HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081773 Ver 2_Site Plan_20090724 _ , t l~ r i c~~ ~y°~ ~ r` E. ~ddio~sx,~ uti ~.a:~F=R t-•'c y~~.t,It,.,~f„:~ ~j "gp~ its r r l„ ~'s9TF~~ "~s , I' f , t~ W' S , . 1. r rij '`I~ kA a ~ "'a,> ~ r h'. ~ y f' r t` ri ~E - ~ ri:, tl. i ~1 tl , • - 0 0 SHEET I~~X P SHEET DESCRIPTION 0004 COVER SHEET :r ~ ~6f k ~ ~Q~ 0100 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DEMOLITION PLAN J~ C200 SITE PLAN A„ _ t~ fi \ ~~9 ~ s ~ C300 UTILITY PLAN , d, _ / ~ ~ fl ~ a C301 UvATER LINE PROFILE. • 1 O ji i r" ~ ~ i r C400 GRADING PLAN F"' l B ~p ~ 1 ' ~ 1 t" ;~1 ' ~ C401 TORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN ~ / ~ ,-'~d.. 0 C500 EROSION CONTROL PLAN _ C ! ~ , P 1V ' a J ~ 'ta6 r' ~T ~ ~1 ! / Croy ~Y.,~ G600 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLA[dJ 0700- SITE LIGHTING PLAN j\ e k~" r+. C900 SITE DETAILS ~ a 1''4T H C901 SITE DETAALS SITE 'A ~ ~ ~ r ~f ~ ~±»fi k~v, i , ~n~ _ ; "s ~ way 0902 UTILITY DETAILS- C903 STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS ~ ,y ~ ! pia., ~ t~. 0904 EROSION CUNTROL DETAILS r k,.,LL~ , u ~i l~ - J ~ ,SAY`" ~ } ~ +~yi n A" ~ o-n a { L100 LANDSCAPE PLAN -TREES a x~, 4 TRANS q ~ IR DR z A~D~y~ . _ ~ L101 LANDSCAPE PLAN -SHRUBS 1r ~ ~~~su~ ~ l.. x ~ r ~ ~"Y. ~ . $ , '•L,/ r bg ~~a ; A100 "ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS MCC ~ ~,4,~f~,~ ~ RIMM w .,,_''.Vd ~ . _ ~ _ ~ , r PK~~1,. ~ ~ ; A101 ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS ';a' Q . ~ ;w~ r , i 1 ~ Yi ~ A102: ARCHITECTURAL EXTERIOR LIGHTING t,, tN F % ``P~~k~ . F' yQ F . <A Vii; ~ ` '4 ~ 4+^h .1 ' ~"~s ' " ~ n~~~ r"" d. " as: ODUNER: DEVELOPER: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~k TOTAL SITE AREA: 138,$40 SF (3.19;'ACRES) ~ ~ , ; .OHM F~o~els, LLC ~ OHM Hotels, LLC ~t ~a~ TOTAL PERVIOUS: 49;:765 SF ~ { r~~~~: , 9705 Lehner Drive ~ 9705 Leitr~er Drive ~ ° ~ TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 89 075 SF % ' ~ 4~~ ~ (64.16 0) , ~ ; .R~ h~r~ VS Y'" .tti~ Pineville, NC 28134 ~ Pineville, NC 28134 BUILDING HEIGHT: „ w~~~ ' 73 2 BUILDING: 15,261 SF SIDEWALKS: 8 404 SF 7040540.0500 704.540.0500 DRIVEWAY: 23172 SF f} 704..540.8385 f} 704.540.83$5 DRIVE AISLES: 21 211 SF PARKING SPACE: 16-871 SF ADDITIONAL SETBACK REQ. Cr ZONED: GB ; NOT TO SCALE BLDG. HEIGHT 73 2 TO SCALE THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED Ih1 ' ' CURRENT USE: VACANT tt ` t MAX. SETBACK HGT. 50 ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN OF PROPOSED USE: HOTEL (105 ROOMS) ~ DIFFERENCE 23 2 MORRISVILLE OR TOWN QF CARY STANpARDS. {WHICH EVER APPLIES). ' ~ SQUARE FOOTAGE: .70,800 ~ , BUILDING CONSTRUCTION YP : - 23 2 /2=11.58 . T E II A , i , BUILDIN ADD TL SETBACK REQ. D. =12 G IS SPRINKLED 4 ~ S~ ` OCCUPANCY USE: RESIDENTIAL R-1 I:l~~i ~ _ SETBACKS: FRONT=30'+12=42' REQUIRED PARKING SPACES: 105 (105 ROOMS) + , Town of Morrisville _ ~ ~ ~ fx Review Disclaimer Engineerllnspector pisclaimer { 5 15 EMPLO SIDE=10 +12=22 ( YEES) =110.... engineering & Planning Fees Paid t, , REAR=20'+12=32' UTILITY QUANTITIES TABLE PROVIDED PARKING SPACES: 132 TOTAL Should the Town fo Morrisville or Town of Cary fail to The presence of the Town of Morrisville or Town of 126 NON-ACCESSIBLE Infrastructure Y No Comments identify, that the OwnerlDeveloper has not addressed Cary Engineer or Inspector at the work sits shall in no Fees ~ the comments made by either Town, or that the Plans way lessen the Uwner's responsibility for conformity 415;;LF' - 6 DIP- SANITARY SEWER PRIVATE 2 HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE and Specifications are not in compliance with respective with the plans and specifications- Should the Engineer 4 VAN AG CESSIBLE 110 LF' 4 DIP SANITARY~`=SEWER PRIVATE Towri of Morrisville Town Ordinances, Standards, Specifications, and or Inspector prior to, during or after construction fail to Details whether from lack of discovery or for any other identiry or reject materials or work that does not r Released for Construction reason It shall in no way relieve the Owner/Developer conform with the plans and specifications, whether from ( }C 1360 LF 8 DIP WATER LINE PUBL 1 of their obligation there€, nor obligate the Town of lack of discovery or for any other reason if shah in no ~ ` ~~tF 6 DIP WATER 40 LINE PRIVATE Morrisville or the Town of Cary to carnet such errors way prevent later refection and correction of the ~ , , • or omissions. Execution of this construction plat by the unsatisfactory matenals or work when discovered. This Review Engineer or Planner for either Town in on way. is also true tf the work has been accepted and is 50 LF 2 COPPER N,ATER LINE PRIVATE Ignature required) limits the responsibility of the Owner and Engineer of cogently being maintained by the Town of Morrisville '.i! i,. Record with regard to compliance with all Federal, or Town of Cary. The Owner shalt be respahsible for ~ r j:~/~ State, and Local standards, regularions nadlor correction of alt work. that does not cont'orm to the plans P R ~t` Date _ conditions, and speciftcatioas. Construction Requiremen>is w~. ;4 All public and private work including but not limited to watertnains, water services, L ENGINEER: STEWART CIVI sanitary sewers, sanitary sewer services, storm sewers, drainage systems, roads, r olina - Ralergh, No th Car sidewalks, parking lots, site grading and landscaping shall, be constructed in accordance with the Town of Morrisville and Town of Cary prdinanees, Standards 9 Morrisville Project Specifications, and Details that are applicable. No deviations from the AR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. STEW T Town of Cary Utility Approval OwnerlDeveloper's Submitted plans wilt be allowed unless written approval from ~ Ralei h North Carolina ='r On April 3, ?006 the ownership, construction, operation, the Town of Morrisville is received, along with peruaission from the Town of Cary ' . maintenance, management, and financing of the Town fox w ater and sewer deviations. All Public and Private Easements shall be recorded ~ of Morrisville's water and sanitary sewer sysrzm within ITECTURE P CENTREPOINT ARC .A. ARCHITECT.. the present and future corporate limits and Urban prior t0 final aCCeptanCe by the Town, Ralei ' h North Carolina g , Services Area limits of the Town of Morrisville was ;i~ . transferred to the Town of Cary as per the merger agreement between these two Tawns• Atl water and T , CENTREPOINT ARCHITEC URE P,.A. PLUMBING. ENGINEER. ,.r, ~ , 421 Fa ettevllle Street sanitary sewer system desigti and construction shall be Y Rafe ` h North Carolina ~ in accordance with Town of Cary, Standard Owner Certification Specifications, and the Standard ConstiZtction Detait The r)wnerlDevelo er hereb certifies that; al! Town comments have been incor rated into the Drawings Sulte 400 Drawings, P Y po CENTREPOINT ARCHITECTURE P.A, ~ ~ MECHANICAL ENGINEER, ~ ~ ~ ~:;r; ~r,;r;:. RALEIGH NC 27615 and Sifecifications, the Drawings era in compliance with all Federal, State, Local Standards and Town of Approval by the Town rCary Marrisvule and Town of Cary Ordinances, Standards, Specifications, and Details end the Owner has 1 Raleigh, North Carolina checked the plans to confirm that there are no errors or omissions. The OwnerlDevelopenc~reby certifies ~ 919,380.8750 Bngineedn Date ~~~~rr~ and agrees to take such action as may be required by the Town of Mordsviila and Town of Cary to correct any enors, omissions or non~comp{iance with Tawn of Morrisville and Twon of Cary Ordinances, nr r, r+mn rr+ n t r~rr_.r~Tr e~n . C".RNTR F.PnTNT A R CHTTF C'Ti 1R F,. P A ~ ~ _ P.Ll'.l.ll~l\.t1L L'1V 1111VLL'1\. /.to z s ancares, specmcauons, a d De andlor re-execution of this construction plat with appropriate ; corrections and/or revision , Raleigh, North Carolina lo IG - 01 STEWART ` ~+Ww.stewart-eng.com STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: Owner Date Morrisville, North Carolina ~ j ;r A R T TOWN PROJECT NO. • ° s ~~V ~ ~ ~ QLAREN I ~ / . ~ d SHEET NOTES - APPLICABLE TO ALL SHEETS , r M . / ~ u~ / / w ~ i ~ s t ~ ~ ~ CIRCLE I OWNER: H®f.IDAY fNN RDU ` ~ ~ 0 STRUCTION SHALL BE PERFORMED 1 ; , r ~ .o ~ o tiw ' ,w /r s `o s\ (ExisTl~vc} ~ ti V HOTEL INC. ~ ~ ~ _ 1. ALL DEMOLITION, AND ANY SUBSEQUENT C N , • / / / m lei / l f'~lr ~~.s' \ IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SET FORTH ANq ~ ~ •or ~ ~ I , ~ is~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s t I \ 65 ROW ~ ~ ~ o USE: HOTELIMOTEL-FULL ~ °i ~ C'~ , 0 ~ ~ APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF MORRISVILLE. r i r / a~ ® ti'°~ ~ PIN 0755266871 ~ ~3 ?df' / ZONING; GB ~ ~ 3 TRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS. ALL ~ ,1 . ~a / ~ / r a ~ ~ a,~ 2. TWE CON Y / ~ ' I / r C710N SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PERMITS AS ISSUED, ANO AN ~ / aw EXI~T~; CUI CONSTRU ~ y EXI~T~I,~G CURB ~ y j .m, r / r ~ ~ ~ ~ / r AND ALL APPLICABLE STATE, COUNTY AND. LOCAL CODES. f , , , f ; ~ tx r / a ~ & GUTT' , ~ / r a 0 w a •P & GUTTER ' EXISTING SiOEWALK ~ o ,r+._ ~ , ~ r r k / nti aw ~ TO BE REMOV G 0 OR DESTROYED DURING CONSTRUCTION w " ~ ` r % f ! ' / f ^r`'a°o ~ '0 BE REMOVE=D~ . ~ e~ TO BE REMOVED ~ 3. EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS DAMA E / ~ ~ N ND TO THE r~. l,' ~,r` j' /r / ,~a SHALL BE REPLACED OR RESTORED TO THEIR ORIGINAL GONDITIO , A a ~ r~,, /r ti ~ / a; c N OF THE IMPROVEMENTS. u / ~ / SATISFACTION OF THE OW ER / / a3~ @aw 4. TtiE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL INSPECTIONS, ~ /i ,~a~ ® b ww ~ ~a w ~ GERIIFICATIONS AND OR ANY OTHER REQUIREMENTS WHICH MUST BE MET UNDER /r / / a / a oy ~ °w ~ 4w ~ CONTRACT. I r f y ~ / ~ ~ /r ° ~n @ C RAL PLANS FOR DETAILS OF , / ' 1 f ~ / ~ 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO ARCHITE TU ~w ~ f o, r ~ ~1~ / , ~ Q as n r ~°,X ~ ~ - f c o a~ ND BUILDING DIMENSIONS. f ; ~ ~ / ~ l ~ w r BUILDINGS A • ~ ~ , r' 6 ~ ~ ~ / . ~ ~ ~ l i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ NY ROLE IN'_THE CONSTRUCTION MEANS r / / ,c„ i~ l 6. ENGINEER AND/OR OWNER DISCLAIM A l t ~ , ~ / ~ a ` { jII AND OR METHODS:ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROJECT AS SET FORTH IN THESE ~ ~ / c,, 4r~ CO ~ r' owl / 1I~~~ ~f`j - ~ ~ ~ ~ EXISTING NEUSE `~~,,ai~~iu,,,,~~~ t 1 r /l 0aw/ w~ { ~ PLANS. , r / / . ? f ~ l ii / , 1 / ~ ~ l .f t~ I ' l ~'~i if i 1 i I ` RIVER STREAM ,e~` CAROL 'F~, RAWINGS TO RECORD / 1 ~ f ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ BUFFER - No DEMOLITION NOTES `,.