Sent: 6/26/I0I75:04:51PW1
To: 6reXson,Jim [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
CC: Culpepper, Linda [/o=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: FVV: Discussion for sampling and analysis inWilmington & Fayetteville
FYI. My apologies once again for leaving you off this list. I will add you to the distribution list now.
Chris Johnson
Water Sciences Section
Correspondence with this ernaii address is subject to thp "Jorth Caro�ina Pubk Rpeords Law and may be disck)sed to third parties,
From: Johnson, Chris
Sent: Monday, June 26 20172:03PM
To: 7on8'Ar8aqSania'<Ton0'Ar0ao.Sania@epa.0ov>
CcStrynar, Mark <Strynar.Mark@epa.gov>; Medina -Vera, Myriam <Medina-Vera.Myriam@epa.gov>; Buckley, Timothy
<8uck|eyJimothy@epa.Bov>; Satterwhite, Dana <dana.sattemvhite@ncdenr.gou';Huffman, David ]
<david.huff man@ncdenr.0ov»;CyndiKaro|y<oyndikaro|y@ncdenr.8uv>;Culpepper, Linda
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington & Fayetteville
We do not have a formal project plan for this project. Our existing SOPs are used during our sampling events.|
forwarded a copy of the EPA sampling plan, sent to me last week by Andrew Lindstrom, to the two regional offices when
the EPA sampling kits were delivered. | also forwarded your bullet points regarding information to be included on the
field sheets. The regional samplers were asked to follow the EPA plan as closely as possible during weeks two and
three. We are putting together an outline ofour sampling protocol atthis time. David Huffman, the OkAofficer in the
Water Quality Section is helping put this together and it will beforwarded toyou when complete. We hope that this can
suffice asanaddendum tothe existing CkAPPfor your laboratory. |finsufficient, vvecan craft formal documentation
based on these notes. If that is needed, it would be helpful to see the format that EPA uses for QAPPs. Our existing
sampling SOP is many years old and is currently being updated by the new WQ QA officer. The procedure isunchanged
in essence, but equipment brands, etc, are being edited and the SOP iscurrently in preliminary draft form.
If I've misunderstood any of your questions or haven't addressed them to your satisfaction, let me know and I will work
on them further.
It was a pleasure to meet all of you on Friday and I hope to get back to the facility when there is less urgency of timing
than was the case that day.
Chris Johnson
Water Sciences Section
CorresPondence wth this erriai� address is sub.wct to the North Carohna Pubhc Records Law and may be disclosed to third partl:es.
From: Tong'Argao,Sania
Sent: Friday, June J3,Z0l7J:11PK4
To: Strynar,Mark x �]ohnson,Chri��
Cc: Medina -Vera, Myriam <Nledina-Vera.M riarr.@ong Buckley, Timothy
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington
Hello Mark and Chris,
Thank you for bringing this to my attention and for reaching out to make sure that proper CIA documentation is in place.
Please see below for mythoughts and follow upquestions.
0 1 agree with Mark that it's important to include the quality control (QC) samples such as trip blanks and spikes
whenever possible.
Question from Chris: Mark, can you tell /neabout the requirement related tuthe QAPP? bthis something that
needs to be "customized" for the particular project or is it a copy of our standard sampling procedure? Does EPA
need a copy of the QAPP before testing begins?
Sania's reply: | understand that the NC D8Iisresponsible for sample collection whereas EPA isresponsible for
sample analysis.
Chris - Can you please confirm that the 'standard sampling procedure'will be the standard operating procedure
(SOP) used to collect samples? Also, is there a separate QAPP that outlines the other aspects of the particulars of
this project /e.g,the who, what, when, where, and why cƒthe prcjecd?Please dosend copy o/both the W[DEQ
standard sampling procedure as well as QAPP so that we may have a copy of the documentation that reflects the
{Aplan for the sample collection portion ofthe project.
Note that the EPA requirement for QA project plans (QAPPs) is to have an approved QAPP in place prior to the
start of sample collection and/or sample analysis. QAPPs are project specific so that the who, what, when,
where, why, and how of a project can be documented as the plan to follow for a particular project. This doesn't
mean that things won't or can't change. The key is to document the plan prior to the start of the project via an
approved QAPP and to be sure to document any changes to the plan during the project.
