HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00022887From: Benton, Mark [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANG[ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=F464O490DE444EE7A4O684D77891E3FI'[W8[NTON2] Sent: 7/16/I0I710:095IPM To: Cohen, Mandy [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=17f67deI%b794971bf44d5913fb7fZ7a-mcohen] CC: Moore, Zack [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=d9c3dOId1fc447O68b396]dZ3O5aac7e'zsmoore];5hehee,Mina [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=e7Zb9b373955417O9fZa93d971ca3]91'mwshehee];W1ackey,Chris [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF2]SPDQ]/cn=Recipient$cn=aef8f6bOGb2342c5b282ae0Dd2b45lce-cmackey]];Co|eman,5cott [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF2]SPDQ]/cn=Redpient$cn=4b641l4d2la24fGbaOlD89f3b47G3fd9-rscn|eman];Cu|pepper,Linda [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF2]SPDQ]/cn=Redpient$cn=7]d475cbae324a29687el7l1dc9a79c5-|mcu|pppper];Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF2]SPDQ]/cn=Redpient$cn=cee93c49dOl445a]b54lbb]27dcdc840-jbkritzer]; Staley, Danny [/o=ExchangeLubs/ou=ExchungeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF2]SPD[O/cn=Redpient$cn=a9c6634ffc8944c999aG4beddIa9<t7-dsta|ey];Ho|man,Shei|u [/o=ExchangeLubs/ou=ExchungeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF2]SPD[O/cn=Redpient$cn=94a3fG9G74d34b7G9b3bd8]4u971O5c5-mho|man] Subject: Re: Call with local officials onMonday Here's latest information on the three calls scheduled for tomorrow, recognizing that the time (and prep) f the third call is in flux. Both DHHS and in DEQ have seen and offered input on the information below. I 18111111111111.1 Length of Call: 60 minutes I Participating Agencies: DHHS,DE[}&Governor's Office Participants: (From DHHS) Mark Benton, Danny Staley, Chris Mackey, Zack Moore, Mina Shehee,Soott Coleman; (From DEC) Sheila Holman, Linda Culpeper, Jamie Kritzer; and (From Governor's Office) Jeremy Tarr and Noe||eTalley Call Purpose/Agenda: (1) Review emerging issues, inquiries and questions from Friday evening thru the weekend (ALL) (J) Review feedback from local health directors, particularly their reach -out to the public utilities, water (4) Review/confirm key tasks slated to occur today [9:30 am call; submission of Governor's Letter to EPA & USDHHS; press release about the same; 3:30 pm call with the Governor's Office and local officials] (CHRIS & (5) Prep for 9:30 am call with local officials in the area of the lower Cape Fear River - including: who will lead- off/moderate and who will lead each section; what will be the format of the call; what are the key points in our opening message and who will make those points [numbers trending down, is the water safe to drink, change in the health 6oal #�_kl[e�n to.�wics that we need to be .�wre.%arecl with details.- and who in DHHS & DEX, will take notes during the 9:30 am call (and subsequently compare their notes) on requests, next steps, etc., made during the call. (SHEILA & MARK, ALL) (6) Discuss forum this Wednesday in Wilmington (sponsored by local media) - will DEQ and DHHS be represented; what about a separate event with us focused solely on the test data and the revised health goal (SHEILA) Length of Call: 90 minutes I Participating Agencies: DHHS, DEQ, Governor's Office, Local Health Directors, local public utility 0irectors/water execs, likely a handful of county managers and/or county managers Participants: (From DHHS) Mark Benton, Danny Staley, Chris Mackey, Zack Moore, Mina Shehee, Scott Coleman, Kennedy Holt; (From DEQ) Sheila Holman, Linda Culpeper, Jamie Kritzer; and (From Governor's *ffice) Jeremy Tarr and Noelle Talley; (From LHDs) Phillip Tarte, Carolyn Moser, David Stanley and David Howard; (From County Government) TBD in 8:30 am call; and (From Public Utilities) TBD in 8:30 am call DRAFT Call Agenda: (3) Announce key tasks for the day Governor's letter, press release, 3:3Opnncall; And for the week (4) If needed, provide a deeper dive regarding test results, change in health risk assessment/health goal, safety of water - now and in the past (TBD) .01 Length of Call: 60 minutes #,'rganizer: Governor's Office Participating Agencies: Governor's Office, Mayor of Wilmington & Pender, New Hanover & Bladen County Participants: (From DHHS) Mandy Cohen(?), Mark Benton, Danny Staley, Chris Mackey, Zack Moore, Mina Shehee; (From DEQ) Michael Regan(?), Sheila Holman, Linda Culpeper, Jamie Kritzer; (From Governor's #ffice) Jordan Whichard, Jeremy Tarr, Noelle Talley, others; (Elected Leaders) Bill Safo, Frank Williams, Woody White, George Brown and Charles Ray Peterson. NOTE: The Governor's Office has stated that the elected DRAFT Call Agenda: Being developed prior to call, but largely influenced by content from the 8:30 AM and 9:30 AM calls. From: Cohen, Mandy Sent: Sunday, July 1G,IOl7Z:U1PK4 To: Staley, Danny Cc: Benton, Mark; Moore, Zack; Shehee, Mina; Mackey, Chris; Coleman, Scott; Culpepper, Linda; Kritzer, Jamie Subject: Re: Call with local officials unMonday We should also be preparing additional written facts sheets or faq's to answer the questions from Friday that we heard after the release .... there were a lot. Who has the pen to at least craft the questions to get answered by the experts? We then need that language worked into material that is easy to understand and interpret - plain language. Chris - can you and Jaime take the lead here? We also need to get more disciplined w any release re water safety - we need full rollout plans, with internal q and a (which means written out complete answers to hard and easy questions we might potentially get in follow-up to a press release so no matter who is answering everyone is saying the same thing), with stakeholder touches and assignments for who is talking to which stakeholders. Please also build in 24 hours for me (and Michael) to review a press release and rollout plan .... and then time to see the revisions/final Asafirst step today please circulate the tick tick ofwhat ishappening tomorrow morning which calls and happening when, who is invited, and who is tasked to send out the invite, etc. Mandy Cohen Secretary, DHHS What I have is an 8:30 call with state partners and 9:30 with local who are to invite other local On a separate note, I noticed a reference to 3 numbers. We only had our The Our preliminary goal and revised just released. Danny Staley N[Dept. ofHealth and Human Services Division ofPublic Health Division Director 5605 Six Forks Road Building #3 1931 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1931 Phone: Fax: Email: \Webdte: Works for me. I must have jotted down 8:30, but happy to know the call with the locals is at 9:30 am. And that later call will include water execs like CFPUA, H2Go, etc ... and they've been notified of the call -in time, number, etc? 1811111.1 Sent byMark T.Benton, Deputy Secretary for Health Services From: "Moore, Zack" <zack.moore@dhhs.nc.gov> To: "Benton, Mark" <Mark.Benton@dhhs.nc.gov> Cc: "Staley, Danny" <Danny.Staley@dhhs.nc.gov>, "Shehee, Mina" "Cohen, Mandy" <Mandy.Cohen@dhhs.nc.gov>, "Coleman, Scott" <Scott.Coleman@dhhs.nc.gov>, "Culpepper, Linda" <Iinda.culpepper@ncdenr.gov>, "Kritzer, Jamie" <iamie.kritzer@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: Call with local officials on Monday Zack Moore, MD, MPH State Epidemiologist and Epidemiology Section Chief Division of Public Health Id n rVi, C,2 ro I 919 546 1725 office 919 733 0490 fax (secure) zqck.mooreCiP,dhhs.nc.gov 225 N. McDowell St. Raleigh, NC 27603 1902 Mail Set -vice Center Raleiah. NC 27699-1902 ATITMW WT13VA MINI&SWIT&W-MMU-TaWT& MEWTIMIMMMMIll .0 0 Also, we should huddle at 8 am (prior to the 8:30 am call) to do our own prep. Can someone set up that call/line ... and be sure our colleagues at DEQ have the number. 8111 V Sent by MarICT. Benton, Deputy Secretary for Health Services NC Department of 1--lealth & 1--lurnan Services mark.benton(@dhhs.nc.eov -------- Original message -------- From: "Whichard, Jordan" <Jordan.Whichard@nc.gov> Date: 7/16/17 11:43 AM (GMT-05:00) To: "Benton, Mark" <Mark.Benton@dhhs.nc.gov>, "Talley, Noelle S" <Noel le.Ta I ley@ nc.gov> Cc: "Holman, Sheila" <sheila.holman2ncdenr.gov>, "Tarr, Jeremy DEQ-CFW-00022891 M" <iererny.tarr@nc.gov> Subject: RE: Call with local officials on Monday All, I spoke with Mayor Saffo, and I will send folks an invite for this 3:30 call. Noelle, I think you mentioned you were setting tip a number, do you have that? If so I can send around. As I mentioned, I think the goal of this call is to arm local elected officials with as clear as possible of a public facing explanation of where the state stands presently, and the steps we are planning to take moving forward. This is the group that. the Star News in particular is asking for comment, and we should have them well armed and hearing directly from us. Questions that I think will be raised or should be addressed (forgive my layman's understanding of the situation): Explain the