HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00022624U ND T, E D STA,, T E S E WR 0 MV1 E N T A: P R 0 T E CT A C E, 7 EX E July 13, 2017 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Laboratory Results for teen X (Rounds 1-3) NC DEQ Cape Fear Watershed Sai-ripling FROM: 'I'lmothy J. Buckley, Direcf6r Exposure. Methods and re eats Division THRUa Jennifer Orine-Zavaleta, Director TO- Linda Culpepper, Deputy Director Division of Water Resources North Carolina Departnient of Envirotimental Quality Per your request ofJurie 9, 2017, 1 arn pleased to provide you with the laboratory analysis results for the concentration of GenX in water samples collected by NC DEQ. These results ar'e for the first thi,ee weeks of swupling. Samples were received by our laboratory on. June 23rd, June 30tli, and July 7th for each of these three rounds of weekly sampling. It is our understanding that we will be receiving and analyzing samplesfrom additional rourids of sampling. Re5ults(torn these additional sampling rounds will be reported separately as they beconi.eavallable. We will ;also report semi-qumititative concentrations of addi.t.lonal. PFAS analytesin a later report. Eachround of sampling consisted of anumber of sites selected by NC l.)EQ that included a variety of water types: effluent, source, drinking, and well waters. Sampling rounds 2 and 3 also included i1eld blanks and spikes that Nvere provided by our laboratoryfor quality control purposes, It is our understanding that duplicate samples were collected at each sate. One of the duplicates was provided to our laboratory with the second sample being provided to a contract laboratotA,, Test An,.icrica (Denver, Colorado), for Gen X analysis. In rounds 2 and:;, 'best America was also provided with field blanks and spikes that werc prepared by our laboratory (round 2) and by im independent lab within. EPA (round 3). Results fron-i these QC. samples will provide the basis for comparing our results with.1'estAm.crica. Our laboratory methods I')r this analysis are described. in Sun et al., 201.61 and. Stry-nar et at, 2015`, Son N-1 A.rcvalo Slryfiu %M. Lindstioai A, Richzardson %4, K4mis B,, Pickat A; SmAh C, Knappe f.Wk Lcgacy wid Eme g_ing Sufma-rwes Are lmpoqklrlt waqer Coma"Imants En 1,1e- Cape Feef. Rivu Watershed ofNk--lFlfi Camfirm I Scienci&I ef fmology Lett crs, 016 ,strvilar M- Dagilino S. Mc.'LAahen R, A7 Ande.scn 111.NAcMillan I-1-13E2rmaji M, Ferm 1. Ball C, ot' Novel P(xlboroalkyl Acids, (Pf,'VCA-,) and Sulfcinac .fit ids (1111-1--SAQ,) in Nawral %ters Uin-- Ai".i:wac Mo�,,,, >'imc-of-Hight lvlass SPXowm6Ty (I Of NIS). Envinm 2015 DEQ-CFW-00022624 July 13, 2017 The following provides a brief summary of results. • GenX was observed above our detection limit of1 0 ng/L in all but one sample. • GenX concentrations ranged from 4 ri&'L (DWR. 3 PO .Hoffer WTP Raw Water) to 21.759 as (DWR #'I -Chemours Outfall), • Some samples exceeded our calibration. curve (particularly week I where this was the case for allbut onessample). These samples were diluted and the wialysis was repeated. The dilution procedure introduces some additional uncertainty in our quantification. We have.flagged results for samples that required dilution. • Quality control samples (included in rounds 2 & 3 only) indicated no field or laboratory contamin,ation and results accurate with about 5% of the expected values. Specifically, QC samples showed: * (-'jcnX was not detected in either of the two field blanks (round 2 & ) * Spiked field samples (n 4; round 2 & '3) were measured with an accuracy that ranged from 96.7 to 106 percent. Hence. we have hioh confidence in the concentration results reported here. Thank you for inviting us to be a part of this effort tliat addresses a very importantPublic health concern. in North Cmolina. These results represent the effort of many within our lab but I would especially like to acknowledge Dr, Mark Suynx and his laboratory conducting the an,a-lysis, his Branch ChietDr. Myrim-n Medina -Vera who provided invaluable support and coordination,and Ms. Sania Tong Argao who supported and oversaNN7 quality assurance. If youl-tave any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 541-2454 or email h.ck I look forward to our continued work together - Attachment CC: Becky B. Allenbach, Acting Deputy. Director Water Protection Division, EPA Region 4 — Atlanta DEQ-CFW-00022625 Concentration of GenX Measured in Cape Fear Watershed Samples Conn. Fla Week Location Sample Identifier L) I DWR 1- Ch rneurs QOtfall 21,760 1 1 DWR #2 - R#aden Bluffs Raw water intake 501 2 1 NC DEQ##1- LCFWSA 629 2 1 NC DEQ #l2 - CFPU A Sweeny 726 2 1 SIC DEQ #t - CFP A ASR Well 588 2 1 NC DEQ 5 - International Paper Raw 703 2 1 NC DEQ #6- International Paper Finished 523 2 1 NC DEQ #7 e NW Brunswick WTP finished 695 2 1 NC DEQ #8 _ Pe€:der County 421 WTP Finished 269 2 1 NC DEQ, #4 - Wri htville Beach Well 11. 27 2 DWR #t1 Chemours € utfall 002 15,250 1 2 DWR #2 Bladen Bluffs Raga eater 31 2 NCDEQ 1 LCFWSA Raw Water 72 2 NCDEQ 2 Sweeny Finished 100 2 NCDEQ S ASR well 336 2 NCDEQ 4 Wrightsville Peach Well #11 28 2 NCDEQ 5 International Paper Raw water 41 2 NCDEQ 0 International Paper Finished water 111 2 NCDEQ 7 NW Brunswick WTP Finished 52 2 NCDEQ R Pender WTP Finished 1.12 S DWR 1 Chernours Outfall 002 21,530 1 S DWR 2 Blade Bluffs Raw Water 16 S DWR 5 PO Hoffer WTP Raw Water 4 4 S NCDEQ, 1 LCFWSA Raw 119 NCDEQ 2 Sweeny Finished 57 NCDEQ 3 ASR Well 148 3 NCDEQ, 4 Wrightsville Beach Well #11 2 NCDEQ 5 International Paper Raw :1.58 NCDEQ Q:5 International Paper Raw DUPLICATE 162 5 NCDEQ 6 International Paper Finished 80 5 NCDEQ 7 NW Brunswick WTP Finished 125 5 NCDEQ 8 Pender CO 421 WTP Finished 68 Flag 1 Sample diluted 20X diluted sample still exceeded calibration 2 Sample diluted 5 5 Sample diluted 2 4 Below limit of puantitation DEQ-CFW 00022626