In this case, the scope of EPA's work is with the sample analysis only. It is understood that NC DEQ is responsible
for the sample collection and that NC DEQ has their own SOP and QAPP associated with the project (to be
confirmed after receipt of these documents). To help ensure QA documentation is complete on EPA's side of the
house, / recommend onaddendum toMonk'sexisting QAPPAs Mark stated, the NCDE{Istandard sampling
procedure as well as existing QAPP can be referenced, and any detail that is unique to this project can also be
outlined in the addendum for sample analysis such as reference to the specific analysis SOPs to be used.
Mark To give you an idea of what info to include in the addendum, below is a brief list. Please let me know if
you'd like to discuss what to include.
Why (Project Background) — Why is this project being conducted? Basically, what's the issue at hand and what
do you want to accomplish (i.e., project goals/objectives)?
Project is being conducted to determine current values for GenX and related constituents in the Cape Fear
River Basin sampling points as follow up to replicate analysis conducted by Sun et. al. reported in 2016 with Dr.
Knappeand Mark Itrynar. Sampling and analysis conducted in 2013-2014 indicated the presence of GenX
thought to be released by the Chemours chemical manufacturing plant in Fayetteville, NC along with several
other constituents. NC Department of Health and Human Services is in need of current data on the level of
GenX in the river basin and drinking water systems downstream to evaluate human exposure in regard to health
screening |eve(s) for public consumption. Information unadditional ether constituents will beused tocompare
past levels with current concentrations as health studies continue to be evaluated.
What/When/Where (Project Description) Summarize work tobeperformed and expected products. What is
the project schedule? Where are samples going to be collected, what types of samples are going to be collected,
and how many samples do you plan to collect? You will want to specify NC DEQ!s specific role and EPA's specific
role inthe project (ie,EPA isreceiving samples from NCDEC\who will follow their own protocols and OY4
North Carolina Division ofWater Resources staff inthe Fayetteville and Wilmington Regional Offices will conduct
water sampling in accordance with QAPP at locations in the Cape Fear River basin at: Chemours outfall 002;
B|aden Bluff water intake, finished water, and mxe||; Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority intake;
International Paper intake; International Paper finished water; [ape Fear Public Utility Authority finished water;
Pender County public utility finished water; Brunswick County public utility finished water; Cape Fear Public
Utility Aquifer Storage and Recovery well; and Wrightsville Beach water supply well.
Two grab samples will be collection on Mondays at each of the Fayetteville locations and on Thursdays at each
the Wilmington locations during each of the three weeks beginning June 19, June 26 and July 3, 2017 to
determine current concentrations ofGenXand related ether chemicals in the River basin. One set ofsamples
will be shipped to Test America in Colorado for GenX analysis, and one set of samples will be delivered to the
EPA ORD lab in RTP, N[for GenXand related compounds analysis to replicate analysis conducted in the Sun et
ai report which included Dr. Knappe and Mark Strynar. Data will be used by the Department ofHealth and
Human Services to evaluate human exposure in comparison to health screening level(s) for GenX and other
related compounds aohealth study information |savailable. EPA ORDwill follow their own protocols and QA
How (Sampling Methods/Sample Handling & Custody/Analytical Methods/Data Management) — Reference
relevant SOPs.
--'-- )V'--nz,--n--
Exposure Methods 8cMeasurement Division (8MMD)
National Exposure Research Laboratory
U.S. EPA Office ofResearch &Development
1U9T.VKAlexander Drive, MD: E205'01
Research Triangle Park, NC%7711
Phone: [919)541'1397 Fax: [919)541'U239
Fnmm:Strmar, Mark
Sent: Friday, June 23 20177:08AM
To: Johnson, Chris
Cc: Tong-ArgaqSania Medina-Vera,Myriam ;Buckley,
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis inWilmington
| will let our OAstaff answer that question for you. VVehave aOY4PPthat covers lab analysis. Also m/ehave analysis
SOPs referenced in our Q\PP. | believe they would like to reference yuurCyAPP, perhaps generic, and sampling SOP in
our[lAPP ifitexists.
