing BLC_C907.005.004 (Appendix A) 3.1 Site Development The proposed paste demonstration project will encompass approximately 4 acres and will be located wholly within the Craig Road Landfill Phase 1. The Demonstration Pad is located on the southwestern Phase 1 top deck near the Phase 1 and Phase 2 landfill side slope. This location was selected to control stormwater and contact water within Phase 1; to promote leachate collection and storage by gravity; and to isolate the paste demonstration project from Phase 2 landfill operations. The Demonstration Cells were designed primarily to achieve the objective of short and long-term environmental monitoring of the paste. This objective will be accomplished by measuring the quantity and analyzing the quality of leachate and contact water run-off over time. 3.2 Subsurface Conditions The Demonstration Pad will be located on the top deck of the Craig Road Phase 1 landfill directly over existing ash fill that is approximately 40 feet thick. Ash has been placed and compacted to 95 percent of the standard Proctor (ASTM D698) maximum dry density and within five percent of the optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D 698. The in -place ash density and moisture content is routinely tested as required by the Operations Plan. It is anticipated that the Phase 1 landfill will serve as a suitable foundation for the Demonstration Pad. 3.3 Process Area Description The Process Area is designated for paste raw material (ash, lime, Portland cement, wastewater), non - potable water storage, paste process mixing, paste pumping equipment, and as a general staging and support area. The Process Area will be paved with an all-weather aggregate surfacing to promote clean Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Page 3 of 13 August 3, 2017 Engineering and Facility Plan Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina and orderly operations, to reduce contact and disturbance of underlying ash, and support vehicle and equipment traffic during project implementation. The Process Area location is illustrated on Drawing BLC-C907.005.004. The exact Process Area size and location of raw material storage and paste process mixing and pumping equipment is undetermined at this time as the detailed process design is in progress. Contact water and stormwater will be managed consistent with the landfill Operations Plan (Appendix E). Dust will be controlled in accordance with landfill Dust Control Plan (Appendix E). Duke proposes storing concentrated FGD wastewater for paste production in a 10,000 gallon storage tank located within the Process Area. Secondary containment for this tank will be supplied by constructing a berm lined with a geomembrane. The secondary containment berm has been sized to hold the volume of the storage tank, the estimated rainfall from a 10 year, 24-hour storm, and 6 inches of freeboard. 3.4 Demonstration Pad Description 3.4.1 Demonstration Cell Size Duke is proposing to evaluate two paste mix designs placed in three demonstration cells. The demonstration cell sizes are controlled by the volume of waste water available, the desired paste thickness, the desired paste surface area, and the desired leachate collection system area. Duke is currently conducting a nanofiltration (NF) pilot project to concentrate FGD wastewater for paste production. The NF pilot is scheduled to produce 50,000 gallons of concentrated FGD wastewater. Considering that anticipated mix designs will be comprised of approximately 70 percent solids (ash and binders such as lime or Portland cement) and 30 percent concentrated FGD waste water and accounting for approximately 25 percent contingency (waste) during mixing and deposition, the estimated total volume of paste to be produced is approximately 400 cubic yards. The target paste thicknesses were selected to yield a reasonable thickness below the depth of influence for seasonal and daily temperature fluctuations. Two demonstration cells are targeting a 6-foot paste thickness; one demonstration cell is targeting a 10-foot paste thickness. The design leachate collection system area and paste surface area were evaluated based on the available paste volume and target thickness. The demonstration pad will be constructed with a liner system, leachate collection system, and contact water collection system to achieve the primary project goals of measuring the quantity and quality of leachate and contact water run-off over time. The Demonstration Pad grading plan illustrating the three demonstration cells is shown on Drawing BLC_C907.005.006. To maximize the paste thickness with a limited paste volume, the demonstration cells are designed with steep interior side slopes of 1.5 horizontal to 1 vertical (1.5:1). A geosynthetic- reinforced slope will be constructed to maintain stability of these steep slopes. Exterior demonstration cell side slopes vary from 3:1 to 7:1. The demonstration cell identification number and dimensions are summarized below. 3.4.2 Demonstration Cells and Liner System Subgrade The demonstration cells and liner system subgrade will be constructed on existing ash fill, or ash fill placed specifically to construct the demonstration cells. Existing ash has been placed, compacted, and monitored consistent with Operations Plan requirements and its suitability will be verified by proof rolling Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Page 4 of 13 August 3, 2017 Engineering and Facility Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina prior to new fill placement. Ash, obtained from within the existing landfill, used to build the demonstration cell side slopes, will be moisture conditioned and compacted to meet the project technical specifications. Soil cover, indicated on the drawings, will be obtained from the landfill soil stockpile. 3.4.3 Geosynthetic Liner System The geosynthetic liner system includes the following from the top to bottom (within the cell floor): ► geotextile separator ► aggregate leachate collection layer ► nonwoven geotextile cushion ► 60 mil double -sided textured HDPE geomembrane ► prepared subgrade Note that the leachate collection system is located only on the demonstration cell floor. The leachate collection system does not extend up the side slopes to prevent contact water at the final paste surface from migrating into the leachate collection system. Therefore, the liner system on the side slopes consists solely of the geomembrane placed over prepared subgrade. 3.4.4 Protective Cover Protective cover is a standard landfill liner system component, intended to protect the liner system from heavy equipment traffic during operations. Paste will be pumped into the demonstration cells and heavy equipment loading is not anticipated. Protective cover is not proposed for the paste demonstration cell floor or side slope. Direct contact between the paste and leachate collection system is required on the cell floor to facilitate leachate collection. Protective cover is not used on the cell side slope because it could serve as a conduit for surface contact water migration into the leachate collection system. 3.4.5 Paste Contact Water Run-off and Conveyance Stormwater collected within the direct demonstration cell limits will be considered paste "contact water". The direct demonstration cell limits are defined by the inside top crest of the demonstration cell slopes. A fundamental project objective is to evaluate the quantity and quality of paste contact water generated. As paste is pumped into the cell, it is expected to flow away from the paste discharge piping creating a shallow surface slope. Therefore, paste contact water is expected to flow to the downslope end of the demonstration cell where it will be collected and conveyed to a storage tank. 3.4.6 Stormwater Collection and Removal The demonstration pad top deck/berms, exterior side slopes, and area surrounding the demonstration pad will be graded to drain stormwater to the existing landfill contact water collection system consisting of chimney drains. All stormwater within the project area will be managed as ash contact water. The current stormwater drainage areas and destinations defined in the Operations Plan and the Run-on Run-off Control Plan will be maintained. 3.4.7 Operational/Interim/Final Cover Operational, intermediate, and final cover are commonly used in standard landfill operations. However, as the demonstration project goals are to evaluate paste contact water and leachate generation quantity and quality as well as effects of long-term paste exposure, these covers are not proposed. During paste production and demonstration cell filling, temporary rain covers may be used to protect fresh paste (prior to the desired hydration state) from exposure to precipitation. 3.5 Leachate Collection Area The leachate collection area is designated for storing paste contact water and leachate during the demonstration project. To simplify operations, the leachate collection system is designed to flow by gravity. Therefore, storage tanks must be located at an elevation lower than the bottom of the demonstration cells. To achieve this elevation change, storage tanks will be located in a leachate Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Page 5 of 13 August 3, 2017 Engineering and Facility Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina collection area situated on the southwestern Phase 1 side slope. Soil and ash will be excavated from the landfill side slope to create a bench of suitable size. The bench will accommodate storage tanks, vehicle access, and stormwater management. Leachate management details are summarized in the following section. 3.6 Leachate Generation Anticipated leachate generation rates were estimated using the EPA's Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP) software as modified by the University of Hamburg. Average and peak leachate generation rates for the leachate collection system (LCS) were estimated for a theoretical 50-year timespan. These leachate generation rates were used to design the LCS. Paste was modelled as coal combustion fly ash, since the HELP software does not have paste default properties, and evaluating paste properties to support HELP modeling is beyond the scope of this study. Laboratory evaluations indicate that paste has a lower permeability than ash. Therefore, the estimated leachate generation rates are likely higher than what will be realized in the demonstration project and the LCS components will be adequately (over) sized based on fly ash properties. 3.7 Leachate Migration Leachate migration from the demonstration cells will be controlled and contained by the liner system. Furthermore, overall paste leachate migration from the demonstration cells, if any, would be attenuated by the approximately 40-foot of ash underlying the demonstration pad and contained by the primary landfill liner system. 3.8 Leachate Discharge Leachate and paste contact water will be drained from the demonstration cells to storage tanks located in the leachate collection area. Storage tanks will be equipped with instrumentation capable of measuring the rate of leachate generation. Leachate and contact water storage tanks will be sized to contain approximately one -month of average leachate or paste contact water generation. From the storage tanks, leachate will be discharged to the landfill LCS through piping designed for gravity flow to the Phase 2 LCS chimney drains or by trucking to one of the three landfill leachate storage basins. 4 Design Analysis Engineering design analyses were completed to evaluate paste contact water and stormwater management, geosynthetics design, demonstration cell stability, and demonstration cell sizing. The following design analyses are summarized in this section and presented in Appendix B. ► Paste Contact Water Calculation ► Paste Demonstration Area Stormwater Calculation ► Leachate Generation Calculation ► Anchor Trench Calculation ► Liner System Geotextile Filter Design ► Liner System Geotextile Cushion Design ► Reinforced Slope Design Calculation ► Liner System Settlement ► Demonstration Cell Volume Calculation ► Landfill Stability (qualitative evaluation) Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Page 6 of 13 August 3, 2017 Engineering and Facility Plan Belews Creek Paste Demonstration 4.1 Paste Contact Water Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina Stormwater collected within the direct demonstration cell limits will be considered paste "contact water". The direct demonstration cell limits are defined by the inside top crest of the demonstration cell slopes. The paste contact water quantity was estimated for the 10 year, 24-hour storm to size storage tanks. For the largest of the two demonstration cell sizes (10-ft target paste thickness), the storage tanks will need to hold a minimum of 5,150 gallons. Paste contact water conveyance piping was sized for the 15 year, 24- hour storm. Analyses indicate that 6-inch diameter piping is adequate for the design storm. 4.2 Demonstration Area Stormwater Stormwater that does fall within the demonstration cell limits, but flows from the top deck/berms, exterior side slopes, and area surrounding the demonstration pad is considered demonstration area stormwater. The entire demonstration pad lies within the Phase 1 landfill area. The landfill is designed to accommodate stormwater generated from the 25 year, 24-hour storm as documented in the Run -On Run - Off Control Plan. Review and evaluation of the stormwater from the proposed demonstration pad area indicate that the existing landfill surface water controls (chimney drains) can accommodate stormwater flow. 4.3 Leachate Generation Leachate generation rates were estimated using the software package Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP, version 3.95D) for 6-ft and 10-ft paste thicknesses. Modeling was performed for a time duration of 50 years. Synthetically generated precipitation, temperature, solar radiation, and evaporation data for Greensboro, North Carolina were produced using HELP software. Calculations were performed for an estimated range of paste properties. HELP model results for the paste properties and thickness, resulting in the greatest rate of leachate generation, indicate a peak rate of 93 gallons per cell per day (gpcd) and an average rate of 13 gpcd. The leachate generation rates will be used as the basis for sizing leachate storage tanks. 4.4 Anchor Trench The goal of the anchor trench design is to select a combination of runout length and trench depth that provide resistance to temporary loads on the geomembrane prior to and during paste deposition, and provide resistance less than the yield strength of the geomembrane. In an extreme case of temporary loading such as high velocity wind, it is considered preferable for the geomembrane to be pulled out of the trench rather than to be ruptured. Dimensions sufficient for resisting pullout due to typical temporary loads were selected, based on experience, to be a runout length of 3 feet and a trench depth of 1.5 feet. The anchor trench calculation confirmed that the estimated pullout resistance for these dimensions is less than the yield strength of 60-mil thick HDPE geomembrane. 4.5 Liner System Geotextile Filter This calculation identifies the desired properties of the geotextile filter to be placed as the top layer of the liner/leachate collection system for separating paste above from the leachate collection system aggregate below. An alternative filter design, based on a sand layer between the geotextile and paste was also considered. If a geotextile is used alone, the required apparent opening size should be less than 0.1 mm (#140 sieve). If this design is selected, anti -clogging testing is recommended. If the alternative sand/geotextile filter design is used, a geotextile with an apparent opening size of 0.6 mm (#30 sieve), 0.425 mm (#40 sieve), or similar can be used if geotextile permeability and survivability criteria are satisfied. 4.6 Liner System Geotextile Cushion The objective of this calculation is to size a nonwoven geotextile that will cushion and protect the HDPE geomembrane from puncture due to the overlying LCS drainage aggregate. The geotextile cushion design is based on a 0.75 inch protrusion height corresponding to a 1.5 inch maximum aggregate particle Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Page 7 of 13 August 3, 2017 Engineering and Facility Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina size. Results indicate that a nonwoven geotextile with a mass per unit area of 16 oz/yd2 is recommended as a cushion layer above the HDPE geomembrane. 4.7 Reinforced Slope Design In order for the demonstration cells to satisfy goals for paste thickness and paste volume simultaneously, the side slopes of the demonstration cells need to be steeper than allowable for compacted ash slopes. Therefore, reinforced slopes with wrapped geotextile facing will be used to construct the demonstration cell side walls at an inclination of 1.5H:1 V. Based on available geotextile reinforcement products, the minimum long term design strength for reinforcement was selected to be 500 pounds per foot (Ibs/ft). Slope stability analyses were performed using Slope/W software to select the vertical spacing and embedment length for primary reinforcement. A vertical spacing of 2 feet and primary embedment length of 8 feet were selected. A single geotextile piece may be used for each lift of reinforcement and facing wrap, with a 4-foot embedment for the top of the wrap. 4.8 Liner System Settlement The goal of the liner system settlement calculation is to estimate total and differential settlement of the largest demonstration cell liner system due to the weight of paste, and to evaluate whether the proposed demonstration cell structures and liner system can accommodate the settlement. Based on elastic compression of the underlying compacted ash (approximately 40 feet thick), the estimated total settlement of the cell floor is approximately 0.1 foot. The slope of the cell floor is estimated to decrease by approximately 0.03% due to differential settlement. The liner system can accommodate this settlement. The pipe slopes intersecting the liner system will need to be sufficient to accommodate this settlement without reversing flow direction. 4.9 Deposition Cell Volume The deposition cell design objective is to contain the estimated volume of paste produced while achieving the target paste thicknesses of six and ten feet. The volume of paste produced is controlled by the available wastewater quantity of 50,000 gallons. Assuming a 25 percent paste loss during operations, the net paste volume that can be produced is 413 cubic yards. Based on the current demonstration cell geometry, the required paste volume to achieve the target thicknesses is 379 cubic yards. This analysis concludes that the demonstration cells are adequately sized. 4.10 Landfill Stability The stability of the Craig Road Landfill is a design consideration. As part of the landfill design process, slope stability analyses were performed to confirm stability for the maximum landfill elevation (910 feet or higher), which exceeds the current elevation of the Phase 1 top deck (approximately 830 feet). The construction of the demonstration cells is consistent with plans to fill above the current top deck, with the exception that paste density is greater than landfilled ash density. The volume of higher density material is insignificant in the context of the entire landfill and is not expected to affect landfill stability. Specific slope stability analyses are not necessary for this application. 5 Environmental Controls and Management Environmental controls and management will be implemented in accordance with the Permitted Operations Plan and Dust Control Plan. 5.1 Nuisance Controls Litter, odors, and vectors are not anticipated to be concerns for the Demonstration Project. Coal ash and the coal ash -based paste does not attract vectors. Windblown waste common at municipal solid waste landfills is not anticipated to be a problem. Odors are typically not a concern with CCR landfills. Although coal ash does have the potential to be blown by the wind generating "dust', it is anticipated that paste will be less susceptible to dusting due to chemical reactions that bind the particles together in a Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Page 8 of 13 August 3, 2017 Engineering and Facility Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina manner similar to concrete. However, dust control will be achieved by following the measures outlined in the landfill Operations Plan and companion Dust Control Plan. Dust control measures will be implemented when necessary, and will include watering of roads and exposed work areas. Dust control measures will be employed with paste raw material (fly ash, lime, Portland cement) handling systems used in the paste mixing process. 5.2 Erosion and Sedimentation Control Erosion and sedimentation control (E&SC) measures during paste demonstration project operations will consist of monitoring and repairing stormwater conveyances and E&SC features. The work areas will be monitored for erosion and repaired as necessary. Contact water generating areas within the work area will be graded to drain towards chimney drains which discharge to the LCS and prevent contact water run-off. The overall geometry of the demonstration pad itself and the overall Phase 1 landfill top deck, where the demonstration pad is located, prevent run-on by design. 6 Construction 6.1 Construction Sequence The proposed paste demonstration construction sequence is defined as follows: No. Site Preparation: o installing E&SC measures around the perimeter of the work area o stripping existing interim cover and vegetation as needed o grading to achieve design subgrade elevations No. Demonstration Pad: o cutting, filling, and grading ash to construct three demonstration pad cells o installing liner and leachate collection systems o installing soil and seeding portions of exterior slopes o grading ash adjacent to the demonstration area to promote contact water drainage o installing aggregate on portions of the exterior slopes and the top deck/berm areas for access o installing aggregate access roads around the demonstration pad perimeter No. Process Area: o installing and grading aggregate surfacing o installing paste process equipment including liquid storage tanks, dry material storage, material handling equipment, a mixer, a paste pump, and a piping network to convey paste from the process area to the demonstration pad cells No. Leachate Collection Area: o excavating and grading to construct the leachate collection area access road and bench o installing aggregate surfacing o installing leachate collection piping and tanks ► Instrumentation: o installing environmental monitoring instrumentation in the demonstration cells and leachate collection area. Duke will hire an experienced earthworks and landfill contractor to construct the demonstration facility. Amec Foster Wheeler will provide Construction Quality Assurance monitoring and testing to observe and document that construction was completed in accordance with the plans and technical specifications. Upon construction completion, a construction documentation report will be submitted to NCDEQ for concurrence. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Page 9 of 13 August 3, 2017 Engineering and Facility Plan Belews Creek Paste Demonstration 6.2 Drawings Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina The proposed paste demonstration project construction plans and details are communicated in the drawings. The following drawings are included in Appendix A: Drawing No. Title .001 Cover Sheet .002 Existing Condition - Aerial .003 Existing Condition - Topographic Map .004 Demonstration Project Plan .005 Demonstration Pad Grading Plan - Subgrade .006 Demonstration Pad Grading Plan - Deposition Cells .007 Deonstration Pad Grading Plan - Slope Bench .008 Stormwater Management .009 Paste Demonstration Cross Section - A .010 Paste Demonstration Cross Sections - B1 & B2 .011 Demonstration Pad Details 1 - 6 FT Cell .012 Demonstration Pad Details 2 - 10 FT Cell .013 Demonstration Pad Details 3 .014 Demonstration Pad Details 4 .015 Demonstration Pad Details 5 .016 Demonstration Pad Details 6 .017 Demonstration Pad Details 7 .018 E&SC Details 1 .019 E&SC Details 2 .020 Process Flow Diagram 6.3 Technical Specifications General work requirements, specific product material properties and standards, and construction execution details and requirements are defined in the technical specifications. The technical specifications are presented in Appendix C and include the following sections: 01 71 23 Construction Surveying 22 1363 Water Storage Tank 31 1000 Site Clearing 31 2000 Earth Moving 31 2005 Trenching 31 3200 HDPE Geomembrane 31 3230 Woven Geotextile 31 3240 Nonwoven Geotextile 31 3520 Erosion and Sediment Control 31 3700 Aggregate & Riprap 32 92 00 Seeding 3341 10 HDPE Pipe and Pipe Fittings Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Page 10 of 13 August 3, 2017 Engineering and Facility Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina 6.4 Construction Quality Assurance Plan The CQA Plan defines project stakeholder's roles and responsibilities, outlines the frequency and type of construction monitoring and testing, and outlines documentation and reporting requirements. The CQA Plan is presented in Appendix D. 7 Demonstration Monitoring and Observation Duke, Amec Foster Wheeler, and UNC Charlotte Stakeholders will monitor, observe, and test the short and long-term paste demonstration project performance. The monitoring, observation, and testing will focus on: ► evaluating paste process mixing, pumping, and placement ► evaluating short and long term paste physical characteristics ► demonstrating and verifying bromide sequestration and environmental performance ► evaluating the quantity and quality of leachate generation ► evaluating the quantity and quality of contact -water runoff Monitoring, observation, and testing details will be defined in the Operations and Monitoring Sampling and Analysis Plan (OMSAP). The OMSAP will address sampling and analysis protocols (frequency and methods) and reporting requirements. Short-term monitoring, sampling, and analyses during paste mix production and demonstration pad filling, as well as long-term demonstration pad performance will be addressed. The OMSAP will also identify demonstration pad and process equipment operations criteria such as demonstration pad filling procedures. The OMSAP is currently under development and will be finalized prior to starting demonstration project operations. 8 Reporting 8.1 Construction Certification Report Following demonstration pad and process area construction, Amec Foster Wheeler will develop a Construction Certification Report to document that construction was completed in accordance with the drawings, technical specifications, and CQA Plan. The Construction Certification Report will include relevant construction documentation, including soil and geosynthetics laboratory test results, documentation of field density tests of compacted fill, documentation of geosynthetics installation, a certification statement, record drawings, technician daily field reports, and other construction documentation as required. The Construction Certification Report will be submitted to NCDEQ for concurrence, however, we understand that NCDEQ approval or acceptance of the report is not required to begin the demonstration project operations. 8.2 Operations Report Upon demonstration pad filling, stakeholders will prepare a report documenting the observation, monitoring, sampling, and testing activities. The report will summarize mixing and process operations and demonstration pad filling. The report will include observation logs, sampling information, field and laboratory test results, daily field reports, photographs, and other relevant information. 9 Decommissioning Duke and UNC Charlotte plan to monitor the paste demonstration project long-term performance for two or more years. Long-term monitoring may extend further because the relevance of long-term monitoring depends on the data obtained as well as continued stakeholder interest. The pace of ash generation and Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Page 11 of 13 August 3, 2017 Engineering and Facility Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina landfill operations will control when ash placement will transition into the Phase 1 landfill and when the demonstration project will need to be decommissioned. Paste process equipment (e.g. material storage silos, mixer, pump, and piping) will be removed after the demonstration cells are filled with paste. Ancillary equipment needed to operate the demonstration project, such as leachate and contact water storage tanks and piping, will be removed after long-term monitoring is complete. The demonstration pad (engineered fill and demonstration cell liner systems) will be abandoned in place. The primary concern of leaving the demonstration cells in place is that the liner system geosynthetics would contain leachate from future ash filling. To mitigate this concern, enough of the liner system (e.g. the downstream side and leachate collection sump) will be removed to allow leachate flow out of the demonstration cells and into the surrounding and underlying ash. Duke will coordinate the specific decommissioning methods with and seek concurrence from NCDEQ prior to decommissioning. In addition, Duke will prepare a report documenting that decommissioning was completed in accordance with the agreed upon methods. 10 Conclusions This Engineering Plan and accompanying drawings, design analyses, and technical specifications communicate the proposed paste demonstration project design and details with the intent of obtaining North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Solid Waste Section (SWS) permission to conduct the project within the permitted limits of Duke's Craig Road Landfill. This Engineering Plan demonstrates that the proposed project is generally consistent with and does not violate the intents of the approved landfill Permit to Operate, Operations Plan, and North Carolina solid waste management rules. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Page 12 of 13 August 3, 2017 Engineering and Facility Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina References Craig Road Landfill Phase 1 Vertical Expansion, March 2011, prepared for Duke Energy by S&ME. Phase 2 Construction Plan Application, Engineering and Facility Plan, Craig Road Landfill Expansion, April 18 2012, prepared for Duke Energy by S&ME. Dust Control Plan, Craig Road Landfill, November 13, 2013, prepared for Duke Energy by S&ME. Operations Plan, Craig Road Landfill, Revision 5, December 18, 2013, prepared for Duke Energy by S&ME. Run -On and Run -Off Control System Plan, Craig Road Landfill, May 2, 2016, prepared for Duke Energy by Amec Foster Wheeler. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Page 13 of 13 August 3, 2017 Engineering and Facility Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina APPENDIX A Drawings Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 August 3, 2017 I G! 5 0 7 .001 FE 1 F PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION I c Stoneville N Danbury �i �,�; AIayodan 21 N Yden(r,on Hanging Rock -� Madison stave P PROJECT AREA n dI BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION I I - _ I 3ermaht°n S-Ic,F. li:• t_ I. II'I 11 I 60 - - Runl 1 -tR4Y I I I i- Out Belews— + _ — — 120CIFt�( H.�h'I COU1111 Ha Hall Creek ,se- --g5— Stokesdale GUI�FC7P.D Cc)U1:171' State Park I, `.il�tt�l +i Summerfield Bethm,ia A'al/ k ertown �Ke-\rnervI iiI ll-z i; �I Colfaxinstor421 Y JofM§netSalem 4� �pytiy.yMl ' �- Triad Inrl .^ 1 _ Airport i -- - — "4 Greensboro �. 3 _. 1 �•311 - - SITE VICINITY MAP - 1" = 5 MILES MAP SOURCE: ESRI WORLD TOPOGRAPHIC BASEMAP N PROJECT AREA - BELEWS CREEK CL STEAM STATION s i3 a D -H�ii nl';F SITE VICINITY MAP - 1" = 2000' MAP SOURCE: ESRI WORLD TOPOGRAPHIC BASEMAP CONTACT INFORMATION OWNER: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, INC ADDRESS: 400 SOUTH TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28201 DATE INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 3195 PINE HALL ROAD, BELEWS CREEK STOKES COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Latitude: 36'16'03.830"N, Longitude -80'04'04,97"W ENGINEER: AMEC FOSTER WHEELER ADDRESS: 2801 YORKMONT ROAD, SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28208 PHONE: 704-357-8600 DESIGN 20 30 SITE VICINITY MAP - 1" = 1,000' MAP SOURCE: ESRI WORLD TOPOGRAPHIC BASEMAP SHEET LIST TABLE Sheet Number Sheet Title .001 COVER SHEET .002 EXISTING CONDITION - AERIAL .003 EXISTING CONDITION - TOPOGRAPHIC MAP .004 DEMONSTRATION PROJECT PLAN .005 DEMONSTRATION PAD GRADING PLAN - SUBGRADE .006 DEMONSTRATION PAD GRADING PLAN - DEPOSITION CELLS .007 DEMONSTRATION PAD GRADING PLAN - SLOPE BENCH .008 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT .009 PASTE DEMONSTRATION SECTION - A .010 PASTE DEMONSTRATION SECTIONS - B1 & B2 .011 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 1 - 6 FT CELL .012 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 2 - 10 FT CELL .013 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 3 .014 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 4 .015 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 5 1 8/03/2017 1 7810160681 0 7/17/2017 7810160681 REV DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE T 6 .016 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 6 .017 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 7 .018 E&SC DETAILS 1 .019 E&SC DETAILS 2 .020 PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM RK SS KID KID REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS RK SS KID KID DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL DES DFTRICHKDIENGRI DESCRIPTION 7 Environment & Infrastructure 2801 YORKMONT ROAD amec SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 foster TEL: (704) 357-8600 FAX: (704) 357-8638 wheeler LICENSURE: NC ENG: F-1253 NC GEOLOGY: C-247 ymr-111 SEAL '�► BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION STOKES COUNTY N NC STATE MAP MAP SOURCE: USGS COUNTY DIGITAL MAPS TITLE COVER SHEET PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION FOR ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL DUKE SCALE: AS SHOWN DWG TYPE: DWG Y® DABTE 7/177/20060681ENEK%1107 FILENAME: .001 COVER SHEET.dwg DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. ANSI D 22"x34" g LC C907.005.001 A 10 DES: RK DFTR: SS CHKD: KID ENGR: KD APPD: KID REVISION 1 0 O CD Fq F Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC_Paste Demo Layout:.001 COVER SHEET August 03, 2017 06: 00: 14pm 0: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681 _Belews Creek_PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.001 COVER SHEET.dwg ltr,� CPT XTP > 1 , XU AERIAL IMAGE INSIDE THIS BOUNDARY IS FROM AERIAL SURVEY PERFORMED BY STEWART ENGINEERING IN MAY 2017. AERIAL IMAGE OUTSIDE THIS BOUNDARY (SEE REFERENCE 2) IS FROM NC ONEMAP, DATED 2014. v ; (SEE REFERENCE 1) \ 1 I 1 �� � IwS 7''� is � �� F• � S � i 00. F - .M' • � -� 77yJ�.r I E \V is 3. It F • �• ,�'.�, ;�" ' — — PHASE L MAW Maw IN MMM Now . � •� � ,` .�� '�'` '� 2 ANDFILL LIMITS 3 REFERENCE: 1t" 1. IMAGERY OBTAINED ONLINE THROUGH WWW.NCONEMAP.COM. IMAGE FILES DATED 2014. ti 2. IMAGERY PRODUCED THROUGH AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY TAKEN ON MAY 7, 2017 BY STEWART ENGINEERING. DATE DESIGN ".•, INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 4 E 2 LANDFILL L� 4.,, 7 8 .002 REV. 1 _ t E 1 LANDFILL LIMITS A to ♦r � ` �.. k 0. 'i .46 1 8/03/2017 1 7810160681 1 RK I SS I KD I KD I REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS 0 7/17/2017 1 7810160681 1 RK SS KDj KD I DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL REV DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE DES DFTR CHKD I ENGR DESCRIPTION 6 7 JN N FTl 100 0 100 200 FT TITLE Environment & EXISTING CONDITION - AERIAL Infrastructure 2801 YORKMONTROAD amec PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT F SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE,NC28208 foster TEL: (704) 357-8600 BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION FAX: (704) 357-8638 wheeler LICENSURE: NC ENG: F-1253 FOR NC GEOLOGY: C-247 ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL SEAL SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: RK ���•`�N4CAItp yiy DUKE DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR : SS CHKD: KD ENEM%m7Y® Drl ATE: 07/17/20 60681 ENGR: KD 1 ° .S.1�� FILENAME: .002 Existing Condition - Aerial.dwg APPD: KD *+�,°°•.�/{�,ptAtN:' DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION ANSI D 22"x34" g LC C907.005.002 1 8 9 10 Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC —Paste Demo Layout:.002 EXISTING CONDITION — AERIAL August 03, 2017 06: 01: 15pm Q: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681_Belews Creek_PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.002 Existing Condition — Aerial.dwg i i 3 4 5 16 7 8 .003 REV 1 Q2 E 1683462.59 N 918474.62 EL 741.46 X793.8 --- - ----- ,> --- X787.3- /���\\ PHASE1 LANDFILL LIMITS --�--= _---_- / 790=_---_--_-_ �_ SO 8 / O / /j/ �� / /, / y ll�-///i%/' =� --- -- ----- X 834.4 834_ SO x87 /�� /7 1I/ �/ /�////// ---� A / // ////�/i / // / / // / / /j // / IIII l l I ✓ 00 // i //A // \ //� y / // / / �i / �3 x 832.9 x ( X834.2 /i/ ! //_�/i\/i/ // / 833.5 4' //// // x 7 9. 1 ® \ X831.2 /x/ / EXISTING CHIMNEY DRAIN /� ///i�i/�/i/ice I �wVAvwvvv�wvvv\vv\ �� ( � -� � � � i 111 I j llllll lllll�llllll /Ill �X 791.6 / X 77 X 794.8 IIII1 �II I IIII I l � X829.s 0 Xs32.s �i , l ll l/�/ Illlol I II I l / vv ,v x792.8\\ A\\ \ /// X 773.5\VA\ VA PHASE 1 LANDFILL VAA \ \VA \ VAA \\ \ 1 / �/ , / //// ��% X 7/ 4.4 EXISTING WHEEL WASH / X 774 X830.8 /111111�111 %�% /j jlll �l/l X 794.8 O X 792.8 \VA V�8� 8�, VA °\ vmooAv'\off ° AAA \ v 832' X795. J I Il�IIIIIIIIII � p� x 77/1.3 / I I I l l l l l i �� v �ywv \i v ) / �� �/ II - /AVA\\ \\\\Vv�� A \ x832.7 � X791.1 �VA�V / / �IIIIII\I 1 vv\\vvA�� vv (/ o/ lu IIWw Al IIII� X791.5 / X 7l/ \�vVAv\V\vVAvv\�v�vvvV\ vVA vv V v - EXISTING ACCESS ROAD3 XI7 / o O� vr v v / ( X 794.7 \ vv\v V \AA\\ \\ \v �1 I �x //// o� l 80 v�� �l v )Vv vv vv I ll l l 111 X796!7J� I I 0 x8 1.3 X795.2 � \/ ^�� �� �\ �\ � �// \ \�� \ �o O IIII I \ 1 X 796.9 9/ - X 863. 7 > ,vv vv x / I I I I \\\ \ 1 / A Vo PHASE 2 LANDFILL'S �\\ /lova,oA�L l / p ox811.3 � \ �� III I III II III I I II I vI I X799.V 11 III I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I \Vvv v� \ Xsos.� /v v /V // x812.s- 820 O`u OE v- / A E 1686042.63 N 919053.28 EL 780.15 30 - f� 0 III l 0 / X 7 5.7 0 0 0 O<- E / O O`- LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR 10' INTERVAL EXISTING CONTOUR 2' INTERVAL Q EXISTING CHIMNEY DRAIN OE EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES APPROXIMATE LANDFILL PHASE LIMITS //, A' i l / � I I �I / ��V �� -- - -- - \--- \ X 7 .3/ //// / / / I / / �V , - v _ ) // / / NOTE: ///// // / � � /1 / \ � J � I / / / 1 �/ / / , \ r, / � \ � � \ _ \ � � \ � � � / � _ � - � \ \ ` � � \ \ \ ( /` , / /� /- / OVERHEAD UTILITIES NOT SURVEYED AS PART OF THIS PLAN. / // \ / X LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE, BASED ON 2014 AERIAL IMAGERY. \V 830 100 0 100 200 FT X811.1�� ice' /i0, //// // iii x805.1 TITLE xs32.8 Environment& EXISTING CONDITION -TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Infrastructure x833.1 \ \ \ \ ` \J 8�\ \ l ,l /\ \ _ PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT p 2801 YORKMONT ROAD / xls,= - - - - _�\ �\_ J�>�_ \�\\\\ 1 L - -- \ \ \ ` \ / /,/ /// p� �3 SUITE 100 amec F _� _ - - - - v - /� x 834.�7/ A - A \ V / / / - v �� �` -lam/ T V ) \v AA \ VA x / �X81 / /� foster \ / / / E 168 CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 - - - -_-_ r ' \ \ \ \ / $ 14.9 / l ( l N 91 TEL: (704) 357-8600 \� o I I L _ /_ �`- PH _ _ x835.3 \ ��' I \\ �/ / / / FAX: (704) 357-8638 BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION v _ - / �.�- _ ASE 2 LANDFILLLIMITS--- -_- v A� �v �� /%/ V A 1 v VA III ) // / EL 77 LICENSURE: Wheeler _- LIMITS - - -�_� � � � � � \ / � � V � \\ A A J 1 V/ � / I I / I I NC ENG: F-1253 FAR ��- - - - - - - A \ V - - / �- - \ \ A I I I NC GEOLOGY: C-247 �-�._ �� ov vv �v 53ky v V A \ v 1h/� v I / // I I I I I �>>�� � ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL \\ \ \ \ -(�( / O \ \ \ \ SEAL SCALE: AS SHOWN -� DUKE •••�����CA���y� DWG TYPE: DWG \ •.•,�N O,�,by \OJOB NO: 7810160681 \\\ ENERGY® DATE: 7/17/2017 SEAL \\ \ 'O\ x8 s t FILENAME: .003 Existing Condition - Topographic Map.dwg REFERENCE: \ \� \ \ \ .p \ \ \ \\\ \\[�� DWG SIZE 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC DATA WAS PRODUCED BY PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS USING AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY7- Rye TAKEN ON MAY 7, 2017 BY STEWART ENGINEERING. \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 8/03/2017 7810160681 RK SS KID KID REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS •s� i% �'. u'�"� ANSI D �1<Ji8!l1,386 0 7/17/2017 7810160681 RK SS KID KID DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL 22"x34" DATE DESIGN \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \� REV DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE DES DFTR CHKD ENGR DESCRIPTION DRAWING NO. B LC_C907.005.003 DES: RK DFTR: SS CHKD: KID ENGR: KID APPD: KID REVISION 1 0 O C) W INCHES 1 2 3 ITENTHS 10 20 30 Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC -Paste Demo Layout:.003 EXISTING CONDITION - TOPOGRAPHIC MAP August 03, 2017 06: 02: 58pm 0: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681 _Belews Creek-PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.003 Existing Condition - Topographic Map.dwg 7 X 10 .004 REV. 1 p2 E 1683462.59 N 918474.62 EL 741.46 x Al E 1686042.63 N 919053.28 EL 780.15 X787.4 O -��- zoo no 2- SO /� /// /�/l��ii�//iii/�%%0�% 41 1 o� i/ /// ���- // / �� � X 834.4 SO/�i / //�i// //� �i� -_ x8 d ill !IIIIIII/l�lllll llll�Il // / 1/ ��//i////�//�i/o _�,> A / / / ///��� / // Z� // //i Z// /// / / i / / / x 832. s // /�/ / / / / // / x834.2 / / /// / =� ///// / X 76 DEMONSTRATION PAD //// // ��/� // % //// j /� % / / / > (4.3 ACRES) 1 / / / / // / / / / I // 7 9.1 /i/i / / /�/ /i CLEAN OUT AREA DEMONSTRATION CELLS 15' x 15' AT INTERIOR BOTTOM OF SLOPE / /// // // // // / // /// E CREST ELEV. 833.5' / / / / 790• OFF -SPEC. PASTE / ! / / �/ / / / / 790 DEPOSITION AREA GRAVEL ACCESS DRIVE , VvA� �wVAvvwvvwvvvv�v� X 794.8 i vvvv w vvvwvv CO) � v v �- vvvv v��v I I / X829.6 o 1 l � L / l �, � OVA w v v �' I l l ll l / / l / l o / x 792.8 \ \\ / z/ / \ \ \\ \ PROCESS AREA / / //� / // / / �/ / / / 4.4 u / 0 EXISTING WHEEL WASH/ / //�j // - A �VA\\\ V � � � 0 X83o. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC FROM PASTE / /// // / DEMONSTRATION SITE MUST FOLLOW PROCESS MIXING AND PUMPING EQUIPMENT SPECIFIED ROUTE AND PASS THROUGH III I IIIII I III111 /I / //WHEEL WASH O All LEACHATE COLLECTION EA � GRAVEL ACCESS DRIVE / \ IIIIIII 792.8 (1.1 ACRES) I l III 111 1111 IIIIIII ! y o`v � � I � x 832.7 / `' l ll l \VAA\ IIIII�IIII I\I V -'� X791.1 V �\ IIII 1 x//- �/�/ l l////ll//�llll 4,/ 0 �IIIII�IIIIII\A� x791.5 IIII I�I III III III III II 1 I 110f _ I III III II vII) �II I I I I / - - IIII I I 1 /l I � � �=,��- v � X1/ // v >oo� A\8w I I IIIII IIIII 1 1 Ill \�7 I II I l l! �/ I - l // v v° o /I I III III II III I I I I III ( _ / // x794.7 o I I 1 o / / � 1, I I r III ► f/ I v vv v v� vvvv v/ EXISTING ACCESS ROAD 0� x8 1.3 -/ III 111 I I l l�1 I I I I I I I I I N X 796!7J ! I 800 X795.241/ � 0 X7ss.s/ - / vvvv v vvvv vvvv l l�l l l l l \ X863.7 \ \ 1 I I 1 I\I I old �p�v 0v o� X811.3 \�`I \ �1�1 I III IIIIIIIIIIII II I III I�I �I x799.d �� ��- v _-- �o /� 1 III IIII IIII IIII IIIII Vill � X806.S v _/ X812.sv�V V I \ vvv ill ! l / o� p '8,\�_, _ V v v �vvv�_ VA\VVA I ��?0 �v �� \_ _ - l \ f l rr OE 30 w O w O 7 w 0 0 0 O<- 0 LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR 10' INTERVAL EXISTING CONTOUR 2' INTERVAL PROPOSED CONTOUR 10' INTERVAL PROPOSED CONTOUR 2' INTERVAL EXISTING CHIMNEY DRAIN EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES \_ �/.�/�// / / I �/ / \��-�� � �� - � _ � � ) /l!l /// NOTE: i / / / � � _ � � � ' V �, � OVERHEAD UTILITIES NOT SURVEYED AS PART OF THIS PLAN. //� // // / / 1 / \ I / / 1/ / \ r E / / - `.. 1 / / l / <u LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE, BASED ON 2014 AERIAL IMAGERY. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC FROM PASTE �/ �� DEMONSTRATION SITE MUST FOLLOW `i l I l ( I / / / / SPECIFIED ROUTE AND PASS THROUGH /�� 100 0 100 200 FT `80\ _ - \ \ WHEEL WASH CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC FROM PASTE - A \ I\/ '\8�0 1 X811.1 / l 44/ Cy //// / / /j/ % X805.1 / I DEMONSTRATION SITE MUST FOLLOW \ f / / / // I f l/ O /j///� SPECIFIED ROUTE AND PASS THROUGH \ \ \ \ V / / /� / / TITLE WHEEL WASH \ V / \ X 832.8 \ / ` , \ I � � ( � �- � � \ \ \ \ \\� \ \ \ / / / / / / � Environment & DEMONSTRATION PROJECT PLAN X833.1 \ �� Infrastructure _ _ _ _ _ - / 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ l / // / PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT \ \ ��- ` I _ - _ _ - - \ \ \ \ / / ! / Q3 2801 YORKMONT ROAD ameC F �' \, \ * \ x834.�7 / \ _ - - _\ \ \ \ ` \ 1 \ \ l� / / / // / / E 168 CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 foster X 790 9 - - _ r ` / / O SUITE 100 1 / \� - - \ \ \ /X$14.9 I / ( ! / N 91 TEL: (704)357-8600 BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION \� O I L _ / T` - -cam - > _ - _ \�\ < - - \ X835.3 \ \ / �/ / / EL 77 FAX: (704) 357-8638 ' v vvvv ��_� �v, / II I // Wheeler LICENSURE: - - \ NC ENG: F-1253 FOR 3\ �� / \ / \ \ / / I I I NC GEOLOGY: C-247 x &� \ `, / I ! I ( f W ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL ?p �\ \ \\ \ SEAL SCALE: AS SHOWN \\Z \ \\ �� \ •�C yi D KE � DWG TYPE: DWG .• �N Af ti \ \ \ \ \ -�••'��83!~'� JOB NO: 7810160681 _ �.bF °Ir • ENEN%.7Y®\\\OttDATE: 7/17/2017 Ste. s i 'O\ x8 t ( FILENAME: .004 Demonstration Project Plan.dwg REFERENCE: \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ ++r��' •°b.;Lip�;;�' `� DWG SIZE \ 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC DATA WAS PRODUCED BY PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS USING AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY \\ \ \`7� �Q�wyw TAKEN ON MAY 7, 2017 BY STEWART ENGINEERING. \\ \ \ \ \ \ .c \ 1 8/03/2017 7810160681 RK SS KD KD REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS 4�s� �'. u'�"� ANSI D hos0 7/17/2017 7810160681 RK SS KD KD DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL 22" x34" DATE DESIGN _ \ \ REV DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE DES I DFTR I CHKD I ENGR DESCRIPTION DRAWING NO. B LC_C907.005.004 DES: RK DFTR: SS CHKD: KD ENGR: KD APPD: KD REVISION 1 P1 O C) Fq F INCHES 1 2 3 ITENTHS 10 20 30 Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC -Paste Demo Layout:.004 DEMONSTRATION PROJECT PLAN August 03, 2017 06: 05: 46pm Q: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681 _Belews Creek_PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.004 Demonstration Project Plan.dwg 7 10 6 8 I .005 REV 1 -F it 1 1 I I 832 / I I I I I I I I I EARTHEN BERM CLEAN OUT ENERGY DISSIPATOR / EXISTING CHIMNEY DRAIN d, 1 r ROCK FILTER OUTLET 6 EARTHEN BERM 018 40 E AREA 39 BOTTOM ELEVATIONS AND LOCATIONS OF PASTE DEMONSTRATION CELLS 21' 5 TYP.- 13 14 -- 1 1 1 9 101 Cl) >- I Cl)5'x15' TYP. I I I 1 1 M I I I I 0 I 14 I 1 12 11 8 _ 16 -15 LIMIT OF REINFORCED SLOPE SUBGRADE EL. 833' LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE TO BE INSTALLED BEFORE PLACING FILL (TYP.) LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE TO BE INSTALLED BEFORE PLACING FILL (TYP.) REFERENCE: 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC DATA WAS PRODUCED BY PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS USING AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY TAKEN ON MAY 7, 2017 BY STEWART ENGINEERING. DATE DESIGN - - - - - SLOPE BENCH AR INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 OFF -SPEC PASTE DEPOSITION AREA FILET SILT FENCE _ 831 25- 833 - BOTTOM ELEVATIONS AND LOCATIONS OF PASTE DEMONSTRATION CELLS �21 - �22 I 18 I I I 17 I 1 I �, I I 1 20 I 19 1 G- - 24 -(� �- 23 LIMITS OF REINFORCED SLOPE SUBGRADE EL. 833' LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE TO BE INSTALLED BEFORE PLACING FILL (TYP.) LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR 5' INTERVAL EXISTING CONTOUR V INTERVAL PROPOSED CONTOUR 5' INTERVAL PROPOSED CONTOUR V INTERVAL PROPOSED SILT FENCE 1 8/03/2017 0 7/17/2017 REV DATE 4 5 1 1 25' ILE 26 25' 1 WASTEWATER STORAGE TANK 017 WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT 25' X 25' AT INTERIOR TOE OF SLOPE 271 PROCESS MIXING AND PUMPING EQUIPMENT PROCESS AREA SUBGRADE ELEVATIONS TO MATCH EXISTING GRADES Point Table Point # Northing Easting Elevation Description 1 918383.37 1684963.40 833.00 cell 10-1 9 918320.12 1685016.76 833.00 cell 6-1 2 918379.54 1684966.62 833.00 cell 10-1 3 918369.87 1684955.15 833.00 cell 10-1 4 918373.69 1684951.93 833.00 cell 10-1 5 918394.64 1684964.35 833.00 cell 10-1 6 918378.59 1684977.89 833.00 cell 10-1 7 918358.60 1684954.20 833.00 cell 10-1 8 918374.65 1684940.66 833.00 cell 10-1 10 918316.30 1685019.99 833.00 cell 6-1 11 918306.63 1685008.52 833.00 cell 6-1 12 918310.45 1685005.30 833.00 cell 6-1 13 918331.41 1685017.66 833.00 cell 6-1 14 918315.36 1685031.20 833.00 cell 6-1 15 918295.37 1685007.51 833.00 cell 6-1 16 918311.42 1684993.97 833.00 cell 6-1 17 918290.33 1685041.93 833.00 cell 6-2 18 918286.51 1685045.15 833.00 cell 6-2 19 918276.84 1685033.69 833.00 cell 6-2 20 918280.66 1685030.46 833.00 cell 6-2 21 918301.61 1685042.83 833.00 cell 6-2 22 918285.56 1685056.37 833.00 cell 6-2 23 918265.57 1685032.67 833.00 cell 6-2 24 918281.63 1685019.13 833.00 cell 6-2 25 918269.96 1685141.48 831.01 process area 26 918255.01 1685154.78 830.97 process area 27 918233.64 1685153.31 831.21 process area 28 918163.29 1685070.97 832.00 process area 29 918165.18 1685049.64 832.00 process area 30 918180.64 1685036.95 832.00 process area 31 918201.56 1685038.80 832.00 process area 32 918271.39 1685120.53 831.32 process area 33 918508.81 1685067.41 830.95 clean out 34 918457.54 1685111.42 830.15 clean out 35 918417.04 1685057.54 830.81 clean out 36 918468.06 1685017.31 831.34 clean out 37 918453.92 1685175.73 830.00 off spec 38 918409.13 1685197.95 830.00 off spec 39 918364.68 1685108.38 830.62 off spec 40 918409.47 1685086.15 830.53 off spec NC STATE PLANE COORDINATES / NAD83; US SURVEY FOOT SHADED ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGN ELEVATIONS; ALL OTHER ELEVATIONS - REFER TO REFERENCE 1 TITLE 3 832 Environment & DEMONSTRATION PAD GRADING PLAN - SUBGRADE \ 833 Infrastructure 832 2801YORKMONTROAD amec • PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 foster TEL: (704) 357-8600 BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION FAX: (704) 357-8638 wheeler LICENSURE: NC ENG: F-1253 FOR NC GEOLOGY: C-247 ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL SEAL SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: RK 0�`a�N,CAItp yiy DUKE DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR : SS �F�rl �s3lp�� ENEK�-gY® DATE:JOB 07/18/ 0160681 ZOOENGR: KID • Ste. s( 1 FILENAME: .005 DEMONSTRATION PAD GRADING PLAN - SUBGRADE.dwg APPD: KID *+�,°°•.�/�p�:' DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION 7810160681 RK SS KID KID REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS ANSI D 7810160681 RK SS KID KID DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL °•ia�t% ANSI ° B L C C907.005.005 1 JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE DES IDFTRICHKDIENGR DESCRIPTION 6 7 8 9 10 I I I I I 0 0 cn 70 r71 G F Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC_Paste Demo Layout:.005 DEMONSTRATION PAD GRADING PLAN - SUBGRADE August 03, Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681 _Belews Creek _PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.005 DEMONSTRATION PAD GRADING PLAN - SUBGRADE.dwg F I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I S� � I I I I I 1 I / I I I I I � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I JI 2 3 4 Point Table Point # Northing Easting Elevation Description 41 918409.79 1684965.64 845.50 CELL 10-1 49 918337.03 1685018.19 841.00 CELL 6-1 42 918377.30 1684993.04 845.50 CELL 10-1 43 918341.52 1684950.62 845.50 CELL 10-1 44 918374.00 1684923.22 845.50 CELL 10-1 45 918423.88 1684966.84 845.30 CELL 10-1 46 918376.10 1685007.13 845.30 CELL 10-1 47 918327.43 1684949.42 845.30 CELL 10-1 48 918375.20 1684909.12 845.30 CELL 10-1 50 918314.87 1685036.90 841.00 CELL 6-1 51 918287.79 1685004.80 841.00 CELL 6-1 52 918309.95 1684986.09 841.00 CELL 6-1 53 918307.23 1685043.36 841.00 CELL 6-2 54 918285.08 1685062.07 841.00 CELL 6-2 55 918258.00 1685029.96 841.00 CELL 6-2 56 918280.15 1685011.25 841.00 CELL 6-2 57 918353.74 1685022.51 840.00 CELL 6-1 _6-2 58 918283.89 1685076.16 840.80 CELL 6-1 _6-2 59 918243.91 1685028.77 840.80 CELL 6-1 _6-2 60 918311.14 1684971.99 840.80 CELL 6-1 _6-2 NC STATE PLANE COORDINATES / NAD83; US SURVEY FOOT SHADED ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGN ELEVATIONS; ALL OTHER ELEVATIONS - REFER TO REFERENCE 1 TOP OF BERM ELEV. 833.5 5 CLEAN OUT ENERGY DISSIPATOR 018 1/2 PASTE DEMONSTRATION CELL 10-1 012 5 6 7 8 .006 1 ROCK FILTER OUTLET g APPROX. 135'TO EARTHEN BERM EXISTING CHIMNEY 018 DRAIN 6 EARTHEN BERM .018 o m o CLEAN OUT WATER DISCHARGE o N � m p OFF -SPEC PASTE DEPOSITION DISCHARGE CM 1/2 PASTE DEMONSTRATION CELL 6-1 .01 1 3:1 45 A 845.30 46 _ - 009 141 00 0} 845.50 0 0 42 5 845.50 LO CO 10.00, 840 10.00' I -il I 00 I ch I 1.5:1 2.00 / 0 °0 I I I I I I 3:1 I I ) I I I 6:1 LO LO 25' U 25' 1 WASTEWATER STORAGE TANK :01�7) WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT 25' X 25' AT INTERIOR TOE OF SLOPE v PROCESS MIXING AND PUMPING EQUIPMENT REV. 1 A--] I l O - l O \ o 835 o 0 834 0 CONTACT WATER COLLECTION PIPE \ c\v q TO BE INSTALLED AFTER ELEV. 835' O 834 \ \ CONTACT WATER COLLECTION PIPE REINFORCED SOIL SLOPE LIFT TO BE INSTALLED AFTER ELEV. 837' - APPROX. DAYLIGHT ELEV. 832.63' \ 8 REINFORCED SOIL SLOPE LIFT @ 4% SLOPE - - - APPROX. DAYLIGHT ELEV. 832.5' @ 8.6% SLOPE N LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE \ TO BE INSTALLED BEFORE CONTACT WATER COLLECTION PIPE 884 N LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE PLACING FILL (TYP.) TO BE INSTALLED AFTER ELEV. 835'- - - - - _ TO BE INSTALLED BEFORE I REINFORCED SOIL SLOPE LIFT PLACING FILL (TYP.) I APPROX. DAYLIGHT ELEV. 832.63' @ 4% SLOPE - - - - - - - - _ i LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE \ --- 5 - _ - 8 - - APPROX. DAYLIGHT ELEV. 830' O17 LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ / LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE --- @ 2% SLOPE I TO BE INSTALLED BEFORE - - - - - _ APPROX. DAYLIGHT ELEV. 830' 0 - - - - - - - _ - - I PLACING FILL (TYP.) - - - - _ @ 2% SLOPE 17 - -832- -- -- -- ---------- ----------- r5 - - _ I LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE -830- - - - - - _ - 017 APPROX. DAYLIGHT ELEV. 830' �- I 4 - I - - - - - - @ 2% SLOPE ----- __ PIPE RACK - - - - - - .017 .... --- FRP GROUND MOUNTED SUPPORT TO - ---- ----- - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - EINSTALLED AND SPACED PER - 2O O 2O 4O FT B MANUFACTOR RECOMMENDATION - ---------_ - TYP.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TITLE ------------- \��,\Jam' -- -- -- -- -- CWCTANK10-1 - - -------____- Environment& _ DEMONSTRATION PAD GRADING PLAN - DEPOSITION CELLS - - - - - - - - - , - - - Infrastructure -- - - LCS TANK 10-1 5 _ - - - - - - - - CWC TANK 6-1 LCS TANK 6-2 _ 2801 YORKMONT ROAD amec PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT -------_---- �g 016 _ SUITE 0 2p� LCS TANK 6-1 - -- - - - CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 foster m o - _ \ - - - _ TEL:(704)357-8600 - - BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION --------------- - �J / FAX: (704) 357-8638 wheeler \ C C TANK 6-2 i NC ENG: F---11253 I FOR \ \ J i NC GEOLOGY: C-247 - - 016 ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL ---------__ /----------- SEAL SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: RK J - - - - - - - a�i�NN�s�y�b DWG TYPE: DWG : SS ------------Q, DUKE ------- \�_ LEGEND��Q�F Big 1p��r�'�� JOB NO: 7810160681 CHKD: KID ENERGY® DATE: 7/17/2017 ENGR: KID 810- - EXISTING CONTOUR 5' INTERVAL ---- - EXISTING CONTOUR V INTERVAL t FILENAME: .006 DEMONSTRATION PAD GRADING PLAN -DEPOSITION CELL . REFERENCE: - - _ _ _ PROPOSED CONTOUR 5' INTERVAL �+��°b�°{`�p��tN;:' DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC DATA WAS PRODUCED BY PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS USING AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY _ - - - - - - °# "'°•p4 ti� TAKEN ON MAY 7, 2017 BY STEWART ENGINEERING. - - ' - - - PROPOSED CONTOUR 1' INTERVAL 1 8/03/2017 7810160681 RK SS KID KID REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS ANSI D INTERMEDIATE INTERVAL - - - - - - PROPOSED CONTOUR - 0 7/17/2017 7810160681 RK SS KIDKIDDEMONSTRATION APPROVAL '��"°•ia�tD�3s° 22"x34" B L C C 9 0 7.0 0 5.0 0 6 1 DATE DESIGN / ' - - REVI DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE I DES IDFTRICHKD,ENGRI DESCRIPTION INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 I I I I I I I 4845.30-- 8455 044 N1 43 - - 845.30 48 47 1/2 PASTE DEMONSTRATION FAO 57 CELL 6-2 .011 840.80 58 4 X 4. 5:1 49 � 00 0 840.07 0 840.80 _ 0 50 53 � 54 8.22% 10.00' 840 I 10.00, 840 2.00_% 835 835 10.00' 4:1 O M I M 00 X 840.60 `t 1.5:1 00 00 1.00 5:1 v 4.000% 2•�0% I - 56 O 55I o � I52 0 0 51 a 10.80 840.80 0 59 4:1 840 840.80 O 70 r71 G F Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC_Paste Demo Layout:.006 DEMONSTRATION PAD GRADING PLAN - DEPOSITION CELLS August 03, 2017 06: 08: 40pm Q: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681 _Belews Creek_PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.006 DEMONSTRATION PAD GRADING PLAN - DEPOSITION CELLS.dwg 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 007 IREV1 F � I I I / I / I ( i I I I i /I I \ \ \ \ Point Table Point #Northin9 Easting Elevation Description 61 918446.27 1684734.59 834.00 daylight 62 918457.35 1684734.16 834.80 berm 63 918467.27 1684772.25 834.80 berm 64 918458.24 1684780.56 834.00 top of berm 65 918089.02 1685092.85 834.00 top of berm 66 918087.44 1685089.49 833.80 berm&�2 67 918064.71 1685081.15 833.80 berm 68 918066.36 1685074.31 833.00 daylight 69 918145.44 1684890.22 813.00 daylight 70 918247.90 1684801.34 813.00 daylight 71 918272.81 1684858.82 814.00 bot 3to1 slope 72 918195.94 1684923.83 814.00 bot 3to1 slope 73 918256.23 1684859.75 813.37 cen of tank 74 918243.32 1684867.72 813.34 cen of tank 75 918233.32 1684879.12 813.37 cen of tank 76 918220.42 1684887.09 813.34 cen of tank 77 918210.42 1684898.49 813.37 cen of tank 78 918197.51 1684906.46 813.34 cen of tank 79 918464.70 1684788.20 833.80 berm 80 918095.48 1685100.49 833.80 berm NC STATE PLANE COORDINATES / NAD83; US SURVEY FOOT SHADED ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGN ELEVATIONS; ALL OTHER ELEVATIONS - REFER TO REFERENCE 1 79 63 -64 834 0 \ - o - -- -- do - -832- -- ---- --- -- - - - - 830 - - FRP GROUND MOUNTED SUPPORT TO 67 5 BE INSTALLED AND SPACED PER o - - - - -832 - - - - - -828 - - - - - - - - 7\�S - PIPE RACK MANUFACTOR RECOMMENDATION - - - - - - - `gyp 68 - --- - - (TYP) ----� 6 .016 815 - _ - d'�o P - - 830 --826- - - - ---_ - - - - - - - - � -- ono - ----- 4"DIAMETER SDR26IPS - 74 75 72 A ---- - - - - - - - - - - 824- - - - MOLDED 90° ELBOW - - `p 828 - - - --822 --- - - - - - - -----------_--- a� - - ��/----------- - - - - - cD - -- - - - ri - - - - - C1 i - - - - - - - ------------ \ --- ---- - - h ��-- INSTALL 4"x2"SDR 26IPS 826- ------------ \ cb - - --- -- ---- - MOLDED REDUCER - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - _ - - - - �� STRIP AND SEGREGATE EXISTING - � DOWNSTREAM OF -------_- 81g - cb _ - 4X4SDR26 INTERMEDIATE SOIL COVER FOR - - - - - - - - - - IPS TEE - - OVERFLOW CONNECTION RE -USE PRIOR TO ASH EXCAVATION - - -- -- PS / -- _ � 813 \ \ ----_------ �\ ----- -- \� TEE IPS 90 ELBOW �� c..------- --824_ 4 X 4 X 2 SDR 26 4" DIAMETER SDR 26 ------------ �� 16 -- ---- REDUCINGMOLDED LBO do - - - - ------_- 8 -- - - - ----------- �� ---- - - ---822---�/ ------ - - - -- - o - o-- 820- 812--- - - - _ --- - - - ------ -818-- ---_ - - --- ------- ___ ------ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 814 -------- \� -- 810- -- -- ABCSTONEACCESSDRIVE- ----------------812--- ' - - -- � -- -- - - - - - - -- --- --- - - --� � �---- 8_ (SEE SHEET .008) -------- � 18 L.F. OF 8" DIA. CMP 810 � - - - - - - - - - 806- - - - - - _ _-------___ -- - SURROUNDING DISCHARGE PIPE -----____ - - - - - - - - - EP\PE - - - AT ACCESS DRIVE CROSSING -808 - - - - - _ �- _------- ��- Soo--- --------- �- cNP- - -- --- -----------\\ 20 0 20 40 FT \s __ --806 --- ------------------802 g- - - - - - -- ------- ----� - --- --- - - - - 804 - - - - - -800 -- - ------ ---- ---- ----- __ __ _-----802 - - -- TITLE - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �- - - - - - - - - 800 ' -798 - - - - - - - - - - - - Environment & DEMONSTRATION PAD GRADING PLAN - SLOPE BENCH -- - Infrastructure - - - _ ------ \\�-�� - - - - - --- - - - - - - - 798 � PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT 2801 YORKMONT ROAD amec SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 3 - \ FAX: 704) 57 8698 foster BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION RIPRAP ENERGY DISSIPATOR wheeler LICENSURE: .018 J NC ENG: F-1253 FOR NC GEOLOGY: C-247 ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL DISCHARGE USING 4" HDPE MALE CAM ADAPTER. SUPPLY 200' OF SEAL SCALE- AS SHOWN DES: RK APPROX. INV. 831.5' 1 014 00 n z �> m D O r - o� m z0 n � 0 m m m J . mm� I I I APPROX. INV. 831.5' E 4" DIAMETER HDPE _ BUTTERFLY VALVE � - 8" x 2" SDR 26 IPS MOLDED REDUCER 8" x 4" SDR 26 IPS MOLDED REDUCER 8" x 4" SDR 26 IPS _ MOLDED REDUCER ------------ o C2 O ,z D 0 D m n 0 r m n --I 0 z m 8" x 4" SDR 26 IPS MOLDED REDUCER I \ I 1 APPROX. INV. 831.5' .014 / 0D ao m / I D m O D �\ m m n � 0 O 0 m m - m 0 z � m \ G G G 1 WASTEWATER STORAGE 017 TANK WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT PROCESS MIXING AND PUMPING EQUIPMENT 80 65 66 - I 8" x 2" SDR 26 IPS \ 8" x 2" SDR 26 IPS 825 MOLDED REDUCER m MOLDED REDUCER \ NOTE: 1. SEE SHEETS .016 AND .017 FOR TANK AND PIPING DETAILS REFERENCE: 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC DATA WAS PRODUCED BY PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS USING AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY TAKEN ON MAY 7, 2017 BY STEWART ENGINEERING. DATE DESIGN INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 4-IN DIAMETER FLEXIBLE HOSE WITH FEMALE CAM ADAPTER TO DISCHARGE ON RIPRAP ENERGY DISSIPATOR AT CHIMNEY DRAIN AGGREGATE FILTER RING. LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR 5' INTERVAL EXISTING CONTOUR V INTERVAL 1 8/03/2017 PROPOSED CONTOUR 5' INTERVAL 0 j 7/17/2017 PROPOSED CONTOUR V INTERVAL REV DATE 5 "��•`�NaCAI�p yiy DUKE DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR : SS �6rl F�s3lp40 �� ENEK�-gY® DATE:JOB 07/18/ 0160681 ENGR: KID .s. FILENAME: .007 DEMONSTRATION PAD GRADING PLAN - SLOPE BENCH.dw APPD: KID *+�, ��°•.�/�p�:'[�� DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION + � +.as••Vp 7- � y 7810160681 RK SS KID KID REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS "o, ANSI D 7810160681 RK SS KID KID DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL •ia�tD�3a 22"x34" B L C C907.005.007 1 JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE DES DFTR CHKD ENGR DESCRIPTION 6 7 8 9 10 I I I I 70 r71 G F Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC -Paste Demo Layout:.007 DEMONSTRATION PAD GRADING PLAN - SLOPE BENCH August 03, 2017 06: 10: 05pm Q: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681-Belews Creek-PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.007 DEMONSTRATION PAD GRADING PLAN - SLOPE BENCH.dwg 2 3 4 I I� CLEAN OUT ENERGY DISSIPATOR 5 .018 CLEAN OUT BERM 5 .016 18 L.F. OF 8" DIA. CMP 5 SURROUNDING DISCHARGE PIPE 019 S AT ACCESS DRIVE CROSSING —A- 5 6 CLEAN OUT WATER !� DISCHARGE I518 L.F. OF 8" DIA. CMP �� SURROUNDING DISCHARGE PIPE .019 AT ACCESS DRIVE CROSSING OFF -SPEC PASTE DEPOSITION DISCHARGE V HIGH EARTHEN BERM WASTEWATER STORAGE TANK O. �V � WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT 835 \ � �V 6" MIN. THICKNESS 3 835 ABC STONE ACCESS DRIVE O18 41 IV B �/ �I/ IV PASTE 8A A DEMONSTRATION CELL A 00 PAST EMONSTRATION L CELLS 00 A------ W \I/ � °j PROCESS MIXING AND PUMPING EQUIPMENT co 00 1 A co /� APPROX.INV.831.5' APPROX. INV. APPROX. INV. 831.5'-- .I, O � TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERM 4 840 q/ .015 \-V 11 V IV A 840 �V •�� , i� .I� �I/ mil/ < �< T< C 835 V 835 O O ----- > --- — > Q-h l 10 do \0 �V (b 1SO REV. 1 A--] Cb co — — — 830— — — — — — — SILT FENCE 2 4i .019 ro \ _ ^ APPROX. N� -820 -- `b o INV. 825.0' �, �� mod' - ---- - - - — - --- — Qi Off/ i - — - - - - - 1 20 0 20 40 FT Cb \ - - - - o 0 - - - - - - - \ TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERM 4 io APPROX. INV.825.0' Environment & TITLE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT --- -- -- Infrastructure - - - — — _ 2801 YORKMONT ROAD PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT F amec — — — — — — \870 \ \ _ \ / CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 foster F BEL — — — — — — — ROCK FILTER OUTLET — I _ - CHARLOTTE, (704) E, NC r EWS CREEK STEAM STATION FAX: (704) 357-8638 wheeler CONTACT WATER AND - — LICENSURE: - - NC ENG: F-1253 _ - - 18 L.F. OF 8" DIA. CMP 5 _ LEACHATE STORAGE TANKS _ _ FOR SURROUNDING DISCHARGE PIPE .019 - NC GEOLOGY: c-247 ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL AT ACCESS DRIVE CROSSING - - - - - - - - - SEAL SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: RK LEGEND ���•`�N�CAI�p yiy DUKE DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR: SS — — — i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- _ / ABC STONE EXISTING CONTOUR 10' INTERVAL�.••°•°•°�•°°•� 800 - EXISTING CONTOUR 2' INTERVAL es�� % ENE RGY/ JOB NO: 7810160681 CHKD: KID — — — — DATE: 7/17/2017 ENGR: KID -- - -- ---- PERMANENT - - - - - - - - - - _ - - PROPOSED CONTOUR 10' INTERVAL ; • - - - VEGETATION 115 I PROPOSED CONTOUR 2' INTERVAL / t � FILENAME: .008 Stormwater Management.dwg APPD: KID > > STORMWATER FLOW PATH REFERENCE: �- �����;' DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION + •. 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC DATA WAS PRODUCED BY PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS USING AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY DRAINAGE AREA LINE TAKEN ON MAY 7, 2017 BY STEWART ENGINEERING. — — DIVERSION BERM 1 8/03/2017 7810160681 RK SS KID KID REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS ��s �"� ii �R�aANSI SILT FENCE 0 7/17/2017 7810160681 RK SS KIDKIDDEMONSTRATION APPROVAL '��"°•ia�tD�3sme 22'x34D" B L C C907.005.008 1 DATE DESIGN REV DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE DES IDFTRICHKDIENGR DESCRIPTION INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 I I I I I I I Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC -Paste Demo Layout:.008 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT August 03, 2017 06: 11: 52pm Q: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681-Bel ews Creek_PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.008 Stormwater Management.dwg 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .009 REV. 1 A A121, COV OIL WITH PERMANENT B6-1 B HA61 It C C 0 D O C�00, fTl G E F F INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 4 5 6 7 8 1 1 0 O J W m w z_ J U H Q 850 6" ABC STONE COVER (T P.) 12" COVER SOIL WITH PERMANENT VEGETATIVE Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC —Paste Demo Layout:.009 PASTE DEMONSTRATION SECTION — A August 03, 2017 06: 13: 54pm Q: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681 _Belews Creek_PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.009 PASTE DEMONSTRATION SECTION — A.dwg 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 •010 REV. 1 A A CC NTACT WATER COI I ECTION PIP ON B BAGGREGATE-ACCESS CONTACT WATER COLLECTION PIPIE C C CON CT WATER COLLECTIC LC��CT NATER =4 0 D PROPOSED GRADE 7 W ABC STONE COVER (TYP) tF- 0FINCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 4 5 6 7 8 1 10 845 °3 .017...0138405.017835°--- --------XISTING GRADEPRPOSED GRADE/----------------------3 825.014 .019820815810 808 0+00 0+50 1+00 SECTION B1 1+50 2+00 2+50 845 840 °5.0173.013° TP OF TANK ELEV. = 823.5'°5LATINAND DIMEIN.017835��----------------------------------3825------�,382019815810sos 0+00 0+50 1+00 O 2 SECTION B2 1+50 — — — — — — 2+00 2+50 TITLE Environment & PASTE DEMONSTRATION SECTIONS - B1 & B2 Infrastructure LEGEND �PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT 2801 YORKMONTROAD amec SUITE 100 EXISTING SURFACE CHARLOTTE, NC28208 foster TEL: (704) 357-8600 BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION PROPOSED SURFACE FAX: (704) 357-8838 wheeler — — — PROPOSED REINFORCED SOIL SLOPE LICENSURE: NC ENG: F-1253 FOR NC GEOLOGY: C-247 ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL SEAL SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: RK ���`a�N,CAI�p yiy DUKE DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR : SS �F0 ZOOeBSlp0���r'�+ ENERGY® DABE NO: 7/17/20 60681 Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC —Paste Demo Layout:.010 PASTE DEMONSTRATION SECTIONS — 31 & B2 August 03, 2017 06: 15: 47pm Q: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681 _Belews Creek_PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.010 PASTE DEMONSTRATION SECTIONS — 31 & B2.dwg I 5 6 .011 REV 1 —F CREST OF ANCHOR TRENCH LIMIT OF ANCHOR TRENCH \ 1' \ LINER SYSTEM -SLOPE 013 LINER SYSTEM - 113 —FLOOR TO SLOPE \ \ ` LINER SYSTEM -SLOPE REINFORCED SOIL SLOPE EL. 833' � 'I� EXISTING CCIRI 91 2 .011 ESTIMATED TOP OF PASTE i-7i77 8" DIAMETER SDR 26 PERFORATED LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE -I NOTES: - 1. GEOSYNTHETIC COMPONENTS SHOWN AT EXAGGERATED SCALE. SECTION - CENTER OF CELL PERPENDICULAR TO FLOW DIRECTION ill =2' \` LINER SYSTEM - - - FLOOR TO SLOPE 8" DIAMETER SECTIION - FLOW DIRECTION ill =2' 1 8/03/2017 7810160681 0 7/17/2017 7810160681 DATE DESIGN REV DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 4 5 6 RK SS KID KID RK SS KID KID DES DFTR CHKD ENGR LEACHATE COLLECTION SUMP DETAIL LEGEND r SUBGRADE STRUCTURAL FILL NCDOT NO. 57 DRAINAGE AGGREGATE GEOTEXTILE FILTER HDPE GEOMEMBRANE HDPE GEOMEMBRANE WELD HDPE GEOMEMBRANE PLATE — — — — — — NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE CUSHION — — — — WOVEN GEOTEXTILE REINFORCEMENT NOTES: 1. GEOSYNTHETIC COMPONENTS SHOWN AT EXAGGERATED SCALE. REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL DESCRIPTION 7 Environment & \ Infrastructure 2801 YORKMONT ROAD amec SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 foster TEL: (704) 357-8600 FAX: (704) 357-8638 wheeler LICENSURE: NC ENG: F-1253 NC GEOLOGY: C-247 SEAL •�•��N CARp��,y �Q,�F�ssrp;�,'�► Ste. 'ptir1�r� CREST OF ANCHOR TRENCH I KtIVI.Fi \�\ DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 1 - 6 FT CELL PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION FOR ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL DUKE rl ENEM%m7Y® SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: RK DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR : SS JOB CHKD: KID DATE:07/177/ 0160681 ENGR: KID FILENAME: .011 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 1 - 6 FT CELL.dwg APPD: KID DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION ANSI D 22"x34" g LC C907.005.011 1 9 10 OME F— Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC —Paste Demo Layout:.011 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 1 — 6 FT CELL August 03, 2017 06: 16: 57pm Q: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681 _Belews Creek_PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.011 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 1 — 6 FT CELL.dwg 4 5 6 1 8 I .012 IREV. 1 —F 2' 3' CREST OF ANCHOR TRENCH LINER SYSTEM - SLOPE 013 10, EL. 833' LINER SYSTEM - FLOOR TO SLOPE 2 ESTIMATED TOP OF PASTE DETAIL LEGEND 012 I 1W I SUBGRADE EXISTING CCR 8" DIAMETER SDR 26 — LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE CROSS SECTION - CENTER OF CELL PERPENDICULAR TO FLOW DIRECTION ill =2' SIDEWALL LEAK PROTECTION (TO BE INSTALLED DURING OPERATION) '�LLLILLP\\l REINFORCED SOIL SLOPE III III III III III III III III III �i' NOTES: 1. GEOSYNTHETIC COMPONENTS SHOWN AT EXAGGERATED SCALE. EL. 845.5' 55.5' SIDEWALL LEAK PROTECTION (TO BE INSTALLED DURING OPERATION) REINFORCED SOIL SLOPE .013 LINER SYSTEM 2 FLOOR TO SLOPE 01 NOTES: 1. GEOSYNTHETIC COMPONENTS SHOWN AT EXAGGERATED SCALE. DATE DESIGN INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 EL. 833' 8" DIAMETER SDR 26 PERFORATED LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE CROSS SECTIION - FLOW DIRECTION ill =2' 1 8/03/2017 1 7810160681 0 7/17/2017 7810160681 REV DATE JOB NO. 1 .012 '�■■IIIIIII�■i� ESTIMATED TOP OF PASTE LEACHATE COLLECTION SUMP RK ISS KID I KID I REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS RK ISS KID I KID I DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PROJECT TYPE DES I DFTR I CHKD I ENGR I DESCRIPTION Environment & . Infrastructure 2801 YORKMONT ROAD amec SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, NC28208 foster TEL: (704) 357-8600 FAX: (704) 357-8638 wheeler UCENSURE: NC ENG: F-1253 NC GEOLOGY: C-247 SEAL •�•bjN �Q,�F�ssrp;�,'�► SEAL TITLE STRUCTURAL FILL NCDOT NO. 57 DRAINAGE AGGREGATE — — — — — GEOTEXTILE FILTER HDPE GEOMEMBRANE HDPE GEOMEMBRANE WELD HDPE GEOMEMBRANE PLATE . — — — — — NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE CUSHION — — — — — WOVEN GEOTEXTILE REINFORCEMENT EL. 845.5' 17 8" DIAMETER SDR 26 � SOILD PIPE CONTACT WATER COLLECTION DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 2 - 10 FT CELL PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION FOR ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL DUKE E N FM%m7 Y® SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: RK DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR : SS JOBTE 07/17/20 60681 CHKD: KID Arl ENGR: KID FILENAME: .012 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 2- 10 FT CELL.dwg APPD: KD DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION ANSI D 22"x34" g LC C907.005.012 1 9 I 10 70 m G F- Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC —Paste Demo Layout:.012 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 2 — 10 FT CELL August 03, 2017 06: 18: 04pm Q: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681 _Belews Creek_PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.01 2 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 2 — 10 FT CELL.dwg rd 5 7 :1 .013 REV. 1 F NOTES: 1. GEOSYNTHETIC COMPONENTS SHOWN AT EXAGGERATED SCALE. LINER SYSTEM - FLOOR CELL ID SUBGRADE ELEVATION PASTE HEIGHT CREST ELEVATION 6-1 833 6' 841 6-2 833 6' 841 10-1 833 10, 845.5 GEOTEXTILE FILTER 16 OZ/SY NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE CUSHION 60-MIL DOUBLE -SIDED TEXTURED HDPE GEOMEMBRANE MIRAFI HP270 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT WRAPPED FACE 1.5 DETAIL LEGEND SUBGRADE STRUCTURAL FILL 0 0 0 0 o NCDOT NO. 57 DRAINAGE AGGREGATE — — — — — GEOTEXTILE FILTER HDPE GEOMEMBRANE HDPE GEOMEMBRANE WELD 7� 1 \ GEOTEXTILE FILTER HDPE GEOMEMBRANE PLATE 1 \ — — — — — — NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE CUSHION 16 OZ/SY NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE CUSHION — — — — — WOVEN GEOTEXTILE REINFORCEMENT GEOTEXTILES TO BE DRAINAGE 0 60-MIL DOUBLE -SIDED SEWN TOGETHER AGGREGATE TEXTURED GEOMEMBRANE THICKNESS VARIES I=III=III=III=III=III=1 —_ _ _ — 1I=1 I I=1 I I —I 11=1 11=1 I I —III —I I l i it I I I II I I I I II I I I I 1=1 I E1 I I=1 11=1 11=1 =ICI lil�l=l�l �II�II�II�II�IIIII�IIIIllIISUBGRADE�—ICI—ICI—ICI—ICI—ICI -1 I I� � II _— I I —III —III —III III —I i i—III—III—III—III—III—I I III„I� =III-III=III—III=III—III—III—III—III=III—III ('_2 LINER SYSTEM - FLOOR TO SLOPE ��OJ13 REINFORCEMENT AT TOP LIFT 3.5' \ \ \ REINFORCED SOIL SLOPE 13 \ v EXTRUSION WELD GEOMEMBRANE FLAP (TO BE INSTALLED DURING OPERATIONS) \\\\\\\ \ 60-MIL DOUBLE -SIDED \ TEXTURED HDPE \ GEOMEMBRANE \ 1.5 NOTES: 1. GEOSYNTHETIC COMPONENTS SHOWN AT EXAGGERATED SCALE. (__4 LINER SYSTEM - SLOPE �- - - .013 �. TITLE Environment & DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 3 Infrastructure 2801 YORKMONT ROAD amec PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, NC TEL: (704)3578600208 foster BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION \ FAX: (704) 357-8638 wheeler NC ENG: F 1253 FOR NC GEOLOGY: C-247 ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL SEAL ��•��N CARp��,y �Q •�F�BSlp�•�r 3 REINFORCED SOIL SLOPE •�SEAL �� �. ��O 1 J3 1 8/03/2017 7810160681 RK SS KID KID REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS 0 7/17/2017 7810160681 RK SS KID KID DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL �aiita�t4�3a DATE DESIGN REV DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE DES DFTR CHKD ENGR DESCRIPTION DUKE ® Y E N FM%m7/20 SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: RK DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR : SS 60681 B07 CHKD: KID ATE 7/1 ENGR: KID FILENAME: .013 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 3.dwg APPD: KD DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. I REVISION ANSI D 22"x34" g LC C907.005.013 1 0 0 W F INCHES 1 2 3 ITENTHS 10 20 30 Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC —Paste Demo Layout:.013 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 3 August 03, 2017 06: 19: 21pm Q: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681—Bel ews Creek_PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.013 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 3.dwg 10 W F 60-MIL DOUBLE -SIDED TEXTURED \ HDPE GEOMEMBRANE \ \ \ 4 LINER SYSTEM - BOTTOM TO SLOPE \ \- �oU--�p�Wvovov--�p�Wvov� EL. 833' EL. 832.2' L CLEARA LIP COUPI M 3 4 5 I� CD 15, ° ° ° ° ° ° 014 PIPE PERFORATION, ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 9.75' ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 0 ° ° ° ° ° ° 02_ ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 0 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 760-MIL ��� ll� iii ��I III III III III III 8" DIAMETER SDR 26 PERFORATED LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE 16 OZ/SY NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE N o CUSHION DOUBLE -SIDED TEXTURED HDPE GEOMEMBRANE DATE 77,77 TENTHS 10 DESIGN 20 30 LEACHATE COLLECTION SUMP SECTION 1"=1' 1.5' 1.6'� LCS SUMP PIPE PENETRATION - PLAN 1" = 1' 1' ti 1 8/03/2017 1 7810160681 0 7/17/2017 1 7810160681 REV DATE I JOB NO. 7 8 .014 IREV, 1 DETAIL LEGEND SUBGRADE STRUCTURAL FILL o NCDOT NO. 57 DRAINAGE AGGREGATE — GEOTEXTILE FILTER HDPE GEOMEMBRANE HDPE GEOMEMBRANE WELD HDPE GEOMEMBRANE PLATE — — — — — — NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE CUSHION — — — — WOVEN GEOTEXTILE REINFORCEMENT \ 4 LINER SYSTEM - BOTTOM TO SLOPE \ .013 \ EL. 833' \t SOLID \ DN PIPE \ PIPE PENETRATION WALL HDPE PIPE TO SHEET STOCK 1.5' 1.4' PREFABRICATED PIPE PENETRATION 8" SDR 26 SOLID WALL HDPE PIPE TO 1-IN THICK HDPE SHEET STOCK AS SHOWN i EL. 831.6' RK SS KID KID RK SS KID KID PROJECT TYPE DES DFTR CHKD ENGR REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL DESCRIPTION 5' ��i III III 8" DIAMETER SDR 26 SOLID 16 OZ/SY NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE 1 5' CUSHION EL. 831.6' 60-MIL DOUBLE -SIDED TEXTURED HDPE GEOMEMBRANE 2 LEACHATE COLLECTION SUMP SECTION PREFABRICATED PIPE PENETRATION °s so 014 1"=1' 3/16-IN. DIAMETER PERFORATIONS (TYP.) 8-IN. DIA. PERFORATED SDR-17 HDPE LEACHATE COLLECTION HEADER PIPE (�4 PIPE PERFORATION Environment & Infrastructure 2801 YORKMONT ROAD amec SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 foster TEL: (704) 357-8600 FAX: (704) 357-8638 wheeler LICENSURE: NC ENG: F-1253 NC GEOLOGY: C-247 SEAL aQ,�Fcssrp;�,'�► SEA. TITLE LID WALL HDPE PIPE TO 8 DR 26 1-IN THICK HDPE SHEET STOCK AS SHOWN DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 4 PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION FOR ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL DUKE rl ENEM%m7Y® SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: RK DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR : SS JOB CHKD: KID DATE:07/177/ 0160681 ENGR: KID FILENAME: .014 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 4.dwg APPD: KID DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION ANSI D 22"x34" g LC C907.005.014 1 0 F INCHES 1 2 3 Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC —Paste Demo Layout:.014 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 4 August 03, 2017 06: 20: 46pm Q: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681 _Belews Creek_PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.014 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 4.dwg 7 9 10 d CREST OF CELL 8 I .015 IREV. 1 F INCFT TRIM GEOMEMBRANE FLAP AND GEOTEXTILE AFTER PASTE DEPOSITION REINFORCED SOIL3) — — — — — — — — 7-\7 SLOPE — — MORTAR WEDGE TO BE PLACED BELOW GEOMEMBRANE TO PROVIDE CROSS SLOPE TOWARDS THE DRAINAGE PIPE 8" DIAMETER SDR 26 PERFORATED PIPE AND TEE GEOTEXTILE FILTER 60-MIL DOUBLE -SIDED TEXTURED HDPE GEOMEMBRANE FLAP 60-MIL DOUBLE -SIDED TEXTURED HDPE GEOMEMBRANE EXTRUSION WELD GEOMEMBRANE TO CONTACT WATER COLLECTION PIPE PENETRATION EXTRUSION WELD GEOMEMBRANE FLAP TO CONTACT WATER COLLECTION PIPE PENETRATION i ESTIMATED TOP OF PASTE PREFABRICATED PIPE PENETRATION - 8" SDR 26 SOLID WALL HDPE PIPE TO 1-IN THICK HDPE SHEET 8" DIAMETER SDR 26 PERFORATED PIPE AND TEE 2 015 ° ° 0 0 0 ° o .o o ���u..n0 ov� ivv ovw`w�Vy�l v vvvvv� 0 0 0 0 0 ° o / ° ° ° o 0 ° ° ° o 0 0 ° ° ° ° 0 O Lo, 0 ° I 0 0 0 ° ° ° ° ° 0 0 0 0 ° o DATE I DESIGN EL. 833' \ VARIES DETAIL LEGEND SUBGRADE `\ STRUCTURAL FILL \� NCDOT NO. 57 DRAINAGE AGGREGATE — — — — GEOTEXTILE FILTER HDPE GEOMEMBRANE HDPE GEOMEMBRANE WELD HDPE GEOMEMBRANE PLATE / — — — — — — NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE CUSHION — — — — WOVEN GEOTEXTILE REINFORCEMENT — — — — — — — — — — — — 0 0 / °0000°o° ° 77�� 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ° ° 0 0 0 ° O 0 0 ° ° \ 1. 