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From: Allen, Trent
Sent: 'Thursday, July 13, 2017 1:02 PM
To: Culpepper, Linda lied 7. ulpepp > �� densov>
Cc: Satterwhite, Dana Johnson, Chris <,Jm's
Subject: RE: Reviewed results
The Hoffer WTP sample is raw water. We have not taken a finished water sample at this plant.
From: Culpepper, Linda
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 12:08 PM
To: Allen, Trent
Cc: Satterwhite, Dana Johnson, Chris
Subject: Fwd: Reviewed results
Trent - please confirm Hoffer sample with Dana and Chris. Thank you
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Satterwhite, Dana"
Date: July 13, 2017 at 12:03:50 PM EDT
To: "Johnson, Ghris" < h johns �1 r,p<;v>
Cc: "Culpepper, Linda" Qo>, "Kritzer, Jamie" < s. nit �� <is¢� r i ru . -�F,>, "Holman, Sheila"
<4 Ui i lis3im in QjTfa'.dki19 '"s3':> - -
Subject: Reviewed results
Please check my review.
I changed Bladen Bluffs raw EPA week 1 to 501
EPA's report lists the Hoffer WTP sample as Raw; however, the table lists it as Finished. Will someone verify which this is.
Per EPAs report I added Raw to LCFWSA, and Finished to CFPUA Sweeney, someone please verify.
There was apparently a DUP for IP Raw for EPA in week 3. 'This was entered for the IP Raw Blank. I created another row for it
Dana Satterwhite
DEQ-CFW 00022655
Environmental Program Supervisor III
WW/GW Laboratory Certification Branch
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Water Resources
919 733 3908 ext. 202 office
Water Sciences Section
1623 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1623
DENIU)WQ.Lab net
<Data spread sheet June - July 2017 Analysis draft2 wE PA.xlsx>