Sent: 7/12/I0I73:04:I2AM
To: Culpepper, Linda [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group
CC: West, Steve [/v=ExchangeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group
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[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group
Subject: Fwd:GenXLevels
Jim Gregson
Regional Supervisor
Water Quality Regional Operations Section
Division ofWater Resources
Department ofEnvironmental Quality
910.796i7215Reception Desk
91{[796.7386� Direct
910[35JI2004 Fax
Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Ext
Wilmington, NC 28405
Email correspondence toondfromthis address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Low and may bedisclosed tothird parties.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jim F|echtner
Date: July 11, 2017 atS:S6:15 PM EDT
To: Undisclosed recipients:;
Subject: FW: GenX Levels
Below is information concerning CFPUA test results ofGenX levels. We will putout a press release this
evening. Thanks for your continued support and assistance.
From: Jim F|echtner
To: Board
Cc: Department Heads 'Linda Miles
Firm( '
Subject: GenXLevels
As you are aware, CFPUA has been sampling raw and finished water at the Sweeney plant to measure
levels of GenX. This afternoon, we received the first batch of results, which are shown below.
G/26Raw: 149parts per trillion (ppt)
6/J6Finished: 1S6ppt
7/3Ravv: SGppt
7/3Finished: 55ppt
7/5 Finished: 87 pp3l
It's useful tonote that [hemoursreported itstopped discharging GenXonJune J1. Estimates are that
streamflow from the Chemours plant to our intake is about 2 days with another day from Kings Bluff to
Sweeney. The raw water numbers are substantially below the 631 ppt level reported in Dr Knappe's
study. It's not unexpected to see levels bounce around as the river flushes GenX over the next months.
We should be careful not to compare raw and finished water levels since the samples were not an
attempt tocoordinate the timing offlow through the plant. Simply put, vvedidn't try tosample the
same water slug going into the plant and coming out of the plant —the raw and finished samples were
just taken on the same day.
The numbers are also below the current NCDHHSDerived NoEffect Level of7O9O9ppt. Based upon
discussions with DEQ and DHHS on Monday, DEQ anticipates having its first two weeks of sampling
available for release to the public later this week and DHHS anticipates providing an updated health
advisory for release tothe public later this week
We are drafting a release so the public will also have these results. As DEQ and others provide results
information. Thanks.