0 ° ° o 0 c�a CELL 10-1 EL. = 837' CELL 6-1 AND 6-2 EL. = 835' /\ / w / •o 8" DIAMETER IPS MOLDED `L EL. 833" SDR 26 PERFORATED TEE PROVIDE VERTICAL CLEARANCE FOR HDPE SLIP COUPLING 1.67 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - / CONTACT WATER COLLECTION 1" = 1' CONTACT WATER COLLECTION - SECTION VIEW 1 8/03/2017 1 7810160681 0 7/17/2017 1 7810160681 REV DATE I JOB NO. RK SS KID KID REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS RK SS KID KID DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PROJECT TYPE DES DFTR CHKD ENGR DESCRIPTION PREFABRICATED PIPE PENETRATION 8" SDR 26 SOLID WALL HDPE PIPE TO .� 1-IN THICK HDPE SHEET STOCK o AS SHOWN 3 CONTACT WATER COLLECTION - SECTION VIEW 8" DIAMETER IP SDR 26 PERFOF PIPE PERFOR/ Environment & Infrastructure $,o 2801 YORKMONT ROAD amec SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 foster TEL: (704) 357-8600 FAX: (704) 357-8638 wheeler LICENSURE: NC ENG: F-1253 NC GEOLOGY: C-247 SEAL ��•��N CA!Qiiy '�► Ste. �1.67'� CONTACT WATER COLLECTION - SECTION VIEW TITLE DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 5 PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION FOR ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL DUKE rl ENEM%m7Y® SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: RK DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR : SS JOB CHIKD: KID DATE:07/177/ 0160681 ENGR: KID FILENAME: .015 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 5.dwg APPD: KID DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION ANSI D 22"x34" g LC C907.005.015 1 0 0 cn F INCHES 1 2 3 ITENTHS 10 20 30 Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC —Paste Demo Layout:.015 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 5 August 03, 2017 06: 22: 07pm Q: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681 _Belews Creek_PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.015 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 5.dwg 7 9 10 W F 2 3 4" HDPE DOUBLE FLANGE FITTING WITH STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, EPDM GASKETS & U-VENT ASSEMBLY WITH SCREEN TOP FLANGE LINE ° 9' .7 5' ° ° ° O ° ° O O 0 ° ° 0 INET LINE: 4" HDPE DOUBLE FLANGE FITTING WITH STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, EPDM GASKETS, 90° ELBOW, EXT DROP PIPE WITH FRP GROUND MOUNTED SUPPORT OVERFLOW LINE: 4" HDPE DOUBLE FLANGE FITTING WITH STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, LIQUID LEVEL GAUGE EPDM GASKETS, 90° ELBOW, EXT DROP PIPE WITH FRP GROUND MOUNTED SUPPORT DISCHARGE LINE: 4" FNPT 316 SS MOLDED -IN DRAIN FITTING WITH VITON "O" RING SEALS, HDPE FLANGE ADAPTOR, 4" HDPE BUTTERFLY VALVE, SPOOL PC WITH BLIND FLANGE 1 CONTACT WATER COLLECTION TANK - 5,000 GAL �161"=2' 2" HDPE DOUBLE FLANGE FITTING WITH STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, EPDM GASKETS, & U-VENT ASSEMBLY WITH SCREEN TOP FLANGE LINE n 0.67' 0.5' INLET LINE: 2" HDPE DOUBLE FLAN) WITH STAINLESS STEEI EPDM GASKETS, 90° EL EXT DROP PIPE WITH FRP GROUND MOUNTE II II OVERFLOW LINE: 2" HDPE DOUBLE FLANGE FITTING WITH STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, EPDM GASKETS, 90° ELBOW, EXT DROP PIPE WITH FRP GROUND MOUNTED SUPPORT LIQUID LEVEL GAUGE DISCHARGE LINE; 2" FNPT 316 SS MOLDED -IN DRAIN FITTING WITH VITON "O" RING SEALS, HDPE FLANGE ADAPTOR, 2" HDPE BUTTERFLY VALVE, SPOOL PC WITH BLIND FLANGE ;E FITTING BOLTS, 3OW, )SUPPORT 180° OVERF 4" HDPE DOUBLE FLANGE FITTING WITH STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, EPDM GASKETS, 90° ELBOW, EXT DROP PIPE WITH FRP GROUND MOUNTED SUPPORT 4 5 qno TING -S, PORT 4" HDPE DOUBLE FLANGE FITTING (VITH STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, =PDM GASKETS & J-VENT ASSEMBLY WITH SCREEN 0° 'E MANWAY, THREADED & VENTED -IEDOWN SUPPORT .UG TYP) 4" FNPT 316 SS MOLDED -IN DRAIN 270° FITTING WITH VITON "O" RING SEALS, HDPE FLANGE ADAPTOR, 4" HDPE BUTTERFLY VALVE, SPOOL PC WITH BLIND FLANGE CONTACT WATER COLLECTION TANK PLAN - 5,000 GAL ill =2' 180° 135° 225° OVERFLOW LINE: 2" HDPE DOUBLE FLANGE FITTING WITH STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, EPDM GASKETS, 90° ELBOW, EXT DROP PIPE WITH FRP GROUND MOUNTED SUPPORT 90° 2" HDPE DOUBLE FLANGE FITTING WITH STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, EPDM GASKETS & U-VENT ASSEMBLY WITH SCREEN 6 7 8 4" HDPE DOUBLE FLANGE FITTING WITH STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, EPDM GASKETS, 90° ELBOW, EXT DROP PIPE WITH FRP GROUND MOUNTED SUPPORT ° ° 90° ELBOW SDR 26 ° HDPE MOLDED TEE (TYP) 4" OVERFLOW LINE 90° ELBOW SDR 26 HDPE MOLDED TEE (TYP) c� 4" DISCHARGE LINE 4" FNPT 316 SS MOLDED -IN DRAIN FITTING WITH VITON "O" RING SEALS, HDPE FLANGE ADAPTOR, 4" HDPE BUTTERFLY VALVE, SPOOL PC WITH BLIND FLANGE TANK PIPING - 5,000 GAL 1"=2' INLET LINE: 2" HDPE DOUBLE FLANGE FITTING WITH STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS, EPDM GASKETS, 90° ELBOW, EXT DROP PIPE WITH FRP GROUND MOUNTED SUPPORT 4" OVERFLOW LINE 90° ELBOW SDR 26 HDPE MOLDED TEE (TYP) TANK PIPING - 5,000 GAL ill =2' 2" FNPT 316 SS MOLDED `IN DRAIN FITTING WITH VITON "O" RING SEALS, HDPE FLANGE ADAPTOR, 2" HDPE BUTTERFLY VALVE, SPOOL PC WITH BLIND FLANGE PIPE PLAN - 500 GAL .016 0. 2" OVERFLOW LINE PE MANWAY, THREADED & VENTED 900 ELBOW SDR 26 HDPE MOLDED TEE I (TYP) TIEDOWN SUPPORT LUG (TYP) 315° 2" SDR 26 HDPE LIFTING LUGS (TYP) 270° DISCHARGE LINE: 2" FNPT 316 SS MOLDED -IN DRAIN FITTING WITH VITON "O" RING SEALS, HDPE FLANGE ADAPTOR, 2" HDPE BUTTERFLY VALVE, SPOOL PC WITH BLIND FLANGE 6 LEACHATE COLLECTION TANK PLAN - 500 GAL 016 1-1, 5 LEACHATE COLLECTION TANK - 500 GAL ��01�61" = 1' 1 8/03/2017 7810160681 RK SS KD KD REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS 0 7/17/2017 7810160681 RK SS KD KD DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL DATE DESIGN REV DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE DES I DFTR I CHKD I ENGR DESCRIPTION INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 4 5 6 7 8 PIPE PLAN - 500 GAL ��OJ161" = 1' TITLE Environment & .� Infrastructure 2801 YORKMONT ROAD amec SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 foster TEL: (704) 357-8600 FAX: (704) 357-8638 wheeler LICENSURE: NC ENG: F-1253 FOR INC GEOLOGY: C-247 .016 4" DISCHARGE LINE 4" FNPT 316 SS MOLDED -IN DRAIN FITTING WITH VITON "O" RING SEALS, HDPE FLANGE ADAPTOR, 4" HDPE BUTTERFLY VALVE, SPOOL PC W/ITH BLIND FLANGE FRP GROUND MOUNTED SUPPORT (TYP) 4" X 4" SDR 26 HDPE MOLDED TEE 2" DISCHARGE LINE 2" FNPT 316 SS MOLDED -IN DRAIN FITTING WITH VITON "O" RING SEALS, HDPE FLANGE ADAPTOR, 2" HDPE BUTTERFLY VALVE, SPOOL PC WITH BLIND FLANGE FRP GROUND MOUNTED SUPPORT (TYP) DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 6 PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION REV 1 ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL SEAL SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: I ••���liCAI������r DUKE DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR : SS los JOB Ill`O '��' • CHI I ENERGY DATE: 07/177/ 0160681 ENGR: I SE!'4�. s 1 FILENAME: .016 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 6.dwg APPD: I -•°•.•�°�ItA °p DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION Arcd � Wotsu°10 V i` • ANSI D 22"x34" B L C C 9 0 7. 0 0 5.016 1 8 9 10 A--] 0 rn 70 F71 F--1 Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: EC Paste Demo Layout: DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 6 August 03, 2017 06: 24:11 pm Q: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681 Belews Creek_ PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.016 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 6.dwg 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I .017 60-MIL DOUBLE -SIDED TEXTURED GEOMEMBRANE REV, 1 STAGE STORAGE STAGE I VOLUME I VOLUME ELEVATION VARIES 4" DIAMETER SDR 26 SOLID WALL PIPE (10-1 CWC) CD 91 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT BERM STAINLESS STEEL LINED U-STRAP (VARIES BY PIPE SIZE) 6" X 6" TREATED LUMBER (TYP) 2" X 6" TREATED LUMBER (TYP) LAG BOLT AND WASHER (TYP.) 3 017 8" DIAMETER SDR 26 THREADED CAP 3 1 3 \� 017 2° DIAMFTrn unnr BUTTEF 1' 1.5 .5' , IT-1I1=1I I I1=1I1=1I1=1I1=1I = I=1I I I I—III=111=TI-III—III ;III I I II III I I=1I I=1I I=1 -III II —III —III —III —III —III- =III=III=111- PREFABRICATED PIPE PENETRATION 2" DIAMETER SDR 26 —_ III —III —III —III —III —I SUBGRADE I I I —III —III —I 8" SDR 26 SOLID WALL HDPE PIPE TO SOLID PIPE -1 I I I II I I—III=III=1I I-1I1=1I I —III —III —III —III —III —I I1= 1-IN THICK AS SHOWNHDPE SHEET STOCK 11-1 1=1 1=1 1=1 I —I I —I I —I I —I —I I —I I —III —III —III —I 111-1 I I —III —III —I EE _III-III=III=1�1=1�1 111�11111�11111�11�11�11�11�11�11�11�11�1111�11111� m1 1�11�11�11111�1: (�2 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT PIPE PENETRATION 017 71"=1' 1 1' 1 2.8' 1 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT PIPE PENETRATION 8" X 8" DIAMETER SDR 26 IPS MOLDED TEE 8" DIAMETER SDR 26 _ IPS MOLDED 90° ELBOW NOTE: REDUCE 8" DIAMETER SDR 26 TO 4" DIAMETER SDR 26 DOWNSTREAM FROM ELBOW FOR CONTACT WATER COLLECTION \ PIPE, AND 2" DIAMETER SDR 26 FOR LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE. 1 CONCRETE TO BE GRADED TO DRAIN STORMWATER AWAY FROM POST. F .2' 71DOTNO. 57 STONE o00 4 PIPE RACK .017 1" = 1' 1 8/03/2017 7810160681 RK SS KID KID REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS 0 7/17/2017 7810160681 RK SS KID KID DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL DATE DESIGN REV DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE DES I DFTR CHKD ENGR DESCRIPTION INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 4 5 1 7 8" DIAMETER HDPE BUTTERFLY VALVE A--] 70 r71 G SUBGRADE COLLECTION PIPE DAYLIGHT Environment & Infrastructure $,o 2801 YORKMONT ROAD amec SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 foster TEL: (704) 357-8600 FAX: (704) 357-8638 wheeler LICENSURE: NC ENG: F-1253 NC GEOLOGY: C-247 SEAL •�•��N CARp��,y aQ,�Fcssrp;�,'�► Ste. TITLE DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 7 PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION FOR ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL DUKE rl ENEM%m7Y® SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: RK DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR : SS JOB CHKD: KID DATE:07/177/ 0160681 ENGR: KID FILENAME: .017 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 7.dwg APPD: KID DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION ANSI D 22"x34" g LC C907.005.017 1 9 10 F Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC —Paste Demo Layout: DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 7 August 03, 2017 06: 25: 32pm 0: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681 _Belews Creek_PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.017 DEMONSTRATION PAD DETAILS 7.dwg .018 REV. 1 V-6" PLAN MAINTENANCE NOTES OVEN GEOTEXTILE 1. INSPECT AT LEAST WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT (0.5" OR GREATER) RAINFALL EVENT AND REPAIR IMMEDIATELY. CLEAN OUT SEDIMENT, STRAW, LIMBS, OR OTHER DEBRIS THAT COULD CLOG THE OUTLET, WHEN NEEDED. 2. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT AS NEEDED TO ALLOW DRAINAGE THROUGH THE STONE OUTLET, AND PREVENT LARGE FLOWS FROM CARRYING SEDIMENT OVER THE OUTLET. ADD STONES TO OUTLET AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN DESIGN HEIGHT AND CROSS SECTION. E ROCK FILTER OUTLET 12" DIAMETER EXCESS SOCK MATERIAL TO BE DRAWN IN COMPOST SOCK AND TIED OFF TO STAKE AT BOTH ENDS CHECK DAM UNDISTURBED AREA O� COMPACTED FILL T r �o 1- c�0 12" DIAMETER — I — _—� � I—III—III=1 I I: COMPOST SOCK Gi rnni1I— TWO (2) 2" X 2" X 36" WOODE STAKES PLACED 5' O.( 2:11 1w— TWO (2) 2" X 2" X 36" WOODEN STAKES PLACED 10' O.C. MAX WATER LEVEL 4" MINIMUM FREEBOARD AL� 12" DIAMETER COMPOST SOCK SINGLE INSTALLATION SECTION GENERAL NOTES: CLASS B RIPRAP AIAI -1— 9G �� �.. 1. COMPOST SOCKS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS NEEDED BASED ON FIELD CONDITIONS. 2. ADJOINING SECTIONS OF THE COMPOST SOCKS SHALL BE OVERLAPPED A MINIMUM 18 INCHES AND STAKED AT THE OVERLAP. 3. IN AREAS OF DIFFICULT SILT FENCE INSTALLATION AND ONLY WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER, COMPOST FILTER SOCK MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR SILT FENCE. COMPOST SOCK .01 8 NOT TO SCALE 9' RIPRAP ENERGY DISSIPATOR NOT TO SCALE 3 60-MIL DOUBLE -SIDED 1 TEXTURED GEOMEMBRANE 'I_lilll,�Ill�ii����i�ii���I�IIIII�IIII'�111111�111�=III„III-��--�!I,�Ill�lil����i�iii���l�lllll�llll'�1111�=III--�II�II�IIII,�II��I�liiil�l! 4' 6 EARTHEN BERM .018 I.LHJJ CS KIY-KHY I a o 1g o a o .75' a � 16 OZ/SY NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE THREE (3) 2" X 2" X 36" WOODEN STAKES PLACED 10' O.C. �O �� -III=III=III=111111111111111=1 � =1I 1=1I I -III -I 11=1I 1=1I 1=1I 1=1I I -I 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 I =1 I -III -III -III -III -III -III -III -III -I I=1 11=1 11=11=1 11-1 11-1 11-1 11-1 11-1 1 11-1 11=1 I 1=III-III-II'- - I -III =1I1=1I1=1I1= AREA OF=1I1=1I I I 1=1I 1=1I 1=1I I -I I I II -III -III -III- EXCAVATION / =III= � �=IIHIHIHI -II III III III III DISTURBANCE -JJ_ III III -III II ... I- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�� I -I 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 I I I 1=1 I I -III -III -I 11=1 11=1 11=1 I I -I I =1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 III=1I I-1I I-1I 1= STABILIZED - - DISCHARGE AREA 5' AT LOW END OF DEVICE POINTED DOWNHILL TO PREVENT PONDING MAX WATER LEVEL 4" MINIMUM FREEBOARD 2' 1 MAX. SLOPE 12" DIAMETER COMPOST SOCK ------------------ THREE (3) 2" X 2" X 36" WOODEN STAKES PLACED 10' O.C. PYRAMID INSTALLATION SECTION INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE NOTES: 1. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL DEVICES AND PLANTED AREAS SHALL BE INSPECTED EVERY SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS AND AFTER EACH RAINFALL OCCURRENCE THAT EXCEEDS ONE-HALF (1/2) INCH WITHIN A 24-HOUR PERIOD. DAMAGED OR INEFFECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED, AS NECESSARY, AS SOON AS PRACTICAL. 2. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT WHEN IT REACHES 1/3 THE HEIGHT OF THE DEVICE. 3. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE PLACED IN STOCKPILE STORAGE AREAS OR SPREAD THINLY ACROSS DISTURBED AREA. STABILIZI THE REMOVED SEDIMENT AFTER IT IS RELOCATED. 4. REMOVE TEMPORARY E&SC MEASURES UPON STABILIZATION OF THE TRIBUTARY DRAINAGE AREA. REMOVE ALL CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL AND SEDIMENT, AND DISPOSE OF THEM PROPERLY. COMPOST SOCKS MAY BE ABANDONED BY CUTTING THE SOCK MATERIAL AND SPREADING THE COMPOST IN -PLACE. GRADE THE DISTURBED AREA TO DRAIN AND STABILIZE ACCORDINGLY. 51 1 CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW GENERAL NOTES: 1. ROCK FILTER DAMS TO BE USED AT DESIRED OUTLETS FROM DIVERSION BERMS 2. TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS TO REMAIN IN PLACE FOR MORE THAN 30 WORKING DAYS SHALL BE SEEDED, MULCHED, AND STABILIZED AS APPROPRIATE. 3. REMOVE SEDIMENT AS NEEDED TO RETAIN POSITIVE FLOW WITHIN DIVERSION. 4. ADDITIONAL DIVERSIONS MAY BE CONSTRUCTED WITH OWNER'S APPROVAL TO PROTECT CONTRACTOR'S WORK. TEMPORARY DIVERSION NOT TO SCALE -1 11=1 I I_I 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 I I —III— 11=1 I I —III —I i � �— 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 I II I II I I I II I I I I II I1=1I1=1I1=1I1=1I1=1I1=1II-1II ;III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� II1==- -1 I I=1 I I=1 I I=1 I I=1 I I=11I SUBGRADE -III=III=III=III=III=III=III—III—I 11—III—III—III—III=III—III—III—III—III—III _ — =1 I I=1 I I=1 I I=1 1= =1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 I I I I II I I I I II I I I I II I, I, I I II I. I I I II I I I I II I I I I II I l i II I I I I I I I —I 11-1 I III CLASS B O O —III—III—I 11=1 I I —III —III —III —III —III —III —III —III —i I j=11 I I=III=III=III=III=III=III=III=III=I I I I I II I I I I II I I I I II I I I I II I I I I II I I I I II I I I I II I I I I II I I I I II I I I I IIII III I III IIII I II, RIP -RAP _,,,-111=III—III III-III,,,III,,,_,,,=„I—III—III-III=III; III=III ��III,,. O � 2' -D O O 5 p CLEAN OUT ENERGY DISSIPATOR 2' .D�Q 1"=1' 1 8/03/2017 7810160681 RK SS KID KID REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS 0 7/17/2017 7810160681 RK SS KID KID DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL DATE DESIGN REV DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE I DES DFTR CHKD ENGR DESCRIPTION INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 4 5 6 7 Environment & . Infrastructure 1 2801 YORKMONT ROAD amec SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, INC 28208 foster TEL: (704) 357-8600 FAX: (704) 357-8638 wheeler LICENSURE: INC ENG: F-1253 INC GEOLOGY: C-247 SEAL TITLE E&SC DETAILS 1 PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION FOR ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL DUKE tII5 %/ ENEM� SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: RK DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR : SS JOB CHKD: KID DATE:07/187/ 0160681 ENGR: KID FILENAME: .018 E&SC DETAILS 1.dwg APPD: KID DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION ANSI D 22"x34" g LC C907.005.018 1 9 10 r1 G F Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC -Paste Demo Layout: E&SC DETAILS 1 August 03, 2017 06: 26: 52pm 0: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681 _Belews Creek_PasteDemo\Plan sheets\IFB\.018 E&SC DETAILS 1.dwg 2 3 4 5 7 .019 REV 1 DEFINITION CONTROLLING RUNOFF AND EROSION ON DISTURBED AREAS BY ESTABLISHING MAINTENANCE PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER WITH SEED. GENERALLY, A STAND OF VEGETATION CANNOT BE DETERMINED TO BE FULLY ESTABLISHED UNTIL IT HAS BEEN MAINTAINED FOR ONE FULL YEAR FROM PURPOSE PLANTING. INSPECT SEEDED AREAS FOR FAILURE AND MAKE NECESSARY TO REDUCE EROSION AND DECREASE SEDIMENT YIELD FROM DISTURBED AREAS, REPAIRS AND RESEEDINGS WITHIN THE SAME SEASON, IF POSSIBLE. AND TO PERMANENTLY STABILIZE SUCH AREAS IN A MANNER THAT IS ECONOMICAL, ADAPTS TO SITE CONDITIONS, AND ALLOWS SELECTION OF THE RESEEDING --IF A STAND HAS INADEQUATE COVER, RE-EVALUATE CHOICE OF MOST APPROPRIATE PLANT MATERIALS. PLANT MATERIALS AND QUANTITIES OF LIME AND FERTILIZER. RE-ESTABLISH THE STAND AFTER SEEDBED PREPARATION OR OVER- SEED THE STAND. CONSIDER SPECIFICATIONS SEEDING TEMPORARY, ANNUAL SPECIES IF THE TIME OF YEAR IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR PERMANENT SEEDING. A SEEDBED REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATION SHOULD NOT BE ATTEMPTED ON SITES THAT IF VEGETATION FAILS TO GROW, SOIL MUST BE TESTED TO DETERMINE IF ACIDITY ARE UNSUITABLE DUE TO EXCESSIVE SOIL COMPACTION, INAPPROPRIATE SOIL OR NUTRIENT IMBALANCE IS RESPONSIBLE. TEXTURE, POOR DRAINAGE, CONCENTRATED OVERLAND FLOW, OR STEEPNESS OF SLOPE UNTIL MEASURES HAVE BEEN TAKEN TO CORRECT THESE PROBLEMS. FERTILIZATION --ON THE TYPICAL DISTURBED SITE, FULL ESTABLISHMENT USUALLY REQUIRES RE -FERTILIZATION IN THE SECOND GROWING SEASON. FINE TO MAINTAIN A GOOD STAND OF VEGETATION, THE SOIL MUST MEET CERTAIN TURF REQUIRES ANNUAL MAINTENANCE FERTILIZATION. USE SOIL TESTS IF MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS AS A GROWTH MEDIUM. THE EXISTING SOIL SHOULD POSSIBLE OR FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES GIVEN FOR THE SPECIFIC SEEDING HAVE THESE CRITERIA: MIXTURE. • ENOUGH FINE-GRAINED (SILT AND CLAY) MATERIAL TO MAINTAIN ADEQUATE TEMPORARY SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS MOISTURE AND NUTRIENT SUPPLY (AVAILABLE WATER CAPACITY OF AT LEAST .05 INCHES WATER TO 1 INCH OF SOIL). SEEDING MIXTURE (FALL) SPECIES" RATE (LB/ACRE) • SUFFICIENT PORE SPACE TO PERMIT ROOT PENETRATION. RYE GRAIN (SECALE CEREALE) 120 • SUFFICIENT DEPTH OF SOIL TO PROVIDE AN ADEQUATE ROOT ZONE. THE SEEDING MIXTURE (LATE WINTER EARLY SPRING) DEPTH TO ROCK OR IMPERMEABLE LAYERS SUCH AS HARDPANS SHOULD BE SPECIES* RATE (LB/ACRE) 12 INCHES OR MORE, EXCEPT ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 2:1 WHERE THE RYE GRAIN (SECALE CEREALE) 120 ADDITION OF SOIL IS NOT FEASIBLE. SEEDING MIXTURE (SUMMER) • A FAVORABLE PH RANGE FOR PLANT GROWTH, USUALLY 6.0 - 6.5. SPECIES" RATE (LB/ACRE) —B GERMAN MILLET (SETARIA ITALICA) 40 • FREE FROM LARGE ROOTS, BRANCHES, STONES, LARGE CLODS OF EARTH, OR TRASH OF ANY KIND. CLODS AND STONES MAY BE LEFT ON SLOPES SEEDING DATES (PIEDMONT) STEEPER THAN 3:1 IF THEY ARE TO BE HYDRO SEEDED. FALL: AUG. 15 - DEC. 30 LATE WINTER (EARLY SPRING): IF ANY OF THE ABOVE CRITERIA ARE NOT MET - I.E., IF EXISTING SOIL IS TOO JAN. 1 - MAY 1 LATE COARSE, DENSE, SHALLOW OR ACIDIC TO FOSTER VEGETATION - SPECIAL SUMMER: MAY 1 -AUG. 15 AMENDMENTS ARE REQUIRED. THE SOIL CONDITIONERS DESCRIBED BELOW AND TOPSOIL WILL BE APPLIED. SOIL AMENDMENTS SEEDBED PREPARATION FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 2,000 LB/ACRE GROUND INSTALL NECESSARY MECHANICAL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND 750 LB/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. PRACTICES BEFORE SEEDING, AND COMPLETE GRADING ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLAN. MULCH APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE STRAW. ANCHOR MULCH BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT, LIME AND FERTILIZER NEEDS SHOULD BE DETERMINED BY SOIL TESTS. ROVING OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY DIRECTIONS, SAMPLE CARTONS, AND INFORMATION SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING. TOOL. THROUGH COUNTY AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION OFFICES. TESTING IS ALSO DONE BY COMMERCIAL LABORATORIES. MAINTENANCE RE -FERTILIZE IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE. RESEED, RE -FERTILIZE AND WHEN SOIL TEST RESULTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR TEMPORARY SEEDBED MULCH IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE. PREPARATION FOLLOW RATES SUGGESTED IN THE SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS SHOWN AT RIGHT. APPLICATION RATES USUALLY FALL INTO THE FOLLOWING PURSUANT TO G.S. 113A-57(2), THE ANGLE FOR GRADED SLOPES AND FILLS SHALL C RANGES: BE NO GREATER THAN THE ANGLE THAT CAN BE RETAINED BY VEGETATIVE COVER OR OTHER ADEQUATE EROSION -CONTROL DEVICES OR STRUCTURES. IN • GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE: LIGHT -TEXTURED, SANDY SOILS: 1 TO ANY EVENT, 3HAV OR GREATER SLOPES LEFT EXPOSED WILL, WITHIN 7 1-1/2 TONS/ACRE ,HEAVY -TEXTURED, CLAYEY SOILS: 2-3 TONS/ACRE CALENDAR DAYS OF COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING, BE PLANTED OR • FERTILIZER: 700-1000 LB/ACRE OF 10-10-10 (OR THE EQUIVALENT) OTHERWISE PROVIDED WITH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT GROUND COVER, DEVICES, OR STRUCTURES SUFFICIENT TO RESTRAIN EROSION. APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER EVENLY AND INCORPORATE INTO THE TOP 4-6 PURSUANT TO G.S. 113A-57(3), PROVISIONS FOR PERMANENT GROUNDCOVER INCHES OF SOIL BY DISKING OR OTHER SUITABLE MEANS. OPERATE MACHINERY SUFFICIENT TO RESTRAIN EROSION MUST BE ACCOMPLISHED FOR ALL ON THE CONTOUR. WHEN USING A HYDRO SEEDER, APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 14 WORKING DAYS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF TO A ROUGH, LOOSE SURFACE. CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT. ROUGHEN SURFACES PRIOR TO SEEDING. *REF: 6.10 A,B AND C, NC EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL, 2013. COMPLETE SEEDBED PREPARATION BY BREAKING UP LARGE CLODS AND RAKING INTO A SMOOTH, UNIFORM SURFACE (SLOPES LESS THAN 3:1). FILL IN OR LEVEL DEPRESSIONS THAT CAN COLLECT WATER. BROADCAST SEED INTO A FRESHLY PERMANENT SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS LOOSENED SEEDBED THAT HAS NOT BEEN SEALED BY RAINFALL. SEEDING MIXTURE SEEDING SEEDING DATES GIVEN IN THE SEEDING MIXTURE SPECIFICATIONS ARE DESIGNATED AS "BEST" OR "POSSIBLE". SEEDINGS PROPERLY CARRIED OUT SPECIES* RATE (LB/ACRE) WITHIN THE "BEST" DATES HAVE A HIGH PROBABILITY OF SUCCESS. IT IS ALSO POSSIBLE TO HAVE SATISFACTORY ESTABLISHMENT WHEN SEEDING OUTSIDE TALL FESCUE (FESTUCA ARUNDINACEA) (GRASS LINED CHANNELS) 200 D THESE DATES. HOWEVER, AS YOU DEVIATE FROM THEM, THE PROBABILITY OF TALL FESCUE (FESTUCA ARUNDINACEA) (OTHER AREAS) 100 FAILURE INCREASES RAPIDLY. SEEDING ON THE LAST DATE SHOWN UNDER "POSSIBLE" MAY REDUCE CHANGES OF SUCCESS BY 30-50%. ALWAYS TAKE THIS INTO ACCOUNT IN SCHEDULING LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. NURSE PLANTS BETWEEN MAY 1 AND AUG. 15, ADD 10 LB/ACRE GERMAN MILLET (SETARIA ITALICA) LABELING OF NON -CERTIFIED SEED IS ALSO REQUIRED BY LAW. LABELS CONTAIN OR 15 LB/ACRE SUDAN GRASS. PRIOR TO MAY 1 OR AFTER AUG. 15, ADD 40 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON SEED PURITY, GERMINATION, AND PRESENCE OF LB/ACRE RYE GRAIN (SECALE CEREALE). WOOD SEEDS. SEEDS MUST MEET STATE STANDARDS FOR CONTENT OF NOXIOUS WEEDS. DO NO ACCEPT SEED CONTAINING "PROHIBITED" NOXIOUS WEED SEED. SEEDING DATES BEST POSSIBLE INOCULATE LEGUME SEED WITH THE RHIZOBIUM BACTERIA APPROPRIATE TO THE FALL: AUG. 25 - SEPT. 15 AUG. 20 - OCT. 25 SPECIES OF LEGUME. APPLY SEED UNIFORMLY WITH A CYCLONE SEEDER, DROP -TYPE SPREADER, LATE WINTER: FEB. 15 - MAR. 21 FEB. 1 -APR. 15 DRILL, CULTIPACKER SEEDER, OR HYDRO SEEDER ON A FIRM, FRIABLE SEEDBED. SOIL AMENDMENTS WHEN USING A DRILL OR CULTIPACKER SEEDER, PLANT SMALL GRAINS NO MORE THAN 1 INCH DEEP, GRASSES AND LEGUMES NO MORE THAN 1/2 INCH. A NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOILS TEST (OR EQUAL) EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE CALIBRATED IN THE FIELD FOR THE DESIRED SEEDING SHALL BE OBTAINED FOR ALL AREAS TO BE SEEDED, SPRIGGED, SODDED OR RATE. PLANTED. RECOMMENDED FERTILIZER AND PH ADJUSTING PRODUCTS SHALL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE PREPARED AREAS AND BACKFILL MATERIAL PER TESTS WHEN USING BROADCAST -SEEDING METHODS, SUBDIVIDE THE AREA INTO TAKEN PRIOR TO, DURING AND AFTER CONSTRUCTION. E WORKABLE SECTIONS AND DETERMINE THE AMOUNT OF SEED NEEDED FOR EACH SECTION. APPLY ONE-HALF THE SEED WHILE MOVING BACK AND FORTH ACROSS MULCH THE AREA, MAKING A UNIFORM PATTERN: THEN APPLY THE SECOND HALF IN THE SAME WAY, BUT MOVING AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE FIRST PASS. APPLY 4,000-5,000 LB/ACRE GRAIN STRAW OR EQUIVALENT COVER OF ANOTHER SUITABLE MULCHING MATERIAL. ANCHOR MULCH BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT, MULCH ALL PLANTINGS IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING. ROVING, OR NETTING. NETTING IS THE PREFERRED ANCHORING METHOD ON STEEP SLOPES. HYDRO SEEDING SURFACE ROUGHENING IS PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT WHEN HYDRO SEEDING, MAINTENANCE AS A ROUGHENED SLOPE WILL PROVIDE SOME NATURAL COVERAGE FOR LIME, RE -FERTILIZE IN THE SECOND YEAR UNLESS GROWTH IS FULLY ADEQUATE. MAY FERTILIZER, AND SEED. THE SURFACE SHOULD NOT BE COMPACTED OR BE MOWED ONCE OR TWICE A YEAR, BUT MOWING IS NOT NECESSARY. RESEED, SMOOTH. FINE SEEDBED PREPARATION IS NOT NECESSARY FOR HYDRO FERTILIZE, AND MULCH DAMAGED AREAS IMMEDIATELY. SEEDING OPERATIONS: LARGE CLODS, STONES, AND IRREGULARITIES PROVIDE CAVITIES IN WHICH SEEDS CAN LODGE. PURSUANT TO G.S. 113A-57(3), PROVISIONS FOR PERMANENT GROUNDCOVER RATE OF WOOD FIBER (CELLULOSE) APPLICATION SHALL BE 1,000 - 2,000 LB/ACRE. SUFFICIENT TO RESTRAIN EROSION MUST BE ACCOMPLISHED FOR ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 14 WORKING DAYS. APPLY LEGUME INOCULANTS AT FOUR TIMES THE RECOMMENDED RATE WHEN ADDING INOCULANT TO A HYDRO SEEDER SLURRY. *REF: 6.11 NC EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN IF A MACHINERY BREAKDOWN OF 1/2 TO 2 HOURS OCCURS, ADD 50% MORE SEED MANUAL, 2013. —F TO THE TANK, BASED ON THE PROPORTION OF THE SLURRY REMAINING. THIS SHOULD COMPENSATE FOR DAMAGE TO SEED. BEYOND 2 HOURS, A FULL RATE OF NEW SEED MAY BE NECESSARY. LIME IS NOT NORMALLY APPLIED WITH A HYDRAULIC SEEDER BECAUSE IT IS ABRASIVE. IT CAN BE BLOWN ONTO STEEP SLOPES IN DRY FORM. 6-0" MAX. WOVEN FILTER FABRIC I 2'--C 1 24" SILT FENCE STEEL POST Z SILT FENCE M NCDOT #57 STONE �F FILL SLOPE 8" MIN. �4" MIN. GENERAL NOTES: 1. STEEL POSTS SHALL BE 5-0" IN LENGTH AND BE OF THE SELF -FASTENER ANGLE STEEL TYPE. 2. TURN SILT FENCE UP SLOPE AT TERMINATION POINTS TO CONTAIN FLOW OF RUNOFF. 3. DO NOT INSTALL SILT FENCE ACROSS STREAMS, DITCHES, WATERWAYS OR OTHER AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW. 4. ENSURE THAT THE HEIGHT OF THE SILT FENCE DOES NOT EXCEED 24 INCHES ABOVE THE GROUND SURFACE. 5. CONSTRUCT THE FILTER FABRIC FROM A CONTINUOUS ROLL CUT TO THE LENGTH OF THE BARRIER TO AVOID JOINTS. WHEN JOINTS ARE NECESSARY, SECURELY FASTEN THE FILTER CLOTH ONLY AT A SUPPORT POST WITH 4 FEET MINIMUM OVERLAP TO THE NEXT POST. 6. EXTRA STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC WITH 6 FEET POST SPACING DOES NOT REQUIRE WIRE MESH SUPPORT FENCE. SECURELY FASTEN THE FILTER FABRIC DIRECTLY TO POSTS. WIRE OR PLASTIC ZIP TIES SHOULD HAVE MINIMUM 50 POUND TENSILE STRENGTH. 7. EXCAVATE A TRENCH APPROXIMATELY 4 INCHES WIDE AND 8 INCHES DEEP ALONG THE PROPOSED LINE OF POST AND UPSLOPE FROM THE BARRIER. 8. PLACE 12 INCHES OF THE FABRIC ALONG THE BOTTOM AND SIDE OF THE TRENCH. 9. BACKFILL THE TRENCH WITH SOIL PLACED OVER THE FILTER FABRIC AND COMPACT. THOROUGH COMPACTION OF THE BACKFILL IS CRITICAL TO SILT FENCE PERFORMANCE. 10. DO NOT ATTACH FILTER FABRIC TO EXISTING TREES. MAINTENANCE NOTES: 1. SILT FENCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. SILT FENCE SHALL BE REPLACED IF RIPPED, DETERIORATED, OR BECOMES OTHERWISE INEFFECTIVE, FULLY FUNCTIONAL, OR DOES NOT MEET DESIGN INTENT. 2. SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHOULD BE REMOVED WHEN DEPOSITS REACH ONE-THIRD THE HEIGHT OF THE BARRIER. ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER THE SILT FENCE IS REMOVED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM TO THE EXISTING GRADE, PREPARED AND SEEDED. 2 TEMPORARY SILT FENCE .019 NOT TO SCALE VARIES 6-IN. COMPACTED ABC STONE MIRAFI RS3801 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT � _III III III III III III III III III III III_ COMPACTED ABC STONE MIRAFI RS3801 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE OR ENGINEER A PROVED EQUIVALENT .A 8" DIAMETER CMP = 4" DIAMETER SDR 26 SOLID PIPE PIPE ROAD CROSSING TEMPORARY CULVERT J (IF NECESSARY) DIVERSION BERM (IF NECESSARY) 8-INCH MIN. CLASS A STONE WITH A _ 8-INCH MINIMUM DEPTH UNDERLYING NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC EDGES SHALL BE TAPERED OUT TOWARDS ROAD TO PREVENT TRACKING OF MUD ON THE EDGES so,FQQTM/� GENERAL NOTES: 1. PLACE NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE BENEATH STONE. 2. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES WILL BE PLACED AT ALL ROAD CROSSINGS. 3. WHERE A ROADSIDE DRAINAGE DITCH EXISTS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL A TEMPORARY CULVERT. MAINTENANCE NOTES: 1. INSPECT CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AT LEAST EVERY SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS. DURING PERIODS OF HEAVY USE THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHOULD BE INSPECTED MORE FREQUENTLY. 2. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES WILL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION THAT WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO EXISTING ROADWAYS. SEDIMENT TRACKED, SPILLED, DROPPED OR OTHERWISE DEPOSITED ONTO ROADWAYS WILL BE SWEPT UP AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE AND HAULED OFF -SITE FOR PROPER DISPOSAL. 3. IF EXCESS SEDIMENT HAS CLOGGED THE PAD, CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES WILL BE TOPDRESSED WITH NEW STONE AS NEEDED. REPLACEMENT OF THE ENTIRE PAD MAY BECOME NECESSARY WHEN THE PAD BECOMES ENTIRELY FILLED WITH SEDIMENT AND MUD. 4. THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES WILL BE REMOVED WHEN CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES CEASE ON THE PROJECT. THE REMOVED STONE AND SEDIMENT FROM THE EXIT WILL BE HAULED OFF -SITE AND DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. 2% • �oJ��L7 4 AGGREGATE ACCESS ROAD .019 NOT TO SCALE 1 SEEDING SPECIFICATION .019 1 8/03/2017 7810160681 RK SS KID KID REVISION TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS 0 7/17/2017 7810160681 RK SS KID KID DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL DATE DESLNLLJ REV DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE DES DFTR CHKD ENGR DESCRIPTION INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 4 5 6 7 I I I I TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE / EXIT NOT TO SCALE Environment & _ Infrastructure $,,o 2801 YORKMONT ROAD amec SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 foster TEL: (704) 357-8600 FAX: (704) 357-8638 wheeler LICENSURE: NC ENG: F-1253 NC GEOLOGY: C-247 SEAL •�jtill CA!Q,,,, Ste. TITLE PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION E&SC DETAILS 2 FOR ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL DUKE rl ENEM%m7Y® SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: RK DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR : SS JOB CHl KID DATE:07/187/ 0160681 ENGR: KID FILENAME: .019 E&SC DETAILS 2.dwg APPD: KID DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION ANSI D 22"x34" g LC C907.005.019 1 9 10 0=0 0 co 70 r71 G F Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC —Paste Demo Layout: E&SC DETAILS 2 August 03, 2017 06: 28: 04pm 0: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681 _Belews Creek_PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.019 E&SC DETAILS 2.dwg 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I .020 NnTP� REV 1 F DATE DESIGN INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 100—PU-011 CLEAN—UP SUMP PUMP YO 10 HP TEL: (704) 357-8600 1 — — FAX: (704) 357-8638 wheeler LICENSURE: NC ENO: F-1253 NC GEOLOGY: C-247 SEAL •�•��N CARp,/�•ry aQ. bF�ssro;�,. xa SEA. s/ 1 8/03/2017 7810160681 RK SS KID KID REVISIONS TO DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL PLANS 0 7/17/2017 7810160681 RK SS KID KID DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL ��dliil�4139mY REV DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE DES DFTR CHKD ENGR DESCRIPTION 6 7 8 I I I BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION FOR ISSUED FOR DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL ,REA ,REA DUKE ENEM%m7Y® SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: RK DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR : SS JOBTE 07/17/20 60681 Arl ENGR: KID FILENAME: .020 Process Flow Diagram.dwg APPD: KID DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION ANSI D 22"x34" g LC C907.005.020 1 9 10 A� 0 N O F� Plotted By: Sams, Steve Sheet Set: BC —Paste Demo Layout:.020 PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM August 03, 2017 06: 28: 27pm Q: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681 _Belews Creek_PasteDemo\Plansheets\IFB\.020 Process Flow Diagram.dwg Engineering and Facility Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina APPENDIX B Calculations Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 August 3, 2017 APPENDIX B - I Paste Contact Water Calculation Paste Contact Water Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Calculation Title: Paste Contact Water Calculation Summary: The paste contact water runoff volume produced by the 10-year 24-hour storm is estimated to be 6,125 gallons. Contact water storage tanks will need to be sized to store 5,000 gallons of contact water. The 25-year 24-hour storm event can be conveyed adequately by 8-inch diameter piping for the paste contact water collection system. Notes: Revised for 8-inch diameter pipe. Revision Log: No. Description Originator Verifier Technical Reviewer 00 Initial Submittal June 2017 June 2017 June 2017 Robert King Shubhashini Oza Joshua Bell 01 Rev. 1ZIA Robert King Shubhashini Oza Joshua Bell Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 1 of 6 , 08/03/2017 amec foster wheeler Paste Contact Water Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station OBJECTIVE: The objective of this calculation is to estimate the paste contact water storage volume requirements and conveyance sizing for the Paste Demonstration project. This calculation estimates the quantity of paste contact water that would be generated for a 10-year, 24-hour storm event, the storage volume required to collect the contact water generated, and the paste contact water conveyance piping size for a 25-year, 24-hour storm event. METHOD: Paste contact water storage volume was calculated by the rainfall -runoff relation. This relation was calculated using the U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service (SCS), now the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) method. The SCS method assumes that direct runoff is always less than or equal to the depth of precipitation. Amec Foster Wheeler assumed in their calculations that some of the depth of water would be retained in the associated area. Paste contact water conveyance pipe was evaluated using Bentley Flow Master V8i (SELECTseries 1) software. The paste contact water conveyance was designed to handle the 25-year, 24-hour storm event peak discharge. DEFINITION OF VARIABLES: A area CN curve number la initial abstraction P depth of precipitation Pe direct runoff S potential maximum retention after runoff begins (in) V velocity CALCULATIONS: 1.0 Paste Contact Water Storage Run-on and run-off control systems were evaluated for the 2, 5, 10 and 25-year storm recurrence interval. Site -specific precipitation estimates were obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas 14 for the Walnut Cove, North Carolina weather station. Rainfall Abstractions Rainfall abstractions are defined as all losses before runoff begins. Losses may consist of infiltration, depression storage, evaporation, and other factors. Rainfall abstractions can be estimated using the SCS Method as presented in the following series of equations: S = i000 cN — 10 [Equation 1] Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 2 of 6 IT 08/03/2017 amec 4 foster wheeler Paste Contact Water Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Ia = 0.2S [Equation 21 Therefore, Ia = cN — 2 [Equation 31 The land use conditions for the paste demonstration cells will be similar to newly graded class D soil; therefore, a curve number of 94 was chosen. The initial abstraction for run-off from CCR paste material having a curve number of 94 is calculated as follows: Ia = 94° — 2 = 0.13 inches [Equation 41 The precipitation excess or direct run-off depth using the SCS method is summarized in the table below and calculated by: P = (P—I,)z [Equation 5] e P-la+s The quantity of paste contact water will vary depending on the size of the cell and the rainfall depth for the associated storm recurrence interval. The paste deposition cells are trapezoidal in shape and the surface area contributing to direct contact with the paste is bound by the deposition cell crest of slope. Paste contact water was estimated using the appropriate deposition cell surface area and summarized in Table 1: Table 1: Deposition Cell Surface Area Cell Type Length (ft) Average Width (ft) Surface Area (sq. ft) 6-ft Thick Paste 40 29 1160 10-ft Thick Paste 53 42.5 2250 The average monthly rainfall for Winston-Salem, N.C. during the month of July, the statistically wettest month for the year is approximately 5.0 inches according to U.S. climate data. The calculated runoff volumes for the different storm events are summarized in Table 2. The 10-year storm event of 5.1 inches produces approximately 6,125 gallons of paste contact water for 10-ft deep cell and 3,160 gallons of paste contact water for each of the 6-ft deep cells. Sample collection and discharge of contact water storage is expected to occur monthly; therefore, contact water storage tanks will be required to store 5,000 gallons. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 3 of 6 IT 08/03/2017 amec 4 foster wheeler Paste Contact Water Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy - Belews Creek Steam Station Table 2: Run -Off Volume Storm Recurrence Interval CN [Ref.1] Potential Maximum Retension (S) Initial Abstration {la} (in) Rainfall Depth {P} (in) Run Off Depth {Pe} (in) Drainage Area {A} (sq. ft) Volume (gal) 6-ft Thick Paste 2-Year 94 0.64 0.13 3.43 2.77 1,160 2,001 5-Year 94 0.64 0.13 4.33 3.65 1,160 2,638 10-Year 94 0.64 0.13 5.06 4.37 1,160 3,158 25-Year 94 0.64 0.13 6.10 5.40 1,160 3,902 10-ft Thick Paste 2-Year 94 0.64 0.13 3.43 2.77 2,250 3,882 5-Year 94 0.64 0.13 4.33 3.65 2,250 5,117 10-Year 94 0.64 0.13 5.06 4.37 2,250 6,125 25-Year 94 0.64 0.13 6.10 5.40 2,250 7,568 2.0 Paste Contact Water Conveyance HydroCAD software was used to determine the peak discharge for the 25-year, 24-hour storm. Site -specific precipitation estimates were obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas 14 for the Walnut Cove, North Carolina weather station. The 25- year, 24-hour storm event generates 6.1 inches of precipitation for this location. Paste contact water conveyance pipes were evaluated using Bentley Flow Master V8i (SELECTseries 1) software. The pipes will be gravity driven and flow capacity will be governed by the slope, a minimum of two percent slope was considered for evaluation. The results are summarized in the following table: Table 3: Pipe Sizing Drainage Peak Selecte Flow Area Rainfall Flow Design d Pipe Qfull depth (A) Intensit {Q25} Slope Size (cfs) at Q25, (sq. ft) y (cfs) (ft/ft) (in) d (in) 1,160 6.1 0.23 2.000% 8 2.22 1.7 2,250 6.1 0.44 2.000% 8 2.22 2.4 The full flow capacity of 8-inch diameter pipe (2.22 cfs) is larger than the peak flow capacity (0.44 cfs), the modeled flow rate of 0.44 cfs will result in 2.4" normal depth inside the pipe. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 4 of 6 O8/03/2017 amec foster wheeler Paste Contact Water Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station DISCUSSION: The 10-year 24-hour storm event will produce approximately 6,125 gallons of paste contact water for the 10-ft deep cell. The paste contact water will be sampled and discharged from the contact water storage tanks; therefore, contact water storage tanks will be required to store 5,000 gallons. The 25-year 24-hour storm event can be conveyed adequately with the use of 8-inch diameter pipe for the paste contact water collection system. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 5 of 6 IT 08/03/2017 amec 4 foster wheeler Paste Contact Water Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station REFERENCES: 1. United States Department of Agriculture, "Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds", Technical Release 44, June 1986. 2. HydroCAD 10.00 (build 9), HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC, 2013. 3. "Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures", North Carolina Department of Transportation, 2006. 4. Bonnin, G.M. et.al, "NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3, Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates", NOAA National Weather Service, obtained September 15, 2014. Attachments: 1. HydroCAD Report 2. Flow Master Worksheets 3. NOAA Precipitation Frequency Estimates Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 6 of 6 IT 08/03/2017 amec 4 foster wheeler ATTACHMENT 1 HydroCAD Report 16S PCW-6' Paste Depth Subcat Reach on Link 17S PCW-10' Paste Depth CRLF Paste Demo Type 11 24-hr 25-year Rainfall= 6. 10 " Prepared by AMEC Printed 8/3/2017 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 08086 © 2013 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Summary for Subcatchment 16S: PCW-6' Paste Depth Runoff = 0.23 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 0.012 af, Depth= 5.40" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 25-year Rainfall=6.10" Area (sf) CN Description 1,160 94 Newly graded area, HSG D 1,160 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 6.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 16S: PCW-6' Paste Depth Hydrograph 0.25 0.24 0.23 — — 0.23 cfs I — —Runoff 0.22 I-4 I-4 �I I N I� 0.21 0.19 �I rl, 0.1 0.17 H IA 14 14 �- 4-114-1 � 1 - kLii� off Adrb16 6*1 ��" 0.16 t t I LIR49C9 "IqMq-79 �Or1 ?--P JOT 00.15 .14 0 0.12 I-4 I-4 14 14 4 �I �I nl- I e hl 'I �I LL 0.11 -n TC=6 . 0.1 - - - - - M 0.09 — — — — — — — — — 0.08 0.07 PI�I�I:IT T-I:ICI:1:I�INPI4I�I:I 0.06 0.05 I-t I rt 1 1 11 I T 1 rt I - r 1-1 fi I tI t1 h 1-1 I1 11 11 0.04 0.03 0.02 14- 14-1 � I k �-I N 1-4 I4 14 14 I 0.01 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 2930 31 32 33 34 35 36 Time (hours) CRLF Paste Demo Type 11 24-hr 25-year Rainfall= 6. 10 " Prepared by AMEC Printed 8/3/2017 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 08086 © 2013 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 Summary for Subcatchment 17S: PCW-10' Paste Depth Runoff = 0.44 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 0.023 af, Depth= 5.40" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 25-year Rainfall=6.10" Area (sf) CN Description 2,250 94 Newly graded area, HSG D 2,250 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 6.0 Direct Entry, 0.4 0.38 0.36 0.34 0.32 0.3 w 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 u 0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 Subcatchment 17S: PCW-10' Paste Depth Hydrograph I- 0.44 cfs �I �I T—i i i i —F I—F I—F I H H H II 1-1 L I H I D HI HI HH I� SIC-14�r ype IH IH H H H H H H HI _ a I nlf�li=-�.14 IH IH I I I I L I I t H I LI LR"offAxb6i*2�26"f 1H IH IH IH H H I H HI :mil "Cft��� �� I H IH 1-� 1-� It fit t l HI tI HI "npffIpe�lhl:�P'I`_7'I HIHI�I�I��I�IHI�IHIHIHIT�s L HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHI 1H H HHIl--I HI HI H IH I11:11:1 1H HHHIHI IHIHIHIHI H H IH IH1H1H1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Time (hours) — Runoff ATTACHMENT 2 Flow Master Worksheets Full Flow Capactiy for 8 inch Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Full Flow Capacity Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.010 Channel Slope 0.02000 ft/ft Normal Depth 0.67 ft Diameter 0.67 ft Discharge 2.22 ft3/s Results Discharge 2.22 ft3/s Normal Depth 0.67 ft Flow Area 0.35 ftz Wetted Perimeter 2.09 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.17 ft Top Width 0.00 ft Critical Depth 0.64 ft Percent Full 100.0 % Critical Slope 0.01740 ft/ft Velocity 6.36 ft/s Velocity Head 0.63 ft Specific Energy 1.30 ft Froude Number 0.00 Maximum Discharge 2.39 ft3/s Discharge Full 2.22 ft3/s Slope Full 0.02000 ft/ft Flow Type SubCritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.00 % Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Sdfie1MinoeWsMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 8/3/2017 9:16:21 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Full Flow Capactiy for 8 inch GVF Output Data Normal Depth Over Rise 100.00 % Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.67 ft Critical Depth 0.64 ft Channel Slope 0.02000 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.01740 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Sdfie1MinoeWsMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 8/3/2017 9:16:21 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Normal Depth of Six Foot Paste Thickness for Q25 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.010 Channel Slope 0.02000 ft/ft Diameter 0.67 ft Discharge 0.23 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.14 ft Flow Area 0.06 ftz Wetted Perimeter 0.65 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.09 ft Top Width 0.55 ft Critical Depth 0.22 ft Percent Full 21.7 % Critical Slope 0.00381 ft/ft Velocity 4.11 ft/s Velocity Head 0.26 ft Specific Energy 0.41 ft Froude Number 2.27 Maximum Discharge 2.39 ft3/s Discharge Full 2.22 ft3/s Slope Full 0.00021 ft/ft Flow Type SuperCritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.00 % Normal Depth Over Rise 21.73 % Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Sdfie1MinoeWsMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 8/3/2017 9:15:42 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Normal Depth of Six Foot Paste Thickness for Q25 GVF Output Data Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.14 ft Critical Depth 0.22 ft Channel Slope 0.02000 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.00381 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SdfidiMiaoWsMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 8/3/2017 9:15:42 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Normal Depth of Ten Foot Paste Thickness for 025 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.010 Channel Slope 0.02000 ft/ft Diameter 0.67 ft Discharge 0.44 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.20 ft Flow Area 0.09 ftz Wetted Perimeter 0.78 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.11 ft Top Width 0.61 ft Critical Depth 0.31 ft Percent Full 30.2 % Critical Slope 0.00404 ft/ft Velocity 4.95 ft/s Velocity Head 0.38 ft Specific Energy 0.58 ft Froude Number 2.29 Maximum Discharge 2.39 ft3/s Discharge Full 2.22 ft3/s Slope Full 0.00078 ft/ft Flow Type SuperCritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.00 % Normal Depth Over Rise 30.18 % Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Sdfie1MinoeWsMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 8/3/2017 9:14:44 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Normal Depth of Ten Foot Paste Thickness for 025 GVF Output Data Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.20 ft Critical Depth 0.31 ft Channel Slope 0.02000 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.00404 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SdfidiMiaoWsMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 8/3/2017 9:14:44 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 3 NOAA Percipitation Frequency Estimates Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 1 of 4 NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Location name: Walnut Cove, North Carolina, USA* Latitude: 36.2812°, Longitude:-80.0647' Elevation: 770.31 ft** = * source: ESRI Maps source: USGS POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonnin, D. Martin, B. Lin, T. Parzybok, M.Yekta, and D. Riley NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabular I PF graphical I Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)' Average recurrence interval (years) >n �1��2� �5��� �� 50 1001 F200 5�0� 0.369 0.439 1 F 0.517 0.569 1 F 0.629 0.668 1 F 0.703 1 F 0.733 1 F 0.765 1 F 0.787 5-min (0.339-0.401) (0.404-0.479) (0.475-0.563) (0.522-0.618 (0.574-0.682) (0.606-0.725) (0.635-0.764) (0.659-0.798) (0.682-0.836) (0.695-0.860) 11221) 1. 10-min 0.542-0 641 0.647-0.766 0.760-0 901 0.834-0 989 0.915-01.09 0.966-1.16 1.01 (1.04116.27 1. 821.32 1.09214.36 11 11 15-min 0.6707-0801 0.8103$-0962 0.96105.14 1. 67.25 1.1621.38 1. 23.46 1. 841.54) 1. 2-1.60 1. 6512.66 1.3751..70 30-min 1.01 1.22 1.49 1.67 1.88 103 2.16 2.28 143 2.52 (0.929-1.10) 1 (1.12-1.33) 1 (1.37-1.62) 1 (1.53-1.81) 1 (1.72-2.04) 1 (1.84-2.20) 1 (1.95-2.35) 1 (2.05-2.49) 1 (2.16-2.65) 1 (2.22-2.75) 60-min 1.26 1.53 1.91 2.17 2.51 2.75 2.98 3.20 3.48 3.68 (1.16-1.37) (1.41-1.67) (1.75-2.08) (1.99-2.36) (2.29-2.72) (2.50-2.98) (2.69-3.24) (2.88-3.49) (3.10-3.80) 1 (3.25-4.02) 3. 2-hr (1.3751..63) (1.67812.99) (2. 92849) (2. 062.86) (2. 003.35) (3. 943.72) (3.3774.09) (3.64-4.45) (3.9854.94) (4. 385.31) 3-hr 1.61 1.96 2A 2.84 3A 3.69 4.06 4.43 4.91 5.26 (1.48-1.76) 1 (1.81-2.14) 1 (2.26-2.68) 1 (2.60-3.08) 1 (3.02-3.61) 1 (3.34-4.00) 1 (3.65-4.41) 1 (3.94-4.81) 1 (4.32-5.34) (4.58-5.74) 6-hr 1.98 2.39 3.00 3.47 4.11 4.62 5.13 5.66 6.39 6.95 (1.82-2.16) 1 (2.21-2.62) 1 (2.76-3.28) 1 (3.18-3.78) 1 (3.74-4.47) 1 (4.16-5.01) 1 (4.59-5.57) 1 (5.01-6.14) 1 (5.56-6.93) (5.97-7.56) 12-hr 2.37 2.87 3.62 4.21 5.05 5.72 6.45 7.20 ) ( 8.27 ) ( 9.13 (2.18-2.60) (2.64-3.15) (3.32-3.96) (3.85-4.59) (4.57-5.48) (5.14-6.20) (5.73-6.97) (6.32-7.77 7.12-8.94 7.72-9.88) 24-hr 2.83 3.43 4.33 5.06 6.10 6.96 7.88 8.87 10.3 11.4 (2.63-3.07) (3.18-3.71) (4.00-4.68) (4.67-5.46) (5.60-6.57) (6.36-7.50) (7.15-8.48) (7.98-9.55) (9.16-11.1) (10.1-12.4) 2-day 3. 933.56 3. 304.30 4. 605.38 5. 086.24 6. 2974.44 7. 388.43 8.0789.47 8.948 0.6 101712.1 11 1-13.4 3-day 3.51 4.23 5.30 6.14 7.33 8.29 9.31 10.4 11.9 13.1 (3.28-3.77) 1 (3.95-4.55) 1 (4.93-5.68) 1 (5.71-6.58) 1 (6.79-7.84) 1 (7.64-8.89) 1 (8.53-9.98) 1 (9.46-11.1) 1 (10.7-12.8) 1 (11.7-14.2) 4-day 3.71 4.47 5.58 6.47 7.71 8.73 9.80 10.9 12.5 13.8 (3.46-3.97) (4.17-4.79) (5.20-5.97) (6.03-6.92) (7.15-8.25) (8.06-9.34) (9.00-10.5) (9.97-11.7) (11.3-13.5) 1 (12.4-14.9) 7-day 4.25 5.08 6.26 7.20 8.51 9.58 10.7 11.9 13.5 14.8 ) (3.99-4.53) (4.77-5.42) (5.86-6.66) (6.73-7.66) (7.92-9.06) (8.87-10.2) (9.85-11.4) (10.9-12.7) (12.2-14.5) ( 13.3-15.9 10-day 4.81 5.74 6.98 7.97 9.35 10.5 11.6 12.8 14.4 15.7 (4.52-5.12) 1 (5.40-6.11) (6.57-7.42) (7.48-8.48) (8.73-9.93) (9.71-11.1) (10.7-12.3) (11.7-13.6) (13.1-15.4) (14.2-16.9) 20-day 6.49 7.70 9.20 10.4 12.0 13.3 14.6 15.9 17.7 19.0 (6.12-6.88) 1 (7.26-8.17) (8.68-9.76) (9.78-11.0) (11.3-12.7) (12.4-14.1) (13.6-15.5) (14.7-16.9) (16.2-18.9) (17.4-20.4) 30-day 8.04 9.48 11.1 12.3 14.0 15.2 16.4 17.6 19.2 20.4 (7 .64-8.45) (9.01-9.96) (10.5-11.6) (11.7-13.0) (13.2-14.7) 1 (14.3-16.0) 1 (15.4-17.3) 1 (16.5-18.6) 1 (17.9-20.3) 1 (18.9-21.6) 45-day 10.1 11.9 13.7 15.2 17.0 18.4 19.7 21.0 22.7 23.9 (9.63-10.6) (11.3-12.5) (13.1-14.4) (14.4-15.9) (16.1-17.8) 1 (17.4-19.3) 1 (18.6-20.7) 1 (19.7-22.1) 1 (21.2-23.9) 1 (22.3-25.3) 60-day 12.1 14.2 16.2 17.7 19.6 21.0 22.4 23.7 25.3 26.5 (11.6-12.6) (13.5-14.8) (15.4-16.9) (16.9-18.5) (18.6-20.5) (20.0-22.0) (21.2-23.4) (22.4-24.8) (23.8-26.6) (24.9-27.9) Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90 % confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=36.2812&lon=-80.0647&data... 11 / 1 /2016 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 2 of 4 PF graphical PIJS-based depth -duration -frequency (pQF) curves Latitude: 36.28121, Longitude:-80.0647° 3Q 25 L 20 E rC E E E 'p -ppa -Y v' ,"'-r m N A b r4 N N fi1 -9 2 N A N 7 a S Duration 30 25 C r 20 C n cu v a 15 CL 10 Iv a 5 0 — - 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Average recurrence interval (years) NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Created (GMT): Tue Nov 1 23:24,51 2016 Back to Top Average recurrence interval (years) 2 - 5 25 50 100 200 500 ,000 Duration - 5-min - 2-day - 10-min - 3-day 15-min - 4-day - 30-min - 7-day - 60-min - I"ay - 2fir - 20-clay - "r - 30-cay - "r - 45-nay - 12-hr 50-day - 24-hr http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=36.2812&lon=-80.0647&data... 11 / 1 /2016 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 3 of 4 Maps & aerials Small scale terrain B fe I Fvv s Creel( 2mi Large scale terrain • Lyllch.urq e s�urqg Roanoke Winston-Salem Mt Mitrbell Greensboro al eville NORTH C A R 0 L I N A 100krn 9 . r Chard otte 60mi Fayetteville• Large scale map LynchL Urg BI i.,:ksbyrg ,Roanoke NkIr- -1 rj 51-01 ohnson Greensboro _ Durham I d R?i g h North Carolina ettevijje omi http:llhdsc.nws.noaa.govlhdsclpfdslpfds_printpage.html?lat=36.2812&lon---80.0647&data... 11/1/2016 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 4 of 4 Back to Top US Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service National Water Center 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 Questions?: HDSC.Questions(a)noaa.gov Disclaimer http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=36.2812&lon=-80.0647&data... 11 / 1 /2016 ATTACHMENT 1 HydroCAD Report 16S PCW-6' Paste Depth Subcat Reach on Link 17S PCW-10' Paste Depth CRLF Paste Demo Type 11 24-hr 25-year Rainfall= 6. 10 " Prepared by AMEC Printed 7/17/2017 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 08086 © 2013 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Summary for Subcatchment 16S: PCW-6' Paste Depth Runoff = 0.18 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 0.010 af, Depth= 5.40" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 25-year Rainfall=6.10" Area (sf) CN Description 930 94 Newly graded area, HSG D 930 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 6.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 16S: PCW-6' Paste Depth Hydrograph 0.2 0.19 - 0.18 cfs — —Runoff 0.18 0.17 0.1 - - -t - - t + tltltltItI�INI�I� + - -tl pe I r � T 0.15 4J- R n� 0.14 1-1 I—t I-t I- t t t t t I t-I K-666"rle�=W" 0.13 1- -1 1 rt I rt t t I fi fi I tFqq� �IjqMjP���j" w 00.12 .11 3 0.1 I� I� Irt Irt Irt tI fiI fil fit �I"np° jpe�hl�P.`q'I LL 0.09 �Tc=6 m 0.08 - -Irt Irt I - - - - L(�j — — — — — 0.06 I-tI -tIrtIrtIrt tI -r fiIfiItlr-IHI-1IrtIrtIrt 0.05 0.04 1-t Irt I I I rt rt l -r fi t fi t rI --I h 1-1 1-11-1-t0.03 0.02 I� Irt Irt Irt l rt l rt l fi l -I - I— Irt I -tI 0.01 — — — — 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Time (hours) CRLF Paste Demo Type 11 24-hr 25-year Rainfall= 6. 10 " Prepared by AMEC Printed 7/17/2017 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 08086 © 2013 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 Summary for Subcatchment 17S: PCW-10' Paste Depth Runoff = 0.39 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 0.020 af, Depth= 5.40" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 25-year Rainfall=6.10" Area (sf) CN Description 1,980 94 Newly graded area, HSG D 1,980 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 6.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 17S: PCW-10' Paste Depth Hydrograph 0.42 0.4 — PO:3:9' cfs I — —Runoff 0.38 H IHI -�IHIH HI HI HI-1 H H H H 0.36 0.32 - - I— I— fi fi fi H fit Type M `'' I r k_ ICI � nl �� .1 0.3 H - - -fit -to—�lr— �318b�f 0.28 — — — — — El:1 11 1 1 111 Z 1 LFl ypoft YqIqMq:=�O�0L2" w 00.26 .24 o °0 2 I� I � � I � I � 1 � I �I npff Pe h1�'I W I U.min 0.16 H H1414I� 4-1- I H H H I I I s L' H 0.14 0.12 1-4 I-41-+1-1+ +141�1�1 H H 4I4141 0.1 0.08 IH HI -+I -ICI+I I I H H H I-iI�I�I 0.06 0.04 H HI—tI-t HfitHH H IH H HHHI 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Time (hours) ATTACHMENT 2 Flow Master Worksheets Worksheet for Full Flow Capacity Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Full Flow Capacity Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.010 Channel Slope 0.02000 ft/ft Normal Depth 0.50 ft Diameter 0.50 ft Discharge 1.03 ft3/s Results Discharge 1.03 ft3/s Normal Depth 0.50 ft Flow Area 0.20 ftz Wetted Perimeter 1.57 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.13 ft Top Width 0.00 ft Critical Depth 0.48 ft Percent Full 100.0 % Critical Slope 0.01733 ft/ft Velocity 5.25 ft/s Velocity Head 0.43 ft Specific Energy 0.93 ft Froude Number 0.00 Maximum Discharge 1.11 ft3/s Discharge Full 1.03 ft3/s Slope Full 0.02000 ft/ft Flow Type SubCritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.00 % Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Sdfie1MinoeWsMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 6/15/2017 12:58:20 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Normal Depth of Six Foot Paste Thickness for Q25 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.010 Channel Slope 0.02000 ft/ft Diameter 0.50 ft Discharge 0.18 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.14 ft Flow Area 0.05 ftz Wetted Perimeter 0.56 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.08 ft Top Width 0.45 ft Critical Depth 0.21 ft Percent Full 28.3 % Critical Slope 0.00433 ft/ft Velocity 3.95 ft/s Velocity Head 0.24 ft Specific Energy 0.38 ft Froude Number 2.19 Maximum Discharge 1.11 ft3/s Discharge Full 1.03 ft3/s Slope Full 0.00061 ft/ft Flow Type SuperCritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.00 % Normal Depth Over Rise 28.26 % Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Sdfie1MinoeWsMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 7/13/2017 11:04:12 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Normal Depth of Six Foot Paste Thickness for Q25 GVF Output Data Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.14 ft Critical Depth 0.21 ft Channel Slope 0.02000 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.00433 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SdfidiMiaoWsMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 7/13/2017 11:04:12 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Normal Depth of Ten Foot Paste Thickness for 025 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.010 Channel Slope 0.02000 ft/ft Diameter 0.50 ft Discharge 0.39 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.21 ft Flow Area 0.08 ftz Wetted Perimeter 0.71 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.11 ft Top Width 0.49 ft Critical Depth 0.32 ft Percent Full 42.6 % Critical Slope 0.00534 ft/ft Velocity 4.89 ft/s Velocity Head 0.37 ft Specific Energy 0.58 ft Froude Number 2.15 Maximum Discharge 1.11 ft3/s Discharge Full 1.03 ft3/s Slope Full 0.00286 ft/ft Flow Type SuperCritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Average End Depth Over Rise 0.00 % Normal Depth Over Rise 42.61 % Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Sdfie1MinoeWsMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 7/13/2017 11:08:32 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Normal Depth of Ten Foot Paste Thickness for 025 GVF Output Data Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.21 ft Critical Depth 0.32 ft Channel Slope 0.02000 ft/ft Critical Slope 0.00534 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SdfidiMiaoWsMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 7/13/2017 11:08:32 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 3 NOAA Percipitation Frequency Estimates Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 1 of 4 NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Location name: Walnut Cove, North Carolina, USA* Latitude: 36.2812°, Longitude:-80.0647' Elevation: 770.31 ft** = * source: ESRI Maps source: USGS POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonnin, D. Martin, B. Lin, T. Parzybok, M.Yekta, and D. Riley NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabular I PF graphical I Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)' Average recurrence interval (years) >n �1��2� �5��� �� 50 1001 F200 5�0� 0.369 0.439 1 F 0.517 0.569 1 F 0.629 0.668 1 F 0.703 1 F 0.733 1 F 0.765 1 F 0.787 5-min (0.339-0.401) (0.404-0.479) (0.475-0.563) (0.522-0.618 (0.574-0.682) (0.606-0.725) (0.635-0.764) (0.659-0.798) (0.682-0.836) (0.695-0.860) 11221) 1. 10-min 0.542-0 641 0.647-0.766 0.760-0 901 0.834-0 989 0.915-01.09 0.966-1.16 1.01 (1.04116.27 1. 821.32 1.09214.36 11 11 15-min 0.6707-0801 0.8103$-0962 0.96105.14 1. 67.25 1.1621.38 1. 23.46 1. 841.54) 1. 2-1.60 1. 6512.66 1.3751..70 30-min 1.01 1.22 1.49 1.67 1.88 103 2.16 2.28 143 2.52 (0.929-1.10) 1 (1.12-1.33) 1 (1.37-1.62) 1 (1.53-1.81) 1 (1.72-2.04) 1 (1.84-2.20) 1 (1.95-2.35) 1 (2.05-2.49) 1 (2.16-2.65) 1 (2.22-2.75) 60-min 1.26 1.53 1.91 2.17 2.51 2.75 2.98 3.20 3.48 3.68 (1.16-1.37) (1.41-1.67) (1.75-2.08) (1.99-2.36) (2.29-2.72) (2.50-2.98) (2.69-3.24) (2.88-3.49) (3.10-3.80) 1 (3.25-4.02) 3. 2-hr (1.3751..63) (1.67812.99) (2. 92849) (2. 062.86) (2. 003.35) (3. 943.72) (3.3774.09) (3.64-4.45) (3.9854.94) (4. 385.31) 3-hr 1.61 1.96 2A 2.84 3A 3.69 4.06 4.43 4.91 5.26 (1.48-1.76) 1 (1.81-2.14) 1 (2.26-2.68) 1 (2.60-3.08) 1 (3.02-3.61) 1 (3.34-4.00) 1 (3.65-4.41) 1 (3.94-4.81) 1 (4.32-5.34) (4.58-5.74) 6-hr 1.98 2.39 3.00 3.47 4.11 4.62 5.13 5.66 6.39 6.95 (1.82-2.16) 1 (2.21-2.62) 1 (2.76-3.28) 1 (3.18-3.78) 1 (3.74-4.47) 1 (4.16-5.01) 1 (4.59-5.57) 1 (5.01-6.14) 1 (5.56-6.93) (5.97-7.56) 12-hr 2.37 2.87 3.62 4.21 5.05 5.72 6.45 7.20 ) ( 8.27 ) ( 9.13 (2.18-2.60) (2.64-3.15) (3.32-3.96) (3.85-4.59) (4.57-5.48) (5.14-6.20) (5.73-6.97) (6.32-7.77 7.12-8.94 7.72-9.88) 24-hr 2.83 3.43 4.33 5.06 6.10 6.96 7.88 8.87 10.3 11.4 (2.63-3.07) (3.18-3.71) (4.00-4.68) (4.67-5.46) (5.60-6.57) (6.36-7.50) (7.15-8.48) (7.98-9.55) (9.16-11.1) (10.1-12.4) 2-day 3. 933.56 3. 304.30 4. 605.38 5. 086.24 6. 2974.44 7. 388.43 8.0789.47 8.948 0.6 101712.1 11 1-13.4 3-day 3.51 4.23 5.30 6.14 7.33 8.29 9.31 10.4 11.9 13.1 (3.28-3.77) 1 (3.95-4.55) 1 (4.93-5.68) 1 (5.71-6.58) 1 (6.79-7.84) 1 (7.64-8.89) 1 (8.53-9.98) 1 (9.46-11.1) 1 (10.7-12.8) 1 (11.7-14.2) 4-day 3.71 4.47 5.58 6.47 7.71 8.73 9.80 10.9 12.5 13.8 (3.46-3.97) (4.17-4.79) (5.20-5.97) (6.03-6.92) (7.15-8.25) (8.06-9.34) (9.00-10.5) (9.97-11.7) (11.3-13.5) 1 (12.4-14.9) 7-day 4.25 5.08 6.26 7.20 8.51 9.58 10.7 11.9 13.5 14.8 ) (3.99-4.53) (4.77-5.42) (5.86-6.66) (6.73-7.66) (7.92-9.06) (8.87-10.2) (9.85-11.4) (10.9-12.7) (12.2-14.5) ( 13.3-15.9 10-day 4.81 5.74 6.98 7.97 9.35 10.5 11.6 12.8 14.4 15.7 (4.52-5.12) 1 (5.40-6.11) (6.57-7.42) (7.48-8.48) (8.73-9.93) (9.71-11.1) (10.7-12.3) (11.7-13.6) (13.1-15.4) (14.2-16.9) 20-day 6.49 7.70 9.20 10.4 12.0 13.3 14.6 15.9 17.7 19.0 (6.12-6.88) 1 (7.26-8.17) (8.68-9.76) (9.78-11.0) (11.3-12.7) (12.4-14.1) (13.6-15.5) (14.7-16.9) (16.2-18.9) (17.4-20.4) 30-day 8.04 9.48 11.1 12.3 14.0 15.2 16.4 17.6 19.2 20.4 (7 .64-8.45) (9.01-9.96) (10.5-11.6) (11.7-13.0) (13.2-14.7) 1 (14.3-16.0) 1 (15.4-17.3) 1 (16.5-18.6) 1 (17.9-20.3) 1 (18.9-21.6) 45-day 10.1 11.9 13.7 15.2 17.0 18.4 19.7 21.0 22.7 23.9 (9.63-10.6) (11.3-12.5) (13.1-14.4) (14.4-15.9) (16.1-17.8) 1 (17.4-19.3) 1 (18.6-20.7) 1 (19.7-22.1) 1 (21.2-23.9) 1 (22.3-25.3) 60-day 12.1 14.2 16.2 17.7 19.6 21.0 22.4 23.7 25.3 26.5 (11.6-12.6) (13.5-14.8) (15.4-16.9) (16.9-18.5) (18.6-20.5) (20.0-22.0) (21.2-23.4) (22.4-24.8) (23.8-26.6) (24.9-27.9) Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90 % confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=36.2812&lon=-80.0647&data... 11 / 1 /2016 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 2 of 4 PF graphical PIJS-based depth -duration -frequency (pQF) curves Latitude: 36.28121, Longitude:-80.0647° 3Q 25 L 20 E rC E E E 'p -ppa -Y v' ,"'-r m N A b r4 N N fi1 -9 2 N A N 7 a S Duration 30 25 C r 20 C n cu v a 15 CL 10 Iv a 5 0 — - 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Average recurrence interval (years) NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Created (GMT): Tue Nov 1 23:24,51 2016 Back to Top Average recurrence interval (years) 2 - 5 25 50 100 200 500 ,000 Duration - 5-min - 2-day - 10-min - 3-day 15-min - 4-day - 30-min - 7-day - 60-min - I"ay - 2fir - 20-clay - "r - 30-cay - "r - 45-nay - 12-hr 50-day - 24-hr http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=36.2812&lon=-80.0647&data... 11 / 1 /2016 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 3 of 4 Maps & aerials Small scale terrain B fe I Fvv s Creel( 2mi Large scale terrain • Lyllch.urq e s�urqg Roanoke Winston-Salem Mt Mitrbell Greensboro al eville NORTH C A R 0 L I N A 100krn 9 . r Chard otte 60mi Fayetteville• Large scale map LynchL Urg BI i.,:ksbyrg ,Roanoke NkIr- -1 rj 51-01 ohnson Greensboro _ Durham I d R?i g h North Carolina ettevijje omi http:llhdsc.nws.noaa.govlhdsclpfdslpfds_printpage.html?lat=36.2812&lon---80.0647&data... 11/1/2016 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 4 of 4 Back to Top US Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service National Water Center 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 Questions?: HDSC.Questions(a)noaa.gov Disclaimer http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=36.2812&lon=-80.0647&data... 11 / 1 /2016 APPENDIX B - II Paste Demonstration Area Stormwater Calculation Paste Demonstration Area Stormwater Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Calculation Title: Paste Demonstration Area Stormwater Calculation Summary: Review of existing Run -On and Run -Off Control System Plan modeled for the 25-year, 24- hour storm event indicates that the existing chimney drains can accommodate the proposed rerouting of run-off from the Paste Demonstration Area. Notes: Revision Log: No. Description Originator Verifier Technical Reviewer 00 Initial Submittal p r'Jhu��as 1644 Robert Kin Shubhashini Oza Mark Shumpert Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 07/17/2017 1 of 3 IT amec foster wheeler Paste Demonstration Area Stormwater Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station OBJECTIVE: The objective of this calculation is to evaluate stormwater flow to the existing chimney drains at the Craig Road Landfill during the Paste Demonstration Study. Chimney drains were modeled for the 25-year, 24-hour storm event in the Run -On Run -Off Control System Plan dated May 2, 2016 and revised April 19, 2017. METHOD: Chimney drain design guidelines were evaluated using HydroCAD modeling software and the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) method for calculating runoff. DEFINITION OF VARIABLES: A area CN curve number i rainfall depth n Manning's roughness coefficient Q flow T, time of concentration V velocity ANALYSIS OF EXISTING STORMWATER FLOW The current Run -On and Run -Off Control System Plan models the contact water from 13.9 acres of Phase 1 draining to a centrally located chimney drain. The drainage area contribution to the existing chimney drain in northeast corner of Phase 1 was assumed to be negligible and was not modeled. Current operation of Phase 2A promotes drainage of 13.3 acres to two chimney drains as per Figure 1. The proposed Paste Demonstration Project will alter the run-off to Phase 1 and Phase 2A chimney drains. The Phase 1 drainage area will decrease from 13.9 acres to 13.6 acres, while the drainage area of Phase 2A chimney drains will increase from 13.3 to 13.6 acres. The surface condition of each drainage area is fly ash, which was assumed to be consistent with a newly graded area hydric soil class B based on engineering experience. The time of concentration was assumed to be six minutes, which is the minimum time of concentration per TR-55. The hydrologic condition and peak flow to the chimney drains for the existing and the proposed conditions are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Flow to Chimney Drains Storm Rainfall for Drainage Time of Existing Proposed Proposed Peak Recurrence 24-Hour Curve Area Concentration Peak Drainage Runoff Phase Description Storm Number Runoff Area Interval A T (years) {CN} lac) (min) {A} (cffs) in (in) cfs (cfs) (ac) [Attach.3] 1 1 EAsting Conditions 25 6.1 86 13.9 6 105.4 13.6 103.2 2A I EAsting Conditions 25 6.1 86 13.3 6 101.5 13.6 103.7 Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 07/17/2017 2 of 3 amec foster wheeler Paste Demonstration Area Stormwater Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station The hydrologic performance of the chimney drains for existing and proposed conditions are presented in Table 2. Table 2: Chimney Drain Hydraulic Performance Existing Proposed Storm Peak Peak Recurrence Phase Description Elevation Elevation Interval (ft) (cfs) (years) [Attach. 1] [Attach. 1] 1 Existing Conditions 25 833.34 833.31 2A Existing Conditions 787.42 787.45 DISCUSSION: The 0.3 acre increase in drainage area to the Phase 2A chimney drains resulted in a flow increase of approximately 2.2 cfs and a peak elevation increase of 0.03 feet. The 0.3 acre decrease in drainage area to Phase 1 resulted in a peak flow and peak elevation decrease of 2.3 cfs and 0.03 feet, respectively. A review of the existing Run -On and Run -Off Control System Plan indicates that the current chimney drains can accommodate the proposed rerouting of the runoff from the Paste Demonstration Area. REFERENCES: "Run -On and Run -Off Control System Plan", Amec Foster Wheeler, April 19, 2017 2. United States Department of Agriculture, "Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds", Technical Release 55, June 1986. 3. Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP) Model, enhanced version (based upon HELP 3.07), University of Hamburg, Institute of Soil Science. Attachments: Run -On and Run -Off Control Systems Plan Chimney Drain Location in Phase 1 and Phase 2 2. Proposed Paste Demonstration Pad Grading Plan 3. HydroCAD Generated Report Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 07/17/2017 3 of 3 amec foster wheeler ATTACHMENT 1 Run -On and Run -Off Control Systems Plan Chimney Drain Location in Phase 1 and Phase 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FIGURE 1 RED. 1 A A o 00 D / V /\y am�� /\\\�8� \���\\/\\\V��_\V\� i\ i— y� � /� /\ �V i�\ \�i�� \Vv\ N 918,500 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF2' � i\VIl// `�� 1 / / �'% /— �/� /v /1— A \\\\\ \��\` / / °��� \l /\�vA�//`\o✓ _lv� i_��v� /\ /_ /���v� /\`\� � Vv A� V\_i\� / // \� � / \ /I�I� \I /`I �%/IIV </IIjJ �— �—\\°I� /�/ /�\�/—�i�\/\ \� V\\ � \\II� '� \�� ���l�I /�IIvI �� /\ `_\v\i/�_\, % %IIII I� II \v I�I/ ���� � �_ I I� I—I ,� /I I 1/ �I�v I� VI�I \II�\�I� \�� VI//� _�` — II1 I�III I�IA 1 II II \�°I I�/ \I �1I�� I, —� IIIj/4 � � III� y �\v �Iy\\ /I� �l_/��/ ��I V\A�I �v II1 I �AIIII I �I1` I�1 II I II �V'����- /��\d i/ �\A�� I//AI�\I/1 �� II�,— �/ �/ � III � v� �� II\�OI //�1 Iv �I� �v\���A��/�� �����\ /V I l�11 �I I��%�IIl i/ 1I% I / _ I D � \ II_I � � I I V��\VI I�I< �/\ I I II� �� \/ y�\A V� � �J1II—1 L /Iy I 1 / I \�/_ II I/vl/I_ \��; �I���I\I w� 1/ Il®�i II �/I I I I I �_v� � �� � � II II/; ��/y� I` �//vv� �\,I\ �\/I�-AI \\ I\/��`\ �� � � I\� I\II\1/\I SI 1� I�� I II1 �\�\�_�(y/ I� \\o �—iI III � III � IIy I ' II Iv'\ AI Il�—\�I —v�A I�/v/���— ��I\�v I—v \ y�I I�\�� �II 1/—II 1/ �/ \—_�I—) �;nA /�—I�\l I�_ Iv%I ��A/II �"�I��\ �\\_o 1I�/ �I _ \� ���� ���� I_\I � � /IlI�( I—\I \���� / / \._����mo-�y / ,/�-' /_�/ \���/ I�\v //v1� /�°1�v�/1 1iI_I� I �I / � /I 1l I/_ \I 1N I//I\\I /\ r��\v ��_�� � p� \\\\�/ /1 �I /�/lV��l��\� .