Sent: 7/14/I0I73:I2:58PW1
To: Culpepper, Linda [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: ASAP FVV: GenXresults press release
Attachments SENXResults 07142O17rev|cDS.docx
My comments have been added to the attached. In addition, I cross checked all results.
Dana Satterwhite
Environmental Program Supervisor III
WW/GW Laboratory Certification Branch
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Water Resources
Water Sciences Section
1G23Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC27GQQ-1G23
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From: Culpepper, Linda
Sent: Friday, July 14,JO171O:3DAM
To: Satterwhite, Dana <dana.satterwhite@ncdenr.gov>; Allen, Trent <trent.allen@ncdenr.gov>; Gregson, Jim
Subject: ASAP FVV:GenXresults press release
Importance: High
Linda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina DepedmentofEmimnmenta|Quality
1611Mad Service CenLer
Phone: 919-707-9014
From: Kritzer, Jamie
Sent: Friday, July l4,2D179x49AK4
To: Holman, Sheila ; Culpepper, Linda ; Nicholson, John A.
Regan, Michael S Lane, Bill F
Cc: Miller, Anderson Kritzer,
Subject: GenXresults press release
Please vet in our shop. We're trying to get this out by noon today with a joint release coming from DHHS and DEQ.
Working on quote from Secretary Regan now but need to get the facts out to you asap so this can be vetted carefully.
Health messages will be most important but people need to understand generally what the samples collected showed.
Jamie Kritzer
N.C. Department of Environmental Quality