From: Johnson, Chris
Sent: Thursday, June Z2,ZU179:47AK4
To: Strynar, Mark<
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis inWilmington
Mark, can you tell meabout the requirement related tothe QAPP?|sthis something that needs tobe"customioed"for
the particular project orishacopy ofour standard sampling procedure? Does EPA need acopy ofthe OkAPPbefore
testing begins? Etc —
Chris Johnson
Water Sciences Section
Corrpspondence. with this ernaii address ;S sulhipct to thp 'North Caro'ina Public Rpeords Law and may �e. disck)sed to third part;es,
From:Strmar, Mark
Sent: Thursday, June 22,2U179:24AM
To: Johnson, Chris ; Lindstrom, Andrew
Cc: Karo|y,Cyndi �[u|peppe�Undax Satterwhite, Dana
; Brantley, Mark ; West, Steve <
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington
Okay. K4ycell is919-GU6-69U5 ifyou have any issues. | get inat7AM. Can vveshoot for 9AMincase |dunot get
finished prepping today.
From: Johnson, Chris
Sent: Thursday, June 22,2U179:2lAK4
To: Strynar, Mark ; Lindstrom, Andrew
Cc: Karo|y,Cyndi� Culpepper, Satterwhite, Dana
; Brantley, Mark ; West, Steve <
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington
| would like to come as early as possible in order to get the W1z to Fayetteville. Perhaps before lunch if possible.
Chris Johnson
Water Sciences Section
Corrpspondence. with this ernaii address is SubjPct to thp "Jorth Caro�ina Public Rpeords Law and may be. &sdosed to third part;e's,
Fnmm:8trmar, Mark
Sent: Thursday, June JZ,JO179:16AM
To: Johnson, Chris � Lindstrom, Andrem/
Cc: Karo|y,[yndi Culpepper, Linda ; Satterwhite, Dana
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington
|amworking toget this done today. Let meknow when you will beavailable tucome and get sample container
From: Johnson, Chris
Sent: Thursday, June Z2,ZU178]SAK4
To: Strynar, Mark Lindstrom, Andrew
Cc: Karo|y,Cyndi� Culpepper, Satterwhite, Dana
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington
Thanks for the reply, Mark.
| received word from the Wilmington KO and it looks like they will need 16 bottles to finish out their projected
sampling. I haven't heard from the Fayetteville office, but based on what we've received from then for the first
sampling event, I would think they need approximately 12 bottles to finish up. This isall based onthe sampling being
done this week.
Given the tight time frame for next week's sampling, vvewill probably need todrive the sample kits down to Fayetteville
tomorrow afternoon ifpossible. I would also like to deliver the first set to you if we receive Wilmington's set in
time. Either way, if there is any way we can have the sample kits ready tomorrow I would have time to get them to the
Thanks once again for your help on this project.
Chris Johnson
Water Sciences Section
Corrpspondence. with this ernaii address is subjpct to thp North Caro�ina Pubk Rpeords Law and may be disck)sed to third parties,
From:Strmar, Mark
Sent: Thursday, June Z2,ZU176:SOAM
To: Johnson, Chris � Lindstrom, Andrevv
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis inWilmington
One change Chris. I had wishful thinking. I am actually working on Friday and am not off. I will be here.
From: Johnson, Chris
Sent: Wednesday, June J1,JO174:39PK4
To: Strynar, Markx � Lindstrom, Andrexv
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington
I will find out the number. Let me contact the regional folks. Thank you.
Chris Johnson
Water Sciences Section
Corresoondence, with this emaii addess is subject to the No.-th C.aroiina Pubik- Records Law and rnay be disciosed to third parties.
Fnmm:Strmar, Mark
Sent: Wednesday, June J1,Z0174:O9PK4
To: Johnson, Chris Lindstrom, Andrexv
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington
| am off Friday but we could have them prepared for your visit to pick up. How many sample bottles do you need? We
typically replicate sample 10% of the samples and have a trip blank and a high and low trip spike as well.