//I ji � —A� ��// l/ -�v�Iv �/�� II�\II ,\1�V �� q �\=��I�-� ✓ l I I �\��� \II� �I`` l� /\�— � y/—��r-\��_ /«� '�I l�%II //II IA=\ � I � /� \�_ /I i ����/� �� � �� �«� y� V // \/ �/ \-vI�` )i_�\\I\� I� / / I�I\ -� �II �_�I �l //l�/i���I/ =\I\/�/�A�I /����y/��/����l�/ �/� �/� �/�/ �\ce— I``Ip/ �\I _ � J � � A�y l �o � �—I \\�Jfi`� �\�\�— \ � � /��\ y vII � _\I _— \ � �v\ ; �-�I\ —VC\/r��_ � ��y \v _���I—�I�/� ���/ ��vL=_� ��I/I % �= �_ _ �I°I �IIII\_r _v� \ \— ==J —\s \A \ � //�/1/1 /�/�J /y ��v� —�IvI �I`��III �I �\ �— \/,I ,/ CIA���� v,�\ —Il1�I�l\\I ���� ����% v - \�1 \ �� � \ V\\� �II _// v_�I —��I _/1� \\/C� v' —� �I -� \��//�_ `\ \ � \\v _\_ '\ \ �v y v—�� v��—\i� \�2 � �/ —/ v/ �II/ �/ v\�II%�III v\�\���v�� �v �v \/ v\ A` A��y\Vv\\��v�\/v��\��-\8�-/�v/��\� �—_� �I� �/\— v� A� v\ �\�_\� �j)l\�>y/—vAA/% �,\(— \iI\� \ � \j�\� �\ \l � \ ��am� v \ y������ � � \/� �A\\ �� Plotted By: Lynch, Phillip Sheet Set: Craig Road Landfill Layout: FIGURE 2 CHIMNEY DRAIN LOCATIONS IN PHASE 1 AND PHASE 2 April 21, 2017 01: 37: 08pm Q: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160697_Belews_BC-134_CRLF Chimney Drain s\Plansheets\RORO Update 0331 \017-0419 — FIGURE 1 CHIMNEY DRAIN LOCATIONS IN PHASE 1 AND PHASE 2 REV 2..dwg ATTACHMENT 2 Proposed Paste Demonstration Pad Grading Plan 7a0 - FIGURE 2 FE,, 0 ❑C LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR 10' INTERVAL Aso =-_ _ —=_7ao =\_ EXISTING CONTOUR Z INTERVAL PROPOSED CONTOUR 10' INTERVAL_—r \ ' \ — _ — _ __ _ —_ _ — o 790— __ _ PROPOSED CONTOUR Z INTERVAL s / / / i� / � � o— o — —O� — Ozz — EXISTING CHIMNEY DRAIN //� ij_ = 800 DRAINAGE BOUNDARY // / /�/� / i /_ — --- — _ _ _ — 800_ ao — -- — -- —�� g_ -830 ��/ �///� v/�\v//Vvv�r/%� /vvA///\\ I/(`� \\�// �I�\ //V\A -\//� \� \ - �\,\\VI\/ \V1AA/����\ �1I��\ �Iv I\I �1 (� � 1�I\ ,II�(I II�/�II ;I\I\I/Ij�II /�I V �III�1\/� /�� I\ l I� I I�A I�III\lIII / I IIIIIIIII\IA�I�IIIIIII VI I�II1I �IlI� IIA IIIIl1� I I� I III1II°IiI I I�I \ II IIII III I \ II �IIII I II / I I \\ I III IIIII �lI�//I\1I l IIIII\ -I 1V_ II I�I� III 1I\ II IIlII I1 1 I II I r \IIII / I\/,/II1/IA / \/i/ /\ t/I �II I I ' //IMN II I l/ Il 1lv I �1II� III I1IIII I1IIII��IlI/I ���/ �//-1� %I�I� ��1 ° �/1I1I_ �/�1II161-IIIII1��_,�/II-II� I1IIIII I I�III ,1I/II\1II II �II /IIIIIl / II III/I � III/I �(II IIi�II/I Il/III� I /I i/I II � u� IlI�II///I�lIvI�/I/II I�I//I//IlVvII/Ii/lI I �I1 I II\ /IIII I \ �III /lI/IV I � I/ceIj /IIr/��1III I/// `` I/I //I \ II� i II /%\ ��V/\ ,\ /�//�i//\\ i�// i�/�\� � II /1�/I�1�/1�Il�1uIj I/ / 1A1 % /��// /III�1 I �/// �/�I/� \/II 1 ` \����II� I � /� \/�v/ 1 /A/ \ //��\//I I�j//�/ /��\�/ v/- A���' I( � //� /\///�)�/�� / //- -///�// �� / �j �\�/ //,�/,-�\I j// % �1\%/�A//—/ _/� /�V/��i A�I� i �/_\�\ //�\-i�-���/ ,/�//\ �I� \\/ �/i /����/i�/ l / /�-/��Ji�i/�/ /l� /�� —_ -�//� �/�/ ,�/r _/O /—i�-o� l�/� I /�/I // /- ,� � //��//I�I /� � � %�,/v ��/�//_— /�-��� _ / �� �— ��% � � �/�/s � — i�� �% ���/ � \,/�� � `/ � ��/ I �� � //V // \�/ ��/�//�� / � � /�/J���/�/ '` ,�,Vv��/ �/� \� A �— ���/ � //A\�\ %_ / A� ���V/\��ii//\i�/-%���✓- /�/�/l� v//�// /\ �/\ /w� �/ vV� \`��/ \/��\�v/-/ )�v�\ ���_�/v�/ //v�//�� / ��i�� �Vv- /\v i v/\�\Vvi i/�\\/�����vAvv/ ��/ �/_/v � �/i �/ `, v�//�/v/��/v \/�A \ i //� iv/V �` /v �vv,�//�v_ v//V�/\v/i\��v///—/vvivA/�/ / vv-,_v�i v� / \� A- �/v/�v/vv�—\�\v/v_ ,L-v/V_� �//v\v �/ /w�wvv\��ivvVi i //i ° /VA co M -vv\vPvvvvvvHvv\-Avv \ S\�vEv-y\ v 1 _ �/ % 61 40 %//// 13.6 ACRES vES//8830— PASTE DEMONSTRATION CELLSEXISTING CHIMNEY D�/R� %A/J /I/ /N l � (�TYP.)iWE.= /I� 1/ ��/� I �/ll//Il/// I11//o/ ///1/l� I/ �/ l/ll/ /l��///li//// �/l//l� /1�//1/lljl/ /l/ �l // l//1/%/// //// //1/lvl ///// /ll////�/,l /l/ /�/ /// / ///, /11/ ��/l�j/� /�/l /l//l /` l✓�//l 1/ 1�///�// l 11// �/l /ll //�l / l/l/ 1//��// / /l �/// / / �l // j/ / / /j//// ��/ l/// l \/// 1�//l//yl / //1// // �/�/l/l/I///jl�// -� �/ j/ _ lj/ 1l/\ /ll�/l // /l // l /�/l/ �//® ///j/ / / / 1/ / ll//ld l 783.4 TORAGEPROCESS WATER S 70,EXISTING WHEEL WASH o PROCESS MIXING AND PUMPING EQUIPMENT PHASE2A 13.6 ACRES x GRAVEL ACCESS DRIVE COAWATER AND LEACHATE STORATCGE O— 11 �\ 70 / J\EXISTING ACCESS ROA �/ 800- °I -ao o70 / l // / / � /��l/--'�� ✓'/i/ / ®/ � //I \ I I \ � l l � � � � _ � /1 -- � � / l l 11 / l l / /l�// / 100 0 100 200 FT ir //P ov TITLE A\ V A \\�\//� / // \ \ z \ / / / l/ / lj / l l / // Environment & PASTE STORMWATER CALCULATION \ V w Infrastructure _ 2801 YORKMONTROAD PASTE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT l/li��,// _ — �_y--i�I�� I v v I /� ��— v �� v vv w / , /, / ////, / /� //100 amec — — ��� �� — \ / / / / SUITE OT _ / /// // / / // TEL:(704)357-8600 BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION F ��/ �/ l �a�/� / / ���I �_ / V_� A V \ A� �\ V A� \ / / // // / / / �/ / / / //// CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 foster // / // / — / / FAX: (704) 357-8638 wheeler I l l / / NC ENG: F 1253 VoA v V / �/ �0 ���— —A� V�� _ 1 ` A \ \ \ / I / I 1 / NC GEOLOGY: C247 FOR —$ III/ I ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW °vv\ALo� SCALE: AS SHOWN DES: RK DUKE DWG TYPE: DWG DFTR : SS 7�i ENERGY® JOB NO: 7810160681 CHKD: TM NOT FOR DATE: 6/12/2017 ENGR: KID \\ \\\\ APPD: KD FILENAME: Figure 2.dwg CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE: \0 DWG SIZE DRAWING NO. REVISION 1. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC DATA WAS PRODUCED BY PHOTOGRAMMETRIC METHODS USING AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY �` _ _ \\\\ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ON MAY 7, 2016. ORIGINAL FILE TITLED "AERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY, BELEWS CREEK - CRAIG ROAD LANDFILL" ��\\\ — — — _ — —� \ \\ \\ \\ \ \� \ \ ` \\\\ \\ \ \ \O \\ ANSI D FIGURE 2 0 PREPARED BY WSP USA CORP., RALEIGH NC, DATED JUNE 23, 2016. �� — — — — —\\ \ \ \ �\ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \� \ 0 6/12/2017 7810160681 RK SS TM KID DRAFT DEMONSTRATION APPROVAL 22"x34" \���� V DATE DESIGN \ ����� �� — — _ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ REV DATE JOB NO. PROJECT TYPE DES DFTR CHKD ENGR DESCRIPTION INCHES 1 2 3 TENTHS 10 20 30 4 5 I I I I 1 1 I 8 1 1 0 I I 0 IV FT1 U F Plotted By: King, Robert Sheet Set: BC —Paste Demo Layout:.004 Demonstration Project Plan July 12, 2017 11: 04: 33am Q: \Duke\BelewsCreek\7810160681—Bel ews Creek_PasteDemo\Exhibit\Figure 2.dwg ATTACHMENT 3 HydroCAD Generated Report Phase 1 Phase 2a CD -Ph -Catch CD-1 &2-C atch Area 1-CD A - CD -Ph 1-Ext Subcat Reach on Link CD-1&2 2017-0613-CRLF Chimney_Drain Type 11 24-hr 25-year Rainfall= 6. 10 " Prepared by AMEC Printed 6/13/2017 HydroCAD®10.00 s/n 08086 ©2013 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Summary for Subcatchment Phase 1: CD-Ph1-Catch Runoff = 103.15 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 5.087 af, Depth= 4.50" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 25-year Rainfall=6.10" Area (ac) CN Description 13.553 86 Newly graded area, HSG B 13.553 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 6.0 Direct Entry, 1 1 1 1 Subcatchment Phase 1: CD-Ph1-Catch Hydrograph HI H H H ICI 103.15 cfs I� � „Hp 1��4_illr H H H HIH HIH1H1HIAHI�e-6 , .lI H H H H I I rt I_r I T I fi H H H H T T I T I T I A6hW V Auihe*5.10�7�af IH 1H 1-4 H 14 -� I �- I �- 14-1 4JZ400 Ia :4-�50" IH IH IH IH H H I H I H I H I HI H H HTp761-q T#q IH IH I1 I::1 1:1 1 111 1 E I D HI HI H H T�s — IHI_� — — — — 14 — — — — — — — — — — — --1 HI H H 1� IH IHI iIHIHI IHIHIHIHIHIHIHHIHIHI T--- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Time (hours) — Runoff 2017-0613-CRLF Chimney_Drain Type 11 24-hr 25-year Rainfall= 6. 10 " Prepared by AMEC Printed 6/13/2017 HydroCAD®10.00 s/n 08086 ©2013 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 Summary for Subcatchment Phase 2a: CD-1&2-Catch Area Runoff = 103.72 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 5.115 af, Depth= 4.50" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 25-year Rainfall=6.10" Area (ac) CN Description 13.627 86 Newly graded area, HSG B 13.627 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 6.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment Phase 2a: CD-1 &2-Catch Area Hydrograph IH IH Irt I rt l HI H HI IH IH 103.72 cfs IHIHI�I�I-� �I�IJ-IJ-I�IHIHI „Hp J I H IH 14 I4 14 + 1 4 �5�e1a�hc4�jaj1L6.�6 IH IH It It It t It I t I t �6# JV e b,6�7I6d IH I H I::[ :1 1:1 T I I I T I :R hbff:1Vbl uffi e*S.IIM 5-:Taf IH 1-41-4I4 ��h I - 7 — H — IH — IH — IH — 1 H — — H I H I — H I — — — — — — — — H I HI H H HTp7sI-q "q — IH — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — IH — — — I-� — 14 — — — — — — — — — — — IHI iIHIHI IHIHIHIHIHIHIHHIHIHI T--- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Time (hours) — Runoff 2017-0613-CRLF Chimney_Drain Type // 24-hr 25-year Rainfall=6.10" Prepared by AMEC Printed 6/13/2017 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 08086 © 2013 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 4 Summary for Pond 1-CD: CD-Ph1-Ext Inflow Area = 13.553 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 4.50" for 25-year event Inflow = 103.15 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 5.087 of Outflow = 0.38 cfs @ 24.09 hrs, Volume= 0.768 af, Atten= 100%, Lag= 727.3 min Primary = 0.38 cfs @ 24.09 hrs, Volume= 0.768 of Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 833.31' @ 24.09 hrs Surf.Area= 215,226 sf Storage= 204,034 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 797.9 min calculated for 0.768 of (15% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 610.7 min ( 1,404.6 - 794.0 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 830.00' 854,757 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic)Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 830.00 0 0 0 831.00 7,319 3,660 3,660 832.00 57,893 32,606 36,266 833.00 159,715 108,804 145,070 834.00 336,203 247,959 393,029 835.00 587,254 461,729 854,757 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 830.25' 0.4" Vert. Orifice/Grate X 6.00 columns X 19 rows with 3.0" cc spacing C= 0.600 Primary OutFlow Max=0.38 cfs @ 24.09 hrs HW=833.31' (Free Discharge) L1=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.38 cfs @ 5.60 fps) 2017-0613-CRLF Chimney_Drain Type 1124-hr 25-year Rainfall= 6. 10 " Prepared by AMEC Printed 6/13/2017 HydroCAD®10.00 s/n 08086 ©2013 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 5 Pond 1-CD: CD-Ph1-Ext Hydrograph 115 110 103.15 cfs LEI —Inflow 1 05 195 I� 1-4� of "r'--eta=1 k51� I ac _ -Primary 90 I— I— - - II I iev L�3:3. 1 85 80 rtrtrtrt fifitd J dt 75 ,d i4l �i1 70 w 65 —" 60 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —- 55 1-4 1-+ 14 1 � I -H �I H H I-4 14 14 14 1 � LL 50 — 45 1-t 1-t I- t I t t t I fl H H 1-� I-� I t I t I 40 — 35 30 El 1[ I: I I I I I �I �I EI El El I� 11 II I� I I 20 — 25 1-4 1� I � I 1 4-1 �I �I � u I� I� I � I � I I 15 — 10 + 5 - 0.38 cfs — 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Time (hours) 2017-0613-CRLF Chimney_Drain Type/1 24-hr 25-year Rainfall=6.10" Prepared by AMEC Printed 6/13/2017 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 08086 © 2013 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 6 Summary for Pond 2-CD: CD-1 &2 Inflow Area = 13.627 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 4.50" for 25-year event Inflow = 103.72 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 5.115 of Outflow = 0.17 cfs @ 24.12 hrs, Volume= 0.323 af, Atten= 100%, Lag= 729.2 min Primary = 0.17 cfs @ 24.12 hrs, Volume= 0.323 of Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 787.45' @ 24.12 hrs Surf.Area= 176,367 sf Storage= 216,033 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 941.0 min calculated for 0.323 of (6% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 668.5 min ( 1,462.4 - 794.0 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 786.00' 770,162 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic)Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 786.00 122,141 0 0 788.00 197,068 319,209 319,209 790.00 253,885 450,953 770,162 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 786.00' 0.4" Vert. Orifice/Grate X 4.00 columns X 19 rows with 3.0" cc spacing C= 0.600 #2 Primary 786.00' 0.4" Vert. Orifice/Grate X 4.00 columns X 19 rows with 3.0" cc spacing C= 0.600 Primary OutFlow Max=0.17 cfs @ 24.12 hrs HW=787.45' (Free Discharge) 11=0rifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.09 cfs @ 4.14 fps) 2=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.09 cfs @ 4.14 fps) 2017-0613-CRLF Chimney_Drain Type 11 24-hr 25-year Rainfall= 6. 10 " Prepared by AMEC Printed 6/13/2017 HydroCAD®10.00 s/n 08086 ©2013 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 7 Pond 2-CD: CD-1 &2 Hydrograph 115 110 100 10II3.72 clfs + + 4— I � �nf�"r'-eA 1 —Inflow —Primary 95 90 I- I- - - - - - -I - JrVL { +e85 �I - rv�/ 80 75 I-� It It t I fiI tI t-I �tC�rlaJ��ie,d11l � - 70 w 65 El I1 E I II I D �I D El El I� El ClII III v 60 c 55 I-4 14 14 I �I �I �I � N I� 14 14 I� I � LL 50 45 I-t I-1- I-� It it t I f fl — H H I--t I-1- I-t it I t 40 — 35 30 25 20 15 10 I--f H I-� I+I �I H — H H I ICI+ j 5 0.17 cfs 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Time (hours) APPENDIX B - III Leachate Generation Calculation Paste Leachate Generation Calculation Paste Demonstration Paste Contact Stormwater Calculation Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Calculation Title: Leachate Generation Calculation Summary: Leachate generation rates at Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Cells for average waste heights of six and ten feet are estimated in this calculation package. Calculations were performed for an estimated range of paste properties. Using the HELP model and the paste properties and thickness resulting in the greatest rate of leachate generation, the peak leachate generation rate is estimated to be 93 gallons per cell per day (gpcd) with an average of 13 gpcd. Notes: Revision Log: No. Description Originator Verifier Technical Reviewer 00 Initial Submittal h� 6` a��'t� ; l� '6 A"rti--' Robert King Shubhashini Oza Tom Maier Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 1 of 6 IT 7/17/2017 amec 4 foster wheeler Paste Leachate Generation Calculation Paste Demonstration Paste Contact Stormwater Calculation Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station OBJECTIVE: The objective of this calculation is to estimate average and peak daily leachate generation rates for the Paste Demonstration Cells. METHOD: Leachate generation rates were estimated using the software package Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP, version 3.95D). HELP is a quasi -two-dimensional hydrologic model that conducts water balance analysis of Landfills, cover systems and solid waste disposal, and containment facilities. The model accepts weather, soil and design data, and uses solution techniques that account for the effects of surface storage, snowmelt, runoff, infiltration, evapotranspiration, vegetative growth and decay, soil moisture storage, and lateral subsurface drainage. CALCULATIONS: 1.0 Define HELP model inputs HELP software was used to calculate leachate generation rates based on the assumptions and material parameters described as follows. 1.1 Model Assumptions Modeling was performed for a time duration of 50 years. Synthetically generated precipitation, temperature, solar radiation, and evaporation data for Greensboro, North Carolina were produced using HELP software. For the purposes of modelling, the Demonstration Cell was assumed to be a one acre square with side lengths of approximately 209 feet. The slope length, 15.8 feet, was used to match the maximum drainage distance for the liner system. Liner system slopes were assumed to be 5 percent. The demonstration cell contents and surface conditions will consist of paste. At the time of this writing, the properties of paste needed as input to the HELP model are not certain. Amec Foster Wheeler attempted to band a possible range of leachate generation rates by reviewing outputs from three different soil textures: fly ash, silty clay and sandy clay (soil texture #30, #28, and #27) representing a permeability range of two orders of magnitude. A curve number of 94 was assumed to simulate the contact water run-off anticipated for the paste. Initial moisture contents of all the layers were initialized to approximately reach steady state conditions by the HELP model. The geosynthetic liner system includes a single liner system within the cell floor and on the cell side slopes. The liner system geosynthetics include the following from the top to bottom: geotextile filter aggregate leachate collection layer non -woven geotextile cushion Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 2 of 6 11 7/17/2017 amec 4 foster wheeler Paste Leachate Generation Calculation Paste Demonstration Paste Contact Stormwater Calculation Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station • primary 60 mil double -sided textured HDPE geomembrane • Prepared subgrade The geotextile filter is intended to separate the paste from the aggregate, and was not included in the HELP model. Each paste soil texture was modeled for both 6-ft and 10-ft thicknesses. 1.2 Cell Dimensions The demonstration pad will consist of three deposition cells, two of the deposition cells will have 6-ft of paste deposition and the third cell with contain 10-ft of paste deposition. The deposition cells will be constructed with 1.5 to 1 side slopes. Two selected mix -designs will be evaluated in these demonstration cells. • Deposition Cell 1 — Mix design 1, 6-ft deposition depth • Deposition Cell 2 — Mix design 2, 6-ft deposition depth • Deposition Cell 3 — Mix design 1 or 2. Will be selected after the finalization of the two mix -designs (end of Phase 2). 10-ft deposition depth The surface area of the paste at the deposition depth is presented in Table 1. Table 1: Deposition Dimension Deposition Cell Floor Dimensions Top of Paste Depth Surface Area Length Width Length Width 1 5 15 23 33 6 759 2 5 15 23 33 6 759 3 5 15 35 45 10 1,575 1.3 Material Parameters Material parameters were selected in accordance with default HELP model soil textures. At this time, it is not known if these material properties are representative of paste. Three different scenarios were evaluated by varying the soil texture assigned paste. The material parameters are described as follows (from top to bottom, assuming intermediate cover): Case 1 and 4: Fly Ash — Soil Texture No. 30 (coal -burning electric plant fly ash) • Thickness = Case 1: 72 inches (6 feet) Case 4: 120 inches (10 feet) • Porosity = 0.541 • Field Capacity = 0.187 • Wilting Point = 0.047 • Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity = 5.0 x 10-5 cm/sec Case 2 and 5: Silty Clay — Soil Texture No. 28 (USDA Soil Texture moderately compacted) • Thickness = Case 1: 72 inches (6 feet) Case 4: 120 inches (10 feet) Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 3 of 6 IT 7/17/2017 amec 4 foster wheeler Paste Leachate Generation Calculation Paste Demonstration Paste Contact Stormwater Calculation Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station • Porosity = 0. 452 • Field Capacity = 0. 411 • Wilting Point = 0. 311 • Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity = 1.2 x 10-6 cm/sec Case 3 and 6: Sandy Clay — Soil Texture No. 27 (USDA Soil Texture moderately compacted) • Thickness = Case 1: 72 inches (6 feet) Case 4: 120 inches (10 feet) • Porosity = 0. 40 • Field Capacity = 0. 366 • Wilting Point = 0. 288 • Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity = 7.8 X 10-7 cm/sec Gravel — Soil Texture No. 21 (silty sand) • Thickness = 18 inches • Porosity = 0. 397 • Field Capacity = 0. 032 • Wilting Point = 0. 013 • Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity = 3.0 x 10-1 cm/sec • Drainage length = 15.8 ft. • Slope = 5 percent Primary Geomembrane — Soil Texture No. 35 (HDPE geomembrane) • Thickness = 0.06 inches (60 mil) • Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity = 2.0 x 10-13 cm/sec • Pinhole density = 2/acre • Installation defects = 2/acre • Placement quality = good Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 4 of 6 11 7/17/2017 amec 4 foster wheeler Paste Leachate Generation Calculation Paste Demonstration Paste Contact Stormwater Calculation Duke Energy - Belews Creek Steam Station 2.0 Estimate leachate generation rates The average and peak leachate generation rates estimated using HELP model are summarized in the following tables. The HELP model output file is attached (Attachment - 1). Table 2: Summary of Estimated Average Leachate Generation Rates Average Average Hydraulic Annual Daily Average Average Average Case Conductivity Percolation Daily Annual Daily No. Description (cm/sec) Leachate Generation Percolation (in) Percolation Percolation Percolation [Ref. 1] U. [Prev. (gpad) (gpc) (gpcd) [Ref1] Calc./365] 1 Fly Ash 5.00E-05 Collected in Leachate Collection System 5.04E+00 0.014 375.0 2,385.2 6.5 Leakage through Primary Geomembrane 5.87E-01 0.002 43.7 277.9 0.8 6-ft Paste 2 Silty Clay 1.20E-06 Collected in Leachate Collection System 2.07E-03 0.000 0.2 1.0 0.0 [Leakage through Primary Geomembrane 6.30E-04 0.000 0.0 0.3 0.0 6-ft Paste 3 Sandy Clay 7.80E-07 Collected in Leachate Collection System 0.00E+00 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0 Leakage through Primary Geomembrane 0.00E+00 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0 6-ft Paste 4 Fly Ash 5.00E-05 Collected in Leachate Collection System 4.95E+00 0.014 368.3 4,860.7 13.3 Leakage through Primary Geomembrane 5.89E-01 0.002 43.8 578.6 1.6 10-ft Paste 5 Silty Clay 1.20E-06 Collected in Leachate Collection System 2.06E-03 0.000 0.2 2.0 0.0 Leakage through Primary Geomembrane 6.40E-04 0.000 0.0 0.6 0.0 10-ft Paste 6 Sandy Clay 7.80E-07 Collected in Leachate Collection System 0.00E+00 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0 Leakage through Primary Geomembrane 0.00E+00 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0 10-ft Paste Table 3: Summary of Estimated Peak Leachate Generation Rates Hydraulic Peak Daily Peak Daily Case Conductivity Percolatio Peak Daily Percolatio No. Description (cm/sec) Leachate Generation n Percolation n (in) (gpad) [Ref. 1] (gpcd) [Ref. 1 ] 1 Fly Ash 5.00E-05 Collected in Leachate Collection System 1.29E-01 3,514.6 61.2 Leakage through Primary Geomembrane 5.78E-03 156.9 2.7 6-ft Paste 2 Silty Clay 1.20E-06 Collected in Leachate Collection System 5.71 E-03 155.1 2.7 Leakage through Primary Geomembrane 1.31E-03 35.5 0.6 6-ft Paste 3 Sandy Clay 7.80E 07 Collected in Leachate Collection System 0.00E+00 0.0 0.0 Leaka e throu h Primary Geomembrane 0.00E+00 0.0 0.0 6-ft Paste 4 Fly Ash 5.00E-05 Collected in Leachate Collection System 9.42E-02 2,558.2 92.5 Leakage through Primary Geomembrane 5.22E-03 141.7 5.1 10-ft Paste 5 Silty Clay 1.20E-06 Collected in Leachate Collection System 5.91E-03 160.5 5.8 Leakage through Primary Geomembrane 1.36E-03 37.0 1.3 10-ft Paste Sandy Clay Collected in Leachate Collection System 0.00E+00 0.0 0.0 6 10-ft Paste 7.80E-07 Leakage through Primary Geomembrane 0.00E+00 0.0 0.0 DISCUSSION: Case 4 of the HELP model (in which the fly ash soil texture is used to model paste) resulted in the most conservative results indicating the highest leachate generation rates, which will be used for evaluating the design of leachate system components. For Case 4, the average leachate generation rate for fly ash is estimated to be 13 gallons per cell per day (gpcd) and the peak leachate generation rate was estimated to be 93 gpcd. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 5 of 6 IT 7/17/2017 amec 4 foster wheeler Paste Leachate Generation Calculation Paste Demonstration Paste Contact Stormwater Calculation Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station REFERENCES: Hydrologic Evaluation of Demonstration Cells Performance (HELP) Model, enhanced version (based upon HELP 3.07), University of Hamburg, Institute of Soil Science. ATTACHMENTS: HELP Model Output Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 6 of 6 IT 7/17/2017 amec 4 foster wheeler ATTACHMENT 1 Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP) Model, enhanced version .95.1.7 (based upon HELP 3.07), University of Hamburg, Institute of Soil Science. 6ft Sandy Clay.txt HYDROLOGIC EVALUATION OF LANDFILL PERFORMANCE HELP Version 3.90 D (10. August 2011) developed at Institute of Soil Science, University of Hamburg, Germany based on US HELP MODEL VERSION 3.07 (1 NOVEMBER 1997) DEVELOPED BY ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY USAE WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION FOR USEPA RISK REDUCTION ENGINEERING LABORATORY TIME: 16.38 DATE: 12.07.2017 PRECIPITATION DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BOSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_Precip.d4 TEMPERATURE DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_Temp.d7 SOLAR RADIATION DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_S1rRdn.dl3 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA F. 1: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models V1.00\PasteDemonstration_ET.d11 SOIL AND DESIGN DATA FILE 1: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_SoilDesignData_6ft_Sandy C1ay.d10 OUTPUT DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_6ft_Sandy Clay_out.out TITLE: Paste Demonstration WEATHER DATA SOURCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: PRECIPITATION DATA WAS SYNTHETICALLY GENERATED USING Page 1 6ft Sandy Clay.txt COEFFICIENTS FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA NORMAL MEAN MONTHLY PRECIPITATION (MM) JAN/JUL FEB/AUG MAR/SEP APR/OCT MAY/NOV JUN/DEC ------------------------------------------ 89.2 85.6 98.6 80.3 85.6 99.8 108.5 106.4 92.5 80.8 65.8 85.9 NOTE: TEMPERATURE DATA FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA WAS ENTERED BY THE USER. NOTE: SOLAR RADIATION DATA FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA WAS ENTERED BY THE USER. LAYER DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: INITIAL MOISTURE CONTENT OF THE LAYERS AND SNOW WATER WERE COMPUTED AS NEARLY STEADY-STATE VALUES BY THE PROGRAM. LAYER 1 TYPE 1 - VERTICAL PERCOLATION LAYER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 27 THICKNESS = 72.00 INCHES POROSITY = 0.4000 VOL/VOL FIELD CAPACITY = 0.3660 VOL/VOL WILTING POINT = 0.2880 VOL/VOL INITIAL SOIL WATER CONTENT = 0.3600 VOL/VOL EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.7800E-06 CM/SEC LAYER 2 TYPE 2 - LATERAL DRAINAGE LAYER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 21 THICKNESS = 18.00 INCHES POROSITY = 0.3970 VOL/VOL FIELD CAPACITY = 0.0320 VOL/VOL WILTING POINT = 0.0130 VOL/VOL INITIAL SOIL WATER CONTENT = 0.0320 VOL/VOL EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.3000 CM/SEC SLOPE = 5.00 PERCENT DRAINAGE LENGTH = 18.5 FEET Page 2 6ft Sandy Clay.txt LAYER 3 TYPE 4 - FLEXIBLE MEMBRANE LINER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 35 THICKNESS = 0.06 INCHES EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.2000E-12 CM/SEC FML PINHOLE DENSITY = 2.00 HOLES/ACRE FML INSTALLATION DEFECTS = 2.00 HOLES/ACRE FML PLACEMENT QUALITY = 3 - GOOD GENERAL DESIGN AND EVAPORATIVE ZONE DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: SCS RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER WAS USER -SPECIFIED. SCS RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER = 94.00 FRACTION OF AREA ALLOWING RUNOFF = 100.0 PERCENT AREA PROJECTED ON HORIZONTAL PLANE = 1.000 ACRES EVAPORATIVE ZONE DEPTH = 6.0 INCHES INITIAL WATER IN EVAPORATIVE ZONE = 1.766 INCHES UPPER LIMIT OF EVAPORATIVE STORAGE = 2.400 INCHES FIELD CAPACITY OF EVAPORATIVE ZONE = 2.196 INCHES LOWER LIMIT OF EVAPORATIVE STORAGE = 1.728 INCHES SOIL EVAPORATION ZONE DEPTH = 6.000 INCHES INITIAL SNOW WATER = 0.000 INCHES INITIAL INTERCEPTION WATER = 0.000 INCHES INITIAL WATER IN LAYER MATERIALS = 26.497 INCHES TOTAL INITIAL WATER = 26.497 INCHES TOTAL SUBSURFACE INFLOW = 0.00 INCHES/YEAR EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA WAS OBTAINED FROM GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA STATION LATITUDE = 35.13 DEGREES MAXIMUM LEAF AREA INDEX = 0.00 START OF GROWING SEASON (JULIAN DATE) = 90 END OF GROWING SEASON (JULIAN DATE) = 305 EVAPORATIVE ZONE DEPTH = 6.0 INCHES AVERAGE ANNUAL WIND SPEED = 12.23 MPH AVERAGE 1ST QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 66.0 AVERAGE 2ND QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 68.0 AVERAGE 3RD QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 74.0 AVERAGE 4TH QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 70.0 Page 3 6ft Sandy Clay.txt FINAL WATER STORAGE AT END OF YEAR 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LAYER (INCHES) (VOL/VOL) ----- 1 -------- 25.8839 --------- 0.3595 2 0.5760 0.0320 3 0.0000 0.0000 TOTAL WATER IN LAYERS 26.460 SNOW WATER 0.000 INTERCEPTION WATER 0.000 TOTAL FINAL WATER 26.460 PEAK DAILY VALUES FOR YEARS 1 THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (INCHES) (CU. FT.) ---------- ------------- PRECIPITATION 4.33 15706.182 RUNOFF 4.252 15434.9844 DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER 2 0.00000 0.00000 PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 0.000000 0.00000 AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 MAXIMUM HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 LOCATION OF MAXIMUM HEAD IN LAYER 2 (DISTANCE FROM DRAIN) SNOW WATER MAXIMUM VEG. SOIL WATER (VOL/VOL) MINIMUM VEG. SOIL WATER (VOL/VOL) 0.000 0.000 0.0 FEET 3.88 14095.5264 0.3708 0.2880 Maximum heads are computed using MCEnroe's equations. Reference: Maximum saturated Depth over Landfill Liner by Bruce M. MCEnroe, University of Kansas Page 4 6ft Sandy Clay.txt ASCE journal of Environmental Engineering Vol. 119, No. 2, March 1993, pp. 262-270. AVERAGE MONTHLY VALUES IN INCHES FOR YEARS 1 THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAN/JUL ------- FEB/AUG ------- MAR/SEP ------- APR/OCT ------- MAY/NOV ------- JUN/DEC ------- PRECIPITATION ------------- TOTALS 3.20 3.67 3.92 3.12 3.09 3.51 4.00 4.47 3.80 3.20 2.61 3.67 STD. DEVIATIONS 1.73 1.67 1.56 1.59 1.45 1.97 1.82 2.22 2.43 2.11 1.71 1.90 RUNOFF TOTALS 2.460 2.832 3.013 2.391 2.358 2.720 3.032 3.496 3.231 2.751 2.030 2.929 STD. DEVIATIONS 1.614 1.480 1.254 1.339 1.124 1.526 1.567 1.856 2.169 1.871 1.385 1.723 POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ---------------------------- TOTALS 2.326 2.560 4.160 5.603 7.185 7.987 7.817 7.031 5.450 4.068 2.753 2.121 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.220 0.277 0.364 0.357 0.290 0.323 0.313 0.284 0.318 0.216 0.220 0.207 ACTUAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ------------------------- TOTALS 0.820 0.887 0.941 0.718 0.738 0.783 0.969 0.978 0.573 0.442 0.521 0.639 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.328 0.337 0.460 0.364 0.408 0.532 0.415 0.542 0.377 0.349 0.304 0.256 LATERAL DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER 2 ---------------------------------------- TOTALS 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 ------------------------------------ TOTALS 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Page 5 6ft Sandy [lay.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVEKAGES OF MONTHLY AVERAGED DAILY HEADS (INCHES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAILY AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 ------------------------------------- AVERAGES 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTALS & (STD. DEVIATIONS) FOR YEARS l THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRE[IPITATION RUNOFF POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ACTUAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION LATERAL DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER Z PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER j INCHES [U. FEET PERCENT ------------------- 42.25 ( 6.341} ------------- 153372.9 --------- 100'00 33.243 ( 5.2965) 120671.31 78.678 59.060 ( 0.9392) 214387.44 9.009 ( I.5I91) 32704.33 2I']2] 0.00000 ( 0.00000) 0.000 0'00000 0.00000 ( 0.00000) 0.000 0'00000 0.000 ( 0.000} CHANGE IN WATER STORAGE -0.001 ( 0.6934} -3.73 -0'002 6ft silty Clay.txt HYDROLOGIC EVALUATION OF LANDFILL PERFORMANCE HELP Version 3.90 D (10. August 2011) developed at Institute of Soil Science, University of Hamburg, Germany based on US HELP MODEL VERSION 3.07 (1 NOVEMBER 1997) DEVELOPED BY ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY USAE WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION FOR USEPA RISK REDUCTION ENGINEERING LABORATORY TIME: 16.42 DATE: 12.07.2017 PRECIPITATION DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BOSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_Precip.d4 TEMPERATURE DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_Temp.d7 SOLAR RADIATION DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_S1rRdn.dl3 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA F. 1: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models V1.00\PasteDemonstration_ET.d11 SOIL AND DESIGN DATA FILE 1: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_SoilDesignData_6ft_Silty C1ay.d10 OUTPUT DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_6ft_Silty Clay_out.out TITLE: Paste Demonstration WEATHER DATA SOURCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: PRECIPITATION DATA WAS SYNTHETICALLY GENERATED USING Page 1 6ft silty Clay.txt COEFFICIENTS FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA NORMAL MEAN MONTHLY PRECIPITATION (MM) JAN/JUL FEB/AUG MAR/SEP APR/OCT MAY/NOV JUN/DEC ------------------------------------------ 89.2 85.6 98.6 80.3 85.6 99.8 108.5 106.4 92.5 80.8 65.8 85.9 NOTE: TEMPERATURE DATA FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA WAS ENTERED BY THE USER. NOTE: SOLAR RADIATION DATA FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA WAS ENTERED BY THE USER. LAYER DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: INITIAL MOISTURE CONTENT OF THE LAYERS AND SNOW WATER WERE COMPUTED AS NEARLY STEADY-STATE VALUES BY THE PROGRAM. LAYER 1 TYPE 1 - VERTICAL PERCOLATION LAYER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 28 THICKNESS = 72.00 INCHES POROSITY = 0.4520 VOL/VOL FIELD CAPACITY = 0.4110 VOL/VOL WILTING POINT = 0.3110 VOL/VOL INITIAL SOIL WATER CONTENT = 0.4046 VOL/VOL EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.1200E-05 CM/SEC LAYER 2 TYPE 2 - LATERAL DRAINAGE LAYER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 21 THICKNESS = 18.00 INCHES POROSITY = 0.3970 VOL/VOL FIELD CAPACITY = 0.0320 VOL/VOL WILTING POINT = 0.0130 VOL/VOL INITIAL SOIL WATER CONTENT = 0.0320 VOL/VOL EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.3000 CM/SEC SLOPE = 5.00 PERCENT DRAINAGE LENGTH = 18.5 FEET Page 2 6ft silty Clay.txt LAYER 3 TYPE 4 - FLEXIBLE MEMBRANE LINER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 35 THICKNESS = 0.06 INCHES EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.2000E-12 CM/SEC FML PINHOLE DENSITY = 2.00 HOLES/ACRE FML INSTALLATION DEFECTS = 2.00 HOLES/ACRE FML PLACEMENT QUALITY = 3 - GOOD GENERAL DESIGN AND EVAPORATIVE ZONE DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: SCS RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER WAS USER -SPECIFIED. SCS RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER = 94.00 FRACTION OF AREA ALLOWING RUNOFF = 100.0 PERCENT AREA PROJECTED ON HORIZONTAL PLANE = 1.000 ACRES EVAPORATIVE ZONE DEPTH = 6.0 INCHES INITIAL WATER IN EVAPORATIVE ZONE = 2.004 INCHES UPPER LIMIT OF EVAPORATIVE STORAGE = 2.712 INCHES FIELD CAPACITY OF EVAPORATIVE ZONE = 2.466 INCHES LOWER LIMIT OF EVAPORATIVE STORAGE = 1.866 INCHES SOIL EVAPORATION ZONE DEPTH = 6.000 INCHES INITIAL SNOW WATER = 0.000 INCHES INITIAL INTERCEPTION WATER = 0.000 INCHES INITIAL WATER IN LAYER MATERIALS = 29.706 INCHES TOTAL INITIAL WATER = 29.706 INCHES TOTAL SUBSURFACE INFLOW = 0.00 INCHES/YEAR EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA WAS OBTAINED FROM GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA STATION LATITUDE = 35.13 DEGREES MAXIMUM LEAF AREA INDEX = 0.00 START OF GROWING SEASON (JULIAN DATE) = 90 END OF GROWING SEASON (JULIAN DATE) = 305 EVAPORATIVE ZONE DEPTH = 6.0 INCHES AVERAGE ANNUAL WIND SPEED = 12.23 MPH AVERAGE 1ST QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 66.0 AVERAGE 2ND QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 68.0 AVERAGE 3RD QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 74.0 AVERAGE 4TH QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 70.0 Page 3 6ft silty Clay.txt FINAL WATER STORAGE AT END OF YEAR 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LAYER (INCHES) (VOL/VOL) ----- 1 -------- 28.9919 --------- 0.4027 2 0.5760 0.0320 3 0.0000 0.0000 TOTAL WATER IN LAYERS 29.568 SNOW WATER 0.000 INTERCEPTION WATER 0.000 TOTAL FINAL WATER 29.568 PEAK DAILY VALUES FOR YEARS 1 THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (INCHES) (CU. FT.) ---------- ------------- PRECIPITATION 4.33 15706.182 RUNOFF 4.230 15355.5771 DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER 2 0.00571 20.73841 PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 0.001307 4.74444 AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 MAXIMUM HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 LOCATION OF MAXIMUM HEAD IN LAYER 2 (DISTANCE FROM DRAIN) SNOW WATER MAXIMUM VEG. SOIL WATER (VOL/VOL) MINIMUM VEG. SOIL WATER (VOL/VOL) 0.002 0.003 0.0 FEET 3.88 14095.5264 0.4427 0.3110 Maximum heads are computed using MCEnroe's equations. Reference: Maximum saturated Depth over Landfill Liner by Bruce M. MCEnroe, University of Kansas Page 4 6ft silty Clay.txt ASCE journal of Environmental Engineering Vol. 119, No. 2, March 1993, pp. 262-270. AVERAGE MONTHLY VALUES IN INCHES FOR YEARS 1 THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAN/JUL ------- FEB/AUG ------- MAR/SEP ------- APR/OCT ------- MAY/NOV ------- JUN/DEC ------- PRECIPITATION ------------- TOTALS 3.20 3.67 3.92 3.12 3.09 3.51 4.00 4.47 3.80 3.20 2.61 3.67 STD. DEVIATIONS 1.73 1.67 1.56 1.59 1.45 1.97 1.82 2.22 2.43 2.11 1.71 1.90 RUNOFF TOTALS 2.318 2.673 2.834 2.237 2.210 2.570 2.852 3.328 3.112 2.643 1.898 2.793 STD. DEVIATIONS 1.574 1.436 1.221 1.313 1.092 1.485 1.547 1.812 2.126 1.831 1.343 1.684 POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ---------------------------- TOTALS 2.326 2.560 4.160 5.603 7.185 7.987 7.817 7.031 5.450 4.068 2.753 2.121 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.220 0.277 0.364 0.357 0.290 0.323 0.313 0.284 0.318 0.216 0.220 0.207 ACTUAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ------------------------- TOTALS 0.975 1.032 1.145 0.866 0.894 0.932 1.144 1.150 0.696 0.544 0.642 0.763 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.370 0.391 0.515 0.398 0.450 0.582 0.448 0.590 0.429 0.402 0.354 0.292 LATERAL DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER 2 ---------------------------------------- TOTALS 0.0003 0.0017 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.0016 0.0090 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005 PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 ------------------------------------ TOTALS 0.0002 0.0004 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.0009 0.0023 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 Page 5 6ft Silty [lay.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVEKAGES OF MONTHLY AVERAGED DAILY HEADS (INCHES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAILY AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 ------------------------------------- AVERAGES 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTALS & (STD. DEVIATIONS) FOR YEARS l THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRE[IPITATION RUNOFF POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ACTUAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION LATERAL DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER Z PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER j INCHES [U. FEET PERCENT ------------------- 42.25 ( 6.341} ------------- 153372.9 --------- 100'00 31.469 ( 5.1588) 114231.82 74.480 59.060 ( 0.9392) 214387.44 10.783 ( 1.6947) 39141.32 25'520 0.00207 ( 0.01065) 7.526 0'00491 0.00053 ( 0.00317) 2.293 0'00149 0.000 ( 0.000} CHANGE IN WATER STORAGE -0.003 ( 0.7208} -10.05 -0'007 loft Fly Ash.txt HYDROLOGIC EVALUATION OF LANDFILL PERFORMANCE HELP Version 3.90 D (10. August 2011) developed at Institute of Soil Science, University of Hamburg, Germany based on US HELP MODEL VERSION 3.07 (1 NOVEMBER 1997) DEVELOPED BY ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY USAE WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION FOR USEPA RISK REDUCTION ENGINEERING LABORATORY TIME: 16.48 DATE: 12.07.2017 PRECIPITATION DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BOSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_Precip.d4 TEMPERATURE DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_Temp.d7 SOLAR RADIATION DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_S1rRdn.dl3 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA F. 1: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models V1.00\PasteDemonstration_ET.d11 SOIL AND DESIGN DATA FILE 1: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_SoilDesignData_10ft_F1yAsh.d10 OUTPUT DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_10ft_F1yAsh_out.out TITLE: Paste Demonstration WEATHER DATA SOURCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: PRECIPITATION DATA WAS SYNTHETICALLY GENERATED USING Page 1 loft Fly Ash.txt COEFFICIENTS FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA NORMAL MEAN MONTHLY PRECIPITATION (MM) JAN/JUL FEB/AUG MAR/SEP APR/OCT MAY/NOV JUN/DEC ------------------------------------------ 89.2 85.6 98.6 80.3 85.6 99.8 108.5 106.4 92.5 80.8 65.8 85.9 NOTE: TEMPERATURE DATA FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA WAS ENTERED BY THE USER. NOTE: SOLAR RADIATION DATA FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA WAS ENTERED BY THE USER. LAYER DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: INITIAL MOISTURE CONTENT OF THE LAYERS AND SNOW WATER WERE COMPUTED AS NEARLY STEADY-STATE VALUES BY THE PROGRAM. LAYER 1 TYPE 1 - VERTICAL PERCOLATION LAYER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 30 THICKNESS = 120.00 INCHES POROSITY = 0.5410 VOL/VOL FIELD CAPACITY = 0.1870 VOL/VOL WILTING POINT = 0.0470 VOL/VOL INITIAL SOIL WATER CONTENT = 0.2316 VOL/VOL EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.5000E-04 CM/SEC LAYER 2 TYPE 2 - LATERAL DRAINAGE LAYER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 21 THICKNESS = 18.00 INCHES POROSITY = 0.3970 VOL/VOL FIELD CAPACITY = 0.0320 VOL/VOL WILTING POINT = 0.0130 VOL/VOL INITIAL SOIL WATER CONTENT = 0.0320 VOL/VOL EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.3000 CM/SEC SLOPE = 5.00 PERCENT DRAINAGE LENGTH = 15.8 FEET Page 2 loft Fly Ash.txt LAYER 3 TYPE 4 - FLEXIBLE MEMBRANE LINER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 35 THICKNESS = 0.06 INCHES EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.2000E-12 CM/SEC FML PINHOLE DENSITY = 2.00 HOLES/ACRE FML INSTALLATION DEFECTS = 2.00 HOLES/ACRE FML PLACEMENT QUALITY = 3 - GOOD GENERAL DESIGN AND EVAPORATIVE ZONE DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: SCS RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER WAS USER -SPECIFIED. SCS RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER = 94.00 FRACTION OF AREA ALLOWING RUNOFF = 100.0 PERCENT AREA PROJECTED ON HORIZONTAL PLANE = 1.000 ACRES EVAPORATIVE ZONE DEPTH = 6.0 INCHES INITIAL WATER IN EVAPORATIVE ZONE = 1.836 INCHES UPPER LIMIT OF EVAPORATIVE STORAGE = 3.246 INCHES FIELD CAPACITY OF EVAPORATIVE ZONE = 1.122 INCHES LOWER LIMIT OF EVAPORATIVE STORAGE = 0.282 INCHES SOIL EVAPORATION ZONE DEPTH = 6.000 INCHES INITIAL SNOW WATER = 0.000 INCHES INITIAL INTERCEPTION WATER = 0.000 INCHES INITIAL WATER IN LAYER MATERIALS = 28.366 INCHES TOTAL INITIAL WATER = 28.366 INCHES TOTAL SUBSURFACE INFLOW = 0.00 INCHES/YEAR EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA WAS OBTAINED FROM GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA STATION LATITUDE = 35.13 DEGREES MAXIMUM LEAF AREA INDEX = 0.00 START OF GROWING SEASON (JULIAN DATE) = 90 END OF GROWING SEASON (JULIAN DATE) = 305 EVAPORATIVE ZONE DEPTH = 6.0 INCHES AVERAGE ANNUAL WIND SPEED = 12.23 MPH AVERAGE 1ST QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 66.0 AVERAGE 2ND QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 68.0 AVERAGE 3RD QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 74.0 AVERAGE 4TH QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 70.0 Page 3 loft Fly Ash.txt FINAL WATER STORAGE AT END OF YEAR 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LAYER (INCHES) (VOL/VOL) ----- 1 -------- 33.1426 --------- 0.2762 2 0.5760 0.0320 3 0.0000 0.0000 TOTAL WATER IN LAYERS 33.719 SNOW WATER 0.000 INTERCEPTION WATER 0.000 TOTAL FINAL WATER 33.719 PEAK DAILY VALUES FOR YEARS 1 THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (INCHES) (CU. FT.) ---------- ------------- PRECIPITATION 4.33 15706.182 RUNOFF 3.152 11440.9199 DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER 2 0.09421 341.99167 PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 0.005219 18.94557 AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 MAXIMUM HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 LOCATION OF MAXIMUM HEAD IN LAYER 2 (DISTANCE FROM DRAIN) SNOW WATER MAXIMUM VEG. SOIL WATER (VOL/VOL) MINIMUM VEG. SOIL WATER (VOL/VOL) 0.035 0.034 0.2 FEET 3.88 14095.5264 0.4444 0.0470 Maximum heads are computed using MCEnroe's equations. Reference: Maximum saturated Depth over Landfill Liner by Bruce M. MCEnroe, University of Kansas Page 4 loft Fly Ash.txt ASCE 3ournal of Environmental Engineering Vol. 119, No. 2, March 1993, pp. 262-270. AVERAGE MONTHLY VALUES IN INCHES FOR YEARS 1 THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAN/JUL ------- FEB/AUG ------- MAR/SEP ------- APR/OCT ------- MAY/NOV ------- JUN/DEC ------- PRECIPITATION ------------- TOTALS 3.20 3.67 3.92 3.12 3.09 3.51 4.00 4.47 3.80 3.20 2.61 3.67 STD. DEVIATIONS 1.73 1.67 1.56 1.59 1.45 1.97 1.82 2.22 2.43 2.11 1.71 1.90 RUNOFF TOTALS 0.685 0.820 0.828 0.537 0.570 0.778 0.860 1.182 1.364 1.033 0.465 0.980 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.835 0.706 0.576 0.691 0.558 0.802 0.867 1.027 1.325 1.116 0.689 0.899 POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ---------------------------- TOTALS 2.326 2.560 4.160 5.603 7.185 7.987 7.817 7.031 5.450 4.068 2.753 2.121 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.220 0.277 0.364 0.357 0.290 0.323 0.313 0.284 0.318 0.216 0.220 0.207 ACTUAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ------------------------- TOTALS 1.790 1.904 2.647 2.441 2.406 2.601 2.821 2.963 2.049 1.801 1.514 1.564 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.400 0.486 0.713 0.685 0.805 1.175 1.012 0.908 0.826 0.776 0.583 0.431 LATERAL DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER 2 ---------------------------------------- TOTALS 0.3043 0.2649 0.3348 0.4221 0.5744 0.5870 0.5661 0.4973 0.4115 0.3494 0.3115 0.3273 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.1736 0.1994 0.2477 0.4007 0.3748 0.2779 0.2040 0.1535 0.1431 0.1244 0.1422 0.1789 PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 ------------------------------------ TOTALS 0.0409 0.0345 0.0418 0.0451 0.0596 0.0614 0.0624 0.0585 0.0514 0.0469 0.0432 0.0436 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.0159 0.0167 0.0178 0.0279 0.0242 0.0195 0.0144 0.0108 0.0113 0.0119 0.0121 0.0164 Page 5 I0ft Fly Ash.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVEKAGES OF MONTHLY AVERAGED DAILY HEADS (INCHES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAILY AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 ------------------------------------- AVERAGES 0.0038 0.0036 0.0042 0.0053 0.0070 0.0074 0.0070 0.0061 0.0053 0.0044 0.0040 0.0041 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.002I 0.0026 0.0029 0.0049 0.0044 0.0034 0.0024 0.0010 0.0018 0.0015 0.0017 0.0021 AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTALS & (STD. DEVIATIONS) FOR YEARS l THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRE[IPITATION RUNOFF POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ACTUAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION LATERAL DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER Z PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER j INCHES [U. FEET PERCENT ------------------- 42.25 ( 6.341} ------------- 153372.9 --------- 100'00 10.102 ( 2.7618) 36669.60 23'909 59.060 ( 0.9392) 214387.44 26.503 ( 2.9238) 96204.42 62.726 4.95074 ( 1.72632) 1797I.I9I II.7I732 0.58930 ( 0.11938) 2139.I6I 1'39474 0.005 ( 0.002} CHANGE IN WATER STORAGE 0.107 [ 2.]773} 388.56 0'253 loft Sandy Clay.txt HYDROLOGIC EVALUATION OF LANDFILL PERFORMANCE HELP Version 3.90 D (10. August 2011) developed at Institute of Soil Science, University of Hamburg, Germany based on US HELP MODEL VERSION 3.07 (1 NOVEMBER 1997) DEVELOPED BY ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY USAE WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION FOR USEPA RISK REDUCTION ENGINEERING LABORATORY TIME: 16.54 DATE: 12.07.2017 PRECIPITATION DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BOSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_Precip.d4 TEMPERATURE DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_Temp.d7 SOLAR RADIATION DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_S1rRdn.dl3 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA F. 1: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models V1.00\PasteDemonstration_ET.d11 SOIL AND DESIGN DATA FILE 1: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_SoilDesignData_10ft_Sandy C1ay.d10 OUTPUT DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_10ft_Sandy Clay_out.out TITLE: Paste Demonstration WEATHER DATA SOURCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: PRECIPITATION DATA WAS SYNTHETICALLY GENERATED USING Page 1 loft Sandy Clay.txt COEFFICIENTS FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA NORMAL MEAN MONTHLY PRECIPITATION (MM) JAN/JUL FEB/AUG MAR/SEP APR/OCT MAY/NOV JUN/DEC ------------------------------------------ 89.2 85.6 98.6 80.3 85.6 99.8 108.5 106.4 92.5 80.8 65.8 85.9 NOTE: TEMPERATURE DATA FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA WAS ENTERED BY THE USER. NOTE: SOLAR RADIATION DATA FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA WAS ENTERED BY THE USER. LAYER DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: INITIAL MOISTURE CONTENT OF THE LAYERS AND SNOW WATER WERE COMPUTED AS NEARLY STEADY-STATE VALUES BY THE PROGRAM. LAYER 1 TYPE 1 - VERTICAL PERCOLATION LAYER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 27 THICKNESS = 120.00 INCHES POROSITY = 0.4000 VOL/VOL FIELD CAPACITY = 0.3660 VOL/VOL WILTING POINT = 0.2880 VOL/VOL INITIAL SOIL WATER CONTENT = 0.3624 VOL/VOL EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.7800E-06 CM/SEC LAYER 2 TYPE 2 - LATERAL DRAINAGE LAYER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 21 THICKNESS = 18.00 INCHES POROSITY = 0.3970 VOL/VOL FIELD CAPACITY = 0.0320 VOL/VOL WILTING POINT = 0.0130 VOL/VOL INITIAL SOIL WATER CONTENT = 0.0320 VOL/VOL EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.3000 CM/SEC SLOPE = 5.00 PERCENT DRAINAGE LENGTH = 18.5 FEET Page 2 loft Sandy Clay.txt LAYER 3 TYPE 4 - FLEXIBLE MEMBRANE LINER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 35 THICKNESS = 0.06 INCHES EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.2000E-12 CM/SEC FML PINHOLE DENSITY = 2.00 HOLES/ACRE FML INSTALLATION DEFECTS = 2.00 HOLES/ACRE FML PLACEMENT QUALITY = 3 - GOOD GENERAL DESIGN AND EVAPORATIVE ZONE DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: SCS RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER WAS USER -SPECIFIED. SCS RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER = 94.00 FRACTION OF AREA ALLOWING RUNOFF = 100.0 PERCENT AREA PROJECTED ON HORIZONTAL PLANE = 1.000 ACRES EVAPORATIVE ZONE DEPTH = 6.0 INCHES INITIAL WATER IN EVAPORATIVE ZONE = 1.766 INCHES UPPER LIMIT OF EVAPORATIVE STORAGE = 2.400 INCHES FIELD CAPACITY OF EVAPORATIVE ZONE = 2.196 INCHES LOWER LIMIT OF EVAPORATIVE STORAGE = 1.728 INCHES SOIL EVAPORATION ZONE DEPTH = 6.000 INCHES INITIAL SNOW WATER = 0.000 INCHES INITIAL INTERCEPTION WATER = 0.000 INCHES INITIAL WATER IN LAYER MATERIALS = 44.065 INCHES TOTAL INITIAL WATER = 44.065 INCHES TOTAL SUBSURFACE INFLOW = 0.00 INCHES/YEAR EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA WAS OBTAINED FROM GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA STATION LATITUDE = 35.13 DEGREES MAXIMUM LEAF AREA INDEX = 0.00 START OF GROWING SEASON (JULIAN DATE) = 90 END OF GROWING SEASON (JULIAN DATE) = 305 EVAPORATIVE ZONE DEPTH = 6.0 INCHES AVERAGE ANNUAL WIND SPEED = 12.23 MPH AVERAGE 1ST QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 66.0 AVERAGE 2ND QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 68.0 AVERAGE 3RD QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 74.0 AVERAGE 4TH QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 70.0 Page 3 loft Sandy Clay.txt FINAL WATER STORAGE AT END OF YEAR 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LAYER (INCHES) (VOL/VOL) ----- 1 -------- 43.4519 --------- 0.3621 2 0.5760 0.0320 3 0.0000 0.0000 TOTAL WATER IN LAYERS 44.028 SNOW WATER 0.000 INTERCEPTION WATER 0.000 TOTAL FINAL WATER 44.028 PEAK DAILY VALUES FOR YEARS 1 THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (INCHES) (CU. FT.) ---------- ------------- PRECIPITATION 4.33 15706.182 RUNOFF 4.252 15434.9844 DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER 2 0.00000 0.00000 PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 0.000000 0.00000 AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 MAXIMUM HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 LOCATION OF MAXIMUM HEAD IN LAYER 2 (DISTANCE FROM DRAIN) SNOW WATER MAXIMUM VEG. SOIL WATER (VOL/VOL) MINIMUM VEG. SOIL WATER (VOL/VOL) 0.000 0.000 0.0 FEET 3.88 14095.5264 0.3708 0.2880 Maximum heads are computed using MCEnroe's equations. Reference: Maximum saturated Depth over Landfill Liner by Bruce M. MCEnroe, University of Kansas Page 4 loft Sandy Clay.txt ASCE 3ournal of Environmental Engineering Vol. 119, No. 2, March 1993, pp. 262-270. AVERAGE MONTHLY VALUES IN INCHES FOR YEARS 1 THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAN/JUL ------- FEB/AUG ------- MAR/SEP ------- APR/OCT ------- MAY/NOV ------- JUN/DEC ------- PRECIPITATION ------------- TOTALS 3.20 3.67 3.92 3.12 3.09 3.51 4.00 4.47 3.80 3.20 2.61 3.67 STD. DEVIATIONS 1.73 1.67 1.56 1.59 1.45 1.97 1.82 2.22 2.43 2.11 1.71 1.90 RUNOFF TOTALS 2.460 2.832 3.013 2.391 2.358 2.720 3.032 3.496 3.231 2.751 2.030 2.929 STD. DEVIATIONS 1.614 1.480 1.254 1.339 1.124 1.526 1.567 1.856 2.169 1.871 1.385 1.723 POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ---------------------------- TOTALS 2.326 2.560 4.160 5.603 7.185 7.987 7.817 7.031 5.450 4.068 2.753 2.121 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.220 0.277 0.364 0.357 0.290 0.323 0.313 0.284 0.318 0.216 0.220 0.207 ACTUAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ------------------------- TOTALS 0.820 0.887 0.941 0.718 0.738 0.783 0.969 0.978 0.573 0.442 0.521 0.639 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.328 0.337 0.460 0.364 0.408 0.532 0.415 0.542 0.377 0.349 0.304 0.256 LATERAL DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER 2 ---------------------------------------- TOTALS 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 ------------------------------------ TOTALS 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Page 5 IOft Sandy [lay.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVEKAGES OF MONTHLY AVERAGED DAILY HEADS (INCHES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAILY AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 ------------------------------------- AVERAGES 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTALS & (STD. DEVIATIONS) FOR YEARS l THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRE[IPITATION RUNOFF POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ACTUAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION LATERAL DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER Z PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER j INCHES [U. FEET PERCENT ------------------- 42.25 [ 6.341} ------------- 153372.9 --------- 100'00 33.243 ( 5.2965) 120671.31 78.678 59.060 ( 0.9392) 214387.44 9.009 ( I.5I91) 32704.33 2I']2] 0.00000 ( 0.00000) 0.000 0'00000 0.00000 ( 0.00000) 0.000 0'00000 0.000 ( 0.000} CHANGE IN WATER STORAGE -0.001 ( 0.6934} -3.73 -0'002 loft silty Clay.txt HYDROLOGIC EVALUATION OF LANDFILL PERFORMANCE HELP Version 3.90 D (10. August 2011) developed at Institute of Soil Science, University of Hamburg, Germany based on US HELP MODEL VERSION 3.07 (1 NOVEMBER 1997) DEVELOPED BY ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY USAE WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION FOR USEPA RISK REDUCTION ENGINEERING LABORATORY TIME: 16.55 DATE: 12.07.2017 PRECIPITATION DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BOSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_Precip.d4 TEMPERATURE DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_Temp.d7 SOLAR RADIATION DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_S1rRdn.dl3 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA F. 1: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_ET.dll SOIL AND DESIGN DATA FILE 1: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_SoilDesignData_10ft_Silty C1ay.d10 OUTPUT DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_10ft_Silty Clay_out.out TITLE: Paste Demonstration WEATHER DATA SOURCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: PRECIPITATION DATA WAS SYNTHETICALLY GENERATED USING Page 1 loft silty Clay.txt COEFFICIENTS FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA NORMAL MEAN MONTHLY PRECIPITATION (MM) JAN/JUL FEB/AUG MAR/SEP APR/OCT MAY/NOV JUN/DEC ------------------------------------------ 89.2 85.6 98.6 80.3 85.6 99.8 108.5 106.4 92.5 80.8 65.8 85.9 NOTE: TEMPERATURE DATA FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA WAS ENTERED BY THE USER. NOTE: SOLAR RADIATION DATA FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA WAS ENTERED BY THE USER. LAYER DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: INITIAL MOISTURE CONTENT OF THE LAYERS AND SNOW WATER WERE COMPUTED AS NEARLY STEADY-STATE VALUES BY THE PROGRAM. LAYER 1 TYPE 1 - VERTICAL PERCOLATION LAYER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 28 THICKNESS = 120.00 INCHES POROSITY = 0.4520 VOL/VOL FIELD CAPACITY = 0.4110 VOL/VOL WILTING POINT = 0.3110 VOL/VOL INITIAL SOIL WATER CONTENT = 0.4072 VOL/VOL EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.1200E-05 CM/SEC LAYER 2 TYPE 2 - LATERAL DRAINAGE LAYER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 21 THICKNESS = 18.00 INCHES POROSITY = 0.3970 VOL/VOL FIELD CAPACITY = 0.0320 VOL/VOL WILTING POINT = 0.0130 VOL/VOL INITIAL SOIL WATER CONTENT = 0.0320 VOL/VOL EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.3000 CM/SEC SLOPE = 5.00 PERCENT DRAINAGE LENGTH = 18.5 FEET Page 2 loft silty Clay.txt LAYER 3 TYPE 4 - FLEXIBLE MEMBRANE LINER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 35 THICKNESS = 0.06 INCHES EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.2000E-12 CM/SEC FML PINHOLE DENSITY = 2.00 HOLES/ACRE FML INSTALLATION DEFECTS = 2.00 HOLES/ACRE FML PLACEMENT QUALITY = 3 - GOOD GENERAL DESIGN AND EVAPORATIVE ZONE DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: SCS RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER WAS USER -SPECIFIED. SCS RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER = 94.00 FRACTION OF AREA ALLOWING RUNOFF = 100.0 PERCENT AREA PROJECTED ON HORIZONTAL PLANE = 1.000 ACRES EVAPORATIVE ZONE DEPTH = 6.0 INCHES INITIAL WATER IN EVAPORATIVE ZONE = 2.004 INCHES UPPER LIMIT OF EVAPORATIVE STORAGE = 2.712 INCHES FIELD CAPACITY OF EVAPORATIVE ZONE = 2.466 INCHES LOWER LIMIT OF EVAPORATIVE STORAGE = 1.866 INCHES SOIL EVAPORATION ZONE DEPTH = 6.000 INCHES INITIAL SNOW WATER = 0.000 INCHES INITIAL INTERCEPTION WATER = 0.000 INCHES INITIAL WATER IN LAYER MATERIALS = 49.434 INCHES TOTAL INITIAL WATER = 49.434 INCHES TOTAL SUBSURFACE INFLOW = 0.00 INCHES/YEAR EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA WAS OBTAINED FROM GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA STATION LATITUDE = 35.13 DEGREES MAXIMUM LEAF AREA INDEX = 0.00 START OF GROWING SEASON (JULIAN DATE) = 90 END OF GROWING SEASON (JULIAN DATE) = 305 EVAPORATIVE ZONE DEPTH = 6.0 INCHES AVERAGE ANNUAL WIND SPEED = 12.23 MPH AVERAGE 1ST QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 66.0 AVERAGE 2ND QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 68.0 AVERAGE 3RD QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 74.0 AVERAGE 4TH QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 70.0 Page 3 loft silty Clay.txt FINAL WATER STORAGE AT END OF YEAR 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LAYER (INCHES) (VOL/VOL) ----- 1 -------- 48.7199 --------- 0.4060 2 0.5760 0.0320 3 0.0000 0.0000 TOTAL WATER IN LAYERS 49.296 SNOW WATER 0.000 INTERCEPTION WATER 0.000 TOTAL FINAL WATER 49.296 PEAK DAILY VALUES FOR YEARS 1 THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (INCHES) (CU. FT.) ---------- ------------- PRECIPITATION 4.33 15706.182 RUNOFF 4.230 15355.5771 DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER 2 0.00591 21.45459 PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 0.001362 4.94555 AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 MAXIMUM HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 LOCATION OF MAXIMUM HEAD IN LAYER 2 (DISTANCE FROM DRAIN) SNOW WATER MAXIMUM VEG. SOIL WATER (VOL/VOL) MINIMUM VEG. SOIL WATER (VOL/VOL) 0.002 0.003 0.0 FEET 3.88 14095.5264 0.4427 0.3110 Maximum heads are computed using MCEnroe's equations. Reference: Maximum saturated Depth over Landfill Liner by Bruce M. MCEnroe, University of Kansas Page 4 loft Silty Clay.txt ASCE 3ournal of Environmental Engineering Vol. 119, No. 2, March 1993, pp. 262-270. AVERAGE MONTHLY VALUES IN INCHES FOR YEARS 1 THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAN/JUL ------- FEB/AUG ------- MAR/SEP ------- APR/OCT ------- MAY/NOV ------- JUN/DEC ------- PRECIPITATION ------------- TOTALS 3.20 3.67 3.92 3.12 3.09 3.51 4.00 4.47 3.80 3.20 2.61 3.67 STD. DEVIATIONS 1.73 1.67 1.56 1.59 1.45 1.97 1.82 2.22 2.43 2.11 1.71 1.90 RUNOFF TOTALS 2.318 2.673 2.834 2.237 2.210 2.570 2.852 3.328 3.112 2.643 1.898 2.793 STD. DEVIATIONS 1.574 1.436 1.221 1.313 1.092 1.485 1.547 1.812 2.126 1.831 1.343 1.684 POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ---------------------------- TOTALS 2.326 2.560 4.160 5.603 7.185 7.987 7.817 7.031 5.450 4.068 2.753 2.121 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.220 0.277 0.364 0.357 0.290 0.323 0.313 0.284 0.318 0.216 0.220 0.207 ACTUAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ------------------------- TOTALS 0.975 1.032 1.145 0.866 0.894 0.932 1.144 1.150 0.696 0.544 0.642 0.763 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.370 0.391 0.515 0.398 0.450 0.582 0.448 0.590 0.429 0.402 0.354 0.292 LATERAL DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER 2 ---------------------------------------- TOTALS 0.0003 0.0017 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.0016 0.0091 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005 PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 ------------------------------------ TOTALS 0.0002 0.0005 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.0008 0.0024 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 Page 5 loft silty clay.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVEKAGES OF MONTHLY AVERAGED DAILY HEADS (INCHES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAILY AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 ------------------------------------- AVERAGES 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTALS & (STD. DEVIATIONS) FOR YEARS l THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRE[IPITATION RUNOFF POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ACTUAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION LATERAL DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER Z PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER j INCHES [U. FEET PERCENT ------------------- 42.25 [ 6.341} ------------- 153372.9 --------- 100'00 31.469 ( 5.1588) 114231.82 74.480 59.060 ( 0.9392) 214387.44 10.783 ( 1.6947) 39141.32 25'520 0.00206 ( 0.01060) 7.482 0'00488 0.00054 ( 0.00321) 3.336 0'00152 0.000 ( 0.000} CHANGE IN WATER STORAGE -0.003 ( 0.7208} -10.05 -0'007 6ft Fly Ash.txt HYDROLOGIC EVALUATION OF LANDFILL PERFORMANCE HELP Version 3.90 D (10. August 2011) developed at Institute of Soil Science, University of Hamburg, Germany based on US HELP MODEL VERSION 3.07 (1 NOVEMBER 1997) DEVELOPED BY ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY USAE WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION FOR USEPA RISK REDUCTION ENGINEERING LABORATORY TIME: 16.25 DATE: 12.07.2017 PRECIPITATION DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BOSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_Precip.d4 TEMPERATURE DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_Temp.d7 SOLAR RADIATION DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_S1rRdn.dl3 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA F. 1: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models V1.00\PasteDemonstration_ET.d11 SOIL AND DESIGN DATA FILE 1: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_SoilDesignData_6ft_F1yAsh.d10 OUTPUT DATA FILE: \\CLT1-FS1\projects\7810 Duke ABSAT Alliance\Projects\2016\7810160681_BCSS_PasteDemo\04_DesignConst\4.1 Demonstration Area\_Calculations\III_Leachate Generation\HELP models vl.00\PasteDemonstration_6ft_F1yAsh_out.out TITLE: Paste Demonstration WEATHER DATA SOURCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: PRECIPITATION DATA WAS SYNTHETICALLY GENERATED USING Page 1 6ft Fly Ash.txt COEFFICIENTS FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA NORMAL MEAN MONTHLY PRECIPITATION (MM) JAN/JUL FEB/AUG MAR/SEP APR/OCT MAY/NOV JUN/DEC ------------------------------------------ 89.2 85.6 98.6 80.3 85.6 99.8 108.5 106.4 92.5 80.8 65.8 85.9 NOTE: TEMPERATURE DATA FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA WAS ENTERED BY THE USER. NOTE: SOLAR RADIATION DATA FOR GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA WAS ENTERED BY THE USER. LAYER DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: INITIAL MOISTURE CONTENT OF THE LAYERS AND SNOW WATER WERE COMPUTED AS NEARLY STEADY-STATE VALUES BY THE PROGRAM. LAYER 1 TYPE 1 - VERTICAL PERCOLATION LAYER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 30 THICKNESS = 72.00 INCHES POROSITY = 0.5410 VOL/VOL FIELD CAPACITY = 0.1870 VOL/VOL WILTING POINT = 0.0470 VOL/VOL INITIAL SOIL WATER CONTENT = 0.2607 VOL/VOL EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.5000E-04 CM/SEC LAYER 2 TYPE 2 - LATERAL DRAINAGE LAYER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 21 THICKNESS = 9.00 INCHES POROSITY = 0.3970 VOL/VOL FIELD CAPACITY = 0.0320 VOL/VOL WILTING POINT = 0.0130 VOL/VOL INITIAL SOIL WATER CONTENT = 0.0320 VOL/VOL EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.3000 CM/SEC SLOPE = 5.00 PERCENT DRAINAGE LENGTH = 15.8 FEET Page 2 6ft Fly Ash.txt LAYER 3 TYPE 4 - FLEXIBLE MEMBRANE LINER MATERIAL TEXTURE NUMBER 35 THICKNESS = 0.06 INCHES EFFECTIVE SAT. HYD. CONDUCT.= 0.2000E-12 CM/SEC FML PINHOLE DENSITY = 2.00 HOLES/ACRE FML INSTALLATION DEFECTS = 2.00 HOLES/ACRE FML PLACEMENT QUALITY = 3 - GOOD GENERAL DESIGN AND EVAPORATIVE ZONE DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: SCS RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER WAS USER -SPECIFIED. SCS RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER = 94.00 FRACTION OF AREA ALLOWING RUNOFF = 100.0 PERCENT AREA PROJECTED ON HORIZONTAL PLANE = 1.000 ACRES EVAPORATIVE ZONE DEPTH = 6.0 INCHES INITIAL WATER IN EVAPORATIVE ZONE = 1.836 INCHES UPPER LIMIT OF EVAPORATIVE STORAGE = 3.246 INCHES FIELD CAPACITY OF EVAPORATIVE ZONE = 1.122 INCHES LOWER LIMIT OF EVAPORATIVE STORAGE = 0.282 INCHES SOIL EVAPORATION ZONE DEPTH = 6.000 INCHES INITIAL SNOW WATER = 0.000 INCHES INITIAL INTERCEPTION WATER = 0.000 INCHES INITIAL WATER IN LAYER MATERIALS = 19.061 INCHES TOTAL INITIAL WATER = 19.061 INCHES TOTAL SUBSURFACE INFLOW = 0.00 INCHES/YEAR EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VALID FOR 50 YEARS NOTE: EVAPOTRANSPIRATION DATA WAS OBTAINED FROM GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA STATION LATITUDE = 35.13 DEGREES MAXIMUM LEAF AREA INDEX = 0.00 START OF GROWING SEASON (JULIAN DATE) = 90 END OF GROWING SEASON (JULIAN DATE) = 305 EVAPORATIVE ZONE DEPTH = 6.0 INCHES AVERAGE ANNUAL WIND SPEED = 12.23 MPH AVERAGE 1ST QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 66.0 AVERAGE 2ND QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 68.0 AVERAGE 3RD QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 74.0 AVERAGE 4TH QUARTER RELATIVE HUMIDITY = 70.0 Page 3 6ft Fly Ash.txt FINAL WATER STORAGE AT END OF YEAR 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LAYER (INCHES) (VOL/VOL) ----- 1 -------- 19.6890 --------- 0.2735 2 0.2952 0.0328 3 0.0000 0.0000 TOTAL WATER IN LAYERS 19.984 SNOW WATER 0.000 INTERCEPTION WATER 0.000 TOTAL FINAL WATER 19.984 PEAK DAILY VALUES FOR YEARS 1 THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (INCHES) (CU. FT.) ---------- ------------- PRECIPITATION 4.33 15706.182 RUNOFF 3.152 11440.9199 DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER 2 0.12943 469.84564 PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 0.005777 20.97157 AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 MAXIMUM HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 LOCATION OF MAXIMUM HEAD IN LAYER 2 (DISTANCE FROM DRAIN) SNOW WATER MAXIMUM VEG. SOIL WATER (VOL/VOL) MINIMUM VEG. SOIL WATER (VOL/VOL) 0.046 0.047 0.3 FEET 3.88 14095.5264 0.4444 0.0470 Maximum heads are computed using MCEnroe's equations. Reference: Maximum saturated Depth over Landfill Liner by Bruce M. MCEnroe, University of Kansas Page 4 6ft Fly Ash.txt ASCE 3ournal of Environmental Engineering Vol. 119, No. 2, March 1993, pp. 262-270. AVERAGE MONTHLY VALUES IN INCHES FOR YEARS 1 THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAN/JUL ------- FEB/AUG ------- MAR/SEP ------- APR/OCT ------- MAY/NOV ------- JUN/DEC ------- PRECIPITATION ------------- TOTALS 3.20 3.67 3.92 3.12 3.09 3.51 4.00 4.47 3.80 3.20 2.61 3.67 STD. DEVIATIONS 1.73 1.67 1.56 1.59 1.45 1.97 1.82 2.22 2.43 2.11 1.71 1.90 RUNOFF TOTALS 0.685 0.820 0.828 0.537 0.570 0.778 0.860 1.182 1.364 1.033 0.465 0.980 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.835 0.706 0.576 0.691 0.558 0.802 0.867 1.027 1.325 1.116 0.689 0.899 POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ---------------------------- TOTALS 2.326 2.560 4.160 5.603 7.185 7.987 7.817 7.031 5.450 4.068 2.753 2.121 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.220 0.277 0.364 0.357 0.290 0.323 0.313 0.284 0.318 0.216 0.220 0.207 ACTUAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ------------------------- TOTALS 1.790 1.904 2.647 2.441 2.406 2.601 2.821 2.963 2.049 1.801 1.514 1.564 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.400 0.486 0.713 0.685 0.805 1.175 1.012 0.908 0.826 0.776 0.583 0.431 LATERAL DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER 2 ---------------------------------------- TOTALS 0.3225 0.3561 0.5303 0.6111 0.6528 0.5501 0.4828 0.3941 0.3147 0.2745 0.2637 0.2886 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.2856 0.3751 0.4889 0.4632 0.3332 0.1915 0.1205 0.1006 0.0987 0.1054 0.1699 0.1820 PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 ------------------------------------ TOTALS 0.0397 0.0385 0.0520 0.0580 0.0656 0.0606 0.0582 0.0518 0.0443 0.0406 0.0382 0.0401 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.0190 0.0230 0.0272 0.0282 0.0214 0.0135 0.0080 0.0075 0.0088 0.0108 0.0137 0.0157 Page 5 6ft Fly Ash.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVEKAGES OF MONTHLY AVERAGED DAILY HEADS (INCHES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAILY AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER 3 ------------------------------------- AVERAGES 0.0040 0.0048 0.0065 0.0076 0.0079 0.0070 0.0060 0.0049 0.0041 0.0035 0.0034 0.0037 STD. DEVIATIONS 0.0034 0.0047 0.0057 0.0056 0.0039 0.0023 0.0014 0.0012 0.0012 0.0013 0.0021 0.0022 AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTALS & (STD. DEVIATIONS) FOR YEARS l THROUGH 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRE[IPITATION RUNOFF POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ACTUAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION LATERAL DRAINAGE COLLECTED FROM LAYER Z PERCOLATION/LEAKAGE THROUGH LAYER 3 AVERAGE HEAD ON TOP OF LAYER j INCHES [U. FEET PERCENT ------------------- 42.25 ( 6.341} ------------- 153372.9 --------- 100'00 10.102 ( 2.7618) 36669.60 23'909 59.060 ( 0.9392) 214387.44 26.503 ( 2.9238) 96204.42 62.726 5.04121 ( 1.83546) 18299.590 11.93143 0.58740 ( 0.10940) 2I32.277 1'39026 0.005 [ 0.002} CHANGE IN WATER STORAGE 0.018 ( 2.2880} 67.05 0'044 APPENDIX B - IV Anchor Trench Calculation Anchor Trench Calculation Paste demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Calculation Title: Anchor Trench Calculation Summary: An anchor trench having a depth of 1.5 feet and a runout of 3 feet provides an estimated pullout resistance that is less than the allowable geomembrane strength; therefore, stability is satisfied in a manner protective of the geomembrane for forces up to the estimated pullout resistance of the anchor trench. Notes: Revision Log: No. Description Originator Verifier Technical Reviewer 00 Initial Submittal Rohit Garg Thomas Maier Thomas Maier Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 1 of 6 IT 7/17/17 amec Al foster wheeler Anchor Trench Calculation Paste demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station OBJECTIVE: The anchor trench will be designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Maintain stability at the interface between the subgrade and the geomembrane; and 2. The pullout resistance of the anchor trench should be less than the yield strength of the geomembrane. METHOD: The forces acting on the anchor trench and the yield strength of the geomembrane will be compared using the methods presented in Koerner's "Designing with Geosynthetics", 6t". Ed. [Ref. 1 ]. DEFINITION OF VARIABLES: Symbol Description Value Comment side slope angle = 1.5H:lV 33.69 degrees 6 effective interface friction angle 7AT unit weight of anchor trench soil 115 pcf [assumed] AG unit weight of trench cover aggregate 130 pcf [assumed] friction angle of soil 28 degrees [assumed] 6NG applied normal stress from cover aggregate dAT depth of anchor trench turndown 18 inches dAG depth of aggregate over runout 6 inches FL,, shear force below geosynthetics due to cover aggregate FAT shear force below geosynthetics due to vertical component of Tallow Fu6 shear force above geosynthetics due to cover aggregate FS safety factor KA coefficient of active earth pressure KP coefficient of passive earth pressure LRo length of anchor trench runout 3 feet PA active earth pressure against the backfill side of the anchor trench PP passive earth pressure against the in -situ side of the anchor trench Tallow allowable force in the geosynthetics Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 2 of 6 7/17/17 amec foster wheeler Anchor Trench Calculation Paste demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station CALCULATIONS: 1.0 Evaluate stability at the subgrade / geomembrane and reinforcing geotextile / geomembrane interfaces Interface friction testing will be performed upon selection of liner system materials; therefore, the interface friction angle for the subgrade/geomembrane interface is currently unknown. For the purposes of this calculation, it was assumed that the interface friction angle is equal to 80% of the friction angle of soil (280), which is equal to 22.41. It is also assumed that the reinforcing geotextile/geomembrane interface is 22.40. Since the interface friction angle is less than the side slope angle of the paste demonstration cells (i.e., 1.5H:1 V or 33.69 0), friction is not sufficient to hold the geomembrane on the slope. The pullout resistance of the anchor trench will be relied on to anchor the geomembrane at the top of the demonstration cell slopes. The anchor trench will be designed to resist tension in the geomembrane (up to the allowable force shown in Section-2.0). 2.0 Compare forces acting on the anchor trench to the material strength It is preferable for the geomembrane to pull out of the anchor trench rather than be ruptured. Thus, the pullout resistance of the anchor trench should be less than the yield strength of the geomembrane. 2.1 Describe forces acting on the anchor trench The forces acting on the anchor trench are presented in Figure 1. FU+-+ � rLll� 1 1 �f I�Tp 1 T f Tom µ- from s LOW �1!l111 do t Idn�Yt�� Ia��YRds�a Figure 1: Force diagram for anchor trench [Ref. 1] Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 3 of 6 IT 7/17/17 amec Al foster wheeler Anchor Trench Calculation Paste demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station The forces involved are presented in the following equation: Ta11o1vCOS(N) > FU6 + FLU + FLT — PA + PP [Ref. 1 ] As shown in Figure 1 and the equation above, the strength of the geomembrane is compared to forces accounting for the runout portion of the anchor trench and the turndown portion of the anchor trench. 2.2 Evaluate the strength of the geomembrane The strength of the geomembrane (Ta„ow) is assumed to be the required yield strength of a 60- mil textured geomembrane [Ref. 2]. The allowable force in the geomembrane was calculated in the following table: Table 1: Allowable Force in the Geomembrane Allowable Force in Allowable Force the Geomembrane in the Side Slope Angle (Tallow) Geomembrane Tallow x coso (lb/in) (Tallow) (degrees) (degr [assumed] [Ref. 3] (lb/ft) 126 1,512 33.69 1,258 2.3 Evaluate the forces on the runout portion of the anchor trench The forces acting on the runout portion of the anchor trench are the shear force above the geomembrane due to cover aggregate (Fu6), shear force below the geomembrane due to cover aggregate (FL,), and shear force below the geomembrane due to vertical component of Talow (FLT). The equations for the forces on the runout portion of the anchor trench are presented as follows: FUU = 6NGtanSu(LRO) FLU = 6NG tank (LRO) FLT = 0.5 (2Tallowsinf3\ (LRO)tanSL = Tallowsinfi tanSL l LRO J [Ref. 1 ] [Ref. 1 ] [Ref. 1 ] The depth of cover aggregate over the anchor trench is 0.5 feet and can be assumed to crack during failure; therefore, the friction angle above the geomembrane due to cover aggregate (6u) is negligible [Ref. 1]. For the purposes of this calculation it was assumed that the friction angle below the geomembrane due to cover aggregate (6L) is equal to 80% of friction angle of subgrade. The applied normal stress from cover aggregate (UNc) is a product of the cover aggregate depth (dac) and the unit weight of the aggregate (yAG) and was calculated and presented in Table 2. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 4 of 6 IT 7/17/17 amec Al foster wheeler Anchor Trench Calculation Paste demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Table 2: Applied Normal Stress from Cover Aggregate Cover Aggregate Depth Unit Weight ofAggregate Applied Normal Stress {dAG) from Cover Aggregate (ft) {gAG]} {SNG) [assumed] (pofl (psfl [assumed] 0.5 130 65 The interface friction angle below the geomembrane was estimated based on experience with compacted ash. The forces acting on the runout portion of the anchor trench were calculated and presented in Table 3. Table 3: Forces Acting on the Runout Portion of the Anchor Trench Shear Force Applied Interface Interface Length of Shear Force Shear Force Below Normal Stress Friction Angle Friction Angle Anchor Allowable Force Side Slope Above Below Geomembrane from Cover Above Below Trench in the Angle Geomembrane Geomembrane Due to Vertical Aggregate Geomembrane Geomembrane Runout Geomembrane {b} Due to Cover Due to Cover Component of {d�} {LRo} {Tauow} (degrees) Aggregate Aggregate {sN�} {d�} Taiow (degrees) (feet) (lb/ft) [assumed] {Fus} {FLs} s (P f) [assumed] (degrees) [assumed] (lb/ft) (lb/ft) F Ib/ft 65 0 22.4 3 1,512 33.69 0 80 346 2.4 Evaluate the forces on the turndown portion of the anchor trench The forces acting on the turndown portion of the anchor trench are the active earth pressure against the backfill side of the anchor trench (PA) and the passive earth pressure against the in - situ side of the anchor trench (PP). The equations for the forces on the turndown portion of the anchor trench are presented as follows: PA = (0.5YATdAT + 6n)KAdAT [Ref. 1] PP = (0.5YATdAT + 6n)KPdAT [Ref. 11 KA = tang (45 — '0) [Ref. 1 ] KP = tang (45 + - [Ref. 1 ] 10) The forces acting on the turndown portion of the anchor trench PA and PP were calculated and presented in Table 4. Table 4: Forces Acting on the Turndown Portion of the Anchor Trench Friction Angle Unit Weight Depth of Anchor Applied Normal passive of Soil Coefficient of Coefficient of of Soil Trench Stress from Active Earth Earth �} Active Earth Passive Earth OAT] Turndown Aggregate Over Pressure pressure Pressure Pressure {dat} Runout {PA} (KA) {Kp) (inches) {sNG} (lb/ft) [assumed] [assumed] (Ib/ft) [assumed] (psf) 28 1 0.36 1 2.77 1 115 18 65 82 1628 Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 5 of 6 IT 7/17/17 amec 4 foster wheeler Anchor Trench Calculation Paste demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station 2.5 Compare forces acting on the anchor trench to the material strength The available resistive forces acting on the anchor trench should be less than the yield strength of the geomembrane. The forces acting on the anchor trench and the material strength were estimated in Steps 2.1 through 2.4 and compared in Table 5. Table 5: Compare Forces Acting on the Anchor Trench and the Material Strength Forces Acting on the Forces Acting on the Runout Portion of the Anchor Turndown Portion of the Trench Anchor Trench Summation of Forces Acting Shear Force Shear Force Shear Force Below Above Below Geomembrane Due Active Earth Passive Earth on the Anchor Tallow x cosR Geomembrane Geomembrane to Vertical Pressure Pressure Trench (lb/ft) Due to Cover Due to Cover Component of Tallow {PA} {PP} (Ib/ft) Aggregate Aggregate {FPS} {FPS} {FLr} (Ib/ft) (Ib/ft) (Ib/ft) (Ib/ft) (Ib/ft) I 0 80 1 346 1 82 1 628 1 973 1 1,258 The estimated summation of forces acting on the anchor trench is less than the allowable geomembrane strength; therefore, the anchor trench design protects against geomembrane rupture in the event of a temporary extreme tensile force on the geomembrane. DISCUSSION: The anchor trench as designed satisfies stability requirements for the conditions analyzed and protects against geomembrane rupture. Interface friction testing should be performed using site specific and project specific materials for each interface that will exist in the constructed project. Interface friction testing should be performed over the anticipated range of normal loads on the liner system. An anchor trench having a depth of 1.5 feet and a runout of 3 feet provides an estimated pullout resistance that is close to but less than the allowable geomembrane strength; therefore, stability is satisfied in a manner protective of the geomembrane. REFERENCES: Koerner, Robert M. "Designing with Geosynthetics", 61". Ed., 2012 (electronic version). 2. Geosynthetic Institute. "Test Methods, Test Properties and Testing Frequency for High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Smooth and Textured Geomembranes", GRI Test Method GM13, December 14, 2012. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 6 of 6 IT 7/17/17 amec 4 foster wheeler APPENDIX B - V Liner System Geotextile Filter Design Liner System Geotextile Filter Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Calculation Title: Liner System Geotextile Filter Design Summary: This calculation package is prepared to size the geotextile filter that will be placed as the top layer of the liner/leachate collection system of the proposed demonstration paste deposition cells at Belews Creek Steam Station. The geotextile is designed to filter the overlying paste layer from entering the underlying leachate collection layer. An alternative filter design, which involves having a sand layer between the geotextile and paste is also considered. If a geotextile is used alone, the required apparent opening size should be less than 0.1 mm (#140 sieve). If this design is selected (i.e., using only a geotextile as the filter layer), anti - clogging testing is recommended. If the proposed alternative filter design (using ASTM C33 Sand between the geotextile and paste) is used, a geotextile with an apparent opening size of 0.6 mm (#30 sieve), 0.425 mm (#40 sieve), or similar can be used as long as geotextile permeability and survivability criteria are met. Notes: Revision Log: No. Description Originator) Verifier Technical Reviewer 00 Initial Submittal Ken Daly Rohit Garg Thomas B. Maier Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 1 11 7/17/17 amec 4 foster wheeler Liner System Geotextile Filter Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station OBJECTIVE: This calculation package is prepared as part of the liner system design for the proposed paste demonstration deposition cells at Belews Creek Steam Station, Stokes County, North Carolina. The objective of this calculation is to size the geotextile filter component that will be placed as the top layer of the liner/leachate collection system below the paste. INTRODUCTION: Three paste deposition cells with two different waste heights (six feet and ten feet) are planned as part of this paste demonstration project. Two deposition cells with six feet of paste will have different paste compositions. Paste consists of approximately 70% solids (more than 60% fly ash, less than 10% lime) and 30% flue -gas desulfurization (FGD) process waste water. The liner/leachate collection system of the disposal areas will consist of the following components from top to bottom: • Geotextile; • Granular drainage layer (18-in. thick, #57 aggregate); • Nonwoven geotextile; • 60-mil double -sided textured HDPE geomembrane; • Compacted subgrade. The top geotextile layer is placed between the paste and granular drainage layer. Paste is anticipated to set and solidify after a certain period of time. Prior to setting and after setting due to desiccation, fines may separate from the paste. Therefore, the top geotextile of the liner system needs to be designed for filtration. The majority of the paste solids will be fly ash; and therefore, fly ash properties will be used for filter design. Since fly ash is a fine-grained material and may require a geotextile with very small openings for retention, clogging of the filter could be an issue. Therefore, an alternative filter design is considered in this calculation package. The alternative filter design, referred to as Filter 2 hereafter, consists of using a sand filter between the geotextile and the paste. For the alternative analysis, the geotextile filter will be designed as a filter for the overlying sand. ASTM C 33 sand will be considered for this sand layer. Gradation curves of the site -specific fly ash and ASTM C33 sand are presented in Attachment 1. The gradation curve of the fly ash is developed using the grain size analysis report prepared by AGAT Laboratories. Percent finer is reported by volume in this report and used to develop the gradation curve for fly ash. ASTM C33 sand gradation is obtained from an US Army Corps of Engineers report on ASTM C33 sand (Berney and Smith, 2008). METHOD: Geotextile filters are designed to allow liquid to flow through; and also, to prevent migration of upstream soil particles with this flow. In addition to these permeability and retention criteria, geotextiles also designed to meet anti -clogging, survivability, and durability criteria. These design criteria are discussed below. Luettich et al. (1992), Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI) GT13(a) (GRI, 2012), and Mirafi's geotextile design guide titled "Geotextile Design, Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 2 11 7/17/17 amec 4 foster wheeler Liner System Geotextile Filter Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Application, and Product Selection Guide" are used to define the geotextile filter criteria used in this calculation package. 1.0 Retention Criterion Openings of the geotextile should be small enough to retain the upstream material. Most soil retention criterion methods compare upstream soil characteristics to the apparent opening size (AOS or 095) of the geotextile. 095 indicates the approximate largest opening size available for soil to pass through, which is determined by dry sieving uniform sized glass beads through the geotextile until the weight of the beads passing through the geotextile is 5% of the total weight of beads (Koerner, 1998). Among the available methods, the soil retention criteria flow chart developed by Luettich et al. (1992) is used in this calculation package. Luettich et al. (1992) has two soil retention criteria flow charts for steady state and dynamic flow conditions. This soil retention criteria flow chart for steady state flow condition is presented in Figure 1 as obtained from the Mirafi geotextile design guide and used in this calculation package. 2.0 Permeability Criterion A filter geotextile needs to be permeable enough to allow liquids to pass through without causing pressure buildup. Minimum allowable geotextile permeability is determined using Giroud's equation (Luettich et al., 1992). k y > is x ks Where: kg: geotextile permeability is: hydraulic gradient ks: soil permeability Hydraulic gradient of 1.5 is recommended for landfill leachate collection/detection removal systems in Luettich et al. (1992). 3.0 Anti -clogging Criterion (1) In addition to opening size, number of openings of the geotextile is also essential for the long- term performance of the geotextile. A geotextile with adequate number of openings is less prone to clogging. For nonwoven geotextiles, Luettich et al. (1992) recommends using the largest porosity available, but not less than 30%. For woven geotextiles, Luettich et al. (1992) recommends using the largest percent open area (POA) available, but not less than 4%. 4.0 Geotextile Survivability Criterion The objective of geotextile survivability requirements is to provide that the geotextile is not damaged by the construction technique or the materials placed in contact with the geotextile. Geosynthetic Institute (GRI) GT13(a) (GRI, 2012) provides geotextile degree of survivability as a function of subgrade conditions, construction equipment, and lift thickness. These survivability tables are presented as Attachment 2. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 3 7/17/17 amec 4 foster wheeler Liner System Geotextile Filter Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station 5.0 Geotextile Durability Criterion Luettich et al. (1992) recommended high carbon black content and UV stabilizers for added resistance to UV degradation during installation. Chemical compatibility testing is recommended, if needed. CALCULATIONS: 1.0 Retention Criterion Openings of the geotextile should be small enough to retain the upstream material. Most soil retention criterion methods compare upstream soil characteristics to the apparent opening size (AOS or 095) of the geotextile. Oss estimations based on the soil retention criterion is presented in Attachment 3 and summarized below. Filter 1 (Paste - Geotextile) Apparent opening size of the filter geotextile is calculated using Luettich et al. (1992) method. Using Figure 1, assuming "less than 20% clay and more than 10% silt" and PI less than 5, the soil linear coefficient of uniformity (C,') is calculated to be 3.78. Using this calculated Cu' and Figure 1, the following retention criterion is obtained as shown in Attachment 3: 095 < 0.1 mm Filter 2 (ASTM C33 Sand - Geotextile Apparent opening size of the filter geotextile is calculated using Luettich et al. (1992) method. Using Figure 1, assuming "less than 10% silt, and more than 10% sand", the soil linear coefficient of uniformity (Cu') is calculated to be 3.27 and 3.33. Using the calculated Cu's and Figure 1, the following retention criterion is obtained as shown in Attachment 3: 095 < 1.98 mm 2.0 Permeability Criterion Equation 1 is used to calculate the geotextile permeability. k y > is x ks Filter 1 (Paste - Geotextile kflyash = 5 x 10-5 cm/s (HELP software default input for fly ash, Bergen and Schroeder (2013)) ky > 1.5x 5x10-Scm/s ky > 7.5x10-Scm/s (1) Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 4 IT 7/17/17 amec 4 foster wheeler Liner System Geotextile Filter Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy - Belews Creek Steam Station Hydraulic conductivity of fly ash could be as low as 1 x 10-' cm/s. Higher hydraulic conductivity obtained from the HELP software manual was conservatively used since it will require higher geotextile permeability. If this filter design is used, geotextile permeability should be greater than 7.5 x 10-5 CM/S. Filter 2 (ASTM C33 Sand - Geotextile) ASTM C33 is classified as poorly graded sand (SP) in US Army Corps report on ASTM C33 Sand (Berney and Smith, 2008). Ksana = 1 x 10-2 cm/s (HELP software default input for SP type soil, Bergen and Schroeder (2013)) k9 > 1.5x 1x10-2cm/s ky > 1.5x10-2cm/s If this filter design is used, geotextile permeability should be greater than 1.5 x 10-2 CM/S. 3.0 Anti -clogging Criterion For nonwoven geotextiles, Luettich et al. (1992) recommends using the largest porosity available, but not less than 30%. For woven geotextiles, Luettich et al. (1992) recommends using the largest percent open area (POA) available, but not less than 4%. 4.0 Geotextile Survivability Criterion Geotextile survivability criterion is presented in Attachment 3. Based on Table 3 of Attachment 3, the required degree of survivability is selected as Moderate (Class 2; for medium ground pressure equipment and cleared subgrade). Recommended geotextile properties are determined using Class 2 survivability as shown in Attachment 3 and presented in Table 1. It is assumed that nonwoven geotextile break at elongations are higher than 50% and woven geotextile elongations are lower than 50% (GRI, 2012). Table 1. Recommended Geotextile Properties (Class 2, Moderate Survivability) Property ASTM Test Unit Elongation <50% (woven) Elongation >50% nonwoven Grab Tensile Strength D 4632 lb 248 158 Trapezoidal Tear Strength D 4533 lb 90 56 CBR Puncture Strength D6241 lb 500 320 Permittivity D 4491 sec-' 0.02 0.02 Apparent Opening Size D4751 In. 0.024 0.024 Ultraviolet Stability D 7238 % Str. Ret. @ 500 hrs. 50 50 Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 5 11 7/17/17 amec 4 foster wheeler Liner System Geotextile Filter Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station 5.0 Geotextile Durability Criterion Luettich et al. (1992) recommended high carbon black content and UV stabilizers for added resistance to UV degradation during installation. Due to short construction duration for this demonstration project, most geotextiles in the market should satisfy the geotextile durability criterion. SUMMARY: Geotextile filter criteria used in this calculation package are primarily from Luettich et al. (1992) and Mirafi Geotextile Design Guide (see Attachment 4). Two filter designs were evaluated: 1. Filter 1 (Paste - Geotextile) 2. Filter 2 (ASTM C33 Sand — Geotextile, assuming fine aggregate will be placed on top of the geotextile prior to paste placement on the liner system) The geotextile design requirements are summarized below: 1. Filter 1 (Paste - Geotextile) a. Apparent Opening Size: 095 < 0.1 mm b. Hydraulic conductivity: kg>7.5 x 10-5cm/s c. Anti -clogging: porosity> 30% (if nonwoven is used) and percent open area > 4% (if woven is used) d. Survivability: see Table 1 2. Filter 2 (ASTM C33 Sand — Geotextile) a. Apparent opening size: 095 < 1.98 mm b. Hydraulic conductivity: kg>1.5 x 10-2cm/s c. Anti -clogging: porosity> 30% (if nonwoven is used) and percent open area > 4% (if woven is used) d. Survivability: see Table 1 DISCUSSION: Based on the geotextile design requirements summarized in the previous section, if a geotextile is used alone as a filter layer, the required apparent opening size should be less than 0.1 mm (i.e. less than the calculated 095). Most of the available geotextiles (woven and nonwoven) have larger apparent opening sizes, so identifying a suitable product may be challenging. Commercially available product(s) with the required apparent opening size may not satisfy other criteria such as permeability or survivability. Recommended geotextile properties for Class 2 survivability (Table 1) includes an apparent opening size of 0.024 in. (0.61 mm). Therefore, this filter design may not be feasible. If this design is selected (i.e., using geotextile alone as the filter layer), anti -clogging testing is recommended. Hydraulics conductivity ratio (HCR) testing or gradient ratio test (ASTM D 5105) can be used for clogging testing (Luettich et al., 1992). If the proposed alternative filter design (using ASTM C33 sand between the geotextile and paste) is used, a geotextile with a commonly available apparent opening size of 0.6 mm (#30 Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 6 7/17/17 amec 4 foster wheeler Liner System Geotextile Filter Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station sieve), 0.425 mm (#40 sieve), or similar can be used as long as permeability criterion and survivability criteria are met. It should be noted that separation of solids from the paste is not anticipated during placement and setting, but the design includes a filter as a precaution. REFERENCES: Bergen, K. and Schroeder, P. R. "The Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP) Model", User's guide for HELP-D (Version 3.95 D), (2013), 6t" Edition, 2013. 2. Berney, E. S. and Smith, D. M. "Mechanical and Physical Properties of ASTM C33 Sand", ERDC/GSL TR-08-2, USACE Research and Development Center, February 2008. 3. Geosynthetic Research Institute, "Test Method and Properties for Geotextiles Used as Separation Between Subgrade Soil and Aggregate", GRI GT13(a), Revision 3, December 2012. 4. Koerner, R. M. "Designing with Geosynthetics", Fourth Edition, 1998. 5. Luettich S. M., Giroud, J. P., and Bachus, R. C. "Geotextile Filter Design", Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 11, pg. 355-370, 1992. 6. Mirafi "Geotextile Filter Design, Application, and Product Selection Guide", Ten Cate Nicolon. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 7 11 7/17/17 amec 4 foster wheeler Liner System Geotextile Filter Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Chart 1. Soil Retention Criteria of Steady -State Flow Conditions NON-DISPE16K SOIL 0%<0.21 MM MORE THAN (DHR<0.5) 20% CLAY dW - 0.002mm aSPERE SQL USE 3 TO B INCHES OF VERY FINE SAND BETWEEN SOIL AND GEOTEXTILE. THEN DESIGN THE GEOTEX- (DHR n5} TILE AS A FILTE R FOR THE SAND PLASTIC SOIL LESS THAN 209GCLAY. and MORE THAN 10% SILT PI ' 5 {d2 , 0.002mm and Od 1 p < O.OTmm] _4 NON -PLASTIC SOIL II < 5 FROM SOIL ...................................................�................._: 7 - LOOSE O g d' w es < PROPERTIES TESTS :........................................ )I01 35%! 77 STABLE da APPLICATION `SOIL US � TMEDIUM 13.5 {1 s Cr s 3j 135% a Ip a 65%) Oga ` C'� d 5° RETENTION LESS THAN UNSTABLE d3o 115E CDENSE 18 Cgd < d'� 10%SILT, and i SOILfIn?&5%� MORE THAN (C<>3or 10% SAND Cc 71LC05E USE 4AT Ovs c G'. d'Sp d10 4 8—N APPLICATION TANFAVORS PERMEABILITY dso LY MEDIUM Cgs <1.5 C'�d'sp MORE THAN ' ED90% (35%o I0e 55%) GRAVEL `. DENSE d1p x d.8mm Po > 65%j C95 < 2 C'u d', NOTES. Cr di0 % d1 dx - parade diam" of which sire x percent is smaller p Io - i dafive d—ity of the soil ETwhere: d'�and d'p are the extremeties oFa straight line drawn PI - piw,6*i dex of the soil Cu - through the particle -size distribution, as directed above and DER - douhfa-hydmm tar ratio of the soil d�o d'o is the midpoint of this line Das - geot—Lb opening sae Figure 1. Soil Retention Criterion (from Luettich (1992) obtained from Mirafi Geotextile Design Guide) Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 8 , 7/17/17 amec foster wheeler Liner System Geotextile Filter Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station ATTACHMENT 1 Gradation Curves (Belews Creek Fly Ash and ASTM C33 Sand) Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 IT 7/14/17 (Initial Submittal) amec 4 foster wheeler U. S. STANDARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U. S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER 4 3 2 1112 1 3i4 1i2 3i8 3 4 6 8 10 1416 20 30 40 50 70 100 140 200 0 100 2 90 10 80 20 1 70 �. 30 = � LU 60 w 40 � m 00 W 50 W z_ 50 LL ~ o U 60 U40 \ z W W � L) W 30 70 o_ 20 80 r� 10 90 0 11 1100 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY COARSE I FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAMPLE NO. MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION NAT W% LL PL PI GRADATION CURVES 1 Concrete Sand Sand with Gravel (SP) NP NP NP 2 ASTM C33 Fine Aggregate Maximum PROJECT Low Velocity Penetration Study 3 ASTM C33 Fine Aggregate Minimum SOURCE Local Vicksburg, MS DATE 7 January 2003 Figure 1. Grain size distribution for concrete sand. I W 100 90 ------- ------ ------ 80 Bel ------ ------ -- -- ------ 70 ------- ------ ---- -- 60 ------- ------- ----- - ------- L a) ii50 -------------- ------ ------ u 40 --------- - v a 30 ------- ------- --- ------- 20 ------- ------- 10 ------ -- ----- ------ n 10.0000 1.0000 0.1000 0.0100 0.0010 Particle Diameter (mm) ews Creek 0.0001 Figure 2. Gradation curve for Belews Creek Fly Ash (developed by using AGAT Laboratories report) Diameter (mm) Percent Finer (%) 0.18S4 100 0.1689 99.99 0.1538 99.9 0.1401 99.6 0.1276 98.6 0.1163 97 0.0879 89.7 0.06644 81.5 0.04575 70 0.03458 59.6 0.02381 45.4 0.018 35.7 0.01494 29.8 0.01029 20 0.005878 10.7 0.0027871 5.22 0.000393 0 (9 air VV Laboratories GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS REPORT RC27340 Prepared for: AMEC FOSTER WHEELER MARCH 2O17 "in Pursuit of Excellence" AGAT Laboratories is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 by the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc. (CALA) and/or Standards Council of Canada (SCC) for specific tests listed on the scope of accreditation. Accreditations are location and parameter specific. A complete listing of parameters for each location is available from www.cala.ca and/or www.scc.ca. The tests in this report may not necessarily be included in the scope of accreditation. Member of: The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA), Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories (CCIL) Results relate only to the items tested and to all the items tested AMEC FOSTER WHEELER Particle Size Distribution Summary 14-Mar-17 RC27340 - PSD SAMPLE Well ID Sample Interval Facies M. F. Sieve Data, % Retained, microns Coulter Data: Cum. < Vol.% Passin ,microns # From To I Length Bitumen 25000 1 19000 1 12500 1 4750 2000 <2000 1 2000 1 1000 1 850 1 500 1 425 1 250 1 180 1 150 125 75 63 44 31 20 16 11 7.8 6.6 3.9 2 1.3 D50 RC27340 C177-17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.8 98.2 85.0 79.9 68.6 55.4 39.2 31.8 21.5 14.7 12.2 7.0 4.0 2.5 27.35 SIBECKMAN LS Particle Size Analyzer Page 1 COULTER- 14 Mar 2017 8:16 File name: RC27340-C177-17 Sample ID: C177-17 Run number: 1 Comments: UWI: Optical model: Agat.rf780z LS 300 VSM+ Start time: 19:13 10 Mar 2017 Obscuration: 11 % Fluid: Water Software: 3.01 5.01 4 3.5 3 2.5 0 m 2 E 0 1.5 1 0.5 Group ID: RC27340 Operator: AMEC FOSTER WHEELER Run length: 60 seconds Firmware: 2.02 0 Differential Volume RC27340-C177-17 0.4 0.6 1 2 4 6 10 20 40 60 100 200 400 1000 200( Particle Diameter (pm) Volume Statistics (Arithmetic) Calculations from 0.375 pm to 2,000 pm Volume: 100% RC27340-C177-17 Mean: 35.68 pm S.D.: 31.03 pm Median: 25.74 pm C.V.: 87.0% Mode: 31.50 pm Skewness: 1.178 Right skewed dio: 5.278 pm Kurtosis: 0.701 Leptokurtic d50: 25.74 pm d9o: 84.88 pm OBECKMAN COULTER.. LS Particle Size Analyzer Page 2 14 Mar 2017 8:16 RC27340-C177-17 Particle Volume Diameter o um 0.375 2.66 1.3 1.28 1.9 1.50 2.8 1.87 3.9 5.51 6.6 2.65 7.8 7.17 11 10.7 16 10.9 22 12.9 31 13.1 44 16.1 75 13.6 RC27340-C177-17 Channel Channel Number Diameter (Center) Diff. Cum. < Cum. > Volume Volume Volume 0 0 0 0 o a Jim 0.393 0.034 0 100 0.431 0.060 0.034 99.97 0.474 0.089 0.094 99.9 0.520 0.13 0.18 99.8 0.571 0.16 0.31 99.7 0.627 0.19 0.47 99.5 0.688 0.22 0.66 99.3 0.755 0.24 0.87 99.1 0.829 0.26 1.11 98.9 0.910 0.28 1.38 98.6 0.999 0.29 1.66 98.3 1.097 0.30 1.95 98.0 1.204 0.31 2.25 97.7 1.321 0.31 2.56 97.4 1.451 0.31 2.87 97.1 1.592 0.31 3.19 96.8 1.748 0.32 3.50 96.5 1.919 0.32 3.82 96.2 2.107 0.34 4.14 95.9 2.313 0.35 4.48 95.5 2.539 0.38 4.83 95.2 2.787 0.42 5.22 94.8 3.059 0.47 5.63 94.4 3.358 0.53 6.10 93.9 3.687 0.61 6.63 93.4 4.047 0.70 7.24 92.8 4.443 0.80 7.94 92.1 4.877 0.91 8.74 91.3 5.354 1.04 9.65 90.3 5.878 1.17 10.7 89.3 6.452 1.31 11.9 88.1 7.083 1.46 13.2 86.8 7.775 1.62 14.6 85.4 8.536 1.79 16.2 83.8 9.370 1.96 18.0 82.0 10.29 2.15 20.0 80.0 11.29 2.35 22.1 77.9 12.40 2.54 24.5 75.5 OBECKMAN COULTER.. LS Particle Size Analyzer Page 3 14 Mar 2017 8:16 RC27340-C177-17 Channel Channel Diff. Cum. < Cum. > Number Diameter Volume Volume Volume (Center) % o a Jim 39 13.61 2.72 27.0 73.0 40 14.94 2.89 29.8 70.2 41 16.40 3.03 32.6 67.4 42 18.00 3.15 35.7 64.3 43 19.76 3.25 38.8 61.2 44 21.69 3.35 42.1 57.9 45 23.81 3.44 45.4 54.6 46 26.14 3.53 48.9 51.1 47 28.70 3.60 52.4 47.6 48 31.50 3.63 56.0 44.0 49 34.58 3.60 59.6 40.4 50 37.97 3.49 63.2 36.8 51 41.68 3.31 66.7 33.3 52 45.75 3.11 70.0 30.0 53 50.22 2.92 73.1 26.9 54 55.13 2.78 76.1 23.9 55 60.52 2.70 78.8 21.2 56 66.44 2.69 81.5 18.5 57 72.94 2.72 84.2 15.8 58 80.07 2.74 86.9 13.1 59 87.90 2.69 89.7 10.3 60 96.49 2.51 92.4 7.63 61 105.9 2.14 94.9 5.12 62 116.3 1.60 97.0 2.97 63 127.6 0.93 98.6 1.37 64 140.1 0.37 99.6 0.45 65 153.8 0.072 99.9 0.078 66 168.9 0.0059 99.99 0.0059 67 185.4 0 100 0 68 203.5 0 100 0 69 223.4 0 100 0 70 245.2 0 100 0 71 269.2 0 100 0 72 295.5 0 100 0 73 324.4 0 100 0 74 356.1 0 100 0 75 390.9 0 100 0 76 429.2 0 100 0 77 471.1 0 100 0 78 517.2 0 100 0 79 567.7 0 100 0 80 623.3 0 100 0 81 684.2 0 100 0 82 751.1 0 100 0 83 824.5 0 100 0 84 905.1 0 100 0 85 993.6 0 100 0 86 1,091 0 100 0 87 1,197 0 100 0 88 1,314 0 100 0 89 1,443 0 100 0 90 1,584 0 100 0 91 1,739 0 100 0 92 1,909 0 100 0 100 0 Liner System Geotextile Filter Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station ATTACHMENT 2 Geotextile Survivability Criteria (from GRI Standard Specification GT13(a)) Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 IT 7/14/17 (Initial Submittal) amec 4 foster wheeler English Units Table 1(a) — Geotextile Properties Class 1 (High Survivability) Property(') ASTM Test Unit Elongation < 50% Elongation >— 50% Grab Tensile Strength D 4632 lb 315 203 Trapezoid Tear Strength D 4533 lb 112 79 CBR Puncture Strength D 6241 lb 630 440 Permittivity D 4491 sec-1 0.02 0.02 Apparent Opening Size D 4751 in. 0.024 0.024 Ultraviolet Stability D 7238 % Str. Ret. @ 500 It. hrs. 50 50 Table 1(b) — Geotextile Properties Class 2 (Moderate Survivability) Property ASTM Test Unit Elongation < 50% Elongation >_ 50% Grab Tensile Strength D 4632 lb 248 158 Trapezoid Tear Strength D 4533 lb 90 56 CBR Puncture Strength D 6241 lb 500 320 Permittivity D 4491 sec-1 0.02 0.02 Apparent Opening Size D 4751 in. 0.024 0.024 Ultraviolet Stability D 7238 % Str. Ret. @ 500 It. hrs. 50 50 Table 1(c) — Geotextile Properties Class 3 (Low Survivability) Property ASTM Test Unit Elongation < 50% Elongation >— 50% Grab Tensile Strength D 4632 lb 180 113 Trapezoid Tear Strength D 4533 lb 68 41 CBR Puncture Strength D 6241 lb 380 230 Permittivity D 4491 sec-1 0.02 0.02 Apparent Opening Size D 4751 in. 0.024 0.024 Ultraviolet Stability D 7238 % Str. Ret. @ 500 It. hrs. 50 50 Notes: (1) All values are minimum average roll values (MARV) except AOS which is a maximum average roll value (MaxARV) and UV stability which is a minimum average value. (2) Evaluation to be on 50 mm strip tensile specimens after 500 hours exposure. GT13(a) - 6 of 9 Rev. 3: 12/19/12 SI Metric Units Table 2(a) — Geotextile Properties Class 1 (High Survivability) Property ASTM Test Unit Elongation < 50% Elongation >_ 50% Grab Tensile Strength D 4632 N 1400 900 Trapezoid Tear Strength D 4533 N 500 350 CBR Puncture Strength D 6241 N 2800 2000 Permittivity D 4491 sec-1 0.02 0.02 Apparent Opening Size D 4751 mm 0.60 0.60 Ultraviolet Stability D 7238 % Str. Ret. @ 500 It. hrs. 50 50 Table 2(b) — Geotextile Properties Class 2 (Moderate Survivability) Property ASTM Test Unit Elongation < 50% Elongation >— 50% Grab Tensile Strength D 4632 N 1100 700 Trapezoid Tear Strength D 4533 N 400 250 CBR Puncture Strength D 6241 N 2250 1400 Permittivity D 4491 sec-1 0.02 0.02 A aren"Opening Size D 4751 mm 0.60 0.60 Ultraviolet Stability D 7238 % Str. Ret. @ 500 It. hrs. 50 50 Table 2(c) — Geotextile Properties Class 3 (Low Survivability) Property ASTM Test Unit Elongation < 50% Elongation >_ 50% Grab Tensile Strength D 4632 N 800 500 Trapezoid Tear Strength D 4533 N 300 180 CBR Puncture Strength D 6241 N 1700 1000 Permittivity D 4491 sec-1 0.02 0.02 Apparent Opening Size D 4751 mm 0.60 0.60 Ultraviolet Stability D 7238 % Str. Ret. @ 500 It. hrs. 50 50 Notes: (1) All values are minimum average roll values (MARV) except AOS which is a maximum average roll value (MaxARV) and UV stability which is a minimum average value. (2) Evaluation to be on 50 mm strip tensile specimens after 500 hours exposure. GT13(a) - 7 of 9 Rev. 3: 12/19/12 Table 3 - Required Degree of Survivability as a Function of Subgrade Conditions, Construction Equipment and Lift Thickness (Class 1, 2 and 3 Properties are Given in Table 1 and 2; Class 1 + Properties are Higher than Class 1 but Not Defined at this Time) Low ground- Medium ground -pressure High ground - pressure equipment equipment pressure equipment <_ 25 kPa (3.6psi) > 25 to <_ 50 kPa (>3.6 to <_ 7.3psi) > 50 kPa (> 7.3 psi) Subgrade has been cleared of all obstacles except Low Moderate High grass, weeds, leaves, and fine wood debris. Surface (Class 3) (Class 2) (Class 1) is smooth and level so that any shallow depressions and humps do not exceed 450 mm (18 in.) in depth or height. All larger depressions are filled. Alternatively, a smooth working table may be laced. Subgrade has been cleared of obstacles larger than Moderate High Very High small to moderate -sized tree limbs and rocks. Tree (Class 2) (Class 1) (Class 1+) trunks and stumps should be removed or covered with a partial working table. Depressions and humps should not exceed 450 mm (18 in.) in depth or height. Larger depressions should be filled. Minimal site preparation is required. Trees may be High Very high Not recommended felled, delimbed, and left in place. Stumps should (Class 1) (Class 1+) be cut to project not more than ± 150 mm (6 in.) above subgrade. Fabric may be draped directly over the tree trunks, stumps, large depressions and humps, holes, stream channels, and large boulders. Items should be removed only if placing the fabric and cover material over them will distort the finished road surface. *Recommendations are for 150 to 300 mm (6 to 12 in.) initial lift thickness. For other initial lift thicknesses: 300 to 450 mm (12 to 18 in.): reduce survivability requirement one level; 450 to 600 mm (18 to 24 in.): reduce survivability requirement two levels; > 600 mm (24 in.): reduce survivability requirement three levels Note 1: While separation occurs in every geotextile application, this pavement -related specification focuses on subgrade soils being "firm" as indicated by CBR values higher than 3.0 (soaked) or 8.0 (unsoaked). Source: Modified after Christopher, Holtz, and DiMaggio GT13(a) - 8 of 9 Rev. 3: 12/19/12 Adoption and Revision Schedule GRI-GT13(a) — ASTM Version "Test Methods and Properties for Geotextiles Used as Separation Between Subgrade Soil and Aggregate" Original: March 10, 2004 Revision 1: May 6, 2005: Editorial changes Revision 2: August 29, 2008: Editorial changes Revision 3: December 19, 2012: Changed ASTM D4355 to ASTM D7238 and editorial changes GT13(a) - 9 of 9 Rev. 3: 12/19/12 Liner System Geotextile Filter Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station ATTACHMENT 3 Apparent Opening Size (095) Calculations Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 IT 7/14/17 (Initial Submittal) amec 4 foster wheeler 100 90 80 70 F 60 v it 50 u 40 v a 30 20 10 0 10.0000 Apparent Opening Size Calculation - Filter 1 (Paste - Geotextile) 1.000U U.I000 U.UIUU U.UUIU U.000I Particle Diameter (mm) Gradation Curve for Fly Ash Diameter (mm) Percent Finer (%) 0.1854 100 0.1689 99.99 0.1538 99.9 0.1401 99.6 0.1276 98.6 0.1163 97 0.0879 89.7 0.06644 81.5 0.04575 70 0.03458 59.6 0.02381 45.4 0.018 35.7 0.01494 29.8 0.01029 20 0.005878 10.7 0.002787 5.22 0.000393 0 Following Luettich et al. (1992) Method, (see Figure 1, less than 20% clay, more than 10% silt; PI<5; application favors permeability): tangent at d50 d',00= 0.1 mm; d'o= 0.007 mm; and d'50= 0.027 mm Ci = d'ioo =F�007 mm 3.78 u d'a mm assume medium packing: 13.5 095 < C, d so u Cu > 3 (widely graded) 13.5 095 < 0.027 mm 095 < 0.1 mm 3.78 Apparent Opening Size Calculation — Filter 1 (C33 Sand — Geotextile) LI me Lem� lie ilia■ie� )LI GRADATION CURVES Gradation Curve for ASTM C33 Sand (Berney and Smith, 2008) Following Luettich et al. (1992) Method, (see figure 1, less than 10% silt, more than 10% sand; application favors permeability): tangent at dso Minimum (Gradation Curve 2) d',00= 1.6 mm; d'o= 0.15 mm; and d'50= 0.48 mm C.u, — d ioo _ 1.6- - 3.27 d'o 0.15 mm assume medium packing: 13.5 095 < C•r d 50 u Maximum (Gradation Curve 3 Cu > 3 (widely graded) 13.5 095 < 0.48 mm 095 < 1.98 mm 3.27 d',00= 3.9 mm; d'o= 0.35 mm; and d'50= 1.3 mm C' d ioo _ 3.9 mm 3.27 u d'a 0.35 mm assume medium packing: Cu > 3.33 (widely graded) 13.5 095 < 1C,5 d so 095 < 3 33 1.3 mm 095 < 5.27 mm u Based on these two 095 calculations: 095 < 1.98 mm is recommended for Filter 2 (C33 Sand — Geotextile) Liner System Geotextile Filter Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station ATTACHMENT 4 Mirafi Geotextile Design Guide Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 IT 7/14/17 (Initial Submittal) amec 4 foster wheeler geotext i I e fi I ter design, application, and product selection guide 'Nicolon MIRAFI 0 GEOTEXTI LE FI LTER DESI GN, APPLI CATI ON, AND PRODUCT SELECTION GUI DE Drainage and Erosi on Control Appl i cat ions Introduction and Explanation of the Problem ....................................... 1 The MirafiI Solution...................................................................... 1 Systematic Design Approach.......................................................... 2 Step One: Application Filter Requirements ................................................ 3 Step Two: Boundary Conditions............................................................. 3 Step Three: Soil Retention Requirements .................................................... 4 Step Four: Geotextile Permeability Requirements ........................................ 5 Step Five: Anti -Clogging Fequirements.................................................... 6 Step Six: Survivability Requirements..................................................... 7 Step Seven: Durability Requirements ......................................................... 7 Geotextile Filter Selection Chide ...................................................... 8 Geotextile Filter Minimum Average Physical Properties Chart ........................................................ 10 ` I I 1VWNW Drainage AND DCPLANATICN CF Aggregate trench and blanket drains are commonly used to drain water from surrounding soils or waste materials. These drains are typically installed less than TI-E PROBLEM three feet deep. They may be at greater depths in situations where there is a need to significantly lower the groundwater table or to drain leachate. In loose or gap graded soils, the groundwater flow can carry soil particles toward the drain. These migrating particles can clog drainage systems. Erosion Control Stone and concrete revetments are often used on waterway slopes to resist soil erosion. These armored systems, when placed directly on the soil, have not suffi- ciently prevented erosion. Fluctuating water levels cause seepage in and out of embankment slopes resulting in the displacement of fine soil particles. As with trench drains, these fine soil particles are carried away with receding flows. This action eventually leads to undermining of the armor system. Typical Solutions Specially graded fill material which is intended to act as a soil filter is frequently placed between the drain or revetment and the soil to be protected. This graded fil- ter is often difficult to obtain, expensive to purchase, time consuming to install and segregates during placement, thus compromising its filtration ability. Drainage Erosion Control Geotextile filters retain soil particles while allowing seeping water to drain freely. Fine soil particles are prevented from clogging drainage systems. Geotextile filters retain soil particles while allowing water to pass freely. Buildup of hydrostatic pressures in pro- tected slopes is prevented, thus enhancing slope stability. Filtration geotextiles provide alternatives to graded filters. -RCN Designing with Geotextile Filters Geotextiles are frequently used in armored erosion control and drainage applica- tions. Some of the most common applications include slopes, dam embank- ments/spilllways, shorelines armored with riprap, flexible block mats and concrete filled fabric formed systems. Drainage applications include pavement edge drains, french drains, prefabricated drainage panels and leachate collection/leak detection systems. In all of the above applications, geotextiles are used to retain soil particles while allowing liquid to pass freely. But the fact that geotextiles are widely used where their primary function is filtration, there remains much confusion about proper filtra- tion design procedures. For this reason, Mirafi° commissioned Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. to develop a generic Geotextile Filter Design Manual. The manual offers a systematic approach to solving most common filtration design problems. It is available to prac- ticing designers exclusively through Mirafi°. This Geotextile Filter Design, Applica- tion, and Product Selection Guide is excerpted from the manual. Mechanisms of Filtration A filter should prevent excessive migration of soil particles, while at the same time allowing liquid to flow freely through the filter layer. Filtration is therefore summarized by two seemingly conflicting requirements. The filter must retain soil, implying that the size of filter pore spaces or openings should be smaller than a specified maximum value; and • The filter must be permeable enough to allow a relatively free flow through it, implying that the size of filter pore spaces and number of openings should be larger than a specified minimum value. Geotextile Filter Requirements Before the introduction of geotextiles, granular materials were widely used as filters for geotechnical engineering applications. Drainage criteria for geotextile fil- ters is largely derived from those for granular filters. The criteria for both are, therefore, similar. In addition to retention and permeability criteria, several other considerations are required for geotextile filter design. Some considerations are noted below: Retention: Ensures that the geo- textile openings are small enough to prevent excessive migration of soil particles. Survivability: Ensures that the geotextile is strong enough to resist damage during installa- tion. • Permeability: Ensures that the geo- Durability: Ensures that the textile is permeable enough to allow geotextile is resilient to adverse liquids to pass through without caus- chemical, biological and ultravi- ing significant upstream pressure olet (UV) light exposure for the buildup. design life of the project. • Anti -clogging: Ensures that the geotextile has adequate openings, preventing trapped soil from clog- ging openings and affecting perme- ability. The specified numerical criteria for geotextile filter requirements depends on the application of the filter, filter boundary conditions, properties of the soil being filtered, and construction methods used to install the filter. These factors are discussed in the following step-by-step geotextile design methodology mm � Design Methodology The proposed design methodology represents years of research and experi- DIM G4 APPRCACH ence in geotextile filtration design. The approach presents a logical progression through seven steps. Step 1: Define the Application Filter Requirements Step 2: Define Boundary Conditions Step 3: Determine Soil Retention Requirements Step 4: Determine Permeability Requirements Step 5: Determine Anti -Clogging Requirements Step 6: Determine Survivability Requirements Step 7: Determine Durability Requirements 1►a Geotextile filters are used between the soil and drainage or armoring medium. Typical drainage media include natural materials such as gravel and sand, as well DM NE as geosynthetic materials such as geonets and cuspated drainage cores. Armoring material is often riprap or concrete blocks. Often, an armoring system includes a A�LI �� sand bedding layer beneath the surface armor. The armoring system can be con- R LTER FE�U RE sidered to act as a "drain" for water seeping from the protected slope. MENTS Identifying the Drainage Material The drainage medium adjacent to the geotextile must be identified. The primary reasons for this include: • Large voids or high pore volume can Sharp contact points such as highly influence the selection of the reten- angular gravel or rock will influence tion criterion the geosynthetic survivability require- ments. KKR Retention vs. Permeability Trade -Off The drainage medium adjacent to the geotextile often affects the selection of the retention criterion. Due to the conflicting nature of filter requirements, it is necessary to decide whether retention or permeability is the favored filter charac- teristic. For example, a drainage material that has relatively little void volume (i.e., a geonet or a wick drain) requires a high degree of retention from the filter. Conversely, where the drainage material void volume is large (i.e., a gravel trench or riprap layer), the permeability and anti -clogging criteria are favored. Evaluate Confining Stress The confining pressure is important for several reasons: High confining pressures tend to increase the relative density of coarse grained soil, increasing the soil's resistance to particle move- ment. This affects the selection of retention criteria. High confining pressures decrease the hydraulic conductivity of fine grained soils, increasing the potential for soil to intrude into, or through, the geotextile filter. • For all soil conditions, high confining pressures increase the potential for the geotextile and soil mass to intrude into the flow paths. This can reduce flow capacity within the drainage media, especially when geosynthetic drainage cores are used. Define Flow Conditions Flow conditions can be either steady-state or dynamic. Defining these conditions is important because the retention criteria for each is different. Examples of appli- cations with steady-state flow conditions include standard dewatering drains, wall drains and leachate collection drains. Inland waterways and shoreline protection are typical examples of applications where waves or water currents cause dynamic flow conditions. 3 DE rERMI NE Charts 1 and 2 indicate the use of particle -size SCIL FETEN-nCN parameters for determing retention criteria. These charts show that the amount of gravel, sand, silt and FE�)a FEMENM clay affects the retention criteria selection process. Chart 1 shows the numerical retention criteria for steady-state flow conditions; Chart 2 is for dynamic flow conditions. For predominantly coarse grained soils, the grain - size distribution curve is used to calculate specific parameters such as CU, C' U, Cc, that govern the retention criteria. Chart 1. Soil Retention Criteria of Steady -State Flow Conditions FROM SOIL PROPERTIES TESTS NON-DISPERSME SOIL 095 < 0.21 MM MORETHAN (1DHR<0.5) 20 % CLAY ,0 < 0.002mm DISPERSIVE SOIL (DHR> 0.5) I........... LESS THAN 20% CLAY, and MORE THAN 10% SILT 023> 0.002mm and 10 < 0.07mm) APPLICATION FAVORS RETENTION LESS THAN 10% SILT, and MORE THAN 10% SAND (d10>0.07mm and d10 <4.8mm) MORE THAN 90% GRAVEL APPLICATION FAVORS PERMEABILITY USE 3 TO 6 INCHES OF VERY FINE SAND BETWEEN SOIL AND GEOTEXTILE, THEN DESIGN THE GEOTEX- TILE AS A FILTER FOR THE SAND ..................................................... PLASTIC SOIL PI>5 NON -PLASTIC SOIL PI<5 �Wy LOOSE 9 ....t ..................................E .........1...: 1 < 351 095 < 7T d 50 STABLE deo SOIL USE � C'u WIDELY (1 -Cc -3) UNSTABLE dtH: USE SOIL (Cc _ 3 or Gc<1) C'u < 3 d10 > 4.8mm NOTES: (d30y Cc _ dsoXdlo dx = particle diameter of which size x percent is smaller to = relative density of the soil d'_ where: d',,, and d'o are the extremeties of a straight line drawn PI = plasticity index of the soil C'u = d.o through the particle -size distribution, as directed above and DHR = double -hydrometer ratio of the soil d'50 is the midpoint of this line 095 = geotextile opening size (D ") FMEDIUM 13.5 Oos ` d so (3 < ID < 65%) C \ DENSE (ID > 65%) 18 095 ` 77d'so LOOSE (ID < 35%) 0951C'ud'50 MEDIUM (35% < ID < 65%) 095 < 1.5 C' d'50 \ DENSE 095 < Z C' u d 50 11 Chart 2. Soil Retention Criteria of Dynamic Flow Conditions .1-1. ­­ -- 1. a0.21MM FROM SOIL PROPERTIES TESTS MORE THAN 20% CLAY d20 < 0.002mm (DHR < 0.5) DISPERSME SOIL (DHR> 0.5) a........... LESS THAN 20% CLAY, and MORE THAN 10% SILT USE 3 TO 6 INCHES OF VERY FINE SAND BETWEEN SOIL AND GEOTEXTILE, THEN DESIGN THE GEOTEX- TILE AS A FILTER FOR THE SAND (d20 > 0.002mm and d10 < 0.07mm) ............................E ....................... LESS THAN 10% SILT, and MORE THAN 10% SAND (d10 > 0.07mm and d10 < 4.8mm) MORE THAN 90% GRAVEL d10 > 4.8mm SEVERE WAVE ATTACK MILD WATER CURRENTS PLASTIC SOIL PI > 5 NON -PLASTIC SOIL PI<5 WW ..........E . .......1.... NOTES: dx = particle diameter of which size x percent is smaller PI = plasticity index of the soil 095 < d50 DHR = double -hydrometer ratio of the soil 095 = geotextile opening size Cu = d60/d10 C > 5 095 < 2.5 d50 and 095 < d90 C < 5 d50 < 095 < d90 Analysis of the soil to be protected is critical to proper filtration design. Define Soil Particle -Size Distribution The particle -size distribution of the soil to be protected should be determined using test method ASTM D 422. The grain size distribution curve is used to deter- mine parameters necessary for the selection of numerical retention criteria. Define Soil Atterberg Limits For fine-grained soils, the plasticity index (PI) should be determined using the Atterberg Limits test procedure (ASTM D 4318). Charts 1 and 2 show how to use the PI value for selecting appropriate numerical retention criteria. Determine the Maximum Allowable Geotextile Opening Size (095) The last step in determining soil retention requirements is evaluating the maxi- mum allowable opening size (095) of the geotextile which will provide adequate soil retention. The 095 is also known as the geotextile's Apparent Open- ing Size (AOS) and is determined from test procedure ASTM D 4751. AOS can often be obtained from manufacturer's literature. Define the Soil Hydraulic Conductivity (ks) DET/II NE Determine the soil hydraulic conductivity, often referred to as permeability, using one of the following methods: C3fDC11LEPB:4\/IE For critical applications, such as • For non -critical applications, ABI LITY REQJ RE earth dams, soil permeability should estimate the soil -hydraulic conduc- M�S be lab measured using tivity using the characteristic grain representative field conditions in diameter d15, of the soil (see Figure accordance with test procedure 2 on the following page). ASTM D 5084. 5 IZIAI10:0 C14 IM.N1 I•;1/ ABI LITY REC O RE MENTS (conti nued) Figure 2. Typical Hydraulic Conductivity Values O[ G4l F. LP I rim" L I 1+no- I — r IrN* Cpa� Pik � Bd� �uK UO lalwi -^ U S. maNDIbRd gign $17gg Define the Hydraulic Gradient for the Application (is) The hydraulic gradient will vary depending on the filtration application. Anticipated hydraulic gradients for various applications may be estimated using Table 1 below. Table 1. Typical Hydraulic Gradients (a) Drainage Applications Typical Hydraulic Gradient Channel Lining 1.0 Standard Dewatering Trench 1.0 Vertical Wall Drain 1.5 Pavement Edge Drain 1.0 Landfill LCDRS 1.5 Landfill LCRS 1.5 Landfill SWCRS 1.5 Shoreline Protection Current Exposure 1.O(b) Wave Exposure 10(b) Dams 10(b) Liquid Impoundments 10(b) (a) Table developed after Giroud, 1988. (b) Critical applications may require designing with higher gradients than those given. Determine the Minimum Allowable Geotextile Permeability (kg) The requirement of geotextile permeability can be affected by the filter appli- cation, flow conditions and soil type. The following equation can be used for all flow conditions to determine the minimum allowable geotextile permeability (Giroud, 1988): kg ❑ is ks Permeability of the geotextile can be calculated from the permittivity test procedure (ASTM D 4491). This value is often available from manufacturer's lit- erature. Geotextile permeability is defined as the product of the permittivity, 11, and the geotextile thickness, tg: kg = [It 9 To minimize the risk of clogging, follow this criteria: DET WINE • Use the largest opening size (095) For woven geotextiles, use the that satisfies the retention criteria. largest percentage of open area AN'flaCMNG For nonwoven geotextiles, use the available, never less than 4%. RRIXEMEWS largest porosity available, never less NOTE: For critical soils and applica- than 30%. tions, laboratory testing is recommend- ed to determine geotextile clogging resistance. Both the type of drainage or armor material placed adjacent to the geotextile and the construction techniques used in placing these materials can result in dam - DE SWINE age to the geotextile. To ensure construction survivability, specify the minimum Sll�/ABI LILY strength properties that fit with the severity of the installation. Use Table 2 as a guide in selecting required geotextile strength properties to ensure survivability for FEW FEMEWS various degrees of installation conditions. Some engineering judgement must be used in defining this severity. Table 2. Survivability Strength Requirements (after AASHTO, 1996) HIGH CONTACTSTRESSES (ANGULAR DRAINAGE MEDIA) (HEAVY COMPACTION)or SUBSURFACE (HEAVY CONFINING STRESSES) DRAINAGE LOW CONTACT STRESSES (ROUNDED DRAINAGE MEDIA) (LIGHT COMPACTION)or (LIGHT CONFINING STRESSES) HIGH CONTACT STRESSES (DIRECT STONE PLACEMENT) (DROP HEIGHT> 3 F"f) ARMORED EROSION CONTROL LOW COMACT STRESSES (SAND OR GEOTEMILE CUSHION)and (DROP HEIGHT, 3 Fn GF SiRBJGTH aONG4 SE SE wNC1u BURST IRPPBZGID )LBS) N) STr Q.BS) � ps) Sm (LBS) � WS) 247 < 50% * 222 90 392 56 157 > 50% 142 56 189 56 180 < 50% * 162 67 305 56 112 > 50% 101 40 138 40 247 < 50% * 222 90 392 56 202 > 50% 182 79 247 79 247 < 50% * 222 90 292 56 157 > 50% 142 56 189 56 * Only woven monofilament geotextiles are acceptable as < 50% elongation filtra- tion geotextiles. No woven slit film geotextiles are permitted. During installation, if the geotextile filter is exposed to sunlight for extended peri- ods, a high carbon black content and UV stabilizers are recommended for added DEfpBIV1II ENE DIRABI L- resistance to UV degradation. Polypropylene is one of the most durable geotextiles IlY �ti F�/I�1TS today. It is inert to most naturally occurring chemicals in civil engineering applica- tions. However, if it is known that the geotextile may exposed to adverse chemicals (such as in waste containment landfill applications), use test method ASTM D5322 to determine its compatibility. References Giroud, J.P., "Review of Geotextile Filter Design Criteria." Proceedings of First Indian Conference on Reinforced Soil and Geotextiles, Calcutta, India, 1988. Heerten, G., "Dimensioning the Filtration Properties of Geotextiles Considering Long -Term Conditions." Proceedings of Second International Conference on Geotextiles, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1982. AASHTO, "Standard Specification for Geotextile Specification for Highway Applications", M288-96 N Silty Gravel Well -Graded Well -Graded Silty Sand (SM) cn w/Sand Sand Silty Sand - k 00005cm/s H(GM) (SW) #1 (SW) #2 s PI - 0 W ks = .005cm/s ks = .005cm/s ks = .001 cm/s Cc = 3.0 LU a PI=0 PI PI C'u=16.2 0 Cc=2.8 CC=1.0 Cc=2.1 d'50=.21 W C'u=34 C'U=9.1 C'u=5.3 CU=67 a d'50 = 3.5mm d'50 - 52mm - d' 28mm 50 - - d50 - 22mm J CU = 211 CU = 8.4 CU = 6.6 d90 = .95mm 0 d50 = 5.0mm d50 = .60mm d50 = •28mm (Note: Moderate to d90 = 22mm d90 = 2.7mm d90 = 1.6mm HCompaction Heavy omp Required) Soil Fbtention(') 1.85 mm 1.03 mm .95 mm .18 mm Permeabi I ity 5 x 10-3 5 x 10-3 1 x 10-3 5 x 10-5 Clogging Resistance P.O.A. > 6% P.O.A. > 6% P.O.A. > 6% n > 30% Survivability Req't LOW LOW LOW LOW G•adation Widely Graded Widely Graded Widely Graded Widely Graded Y Relative Soil Density Dense Dense Dense Medium - RLTEFWW_AVE400 I RLTMV\EAVE400 I RLTMOEAVE400 MIRAR 180N tn� Soil Retention(') .93 mm .51 mm .48 mm .18 mm Permeability 5 x 10-3 5 x 10-3 1 x 10-3 5 x 10-5 Clogging Resistance P.O.A. > 6% P.O.A. > 6% P.O.A. > 6% n > 30% Survivability Req't HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH Gadation Widely Graded Widely Graded Widely Graded Widely Graded I�lativeSoil Density Loose Loose Loose Medium RLTER0EAVE404 R LTERAEAVE 404 R LTERAEAVE 404 MIRAR 18ON c Ea) 35 � ate_ E .T Soil Retention(') Permeability Clogging Resistance Row Conditions Soil Retention(') Permeabi I ity Clogging Resistance Row Conditions 12.5 mm 5 x 10-3 P.O.A. > 6% Mild Currents 5.0 mm .5 x 10-2 P.O.A. > 6% Severe Wave Attack II101:Viy,y_Vi: EALh! 1.5 mm 5 x 10-3 P.O.A. > 6% Mild Currents 0.60 mm .5 x 10-2 P.O.A. > 6% Severe Wave Attack a101::AUT,yTMAE,[01 0.7 mm 1 x 10-3 P.O.A. > 6% Mild Currents 0.28 mm 1 x 10-2 P.O.A. > 6% Severe Wave Attack 0.55 mm 5 x 10-5 P.O.A. > 6% Mild Currents : 1::IT T I � 11 0.22 mm 5 x 10-4 P.O.A. > 6% Severe Wave Attack :I 111111120V y_\AMM1111 Maximum opening size of geotextile (095) to retain soil. 2 Steady state flow condition. 3 Dynamic Flow Conditions Clayey Sand Sandy Silt Lean Clay (SC) (M L) (C L) ks = .00001 cm/s ks = .00005cm/s ks = .0000001cm/s PI=16.0 P1=0 PI=16.7 Cc=20 Cc=2.9 Cc=3.3 C'U = n/a C'U = 1.7 C'U = n/a d' 50 = n/a d' 50 = .07 d' 50 = n/a ICU = 345 ICU = 10.8 Cu = 36 d50 = .55mm d50 = .072mm d50 = .014mm d90 = 5.8mm dgo = .13mm d90 = .05mm > 10% silt > 16% silt < 20% clay < 20% clay .21 mm .24 mm .21 mm 1 x 10-5 5 x 10-5 1 x 10-7 n > 30% n > 30% n > 30% LOW LOW LOW Non -dispersive Uniformly Graded Non -dispersive Dense MIRAR 140NSeries MIRAR 140NSeries MIRAFI 140NSeries .21 mm .18 mm .21 mm 1 x 10-5 5 x 10-5 1 x 10-7 n > 30% n > 30% n > 30% HIGH HIGH HIGH Non -dispersive Uniformly Graded Non -dispersive Medium MIRAR 16ON MIRAR 18ON MIRAR 160NI 1.4 mm 0.13 mm 0.035 mm 1 x 10-5 5 x 10-5 1 x 10-7 P.O.A. > 6% n > 30% n > 30% Mild Currents Mild Currents Mild Currents FILTERAEAVE400 MIRAR 110ON MIRAR 1160N 0.55 mm 0.07 mm 0.014 mm 1 x 10-4 5 x 10-4 1 x 10-6 P.O.A. > 6% P.O.A. > 6% n > 30% Severe Wave Attack Severe Wave Attack Severe Wave Attack R LTERAEAVE 404 MIRAR 1160N MIRAR 1160N DISCLAIMER Ten Cate Nit The information presented herein will not apply to every instal- lation. Applicability of products will vary as a result of site con- ditions and installation procedures. Final determination of the suitability of any information or material for the use contem- plated, of its manner of use, and whether the use infringes any patents, is the sole responsibility of the user. Miral is a registered trademark of Nicolon Corporation. BCG ►_e Surcharge CCompach d Native Soil .grid Cempacted Drainage Fll' textile alter Fabric 6" Minimum Granular FlII • Seepage Cut-off • Pavement Edge Drains • Slope Seepage Cut-off • Surface Water Recharge • Trench or "French" Drains • Structure Pressure Relief • Foundation Wall Drains • Retaining Wall Drains • Bridge Abutment Drains • Planter Drains • Leachate Collection and Removal • Blanket Drains • Subsurface Gas Col- lection • River and Streambed Lin - ROCK REVETMENT ing • Culvert Inlet and Discharge - 3 t Aprons GEGTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC.: • Abutment Scour Protection Access Ramps Proper installation of filtration geotextiles includes anchor- ing the geotextile in key trenches at the top and bottom of • Coastal Slope Protection Shoreline Slope Protection ;. Pier Scour Protection s> 'li Sand Dune Protection --- E GEGTEXT IL Underwater geotextile placement is common and must include anchorage of the toe to resist scour. /_ i. Ten Cate Nicolon For more information on Mirafi° Geotextiles Filters in drainge and armored erosion control applications, contact one of the following offices: In North America contact: Ten Cate Nicolon 365 South Holland Drive Pendergrass, Ga. 30567 706-693-2226 Toll free: 888-795-0808 Fax: 706-695-4400 In Europe contact: Ten Cate Nicolon Europe Sluiskade NZ 14 Postbus 236 7600 AE Almelo The Netherlands Tel: +31-546-544487 Fax: +31-546-544490 In Asia contact: Royal Ten Cate Regional Office 11 th Floor, Menara Glomac Kelana Business Centre 97, Jalan SS 7/2 47301 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia Tel: +60-3-582-8283 Fax: +60-3-582-8285 In Latin America & Caribbean contact: Ten Cate Nicolon 5800 Monroe Road Charlotte North Carolina 28212 USA Tel: 704-531-5801 Fax:704-531-5801 log on to our website: www.tcnicolon.com APPENDIX B - VI Liner System Geotextile Cushion Calculation Liner System Geotextile Cushion Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Calculation Title: Liner System Geotextile Cushion Design Summary: A nonwoven geotextile with a mass per unit area of 16 oz/yd2 is recommended as a cushion layer above the primary HDPE geomembrane for the proposed demonstration paste deposition areas at the Belews Creek Steam Station. This recommendation is for a protrusion height of 0.75 inch (19.05 mm), which corresponds to a maximum particle size of 1.5 inch (38.1 mm) for the granular drainage layer. Notes: Revision Log: No. Description Origin�a't`o�r/Jaf J� Verifier Technical Reviewer 00 Initial Submittal Basak Gulec Dincer Ken Daly Thomas B. Maier Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 1 of 5 7/17/17 amec foster wheeler Liner System Geotextile Cushion Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station OBJECTIVE: This calculation package is prepared as part of the liner system design for the proposed demonstration paste deposition areas at Belews Creek Steam Station, Stokes County, North Carolina. The objective of this calculation is to size the nonwoven geotextile of the liner system that will be placed between the geomembrane and the aggregate layer as a geotextile cushion to protect the geomembrane against puncture. The cushion design calculation is presented in Attachment 1. METHOD: The design formulas commonly used in the design of geotextiles for puncture protection of geomembranes are presented in Koerner (2008) referring to the following papers: Wilson- Fahmy et al. (1997), Narejo et al. (1997), and Koerner et al. (1997). 60-mil high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane was used in these studies. These design formulas are presented below as Equations 1 and 2. Koerner (2008) is presented as Attachment 2. FS = Paitow (1) Pact where, FS: Factor of safety Papaw: Allowable pressure Pact: Actual pressure due to the applied normal stress Pallow = (50 + 0.00045 Ml 1 1 [ ] [ ] (2) Hz MFS xMFPD xMFA RFceo xRFcR where, Papaw: Allowable pressure (kPa) M: geotextile mass per unit area (g/m2) H: protrusion height (m) MFs: modification factor for protrusion height MFPo: modification factor for packing density MFA: modification factor for arching in solids RFcBo: reduction factor for long-term chemical/biological degradation RFcR: reduction factorfor long term creep The originally recommended modification factors (all less than 1.0) and reduction factors (all greater than 1.0) are presented in Table 1 of Attachment 2. The original long term creep reduction factor (RFcR) was revised by Koerner (2008) using ten-year creep test results. Revised long term creep reduction factors are presented in Table 3 of Attachment 2. Actual pressure (Pact) due to the applied normal stress is calculated using Equation 3. In the proposed liner system configuration, layers above the liner geosynthetics are paste and granular drainage soil (aggregate) layers. Pact — Ypaste xHpaste + Yaggregate xHaggregate (3) Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 2 of 5 '' 4 7/17/17 amec foster wheeler Liner System Geotextile Cushion Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station where, 7paste: unit weight of paste (pcf) Hpaste: height of paste (ft) yaggregate: unit weight of aggregate (pcf) Haggregate: height of aggregate (granular drainage soil) (ft) In this calculation package, Equations 1 to 3 are used to design the geotextile cushion layer for the puncture protection of the underlying geomembrane. LINER SYSTEM: The liner system will consist of the following components from top to bottom: • Geotextile; • Granular drainage soil (18-in. thick, #57 aggregate); • Nonwoven geotextile; • 60-mil double -sided textured HDPE geomembrane; • Geocomposite drainage layer; • 60-mil double -sided textured HDPE geomembrane; • Compacted subgrade. For the purposes of these analyses, the granular drainage soil (aggregate) was assumed to have a wet unit weight (y) of 130 pcf. Maximum particle size of the aggregate is assumed to be 1.5 inch. PASTE DEPOSITION AREA: Three paste deposition areas with two different waste height (six feet and ten feet) are planned as part of this paste demonstration project. Two deposition areas with six feet of paste will have different paste compositions. For the purposes of these analyses, the paste was assumed to have a unit weight (7) of 150 pcf. CALCULATIONS: Cushion geotextile design calculation using Equations 1 and 3 is presented in Attachment 1. Calculation inputs and results are discussed below. 1.0 Actual pressure calculation Actual pressure due to the applied normal stress is calculated using Equation 3 as shown in Attachment 1. Unit weights of 130 pcf and 150 pcf are used for the aggregate and paste layers, respectively. Actual pressure is calculated for paste heights of six feet and ten feet. 2.0 Allowable pressure calculation Protrusion height corresponds to half of maximum aggregate size, which is assumed to be 1.5 inch. Therefore, 0.75 inch (19.05 mm) is used as the protrusion height in Attachment 1. Based Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 3 of 5 '' 4 7/17/17 amec foster wheeler Liner System Geotextile Cushion Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station on this protrusion height and long term creep recommendations of Koerner (2008) summarized in Table 3 of Attachment 2, a geotextile with a mass per unit area of 16 oz/yd2 (542.4 g/m2) is preliminarily selected for this analysis. If adequate FS is not achieved, a heavier geotextile will be selected. Modification factors, which are all less than or equal to 1.0, used in this analysis are summarized below: MFs (modification factor for protrusion height): conservatively assume 1.0 (angular particles) MFPo (modification factor for packing density): conservatively assume 1.0 (isolated particles) MFA (modification factor for arching in solids): conservatively assume 1.0 (no soil arching effect) Reduction factors, which are all greater than or equal to 1.0, used in this analysis are summarized below: RFcBo (reduction factorfor long-term chemical/biological degradation): conservatively assume 1.5 (harsh leachate from Table 1 of Attachment 2) RFcR (reduction factor for long term creep): conservatively assume 2.0 (RFcR>1.5 is recommended for protrusion height of 12 mm for 550 g/m2 geotextile) Using the inputs presented here, allowable pressure for the geomembrane is calculated using Equation 2 as presented in Attachment 1. 3.0 FS calculation FSs calculated for paste heights of six feet and ten feet are presented in Attachment 1 and summarized below. Table 1. Calculated FSs against puncture for a 16 oz/yd2 nonwoven geotextile Paste Height (ft) Pact (psf) Pact (kPa) Pallow (kPa) FScalculated Acceptable 6 1,095 52.4 521.1 4.6 Yes 10 1,695 81.2 521.1 3.0 Yes DISCUSSION: A nonwoven geotextile with a mass per unit area of 16 oz/yd2 is recommended as a cushion layer above the primary HDPE geomembrane for the proposed demonstration paste deposition areas at the Belews Creek Steam Station. This recommendation is for a protrusion height of 0.75 inch (19.05 mm), which correspond to a maximum particle size of 1.5 inch (38.1 mm) for the granular drainage soil layer. Construction loading should be limited to 12 psi not to exceed the service load used in the calculation. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 4 of 5 '' 7/17/17 amec A foster wheeler Liner System Geotextile Cushion Design Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station REFERENCES: Koerner, R.M. "Modification to the "GRI-Method" for the RFcR Factor Used in the Design of Geotextiles for Puncture Protection of Geomembranes", GRI White Paper #14, November, 24, 2008. 2. Koerner, R.M., Wilson-Fahmy, R.R., and Narejo, D. "Puncture Protection of Geomembranes: Part III Examples" Geosynthetics International, Vol. 3, No. 5, IFAI, pp. 655-675, 1997. 3. Narejo, D, Koerner, R.M., and Wilson-Fahmy, R.R. "Puncture Protection of Geomembranes: Part II Experimental' Geosynthetics International, Vol. 3, No. 5, IFAI, pp. 629-653, 1997. 4. Wilson-Fahmy, R.R., Narejo, D, and Koerner, R.M. "Puncture Protection of Geomembranes: Part I Theory" Geosynthetics International, Vol. 3, No. 5, IFAI, pp. 605- 628, 1997. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 5 of 5 '' 4 7/17/17 amec foster wheeler Attachment 1 Geotextile Cushion Design Spreadsheet Design of Cushion Geotextiles for Puncture Protection of Geomembranes Reference: Koerner, R.M. "Modification to the "GRI-Method"for the RFcr Factor Used in the Design of Geotextiles for Puncture Protection of Geomembrane", Geosynthetic Institute, GRI White Paper #14, Nov. 24, 2008. FS = Pallow Pact FS: Factor of Safety Pallow: Allowable pressure for a 60 mil HDPE geomembrane Pact: Actual pressure due to the applied normal stress Pallow = 150 + 0.00045 H ) [MFS x MFPD x MFA] [RFcBD x RFcR] Pallow: Allowable pressure (kPa) M: geotextile mass per unit area (g/m2) H: protrusion height (m) MFS: modification factor for protrusion height (<_1.0) MFPD: modification factor for packing density (51.0) MFA: modification factor for arching in solids (:51.0) RFCBD: reduction factor for long-term chemical/biological degradation (>_1.0) RFcR: reduction factor for long term creep (>_1.0) 6 ft Paste Height Pact Calculation: Thickness of Aggregate (ft) 1.5 Paste Height (ft) 6 Unit Weight of Aggregate (pcf) 130 Unit Weight of Paste (pcf) 150 Pact (psf) 1,095 Pact (kPa) 52.4 Pallow and FS Calculation: M (oz/yd2) 16 M (g/m2) 542.4 Max. Particle Size (in) 1.5 Max. Particle Size (m) 0.0381 H (m) 0.01905 M FS 1 M FPD 1 MFA 1 RFcBD 1.5 RFcR 2 Pallow (kPa) 240.9 Pact (kPa) 52.4 FS 4.6 10 ft Paste Height Pact Calculation: Thickness of Aggregate (ft) 1.5 Paste Height (ft) 10 Unit Weight of Aggregate (pcf) 130 Unit Weight of Paste (pcf) 150 Pact (psf) 1,695 Pact (kPa) 81.2 Pallow and FS Calculation: M (oz/yd2) 16 M (g/m2) 542.4 Max. Particle Size (in) 1.5 Max. Particle Size (m) 0.0381 H (m) 0.01905 M FS 1 MFPD 1 M FA 1 RFcBD 1.5 RFcR 2 Pallow (kPa) 240.9 Pact (kPa) 81.2 FS 3.0 Attachment 2 GRI White Paper #14 Koerner (2008) Geosynthetic Institute GRI 475 Kedron Avenue GEI GSI GII Folsom, PA 19033-1208 USA TEL (610) 522-8440 GAI GO FAX (610) 522-8441 GRI White Paper #14 Modification to the "GRI-Method" for the RFCR-Factor Used in the Design of Geotextiles for Puncture Protection of Geomembranes by Robert M. Koerner Geosynthetic Institute 475 Kedron Avenue Folsom, PA 19033 USA Phone: 610-522-8440 Fax: 610-522-8441 E-mail: robert.koerner@coe.drexel.edu November 24, 2008 GRI White Paper #14 Modification to the "GRI-Method" for the RFCR-Factor Used in the Design of Geotextiles for Puncture Protection of Geomembranes 1.0 Background In 1991, we published our first paper eventually leading to a geotextile design method for protecting geomembranes against puncture. Through the work of a number of colleagues (George Koerner, Grace Hsuan, Ragui Wilson-Fahmy) and graduate students (Don Hullings, Dhani Narejo, Mike Montelone, Bao-Lin Hwu) this method has been used worldwide for such geotextile design for about twelve -years. The data from which the method was developed, however, was based on short-term laboratory testing. To extend it into a long-term prediction, tables for biological/chemical degradation and long-term creep were presented largely on the basis of intuition rather than by experiments. Of these two mechanisms, creep is by far the more important. Now, after ten -years of creep puncture testing we are in a position of verifying, or not, the originally proposed table. This verification issue is the focus of this White Paper. 2.0 The "GRI-Method" for Desianina Geotextiles to Prevent Geomembrane Puncture Figure 1 shows details of the truncated plastic cones used as worst -case puncturing objects to a geomembrane. The containment vessels are used to apply hydrostatic pressure to the geomembrane test specimen (1.5 mm smooth HDPE was used throughout the various studies), in turn to the protection geotextile (the "variable" in all tests), and then onto the stationary array of three cones. A well graded concrete sand was used to backfill portions of the cones allowing for a known height -of -cone to be evaluated. o ° ° n Rounded to 0.25 mm radius a 0 28 mmt • n 43n a 130 mm o 0 ° F a a Q o i250 mm o � n O n R� mm Geomembrane Protection layer (a) Sketches of truncated cones, their arrangement, and test vessel cross section (b) Single pressure vessel (c) Two of four identical pressure vessels with readout boxes Fig. 1. Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI) test vessel(s) used to evaluate geotextile protection materials; one vessel was used in the short-term tests, four were used for the long-term tests. While many theses and technical papers have been written using this experimental test setup, a series of three papers captures the entire program; Wilson-Fahmy, et al. (1997), Narejo, et al. (1997) and Koerner, et al. (1997). The resulting design formula uses a conventional factor of safety as follows: FS = Pauow 'Pact where FS = factor of safety (against geomembrane puncture), (1) Pact = actual pressure due to the applied normal stress, e.g., landfill contents or surface impoundments, and pallow = allowable pressure using different types of geotextiles and site -specific conditions Based on the experimental test results an empirical relationship for "pallow" was obtained. It is given as Equation 2. Its use, however, requires the use of modification factors and reduction factors as given in Table 1. Note that in this table, all MF values <_ 1.0 and all RF values >_ 1.0. pa[[ow = 50 + 0.00045 HIMF, x MF x MF�RF x RF��(2) PD A � CBD CR where pallow = allowable pressure (kPa), M = geotextile mass per unit area (g/m2), H = protrusion height (m), MFs = modification factor for protrusion shape, MFPD = modification factor for packing density, MFA = modification factor for arching in solids, RFcBD = reduction factor for long-term chemicalibiological degradation, and RFcR = reduction factor for long-term creep. Table 1. Modification factors and reduction factors for geotextile protection material design using Equation 2, i.e., the "GRI-Method". (a) Modification factors (all <_ 1.0) MFS MFPD MFA Angular 1.0 Isolated 1.0 Hydrostatic 1.0 Subrounded 0.5 Dense, 38 mm 0.83 Geostatic, shallow 0.75 Rounded 0.25 Dense, 25 mm 0.67 Geostatic, mod. 0.50 Dense, 12 mm 0.50 Geostatic, deep 0.25 (b) Reduction factors (all >_ 1.0) RFCR Mass per unit area Protrusion height (mm) RFCBD (gm/m2) 38 25 12 Mild leachate 1.1 Geomembrane alone N/R N/R N/R Moderate leachate 1.3 270 N/R N/R > 1.5 Harsh leachate 1.5 550 N/R 1.5 1.3 1100 1.3 1.2 1.1 >1100 =1.2 -1.1 =1.0 Abbreviation: N/R = Not recommended The design situation can be approached by using a given mass per unit area geotextile to determine the unknown FS-value, or from using a given FS-value to determine the unknown mass per unit area geotextile. Koerner (2005) gives numeric examples, and Valero and Austin (1999) present design charts for the many variables contained in the design equation. It might be noted that this method is the only design method that allows for direct selection of a geotextile protection material without the need for large scale trail -and -error experimental testing. In Equation 2 the two terms "RFCBD" and "RFCR" are intended to extend the short term test results into a simulated long term performance behavior. Since HDPE is quite resistant to chemical and biological degradation, the term RFCBD is comparatively small. The term RFCR, however, is not small and in many cases a "not recommended" decision is suggested. Due to its importance in the overall design, a series of long term creep tests using this same methodology, i.e,. truncated cones, has been undertaken for the past ten years. This White Paper presents these new results which will be seen to lead to a revised table for the RFcR-values. 3.0 Creep Puncture Results After Ten -Years There are four identical test vessels used in this creep study, each containing three identical truncated cones shaped and configured as shown in Figure 1. In all cases the geomembranes being evaluated are 1.5 mm nominal thickness smooth HDPE which conform to the GRI-GM13 specification insofar as their physical, mechanical, and endurance properties are concerned. Also common to all four setups is the geotextile cushioning materials. They consisted of three layers of 200 g/m2 needle -punched nonwoven (continuous filament) polyester geotextiles. They will be collectively referred to as 600 g/m2 protection materials. The differences in the four test vessels are the heights of the truncated cones causing the puncture to occur and the applied hydrostatic pressures. Regarding the cone heights, sand is placed and compacted in the vessels leaving a protrusion height rising above the sand level; see Figure 2. As placed, two vessels had initial cone heights of 12 mm and the other two had initial cone heights of 38 mm. It was recognized that 38 mm was unacceptable, e.g., in Table lb, "not recommended" is listed, but this limit was in need of being verified. Regarding the 12 mm cone heights, Table lb indicates that it should be acceptable providing a FSCR = 1.3 is used in the design procedure of Equation 2. This, of course, had to be verified as well. (a) Array of three cones rising above sand level (b) An individual cone height of 38 mm Fig 2. Photographs indicating the truncated cone protrusions producing the puncturing action. Regarding the applied hydrostatic pressure, there was considerable uncertainty. The design procedure using Eqs. 1 and 2 does not address a maximum pressure. As a result high hydrostatic pressures were used for the two 12 mm cone heights (430 and 580 kPa) and low hydrostatic pressures were used for the two 38 mm cone heights (52 and 34 kPa). It is worth mentioning that hydrostatic pressure represents surface impoundment (liquid) stresses but overestimates solid waste stresses due to the arching that occurs within the solid waste as deformation occurs. The MFA-term in Table la attempts to take such geostatic stresses into account. Table 2 presents the results of this creep puncture study. Note that the cone heights varied somewhat due to shifting sand as pressure was applied and maintained. It should also be mentioned that the applied hydrostatic pressure represent 10 to 28% of the short-term failure stresses. As noted, all twelve of the truncated cones experienced yield in the geomembranes, with one having an actual break. The thickness reductions in the yield regions are also noted with the 38 mm cone heights resulting in the greatest reductions. Table 2. Results of Truncated Cone Ten -Year Creep Puncture Tests (600 g/m2 NP-NW-PET geotextile protecting a 1.5 mm smooth HDPE geomembrane) Vessel Vertical Cone Heights' Applied Puncture Stress' Final Description of Geomembrane' No. Initial (mm) Final (mm)2 (kPa) (%)4 Visual Thickness (mm)6 1 12 12.1 430 23 3-subtile yields — no breaks 1.16 (30% reduction) 2 12 11.5 580 28 3-subtile yields — no breaks 0.80 (52% reduction) 3 38 29.7 52 15 3-pronounced yields; one break 0.32 (80% reduction) 4 38 31.1 34 10 3-pronounced yields; no breaks 0.34 (78% reduction) 1. Each test apparatus had three identical truncated cones beneath the geomembrane; see Figure 4. 2. The cone heights changed during, or after, pressurization due to movement of the initially placed sand layers. i.e, the sand was essentially pushed up around the stationary cones. 3. Hydrostatic stress applied to geomembrane; beneath which is the geotextile and then the three puncturing cones. 4. Percentage of short-term failure stress using Equation 2 for the calculations. 5. Refers to geomembrane response after ten -years of hydrostatic stress. 6. Results are average minimum geomembrane thickness above the cone tips. Regarding the type and amount of yield it was very subtle for the 12 mm cone heights and very pronounced for the 38 mm cone heights (there was a small break in the yield zone for one of the six cones); see Figure 3. An analytic analyses of the resulting geomembrane strains in the yield regions was attempted but the crescent moon shape of the yield regions was not amendable to standard tensile strain calculations. On the other hand thickness strains were tractable and Table 2 gives these results; see Koerner, et al. (2009) for complete details. (a) Deformations from 12 mm cone heights; Vessels No. 1 and 2 (b) Deformation from 38 mm cone heights; Vessels No. 3 and 4 Fig. 3. Photographs of several of the yield zones caused by truncated cone deformations of geomembrane test specimens. 