HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00023329for Week of July 24 — July 28 News releases, media advisories + other publications DEQ events this week July 24: Division of Water Infrastructure's Community Development Block Grant.-I/school funds program will conduct how- to -apply classes in Boone (at High Country Council of Governments office). July 25: Division of Water Infrastructure's Community Development Block Grant.-I/school funds program will conduct how- to -apply classes in Sylva (at Southwestern Commission office). July 25: DWR — Animal Feeding Operations Program Manager Christine Lawson will be attending an ECU Working Session on Renewable Natural Gas Deployment in Greenville, NC. July 26: Division of Water Infrastructure's Community Development Block Grant-1/school funds program will conduct how- to -apply classes in Lumberton (in City Council Chambers). July 27: DWR — PWS staff will be presenting at the annual N.C. Annual Water Works Association Seminar, at the NCSU McKimmon Center in Raleigh. This seminar will update attendees on recent regulatory developments related to drinking water systems. July 27: DWR-- The 1217 Interagency Committee is scheduled to meet at 9:30 a.m. in the Ground Floor Hearing Room of the Archdale Building. This committee addresses questions and provides interpretations to technical specialists regarding the department's Animal Waste Management Rules. July 27: Division of Water Infrastructure's Fender's Forum at the N C. Rural Center, Raleigh. July 27: Division of Water Infrastructure's Community Development Block Grant-1/school funds program will conduct how- to -apply classes in Salisbury (in Salisbury -Rowan Public Utilities office). July 28: Division of Water Infrastructure's Community Development Block Grant-1/school funds program will conduct how- to -apply classes in Washington, NC (at Washington DEQ Regional Office). Looking Ahead July 31: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply y training in Hendersonville (Henderson Public Works Department office) for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve,, Asset Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants -Infrastructure. Aug. 1: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Boone (High Country Council of Government office) for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants -Infrastructure. Aug. 1: DEMLR's Annette Lucas will convene a stakeholder team to update a section of the state's Stormwater Design Manual at Triangle J Council of Governments. Aug. 2: DENILR's Annette Lucas will present to staff at UNC- Wilmington on the state's new stormwater rules and design standards. Aug. 2: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Hickory (Western Piedmont Council of Government office) for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants -Infrastructure. Aug. 7: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Raleigh (N. C. Rural Center) for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants -Infrastructure. Aug. 8: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Kinston (Public Works Department) for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset. Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants -Infrastructure. Aug. 9: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Fayetteville (Fayetteville PWQ for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants -Infrastructure. Additions/corrections: or 919-707-8604 DEQ-CFW-00023329 Aug. 10:Division ofWater Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Wilmington (Northeast Regional Library) for the fall 2017funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and CoomnunityDevelopment Block OrmUo-[nhou1nchure. Sept.20: State Water Infrastructure Authority meeting e1N. C.Rum| Center, 4O2lCuryuDrive, Raleigh. Sept.20-22:DA0ishosting the Association ofAir Pollution Control Agencies (AAPCA)20|7Fall Business Meeting bnRaleigh. Location: DonbleUcobyHilton Raleigh (Brownstone -Dnhersity). Registration opens soon. The meeting will include open sessions for all interested participants and closed sessions limited |oAAPC/\ members and governmental attendees. Sept.27-%#zThe Coastal Resources Cnoonjosionwill meet iu Wilmington. Location Whcdetermined. Nov 7'0:The Coastal Resources {bmudasionwill meet u1the Hilton Doubbtreuin Atlantic Beach. News Articles DEONews Digest NCgovernor onTrump drilling plan: 'Not off our coast' https://wwvxwashingtonpostzom/nabona|/nc-governor-on-trump- dri||ing'p|an-not-of-oupcoast/IOI7/O7/%O/a6ec003e'6d73-I1e7- abbc-a5348O67IZ85_suoryhtm|?utm_term=zd8e5OO8Za74 MONTGOM[RYSUES 0PREVENT WATER TRANSFER 0UNION COUNTY http://www.couher-thbune.com/news/2O17O719/montgomery~ State Board ofEducation puts off vote onDPI cuts, names new spokesman http://pu|seocpo|icywatch.org/2O17/07/19/state-bourd-educudon- put*off-vote-dpi-cuts'name*new+ spokesman/#shash.