From: Johnson, Chris
Sent: Wednesday, June 21,2U17153PK4
To: Strynar, Mark Lindstrom, Andrew
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington
Kmay bebetter ifyou could supply this material. Based onour conversation, the 1Lbottles are preferable and vvedon't
carry that size. Can vvepick them upwhen w/ebring the first delivery? Wemay beable toget over there onFriday if
that works with your schedules.
Chris Johnson
Water Sciences Section
Ccsr--��Pondence w�th this ernai': address is subject to the North Carciiina Pubk Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties,
From: Strmar, Mark
Sent: Wednesday, June J1,JO171:SOPK4
To: Johnson, Chris ; Lindstrom, Andrew
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis inWilmington
VVecould provide sample bottles ifthey are needed. |naddition m/ehave always included trip blanks and spikes with our
assays for QA/QC purposes. We should strongly consider doing so in any future sampling efforts.
From: Johnson, Chris
Sent: Wednesday, June 2l,2D1711:4SAM
To: Lindstrom, Andrew
Cc: Strynar, Mark
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis inWilmington
Good morning. Wondering ifyou could clarify aquestion from the conference call yesterday. Will your laboratory be
providing sample bottles and preservative for future sampling events? Also, | see from your 2009 SOP that blanks and
spikes were mandated for the coolers. |fyou require those, will they beprovided? VVearen't able tomake the spikes
since they can't beconfirmed byanalysis.
Thanks for your help.
Water Sciences Section
w�th this -,3ddress is subject to the North Cciroijq;� PuLdic Records Um �)nd m-,3y oe djscicr�ed to third ocirtjes,
From: Lindstrom, Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, June J1,JO178:U4AK4
To: Johnson, Chris
Cc: Strynar, Mark
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington
Please let me know it ! can help in any way as we proceed with this project.
yVe`no very grateful for your help with coordinating this effort.
Thank you very muoh.
From: Johnson, Chris
Sent: Tuesday, June ZU,ZO173:39PM
To: Lindstrom, Andrew
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis inWilmington
Received. Thank you.
Chris Johnson
Water Sciences Section
Corresooriderice wth this em:�i� address is subwct to the North Cairoiiria PuNic Records Lavv and may be disciosed to third pairties.
From: Lindstrom, Andrew
Sent: Tuesday, June JO,JO17Z:S7PK4
To: Buckley, Timothy Johnson, ;AUenbach,Becky
Strynar, Mark Medina -Vera, Myriam
; Karo|y,[yndi ;[u|pepper, Linda<
Cc: Jones, Nick� � Perez, Helen | � � Satterwhite, Dana
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington
I've attached a copy of the field collection protocol that we have been using for PFAS compounds including GenX.
The shipping address and storage conditions are specified mnpage 8,
Please let uxknow ifyou have any questions.
Thank you very much,
----- Original Appointment ---
Fromm:Buckley, Timothy
Sent: Tuesday, June 2O,2O17l:2UPM
To: A||enbach,Becky; Strynar,Mark; K4edina-Vena,K8yriam;
Cc: Lindstrom, Andrew; Jones, Nick; Perez, Helen |; Satterwhite, Dana
Subject: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington
When: Tuesday, June ZO,JO17J:OOPM-Z:3UPK4(UT[-0S:UO)Eastern Time (US &[anada).
Where: Teleconference: Call in: 18662993183;Code: 919S4l2454
Thank you all for making time for this discussion. | know that there is a lot of pressure to move quickly on this
project. ORD/NERLishappy toprovide analytical support. Toguide our invo|vement/efKort,|amhoping that
collectively vvecan provide answers tuthe following questions.
1. What question are we attempting to address with this sampling effort?
Z. What isthe sampling design?
3. What isthe status and timeline ofthe {APP?
4. Given split sample analysis (contract lab and NERL lab), how will differences in reported concentrations be
5. What isthe plan for communicating results and who has the lead?
6. What isthe project timeline?
7. Dovveneed on -going coordination meetings?