4.0 Summary and Conclusions The need for geomembrane protection against puncture by objects such as stones and gravel has been apparent for many years. Commonly used for this purpose are relatively thick needle -punched nonwoven geotextiles. In essence, such geotextiles provide a cushion in blunting the inherent aggressiveness of the puncturing object against the geomembrane. Even further, geomembranes used as liner materials beneath solid waste landfills are commonplace and for large landfills the normal stresses on such geomembranes are very high, i.e., the puncture situation is greatly exacerbated. The type of geomembrane is also an issue. By virtue of its good chemical resistance and long anticipated lifetime, HDPE geomembranes are routinely used to line solid waste landfills. Many countries even sole source this type of geomembrane. That said, HDPE is (other than scrim reinforced geomembranes) the most sensitive geomembrane type to out -of -plane deformation, as is the situation arising from a puncturing stone located above or below the geomembrane; Nosko and Touze-Folz (2000). As a result of the above issues, several approaches toward selecting a proper geotextile protection material are in the literature. This White Paper has focused on the "GRI-Method" which was the result of a large short-term testing project that has been published and widely used for about twelve -years. Needed, however, is the projection of the short-term testing results into long-term behavior. This was done in the past using empirical tables for both degradation (RFCBD) and creep (RFcR) reduction factors; recall Equation 2. The degradation by chemical and biological agents is the lesser of the two reduction factors and, as a result, this present effort is focused entirely on the validity of the RFCR-values. The original values are given in Table lb. To verify or refute the given values, this ten-year creep study of HDPE geomembranes and their associated geotextile protection materials against puncture has been concluded and this White Paper presents the results. The same type of pressure vessel and truncated puncturing cones as used in the short- term tests were used for these long-term tests. In all cases, 1.5 mm thick smooth HDPE geomembranes were used and protected by 600 g/m2 needle -punched nonwoven PET geotextiles. Three truncated cones were used in each of four pressure vessels, the differences being the protruding cone heights (six at — 12 mm and six at - 38 mm) and applied hydrostatic pressures (varying from 34 to 580 kPa). After ten -years of pressurization the vessels were dismantled and it was found that all six of the high cone heights (� 38 mm) had pronounced yield zones in the geomembranes and one of the six had a small break within its yield zone. Clearly, such high cone heights with this type of geotextile are unacceptable. The entry in Table lb in this regard mentions "not recommended" and this comment is hereby substantiated. However, the creep test results at low cone heights (_ 12 mm) provide a different conclusion. Table lb indicates that a 12 mm cone height with a 550 g/m2 protection geotextile is acceptable with a RFCR = 1.3. Since all six of these cases resulted in geomembrane yield (albeit small yields in comparison to the higher cone heights), the Table 1 b values must be changed and made more conservative in their design guidance. To be noted in Table lb for RFCR, a not recommended (N/R) comment exists for the various protrusion heights in descending order as the cone heights decrease and the protection geotextile mass increases. By virtue of these long-term creep test results, the N/R comments must be extended. Thus, our conclusion as a result of this creep testing program is to replace the existing RFCR-values with Table 3 following: Table 3. Revised values for "RFCR" to be used in Equation 2 for geotextile protection materials design. "RFCR"-Values Mass per unit area Protrusion Height (mm) (g/m2) 38 25 12 Geomembrane alone N/R N/R N/R 270 N/R N/R N/R 550 N/R N/R >1.5 1100 N/R 1.5 1.3 >1100 1.3 1.2 1.1 Abbreviation: N/R = Not recommended Lastly, the entry of ">1.5" for a 12 mm cone height associated with a 550 g/m2 geotextile is felt to be appropriate considering the following items. • The geotextiles used at present are made from polypropylene fibers versus the tested geotextiles which were made from polyester fibers. Since the specific gravity of PP is 0.91 and that of PET is between 1.22 and 1.38, one has from 25% to 34% more filaments in an equivalent mass per unit area geotextile using polypropylene fibers. This provides for considerably greater protection capability. • The area of yield for the six — 12 mm cone heights was extremely small and the thicknesses of the remaining geomembrane was such that considerable deformation could still be sustained before break is even close to occurring. • The ">1.5" recommendation is precisely for additional conservatism and safety and if a designer wishes to be more conservative than the new recommended table suggests he/she is free to do so. 5.0 References Koerner, R. M., (2005). Designing with geosynthetics, Pearson -Prentice Hall Pub]. Co., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 796 pgs. Koerner, R. M., Koerner, G. R., Hsuan, Y. G. and Geyger, D. (2009), "Ten year creep puncture study of HDPE geomembranes protected by needle -punched nonwoven geotextiles," submitted to Journal of Geotextiles and Geomembranes fro review and possible publication, December 2, 2007. Koerner, R. M., Wilson-Fahmy, R. R. and Narejo, D., (1997), Puncture protection of geomembranes; Part III examples," Geosynthetics International, Vol. 3, No. 5, IFAI, St. Paul, MN, pp. 655-675. Narejo, D., Koerner, R. M. and Wilson-Fahmy, R. F., (1997), "Puncture protection of geomembranes; Part II experimental," Geosynthetics International, Vol. 3, No. 5, IFAI, St. Paul, MN, pp. 629-653. Nosko, V. and Touze-Folz, N. (2000), "Geomembrane liner failure: modeling of its influence on contaminant transfer," Proc. 2nd European Geosynthetics Conference, Bologna, Italy, pp. 557-560. Valero, S. N. and Austin, D. N., (1999), "Simplified design charts for geomembrane cushions," Proc. Geosynthetics '99, IFAI Publ., Roseville, MN, pp. 357-372. Wilson-Fahmy, R. F., Narejo, D. and Koerner, R. M., (1997), "Puncture protection of geomembranes; Part I theory," Geosynthetics International, Vol. 3, No. 5, IFAI, St. Paul, MN, pp. 605-628. APPENDIX B - VII Reinforced Slope Design Calculation Reinforced Slope Design Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Calculation Title: Reinforced Slope Design Calculation Summary: Calculations were performed to design reinforcement for a 1.5H:1V reinforced slope constructed of compacted ash. The recommended reinforcement consists of an 8-ft length every 2-ft vertically of a woven reinforcement geotextile having a long-term design strength of at least 500 lb/ft. Notes: Revision Log: No. Description Originator Verifier Technical Reviewer 00 Initial SubmittalN���� Thomas B. Maier Ken Daly Ken Daly Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 1 of 4 11 7/17/17 amec 4 foster wheeler Reinforced Slope Design Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station OBJECTIVE: Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (Amec Foster Wheeler) was retained by Duke Energy to design containment for paste demonstration cells at the Belews Creek Steam Station. The purpose of this calculation package is to provide design recommendations for reinforcementto enable construction of a 1.51-1:1 V reinforced slope constructed of compacted ash. Only the static load case is considered. METHOD: The analysis was performed using Slope/W software (Reference 1). General guidance on performing the slope stability analyses was obtained from multiple sources (including References 2, 3 and 4). The minimum slope stability factor of safety is provided in Table 1. In accordance with Reference 4, factors of safety for slopes other than the slopes of dams should be selected consistent with the uncertainty involved in the parameters and the consequences of failure. The load case analyzed is: Temporary Load Case: The temporary load case represents a static condition that exists for weeks to months. For this analysis, a lower bound drained shear strength for compacted ash of 28 degrees was used. Analysis for circular potential slip surfaces were performed using Spencer's method and incorporating geosynthetic reinforcement. Table 1. Load Case and Factor of Safety Criteria for Slope Stability Analyses Load Case Minimum F.S. Temporary Load 1.2 MODEL INPUTS: Model Development The slope stability model represents the proposed side wall of a paste containment cell prior to installation of the liner system and filling with paste. The cross section geometry is shown in the Slope/W output in Attachment A. Material Properties Material properties used for granular and geosynthetic materials in the analysis are provided in Tables 2 and 3. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 2 of 4 11 7/17/17 amec foster wheeler Reinforced Slope Design Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Table 2: Material Properties of Granular Materials for Static Analysis Unit Weight (pcf) Total Stress Shear Effective Stress Shear Material Strength Strength. Above WL Below WL c (psf) cp (deg) c' (psf) cp' (deg) Description Compacted Ash 90 NA NA NA 0 28 Fill Notes: WL = water level Table 3: Material Properties of Geosynthetic Materials for Static Analysis Material Long Term Design Interface Shear Description Strength per GRI GT7 Strength (lb/ft) Woven Geotextile 500 80% of shear strength Reinforcement of compacted ash Development of Phreatic Surface No phreatic surface is modeled. The paste containment cells will be constructed in a landfill where the phreatic surface will be kept below the modeled section by engineered measures. DISCUSSION: For the temporary condition analyzed, the calculated factor of safety against global slope failure is 1.24 and exceeds the target of 1.2. Wrapped -face construction of the reinforced soil slope will be needed to prevent surface sloughing. Based on recommended practice, the upper end of each wrap should have a minimum embedment of 4 feet. Each wrap should enclose a 2-foot thickness of compacted ash. This vertical spacing with an 8-foot lower embedment and 4-foot upper embedment is compatible with using a standard 15-foot geotextile roll width without cutting or seaming. REFERENCES: 1. GEOSLOPE International (2014). GeoStudio 2012, Version, May 2014 Release. 2. J. M. Duncan and S.G. Wright (2005). Soil Strength and Slope Stability, John Willey and Sons, N.Y. 3. Geosynthetic Institute (2012), "Determination of the Long -Term Design Strength of Geotextiles," GRI Standard Practice GT7 Rev. 2. 4. US Army Corps of Engineers (2003). Slope Stability, EM 1110-2-1902, October 31, 2003. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 3 of 4 11 7/17/17 amec 4 foster wheeler Reinforced Slope Design Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station ATTACHMENT: Attachment A Slope= Output Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 4 of 4 , 7/17/17 amec foster wheeler ATTACHMENT A Slope/W Output Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Project Load Case: Static with Geosynthetic Reinforcement 1.241 (8 ft long every 2 ft vertically) FS = 1.24 APPENDIX B - VIII Liner System Settlement Liner System Settlement Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Calculation Title: Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Project— Liner System Settlement Summary: This calculation provides an analysis of the paste demonstration cell liner system settlement at the Craig Road Landfill due to filling the demonstration cells with paste. The settlement calculations are based on elastic theory. Notes: Revision Log: No. Description Originator Verifier Technical Reviewer 00 Initial Submittal J ea°w (v\ Thomas Maier Rohit Garg Ken Daly Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 1 of 4 ' 7/17/17 amec 4 foster wheeler Liner System Settlement Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this calculation are to estimate the settlement of the paste demonstration cell liner system due to filling the demonstration cells with paste, and to calculate the post - settlement slope of the liner system floor. METHOD: Three demonstration cells will be constructed on compacted coal combustion residuals (CCR) within the Craig Road Landfill. Two cells will be filled with a 6-foot thickness of CCR paste, and one cell will be filled with a 10-foot thickness of CCR paste. These calculations are performed for the cell having a 10-foot thickness. The settlement of underlying compacted CCR due to the weight of paste is calculated to evaluate differential settlement of the demonstration cell liner system. Settlement of granular materials may consist of elastic compression (immediate settlement in response to loading) and consolidation (settlement over time corresponding to the dissipation of excess pore pressure as water gradually drains from fine-grained materials). There is no phreatic surface within the compacted CCR and no loading induced pore pressures are anticipated. Therefore, only elastic compression is considered in this calculation. DEFINITION OF VARIABLES: Esi elastic modulus of subgrade layer (lb/ft2) Hi thickness of ith compressible subgrade layer (ft) i designation for layer Ki soil layer constrained modulus of ith layer (lb/ft2) Sei settlement of ill subgrade layer (ft) St total subgrade settlement (ft) gi unit weight of layer i (lb/ft3) Op vertical stress increase (lb/ft2) e strain (ft/ft) CALCULATIONS: 1. Equations Used for Elastic Compression One dimensional theory of elastic compression was used for settlement estimation. Elastic settlement of a subgrade layer can be represented by the following equation: Set = " Hi (Equation 1) Ms i where, kti = soil layer constrained modulus of ill layer (lb/ft2) Ap = vertical stress increase (lb/ft2) Sei = elastic settlement of it' soil layer (ft) Hi = thickness of it' compressible subgrade soil layer (ft) Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 2 of 4 IT 7/17/17 amec 4 foster wheeler Liner System Settlement Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station The constrained modulus can be calculated from the elastic modulus as follows: M E (1—v) SL _ - 51(1+v)(1-2v) where, Esi = elastic modulus of ith layer (lb/ft2) v = poisson's ratio (dimensionless) The total settlement of the liner system is the sum of the settlements of the layers: St = ESei (Equation 2) (Equation 3) Based on the geometry described in Section 3, differential settlement will reduce the slope of the cell floor. The slope reduction, based on an initial slope of 5 percent and a length of 15 feet is calculated as follows: A/3 = x100 (Equation 4) f where, Afl = decrease in slope AS = differential settlement Lf = length of cell floor 2. Material Properties The material properties used in the settlement calculation analysis are presented in the following table. Table 1: Material Properties Material Description Wet Unit Weight (pcf) Es (psf) v (dimensionless) Ms (psf) CCR Paste 150 NA NA NA Compacted CCR NA 500,000 0.30 673,077 The unit weight for CCR paste is based on a typical unit weight for concrete. Test data for the elastic modulus of compacted CCR were not available. However, by observation, compacted CCR is similar to medium dense sand. The elastic modulus of the compacted CCR was based on the upper end of the range for loose sand presented by Bowles, 1988 [Reference 1] (see Attachment 1). 3. Test Cell Geometry The floor of the test cell will be 15 feet long by 5 ft wide, with a 5 percent slope. The average thickness of CCR is expected to be 10 feet, and the surface of the paste is expected to have an Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 3 of 4 7/17/17 amec 4 foster wheeler Liner System Settlement Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station 8 percent slope. The estimated thicknesses of CCR paste at the high end and low end of the cell are 10.2 feet and 9.8 feet, respectively. The thickness of compacted CCR below the test cell is approximately 40 feet. Rather than dividing this stratum into layers and computing the vertical stress influence factor for each layer based on the theory of elasticity, an influence factor of 1 is assumed for the full thickness of the stratum. 4. Calculated Settlement and Change in Liner Slope Settlement at high end of cell floor: SeH — 0P H = (10.2)(150) 40 = 0.091 ft MS 673,077 Settlement at low end of cell floor: '= AP _ (9.8)(150) SeL M H 673 077 40 = 0.087 ft s Decrease in slope: AS 0.091 — 0.087 A%3 = L x 100 = 15 100 = 0.03% f DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: The estimated total settlement of the cell floor is approximately 0.1 feet. The estimated post settlement slope of the cell floor is 4.97%. REFERENCES: 1. Bowles, J. E. (1988). Foundation analysis and design, Pg. 99 ATTACHMENTS 1. Table of typical ranges of elastic modulus Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 4 of 4 IT 7/17/17 amec 4 foster wheeler Attachment 1 Table of typical ranges of elastic modulus [Ref. 1 ] ORCMILAR)CAI. PAOPFUTI ;raMNQ INM-X sFTri.FMWr, srRONUnI 001RRr,ATlr*S h jl 4 TABLE 2-7 Typiud ronge of ra1mes fm ar, static stress-stmio modular 1':,r For sebmted mdAs I:irks vulucs depc13d On almr;4 HAOFF, WACce Lvn1rn4 CdlLily,tt-L% G Suit kxf Ik1pa :I � f (slay Very sort 34-fi 2• •15 see [Q 5{}0 5 25 �. Medivin 300- IWD Rfi--50 Mid r -roo $andy 5(*-5(m 2�-250 Gla6li lilt L1 UDOM 2 32M to-I50 Case 300D-15OW I`r[1~32k 'Very dense luw(0 -3130W 500-14 0 L OM 3 12W 15-61) ! Sava � snty 1 s0•aZ 5-20 Dense 104+R>-1700 Sund :ind Unv-d I �� 4 Lflow l000-30 -150 _ Date NW -4c00 10U-xo Stu& 3000.300004 sat The modulus r f • ndwr de react k, is, rtAwd as the ratio of stress to I ; deformation as shown on F4 2-37c. Tile units of 1, EL Pe the same as unit weight. The Acar modulus 6' (and may be wobn'ipted) is deflotd as the ratio of shear sires t0 sheaf strain. It is relattd to F, aznd ;I as IS — F� (b) E. �{1 + li T11cshearing sInda e. is the change in right auglo at any corner of an dement u in Vig. 2-3?h itLrh that .5 angle: BCD — angle FCY t� Another concept oomiionaily used is the volumetrie, strain, defined es AY .If APPENDIX B - IX Demonstration Cell Volume Calculation Demonstration Cell Volume Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Calculation Title: Demonstration Cell Volume Calculation Summary: The paste volume was calculated for three cells, of which two cells average 6 foot deep paste deposition and one cell averages a 10 foot deep paste deposition. The cell side slopes are to be 1.5 horizontal: 1 vertical. The required paste volume to achieve the average thicknesses in these three cells is 413 yd3. The total paste volume produced is controlled by the available wastewater volume of 50,000 gallons. Assuming a 25 percent paste loss during operations the net paste volume that can be produced is 413 yd3. Notes: Revision Log: No. Description Originator Verifier Technical Reviewer 00 Initial Submittal Shubha Oza Robert King Ken Daly Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 1 of 4 1 07/17/2017 amec 4 foster wheeler Demonstration Cell Volume Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station OBJECTIVE: To evaluate demonstration cell size and volume versus the estimated paste volume. METHOD: The paste volume requirement was calculated based on the "Design Basis Report — Rev 01" for the paste demonstration study. The controlling parameter in these calculations is the availability of concentrated wastewater of 50,000 gallons. CALCULATIONS: 1.1 Pilot -scale Demonstration Cell Size and Volume The demonstration pad will consist of three demonstration cells: two of the demonstration cells have a target six foot paste thickness and the third cell has a target ten foot paste thickness. Two selected mix -designs will be evaluated in these demonstration cells. Demonstration Cell 1 — Mix design 1, deposition depth - 6 feet Demonstration Cell 2 — Mix design 2, deposition depth - 6 feet Demonstration Cell 3 — Mix design 1 or 2. Will be selected after the two mix -designs are finalized. Deposition depth - 10 feet Beginning from a bottom dimension of 5 foot wide by 15 foot long, the demonstration cells will be constructed with a 1.5 to 1 side slope until a sufficient height is reached to contain the target paste thickness. The demonstration cells are designed with a geosynthetic liner system overlain by an 18-inch thick leachate collection system (LCS) aggregate layer on the cell floor. Volumes calculated in vertical increments are characterized by the stage -storage relationship reported in Table 1 a and Table 1 b. Based on the stage -storage volume calculations and the assumptions above, a total volume of 413 yd3 (81+81+250.5) of paste is required to achieve the target paste thicknesses. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 2 of 4 IT 07/17/2017 amec _`- foster wheeler Demonstration Cell Volume Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy - Belews Creek Steam Station Table 1a: Paste Volume for Cells with 6 ft Deposition Item Elevation Length Width Surface Area Incremental Storage Volume Total Storage Volume ft ft ft ft2(ft) ft3 d3 1 837.5 5 15 75.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 838 6.5 16.5 107.3 45.6 45.6 1.7 3 839 9.5 19.5 185.3 146.3 191.8 7.1 4 840 12.5 22.5 281.3 233.3 425.1 15.7 5 841 15.5 25.5 395.3 338.3 763.3 28.3 6 842 18.5 28.5 527.3 461.3 1224.6 45.4 7 843 21.5 31.5 677.3 602.3 1826.8 67.7 8 843.5 23 33 759.0 359.1 2185.9 81.0 Table 1b: Paste Volume for Cell with 10 ft Deposition Item Elevation Length Width Surface Area Incremental Storage Volume Total Storage Volume ft ft ft(ft) ft3 ft3 d3 1 837.5 5 15 75.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 838 6.5 16.5 107.3 45.6 45.6 1.7 3 839 9.5 19.5 185.3 146.3 191.8 7.1 4 840 12.5 22.5 281.3 233.3 425.1 15.7 5 841 15.5 25.5 395.3 338.3 763.3 28.3 6 842 18.5 28.5 527.3 461.3 1224.6 45.4 7 843 21.5 31.5 677.3 602.3 1826.8 67.7 8 844 24.5 34.5 845.3 761.3 2588.1 95.9 9 845 27.5 37.5 1031.3 938.3 3526.3 130.6 10 846 30.5 40.5 1235.3 1133.3 4659.6 172.6 11 847 33.5 43.5 1457.3 1346.3 6005.8 222.4 12 847.5 35 45 1575.0 758.1 6763.9 250.5 1.2 Available Paste Volume Based on the wastewater availability (50,000 gal) the estimated available paste volume is presented in Table 2a and Table 2b. These volumes are calculated based on the following assumptions: • The specific gravity (SG) of the paste is estimated to be 1.5. • The paste recipe is assumed to be 6% lime, 30% wastewater and 64% fly ash (ingredients by weight percentages.) • Density of wastewater is assumed to be the same as water. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 3 of 4 IT 07/17/2017 amec _`- foster wheeler Demonstration Cell Volume Calculation Paste Demonstration Project Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Table 2a: Paste Volume Calculations Item Description Qty Units Comments 1 Volume of Wasteater 50,000 gal Concentrated wastewater from Reverse Osmosis Plant 6,684 ft3 248 d3 Tonnage of Wastewater 417,112 Ibs 209 tons 2 Paste wastewater content 30% Determined by UNC Charlotte Labwork Paste Tonnage 695 tons 1,390,374 Ibs Paste Density 1.50 SG I Estimated Paste Volume 14,854 ft3 550 yd3 Table 2b: Total Paste volume Details Volume Paste volume available ft3 - Gross 14,854 Paste volume available d3 - Gross 550 Paste volume available ft3 - Net 11,140 Paste volume available d3 - Net 413 DISCUSSION: Based on the assumed SG and solids contents of the mix design, 550 yd3 gross volume of paste can be produced. Assuming 25% wastage, the net paste volume that can be produced with 50,000 gal wastewater is 413 yd3. Paste demonstration cells require a total volume of 413 yd3 to achieve the target depths. REFERENCES: Amec Foster Wheeler, 2017. "Design Basis Report — Revision 01 ", Paste Demonstration Project, Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station. Report submitted to Duke Energy Carolinas, May 31, 2017. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810-16-0681 4 of 4 IT 07/17/2017 amec foster wheeler Engineering and Facility Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina APPENDIX C Technical Specifications Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 August 3, 2017 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 August 3, 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR BELEWS CREEK PASTE DEMONSTRATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC STOKES COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SPECIFICATIONS 01 71 23 Construction Surveying 22 13 63 Water Storage Tank 31 1000 Site Clearing 31 20 00 Earth Moving 31 20 05 Trenching 31 32 00 HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 30 Woven Geotextile 31 32 40 Nonwoven Geotextile 31 35 20 Erosion and Sediment Control 31 37 00 Aggregate & Riprap 32 92 00 Seeding 3341 10 HDPE Pipe and Pipe Fittings Table of Contents TOC - 1 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 SECTION 017123 — CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING A. Section includes: the minimum requirements for completion of the Work associated with surveying for the project, including tasks related to control of the Work during performance, documentation of construction progress, and preparation of record survey drawings to be submitted to the Owner. Anticipated survey documents include: 1. Existing Conditions (Optional) 2. Final Subgrade 3. Geomembrane 4. Protective Cover/Top of LCS 5. Leachate piping and appurtenances 6. Stormwater piping and appurtenances B. Specification section does not include daily surveying tasks that may be required for the Contractor to control or complete the Work or for proper control of construction operations. The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the work tasks required to adequately control the Contractor's construction operations to meet project and specification requirements. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. At the completion of the Work, the Contractor shall submit all Record Documents to the Engineer for review and comment within 10 days of substantial completion. The Engineer will review the Record Documents within a period of 1 week and either approve the Record Documents or return the Record Documents to the Contractor for revisions. Upon revision, the Record Documents Survey Plan shall be resubmitted to the Engineer for review and comment. 1.3 QUALITY CONTROL A. The Contractor shall be responsible for tasks required for quality control of the work associated with daily activities not related to record drawing or submittals. Work associated with control of the Contractor's work not related to record documents may be performed by the Contractor's personnel at the Contractor's discretion. B. Surveys for Record Documents shall be performed by a third -party qualified Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) currently registered in the State of North Carolina as approved by the Owner. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for providing personnel, including subcontractors that meet the required qualifications. Construction Surveying 01 71 23 - 1 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The Owner may retain, at their sole discretion, an independent surveying firm to provide Quality Assurance (QA) for the project. The Owner shall define the scope of work to be performed by the QA surveying firm. B. The Contractor shall cooperate with the Owner's QA surveying representative as necessary to complete the Work, including coordinating access to construction work areas. If necessary, the Contractor shall suspend construction operations in the vicinity of the QA surveying work at the Owner's request. C. Any required re -work due to the Contractor's survey errors will be at the Contractor's sole expense. Any schedule delays or replacement of materials due to the Contractor's survey errors shall be the Contractor's responsibility. D. Completion of any supplemental surveying work considered necessary by the Owner, at their sole discretion, due to incomplete or inadequate surveying data shall be the Contractor's responsibility. 1.5 SURVEY ACCURACY REQUIREMENTS A. Surveys shall be performed to the following tolerances: Points shall be reported horizontally and vertically within 0.01 feet. 1.6 SURVEY DATUMS AND REFERENCES A. The horizontal datum shall be referenced to the North Carolina State Plane Coordinate System, NAD83 or as approved by the Engineer. B. The vertical datum shall be referenced to NGVD29 or as approved by the Engineer. C. Surveys shall use the US Survey Foot as the unit of measure. D. At a minimum, the Contactor shall establish three (3) control points within the work boundary tied to established site survey monuments or control points. The Owner will supply established site survey monument or control point data. The quantity of control points established shall be sufficient for the Contractor to control the Work, including locating and establishing lines and grades as necessary. E. Once established, the Contractor shall protect survey control points, monuments, or benchmarks during construction. Re-establishment of survey control points, monuments, or benchmarks destroyed or disturbed as a result of the Contractor's construction operations shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Construction Surveying 01 71 23 - 2 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 1.7 SURVEYS FOR QUANTITIES A. The Contractor shall perform ground surveys as required by the Owner approved Survey Plan to define and depict Work performed, including sufficient backup data to allow the Owner to determine measurable quantities of work performed. B. The Contractor shall perform surveys and calculations as necessary to determine Work performed during each progress payment period. Contractor shall provide sufficient backup information and data to allow the Owner to verify quantities of Work performed. C. Completion of any supplemental surveying work considered necessary by the Owner, at their sole discretion, due to incomplete or inadequate surveying data shall be the Contractor's responsibility. 171taIP 9 Z0] 18L41111. 2.1 SOFTWARE A. Prior to commencing work associated with surveying requirements, Contractor shall coordinate with Engineer to determine an acceptable electronic format for which all submittals and deliverables will be made. 2.2 PLOTS A. Prior to commencing work associated with surveying requirements, Contractor shall coordinate with Owner to determine an acceptable format for which all hard copy submittals and deliverables will be made. B. All hard copy deliverables and submittals shall include, at a minimum, the following information: 1. Project name and location. 2. Contractor's firm name. 3. Survey firm name and names of survey party. 4. Date of survey and submittal. 5. Identifier for revision sequence. 6. Surveying firm's professional certification. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL SURVEY REQUIREMENTS A. The Work shall be performed in conformance with the lines and grades of the project drawings and the requirements of the Specifications. The Contractor shall notify the Owner of any discrepancies between actual conditions and the drawings, real or perceived, so that the Owner may resolve the discrepancies prior to performance of related Work. Construction Surveying 01 71 23 - 3 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 B. Written notice shall be provided to the Owner one week prior to performing any Work associated with data collection related to Record Documents so that the Owner may coordinate QA work activities if necessary. C. The Owner may require re -work of any task or activity that, in the sole judgment of the Owner, is not adequately documented by acceptable survey data or standards. D. The Contractor shall be responsible for surveying and recording any deviations from the project drawings or design, whether the deviations are requested by the Owner or Contractor. E. Utilize recognized engineering survey practices appropriate for obtaining the information specified. F. Protect and preserve temporary and permanent reference points during construction. Promptly report to Engineer the loss or destruction of any reference point or relocation required because of changes in grades or other reasons. Replace dislocated reference points based on original survey control. Make no changes without prior written notice to Engineer. G. The Work shall be executed in conformance with the lines and grades shown on the Drawings, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. H. Establish elevations, lines and levels required for all items of the Work. 3.2 DOCUMENTATION OF THE WORK A. Maintain a complete and accurate log of control and survey work as it progresses. B. Record survey drawings shall be prepared to fully document the Work, as specified in individual specification sections. C. The surveys shall be performed at a grid spacing to define the topography, and at all changes of grade sufficient to define the subject topography. D. Promptly submit the drawings (with computer files) to Engineer for review at critical stages of construction as specified in individual specification sections. E. Contractor's registered land surveyor (RLS) shall prepare and certify the record survey drawings. 3.3 EXISTING CONDITIONS SURVEY A. The Owner shall supply existing conditions topography developed from aerial methods from data obtained on May 7, 2017. B. The Contractor shall survey the existing topography within the Work Boundary with sufficient detail to confirm the Owner supplied topography or otherwise define the subject topography as needed. Construction Surveying 01 71 23 - 4 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 C. At a minimum, the Contractor shall survey existing conditions with sufficient detail to produce 1 foot contours that define existing topography. The Contractor may elect to perform a more detailed survey if desired for purposes of defining quantities. D. Survey data and topographic plots shall be provided to the Owner for review and comment within 10 days of completion of survey of existing topographic conditions. If the Contractor elects to perform the survey of existing conditions in parts, the survey data and topographic plots for portions surveyed shall be provided to the Owner within 10 days of completion of each portion of the total site. The Contractor shall submit a final plot combining all portions of the site if surveyed in multiple parts. 3.4 SUBGRADES A. The Contractor shall survey finished subgrades within the Work Boundary with sufficient detail to define the subject topography. The surveys shall be performed at a grid spacing and at all changes of grade sufficient to define the subject topography. B. The Contractor shall survey finished excavation grades with sufficient detail to produce 1 foot contours that define the subject topography. At a minimum, survey shall be performed on a grid spacing and at all changes of grade sufficient to define the subject topography. C. Survey data and topographic plots shall be provided to the Owner for review and comment within 10 days of completion of survey of finished grades. The Contractor may propose an alternate schedule for submission in the Survey Plan if desired subject to Owner approval. 3.5 GEOMEMBRANE SURVEYS A. The geomembrane survey shall include panel corners, transitions in panel geometry, repair locations, the outside bottom corner of the anchor trench, and other significant features. B. At the Engineer's discretion, geomembrane survey may be prepared using a handheld GPS device with sub -foot accuracy. 3.6 PROTECTIVE COVER/TOP OF LCS A. The top of the leachate collection system (LCS) and/or protective cover shall be surveyed and define the perimeter, corners, and interior locations adequate to define the surface topography. B. The top of the LCS and/or protective cover survey shall extend beyond the LCS level up to the top crest of the deposition cell slope. 3.7 FINAL GRADES AND PERMANENT FEATURES A. The Contractor shall survey final site grades within the Work Boundary with sufficient detail to define the subject topography. The surveys shall be performed at a grid spacing and at all changes of grade sufficient to define the subject topography. Construction Surveying 01 71 23 - 5 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 B. The Contractor shall survey finished excavation grades with sufficient detail to produce 1 foot contours that define the subject topography. Survey shall be performed on a grid spacing as needed to show all breaks in grade. C. Locations of the leachate piping shall also be submitted to the Engineer by the Contractor. Drawings shall include pipe locations within the cell, pipe fittings, and pipe cleanout locations at a spacing that is adequate to identify the position of the pipe. D. Liquid storage tank pad base elevations and tank inlet and outlet pipe invert elevations shall be surveyed. E. Survey data and topographic plots shall be provided to the Owner for review and comment within 30 days of completion of survey of final site grades. The Contractor may propose an alternate schedule for submission in the Survey Plan if desired subject to Owner approval. END OF SECTION 017123 Construction Surveying 01 71 23 - 6 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY Issued for Demonstration Approval August 3, 2017 SECTION 221363 —WATER STORAGE TANK A. Section includes water storage tanks including the following: 1. Leachate storage tanks. 2. Contact water collection storage tanks. B. Related Requirements. 1. Section 334110 "HDPE Pipe and Pipe Fittings." 1.2 REFERENCES A. American Standard Testing Methods (ASTM): 1. ASTM D1248 — Standard Specifications for Polyethylene Plastics Extrusion Materials for Wire and Cable. 2. ASTM D1693 — Standard Test Method for Environmental Stress -Cracking of Ethylene Plastics. 3. ASTM D 638 — Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics. 4. ASTM F2649 — Standard Specification for Corrugated High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Grease Interceptor Tanks 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall submit the following product data for each type of storage tank. 1. Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes for storage tanks and sight tubes. 2. Include rated capacities, operating characteristics, and furnished specialties and accessories. B. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings for each type of storage tank showing the following: 1. Include plans, elevations, sections, and mounting details. 2. Include details of equipment assemblies. Indicate dimensions, weights, loads, and required clearances, method of field assembly, components, and location and size of each field connection. 3. Detail fabrication and assembly of tank and components. C. Maintenance Data: For storage tanks to include in maintenance manuals. Water Storage Tank 22 13 63 - 1 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 August 3, 2017 D. Warranty: Manufacturer's tank warranty to be free from defects and material workmanship. Warranty shall be valid for a minimum one year from date of shipment. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Tank Materials: The polyethylene used shall comply with ASTM Standard D 1248, Specifications for Polyethylene Plastics Molding and Extrusion Materials. Raw materials shall meet or exceed the following. l . D 1248, Class B — requiring ultraviolet stabilizer or 2. D 1248, Class C — requiring a minimum 1 % carbon black and 3. D638 — Tensile strength of 2,400 pounds or greater 4. D1693 — Environmental stress crack resistance of 150 hours or more B. Tank Capacity: 1. Contact water collection tanks shall be a rated (gross) capacity of 5,000 gallons before installing inlet and overflow piping connections near the top of the tank. 2. Leachate tanks shall be a rated (gross) capacity of 500 gallons before installing inlet and overflow piping connections near the top of the tank. 2.2 PLASTIC, NONPRESSURE, WATER STORAGE TANKS A. Description: Modular, vertical, non -pressure -rated tank with cylindrical sidewalls. B. Construction: All tanks shall be of monolithic construction and shall be blow molded using high molecular weight HDPE resin. There shall be no metal parts molded into polyethylene tanks. Field assembly or modification of tanks is strictly prohibited with the exception of basic piping systems and risers. C. Tank Pumping: All tanks shall have sufficient structural integrity to withstand being pumped dry without incurring structural deformation D. Inlet and Outlet connections: Factory -fabricated, as indicated on the Drawings. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install water storage tanks on graded ABC stone bases, level and plumb, firmly anchored. Arrange so devices needing servicing are accessible. B. Install the following devices on tanks: Inlet and outlet connections to appurtenances and for over -the -wall and through -wall piping. Water Storage Tank 22 13 63 - 2 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval August 3, 2017 2. Install proper runner gaskets in outlets and inlet ports. 3. Unless tank wall is clear enough to allow observation of liquid levels through the tank wall, include visual liquid level site tubes on the tank exterior. C. After installing tanks with factory finish, inspect finishes and repair damages to finishes. 3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform the following tests and inspections: 1. Leak Test: Comply with ASTM F2649 or as approved by the Engineer. Repair leaks and retest until no leaks exist. a. Water will be furnished by Owner. 2. Test and adjust controls and safeties. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and equipment. B. Water storage tanks will be considered defective if they do not pass test and inspections. C. Prepare test and inspection reports. D. Obtain and submit tank manufacturer warranty to Owner. END OF SECTION 221363 Water Storage Tank 22 13 63 - 3 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes: Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 SECTION 311000 — SITE CLEARING 1. Stripping. 2. Clearing and grubbing. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 312000 "Earth Moving." 2. Section 313520 "Erosion and Sediment Control." 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Prior to stripping, the Contractor and the Engineering shall review site conditions and identify the areas, if any, requiring stripping of existing surface soils or ash. A suitable stockpile location shall be proposed and agreed upon by the Owner. B. Prior to undertaking clearing and/or grubbing activities, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with the name and address of the facility to where cleared and/or grubbed materials shall be disposed. C. Existing Conditions: Documentation of existing trees and plantings, adjoining construction, and site improvements that establishes preconstruction conditions that might be misconstrued as damage caused by site clearing. 1. Use sufficiently detailed photographs or video recordings. 2. Include plans and notations to indicate specific wounds and damage conditions of each tree or other plant designated to remain. D. Record Drawings: Perform existing conditions topographic survey. Identifying and accurately showing locations of capped utilities and other subsurface structural, electrical, and mechanical conditions. E. Burning (if allowed by Owner): Documentation of compliance with burning requirements and permitting of authorities having jurisdiction. Identify location(s) and conditions under which burning will be performed. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with State and local standards and ordinances. Site Clearing 31 10 00 - 1 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Stripping: removal of surface soils, ash, and vegetation to prepare for earth works activity. 2.2 Clearing and grubbing: Removal of surface vegetation, roots, and stumps. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Obtain appropriate Owner required excavation permits and Owner direction as to whether utility clearance is required in the subject work area. B. Locator Service: Notify utility locator service Call Before You Dig and private utility contractor North Carolina 811, www.nc8l Lorg or area where Project is located before site clearing. C. Protect and maintain benchmarks and survey control points from disturbance during construction. D. Verify that trees, shrubs, and other vegetation to remain or to be relocated have been flagged and that protection zones have been identified. E. Protect existing site improvements to remain from damage during construction. 1. Restore damaged improvements to their original condition, as acceptable to Engineer and at no additional cost to the Owner. F. Identify waste area for placing removed materials. May dispose on site if permitted by Owner in Owner designated area. 3.2 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL A. Adhere to the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan as provided by the Engineer. B. Install erosion and sedimentation control measures to prevent soil erosion and discharge of soil - bearing water runoff or airborne dust to adjacent properties and walkways, according to erosion and sedimentation control Drawings and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. C. Verify that flows of water redirected from construction areas or generated by construction activity do not enter or cross protection zones. D. Inspect, maintain, and repair erosion and sedimentation control measures during construction until permanent vegetation has been established. E. Remove erosion and sedimentation controls, and restore and stabilize areas disturbed during removal. Site Clearing 31 10 00 - 2 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 3.3 STRIPPING A. Stripping will only be performed on an as needed basis. The need for stripping will be dependent on existing conditions prior the start of construction as evaluated by the Engineer and agreed to by the Owner. B. Stripping shall be performed within the limits of disturbance as indicated on the Drawings, only in those areas that require construction activity, and only in areas agreed to by the Engineer and approved by the Owner. C. The precise stripping limits and depths will be determined in the field and agreed to by the Engineer and approved by the Owner. 3.4 CLEARING AND GRUBBING A. Clearing and grubbing is not anticipated to be needed within the Craig Road Landfill limits. However if clearing and grubbing is required outside the landfill limits to support the project objectives these specifications shall be followed. B. Clearing and grubbing shall be performed within the limits of disturbance as indicated on the Drawings and only in those areas that require construction activity. Clearing and grubbing shall be performed in such a manner as to minimize as much as possible the overall disturbance to the site. C. Remove obstructions, trees, shrubs, and other vegetation to permit installation of new construction. 1. Do not remove trees, shrubs, and other vegetation indicated to remain or to be relocated. 2. Grind down stumps and remove roots larger than 2 inches (50 mm) in diameter, obstructions, and debris to a depth of 18 inches (450 mm) below exposed subgrade. 3. Use only hand methods or airspade for grubbing within protection zones. D. Fill depressions caused by clearing and grubbing operations with satisfactory soil material unless further excavation or earthwork is indicated. Place fill material in horizontal layers not exceeding a loose depth of 8 inches (200 mm), and compact each layer to a density equal to adjacent original ground. E. Areas outside of the limits of clearing shall be protected from damage and no equipment or materials shall be stored or work be performed in those areas. 3.5 DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS AND WASTE MATERIALS A. Clearing debris that originated in ash areas, including vegetation, shall be removed from the Owner's property and disposed of in a landfill permitted to accept this waste stream. B. Remove surplus soil material, unsuitable topsoil, obstructions, demolished materials, and waste materials including trash and debris, and legally dispose of them off Owner's property. Site Clearing 31 10 00 - 3 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 C. Burning tree, shrub, and other vegetation waste, if allowed by the Owner, may be permitted according to burning restrictions and requirements and permitting of authorities having jurisdiction. Control such burning to produce the least smoke or air pollutants and minimum annoyance to surrounding properties. Burning of other waste and debris is prohibited. D. Separate recyclable materials produced during site clearing from other no recyclable materials. Store or stockpile without intermixing with other materials, and transport them to recycling facilities. Do not interfere with other Project work. END OF SECTION 311000 Site Clearing 31 10 00 - 4 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY Issued for Demonstration Approval August 3, 2017 SECTION 312000 — EARTH MOVING A. Section includes soil earthworks: 1. Mass excavation from on -site sources. 2. Soil import from off -site sources. 3. Undercut. 4. Stockpiling. 5. Compacted fill placement. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 017123 "Construction Surveying." 2. Section 311000 "Site Clearing." 3. Section 312005 "Trenching." 4. Section 313230 "Nonwoven Geotextiles." 5. Section 313240 "Nonwoven Geotextiles." 6. Section 313520 "Erosion and Sediment Control." 1.2 REFERENCES A. Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan B. ASTM International: 1. ASTM D422 — Standard Test Method for Particle Size Analysis of Soils with Hydrometer. 2. ASTM D698 — Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort. 3. ASTM D1556 — Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by Sand -Cone Method 4. ASTM D2216 — Standard Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass. 5. ASTM D2937 — Standard Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the Drive -Cylinder Method. 6. ASTM D2487 — Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System). 7. ASTM D2974 — Standard Test Methods for Moisture, Ash, and Organic Matter of Peat and Other Organic Soils. 8. ASTM D4318 — Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils. 9. ASTM D4959 — Standard Test Method for Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil by Direct Heating. 10. ASTM D4972 — Standard Test Method for pH of Soils. 11. ASTM D5084 — Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Porous Materials Using a Flexible Wall Permeameter. Earth Moving 31 20 00 - 1 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 August 3, 2017 12. ASTM D6938 — Standard Test Method for In -Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil -Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall retain a third -party surveyor registered in the state that the work is performed. B. The Contractor shall submit record drawings by the Registered Land Surveyor before and after earthmoving activities as described in Section 017123 Construction Surveying. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with these specification and the CQA Plan. B. Conformance Testing - Compacted fill placement. 1. Conformance testing shall be coordinated by the CQA Engineer. 2. Conformance testing will be performed by an independent laboratory at a frequency of at least 1 test per 3,000 cubic yards, a minimum of three suites of tests per source, when materials used for compacted fill changes, and/or as directed by the Engineer for the following: a. Laboratory moisture content (ASTM D2216) b. Atterberg limits (ASTM D4318) C. Grain size with hydrometer (ASTM D422) d. Moisture -density curve (ASTM D698) e. Other tests as required by the Engineer PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MASS EXCAVATION FROM ON -SITE SOURCES A. Ash or soil to be used for onsite grading and compacted fill shall be obtained in the areas located and marked within limits of work as indicated in the Drawings. Ash or soil mass excavation may be stockpiled or placed as compacted fill as directed by the Engineer. B. Ash obtained from within the Craig Road Landfill limits or as generated from the Belews Creek Steam Station may be used for onsite grading and compacted fill. 2.2 SOIL IMPORT FROM OFF -SITE SOURCES A. Provide borrow soil materials for compacted soil fill when sufficient satisfactory soil materials are not available from onsite excavations and stockpiles. B. Soil import from off -site borrow sources shall meet the specification requirements for its intended use. Earth Moving 31 20 00 - 2 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 August 3, 2017 2.3 UNDERCUT A. Ash or soil undercut shall be required when unsuitable materials are encountered. Materials determined unsuitable by the Engineer shall be excavated to a depth of 12 inches below the unsuitable material and to a lateral extent of 10 feet beyond the unsuitable area, or as directed by the Engineer. B. Undercut material shall be disposed in a location approved by the Owner. C. Excavated unsuitable areas shall be replaced with compacted ash or soil fill, aggregate, or lean concrete. 2.4 STOCKPILING A. Stockpiling is defined as excess ash or soil from mass excavation within the project area that is stored in an area as approved by the Owner. B. Material shall be stockpiled by material type as required by the Engineer and/or Owner. Anticipated material types include ash, compacted fill, intermediate cover soils, and spoils. 2.5 COMPACTED FILL A. Compacted fill placement is defined as ash or soil placed as fill and compacted to specified moisture and density requirements. B. Compacted Fill shall consist of excavated ash or earthen materials classifying as sand (SM, SW, SP, SC, SW-SM, SW -SC, SC-SM) silt (ML), or clay (CL) under the Unified Soil Classification System per ASTM D2487. Soils classifying as Organic Silt or Organic Clay (OL or OH) or High Plasticity Silt or Clay (MH or CH) shall not be used for Compacted Fill and shall be designated as an Unsuitable Material. Compacted fill shall not consist of coal combustion residual (CCR) material. C. Compacted fill placed as the surface cover soil to be vegetated shall be free of rocks larger than 4 inches. The upper 6 inches shall have a maximum protrusion height of 2 inches. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Do not commence earth -moving operations until erosion and sedimentation control measures specified in Section 313520 "Erosion and Sediment Control" and Section 311000 "Site Clearing" are permitted, in place and inspected and approved by the regulatory authority and the Engineer. B. The following materials shall be stockpiled separately: ash; soil. C. Stockpile locations shall be approved by the Owner. Spoils material shall be stockpiled in a separate location. Earth Moving 31 20 00 - 3 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 August 3, 2017 D. Work shall be performed in a manner that does not disturb the Owner's operation or facilities, existing survey monuments, monitoring wells, utilities, or other facilities active or inactive not indicated to be removed. E. Traffic: Minimize interference with adjoining roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities during earth -moving operations. 1. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, or other adjacent occupied or used facilities without permission from Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by Owner or authorities having jurisdiction. 3. Contractor shall be responsible for damage to roads due to truck traffic. 3.2 EXCAVATION PREPARATION A. Protect slopes, structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earth - moving operations. B. Protect and maintain erosion and sedimentation controls during earth -moving operations including required inspections, monitoring and recordkeeping. C. Protect subgrades and foundation soils from freezing temperatures and frost. Remove temporary protection before placing subsequent materials. 3.3 BACKFILL PREPARATION A. The Contractor shall proof roll subgrade with at least 2 passes of a 20-ton loaded dump truck, 1 pass of a 40-ton loaded articulated truck, or other means approved by the Engineer to identify soft spots under observation by the CQA Engineer. The Contractor shall fill and compact to density equal to or greater than requirements for subsequent fill material. B. Cut out soft areas of subgrade not capable of compaction in place. Backfill with compacted soil fill or as specified by the Engineer and compact to density equal to, or greater than requirements for subsequent fill material. C. Scarify subgrade surface to depth of 6 inches prior to placing fill D. Begin backfilling after Engineer's acceptance of the appropriate survey for underlying surface. 3.4 WATER MANAGEMENT A. The Contractor shall prevent surface water and ground water from entering excavations, from ponding on prepared subgrades, and from flooding Project site and surrounding area. B. Protect subgrades from softening, undermining, washout, and damage by rain or water accumulation. Earth Moving 31 20 00 - 4 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval August 3, 2017 C. Reroute surface water runoff away from excavated areas as directed by the Engineer. Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations. Do not use excavated trenches as temporary drainage ditches. D. Water that contacts CCR material shall be treated or handled in accordance with the landfill Operations Plan, state and federal regulations and with the approval of the Owner and Engineer. 3.5 EXCAVATION A. Contractor shall excavate ash and soil from within designated limits of work to final subgrade. B. Excavated materials may be stockpiled or placed as compacted soil fill as appropriate. C. Contractor shall be responsible for constructing stockpile(s) and for installing E&SC controls, inspection, maintenance, modification and repair of stockpile(s) as required. D. During excavation or relocation of ash and soil, the material shall be protected and conditioned to control fugitive dust and to limit erosion of the exposed surface. If the surface is dry and dust is observed, apply water to effectively moisture condition the material as approved by the Owner and Engineer. For erosion control, conform to the minimum requirements of the Erosion and Sedimentation and Pollution Control Plan on the Drawings. Additional measures may be required to control erosion of the exposed material, such as the installation of diversion berms, covers, moisture control and sediment fencing as approved by the Owner and Engineer. E. Shape the graded surfaces to be free from irregular surface changes. Finished grade shall not vary more than 0.10 feet above or below required elevations where shown on the drawings. Material located within 1-foot of geosynthetics shall have a maximum particle size of 3 inches with a maximum protrusion of/4 inch above surrounding grades. F. If Engineer determines that unsatisfactory ash or soil is present, continue excavation and replace with compacted backfill or other fill material as directed. G. Proof -roll subgrade with at least 2 passes of a 20-ton loaded dump truck, 1 pass of a 40-ton loaded articulated truck, or other means approved by the Engineer to identify soft pockets and areas of excess yielding, otherwise, compact subgrade by other methods approved by the Engineer. Do not proof -roll wet or saturated subgrades. 1. Completely proof -roll subgrade in one direction. Limit vehicle speed to 3 mph (5 km/h). 2. Excavate soft spots, unsatisfactory soils, and areas of excessive pumping or rutting, as determined by Engineer, and replace with compacted backfill or other fill material as directed. H. The Contractor shall reconstruct subgrades damaged by freezing temperatures, frost, rain, accumulated water, or construction activities, as directed by Engineer, without additional compensation. I. The graded surface shall be surveyed to check that the surface elevations are consistent with the Drawings and that the surface is suitable for placement of overlying materials. The surveyed elevations shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineer before proceeding with subsequent construction. Earth Moving 31 20 00 - 5 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 August 3, 2017 3.6 COMPACTED FILL A. Place backfill and fill materials in layers not more than 8 inches (200 mm) in loose depth for material compacted by heavy compaction equipment and not more than 4 inches (100 mm) in loose depth for material compacted by hand -operated tampers. B. For ash, compact each lift to a minimum of 95 percent of the material's maximum dry density and to within 5 percent of optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D698. C. For soil, compact each lift to a minimum of 95 percent of the material's maximum dry density and to within 3 percent of optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D698. D. Do not place backfill or fill soil material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice. E. Remove and replace, or scarify and air dry, otherwise satisfactory soil material that exceeds optimum moisture content by 3 percent and is too wet to compact to specified dry density. 3.7 COVER SOIL A. Place cover soil fill in layers not more than 8 inches (200 mm) in loose depth for material compacted by heavy compaction equipment and not more than 4 inches (100 mm) in loose depth for material compacted by hand -operated tampers. B. For soil, compact each lift to a minimum of 90 percent of the material's maximum dry density and to within 3 percent of optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D698. C. Do not place backfill or fill soil material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice. D. Remove and replace, or scarify and air dry, otherwise satisfactory soil material that exceeds optimum moisture content by 3 percent and is too wet to compact to specified dry density. 3.8 FIELD QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Field quality assurance shall be performed by the CQA Engineer. B. Compacted Fill and Cover Soil 1. Perform in -place compaction testing using the sand cone method (ASTM D1556), drive cylinder method (ASTM D2937), or nuclear method (ASTM D6938). 2. Perform in -place moisture content testing in accordance with ASTM D2216. 3. Frequency of compaction and moisture tests: a. Perform compaction and moisture tests at an average rate of one test per acre per lift for mass grading areas. b. Perform compaction at a minimum frequency of one test per lift per 5,000 square feet for linear features such as perimeter berms and roadways. C. One -point Proctor tests shall be performed at least once per day of testing and when the material changes. Earth Moving 31 20 00 - 6 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval August 3, 2017 4. Compaction and moisture test criteria: a. Compact to a minimum 95 percent of Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) maximum dry density. b. Ash compacted moisture content shall be within 5 percent of optimum or as directed by the Engineer. C. Soil compacted moisture content shall be within 3 percent of optimum or as directed by the Engineer. fc�` 91,071tlONYM U61&VAU)111C4 A. Protecting Graded Areas: Protect newly graded areas from traffic, freezing, and erosion. Keep free of trash and debris. B. Repair and reestablish grades to specified tolerances where completed or partially completed surfaces become eroded, rutted, settled, or where they lose compaction due to subsequent construction operations or weather conditions. Scarify or remove and replace material to depth as directed by Engineer; reshape and recompact. C. Where settling occurs prior to Substantial Completion, remove finished surfacing, backfill with additional fill material, compact, and reconstruct surfacing. D. Restore appearance, quality, and condition of finished surfacing to match adjacent work, and eliminate evidence of restoration to greatest extent possible. END OF SECTION 312000 Earth Moving 31 20 00 - 7 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY Issued for Demonstration Approval August 3, 2017 SECTION 312005 — TRENCHING A. Section includes trenching for installation of anchor trenches, piping, and utilities. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 312000 "Earth Moving." 2. Section 334100 "Storm Utility Drainage Piping." 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM International: 1. ASTM A798 - Standard Practice for Installing Factory -Made Corrugated Steel Pipe for Sewers and Other Applications 2. ASTM C 1479 - Standard Practice for Installation of Precast Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe Using Standard Installations 3. ASTM D698 - Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort 4. ASTM D1556 - Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by Sand -Cone Method 5. ASTM D2216 - Standard Test Method for Natural Moisture Content. 6. ASTM D2321 - Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity -Flow Applications 7. ASTM D2487 - Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) 8. ASTM D2937 - Standard Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the Drive -Cylinder Method 9. ASTM D6938 — Standard Test Methods for in -Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil -Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). B. North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT): 1. "Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures", 2012 Edition (NCDOT Standard Specifications). 1.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Proposed materials shall be approved by the Engineer as specified, prior to delivery and use of the materials in the construction. B. Contractor shall design, monitor, and maintain excavation support and protection system capable of supporting excavation sidewalls and of resisting earth and hydrostatic pressures and superimposed and construction loads. Trenching 31 20 05 - 1 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval August 3, 2017 1. Contractor Design: Design excavation support and protection system, including comprehensive engineering analysis by a qualified Professional Engineer. 2. Prevent surface water from entering excavations by grading, dikes, or other means. 3. Install excavation support and protection systems without damaging existing buildings, structures, and site improvements adjacent to excavation. 4. Continuously monitor vibrations, settlements, and movements to ensure stability of excavations and constructed slopes and to ensure that damage to permanent structures is prevented. 5. The Contractor shall provide de -watering of the trench as required during construction. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. Include construction details, material descriptions, performance properties, and dimensions of individual components and profiles, and calculations for excavation support and protection system. B. Submit certifications by manufacturers/suppliers for imported bedding material (if furnished) showing conformance of the materials with the Specifications. 1.5 FIELD CONDITIONS A. The Contractor is solely responsible for excavation slope stability. Excavation work shall be performed in compliance with applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. B. Interruption of Existing Utilities: Do not interrupt any utility serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility according to requirements indicated: 1. Notify Engineer and Owner's Construction Manager no fewer than seven days in advance of proposed interruption of utility. 2. Do not proceed with interruption of utility without Owner/Engineer's written permission. C. Project -Site Information: Historic geotechnical information may be available for the Contractor review. D. Survey Work: Engage a qualified land surveyor or Professional Engineer to survey adjacent existing buildings, structures, and site improvements; establish exact elevations at fixed points to act as benchmarks. Clearly identify benchmarks and record existing elevations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 BEDDING MATERIALS A. General: Provide materials that are either new or in serviceable condition. Trenching 31 20 05 - 2 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval August 3, 2017 B. Unless otherwise indicated, Bedding Material shall consist of either excavated material or imported material conforming to the specifications in the following paragraphs, depending on type of pipe or culvert. On -site excavated materials will be considered suitable, provided that the material conforms to the specified maximum particle sizes and is substantially free of roots, trash and other material which may be compressible or which cannot be compacted properly. C. For precast reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) and drop inlets, Bedding Material shall conform to the requirements for Category I, II or III materials as defined in ASTM C1479 and as specified in the following paragraphs. Maximum particle size shall be one inch. 1. Category I materials consist of clean coarse -grained soils and having characteristics consistent with SW, SP, GW or GP classifications as defined by the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). 2. Category II materials consist of coarse -grained soils with fines and having characteristics consistent with SM, SC, GM or GC classifications as defined by the USCS. 3. Category III materials consist of fine-grained soils having characteristics consistent with CL, ML, or CL-ML classifications as defined by the USCS. 2.2 INITIAL TRENCH BACKFILL A. Initial Trench Backfill for non -perforated piping shall conform to the requirements for Bedding Material as required in this specification. The specified Initial Trench Backfill material is required for all non -perforated piping. 2.3 FINAL TRENCH BACKFILL A. Final Trench Backfill shall conform to the requirements for compacted fill material specified in Section 312000. 2.4 BACKFILL FOR DROP INLETS A. Backfill for drop inlets shall consist of excavated material, provided that it is substantially free of rocks larger than approximately three inches in greatest dimension, roots, trash and other material which may be compressible or which cannot be compacted properly. 2.5 AGGREGATE FOR PLACEMENT AROUND PERFORATED PIPE A. Quality shall comply with the requirements of Section 1005 of the NCDOT Specifications. Gradation shall comply with NCDOT Specifications B. Aggregate shall meet specified gradation and quality prior to placement. All processing shall be completed at the source. 2.6 BACKFILL FOR NON -PERFORATED CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE A. Backfill shall consist of Compacted Fill soil material and other surface material as applicable. Trenching 31 20 05 - 3 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION Issued for Demonstration Approval August 3, 2017 A. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards that could develop during excavation support and protection system operations. Shore, support, and protect utilities encountered. B. Install excavation support and protection systems to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, or other adjacent occupied or used facilities without permission from Owner/Engineer and authorities having jurisdiction. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by authorities having jurisdiction. C. Locate excavation support and protection systems clear of permanent construction so that construction and finishing of other work is not impeded. D. Monitor excavation support and protection systems daily during excavation progress and for as long as excavation remains open. Promptly correct bulges, breakage, or other evidence of movement to ensure that excavation support and protection systems remain stable. 3.2 EXCAVATION A. Excavate to the dimensions and elevations required for installation of piping and structures. Slope sides of excavations as required to conform to applicable OSHA regulations. B. Excavation and preparation of bedding for pipe installation shall conform to the following standards as appropriate for the type of pipe or culvert installed: 1. Precast reinforced concrete pipe: ASTM C 1479. 2. Thermoplastic gravity -flow pipe (including corrugated polyethylene pipe and smooth lined pipe): ASTM D2321. C. If existing material below the required subgrade elevation is unsuitable for properly installing pipe and structures, as determined by the Engineer, excavate and remove the unsuitable material to a minimum depth of approximately six inches and replace the same with Bedding Material meeting the material specifications of this specification, properly compacted to produce a firm and even bearing surface. D. Removal of materials beyond the indicated subgrade elevations, without authorization by the Engineer, shall be classified as unauthorized excavation and shall be backfilled and compacted at no additional cost to the Project. Trenching 31 20 05 - 4 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 August 3, 2017 E. Where suitable subgrade conditions are encountered, as determined by the Engineer, level and shape the existing exposed materials as required to provide a firm and uniform bearing for piping and structures. Thoroughly compact the subgrade using manually -guided compaction equipment. F. A minimum of four -inch thickness of Bedding Material shall be placed under all reinforced concrete pipe unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Thoroughly compact Bedding Material using manually -guided compaction equipment and accurately grade to the required elevations. G. Remove water from the excavations as required for installation of piping and placement of backfill in accordance with these specifications and the details shown on the Drawings. 3.3 BACKFILLING FOR PIPES A. Do not completely backfill trenches until the installed piping conforms to the specifications. B. Placement of Backfill: 1. Place Initial Trench Backfill around and over the piping, in layers not exceeding four inches loose thickness, up to approximately twelve inches above the top of the pipe. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted using manually -guided compaction equipment. 2. Final Trench Backfill placed shall be placed over the Initial Trench Backfill in accordance with Specification Section 312000. Except as required below, compact Final Trench Backfill to achieve at least 95 percent of the material's maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D698. 3. Backfill placed within 12 inches of the finished subgrade under aggregate surfacing for roads shall be compacted to a minimum of 98 percent of the material's maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D698. C. Placement and compaction of trench Backfill shall be performed in a manner that does not damage the pipe. Pipe that is damaged shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. D. Compacted backfill not meeting density specification requirement (if applicable) shall be scarified, recompacted and retested at Contractor's expense. 3.4 TOLERANCES A. Top Surface of backfilled trench: Plus or minus 0.10 feet from required elevations shown on Drawings. 3.5 FIELD QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Field quality assurance shall be performed by the CQA Engineer. B. Perform in place compaction tests in accordance with the following: 1. Perform in -place compaction testing using the sand cone method (ASTM D1556), drive cylinder method (ASTM D2937), or nuclear method (ASTM D6938). 2. Perform in -place moisture content testing in accordance with ASTM D2216. Trenching 31 20 05 - 5 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval August 3, 2017 3. Frequency of compaction and moisture tests: a. Perform compaction and moisture tests at an average rate of one test per 200 linear feet of trench. b. For anchor trench backfill, perform compaction and moisture tests at a rate of one test per each side of the paste deposition cell. 4. Compaction and moisture test criteria: a. Compact to a minimum 95 percent of Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) maximum dry density. b. Ash compacted moisture content shall be within 5 percent of optimum moisture content. C. Soil compacted moisture content shall be within 3 percent of optimum moisture content. C. When tests indicate Work does not meet specified requirements, remove Work, replace and retest. END OF SECTION 312005 Trenching 31 20 05 - 6 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 SECTION 313200 — HDPE GEOMEMBRANE A. Section includes geomembrane for the Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Liner Geomembrane system fabricated from the following: 1. 60-mil high -density polyethylene (HDPE) double sided textured membrane. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 312000 "Earth Moving". 2. Section 312005 "Trenching." 3. Section 312020 "Protective Cover." 4. Section 313220 "Geocomposite Drainage Layer." 5. Section 313230 "Woven Geotextile" 6. Section 313240 "Nonwoven Geotextiles." 1.2 REFERENCES A. Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan B. ASTM International: 1. ASTM D792, Standard Test Methods for Density and Specific Gravity (Relative Density) of Plastics by Displacement 2. ASTM D1004, Standard Test Method for Tear Resistance (Graves Tear) of Plastic Film and Sheeting 3. ASTM D1505, Standard Test Method for Density of Plastics by the Density -Gradient Technique 4. ASTM D1603, Standard Test Method for Carbon Black Content in Olefin Plastics 5. ASTM D3895, Standard Test Method for Oxidative -Induction Time of Polyolefins by Differential Scanning Calorimetry 6. ASTM D4218, Test Method for Determination of Carbon Black Content in Polyethylene Compounds by the Muffle -Furnace Technique 7. ASTM D4833, Standard Test Method for Index Puncture Resistance of Geomembranes and Related Products 8. ASTM D4873, Standard Guide for Identification, Storage, and Handling of Geosynthetic Rolls and Samples 9. ASTM D5199, Standard Test Method for Measuring the Nominal Thickness of Geosynthetics 10. ASTM D5397, Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Stress Crack Resistance of Polyolefin Geomembranes Using Notched Constant Tensile Load Test (Appendix - Procedure to Perform a Single Point Notched Constant Tensile Load (SP-NCTL) Test) HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 1 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 11. ASTM D5596, Standard Test Method for Microscopic Evaluation of the Dispersion of Carbon Black in Polyolefin Geosynthetics 12. ASTM D5641, Standard Practice for Geomembrane Seam Evaluation by Vacuum Chamber 13. ASTM D5721, Standard Practice for Air -Oven Aging of Polyolefin Geomembranes 14. ASTM D5820, Standard Practice for Pressurized Air Channel Evaluation of Dual Seamed Geomembranes 15. ASTM D5885, Standard Test Method for Oxidative Induction Time of Polyolefin Geosynthetics by High -Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry 16. ASTM D5994, Standard Test Method for Measuring Core Thickness of Textured Geomembrane 17. ASTM D6365, Standard Practice for the Nondestructive Testing of Geomembrane Seams using the Spark Test 18. ASTM D6370, Standard Test Method for Rubber -Compositional Analysis by Thermogravimetry (TGA) 19. ASTM D6392, Standard Test Method for Determining the Integrity of Nonreinforced Geomembrane Seams Produced Using Thermo -Fusion Methods 20. ASTM D6693, Standard Test Method for Determining Tensile Properties of Nonreinforced Polyethylene and Nonreinforced Flexible Polypropylene Geomembranes 21. ASTM D7238, Standard Test Method for Effect of Exposure of Unreinforced Polyolefin Geomembrane Using Fluorescent UV Condensation Apparatus 22. ASTM D7466, Standard Test Method for Measuring the Asperity Height of Textured Geomembrane C. Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI): 1. GRI GM6 — Pressurized Air Channel Test for Dual Seamed Geomembranes 2. GRI-GM 13, "Test Methods, Test Properties and Testing Frequency for High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Smooth and Textured Geomembranes" 3. GRI-GM 19, "Seam Strength and Related Properties of Thermally Bonded Polyolefin Geomembranes" 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following to the Engineer with the Contractor's bid: 2. A material properties sheet for each geomembrane product, including at a minimum all properties, test methods, and test values as required by this specification. The "Geosynthetic Contractor Qualifications Questionnaire" included in the contract bid documents. B. Submit the following to the Engineer, for review and approval, no later than 15 calendar days prior to shipment of geomembrane to the site: 1. Manufacturer's quality control program manual, or descriptive documentation. 2. The manufacturers' quality control certifications (including results of source quality control testing of the products as required by this specification) to verify that the materials supplied for the project are in compliance with the product specifications in this section. The certifications shall be signed by a responsible party employed by the manufacturer, such as the geomembrane QA/QC Manager, Production Manager, or Technical Services HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 2 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 Manager. Certifications shall include lot and roll numbers, and corresponding shipping information. 3. A written certificate from the geomembrane manufacturer stating that the geomembrane was continuously spark tested during manufacturing. 4. A written certificate from the geomembrane manufacturer stating that the resin and geomembrane materials supplied are in compliance with this specification. 5. A written certificate from the geomembrane manufacturer stating that no more than 2% by weight of factory regrind was used to manufacture the geomembrane. Factory regrind shall have resin documentation. 6. Documentation of installers' qualifications, as required by this specification. a. Submit a list of at least ten completed facilities. For each installation, provide: name and type of facility; its location; the date of installation; thickness of geomembrane and surface area of the installed geomembrane; and type of seaming, patching, and tacking equipment. b. Submit resumes or qualifications of the Installation Supervisor, Master Seamer and all technicians to be assigned to this project. 7. Manufacturer's instruction manual for geomembrane on -site handling and installation, including but not limited to procedures for storage, transport, placement, seaming, and testing. 8. Submit copies of shop drawings. Shop drawings shall show a proposed installation panel layout identifying seams and details (including sealing of penetrations). C. On a continuous basis throughout construction, submit the following to the Engineer, for review and approval, with final documents provided no later than 7 calendar days following completion of geosynthetics installation: 1. Geosynthetics Forms a. Daily Field Reports b. Field Inventory Control, Storage, Inspection, and Cross -Reference Roll Numbers C. Subgrade Certification d. Geomembrane Trial Seam Log e. Geomembrane Deployment Report f. Geomembrane Seam Log g. Geomembrane Defect Log h. Geomembrane Repair Testing Log i. Geomembrane Laboratory Destructive Test Results 2. Record drawing for each geomembrane layer showing panel corners, transitions in panel geometry, repair locations, destructive test locations, anchor trench breaklines, and other significant features. 3. Provide a Letter of Acceptance indicating that the installation conforms to the requirements of the Manufacturer. 1.4 QUALIFICATIONS A. Installer's Qualifications: The Geomembrane Installer shall be the manufacturer or an approved contractor qualified to install the manufacturer's geomembrane, and have current AIC status issued by the International Association of Geosynthetic Installers (IAGI). HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 3 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 2. The Geomembrane Installer shall have installed at least 10 million square feet of the specified types of geomembrane during the last five years. 3. Installation shall be performed under the constant direction of a single Field Installation Supervisor who shall remain on site and be in responsible charge, throughout the geomembrane installation, for geomembrane layout, seaming, patching, testing, repairs, and all other activities by the Geomembrane Installer. This Field Installation Supervisor shall have installed or supervised the installation and seaming of a minimum of 5 million square feet of geomembrane of the types specified. 4. The Geomembrane Installer shall designate a Master Seamer. The Master Seamer shall be present during all seaming operations and shall have a minimum of 3 million square feet of field seaming experience and hold an IAGI Certified Welding Technician (CWT) welding certification in both extrusion welding and fusion welding. 5. All seaming, patching, other welding operations, and designated field testing shall be performed by qualified technicians employed and trained by the Geomembrane Installer. Other specified quality control inspection and testing shall be performed by the CQA Engineer and laboratory. 6. Geosynthetic Contractor Equipment and Personnel: a. Quality Control Foreman (QCF) 1) The Geosynthetics Installer shall provide an individual whose title is "Quality Control Foreman" (QCF) who shall be experienced in all phases of quality control testing and procedures. 2) The QCF will be dedicated to performing or directing the Geosynthetics Installer's quality control activities, (i.e. air pressure, vacuum box and spark non-destructive testing and field destructive testing). 3) The QCF and the Superintendent may be the same person if approved by the Engineer. b. Crew/Equipment 1) During geomembrane installation the Geosynthetic Installer shall provide a reasonable crew size to complete the work in a timely manor, for which at least 2 must be qualified installers. 2) Geosynthetic Contractor shall supply and maintain at least two extrusion welders and two double hot wedge fusion welders, at least one of which must be available at the working space at all times. C. At least one extra generator shall be supplied and maintained by the Geosynthetic Contractor to be used as a spare. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with these specifications and the CQA Plan. B. Interface Friction Testing Requirements — Landfill System: Not required. C. Conformance Testing 1. Conformance testing shall be coordinated by the CQA Engineer. 2. Conformance testing shall be performed on material specifically manufactured for this project. 3. Samples shall be taken across the entire width of the roll and shall not include the first three feet. Unless otherwise specified, samples shall be three feet long by the roll width. The machine direction shall be marked on the samples. HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 4 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 4. Conformance testing will be performed by an independent laboratory at a frequency of at least 1 test per 100,000 square feet for the following: a. Thickness (ASTM D5199 and/or ASTM D5994) b. Asperity height (ASTM D7466) C. Density (ASTM D 15 05 and/or ASTM D792) d. Carbon black content (ASTM D 1603 and/or ASTM D4218) e. Tensile properties (ASTM D6693) f. Tear resistance (ASTM D1004) g. Other tests as required by the Engineer. D. The Manufacturer shall sample and test the HDPE geomembrane material at a minimum frequency as required by this specification. E. If the conformance tests or Manufacturer tests do not conform to the requirements of this specification, retesting to determine conformance or rejection shall be done as set forth in the manufacturer's quality manual at no additional cost to the CQA Engineer or Owner. F. Any geosynthetic sample that does not conform to the requirements of the specifications shall result in rejection of the roll from which the sample was obtained. The Contractor shall replace any rejected roll at no cost to the Owner. 1.6 MANUFACTURER'S MATERIAL WARRANTY A. Manufacturer's Special Warranty: Not required for this project. 1.7 GEOMEMBRANE INSTALLATION GUARANTEE A. Not required for this project. 1.8 GEOMEMBRANE PRE -DEPLOYMENT MEETING A. Geomembrane Pre -Deployment Meeting shall be held at the site prior to installation of the geomembrane. At a minimum, the meeting shall be attended by the Geomembrane Installer, Owner, CQA Engineer, Engineer, and Contractor. B. Topics for this meeting shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Responsibilities of each party. 2. Lines of authority and communication. 3. Methods for documenting and reporting, and for distributing documents and reports. 4. Procedures for collecting and packaging archive samples. 5. Review of time schedule for all installation and testing. 6. Review of panel layout and numbering systems for panels, seams, and repairs. 7. Temperature and weather limitations, and installation procedures for adverse weather conditions. 8. Deployment techniques, including plans for controlling expansion, contraction and wrinkling of the geomembrane, access points, acceptable equipment and protection of geosynthetics. HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 5 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 9. Preparation of the geomembrane record survey drawing. C. The meeting shall be documented by a person designated at the beginning of the meeting, and minutes shall be transmitted to all parties. 17:1.14I ►AN9tTelBil1s]161 2.1 HDPE GEOMEMBRANE A. HDPE Sheet: Formulated from virgin polyethylene, compounded for use in hydraulic structures, and formed into uniform sheets with material properties complying with this specification. B. The geomembrane shall consist of new, first quality products designed and manufactured specifically for this type of project, which shall have been satisfactorily demonstrated by prior testing to be suitable and durable for such purposes. C. Geomembrane shall contain no plasticizers, fillers, chemical additives, or extenders. Sprayed -on texturing of textured polyethylene geomembrane will not be accepted. D. Geomembrane shall be supplied as continuous sheets with no factory seams in rolls. The roll lengths and widths shall be maximized to provide the largest manageable sheets for the fewest field seams. E. Geomembrane material shall be produced free of holes, blisters, or contaminants, and leak -free as verified by spark testing using ASTM D6365. F. Physical, Mechanical and Chemical Property Requirements 1. Textured HDPE geomembrane sheet shall meet or exceed the values specified in GRI- GM13, as summarized in Table 313200A at the end of this specification. 2. Textured HDPE geomembrane seams shall meet or exceed the values specified in GRI- GM19, as summarized in Table 313200B at the end of this specification. 2.2 EQUIPMENT A. Welding Equipment: Extrusion welding equipment shall be provided with thermocouples and temperature readout devices which continuously monitor the temperature of the extrudate. Radiant wedge welding equipment shall be provided with thermocouples and temperature readout devices which continuously monitor the temperature of the wedge. Equipment shall be maintained in adequate number to avoid delaying work, and shall be supplied by a power source capable of providing constant voltage under a combined -line load. Use a rub sheet, sand bags, or other method approved by the CQA Engineer to separate the electric generators from the geomembrane. B. Field Tensiometer: The Geomembrane Installer shall provide a tensiometer for on -site shear and peel testing of geomembrane seams. The tensiometer shall be in good working order, built to ASTM D6693 (Type IV, 2 ipm) specifications, and accompanied by evidence of recent HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 6 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 calibration. The tensiometer shall be motor driven and be equipped with a gauge that measures the force in unit pounds exerted between the jaws as displayed on a digital readout. C. Vacuum Box: The Geomembrane Installer shall provide a minimum of 2 vacuum box assemblies consisting of a rigid housing, a transparent viewing window, a soft closed cell neoprene gasket attached to the bottom, a port hole or valve assembly, a vacuum gauge, a vacuum pump assembly equipped with a pressure control, a rubber pressure/vacuum hose with fittings and connections, and a soapy solution and an applicator. The equipment shall be capable of inducing and holding a minimum vacuum of 5 psi. D. Air Pressure Test: The Geomembrane Installer shall provide the necessary air pump and fittings required to perform the GRI GM6 air pressure test on dual seams. E. Roll Handling Equipment: The Geomembrane Installer shall provide handling equipment that is adequate and does not pose a risk to the geomembrane rolls, subject to the approval of the CQA Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Each roll of geomembrane delivered to the Site shall be labeled by the manufacturer. The label shall be firmly affixed and shall clearly state the manufacturer's name, product identification, lot number, material thickness, roll number, roll dimensions, and roll weight. B. Procedures for storage and handling of geomembrane shall conform to ASTM D4873 and the manufacturer instructions, including the following: 1. Geomembrane shall be protected from mud, dirt, dust, puncture, cutting or any other damaging or deleterious conditions. 2. Rolls shall be stored away from high traffic areas, protected from theft and vandalism. 3. Continuously and uniformly support rolls on a prepared level surface (not on wooden pallets) away from standing water. Rolls shall not be stacked more than two rolls high. C. Geomembrane shall be observed by the CQA Engineer upon delivery of the product to the Site, and during installation and field seaming. Provide all labor and equipment required to assist CQA Engineer in the observation of the product. D. CQA Engineer personnel shall generate an inventory of geomembrane rolls received on -site from the manufacturer/distributor. The inventory shall be updated weekly and shall include all the information appearing on the label of each roll, and all observed damage shall be noted. 3.2 SUBGRADE PREPARATION A. Examine substrates, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for soil compaction and grading; for subgrade free from angular rocks, rubble, roots, vegetation, debris, voids, protrusions, and ground water; and for other conditions affecting performance of geomembrane . HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 7 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 B. Examine anchor trench excavation, where geomembrane will be secured, for substrate conditions indicated above and for correct location and configuration. C. The geomembrane subgrade shall be prepared as specified in Section 312000 and as shown on the Drawings. The subgrade shall be smooth and uniform, and free of all trash and debris, prior to installation of the geomembrane. D. Qualified representatives of the Geomembrane Installer, Contractor, Engineer, and CQA Engineer shall observe the surface to be covered with geomembrane on each day's operations prior to placement of geomembrane. E. The Geomembrane Installer, Contractor, Engineer, and CQA Engineer shall provide written acceptance daily for the surface to be covered by geomembrane or GCL as applicable in that day's operations. The surface shall be maintained as acceptable during geomembrane installation. A single form shall be used and signed by all parties to document acceptance each day. F. Subgrade damaged by erosion, rutting, or other means during geomembrane deployment shall be exposed and the damage repaired. The subgrade shall then be re -approved. G. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.3 GEOMEMBRANE PLACEMENT A. No geomembrane shall be deployed and seamed until the surfaces to be covered have been approved by the Engineer. Should geomembrane material be deployed prior to Engineer's approval, it shall be at sole risk of the Geomembrane Installer and Contractor, and if the material does not meet project specifications, it shall be removed from the project at no additional cost to the Owner. B. At the beginning of each day's work, the CQA Engineer shall provide the Engineer with a daily field installation report for all work accomplished on the previous workday before additional geomembrane is installed. C. Geomembrane shall be installed to the required limits over the prepared subgrade as shown on the Drawings and specified in this Section. Install geomembrane in anchor trenches as indicated on the Drawings. D. No geomembrane material shall be unrolled and deployed if the material temperatures are lower than approximately 32 degrees Fahrenheit (F) unless otherwise approved by the Engineer and unless special precautions are taken such as storing the rolls inside a heated enclosure providing ambient temperatures of 50 degrees F or above. The specified minimum temperature for material deployment may be adjusted by the Engineer based on recommendations by the manufacturer. E. Geomembrane shall be placed in an effort to reduce wrinkles and subsequent fishmouths at the field seam interfaces. In general, "Leister" welds or "tack" welds shall not be used to temporarily hold sheets in position, however "Leister" welds may be used to secure small patches prior to extrusion welding. F. All geomembrane handling and installation procedures shall be performed by workers wearing shoes that will not damage the geomembrane. Only low ground pressure, rubber -tired, vehicular HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 8 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 traffic shall be permitted to travel on the geomembrane. The maximum equipment ground pressure shall be eight pounds per square inch (psi). Conform to other written recommendations of the geomembrane manufacturer for pedestrian and vehicular traffic on the geomembrane. G. Only the panels which will be anchored and seamed together in one day shall be deployed. H. Sand bags shall be used as necessary to hold the geomembrane material in position during installation. Sand bags shall be sufficiently close-knit to preclude fines from working through the bags. Paper bags, whether or not lined with plastic, shall not be used. Burlap bags, if used, must be lined with plastic. Bags shall contain not less than 20 nor more than 60 pounds of sand, and shall be securely closed after filling and not over -filled to prevent sand loss. Bags that are split, torn, or otherwise losing their contents shall be immediately removed from the work area and any spills immediately cleaned up. I. Panels that become seriously damaged (torn or twisted permanently) shall be replaced. Less serious damage shall be repaired according to the requirements herein. Damaged panels, or portions of the damaged panels which have been rejected, shall be marked and their removal from the work area recorded. Geomembrane shall be installed so that there will be neither tension nor wrinkles at the average expected daily ambient temperature. K. Geomembrane shall not be allowed to "bridge over" (be pulled taut over) voids or low areas in the subgrade. Geomembrane in these areas shall be cut and patched to provide adequate material to allow the geomembrane to rest on the subgrade surface. L. In general, seams shall be oriented with the long dimension parallel to (down) the line of the maximum slope. Where seams can only be oriented across the slope, the upper panel shall be lapped over the lower panel. The total length of field seams shall be minimized. In corners and odd shaped geometric locations, the total length of field seams shall be minimized. Seams shall not be located at low points in the subgrade unless geometry requires seaming at such locations, and if approved by CQA Engineer personnel. M. Geomembrane panels shall be overlapped prior to seaming to whatever extent is necessary to provide a good weld. In no case shall overlaps be less than six inches for fusion welding at the time the welds are made. N. The Geomembrane Installer shall label panels at the time of deployment. Label date of deployment, roll number, and panel number. 3.4 SEAMING PROCEDURES A. No geomembrane material shall be seamed when ambient temperatures are less than 32 degrees F unless the following conditions are complied with: Seaming of the geomembrane at ambient temperatures below 32 degrees F is allowed if the Geomembrane Installer can demonstrate to the Engineer and the CQA Engineer, using pre -qualification test seams, that field seams complying with the specifications can be fabricated at sub -freezing temperatures. Consistent passing test seams are required. HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 9 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 2. In addition, the Geomembrane Installer shall submit to the Engineer for review, detailed procedures for seaming at low temperatures, including the following: preheating the geomembrane; and providing a tent or other device to prevent heat losses during seaming and rapid heat losses subsequent to seaming. B. No geomembrane material shall be seamed when the ambient temperature is above 104 degrees F and when the sheet temperature of the material is above 122 degrees F (as measured by an infrared thermometer or surface thermocouple), unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. C. Geomembrane seaming at temperatures outside the above stated temperature ranges will only be approved if the manufacturer certifies that the seaming procedure shall not cause physical or chemical modification to the geomembrane; and an increased number of test welds is performed to determine appropriate seaming conditions when required by the CQA Engineer or Engineer. However, should the overall quality of the geomembrane decrease under such conditions, in the opinion of the Engineer, then seaming outside the allowable temperatures shall be discontinued. D. Seaming is not allowed while precipitation is occurring unless proper precautions are made to allow the seam to be made on dry geomembrane material or the welding process is protected from rain. The surface below the geomembrane shall not be saturated or frozen. E. Extra care shall be taken to clean and remove dirt, dust and other foreign materials from the surfaces of the geomembrane to be seamed. Surfaces shall be cleaned immediately prior to seaming. F. Seaming shall be performed using an automatic double wedge fusion welding system, equipment, and techniques. Extrusion welding shall only be used where fusion welding is not possible and as approved by the Engineer. G. The fusion -welding apparatus shall be an automated device, and shall be equipped with gauges giving applicable temperatures and pressures. Each welding machine shall be calibrated at least twice daily. The calibration procedure shall be witnessed by CQA Engineer personnel and shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the welding machine manufacturer. Certificates of calibration shall be provided to the CQA Engineer. H. The extrusion welding apparatus shall be equipped with gauges giving the temperature in the apparatus and at the nozzle. The extruder shall be purged prior to beginning a seam until all heat - degraded extrudate has been removed from the barrel. Whenever the extruder is stopped, the barrel shall be purged of all heat degraded extrudate. I. The Geomembrane Installer shall maintain at least one spare operable seaming apparatus of each kind on site. Equipment used for seaming shall not damage the geomembrane, and the geomembrane shall be protected from damage in areas with heavy traffic. The surface of the seam edges shall be prepared as recommended by the manufacturer to provide a seam to equal or exceed the seam strength requirements in this specification. The welding process shall bond the exposed edge of the panel to the underlying geomembrane panel. K. Fihhmouths or wrinkles at the seam overlaps shall be cut along the ridge of the wrinkles back into the panel so as to effect a flat overlap. The cut fishmouths or wrinkles shall be seamed as completely as possible, and shall then be patched with an oval or round patch of the same geomembrane material extending a minimum of six inches beyond the cut in all directions. HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 10 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 L. Seaming shall extend to the outside edges of panels to be placed in the anchor trenches. M. The Geomembrane Installer shall label seams at the time of seaming. Label date of seaming, start time, initials of the seaming technician, and the number of the seaming unit. 3.5 PIPE PENETRATION SEALING SYSTEM A. Provide penetration sealing system as shown on the Drawings, or as otherwise approved by the Engineer, using compatible geomembrane material, boots, stainless steel clamps, Neoprene gaskets and accessories. B. The penetration sealing system shall be fabricated and installed to prevent leakage. 3.6 FIELD QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Panels shall be observed by CQA Engineer personnel when the panels are initially deployed. Observation shall be for identification of defects, holes, and any sign of contamination by foreign matter. Defects in seam and non -seam areas shall be repaired as required by this specification. B. Prequalification Test Seams 1. Engineer shall be notified when prequalification testing will be performed. 2. Welding machine calibration and test seams shall be performed by the Geomembrane Installer's personnel and observed by CQA Engineer personnel to verify that seaming conditions are adequate. Test seams shall be conducted by each seamer at the beginning of each seaming period, and as determined by CQA Engineer personnel for each welding machine used that day. Test seaming shall be performed under the same conditions and with the same equipment as production seaming. Each test seam shall be at least ten feet long for hot wedge welding and three feet long for extrusion welding with the seam centered lengthwise. 3. Two adjoining one -inch wide specimens shall be die -cut by the Geomembrane Installer from each opposite end and from the center of the test seam. These specimens shall be tested by the Geomembrane Installer. Each specimen shall be tested in peel. The tests shall be performed using a field tensiometer, and shall not fail in the weld. Both welds of double wedge seams shall be tested in peel. Any failures through the seam shall be considered a failing test, regardless of the stress at failure. 4. The minimum acceptable seam strength values to be obtained for all specimens tested are those indicated in Table 313200B. 5. If a test seam fails, an additional test seam shall be immediately conducted. If the additional test seam fails, the seaming apparatus shall be rejected and not used for production seaming until the deficiencies are corrected and a successful test seam is produced. 6. CQA Engineer personnel shall observe and record testing of prequalification test specimens. Records shall be included in the Daily Field Installation Reports. C. Non -Destructive Field Seam Testing 1. All field seams shall be non-destructively tested by the Geomembrane Installer over their full length. Each seam shall be assigned a unique number consisting of the adjacent panel numbers (for example, the seam between panels 1 and 3 would be S-1/3). The location, HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 11 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 date, test unit, name of tester, and outcome of all non-destructive testing shall be observed and recorded by CQA Engineer personnel. 2. All defects found during testing shall be numbered and marked by CQA Engineer personnel immediately after detection. All defects found shall be repaired, retested and re- marked to indicate completion of the repair and acceptability. 3. Non-destructive testing shall be performed by the Geosynthetics Installer using vacuum boxes (in accordance with ASTM D5641), air pressure testing (in accordance with ASTM D5820), spark testing (in accordance with ASTM D6365), or other test methods approved by the Engineer. All test equipment shall be furnished by the Geomembrane Installer. 4. Non-destructive tests shall be performed by experienced personnel thoroughly familiar with the specified test methods. The Geomembrane Installer shall field demonstrate all test methods to verify to CQA Engineer personnel that the test procedures are valid. 5. Extrusion seams shall be vacuum box tested by the Geomembrane Installer according to the following methods: a. Equipment for testing extrusion seams shall be comprised of, but not limited to: a vacuum box assembly consisting of a rigid housing, a transparent viewing window, a soft rubber gasket attached to the bottom, port hole or valve assembly, and a vacuum gauge; a steel vacuum tank and pump assembly equipped with a pressure controller and pipe connections; a rubber pressure/vacuum hose with fittings and connections; a plastic bucket; sponge or mop; and a soapy solution. The vacuum box shall be similar to the series A 100 Straight Seam Tester as supplied by the American Parts Service Company. b. The glass for vacuum box shall be unscratched and clean, and the rubber gasket shall be firmly attached to the box. C. The vacuum pump shall be charged and the tank pressure adjusted to three to four pounds per square inch, gauge (psig). d. CQA Engineer personnel shall periodically observe that a leak tight seal is created by the Geomembrane Installer. The Geomembrane Installer shall create the leak tight seal by wetting a strip of geomembrane approximately 12 inches by length of box with a soapy solution, placing the box over the wetted area and then compressing. The Geomembrane Installer shall then close the bleed valve, open the vacuum valve, maintain five psig for a period of approximately 15 seconds, and CQA Engineer personnel shall observe the geomembrane through the viewing window for the presence of soap bubbles. If no bubbles appear after 15 seconds, the area shall be considered leak tight. The box shall be moved over the next adjoining area with a minimum three inches overlap and the process repeated. e. All areas where soap bubbles appear shall be marked and repaired, and then retested under the observation of CQA Engineer personnel. f. CQA Engineer personnel shall observe all testing operations for uniformity and completeness, and shall record results at time of testing. g. All seams that are vacuum tested shall be marked by the Geomembrane Installer at the time of testing. Marking shall consist of the date tested, technician performing the test, and the results of the test. 6. Double Fusion seams with an enclosed space shall be air pressure tested by the Geomembrane Installer according to the following methods: a. Equipment for testing double fusion seams shall be comprised of, but not limited to: an air pump equipped with a pressure gauge capable of generating and sustaining a pressure of 30 psig, mounted on a cushion to protect the geomembrane; a rubber hose with fittings and connections; and a manometer equipped with a sharp hollow needle, or other approved pressure feed device. HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 12 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 b. CQA Engineer personnel shall ensure that the Geomembrane Installer creates a leak - tight seal. The Geomembrane Installer shall perform the testing activities. Both ends of the seam to be tested shall be sealed and a needle or other approved pressure feed device inserted into the tunnel created by the double wedge fusion weld. The air pump pressure shall be adjusted, the valve closed, and the pressure stabilized for two minutes at a pressure of 28 psig (for 60-mil thickness). After the stabilization period, pressure shall be maintained for five minutes for the seam to be considered leak tight. The Geomembrane Installer shall remove the seal at the opposite end of the tested seam while CQA Engineer personnel observe the gauge. The needle or other approved pressure feed device shall be removed and the feed hole sealed if not covered by a patch at the end of the seam. Pressure tests shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures outlined in ASTM D5820. C. If loss of pressure exceeds three psig (for 60-mil thickness) during testing period, or pressure does not stabilize, the faulty area shall be located, repaired, and retested by the Geomembrane Installer. d. All seams that are vacuum tested shall be marked by the Geomembrane Installer at the time of testing. Marking shall consist of the date tested, technician performing the test, test start and end times, and test start and end pressures. 7. All non-destructive field seam tests shall be observed by CQA Engineer personnel and recorded at the time of testing. Records shall be included in the Daily Field Installation Reports. D. Destructive Field Seam Testing 1. A minimum of one destructive test sample per 500 feet of seam length shall be cut by the Geomembrane Installer from a location specified by CQA Engineer personnel. The Geomembrane Installer shall not be informed in advance of the sample location. In order to obtain test results prior to completion of geomembrane installation, samples shall be cut by the Geomembrane Installer as the seaming progresses. 2. CQA Engineer personnel shall mark all samples with their location and seam number at the time of sample collection. CQA Engineer personnel shall observe field testing of the samples and record the date, time, location, seam number, ambient temperatures, and pass or fail description according to ASTM D6392. A copy of the information must be attached to each sample portion. The Geomembrane Installer shall repair all holes in the geomembrane resulting from obtaining the seam samples. All patches shall be vacuum tested. If a permanent patch cannot be installed over the test location the same day of sample collection, a temporary patch shall be tack welded or hot air welded over the opening until a permanent patch can be affixed. 3. Each destructive test sample shall be 12 inches wide by 54 inches long, with the seam centered lengthwise. The sample shall be cut into three sections and distributed as follows: one 18-inch section shall be given to CQA Engineer personnel for testing; one 12-inch section retained by the Geomembrane Installer for field testing; and one 12-inch section shall be set aside for an archive sample. Holes for destructive seam testing shall be repaired as required in this specification. 4. The Geomembrane Installer shall die -cut at least three one -inch wide replicate specimens from the installer's sample for field testing. Replicate specimens will not be required for extrusion welds. The specimens shall be tested for peel strength. Both welds of dual hot - wedge seams shall be tested in peel. To be acceptable, all replicate test specimens shall meet the seam strength requirements as required in this specification. Any specimen that fails through the weld or by partial failure exceeding 50 percent of the weld shall be considered a Non -Film Tear Bond break and shall be considered a failure. Die cutting and HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 13 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 field testing of the replicate specimens shall be performed in the presence of CQA Engineer personnel. If the field tests pass, the sample qualifies for testing by the CQA Engineer. 5. Laboratory testing coordinated by the CQA Engineer shall conform to ASTM D6392. The preference is for the CQA Engineer to establish an on -site laboratory to the satisfaction of the Engineer for performing laboratory destructive tests. Five replicate specimens shall be tested in peel and five replicate specimens shall be tested in shear. Both welds of dual hot - wedge seams shall be tested in peel. To be acceptable, all replicate test specimens shall meet the seam strength requirements as required in this specification. 6. If a destructive sample fails the field or laboratory destructive tests, an additional sample shall be obtained at a distance of approximately 10 feet on each side of the failed sample location. Test specimens shall be obtained and field tested as specified in accordance with destructive field seam testing requirements. The process shall be repeated until the failed area is bounded by samples with passing test results. 7. The Geomembrane Installer shall repair the seam between the two nearest passed test locations with the failed location in between, or as directed by the CQA Engineer and/or Engineer. 8. Reports of the results of destructive field seam tests shall be prepared by the CQA Engineer and included in the Daily Field Installation Reports. E. Daily Field Installation Reports: At the beginning of each day's work, the CQA Engineer shall provide the Engineer with Daily Field Installation Reports for all work accomplished on the previous work day. Reports shall include the following: 1. Total amount and location of geomembrane placed; 2. Total amount and location of seams and repairs completed, names of individuals doing seaming and repairing, and units used; 3. Drawings of the previous day's installed geomembrane showing panel numbers and seam numbers; 4. Results of pre -qualification test seams; and 5. Results of non-destructive testing and field destructive testing. 3.7 REPAIR PROCEDURES A. Defective seams shall be repaired with a capstrip or extrusion weld over the full length of the defect. Each capstrip shall be numbered, shall be made of the same geomembrane material as for the geomembrane sheet, and shall extend a minimum of six inches beyond both sides of the seam. B. Blisters, tears and holes in the geomembrane sheet shall be repaired with patches. Each patch shall be numbered by CQA Engineer personnel at the time the defect is identified. C. Abrasions and other defects and damage of the geomembrane material that are not punctured through the material may be repaired using extrudate, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer or CQA Engineer. D. Capstrips and patches shall be rounded at the corners, made of the same material as for the geomembrane sheet, and extend a minimum of six inches beyond the edge of defects. E. Repaired areas shall be numbered and shall be measured and recorded from a known survey point to document location. HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 14 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 F. Verification of Repair Patches and Capstrips: Each repair shall be non-destructively tested using vacuum box testing or air testing. Tests that pass the non-destructive test shall be taken as an indication of an adequate repair. Failed tests shall be reseamed and retested until a passing test results. CQA Engineer personnel shall observe all non-destructive testing of repairs. CQA Engineer personnel shall record the number of each capstrip and patch, date, location, name of person who installed the capstrip or patch, and test outcome on a form to be submitted with the daily field installation reports. UGCRlxO]uICIu10:7:101�l:TKy91911I:1►[y0 A. The geomembrane will be accepted by the Engineer when: 1. The geomembrane is clean (brooming and washing of the geomembrane surface shall be required if the amount of surface dust or mud inhibits inspection); 2. The entire installation is finished, or an agreed upon subsection of the installation is finished; 3. All documentation of installation is completed; 4. Verification of the adequacy of all field seams and repairs, and associated testing is complete; and 5. A record survey drawing is prepared as required by this specification, and is submitted to and approved by the Engineer. B. Record Survey Drawing Requirements: Record drawing for each geomembrane layer showing panel corners, transitions in panel geometry, repair locations, destructive test locations, anchor trench breaklines, and other significant features shall be surveyed. The survey results shall be certified by a North Carolina Registered Land Surveyor. C. Work shall not proceed with any materials which will cover geomembrane seams, capstrips and patches until laboratory test results with passing values have been received and the portion of the geomembrane has been accepted in writing by the Engineer. D. Accepted areas of geomembrane that have not been covered within a reasonable time will require reinspection as determined by the Engineer. E. Archive samples will be held by the Owner or Engineer until Engineer's approval of the installation and the CQA Engineer Report. 3.9 DISPOSAL OF SCRAP MATERIALS A. At the end of each work day, all scraps of material and other debris shall be removed from the geomembrane surface. B. On completion of installation, the Geomembrane Installer shall dispose of all trash and scrap materials off -site, remove equipment used in connection with geomembrane installation, and leave the premises in a neat and acceptable manner. No scrap material shall be allowed to remain on the geomembrane or adjacent areas. HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 15 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 3.10 PROTECTION A. Protect installed geomembrane according to manufacturer's written instructions. Repair or replace areas of geomembrane damaged by scuffing, punctures, traffic, rough subgrade, or other unacceptable conditions. B. Before placement of cover materials, inspect seams and patched areas to ensure tight, continuously bonded installation. Repair damaged geomembrane and seams and reinspect repaired work. HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 16 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Review June 14, 2017 Table 313200A- High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Geomembrane Sheet -Textured [GRI-GM13] Properties Test Method Test Value Minimum Testing 30-mils 40 mils 50 mils 60 mils 80 mils 100 mils 120 mils Frequency Thickness mils (min. avg.) nom. (-5%) nom. (-5%) nom. (-5%) nom. (-5%) nom. (-5%) nom. (-5%) nom. (-5%) -101% • lowest individual for 8out of 10values D 5994 -10% -10% -101/o -10% -10°/u -10% per roll -15% • lowest individual for any of the 10 values -15% -15% -15% -15% -15% -15% Asperity Height mils (min. avg) (1) D 7466 16 mil 16 mil 16 mil 16 mil 16 mil 16 mil 16 mil every 2nd roll (2) Density (min. avg.) D1505/D792 0.940g/cc 0.940g/cc 0.940g/cc 0.940g/cc 0.940g/cc 0.940g/cc 0.940g/cc 200,00011 Tensile Properties (min. avg.) (3) • yield strength 63lb/in 841b/in 1051b/in 1261b/in 1681b/in 210Win 2521b/in • break strength 45lb/in 601b/in 75lb/in 90lb/in 1201b/in 1501b/in 180lb/in 20,0001b Type IV Type • yield elongation 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% • break elongation 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Tear Resistance (min. avg.) D 1004 21lb 28lb 35lb 42lb 561b 70lb 84lb 45,0001b Puncture Resistance (min. avg.) D4833 45lb 60 lb 75lb 90 lb 120lb 150lb 180lb 45,0001b Stress Crack Resistance (4) D 5397 500 hr. 500 hr. 500 hr. 500 hr. 500 hr. 500 hr. 500 hr. per GRI GM10 (App.) Carbon Black Content (range) D 4218 (5) 2.0-3.0% 2.0-3.0% 2.0-3.0% 2.0-3.09/o 2.0-3.051. 2.0-3.0% 2.0-3.0% 20,0001b Carbon Black Dispersion D 5596 note (6) note (6) note (6) note (6) note (6) note (6) note (6) 45,0001b Oxidative Inductive Time (OIT) (min. avg.) (7) (a)Standard OIT OR D 3895 100 min. 100 min. 100 min. 100 min. 100 min. 100 min. 100 min. 200,0001b (b) High Pressure OIT D 5885 400 min. 400 min. 400 min. 400 min. 400 min. 400 min. 400 min. Oven Aging at 85"C (7) (8) D 5721 Per each (a) Standard OIT (min. avg.) - % retained after 90 days OR D 3895 55% 55% 55% 55% — 55% 55% 55% formulation (b) High Pressure OIT (min. avg.) - % retained after 90 days D 5885 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% UV Resistance (9) D 7238 per each N. R. (10) (a) Standard OIT (min. avg.) OR D 3895 N. R. (10) N. R. (10) N. R. (10) N. R. (10) N. R. (10) N. R. (10) formulation 50% (b) High Pressure OIT (min. avg.) - % retained after 1600 hrs (11) D 5885 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% NOTES: (1) Of 10 readings; 8 out of 10 must be >_ 14 mils, and lowest individual reading must be >_ 12 mils; also see Note 6 (2) Alternate the measurement side for double sided textured sheet (3) Machine direction (MD) and cross machine direction (XMD) average values should be on the basis of 5test specimens each direction Yield elongation is calculated using a a gage length of 1.3 inches Break elongation is calculated using a gage length of 2.0 inches (4) P-NCTL testis not appropriate for testing geomembranes with textured or irregular rough surfaces. Test should be conducted on smooth edges of textured rolls or on smooth sheets made from the same formulation as being used for the textured sheet materials. The yield stress used to calculate the applied load for the SP-NCTL test should be the manufacturer's mean value via MQC testing. (5) Other methods such as D 1603 (tube furnace) or D 6370 (TGA) are acceptable if an appropriate correlation to D 4218 (muffle furnace) can be established. (6) Carbon black dispersion (only near spherical agglomerates) for 10 different views: 9 in Categories 1 or 2 and 1 in Category 3 (7) The manufacturer has the option to select either one of the OIT methods listed to evaluate the antioxidant content in the geomembrane (8) It is also recommended to evaluate samples at 30 and 60 days to compare with the 90 day response (9) The condition of the test should be 20 hr. UV cycle at 75DC followed by 4 hr. condensation at 600C (10) Not recommended since the high temperature of the Std.-OIT test produces an unrealistic result for some of the antioxidants in the UV exposed samples (11) UV resistance is based on percent retained value regardless of the original HP-OlTvalue HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 17 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Review June 14, 2017 Table 313200E - High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Geomembrane Seams [GRI-GM39] Properties Test Value 30-mils 40 mils 50 mils 60 mils 80 mils 100 mils 120 mils Hot Wedge Seams (1) _ • shear strength (2) 571b/in 80lb/in 1001b/in 1201b/in 1601b/in 2001b/in 240lb/in • shear elongation at break (3) 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% • peel strength (2) 45lb/in 60lb/in 76lb/in 911b/in 1211b/in 1511b/in 1811b/in 25% • peel separation 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% Extrusion Fillet Seams 1601b/in • shear strength (2) 571b/in 80lb/in 100lb/in 1201b/in 2001b/in 240lb/in • shear elongation at break (3) 50% 50•o/u 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% • peel strength (2) 391b/in 52lb/in 65lb/in 781b/in 1041b/in 1301b/in 156lb/in • peel separation 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% NOTES: _ (1) Also for hot air and ultrasonic seaming methods (2) Value listed for shear and peel strengths are for 4 out of 5 test specimens; the 5th specimen can be as low as 80% of the listed values (3) Elongation measurements should be omitted for field testing END OF SECTION 313200 HDPE Geomembrane 31 32 00 - 18 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY Issued for Demonstration Approval August 3, 2017 SECTION 313230 — WOVEN GEOTEXTILE A. Section includes woven geotextile for access road construction and protective cover. B. Section includes woven geotextile for leachate collection system geotextile separator. C. Section includes woven geotextile for reinforced soil slope. D. Related Requirements: 1. Section 313700 "Aggregate and Riprap." 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM International: 1. ASTM D4355 Test Method for Deterioration of Geotextiles from Exposure to Ultraviolet Light and Water (Xenon -Arc Type Apparatus). 2. ASTM D4491 Standard Test Method for Water Permeability of Geotextiles by Permittivity. 3. ASTM D4533 Test Method for Trapezoidal Tearing Strength of Geotextiles. 4. ASTM D4632 Test Method for Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles. 5. ASTM D4751 Standard Test Method for Determining Apparent Opening Size of a Geotextile. 6. ASTM D4873 Guide for Identification, Storage and Handling of Geotextiles. 7. ASTM D6241 Standard Test Method for Static Puncture Strength of Geotextiles and Geotextile-Related Products Using a 50-min Probe. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following to the Engineer with the Contractor's bid: A material properties sheet for the geotextile, including at a minimum all properties, test methods, and test values as required by this specification. B. Submit the following to the Engineer, for review and approval, no later than 15 calendar days prior to shipment of geotextile to the Site: 1. Manufacturer's quality control program manual, or descriptive documentation. 2. The manufacturers' quality control certifications (including results of source quality control testing of the products as required by this specification) to verify that the materials supplied for the project are in compliance with the product specifications in this Section. The certifications shall be signed by a responsible party employed by the manufacturer, such as the geotextile QA/QC Manager, Production Manager, or Technical Services Woven Geotextile 31 32 30 - 1 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval August 3, 2017 Manager. Certifications shall include lot and roll numbers, and corresponding shipping information. 3. Manufacturer's instruction manual for geotextiles on -site handling and installation, including but not limited to procedures for storage, transport, placement, and seaming/joining. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with these specifications. B. Conformance Testing 1. The need for conformance testing for geotextile used for access road construction and protective cover will be as specified by the Engineer. C. Conformance Testing — Hydraulic Conductivity Ratio (leachate collection system geotextile separator only) 1. Hydraulic conductivity ratio (HCR) testing shall be performed for the leachate collection system geotextile separator and site -specific fly ash. 2. Perform a minimum of three HCR tests in accordance with ASTM D5567. 3. Fly ash shall be characterized by performing the following geotechnical laboratory tests: a. Liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index (ASTM D4318) b. Particle size with hydrometer (ASTM D422) 4. Conformance test results shall be reviewed by the Engineer to determine if the ash/geotextile system is acceptable. 5. The Engineer may require additional HCR tests at any point prior to, during, or after construction. D. The Manufacturer shall sample and test the geotextile material at a minimum frequency as required by this specification. E. If the conformance tests or Manufacturer tests do not conform to the requirements of this specification, retesting to determine conformance or rejection shall be done as set forth in the manufacturer's quality manual at no additional cost to the CQA Engineer or Owner. F. Any geosynthetic sample that does not conform to the requirements of the specifications shall result in rejection of the roll from which the sample was obtained. The Contractor shall replace any rejected roll at no cost to the Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE — ACCESS ROAD A. Woven geotextile for access road construction shall be Tencate Mirafi RS380i or equivalent as approved by the Engineer. The equivalent geotextile shall be at least a Class 2 geotextile as shown in Table 313230A. Woven Geotextile 31 32 30 - 2 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 August 3, 2017 B. The geotextiles provided by the supplier shall be stock products. C. The geotextile shall be manufactured from first quality virgin polymer. D. The supplier shall not furnish products specifically manufactured to meet the specifications of this project unless authorized by the Owner and Engineer. E. Physical, Mechanical and Chemical Property Requirements 1. Woven geotextile shall meet or exceed the values presented in Table 313230A. Table 313230A - Woven Geotextile Properties' Test Method Test Value Minimum Testing Frequency Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Grab Tensile Strength D4632 315lb 2481b 1801b 100,000sf Trapezoid Tear Strength D4533 112lb 90lb 68lb 100,000sf CBR Puncture Strength D6241 6301b 5001b 3801b 100,000sf Permittivity D 4491 0.02 sec-1 0.02 sec-1 0.02 sec-1 100,000 sf Apparent Opening Size D4751 0.024in 0.024in 0.024in per lot UV Stability (2) D 4355 509/6 50% 500% per lot NOTES: (1) Values are minimum average roll values except AOS which is a maximum average roll value and UV stability which is a minimum average value (2) Evaluation to be on 2.0 inch strip tensile specimen after 500 hours of exposure 2.2 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE —LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM GEOTEXTILE FILTER A. Woven geotextile for leachate collection system geotextile filter shall be at least a Class 2 geotextile as shown in Table 313230B. B. The geotextiles provided by the supplier shall be stock products. C. The geotextile shall be manufactured from first quality virgin polymer. D. The supplier shall not furnish products specifically manufactured to meet the specifications of this project unless authorized by the Owner and Engineer. E. Physical, Mechanical and Chemical Property Requirements 1. Woven geotextile shall meet or exceed the values presented in Table 313230B. Woven Geotextile 31 32 30 - 3 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 2.3 A. B. C. D. E. 2.4 Issued for Demonstration Approval August 3, 2017 Table 313230B - Woven Geotextile Properties' Test Method Test Value Minimum Testing Frequency Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Grab Tensile Strength D 4632 315 lb 248 lb 180 lb 100,000 sf Trapezoid Tear Strength D4533 112lb 90lb 68lb 100,000 sf CBR Puncture Strength D 6241 630 lb 500 lb 380 lb 100,000 sf Permittivity D 4491 0.02 sec-1 0.02 sec-1 0.02 sec-1 100,000 sf Apparent Opening Size (Option 1- No Sand) D 4751 0.0039 in 0.0039 in 0.0039 in per lot Apparent Opening Size (Option 2 - With Sand) D 4751 0.078 in 0.078 in 0.078 in per lot UV Stability (2) D D7238 50% 50% 50% per lot NOTES: (1) Values are minimum average roll values except AOS which is a maximum average roll value and UV stability which is a minimum average value WOVEN GEOTEXTILE — REINFORCED SOIL SLOPE Woven geotextile for reinforced soil slope construction shall be Tencate Mirafi HP270 of equivalent as approved by the Engineer. The equivalent geotextile shall comply with requirements. The geotextiles provided by the supplier shall be stock products. The geotextile shall be manufactured from first quality virgin polymer. The supplier shall not furnish products specifically manufactured to meet the specifications of this project unless authorized by the Owner and Engineer. Physical, Mechanical and Chemical Property Requirements Woven geotextile shall meet or exceed the values presented in Table 313230C. Table 313230C- Woven Geotextile Properties(') Test Method Test Value Minimum Testing Frequency Grab Tensile Strength D4632 2501b 100,000 sf Trapezoid Tear Strength D4533 1201b 100,000 sf CBR Puncture Strength D 6241 10001b 100,000 sf Permittivity D 4491 0.7 sec-1 100,000 sf Apparent Opening Size D 4751 0.6 mm per lot UV Stability (Z) D 4355 80% per lot NOTES: (1) Values are minimum average roll values except AOS which is a maximum average roll value and UV stability which is a minimum average value (2) Evaluation to be on 2.0 inch strip tensile specimen after 500 hours of exposure ACCESSORIES A. Sewing materials: Types recommended by manufacturer for sewing seams in geotextile. Woven Geotextile 31 32 30 - 4 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Issued for Demonstration Approval August 3, 2017 A. Each roll of geotextile delivered to the Site shall be labeled by the manufacturer. The label shall be firmly affixed and shall clearly state the manufacturer's name, product identification, lot number, material thickness, roll number, roll dimensions, and roll weight. B. Procedures for storage and handling of geotextile shall conform to ASTM D4873 and the manufacturer instructions, including the following: 1. Geotextile shall be protected from mud, dirt, dust, puncture, cutting or any other damaging or deleterious conditions. 2. Rolls shall be stored away from high traffic areas, protected from theft and vandalism. 3. Supplied in rolls wrapped in relatively impermeable, waterproof, and opaque protective cover that is resistant to photodegradation by ultraviolet (UV) light. 4. Continuously and uniformly support rolls on a prepared level surface (not on wooden pallets) away from standing water. Rolls shall not be stacked more than two rolls high. C. CQA Engineer personnel shall generate an inventory of geotextile rolls received on -site from the manufacturer/distributor. The inventory shall be updated weekly and shall include all the information appearing on the label of each roll, and all observed damage shall be noted. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Ensure acceptance of underlying layers before installing overlying layers. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. C. The subgrade should be smooth, level, and free of ruts or protrusions. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Installation of the geotextile shall be in compliance with this Specification and with the Manufacturer's standard guidelines and specifications for geotextile installation, subject to approval by the Engineer. B. After unwrapping the geotextile from its opaque cover, the geotextile shall not be left exposed for a period in excess of 20 days unless a longer exposure period is approved by the Engineer based on a formal demonstration from the Contractor that the geotextile is stabilized against U.V. degradation for the proposed period of exposure. C. The geotextile shall be installed such that it is in uniform, intimate contact with the subgrade. D. The Contractor shall take care not to entrap stones, excessive dust, or moisture in the geotextile during placement. Woven Geotextile 31 32 30 - 5 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 August 3, 2017 E. Woven geotextile shall be overlapped a minimum of 18 inches, or as otherwise required by the CQA Engineer based on visual observation of subgrade quality. F. Damage Repair 1. Any holes or tears in the geotextile shall be repaired with a patch made from the same geotextile. The patch shall be extend a minimum of 36 inches in all directions beyond the edges of the defect. 2. Care shall be taken to remove any soil or other material, which may have penetrated the torn geotextile. G. Place and compact overlying aggregate base coarse material in one lift. H. A minimum thickness of 6 inches of material must be placed before allowing equipment travel over the geotextile. The 6-inch cover requirement may be waived for standard rubber -tired vehicles at the discretion of the CQA Engineer and upon the CQA Engineer's observation and acceptance of a field demonstration. Tracked construction equipment shall not be allowed to travel directly on the geotextile. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Before placement of overlying materials, inspect seams, overlaps, and repaired areas. Repair damaged geotextiles and reinspect repaired work. B. The CQA Engineer shall observe repairs and report noncompliance in writing to Owner and Engineer. 3.5 PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. The Geosynthetic Installer and Contractor shall use all means necessary to protect all prior Work and all materials and completed work of other Sections of these Specifications. B. In applying overlying material, no equipment can drive directly across the geotextile. The specified overlying material shall be placed and spread utilizing vehicles with a low ground pressure. C. The geotextile shall be covered as soon as possible after installation and approval. The geotextile shall not be exposed to precipitation prior to being installed and shall not be exposed to direct sun light for more than 20 days after installation. D. Placement of Cover Material: 1. Placement of the cover soil or aggregate base course shall proceed immediately following placement and inspection of the geotextile 2. The cover material shall be placed on the geotextile in such a manner that ensures that: a. The geotextile and underlying materials are not damaged. b. Minimal slippage occurs between the geotextile and underlying layers. C. Wrinkling of geosynthetics does not occur. Woven Geotextile 31 32 30 - 6 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 August 3, 2017 E. In the event of damage, the Installer shall immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary at the expense of the responsible party, to the approval of the Engineer. F. Protect installed geotextile according to the Manufacturer's instructions. G. Contractor shall not use heavy equipment to traffic above the geotextile without approved protection. END OF SECTION 313230 Woven Geotextile 31 32 30 - 7 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 SECTION 313240 NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE A. Section includes nonwoven geotextile for geomembrane cushioning and for leachate collection system geotextile filter. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 313520 "Erosion and Sediment Control". 2. Section 313700 "Aggregate and Riprap." 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM International: 1. ASTM D698 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12 400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kN-m/m3)). 2. ASTM D3786 Standard Test Method for Hydraulic Burst Strength of Knitted Goods and Non -woven Fabrics (Diaphragm Bursting Strength Tester Method). 3. ASTM D4354 Practice for Sampling of Geosynthetics for Testing. 4. ASTM D4355 Test Method for Deterioration of Geotextiles from Exposure to Ultraviolet Light and Water (Xenon -Arc Type Apparatus). 5. ASTM D4491 Standard Test Method for Water Permeability of Geotextiles by Permittivity. 6. ASTM D4751 Standard Test Method for Determining Apparent Opening Size of a Geotextile. 7. ASTM D4533 Test Method for Trapezoidal Tearing Strength of Geotextiles. 8. ASTM D4632 Test Method for Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles. 9. ASTM D4759 Practice for Determining the Specification Conformance of Geosynthetics. 10. ASTM D4833 Test Method for Index Puncture Resistance of Geotextiles, Geomembranes and Related Products. 11. ASTM D4873 Guide for Identification, Storage and Handling of Geotextiles. 12. ASTM D5261 Test Method for Measuring Mass per Unit Area of Geotextiles. 13. ASTM D5321 Standard Test Method for Determining the Coefficient of Soil and Geosynthetic or Geosynthetic and Geosynthetic Friction by the Direct Shear Method. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following to the Engineer with the Contractor's bid: A material properties sheet for the geotextile, including at a minimum all properties, test methods, and test values as required by this specification. Nonwoven Geotextile 31 32 40 - 1 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 B. Submit the following to the Engineer, for review and approval, no later than 15 calendar days prior to shipment of geotextile to the Site: 1. Manufacturer's quality control program manual, or descriptive documentation. 2. The manufacturers' quality control certifications (including results of source quality control testing of the products as required by this specification) to verify that the materials supplied for the project are in compliance with the product specifications in this Section. The certifications shall be signed by a responsible parry employed by the manufacturer, such as the geotextile QA/QC Manager, Production Manager, or Technical Services Manager. Certifications shall include lot and roll numbers, and corresponding shipping information. 3. Manufacturer's instruction manual for geotextiles on -site handling and installation, including but not limited to procedures for storage, transport, placement, and seaming/joining. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with these specifications. B. Conformance Testing The need for conformance testing for geomembrane cushioning geotextile will be as specified by the Engineer. C. Conformance Testing — Hydraulic Conductivity Ratio (leachate collection system geotextile filter only) 1. Hydraulic conductivity ratio (HCR) testing shall be performed for the leachate collection system geotextile filter and site -specific fly ash. 2. Perform a minimum of three HCR tests in accordance with ASTM D5567. 3. Fly ash shall be characterized by performing the following geotechnical laboratory tests: a. Liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index (ASTM D4318) b. Particle size with hydrometer (ASTM D422) 4. Conformance test results shall be reviewed by the Engineer to determine if the ash/geotextile system is acceptable. D. The Engineer may require additional HCR tests at any point prior to, during, or after construction. The Manufacturer shall sample and test the geotextile material at a minimum frequency as required by this specification. E. If the conformance tests or Manufacturer tests do not conform to the requirements of this specification, retesting to determine conformance or rejection shall be done as set forth in the manufacturer's quality manual at no additional cost to the CQA Engineer or Owner. F. Any geosynthetic sample that does not conform to the requirements of the specifications shall result in rejection of the roll from which the sample was obtained. The Contractor shall replace any rejected roll at no cost to the Owner. Nonwoven Geotextile 31 32 40 - 2 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 PART 2-PRODUCTS PA. 11a[o]WiTIG]�AQeEel1167w10:4M1a0, Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 A. Nonwoven geotextile shall be that which is specified on the Drawings. B. The geotextiles provided by the supplier shall be stock products. C. The geotextile shall be: 1. Nonwoven, needle punched, continuous filament polyester material; or 2. Nonwoven, needle punched, continuous filament polypropylene material; or 3. Nonwoven, needle punched, polypropylene staple or continuous fiber material. D. The geotextile shall be manufactured from first quality virgin polymer. E. The supplier shall not furnish products specifically manufactured to meet the specifications of this project unless authorized by the Owner and Engineer. F. Physical, Mechanical and Chemical Property Requirements 1. Nonwoven geotextile for cushion shall meet or exceed the values for a 16 oz/sy geotextile presented in Table 313240A. Table 313240A - Nonwoven Geotextile Properties Test Method Test Value Minimum Testing Frequency 10 oz/sy 12 oz/sy 16 oz/sy 24 oz/sy Mass per Unit Area (min. avg.) D 5261 10 oz/sy 12 oz/sy 16 oz/sy 24 oz/sy 100,000 sf Grab Tensile Strength (min. avg.) D 4632 230 lb 300 lb 370 lb 450 lb 100,000 sf Grab Tensile Elongation (min. avg.) D 4632 50% 50% 50% 50% 100,000 sf Trapezoid Tear Strength (min. avg.) D 4533 95 lb 115 lb 145 lb 200 lb 100,000 sf Puncture Strength (min. avg.) D 4833 120 lb 140 lb 170 lb 250 lb 100,000 sf Apparent Opening Size (AOS, US Sieve) D 4751 100 100 100 100 per lot Permeability (min. avg.) D 4491 0.30 cm/sec 0.30 cm/sec 0.30 cm/sec 0.30 cm/sec per lot UV Resistance (1) D 4355 70% 70% 70% 70% per lot NOTES: (1) Evaluation to be on 2.0 inch strip tensile specimen after 500 hours of exposure Nonwoven Geotextile 31 32 40 - 3 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 2. Nonwoven geotextile for filter shall meet or exceed the values presented in Table 313240B. Table 313240E - Nonwoven Geotextile Properties Test Method Test Value Minimum Testing Frequency 16 oz/sy Grab Tensile Strength (min. avg.) D 4632 158 lb 100,000 sf Grab Tensile Elongation (min. avg.) D 4632 50% 100,000 sf Trapezoid Tear Strength (min. avg.) D 4533 56 lb 100,000 sf CBR Puncture Strength (min. avg.) D 6241 320 lb 100,000 sf Apparent Opening Size (AOS) (Option 1- Geotextile Only) D 4751 .0039 in per lot Apparent Opening Size (AOS) (Option 2 - Geotextile with Sand) D 4751 .078 in per lot Permeability (min. avg.) D 4491 0.02 cm/sec per lot UV Resistance (1) D 7238 50% per lot NOTES: (1) Evaluation to be on 2.0 inch strip tensile specimen after 500 hours of exposure 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Sewing materials: Types recommended by manufacturer for sewing seams in geotextile. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Each roll of geotextile delivered to the Site shall be labeled by the manufacturer. The label shall be firmly affixed and shall clearly state the manufacturer's name, product identification, lot number, material thickness, roll number, roll dimensions, and roll weight. B. Procedures for storage and handling of geotextile shall conform to ASTM D4873 and the manufacturer instructions, including the following: 1. Geotextile shall be protected from mud, dirt, dust, puncture, cutting or any other damaging or deleterious conditions. 2. Rolls shall be stored away from high traffic areas, protected from theft and vandalism. 3. Supplied in rolls wrapped in relatively impermeable, waterproof, and opaque protective cover that is resistant to photodegradation by ultraviolet (UV) light. 4. Continuously and uniformly support rolls on a prepared level surface (not on wooden pallets) away from standing water. Rolls shall not be stacked more than two rolls high. C. CQA Engineer personnel shall generate an inventory of geotextile rolls received on -site from the manufacturer/distributor. The inventory shall be updated weekly and shall include all the information appearing on the label of each roll, and all observed damage shall be noted. Nonwoven Geotextile 31 32 40 - 4 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 3.2 PREPARATION A. Ensure acceptance of underlying layers before installing overlying layers. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Installation of the geotextile shall be in compliance with this Specification and with the Manufacturer's standard guidelines and specifications for geotextile installation, subject to approval by the Engineer. B. After unwrapping the geotextile from its opaque cover, the geotextile shall not be left exposed for a period in excess of 20 days unless a longer exposure period is approved by the Engineer based on a formal demonstration from the Contractor that the geotextile is stabilized against U.V. degradation for the proposed period of exposure. C. The Contractor shall take care not to entrap stones, excessive dust, or moisture in the geotextile during placement. D. Nonwoven geotextile shall be overlapped a minimum of 6 inches, or as otherwise specified in the Specifications. E. Damage Repair 1. Any holes or tears in the geotextile shall be repaired with a patch made from the same geotextile. The patch shall be placed with a minimum of 12 inches overlap in all directions. 2. Care shall be taken to remove any soil or other material, which may have penetrated the torn geotextile. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Before placement of overlying materials, inspect seams and repaired areas. Repair damaged geotextiles and reinspect repaired work. B. The CQA Engineer shall observe repairs and report noncompliance in writing to Owner and Engineer. 3.5 PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. The Geosynthetic Installer and Contractor shall use all means necessary to protect all prior Work and all materials and completed work of other Sections of these Specifications. B. In applying fill material, no equipment can drive directly across the geotextile. The specified fill material shall be placed and spread utilizing vehicles with a low ground pressure. C. The geotextile shall be covered as soon as possible after installation and approval. The geotextile shall not be exposed to precipitation prior to being installed and shall not be exposed to direct sun light for more than 20 days after installation. Nonwoven Geotextile 31 32 40 - 5 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 D. Placement of Cover Material: 1. Placement of the cover soil or aggregate base course shall proceed immediately following placement and inspection of the geotextile 2. The cover material shall be placed on the geotextile in such a manner that ensures that: a. The geotextile and underlying materials are not damaged. b. Minimal slippage occurs between the geotextile and underlying layers. C. Wrinkling of geosynthetics does not occur. E. In the event of damage, the Installer shall immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary at the expense of the responsible party, to the approval of the Engineer. F. Protect installed geotextile according to the Manufacturer's instructions. G. Contractor shall not use heavy equipment to traffic above the geotextile without approved protection. END OF SECTION 313240 Nonwoven Geotextile 31 32 40 - 6 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 SECTION 313520 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Contractor shall implement and maintain best management practices (BMPs) and perform other required activities as indicated on the Drawings and as required by the landfill Operations Plan. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 311000 "Site Clearing." 2. Section 312000 "Earth Moving." 3. Section 313240 "Nonwoven Geotextile." 4. Section 313700 "Aggregate and Riprap." 5. Section 329200 "Seeding." 1.2 REFERENCES A. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) and North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission: 1. "Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual", latest edition. B. North Carolina Department of Transportation: 1. "Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures" 2012 Edition (NCDOT Standard Specifications). C. Craig Road Landfill Operations Plan, Dated December 18, 2013. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit product data on proposed erosion and sedimentation control measures. B. Dust Control Plan: Submit coordination drawing and narrative that indicates the dust control measures proposed for use, proposed locations, and proposed time frame for their operation. Identify further options if proposed measures are later determined to be inadequate. Include the following: 1. Water Tank Capacity. 2. Method of water dispersing. Erosion and Sediment Control 31 35 20 - 1 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with the requirements of pollution control laws, rules and regulations of governmental authorities having jurisdiction, and applicable permit conditions as presented on the Drawings, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. "Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973" (as amended through latest legislative session), North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS Chapter 113A, Article 4). 2. Chapter 4 of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code (T15A.04); Sedimentation Control. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES A. Erosion and sediment control devices shall be as shown on the Drawings. B. Additional E&SC measures may be required during construction to prevent erosion and offsite sedimentation. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Ensure approval of Drawings and all required notifications have been given prior to beginning work. 3.2 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL A. Provide erosion and sedimentation -control measures to prevent soil erosion and discharge of soil - bearing water runoff or airborne dust to adjacent properties and walkways, according to erosion and sedimentation control Drawings and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. B. Verify that flows of water redirected from construction areas or generated by construction activity do not enter or cross protection zones. C. Inspect, maintain, and repair erosion- and sedimentation -control measures during construction until permanent vegetation has been established. D. Remove erosion and sedimentation controls, and restore and stabilize areas disturbed during removal. 3.3 REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY CONTROLS A. Remove temporary erosion and sediment control measures upon stabilization of the tributary area and closure of the E&SC Permit and when approved by the Owner and Engineer. Erosion and Sediment Control 31 35 20 - 2 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 M91►1061ai.9xN0[8l0MI[-0111 Erosion and Sediment Control 31 35 20 - 3 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section includes: Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 SECTION 313700 — AGGREGATE AND RIPRAP 1. Aggregate base course road surfacing material consisting of NCDOT ABC aggregate. 2. Drainage aggregate consisting of NCDOT 57 aggregate. 3. Drainage aggregate consisting of NCDOT 78M aggregate. 4. Filter material consisting of ASTM C33 fine aggregate. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 313230 "Woven Geotextiles". 2. Section 313240 "Non -Woven Geotextiles". 3. Section 313520 "Erosion and Sediment Control." 4. Section 334110 "HDPE Pipe and Pipe Fittings." 1.2 REFERENCES A. ASTM International: 1. ASTM C33 — Standard Specifications for Construction Aggregates. 2. ASTM C 136 - Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. 3. ASTM D75 - Standard Practice for Sampling Aggregates 4. ASTM D421 — Standard Practice for Dry Preparation of Soil Samples for Particle -Size 5. Analysis and Determination of Soil Constants. 