~o~°,~••..., ,y ~ l ~ ~ J f DISTURBANCE 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AN AS BUILT SET OFD 1 PIPING PRIOR 70 CONCEALMENT. DRAWINGS SHALL ~n ~ . / ~w AR FOO T M IN ~ / d:' ! 1 THE ACTUAL .LOCATION OF ALL TRI f ~J ~ ~ ~ WITHIN BUFFER 1.' SUBSURFACE UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF IMPACT OF ~ X = _ T THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT / 20. ' / ~ / aw ~ J d ~ t^riJ BE GIVEN TO THE ENGINEER AT REGULAR IN ERVALS ~ T U ~ j r S , ~2, ~ RES A ° / ~ AERA CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RELOCATED AS NECESSARY. ~ Z c FOR RECORD KEEPING. r r ~ l , ~ . i ,w, ~ / J ~ ~ ~ ~~~"'"r ° ~ EXISTING UTILITIES IDENTIFIED AS TO BE REMOVED ,w 4 ~ ! •J , a ~ .0756262 { R DEEMS ~ WHICH DO NOT INFLUENCE THE AREA OF y ~ IF DEPARTURES FROM THE DRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS A E ~ , * s~ M l a , / ~a J. a . ` I / , F SUCH' DEPARTURES AND REASONS , ~ / ~ . w ~ GB ~ ~ d~ NECESSARY BY THE CONTRACTOR, .DETAILS 0 ~ ~ , , _ , ' ~ ~ w .w , ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i( ~ CONSTRUCTION .MAY ALTERNATELY BE ABANDONED IN ''r•,~~~q~j•••••~•~~ ~~`~`1 ~ ! ~t~~,,~ ~ PLACE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE OWNER. ~ n,,,,,,,,;a, THEREOF SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER FOR REVIEW. NO qE 1 r~ c,.,, w, 4 m. 1 ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CONTRACTOR SHALL CQORDINATE ANY CHANGE IN aN+.`( d SS WRITTEN c~' 1 , w • , a w FROM THE CONTRACT gOCUMENTS SHALL BE MADE WITHQUT THE EXPRE t .i, / ~ . . . , ~w / j ~ : v 7 ~ 1 ~ ~ tr SCOPE (REMOVAL OR ABANDONMENT) WITH THE ~ PERMISSION OF THE OWNER. l; ~ 1 ~ ~ " ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OF ANY OPERATIONS. THE REMOVAL, ABANDONMENT _ 9. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD VERIFYING THE ACTUAL ANO ~ ~ ° ~ / ' , •ww ° { h i i ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ \ OR RELOCATION OF ANY SUBSURFACE UTILITIES OR ITION OF ANY EXISTING WA?ER OR ~ w o , , ~ ~ ~ i .EXACT LOCATION, SIZE AND MATERIAL COMPOS ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' OTHER FEATURES WHICH MAY BE DISCOVERED UPON N CTION OR USE ON THIS PROJECT. / . { \ ~ Q ~ J ~ ~,rl z SEWER SERVICE PROPOSED FOR CONE ~ n~ , ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ ° ~ r ~ COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION, BUT HAVE NOT z r T GING AREA TO ORIGINAL r ~ • roe ~ , ~ ~X. z ~ 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE THE LAYOOWN AND S A w a e ,~I ~ ~ BEEN IDENTIFED ON THESE PLANS, AND NECESSARY 1 ~ ''rte' /J ~ ~ I TO COMPLETE ANY PORTION OF CONSTRUCTION OF z a CONDITIONS ANq TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER, PRIOR TO DEMOBILIZATION ~ / ~ ~ w ._._e..- ~ ~ c~, ~ - ~,~~V o` ! ~ THESE PLANS SHALL BE;UNDERTAKEN BY THE o a USION OF THE PROJECT. ~ ! .ww+ 1~ ~ t _ a o. AT THE CONCL ! f / w t„r~ ....._u o`er ~ ~ ~,I CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. o ~ E PREMISES FREE FROM ~ / ~ ~ ~ z 12. THE CONTRACTOR MUST, AT ALL TIMES, KEEP TH ~ Y HIM ' HIS M ~ / ` ° a z o ~ ACCUMULATIONS OF WASTE MATERIALS OR RUBBISH CAUSED B ~ , / \ • ~ _w,1 ~ I 2. REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE (WHERE REQUIRED) 1 1 ~ ~ ~ a~`` ~ TO FIRST COLD JOINT OR 5AW CUT TO OBTAIN A ~ EMPLOYEES, 'OR MIS WORK, ALL DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE PROJECT ~ ~ { 4 ~ <w ~~m tiw , `/t TM,. _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~el, CLEAN EDGE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. o~ SITE ON A DAILY BASIS. , ~ i, e w JANGLES WAS TAKEN FROM AN ~ f ` '-',r"• x 13. SITE INFORMATION FOR PIN# Q756262449 (BO ) 1 ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0~~\1,~---~~~ 3. SAWCUT EXISTING ASPHALT DRIVE AT LIMITS OF f ` ~ ~ ~ ~ NEW CURBING AND DRIVE ENTRANCES TO OBTAIN A ELECTRONIC FILE PROVIgED BY THE TOWN OF MORRISIVILLE ANO lS SHOWN FOR ~ / m ~ m w ~ / , ~ o ~ ~ C~„~~~~ rf ~`1~~~0~ CLEAN EDGE. ° NCE ONLY. / a y ,t z REFERS ~ '\a° o w o ~ ~ , _ o i t \ /,l a- / 14. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES MUST BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE W f ° ~ ° a ~ ~ ORRISVILLE AND UNLESS SPECIFIED, ; w- CEPTED POLICIES OF THE TOWN OF M f / ,t, ~ ~ THE AG ~ r' / r DEFERS TO THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (NCDOT) i, r ~ / ? ~ ~ a a STANDARD SPECIFICAITONS. '~..°r ~ 1 ~ ~ ,L 's ~ ~ ~ ~ OWNER: FIRSTCAL INDUSTRIAL. w d ~ ~ o~~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '0`~ ~1~, 2 AQU6sITI0NAL r / ~ ~ ~ ~ ° - ~ ! ~~~~1 ~ 1USE: FLEX UVAREHaUSE , _ _ _ ~ ~f ~ _ ~ ~ 11 _i1~` ° N 0755267276 _ 8 - Z ~ ww 1 . r r_... a~ f r l , o nz ~ { OWNER: UMP INC. _ _.~_a ® F.. 'l n ~ i ~ USE' AC NT ~ ; ~ I ~ Z ~ ~ PIN.. , 0756 61 2 ! ' ~ ~ S~, ~ a Q ~ ! / I ZONING. GB ,1 t ~ w ~ / ~ l / ~ ~ ~ [ ( ~ a .r :r I ~ t r ~ ,a { / ~w , I ~ ! r ti x i ~ r ~ ~ / {d . o I I I I ~ O ~ z A N' E EASME T I ~ ~ _ ! EX. 20 DRAT /~G 1 1 ~ to ~ / ~ , . ~ n~ ~ , < TO BE REMOVED. (TYP) - Si~E ! J i r ~ " ~ ~ PIN # 0~~626416? ` ' _ ~ / ! r / r SHEET C400,~OR LOCATI~ J I o ~ ° / a w +~,i,:: a f DE j ~ OF PROPOSED 20 WI j ( f J( / ~ ~ l f rr ~ DRAINAGE EASEMENT f j ` p..• Z 4 / ~ r' r ! ~ r J / ~ - 00 ~ - t`, EXIS NG 'CURB & GUTTER ti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ ! ~ z z c~. TO E EMOVED , ~ ~ I rn ~ o,, ` & 1`,~ \ ~ a w { `I' ~ ~ U} }N ;~;a: ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 • to { 1I o ~ ~ q~~ a~ ! ! I I.. ~ ~ ~ f o: ~ ~ / I ~ ~ / N \ 0 e 1 ~ ~ ~ - w w / I 1 d t i . ~ I e f , _ z 1 r . XISTING SIrJEWALK I ~z ,i / l / p 0 f~ J ~ ~ ~3 Q ! r< TO BE REMOVED' ~ / I a w ~ ~ ,•r 1 f ~ ~ tl II ~ u, ~ r DRAIN GE 11 Itf / f ~ ` ~ z x ! J ~ / EAS NT TO ' I ~ ~ !i 1,. o ~ ` 0 00 0 M w : r :a~/ d / ~ R AIN TYP 1 1 ~ ~ ~ ti , r \ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~..et o~ ~ ~ / ~ , 1 ~ ~ o ~ r ~ . ! ~ f ~ i . (NV.=331.00 _ \ 3 ~ I ° i l~..._...._.-....~...~.....~.,. - J c~-°'~89°4 X42 E 1 - 1 ~ 1 { I DRAINAGE ~ ~ f ~ ~rt 1 it ~ 1. ~ r / EASMENT TO 1 ~ _ -j 1 I t _ 4~ . i ~ 1~ revs'ons~, ~ 1 I \ ~ { ~•;t. REMAIN TYP ~ ! ~ ( ) 1 i ~ ~ ~ date; ' ' ~ I 1 . ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ rev iew Disclaimer l 1 Rev ~ ° ~ ~ ~ f ,v ~ 1 1-Town 7.27.07 ' r i Should the Town fo Morrisville or Town of Cary fait to ~ t ~ 2-Town 9A7.07 ' that the 0wnerlDevelo er has notaddressed { rdennfy, p ~ OWNER, FIRSTCAL INDUS1ERlA~ ~ ~ l the comments made by either Town, or that the Plans f l ~ ~ ~.i ~ - ~ : ~ ` ~ 3•Town 10.04.07... c ti ns are not in com Hance with respective ITIONAL ~ ~ and Spectfi a o p / 2 AGlUIS ~ Town Ordinances, Standards, Specifications, and / COIIStrUCtl01A Requirements ` } 1 'whether from tack of discovery or for any other ~ USE: F~XWAE®USE Details ~ 5 ~ ` j r lieve the Owner/Develo er I reason it shall m no way e p includrn but not limited to watemiarns, water services, ~ ` 1 E All public and prrv~~e work g PIN ®756250$3$ ~ of their obligation therof, nor obligate the Town of f Ca w correct such errors sanitary sewers, sanitary sewer services, storm sewers, drainage systems, roads, MorrlsvilleortheTowno ry Z~NING> 0&I . Execution of this consnvetian plat by the 1 walks arkin Tats, site grading and landscaping shall be constructed rn G I or omtastons s de , p g ~ I 1 J Review Engineer or Planner far either Town in on way . accordance with the Town of Morrisville and Town of Cary Ordinances, Standards ~ Town of Morrisville Morrisville Project ~ ' ~ ~ 1 ~ w., ~ ~%,`'"OWI~IER: FIRSTCAL INDUSTRIAL c e c e d b y~ limits the responsibility of the Owner and Engineer of ta115 that are lical)le. NO deviatlOnS from rite S ecii:icataons, and I)e ~p Town of Car Unlit A royal ~4~ ~ : 2 AQUiSITIONAL JTJ Record with regard to compliance with all Federal, p Engineering 8~ Planning Fees Paid y y pp I,~t I s will be allowed unless written a royal from • State and Lora! standards, regulations nad(or Owner/Deyeloper S Subrmtted p ari pp k l:~k ~~-.w.~,.