|o8UKte*dpbs Cooper: New D[Ocoal ash regulations not1ina|solution' http://www.wbtxcom/story/ 5919424/cooper'new-deq'coa|-ash- mgu|adon*not-finu|'so|ution Coal fly ash from India alarms environmentalists http://www.cano|inucoamon|ine.com/newstimes/artide_22c4da88- 6c8d'11e7'be7b-3b27b0uOc16d.htm| KNAPPE:HOME REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEMS SHOW SUCCESS REMOVING GENX,OTHER COMPOUNDS BRUNSVVCKCOUNTY RESIDENTS GET ANSWERS DURING GENX FORUM https .cnm/2O17/07/19/resident*Xetanswpns- durinD'gen»forum/ Gov. Cooper expected tovisit Wilmington Monday tndiscuss GenX http://www.wectzom/story/3592D82l/Dov'cnopepexpectpd-to- visit-wi|mington'mnnday-to'discuss'genx CooperAndLoca|Lead��DemandW1oreAcdonOnGenX|nCape Opinion Roundup: Cooper mepsout hnntnnoffshore dhUingdeb�e http://www.vvra|znm/npininn-roundup-coopersteps-out-front-on- Fear River nffshore-dri||ing-dpbate/16833217/ � http�//wunc.urg/post/conpepand-|oca|'|eadeo~demand'mnre- action-gpnx-cape-feapriver#stream/O Local leaders send letter tnGov. Cooper asking for 'swift and ' [xpe�rNCCan Act Alone tuRestrict GenX transparent respnn�e http�//www�starne*snn|inecom/npws/20l7O7l9/expe�s'nc-can- h�ps://www.wwuytv3zom/Z017/07/2O/|oca|-|eaders'send-|e�� � e� act-alone-to-restrict-genx to'gov-coopepusking'fopmvift-und-transpa rent- nesponse/ New Hanover Co. Board ofCommissioners chairman sends letter to Gov. Cooper http://www.vvect.com/story/35934752/new'hanovepco'board-of- commissioners-chairmun-sends-|ettepto'gov-cooper Toxic Tap Water FADs:July %O Nttp://www.stamewson|ine.com/news/%017O6I1/uoxic-tap+vater- taqs-ju|y-IO-update SenXFree drinking water available atOgden Park for CFPUA residential customers http://portzitydai|ycom/2O17/O7/Z0/genx-free-drinking-wotep avai|ab|e-at-oXden'park-fnpcfpua-custumers'nws Unhealthy air expected inCharlotte onThursday afternoon http://wwwm/btxcum/stnry/35931268/unhpa|thy-air-expected-in' char|otte-on-thursday-afternnun July samples reveal increased GenXlevels inwater http://www.wect.com/suory/3592G549/J`u|y-samp|es-revea|- inceased'genx-|eve|s-in-woter GenXcontinues tocause anger and confusion utlatest forum http://www.starnewaon|inezom/news/2O17O718/genx'continues- to-cuuse-anger-confusion-a#atent-forunn Fayetteville Plant the Subject ofControversy http://www.upandcominXweek|y.com/vews/fayetteviUe'p|ant-the' subiect-of-controversy Editorial: 6overno'rsLeadership Needed onGenXResponse http://www.gomewson|ine.00m/opinion/IOI7O7I9/editoha|-ju|y~ I9-governors-|eadership-needed-on'Xen»response Forum focuses on'Crimes Against Humanity' http://www.wect.com/story/]59l]4]0/forum-focuses-nn'crimp* against'humanity Air Quality Alert State seeks input unpipeline Nttpwwwm�myne�sZoom/weathe��ipqua|�+ � � http://www.rnckymuuntte|eXram.com/Npws/2017/O7/l9/State' a|ert_70558I94/4579%6984 seeks-input-on-pipe|ine.htm| Add itionu/correctiuns: or919-7U7-86O4 SChealth officials testing parts ofCatawba River after major sewage spill Nttp://www.hera|don|ine.com/news/ocaKartideI6I0I5068.htm| Scientists used coal ash from the Chesapeake Energy Center tubuild oyster reefs off the Eastern Shore. Where isthe project now? https://pi|uton|inezum/news/|oca|/environment6dentist*used- coa|-ash-hnm-the-chpsappake-energy-centpptn/artide_e6Ga49fZ- l406-531f-9932-fa4dedOa6790.htm| EPA gives $3K8grant tnNCDepartment nfEnvironmental Quality http://www.wpctznm/,tory/359O6164/epa-Dives'3m'grant-to'nc' department'of-environmenta|'qua|ity Summer Recipe: How tomake analgal bloom https://www.couuo|eview.or02O17/O7/ummepnecipe'maI<e-a|ga|- b|oom/ GenX: Local Leaders Demand State Support Nttp://whqcor0post/Xenx-|oca|'|eadens-demand'state Cooper Asks HedstoSet Rules for Discharge ofGmnXChemical Nttps:/ywww.usnews.com/news/beot-states/north- caru|ina/artides/2Ol7-07'17/cooper-asks-feds-to-set'ru|p*fop discharge'uf-Xenx-chemica| Cooper Asks for EPA Action nnGenX http://www.ncnn.cum/edh-news/lO0D7+onper-asks-fupppa'actiun- on-genx National Black Leadership Caucus tohost GenXforum tonight http://www/wec .com/suory/359O8Z44/nationa|-b|ack-|eadership- cuucus-to-host-genx4brum-tonight GENXFORUM VVEDNESDAYTOFOCUS ON8RUNSVVCKCOUNTY CONCERNS HTTPS .CON1/2O17/O7/17/BRUNSVV|CK-COUNTY' GENX-FORUyW/ SenXquestions multiply Nttp://www.northcaro|inahea|thnews.org/2O17/07/I7/Xen» po||ution'mymeries/ Report: potential for more 6enXin'aicsoil and food' than in drinking water http://pnrtzitydai|ycom/20l7/O7/18/most-nfimur-gen+expusure+ wnnt-come-fnnm-tap'watepmote-and'epa-aXree-nws/ Formula -fed infants athighest risk for GpnXhealth effects http://www.wbtxcnm/story/358939l7/formu|a-fed-intant*at- highest-risk-fopXenx-hea|th-p#ects CFPUAreleases new results ofGenXlevels inwater http://www/wbtxcom/story/358928]8/chpuu'ne|eaaes'new-msu|ts- of-genx-|eve|s-in-woter Gen XPollution Questions Multiply http://www.northcaro|inahea|thnews.org/2OI7/O7/1G/genx' po||ution-mysterie$ STATE RELEASES FIRST WATER QUALITY DATA, LOWERS HEALTH GOAL OFGENX|NTHE CAPE FEAR https .com/2O17/07/14/state-ne|eases-finst'wmtep quu|itrdata-|owmns-hea|th-goa|-of-genx'in-thecape-fear/ |nenergy bill, Cooper faces dilemma with wind farm pause http://www.thetimesnews.com/news/2017O716/in-energy+biU- cooper-taces-di|emma'vvith-wind-farnn'pause Add itionu/cornectunz or919-7U7-86U4 OEQ-CFVV_00023331