6. ASTM D422 — Standard Test Method for Particle Size Analysis of Soils. B. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): 1. AASHTO T27 - Standard Method of Test for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. 2. AASHTO T 180 - Standard Method of Test for Moisture -Density Relations of Soils Using a 4.54-kg (10-1b) Rammer and a 457-mm (I 8-in.) Drop. 3. AASHTO T 191 - Standard Method of Test for Density of Soil In -Place by the Sand -Cone Method. 4. AASHTO T224 - Standard Method of Test for Correction for Coarse Particles in the Soil Compaction Test. 5. AASHTO T310 - Standard Method of Test for In -Place Density and Moisture Content of Soil and Soil -Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) C. North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT): 1. "Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures", 2012 Edition (NCDOT Standard Specifications). Aggregate and Riprap 31 37 00 - 1 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following to the Engineer, for review and approval, no later than 15 calendar days prior to shipment of material to the Site: 1. Written documentation and certification (including gradation test results) signed by the material producer, indicating that aggregate, riprap and grout meet or exceed the specified requirements. 2. Modified Proctor compaction curve information for aggregate base course road surfacing material. B. Submit the following during Work progress and at completion: 1. Copy of truck ticket for every load of aggregate materials delivered to the Site. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The CQA Engineer will perform specified tests to determine conformance of the materials and constructed work with the Specifications. 1.5 TESTING OF AGGREGATE A. If determined necessary by the Engineer and/or Owner, verification testing will be performed by the Owner's QC Firm upon delivery of aggregate to the Site. Sampling will be at a minimum rate of one for every 1,000 tons of material, and for each visible change in material. Sampling will be in conformance with ASTM D75. B. The following tests will be performed: 1. Sieve analysis (using AASHTO T27 or ASTM C136) 2. Moisture -Density relationship (using AASHTO T 180, Method C, with coarse particle correction in accordance with AASHTO T224) PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Proposed materials and source shall be approved by the Engineer as specified prior to delivery and use in the construction. B. Aggregate shall meet specified gradation prior to placement. All processing shall be completed at the source. If the aggregate, at any time, deviates from the required gradation, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, correct the inconsistency to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 2.2 AGGREGATE MATERIAL A. Aggregate base course road surfacing material shall consist of NCDOT ABC aggregate. Aggregate and Riprap 31 37 00 - 2 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 B. Drainage aggregate shall be as specified on the Drawings and consist of one or more of the following: 1. NCDOT 57 aggregate. 2. NCDOT 78M aggregate. 3. ASTM C33 fine aggregate. 2.3 GEOTEXTILE A. Specified in Section 313230 and Section 313240. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Material shall be delivered and stockpiled on -site only in designated areas approved by the Owner. B. Stockpile areas shall be maintained to prevent erosion. C. Following construction stockpile areas shall be restored to pre -construction conditions and stabilized to the approval of the Owner. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Verify that subgrade gradients and elevations are correct, and that subgrade is ready for placement of aggregate surfacing material. B. Ensure acceptance of underlying layers before installing overlying layers. C. Aggregate base course road surfacing material consisting of NCDOT ABC aggregate: Ensure subgrade meets requirements for road surfacing subgrade as specified in Section 312000. D. Where required, install nonwoven geotextile as specified in Section 313240. 3.3 AGGREGATE PLACEMENT A. Contractor shall take special care to avoid damaging installed ground stabilization geotextile when placing and compacting the aggregate. Damage to the geotextile shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense, and as approved by the Engineer. B. Aggregate surfacing shall be constructed to the total depth indicated on the Drawings. Place in uniform horizontal layers, with each layer having a maximum compacted thickness of six inches. C. Place, spread, shape, and compact the aggregate as continuously as practicable during each day's operations. Place the material in a manner to avoid segregation. Uncontrolled spreading shall not be permitted. Aggregate and Riprap 31 37 00 - 3 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 D. Level and contour surfaces to achieve the final grades and cross -sections indicated on the Drawings. E. The depth of aggregate shall be carefully controlled, with periodic measurements of the loose and compacted depth. F. At the time aggregate is placed, it shall have a moisture content sufficient to obtain the required compaction. If necessary, uniformly apply water over the aggregate during compaction. Prevent free water from appearing on the surface during, or subsequent to, compaction operations. Compaction shall follow the spreading operation closely to prevent loss of contained moisture and displacement of material. G. For ASTM C-33 fine aggregate: 1. Fine aggregate (filter sand) shall be placed in one uniform layer and thoroughly wetted prior to compaction. Adequate amounts of water shall be provided to prevent bulking behavior of the filter sand. 2. Place fine aggregate to avoid segregation of particle sizes and to ensure a continuous gradation of all zones of material. Care shall be taken to keep fine aggregate from being dropped from heights of over 4 feet to help avoid segregation. No foreign material shall be allowed to become intermixed with or contaminate the aggregate material. 3. Perform compaction with hand compaction equipment such as a walk behind vibratory tamper or jumping jack type compactors. Heavy compaction equipment shall not be used. 4. Heavy equipment shall not be permitted to cross over the filter zones 5. Protect fine aggregate from becoming contaminated with soil or other materials during placement. 6. Repair fine aggregate with new, clean aggregate if erosion of material occurs as recommended by the Engineer. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Aggregate base course road surfacing material consisting of NCDOT ABC aggregate: compact to a minimum density of 98 percent of NCDOT modified Proctor (AASHTO T180 as modified by NCDOT) maximum dry density. Field density testing shall be performed using AASHTO T310 at a minimum frequency of one test per 2,500 square feet per compacted lift, but no less than one test per 100 feet of road length as measured along the centerline of the road. B. ASTM C33, where used for filter applications, shall be compacted with hand compaction equipment however the in -place density shall not be measured. C. The CQA Engineer shall observe repairs and report noncompliance in writing to Owner and Engineer. 3.5 TOLERANCE A. Aggregate base course road surfacing material consisting of NCDOT ABC aggregate: Acceptable tolerance for depth of aggregate surfacing shall be plus or minus 0.10 feet. Aggregate and Riprap 31 37 00 - 4 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 B. Based on the results of surveying, areas of the aggregate surfacing that are not constructed to the required depth and elevations, within the allowed tolerance, shall be adjusted to the proper thickness and elevations using methods approved by the Owner and Engineer. 3.6 PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. The Contractor shall use all means necessary to protect all prior Work, and all materials and completed Work of other Sections of these Specifications. B. In the event of damage, the Contractor shall immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Engineer and at no additional cost to the Owner. END OF SECTION 313700 Aggregate and Riprap 31 37 00 - 5 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 SECTION 329200 SEEDING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 A. The Work covered by this section consists of furnishing all equipment, tools, materials, and labor necessary for establishing temporary and permanent vegetative cover; e.g., seeding, fertilizing, and mulching, on specified areas disturbed at the site. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 313520 "Erosion and Sediment Control." 1.2 REFERENCES A. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) and North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission: 1. "Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual", latest edition. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product and certificates of compliance or reports: 1. Seed mix; 2. Fertilizer; 3. Mulch; 4. Agricultural Soil Test Reports; and 5. Other accessories and soil amendments. B. Soil test results and fertilizer and soil amendment recommendations from the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs or a similar soil and nutrient testing laboratory. C. Qualification Data: For the Installer. D. Certification of Grass Seed: From seed vendor for each grass -seed monostand or mixture, stating the botanical and common name, percentage by weight of each species and variety, and percentage of purity, germination, and weed seed. Include the year of production and date of packaging. E. Certification of each seed mixture for grass. Include identification of source and name and telephone number of supplier. Seeding 32 92 00 - 1 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide seed mixture in containers showing percentage of seed mix, germination percentage, inert matter percentage, weed percentage, year of production, net weight, date of packaging, and location of packaging. B. Perform Work in accordance with North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Control Planning and Design Manual. C. Installer Qualifications: A qualified landscape installer whose work has resulted in successful vegetation establishment that is similar species utilized for this project. 1. Professional Membership: Installer shall be a member in good standing of either the Professional Landcare Network or the American Nursery and Landscape Association, or as approved by the Engineer. 2. Installer's Field Supervision: Require Installer to maintain an experienced full-time supervisor on Project site when work is in progress. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 SEED A. Temporary Seed Mixture: As specified on the approved Drawings or Landfill Operations Plan. B. Permanent Seed Mixture: As specified on the approved Drawings or Landfill Operations Plan. 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Mulching Material: Oat or wheat straw, free from weeds, foreign matter detrimental to plant life, and dry and as described in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. B. Fertilizer: Commercial grade; recommended for grass; of proportion necessary to eliminate deficiencies of topsoil as described in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual and as indicated on Drawings. C. Water: Clean, fresh and free of substances or matter capable of inhibiting vigorous growth of grass. D. Limestone (if required by soil analysis): Agricultural grade limestone ground to pass an 8-mesh with 25 percent passing a 100-mesh sieve shall be furnished. In addition calcareous limestone shall contain not less than 50 percent calcium oxide, and dolomitic limestone shall contain not less than 40 percent magnesium oxide. Coarser materials will be acceptable provided the specified rates of application are increased proportionately, on the basis of quantities passing the 8- and 100- mesh sieves, but no additional payment will be made for the increased quantity. Seeding 32 92 00 - 2 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 KJ DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Delivery: In C. A. Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 1. During delivery, seed shall be protected from any drying or contamination by detrimental material. 2. Seeding material shall be inspected upon arrival at the site; unacceptable material shall be immediately removed from the site by the Contractor. 3. Fertilizer shall be delivered to the site in the original, unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed chemical analysis, name, trade name, trademark, and conformance with State of North Carolina. 4. Pesticides and herbicides shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened containers. Containers without labels and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) registration numbers and the manufacturer's registered uses will be rejected by the Engineer. Storage: 1. Seed and fertilizer shall be stored in cool, dry locations away from contaminants. 2. Pesticides and herbicides shall not be stored with other landscape materials and shall be handled and stored following manufacturer's directions. 3. Materials shall be stored in areas designated or approved by the Engineer. 4. Seed and Other Packaged Materials: Deliver packaged materials in original, unopened containers showing weight, certified analysis, name and address of manufacturer, and indication of compliance with state and Federal laws, as applicable. Bulk Materials: 1. Do not dump or store bulk materials near structures, utilities, walkways and pavements, or on existing turf areas or plants. 2. Provide erosion -control measures to prevent erosion or displacement of bulk materials; discharge of soil -bearing water runoff; and airborne dust reaching adjacent properties, water conveyance systems, or walkways. 3. Accompany each delivery of bulk materials with appropriate certificates. PREPARATION Examine areas to be planted for compliance with requirements and other conditions affecting installation and performance of the Work. 1. Verify that no foreign or deleterious material or liquid such as paint, paint washout, concrete slurry, concrete layers or chunks, cement, plaster, oils, gasoline, diesel fuel, paint thinner, turpentine, tar, roofing compound, or acid has been deposited in soil within a planting area. 2. Suspend planting operations during periods of excessive soil moisture until the moisture content reaches acceptable levels to attain the required results. 3. Uniformly moisten excessively dry soil that is not workable or which is dusty. Seeding 32 92 00 - 3 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. C. If contamination by foreign or deleterious material or liquid is present in soil within a planting area, remove the soil and contamination as directed by Engineer and replace with new planting soil. [c�c�y�1�1�71►[el A. Apply seed at rate as indicated on Drawings evenly in two intersecting directions and in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. Rake in lightly. B. Do not seed areas in excess of that which can be mulched on same day. C. Planting Season: As indicated on Drawings and in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. D. Do not sow immediately following rain, when ground is too dry, or when winds are over 12 mph. E. Immediately following seeding, apply mulch to thickness as specified on Drawings and in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. Maintain clear of shrubs and trees. F. Apply water with fine spray immediately after each area has been mulched. G. Sow seed with spreader or seeding machine. Do not broadcast or drop seed when wind velocity exceeds 5 mph (8 km/h). 1. Evenly distribute seed by sowing equal quantities in two directions at right angles to each other. 2. Do not use wet seed or seed that is moldy or otherwise damaged. 3. Do not seed against existing trees. Limit extent of seed to outside edge of planting saucer. 3.4 HYDROSEEDING A. Apply fertilizer, mulch and seeded slurry with hydraulic seeder at rate of 2000 lbs per acres evenly in one pass. B. After application, apply water with fine spray immediately after each area has been hydroseeded. C. Hydroseeding: Mix specified seed, commercial fertilizer, using equipment specifically designed for hydroseed application. Continue mixing until uniformly blended into homogeneous slurry suitable for hydraulic application. 3.5 MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Mow grass at regular intervals to maintain at maximum height of 3 inches. Do not cut more than 1/3 of grass blade at each mowing. Perform first mowing when seedlings are 40 percent higher than desired height. Seeding 32 92 00 - 4 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 B. Neatly trim edges and hand clip where necessary. C. Immediately remove clippings after mowing and trimming. Do not let clippings lay in clumps. D. Water to prevent grass and soil from drying out. E. Control growth of weeds. Apply herbicides. Remedy damage resulting from improper use of herbicides. F. Immediately reseed areas showing bare spots. G. Repair washouts or gullies. H. Protect seeded areas with warning signs during maintenance period. END OF SECTION 329200 Seeding 32 92 00 - 5 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 SECTION 334110 — HDPE PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS A. Section includes pipe and pipe fittings for high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 312005 "Trenching." 2. Section 313700 "Aggregate and Riprap." 1.2 REFERENCES A. Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan. B. ASTM International: 1. ASTM D638 - Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics. 2. ASTM D695 - Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics. 3. ASTM D696 - Standard Test Method for Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Plastics Between (-300)C and 30°C With a Vitreous Silica Dilatometer. 4. ASTM D746 - Standard Test Method for Brittleness Temperature of Plastics and Elastomers by Impact. 5. ASTM D790 - Standard Test Method for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials. 6. ASTM D1238 - Standard Test Method for Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion Plastometer. 7. ASTM D 1248 - Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Extrusion Materials for Wire and Cable. 8. ASTM D 1505 - Standard Test Method for Density of Plastics by the Density Gradient. 9. ASTM D1603 - Standard Test Method for Carbon Black in Olefin Plastics. 10. ASTM D1693 - Standard Test Method for Environmental Stress Cracking of Ethylene Plastics. 11. ASTM D2240 - Standard Test Method for Rubber Property - Durometer Hardness. 12. ASTM D2513 - Standard Specification for Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings. 13. ASTM D2657 - Standard Practice for Heat Fusion joining of Polyolefin Pipe and Fittings. 14. ASTM D2837 - Standard Test Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe materials. 15. ASTM D3261 - Standard Specification for Butt Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe and Tubing. 16. ASTM D3350 - Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Materials. 17. ASTM F405 - Standard Specification for Corrugated Polyethylene (PE) Pipe and Fittings. HDPE Pipe and Pipe Fittings 3341 10 - 1 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 18. ASTM F667 - Standard Specification for Large Diameter Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings. 19. ASTM F714 - Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Outside Diameter. 20. ASTM F 1473 - Standard Test Method for Notch Tensile Test to Measure the Resistance to Slow Crack Growth of Polyethylene Pipes and Resins. C. Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI): 1. PPI TR4 - Recommended Hydrostatic Strengths and Design Stresses for Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings Compound. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. 1. The Contractor or Supplier shall submit a complete description of and data indicating pipe material used, and pipe accessories and fittings proposed for use to the Engineer for approval at least two weeks prior to installation. Pipe data shall conform to the standards set in Table 334110-A at the end of this Specification. 2. Manufacturer's Certificates: a. Certification of the analysis for the HDPE resin. b. Certify products meet or exceed specified requirements specified in Table 334110- A at the end of this Specification. C. Certifications must be submitted to Engineer for approval at least two weeks prior to installation. 3. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate special procedures required to store and install products specified. 4. Submit manufacturer's product information on the utility location tape to be used. B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for HDPE Pipe, fittings, valves, vaults, sizes, locations, and other accessories. Indicate piece numbers and elevations. Show other piping in same trench and clearances from storm drainage system piping. Indicate interface and spatial relationship between piping, and proximate structures. Shop drawings for fabricated fittings shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval at least two weeks prior to fabrication. C. Profile Drawings: Show system piping in elevation. Draw profiles at horizontal scale of not less than 1 inch equals 50 feet (1:500) and vertical scale of not less than 1 inch equals 5 feet (1:50). Indicate manholes and piping. Show types, sizes, materials, and elevations of other utilities crossing system piping. D. Submit information on the proposed detectable underground utility marking tape. E. Field quality -control reports. F. Project Record Documents: Record location of pipe runs, connections, and invert elevations via survey information. HDPE Pipe and Pipe Fittings 3341 10 - 2 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 G. Submit results of hydrostatic pressure testing for pressurized pipe sections. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with these specifications. B. The pipe, outlet structure, and/or fitting manufacturer's production facilities shall be open for inspection by the Owner or his designated agents with a reasonable advanced notice. C. During inspection, the manufacturer shall demonstrate that it has facilities capable of manufacturing and testing the pipe, manholes, sumps and/or fittings to standards required by this Specification. D. Pipe which has been tested by the manufacturer and falls outside of the appropriate limits set forth in Table 334110-A contained in this specification will be cause for rejection. E. The Owner or the specifying Engineer may request certified lab data to verify the physical properties of materials not meeting the requirements of this specification. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) PIPING A. Base Resin (HDPE Material) 1. HDPE material used for the manufacture of HDPE pipe and fittings under this specification shall be produced from approved pipe material base resin that is high density, high molecular weight polyethylene (HDPE) pipe grade resin with the nominal physical properties: a. Equivalent to Type III, Category 5, Class C, Grade PE 4710 in accordance with ASTM D 1248. b. Equivalent to cell classification PE445574C in accordance with ASTM D3350. C. As outlined in Table 334110-A at the end of this Specification. 2. The material shall be listed by PPI (Plastics Pipe Institute, a division of the Society of the Plastics Industry) in PPI TR-4 with a 73°F hydrostatic design basis of 1,600 psi and a 140°F hydrostatic design basis of 800 psi. The PPI listing shall be in the name of the pipe manufacturer and shall be based on ASTM D2837 testing. 3. The resin shall contain not less than 97% of the base polymer and not less than 2% carbon black as defined in ASTM D1248, Class C to impart maximum weather resistance. 4. The pipe material shall contain no more than 3% carbon black, anti -oxidants, and heat stabilizers combined, and no other additives, fillers or extenders. 5. The pipe shall contain no recycled compound except that generated in the manufacturer's own plant from resin of the same raw material, including both the base resin and the co - extruded resin. B. Physical Appearance All pipes shall have good appearance qualities. HDPE Pipe and Pipe Fittings 3341 10 - 3 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 C. c E Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 2. The pipe shall be homogeneous throughout and the surfaces shall be smooth and uniform with no visible defects. 3. The pipes shall be free of visible cracks, holes, voids, nicks, cuts, gouges, scratches, blisters, gels, undispersed ingredients, any signs of contamination by foreign inclusions, or other defects that may affect the wall integrity or the pipe's serviceability. 4. Holes for perforated HDPE pipes shall be cleanly cut, identical in geometry, and evenly spaced. Physical Properties 1. Pipe and fitting dimensions, workmanship, standard dimension ratio (SDR) and corresponding pressure rating shall be in accordance with the requirements of ASTM F714. 2. HDPE piping shall have a Standard Dimension Ratio as specified on the Drawings. 3. Pipe supplied under this Specification shall have a nominal OD indicated on the Drawings unless otherwise specified. 4. The chemical and corrosion resistance of the PE pipe and all fittings shall be in keeping with typical properties of high quality polyethylene products currently available through commercial sources and equal to or greater than that of the 60 mil HDPE geomembrane specified. 5. All mechanical fasteners or fittings shall be stainless steel. 6. At a minimum, the pipe material shall meet the properties presented in Table 334110-A at the end of this Specification. Pipe Fittings 1. All fittings specified on the Drawings, or otherwise, needed to make pipe connections (ex: 90' elbow) shall be in accordance with ASTM D2513 and ASTM D3261 and shall be manufactured by injection molding, a combination of extrusion and machining, or fabrication from HDPE pipe conforming to this specification. 2. The fittings shall be fully pressure rated and provide a working pressure equal to that of the pipe with an included 2:1 safety factor. 3. The fittings shall be manufactured from the same base resin type and cell classification as the pipe itself as specified in this Specification. The fittings shall be homogeneous throughout and free from cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, voids, or other injurious defects. 4. Molded socket fittings shall not be used. 5. Pre -fabricated fittings: a. Shall not be permitted unless molded fittings are not available from the pipe Manufacturer, and only after obtaining specific approval from the Engineer. b. Shall be made using pipe segments meeting all base resin, physical, and property requirements presented in this Specification. C. All pipe segments in a pre -fabricated fitting shall be pressure rated to exceed by 20 percent of the highest pipe pressure rating to which they are intended to be connected. HDPE Joints The method of joining for high density polyethylene pipe shall be the heat butt fusion method of high density polyethylene pipe per ASTM D2657 and shall be performed in strict accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations, subject to the Engineer's approval. The heat fusion equipment used in the joining procedures should be capable of meeting all conditions recommended by the pipe manufacturer. HDPE Pipe and Pipe Fittings 3341 10 - 4 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 2. All joints shall be made by trained technicians qualified by the Manufacturer and using equipment and controlled procedures approved by the Manufacturer. 3. All pipe joints shall be stronger than the pipe itself under both tension and hydrostatic loading conditions. 4. The joints shall be leak -tight, homogeneous and uniform throughout. 5. Butt fusion welds shall exhibit a uniform melt bead. 6. Properly executed electrofusion fittings may be used. Extrusion welding or hot gas welding of HDPE shall not be used for pressure pipe applications or fabrications where shear or structural strength is important, as determined by the Engineer. Mechanical joint adapters, flanges, unions, grooved -couplers, transition fittings, and some mechanical couplings may be used to mechanically connect HDPE pipe with approval by the Engineer. Refer to the manufacturer's recommendations. F. Perforated Pipes 1. The HDPE pipe sections shall be perforated as shown on the Drawings. 2. Perforations shall be cleanly cut, identical in geometry, and evenly spaced. G. Accessories Valves, vaults, and other accessories as shown on Drawings. H. Identification 1. The following shall be continuously indent printed on the pipe, or spaced at intervals not exceeding 5 feet: a. Name and/or trademark of the pipe manufacturer. b. Pipe series designation. C. Nominal pipe size. d. Standard dimension ratio (SDR). e. The letters PE followed by the polyethylene grade per ASTM D1248, followed by the Hydrostatic Design basis in 100's of psi (e.g., PE 4710). f. Manufacturing Standard Reference (e.g., ASTM F714-1). g. A production code from which the date and place of manufacture can be determined. 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Detectable underground utility marking tape. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Packaging, handling, and shipment shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's standards, instructions, and recommendations. B. Transportation to Site: HDPE Pipe and Pipe Fittings 3341 10 - 5 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 1. The manufacturer shall package the pipe, fittings, structures, and/or other miscellaneous HDPE items in a manner designed to deliver it or them to the project neatly, intact, and without physical damage. 2. The transportation carrier shall use appropriate methods and intermittent checks to insure the materials are properly supported, stacked, and restrained during transport such that it is not nicked, gouged, or physically damaged. C. Storage: 1. Pipe, structures, and other miscellaneous HDPE items shall be stored on clean, level ground to prevent undue scratching or gouging and as needed to protect them from being covered with excessive dirt, water, moisture, and mechanical abrasion. 2. The handling of pipe, structures, and other miscellaneous HDPE items shall be done in such a manner that there is no damage. Nylon slings are often used. 3. If the pipe must be stacked for storage, such stacking shall be done in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Store gaskets for mechanical and push -on joints in cool, dry location out of direct sunlight and not in contact with petroleum products. D. Care shall be taken to minimize the amount of soil collected inside the pipe, structures, and other miscellaneous HDPE items while handling and installing. E. The pipe, structures, and other miscellaneous HDPE items shall be handled in such a manner that it is not pulled over sharp objects or cut by chokers or lifting equipment, and care shall be exercised during installation not to damage the pipes and fittings. F. Any pipe section, structure, fitting, joint or other miscellaneous HDPE items that becomes broken, cracked, crushed, cut, scratched, gouged or otherwise rendered unsuitable, as determined by the Engineer, shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor. Scratches greater than 6 inches in length and gouges exhibiting a depth in excess of 8 percent of the wall thickness of the pipe shall be cause for rejection of pipe or fittings to the extent designated by the Engineer. G. Fused Pipe Segment Handling: 1. Fused segments of pipe shall be handled so as to avoid damage to the pipe. 2. Chains or cable type chokers must be avoided when lifting fused sections of pipe. Nylon slings are preferred. 3. Spreader bars are recommended when lifting long fused sections. 4. Pipe shall be fused in lengths not to exceed that which can be moved and placed easily and safely, causing no damage to the fused pipe or welds. 3.2 EXAMINATION A. Verify trench cut or excavation is ready to receive work and excavations, dimensions, and elevations are as indicated on the Drawings. 3.3 PREPARATION A. Correct over excavation with fill material at no additional cost to the Owner. HDPE Pipe and Pipe Fittings 3341 10 - 6 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 B. Remove large stones or other hard matter capable of damaging pipe or impeding consistent backfilling or compaction. C. Pipe trenching should be conducted in accordance with Section 312005. 3.4 PIPING INSTALLATION A. General Locations and Arrangements: Drawing plans and details indicate general location and arrangement of underground infrastructure piping. Location and arrangement of piping layout take into account design considerations. Install piping as indicated, to extent practical. Where specific installation is not indicated, follow piping manufacturer's written instructions. B. Pipe shall be flushed to remove scraps, shavings, and other deleterious material. Deleterious material shall be removed from the cell area to prevent damage to pumping components. C. Piping shall be installed to facilitate video inspection. D. Excavate pipe trench (where excavation is required for installation) in accordance with Section 312005. E. Install pipe, fittings, and accessories in accordance with the Drawings, these Specifications, and the Manufacturer's recommendations. F. Route piping in straight line. G. Pipe sections shall be joined adjacent to the placement area prior to placement. H. Pipe shall be fused in lengths not to exceed that which can be moved and placed easily and safely, causing no damage to the fused pipe or welds. I. Pipe will be laid such that the perforations/slots (if applicable) are on the underside of the pipe. Care shall be taken not to drop the pipe while moving it, and to avoid excess stress or strain during installation. When pulling the pipe, either a pulling head or a suitable wraparound sleeve with rubber protective cover shall be used to prevent the pulling cables from damaging the pipe. K. Pipeline installation and placement of backfill around pipelines shall be performed when the pipe is in a contracted state, i.e., during the cool of the morning, at night, or during periods of over- cast skies. L. Immediately after placement, the pipe shall be thoroughly and completely embedded, supported, and covered, and the backfill compacted. M. Refer to Section 312000 for backfilling and compacting requirements. Do not displace or damage pipe when compacting. N. Install detectable underground utility marking tape continuous over top of pipe. Bury marking tape 6 inches below finish grade, above pipe line; coordinate with Sections 312000 and 312005. HDPE Pipe and Pipe Fittings 3341 10 - 7 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 O. HDPE pipe shall be joined using butt fusion. All butt fusion welds shall be made as described in ASTM D2657. Electrofusion welding can be used for making pipe welds. Hot air and extrusion welding are not permitted for pipe joining. P. HDPE force main manifold installation varies along alignment. Refer to Drawings for backfill schedule. Q. Install piping beginning at low point, true to grades and alignment indicated with unbroken continuity of invert. Place bell ends of piping facing upstream. Install gaskets, seals, sleeves, and couplings according to manufacturer's written instructions for use of lubricants, cements, and other installation requirements. R. Install manholes for changes in direction unless fittings are indicated. Use fittings for branch connections unless direct tap into existing sewer is indicated. S. Install proper size increasers, reducers, and couplings where different sizes or materials of pipes and fittings are connected. Reducing size of piping in direction of flow is prohibited. T. Place fill to contours and elevations as shown on Drawings with unfrozen materials. 3.5 ERECTION TOLERANCES A. Lay pipe to alignment and slope gradients noted on Drawings; with maximum variation from indicated slope of 1/8 inch in 10 feet or as approved by the Engineer. B. Maximum variation from intended elevation of culvert invert: 1/2 inch. C. Maximum offset of pipe from indicated alignment: 1 inch or as approved by the Engineer. D. Maximum variation in profile of structure from Intended Position: 1/2 percent or as approved by the Engineer. 3.6 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. The CQA Engineer will undertake observations and inspections to determine compliance of the materials and work with this Specification. B. Contractor shall inspect interior of piping to determine whether line displacement or other damage has occurred. Inspect after approximately 24 inches (610 mm) of backfill is in place, and again at completion of Project. 1. Submit separate reports for each system inspection. 2. Defects requiring correction include the following: a. Alignment: Less than full diameter of inside of pipe is visible between structures. b. Deflection: Flexible piping with deflection that prevents passage of ball or cylinder of size not less than 92.5 percent of piping diameter. C. Damage: Crushed, broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged piping. d. Infiltration: Water leakage into piping. HDPE Pipe and Pipe Fittings 3341 10 - 8 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Issued for Demonstration Approval Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 July 17, 2017 e. Exfiltration: Water leakage from or around piping. C. Quality control by the CQA Engineer will include testing, monitoring, and/or inspecting: 1. The HDPE pipe and fittings for correct size, SDR rating; workmanship, and fabrication. 2. Damage during installation. 3. The installation, alignment and welding of all pipe, and fittings. 4. Backfilling of pipe. D. Replace defective piping using new materials, and repeat inspections until defects are within allowances specified. 1. Reinspect and repeat procedure until results are satisfactory. E. Non -perforated pipe and fittings shall be hydrostatically tested by the Contractor to the following requirements: 1. 40 psi for 4 hours. F. Pipe and fittings to be used as the outer pipe in a dual -containment pipe network shall be air tested as approved by the Engineer. G. Backfill and Compaction Testing: In accordance with Section 312000. H. When tests indicate Work does not meet specified requirements, remove work, replace and retest. I. HDPE pipes and other miscellaneous items shall be subject to rejection on account of failure to conform to these Specifications. In addition, individual sections of these items may be rejected because of any of following reasons: 1. Any pipe section, fitting, joint, or outlet structure that becomes broken, cracked, crushed, cut, scratched, gouged or otherwise rendered unsuitable, as determined by the Engineer, shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor. 2. Scratches greater than 6 inches in length and gouges exhibiting a depth in excess of 8 percent of the wall thickness of the pipe, fitting, or outlet structure shall be cause for rejection of a pipe section, fitting, or outlet structure to the extent designated by the Engineer. 3.7 CLEANING A. If necessary clean using jet cleaning methods or as approved by the Engineer. 3.8 PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. Protect pipe, cover, and outlet structures from damage or displacement until backfilling operation is in progress. B. Care shall be exercised during construction not to damage the pipelines, fittings, and outlet structures. HDPE Pipe and Pipe Fittings 3341 10 - 9 Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 Issued for Demonstration Approval July 17, 2017 Table 334110A - HDPE Pipe Properties Test Method Unit Nominal Value Material Designation PPI-TR4 PE4710 Cell Classification ASTM D3350 445574C Type III, Category Material Classification ASTM D1248 5, Class C Density ASTM D1505 >_ 0.945 g/cc ASTM D1238 Melt Index g/10 min. <0.1 (Condition E) Carbon Black Content ASTM D1603 % range 2 to 3 ASTM D790 Flexural Modulus psi >125,000 (2% Secant) Ultimate Tensile Strength ASTM D638 psi 3,200 ASTM D638 Yield Tensile Strength 1 psi >3,000 (Type IV, 2ipm) Ultimate Elongation at Break ASTM D638 % > 750 ASTM D638 Yield Elongation % >8 1 (Type IV, 2ipm) ASTM D638 Modulus of Elasticity 1 psi > 100,000 (Type IV, 2ipm) ASTM D1693 Environmental Stress Crack Resistance hrs > 5,000 (Fo, Condition C) Hardness ASTM D2240 Shore "D" > 60 Compressive Strength at Yield ASTM D695 psi > 1,600 Slow Crack Resistance ASTM F1473 hours > 100 Hydrostatic Design Basis at 73.4° F (23' C) ASTM D2837 psi > 1,600 Hydrostatic Design Basis at 140' F (60° C) > 800 Low Temperature Brittleness ASTM D746 ° F (° C) <-180° (-117°) Linear Thermal Expansion Coefficient ASTM D696 in/in/- F 9x 10-5 END OF SECTION 334110 HDPE Pipe and Pipe Fittings 3341 10 - 10 Engineering and Facility Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina APPENDIX D Construction Quality Assurance Plan Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 August 3, 2017 (� DUKE ENERGY. 1 amec foster wheeler Construction Quality Assurance Plan Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 To: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Date August 3, 2017 From: Amec Foster Wheeler Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 2 PROJECT BACKGROUND.............................................................................................................. 3 PROJECT TEAM AND RESPONSIBILITIES................................................................................... 3.1 Owner....................................................................................................................................... 3.2 CQA Project Team................................................................................................................... 3.2.1 Design Engineer of Record (Engineer)................................................................................ 3.2.2 Construction Quality Assurance Agency.............................................................................. 3.2.3 Engineering Technicians...................................................................................................... 3.3 Contractor................................................................................................................................. 3.4 Pre -Construction Meeting........................................................................................................ 3.5 Progress Meetings................................................................................................................... 3.6 Pre -Installation Meeting........................................................................................................... 3.7 Troubleshooting Meetings........................................................................................................ 4 COMPACTED FILL........................................................................................................................... 4.1 Material..................................................................................................................................... 4.2 Construction............................................................................................................................. 4.3 Observations............................................................................................................................ 4.4 Testing...................................................................................................................................... 4.4.1 In -Place Testing................................................................................................................... 4.4.2 Laboratory Testing............................................................................................................... 5 AGGREGATES................................................................................................................................. 5.1 Material..................................................................................................................................... 5.2 Submittals................................................................................................................................. 5.3 Testing...................................................................................................................................... 5.3.1 Manufacturer Quality Control Testing.................................................................................. 5.3.2 Conformance Testing........................................................................................................... 6 GEOMEMBRANE............................................................................................................................. 6.1 Material..................................................................................................................................... 6.2 Geosynthetic Manufacturer and Construction.......................................................................... 6.2.1 Manufacturer Submittals...................................................................................................... 6.2.2 Contractor Submittals........................................................................................................... 6.3 Geomembrane Material Testing............................................................................................... 6.3.1 Manufacturer Quality Control Testing.................................................................................. 6.3.2 Conformance Testing........................................................................................................... 6.4 Geomembrane Installation....................................................................................................... 6.4.1 Meetings............................................................................................................................... 6.4.2 Field Panel Identification....................................................................................................... 6.4.3 Field Seaming....................................................................................................................... 6.4.4 Test Seams.......................................................................................................................... 6.4.5 Seam Monitoring.................................................................................................................. 6.4.6 Non -Destructive Testing....................................................................................................... 6.4.7 Field Destructive Testing...................................................................................................... 6.4.8 Laboratory Destructive Testing............................................................................................. 6.4.9 Repair Procedures and Verification...................................................................................... 6.4.10 Acceptance and Closeout Procedures............................................................................. 6.5 Geomembrane Leak Location Survey...................................................................................... 7 NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE............................................................................................................. 7.1 Materials................................................................................................................................... 7.2 Geosynthetic Manufacturer and Contractor............................................................................. 7.2.1 Manufacturer Submittals...................................................................................................... 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 TOC i August 3, 2017 7.2.2 Contractor Submittals................................................................................................................8 7.3 Geotextile Material Testing...........................................................................................................9 7.3.1 Manufacturer Quality Control Testing.......................................................................................9 7.3.2 Conformance Testing................................................................................................................ 9 7.4 Geotextile Installation....................................................................................................................9 8 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE..........................................................................................................................9 8.1 Materials........................................................................................................................................9 8.2 Geosynthetic Manufacturer and Contractor..................................................................................9 8.2.1 Manufacturer Submittals...........................................................................................................9 8.2.2 Contractor Submittals................................................................................................................9 8.3 Geotextile Material Testing...........................................................................................................9 8.3.1 Manufacturer Quality Control Testing.......................................................................................9 8.3.2 Conformance Testing..............................................................................................................10 8.4 Geotextile Installation..................................................................................................................10 9 HDPE PIPE.......................................................................................................................................... 10 9.1 Material........................................................................................................................................10 9.2 HDPE Pipe Manufacturer and Contractor Submittals.................................................................10 9.3 HDPE Pipe Installation................................................................................................................10 9.4 Acceptance and Closeout Procedures........................................................................................10 10 RECORD DRAWINGS....................................................................................................................10 11 CERTIFICATION REPORT.............................................................................................................11 Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 TOC ii August 3, 2017 Construction Quality Assurance Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina 1 Introduction This Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan was prepared with the Engineering Plan for the proposed Belews Creek paste demonstration project. As the proposed paste demonstration project includes a liner and leachate collection system to replicate landfill conditions, it was designed and will be constructed following standard landfill practices. This CQA Plan covers paste demonstration project construction including site preparation; grading for the proposed demonstration cells; installing a liner system, installing a leachate collection system (LCS), and constructing ancillary support facilities. The proposed paste demonstration project will be located wholly within the Craig Road Landfill. The Craig Road Landfill was designed, permitted, and is operated consistent with North Carolina solid waste management rules and the federal CCR rule. Therefore, the paste demonstration project is also subject to these rules. Since the paste demonstration project is located nearly 40 feet above the Craig Road landfill liner system, strict compliance with the rules, especially for CQA, are not required. However, this CQA Plan was prepared, and it is Duke Energy's intent, that the project be constructed and monitored consistent with general landfill construction practices. 2 Project Background The project consists of permitting, designing, constructing, and operating paste demonstration cells at Belews Creek Steam Station. The objective of this CQA Plan is to outline the construction monitoring and testing program to document that the facility was constructed in general accordance with the approved design. Demonstration cell construction includes a combination of earthworks and geosynthetics construction. Demonstration cell construction will begin by excavating and placing compacted fill and subgrade fill to meet cell liner system grades. The proposed demonstration cells include a liner system installed on the demonstration cell subgrade. The liner system will consist of the following components from top to bottom (within the cell floor): ► geotextile separator ► aggregate leachate collection layer ► non -woven geotextile cushion ► 60 mil double -sided textured HDPE geomembrane ► prepared subgrade The LCS does not extend up the side slopes to prevent contact water at the final paste surface from migrating into the LCS. Therefore, the liner system on the side slopes consists solely of the geomembrane placed over prepared subgrade. Intermediate or final cover will not be placed on top of the paste to allow for data collection of run-off and leachate quality and quantity. 3 Project Team and Responsibilities 3.1 Owner Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke) is the project Owner. The Owner has overall responsibility for the project and will maintain the contractual relationships with the Design Engineer of Record (Engineer) and the Contractor(s). 3.2 CQA Project Team The CQA Project Team will oversee construction and will certify that construction was completed consistent with approved plans. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160861 Page 1 of 11 August 3, 2017 Construction Quality Assurance Plan Belews Creek Paste Demonstration 3.2.1 Design Engineer of Record (Engineer) Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina The Engineer is responsible for defining quality assurance requirements compatible with the project objectives, reviewing and approving shop drawings, reviewing and approving submittals, outlining procedures for the analysis of test data, and preparing quality assurance memorandums and quality assurance reports. The Engineer is responsible for design changes, clarifications, and specification addenda. The Engineer also has the ultimate responsibility for approving or disapproving elements of the project. The responsibility to stop work is held by the Owner. CQA documents will be prepared, signed, and sealed by the Engineer assuming the CQA firm is the same as the design firm. The Engineer will review field and laboratory test data on a regular basis. The Engineer will be a registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina and will report to Duke. 3.2.2 Construction Quality Assurance Agency The Construction Quality Assurance Engineer (CQA Engineer) will be experienced in quality assurance testing and monitoring. The CQA Engineer will report to the Engineer and can be one in the same entity. The CQA Engineer serves as the on -site representative of the Owner and is responsible for the field implementation of the approved quality assurance program as follows: ► Monitoring the quality assurance activities of the field testing and documenting conformance with test procedures and the Technical Specifications ► Informing the Engineer of quality assurance activities and non-conformance to the approved CQA program, if any ► Logging of geosynthetic samples and establishing laboratory conformance testing lots ► Observing that sample handling procedures are in accordance with the appropriate guidelines for the testing to be conducted ► Organizing, assigning, and directing engineering technicians; and ► Maintaining an awareness of the overall field testing operations to identify conditions that may jeopardize the quality of testing 3.2.3 Engineering Technicians The engineering technicians (technicians) are responsible for field observations and testing at the direction of the CQA Engineer. Technicians will be assigned to the project as deemed necessary by the CQA Engineer. The CQA Engineer may perform and conduct field observations and testing himself. Technicians will be under the direct supervision of the CQA Engineer. 3.3 Contractor The Contractor is the organization who the Owner has entered into a contractual agreement to complete the project construction. The Contractor and his subcontractors will be responsible for supplying materials, labor, and equipment to complete the scope of work as defined in the contract documents. Typically, the Contractor is responsible for earthworks and general overall construction activities. It is anticipated that the Contractor may subcontract the liner system geosynthetics work to a specialized contractor referred to herein as the Geosynthetic Installer. 3.4 Pre -Construction Meeting A pre -construction meeting shall be conducted prior to the start of construction. The meeting shall include, but not be limited to, discussion of: ► Health and safety ► Construction management organization ► Respective duties of the construction management organization and the Contractors ► Proposed construction schedule ► Testing requirements and procedures; and ► Periodic reporting requirements for test results and construction activities Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160861 Page 2 of 11 August 3, 2017 Construction Quality Assurance Plan Belews Creek Paste Demonstration 3.5 Progress Meetings Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina Progress meetings will be held on a regular basis, and as needed, between the Owner, Engineer, CQA Engineer, Contractor, and representatives of other involved parties. The status of the project, scheduled activities, and construction related subjects will be discussed. 3.6 Pre -Installation Meeting A pre -installation meeting will be scheduled prior to geosynthetics installation. The Contractor, the Geosynthetics Installer, and the CQA Engineer shall attend the meeting. The meeting shall be held a minimum of two weeks prior to the Geosynthetics Installer's mobilization. 3.7 Troubleshooting Meetings If problems develop or should deficiencies arise during construction, troubleshooting meetings shall be held between the Owner, Engineer, the CQA Engineer, the Contractor, and representatives of other involved parties. The problem(s) shall be defined and a resolution shall be discussed. 4 Compacted Fill 4.1 Material Compacted fill may consist of CCR material or off -site and/or on -site soils placed to achieve proposed grades for liner system subgrade and perimeter berms surrounding the demonstration cells. Compacted fill may consist of CCR material or off -site and/or on -site soils that meet the project specifications and that are free of organic material, refuse, or debris. Fill located within 1 foot of geosynthetics shall have a maximum particle size of 3 inches with a maximum protrusion of inch above surrounding grades. The compacted fill shall be constructed and compacted to meet the requirements outlined in Section 312000 of the Technical Specifications. 4.2 Construction Compacted fill will be compacted in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose depth. The Engineer may modify maximum allowable lift thickness depending on soil type used, construction equipment, and methods employed. 4.3 Observations Prior to fill placement, the base surface or surface of the previous lift shall be observed. Fill material shall be monitored to evaluate that the materials are free of deleterious materials and meet the specification requirements. During fill placement, observations of lift thickness and uniform mixing of fill material will be performed. 4.4 Testing Testing of subgrade fill will consist of both in -place and laboratory testing described as follows. 4.4.1 In -Place Testing In -place field density and moisture content tests shall be performed as shown in Table 4.4.1. Where multiple test methods are listed, only one test method needs to be used. Table 4.4.1 - In -Place Field Density Testing Requirements of Subgrade Fill TEST METHOD FREQUENCY Field Density Sand Cone (ASTM D1556) One (1) test per one (1) acre per lift Drive Cylinder (ASTM D2937) Nuclear Gauge (ASTM D6938) Moisture Content Field Moisture (ASTM D2216) Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160861 Page 3 of 11 August 3, 2017 Construction Quality Assurance Plan Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina Required field density and moisture content tests will be completed before the overlying lift of soil is placed. The surface preparation (e.g. wetting, drying, scarification, etc.) will be completed prior to placement of subsequent fill lifts. 4.4.2 Laboratory Testing Bulk samples of the compacted fill will be obtained for each 3,000 cubic yards of fill placed. The Engineer may modify the number of bulk samples needed depending on the variability of the fill being placed. Laboratory testing will include, but not be limited, to the following tests: Table 4.4.2 - Laboratory Testing Requirements of Subgrade Fill TEST METHOD FREQUENCY Water (Moisture) Content ASTM D2216 One (1) test per Particle Size ASTM D422 Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index ASTM D4318 3,000 cubic yards Standard Proctor Compaction ASTM D698 Characteristics 5 Aggregates 5.1 Material Aggregates may consist of: ► Road surfacing: aggregate base course — NCDOT ABC aggregate No. Drainage aggregate: NCDOT 57 and/or NCDOT 78M aggregate No. Filter material: ASTM C33 fine aggregate. 5.2 Submittals Refer to the technical specifications for submittal requirements. 5.3 Testing 5.3.1 Manufacturer Quality Control Testing Proposed materials and source shall be approved by the Engineer as specified prior to delivery and use in the construction. Aggregate shall meet specified gradation prior to placement. All processing shall be completed at the source. If the aggregate, at any time, deviates from the required gradation, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, correct the inconsistency to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 5.3.2 Conformance Testing If determined necessary by the Engineer and/or Owner, verification testing will be performed by the Owner's testing firm upon delivery of aggregate to the site. Sampling will be at a minimum rate of one for every 1,000 tons of material, and for each visible change in material. Sampling will be in conformance with ASTM D75. The following tests will be performed: ► Sieve analysis (using AASHTO T27 or ASTM C136) ► Moisture -Density relationship (using AASHTO T180, Method C, with coarse particle correction in accordance with AASHTO T224) Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160861 Page 4 of 11 August 3, 2017 Construction Quality Assurance Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina 6 Geomembrane Geomembranes are incorporated as part of the liner system as described in the following sections. 6.1 Material The geomembrane for the liner system will be a 60-mil textured on both sides high density polyethylene (HDPE) as defined in Technical Specification Section 313200. 6.2 Geosynthetic Manufacturer and Construction The Geosynthetic Installer is the party responsible for installation of the geomembrane. The manufacturer is the party that supplies the geosynthetic products. 6.2.1 Manufacturer Submittals Refer to technical specifications for submittal requirements. 6.2.2 Contractor Submittals Refer to technical specifications for submittal requirements. 6.3 Geomembrane Material Testing Testing of geomembrane will consist of both manufacturer quality control (MQC) and conformance testing, described as follows. 6.3.1 Manufacturer Quality Control Testing The manufacturer shall sample and test the geomembrane material prior to shipment to the site, at minimum frequencies specified in 313200-A of the Technical Specifications. Any geomembrane sample that does not comply with the requirements of Technical Specifications shall result in rejection of the roll from which the sample was obtained. The Contractor shall replace any rejected roll at no additional cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall require the manufacturer to sample and test each roll manufactured in the same lot or batch, or at the same time, as the failing roll. Sampling and testing of rolls shall continue until acceptable results are established. 6.3.2 Conformance Testing The CQA Engineer shall obtain samples for conformance testing. Samples may be obtained prior to shipment at the manufacturing facility by the Engineer or the geosynthetics laboratory. The minimum number of samples shall be one per 100,000 ft2. The samples must be representative of the materials supplied and exclude the outer wrap of geomembrane if evidence of scuffing or other damage is observed. Samples should extend across the full roll width and be at least 3 feet wide. Representative samples will be sent to a geosynthetics laboratory approved by the Engineer for conformance testing. The laboratory testing program will be directed by the Engineer and include, but not be limited, to the following tests: Table 6.3.2 - Conformance Testing Requirements of Geomembrane. TEST METHOD FREQUENCY Thickness ASTM D5199 and/or ASTM D5994 One (1) test per 100,000 square feet Asperity height ASTM D7466 Density ASTM D1505 and/or ASTM D792 Carbon black content ASTM D1603 Tensile Properties ASTM D6693 Tear Resistance ASTM D1004 Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160861 Page 5 of 11 August 3, 2017 Construction Quality Assurance Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina If a representative sample does not comply with the requirements of Section 313200 of the Technical Specifications, the roll of geomembrane that is in non-conformance shall be replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. The Geosynthetic Installer shall perform additional conformance testing on the closest numerical roll on both sides of the failed roll. Sampling and testing of rolls shall continue until acceptable results are established. The CQA Engineer or his representative shall monitor the rolls upon delivery to the site and report observed deviations from the requirements of the Technical Specifications to the Contractor. At the Engineer's discretion, the CQA Engineer or his representative may sample rolls from each shipment of geomembrane delivered to the site. 6.4 Geomembrane Installation 6.4.1 Meetings A geosynthetics pre -installation meeting will be held prior to beginning geosynthetic installation. At a minimum, the Contractor, Geosynthetic Installer, Engineer or his representative, and a representative of the Owner will be in attendance. The Technical Specifications, quality assurance, and quality control procedures will be reviewed and discussed. 6.4.2 Field Panel Identification The Geosynthetic Installer shall number each panel with an identification code using the format P1, P2, etc. Panels in the field must be numbered in the order in which the panels are laid regardless of pre - construction numbering. The CQA Engineer or his representative will record the location and date of installation of each panel using the identification code. 6.4.3 Field Seaming Field seaming shall be in accordance with the US EPA Technical Guidance document: "The Fabrication of Polyethylene FML Field Seams" EPA/530/SW-89/069 and/or according to the Technical Specifications. Seaming may be extrusion or fusion welding or a combination of these methods. The Engineer reserves the right to reject any proposed seaming method believed to be unacceptable. Additional concepts and requirements of proper field seaming are found in the Technical Specifications. Adjoining liner panels shall be overlapped as recommended by the manufacturer, but not less than 4 inches, by adequately lapping the edges of the sheets. The overlap shall not exceed 6 inches for double - wedge fusion welds. Section 313200 of the Technical Specifications provides more in depth details on the general requirements for liner handling, placement, field seaming, and installation. 6.4.4 Test Seams The Geosynthetic Installer will perform test seams at the beginning of each seaming period, after any interruption in power, after any prolonged idle period during the day, when changes in storing equipment occur, and at the request of the Engineer at any other time during the day. A test seam shall be made for each texture contact type to be seamed by that welder during the working increment (i.e. smooth/smooth for edge seams, texture/texture for butt seams, etc.). The CQA Engineer or his representative may request additional test seams according the Technical Specifications. The test seam should be approximately 6 feet long. The CQA Engineer or his representative will sample the test seam from the center 3 feet of the test sample. The welder, date, time, and equipment, as well as liner temperature, welding temperature, and seaming parameters will be recorded in the Geomembrane Trial Seam Log by the CQA Engineer or his representative for each test seam. A minimum of six specimens from each sample will be tested with three in peel and three in shear. Film Tear Bond (FTB) type failures will be the criterion for qualification of the test seam. Testing will be Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160861 Page 6 of 11 August 3, 2017 Construction Quality Assurance Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina performed in the field by the Geosynthetic Installer under full-time observation by the CQA Engineer or his representative. Untested portions of the test seam will be retained by the discretion of the CQA Engineer for the project records and future testing, as required. All test seams must pass the field testing requirements presented in Tables 313200-B of the Technical Specifications before production seaming is performed by the Geosynthetic Installer. 6.4.5 Seam Monitoring During seaming, the CQA Engineer or his representative will observe the seams for the proper preparation, grinding technique, and for evidence of overheating. Where observations indicate that repairs are needed, the method of repair will be evaluated in the field by the CQA Engineer or his representative. The repairs will be logged in the Geomembrane Repair Testing Log CQA Engineer or his representative. At the discretion of the CQA Engineer, coupons may be cut from the end of the extrusion seams and the bottom side of the seam will be observed for visible warping or deformation. The CQA Engineer or his representative will observe the geomembrane during the cooler parts of the day to check for slack. Any areas where "trampolining" occurs will be marked and logged in the Geomembrane Defect Log by the Engineer for repair by the Geosynthetic Installer. All repair locations shall be patched and tested in accordance with Sections 313200 of the Technical Specifications prior to acceptance. All patches shall extend a minimum of 6 inches beyond the repair location. All repairs will be logged in the Geomembrane Repair Testing Log by the CQA Engineer or his representative. 6.4.6 Non -Destructive Testing The Geosynthetic Installer is responsible for non-destructive testing of the entire length of field seams. The testing will be vacuum, air pressure, and/or spark testing as outlined in the Technical Specifications. Non-destructive testing will be monitored by the CQA Engineer or his representative on a full-time basis. 6.4.7 Field Destructive Testing Field destructive testing (FDT) shall be conducted periodically at the discretion of the CQA Engineer or Engineer. The Geosynthetic Installer will obtain 12-inch wide by 42-inch long samples of field seams for testing. The name of the sample (e.g. FDT-1), date, time, equipment, seam number, and seaming parameters will be marked on each sample and recorded by the CQA Engineer or his representative in the Geomembrane Defect Log. Samples retained will be tested in the field by the Geosynthetic Installer. A minimum of three specimens with dimensions of 12 inches wide by 1 inch long from each sample will be tested in peel (ASTM D6392). FTB type failures will be the criterion for qualification of the production seam. 6.4.8 Laboratory Destructive Testing Destructive seam samples will be tested by the CQA Engineer or his representative. Testing frequency is at least one sample per 500 cumulative linear feet of field seam at locations specified by the CQA Engineer or his representative. The name of the sample (e.g. LDT-1), date, time, equipment, seam number, and seaming parameters will be marked on each sample and recorded by the CQA Engineer or his representative in the Geomembrane Defect Log. Test samples will be at least 54 inches long and 12 inches wide. A minimum of five peel specimens will be tested for each sample in accordance with ASTM D6392. At least five specimens from each sample will be tested for bonded shear strength in accordance with ASTM D6392. Peel tests will be performed on both sides of a double -wedge fusion seam. The Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160861 Page 7 of 11 August 3, 2017 Construction Quality Assurance Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina preference is for the CQA Engineer to establish an on -site laboratory to the satisfaction of the Engineer for performing laboratory destructive tests. 6.4.9 Repair Procedures and Verification The Geosynthetic Installer shall visually inspect the geomembrane surface for defects. Portions of the geomembrane exhibiting defects, or failing a destructive or nondestructive test, must be repaired by the Geosynthetic Installer. Repairs shall be made in accordance with the Technical Specifications. Each liner repair shall be recorded by the CQA Engineer or his representative in the Geomembrane Repair Testing Log including the date of repair, liner panel identification number, repair location, type of defect, cause of defect, and details of repairs made. Each repaired area shall be required to pass non- destructive testing. Large repair areas may require destructive test sampling. 6.4.10 Acceptance and Closeout Procedures The Contractor is responsible for providing a record drawing of the geomembrane installation. The record drawings shall include panel corners, transitions in panel geometry, repair locations, the outside bottom corner of the anchor trench, and other significant features. Survey timing should be coordinated with the Geosynthetics Installer and the CQA Engineer so as not to impact the geosynthetics construction schedule. The Geosynthetic Installer's supervisor shall observe and check all phases of the geomembrane installation. Upon completion of liner system construction, the Geosynthetic Installer shall submit a Letter of Acceptance to the Owner that the installation conforms to the requirements of the Manufacturer. 6.5 Geomembrane Leak Location Survey The CQA Engineer shall contract with a qualified testing firm to complete an electrical leak location survey of the installed geomembrane. The electrical leak location survey shall be completed after the LCS aggregate has been installed. The survey shall be conducted in accordance with the Standard Practices for Electrical Methods for Locating Leaks in Geomembranes Covered with Water or Earth Materials (ASTM D7007) by filling the demonstration cell with water to a suitable depth over the leachate collection layer. The Contractor and Geosynthetic Installer will be responsible for exposing and repairing leaks identified by the electrical leak location survey. 7 Nonwoven Geotextile Non -woven geotextiles are incorporated as part of the LCS. 7.1 Materials A non -woven geotextile may be used for separation/filtration and will be used as a cushioning layer in the leachate collection and detection system. 7.2 Geosynthetic Manufacturer and Contractor The Geosynthetic Installer is the party responsible for installation of the non -woven geotextile. The manufacturer is the party that supplies the geosynthetic products. 7.2.1 Manufacturer Submittals Refer to technical specifications for submittal requirements. 7.2.2 Contractor Submittals Refer to technical specifications for submittal requirements. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160861 Page 8 of 11 August 3, 2017 Construction Quality Assurance Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina 7.3 Geotextile Material Testing Geotextile testing will consist of both manufacturer quality control and conformance testing, described as follows. 7.3.1 Manufacturer Quality Control Testing The manufacturer shall sample and test the geotextile material prior to shipment to the site, at minimum frequencies specified in Table 313240-A found in Section 313240 of the Technical Specifications. Any geotextile sample that does not comply with the requirements of Section 313240 of the Technical Specifications shall result in rejection of the roll from which the sample was obtained. The Contractor shall replace any rejected roll at no additional cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall require the manufacturer to sample and test each roll manufactured in the same lot or batch, or at the same time, as the failing roll. Sampling and testing of rolls shall continue until acceptable results are established. 7.3.2 Conformance Testing The need for conformance testing will be as specified by the Engineer. 7.4 Geotextile Installation The non -woven geotextile shall be continuously sewn at the seams. Geotextiles shall be overlapped a minimum of 6 inches overlap. Any holes or tears in the geotextile shall be repaired with a patch made from the same geotextile. The CQA Engineer will monitor repairs. 8 Woven Geotextile 8.1 Materials Woven geotextiles are incorporated as reinforcement in reinforced slopes, as a separator under ABC stone, and possibly as a filter layer over the LCS. 8.2 Geosynthetic Manufacturer and Contractor The Geosynthetic Installer is the party responsible for installation of woven geotextile. The manufacturer is the party that supplies the geosynthetic products. 8.2.1 Manufacturer Submittals Refer to technical specifications for submittal requirements. 8.2.2 Contractor Submittals Refer to technical specifications for submittal requirements. 8.3 Geotextile Material Testing Geotextile testing will consist of both manufacturer quality control and conformance testing, described as follows. 