Sent: 7/18/I0I7 1I50:2IPM
To: Culpepper, Linda [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: Spreadsheet of6enXresults
Attachments Data spread sheet ]une.x|sx
See attached. Let me know if they decide they want to add their data to the map and we will get it up there for them.
From: Culpepper, Linda
Sent: Monday, July 17,IOl75:S5PM
To: Williams, Me|anie<me|anie.w/iUiams@ncdenr.8ov>
Subject: FW: Spreadsheet of GenX results
Can you send methe final spread sheet that isonthe web? I'll send ittoGlenn.
Unda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality
1611Mail Service Center
From: Glenn Walker
Sent: Monday, July 17,JO174:JJPK4
To: Culpepper, Linda
Subject: Spreadsheet of GenX results
Hi Linda,
When you get a moment would you please email me an excel version of the GenX pdf spreadsheet?
Bruns. Co would like to add their own results tothe spreadsheet for internal recording and comparisons.
Glenn Walker
BCPUWater Resources Manager