~"~ USE: FLEXW~,EMOUSE p r a,, e c t n~o. ' ' c itions. - ~ Morrisville is received, alon with pernlisslop tom the Town of Cary on Aprit 3, 2006 the ownership, construction, operation, and TOWIlOf ~ ~ t11e maintenance, management, and financing ofthe Town ff ~ ~ % PIN 0756256799 06039 Public and Private Easements shall be recorded Infrastructure Y No Comments , ~ for water and Sewer devlat10n5. All Fees of Morrisville`s water and sanitary sewer system within s 1111 ;J ' r/Ins ector Disclaimer rior to final acceptance_by the Town. _ the present and future corporate limits and Urban ~ I Engmee p _ p _ _ Services Area limits of the Town of Morrisville was - ~ ~ I l~ ;P!`~,~~~'~ ZONING: C1&I s s u e ate; I 1 I Town of Morrisville transferred to the Town of Cary as per the merger ~ ~ ; ~ ~ JUNE 13, 2007 w ~ owns. Alt water and ~ ~ ~ The presence of the Town of Morrisville or Town of Relea88d for Construction 'agreement between these two T f r°.,, Fnoineer tnsnector at the work site shall in no sanitary sewer system design and consnuction shall be 1 i ra ,r"' . way lessen the Owner's responsibility for Conformity Owner Certification in accordance with Town of Cmy, 5taadard ^ ! ~ EXISTING ~ mot, and the Standard Construction Detail with the plans and sPecifioations. Should the Engineer WJ GRAPHIC SCALE CONDITIONS AND or Inspector prior to, during or after construction fail to The Owner/Developer hereby certifies that; all Town comments have been Incorporated into the Drawings Drawings. - .M identity or reject materials or work that does not and Specifications, the. Drawings are in compliance with all Federal State, Local Standards and Town of . , d ao o 15 ao eo Aso DEMOLITION d Specifications, and Details and the Owner has nature J andspecifications, whether from Morrisville and Town of Gary Ordinances, Standards Approves by the Town of Cary conform with the plans require E PLAN lack of discovery or for any other reason it shall in no checked the plans to confirm that there are no errors or omissions. The Owner/Developer hereby certifies way prevent later rejection and correction of the and agrees to take s 1 i B such action as may be required by the Town of Morrisville and Town of Cary to correct 1-4 /0 Engineering Date v / f r( IN FEET unsatisfactory materials or work when discovered. This any errors, omissions or non-oomplian `th Town of Morrisville and Twon of Cary Ordinances, Date j is also true if the work has been accepted and is Standards, Specifications, and D ils and/ZlIr re-execution of this construction plat with appropriate 1 inch = 30 ft, $Q0000*2- 0 cid 00 currently being maintained by the Town of Morrisville corrections and/or revisions. or Town of Cary. The Owner shall be responsible for (10-16-07 correction of all work that does not conform to the plans and specifications. Owner Date TOWN PROJECT O. LAWN AREA -SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS ~ K E , r ~ ~ PLANTING BED WITH EDGER -SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS ° w ° rn~~ SITE NOTES ; , r~ ~ , N,, ~ ~ . ~~~N / / 1B DRY DETENTION POND AREA -SEE GRADING/LANDSCAPE .PLANS ~ ~ x 1. NO TRIASSIC, MATERIAL (OR SIMILARLY COMPRESSIBLE ~ / ~ ~ ' ~,1, ~,A, ~ ~ ~ a j ,<< ~w ~ i CIRCLE ~CLE ®CONSTRUCT 24" WIDE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ~ j ~~'o MATERIAL. SHALL BE UTILITZED AS FILL OF 13ACKFILL IN ANY r w / I a w ~ ~.r' ti - F-WAY R WITHIN THE ~ f / ~ ~ m ~ f ~ `w . EXISTING CASE WITHIN THE STREET RIGHT 0 O , j , ~ / ~ ,r,, ~ ( ) STING) ~ ~ CONSTRUCT 6" THICK MONOLITHIC POUR RAISED ISLAND' ~ ; rn~ ~ / qw ' ESIGNATED FI E LANE, j' r • ~ ,,4. ` LIMITS OF ANY D R r; ~ ® _y 65 ROW .ROW ~ 0' ®CONSTRUCT 4 THICK STANDARD CONCRETE PAVING ~ ~ti~0~~ / ®CONSTRUCT 8» THICK STANDARD CONCRETE PAVING ~ E of `~o / ~ CONSTRUCT 8" THICK COLORED & STAMPED CONCRETE PAVING ~ ~ ~ E FINAL INCH OF I-2 UNTIL THE - ,f l ' i f / ® w ` w of 2. DO NOT PAVE TH ~ I l i d ~ ' tt ~a GONSTRUCTION~~15.SUBSTANTIALLY, COMPLETE; \ , , i ~ w ~ ~ ~ ('CANYON' COLOR BY DAMS COLORS -NATURAL STONE PATTERN) v 3, THE DEVELOPER SHALL BE .RESPONSIBLE TO CONTROL AND / - ..9~, t / „ ' / a w ~ ° ®CONSTRUCT~ 4° THICK COLORED & STAMPED .CONCRETE PAVING TO INITIATE CLEAN-UP OF THE LITTER AND REFUSE ly , f k / y Q ti ,y ° (CANYON COLOR BY DAMS COLORS - NATURAL STONE PATTERN) GENERATED 8Y THE CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS FOR THIS f / i ~ ° / w~ ~ ~ ~ /i / z~'~ ~b / DEVELOPMENT, BOTH ON-SITE AND OFF-SITE, DURING THE / ti ^°o'' ~ G ~ ® CONSTRUCT CONCRETE CURB CUT WITH 24" WIDE CURB AND GUTTER Q ~ l ~ / a H T. INSTALLATION OF SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS / ri a~~ m w 0~ s s ~ / ~ CONNECT. TO EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER-FLUSH ~ 'v ~ ~ ` F~° UNTIL SUBSTANTIAL COMPLE110N OF ALL CONSTRUCTION. / / ~ / V.`~a ~ ® o / F~o°'/ , 21 RAMP CONCRETE WALK & CURB TO BE FLUSH ,WITH .ASPHALT ~ ~ a THE CLEAN-UP OF LITTER AND REFUSE SMALL BE DONE ON ~ m ~ ~ ~w ~ .w ~ ® ~ 9 ~ ~ w I U INITIATING ACTION 1 / ~ / / ao ~ w <w ~ ti :v L , 2 ~ 9~~ 2J CONCRETE STEPS WITH HANDRAILS ~ v 3 U A REGULAR BASIS. THIS SHALL NCL DE COST IN REMEDYING THE SITUATION. i ~ ~ ~ ° AND ASSUMING ANY ~ ~ , ~ ) ~ ~ R ~ 21 CONSTRUCT 30" WIDE CONCRETE ROLL CURB AND GUTTER ~ ~ ` ;''R)~oo, ~ TRANSINTION TO 30" WIDE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER U ~ °'~r r . f ~ i ~ ~ i 4, PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING CO, THE r~ l r/ ~ /h m• c ~ ~ h ® CONSTRUCT 30" WIDE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ~ °a f ~ / w ~ DEVELOPER/OWNER. IS TO PROVIDE AS-BUILT DRAWINGS IN / / , ~ ~ , j 4 ~ w / a CONSTRUCT HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT DRIVE LANES (TYP ALL DRIVE LANES} `N BOTH HARD AND ELECTRONIC FORMAT SHOWING ALL i ~ w~, /h ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ VI TIONS FROM THE APPROVED PLANS INCLUDING BUT NOT / ~ r / / / ~Cv ~ DE A j , r i 1 ~ ~ w ~ CONSTRUCT STANDARD DUTY ASPHALT PARKING SPACES LIMITED TO SURFACE FEATURE LOCATIONS SUCH AS ~ ~ / 4 ~ / ~ ~ ® INSTALL HANDICAP ACCESSIBILITY MARKINGS AND SIGNAGE ``~~,~~~~"~~~,''~n,,~ EXISTING NEUSE ®INSTALL TOP' SIGN -PER MUTCD STANDARDS S HO ! ~ i' ; / Q ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 MANHOLES, CATCHBASINS, HYDRANTS, VALVES, METER , T r ~ ~ M1~ ~ >a~ ~ _ _ _ RIVER STREAM .~o~"~ ° 1 BOXES CLEAN-OUTS, RETAIMNG WALLS, TRANSFORMERS, / f / ~ " ~ / ~ / • ~ l / a~ 0 LANDSCAPING, ETC. ALSO, ELEVATIONS ANO PIPE SLOPES FOR ~ ~ ~ j ~ l I ~ BUFFER - NO ~ INSTALL 6" STEEL PIPE BOLLARD ' ~ a~ / THE SANITARY AND STORM. SEWERS ARE REQUIRED. IF ANY ~ ~ ~w / ;a / r , / , / w TRI AR F00 ~ T M IN I DISTURBANCE ~ INSTALL 'HC PARKING' SIGN -PER MUTCD STANDARDS : X ° X .WITHIN BUFFER ~ INSTALL 'HC PARKING-VAN ACCESSIBLE' SIGN -PER MUTCD STANDARDS i ~ . ADDITIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE IS ADDED OR CHANGES ARE J µ :v, s , ~ / , AERA ®INSTALL 'HC RAMP W/ TRUNCATED DOME INSERT -PER NCDOT STNDS., MADE AFTER THE AS-BUILTS ARE SUBMITTED THE l ~ / ~ r~F i ~ 2° a RESTAU ~ / ; ~ / q FP ~ l R / .w. ~ , y ; DEVELOPER/OWNER WILL SUBMIT THE REVISION TO THE TOWN. r ~ ; S G j R° ~ .ww 7 / / 1 ~ ~l ~ / / ~ 0 56262 . / , ~ i e a f a / / 0 PAINTED WHITE 4 PARKING STRIPE (TYP} y ~ PAINTED CROSSWALK -PER MUTCD STANDARDS ~~'`~qM H . 5~~°~a4 5. ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED UTILITIES SHALL BE PLACED t °Ml ~ .~1 j i l ~ . / q'w : GB , / \ ~ ~ PAINTED WHITE 24" 'STOP' MARKINGS & 8" 'STOP' BAR ~'""'""'~o'~~ ~ UNDERGROUND. 1,,; ~v c~, / .~Vw \ .N ~ / ! ~~v f Q PAINTED WHITE 4" WIDE SEPARATION STRIPING 0 6. ALL BUILDING ADDRESS TEXT TO BE DISPLAYED PER. ~ \ << \ . ,w 'S, ° \ \ ` 45° 12" OC (TYP AS INDICATED ON PLAN) • a TOWN OF MORRISVILLE STANDARDS. ~ ~ mww , ~ • 0; ~ ~ , ~,x, \ \ RIVATE ®PAINTED WHITE bIRECTIONAL ARROW (TYP) .1/ ~V / ~ ~ / . ww ~ ~°w ~0 / ~ DRAINAGE z 7. ALL SIDEWALKS, RAMPS, CROSSWALKS AND ACCESSBILE ~ ~ ° ~ 0~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ a ° ARKING SPACES SHALL ~ BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE l ~ '~a~ j ~ ~ ; o" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~4p / ' • ~ , ~ ' ~ [T EASEMENT ©"NO PARKING FIRE LANE" PAINTED WITH 8" WHITE. LETTERS y ~ 7[] Q 4" PAINTED WHITE STRIPE (DENOTING FIRE .LANE) WITH CURRENT ADA STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS, ! t~~ N / f~1~,,~ , 1 1 © 6' LONG METAL BENCH - TO SE SELECTED BY OWNER ~ ~ " ~ CONCRETE UNIT ®32 GAL. METAL TRASH RECEPTACLE - TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER ° ~ SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLES SHALL BE ~ / `r~ w m (<q ?p / ~ . ~ ~ r ~ 1 ~ a 8. ADEQUATE / a w 'aw ~ 9' ~ ~ RETAINING WALL ~ BIKE RACK ON CONCRETE PAD (TO ACCOMODATE 3 BIKES) OR BOULEVARD AND CLAREN CIRCLE w~ ° ~ OFF ° / ~ @ tx PROVIDED AT AIRP T f 1 w re ryA F . ' ~ z ~ DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES, PER NCDOT STANDARDS FOR STREET , v, k / ~ ~ - HATCHED ~ w 0 IVEWAY ACCESS. ~ ~ i , ~ / ~ , ~ / ~ h AN DR 3 N~ AREA' a CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE RETAINING WALL.WITH STONE FACADE ` ~ ? h~ R PR AND DECORATIVE METAL HANDRAIL S ~ ~ ~ E ESENTS TIEBACKS ~ CONCRETE UNIT RETAINING WALL o ~ CCESS TO AND FROM AIRPORT' ..BOULEVARD . ° r ~ ~ w ~w i ,i Q. ?A• ~ / SQ ~ ~ 9, DRIVEWAY A ~ w ~w tiw / / 1'~ o E oo ~ SP FCES t 1 ©BEST WESTERN SIGN ON STONE RETAINING WALL ~ AND CLAREN CIRCLE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PER NCDOT • ,1 ti~ w, d4. , ` ; - o, p FO ~ 1 't~ i ®2'-4" BOULDERS LOCATED PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT a ~ STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND DRIVEWAY f . ~ ~ i ~ fi,~y ~ ~,1 w ACCESS.. ~ ~ i / \ ~c • v~ v~c,u: 21 .4 ~ ~1 2 ®8' HIGH COVERED DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE -MASONRY TO MATCH BLDG _ o ~ / y / w ~ NC 80 Nc R~ 2 ~ ~ WITH DECORATIVE WOOD GATES (9' WIDE) -SEE ARCHITECTURALS a A D SI AGE SHALL BE PROVIDED ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ' / 5 ~ a _ 1O. PAVEMENT MARKINGS N GN f a, y j ~ ~ ~d FOR ROOF DESIGN ~ N RE ADE UATE TRAFFIC CIRCULATION AND. PEDESTRIAN ~ '`~a`~ ~ ~ o TO E 5U 4 / / o / ~ ~ TYP.