8.3.1 Manufacturer Quality Control Testing The manufacturer shall sample and test the geotextile material prior to shipment to the site, at minimum frequencies specified in Tables 313230-A and 313230-B found in Section 313230 of the Technical Specifications. These tables present identical lists of test methods and frequencies for filter and separator material, and these test methods and frequencies apply to geotextile reinforcement as well. Any geotextile sample that does not comply with the requirements of Section 313230 of the Technical Specifications shall result in rejection of the roll from which the sample was obtained. The Contractor Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160861 Page 9 of 11 August 3, 2017 Construction Quality Assurance Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina shall replace any rejected roll at no additional cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall require the manufacturer to sample and test each roll manufactured in the same lot or batch, or at the same time, as the failing roll. Sampling and testing of rolls shall continue until acceptable results are established. 8.3.2 Conformance Testing The need for conformance testing will be as specified by the Engineer. 8.4 Geotextile Installation The non -woven geotextile shall be continuously sewn at the seams. Geotextiles shall be overlapped a minimum of 6 inches overlap. Any holes or tears in the geotextile shall be repaired with a patch made from the same geotextile. The CQA Engineer will monitor repairs. 9 HDPE Pipe HDPE Piping will be installed during the construction of the LCS. 9.1 Material HDPE pipes consist of perforated and non -perforated HDPE piping in sizes indicted on the Engineering Drawings. Pipe wall thicknesses are specified in terms of the standard dimension ratio (SDR) as indicated in the Engineering Drawings. 9.2 HDPE Pipe Manufacturer and Contractor Submittals The supplier of the HDPE pipe shall provide the CQA Engineer with the manufacturer's Technical Specifications and quality control information. 9.3 HDPE Pipe Installation Butt fusion welding of the pipe shall be monitored by the CQA Engineer or his representative. Butt fusion welds shall exhibit a uniform melt bead. The melt bead shall be removed or reamed from the interior of the pipe prior to placement. Pressure testing of the HDPE sump discharge lines will be performed by the Contractor and observed by the CQA Engineer or his representative. The pressure and time at the beginning and end of the test will be recorded for each section of pipe tested. The Contractor will repair pipe sections not meeting the test requirements at no cost to the Owner. 9.4 Acceptance and Closeout Procedures The Contractor is responsible for providing record drawings of the completed HDPE pipe installation. The record drawings shall include LCS pipe locations within the cell, and LCS pipe cleanout locations at a spacing that is adequate to identify the position of the pipe. Survey timing should be coordinated with the Geosynthetics Installer and the CQA Engineer so as not to impact the construction schedule of the geosynthetics and overlying materials. 10 Record Drawings The Contractor shall retain a third -party surveyor registered in the state that the work is performed. The Contractor shall be responsible for submitting to the Engineer the following: ► Final Subgrade Survey ► Geomembrane Survey ► Leachate Collection Layer Survey (Top of LCS) ► Installed leachate piping elevations and locations ► Installed paste contact water piping elevations and locations Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160861 Page 10 of 11 August 3, 2017 Construction Quality Assurance Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina The surveys shall be performed on a grid spacing sufficient to define the topography with anchor trenches, berms, toes, crests, and breaks -in -slopes. Surveys shall also show contours of the completed surface at one -foot contour intervals. The geomembrane as -built drawing shall include panel corners, transitions in panel geometry, repair locations, the outside bottom corner of the anchor trench, and other significant features. Survey timing should be coordinated with the Geosynthetics Installer and the CQA Engineer so as not to impact the construction schedule of the geosynthetics. This does not replace the required Panel Layout As -Built to be submitted by the Geosynthetic Installer. 11 Certification Report The Engineer will prepare a certification report upon cell completion. The certification report will contain test results and monitoring documentation performed for construction including: ► Compacted fill ► Liner system geosynthetics installation including: ► MQC data and test results ► CQA data, test results, and documentation ► LCS piping information ► Geocomposite Drainage Layers ► Material certification and warranty information for installed material and equipment Record drawings and a comprehensive narrative of the construction process and CQA activities, including daily reports from the CQA Engineer and documentation of progress meetings, will be included with the certification report. Color photographs of key elements for construction shall also be included in the certification report. Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160861 Page 11 of 11 August 3, 2017 Engineering and Facility Plan Duke Energy — Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek Paste Demonstration Belews Creek, North Carolina APPENDIX E Operations Plan, Craig Road Landfill (Revision 5, December 18, 2013) Amec Foster Wheeler Project No. 7810160681 August 3, 2017 OPERATIONS PLAN CRAIG ROAD LANDFILL Permit No. INDUS-8504 DUKE ENERGY — BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION BELEWS CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA S&ME Project No. 1356-10-041 Prepared for: (� DUKE ENERGY 526 South Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Prepared by: Charlotte, North Carolina December 18, 2013, Revision 5 Operations Plan SWE No. 1356-10-041 Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Craig Road Landfill December 18, 2013 DESCRIPTION OF REVISIONS The following table provides a brief description of the revisions to the Operations Plan. The Operations Plan was originally submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) in October 2005 and modified as shown in the following table: Revision Date of Description of Revisions Document Initial October, Initial issuance of document. Issue 2005 Revision 1 July 11, Inclusion of gypsum as approved waste stream. 2007 Revision 2 March 16, Craig Road Landfill Phase 1 Vertical Expansion. 2011 Revision 3 July 28, This revision addressed modifications incorporated as part of 2011 the Craig Road Landfill Phase I Vertical Expansion consisting of filling guidance, dust control, and acceptable wastes. Revision 4 April 4, Lateral expansion of the Craig Road Landfill covering Phase 2012 2. Revision 5 December Modifications to reflect changes resulting from Phase 2 18, 2013 Construction, added fixated sludge to list of accepted waste Operations Plan SWE No. 1356-10-041 Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Craig Road Landfill December 18, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. General Facility Operations......................................................................................1 1.1 Overview............................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Contact Information............................................................................................ 1 1.3 Safety.................................................................................................................. 1 1.4 Access and Security Requirements..................................................................... 2 1.5 Operating Hours.................................................................................................. 2 1.6 Signs....................................................................................................................2 1.7 Training............................................................................................................... 2 1.8 Record Keeping.................................................................................................. 3 1.9 Design Drawings................................................................................................. 3 2. Operations Management........................................................................................... 5 2.1 Waste Handling and Landfill Sequencing.......................................................... 5 2.1.1 Landfill Capacity.................................................................................... 5 2.1.2 Waste Acceptance, Disposal, and Screening Requirements ................... 6 2.1.3 Dust, Litter, Odor, and Vector Control ................................................... 6 2.1.4 Fire Control............................................................................................. 7 2.1.5 Landfill Sequencing................................................................................ 7 2.1.6 Waste Placement..................................................................................... 7 2.1.7 Compaction Requirements and Testing .................................................. 8 2.1.8 Cover Requirements................................................................................ 9 2.2 Leachate and Contact Water Management....................................................... 10 2.2.1 Contact Water Source 1........................................................................ 10 2.2.2 Contact Water Source 2........................................................................ 11 2.2.3 Contact Water Source 3........................................................................ 11 2.3 Leachate Collection System (LCS)................................................................... 11 2.3.1 LCS Maintenance.................................................................................. 12 2.3.2 LCS Record Keeping and Sampling ..................................................... 13 2.3.3 Contingency Plan.................................................................................. 13 2.4 Stormwater Collection Conveyance................................................................. 13 2.4.1 Stormwater Discharge........................................................................... 13 2.5 Contact and Non -Contact Water Basin Maintenance Requirements ................ 14 2.6 Groundwater Monitoring Well Access Requirements ...................................... 14 2.7 Landfill Gas Management................................................................................. 14 3. Erosion and Sedimentation Control.......................................................................14 3.1 E&SC Measures Monitoring and Maintenance ................................................ 14 3.2 Surface Erosion Monitoring.............................................................................. 15 4. Vegetation Management.........................................................................................16 4.1 Temporary Seeding........................................................................................... 17 4.2 Permanent Seeding............................................................................................ 18 5. Landfill Closure.......................................................................................................18 6. Required Regulatory Submittals............................................................................19 Operations Plan Duke Enerav Belews Creek Steam Station Craia Road Landfill LIST OF TABLES Table 1 — Design Drawings Table 2 — Landfill Expansion Life Estimation LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix I Appendix II Appendix III Dust Control Plan Phasing Drawings Closure/Post-Closure Plan SWE No. 1356-10-041 December 18, 2013 Operations Plan Duke Enerav Belews Creek Steam Station Craia Road Landfill 1. GENERAL FACILITY OPERATIONS 1.1 Overview SWE No. 1356-10-041 December 18, 2013 The purpose of this Operations Plan is to provide a plan for the safe and efficient operations of the Belews Creek Steam Station (BCSS) Craig Road Landfill. This Operations Plan presents the operational requirements for: 1) General Facility Operations, 2) Operations Management, 3) Erosion and Sedimentation Control, and 4) Vegetation Management along with guidance for Landfill Closure and Required Regulatory Submittals. The Operations Plan also includes Tables for Design Drawings, Landfill Life Estimation, and Appendices for Dust Control Plan, Phasing Drawings, and Closure/Post-Closure Plan. The Operations Plan was prepared consistent with 15A NCAC 13B .0505 Operational Requirements for Sanitary Landfills rules. BCSS is located in the southeastern portion of Stokes County, North Carolina, adjacent to Belews Lake. The landfill is located on the BCSS property to the south of the steam station adjacent to Craig Road. The Craig Road Landfill is owned and operated by Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke). 1.2 Contact Information Correspondence and questions concerning the operation of the Craig Road Landfill should be directed to the appropriate entity as follows: Owner Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC—Belews Creek Steam Station 3195 Pine Hall Road, Belews Creek, North Carolina 27009 (336) 445-0642 Facility Contact: Station Sponsor for Landfill Operations or Environmental Professional State Regulatory AgencX North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section Asheville Regional Office 2090 US Highway 70, Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 (828) 296-4500 Environmental Engineer: Larry Frost 1.3 Safety Landfill operations at the Craig Road Landfill were developed considering the health and safety of the facility's operating staff. The operating staff is provided with site -specific safety training prior to landfill operations, and on -site activities are to be conducted according to the applicable sections of Duke's Safe Work Practices. Operations Plan Duke Enerav Belews Creek Steam Station Craia Road Landfill 1.4 Access and Security Requirements SWE No. 1356-10-041 December 18, 2013 The Craig Road Landfill is located entirely within Duke property limits. Security for the site is currently in place, consisting of fencing, gates, berms, wooded buffers, and security check stations. Unauthorized vehicle access to the site is prevented around the landfill property by security check stations, woods, fencing, gates, and stormwater conveyance features. The access road to the site is of all-weather construction and will be maintained in good condition. Potholes, ruts, and debris on the road(s) will receive immediate attention in order to avoid damage to vehicles. 1.5 Operating Hours The Craig Road Landfill is operated seven days a week, as needed. 1.6 Signs A sign providing the landfill permit number and a statement reading "NO HAZARDOUS OR LIQUID WASTE PERMITTED" is posted at the site entrance, and shall be maintained in good condition. Directional signs are placed along the access road to the landfill and shall be maintained in good condition at all times. Edge -of -waste markers are installed to delineate the edge of waste. These markers shall be maintained in good condition and remain visible at all times. 1.7 Training Due to the diversity and nature of job tasks required at the Craig Road Landfill, personnel shall be adequately trained to handle facility operations and maintenance. The Station Sponsor for Landfill Operations shall have a general understanding of all the tasks required for site operations. Individuals performing the various tasks shall have adequate training for the site -specific tasks they are assigned. Duke shall provide a site - specific training program for facility personnel. Noteworthy operations and maintenance tasks to be addressed in training include: • Maintaining accurate records of waste loading (quantitative and qualitative); • Operating requirements for stormwater segregation from exposed waste areas; and • Operating and maintaining the leachate collection system (LCS). All training will be documented and training records will be kept on -site. The Station Sponsor for Landfill Operations will complete operator training courses in accordance with the permit requirements. Operations Plan SWE No. 1356-10-041 Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Craig Road Landfill December 18, 2013 1.8 Record Keeping An operating record is to be maintained on -site, including but not limited to the following records: • Leachate Collection System (LCS)—Periodic Maintenance Documentation; • Leachate monitoring; • Stormwater Maintenance and Inspection Logs; • Erosion and Sedimentation Control Inspection Logs; • Periodic Landfill Inspection Reports; • Dust Control Plan Monitoring Worksheets (included in the Dust Control Plan); • Groundwater Monitoring (and Sampling) Documentation; and • Operations Plan. The above records are to be kept in the operating record for the active life of the Craig Road Landfill and the post -closure care period. Information contained in the operating record must be furnished upon request to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section (Division) or be made available for inspection by the Division. Additional records kept on -site should include: • Solid waste facility permits; • Record of the amount of solid waste received summarized on a monthly basis based on scale records; • Regulatory agency inspection reports; • Permit -to -Construct Application; • Employee training program and records; and • Landfill drawings and specifications. 1.9 Design Drawings A list of the landfill engineering and facility plan design drawings developed for Phase 2 construction is provided in Table 1. The design drawings provide the location of landfill features, landfill construction details, and technical design and construction notes. Operations Plan Duke Enerav Belews Creek Steam Station Craia Road Landfill Table 1 - Design Drawings SWE No. 1356-10-041 December 18, 2013 Drawing Drawing Title Title Number Number BC-6032-09.00 Title Sheet BC-6032-33.00 Estimated Top of Bedrock BC-6032-10.00 Aerial Photograph BC-6032-34.00 Estimate Long Term Seasonal High Groundwater BC-6032-11.00 Existing Conditions BC-6032-35.00 Liner System Details BC-6032-12.00 Phase 2 Underdrain and E&SC - BC-6032-36.00 Perimeter Details Stage 1 BC-6032-13.00 Phase 2 Underdrain and E&SC - BC-6032-37.00 Berm Details Stage 2 BC-6032-15.00 Cell 1 Subgrade and E&SC BC-6032-38.00 Leachate Collection System Details 1 BC-6032-16.00 Cell 1 Leachate Management (Cell 1 BC-6032-39.00 Leachate Collection System Construction Option) Details 2 BC-6032-17.00 Cell 1 Protective Cover (Cell 1 BC-6032-40.00 Leachate Collection System Construction Option) Details 3 BC-6032-18.00 Cell 1 Access Roads BC-6032-87.00 Leachate Collection System Details 4 BC-6032-19.00 Cell 2 Subgrade and E&SC BC-6032-88.00 Contact Water Basin Details BC-6032-20.00 Cell 2 Leachate Management (Cell 2 BC-6032-89.00 Underdrain Details Construction Option) BC-6032-21.00 Phase 2 Leachate Management (Phase BC-6032-90.00 Erosion Control Details 1 2 Construction Option) BC-6032-22.00 Phase 2 Protective Cover (Phase 2 BC-6032-91.00 Erosion Control Details 2 Construction Option) BC-6032-23.00 Phase 2 Access Roads BC-6032-92.00 Stormwater and Chimney Drain Details BC-6032-24.00 Phase 2 Stormwater Management BC-6032-93.00 Contact Water Conveyance Zone Details 1 BC-6032-25.00 Phase 2 Stockpile Areas and E&SC BC-6032-94.00 Contact Water Conveyance Zone Details 2 BC-6032-26.00 Phase 2 Cover System BC-6032-95.00 Operations Details BC-6032-27.00 Phase 2 Cover System Stormwater BC-6032-96.00 Cover System Details 1 Management BC-6032-28.00 Future Phases Subgrade BC-6032-97.00 Cover System Details 2 BC-6032-29.00 Future Phases Force Main BC-6032-98.00 Future Tie -In Details BC-6032-30.00 Future Phases Access Roads BC-6032-99.00 Cross Sections A -A' BC-6032-31.00 Future Phases Cover System BC-6032-100.00 Cross Sections B-B' BC-6032-32.00 Future Phases Cover System Stormwater Management Operations Plan Duke Enerav Belews Creek Steam Station Craia Road Landfill 2. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SWE No. 1356-10-041 December 18, 2013 The primary objective of operations management at the Craig Road Landfill is to dispose of waste material in compliance with permit conditions while operating in a safe manner. Landfilling operations will generally begin in Phase 2 until waste fill heights reach the elevation of current waste fill in Phase 1, after which Phases 1 and 2 will be filled together. During landfill operations the working face in the cell will be limited to as small an area as practical, at the owner's discretion, with waste in other areas covered with appropriate material. Contact water from the active face will be directed to chimney drains interior to the landfill footprint. Additionally, the landfill has been designed to provide separation of contact water from non -contact water. Contact water is defined as water that contacts waste, including exposed waste within the landfill, operational haul roads surfaced with bottom ash generally located within the limit of waste, and perimeter access roads between the point of landfill egress and the wheel wash. Contact water will be managed as leachate while non -contact water will be managed as stormwater. Contact water and non -contact water separation are further described in subsequent subsections of this plan. 2.1 Waste Handling and Landfill Sequencing 2.1.1 Landfill Capacity The Craig Road Landfill is designed to receive waste at an annual disposal rate of 900,000 cubic yards per year. The resulting landfill life for Phases 2 through 6 is estimated to be 24.62 years following Phase 1 as represented in Table 2.1 below. Table 2 - Landfill Expansion Life Estimation Estimated Phase Footprint Approximate Airspace Estimated Phase Number Area Available for Lifetime (Acres)' Waste Disposal (Years) (Cy)2 Phase 2 34.7 3,860,000 4.29 Phase 3 31.9 5,740,000 6.38 Phase 4 19.0 4,900,000 5.44 Phase 5 22.5 4,350,000 4.83 Phase 6 15.6 3,310,000 3.68 Total Landfill Life 24.62 Notes: 1. Within the limit of waste of the respective phase and rounded to the nearest tenth of an acre. Operations Plan S&ME No. 1356-10-041 Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Craig Road Landfill December 18, 2013 2. Rounded to the nearest 10,000 CY. 3. Total Landfill Life after Phase 1. 2.1.2 Waste Acceptance, Disposal, and Screening Requirements The Craig Road Landfill is permitted to accept the following on -site waste types: • Coal combustion products (CCPs) (including fly and bottom ash, pyrites and coal mill rejects, and boiler slag); • Gypsum produced during the flue gas desulfurization (FGD) process; • Waste water treatment sludge (WWTS) produced during the FGD process; • Waste limestone material, boiler slag, and sand blast material; and • Fixated FGD waste. The landfill owner or operator shall notify the Division within 24 hours of attempted disposal of any wastes the landfill is not permitted to receive. At a minimum, hazardous waste, yard trash, liquid wastes, regulated medical waste, sharps not properly packaged, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) waste as defined in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 761, and wastes banned from disposal in North Carolina by General Statute 130A-309.10(f), must not be accepted at the landfill. Asbestos waste will not be disposed of in the landfill. The removal of waste from the landfill is prohibited without owner approval. Waste will be hauled and disposed of by dedicated and consistent operators from the waste source to the landfill. Access to the interim waste storage location(s) (i.e. fly ash silos, gypsum storage areas, etc.), haul routes, and landfill are restricted; therefore, no screening of waste is recommended. 2.1.3 Dust, Litter, Odor, and Vector Control Litter, odors, and vectors are not anticipated to be concerns at the Craig Road Landfill. The waste placed in the landfill does not attract vectors, and wind blown material is not anticipated to be a problem. Odors are typically not a problem at CCP waste landfills. Dust control is addressed in the Dust Control Plan included as Appendix I. Generally, dust control measures will be implemented when necessary, and will include at a minimum watering of dusty roads and exposed work areas. Other measures include physical measures such as fencing and/or berms, temporary covers like tarps, spraying dust suppressants, and modifying the active work area. Additionally, interim cover will be seeded within 7 days in accordance with Erosion and Sediment Control requirements. Operations Plan S&ME No. 1356-10-041 Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Craig Road Landfill December 18, 2013 2.1.4 Fire Control No open burning shall be permitted at the Craig Road Landfill. There are no explosive gas concerns with gypsum, ash waste, or mill rejects; therefore, the threat of fire is considered to be minimal. Although it is unlikely, if a fire occurs at the landfill, the Station Control Room (phone number: 336-445-0521) shall be notified, and equipment and stockpiled soil shall be provided to control accidental fires. BCSS will notify the local fire department, which will be immediately dispatched to assist with fire control. Any fire that occurs at the landfill shall be reported to the Division within 24 hours and a written notification will be submitted within 15 days by the Station Sponsor for Landfill Operations. 2.1.5 Landfill Sequencing The Craig Road Landfill will be developed in sequence from Phase 1 through Phase 6. Each phase has approximately five years of life; however, more than one phase may be operational at a time. The phases may also be subdivided into cells which could be constructed sequentially or at the same time. For example, Phase 1 was subdivided into three cells. One possible landfill sequencing concept for Phase 1 and 2 operations is illustrated in the figures in Appendix II. The landfill sequencing figures shown in Appendix II illustrate a possible sequence of operations. The actual filling sequence, fill heights, and grades may be modified at the Owner's discretion. 2.1.6 Waste Placement Waste generated at the BCSS is transported from the interim waste storage areas to the landfill by using dump trucks. Upon reaching the active face of the landfill, the waste is dumped from the trucks on to the active face of the landfill. After the waste is dumped, the dump trucks exit the landfill and pass through a wheel wash system before returning to the interim waste storage areas. The interim waste storage areas, haul roads, and landfill are located within the secured BCSS facility. Wastewater treatment sludge will be spread in 6-inch lifts in the center of the operational area. No wastewater treatment sludge shall be placed within 10 feet of the exterior slope. Gypsum waste generally has a finer particle gradation than fly ash waste. If gypsum is being placed in an area where protective cover is present, additional filtering of the gypsum waste will be achieved by placing a minimum 1-foot thick lift of fly ash waste over the protective cover prior to placing gypsum waste. Fixated FGD waste generally consists of a mixture of FGD, CCP, and process water materials that are mixed at a target ratio based on testing with site -specific materials. Prior to implementing the fixated FGD waste process, Duke Energy will notify the Division. A pilot implementation study and testing program using site -specific materials and proposed waste placement methods will be conducted to evaluate the appropriate mixture ratio and engineering properties of the fixated FGD waste material. The owner Operations Plan SWE No. 1356-10-041 Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Craig Road Landfill December 18, 2013 or owner's representative will submit a final waste placement process to the Division for approval. The landfill surface shall be graded to promote surface water drainage to the contact water collection system. No waste shall be placed in standing water. 2.1.7 Compaction Requirements and Testing After the waste is dumped from the trucks and placed on the active face, the waste will be placed in consecutive, approximate 1-foot thick lifts that do not exceed a 10-foot operational lift. Prior to compaction of an existing lift, the existing and new material should be adequately blended. Placement criteria for fixated sludge is not currently addressed but will be evaluated during the pilot implementation study and testing program. In -Place Density and Moisture Content Testing In -place density and moisture content testing shall be performed at a minimum frequency of one test per 8,000 cubic yards (or one test per 216,000 square feet per 12-inch thick lift). Waste shall be compacted to a minimum 95 percent of its Standard Proctor (ASTM D 698) maximum dry density. Compacted moisture content shall be within 5 percent of the material's optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D 698. If field density tests indicate that the relative compaction or moisture content requirements are not met, the material shall be moisture conditioned and/or re -worked and re -tested until the compaction density and moisture requirements are met. The field density testing report should document any failing tests and re -work required to meet testing requirements. In -place density tests shall be performed using the Sand Cone Method (ASTM D 1556), Drive -Cylinder Method (ASTM D 2937), or Nuclear Method (ASTM D 6938). If the nuclear method is selected, a minimum of one comparison density test using the Sand Cone or Drive Cylinder method shall be performed for every five nuclear density tests, and correlations between the test methods shall be developed and reviewed by the Engineer. A sample of ash material shall be collected from each density test location and placed in a sealed container for subsequent field and laboratory moisture testing. A family of Proctor curves shall be developed for the on -site ash material as standard Proctor moisture -density tests are performed as a reference for the field density testing. A minimum of one (1) one -point field Proctor test shall be performed for each day of field density testing. Additional one -point field Proctors shall be performed if the material changes. A material change is defined when the maximum dry density of the referenced standard Proctor test varies by more than 2 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). If the estimated standard Proctor maximum dry density based on the results of one -point Proctor testing indicates that the maximum dry density varies by more than 5 pcf from the nearest representative standard Proctor moisture -density relationship, an additional bulk sample of ash material shall be obtained and standard Proctor testing shall be performed for the sample as a reference for the field density testing. Operations Plan Duke Enerav Belews Creek Steam Station Craia Road Landfill SWE No. 1356-10-041 December 18, 2013 Field moisture content testing shall be performed for each density test using the Direct Heating Method (ASTM D 4959). The Nuclear Method (ASTM D 6938) shall not be used for moisture content testing on the ash material. Comparison laboratory moisture content testing shall be performed using the Oven Method (ASTM D 2216), at an oven temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. The laboratory moisture content shall control in the event of a discrepancy between laboratory moisture content and in -place moisture content. Laboratory Testing Laboratory moisture content testing shall be performed in conjunction with the field density testing as described above. The laboratory moisture content testing shall be performed using the Oven Method (ASTM D 2216), at an oven temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. Standard Proctor moisture -density relationship (ASTM D 698) testing shall be performed at a minimum frequency of one test for every 50,000 cubic yards of material placed. As previously mentioned, additional standard Proctor samples shall be obtained and tested if one -point Proctor testing indicates that the estimated maximum dry density of the material varies by more than 5 pcf from the nearest representative standard Proctor moisture -density relationship as determined by the one -point Proctor method. 2.1.8 Cover Requirements Operational Cover Operational soil cover should be applied, as needed, for dust control and stormwater management. If needed, operational soil cover should be applied at a thickness suited to its purpose. For example, operational soil cover may be applied thinner to provide dust control and it may be applied thicker to tolerate erosion. Operational covers to provide dust control shall be as described in the Dust Control Plan in Appendix I. Downdrains, tack -on benches, and chimney drains will be installed and extended as appropriate. Soil diversion berms will be used to direct water as appropriate. Waste will be covered with interim and final cover as applicable, in accordance with the following sections in this plan. Operational soil cover is not required, provided the Dust Control Plan included as Appendix I is followed. Interim Cover A 12-inch thick interim cover layer shall be placed on exterior slopes and areas where final grades have been reached. Interim cover will be seeded within 7 days in accordance with Erosion and Sediment Control requirements. Vegetation shall be removed and the interim cover soil shall be scarified or removed prior to placing any overlying waste. For areas where waste placement will be inactive for 12 months or more, interim soil cover is not required, provided the Dust Control Plan included as Appendix I is followed. Operations Plan SWE No. 1356-10-041 Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Craig Road Landfill December 18, 2013 Final Cover The final cover system for the Craig Road Landfill will be completed within 180 days following the beginning of closure activities unless otherwise approved by the Division. The final cover will consist of (from the bottom up) interim cover (on top of the waste), 40-mil thick double -sided textured linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) geomembrane, a geocomposite drainage layer, 18-inch thick compacted soil cover, and 6- inch thick vegetative cover. Should grading be required prior to closure, the final cover system (beginning with LLDPE geomembrane) may be installed directly on waste. The vegetative layer will consist of on -site soil suitable for maintaining grass cover and controlling erosion. Alternatively, the geosynthetic components may consist of a 50-mil LLDPE structured geomembrane and an 8 oz/sy non -woven geotextile. Surface water that percolates through the vegetative layer and 18-inch thick compacted soil layer will be collected by the geocomposite drainage layer or the structured geomembrane alternative. The cover system stormwater management structures will collect both infiltration and surface water runoff. The final cover will be vegetated with native grasses within six months following closure. Please refer to the Closure/Post-Closure Plan for final cover specifications and maintenance and operations requirements (Appendix III). 2.2 Leachate and Contact Water Management As previously described, the landfill has been designed to provide separation of contact water from non -contact water. Contact water will be treated as leachate; however, the method of conveyance varies depending on the contributing source of the contact water. Generally, leachate can be described as liquid which has percolated through the waste mass and is collected by the geocomposite drainage layer along the bottom of the landfill. Contact water can be described as being generated from the following sources: • Exposed waste within the landfill (Source 1); • Slope access roads surfaced with bottom ash (Source 2); and • Perimeter access roads between the point of landfill egress and the wheel wash (Source 3). 2.2.1 Contact Water Source 1 Contact water source 1 consists of water which has contacted exposed waste within the landfill. Exposed waste within the landfill will be graded to drain towards vertical chimney drains which will then convey the contact water into the leachate collection system. 10 Operations Plan S&ME No. 1356-10-041 Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Craig Road Landfill December 18, 2013 2.2.2 Contact Water Source 2 Contact water source 2 consists of water which has contacted the slope access roads. Slope access roads provide access from the perimeter access road to the active landfill face. The slope access roads will be used as haul roads during operations and will be located at the final buildout slope access road locations. During operations, slope access roads may be surfaced with CCP's; therefore, water runoff from the slope access roads will be treated as contact water. The slope access road which terminates at the perimeter access road on the west side of the landfill will convey contact water to the Phase 2 contact water basin (CWB-3) via a drop inlet and culvert. The slope access roads which terminate at the perimeter access road on the east side of the landfill will convey contact water to contact water conveyance zones. Tack -on benches will extend parallel to the slope access road ditches to intercept non -contact water from up -gradient slopes. Contact water conveyance zones will collect water in the ditches adjacent to the slope access roads. The contact water will pass through high -flow woven geotextile baffle screens before being discharged into the leachate collection system. 2.2.3 Contact Water Source 3 Contact water source 3 consists of water which has contacted perimeter access roads between the point of landfill egress and the wheel wash. This definition of contact water addresses the potential for waste to be tracked onto perimeter access roads as trucks leave the active face of the landfill between the point of egress and the wheel wash located on the west side of Phase 2. The perimeter access roads between the point of landfill egress and the wheel wash will be graded to drain to contact water channels located along the edge of the road, which in turn drain to contact water basins. 2.3 Leachate Collection System (LCS) The leachate collection system has been designed to meet the performance criteria of providing less than 1 foot of leachate head on the liner system under normal operating conditions and conveying contact water run-off generated by the 25-year, 24-hour storm event. The leachate collection system generally consists of the following components: • Leachate collection system pipes within the landfill; • Sumps at the low points of each phase of the landfill; • Force main and appurtenant structures (pumps, valves, etc.); • Contact water basins; and • A lift station that conveys leachate into the Belews Creek wastewater treatment system. Each landfill cell is equipped with leachate collection system (LCS) pipes located directly above the geocomposite drainage layer that collect infiltration, chimney drain flows, and 11 Operations Plan Duke Enerav Belews Creek Steam Station Craia Road Landfill SWE No. 1356-10-041 December 18, 2013 contact water conveyance zone flows. The LCS pipes convey leachate and contact stormwater flows by gravity to collection sumps for removal. Clean -outs have been provided at the ends of the leachate header pipes in the event that the leachate collection and removal pipes become clogged. Sumps are located at the low point of the landfill cells. Phase 1 has two sumps that drain by gravity to the east leachate pond (CWB-1) and the west leachate pond (CWB-2). Phases 2 through 6 will have one sump each, which will convey leachate to the leachate force main via sideslope risers and pumps. Craig Road Landfill was designed with four leachate force mains. One leachate force main will connect the east leachate pond (CWB-1) and the west leachate pond (CWB-2) with the lift station and each other. The second leachate force main will connect Phase 2 with the Phase 2 Contact Water Basin (CWB-3). The third leachate force main will connect Phases 3 through 6 with CWB-3. The fourth leachate force main will connect CWB-3 with the lift station. Contact water basins store leachate and contact water until it can be discharged to the lift station via the leachate force mains as previously described. The east and west leachate ponds (CWB-1 and CWB-2) collect and store leachate generated from the Phase 1 footprint. The Phase 2 Contact Water Basin (CWB-3) will collect and store leachate and contact water generated from Phases 2 through 6. Additional contact water basins will be located along the west side of future phases to store contact water generated along perimeter access roads (contact water source 3 as previously described). The additional contact water basins will pump into the force main which in turn discharges to CWB-3. The lift station is located to the south of the east leachate pond (CWB-1), and will collect leachate and contact water generated at the Craig Road Landfill facility. The lift station pumps contact water into a consolidated sump, and then into the active ash basin. 2.3.1 LCS Maintenance The maintenance of the leachate management system's physical facilities (consisting of high -density polyethylene (HDPE) piping and the contact water basins) and records will be performed by or under the direct supervision of the Owner. Visual observations of the LCS system performance will be made monthly to verify that the LCS is performing properly. Clean -out pipes are located on the LCS leachate lateral and header pipes. LCS pipes will be cleaned out by the use of a clean -out snake or high-pressure water flushing at least once a year, and the LCS piping will be remote -camera monitored if cleaning indicates a blockage in the leachate collection system pipes. The frequency of clean -out and camera inspections may be modified based on consecutive inspection results and observed operating conditions. 12 Operations Plan Duke Enerav Belews Creek Steam Station Craiq Road Landfill 2.3.2 LCS Record Keeping and Sampling S&ME No. 1356-10-041 December 18, 2013 Records will be maintained documenting the leachate line maintenance. A composite sample of untreated leachate will be sampled and analyzed at least semi-annually. The composite sample will be collected from the consolidated sump and analyzed for the same constituents in the approved monitoring plan. Results will be submitted to the Section concurrent with groundwater test results. 2.3.3 Contingency Plan The pumps in the contact water basins, leachate ponds, and lift station will be provided with water level controls in order to maintain sufficient storage capacity within the basins. A factor of safety is available in the leachate storage capacity in the event of storm surges. In emergencies, leachate can be transferred between CWB-1 and CWB-2 storage basins, and backup generators are in place to provide emergency power. 2.4 Stormwater Collection Conveyance Stormwater that does not come in contact with waste will be treated as non -contact water. Non -contact water will be managed separately from contact water and may be used for dust control or other operational purposes. The stormwater collection system has been designed to pass the 25-year, 24-hour storm event, and generally consists of the following components: • Tack -on benches; • Downdrains; • Perimeter ditches; and • Non -contact water basins. Interim cover will be placed over waste at the exterior side slopes. Tack -on benches will be placed to convey non -contact surface water from the exterior side slopes to downdrains. The tack -on benches and downdrains will be constructed and extended as operations progress. The downdrains discharge to perimeter ditches, which in turn discharge to non -contact water basins. A non -contact water basin (NCWB-1) is located on the north side of Phase 1. Additional non -contact water basins will be constructed along the west and southeast portions of the landfill during landfill expansion. Stormwater collection and conveyance measures will be inspected every 7 days and within 24 hours of rainfall events of 0.5 inches or greater, and maintained such that necessary repairs can be made as early as practical. 2.4.1 Stormwater Discharge The stormwater system at the landfill was designed to assist in prevention of the discharge of pollutants. Landfill operation shall not cause a discharge of pollutants into waters of the United States, including wetlands, that violates any requirement of the Clean Water Act, including, but not limited to NPDES requirements, pursuant to Section 402. In addition, under the requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the 13 Operations Plan Duke Enerav Belews Creek Steam Station Craia Road Landfill SWE No. 1356-10-041 December 18, 2013 discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the state that would be in violation of the requirements shall not be allowed by landfill operations. Operations at the landfill shall not cause the discharge of a non -point source of pollution to waters of the United States, including wetlands, that violates any requirement of an area -wide or statewide water quality management plan that has been approved under Section 208 or 319 of the Clean Water Act, as amended. The Craig Road Landfill is located adjacent to Belews Lake. 2.5 Contact and Non -Contact Water Basin Maintenance Requirements All stormwater features (i.e., diversion ditches, berms, risers, discharge pipes, contact water conveyance zones, chimney drains, etc.) will be inspected every 7 days and within 24 hours of rainfall events of 0.5 inches or greater, and documented monthly for signs of damage, settlement, clogging, silt buildup, or washouts. If necessary, repairs to stormwater control features will be made as early as practical. 2.6 Groundwater Monitoring Well Access Requirements Groundwater monitoring wells are located around the landfill perimeter. A readily accessible, unobstructed path shall be maintained so that monitoring wells may be accessed using four-wheel drive vehicles. Care must be taken around the wells to prevent any damage to the wells. 2.7 Landfill Gas Management Because of the nature of the waste to be placed in the Craig Road Landfill, the Owner does not anticipate that methane or hydrogen sulfide gas will be generated or that odor will be an issue during operations. Therefore, landfill gas monitoring and management is not proposed. 3. EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL Erosion and sedimentation control (E&SC) during landfill operations will consist of monitoring and repairing E&SC stormwater conveyance features and surface erosion. 3.1 E&SC Measures Monitoring and Maintenance Erosion control principles include: • Disturbing as little area as practical at any one time for landfilling operations. • Seeding/mulching of disturbed areas commencing as soon as practically possible. Employing erosion control matting or seeding and mulch on steep slopes and other erosion prone areas. • Use of earthen berms, hay bales, wattles, silt fences, riprap, or equivalent devices downgradient of disturbed areas, stockpiles, drainage pipe inlets and outlets, and at intervals along grassed waterways, until such time as permanent vegetation is established. • Placement of riprap at the inlets and outlets of stormwater piping. 14 Operations Plan SWE No. 1356-10-041 Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Craig Road Landfill December 18, 2013 Erosion and sedimentation control structures include stormwater best management practice (BMP) systems, sediment basins, ash runoff basins, contact water conveyance zones, and channels. Stormwater BMP's, sediment basins, and ash runoff basins shall be inspected every 7 days and within 24 hours of rainfall events of 0.5 inches or greater. Sediment shall be removed from each structure when sediment accumulates to one half of the design depth. Sediment removal shall bring BMP's to their original design depth. The BMP's, sediment basins, embankments, spillways and outlets shall also be observed for erosion damage. Necessary repairs shall be made immediately. Trash or debris within the riser structures or outfalls shall be removed. Channels shall be observed for damage every 7 days and within 24 hours or rainfall events of 0.5 inches or greater. Riprap-lined channels and outlet protection aprons used to prevent damage to channel vegetation shall be observed for washouts. Riprap shall be added to these areas, as needed, to maintain the integrity of the structure. Embankment slopes shall be inspected for erosion every 7 days and within 24 hours or rainfall events of 0.5 inches or greater. The embankment slopes shall be mowed at least four times a year. The embankment slopes shall be refertilized in the second year unless vegetation growth is fully adequate. Damaged areas shall be reseeded, fertilized and mulched immediately. Seeding, fertilizing, and mulching shall be in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Control Guidelines and in accordance with the active Erosion and Sediment Control Permit. Ground stabilization shall be performed within 7 calendar days on perimeter areas and slopes greater than 3H:IV. Ground stabilization shall be performed within 14 calendar days in other areas. Seedbed preparation, seeding, soil amendments, and mulching for the establishment of vegetative ground cover will be applied in accordance with North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Control Guidelines. 3.2 Surface Erosion Monitoring Adequate erosion control measures shall be established to help prevent sediment from leaving the site. Channels will be observed once every seven days and within 24 hours after any rainfall event of 0.5 inches or greater. Slopes will be periodically checked for erosion and vegetative quality, fertilized, and mowed. A slope or portion thereof shall be identified as needing maintenance if it meets any one of the following conditions: • Exposed waste on exterior slopes; • Areas of cracking, sliding, or sloughing; or • Areas of seepage. Slopes identified as needing maintenance shall be repaired as soon as practical and as appropriate to correct deficiencies. Repair activities may include re -dressing the slope, filling in low areas, and/or seeding. 15 Operations Plan SWE No. 1356-10-041 Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Craig Road Landfill December 18, 2013 4. VEGETATION MANAGEMENT Within six months after final termination of disposal operations at the site, the area shall be stabilized with vegetation as required by design drawings and Closure/Post-Closure Plan. Temporary seeding will be applied, as required. Temporary erosion control measures may be required until permanent cover is established. Mulching, until a vegetative cover is established, can stabilize areas where final grades have been reached. Soil mulching can be achieved using wood chips, straw, hay, asphalt emulsion, jute matting, and synthetic fibers. Mulches allow for greater water retention; reduce the amount of runoff; retain seeds, fertilizer, and lime in place; and improve soil moisture and temperature conditions. 16 Operations Plan S&ME No. 1356-10-041 Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Craig Road Landfill December 18, 2013 4.1 Temporary Seeding Temporary seeding will be applied as follows: LATE WINTER TO EARLY SPRING Seeds Pounds Per Acre Dates of Planting Rye (grain) 100 January 1 to May 1 SUMMER Seeds Pounds Per Acre Dates of Planting German millet 50 May 1 to August 15 FALL Seeds Pounds Per Acre Dates of Planting Rye (grain) 100 August 15 to December 31 Soil Amendments Pounds Per Acre Agricultural limestone 2,000 Fertilizer (10-10-10) 1,000 Mulch 4,000 Note: Soil amendments are for all -season temporary seeding applications. 17 Operations Plan SWE No. 1356-10-041 Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Craig Road Landfill December 18, 2013 4.2 Permanent Seeding Permanent seeding will be applied as follows: C ' : 1► 64 Seeds Pounds Per Acre Dates of Planting Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue 100 April 1 to May 1 Rye (grain) 50 April 1 to May 1 Annual Rye 50 April 1 to May 1 FALL Seeds Pounds Per Acre Dates of Planting Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue 100 August 15 to November 1 Rye (grain) 50 August 15 to November 1 Annual Rye 50 August 15 to November 1 Soil Amendments Pounds Per Acre Agricultural limestone 4,000 Fertilizer (10-10-10) 1,000 Mulch 4,000 Note: Perform soil test to determine proper soil amendments; if not available, use the quantities above. 5. LANDFILL CLOSURE The Craig Road Landfill will be closed in accordance with the design drawings and Closure/Post-Closure Plan. The Closure/Post-Closure Plan outlines the sequence for closing the landfill and the post -closure maintenance activities. Closure is designed to minimize the need for long-term maintenance and to control the post -closure release of contaminants. Closure activities may be revised as appropriate for materials, specifications, technology advancements, or changes in regulations at the time the landfill is closed or in post -closure. In general, the landfill development is designed so that final cover can be established as soon as possible. 18 Operations Plan Duke Enerav Belews Creek Steam Station Craia Road Landfill 6. REQUIRED REGULATORY SUBMITTALS SWE No. 1356-10-041 December 18, 2013 Submittal Requirement Reporting/Action Frequency Groundwater Maintain a record of all monitoring events and Semiannually Monitoring analytical data in accordance with the Reports Groundwater Monitoring Plan. Reports of the analytical data for each water quality monitoring sampling event shall be submitted to DENR Division of Waste Management (DWM) in a timely manner. Annual Tons of waste received and disposed of in the Annually Tonnage landfill shall be reported to the DWM and to all Must submit no Reports counties from which waste was accepted on later than August 1 forms prescribed by the DWM. Refer to the each year Permit to Operate for annual reporting requirement information. 10-Year Waste Per North Carolina G.S. 130A-309.09D (c): 10-year plan Management . A 10-year waste management plan shall prepared every 10 Plan be developed for this landfill and years submitted to DWM. 10-year plan • The plan shall be updated and submitted updated every 3years to DWM at least every three years. Implementation • A report on the implementation of the report annually plan is required to be submitted to DWM by August 1 of each year. 19 APPENDIX I Dust Control Plan DUST CONTROL PLAN CRAIG ROAD LANDFILL DUKE ENERGY — BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION BELEWS CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA S&ME Project No. 1356-10-041 Prepared for: 44*) DUKE ENERGY 526 South Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Prepared by: v Charlotte, North Carolina November 13, 2013 Dust Control Plan S&ME No. 1356-10-041 Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Craig Road Landfill November 13, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION AND SITE DESCRIPTION..................................................... 1 2. DUST CONTROL METHODS................................................................................1 3. MONITORING AND CORRECTIVE ACTION RESPONSE ............................. 2 3.1 Monitoring.......................................................................................................... 2 3.2 Corrective Action................................................................................................ 3 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Monitoring Worksheet Figure 1 — Operations Grid Dust Control Plan SWE No. 1356-10-041 Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Craig Road Landfill November 13, 2013 1. INTRODUCTION AND SITE DESCRIPTION This Dust Control Plan is for the Craig Road Landfill at Duke Energy's Belews Creek Steam Station. This Plan provides dust control methods for managing dust emissions at the landfill. This Plan also provides a monitoring program and corrective action response procedure to help contain coal combustion products (CCP's) on site and to prevent dust nuisances to employees and the public. The monitoring program will aid Duke Energy and the landfill operator in evaluating the dust control methods, or combination of dust control methods, that prove effective for the site specific conditions. This Dust Control Plan addresses operations of Phases 1 and 2 of the Craig Road Landfill. Phase 1 of the landfill has an approximate 31-acre footprint and Phase 2 of the landfill has an approximate 35-acre footprint. The Craig Road Landfill is used for CCP management. CCP's primarily consist of fly ash, bottom ash, pyrites and coal mill rejects, boiler slag, gypsum, wastewater treatment sludge, waste limestone material, sand blast material, and coal waste. This Plan is included as an Appendix to the approved landfill Operations Plan. Refer to the Operations Plan for a description of revisions. 2. DUST CONTROL METHODS The primary potential sources of dust emissions at the landfill are at the top deck area and at the active area of waste placement. These areas are at a higher risk for producing dust due to vehicular and equipment traffic and earthworks -like construction. Exterior landfill slopes are less of a dust control concern, as they have intermediate or operational soil covers which are vegetated as required in the Operations Plan. Dust emissions from the landfill can be controlled through a variety of dust control methods. Possible dust control methods are identified herein. Dust control methods may be characterized as products and/or applications, structural wind breaks and/or covers, and operational methods. Dust control methods for the landfill area include: • Watering; • Establishing vegetative cover; • Mulching; • Structural controls consisting of: o Wind breaks (i.e. fencing and/or berms); and o Temporary coverings (i.e. tarps); Dust Control Plan SWE No. 1356-10-041 Duke Energy Belews Creek Steam Station Craig Road Landfill November 13, 2013 • Spray applied dust suppressants consisting of, and not limited to: o Anionic asphalt emulsion; o Latex emulsion; o Resin in water; o Polymer based emulsion; and o Mineral mortar coatings (i.e. posi-shell); • Calcium chloride; • Soil stabilizers (i.e. soil cements); • Operational soil cover; • Modifying the active working area; and • Modifying operations during dry and windy conditions. The operator may use, and is not limited to, combinations of these dust control methods or any method that maintains safety and is technically sound to control dust for the specific site conditions. If the operator intends to use a dust control method not presented above, the proposed dust control method will be evaluated on a case by case basis to assess the effectiveness with specific site conditions. For the purposes of this Plan, operational soil cover will be defined as soil material applied at a suitable thickness to provide dust control. The effectiveness of the dust control methods implemented should be evaluated through a dust monitoring program as described in Section 3. Operational equipment is generally anticipated to include dump trucks, vibratory smooth drum rollers, sheepsfoot compactors, bulldozers, water trucks, spray trailers, track hoes, and service trucks. Operational equipment will be used to construct, install, apply, and/or repair dust control methods. The operator will make provisions to alleviate any on -site issues that arise when primary equipment is being maintained or is inoperable. Belews Creek Steam Station contains multiple landfill facilities; the landfill operator will make provisions to have the necessary equipment to control multiple fugitive CCP dusting emission events. 3. MONITORING AND CORRECTIVE ACTION RESPONSE This section describes a dust monitoring program and suggests corrective action responses should fugitive emissions be observed. 3.1 Monitoring During landfill operations, a dust monitoring program will be implemented to evaluate the dust control measure performance and observe the areas for dust emissions. The dust monitoring program consists of performing visual observations of dust prone areas, dust control measures, and monitoring existing and forecasted weather conditions. Dust emissions can occur under many weather conditions. For the purposes of this Plan, dust emissions are characterized as fugitive emissions, where CCP dust is located outside the limits of the landfill waste. This is most likely to occur during windy, dry, and hot weather conditions. Therefore, the operator will monitor both existing and forecasted Dust Control Plan Duke Enerav Belews Creek Steam Station Craiq Road Landfill SWE No. 1356-10-041 November 13, 2013 weather conditions and use dust control measures suited to the weather conditions. The dust control measures shall be implemented prior to the forecasted weather conditions. Equipment operators shall continuously observe the active face and other areas within the landfill limit for dust emissions. In addition, preventative dust control measures should be observed and documented at least twice daily (morning and afternoon) when the landfill is in operation to evaluate the dust control measure performance. Additional observations may be necessary as site and weather conditions dictate. Observations will be documented on the attached "Monitoring Worksheet," online database/worksheet, etc. Due to the continual maintenance necessary on moisture conditioned and spray -applied areas, the operator shall pay particular attention to these areas. Structural controls shall be observed to monitor that they are achieving their intended purpose. Observations in the landfill area may be made with reference to the Operations Grid shown in the attached Figure 1. Monitoring will be conducted during times when the landfill is in operations. The operator shall continue to provide necessary dust control measures during periods when operations are inactive (i.e. outages, weekends, and holidays). Operators are to establish appropriate measures so that dust emissions are not reasonably likely to occur during inactive operations periods when monitoring is not being conducted. 3.2 Corrective Action If fugitive dust emissions are observed and observations indicate that dust control measures are not achieving their intended purpose, then appropriate corrective actions will be taken. Dust control measures should be reapplied, repaired, or added, as necessary, to control dust emissions. The operator will construct, install, apply, and/or repair dust control measures prior to the end of the work day to control dust emissions during non -operating hours. The operator will implement dust control measures as preventative controls rather than in response to fugitive dust emissions. Craig Road Landfill Dust Control Plan - Belews Creek Steam Station Permit No. 85-04 Monitoring Worksheet Belews Creek, North Carolina Week: Date/Time Dust Control Method in Use Effective Yes/No Observation Location Preventative or Corrective Action Taken Yes/No Observations/comments including: weather conditions, wind speeds, precipitation, forecast, preventative or corrective actions taken (if needed), additional operational notes Name of Observer APPENDIX II Phasing Drawings ��Co INTERIM TRUCK WASH\�r�� \,�;780 - �� / \ \ \\� o (USE DURING PHASE Co ull OPERATIONS PRIOR TO 11 OPERATING PHASE 2) L❑ COfd�l`ACTT ATER u" O a U EAST (S ❑❑ LONE DETAIL �,�\ ��\C LEACHATE�li ��,�`. ��\�� \ / 8 /� POND I ��\ �� \ /i� 11 `1 \ �i �� \�1\\\ vp� /�\ �� PCWB-1) �810\�\\ �� D ❑ 070— 8?r,\�. \\ •� ❑❑ OPERATING CONDITIONj� \aZo ��/��IIIMffl��Lu SEE NOTE ❑ �\ CD Co w Lu TAC❑CON BENCH TIE1'N ❑ I'��.. ��- =^- —> �-~' ��� JJ���( �l} �� w� w Z TO DO❑ NDRAIN a W ❑ sso' \ — _jam -v �1 �� l 0- Z -SEE NOTE ❑❑ EXISTING 'I11 �J PHASE 1 32.4 ACRES TOP ELEV. = 880 �� �� Z Lu ^o �� I� �I �� �� I • 1 ( f1 EXISTING // C\ / 11 NON -CONTACT \ ° �\ \�r\ WATER BASIN e (NCWB-1) \ $ n1` \`�-�~�� � `Z �//"// \ l/\�7 `��� Z �� �\ {' 1,��`-l�lll,� LEGEND �°\ I W Z � Z EXISTING 2' CONTOUR80 EXISTING 10' CONTOUR PROPOSED 2' CONTOUR Lu a w 2 PROPOSED 10' CONTOUR �\ / / -l3 �S. 1r��I \\ 1 Z J O QC/) z EDGE OF ROAD III LEACHATE ° �° 11� O � Y IIII'I POND �/� ❑ CHIMNEY DRAIN'IFIRST E TENSION (� Q � W w CONTACT ROUTE (SEE NOTE 2) 1� (CWB-2) ❑E N TE ❑� �� �r� �� a Q Lu m �J NON CONTACT ROUTE (SEE NOTE 2) ��� ���j/ j�l z_ W J CHIMNEY DRAIN `�\� % / Ao 1 ��� /� I Ili � l./,� ) � z u1 O \��� ��� PHASE 2 (��/� ! �/ /Vil ) ���(�� \�� �-^ w m --------------------------- TACK ON BENCH \ ��� -� CONTACT � , I i I � 1h C-�� � \ ✓�/ l' / 11 1 1�11 ( w WATER BASIN LONG-TERM TRUCK WASH 1 ) )>� I`1 \\\\ L``� ^ �_ s r p3(I 1 I),) I a Y DOWNDRAIN (CWB-3) (USE DURING OPERATIONS I 7 ���\`\�<� \� J OF PHASES 2 THROUGH 6 �A \� _�- r ` LCS LCS PIPE )i/ I� v3)l��J��CJII��II 0 150 300 600 n HD HEADER PIPE 101\ FIGURE NO. NOTES: o 1. ACTUAL FILL HEIGHTS AND GRADES MAYBE MODIFIED AT THE OWNER'S DISCRETION. ( IN FEET ❑ 2. INGRESS TO THE ACTIVE FACE OF THE LANDFILL MAY BE MADE AT ANY LOCATION. EGRESS FROM THE ACTIVE FACE OF THE LANDFILL MAY ONLY BE MADE ALONG CONTACT ROUTES. 1 inch = 300 ft. 3. EXTEND CHIMNEY DRAINS, TACK -ON BENCHES, DOWNDRAINS, AND SLOPE ACCESS ROADS AS WASTE FILL IS PLACED. C EAST LEACHATE POND (CWB-1) ` i n I--- TACT ION BENCH TIE IN TO DOI I NDRAIN Ll -SEE NOTE Flu l / a s��lo � I , o XISTING \ N-CONTACT o volll^ /l �` r--` 111 ATERBASIN r l\\ I\\ --- l / (NCWB-1) 60, Zl/\\ (1 175 LEGEND EXISTING 2' CONTOUR EXISTING 10' CONTOUR PROPOSED2'CONTOUR PROPOSED 10' CONTOUR EDGE OF ROAD CONTACT ROUTE (SEE NOTE 2) NON CONTACT ROUTE (SEE NOTE 2) CHIMNEY DRAIN TACK -ON BENCH DOWNDRAIN �4Uu�ll�r WEST LEACHATE POND (CWB-2) INTERIM TRUCK WASH (USE DURING PHASE 1 OPERATIONS PRIOR TO OPERATING PHASE 2) ❑❑ ElEl EXISTING PHASE 1 32.4 ACRES TOP ELEV. = 880 \\ 780 — —� LONE DETAIL � O PROPOSED / PHASE 2 34.7 ACRES TOP ELEV. = 850 O kTER CONVEYANCE SLOPE ACCESS ROM OPERATING CONDITH U WATER BASIN LONG-TERM TRUCK WASH (CWB-3) \ (USE DURING OPERATIONS OF PHASES 2 THROUGH 6) E. NOTES: 1. ACTUAL FILL HEIGHTS AND GRADES MAYBE MODIFIED AT THE OWNER'S DISCRETION. 2. INGRESS TO THE ACTIVE FACE OF THE LANDFILL MAYBE MADE AT ANY LOCATION. EGRESS FROM THE ACTIVE FACE OF THE LANDFILL MAY ONLY BE MADE ALONG CONTACT ROUTES. 3. EXTEND CHIMNEY DRAINS, TACK -ON BENCHES, DOWNDRAINS, AND SLOPE ACCESS ROADS AS WASTE FILL IS PLACED. AM o79 Ll 810. >8p Al 810 820 = _— _— = Z��MR 4z cM 0 N } �m o0 U z J w O < Y U 0 W U 6 Z W oItT Z o qw Co o 0_0 II o Zo v M w LL W LI Z N a w LL10 sz coo LD El AW11) M a J F- Lu Co LOL�l Z Al), \\\\1 ��� o a � ww Qk_8 0 �r�� ���\ �• 1��� �� ����� �� �1� o W Q m CS LLI 70 40�� 0 150 300 600 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 300 ft. FIGURE NO. 9 7 EAST LEACHATE POND (CWB-1) INTERIM TRUCK WASH 4?s; (USE DURING PHASE 1 OPERATIONS PRIOR TO OPERATING PHASE 2) ❑❑ j ___ ❑❑ LONE DETAIL 8p0 ' � >50 73 u 83p �r . illll�llllll II���\\� L n TACT ION BENCH TIE IN ❑ TO DO NDRAIN SEE NOTE LID /rpis f 11) ,� \ ry)�� r 6 XISTIN Ni CONTACT BASIN(NCWB °; LEGEND EXISTING 2' CONTOUR EXISTING 10' CONTOUR PROPOSED2'CONTOUR PROPOSED 10' CONTOUR EDGE OF ROAD CONTACT ROUTE (SEE NOTE 2) NON CONTACT ROUTE (SEE NOTE 2) CHIMNEY DRAIN TACK -ON BENCH DOWNDRAIN 860 EXISTING PHASE 1 32.4 ACRES TOP ELEV. = 880 Il) WEST II LEACHATE POND (CWB-2) _ PROOPOSED PHASE 2 34.7 ACRES TOP ELEV. = 870 0 810 m 800 � 790 kTER CONVEYANCE SLOPE ACCESS ROAD OPERATING CONDITIO ��f�N�E D -- \\ 4,, J 820 _ >80 yp 800 = = ' ��� > \ 810 = �- 820 = —_ �Z� t gao Lr - _\ ° O 3 _�� cM 6 Z W o o Z w c> o0(o II o Z o Z v cow ILLw w , Z J O 0 V) a w uo sz \��� �` �\\\ W Q o ISM �I>���` =aJ�� Kr I \ :� - / / — Lu 820 / �_ i ��\ I\ 1, - ti j I o Q z J O Tau— [ �I / L ^�a1 IN 790 `\��✓/� �� � �� Sao PHASE 2� CONTACT WATER BASIN LONG-TERM TRUCK WASH \ (CWB-3) \ (USE DURING OPERATIONS �I (' OF PHASES 2 THROUGH �1 /Z-��>>r�<< NOTES: 1. ACTUAL FILL HEIGHTS AND GRADES MAYBE MODIFIED AT THE OWNER'S DISCRETION. 2. INGRESS TO THE ACTIVE FACE OF THE LANDFILL MAY BE MADE AT ANY LOCATION. EGRESS FROM THE ACTIVE FACE OF THE LANDFILL MAY ONLY BE MADE ALONG CONTACT ROUTES. 3. EXTEND CHIMNEY DRAINS, TACK -ON BENCHES, DOWNDRAINS, AND SLOPE ACCESS ROADS AS WASTE FILL IS PLACED. MNEY`DRAIN "❑C\O E UT ' (�'� LL w w i 1� Qa�,ww LLJ Y 0 150 300 600 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 300 ft. FIGURE NO. 9 n 1--- TACT ION BENCH TIE IN rL1 TO DO NDRAIN SEE NOT//E/!l a LEGEND EXISTING 2' CONTOUR EXISTING 10' CONTOUR PROPOSED2'CONTOUR PROPOSED 10' CONTOUR ,�"so� ( ► $ EXISTING ` NON -CONTACT () WATER BASIN (NCWB-1) EDGE OF ROAD CONTACT ROUTE (SEE NOTE 2) NON CONTACT ROUTE (SEE NOTE 2) CHIMNEY DRAIN TACK -ON BENCH DOWNDRAIN INTERIM TRUCK WASH (USE DURING PHASE 1 OPERATIONS PRIOR TO OPERATING PHASE 2) (JU COWFACT'NATE J ONE DETAIL SLOPE ACCESS ROAD ❑❑ OPERATING CONDITIM r�.. r PHA •.,I IIIIII�'I'���� P ELEV. E 46 �6 � FQ LEACHATE POND (cw6-2) N-� 'r / \7 PROPOSED PHASE 2 34.7 ACRES TOP ELEV. = 910 \o 790 710 77o \ PHASE 2���;� 7�4' CONTACT % ^ WATER BASIN j LONG-TERM TRUCK WASH (CWB-3) 1 (USE DURING OPERATIONS / 11 OF PHASES 2 THROUGH 6) 0 NOTES: 1. ACTUAL FILL HEIGHTS AND GRADES MAYBE MODIFIED AT THE OWNER'S DISCRETION. 2. INGRESS TO THE ACTIVE FACE OF THE LANDFILL MAY BE MADE AT ANY LOCATION. EGRESS FROM THE ACTIVE FACE OF THE LANDFILL MAY ONLY BE MADE ALONG CONTACT ROUTES. 3. EXTEND CHIMNEY DRAINS, TACK -ON BENCHES, DOWNDRAINS, AND SLOPE ACCESS ROADS AS WASTE FILL IS PLACED. — �-� o o k��� Z J INTERIM ACCESS ROAD TO ! (� r,�+\ �\ U Q f/ BE CONSTRUCTED BASED �` Z g Z ON FIELD CONDITIONS 1, I /? J w< p z w zu \ 0 w w 0���\ o W a mUJ Lu 0 150 300 600 FIGURE NO. ( IN FEET) ❑ 1 inch = 300 ft. ti / 1 C rr~ / EAST LEACHATE POND (CWB-1) \ 1� TAC111ON BENCH TIEIN ❑ TO DOE NDRAIN ❑ -SEE NOTE ❑❑ AL �jf��= \\ EXISTING NON -CONTACT WATER BASIN _J (NCWB-1) 77 750 LEGEND EXISTING 2' CONTOUR EXISTING 10' CONTOUR PROPOSED2'CONTOUR PROPOSED 10' CONTOUR EDGE OF ROAD CONTACT ROUTE (SEE NOTE 2) NON CONTACT ROUTE (SEE NOTE 2) CHIMNEY DRAIN TACK -ON BENCH DOWNDRAIN , INTERIM TRUCK WASH (USE DURING PHASE 1 OPERATIONS PRIOR TO ?90 \ OPERATING PHASE 2) i .800 ( 87 820 ... 1 / II 830 / WEST ` LEACHATE POND `(CWB-2) J \\ 8160 o 910 EXISTING PHASE AQ 32.4 ACRES ° TOP ELEV. = 910 90 . 800 7soo 780 J LONE DETAIL 0 PROPOSED PHASE 2 34.7 ACRES TOP ELEV. = 910 770 gg 760 750 I,TER CONVEYANCE 1 l SLOPE ACCESS ROAC OPERATING CONDIT% SEE NOTEbn2 �\ E. PHASE2 ��`�\1�I\� / TIPI,fIf1,�'AI��( CONTACT�_ WATER BASIN j LONG-TERM TRUCK WASH \ l) S C (CWB-3) l 1 \ USE DURING OPERATIONS JI(' OF PHASES 2 THROUGH 6)/ NOTES: 1. ACTUAL FILL HEIGHTS AND GRADES MAYBE MODIFIED AT THE OWNER'S DISCRETION. 2. INGRESS TO THE ACTIVE FACE OF THE LANDFILL MAY BE MADE AT ANY LOCATION. EGRESS FROM THE ACTIVE FACE OF THE LANDFILL MAY ONLY BE MADE ALONG CONTACT ROUTES. 3. EXTEND CHIMNEY DRAINS, TACK -ON BENCHES, DOWNDRAINS, AND SLOPE ACCESS ROADS AS WASTE FILL IS PLACED. .960 t \\ CD � \ m BSo�% a o a C W a 9,0 )ON w CD CD z Ly \_ l 800=-��---- f�✓� ��l�l I I J ) I I �I I I I O O w w z LL , z l a w 800 L) Z ca y o \ INTERIM ACCESS ROAD TO ��� BE CONSTRUCTED BASED \ON FIELD CONDITIONS fib°°�;G•� I \11� ��\��\\\\\��� ` �I ` Z z 2 LuZ J ���1r� : �A Z a 0 o 8zo� S� �-� I a o z 01�1�-;�\ ���� �� J�I������ ° 0 w w w 800 o W o. < m A R"A, ( IN FEET ) I inch = 300 ft. FIGURE NO. 9 i1 0' m D-' z = Q a U 0 z u z w cn 0 o z SEGMENT OF 12" OR 18" DIA. PERFORATED HDPE RISER PIPE = o C) co 3/s DIA. PERFORATIONS (4 PER ROW 90-DEGREE SEPARATION) AND 4 ROWS PER FOOT cf.)o — Z (SEE NOTES 1, 2, AND 3) < Lo w o U cow LL w w z_ J O 0 U w z a w 6" DIA. PERFORATED PIPE 5, (SEE NOTE 1) 8 OZ/SY NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FILTER uj O #57 DRAINAGE SAND OR SELECT H 5 2' AGGREGATE BOTTOM ASH V z_ W 10" DIA. PERFORATED PIPE c r� 5 1 00 1 (SEE NOTE 1) 0 1 2 (a 1 I o0 2 TOP OF LEACHATE ° LATERAL OR CORRIDOR 1 00 0 1 ° 1.5' GEOTEXTILE RUNOUT 1' °o o° ,c 0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0° °0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0° 0IL)°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0° _ z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o cn z -- - --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- —------------ -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --_— -- —__ _-�= _____________________________________________________- __________________________________ ------------------------=====SUBGRADE OR _________ 0 z J Q F— Q RESIDUAL SOILS J U 0= H —========_ -------- —----- - p Y w W cf) a = z o00 tn0QU)z J O�:Y ❑ OPTIONAL FIELD LOCATED CHIMNEY DRAIN Q Q _j w ❑ SCALE: 1 = 4 H( W x W W Q 00 0 � 0 (D NOTES: W w Z m W 1. DETAIL ILLUSTRATES THE TYPICAL CHIMNEY DRAIN CONCEPT ONLY. DIMENSIONS AND MATERIALS MAY BE VARIED AND ADJUSTED TO FIT FIELD CONDITIONS AND ADAPT TO FIELD PERFORMANCE. Y 2. DRAINAGE MEDIA AND/OR INTERFACES BETWEEN DRAINAGE MEDIA SHALL BE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE FILTRATION AND LIMIT CLOGGING. 3. DR 11 AND DR 17 PERFORATED HDPE PIPE MAY BE USED FOR FILL HEIGHTS UP TO 250 FEET. DOUBLE -WALLED CORRUGATED HDPE PIPE MAY BE USED FOR t FILL HEIGHTS UP TO 26 FEET. a m 4. INSPECT CHIMNEY DRAIN EVERY SEVEN DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER RAINFALL EVENT OF 0.5 INCHES OR GREATER. REPLENISH DRAINAGE MEDIA IF C 0 FIGURE NO. STANDING WATER OR FLY ASH INTRUSION OBSERVED. 1 7" nl A nM 1-7 ME-ME-nM A rE-M wMME- MICE-M MIME- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_______________________________________________________ --------------------------------- _____________--- -SU B GR AD E OR ----____________________________________- ___________________________________------ ------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- ---RESIDUAL SOILS ❑ CHIMNEY DRAIN ❑FIRST E❑TENSION C SCALE: 1 = 4 NOTES: 1. DETAIL ILLUSTRATES THE TYPICAL CHIMNEY DRAIN CONCEPT ONLY. DIMENSIONS AND MATERIALS MAY BE VARIED AND ADJUSTED TO FIT FIELD CONDITIONS AND ADAPT TO FIELD PERFORMANCE. 2. DRAINAGE MEDIA AND/OR INTERFACES BETWEEN DRAINAGE MEDIA SHALL BE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE FILTRATION AND LIMIT CLOGGING. 3. DR 11 AND DR 17 PERFORATED HDPE PIPE MAY BE USED FOR FILL HEIGHTS UP TO 250 FEET. DOUBLE -WALLED CORRUGATED HDPE PIPE MAY BE USED FOR FILL HEIGHTS UP TO 26 FEET. 4. FIRST EXTENSION DETAIL IS APPLICABLE TO BOTH THE CHIMNEY DRAIN AT LCS LATERALS AND OPTIONAL FIELD -LOCATED CHIMNEY DRAINS. 5. INSPECT CHIMNEY DRAIN EVERY SEVEN DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER RAINFALL EVENT OF 0.5 INCHES OR GREATER. REPLENISH DRAINAGE MEDIA IF STANDING WATER OR FLY ASH INTRUSION OBSERVED. a 122, 0' m 0-' z = Q a U M z U z w oz O z I w O C) co O U) z (D z Q z O w c� cow , W LL10 mZ U Z 410 Q—A_ Q J w a w _ Z U) O J W W o a O FIGURE NO. z O F_ Q H Q z_ J QLU O J F Q' W U)U < LU 0UO cf)z O5Y (Zww QmU U (D W J W W Z m w w Y ❑ TAC❑CON BENCH TIEIFtN TO DO-] NDRAIN I.S. z U W s W O oz Z � W O6 O i U ~ z (.0 z O if-) V ch w ui w z J Q w a w LL102 sz II � J w a w = Z � Z O J � as w w o a O z O Q z Q J J F L�U �w= Qw� oho O5Y CDwOf w QmU C) �w w J Z w w co w Y a rn c FIGURE NO. 0 u DIVERSION BERM ,2 2 1�1 \ 1.5' \ 9.0, TOP OF GRASS LINED CHANNEL \11 1.5' 1 CLACQ R FRnCInNI CC 12" MIN NC #57 WASHED S- FILTER FABRIC 8 OZ/SY GEOTEXTILE 24.0' ACCESS ROAD SURFACING 5% SLOPE 2% SLOPE N O z z W O oz z , W J co U) mZo Q � Lo U M w LL ui w z 0 � z co a w I/vTFR/,y/ 0 o WgST�R LL10 SLOPE ACCESS ROAD F-OPERATING CONDITION z SCALE: 1 = 5 w c GENERAL NOTES: nl 1. SPACE CHECK DAM IN A CHANNEL SO THAT El THE CREST OF DOWNSTREAM DAM IS AT ELEVATION OF THE TOE OF UPSTREAM WATTLE. ❑❑ CHEC❑ DAM ❑❑ SCALE: N.T.S. X ER MAINTENANCE NOTES: 1. INSPECT CHECK DAMS AND CHANNELS AT LEAST WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT (0.5 INCHES OR GREATER IN A 24 HOUR PERIOD) RAINFALL EVENT AND REPAIR IMMEDIATELY. CLEAN OUT SEDIMENT, STRAW, LIMBS, OR OTHER DEBRIS THAT COULD CLOG THE CHANNEL WHEN NEEDED. 2. ANTICIPATE SUBMERGENCE AND DEPOSITION ABOVE THE CHECK DAM AND EROSION FROM HIGH FLOWS AROUND THE EDGES OF THE DAM. CORRECT ALL DAMAGE IMMEDIATELY. IF SIGNIFICANT EROSION OCCURS BETWEEN DAMS, ILE ADDITIONAL MEASURES CAN BE TAKEN SUCH AS, INSTALLING A PROTECTIVE RIPRAP LINER IN THAT PORTION OF THE CHANNEL (PRACTICE 6.31, RIPRAP—LINE AND PAVED CHANNELS). 3. REMOVE SEDIMENT ACCUMULATED BEHIND THE DAMS AS NEEDED TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO CHANNEL VEGETATION, ALLOW THE CHANNEL TO DRAIN THROUGH THE STONE CHECK DAM, AND PREVENT LARGE FLOWS FROM CARRYING SEDIMENT OVER THE DAM. ADD STONES TO DAMS AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN DESIGN HEIGHT AND CROSS SECTION. *REF: 6.83.3 NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, 2006 II w a W 2 (1) U)Z O J H H � W W ❑ a O z O Q U z Q J J w LUU Z W 2 QwF- ry �UZ � ww �ww QmU U�u) Mw ww zm w w Y 0 m FIGURE NO. 0 MIN 3.00' 12.25' WOVEN GEOTEXTILE SCREEN PANELS PROTECTIVE COVER (SELECT BOTTOM ASH OR — SOIL) 2 9-IN. C33 SAND 1 6-IN. THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB (TYP.) 8 OZ/SY NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE DRAINAGE AGGREGATE 12-IN. DIA. SDR 17 HDPE PIPE WITH GRATE (X3) TIE-IN TO LEACHATE COLLECTION PIPE 19.75' L 1.0' OVERFLOW ZONE (SEE NOTE 3) 2 0' WATER FILTRATION ZONE — (SEE NOTE 2) 2 0' SEDIMENT DEPOSITION ZONE T ' (SEE NOTE 1) CONCRETE (OR SIMILAR SCRAPING SURFACE) NOTES: 1. WATER WITHIN THE SEDIMENT DEPOSITION ZONE INTENDED TO INFILTRATE THROUGH THE DRAINAGE AGGREGATE AND INTO THE LCS SYSTEM.THE SEDIMENT DEPOSITION ZONE SHALL BE CLEANED OUT PERIODICALLY. 2. DURING A STORM EVENT WATER WILL FILL UP THE SEDIMENT DEPOSITION ZONE AND BEGIN TO FILL THE WATER FILTRATION ZONE. WATER WITHIN THE FILTRATION ZONE WILL FLOW THROUGH THE WOVEN GEOTEXTILE SCREEN PANELS, INTO THE 12-IN. SDR 17 HDPE PIPE WITH GRATE, AND INTO THE LCS SYSTEM. THE WOVEN GEOTEXTILE SCREEN PANELS WILL BE DESIGNED WITH A SURFACE AREA TO PASS THE 50-YEAR STORM EVENT WITHOUT OVERTOPPING. 3. AN OVERFLOW ZONE IS PROVIDED AS A BACKUP MEASURE SHOULD THE GEOTEXTILE SCREEN PANELS CLOG. 4. INSPECT CONTACT WATER CONVEYANCE ZONE EVERY SEVEN DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER RAINFALL EVENT OF 0.5 INCHES OR GREATER. REPLENISH DRAINAGE MEDIA IF STANDING WATER OR FLY ASH INTRUSION OBSERVED. REPLACE THE GEOTEXTILE IN THE SCREENS AS NECESSARY. CONTACT ATER CONVEYANCE CONE FIGURE SCALE: 1 = 4 0 04 } m m o Z W aQ� Uw � o x U Z O Z W oz O Z � W u) O J Cn z (D z Q Lo w O O coW LL W W Z J O 0 U w z V) a W LL10 sz U Z L z O Q C/)z J Q �aJF-of H J L� U LLj a oY W U) Q W = Z J U O cn0QU)z J F- O 3: Y H�0wW W W Qm0 �QO(� w J W W Z pp W w Y r) m Q m FIGURE NO. @ o` APPENDIX III Closure/Post-Closure Plan (submitted under separate cover)