HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00023259July JU,JOl7 �- The State of North Carolina has requested the following information which we have not received to * Issuance of approval to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) authorities to allow North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and Department of Health and Human Services staff access to Confidential Business Information ([8|) submitted to the EPA related to the chemical registration for manufacturing ofGenXatthe Fayetteville, North Carolina facility. Given recent test results ofGenXfound in the [ape Fear River at outhsU OUZ North Carolina is also requesting Chemours allow the state to view CBI material for all chemical manufacturing registrations for the Fayetteville, North Carolina facility so that an appropriate evaluation of Chemours' National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit renewal application can becompleted. Chemourshas cooperatively provided health study information DHHSfor the GenX health evaluation process. We are asking for access to [B| material submitted to EPA to verify all health study information available has been evaluated. w Full disclosure of all chemical analysis for all manufacturing areas, and wastewater outfalls 001 and 002 described in the current NPDES permit conducted by Chemours since . This evaluation is necessary to complete an appropriate evaluation of[hemoum NPDES permit renewal application given the concentrations of GenX found at the outfall 002. North Carolina is also concurrently seeking CBI approval for the above items directly with the EPA.