~ . ~ • , ; `,,K. w a ROUTES PER MINIMUM DE5.IGN REQUIREMENTS :STIPULATED IN i / ° ~•%a • 1® . ° • 5~©P ®KNOX BOX (FIRE DEPARTMENT TO DETERMINE LOCATION AND HEIGHT. - t ~ 1 Z aW ~ THE FHA MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. ~ ~ ~ / ~3 p~SE'(8 ®6' HIGH ALUMINUM FENCE -SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS . ~ `1 ~ 10 INSTALL CONCRETE WHEEL STOP w ~ ~ "a ' as l • h i~'~w Rai S ~ a - TI T E TOWN S. ~ i ~ r z z 11. A PRE CONSTRUCTION MEE NG WITH H 5 a~ ~ / ~ , ; ( g w ¢ ENGINEERING INSPECTQRS MUST BE SCFIEDULED PRIOR TO ! ~ ; ~ ~ 6 ~'z ° ~;~~W~ ~ OWNER: FIRSTCAL INDUSTRIAL . ~ ~~~u~l~ g f~ {fit ~ / i - . w _ m ~ TH .:START OF CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE THAT TH.E SCOPE / ~ AND THE CORRESPQNDING METHOD OF l / c ~ OF WORK a \ a ~y., fist h ~~9 ~ y ~ ~ 4~ § ~Y ~ ' 2 2 AQUISITiONAL ~Y+ a a x a CONSTRUCTION AND TESTING ARE ACCEPTABLE ANO TO t ~ ' ~ 2 ~ ~ N ~ .4 u~~ ~R~~ r; ~ Z~ USE: FLEX WAREHOUSE ° v?~n'~d ldi",'~, i ~ a INFORM WHEN SITE INSPECTIONS .ARE REQUIRED TO BE ;rl. ~ 'a~ o, ® ~ ~ 2 ; i ~ p~ z w BY TOWN STAFF. • ~ ~ p ~ f ~ ~'r~'N~. PIN 0756267276 _ _ _ _ w CONDUCTED..... , . , U. , , . , _ . _ _ _ _ , _ . _ _ g~ 8 ~ 2 ZONING: O&I PRE-CONSTRUCT-ION MEETING REQUIREMENT W .o.~t j ~ q ~4 00 12. NO DEDICATED LOADING/UNLOADING SPACE IS PROVIDED / t ~A., °°..a ' l ~ ' " ~ 21 ~ A PRE-~GONSTRUCTION MEETING MUST BE HELD WITH THE. ° x ANY LOADING NLOADING ACTIVITIES SHALL / FOR THIS ITE /U d ~ TOWN'S ENGINEERING INSPECTORS PRIOR T4 START OF I ~~`f H , u vt ~~jaR ~ a ~ CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE THAT THE SCOPE OF WORK AND cwn s ALONG THE REAR OF THE WOTEL IN THE , „ , ; , I 4; ~s w TAKE PLACE OWNER. VMP INC. ~ x SERVICE AREA. ' 2 : ~ ~S{< h: ~o USEe VACANT ~ _ 19 ~ t x, ~y "rJs ` k ~p tt as ~ 24 G THE CORRESPONDING METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION AND TESTING z~ PIN 075626112 o ~ ~ k-r~4`~':,~~}.~~ ~ ^ 8+~• ' ~ ~C~ ARE ACCEPTABLE TO THE TOWN'S STANDARDS a <; y 5t ~x~+,~12~k`~'t~~~7 ova S ~.4*, , ~ ; ~ ~ ZONING: GB ~ ~:~k~ ~ ® g 2 ~ M ~~j n{~,b~~~°,i~r {~~,rohdy ~.`F~M4~?~ f~j r ~a ' ~ w ~ ~l W ~ ~ ` . fi 21 vM`~;~, c~~~ a~~z~ ~,a,~~ ~ ~,~7y, , ~ 8, 8~ 8, LY ~ t k fi M`~ o ! Qo / - r~ P 1 G a 0 ~ SIDE AD .0 ' ~ > f z ti, ~ r~~i F z ~ . ~ 2! R~ ~ VAN VAN • t r~~ ~s' K a w r rf L 0 k A, ~ .r='=' w ~ i 1 I SkTBACK ~ •1: ~0 a ~ SE rat ~~t~~;„'° ® © ~ HC HC HG • ~rtm ~ s w ~.x t 5 ~ f U • 'a ~ a ~~5~, ~.i,.t ~h ~ i 1, ~ P C~ c•^ ~ ~i~ 1 r0 t, ~~~r~~ 1. ~ zt~r~~~ E ~ b, it ,~y A' .,Cyr a.. 4:. ' ID' x Z G7 1 .I,; Cry 0 G' J ~ . 20 ~ - r',~+ 1 i ~ ~ . r e ~ , a s~ q ! - - ~ ~ TYPE C ~,i•-', ~ ~ , , ..a~' ~ .a v,1 ~ ~ ~ BUFFER o;a ~ < . w ~ ~ ~ ~xd xe$s~,~ ~ ,'rib ~ a ~ a"~"f~:u~~..'~tea~.,-... q ~ 35 FUTURE ACCESS ~ I© 3 N e x N w ~~~rtti~=~a~`~~~~~ d ~ .o . ~ ~ HANDICAP PARKING DETAIL ° «G~ f SCALE; 1 "=20' ~ r~ ~ EASEMENT TO BE ~ ~ v~. w m ~ ~ / P' ~p Q Z + ~ ~9~a~~'R,~~' r~, S§`i~(CZfi„'~T,f~~~`•~rt4;}~~~ { .E. ~ ~ '•qq.v • d A ~~~Y~;,a~+:r~~z~~x s . ^ ~ " y SANITARY SEWER FLOW CALCULATION ~a R PROVIDED BY VMP, INC z O v`~"-~--- bF: t~;rY~;,a~~.3~~ Q ~ ~ ~ a Q ® r ~ y~,u~S,e ~N J( / 1 b. n ~~l,~xtinb j r(~ r~j~~~~~~~~~"~ ~ 5, ~ " ` a ' 1O5 ROOMS ~ 120 GAL/ROOM PER NGDENR = ~ } W K> ~ ` ~ • ~ ® ~ 12,600 GAL/DAY (AVERAGE DAILY FLOW) .-a ~A~; ~ ®T 4 ~ ~ ~ (TYP.} 2 ,PEAK FLOW =AVERAGE DAILY * 3.3 = w gs, I _ 1 ~ E~ w w RQ ~ 2 ''o xx W 1t ~ ,i ' 2 ~ ~ J 9 12,600 GAL/DAY ~ 3.3 = 41,580 GAL/DAY ..e ~ ~ 3 ~ 'q ~•v ^ t! t 1~ y i ~l U, L 2 ~ ' ~ f~/f / °p 2. I N Q R a V f ~ Q i 2 r I ~ ~ P PG~S 2 ~ ~ x ~ 1g S u~ ® ~ ~ ~ o a b w ~ N ~ ~ N ~>s, ~ ~ / yJ j~- 84.7Q 20! 2 ~ TYPE C _ BUFFER 2 GES revi~ons~ r' TYp 2 ( , ® SP F / Town of Morrisville Review Disclaimer 24 pPCES ~N~ ~ revs date; Engineering & Planning Fees Paid _ (TYP. 2 ! ~ v, 2 , , 1? 20 5 0 ~ ~ 1-Town 7.27.07 f Should the Town fo Morrisville or Town of Cary fail to ~ 0• Constriction Requirements infrastructure Yes No Comments identify, that the OwnerlDeveloperhos not addressed SID L Q f r Fees the comments made b ether Town, or that the Plans E CK 4 y ~ s ~ ~~G~ an 2-Yawn 9.07.07 2 ( T erviC S and Specifications are not in compliance with respective OWNER, FiRSTCAL 1NDUSTR6AL A K `T~' All pubitc and private work rncludtng but not lrmrted to watermarns, Ovate s e , ~ ~ 3-Town 10.04.07 Np Town Ordinances, Standards, Specifications, and F ~ sanitary sewers, sanitary sewer services, storm sewers, drainage systems, roads, Town of Morrisville 2 AQUISITIONAL Detailswhether from lack of discovery or for any other '1 sidewalks, parkin ~ lots, site radio and landsca in shall be constructed in ?3 g g g p g Released for Construction reason it shall in no way relieve the Owner/Developer USE• • FLEX WAREHOUSE 2 (TYP3) 9x~,,~ rawrr accordance with the Town of Mon'isville aril Town of C Ordinances, Standards of their obligation therof, nor nbiigate the Town of W~ Morrisville or the Town of Cary to correct such errors N 0756250838 , 2 h Se Y~ ~ PI P~ Specifications,.and Detarlsthatare applicable. No devrarrons from the 15 , or omissions. Execution of this construction plat by the e- r- 15 SP PCES ~ ~ ® ~ ~ DMBIIAM OwnerlDeveloper sSubmitted plans will be allpwed unless written approval from Review En ineer or Planner for either Town in on Ova Z0~ ING: O~tl N //TYP ~ 51 g y (0 t i g p s gnature required limits the,responsibiGty of the Owrter and Engineer of ~ < M W the Town of Morrisville is received, alon with ermission from the Town of C S w r deviations, ,A11 public and private Basements Shall be recorded Record with regard to compliance witli all Federal, t!? ' for water and e e t0 State, and T,ocal standards, regulations nad/or O 2 1 CONCRETE UNIT OWNER: FIRTCAL INDUSTRIAL JTJ prior to final acceptance by the Town.. m f Z conditions: Date ~ ~ 69'20 ~1' RETAINING WALL 2 ACQUISITIONAL p r o j e c t n o; S 3~8 - No TIEBACKS USE: FLEX WAREHOUSE C6039 f. ~ _ _ _ Morrisville Protect . _ . Engirieer/InspectorDisclaimer _ , HEQ HIRED (MAX .PIN 0756256799 s s ~n~uen~r.° n~i ~ u e ate: Town of Carv iTtility Annr•nval / Owner Certification ~r a.v~~v. vane - $ IJ~ 2007 On April 3, 2006 the ownership, construction, operation, The presence of the Town of Morrisville or Town of A The Owner/Developer hereby certifies that; all Town comments have been incorporated Into the Drawings maintenance, management, and financing of the Town Cary Engineer or Inspector at the work site shall in no ADDITIONAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS JUNE and Specifications, the Drawings are In compliance with all Federal, State, Local Standards and Town of / of Morrisville 's water and sanitary sewer system within way lessen the Owner's responsibility for,conformiry TH THE FOLLOWING PERMITS ARE REQUIRED IN ADDITION TO THE GRAPHIC SCALE Morrisville and Town of Cary Ordinances, Standards, Specifications, and Details and the Owner has the present and future corporate limits and Urban with the plans and specifications. Should the Engineer checked the plans to confirm that there may be are no required errors by or the Town omissions. of The Morrisville and Town Owner/Developer of Cary hereby to certi correct fies Services Area limits of the Town of Morrisville was or Inspector prior to, during or after constriction fail to TOWN OF MORRSIVLLE APPROVALS: SITE PLAN and agrees to take such action as T~ . L TOWN OF CARY UTILITY PERMITS. 30 a 15 30 80 120 2. NCDOT DRIVEWAY PERMIT. I - any errors, omissions or noncompliance with Town of Morrisville and Twon of Cary Ordinances, transferred to the Town of Cary as per the merger identity or reject materials or work that, does not Standards, Specifications, and D ils an re-execution of this construction plat with appropriate agreement between these two Towns. All water and conform with the plans and specifications, whether from 3. NCDOT ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT. 4. WAKE COUNTY EROSION CONTROL PERMIT. ~ corrections and/or revisions. sanitary sewer system design and construction shall be lack of discovery or for any other reason it shall in no j in accordance with Town of Cary, Standard way prevent later rejection and correction of the C7 ° O . 