discrepancy between the previous level and the revised 140 ppt level. Why was the change made and is the new number trustworthy? Why are there three different numbers from DEQ, DHHS, and EPA? What is the gameplan for ongoing testing and monitoring? Who is responsible for paying for this? Jeremy, I think an explanation from you about federal role in this could also be valuable. Thanks all, Jordan -----Original Message ----- From: Benton. Mark Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2017 3:47 PM To: Whichard, Jordan <Jordan. Whichard,-6_)nc.gov ; Talley, Noelle S <NoeIIe.Talley ,16_)'nc.gov> Cc: Holman. Sheila <sheila.liolman_r)iicdeiir.gov>; Taff, Jeremy M <ierenLyAarr(Ld,,nc.gov> Subject: RE: Call with local officials on Monday Perfect. I owe you big time! -----Original Message ----- From: Whichard, Jordan Sent: Saturday, Jul), 15, 2017 3:34 PM To: Talley, Noelle S <N_Qqtl_e_._' 1q._gav>; Benton, Mark <N_1ark.B_en1.on( -s.-n ihc-. gov.> Cc: Holman, Sheila <sheila.holman," r. nc curr, ------ ---- - gav>; Ta , Jeremy M <j_er9qLY:_1_9r, nC_._go_v.> Subject: RE: Call with local officials on Monday Lets shoot for a 3:30 call, 3:00 pm pre -meeting if that works for everyone. DEQ-CFW-00022892 --0dginal Message__ FroorTalky.Y4ocOc8 3u8: 8uhudoy. Jul |i 2017 3:20PM To: Benton, Mark Co: Wbichun| Jordon ;Holman Sheila � Iun' Jxsong�K� Subject: Re: [N| with local officials on Monday { think udiscussion before would bcgood. Defer mJordan on time. Sent from myiPhone >OnJul l5.20l7.u(3:lOPM, Benton, Mark wrote: > Thanks, Jordan. Post 2:3Opm would be Xm*,but I'll go with whatever dmu works best for the group. One ask: could v/uhuddle 3Ominutes beforehand N review the fnnna(ofthe call, key expectations, messages, asks, uc.7 � >Boeu, � > MTB � *----- Original Message --- * From: WNohard.Jordan * Gen(: 8uhoday. July 15,20172:26PM *To: Benton. Mark � To||ey.Noo||o 8 :Bb|num. Sheila ;Tarr, Jeremy M > Subject: RE: Call with local officials on Monday >HcvMark, > I think the goal of this call is to focus on elected officials, and hopefully have ubit nfuhigher level, less weedy conversation than the one you'll hohaving with Health Directors and Water Audmht�execs. For that reason I'd like W engage this group separately Jo/ccould. That said, I'm happy Whcflexible on time - would you have time before your noon u000njuneu1that would work better? � •Thmnka. • Jordan � � � *----- Original Message --' * From: Benton, Murk *8on(: Saturday, July 15.20172:01PM * To: Talley, NuoUoS ; Holman, Sheila ; Tarr, Jeremy M • Cc: Whi hunj,Jonim/ • Subject: RE: Call with local officials on Monday � > NoeOe: >DBB8&D80have mcall scheduled *8:30umwith county health directors and water authority execs along the lower Cape Fear River. {understaDd that several county managers and county commissioners will bejohing that. call as well. Its purpose io8ndiscuss the recent Ocu%press release. > Can your call and ours be combined ... and, if so, is that better done at 8:30 am or I pm? I have a commitment from 12 noon - 3 pm, but understand the importance of this call and will try to pull away if the call stands at I pm. > Best, > MTB > -----Original Message ----- > From: Talley, Noelle S > Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2017 12:37 PM > To: Holman, Sheila <sheila.liolinan(diiedenr.gov>- Benton, Mark <Mark.Benton(AWhhs.nc.gov>-, Tarr, Jeremy M <jereniA.tarrLinc.gov> > Cc: Whichard, Jordan <JordanW1-iichard(&nc.gov> > Subject: Call with local officials on Monday > Good afternoon. We would like to schedule a call with local officials from the Wilmington area onMonday at I pm. The purpose is to update them on the ongoing process for testing and analyzing water samples for the presence of GenX as well as for providing the public with related health information. > Please clear or hold the time on your calendar. I will send a separate calendar invitation as soon as I have call in information. • Thanks. • Noelle > Sent from any iPhone > Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. > Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized State official. Unauthorized disclosure ol'juvenile, health, legally privileged, or otherwise confidential information, including confidential information relating to an ongoing State procurement effort, is prohibited by law. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete all records of this email. > Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. DEQ-CFW-00022894 Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. DEQ-CFW-00022895