Sent: 6/29/I0I71I:I059PM
To: Culpepper, Linda [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: FVV:Daily call w/NoeUeTalley Gen
Location: 919-212'5733
Sta rt: 6/27/20171:00:00PK8
End: 6/27/20171:30:00PK8
Show Time As: Tentative
Recurrence: Weekly
every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 90OAMm9:30AM
----- Original Appointment --'
Sent: Thursday, June 22,2D173:21PK4
To: Davis, Katherine M; Benton, Mark; Holman, Sheila; Talley, NoeUeS;Tarr, Jeremy M
Subject: Daily call w/NoeUeTaUey Gen X
When: Occurs every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 6/27/2017 until 7/15/2017 from 9:00 AM to
9:3OAM(UT[-U5:UO)Eastern Time (US &Canada).
Where: 919-212-5733
Sheila — please feel free to identify others to join call
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