Sent: 7/19/I0I72:56:03PW1
To: Culpepper, Linda [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group
(FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=73d475cbae3Z4aI9687e171Idc9a79c5'|mcu|pepper];Kritzer, Jamie
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: Fwd: DRAFT GenX Roundup for 7/19/17
Sem0mmuv Vcrizon,Samsung Oolao mmU,puno
----'uo�nu message --------
From: "Benton, Mark" <Mark.Bentnn@dhhs.uo. gnv>
Date: 7/19/17 10:48 }\M({]MT-O5:O0)
To: " Sheila" <mheiln'holn gov), "Staley, " Stul s.nc.gov>
Cc "Mackey, Chris" <Chr a� dhha.nc.Aov>, " Holly /\" <}lolly.dhha.nc.gnv>,
"\�eboter,TimothyJ" i .webzov>
Subject: PW: DRAFT (]enXRnundup for 7/19/17
1. Noticeably absent from this morning's 9:30 am call was H2Go and the other water authorities. Should someone
pick up the phone and call, say we're sorry to miss you, and do you have any questions or need anything?
I. Secretary Cohen tells methat Sadie (Guvernor'sOffice) wants a prep session before folks head todown to
Brunswick County. Beonalookout for acalendar invite setting upthat prep session. K4yguess isthat itwill be
for 3O-6Ominutes. Location: T8D
3. You'll see below myfeedback onour inaugural edition ofthe roundup. Hopefully, vvecan use that asaguide
for our future calls.
From: Benton, Mark
Sent: Wednesday, July 19 201710:44AK8
To: [u|ton,[obey<[obeyIu|ton@dhhs.nc.gov>;Mackey, [hris<[hris. Mackey@dhhsoc.gov>
Subject: RE: DRAFT GenX Roundup for 7/19/17
Very well done ... and THANKS! Edits in red
From: [uhon,[obey
Sent: Wednesday, July 19,2U171O:l5AK8
To: Mackey, Chris ; Benton, Mark
Subject: DRAFT GenX Roundup for 7/19/17
Activity: Conference Call iZ
Participants: 8:3Ocall (DEQ, DHHS,Governor's Of#ce);9:3Ucall (same + Local Health Departments x4, Public Utilities xI
New/Emerging Issues from 8:30 AM Call:
w D8lreceived test results from Test America for week 3 (July Z'Q\; results undergoing quality assurance at DEQ,
tobeposted/shared this week
No new test results have arrived from EPA
* Testing sites have increased from 13to 15 (upstream from [hemoua plant 8[FPUAprivate well added);
possibility ofadding 1more site (Carolina Beach)
* DHHS is gathering available research on the other 9 chemical compounds (excluding GenX) identified in Dr.
Knappe/sreport. Process will belengthy,
w Both agencies are working onabroad set ofFAQ about GenX
* GenX forum at Brunswick Community College tonight at 7 p.m.
|noutfmom 9:30AM Call:
There were no questions from local officials
Activities for the Day & Week:
0 Finalize/post new FAQs by Monday
Staff to attend tonight!s GenX forum in Brunswick county__(_DEC� Sheila Holman, DHHS: Danny Staley)
Post/share new test results byFriday
DECl& DHHSto discuss vehicle to share new/future test results; will also discuss single day/vvkto issue u press
release (if arelease isneeded)
Federal Update:
0 DHHS has re -approached CDC to ask to ask them for a health risk assessment and to look at long-term GenX
DEQ: No update
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