6> Q Specifications, and the Standard Construction Detail unsatisfactory materials or work when discovered, This UF UPON RECEPIT'OF PERMIT APPROVALS, COPIES OF THE ( IN FEET Drawings. is also true if the work has been accepted and is AP Owner bate currently being maintained by the Town of Morrisville Mt: APPROVALS SHALL BE SUMBITTED TO THE TOWN OF 1 inch = 30 ft. MORRISVILLE. t> Approv by the Town of Cary r Town of Cary, The Owner shall be responsible for Engineering Hate 4fand orrection of al I work that does not conform to the plans specifications, ~~._...~..~_..r_ Construction requirements ~ o c ~ n _ r t w ~ F' 7 ~ / ~ Ail public and private work including but not limited. to watermains, water services, ?u ~ M ~ a ~ sanitary sewers; sanitary sewer services, storni sewers, drainage systems, roads, ~ ~ ~ c f,d,~ ~ ~ n / ~ P @W / W ~ lbw /~ti ~ sidewalks, parking lots, site grading and landscaping shall be cgnstructed in ~ ~ ~ • NOTES ~a ~ k GRADING ~ ~ m / . ~ / ~ ~ accordance with the Town of Morrisville and Town of Cary Ordinances, Standards. - ~ h ~ . ODES SHALL NAVE SIDE SLOPES NQ STEEPER THAN H , i „-~y ~ , Q / w t t~, ` / Specifications, and Details that are applicable, No deviations from the. l? o~ v 1. CUT -AND FILL SL ,rr f , ~ ~ BELOW: E:, r ~ ~ @ w w w - EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ~I 1~~,~ /~r~ ~ / Owner/Developer's Submittedplanswill beallowed unless written approval from ~ ~ ` 1 I l a~ ~A+ ~ *i~;i ~ ~ the Town of Morrisville Is recetved,along with pernusszon from the Town of Cary ti ~ ~ 4N.1V MAY BE ALLOWED IF STABILIZED WITH , ~ . , ~ , SLOPES BETWEEN 3H;1 V :AND = N> ~ I i ~ , ~ ° ~ c~ ~ ~ for water and sewer deviations.. All Public and Private Easements shall be recorded ~ UCH AS WEEPING LOVE ~ ~ f ES MINIMAL MAINTENANCES , ~ t i ~ ~ VEGETA110N .THAT REQUIR TERISTICS. SUCH SIMILAR CHARAC , ~ / < I x rr ®''w ~ ~ i ~ f ~ ~ f// ~ prior to final acceptance by the Town. N ' GRASS, RED FESCUE OR OTHER VARIETY WITH ~ @ r ~ k ~ ~ o`~ti :~w ,ter f/ ~ LOPE5 SHALL NOT BE STABILIZED WITH TURF GRASS. ;n " 1 ~ f ~ r ° / ~ c ~ ~ S ~ , ; f ~ r r ~ z o ti a ALLOWED UNDER SPECIFIC ~ it ~ r ; ` l r ~ ti ^ o / EP R THAN 3H:1V MAY-BE r ~ ~w OPES THAT ARE STE E ~ it SL Y THE ENGINEER, IF STABILIZED WITH ~ j J ' ~ r ~ s ~ i~ fdd' ~ ~ t } ! Owner Certification ~ ~ ~ Q STANCES AND APPROVED B i` u ~ ~~na~'/ . CIRCUM ~ r' TENTION DEVICES OR A SUITABLE COMBINATION OF , ~ ri ~ w . ww ~ w ~ PERMANENT SLOPE RE f ; ,r ~ ETENTION DEVICES. k O / / a o .w ow a ~ ALANTINGS AND R e ~ a i ~ a • ~ l ~ LEVEL SPREADER The OwnerlDeveloperheteby cerdfies that; all Town commenks have bean incorporated. into the Drawings ~ s. W c ~ f ~ ~ ~ and Speclfieatlons,tke ©rawings are 1n compliance with all Federal,. State, Local Standards and Town of N E AREA ~ , ~ , ~ AT ELEVA710N /?f ~ / ! Mordsvllte and Town of Gary Ordinances, Standards, Specifications, and DetaUs and the Owner has ~ ut ~t " ATER IS DISCOVERO BY THE TOWN INSPECTOR TH , ERE STANDING. W ~ ~ ~ ~ y 9 CORRECT THE ~ r:" ~ ~ ' ~j / , ~ ~ 321,QQ checked the plans to confirm that there are no errors or omissions. The OwnerlDaveioper hereby certifies ~ ~ ~ -GRADED ANO/OR CATCHBASINS INSTALLED TO ! ~ ~ / a RE mw . .WILL BE ~ ~ ~ I r w w° 1 ~ r ~ ; ; ,fl t f ~ ~ and agrees to take such action as may be required by the Town of Morrisville and Town of Cary tD correct 0 O p n 3 .95 f • ' ~ any errors; omissions ornon-compliance with Town of Morrisville and Twon of Cary Qrdinances, ~ `N DRAINAGE PROBLEM, ~ 1 ~ a. ' ' f i / / . a ~ ~ ~ l \ / 1 Standards, Specifications, a dlor re-execution of this cor>Stm~Eon plat witki appropriate ~ i 9 ~ ~ ~ f d ,,r r'"" ~ corrections andlar revisions aaII A MINIMUM OF 6 , ' ~ ~ ~ 1 AY FROM FOUNDATION WALLS SHALL FALL u, , y r ~ ~ ~ ~,w ~ / 1 flj J 3, THE GRADE AW ; J ~ ~ ~ / . ~Gc ~ O ~w / ti j rE~~~ l fl ~ Q~ CAR FIRST 10 FEET. ~ f ''1 {E ~ INCHES NHriTHIN THE - % ~ / / a ~ wg~ { ~ F t l' < r mw w l~' .I~,~ r ~ ~ f 2 - I ~ ( 1 PES ARE AS FOLLOWS: y ~ ~ e~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~r 1 ~ ~ ~ ` '1 ~ /f ~ o. Owner pate ~ spa ,r ~ s 4. MINIMUM SLO ~ 0,50% i ~ S ALES I / • ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ' 32~C^" A. THE.. MINIMUM SLOPE ON DRAINAGE W r ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ gI V 3 . 5 8 ~ , . 1 ~ r f ' ~ RCV18w ~115CIA1f11CC M ~ : ~ r I IMUM SLOPE. ON ROADS f5 0.70% i tiw f w • 1 1 B. THE M N r - r a c~' S 0' ~ • v ' q~ f ~ j ~ AS lS 2.00% / ; / yrF ~ ~ ~ a / .w~. ~ . / ~ , NIMUM SLOPE ON LANDSCAPE ARE ~ ~ Fp cA y / J C. THE M! / ~ ~ ~ t~Ql • ~ ~ f \ TW 333.50 Should the Town fo Morrisville: or Town of Cary fait to wti" ~ •1 ~ , ` ~ W 28. that the OwnerlDevelo r has not addressed ~F~~ 5~°`° I i ~ ` 1 ~ '1 ~ ~ ~ s^+..~,, ~ \ identify, l~ ~ M ° EN BUILDINGS IS 2.00% ~ , ~ r e i ~ 0 / m w f ! /r/ l D, THE MINIMUM SLOPE BETWE ~ ° 3 9 55 TC ,ter , ~ `•~.ti. ~ 1 , ~ ~ 4w ~ r ~ ~ 1 TC ~ ~ 'y ~ ~ ~ the comments made by eitherTown, or that tk~, Plans i~rrrrrH rH ut?>lb~"q BC ~ ; ; 8, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 and Specifications are not in compliance with respective • X ~ ~ ~ ~ Town Ordinances, Standards, Spect6ca6ons, and ,THE MINIMUM SLOPE. ON THE PARKING LOT 15 1.00% / „ r / ~ . ww \ ,ti ~ • 11 • f ~ ` ~ ~ VATt Details whether from lack of discovery or fur any other ~t^'1 .00% ,p reason it shall in no,wayrelieve the Ownerll7eveloper ~ t ~ « , r f ~ } , ~'w~ p ,~`~N AGE of their obligation thero~ nor obligate the Town of f~ ~ . ~ ti i . ~ F. THE MINIMUM CROSS SLOPE ON ROADS IS 2 ~ .L,~ t. ~ r~ 1 .w. : w a I F ~ r / ~ ~ S~qM ~N T Morrisville or the Town of Cary to correct such errors m CE OF A BUILDING C,O., THE DEVELOPER . , rA P~~. 5. PRIOR TO ISSUAN ?w ~ ~~w ~ '~a 4~ r.~ , ~ ">,i ,w` ~ or omissions. Execution of khis construction plat by the = SYSTEM ~ ~ / A ~ v J ~ q~' Y.~ , L SUBMIT A VIDEO INSPEC710N OF THE STORM SEWER ~1, , ~ ~''r " Review Engineer or Planner for either Town in on way a LIC AND PRIVATE}. THIS SUBMITTAL WILL NEED TO ~ ~r ~ , \ l ~.u ; N ~ (BOTH PUB RIOR TO THE ISSUANCE ' a ij t limits the responsibility of the Owner and Engineer of I 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Record with regard to compliance with all Federal, THE TOWN P / q (..r y a ~ . r , BE REVIEWED AND ACCEPTED BY . , , , a ! z r w ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ • / ~ ~ ~ State, and Local standards, regulations nadlar . 4 F THE BUILDING C.O. J w ® ,y~ r~ • s Z % ~ N 4~ ~ ~~s ~G"y^ ~ conditions, ~ ~ `w l'~ ~ Tw 332'50 '`V ? ~ F IS STIRRUP IRON CREEK. .4 1 ~ ~ ~ T R RUNOF MWA E AM FOR STOR ~ w ~ z a 6, RECEIVING STR ~ ~ ~ , 1 ~ ~ . f rr ~ ~ / 3 1.00 1110 , ~4 ~ , tt ~ 30.55 - ° ~ ONDUCTED UNDER THE c' 'r° ~ 1 C~ t~'~ 30.55 TC 'IW.y33 ,50.3 .40 TC ~ ~ , ~r YOWn Of MOrri$Yllle ' 33o,fl5 ec B 3zttoot 3 z.a Bc at.•;y,.~~. Enginesnng & Planning Fees Pald ~ a ACEMENT ON ANY FILL MATERIAL SMALL BE C f a w 7. TH NI ' AL ENGINEER. UPON ~ i sww ~ TECH a ~ f r ~ { ~~~~a R`' ~ F-, a~ Tw 332.50' _ 1 ~ ° 333.5~T tea' ION OF A QUALIFIED LICENSED GEO C , OBSERVAT , ~ , n fi .qw `,e m~ f t t'~ rw 3s2,5~ z ~ ARTHWORK ACTIVITIES, THE TOWN SHALL BE PROVIDED v N OF THEE \ ~ ~ 1/ ew 323.00 o COMPLETIO Bw 323.00 33.40 TC ~ ~ ~ ~ 3, 0 TW 333.75 t ~t M GRADING REPORT INCLUDING COMPACI1ON TEST RESULTS, ~ , ~ ~ w, ,~r WITH:. A FINAL i } \ ! ` , ' ~ ~ ~ 9 C 3 ~~33:27 9 .333 .CB ~ \tr3 t'd Inf ~emtcture Yep Na Cottunents ~ ' i PROPER PLACEMENT. I ~ , , , ~ r ~ OF FILL MATERIAL TYPE AND 1 / o v CERTIFICATION , u, ~ , ~1 , r :l ;j ~ ~ ~ \ ~ • w r l ~ r ~ i t 1 r a y , ~~J 3• , 0 t 3.77 J• Sz ' t 1 ,.j ~ d ,Y-' x C t , , B ~ , o ti~ ' P ~ ~ ,,Z ~ ~ . Town of Morrisville l 333. ~ " ~ t' ~ ~ 1a \ ~ , ~ ~ Released for Construction ~ LL , ~ , .,w„4.. ~ ~ 32,40 TC 3240 TC y 331.90 BC ~ tK I 4 , ! ~ ~ z. r 1 r ~3` i ~ 1 / 33L90 BC h~ ,f~~ ~ ~ M t a r r` ~ I ~ ~ r ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ' ,r .~ir8'1 ,J'1 t @~ ~ a~ r , l 9nature requlredl' a a / CONSTRUCT N,~ ~ 333.70 Tc W 4 ; r I „ ~ FES 7 ~ a r. ' OVER EXISTING 24 ~C ~ 1 ' 333.70TC ~ ~ J ~ ~ i 4',e. ,r t/ ~ • '7 t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,1, 1~ t - Gate _ W a f 't _ ~ -.,-.T ~ ,'..,_._T.._ . ` . _ ~ 8 x6,~c22?T1"t r w ~ - ~h ~ , i ` ~ a, ; , - -~15 „ f CLASS B G`B-8 Np r , ~t Na T ~ ~ A. ~ r, ~ ~~~ti ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ Morrisville Protect ~ _ . . s ~ ~ 3 332.30 BC r Iga 9~'~ ~ ~ ~ • 332.45 ,~C ' 230 BC . ~ ~ ~ Town of Car >{.Jtili A rov ~ 1. o i `t ~ ~ ~ Y tY ~p .Y_ ~ a>4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Apnl 3, 2006 the ownerslu construenon operation, w ~ f < , ~ - , ~ 33.90 1 ~ ~ , ,,....w r / ~ ~ , j 33.90 TC x ~ s ~ ~f ; ~ jrj~" matntenance, management, and~finanetng of th,~T / f ~ M • / ~ ~y~'~'} o ~ - - ~ • ' 1 ~ n ° 334.1: ' x;~ ~~~?k~ ~ ofMornsvlilesw sans sewersystedi 3`~• _ 334.15 TC ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,hs ~r°~ ~ r r 3 .t BC w ~ ~ ~ the present and ftt e limits an I M r'-"" a e `~,"n ~ 1 , . iq , r~ r' r° Setvities Brea l y` 1 0~ 0 C1SVllle W'dS`""'"LL ° W~. ~ i ~ ~ ~ a• 33195 TC ~ ~ r . ' aansferred to,t~e Town o ~ a ~ , a ~•9 ~ ~ ~t~ • ~ ~ " ~ ~ • ~ ~ ' ~ e design and eonstruotion shall be ' ~ ~ £ ~ • ~ . in rdance w Town of G ,Standard, . ~ r r l ~ t 4 / ~ ~ r I E TO N 0 1 t . - . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~r ~ ~ ~ S cifications a d the. Standardd Consaucti ~ ~ C6~ ~ on Detail ~ ~i ~ 334. `ul~' ~ • ~ ~ , ~ D wings, ~ j 20 ~ D Wj ~ ~ `I. ~ :334., _ r MORRISVILLE ~'TORf~I r~ WWW..,' ~,~y~ ~ ' k ~ ,y , 0 TC ~ >~;~`'a s `t ~ ,a ~ ~ ~ provalbythaTownofCary ~ , , . ~ - l / DRAIN GE EAS ME i' ~ ~ N s~ , U z ~ ~ ' ~ ` Engine"dng Date 0 1 ,f l - 3. t r ~ l ! ~ ~ ~ ~ r,r~ , ~ ~ ~t } r ? ~ Engineerllnspeetor D;Ixclaimer ~ i r~'' ~ t , . ~ ~ r~ ~ y~ i ~ tit ' ~ ' `s ~ J ' ~j' ~ 333.94 TC ~ ~ ~ `z~ ~ s R r " , , ~ ~ ~ The presence of the Town of Morrisville or Town of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ Cary Engineer or Inspector at the work site shall in no ~.z ~r ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 h. .:T ! cr ~ ~ ~ + ~ ~ ~ ~ F ~ ~i, ~~~~(~~0.7C ~ ~ ~ ~ way lessen the Owner's responsibility for~confomtiry o tj 1 I ~ /r ~ ~ ~ j / v r ~ ~ ? ~ ;w ~ ~ ~ fir. k". ~ ~ ; ~ l , , , , 6 , ~ , ~ with the plans and specifications. Should the Engineer U' 0 ~t;( Jr / 1 j ~ ~ ~ N N cr w I CONS RUCT JUNCTION BOX J / I' , 1 l I ~ ~ a ~ f " ~ i f ~ r a ;d ~ • + it"/ r a ~ ~i1~ ~ _ I f.a ~ ' ~ ; 9 ~ or Inspector prior to, during oz after eonstrnction fail to ~ TC i+: ~ ~ q;_, 7r; ~t > , ~~'~i J ' I~ ~ i f ~ ` ~ ~ identiryorrojectmaterials orworkthatdoesnot a ~ ~ 1 VER EXISTING 24 RCP ]r I t ~ ~ ' " 334 5`~TC 3 .fl BC " ,itrr f - ° ~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ eonforrn with the plans and specifications, whether from t r . 4 y'~"" ~ i / = ' ' R ~ ~ ; - ~ l G ~ r ~ ~ i ck of discovery or for any other reason it shall in no ` r Y 3 } ~ ~ ~ , , ~ ' a ~ L + 7 + ~ ~ ~ ~ + r 0 wrevent later rejection and correction of the 9` ~ ; , ~,t , t. ~ ~ . ~ ~ , ~ r , f 3 • 6 ~ sat ,~actory materials or work when discovered. This ~ N w. vx ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~.F;?~ 334.25 TC J ~ , ~ ~ ~ {l x~ ~ d t K ~ r n ~ ~ C r i ! ~ a \ ~ \ lso irhe if the work hes bean acne ted and is 334.25 TC s , r ' t ~ t z ~ " ~ ~ p G U1 t u~ , ~ ` ~ ~ ntly being maintained by the Town of Morrisville ti a r ~ . ~ ~ ~ 338.60 TC a _ ' ~ ~ „~.."^r"'`~~ `'-83 >l ~ ' ~ ~ of Cary, The Owner shall be responsible for u.. ` . ° , , -W a ~ 334 G , 338 50~TC ' iobof ail work that does not conform to the plans Z I- J ~ i ,t - p i j, E . 2a t ~ a • w / l1 1 ,F' 1 ~ DRAIN GE i II '.,~,rr ~ 335.45 335.45 TC A , ~ ~ 338; 0 ~ 'a,~1 ~ `i1t1 " 'cons. 4.9 BC w Q f` t I ~ f EAS NT TO h ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ r°" ~ ~ J ` ' ~ 335. 338.35 TC ~W J ~ ~ f / V R AIN TYP s 335. ' ~ 335.50 TC ~CS•~2 . ~ ~ 5 ~ 335.OD BC < , 50 8C 33 . B \ ~ ~ ~ ~ oy P t 335.65 TC r~3GJ 335.85 BC 337.00 BC ` 1 ~ ~ ~ Q) / i t3~' ~ t k.. f 35.1 BC 334.85 FC ~ 33 20 TC 334.3 BC ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ .:a: ~ ,1 B-11 3370 I S-~ 1 33 J0 BC ~ ~ ~,5 C 338,25 B J ! l; ~ INV.-331,04 .~1.~ t' ~ _ i a ` _ ° 3 6.15 TGd / ~ ~ ~ ~ `338.50 TC 8 36,50 TC 33 2 T ` 1 0"~ Q _ ~ ~ 2`~ ~ 336 3 .ooMe 3g6 Y ~ / - - EX. 20 f/ 338.35 TC"^• \ I . , l1 ~ DRAINAGE I( ~ , . , ~ C 337.10 TC 338.00 BC ~ ~ J T _ _ ~ I EASMENT 0 } 3s, c , , , ~ r t; v i s i o n s : 1 I w.. r REMAIN (TYP) ,,~.w.: w;~, ' ~ 33s,5o~Ta~ i ~ ~ h~l ~i~ rev date : . ~ 1 ~ ~ } 338.00 TC ~ 1 f REMOVE FES AT END OF n 337.5 Bc ~ - ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ 1-Town 7.27.07 I ~ EXISTING 1$ RCP AND 3 7.45 TC 3 7.45 TC 338.8 ~ .--'`.r-.° ~`TOWI~ 9.Q7.07 ~ CPE MATCH EXTEND P ( . 3s,s5 c t L 36,95 C ~ 38.00 TC 338. 7C"` ~I 00 3-Town 10.p4.07 ' EXISTING PIPE SLOPE) ~ f ~ ~ , ~ 4 1.31,I t' ~ 33 . e ~ ~ i r a w n y DRAINAGE TABLE _ w I j STORM :5 ~ ~ I ...338.05 7C Upstream Upstream Downstream Downstream I 338.05 7C w"'" w ~ ' 3 / '',r Ground In~trt Length Constructed ~ I 336.80 BC ~ 33S ~ off / j"i31:5'5"~'~ _ ,f 1, 9 3.50 C h e f g U stream Downstream Section Ground In ~ I p Matenal Elevation Elevation . (ft) Slope {evation ft ~ ~ Structure Structure 5~ze Elevation (ft} E { ) • ~ 33a.i 33s.to Tc " ~ ~ d,, JTJ ~ : ' ~ ~ ~ ?~,,,,r. ~ TW 344.50 t ~ ~ Bw ,q prod ect no: 10 Z.00 327.00 321,00 ~ ~ FES 1 15 RCP 330.05 321.20 ~ CB-2 .7 . 8 92 1,97 330.05 _ .326.95 CB-3 CB-2 15 RCP 332,5a , . 328 332.55 328.86 -P 338.00 BC ~ ~ f,, G8-3 15" RCP _ ? 329,.23 37 1,00 ~ ~ CB-4 ~ 06039 " RCP ' 3 ~ ` 330.53 120 1.00 332.90 ~ CB-5 CB-4 15 330.63 ! ~ ~r ~ s s u e ate: JUNE 13, X007 15" RCP 330,85 22 1.00 334.70 M ~ ~ CB 6 CB-5 ~ .331.00 , . _...28.6.1 f I > FES-.7.... 24" _.RCP _ 33^ r - 328.75. 14 1..00, . ~ ~.CB 8 ~ 0.50 332,45 328.85 ~ J RCP 329.07 44 ' C6-9 C6-b 24 x. , CB-10 CB 9 18" RCP ' 19.lu 1vu / GRAPHIC SCALE GRADING PLAN 329.80 330,20 40 1.00 335.60 i' CB-11 CB 10 18 RCP 330.30 -11 15" RCP 333,50 331.40 CB-12 JB ? r TW 340.D0 30 0 15 30 60 120 CB 74 1.00 335.70 " RCP 329.05 320.$4 46 0.50 325.00 319.50 -1 3 JB1 6 36 M -.r TW 340. CB-13 15" RCP 329.05 325.95 20 1.00 329A5 325.75 f t / f : CB 14 t 8W 338.0 18" RCP 340.00 337.01 75 7.21 335.Q0 331.60 " f i EXFES JB-C " RCP 333,15 323.48 170 1.00 1 f i IN FEET JB-15 5B-1 3 24 329.05 321,78 ' 1 inch = 30 ft. RISER CB-13 39' RCP 324.35 321.00 32 4.50 329.05 320.84 of-so Door -ll C4 TOWN P OJECT NO.,-QOs9V999M, Constractian Regnirett~ents ~ ~ ~ U - m~ . All public and private warts including but not limited to watetmatns, water services, ,~A ~ a sanitary sewers, sanitary sewer services, storm sewers, drainage systems, roads, N m'_ / / / ~ ! t sidewalks, parking lots, site grading and landscaping shall be constructed in ~'r ~ ~ a \ ~ / r s~~ e ~ / r accordance with the Town of Morrisville and Town of Cary Ordinances, Standards W m r~ • ~ e ~ ~ ~ Specifications, and Details that are applicable. No deviations from the ~ ~ ~ o 4wnerlDeveloper's Submitted plans will be allowed unless written approval fxom ~ 3 0 l / the Town of Morrisville is received, along with permission from the Town of Cary ~ ~ for water and sewer deviations, All Public and Private Easements shall be recorded q 5 • a r ~ r prior to final acceptance by the Town. ~ = ~ 00. g; W ~ Owner Certification' ' ` ~ ~ h ~ o0 / ~ / l e The OwnerlDeveloperhereby ceRiFles that; alt Town comments have been incorporated into the Drawings ; ~ ~ ~ BEAKED RDOF TRASH and Specifications, the Drawings are in compliance with all Federal, State, Local Standards and Towri of :RACK Morrisville and Tawn of Cary Ordinances, 5landards, Specifications, and Details and the Owner has ~ ~ U ~ a,I`h t- r checked the plans to confirm that theta are no errors or omissions. The OwnerlDevefopenc~reby certifies p ~ ~ ~ ~ ({1 J f 1 ~ ~ ~ 36" CORE DRILL 4° and agrees to take such action as may be required by the Town of Morrisville and Town of Cary to correct p ~ o N any errors, omissions or non•ca liance with Town of Morrisville and Twon of Cary Ordinances,. ~ ~ II i , . - ~ 14 ; / vl DRAWDOWN HOLE AT l ~ 1 1 d I ~ f. ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~ ELEV 3zt.oo Standards, Specitlcations, and .tail ndl re•execution of this construction plat with appropriate ~ ~ ~ i ~ ! 1 ~ J P , y.- ° ~ 30" DIA I 6" TYP. correctionsandlorrevisions, ~ d ~ ~ ~ t~~rrutumrJ~t~' Owner Date ; ~d s r ' ~ ~ . EngineerlIns~ector Disclaimer Review Aisclaimer ' X 1 ~ X / o ~1 ~ The presence of the Town of Morrisville or Town of Shvuld the Town fo Morrisville or Town of Cary fail w ''s~~ °'ti+++~..M,++~~\~•` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ r., ~ ~ ii r I ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 'ti,, r f Cary Engineer or Inspector at the work site shall in no identify, that the OwnerlDeveloper has. not addressed 4, 5 " way"1'~ssen the Owner's responsibility for conformity the comments made by either Town, or that the Plans gr4+h r, rH t ~ try ~°s+( with the plans and specifications. Should the Engineer and Specifications are not in compliance with respective ~0,'~ b ~ 1 TRAS ~ r~ t° a t Q ~ r , TRASN RACK (REMOVED FOR CLARITY) or inspector prior to, during or after conshuction fail to Towri Ordinances, Standards, Specifications, and. / identity or reject materials or work that does not Details whether from lank of discovery or for any other I( ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ r 4" DIA DRAWDOWP! I a~ -EL 324.35 conform with the plans and specifications, whether from reason it shall in no way relieve the Owner/1?eveloper 3C" RCP lank of discovery or for any other reason it shag in no of their obligation therof, nor obligate the Towa of ~ 0.5% Morrisville or the Town of Cary to correct such errors ~ ` i X'' , ~ I i CORE DRILL IN I o ~ w s HOLE { I wsy prevent later rejection and correction of the ! unsatisfactory materials or work when discovered. This or omissions. Execution of this construction plat by the M ~ tr, 1, ~ I I 51DE OF RISER) i m ~ e ar~.'°'°~ P~~IVATE ~ I I w--:-l I I-~-~ ~ is also true if the work has been accepted and is Review Engineer or Planner far either Town in on way ` "q ~ ~ ~ r 1 a , I EL 321.00 I ~ l~ ~ ~ ~ f , ~ r g AGE ~ ~ ~ IN ~I ~ ! w currently beirtg maintained by the Town of Morrisville limits the responsibility of the Owner and Engineer of a ~ II II ff `l or Town of Cary. The Qwner shall be responsible for Reoord with regard to compliance with all Federal, .I I I~! f f ~ correction of all work drat does not conform to the plans State, and Local'standards, regulations nadlor ~ 1 ~ .a • ~ EAR MENT ~ ~ f ~ ~ z ~ ~ , ~ s ~ 9,00 EL 321,00 ~ ' and specifications. conditions, 0 f 1 J ` 1 a i" ~ ~ ` ~ ~ d 6 EL 31 o ~ 1 ",n, 8 Town of Morrisville w 0 I if m - , f 1 ~ ~ GROUT r ~ ~ GROUT Engineering & Planning Fees Paid U' a /f a' f r"' ZN ~ 1 i 1, ~ rw/ t " J 1- . RISER DETAIL rIL Infrastructure 'Yep No Comments Fees ia/ Town. of Morrisville Released for Construe#itan ~ ~ C t W... w Z signature require ' w U ' , ~ ~ r a a _ Q-, ~ , A i I 3 rS was ~ a ~ <~/J~l~, r_ ~ Date a a / ~ l LB w J --.