Sent: 7/12/I0I77:06:52PW1
To: Culpepper, Linda [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: Notes
Start: 7/12/20177:00:00PK8
End: 7/12/20177:30:00PK8
Show Time As: Busy
R4 Becky Al|enbau8h,RenaeHall
Athens—DannyFrance, Scott Stephenson (?)
NC — Cyndi Karoly, Dana Satterwhite, Chris, Nick, David Huffman, Jim Gregson
NERL—Tim,Mark, Andy, Emily Smith, others
ORD—Megan and Maggie Communications
DHHScall with Health Directors —sediment/soil sampling, fish tissue, etc.
*Sampling Update — have rounds 1'3
Fayetteville sampling today and VViROtomorrow, anticipate samples delivered toEPA onFriday (Andy Point of
Same locations including the upstream sample
EPA — willing to do two more weeks of analysis, performance standard in WiRO samples
Draft is in review
DEQ has submitted, if anything else is needed EPA should let us know
*Results status and timing ofreporting
Deliver our report bythe end ofthe week toBecky and Linda atthe same time.
Draft in review.
Test America results —DE{lreviewing Q\ Questions posed to Test America.
Forwarded John Nichols -Brunswick County data results from July 111h
Results from GenX plus two more analytes
*Communications Plan Status
Emily will have desk statements from lab.
Megan and Maggie — extra two rounds of sampling will push back communication of a complete report,
later than end ofJuly.
EPA P0s—want afew hours before public release ifpossible
0 Future sampling — interest in Health Directors and Local Officials
Will discuss planning at a future date
*Scheduling next meeting
After call with Becky EPA labs working on standard test methods. SESD (Athens) interested in drinking water,
sediments, wastewater
Danny France (7O6-3B-88O)atAthens iupoint of contact. Already working onsome designs for
Purchasing standards — within next 6 weeks,