HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00023118From: Michael Cramer [michaeioamer@curo|inabeach.org]
Sent: 7/20/20171:1927PN1
To: Culpepper, Linda [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group
(FYD|BOHFI]3PDLT)/cn=Kecipients/cn=7]d475cbae324aZ9687eI7I1dc9a79c5-|mcu|pepped;Johnson, Chris
[/o=ExchanXeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: Confidential: FVV:TesmAmericaDenver Ouote#I8OI7O%I Town ofCarolina Bach Groundwater /Aquifer
Already did. See below. Tbankshoryour help.
Dear Jennifer Orme-Zavaleta, PhD,
| hope this email finds you well. I am the Town Manager for the Town of Carolina Beach North Carolina and I would like
torequest your help with some sampling and tests. | was given your name bythe N[DEC-DWRregarding testing you
have been performing for the GenXissue inthe Wilmington Area. Previously the State indicated tousthat the Pee Dee
aquifer had not tested positive for the GenXcompound. However, recently Wrightsville Beach receive apositive test
result of 24 to 28 ppt of GenX at Well # 11 that draws water from the Pee Dee Aquifer. Carolina Beach isapproximately
8 miles from the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority's ASIR Well and the Wrightsville Well # 11 and we too draw water
from the Pee Dee aquifer. My council and their constituents are very concerned about the possibility of the Pee Dee
Aquifer having GenX and potentially effecting our wells. We would like to participate in the current study sampling run
through the EPA lab in Raleigh regarding this issue. We believe that our results could be used by the EPA asa control
site for this issue. We are formally requesting to be a part of this study or if that is not possible, we would like to pay the
EPA toperform tests ontwo samples from our wells. VVeintend onpaying two other firms toalso test these
samples. This way vvecan have confirmation from different lab ofthe results. Please let meknow ifyou are willing to
help uswith our efforts. | look forward tohearing from you.
Michael Cramer
Town Manager
Town ofCarolina Beach
Phone: /910\458-2y04
From: Culpepper, Linda [mai|to]inda.cu|pepper0Dncdenr.gov
Sent: Thursday, July 2U 20179:17AK4
To: Johnson, Chris <chris.johnson@ncdenr.gov>; Michael Cramer <michael.cramer@carolinabeach.org>
Subject: RE: Confidential: FVV:TestAmericaDenver Quote#Z8O17OZZ Town ofCarolina Bach Groundwater /Aquifer
Thank you, Chris.
Mayor Cramer — please Boahead and submit arequest for the EPA NERLlab toconduct the analysis.
|fyou need any further assistance, just let usknow how w/ecan help. |amable tomonitor emai|stoday
but need tobeout ofthe office.
Linda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Division coWater Resources
North Carolina DepedmentofEmimnmenta|Quality
1611Mail Service Center
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From: Johnson, Chris
Sent: Thursday, July JO 20178:58AK4
To: Culpepper, Linda ; Michael Cramer
Subject: RE: Confidential: FVV:TestAmericaDenver CWote#2OOl7OZ2 Town ofCarolina Bach Groundwater /Aquifer
Linda, I spoke with Mr. Cramer by telephone this morning and discussed his questions. Based oninformation received
from the EPA, any parties interested in possible testing by the EPA laboratory should contact them directly to inquire
about testing:
]enniferOnne-Zava|eta PhD
Director, National Exposure Research Laboratory
USEPAOffice ofResearch and Development
lU9TVVAlexander Dr. MC3US-01
Chris Johnson
Water Sciences Section
CorresPondence with this ernai! address is sulhject to the Nor0i Caro�ina Pubk Records Law and may be disdosed to third parties.
From: Culpepper, Linda
Sent: Wednesday, July l9,2O17O:39PK4
To: Johnson, Chris ; Michael Cramer
Subject: FVV:Confidential: FVV:TestAmericaDenver Ouote#ZOO17O22 Town ofCarolina Bach Groundwater /Aquifer
Chris — can you help Mayor Cramer with the questions when you get in the office? Thank you very much.
Mayor Cramer — I apologize that I have not been able to talk with the EPA today. | think they called while
| was onanother call this afternoon. I hope that Chris can help you first thing in the morning with your questions.
I'll call our contact in the morning and report back to you on whether they can conduct analysis for Carolina Beach.
Thank you both.
Linda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department ufEnvironmental Quality
1611Mail Service Center
Fnmrn: Michael Cramer
Sent: Wednesday, July 19,2U174:43PK4
To: Culpepper, Linda
Subject: Confidential: FVV:TestAmericaDenver Ouote#JOO17OZJ Town ofCarolina Bach Groundwater /Aquifer
Hey Linda,
Thank you for your help. | hope the EPA will doour testing. Here bacopy ofwhat | was sent from Test America. Here
are some of my questions.
1] 1 am a little concerned about whether the samples need to be stabilized or treatment of the samples after being
2] |amnot sure, What methodology are they doing? EPA S37? | heard hdoesn't work for gemx,only the family of
3] Will xvedoaspike inthe field? Test blank?,
4.) Will there beacontrol/recovery?
Any guidance orinformation you can give mewould behelpful.
Michael Cramer
Town Manager
Town ofCarolina Beach
Phone: /BlO\458-2994
From: VanDe|inder,Brett
Sent: Tuesday, July 18,ZU174:3OPM
To: Michael Cramer
Cc: Johnston Michelle A
Subject: TestAmerica Denver - Quote #28017022 -Town of Carolina Bach - Groundwater/ Aquifer - HFPO-DATesting
Hello Mr. Cramer;
Attached to this email please find our cost quotation for HFPO-DA in groundwater. I have also included a sampling
checklist for your reference. Please let us know if you need anything else. If you are interested in using our servcies
please let usknow and wocan send you ubottle kit.
Please let us know ifVyemet your expectations bxrating the service you received from
TestAmerica on this project by visiting ou[wehsite at� Project Feedback
Reference: [442491]
Attachments: 2
DEQ-CFW 00023121