-a- MorrisvillePlroject -~-d. ~ _ - - . _ w> ~ 1 .M., Town of Gary Utility. Approval - • - ~ 4 1 OnApril 3, 2006 the ownership, constntction, operation, ' maintenance, management, and financing of the Town ~ _ , ,ti . ; v ...,...w,,.... _ of Morrisville's water and sanitary sewgr system within ~ <; t ~ ~ the present and future corporate limits and Urban Services Area limits of the Towri of Morrisville was ~ ww transferred to the Town of Cary as per the. merger agreement between these two Towns, All water and o~ z ~ ~ ~l sanitary sewer system design and consauction shall be ha accordance with. Town of Cary, Standard h- r' ,fir ~ ~:1. ~ a ,1 { Specifications, end the Standard Construction Detail 0. U 1 a ..,A t ~ ~ ~ ~ . Drawings... a .J ~ r ~ . iSi+~ , b.~, Y Approval by the Town of Cary EngineerlnB~._.__ Qato ~ Z s^' ~ ,,y q ~ t s ~ StF~.1`~~"~ ~ ~y gYMrll a Q p ' a.;~ Z 1ilY h a 4 .r~" a ~.n r~ w a Uw ~ ~ ~ ' w2 0 N -PLAN VIEW- =Z DETENTION BAST DRY O c? o a w SCALE; 1 "-20` ~ ~ ' a~ oa ' ~ ` ~Q w u. xw r~ ~ STANDARD MANHOLE RING AND COVER wm ~ _ d_ ~ ,.t N~ N ~ . t~ z~ ~ INV ELEV. 320.84 ~z w - ~ ` EL. 324.00 ~ a G GRADE a a MATCH EXISTIN 1• 'tit ,dt .^1+. ~ r,V~, J V// w w T ~ i ' Y'... . ~r ~ ~ ~ i / . r ~ 24" • AQ " rr r EL. 323.50 30" RCP_ ~ 1 ° ~ ^ " V/ 330 : ~ . • ; ~ TROUGH AT EL. 320.50 : , . . p',y,, " 4 ,1 1 " 330 ~ l° ~.y . :;f~ EL. 320.50 INV ELEV. 320.84 ROUNDED UP AT ELEV. 32t.00 PROVIDE 12 SUMP ~ CONCRETE LEVEL SPREADER (BEYOND) - MATCH EXISTING GRADE 325 BELOW OPENINGS r e, v i s o n : EL. 319.50 24" X 24" OPENING (EACH SIDE) 325 • GROUT TO PROVIDE SMOOTH rev : date : _ 1RANSITION TO LEVEt SPREADER 1-TOWn T .ZT ,Q7 PLAN VIEW SECTION A-A° 2-Town 9.Q7.Q7 320 3-Ta>nrn 10.04.07 - NOTE5: 320 - 1. USE CONCRETE MiN. 28-DAY STRENGTH EQUAL lRENGTH EQUAL TO 3400 PSI.FOR.LEVEL SPREADER. ~a w n y: UCT LIP AT ELEVATION 321.00. 2. CONSIR 321.00. ROUNDED LIP AT 8" ELEV. 321.00 DMB~IAM , VEi. SPREADER ON UNDISTUR8E0 3. CONSTRUCT LE XISTING GRADE AND UN ?N .UNDISTURBED SOILS. RECEIVING AREA BELOW LEVEL GRADE AND UNDISTURBED BY EARTHWORK OR EQUIPMENT. C 8 C e Y~ SPREADER SHALL BE AT E L SPREADER SHALL BE N A-A 4. AREA UPHILL OF LEVE )ER SHALL BE SEEDED AND STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY ~ JTJ SECTI~ SP FADER CONSTRUCTION. FOLLOWING LEVEL. R N.T.S. iTRUCTION. . ~.r' TROUGH AT EL. 320.50 : pro ~ c"~^o a SECTION 6-B' _ ~ s"` s u e a a fi e: JUNE 13, 2007 CONCRETE LEVEL SPREADER AND JB16 DETAIL 'STORMWATER T ~ RAANA(;FMFNT PLAN 10=%L '001 ff in 0 -t- %00 000 i - - TOWN PROJECT NO. - 1 ~ STORM NOTES , ,f ~ ~ ~ 1 w ~ r Construct9on Requirements ~ / f.. ~eaw r ~ ~ nx DEMOLITION AND SUBSEQUENT CONSTRUCT! ~ / ~ ` .ow / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'i~ , ON OF STORM DRAINAGE FACILITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED IN SUCH A~ ti , ~ ~ o , 4~n r ~ ll public and private work Including but not limited to waternrains, water services, ` v °i. ~ ~ ~ sanitary sewers, sanitary sewer services; storm sewers, drainage systems, roads, :d v M~,.& MANNER THAT THE OLD PIPE AND STRU TUR S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~w~ ~ - ~i" C E ARE REMOVED AND NEW STRUCTURES AND PIPING ARE, IMMEDIATELY , ~ , •o `1..~• , s, parking lots, site grading and landscaping shah be constructed in , t ? ~ a°io a PUT INTO SERVICE, CONTRACTOR SHALL.. ENSURE THAT STORM DRAINAGE DOES NOT REMAIN OUT OF SERVICE FOR % ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LONGER THAN 12 HOURS AT A TIME. PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MAINTAIN STORM WATER DRAINAGE DURING r,~ .w.. ,m~ j r ~ tiw w I,, • ~ ~ co with the Town of Morrisville and Town of C Ordinances, CONSTRUCTION. i" ' ..m .m/ I r i p ~ / ~ ~'Y Standards ~ a °i~ m f ~ ~ , i , , ficati ns, and Details that are applicabl , o deviations from the ~ ~ w /De Toper's Submitted plans will be wed unless written approval from ~ ~ ~ 3 ..EROSION CONTROL NOTES ~ ! % a / ~ ~ ~~3 q ~ ~ / 4 ,3 I , , Mo isville is received, along r permission from the Town of Cary U ~ i. INSPECTOR REFERS TO NORTH CAROLINA LAND OUALTfY INSPECTOR OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE. FIELD INSPECTIONS ~1 ~ , ~ "'ti / ~ ~ ti ~ an wer deviations. All Public Private Easements shall be rectjrded ~ r~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE ~"i ~ rr ~o y d° ~ ~ f~,~~ a tance by the Town. Q ~ INSPECTOR. d~~f(~ ~ o A: r ~ r ~Y~ 0~ . ~ ®r z ! V C 2. CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL EROSION CONTR L D C R ~ @ ~ ~ f 0 EVI ES SHALL CONFO M TO THE STANDARDS SET f . / ~ o , .~w, w`~ FORTH IN THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEAI.TN AND NATURAL RESOURCES LAND QUALITY / oar n° w ' ° ~ ~..w'~ f t ~ rp c. o ~ - COY Yl SECTION: EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ,PLANNING LAND DESIGN MANUAL. ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ Owner G t Icatlon 1 ~ o .a I ~ ~ r ` ~ ~ m ~ o ~ / " e~ ~ ` ~ ~ The OwnerlDeveloper hereby certifies that; all Town com cots have been incorporated into the Drawings ~ ' ; 3. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR iS ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF EROSION CONTROL METHODS DURING l ~ ; J . ww f ~C~ + and Specifications, the Drawings are in compliance with I Federal, State, Local Slahdards and Tawn of aj y c ~ ! ~',,r~' ~ / ,//j ~ f J~ MorrisvUle and Tawn of Cary Ordinances, Standards, Specifications, and Details and the Owner has ` CONSTRUCTION, AND THE OWNER iS RESPONSIBLE FOR: MAINTENANCE 0 ~ ` • ' ~ y r l- / ~ ~ ~ FALL PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL METHODS ~ J • ; w,~ , ~ e ~ l / ~ ~ checked the plans to canfitm that there are no errors ar omissions: Tha OwnerlDeveloper hereby certifies (J a ~~rnr AFTER-CONSTRUCTION iS COMPLETE; IF ANY PERMANENT METHODS ARE REQUIRED. ~ r r., l ~ ~ ,1 ~ °!I ~ a ~ ~ / ! and agrees to take such action as maybe required by the Tawn of Morrisville and Town bf Cary to correct o O 'ar w , f ~ ^ ` ! r ~ ~ ;P / any errors, omissions or noncompliance wrth Townof Morrisville and.. Twon of Cary Ordinances, ~ ~ `o h 4. WHEN HAND PLANTING, MULCH WAY OR STRAW SHOULD BE UNIFORMLY SPREAD OVER SEEDED AR ~ ~ r~ ~ ~~"°j ~ ~'l ~ - ~ ' w Ot ~.N fl1 s f 1 ~ ~ 1 ` { / ~ P Standards, Specifioations, and D is e-,execution'af this cons?ruction plat w(th appropriate ( ) EA WITHIN 24 / r , _ 4 HOURS OF SEEDING. ~ ~ r ~ ~ o r7 ~ 1 ~ , r ~ " r I ~ ~ ~ ~ / corrections andlor revis(ans. f a, f .~~G~ .a. ' - \ tl.~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !°e~°'„»-•^°•~ Y,,, ~ F, / / ~l 1Ntttrirtrr j V (O V t a a/ j ~ a H ~ a ;r ~ r ®w ~ .4 ~ ~w r 5. DURING UNSUITABLE GROWING SEASONS MULC tiw w ~ ~r / >l , WILL BE USED AS A TEMPORARY COVER ON SLOPES THAT ARE 4;1 r ~ t Owner pate °,r.......°ti~~ OR STEEPER MULCH WILL BE ANCHORED, f . s , ~ ~ ` r"` I ' ~ i S• Z alp <b 1 .l ~ ra ~ ~ J ~ ~ Engineer/Inspector Aisciaimer ~ s°a " ` Review Disclaimer SEAL f .x y ~ o EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE INSTALLED AND INSPECTED PRIOR TO ANY GRADING ~ I I ~ r ~ r ~ l / 1 S TE. ~ 1 f ~ a . j ` of ~ ~ r ,,,.~'``1 ~ ~ The presence of the Town of Morrisville or Town of - .PLEASE CALL FOR AN INSPEC110N. ~ _r; % , . / w , w i ~ ' ~ , ~ Cary Engineer or Inspector at the work site shall in no Should the Town fo Momsville or Town of Cary fail to INE~' J O (,V C.y ~ n 4, ~ • .day r 7. INSPECT AND MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES EVERY 7 DAYS AND AFTER EACM ~1 ~ ~ m .d- • / ~ • 1 ~ identify,. that the OwnerlDeveloperhos not addressed +'i ~ ~ i SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL (0.5 INCHES OR GREATER) AND DOCUMENT WITH INSPECTION REPORTS, ~ ~ w ~ .s.. ~ ~ ~ r ~ ' r a ~ ~f~1' f ~ ~ way lessen the Owner s responsibility for conformity the comments made by either Town, or that the Plans r~ ~ n'",,,,'°"~ ~ 't ~ f ~ ~ with the plans and specifications. Should the Engineer ~i (~j ` ` ` ~ or Inspector prior to; during or after construction fail to and Specifications are ttot in compliance with respective ryt H t mt+~~~~ ' a• 4 identity or reject materials or work that does not 1'0~ Ordinances, Standards, Speci#iaations, and a 8. NO GRADING PERMITTED IN ZONE 1 OF NEUSE RIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER, WAKE COUNTY REQUIRES THE ~ .ww / ° 'w° ~ ' u) ~ ,ti ,wc ~W to q ~ : ~ a ~ ~ ~ \ conform with the plans and speciftcations,whcther from Details whether from lack of discovery ar for any other z OUTER LJMITS OF ZONE 2 OF ..THE NEUSE RIVER BUFFER TO BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH ORANGE WARNING ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,w / ~ " '®f ~ \ ~ ` j ~ f 0'~ lactc of discovery or for any other reason it shaft in no reason it shall m no way relieve the Owner/Developer ~ way prevent later rejection and correction of the of their obligation theraf, nor obligate the Town of FENCING (OR SIMILAR VISIBILITY MATERIAL), PRIOR TO BEGINNING THE INSTALLATION OF EROSION CONTROL ~ ~ • ' z ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ unsatisfactory materials or work when discovered, This Morrisville or the Town of Cary to correct such errors ? ~ MEASURES, r e' a r ) ~ v ` 4 i , ~ p ( a ~ (o •w s 1 ~ ~ Y w ~ ~ .w is also true if the work has. been accepted and is or omissions, Execution of this construction platby the ` i Review Engineer or Planner for either Town irz ou way W 0~ ' y ! Fn A r,~ i WAKE COUNTY ON T T ~ .~w ~ ~ f. C S RUC ION SEQUENCE ' currently being maintained by the Town of Morrisville f ~ or Town of Cary. The Owner shall be responstble fez hmitsthe responsibility of the Owner and Engineer of ~ a 1. SCHEDULE A PREGONS p:. r +w4 . ~ i a ~ . ; ~ TRUCTION CONFERENCE .WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL. ENGINEER, DAVE ~ ti ~ ~ ~ , ~ i correction of alt work that does not conform to the plans Record with regard to compliance with alt Federal, ~ ~ State, and Local standards, zegu(ations nad(or o u PARNELL (919) 856-7549, OBTAIN ALAND-DISTURBING PERMIT, ~ / i t- ~ • ~ ~ s~ ~ I" g . i. ~ ~ and specifications. ~ conditions, 9r f r - f t , a ~w i~x t w~~? 0w w / i \4.' o U 2. INSTALL GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION PAD, TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS, SILT FENCE, SEDIMENT BASINS ! . J w ~ w /j ' w ~ OR OTHER ,MEASURES AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLAN. CLEAR ONLY AS NECESSARY TO r 1 0 ~ ~ ~ %r~ 1 ti ~ ~ ~ ~ Tawn of,Morrisviile w INSTALL THESE. DEVICES. SEED TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS BERMS AND BASIN !M EDIATE ~ / ~ • ~ S M LY AFTER a x ~ Engineering & planning Fees Paid 4 h CONSTRUCTION, TEMPORARY: DIVERSION DITCHES. SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS / `a. _ 9 ~ ° TEMPORARY LL p STORMWATER INLETS AND INLET PROTEC110N HAS.. BEEN INSTALLED. ~ ~ 1' ~a e ~ e w r F / . ~z if ti, .a~ ~ r ,..w , ® DIVERSION infrastructure ~ Yes No Co cots u, ~ 3. CAIl DAVE PARNELL AT (919} 856-7549 FOR AN ONSITE INSPECTION BY THE OWNER OF ADJACENT PARE ~ ~ ° ` ~ r ~ I h ~ a ~ ~ PITCH (TYP} Fees mrlt ~ o a / C L (VMP INC) HAS BEEN ~ . w4 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. CONTACTED REGARDING TFfE NEED TO RESEED w,. f%~ r/ ~ i ° t d' ~ ~ ADJACENT PARCEL. OHM HOTELS TO RESEED AREA OF f `i' ~ ~ , , `try, .Town of Morrisville w ¢ 4, BEGIN CLEARING AND GRUBBING. MAINTAIN DEVICES AS NEEDED. ROUGH GRADE SITE. ~ ADJACENT PARCEL WITHIN THIS PROJ ~ ~ ~r ~ s a a ECT'S LIMIT'S OF ~ ~ ; ~ ~ - _ a 1 Released for Construction o. o DISTURBANCE. . J~ z z 5, INSTALL STORM SEWER IF SH ~ ~ ~ ~ w Q OWN, AND PROTECT INLETS WITM BLOCK AND GRAVEL INLET / f, - m CONTROLS, SEDIMENT TRAPS OR .OTHER APPROVED MEASURES AS, SHOWN ON THE PLAN. BEGIN ~ _ w ~ CONSTRUCTION ' :BUILDING ETC. >'a , TEMPORARY ~ R • , ~ e ~ ~ °ti ~ ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~ (signature requlradj a - _~~'-6: UPON COMPtE•TtBN OF~ PROPB.~..l:f~DRY DETENTION PQND, CUSTi~I,:,,DASIN A MAY BE REPLACED- _ - : _..r..,~.. ~ - ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ BY THE PROPOSED POND. IF CUSTOM BA51N A IS TO BE REPLACED OUTLET TYP ~ ~ - w ,CALL DAVE PARNELL AT ( ) ~ , C SS B - - a x~, $ o , r 1 q, , <<. ~ ~ 1 Date ' ~ ~ (919 858--7549 PRIOR TO CONVERSTION. ~ ~ _ , 4 ~ 0 0 `7. STABILIZE SITE AS AREAS ARE.. BROUGHT UP TO FINISH GRADE WITH VEGETATION PAVING ~w - - ~ T ~ STONE OUTLET---,~,.. ~ ~ , N ~ DI CW LININGS, ETC. SEED AND MULCH DENUDED AREAS WITHIN ,FIFTEEN {15) DAYS OF _ ~ 2 ~ ~ ' ~,q. , q T~~ ; ~ ` ~~1 ~ Morrisville Project. w ~ COMPLETION. OF ANY PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION. (TYP) ~ ~ ' ~ ~ , ~ ~ >i `i { it Town of Cary Utility Approval ,y ~ , o ; ° x ~~,~rg`. ' ca` ' r ~ ~ On April 3, 2006 the ownership, construction, operation, 4 8, WHEN CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE AND ALL AR AS P I f 1 ~ a E ARE STABILIZED GOM LETELY, CALL I ~ / ~ b ' a~ - bAVE PARNELL AT' (919} 856-7549 FOR AN INSPECtION BY THE EN.VIR.ONMENTAL ENGINEER. / ~ ~ I p ~ ox•~I° % " ,y ?t ' ~ , ~A.:..; e : ' ~ ~ maintenance, management, and financing of the Town " ~ ~ ' ,w 1 ~ r .a ~ • ~ ` of Morrisville's water and sanitary sewer ystem within e°" " • ' z~~~~;r the present and future corporate limits end Urbane ~'J i y . i f ~ J w 9. IF SITE IS APPROVED, REMOVE TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS SILT [ C "SEDIMENT BASINS ETC. t iJ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sezviees Area limits of the Town of Ai trisville~was e " " ~k~ ~ '4 w ~ ,n, . ~ transferred to the Town of Caiy as perthe merger z 1 FEN Itl. , 9 ~ f / _ ° w AND SEED OUT OR STABILIZE ANY `RESULTING .BARE AREAS. ALL MINING PE ANEN ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ F o R,E_ A, RM T EROSION f TEMP RAY } ~r'} j4 LL ~ ~ ~ ` agreementbetweenthesetwoTo ; wns. All water and z CONTROL DEVICES SUCH. AS VELOCITY DISSIPAT RS ~ ~ ~ ` ~ z 0 ,SHOULD NOW. BE INSTALLED. / DIV RSI N . ' r ~ ' ~ 1, aanituysewor system design and construction shall be " ~ ~ ~ in accordance with Town ofCary, Standard ~ a 1 - Q) c o , DITCH T ~ ~ . ~ ~ 10, WHEN VEGETATION HAS BECOME ESTABLISHED CA DAVE PARN L AT 1 ( ( ) t ~ s ~ ~ r ~ 4~~~s 1~ , ~r ~ ~ ~ Specifications, and the Standard Constiuction Detail , t r z LL E L (9 9} 856-7549 FOR 0 ~ ~ 1 / - A FINAL SITE INSPECTION BY NVIRO ~ ~ " M 0 o THEE NMENTAL ENGINEER. OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE OF e° ~ r` j ~ J ,,r fie ~ ^ b ~ ` ~ Drawings.. a w COMPLE ON. 1 1 .-e f. i ` - t G Q" A. a ~ .6 ` ~ ~ ~ APProvaibytheTownotCary 1 / z a I „ ~ r , I ~ ~ ~ ; - I d t ~ ~ ~ -a` ,~y' 1` ` ` Enpineerfng~ pate w ~ a ff~ `/4l ~ ~ / J l / W U w ( ib 1 / I ~ A ~ ` 4.~.. ~ ~ 0 n~ fir, bi 1 p,p~ ~ IY ~ 1 `tt y ~ _ t, fl I I ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ try ~ ~ , a i' I of u. 1 ~ f } I f/ ~ N ! ~ N ,9 ~i ~ ~ 43 '"N y^~ ° ~ 'fig ~r ~ 4 a, A e gr~,g " w rj ! / ! p . ~ i ~ r I' ~ 1 k I l if v a '1 ;;6 ~ 1 ~J ~ / TEMPORARY I . / ~ 1 , 9 y. 4" ~ N 1 CONSTRUCTION ~ I / li e: 1. ~ ~ " \ ~ ? o ENTRANCE ~l - ~ A ~ 1 ~ \ n ~ fi` ~ 0 / ( EX. 20 ~ ~ Q" k z z ~ s .1g DRAIN GE ~ I~ r ~ / / ~ ~ t / ~ / l EAS NT TO ~ 1I j~ f ~ 1/ t~ I i R AIN ~ ~ ( r% 1 rf TYP ~ ) ~ "l r / ~ i r MM f f' r~ ~ ~ \ `r ` \ ~ ~ ~ f ( j b,,. ` -w, y o , 1 t ,r1 , I ~ - r ~!r DRAINAGE ~ ~ ~ 1C e / TEMPORARY. % ~ ~ a EASMENT TO ~ i1 ! ~ SILT FENCE I ~ . ~ REMAIN (TYP) ~ ~ _w ~ I ti \ ~ ~ ' TYP) Shoulders, Side pitches, Slo as Max 3:1 , 1~ ~ ~ GATE .TYPE PtANTiNG ROTE 1 1 E ~ IQN C~NTR , ~ OL LEGEND Au 15 - Nnv t Tail es / ~ ` revisions - 9 F cue 300lbsfacr~ / SF . SILT FENCE Nov 1 -Mort To11 Fescue Sao Ibs ° ~ ~ , r - a 111~y1 rev: date: /acre ~i DD--- -DIVERSION DITC ~ Abruzzi Rre 25 Ibs acre 1 r ~ ' H / TEMPORARY r f - p Mor 1 -Apr 15 Tall Fescue 300 Ibs .acre LIMITS OF DISTUpBANCE / n ` , l ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ! i ~ 7 -Town 7.27.07 r 'P Apr 15 ~ Jun 30 Hulled Common Bermuda rose 15 CMP - ,r Jul 1 Au g 25 Ibs/ocro ~ , ~ 9. / - 2-Town 9;07.07 - - g 15 Tall. Fescue and ~ 120 !ba/ocro ~ ~ • ' INLET PROTECTION 1 Brawntop Millet 35 Ibs/acrd ~ j ® ~~e- ~ r~ 3-Town ~ 0.04.07 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~+or Sorghum-Sudan Hybrids 30 Ibs/acre } s ~ Slopes (3:1 to 2t1) . I -SILT FENCE OUTLE Mar i -Jun 1 Saricea Lespedeza (awrifled 50 T } Ibs/aura I l & ! _ (Mar 1 -Apr 15) Add Tall Fescue TEMP CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 12o ma/acre i ~ (Mar t -Jun 30} Or Add Hulled Common Bermudagrosa 25 Ibs ocro Jun i - 5 f a+T / ep a8 Fescue and 120 !ba/acre ( ~ ~ "~s?•. ALL GONSTRUC110N SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH JTJ i~ weBrowntnp Millet 35 Ibs/ocro CUSTOM SIN A CUSTOM BASIN B «•nr s h - ® ~ ~,,~i THE NORTH CAROLINA EROSION CONTROL MANUAL org um Sudan Hybrids 30 Ibs/ocro t ~,.,,.,~...~,A..w~.,, ~ --~--~'I 1 -Mar 1 / Sep Serkea Lespede:a (unhu8od-unscarifiad) 70 !ba/ocro l ~ Bottom Width . 26 R Bottom Width- ' ~ 28~ft ~ ,and Tall Fescue. _ I' 'Bottom Len ~ i S2 ft Sotkom Len th 56' ft 1aa-Ibs/ocro ~ ~ , ,,..,~M,~...-.~,~'~,..._..._,:.; Nov 1 .Mar 1 t } Add Abruuf Rya I j S " 25 Ibs acre ~To Width 46 it To Width. , ~ / ~ . _ . _,._.w w_.... _ r_..... P . , „ ,_h... _ . 4B ft _ Consult Conse i ~ f ~ -F„~ ~ ~ 06039 J ""~,~"w"~ ~ TOTAL DISTURBED AREA = 4.28 AC ~ a. s s u e ate: ` - ~ { rvat on Engineer or 5oEl Conservabon Sarnce for ~ 7o Len th_ .,_m.~•MM_ 72 ft ~ T~ Length ~~76 ft ! additional Information cobcemin other alts ' ~....P..,_..~.`~...,.. _ .~.~~N mabv . ~ 9 es for vegatotion_of ~ I _ _ ---m ne rie its outlet I 10 t ended areas. The above, vegetation rates are those which do wall under ~l 3,5 ft local conditions; other seeding rate combinations are poasible. ;Storage Depth ft a th.:... 1 __.S Stara De p Dam Hel ht $ ft Dam lie- ht S ft fempomry -Reseed according to oFrtfmum season for desired anent _ _,....g.... ~ 19 perm vegetation. Do not allow temporary cover to grow over 12" in height before GRAPHIC SCALE EROSION r-'r I Sideslap.. = 2 .1 Si eslo s ..es d pe x :1 mowing, otherwise fescus may be shaded out / 30 o is 30 e0 tai CONTROL PLAN 1 f r ( IN FEET 1 inch = 30 ft.! 07_'300°O02 TnUilnl PQr) IGrT Kit